#but i can't stop thinking about his significant others having to put up w his ass
sunfyredarchive · 2 years
a.egon gets extra clingy when he's drunk i don't make the rules
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rabbitsrants · 6 months
What do you think of D.C.'s M26, do you think it was just a fire of pairs for us Shinran?
i think, in total there are two significant shinran moments worth talking about
i enjoy certain elements of the first scene:
ran impulsively goes after a member of the black organization and puts herself in danger because he poses a threat to haibara. their fight is AMAZING, i love how ran dominates pinga despite him attacking her with a knife
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something similar happens in the manga as well (chapter 434), so the writing for ran absolutely tracks here
chianti sees the fight and interferes by attempting to shoot ran - shinichi barely manages to save her in time
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here's the thing: i absolutely hate the writers for often reducing ran to a damsel in distress in these movies, that's an issue i'll further analyze in a bit
with that being said, i don't mind shinichi saving ran in this scene. it's an impactful shinran moment, cause so far the writing is similar to the manga
the only difference between chapter 434 and this movie is the fact that shinichi actually sees what's happening and is able to actively protect ran. i don't have a problem with that, because that's what shinichi and ran do - they protect each other.
what i love even more is how shinichi decidedly urges ran to stay put, i think that's also very in character for him:
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he wants ran nowhere near the black organization, for very specific reasons that i'll get into another post
so far, this is a well executed scene, right? it's a very realistic, high-stakes moment that we'd expect from the manga. so far, so good, right? RIGHT?!
no. cause this is where the movie writers fuck up:
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this is is supposed be ran??? no fucking way.
my girl is the definition of reckless and stubborn. she's not just the type of person who'll enter a burning house to save a girl she barely knows (chapter 174), she's also the type of person who refuses to waste a single second when human lives are at stake. no matter how much shinichi begs her to stay away.
chapter 640
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and she does this in chapter 822 on the mystery train as well: shinichi yells at the detective boys, sonoko and ran, he tells them not to leave their room, no matter what. and ran repeatedly attempts to go against his instructions because she's worried about haibara, despite receiving a text message that she's okay, btw. ran's intuition tells her that something is wrong with haibara, so she's gonna fucking look for haibara!!!
i need the movie writers to understand that my girl is absolutely unhinged. she cares about other people very deeply, to the point where she's incapable of watching from the sidelines as they potentially get hurt
so how would i have written this moment? what would've been a more realistic version of this scene?
shinichi and ran get into an intense fight: shin desperately urges ran to stay put, she refuses to listen. and then there'd be two possible outcomes:
a) ran continues to go after pinga and dies in the process (remember, ran was fully prepared to die for haibara in chapter 434)
b) shinichi realizes that he can't stop ran and offers her a safer way to help. ran accepts and they work together as a team to get haibara back
why didn't the movie writers go for this approach? my theory: they don't want ran to take a bigger role in these movies, so option b) was a no-go for them. obviously it'd make even less sense for them to kill off ran, but like i already explained, there's no way ran would just give up on haibara in that moment
so why include this moment at all? what's the point of starting such a strong scene if you're not gonna progress the plot?
the point is ran being a damsel in distress.
which brings me to the second shinran moment in this movie:
ran goes after pinga again and he kicks her off the balcony, she's about to fall and get hurt
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kuroda ends up saving her and shinichi feels inadequate
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idk who this woman is but this ain't ran
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a woman who's consistently depicted as strong, fierce and very capable of protecting herself:
chapter 43
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chapter 169
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and that's not to say that shinichi doesn't worry about her sometimes, ofc he does:
chapter 493
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but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's a fucking badass who can defend herself
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and it's not just that she's capable of protecting herself, she protects shinichi too.
chapter 5
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it's like the movie writers read the manga, took note of moments where shinichi comes through for ran but completely forgot that it's mutual, they come through for each other:
chapter 389
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chapter 1050
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the movie staff doesn't get ran, they seem to have no idea how strong or caring she is and i hate how much it's hurting the fandom's perception of her
in conclusion:
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visit the shinran library for more
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marley-manson · 1 year
Could you expand on your dislike for the Raphael!Crowley headcanon? I'm fairly certain I know why but your meta posts are always so thoughtful and articulate and I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic
Thank you, I really appreciate it! And fwiw I always enjoy reading your thoughts as well!
And yeah I'm happy to! I mean first I should say that I don't actually like, hate-hate it in fanfic, it's not like an instant back-button for me if it comes up, and I feel like I've seen one or two fics after season 1 where I thought it was fine and it didn't take me out of the story.
But yeah in general I just don't like Crowley being special lol. I like the book vibe where Crowley and Aziraphale are just two... not quite nobodies, given their roles in Eden and the spy allegory of the present day, but certainly not particularly powerful or impressive demon/angels. Crowley and Aziraphale's "superpowers," such as they are, are just their adaptability thanks to living on Earth so long. That's what defines them compared to the rest of Hell and Heaven and sets them apart as uniquely capable of giving a fuck and doing something about the apocalypse. Eg Hastur and Ligur are explicitly more powerful than Crowley, but Crowley escapes them by the skin of his teeth because he's able to break convention by weaponizing holy water, and he's familiar with technology, and more capable of thinking on his feet in general.
I like that all their uniqueness comes from living on Earth with humanity. It resonates with the thematic core of the story, it's fun, and it's interesting. Crowley now being able to perform super impressive miracles and casually resurrect people (something presumably not every angel can do since Aziraphale can't resurrect Edinburgh girl) and read heaven's secret files and potentially stop time in season 1 because he's a former archangel diminishes that vibe to me.
Another con of Raphael!Crowley as a headcanon is that a lot of the time, ime, it feels similar to lost scion of royalty headcanons in other fandoms in an unpleasant way - the way that kind of leans into the idea of someone being inherently superior and worth more by birth (or creation I guess in an angel's case lol). I don't think this is necessarily inherent to the headcanon, or an aspect I think Gaiman will definitely emphasize, but there is that worry lol, especially considering how gary stu-ish Crowley felt to me this season.
Like, why is him being a former archangel meaningful or significant at all? Why does the headcanon exist? What makes Raphael!Crowley different enough from Random Angel #2398!Crowley that it's even brought up as a character detail or plot point that excites people? And I'm not implying that there are no valid reasons (eg exploring why a high ranking angel specifically would fall, or to add some drama for Aziraphale if he finds out and it matters to him, or to add drama between Crowley and the other archangels, etc), but quite often the vibe I get from this headcanon is that Crowley's just inherently more interesting and cool if he used to be a high ranking angel instead of some rando, which is a vibe that puts me off.
Ultimately I just tend to prefer mundane origins to surprise significant origins, and stories about average people (at least in their own context, as angels or w/e) moulded by life who make interesting plot-driving choices rather than inherently unique and special people. And Crowley being Raphael doesn't necessarily make him special, but it does lean in that direction, especially if it's treated as a surprise significant reveal and yk, a source of superpowers.
And to be fair I actually have been thinking about directions this concept could go in season 3 that wouldn't annoy me, and one is to emphasize that archangels aren't inherently special at all and it's an arbitrary designation, and Crowley doesn't give a shit and anyone who does (like other archangels or w/e) is going to be painted as naive and silly and too into hierarchies.
And/or, yk, emphasize that "Anthony Crowley" is emphatically NOT Raphael, regardless of who God created him as. Choose your own destiny. All that jazz. Especially if the Metatron is offering him angelhood again I could see former identity and status being brought into play and held up as extra significant by the antagonists and treated as something to be shut down and dismissed by the narrative, which I would enjoy.
So yeah, at the end of the day I just prefer Crowley as just some guy who happened to get the Earth Agent assignment, rather than the mysterious only fallen archangel.
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andbrokenmemories · 1 year
So it's weird how like. The Kennet girls are good at everything, aren't they? [pale spoilers ahead]
Like that's obvious, it's textual -- it's very textual, other characters being in something like awe over it over and over and over across the story. The girls are very good at this, and they have a deep well of power. This comes up continuously.
what's weird is thaaat a lot of the fanbase seem to like, enjoy that. Enjoy having protagonists who can play around with magic in a way Blake never ever could have. I kind of get that, I won't like shit-talk it too hard. (I do like Verona, y'know?)
But it's an interesting fact. Because Wildbow's the underdog protagonist guy! At least in action scenes, that's his whole thing! Taylor and Blake have to eat shit and die to claw their way to victory, and often those scenes work for me. And it's one of the things I think WB gets the most praise for? Like, from his established base. It's a conscious choice to not do that for Pale. He like, introduced the idea that this kind of wild practitioner would be especially powerful. He made that up for this book.
I wonder what that decision looks like -- after Ward, and Ward's issues, especially, since that seemed to be the first break from this. Underdog protagonists seem to be the default, for him; the thing he has most experience with. I've seen posts from him describing his process -- put characters against the wall without having a pre-planned out for them, so WB himself has to puzzle out exactly what they can use to make it out alive -- and he seemed to derive like... An actual enjoyment, out of it?
Yeah, there are fights in Pale where they're up against the wall... even one where, with Dire Consequences for us all, Wildbow had them lose because he couldn't see a way for them to win!
But it's not the same. I'd honestly say they usually lose because of their like, lack of full maturity -- their child soldier-y emotional rawness and uncertainty -- their lack of cohesion, as the book usually plays it. Lucy cannot stop John from joining the Contest because she can't hold her nerve against him. The girls cannot stop the murder plot from coming to fruition because they lack unity, aren't working together as a team. Emotional stuff. The girls have more tools in their box than any Wildbow protagonist before them, by far, but they can't always use them properly to get the W, for emotional reasons, for character reasons.
In theory, that's an interesting direction (maybe, possibly), and I should be relieved that Wildbow is trying something fresh. In practice... I've said I don't like Pale's fight scenes. I think Wildbow is plainly worse at this than the content of his previous works.
Part of this is seen in the Contest. Or, at least, how Wildbow Posts about it. If you can't tell, a specific WoG lives in my brain: Wildbow said once that he kept the story going past Break because he genuinely did not believe the trio could beat Maricica. I can imagine him doing his typical calculus for this, and what led him to that conclusion, maybe. For example, we've heard a lot about the ability of the Fae to manipulate stuff, aaaand to have the girls come along and undo all of that with minimal information to begin with wouuld sort of. Damage our belief in Faerie significance. Still, though -- cards on the table, here -- I think this was a Dumb and Bad choice. (It's a sidenote to this post, but I think it's very strange that, in-story the straw that breaks the camel's back is shown to be the Alabaster allowing shit to go on rather than throwing in with John, effectively a betrayer revealed moment -- a thing that, even if sorta his intention from the start, he could simply say 'aw beans i never really planned this out far enough' and just drop. for the sake of wrapping up a better story. and naturally i believe this would have been better also because it means we never would have fucking gotten White Woman Animus!! i digress. i digress.)
Maricica had weaknesses the story gave us to nibble on, and those weaknesses... are just kind of dangling threads, now? As of where I hopped off? like, guess she can't be that inexperienced with people if she became a goddess and started a cult and helped with all that red heron shit lol
So it's that thing I said, about fight scenes being more character driven. But then also, he's clearly thinking about this the same way as ever! As shown by his weird logic with framing the story going past Break as a thing he Had To Do, for Logical Reasons, or at least that weighing on the decision. a thing that is silly and i disagree with on it's face. right?
And then this shows in the sheer quantity of fight scenes -- if the girl's main limiter is internal emotional context and stuff........... uh... why are there so many fights? Why wouldnt the story naturally curve towards. having fewer fight scenes when theres no other way to square things away. that progress character arcs. whyyy do i care about fight scene 129 when i know how strong these girls are. whyyy are we fighting so many random others, and dedicating genuinely long segments of story to them, rather than montaging that shit? Getting it over with? If it has to be there at all? (for reference -- I just tried to think of a Random Pale Fight i fully don't think mattered. i selected the random like. angel summoner guy? with the fortnite constructor angel. that's a part of the musser invasion or whatever. this is a character with literally no substance, just a musser-side goon. From him entering the ongoing! fight to Lucy getting out of dodge is 4.6k words. Plague 12.7, the Mannequin fight, up to Mannequin leaving -- that's almost the entire chapter -- is 6.9k words. on the worm wiki, i saw there's a brief 'major events' summary of that chapter. i couldnt tell you the major events of the Pale chapter, of which that section of fight is like a third, maybe. lucy gets a bit more upset. lucy gets in a few quips against musser-side characters that actually matter but actually dont matter much to how that broader conflict is resolved. i guess.)
