#but i can't. ask people to tag those posts. without seeming weird and sensitive.
radspeon · 1 year
sometimes i wish i could ask people to tag “hatred” without seeming like a naive child that thinks that complete and total fairness is possible
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lynnedwardswrites · 2 years
It's a tag game! Write an intro for your current wip by writing an AITA style post from the perspective of one of your characters. I'm going to use Creed from The Hare and the Jackal with one of the major tension drivers of the whole book? So strap in for thematic spoilers I guess?
Tagging @lola-theshowgrl and @frostedlemonwriter and anybody else who wants to! :)
CW: sexual betrayal
Am I The Asshole for being interested in another woman?
I (40m) and my partner (35f) have worked together as con men for the last 10+ years, which, maybe 8 years ago or so, started to include cons where I would seduce or divert various women (usually nobles) to earn trust, secrets, or sometimes just access to their homes in the middle of the night. This was my partner's idea when we started and I've always made a point to make sure she's ok with it before using those kinds of tactics on any given job. And she's always been super fine with it. More than fine, even. Like sometimes I get this weird feeling that she pushes me towards those kinds of jobs on purpose? Like she wants me to... get my "needs" met or whatever somewhere else. She's never said those words exactly, but... idk it's like she doesn't actually like having sex with me. Like that aspect of our relationship is a burden to her. And... I mean I get it, cuz she's had a pretty turgid relationship with sexuality because of stuff from before she met me. And I love lots of the other aspects of our relationship. But sometimes I can spend hours touching her in all her favorite ways and her eyes will just kinda glaze over and I'll lose her.
That didn't used to bother me so much until I met this other woman (noble, so I have no idea how old; met her cuz she's the mark for a current job). And she's, like... idk. She just seems... healthy in a way my partner is not. Like she's... got something to give. But I also feel like a complete asshole even saying that because of course my partner has stuff to give and I feel like an entitled little prick even thinking that maybe she should be giving more to me despite, y'know, how hard sex can already be for her. Gods, this is so raising stupid of course I'm the asshole, what am I even saying??? This other woman is probably just using me to get something, just like I've used dozens of people before I met her. Why am I even on this forum.
EDIT: THE OTHER WOMAN TREATS ME DIFFERENTLY, OK??? She treats me like I deserve to be, idk, to be looked after and cared for too??? It's like she looked into my soul and saw how damn hard I try all the time, being as sensitive and patient as I can, and said "now it's your turn for tenderness" and I want what she's offering and I don't know what to do or how to talk to my partner about these feelings or if I even should??? I can't ask my partner to give me more than she's able to!! Do I just have to hide this from her forever? Forget anyone ever made me feel this way??? Because other woman is not somebody I'm ready to upend my life over but I just don't know if I could tell my partner about these feelings without getting ridiculed or yelled at or just hurting her feelings in a really big way that she doesn't deserve. But I also don't know how I'm ever going to be happy again knowing there's this void in my life that isn't being filled.
TLDR I might be unhappy in my relationship and getting some needs met for the first time that I wasn't even aware I had and it's making me consider breaking off my relationship with my long-term partner. AITA?
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shortpplfedup · 3 years
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I posted 1,773 times in 2021
807 posts created (46%)
966 posts reblogged (54%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.2 posts.
I added 1,776 tags in 2021
#bad buddy - 305 posts
#bad buddy series - 291 posts
#i promised you the moon - 256 posts
#ipytm - 254 posts
#bad buddy in reblogs - 144 posts
#i told sunset about you - 126 posts
#itsay - 119 posts
#asks - 108 posts
#translate my love with your heart - 93 posts
#pp krit - 80 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#but i prefer those be things like sniffing oh and his weird physical tics than the whole self-sabotage and shitty communication parts
My Top Posts in 2021
I want to expound on why the conversation with Pat’s dad is so awful even though it may seem innocuous. The fact that he drops by without warning is the start of it. Then his first go-to is to imply that Pat was masturbating (weak) and he should go play some sports instead (strong). He criticises his taste, lets him know that he’s being watched and reported on (the hint of panic when Pat asks if the professor is his friend…because the professor knows he’s getting along with Pran). Gives him the subtle ‘don’t embarrass me, you reflect on me, you have to be like me’. Then starts in with the suspicion (you’re hiding something and I’m gonna sniff it out) and immediately pivots to talking about Pran and slagging him off, the subtle reminder that They Are Not Our People. Don’t think he doesn’t notice Pat’s defence of Pran, even though he doesn’t comment on it. Then he ends by reinforcing his expectations of masculinity on him (hur hur I’m sure you’re getting a bunch of girls up in here, amirite?).
What sells it for me is Pat’s reactions…he’s already a bit panicked because Pran’s there and could be discovered, but there’s something about the way he responds to his dad’s 'jokes’…it’s respectfully halfhearted, or he tries to change the topic, or he cracks a joke back that isn’t really a joke (I don’t feel pressured at all). Basically, Pat knows his dad has a lot of expectations of him, of him being and behaving a certain way and in his heart he knows that he’s not the person his dad is expecting him to be, as hard as he tries to look like it on the outside, and what’s more he’s pretty sure his dad knows it, so he tries harder to act the part.
209 notes • Posted 2021-11-06 17:44:11 GMT
Can't stop watching the fight scene, so maybe another analysis will get it out of my head. Because every time I watch it, it takes on a new dimension...
Like how Pat's mood shifts the minute he sees Wai. He literally shakes his head when he sees him, like 'no, he's gotta go'...
