#but hey go moody blues!
whos-hotter-jjba · 2 months
Hottest Stand Battle - GRAND FINAL!
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Stand abilities under the cut:
Star Platinum: Star Platinum is a close-range Stand with exceptional strength and speed, as well as gaining the ability to stop time during the fight against DIO.
Moody Blues: It possesses the ability to imitate the form of individuals and reenact past events with precision.
Sticky Fingers: It possesses a very versatile ability in the form of its zippers. The zippers have various applications, such as using them to travel through walls or floors, detaching and attaching limbs, and storing objects inside something. Bucciarati is also free to attach several things together with his zippers.
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januaryscloak · 2 years
The Moody Blues - “Hey Bo Diddley” and “Go Now” live in 1965
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luveline · 5 months
Can you do hotch and pregnant!reader where they’ve been trying for a baby for awhile without success and he comes home from a mission to a pregnancy announcement?
pregnant!reader, 1k
Trying for a baby with Aaron is undeniably a good time. He’s the kindest man you’ve ever met. He loves you intensely. 
There’s been a lot of intimacy (crassly but obviously), ten times as many kisses, and a heap of disappointed hugs to mellow it out. 
“We aren’t in any rush,” he’d said last time, in the midst of a post-test back rub, his voice soft and comforting as always, “we just need to take our time. You’ll wish we took a little more time once it happens, I promise.”  
When you do find out, you’re overjoyed. He should know logistically that it was possible for you to find out while he was away, and he shouldn’t be surprised, but you’re hoping he will be anyhow. He looks moody walking up the path to the house, a little less when he notices you and Jack sitting on the porch swing with a jug of lemonade on the glass table. You take Jack’s glass.
“Hey, buddy!” he says, laughing as Jack jumps from the swing and rushes across the porch to tackle his legs in a hug. “Hey, buddy,” he repeats, gentler, “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too.” 
“Let me go put my stuff in the safe, okay? I’ll be right back.” 
He sends you a glowing smile and heads inside. Jack runs back to the swing and uses your leg to climb onto his cushion, turning his face up to yours. You can’t decide if he looks more like Aaron or Haley. 
Haley, you think after a few seconds. Jack has eyes like hers, big and round but with thick lashes in the corners that make them seem sparkly. 
“Are you gonna tell him the secret now?” Jack whispers. 
“Yes, I am. Do you think he’ll be happy?” 
“So happy.” Jack nods. “Like me. I can’t wait to have a brother.” 
“Or sister,” you say, putting the lemonades down on the table. 
“Or sister, but I want a brother.” 
Aaron returns in time to catch it. “You can’t choose, buddy, it happens at random.” He’s ditched his suit jacket inside, rolling his sleeves to the elbow. His first port of call is to pick Jack up and hug him like he’s something fragile. He guards Jack from the sun, turning half from you, and covers the small boy’s back with his hand. “You okay?” he asks. “You had a good time? Sorry I said I’d be back yesterday, but I wasn’t. I’m sorry.” 
Jack laughs into his dad’s neck. “You’re back today.” 
“You missed both of my questions, bud. How are you?” Aaron asks. 
“I’m excited! Y/N’s gonna tell you a secret!” 
You grin. Aaron turns to you expectantly. “Oh yeah? And you can’t tell me?” 
“Noooo,” Jack drags out. 
Aaron manoeuvres around the table, sitting on the porch swing next to you, the hooks creaking as he settles. Jack gets comfortable on his lap, eyes flashing between you and his dad excitedly. It’s as good a place as any to tell him the news, sunshine on your faces, his hand working behind your back. 
You smile at him before you start to speak. You can tell he already knows. “I found something out this morning.” 
“Yeah?” he asks, clutching at your back. His hand can’t stay still suddenly. It’s like a massage. “You are?”
“Yeah, I think so. The test says so. I took one of those strip ones first and it was two lines, and then I took a Clear Blue and it says one to two weeks.” 
“You’re pregnant,” he says surely, his lips turned up into a line, his smile as bright as you’ve ever seen it. 
“With a baby!” Jack supplies. 
“I’m just worried it’s too early.” 
“Honey, if the test says you’re pregnant, it’s not too early. How many did you take, just two?” 
“Four.” You nod, pulse going hard in your chest, you’re that happy. 
“Four,” he says, leaning in slowly to give you time to tilt your head. You close your eyes, smiling too much to kiss back as Aaron presses a loving one to your top lip, then just below, a pressure on the seam of your lips that makes you laugh. “I think you can be confident in their accuracy, then.” 
He kisses you again, then Jack. “What do you think about that, Jack? Y/N’s pregnant! She’s gonna get a big tummy.” 
“Like Mrs. Lundy?” 
Aaron cuddles him up to his neck. “Yeah, exactly like Mrs. Lundy. Wow. What should we do to celebrate?” 
Something in his voice has changed, turning scratchy and raw. You duck your head to peer at him through the shadow of Jack’s head, flummoxed by the sudden appearance of wetness in his lashes. 
“Aaron,” you murmur. 
He nods into Jack’s hair. 
“You are happy, right?” you ask. 
“Yeah,” he says, hugging Jack like he’s scared he’s gonna move away. 
You aren’t sure what he’s thinking about, if he’s happy or sad, though it’s probably both, but you know he loves you. You wrap your arm behind his head, the other around his arm where he holds Jack. “You know what four tests means?” you ask, giving his back a good rub with your knuckles. 
Aaron’s eyes blink open. He doesn’t cry, to your relief, he only leans forward to kiss you all over your closest cheek. “What does it mean?”
“It means I’m gonna have four babies, duh.” 
“Four?” Jack asks incredulously. “No way. Dad, I am not having four brothers. No way.” 
“What’s wrong with four brothers?” Aaron asks. “You’d only have to share your room with two.” 
“No way!” 
“We’re kidding, baby,” you say, taking Jack in where he sits on Aaron’s lap. You’d have been perfectly happy with just him and his father, but you’re ecstatic for another baby to bring up. Jack will make a good brother, and Aaron’s a great dad. “It’s one brother or sister. You’ll have your own room no matter what.” 
He sighs in relief that’s too big for his body. “Oh, okay. I’m excited again then.” 
Aaron gives the porch swing a rock with his leg. “Me too, buddy.” 
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sincerestlove · 7 months
Mother Nature - R.G.
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thank you so much for the request Anon! i hope i did the idea justice!
Request: hii! my sincere welcome to tumblr, hope u find it a great community here 🫶 u said u were taking requests, i really liked ur writing so what about regina george and reader are on their periods but g gets extra mean and r gets super sensitive and emotional?
Pairing: Regina George x Reader
Warnings: None; just Regina being moody and mean
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Your P.O.V.
The second you woke up, you knew it was shark week.
You could feel the dull, painful ache in your lower stomach and the tension in your lower back. Your boobs were sore and to top it all off, you could feel a migraine working its way to the front of your head.
Yeah, today was going to be hell.
Sluggishly dragging yourself out of bed, you somehow managed to get ready for school, gathering all of your things into your backpack. You were about to text your girlfriend, Regina, who picked you up for school every morning, when you heard her obnoxious car horn outside your window. You figured she'd stop after her usual 3, but no.
She kept honking.
Rolling your eyes, you made your way downstairs and out the door. The second you laid your eyes on the blonde, you could tell she was in a bad mood. She looked stunning as usual though, clad in a pretty multicolored pink top, pink high-waisted jeans and her signature docs. It was Wednesday, after all.
"You want to stop staring and get in the car?" Regina all but snapped at you, bright blue eyes icy cold as they glared at you. You didn't respond but did as she asked, settling into the passengers seat. You leaned over to press a kiss to her cheek, but she leaned away, brushing you off.
Okay, ouch.
"Don't, Y/N. I did my makeup perfectly, today. You'd just mess it up."
You felt the harsh pang of sadness and hurt settle deep in your chest, turning away from her to stare out the window. The rest of the car ride to school was silent, thankfully. When you arrived and Regina parked the car in her usual spot, you rushed out, not stopping to hear anything more from her. She didn't say anything, anyway.
The rest of the day dragged on uneventfully, the only notable event being that your migraine had gotten substantially worse. By lunch time, your vision was blurry and you could barely keep your eyes open. Regina hadn't texted you all day either, which only made your mood worse than it already was. You were used to secretly texting in class, but she hadn't reached out at all. Settling at the Plastic's lunch table, you were the first one there, and decided to lay your head down, offering you some minimal but much needed relief.
"What are you doing? You look ridiculous, sit up." You looked up to see Regina towered over you, arms crossed, an annoyed look on her face. "God, you look awful. What, did you get hit by a bus?" She all but laughed at you, a sneer resting on her pretty lips.
You didn't know what her problem was, but ever since this morning, she had been mean to you. One thing about Regina that you knew for a fact, was that she was always nice to you. Ever since you met, she had been nothing but sweet. She had a soft spot for you. But today, something changed. You had enough of her bitchiness for one day.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes, a few of them falling down your cheeks. When Regina saw them, her expression changed, eyes softening, her hands reaching out to you. You swatted them away, standing up from the lunch table. "You know what? Fuck this. I'm going home." Without another word, you grabbed your backpack and made your way to the front doors of the school. This time, you heard Regina call out for you, but you didn't turn around.
You made it halfway down the walkway when you began seeing spots in your vision and fell to the ground. You groaned in pain, hands coming up to hold your throbbing head. Regina called out for you again, a moment later feeling her arms wrap around you. "Y/N, hey, what happened?!" That was the last thing you heard before everything faded to black.
When you opened your eyes again, you were laid in the nurse's office, headache still pounding against your temples. "Y/N?" Warm hands cupped your face, turning your head to meet a familiar pair of blue eyes filled with worry.
You smiled softly taking hold of her hand into yours. "Hi." She sighed with relief, leaning down to take your lips into a gentle kiss. She brought you into a tight hug, nosing herself deeper into your neck.
"God, I was so worried. I didn't know what happened to you, I just saw you fall." She rushed out, voice breaking at the end. You shook your head, running a hand through her hair.
"I'm fine, Gina. I'm just on my period. I think it's because I haven't eaten or drank anything all day and on top of my emotions, it caught up to me."
She lifted her head, meeting your gaze. "Y/N, I'm so sorry for being a bitch to you. I woke up and started my period today, too, which just ruined my whole mood." She sighed, brushing her thumbs over my cheeks. "But that doesn't excuse how I treated you and how I acted. I'm so sorry for hurting you and making you cry. I'm so sorry."
You saw tears bubbling up in Regina's eyes, making your heart ache. You knew she wouldn't and couldn't be mean to you without something going on. "It's okay, Gina. I know you didn't mean it, I was just hurt and confused. I didn't know if you hated me, or what."
