#but here are the squiblings
angelwingtrap · 4 months
Speaking as an older sister.... asha SHOULD get to kill ramsay mhmm. That last scene in her adwd ch destroys me every time
Yess erghhh it makes me want to gnaw on a weirwood. And uh can I get a lil wild and ramble? So the series will probably end with the bittersweet “everything has been decimated and now we will pick up the pieces” thing. Asha and Theon’s stories are already a microcosm of that. They’ve both been put through the meat grinder and are figuring out what to do next. Killing Ramsay would give some much needed finality to this transitional period in their lives. I’m picturing Asha, when the fighting is done, seeing Ramsay dead and thinking: “this, at least, is over.”
Asha’s story is about dismantling the cycle of violence that has plagued her people for centuries, and yknow tackling how the selfish desires of men born out of desperation perpetuate war and death. She HAS to put an end to the violence between the Iron Islands and north. They’ll need each other come the wintertime. (But Asha has to accept the burden of her people’s crimes, and cannot outrun responsibility to have adventures. She must confront her own ignorance and selfish ambitions to save her people.) Theon is similarity tasked with disrupting the person-to-person cycle of violence and abuse that stems from the Greyjoy’s history. Ramsay is the sort of boogey-man that encapsulates everything in Theon’s life that led him to taking Winterfell. (The abuses he inflicts on Theon are VERY pointedly references to his previous life experiences imo!!!)
Asha has been reflecting in ADWD on how broken and beaten her family has become, she thinks her brother is lost for good. When they reunite, Theon is very much so still in Ramsay’s clutches mentally. Asha can do very little for her brother, or her family. She feels utterly powerless. But killing Ramsay? She can at least try. She isn’t afraid to die, but she isn’t ready to die for just anything. She truly wants to do something right in her life. (A post I made abt her logic behind requesting Theon be given to the tree here) Taking the north only caused more pain and loss, it didn’t bring her people a new age of glory. “Killing” Bran and Rickon did nothing to heal Alannys’s sorrows over Maron and Rodrik, just passed them to Catelyn. (See: Ellaria Sand’s monologue about “where does it end?”) but I think this is one death that truly could end so much suffering.
Okay I don’t know if this was coherent at all but I have so many squeelings (squid feelings) about the squiblings (squid siblings)
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edward-hydes-letters · 10 months
I am Mr. Edward Hyde! The rot in your souls, the darkness crawling within your minds, the spirit of London at night!
I was told by my associates that I had some letters from all my adoring fans addressed to me, that the people of London would love for me to answer some questions! Now I normally wouldn’t give any of you the time of day, but since you all love me so much I’d be happy to oblige!
So ask! Ask away!
-Mr. Edward Hyde
(The pinned tags! I suggest reading them in chronological order from top to bottom-
Plot Thread: Poison the Squible — Hyde gets a hit to poison a person named ‘Squibleton’.
Plot Thread: Tickle the Hyde — Hyde gets ambushed with a tickle attack, then gets his revenge when Jekyll is ambushed as well.
Plot Thread: A Talk with Lanyon (and Ito) — Lanyon has found a way to contact Hyde, and it goes as well as expected. Ito knows the secret and is here to console, but what happens when Lanyon is persistent? (This tag starts after Tickle the Hyde, stops for a bit, then picks back up after Can They Purr.)
Plot Thread: A Talk with Ito 2 - Electric Boogaloo — A conversation that branches off from the last tag, and somehow morphs into Pot vs Kettle.
Plot Thread: Can They Purr? — When Hyde is asked if he can purr, the tables turn on Jekyll when he’s asked the same.
Plot Thread: The Chase — It seems Countess Camilla has found Hyde…
Plot Thread: Face the Music — Hyde gets asked about his musical preferences.
Plot Thread: To the Countryside — Lanyon takes Jekyll (and by extension Hyde) out to the country. What could they be up to?
The Paul Chronicles — Paul has found Jekyll and Hyde. Nobody is happy with this.
Plot Thread: Leggington Comes to Town — A Leggy Leggington keeps sending Hyde little trinkets! What gift could he receive next?
Plot Thread: The Glass Shards of a Broken Mirror— Hyde mentions someone named Zenith in one of his letters, and this leads to a discussion about the other residents living in Jekyll’s mind.
Lore — The only tag that jumps around the timeline. Just my general headcanons about how Jekyll and Hyde function, and the early days after that first night.)
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shadowspirez · 1 year
I didn't know who to ask this but here we are:
if we went over Squildren, do you think the SQUIP has Squarents or Squiblings?
since they are computers they couldn't have parents (unless the person that codes them is the squarent?), and either none of them are related, or all SQUIPs are technically squiblings
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Splatoon OC. Here come the siblings!
Lydia, Tierra, Dakota, Millie, and Terry! Terry is actually the youngest out of all of them. Tierra appears in Splatoon 3!
*(More info about Terry’s family and each squibling under the cut!)
NOTE: The ages are as of Splatoon 3!
Family background:
Terry is the youngest of a family of five siblings. They have a mother named Paisley (60 years old) and a deceased father named Cassidy (should have been 65 years old).
They seem rather tight-knit. The eldest Lydia lives with her husband but pays a weekly visit to their family. Tierra and Terry live far away, but keep in constant communication. Dakota and Millie still live with their mum Paisley to keep her company.
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LYDIA (aka Brandy)
Lydia is the eldest sister.
As of splat3 she's already 35, happily married to her husband Austin with two kids. She's the tallest of the siblings, with or without her heels (around 6'0" with no heels). She likely got this from the father's side of the family.
