#but hopefully since i did in fact cancel plans tonight i’ll be able to get to work on one and maybe have it up tomorrow-ish
lauronk · 2 months
currently using an online wheel spinner to pick the next ficlet i work on because i’m indecisive and want to work on them all immediately
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accioxreparo · 4 years
entranced | f.w.
synopsis: Fred finds himself taking a different approach to get your attention. Little does he know he already has it. 
pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
warnings: none!
a/n: This idea is straight from the discord chat earlier with my babes! This concept is honestly so amazing and completely inspired by @levylovegood​ and also this picture so hopefully I did it justice 😭💖
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The Gryffindor table was uncharacteristically silent as Fred Weasley approached late for breakfast. That was typical though. More often than not he was rushing in right before classes started and just as quickly rushing back out.
What was unusual though, and the source of everybody’s shock, was the pair of glasses framing his face. Glasses he didn’t need. Glasses nobody was sure even belonged to him.
“What?” Fred barely acknowledged them as he started putting food on his plate. “What’s with the staring?”
“What’s with -” Ginny let out a heavy sigh as she shared a glance with her siblings, every one of which was just as confused as she was. “What are you wearing those for?”
“Wearing what for?”
“Those obviously!” George reached across the table and flicked the frame of the glasses, skewing them sideways on Fred’s face. He ducked out of the way before he could retaliate. “Didn’t even know you owned any glasses.”
“Well I do,” Fred answered easily. Now that he was looking up he couldn’t help himself. His eyes scanned the Great Hall until he found you hunched over a book and scribbling something on some parchment.
“Well yeah but what for?” Ron frowned through a mouthful of food.
“To see, Ronniekins,” Fred looked away from you quickly when you glanced up abruptly, almost immediately looking right at him. “That’s what most people use them for.”
“Yeah but that’s not what you need them for,” Ron was oblivious to the fact that Fred wasn’t paying him any attention. His gaze had gone back to you the second you went back to your reading. “Think one of us would’ve noticed if you really needed them.”
“Spill it,” Ginny leaned forward while narrowing her eyes. “I can almost guarantee you didn’t own those before last night. Now why do you need them?”
“Need what?”
A groan resounded between the three siblings, each of them coming to the realization that Fred was paying absolutely zero attention to their conversation.
“Okay new question,” George kicked Fred underneath the table, forcing him to look their way again. “What’s got you so -”
But before he could get the question all the way out Fred threw back his goblet of pumpkin juice and practically tripped over himself getting up from the table. “I’ll see you guys later.”
“Well that was something.” Ron shook his head, staring at the empty spot his brother had just left.
Ginny nodded towards the entrance of the Great Hall where Fred had stopped, apparently finding one of the suits of armor very interesting. “Look at that.”
“Makes sense now,” George only shook his head as the three of them watched Fred wait a few seconds after you had left the Great Hall to follow you. “McGonagall changed our seats in Transfiguration the other day and since then our dear Freddie’s been infatuated with none other than Y/N Y/L/N. Has a perfect view of her from where he sits now.”
“You’re kidding,” Ron couldn’t help but scoff at the revelation. “She’s top of her class, always in the library. There’s no way she’d even give Fred the time of day.”
“Maybe that’s why he likes her,” Ginny shrugged, going back to her own breakfast. “Or why he’s intrigued at the very least.”
George hummed before a smirk flashed on his face, leaning in towards his younger siblings a little more. “Place your bets, kids. Do we think Fred’s little glasses plan is going to work or not?”
You tried your hardest not to stare, you really did.
Of course you’d noticed Fred Weasley of all people hanging around you for the past week or so, who wouldn’t? The fact that he happened to go out of his way a little to talk to you meant absolutely nothing at all though, you’d convinced yourself of that. Especially not when you knew you’d stuttered through practically every conversation you’d had with him so far.
Finally you thought maybe, just maybe, you were getting somewhere. Maybe you could work up the courage to say more than a few words to him next time you spoke. But then you caught sight of the glasses sitting comfortably on the bridge of Fred’s nose. They framed his face perfectly and it really wasn’t fair how they somehow made his eyes shine more than they usually did.
Any kind of coherent thought you were able to form left your brain when you laid eyes on him from across the classroom.
This really wasn’t you. You were smart, you knew that for a fact. Sure you mostly kept to yourself but there wasn’t a single time you hadn’t been able to think of a quick comeback, even if it was only muttered to yourself underneath your breath. That was how all of this had started after all.
He’d overheard a particularly hilarious quip during Potions one day and his burst of laughter had earned him a detention. He had promised you he didn’t mind when you fumbled your way through a quick apology the next day.
Now, though, you were speechless at the mere sight of him because how was it possible for one human to look that good? It didn’t help that you quite literally had the perfect view of him from across the transfiguration room. You weren’t sure how you hadn’t noticed him in his glasses before. Had he even worn them before?
Just as you were about to search your memories for any kind of recollection of Fred and his glasses you were interrupted. It was then you realized that you were openly staring at him, and apparently not very subtly.
“Would you like to tell the class what it is you find so interesting, Miss Y/L/N?”
You weren’t sure how long Professor McGonagall had been standing there or what answer she expected of you. Before you could say anything she turned around and took a few steps, effectively blocking your site of the very person you’d been distracted by.
“What about you, Mr. Weasley? You seem to be just as distracted.”
Fred, for once, seemed to also be at a loss for words. He’d barely managed to blink owlishly and start with the beginning of an excuse before he was shushed again. McGonagall looked between the two of you for a moment before pursing her lips. “Detention tonight, both of you.”
Frankly, you were too scared to argue. So instead you turned back towards the very thing that had been the cause of your distraction only to find him already looking at you. You could feel the heat rush to your face when Fred offered you a smile as he pushed the glasses up his face a little and mouthed, this should be fun.
Much to your surprise, you were in fact not the first one to reach the transfiguration room at exactly seven o’clock that night. Fred pushed himself off the wall immediately upon seeing you walking his way, a look on his face you couldn’t quite read.
“And here I was thinking you were going to ditch me.”
“I think,” You gulped as you looked anywhere but at him. He was still wearing his glasses and you were positive you’d get distracted again if you looked at him for too long. “I think I’d just get another detention if I did that.”
Fred, on the other hand, was looking right at you with a small smile playing on his lips. This detention was more than worth it in his eyes, especially if it meant getting to spend an hour alone with you. Well almost alone anyway. You were fidgeting a little too much though, something he noticed rather easily. “Is this your first one?”
“First what?”
You frowned then, stopping your nervous movements and looking up at his towering figure. “Why would you think that?”
“I don’t know really,” Fred shrugged and couldn’t but smile at the sight of you looking at him curiously, head tipped to the side and arms crossed in front of you. “Maybe it’s just cause you’re always so quiet.” The memory of you cursing at Snape under your breath a couple weeks ago made him laugh suddenly. “You do have a mouth on you, though, don’t you?”
You knew what he was referring to immediately and a flush spread across your face once more. “I’m sorry about that, again”
“Don’t worry about it,” Fred leaned against the wall again and slid down until he was sitting on the floor. “So is it?”
“No,” With a sigh you followed his movements and sat down cross legged next to him. “Though I guarantee my reasons probably aren’t as fun as yours.”
“Try me,” Fred turned then so he was facing you, a cheeky smile playing on his lips. “You first.”
Slowly your nerves started fading away. Your gaze however stayed focused on the wall in front of you. “Fine, One was for ditching History of Magic to read in one of the broom cupboards.”
“Well aren’t you a little rebel.”
“Oh always,” That comment made you laugh. You could hear the grin in his voice and finally worked up the nerve to look at him, trying your hardest to focus on the conversation and not on the way his school robes had been abandoned and the sleeves of his button up shirt rolled up his arms. “Now your turn.”
Talking to Fred came easier than you thought it would. A couple well timed jokes had you relaxing completely and soon enough the two of you were laughing together right there, sitting on the floor in a random hallway.
The reason behind you being there had slipped your mind completely. That is until you noticed Professor McGonagall walking down the hallway. Both of you scrambled up from the floor, simultaneously recalling the fact that you had detention.
“Professor,” You nodded and quickly straightened out your clothes.
Fred, meanwhile, gave a smirk as he leaned against the wall once more. “You know I think we ought to give you detention for keeping us waiting, Professor.”  
“Did neither of you get my owl?” McGonagall ignored the comment as she moved to unlock the door to her office.
You turned to look at Fred, both of you sharing a confused look. “Owl?”
“Your detention was cancelled,” Once the door was unlocked she stood in the doorway and glanced between the two of you. You didn’t miss the ghost of a smile that flashed on her face. “Though I suppose it’s just as well. The two of you two certainly got to know each other better. Perhaps you can now find it in yourselves to keep the staring to a minimum in my class.”
Then without another word she walked into the room and shut the door behind her.
Your stare was blank as you glanced quickly between the office, Fred, and the spot Professor McGonagall once stood. “Did she -”
Fred chuckled again and followed as you started walking down the hallway towards your common room. “Did she what? Trick us into going on a first date? I think so.”
You weren’t able to keep the grin off your face as you shook your head a little. “It was not a first date. It was talking.”
“Is that so?”
“It is.”
“Well in that case how about this weekend? We can try not to get ourselves another detention while sneaking out to Hogsmeade.” Fred stopped when you did and couldn’t help but notice the surprised look on your face, one that faded quickly. “How about it?”
“I’ll agree if you tell me one thing, first.” You challenged, eyes narrowing and arms crossing as you stared directly at him for the first time.
“Anything.” Fred’s answer was just as confident.
Your eyes flickered across his face, taking in the sight of him wearing those glasses just as you had earlier. “You’ve never worn those before have you?”
A beat passed and Fred knew he’d been caught. You could see right through him. “Yes I have.”
“No you haven’t,” Your arms fell to your sides, being able to see his hesitation clearly. “I’d remember.”
“And why is that?”
“Because you look good in them.”
“Do I?” Fred chuckled when your eyes widened at your own comment. One you evidently you hadn’t meant to actually tell him. “Since we’re confessing I suppose I should tell you that you’re right.”
“I knew it!” You were quick to respond and nod in satisfaction. “What are you wearing those for then?”
For a moment Fred only looked at you. This wasn’t where he’d seen his day going. Maybe some more pining, wondering if you’d noticed him at all. Now that he was here beside you, both of you apparently smitten enough with each other for one of your professors to meddle, he was ecstatic. “I’ll tell you but you’re not allowed to laugh at me.”
“I promise I won’t.”
“Fine,” Fred started walking down the hall again but stayed focused on you to see what your reaction would be. “I thought they’d make you notice me more since you always seemed to be avoiding me.”
You tried not to smile, you really did. But the corners of your mouth started turning upwards and Fred stopped again, not being able to resist grinning along with you. “You said you wouldn’t laugh!”
“I’m not!” A laugh really did escape you then and you quickly put a hand over your mouth to muffle the sound. You looked up at him then, a little more serious. “I swear I’m not laughing at you. I just think it’s cute.”
“Well I’m glad you think so cause I quite like these. Think I look rather dashing.” Fred pushed the glasses up a little bit from where they’d slipped and smirked. “And apparently you agree since the whole reason we’re here is your staring.”
“Hey, both of us were staring, thank you very much.”
“Well I couldn’t help myself, darling. You’re entrancing, you know.”
“Entrancing,” You repeated the word and your grin softened, looking away as butterflies formed in your stomach. “Is that right?”
“It is,” Fred gave a firm nod, giving you no room to argue. “You’re beautiful, love, you must know that.”
When you dared to look at him he was smiling at you, a completely genuine sparkle in his eyes as he looked only at you. You weren’t sure yet what the warm feeling that erupted in your chest and fluttered through your body at the sight of his gaze trained on you was. He was looking at you like you were the world and it overwhelmed you with emotions you couldn’t quite pinpoint.
Fred on the other hand? You were positive he was definitely somebody you could get used to. Him and his smile that never faded. Him and his laugh that was practically infectious. Him and his eyes that were full of life, showed you entire worlds, and sat behind a pair of glasses he didn’t need.
“Thank you,” You couldn’t help but beam back at him, a flash of confidence suddenly coursing through your veins. “So are you.”
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my-soul-sings · 3 years
kiss the girl: ch 4
Fandom: Tears of Themis Characters: Artem x Reader
Summary: Armed with a trusty book, Artem Wing attempts to win the woman of his dreams.
ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 2 extra (ft. marius) | ch 3 | ch 4
Ask her out to dinner. 
Artem Wing rarely gets stressed. Even when he has a trial the next day and it’s before the highest appellate court, he’s the definition of ‘calm’.
But right now, he’s freaking out.
It’s not that he doesn’t know how to ask a woman out to dinner. Of course he’s had dinner with her before—and they weren’t always team dinners.
The procedure is simple enough. Step one, ask her if she’s free that night. Or any night, for that matter. Step two, ask if she would like to have dinner with him. It’s an easy two-step process that anyone can accomplish.
Except, Artem didn’t factor in a possible third step: what to do when she is “suddenly unable to make it for dinner” with him not once, not twice, but three times in a row.
The first time it happened, she said she wasn’t feeling well, so he insisted that she leave the office early to get some rest, and cancelled their dinner plans for the evening.
The second time it happened, she said she had forgotten about a family dinner that clashed with their dinner plans. Artem had assured her that they could call a rain check, and that she should attend the family dinner to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday.
By the third time, Artem thought things would finally go his way. But alas, she was hauled away by none other than his NXX colleague, Vyn, who needed her assistance urgently with some pick-up artist case. He had offered to go with her, but she insisted that she could handle the case herself. And so, he had no choice but to leave her be, lest she thought that he didn’t have faith in her abilities.
All things considered, Artem is disheartened, to say the least. Having their dinner plans cancelled three times in a row can’t be a coincidence—maybe she just doesn’t want to have dinner with him, but is too scared of him to admit it outright. And it’s probably because he’s her boss, which is a position that he’s rapidly growing to hate. He wishes they could just be normal colleagues. Maybe then he won’t feel so awkward every time he wants to make a move but doesn’t want to come across as pressuring her inappropriately.
Then again, if they were normal colleagues, they probably wouldn’t work as closely as they do now… so Artem is torn on the issue. But that’s beside the point.
The point is, he doesn’t know what to do. Celestine would say that he should just try again, which he could do, but he should probably wait for a while before asking her again. As for how long he should wait, he’s not sure. But he was looking forward to dinner so much that the disappointment has been weighing him down for the past few days.
Deciding he needs some air to clear his head, Artem gets out of his office, intending to get some coffee from the pantry. As Celestine has reminded him many times, he has a working coffee machine in his office. His reply every time is that the capsules that he wants are in the pantry… and he just so happens to forget to take some to his office with every trip he makes.
Out of habit, Artem takes his phone to clear some notifications that have been accumulating since morning. And as he busies himself with replying to client messages and reading some new messages in the NXX chat, he overhears Kiki asking her if she wants to have dinner together. It’s a Friday night, and it’s already five minutes past the time everyone can knock off.
Her response, however, is noticeably sullen compared to her usual cheeriness. “I think I’ll be staying late tonight… I have two sets of written submissions to finish by Monday and I’ve barely started.”
It doesn’t take long for Artem to recall that those were the subs he had assigned to her at the start of the week. They’re due Monday… The other partners might have given her some work to do during the week, which is why she’s running tight on schedule.
He would ask if she wants him to assign one set to someone else to lighten her load, but Artem already knows from experience that she won’t have that. In fact, she’ll interpret it as him thinking she’s not competent enough to finish the work she’d been given and probably get upset—both with him and with herself.
“Then, aren’t you going to eat?” Kiki presses.
“I’ll eat later; I’m not hungry right now. Don’t worry about me, you should go ahead first. See you Monday!”
As Artem slowly returns to his office with a cup of coffee in hand and pretending to be engrossed in fiddling with his phone, he wonders if maybe there is a way to have dinner with her after all.
You’re stressed. The looming deadline of the coming Monday and the five cups of coffee you’ve had since morning are contributing to your high-strung nerves, and your hyper-active fingers as you furiously type away at the keyboard. Hopefully you can finish one sub tonight, and then you can do the other one over the weekend at home.
You’re so caught up in research and figuring out how to condense the facts of the extremely complicated facts of this darn case into a neat, concise summary, that you don’t realise that someone has been standing behind you for a while until he clears his throat and calls your name.
With a start, you jerk your head over your shoulder, not expecting anyone else to be in the office at this time—oh, it’s almost 8pm already—on a Friday night.
But here Artem is, holding up a few plastic bags and wearing a smile that isn’t helpful for your already wired heart. Didn’t he already leave the office for the day? And—how long has he been staring at your screen? Has he been watching you struggle over writing a summary of the facts?
He must think you’re an idiot now.
If he does though, he doesn’t show any sign of it. “You haven’t had dinner, right?” is all he asks.
“Dinner?” You take a few seconds to recall whether you’ve eaten or not, and then shake your head with a sheepish smile. “Right. I forgot.”
“I bought some sushi. You’ll focus better if you’re not hungry.”
You glance back at your screen, and even though you’d rather continue working, you reluctantly agree. Maybe you’ll be able to write this better after a short break.
“You’re right. Thanks.” You stand up, removing your glasses and rubbing your tired eyes. “Have you eaten yet?”
“Not yet. I was thinking of eating with you… if you don’t mind.”
You can’t help but smile. You’ve had to cancel dinner plans with Artem three times now, and you had  thought he would be offended or take it as a rejection in some way. You had actually been planning on asking him out to dinner next week, after clearing all your urgent tasks, to make up for everything. But here he is, offering dinner for the fourth time, accommodating your schedule and even buying sushi from your favorite sushi place. How did he even know?
“Of course I don’t mind! I just thought you’d want to eat with someone else on a Friday night, instead of eating take-out in the office.”
“I’d say eating dinner with you isn’t a bad way to spend a Friday night.”
Lawyers and their double-negatives. Now you can’t tell if this counts as Artem flirting with you. Not sure how else to respond, you settle for a generic “thank you” before taking one of the bags from him so that he isn’t carrying everything alone. “Let’s set it up in the pantry.”
He nods, allowing you to take the lead and following behind you towards the pantry. You hear the rustle of the plastic bags, his footsteps, and a small but thrilled "yes” that he whispers under his breath. It’s so low and soft that you almost mistake it for the sound of the plastic bags swinging by your side.
You should probably pretend you didn’t hear that, but still, you can’t suppress the laugh that escapes you. The effort that he’s been putting in for the past few weeks hasn’t escaped your notice at all. And considering how much Artem has been looking out for you lately, maybe it’s time to start thinking about what you can do for Artem too.
A/N: Thanks for all the support guys, i've been blown away by the encouraging comments and i'm so glad to know that you enjoy this story :)
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sugakookielix · 3 years
Playful Rivalry
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Pairing: Platonic Vmin x female reader. Platonic Jungkook x female reader
Requested: Yes
Rating: PG
Genre: Fluff, Angst? depending on how you look at it
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: None
Summary: You’ve known Tae and Jimin for years, so naturally they get a bit jealous when Jungkook makes his way into your friend circle.
Disclaimer: Rights to the images used in the header belong to BigHit and BTS. All written work is my own. Do not copy, translate, or repost my work onto other sites without my permission. Requests are OPEN
You met both Jimin and Taehyung in school. Jimin was in the same class as you, and you ended up being partnered together for a project. Not long after did he introduce you to Taehyung and the three of you became an almost inseparable trio. The three of you always did everything together; whether it be going out for lunch or curling up on the couch for an impulse movie night. Even when they debuted and grew big with Bangtan, you were always there supporting them. Of course, you weren’t able to see your boys as often because of their busy schedule, but, on the other hand, you got to meet the rest of the members. You all got along fairly well, but you never bonded with any of them the way you did with Taehyung and Jimin. That was, at least, until you started spending more time with Jungkook. 
You had been sitting on the couch in the dorms one evening, waiting for the boys to get home from practice so that you could have a movie night. They had let you know earlier that they would have to stay a bit late but you didn’t mind, opting to play on your phone while you waited. They had given you a spare key so that you could let yourself in whenever you needed to, the boys all knew who you were anyways. You had just beaten the newest level in your game when the door opened and caught your attention. Turning around, you saw not your best friends, but actually Jungkook.
“Oh, hello Noona,” Jungkook greeted with a small smile, you returning the gesture.
“Hey Kookie,” you greeted back, glancing behind him, “are the others not back yet?”
“They should be back soon,” he said as he moved to take off his shoes, placing them by the door, “Most of the hyungs are staying at the studio to work on a new song. Jimin also wanted to stay back to try and perfect this one move and Taehyung decided to stay with him. They both looked pretty tired though so they shouldn’t be much longer.” You nodded and returned your attention back to your phone as the group’s maknae walked over to sit beside you, “What are you doing?”
“Just playing a random game I found,” you replied, “I promised Tae and Jiminie we would have a movie night so I’m just waiting for them to get back.” Jungkook hummed and peeked over your shoulder so he could see your screen since he had nothing better to do. Neither of you said anything for a moment, just him watching you play with feigned interest until eventually he leaned back and sighed. 
“That game looks boring,” he commented out of nowhere, making you laugh. Truth be told it kind of was, but it served its purpose in distracting you for the time being. When you didn’t say anything in response though, he sighed again before glancing at his own phone. “Do you want to hang out in my room for a bit? I have a new game we can play while you wait for the others to return? You know, a game that is actually fun.” You set down your phone and thought about it for a moment. You didn’t know Jungkook too well, but this would be a great way to fix that and make a new friend. It would also give you something to do while you waited for the other two to get back. 
“Sure,” you agreed after a minute. Jungkook smiled and jumped up from his seat, grabbing your hand and practically dragging you down the hall to his room. While it startled you a bit, you also couldn’t help but laugh wondering what exactly you just got yourself dragged into. 
It was about 20 minutes later when Jimin and Taehyung found themselves stumbling inside of the dorm, practically tripping over each other as they got their shoes off. Their mini practice session had gone on way longer than it should have and the two had practically rushed home to try and greet you. Jimin had tried texting you to let you know they were on their way but you never answered him, making the boys worry that you had gotten bored and left. None of you had ever missed a movie night unless it was due to the boys being away on tour. Hopefully, tonight wouldn’t be any different. 
“Y/N?” Taehyung called out as he walked into the living room, Jimin not far behind. They didn’t want to be too loud in case you fell asleep, but clearly, that wasn’t the case as they found the living room empty. 
“It’s not that late,” Jimin said as he checked the time on his phone, “maybe she just went to the bathroom?” 
“Should we wait for her?” Taehyung asked, before the older could answer they heard what sounded like a shout come from down the hall, followed by a very familiar laugh. It was one they would recognize anywhere, and not just because you were the only female that ever came over to the dorms. Glancing over at each other with a questioning look, they both made their way down the hall, pausing when they reached Jungkook’s room. The distinct sound of your laughter now sounded much more loudly, accompanied by the maknaes and the soft sounds that came from whatever game you were playing. Now the boys were very confused since when had you become friends with Jungkook? Only a week ago you were shying away in a corner as the male in question tried to drag you to practice one of their dances with them.
Jimin and Taehyung gave each other what must have been the hundredth confused look within the hour, not quite sure what to do. Of course, they were happy that you were getting along well with their members, and from the sound of it, you were having a lot of fun. However, this was supposed to be your guys’ movie night and they were really looking forward to it. Something about you canceling on them to spend time with Jungkook just didn’t sit right with them. With that in mind, Jimin knocked on the door twice to get your attention before pretty much storming into the room, Taehyung following not too far behind. Everything went silent as you jumped and paused the game out of instinct, turning to see your two best friends. The silence gave them a moment to analyze the situation. You were sat cross-legged on the bed, Jungkook sitting behind you and looking over your shoulder at the game. From glancing at the pause screen, it seemed you two had been playing for a good minute.
“Hey guys!” you exclaimed happily, clearly not feeling the steadily rising tension. If Jungkook had noticed, he didn’t say anything about it, nodding at his hyungs instead. 
“How was practice?” he asked. 
“It was alright,” Taehyung replied before turning his attention back to you, “sorry we’re late Y/N, ready for our movie night?” 
“Oh right!” you said, having completely forgotten about your original plans in your excitement. The knowledge of that had both males slumping a bit, an unreadable expression crossing their features. Still, you were blissfully unaware as you glanced at the time on your phone and then back at the screen, “We should be done with this level shortly, why don’t you go get everything set up and I’ll join you when I finish?” Once again their expressions dropped but they didn’t argue as they nodded and silently left the room. The fact that the sounds of the game resumed as soon as the door closed hurt way more than it should. Still, they told themselves that you were just excited about spending time with a new friend so they tried not to think about it too much. 
By the time you had actually finished the level, it was a bit later than you had thought. The boys already had everything prepared. The movie was up and paused, snacks and various drinks lined the coffee table, and Tae and Jimin were resting in a pile of blankets and pillows on the couch. No one said anything as you took your usual spot between them, curling up and finally enjoying your long-awaited movie nights. In your excitement, you never did catch on to the sudden change in atmosphere between your usually cheerful best friends, easily masked by exhaustion as you all fell asleep on the couch. 
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Unfortunately for Taehyung and Jimin, ignoring them to spend time with Jungkook gradually became a more common occurrence after that night. You came over a lot more to play games, or Jungkook would go over to your apartment as well. You guys would text and call each other all the time, make plans when you knew the boys were free, and you even started going out for lunch together. Taehyung and Jimin tried not to mind it too much at first. It was natural that you would want to spend time with your other friends after all and they didn’t want to ruin that by potentially overreacting. It was only when you started canceling your plans with them did they start to have a problem. Your fun text conversations became nonexistent, movie nights stopped, and you barely even acknowledged them whenever you came over. No more fun hugs, now you just nodded in their direction with a quick “Hey,” before running off to spend time with Jungkook. 
Meanwhile, you were none the wiser to your friend’s new jealousy. Jungkook turned out to be really fun to spend time with and it turned out you had a lot in common. You found yourself bonding over your favorite games, as well as occasionally talking about school. It became a habit to come over during the evening so you could play games together and you hadn’t seen anything wrong with that. Sure, you had canceled on Taehyung and Jimin a few times but you assumed they would understand. After all, you guys planned a lot together so what was the harm in spending time with someone else? You were also under the impression that you guys could all hang out as a group once you got used to being around Jungkook. Clearly, though, you had failed to realize just how wrong you were. 
