#but i also can already see the aggressive left turn a la the previous 'show dont tell' and 'adverbs are the devil's verbage' trends
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essektheylyss · 2 months ago
Okay, there has been a quote from a blog post going around about the increase of visual description and decline in interiority in novels and prose more widely, which I do agree with, and I think the advice in the full post beyond the link and quoted section are sound and currently relevant. As a prose writer who took a long detour into screenwriting and is a spatial thinker, I do find myself getting caught up in the idea of conveying what's happening on a screen and needing to return to the affordances of the medium, even several years on from writing scripts, and knowing that scripts themselves often have very scant description.
However, I think many of the comments that I've seen going around on that post overcorrect into an idea that any description in prose should be eliminated, especially as they seem to ignore how setting, and conveying a sense of place, plays a role genre to genre. Many novels do not need much description, if they are not looking to create an atmosphere grounded in place, but other stories, and certain genres in particular, rely upon the grounding involved in describing the setting. In Science Fiction and the Mass Cultural Genre System, John Rieder notes that in its full-fledged form, when it began to be used as its own genre, sci-fi leaned substantially upon an "[a]ttunement to such a distinctive handling of the setting" to impart the norms of the world and conceit that satisfied the higher level of audience buy-in that was necessary for the story to function. I would argue that something of this ilk has long been a hallmark of genres in the more speculative realm, fantasy of course being another major one, but also those grounded in reality but in some way distanced, like historical fiction. To point to a few generic hallmarks, Hugo might've been getting paid by the word, but many of the descriptions of Paris and its systems are to an extent important to achieve audience investment in the plight of the poor of the city, and Tolkien's establishment of the feel of Middle Earth is crucial to creating in the reader an echo of the love the members of the Fellowship feel for their homes that drives them on their journeys.
I do think authors should generally be more willing to explore character interiority and not simply write out a blow-by-blow recount of the action that might be taking place on screen, but given how prone writing circles are to taking writing advice as all or nothing, I think it would be a mistake to run with the idea that interiority is the only way a prose format should or can convey the information needed to tell a story, and I'd encourage writers not to apply it unthinkingly or unilaterally to their own work.
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demonslayedher · 4 years ago
Is their any demon slayer character that you think should of had more screen time in the manga?
I could be diplomatic and say we could have benefitted from a smidge more bonding time with all of the non-Tanjiro cast, but instead I shall go on a selfish rant: we should have gotten more of that magatama-wearing peach-flinger, supposedly rightful heir to the Breath of Thunder himself, freaking Kaigaku.
It's probably no surprise that I say this as a Zenitsu Stan. The two deep-dives we got into Inosuke and Zenitsu's pasts were two-cour, and, these would have worked better with more of a bridge between the first and second cours (Natagumo arc and Infinity Fortress arc). Given Inosuke's personality it works a bit better that he was totally unbothered by an unusual memory or two and then floored by how suddenly important his mother became to him when facing her killer, but some odd recollections of Douma would have really sold that "whoa!! Baby Inosuke resided with an Upper Moon!!" shocker. Still, Inosuke was a baby, it only gets so personal (I would totally accept Douma & Baby Inosuke interactions, though, for absolutely sure, but Douma got a lot of satisfying development in his interactions with Shinobu, Kanao, and the other Upper Moons too). Zenitsu, unlike Inosuke, is someone who ruminates and takes everything personally. Jiichan and Kaigaku both had such an impact on him that it's odd for him to go most of the span of the series only thinking back to them once. It's one thing if Zenitsu chose never to mention Kaigaku to his friends, in fact, such a decision would say a lot about their relationship, but knowing Zenitsu he probably ranted about his mean martial brother at the slightest mention of something that might remind him of Kaigaku. But Zenitsu's feelings toward him were highly complex, and it would have been great to get those thoughts before the betrayal. Besides just being like, "oh no, not Jiichan!" we could have felt that twist of the knife in our backs too; Kaigaku's a character we don't get to appreciate until he's dying and already performed all his bad deeds (but I suppose that's the case for many of the other demons, a la Kimetsu logic).
While seeing more of Kaigaku would had been interesting as a Zenitsu fan, it would had also been an opportunity to bring out more in Himejima's character as well. Kaigaku was very keen on upward mobility in the Corp, he had to have had some familiarity with the current strongest people, and he had to have known who the Rock Pillar was and been like, "oh shit." Getting Kaigaku's perspective on Himejima would have given us a very different "oh dang, we should have been watching out for this crying guy" effect than Inosuke just declaring "dude be strong." (But alas, writing a serialized manga is hard and you fit things in where you can. Hence, Taisho Secrets.)
Mostly, it would had been great to get more Kaigaku for Kaigaku's sake. Channeling his anxieties in the form of emotional self-protection and aggression makes him a striking foil to Zenitsu in more than just their sorely lacking Thunder Breath capabilities. There was an arc there we didn't get to see unfold. He had to have some feelings left over from selfishly allowing that demon massacre to occur at the temple filled with orphans, whom he must have felt at some level he was better than. Having someone he respected see potential in him and treat him as someone special might have given him hope to make a better person out of himself, but if the same care could be given to someone like Zenitsu, then it probably made him feel pretty betrayed too. That drive to make himself be someone special is like a more dangerous look at Shinjuro's drives which drove him to depression, and it would had been so, so, so rich to see Kokushibo see some of himself in Kaigaku too, instead of only being like, "hmm, you're strong, guess I'll spare you."
But to have been in a fight against Upper Moon 1 and held out on his own that long in the first place? Especially someone who was still in training very recently? KAIGAKU WAS A FREAKING BOMBSHELL OF A POWERFUL DEMON SLAYER. He was already on Twelve Moon level when he turned; it must had driven Kaigaku mad to see that Zenitsu was the one running into all the strong demons and Thunderclap-and-Flashing his way up the ranks. Sure, he accepted Kokushibo's proposition because he was terrified. And I love that even someone as assured of his own specialness can succumb to mortal terror (again, interesting Zenitsu foil). But Kaigaku accepted this new role as readily as he accepted demon slaying as his calling; he set right about eating people, lots of people. Which people? We'll never know, but I'd like to think he ate those boys who Zenitsu punched for talking bad about him.
Kaigaku's belief in himself means that whenever he's cornered, he'll discard any previous identity and take on wholeheartedly whatever his new one is. Interesting choice to give him a magatama motif, those are thought to bring out one's innate spiritual power. He's always relied most on himself. Once Kuwajima let him down, he didn't need Kuwajima anymore. Even once he become filled with Muzan's blood (and approval), he wasn't in it for Muzan, he was in it to prove himself superior and talented.
But Kaigaku so, so desperately looks outside of himself for approval anyway. HE'S SUCH A TRAGEDY. And if we had gotten more snippets of him here and there throughout the manga, even just one scene of Zenitsu running into him and getting told off for punching those guys, we would have had the anticipation of him being an inevitable train wreck instead of just "mean guy who was mean to Zenitsu and will probably be mean again in future chapters because he is mean."
No, Kaigaku was mean because he had so many of his own insecurities to wrestle with and he was so bad at that and I wish, I wish, I wish we could have gotten more of Kokushibo being like, "I have the cure for insecurities, just don't be a weak human anymore" (especially because Kokushibo appreciated he could be honest in Muzan's service instead of having to privately wrestle with his jealousy and angst of impending demise, so it would had been great to give Kaigaku a similar outlet). And if Muzan was willing to promote him to Upper Moon 6 so quick off the bat, I wish we could have seen some interaction between them, like Muzan showing up to the site of Kaigaku's first blood bath and praising Kaigaku for his eagerness to get stronger and his potential as a powerful demon. How GOOD that would had sounded to Kaigaku's ears. And dang, oh man, if Himejima could had known, if he could had known ANYTHING about Kaigaku joining the Corp and then showing his true colors, being an untrustworthy little shit because that's all humans usually are, w o w that would had painted more of Himejima's dark side besides just saying a 4-year-old girl was a selfish human (I would totally accept more Himejima cynicism, especially because it's so disconcerting coming from one of the most level-headed characters in this whole manga).
Phew. Anyway. I guess I could go on a rant about a lot of good scenes we could have gotten from many of the characters, but I still stick with Kaigaku as my answer to his because he's the acting agent in a betrayal, and betrayals work best if first see what it is that they're destroying. AAAAUUGHHH I LOVE A GOOD BETRAYAL and this one feels like it was written backwards, I wish it could had been seasoned throughout the text more instead of taking the lid off the shaker and dumping a pile of salt into a few short chapters. KAIGAKU, YOU ARE ONE BIG PILE OF SALT. But also you deserved to have your pain shared, you selfish twit, come back here in some earlier chapters and let us see you try to have a stiff upper lip when people point out your insecurities, you were trying so hard, you big baby, come back here and let us a love you a bit before you zap us with your betrayal.
*angrily throws peaches to conclude the venting Ask reply*
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Love On-Set (Pt. 02 of 10)
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Pairing: Dacre Montgomery X Reader
Summary: You knew acting on Stranger Things season 3 would be a challenge, and you also knew, from the start, you'd have to work closely with Dacre Montgomery. But is wasn't a big deal for you, since this is your job and you're determined to act professionally. You had it all figured out, or so you thought, until the moment you were out face to face with Dacre. Then, this job became a lot harder than it was supposed to be, since you can't seem to focus whenever you're around Dacre. And you'll have to be around him a lot until the end of production.
Word count: 2.9K
<- Previous part (01)
Next part (03)->
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
On the next morning, you make your way to the back of the hotel, where a van will come to pick you up. You're talking to Vicky through the phone, listening to her advice and tips for today. She won't be around as much this time, she wants you to build your own connections, but she will be aware of everything that's going on. The co-stars you'll be working with today are a few feet ahead, chatting, and they haven't noticed you yet. You don't mind though. They've been acting together for two years now, you wouldn't have anything to add to their conversations anyway.
“(Y/N).” The voice makes you turn around, seeing Dacre as he walks over you. “Morning.”
“Vicky, I gotta go. Talk to you later. Bye.” Quickly, maybe too quick, you hang up, focusing on Dacre. “Hi. Good morning.” Nervously, you gesture at the others. “You should go stay with them. The van is almost here.”
“I'll introduce you to them, c'mon.” With a hand on the small of your back, barely touching you though, he guides you to the small group of people. “Hey, guys. Good morning. This is (Y/N), our Amy.”
“Hi there,” Joe says, reaching out his hand which you shake. “I'm Joe.”
“Natalia.” One of the girls says. You already know their names, but decide to let them formally introduce themselves. “These are Charlie and Francesca. But you can call her Fran.”
“Hello.” You mutter, shaking their hands before stepping back to stand beside Dacre.
“Heard you two shot together yesterday,” Joe says, typing something on his phone before putting it on his pocket. “I was there earlier but I think I left before you got there.”
“Yes. And I must say (Y/N) was amazing.” Dacre speaks before you can, and you blush at his compliment. You didn't do much, you think, it was just a simple scene. More complicated things will come.
“Thanks, but you were great too. I'm just trying to keep up.”
“It's good to see you're modest,” Francesca remarks, giving you a small smile.
“Just saying the truth.” You're still speaking when the van arrives, and the guys gesture for the girls to get in first.
You move to the back of the van since it's always been your favorite seat, resting the script on your lap before buckling up.
“May I seat here?” Dacre gets your attention, and you look away from the window, meeting his eyes.
“Sure.” You don't want him to feel like he has to be around you just because he was the first person you met from the show. But you won't just push him away like that. “Did you sleep well?”
“I managed.” He answers. “You?”
“I did.” Once again, you fall into silence. There isn't much you can talk about other than work. “Excited about today? Amy and Billy will have another confrontation.”
“Poor Billy. Amy's going to steal his heart.” He puts a hand over his chest and you giggle.
“He kinda deserves it. After breaking so many hearts.” Shrugging your shoulders, your mind goes through the scenes of the day. You'll have another one with Dacre alone. “I–”
“Hey. Why are you guys seated all the way in the back?” Joe asks, turning his head to look at you and Dacre. “Come–”
“They're talking. Let them be.” Natalia pulls Joe back into his seat, giving you a stare and a smile.
Blushing a little, you exchange a glance with Dacre before looking down at your hands. “You can go be with them if you want.” You decide to let him know.
“I'm alright here,” Dacre affirms. “Is there anything you want to talk about our scene today? Any ideas for something we could do better?”
“The director wants tension, so we have to focus on that.” Opening the script, you easily find today's pages, since they were marked. “Like here. You could keep stepping closer and I'd keep pushing you away. They're both nervous since they're talking about the Mind Flayer, but it would break that tension with a different kind of tension.”
“I like that. It can work.” Dacre leans over a little to read, standing closer. “Amy could give Billy a push, what would make him a little mad, but not the usual kind of mad. James wants me to convince the audience Billy will have strong, true feelings towards Amy, so I think it will help. He won't be as aggressive with her as he is with everyone else.”
You only get half of what he says, suddenly distracted by his voice. “Yeah, I like that.” You watch as his fingers trace the paper, following the dialogue lines. “You have a nice accent by the way.”
“I'm Australian.”
“I noticed.” When you turn your head to look at him, and he does the same, you take in how close he is, quickly looking back down. He has nice eyes too. “I think it'll be fun.”
“I hope I won't make you uncomfortable. Basically, all of our scenes together involve some kind of proximity.”
“You won't.” Uncomfortable is not the word to describe it. Dacre does make you a little nervous, but any girl would be nervous acting with someone who looks like him. You realize he probably misunderstood your gesture from before, looking away from him so abruptly. “I don't feel uncomfortable. And I agree with you. We should get to know each other, I think it would help.”
“It would.” The van bounces suddenly, what gets a tiny exclamation from Joe. “So. What's your favorite color?”
The silly question makes you giggle, putting a lock of hair behind your ear. “Pink. Definitely. But I also love blue and lilac.” Taking a deep breath, you decide to look at him, just to make sure you'll kick away whatever he was thinking when you averted your eyes from him. “Yours?”
“Only one?”
“Yes. I'm a normal person, unlike you.” Despite the sassy comment, Dacre is smiling, sustaining your stare.
“So you're normal? That's a shame. I don't befriend normal people.” Closing the script, you take a look through the window, admiring how the sunlight gives everything a golden shine.
“It was good while it lasted then.” He says, and you bite your lip involuntary. “Who's your favorite character in the show?”
“Amy.” You're quick to answer, turning to look at him again. When the car takes a turn, the morning sun casts its light right on Dacre's face, illuminating it. His blue eyes get your attention, and you notice they remind you of LA's beach, near your house. Shaking your head lightly, you snap back into reality. “It's my character. I own her that much.”
“That's favoritism. You can't pick her.”
“Who would you pick then, Mr. Montgomery?” He giggles at the name.
“I like Maxine.” He answers. “She's badass and I admire her for enduring such an awful step-brother.”
“I like Dustin. His voice is funny.”
“Here I was thinking you had a deeper reason for liking Dustin.” Dacre fakes a disappointed tone, but a small chuckle escapes his lips.
“You're a deep person then.” You conclude, giving him a quick glance.
“You can say so. Aren't you?”
Guys don't usually like thoughtful girls, you know that. At least not the ones you went out with. People, in general, don't like that, so you learned to keep things for yourself. “We can say I think a lot. But I don't usually put it into words.”
“Why not?”
You get the feeling Dacre knows he hit something inside you. Something he doesn't understand, but he knows it's there, that it's delicate. You can tell that by the change in his voice, all the joking tones left behind, replaced by a much serious expression. Guess you can tell him, it's not a big deal. “My father once told me I feel too much. That, just like my mother, I suffocate people with all my... Feelings.” Breathing out, you can't help but remember the fight you had that day, many years ago. “It was ugly. Everyone was yelling, I was a teenager and just had my heart broken by this stupid guy so... It just kicked in. I pretty much closer some doors that day.”
“I'm sorry you had to go through that.”
“Don't be. It's not a big deal.” Isn't it? You're not sure, but you tell yourself it isn't. Going back there won't help, won't solve any problems, won't change anything.
“Of course it is. It clearly affected you.”
“How do you know it affected me?”
“Your voice changed, so did your posture.”
Gasping, you look at Dacre. People don't notice these things. They just say they're sorry and change the subject. “You're very... Perceptive.”
“Well, I don't think feelings are a problem. If he felt suffocated that was all on him. Not you or your mother.” Taken aback by his words, you can't help but smile at how kind he is. “Anytime you need to talk about anything, I'm willing to listen.”
“Thanks, you're–” The driver hits the breaks, and when you look through the window, you realize you're at the set. “We're here.”
“May the fun begin.”
An hour later, you're in a dark pink swimsuit, shooting a scene with Natalia for the third time. This is about Heather, already taken by the Mind Flayer, making her first appearance at the pool. The director, who now you know is named James, makes several changes for every take, but you and Natalia just have to repeat the lines.
“So. You were talking to Dacre.” She says in between takes, as you wait to see if there will be another one or if you can go on to the next scene. Natalia gives you a look that makes you blush. You didn't know she was paying attention to you and Dacre in the back of the van. “You two getting along?”
“Yeah. He is–”
“Alright, everyone. Heather's coming down and Billy is entering the pool. It's a quick one, so let's get it done in one take if possible.” James announces, and you lay back down in the chair, happy that this conversation was cut short. “Everybody ready? Action!”
Everything sets in motion, and Hawkins Community Pool comes to life once again. You engage in small talk with Natalia as Heather climbs down her chair, walking by.
“Is she alright?” Nancy asks Amy, eyes following Heather.
“She must be sick.” You tell her before the cameras leave you, all turning to the locker, from where Dacre is already coming from.
You know your part. Exchange a glance when he's close by and look away, annoyed.
But that's not what happens. When he comes close, you do give him the look, the cameras now focusing on you, but the whole thing vanishes. Your mind is blank as you just keep staring, a weird sensation building up when you realize you're watching Billy Hargrove right before your eyes. But when he walks by, you see he breaks character for a moment, as if wondering what you're doing. Of course he thinks you're improvising. So Billy's face comes up again, eyes lingering on you until he passes by, and you break out of your state, looking away.
“What was that?” Nancy asks, and you wonder if that's Nancy or just Natalia, because the line isn't on the script.
“Nothing.” Your answer.
“Cut!” James yells and you relax, taking a deep breath. “(Y/N), I liked what you did. Good job! Five minutes everyone.”
“What was that?” Natalia asks again, in a different tone this time, making it clear it's her who's asking. “Did you improvise?”
“Sure.” Getting up from the chair, you follow her to the resting area they set up for you. “Just thought it would give him the tension he wants too much.” Lying is not your thing, but what can you say? That your mind went blank? That you forgot the whole script for a moment and Dacre's reaction was what saved you so you wouldn't be looking like a total idiot?
“You did well then.” She takes a water bottle, taking a sip. She doesn't seem so convinced though. “Oh, we'll start gathering to go over the Starcourt scenes. They'll be heavy and everyone agreed on start working on them so it won't be so messy on set.”