Like how Wai hears menace in Pat's 'come here' where Pat meant only softness...
Like how Pran sees that Pat is sad and upset, so he does actually start to go to him with that 'come here' but Wai misinterprets everything and Pran starts to panic...
Like how Pran starts the conversation by putting on this tough performance for Wai's benefit. We've been shown since episode 3 that Pat doesn't like how Pran talks to him in public or when other people are around, that he's very sensitive to that. He is always telling Pran 'look nobody's here, you can talk to me nicely'. And here Pran's first words are to curse at him...because his stupid friend is there...
Like how Pran notices that Pat REALLY doesn't like that, his silent stare is very clear, and Pran realises he's gonna need to take a different approach...
Like how Pat makes that bitter comment about the song being 'lousy' and Pran understands that he REALLY didn't like that he played the song, but he doesn't understand why. Pran is really panicking now because Pat is very clearly big time Upset and he doesn't have a clue what's going to come out of his mouth next and Wai is right there...
Like how Pran then thinks Pat came to fight when it was the absolute last thing on his mind. Pran thinks Pat is angry and doesn't realise that he's jealous. It's not even so much the fact that Wai is there, it's the fact that Pran is choosing Wai's feelings over his...
Like how at the end, after Wai has left and Pran has walked away, Pat just sits there shaken by the violence of his own feelings. This absolutely wasn't how he meant for this to go but he just couldn't help himself, couldn't stop himself...
221 notes • Posted 2021-11-29 18:15:05 GMT
You're welcome. Technically it's too early for crack posts but I had to get it out.
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266 notes • Posted 2021-11-30 20:00:02 GMT
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GIF by @liyazaki
...has 'morning after' energy.
316 notes • Posted 2021-12-03 21:46:41 GMT
Ok, top 5 gayest outfits in this episode...
#5: this literal fruity shirt
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#4: this classic 80s-office-gay-on-the-weekend collared sweater khakis and keds ensemble
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#3: two words: 'baseball mom'
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#2: this lesbian classic argyle sweater vest
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#1: The Rent Is Due (You Might See A Titty If You're Lucky)
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411 notes • Posted 2021-11-27 17:36:31 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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exosmutfactory · 3 years
It's really heart breaking to read this. I can't begin to imagine the exhaustion you must feel. It's sad to know that something that you used to give so much drive and joy became this toxic and just ends up consuming you because of others. I'm sorry to hear that from you. I don't know if you will continue to write even if you don't decide to publish and just write for your own entertainment. But I really hope you do! I created my ff blog after anonymously reading Six Phases and it had such huge impact of on me. As did many of your works... You are a really gifted writer. Thank you for everything I can only hope things go right for you. Sending strength and compassion your way.
I spent the last 2 weeks taking a break away from here and AFF. The only way to not stress is to not see anything, so I make sure to stay away as much as I can.
I remember how active and happier I was in January this year. I wanted to start the new year right and full of positivity. Yet for the past two months, I'd wake up every day wondering: which story will they report this time? Did I block all their suspicious accounts? Why are these strangers I've never seen before laughing then deleting their weird replies to me?
It took me this long to stop feeling hopeless when I had to delete a blog post on AFF expressing my frustration. I posted the same one here as well, when someone reported my story for having smut when it didn't have smut. 5 days or so after I received that report, I had published a new smut-free story. That same day, of all days, a reporter came and reported my blog post. One where my readers were "bashing" the reporter. "We do not tolerate this behavior, reporters are doing their job." Yet I am held responsible for other people's actions? I simply said I might not update often because I was upset over it, yet when my supportive readers react more intense than me, I get the blame.
-Anyway, I learned not to say sh*t on that site coz it is crawling with people ready to report me for everything and nothing. Its very uncomfortable to be watched 24/7. That's exactly why I turned off my "online" green dot on Tumblr, because some people wait for me to Be Online before they come in with their trash talk :) months ago someone came into my Tumblr inbox in September like "for someone on break, you sure are clogging the tags with your shit posts" ??? BLOCK me? Or come off anon so I can do it for you, seriously, it takes 2 seconds.
Sorry this is so long, I've been holding this in for a long time and every time I get upset over it, I ask myself if I'm overreacting or too sensitive. I had a breakdown 2 weeks ago because someone reported my story on AFF for "violation of content guidelines" because:
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hahaha. It's hard. The stress makes it impossible to write. I feel like a lot of my readers there hate me because I am inconsisitent with posting and I can't even tell them what is happening because I'll just be reported again. It's funny seeing writers with big followings throwing my name around in their public conversations with their friends. It's so nice to know how hated I am and a relief because I could disappear from the internet any day and never hear from them again. Because a hobby, a passion, causing so much stress is never worth all these sleepless nights.
I barely interact with anyone anymore because I feel like a failure. I can't even write fanfics and post often without hating every word I write. I always wonder how unreliable and selfish I must seem to other people, but those are all my problems. I wanted to spread happiness with my stories, and now, my stories are the ones sucking the joy out of me.
I'm trying my best, but I have to look after my health first, and all of this isn't helping.
Sorry for all of this (>.<) thank you for sending me this message, anon. I will finish my stories no matter how long it takes. My works are supposed to be happy vibes, not full of my personal pains. It's hard to write things when I don't feel them. Honestly that's how Six Phases came to be (>////<) good luck with your blog!!! Share your unique writer voice with the world 💕🌸✨ I wish you the best, love 💖
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