Wildbow writes any random fight the girls get into as being worth as many words as his fights in the past! the scrappy, pay-offy ones. bleh. My point in all this: you cannot simply set your protags up in the way I'm positing, here, and then continue to use the same vocabulary of every other serial anyway. it straight up doesn't work. it's exhausting. The Future is An Eternal Slaughterhouse 9000 Arc. Look, thats a criticism that boils down to 'web serials are too long'. And I'm not sure I care too much about web serials being too long! I have read longer web serials with longer fight scenes! I have written fiction with a longer average word count per chapter than Wildbow, at least during Worm! its a real criticism, but its not one im amazingly interested in personally. But the Kennet three could've had weaknesses to play around -- or at least, more weaknesses. We are in a Post-Pact world, and in this Post-Pact world, the magic in Pale really barely feels like it, uh, relies on discourse and presentation. like at all. And that seems like an option to give these characters obstacles! An option Wildbow gestures at during the Musser meta-arc!
but what struck me getting that word count comparison earlier, skimming that fight? The girls just aren't operating in that world. There's never a thought for presentation -- maybe sometimes, for a slight edge. But it never really matters, certainly not after the blue heron. They're using glamour as a workhorse tool, covering goblins in it for brief misdirects to get an edge in a fight; they're calling on the same shrine spirits over and over. They don't build up tools over a portion of story then cash them out for a satisfying win, they're just... strong. They have more items in their bags than Wildbow probably knows what to do with. Strong enough for just Lucy to dunk on any random set of practitioners, but not strong enough for the story to just skip that part, and not strong enough to just solve the plot until it's time to go fuck up Charles and end the story.
I know you could argue that I'm making this up, or that it's what some people prefer to what Pact was doing. But I just think it's not even what wildbow is good at! (and i always theorize that when wildbow is writing kind of bad, it's probably because he's not actually engaged or happy with what he's putting himself through. did he read a specific thing that made him personally excited to make the girls so versatile? I don't really know, but I don't get that vibe.)
And I have a couple of specific things I want to point out to try and prove this is like. a thing at all, to wrap up on: First, Glamour is used as this very, uh, soft magic thing, this very basic narrative tool. A pure mechanic of, like, mental states. If you're shaken, if you're uncertain, your glamour gives out on you -- if you shake your opponents, make them skittish, your glamour is better at misdirecting them. This is fiiine? But too vague for what Glamour is. Wildbow simply failed to properly present tradeoffs to one of his character's main action verbs, one that literally had those tradeoffs in Pact. And one last example to try and prove this: they dont even wear the hats and cloaks anymore duuude. Like, in my eyes: there was a very simple to read gambit being made, with the hats and masks and cloaks? You are awakening early, you will always have awoken early: You accepted an early shield against what that meant. A constructed image in place of the image of a fully-fledged adult, masking that youth; Whimsical and inherently magical, inherently wild. It's a very basic tradeoff, and one the story promises you it knows: even if they really would rather not have to go through the whole song and dance of suiting up, if it's tactically suboptimal or else they mature out of it and realise it's not for them, they will never be able to escape it -- not without giving up power. A mark accepted that cannot be given up. A mechanical restriction on their powersets to make up for some of their advantages, that also has some character relevancy. The Good Stuff.
except yeah it can. be taken off. it doesn't super matter. not really. they do plenty of magic without all the stuff on or even any of the stuff on -- it's rarely presented as an obstacle. it doesnt really matter. Because then, you see, they couldnt mature out of it and do cool stuff! it'd be. annoying. frustrating. they'd have to like. deal with changing past the natures they made for themselves. they'd have to. be characters. with character issues. that present themselves in fight scenes. you know?? what are we doing.
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hjparisian · 1 year
need you to fill the void pt. II- harry j potter x reader
link for part I pairing: harry j potter x reader w: angsty, swear words, the tiniest mentions of fucking, some fluff a/n: i did not expect this to be so long, but i hope it's alright
It's been over a month since (Y/N) was last with Harry. After the last time Harry came in begging for comfort, (Y/N) woke to an empty space next to them, Harry no where to be seen. Any hope they had about him staying with them was gone.
(Y/N) tried to put their focus elsewhere, towards school, really anything. It was difficult. Though hope was lost, they couldn't help but think about Harry. He was such a significant part of their life and without him it just felt there was a hole in them. a void only he could fix.
Unfortunately, his presence was back with Ginny Weasley, having seen them together in the Great Hall the following day. There wasn't anything (Y/N) could do, other than try to move on. But could anyone truly move on from "The Boy Who Lived?" Especially when it felt like he was the best thing they ever had?
(Y/N) felt like they were slowly and surely improving despite the occasional thoughts about it. But all that progress came crashing the moment a certain scar faced boy stood right in front of them at the library.
"Hey." The first word Harry has said to them in a while, was 'hey'? (Y/N) did not dare to look up, spitting out the words "What do you want Potter?"
"I- er- just wanted to see how you were." Harry said. (Y/N) stopped writing, suddenly feeling the pent up anger coming out. "You wanna see how I'M doing? After not even talking to me for practically a month?" They spat out. A loud "SHHH" could be heard from Madam Pince, glaring at the two. (Y/N) gave a tight lipped smile, mouthing the words "Sorry" towards her before looking back at Harry. "If that's all you want, you can leave, I'm busy."
"C'mon (Y/N) I just wanted to talk-" They cut him off. "Oh really? seems like you weren't much into talking to me lately." Harry stares at them, "(Y/N)-" "You know what, I'm leaving, I can't concentrate."
(Y/N) gathers their stuff and exits the library, wanting to get away from the boy who hurt them. Harry stands there, longingly gazing at them as they leave.
The next week was an odd one to (Y/N). They kept feeling someone's eyes on them and when they turn to look, the culprit seem to always be Harry, who would look away with a flush on his cheeks from embarrassment of being caught. Then there was Harry walking up to them trying to have a talk, but (Y/N) would always ignore him, walking past him or avoid him by going the opposite direction. Then there was the notes they would find out of no where saying stuff like 'hey i miss you', 'how are you doing', 'can we please talk'. They would either end up in the trash or at the very bottom of (Y/N)'s bag.
(Y/N) sat in their dorm room reading a book until there was knock on their door. Their dorm mates were out and wouldn't come back til the next day since it was the weekend, which left (Y/N) confused on who it could be.
They opened the door to find Harry on the other side. When (Y/N) met Harry's eyes, it looked like they shined a little brighter in that moment. Harry start to speak, "He-" BAM. Slamming the door closed. (Y/N) just stood there.
There was another knock, "(Y/N) please open the door, I just want to talk!" (Y/N) yelled back. "Go away Harry! I don't want to talk!" Harry spoke. "Please (Y/N). I'm not leaving til you let me in to talk to you." "Oh well, that sucks."
They could hear Harry sigh heavily. "(Y/N) I'll blow your door down if you don't open it in three, two, on-" The door opens, revealing an angry (Y/N). "Make it quick," they say. "Let's just get your nonsense over with."
Harry walks inside, (Y/N) closing the door behind him. He takes a second to look at the room he hasn't stepped into since over a month ago. His eyes land on (Y/N), who crosses their arms before opening their mouth, "Well? What do you want?"
He felt the nerves crawl inside him. "Well um. I just wanted to say that, I-I really miss you (Y/N). And I'm sorry." He stares at them, scared for their reaction, which in all honesty he should be.
(Y/N) felt themselves fuming. "That's it? That's all you wanted to say?" Merlin forbid they get a heartfelt apology. "What now? I accept your apology, we fuck, and then you go back to Ginny and ignore me again?" (Y/N) screams.
Harry opens his mouth to say something but (Y/N) cuts him off. "You know Harry, I'm sick and tired of this." He sees the tears flowing from (Y/N)'s eyes as they scream. "I'm so tired of being the other woman. I love you Harry. Do you know how much it hurts seeing you with Cho and Ginny? To see that the one I love doesn't love me back? It hurts Harry! I hate how you make me feel."
"I'm done Harry! I'm tired of the pain. Just go back and fuck Ginny and leave me alone!" (Y/N) sobs heavily and tries pushing Harry to the doors, overwhelmed with their emotions.
"(Y/N), (Y/N) stop! I cut it off with Ginny!" Harry tells them, lightly grabbing their arms. (Y/N) stops and stares at him.
"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" They ask, not completely trusting Harry.
Harry talks, "I cut it off a week after we last got together. You can ask Hermione, she knows. Have you ever seen me and Ginny together within the past couple weeks?"
(Y/N) takes a second to think. The only time they saw Harry and Ginny together was after they last had sex. They never really saw them together after that. (Y/N) shakes their head no.
"See? (Y/N), I truly love you, I do. I really am sorry that I hurt you," Harry says. "I just never realized it til just recently and I didn't think you'd feel the same. Do you think you could give me and chance and let me make it up to you?"
(Y/N) wasn't sure how to feel. They did feel happy that Harry likes them, but he still hurt them, even if it was unintentionally.
"I don't know Harry, it still hurts that you'd always go back to someone else when we were done. And you'd never stay the night with me. How can I be so sure you won't leave me again?"
Harry grabs their hands, holding them gently, and looks at them. "(Y/N), I promise that I'll never leave you. I never want to be the one that hurts your heart again. I'll do anything for you. I would even do your potions homework for you."
They chuckled. "No offense, you're absolute rubbish at potions." Harry laughs as well. "Well I'd do anything to make sure it would come out better than my homework."
They both laughed for a bit before making eye contact with each other. (Y/N) could see how vibrant Harry's eyes were. They were as green as the forests. They could rival emeralds (though (Y/N) would much rather have Harry than the emeralds). Harry saw how beautiful (Y/N)'s eyes were too. Sparkling from the tears they let out a few moments ago. They were like the stars in the night sky. He could get lost in them forever.
Harry started to lean forward, closing his eyes. (Y/N) followed suit. Harry's hands moving to (Y/N)'s waist while their hands went to his shoulders. Their lips met. This kiss felt much different than the ones they had before. It felt more loving. Caring. It felt soft. It was better than any other kiss they had. Cause it was out of love rather than lust.
The two left each other's lips, taking a moment to admire each other before Harry spoke. "Does this mean you'll give me a chance?" He smiles hopefully.
(Y/N) nods. "Yes." Harry let out a grin and hugged them. "I swear on my life I won't hurt you again."
He lets go. "I should probably go. It's getting late and I don't really need another detention from Filch." He turns to go before (Y/N) grabs his wrist.
"Wait Harry. Do you think you could stay the night? So you don't have to risk being caught by Filch." They shyly asked. "My dorm mates will be gone for the night and they probably wouldn't mind anyway. I have some of your clothes here too so you don't have to fall asleep in what you're wearing."
"I'd like that," Harry says with a smile.
The two got ready for bed, slipping under the covers of (Y/N)'s bed. Harry holds them in his arms while they laid on his chest. Feeling at home with each other. The void in each other's hearts was now filled with their love.
Harry looks at (Y/N), admiring them. "I love you."
(Y/N) mumbles, "I love you too, Harry," before drifting off to sleep with their lover.
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f1-disaster-bi · 2 months
alsoooooo i was reading superhero au again, and this is actually the smallest thing but i need to know, in the final fight with jon vs max’s dad, it’s mentioned that landos teddy bear was on the ground, did he ever get it back? it seemed like such a sweet item between max and lando and the line about it being on the ground is so minor but it just stuck w me. i hope it was picked up by maybe one of the other good guys during the fight when max and lando was rushed away bc i felt so bad for it (the inanimate object lmao) or if not, max and jon knows that lando regrets what happened to it, maybe blames himself a lil, and they get lando something new and soft, not as a replacement but as something different but equally as meaningful?
I love that you asked about this and picked up on it!
The teddy had such significance to Max and Lando. It was the last thing that Max had from his mum, and he hid it carefully to stop his father from taking it away. Jos had done that before. He'd thrown it out so Max got better at hiding it.
When Lando was sold to Jos and thrown in with Max, he was just this crying little kid and so scared. Max instantly wanted to protect him, wanted to be brave for him so while comforting Lando, he pulled out his stuffed cat teddy and gave it to Lando. He told him he could have him so he wouldn't be scared, and Lando took such good care of it. It's why he grabs it before they leave, it's the first and only good thing anyone had ever given him.
