#but he also played with Ginger Baker
waugh-bao · 2 years
Journalist: Well, what do vou think about what some of your contemporaries have done? I mean, what's your sense about the Stones?
Peter Townshend: They're my favorite band, so whatever they do, I'm a fan. I occasionally take the mickey out of Mick, but nobody takes the mickey out of Keith Richards and gets away with it. And I love Charlie - he's one of the great, great drummers.
Eric Clapton said to me: ‘You know, it's so great that the Stones went out on the road with Steel Wheels, because Charlie has never been better. He's playing the shit out of the band.’
(Rolling Stone Magazine, 1993)
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axelsagewrites · 2 years
Lemon Cakes and Other Gifts
Pairing: Aemond x F!Strong!Reader
Summary: Someone has been leaving Princess Helena’s lady in waiting gifts in her chamber and Helena and (Y/N) struggle to figure out who until (Y/N) catches him lemon cake handed.
TW: none
Word Count: 1959
Part one. Part two is up and linked at the bottom.
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Masterlist Here
There were few comforts at court since your father and brother died. You still technically had Larys but while he was your ward you had never been close with your older brother. At least not as close as you had been to Harwin. You were so much younger than the pair that Larys was often bored of your presence, but Harwin had loved it. he loved having a little sibling to play with and take care of. He taught you how to fight with a stick then a wooden sword then eventually, without telling your father, a real one. Larys wasn’t mean or cruel he just…didn’t care. So you were surprised he decided to keep you with him at court when your father and brother died. You expected to be sent back to Harrenhall. Instead, you stayed at court and became Helena’s official lady in waiting. You had always been friends before this, being raised side by side in court due to your father being the king's hand, so all your duties were basically just doing what you usually did. You would read with her, talk, take walks, do her hair, and listen to her dreams. But Larys seemed happy with the ‘upgrade’. Being so close with Helena meant being close to her brothers. While Aegon and you knew each other you rarely spoke though when you did it was often him asking for milk of the poppy for his hangovers. Aemond talked to you more often however still not a lot. Occasionally you would have dinner with his sister and him, and sometimes the rest of the Targaryen Hightower as well. He would talk about all things polite and expected but you would often catch him looking at you.
When you walked the halls with Helena you couldn’t tell if he was watching you or his sisters. However, even when Helena was not around you could swear you saw him glancing. You never had the nerve to glance back more than once. Sometimes if you were brave twice. It was hard not to stare but somehow you managed. After a long day at court of fake smiling and making connections that made you nauseous, you returned to your chambers to find a plate of lemon cakes sitting on the table by your window. You couldn’t help but smile as you relaxed with your treats by the window, watching the sunset. You didn’t even question who had left them. Then the next day arrived, and you found more treats in your room. A plate of iced currant cakes sat in the same spot the lemon cakes had. The day after that it was spiced cake. After that, it was gingered brie tart then cheesecake then strawberry pudding on the 7th day. Each day you grew more suspicious that the kitchen didn’t just feel like being nice to you. You had asked a servant who often attended your chambers but she said she didn’t know. Who had been coming into your room to leave treats? Then it made sense. “Helena,” You smiled as you jogged to catch up to her and take her arm. “(Y/N)! you look happier than usual,” she said, linking her arm with yours as you began to walk together. “Would you like to join me in the gardens?” “I would love to,” You beamed, “Also I wanted to say thank you. The cakes were so sweet, but you really didn’t need to,” Helena’s face scrunched up “what cakes? Though im glad they’re making you happy. If I knew that’s all it took I would’ve hired a personal baker,” “The cakes? The ones I’ve been finding in my room every night,” You stopped walking and Helena turned to look at you “It’s not been you leaving them?” “I haven’t the foggiest idea what you’re talking about,” After filling her in on all the details you finally arrived at the gardens. You sat together on the grass by a large yew tree on the edge of the garden. “That’s so strange,” she said, “but im more worried about what stranger is going into your room. Unless the servant girl was lying and does know,” “But why would she lie? Who wouldn’t want me to know they’re a nice person?” you said. Suddenly Helena's smile took over her face, “You must have a secret admirer. Oh (Y/N) this is so adorable. Some starry-eyed lover is leaving you cakes!” You laughed as she took your hands, “Helena that doesn’t change me not knowing who’s been going in my room,” As you both laughed and talked together, speculating who it may be, you saw Aemond walk past, and your eyes felt glued to him however when you saw him walking over to you both you tore your eyes away. “Sister. (Y/N). you both seem very giggly today. Should I be scared?” he asked, raising an eyebrow, Before you could stop her Helena already started “(Y/N) has a secret admirer. Someone has been leaving her cakes in her room for the past week. We’re trying to think who it could be. Have you heard anything,” you felt your cheeks grow redder as she spoke. A smirk began to ghost Aemond’s face, “I can’t say I have but I will be sure to keep an ear out. Are there any suspects in particular?” “Not yet,” Helena said, “but im dying to find out who. I wonder what they’ll leave you tomorrow,” “Well if they keep leaving cakes my teeth may fall out,” you joked. Aemond’s smirk disappeared but you couldn’t tell why. He was probably getting bored of your conversation, “then again id be happy with anything he left me. It’s just nice to be appreciated,” Aemond smiled “I understand. I’ll let you girls know if I hear anything. Goodbye sister. (Y/N).”
Later that night you returned to your chambers and went to check what treat you received this time only to find a book instead. Maybe your admirer had realised the effects of eating so many sweets. From that night your gifts started to vary far more. You found books, flowers, fruits, honey, perfume, wine, and still the occasional sweet treat. After a full month of these gifts, you were desperate to find out who had been leaving them. The servants insisted they had no knowledge, and you didn’t like to try intimidating them. By this point, Aegon had also found out and took to teasing you about who it could be. You just hoped it didn’t get back to your brother. Usually, you didn’t head back to your chambers till after yours and Helena's usual dinner at 7 however her son had spat up on you halfway through and you needed to return to change. As you walked down the corridor from Helena’s room to your own you attempted to wipe the stain away with a rag. You were so preoccupied you didn’t even see Aemond until you had already knocked into him. “Im so sorry my prince I- “ “It’s okay,” You looked up and watched as his face went red, “I was just leaving. Goodnight,” You watched as Aemond rushed down the corridors and disappeared down the stairs. He had rushed off before he went to either his mother's or Helena’s chambers, only Helena’s children’s chambers and your own and there were in this corridor. You couldn’t help but wonder what happened. Maybe the smell of the baby's spit had grossed him out. You couldn’t tell. Eventually, you turned and headed to your own chambers to change. After a struggle of trying to get your dress on and your nightgown on did you even think to check the table by the window. You walked over to the table and found a velvet box which you opened to reveal a gold chain necklace with a flower pendant. You smiled as your fingers traced the flower and carefully took it from its box. The chain felt so delicate against your skin. After putting it on you sat by the window, watching over the courtyard with one hand on the necklace. You looked down to see Aemond walking across the courtyard. He stopped and turned for a second and he looked up at your room. You smiled and used your free hand to wave. For once you didn’t feel afraid to look at him. You couldn’t tell if he smiled back but he waved back and continued walking.
The next day you showed Helena the necklace and she gushed over it. she insisted it meant he was getting more serious, and he’d show his face soon. You weren’t so sure, but you couldn’t help feeling excited. A few days passed and you headed to Helena’s chamber to have your usual dinner when you found out she was ill. She insisted it was nothing and you would have dinner the next night but she was just tired. You kissed her forehead and wished her well and returned to your own room to have dinner there. You opened the door to your chambers and went to walk to your bed when you heard something smash and your head snapped to where the table by the window was. “Aemond?” you asked as he frantically tried to pick up the broken plate and now ruined lemon cakes. “Are you okay?” “Im fine im sorry I just knocked this over im sorry,” “Hey, it’s okay,” you said as you walked over and crouched beside him, gently taking the pieces out of his hands, and sitting them on the table, “Its only lemon cake,” Aemond nodded his head and finally stood up but wouldn’t look at you, instead staring at the floor. You placed a hand on his shoulder, “Are you okay?” “I’m fine,” he mumbled, eyes still glued to the floor, “I’ll leave you be. Goodnight (Y/N),” As Aemond quickly walked to the door you looked at the plate and then to him, “Did you leave these here?” Aemond froze. You had never seen him lost for words. He was quite sure. But he was quiet by choice. He always had a response for everything. But now he stood in the middle of your room silent as a ghost and almost as pale as one. “What are you doing in my room Aemond?” you pressed, walking towards him. “Are you the one that’s been leaving me all these gifts?” You walked in front of the prince, forcing him to look at you. “And if I have?” he asked. “Would you be mad?” “Why would I be mad?” you smiled. “I don’t know,” He whispered as he looked down again. You smiled, taking a step closer, “Well if it had been you, I would need to say thank you. Then id need to try make up for all the gifts you gave me,” Aemond eyes darted up to look at you. A smile finally started to come across his face. “How would you make it up to me? If I had of course,” “Well, if you had,” you said taking another step closure, only being a few inches apart, “I might just have to kiss you,” Aemond waited no more time and closed the gap. He grabbed your waist and brought you in to kiss you. Your hands went to his chest to try to steady yourself which only seemed to make the kiss get deeper. Eventually, you had to pull away for air and you rested your forehead on his. “I’ll need to get you more lemon cakes,” Aemond said as he grinned down at you. You couldn’t stop the smile on your face, “I can think of something I want more than cakes right now,” you said as you pulled him back in for another kiss.
Part two here
A/N: First time writing for GOT/HOTD and spell check hates their names. It’s also my first time in 3 years writing fanfic again so it was fun.
Very tempted to make a part 2 because the thing that inspired this didnt even make it in the story
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inkwolvesandcoffee · 1 year
Breakfast in Margate (Alfie Solomons x Reader)
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Modern AU
Pairing: Alfie Solomons x Fem!Reader
Word count: 3.2K
Warnings: A grumpy Papa Solomons (yes, that is a warning) and a whole lot of tooth-rotting domestic fluff
Mornings aren’t always easy. For example, it’s terribly difficult to not be caught making breakfast for your fiancé, a workaholic who always takes the task upon himself.