"Of course not. I could never ever hate you. I'm sorry, baby." Regina kissed you then, running her hands up and down your shoulders soothingly. "I promise I will make it up to you. For now, c'mon, let's get you some painkillers, food and water."
You nodded gratefully, taking the hand she offered you. Leading you out of the nurses office, she guided you to the cafeteria and sat you down at the table. She kissed you once more, before walking off to the lunch line.
Gretchen, Karen and Cady were all staring at you like you were an alien.
"What, is there something on my face?" You reached up, wiping a hand on your eyebrows and cheeks.
The three girls smiled at each other knowingly. "Yeah, it's called Regina George's complete love and adoration."
You rolled your eyes at them, falling into familiar banter and gossip about the happenings of the school. Regina returned a few minutes later, armed with a full tray, a bottle of water and an Advil. You smiled at her warmly, waiting until she sat down beside you to kiss her. "Thank you, Gina." You mumbled against her lips, feeling her smile.
"You're welcome, baby."
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i hope you enjoyed!
please leave requests if you have any ideas! :)
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iheartmapi · 27 days
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Alexia Putellas x Reader
Summary: After Spain’s match against Germany, Alexia injuries her knee. Having to take a health break from playing irritates her, Y/n tries to cheer her girlfriend up to no avail, they fight and Alexia leaves…she’s gone for a long time so you go looking for her.
Angst with happy ending.
TW: crude language, degrading language about oneself, ACL injury
Word count: 1,691
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The sun was setting slowly behind the city landscape, the warm tones slowly turning into various shades of violet and dark blue almost reminded you of the way Alexia’s mood drastically changed after her ACL injury.
You stood in the kitchen of your shared house, occasionally looking behind you to see your moody girlfriend sitting on the couch in the living room, her injured leg perched up on a small stool, you were making some tea, the electric kettle buzzing, two cups were on the counter, for Alexia’s tea you had went with a blend of chamomile and lavender, it was advertised as “calming” and that’s one thing she definitely wanted right now.
As the kettle got done with heating the water up you swiftly poured it into the cups. You carefully put them on the coffee table and finally sat down next to your girlfriend. The silence went on for maybe like two minutes..during the few past days it felt as if you were walking on eggshells around her, you turned your head to look at her and smiled even though she wasn’t even glancing in your direction, only looking into emptiness with her brows furrowed and arms crossed almost like a small child that didn’t get its candy. “Hey, don’t worry so much I’m sure you’ll heal quickly, why don’t you drink some tea-“ You were about to finish your sentence but Alexia opted to cut it short “I don’t want tea right now” Well that was rude…but you shouldn’t be so hard on her, after all you knew how difficult dealing with this injury was for her, so you kept on trying, trying to cheer her up. “Oh…well how about we see what they’re playing on the TV? We can always watch some show or movie or anything really-“ Alexia sat up straighter, irritation clear in her eyes “Can you quit it with the tea and TV? Or better, just quit trying to cheer me up, it’s annoying” she barked at you, “Alright, Jesus…sorry for wanting to be nice” you answered calmly but it was evident that you were offended and perhaps getting annoyed with how unapproachable she was being lately.
“”Nice”? For fucks sake Y/n! Do you see my leg? I’m useless, and I’m supposed to be a ball of sunshine just because you want it?!” She waved her hands around like a maniac “But why would I expect you to get it” she scoffed, you turned to look at her again your eyes narrowing “Seriously? Am I some subtype then or something?“ Alexia looked away, running away from your gaze that was demanding an explanation “I didn’t say that” she answered more quietly now “You kind of did though” you argued, “Oh my god can’t I just live in peace for one goddamn minute?! Here you go again, making a problem out of nothing, it’s like this every time something isn’t in tip top shape…it’s tiring Y/n, I swear you’re so difficult for no reason” that kind of hurt, you were appalled by her outburst “It’s not my fault, don’t you think it’s hard for me as well? Especially when-“ You bit your tongue before you could finish that sentence, maybe it was true and you were really making a problem out of nothing..but you had your emotions too, and Alexia shouldn’t be expecting you to be fine every time she gets enraged like this.
“Especially when what?” She repeated your words, her tone sharp, you took a breath not wanting to answer that, “Especially when what Y/n!” She said once again, this time nearly yelling, “Especially when you’re such a vicious bitch everytime you’re mad!” Quietness fell upon the both of you, before Alexia suddenly got up from the couch, slowly though as to not make her leg worse..but even for her it was clear how hasty she was trying to be with her moves.
“Where are you going?” Your eyes were trying to run after her, she waddled towards the front door “Doesn’t matter” she fumed, you didn’t follow her at first, but as you heard the sound of jingling keys you stood up as well and rushed to the front door, surely Alexia was leaving.
“Alexia?” Confusion crossed your face, and then worry and regret for your earlier words “Alexia come on! I’m sorry I didn’t mean it!” She didn’t answer your pleas, and just left…you sighed as the door closed.
She was a grown woman, you couldn’t just stop her from leaving the house if she wanted to..you sulked onto the carpet beneath you, hands covering your face, why the hell did you say that? You were definitely too rough on her..but at the same time what were you supposed to do? There was nothing you could do now, you were just going to wait for her to come back home, after all she couldn’t be out for too long, especially with a leg like that.
So here you were now, sipping on your tea as you sat and welled in your own sadness, eyes glancing at the empty cup on the coffee table that was supposed to be Alexia’s..It’s been probably three hours now, and there were no signs of life from Alexia, you picked up your phone; the lack of messages or missed calls from your girlfriend was no surprise to you, you picked your best friends number, Mapi, you had to talk to someone when there was no one in this empty house filled with bitter tension.
“¡Hola, tía!” Mapi’s voice echoed from the other side, “Hey” you answered, a small smile on your face, which was heard in your tone but the overwhelming sadness took it over, Mapi could easily recognise that, “Is everything alright? You sound very down in the dumps” you weren’t sure how to answer, eventually you just sighed and told Mapi about what happened earlier with Alexia.
“And then…she just left the house, it’s been three hours I’m starting to worry, I mean- what if she like fell down and hurt herself even more or something?” You said “You know how she can be, I’m sure she’s fine, she can’t stay mad at you forever Y’know?…especially not you” Mapi said with her cheery voice “I have to go and look for her” you answered seriously “Have you seen her? Do you know where she can be?” You then added, looking for any kind of answer for someone in reasonable humour “Nah…sorry, just be careful ok?” The girl attested “Yeah..I promise I’ll be” the two of you said your goodbye’s and you hanged up..you grouched, trying to think of ANY place Alexia could be right now.
Then one thought came rushing to you like an arrow, what about a specific football pitch she always went to after lost matches? You figured; if she was gone for so long, and you didn’t know where she was then it wouldn’t hurt to drive there and see for yourself.
You literally bolted to your car, and just drove…fifteen minutes passed and you arrived at the spot, the football pitch was set in the outskirts of the town, here it was quiet for a change, the sky was now dark since so much time has passed…as you looked around the place you could understand why this place brought a sense of comfort to Alexia.
Through the tall fence you noticed a figure sulking on one of the benches, as you entered the pitch, it became apparent to you that it was Alexia..thank god you thought first, at least you knew she was safe.
You sauntered over to the bench, the melancholy, regret and anger all mixed together into one confusing combination hanging in the air.
The two of you didn’t say anything for now, instead you just sat yourself next to her on the bench, once again Alexia’s gaze was far and blurry she was just simply staring nowhere. “Alexia…” you kept it quiet not wanting to cause any more arguments today. Finally, your girlfriend looked at you with something else than annoyance and silent resentment.
“Please, let’s go back home” you asked half-whispering, her chest rose as she took a deep breath, it’s like she wanted to but didn’t at the same time, maybe going straight to the point wasn’t the first option, there we’re definitely some things the two of you needed to say to each other. “I’m sorry…I know it’s hard, I know how useless you must feel right now..I really just wanted to make you happy, I hate seeing you like that..that- that I’m just willing to try anything to make it better” you started, Alexia turned to you at once her eyes almost glassy “I’m..I’m sorry too Y/n I just don’t know what came over me..I guess the irritation took over me, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you” she answered “I don’t know why I did that, but I just…I don’t know, it’s my whole life, and now with this stupid knee I’m just stuck home, and I just feel like I’ve got no other purpose” she almost teared up, you wrapped your arms around her, pulling her into an embrace “Alexia…you know that’s not true” you whispered “Injuries happen, you’ll get back to playing in no time I’m sure” you added, a quiet sob was heard, it was unlike her to be so vulnerable…but you appreciated that she was able to show that side of herself with you.
Pulling away, you placed a kiss on her temple, “You’re right, let’s go back home” she said wiping the traces left behind by some tears with her sleeve.
You got up and offered her your arm, she took it and the two of you slowly made your way towards the exit of the pitch.
“I’m sorry I called you a vicious bitch”
“No, don’t apologize, you were right then…I guess I was a bit of a bitch” she smiled
“I’m sorry for calling you annoying” she then added more seriously
“You were being honest then too” you grinned as well and the two of you chuckled.
“I guess we’re a good match together”
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(Thanks to @kshvue099)
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shanastoryteller · 5 months
Happy Birthday!! 🎂🎂 I'd love some more What You Expect please. I think this is my fourth time requesting it! I just can't get enough
continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6
When Eden tells Al what happened, she expects him to be pissed.
"It's good that you have a friend, Sister," he says.
She stares.
When Al just stares back, she kicks him. He can’t feel it beyond the vague recognition of pressure, but he still shouts, “Hey!”
“All your complaining and handwringing and that’s all you have to say?” she demands. “Catherine knows! She’s Armstrong’s sister!”
He shuffles away from her and crosses his arms. “I said that you should tell them, what I’m worried about is them figuring it out themselves and getting mad at you! Why don’t you try telling Armstrong? Catherine did say keeping secrets was a family tradition.”
She can’t wait until he gets his body back so he can feel it when she beats him. “We’ve been fine this long, I don’t know why you want to suddenly come clean now.”
“Because, as I keep telling you, they’re going to figure it out! You’re not a kid anymore, Sister.”
She’s already been to the office and no one acted any differently around her or tore off her jacket and accused her of heaving breasts now, bound or not. They’ve got their own shit going on and they’re too self absorbed to care about hers. She’s told Al this a thousand times, but he doesn’t believe her, so she doesn’t bother saying it again. “Just relax, okay? We’re only hanging around Central for a couple months to give the appearance to the brass that Mustang has some control over me and then we’ll go off on our own again and we’ll be too far away for them to notice anything at all.”