The boys knew that they should probably talk to you about all of this, but you still didn’t seem to realize anything was wrong. You even asked Taehyung what was wrong one day when you saw him sulking and all he could do was stare at you in shock because how could you not realize? Did you just suddenly forget about them entirely? They were your best friends, and yet now they felt more like acquaintances that you used to be close to. It was after the fifth canceled movie night that month that the boys finally decided to do something about this. 
“We have to find a way to get her attention away from Jungkook,” Tae muttered as he fell back on the couch. They had just gotten home from practice and, sure enough, the sound of your and Jungkooks laughter echoed through the dorm. 
“Easier said than done,” Jimin replied, “she barely talks to us anymore. Even when we try to start a conversation or plan something she always gets distracted and ignores us.” Both boys were silent for a moment before a thought suddenly came to Taehyung, causing him to jump up from his spot. 
“What if we start forcing her to pay attention to us so that she can’t ignore us for Jungkook?” he suggested. The confused look he got from the older showed that they weren’t on the same page which made him sigh a bit, “You know, like every time she comes over we do something to distract her so that way she spends time with us and not him. That way she is reminded of who her true best friends are.” It seemed a lightbulb flashed in Jimins mind as he suddenly perked up as well. 
“That could work,” he said, “but how do we do it without making it obvious we’re trying to steal her attention?”
“Easy, we act cute enough and we get what we want!” Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes at the absurdity of the statement. Still, Taehyung didn’t hear any objections so he considered it a win. “Come on!” he suddenly exclaimed, grabbing Jimin by the wrist and pulling him until they were both standing. Before the smaller could process what exactly was going on, he was being dragged down the hall towards Jungkook's room.
“Wait! We’re doing this now?” he exclaimed, slightly panicked as they came to a stop. 
“Well yeah,” Taehyung said as if it was the most obvious thing ever, “she owes us a movie night!” As soon as Jimin opened his mouth to protest, Taehyung opened the door and dragged him inside. The scene itself was very familiar to how they found you and Jungkook the first time. However, now he was sitting next to you on the bed rather than behind you. Both of you turned your heads to look at the intruders with a mix of shock and confusion. “Y/N!” Tae whined before either of you could speak, “you were supposed to have another movie night with us!” Now you were thoroughly confused, yes you knew about the movie night but you had told them earlier that you had planned to help Jungkook pass this new level in his game. 
“I know guys, I’m sorry but-” you were cut off as Tae rushed into the room and gently pulled you away from the bed. 
“Come on! We haven’t hung out in forever!” You stayed quiet and allowed him to pull you to the door, the sound of someone clearing their throat reminding you of the fourth person in the room. 
“You guys can’t just take her,” Jungkook complained, “we were in the middle of a game.”
“You’ve been hanging out with her all week Kook, it’s our turn,” Jimin finally spoke up again. With that you found yourself being dragged to the living room, leaving behind a confused and slightly annoyed Jungkook. 
“Um guys,” you called out softly, “that was kind of rude don’t you think?” You understood that you cancelled on your plans, but they didn’t have to barge in like that. They both froze and turned to you, their expressions reminding you of lost puppies. 
“We miss you,” Jimin whined, “just one movie and then you can go back to hanging out with Jungkook okay?” You sighed a bit, pulling out your phone to glance at the time before nodding. It was still fairly early, what harm could one movie do? One movie quickly turned into two and then an entire marathon as you ended up getting engrossed into the stories. The boys having chosen a series they knew you hadn’t seen so that you would be forced to stay and watch the whole thing. It also helped that Jungkook stayed locked in his room the entire time, likely just going back to his game without you. By the time the final credits rolled, it was nearly midnight and you were half asleep. 
“Oh boy, that late already?” you muttered with a yawn. Grabbing your phone, you checked the time again and groaned as you forced yourself to stand up. You had work in the morning and if you didn’t leave now you would likely end up passing out at the dorms. “I’m going to head out,” you said, “tell Jungkook I said goodbye please?” Taehyung nodded and stood up as well to walk you to the door, Jimin staying on the couch as he switched the tv to some random reality show. 
“Will do,” Tae replied, “goodnight Y/N.” He waited until you got into your car before closing the door and returning to the couch with Jimin. Jungkook ended up confronting his hyungs a few minutes later. Leaning against the wall and waiting until you left the dorm to make his presence known. “What was that all about?” he asked as he stepped into the room and took a seat in one of the armchairs. The two older members paled a bit but kept a blank expression as they acknowledged the other. 
“What was what?” Jimin asked, feigning indifference. Now Jungkook was getting even more annoyed. First, they interrupted your time together and now they want to act like they didn’t do anything wrong?
“You know what,” he groaned, “you knew Y/N and I had plans already. Why did you burst in and drag her away like that?” Neither one really knew how to answer that, not wanting to admit their jealousy, but also knowing that lying would get them nowhere. Their silence was definitely not helping their case either. 
“To be fair,” Taehyung finally spoke up after a moment, “we had plans with her first.” Jungkook looked confused for a moment before realization finally hit him. 
“You’re telling me you dragged her away because you got jealous that she canceled your plans to hang out with me instead?” Neither one responded, but their sudden guilty expressions gave Jungkook his answer. Groaning, he threw his head back and took a deep breath, “That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.”
“This isn’t the first time it’s happened, you two have been together practically every day for the past three weeks while we’ve been here alone,” Jimin defended. 
“So? Maybe Y/N enjoys being able to spend time with someone else. It’s not always about you two, I’m her friend as well!” Jungkook bit his lip to keep from raising his voice, though his tense posture made it very clear that he was frustrated. 
“It’s not always about you either,” Taehyung argued, “we’re her best friends, have been since high school. It’s not fair that we get pushed aside while you get all of the attention.” This whole argument was childish and all three of them knew it. You were a grown woman and you had the right to chose who you did and did not want to spend time with. Still, they were stubborn and it was clear that neither side was willing to back down. What followed for the next five minutes was an awkwardly silent staring contest until finally, Jungkook gave in. 
“Fine, but you’re not the only one who can play that game,” with that he stood up and went back to his room. Taehyung and Jimin glanced at the door briefly before looking back at each other and smirking. Indeed, three could play at that game. 
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To say you were confused would be quite an understatement. One minute everything was going great and the next everyone was acting strange. Well, stranger than usual considering your best friends. You hadn’t seen any of the boys in about a week due to an upcoming work project, but the boys had still spammed you with texts any chance they were free. It seemed that whenever one would message you, the others would as well. They kept asking when you were free and you kept responding that you had to finish your work before you could hang out, then the cycle continued again the next day. On top of that, they were constantly stopping by your apartment for one reason or another. Usually, they would only pop in for a minute or two just to check-in, but there was one evening where Jungkook ended up staying over for dinner. Only for Taehyung and Jimin to appear the next morning and not leave until you had to physically kick them out to allow you to work. As strange as it was, you figured it was just the guys being bored since it was their off-season and didn’t think too much of it. You were sitting at your dining room table working on your laptop when you heard a knock at your door. Confused, since you weren’t expecting anyone at this hour, you decided to just ignore it. Maybe they had the wrong apartment, that or it was your neighbor and you honestly didn’t feel like talking to them right now. Unfortunately, the knocking continued and even got louder the more you ignored it. Eventually, you gave up and hesitantly got up from your spot. Your back ached in protest from being hunched over as you walked over to the door, opening it to see none other than Taehyung and Jimin. They were carrying bags of takeout and smiling widely as they let themselves in.
“What are you guys doing here?” you asked as you closed the door. The boys smiled as they set the bags on the table.
“We know you’ve been working all day,” Jimin said, “so we thought we’d bring you dinner!” Taehyung nodded as he grabbed one of the boxes and took a seat across from where your stuff was, it was clear that they weren’t planning on leaving.
“Um thanks, guys,” you said hesitantly, “but I really need to get this done and I can’t really afford any distractions.” Both boys looked visibly disappointed which made you feel a bit bad about rejecting them, but you held your ground.
“We’ll only be here a minute,” Taehyung argued.
“At least have dinner with us and then we’ll leave you alone!” Jimin added. You wanted to argue, but you were much too tired so you eventually just gave in.
“Fine,” you agreed, “but only for a bit.” The boys smiled as you took your seat and grabbed the last box and took your seat, nudging your laptop out of the way so you didn’t accidentally ruin everything. It was silent for all of two seconds before the boys were bombarding you with questions.
“So, Y/N, how was your day?”
“How is work going?”
“Are you going to be free this weekend?”
“We were thinking of planning a game night if you are.” It took everything in your power not to groan and throw them out. You loved these two, you really did, but you didn’t know how much more clinging you could take.
“I need to have this done by Friday, so I really can’t afford to take any more time off,” you hinted. Friday was only two days away and you still had so much to do. Having the boys on top of you 24/7 didn’t help much either. It seemed the boys only heard you saying you would be done by Friday though, as they practically jumped up from their seats.
“Perfect!” Jimin exclaimed, “we can plan our game night for Saturday then since you won’t be busy!” If your eyes could roll any harder you were sure you’d be able to see the back of your head. Still, you agreed, partially to get them to leave and also because a game night did sound kind of fun.
“Fine, I’ll be over Saturday night okay? I’ll even bring food to pay you guys back for this,” you bargained. The boys thought it over for a moment before nodding. You were beyond thankful that they hadn’t found anything to argue with you about.
As promised, they left a few minutes after you all finished eating, reminding you about Saturday before closing the door. You let out a tired sigh as you fell back into your chair, quickly turning your laptop back on so you could continue where you left off. Even though you were annoyed by the sudden interruption, you also had to admit that having food in your system made it much easier to concentrate. It only lasted for maybe an hour though before the sound of your phone vibrating snapped your attention away from the screen yet again. “What now?” you muttered as you flipped the mobile device over. Seeing a text from Jungkook asking if you were free to hang out this weekend, you sighed for what had to be the millionth time that night.
‘Tae and Jiminie invited me to a game night on Saturday.’ you texted back, getting a reply almost immediately.
‘Oh :( I was hoping we could play games.’
‘Why can’t we all just play games?’ It took him longer to text back this time which was odd, but you tried not to dwell on it as you went back to work. Another 15 minutes passed before you heard your phone go off again.
‘I guess so...see you Saturday.’ Odd, but at least you could rest easy knowing that you had two days of silence to finally get your work done. You could deal with your friends strange behavior when you went to hang out. 
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Saturday came a lot quicker than expected and you were actually very excited. You submitted your finished project with a few hours to spare and you had spent the rest of the day relaxing so you could have all your energy for spending time with your best friends. They also stopped messaging and randomly popping over after your text conversation, you assumed so you could focus better. You stepped out of your car and made your way up to the dorm, knocking a few times before using your key to let yourself in. Immediately you were greeted with all three boys sitting in the living room, various games and snacks scattered all over the coffee table. Whatever they were talking about was quickly forgotten as they all turned to face you. 
“Y/N!” they all exclaimed, jumping up to greet you. You laughed a bit as you hugged all three of them individually. Each hug seemed to last longer than the last but you didn’t seem to notice. 
“Come on!” Tae urged, pulling you so you were sitting between him and Jimin, much to Jungkooks dismay. “We couldn’t decide on what game to play first so maybe you could choose for us?” Tae pointed at one game while Jungkook pointed at another. It was becoming increasingly obvious to you now that there was tension between the three, but you didn’t know why. 
“Umm why don’t we start with this one?” you suggested as you pointed to the game Jungkook was suggesting. Seeing the hurt look on the other two you quickly added, “I mean, it’s shorter so we can start  with that and finish with your guys’ choice right?” That didn’t come off as very convincing, but you didn’t hear any objections as you set the game up. If anything, your explanation only seemed to upset Jungkook as well.
This silent competition between the boys only grew as you guys played. From offering you snacks to having you argue who broke the rules, to even letting you cheat to upset the other. Eventually, you had enough of this and threw down the bag of chips you were holding, immediately catching everyone’s attention. “Alright enough!” you exclaimed, “what is going on with you three?” They all looked scared and a little confused as they glanced at you, but no one said anything. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you spoke again, “You guys have been like this all week. Whenever one of you does something the other will copy, and now you’re fighting over a game. Is there something I missed?” It was Jungkook who finally spoke up after what felt like an eternity of awkward silence.
“Who do you enjoy spending time with more?” he asked, catching you completely off guard. Jimin noticed your confusion and immediately stepped in to explain.
“You started canceling on us to spend time with Jungkook.”
“But then you started canceling on me to hang out with them,” Jungkook quickly added, ignoring the glare he got. 
“So who do you like more?” Taehyung asked. You were honestly speechless, all the past incidents from the last week or so starting to make sense. The boys were jealous because you weren’t distributing your time evenly between them. You didn’t know whether to laugh or yell at the realization. 
“Let me get this straight,” you started, “this whole mess was done because you guys were jealous?” Before any of them could speak up to defend themselves, your laughter cut them off, “That has to be the most immature thing I’ve ever heard. Why didn’t you guys just talk to me about it?”
“In our defense, you were pretty clueless,” Taehyung defended. Realizing how serious they were, you sighed and shook your head. 
“Look guys, I’m sorry that I didn’t manage my time better. It was wrong of me to cancel plans to hang out with another member. You should have told me instead of whatever this rivalry was. You guys are friends too and I don’t see why we can’t all hang out as a group.” They didn’t look completely convinced so you continued, “not all the time of course. There will be days I want to spend time with Jimin and Tae and there will be times when I want to spend time with Jungkook. That doesn’t make me any less of a friend.” Hesitantly they all nodded, glancing at each other with a guilty look. 
“We’re sorry Noona,” Jungkook apologized, causing you to smile. 
“Come on! Now that we’re all friends again, let's finish the game!”
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Twitter: SugaKookieBias
AO3: SugaKookieBias
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You’re Home (Colby Brock Imagine)
Summary: Sequel to To Pluto and Back. After months back home in Bar Harbor, Maine during quarantine, you have had enough of the being away from Colby. You spend the next few driving across the country just to go home to him.
Written: 2020
Word Count: 2,754
Warnings: A lot of fluff, swearing (minor)
“Call me every day while you’re on the road.” My mother says as she squeezes me tight.
“I will, I promise. I should be back in La in five days, a week if I decided to take in the sights while I’m driving. Are you sure you don’t need me to stay? I can cancel everything right now.” I place my hands on either side of my mom’s face.
“I’m positive. Your brother and sister are nearby if your dad and I need help. Besides, I don’t think I can take any more of you moping around the house. Go home to your boyfriend and friends.” My mom kisses my forehead and goes to stand on the porch so my dad and I can talk in private.
“Got everything you need? Your clothes, GPS, snacks, full tank of gas?” My dad asks with his arms crossed over his chest.
“I packed up my bedroom. I have the ice chest in my car, I’m going to get snacks, gas, and ice right now. Mom packed me to lunch and a few snacks. I have all of my chargers, my spare tires, my overnight bags for when I have to spend the night in a motel. My location is on for you, mom, and my friend in LA. My wallet, phone, and all my little necessities are in the front seat along with chargers. I have the number for a tow company just in case. I also have my mace and whistle. I’m going to be okay.”
“I’m just making sure. I’m your dad, I’m allowed to worry. Here, take this.” My dad hands me a folded up bill.
“Dad, I don’t need money. Keep it.” I try to push his hand away, but he’s insistent.
“Just take it to ease an old man’s heart.” I hesitantly take the money and put it in my pocket.
“Fine. I love you guys and I’ll call you when I’m home.” I wrap my arms around my dad and kiss his cheek. He gives me a soft, yet tight hug back and kisses the top of my head. He lets go and my mom joins him as I grab my filming camera off of the top of my trunk and hop into my car.
I’ve been down in the dumps since I sent Colby that care package. He sent me one back after and I filmed that video last week. I’ve been moping around the house since then with the new stuffed animal he gave me. I knew that going back home to Maine to help my parents out with the quarantine would be hard, but it’s taking longer than I thought and it’s been taking a serious toll on my mental health. I only came home because my brother and sister are older with their own families, I knew they would help out our parents when they could, but I knew that they needed me to help too. The three hour time difference doesn’t help either. I’m just so used to being with Colby since I moved in with him two years ago. Being away from him truly feels like I’m missing a part of myself. My mom finally saw how sad I was being away and basically kicked me out of the house. After a few days of thinking, I finally packed all of my stuff to head home.
“Hey, guys, Y/N here! Today, I’m taking you guys with me on a road trip. To make a long story short, I’m going home to LA to surprise Colby and finally move into the house. The only one who knows is Sam, who is helping me make sure Colby doesn’t do anything rash like fly over to surprise me. Because of the virus and all, I’m trying my best to limit my human contact. Unfortunately for me, that means taking a 50-hour road trip across the country by myself. But it’ll be worth it in the end. I’m at the gas station to fill up my tank and get some provisions for the next few hours. When I get back I’ll give you guys a little car tour!” I turn off my camera and grab my bag before heading into the convince store.
I only told Sam because I figured he could be the only one to keep Colby in line while I drove. He’s been talking about coming down to Maine to stay with me for a bit, and knowing him he would actually do it. I would have told Jake and Corey, but I feel like they would let it slip that I’m coming. I told Sam that he could tell them when I’m 5 minutes from the house. I’ve worked really hard planning this perfectly so that Colby won’t suspect a thing. I pre-filmed and edited this week’s YouTube video. I made a whole bunch of TikToks all over my parent’s house so I could post a few while I’m on the road and he would think I’m still there. I took a lot of selfies and boomerangs to post Instagram and to send to Colby. I even drafted tweets in case I got too tired to think of something after a long day of driving.
The only issue is when Colby wants to FaceTime; which is every day. I could probably get away with texting and calling him for the next few days. Despite the time difference, we like to fall asleep and wake up together. Well, I’m always asleep and awake first because of the time, but you get the point. We were THAT couple for the past four months.
I get some shots of me getting gas and filling the ice chest with snacks. This is going to be a long trip, but I made sure to only get a few snacks. I did get a lot of iced coffees just in case the gas station I stop at every morning doesn’t have the brand or flavor I like. You only make that mistake once.
“Okay guys, It’s 8:30 in the morning on a Monday, and in all honesty, my goal is to be in LA by Friday. Unless I drive for 5 days straight, that’s not going to happen. I think I’ll barely make it out of Maine today. Realistically, I probably won’t be home until next Monday, maybe even later. I do want you to know that I’m going to try to be safe and smart. All of my travel clothes are light and comfortable. I’m not going to be driving more than 8 hours a day. I’m going to get to the motels around 5 pm so I can get dinner and relax. I’m going to take a break every two hours to stretch my legs, eat, go to the bathroom, etc. I have compression socks to prevent blood clots. I have no real plans for this trip. Honestly, I don’t care how this goes. All I care about is getting home to Colby. I know that I’ve been talking about how depressed and lonely I’ve been without him, but I know that he feels the same way, maybe even worse. So I’m mainly doing this for him. And bub, if you’re watching this, I love you.” I close the camera again and turn on my GoPros to get some shots of my driving.
“Did you hear they might extend the quarantine again?” Colby says on the other line. I’m eating breakfast in my car. I spent the night in Denver. I have two more states to drive through before I’m finally in California. The trip is taking a bit longer than I anticipated. It’s Friday and I’m a quarter of the way home. I’ve already driven through ten states, but the fact that I have about three to four more days until I can be in Colby’s arms again is what’s keeping me going.
“I didn’t hear about that. I’ve been trying to spend less time on the internet lately. That sucks. That means we’re not going to be able to see each other until like next year or something.” I can’t help by smile. Sometimes when I lie I have the urge to laugh. I’m generally good at hiding it, but I keep thinking about the look I’m going to see on Colby’s face when I see him.
“Don’t say that. This is the longest we’ve been apart since we started hanging out. It’s already been killing me the past few months. Maybe I could come down to visit you for a few weeks.” He’s been saying that so often, I’m afraid he’s going to sneak out of the house to surprise me in Maine.
“I would love that, babe, but we talked about this. I don’t want to risk you getting sick. I know it’s hard, but we need to wait this out, I promise everything will change soon. Very soon. Oh shoot, I got to get my laundry before my mom gets upset. I’ll call you tonight. I love you.”
“I love you too, princess.” I hang up and just stare at my phone for a bit. A picture of Colby that I took before I left is my lock screen. I didn’t technically lie about the laundry. I brought only a few days worth of clothes and I needed to wash them. So I grabbed breakfast near a laundry mat so I could kill two birds with one stone. I’ve also been texting Sam to keep him updated. We still don’t know how I’m going to surprise Colby. We agreed to talk about it when I’m closer to California so we don’t jinx anything. He’s had to stop Colby from buying a plane ticket a couple of times. I’m so glad that I told him or else this whole trip would have been for nothing.
By the time I get to a motel every night, I get so anxious that I want to start driving again. The only thing keeping me sane is editing parts of the video and stopping at gift shops in every state I drive through to get souvenirs for everyone. I get something specific for Colby and me and then a bunch of cute $1 items for everyone else so they can choose what they want. Our friend group is too big for me to buy bigger things for each of my friends. I’ve already spent close to $300 on gas on this trip so far.
“Hey, is anyone near you?” I ask Sam as I pack my stuff back into my overnight bag.
“I’m in my room and everyone is either asleep or getting breakfast, what’s up?” I hear Sam moving in the background.
“I’m definitely going to be in Los Angles today. I have four and a half hours left, give or take, until I’m at the house. Are the plans for today set?” I double-check that I have everything before heading out to my car. I load my stuff into my car and head to the front desk to check out. I pay and return my key before finally heading back to my car.
“Yeah, I mean there isn’t much we can do. Thank God the shops are finally, open. I can distract Colby by going to the mall or something. Jake and Corey are going to be home to let you in and help you get your stuff. I’m going to see where Colby is and tell them right now. Hopefully, they don’t let anything slip.” I hear a door open in the background.
“Yeah, I would definitely kill them myself if they did. Anyway, I have to start driving. I’ll text you when I’m about halfway there and then call you when I get there. Keep me updated on your end please!” I start the car and plug in the address into my GPS app.
“Will do. Drive safe and talk to you later.” Sam hangs up the phone as I readjust everything. I turn on my road trip music and get ready to get breakfast.
Last night when I was talking to Colby, I was texting Sam. We finally settled on how I was going to surprise Colby. Sam is going to get Colby out of the house while Jake and Corey sneak me into the house. They’re going to also help get my stuff out of my car. While Sam and Colby are out, I’m going to get a quick tour of the house and change out of my gross road trip clothes so I can look like a decent human. The three of us are going to hang out downstairs. When they get home we’re going to call them into whatever room we’re hanging out in and boom, surprised boyfriend.
Jake and Corey help me set up the last few cameras so I can get Colby’s reaction. They also helped me hide my car. Not that Colby would notice, but I didn’t want to take any chances. They showed me around the house a bit, and honestly, I almost didn’t recognize it from when I was looking at the house with them months ago. Seeing the house in person feels so different than seeing it in videos and FaceTime chats with Colby. Being here makes it real. Sam texted us saying that they were around the corner. That’s when we turned on the camera. I brought lunch for everyone so the three of us are just eating in the kitchen and catching up.
My heart is racing. I don’t even know why I’m so nervous to see my own boyfriend. Maybe it’s because I have no idea how he’ll react. I’ve been kind of giving him the cold shoulder the past few days because I’ve been driving. We haven’t talked as much as we have been for the past four months while I was in Maine. I don’t why, but part of me feels like he’ll be a different person.
“We’re home!” I hear Sam call out from the front of the house. My heart immediately drops to my stomach from nerves. I tightly grip the counter that I’m sitting on to keep myself from falling off.
“We’re in the kitchen. We have lunch for you guys.” Jake responds. I stop breathing for a second.
“I’ll be there in a second. I have to go put my things down.” Colby calls out. I’m so glad that we hid my stuff. I had a feeling Colby would go to his room first. Maybe he’s still the same Colby I left here four months ago.
Sam walks into the kitchen while putting his phone away. He walks over to me and gives me a quick hug. We all wait, whispering, for Colby to join us in the kitchen. The nerves don’t leave my body as he takes longer to come back. Eventually, we hear his footsteps on the stairs.
“Sorry I was… Y/N?” Colby stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. He blinks a few times before a huge grin creeps on his face.
“Hi,” is all I can manage to squeak out. I managed to lose my voice at the sight of Colby.
“Y/N, is that really you? What are you doing here?” Colby starts walking towards me. I hop off the counter and meet his halfway.
“I’m home,” I whisper as I hug Colby, “I missed you so I came home.”
Colby hugs me back for a second before letting go and placing both hands on either side of my face. He looks deep into my eyes and I can’t help but start to cry. I haven’t seen Colby in so long, I can’t believe that I’m standing right in front of him. He kisses my forehead and engulfs me in a hug. I squeeze him tight like he’ll disappear if I let go. I’ve been gone for so long that I forgot what it felt like to hold Colby in my arms.
“I can’t believe you’re here right now. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Colbs. I missed you so fucking much it hurt. I finally feel whole again.” For the first time in months, Colby leans in and kisses me softly. Everything feels right in my world again now that I’m here. Even though I’ve been back in LA for at least 20 minutes, I didn’t feel like I was home until this very second: in Colby’s arms.
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simpingismyquirk · 4 years
Welcome to Tea Time
Description: Letter H ‘Hell is already here brother, and I’m the devil” and Tea Time from the November prompt list.
A lovely request sent in by an anon. Thank you! This may not be at all what you were picturing with the combination of these two prompts. But I hope you enjoy! ☺️
Denki x Reader, Bakugo siblings
Summary: A scenario in which you and your husband Denki go out for a nice date night, but something comes up and your babysitter cancels last minute and you have no one else to babysit. And you definitely don’t want to cancel. So you decide to cash in a favor and ask your brother, Bakugo, to watch them for the night for you.
A/N: thank you for the request! I really had fun with this and enjoyed writing it. I apologize for disappearing and not getting this out sooner! I hope you enjoy! 
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It had been way too long since your last date night with your husband. Having 3 daughters that shared DNA between you and Kaminari was definitely a handful. And you two had figured out how to manage that chaotic energy in a way that no one else could keep up with. 
But it was taking a toll on your busy schedules that you two had not been able to take some time for yourselves as a couple. With busy hero work, and keeping up with all three of your daughter’s schedules, it was nearly impossible for you both to have the energy at the end of the evening to so much as talk about your days. 