However, what makes it harder today is the fact he loathes food made with recipes found online. Fortunately for you, though, Alfie isn’t the only one who’s good at playing games when he wants to push his own agenda.
Especially those that concern a sweet reward.
Author’s note: I've kept Alfie's adherence to his Jewish heritage quite loose. Nevertheless, I hope that the aspects I did incorporate in this work have been done so properly. If not, let me know and please don't hesitate to educate me (in a polite and respectful manner) because I love learning about different cultures and religions.
Tag List: @potter-solomons @zablife @wandawiccan60 @dreamlandcreations @liliac-dreamer @buttercupsandboys @vir-tual @rose-like-the-phoenix @hoodeddreams13 @mollybegger-blog @solomons-finest-rum @hecatemoon87 @babaohhhriley
TH Masterlist
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Mornings like this are rare, these quiet moments unbroken by the usual ruckus in the kitchen. Now, it’s solely my bare feet on the wooden floor and the waves crashing onto the shore. No clanging of metal, no muttered curses in Yiddish or Russian, nor the scent of freshly brewed coffee. 
In the living room, Cyril lays in front of the hearth. The first rays of sunshine fall over him like a warm natural blanket, highlighting the ginger undertone in his fur. One of the many features he shares with his owner. 
As soon as I pass by, he lifts his head, tilts it in wonder, and lets out a low bark. After all, it’s Alfie who’s more often than not the first one to wander around the house at the crack of dawn. That is, if he’s slept at all. However, recently he’s started properly adhering to the Shabbat. Although, as much as he allows himself to because if Alfie Solomons is one thing, it’s mighty stubborn. Moreover, he’s an incurable workaholic. As hard as he works at The Old Rum House Bakery to let the business flourish and maintain his position as the fearsome Mad Baker of Camden, just as much effort does he put into our relationship. In fact, it’s not only towards Cyril and I his attention goes, but also to the house.
Our home.
Alfie has become a lot more domestic since we started dating, shortly after meeting one another on a train to London. Disregarding his tendency to walk around naked, he cooks and cleans, assuring me time and again I don’t have to help. When we go out for our weekly grocery trip, no matter how tired he is, he carries the bags to the car so that I don’t have to. Neither do I have to put away what we got, more often than not shipped off to the luxurious red sofa in the living room with a cup of coffee or tea to pair with whatever he’s baked at night. 
Nevertheless, regardless of the otherwise very loose relationship with his heritage, Ollie and I are glad he’s at least taking a day off in the week to rest up. The bakery has recently started taking its toll thanks to an influx in customers, which means extra stock as well as staff is needed. In turn, this means more part-timers to train and more admin work. In other words, everyone has to pick up the pace to meet the current demand. Such is the power of marketing, especially on social media. Alfie is loath to admit it, but Ollie and I can tell he’s secretly grateful we managed to convince him to let us handle the bakery’s socials.
We don’t get cinnamon buns on Monday anymore, though.
I stop in my tracks, turn to Cyril, and put a finger to my lips. “I know, love, but Papa is still sleeping. It’s finally Mama’s turn to make breakfast again.”
Seldom do I get the chance to experiment in the kitchen, let alone try a recipe I’ve found online. Or worse, via Youtube or Instagram. Now, that’s usually enough to make Alfie bristle. Nevertheless, mention the word ‘viral’ and a scowl will twist his lips.
Sometimes I wonder whether or not Alfie and Cyril are the same person because he lowers his head onto his paws and lets out a deep sigh that sounds like sarcastic resignation.
Thanks for the faith, buddy.
“It’s gonna be okay. No fire in the pan this time, I promise. How about we go stretch our legs after brekkie, hm? That sound good?”
Cyril huffs in agreement and closes his eyes, back to enjoying his luxurious pillow. 
We bought it for him when we went antique shop hopping in London last week. Although, perhaps it’s better to say I bought it after convincing my grumpy companion we should occasionally pamper our adopted four-legged child and I couldn’t fix his old pillow anymore. Of course I could, but I was more than done with constantly needing to fix the seams and re-stuff the thing.
Borough Market has become a regular stop on our weekly grocery trip, mostly because I used the splendidly efficient strategy of batting my lashes and pouting. Artisan goods and fresh produce can be luxuries, something to only occasionally splurge on. After all, why spend a fortune when there is a cheaper alternative that’s just as good? 
Nonetheless, Alfie developed a taste for supporting local businesses soon after our first visit. To some he has proposed contracts, offering them a position as a supplier to his bakery. Granted their goods are kosher, of course.
Yesterday, we got some wonderful fresh bright yellow bananas, eggs from a local farm, and oat flour from a mill a little ways away from London. Alfie thought little of it when I plonked them triumphantly in our grocery bag, having occupied himself with the fresh stock one of the florists was setting out. I glance at the colourful bouquet of wildflowers on the table and for a moment I’m back to him holding out to me, face full of the warm tenderness that stands in stark contrast to the stern and unpredictable persona he portrays when I’m not there. 
Right then and there, he wasn’t The Mad Baker of Camden, the fearsome King who rules the borough.
He was a sweet and caring gentleman.
Simply Alfie Solomons.
Nevertheless, in spite of these small moments of tenderness, he can still be awfully grumpy.
Especially if he hasn’t had his coffee.
“Mornin’, dove.” Two big warm hands glide over my hips towards my lower stomach. Those very same palms pull me flush against a naked chest grown soft with neglected muscle, slightly clammy with the remainder of last night’s late summer heat. Alfie presses his lips to the side of my neck and hums, tightening the embrace as he does so. The sonorous trill in his voice sends a shiver down my spine and rekindles a familiar heat. Nonetheless, the way he leans on me betrays he isn’t entirely awake yet. The slight slur in his words serve to confirm the lingering drowsiness, sounding like they’ve been pulled out of bed only moments before too. “That shirt looks good on you.”
“I’m glad you think so because you’re not getting it back any time soon.” I briefly stop mixing the batter to scratch his beard. He closes his eyes and leans into the touch as a content sigh escapes him. “You slept in.”
“Still woke up to an empty spot, though. If you want me to sleep more, yeah, which you know I find a terrible waste of time, I’ll need my wife to ‘old.”
I pat his hands to placate him. The thin gold band inlaid with a modest diamond around my ring finger matches his. I had thought Alfie would pick something elaborate for himself, but instead he chose a simple thick gold ring and got it engraved. It says: Ani l’dodi, v’dodi li; I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine. “Don’t get hasty. We aren’t married yet.”
“Let’s just go to the courthouse today.’’ He slips his hands beneath the fabric of the shirt I stole from him, letting them rest on my stomach after a brief caress. It’s a gesture he often makes nowadays. ‘‘Sign the paper, right, and be done with it so the desk eaters are ‘appy. We can always celebrate it later. Throw a party as big as the whole of bloody Camden, like a proper coronation ceremony to celebrate our union.”
“Tempting as it is, I’ll have to refuse. Besides, it's Shabbat today and you need to take a break. I promise I can wait a little while longer to officially become Mrs Solomons.”
“You ‘ave been from the start, Y/N. I don’t need a ring to call you my wife. ‘Sides, you well know ‘ow I am. Which reminds me, breakfast is my job, innit?” A wary tone creeps into his voice as he leans away to check what’s in the mixing bowl. “Is that edible?”
“It will be,” I say, continuing to mix the ingredients until they’re well combined.
“I’m not eatin’ that goo. Looks fucking awful, that stuff.”
“It’s healthy goo! Uses the bananas, eggs, and flour we got yesterday.”
Nose scrunched, Alfie peers at me. “Oh, so yesterday was all a little scam to get me to eat whatever this is?”
“You aren’t the only one who can lie. Although, it’s not really a lie, is it? More like a half-truth.’’ I shrug. ‘‘I simply never told you my plan. Would ruin the surprise.”
“Which is?”
“Baked oats that taste like cake. They just haven’t been baked yet.”
“Where’d you get the recipe?”
He groans, wide awake now that the conversation has taken a turn towards a point of absolute irritation. “Fucking ‘ell, dove, ‘ow many times ‘aven’t I told you not every recipe on social media-’’
“Don’t judge before you’ve tried it.” I put the spatula down, turn around in his embrace and steal a kiss off of his lips. “Said so yourself, didn’t you?”
“Don’t use my words against me.”
“Oh, I will. If only to keep things fair. Have a little faith in me. It’ll be fine.”
I hope.
A warning finger raised and pointed at me, he leans in until our faces are mere inches apart. “Fine. But I’m gonna make us coffee, right, so we’ll at least ‘ave something to get us fucking started.”
I can’t suppress a chuckle at the grumpy gesture. “Sure.”
The threat turns into tenderness when he cups my cheek. His palm has grown rough with the hours spent at the bakery, proof of his hard work. Tenderly, he presses his lips to mine. “Ikh hab dir lib.”
“I know.” To show I accept his usual indirect apology for his bad mood and avoid coming across as being cross with me, I run my fingers along his jaw. “I love you too.”
Resting his forehead against mine, he nudges my nose with his. “Mhm.”
“Why don’t you take Cyril for a brief walk, eh? The oats have to bake for twenty-five minutes anyway.”
“We can take ‘im on a walk later together. I’ll go set the table.”
“First put on a pair of knickers.”
“You know the rules, Alfie. No buns on the chairs during summer.”
“I ain’t sweating.”
“Not yet.”
“Maybe you’re the one who isn’t.”
I cock an eyebrow, fighting the smug smirk threatening to break out. “That so?”
“Yeah,” he drawls, “first we’ll ‘ave coffee, right, ‘cause otherwise neither of us functions. Now, ‘ow about after we’ve started the day proper I’ll fuck you like last night, hm?”
Until I black out. 
The prospect of it mixes with memories of last night. Sea blue eyes, usually so steady and full of hidden temperaments, barely able to refrain from going cross-eyed. The fight with the stutter in his hips, gradually growing closer to the edge of pleasure but also exhaustion. Big hands reminiscent of wolf paws gripping the headboard for support while I was already lost in a satisfied delirium. The absent-minded glance to the bruises on my thighs adds to the steadily growing heat between my legs, perversely longing for more.
