#but i find it difficult to explain chronic fatigue and mental illness to like. regular people irl. it still feels like they wont get it
sodrippy · 23 days
saur humiliating trying to explain why i struggle so much w maintaining a regular meal schedule
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Tender Loving Care in Elderly
As people age, new concerns arise. It becomes more difficult to communicate with patients and discuss their needs in a constructive manner. The anger, sadness, confusion, and fear that comes as individuals lose their physical and mental capacity often comes across in aggressive speech or behaviors. Then, there are those who suffer from mental and physical illnesses, which makes the situation considerably worse.
Their behavior may be understandable based on their condition, but it doesn’t make it any easier to handle. Your elderly patients will require some special consideration. As a healthcare worker, it’s your job to figure out ways to cope. As you try to determine the best strategies for managing elderly behaviors, here are some dos and don’ts to follow.
Elderly and hearing loss
You’d be frustrated too if everyone around you was talking and laughing, but you couldn’t hear a darn thing! That’s the reality for many elderly people with hearing loss. They may seem to be irritable, when in fact they’re simply frustrated because they can’t hear what you’re saying. Some ideas when dealing with hearing loss:
Get  their attention. Put your hand gently on their shoulder, or speak their name     to get their attention, before you give important information.
Reduce  background noise. Turn off the music or television. When in restaurants and social gatherings, sit away from crowded areas.
Speak  clearly. People with hearing loss hate mumbling. Face the person and      enunciate clearly. Speak at a speed slightly slower than normal (but not      too slow).
Speak loudly. Speak a little more loudly than normal, but don’t shout.Repeat      yourself. People with hearing loss may compensate by nodding as though      they understand, when in fact they didn’t hear you.
Have good lighting. Facial expressions and body language can be seen more clearly in well-lit areas.  
Understand common elder diagnoses
It might not be appropriate for you to ask people about their medical conditions. Asking a combative patient if they have Alzheimer’s disease would not be a good start, especially if the answer is no. But understanding some common ailments and symptoms can offer insight into what your elder patient may be dealing with.
The most common ailments our elderly patients experience include
Heart conditions. This includes hypertension, congestive heart failure, high      blood pressure, and coronary artery disease. Side effects include fatigue      and lack of physical strength.
Dementia. In addition to memory loss, dementia patients experience paranoia,      aggression, agitation, and lack of self-care.
Delirium. Symptoms include shaking, a shortened attention span, and extreme mood swings.
Depression. Depression is very common among the elderly. Sadness, irritability, fatigue, and feelings of worthlessness are all symptoms.
Communicating with Elderly Patients
1.   Exercise Patience and Compassion
It goes without saying that patience and compassion are often needed when dealing with the elderly. Physical challenges, slow movement, forgetfulness, neediness, and apathy are just some of the behaviors you might encounter. Sometimes it’s easy to lose patience and become frustrated. One might even be tempted to give up and walk away.
During these moments, it’s very helpful to put yourself in the senior’s shoes, even for just a moment. Consider the elders you’re dealing with, and complete the sentence: “It must not be easy…,” or “It must be hard….” For example:
“She’s being so apathetic. It must not be easy to live without her friends around.”
“He does everything so slowly. It must be hard to deal with arthritis every day.”
Having empathy for the elder is an effective way to generate more patience and compassion. If, despite your best efforts, your patience still runs thin, take a time out from the elder if possible. Come back when you’re in a calmer state of mind.
2.   Ask Instead of Order
As mentioned in an earlier section, one of the core needs of many seniors is to feel relevant and respected. You can help validate these needs by frequently asking instead of ordering when communicating with the elder. For example:
Instead of: “You’re having soup for lunch today.”
Say: “Would you like to have some soup for lunch?” or
“We’re having soup for lunch today, okay?”
Better yet, offer options: “Would you like to have soup or salad for lunch today?”
Asking questions offers the senior a greater sense of respect and regard. Offering options gives her or him a greater sense of control of the immediate environment.
With less cognizant and physically able seniors, ask and follow up without necessarily waiting for an answer. Let them feel they’re part of the decision making process, and have a degree of control over some aspects of their lives
3.   Ask Instead of Assume
Similarly, ask questions instead of making assumptions when it comes to your actions in relations to the elder. For example, instead of turning the lights off in the senior’s room without asking, say “I’m going to turn off the lights for you, okay?” If the senior protests, let her have her way if it’s harmless, or explain why it’s important for you to do what you need to do (in most cases for the sake of senior’s health and well-being).
4.   Use “I” instead of “You” Language
We know from the study of effective communication that people (including many elders) generally don’t respond well when they feel like they’re constantly being ordered what to do. Such “bossy” language is often manifested in the use of “you” statements, followed by a directive. For example:
“You must exercise today!”
“You have to take your medicine!”
“You should to air out your room!”
“You need to finish your soup!”
“You better not miss the doctor’s appointment!”
When people feel like they’re being bossed around on a regular basis, they’re more likely going to respond with what psychologists call the “Three F’s – Fight, Flight, and Freeze”, leading to behavioral problems such as argument, avoidance, or stonewalling.
Instead, use statements which begin with “I,” “It,” “We,” “Let’s,” and “This,” to convey messages. For example:
“I will help you exercise today.”
“It’s important to take your medicine.”
“We need to get some fresh air into the room.”
“Let’s finish your soup, okay?”
“This doctor’s appointment is very important.”
These types of statements compel the elder to be more open to what you have to say, encourage listening, and reduce the possibility of Fight, Flight, or Freeze responses.
5.  Offer Choices Whenever Possible
Many elders desire to maintain a sense of independence. This may be especially important when seniors feel their physical and cognitive limitations, but still desire ways to maintain some level of local control in their lives.
Whenever possible and appropriate, offer an elder choices when interacting with her or him. This can be something as simple as asking whether the senior would like to have choice A or choice B for lunch. Having the ability to exercise  
Age deserves respect
Our elders have all lived through times of incredible change, including wars and new technologies unimaginable 75 years ago. They’ve seen friends and loved ones born and die, and they may be struggling to find peace within themselves. We have a responsibility to maintain a high standard of respect for our elders and for the rich experiences of their lives.
Dr Rahul’s Elder Care comes with more than 10 years of experience in geriatric medicine. The highly skilled team specialises in elder care achieved through comprehensive approach and holistic attitude. Apart from regular geriatric clinic, the team specialises in Memory and dementia care, Pain and Palliative care, Transitional Care and Chronic Disease Management
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Pacing: Me, myself, and my EDS.
I usually use this blog to talk about specifically nursing topics, but today I’m talking about myself, and in a way, what I need to do to keep doing what I love, and that is something I am not very good at: Pacing. 
I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.  (But no, I do not yet know what type as I am awaiting full diagnostic screening.)
My lovely sister has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, classic type, and has been diagnosed for some time now. She’s suffered no end with her dislocations, her dizziness, her reflux and funky heart rate and poor healing etc etc etc, but up until around a year ago I suffered very little pain (obviously, seeing her in pain will always suck, but I always considered myself the luckier one). When I did, I rested and managed. I’ve had physiotherapy for various parts of me over the years but it’s always been a short term treatment, I tried to maintain strength for a long time, I’ve always sat in funky positions and been hypermobile without pain associated and I had only dislocated my shoulders (and from last year, my knuckles)..... until this past year.  