So when you finally both were able to clear your schedules you both took advantage of the opportunity to spend the night out together for some much needed couple time. It wasn’t hard to set up a baby sitter and everything seemed to be falling into place perfectly. 
You were just finishing up your final touches on your make up when Denki came skidding into the bedroom holding up his phone. “Babe! We’ve got an issue. The baby sitter canceled on us!” 
The slight disappointment in your features matched the equally panicked look on your husband’s face. You two had been lucky to get reservations for this restaurant for your date night and neither of you wanted to cancel, or try and find a brand new baby sitter for your daughters. You sighed setting your make up brush down “Do we have anyone else who could be available to watch the girls last minute? I would hate to cancel our night..”
Denki flopped down on the bed, immediately tensing as the sound of little footsteps came running into the bedroom, tiny bodies launching themselves at their dad. You smiled watching Denki wrestle two of your three girls around on the bed as their laughter filled the room. Once they settled down Denki responded to your question. “Mina and Sero usually love to spend time with the girls but they both have night patrol duty tonight.”
Your eldest daughter at 10 piped in “We want Uncle Suki! He hasn’t come over in so long!” Your other daughter jumped on the bed in agreement. You smiled at the way they kept the short hand nickname for your brother. Even though he swears he hates it. 
Denki propped himself on his elbows to raise a brow at you “Didn’t he say he had the night off tonight?” 
“He has the night off but I don’t think he imagined spending it with his three energetic nieces dear..” you sounded unsure of even asking, but the wheels had already begun turning in your mind and Denki noticed. 
Grinning he sat up and moved the edge of the bed “ Didn’t you mention before that he owed you a favor?” 
Ah yes. That’s right. You did have a favor he needed to cash in still, and Katsuki Bakugo was a man of his word and wouldn’t be able to turn it down. “Yes...yes he does. I’ll give him a call.”
You impatiently tapped your foot waiting for him to pick up the phone, hoping he wouldn’t choose tonight to push off your calls.
“what do you want!?” The gruff voice on the other end barked in after a few rings.
Thank god You thought to yourself before responding “Katsuki! Hey...I have a favor to ask.. and I wouldn’t call so last minute if it wasn’t important.” 
“What is it?” his gruffness didn’t change but at least he didn’t downright say no.
“Denki and I have a date tonight and our babysitter canceled last min-’
“No way.”
“Katsuki!” you huffed, pausing to catch yourself before cursing at him. You shouldn’t have been surprised. “Katsuki please? You are the only one who is available last minute...besides, the girls want to see their Uncle and you owe me a favor.” you stubbornly responded, clearly not going to take no for an answer.
“....Fine. I’ll be there in 15 minutes...’ click. That’s Katsuki Bakugo for you...well at least he accepted.
“So? What did he say? Is he on his way?” Denki questioned, hopeful that the night was still on.
“He said he’d be here in 15 minutes.”
15 minutes later and Katsuki was standing in your doorway, all three of his nieces latching onto the blonde haired man in eager excitement. 
“See? They love you man and you are making their night.” Denki said, going to elbow him. 
You cut him off by stepping in front of him “and he is saving our night too. We will be back around 11 or so tonight Katsuki. Thank you for doing this for us, we really needed this.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes “Now we are even on the favors. Next one you’ll owe me.” 
You laughed as you looped your arm through Denki’s and headed out the door for your much needed night out. “We’ll see about that. Have fun you guys.” 
It was 11:45, a little bit later than planned, you and Denki had thoroughly enjoyed your night out together, having a few extra drinks making you lean into each other a little more than normal as you walked the final blocks to your home. 
“I had so much fun tonight. Hopefully the girls had fun and behaved for Katsuki. I can’t imagine what the house will look like if not.” you mused, leaning your head against Denki’s shoulder. 
“We should be lucky he didn’t threaten to blow the house up when we told him we would be a little late.” Denki chuckled. 
You both came to a slow halt as you noticed many lights still on in your home, signaling that your daughters most likely were still awake. The sight you both walked in on was one that you will never forget. 
Sitting atop a giant pile of blankets and pillows on the couch shaped into some kind of throne, was Bakugo; a princess tiara on his head, wand in his hand, and three obviously wired nieces launching an attack on him. 
You and Denki shared a look before Denki snorted loudly and walked into the crossfire. “Yo what in the world is going on here? Have we ascended into Hell where Bakugo has taken the throne?” 
You noticed the play tea set your daughters loved to play with sitting on the table in front of the makeshift throne. “Or is it a tea party gone wrong?” 
Bakugo, clearly not expecting to be caught mid character by two drunk parents thought quickly on his feet. He jumped down with all three girls squealing in excitement as he landed and pointed at you both “Hell is already here brother, and I’m the devil. So you better man up and arm yourself because this tea party is about to get wild.” 
At his declaration, three pairs of usually innocent eyes locked on to their parent’s with a mischievous look that they could only imitate from their Uncle. Suddenly it was obvious that whatever you and your husband had walked into wasn’t ending any time soon. So your best option was to grab a pillow, join in the fun, and deal with whatever repercussions this game would cause in the morning. It was a perfect way to end your saved night out, and one that would always be remembered by your family. 
A memory that would only be tainted by Bakugo refusing to admit the fact that he was caught wearing the tiara and wand, but that wouldn’t stop either of you from relieving it either way. 
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punkpoemprose · 4 years
December 6th- Fuck 2020
Universe: Modern AU Rating: M (Mature, a little explicit, this is porn without plot for the most part) Length: 4383 Words A/N: The title says it all. This fic is about Kristoff and Anna having sex on New Years Eve. TW: Mentions of COVID-19, quarantine, and generally the shittyness of this year. This is the last of my decades AUs. Hopefully someday someone will write something more flattering for the 2020′s.
Anna closed her laptop and collapsed back onto the couch. She was exhausted mentally and emotionally, but her body wasn’t tired enough to let her sleep. It had been what she’d been suffering with all year, or at least since March when the world had gone from its usual level of chaos to being utter and total bedlam. She still remembered the day she’d learned that her kids wouldn’t be coming back to the classroom, and the only slightly more terrifying day where she learned that they would, in fact be coming back.
Her head was still awash with words she’d never thought she’d need to say to a room full of five-year-olds. We have to keep our masks on. Remember, six feet apart guys, that’s like two big dogs in a line. No, I’m sorry, I can’t give you a hug. She’d had to separate desks, and clean and not wipe away little tears like she normally would when a child was having a bad day.
The kids, she thought, had held up better than she had. They’d listened as well as they could, they’d followed the rules as much as they were able, and they were kind about the policies in a way that even grown adults were not. But even with all the work they’d done, even with all the kids doing their best, the second wave had hit, and now they wouldn’t be returning to school until after the middle of January, and then when it finally came about, it would be online. There was talk of vaccines in the news, and while it gave her some small spark of hope, all the changes have meant turning her holiday break into lots of online classroom prep.
It still wasn’t the worst though, she’d rather be tired than sick, and she couldn’t help but relax a bit and listen to the shower running in the next room over.
Kristoff had been given the afternoon shift for New Year’s Eve, and as per their new normal, he’d stripped down at the door after returning to their apartment, tossed all his things into the wash, and was currently showering. In the beginning, before they’d known just how bad things were, before PPE was supplied to every EMT in the county, he’d caught it.
Anna had remembered the pain of having to see him so ill, watching him suffer through what was determined to be a “mild” case of the virus while he was sequestered to their bedroom and she spent the week sleeping on the couch and barely seeing him at all except to occasionally bring him something to eat when he’d felt particularly weak. There was something particularly terrifying in watching the strongest person Anna knew, her rock, her one and only, barely able to take care of himself. He’d insisted the whole time, vehemently, that she leave to stay with her sister on the other side of town, be she’d been unable to bring herself to do it. She couldn’t and wouldn’t leave him alone when he was so sick she wasn’t sure if he’d make it through.
But, of course, he had. His voice had been strange and unlike him for weeks after he was cleared, and Anna had spent many nights in a cold sweat thinking about just how close he’d been to being in much worse shape. They’d started their procedure then, come in the door, take off your clothes, wash anything that went into work with you, and then shower. She’d done it too, but to less of an extreme because while she’d been around kids who had potentially been sick, he spent every day with Sven facing the positively ill together and trying their best to keep them well enough to get to the hospital.
The mental strain it was putting on them, Anna having to worry everyday about him getting sick again, or one of her students or even herself catching it was a lot. But Kristoff, kind and wonderful man that he was, kept checking in at the hospital to learn whether the transports he and Sven had brought in had made it. She saw the darkness in his eye, behind his attempts at levity, on the days where they lost someone.
The water shut off, and Anna let herself imagine him behind the door, stepping out of the shower, putting his towel on, walking over to the mirror to shave and comb his wet hair. He’d started keeping it shorter than usual as a precaution, and while he always looked handsome, Anna missed the days where she’d been able to put short braids into his hair and then comb them out with her fingers. She missed the days where he’d come home, flop onto the couch and that would be the end of things until one of them made dinner.
“Hey,” he said, as she heard the bathroom door open and shut, “Are you asleep or?”
She opened her eyes and tipped her head, looking at him from across the room. He was dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, nothing fancy because of course, despite it being New Year’s Eve, they weren’t going out anywhere. She was dressed similarly, but overtop her plain shirt, she’d thrown on her nicest cardigan, creating the illusion for the videos she’d pre-recorded, that she wasn’t on her couch in her pajamas, but instead was dressed in full teacher gear and was to be listen to closely.
“I don’t think I can do an early bedtime tonight,” she said, “Or even a nap. I have to be awake to see this year end.”
He laughed, but it wasn’t so much the sort of laugh he did when he thought she was being funny. It was much more of a chuckle, as if he were going to follow it with an expression of agreement. They both were rather done with the year, just like everyone else they knew. No one wanted to be living through a pandemic.
“Just imagine,” he said, “Maybe next year we’ll actually be able to go on a date or something.”
“Or,” Anna replied sadly, “Actually be able to reschedule our wedding.”
They’d planned a June wedding the year before. It was going to be a small affair. Just his family, Elsa, and some friends from work. They were going to have it at a ski-lodge in the mountains that also doubled as a summertime spa and nature retreat so that it would be like a vacation for everyone who attended. She could still imagine the way that they’d wanted to decorate the place, all sunflowers and mason jars and white ribbons. She had bought a dress and everything, and it was still stored in her sister’s bedroom closet.
They’d pushed it to August, but had given up on it past that, knowing as soon as September hit and she returned to school with in person students, that nothing would be changing anytime soon. Even her hope for the next year was a tentative thing, like a butterfly with a broken wing trying its damnedest to fly.
“Fuck 2020,” she said quietly, noticing the way he frowned at the mention of their cancelled wedding. He’d been looking forward to it as well, and she knew that this year had been just as upsetting for him as it had been for her. She tried not to swear very often, particularly because she was worried about being able to censor herself around the kids, but ultimately, the year deserved a middle finger and some very strong language.
He crossed the space and took her laptop from where it rested on her stomach, placing it carefully on the coffee table before he scooped her too, up and off the couch. He never had much trouble lifting her, but each time he did so unexpectedly, she was half afraid of falling. She flailed for a half a second in his arms, gasping at the change in height as it occurred.
“I’d like that,” he said with a grin, “The wedding. I know it’s just a formality, and that we’ve agreed not to do it at a courthouse or anything, but I’m so ready to call you Mrs. Bjorgman.”
“And have my students confused?” she teased, “Maybe you should be Mr. Arendelle.”
He laughed at that, but the shrugged and started walking in the direction of their bedroom, holding her bridal style as if it were already all over and done with.
“Why are we heading to bed?” she asked, only allowing herself a little hopefulness beyond her confusion. She knew why she’d like to be heading to bed, but maybe, she reasoned, he was just tired and wanted some company for a nap.
“You said, ‘fuck 2020’.”
She could see the cheeky smile on his face as he glanced down at her, still heading toward the bedroom, like a man on a mission.
“It sounded like a good idea to me.”
“So,” Anna said from her place below him on their bed, “In this analogy am I 2020 or?”
Kristoff laughed, and she was treated with a kiss on her knuckles as she obediently raised her arms up for him to remove her shirt. His laugh was one of the things that got her through the day, knowing that he could find humor in any situation, that she could make him laugh, was a blessing. It made things feel normal, and it was a joy for them both that they sorely needed.
“No. It’s more like we fuck each other, and we get a little extra enjoyment out of the year ending. Honestly, I didn’t think it through very much, I just wanted you and it seemed like a good excuse.”
That made her laugh, and she nodded appreciatively at the sentiment. She didn’t think that they needed to really contemplate it much as she was just happy with the opportunity to enjoy her fiancé for a little while.
“It’s a good way to pass the time until midnight,” she offered once she was free of her shirt, “I’m sure we’ll manage to keep each other awake.”
Her hands went up his shirt in return, letting her fingers travel over his the soft but muscled planes of his torso until he too removed his shirt, giving her better access to touch him as she leaned up to allow him to undo her bra’s clasps.
“It’s what? Seven?” He asked, tossing her bra in a rapidly growing pile of their clothes, “I can’t promise five hours straight, but I’ll do my best.”
His hands went up her sides, his thumbs rubbing appreciatively at the dips of her waist and across her ribs until they came up to he breasts. He cupped them gently first, and her hands moved to tracing up and down in spine in return as they found a comfortable position where she was somewhat seated in his lap, facing him. He pinched a nipple and she treated him to an appreciative moan and dragged her nails, lightly down his back.
They hadn’t had much time for intimacy as of late. Between what they both experienced at work and the stress of the holidays, even from a socially distanced standpoint, they’d mostly been using their bed for sleeping. It felt good for it to be put to better use.
“Of course, we’ll need to take a break for dinner. Maybe you’ll need a second shower with some company. I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
The appreciative almost growl he made as he ducked his head down to her neck went straight through her spine and made her want to peel the rest of their clothes off and get down to business immediately. Shared shower or not, she already knew that she’d need to change her panties. If, of course, he was planning on letting her put any on before the next morning.
He squeezed and kneaded her breasts while his lips kissed down her neck and she allowed herself to surrender to his touch. Everything around her was Kristoff, his hands and mouth on her, the smell of his shampoo all she could smell as she tilted her neck to give him better access and shifted a hand up to his still wet hair. Despite him being fresh from the shower and in the cooler air of their bedroom, he was hot to the touch, exactly what she wanted as her hair stood on end from the temperature and his touch.
He moved lower then, his head ducking down to lave attention on her nipples as one arm wrapped around her back to support her leaning away and the other moved down, down, across her lower stomach and to the place where her waistband still sat.
“Off?” she asked, the word all she could form as she gave herself over to the sensation of his mouth sucking and nipping at her.
“Not yet,” he replied, barely moving his mouth from her as he answered and switched sides, leaving her wet nipple to pebble against the cold.
His fingers slid a bit lower still, under the waistband of her pants, but not into her underwear as he dipped her even lower.
His arm was strong at her back, keeping her aloft and exactly where he wanted her, even as she squirmed and bucked her hips against the hand that was moving closer and closer to her clit. She knew exactly what he was doing, but it didn’t keep her from jumping when his fingers grazed her through the fabric. He knew that she was sensitive, that he needed to work her up to his direct touch, let alone anything more. They’d had their fair share of quickies of course, but when he wanted things to last, when he wanted to see her come again and again, he worked her up first.
Anna moaned, and arched in his arms, not so much from the sensation, but from the promise it offered. He really was going to try to make this last all night long.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“I ask myself the same question.”
She gasped as he slowly stroked his fingers up and down her, no doubt feeling how wet she was through her panties but not commenting on it. Instead, using his mouth to once again kiss down her body, moving from the valley between her breasts lower and lower, tipping her back onto the bed as he went.
Not to be outdone, Anna reached up to him as she was leaned back, letting her hands travel down and over his back, reaching for his rear and giving it a squeeze. He laughed against her skin, and she felt rather satisfied by the sound as he picked up the pace on her clit and kissed her navel. Her hands slipped forward then, moving across the waistline of his sweatpants, and dipping her fingers below them as he had.
It was a bit of an awkward angle, but she did her best to wrap her hand around him. It was a challenge, but it was worthwhile to hear his breathing quicken when she managed to slide her hand up and down over his already hard cock through the fabric of his boxers. She recalled the first time they had done this, what felt like many years before, but was just a little over a year and a half ago. She remembered touching him for the first time and being scared that she wouldn’t be able to take him. The thought would have made her laugh now, if it weren’t for the fact that his attention on her clit was making her gasp instead.
When his lips had kissed as low as possible in their current position, he sat up a bit and slipped his hand from her pants. He offered her a questioning look, as he always did, and Anna stroked him again in response, sliding her hand up and down his length and rotating her wrist a bit as she did so, knowing that it was what he liked.
“Off,” she replied, finalizing the unspoken agreement in words before adding, “You too.”
He nodded and she rubbed her thumb against his head before she too extracted her hand, giving him a small taste of what was to come. She fully intended to take him into her mouth if he would let her. It had been too long since she’d seen him fall apart like that, staring down at her with dark eyes and strong muscles trembling under the weight of his climax.
Maybe, she thought, she might even do it while he was laying down, so she could feel him under her and enjoy the building of tension in his body that always came before the release that left him panting and melting beneath her. She loved that he let her give him pleasure. There was so much he did everyday for her, all the care to not get her ill, the many nights he cooked dinner after a long shift, how he always listened to her stresses before offering up his own, and she liked to return his kindnesses in the bedroom.
He pushed himself up and off of her, pulling his pants down with one hand, using the other in a delightful display of his strength to hold himself aloft. He kicked them off a bit creatively, one leg at a time as if he were doing some kind of strange yoga, but never removing his eyes from her as he watched her buck her hips up and slide her own bottoms off.
He tossed them both somewhere to join their pile, and they were left, staring into each other’s eyes wearing nothing but their underwear.
She shivered a bit, both from the intensity if his gaze and the cool air around her. He noticed, his gaze softening as he lowered himself to her a bit and pressed a kiss to her lips. She responded by tipping her head up a bit, deepening the kiss as her arms raised up to wrap around his back and pull him down onto her.
“I’ll have to see if I can warm you up,” he said, their temperature differences more evident as his chest pressed into hers.
He was making a valiant effort, despite her pulling him down, to not crush her under his weight. There had been occasions where he’d allowed his whole weight to press down onto her, and while she didn’t exactly consider him light by any instance of the word, he wasn’t ever going to crush her quite so much as he made an excellent weighted blanket when he wanted to be.
His tone was lascivious though. There was no doubt in Anna’s mind as his hips rocked gently into hers that his plan for warming her up included more of the touching he’d just been doing moments before. When he kissed her again and let his lips trail, once more down her body, lower and lower, she knew that there would be nothing so simple as a blanket in his plans to warm her.
When he reached the waistband of her panties he didn’t stop, instead mouthing at her through the fabric, causing her to call his name and tangle her fingers into his hair. She felt his breath on her, hot, the inhalations and exhalations adding to the sensation as his lips nipped carefully at her clit. He slid down after a few moments, pressing kisses to her labia and center through the fabric, nudging her bud with his nose.
He could be devious with his mouth, a fact that she took immense pleasure in. He could kiss her mouth and pussy with equal skill, and she knew it came from a combination of natural talent, and plenty of practice with her and only her. His mouth could bring her to heights she’d never been able to reach alone, and the anticipation of him doing so had her trembling.
“Do you want me to?” he asked, glancing up at her from between her legs, seeking permission as he always did.
“Yes. Always.”
It was all he needed, flashing her a smile as he hooked his thumb under her waistband and pulled.
She lifted her hips obediently and was rewarded with an appreciative squeeze on her rear as he tugged the fabric off her. When it got to her knees, he leaned back and she set her bottom back onto her bed, watching him whip the fabric off her legs and onto the floor.
She would not be looking for them, she decided ultimately, until laundry day.
He spread her legs a bit more and rearranged them both on the bed until she had two pillows under her rear, elevating her, and he was half kneeling before her.
Once the matter of fabric and positioning was settled, he set upon her like a man starved. Evidently the foreplay had been enough for him, and she already felt it was enough for her, when he kissed her clit again, and then set to running his tongue over her. He went from the bottom of her slit, tasting her and groaning in appreciation, up to her clit, his tongue teasing at her before flattening against her, moving down, and repeating the process.
Her hands, desperate to show him the same appreciation he was showering her with, reached out as far as they could to rub just her fingertips, less artfully, but no less effectively, against the bulge straining against his boxers. His groans only added to the sensation as he tasted her, the rumbling of it tangible as he licked and took her into his mouth. The sound mingled in the air with her own moans, and soon, she stopped being able to tell who was making which sounds.
His tongue darted between her folds and she rocked her hips into his mouth. He rocked just far enough back that she could no longer touch him, and as such, her hands held onto him in other ways, one hand wandering across his shoulders while the other tugged at his hair.
He added his fingers to the business after a short while, taking only a moment away from her to watch her face as he slipped his fingers along her entrance, coating them in her before he, with trained dexterity, slid them inside her and began the search for the place on her inner walls he knew set her closest to the edge.
He got a satisfied look on his face when her moans grew louder, when she pleaded with him and thanked him for the new sensation, and it was a grin that she saw last before his face descended, again, to mouth at her clit with new fervor.
It was only a matter of time before she fell back against the bed, pillows falling from under her rear as she went stiff, then limp, under the force of her orgasm.
She tasted herself on his lips when he kissed her.
“Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!”
Anna had been somewhat surprised that they made it to midnight, both of them thoroughly spent with the amount of time and energy they’d put into their private celebration. She wasn’t counting down with the people on the television though, she couldn’t even see them as she knelt before the couch, feeling Kristoff’s tensed legs at either side of her. She couldn’t count anyway, she had her mouth full.
She’d wanted to manage to get him to come right at midnight, thinking about how funny and gratifying it would be to ensure that her fiancé, the man she loved most in the world, started the new year out right. She supposed though, as she bobbed her head up and down, her tongue running up and down his length as she breathed through her nose, that he wouldn’t mind if it was just a minute or so late.
“Anna,” he groaned, his hand on the back of her head, not pushing but encouraging her to maintain her speed, “Baby I think I’m going to…”
She hummed, keeping up her speed, flattening her tongue against him and doing her damnedest to give him the same pleasure he’d given her earlier in the day. They’d done plenty in the hours between, but this was the first time for the day, and now for the new year that she’d pleasured him with her mouth.
She hoped that the sounds she was making were encouraging as his hips rocked almost imperceptibly, his hand that rested on her shoulder tightening as the one in her hair pressed a little more than it had been.
When he came for her, she could feel the shuddering of his muscles, particularly his thighs which she was using for support, even under the fabric of his clothes. They’d only recently finally donned clothes again for the first time since dinner, and she had decidedly not let it stop her, particularly when it was easy enough to shift the fabric down enough to suit her needs.
“Anna,” he repeated, panting as she too came up for air, swallowing him.
She could feel herself flush, and saw the blush mirrored on his cheeks. He was frazzled, and when she leaned up, using his thighs for support, to get a better look at his expression, she was surprised by his dipping down to kiss her lips.
“Happy New Year Anna,” he whispered, hands already moving on her, pulling her closer as he showed her his appreciation.
She couldn’t help but laugh, accepting her New Year’s kiss as he sat before her with his pants still askew. If it was an omen for the year, she was glad for it. She’d rather the year be an amusing one than the way the previous one had been.
“Happy 2021 Kristoff,” she replied, kissing him again and letting herself enjoy the sensation of his touch before reaching down to tug on his waistband, helping him readjust before turning to shut the television off and drag him off to bed.
They’d had a long, but very enjoyable day. The perfect way, she thought, to usher in the New Year.  
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twiistedgalaxies · 4 years
Genesis: Chapter 10: The Heist
How two brothers can take two opposite paths. How a man can be made into a monster and how the other must pay the ultimate price to save everything he knows and loves.
Or, alternatively:
The origins of All for One and One for All.
Previous Chapter
First Chapter
        Hisashi stood outside of the abandoned warehouse, hands shoved into his coat pockets to ward off the cold. Once he was finally released from that God forsaken closet, and endured hours of torture from the Matron, that sadistic bitch, he had gotten in contact with the meta-humans he had assisted before. They had finally dug up some information about his mother, and wanted to deliver it to him in person. He scrubbed his face with his hands. Hisashi was so, so tired. Back to back sleepless nights were starting to wear on him. Even his little brother, ever the oblivious one, was starting to worry, but Hisashi just shrugged off his fussing with meaningless placations. If their mother had gotten the mafia’s attention, chances are Tomura was in danger too. He was far too young to get dragged into this mess, Hisashi didn’t want his naivete, his innocence, to be washed away by this drab and shitty world. If only he hadn’t stepped away from more underhanded dealings for a while. Maybe then he’d-
        No, that train of thought would get him nowhere. Right now, he’d need to focus on extracting as much information as he could, and perhaps find a way to make a quick buck. Tomura had fallen extremely ill in the last few days, since his medicine had run out. Not only was his brother bedridden, but angry red scaly patches had begun to appear all over the boy’s skin, seeping and weeping and causing his baby brother to whimper at the slightest touch. He’d been running a fever for the past several days, and any time Hisashi hadn’t spent in class or frantically texting Matt in hopes of a job, he’d be by Tomura’s bedside, reading him comic books and weaving stories to keep him distracted. Occasionally Tomura’s friends would stop by to visit, and Hisashi often had to shoo them away to make sure his sibling got some much needed sleep. Hopefully replenishing Tomura’s medications would get at least some of his symptoms to go away, but this all seemed new. Never in his life had Hisashi seen his brother in such a grotesque state.
        He took a deep breath, steadying himself, and pushed open the wooden doors of the warehouse. Absentmindedly, he found himself thankful for his gloves, he would have acquired an absurd amount of splinters by now otherwise. It seemed the meta-humans had dropped whatever dramatic pretense they had from the first few times they met, as they were lounging around casually on crates. Amy seemed to be in a heated debate with Michael about something asinine. Raquel was nervously shuffling through a manila folder, and his head snapped up when Hisashi entered the large room. The teen nearly shot into the air when a hand clapped his maimed back, causing pain to course through him. He glanced over his shoulder only to see Bjame.
        “Thank you,” the giant of a man said, bushy face sincere.
        Hisashi quickly composed himself, “It wasn’t much. Just a job and nothing more,” he glanced at Raquel, who was making his approach, “I trust you’re finally upholding your side of our bargain?”