For him.
Nevertheless, the haze clears in an instant with a single sharp thought. I take a step back, crossing my arms as I search his expression for confirmation. However, as usually is the case, Alfie keeps his true motifs to himself. And this time, behind a mask he tends to put on when he wants something from me in particular. “So you can make breakfast. That’s what you’re getting at, aren’t you?”
“No,” he purrs, stealing a kiss as soon as he has bridged the distance between us, “not at all, dove. I just want my wife. I wanna make love to you.” We softly start to sway, slowly making our way out of the kitchen. “Let me make love to you.”
We come to a halt on the threshold. “Later. After you put on a pair of knickers and we’ve eaten.”
He blinks, the cheeky smile grown stiff. I can feel his muscles tense, unconsciously causing him to grip me a bit tighter than before. “But-’’
“Knickers, Alfie.”
“One round.”
“Alfred Solomons Jr, knickers. Right now.”
The use of his full name provokes a menacing snarl, the kind which is usually preserved for those who cross him. “Those oats better be fucking worth it, yeah, ‘cause otherwise you’re payin’ for lunch.”
I trace his cock, the skin hot and hardening beneath my fingertips with every sharp intake of breath. Perhaps this game won’t go on for as long as it usually does before he loses control. “Somehow I don’t think I will.”
He roughly grips my face, the thrill of every low-voiced word against my lips travelling throughout my body. “I ought to do somethin’ ‘bout that attitude of yours. Big fucks small, Y/N, always.”
Game over.
Except for the one card I have left to play.
“I know,” I wrap my hand around him, barely able to grip him properly, “but first some knickers. Please, Papa?”
“Clever bird, ain’t ya?” He growls into the kiss when I lightly squeeze him and let go. “Maybe I should carry out my own personal form of stigmata later. Add to those pretty bruises.”
Like snow in the spring sun, his attitude melts and changes. Alfie gently nudges my cheek and makes for the bedroom. A few moments later, he returns and starts setting the table while I pour the batter in the ramekins and plop them in the oven.
Despite the promise to make coffee, I reach for the cupboard to grab a mug. After all, old habits die hard.
Nevertheless, I find myself cut off by a hand that gently lowers mine, away from the handle.
“I said I’ll make us coffee,” Alfie grumbles. “Let Papa Solomons do ‘is job, yeah. Go sit in the livin’ room. I’ll be there shortly.”
I nod at the baking aftermath in the sink. “I got some washing up to do.”
“Nah, that can wait. Coffee and, ‘opefully, food first.” He places his hands on my shoulders and kindly coerces me out of the kitchen. “Go on.”
I let him guide me, feigning defiance by pouting. Yet, the act quickly falls apart with a lighthearted giggle. I suppose I still have a lot to learn from him concerning the art of masks. “Alright.”
Soon after he joins me on the porch, where I’ve settled down with Cyril to enjoy the salt air. The beach across the street is still empty, devoid of the plethora of towels. The breeze is silent, not yet filled with the chatter of tourists and locals alike.
These hours are ours.
This is our Margate.
“'Ere you go, love.” Alfie hands me a steaming mug of cappuccino with an extra shot of espresso, the milk soft and foamy, before he sits down next to me. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes as I take a sip. “Nice, innit?”
Thus we sit in comfortable silence, enjoying the view and each other’s company. Cyril has started to doze off, although he tries in vain to keep his eyes open. One glance to the side tells of Alfie fighting the same battle. Occasionally he pulls a face or lifts his hand to stifle a yawn. It’s strangely funny to watch him continue to take a sip afterwards, a small gesture of hope. Surely he should be readily awake before his cup is empty.
Because sleeping isn’t an option.
He’s tired of the nightmares.
The faint sound of the oven going off disturbs the domestic bliss.
Alfie groans as struggles to get up, glad to have my arm to use as support while he pulls himself to his feet. I say nothing, knowing full well how his sciatica influences his mood.
And it’s already rotten enough in the morning.
As Alfie washes his hands, I get the baked oats out of the oven and place them on the plates. Meanwhile, Alfie warms up a few slices of babka and the challah bread we made together yesterday. “Just so we ‘ave somethin’.”
He sits down while I wash my hands. From the corner of my eye, I see him poke the oats with his fork. “It’s kosher?”
“It is,” I say, drying my hands before I sit down across from him. “Shall I go first?”
“Very funny.” He scoops a bit of the oats onto his fork and puts it in his mouth. His brows knit together, contemplating the taste.
“And? Do you like it?” 
Remaining silent and gaze fixed on the ramekin, he pokes his oats again. 
I swallow hard, my excitement crushed under the stones of dread. A nagging voice in the back of my head feeds into the fear of his judgement. Funny how one connects their self worth to food. Then again, it was that which started our relationship. A cup of coffee, a slice of babka, and a slice of plant-based carrot cake. Back then, though, my stomach didn’t quiver this badly nor did my ribs feel like they were caged in a very tight-strung corset. “You don’t.”
“Dove,” he begins, but doesn’t continue. 
Not until after he’s had another bite. “It’s good.”
“I can’t tell if you’re being serious or simply trying to appease me.”
“I’m serious.”
“You are?”
“I am,’’ he says, raising his voice ever so slightly in spite of the effort to keep it even. Alfie finally meets my gaze and I can tell he’s being sincere regardless of the way he accusingly waves his fork at me. ‘‘But I still don’t like 'ow you got this off of the internet. ‘Ow many times ‘aven’t I told you, hm? You should know better by now.”
I chuckle as I at last taste the baked oats myself. They’re chocolatey with a subtle banana undertone, which is warmed by the cinnamon. “I gotta find new recipes somehow.”
“There are cookbooks.”
“Too limited and they take up too much space.” While nibbling on a piece of challah bread, I take a sip of coffee. “Can I make this more often?”
“It does taste like cake,” he reluctantly admits, spooning up another bite. “Yes, you can.”
“Why do you make it sound like there’s a condition?”
“You can make these oats, yeah, if I get to serve you something sweet in return.”
Something not to be had in the kitchen.
‘‘Deal,’’ I lean in, biting my lip as I play my final card, ‘‘Papa.’’
Alfie clenches his fork upon hearing his favourite nickname, the title he is secretly proud of. A dark haze clouds his eyes, the gloss in them highlighted by the morning sun. The smirk on his lips has evened out, his jaw tightened with the effort to practise self-restraint. 
Game over.
I won.
And the prize is something sweet with lots of cream.
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kulturegroupie · 2 years
Jimmy Page and the Rolling Stones: 60 years of musical flirtations
Certainly, not all blues enthusiasts of the early 1960’s can claim to have become some of the most influential musical artists of all time. But that’s one thing that Jimmy Page and the members of the Rolling Stones have in common.
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The first encounter between Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Jimmy Page occured in 1962, just a few months before the formation of the Stones. The three English boys travelled all the way from the South to attend UK’s first American Folk Blues Festival in the city of Manchester. They met at a blues collector’s house, and together they listened to Howlin’ Wolf’s masterpiece album commonly known as ‘Rocking Chair’—then newly released. For a blues fanatic back then, meeting someone with the same interest was something almost extraordinary. Most people weren’t interested in what was still a rather obscure music genre and preferred rocking and rolling to the songs on the radio. For this reason, if you liked the blues and met someone alike, you were going to remember them.
By the end of the same year, Jimmy was spotted during a gig at the Marquee Club in London and asked to play regularly on record sessions. This was the start of a short but prolific career as a session musician for the young man, who would soon encounter Mick and Keith again, this time with the rest of the Rolling Stones. He played on a number of demos for the band, three of which were officially released on Stones records:
These sessions were a great opportunity for Page to develop an understanding of how records were produced: he spent hours in the control room, and soon he was employed as house producer and arranger at Andrew Oldham’s Immediate Records. In 1968, the record company released Blues Anytime Vol 1-2-3, a series of records containing works by various British blues artists. Jimmy featured in two of these, producing a few songs on which Mick Jagger (harmonica), Bill Wyman (bass), Ian Stewart (piano) and Eric Clapton (guitar) were the musicians.
Around this time, Jimmy also gave a helping hand to Brian Jones on the soundtrack for the cult classic movie A Degree of Murder (recorded late 1966-early 1967), also using his now notorious trick of the violin bow. He recalls:
“Brian knew what he was doing. It was quite beautiful. Some of it was made up at the time; some of it was stuff I was augmenting with him. I was definitely playing with the violin bow. Brian had this guitar that had a volume pedal – he could get gunshots with it. There was a Mellotron there. He was moving forward with ideas.”
—Jimmy Page, from issue #1171 of Rolling Stone
Legend has it that the Stones had previously asked Page to join the band in order to throw Jones out, but he declined.
The group was again looking for a guitarist in late 1974, to fill the spot left by Mick Taylor’s sudden goodbye. Jimmy had recently jammed in the studio with them on a fun session which birthed the track Scarlet, but it was highly unlikely that he would leave the then biggest band in the world—even for the Rolling Stones. The track remained in the vaults for 46 years, and was finally released in 2020 as part of the expanded edition of Goats Heads Soup.
“I had completely forgotten about it. Someone told me it was Ginger Baker on drums. And I rang Jimmy Page up — I didn’t remember anything — and Jimmy Page remembered everything! This person played on it, it wasn’t Ginger Baker … he seemed so certain about it.”
— Mick Jagger on The Zoe Ball Breakfast Show, July 22, 2020
Jimmy Page and the Rolling Stones would cross paths again in September 1983 when both Jimmy and Bill Wyman played on the ARMS Charity Concert, later embarking on an American tour with the rest of the musicians involved.
As a result of this, several of said musicians were invited to take part of Wyman’s latest project, Willie and the Poor Boys. Inspired by the music of the early 1950’s, they congregated at Jimmy Page’s home studio, the Sol, and recorded numerous tracks, twelve of which were officially released on a 1985 self-titled album. Jimmy can be heard on two of them:
The Eighties were a time of turmoil for the Rolling Stones as its two principal songwriters, Richards and Jagger, had been feuding over the band’s direction for most of the decade. Nonetheless, right after the Willie and the Poor Boys sessions commenced the recording process for Dirty Work. Jimmy took part of another jam session with the band, immortalised on the hit single One Hit (To The Body).
