#but going off the thought that it only makes obanai upset
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xxlady-lunaxx · 4 months ago
obanai and the thing about him hating praise towards his scar+obamitsu
obanai sat, hands fidgeting on his lap. his bandages rested on his shoulders where kaburamaru was usually perched—the snake was curled on his arm now, diligently watching. somehow, it felt like obanai had been stripped naked. the cool air against his entire face, the lack of restriction when he moved his jaw, it felt unnatural, almost. he might as well be more comfortable without clothes than without his mask. he wished mitsuri would speak. but they’d been sitting in silence for a while and, though he could feel her gaze on him, he couldn’t discern it. finally, after what felt like forever, he forced his eyes to flick back up.
mitsuri was sitting still, hands curled on her knees. her expression was one obanai hadn’t seen on her before, but pretty nonetheless. except he couldn’t find it in himself to appreciate it now. not when his entire being seemed formed of anxiety and he was barely containing himself from squirming. it was all he could do to not jump up and run far, far away. but he was trying. he wanted to stay. for mitsuri.
noticing his attention, mitsuri composed herself. her brows were furrowed, but they relaxed slightly as she smiled at him. her cheeks were their natural rosy pink, and they puffed up with her effort to say something. in a way, she was just as worried as obanai. anyone could tell it was a touchy subject.
after a moment, she mustered up the courage to move closer to him. abandoning the comfortableness of the cushion she’d been sitting on to sit directly in front of obanai. with a quick affirmation, her hands slipped under his hair, cupping his cheeks. her thumbs traced the edges of his scar, sending a shiver down his spine.
“iguro-san…” she whispered. despite the softness of his name on her tongue, it cut through the silence. obanai jolted, more surprised by her speaking than her touch.
“y-yes?” he asked, straightening. he felt like he was being called out. her fingers burned against him where skin met scar. he wished she wouldn’t touch it. as if, by doing so, the filthiness of it all would transfer to her like a disease. he felt guilty, even. allowing her to do this. allowing her to act so caring to someone who didn’t deserve any bit of it.
mitsuri’s eyebrows dipped down again, her expression a mellowed bittersweet. she let her hands fall, resting them on top of obanai’s. she squeezed gently, her skin soft as her fingers soothed him. “you shouldn’t have to hide this… you’re… very pretty, iguro-san,” she murmured. her voice was oh, so quiet. and, for the first time in his life, obanai hated it. not her voice, itself. but it was wrong. her mouth forming those words. here, now. with her gaze tracing the years filled of agony on his face.
unable to help it, obanai jerked away. he slipped off his cushion, nearly tumbling down. he managed to settle on the floor, the pillow a distance between them. his fingers knotted into the fabric of his pants. there was a sharp, belated gasp, sounding sweet despite everything. obanai couldn’t find it in himself to apologize. instead, he choked out a shaky, “i’m… not… pretty. it’s not pretty.”
“i… iguro-san,” mitsuri tried. but today was a day for firsts. so obanai interrupted her.
“what happened to me wasn’t pretty. none of it was pretty.” obanai’s throat felt hoarse, his words gravelly.
mitsuri stumbled. she hesitated. then, tentatively: “i didn’t mean…”
obanai shook his head. his hair rustled. his bandages slipped. kaburamaru was suddenly on guard. he hissed, but obanai was quick to coax him away. petting the snake gently, vaguely comforted as he soothed his friend.
“iguro-san… i’m sorry… i meant”—mitsuri looked down, her action only visible from the way her braids shifted. obanai was avoiding looking at her—“i meant that nothing could… get in the way of you being perfect.”
the words tasted bitter in the air. “i’m not perfect, either, kanroji.” obanai spoke flatly. he couldn’t understand what mitsuri couldn’t comprehend. but he felt almost sorry for her. that he was nothing she wished he was. he was far from perfect.
“you are,” mitsuri insisted. before obanai could interject, she added, “perfection doesn’t have a solid definition. some people think ‘perfect’ means their ideal person. some people think it doesn’t exist. but i think that what makes a person perfect is that they’re them. it can come in so many varieties. and you’re one of them, iguro-san. i’m sorry i came off as… insensitive, earlier. but this is what i meant.”
finally, obanai looked up. he was gaping, he knew. a flicker of amusement passed by mitsuri’s eyes. she must enjoy playing games of pretend. it took obanai several moments to speak. because he almost wanted to believe it. but he knew, as a fact, that she was only amusing herself. amusing both of them.
“you’re wrong,” he said. he pushed enough confidence into his words, allowing them to taste strong as they rolled passed his lips. “i wish- i’m sure we both wish. that what you said was true. but it’s not. if you knew- if you’d seen… you would realize. you’d agree with me.”
only a beat of silence, this time. mitsuri was indignant. “perfect people don’t have to do everything right, all the time, iguro-san. we’ve all done stuff we regret. we’ve all done bad things before,” she said firmly. she looked like she wanted to move closer but was holding herself back for his sake. he let himself appreciate it.
“that’s not it. it’s different. it’s more than just something i did.” obanai returned to staring at the ground. his fingers itched to rewrap his bandages. “it’s worse.”
“it couldn’t be,” mitsuri said quietly. “if you didn’t even do it, then—“
“you just- you don’t get it!” obanai snapped, abruptly. his head jerked back up so he could look at her. his fingernails dug into the palms of his hand. “you wouldn’t understand! just- just stop! stop trying to pretend that i can be a better person, when it’s written in my god damn blood that i can’t! you’re just- you’re the perfect one, okay? i can’t compete! i don’t want to! so stop acting like i ever could!”
mitsuri was stunned, her eyes wide. but her surprise seemed purely on his outburst, shying away from his words. why wouldn’t she just let it go? accept that he could never be anything good? he hadn’t anticipated this when he’d worked up the idiocy to show her his scar. he’d almost hoped she’d be scared away. or, at the very least, finally see his flaws. realize he isn’t as great as she thinks he is. and yet all she can muster to understand is that none of it is a good memory.
when the silence stretched on, obanai’s shoulders slumped. he hated that she refused to see it. but he hated himself equally, if not more, for pushing it all onto mitsuri. as if he wanted her to carry his own burden. this was all so stupid. he never should’ve done this.
he turned away, making a quick work with retying his bandages, the movements precise and practiced. when he spoke this time, his voice was considerably quieter. almost meek. “please, kanroji,” he mumbled. “i’m sorry. please forget any of this happened.”
then he stood. he heard her calling out, maybe following him too, but he forced the temptation of her voice away. replacing it with the shock on her face instead. allowing his guilt to guide him out and away. kaburamaru moved back to his usual place as obanai rushed home. but this was how it should be. kaburamaru on his shoulders, his bandages wrapped tightly around his jaw. tucking away and repressing everything that shouldn’t be shown. the only evidence of his visit was mitsuri, who was left standing by the doorway. he could only hope she’d heed his advice and forget what had happened. it was only for the best, after all.
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lyrefromthesea · 9 months ago
Male pillars x Reader - Comfort
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request: the male pillars reactions towards a s/o that feels insecure about their rank as a hashira
pairing: Tengen x reader, Obanai x reader, Rengoku x reader, Sanemi x reader, Giyuu x reader, Muichiro x reader, Gyomei x reader
content warning: suggestiveness (Obanai, Sanemi)
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the pillar meeting, it would start in an hour and you didn't feel ready. everyone in the corps knew the rules, pillars get ranked upon achieving one of two things: behead one of the demon moons or atleast fifty demons.
so why didn't you feel ready? you've fought, since you've joined the demon slayers about two years ago, you've slayed a total of 76 demons. what now? this didn't feel right.
you couldn't stand next to the bravest swordsman between all of you. they were different, they've looked into the eyes of death. you knew, your husband was one of them after all.
perhaps you should quit, tell master Kagaya that you weren't ready, weren't deserving of such a high rank. the insecurities took over your mind, not even noticing how your husband entered the room.
"what's up with that face? ya gotta be more flamboyant, baby!" he encouraged, walking up to you. he sat down next to you, the bed sinking under his weight. "..baby?"
"this doesn't feel right.." you eventually said, his eyes widening slightly. he already knew about your insecurities, you had told him about them, but he didn't want to acknowledge it.
"i know. it doesn't. maybe it never will, but that's something you have to accept." he answered, suddenly appearing more serious than usual. he didn't mantain his "flashy" demeanor during serious topics - he never did.
"did it ever feel right to go outside and possibly sign your death sentence?" he joked, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to his side. head leaning against his shoulder, he looked down at you.
"i know that you deserve this place. you don't need to worry over it as long as I'm by your side.." he said, his voice having turned more gentle. you gave him a small smile, nodding lightly.
"let's go, i'll help you through it." he told you, standing up and holding a hand out. you took it. he was right, it didn't feel as bad when he was with you.
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"stop saying that." he scolded you, not accepting the way you were belittling yourself. you had looked stressed since this morning, now slowly starting to make him worry.
when he asked what's wrong, he was shocked to hear you talk upsetting about yourself. you sounded completely discouraged.
"your opinion doesn't make sense. i know you're the right person for this." he said, watching you sit down on the bed.
"Obanai, listen.." you tried voicing your insecurities, only to feel your breath hitch. he had taken his mask off, standing right in front of you. feeling him press a kiss against your lips, your eyes widened.
"i will show you how serious i am about this." he claimed, hands coming to your waist. truthfully, he typically wasn't the one taking control in these situations, your heartbeat picking up with how serious he sounded.
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small tears gathered at the corner of your eyes, trying to stop them didn't help at all. you felt selfish, thinking of the sacrifices of the other hashira. would you be able to do as they did when it came down to it?
you've seen the scars on Sanemi's body long before you stepped into your place as a pillar. you've watched Muichiro train himself sick - what did you do? your thoughts got interrupted by a warm hand on your shoulder.
"Kyojuro! I.. I didn't see you there." you looked at him, head immediately turning away again. you didn't want him to see your tears, it would only hurt more.
"little flame! didn't you hear me? why are you crying?" he asked, confused upon finding you sulk in your bedroom. he gently turned you to face him, wiping the tears away. they wouldn't fall under his watch.
"what's wrong?" he tilted his head to the side, wanting to understand you. truthfully, he didn't understand what was going on, but he wanted to.
"i don't think I can do this.. all of you did amazing, fighting for the people you love. i'm not like that.." you admitted, brushing his hand off your shoulder, stepping away. he let you. he knew how important personal space could be.
"that's nothing i haven't seen you do already, little flame." he answered, trying to encourage you. he was glad you weren't crying anymore, but he couldn't stand seeing you so insecure either.
"but i can see it! or did you see me rupturing my eardrums to save others?" you spat back. you would regret your attitude later - he didn't deserve being treated this way, but right now you couldn't concentrate on that.
"little flame, don't compare yourself to me!" he answered, promptly pulling you into a hug. you were surprised by his actions, he normally only was this straightforward with words.
"besides, thinking of it now, damaging my own hearing wasn't the smartest idea!" he confirmed, yet his tone was enthusiastic, you felt yourself smile at his words. sometimes his tone didn't match his words.
he didn't know what exactly cheered you up, but he was happy he made you laugh.
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"you do know how weird your worries are after looking at me, right?" he had a challenging glint in his eyes. it was already clear for him, it didn't matter what you said, he would prove you wrong.
"you don't count, you're a marechi." you answered, looking away. his scars were different, they gave him an advantage. you received them for acting dumb and endangering yourself.
"do you think i'm doing this myself? never. every scar symbolizes were a demon has hit me before." he told you, your eyes widening.
"are you seriously worried about some scars." he asked you, grabbing your wrist and pulling you closer. he nearly sounded offended at the mere thought. "i like them. i don't see a problem with a few lousy scars."