“It's a great idea. When will it happen?” The Battle of Starcourt is the most complicated and longest scenes of the season, and you're glad they want to go over it.
“We have a group chat. I can add you so you'll know when we'll meet.”
“I can add her,” Dacre says and you turn on your heels, giving a step closer to Natalia. “I have her number.”
“Great.” She exclaims, drumming her fingers on the table. “I'll go find Charlie and Joe. We got a scene together later today.”
“Ok.” You mumble, waving at her as she leaves. “Nice tan.” The words come out of your mouth the moment your eyes involuntary fall from his face to his chest. “Now I know why Billy turns every head when he walks by.” Thinking fast, you manage to bring some sense into whatever you were talking about.
“You also look amazing in this–”
“Dacre, (Y/N). C'mon.” The director calls and Dacre rolls his eyes, making you giggle.
“Guess this is our cue.” He says, gesturing for you to walk before him. “Are you nervous? We're going to be face to face again.”
“No.” It comes out too fast, and you're sure he can tell you feel the exact opposite. You weren't thinking about it, but now you are. “I'm alright.” You're walking beside him, near the pool to where James is gathered with some people, getting things ready for the scene. “I think Amy–” The words get caught in your throat when your bare feet slips on a puddle, but instead of colliding to the ground, you're pulled up quickly, heart beating fast from the sudden motion.
“Are you alright?” Dacre asks, his hand still resting on the small of your back, and the other holding your arm, making sure you have your balance again.
“Yes.” Now you definitely look like an idiot. “Sorry.” When you raise your head to meet his eyes, you clear your throat and step back.
“Don't worry, I got you.”
“(Y/N), are you ok?” The director asks and you nod, walking fast over him. “Good. Let's get this going.”
This scene is the confrontation about what happened in the road. And you're supposed to be 100% focused, the lines at the tip of your tongue, but as you breathe in deeply to get into character, you can't help but feel restless. Maybe if you do manage to befriend Dacre it'll get easier. Hopefully.
“Ready, everyone.” The command comes and you prepare yourself, quickly replaying the lines in your head. “Action!”
In Amy's skin, you start walking back to your chair, carelessly running a hand through your hair when your arm is grabbed suddenly, and you stop, turning around to face the source of the attack. Anger takes over your expression the moment your eyes, or better saying, Amy's eyes, find Billy. “What the hell do you think you're doing?”
“We need to talk.” That said, he pulls you with him, away from the people.
“We have nothing to talk about.” Amy keeps fighting but still trying not to let anyone notice. Billy drags her behind the supply closet, away from curious eyes and ears. “Let go of me!” With a push, you set free from his grip.
“Well, did you tell anyone?”
“Tell what? That we saw a huge alien monster made of darkness?” You whisper-yell, looking into his eyes and giving a step back, just to figure out there's a wall trapping you. “Of course I didn't.”
Dacre steps closer, his chest pressing you further into the wall. “Then you saw it too. Right?”
It takes a while until you remember the line, and what you're supposed to do since the proximity clouded your mind. With both hands on his chest, you push Dacre away. “Yes, I did. It was after me.” You mutter as Dacre plays his part, surrendering into your push before coming closer again.
You take a deep breath, struggling to remain in character, annoyed and anxious, who can't wait for Billy to go away. “I...” He stutters. “I forgot it. Sorry, I got distracted.”
“Alright, let's roll it again from 'Did you tell anyone'. I want constant eye contact this time. Action!”
You get exactly two seconds to take in the command and set it into motion, but you do as you're told, raising your head slightly so you're staring at Dacre.
“Well, did you tell anyone?”
“Tell what? That we saw a huge alien monster made of darkness?” You've seen blue eyes before, but not that blue. It startles you a little when Dacre steps closer, and in an attempt to put some distance in between you two, you move back, hitting the wall. “Of course I didn't.” You manage to push out.
“Then you saw it too... Right?” Dacre changes his tone, and you get the idea. Billy is confused, not really convinced that what he saw was real.
“Yes. It was after me first in case you don't remember.” Keeping the annoyed tone in your voice, you have Amy push Billy away, now, slightly aware of your hand on Dacre's bare chest. Keep it professional, you tell yourself. This is a job. “And stay away from me.”
“That thing...” He steps closer again, ignoring Amy's requirement. “...What was it?”
“I really need you to stay away.” Another push, but this time Dacre grabs your arm, leaning even closer, putting a hand on the wall beside your head. You roll your eyes, breaking eye contact just for the sake of your character before she slips away again. Regaining your senses, you look up into his eyes.
“Sorry, if I'm making you nervous, princess, but I can't have anyone else listening to this crazy talk.” He gives you his wicked smile, the one that makes the girls melt.
That's it. That's the moment when Amy stands up to him, and you have to nail it because honestly, you don't think you can do this again. So you stand up straight, ending the tiny distance that was left between you and Dacre, between Amy and Billy, chests colliding and eyes burning with anger and indignation. “You think you can flash a smile and have all the girls of Hawkings at your feet but I won't fall for it.” You hiss, standing on your toes just a little bit, trying to match his height, but, of course, it doesn't happen. Dacre still towers over you. “So drop the bad boy act, jerk, and if you want to focus on the real problem here, the freaking thing coming from the sky hunting us, you're free to talk to me.” Then you leave, storming away, leaving the shooting area before turning around to get a glimpse of Dacre's acting. Billy keeps staring at the place where Amy went, which makes Dacre look straight at you. You see Billy's surprise face, filled with perplexion, not able to believe what just happened. Then, it softens, as he slowly goes back into Dacre.
“And cut! Jesus, it was amazing.” James exclaims, standing from his chair. “I don't think we should do another take, despite thinking a kiss would fit well in the scene.”
Your eyes go wide as you stare at James, who looks pleased with his work. You thought you'd have more time before kissing Dacre. To get to know him, so it won't be a mess like it was right now. You don't even know how it was possible for it to be so good as James says. You were all over the place.
“But no, it will be better on screen to build up the tension until it explodes. You did very well, you two.” James friendly touches your shoulder. “I can see you're still a little nervous, but it's normal since you basically just met Dacre.” He gestures at him, who comes to join you, and James puts an arm around his shoulder. “Perhaps you should get together and work on the kissing scene. See how you feel, how you could make it even better because every time you improvise, it gives me goosebumps and I like it. You two have chemistry.” His voice gets a little higher on the last word, and he let's go of you two. “So this is a little homework. Go over that scene and let me know if you think anything should be different.”
When James leaves, you're blushing, his words echoing in your brain. Homework? Does he really want you to do that? “Like a read-through?” You ask.
“You already did a read-through. Do the real thing. Or even better.” He turns around, walking backwards. “Get it on camera and send me so I can check how you two are doing. Amy and Billy are this season's power couple, I want it to be amazing. You're both doing great and that's why I want to take this to a whole new level.” And he sets in motion again, gesturing for someone to give him something. “Now get ready, I want to shot Heather's scene again.”
@baker151910 @shinydixon @dreamin-of-dacre @hanoi15 @lickmymelanin @skykittysstuff @foccus @multific @uncookspaget @kellysimagines
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akimmito · 5 years ago
They thought they won #2
Well, here is the second part, I think it was weak in comparison, but it is not terrible either. It is acceptable.
Taken from the indications of @chocolate1721.
I hope you like it. If there are errors, at some point I will correct it.
Tagged: @dawnwave16 @pirats-pizzacanninibles @mochegato @silvergold-swirl
On Bruce's recommendation, the girls wait four days before showing up at school. Four days that were used to build a case with the French School Board, collect and deliver physical evidence of abuse and bullying. Tim did his fair share by involving every person who could have been harmed by Lila's lies, getting collaboration from many of those affected (being the victims of the teenager's most outrageous lies).
They also took advantage of those four days to think about what they will do when the chaos with the director and their teacher in charge are set, they will be adrift and that will be unfortunate. Neither of them wants to waste time due to the incompetence of a teacher. The safest option is to request an immediate transfer to another class, preferably with a serious teacher who doesn't allow similar situations.
Marinette also took advantage of those four days to better relate to the Wayne boys, although she has a special connection with Tim (she's sure it wasn't hallucination induced by lack of sleep). They talked about many topics, but found brain games and all kinds of riddles in common (she advantage and led him to Ladybug's reasoning to solve a problem with the most random object possible; the fourth day hhe understood the game when he saw the heroin hit to the villain with a bicycle chain). She even had time to drag Damian to Kagami's house to get to know each other (she realized his mistake when she had to prevent them from killing themselves in the middle of the fight and take Damian to the bakery).
Neither Chloe nor Marinette were excited to see their classmates, but they saw it as a necessary evil to deliver the coup de grace. And that does excite Chloe, that morning she woke up eager to see her revenge come true.
The class had already started when Marinette and Chloe entered the classroom, the two families waiting at the door. Only Bruce Wayne went to the Principal's office to have a talk about responsibility and professionalism.
"Good morning, Miss Bustier," Mariette greets with a kindness that, for her smile, it shows that she is not entirely sincere. The surprised look of the woman only manages to generate irritation in the back of the girl's mind.
"Why have they been missing class? It is very irres..."
Chloe almost jumps on Caline, but is stopped by Richard, who sneaks into the classroom to prevent the young woman from attacking the teacher (however deserved it is). In the back, Tom has an arm over Sabine's shoulder to prevent her from attacking too, his calming touch is enough to discourage her from doing so; Damian snorts and Jason swallows his comment. The class is ready to react when Marinette responds, her brow furrowed and a disappointed look she only gives Chat.
"You abandoned us at the mercy of the Joker in Gotham, we were rescued by the Batclan. You didn't worry or look for us, nor did you bother to call the police and you leave the country without us. "Marinette says and her gaze sharpens towards her teacher.
"Marinette, you need to be more responsible. The Joker is very dangerous and trying to protect two criminals was silly. Furthermore, Lila had to return to Paris to help her mother with her next diplomatic trip. "Caline responds.
Chloe almost got free of Dick and Tim must grab Jason to prevent him from taking out the gun he saw him keep before leaving the hotel. Tom helps to contain his wife and avoid any movement from Damian (who considers that someone so stupid would be more beneficial if she was dead and not simply out of sympathy with the girls).
Bruce arrives just in time to hear Caline's wonderful words, the cheap excuse she gives them to leave two students behind. He stands in front of the woman, managing to intimidate her with his mere presence.
"If the student had previous commitments that clash with the itinerary and its possible setbacks, why was she included in the trip? Two students were in danger, with or without the Joker, Gotham is dangerous on its own and leaving them abandoned with no chance of leaving the country is negligent just for prioritizing one student. What if there hadn't been only two? If it was half your class would you still prioritize that one student? ”Bruce is relentless and doesn't allow her to respond. He's furious, burning with hot anger ready to burn her alive.
They all hold their breath when a purple butterfly appears and heads straight for Bruce, but Marinette gets in the way and lets the Akuma into one of her hair bands, the purple mask appears. Sabine and Chloe break free and start talk with her.
"Maribug, you must fight him. You're stronger than him. ”Chloe grabs her shoulders, but Marinette is focused on her thoughts, listening to Hawkmoths speech.
"You can't let him win. "Sabine entreaty.
Tim also approaches, but says nothing. His gaze meets hers, a sign of recognition and that she is nowhere near being manipulated, but no one else realizes it.
"Yes ... but if you give me those powers, I will go after you and no one else." Mariette smiles at Tim when the butterfly leaves her. Everyone is relieved, nobody wanted an Akuma at that time; the class, on the other hand, is surprised by the ease with which it rejected the butterfly and the white color with which it was released.
Adrien smiles, showing misplaced pride.
"You are amazing, Marinette, that's why you are our everyday Ladybug, you even reject Hawkmoth."
Marinette turns to Adrien, her sense of calm withered by the model's comment.
"I may have rejected it, but it would be better if I wasn't forced to do it in the first place." She frowns at the blonde, who is still smiling completely oblivious to the passive-aggressive tone of the young woman.
"We saw that you can handle it and that ..." A slap silences him, everyone looks at Chloe in surprise.
"How dare you, you fucking bitch ?!" Alya gets up ready to hit Chloe, but Jason  gets in the way.
"Though it would be amazing to see her take your shit out of you."
"Jason!" Dick scolds him for the choice of words, Jason barely gives him a funny look.
"We have more important matters. "
Tim just denies. Chloe smirks, but returns her attention to what's important.
"When does the School Board arrive?" she smiles an arrogant smile at the teacher, who loses her face color much faster than when Bruce faced her. "What's the matter lawyers of the celebrities abaout Lie-la lied to? They should be here by now. "
"Hah! You're just words, Lila is not a liar and this whole show will explode in your face, Chloe. "Alya answers smugly, sure nothing will happen. She has not even called her father, she has nothing. "Stop wanting to attract attention like that, it's pathetic. "
Lila just frowns, the presence of Bruce Wayne only indicates future problems. Damn to Marinette in her thoughts.
"Wayne's attorneys are here, though, right? "She doesn't need to receive a verbal confirmation, the arrival of the police to the classroom accompanied by two men in suits is enough proof." Yeah, I took so long to convince her to press charges for assault, harassment, and damage to private property, but here we are; They will file lawsuits for destroying Maribug's room and, best of all, we have video evidence and photos of everything destroyed. I appreciate that she's so paranoid that everything important always safeguards her in two layers of security. ”She smirks, after all, the lawyers called the parents of everyone involved first and  it's a sight worth appreciating.
The lawyers decide to intervene, unwilling to be part of the girl's delight.
"We regret to inform that the following people should co
"That's a lot, Mari. Don't you think about his parents?"
"Did they think of mine? How much money would it cost to restore my room and all my things? They didn't, I'll not. I'm tired of always turning the other cheek so they hit me too. ”Tim places a hand on her shoulder, before Dick squeezes her into his arms and she laughs, forgetting for a moment the annoyance towards Adrien.
me with us, their parents have already been informed and are waiting: Lila Rossi, Alya Cessaire, Kim Le Chien, Max Kante and Sabrina Raincomprix. We wait for you in the teachers room. "
The officer Raincomprix looks with disappointment at his daughter and only gestures for her to follow them, he will leave his other officers in charge to arrest the teacher for child abuse and neglect.
Everything from there is chaos, the police officers take the teacher after telling her their rights and the class gets out of control, Adrien just watches his friends go towards an inevitable demand. Look at Marinette, she looks indifferent to the facts; He doesn't understand how everything got to the point of involving lawyers.
"Marinette, are you serious?"
"Seriously what, Agreste?" Marinette is hard in her treatment towards him, Chloe won the blow to him, but nobody will gain the words to him. Damian frowns at the blonde, waiting for him to say something that will bury him a thousand meters underground.
Everyone is waiting, the students in the Bustier class don't understand how everything got to that point. They are surprised, but also embarrassed for not noticing Marinette's absence, because despite not being the sweet girl they knew (and she's, but not with them), she would have looked for them and would has confronted whoever it was to find them. They want to say something, but they have a lump in their throats. Knowing that there will be legal problems for the things that they considered insignificant for Marinette, because they believed that the girl was worse ... Actually, it's the logical solution if someone is attacking you, especially if you have real evidence. So why did Lila refuse to stop the problem if she had as much evidence as she claimed?
Of course, even they can say that Adrien's question is totally out of place.
"Are you really going to sue them? They are your f..."
"They are not my friends. They destroyed my room, Agreste, they destroyed my work. Do you know how much the designs cost? Your father is a designer, you should know… I had to do everything again and put the materials that were lost to complete the works FROM MY POCKET. In a week I did a full month's work… ”Marinette replicate Tim's angry expression, making Adrien nervous by the annoyed glances that are directed at him. "And I'll make them give back every penny of the damaged material. "
"That's a lot, Mari. Don't you think about his parents?"
"Did they think of mine? How much money would it cost to restore my room and all my things? They didn't, I'll not. I'm tired of always turning the other cheek so they hit me too. ”Tim places a hand on her shoulder, before Dick squeezes her into his arms and she laughs, forgetting for a moment the annoyance towards Adrien.
"Look, Adrinkis, if they don't learn that their actions have consequences now, they'll just keep it up and eventually go to prison for something like that. You imagine? It would be wonderful to see it, sure, but that's not the point here."
"If you say something that could come out of Bustier's mouth, I'll hit you again, and this time it will be with my fist." Adrien raises his hands and is silent. "And that would be very little, seeing that you knew everything and preferred to remain silent. Although they were not subtle when they attack on Maribug. You validated it and that, darling, is a thousand times worse than having fallen into the clutches of a liar. "
"Did you know?" Nino asks, he is not entirely sure what is true or lie, but if it's true that Lila is a liar (he is already assured that she is a bully) and his best friend has known all that time, oh, the pain. He already feel bad enough in the whole uncertain situation.
At some point, Sabine and Tom go out to meet the parents of the boys who destroyed their daughter's room. They must deal with it.
"I don't understand why you care so much about these ceporros, they are not worth your time." Damian looks deathly at everyone, who seems truly unintelligent if their idiot faces are an indication of their IQ. Dick can't help but snort.
"What?" Nathaniel is the only one who has a verbal reaction to what was said, he didn't understand the word, but he assumes that it was an insult.
"You see?"
"Yeah..." Marinette sighs and smiles at the boy, who walks away from her with an expression of disgust.
"Come on, you like her." Dick doesn't allow him to walk away and hugs him by the shoulders with an amused but affectionate smile. He has noticed his behavior around her, actively looking for her because he considers her nice, in a way; the same way he came to connect with the Teen Titans, so it was with her. He found something in common as an initial union and in four days, a record, he managed to form a linkage (small, but it exists).
"Now. I think we should go for a coffee. ”Tim approaches Marinette and whispers in her ear, she nods in response. "But before, if you are so kind to check twitter, in the @NotAddictedToCoffee account you will find a link to an article in the France International Journal where they express the worrying situation of parental neglect, I think you will find it interesting. Maybe you recognize the case they are exposing... So, coffee?" He turns to Marinette and she smiles. His job is done, pity for Chloe who wanted a true social massacre and they won't even let her be present for she watches the lives of the defendants break in front of them. Oh, but the Wayne boys are sure to be able to access the surveillance cameras in the teacher's lounge. She turns to the only one who knows how to help her, Jason.
"Hey, Todd. I need your help. ”He turns to her with a raised eyebrow, she gestures for him to lean. "I want access to the surveillance cameras in the teachers' room, can you? "
"Do you want to see their teary faces at the lawsuit?"
"Obviously. "
The two smile and as casually as they can after a suspicious conversation, they leave the classroom. Richard follows them to prevent them from causing trouble.
While all the students take out their phones to confirm.
Marinette and Tim also leave, followed by Damian. Only Bruce stays for a moment, but then decides it's best to notify a teacher for review.
Adrien knows from the beginning who the person in the example is, the implication was clear. All the time they read, an awkward silence surrounds them, a teacher arrives while they are busy on their phones.