        Raquel nodded, “Yes, it took us a little while to obtain these files from our contact in the government. Whoever your mother was, her folder was under pretty tight security.”
        Hisashi took the folder from the office worker’s hand and hummed, “Your contact?”
        “Classified,” Raquel replied curtly, “Now, I assure you that none of us have looked at this file, we know well enough to respect your privacy.”
        “Much appreciated,” Hisashi said, and tucked the file into his jacket, “It was a pleasure doing business with you.” It had not been a pleasure, in fact, Hisashi had spent a decent chunk of his time fantasizing about various ways to knock Amy down a peg while he was locked up in the janitor’s closet. But what the meta-humans didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
        Amy let out a loud, frustrated noise, phone in hand.
        “What is it?” Raquel asked.
        “Dipshit cancelled on us, said it was too high risk,” she spat, glaring at her device like it existed to spite her.
        Michael frowned, “But tonight’s our only window, the feds are getting smart.”
        “You think I don’t know that?!”
        Hisashi pursed his lips, this could be quite the fortuitous opportunity, “What did you need him for?”
        “Whasit to you?” Amy replied, and pushed herself from her perch, sneakered feet landing on the cement floor with a soft thump.
        “Well,” Hisashi started, crossing his arms, “it just so happens that I’m in need of some cash, for the right price I could step in and help.”
        “What’s your price?” Raquel asked. Amy shot him a betrayed look.
        “What’s the job?” Hisashi inquired.
        Raquel hesitated for a moment, a variety of expressions flickering on his frown-lined face. Finally, he settled on an answer, “We’re disrupting a shipment to the Air Force base. The military is getting antsy, they’re preparing for something. Something big.”
        Hisashi hummed as he mulled it over, if nothing else, Matt could find the information interesting, “What’s the shipment?”
        “Weapons,” Raquel supplied, “We’ll be able to stock the resistance’s armory while keeping them out of those thugs hands.”
        “Alright,” he replied, because fuck it, he couldn’t bear to see Tomura spend another night in that miserable state, “I’m in, how much are you paying?”
        “Well,” Raquel huffed, “It’s not as if we’re well funded. We can probably put together about three hundred dollars or so.”
        Hisashi raised an eyebrow, that wasn’t a lot, especially for something so high risk. But on the other hand, that was about enough to cover his little brother’s most important prescription. He’d be around two hundred dollars short, but it wasn’t like any better options were coming out of the woodwork. “I’ll take it, but I’d like a pick of one of their weapons as well.”
        “You have a deal,” Raquel replied, and they shook hands, “We were planning on leaving after dropping off the file with you, but seeing as how the plan’s changed, you’ll have to squeeze into the van with us.”
        The teen nodded, indicating to Raquel that he should continue.
        “We’re to intercept the armored vehicle on the freeway, there’s some others who will be meeting us there and helping out. Amy over here,” Raquel jerked his head towards the girl, “already coordinated with our other team to plant bombs under the escort. Getting them stopped will be the simple part, but fighting off their goons and escaping? It’s going to get tricky. I hope you know how to fight.”
        Hisashi waved off the man’s concerns, “I’ll be fine. Let’s get this show on the road, shall we?”
        The van’s tires screeched on the sun-bleached asphalt as it swerved around the freeway to avoid flaming wreckage and other cars. Hisashi grasped onto the grab handle above the window for dear life, knuckles white, in a vain attempt to keep himself from violently slamming into Bjame or worse, the door next to him. It was a wonder they had gotten the vehicle started. According to Michael, the hunk of junk was hotwired and stolen from an impoundment lot. It was held together with duct tape, spit, and prayer. He winced when he heard the metal death trap give a pained howl as it flew down the road. If he hit the car door it was over, this thing couldn’t handle a stiff breeze, nevermind a full-body slam.
        The plan almost had gone off without a hitch. Almost. They’d managed to cut off the armored vehicle from its escort with some strategically placed cars. It all went to hell when Amy - God knows why the group decided to make her the driver - had detonated the explosives before they could get the target through an exit and into backstreets like planned. From there, everything descended into fire and chaos. Hisashi pinched the bridge of his nose, this entire thing had been counterproductive from the start, blowing the vehicle up was just going to absolutely ruin whatever they wanted to attain. Clearly, this little rebellion was in desperate need of competent leadership. He’d just have to see this job through, even if the execution made him want to silently scream. To keep himself grounded, he thought of the way his brother had looked that morning: pale and sickly and so, so frail. 
        He let out a sigh of relief as the van screeched to a halt, Finally. The teen slid the van door open, and sneered when it instead landed on the freeway with a clang. So much for stealth and subtlety, not that it had been an option when they blew up one of the busiest freeways in LA. 
        Before rushing towards the armored vehicle like his less intelligent companions, he took a moment to examine his surroundings. The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon - that wouldn’t do, he’d be late coming back and the Matron would have his head - casting the world into a dark blue glow. Cars were strewn across the road like discarded toys, some crumpled and smashed like recycled soda cans. A flaming tire rolled across Hisashi’s field of vision, and amusedly he was reminded of tumbleweeds in old western films. It was a wonder that they’d gotten out of that unscathed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a few survivors poking bloodied heads out from the wreckage, it looked like they would have to put on a good show.
        Ah, Hisashi thought, there they are. The warped metal carcasses of the vehicle's escort lay on the far side of the freeway, where the rebels had just come from. There was a pretty high chance that there would, like in the other wrecks around him, be a surprising amount of survivors. Of course, the soldiers could have died agonizing deaths and would no longer be an issue, but Hisashi refused to get his hopes up. Life had never dealt him an easy hand before after all. They'd likely have a few minutes, tops, before the escort would get over their shock, recuperate, and retaliate.
        Not wishing to be on the wrong end of a stream of bullets, Hisashi hurried towards the armored vehicle, where Bjame was working to pry open the bent metal. “We should get into cover,” Hisashi pointed out, sparing Raquel a glance.
        “We’ll have cover once we get this thing open, dumbass, now shut up and make yourself useful,” Amy hissed. She was digging through what looked to once have been the driver’s seat. 
        Hisashi felt his face sour, but he didn’t deliver the scathing retort burning under his skin. Squabbling like a bunch of preschoolers would get them nowhere. Instead, he opted to join the brat in digging through the wreckage. The driver and the passenger beside him were charred black from the explosion, and various parts of their bodies were scattered along the road. Gross. They hadn’t found much of use, only a busted up altoid tin and melted id cards. Amy had cheered upon seeing the latter, but quickly deflated upon seeing they were mangled beyond use.
        Suddenly, he heard what sounded like fireworks coming from opposite sides of the freeway. Hisashi cursed under his breath, but felt thankful that the rest of the group was giving them some cover fire. He glanced at Bjame, whose face was red and veins were bulging from the strain of peeling back metal. 
        “Oh move out of the way,” Michael said with a roll of his eyes as he lightly pushed the man from the bottom of the car. Hisashi’s eyebrows shot up as Michael’s arm began to glow red, an odd blade forming above his hand. Michael began to use this to cut through the metal like butter. 
        “Why didn’t you do that earlier?!” Amy shouted.
        Michael shrugged, “I wanted to see how long Bjame would keep that up for.”
        A bullet pierced the tire above Hisashi’s head, causing air to leak out of it with a low whistle. The teen cringed, and crouched lower to the ground. Thankfully, the metal underside of the vehicle hit the blacktop with a clang. “Try not to brush up against the edges,” Michael warned as he climbed inside, “They’re still hot.”
        Hot was an understatement, they were still glowing orange from the heat. Hisashi wondered how Michael’s mutation worked, it seemed to be heat-based, perhaps the blade was made out of some sort of plasma? He was pulled out of his musings when Raquel dragged him out of the line of fire and into the vehicle. Oh. Right. He let out a hiss of pain when the top of the opening brushed against his back, singeing his clothes and burning his already raw skin.
        For once in his life, Hisashi was glad to be proven wrong. The weapons were in surprisingly good shape, only a few had been damaged in the explosion. He supposed the government had kept using these trucks for a reason. Glass crunched under his shoes, the cases that had held the weapons shattered in the explosion. It just made it easier to grab what they needed, no need to fumble with locks unnecessarily after all. Hisashi reached for a sleek black pistol and some ammo that he assumed went with it. He glanced around the pseudo-room, it seemed his accomplices had the same thing in mind, they were rather decently armed. Based on how the gunshots grew nearer and the whirring of helicopter blades made his ears ring, they were just in time. Bjame, who’d somehow found a rather burly looking submachine gun, poked the upper half of his body out of the opening and began firing. The others seemed to follow in suit, Hisashi reached up and adjusted his face mask. The world didn’t need to know his identity after all. He stepped out of the wreckage, staying in a low crouch, and began to attempt to pick off any soldiers he could see. Marksmanship had never truly been his strong suit, he preferred to get a lot more… personal with his dirty work.
        Still, there was something to be said for the spray of blood and screams that bullets brought out in people. Perhaps he’d need to take up a new hobby. To his left, Hisashi heard Raquel let out a grunt of pain. He spared the man a glance. Shit. A bullet had embedded itself into his hip. Hisashi grabbed him by the collar and dragged him into the vehicle, much like how the office worker had done to him only moments before. As he did so a loud bang sounded out to their right, his eyes stung as dust was kicked up into the air. This fucker couldn’t die, he still needed to pay for Tomura’s medicine. However this mess ended, it wouldn’t be pretty. Hisashi tore off his right shirt sleeve and began wrapping it around Raquel’s leg.
        “Thank you,” the man gasped.
        “Save your energy,” Hisashi snapped, “We need to figure out how to get out of this alive. Any ideas oh wise one? Any way to communicate with your buddies?”
        Raquel’s jaw snapped shut, terse.
        He pinched the bridge of his nose, a new habit it seemed, “Thought so.” Hisashi glanced around the armored vehicle’s cavity, - and no, he was not frantic! - looking desperately for anything that could help them. Finally, his eyes landed on something useful, thank God, and felt his lips stretch into a wide smile. Perfect. 
        “What?” Raquel asked.
        “Don’t worry about it, just stay here,” Hisashi replied curtly, ignoring his elder’s barrage of protests. He winced as another explosion rang out and shook the truck violently. It appeared he’d just have to feed the army a taste of their own medicine. The teen clambered to his feet and reached up into a previously neglected compartment. It was full of grenades, and lots of them. At the very least it would buy them some time to escape. He grabbed an armful, as many as he could hold. “Hey Michael!”
        The man looked up, face shifting from confusion to understanding, he got everyone else’s attention. Hisashi distributed the explosives among them while Bjame kept the offensive line busy.
        “Hell yeah!” Amy cheered as she lobbed the first grenade, letting out a near deranged cackle when it exploded into a hellish fireball. Hisashi threw one of his own and immediately understood her reaction, it was beyond satisfying. He spared a glance up, trying to figure out what it was exactly that was circling them. Ah, a news helicopter. Vultures.
        There was a pounding of footsteps on cement to his left, the explosions gave enough of an opening for their reinforcements to gain ground. 
        Pain flared into his being and flooded his senses. Holy shit! Holy shit! Hisashi had been shot before, but forgotten how much it hurt. He reached up to his forehead only to find blood. Only a graze but he’d been caught off guard. Silently, he cursed himself for getting distracted again, and returned his attention to the matter at hand. Sirens wailed in the distance. They needed to leave, and leave now. 
        “Get the weapons and run!” an unfamiliar voice shouted, seemingly struck with the same revelation as Hisashi. 
        Not thinking twice, Hisashi shoved his weapon into his pockets and grabbed all he could. He gave his companions as many weapons as they could take one by one before he finally took off himself, Raquel slung over his shoulder and a few grenades tucked under his arm. Briefly, he considered flinging an explosive into the vehicle for good measure, so the government couldn't use what was left, but quickly decided against it. He'd have to drop Raquel for that and the man still had some use left.
        The relief and euphoria that washed over Hisashi when they finally entered cover with their allies was unparalleled. The rebels loaded what weapons they could into the trucks and fled from the freeway like rats scurrying from a shipwreck. The car ride was bumpy, punctuated by random swerves as they avoided hitting any survivors or busted cars. 
        Hisashi leaned back into the corner between his seat and the door and let out a deep breath. For a while there, he didn’t think he’d get out alive. There was no way in hell he’d only accept three hundred dollars for this job. He reached a hand inside his coat pocket and pulled out the file he’d received earlier. A sigh of relief. It was intact despite all of the chaos. While his associates worked out how to shake various helicopters off their tails (something about splitting up) he carefully opened the envelope and looked everything over.
        At the top of his page was a photo of his mother. Her usually bright eyes and kind smile were completely absent. She looked exhausted, worn down by the world. Name: Hana Shigaraki. Age: 42. Sex: F. 
        He bit back a frustrated sound building in his throat. Most of the file was redacted. She was listed as an asylum-seeker, fleeing from government persecution. The details explaining why, exactly, the Japanese government was out for her head was a mystery, hidden under blocks of black ink, taunting the teen relentlessly. 
        They hit a particularly nasty bump in the road, and Hisashi spared a glance up. He grimaced, lovely. A corpse was smattered on the windshield, Michael - who was driving after Amy’s disastrous performance - was trying desperately to get it off to no avail. Begrudgingly, Hisashi closed the file and shoved it back into the manila envelope. That could wait for now. 
        Finally, after a few swerves and maneuvers that made Hisashi’s toes curl, the unfortunate fellow slid off the windshield and they had visibility again. 
        “I’m heading to Eastside, hopefully with all the back streets we’ll be able to shake ‘em,” Michael announced, glancing at his passengers through the rear view mirror.
        Hisashi tucked the envelope back into his jacket, “That sounds good, any way you’ll be able to drop me off around there unnoticed?” He needed to get back to the orphanage, he was really late. On the bright side, there was a CVS nearby that was open, he should be able to get Tomura’s prescription on the way back and come up with a decent cover story.
        Michael hummed, “I’ll try.”
        “I know this is more than you bargained for but,” Raquel passed over the promised money, “This is all I can get you for now. Amy’ll contact you when we have something more adequate.”
        “Fine,” Hisashi replied sharply. This wasn’t enough, but the rebels had proven to at least be able to hold up their end of deals. They wouldn’t leave him hanging, and if they did? Hisashi knew enough of their intel to stir up trouble. The teen made an effort to get comfortable, this was going to be a long ride.
Alternate chapter title: The World’s Worst Uber
I had fun writing this! It was good practice writing action scenes, something I'm still learning how to do decently. Like with the chapter 8, this ended up being longer than anticipated, but I needed to hit every point important to the story. Like usual, feel free to leave a comment, I read and reply to every one of them :D.
Next Chapter
                                                Chapter Bonus:
[This you? 👀]
[(link to a youtube video)]
                                                        [M, I’m using a burner. I can’t go on Youtube.]
[Apparently there was a terror attack
on the 105 today.]
[Fire, death, destruction. I’m impressed!]
[You’ve been busy :D]
                                                      [That wasn’t me, I was out getting my brother’s
[Which is why you have that nasty cut on
your face yeah?]
                                                                                                     [How did you…?]
[Eyes and ears everywhere, remember? ;)]
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masked-buffoon · 3 years
Chapter 13: Filled emptiness (Part 2)
Warnings: cursing, angst, mentions of addiction
Author notes: that one is a very long part (around 3k words...). I tried to separate it, but it just wouldn’t fit, so here you go...! I think it’s been too long since we’ve had angst, so, as an author, it is my duty to write some for you XD please enjoy it!
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"Kunikida-kun is so annoying~" Dazai whined as we arrived at his place "I did help the two of you~"
"Won't you admit that you could have done so earlier…?" I raised an eyebrow, removing my shoes.
"Well, it isn't wrong that it was funny to see you struggle…~" He chuckled.
"See…?" I sighed "That's why Kunikida is so tired of you…"
"Is that so?" He shrugged it off "I didn't know~"
I gave up trying to reason him. After all, messing around with our coworker was also something I did, although less than Dazai.
Even though it had almost been half a year, I still did not have a place of my own. The money I had started saving was not enough to rent an apartment, after all. For the moment, I thus stayed at my friend's, who had not lent me his bedroom. His place was divided in two rooms; a bedroom and a living one, where he was supposed to eat. I was his guest but he had graciously accepted to make me sleep in the living room… What a perfect gentleman Dazai was… Hopefully, I would soon be able to get my own apartment in the Agency's dormitory and sleep in my own comfortable windowless bedroom instead of waking up everyday because of the daylight.
"What about opening a bottle of sake to celebrate the end of the case?" He suggested.
"I don't want to drink tonight…" I declined "Tomorrow, I have an appointment with Yosano-sensei for my… Detoxification therapy…"
"Oh, I see." He did not insist "Let's just have a quiet evening then~"
"I'd like that." I smiled "By the way, did I tell you Uemura-san would teach me how to cook?"
"You didn't. That's great~"
"That's obviously not to feed you." I huffed "It is so I don't have to eat crab cans my entire life."
"You're mean…~ I do eat instant noodles as well…~"
"I can finally eat properly after all this time, it's not to have a diet based exclusively on junk food." I said simply.
"You might be right after all." He hummed "So, should we order something tonight?"
"... I'm still saving money..." I looked away.
"And I'm already indebted to the cafe beneath the Agency… I suppose that's either instant noodles or crab can tonight~"
He had tricked me again…
After eating frugally yet another evening and taking a relaxing bath, I unfolded the futon I borrowed from Dazai and let myself flop down on the mellow blanket, exhausted. Unexpectedly, my friend lied next to me.
"What are you doing…?" I questioned, eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm too lazy to go to my room…~ Besides, can't I stay with my friend~?"
"You've never done that before…" I noted. Is there a reason for your sudden behaviour?"
"You're wrong…" He chuckled, pulling a book out of nowhere "We've already been in a similar situation… Numerous times…"
"Cancelling my ability doesn't count…" I looked away.
He sighed slightly and casually started flipping through the pages.
"What are you reading? The same book about suicide methods again?" I asked, changing the subject.
"A good book is still good, no matter how many times you've read it~ Should I try committing suicide like this?"
He showed me the weirdest picture; a man sat in a large can, legs above his head. The method was supposed to kill him by eventually ripping his body in half. I stared at Dazai.
"Do you want my approval or my opinion?"
"I already know you won't give me your blessings for my suicide~" He grinned "Just tell me what you think~"
"Well… The chances you die are very low… It looks more like a… Torture method to me…"
"Eh? So it's painful…?!" He exclaimed, dramatically "I'm not trying that then…"
"I hope not…"
I took a book too, a mystery novel, and tried to distract myself from his annoying humming. I wanted to solve the crime before the fictional detective, but hearing Dazai sing next to me did not help me focus. After a moment, I put the book aside, and turned towards him. He had not turned a single page.
"What is it, Ogawa…~?"
"Let's get changed. We're going out." I said, standing up.
"Eh? But I've already taken a bath…~" He whined.
"Don't question it."
I should have doubted that this day would be strange, and that he would feel even more bothered by his usual torments. While he was putting his shirt on, I called the Fox.
"Do you know what time it is…?" He grumbled.
"Early enough, since you're awake." I smirked "I need you to find me something important… I need them in an hour…"
When I told him what I wanted, he yelled at me, but it was quick to hang up and avoid his scolding.
"So? Where are we going?" My friend asked me.
"You already know the answer…"
A shadow clouded his face, and he simply nodded. It had already been three years since that tragedy, yet it still seemed as present in our mind. Softly, I opened the door for him and called a taxi. It was dark, outside, a moonless night only enlightened by the stars and the lampposts in the streets. In that part of the world, humans still had the luxury to protect themselves against the monsters of the darkness.
The Fox was waiting for us in front of the cemetery, a bouquet of white lilies in his hands. As he gave them to me, he whispered:
"You owe me one."
I only nodded, and asked that we were left alone. Far from the entrance, under a majestic tree, which branches gently flustered with the wind, laid a single gravestone which bore the name of Dazai's late and most precious friend. When I looked at him, despite the lack of light, I saw he was expressionless. And motionless, too. I took his hands into mine, and placed the bouquet into them with a smile.
"This is important for you… Take all the time you need."
"... Thank you… You remembered…"
"In all honesty, I thought you'd slack off to pay him a visit, today… I'm sorry I was wrong…"
"Don't wait for me and just… Go back…"
I pulled the key to his apartment from my pocket.
"You know, I closed the door earlier. And…"
I placed them in his coat.
"I can't go back if you have them."
"Ogawa, I —"
"I'll be just at the entrance."
Surprisingly, the Fox was still there when I went out of the cemetery. I grinned at him.
"So~ What can I do to repay you for your help~?"
"Aren't you tired, Ogawa-san?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, and crossed my arms.
"What's with the sudden politeness? It's unlike you to be so formal…"
"I thought you might take me more seriously like that."
His face was severe. It was the first time I saw him without a childish expression and, suddenly, he did not seem like a teenager anymore. That reminded me we were the same age.
"Alright. Tired of what, Fox? I'll answer you, just… Drop that "-san"... I'm not used to it from you…" I gave up.
"Sure, I didn't plan to call you that endlessly anyway." He shrugged "Just tell me… How long are you going to pretend you're happy?"
"What are you talking about? My life really has changed for the better. I never thought I'd reach twenty-one years old, in the first place and I can even control my ability…" I sighed "Everyone in the Agency is so friendly, and I'll finally get treated for that damn morphine addiction, how can't I be happy…?"
"Well, since humans are all different, we all have various ways of being happy. Ogawa, I'm afraid your own happiness revolves a bit too much around… Him." He pointed at Dazai with his chin.
My friend was joyously chatting with the tombstone, as though his surroundings had disappeared, and as though I did not exist anymore. In his world, there was space only for him and Odasaku… I smiled slightly.
"You look as though you revealed me the purpose of my existence." I chuckled "I already know that, unfortunately… But he is my precious friend, the one I want to be happy…"
"At the cost of a fulfilled life of your own?"
"Nothing will fill the emptiness in my chest, except for his smile, maybe… I'm touched that you are concerned about me, Fox… But I assure you I am fine."
"What's the point of fighting so hard to earn the right to live, if it is to give it all up to a person who doesn't even see how soaked in blood the heart you give him is…?" He angrily shoved his hands in his pockets "Don't you ever tell me I didn't warn you…"
"I promise I won't." I giggled "You remind me of someone, a man I knew… I think you could call him my friend. Behind his rough facade is hidden a very sensitive poet…~ He usually had the right words to put me back on track…"
"Let me guess… You didn't listen to him at all…?"
"Am I so predictable?" I laughed "You're right, though… I didn't listen to him… So, I became addicted to morphine, then entered the Armed Detective Agency to be with Dazai… I don't regret it, nonetheless."
"I see… So you're the type who doesn't care about advice. That's good to know…" He mumbled "Anyway, let's talk about business."
"Mmh. I do owe you a favour. Do tell me what it is." I said, leaning back on a wall.
"In fact, I've been meaning to make that request to you a moment ago, but that's just the opportunity I needed." He told me, pulling a picture out of the pocket of his jacket "I have a friend. We grew up together, then got separated. I lost my parents and… Forget it. He's now a brilliant chemist, and he wants to open a laboratory in Hokkaido for his research. The government already agreed, but the locals aren't too fond of the project. He's already survived three assassination attempts… Could you protect him, please?"
"Being a bodyguard, eh…?" I took a look at the picture "You know I'm not bad at this kind of job. Well, I'll accept your request. I've been meaning to visit Hokkaido, after all…"
"I know. That's where I told you your sister is…" He remembered "Will it be alright for you?"
"I never said I'd meet her… What is your friend's research about?"
"It's complicated, but I think he's working on a formula to create petrol, you know… Instead of importing it."
"That's a very polluting business… I do understand the locals…" I frowned "I don't want to support him…"
"I know right? It's just… It's been more than five years since our ways have drifted apart… When he reached out to me, I couldn't help agreeing despite being powerless… I thought I could count on you." The Fox rubbed the back of his head.
"Of course you can. I'll handle the case for you. You've done so much to help me, I can't refuse a friend's request either." My lips turned upwards.
"I knew working with a detective was the best…" He snickered.
"That's because you work with the best one." I winked "I'll leave as soon as possible, maybe in a week."
"Oh, you're going to start therapy tomorrow?"
"... How do you know…?"
"You told me you would get treated soon, and I guessed you believed you'd feel better after a week, which is wrong, but I can only support you from afar." He shrugged.
"Why don't you work as a detective, too?" I laughed "I know it's going to be hard… But I'll manage, somehow. I have to… I'm this close to getting rid of that disgusting habit of mine…"
"Is that so?"
I nodded, and shivered. Although it was a summer night, the sudden breeze felt cold, and I tightened my tattered coat around me. My last trench had been ruined by my first case for the Agency and, since, I had only been able to afford an old, second-hand one which had already been well-used. Before buying new clothes, I needed to have my own place. These holes were not a bother to me, anyway…
"It's almost two…" The Fox noticed "If you start your treatment today, you may want to sleep, Ogawa… Otherwise, it'll be unbearable for you."
"Are you worried about me? That's so nice~ You're showing me your soft side today~"
"I've been worried about you since the first day we met…!" He suddenly raised his voice "Even though you were wearing a mask, your hands were so thin, and your clothes looked too big for you. And when you spoke… You would frequently pause to take your breath. You regularly came for the Mafia, and I do worry about my customers. If they die, I can't be paid…"
"... Was I really like that…?" I muttered "Whatever… I'm glad to have such a caring friend~"
"... Are you never going to take me seriously…?"
"I do take you seriously. However, as I said, you need not concern yourself with me. I am and will be fine."
It was touching that he cared about me to this extent. Five months ago, when I had come to him again to seek his skills as an informer, I had been such a troublesome customer, I had believed he would never want to work with me again. Thanks to Uemura-san, the Fox had dedicated his time to the cases I managed for the Agency, but, more importantly, we had gotten closer, to the point of becoming friends who playfully teased each other. However, I had never predicted that he would be so concerned about me. He had gone out of his way many times to help me out, going as far as finding Ruriko-chan and giving me, without charging me, all the information he had gathered about her life. I had not considered that I could be a person one could ever care about… It did feel nice, and I was ashamed that I had not, indeed, taken his feelings seriously.