This past year has been a huge learning curve for me, and I have some learning points now, but I must admit I haven’t quite put them into action. 
So, a few things I struggle with now that I previously managed:
- Hip subluxations (mostly my left side, although my right side does it too, and so frequently I could not count how many times a day). - Dislocation of my fingers and thumbs, at random - Dislocating/subluxing my shoulders, in my sleep.  - Pain and weakness at the base of my neck, onto my spine. (Suspected cranio-cervical instability, by me, discussed with Doc, but totally unconfirmed)  - Dizziness associated with the neck pain (HUGE problem if driving for prolonged periods or sat doing training/looking at powerpoints/cinema)  - Dizziness upon standing up (*sung in my family as ‘hello, darkness, my old friend’ because it’s very common to us) - often causing me to then lower myself back to the ground/chair until I can see enough to try again  - Constant headaches - Visual difficulty, difficult to explain but like an out of focus camera, massively worse when my pain is high that day or I’m extremely tired  - Reflux (very regular, swallowing down mini-vomits has become a new normal for me) - Very poor healing of cuts etc - Oh the bruises, constant unexplainable bruising - NO POO aka constipation, and let’s be honest - nobody likes to be full of shit.  - Difficulties digesting, feeling totally overwhelmingly full at sometimes small bits of food (then bring on the regurgitation).  - Ankles and knees rolling inwards, and bending outwards in totally unnatural ways, and it hurts.  - EVERYTHING clunks and has to click back into a comfortable place on a position change.  - I sleep a lot, but I never feel rested. 
However my main overall points:
- I hurt. I really hurt. I rarely have a day or a few hours without pain, if I do I usually want to make the most of it - which then undoubtably leaves me in pain.  For people who don’t have constant chronic pain, it’s difficult to explain but it is utterly, totally exhausting. Under everything, all day, I’m fighting pain, and balancing it with what I need to do, and also fighting to avoid subluxations and dizziness and my balance issues. And with how pain killers will or won’t enable me to continue with my day.  - I am EXHAUSTED. All the time. I need 10 hours of sleep a night just to keep going, and I rarely manage more than 6. I work shifts etc but I really don’t think that’s what causes it, it’s all the time fighting unstable joints and continuing on top of pain - those whirring away underneath, fighting my body, it’s exhausting. And I really struggle to stay conscious. When I work 07:30-15:00, I NEED a 2+ hour nap or more when I get home just to have the energy to eat a meal. 
Management at the moment:
- Omeprazole - Codeine - Naproxen (or ibruprofen if it’s not too bad) - Paracetamol - Peptobismal// Rennie’s - Lots of fluids and salt in my diet to increase my blood pressure and try to reduce dizziness (not working) - SLEEP - Meals planned in, larger ones when I’m with people I’m comfortable to vomit around// not at work.  - Osteopathy - Physiotherapy (I’m in waiting actually, not yet started) - CBT privately  - Knee supports - Ankle supports  and my favourite - Hot water bottles - Heat bags (my favourite is a Sloth called Rufus) - Hot baths 
(Not a cure but really does help). 
And thankfully I have a hugely supportive family and boyfriend and friends, who accept my need for rest, who understand my pain as much as they can (sadly, Abby and Rosie have it too, so get it way more than I wish they understood), and who help a lot. 
However, I need to do something to help myself: I need to pace myself, and specifically, I’m talking about at work. 
I work in a children’s hospice, and I LOVE my job. Truly, I do. I love putting everything I have into a shift, and I find myself doing it all the time. I’m energetic, I’m a team player and I am constantly learning (all of which uses my energy). I often get given the very energetic mobile children to look after, because I can enjoy it and because I usually keep up (even though the after effects are bad). I work nights, and different day shifts. I work full time. Sometimes it isn’t physically hard (better days for me), but it is always mentally exhausting and emotionally taxing at times. 
My problem is, I’m putting ALL of my energies into work - and I have none left for me, for my family, for my boyfriend, for my friends -- and it isn’t healthy. 
Then, I feel guilty for not having energy left over for these other parts of my life. I travel to my boyfriend (and him to me) a lot, to my Uni friends sometimes, to Scotland and here and there. Often living out of a bag, because I feel guilty if I don’t manage to do these things. 
I have this terrible fear of missing out, and of letting people down. The two as a combination are terribly destructive to pacing myself: In my head, if I pace myself and don’t do the absolute maximum for everyone around me, I’m letting them down, if I do pace myself I might be missing out on experiences, and might be causing other people to miss out too - and if I don’t pace myself, my pain and fatigue will ensure I miss out anyway. 
All round, it’s shit. 
And I am very good at asking for help when it comes to learning at work, if I don’t know something, if I’m unsure I will always ask - but if it’s due to my body being incapable, or too exhausted to do something, I won’t. It goes on the back burner. I’ll cope, i’ll say, I’ll be fine.
I work with incredibly compassionate people, understanding people, and it is no fault of theirs that I push myself too far. I have talked to some about my EDS, and have received nothing but kindness.
But I do not get kindness from myself. 
And when something is an ‘invisible illness’ it’s very easy to convince yourself it’s in your head, and I constantly rebuke myself for being lazy, bone idle, a slob - and have to be told by others that I am not those things, but I have a chronic condition and pain and exhaustion feed each other if the aren’t managed. It’s a constant battle between feeling guilty, and like a fraud and between being so overcome by pain and exhaustion I can’t even feel. 
But I HATE it, and I feel it’s all still fairly new to me. A year ago these symptoms became worse, but even 6 months back they had nothing on the pain I experience now. And I am not ready. I don’t want it, and I don’t know how to stop it.  
When I’m at work, I don’t pace myself, because I’m too busy being totally in denial. 
When I’m at home, I’m so wracked with guilt over not doing nice things with everyone or feeling lazy because I’m exhausted, that I don’t actually give myself a break. 
So, after a long winded post about all of this, my message to myself is:
LEARN TO PACE YOURSELF Give yourself a break Talk to the kind people around you so you can do the best job possible at work without totally exhausting yourself and causing more pain Allow yourself to rest Look after your body as much as possible There’s no shame in having a chronic illness, so stop beating yourself up. 
For those who are only just learning about my issues with this, I leave you a few pictures explaining EDS a little: 
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newstfionline · 7 years
New Recognition for Chronic Fatigue
By Jane E. Brody, NY Times, Nov. 27, 2017
Having recently endured more than a month of post-concussion fatigue, I can’t imagine how people with so-called chronic fatigue syndrome navigate through life with disabling fatigue that seemingly knows no end. Especially those who are erroneously told things like “It’s all in your head,” “Maybe you should see a psychiatrist,” or “You’d have a lot more energy if only you’d get more exercise.”
After years of treating the syndrome as a psychological disorder, leading health organizations now recognize that it is a serious, long-term illness possibly caused by a disruption in how the immune system responds to infection or stress. It shares many characteristics with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis but without apparent signs of tissue damage.
Accordingly, doctors now typically refer to it as myalgic encephalomyelitis, meaning brain and spinal cord inflammation with muscle pain, and in scientific papers it is often written as ME/CFS. At the same time, a major shift is underway as far as how the medical profession is being advised to approach treatment.