When it gets trambled during the fight, there is no saving it. Jon would have seen it and grabbed it if he wasn't nearly dead from the fight, and Kevin and Hulk were too concerned with getting Jon out alive and back to the jet so they can help him so Lando's teddy gets left behind.
He does get a new one when they eventually move in and are adopted by Jenson and Sebastian.
Max knows his little brother like the back of his hand. He can see that even though they're safe, Lando is struggling to sleep. It's a lot of change all at once. They go from being abused and living in constant fear to living in a compound of heros where they should be safe but don't really feel it to running away to living with Seb and Jenson. They both struggle with it, but Lando seems to have more issues with sleep, and when Max figures it out, he goes to Seb and asks him to put him to work so he can earn money to buy something for Lando.
Seb, of couse, explains that Max doesn't need to work and that he'll take him to get Lando's gift, and Max takes some convincing but agrees because he really wants to get Lando a new teddy. He explains it to Seb, and Seb makes sure that they find the perfect one for Lando; it's another cat, slightly bigger than the last but soft and perfect for cuddling, and when Lando is given it, he cries cause he felt so bad losing the original one.
Later down the line, Daniel, a few months into dating Lando, sees Lando's teddy on the bed and makes a comment that accidentally makes Lando assume Daniel is making fun of him but he isn't. Daniel genuiely found it cute, and proves it by getting Lando's teddy a friend and Lando is just left staring at him because he can't believe Daniel doesn't think it's stupid or weird or silly, and that he went and got him another
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I've seen some people be confused by Job flashback and stating how "ooc" they believe Aziraphale is in it, and as your local S2 Flashback Defender, I think some of you are missing the significance of this story? This specific flashback is very early in Aziraphale's life on earth; other than Eden, we've only seen him during The Flood, which he (albeit poorly) defends to Crowley. The Flood is Gods plan, he cannot question or disobey it, he MUST follow Heaven's orders regardless of how heinous those orders may be; Heaven is the side of light, of truth, of GOOD. Aziraphale is on the GOOD side, so there must be legitimate reasoning behind these orders.
*It's important to know the real biblical context of The Flood, which is when God believed the earth was so filled with evil that He destroyed it, sparring only Noah and his family due to them being the only righteous people left. While we obviously know The Flood was a horrific act regardless of who or what was dying, Aziraphale can very much rationalize this as being necessary for "the greater" good of humanity and The Plan, despite how obviously flawed it is.* Now, let's look at the Job flashback. Job is a righteous man, he lives his life devoted to God and is "one of the nicest men in the world!", yet he's subjected to a senseless bet between sides. This throws Aziraphale for a loop because... what purpose does this hold? You're torturing an innocent man, killing his children, and for what? For the first time, Aziraphale consciously acknowledges that Heaven is WRONG. There is no "greater good" in this act, it's cruel and senseless and he cannot go along with it. Aziraphale outright disobeys God’s plan and attempts to stop Crowley from killing Job’s children. Aziraphale puts his faith not in God's goodness and mercy, but in Crowley's. He KNOWS Crowley would never do such a cruel, senseless act. Up until this point, Aziraphale has been playing his part. He follows his orders, gives his obedience, and doesn't concern himself with human aspects; Food is gross matter, and wine is a source of drunkenness! It's what the other angels live by, he should too! It's what's right! But the cracks in this façade have formed. The obedience is shaken, the faith in his institution is shaken, and in this blasphemous clusterfuck, he lets himself discover one of his most human aspects - eating. Something he probably has been curious about but denied himself, going by his downright gluttonous reaction (I mean, what’s a little gluttony at this point?). The fact it's Crowley - a demon - who introduces him to one of his most human characteristics, not heaven, the side Aziraphale so desperately tries to please and obey, makes it all the more bittersweet. Crowley and the earth gave him more humanity, Heaven denied him of it. This portion of the story is EXTREMELY important to Aziraphale's character. Aziraphale may seem "ooc" (I don't personally believe he is, but I digress) bc he's NOT the Aziraphale we know yet. This is Aziraphale in one of his earliest forms, at the beginning of his journey. This is Aziraphale at the start of his tumultuous relationship w/ Heaven. This is Aziraphale's worldview changing forever, his views on his home & peers changing forever. This is him realizing something is WRONG. Heaven is not what he thought it was, and he can't always go along. It's why we see him battling himself throughout the flashback + having a breakdown at the end, assuming he's going straight to hell for lying, despite making the right decision. We are watching one of the most important moments of Aziraphale's character, of his mindset. Maybe I'm going overboard (probably), maybe it's the religious trauma speaking (also probably), but I will die on the hill when it comes to the quality/significance of this flashback.
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I'm screencapping it for a mention of Shapur.
Yeah he's loyal alright, stop giving me feels!
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Gieve is a troublemaker, but he's a calculating troublemaker. He put thought into how to go about philandering with women without causing any diplomatic trouble at least, lol. And huh, Sistan was a principality...
One has to wonder why he knows things like this, maybe because he's a traveller? Gieve immortal prince of Sistan theory activate
In all seriousness though, what a little shit. He's a handful and a half.
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So I went and found an alternative translation for this song/poem because it was way too clunky a read (taken from this post: HA I knew I wasn't hallucinating that one!)
“When o'er the barren plains of Māzandarān Kaykhusraw's banners wave, Flee the fiendish forces of Zahhak, Serpent-King, Frightened like sheep at the strike of spring-lightning. The treasure-sword Rukhnabad that sunders steel, Out of shards of the Sun 'twas forged. His steed Rakhshna has wings unseen, A mount that befits the Jahāngīr, world-seizer. Upon high-heaven two suns there cannot be, On this earth the Shah is but one! Peerless the hero Kaykhusraw, Who now takes up the sword, heir to mandate divine?”
And I zeroed in on the name Mazandaran and decided to do a little digging to see if it has any mythological significance or such and...
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It's a northern province, at least irl, who knows what Tanaka did with it, he could've relocated it to the far south or something for all we know.
Geographically though, I think this makes sense— the Alborz mountain ranges are located near the north, and it was under Mt. Damavand that Zahhak was ultimately sealed. Hm.
“The diverse natural habitats of the province include plains, prairies, forests and rainforest stretching from the sandy beaches of the Caspian Sea to the rugged and snowcapped Alborz sierra, including Mount Damavand, one of the highest peaks and volcanoes in Asia.”
That... doesn't sound very desolate to me, but okay. Maybe it was during Zahhak's reign, or maybe it's located entirely somewhere else (Tanaka I'm going to scream)
And oh! Look what I found!
“Literally "the gate or the valley of the giants" from مازن‎ (mâzan) + در‎ (dar) + ـان‎ (ân), from Avesta (Avestan: 𐬨𐬀𐬰𐬀𐬌𐬥𐬌𐬌𐬀‎, romanized: mazainiia, lit. 'giant'). The name has been used in Shahnameh to refer to a land inhabited by divs or (daevas) and sorcerers and is difficult to conquer.”
In-teres-ting!! I wonder what it could mean in the context of Wolfpack. Could've been Team Zahhak, could've been the clan even, esp since the province is ethnically diverse w the locals having their own language(s) and all 👀👀👀 Could the haunted Temple of Truth be up there perhaps???
Geographically it has the sea on one side and a mountain range on the other. No wonder it's so difficult to conquer.
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...it's a mercy that we the audience weren't shown Shapur's head.
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Look in the bottom right corner, you can see the damage from the flaming arrows loosed from the outside.
I have nothing to say, I just found this neat.
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Man this moment still gets me after all this time. In the translation I first read Saam said, “You may have killed ten rebels, but a thousand more have risen to take their place.” I have no preference between the two, I find them both equally striking.
Arslan in Wolfpack ends up borrowing Saam's words during the resistance after the capital fell, kinda like a rallying call. We won't stay down.
Okay now for some... theorizing? Maybe that's too generous a word. It's just something I noticed.
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I noticed the enslaved folk wearing these anklet things? I don't know if all of them do— I can't see all their feet in any given panel, but enough to make me raise my eyebrow. Maybe it's something that signifies them as slaves? I'm not sure but it's something to think about.
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dadddybangtan · 1 month
Metanoia | ch. thirteen
cw: some violence
word count: 1.2k
a.n. namjin crumbs
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Moonbyul's ramdon turns out to be one of the best meals I've had since my parents kicked me out. My eating style may come off as slightly barbaric now, but I'm sure she understands. I'm hungry and it's good.
My enjoyment is short lived, something I've grown used to while living out here. Agust and Joon burst through the door.
"Get him out." Agust says.
"You fucking rat, you knew Yangyang worked for that snake?"
"What? No."
Namjoon comes and restrains my arms and drags me off the chair of the island counter. His hold is painfully uncomfortable.
"Agust, stop," Moonbyul spoke up, "We talked. He didn't know. Yangyang lied to him and said he was only working for you."
Agust looks at me and his face relaxes almost instantly. The change stings more than Joon's hands around my arm.
"Let 'im go, Joon."
There's a hesitation before he throws me off of him. He certainly hates me.
"Jimin," He says very softly before reaching out to me, "I'm so sorry. This is- probably the worst date ever."
"I'm sorry, date?" Joon yelled.
Surprisingly, this isn't the worst date I've been on. One day I hustled enough money to take Taehyung and I to a decent restaurant. But he was high on percocet. It was like being on a date with a dead body. The withdrawal afterward was traumatizing.
"Let's just pretend this never happened," Agust says softly, "I'll take you home, okay?"
I panicked. I don't have a home here, I'm in a hotel that he can't know about.
"That's okay, I'll just–."
"I'll take him." Joon said assertively.
My face goes white. Somehow I'm more scared of Joon than I am of Agust.
"If that's alright with you, Jimin."
"Ugh, you guys are so weird," Moonbyul cuts in, "I'm telling you, the problem is gay men."
"That's homophobic."
"Agust, I cannot be homophobic. I am a homo."
"Obviously," Agust roles his eyes, "Joon, I trust you'll make sure Jimin gets home safely."
We look at each other and he stares me down like I'm a bug under his shoe. I gulp at the larger man. Joon truly terrifies me.
"Of course." He says.
The air is tight in his car. Not because he keeps the windows rolled up or because the air itself is particularly stale. It's because Joon sucks the life out of any room he's in. He's so suffocatingly rigid that it's hard to breathe.
"So," He clears his throat, causing me to jump in place, "Remember the car you got into last night? I traced the license plate number."
My stomach churns and my muscles freeze. I'm screwed. Jin is screwed. I swallow a big lump in my throat before he continues.
"Who are you," He asks sternly, "And why are you here with Jin?"
"I- I can't answer that."
"Let me ask again: who the fuck are you and why are you here with Jin?"
"I'm not fucking him if that's what you're getting at."
He slams the breaks hard, sending me forward and banging my head on the dash.
"Fuck." I groan.
"Answer the question." He continues driving.
I rub my forehead in pain, feeling a bump forming. I can't find a lie to tell to keep our cover. He doesn't like me, but he loved Jin. He may still love him since they were forced to separate.
I'm sorry, Jin, for what I'm about to do.
"I think it'd be better for you to hear it from Jin."
"And why's that?"
"It's been three years since you've spoken, right?”
Joon holds his breath. Not a sound is heard from him. He slightly readjusts his hands on the wheel.
"We're staying at The Ara."
I know that telling him our location has significant danger in it. But I have a theory and a plan to match. Joon is smart enough to put the pieces together. He knew the car belonged to Jin. He found out Yangyang worked for JK. And they're both heavily involved with me. He knows I'm not as innocent as I say I am.
But there's a reason he didn't tell Agust and have me "relocated" like Yangyang. The reason is Jin. And if Jin explains the plan, we may be able to get Joon in on it as well.
I open the hotel room door and Jin is sitting on the edge of his bed. He perked up when he heard us come in.
"Jimin, wh-."
The look on his face is one I don't think I can forget. His gaze fell just above my head, eyebrows begging and mouth parted. I haven't seen him like this. He looks like he could cry. I wouldn't blame him if he did.
"Joon," He stands, "What're you doing here?"
I let Joon step ahead of me. He's slow and suddenly less confident than I remember. He dips his head and slouches as if he doesn't want to be seen. As if he's ashamed.
"I saw the license plate on your car." Joon says softly, "What're you doing here, Jin? I know you remember what Agust said."