We remained quiet, listening to the peaceful night of Yokohama. My eyes closed, and my ears were filled with sounds of all sorts. Above us, the wind danced in the tree leaves, gently accompanied by the distant song of the sea, which gently undulated under the thick veil of darkness covering the sky. Even Dazai had stopped chatting to silently honour his late friend's memory. The lamppost which enlightened the space around us started flickering, tired and old, before suddenly turning off. We moved towards another one, without a word.
I thought time had stopped, suspended by the beautiful concert nature was offering us, but I noticed I was wrong when I raised my eyes and saw the sky had cleared up, slowly taking its usual blue shade. That day would be a sunny one, I thought when my gaze fell onto the clouds coloured in warm orange watercolour by the rising sun. It was already dawn… We had spent the entire night out, and I had not gotten a single minute of sleep, unlike the Fox, who had succumbed to Morpheus as soon as we had moved to another lamppost. He was still standing, arms crossed and faced down. One could think he simply closed his eyes, but his slow and heavy breathing betrayed him. So, the best informer of Yokohama had the special skill to sleep anywhere, at any moment and in any position… It was a valuable one, yet a weakness he would not want his enemies to know of. This was proof that he trusted me… I could always use this information to tease him.
"... Is it… Already morning…?" He mumbled, sleepily.
"It seems so…"
"He's still not done…?" He frowned "For f*ck's sake, he made you wait the entire night and —"
"It's important to him… That's his late friend's death anniversary, after all…"
"... Aren't you his friend too…? And a living one, on top of that…!"
"Fox, it's enough… I'm tired, I can't bear your shouts so early, this day…" I stopped him.
"Right..  I'm sorry." He shoved his hands in his pocket "Well, do as you wish. I have work, today, so I'll head to my place. Thanks for accepting my request, by the way."
"You're my friend, it's my pleasure." I assured him.
He glanced at me, a strange, indescribable feeling reflecting in his eyes, before turning around and walking away. I could understand why he disapproved that I supported Dazai; any sane person would have already gone back to sleep, after all, and I knew no one who would be able to wait as much as I had. Even so, I felt it was my duty to be with him, from afar, so I could be there when he would be tired and broken by this peculiar night. It had always been my role…
I jumped in surprise when I sensed a coat suddenly covering my shoulders, on top of mine.
"I'm sorry, Ogawa… You must have been so cold… And it is the start of your treatment, too… I'm sorry…" Dazai apologised.
His hands did not leave my shoulders, and I pleasantly felt warmer, simply by being close to him. I smiled, gently.
"It's alright. I promised I would wait for you, after all. Besides, I wasn't alone. The Fox kept me company. He left just a few minutes ago." I told him.
"Is that so…? That's good."
"Yes… Are you ready to go, now?"
"Mmh. I'll go back to my place and slack off as usual~ What about you?"
"I guess I'll come with you. Yosano-sensei said she'd be waiting for me in front of the dormitory anyway." I told him.
"I see… It must be ready then~"
"What is…?" I raised an eyebrow.
"That's a secret~" He chuckled "Let's go~ I want to see the face you're going to make~"
"I'm a tad afraid of what I'll see though…"
"I can't say a thing~" He hummed, putting his hands on his hips.
He would usually put them in his pockets… But…
"Dazai…! Your coat…!" I followed behind him.
"You can keep it, I'm not that cold~"
"It's barely six a.m.…! There is no way you aren't cold…!" I protested.
"I'm not taking it back~"
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magicalmarauder · 6 years
Pairing: Barry Allen x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 6.2k+
Summary: Y/N has been dating Barry Allen for over a year now; however, recently you have noticed a change in his behavior. Sick of his lies and constant disappearing acts, you confront him. Will Barry tell you the truth about being the  Flash or will his desire to shield you from his secret life end up destroying your relationship before he has the chance to come clean? Angst/fluff! 
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Sighing in frustration, you threw your phone to the floor and collapsed onto your bed, feeling the makings of a migraine beginning to form behind your eyes.
You had been trying to get in contact with your boyfriend of a year, Barry Allen, for over half an hour now and had finally decided to give up. Unfortunately, this had become a pattern in your relationship as of late: him forgetting about important events and you calling him relentlessly until he finally decided to show up hours later. Ironically enough, the event that had slipped his mind tonight was his way of making up for missing so many previous nights out. Great job, Barr, you thought bitterly, you really nailed it.
Groaning, you rolled over onto your back and stared up at the ceiling, contemplating what you should do. Should you go to his office to see if he had gotten caught up in work there or should you just count the night as a loss and wait to see what excuse he would come up with the next time you saw him? Honestly, it was quite impressive that he hadn’t run out of made up excuses yet. Having known him for quite some time and after dating him for over a year you could quite easily tell when he was lying and when he was telling the truth. Although you were unsure when his disappearances first began happening, you were now quite confident that his excuses were simply that, excuses. And to tell you the truth, you were becoming quite fed up with it. At the beginning, you had been patient and understanding, thinking that he would come to you and tell you what was going on with him when he was ready. However, that had been months ago now and you weren’t sure he was ever going to come clean to you. You still didn’t have the slightest clue as to what was going on. Of course, you knew that he had had a rough year what with getting struck by lightning and coming out of a coma, but that had been ages ago! If he was struggling with coming to terms with those events, wouldn’t you think he would have gone through this immediately following the incident? Not all this time later? No, it had to be something else, you just couldn’t quite put your finger on what.
Glancing at the clock, you decided that just because Barry decided not to show didn’t mean that you had to starve. So, gathering up what little energy you still retained, you stood up and gathered your things before making your way out into the city to hunt down some food.
After deciding back and forth for quite some time, you eventually settled on stopping by Jitters to get some coffee and a small snack. After all, you weren’t all that hungry, your mind instead preoccupied with a certain gangly, gorgeous man.
However, on your way towards Jitters your phone started ringing and Barry’s contact came up. For a brief moment, you contemplated letting the call go to voicemail. The small, angry voice in your head applauded that idea. He hadn’t answered any of your calls thus far, so why should you answer his?
You quickly scratched this thought though, deciding to be mature and handle this like an adult. Therefore, you pressed accept and placed the phone to your ear. “Hello?” You answered as calmly as possible.
“Y/N!” Barry’s sweet voice floated from the other end of the line. “I am so, so sorry about tonight. I had my phone off and just noticed all your messages. I’m stuck at work right now though, so I’m not going to be able to make it after all. I’m so sorry sweetheart, I was really looking forward to spending time with you tonight.”
Exhaling, you switched the phone to your other ear, not quite knowing what to say. You didn’t want to act like a brat, but at the same time, you were his girlfriend and you did not deserve to be treated this way. You could understand needing to cancel a few dates, but not every single one! And it wasn’t even like he canceled them! No, that would imply that he was respectful of your time! Rather, he would wait until an hour or so after the agreed upon meeting time to alert you that he would no longer be able to make it and that he was sorry.
“Can I come by your place later?” He asked hopefully, unaware of the inner turmoil that was raging inside of you. “I can pick up some dessert and we can watch a movie or something? Let me make it up to you. Please?”
You sighed in resignation, not really knowing what else to say or do at the moment. “Sure,” you muttered. “I’ll see you later tonight then. Good luck at work.”
“Thanks, I’ll see you soon, Y/N,” he replied quickly before hanging up.
You groaned, looking up at the sky briefly as if searching for life’s answers in the beautiful night sky. How had your relationship gotten to this point? It didn’t even feel like a relationship anymore. You hardly saw each other anymore and it felt like most of what came out of his mouth nowadays was a lie.
As you approached Jitters and looked into the crowded coffee shop, you saw something that completely stopped you in your tracks. Sitting at one of the first few tables and clearly notwhere he said he would be was your boyfriend and his long-time friend and previous crush, Iris West. It looked like they were in the middle of a pretty intense conversation, their focus solely on each other and completely unaware of anyone around them, including you gaping at them from the window.
Before they could notice you; however, you turned on your heel, making a beeline back to your apartment, fighting the tears that had begun to form in your eyes.
You tried not to jump to any conclusions, not wanting to be THAT girlfriend, but you couldn’t help yourself, especially knowing Barry and Iris’ history. I mean, how could you not be paranoid? He’s loved her since he was a kid for crying out loud! If Iris had suddenly decided to return those feelings that Barry had had for so long, how could you possibly compete with that?
Normally, you were very secure in your relationship and you would never doubt Barry and his loyalty, but there were too many factors that were stacking up for you to just ignore. First, your boyfriend had been avoiding you and missing out on so many dinners and events that you couldn’t even keep track of them all. Second, he had lied to you, repeatedly. And thirdly, he had lied to you about being at work when he was actually with the girl that he had been in love with for most of his life. You were a calm, rational person, but even you couldn’t deny that something was definitely up. Maybe he wasn’t cheating like you feared, but there was most definitely something going on and you intended to find out.
After arriving back at your apartment, changing into comfortable clothes, and settling yourself down on the couch to watch some Netflix, you decided that you would calmly broach the subject with your boyfriend when he arrived later that night and allow him the chance to explain himself before you began flinging accusations at him.
Proud of yourself for reaching this mature decision, you laid back on the couch, settling in for a marathon of your favorite TV show that you had been binging over the last several days.
You were awoken what felt like hours later to a soft hand caressing your face and a warm set of lips pressing softly against your hairline. Blinking slowly, the view of your handsome, yet still in the doghouse, boyfriend came into appearance.
He smiled sweetly at you. “Morning, sleepyhead,” he murmured, brushing hair away from your face. “I brought you a slice of your favorite dessert, as promised,” he informed, standing up as you tried to re-orient yourself to walk over to the kitchen and grab some forks.
Sitting up, you picked up your phone to check the time, noticing that it was three hours later than when you had fallen asleep. Clicking off the television, your eyes strayed back to Barry who was making his way over to you before handing you a small container and a fork.
“So, how was your day?” Barry questioned amicably, taking a bite out of his own piece of cake. You stared at him for a few seconds, not quite knowing how to respond. He was acting so normally as if he hadn’t just lied to you about his whereabouts after blowing you off for what felt like the hundredth time.
“It was fine,” you stated carefully. “How was work? Did you finish what you needed to get done?”
He paused briefly. So briefly that you wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t been so carefully looking for any indication that he might be lying to you. “Yeah,” he swallowed. “It was a pretty busy day, but I got everything that I needed to done so I can focus solely on spending time with my favorite girl.”
You simply stared at him, unimpressed before focusing your attention back on your slice of cake. You needed to come up with a game plan before addressing what you had seen. You didn’t want to come off as jealous and angry and spark a bigger argument than necessary. However, it didn’t look like you were going to have time to make that plan.
Noticing your silent behavior and the fact that you weren’t eating your favorite dessert, but instead stabbing it repeatedly with your fork, Barry hesitantly asked, “are you okay, Y/N?”
Sighing heavily, you dropped your fork into the container before setting it onto the coffee table. Barry, sensing that you were about to say something important, copied your actions, turning to face you with a slightly nervous look on his face.
Good, you thought bitterly. At least he had the decency to look worried.
“No,” you finally muttered, trying to keep your tone as calm and even as possible. “Everything’s not okay, Barry. Things haven’t been okay for a long time now.”
Biting your lip and looking quickly up at the ceiling, you tried to rein in your emotions so you wouldn’t start sobbing on the spot. You were partially successful as only a few lone tears quietly tricked down your face. “Do you not love me anymore, Barry?” You sniffled pathetically, finally looking back to your boyfriend and meeting his eyes, which had widened almost comically as he lunged forward, taking your hands in his own.
“Of course, I love you, Y/N! How can you even question that?” He demanded, genuinely looking shocked as to how you had arrived at that conclusion.
Removing your hands from his, you cried out. “Well, I don’t know, Barry, you tell me!” You demanded, becoming increasingly more agitated. “You’ve bailed on almost all of our dates over the last few months, you either don’t tell me why you can’t make it or you make up some lame excuse! I mean, I feel like I don’t even know what’s going on in your life anymore, Barry! I’ve asked you numerous times if everything was okay, and every time you reassure me that it’s fine, but I know you’re lying to me! We’ve been dating for over a year, for goodness sake Barry I know when you’re being untruthful or not! I’ve tried to be patient to reassure you that I love you and I support you and that I’m here for you! I keep waiting for you to come to me and open up to me, but you never do! I mean honestly, Barry, what am I supposed to think?”
Barry gaped at you, opening and closing his mouth several times, clearly not expecting this outburst from you. You were usually so calm and collected, but here you were practically yelling and waving your arms about in frustration.
Finally, Barry seemed to compose himself enough to muster a response. “I know things have been a little rough lately,” he stated, his voice quivering slightly. “And I appreciate your patience with this far more than you know, but I don’t everwant you to doubt my love for you, Y/N,” he pleaded. “You are my whole world and there is nothing or no one that even slightly compares to you. You completely turned my world upside down when I met you, Y/N, and from that moment on my heart has totally and completely belonged to you. Please don’t ever doubt that,” he declared earnestly.
Looking away, you stood up and began pacing the length of your living room. “That’s kind of hard to believe, Barr, when your actions in no way, shape, or form line up with what you just said,” you stated firmly, stopping at the other end of the room and turning your attention back to him sitting on the couch.
Barry stood up also and began taking a few steps in your direction, quickly stopping however when you pinned him in place with an intense glare. “And what about Iris?” You asked, no longer able to keep this little bit of knowledge to yourself.
“Iris?” Barry questioned, confusion flashing across his features. “What about her?”
“I know that you were with her tonight,” you murmured softly. “When you told me you couldn’t make our date because you had to work, I went by Jitters to get some coffee and some food for myself and I saw you and Iris in the middle of a pretty deep conversation.” You sighed, looking down and steeling yourself for the next few words that you were about to utter. “Do you still love her?” You asked, not really wanting to know the answer to that question but also desperately needing to know at the same time. “Have you been cheating on me with her?”
“Woah, woah, woah!” Barry exclaimed in shock and what looked to be a hint of anger. “How could you ever think that I would cheat on you?! I would never do that!”
“Just answer the question, Barry,” you whispered tiredly.
“No!” He shouted, panic slowly starting to set into his features as he seemed to finally be realizing how much trouble he was in and how truly you believed that he no longer loved you. “Not like that, Y/N. I told you, from the moment I met you, nothing else mattered. My heart belongs solely and completely to you, you have to believe me!” He begged, daring to take another step closer to your exhausted figure.
“Okay, then tell me what has been going on with you!” You demanded. “Why have you been missing dates? Why have you been lying to me? Why have you been hanging out with Iris when you tell me you’re at work?”
Pain crossed Barry’s features and your heart sunk, already knowing the words that were about to come out of his mouth. “I – I can’t do that, Y/N, I’m sorry. You just have to believe me.”
“Well, I’m finding it pretty hard to believe anything you’re saying to me right now,” you answered coldly.
Barry hung his head, at a loss as to what he could say right now that would possibly convince you to believe how much you meant to him.
“Can you please just leave, Barry?” You finally asked, exhaustion apparent in your voice. Not only were you physically tired, but this conversation had left you mentally and emotionally drained as well.  “I’ve had a really long day and I just want to go to sleep,” you stated, your eyes fixated on your feet.
“Yeah, sure,” Barry mumbled in defeat, grabbing his jacket before making his way toward the door. Pausing briefly, he said, “I do love you, Y/N. So much,” he breathed.  “If there’s anything you take away from this conversation, let it be that.” And then, just like that, he was gone.
Crumpling to the floor, you let out all of your tears of anger and frustration and heartbreak. How had you ended up here?
Breathing heavily, Barry ran as fast as he could, pushing his previous limits, needing to channel his anger and frustration into something before he exploded. And what better way to do that than focusing on the very thing that had caused this great rift in his relationship in the first place. In all honesty, he completely understood where you were coming from. If the situation had been reversed and you had been avoiding him, lying, and spending time with someone from your past he would have absolutely blown up on you as well. However, that just made everything all the more frustrating. He had no one to blame but himself. If he had just been honest with you from the very beginning, all of this could have been avoided. But now he was in far too deep and he didn’t know how to break the news to you or how you would even take it. You hadn’t exactly signed up to date a superhero who was constantly putting his life on the line.
Nevertheless, the main concern had always been your safety. He didn’t want to endanger your life by involving you in The Flash business. He wanted to keep you safe and well-protected. After all, that was his job as your boyfriend. He had to look after you and he thought he had been doing that by keeping you and his alter ego completely separate. However, now he was starting to see that perhaps by protecting you, he had ended up hurting you himself instead.
Letting out a scream of frustration, he turned off the treadmill, slowing back down to a normal speed only to be met with the sympathetic, yet curious faces of his friends Caitlin and Cisco.
“Everything alright in there, Barry?” Caitlin questioned, trying not to press him too hard for information but interested to know what had her friend screaming at the walls.
“No,” Barry grumbled, taking a seat on the treadmill and placing his head in his hands. “No, everything is not alright.”
“What happened?” Caitlin asked softly, coming to sit beside Barry and placing a hand on his shoulder, offering whatever support she could. Cisco followed her example and sat down on Barry’s other side, doing his best to appear kind and compassionate.
“Y/N and I got in a fight tonight,” Barry sighed, looking up at the ceiling in frustration. “She yelled at me about how I’ve been missing so many dates recently and how she knows I’ve been lying to her. She saw me talking to Iris tonight about the Reverse Flash and completely got the wrong idea. She thinks I don’t love her anymore,” Barry breathed, his voice breaking on that last sentence.
“Oh, Barry,” Caitlin sighed out in sympathy, squeezing his arm in comfort. “I’m sorry to hear about that. I know it’s hard keeping secrets, especially from those that you love.”
Barry nodded, not really knowing what else to say. He didn’t know how or even if he could fix this. He didn’t want to lose you, but he didn’t want to put you in danger either. He couldn’t live with himself if something happened to you.
Cisco cleared his throat nervously before speaking, “why don’t you just tell her Barry? You guys have been dating for so long, it’s not like you don’t know if you can trust her with your secret. You know that she’s trustworthy. It would make things so much easier in your relationship too. You won’t have to keep lying to her. All that does is hurt the both of you and honestly, dude, it’s not worth it. Look what it’s doing to you guys.”
“I can’t tell her, Cisco,” Barry stammered. “I just can’t.”
“Why?” Cisco demanded. “I mean, what’s holding you back man?”
Barry stood up, his frustration from earlier beginning to rise up once again. “I can’t risk her safety, Cisco!” Barry shouted, pacing around the large room. “If she knew my secret and she got too close to all this, she could get hurt! And I couldn’t live with myself if anything ever happened to her.”
Caitlin stood up and walked over to Barry and calmly said, “I understand that Barry. We don’t want anything to happen to Y/N either. But maybe you should at least consider it. If you want a relationship with her, you’re going to have to open up and be honest with her sooner rather than later. Y/N loves you dearly, but she’s not going to tolerate being lied to and stood up for forever. You need to decide quickly before you lose her completely and you alone are to blame,” Caitlin explained, offering a small, sympathetic smile before squeezing his arm and walking out of the room, Cisco quickly following, leaving Barry alone with his thoughts and with an important decision to make.
The following day, you awoke struggling to open your red, puffy eyes that had crusted over from all the crying you had done the previous night. You had no idea where your relationship now stood and honestly you weren’t sure if you wanted to know the answer. You loved Barry more than anything. He was the man of your dreams and this past year had been the absolute bestyear of your life, but you weren’t going to tolerate being treated this way. This was not how a relationship worked. Couples needed to be open and honest with one another. There couldn’t be any secrets.
Groaning, you threw your head back against the pillow, your mind once again wandering to your boyfriend and what it was that he could possibly be hiding. There was definitely something up with him. If he wasn’t having a secret affair with Iris, then you had no clue as to what it could be. But what could be so bad that he would risk ruining your relationship just to keep it hidden?
Quickly, you shook your head, dismissing any and all thoughts of your boyfriend for the time being. Thinking about this too much just gave you a migraine and honestly you didn’t want to deal with that on top of everything else that was already on your plate.
Sitting up, you stretched and made your way over to the bathroom, preparing yourself for the long day ahead.
Later that evening, Barry stood on top of the building across from your work office, telling himself that he was vigilantly looking after the well-being of Central City, when in reality he was vigilantly looking after the well-being ofyou. After your argument and his impromptu lecture from Cisco and Caitlin, he had decided to pass his time running around the city, helping when he came across someone in need, working on his speed, but mostly thinking about you and the predicament that he had landed himself in. Obviously, he had known that he couldn’t continue lying to you forever. He had been foolish from the start to think that you wouldn’t notice something was wrong. But deep down, he knew that he had simply been lying to himself all this time, thinking that he could have the best of both worlds: that he could have his secret superhero personality while at the same time maintaining a normal lifestyle with you safely at his side. Although he knew that that routine wouldn’t be able to continue forever, he still found himself unprepared once the moment of truth had arrived.
Letting out a long breath, he removed his mask from his face and ran his hands through his brown hair, causing it to stick up in all sorts of different directions. It had been a long day filled with a lot of running and too much thinking and even at the end of it, he was still unsure as to what he wanted to do. He had been going around and around in his head all day, trying to arrive at the best decision but he kept getting stopped by a major roadblock and that was, your safety. He had already lost his mom due to this Flash business. He hadn’t known it at the time, but he did now. And he couldn’t lose you too. He didn’t know if he could survive losing you. But Cisco had been right. If he wasn’t honest with you and if he didn’t do it soon, he would lose you in another sense of the word and he didn’t know if that was a much better alternative.
His inner monologue was abruptly ended; however, when you finally walked out of your office building, coat tugged tightly around you and heels clicking loudly along the pavement as you hurried down the street.
Pulling his mask back over his face, Barry began to follow you simply to ensure that you made it home safely, he tried to reason in his head despite the fact that he already knew the real reason he was stalking you like some creep. He missed you. It had only been a day, but he was craving you so desperately and completely he would take whatever small piece of your presence that he could get.
However, as he continued to follow you on your path home, he was stunned as a hand shot out of an alleyway, grabbed onto your shoulder, and pulled you out of his sight.
Without thinking, Barry shot down the side of the building, arriving in the alleyway only seconds later to find a man with a black ski mask pulled over his face and a knife to your throat. Noticing Barry’s presence, the man turned you around so that you were facing Barry as he continued to hold the knife against your neck.  
“Let her go,” Barry demanded viciously, using his powers to vibrate his vocal cords, thereby disguising his real voice.
“Not until the pretty lady here gives me whatever money she has in that designer handbag of hers,” the sleazy man whispered, his mouth brushing your ear, causing you to cringe in disgust and fear, eyes pleading with the man in red to save you, unknowing of the fact that it was your very own boyfriend standing in front of you.
“I’m not going to ask again,” Barry warned dangerously. “Let her go.”
The man smirked, unafraid of the hero standing before him. Either he was unaware of who The Flash was and what he was capable of or he was just incredibly stupid to so bravely stand before Barry without any fear.
Sensing that the man wasn’t going to relent any time soon, Barry sped forward, grabbing the hand that possessed the knife first, tossing it in a dark corner of the alley before grabbing his other arm, wrenching them both behind the assailant’s back painfully as he cried out.
“I suggest you get out of here,” Barry threatened lowly. “Next time, I will not be so forgiving. And believe me, if there is a next time, I will know about it, so I suggest finding a different nighttime activity,” Barry warned, before throwing the man down on the ground and watching as he scrambled up and quickly ran away as fast as he could, not daring to look back and see if Barry was watching him or not.
Quickly turning to face you, Barry’s expression softened, unsure of how to approach you, to ask if you were okay. He wanted to reach out and pull you into his arms, but obviously couldn’t do that as you were still unaware of the fact that the Flash was in fact Barry. Nevertheless, his arms yearned to reach out to you and reassure you and himself that you were safe.
“Are you alright?” He finally questioned quietly after staring at you for longer than was appropriate.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you murmured, staring at him, eyes blazing with curiosity, head cocked to the side. Barry stared at you in confusion. You had always been an inquisitive person, but when it came to The Flash and the uproar over his presence, you had never shown much interest, so he wasn’t entirely sure why you were staring at him with such intrigue now. Perhaps having a real-life encounter with The Flash now, had moved him up on your list of priorities.
“Can I take you home?” He questioned, wanting to make absolute certain that you made it home safe and sound without any further incident.
You paused slightly before nodding your head, granting permission to the masked mystery man to ensure your safety home. However, what you were not prepared for was for him to scoop you up in his arms and race you across town. Only a few heartbeats later, you were standing in the living room of your own apartment, gaping as you took in the scene of your familiar space and the man in red that so clearly stood out in the quaint, homey room.
“H-how did you know where I lived?” You spluttered, still in shock from the speed at which you had just traveled and at the fact that you were now standing in your own living room.
Realizing his mistake, Barry’s eyes widened, not sure how he was going to dig himself out of this. However, as his mind continued to race in an attempt to think up an excuse that would placate you, he didn’t notice the varying expressions that were flitting across your face at lightning speeds. Shock. Confusion. Wonder. And then finally understanding.
Following your fight with Barry, you had been distracted at work all day, unable to get the things you needed to done as your mind was too preoccupied on your boyfriend. All day, you had been thinking through the different changes and coincidences that had been happening since Barry was struck by lightning. His unexplained absences, the lying, the secrecy, etc. All day, you felt like you had been so close to figuring out what the huge secret in his life was, but you couldn’t quite place your finger on it. However, looking up now into the face of your flustered savior, who you now realized must have been watching you in order to get to you so quickly and who knew exactly where you lived, everything suddenly clicked into place. Barry Allen was The Flash. You were sure of it. It was the only thing that made sense.
Your mind began running at a million miles per hour, thinking back over the last few months. You had never paid especially close attention to The Flash, despite the entire city’s obsession with him, but you were somewhat aware of his daring rescues and terrifying showdowns with some of Central City’s most dangerous criminals. Looking back now, you were vaguely aware of Barry running off in the middle of a date and then hearing on the news hours later about how the Flash had defeated the newest threat to the city. Or how Barry would always seem frustrated and down on himself when there was something going on that he couldn’t control. At the time, you had let it go, attributing Barry’s attitude to his big heart and his desire to help others in need. But it hadn’t been that at all. Not really, anyways. He had personally found himself responsible for not being able to help because he was the masked hero that so many relied on. And as your mind continued to race, so many other mysteries all of a sudden made sense. Except for one.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You questioned quietly, your mind finally slowing down after the rapid succession of realizations that you had just had.