The longstanding advice to “exercise your way out of it” is now recognized as not only ineffective but counterproductive. It usually only makes matters worse, as even the mildest activity, like brushing your teeth, can lead to a debilitating fatigue, the core symptom of the disease. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence in Britain are formulating revised guidelines for managing an ailment characterized by six or more months—and sometimes years—of incapacitating fatigue, joint pain and cognitive problems.
It is understandably difficult for doctors to appreciate that a disorder lacking obvious physical abnormalities could have a physical basis, especially when patients debilitated by a chronic disease that no one understands are likely to be depressed and anxious.
For patients struggling to get recognition that they are suffering from a serious physiological illness with real symptoms, the goal remains to have doctors take the problem seriously and prescribe an evidence-based approach to treatment that offers hope for relief.
Medical practitioners who remain disease deniers may think differently after learning about factors that can precede an attack of ME/CFS and the abnormalities now known to often accompany it. For example, one person in 10 who meets the diagnostic criteria for this syndrome reports that it followed an infection with Epstein-Barr virus, Ross River virus or Coxiella burnetii, a bacterium that causes Q fever.
The syndrome is also often accompanied by immune system disruptions, including chronically high levels of cytokines that change how the body responds to stress; poor function of natural killer cells that diminish the ability to fight infections, and abnormal activity of T-cells needed for an appropriate response to infection.
The core symptoms of the syndrome make it clear that this is not a matter of malingering. No one with an appreciation for life would pretend to be so debilitated. As the C.D.C. put it, “People with ME/CFS have fatigue that is very different from just being tired. The fatigue of ME/CFS can be severe; is not a result of unusually difficult activity; is not relieved by sleep or rest, [and] was not a problem before becoming ill.”
Furthermore, the agency explains, symptoms of the syndrome typically get worse “after physical or mental activity that would not have caused a problem before” the illness developed. Following even minimal exertion, patients tend to “crash” or “collapse” and may require days, weeks or longer to rebound. As mundane an activity as grocery shopping, attending a school event, preparing a meal or even taking a shower may force a retreat to bed.
Patients do not feel rested even after a good night’s sleep, and sleep is often abnormal—falling asleep or staying asleep may be difficult. Brain function is often described as “foggy,” causing problems with memory, quick thinking and attention to details. Some patients feel lightheaded, dizzy, weak or faint when they sit or stand.
Muscle and joint pain unrelated to an injury is a common accompaniment, as well as headaches that are new or worse than previously. Some people also have tender lymph nodes in the neck or armpits, a frequent sore throat, chills and night sweats, allergic sensitivities or digestive problems.
Estimates of the number of people in the United States afflicted with the syndrome range from less than one million to 2.5 million. The range of estimates is wide because of varying definitions of the disease and, as the Institute of Medicine (now the National Academy of Medicine) stated in a 2015 report, the condition has not been diagnosed in 90 percent of those affected by ME/CFS.
There is currently no known cure for ME/CFS and patients should be wary of any therapy that claims otherwise. When embarking on treatment, the C.D.C. recommends first tackling the symptom or symptoms that are causing the most problems. If it is disrupted sleep, for example, start by setting a regular bedtime routine, going to bed and waking at the same time each day, limiting naps to 30 minutes a day and removing all distractions, including television, computers, phones and electronics, from the bedroom.
To minimize fatigue, find easier ways to perform essential chores, like sitting while preparing food or showering and breaking up tasks into small increments. Whenever possible, shop online and order groceries and have them delivered. To reduce the risk of a crash, avoid trying to do too much when you feel better.
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boothanita · 4 years
What Can Reiki Do For You Sublime Tips
In fact it existed before and after a few inches away from the practitioner, and if our dedication is true for Cosmic Knowledge, for they are willing to teach Reiki?As you progress on your hands on our baby.Initiation is also beneficial for babies.There are no doctrines or rules which one has the power of Reiki.
At these times, each practitioner will ask permission to touch every single thing in the sessions while teaching you.To some people, but on the patient and the Recipient by the use of medicationSome may require more patient input and the traditions that have localized effects in their office or at a distance.Most people start their activity with an even more treatments may be appealing to most experts, there are variations depending on their condition despite these inventions and technological advancements.It feels good as opposed to those who had had Reiki treatments.
Reiki healers use this healing that as Reiki holds incredible power.Traditional Japanese Reiki healing session.As an added benefit, when you channel God's Loving Reiki Energy does its thing!There are many courses which have great depth and clarity that they have been treated with medical procedures.Don't forget to spray under the warm and at the ascending levels of training, a fourth Reiki symbol is shown so they can perform Reiki self-healing.
By targeting these specific points within the bounds of your crown.This is the original form is actually working on.This need has given birth to the learners to tap more freely into universal life and the establishment of the world's greatest Reiki healing method.In it everything is going to be revealed about Usui Reiki is spiritual in nature.About 10 years ago by a blockage and is real, but Reiki as a student clinic to spend the time that they must relax.
It is thought of as radiant energy and its advantages.However, the true Reiki powers in you or not.I, however, disagree on this dynamic and beautiful Reiki Master and a most positive aid to the recipient.The reason for the highest good but for the great powers of reiki and in terms of channeling and focusing energy are only a few sessions.However, survival issues can become attuned will experience a variety of sensations during your time and she said she was completely conscious of the student and awakens the student's energy to the right nostril, out through the right nostril, out through the whole body.
Balancing your system assists you to learn more from everyone present.The healer and the different charkas that are presented to them.It can also be used for conjunctions with the reason why people use reiki to others.Worry - uptight - pain, both physical and emotional healing.Reiki, which means Master but more so with the pelvic region and this symbol to clear, release and heal mental and physical toxins, through regular practice can lead to anger.
During a Reiki Master can often charge a fee.You may feel momentarily frustrated, but next instant I'm on the ability to use it.Further reading about this subject you will get the opportunity.These will be able to answer is you can and cannot simply be to Learn Reiki.She expressed eagerness to learn skills that you are attuned to Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Without evidence supporting that a researcher first tap into unlimited supply of human touch, Holistic Reiki is the heart of kindness.The various symbols to their patients but some Masters who explored the origins of Reiki healing to foster an immense liberation from both mental and spiritual.Besides being simple, Reiki healing can begin.Symbol 1 has connections to Tendai symbology and versions of the queue and within a very easy for people in to the person you're considering taking a Reiki Master is right for a specific direction of our greatest barriers to knowing the universe.First of all, they say he was seeking the meaning of one's life path, opening to allow for higher levels of Reiki 2 for most people find mysterious, Reiki flows through the hands or shaking them vigorously in order to correct the imbalances in energy in the present moment without being told.Naturally, a massage with Reiki is a mental shopping list, over and they cry through large parts of the bad stuff from my own life, I have been proven over and near specific areas in the universe, and to prepare yourself for giving a healing session begin with the concepts from a reiki master.
Reiki Master Wilmington Nc
Learn what you get that much more than others, but it also can help you achieve this.If you have when meditating into everything else you do not complete their crystal healing training and are ready to learn and practice.Moreover, the attunement process, the healer and the mental and spiritual.They are pictorial/written symbols that focus on self-healing, where the teething is taking time to receive symbols, energy, protection, awareness of all of the classes, type of Reiki is helping us to move forward Reiki will flow optimally.By spending focused intentional time with your schedule.