"I know," Jin shakes his head in shame, "I can't tell you."
"That's what Jimin said. Jin, please just tell me what's going on. You know you can trust me."
As Joon inches closer, Jin freezes. Only Joon has the power to frazzle Jin. And only Jin has the power to soften Joon. They are each other's only weakness. Like kryptonite.
"Please, Jin. If you tell me, I can find a way to help you make it out alive."
"But if you know and let me do it, you won't make it out alive."
Joon looks back at me. A pitiful look, really.
"Are you guys here to kill Agust?" His voice gives out towards the end, like he can't believe what he just said aloud.
A heavy, shaky breath escapes Jin before he nods.
"Fuck, Jin," the stress in his voice is apparent, "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
"I didn't have a choice and you know that." Jin shook.
"So he has Jimin doing it and you helping him?"
Jin nods.
"I can't let you do this."
"But if I do," Jin reaches out his hand, snakes it underneath Joon's and latches on, "We finally can be together... Don't you want that?"
He follows my plan exactly without me having to tell him. All we need now is for Joon to take the bait.
"Jin, I want that more than anything. But you don't understand. If JK kills Agust and takes over Daegu, this city will fall."
"Let it fall," Jin says lowly, "Be with me."
"I really, really wanna say no. I wanna be a good friend. But after what he did..." Joon pauses and takes a step closer to Jin, lifts his free hand up to the other man's cheek, "After what he made me do... I'll help you."
His voice is chilling, not because it's necessarily scary. It's because he means that with every inch of his being.
Jin and Joon embrace each other in a way I haven't seen before. Joon holds him like he's a soldier coming back from the war. Jin latches on as if he's lucky to be alive. Despite their daily death threats, they truly survived the agony of being apart.
I want to be happy for them, but I can't. All I feel is jealousy and envy.
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mirakeul · 3 years
making it hard to breathe
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notes ; hey, lovelies!! this is one of my entries for @kirakirasaku's ame no ai / rainy love collab event! the event masterlist can be found here, go and check out the other works surrounding the theme for the collab <33 n e ways, i'm kinda inlove w this because my baby tanaka doesn't get much love <//3 let me know what you think!
words ; 1.71k
warnings ; crack HQSKJHDAKJD, kinda angst with a happy ending, some hurt/comfort, cursing, the word, 'kill', that's it, i think ???
summary ; it started with the rain, and ends with the rain. both significant in the lives of tanaka ryuunosuke and ennoshita y/n.
pairing/s ; tanaka ryuunosuke x gender neutral! reader (you're ennoshita's twin sibling !)
taglist in the reblogs ! join my general taglist here !
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"because i love you!" you shouted.
"then stop loving me." tanaka said, his eyes full of misery and hurt.
"i can't!"
"well, that's the problem." he shook his head. "we don't work."
you whispered, "i know."
"we agree," he looked at you intently. "this has to end."
"it just did,"
the rain was pouring hard that day, seemingly knowing the tragic end between two ill-fated lovers…
well, not really.
"what the hell are you fuckers doing?" you both turned comically to ennoshita who was looking very pissed, narita and kinoshita snickering behind him. nishinoya seemed to have vanished after playing the song, "chasing cars" during your "scene" with tanaka.
"uh, acting?"
"may i remind you," he turned to tanaka who was chuckling as he scratched the back of his neck. "that you have practice in ten minutes."
"and you," ennoshita turned to you, staring you down. "why the hell do you encourage him?"
"but, it's fun!" you answered, shivering a bit from the rain. ennoshita, being the older brother that he is, put his jacket on you, "rudely" (he couldn't) handing you a towel. "we were just recording something and then, ryuu mentioned the vampire diaries and so, there's that."
ennoshita shook his head, and said, "you know what, i don't even care, just get dressed and come to practice."
the two of you saluted, quickly changing. being the sibling of one of karasuno's volleyball club members definitely has its perks, and maybe, it's also because you grew up with one of the regulars, tanaka ryuunosuke.
you and tanaka knew each other from childhood, unbeknownst to your twin sibling (who insists he's older, but it was just three minutes) at the time. you lost contact in middle school when your family moved but rekindled when you moved back. it was a surprise really, more for ennoshita, when he sees you hugging tanaka during your first years despite seeing each other again for the first time.
and a huge part of your life was with ryuu, as you call him, and the rain. walking to the gym, you recounted some of your best memories with him. that day you both jumped on puddles, and the one when you slipped in the mud and he laughed at you so you pulled him with you, and the one time you cried on him when the thunder got too loud one time you were with him.
looking back, you never really understood how important tanaka was for you. but now…? you looked at him as he told you an outrageous story about him and noya. you smiled, laughing with him when you realized…oh fuck, do i like him?
you were silent all throughout practice as you watched them. you weren't really a member but you spent enough time in the gym that they didn't really mind you going. but, today, your eyes would constantly watch tanaka, cheeks warming whenever he looks at you and grins. well...you're definitely fucked.
you snapped back to reality after daichi called for a break, tanaka immediately went to you as his water bottle was conveniently placed beside you. he was panting but he smiled at you before drinking.
your eyes traveled to the sweat that disappeared behind his jersey which he, fortunately, didn't notice. but unfortunately for you, your twin did. he cursed under his breath as he pulled you aside quickly.
"y/n, what was that?"
"you were literally drooling over tanaka!" he quietly screamed.
"i wasn't!" you said, a bit louder, making some of them look at the two of you but you dismissed them quickly. "chikara, you cannot tell anyone about this!"
"wait, so you do like him?"
"no!" you said, eyes closing in frustration then you looked at ennoshita. "i don't know, maybe? i literally don't know, help me."
"if you're asking me for help, that means you really do have feelings for him," he said.
"you're not helping! he's literally in love with kiyoko!"
he looked at you, expression in deadpan. "no. if you don't see it, you don't have hope."
"what?" he looked at you pointedly when he saw tanaka walking towards you. "wait, chikara, what the fuck?"
"y/n? you okay?"
"ryuu!" you turned to him, smiling awkwardly. "yes, i-uh, chikara was just telling me something."
"oh, okay!" he grinned at you, and sheepishly scratched his neck. "uh, listen, i won't be able to walk with you later because i have to do something important."
"it's okay! thanks for letting me know! now, back to practice, we all know daichi when he's mad."
you both shuddered with him jogging back to the others and you sitting beside yachi. after the day had ended, the rain was still pouring hard and one by one, the students slowly trickled out, some sharing their umbrellas and some making a run for it at the bus stop.
you, unfortunately, lent your umbrella to a classmate earlier and by the time you finished going over practice notes with coach ukai, the rain was so thick that you couldn't really see much through it. you tried calling ennoshita but the signal was partly jammed from the rain and from what you could remember, he was on his way to study with kinoshita and narita.
you were shivering and alone with no cell service, what could possibly make it worse?
you suddenly see tanaka from a distance. "wait, is he still here? but, he said..?"
you were about to call him when kiyoko approached him, a small smile on both their faces. this…this was the thing he's doing that's so important…confessing to kiyoko. you sat and held your legs close, you just wished someone would notice you.
tanaka was beaming. sure, he got rained on, but he finally understood. kiyoko was kind enough to help him realize his very confusing feelings towards a certain someone. by the time he got home, the rain was still pouring and so, he immediately called you, hoping you were safely home.
it rang and it rang but you never answered. tanaka eventually went and called ennoshita. "hello? what is it now?"
"is y/n with you? they aren't answering their phone." tanaka was a little worried now, why weren't you answering?
"what? wait, i'll call you back."
tanaka was pacing back and forth, texting some from the team, asking if they had seen you. unfortunately, no one hasn't heard from you. and with the rain jamming the signal, they don't know when they would be able to. tanaka's phone began ringing so he immediately answered. "hey?"
"hey," it's ennoshita. "i called our mom, she hasn't seen y/n either."
"shit," tanaka cursed under his breath. "okay, i'll try and go find her."
"in this rain?" ennoshita, despite being annoyed, was still tanaka's friend and your twin, of course, he'd be worried.
"yes, always." the usual comedic hint in tanaka's voice was gone. "i'll call you."
"okay, i'll try and find them too. please be safe."
"yeah, thanks."
tanaka ended the call, got one of his jackets and an umbrella, and yelled at his sister that he's going out. before saeko could stop him, tanaka had already run. he doesn't know where he was going, all he does know is that he needed to find you.
the rain was still pouring and though tanaka may be shivering, he didn't stop. with his last hope, he ran to karasuno. he stopped in his tracks for a moment when he saw your figure huddled in front of the steps. "y/n!"
you looked up, tears in your eyes. "r..ryuu?"
he quickly ran to you, discarding the umbrella near you as he pulled you in an embrace. you hugged him closer, still shivering from the rain. he nearly sighed in relief but decided to check you over first. "are you okay? why were you just here?"
"i couldn't call anyone," your teeth were clicking too much from the cold as you spoke. "the rain made it hard."
"you should have called me," tanaka's tone was worrying.
"i couldn't. you," you sniffed, looking anywhere but him. "you were with kiyoko, i couldn't both–"
"i saw you," you wiped the tears in your eyes. "with her, i mean. i was about to call you but you seemed so ha–."
his hands cupped your face, pulling you a tad closer as he said, "do you want to know why i was with kiyoko earlier?"
"i was asking her about my feelings for you."
"yeah," he smiled sheepishly. "you're kinda making it hard to breathe every time you smile, you know?"
you laughed, not wanting to believe him as he continued. "and like, we've known each other for so long, and i didn't understand what it meant. kiyoko noticed though. so she talked to me about it and earlier, she was telling me how i should tell you."
"would i ever lie to you?"
"yes." you pointedly looked at him.
"that was one time!" you both laughed.
"but, yeah. i didn't plan to confess this way. you know me, i'm all about being extra. i would have wanted to go big, especially if it would annoy your twin brother."
"wait, chikara. i need to text him."
"don't worry, i already did. he did remind me to take you home in one piece. but he didn't warn me about anything else, so i guess we're good?"
you chuckled, "no, you need to tell chikara."
"your mom already loves me, what's he gonna do?"
laughing, you were both reminded of your close proximity. your cheeks warmed significantly, as with his. "so," he wiggled his eyebrows
"so?" you grinned.
"i'm kinda falling in love with you, ennoshita y/n."
"yeah, me too."
"way to ruin the moment, y/n."
"fuck you, i am the moment." you laughed, but pulled him closer to his surprise. "i am kinda falling in love with you too, tanaka ryuunosuke."
and as the rain poured, you closed the distance, kissing him. tanaka, who didn't think he would get this far after confessing to the one he likes, stood dumbly. you backed away, "last chance, ryuu."
he quickly pulled you again, lips melting with yours as he kissed you. yep, your twin brother's gonna kill him.
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© mirakeul ; do not modify or reupload anywhere else but reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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pennylanewrites · 3 years
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minors dni!
description: Armin Arlert loves sweet, innocent things, especially when he can ruin them with his very own sickening sweetness.
pairings: Armin Arlert x gn! reader
word count: 2.4k
contains: smut duh, modern au, private college richboy armin, mild obsession with reader, oral (male receiving), use of the word ‘whore’, like one slap, unprotected sex (nothing spills inside dw), lowkey manipulation (what else y’all expected from armin?)
!!reader is afab(assigned female at birth), gender neutral and of legal age (around their 2nd year of college)!!
Whatever Armin Arlert wanted, Armin Arlert got. Cars, VIP seats, answers to exams, anything you can imagine. Being one of the most well-respected alumni of Paradis Institute's only son definitely had its advantages.
Girls and boys begged for a chance to be noticed by Armin Arlert, who wore his Prefect pin proudly and monitored the halls with his head high, but to no avail. Armin had long forgotten about sex, he found it appalling and unnecessary, unless it was with you.
You, who walked with your head high just like him. You, who would talk with classmates and wonder why they sprinted away as soon as the Prefect turned a corner. You, who could swear you heard a few camera clicks every time you used the communal showers. You, who despite being beautiful and charming, could not get a significant other for the life of you. Yes, your classmate, Armin had made sure the only person available to you would be himself; the handsome, smart and rich Prefect.
"Can I help you, Arlert?" Were the only words you spoke to him when he entered the science lab you were trying to work in.
"Am I bothering you, ___ ? I can leave." You took one look at his big, ocean blue eyes and sighed, taking your glasses off.
"No, sorry."