"did this one make you feel that way?" he asked, nodding towards the scar on your arm. he kissed the scarred skin softly, his eyes staying on yours. "or this one?"
you felt your cheeks flushing, the man slowly finding every scar that was seen, determined to show his own kind of affection. he kissed over the scar on your collarbone, fingers unbuttoning your uniform.
"i'll show you how much i appreciate every single one of them."
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"i don't deserve this. i shouldn't have the right to stand next to you or the others.." you said, clearly in distress. he didn't say anything, staring at you.
your words felt too familiar, too reasonable. he understood your dilemma, he knew that it felt like an endless hole. that's why he remained silent and only listened.
you don't remember when you started talking - insecurities revealing themselves. he hadn't moved since then, his eyes focused on you.
after what seemed like forever, he moved for the first time, standing right in front of you. he would've liked to approach this from a logical perspective, tell you why you were perfect as a pillar.
yet he knew that logic wouldn't come through, that he needed to comfort you differently.
you went quiet, looking at the raven-haired man. before you knew it, you were caught in his embrace.
no words were exchanged and no more actions were initiated. you just stood there, accepting his warmth.
it was enough.
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"i told you to stop doubting yourself." his voice always sounded monotone when he wasn't happy about your behavior. you could feel it even now. he didn't agree with your earlier statement.
"that's easy for you to say, you're a prodigy." you countered, but your argument didn't reach him. he was set on his words. "you're only saying that because i'm your tsuguko."
"that has nothing to do with your title as my tsuguko." was the answer you received from him. he sounded serious, your eyes slowly searching for his.
"you're an exceptional fighter. if it wasn't for you, i would've already died in past missions." he claimed, your words dying down. you had much to say, but the certitude he showed made it hard to argue.
"will i be able to rely on your talent again?" he asked, grabbing your hand. he was serious, he believed in you. insecurities were nagging at the back of your mind, but you wanted answer - to agree.
"..yes." you answered quietly, feeling him gently pull you along. as long as he was there, you couldn't think of your insecurities, you had something to protect.
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the master's estate was quiet, at least his backyard made you think so. the pillars should meet in about 20 minutes, why was no one here? you knew they respected the master - everyone did.
you should've been promoted to a hashira in front of them, it wasn't easy to kill one of the lower moons after all. did they forget? ..or maybe they're not coming on purpose.
you barely survived your interaction with the lower moon, they must've done much more expressive things than you. what if they didn't accept your title?
"[name], are you listening?" Himejima asked, he had noticed you after hearing your quiet mumbles. when you didn't react, he crouched down right next to your sitting for form.
"no.. i don't think i can do this.." you admitted, looking away. he had seldom heard your voice so quiet, your confidence had seemingly vanished. he quietly placed a large hand on your back. "i'm not as good as you, i don't fit into this place."
"i don't think you understand. even the pillars have differences in their strengths." he told you, finally sitting down properly. you glanced up at him, he was much taller than you.
"we learn from our fight. even now we learn with every demon we slay." he encouraged, trying to make you see that there's no need for insecurities.
"let's not worry about this now. tell me how your last mission was." he asked, wanting to make you think of different things. you smiled softly, trying to remember the demon you've fought.
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ayyy-pee · 5 days ago
mmmmokay can i request maybe a hashira!reader x sanemi where during the hashira meeting with lady amane following the swordsmith village arc, reader also takes her leave with tomioka and sanemi is piiiissssed and confronts her about it at her estate afterward (obv angrily). but then eventually she breaks and tells him that she wants to give him the future he deserves, to live happily married together with as many children as he wants (…perhaps… she could already be pregananant?). but she can’t bear the thought of leaving a child orphaned if they both manifest the curse mark (im sure he understands)
thanks love <3 ur my fav btw
hello nonnie!! am i barely answering your October request now in February? yes! somethings don't change sldkfjsdk. i hope you enjoy it because i love sanemi so much and could totally see him itching to kill somebody over you until he gets THE NEWSSS ohhhh. SANEMI CALL ME PLEASEEEE MY PHONE NUMBER IS 1-888-FCK-MEEE!!!
anyway - here it is
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Pairing: Sanemi Shinazugawa x Female Reader
Summary: With the imminent threat of Muzan approaching, the Hashira are given their new assignments. And Sanemi is none too happy about yours.
A/N: nothing crazy going on here tbh. just some jealous lovesick sanemi. i didn't proofread because i'm lazy lmfaooooo
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There’s a rage simmering in Sanemi’s chest, hot and threatening to boil over at any moment if he doesn’t find a way to calm down and quickly. Even with anger being Sanemi’s baseline emotion most days, he’s not sure he’s ever felt this incensed in his life. And try as he might, he just can’t seem to quell it.
The root cause shouldn’t be as big of a deal as it is, and yet it feels like it’s the end of the world. Like his world has just shifted and he has no control over what may happen next.
And it’s been this way since the Hashira gathering with the Mast- …Lady Amane, where he’d received probably the worst orders of his life. Since then, it’s taken everything in Sanemi to not blow the roof off of every single building on the estate.
“You’ll be dispatched to your assigned territories in pairs,” Lady Amane had spoken earlier in the evening. “This is for not only the protection of Nezuko, but for your own safety. Muzan is likely to go to extreme measures to get to the demon who has now conquered the sun. We have a better chance of success defeating Upper Moons if you are together.”
Sanemi disagreed. He didn’t need to be paired with anyone in order to do his job. He was a Hashira for fucks sake! If anything, they’d just be in his way. Why did he need to be paired with another Hashira on the off chance they ran until an Upper Moon? An insult, but if the Master deemed it necessary, there could be no argument.
“Understood,” Himejima spoke on everyone’s behalf. “Who is to be paired with whom, Lady Amane?”
“Please understand that these pairings are not given based on strength,” the small black-haired child beside Lady Amane began. “Shinobu will remain on estate grounds. Her tasks lie outside of combat.”
From Sanemi’s peripheral, he sees Shinobu nod.
“Himejima will also remain at the estate, tasked with guarding the Master’s quarters.”
The soft rattle of Himejima’s prayer beads sound throughout the space. And Sanemi imagines he must feel honored to be given such a heavy order. He’s jealous, but the idea of an Upper Moon coming from the depths to try and make their way to the Master, only to be met with Sanemi’s blade thrills him in ways he’s can’t explain.
“Now, to the pairings,” the child continues. “Muichiro and Shinazugawa.”
Sanemi and the child prodigy. He supposes he can’t be too upset, though Muichiro wouldn’t have been his preferred choice. The kid is strong, probably stronger than him, though Sanemi will never admit that aloud. No, he’s not mad at this pairing at all.
“Mitsuri and Obanai.”
The two share exchanged looks, Mitsuri red-faced, Obanai slinking further behind his mask if possible. Sanemi tries not to laugh. He’s certain Obanai is reeling from being paired up with the woman of his dreams. Once this meeting is over, he’ll have to give him all kinds of shit.
But now, Sanemi realizes with hardly concealed dread, that that leaves one particular dick head –
“Giyuu and –”
The woman of Sanemi’s dreams.
Now that is a pairing that Sanemi can be mad about. His eyes cut sharply across the room, where you sit stiffly behind Muichiro, hands curled into fists on your thighs. You and Tomioka? Paired to be stationed somewhere far, far away from here? Together? Alone?
Tomioka, who Sanemi is 99.999% certain has feelings for you. Tomioka, who deems himself “not like the rest of them”, like he’s above you all somehow. Tomioka, despite not bothering to speak to any of the other Hashira, found himself to be rather close with you. Even with Sanemi’s clearly voiced disdain for him, you remain friends. Tomioka, who makes Sanemi’s anger intensify when he sees him glance over to you discreetly, and you glance back and fucking smile at him!
It’s small. So tiny, that if Sanemi wasn’t already so well-versed in every little mannerism you possess, he’d for sure have missed it.
But unfortunately for you and Tomioka, Sanemi is well-versed in every little mannerism you possess, every move, and every single sound you’re capable of making. He knows you in ways Tomioka fucking wishes he could know you. In ways that Tomioka will never fucking know you if Sanemi has any say in it.
But so much can happen in such a short time. Who’s to say that you won’t find yourself falling for the Water Hashira in an unlikely way? The same unlikely way you found yourself falling for the Wind Hashira, and him for you. It’s enough to make Sanemi’s entire body tense.
Violet eyes pierce repeatedly into the back of the Water Hashira’s head, Sanemi wishing he’d fall dead in front of his eyes, and stop fucking staring at you. His mind races with a million different ways to kill Tomioka. The thoughts are fleeting, really so brief, the temptation to lunge for Mitsuri’s sword and wrap it around Tomioka’s neck, ending Sanemi’s misery right then and there. But would it be worth all the trouble?
Which is why Sanemi instead settles for staring hard daggers into the side of your skull. Poking and prodding, hoping you feel the immense weight of his gaze and stop looking at goddamned Tomioka and look at him!
“Look at me!” Sanemi screams internally. “Turn. Just turn this way! Turn your head and look over here! Stop fucking smiling at him! LOOK AT ME!!”
You don’t look at him, though, don’t dare meet his gaze.
And that has Sanemi seething.
But he doesn’t have time to dwell, because Lady Amane speaks and her tone demands everyone’s attention.
“Muichiro, Sanemi. You will leave in three days’ time. Mitsuri and Obanai. You will leave in two days’ time.”
A staggered dispatching of the Hashira. Sanemi has a bad feeling about this.
“Tomioka and ___. You will leave tonight.”
This just keeps getting worse.
Sanemi’s been glued to his spot among the Hashira since, sitting with his legs folded, eyes closed and arms crossed for ages in an attempt to meditate and shove the fury down as deep as it can go until it’s no longer affecting him. It’s pointless, it seems. Even the darkness he’s staring into behind his eyelids is starting to piss him off.
The reasonable part of Sanemi is telling him that there’s no reason to be upset. This is work! It’s not like you requested this partnership. It’s not as though you asked the Master if you and Tomioka could go on this mission together for God knows how long, doing God knows what in your down time together. It’s work for God’s sakes! You’re not running off to the beach and frollicking through the market with your fingers laced together. You’ll be potentially fighting for your fucking lives out there.
That’s it. Work. Nothing more.
But the unreasonable part of Sanemi is telling him he has every right to be pissed! He’s observed Tomioka’s behavior around you – annoyingly desperate for your attention, quickly yearning from across the room. It’s pathetic. Worse, Sanemi’s observed your behavior around Tomioka as well. Far too kind, far too friendly for Sanemi’s liking. And you know how he feels! 
Even with your reassurance that you harbor no romantic feelings for Tomioka, Sanemi just cannot stand the thought of you two traveling shoulder to shoulder together. It can’t happen! 
Riding the train and sitting beside each other while you take in and discuss the beautiful views? Unacceptable! 
Sharing meals together, waking up and greeting each other first thing in the morning. Telling each other goodnight before climbing into bed?
Sanemi wants to rip his hair straight from his scalp at the thought of how domestic it all seems.
His reasonable side calls to him again, tries to calm him.
‘They’ll be far too busy patrolling for demons and potentially fighting Upper Moons to care about any of that.’
And somehow, that makes it all worse for him.
Sanemi would love nothing more than to lay down his life in front of you, for you if needed while facing an Upper Moon. He’d relish in standing back-to-back with you while raising your blades and bringing them down on any demon who stands in your way – together. You and him. You and Sanemi. Not you and Tomioka Giyuu.
With a sigh, Sanemi’s eyes open. All of the Hashira remain gathered in a circle, discussing the details of today’s meeting. Himejima drones on about whatever. Who really gives a fuck? Sanemi can’t be bothered. Not when you still haven’t taken even a second to look his way. 