"Very good. I will be in charge until the Board of Education decides what will happen to the class. "The class pays no real attention. They are focused watching the approach presented in the article, where they explicain how neglect causes children to seek any type of validation going to any extreme, without it being exactly something to justify the person's actions and that should be treated with a psychologist to avoid It gets out of control and affects the lives of those around you.
There is even a cited psychologist and an expert in criminal pathologies. Everyone is livid the more they read, it's an extensive and very detailed article that aims to raise awareness, but above all, expose Lila in a subtle way to avoid repercussions for publicly humiliating her, now it's a shadow that will not go away and will remain in the criminal files of the girl, which is enough to keep an eye on her (especially with the demands of some people who are almost affected by those lies).
"It was Lila, wasn't it?" Someone asks.
"Yes ... how strong.And Marinette, oh God, I'm not surprised that she hates us. "
"Guys, Marinette doesn't hate us. She's too good for that. "Adrien tries to reassure his companions.
"You have no right, Adrien! You knew it, man, you knew it! And did you let him use us like that?" Nino now is experiencing true treason. He feel very hurt.
"I wasn't hurting anyone ..."
"Dammit, Agreste. Were you always so stupid?"
"Youngs, this behavior will lead to a sanction in your school record. The Board of Education will personally take care of you if you continue to display hostile behavior. "
"Whatever. Anyway, we're screwed. We hurt the only person who was always unconditional with us. "Juleka is clear with her words and regrets not having listened to her brother, she should have known, Luka is always right.
Everyone is silent, being aware of the situation more than others times.
"She will forgive us..."
"WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR MIND?! AIR?! Nothing we can offer her could make she forgive us, besides, did you see your new friends? She doesn't need us, least of all with the boyfriend who got herself in just five days. "Alix is realistic, overwhelmingly realistic.
Rose allows herself to cry, she wasn't actively hostile, but she knows she was purposely ignoring her under pressure from others.
"Look, Agreste, don't speak to us again unless you mature. You're the worst thing in this whole thing… I can't forgive you and I'm sure you're the last person Marinette would forgive, heck, surely one day she could forgive Lila, but you, ha, never. "Alix is scathing in her words breaking Adrien's heart, though he refuses to believe that.
While in the park, Marinette guides Tim to one of her favorite cafes. She tells him about the different embarrassing moments that went through her awkwardness and he, in return, explains uncomfortable moments.
Marinette feels good, she still has to remove Adrien's Plagg ring, but at the moment, she feels good. She can face whatever comes.
Thanks for reading!
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thehikingviking · 4 years ago
Cerro El Pital y El Picacho, The High Points of El Salvador and San Salvador
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It took me 16 years, but I finally decided to return to my mother’s home country of El Salvador. The main purpose behind the trip was to introduce my new born son to my grandpa, but it wouldn’t be right to not hike several mountains while down there. I convinced Zach to fly down with my family, and he would be my hiking partner for most of the trip. He also joined on our previous trip to Guatemala, and had climbed a couple of volcanoes with me down there as well. I used Nahuat Tours as my guide service; they would arrange transport and the local guides when needed. There were some last minute complications due to the national election, which caused us to change our itinerary at the last minute, and while this would add some extra driving, the key objectives on my trip were still attainable. We planned to first climb Cerro El Pital in the morning, followed by El Picacho in the afternoon. Both were short hikes, so the challenge would be the long drive and dealing with the many unknowns of this developing country.
We were picked up at Cadedeu Residence at Lago de Coatepeque before sunrise. We first drove through San Salavdor and then up towards La Palma. We followed a steep but paved road up to Rio Chiquito.
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Our driver Eric parked at a dirt lot along Calle El Pital. We could have driven further, but we were here to hike and were already less than 2 miles from the summit. From here Gerardo would show us the way to the summit. Shortly after starting out, I noticed a snake that was run over by a vehicle, reminding me that it’s probably best to stay on the cleared path. Shortly after we reached the park boundaries where Gerardo paid our entrance fees.
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I was told to pack warm gear, as this is the coldest place in the country, but I found myself sweating profusely.
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At the top of the road, Gerardo started taking us towards the lower southeast summit. I immediately objected, stating that the northwestern summit was higher. He agreed, but for some reason was hesitant to go further. He stated that he wasn’t sure how to get there, and said he would go ask someone. My stress levels skyrocketed, as failing on this easy peak was my worst nightmare. Gerardo came back confirming that there was a way to the summit, but that we shouldn’t follow the road. I learned later that Gerardo had been attacked by a dog along this same road on a previous trip. We instead dropped down to a grassy field at the saddle between the main peak and the false summit.
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We followed a foot path that passed next to some buildings. Many homes were in the process of being built, and I expect this area to look much different in a few years. We popped out back onto the original road, and with the threat of the barking dog behind us, we continued upwards. The views opened up as we climbed higher, and it appeared that we were the only ones visiting the summit that day. We followed the main road all the way to the summit structure, where there were several guard dogs barking at us ravenously.
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They were locked within the gate, so I paid them no heed. I found the benchmark embedded in a small concrete pedestal just to the left of the building.
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To the east was Honduras.
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To the south-southeast was Chinchontepec, also known as San Vincente Volcano.
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To the south-southwest were El Picacho and El Boquerón, also known as San Salvador Volcano.
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I had expected to find armed guards at the summit, but we were the only ones around. I guessed that all police were being mobilized elsewhere in preparation for the elections the following day. 
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As this was also the border of Honduras, I took the liberty to walk into the aforementioned country. I did a small loop through the forest, checking another country off my list.
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We hung out at the summit for a while, enjoying the peaceful and temperate setting.
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We started back down the road once we were satisfied. The cacophony of barking started up again as we passed by the building, but soon we were beyond the nuisance.
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We stopped along the way to visit a second benchmark that also marked the border between El Salvador and Honduras. This was in the middle of some crops so we gingerly walked around it.
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Once back at the saddle, I could finally relax and enjoy the great views.
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We considered exploring a potential bonus rock, but at the end decided against it. We couldn’t see any worthy rock outcropping from our vantage point, and I didn’t see anything on my satellite view. Instead we had brunch at one of the restaurants consisting of pupusas and coffee. We found Eric waiting for us at the top of the road when we finished, and we began our drive back down to La Palma where we stopped to buy some souvenirs.
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After another long drive we arrived at the trailhead for El Picacho. There was no information of this hike online, so I wasn’t sure what to expect. Here we met our local guide Chico at a roadside pupuseria at the saddle between El Picacho and El Boquerón. We started up a local trail through a coffee plantation.
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-El Picacho
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We hiked at an aggressive pace. Chico took the lead with his machete in hand. He would stop from time to time to tell me the local folklore, which really interested me. La Siguanaba was apparently seen in this area. This shapeshifter is viewed as an attractive woman who is often seen bathing in the river. She invites enticed men to come bathe with her, but as soon as they come close enough, she turns her head and reveals her terrifying face, which is sometimes depicted as a horse or a skull. The terrifying sight makes the men go crazy. This story is most likely used to deter unfaithful men from drinking and chasing other women. Often accompanying La Siguanaba is El Cipitio, her baby with a round belly and big sombrero. He doesn’t do much aside from throw flowers at women’s feet, but he seems to creep out many Salvadoran woman, including my mother. Chico then told me about El Gritón de la Medianoche, which translates to the yell of the middle of the night. This creature is apparently a very tall man with a mouth like a trumpet who screams incredibly loud. When he is far away, his scream seems to be coming from nearby. I found this fascinating as this is somewhat similar to North American bigfoot mythology; a tall humanoid screaming though the forest in the night.
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Chico stopped to show us some coffee beans growing alongside the trail.
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Gerardo explained how the beans can be prepared. Some European countries prefer the beans with the husk, while American coffee companies prefer the beans without. The beans are typically left in the sun to dry for a few weeks before they are exported. Gerardo then instructed us to suck on the bean, and we tasted the natural honey flavor from within the husk.
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I’m not much of a coffee drinker so most of the dialogue went in one ear and out the other, but I think the average cafephile would find it quite interesting.
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I took note of a pointy peak along the coast, which I believe was El Peñon de Comasagua.
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We reached a trail junction along the ridge where we also found an abandoned battery. Apparently these fortifications were not utilized much during the civil war as the Guerrillas never really contested this territory.
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We stopped at a clearing where we had great views of San Salvador below.
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-Chinchontepec y Lago de Ilopango
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I found a rope swing here, and it felt appropriate to risk my life on it.
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Chico then climbed a tree and cut off a plant with his machete. I still don’t know why.
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We continued along the trail, walking past a tree stand. I don’t think this was used for hunting animals.
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As we followed the trail underneath the eastern side of the peak, we heard a high pitched sound somewhere up ahead. I at first thought it was a bird, but as I listened more closely, it was someone squawking, “Ay loco, ay loco.” Chico immediately stopped and motioned us to be silent. He went off ahead by himself, machete in hand. I was very concerned for the few seconds he was gone. Upon his return he stated, “No te preocupes, solo es un bolito,” or “Don’t worry, it’s only a little drunk.” We continued forward, and just off the trail below us in a thicket was the bolito, yapping to himself. They say that the homemade moonshine brewed here makes people hallucinate and gives many young people sepsis. Or perhaps he simply saw La Siguanaba.
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The trail eventually led to a road, which we followed a short distance to the radio structure at the top.
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Again my stress skyrocketed. There was a watchperson, several guard dogs and a fence surrounding the radio facility. No trespassing signs were posted along the gate. We asked the watchperson if we could continue to the top, but he denied us, stating that there were security cameras throughout the summit complex.
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I was disappointed to say the least, so I went to the highest legally accessible point and snapped a photo.
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I stood there for a while, but there was no way around it. In my mind, I tried to justify the failure as a valiant effort nonetheless. My mind raced as I walked back down the road. I wondered if I could somehow still reach the summit while staying outside of the enclosure. I asked Chico if I was allowed to try from another angle, and he hesitantly agreed suggesting that it would be fine so long as I didn’t cross the fence. Before he could change his mind, I began bushwhacking up the steep and loose east facing jungle slopes towards where I expected the summit to be. Snakes and guerrillas filled the back of my mind, while in reality all I had to contend with was thick brush and garbage. It seems that some of the tower workers simply throw their trash over the fence. I pulled on small trees and avoided stepping on the empty liquor bottles. At the end I was swimming through a grassy bush, and I eventually popped out at the fence, which was also the bulldozed high point.
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With my heart racing, I snapped a few photos. I should have been more patient, but the dogs from inside the complex were on to me. They had started barking, so as not to arouse further suspicion, I returned to the thicket.
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I snapped one last photo of Chinchontepec, Lago de Ilopango and San Salvador before descending.
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What a relief! I carefully descended the steep slope, but not carefully enough. I dislodged a big boulder from underneath the dirt, and this accelerated quickly towards where the others were waiting for me. I yelled rock, but Guillermo stood there like a deer in the headlights. Luckily, this boulder flew right past him and no one was hurt. The boulder continued to thrash down the steep volcano, and it’s probably still falling today. The other’s looked at me as if I was some sort of lunatic, and maybe they are right.
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Our descent went quickly and soon we were back down at the saddle looking up at El Picacho.
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I had wanted to climb El Boquerón as well, which is the crater of the greater San Salvador Volcano, however there were some challenges. While it is possible to hike to the highest point along the crater, it’s currently not the safest thing to do. Gerardo expects that in a few more years, the national park service will clean up the area, making it safer for hikers.
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Once at the bottom, we ordered some yuca and chatted with the locals.
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Zach got his yuca with chicharón and I got mine with Pepescas. Zach made the smarter decision, as I got pretty sick afterwards, so for all future hikers, get the pork!
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x-ximenas · 5 years ago
Love Means Trouble: Chapter 2
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Prompt: Hurricane by Halsey, which you can find in this playlist.
Pairing: OC/Nikki Sixx
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, drug consumption, mentions of smut  and my terrible grammar and punctuation remember English’s not my first language.
Word Count: 5,354 words
A/N: I’m really sorry for taking this long, but I’ve had a hard time writing this bit and suddenly in just one sit I wrote the triple of what I already had, fuck me... Also, if you liked this bit, I’d love to hear some comments! If you’d like to be added to a taglist for upcoming parts comment, dm me, ask me… just communicate with me!
// Prologue // Previous Chapter // Next Chapter //
Circe woke up with a groan, a hand immediately coming up to cover her eyes from the burning light that came through her curtains, every morning she seemed to realise how much she loathed the LA sun, especially when she woke up with a headache, a stuffy nose and a body both naked and sore. She removed her companion's arm from where it was lying on her stomach as she made up her mind to go pour herself some water and a glass of Jack, neat and on the rocks.
On her way out of the bedroom, she bent down to pick up her discarded panties and the red tube top she had worn the night before. She could care less about the man that was still sleeping on her bed, she had met him yesterday as he approached her halfway through Mötley's set and unlike with Nikki, she decided to give the poor man a chance, not like she was going to see his face ever again. Furthermore, she didn't even remember his name, it had slipped her mind as soon as it left his mouth, reason why she refrained from moaning his name -not like she felt like moaning out of pleasure last night.
Circe went up the stairs, her partner for the night -was his name Will? Or maybe Mike? Fuck who cares- trailing behind her like a lost puppy, his eyes noticeably glued to her ass, practically drooling and getting mildly hard from just the thought of getting to do what he pleases with that.
Circe wanted to have fun, but she could already tell that she had said yes to the wrong man, he reeked of selfishness under the 2 dollar cologne and cheap booze he had drunk that night; her last resort to help her have some fun was teasing, her expertise.
She took her time opening her door, not minding the insistence of the man behind her, in his intoxicated state he truly believed that thrusting upwards into her ass and kissing her neck was going to make her break, sweet thing he was just so painfully wrong, Circe pushed her ass back against him, earning a deep grunt, as she put the key in the lock, moving the key around before finally unlocking the door.
Once inside she didn't even mind turning the lights on, not like he'd let her, he swiftly -read aggressively- turned her around to face him, both hands travelling to cup her ass and push her forwards as to make their hips meet, making her feel his -disappointment of- excitement. This was going to be a long night and not one of the pleasing ones...
As she downed the glass of Jack in one gulp, she felt how a pair of arms wrapped themselves around her frame, a dissatisfied roll of eyes were her silent answer before she actually turned around to acknowledge the man before her. He was attractive, for sure, a strong nose, with a piercing set of eyes, they were a very common colour -quite like hers-, a dark shade of brown, but you could feel them on top of you as they held quite an intense flame to them; his lips were slightly pouty and a nice shade of rosé; and despite all of this nice characteristics she felt no real attraction to him whatsoever, what happened the night before wasn't meant to happen again, especially because she had no real fun, no orgasms, none, zip, zero, quite disappointing to say the least. So with an almost unnoticeable smirk, she broke the silence:
"I was wondering when you were going to wake up." Queue a slight bat of her eyelashes.
"You were? -cocky casanova eyes, ridiculous- Bet you want another go, right doll?" Airhead, she thought but kept her act up, her smirk becoming more prominent when she felt his hands travel downwards, tracing the small of her back and the curve of her ass as to rest comfortably there, both hands cupping, grabbing and pinching at will as he thrust upwards into her, Circe just faked a small moan.
"Yes, I was" she said, coming up with a small plan inside her pretty little head.
Looking downwards in false bashfulness, her hands trailing upwards from his chest to the back of his neck, playing with the messy hair that lingered there. Then she crooked her neck to face him completely, a small smile playing on her velvety lips; she leaned forward, her nose close to rubbing against his and as he moved to meet her halfway on a kiss, she moved her head back a bit, her smile transforming to an almost full Cheshire Cat grin, not like he actually noticed, such an airhead. He moved one of his hands to her hair, to coax her back in position; but Circe, having none of it, placed a single finger between them, laying it on top of his lips, ceasing his movements. Next thing, that same finger started to move south, pulling on his lip as she went; it crossed over his neck, down his chest drawing small figures on his sternum, then it moved down his stomach and as she reached under his navel she decided to stop, earning a soft hiss from the man.
"Aren't you going to do something, doll?" he demanded, but his voice broke in frustration, his eyes closed. Finally, her hand moved inside his trousers and as she closed in on him, she stopped once again, earning yet another groan of exasperation.
Before her hand had slipped underneath the clothing her face looked innocent, nearly angelic, but once he opened his eyes, he was almost certain he was gazing at the devil; she had a mischievous smirk on her lips and an equally wicked-looking spark shone brightly on her chocolate coloured eyes.
"I think it's quite late for you to be here...isn't it time you leave, sweet pie?" she said, a fake pout on her lips. She slightly tightened her grip on him before removing her hand and turning around, her back facing him.
"Are you really telling me to leave?" The man questioned in anger, placing himself in front of the brunette from, the countertop being the thing that divided them. He was clearly frustrated, his hard-on being a clear tell-tale of such fact this only made Circe feel better with herself.
"Yes, sweetie, I've got places to go to... and people will arrive here soon enough, I'm sure you don't want to give them the wrong impression" Circe said, the devilish smile never dropping from her lips as she placed a cigarette between them, lighting it up without breaking eye contact with the nearly naked man in front of her.
"You can come back some other day if you like..." she lied, as she started heading towards the man in front of her, her fingers dragging over the surfaces of the countertop and the walls as she made her way to him. She took a drag from her cigarette before connecting her soft lips against the man's, letting the smoke blow between their conjoined mouths, making a small moan drop from his lips.
"Fine" he answered as he broke the kiss, making Circe smile.
Circe then poured herself another glass of whiskey and sat on the couch in her small living room. As she watched how the man picked his clothes up from where they randomly lied on the ground, she switched between taking a puff out of the cigarette between her lips and taking a drink out of her glass; she laughed to herself enjoying the little show the man before her was putting up, his flustered cheeks and quick pace seemed hilarious to her as he continued his search. Soon enough she was met with an empty apartment.
She took that as the queue to pick up her own clothes and head to the bathroom, for she died to remove the dried sweat from her skin and whichever other dried fluid that lied on her. She decided to make a quick job out of it, not wanting to open the door for Tommy in just a towel.
Walking out of the shower naked not caring to wrap a towel around herself felt like a relief from the rising heat in LA, not really wanting the constriction of the fabric around her chest and aching to feel the soft breeze that managed to enter from her open window. She reached her closet, pulling out a pair of clean panties and a bralette out of a built-in drawer, then she picked out her favourite pair of overalls, the one she used whenever she painted. As she swiftly put on all of her clothes a knock on her front door made her rush even more, she was certain that she knew who was standing outside, Tommy waiting for his review of the previous night.
"It's open Tommy!" She yelled from her room, knowing the boy was soon to become impatient and she wasn't even close to the door to let him in properly.
"Hey, Ce!" yelled Tommy from the entryway, before closing the door behind him, "brought breakfast, thought you might want some."
"What did you bring?" Circe said as she adjusted her clothes, walking to her living room and as she looked up she found herself not only facing Tommy, but Vince as well, a small embarrassment infused blush crept up her face. "Hey, Vince."