Barry paused, unsure of what to say. “What do you mean?” He asked, genuinely confused as to what you were talking about. He had been so captive to his own thoughts that he hadn’t noticed any of the evidence that your face had given away of the great epiphany you had just had.
“Why didn’t you tell me that you were The Flash, Barry?” You clarified, hurt and exasperation in your tone.
Barry’s eyes widened in shock. “W-w-what are you talking about, ma’am?” He stuttered out. “I don’t know any Barry.”
“Oh, save it Bartholomew Henry Allen,” you retorted, anger creeping into your voice. “Don’t insult me.”
Barry stared at you, holding your gaze for a few moments before sighing in resignation and slowly removing his mask, revealing his face to you. “How did you figure it out?” He asked softly, hanging his head down in shame.
“I think the more important question is why didn’t you tell me,” you stated harshly, your voice rising in anger. “Did you not trust me?” You questioned, pacing around the room, occasionally throwing glares at the sheepish man standing in front of you. “You saw what this secret was doing to our relationship, Barry! For goodness sake, I thought you were cheating on me with Iris!” You cried, tears of anger and frustration slipping down your face. “I mean, were you ever going to tell me? Or did you not even care and you figured you’d just get rid of me that way?”
“No, no, no!” Barry shouted, rushing toward you and grabbing onto your arms firmly. Stubbornly, you shook him off and took a few quick steps back, not wanting him to touch you when you were so upset and confused. A hurt expression crossed his face, but he continued with what he had begun to say nonetheless. “You have to believe me, Y/N,” he pleaded, eyes boring into yours, desperately yearning to wrap you in his arms and reassure you, but not wanting to push any boundaries. “I wanted to tell you so bad. You have no idea. I hated lying to you. I felt sick with myself every time I had to make up some excuse, especially after last night! Never ever did I imagine that you would think I was capable of cheating on you! That absolutely broke my heart to hear those words come out of your mouth and it was then that I truly realized how much damage I was doing by lying to you. I thought I was protecting you, but in the end I ended up being the one to hurt you,” he stated, tears of his own streaming down his face as he tentatively took one step closer to you. “It was never about whether I trusted you or not. I always knew without a shadow of doubt that I could trust you wholeheartedly. I just didn’t want you to get hurt. I didn’t want to invite you into the insane, dangerous world that I’m involved in. I thought that by keeping you in the dark that I would be protecting you,” he finally finished, his head hanging down in shame.
You simply stood there, staring at him, not knowing what to say as you took in all this information. There were so many thoughts racing through your mind that you didn’t even know where to begin. But seeing your boyfriend standing before you, crying and pleading with you to understand, softened your anger. Now that all the facts were laid out, you truly did understand. If the situation had been reversed, you couldn’t say exactly what you would or wouldn’t have done, but you did know that you would have done whatever you could to protect him from harm, just as he had done with you. Maybe he hadn’t gone about it the right way, but his intentions had been good.
Smiling slightly at your stupid boyfriend, you stepped forward and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into the leather of his Flash suit. Hesitantly, he returned the gesture and wrapped his arms around you tightly, pulling you even closer to himself.
“I understand why you did it,” you whispered, your face tucked securely into his shoulder. “I’m not saying I agree with it, but I understand why you did it.”
Barry let out a breath and held you as close to him as humanly possible, practically crushing you against his chest. A sob tore through his throat and you stroked the back of his neck reassuringly, wanting to assure him that you were there and that you weren’t going anywhere. “Thank you,” he blubbered, his face buried in your hair, inhaling your sweet scent.
Pulling away slightly, you stepped onto your tiptoes and pressed a sweet kiss to Barry’s mouth, letting your actions express all the feeling and emotions that you couldn’t quite put into words at the moment. “I love you, Barry Allen,” you whispered against his lips. “Secret superhero identity and all.”
Barry let out a breathless chuckle, pressing another quick kiss to your mouth before replying. “I love you too, Y/F/N Y/L/N, more than you know.”
“C’mon,” you smiled, grabbing his hand and pulling him toward the couch where you had had a massive argument barely twenty-four hours earlier. “Let’s sit and you can tell me all about being The Flash. I have so many questions and I expect you to answer them all!”
Barry chuckled, sitting down on the couch and pulling you into his arms. “Ok, well it all began …”
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My Turn
Your busy schedules have left Tom in desperate need of your touch, and you decide to shake things up a bit...
(1800 Words)
Warnings: smut, language, the usual
A/N: I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG OMG but hey midterms are DONE. hopefully I’ll be posting Part Two of A New Hero in Queens, so stay posted and as always, REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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Your favorite thing about moving out of the apartment with your roommates and into one with Tom was easily the fact that you never had to wear pants. On days when you didn’t work, you could just lounge around in underwear and one of Tom’s sweatshirts. Not only did you love it, but so did Tom. He loved hearing you squeal and giggle whenever he’d give your ass an unexpected squeeze while you were making breakfast or playing with Tess.
Today was definitely a no pants day. You had the day off from work and your class got cancelled so you had the entire day to lay in bed with Tess and work on your thesis paper. Tom was going to be shooting until the evening, so you were all set up for a day of getting shit done. You were nearly done with your rough draft when you thought you heard the front door open. “That’s odd, Tom’s not supposed to be home for another hour,” you mumbled to yourself. It only took a moment to convince yourself that it was just a UPS guy or Tess messing with the handle. You were completely refocused on your editing when the door to the bedroom swung open. You gasped loudly at the sudden intrusion, but it was only your loving boyfriend. “God you scared me! How was shooting?” You asked, but he didn’t respond. Instead he just ripped his shirt off and laid down next to your legs. He spread them open and fit himself in between them. You were lying on your stomach, giving Tom perfect access to your particularly bare bum. He began massaging it and placing little kisses and nips, whispering “god, you have the most perfect ass.” “Tom! What’re you doing?” You chuckled as he began massaging harder. It wasn’t until he began pulling your underwear down that you flipped yourself around to face him. His cheeks were flushed and his pupils were dilated, making his deep brown eyes nearly black. Instead of answering he just pulled himself upward and began pressing desperate kisses along your jawline. Finally he broke the kiss and looked into your eyes with a hunger you hadn’t seen in a while. “I was going through my pictures at work, and I saw the one you sent me a couple weeks ago. The one where you were wearing that bra I love so much. It’s all I was able to think about, baby,” he admitted almost sheepishly. You were somewhat shocked that a mere picture that you quickly sent him before changing for work could get him this worked up. There was a moment of silence as you were thinking of what to say next. “I’ve had a hard-on for like, three hours,” Tom eventually blurted out. You couldn’t help it. You threw your head back into the pillow, laughing so hard that tears were almost falling down your cheeks. “Dear God, you poor thing,” you laughed out. “Why is it that part of me almost wants to make you suffer more?” You asked teasingly. God, his face was priceless. Mouth agape, eyes wide; he really thought you were going to torture him. But you knew there was no way you’d be able to resist him. You pulled him down for another kiss. He bit your bottom lip and pulled it slightly while running his tongue across the bit in his teeth. When he released your lip and came back in for another kiss you let your mouth part open slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue in. He explored every corner of your mouth while slipping a hand up the sweatshirt, palming your breasts. Suddenly, the desire hit you. You wanted him more than ever and wanted to let him know it. You skillfully undid his belt and unbuttoned his pants. Aware of what you were doing, Tom broke the kiss to look you in the eyes, “I love you so much,” he whispered. He always made sure to tell you that he loved you before you two did anything sexual, you loved it so much. “I love you too,” you whispered back before slipping your hand into his jeans and working his length through his boxers. Tom let out ragged huffs at the long awaited touch. You could tell how worked up he was, and since the two of you hadn’t been intimate for a few days because of your busy schedules, you were pretty worked up too. Suddenly an idea popped into your head and you knew exactly how to make the few days without each other worth it. “Get a tie,” you breathed into his ear. He shuddered at your hot breath on his neck before nodding. He got up quickly and nearly ran into the closet, quickly returning with a black tie. He smirked and bit his lip as he reached for your wrists. Tying you up wasn’t uncommon for the two of you, Tom loved being dominate and you loved that about him. But you had a different plan in mind tonight. You pulled your wrists from his grip. He looked at you confused, but you merely shook your head pushed him down so that he was laying on his back. You took the tie from his hands before grabbing them and holding them above his head. You could see the sheer excitement in his eyes as he realized what was about to happen. You tied his wrists to one of the posts in the headboard, tight. He bit his lip in the slight pain from the tightness, but you could tell he liked it—something you both had in common. Once he was secured to the bed, you began kissing down his stomach. Small satisfied moans escaped his lips as you got farther and farther down his torso. When you reached his jeans you slowly unzipped them, letting the anticipation grow even stronger. You began tugging them down. Tom did what he could to shimmy himself out of them. When he was finally rid of the denim, you began placing kisses along the hem of his boxers. The muscles in his thighs would twitch with nearly every kiss. “Please,” he whispered, barely audible. You smiled widely at the power you had over him. But he had been so good, he deserved to be rewarded. You reached for the band of his boxers and pulled down, allowing his hard length to spring free. Even though you had seen it a million times, his size always intimidated you. You locked eyes with him, and licked your lips dramatically before slipping them over the head. He moaned loudly, clearly overwhelmed by the amount of teasing you put him through. You sucked lightly at first, letting the taste of his pre-cum fill your mouth. When you were ready, you took almost his whole length, pumping what you couldn’t reach with your hands. He tugged at his restraints, desperate to run his fingers through your hair. You smirked at his attempts before continuing your motions, bringing him closer and closer to a climax with each bob of your head or flick of your tongue. His breath became shaky and you knew he was close, but you weren’t going to let him have it that easy. You came up from your work and Tom let out a desperate groan at the loss of contact. You tried to hide it, but you were absolutely throbbing for him. You couldn’t wait to feel him inside of you, so you gracefully pulled yourself up so that you were straddling him. “Doing all right?” You teased. Tom looked to be absolutely spent, but god it made him look even sexier. “Oh just fuck me already,” you both chuckled at his eagerness. You lined yourself up above him and slowly lowered yourself down. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he groaned once you had finally allowed him to fill you up. You were absolutely dripping, and you felt your wetness running down your thigh when you came back up only to grind against him once again. Tom tugged at his restraints once more, going to place his hands on your hips. You stopped your motions and gave him a raised eyebrow. “I’m sorry, I’ll be good,” he promised. The phrase that so often came from your mouth sounded so sexy coming out of his. You continued to grind on him again, allowing moans to escape your lips as the pleasure grew and grew. You could feel the heat in you cheeks rise as the coil in your stomach began to tighten. “Let me kiss you,” Tom blurted out suddenly. Grinning at his desires, you leaned forward to kiss him again. You loved kissing during sex, you felt more connected than ever. This new angle felt even better, and you could tell you wouldn’t be able to keep going much longer. Loud moans and whines slipped through your lips as you pushed yourself closer to the edge, “oh fuck, Tom!” You practically shouted as the coil finally came undone. Tom lifted his hips up so that he could help you ride out your high. When you came down, you started grinding faster and harder, knowing that it would bring Tom to orgasm as well. Soon, his breath was heavy again and his arms were instinctively pulling against the tie. “Fuck, babe, oh you gotta stop. Oh fuck I’m gonna…” before he could finish his sentence you got off of him and slid down in between his legs again. Just as you put his length in between your lips, you felt his cock throb. The familiar taste of his hot cum filled your mouth as he groaned and squirmed beneath you. When he had released completely, you let yourself fall on the bed next to him, wrapping your arm around his waist and resting your head on his chest. “Hey, babe,” he said suddenly, “are you gonna untie me or?” “Oops!” You laughed, “sorry, I’m not quite used to this role.” You undid the knots that had him restrained and rubbed at the redness of his wrists. “I think that was the sexiest thing you’ve ever done,” he admitted as he pulled you under his arm again. “Even sexier than roleplaying Spider-Man?” Tom was silent for a moment, “Okay that was the second sexiest thing you’ve ever done.” The two of you busted out laughing at his verdict. “I’m sorry I distracted you from your schoolwork, babe.” “Definitely worth it,” you said smiling up at him, “besides, I needed a break.” “Well, back to work for you. I’m gonna go make dinner, I’ll call you when it’s ready.” He hopped out of bed and threw a pair of sweatpants on. Before he left you to your schoolwork he placed a warm kiss on your forehead, “I love you so much.” “I love you more.”
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
okay. so today was pretty good. I woke up at like 12:25ish I think? naturally, I texted Jess and asked if she wanted to get lunch, citing a lunch special that was posted at one of the restaurants we went to last week. she said yes and we said we’d meet in 15, so I got dressed and headed out. Once we got there we couldn’t actually see the lunch special where it was posted so we were kinda just like fuck it we’ll get whatever we want lol. I ended up getting a burger, which I kinda got meat-fatigued with (I don’t care if that’s not a real thing, I’m making it a real thing) but I ate like two-thirds of it before switching to my tater tots. they also like, fully cooked it when I said medium rare, so that may have contributed to my feelings there, lol. but mostly it was good. So we got the check and paid, I later would discover I accidentally left my credit card there and would have to deal with that later. but for now we headed home. For a while I just did random computer stuff, namely ordering a bunch of stuff off amazon after looking at recipes I wanted to make that I needed some specific ingredients for (some of which you couldn’t really find at a grocery store) and I wanted to get better tips for my piping bag for making macarons because the ones I have now aren’t big enough to properly pipe the shells so I end up having to pipe them using a circular motion instead of just doing dollops like you’re supposed to. I had gotten a reply email from the one I sent yesterday regarding the kitten for adoption and they said to call for a short phone interview and set up a time to visit, so I gave them a call but it went to voicemail and nobody’s called back yet, I may try them again in the morning because we were hoping to be able to go get the kitten tomorrow, so we’ll see how that works. I was on their website and they didn’t list a specific address for their location because apparently it’s a primarily a private home but they listed approximate coordinates by street numbers, which I tracked down to actually be really close to both of our apartments, so that should be easy hopefully. After that I decided I wanted to make oatmeal raisin cookies which had been on my mind for a few days now, so I set about doing that. I always fuck up with remembering to take the baking sheets out of the drawer below the oven before preheating the oven, because if I leave them in there they get really hot and are just generally harder to deal with, so I had to put up with that which was annoying. I tried to see if I could get my broken cookie dough to work if I used a certain technique but it was not in fact successful, so I just ended up using a spoon and rolling them into balls with my hands. I later went back on Amazon and bought a new cookie dough scoop, so I really went a bit Amazon crazy today 😂 oh well. The cookies came out pretty good, the only thing was the ones that were put on the bottom rack, which I hadn’t scooped out until after the first tray was already in, ended up being a little dark on the bottom, not burnt except for a few small areas but definitely getting there, so I’ll have to be careful about that in the future. But I was mostly satisfied with them. I went back on my computer and did nothing in particular until Jess and I decided to go get ice cream, and as I was heading out I looked at the clock and realized it was like 6 pm and not like 4 like I thought, so when we met up I suggested we get some actual food first since it was actually dinner time, so we went to one of the restaurants on the main street that I’d been to a few times before and it was pretty good. we didn’t want to fill up too much because ice cream, so we shared two appetizers: fried mac and cheese balls, and poutine. they were both super good, but the poutine was like, freaking amazing lol. I knew I was going to get sooooooo much acid reflux for eating it (and I did) but it was totally worth it. When we went to pay I saw that my credit card was suspiciously missing from its spot, which was concerning of course but I figured I’d probably just left it in the restaurant we were at for lunch (which was conveniently just across the street from where we were), so I tried to not panic and paid with another card, then we went across the street and asked about it, they told us to talk to the bartender who said to give him my ID, and I did, and he went to a little like flash card box (I forget if those have an actually proper name or not) and flipped through a bunch of pages (apparently a lot of people have left cards there before, but I guess that’s the case with a bar sometimes) before finding mine and bringing it back to me, which of course I was very relieved about, I had to deal with losing my wallet last year and getting fraudulent charges on my cards almost immediately and had to cancel and reissue all of them and then there was this ongoing problem with the bank and it was really just a nightmare, so I’m glad I don’t have to do that again. We continued down the street to the ice cream place (we have like a ton of food places in like a two block radius), where we ordered our standard choices and sat and ate them before parting ways. I got home and decided I was in the mood for some more game of thrones, finishing season 3 and starting season 4. I gotta say that I’m finally actually getting really into it. like for a long while I just was not following it, but now I know who (most of) the characters are and how they fit into everything, and just how crazy things get. I know a ton of people come back from the dead so I’m kinda just waiting for that to happen with some of the recently “deceased” characters (cough Starks cough). Poor fucking Sansa man. She’s just getting tortured from every angle. At least Tyrion is a decent human being and tries to protect her, seems he’s really the only Lannister that’s not completely terrible. and OF COURSE I left off at the end of the episode where Joffrey met his tragic end, and I have to see while actually watching it was kind of gross, it was still a beautiful sight to me because THAT LITTLE SHIT IS DEAD and I’m so happy about it. When everyone was going on about there being peace I knew that couldn’t last long, so something was going to happen, and it did. I suppose they’ll further investigate who actually poisoned him, because as much as Tyrion hates Joffrey I don’t think he would go to straight up homicide in such a public setting where he would very easily be found guilty for it. My money right now is on Tywin honestly, he was pretty done with that little shit lately. So like, who gets to rule the throne now?? does Margaery get to be queen now because she was technically married to the king when he died? Does it go to Joffrey’s sister (I think he only has one sibling? would they actually allow secession to a female at this point?) Would it go back to Stannis if Robert has no more viable heirs (assuming Joffrey’s sister can’t take on the throne)?? so many questions, and I’m sure they’ll be answered in like, the next episode, but I have many questions about them now. also when is Robb gonna show up again?? we all know he’s not really dead, and I’d like Catelyn back too for that matter. Also, I continue to adore both Daenerys and Arya as two (completely unrelated but still) total badasses who do not bow to others and do what they think is right. My girls, love them. Sigh. Anyway, when I finished that episode I started getting ready for bed and here we are. Not sure what the plan is for tomorrow being that I once again have nothing to actually do, we may get breakfast and then if things actually work out cat wise I may end up bringing one of those home, so stay tuned for details on that subject. But yeah, that’s it for tonight, it’s almost 2 am so it’s definitely time for bed. Goodnight sweeties. Stay awesome.
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One Hell of A Birthday
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Prompt (Anon request): may i request a oneshot where bucky and the rest can't spend your birthday w/ you bc of an event he has to attend and you feel kinda sad and end up hanging out w/ an ex and accidentally showing that in a facetime w/ the fam making them tease overprotective boyfriend bucky c: 
Words: 1183.
A/N: I’m so sorry it took so long, but my life is hectic right now. Thank you so much for requesting, dear! Requests are open.
“I’m sorry, doll,” he finished, his voice wavering a little.
“Bucky, it’s okay, I get it,” you said.
You really understood the situation, even if you didn’t like it.
Your birthday was in two days and Bucky, your boyfriend, wouldn’t be able to spend it with you. He, along with the team, got a track of an enemy base and had to take it down. Finding the location would take longer than anyone anticipated.
You really understood the situation, but you weren’t happy about it. In fact, pretty sad.
“I really wish I could do something about this.”
“I know.  Me too.”
You finished the call making him promise to be careful and kick some ass.
You’ve had a pretty bad day. And it was your birthday.
As a matter of fact, ‘pretty bad’ seems like an understatement. For starters, Bucky and the rest couldn’t be there. You had to work; okay, only the morning shift, but it was still morning. Your alarm malfunctioned and you were late, which wasn’t good for your relation with your boss. Then, work never seemed to end. As you were leaving - starving because you had absolutely no time to take a break for a snack and you didn’t bring anything with you because you were late – rain started pouring. You managed to get home after two hours in traffic and subways, dripping wet and sporting a headache. You were supposed to go out to eat tonight, so any food you were hoping to have for lunch simply didn’t exist in your apartment. Which made you change clothes and go to the grocery store.
Your family was supposed to arrive at 5 p.m. that day, so you were picking some things to actually cook at your house. Taking the day you had so far, you were not making yourself available to another thing going wrong (like maybe your reservations).
Your phone ringing brought you back to reality.
“[Y/n], hi!” your mother exclaimed on the phone. “Happy birthday!”
“Thanks, mom,” you smiled, relieved to hear her voice. You glanced at the clock hanging on the wall near the fruits, “Wait. Weren’t you supposed to be on the plane an hour ago?”
“[Y/n], the flight was canceled. Something about the weather here, no places are taking off,” she sighed. “I’m sorry, honey, but we won’t be able to go spend your birthday with you.”
“It’s okay, mom. I really wanted to see everyone, but I understand.” What else could you say?
You finished the call and sighed. What an amazing birthday; no family, no friends, no boyfriend, no plans. You shouldn’t have left your bed this morning.
You turned toward the source of the voice and came face to face with someone you didn’t expect.
There you saw him: Harry. Your ex-boyfriend.
“Harry, hi!”
He surprisingly embraced you in a hug. He was smiling he pulled back.
“I was thinking about you,” he said.
“Yeah. I saw the date and I remembered that today was your birthday.” His smile then became softer, “Happy birthday.”
You smiled back, “Thanks, Harry.”
“So, big plans tonight?” he asked, glancing at you while picking some apples from the pile behind you.
You could say ‘yes’. You could, you definitely could seem like pretty busy person with lots of friends to party with on your birthday. But what is the gain in that?
You shrugged. “Not really.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
So you ended up telling him the entire story.
“Wow,” he sighed, “You’ve had a rough day.”
“Yeah. But it’s okay. I’ll pick some ice cream and binge watch some show tonight. Hopefully, nothing else will go wrong.” You really hoped so.
Harry scratched the back of his neck.
“If you want, maybe I could stop by. Keep you some company or something.” Upon seeing your face, he quickly added, “Just as friends! I wouldn’t want to intrude between you and your boyfriend.”
What would be the harm in that?
And that’s how you ended up alone with your ex-boyfriend at your apartment on your birthday.
Harry was currently serving the dinner he had bought when you received a Skype call from Bucky and ended up telling him who you were spending your birthday with.
“Bucky, we’re friends. Nothing more,” you said for the billionth time.
“I know, and I get that,” he answered, “But it had to be him?
“Who? Be who? Are you talking to [Y/n]?”
Suddenly, the entire team was trying to fit into the screen, all talking and wishing you happy birthday at the same time.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the scene. “Thanks, guys.”
“[Y/n]?” Harry called when he reentered the living room, a bit hesitant since you were talking on the phone. He expected you’d get some of those when he was there, but didn’t know if you wanted people to know he was there and he didn’t want to cause any trouble.
“Who’s that?” Nat asked, pulling the camera towards her.
“Did your family made a nice flight?” Steve asked, pulling the camera to him.
“Did they enjoy the reservation?” Tony squeezed himself between the two.
“Are you having a nice birthday?” Wanda jumped on Steve’s back and gripped her arms around his neck to secure herself.
“Did you get out present?” Sam appeared near close to the camera.
“It didn’t explode, did it?” the camera focused on Bruce, standing kind of afraid on the side with everyone, including you, screaming, “What?!”
“I didn’t get your present, so I don’t know if it exploded. My family never came, they were stuck in the airport due to the bad weather. I canceled the reservation, none of you guys were here. And I was talking to a friend, Harry.”
Somewhere between your explanations, everyone fit on the screen again.
“Who’s Harry?” Thor asked. “Is he a brave warrior?”
“Nope,” Sam replied, smirking. “He’s [Y/n]’s ex-boyfriend.”
“Sam, how the hell do you know?” you asked, confused.
“I happen to have my ways, [Y/L/n],” he mocked, scrunching his lips and snapping his fingers in a ‘Z’ form. What you didn’t see was the way he and Tony high-fived behind Thor’s back.
“Let me get this straight: [Y/l] is spending her birthday with her ex-boyfriend and not with the overprotective – and needless to say, currently – boyfriend?” Tony asks, a teasing tone to his voice and a grin on his face.
“Oh, Barnes, you’re never hearing the end of this, my friend.”
“If you want, Asgard could use a powerful warrior such as yourself,” you heard Thor saying quietly to Bucky.
Two days later, after they returned home and you made them have a few hours of sleep and Tony sent a private plane to pick up your family, they took you out to dinner on your favorite restaurant and even invited Harry. The entire time the team spent teasing Bucky, who made Harry seat far away from you on the giant table. You had never laughed as hard as that night.
Oh. And their present didn’t explode. Until Tony switched a few cables. 
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artsynanotech · 7 years
Another Damn Murder Mystery, Part 1: Blood is Thicker than Water
I have a problem. Scratch that; I have *several* problems. But what else is new? I mean, it’s not like things could stay quiet. Goodness no we can have that. The universe might damn well implode if my existence stayed stable. Problem number one: my sister. I have a younger sister, Sarah. There’s a twelve year age difference there, and I *think* she should be in her first year of grad school. I know that’s what she was planning to do anyway. I used to check out her facebook every so often to see what she’s been up to, but I’ve gotten out of the habit in the past couple years. Last I knew she was holding a steady 4.0 at NYU. But the problem isn’t what she should be doing of course. It’s what she *is* doing, which is currently being babysat by one of my ghouls because she thought now would be a *great* time to reconnect with her dearest big brother. Somebody stake me. Don’t get me wrong, I love my sister. When I was still breathing I would have done anything to build a relationship with her. But Sarah had friends, boyfriends, you know… a social life. And I was her boring, uncool older brother with no concept of what it meant to be social. It didn’t help that by the time she started middle school I was already in college. Then came grad school, then Julian, and by the time he was through with me I thought any chance of reconnecting with my family was shot. I never bothered trying to fake my death or anything like that. I thought no one would ever come looking for me. Guess I was wrong.