And the rage continues to burn hot. He’s not getting any less angry.
‘Or jealous,’ his mind mocks.
The softness of the sunset peeks through the room’s windows, and it’s only a reminder that soon you’ll be on your way with Tomioka. And if things wind up going left, it could be the last time Sanemi ever sees you. It’s a thought that has Sanemi grinding his teeth, hard and loud enough that he’s grabbed Obanai’s attention, his elbow digging into Sanemi’s ribs.
The loud hiss that comes from Sanemi’s lips grabs Himejima’s attention, pausing his spiel.
“Hmm,” the monk hums. “Perhaps here is a fine place to stop. We will resume discussions at the next meeting.”
The Hashira stand, and Sanemi watches as each pairing finds each other. He’s grateful that Muichiro isn’t the small talk type because he simply murmurs that he will meet Sanemi at the destination and takes his leave. Obanai has found Mitsuri and he lets her do what she does best – talk his ear off. Himejima and Shinobu are both speaking quietly away from the rest of the group.
And you…Sanemi’s eyes find you, staring back at him finally. Your eyes are sad, a small smile holding an apology on your lips. Is it because you’ll be gone in the morning and will likely not have a moment to see him? Maybe. But there’s something else in your gaze, though Sanemi can’t quite place it. 
Then there’s Tomioka, who without fail, is heading towards you. You don’t see him, your eyes locked on to Sanemi’s. And he can’t imagine not having at least one last conversation before you go your separate ways for what could be the final time. He can’t have that.
Tomioka gets closer, and it makes Sanemi move, makes him remember that the clock is ticking. It won’t wait for him, and the more he stands here brooding, the closer you are to being out of his reach.
His feet carry him across the room, fast and long strides quickly closing the distance. Your eyes widen when you see him approaching, still not aware that Tomioka is also closing the gap, and when you finally do it’s too late.
Your name falls from Tomioka’s lips. The sound makes Sanemi’s jaw clench tight.
“I was hoping we could –”
Sanemi snatches your wrist, the yelp you let out cutting off the Water Hashira. Blue eyes take in the sight before him; you wide eyed and surprised. Sanemi, wide eyed and murderous.
“Fuck off, Tomioka,” Sanemi snarls, the venom dripping from every word. “We’re talking.”
His stupid, nonchalant demeanor drives Sanemi insane. He’s not the least bit affected by Sanemi’s tone.
“Yes, but–”
“No buts. I said fuck…” Sanemi’s voice lowers into a menacing whisper. “Off…”
You quickly shift between the two men, your hand coming up to land on Tomioka’s shoulder and Sanemi is really about ready to lose his shit. “I’ll meet you at the gates in a few hours, okay? I’ll send my crow for you.”
Tomioka’s eyes drift down to your hands where Sanemi still grips onto your wrist. Then they slide up to his face, where Sanemi’s lip curls up into a snarl. But you seem calm, unaffected even. So Tomioka simply tells you he will see you soon, and takes his leave.
The other Hashira still linger, pissing Sanemi off with their presence.
“Come with me,” he demands, and you nod.
“Not here, though.”
There’s hardly any sun left when you lead Sanemi to the small alleyway beside the building. It’s dark and quiet enough for you two to speak without interruption. Once alone, Sanemi pins your wrist to the wall, his face so close you can feel his breaths fanning against your face.
“What’s wrong with you?” He wastes no time getting to the point. “You get assigned to a mission with Tomioka and suddenly I’m invisible…”
You roll your eyes, because as always, you find him to be dramatic. And maybe he is being dramatic, but he can’t seem to find a fuck to give when you’re so close to leaving. 
“Oh, so you want to be out there with Tomioka, then?”
“Sanemi…” you whisper calmly.
He shakes his head. “No, don’t Sanemiiii me. I saw you at the meeting earlier, smiling at Tomioka when you found out you’d be sent off halfway across the country to do who knows what,” Sanemi hisses. “No objections from you?”
You scoff, snatching your hand from his hold. “We’re going halfway across the country to work, Sanemi.” Your hands settle on his bare chest and Sanemi has to stop his eyes from fluttering shut. “What should I have done? Refusing Lady Amane’s orders would be the same as refusing the Masters. I am not doing that just because you’re throwing a jealous fit over Giyuu. As always.”
“I am not…” he grumbles, “throwing a fit.”
At this, you snort, and the sound makes Sanemi soften. Only by a fraction.
“I just…” He pauses, hands coming to rest on your hips and his anger melts away finally, because that’s how it always is with you. The moment he’s able to touch you, feel you the way he desires, all turmoil disappears. 
“...hate Giyuu?” You finish his sentence for him, and Sanemi rolls his eyes, sighing.
“Not as much as I fucking hate you calling him by his first name like that,” he grumbles, leaning forward so that his face is nuzzled against your shoulder.
“I call everyone by their first name, you dummy.”
It’s true. But it only annoys Sanemi when it’s his name falling from your lips.
“He wants you, you know?  Potential life or death mission with a beautiful woman?” His voice lowers, grip on your hips squeezing hard, but not enough to hurt. “Probably thinks this is his perfect chance to make a move, that fucker.”
You shake your head, lips pursing together. “He doesn’t. And he wouldn’t.”
“He does. And he would. I mean, I would. I did.”
“That’s different!” You chuckle softly. “Giyuu…He–” you stop yourself, hands coming up to rub at your temples. “Why am I even arguing with you about this?!”
Because Sanemi hates that you’re leaving and that you’re leaving with Tomioka! And he hates that you and Tomioka are friends, that you call him by his first name with such affection it makes Sanemi’s skin crawl. He hates that you can’t see what Sanemi does when Tomioka looks at you. And he hates the idea of you potentially coming back in love with Tomioka and tossing Sanemi aside!
It seems so stupid when he spells it out in his head like this, but it’s how he feels. He’s not going to apologize for it.
“I don’t like it,” He mutters. “He has some weird secret crush on you and I hate seeing the way he looks at you. Like if you let him, he’ll ask you to marry him on the spot.” You chuckle at this, and Sanemi’s lips turn down with a scowl. “It’s not funny! Tomioka would love nothing more than to build you a pretty little house and have babies and shit. Fucking freak probably dreams about it. I can tell because–”
Because Sanemi would love nothing more than to do those exact things.
He feels the tension radiating off of you in an instant, his eyes falling onto your hands that are now rubbing absentmindedly along his scars. There’s a strange change in your demeanor. Like you’re nervous about something. Is just the mention of marriage and a house with kids so off putting? Perhaps you’re not interested. Or maybe you are interested, and you’re interested in having that with…
With Tomioka, is what Sanemi wants to add. But he thinks it better not to when he sees the look on your face. Quiet, thoughtful, maybe even a little sad.
“Sanemi…we need to talk.”
You feel his lips against your skin, turning down into a scowl. Then he’s pulling away to look at your face. “Not loving the sound of that.”
Your eyes find his, adjusting to the slow darkness creeping into the space. It’s only for a second before you’re looking away again.
“I–” Your voice trembles. “I feel like I need to tell you something.”
You do want that…and with Tomioka?! He should have known. The signs were right there in front of him
“I fucking knew it…”
“Knew what?”
He chuckles, dryly and with absolutely no humor. “That you want Tomioka. Or, excuse me, Giyuu.” He spits the Water Hashira’s name out like it’s bitter. He knows he sure is. “That’s why you were so fucking smiley when you got your orders, right?”
Sanemi steps back, just out of your reach and begins pacing, truly trying not to take it upon himself to bring the Hashira count down by one. Really, who’d miss Tomioka anyway? He sure fucking wouldn’t.
“Stop, that’s not it at all!”
“Oh, then what is it?!” He barks, then inhales deeply to try and calm himself, though he knows it will be pointless. Still, he lowers his voice. “You two have been making eyes at each other all goddamn day. You couldn’t even look at me after you got your orders.” He stares you down now, feet rooted in place.
“I’m trying to tell you that–”
“That you’re done with this? That why Tomioka’s over there shooting you encouraging smiles? Rushing over to you after the meeting?”
“No, he’s–”
“Because you need the pep talk to give you the courage to break this off, huh? Didn’t expect such a cowardly move from you.”
Sanemi can’t see it, but your hands ball into fists at your side, about two seconds from strangling him.
“Sanemi…” Your tone is a warning that he chooses to ignore.
“Oh, I bet you can’t fucking wait to run off into the sunset with that fucking wet rag.”
“I’m trying to –”
“And Tomioka, oh I just know he’s at home packing and imagining this amazing future you two are obviously planning to build together. It’s so –”
“Will you shut up?!” Your voice screeches, cutting through Sanemi’s rant like a sharp blade. “For the love of God! I’m trying to tell you that I was paired with Giyuu for a reason! It’s not because we’re planning to run away together. It’s not because I love him…well, I love him, but only as a friend –”
Sanemi’s lips open to speak, surely to argue about the love part but you hold up a finger and he quickly shuts his mouth. You pick up where you left off, voice shakily trying to get this out.
“The Master paired me up with Giyuu for this mission that could very well be my last because not only am I fucking terrified of what the future holds…” You inhale deeply, steeling yourself. “...but I’m also pregnant, Sanemi.”
Your wide eyes stare at him, the fear loud and clear in your dilated pupils. And his expression matches yours.
There’s silence. Long, drawn out. Loud.
What can he say? This was definitely not how he was expecting this conversation to go.
“You’re…” Sanemi’s rough voice shatters the quiet between you. His feet drag him forward, bring him closer until he’s standing chest to chest with you again.
You swallow hard, watery eyes locked onto the man before you. “...pregnant.”
He drops to his knees, not caring about the way the gravel digs painfully into his flesh, not caring how pathetic he may look to any passerby, not caring about anything except you. You and… 
His strong arms loop around your waist, pulling you to him until his cheek is pressed to your belly. You can feel his breath, ragged and quick against the fabric of your uniform, and you let that be the only sound for who knows how long until Sanemi speaks again.
“You’re with child…my…child?” His head tilts back, cheek still resting against your abdomen until his eyes meet yours. And you see it.
Fear. Raw, unfiltered fear.
It’s such a strange emotion to see on the face of the Wind Hashira. Known for facing any and all challenges head on without hesitation and coming out on top, you now see a look that is unfamiliar to you. Even when it’s just the two of you, you don’t know Sanemi to fear anything. But you do what you know to do when he needs comfort. Your fingers find his hair, slipping into the surprisingly soft tresses where you comb through soothingly. His eyes drift shut and he leans into your touch.
“Yes.” It’s a whisper. So soft, you’re not sure Sanemi’s heard. But when he inhales sharply, you know he has. “That’s why I’ve been given this pairing and station.”
Sanemi shakes his head, confused. He doesn’t understand what the pairing with Tomioka has to do with anything. Just that you heading to the front lines is out of the question. He mutters your name softly, then peers up at you with pleading eyes. “You…you can’t go into battle with child.”
“This is why I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want you to worry,” you answer, as though you can read his mind. Your voice trembles, and Sanemi can feel the splash of fallen tears against his cheek. Not his own.
He rises to his feet, his rough hands cupping your face and swiping away the moisture on your cheeks. Your hands hold onto his forearms, and he bends to press a soft kiss to your wrists. He sees your lip quivering, hears your quiet sniffles and his lips find yours. The kisses are feather light, but just the touch of his mouth against yours opens the floodgates, and you’re soon sobbing into Sanemi’s mouth.
He holds you while your body shakes with sobs, lets you press your hands against his chest again, dig your nails painfully into his skin until he’s gritting his teeth. Sanemi cannot imagine what you feel.
“We can speak to the Master. Or…Lady Amane,” Sanemi suggests quietly, holding you closer if possible.