"Hey" he muttered back, leaning over Tommy to take the food from Tommy's hands.
"Blueberry pancakes for me and waffles for you, you freak" Tommy answered Circe, earning a roll of eyes and a punch on the side of the arm.
"Waffles are better, just fucking admit it, you just have bad taste" Circe bit back, accepting the container that probably held her food from Vince's hands.
"Whatever, Ce" Tommy said, standing up in search of the maple syrup and forks for the trio.
"So... how did Tommy convince you to come, Vince?" Circe asked with a smile, "What was the cost? A Jack bottle? A baggie? Cause I know the price must be high."
"You don't actually believe that I wanted to see you?" Vince answered with a smug smile, draping an arm over the sofa he was sitting in. Just as Circe was opening her mouth to answer Vince, Tommy handed her a fork and wordlessly poured some syrup on her waffles.
"It's kinda hard to believe" Circe answered, covering her mouth as to avoid little crumbs falling out her mouth. She swallowed the bite she took and proceeded, "it's not like you don't love me, I know you do, but you never come see me" a smirk prominent in her lips, a joking glint dancing in her eyes.
"You've never invited me here, all your notes are for Tommy, sweet cheeks, no Vince, it's like you've forgotten about me" Vince bit back, a spark lit up in Vince's eyes, mirroring Circe's look.
"Oh, boo hoo" Circe mocked as she took another bite to her waffle.
"Stop bickering, you're like kids" muttered Tommy, making both Circe and Vince burst out laughing.
"Us kids? Oh, Tommy, sweetheart stop" Circe managed to get out between laughs, Tommy snorted out a laugh failing at the job of staying serious, joining them.
After the laughter died down, silence took its place, the only sound in the living room was the trio chewing on their food and Tommy's leg bouncing uncontrollably.
"Well, -Tommy gulped down his last remaining bit of pancake- what did you think of last night's gig?"
"It was so good -Circe extended the o's in so to punctuate her point- you did a fucking great job back there with the drums, man. And you Vince? You're giving the groupies a show up there, got them drooling and shit, just fuck one of them already."
"Already have, Ce" Vince said casually, making Circe laugh a bit.
"Of fucking course Vin, who cares about your girlfriend, right?" Circe answered, mischief in her eyes, making Vince roll his eyes and flip her the bird.
"What about you, Tommy? Getting laid?" Circe continued not before flipping Vince back, a grin on her face. Tommy didn't care to answer verbally, he just laughed, and Circe took that as a 'duh, yeah.'
Silence. "Anyways... when are you putting the album out, I need some new shit to listen in the car, man."
"Soon, I guess" answered Vince.
"We haven't gotten around to finding a studio to record it, nor a record label" Tommy added, shrugging.
"If you want me to help you I can, just let me connect you to someone or some shit" Circe said, abruptly standing up from her place before being pulled back down by Tommy.
"Don't worry about it, we'll get around to it, on our own" Vince said, calmly might I add.
"Kay, just offering you some help, though you can make up your own record label for this kind of shit" Circe said, putting both her hands up in defence, catching both guys eyes.
"You got a new tattoo?" Tommy said, grabbing Circe's arm, examining the new ink in his best friend's arm, when did she get it and how did he not notice it?
"Yup" she answered, popping the p.
It was a very simple tattoo, a snake that crawled down her arm to her hand, the head of the snake barely reaching the first bracelet of her hand and its tongue meeting her destiny line, the snake's body wrapped itself around one of Circe's old scars.
"That's so fucking cool, dude" Tommy said excitedly, a giant grin gracing his features, his elbow hitting Vince's side as to make him say something encouraging to the brunette.
"Yeah Ce, that's gnarly, man" Vince said with an honest smile, not meeting Circe's gaze, his eyes still examining the ink.
"Thanks, guys... So - Circe finally stood up- I'm going to try and do some work but you can stay if you like" she said, dusting off her overalls.
"Nah, we'll leave you to it" said Tommy, dismissing her with a hand movement.
Both boys stood up from her places, saying goodbye to Circe with a kiss on the cheek before a light went off inside her head.
"Hey dickheads, put the forks in the sink and fucking drop the rest of the shit in the garbage" she yelled from inside the apartment, earning an annoyed groan from both boys who for a moment thought they'd gotten away with leaving things as they were.
More than just a few hours had passed since the two messy boys left Circe's apartment, leaving her alone to procrastinate on the work that was starting to pile up.
Currently, she was sitting facing the TV, a Roger Taylor interview playing on some random channel, she sighed quite loudly as she saw the blond man talking about his solo debut album, he looked quite strange standing up all alone in an interview, lacking the company of his bandmates, it was a strange thing to look at, to say the least.
With a shake of her head, she stood up to turn her TV off, finally deciding to address the things that were due to do. She went to the spare room in the apartment, an unfinished painting standing in the background of the room looking at her in judgement -almost. Yet another sigh escaped her mouth as she ruffled her hair, she headed back to the living room, bending down to the floor, deciding to put some music that could inspire her enough to finish her work. As she went through her vinyls her eyes were practically drawn to the bunch of Queen vinyls and the Fun In Space one, a smile slipped by her as she stared at the funny little alien on the cover reading a magazine of sorts with Roger's face stamped on it, she took it out of the pile as she made up her mind, the man was promoting the album, so why not play it and give it a chance. She slipped the vinyl out of its sleeve, walking to the player, her eyes quickly scanned through the selection of songs and as she lifted the needle to place the vinyl in place an insisting knock on her door cut her short.
As the knocks grew sharper and closer to one another Circe let out an exasperated yell:
"Coming! -then she followed it with an angry mumble- goddammit."
When she opened the door she was faced with a mess of brown hair and blown out hazel eyes, Tommy, again.
"Hey, Ce!" said the tall man quite excitedly taking a drink out of an uncapped bottle of Jack.
"Hey, Tommy, what are you doing here?... again" she said, snorting out a small laugh when Tommy practically choked on the drink from trying to answer her quickly.
"I'm here to invite you over to our party, you should come!!!" He replied, pointing at her with his index finger, the bottle tightly held by the other 4 fingers.
When Tommy moved his hand closer to Circe, she caught a sniff of the liquor he had been drinking, her throat quickly drying up and her mouth slightly watering at the thought of having more than a couple of drinks. Even though she had a bottle on top of her countertop she hated drinking alone and she wasn't up for buying another bottle anytime soon, the bottle of Jack she kept around was there for whenever she craved a small sip of a hard drink instead of a snort of coke, she drank it to help her artist block -despite it helping make it bigger, but who cares, right?.
"Oh, c'mon Ce!!! You can even fuck Nikki up or some shit" Tommy tried to convince the brunette in front of him, who's gaze shifted between the inside of her apartment and him.
"I don't know Tommy" she mumbled, she hated saying Tommy 'no' as much as she has been doing lately, but she had work to do and alcohol wasn't going to help.
"I-I-I can help you with your little game or something, please Circe" he continued, giving her his best puppy eyes as he started to wiggle the bottle of Jack in front of her face, mockingly almost. "I know you want some..."
"I do, but I need to finish this painting..." She weakly argued.
"You can finish it later, I've seen you do it before, c'mon Ce! Don't be such a bore" Tommy continued taunting her, finally she caved as she took the bottle from him, giving it a large gulp.
"No more drinks for me, I'm going with you for a bit and then I'm coming back to finish this shit" She said, walking inside her apartment, Tommy close behind her.
"Coke then?" He taunted with a lopsided smile, she just let out a laugh and a nod as she headed to her closet.
She quickly searched through the clothes, thinking about what to wear for their 'casual' party, taking in consideration the fact that Nikki was going to be there and if he was still up for a few more rounds of push a pull she had to look good to play the part. After a while, she finally settled on an old Generation X shirt that had gone under some alterations to make her fit her frame whilst being long enough to be considered a dress; Circe had cut off the sleeves of the shirt and the fabric around the neck, making it have a deeper neckline that showed a bit of her chest. Then she pulled out a pair of fishnet stockings and her high heeled ankle boots. To sum up her outfit she decided to go punk but glam, apparently.
After placing everything on her bed she turned to Tommy with her eyebrows raised high, who just stared back with a dopey smile.
"What?" He questioned, his smile never dropping.
"I have to change Tommy..." Circe mumbled in slight annoyance.
"So..." He teased, Circe just rolled her eyes, she knew she wasn't going to make him leave the room so she decided to undress with him on the room, it has happened before, so who cares, really.
"Like the outfit, Ce" Tommy mentioned as he passed her the stockings, not really minding the fact that his best friend was standing in front of him in just underwear. Circe just hummed and nodded in response while putting the stocking on.
The room fell in comfortable silence as Circe got dressed, Tommy handing her the clothes she required as he kept drinking from the bottle of Jack, soon enough Circe was done dressing up, deciding to put some make-up on her bare face. Heading to the bathroom she quickly came up with a simple look, not much had to be done, she was only putting on some black eyeliner to frame her eyes accompanying it with mascara, also she was going to brush up her eyebrows and paint her lips maroon.
"Done!" She said as she walked back to her bedroom, her hands messing up her curls a bit, adding a slight volume to them.
"Great, let's go" Tommy said, jumping off the bed.
As they both walked out the room and neared the door a thought popped in Circe's head.
"Want to do some lines before we head out, T-bone?" She said excitedly, grabbing Tommy by the wrist to cease his movements. At the mention of coke, Tommy's eyes lit up with a mischievous flame, a flame that mirrored Circe's.
Once they arrived at the small apartment complex near the Whiskey, Tommy opened the window and let her in before he did, making a reverence as she stepped through. As soon as Circe was inside Nikki's eyes were quickly drawn to her in an almost magnetic manner, his gaze trailing up and down as he examined every bit of skin exposed, catching a small glimpse of a vine and a thorn around her thigh; a smirk was quickly rising up his features thinking that the brunette had come around on her own, without the ass from last night trailing behind her.
Nikki's excitement was quick to fall when he noticed Tommy entering the room right behind Circe, his long arm quickly wrapping himself around her shoulder's pressing her against her side.
"Play nice" Tommy whispered teasingly to Circe before walking away, making her smile.
Circe looked around the room, taking notes on the kind of people that hung up with these guys, realising that it was mostly a female population, some accompanied with their boyfriends -clear mistake to bring your girl at a rock star's house- and other by their friends. Without much thought Circe headed to the countertop that divided the itched from the living area, looking around to see what they were offering for drinks.
"Well, well, well, Tommy finally made you show the fuck up" Vince teased, leaning on the countertop, offering her a bottle of vodka.
As Circe's hands went to go grab the bottle, Vince pressed it to his chest. "Nah-ah, you're gonna drink it from the bottle and I'm gonna pour it"
Queue, Circe rolling her eyes." Just fucking do it" she said as her head bent backwards, her mouth hanging open waiting for Vince to pour some vodka in her mouth -so much for not wanting to drink.
"There we go, baby" Vince coaxed as he saw the brunette drink what he had poured down her throat.
"Thanks, Vince" she said, whipping her mouth as she jokingly winked at him.
"I was told by Tommy over there about your game plans for Nikki" Vince said, inching closer to Circe's face, he was smirking triumphantly.
"Well, Tommy should shut up about that, and you too, understood blondie?" She threatened, her eyebrows rising, he just huffed out a laugh.
"A'right" was all he said before leaving, making Circe roll her eyes yet again.
With a shake of her head, Circe decided that she had had enough of being inside the Crüe's apartment and that she desperately needed to have a smoke. As she walked past the band's table on her way out, she caught a glimpse of some cut lines perfectly laid out on top of a cymbal, making her stop in consideration. Said cease of movement caught Tommy's eyes, who just signed her to approach him.
"Want some?" Circe looked at the drummer with playfull eyes and then she nodded, "then have some"
Circe moved closer to Tommy, taking notice on the three pairs of eyes that followed her every movement. One pair looked at her with a knowing glance -Vince's; another pair analysed her every movement and was quick to connect the dots between Circe and Tommy, considering that he actually paid attention to him every once in awhile -Mick's; and the final pair of eyes were challenging and underneath that, jealous -Nikki's.
Tommy pulled Circe onto his lap, making her push down a giggle -so much for not wanting her to play this game; Tommy then grabbed the cymbal, placing it in front of Circe who was handed some rolled-up bucks by Vince. Her eyes scanned the lines, trying to figure out which one she wanted, settling for the one on the left; she placed down the rolled-up bucks by the end of the line, then she bent down to get her nose closer to it, finally snorting the white powder. It burned slightly, but not as much as it did the first time she had done it, it was almost a pleasing burn especially since she was aware of the effect that came afterwards.
Circe stood up from Tommy's lap, looking around the table to see everyone's reaction, though their expression hadn't changed much from how it was before. Dusting off her made-up dress, Circe returned to her initial course, outside.
Once outside a sudden breeze of air hit her face, making the alcohol she had just drunk along with the coke she just snorted take a harsher effect. She breathed out hoping that it would help clearing up her head, but how do you clear your head when the music from inside the apartment was really loud and the walls were thin enough that she even managed to hear the rocking of someone's bed. With a shake of her head, she started to pat around her waist hoping to feel the outline of her pack of cigarettes somewhere around the elastic of her stockings, but she was just faced with the outline of her clothes, making her groan in frustration.
"So much for not being a groupie, don't you think, babe?" A voice broke her out of her daze of annoyance, said voice dripped poison, but still offered her a cigarette, almost as if he had read her mind. Circe faced Nikki, both leaning on the railing of the 'hallway' as she took the cigarette, placing it between her lips, waiting for him to pull one out for himself so he could light her's up.
"Well, it is true, I'm not a groupie" Circe mocked, seeing as Nikki lit up her cigarette and then his.
"Are you sure? With that fucking show you put up inside I'd think otherwise" He mocked back, never breaking eye contact with the brunette.
"You call that a show? You ain't seen nothing yet, babe" Circe said with a smirk, breathing out smoke, "and I've only been here for not more than an hour..." She dragged out, earning a huffed-out laugh from Nikki.
"I'm sure of that" he added, taking a puff out of his cigarette, letting the smoke escape from between his lips, Circe's eyes drifting downwards for a second before locking eyes with him once more.
Nikki noticed the movement Circe's eyes made, causing a sneer to grace his features, it was his moment to make a move, it was his turn to play the cat instead of the mouse. He looked at the girl, his eyes slowly trailing from his face down to her exposed legs; the lack of proper lighting made it hard to distinguish her pupil from the iris- though it might also be from her current state-, he recalled from the night before that her eyes were a dark shade of brown, not chocolate-coloured nor coffee-coloured; her nose was mostly straight except for the slight crook at the very top, it was nearly unnoticeable but under deep examination, one could tell she had once broken her nose; her lips were painted the exact same shade as the last time he had seen her, a deep maroon shade that complemented her slightly bronzed skin and that gave the illusion of a fuller mouth, a mouth that he already desired to kiss and put in good use, not like he didn't enjoy the few words he had managed to get out of her, she was feisty and he liked it; when moving his gaze downwards he found himself looking at her chest a few freckles had been splattered on the skin, giving it a realistic touch, making it human; then his eyes moved to her left arm finally taking his time to look at the intrinsicate flower design that hid the figure of a woman, the flowers were of a strange combination, but the ones that he could actually tell apart were the roses from the others.
Nikki's gaze fell heavy on Circe's body, she felt naked underneath while being completely clothed and it thrilled her; she had an idea of what he was doing but that didn't stop the adrenaline from pumping through her system, expecting his next movement, knowing he was taking his time to take his well-deserved revenge on the brunette, she knew she was the mouse and she was willing to play, but she was still going to try to put up the fight -try being the keyword.
He moved off the railing, placing himself parallel to it, in front of Circe; then he walked towards her, Circe could feel her heartbeat accelerating as his hands were placed on top of the railing at her sides, his forearms grazing hers as she moved under his gaze. Circe removed the cigarette from her lips putting it out with the cold metal before throwing it out; her breathing that was once controlled by the intake of smoke was starting to become heavier, now she could take in his scent and it was intoxicating, he smelt like all things 'good', smoke, Jack and blood, he smelt like danger and she loved it.
Nikki removed his cigarette from his lips and mimicked Circe's movements, putting it off and throwing it out. Now, there was nothing between them, not like last time and it made her feel anxious, especially when he moved closer to her, their bodies practically pressing against one another. Nikki's face neared her's, he brushed their noses together and as his lips brushed against her's she took in a sharp breath causing him to let out a breathy laugh.
"What do you want me to do, babe?" Nikki whispered, moving from her face to her ear, rubbing the side of his face slightly against hers.
"What do you want to do?" Circe questioned back, trying to regain some power over this situation, reason why her hands moved up to Nikki's neck, her nails scraping the back of his head, pulling on the hair lightly.
Nikki didn't answer he just let out a frustrated huff, enjoying the feeling of her nails and hands were they laid, it was posessive, almost. He, then, moved his face back in front of her's, their gaze never braking and as he almost met her mouth, Circe closed her eyes, but the kiss never came, instead, Nikki nibbled on Circe's lower lip, a moan dropping from her before she could catch it.
Then he broke the trance they were in, pushing his body off of her's and walked back inside, leaving Circe heaving.
Two can play this game...
// Next Chapter //
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sugar-petals · 7 years ago
Sub!RM Analysis: The Case of Jessi
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On request by anon. As always... With body language! ❤️
Previous analyses: Sub!BTS ◆ Sub!JK ◆ Sub!Yoongi (pt.2, pt.3) ◆ Sub!Tae/Hobi/Joon
One thing’s for sure: Namjoon gets active being courteous with assertive ladies. He becomes super focused, gets excited easily (read: horny), makes tremendous efforts, is flirtatious, shy, cute. I reckon no other member in Bangtan can be as suave as RM. Not even Jimin. Who’s the Prince of Charm as we know. But it’s all a bit chaotic, extroverted, and depends on the mood. Namjoon is so deliberate being consistently smooth, the understated way. And herein lies his strong point: He knows the method of how to always put her first. 
Now our interest here is how that goes together with his submissive side. A perfect exhibit of how Namjoon gravitates toward dominant women, gets along well, and is being suave, where do we find something like that. I think we can actually get quite a lot out of the first mins of Hello Counselor, May 2015. In which Namjoon was conveniently seated next to the domme in charge: Jessi. We all know what she prefers:
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Jessi’s dominant through and through: public image, behind the scenes — even if she can be gentle, on stage. It’s true that she amps it up there, don’t get me wrong. But she is known for a very direct approach in person wherever she goes, and has always hinted at being similar sexually speaking in her songs, from Noona Kinks to leashes:
She’s a good, close to foolproof example if we want to look at dommes. RM, believe it or not, met her, they interacted a lot, and something surprising happened. 
1:42 It’s already the first scene and he’s at it. Jessi, being her dominant self, is confronting the MC quite confidently. And what does RM do? He shifts his body closer to her. He didn’t look like he noticed. I did. Caught you, Joon.
2:07 Now that Jessi is at full throttle taking over the show as always, Joon gets coy. He looks down and fiddles with his cuff. Boy’s nervous. Look at that smol bean.