In 1992, the 7th annual Rock and Roll Hall of Fame took place, and among the chosen legends to be honoured that year were the members of the Yardbirds. Keith Richards also attended the ceremony, being assigned the role to induct Leo Fender, one of his idols and legendary creator of the Fender Stratocaster. Later on, an All-Star Band was formed for a one-off performance and Keith and Jimmy found themselves merrily jamming together once again on classics such as ‘Green Onions’, ‘Soul Man’, ‘Big River’, ‘Dust My Broom’, ‘Shout’, ‘All Along the Watch Tower’, ‘Purple Haze’ and ‘Something Is Wrong With My Baby’.
After sharing much of their success over the past six decades, Jimmy Page and the members of the Stones remain close friends, now having earned a well deserved title as rock and roll legends.
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pretttydemonboy · 2 months
god this took me too long lmao but I DID IT
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
Yellow! Warm yellow like sunshine is the color I associate with Charlie. He sticks with wearing a cooler palette when it comes to clothes though, definitely a lot of green, some blues, but a lot of brown and black.
what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
Charlie is a sucker for anything that's like, soft and orchestral, some folksy type stuff too. Think Hozier, The Civil Wars, The Amazing Devil, stuff like that.
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
Well, Charlie's our resident magic boy, but he uses it less as an outright weapon and more of a protection/redirection type deal. His character sheet says he has a ritual knife but the idea of Charlie stabbing anything sounds so impossible.
Rest below the cut!
how crafty/resourceful are they?
I think I can say with confidence that Charlie is able to come up with unconventional solutions for problems, more often than not using magic, but he's not above using more mundane tools as well!
how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
Think about a history grad assistance in the 90s. Turtlenecks, jackets, cardigans, nice slacks, and he wears round wire framed glasses. He definitely leans towards practicality, but he knows the basics of how to throw an outfit together so that he doesn't look totally goofy.
how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
short on the sides and in the back, but he's got a fluff of ginger curls on top. he mostly just makes sure it's not overly tangled, not laying weird.
favorite animal? why?
Owls, he loves owls so much, he finds them fascinating and he loves how soft their feathers are.
do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
>:) our boy has so many nicknames. the big ones are related to each other a bit, because when he was little, his Uncle Kenny called him Peanuts (like Charlie Brown) and then Tuck, upon hearing this story, decided on Woodstock, but Tuck will also call him any number of sweet adorable pet names and they always make Charlie just...melt
favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
Charlie loves fruit and game meat, often together! and Charlie is a halfway decent cook and baker so he'll make a mean blueberry pie and he can do some magical (heheh) things with venison.
if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
Charlie always has a kind of unreal number of rings on his fingers, multiple on each finger, but most of them are fairly slender so they don't end up looking that bulky. Silver and iron for protection against various supernatural/fae beings and such.
what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
uh we're both touch starved gingers with mommy issues? I think we would get along for the most part, but in small doses. I'm too abrasive for Charlie and Charlie's too soft for me.
how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
I decided at least that Charlie is a Pisces, I suppose now I'll hammer down a specific date. March 15th! It's not the day I made him, I officially made him uhhhh back in 2021? he was extremely different in his first iteration though, I made him for a play by post motw campaign that fizzled out very quickly, and now he's in another one! as far as celebrating birthdays, they've always been a rather large affair for his family but he personally prefers a quieter celebration, dinner and a movie type stuff
what languages do they speak? how fluently?
English and Gaelic fluently, small amount of Latin for magic reasons
are they any good with numbers?
He's....adequate? He can do basic math but it was never his absolute favorite subject in school. He can calculate tips at restaurants in his head though!
how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
Charlie has a very large family. he's only got three siblings, but he's got a bunch of cousins and aunts and uncles and grandparents and second cousins and in laws and the list just goes on, he doesn't even know how far his family reaches.
do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
Charlie does not have any pets, he worries that he's too busy to properly care for them, but he does have a habit of trying to befriend birds, especially crows and owls
how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
before his magic really began to manifest, he would spend a lot of time helping his mother bake in the kitchen and help take care of the couple goats and sheep that they had. and of course he'd play with his siblings, usually out in the fields, rolling down hills and playing in the creeks and whatnot. but as he got older he spent a lot more time alone :)
their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
Charlie doesn't personally enjoy any of these, but as much as he tries to avoid them, he does understand that there's a time and place for everything. killing less so than the other two, because he really thinks there's always another solution before that.
are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
Charlie doesn't get necessarily angry, but when he gets overstimulated then he can get very frustrated and irritable and snippy.
if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
Charlie can drive, and he does have his own car, a simple dark blue sedan. it is clean, but he often has books scattered across the backseat
their favorite place to be?
Alice's house with everyone there, or Tuck's place, or anywhere with a lot of books
do they sleep well at night?
depends on the day really, but he gets cold so easily so it definitely helps if he either has someone next to him or if he has enough blankets
how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
Charlie has a somewhat higher pitched voice, but it's very melodic in nature, and he can halfway carry a tune, but he tends to hum rather than sing.
do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
I'm counting baking in this, otherwise all that boy does is read lol
how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
Charlie wears glasses and is pretty farsighted, but his hearing is average for someone of his age
how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
Despite his excessively long limbs, he's actually somewhat graceful, but it's only because he is hyper aware of his movements to avoid accidental magicks
if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
a stiff breeze would bowl that boy over, he doesn't not play sports and he finds no appeal to them, but he would absolutely go to a friend's game if they asked.
how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
Charlie is a giver, he loves giving gifts. Whether it's a healing balm, a trinket, or baked goods, he puts incredible thought into the things he gives others. If Charlie doesn't like someone...to be honest I think he would just say it in the least confrontational way possible. Like, "I don't think we would be good as friends, or acquaintances, so we should part ways now"
are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
Hmmm. Gotta be water/air for Charlie. He is the frighteningly still air just before a tornado, the cool breeze of spring, the gentle splashing creek, and the sudden riptide.
do they smell like anything notable?
I think Charlie always has a freshly baked smell about him on account of all the baking. Beneath that, something distinctly other. The current of magic that flows through him, like the smell of fireworks.
do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
Despite his love of giving gifts, he always gets so shy when someone tries to give him something. It's easier when it's something that's more sentimental rather than like, material value. Every time Tuck brings him a cool rock or something like that genuinely just makes Charlie's heart sing.
do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
The stimming he does with his rings has the potential to be destructive, both to the self and to others, but it's not inherently dangerous
if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
none of my other characters have met the noodle boy yet!
how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
"I, well, I'm a boy? I guess? A man, rather, I am an adult. And I um, I'm a redhead? I'm sorry I'm really not sure what kind of answer you're looking for here, I'm just uh...I'm Charlie?"
do they ever return home?
Charlie goes to visit his blood relatives every few years, but that hasn't been home for a long, long time. Home is weekly dinners at Alice's. Home is in Tuck's arms, Alice's gruff silence, Kenny's terrible jokes, Nessie's singing.
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on a group portrait The Graham Bond Organisation (GBO), British jazz/rhythm and blues group of the mid-1960s. This photograph was later used as cover art to the band's second studio album, also released in 1965, "There's a Bond Between Us."
L to R: Ginger Baker (drums), Jack Bruce (bass guitar), Graham Bond (vocals, keyboards, alto-saxophone), and Dick Heckstall-Smith (tenor/soprano saxophone).
PSYCHEDELIC BABY MAGAZINE: "Can you tell me briefly about how you hooked up with Graham Bond, Dick Heckstall-Smith and Ginger Baker to play in Alexis Korner’s band?"
JACK BRUCE: "Well, I’d sat in with Dick’s band at a May Ball in Cambridge, and then he spent a long time looking for me and when he eventually found me he said I should come and audition for Alexis. This was the original band with Cyril Davies, Dick, Alexis, Johnny Parker and myself. This was the most settled line-up, where Ronnie Jones off the US bases would sit in with us. Then Graham joined. That’s how it all started."
PSYCHEDELIC BABY: "What was the reason you guys broke away from Alexis’s group?"
JACK BRUCE: "I came in one day and Graham handed in my notice for me. He resigned Ginger and me. (much laughing from both Jack and me). I didn’t speak to Alexis for years after that, but that was the kind of guy Graham was. I was just a kid really, I was only about 19."
PSYCHEDELIC: "How responsive were the audiences to this new R&B group?"
JACK: "We used to play as a trio before Graham got the organ, with just alto sax, Ginger and me. That was enjoyable. Then we became just about the hardest working band in the country. We used to open loads of clubs, like the Hanley R&B club in about ’65 or so. But it was just the kids that used to come and see us and they’d just go crazy. We were funny looking too, we weren’t just some boy band."
Sources: www.psychedelicbabymag.com/2019/10/jack-bruce-interview.html & Sophology 101 (blogspot).
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avastrasposts · 1 year
So I just realised about 300+ people decided to follow me and, I suppose, read my stories? And 300 is such a small number but to me it's surreal that so many of you want to read what I write!
So I thought I'd introduce myself a little, just to be polite you know, and be like those author blurbs they put on the inside flap of books. So read on if you want to know more about me and my writing, or just keep scrolling if you'd rather I remain a redheaded mystery with a thing for Frankie Morales.
Also, chapter 16 of The Pilot and his Girl will be posted tomorrow, it just needs another round of editing.
Also, again, this got long, so if you can't be bothered reading all my ramblings below the cut, I totally understand. I have a habit of getting wordy....
So, I'm in my 40's and I've been writing for most of my life, starting with embarrassing little short stories in adorable misspelled fashion when I was just wee. I aspired to be a journalist and then went on a completely different tangent career wise, ending up with a PhD in an area I no longer work in (fifteen years of higher education never to be touched again but you definitely want me on your team in a pub quiz!). I have vague memories of writing fan fiction in my early 20, I think? (I'm old, give me a break). But I only got back to it late last year as a way to kick start my imagination and discipline around writing again. I needed a creative outlet and writing is something I always enjoyed and found easy to do.