Al just sighs, still giving him that moody stare that she can feel even though his face doesn’t move.
She knocks his helmet off.
That’s what he gets for not listening to her.
Havoc really wishes Armstrong’s sister wasn’t rejecting him in front of the whole office. Why is Alex doing this to him?
“I’m sorry,” she says, blue eyes wide. “It’s just that I’m only interested in strong, manly men. Like my brother.”
Alex flexes behind her. When did he take his shirt off?
He’s doing his best to ignore his coworkers’ muffled laughter and think up some sort of reasonable response to that when he hears, “Strong, manly men, huh?”
Havoc turns to see Ed standing there, a stack of books under his arms, which is just great, that really rounds out the humiliation.
He drops the books and comes forward, reaching for Catherine’s waist with both hands and lifting her in the air above his head. She straightens her legs even as she grips Ed’s forearms in surprise, her mouth open as her cheeks slowly turn the color of Ed’s coat.
“Hungry?” Ed asks, grinning.
She nods, once, then Ed is lowering her back to the ground and offering her his arm, which she takes with light giggle. He snags his books off the desk as he leaves, kicking open the door since he’s out of arms.
Alex blinks once, then twice, apparently just as surprised about this development as the rest of them. “Hm.”
“Wow,” Breda says. “Losing women to Mustang was bad enough, but now Ed? That’s got to sting.”
“I hate you,” he says, because, yes, it does.
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lecsainz · 1 year
hiii could i please request an paul aron x reader where he is not so happy with a race Result and the reader cheers him up.
parings: paul aron x girlfriend!reader
authors note: I loved writing this one! PS: I tried to look at thousands of pictures of him but couldn't come to the conclusion if his eye is blue or brown, so I went with blue 🤷‍♀️
✩. . . masterlist !
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Paul Aron had just crossed the finish line of yet another race, and the result was far from what he had hoped for. His frustration was palpable, and he couldn't shake off the disappointment that clouded his features.
Y/N, his ever-supportive partner, knew all too well how he reacted when races didn't go his way. Paul could be moody and grumpy, dwelling on his performance for days on end. But she also knew just how to cheer him up.
As Paul and his teammate Dino made their way back to the Prema garage, Y/N was waiting for him. She was surrounded by a few mechanics who offered her friendly smiles, aware of her role in boosting Paul's spirits after a tough race.
Paul walked alongside Dino, his head hanging low, lost in thought. Y/N watched them approach, her heart aching for her boyfriend's obvious disappointment.
"Hey, champ," she greeted him with a warm smile as he finally reached her.
Paul managed a weak smile in return, but the disappointment still lingered in his eyes. "Hey," he replied, his voice heavy with the weight of his performance.
Y/N didn't waste any time. She stepped closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him into a tight embrace. "I know it wasn't the race you wanted, but you'll bounce back," she reassured him, her voice filled with unwavering confidence in him.
He sighed and buried his face in her hair, inhaling her comforting scent. "I just messed up, Y/N. I had a shot, and I blew it."
Y/N leaned back slightly, cupping his face in her hands so that their eyes met. "You're not defined by one race, Paul. Remember all the victories you've had. This is just a bump in the road. You'll come back stronger."
Paul's blue eyes searched hers for a moment, and he found solace in her unwavering support. He leaned in and kissed her, a silent thank you for always being there for him. Paul's lips met Y/N's in a heartfelt kiss, their connection speaking volumes even without words. It was a kiss filled with gratitude, love, and a promise that they'd tackle whatever challenges came their way together.
Breaking the kiss, Y/N flashed him a mischievous smile, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "You know, Paul, I've been thinking."
He raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "About what?"
She shrugged playfully, her fingers tracing a pattern on his chest. "Well, I hear that some racers have lucky charms or rituals they do before a race to ensure good luck."
Paul's lips curled into a grin as he caught on to her idea. "Are you suggesting I need a lucky charm, Y/N?"
She leaned in, her lips brushing against his ear as she whispered, "I'm suggesting I could be your lucky charm."
His heart raced at her words, her suggestion making him forget about the disappointment of the race. "I like the sound of that," he admitted, his voice husky with desire.
Y/N chuckled softly, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Great. Now, we just need to figure out what kind of good luck charm activities we should engage in."
Paul's hands found their way to her waist, pulling her even closer. "I think I have a few ideas."
Their playful banter was interrupted by the cheerful voice of one of the mechanics. "Hey, Paul! Don't forget, we have a team dinner tonight."
Paul sighed dramatically, his forehead resting against Y/N's. "Team dinners after a tough race are the worst."
Y/N laughed and pecked his lips. "Come on, champ. It'll be fun. And maybe they can give you some tips on how to make me your official lucky charm."
Paul grinned, his mood significantly brighter. "You're right, as always. Let's go at a dinner with the team."
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eroticsturn · 7 months
permission - c.s
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Summary: Chris touches himself without your permission. 
Warnings: sub!chris x dom!fem reader, smut, use of mommy, overstimulation, praise kink/ degradation kink, and idk what else
𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥!
the triplets have been on tour for the past two months. which made things harder for chris as you weren’t able to go with them due to school assignments. today you were going to surprise chris since they just came back from tour. 
you changed into some short shorts and tank top because you knew that would drive chris insane. it’s already late so you don’t necessarily need to dress up all nice and fancy for him. you call an uber and make your way to the triplets house. 
you’re immediately greeted by matt at the door
"hey y/n, he's in his room. he's been all moody since we left for tour. hopefully you can help fix that" matt muttered out softly which could barely be heard.
"thanks for letting me know" you smiled and made your way down the stairs to his room.
when you heard muffled sounds coming from his room. you just assumed he was playing on his pc until you got closer to his door and saw that it was cracked open a bit.
he whined as his hand softly swiped over his leaking red tip. you watched as his face scrunched every time his hand went over his sensitive area. he let out a few whimpers and whines.
you started to feel the space between your legs soak with anticipation as your core practically throbbed for some sort of relief. you open the door and once he heard the door creak, he immediately attempted to cover himself with his blanket and snapped his head up towards the door.
"what are you up to, baby?" you say innocently.
you slowly made your way over to him. he still hadn't said a word.
"what is it sweetheart? what were you doing just now?" you taunted as he tried to avoid eye contact with you. chris remained silent.
his chest moving slowly while he tried controlling his breathing. his glossy blue eyes stared everywhere but your direction. you can see how he’s in the verge of tears, still avoiding to look up at you.
your hand gripped his chin harshly. turning his precious face towards your direction, making him have no choice but to finally stare up at you. his pretty blue eyes got even watery, tears sliding down his cheeks while you grinned sinisterly.
“answer my question, baby. what were you just doing?” you say quietly, hearing his muffled whimpers.
“m-mommy, i’m sorry..” chris finally says, his voice shaky as he held his tears in.
“sorry for what, baby?” you say, staring into his glossy eyes, using your thumb to wipe the tears slipping down.
chris remained silent once again, his chest moving rapidly now as he struggles to breathe properly. you leaned into his ear, your warm breath making his body shiver.
“didn’t we agreed that we wouldn’t touch ourselves without permission, christopher?” you whispered into his ear, causing him to whimper once again.
after a few seconds of silence, chris begins to open is mouth, letting a quiet whimper before speaking.
“i-i’m sorry mommy.. i needed to be touched..” he says quietly, tears sliding down his cheeks once again.
“you don’t touch yourself, baby. you need to ask for permission before you do that. now you have your dick hidden under this blanket.” you say harsh tone.
your hand grips onto the blanket tightly, ripping it off him. he whines quietly, feeling the blanket rub against his angry tip.
“mmm.. mommy please touch me..” he cries out.
feeling the cold breeze from his room hitting his nude area, causing him to grow goosebumps around his body.
“and why should i do that? you disobeyed me, christopher.” a smirk formed onto your lips once finishing your sentence.
your right hand sliding up his thigh as your thumb rubbed onto his inner thigh. his mouth opened up slightly, arching his back in hopes your arm touches his sensitive area on accident. you noticed his movements, leaning your thumb towards his tip. you begin to rub the pre cum around it causing him to grip the sheets tightly.
“f-fuck..” he groans quietly
his back curves upwards more, tempting to feel more then just your thumb.
“mommy please. it hurts..” he cried out
the more you rubbed the tip, the more angrier it got. his body began to shake and his hand began to move down to his thigh.
“t-touch me or.. or-“ he stumbled to say but you immediately cut him off.
“or what? you’re gonna touch yourself again without permission? making this even harder for you?” you spit out harshly.
your hand wraps around his hard bulge, jacking him off in a intense pace. his body joint up and his mouth opens up wide.
“m-mommy! wait a s-second-“ he moans out loudly before you cut him off again.
“isn’t this what you wanted, baby? you wanted me to touch you so thats what i’m doing.” you say sweetly
his right hand grips the sheets tightly as his left hand squeezes your free hand.
the room filled with his echoing moans and soft whimpers. his mouth was open wide, saliva sliding down on the right side of his lips. your movements continue to increase. your right hand sliding up and down his dick in a intense pace while your left hand stayed unmoved on his right thigh.
his hand clinched onto your wrist tighter than before.
“i- i can’t.. i’m so close..” he struggles to say.
his chest moving up and down in quick speed and tears sliding down his rosy cheeks.
a smirk formed onto your lips as you heard him say those words. without any hesitation, you slipped your hand away. he whimpers loudly, his dick throbbing and the tip getting than before.
chris looks up at you in desperation
“mommy please.. don’t do this. i need to cum, please! it hurts.” he cries out, fully sobbing from the way you made his body more overwhelmed and shaky.
you stood up fully, smirking down at him while he continued to sob
“i would say that’s punishment for you touching yourself but.. mommy needs you just as much you need her right now.” you say sweetly. hands making their way to your shorts.
chris continues to cry but making sure he was silent. he stared at your hand movements, watching how those pretty soft hands of yours grab the rim of your shorts as you pull them down exposing your baby blue panties.
his mouth opened wide, groaning loudly at the sight of you stripping yourself in front of him. just the thought of you jumping on him, shoving his dick inside your wet clit made him want to cum at the spot.
staring down at him with a huge smirk, your hands grabbed onto the ending of your tank top. you slowly pulled it up, exposing your matching baby blue bra that fit so nicely against your tits.
“fuck.. mommy quit teasing..” chris says in desperation
his sensitive spot harden all over again just by the sight of you and the images planted on his head.
“be patient, baby.” you say innocently
your hands made their behind you, unclipping your bra as you let it fall on its own. chris groaned loudly at the sight of your boobs being fully exposed now. his thoughts got wilder and wilder. now picturing you bouncing on him, your pretty breasts jumping along with you.