She is a lady of few words, but these few words carry so much weight and meaning. This authority makes her well-respected, and Terry sees her more like a second mum than an older sister!
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Tierra is the second eldest at 30.
She's single by choice and an elementary teacher in Splatsville. Compared to Lydia, she seems to uphold conversations better and hold an air of both seniority and approachability.
She tends to be motherly in most groups she gets into. Unlike terry, she's mature and independent. Terry seems to look up at her a lot and even moved out earlier than expected because he was inspired by her adventures!
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Dakota is 26 years old and is Millie’s twin! He is in charge of the family business accounting. A shy soul, he often keeps to himself and his books. He loves to be in peaceful spaces, like meadows and cafes. Romantic, he often admiring the beauty of the world.
He is currently engaged to the town barista! They met during one of his seahorse riding in the meadows.
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Millie is 26 years old, like her twin Dakota! She is in charge of the family business’ public relations and advertising. A sweetheart, there isn't a soul in town who hasn't heard of her! She's makes connections easily and makes sure their business retains its patrons.
She seems to have no interest starting a family of her own, she's devoted to current family esp after their pa passed away.
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Terry is the youngest of the five siblings at 25 years old! But even so, he's the second tallest of all of them, and the most well-built as he takes care of the more physical aspects of the farm like lifting, herding, etc.
Among all of them, he seems to be the most gentle AND cordial. Inspired by Tierra moving out, he did so as well and unexpectedly became Agent 4!
However he's very attached to family that he tends to get homesick, and was the most affected with their pa's death among the siblings. He's also the closest to his own seahorse, Seashore!
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fugin-herb-cookie · 3 years
anyways JFJFGDGFDH herb introduce the free orphan u found
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CIII: AH RIGHT… *ahem*… I’m Custard Cookie III! I’m gonna become the king of… some place! Maybe not here!!!
Sparkling: well duh this is a bar. Anyways… do you need a place to stay?
CIII: …yeah
S: well, you shouldn’t just blindly trust strangers, but it doesn’t seem like you have much of a choice. Don’t worry, we won’t hurt you. He can stay with me for the night and we can try to figure something out in the morning. Maybe he could be friends with my little squibling.
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dwn015-16 · 5 years
(( Saw a wild squibling, face claim? ))
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“Yup that’s me the owner here, or the “mun” as the internet is keen to call my type.”
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“I prefer to call him the yellow idiot, you can too.”
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“You really are the worst.”
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“...I think the person who created you was colorblind...”
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“....If the censor wasn’t here. I’d flip you off.”
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direful · 6 years
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this is so halfassed but i can’t get it outta my head so here - postcanon squiblings (squid siblings) content bc grrm pls give me good greyjoy content. pls.
asha’s gotta brush up on ironborn law if she’s gonna be queen (and you KNOW she’s gonna be queen), and theon really needs to fuckin sleep. so, seems like she could just study aloud?
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anxietylord · 7 years
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Yesterday was sibling day or something, I'm not in touch with any of my blood ones, but here's a pic of me and my Squibling baby queer that I sort of just decided one day was my person his name is jack
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fugin-herb-cookie · 3 years
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M: YAM!!! HI! Where were you?!
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M: BABYSITTING?! :D OH THAT SOUNDS GREAT!!! I- wasn’t expecting THAT to be the kind of work we would do when we got here, BUT IT’S STILL A GOOD DEED!
PY: yeah, don’t worry, the CHILD is FINE.
M: you did a good job?? THAT’S GREAT!!! :D I’m so happy for you!!! I knew you could be good at stuff like this!
PY: well it was my FRIEND’S LITTLE SQUIBLING so I couldn’t mess it UP
M: I don’t know what that means!!! :D
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fugin-herb-cookie · 5 years
Okay for 150 followers (crazy I know) I’m gonna do somethin real simple I’m gonna list the characters on this blog and what I had originally planned for them
The description for what I had planned for their character will be really brief and may or may not still be accurate. Idk. Here we go:
Herb - crazy weirdo
Matcha - crazy weirdo but less coherent
Hero - rational childhood friend
Sparkling - freaky. Like how Herb is called fugin herb, sparkling is called cursed sparkling
Dark Enchantress - evil aunt who doesn’t care
Pomegranate - hiss at everyone who gets near DE
Dark Choco - romance interest who is not interested
Whipped Cream - crazy love triangle
Cherry Blossom - based off mythological creature
Cherry - reverse of her sister
Rockstar - fuged herb in highschool
Fire Spirit - wants to fug herb
Squid Ink - squibling to sparkling
Space Donut - Squid Ink’s friend
Gumball - Squid Ink’s friend
Mint Choco - DC’s brother, DC’s inspiration
Moonlight - I Didn’t Fugin Plan This
Devil - I Didn’t Fugin Plan This One Either Except Moreso Than Moonlight
Wizard - romance interest (edit: yes for another kid cookie)
Cinnamon - Definitely Has Major Abandonment Issues And Chaotic Energy
Carrot - spoilers so I won’t say yet
Beet - monster hunter thanks to Carrot
Millennial Tree - hey poppy what if you DIDNT hc MT to be abusive for once? Except maybe a little cuz this blog is edgy?
Kiwi - romance interest
Wind Archer - baby boy baby
Princess - spoilers so I won’t say but it’s hella hilarious
Tiger Lily - Done With Princess’s Shiz
Fairy - ex
Vampire - who’s gonna take care of Cherry?
Alchemist - somebody has to watch Vampire.
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