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2:14 Unlike Taehyung, Joon looks at her performance smiling and stares. He nods his head along to the rap but then tries to avoid looking at her? No, His eyes go up to the left, upwards. That means accessing memory, emotion, and thinking. He’s analyzing what she says, too. Note his entire body’s moving to the rhythm while most of the other cast members sit still. That guy is feeling it and tries to figure her out at the same time. 
2:38 More nervousness. This time: touching the calves. He often caresses himself to be calmer. His rap intonation is strangely sharp there, obviously, he’s trying to impress but not overshadow her because he keeps it brief. Jessi, of course, is super happy and claps, flips her hair to the side. Acknowledgement!
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3:34 More peacocking. Namjoon clumsily dances backwards right into her zone but his face says smug. That was no coincidence. He looks back at her twice. She imitates the moves. He’s satisfied with the results and looks at Tae like good job! Now Jessi is a bit nervous and fiddles at her tank top. She always pushes her hair back to flirt, exposing the neck (pheromones, showing an erogenous area to kiss, you know how it goes), and guess on which side? Namjoon’s. 
4:08 They’re back to the start: Namjoon messing with his own shirt. A minute later, it’s his plushie pillow. Do you see how they went back and forth? That’s mirroring — aka they like each other. You’ll see it all over, especially when both clasp their hands the same way. It’s good chemistry, a good dynamic.
6:04 A classic tough-minded joke by Jessi. Nobody looks at her laughing except Namjoon who is genuinely giggling with her turning his head. But downwards, looking at her from below. Subservience! As he does that, her front foot shifts towards him! Then, they lean their bodies to the exact same side. 
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9:01 Again, their bodies sync to align. Joon is busy stroking his calf again. Then laughs his ass off to ease the awkward tension when Jessi gets a negative spotlight and super pissed since she fits the rapper stereotype that the mom criticizes. He also sends sceptical, uneasy gazes and a crooked smile to the mom. You can tell by the expression, “oh dear, what does she say to Jessi next...”
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9:45 They almost touch! By him pointing at Jessi’s knees during the torn jeans joke. And he uses both hands for that, not just one, wtf! Even a flat palm just hovering there lmao. Physical Freudian slip, that guy is dying to touch her but won’t since he catches himself (good boy). Jessi, however, is leaning back either way, it’s unclear whether he dodges or not since she faces the other way in the first place. She is rather uncomfortable at more negative focus on her created by the hosts, so Namjoon again tried to ease the situation. 
Meanwhile, they have completely synchronized their positions — Jessi crossed her legs, Namjoon clasped his hands, both got themselves a pillow to hold on their lap: 
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Notice again how she keeps her hair to the other side so he can see her face/expression.
12:38 Perfect simultaneous head turn! 
13:16 While Jessi has a mad as fuck glare toward the rude daughter, Namjoon is busy pulling his lip down with his pinky and thumb? What! Like hello madam, don’t mind the drama, how about kisses instead (remember her neck display earlier. it fits). Again, he tries to distract from Jessi getting into trouble. It’s really a consistent topic how he accommodates.
When she is very straightforward, RM says appeasing things. It’s striking that he doesn’t get aggressive, offended, contemptuous, or tries to resist like most men Jessi rightfully calls out but works his way around being diplomatic. Even if he is not part of the conflict, he still backs her up, and that says something about how selfless his affection is apart from wanting to seize her attention.
I think their dominant vs submissive inclinations sort of polarize but right when it gets interesting, they sort of disperse because other people get the screen time. For the rest of the broadcast I just noticed they return to sync pretty often, Jessi looks at him quite intently, and keeps her hair from falling to his side at all times :’) 
So this is what we got. Take a look yourself. I think his behaviour is quite notable: wanting her close, always endorse, impressing her, being pretty nervous because something’s at stake. He’s definitely the kind of sub who will show his fondness quite readily (à la Taehyung or Jimin) instead of going into his shell waiting for initiative. I observed Jungkook and Yoongi doing this many times which is simply their unique manner of doing it. It takes another type of domme for that. Namjoon will be demonstrative and supportive right away on the other hand. And that’s a good closing note describing his way of submission, he has a lot of what I think the modern devoted gentleman can offer a domme.
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cabinboy100 · 7 years ago
MR. ROBOT: Season 3: Some Pre-finale Big Picture Theories…
Hello, Friend.
Gonna ramble on some Big Ideas that might explain what’s going on in the WhiteRosey sectors of MR. ROBOT…
The universe is a simulation, or at least effectively functions and exists as one, and WhiteRose is able to hack it. Currently only to a degree. She can copy and paste elements that exist and have existed in the universe. She can edit them, but only in certain ways. She currently has limited write permissions.
We've seen her do this when she copied a young Angela from the past and pasted her into the present to interview the adult Angela. 
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We also saw *someone* do this when Trenton's brother (who actually left town with his parents) was copied and pasted onto the beach next to Elliot. Each of these instances was edited, tailored to accomplish a certain task. This is the kind of "undo" that WhiteRose has promised and tantalized Irving and Angela with.
However, she cannot yet deliver what Angela wishes for—the return of her mother and Elliot's father, hale and hearty. Editing them to the degree that they would be cured and healthy is currently beyond WhiteRose's power. She needs to proceed with her Congo project in order to gain that ability. WhiteRose's ultimate goal is to be able to edit the universe so that she can make lasting and stable changes, for herself, and to herself. In order to achieve that, anyone and everyone may be expendable, but also revivable.
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WhiteRose already possesses time travel capability, and she's used it countless times, each time tweaking events to get closer to an ultimate desired result. She doesn't believe in coincidence because when it occurs around her, she's had a hand in manufacturing it. In the events and timeline we see unfolding on the show, Elliot Alderson is the right person with the right connections and experiences in the right place at the right time for what WhiteRose needs to be done. I do not think that WhiteRose's time travel allows for a person to get into a DeLorean in 2015 and step out of it in 1985. Instead, what she can do is send herself (and maybe others) information. Maybe it's "psychic," a la PRINCE OF DARKNESS, but I prefer to think it's electronic, a la STEIN'S GATE. An email with an attached document sent from her personal server in 2015 to her AOL address in 1990.
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How would this help WhiteRose? I'm gonna run thru a couple of *hypothetical* loops to demonstrate…
Let's say that in a previous iteration of the universe, WhiteRose identified Edward Alderson, Elliot's dad, as a useful tool in a takedown of ECorp and the global economy. He was poisoned by ECorp and had the coding/hacking chops to damage them. WhiteRose could have used her resources to encourage him to make the attempt. It fails. Edward can only do so much damage to ECorp in the 90s before he dies. However, his son grows up to be an accomplished hacker at a time when ECorp is committed to digital records and vulnerable to a catastrophic attack. But for whatever reason, this Elliot doesn't have the drive to pursue such a course. At the same time WhiteRose, Zhang, and the Dark Army try many paths to sink the economy and gain leverage for acquiring the Congo, but none pan out.
When WhiteRose believes she's exhausted her options in that iteration, she assembles an information payload—added to the one she received from her previous older self—for her younger self. ZIPs it, attaches it to her Chronomail, and hits [SEND]. The next iteration begins. This time, WhiteRose tweaks details at the Washington Township plant so that Edward dies earlier (perhaps by stepping up the timeline of her pet project there?). In the wake of his father's death, this Elliot makes toppling ECorp his lifelong goal. He grows up and assemble the fsociety team, but he's too reckless, and he gets himself caught or killed. His aggression needs to be tempered. He needs to be introduced to some already available channels instead of brute forcing his way every step of the way. Again, WhiteRose has many irons in the fire, but none prove successful. She assembles a new payload, updated with this iteration's edits and outcomes, and clicks [SEND] again.
The next iteration begins. This time, WhiteRose engineers events so that Elliot has a sister and a best friend who share his interests and motivation. Darlene is another hacker, naturally more reckless than Elliot, enough so that Elliot has to step up his responsible side. Angela is another victim of ECorp, whose shared orbit guides Elliot to a position beside her at AllSafe. This Elliot wants to take down ECorp, has the skills and access, and is levelheaded enough to accomplish it. However, when he does the math and comes up with an unavoidable body count, he cannot go through the hack, at least not 100%. WhiteRose takes notes and launches the next payload into the next iteration.
This time, WhiteRose somehow gets Edward to reveal his illness to Elliot in secret, leading to the first time Edward pushes his son out the window, and so, the introduction of Mr. Robot. Everything goes nearly perfectly, but the hack is thwarted. There's one piece missing, and WhiteRose thinks she's located the raw material from which to carve it. She adds her new experiences and insights to the next payload and begins the next iteration.
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This is the one we're watching. The one in which Elliot breaks his father's trust, angering him enough to push him out a second story window, creating Mr. Robot. The one in which Mr. Robot recruits fsociety and plans the hack. The one in which Angela's influence gets Elliot to the place he needs to be—Allsafe—to enable Mr. Robot's hack. The one in which they both meet Tyrell Wellick, the final (perhaps) piece of the puzzle, and low and behold, a bloodless 5/9—well, y'know, not counting the aftermath—and leverage enough for WhiteRose/Zhang to acquire the Congo!
If this is the furthest that WhiteRose has gotten, then she is in truly uncharted territory. We've seen how she has numerous strategies in play (influencing the media to pump up a certain pompous buffoon's Q rating), and I think it's in that same vein that she turns to Grant for his advice in light of Elliot's proposal of Stage 3, something that would not have come up in any previous iteration of events. WhiteRose has the coltan mines of the Congo now. Maybe Elliot *has* outlived his usefulness. No doubt she's already made notes for her younger self to take steps to quell the unrest in the Congo so that her pet project can be transported there hassle-free in the next iteration.
And what is her pet project? Her ultimate goal? Y'know, assuming she's already got this method of time travel? What could top that?
What about the ability to run these iterations as simulations, allowing her to not have to *live* each iteration? Not that she feels it, but intellectually, for a hacker of time, that's got to be aggravating, right? Of course, each of those simulations is an iteration, too, so a subjective, paradoxical advance.
How about hacking reality? Basically, the ability I discuss in my first theory. I feel like WhiteRose's ultimate goal involves taming cosmic forces to perhaps selfishly right a personal (cosmic) wrong. Did Zhang ever have a sister? Do Zhang and WhiteRose each wish to live as two separate beings? Or is WhiteRose her true self, and Zhang a mask? Would WhiteRose wish to recode herself as a biological woman? Or somehow able to transform at will? Perhaps her pet project, once complete, can realize these wishes.
This would also make her promise to Angela a deliverable one, as I describe above.
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I would *love* for WhiteRose to have or be working toward, classic pulpy scifi time travel, but I just don't see it working out. Assuming that's the goal, and that she achieves it, she can't use time travel to go back and change or fix anything without endangering the machinations she engineered to enable it in the first place. Which logically means she can only go forward in time, and aside from hoverboards and gambling, where's the fun in that, right?
Huh. Something (zany) just occurred to me. Maybe she wants to go *all the way* forward, to the Singularity and/or Omega Point. Sorry, "and/or" because I forget if they're mutually exclusive. I’m fuzzy on the details of each. In any case, once then-there, assuming there isn't some fascist super villain who's somehow able to dominate the state, WhiteRose can live or relive any life she would want…or something. Right?
Yeah, like I said, that *just* occurred to me.
Multiverse-hopping also sounds like fun, but I'm not seeing the upside to that, either.
Maybe WhiteRose has been contacted by an alternate version of herself and given instructions on how to bridge and cross 'verses, but to what end? A Council of Cross-Time WhiteRoses who manipulate markets and technology across timelines? I'd *love* that, but it seems incongruous with the fabric and feel of the MR. ROBOT we've watched for three seasons.
Maybe WhiteRose speaks of these things in earnest with certain parties in order to manipulate them, as dramatically seen with Angela. Irving has mentioned that he doesn't find the possibility of some kind of undo (Angela and Irving never name it) completely unbelievable, and I love the idea that such a promise is part of Irving's motivation, but just as likely is the notion that Irving is toeing the line with Angela, saying what he's supposed to say to keep her motivated.
But you *know* Irving wants WhiteRose to deliver a reality in which BEACH TOWEL is a huge best seller and optioned for an HBO series, right? =)
Some last bits of crazy talk…
Washington Township has been the home of WhiteRose’s project for a very long time. If time travel is in play, maybe it’s only available for the lifetime of the functioning core of that project. How the heck is she having that “packed up” and moved to the Congo? Or is she having a second/newer facility assembled there?
What properties of the DRC region and/or coltan would be so valuable to the presumably exotic science involved in WhiteRose’s project? EM radiation? Magnetism? Radioactivity?
The Mandela Effect is visible everywhere in the show—and I *love* it—but maybe that's just the reality that this show lives in.
I'd like for there to be an opposing force to WhiteRose, someone we haven't met yet, who's playing the game at her level, or maybe even one level above, unknown to WhiteRose. Maybe it's a future Elliot. Or someone we've been told is dead. Or an alternate WhiteRose. Maybe Elliot's landlord (is that Guillermo del Toro or G. G. Martin? =) is the Yoda to WhiteRose's Emperor?
I think that someone or organization has repurposed Flipper's chip and is using him to track or spy or spoof Elliot and Mr. Robot. Krista's dick ex returning Flipper to Elliot as a curse on him was just a bit too dramatic for me to be legitimate.
Does WhiteRose know that Elliot shares his body with Mr. Robot? Does she *recognize* this dual persona existence because she does the same with Minister Zhang? Were WhiteRose's parents exposed to the same poison cocktail that killed Elliot and Angela's parents, but under different circumstances?
I know I've got more crazy talk in my rusty innards, but it's not coming to me just now. Hopefully events and revelations in this week's episode will rule some of it out. Just as likely, tho, it will inspire more. =)
Be seeing you.
Keep on keepin' on~
16 notes · View notes
shippingtheswann · 8 years ago
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MODEL BEHAVIOR A Captain Swan modern AU  by @shippingtheswann​ for the @captainswanbigbang​ 2017 year!
SUMMARY: Emma is an up and coming model living in LA with her best friend Ruby. Killian is a star baseball player for the LA Dodgers. Their families are close - and they grew up together. However, what happens after not seeing each other for 6 years - when they are forced back into a situation that requires them to reconnect and explore what was once there.
RATING: Explicit
WARNING: There will be smut later in the story, some mention of violence, hard language, mention of pregnancy loss
Hello everyone! Sorry for the slight delay in the time of the posting - but from now all, most of the story will be posted Friday evenings JST. However, this will be the last post for a while. October 13 is when I plan on being back from maternity. I will of course keep everyone updated if something changes. 
Special shout out to Monica @acaptainswaneternity​ - the artist with this story. I have loved everything she has done for me - so make sure to check her out! She made an amazing cover and the best image sets for each chapter. 
Another huge shout out to Nicola @alocin209​ who beta read everything and tried to keep me on target!
Can also be found on FF - Chapter One; Chapter Two; Chapter Three; Chapter Four
He really didn't know what he was thinking. Their flight had been going pretty well and he was enjoying his time reconnecting with the girl he almost gave up his future for. She was the same girl he once fell for, but so much more now. However, when he finally questioned her about her high school love life, everything changed. He knew she once had a crush on someone, but she never told him who. To say that he was floored by her confession of her once liking him was a bit of an understatement.
He knew there was an attraction between them, even if they weren't in the same state and couldn't actually see each other. He knew there had been a connection that was nothing like he had ever felt before. He knew he once liked her, as more than just a friend. However, he never would have guessed that she reciprocated those feelings, or at least feel them as deeply as he did.
In the back of his mind, he knew there was a possibility of her having the same feelings as him - hell, it was the reason he was going to show up at her graduation and put everything on the line.
His heart deflated a bit when she confessed to letting those feelings pass. Sure, he had to push those feelings to the back of his consciousness when Milah showed up, but they were always there, even if he didn't want to admit it. There would always be a pull towards Emma, always be a connection that would never be made with another person. So it hurt him that she had pushed him away in the way she did.
He called bullshit on her not feeling anything towards him anymore though; he could feel that there was something still there. It was as simple as that. If he could feel the electricity and heat spark between them each time one of them came close to the other, then she definitely could. He watched her breath hitch as he moved closer to her. He felt her body stiffen as there was contact between their hands. He saw her staring at his face as he moved closer to her. He noticed her drinking in his features, something he thought would have been a sight she had dreamt about before. He certainly knew he had dreamt about her lips on his before.
He knew he had to do something, anything to show her that he knew she was lying. He was always able to read her like an open book. He knew she still had feelings for him, even if she didn't quite know what those feelings were. He knew there was attraction there. In that moment, as he stared at her lips, he knew what he was going to do.
"I do," she replied to his previous question.
"Alright, my turn," he started, "I'm choosing dare this time. I dare you to kiss me. Prove to me you no longer have any feelings for me."
He watched the emotions run over her face. It seemed as if twenty emotions waved over her features in a matter of seconds. He knew she was confused about his dare, he was sure she was wondering what on Earth could have prompted him to dare her to kiss him.
As he watched her, he began to doubt himself. What was he thinking? He could potentially ruin everything that they were now working towards, if it was anything at all. He was enjoying being around her again and he would be lying if he said he wasn't hoping they could pick up where they left off. Whether or not it became a friendship or relationship, he didn't care, he just knew he wanted to be back in her life and wanted her in his.
Now, all of that could be ruined, simply because he allowed his old attraction get the best of him.
All of a sudden, he felt hands on his shirt pulling him forward. Before he could put together a coherent thought, Emma's lips were on his. It startled him for a moment. He couldn't move, couldn't think, hell, he wasn't even sure he breathed for a moment. Her lips on his overtook all of his senses.
It was if the moments in time had slowed down, but sped up all at the same time. Thankfully, he was pulled out of his frozen state and pulled Emma closer to him. The kiss had sparked something inside of him that he didn't realize he had. He had never felt this kind of electricity in a kiss before. When he kissed Milah in the past, there was passion, but never anything like kissing Emma. It was if he needed her to breathe.
He normally wasn't the aggressive type of man when he kissed a woman. However, with his arms wrapped around Emma's slight frame, his personality changed. He couldn't get enough of her. Her lips were already becoming an addiction to him, better than any rum he could ever taste. He parted her lips and deepened their kiss. He noted that their lips molded perfectly together.
Their bodies were separated by the armrest between them and in that moment he hated that stupid mechanism. He wanted to be closer to her and every moment that passed, every moment their lips were fused together, every little moan that escaped her throat was torture to him. Torture yes, but it was the best torture a man could endure.
His hands moved over her body with a purpose. One hand clutched at her hair and the feeling of each strand of hair that moved through his fingertips was magic. It reminded him of the feeling he got when he held a ball in his hands. Something was always special about holding a baseball to him and he never felt that way about anything else. Sand between his toes was never something he wanted, the feeling of silk underneath his skin wasn't something he looked forward to, but the touch of a baseball was comforting and exhilarating all at the same time. He never knew he could feel that way about another touch.