“We can’t. These are orders from the Master himself.”
“He can’t do this,” he insists softly, quietly. Even he is a little afraid that someone will hear what he’s suggesting. To go against the Master…well, it’s highly frowned upon. 
“He’s doing what’s right…for now. Even Giyuu is kind enough to be escorting me away from the fight that’s sure to come.” You seem to have calmed down, voice a bit steadier now as you pull away from Sanemi to peer up at him. 
“I’m scared, Sanemi. I want…you. I want a life that’s not tainted by fear. And to do that, I have to fight. But if I fight and develop the mark, or if you die, we will be leaving this baby as an orphan.” 
Right. A condition of the mark – certain death. One that Sanemi, under no circumstance is willing to let you or your child suffer through.
“Not to mention,” you continue. “If I die in battle in my current condition, we…” You take Sanemi’s hand in yours, press it to your belly. “We will die…”
Another scenario Sanemi is not willing to let happen.
“I want to defeat Muzan so that we can finally have peace. So that we can be together without worrying constantly over what’s lurking in the darkness. Or if our child will be able to have a normal childhood and life. I want to live with you. I want to fall asleep and wake up in your arms. I want to spend our days as a family and…” You wipe at your eyes, tears threatening to spill again. “Everything is so uncertain now and I just–”
Your words die on your tongue when Sanemi’s lips crash into yours. He kisses you hungrily, swallowing every sob and whimper you have to offer. Partly because he wants to kiss away any pain, and partly because he’s damn near ready to cry himself.
It’s not fair.
This world is not fair.
“I don’t want you to worry about this, anymore,” Sanemi orders. “Take your leave. Protect yourself.” He kisses you again, tenderly this time, though his next words don’t match his actions. “And don’t die.”
Yes, everything is uncertain right now. Yes, there’s no way to know what the future holds for either of you or your unborn child. Yes, life is terrifying. There is much to be scared about. But Sanemi knows one thing for certain.
You must live. He must live. That child must live.
And Kibutsuji Muzan…whether he knows it or not, has just had his fate sealed.
Because Sanemi will do everything in his power to make sure that by the time this child comes to be, Muzan is long dead.
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year ago
Hi! If request are open, 21 trio? Lee!giyuu and ler!sanemi and obanai? U don’t have to btw!
When they call them trio 21 it reminds me of a meme I saw in which Sanemi and Obanai said: Being hashiras made us friends, but hating Tomioka made us brothers KAHSLSHSLSHS 😭 well, let's change that 👌🏼
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Lee: Giyuu Tomioka
Lers: Sanemi Shinazugawa and Iguro Obanai
Sanemi and Obanai didn't understand one thing, how was it possible that Shinobu, despite being rejected countless times, still tried to be Giyuu's friend?
'That idiot... He thinks he's better than everyone... I HATE HIM!'
If Sanemi and Obanai were together, they only did one thing: Roast Giyuu. It would be no exception on that occasion.
'Come on Tomioka-San! Let's be friends! I know you want to~!'
Shinobu received no response, she wasn't angry, but she felt 'disappointed'. 'Ooooh, so I need to "get your attention", hmm~?'
This did catch Giyuu's attention, starting to walk away slowly, only for after a few steps, Shinobu jumped, hugging him by the neck and squeezing his ribs. 'Wait... What is Kocho doing...?'
'I hope she's trying to choke him or bend his neck.', both of their eyes widened when they heard a male laugh, it wasn't either of them, that means... 'Ko-Kohocho...!! O-Okahahay!! Sohohorry...!!', after that, Giyuu and Shinobu walked away, now "talking".
Sanemi and Obanai saw each other, pinched themselves, shook their heads, even slapped each other. 'Did you just see... The same thing I just saw...?'
'Did Giyuu Tomioka just laugh...?'
Their confusion was evident, Giyuu never spoke and now, suddenly, he just laughed? They both saw each other, gave each other a knowing look, if Shinobu had gotten Tomioka to talk just for a few tickles, they would both make his 'I'm not like you' behavior disappear once and for all.
And of course, also the opportunity to 'humiliate' him and get some revenge, for what? For nothing really, Sanemi and Obanai simply want to teach him a lesson.
'There it is... What do you think we do? Should we push him to the ground or should I hold him tight while you tickle him?'
'I wanted to humiliate him in front of people, but I guess it will be difficult to get him off his estate. Let's do this, we put him on the ground and I climb on his arms and you on his hips,' Sanemi nodded before realizing that Obanai had practically stated his plan in other words.
Then there would be time to complain to him, Obanai had already gone ahead and was now banging hard on the door of Giyuu's estate.
'Who-? Oh, Obanai, how are you...? Shinazugawa...? What are you two doing here...?', neither of them visited him and the only visit they gave him was only to push him to the ground and close the door.
Just as they had planned, they laid him down and sat on his arms and legs, thinking that Giyuu would move, would start begging that they didn't do it, that they let him free, but he didn't do anything.
They both looked upset, was he trying to show them that he was better than them by not being ticklish? Not at all, he didn't believe they were capable of doing that, he was shocked. 'Why are you doing this...?'
'Why? Well, you're fucking shameless... That's why you always do your "I'm not like you" bullshit. Now what are you going to say about it?'
Giyuu frowned, were they seriously doing this? For a moment he thought they were joking or that he was dreaming, but no... 'Fuck you,' was his response.
Sanemi didn't look upset, he looked happy, as if I had given him one more reason to carry out his purpose. 'With pleasure...~'
'...If you're going to do gay things, please let me know and Kaburamaru and I will back off...'
Okay, that did make Sanemi angry and he knew what he would do after destroying the 'Giyuu's pride'
'Kanzaburo, when you came to my window, you seemed worried and wanted me to come running to Tomioka-San's farm, but... Why? I don't understand, is he okay?!'
Kanzaburo shook his head, worrying her more and forcing her to quicken her pace.
'Hah, what's wrong Tomioka? Where is your cold person behavior? Was it just a facade?!' 'You should see yourself... You squirm like a worm and you can't even utter a single word without laughing out loud!'
How bad was Giyuu? Enough to have some tears threatening to come if Sanemi and Obanai continued tickling him like there was no tomorrow.
'Ehem!', Shinobu cleared her throat, drawing both of their attention and being a signal to stop.
They didn't expect anyone to arrive, I mean, they both thought that no one visited Giyuu, but apparently they did. 'What? We haven't done anything wrong, we're not breaking any rules!'
'What he said! What's happening? You did it before and no one judged you, so don't look at us that way!'
Shinobu approached them and pulled their ears, they were expecting a long talk, but...
'You've done it all wrong! Giyuu doesn't need to be tickled so hard! A gentle touch will make him laugh... Isn't that right Tomioka-San~?', Giyuu laughed nervously as he watched Shinobu approach.
Maybe after this, he would finally talk a little more or stop having that cold face.
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colourstreakgryffin · 2 years ago
Whilst I work on my other better Hashira things. Take this other thing I also had buried away on my phone for ages
Best Friend/Platonic! KNY Iguro Obanai
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Mainly platonic but a bit of sprinkled conflicted romantic
A very tough one to befriend due to his intense fear of women and withdrawn nature but you did it! And Obanai adores you as a whole for you sticking by his side
Obanai constantly follows you around(unless Mitsuri is nearby). You’re his safe spot and he lives off that gorgeous aura of yours. Your very kind spirit makes him feel welcome
Even if Obanai is slightly older, he clings onto you like a child and whines for your attention. Somebody wants to steal his best friend? God no, not happening ever!
Obanai is quite the silent man but with you, he opens up a lot more than one would expect, both in and out of public. He hasn’t shown you what’s under his mask nor told you his past but only because he’s afraid you’ll run away
Obanai writes letters to you like he does to Mitsuri. His are mainly detailing his missions or about his hangouts with Mitsuri but some are a bit more personal when you wish
He compliments you. Obanai is a complimenter so when he feels like he should, he’ll boost your confidence and your self-image. He will never let you think you’re ugly or gross, he’ll make you feel as if you’re on-top of the world
“You, hideous? That’s a bad joke, Dokusha. You’re beautiful— No, I mean it, your beautiful, your fun, your sweet, your skilled. I don’t know what that asshole was thinking but nothing he said is true. Yeah, your skin is flawless, you have the silkiest hair, the most gorgeous eyes, your smile’s so precious. Forget him, okay, I’m here now and not going anywhere”
“I’m too kind? Isn’t speaking the truth and lightening up your day what best friends do?”
He also sends you random gifts when he sees fit. He has no reason to, he just thought you’d like whatever he found and figured he’d bring it to your attention. Other-times though, he does it cause he believes he must spoil you
Obanai rants about Mitsuri but not too much as he knows that you’re well aware of his deep feelings for her. He just needs to vent out his passion and you always listen. Yet, he apologises everytime for “wasting your time”
You could bust into Serpent Estate and voice act being a demon hunting him down, and Obanai would still be happy to see you. He knows you’re just playing with him and he’s getting better at easing his seriousness down for your outgoing nature
Obanai has a very dark sense of humour and you’re known as the innocent jokester of the Hashira so he has been improving himself and getting a hold of a safer humour so he can impress you. He wants you to think he’s wholesomely-funny so he tries to be that
Talking about those Estate visits, it’s regular than somebody like Obanai would tolerate. He needs his beloved emotional support when he needs her and sends you a gloomy letter asking for your presence
Obanai isn’t a really touchy nor affectionate best friend but he does like giving hugs whenever he wants. It’s mainly after meeting up with Mitsuri, he gives you a soft hug with praise falling out of his lips for the help.
Obanai is extra sweet when you’re openly upset or in your feels, he’ll let you lay your head on his lap and/or hug his side and cry. Anything to make you feel better as he plots the death of the person who hurt his beloved BFF
“Listen to this one, Dokusha. I made it up. What kind of tea is hard to swallow? Reali-tea” Cut to a concerned Obanai hovering around you as you choke on your laughter. He’s trying for you and you’re so proud of him for it
You’re his wingwoman when it comes to Mitsuri. You helped with the idea of gifting Mitsuri those socks and you help build up all that confidence to attend the restaurant get-togethers with Mitsuri. You’re truthfully like the only pillar keeping Obanai from crumbling apart when he‘s spending time with Mitsuri and he is so grateful for you helping
Obanai is the type of best friend to submit to your requests, even if they’re very minor. You want him to tell you more about his feelings, about his issues. He’ll send you letter telling you everything you wanted and maybe more since he trusts you
Trust is a massive piece of your bestie-ship with Iguro Obanai. Even though it took quite some time for him to develop it, his trust in you can’t be broken now, it’s too strong. Like his love for you, he believes you aren’t capable of doing wrong but there’s just some pieces of information he refuses to tell you out of fear
To make it fair, Obanai needs you to confide in him too. Don’t hide what’s going wrong, he’s here for you! Just tell him that you’re upset over your crush rejecting you and he’ll hightail it to your Estate with your favourite treats. He cares intently for your feelings and won’t tolerate anybody that breaks your heart
“Oi, fucktard. Don’t you dare ignore Dokusha! She’s the Ice Hashira, give her the respect she deserves. What will I do? Make you regret every decision you’ve ever made in your worthless life”
Obanai is the overprotective best friend type. In a fight against a demon or at the fleet market with a mean shopkeeper, Obanai will fiercely defend you like his life depends on it
You(and Mitsuri) are the only two people person in the entirety of Japan that are allowed to nickname Obanai! You mainly nickname him “Obi” and he is so use to it that it’s weird to him, when you call him anything else
Iguro? Obanai? Who in the actual f**k is that? He’s Obi, Obi-sash, Obi-Nobi, he’s never heard of that other guy before in his life!