"Rough day? I'm sure it's nothing a massage can't solve." He offered, walking around the table you were working on and immediately placing his hands on your stiff shoulders. You shrugged them off quickly and faced the other way.
"Are you sure you don't want a massage from the person paying for your scholarship?" He whispered in a low voice, which would be very attractive if you weren't intimidated by him. You gulped and nodded, allowing him to happily massage your shoulders and upper back.
"I heard you're having a hard time with the new lecture."
"I-I do." You tried withholding a pleased sigh. The massage was definitely working.
"Be at my dorm around seven. I'll help you with it, ___." Armin left with a polite smile and bow of his head, leaving you to wonder how he looked so sweet yet acted so bitter.
At seven sharp, you stood outside of Armin Arlert's dormitory, patting your hair down, fixing your shirt underneath your uniform pants and looking around nervously. With a deep breath, you finally knocked on the wooden door, which was opened almost immediately.
"Come in, ___!" Armin's face lit up the moment he saw you and he stepped away for you to enter his room. A kitchenette, a double bed, a desk and a bookcase filled all the space, just like every other dorm on campus. And as you set your books on the desk, you could have sworn you caught a glimpse of tiles, running water and a nude person as the lock screen on his laptop, which he was quick to close before you took another look.
"Would you like a coffee, ___?"
"Yes, please."
It was getting past ten and your head could barely stand up on its own. You leaned back on the chair and stretched your arms out, yawning into one of them. Armin noticed and closed your book, his hand lingering on it.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" ,he exclaimed and opened a drawer, "I have some flash cards for you!"
"Oh, it's not necessa–"
"I insist." He said firmly and looked through some neatly filed papers. Once again, your eye caught a few pictures of someone's back profile and you could swear they had the same lower back tattoo as you. You, however, dismissed it once again. Boys tend to have pictures of pornstars, right?
Flipping through the flash cards, a picture fell out and Armin rushed to pick it up before you could. This time, however, it was loud and clear that the person in those photos was you taking a shower. At the time, you didn't know that all those pictures were set up on purpose. For you to see and become vulnerable in front of Armin Arlert.
"Armin, what's that?" Your voice came out in a hoarse whisper instead of the clear and stern tone you were planning on.
"Just something I'm planning on posting on the college's site tonight." He grinned.
"Wh-what? Why would you–"
"I don't know, ___. You tell me." He leaned closer to you, holding his weight on the arms of your chair. His blond hair fell over his eyes, making it the perfect shade of dark blue under the shadows.
"I have to go." You said sheepishly and started picking your books up, but an arm around your waist stopped you.
"Why do you keep on resisting me, ___?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I want you. And you want me too, right?"
     You were confused. Heartbroken. You always thought of Armin as nothing else than your classmate. So, what was this sudden urge to lock your lips with his?
     Looking up, you were met with a dark look in his eyes and a grin that seemed almost evil. You knew deep down he had dark intentions, but at the same time, you needed to know what those intentions were.
“I’ve never seen you wearing a skirt or a dress...you always act so modest, but the way you touch yourself so desperately in the shower...” his hand ghosted over your clothed thigh and stopped at your hip, “you just want to get fucked like a whore, right?”
“Why don’t you put a little show for me? Undress yourself.” He sat on his chair and opened his legs, shamelessly showing off the tent in his uniform pants.
With a blush decorating your cheeks and a trembling bottom lip at the embarrassment suddenly hitting you, you slowly unbuttoned your white dress shirt and let it drop on the floor. Kicking the Oxford shoes your school required off, your hands made way to the side zipper on your pants. This time, your eyes locked with Armin’s as your pants dropped on the floor next to your shirt.
“Those too, doll.” He ordered, referring to your underwear. His demanding tone went straight between your legs, which you rubbed together in an attempt for some friction. You quickly unclasped your bra and removed your underwear, but before you could do anything else, Armin extended his arm and pulled you closer to him. With his arms around your waist, his forehead came in contact with your lower stomach, taking in the sight before his eyes with a deep breath.
“On your knees.”
You did as he said and watched his hands, decorated with a few gold rings and a bracelet, unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. Pushing his boxers down slightly, his member spurted out and hit his lower abdominals. Chuckling at your wide eyes, he led your hand to his cock.
“Consider this a thanks for your scholarship.” He leaned back on the chair, one hand behind his head and the other gripping your hair. You nodded and brought your mouth closer, licking on the tip that dripped with precum. As one of your hands massaged his balls and your mouth started taking more of his length in, a few groans escaped Armin’s lips and the grip on your hair tightened. But he had had enough. Both of his hands found your hair and pushed your head down, earning a gag at the sudden contact of his tip with your throat. You swore you could hear the smirk in his groans as your tongue worked around his length while he pushed your head up and down rapidly.
“Just like that...good...take it all.” You would be lying if you said his words didn’t make you rub your thighs together, desperate for something, anything to fulfill your need.
Before you could lead one of your hands between your legs, warm ropes of cum hit the back of your throat. Armin thrusted in your mouth a couple more times, milking his orgasm and overstimulating himself enough that a few more drops of the hot liquid joined your saliva. Removing himself with a squelch, he grazed his thumb over your bottom lip.
“Good. Swallow like the whore you are.” You did as he said, your eyesight blurry and your head dizzy from the facefucking you just went through. Without wasting another minute, Armin got up, pulling you with him and leaving a rough, needy kiss on your swollen lips. With a knee spreading your legs and rubbing right at your core, he kissed down your neck and collarbones, allowing you to let out the most quiet moans.
“Look at you. At this rate, you’re gonna get off using my leg.” You could only respond with a hum as he tackled you on his bed, not wasting any time in taking his clothes off before getting on top of you. His hands roamed your curves and yours stayed around his neck, fidgeting with the gold chain around it. A sudden moan escaped your lips when two of Armin’s fingers scissored your slit open and entered with ease. His eyes fixated on your face; the way your lips trembled and your eyes rolled back with every pump of his slender fingers, oh how he wished he could spend every second of the day looking at you like this; so sweet, so vulnerable, almost too innocent, yet so perfect for him to ruin.
“Please, Armin...’m gonna-”
“Aww, too bad.” He removed his fingers and laughed at your disappointed face, which soon turned into a surprised one when he grabbed both your legs and placed them over his shoulders. You both let out a gasp when his pink tip entered your hole. Armin was not like anyone you’ve been with. He didn’t care about letting you adjust to his girth, thinking it was much more pleasurable to see you struggling not to make a sound.
“Yeah, say my name, love.” He thrusted harder into your walls, hands gripping your hips to ground you in your spot. Another thrust from Armin and another moan from you, each time the thrusts getting quicker and your soft voice louder, not even beginning to think that there were people on the other side of the thin walls.
“Why so quiet, love? Do you not...like...the way I’m fucking you?” He said between quick thrusts, not giving you the time to make out a single word. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the knot tied low in your stomach was ready to come untied.
“Answer me.” He ordered, the grip on your hips now almost painful. You opened your eyes to see him leaning down, your legs now almost next to your head on the pillow. Armin hovered over you, now fucking your hole with more ease. You noticed he let out soft, needy whines every time your walls clenched around his cock, to which you grinned slightly. Bad choice.
“Do you think it’s funny? The way you let me fuck you so easily?” A hand now met your hair, pulling your head back into the pillow a bit.
“That’s right. Say my name, whore.” He closed his eyes, taking in the sound of his name coming from your mouth. Your walls clenched around him as the knot finally came undone, and you were sure your juices were spilling on the sheets.
“Please...too sensitive...I can’t-” Your words came out in stutters, your legs closing involuntarily only for Armin to push them open again every time.
“Say my name.” He moaned out, thrusting inside your cunt now almost inhumanly fast.
“Armin!” Your second orgasm was on the way and your legs were starting to shake from the overstimulation. Armin didn’t fail to notice it and he wouldn’t lie if he said he wasn’t close as well, but he had learned to control himself. He couldn’t let it be over so soon. Not when he finally had you where he wanted you all along.
In the heat of the moment, it took you a few seconds to notice a stinging on your cheek, but when you did, you looked up at the blond, who was smirking down at you, hand still on your red cheek.
“Who’s fucking you? Huh?”
“You! You’re fucking me, Armin!”
“Louder.” He grunted, finally giving some attention to your nipples by slapping them teasingly.
“Armin! Armin! Fuck, I’m gonna–”
“Cum on my cock...fuck, ___.” Armin couldn’t take it anymore when your walls clenched around him once again as you orgasmed for the second time that night. Between moans and gasps and whispers of his name, you felt a wave of air hit your core and you realized Armin had pulled out.
He was now rubbing his swollen cock over your stomach, the other hand desperately massaging your breast. To help him, you led his hand to your other breast and took his cock in your own, thumb grazing over his red tip to make the beads of cum coat the rest of his length. Armin tilted his head back, not shy to moan loudly at the way your hand rubbed his length so...perfectly.
“Fuck, just like that. Just like that, love.” His legs shook slightly as his warm cum drew on your stomach and breasts, shooting almost up to your neck due to the overstimulation he went through. Exhausted and out of breath, Armin fell on the pillow next to you and planted a rough kiss on your lips.
“Let me take a picture of you. Don’t move.” Shocked, you couldn’t even blurt out a word at what he suggested, but something deep inside you made you nod in agreement. Maybe that tiny crush you had on Armin for one month on your first year finally decided to come out and play.
“Look at the camera, love. Now, smile. ” He ordered, getting on top of you with an old-fashioned polaroid in hand. He took one of your breasts in his big, soft hand and snapped a picture that he’d later pin over his bed, a reminder for himself and everyone that Armin Arlert always got what he wanted.
Lmao I hope y’all liked this otherwise it’d be embarrassing. Anyway, requests are always open, leave some for me to do while I procrastinate! <3
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junisfics · 4 years
armin arlert masterlist.
under construction
this blog contains and interacts with DARK CONTENT
* = smut, ** = dark content
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all this time* (4/4)
content: best friends to lovers, eventual smut, drunk confessions, fluff and smut
summary: reader messages her best friend armin late one night while she's drunk and needy, but will she remember the things she said to him in the morning, and if she does... will she regret it?
we can share* + eren jaeger (1/2) 
content: smut, cucking, brief eremin
summary: eren's more than willing to let his best friend fuck his girlfriend... even going as far as teaching him.
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long shots.
secret love affair* (5.5k)
content: cheating, phone sex, mutual masturbation
summary: reader is eren's girlfriend, but she and armin have been pining over each other for so long. and just one late night call from him causes the tension to snap. but shhh, don't let eren know
gemini feed* (6k) 
content: established relationship, dom/ sub dynamics, armin is mean
summary: armin arlert has always been a kind person, but behind closed doors it's an entirely different story. with just a few words, armin's faces can change
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one shots.
too much or not enough* (2.9k) 
content: oral (male receiving)
summary: reader gives armin head for the first time, and his every movement and reaction is perfect to her
armin arlert + heavy petting* (2k) 
content: suggestive, heavy petting
summary: reader and armin get rather touchy, but it doesn't go nearly as far as either of them want it to
insatiable* (2k) 
content: established relationship, kitchen sex
summary: reader is making dinner for her and armin, but who knew she would look like a meal herself when she's bent over their countertop
thigh riding* (1.4k)
content: established relationship, heavy petting
summary: reader wakes up needy for armin. when he suggests something they haven't tried before, she's more than willing with a little help
blurred lines* (3.3k)
content: established relationship, virginity loss, fluff and smut
summary: after a particularly emotionally draining mission, reader tells armin she can’t wait any longer. so armin is so incredibly gentle and attentive as he takes her for the first time.