Her skin was soft in the places his other hand could touch. Her tank top allowed him unabided sources of skin. Emma was never really tan, but the soft glow of her skin accented her well. He hadn't noticed during his brief touches how warm she was, but now that his hands were roaming over her arms, he could feel the heat radiating from his touch. Her hands moved over his shirt, over his chest and down his arms. The way her fingers played with his arm hair was almost too much to handle. If he couldn't get enough of her, he knew she couldn't get enough of him.
She was pulling towards him in the same desperate manner than he was pulling towards her. Her frantic state was all he needed to keep him going. He wasn't quite sure how long the kiss, or was it kisses, lasted. He hadn't made out this way since he was a teenager and the passion that was flowing wasn't something he was ready to let go of.
Thankfully, she must have felt the same way. She broke the kiss, if only for a moment, for her to move the blasted armrest out of the way before she was back on him. Fuck, she was amazing. Her hips were now pressed against his in a odd way since they were still sitting on an airplane on their way home for the summer.
However, the removal of the device allowed him more free range of her body and his hands couldn't help but move farther down. The skin right above her pants was bare, thanks to the work of his hands on her tank top earlier. Never before had an area of a body been so important to him, but his hands didn't want to leave her lower back.
Emma had other ideas though. She moved quickly, placing herself higher than him, making his hands slip to her ass. Yes, he was aggressive with their kiss, but she was taking things to the next level. He never thought in a million years that he would be making out with Emma Nolan, on an airplane, with her practically sitting on his lap and his hands caressing her ass. Emma had always had a great body and he was perfectly content to continue to feel her up like a horny teenager on a second date.
A loud cough came from next to them right as Emma began to sink down onto his lap. They both moved back from each other quickly, Emma's face showing a bit of embarrassment. Her lips were swollen and her cheeks pink from excitement. Her hair was a bit disheveled from their session and he was sure he looked the same. They looked at each other for half a second before turning their attention to the cough that came from in front of them.
The stewardess stood a few paces from them with a look of displeasure but behind her stoic features, the woman actually seemed to smile at them. He was sure this wasn't the worst thing the stewardess had had to break up on a flight, but he was embarrassed by the situation. He would never regret kissing Emma. No, he would never regret anything that happened with Emma but he did feel bad for those who had to witness what had passed between them.
"I'm sorry for interrupting, but we are preparing for landing so if you would please take your seat," the stewardess said passively before moving towards the coach section.
Killian tried to make eye contact with Emma again as she slipped off his lap and back into her seat. However, she immediately looked out the window. He was staring at the back of her head, taking in her blonde hair while praying that she would turn and just look at him. He didn't want her to regret what they just did and he certainly didn't want to ruin what they may have been building.
He didn't regret what they did, but he couldn't help but feel bad about the circumstances in which it happened. They were both drunk and he knew that people make bad decisions while drunk. He didn't think this was a bad decision, but he couldn't help but feel that Emma was thinking that. It hurt him that she could think he would use her, or that he would regret the whole thing.
"Emma," he said in a whisper, trying to get her to turn around. He saw the deep breath she brought in as her name left his lips. She didn't move though. She kept her interest on the window. He didn't really know what to do, but he couldn't move back to his original seat. He didn't really want to though, he wanted to stay next to her no matter how awkward everything was. He wanted her to notice that he was there, that things weren't like years ago.
"Emma, please look at me," he begged, reaching to grasp one of her hands that sat on her knee. His plea didn't do anything though; she kept her face towards the ascending ground but she didn't move her hand away. Maybe she was just embarrassed by being caught up in the moment. Maybe she didn't regret the kiss. It wasn't like they were actually friends again, it wasn't like she would be able to just tell him that.
They had opened up a bit to each other during their game and even though it felt like their friendship was one that could pick up years after not speaking, he didn't think they were at the point yet where Emma would feel comfortable telling Killian what she was feeling.
Killian tried to stay calm during the plane's descent. He just wanted to talk to her, to let her know what he was feeling, to clear the air. If he was going to be staying next door to her house, they needed to get past whatever was between them. He knew they would be seeing each other often, his mother and hers were close friends and he knew there would be countless dinners they would have to attend.
The plane landed on the ground of Reagan National Airport, landing with a lot of bumps, causing Emma to squeeze Killian's hand a bit. That gave him a bit of a boost. Sure, she may have just been using him in a moment of weakness, but he knew in his heart it wasn't just that. Maybe it was a small sign that she wasn't upset or disgusted.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Washington DC…" the Captain came over the intercom but Killian wasn't paying too much attention to what he was saying. He was too busy waiting to see what Emma was going to do. He knew he had to get up and get his stuff, but he really didn't want to leave her side.
"Well, welcome home Swan," he said as he stood. She finally took his prompt and looked at him. Her face was blank, emotions wiped away. For the first time in his entire life, he was unable to read his neighbor. He couldn't place where her mind was. Her book was closed, hidden away behind it's simple, yet beautiful cover.
"Walk with me to baggage claim?" she asked in a meek voice. He could hear the nervousness behind the question. He knew she wasn't looking forward to seeing her mother. She was always daddy's little girl; her father understood her in a way her mother couldn't. Her father was always 100% supportive of her, where her mother wasn't always the most understanding. It wasn't that Mary Margaret didn't love her daughter, it was just they had different ideas for what Emma needed out of life. He understood her trepidation; he had the same feeling about his father.
"As you wish," he said, before he walked to the stewardess to get his coat and items that he left in his previous seat.
He watched in awe as Emma was given her jacket, a bright red leather one that fit her like a glove. She looked like a vision standing in front of him and it shocked him how in tune with her he was. He had only reconnected with her a few hours ago yet here he was, completely captivated by her. It wasn't something he was thinking was going to happen when he came home for the summer but it was going to be something that would change his entire outlook of this suspension.
He was relieved when baggage claim finally came into view. The long walk from the farthest gate in the airport, through security and finally down to the area was difficult to say the least. They walked together but they couldn't have been farther apart. There wasn't much physical space between them, there really couldn't be in a crowded airport, but the emotional space was palpable. He knew they had to talk about what happened and he knew it needed to happen sooner rather than later.
"Emma, can we talk?" he asked, placing his hand on her lower back and leading her to the side of the walkway, out of sight from the waiting throngs of people at baggage claim.
"We don't have time for this," was all she replied with, back to refusing to make eye contact with him.
"I just want to let you know, I don't regret anything. I don't want things to be weird between us. I've missed you," he explained, pulling her chin so she would actually look him in the eyes. Hopefully she would see his sincerity, his desire and his need for their relationship to continue.
"OK," she whispered, keeping eye contact. There was a slight apology in her eyes and he knew he was right in his thoughts about hers.
"Alright then, let's go meet our parents," he finished, but before he moved away, she grabbed his arm, bringing his attention back to her.
"I don't regret it either," she said with a smile, before walking off towards baggage claim.
He followed her like a lost puppy. He relaxed as he followed her towards the carousel with their luggage. She wasn't remorseful about their interaction and from the twinkle in her eye, he knew for a fact that she felt something towards him. He could only hope it was what he was beginning to feel.
Sure, things would be messy from here on out, but maybe Emma coming back into his life was just what he needed to get his life and his career back on track. Emma revived something in him that had been missing since Milah, since his life went to shit. He smiled as he watched Emma pause and look around the area for anyone she knew.
"Darling, there you are!" A familiar voice came from in front of them, both of their heads snapping to the area.
Adelaide Jones was pushing her way through the crowd towards the pair. Her bright smile instantly made Killian feel a million times better. His mother always held herself with a certain confidence and she hadn't changed since the last time he saw her. That was over two years ago. He always found some excuse not to come home or not to see his family when he was in the area playing ball; but two years ago, his mother surprised him in Baltimore when they were playing. Thankfully, she had come alone. She still had shoulder length auburn hair that was straightened perfectly and he knew that would never change. She was dressed to the nines, like always. She never left the house looking anything less than professional and he actually loved that about her. She was always the picture of perfection yet was approachable and loving.
His mother's comforting smile grew ten sizes when she saw Emma standing close to her son. Killian knew she loved Emma, calling her a daughter on more occasions than he could count. It was the way their families always were, treating each other like family rather than neighbors. Adelaide was there when Emma got ready for prom her junior and senior year, she was in attendance opening night of every single play Emma was in, she was at Emma's graduation and she was someone who would pick Emma up from school if she was sick and her mother couldn't leave work. He was touched to see Emma's smile grow upon seeing his mother as well.
He was surprised though, when his mother bypassed him to embrace Emma first.
"Emma dear, it's been too long! I am so happy you are home, I've missed you!" she cried, pulling Emma into a tight embrace.
"Mrs. Jones, it's so good to see you!" Emma replied with nothing but admiration in her voice.
"Darling, you look tired, have you been sleeping? Your eyes are a bit puffy, I hope you aren't getting sick. You let me know if you need anything OK?" Her mothering tendencies were coming out, making him chuckle beside her. He hadn't really noticed what his mother was pointing out. He knew she wasn't criticizing Emma, more just being concerned but he didn't see it. Emma looked lovely.
"I'm fine, I've just been busy. It will be good to be home," she answered, Killian's internal lie detector going off, but he wasn't going to bring it up now. He made himself a promise though, to get to the bottom of Emma's sadness.
"Well, we are glad you're here. Killian, how are you dear?" his mother asked, finally paying attention to her actual child, pulling him into an embrace similar to the one she gave Emma.
"I'm fine mom, just a bit tired. The flight was long," he added, hoping to distract his mother from questioning Emma more.
"I'm sure it was," she said in response, her eyes darting quickly between the two.
"I'm sorry Mrs. Jones, but do you know where my mother is?" Emma interjected, looking around the area with a small frown on her face.
"Oh yes, we had breakfast this morning. She is so very excited to have both of her children back in the house," his mother began, and Killian knew he was in for a story. His mother never explained something quickly. "She was telling me about your flight when I got a call from Killian telling me he was coming home. Of course, I was so excited to hear my son would be back under our roof. We then found out that you two were on the same plane, so I offered to pick the both of you up. Your mother jumped at the opportunity, she has just so much on her plate with Henry's party, with your homecoming, with the event next week for the DAR, plus your father's retirement party coming up. So, she is at home getting dinner ready and I am here."
Killian started to feel angry towards the story. Of course, he would never be upset with his mother. The woman was always willing to go above and beyond for anyone, anytime. His mother always put her family first, always dropped everything to do something for her kids. Emma's mother however, always seemed preoccupied with other things. Parties were Emma's mother's thing. In fact, Killian could remember Emma telling him stories of her mother passing on important life milestones of Emma's because of a party. He looked at her and saw her face fall as his mother finished her story. While Emma didn't get along well with her mother, he knew she must have been looking forward to someone from her actual family picking her up.
His mother must have felt her disappointment, because she reached over to grab Emma's hand and give it a squeeze.
"She really did want to be here sweetie, but she wants to make sure everything at home is perfect for you. Come, let's get your bags and get you home. Besides, Evie is waiting in the car," his mother said, coaxing a slight smile out of Emma.
Standing next to his mother's BMW was his sister. Aibhilin Jones was a force to be reckoned with, just like his mother. While not technically his sister, his parents adopted her fifteen years ago when she was four. She was really his cousin, her mother being his father's sister. Both of her parents passed away in a car accident in Ireland, leaving Evie an orphan. Thankfully, his parents stepped in and took the young girl in. Her traditional Irish name was difficult for most Americans to say properly but Emma corrected it quickly, giving her the nickname everyone called her to this day.
His sister was one year older than Emma's brother and looked up to Emma. When she saw Emma walking towards the car, his sister let out a shriek that could probably break glass, flinging herself into Emma's arms.
"Evie, I've missed you!" Emma exclaimed, pulling the girl into her arms.
"Thank God you're home Emma, this place is utterly boring without you. Why did you have to leave me for so long?" she whined as Killian loaded their luggage into the trunk of the vehicle, inwardly cursing that his mom couldn't have borrowed the Nolan's large SUV.
As the girls caught up, Killian was having a hard time not thinking about what happened on the plane. Every time Emma moved, his mind turned perverted, especially remembering the way she felt under his hands. How was he supposed to sit in the back seat with her for the ride home? Sitting in the front was out of the question, as his sister always sat in the front seat, having horrible motion sickness if she sat in the back. He knew his mother would never let him drive, which was probably a good thing. However, he really didn't want to be confined with Emma in the tight back seat. Well, he did, but not in this situation. Not with his mother and sister in the front seat.
"Hey brother," his sister finally said to him.
"Hey squirt." He knew she hated the American term that big brothers sometimes lovingly used towards little sisters, but it was their little joke. She quickly hugged him, placing a quick kiss to his cheek. They weren't as close as Evie had been with Emma, but he loved his little sister dearly.
The back of the car became increasingly muggy as they drove the short five miles to the Nolan residence. Even though their parents lived five miles from the airport, the traffic in Northern Virginia was almost as bad as LA and took 30 minutes to get there.
He could smell her perfume as they sat there. She had freshened up as they left the plane and he hadn't noticed the scent before. Now though, the smell of strawberries accosted his senses. There was something else in her perfume, or wipes, whatever she used, but it was almost as intoxicating as the kiss they shared.
His mind couldn't help but wander back to their kiss on the plane. He couldn't help but reminisce about her lips on his, the slight moan that escaped when he became aggressive. He was having the hardest time forgetting the feel of her skin under his touch. He was craving the touch of hers too. He wanted to pull her close, to wrap his arms around her, to make everything better. If that meant kissing the pain away, then he would do it. Yet while he knew it would be unwelcome in that moment, he couldn't help but daydream about it.
There was construction on the one, so every time a bump in the road was hit, they touched and it set him on fire. He was having a hard time not leaving his hand on her leg, as he kept having to put it there to steady himself every time his mother hit an unfriendly pothole. The electricity buzzed in the air every time his mom hit a corner and their legs would brush against each other.
These next three weeks would surely be the death of him, but in that moment, while he sat next to her, smelling her sweet scent and admiring her fine features, he didn't mind. He would never mind, as long as it meant Emma was near him and he could get his fix.
47 notes · View notes
junker-town · 5 years ago
How a UDFA became a Defensive Player of the Year contender
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Buccaneers DE Shaquil Barrett finished September with nine sacks, three forced fumbles, and an interception.
It’s time everyone gets to know Shaquil Barrett’s name because what he’s doing is unprecedented.
Nobody listens, mane.
I’ve pumped out two successive columns praising Shaquil Barrett’s outstanding production with the Buccaneers this year. I’ve explained just how thoroughly this guy is embarrassing offensive tackles. I’ve pointed out Barrett is winning with great technique and above-average athleticism. I’ve accurately predicted Barrett would keep winning his one-on-one matchups every week.
I actually implored teams to start sending their tackles help when they had Barrett lined up across from them. As an old defensive lineman, I ought to be ashamed of myself.
But did they listen?
*sucks teeth*
Please, pretty please somebody, anybody, everybody wake up to the fact that Barrett is that dude right now. You can’t name an edge rusher who is playing on his level after the first quarter of the season.
Try it, I dare you.
What Barrett is doing is unprecedented
Listen Linda, we are starting to sail into uncharted waters here with Barrett’s accomplishments on the season. He has now raised his sack total to nine, leading the league by a healthy margin in that category. Only three other guys have ever notched nine sacks in the first four games of the season.
Recognize any of these names?
-Mark Gastineau -Kevin Greene -Kabeer Gbaja-Biamila
At the time he retired, Gastineau was the all-time career leader in sacks with 107.5. Greene is a Hall of Famer now who finished with 160 career sacks of own. The “other guy” is the lesser-known Biamila, who “only” had 74.5 sacks in his career.
Suffice it to say, Barrett is in great company.
And that’s before we even get to the nine other pressures, three forced fumbles, two pass breakups, two other tackles for a loss, and an interception he’s had.
At the same time, I’ve never seen a situation quite like Barrett’s before. He is the only player on that very short list who didn’t get drafted. I’m also pretty sure he is the only one of that four who started out on the practice squad. Up until now, Barrett’s best year in the league was in 2015 with the Broncos. He also has only started more than six games once in his previous five seasons.
It wasn’t at all surprising that most teams weren’t beating down his door this past offseason. How many undrafted guys have had a breakout season in their sixth year in the league? I don’t think many people were even sure he would start when the Bucs signed him to a one-year deal.
The price of the brick is going up with each new dominant performance. He has come almost literally out of nowhere to being in prime position to dethrone reigning Defensive Player of the Year Aaron Donald. That’s something I’m not sure even Barrett could’ve imagined prior to the start of this season.
Barrett made his strongest case yet for Defensive Player of the Year against the Rams
In Week 4, Barrett didn’t have another multi-sack game, but in some ways what he did in LA was even more impressive than what he had done in his previous two games.
Recording a sack is nice and all, but causing three turnovers in one game and getting the ball back for your red-hot offense? Now that’s priceless.
It also was a big factor in the Bucs upsetting the Rams. That Barrett was able to make those plays from the left side illustrates for the unfamiliar just how versatile this young baller can be.
I am wondering if I might have given some folks the wrong impression before. It just so happened that I only broke down plays that he made while lined up on the defensive right edge. That might’ve come off like Barrett either plays over there all the time, or he doesn’t make plays when he lines up on the other side.
Nothing could be further from the truth, as the Rams learned the hard way.
Barrett did have good pass rushes already from the left edge in the first three weeks of the season. I know the Rams watch the same film that I do, and then some. So while the rest of y’all might have been clueless to the destruction that Barrett could unleash off the left edge, LA didn’t have any excuse for looking so unprepared.
It’s pretty wild how a guy who made so many big plays from the right side made several almost exclusively from the left side in Week 4. However, Barrett was also balling on the right side like usual. Hell, he barely missed out on two other potential sacks from the right side. It just so happens that this was the week when it was time for him to layeth the smacketh down on the right tackle’s ass rather than the left’s.
For now, let me take you through the film. I’m going to highlight three plays where Barrett was able to force the Rams into a turnover, and let’s see if I can’t convince you of how deserving he is to be the DPOTY frontrunner.
Play No. 1: How he forced Goff into a crucial interception
Early in the second quarter, the Buccaneers were up 7-0, but the Rams were putting together a pretty good drive. At the Bucs’ 30-yard line, the Rams were in shotgun, with running back Todd Gurley offset to quarterback Jared Goff’s left and three receivers and a tight end in the game.
Barrett was lined up on the defensive left edge this time, across from right tackle Rob Havenstein in a standup loose five-technique. The Bucs initially showed five defensive linemen on the play pre-snap, by walking up inside linebacker Lavonte David on the right edge and bumping the rest of their normal front four inside.
This gave the impression they might be blitzing, and even though David dropped back into coverage on the snap, the other Bucs inside linebacker, Kevin Minter, faked like he was coming on a blitz to the same general area that David had vacated after the ball was snapped. He was really just trying to “hug up” Gurley in coverage, but it at least appeared the Rams’ offensive line reacted as if they were expecting a fifth rusher.