Would Obanai develop any sort of non-platonic feelings for you? I believe at one point; he would consider it and be quite conflicted over it for ages. He knows he does feel some romantic love for you but he knows he just can’t! He doesn’t deserve you, he doesn’t want to ruin his insanely close connection with you and he‘s still in love with Mitsuri! Against a half of his heart, he makes it official that that you must remain in the friend-zone
Obanai likes to hold your hand as much as he can and the soft squeezes reassure him that you’re not going anywhere
Regularly takes you to nice restaurants for lunch catch-ups/hangouts. He believes the best place to wind down and relax is at a table with food and you by his side chatting about random stuff as he remembers each important point and writes them all down in a mental note
Like mentioned, Obanai remembers everything about you. Well… actually, everything he prescribes as the most important. Mention a birthday date once and Obanai will never forget it. Yeah, his devotion for you may not be like the one he has for Mitsuri but he still values you intently and keeping track of the special things to make you happy
Loves going on missions with you. He feels more at peace, less stressed and being able to have you so close by gets rid of the constant worry he has; will you ever come back alive? If you’re right there, Obanai doesn’t have to work with that horrible sting in his chest
Will always catch you if you fall, will always support you if you’re down, will always pick you up when you can’t stand anymore, will always protect you and help you when you’re in pain. Obanai will always be around and doesn’t consider you a afterthought(well… unless he is with Mitsuri), you’re a priority of all things
He loves you so much that it hurts. He didn’t think he could meet another woman that’d win him over but lord behold, the world proves him wrong once again and he values you, a woman, highly enough for him to proudly call you his one and only best friend
“We got a mission together, I hear. Would you like to go to that new restaurant afterwards? There’s a dessert I know you’d love. Yeah? Great, follow me… and hold my hand”
(If it’s not obvious, I’m a Obanai whore that wants to frik him)
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roninishere · 2 years ago
right now.
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part one.
Giyuu Tomioka x female reader
Warnings: angst, in the feels, anxiety, bullying, self hate, bad grammar?
Summary: Life is incredibly unfair at times, this was one of them.
“You don’t think I can handle being a Hashira anymore..don’t you?” The way your voice cracked, really made him feel guilty.
And the worst part was, he had so much to say to you, but he just couldn’t.
Neither one of you ever left things like this, never. He regretted it the very moment you left for your mission. He knew that was probably one of the worst things he could let you think, and him not say a damn word. cause it wasn’t true.
‘Lights go down and
The night is calling to me, yeah
I hear voices
Singing songs in the street and I know’
As if his anxiety wasn’t already always so high, it kept him laying awake in bed. And he wasn’t the only one that couldn’t sleep, little Mio would cry her little lungs out. Every night for the first week you were gone. After day four, Giyuu discovered that her sleeping on his chest after he sang her the lullaby that you use to, her chubby pale fingers wrapped around his pinky was the key.
She slept peacefully, at least that made one of them.
‘That we won't be going home
For so long, for so long, but I know
That I won't be on my own
Yeah, I love this feeling and
Right now I wish you were here with me (oh)
'Cause right now everything is new to me (oh)
You know, I can't fight the feeling
And every night I feel it
Right now I wish you were here with me (oh)’
Giyuus couldn’t help it but his anxiety was so bad this time around, maybe because he never failed to worry about you every time you left for a mission. He knew that you could take care of yourself, you were a Hashira after all, but something wasn’t right.
He hoped you’d complete your mission and be home soon.
Until a week turned into two weeks. No letter from you, just your crow reporting his biggest fear.
You had gone missing after your encounter with the demon.
So he searched for you, having your crow take him where you went missing. Nothing. He found nothing. It was like you vanished out of thin air. That’s what scared him.
All the worst possibilities had flooded in his mind. Not his beloved. He couldn’t lose you too. Seven days and not a trace of what could’ve happened to you.
Don’t give up. She would never on you.
‘Late-night spaces
With all our friends, you and me, yeah
Love these faces
Just like how it used to be’
“You know, she probably just got sick of your shit and took off. I know I would with that ‘I’m not like you guys’ attitude.” Sanemi shrugged as Master called for a Hashira meeting to discuss about their missing Hashira comrade, and of course everyone was getting their lick in.
Taking shots. Giyuu never gave a shit about what they thought of him, but this wasn’t the time to being making allegations. You’d never leave him, he knew that. You’d never. They all knew that. Even if you were upset with him about your fight, you’d always come home. He and Mio were your reason for living, the reason you never gave up in this harsh world.
“I never understood what she saw in you anyways. Mr. High and mighty, must’ve said some messed up stuff.” Obanai added.
Their comments just angered Giyuu, his expression staying the same as his hand on his side balled into a fist, really? Right now?
His wife is missing, their beloved Hashira, and all they heard was that they had an argument before you left? He’s better off on his own.
Fuck he missed when you use to attend these meetings with him, threatening to fight the Wind and Serpent Pillar if he didn’t keep your husbands name out his mouth. When he had to throw you over his shoulder, and line up on the opposite side of them.
“That’s enough! This is serious, no matter what happened before she left for her mission, the situation still stands, a Hashira is still missing!” The love pillar glared at the two other pillars as she stood her ground. “Stop saying things that aren’t true! it’s not like Y/N to just go missing, especially after an encounter with a demon. Instead of bullying Tomioka-San, remember that’s his daughters mother you’re speaking of!”
Shinobu set a hand on her friends shoulder seeing she got all worked up, and was nearly in tears.
Zoning out everyone, Giyuu set towards Masters Estate once Amane came out with Mio in her arms. “Tomioka-san, still no progress?” Giyuu returned her bow as he took the toddler in his arms.
“No,” his voice was calm as the little girl gripped his index finger in her chubby fingers with the cutest burst of laughter to see her father. “Would be alright if I bring her back tomorrow afternoon?”
He hadn’t noticed the pillars stopped their bickering behind him, seeing how much the little girl in his arms looking like their missing pillar. Same eyes, same smile, and hair color. If Mio didn’t have Giyuus pale complexion and similar hair style, she would’ve been a spilt image of her mother.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for a few more days? You’ve been gone for a week, you should rest.”
He wanted to, but he couldn’t give up now “I’ll rest once I find Y/N. I made a promise, isn’t that right princess?” His dark blue ocean eyes were soft as he caress her cheek, giving it a little pinch getting a squeal out of the baby.
“I understand, then of course, bring her by tomorrow afternoon,” The masters wife waved at the little girl.
‘And we won't be going home
For so long, for so long, but I know
I won't be on my own
On my own, I'm feeling like
Right now I wish you were here with me (oh)
'Cause right now everything is new to me (oh)
You know, I can't fight the feeling
And every night I feel it
Right now I wish you were here with me (oh)’
“almost done princess.” It was easy for him to do his own hair, but doing it on someone else, let alone a baby, was harder. Well he just had to be very delicate. His hands were gently as he brushed her hair that was surprisingly long, already down past her shoulders. The Hashira sat on his knees behind Mio who was making cute silly faces to her father, waiting for him to see her reflection in the mirror.
When he finished putting her hair in a loose ponytail, he sighed softly before looking up in the mirror to see her sticking her tongue at him before breaking out in a giggle fit before she tried to crawl away, “and where do you think you’re going, come here silly,” he crawled over to her playfully as she let out playfully screams before he snatched her up in his arms “I gotcha!”
“D..da-ada!” Mio exclaimed causing Giyuu to freeze, did she just? She just said her first word!
He smiled so big at her of happiness before a feeling of sadness washed over him, she said her first word…and you weren’t here. You were missing her first word.
If you were here, he could see you getting all excited yet jealous that of course her daughters first word was dada! You’d pout but definitely treasure this moment with him. He never dropped his smile, not wanting to upset his daughter as he fought the fears that were building up.
I’m sorry I failed you. I’m sorry I failed to protect you. I’m so sorry. I will find you and bring you back home.
God he missed you so much, so fucking much. He felt like someone stabbed him, and was turning the blade in his stomach over and over. Like a thousand pounds were on his chest, making it so hard to fucking breathe. He felt someone had a grasp on his heart, squeezing it to see how long before its burst.
His heart was breaking every second you were away from them, every time he subconsciously thought of the worst.
After being unsuccessful the second time, he grew frustrated, but he wasn’t giving up. He made a promise to his pride and joy that he would bring you back home.
“Alright,” he stood over Mio as the little girl stood up, she had been determined for the past few days, trying over and over again, now matter how hard she fell. Definitely reminded him of you, too stubborn to stop. Slowly and steadily letting go of her hands, Giyuu walked over a few paces as she struggled to stand on her own. “Come here Mio, walk to me.”
His arms reached out for the toddler as she took a very wobbly first step, nearly falling but caught herself with her hand before pushing back up. The second step made the Hashira smile, her first steps already. The third one quickly turned into a sloppy fourth one when she crashed into Giyuus arms with a fit of giggles. Bringing her into his lap, he smothered her in face kisses “Good job princess,” he nearly folded when she reached out, tugging on his cheek.
You missed her first steps too.
Y/N, wherever you are, I hope you’re safe, just hold out a little longer.
‘Lights go down and
I hear you calling to me, yeah
Right now I wish you were here with me (oh)
'Cause right now everything is new to me (oh)
You know, I can't fight the feeling
And every night I feel it
Right now I wish you were here with me (oh)’
On his third attempt, he went nine miles north of where you encountered the demon, to find ripped pieces of your haori around the area. Picking up them up, the pieces lead him to w trail where your sword laid, nearly covered in leaves.
His heart steered to swell, his hands started shaking when he bent down to pick your sword up.
Not his Y/N. Please not her.
How much more would this world take from him?
Balling his fists, his cloudy vision searched every inch of the area for you, you were close, he knew it. “Y-Y/N?!”
The more he called out your name, the more his voice broke, where were you?
Give me a sign please.
Instead he felt the presence of a demon, gripping your sword tightly in his hands. The footsteps got closer, right behind the Hashira, and once he jumped up, flipping back to attack… he froze, unable to commit as your once beautiful eyes were now large cat like ones.
No. Impossible!
He kicked you away from him, hating the twisted turn in his stomach of causing harm to you. Once he landed in his feet, they immediately buckled, his knees crashing on the leaves underneath him. His once calm expression crumpled as his bottom lip trembled. Tears welled up in his pretty blue eyes as they ran down his cheeks uncontrollably.
“N-no…p-please…no…” he begged, his voice so hoarse.
It felt like someone ripping his heart out his chest as the quiet environment echoed with his sobs.
Please, someone wake me up from this horrible nightmare.
Until reality hit him that this was REAL. Tomioka, Y/N, the love of his life, his beloved, the mother of his daughter…
A demon.
The loud nasty snarls escaped your lips made him wince as you bolted to him, ready to attack.
I can’t do it, I-I can’t, he told himself.
Getting to his feet, he once again dodged your attacks with tears down his pale cheeks “Y/N! Snap out of it! P-please! You know who I am!” He cried out as he tried to regain you back, regain his wife.
Even though you should’ve been faster and stronger than him, despite his emotions, he easily blocked your sloppy movements coming to conclusion that you haven’t fed on anyone, yet. And you wouldn’t, especially if he had anything to do with it. Remembering him, he had to get you to remember, remember your life over your desire for human flesh and blood.
“I-it’s me! G-giyuu, your husban-nd!” Tossing the swords to the side, he wouldn’t attack you, he refused. He couldn’t hurt you. He sniffled, wiping his face as he side stepped to avoid you “r-remember the day we-e first kissed? It-t was under the fireworks-s, you were so beautiful-l in that orange k-kimono. I-it was fall,” he held back a sob as you growled like a beast in the shadows “come-e back to me Y/N, f-fight it!”