I live in England, in the amazing but fucking expensive city of London. I look pretty much like my profile picture, only more wrinkles and maybe a bit of silver in all that gingerness. I'm a very good cook and baker (Pedro, I'll teach you how to cook any day!) and I'm married to my very own sweet Latino man. He's not called Frankie but he does call me cariño. I have big chunk of family in Sweden and I speak a little bit of Swedish (it's actually where I am right now, we're over here celebrating midsummer).
I started writing fanfics for The Boys fandom and Karl Urban as I was binging the whole show after finishing season 4. Then I stumbled into the Pedro Pascal fandom as I watched The Last of Us.
TLoU has a very special place in my heart. I've been gaming since my early teens and bought a Playstation 3 after saving for months, my first console after playing on PC for years. When TLoU came out in 2013 I bought and played it straight away and I, like so many others, had an experience playing it. It's the only story, in any medium, that's made me cry after just 10-15 minutes of game play. The scene were Sarah dies, still gets me every time. And the rest of the game...I turned up at work the next week in a daze, just needing to tell people about this incredible story and experience I'd had. It was like no other game I'd ever played, before or since. And I've replayed the game about once a year since 2013. Back then, that kind of game was totally unique, there was nothing like it. Some games had explored stronger story telling elements, but not on this level, nothing came even close to creating such a bond between gamer and characters. Now days we're spoiled by powerful storytelling in video games, in 2013, The Last of Us was totally unique (sorry, I'm blabbering, but I could go on at length about TLoU and the impact it had).
So when I heard there was talks about turning into a tv-series, I was scared. Really worried. The gaming community have seen so many horrendous adaptations of video games, my beloved Assassin's Creed was butchered in 2016. But then I heard Pedro Pascal had been cast as Joel and I was carefully hopeful, and then Bella Ramsey as Ellie and I got really excited. I'd seen them both in Game of Thrones, both of their performances sticking in my mind. I even remember reading about Pedro being cast in GoT and looking him up and being disappointed because he looked nothing like I'd pictured the Red Viper when I read the books. But then he just swanned in and crushed it, he was so damn good, he won me over straight away. I can't imagine anyone else playing Oberyn.
And then of course, the first few trailers of TLoU dropped and we got glimpses of the show and I remember texting my equally TLoU obsessed friend and we squealed in delight at how good it looked! And the first time I heard the clicker sound....I shuddered, it was a very real physical reaction. If I'd been on the actual set and heard it, I think I would've run a mile.
And then, as I was still writing The British Connection, a fic set in The Boys fandom, I watched Triple Frontier, and, like so many others, fell hard for sweet Frankie Morales. So jumping the gun a bit, I decided to write something with him, just a drabble, to get used to writing him and to write in the Reader insert format. But it kind a grew in scope and when I had the idea of sticking him and the rest of the Triple Frontier boys into TLoU universe I knew I had to create something bigger.
Looking back I would've made the story tighter, less lengthy, had I known from the start that's where it was going to go. But part of the fun of fan fiction is posting as you go, I think. I get feedback from you guys and it makes me think of other elements to add to the story. There isn't always a set road map for how a fic is going to develop.
If you've made it this far, congratulations and thank you, I'm impressed you read all that rambling from some stranger on Tumblr! The Pilot and his Girl has a set plan now, I have chapters drawn up and although I'm not sure how many chapters I'm going to end up with, I know where the story is going. You'll find out what's happened to Pope, Will and Benny. And Joel and Tommy will of course come back to the story later on. There will be more trauma and angst as the story continues but there will be a happy ending, of sorts, in the end.
And again, thank you all for reading, commenting and reblogging! I love you all!
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tvmigraine · 1 year
FORGOTTEN LIVES: Philip Hinchcliffe (Plus Kara Dennison Interview)
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Before we begin! Remember to get a copy of the Forgotten Lives Omnibus at this link! I've been busy so you've only got five days to purchase a copy, get yourself one before you miss out!
For this section, for once, I'll be keeping it brief - there's little I want to say on this Doctor as they feel much easier to give across to an audience. Philip Hinchcliffe (1944) needs no introduction to a Classic Who fan, having led the show from The Ark in Space to the more controversial Talons of Weng-Chiang.
Whether intentional or not, there is a reflection in this Doctor's era to the 4th Doctor portrayed by Tom Baker. This eccentric incarnation hides a serious and powerful side behind his bravado and swashbuckler personality, with a combative companion that he's trying to teach to be better a la Leela. Rue makes a grand introduction with "Gauntlet of Absolution" and, currently, is the Hinchcliffe Doctor's only companion which brings up an interesting point. For the most part, each Doctor either has one companion established or mostly adventures on their own. This Doctor falls into that category, but I feel that he isn't the type to take another companion. Where he's building this relationship with Rue, he's also seemingly seeking validation from her in these travels.
Where we have yet to see the definitive finale for Hinchcliffe's Doctor, we see what could be coming. The original art by Paul Hanley lists that this Doctor meets a premature end at the hands of a villain called "The Witch of the White House", a character we see the origins of in the second story. Although the character has yet to be seen through fully, I personally interpret this character to live a lot like the 10th Doctor in that they burn bright but fast. While there's no announcement about any future plans, it would be interesting to see the relationship between these three core characters - the Doctor, the Witch and Rue - develop in the future.
Paul Hanley's design for the Hinchcliffe Doctor's TARDIS is up there in my personal taste, but that's for a good reason - how it references Hinchcliffe's era of the show. During Season 14 of the show (Hinchcliffe's final season as producer), Tom Baker spent that time using the secondary control room as opposed to the usual. Here, Paul Hanley builds a history behind this by making it the main console room for Hinchcliffe's Doctor, giving this interior more history by tying it into its own stories. In a meta way, it keeps a connection between Hinchcliffe and Baker's era even here.
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Now that we've covered everything I intended to, let's get to the main chunk of this post - I had the opportunity to interview @the-last-teabender about her Doctor. To give more of an idea of Kara Dennison's work, she's in charge of Altrix Books alongside Paul Driscoll (a name we'll see again with the Gallaccio Doctor) who have released their own charity novels like Master Pieces and Master Switches, both focusing on the Doctor's oldest friend/enemy. She's also working on a series called Owl's Flower, alongside artist Ginger Hoesly.
I tried to keep it in the same vein as the self conducted interviews for Forgotten Lives by focusing on five questions. Read below!
You've written two stories for Hinchcliffe now, "The Gauntlet of Absolution" and "The Demons of Dog Street", and I would personally say that this Doctor does feel somewhat cut from the same cloth as the Tom Baker 4th Doctor. Would you say that his era influenced either story at all when it came to writing for this incarnation? While it wasn't something I intentionally sought out, I'm sure that came into play subconsciously. Everything we experience becomes part of our inspiration, and Tom Baker really is the definitive "Classic Doctor." The comparisons I've seen between Leela and Rue are apt, and Leela is a favorite companion - so as much as I made sure to separate Rue where I could, I can definitely see the broader similarities between the two TARDIS teams. When I've described this Doctor through the lens of other Doctors, 4 has never figured in, but perhaps he should. I tend to describe the Hinchcliffe Doctor as having the humility of 6 and the poise of 11. But again, that's on the outside. If anything, I'm flattered that people see my Doctor and think of someone so iconic and beloved!
In the first interview you gave with Forgotten Lives' page, you mentioned wanting to approach the prehistory from a literary and stylistic angle. Was there any stories or authors that influenced you when finding that style? You did mention the era this hypothetically would've been released was during the revival of sword-and-planet fiction. When I was first asked about being in Forgotten Lives, I'd just finished Renegade Swords, a sword-and-sorcery anthology curated by D.M. Ritzlin. It was the first book I featured during my tenure as book reviewer for Sci Fi Magazine before the mag folded, and it's an excellent introduction to the genre and its many offshoots. Bryce Walton's sword-and-planet story "Princess of Chaos" (which you can find in Renegade Swords or on Project Gutenberg) spurred a lot of the central concept of "Gauntlet of Absolution." In terms of overarching atmosphere, Edgar Rice Burroughs and his John Carter novels were a natural go-to. I wanted to give the sense that this Doctor's adventures played out in pulp sci-fi magazines. The kind with the big illustration on the first two pages. Hence the blurb at the beginning of each story.
You have taken part in other stories for Obverse before, such as City of the Saved and Iris Wildthyme, along with your own works at Altrix Books alongside Paul Driscoll. Does working on this Doctor feel different to how you'd work on other stories? Are there any similarities you've noticed? So far, my stories have either been fully in my own universe or fully in someone else's. Both of which are unique experiences in themselves. I love creating a character from the ground up; at the same time, I love studying, say, Katy Manning's dialogue as Iris and seeing how well I can "impersonate" her in text. Both are great challenges. With the Doctor, it was a sort of in-between experience. Creating a Doctor doesn't fall into one camp or the other. You're working off a template, but you're also not. You're making your own character, but they still have to have those touchstones that make them the Doctor, and people have extremely strong opinions about what those touchstones are. It was a little scary to think about - I dreaded hearing "He's all right, but he's not really the Doctor, is he?" In the end, I was a bit Mel Brooks about it: I wrote something that I knew my friends and I would enjoy, and hoped that would get me there. Judging by the response, it seems to have done the trick, for which I'm very grateful.
Some authors, when returning to Forgotten Lives 2, chose to write a definitive end to their Doctors that leads into the next era. I was curious if the temptation to do that was there when you were planning ahead? Or if you've considered how this Doctor might meet their final story? Funnily enough, the original pitch for FL2 was actually to write their regenerations! As is the case in publishing, that changed as the scope of the anthology changed. And with the addition of more writers (and possibly the realization that the idea has legs), we were invited to write the regeneration if we wanted, but we weren't under any obligation to. I know exactly how this Doctor will go out, and there are pieces already in place. But even though writing the regeneration wouldn't necessarily mean I could never write the character again, I didn't feel ready to go there. I had a lot of pieces I wanted to lay out first. "Demons of Dog Street" is one of those pieces. Whether the others will ever see the light of day is anyone's guess, but I hope so. Suffice to say, I have the whole scenario planned out in my mind, and I think it's the sort of heroic and cool end this Doctor would refuse to admit he's hoping for.