So yeah. She shows up at my door last night, dressed like some sort of scene kid metalhead reject, all smiles and hugs, acting like there hadn’t been almost ten years of no contact between us. Apparently when I’d asked Charlotte to check up on Julian all those months back she called Sarah, and from there Sarah figured out I was still kicking around here in DC. I gave her my debit card and told her to find a nice hotel for the night while I figured out how the hell to deal with this. Which brings us to problem two: Carloline’s in trouble. I don’t know what exactly happened, but she woke up tonight in a storage closet at a parking garage, covered in blood, in clothes she hadn’t dressed in earlier, with the withered corpse of a dead kindred beside her. She’d sent us all a text she didn’t remember sending, just saying “help.” Michella, Felicia and I all went to her apartment first and she wasn’t there, so we all tried calling and got no response. Eventually she did call us back and Michella got her to turn on her phone’s GPS so we could track her down. When we got there Caroline looked fine, thank god, but that doesn’t change the fact that she woke up next to a dead kindred. Oh, and to add to all this, Michella’s got this gray skinned monster thing following her around that her sire apparently grew in a lab. Its body is human enough, but its skin and eyes are obviously not. It’s some kind of bodyguard, I think? In any case it’s a masquerade breach waiting to happen. Michella calls it William. Felicia, Michella, and I looked around the room for a bit to try to figure out what exactly might have happened. Someone had obviously chowed down on the dead kindred; his entire neck was shredded and there wasn’t a drop of blood left in him. No one said it out loud, but we were all thinking it: diablerie. What I can’t figure out is why Caroline would do something like that. And if she did, how could she not remember it? Michella found a pendant around the corpse’s neck. I tried Spirit’s Touch on it and what I got was… was overwhelming. And terrifying. Things started out okay. I saw the image of a beautiful woman, felt love and affection for her, and then the scene changed to two men who exerted a fierce, palpable animosity. I felt the sensation of running, then this overwhelming all-consuming fear as something I can only describe as a psychic manifestation of someone’s beast chased me down. I’ve never felt fear like that before, not even when I was staring down Julian’s Tszimizce war form. The vision didn’t so much end as I forced it to stop, by throwing the pendant across the room. Worst of all, looking at Caroline afterwards triggered the same fear I’d felt in the vision. Christ, I hope she didn’t do this. I tried to see if she’d truly diablerized the corpse, but I couldn’t get anything out of her aura. I was so damn stressed I couldn’t focus at all. Caroline suggested we try asking Ares if he could contact the corpse’s spirit at all. I called him and he got to the parking garage as fast as he could, but apparently since the corpse was kindred he couldn’t do anything. Apparently our souls just disappear when we die, as opposed to humans who have a place to go afterwards. I feel terrible for wasting his time like that. He’d already had to put up with my sister earlier (yes, he was there when she showed up and helped get to a hotel). He assured me things like this are fine, but I still think I ask too much of him.
Next order of business was to clean up the scene and get the hell out. Felicia and Ares moved the corpse into Are’s trunk. Felicia found a key on the floor when they did so, so she gave that to me to try my spirit’s touch on later. Next, we all piled into his car to head to Michella’s. We dropped off the three girls there.  Ares and I got some heavy duty cleaners from my studio and headed back to the garage to clean up the room. Actually cleaning it was a disaster – Ares spilled the chemicals by accident – but at least no one would be able to tell what happened there. We packed up our things and headed home for the night. When I woke up this evening I tried to get a read on the key Felicia gave me. I saw an image of the same woman as before, a warehouse in an area I didn’t recognize, and picked up the names “Hooper” and “Sash.” I texted those to the girls, then went about seeing to my sister. Which brings me to problem number three: My finances are now absolute shit. I woke up to several missed calls. Most from Sarah, and one from my credit card company. Thankfully they still had someone available to take a return call. Not only had Sarah charged her hotel to my card, but she also bought clothes and makeup and drinks. I told the credit card company they were all fraudulent charges and told them to cancel that account. And it only gets better from there! I went to the hotel Sarah was supposed to be at, only to find out she’d been kicked out for excessive noise complaints. She was only there a night! Then I got a call from the police – Sarah had tried to run away from a cab when my credit card was declined, run headfirst into a pair of police officers, then tried to beat them over the head with her lunchbox.
My sister, everyone. I would like to make clear that she was *not* this… spirited, I suppose, when I last saw her. But then I wasn’t around much so maybe I just didn’t notice. Either way I had to go to the police station and post bail for her, which emptied my bank account and maxed out my remaining credit card. And you know what she said? “It’s fine. Your boyfriend’s rich, right?” As if it’s Ares responsibility to put up with her just because she’s my sister. As if the problem here isn’t her own damn reckless behavior. Christ, I don’t even know how I’m gonna make that money back. I still have bills to pay this month… Sarah actually had the nerve to call me out for being upset, too! After all, I was the one who went and disappeared for almost a decade. So clearly I didn’t care about her that much. Her lack of self-awareness was staggering. I may have disappeared, but she sure as hell never went of her way to find me. I asked her why she bothered to visit at all. We weren’t close, no matter how much I wanted to be. Well apparently she’d gotten into a fight with our parents and, instead of finding a friend or someone to stay with, she travels all the way from New York to DC because she thinks I’ll understand what she’s going through. Really? Our parents aren’t the most attentive, I’ll give her that, and my relationship with them had always been distant, but I was never at odds with them like she apparently is. Ugh. I can’t sort this out now. I sent her to stay with Charlotte – this is pretty much Charlotte’s fault anyway – while I help Caroline with her situation. I made plans to talk with Sarah early tomorrow evening, and made her promise not to tell Mom and Dad about me. She wanted to know why, and then asked why we couldn’t meet during the day. I just told her it was for her own good, and she’d need to trust me. I hope Charlotte can come up with a better reason. She damn well better or I don’t know what I’m going to do. So now I’m off to Michella’s, to help Caroline, and hopefully not be too useless. We’ll see how that goes.
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aniallstory-blog · 7 years
Chapter Nine
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I tossed and turned all night, trying to figure out what to do about the situation. I finally fell asleep around three AM, but surprised myself when I didn't wake up until just after ten. I checked my phone, slightly disappointed to see no new messages from Niall, but he was supposed to be in the studio early. I dragged myself out of bed and sauntered into the kitchen, my eyes instantly falling on a note on the counter.
“Good morning, AJ! Hope you're feeling better today. Had to go to work, but help yourself to anything in the kitchen. I should be home by five, but hopefully you'll be gone by then. You're welcome to stay as long as you need, but go talk to Niall! I'll text you later. Love, Gemma xx”
I sighed, knowing she was right. He left tonight for until the beginning of June. I'd have to talk to him today, putting it off for over a month would be a problem I wasn't sure our relationship could stand. I put the kettle on to make tea just as my phone vibrated on the counter. As if he read my thoughts, I had a message from Niall.
“Cancelled my studio time today. Please come home. I leave tonight and don't want to go like this.”
My heart clenched at the fact that he'd cancelled his studio time for me. I was grateful, we did need the time to fix our issues, but even if it was what I wanted I felt guilty for making him do it.
“Just woke up, I'll be home in about an hour.”
Niall messaged me back almost right away reminding me that he loved me and I sighed. Despite tossing and turning all night as I mulled over what to do about our situation I hadn't made any progress. As I said the night before I really had no choice in the matter. Either I accepted that Niall wouldn't be available for a wedding for a year or two and waited it out or I left him and never got the wedding at all. The second option wasn't even really a choice though so my only option was to accept Niall's career would disrupt the things I wanted and get over it. I was sure I'd be able to eventually once the disappointment faded, but for now I was sad and all I wanted to do was wallow in that.
I slowly drank my tea and got myself ready to tackle what I was sure would be an exhausting day. By the time I made it home, it had been an hour and a half since I'd been texting with Niall. I sat in the car for almost another twenty minutes before I worked up the courage to face the music.
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I crept out of the garage and into the kitchen almost as if I might be able to avoid the confrontation if he didn't know I was home. I placed my keys gently on the counter and my bag on a stool before wandering in to the living room. There he was, sitting on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees with his head in his hands.
“Hi,” I practically whispered, alerting him to my presence.
His eyes perked up instantly, but they were red and the bags under his eyes told me he'd had just as bad a night as I had.
“Thought ya might not come home,” He said quietly, holding out his arms towards me. “C'mere.”
I slowly walked over to him and he quickly pulled me so I was sitting sideways on his lap with his arms wrapped around my waist. I was thrown. I'd expected the anger I'd left last night, perhaps more so after I'd stormed out and made him cancel studio time, but he was cuddly and sad. Almost like he was scared.
“’Course I was going to come home,” I assured him. “I don't want you leaving with things like this either.”
“I called so many times.”
My chest tightened with guilt, but I reminded myself that my anger and disappointment was valid and just because he was being adorable now didn't change that.
“I know, I just needed to clear my head,” I explained. “I needed some time away from you to think, but I shouldn't have left in the middle of an argument. That wasn't fair.”
“It wasn't,” Niall agreed causing me to sigh.
“But I still feel the same way I did when I left,” I confessed. “I feel trapped and frustrated that I have no say in this situation because your career comes first. You put it before me because you're more scared that your career will disappear if you put it on hold than you are that I might. You'd rather risk our relationship than your career.”
“S'not true,” Niall said firmly. “I'd choose you over my music any day.”
“Then why can you not put me first just this once?” My voice was quiet as tears filled my eyes and I worried if I spoke too loudly my voice would crack. “This is our wedding, Niall. I'm not asking you to change a tour just for any old event. It's supposed to be the best day of our lives.”
Niall rested his head on my shoulder and I felt him swallow hard as he tried to reign in his emotions.
“Things are already in motion for the tour, Ava,” He admitted. “They're contacting venues and organizing things. It's too late for me to change it.”
“So why didn't you come to me before all that started and discuss a schedule that would work without delaying our wedding for two years?” My voice caught in my throat as it washed over me again that I wouldn't be marrying the man next to me anytime soon despite how desperately I wanted to. “What's the point in us being engaged if the wedding is so far away? We may as well just be boyfriend and girlfriend still. There's no point in me wearing this ring if we can't even start planning the wedding for a couple of years.”
“I like ya wearing that ring,” Niall frowned. “It is different, feels different t'me anyway. Like we've made part of a commitment already.”
“One you're obviously not that committed to,” I said flatly. “I make so many sacrifices for you, Ni. I've arranged everything for our entire relationship around when you'd be home, I missed important events because they fell at the only time I could visit you when you were on tour and I never once complained because I was happy to do it. It hurts that just this once you couldn't organize the tour around me instead of the other way around.”
“I'm sorry,” He mumbled, squeezing me closer to him. “I wasn't thinkin'. They asked about a tour and I told them I had nothin' planned 'cause I was just so excited to get back out there playin' shows. By the time I realized I should've talked to ya first it was too late.”
“But why weren't you excited about marrying me?” My voice was strained as a few tears rolled down my cheeks. “Why wasn't it the first thing on your mind when they asked what you had planned in the near future? Just feels like you don't care. Feels like you know that I love you so much that I'll wait around forever and you're taking advantage of that.”
“M'just an idiot, love,” He admitted. “I got swept up in all the album stuff and I messed up. M'not tryin' ta take advantage.”
I sat quietly for a moment, tears openly rolling down my cheeks. I could feel Niall watching them from where his chin was resting on my shoulder and I knew that he was dying to wipe them away. He hated it when I cried, but he also knew better than to try that right now since he was the one who caused my tears.
“I just wish you were as excited about getting married as I am,” My voice came out so quiet I was surprised he even heard me.
“I am!” He insisted. “God, Ava, you have no idea. I was lookin' all night for some way to marry ya today, but I know that's not what ya want and it's not what you deserve. Wanna do it right, with all our family and friends there celebratin' with us, not some quickie town hall weddin' 'cause I fucked up. Wanna give ya the day ya deserve to show ya how much I love ya.”
“I know how much you love me,” I assured him, wiping the tears away from my eyes. “I'm just disappointed and it's been brewing for a while. You haven't wanted to talk about the wedding since you got back from LA after Christmas and I've been worried.”
“That's 'cause I knew I'd made a mistake by the time I got back home,” He admitted. “Knew how disappointed you'd be and couldn't face it. Wasn't right, should've been honest and owned my mistake. Didn't mean to make you worry.”
“I understand,” I whispered, even though it wasn't entirely true.
I'd understand more if he just picked a date with me, called his record label and demanded they rearrange any tour dates they may have planned around that time. I knew that wouldn't happen though because I knew to some extent I was still right about Niall not wanting to jeopardize his career and I wouldn't really let him if he tried, but the gesture would be nice. I just needed to feel like he was more committed to me than he was to his work.
Niall nudged his nose gently against my cheek and I turned my face towards his, knowing what he wanted.
“I love ya, Ava,” He said, his breath against my lips. “I don't deserve ya, but I love ya so much.”
“I love you too,” I assured him before he pressed his lips against mine.
He manoeuvred us around until he could gently lower me down to the couch and settle himself between my legs. It felt good to have him close especially after spending the night apart, but I was still sad and no amount of kisses would change that right now.
“I'm sorry,” He mumbled before kissing me again. “So sorry.”
I gently played with the hairs at the back of his neck.
“I know, Ni.”
He sighed, sensing there was still obviously things running through my mind, but didn't say another word. There was nothing he could say to cheer me up at that point and I think he knew it. Instead, he settled for simply reconnecting our lips once again. It was a passionate kiss, but not like the ones we usually shared. The emotions in it weren't steamy and longing, they were desperate and pleading. My chest tightened and I wrapped my leg around Niall's waist to pull him closer, needing to feel him against me, to remind myself that when we get married doesn't matter because having him is worth the wait. But when he slid his hand up my shirt, I stopped him.
“Ni,” I said, my breath heavier than it had been before. “Can we just cuddle for a while? Maybe take a nap? I didn't sleep well last night.”
Niall looked at me for second. There was a touch of disappointment on his face, but for the most part he just looked like he was trying to figure out if I was being honest, if that really was the reason I stopped him from going any further. Typically, our last day together was spent in our bed, tangled up in each other, but there was still tension between us. I was still hurt by our previous conversations and pretending I wasn't just so we could make sure we were satisfied for the next five weeks would only cause more issues later on.
So with that, we moved into our bedroom and spent the day napping, watching TV and sharing the occasional kiss. I watched Niall pack from my spot on the bed, fighting back tears at the knowledge that for the first time he would be leaving while things were rocky between us and I kissed him goodbye, scared to death that the five week separation we were facing would push us apart. We'd learnt over the years that drawing out a goodbye just made us more emotional and made things harder in the long run, but the fact that Niall seemed to forget that and clung to me like it was the last time he'd ever see me, kissing me, hugging me and whispering in my ear about how much he loved me until he was almost late for his flight told me Niall had concerns of his own about this time apart.
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onceuponanolicity · 7 years
Unexpected Rommates
My story for the Olicity Hiatus-Fic-A-Thon. For the prompt At Odds.
When Felicity Smoak has a bad day, she really has a bad day. It all goes so wrong when she has to head to Central City for a conference. Getting to her hotel, she discovers her room was given to someone else, one Mayor Oliver Queen. Oliver is determined to keep the room, but he doesn't want to put Felicity out. It was her room after all. So, when he suggests they share, it seems like the perfect solution. Only Felicity doesn't quite feel the same way.
Felicity was having the worst day. It all started when she locked herself out of her apartment. Which by the time she was able to get back in a retrieve her purse it made her late for her train. When she did arrive in Central City, the rental car company, which was about to lock their doors for the day, insisted she hadn’t made a reservation, contrary to the paperwork in her hands. But the rental agent finally gave in, resulting in Felicity getting one of the last cars on the lot. A clunker that broke down five miles after she drove it away.
            All she wanted right now was her bed and a pint of mint chip. Only her bed was back in Star City and ice cream was becoming nothing but a dream the later it grew. Checking her watch, Felicity sighed. She broke down after the rental car company closed. After multiple run around calls, a tow truck had finally been sent out.
            Felicity waited in the deep humidity of the late summer sun until the sun set. And even then she still waited. It took two hours after they told her the tow truck was coming before it showed up, but at least they did because her phone had died over an hour before. Felicity soon discovered their actual shop was only ten miles away. She shook her head at the irony. Honestly, Felicity could have walked there and waited instead of accepting a ride with the driver. If she had, she wouldn’t have been left stranded.
            At the shop, Felicity used their phone to call a taxi. She needed to get over to her hotel, where hopefully she still had a room. Which was becoming increasingly doubtful as the day wore on with the way her luck was going.
            The taxi arrived shortly after nine pm. While she wanted to head straight for the hotel, her stomach had other plans. It gurgled its displeasure at being forgotten. She hadn’t eaten since her early breakfast that morning before heading into the office.
            With a sigh, she leaned forward and redirected the driver. Her hotel would have to wait. At least she had emailed the reservation desk earlier before her phone died to let them know she might be checking in late, because with the three big conferences going on in Central City that weekend everything had been booked for months.
  Oliver Queen strolled into the Fairview Hotel. His assistant had called ahead to make sure that they still had a room. The only one left in the entire city. That’s what Oliver got for not agreeing to come to Central City until the last minute.
            He had a meeting with Central City’s mayor the next morning. And other plans for the rest of the weekend, so Oliver sincerely hoped his assistant’s information was correct.
            “Mr. Queen,” the young female receptionist gushed as he approached the front desk. “How may I help you?”  
           “My assistant called,” Oliver told her as he settled against the counter. “He said you still had a room available for tonight and possibly the entire weekend.”  
           The woman’s brow creased. “I can check, but I’m pretty sure we’re full.” She held up a finger. “Hold on.” She began to type away at her computer. He could tell she was going to apologize the second she raised her head. “I don’t know who he spoke to, but unfortunately, we are full.”
            “That’s fine.” Oliver wrapped his knuckles on the counter. “I’ll see if there is somewhere else. Maybe he had the hotel wrong.” Oliver began to turn away determined to give his assistant another call.
            Oliver faced her. “Yes?”
            The receptionist shook her head sadly. “There aren’t any more rooms available in the city. Between weddings and several conferences, hotels have been booked for quite a while.” She jotted something down before returning her attention to him. “That being said, I do have one room.”   
            “I thought…” Oliver couldn’t keep the confusion from his features.
            “The guest hasn’t checked in yet. Technically, they are late and I can cancel their reservation,” she explained.
            Oliver needed the room, but not at the expense of someone else who may just need it more than he did. “It’s okay. I don’t want to take the room away from the person who reserved it.”
            “Rachel!” The receptionist jumped at the gruff voice. “What’s going on?”
            An older man appeared, entering the front desk area and glared at the flustered woman. “May… Mayor Queen needs a room, but we are booked, sir.”
            The man pushed her away from the computer and blinked at the screen. “It says right here, this guest hasn’t checked in. Give him that room.”            
            “Do it,” the man demanded.
            “Yes, sir.”
            The smaller, heavy-set man turned to Oliver and smiled. It creeped him out. Oliver knew enough about dishonesty from his dealings in politics, let alone his side job, to recognize it. And this man had it seeping from his pores.
            “Here is your key, Mayor Queen.” The man handed it over to him after the receptionist took all of Oliver’s information. “Welcome to the Fairview. Is your luggage outside? We can send a porter.”  
            “Yes.” Oliver tried to hide his irritation, but it simmered below the surface.
            “I’ll have him bring it to your room, if you wish to go up. It is Suite 1101.”
            “Thank you, but I’ll wait,” Oliver ground out and nodded at the receptionist who wrung her worried hands. He walked away to go outside to his taxi. He’d wait for the porter by the door.
            Oliver hadn’t gotten far when he first saw her. A slender, blonde whirlwind who blew past him to the front desk. She looked barely presentable. Her hair was askew and loosened from the ponytail that only kept some of her hair back from her face. Her patent pumps had multiple scuff marks across the red surface. And her red bra strap slid slightly down from one shoulder out from under her sleeveless blue dress.
            He didn’t intend to listen to her conversation but he had nothing else to do while he waited. And as their conversation grew louder, he was sure the second floor had no trouble hearing them clearly.
            “What do you mean my room is gone? Where did it go?”
            “You’re late, Ms. Smoak. We had no guarantee that you would show. This is a busy weekend,” the smarmy manager told her.
            “I’m well aware of that fact considering that I am one of the main presenters at the Technology Conference,” the blonde shot back at him.
            “I’m sorry, Ms. Smoak, but I cannot bend the rules for you. It is not my fault that you had forgotten to check in at the correct time.”
            Oliver smiled as he heard the woman growl as she stomped one of those patent leather pumps on the tiled floor. But when she spoke, her anger seemed to have deflated.
            “I emailed the reservation desk to let them know I was going to be late.”
            The man shrugged one shoulder. “Sorry, but we don’t get any communication from them after five pm. You should’ve called.”
            “I would have if my phone hadn’t died shortly after I sent the email.”
            Oliver found himself wandering over. Mainly because the urge to smash the manager’s face onto the counter was strong. “Was Ms. Smoak’s room the one you gave me?”
            “Mr. Mayor.” The man nodded toward him before telling Oliver dismissively, “This isn’t your concern.”
            “I’m making it my concern.” Oliver pulled out his key from his breast pocket. He stared at the blonde next to him for a moment admiring her aplomb despite her circumstances. Turning back to the manager, Oliver asked, “Are you sure there are no other rooms in the city?”
            “Quite sure, sir. Everything was booked up months ago.”
            “Exactly,” the blonde said throwing her hands up in the air.
            Oliver glared at the man. “You said it was a suite, correct?”
            “Yes, sir.”
            “How many beds does it have?”
            The blonde began to shake her head vigorously. “Uh-uh. I’m not sharing a room with you. I’ll sleep in my… Frack! My car is in the shop.”
            “It has one king bed,” the manager spoke over her, almost as if she was no longer there. Oliver hated misogynistic pigs. “But it does have a sleeper sofa.”
            “I don’t care if it is a Penthouse with six bedrooms. I am not sharing a room with you.” She seemed set in her conviction. Which was strange considering he couldn’t recall meeting her ever in his life. Not that there weren’t a lot of women he could recall with any clarity before his island days. But this woman struck him as someone he would remember. And, upon closer inspection, far too young for him to have messed with had he seen her ten or more years ago.
            “Excuse us,” Oliver told the hotel staff as he gripped the woman’s elbow and steered her away from the counter. “Look, you need a room and I need a room. This one has two places to sleep. Even if it didn’t, I could sleep on the floor. Or a chair if I had to.”
            She crossed her arms over her chest and glowered at him. “Funny, I can’t picture Mayor Oliver Queen being the type to sleep on the floor.”
            “Well, see,” he told her with a small smile. “That goes to prove you don’t know me as well as you thought.”
            “And I don’t share rooms with strange men. Especially ones who I happen to know will sleep with anything in a skirt.”  
            “It’s a good thing you’re wearing a dress than,” Oliver teased trying to lighten the mood. Instead it seemed to only make her more aware of her appearance. She tugged down the bottom of her dress that had ridden up in her haste and righted the strap of her bra.
            When she reached for her hair, he stopped her. “You look fine. Plus, it’s late.” He glanced at his watch. It had been almost eleven pm when he checked in. Now it the time inched closer to tomorrow. “It’s almost midnight.”
            Her smile had an edge sarcasm that was only emphasized by her words. “You wouldn’t be kind enough to turn into a pumpkin, or a mouse, would you?”  
           Oliver’s smile was genuine as he was unable to hold it back. “Sorry. Fresh out of gourds or fur. But, I can fix your shoes. Maybe even help you get new ones.”  
           She glanced down at the state of her shoes and sighed. “Frack. I wanted to wear these tomorrow.”
            “You still can. I hear the guests here can get their shoes shined for free.” Oliver dangled the card he still held in his hand in front of her.
            The blonde swiped to grab it from him but he pulled it behind his back in the nick of time. When she tried to reach around him, he caught a whiff of her perfume. It was light but there. It had a heady edge to it that made him even more aware of her.
            “Are you smelling me?” she asked in disbelief.
            Oliver’s eyes, that had fallen closed, snapped open. Shit. Thea would’ve smacked him if she was there. “No.” He motioned to the front desk. “Do you want to share or not?”
            “Fine.” While she agreed, she looked less than pleased by the arrangement.
            “Let’s get you a key then.” Oliver went over and explained that the two of them would be sharing the room. When the manager smirked, Oliver fisted his hand to keep from hitting his smug little face. If the young receptionist hadn’t stepped up to fulfill Oliver’s request for a second key, Oliver wasn’t sure if he could have restrained from removing the leer from the man’s face. Or shooting an arrow straight through his leg.
            His bow. Crap. He’d have to hide his stuff. Oliver really hadn’t thought through his whole room sharing plan.
            The very late porter finally arrived by the time Oliver reached Felicity’s side, handing her the second key. Oliver directed the kid to the waiting taxis, but Oliver made sure to keep his special bag in his own hands.
            Ms. Smoak’s luggage was packed up first upon Oliver’s insistence. While that was taken care of, she made her way over to pay both drivers. When Oliver sent her a questioning glance, she shrugged. “You’re paying for the room.”
            It didn’t take them long to settle in. They both agreed to share the closet in the bedroom, since neither had much for the next couple of days. As Oliver told her he would, he set up the sleeper sofa in the living area. She went straight to the bed and rolled down the sheets before laying her luggage on the comforter of the king size bed.
            “Do you mind if I get the bathroom first?” she called out from the back when he went to go settle his own things.
            “Help yourself.” It gave him the perfect opportunity to find a convenient hiding spot behind the couch for him to hide his Green Arrow gear. Honestly, he had no idea why he brought it along, outside of habit. Even Diggle had told him to leave it behind, but as usual, Oliver didn’t listen.
            An idea popped into Oliver’s head. He pulled out his phone and texted Barry that he was in town and if he’d mind coming by in the morning to pick up his gear. Oliver didn’t want to take a chance that his new roommate or the cleaning staff would come across it.
            “All yours,” Ms. Smoak announced as she exited the bathroom.
            “Thanks.” He headed in that direction. “Hey.”
            “Yes?” She turned back to him and he noticed what she was wearing. A soft pink crop top hung off one shoulder while super short shorts decorated in pink, green and blue polka dots just barely covered the top part of her legs. Legs that looked super long, slender and sexy.
            Oliver rolled his eyes up and prayed for the strength to get through this weekend. Feeling a little more put together, Oliver met her sparkling sapphire eyes. “You already know my name. What’s yours? Other than Smoak. If we’re going to share a room, I thought maybe it might be nice to actually know each other’s name.”
            “Felicity. It’s Felicity.”
            “Hi.” Oliver extended a hand out, hoping with the way she acted earlier it would come back. “Nice to meet you, Felicity.”
            “Mr. Queen,” she said as she placed her hand in his.
            “Oliver,” he corrected.
            A flush of pink hit her cheeks. “I don’t think… I mean, it’s not like…”
            “It’s Oliver or I get to share the bed,” he told her only half kidding before tugging her closer for emphasis.