Fireworks? Kiss? You in an orange kimono? Oh when you felt those butterflies in your tummy? When you thought you were pass out from how overwhelming feeling of love and desire you felt for him? That day? You remember that day! You had just turned eighteen that fall.
Seeing your eyes widen and halt for a moment, he kept going even when you went for a hit “M-Mio! H-how hard you cried when you held her in you-ur arms, y-you said she was a-as beautiful a-as a cherry B-blossom even though she l-looks just like you…Y-you c-call her your precious c-cherry blossom.”
Mio. My precious cherry blossom. My blessing. My baby girl.
Tears built up in your eyes as frustration was new to you, so lost, so hungry. So thirsty. Just a taste…
No! I can’t, my Mio, my Giyuu I just want to hold and kiss my family. I want my life back. Fight it Y/N! You’re not hungry nor thirsty, you’re not hungry nor thirsty. You’re not a monster. Remember Nezuko, there’s hope, hope, you don’t have to be a killer. You’re not a killer. You can still be you, and still protect.
You’re not hungry nor thirsty.
Those sobs filled your eyes as you felt it tug in the pit of your stomach, make it stop. You’re not hungry or thirsty.
‘Ensure you feed. If you feed, it’ll make the pain stop.’ That unfamiliar voice repeated itself in your head, and just when you thought you had complete and utter control, you didn’t.
Your mouth was watering, you were hungry and thirsty.
Not expecting the quick snap, the hashira did his best to avoid, but not before you go scratched up Giyuu pretty good. Jumping back, he felt pain on the left side of his cheek and neck, blood trickling down slowly. Lifting his head up, his hair moved to the side exposing the damage you had done.
Mild cuts on his left cheek and neck…
The first time you saw Giyuu with scratches on his face…the two of you had been on your third mission together when he pushed you out of the way to take nails to his face from a demon. You…you had felt so guilty…because you weren’t…paying attention? Ah yes.
Second time was when he came home from a mission…he got marked up when a child was caught in the crossfire of an attack. He..didn’t go to see Shinobu…he came straight home, the incident scared him half to death, thinking of you and your unborn baby…
Except this time around, you were the cause of it.
You hurt him.
You. A demon. Hurt your husband.
Stopping in your tracks, your hands shook as your balled them in fists, digging your nails in your palms as your heavy breathing sounded almost like it hurt, it was ragged and shallow. Your eyes switched from hunger to full of fear as you’re backed away from your husband.
Flooding of all the good memories in your life flashed through your head; running away from an abusive family to join the corps, your friends, meeting Giyuu, falling in love, getting married, becoming an hashira, and having be blessed with the most beautiful baby girl.
Mio. Giyuu. They are you family Y/N REMEMBER THAT! Your everything!
Backing up into a tree, your hands shook as you blocked out that desire to feed “I-I-…” that burned sensation was fighting you, but you refused for it to win. No!
“You breathe life into my existence, making every moment worth living…” your eyes flickered over at the Water Hashira when your heart fluttered at those oddly familiar words. Meeting your sad gaze, his monotone explained “you’ve told..me that since we’ve met.”
Of course you did. He and Mio were your breathe of fresh air, the reason you chose to live in this fucked up world. Overwhelming pit of sadness returned, engulfing you as you broke down in tears, crying out in pain, crying out how sorry you were. How sorry you were for failing, for being weak.
😭 I hope you enjoyed! I really tried with this one, and very much enjoyed writing it! I promise they’ll will be more parts! SPECIAL SHOUT-OUT TO @unofficialmuilover FOR THE HELP AND BASICALLY HAND HOLDING ME THROUGH WRITING THIS 🫶🏼💙 LOVE YOU GUYS! 🫶🏼
Going to bed 🫶🏼 my stubborn ass wanted to finish this and I got muster in the morning 😭
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floralparadise · 1 year ago
||How she feels about certain characters, etc.||
Note: This can be used in roleplays, but I'm open to organic conversation if you'd like so we can make something together. Please do not feel forced to follow any of this! If you do like the ideas, let me know so I can give you a bit more depth on how some of the interactions have gone!
Some of these ideas came from Chatbot AIs, so I just went along with what sprouted from that. I'm only doing her Hashira & demon verse for this as these timelines make the most sense in regards to the characters as a whole and I'm still working on the Kimetsu Academy verse so I'll probably update this later. As for her past life as Hanami, most of that is made up of OCs except one canon character that she had interactions with until she ended up being executed.
She also will not have any thoughts on the younger characters as her hashira verse is before the death of Kanae. || No Muichiro thoughts, sorry.|| There will be no special order on this list of who she likes best!
||Hashira Verse||
||Hasu Hirano||
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Shinobu - Hasu finds Shinobu hilarious and loves to have intelligent banter with her. They talk about plants a lot, and Hasu considers Shinobu a friend of hers as they joke around with each other.
Mitsuri - She finds her very cute in her mannerisms. Tending to show her kindness and also consider her a good friend, she's not as playful with Mitsuri as she is with Shinobu since she doesn't think Mitsuri could handle such things.
Kanae - She enjoys Kanae and her approach to things as it makes her see a new perspective. Hasu also finds her very pretty but never tells her such things since Hasu has a big fascination with floral things, Kanae reminds her of flowers.
Giyu - For the most part, she barely interacts with him. But when she does, it's usually her respecting his silence as he poses no threat to her. She has asked him questions on occasion and does wonder why he lets things depress him so much.
Rengoku - Hasu thinks Rengoku is a great guy. Almost a best-friend type that makes her laugh a lot. She respects his traditional views even though the girl's own views are far from his. She never crosses his boundaries and tends to joke with him more gently.
Obanai - Hasu's favorite thing about Obanai is Kaburamaru. She enjoys seeing the little snake even if Obanai won't let her touch him. She tends to be as nice as possible to Obanai and respects his solitude since he does not seem like a threat to her, so they haven't spoken a lot.
Tengen - Tengen makes her laugh like no tomorrow. The whole three-wife thing? Hysterical. She thinks there's something seriously wrong with Tengen but finds their interactions highly entertaining and will use the full Hasu play package on him since he seems to handle it. ||Funnily enough, the chatbots kept making him try to turn her into his fourth wife she wanted nothing to do with that. Aaaha.||
Sanemi - Sanemi gets the worst parts of Hasu as she does not like aggressive men. Attempting to completely just piss him off on any occasion she possibly can, every stop being pulled as she will even go as far as to flirt with him until he's fed up with her. He most likely can not stand Hasu, but that just makes her more entertained.
Gyomei - She thinks he's a nice dude and doesn't understand why he's so upset all the time. She's hesitant to ask though because she's worried it'd just make him more upset so she avoids the whole interactions as a whole, if she does interact with him it's on polite terms and it usually brings out the noble side of her that's respectful.
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||Demon Verse||
Muzan - Of course, Hasu turns up the charm with Muzan. She is never disrespectful towards him, with her antics usually laying on some other demons since she has been given new life from him. She sees it as a gift of sorts even though he's the dominant force among all demons which is completely against her nature, Hasu isn't stupid and knows what's going on but plays the cards right and tends to give him information on things she knows about. Such as the slayers, etc. While she has looked for a certain flower for him--she believes it probably died out long ago. Her thoughts usually stay blank when interacting with him since she knows he can hear what she's thinking. However, Hasu prefers his female form to his male one for obvious reasons. It just makes it easier for her to speak to him since she's more comfortable with femininity.
Kokushibo - Due to her not being a demon for exactly that long, she recognized the way he was as an |Spoiler but ya'know.| She's very intrigued by Kokushibo and shows him her noble/royal/swordswoman side when interacting with him. She tends to see him as an old grandpa and has no ill feelings towards the man. In fact--she's complimented him.
Doma - ||This one has a tiny bit of backstory, if you'd like to know about it just ask!|| Funnily enough, Hasu had met Doma when she was Hanami as a little girl when he was still a human as her servant Ema would occasionally go over to the Eternal Paradise to practice such faith. While Hasu does not have any memories of her past life, she finds a lot of amusement in Doma. A sense of familiarity in him as they tend to play around with each other a lot since Doma can take the jokes with ease. Hasu very much enjoys him as she thinks he takes women quite seriously despite others not seeing the same thing.
Akaza - She has no problems with Akaza she's had philosophic conversations with him even though he believes she's weak. For the most part, the interactions are respectful, and she would even consider him a decent person to talk to since he doesn't force anything on women.
Hantengu - Hasu finds him highly annoying and constantly tries to cut off his head since she prefers the clones over his original form. Hantengu is the only demon Hasu tends to just completely bully without any type of cheerful pretense. With that being said, here's how she feels about each of the clones, not counting the absorbing factor to make Zohakuten.
• Sekido - Hasu knows Sekido cannot stand her as he tends to call her "special names" those being, Whore of Babylon, Harlot, ya'know just the bottom of the barrel type things. She finds it very amusing and he gets a lot of playful mocking from her as she makes fun of his anger. Sekido has harmed her before but never made any attempts to kill her for some reason.
• Karaku - Another amusing character for her as she feels he's able to keep up with her playful antics and flirting. She does not mind Karaku exactly, but she does wonder how far he can go before he breaks or if that's even a possibility.
• Aizetsu - She finds Aizetsu very sweet and prefers him out of all of the clones, she's usually very nice to him even if it seems out of character as she's intrigued by the fact he's the manifestation of sadness. Occasionally, she won't let anyone bully him either as she sees him as someone who is very soft.
• Urogi - He makes her laugh usually. But she hasn't had many interactions with Urogi. Of course, he's another demon who gets her playful side, but it tends to be more in a childish manner from her end.
Gyokko - The only thing she likes about Gyokko is the art he makes. She likes it when he adds floral designs to them and will always compliment his work. Occasionally, she'll talk to him about his pieces but that's usually as far as the interactions have gone.
Gyutaro & Daki - In interactions with these two, she sees them as kind of like children even if they are older than her in regards. She does not show any cruel or mocking actions towards them and weirdly enough almost becomes a strange type of motherly figure. Hasu thinks they're adorable and is very interested in their bond since she had never seen, or felt such a thing. This behaviorism does annoy the siblings but they don't exactly reject it.
Enmu - While she hadn't had many interactions with Enmu. She finds him entertaining and his personality isn't exactly something she has come across before.
Rui - She has no problems with him and finds his need for a family to be very sad she doesn't seem to understand it. They haven't spoken though.
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cherrys-side-bitch · 3 years ago
ℍ𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒 ℂ𝕠𝕞𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤 ℙ𝕥.2
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Gn! reader, fluff
Includes: Muichirou, Gyomei, Giyu, Sanemi, Obanai
Part 1
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When he sees you cry for the first time he freezes for a moment, not knowing what to do.
Once he's had a moment he walks over and kneels down to your height, quietly asking what's wrong with a hand gently placed over yours.
If you don't want to talk about it Muichiro will respect your decision, simply rubbing your back in an attempt to comfort you.
If you want to talk about it he’ll silently listen as well as he can, sadly he’ll zone out on accident but he's trying his best.
Once he realizes that he zoned out he tries to piece together what you might've said and it only works sometimes...
He’ll usually ask if you'd like him to get you something, if you say yes he’ll go get it as quick as possible, not wanting to leave you for too long. If not he’ll stay with you to keep you company.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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He will legit start crying with you, I’m being deadass rn.
Gyomei probably thought he did something that scared or upset you.
When told that he isn't the issue he quicking changed to trying to comfort you, sinking to your height and enveloping you in a protective but fairly loose hug so as to not hurt you.
The 7’2 man gives amazing hugs, the comforting warmth from his body radiating onto your own would be such a pleasant experience.
If you decide to talk about it he’ll silently listen not daring to speak, once you're finished speaking he congratulates you on being able to share something so personal. Not every one has the guys to do that and wants you to know he's proud of you.