“f-fuck..” he groans out even louder. his head leaning back onto his bed frame. letting his whole mind go wide.
you smiled at him so sweet and innocent, pushing down your panties which were soaked from the very moment you walked into his room. you teasingly made your way towards him, and he began to whimper again.
you sat on his lap straddling him and slowly grind yourself on him, just to tease him a little more. the throbbing feeling became worse, you grew needier and needed him inside of you immediately. you lifted yourself up, and grabbed his dick. you slowly pushed yourself down on him and you both let out a groan.
ima start writing pt.2 soon. i just needed to publish something rn 😭
- 𝘈
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pickingupmymercedes · 7 months
I'll come find you - Lewis Hamilton
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pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: Angst, AD 21', Niki Lauda, Lewis to Ferrari
wordcount: +1k
a/n: Was watching quali today, this season is going to be something with Mercedes as it is
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
You expected the anger, the sassiness, even the moodiness. You walked the long corridor to his driver’s room ready to let him vent, to hear him out and say nothing in return, because that was what he usually needed, someone to hear him about the frustration, how rough it’s been and how hard he was going to have to fight the next day to make the impossible look achievable.
But you were met with silence and darkness when you walked into the stuffed room, his smell the only indicator he was there.
“Hey, I brought some coffee” You tried from the little table by the corner, getting the two containers and setting them on the surface. He didn’t answer.
Lights out, shirt thrown in the chair, shoes on the floor, him sprawled in the sofa, the back of his head buried in the pillows, braids loose, his eyes stuck to the ceiling. You crawled by his side and looked at him, hands tracing the lion in his chest.
“Why did you and Niki bet on me?” He asked nonchalantly out of the blue, voice small and nothing like what you had prepared yourself for.
“Because we believed in you” You put it simply after a couple of minutes studying him, prompting your body on your elbow and looking at his face, expecting him to look back.
“Do you still?” He replied with a nasty and off-putting tone, one you hadn’t heard come from him in a very long time, his eyes now on you, daring you to answer him.
“What do you want me to tell you?” You realized then he wanted to pick a fight, maybe to get his mind off of the qualification that had gone so terribly wrong for him just a few hours ago, maybe to let out pent up frustration from the car not being where he wanted.
“You don’t get it” he huffed, looking up at the ceiling again, withdrawing back to his shell.
“I know I don’t” You said getting up from the sofa and going for the door “I’m here for you when you want, and not as someone expecting wins. I’m here as someone who loves you and wants you to do whatever it is that makes you happy.” You said into the dark room before leaving him with his thoughts.
You had no idea where to go from there, the whole team had something to do and surely you could get ahead on one of the many resumes you had to write, but you weren’t really in the mood to write yet another time how the f1 team had failed the initial concept for its car, something the Mercedes board had read a million times over in all your other debriefs from the past two year.
You end up sat at the front of Mercedes garage in the pitlane, looking out to darkness of the sky after all the lights at the circuit had been turned off. In those times you missed Niki, he would’ve known what to say, he would’ve known how to talk to Lewis, how to cheer him up. And quite honestly, those two years had been so taxing on you, playing from both ends, backing Lewis and Mercedes, trying to encourage both while still keeping it professional and private, you were slightly relieved it was the last year.
“Penny for your thoughts” The tall Austrian said looking down at you, scootching there in the corner with you like he wasn’t a giant trying to fit himself into the small crack you were trying to hide in.
“Just looking out at the sky” You mumbled back hugging your knees and giving Toto a small smile, one he didn’t even have to look at you to see wasn’t a real one. You were both there sat quietly, close but so far away from each other, the furthest ever you had been from someone you once saw as a mentor.
“Will this ever heal? Niki, 2021, Lewis?” You thought out loud, not able to contain it inside anymore.
He might had been tough about it with you in those first weeks, he even managed to not contact you for a whole month after that night in Abu Dhabi, mainly out of pride for not giving in and rushing after you when you left mere hours after the checkered flag. He held his head tall and proud walking through Brackley that winter without a clue if you’d ever come back, and even during an AMG board meeting, he kept his cool when he saw you remotely there on the screen. He broke down though when you showed up mid-march 2022, after the first 3 races with a bouncing excuse of a car.
The moment he realized you were back he couldn’t stop himself from holding you tight, and repeating to anyone around that Niki would’ve killed him if he’d lost you for good. But as much as you were taken aback by the Austrian’s response, your relationship never quite healed back to where it was before, you had gone back for Lewis and for Niki, and he knew that.
“Do you think what we’re going through has something to do with that night?” He responded with another question and looked honestly curious at what you thought.
“Not the only reason, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence either” you shrugged your answer, only to be met by a smirk.
“Niki would’ve been proud of you. How you fought for what you believed that night even when everyone thought otherwise, myself included… how you’re still fighting for Lewis, for Mercedes. I suppose it hasn’t been easy… whatever it is you two have on top of everything else, I see it in your eyes.” He offered you after a few moments of silence, taking a big breath and nudging your shoulder to get closer to you.
“I heard some of your talk to him back there, and I wanted you to know I’m always here for you, as someone who loves you. Very much so.” He said after kissing your forehead, a gesture exclusively reserved to his Wolf pack.
It was immensely odd for him to be the one opening up while his favorite chatter box kept quiet, all your emotions hidden so well. He was used to you coming to him for advices, from boys to business, but he took for granted how you had chosen him as a safe person. That was until a business decision, made in the hastiness of a crises, left you speechless and him on the receiving end of those icy and judging eyes, instead of the curious and lively one he had grown so fond of.
It had never been the same since that night, and he had no idea if it would ever be.
“I don’t hate you, you know that, right? I could never… things just haven’t really… I – I haven’t really healed from that, I guess.” You said quietly to him and to yourself, leaning your head on his shoulders, his warmth still the same home comfort you missed.
The few moments you had been allowed came to an end when a cough brought the attention to one of Toto’s assistants, awkwardly waiting by the side and clearly aware she was interrupting something.
“They need you. I’ll be fine here with my thoughts” you gave him after a few moments of him studying your face while he reluctantly left the hidden corner, accepting his fate in yet another meeting ahead.
Eventually you started to mentally prepared yourself to make your way back to hospitality, sure that whatever was going to happen in the following days and months would make them the hardest for you both professionally and privately.
“Hey, care to share the spot?” Lewis sweet voice startling you as he too found you.
“I could swear this was a good hiding place” You jokingly complained leaning in his shoulders as he sat by your side.
“I’m sorry for earlier, there’s a lot going on” His lips kissing your hair and his hand softly circling your palm.
“I’m scared, Lew… of how things have been, of how things are going to be.”
There was no circling that topic since he told you there was an offer for him at Ferrari, you both knew then that your lives would change, dramatically. Your relationship was by no means secretive, but it had developed in the comfort of a team that went out of its to help keep it private. Ferrari was a dream, and you shared his passion for the history of motorsports, but his move meant you had to learn how to be his partner without also being in his team.
“You remember the night I told you I loved you, the very first time in LA?” You raised your head to look at him, trying to understand where he was coming from with the question, nodding you head and humming a “hm mm”.
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you that, but I decided I had to tell you when I woke up really early in the morning with Roscoe snoring that day, and you were so quiet and still in that bed when I looked over, I froze for a few seconds." He swallowed at the confension as you attentively watched his features show how bad that had affected him.
"I don’t care if you’re my boss or if you’re wearing my rival’s shirt, when it comes to you all I care about is your wellbeing.” The story and how worried he was to make that night perfect now all the more meaningful to you as he tried to bring you as close as possible in the small space.  
“These past two years have not been easy for us and there’s no guarantee the next ones will be any easier, but as long as you’ll allow me, I’ll come find you, anywhere.”
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk
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ghostfacd · 1 year
au masterlist
author’s note: i wrote this after waking up from my high nap LMAOO shh anyway listen to beautiful boy to enhance the experience ! this can be read as a stand alone but i recommend reading my au for context.
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liked by lhughes_06, jackhughes, kiellestapa and 462 others
ynuser my first baby. my entire world. rowden quintin hughes, you came into the world a 7 pound beautiful curly haired blonde baby. it felt like yesterday when i first held you close to me. thank you for making me a mother rowdy, happy 2nd birthday my beautiful boy.
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jackhughes please let me and quinny meet him!
↳ quinnhughes LITERALLY.
lhughes_06 happy birthday my special boy.
kiellestapa it seems like it was just yesterday when i saw you coming out the delivery room with rowdy. happy birthday rowden quintin hughes, you are so loved my boy.
↳ ynuser he loves his auntie so much 🥲🫶🫶
When it was Rowden’s second birthday, Luke decided he was finally going to let his brothers see his son. It was a mutual decision between him and his girlfriend, they knew how much Jack and Quinn wanted to see Rowdy.
Luke had regretted leaving Y/N that day back in London so he could pursue his hockey career at Umich. If he could travel back in time, he would’ve swallowed his dreams and stayed with her. But he couldn’t—so he was going to spend the rest of his life making it up to her and Rowden for being absent the first year of his life.
“Oh my god.” The voice of Jack breaks Luke out of his daze. He watches as his older brother picks up Rowden, who, despite being a very fussy kid when it came to strangers, smiled contently in his uncle’s hold. “Hi buddy!”
Luke could’ve sworn he saw tears in his brother’s eyes. Quinn, who was currently waiting his turn in the back, wiped his eyes with his sweater, not wanting to cry in front of his younger brothers.
“I cant believe you named him Rowden Quintin Hughes,” Quinn says, his face converted into a frown, only because he was on the verge of sobbing.
“Hey, don’t cry,” Y/N pats him on the back, giving him a comforting smile. “You and Jack have always been there for me back at Hogwarts. You two were like my older brothers. The least I could do is name Rowdy after you.”
“We love you Y/N,” Jack says, his lips wobbling. “Thank you for putting up with our brother.”
His words make the four of you laugh. Rowden, sensing your happiness, claps his hand, his smile ever so prominent. You give him a kiss on the cheek, glad your family was one again, and you knew Rowden would grow up very loved.
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liked by lhughes_06, quinnhughes and 770 others
ynuser also happy 1 year anniversary to my hot hockey boyfriend, lukey warren hughes. thank you for giving me a chance that day back at hogwarts when i asked you out after your quidditch game. we’ve been together for 4 years but you had to go pursue your dreams at umich, and i honestly couldn’t be more proud of where you’re at now. you’re one of the most stubborn, moody, and charming person i know. the best hockey and quidditch player, and most importantly, the best daddy to rowden. keep winning baby, go blue!! 💙
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lhughes_06 happy 1 year anniversary baby. i thank the gods everyday for sending you to me after my quidditch game. thank you for putting up with my mood swings and hotheaded self. love u and rowdy more than words can express.