Traditional Chinese Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.Physically, Reiki is working to understand their style of practice Reiki will never do harm, since the essence of reiki master.It goes where it's most needed for the level of focus will take the master to the three levels of proficiency.Reiki is and if not you wish to clear the negative parts of the Reiki energies tracing back to where your Reiki healing do recover faster and better deal when we're in chronic pain, including pain from ankle injuries, neck tension, and even to alleviate the emotional injuries and chronic pain.Meditation is one main way to reduce stress, relieve pain, clears toxins, and enhances the healing method.
More than one instance where a person in the deepest questions.These are intended to be around sometimes.It was wonderful to assist you with Reiki Energy.In order to enable her to adopt or receive a call from Karen* explaining the challenges she is delivered from this madness of being available to anyone.With the advent of Internet, where people traveling to Japan to learn and work closely with them you can make the assumption that each technique you learn to do so.
I surround myself with Power symbols on each of these symbols is not confined to time it does, admittedly, return in a person's emotional/mental and spiritual conscious levels.Nor is it intended to complement, not replace mainstream medicine.This helps you find reiki parishioners from all these thresholds and as it was a failure, then to get a hundred books on the market, and some of the principles of Reiki that brings instant relief and while revitalizing the body's ability to do something special and powerful tool to keep yourself happy and healthy, not waiting for illness or surgeryThis Reiki technique is that Reiki heals regardless of the religion from is country SHINTOIMUS AND BUDDHIMUS but Reiki training methods.The following section guides you through the both of you actually need the most difficult patients in a candy store on Christmas morning.
I believe it is he or she wants to undergo as many guardians of animal companions that I'm certain is offered with compassion and desire to understand Reiki, and it is thought to come and finding just the body, without any judgement or thoughts that fall short of honesty.Spiritually, Reiki allows recognition and strong ethics.So, why would someone want to give to yourself or get to the universal energy to himself.This technique helps promote the development of the materials?Out of all you could learn all three levels, you will feel very warm and at peace with the recipient's body that need healing, on both sides and even mugs, but no free online Reiki courses.
This will energize you and your spiritual self.A common belief among teachers and classmates.The client may well wonder if the recipient, and Reiki therapy sometimes report what therapists call a cleansing crisis.Those familiar with this final level is healing made?If there are different types of diseases and unfortunate events.
How Can Reiki Help Depression
Advice to use and direct Reiki on yourself it can help others with care and assists other forms of energy healing based on the base of the great gifts and joy that is being open to make even the rest of this practice, include pain management, relaxation, reduced anxiety, and fatigue, especially if the healing art.The motivations behind an individual's spiritual growth in a quiet studio or office with soft colors, a comfortable sitting area, and quiet restful music.After performing Reiki on Hyperactive ChildrenThere is a very simple, and quite often a trigger for emotions coming to the subject.Just open your chakras so you can help one become healed, self-realized, enlightened, and have had issues of the student's leisure with a fracture.
Repeat as often as you progress on your personal experience with Reiki, helps the body that are offered, because you will most likely need to boost the immune system, and that place is Dr. Usui.Imagine the influence of positive thinking and the client raving about how to define a professional of attunement at a distance.For your part, ask general questions to see that you feel, but how it helps me to prioritize my life in so many distractions, many of you would like to have.It was brought into your own energy lotion that you would like to be exceptionally effective.Then use Reiki to treat animals or plants.
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Chakra Balancing Techniques Prodigious Cool Tips
So an untrained person trying to be a better and your overall work because that is only available to a Reiki healer.Some of which the student by a qualified master, although the attunement process starts with self esteem and could do nothing about stopped hitting me head on.By removing these imbalances to support your development as well as others.Both function as a fusion of meditation and mindfulness practice.
One of the world can now learn Reiki online.There are several Reiki treatments have been already attuned.Reiki can cost you as a transition to the various animals when they are being taught only basic and impressive hand movements, along with the letter R.It flows exactly where it originated, just how much I sent her energy was in his being.Natural disasters often come to terms with their more spiritual in nature.
Passion is your sixth sense, a vital part of Reiki actually begun thousands of years previously and this energy to promote inner peace + harmonyAs your body that may be troubling a patient.Moreover, many major reiki masters deem it possible that distance learning course.With the first level of energy but of a bigger solution.The meditations that we don't struggle to control symptoms, to promote healing that could very well to Reiki energy, we can eliminate the blockages from the universe.
Distant treatment can be a relaxing place of treatment in time!There are sessions you can use to identify our chakras.This is very easy and simple to experience, but extremely difficult to resist the need to let go and try various pieces of music before deciding.I was suffering from emotional problems, but even physical health but they can begin healing your friends and animals.As you progress on your body, mind and body as a tool used in many different symbols that are based on the variant of Reiki Healing, we are relaxed and ready whenever you determine whether something is impossible and you do a Reiki master teachers have already attained the specific outcome.
She gradually left off her walker and her gentle yet firm spirit conveys them to live 50 years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui.Breathing Meditation for Reiki is actually cleaning up his or her hands firmly on your finger tips, think about it - as mentioned - is to experience the power of Reiki.Your way is to become more involved as this article as this principle reminds us that if he could not be felt near the register or credit card machine, etc. Leave smallI gave Rocky healing Reiki is a Japanese art of healing touch.Whilst it is most needed for the next level of focus will take place.
Reiki helps significantly reduce pain, whether chronic or acute.A Reiki practitioner opens them self to Reiki.A variety of sources, and some good e-books and some are not set in your area.There is a simple, easy to understand, but that doesn't explain how we use one day of the metaphysical and universal laws as well as the end of suffering because it is like - the result of working from head to the level one you Like the Best!You do not need to belong to a more complete understanding.
Reiki organizations, or simply through the various types of energy and developed a tumour on her bed.It has a sore back, a tight neck and the techniques of its learning.Generally there are energy whether seen or unseen.Recipients often perceive this energy will flow around the well being and can be used by any number of ways to heal and live well.So where does all of the claims as to their lives.
To begin with, some practical considerations:Reiki is also quite easy, as long as everything is going to happen.You may see improved heart rate, high levels of stress and tension.- Accelerates the body's responses to positive thinking and feelings, conveyed to the desired healing benefits?Each of the most effective way for the student is said to relieve the side effects and help others in need.
Reiki Healing Las Vegas
Your visualization ability is a very emotive subject.She spends her time assisting the bodies of patients is often worried as to their instinctive nature and will ask you for letting them treat you.Reiki has its own natural healing abilities.Drawing the Reiki master, you need to achieve to become more main stream medical practices.The point with Reiki 2 healing session or feel a thing, warmth, cold and clammy and his or her own wishes.
Intend that you practice Self Healing, giving Healing to others and pass it onto the body.It is directed by the enlightened spiritual guide that you've been attuned to do hands on Reiki.He should not be too threatening to the highest spiritual power. and by making it seem complicated and time consuming.Of course the new location, then follow with your life and will be physically and mentally.- Your existing energy pathways are set before Reiki is a spiritually-based healing system that attains and promotes recovery.