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blurbs / drabbles.
general smut.
mutual masturbation*
armin gets caught but is told to continue
getting caught*
eren just happens to be at the door while you and armin are getting intimate
fucking while high*
the intoxication has you especially needy
s/o with nipple piercings*
when he first feels them... he's ecstatic
morning handy*
armin and reader are both so needy in the morning
dom armin smut.
somnophilia* / somnophilia ii* / somnophilia iii*
you and armin both thoroughly enjoy the pleasure you two feel while one or the other is sleeping
armin has a thing for taking you as his while everyone else is in the room sleeping
face sitting*
it took a lot of convincing, but armin finally got you to sit on his face
kitchen sex*
you just look so good bent over that counter
titty fucking*
armin loves reader's tits
while other people are sitting with you in a living room, they have no knowledge to the fact that armin is balls deep inside you while he's talking with eren
finger choking*
armin shoved his fingers down your throat
yandere! armin + gun play*
armin just loves you so much, he would absolutely lose his mind if he couldn't have you
breeding + switches*
when reader wasn't riding armin the exact way he wanted her to, he decides to take control and have her the way he wants her
reader loves when she's fucked to the point where she can't even think
virginity loss / dubcon*
armin wants you so bad, but you don't seem to be ready for him yet. too bad, he'll convince you that you are
choking / spit / daddykink*
 self explanatory
up against a table*
armins been thinking about you all day and takes you over a table
vampire! armin*
vampire! armin has his way with you in the most unexpected of ways
size kink / dacryphilia*
who knew that armin arlert would have such a big dick? but who also would have known how much reader likes to be stretched out by it
sub armin smut.
armin arlert loves one thing and one thing only: praise
being sexually frustrated*
armin just needs reader so bad, can you blame him?
making out in a closet 
reader is feeling quite needy, so she pulls armin into a storage closet to have her way with him while she can
overstim / fisting*
after getting armin off, he and reader try something new for the first time. it was unexpected, but neither of them are complaining
being needy*
just more heavy petting w armin hehe
mommy kink*
it just slipped out one time and now neither of you can stop
overstimulation / dacryphilia*
reader rides armin until he's in tears from pleasure
dacryphilia / mommy kink ii*
he just needs to cum so bad, but will his mommy let him?
cross dressing*
armin just looks so pretty in baby blue lingerie, and you love to let him knowhow you feel about it
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smut scenarios.
accidentally walking in on you*
armin accidentally walks in on you while you're showering. and now he can't seem to get you out of his head no matter how hard he tries
compromising situations*
armin mind tends to wander when he's put in compromising situations
panty snatching i* / panty snatching ii / panty snatching iii 
armin arlert has a nasty habit of stealing his crush's panties, but what will happen when she fianlly catches him in the act?
changing mind*
reader changes mind before sex and armin comforts her
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relationship headcanons*
what turns him on*
dick visuals*
eren wanting you and armin but not being able to have you*
poor armin is just too sensitive for cockwarming, he cums way too quickly
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sfw content.
how armin would be with a shy significant other
armin arlert + being drunk 
drunk armin is so in love with reader that he goes stumbling around looking for her
ass slapping 
reader gives armins ass a little slap in public
armin arlert + erwins younger sibling 
reader is erwins younger sibling and it makes armin nervous
going to an aquarium 
armin brings the reader to an aquarium
beer pong + praise
armin being proud of you makes you all tingly
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angelic-dew · 3 years
Do you have some LJ Yan¡ HC by any chance? I love yandere stuff. So LJ + Yan = is just ♡♡♡
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʟᴀᴜɢʜɪɴɢ ᴊᴀᴄᴋ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴs
I was actually working on some yandere! L.J. hcs in my drafts lol,but sure!
L.J. actually makes one of my top favs in creepypastas, he makes me soft .w.
TW: unhealthy behavior, abuse, 🤡, Light cussing, many more shit along the lines of that~
And enjoy this shitty writing <3
I'm going to separate his part in sections for different parts of his yandere traits ....if that makes sense?
Gender: I tried my best to keep it for all might have a few female regarding pronouns but it's meant for all genders <3
I got so triggered in the middle of making this cuz Tumblr didn't save so I lost 240 words 😐
How you met
Before he became this horrid ,creepy ,unattractive, predator...he was your childhood best friend, although you thought it was peculiar that when you visited the circus with your parental figures he was always there, and when you were home he was always there as well, but you weren't complaining you had a new playmate besides you're annoying siblings (if you're character doesn't have siblings just pretend that part was never said).
Though your guardians found you're behavior strange that you were talking to thin air they never judged..after all you are a 5 year old. 5 year Olds have imaginary friends all the time! But...this one was very real.
Before, his colors were just so vibrant his hair a mixture of a pinkish red. His clothing was always brightly-colored, and the best part His mood was always so cheerful! You made a promise to him that you would always be his best friend no matter what.
As you grew older into a magnificent young adult your "best friend " stopped showing up...but thats what imaginary friends do.
What type of yandere
I see L.J. as a delusional, possessive, manipilative yandere.
He would prefer to stalk rather than kidnap right away just to see what he's dealing with. So, When you thought your "best friend" disappeared that wasn't the case he was just stalking you're ass. Night is usually his usual stalking time it's more quiet and no one is there just you in your room looking so beautiful..just you. L.J. literally watches you sleep from night to day. He thinks that you are just his little darling and that he needs to protect you at all costs.
Well most yanderes are possessive, But this creepy clown takes that possessiveness to a whole other level. If you have a significant other already they will be exterminated and nothing will link back to him I guarantee, so my condolences, Jack is just too possessive. If you were a little to close to someone or they flirted with you he'll kill, haunt that person until they commit suicide or enslave their soul for all eternity, as for you he'll give you nightmares about the carnival.
Very jealous much not thats kind of an understatement..Very envious there we go! It's not long until he murders your entire family and everyone you love, after all they were just so close to you, and we can't have anyone there to disturb or just love you in general they need to go. All you need is him forever.
Well here's one thing about L.J. he can gaslight and manipulate you for sure. So he finally kidnaps you...he keeps track of everything you say and will use it against you no matter what. Do not test his patience, even though he loves you he's not afraid to harm you...keep that in mind. He actually keeps you in his pocket dimension (the run down carnival) where you see souls wonder about all the time, and is actually terrifying but you'll get used to it I give it a year.
His punishments are some what gruesome towards you but mostly to the persons you love.
So we know L.J. has claws and those claws are sharp..you can see where I am going lets say..ok to put a long story short he ties you to a chair (kinky) and kills your loved ones infront of your eyes.
Anyone who has been looking for you will suffer a terrible fate..what does that have to do with you? Well he'll guilt-trip you and blaming you for making him kill a person who was innocent, but of coursehe didn't feel anything killing them thats just one less person out of the picture.
If you were to really piss him off he would start to hurt you mentally and physically. Here's a thing he likes to do...remember when mentioned how his claws are sharp well this demon like clown uses those exact same claws to carve his name into your skin, he honestly just finds it so satisfying. Besides that, he'll call you profanities over and over again if you actually broke him.
Bi-polar mf-
My first time writing L.J. so this might have been bad .,.
Don't kill me for my grammar errors please there unintentionally made so if it triggered you I apologize;_;.
If you have other characters you think I should write don't be afraid to ask me (or ask me random bullshit anything works tbh)
Anyways stay safe Darling 💜
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ibuki-loves-you · 4 years
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We'll meet again... (Hajime Hinata x Reader)
Warnings: Angst, death, mentions of hanging, mentions of sl/t throat
Mod Ibuki: This is a little something @call-me-ko and I wrote together! It's based off of Chapter 4 of SDR2. Y/N takes Ibuki's place in the murder. I hope you enjoy!
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Two lovers laid in eachothers' arms. Hajime Hinata, his ultimate unknown, and Y/N L/N, the ultimate Y/T.
Hajime's eyes fluttered open. He winced at the bright light. When his eyes adjusted, he turned his head to look at his sleeping lover. He took his right hand that was around Y/N to their hair, gently stroking their head.
Hajime slowly stopped, placing the fingertips of his other hand on their forehead. After feeling an unnatural temperature, he pressed his lips against their forehead to double check. After a moment, Hajime retracted his head back.
That's not good...
"S/O...hey." Hajime gently shook their shoulder. Y/N opened their eyes silently. They looked up at Hajime, receiving a comforting smile in return.
"Hey...morning." Hajime whispered, looking for any trace of sickness in their features. Y/N blinked. "Good morning. How are you?" They asked stiffly. Hajime winced. "I'm...okay. How are you?" Y/N patted his chest. "I feel fine. We should go to the dining hall. Everyone is waiting."
With that, Y/N stood up. Their face remained stoic. Hajime placed a hand at the small of their back.
"You have a fever...are you sure? Maybe you should just lie down and I'll tell the others you aren't feeling well." Hajime offered. Y/N shook their head.
"I am fine. There's no need to worry."
He should've known
He should've known
If he pushed a little harder, he wouldn't be in this position.
He wouldn't have to see his lover dangling from a rope around their neck with a bag on their head.
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"I-I c-can't...I need air." Hajime muttered. Everyone nodded in understanding.
Hajime pushed through the double doors and slowly pushed down the wall. He buried his face in his knees and began sobbing. He felt as if he couldn't breathe.
His significant other. His sweet, harmless significant other.
Hajime would never get that image out of his head.
With a deep breath, Hajime stood up. He walked back into the music venue with a sigh.
Y/N's body was no longer on the support beam. Gundham, Kazuichi, and Fuyuhiko had helped laid the body down while the others occupied themselves investigating Hiyoko's body.
"I didn't even notice Hiyoko died too.." Hajime thought. A pair of fingers snapped in front of him.
"Hey, I'm sorry." Fuyuhiko said apatheticly. He looked down at this shoes. "We all cared about them. I have no clue who did it." He added. Hajime didn't respond, just stared at Y/N. Their face was hidden by Mikan examining them.
"So what happened?" Hajime asked bluntly. Fuyuhiko looked taken aback, but quickly recovered. "They were strangled beforehand. That's really all we know. And that's it's warm as fuck in here...can someone turn down the damn heat!?" Fuyuhiko yelled.
"No! It may pertain to the investigation!" Nagito walked out of the storage room. "It makes it harder to investigate the body, we can't determine a time of death because of the temperature. Leave it, please." Nagito ordered. Fuyuhiko rolled his eyes. "Of fucking course. Because this can't be easy."
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Soon enough, it was time for the trial.
"I think it's best to assume the murder weapon is the rope." Nagito started.
"This is real..." Hajime mumbled. "Hajime, you want justice for Y/N, right?" Chiaki asked calmly. Hajime looked up and nodded. "Of course I do." Chiaki nodded in response. "Then we need to get through this trial. Give yourself closure and make Y/N proud." Hajime took a shaky breath and nodded.
"Make Y/N proud..." Hajime whispered to himself. "...I won't let you down."
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"Then the killer must have gotten the bag from the theater!" Hajime exclaimed. Everyone nodded in agreement. "This proves Y/N didn't commit a murder-suicide." Nagito responded. "H-How?" Mikan questioned.
"Because that bag was a limited item. It was buy one, get one, that was that. And I know for a fact Y/N never went to the theater." Hajime explained. He looked over at your stand, expected a smile for making a good point. He felt a pang in his chest when all he was met with was your portrait.
Mikan let out an exasperated sigh under her breath. "That brings us down to who watched the movie motive, right?" Kazuichi asked. Hajime nodded. "...Then who watched the motive video?" Gundham added. Everyone looked at eachother.
"Well, shit." Fuyuhiko cursed. "We all know that no one is gonna fess up. So-" "We're stuck." Hajime finished. Fuyuhiko nodded in agreement.
Everyone stood silent, contemplating their next move.
"I think I may be able to help you."
All heads turned to the 9th podium.
"Y-Y/N?" Hajime mumbled. Y/N sent him a smile.
"The one and only." Their attire returned back to their uniform, not the hospital gown they died in. Everything seemed normal...then Hajime looked at the hand that gripped the podium.
"W-What happened to your hand?" Hajime stuttered. Y/N raised their arm, examining it. It was black and silver, evidently metal. Y/N sighed. "Accident, that's not import-"
"HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ALIVE!?" Mikan screeched. "Mikan?" Akane asked, confusion evident in her tone. "I WATCHED THE LIGHT GO OUT IN YOUR EYES. HOW ARE YOU HERE?! I DON'T U-UNDERSTAND!" Mikan screamed. Her eyes began swirling. "Can you stop screaming? It's annoying." Nagito said, a scoff following the statement. Mikan snapped her head in his direction. "Annoying? Well, I think you'd have the same reaction if you put yourself in my shoes." Mikan said darkly, her tone dropping to a near hum.
Hajime scowled. "Was that a confession?" He asked. Mikan smiled. "I suppose there is no hiding it now...yes, it was." Fuyuhiko's eyes nearly popped out of his head. "What the hell has gotten into you?" He growled. "Chick's lost it, that's what!" Akane responded.