You've obviously worked with the Hinchcliffe Doctor, stepping into Doctors outside of the main canon most people know. Are there any other Doctors that you've wanted to write for? (Things like the Cushing, Unbound, Shalka, any other Doctor out there, etc) I love what Obverse is doing with the Cushing Doctor and hope to be a part of that someday. (I'm sure I'm not the only one!) It's funny you mention the Shalka Doctor, as I actually wrote a Shalka Doctor story for a charity anthology quite a while back. My writing has evolved a lot since then, but for what it was at the time, I'm still rather fond of it. Frankly, I'd consider it a treat to get to write for any Doctor from any period - especially the process of finding their voice for myself. One day, I'd love to see the Forgotten Lives writers trade Doctors and see what comes of it! The Hinchcliffe Doctor's portions of "Retrogenesis" and "The Hive Minders" were so fun to read, because there's something about seeing someone else get your character Just Right. It would be a lot of fun to trade off Doctors within the group and see what we make of each other's work.
You can find more information on what went into Building the Doctor at Kara Dennison's blog. For more insight into the creative process of every author that worked on Forgotten Lives, you can go to @forgottenlivesobverse and find interviews from everyone involved across the books. If you're looking for insight on how the outfits were designed, you can go to Paul Hanley's Patreon and find what went into designing each Doctor.
The adventures of the Hinchcliffe Doctor and Rue start with Gaunlet of Absolution, continuing as we see below - we'll discuss The Hive Minders in the future, but look forward to these stories.
RETROGENESIS (Part Four) by Philip Purser-Hallard
THE HIVE MINDERS (Part One) by Ian McIntre
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Tomorrow we'll pass the halfway mark and cover the Douglas Camfield Doctor, the only Doctor to make a further appearance in Doctor Who canon.
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burlveneer-music · 1 year
Eparapo - Take to The Streets - Afrobeat band led by Suman Joshi and featuring Dele Sosimi and Tamar Osborn, among others
Wah Wah 45s are proud to present the full debut album from Afrobeat supergroup Eparapo. Having come together during the unprecedented events of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, and despite being a project born from the privations of lockdown, their music is ultimately an expression of hope, resilience & resurgence. The word “eparapo” means “join forces” in Yoruba, the language of Afrobeat. It’s also the title of a track by the late, great Tony Allen - drummer for Afrobeat legend Fela Kuti and lifelong friend and mentor of our very own “Afrobeat Ambassador”, Dele Sosimi. Not only did Tony help to invent Afrobeat, he always looked for ways to push the boundaries, never content with recreating what had gone before but constantly expanding and developing the genre. This project hopes to pay homage to his legacy, and that of Fela Kuti himself. Its aim is to innovate, fuse and diversify while still retaining the essence of the music. The force behind Eparapo is bassist, composer & producer Suman Joshi. He has been a member of Dele Sosimi’s Afrobeat Orchestra for nearly a decade and has performed on stage with the likes of Tony Allen, Seun Kuti, Ginger Baker & Laura Mvula. He is also bassist with UK jazz ensemble Collocutor and fusion project Cubafrobeat. The rest of the group comprises of highly rated UK jazz vocalist Sahra Gure; saxophonist, composer, producer and bandleader of the renowned forward thinking jazz outfit Collocutor, Tamar Osborn; keyboard player, producer and front man for Lokkhi Terra and Cubafrobeat, Kishon Khan; one of the UK’s finest and most in demand trumpeters, Graeme Flowers, who has played with Quincy Jones, Gregory Porter and many more; trombonist for Bellowhead and mainstay of Dele’s Afrobeat Orchestra, Justin Thurgur; and finally drummer for Steamdown and Sons of Kemet, as well as the man behind the Nache project, Eddie Wakili Hick.
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fugengulsen · 2 years
In 1979, Frank Zappa took a shine to an Eastern Indian rock/jazz violinist, L. Shankar. So much so that he produced an album with him, "Touch Me There." Not only does Frank produce, but he also co-writes half of the album and performs on one cut, "Dead Girls of London." So, not surprisingly, this disc sounds like much of the material Zappa was releasing around that time, even though it is technically a "Shankar" album. After obtaining a Bachelor's degree in Physics in India, Shankar moved to America in 1969 and earned a doctorate in ethnomusicology at Wesleyan University. Here he met jazz musicians Ornette Coleman, Jimmy Garrison, and John McLaughlin while working as a teaching assistant and concert master of the University Chamber Orchestra. In 1975 Shankar and McLaughlin founded Shakti, a pioneering, groundbreaking and highly influential east-meets-west collaboration, with a fluid sound that managed to successfully combine seemingly incompatible traditions. His first solo album, Touch Me There, was produced by Frank Zappa in 1979.[3] Shankar founded his own band - The Epidemics, in 1982, with the composer Caroline. He released three albums with the band. During the 1980s, Shankar recorded periodically as a leader, doing both jazz-based material and Indian classical music. His 1980 release of the album Who's To Know on ECM introduced the unique sound of his own invention, the ten-string, stereophonic double violin. This instrument, designed by Shankar and built by noted guitar maker Ken Parker, covers the entire orchestral range, including double bass, cello, viola and violin. He has recently developed a newer version of his instrument which is much lighter than the original.[3] 1990 saw Shankar co-producing a one hour film directed by H. O. Nazareth, which went on to be nominated for Best Documentary film at the Cannes film festival. Shankar worked on the score of the film The Last Temptation of Christ (1988),composed by Peter Gabriel, with his music ending up on both albums of the score - Passion: Music for The Last Temptation of Christ and Passion - Sources. He won a Grammy for his work on the latter in 1994. 1996 saw a Grammy nomination for the album Raga Aberi.[1] Shankar has performed on several of Peter Gabriel's records such as So and Us. Since 1996, Shankar has toured internationally with fellow-violinist (and his niece) Gingger as "Shankar & Gingger", garnering critical acclaim and popularity.[4] The two performed at events including the Concert for Global Harmony and Nelson Mandela's 80th birthday celebrations. Shankar & Gingger released their first DVD One in a Million in 2001. After a critically successful tour of North America, the DVD went to number 1 on the Neilsen Soundscan DVD charts and stayed there for four weeks.[3] In 2004, Shankar composed additional music with Gingger Shankar for John Debney and performed on the score for the film The Passion of the Christ (2004). Shankar has played with some of the greatest musical contemporaries of his time, including Lou Reed, Echo & the Bunnymen, Talking Heads, Frank Zappa, Peter Gabriel, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Phil Collins, Charly García, Jonathan Davis, Bruce Springsteen, Van Morrison, Stewart Copeland, Yoko Ono, A. R. Rahman, John Waite, Steve Vai, Ginger Baker, Toto, Nils Lofgren, Mark O'Connor, and Sting.[3] Shankar has been praised for his ability to mix Eastern and Western influences, assimilating Carnatic music with pop, rock, jazz and contemporary world music.[5] He admits "Ultimately, I would like to bring the East and West together. That, I think, is my role," he says. More recently, Shankar has used a new stage name, Shenkar, and has created recordings under this name. In 2006  2007, Shenkar provided the vocals for the opening credit music and other themes for all episodes of the hit TV series Heroes. He has been lately working in Jonathan Davis', Stephen Day and Ana Maria Lombo's next records.
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singeratlarge · 1 year
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the 1969 film ALICE’S RESTAURANT, Adam Arkin, Ginger Baker, The Beatles 1967 “All You Need is Love” single, Coco Chanel, Bill Clinton, songwriter Roger Cook, the daguerreotype (1839), Darius Danesh, John Deacon, Dave Douglas (Reliant K), Eddie Durham, Philo Farnsworth, Rob Fenstermacher, Jonathan Frakes (great to have met you), Ian Gillan, Fumio Hayasaka, Susan Jacks, L.Q. Jones, Margie Joseph, The Knack’s 1979 “My Sharrona” single, Billy J. Kramer, Deana Martin (great to have gigged with you), Diana Muldaur, Luis Muñoz, Spud Murphy, one of my heroes Johnny Nash, Ogden Nash, National Aviation Day (1939), Debra Paget, the 1944 liberation of Paris, Christina Perri, Beat Raaflaub, Eddy Raven, Gene Roddenberry, John Stamos, Jason Starkey, my excellent boss Nate Stevens, Clay Walker, Lee Ann Womack, and singer-songwriter and gospel music provocateur Edwin Hawkins. He challenged prevailing notions about sacred vs. secular and broadened the field for gospel music, bridging it with funk, pop, rock, and soul. Despite challenges to his early career and ministry, he earned many awards and made many well-received records, yet still kept his eyes on God. He’s best known for his recording of “Oh Happy Day, “ an extension of an 18th century hymn. Edwin updated it in 1967 and his worship group played it repeatedly at the Ephesian Church of God in Christ in Berkeley CA. In 1969 Hawkins took the church group and made a small budget recording of it on a custom label, with Dorothy Combs Morrison on co-lead vocals. Their modest production is lo-fi by today’s standards but—lo and behold—the track became a surprise international hit, reaching #4 in the USA, #2 in the UK, Canada, and Ireland, and #1 in France, Germany, and The Netherlands. 
Edwin’s version won a Grammy in 1970, has appeared in upwards to 20 movie soundtracks ,and has been covered countless times. It was also included on the RIAA Songs of the Century. George Harrison stated the song was a primary inspiration for “My Sweet Lord.” Here’s our modest take on it, and HB EH—thank you for making a joyful noise.
#happyday #EdwinHawkins #UnitedMethodist #choir #PhillipDoddridge #Acts235 #EphesianChurchofGodinChrist #Berkeley #California #DorothyCombsMorrison #GeorgeHarrison #MySweetLord #Grammy #singersongwriter #JohnnyJBlair #SingeratLarge #SanFrancisco #piano
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percervall · 2 years
a holly jolly christmas
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Player: Marcos Llorente Words: 698 Warnings: None, fluff Request: Christmas baking - do it the way you like This might be one of the most domestic fics I've written in a while. Had a lot of fun writing this and I hope you like it anon!