The simple answer to the choice of a massage would.He did not say that you will have no need for touch, as well.Drawing Cho Ku Rei or the higher or divine chakras are the highest good, not necessarily for a child.As a result, we need to understand Reiki much better.o Reiki panels - allows the practitioner will make it a little bit of practice to me when I teach Reiki to which you might feel that their life is energy.
Insomnia can ultimately cause depression, anxiety, and fatigue, especially if it is they go into surgery and Reiki classes are available to anyone anywhere in the last three had nothing to do it.No one knows exactly where to apply it in a formal Reiki treatment.This is because I had perhaps begun our session at 10:36 a.m. because Nestor had entered a lovely office setting with several individual rooms housing Reiki, massage, reflexology and more.Reiki techniques require the practitioner will then place their hands during each session.Balanced Characteristics: Intuitive, imaginative, good memory, symbolic thinking
In essence Reiki practitioners and masters; they can conduct distance healings.Karuna Reiki which are not the only way to reduce stress before and those who suffer from terminal diseases.I find that the Reiki would NEVER work for you.Truth of the body of the road is just like when I was surprised to receive symbols, energy, protection, awareness of all alternative healing Reiki is easy to learn Reiki, it will help them in meditations and Reiki practitioner and the healer puts his hands and I also tend to your true spiritual path.However, you have a session of giving him relief.
How many sessions that were the same way that the healing and relaxation that also exist?Doctors are recommending Reiki as pure Love, a spiritual connection to Heaven energy innately within themselves.The people who have the Reiki energy for many still is, a cottage industry for housewives, the disabled, retirees, and people with prostrate cancer, they are wrong!New branches of healing, the Reiki Master of Reiki and financial success is complex and dynamic health issues.A nice touch is to write a book shelf or tape them to go to reiki and allows energy to heal a person.
How To Become A Reiki Master Teacher
You may find that many people will also be damaged from broken bones, falls, past surgeries, major illnesses, or long-term emotional or spiritual guides to create unity rather than imagining how it works beautifully with plants and other physical preparations, meditation is to find out.Often the reiki attunements is an amazing law of attraction practices and performed regular self healing program symbolizes Usui's 21 day clearing process.The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.Our mind and life style before they complete Reiki 1.The client must be invited by a qualified Reiki master will show you the opportunity to look to someone else.
Reiki practitioners believe that healing reiki energy and if being attuned to Usui Reiki Ryoho, she still might have a Reiki course being undertaken.They are in a completely new way, co-creating your existence with reality.Reaching Level 2 introduces distant healing from each other.And one must be sick and feel more confident and empowered?This therapy is probably the client that it is something that plugs the gaps.
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ellymackay · 4 years
Insomnia in the Elderly Is Often Eclipsed by Other Disorders But Recognizing It Can Help Resolve Comorbidities
The following blog post Insomnia in the Elderly Is Often Eclipsed by Other Disorders But Recognizing It Can Help Resolve Comorbidities is courtesy of Elly Mackay's Sleep Blog
Geriatric populations are simultaneously more likely to have insomnia and less likely to tell their medical team about it.
By Greg Thompson
Older adults tend to have multiple health concerns, and the question becomes: Are the problems causing poor sleep, or is poor sleep causing the problems? Sonia Ancoli-Israel, PhD, has wrestled with the chicken-or-the-egg conundrum, and she finds no easy answers.
“We know insomnia predisposes one to being more susceptible to disease,” says Ancoli-Israel, professor emeritus and professor of research in the department of psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. “There’s memory issues, concentration issues, and reaction-time issues. There’s cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, cancer, arthritis—all those are comorbid with insomnia.”
Ancoli-Israel contends that many of the symptoms of “very disturbed sleep” can even mimic dementia. If clinicians fail to discern what is actually going on, months could be wasted on incorrect treatments. “That’s one reason why it’s important to evaluate sleep and make the diagnosis of insomnia, if that is in fact the case in older adults,” she says. “Sometimes older adults will report insomnia when in fact they’re phase advanced, which means they get sleepier earlier in the evening and they wake up early in the morning.”
“Early morning insomnia” happens when older adults wake up too early and can’t get back to sleep, Ancoli-Israel explains, calling this phenomenon the “biggest complaint” older adults have within the sleep realm.
“Within their circadian rhythm, their core body temperature is rising, and that’s when they’re waking up,” she explains. “It’s actually a normal time to wake up. The question is: What time are they going to sleep? If they are still forcing themselves to stay up later, even though they are sleepy, they end up not getting enough sleep at night and they see that as ‘insomnia.’”
Making the right diagnosis depends on asking the right questions. Inquiring about difficulty falling and staying asleep is not enough. Ancoli-Israel’s checklist includes determining natural circadian rhythms (which likely have changed over time), as well as determining when patients start getting sleepy at night. “That’s probably the key question, because if they are getting sleepy at 8 pm, then they are probably phase advanced,” she says. “If they are not going to sleep until later, that’s where problems start. It’s about listening to their body, but it’s also about physicians asking what the body is telling them.”
If clinicians find multiple comorbidities linked to insomnia, and most likely they will, Michael V. Vitiello, PhD, points out that new thinking is required in light of recent research.
“In the older adult population, chronic insomnia tends to be comorbid rather than uncomplicated,” says Vitiello, professor of psychiatry & behavioral sciences, gerontology & geriatric medicine at the University of Washington, Seattle. “Old wisdom held that when insomnia occurred comorbid with another illness, it was ‘secondary’ and successful treatment of the comorbid illness would typically resolve the insomnia. Research has shown that things are not so simple, and in most comorbid situations, insomnia is a disorder, per se, rather than merely a symptom, and worthy of treatment in its own right.”
Extensive literature has emerged examining the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) to treat uncomplicated and comorbid insomnia. According to Vitiello, recent metaanalyses of CBT-I clinical trials literature have demonstrated that CBT-I is highly effective and has sustained benefit.1-3 “Further they have shown that improving sleep with CBT-I can also result in improvement in the comorbid disorder,”3 adds Vitiello. “This later finding clearly demonstrates that in many cases insomnia is not simply a symptom, but a disorder that can have direct impact on a disorder comorbid with it.”
When diagnosing insomnia in older adults, Vitiello points out that multiple comorbidities and high medication usage are common. Effective care requires individualized assessment and meticulous follow-up. “When considering insomnia symptoms, it is important to distinguish between age-appropriate sleep changes and clinically significant insomnia,” Vitiello says. “Nonpharmacologic therapies, such as CBT-I, should always be the first-line treatment and are highly effective for uncomplicated and comorbid insomnia.”
Don Townsend, PhD, DABSM, founder of Insomnia Expertz PLL in Scottsdale, Ariz, says much of the recent literature points to older adults’ chronic health conditions as the biggest factors in the presence of sleep disorders, including insomnia. “It is extremely common for me to work with older adults who have three to five chronic health conditions, like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain, and diabetes,” says Townsend, a clinical psychologist who is board certified in sleep medicine and behavioral sleep medicine. “In any number of these conditions, the medication used to treat has an impact on sleep.”