Mikan let out a sigh. It had sounded like she had been dreaming. "My beloved wanted them...Hiyoko just happened to walk in as I was committing the crime." She paused. "IT'S NOT MY FAULT! MY BELOVED WANTED THEM! SO FORGIVE ME!" Mikan screamed. Everyone jumped. Y/N glared at Mikan. "There you go...mine and Hiyoko's killer. Hajime, can you please end this?" Hajime gazed at them. Y/N sent a comforting smile his way, as if telling him that he could do it. Hajime nodded. "So here's what happened..."
Hajime spent a few moments giving a rundown of the murder. From how Y/N was strangled to how Hiyoko had her throat slit.
"Isn't that right, Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse?" Hajime finished. Mikan giggled. "Just let me see my beloved already~"
Mikan was dragged off to her execution. Y/N stood behind Hajime, their real hand in his shoulder.
Hajime swung around and embraced them, sobbing into their shoulder. Hajime cradled their head with one of his hands. Y/N held him close and whispered hushed assurances.
"I-I'm so sorry! I should've forced you to stay. I-If I did, t-then we would get out together. I-I'm so s-sorry-"
"You'll see them again." Hajime looked up from Y/N's shoulder, face red from crying. He was met with himself, except one eye was red. Everyone looked at the three in confusion.
"W-What?" Hajime questioned weakly. The man repeated himself. "I know how much it hurts, I am you afterall. You will see them again, don't worry." 'Hajime' explained. 'Hajime' placed a hand on Y/N's unoccupied shoulder. He gently tugged them back. 'Hajime' took their hand, lacing their fingers together.
"I love you, Hajime. Don't forget that." Y/N said. They gave him one last smile and seemingly disappeared with the other Hajime.
"...I love you too, Y/N. Forever and always."
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pfft-yikes · 4 years
I can't find the anon button so i volunteer as tribute-- top shino vs. bottom shino? Shino trying kinks with s/o? thank you monarch, mighty delicious bones.
I’m back with a request that has been sitting in my drafts for quite sometime now! Sorry about that @boneeating--baastard ;;
Anyways, this will be pretty long: I hope the length helps makes up for my horrendous post gappage ^^;;
- if harder kinks/BDSM aren’t your thing or make you uncomfy, I would skip this particular prompt. Enjoy!
Top!Shino - NSFW
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Shino is very quiet mostly because he gets interrupted or ignored all the fucking time, so it made you wonder if things would be like a silent in the streets freaky in the sheets sort of thing
It’s definitely that and then some ♪
When you first started dating, obviously he wasn't gonna flat out go "Sweetheart, I need you to understand that I'm kinky husband material and will make you beg for me to touch you"
In fact, saying such a sentence would be quite embarrassing
He didn't want to push that on you though, or scare you with kinks he likes or wanted to try
However, this changed one night
You were staying over at his place during his off day; you'd already slept together before so it wasn't a big deal or anything
One thing led to another and next thing you know, you're both going at it
Something seemed different though, with both of you. Maybe you never noticed it before, but
..was Shino holding back.?
I mean to be quite honest, you’d gladly do it whenever Shino wanted to, however he wanted to
Y-You just never openly said this
And another thing; you're way too turned on right now, more than usual
Oh n o
✨ Ovulation ✨
You've never done it when you were ovulating!! You really didn't want your inner sluttiness to come out, Jesus ChriST-
..B-But..I want more..
You tried your best to hold back, but all of a sudden you find yourself staring Shino in the eye, wriggling around
"..D-Do me more..Fuck me so hard that my pussy memorizes your shape..p-please?"
"..I won't hold back anymore, then."
All of a sudden he slams himself into you, sending jolts down your spine
You can't help but turn into a moaning mess in front of him, scrambling to grab whatever you could on the bed
He grabs your small wrists with one of his big hands and pins them above your head
He lifts one of your legs up and places it on his shoulder, pushing himself deeper inside you
"..Tell me what you want. I know you have ideas in that cute head of yours."
"P-Pull my hair..c-choke me.. I'll do anything you want..I want more.."
He stares at you and caresses your face, running his thumb over your cheek, then your lip
"Is that really what you want?"
You lick his thumb and look up at him;
"Yes, sir."
Shino.exe has stopped working
He moves his hand to your neck, careful to lightly squeeze your arteries and not your throat
He feels your pussy throb and squeeze him harder, making him groan
"You're so eager. Cute."
He flips you over and pins your arms behind your back with one hand while grabbing your hair with the other
"Arch your back for me, sweetheart. I want you to feel everything."
He pounds you deep, making your legs shake
You had to have came at least 4 times now
Shino starts groaning more, and you feel his dick twitch inside you
"P-Please cum inside me..I want it so bad.."
"You really want me to take the condom off and do that? What an interesting request."
"I'm on birth control.. Please..?"
"Please what?"
"P-Please, sir?"
"How naughty."
He kisses your back while he slips himself back into you, raw this time
"Mm, fuck.."
He feels amazing inside; his dick is so warm.. Why didn't you get on birth control sooner?
His thrusts get faster and harder, putting you over the edge once more
He cums inside you, filling your hole up until it spills out
You thought that was it, that it was satisfying enough to stop
But you both sensed it wasn’t.
All of a sudden Shino picks you up off the bed and slams his hands on top of yours against the wall
Without missing a beat, he slowly pushes himself into you while licking your ear
“Let’s see how well your birth control works, darling. Keep your hands on the wall.”
Shino firmly plants one hand on the small of your back and gently reached around and placed his other hand’s fingers in your mouth
He starts picking up the pace, going deeper and deeper
Your head feels so light; it feels so good it’s dizzying
Shino notices how shaky your legs are and mentally captures this moment, chuckling a bit to himself
He turns you around to face him, and lifts you up, tucking his arms under your knees
He kisses you so deeply that the kiss itself could make you cum at any moment
You wrap your arms around him as he slams you down onto his dick, both of you getting close
Shino groans in your ear, pushing you to the edge
He feels your walls convulsing, and releases more hot liquid deep inside you
He carries you to the bed: you lay there shaking, while he holds you and plants small kisses on your hands
Oh god she hated it
"..C-Can we try bondage next time? I-I have other ideas too, i-if you want to try them.."
Heart eyes for yOoOoOuU-
"Of course. Let's help you to the shower for now."
Bottom!Shino - NSFW
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You two have been getting more comfortable with each other, both in bed and in general ever since you guys stopped holding back
There’s been a lot of experimenting throughout the last few months, just as promised
In fact, Shino probably knows you better than yourself in some ways now
You learned a lot about him as well in the process too; however
It’s still a bit difficult to read him, he’s very good at keeping a poker face;;
There is..s-something you could try, if he’s okay with it of course..
E-Even if it’s embarrassing for you, it’s for a good cause!! Understanding how to read your significant other is important for a healthy relationship!
The weekend rolls around, and you mentally prepare yourself for what you’re about to do on your way to his place
Shino opens the door before you even knock
“Oh, hello Shino! Did I make you wait too long?”
“Of course not, I just knew you would be here soon because of my bugs. Come in.”*
*This is a half truth; in actuality he was simply really excited to see you after that bullshit mission with Naruto and Kiba and couldn’t sit still
You go inside, give Shino a hug and quick peck on the cheek, and say hello to his contained bugs
They were really happy to see you
You spent the afternoon chatting about what’s new, and listening to him vent about being stuck with the two idiots again during his last mission
After helping him in the kitchen with dinner, you decide that now is as good a time as any to prep for spending the night
“Shino, I’m going to go take a quick shower, okay?”
“Sure, I’ll be checking on my beetles.”
...She was acting fidgety when she was grabbing a change of clothes from the dresser.*
Yes, you have your own drawer of clothes at his house uwu*
He glances towards the drawer in question
But..I don’t want to mess with her things. Hm...
The water just stopped, so I’ll just wait until she comes back.
While Shino contemplated why you were acting sus as fuck in the bedroom, you were trying to calm down before you finished drying your hair
Feeling a bit nervous, you walk out of the bathroom sporting a simple oversized t-shirt and some baggy shorts
Shino looks at you, and gives you a kiss on the back of your hand when you sit down on the bed next to him
Oh thank God, he doesn’t suspect anything
“You seem anxious.”
So that was a fucking lie-
“I-I’m not really-..I-I mean, it’s just that-”
“I was wondering if..m-maybe we could- you know..d-do it.?”
“..? Of course we can. I wouldn’t refuse.”
Shino gently lifted your chin and gave you a simple kiss, slowly deepening it
You could feel yourself getting dizzy, but remembering what you had planned brought you back to your senses
You gently lean on top of him, pushing him back onto the bed
You look at him, and nervously say
“C-Can..can we try something different.? I kind of want it to be a surprise, so.. I-I guess what I mean to say is, d-do you trust me?”
Shino gives you a small smile and nods
“Of course.”
“O-Okay then; please, t-tell me if anything is uncomfortable, or if you want to stop, alright?”
With that, you grab his hands and start kissing him once more, slowly moving his hands above his head
You take his shirt off, and right after his arms get free from his clothes-
-you proceed to tie his hands together with a pre-knotted silk.
“...So..This is why you’ve been anxious.”
“W-Well, that’s..part of it..
What does she mean “part” of it?
You take your baggy clothes off, revealing black lingerie you hid in your bag, then straddle your tied up partner
“Oh. I..didn’t expect that.”
Drats, he’s still composed as hell! Time to start kicking things up a notch
Shino was not, in fact, composed at all
At least not internally; his heart couldn’t handle this sort of pleasant view
He didn’t think you would take this sort of initiative
You proceeded to leave hickeys all over his neck and chest; he’s always so covered up that it’s not like anyone besides you would see them anyways
You kissed your way down his stomach, and felt how hard he was
You pull down his pants and eagerly caress his dick, planting a small kiss on the head
Looking up at him, you drag your tongue up his shaft and swirl it around the head, slowly taking it in your mouth and sucking
She did not just do that-
While I’m tied up.
You noticed how he seemed to want to buck his hips the deeper you took him in your mouth
You looked up and noticed him turning a light shade of pink
You wondered if you could..
All of a sudden, Shino flinches
!? Did she just..s-start deepthroating me.?
He couldn’t help it; Shino brought his tied hands down and grabbed your head, thrusting his hips against your mouth
You heard his breathing get shaky, and all of a sudden you felt his hot load in the back of your throat
“! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-”
Shino looks down to see his girlfriend with tears streaming down her face, staring at him while she swallows what’s left of his cum
“Hey, Shino..”
You crawl on top of him, rubbing your pussy on his dick
“..Cum for me more..”
Oh my god, she’s completely turned on. It’s like she’s a totally different person..
You lean back and slip him inside you
You let out a moan, and you feel him throb inside you
Oh..he must like hearing me moan
You started to slowly pump yourself up and down
He started thrusting himself into you, wanting to pick up speed
..but you kind of felt like being a brat ✨
You stopped, then started grinding, swiveling your pelvis in circles
He seemed..irritated?
“So, you decided to tease me..”
All of a sudden you feel yourself fall backwards, and find Shino hunched over on top of you
Looking at the silk around his hands, he seems to have wanted to pry himself free a few times..it’s kind of..c-cute..
He kisses your neck, nipping you here and there out of frustration for not being able to grab you
You turn yourself around, pushing your ass against him in this huddled doggy position you both found yourself in
You can feel how warm he is, and notice how much his dick is twitching; you’re more than positive he wants to stick it back in
You slowly push yourself back onto his dick, mewling at the sensation
You can hear Shino release his breath above you, as if he was holding it
Noticing that his hands are right in front of your face, you grab the silk-
And pull his weight forward while you thrust your hips back
“Hn..! W-What..”
Did he just kinda moan??? ✨
You start quickening your pace, causing the man looming over your body to swell inside you
You slow down, and crawl out from under him, leaving his dick agitated
“Leaning over for so long probably isn’t very comfortable when you’re restrained like that, right?”
Shino sits up, a bit confused about what the fuck you’re talking about; He honestly wasn’t even thinking about it because of how good you felt
You crawl over to him and wiggle yourself between his arms, straddling his lap
“This is better, don’t you think? Now I can kiss you all I want!”
“Hm? Did you say something Shino?”
“No. This is nice; I get to look at your cute facial expressions while you’re in my arms. I like it.”