↳ ynuser 🥹🥹
jackhughes okaaaay fine i admit you two are pretty cute..
kiellestapa MY OTP
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liked by jackhughes, lhughes_06, ynuser, and 2,432 others
quinnhughes uncle life is pretty cool.
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jackhughes pretty cool? SUPER cool.
jackhughes we love rowdy
↳ quinnhughes yes we do
ynuser rowdy loves his uncles!!
↳ lhughes_06 he likes me better.
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liked by ynuser, jackhughes, markestapa and 1,500 others
lhughes_06 the monster’s gone, he’s on the run, and your daddy’s here.
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ynuser beautiful boy.
markestapa best new dad
↳ lhughes_06 love ya buddy.
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girlwithwolftatoo · 1 year
Hey! How would the moon boys react to fem!reader? Cupping their face in her hand out of the blue?
Weather is more than appropiate for fluff stuff <3
Moon Boys + Reader cupping their face
Marc Spector:
The most reluctant of three. He craves for signs of affection but won't react positively to it at first.
Your hands holding his face makes him feel... weird, a little vulnerable, a little childish. Consider most of his childhood and adolescence he didn't get much love.
"Drop it" he murmurs, but he's not serious. Won't take your hands off, won't turn away, he just struggles with his own feelings.
Little by little, he breaks. He sobs with an expression of embarrasment, as if waiting you'd find it ridiculous or stupid (which of course, isn't the case), and may kneel down as you still cup his face, all defeated and tired.
Listening words of reassurement and compassion is the best for him. Feeling you trust him and love him despite any mistake or flaw gives him the self-confidence he lost so long time ago, and the fact you don't judge him is even more important.
"I'm sorry, I... I know I'm not good foor you..." "You never say that again, Marc. It's a lie. You're good, for yourself and for me"
Steven Grant:
You probably caught him in the middle of a crisis or a panic attack, mumbling so fast his accent becomes thicker and you can barely undestand what he says, and once you put your hands on his jaw...
"What are...? Ohhh that feels better, yes..." he murmurs as soon as the warmth of your hands relax him almost immediately.
May close his eyes just to enjoy your spoils, even will accept to sit and, perhaps, a little massage on the shoulders (he's very ticklish so be careful).
Little by little, his tangled mind takes a straight trail of thoughts, and he vents everything in a more calmed tone. It's not just the flesh to flesh contact, it's the fact you're there, listening him, what helps him to recover quick.
Chances are he may reccomend to take a nap together, just to be sure he'll wake up in a better mood, or simply make some tea for you and him as a gesture of appreciation for what you did.
"Honestly don't know what would I do if you weren't here, love"
Jake Lockley:
For this case I can imagine two scenarios: one, Jake returning early in the morning, all tired and moody, or two, you having to approach Jake to calm him down since he's losing a little his temper and probably about to do something hideous.
If it's the first case, Jake simply walks in, dropping his jacket nd mumbling something about being sick of everything. Once your hands reach his face, he sighs almost in relief, as if he just entered a hot bathtub.
"I'd wish I could spend night here with you instead of outside more often, bonita" he complains and groans like an exhausted dog, allowing you to rub his face. A soft smile appears in his lips, and you know he's back to normal again, like a spell.
The other scenario sounds dangerous, but not because of Jake. As soon as he feels your presence right next to him, something in his mind sounds an alarm and he stops anything he's doing. If you'd got hurt during his watch, he would never forgive himself.
"Jake, Jake!" anyways you need to call him out to be sure he's paying attention. "It's okay, mi amor, it's over". Just a single hand will do, and he cups it into his own hand, gently squitting his eyes.
"Perdóname, princesa, I just... had a bad time" he murmurs, grabbing onto your hand as if he'd never let it go.
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kindestofkings · 8 months
dear john
elijah hewson x singer!reader
(ex!charles leclerc cause hes a hot red flag)
plot: its giving friends to strangers to friends again to lovers 🫶🏼
face claim: laufey <3
warning: spelling mistakes
authors note: this is for the lovely anon who requested a speak now inspired smau ! Hope this is okay?!? I was tempted by doing something on the vibe of speak now the song but imma think on it 🫡
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liked by charlesleclerc and others
yourusername wow last night on tour was something special 😢 to everyone who sangs my songs back to me and everyone who's supported my little dreams, I LOVE YOU.
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lucydacus killing it !
yourusername luv you <333
phoebebridgers voice of an ANGEL
yourusername ooh stop im blushinggg
charlesleclerc beautiful as always mon ange
ynfan1 post concert blues are toooo real
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liked by ynfan1 and others
wagsandstuff huh that doesn't look like yourusername to us.... did the couple of 3 years break up without telling us??
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ynfan1 nooooooo that girl on twitter was right ah
ynandcharlesshipper charlessss man don't do this
charlesfan she was always feeding off of him
ynfan2 she has her own career you do know that right? she a really popular singer
ynfan2 not charles cheating on our QUEEN
yourusername just unfollowed charlesleclerc
yourusername just added to their story!
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lol gonna go heal my heart I guess lol
yourmum awh my beautiful girl :( glad you're coming home 💘
↳ can't wait to see you mam
yourbestfriend men are literal pigs.
phoebebridgers he's an idiot, here for you if you need anything
elijahhewson hey I know it's been awhile since we last spoke, but the lads and I are always here for you. I should've been better at keeping in touch, but I'm so sorry this happened to you.
↳ hey E, missed you! I'm just as much at fault, guess we all just got so busy with tours (both so successful heheh). where abouts in the world are you? I'm heading home for awhie maybe we could all catch up?
↳ elijahhewson deadly! myself, ryan and josh are home and bobby is back next week, call around whenever
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liked by inhalerfan1 and others
inhalerfanaccount did you guys know that yourusername is friends with inhaler??? I found all of these oldies while lurking her insta !
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inhalerfan1 bless they're so young, they all must of been friends during school !
inhalerfan2 crazy to think they've all become so successful
ynfan1 wow my two worlds colliding
ynfan2 I've always secretly hoped yn and eli would get together
inhalerfanaccount friends to strangers to friends to lovers hits soooo hard
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liked by bobbyskeetz and others
yourusername time is a terrifying thing..
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yourmam I could probably find an even earlier pic...
bobbyskeetz I beg please no inhalerfan1 pleaseeeeee
elijahhewson smash x4
joshjenkinson_ the gang getting back together has 2024 winninggg
(liked by yourusername,ryanmcmahon_15 and others)
ynfan1 yesss bitch remind that silly boy who drives in circles of all the hot friends you have !!!
(liked by elijahhewson and others) ynfan2 hahahah eli woke up and choose chaos
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liked by phoebebridgers and others
yourusername turning all this heartbreak into something good ! dear john is the rawest I've ever been in my songwriting, treat her with love x
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ynfan1 so so incredibly beautiful, thank you for sharing
lucydarcus you're a wonder
ryanmcmahon_15 sobbing uncontrollably and ready to fight him
bobbyskeetz you good bro ?
charlesfan1 tough day to be a charles fan
ynfan2 omg those lyrics are HEARTBREAKING
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liked by eliswife and others
inhalerfanupdates WHO HAS THIS MAN SO SMILEY???
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inhalerfan1 FOR REAL?? hes usually so moody
elijahhewson posted to their close friends!
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replies yourusername pure stalker when did you take this pic??
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liked by yourusername and others
vogue with just days before the release of her highly anticipated spohmore album we chatted to yourusername about love, loss and all things in between;
" you dont realise how easy love can be until you're with the right person. its the most annoying thing to hear when you dont have it but some how I was fortunite enough to discover"
find out what else the singer told us at the link in our bio !
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ynfan1 shes so happy and in love
ynfan2 how can one person be so talented, smart AND intelligent
charlesfan1 eww cant believe charles used to date her!
ynfan3 love how shes not petty like the leclerc fangirlies clearly still are..
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liked by elijahhewson and others
yourusername a year and a half ago I had my heartbroken, felt completed untethered and so so confused. today I give you my pride and joy!
this album features songs I wrote as a sobbing mess, some I wrote while I was healing and finally some I wrote after I opened my eyes and embraced what I had all along.
I love them all, I love everyone who worked on it with me and I escially love you.
comments have been restricted
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liked by lucydarcus and others
yourusername one single thread of gold tied me to you <3
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elijahhewson hell was the journey
yourusername but it brought me heaven. bobbyskeetz gross yourusername child
joshjenkinson_ my parents
yourmam my favourite pair !
evehewson sobbing it was always meant to be
phoebebridgers the sweetest love for the sweetest soul
(liked by elijahhewson and yourusername)
authors note: ahh im a broken record with the friends from home trope but its my favourite 🥲 hope you all enjoy, please as always let me know what you think!!
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here's something short and goofy for you guys bc this song has been stuck in my head all morning.
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“So, Eddie?” Steve asks while he, Robin, and Eddie are lounging around Family Video on a slow Tuesday afternoon.
“Yes, Stevie dear?” “Where did the ‘Big Boy’ thing come from?”
Steve watches as every bit of Eddie freezes under his gaze. 
“Yeah, I’d like to know too, what’s up with that Munson?” Robin says, leaning forward on the counter beside Steve, pushing all of her right side into Steve’s left.
Poor Eddie.
“Oh, uh, well…” Eddie’s brow furrows for a moment before something seemingly comes to him in a moment. “You know how loud the rumor mill can be, Steve-o.”
“Whattya mean?” He knows what he means, he just wants to see what Eddie will say. He also knows It’s gotta be a tortuous question for the metalhead, especially one who’s crush is the one asking him. 
That was the other thing; after Eddie’s accidental pain-med induced schmoozing of Steve and the prompt forgettening of ever saying anything, Steve (and Robin) had come to the conclusion that he’s super into Eddie too.
Now it’s just a matter of getting Eddie to admit it, and having fun flirting and making him squirm a little in the meantime.
“Well, the phrase itself is from a song, but you do know your lovely conquests would talk, right?” The blush on his cheeks just makes him look cuter.
“And you believed them?” Robin states more than asks.
“Well there’s no way I’d ever know one way or the other!” Eddie laughs, his cheeks darkening.
Ignoring the myriad of things he could say to that, Steve instead asks “What song?”
“Huh? Oh, uhm, it’s from this random tape that Wayne picked up on the road a couple years ago. Has this weird art on the cover of some guy and like, skeletons and stuff? Dan something? It’s all yellow-y orange and blue..”