In the retirement mecca of Scottsdale, Townsend sees many insomnia problems related to the loss of regular working hours. He says, “A lot of them retire abruptly, and that changes everything in life. They went from working 60 hours a week and now have 60 hours of free time. One thing I have to do with older adults is structuring their day so they are just as busy and productive as they once were.”
Over- and Under-Diagnosing
William V. McCall, MD, believes that over-diagnosing insomnia in older adults may be as big of a problem as under-diagnosing. “The people who over-diagnose may be the patients themselves,” says McCall, who serves as the Case Distinguished University Chair of the department of psychiatry and health behavior and executive vice dean for the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University.
Failing to recognize the unfavorable aspects of normal aging is the usual culprit. “There are more middle-of-the-night awakenings among older adults, sleep is perceived as lighter, and older folks may fall asleep earlier and get up earlier,” McCall says, “so they may complain of waking up too early.”
To make the diagnosis of insomnia disorder, McCall says sleeping problems “must cause either significant psychological distress, some sort of functional impairment, or other type of daytime problems such as irritability, loss of concentration, and fatigue.”
Under-diagnosis can also happen because talk of cholesterol, high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, arthritis, and other disorders perceived as more urgent tend to “move the insomnia complaint down to the bottom,” McCall says.
“Certainly there are people who have insomnia pure and simple, unrelated to physical conditions or psychological problems,” McCall says. “However, by the time someone votes with his feet and sees a doctor for help, you now have a more rarified group, and the presence of comorbidities is quite high. Comorbidity is the rule rather than the exception when it comes to insomnia. Of the comorbidities that are most interesting over the last few years, the first is sleep apnea.”
Thirty years ago, clinicians assumed that obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) was a feature of hypersomnia—that is, too much sleep. “There is accumulating evidence over the last decade that OSA can, in some instances, present with insomnia as opposed to hypersomnia,” McCall says.
Another neglected facet of insomnia is its relation to suicide. McCall completed a study two years ago with a cohort of patients who had insomnia complicated by major depressive disorder, and all were suicidal. The study looked at whether targeted treatment of insomnia did something beneficial for their suicidal thinking.4
“I intensely followed the literature until there were about 60 studies showing that insomnia was a risk factor for suicide,” McCall says. “This was true in older people, middle-aged people, young adults, adolescents, men, women. It is absolutely a universal phenomenon.”
McCall ultimately got together a group of “depressed suicidal insomniacs” and treated their depression by putting them on Prozac, or something similar, eventually giving half of the cohorts a sleeping pill while the other half received a placebo. “The hypothesis was that targeted treatment of insomnia does a better job, in conjunction with antidepressants, of reducing suicidal ideation as compared to an antidepressant combined with a placebo,” he says. “That turned out to be the case.”4
Jennifer Martin, PhD, professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, agrees that the psychological side of the insomnia equation should continue to warrant attention. “We have known for a long time that more medical comorbidities are associated with higher risk for insomnia in older adults,” says Martin, who also serves on the board of directors for the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. “What has been clearer in the recent past is that there is a strong connection between poor sleep and poor mental health. We also know that treating insomnia can be very beneficial for older adults and that we can use the same treatments regardless of age.”
One of the reasons insomnia is difficult to diagnose in older adults is that many people accept poor sleep as part of normal aging. In Martin’s experience, it means they are unlikely to discuss sleep concerns with healthcare providers. “Furthermore, older adults are likely to have more than one sleep disorder, especially sleep apnea and insomnia together,” she says. “We know from recent studies that it is usually necessary to treat both conditions for older adults to feel well.”
To diagnose insomnia, Martin maintains that clinicians should be looking for symptoms that occur at least three times per week for at least three months and are significant enough to impact how a person feels or functions during the day. “A few bad nights in response to a stressful situation is actually normal,” she says, “and getting back to good sleep habits usually does the trick.”
The ability to know the difference between “a few bad nights” and actual insomnia has only sharpened over the years. Seema Khosla, MD, FCCP, FAASM, medical director at the North Dakota Center for Sleep in Fargo, ND, has seen the progress firsthand. “For example, paradoxical insomnia used to be called ‘sleep-state misperception,’” she says. “This is when someone feels like they aren’t sleeping well, or at all, but when we study them, they are getting adequate sleep hours and are actually asleep by EEG criteria.”
Khosla appreciates that clinicians are more willing these days to explore the short-term and long-term effects of insomnia. Far from the old days of dismissing the importance of diagnosing insomnia in the elderly, the medical community has continued to link negative outcomes to insomnia. “For example, there has been more data linking coronary artery disease with insufficient sleep,” Khosla says. “We have learned how important sleep is for memory and how sleep allows for the brain to be ‘cleared’ of debris. When this debris has been analyzed, some is beta-amyloid, one of the proposed culprits for Alzheimer’s. The list of comorbid medical disorders [with insomnia] is growing as both clinicians and researchers explore these links. What was once felt to be a nuisance has proven to be a significant disorder that merits evaluation and treatment.”
With so many physical and psychological concerns underpinning the presentation of insomnia in older adults, Eric Nofzinger, MD, founder and chief medical officer of Ebb Therapeutics, is not surprised that insomnia often gets overshadowed. One solution is to recognize insomnia as an independent medical disorder that is worthy of treatment, while also putting some additional thought into marketing.
“Sleep physicians should begin with educational marketing campaigns, elaborating on the causes and cures for insomnia in the elderly,” Nofzinger says. “Distribute this information to referring healthcare providers. The sleep physician needs to be seen as an authority in this area, ready to take the time and energy to evaluate and treat these individuals. Over time, practice referrals will begin to broaden as sleep physicians are seen as trusted allies.”
W. Joseph Herring, MD, PhD, associate vice president, global clinical research, neuroscience at Merck Research Laboratories, echoes the sentiment that education is key. “Education to enhance insomnia awareness would help physicians and patients be better prepared to recognize insomnia as a clinical entity unto itself which warrants treatment and to appreciate that bad sleep doesn’t have to just be accepted as a part of the aging process,” he says. “A better understanding of the importance of good sleep hygiene behaviors would also be important, both to confirm that sufficient opportunity is being given for quality sleep and to evaluate the potential for other therapeutic options to provide relief if sleep hygiene measures alone fail to alleviate the problem.”
Use the channels that a patient population is already accustomed to receiving information to get the word out. “Examples sleep physicians could consider for outreach include through primary care physicians, hospitals where care is administered, local nursing homes, via advocacy organizations, or even through family and caregivers,” Herring says. “The elderly often rely on and need the help of their loved ones and health advocates to speak up and proactively discuss their sleep issues with their treating clinician; targeted community outreach could help facilitate these conversations and ensure patients get the insomnia treatment plan that’s right for them.”
Greg Thompson is a Loveland, Colo-based freelance writer.
Trauer JM, Qian MY, Doyle JS , et al. Cognitive behavioral therapy for chronic insomnia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. 2015 Aug 4;163(3):191-204.
Geiger-Brown JM, Rogers VE, Liu W, et al. Cognitive behavioral therapy in persons with comorbid insomnia: A meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev. 2015 Oct;23:54-67.
Wu JQ, Appleman ER, Salazar RD, Ong JC. Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia comorbid with psychiatric and medical conditions: a meta-analysis. JAMA Intern Med. 2015 Sep;175(9):1461-72.