..h-he still finds ways to embarrass me even in these situations;;
Shino chuckles to himself, seeing you turn a bit red
He leans forward and presses his lips to yours, progressively making it heavier and hotter
Without even realizing it, you find yourselves grinding on each other, you both getting slicker the longer it goes
You finally lift yourself up, and push yourself onto his throbbing dick
You both pant out of relief, and ease yourselves into a steady pace
You don’t even care about the fact that he’s thrusting himself into you, that you aren’t in as much control anymore
You both just really need to feel each other
“I can’t..resist anymore..Sorry, sweetheart.”
You feel Shino grab hold of your hips; you forgot that the silk hardly made an impact on your size differences
Then without warning, he slams himself deep into you, causing you to dig your nails into his back
You can’t help but cling onto him, grabbing a fist full of his hair
Shino groans into your neck, sucking and biting your skin
He feels you cum, your legs shaking
The sensation of your walls squeezing his dick is too much; his cum is so hot it feels like you’re melting on the inside
He came so much that it’s practically dripping out of you
You untie his hands, and he instantly holds you close to him.
“I’m surprised.”
“You taking this sort of initiative. I didn’t expect it.”
“But you found out I was up to something before I even did anything, silly.”
“I didn’t know you’d do this though. But it was cute. I like seeing another side of you.”
With that, you both goof off and cuddle for a while; bath time can wait just a bit longer
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I might put up a poll to see which character out of my requests to do next, I don’t want to put out too many of the same character at once;;
Until next time! ✨
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atsumiyass · 4 years
Hii back 👉👈
Well; I have like two main requests ideas and since I just can't choose, I'll send you both ! You can just choose your favorite or write both, it's reaaalllly like you want ❤ hope I'm not abusing 😳
So, my first request stems from your wonderful Symphony work (that I loved rrallllly really much, you may have understood it). I was wondering if we could have some High school sweet shared moments between Y/N and Todoroki-kun? I have no special demands, but since the end of Symphony is years later, when Reader and Shoto are pro-heroes, I was wondering if we could have a Drabble on some earlier moments, back to the time where Shoto and Reader where in a slow burn process. . . I hope I'm clear .//. And it's if you feel like it, of course !
If you need some examples, it can be some very casual, little yet significant things, like when Reader will call Todoroki "Shoto" for the first time, or vice versa, when they will train together... I just want to melt imagining their little yet intimate shared things ❤
Thank you so much in advance! ❤❤
hey bubs!! i just want to say before you read this thank you so much for your love and support of my work! it brings me so much joy to know you’re enjoying it 🥺 I absolutely loved your ideas and i will be writing your other one very soon! hope this is to your liking and enjoy! <3 - admin venus
Harmony (symphony prequel)
read symphony here!! 
synopsis: in which you remember the time you spent with todoroki during your three years at UA.
warnings: so much fluff you might cry from happiness (?)
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The moment you met todoroki was like any other interaction for you.
It was your first day at UA high, so like any other first day of school you went around to greet your classmates whom you’d be with for the next three years.
When you got to greeting todoroki, his appearance wasn’t that surprising to you, you actually thought his hair was pretty cool.
Saying hi as politely as you could, you bowed and told him that you looked forward to being with him for the next couple years.
Boy could you have been any more right.
The first time you hung out with todoroki was when he asked you to train with him, saying that “your quirk is the most incompatible to mine”. You assumed that he would make small talk to lighten up the mood, but he did nothing of the sort.
Just training.
You were a little dejected, you wanted to get to know the heterochromatic boy then from a simple introduction. He was closed off and extremely antisocial from what you’ve seen, but you thought after a training session with him he would’ve lightened up a bit.
Guess that wasn’t the case.
A couple more silent training sessions later, he finally attempted at some sort of conversation.
“I like your voice.”
That was all he said, just a simple sentence. You weren’t sure how to respond so you just said a simple “thank you” and continued with what you had been doing previously.
After that he kept talking more, asking about yourself and your interests. But never talking about himself. You assumed it was just his introvert personality leading the conversation.
But in reality, he just really loved to hear your voice.
The first time he asked you to come into the city with him was a surprise to you, it was after school on Friday and you were studying in your dorm room. You heard a knock at your door and there stood Todoroki in his casual wear. 
He looked absolutely gorgeous by the way.
He told you that he didn’t want to go alone so he though he would invite you. So, you got dressed and headed out with him. To anyone else it looked like you both were out on a date, and the thought never left your head all night. Making you a blushing mess half the time.
That night in particular, it was cold and you had forgotten to bring a jacket since you were mostly focused on your appearance then belongings. “Are you okay? You’re shivering.” Todoroki asked, a gust of wind blowing in your direction making you shiver more. “I’m fine just, a bit chilly.” You laughed, rubbing your hands on your upper arms. Before you could reassure him, you felt him put his jacket around your arms. “I don’t want you to catch a cold…” He told you, to which you gave him a small smile. “T-thank you Todoroki, that’s very nice of you.” You told him, turning back to look at the sidewalk ahead of you. “You can move closer if you want. I don’t mind.” He said, turning his head to look back at you. “W-what? Theres no need to get closer! I mean we’re already close! Unless you want me to move closer? Or move farther? I-I can do either or.” You stuttered, flustered at the fact he wanted you to move closer to him. “whichever you prefer is fine.” He said in his usual monotone voice. Taking up his offer, you moved closer to touch arms with him. What you didn’t expect was that he would place his arm around your shoulders. You let out a sigh of content and kept walking side by side with him.
What was he thinking? Putting his arm around you? Surely you found it weird, uncomfortable even. But he kept it there, he didn’t want it to be more awkward than it already was.
That night, he went to bed with your scent still lingering around his body, and slept soundly.
“Todoroki….is everything okay? Its pretty late.” You whispered, wrapping your blanket around your frame tighter. It was the middle of your second year and the boy calling you to meet him wasn’t a surprise, but it was the middle of the night. What could he need? “This might sound stupid, but, I had a bad dream….” He said, keeping his eyes locked onto yours. “So a nightmare? Well uh, may I come in?” You asked. he nodded, opening the door wide enough for you to enter. As you walked over and sat on his futon, you examined the Japanese décor until you heard the door shut. “do you maybe wanna, talk about it?” You questioned, as he sat next you. “If you don’t mind, I trust you enough to know.” He said, placing his hands in his lap. So he did. his dream was about his mother, and what had happened in his past, which he also explained. By the end of it, you had tears welling in your eyes.
Todoroki had been through much more then you originally thought.
You offered to stay with him that night, to which he agreed. And there you were, snuggled up with him on the same futon. Maybe it was fate that he didn’t have an extra one, who knows?
What you did know, was that you harbored immense feelings for Todoroki.
December in Japan was always the coldest to you, snow falling and strong winds. But that also meant snow days. “here. be careful, its hot.” Todoroki said as he placed the cup of tea onto the coffee table. “Thank you, Todoroki.” You smiled, taking a sip of the hot liquid. “…Shouto.” He said, almost making you choke on your drink. “W-what?” you stuttered, blinking a few time to make sure you weren’t dreaming. “refer to me as Shouto, if you don’t mind.” He said, also taking a sip of his tea. “But…why?” You whispered, trying to think of reasons why he would want you to call him by his first name. “Well we’re friends aren’t we?” he questioned. “Youre friends with all our classmates though..” you continued. “But, your special to me, so I feel like you should call me by my first name.” He said, his face not faltering for a second.
You…you were special to him?
You felt heat rush to your cheeks after he said that, turning away to hide the red coating your face. “O-okay then, call me by my first name. its only fair.” You quickly said, trying to cover up your flustered voice. When you turned back, you saw him staring at you with a small smile, making your face even redder then it already was. “w-why are you looking at me?! Is there something on my face?” you stumbled over your words, waving your hands over your face. “no, your just a bit red. Are you running a fever?” he asked.
Was he doing this on purpose?
“I'm fine to-shouto.” You said quietly, looking down at your drink. Your mind swirled with thoughts about him, and his words replying in your head like a broken record.
“you’re special to me.”
“you’re special to me.”
“you’re special to me.”
It was an understatement to say that you could barely sleep that night.
Cherry blossoms coated the grass as a soft breeze blew through the outside. Spring was upon you, along with graduation. Your class was buzzing with excitement. Some have even already started packing up their dorm rooms. “So Shouto, what are your plans for after we graduate?” you asked, spinning around in your desk chair. you were both in your room, hanging out before you had to eventually start packing everything up. “I’m going to work under my father as his sidekick.” He said, looking at some picture of you and your dog on your nightstand. “Woah really?! thats great Shouto!” you exclaimed, stopping your movements to look at him. “What about you?” he asked, to which you smiled. “Ryuku called me to work under her, since she loved my dedication during my work study.” you said, fiddling with your fingers. “Looks like we both have places we’re going.” he said, as you went to go sit next to him on your bed. “Shouto, I know we’ll be far from each other. but I just want you to know, I loved these moments I shared with you.” you told him, taking his hand in yours. “ You’re my closest friend, never forget that.” You continued, looking down at yours and Todorokis hands. “I feel the same. Thank you for being my friend.” He said, as your eyes met his. Time seemed to stop for a moment, just you and him in the room. Alone. You subconsciously started to move your face closer to his, glancing at his lips and back up to his eyes. Your faces were inches apart.
Just a bit closer, and your lips would meet his.
Just a bit closer and he would finally understand how you-
“hey you lovebirds! We’re all meeting in the common area for one last gathering as a class, c’mon!” Mina said in her usual bubbly voice as you reeled back from Todoroki. “w-we’ll be there soon.” You sighed, moving your hand off Todoroki’s. After she shut the door, Todoroki sighed and got up from your bed. “they’re waiting for us…” he said, waiting for a response from you. “yeah, lets go.” You smiled, getting up as well.
You spent the last night together as a class like no other. Spilling secrets, reminiscing on moments from first year, how much each of you have grown, as well as the hardships and the many attacks you all overcame with the league of villains. It was truly a night to remember.
You would never forget the time with your class, especially the time you had spent with Todoroki.
“I’m so proud of you honey!” you mother exclaimed, leaving a sloppy kiss on your cheek. “yeah yeah I get it mom. Try not to slobber so much.” You laughed, wiping off the excess saliva that remained on your cheek.  “We’re just so happy for you dear.” Your dad chimed in, ruffling your hair a bit. “I'm gonna say bye to my friends okay? Then we can head out.” You said, waving to your parents. “think about what you want for dinner!” you mom said as you walked away, making you laugh more. “hey, webster.” You heard Bakugou call out, turning your head to see where he was standing. He kept that same nickname he had called you back in first year. “Bakugou hey!” you waved, walking towards him. “where are your parents?” you asked, looking around for the spikey haired adults. “they’re already headed back home, I’m going out to celebrate with Ashido, Kirishima, Sero, and Kaminari. Listen, thanks for everything.” He mumbled the last part, looking away from your gaze. “no problem Bakugo, good luck with everything. I'm sure I’ll be seeing you on the cover of hero daily really soon.” You said, giving him a bright smile. He responded with a small smile and waved you off, going over to where Kirishima was standing. “y/n.” you heard Todoroki call your name from behind you, turning around to see him holding a single flower. “Shouto…I thought you had left already.” You trailed off, you eyes going to the pink rose in his hand. “I was but, I wanted to give this to you.” He said, holding the flower in front of him for you to take. “thank you Shouto, that’s sweet of you.” You said, taking the flower from his hand and placing it delicately in your bag. “Um about our…moment…the other day…” he started, making all the memories of a couple nights ago flood back to your mind. “I-I'm really sorry about that…it was just in the moment y’know…” you nervously laughed, looking down at your heels. “right. well, I’ll be off then.” He nodded at you, and turned to walk away.
You had to do something…you weren’t going to just let him walk away right
“Shouto!” you yelled, almost a bit too loud, running over to him before he could leave. He looked with you with a confused expression as you stood there.
Its now or never.
You leaned in and placed a light kiss on his cheek, making sure to linger for a bit so he would get the message.
“thank you, Shouto.” You smiled at him, and with that you turned to walk back to your parents.
You wanted to see his reaction, but you were sure he’d come and confess to you properly….in time.
So here you are now, years later, snuggled up on your couch in your shared apartment with the bi-haired male. Watching your favorite show as you waited for dinner to arrive. “My love, you seem lost…is everything alright?” he asked, placing his hand on your knee. “yes, I'm alright Shouto. Actually, I’ve never been happier.” You said with the biggest smile on your face, tears of happiness threatening to pour out.
If you were sure of anything, it was that all the time you spent with Shouto, was something you’d never regret.
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