The scent of cinnamon and ginger greeted him when he walked in the door.
“Babe?” Marcos called out, dropping his training gear by the stairs to be taken up later.
“Kitchen! Did you get my text?” 
“Yeah, found the sugar,” he replied as he walked into the kitchen, placing the sugar on the counter. She threw a smile at him over her shoulder as she placed a rack into the oven.
“I could swear we had more in the pantry,” she commented, turning around and setting the timer.
“Who are you planning on feeding?” he asked with a chuckle.
“I promised to take some to Mrs. Álvarez, the neighbours are getting some instead of a gift as well. Antoine wanted a box, so did Jan and Koke. Oh, and Cholo wanted some as well!” Marcos' heart swelled at her excitement. She worked at the library and was responsible for setting up the reading programmes at the local primary schools, but loved baking and had always joked that if the library had to close down due to budget cuts, she’d start her own bakery. When his teammates realised she was also really good at it, they had been quick to take her up on the offer to buy small batches of holiday treats from her. 
“Of course Anto asked for your gingerbread biscuits,” Marcos commented, wiping away a dusting of flour from her cheek. “Can I help?” She shook her head. 
“No, not right now. How about you go shower and I’ll get the second batch going,” she said. Marcos gave her a quick kiss and went upstairs. 
With his hair still wet, but now dressed in his favourite joggers and threadbare jumper, Marcos rejoined her in the kitchen. She was swaying ever so slightly to the Christmas music playing in the background as she weighed out the flour. Marcos smiled and tied an apron around himself as he came standing next to her.
“Alright, put me to work,” he said and quickly washed his hands.
“Could you roll out the dough that’s in the fridge and then cut out the biscuits? There’s cutters over there. Just choose one you like,” she said, pointing to her right. Marcos nodded and got the dough out of the fridge, grabbing the rolling pin as well. His parents had gifted her one for her birthday with spacing bands to help roll out the dough evenly and to the right thickness. 
“How was training?” she asked, turning on her stand mixer.
“Cold. Like, I know we’re nearing winter, but it always catches me off guard when the temperature drops below 10 degrees,” Marcos said while rolling out the dough. She chuckled, looking up at him. 
“It’s a good thing you don’t play for an English or German club, babe.” Marcos stuck his tongue out at her, making her laugh. 
“But other than cold, it was good. Got two more sessions left before the final game of the year.” 
“And the Christmas party! Did you manage to talk to Álvaro about carpooling?”
Marcos nodded and put the rolling pin down. “I did, he said he would ask his wife and let me know either tonight or tomorrow. Snowflake or Christmas tree?” 
“Uhm, the trees I think. They’re easier to decorate for children, so we can put a few of those in the box for Anto,” she replied, turning off the mixer and wrapping the dough in cling film to chill. Wiping her hands on her apron, she joined him and helped move the cut out biscuits to a baking tray. 
They worked in relative quiet for a while until the first three batches of gingerbread biscuits had come out of the oven and were cooling on the counter. 
“Thanks for helping,” she said, leaning against him for a brief moment. Marcos smiled, wrapping his arms around her. He brushed more flour off her forehead and leaned down to kiss her.
“Anytime babe,” he murmured, which got him a smile in return that made his heart flutter. Although he wasn’t much of a baker himself, he’d always make time to help and support her the same way she always did for him and his career. 
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A lot of people have been posting their OCs for the @infamous-if, here is one of mine. His name is Nicholas Cyril, he is half-Irish, half-Romanian raised and born in the US. The images are: the band’s logo, a picture of Nicholas, and two aesthetic moodboards for Nicholas’ fashion style and the other is for his passions.
Band: Nightfall Hues
Genre: Alternative
Inspiration: Dora Gaitanovici, Taylor Swift Folklore-Evermore eras, Bon Iver, Phoebe Bridgers, Julien Baker, Duncan Laurence (loosely)
Voice Inspiration: Stefan (Stefan Airapetjan)
Fandom name: Star Gazers
First EP: Burning Estoile
Second EP: Constellations
First Album: Twilight Mirage
Second Album: Boreal
Third Album:  Puppet Master
-Not released yet- Fourth Album: Misty Mauve
Most popular song: Frozen Sun – one of the singles of the Boreal album
[Physical Description]
Nicholas stands at around 5′ 11″ feet tall, with a lean and toned build. Nicholas has a light tan that suggests he spends time outdoors, and his short ginger hair and light stubble give him a rugged, masculine edge. His face is dotted with freckles, adding to his boyish charm. His eyes are a piercing blue-green, and he has a strong, angular jawline that adds to his rugged good looks.
He has a compassionate nature and a deep sense of empathy towards others. He is always willing to lend a helping hand and to listen to those in need. Additionally, Nicholas is highly diligent in his work, and he approaches everything he does with a great deal of care and attention to detail. He is also very ambitious and creative, with a passion for music. However, Nicholas also faces certain challenges in his life. He has a deep-rooted fear of abandonment, stemming from his childhood experiences. He can be shy and awkward in social situations. He is also overly self-critical, making it difficult for him to enjoy his successes and accomplishments. Nicholas is also a very introspective person, always reflecting on his thoughts and emotions. While this can be a positive trait, it can also lead him to overthink situations and become overly analytical. In addition, he can sometimes struggle with expressing his emotions, leading to misunderstandings with others.
Nicholas Cyril's unique heritage is a reflection of the diverse paths that his parents, Erin and Adam, have traveled. Erin, an Irish-American woman, fell in love with Adam, an immigrant from Romania who made the decision to alter his surname to appear more English. The two first crossed paths during a trip to Amsterdam when they were in their early twenties.
After maintaining a long-distance relationship for almost a year, Adam relocated to the United States to be with Erin, and the couple dated for an additional six months before tying the knot. Their son, Nicholas, was born on September 16th of the same year, but despite their best efforts, both Erin and Adam found it challenging to balance parenthood with their busy professional lives.
As Nicholas grew older, his parents' responsibilities and travel demands increased, leaving him in the care of neighbors and nannies for extended periods. Although his childhood was materially comfortable, Nicholas yearned for more of his parents' attention and affection. Despite their shortcomings, Erin and Adam tried to compensate for their absence by lavishing Nicholas with gifts. The waning of Erin and Adam's romantic feelings for one another over time has only compounded their challenges as parents. Although they maintain a cordial relationship and remain friends, their former love has faded away. They recognize that their bond is no longer the same as it once was. However, they continue to stay together for the sake of Nicholas, their only child, who has become a central pillar of their relationship.
Nicholas found solace in music as a means of coping with his parents' frequent absences during his childhood. His love for music began as he would sing and play the piano alone at home, and it gradually evolved into a passion that he would pursue more seriously as he got older. Music provided him with a creative outlet and a way to express his emotions, and he quickly became proficient in several instruments. It wasn't long before Nicholas realized that music was his calling, and he began to pour all his energy into honing his skills and pursuing his dream of becoming a professional musician.
Despite his parents' often long absences, Nicholas was fortunate to have a surrogate parental figure in the form of his grandmother, who lived nearby. She provided him with the love, attention, and stability that he yearned for, and he cherished their time together. She would often tell him stories about her youth, and offer advice and guidance whenever he needed it. She was always present for his school events and extracurricular activities, and Nicholas knew that he could always rely on her when he needed someone to talk to. Her unwavering support and affection had a profound impact on Nicholas' life and helped him to overcome the challenges he faced as a result of his parents' absence.
He is bisexual, though is more attracted to men than women.
His interests aside from music are: gardening, botany, literature (specifically poetry), astrology, and hiking.
He loves Taylor Swift’s Folklore-Evermore era.
His aesthetic is very Bohemian, but has more lilac, teal, blue, and burgundy than brown.
Is a Eurovision fan, would love to participate in the future.
He can speak English, Romanian, Irish Gaelic and Spanish and some Greek and Latin.
He has a separate channel from the band’s channel where he posts covers of songs he likes or unreleased songs.
His social media is filled with anything but images of him.
He is a huge fan of indie films, and enjoys attending film festivals and screenings.
He enjoys his alone time.
He is a big mythology and folklore nerd.
His favorite artists aside from Misfit Alley are: Taylor Swift, Loreen, Duncan Laurence, Bon Iver, Emmelie de Forest, Go_A.
Voted to keep his ex-friend Seven as co-vocalist.
He doesn’t care about fame, he only cares about music.
He likes traveling, especially abroad.
He is completely different on stage, he is a different person, he is more confident on stage.
He has a love for animals, especially cats, and has volunteered at local animal shelters in the past.
He enjoys stargazing.
He likes to incorporate Romanian and Irish into some of his songs.
He is going to romance Sebastian.
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votava-records · 6 months
Eparapo - Black Lives Matter (feat. Dele Sosimi)
Album: From London To Lagos (Remixes) [EP]
Wah Wah 45s are proud to present a new set of remixes, as well as originals released on vinyl for the very first time, from Afrobeat supergroupEparapo. Having come togetherduring the unprecedented events of the pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, and despite being a project born from the privations of lockdown, their music is ultimately an expression of hope, resilience & resurgence.
The word "eparapo" means "join forces" in Yoruba, the language of Afrobeat. It's also the title of a track by the late, greatTony Allen- drummer for Afrobeat legendFela Kutiand lifelong friend and mentor of our very own "Afrobeat Ambassador",Dele Sosimi. Not only did Tony help to invent Afrobeat, he always looked for ways to push the boundaries, never content with recreating what had gone before but constantly expanding and developing the genre. This project hopes to pay homage to his legacy, and that of Fela Kuti himself. Its aim is to innovate, fuse and diversify while still retaining the essence of the music.
The force behind Eparapo is bassist, composer & producerSuman Joshi.He has been a member of Dele Sosimi's Afrobeat Orchestra for nearly a decade and has performed on stage with the likes of Tony Allen, Seun Kuti, Ginger Baker & Laura Mvula. He is also bassist with UK jazz ensemble Collocutor and fusion project Cubafrobeat.