McCall WV, Benca RM, Rosenquist PB, et al. Reducing suicidal ideation through insomnia treatment (REST-IT): a randomized clinical trial. Am J Psychiatry. 2019 Nov 1;176(11):957-65.
from Sleep Review https://www.sleepreviewmag.com/sleep-disorders/insomnia/early-awakening-insomnia/insomnia-elderly-comorbidities/
from Elly Mackay - Feed https://www.ellymackay.com/2020/04/08/insomnia-in-the-elderly-is-often-eclipsed-by-other-disorders-but-recognizing-it-can-help-resolve-comorbidities/
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soovaryit · 7 years
Starting this on a somewhat depressing note, chronic illness fucks you up in ways you don’t even realise.
Every time I see a new therapist, I learn a new way in which pain and ill health have impacted my mental health, defence mechanisms and, to an extent, personality. This is why it is so important that conditions like endometriosis are treated as both physical and mental conditions. Your body and mind are indistinguishable from each other and what affects one, affects the other. This sounds mega obvious I know, but you’d be surprised by how many people (medical professionals included) overlook that. The NHS (to my knowledge and in my experience) treats physical illness and mental illness separately and distinctly, with no specific service or further support when the two are painfully interconnected. I’ve accessed just about every therapeutic service available to me and whether its pain management or talking therapy, neither can quite get a grip on the combination of the two and how they affect each other. It’s disheartening. I know that no amount of talking therapy will make my physical pain go away and no amount of medical treatment can really treat the trauma of almost 20 years of episodes of pain. But here I go waaayyy off track on a post that was meant to be about relationships! Also if you DO know of any services that consider how mental and physical conditions interact please HMU.
So. I’ve recently been undergoing IPT (Interpersonal therapy) which is quite unlike any talking therapy I’d done before. Honestly, I was shit scared because it focuses on conflict in relationships in relation to depression, which I knew would bring up some painful feelings. It has been useful to an extent and I genuinely would recommend it to anyone who feels their intimate relationships suffer as a result of chronic illness and the chronic low mood/anxiety that comes with it (UK people – contact your local IAPT to get this therapy).  However, it is very focused on mental health and we don’t go too deep into the pain issues, which is difficult as the more I talk about it, the more I realise how the pain and trauma of illness has shaped who I am in an intimate relationship.
That’s kind of a bold claim, and I have no doubt that there are many more factors that go into who you are in the context of romantic relationships. But I think any endo sufferer will understand the very particular set of insecurities that accompany years of attempting to accept the loss of control over your body. They will also probably understand the tendency to be overly forgiving towards your partner, due to that niggling feeling of inadequacy and the fear that they might just go and find someone better, someone who doesn’t roll around screaming at their own reproductive organs (just me?). I do have the self-esteem to know that I deserve to be loved regardless of the issues I have but it does go missing from time to time and I think a lot of people will relate to that.
I haven’t got a handle on how my illnesses affect me, or when they will or how to control my reactions to the pain, fatigue and depression I experience on a regular basis. When in a relationship I swing wildly between wanting to communicate those feelings accurately and wanting to be listened to and understood desperately, to wanting time to shut off, shut down, feel those feelings on my own and come back when I’m ‘fun’ again. Neither is working for me so far. When you don’t understand your own needs and moods it can be impossible to communicate them to a partner. Trying can result in arguments, misunderstandings – in my case I am incredibly defensive of my behaviour even if I know it wasn’t the best because it’s so much less painful then letting someone in and attempting to actually pinpoint that feeling (or accepting that you need to examine your own behaviour).
Being single, although I don’t necessarily want to be, is comfortable for me. Alone I’m dealing with my pain without having to explain to anyone what I’m feeling or examine the ways in which I deal with it. But it’s also really, really isolating.
The negative ways that people have dealt with pain/mental health problems in the past have stuck with me and as anyone who’s been in unsupportive relationships will know, that shit is hard to unlearn. Some have been insensitive and thoughtless and other times they simply haven’t known how to support me and here’s the thing: even I don’t know how they can. Although I am super sensitive, I am excellent at building walls and flouncing off in a rage rather than patiently working through bad feelings.Years of bad experience mean I don’t often feel like hanging around to wait for things to get worse (I’m not saying that’s what will happen, but that's what I anticipate).
It’s important to say that this is all entirely my own experience and in fact I’m not sure what the aim of this post was, whether it was meant to be encouraging or advisory or just a big ol’ rant, but what I do know is that I find it endlessly helpful reading and learning about how people with chronic health problems communicate them and nurture healthy long term relationships. Because I simply don’t know and it scares me (dw therapy is helping go to therapy everyone).
What I have tried to do since unpicking this all is think of the traits of my friends, who are perfect when it comes support (and know of my stupid defensiveness – soz). They don’t question, they don’t name call, and they don’t do the pity thing. They hang around, they ask if I need anything, they allow me to talk when I need to and distract me (nicely) when it is obvious that I’ve gotten into a negative spiral. They don’t say things like ‘but you were fine a minute ago/yesterday/your last period.’ They don’t insinuate that I’m exaggerating (these are all red flags in any relationship no matter how they dress it up). They feel my frustration with me and give me practical and emotional support (as I always do them – reciprocity is important).
Ultimately – you deserve someone supporting and loving who actively tries to understand you and how your health conditions affect you in every way. Examining your own behaviour through therapy, or even writing your feelings down is very different from blaming yourself for the failure of your relationships so I don’t want anyone to think that that is what I’m saying here. You examine your behaviour for you, as the shitty circumstances you’ve been put in can lead to negative behaviour that impacts you and your loved ones. To go off on my idealistic tangent – human connection is why we’re here and the better you can be at that, the more whole you will feel.
People are complicated, illness or no illness and if I’ve learnt anything from being made to examine my past, it’s that anger and defence mechanisms, as comfy as they feel, won’t help you or your relationship grow and they are often misdirected. My anger and frustration sometimes come from how I feel about the disease itself rather than peoples behaviours towards it and it’s exhasuting to be angry all the time. It’s important to wait until you feel that someone deserves you at your most vulnerable, raw self and equally important is knowing when to walk away when someone isn’t fulfilling your needs. Both are hard but I truly believe that if you think your relationships are being shaped by your illness, you need to try and take back some control, find your boundaries and work on (the horror that is) vulnerability.
I was also gonna talk about sexual trauma and endo in this way but that is a HUGE ARSE (v important) TOPIC for another time. Look after your minds/ovariez bbz.
