#but how2write
the-wardens-torch · 5 years
Pros and Cons of Dating Meme: Falerin Arcita
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Thanks for the tag @theseventhdawn I admit I was really wanting to do this one asfasfaskeysmash111oneeleven. Not sure who else to tag since I think most of tungle has done it already but I’m gonna saaaaaaay @painted-foothills, @therealmtraversed and @duskblackbird?
Ray of Sunshine - Fal is very optimistic and genuinely kind.  He doesn’t like seeing the people he loves sad, and will do everything in his power to cheer them up. And I’m not talking the “cheer up emo kid ^_^!” sort of lazy toxic positivity - he’s sincerely sweet and knows his loved ones well enough to know what they need when they‘re down.  Encouragement, affection, a shoulder to cry on or a simple distraction… whatever you need, he‘ll do his best to provide it.
So Romantic! - If you like handmade gifts, handpicked flowers, being called “love,” and having songs and poetry sung to/dedicated to/written about you, he’s your guy.  Though his gifts are usually handmade and/or not actual material things, he‘ll surprise you with a trinket, book or article of clothing/jewelry on occasion, with “this reminded me of you” being one of his favorite phrases. He will also never shy away from PDA (unless you ask him to, of course, and even then he might forget from time to time.)
Worldly -  Fal is very comfortable among common folk and can adapt to just about any city you put him in.  Give him a few hours and he can find out about the best lodging, food, entertainment and possibly seedier things as well, like who sells drugs, where the red light district is and where it’s a bad idea to stay out after dark.  He’ll figure out how to stay safe and how to have fun.  He makes a great traveling companion.
That’s What She/He/They Said - Speaking of travel... Fal is… well-traveled. He’s pansexual and has spent a lot of his adult life so far slutting around. While physically not a perfect specimen, he knows how to handle himself… and other people (hehe, “handle.”) Rest sleepless night assured, he’ll keep you happy all the way from foreplay to aftercare.
Abandonment Issues - If he’s upset you, (or occasionally even just thinks he‘s upset you) he will become apologetic to an almost sycophantic degree out of fear that you might leave.  He’s not the begging on his knees self-shaming type, but he tends to overcompensate/overcomplicate and will relentlessly follow you around trying to make up for his mistake (or perceived mistake.)
Love is Stored in the Fal - Though he will remain faithful to a committed lover, he doesn’t save his non-romantic affection exclusively for one person. He’s always going to admire and talk about his chosen friends and acquaintances very fondly, and want to spend time with them.  He’s also quite affectionate with his friends of all genders (they get lots of hugs, hand-holding, pats on the back, shoulder squeezes, pecks on the cheek, etc) and he will flat out say if he thinks someone is attractive… Don’t date him if you’re the jealous/possessive type.  
Tact?  Nah. - By default, Fal is quite charming and likes to be around people. He’s good at small talk and enjoys witty banter of all sorts. However, if someone offends him, condescends to him or tries to shame or intimidate him, they can expect to be verbally eviscerated, sorry not sorry. Don’t expect him to enjoy meeting your business contacts or carousing amongst the local social climbers. He does not know when to shut up and will probably embarrass you.
This is Fine  :) - Fal really doesn’t like to share his negative emotions because he fears upsetting his loved ones. Over the years he’s gotten good at processing and channeling those emotions into his creative work, but if too much Bad happens in too short a timeframe it‘ll break him and he won‘t be easy to fix.  He’s been known to fall into very deep depressions during which he shuts everyone else out and might even disappear for awhile. He’s ruined a handful of his relationships this way.
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usedpidemo · 3 years
How2write quick?? Seriously, though, did you have stories brewing before you opened your blog or do you just write for days until you finish?
I'm strugglin' out here with my second, although it's just a matter of laziness tbf
-N / @passingnotions
I can't post asks :(
- A bit of both yes!
I did have ideas in mind even before starting this blog. I already mentioned this but it takes two-three working days for me to finish writing one piece (but that could change in the coming days for personal reasons).
I’m also lazy too, haha. It’s just a matter of self-discipline for me to get over the hump.
Don’t rush yourself into writing a lot though! Burn out/writer’s block can be dangerous.
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tagged by @doooomsday!  thanks <<33
Rules: 1. Always post these rules 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. Tag 11 people 
1) Do u like ice cream if so what kindddd
ohboiicecream of course i like ice cream! my fav is chocolate and vanilla cookies (if i said it right)
2) do u do extracurricular stuffs
extracu....extracurri.. hold on *google translate* oh.. not really.. does driving lessons count?
3) How many hours do u sleep per day
thats depends, regularly i have between 4-5 hours of sleep and sometimes 7-10 hours
4) Wats ur favorite food omg im running out of questions help m e
its oki u doin fine mashed potatoes ftw
5) Whats ur favorite video
oh.. OH... i dont have a fav one, i have a couple of them! the dancing pupper cuase iTS SO CUTTTEE shark getting ready to attack ! i just love this and bill wurtz’s stuff (history of the entire world)
yeah.... i like vines..
6) fav song rn?
uh... i have 3 :))) I am a stone - Demon Hunter Last of me - Gumi ver. Frame of mind - Tristam & Braken
7) Wat inspires u?
music, photos, movies, videos, friends..
8) when ur sad wat do u do 2 cheer urself up?
i dont. i cry myself to sleep no matter what time it is.
9) how long can u hold ur breath
idk i never tried to hold my breath for long (?)
10) can u type nose with ur nose?
n09swe3 <-nope i cant
11) whats ur favorite thing like anything uh ok
my doggy <3 he’s the bestttt and the satisfaction of playing video games and win in them all day
so now questions? umm
1. What do you do on your free time? 2. Whats your favorite color/s? 3. Do you have any pets? if you do, what pet/s? 4. When you are low on energy, what will you drink? (lmao wtf) 5. What do you wanna be in the future? (help i dunno what to ask) 6. Whats the craziest thing you did?  7. What kind of music do you like? 8. Pc or Console?  9. What scares you the most? 10. Whats the sentence/words you say most of the time? (example: i say shit happens a lot) 11. What flavor do you like? (in food)
i tag:
@@gayafriedman @crystal-pandora @gemini-exe @suzukamizuchi @harmonia99 @valikai @kai-add @diabolicegghead (i know you did it but idc:)) idonthavemorepeopletotag
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devilsbckbone · 8 years
mightybigpill replied to your post: an actual photo of me
baby you’re always on fire cause u a hot potato
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