Featured vocalist on both original tracks, and remixes, is the aforementioned Dele Sosimi - keyboard player and musical director for Fela's Egypt 80 as well as Wah Wah 45s recording artist on both his solo material and the recent collaboration with house music producer, Medlar.
The rest of the group comprises of bandleader ofAfrik Bawantuand percussionist for Ibibio Sound Machine and Keleketla,Afla Sackey; highly rated UK jazz vocalistSahra Gure; saxophonist, composer, producer and bandleader of the renowned forward thinking jazz outfit Collocutor,Tamar Obsorn; keyboard player, producer and front man for Lokkhi Terra and Cubafrobeat,Kishon Khan; one of the UK's finest and most in demand trumpeters,Graeme Flowers, who has played with Quincy Jones, Gregory Porter and many more; trombonist for Bellowhead and mainstay of Dele's Afrobeat Orchestra,Justin Thurgur; and finally drummer for Steamdown and Sons of Kemet, as well as the man behind the Nache project,Eddie Wakili Hick.
From London To Lagoswas inspired by a talk given by writerRoberto Savianoat the Hay Book Festival in 2016, just before the Brexit referendum. In it he described the UK as the "most corrupt country in the world". This was a reminder of how the leaders of so-called developed countries, conveniently suffering from colonial amnesia, still point disparagingly at the rest of the world and talk of "endemic corruption" and "Banana Republics". All the while the ill-gotten gains of organised crime syndicates, corrupt multinationals and military juntas across the globe are funnelled through financial centres such as London. Same trouble, different methods, greater scale. Of course the best way to divert the population from all this is to find distractions such as populist leaders who declare their countries "world beating" and scapegoats such as refugees, immigrants and other members of the underclasses. It has always been thus but it doesn't always have to be so.
This track was once more recorded remotely during lockdown and features an all star lineup of world class musicians from the UK Afrobeat and jazz scenes. Members of the Dele Sosimi Afrobeat Orchestra, Keleketla, Sons of Kemet and beyond have come together to create this powerhouse of a band. They encapsulate the meaning of "eparapo" and "join forces'' to fight a common enemy in the shape of corrupt and divisive ideologies.
Black Lives Matterwas obviously inspired by the movement of the same name and was the first track to be released by Eparapo in late 2020. Dele's voice tell the story slave ships leaving West Africa in the fifteenth century, the brutal conditions that were experienced on board, and the continued suffering of the African diaspora today. As always, half of the artist's income for this song will be donated to the NAACP - a civil rights organisation in the United States, created for the advancement of black people by means of following judicial policies.
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kill0mtr · 11 months
writing this down before i forget. (its all incomprehensible word-vomit sorry) (oct. 14 - oct 27)
candy world. all people are candy or candy-like things (think peppermint, bubblegum, cotton candy, caramel apples, etc etc) most people teeter on the line of anthro animals vs fully human.
think like moominvalley, how the moomins and hemulen and mymbles resemble animals in some ways, but are distinctly not human nor animal. except its candy... most families follow one candy-type (like how the Pennyroyals are mint-based, the Spiceroots are gingerbread-based, etc etc)
the food here is unlike any human has seen, having no earth-related food. instead, its all magic to us, since the people here ARE the food, they need to eat non-food items. hence, the made-up magical food they eat isnt anything real. (as in, its not REAL to US. the food they eat IS real to them. they cant just not eat anything) (i feel like this doesnt make sense because i explained too much)
what constitutes as candy? well... anything thats "junk" food. so popcorn, caramel apples, popsicles, etc etc, while they arent exactly "candy", they are quite junk-y.
the vegetation and plants in this world also arent like anything we have. the trees bear fruit that the candy people can eat, and the animals are all fantastical creatures.
despite the fact that the animals and plants and stuff arent candy, theyre still named after some. like a peppermynx, aka "a dog made of mint", who isnt actually made of mint, playing on the words of "peppermint" and "mynx", an old word for a domestic dog (now spelt minx, and is now a demeaning word for a promiscuous woman) in our world. i will go more into depth about this worlds animals and plants in a reblog of this. the town names and family names are also candy-based. because themes.
the candy world, which i have yet to name, is very similar to ours, because i have no originality left and earth's customs is all ive ever known. :P if i think of more itll be in a reblog.
characters (designs subject to change)
Cain "Mr. Peppermint" Pennyroyal. he/him, mid-late 20s (25-29) tall, lanky. bunny-like ears flop down to just above his chin, giving the appearance of chopped hair (the colors alternate between red and white, with white being the base color, giving the allusion to a candy cane) has a rounded bunny-like tail that swirls red and white like a peppermint candy. his paws have red stripes around the joints on his fingers. wears a green-brown tailcoat (inside is brown; like a dark brown) wears heels that add about two inches to his already tall height. eyes are quite "big", in the sense of he seems to always stare right through you. green eyes with a red shine on the pupils, making his pupils appear red in some lighting (like how cameras do that red eye thing)
Ginger "G.G" Spiceroot. she/they, late teens to early 20s (18-23) average height, with a bit of chub and curve. mo hawk-like brown "hair" that resembles porcupine quills, with small rounded ears. snout ends on a point, with white freckles. in their spare time, they roller skate. her style is very "punk", with a short cropped jacket, long-sleeved striped shirt, short shorts, ripped black leggings, and white chunky-soled running shoes. their eyes are a mismatched red and blue, with speckles of pink and purple in each respectively. her wrists, ankles, and waist have bands of white fur across them, reminiscent of a gingerbread man's.
Chip "Biscuit" Baker. he/him, late 20s (26-29) short, chubby, and stout. curly brown hair that extends about an inch or two past his shoulders. wears a suit most of the time. looks like if freddy fazbear from fnaf1 got humanized <- im getting lazy sorry
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just-kit-ink · 1 year
✨Kitty Entertainment Headcanons🎇
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•Kitty's a huge lover of dance either for fun or to express mood and narrative.
•She used to take dance lessons when she was six years old at one of Santa Monica's junior dance troops. She stuck out like a sore thumb due to her hair and build and even though she desperately wanted to wear a tutu, she looked the most uncomfortable. The other girls would make fun of her because her movements weren't as dainty or refined and her teacher could sometimes be harsher with her.
•Despite her hatred for the lessons she continued to dance at home in front of the TV when the late show bands came on and to old records her father kept (and the new releases.)
•She would dance to Disney's releases too. One of her best memories is dancing to songs from The Jungle Book around the living room with her Dad.
•By the time the 80s rolled around she went out to dance clubs in the city that played Disco music (and didn't require any ID)
•She dances around her room to The Clash and other forms of Brit-Pop when she's feeling energised or needs to blow off steam.
• Her favourite dances are dramatic, modern and contemporary, musical theatre and street but she has a real fondness for ballet.
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•Well she's a big animation fan but that's pretty obvious! Disney, the Looney Tunes and 80s cartoons.
•Kitty likes her horror, especially old monster movies like the Hammer House films. But she also loves the frightening psychological fare with or without the gore.
•She likes fantasy and is a big sci-fi fan. She loves Star Wars, Dune and Alien. I think Sigourney Weaver and Winona Ryder would be two of her favourite actresses. Anything with deep space exploration, strange characters, funky aliens she really likes.
•She likes the kind of fantasies by Ralph Bakshi and Rankin Bass as well as beautiful tragedies like Ladyhawke.
•She loves to laugh and will not only watch old toon shorts but also whatever snappy comedy that's in the cinema. She's not really a big fan of comedies that has emphasis on gross out and anything set in a high school puts her off instantly...unless it's Heathers.
•Roger and her watch old movies together. She's seen some that her Mum watched with her like The Wizard of Oz, It's a Wonderful Life and the old live action Disney films but doesn't know much about them. He introduces her to Fred Astaire, Ginger Rogers, Jimmy Cagney and Lauren Bacall. While she's a bit more of a modern gal she thinks Humphrey Bogart is cool.
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•As a little girl she loved nursury rhymes, lullabies and old comedy songs her Dad heard in the army.
•She loved old Disney package-film ditties her mother used to teach her, as well as the old tunes of the shorts from Maroon Studios where her parents used to work.
•As she matured so did her tastes. To express the onset of teenage-to-young adult anger she turned to punk rock and if she was really mad the occasional heavy metal. The sound offered a release from all the post-grief pain of her mother's death.
•Her Dad collects records so she's heard Buddy Holly, Chet Baker and Bing Crosby.
•She enjoys pop music, theatrical stage numbers and has a soft spot for blues and jazz.
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•She draws a lot of cartoon and comic art.
•She agrees with livening up a place with art, the brighter and bolder the better. Doesn't matter if it's a new apartment, a city centre or a back alley, art should cheer people up and make them think. As controversial as people find it she's into the political/social graffiti scene.
•She likes going to art galleries if there's an exhibition on that she likes. But she's more likely to attend studio tours to see animator's art.
•She thinks art therapy is a grand tool and likes the idea of throwing paint, like physically throwing it at the canvas. And then peppering it was flecks to make stars or surf or light etc
•Has sent her art into TV shows for kids before but didn't hear much back.
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•Kitty goes down to the roller rink down by the pier to either hang out by herself or with a buddy and is really good at it. She's been doing it since she was five and can now practically dance-skate to the rhythm.
•She also uses the other facilities like bowling, pool and those machines that eat your money.
•She often buys herself a nice shake and fast food to go with it (though not while skating.)
•She knows some of the staff and they know her but it's not always mutual respect. They're often underpaid male employees close to her age who like to whisper. Or just roll their eyes when you ask if a game is working. She despises their snarky comments and can make some back but at the end of the day she knows their managers are worse.
•She's good at those dance games, quick on her feet and does the stomp parts very well.
•Once played so much she lost track of time and used up all her coins so she couldn't get the bus home and ended up asking a random stranger for money for the pay phone so her Dad could pick her up.
•After that embarrassing moment, she started saving up for a bike. Her Dad bought her one anyway. She was elated and now rides places everywhere.
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