#but i dont expect very much fanfare tbh
eleccy · 1 year
can’t believe ppl who think capcom cares about apollo now. takumi didn’t even know the 456 port was coming until it got announced. capcom cares about money and leveraging past IP into more money. the end of the eshop means these games aren’t available anymore. so they’re re-releasing them. simple as.
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wellward-a · 5 years
mary’s girlfriend, eve, who she and lilith accidentally ate RIP in peace:
mary first knew her when they were both in chicago, working as adjunct professors. this was after mary’s first relationship--thus she’d had her lesbian awakening already--and eve............. was just so gay, so like. no issues in terms of mutual recognition and friendship.
they had an unvoiced, unprocessed Thing™ for each other while living in chicago that was still unaddressed when mary left her professorship to return to greendale and care for her terminally ill mother.
they wrote letters to each other off and on and reconnected in person when eve moved to boston for a new position at a university there.
eve was fired from her job. i’m not clear on the specifics right now but there was hostility and tension and it may have been about her being gay, or her sexuality might simply have exacerbated things; either way it ended badly and burned bridges for her there.
she crashed at mary’s. she had no one else she was really emotionally close with and mary was the only person at the time she felt comfortable being honest with about the pain of knowing she’d lost something she cared about by doing the right thing (i.e. not changing herself to be or appear heterosexual).
eve got back on her feet, starting to write small articles for newspapers and journals, gradually regaining her confidence. w the return of her self-esteem, she and mary fell in wuv.
i think she published a book at some point after they got together.
eve was away for the past, idk how many months, maybe for like a guest professorship and then attendance at some kind of REALLY IMPORTANT THING in her field to account for her being away dec-jan after the end of the semester? she went w mary’s blessing because mary knew that as much as eve loved writing and the more cerebral processes of her work, she also missed teaching and interaction w students.
eve, lilith, etc:
mrs. meeks did not introduce eve w any special fanfare--but eve arrived with a bouquet hidden under the coat on her arm for mary. it was valentine’s day ok!!
she was visibly taken aback by the changes in mary’s appearance and especially in her responses. i’ve talked before about how disturbing it is to go looking for mary in lilith’s face and find this cold gorgon there instead. you can imagine how shocking it was to come home after six months and find your gnc cottagecore wood-chopping slightly freaky occult-loving tweed-wearing gf transformed into a winged-eyeliner-wearing ‘straight’ woman.
lilith came home to the cottage not to find it strewn with candles and whatnot but to eve waiting for her with dinner and a genuine request for conversation. she asked if something had happened while she was away because “you look at me so differently. it’s like you hardly recognize me, but i hardly recognize you!”
lilith managed to convince her that things were alright and that she’d just been “experimenting” and “thinking about things” while eve was gone, but that she “did it for you. don’t you like me like this?” she was tempted to kill eve and almost did, but
i’ve talked before about how my lilith was in love with eve in the garden and like. it was too much to have tempted the original eve on satan’s planning; she couldn’t try to destroy another eve now. she wanted to, but she couldn’t. she just felt the way eve slowly relaxed in her arms, thinking it was mary holding her, and she WANTED that. she wanted to be the person who made her feel that way.
they had limited physical intimacy prior to the dark lord’s intervention (unlike in canon where it’s implied lilith is having sex with adam). i’ve spoken before about the extent to which my lilith has MASSIVE hangups around sex. even putting aside the issue of consent w/r/t her having sex with someone in mary’s body: she was scared to have sex with eve, and played it off as feeling nervous/disconnected from her after her long time away.
their dates loosely paralleled what happened on the show and they specifically happened because lilith asked for time to "rebuild their connection.” really she just wanted to be wooed tbh, and to be the focus of loving attention.
rather than a posting to tibet, eve was offered a permanent professorship at the university she’d just been working at, and she asked lilith to move with her there, impulsively suggesting it as a fix to the disconnect she felt in their relationship.
yes, the dark lord killed eve and fed her to lilith/mary. i dont wanna talk about it kids.
mary in all of this:
eve’s existence was a shock to lilith because mary was working, the whole time, specifically to hide her. she fought memories/emotions about her down and tried not to let lilith into that part of her mind. she wasn’t totally successful--indeed, she couldn’t control certain flashes of memory, nor what she dreamed about at night; eve featured quite a bit in those areas of her mind. but lilith thought she was an ex-girlfriend rather than mary’s actual, current life partner.
eve tried to call mary a few times over the months btwn october-february, and wrote her a couple of letters, but lilith virtually never answered mary’s telephone and she was prone to letting mary’s mail pile up, especially because mary got a lot of correspondence from friends and former colleagues and lilith just didn’t care about any of it (remember that she has Depression And Trauma Apathy and isn’t very devoted to maintaining mary’s life). eve’s letters ended up in piles that just got thrown out.
eve wasn’t totally thrown off/disturbed by any of this because... Neurodivergence B Like That Sometimes and she and mary have Same Hat in that regard; plus she’d expected that they’d have gaps in communication. when she spoke to mutual friends in town she’d ask if they’d seen mary and usually got an answer like “she hasn’t come round lately, but i see her all the time going to/from work.”
mary knew when eve was coming back. her knowledge infected lilith with a deep sense of dread and unease as february started.
mary was very very very very very very quiet during the time lilith and eve were “dating” and i think she was struggling deeply watching lilith take over the best, most private and precious part of her life. i think... also... she found it surreal, dreamlike, and painful to be inside a body that was in eve’s arms but not under her own control.
killing and eating hawthorne was one fucking thing, but being fed eve was a whole nother ballgame.
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