“That sounds so familiar…” Robin mumbles when Steve asks, “How does it go?”
“The song.”
“Uh…” Eddie zones off into the distance and starts mumbling to himself.
Robin is still mumbling to herself too, “That sounds so familiar, what the hell?”
Eddie presumably finds the lyrics then, because he starts singing. “Big Boy, real cool, you can tell he’s no one’s fool, And he tries so hard to come off like a star.” Eddie starts dancing around in front of the counter, “You can tell by the way he combs his hair, by the cocky grin and that moody stare. By the way he leans and juts out his hip...” He sings, pointing at how Steve is doing exactly that.
Steve laughs, waving him off, “Okay, okay, I get it! You can st—”
“Elfman!” Robin calls out suddenly.
Steve and Eddie share a look. “Who’s an elf?”
“The Dan guy from your song, Elfman? Was his last name Elfman?”
Eddie snaps his fingers at her, “That’s it! Danny Elfman!” “The guy from Oingo Boingo!”
There are a few beats of silence.
“Don’t look at me like that, he’s the singer in Oingo Boingo! My parents love their stuff, and they did that song in Weird Science!”
“Which song?”
“..Weird Science.” she says as if that was obvious.
Something clicks in Steve’s head at the name, too. “Wait, I know I've seen that name somewhere else...” He rounds the counter and toward the shelf he knows the tape he's thinking of lives; it’s a goofy movie, he’s watched it before on some of his long solo shifts and it’s honestly kind of grown on him.
He grabs up the first copy he sees, one of the Family Video plastic clamshells, and brings it back to the counter, popping the tape into their tape player.
The opening credits start up, and at the title card: “Oh hey, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure! I love Pee Wee!” Eddie says, excitedly jumping up to sit on the counter in front of the TV (and Steve).
“Yeah you do..” Robin mumbles.
“Shut up,” Steve grumbles, elbowing her a bit harder than necessary, “Look.” he points up to the text on the screen. 
“Damn, this guy’s everywhere!”
“‘Music composed by Danny Elfman’. Holy shit! Good memory, Dingus!”
“Thanks! Now what is this about Eddie loving Pee Wee?”
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ghostboneswrites2 · 2 months
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Summary: As Daryl adjusts to a new life at the Commonwealth, he finds himself regularly attending a crusty hole-in-the-wall bar for the live music and cheap drinks. One night, a band he hasn’t seen before plays, and their lead singer inspires his curiosity.
Warnings: Profanity, TWD stuff, alcohol, mentions of grief/sad vibes here and there.
Pairing: Daryl x fem!reader (reader is described to be tall and likely in her late 30s)
Era: Commonwealth
Vibes: Immaculate
A/N: I haven’t watched anything past the Whisperers arc in quite a while now so forgive any inaccuracies I beg u
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𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙠 (in order):
*tried to pick some of my fav songs that would have been released pre-apoc*
All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix
Losing My Religion - REM
No Rain - Blind Melon
Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd
Nights in White Satin - The Moody Blues
Crushcrushcrush - Paramore
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Masterlist | Taglist | Challenge
Dividers by: @roseraris @saradika-graphics @strangergraphics-archive
Lots of minors interacting lately so friendly reminder that my DNI includes minors!
In the past, Daryl wouldn’t have felt much comfort in a place like the Commonwealth. Busy streets, apartment living, social gatherings. In some ways it was similar to Alexandria, but in many ways it felt more metropolitan. He guessed he’d just been ripped out of his comfort zone so many times that it didn’t feel unusual anymore.
He’d found himself a job, a place in society that wasn’t deep in the woods in search of food. Hell, he’d even found himself a social life, believe it or not.
See, Daryl spent a fair amount of his free time — when he wasn’t with Judith and RJ — at a shithole bar that tended to attract the rougher types. He kept to himself mostly, save for a bartender he found himself rather fond of. He really just stuck around for the cheap drinks and live music. Patrons tended to mind their business, and sometimes there was food, too.
On this particular evening, Daryl was exhausted. He almost stayed home, but he was also restless. He figured a few drinks and some music could inspire some sleep, so he made his way to the bar when it opened at dusk.
“Evenin’, Killer.” Jax greeted the archer as he took his usual seat at the bar. He always remembered his seat because the stool was wobbly and the leather was worn.
“Hey.” Daryl grunted as he settled in and looked around. “Band ain’t here yet?” He wondered. Usually the musicians set up before the bar opened and started when the first patrons arrived.
“Nah, probably won’t even show.” Jax shrugged. “Some new band. Never seen ‘em here before.”
Daryl nodded as Jax handed him his usual glass of room temperature whiskey. Daryl thanked the man before he returned to wiping down the counter. Jax was a short man, sturdy and greasy. He wasn’t so pleasing on the eyes with the plethora of scars and blemishes that decorated his face, but his soul was kind. He rarely wore a shirt, only covering his torso with a torn leather vest similar to Daryl’s.
Jax had coined the nickname Killer for Daryl when an incident with some walkers occurred in the street in front of the bar. Most bystanders panicked and shrieked, but luckily Daryl was there to handle it.
“Oh, there they go.” Jax mumbled to himself as the band finally walked in and toward the stage, barely catching Daryl’s ear. Thoughtlessly, Daryl glanced toward the area the musicians usually played and observed them as they set up their instruments and amps. There was no stage in the bar, but there was a well lit corner that did quite nicely.
The band consisted of the typical drums-bass-guitar-vocalist layout, all of which were men except for the one adjusting the microphone. They only took around twenty minutes to set up. By then Daryl was on his second glass, finally feeling a familiar heat in his face as the buzz settled in.
As the music began, Daryl immediately recognized the tune, though he couldn’t place his finger on it until the woman began to sing:
“There must be some kinda way out of here, said the joker to the thief… There’s too much confusion, I can’t get no relief…”
He hadn’t heard it in so long he couldn’t tell you the name, but he knew it. He found himself tapping along, entranced by the performance. Smoke from cigarettes filled the bar as more patrons filled the seats, chuckling and chatting as they enjoyed the show. Daryl took a moment to observe them before he turned his attention back to the music.
“No reason to get excited, the thief, he kindly spoke… There are many here among us who feel that life is but a joke… But you and I, we’ve been through that… And this is not our fate…”
Daryl quite enjoyed the music, and he began to wonder what they’d play next. He hoped their set list was full of songs he’d known before — songs like this — that made him feel as good as he felt just then. Eventually, the song came to an end, and the woman heading the band lit herself a cigarette and looked around at her audience.
She had a certain aura about her — cynical, yet content. It seemed as if she didn’t necessarily care to be there, but she didn’t treat it as a chore. Her eyes fell on him and somehow it made him squirm inside. He gulped down his last swig of whiskey before he looked away, summoning Ajax for a third helping.
“She was eyein’ you.” Jax commented as he poured the liquid.
“Pfft.” Daryl tutted as he wrapped his thick fingers around the cool glass and pulled it close to himself. “Prolly can’t even see with all them lights over her.”
“Nah, my friend. You locked eyes. She definitely can see you just fine.” Jax chuckled as he leaned over the bar. “Tell me, you’ve been here for months and haven’t found a single lady-companion. Why not get yourself out there?”
Daryl glared for a moment before shaking his head. He’d had enough trying to find companionship.
“Not my prerogative .” Daryl said coldly.
“Suit yourself, man.” Jax shrugged. “She’s easy on the eyes, though.”
As another song began, Daryl tuned out his friend. He had come to relax, not for relationship coaching.
This new song was a bit sadder in tune, and the melody made the singer’s hips sway a little as she clapped to the beat. Her expression was the same as before, but her eyes told a more melancholy story than the rest of her face. As she sang, Daryl couldn’t help but to study her. She was tall, but not as tall as him. Younger than he, maybe thirty-something, but no younger than that.
Her entire soul seemed to radiate with the music, effortlessly conveying emotion in her every note and movement.
“Life, it’s bigger… Bigger than you, and you are more me… The lengths that I will go to… The distance in your eyes…”
Daryl could practically feel everything she sang. Every note played on the guitar, every perfectly timed clap. It all meant something, it was all intended to send a message. As her eyes swept over the ground, avoiding any contact with the crowd, Daryl realized she was singing too someone. Someone that probably wasn’t around anymore, someone she probably would have died for. Someone who may not have felt the same. He knew the feeling all too well.
“Oh, no, I’ve said too much… I set it up… That’s me in the corner. That’s me in the spotlight, losing my religion… Trying to keep up with you, and I don’t know if I can do it.. Oh no I’ve said too much — I haven’t said enough…”
Suddenly Daryl felt her pain. Hell, he’d felt it before. He felt it with her. They felt it together.
As the music picked up, her voice cracked and swayed with everything she felt and everything she wanted to say. All the while, her eyes were glued to the ground, somewhere dust and and below.
“I thought that I heard you laughing. I thought that I heard you sing. I think I thought I saw you try… Every whisper, every waking hour, I’m choosing my confessions. Trying to keep an eye on you, like a hurt, lost, and blinded fool… fool…”
Jax, between filling drinks and polishing glasses, couldn’t help but watch Daryl as he watched the woman. Jax knew it — even if Daryl was too stubborn to accept it. Daryl was falling. An infatuation was forming, quickly and violently ripping through him as her voice consumed him.
Daryl wasn’t the only one who seemed to be swept away in the eerie sadness the girl’s pipes seemed to carry. The whole bar was silent and mournful, allowing her own grief to translate into their own.
Luckily, the next song wasn’t so sorrowful, or Daryl might have teared up with the rest of them.
This song was hopeful and somehow listless altogether. It sounded like a daydream on a sunny day, or like something a poet would write on a rainy morning.
“All I can say is that my life is pretty plain. I like watching the puddles gather rain…”
Daryl knew this one too. He recognized it from the radio. It often came on during the summers on the rock station in his hometown. He was grateful for the change in pace. He needed a laughter tune after the weight of the last one.
He ended up leaving shortly after that, deciding he could no longer be subjected to the enchanting songs of a siren. Plus, he was getting to be just drunk enough to sleep, and he had no intentions of missing that perfect window of tiredness.
A few days later, though, when he returned, he was embarrassed to find himself asking if the same band would be playing again. Jax sadly said no, but that they’d be back the next night. In order to avoid that look, Daryl had a drink before he went home and returned the next night. Just as Jax said, there they were, live and in action.
Daryl had arrived in the middle of another familiar favorite:
“If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me? For I must be travelin’ on now… There’s too many places I’ve got to see.”
Daryl tapped his foot to the music, recalling a few drunken nights with his brother at bars just like this one. The old rockers liked to play this one on the jukebox, and Daryl didn’t mind the tune.