Now why is this important?
It’s because if the Rams had known the Bucs were only rushing four, they could have tried to slide the center toward Barrett to get Havenstein some help with an inside move. But with the left side of the offensive line looking for an extra rusher, that left nobody but Havenstein to try to block Barrett.
Yeah, you can imagine how that turned out.
On the snap, Barrett came screaming up the field for three hard steps. He took that third step with his outside (left) foot, and as soon as it hit the ground, Barrett turned right in toward Havenstein and shot his hand up to Havenstein’s chest as if Barrett were going to hit him with a surprise bull rush. It happened so quickly and the movement was so slight that anybody not trying to block him might have missed it. However, Havenstein did see it and reacted immediately to the perceived threat of a power rush, stopping his feet and bracing to try to absorb it.
And that’s what did him in.
As soon as he saw Havenstein slow his feet down, Barrett planted his inside (right) foot and pushed himself back outside and around Havenstein rather than through him. At the same time, Barrett dipped to get his pad level back down and swung his inside (right) arm underneath Havenstein’s outside (left) arm. He leaned back into Havenstein for a mean dip-and-rip move.
At that point, all Havenstein could do was try to lean on Barrett and hold on for dear life. It was of no use because Barrett now had a straight line to the quarterback and he wasn’t going to squander that opportunity. He finished the rip and left Havenstein on his knees in the dust.
I don’t know what Goff saw first; his wide receiver, Cooper Kupp, roasting his defender and breaking wide open downfield, or Barrett breathing down his neck after beating Havenstein and trying to break his face. Either way, Goff tried to get his pass off to Kupp before Barrett could get to him.
It didn’t work.
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Barrett extended his left arm up and out so that he could hit Goff’s throwing (right) arm before Goff could follow through. The impact of Barrett hitting Goff’s elbow took all the steam off of the throw, and the ball just floated up in the air before it came down almost directly to Bucs safety Jordan Whitehead, who caught Goff’s arm punt and returned it to midfield.
The Tampa offense went right down and scored a touchdown to go up 14-0. All because of that great, but subtle, move Barrett put on the hapless Havenstein.
Still with me so far? Cool, because there is more where that came from.
Play No. 2: Barrett proved he’s more than a pass rusher with an interception
Late in the third quarter, the Rams were down 31-20. LA decided to try to go for it on fourth-and-2 at the Bucs’ 40-yard line. To help their chances of success, the Rams tried to go fast to catch the Bucs off guard. They quickly got to the line in a shotgun empty set, with backup running back Malcolm Brown to the right side of the formation and a tight end and a receiver in a tight split to the left side.
The idea was to line Brown up as the innermost of the three eligible receivers and run him to the flat. The two receivers would run right at the defenders covering them to form a moving screen for Brown down the field so he could catch the ball and get the first down.
Or at least that’s how it was supposed to happen.
I don’t know if this is something the Rams do on a regular basis, but the Bucs seemed fully prepared for this play. Barrett, in particular, reacted as if he had crystal ball.
Barrett was once again in a standup loose five-technique as the defense’s left edge rusher, kinda lined up on the inside half of Brown. When the ball was snapped, instead of trying to get up the field to pass rush, Barrett stepped wide outside almost like he had Brown in coverage. Havenstein aggressively pursued Barrett as Barrett stepped outside. Havenstein reached out to try to grab Barrett in a big old bear hug, but Barrett was able to avoid Havenstein enough to keep his outside (left) arm free, while continuing to work into the passing lane between Goff and Brown.
Goff didn’t have much of a choice but to try to make the throw because he was under immediate pressure from a blitzing Minter, who came scot-free through the right A gap. The ball was on target and had at least a chance of being a completion had Barrett not been there. But he was, so it wasn’t.
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Barrett was able to reach up and tip the ball up in the air, even with Havenstein draped all over him. He then had the concentration to catch the ball. After a quick bobble, Barrett was able to establish complete control before Havenstein was dragged him out of bounds.
Yes, that’s right, folks. Barrett is more than just a great pass rusher. A lot more in fact. The guy has been a big-play machine all season. And by the way, the Bucs made the most of the opportunity Barrett provided them by marching right down the field to score another touchdown.
Of course if you know anything about the Bucs’ recent history, you know that lead was far from insurmountable. Sunday, though, things went a little bit differently at the end of the game.
Play No. 3: Barrett was clutch when his team needed him most
You would think after seeing Barrett set offensive tackles on fire that the Rams might have seen the error or their ways and sent Havenstein some damn help. After all, they were in desperation mode and the last thing they could afford was to allow Barrett to embarrass one of their tackles again.
No, seriously. With only 1:17 left, down eight points at midfield, the Rams really just said fuck it and left one of their tackles to try to handle Barrett one-on-one again. You know, the guy who already had eight sacks in the first three weeks.
To quote myself once again quoting Pernell McPhee: fucking mistake!
What makes it worse is that they had Gurley offset to Barrett’s side this time. However, the Bucs showed a walked up double-A gap blitz look with their linebackers, as they had quite a bit during the game. Gurley ended up looking inside for a blitz that never came while his right tackle was getting his ass kicked again. The kicker? The Rams kept their tight end to block and still couldn’t spare anybody to help out with Barrett.
This time, Barrett sold Havenstein on a speed rush by hauling up the field for three steps. On the third step with his outside (left) foot, Barrett raised up his inside (right) hand as if he were going to chop down on Havenstein’s outside (right) hand and try to beat Havenstein around the edge. This caused Havenstein to turn his body almost perpendicular to the line of scrimmage as he prepared to try to ride Barrett past the level of the quarterback on what he assumed was going to be a speed rush.
As soon as Barrett saw Havenstein turning and trying to shoot his punch, Barrett planted with that outside (left) foot and used his left leg to spring him back around inside, while he pirouetted off of his inside (right) foot.
Havenstein didn’t fully commit to the punch and was still in position to potentially recover when Barrett finished his 360. But then Barrett swung what had been his outside (left) arm around with violent intentions and elbowed Havenstein in his back, which helped to pin Havenstein’s arms and prevent him from being able to keep his hands on Barrett.
As he finished the spin and left behind Havenstein in his wake, Barrett ended up literally right in front of Goff, who evidently hadn’t taken notice that his right tackle was getting demolished again. Goff did try to move to his right to avoid Barrett at the last second, but he was basically a sitting duck at that point.
Just one week after the Bucs blew an 18-point lead to the Giants, Barrett found a way to ensure that didn’t happen to again. That meant he wasn’t going to settle for just a sack. He sold all the way out and swiped at the football as he was taking Goff down.
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Barrett didn’t actually touch the football, but the force of his blow, along with Goff trying to keep the ball away from Barrett’s swiping hands, created a fumble all the same.
Barrett’s teammate, defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh, barely broke stride as he scooped that pigskin and hauled ass 37 yards for yet another touchdown off of a Barrett-forced turnover. That was the final nail in the coffin on any Rams comeback attempt. It put the Bucs up for good 55-40.
For his efforts against the Rams in Week 4, Barrett earned Hoss of the Week honors, making him the only player to ever win it three weeks in a row.
It’s time everyone knows Shaquil Barrett’s name
To come from where Barrett has in his career and then turn around and put up these kinds of numbers in a month is both amazing and preposterous. It’s also unprecedented, as far as I can tell.
Furthermore, I went back and rewatched the Bucs’ Week 1 loss to the 49ers because I thought I must’ve missed something. I’m not sure even the team knew what it had in Barrett in the first game. The Bucs were dropping him in coverage damn near half the time on passing downs that day. They had him outchea trying to cover George Kittle down the field while Jimmy Garoppolo was standing all comfy in the pocket.
After seeing what I’ve seen in the last three games, I can’t help but wonder what his stats might’ve looked like had he rushed the passer a few more times against the 49ers.
I just really hope he stays healthy because there is no telling how crazy his numbers will be. Especially with these teams being hard-headed trying to single-block him. Even when he isn’t getting sacks or pressures, the dude is winning one-on-one pass rush reps repeatedly. Not all of them, but enough that it actually stands out when he doesn’t win.
I watch every game, every week. You don’t see that much on film, even from guys who have multiple double digit-sack seasons. Let’s not forget most of your fave’s never had a start to the season like this, either. Not Reggie White, not LT, not Bruce Smith — none of ‘em.
And I’m calling it right now: unless Barrett misses some time, he should end up winning Defensive Player of the Year. He isn’t going to stop making plays if he’s healthy, that’s for sure. If he doesn’t win it, it will likely only be because of low name recognition.
In light of the historic season he’s having, it’s time that every football fan starts to learn Barrett’s name, and I’m happy to do my part in that effort. I won’t be writing about him again for a while, but this should be more than enough to get people interested. So if you found this column persuasive, pass it along to all your friends so everyone can get familiar.
0 notes
hotel-oscar · 8 years ago
FACTS : what I know without a shadow of a doubt happened vs deduction, speculation and/or my opinion.
FACT : December 18th, Sunday - Woke up on corner of Robertson & Santa Monica Blvd in front of Pavilions. I was partially robbed & obviously sexually molested. Also had 1 thin clean cut over left top lip. Like a purposely cut line approximately 1" in length. I was also missing my left earring. It was a black circle and superman symbol on other (I sometimes use that mismatch combo on my left ear only and both matching circles on the right). It’s the kind often referred to as fake plugs so they screw into each other, which in turn makes them more secure and a task to remove so ya, left earring was missing and not on the floor. Otherwise, absolutely no other signs of visible trauma or impact points so I know I didn’t fall on the ground.
FACT : I was missing my wallet, motorcycle key, motorcycle w helmet BUT I still had my A1 leather bomber jacket on, $1+ in coins, 2x collector Swiss Army pocket knives & my black Ray Ban Wayfarer sunglasses. Partial robbery…? I then went into Pavilions’ and bought myself a Tonic Water w the change I had.
FACT : I parked right in front of Abbey and went into Chapel @ the Abbey and bought Bacardi Limon from the tall slender female bartender with the obviously fake English accent.
FACT : Other than feeling confused to how, when & HOW the hell I ended up there, I felt 100% sober & clear minded. This was no surprise to me since I know I didn’t even drink enough to have a buzz. I don’t even remember finishing my shot.
FACT : I thought it weird that NO ONE offered to neither help me nor express any concern. Then when I went back to The Abbey to get my credit card that I had left there, everyone was being rude and giving me the run around and saying come back & just meaner than I have ever recalled them being. They never gave me back my card. I tried from before 7am until noon.
****UPDATE**** They charged my card $40 and it’s a straight up lie. For one, I lost my phone a few days earlier and so I wasn’t sure my balance so I was limiting myself 1-2 drinks max and I always keep my limit. Second, I haven’t spent $40 on a tab since the military and that’s no joke. Besides, I’m 100% positive that I didn’t authorize $40.
FACT : At sundown, I walked miles and miles walking all lit main streets until someone finally asked me if I was ok. It was a homeless woman at a 711 whom I later gave my Air Force Swiss Army pocket knife to as a gift. I was freezing and hungry & she fed me and we huddled together for body heat right outside the 711 doors. When she left, she offered me to go with her but I still felt a danger lurking and didn’t want to put her at risk. When she left, I began looking for a cement or steel trash can bc I was shivering uncontrollably from the cold and needed to get warm. I found one on a sidewalk adjacent to a gas station. I made sure there was no residue gas dripping from the pumps as I walked by them on my way to the trashcan on street. I started that fire for the sole reason of staying warm but also made sure I was being seen on the station’s camera in case anything happened to me bc I had a feeling that someone wanted to make me disappear.
FACT : At no time was anyone or thing in any danger, including myself. Firefighters put it out. Cops (LAPD) showed up after the fire was already out and the firefighters were packing up to leave. It was obvious I was going to get hurt right off the back so I repeatedly told them loudly & clearly that I was a woman. They only got more aggressive and more threatening to the point where I thought that’s it, I’m about to get tazed/shot so I finally yelled, “Ok ok I’m a guy,”– in which they proceeded to tackle me, hogtie, rip my nose back, suffocate me, inject me & beat me. I begged & pleaded for my life forever it seemed bc I couldn’t breathe & that alone was unbearable. When I realized that they were not going to let up, I yelled in Spanish for God to help me and that’s when I got one last sock to the face in which I pretended to be knocked out. I began listening and feeling everything they were doing. I felt my butt exposed while they injected me w something. They had my socks off and had my ankles turned in an unnatural way which w the handcuffs made it impossible to feel anything they were doing to them but the overwhelming pain & fear of breaking like my wrist already felt was. I do however remember the firefighters driving by close enough to make eye contact while I was struggling on the floor before pretending to lose consciousness.
FACT : They tortured me for over 25+ minutes but now actually seemed a lot longer than that and am sure it was. Then they finally put me in a paramedic-like vehicle where not only did they refer to me as a WOMAN but one said, “I wish she’d keep squirming so I could rip her nose back again.” Wtf? Then they proceeded to cut my A1 AF leather bomber jacket into little pieces so I’d never wear it again. Btw, that jacket clearly had my (female) name & rank on front name badge. Then they cut off my white t-shirt and binder which held down my breast followed by sticking an IV down a vein in my throat and opening my eyes and pushing each one so far into my skull that I swore they were gonna poke each out. I’ve never had anyone do these things to me & didn’t know people like that even existed, let alone people that wore uniforms and were supposed to be saving lives. Not enjoying themselves torturing one… I heard them all making little jokes and enjoying themselves the entire time and even when I was walked thru the precinct and booking topless with my breast out in the open (Yet, they were still trying to book me as a male even then!). I remained exposed for everyone to see until I was seen by the doctor in holding in which she said can we put a shirt on him/her. She saw the IV in my throat & asked why the hell they put an IV in me. Even the officer stuttered that he didn’t know why. They x-rayed my wrist bc it was badly injured. I still have no feeling of left thumb and wrist. I still have scars on wrists and ankles from being hogtied with the handcuffs overly tightened. At the time I had blood and swelling at my wrists and ankles from the handcuffs. I also noticed that I was bleeding under one of my middle toes from my left foot & wasn’t previously.
FACT : I reported the rape from West Hollywood as soon as I felt safe and asked for rape kits. Santa Monica Hospital, USC and LA County Women’s Jail. Sheriffs sent SVU investigators to talk to me while in jail. I told them every detail including how I got my motorcycle stolen from right in front of the Abbey and gave them title info in order to find it. The men left their #’s. I called them several times later to find out status and left msgs. I did this from jail and later from home after I was released. I never ever received a call back or acknowledgment and the other # said it didn’t exist. I made sure to keep record of any calls & messages I made to or left them as well as keep the business card they gave me when they came to see me in jail.
{For the record, WOMEN’S LA County Jail was the best part of this ordeal. Not only did they take care of me and make me feel safe and respected me but also the inmates were a blessing to have met. Each inmate made a very special & personal contribution to my heart’s recovery. They all became my friends and I know we all share a special bond and will no doubt see each other again and hopefully work with too. Thank u to every Deputy. U guys genuinely care about human beings and I’m sorry there are Sheriffs that carry guns on the outside tarnishing your priceless contribution to humanity. I’d work w u guys any day.}
FACT : I was in Signal Hill the day before and received a ticket for the motorcycle being parked on the sidewalk. The motorcycle a 1983 Blue Hondamatic had mismatching license plate from VIN on registration. This is bc I have 2 of the same exact bike and often switched out parts between them. I have its twin sitting here at home in pieces and missing its original license plate, which went w the stolen bike. When I finally got home from jail in mid January, I discovered that the titles for both of the bikes that I had put away safely in a box were both missing. I didn’t even have time to fully take in this whole mess before I was conveniently 5150’d for crying on a curb on a street named Cudahy in which HP Police decided to tow my other bike which was simply parked against the curb correctly & not even w key in it. It was towed to Mr. C’s Towing in South Gate. I tried to get it after my VA nightmare but they wanted me to pay $66 per day for something they did illegally. Well, just like my other bike it has a twin so it has the same mismatching plate detail. I still have the title for this one and the original plate on me. Not on the bike they are holding. I also have the original plate for the 1983 Hondamatic that I just learned from its previous owner, the guy I bought it from, that it was auctioned off in January while I was in jail. They said that they had contacted him to demand he pay for the fees that I guess were not recovered w the f***ing auction but when he tried calling them back w his defense the DMV claimed they had no record of the bike’s existence. Can somebody please tell me what the f*** is going on????
****UPDATE**** I can’t seem to get a police report anywhere. I want to know what they said so I can defend myself but they keep jerking me around sending me on a wild goose chase and lying. HPPD first said I was operating the bike impaired but when I brought evidence contradicting that, they changed their story once again. This time they say that they didn’t want to be responsible in case the bike was stolen while I was in the hospital bc God knows how long I’d be there. BULLSH*T. 1st, they 5150’d me which is a 72 hr hold. 2nd, I’m sure I could have easily arranged for a family member to just walk over and get it. No biggie. 3rd, U ARE RESPONSIBLE for it being stolen! Both PD & Towing place keep sending me back and forth to supposedly get something needed which have been lies and the days have added up. Here’s the big whopper though, they hold for 45 days after which they not only send me to collections for the entire 45+ day storage cost but they ALSO auction my bike! Wow, talk about rape…is this even legal??? It doesn’t seem ethical that’s for sure. I know it’s not right in my heart either. I still have faith in humanity. I refuse to believe there are so many evil people around here.
West Hollywood Sheriffs think they can do whatever they want and say and do unspeakable things without any repercussions. (????) Literally think they are above the human race and they have an acute hate for strong women who don’t need men (i.e. Lesbians). As far as I’m concerned, they are domestic terrorists and traitors to our country and God-given rights. If u don’t believe me, I’m sure they have videos. They have a thing for recording everything. Or u can believe me bc I’ve never lied to u and would never want to see anyone else hurt. I rather it be me than anyone else bc I know I was born special & can take more than others and I’m ok. Plus, I took an oath to protect my country against ALL ENEMIES, foreign & DOMESTIC and I meant it & live accordingly. I was born to serve my country and its perfect people. I take attacks on them personally and will be damned if I let them intimidate me into letting them get away with it. Over my dead body and even after that.
I believe martial law should be implemented in LA County with special emphasis on West Hollywood & VA in Long Beach (ER & L1 psych ward), if not ALL Emergency Rooms, Psych Wards & Law Enforcement in the county of Los Angeles.
West Hollywood used to be a safe haven for gay people from all over the country. Now it’s become the fastest way to become a non-reported missing person. I’ve had the privilege of meeting their spirits and the honor of their unwavering love and guidance through my drugging, rape, torture and eventual death. That girl I used to be is forever gone.
The VA in Long Beach has a modern God-complex psychotic Doctor who I lovingly refer to as GPS bc his name sounds like a GPS Navigation brand name. Dr. Magellan?