He doesn't like it when you cry but will always be there for you if needed.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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He's probably the least helpful in the sense that he doesn't know what to do. He just kind of sits there wondering what he should do to help.
After Giyu thinks for a bit he would likely rub your back and reassure you that you're allowed to cry.
Once you calm down a bit he asks if you want to talk about it or if you need something.
He’d gladly leave the room real quick to get you a cup of water, all you have to do is ask.
If you want to talk about it he’s all ears. Giyu sucks at comforting people but if you need someone to rant/vent to he's your man.
He’ll listen carefully to every word and try to offer any sort of advice you need based on his own experience. Although he’ll ask first, he's not some asshole who gives unsolicited advice.
If you don't want to talk about it he understands it can be hard to talk about your issues and he respects your privacy.
He’d simply ask if you'd like to go on a small way to get your mind off of things.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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As rude as it sounds, he probably believes that there's no use in crying, after all, nothing is going to change if you don't do anything about it.
So when he saw you crying to yourself he was a bit standoffish at first, almost making it sound as if expressing you emotions is bad.
When he notices how genuinely upset you are he calms down a bit.
He sits down beside you and asks what’s so important that you're crying over it.
If you start to open up about it he’ll stay quiet and listen to what you have to say.
Sanemi knows he sucks at comforting people so he tries to make up for that by being someone who actually listens to you.
If you decide to not talk about it he gets very annoyed but sort of understands why you wouldn't want to talk about it.
Acts fussy but offers to lend you an ear if you have problems in the future
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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When he first saw you in such a state his first thought was that someone hurt you.
As he kneels to your height he grabs your face to look at him and asks who was dumb enough to mess with you. If nobody did he’ll apologize for his prior harshness, he just needed to make sure.
He quietly strokes your face where he suddenly grabbed apologizing if he accidentally hurt you.
After you've calmed down a bit he asks what's wrong and if you'd like to talk about it.
If you do wish to talk about it Obanai is quietly listening making sure you're aware that he's still paying attention.
He wouldn't even dream of interrupting you, especially since you've decided to entrust him with this information
If you decide to not tell him he's fine with that. Obanai respects your wishes and won't force you to talk about your issues, he knows from personal experience that it doesn't help at all.
Either way, if you decide to talk about it or not he and Kaburamaru will stay with you if you wish.
He will also be a bit less harsh with you for the next day or two, after all, he'd rather not be the cause of your distress.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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kreiitsuuuu · 3 years ago
IS THIS WHERE I DO REQUESTS?? i literally am so bad at navigating this app... anyways i was wondering if you could do iguro, giyuu and sanemi with a s/o that has a stutter? i have a stutter and i havent seen any!! tysm!! <3 i hope ur having a good day!
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ft. Iguro, Giyuu, Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Tengen [ Muichiro excluded ;—; sorry ]
💌 A/N:: thank you again for requesting! and yes, this is where you to requests! im having a great day, and i hope you are as well! i also hope you don't mind me adding in other characters as well for a bonus! ;—;) </3
☆ warnings: swearing for sanemi's part [ not proofread ]
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Iguro Obanai
Has never minded them in the first place.
Probably understood about your condition the first time you two have met, and had never felt the need to get mad at you.
He did ask about it, yet did not make any negative comments.
Iguro loves you just the way you are. And honestly, he's very much thankful that you love him back.
Treats you dearly, as he knows you've been through a lot.
Feel embarrassed about talking because of the stuttering? No need. He'll hold your hand for reassurance, and gently squeeze it, just to let you know he's there. And maybe even Kaburamaru will slither to your neck for comfort as well :]
If someone, and I mean someone makes fun of your stutters — he would not hesitate to confront them on the spot, and will give them the most dirtiest look he could ever manage, while pointing his finger towards their face in a threatening manner.
" Funny? So you think it's funny? Well, I think it'd be hilarious if I were to end you right here, right now. "
" Iguro.. "
" Too much? Or would you prefer to be tortured first? "
No he will not apologize for traumatizing that person. You deserve the world, and if someone disagrees, well, they'd get an earful of words from the snake pillar.
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Giyuu Tomioka
Like Iguro, he would not mind them in the first place.
Would probably be confused when you started stuttering, but will catch wind of your condition quickly.
Always holds your hand. Not only does it comfort him, but it also gives a sense of security and comfortableness to you as well.
Loves listening to you talk, with or without the stutters. Your voice keeps him at calm, and him listening to your babblings makes you happy. Will crack out a smile sometimes, just because you were happy.
Well, you did stuck with his silence for so long, he'd also like to stick with you as well.
Did I mention he Giyuu even forgot how you two go together
If someone was making fun of you due to your stutters, he will not hesitate to give them a deathly stare, and some words that'll probably scare them off. Probably just scare them off..
" If you think someone's condition is supposed to be laughed at, what if I suddenly started laughing because on how stupid you are? "
Nevermind, he absolutely destroyed them.
Apologizing??? Psshh like he'd do that after they made fun of you.
After that incident, he'll keep you small, yet kind reminders that you are the most special person in his eyes and he'd never hate you, whatever the events were.
You love him dearly, and Giyuu also holds you close to him.
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Sanemi Shinazugawa
At first, he thought you were mocking him of sorts and would accidentally say something that'll hurt you and your feelings.
Will apologize as soon as you explain why you stutter, and will be angry at himself for saying hurtful words towards you. It'll never happen again, and he wholeheartedly promises you that.
Takes him some time to get used to them, but will never get angry at you.
Patiently waits for you to form the words, and won't cut you off.
Whenever he does accidentally makes you upset due to his fuse exploding, he'd take you out to get some ohagi.
He really is trying his best, since he loves you so much and he can't bare to be angry at your, whatever the reason is.
If someone makes fun of your condition, oh you bet he's not taking any chances and will throw every negative thing he could say to the person.
" Nemi.. please calm down.. "
Sanemi eventually calms down, but he's still holding his urge to put his fist into the person's face.
Also like Giyuu, he gives you daily reminders on how he fucking loves you so much, and he'd love you the same even with your current conditions.
Nothing can stop this angry man from loving you dearly.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
This man has loved you since the start, and would not change even with your stutters.
Will never get annoyed, and if you somehow can't get the words off of your mouth, he'll smile and wait for you to adjust.
Loves hearing you talk! Even if you only engage on conversation to him, he loves how you're trying your best!
If you do get tired of talking, he'll embrace you in his arms and tell you how great you did — even if you just said a few words.
Kyojuro absolutely adores you, and if you ever feel bad about your condition — don't! He loves you deeply, and it pains him to see you doubt yourself.
You were his little flame, while he was your blazing sun!
Someone made fun of your stutter while he was around? Not gonna let that slide! His usual happy go lucky aura fades into a serious one.
" Haha! Listen here, making fun of someone's condition is not — and will never be hilarious nor is it supposed to be seen as a laughing stock. I'll let you off with a warning this time, please, respect them next time and fix your attitude. "
After that, he'll go back to his usual self and carries you in his arms as laughter escapes his mouth.
To be honest, he never wants to see you with a frown. Since his overall goal is to make you happy, and loved.
So expect a few surprise hugs and kisses after that incident.
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Gyomei Himejima
He treats you like a child — and has never minded your stutters one bit.
Instead of hating them, he instead learns your struggles to do day to day activities and understands your condition.
Gyomei never treated your stutters as a disease, more like something that makes you special — and well, what makes you, you.
Whenever you get embarrassed to talk and you quite can't get the word out due to your constant stuttering, he patiently waits, and reassures you that it is alright.
Loves holding your hand, either it's for comfort or for reassurance.
When someone dares to make fun of you and your stutters, he'd always step infront of you in a defensive manner, and woo the person away as tears fell from his face.
" Please do not say that about them. If you don't have anything better to do, then I suggest you to leave us alone instead of making fun of their condition. Especially when I am around. "
And after that, he'll hold your hand and give you a gentle smile while to two of you walk away peacefully.
He was like a tree who'd give you shelter on a rainy day.
You felt loved in his company, and so did he.
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Tengen Uzui
You were flamboyant to him the first time, and is still is even now.
As annoying as this man can be sometimes due to him being insufferable, he loves you to bits!
Your stutters, for his perspective, makes you flamboyant and flashy in his eyes. It makes you, you.
Literally does not mind waiting until you get the words out of your mouth.
Since your voice was like a melody to his ears, the sound pillar will never shame you of you condition as you are dear to him.
If you were having trouble on talking, he would talk in your stead instead — you were very thankful for this as he had saved you so much time.
Will not, and I mean will NOT let anyone get away if they were to mock and or make fun of your stutter.
" How un-flamboyant of you! Do you have any idea what you are saying?! What if I were to decapitate your head like a demon, all flashy style to atone your sins?! "
" Tengen nooo..! "
Will drop kick them if you'd let him to be honest, I mean they were plain out rude!
After that, he'd carry you in his arms for comfort and in a protective manner. Like you were a fragile glass of some sorts. Would maybe even sneak a few pecks on your cheeks when you're distracted by something.
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💌 A/N:: hi again, apologies if this looks rushed and mushy, kinda decided to finish this at 1:30 am </3 hope you enjoyed this though. again, not proofread, sorry. if you see any typos, im so sorry again :''[
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pumpkinglooms · 3 years ago
Things they do only around/with You <3 |Demon Slayer Ver.|
A/N: Since Muchiro is a minor his is written with platonic intent!
Characters: Muchiro, Gyomei, Uzui, Obanai, Genya
Genre: Fluff
Warning(s): Mentions of slapping in Muchiro's part, One mention of murder in Uzui's part,
○Tokito Muchiro○
•He will run purely off impulse with you, he wants to hold your hand? He'll do it. He wants to give you a kiss on the cheek? He'll do that too! He wants to slap you over the head? He'll do that as well.
The both of you are having a small picnic whilst you talk about the Corps, Demons and other life stuff, and currently you're telling a story, "Yeah and so I was like, 'You can't do that!' And he was like, 'Yes I can I'm a demon blah blah blah' and so then I-" Muchiro is barley listening, in all honesty he zoned out 3 minutes into the story. All he can think about now is how hittable the back of your head looks, how fast he could slap the back of your head, and how crisp the sound would be. He doesn't think about the consequences to his actions, of course he doesn't. Instead he stands up, and gives you the cleanest slap on your head you've ever received in your entire life, and you shut up real quick. That slap was so violent it felt personal, you saw stars. He acts like it didn't happen too. He sat right back down and asked, "What were you saying again?" In return you stared at him like he was crazy whilst holding the back of your head.
○Gyomei Himejima○
•He stands in the middle of the hallway late at night and starts to softly cry that the most random things, you could be grabbing a glass of a water and you see a large ass, 7'2 man standing in the middle of a room/hallway. Its terrifying.
You softly open your eyes, it's dark in the room and you're thirsty as hell, so after a sigh you begrudgingly get up and lug yourself to the kitchen to grab a quick glass of water, while making your way there you see a figure in the hall, you stop. It wasnt moving to begin with. And then, it starts crying. This, this was odd. Both of you were pausing not uttering a single word and the only thing filling that silence were soft sobs. Then you remembered, your boyfriend, who you asked to sleep over at your house. That was him. That was the large ass figure literally touching your ceiling. "Gyomei? Is that you sweetie?" You call out loud enough for him to hear but softly at the same time. You see the figures head move and a somewhat quiet yes slip out of his mouth. You let out a loud and hard sigh of relief, "Holy shit- I thought my house was being haunted." You say to him and start laughing. "You wanna go back to bed and talk about it?" Gyomei walks over and nods to you, making his way past you to get to your room and you follow. And it's not until you're all snuggled up in bed cuddling with Gyomei about to go right back to sleep that you remebered the whole reason you dragged yourself out of bed in the first place, "My fucking water!"