            Her cheeks went from the pink of embarrassment to the red of anger in seconds flat. Her blue eyes flamed with an inner strength that he was attracted to much as a moth was drawn to the light. “You are not sharing a bed with me.” She shook her hand out of his and her eyes narrowed. “Ever!”
            Felicity stormed over to the door that led to the bedroom and slammed it shut. “Goodnight. Oliver.”
            A full-out grin split his face. He might not have won the war but that skirmish was definitely placed in his winning column. There was something about this woman that fascinated him on a baser level. He hoped like hell that there was some point to their weekend where he could learn why she held such animosity towards him.
                       The next morning Oliver rose early and smiled at the still closed door to her room. He stretched out a little before deciding to head out for a run. It was the only thing he could think to do to keep him from waking up the blonde in the next room. By the time he had run six miles and returned to the hotel, she was finishing in the bathroom.
            Felicity barely gave him a glance as she headed straight into her room fully dressed for the day. Oliver gathered his things and went into the steaming bathroom. He expected his disagreeable roommate to be gone by the time he exited after his own shower.
            Which was the exact reason why he had forgone dressing for the day. It would be nice to cool off a little before putting on his suit. As he left, dressed only in a low hanging towel, he discovered he was wrong and Felicity was still there.
            His one saving grace was that her back was turned to him. Though she did stand in front of the large mirror that stood in the hallway between the bedroom and the living area.
            It was that very back that caught his eyes and held them. A magnificent bare back. The slope of her spine exposed to his eyes by the backless dress she wore. Her hair was swept off her long, thin neck into some sort of messy bun-like-thing that left strands of her hair kissing the edges of the straps of her red dress. She stood there unaware of his perusal as she put on a pair of dangling earrings.
            Or so he thought until her eyes met his in the mirror. He paused from the step he had been about to make. Felicity seemed haunted by her thoughts. He could only guess as to what they were, especially since he had barely gotten her to tell him her name the night before. Or agree to use his.
            When Felicity held up a necklace and tried to put it on, she faltered. On feet that thought on their own, Oliver walked up behind her. “Let me help.”
            “I can get it.”
            Oliver took the delicate golden chain from her fingers and clipped it together. He leaned down and whispered, “I have no doubt you can accomplish anything you’ve set your mind to, Miss Smoak.”
            Once more blue eyes clashed together through the reflective surface. Oliver’s hands swept down her shoulders and over her arms, relishing the feel of her soft skin under his rough, calloused palms. For a moment, she seemed to relax under his touch, her spine curving back to touch his bare chest. But the second they were skin to skin, she bristled.
            Felicity brushed past him, out of his arms, far and fast. She headed in the direction of the front door. “I’m late.”
            A poor choice of words on her part, but she wouldn’t know that. The last woman to tell him that once lived in Central City. The other reason he agreed to this last minute mayoral meeting. He had a chance to see his son. Samantha had quietly entered the city again to see her parents. It was a one-time thing because her father had been admitted to the hospital. Soon, she’d resume her hiding and his son would once more be lost to him.
            “Felicity,” her name slipped from his lips.
            She turned back to face him from the door. Her gaze skittered over him taking in little pieces of him. Felicity’s cheeks heated in her observance of his almost naked form. She gulped before she spoke. “Yes?”
            “Do you have your key?” Oliver picked up the piece of plastic from the desk where she had been standing.
            Right away she searched her purse that she snagged from the desk when she walked away from him. She must have come up empty, as he expected, because she stalked back over to him and pilfered it from his hand. “Thank you.”
            “Do you have dinner plans?”  
           Felicity nodded. “There’s a dinner meeting. Ray Palmer and I… We plan to… It’s for work.”  
           “I don’t need the details.” Oliver bit the inside of his lip. The pain allowed him to focus because he could picture the woman in front of him withering in ecstasy across the king bed just behind him where she had slept the night before. Her groaning out the name of her lover as the blonde head bobbed between her legs.
           Oliver shook himself. Ray Palmer had a very dark head of hair. It had been his own head that Oliver placed there. Pasting a fake smile on his face, Oliver told her, “Enjoy your dinner.”
            “We’re not sleeping together,” Felicity quickly told him before she flinched. She had meant her and Ray. So, why did it sound like she was trying so very hard to put up a verbal barrier between her and the man in front of her? There would never be anything between them. The Queen family had almost destroyed her life. She certainly wasn’t going to invite one back into it.
           “We’re not,” Felicity told him with more sincerity. “He’s my boss.”
           Oliver padded closer to her on bare feet. The towel he had loosely perched on his hips slipped further down. Any lower and he might as well have lost the towel all together. As it was, there wasn’t much left to the imagination. She could see his hip bones clearly as they veered down to what was barely hidden beneath the hotel’s small white towel.
           He reached toward her and Felicity’s breath caught deep in her throat. Only it went past her to the door. His large hand cupped around the handle turning it so he could hold it open for her.
           Oliver must have noticed her train of thoughts because there was a small smirk on his face. Oliver’s face dipped down and Felicity’s eyes slipped closed.
           Instead of his lips on her skin, she heard his voice by her ear. It was deep and held an edge that made her shiver with a small bit of desire that she would deny under every circumstance. “I might be late myself. Don’t wait up.”
           Her eyes shot open, but narrowed as she inwardly berated herself. That was also probably why her voice came out so harsh as well. “Put out a sock if you have company. And change the sheets.”
           “You wouldn’t want to see the state of my socks,” he told her with a twinkle in his eye.
           What was that supposed to mean?
           “Go,” he said with a look within his blue depths that she couldn’t define. “Before I take you up on your offer from earlier.”
            “Wha…What offer?”
            Oliver completely crowded her personal space. She almost felt like she had hardly any of her own air to breathe. His presence commanded every atom that surrounded them. His other hand came up and he pushed back a small lock of her hair. Their eyes locked into some sort of imaginary battle. One Felicity felt like she lost before it even began.
            This time when his head dipped forward his lips brushed over hers. Her lips chased after his when they pulled away. She wanted more.
            He seemed to curse her with her own name as he gave her exactly what she wanted. His forearm rested on the door behind her above her head. His other hand clamped to her hip while he pushed her back onto the panel.
            Oliver Queen was doing things to her body that she never experienced before and he was barely touching her. Felicity’s heart accelerated in her chest. Her hands came up to smooth over the expanse of his bare chest. She felt the ridges of his well-defined muscles and the rough edges of the scars that littered his chest. Felicity wanted nothing more than to take her time exploring every part of him. To memorize all the imperfections that made him him.
            When he raised his head from hers his eyes had a slumberous look. Oh frack! She kissed Oliver Queen. No. This couldn’t be happening. Of all the men in the world, it had to be this one. Pulling her purse higher on her shoulder, Felicity slunk down to go under his arm and picked up her bag, practically running down the hallway in her haste to get some space.
            And despite how hard she convinced herself not to do it, she turned around. Once. It was in that small glance that she determined that his damn towel had to be glued into place over the hard ridge of his erection. The same one that had been pressed into her stomach moments before sanity had returned.
             Oliver finished his meeting by three in the afternoon. That left him free to seek out Samantha and William. He found them at the hospital, just as he suspected. After a little bit of convincing on his part, Oliver led the two of them out of there and to dinner. It was nice to finally see his son again, even if it wasn’t the smartest decision on his part. The boy still had no idea he was his father and Oliver respected the decision to keep it from him even if he wasn’t quite convinced it was the right one.
            It was after seven when Oliver returned to the hotel. Only once he reached the room, he found himself at loose ends. There was only so much pacing around a small space he could take. Especially with Felicity’s things right there, easily accessible to his curious eyes. He had no right to snoop amongst her things despite his desire to know what her feud was with him.
            Oliver was never so happy as when his phone rang. Barry. Thank God. Maybe now Oliver could have something to do.
            “Hey, Oliver.” Barry told him when he answered. “You free?”
            “What’s up, Barry?” Oliver leaned against the wall, his eyes floating through the open door of Felicity’s bedroom.
            “I could use your help.”
            Oliver was already on his way out the door before Barry could fill him in on any of the details. Because left alone, Oliver would only sit there and wonder where Felicity was and with who.
             It was one am by the time Felicity returned to the room. Outside the door she stepped out of her shoes so she wouldn’t wake Oliver on the sleeper sofa in the living room area of the suite. She almost had to run the key through the lock twice in her attempt to go slow so she would get in quietly.
            Only as she pushed open the door, she realized there had been no need. Oliver was wide awake and strolling out of the shower for the second time since she woke up. Once more only a towel hanging dangerously low on his lean, thin hips.
            Her mouth watered at the sight of his sculpted back as he stretched on the doorframe. But the only thing that made the sight surreal was the strip of bandage on his upper left arm.
            “What happened?”
            He turned sharply to face her. “Where have you been? It’s after one in the morning.”
            “Sorry, Dad. I should’ve called.” Not! Felicity walked straight past him to reach the bedroom area, taking care not to brush his body on her way. All she wanted right now was to get out of the tight dress she had on and into a really comfortable pair of pajamas. Her head hurt, overloaded with all the information thrown at her over the last few hours.
            Oliver’s hand landed heavily on her arm and pulled her around toward him. She had to brace a hand on his chest to keep from falling into him. Both pairs of eyes fell to that spot where their bodies involuntarily touched.
            He raised his head first and Felicity followed. “I’m not your father.”
            Oh, she was well aware. Her father’s reprimands had never had the effect of turning her on no matter how growly they had been. Of course, she hadn’t seen her father since before puberty so it hadn’t really been much of an issue anyway.
            “Do you ever wear clothes?” It wasn’t what she meant to say. She had wanted to tell him she was tired and wanted to go to bed. Honestly, Felicity wasn’t sure which statement would’ve been worse. Because telling a grown man who was practically naked that you wanted to go to bed had all sorts of connotations that weren’t without a few sexual meanings.
            “I wore some earlier. Guess you missed out.” His voice had lightened. Was he teasing her?
            Felicity finally forced her hand from his chest, happily without rubbing it across the taunt muscles first. She reached out and touched his bandage with a gentle finger. “You’re hurt.”
            “It’s nothing,” he assured her with a shake of his head. “I already had a doctor look at it. It’s nothing more than a scratch.”
            “A scratch?” Her eyes met his again. “A scratch is a paper cut or something which requires a Band Aid. This is a full on bandage.”
            “I thought you wanted nothing to do with me.”
            “That doesn’t mean I want to see you hurt.” She crossed her arms and considered him. “I am more upset at the circumstances your family forced me into. Not that it didn’t end up better than it probably could’ve been had I not been fired. But that doesn’t mean I want anyone in your family hurt. In fact, I was completely outraged when your mother was killed. It felt like a member of my own family had passed.”
            “So, you hate me because you lost your job?”  
            “I don’t hate you. Or your family.” She shrugged. “Okay, maybe for a little bit. Still, that doesn’t mean that I have any desire to see any of you suffer.”
            “So, maybe there is hope for me after all?” he asked with a small smile.
            Felicity studied the man in front of her. He might sometimes act like some rich spoiled man, but he really wasn’t. He proved that over and over again. First when he tried to save his family’s company, even if had been too late for her. Oliver had failed miserably, but he tried so hard only to fail when his sister had been kidnapped. It was in that time she found her job at Palmer Tech. And then, when he ran for mayor, even though he dropped out suddenly for no valid reason. Finally, as the actual mayor. He accomplished a multiple number of things that past mayors failed to do. Sure, Oliver faltered along the way, but he was human. They all were.
                       “Yes, there’s hope,” she told him.
            Oliver heard her words and it released the hold that kept him back. There was only one thing he had wanted since she walked away from him earlier in the day. “Tell me why?”
            “Why what?”
            “Why do you hate me? What did I do? I know it is more than the loss of your job. All day, I imagined all sorts of things, but I can’t remember meeting you before last night.”
            “You kissed me.”
            Her revelation startled him. That was one scenario that hadn’t come to him. “I, what?”
            “You kissed me.” Felicity shrugged and pushed past him to sit down at the desk. “It was late one night at your house.” She crossed her legs and hugged her arms around herself. Oliver could plainly see her pain and began to feel it as his own as she revealed their story. “I was seventeen. Your father had invited me over to talk. I was a sophomore at MIT at the time. He was trying to get me to consider his offer of an Applied Science position when I graduated. My mom waited for me out in the car while I was meeting with him.”
             She paused and Oliver realized he had inched closer as he listened. He leaned his hip on the desk next to her. It bothered him that he couldn’t remember.
             “It was about a month before the Queen’s Gambit sunk,” Felicity continued. “Your father shook my hand and offered to escort me outside. I declined knowing my mother was there. She’d already been all gushy over him so I didn’t want that again. It was as I was leaving that I saw you.”
             “Was I drunk?” It was the only immediate answer he could come up with. It would explain why for the life of him he couldn’t recall any of it. Couldn’t remember her.
             “No. You looked sad actually.” Felicity released herself from the hug and glanced up at him with soft eyes. “You stood there leaning against a wall like your universe shattered. A guy who should have had everything and yet you were devastated. I was curious to know why. So, I walked over. The second you spotted me by your side, you grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. Hard enough to jar me out of my musings.”
             Oliver shook his head and lowered himself down, crouching at her feet. It had to be when he thought Samantha had lost the baby. It was the only thing that made any sense.
             “Before I could say anything. To ask you why you were so sad, you kissed me. I barely heard you whisper that you were still alive.” Felicity’s eyes met his. Tears welled up within hers as she recalled the moment he had lost. “I told you that you were and you kissed me harder. The only reason I think it ended was because my mom showed up at the door looking for me.” Felicity reached down to him and Oliver clasped her hand in his. “When I turned back from telling my mom I was coming, you smiled at me and thanked me for reminding you that life still goes on. I watched as you pulled out your phone and called your girlfriend to come over now that you were done moping, dismissing me completely as if nothing had even happened.”
             Oliver racked his brain desperate for a sliver of the memory. He came up empty. Not one blonde from that time came to mind. And it should be easy enough, considering he had a particular fascination for brunettes at the time.
            And that’s when it hit him with the elegance of a semi crashing into a wall. A young brunette who soothed his aching soul. Her small hand had caressed across his cheek as she stood before him. Her blue eyes crystal clear pools as she absorbed his pain, dragging it from him. She made him remember to breathe. That life was precious and even though one had been lost, it wasn’t his.
            “Felicity.” Oliver stumbled to his feet. He jerked her up out of the chair.
            The two of them stood there without a word between them. Answers swirled around them. A chemistry that was unmistakable, even from the first moment that they were across the room from each other a little over ten years ago.
            “Hate me,” he told her finally. “I deserve it. Probably more now than ever.”
            “I never hated you. I’m not sure I ever could,” she told him as the truth laid bare between them.
            “I can make you.” Oliver wasn’t sure if the threat was for him or for her.
            Felicity shook her head softly. “No. You can’t. A man who is willing to share a room with a woman who has shown him nothing but animosity says a lot about your character.” Felicity lifted one shoulder before dropping it. “Not so much about mine.”
            Oliver lifted a hand and pushed back a strand of her hair so it rested behind her ear. As he did he relished the silky feel of it. “You never had to prove yourself.”
            He wasn’t sure who initiated the kiss. They were both surrounded each other trying to get closer during one of the hottest kisses of Oliver’s life. He tugged her up and plopped her on top of the desk. Oliver separated her thighs and stepped between them. Her core was the perfect height for him to rub against.
            Pleasure overrode any other sense he had as his erection lengthened. Her dress rode high up on her legs while he pushed closer. The need for more was all his brain could comprehend and yet he pulled back.
            Felicity’s face was flush with pleasure. Her lips plump from his kisses. Her cheeks tinged with beard burn. Her fingers gripped tight to the edge of the desk as she squirmed to release the pressure he built inside her.
            “I can’t.”
            “What?” It was her turn to question him.
            Fuck it. He needed one more taste. Oliver screwed up his eyes and pressed forward. Her mouth tasted like a heavenly nectar. Something that he didn’t deserve to taste. Poison dripped in his blood and Felicity was too pure to taint.
            With that thought, Oliver ripped his mouth from hers. “Go to bed.”
            “Come with me.” She made it a statement, but he could tell she was asking. Her eyes pleading with him.
            “No.” Oliver pulled her down from the desk and walked her over to her door. “I’ll be gone in the morning. Don’t worry, I’ll cover the room for the weekend.”
              Felicity watched him stride away from her. His face a mask of conflicting emotions. The same ones that played through her. And, yet, he was the one who put on the brakes.
             She knew for sure in that moment that she and Oliver were far from over. Even if they tried to fight it the entire time, remaining separate. There would be something that would draw them back.
             Oliver stood on a nearby building to what had been the main headquarters to his family’s company. A company long lost to them. Fate deciding that it was inevitable that two people needed to meet. Not under one name but under the same roof.
            It had been two months since he and Felicity had shared that hotel room in Central City. But, in that time, Oliver recalled more and more of their first meeting. And their second. One which he knew Felicity had no clue about. It had been on a trip sanctioned by Waller back to Starling City to find out information about China White.
            “Where are you at, man?” Diggle called out over the Bluetooth.
            “QC. Or Palmer Tech.”
            “The team needs you back at the bunker.”
            Oliver didn’t bother to respond. The team could wait. Turning off the Bluetooth, Oliver perched lower awaiting the woman he wanted to see.
            Spotting her, Oliver fired a tension arrow and slid his way down the wire. To her he must have seemed like he appeared out of nowhere when he disconnected and landed in front of her. Felicity screamed and jumped, a hand held to her chest.
            Oliver turned on his voice modulator before he spoke. “Felicity Smoak.”
            Her eyes were huge as she stared up at him. “Wha… What?”
            A small smile appeared at the corner of his lips. Only Felicity would stand there in complete terror and question the man who might be there to attack her. Her backbone was as strong as titanium. “We need to talk.”
            The fear began to fade from her features. That made this conversation easier. He didn’t come here to frighten her. Why did he come here? She had avoided all of his previous attempts to see her as Oliver Queen. What made him think that talking to her as The Green Arrow was going to make a difference when she had no idea of his alter ego?
            “I don’t know why.” Felicity studied him and Oliver had a distinct feeling she took in everything. It was because of that he stepped further into the shadows. Only she followed him. “What do you need?”
            “You. I need you,” he answered softly. More honesty than he intended.
            “What can I do for you?”
            He didn’t know the answer. Oliver hadn’t thought past finally seeing and speaking to her. His eyes trailed over her red lips. He wanted to feel them again. To have red marking his skin leaving him with the memory of her touching him, kissing him. It had become an obsession. A desperate need to settle the beast within as only she seemed to.
            Felicity stepped closer, her blue eyes blinking up at him. Her hair shiny in that black space. A bringer of light in the puddle of darkness.
            Oliver’s bow fell sharply to the ground as he buried his gloved hands in her hair. He drew her closer, their chests brushing each other with their deepening breaths. His lips slashed over hers. She opened up instantly to his touch. A groan sounded between them and he was unsure as to who it came from.
            Her small hands stroked his chest through the leather and Kevlar. Oliver was so on fire that it might as well have been his bare flesh. Stepping back, he flattened himself against the wall. He needed the solid concrete to keep him from falling at her feet because his legs trembled. Kissing Felicity was overwhelming.
            Oliver nuzzled his way down her cheek to her neck. Her head fell back as he hit a particularly sensitive spot. Smiling, Oliver licked that spot savoring the brand of innocence that Felicity possessed in spades.
            Felicity groaned out his name. His real name.
            It took a Herculean effort to pull back, but he managed to do it. Oliver set her a step from him and gaped at her, still supporting her with his hand. She seemed as lost as he was in the feelings that spilled over them.
            Finally, her eyes opened. The blue barely there as desire still sparkled in their depths. Felicity sucked in her bottom lip and he could swear she was trying to recover the taste of him on her mouth.
            “Felicity,” he groaned drawing out every syllable of her name. It was the only thing he could do. His head was too messed up to ask her why she had called him Oliver.
            Spotting his bow on the ground, Oliver stepped over and picked it up. He needed to leave before he did something stupid like pulling back his hood and making love to her here in the alleyway.
            “Green Arrow?”
            He turned slightly towards her. “Yes?”
            “I’m sorry.”
            He shuddered under her intense gaze. “You have nothing to apologize for,” he assured her. “I should never have…”
            Oliver trailed off as her spin straightened. “No. You shouldn’t have.”
            Felicity reached to pick up her purse that had also fallen to the ground. She pulled out her car keys and began to walk away. Felicity was around the corner when his phone vibrated. His personal cell.
            Retrieving it from a secret pocket, Oliver glanced at the caller ID. A smile pressed his lips upwards. Felicity. “Hello.”
            “Hi. I… um… It’s Felicity Smoak. Do you think you could meet me somewhere?”
            Oliver glanced down at his nighttime suit. “When?” He shook his head. It didn’t matter, he’d strip and meet her if he had to. “Where?”
            “Big Belly Burger on 4th and Reed?”
            It would take her ten minutes to get there. If he reached his Ducati, he could be there shortly after her. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
            Oliver’s next call was to Digg. A very pissed off Diggle. Once his friend was finished letting him have it, Oliver asked if he could have one of the recruits bring over a suit. Digg wasn’t exactly happy with Oliver at the moment but he agreed to the request when he explained he had to meet with Felicity.
            Dismissing the now teasing edge to Diggle’s voice as he inquired if it was a date, Oliver told him he didn’t know. What Oliver didn’t tell him was about his previous interaction with the blonde.
             Felicity waited at a booth wrapping a napkin around her fingers. Her body a big ball of nervous energy. Two men invading her thoughts in a constant loop. Both had an edge of danger wrapped around them. One more than the other.
            Licking her lips, Felicity could still taste the Green Arrow’s lips on hers. Danger apparently tasted like mint chocolate. A heady combination. And also one of her favorite flavors.
            Why had the Green Arrow sought her out? He had never truly answered the question. He had left her dangling with wonder and lust when he moved away from her in the alleyway. More concerned with his identity than the real reason for seeking her out to begin with.
            And why in the midst of pure desire had she called out Oliver Queen’s name? It was that question that led her to call him. To meet her here tonight. Maybe if she saw him again she’d realize he wasn’t as compelling as she remembered. It was just the effect of them sharing close quarters. Well, that and the fact that he barely had on a stitch of clothing during their very few moments together.
            It was no more than lust. Just like what she experienced out in the alleyway. Felicity rested her head down hard on the table in front of her. Damn it, what she really needed was to get laid. The way her body felt right now, it wasn’t very particular as to who fulfilled that desire. Even her vibrator was beginning to look like a good idea. The one she received as a gag gift from her mom and never used.
            “That tired or the menu that bad?”
            “Not really,” Felicity said noncommittally. She raised her head and waved him down to the other side of the booth. “Thanks for meeting me. I don’t know what I was thinking to call you after ten at night.”
            “It’s fine.” Felicity saw him relax into the booth. It was infuriating to see him so well-groomed and handsome that late at night when she felt like a wreck. She had finger combed her hair back into submission in her car, but she was pretty sure it still wasn’t up to her normal standards. “What’s going on? Why did you call? It sounded important.”
            His hands folded on the table caught her attention. Hands that had burrowed into her hair much as the Green Arrow’s had. Both men kissed her with a passion that left her reeling.
            It was so confusing. Her mind almost began to meld the two men into one. A ridiculous thought. The Mayor of Star City was not running around as a vigilante.
            Felicity’s eyes met Oliver’s. “Kiss me.”
            “Wha… What?” Immediately his hand reached up and loosened another button on his shirt as if it strangled him. Which was odd seeing how his dress shirt was already open at the collar.
            “Sorry. It was a stupid idea.” Felicity shook her head, unable to believe she had actually told him to kiss her. “Forget I said anything.”
            “I don’t want to forget it.”
            Felicity’s eyes returned to his despite her mortification. Why did his words seem to have more meaning than him not wanting to forget what she had said?
            She watched him slide out of the booth, their blue eyes never leaving each other. He reached out and yanked her up until her body slammed into his solid wall of muscle.
            “I don’t want to forget any of it. Most especially this.” His lips touched hers in a gentle caress. He sucked her lower lip into his mouth, savoring her like rich chocolate.
            Chocolate. Mint chocolate. Her mind tumbled through a rabbit hole. Oliver Queen tasted exactly the same as the vigilante had. His beard burning into her skin just like the Green Arrow. Was it really less than a half hour ago?
            Felicity pushed back from Oliver, her hands at his shoulders. Her face filled with wonder as she stared at him. “You’re…”
            “Finish that sentence and I’ll deny everything,” he told her with a serious look on his face.
            “And if I don’t?”
            “Come home with me.” Oliver tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.
            A curve of a smile formed on her lips. “Use the voice modulator and you have yourself a deal, Mayor Queen.”
            “I don’t need the voice modulator,” he told her in a deeper voice than she had heard him use before. It sent a tremor of pure desire down her spine.
            “Is this your way of saying you just need to get naked again? You seem to have a nasty habit of being less than dressed around me,” Felicity teased. “This might be the longest I’ve ever seen you dressed.”
            Oliver’s hand teased the zipper on the back of her dress. His head dipped low. His lips grazed across her ear as he whispered, “No. This is my way of saying, you’re wearing too many clothes.”
            “Can’t have that,” she said as she trembled while his lips ghosted over the spot on her neck he found earlier.
            Oliver shook his head. His beard tickled her sensitive skin. “I’m the mayor. I can have you arrested for disobedience.”
            Felicity stilled his head and licked the lob of his ear unmindful of the scene they created in the almost empty restaurant. “I think I’d rather you send the Green Arrow to torture me into compliance.”
            A growl sounded from deep within his throat. “That can be arranged, Miss Smoak.”
            “No,” Felicity said after consideration. “He wears too much leather. It’d be too hard to get him out of it.”
            Oliver nodded against her neck while his fingers buried themselves into the fleshy part of her hips. “Good point. Guess you’ll have to stick with me.”
            “Have any hotel towels at your place?”
            “Fresh out,” he told her with a large grin.
            “I guess you’ll have to go naked then.” Felicity traced her hand down the front of his shirt, his muscles rippling under her soft touch.
            “I’m not complaining.” Oliver grasped her hand and dragged her along with him straight out of Big Belly Burger. “You’re going to have to drive. I don’t think I can get on my bike right now.”
            Felicity pulled him to a stop and pressed forward until he walked backwards into a wall, similar to their position earlier. “I don’t think I can wait that long.”    
 @thebookjumper @olicityhiatusficathon
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