FACT : I told them I didn’t want to go in the back door. I didn’t feel comfortable & told them I rather go in through the front entrance just like every other 50 millionth time but they were adamant & not budging. I had a bunch of pix w me but mainly of my niece and nephews. Before knocking out I tucked them into my binder like I had been every night. I woke up and found them sprawled all over the bed & floor which was odd & shocking but to make matters worse, 3 pix were missing and that pissed me off. I pulled a fire alarm. Not only did they cancel it on their own instead of the fire department but it also made them pretty angry so 2 guys tied me up to a bed and then each injected a shoulder. I muttered something about the only people that could cancel a fire alarm are the firefighters and was out.
I don’t think anything u guys did was cool. The mystery straight up bite mark was like wtf (and I know u’ll say it’s mine but not only is that stupid as hell but also physically impossible bc of angle it was done).
FACT : Blood & liquid build up on toes by the nails, not being able to account for over a week, being told I’m being given certain meds that we both know damn well aren’t what u said they were, u getting upset w the social worker for not hanging up properly w a public defender and accidentally recording everything u were saying right before I walked in and just all of your bs, GPS. Honestly, I just feel betrayed by everybody there bc I trusted them. I already didn’t trust u bc u always had a smile when u were telling me something that would make my world crumble. I do remember seeing the cameras in the employee meeting room and thinking oh sh*t they are watching me change & sleep?? Then I thought how is that possible if inside the rooms there is not a camera in sight. Still, I wish I would have had a courtesy heads up before getting undressed bc that’s embarrassing/uncomfortable for me to do around anybody.
I also finally realized that not only have u guys been f-ing w my mental health but also that u literally are not one bit interested in really helping me. The same goes to the ER where they watched me have an anxiety attack and didn’t calm me down but instead took detailed notes of whatever fright I was experiencing and even had others come watch and also do nothing except ask that same dumb question, Do u wanna hurt anyone or yourself, all while watching me bawl my eyes out & scared outta my mind seeing whatever it was that was so terrifying but thank goodness u made sure to make a detailed transcript, right?? That still surprises me btw bc I only begin to remember it when u read from it. Weird how u guys remember my dreams/nightmares better than I do. Like how are u able to get inside my head while I’m totally asleep…?? Seriously.
FACT : I always made sure to get a ride to your ER where every time I’d walk in and just ask for someone to talk to. That’s all just a Therapist or someone that could help me relax just by listening and responding like one and not some smart-ass condescending one that belittles what I’m feeling as if I didn’t just now ask for help. I just needed to talk to someone and I’m sure my provider remembers how many times throughout the years I would continuously ask for one-on-one therapy. Every single time I saw u guys I’d ask for that therapy and I practically lived there! Yet, I would be put to sleep & always waking up days later confused of where I was at and then later finding out from the other patients that I was out for days! DAYS! WTF is that all about?? U can’t tell me I’m a drug addict that was doing this to myself bc I know now that is all BS and I’m really pissed about it. U swear we aren’t smart enough to know the difference between the drugs we knowingly put into our systems and the ones u claim are the cause of our perpetual detachment from reality! Yes, u do a good job of keeping us confused so that we accept your BS but eventually something had to give. Maybe my tolerance got higher or maybe I just became immune to your junk. It really is unbelievable how f-ed up u are. I didn’t think there was a cure for what u said I had bc I couldn’t wrap my mind around the perpetual diagnosis u would give me and I’d reluctantly accept even though I hadn’t been doing any drugs. I somehow would convince myself that maybe I don’t remember using (ya right) or someone in my life was purposely drugging me (which made me paranoid) or maybe it was just my guilty conscience from using in the past. I didn’t even consider that u’d be that evil and that your staff would be too naive to question.
I still can’t believe this is happening. So many of my Vet buddies were patients of yours. Some got worse and others I’ve never seen again and no one has either bc I’ve asked. We’re family and we look out for each other no matter what and u know that. It’s unfair that u’d tell the staff to tell me that they were not able to tell me what happened to Izzy for privacy reasons but he had no other next of kin. I was his family and I knew something happened to him the first time I returned to L1 after he was gone and u put me in his old room. I can feel everything and I knew and cried. I’m not saying u did something to him but my last memory of him was me being discharged from there and wanting to say bye but seeing him be tied down to the same bed but not making it easy for your staff. He was in duress and I should have stayed to calm him. I don’t think any of this is funny. Not one bit. I don’t play around when it comes to other people’s quality of life. Heck no and though not all of u guys are guilty, I still won’t return to your part of the hospital and will share that w the Vets I know. There’s nothing u can say to confuse me anymore. I finally feel more like the old me I used to be when I was still in the military. It took more than a miracle for me to overcome this but I’m glad I did and I’m glad u guys were wrong. I’m totally fine and healthy and NOT addicted to any substance or thing. I’m also STILL not a danger to myself or anyone. In fact, every day I get better & better. I had forgotten how good it felt to be sane.
There’s something wrong w u, GPS and I’m sure I’m not the only one that would agree and I’m sure we can count on u to always be smiling when u know ur about to and/or are making someone miserable. U really had me going there which is why I felt no remorse when I turned the tables on u. Just remember, ur the doc and u discharged me regardless of my state and me asking for help. U can figure the rest out.
****UPDATE**** I requested all my medical records from VA. I reviewed my recent 5150 stay in L1. In the short summary they are very detailed on all days except for the 6 day gap of nothing. So I went back to review the entire month of March to see what u put for those 6 days I lost. It’s funny bc u put the same type of very detailed notes for those 6 days. U put my vital signs, exact bowel movements, participation, % of food eaten, etc. Oh u also mentioned that I was temporarily put in restraints and stated the strict policies u have with that like notifying next of kin and 24/7 100% face to face surveillance. Well first off, EVERYTHING u wrote for those 6 days minimum are complete utter BS. Lies. Not only did I find many holes in your detailed fabricated data but regardless of me having to prove anything, u’ve managed to screw yourself. I’ll put it to u this way, u somehow managed to keep meticulous record of not treating me for my said perpetual disorder but also keeping me at that state the whole time. Plus, there were other discrepancies that might seem small but in my case stand out like a sore thumb bc it meant I was 100% not myself in anyway which would be the first in my life since I’m very consistent regardless of my state of mind. So glad the AF & VA keeps records of everything so I’ll let them speak for themselves. U should have paid closer attention to me all these years or just listened to me every time I told u certain things about myself that haven’t changed my entire life. They are important in order to be able to accurately assess and treat me, your patient, medically. I mean, it could mean life or death literally. Either way, u grossly neglected to do that job u swore to do correctly. Add f-ing liar to that. Never mind that u guys also have 100% surveillance in L1 so per your notes, everything in those 6 days should check out at least visually right? Well at the very least for your sake.
I urge everyone to call the jails, hospitals and everywhere to find that loved one and make it known that that person will be missed and looked for and that no one will give up and accept their loss bc they couldn’t live with themselves if they did. Go in person, call or go online to check inmates & arrests. Snapchat and use all & any current social media to record, keep track of, make note of or just have as insurance if anyone is not doing their job, threatening u, putting your life in danger, lying to u or just getting a bad feeling from. They tend to think twice before continuing their disturbing behavior towards u but also letting others know what’s up in case, God forbid, they do harm u. Email all resources & be heard. Email even strangers that might just be in your address book automatically from buying something from them on Craigslist. Serious. Someone, the right person will be listening and that’s all it takes.
FACT : I’m an Air Force Vet who got out in her prime and had nothing less than a stellar career but decided she wanted to be with her family and see their kids be born and grow up. She chose family and chose right. I still have very close ties to my military family and still have the same beliefs I had while serving which is why I will continue to serve, pay or not. I began to transition from female to male but I never intended to change my gender nor name so basically even though considered Transgender, I am just a woman that looks like a dude but I don’t pretend to be and don’t tell others I am. I’m a woman who’s happy looking masculine, as weird as that sounded just now. Ha. Some women get breast implants, others want them removed. Truth is I just rather look this way and it makes me happier than I’ve ever been and the people that love me say that it shows and that makes them happier as well.
FACT : I represent a vast majority of Americans who struggle against all kinds of discrimination and violence and at the hands of everyone, including my own kind. I’m Hispanic, Mexican, Irish & Jewish descent, Woman, Lesbian, Transgender, Gay, Military Veteran, Domestic Violence Survivor, Rape Survivor, Mental Illness, been Homeless. The reason I mention this is bc everything that happened to me can only be categorized as a HATE CRIME because not only did they totally know I was a female all along but there really was absolutely NO NEED to cut my jacket into little tiny pieces AND strip me NUDE topless. That was obviously meant to shame me. Yes, it was deliberate and intentional. They knew what I was and they 100% intentionally meant to hurt me. There’s plenty of evidence to back it up as well. Including the officer’s body cam. I even asked him what that was on his shirt and he told me that it was his body cam.
FACT : If a woman or man or speaking animal says that they were raped. THEY WERE. Who the f*** are u to tell a person, especially a grown-ass one what THEIR body feels. Shame on u stupid women who decided to be the judge of that bc u let rapists of all that are living know that it was ok.
Regardless of u doing unbelievably psycho and amazingly unfair things to me to make me feel like I should just shut up and forget that these things happened to me, I simply can’t. I’m not gonna lie, I really, really considered it and even contemplated moving far away but it always comes back to NO, I’m not crazy. I didn’t imagine this sh*t bc I know the difference between being f-ed up or confused. NO, they will never stop and they will hurt so many more people and I can’t live with that sh*t. I know u f**ks are all working together in some crazy ass levels of authority making it seem like we have no choice but to bend over and take it and believe me, I thought this was too twilight zonish to still be reality but u really do exist. U literally can do whatever u want and have been getting away with it for years. I’m gonna bring an end to that now. I’ve gone above and beyond and even what u can’t fathom to make sure that nmw the truth is known and u guys will not get away with any of it.
Anyways, I was just giving u a heads up of what’s to come and that everything u do (literally) is in our favor and absolutely instrumental in justice. God love us for believing in him and our God given rights. One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL. One Love - God, Family, Country (US).
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thehikingviking · 4 years ago
Cerro El Pital y El Picacho, The High Points of El Salvador and San Salvador
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It took me 16 years, but I finally decided to return to my mother’s home country of El Salvador. The main purpose behind the trip was to introduce my new born son to my grandpa, but it wouldn’t be right to not hike several mountains while down there. I convinced Zach to fly down with my family, and he would be my hiking partner for most of the trip. He also joined on our previous trip to Guatemala, and had climbed a couple of volcanoes with me down there as well. I used Nahuat Tours as my guide service; they would arrange transport and the local guides when needed. There were some last minute complications due to the national election, which caused us to change our itinerary at the last minute, and while this would add some extra driving, the key objectives on my trip were still attainable. We planned to first climb Cerro El Pital in the morning, followed by El Picacho in the afternoon. Both were short hikes, so the challenge would be the long drive and dealing with the many unknowns of this developing country.
We were picked up at Cadedeu Residence at Lago de Coatepeque before sunrise. We first drove through San Salavdor and then up towards La Palma. We followed a steep but paved road up to Rio Chiquito.
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Our driver Eric parked at a dirt lot along Calle El Pital. We could have driven further, but we were here to hike and were already less than 2 miles from the summit. From here Gerardo would show us the way to the summit. Shortly after starting out, I noticed a snake that was run over by a vehicle, reminding me that it's probably best to stay on the cleared path. Shortly after we reached the park boundaries where Gerardo paid our entrance fees.
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I was told to pack warm gear, as this is the coldest place in the country, but I found myself sweating profusely.
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At the top of the road, Gerardo started taking us towards the lower southeast summit. I immediately objected, stating that the northwestern summit was higher. He agreed, but for some reason was hesitant to go further. He stated that he wasn’t sure how to get there, and said he would go ask someone. My stress levels skyrocketed, as failing on this easy peak was my worst nightmare. Gerardo came back confirming that there was a way to the summit, but that we shouldn’t follow the road. I learned later that Gerardo had been attacked by a dog along this same road on a previous trip. We instead dropped down to a grassy field at the saddle between the main peak and the false summit.
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We followed a foot path that passed next to some buildings. Many homes were in the process of being built, and I expect this area to look much different in a few years. We popped out back onto the original road, and with the threat of the barking dog behind us, we continued upwards. The views opened up as we climbed higher, and it appeared that we were the only ones visiting the summit that day. We followed the main road all the way to the summit structure, where there were several guard dogs barking at us ravenously.
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They were locked within the gate, so I paid them no heed. I found the benchmark embedded in a small concrete pedestal just to the left of the building.
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To the east was Honduras.
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To the south-southeast was Chinchontepec, also known as San Vincente Volcano.
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To the south-southwest were El Picacho and El Boquerón, also known as San Salvador Volcano.
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I had expected to find armed guards at the summit, but we were the only ones around. I guessed that all police were being mobilized elsewhere in preparation for the elections the following day. 
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As this was also the border of Honduras, I took the liberty to walk into the aforementioned country. I did a small loop through the forest, checking another country off my list.
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We hung out at the summit for a while, enjoying the peaceful and temperate setting.
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We started back down the road once we were satisfied. The cacophony of barking started up again as we passed by the building, but soon we were beyond the nuisance.
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We stopped along the way to visit a second benchmark that also marked the border between El Salvador and Honduras. This was in the middle of some crops so we gingerly walked around it.
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Once back at the saddle, I could finally relax and enjoy the great views.
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We considered exploring a potential bonus rock, but at the end decided against it. We couldn’t see any worthy rock outcropping from our vantage point, and I didn’t see anything on my satellite view. Instead we had brunch at one of the restaurants consisting of pupusas and coffee. We found Eric waiting for us at the top of the road when we finished, and we began our drive back down to La Palma where we stopped to buy some souvenirs.
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After another long drive we arrived at the trailhead for El Picacho. There was no information of this hike online, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Here we met our local guide Chico at a roadside pupuseria at the saddle between El Picacho and El Boquerón. We started up a local trail through a coffee plantation.
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-El Picacho
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We hiked at an aggressive pace. Chico took the lead with his machete in hand. He would stop from time to time to tell me the local folklore, which really interested me. La Siguanaba was apparently seen in this area. This shapeshifter is viewed as an attractive woman who is often seen bathing in the river. She invites enticed men to come bathe with her, but as soon as they come close enough, she turns her head and reveals her terrifying face, which is sometimes depicted as a horse or a skull. The terrifying sight makes the men go crazy. This story is most likely used to deter unfaithful men from drinking and chasing other women. Often accompanying La Siguanaba is El Cipitio, her baby with a round belly and big sombrero. He doesn’t do much aside from throw flowers at women’s feet, but he seems to creep out many Salvadoran woman, including my mother. Chico then told me about El Gritón de la Medianoche, which translates to the yell of the middle of the night. This creature is apparently a very tall man with a mouth like a trumpet who screams incredibly loud. When he is far away, his scream seems to be coming from nearby. I found this fascinating as this is somewhat similar to North American bigfoot mythology; a tall humanoid screaming though the forest in the night.
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Chico stopped to show us some coffee beans growing alongside the trail.
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Gerardo explained how the beans can be prepared. Some European countries prefer the beans with the husk, while American coffee companies prefer the beans without. The beans are typically left in the sun to dry for a few weeks before they are exported. Gerardo then instructed us to suck on the bean, and we tasted the natural honey flavor from within the husk.
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I’m not much of a coffee drinker so most of the dialogue went in one ear and out the other, but I think the average cafephile would find it quite interesting.
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I took note of a pointy peak along the coast, which I believe was El Peñon de Comasagua.
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We reached a trail junction along the ridge where we also found an abandoned battery. Apparently these fortifications were not utilized much during the civil war as the Guerrillas never really contested this territory.
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We stopped at a clearing where we had great views of San Salvador below.
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-Chinchontepec y Lago de Ilopango
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I found a rope swing here, and it felt appropriate to risk my life on it.
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Chico then climbed a tree and cut off a plant with his machete. I still don’t know why.
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We continued along the trail, walking past a tree stand. I don’t think this was used for hunting animals.
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As we followed the trail underneath the eastern side of the peak, we heard a high pitched sound somewhere up ahead. I at first thought it was a bird, but as I listened more closely, it was someone squawking, “Ay loco, ay loco.” Chico immediately stopped and motioned us to be silent. He went off ahead by himself, machete in hand. I was very concerned for the few seconds he was gone. Upon his return he stated, “No te preocupes, solo es un bolito,” or “Don’t worry, it’s only a little drunk.” We continued forward, and just off the trail below us in a thicket was the bolito, yapping to himself. They say that the homemade moonshine brewed here makes people hallucinate and gives many young people sepsis. Or perhaps he simply saw La Siguanaba.
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The trail eventually led to a road, which we followed a short distance to the radio structure at the top.
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Again my stress skyrocketed. There was a watchperson, several guard dogs and a fence surrounding the radio facility. No trespassing signs were posted along the gate. We asked the watchperson if we could continue to the top, but he denied us, stating that there were security cameras throughout the summit complex.
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I was disappointed to say the least, so I went to the highest legally accessible point and snapped a photo.
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I stood there for a while, but there was no way around it. In my mind, I tried to justify the failure as a valiant effort nonetheless. My mind raced as I walked back down the road. I wondered if I could somehow still reach the summit while staying outside of the enclosure. I asked Chico if I was allowed to try from another angle, and he hesitantly agreed suggesting that it would be fine so long as I didn't cross the fence. Before he could change his mind, I began bushwhacking up the steep and loose east facing jungle slopes towards where I expected the summit to be. Snakes and guerrillas filled the back of my mind, while in reality all I had to contend with was thick brush and garbage. It seems that some of the tower workers simply throw their trash over the fence. I pulled on small trees and avoided stepping on the empty liquor bottles. At the end I was swimming through a grassy bush, and I eventually popped out at the fence, which was also the bulldozed high point.
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With my heart racing, I snapped a few photos. I should have been more patient, but the dogs from inside the complex were on to me. They had started barking, so as not to arouse further suspicion, I returned to the thicket.
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I snapped one last photo of Chinchontepec, Lago de Ilopango and San Salvador before descending.
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What a relief! I carefully descended the steep slope, but not carefully enough. I dislodged a big boulder from underneath the dirt, and this accelerated quickly towards where the others were waiting for me. I yelled rock, but Guillermo stood there like a deer in the headlights. Luckily, this boulder flew right past him and no one was hurt. The boulder continued to thrash down the steep volcano, and it's probably still falling today. The other's looked at me as if I was some sort of lunatic, and maybe they are right.
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Our descent went quickly and soon we were back down at the saddle looking up at El Picacho.
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I had wanted to climb El Boquerón as well, which is the crater of the greater San Salvador Volcano, however there were some challenges. While it is possible to hike to the highest point along the crater, it's currently not the safest thing to do. Gerardo expects that in a few more years, the national park service will clean up the area, making it safer for hikers.
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Once at the bottom, we ordered some yuca and chatted with the locals.
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Zach got his yuca with chicharón and I got mine with Pepescas. Zach made the smarter decision, as I got pretty sick afterwards, so for all future hikers, get the pork!
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