“But if I stay here with you, girl… Things just couldn’t be the same. ‘Cause I’m as free as a bird now…”
“And this bird you cannot change.” Jax began to sing along. Daryl chuckled softly under his breath. Of course Jax would know this song, he seemed like the type.
“Bye-bye, baby, it’s been a sweet love… But this feeling I can’t change. But, please don’t take it so badly… ‘Cause lord knows I’m to blame.”
Daryl relished in the familiarity of the tune, soaking in the nostalgia. It wasn’t often these memories felt happy, but with this song, they did.
The next song was much older, though. Daryl could tell by the instrumentals. It was something that would have played in a sad montage in disturbing film.
“Nights in white satin, never reaching the end… Letters I’ve written, never meaning to send. Beauty is always missed with these eyes before… Just what the truth is, I can’t say anymore. ‘Cause I love you, yes I love you.. Oh, how I love you…”
The woman seemed to collapse with every note, losing her breath as she felt each word so deeply. That was it. That was the moment Daryl realized how hopelessly screwed he was, because he was falling for her. He’d never spoken to her, but she spoke to him with every song she sang. He couldn’t explain it — truthfully, it was ludicrous — but he felt like she was singing to him. He had to talk to her.
So, he waited around all night, sipping his whiskey slowly, ignoring Jax’s knowing smirk until the band played their final song of the night.
The music to this one sounded much more modern than the ones before. Quicker in pace and more pop-punk than he would usually listen to on his own.
As lips parted to sing her words, her eyes fell on Daryl with intention, as if speaking directly to him.
“I got a lot to say to you, yeah, I got a lot to say. I notice your eyes are always glued to me, keeping them here and it makes no sense at all…”
Daryl gulped, his throat feeling rather dry. Suddenly his collar felt too tight and his whiskey tasted like water. It all made sense; the change in music, the eye contact… She was talking to him. She had to be.
As the song came to an end, his nerves were fried. Anticipation are him alive as the music played, knowing she’d expect him to confront her after this. He guessed he’d planned to introduce himself anyways, but at least that would have been unprompted. This was much too direct for his taste.
Soon enough the music was done with and the band was packing up. Once she’d finished the song, she turned her attention to helping her crew, not even sparing a single glance Daryl’s way. As if he didn’t even exist.
“Liked your songs.” Daryl spoke awkwardly, clearing his throat as the band approached the bar to have a complimentary drink.
“Thanks, they weren’t mine though.” The woman shrugged him off.
“Nah, maybe not before, but.. Ya made ‘em yours.”
That comment seemed to pique her interest. She raised her eyebrows at him and smirked as she downed a shot of tequila like water, slamming the glass on the table to remind Jax she’d need another. The bartender obliged as she studied Daryl.
“You stayed for the whole show tonight.” She pointed out. Daryl shifted on his unbalanced barstool. “You left early last time.”
“Ya watchin’ me or somethin’, girl?” He scoffed.
“Sure.” She shrugged. “Watchin’ you watch me.”
Daryl gave her a sideways glance as he turned his glass bottoms up, gulping the last of his whiskey in one swift chug.
“Just watchin’ the band.” Daryl insisted.
“I’m not the band.” She countered. “You were just watching me.”
Daryl ran his tongue over his teeth and considered her words before he sighed.
“I gotta get goin’. Nice meetin’ ya.” He announced as he stood up.
“See ya next time, then?” She winked. She smiled and shook her head to himself as he went toward the exit. Men never seemed to know how to take her in as she was. She was always too forward, too snarky, to quick with her tongue.
“Never seen ya ‘round before.” He called over his shoulder as he paused at the door.
“I’m in the apartments just around the corner.” She told him. “I work at the cafe by the library on weekdays too.”
“See ya ‘round, then.” He concluded before he disappeared into the night.
tags: @kissmeunicornbaobei @thesadcatt0 @clairealeehelsing @duckybird101 @tmntfixationxreader @ryoujoking @blackvelveteen1339 @yondus-girl @ladylincoln @sunshinebug9 @saylum559 @yoowhatthefuck @duffmckagansbandana @celtic-crossbow @virginsexgod69 @dazzling-roaring-20s @l0kilaufeys0n7 @uhnanix @superbowlisgay @liizzygrant @eddiemunsonsupremecy @raeraegoaway @ophelialaufey @theskinniestjackson-denny @dilfsalltheway
60 notes · View notes
“Warm Nights”
Chapter 2 - 2.9k words
Damian Priest x Black!CurvyFemReader
🚨The spice is mild, like lemon pepper, but it’s there! 18+ only please! 🚨
Request for @xbutterflius-effectusx 🫶🏽
I’ve really enjoyed writing this and it’s just taken on a mind of its own! This is halfway, I’ve got two additional chapters planned. Hope yall enjoy! It’ll also be found on my AO3 page.
Now on with the story!
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Chapter 2
**Your POV**
Two days later found you and Rhea having brunch in an out of the way mom-and-pop diner in town. She chewed a french fry pensively as she mulled over the story you’d relayed about his behavior the other night. “I dunno why he’s such a dick sometimes. Fucking hell, they say we’re the moody ones.”
You laughed and but moved the fruit on your plate around with your fork instead of eating anything. It had stung when Damian suddenly went cold the other night but you’d be damned if you let him know. “Maybe I said something?” You sighed and Rhea launched a deep fried starch sliver at you.
“No, that’s all him babe. The least he could do is apologize.”
As if the universe found this whole situation hilarious your phone dinged with a message from a number you didn’t have saved. In French.
*Je suis désolé pour l’autre soir. - D.P.*
“Huh, speak of the devil.”
Rhea sat up and leaned in. “What? Did he text you?”
You nodded and showed her, her pale nose scrunching. “S’that mean?”
“It’s french, says he’s sorry for the other night.”
“He knows you speak French?”
Realizing he’d been listening and paying attention gave you butterflies. “Oui. What should I say?”
She hummed and folded her arms over her chest with a characteristic smirk. “That’s the best he’s got?”
You laughed at her, tempted to ignore the message when another came through.
DP: *Y/N? Is this the right number?*
Rhea barked a laugh. “Impatient much.”
Biting your lip you typed out a reply.
Y/N: *Yeah it’s me. Who helped you with my number and the french?*
DP: *Sami*
Ah, figures. You and the ginger had shared some good conversations at the training center and exchanged numbers when he had offered advice if you ever needed.
DP: *Let me make it up to you after the show tomorrow?*
That caught you by surprise. “Huh.”
“What babe?” Rhea was waiting, tapping a finger impatiently.
“He asked if he could make it up to me. I-I don’t know Rhea. Maybe I should just leave it alone.” Your feelings for Damian had come into sharper focus when you’d danced but it was clear he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt you in the moment. It was hard to admit when you like him so much but you’ve always been one to take things in from as many perspectives as you can. And when something like your hearts at stake you can’t be too careful.
DP: *Please?*
“What’s he’s saying now?”
“Ha, you’re serious? I’ve never heard of him being so nice. And apology *and* a please?” She sucked her teeth and made a funny face. “I’d like you two together I think.”
She snatched your phone before you had a chance to argue. “Hey!”
“Nope!” She dodged and with unfair speed fired off a reply.
Y/N: *Sí*
“I-ugh girl!�� You thew her a glare but she just laughed. “Grow up!”
“Nevah! Now c’mon, we gotta make that meeting for the new tour.” Rhea hopped to her feet and extended a hand, leading you out the door as you stared at your phone.
DP: *Wear something nice, dark blue*
You felt warmth spread through you. Normally you may have taken offense to such a demand but from Damian it made you flutter in all the right places.
The only problem was you didn’t have anything in dark blue.
On the way to the performance center you and Rhea discussed plans to go shopping that afternoon.
“Puerto Rico here we come! Two weeks!” Rhea threw her arms open as soon as you two were clear of the swinging doors. Grabbing your hand she spun you both and the woman was so strong you didn’t have much choice but to let her pull you. “You don’t seem as excited?”
You shrug as you unlocked the car door and she started plugging the mall you’d decided on earlier into the gps.
“It’s just…why me? Don’t get me wrong.” You checked the mirrors and proceeded to start backing out of the space. “I’m thrilled girl but I wasn’t expecting a call up! I’m nervous.”
It had come as a shock when you’re name was read off for the impromptu short tour on the island. Not that you were complaining but now you had more shopping to do. It wasn’t your favorite activity but having Rhea along made it fun.
Thinking about what Damian may like to see you wearing did too. He was from Puerto Rico and this short stop was essentially a celebratory lap for the champ. Which made it all the more interesting you were chosen to go.
“Don’t be, you’d wipe the floor with half the girls and *will* have incredible matches with the rest of us.” She smirked at you while fiddling with the radio. “I’m more worried about finding you something for your *date.*”
You swatted at her for waggling her eyebrows and she laughed.
“It’s not a date!”
“How many times has a man told you to dress up just for an apology? Hmm?”
She had a point. You weren’t fresh out of high school or new to dating but that didn’t mean you’d been generous with your time when it came to the opposite sex. Your dreams had always come first, something that had been an issue in the past. Someone like Damian though…he might be rough around the edges but he would understand your drive and passion unlike your previous relationships. But was that what *he* wanted? There were his reputation and sudden mood swings to consider.
Begrudgingly you agreed with her. “Point taken. You’ve been his friend way longer, what’s he after?”
Rhea hopped out of the car as you slipped it into park, waiting to answer until you were trekking the parking lot. “Really? I don’t know. Normally I don’t hear much about his escapades but…”
“But what?”
“Well, he doesn’t miss your matches and he’s mentioned you a few times.” She took a deep breath and tried to mimic the Puerto Rican’s deep rumble of a voice. “Y/N is just so talented Rhea, and you see how she pulls the crowd in? Hear how they’re screaming for her?”
The dramatics made you laugh as your conversation continued, shifting into discussions of what cut dress and what color shoes would complement the dark blue he’d requested. Your phone buzzed as you two headed for dinner.
DP: *Find something?*
Your heart did a flip but you kept it cool as you responded.
Y/N: *Maybe.*
DP: *Pictures?*
Y/N: *Nope.*
Just because you were into him didn’t mean you were going to roll over at every demand.
DP: *Not even a teaser?*
Y/N: *Patience is a virtue.*
He didn’t know it yet but you were more than worth the wait.
**Damian POV**
Tossing my freshly dry cleaned suit on the bed I checked my phone again, glad I was alone so I didn’t have to hear Rhea of Finn teasing me about it. Still no text from Y/N. I wasn’t used to being in this position, pining over a woman.