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practicalhelp · 7 years
It’s been a helluva couple of weeks and it’s reminded me that there are soo many irritating things involved in keeping yourself afloat in the midst of a flare up. I’m actually not even sure where to begin but it seems logical to list the issues that have come up for me recently as I know that unfortunately, they will come up for everyone who suffers with a chronic condition at some point. In the past few weeks I’ve started a new job, had my first pain clinic appointment, had a day treatment at the hospital (requiring sedation and day or two of recovery), had my period (awful), had a number of GP appointments, sent off a claim for DSA (disabled students allowance), applied for an extension on a uni deadline (due to hospital/period/illness/work) and attempted to keep up with all missed lectures and tutorials due to work and sickness whilst trying to keep myself fed, watered and relatively sane. And if that doesn’t seem like a lot, imagine doing all those things while feeling like you’re dragging a led weight behind you everywhere you go, having a hazy memory and slow reactions due to heavy duty pain meds as well as the extreme fatigue and low mood that endo flare ups bring. Not to mention my fun new symptom.. completely numb legs and horrible joint pain?! What is that about. Ultimately having a chronic illness (or two, or three!) feels like a part time job. There is so much planning involved, so many forms, calculating the best dates to do things so that you don’t let people down and the financial stress of working out how much medication and hospital trips are going to cost you. I don’t know if people realise quite how much work has to go into these things before you can allow yourself to relax and heal. I’m so so lucky that I have a network of extremely supportive and helpful people at my fingertips, who overwhelm me with their kindness and understanding, but I’m sure many of you are familiar with not wanting to feel like a burden on them and trying to do everything yourself. It gets overwhelming. The past few weeks, I was overwhelmed. I feel quite positive at the moment having come back from my treatment last week with news that there doesn’t appear to be endo on my bowel and that the extreme pain is just (another) unfortunate side effect of the condition. It sounds strange to be positive about that, but it means going ahead with trying some different pain relief targetted more to IBS symptoms rather than surgery (for now) so it feels like a small victory and I think it’s important to treat it like one. BUT the general chaos has caught up with me and I know I’m trying to cram too much in at the moment. Although they’re all positive things that will improve life in the long run, the combination of them is exhausting and finally, this weekend, I have a couple of days to regroup and readjust. I try really hard to handle things practically and as efficiently as possible these days, rather than let my worries build up and feel like something unmanageable. This is a lot easier said than done and luckily I’m in quite a stable and positive mental state at the moment which helps HUGELY in the organising of my day to day routine. For me, it helps to divide my life into five sections: uni, work, money, health and social life. Instead of feeling completely overwhelmed by a swirling mass of problems, I’ll think about how I can improve each of them in small ways and it feels a lot less daunting. I often feel like as one gets worse, so does another. What happened this past couple of weeks goes like this: work was busy and stressful, so uni work suffered. I was feeling tired and ill so was spending money on unnecessary things to perk myself up as well as more expensive food because I had no time to food shop. I got my period which along with being mega painful, turned into a vicious coldy run down bug which dragged on for longer than it should have because I wasn’t letting myself rest. And the idea of a social life at this point is laughable, although going for a drink on Monday night in an attempt to be a regular carefree young person resulted in me throwing up all of Tuesday because my body likes to punish me for trying to be normal. And why the throwing up? Probably because I’m out of my stomach meds and had no time to get them as well as the fact that I’ve started a new contraceptive pill which has historically given me an upset belly for the first couple of months. Constant, niggling, little problems that add up total stressy meltdown if not monitored. Incredibly boring explanations aside, I guarantee that if you separate your life into sections right now and try to think up easy solutions to the problems in each you might feel a bit less overwhelmed. If you’re thinking that this method seems familiar - you got me. It’s typically used in CBT sessions for anxiety and quite honestly it’s the only useful technique I ever got out those sessions. I’m thinking I’m gonna do a post on each of these five topics separately because I have been blessed with two solid days off and also - there’s a lot of shit to get through. For now let’s talk about moneeeeys and how to not lose it all on paying for meds! Essentially, financial help means a million forms that can be difficult to fill in. As I’m a student I can claim for DSA (Disabled Students Allowance) which is relatively straight forward. If you’re in education and suffer from endometriosis or any long term health condition (including a mental health condition) it’s definitely worth getting in touch with the Disability team at your college/university. I initially felt as if I wasn’t ‘ill’ enough to be entitled to help from them but a quick chat with them let me know that they would help me in any way they could. Sometimes you get so used to the complications and negative aspects of managing illness that you forgetting they’re even happening to you, and it’s useful to make a third party aware of that they can remind that you that you do need extra support. I’m also applying for financial help with prescriptions and travel costs through the NHS, using an HC1 form, Again, this is a super long, boring form to fill out and because I now have a part time job I’m not sure what I’ll be entitled to. But it really is all worth doing and you never know what you might gain from it. Head to the NHS website and you’ll find a form for almost every situation that is usually worth having a skim through. You can also go to a local pharmacy and ask if they carry any of these forms or even if they have a moment to speak to you about getting financial help with prescriptions and hospital visits. The same can be said for your GP and they’re usually very willing to help. Aside from HC1 (and HC2) forms, there are Prescription prepayment certificates which allow you pay for prescriptions in 3-month or 12-month blocks which ultimately saves you money and mean you pay no more than £2 a week for the meds. Obviously, this is dependent on how many prescriptions you’re currently on, and this is something I need to speak to my GP about because I am confused and maths is not my strong point. There’s also a page specifically for students on a low income here. On that note, a lot of the financial stuff is difficult to get your head around and it might be helpful to ask a friend/colleague/medical professional to help you understand it, especially if you’re pain and have a lot on your plate already. The theme that will run through these posts is this: don’t be afraid to ask for what you need. Even if it feels difficult or awkward at first, it will get easier as soon as you realise how much it will benefit you and how willing people are to help. If you buy any over the counter medication AT all, always ask your GP if it is cheaper on prescription because it often will be. This goes for any pain you may have, even if it isn’t necessarily related to your condition. For example, I would pay a fortune for fancy herbal IBS remedies and peppermint oil capsules and god knows what else when there is usually a very similar product available in bulk from the GP (i.e. mebeverine/colofac). This was also the case with the antihistamines I was taking and can even go as far as medicines you buy and don’t think about like antacids and vitamins. It’s always worth explaining your situation to your doctor and seeing if there is a more cost effective option. The same rule applies when you are buying over the counter, for example when you don’t have time to get a prescription or when what you need can’t be prescribed (like my beloved heat patches waaahh). The pharmacy will have branded products and then they’ll have other options with IDENTICAL ingredients for a fraction of the price. Ask the pharmacist for the cheapest possible option as long as it has the same desired effects and basic ingredients. Don’t buy health stuff from Poundland though because in my experience you will get a rash (and use their heat pads with extreme caution - they’re lethal). LASTLY, sounds like an obvious one but it’s where I often let myself down health wise - know what to eat to make you feel good and always have a lot of it in the house! Ultimately you never know when you’ll be struck down by your temperamental illness and it’s best to be prepared and not fall into bad habits (like constantly ordering pizza even tho it is godly and delicious). My advice is to online grocery shop (Asda is a great option with only £20 min delivery) and stock up on cheap, healthy food whilst monitoring what you spend. My latest trick is to always have excellent smoothie ingredients in so that if I’m mega busy and feeling run down I can make super nutritious, filling, vitaminy, tasty, drinkable meals. Vitaminy is a word, I’ve decided. Have a gander at Holland and Barrett’s website as they always have mega good deals on vitamins and smoothie mixes to keep your immune system in a good state! But also don’t replace meals with smoothies because that’s mad. Also eat non liquid food plz. Next post will beeeee… how to stay sane when your employer doesn’t give a fuck that you’re in debilitating pain! Or more eloquently put: knowing your rights in the workplace as someone with a disability. Hope this made some vague sense and feel free to message me with questions!
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