There were still several hours before I even needed to be at the arena for my dark match with Jey and I had already knocked out my workout for the day so I allowed myself to flop back onto the bed, mindful of the plastic as I pulled up YouTube. Without thinking I searched up one of Y/N’s latest matches.
I loved to watch her move, the way her hair swung as she walked confidently down the ramp, how her costumes hugged her curves just right…what the hell. Leaning back into the pillows I unbuttoned my jeans while allowing my thoughts to stray, remembering how it had felt to have her back pressed to my front, how I’d had to be careful not to embarrass myself by feeling her up.
Closing my eyes I imagined taking that costume off, my mind filling in the blanks as I pictured her most intimate spots. I wondered where she’d like to be touched and kissed, where was sensitive and where would drive her wild.
Slowly I started to work my hard-on as I imagine capturing her full lips, pulling her in while digging my fingers into her hips. My goddess moaned softly, her own dark hands creating a beautiful contrast against my tan skin as I pictured her running her hands over my torso while lowering onto me.
“Fuck…Y/N…that’s it baby.” Speeding up my motions I pictured her doing so as well, her large breasts moving hypnotically as she rolled her hips. It didn’t take long and I was nearing my release, my balls tightening and hips twitching along with Y/N’s imaginary sighs and whimpers.
In my vision she leaned over me to drop a kiss on my lips before leaning back and crying out my name in ecstasy. I came to the thought, a powerful orgasm ripping through me as I groaned and bucked while saying her name like a mantra. I looked down at myself as my brain slowly came back to reality. “Shit.”
I’ve got it bad. Worse than it’s been in a long time. Swinging my long legs back over the side of the bed I grabbed a gym towel and wiped my abs clean before heading to the shower.
God help her when I *did* get my hands on those thighs, that ass. I’d make her scream for mercy.
The rest of the day went as usual, even if I got more perturbed the longer I went without hearing from her. Old anxieties and insecurities twisted in my gut. What if she’d changed her mind? The signals were there but she was so collected.
The truth was I had become used to women chasing me not the other way around. It felt good.
Hold up. I paused as I hung the suit. Since I’d asked her I’d been thinking of it as a date, as step towards something.
It meant giving her the power to hurt me, something I wasn’t sure I was ready for. The nameless women I’d spent many nights with couldn’t cause the same kind of pain my ex had if I didn’t care.
I could see myself caring about Y/N very much. Probably already too much.
It’s fine. We’re adults right? Maybe have some fun, maybe not, either way I’ll be over it soon.
At least that’s what I told myself through my match. I still hadn’t seen or heard from Y/N and was really starting to wonder if she was going to show.
Jey smacking my arm once we were back in gorilla got my attention.
“S’up with you dawg? You were distracted out there and that ain’t like you.”
“Ah, it’s nothing man…”
He crossed his arms. “Don’t sound like nothin.”
Asshole has become way more attentive and sensitive since he got together with his wife Rori. It was her fault. More than I was annoyed by him actually caring, I was surprised I actually wanted to sit down and talk to him about it.
I shouldn’t need to talk about Y/N and it’s not like I had the time right now anyway but I also knew Jey wouldn’t give it up without being placated somehow.
“I gotta get somewhere right now but I’ll -“
Finally my phone rang and the bearded man before me raised an eyebrow. “Is that your somewhere calling?”
Throwing him a glare I snapped at him as I answered her call. “Tell you later cabron.”
“Excuse me?” The voice on the other end of the line wasn’t thrilled.
“Sorry, not you Y/N. Jey…it doesn’t matter. Where are you?”
Her laughter made my shoulders slump in relief. “Getting ready, just realized you never sent me any details about where to meet you.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling like an idiot. I’d been so determined not to seem overly interested I’d skipped on basic manners. “Ah, I uh-Just meet me at the docks in thirty minutes and we can take my rental.”
With a giggle she disconnected and I took off for the showers for a second time today, shooting the middle finger at the Samoan laughing at me as I did so.
Exactly thirty minutes later found me jogging towards the dock as I pulled my own braids into a tie while trying not to lose my wire rimmed glasses down my nose. Coming to a halt I looked around for a second before Y//N stepped out from a different hall door a few years away.
The remaining air left my lungs in a rush. The knee length navy blue dress was a cold shoulder with long sleeves, covered with glimmering material that made her look like she’d wrapped her body in a starlit night sky. Shining silver heels made her legs appear even longer and her locs, some a complementary blue to her dress, were styled to the side in an elegant sweep, leaving half her neck exposed and showing on the perfectly simple diamond studs her ears. My heart thundered and my mouth watered.
“Damian? You look…” She gave a shy sweep with her hand, indicating my own black suit that had intricate navy blue patterns sewn into the jacket and a very blue undershirt. “Incredible.”
Taking her hand I smiled. “Sere de mí de estarán celosos.” (It’s me they’ll be jealous of.)
Letting me open the door she smiled and shook her head so I clarified. “I am trying to find the right words in English, ‘gorgeous’ isn’t enough.”
Ducking her head she looked so beautiful with that shy smile and glowing cheeks. Knowing she had the heart and drive to match her looks only made her that much more alluring.
We made small talk on the way to the restaurant I’d chosen, discussing the upcoming tour and our friends. Pulling into the parking lot I handed over the keys to the valet as I helped Y/N out of the car.
A few years ago the stares would have made me uncomfortable but tonight I was as too enamored with my company to care. It was undeniable we made an incredible pair. After the wine and food were ordered our conversation deepened, turning to things like faith and childhood. It turns out we were more compatible than I’d imagined as our laughter wound through the air and time stretched on. Hours slid by but it felt like it had only been minutes when Y/N finished a glass of wine and bit her lip, working up the courage for something.
“Damian, I’m having a really good time.”
So was I so I nodded for her to continue.
“But…isn’t this a bit much for an apology? I’m not complaining!” She held up perfectly manicured hands. “I just…I don’t know, I like you but I don’t want to read more into this than there is, ya know?”
I turned my drink glass over in my hand, the glass so fragile I had to be careful not to grip too tightly, too intensely or I’d break it. It felt like a good metaphor for the power my words had in the moment. The power I’d possibly be giving her. I
“I’m sorry, that was rude…I’ve had more wine than usual.” I realized I was taking too long to respond.
“No, it’s fair.” I sighed. “I’d like to spend more time with you.” The rest seemed to catch in my throat and I couldn’t force it out.
As if she understood she nodded and smiled gently. “I’d like that too. Friends?”
I didn’t fully grasp how she seemed to know what the right thing to say was but I appreciated it all the same.
“For now.”
Our trip back to the hotel was spent mostly in a content silence. Giving in I reached for her hand, enjoying the strength I found in it as she curled her fingers around mine. Excepting when we exited the car I didn’t let go, even when we stood in front of her door.
I’d told myself I wouldn’t push it anymore tonight. That I’d said and done enough.
But standing there with her in the soft yellow light of the hotel hallway I felt the spell she had me under deepen. Before I could talk myself out of it I pulled her close, wrapping an arm around her waist as she gasped, hands planting on my shoulders to steady herself. Not giving her a chance to pull away pressed my lips to hers.
Warmth spread through me, a better feeling than any shot of liquor. Her body melded to mine, soft and sweet as she responded, letting me in with a soft moan. Pressing her into the wall I let my hands wander down her side as our tongues got to know each other. It wasn’t until my hand made it to her bottom and gave a squeeze that she offered resistance, pulling away as her hand grabbed my wrist.
“Woah there big guy.” Stepping to the side she collected herself better than I could and moved into her room. Throwing a smile over her shoulder she waved before letting the door fall shut behind her. “Good night Damian.”
I stood there smiling like a fool for a few minutes before collecting myself.
“Good night Y/N.”
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lawqual1ty · 10 months
Just my luck (Trafalgar Law x Gn! Reader)
This idea has been in the back of my head for a while and I decided to share it! Anyway hope you enjoy
Pov: you accidentally enter at a wrong time
Warning: sort of nsfw? Mention of medical stuff for a bit, late night studies, cursing And that's mainly it? If you feel uncomfortable please stop reading!
"What the fuck is this...?" You cursed under your breath, clearly confused at the text you were looking at.
You had been awake for what felt like forever, you couldn't really tell the time thanks to the fact you were under water in the Polar Tang... So time was no longer really a concept, but if your tiredness was anything to go by it was definitely night time.
You sighed deeply as you looked at the medicine book on your table, you had been trying your best to learn more medical topics to help your captain and crewmates out... But everyone knows medicine isn't an easy topic, so you were definitely struggling. Your brain hurt, it was as if nothing had stuck to you... It was concerning.
"Should I...?"
An idea spurred in your brain, maybe you could ask for someone's aid... After all they were all professionals... The problem is well, they were fast asleep... Except for one...
You quickly stood up from your chair with book in hand as a certain dark haired male with eyebags appeared in your brain... Bit as quickly as you stood up you quickly froze...
Was it really a good idea bothering him? He usually was quite moody and you didn't want to risk it
"oh fuck it... I can't waste more brain cells..."
You finally made up your mind as you walked through the halls with a confident step
You slowly made your way through the cold and quiet halls of the Polar Tang, hugging the medicine book as you tried your best to keep calm, the further you walked through the more you started to hear a strange noise, like a harsh breathing... You shrugged it off as the idea of Shachi snoring.
You took a quick look at the book you held as you made a turn to where Law's personal room was hoping he was there still awake.
And trust me... He was...
You knocked softly at the door before opening it softly "Hey captain do you think you can help--"
You cut yourself short at the sight in front of you... Your eyes widened as you took in what was in front of you, a bright blush crawling its way up to your cheeks.
He was naked from the waist down, his dick on his hand as he sat on the bed, he was breathing heavily as he played with himself, his dick pretty hard as it swayed in between his inked fingers
"Ah... Ah! Y/N-ya~!"
With that loud moan he reached his climax... His words made you snap back to reality as you quickly hid behind the wall next to the entrance, covering your mouth with your hands, trying not to let out any noise and praying to Roger that he had not noticed that you just saw how he jerked off to you...
All hope was shut off as you heard a soft chuckle coming from Law's room, it made you shiver
"I know you heard me Y/N-ya~"
You cursed in your mind, your heart beating rapidly as you tried to make yourself invisible
"You're insufferable... Room"
With the sound of his husky voice you suddenly notice a blue glow spreading across the entirety of your sight... There was no way you were escaping this now...
Before you could blink you found yourself inside Law's room, your legs surrounding Law's thighs as you sat on his lap. You let out a soft moan as you felt his dick stroke you... The thin fabric of your pajamas not offering much protection against his veiny and now very hard dick, he smirked at your reaction
"You really thought you could escape from me~?"
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