○Uzui Tengen○
•This man has no shame in interrupting you half the time, You literally could say one word and he would start talking about a mission he had with Kyojuro, and he won't understand when you get upset with him.
You and Uzui are going through a small village looking for something Suma sent you both out to get, it was comfortable silence but you remembered a funny story Mitsuri had told you and wanted to share it with Uzui. "Oh yeah! So Mitsuri-" you begin, but are quickly cut off, "Do you remeber how I went on a mission with Kyojuro? Yeah and on the mission-" he begin, completely dismissing that you were talking, you get a bit irritated by this "You interrupted me." He stares at you for a second, smiles, then continues. "Anyways, I found the demon we were looking for and I wanted to do the element of surprise, y'know flamboyant and flashy sorta way. But Kyo was loud as hell and shouted at it. Which made it panic-" you stare at him like you're about to kill him, but you decided to just go a separate way and look for it yourself as you don't want to be held accountable for murder. Uzui noticed that you changed direction and he follows, still talking as you're on the verge of slapping him. "Hey, are you mad or something?" He ask, and you slowly turn to stare him dead in the eyes not saying anything while he stares at you nervously. "Are you?" He ask, a little more nervous, you turn back around and keep walking not paying attention to him. Mans was confused for so long.
○Iguro Obanai○
•He sometimes hisses his S' like a snake and when he did it in front of you he looked at you with wide eyes then continued to give you the swiftest, cleanest 1-2 piece combo you've ever had in your life. You didn't even get a chance to speak.
You and Obanai were currently hanging out on a rooftop peacefully watching the light blue sky chatting about snakes as Obanai is quite fond of them, "That's interesting! But how does that work?" You ask after Obanai gets done telling you about an nice fact about snakes, "Well, some of their prey produce 'slime or mucus-" he stopped as he realized he hissed out, 'slime'. He stares at you as you stare back, wonder where to go from here. Theres silence, nothing but silence, that you decide to break. Or at least try. "Ob-" you finish as quickly as you start as he stands on the roof, grabs your arm, he then proceeds to pull you up and his fist make contact with your stomach. He don't give you any time recover as he pulls you forwards and hit the side of your neck right on the pressure point, knocking you the fuck out. It was literally like 10 seconds, 10 seconds that you had zero time to process.
○Genya Shinazugawa○
•He's a sweetheart, truly. But this mf stares at you so intensely you literally get close to tears. You could get a small ass scar and he would stare at you tryna figure out if something new happend to you. Its terrifying.
Genya is training more and more as you're watching from a safe distance. Soon, Gyomei stops him and tells him to take a break because of his hard work. Genya nods and makes his way over to you and You and Gyomei share a simple yet friendly wave. "Hello Y/N." He says, a small smile on his face as he looks at you with kind eyes, you turn to face him and greet him back. He stares at you for a second, then his smile drops, he scowls and his eyebrows furrow. Now this. This is a lil concerning. You gulped a little and asked if something was wrong, he doesn't answer but instead grabs your face and squints his eyes, face still the same. Now you're sweating bullets. You don't know what the hell is going on with him. Shit, at this point you're thinking he's gonna start angry crying. Then, he sees it. A small scar is on your eyebrow. "You got a new scar!" He exclaims, all his previous expressions fade away as he seems so joyful for realizing that new small feature. You on the other hand just stare at him, and then crack a smile as a singular tear slips down your face.
A/N:I'm so sorry this took decades to write I literally lost motivation halfway through and didnt wanna finish writing this. But I did! :)
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itsstrawberrymochi · 4 years ago
who would obanai,rengoku, tengen, sanemi , and giyu dating a tall male pillar reader who has a sword as wide as a car and kinda as tall as a tree and they carry it on there back. There also the food pillar as well and are really clingy towards them and kissing them because they don’t care for pda and also give them lots of good food. They have really strong strength and there blade is a demonic blade that takes different forms based on the users life and it’s also alive as well. It can shapeshift into different cuttlery items like chopsticks or a giant fork and whatever he cuts up with the blade turns into food.
Kny characters x male food pillar reader
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Helloo thx for the request, I’m sorry if this is bad I didn’t know what I was doing for a good while 😭
Note: Please remember that request are closed this is just an old request
Writing this give me Choji from Naruto vibes ✨
🌊- Giyuu actually really likes that you’re tall, it makes cuddling 100 times better because he much rather be the small spoon and he loves to be in your warm embrace
🌊- Giyuu doesn’t really like your sword since it’s so big he thinks you’ll somehow hurt yourself and he doesn’t want that
🌊- He never judged your breathing style and the fact that you were the food pillar other people however did find it weird and made fun of you but Giyuu would always be there to tell you they’re wrong and your breathing style is amazing
🌊- He doesn’t mind that you’re so clingy he actually really likes the extra attention
🌊- He wouldn’t get mad if you give him PDA but he does get easily flustered and embarrassed
🌊- Just one single kiss from you and he already has a blush on his face
🌊- Giyuu loves the food you give him, he loves it so much it came to the point where he only wants to eat your food but he’s too shy to ask so please always give some to him
🌊- Even though you two been together for some time he can’t help but get shocked everytime he sees your sword turn into chopsticks or you turning a tree into dango
🔥- He was already in love with you because he thought you were amazing but he feel even more when he found out you were the food pillar
🔥- I mean you know what they say the quickest way to a mans heart is through his stomach
🔥- Unlike others he thought you being the food pillar was the coolest thing
🔥- He asked you probably a thousand questions about your sword and breathing style
🔥- He loves to watch you train, he’ll sit there and watch you for hours and his eyes would light up everytime he sees your blade turn into different cutlery items
🔥- He wishes he can turn anything into food like you and as soon as you turn things into food he wastes no time and eats it right up
🔥- Since you’re the food pillar you probably eat a lot and he definitely fuels your eating addiction, before you go on missions he packs you like 10+ bentos
🔥- He loves your clinginess and everytime you’re clingy towards him he gives you his full attention
🔥- He also loves when you give him PDA he would also give it to you too! he wants to show the world who his boyfriend is
🔥- There is never a time either of you would go hungry in this relationship because it’s either you or him who has food
(I know Sanemi is really tall but let’s pretend you’re taller)
☁️-He hates that you’re taller than him, he wants to be the taller one in the relationship 😭
☁️- Use your height to your advantage and bend down to give him forehand kisses he’ll never see it coming and always gets flustered when you do it
☁️- You already know he always wants to hold your sword
☁️- You probably shouldn’t give it to him however, because he swings it around like a mad man or tries to use it against anyone who annoys him
☁️- At first he never took you seriously he saw your breathing style as a joke
☁️- But as soon as he’s sees how powerful you are he eats his words ( see what I did there?)
☁️- Sanemi really hates PDA so whenever you do it to him he’ll always push you away or punch you on your arm ( but not too hard because you’re still his boyfriend)
☁️- He loves it when you make him food, it just melts his heart and makes him soft, but he’ll never admit to it tho
☁️- Your food is probably the best food he ever had in his life but he’s such an ass because whenever he eats it he’ll say “Eh I’ve had better” 😒
☁️- He doesn’t really care to eat the things your sword turns into food but if it’s his favorite food that’s a different story
🐍- You’re most likely a lot taller than him because he’s really short but he doesn’t really care, he’s use to people being taller than him anyway
🐍 - Despite you being more tall and more strong he can still be very overprotective of you and would glare at anyone who dare bothers you
🐍- He’s also not one for PDA so while you are hugging and kissing him he’s trying to push you off and is literally threatening you
🐍- But don’t worry he’s not gonna do any of them,he loves you too much
🐍- He doesn’t mind that you’re clingy but he much rather you be so when no one is around
🐍- Yes he’ll eat every food you give him but he isn’t really obsessed with it because he’s not a big eater
🐍- He finds your blade extremely interesting and is curios on how it works , when you’re training he’ll always be watching from a tree
🔈- Ok so Uzui is pretty tall himself so there’s a possibility you’re the same height as him or a bit shorter buttt if you are wayyy more taller than him he wouldn’t get mad at that
🔈- He finds it kinda funny that he’s not the tall one in the relationship
🔈- His wives absolutely adore and respect you and they are glad for the new addition to the family
🔈- He thinks your sword is quite ✨flamboyant✨
🔈- He doesn’t mind you being clingy after all he has three wives so he’s used to it
🔈- Sometimes when your being clingy he’ll willfully not give you his attention because he finds it cute when you get all upset at him
🔈- He also doesn’t mind PDA at all, so you can kiss and hug him all you want in public and he’ll never get flustered or embarrassed
🔈- He actually encourages PDA because he craves your love and attention anytime and anywhere
🔈- He definitely asked for his own demon blade but instead of turning items it touched into food he wants it to turn into money or diamonds
🔈- you two definitely have food competitions, you both buy an unholy amounts of food to see who can eat the most, Uzui always loses but did he really expect to beat the food pillar in a food competition?
🔈- He begged you more than once to change your swords into chopsticks to see if he can eat with them
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10reikiso9 · 3 years ago
These two are super good friends and would be sitting together. Rengoku would sit by the window and would constantly be looking out of it, even before the plane takes off. He would be nervous, but the excitedness of being able to reach the clouds would outshine any big concern he has. He would be constantly asking if they are about to fly. Meanwhile, Uzui would be making commentary about how boring the inside of the plain is, the whites and grays killing the true emotions of such an exciting adventure as touching the Sky. He would also be trying to flirt with the flight attendants every time they pass by next to him. How he gets away from being accused of harassment yet, we don’t know.
When the plane finally takes off, both will be shouting and laughing, talking about the multiple clouds and how they look so fluffy, wondering if they could walk or lay down on them. Both of their faces will be completely pasted on the window, pushing each other constantly so they can look better. Uzui will propose opening the emergency exit and try out, Rengoku will agree, meanwhile the flight attendants will be very occupied and concerned trying to make them forget about that idea while simultaneously getting them far away from any exit possible.
GYOMEI: This man is concerned. He’ll be playing with his praying beads, and when he is not playing with them, he is saying prayer after prayer, the engine sounds too loud for his ears, scaring him further, why aren’t they taking off yet? Could someone please hold his hand and reassure him that everything will be okay, please? Feels like flying in the sky might be a little too adventurous on his part, but he won’t be sure what to think about it until he finishes his travel. Turns out the experience isn’t as stressful and scary as he had initially thought, he thinks it is soothing even, very silent and doesn’t even feel as if they are moving at all, but the moment they are all taking off and landing has his heart beating a little faster.
MUICHIRO: This boy seems a little distracted and inexpressive, however, in reality he is extremely excited to see the clouds up close. He chooses a window seat exclusively for that reason solely and he won’t even blink staring through it so he doesn’t miss a single second of this once in a lifetime experience. He might even tell the other Hashira about how he is enjoying it, and he will definitely be hoping he can get on more airplane flights in the future because the clouds up close are even more beautiful than ever.
TOMIOKA AND SHINOBU: Tomioka is very inexpressive, and he will act as if getting on a giant aircraft isn’t any big of a deal, however, that doesn’t mean that he isn’t thinking of a thousand ways the flight could go wrong, all while keeping his face straight, or maybe trying to take a nap. Shinobu would sit next to Tomioka on the window seat since she is curious about the scenery, but she is very annoyed at Tomioka’s apathetic attitude, so she will be pestering him, help him please, this man is tired. At The end both will be distracted looking at the scenery out the window, astonished by how everything seems so small from the sky, Tomioka might smile slightly, and Shinobu will be disturbed once again by that sight.
SANEMI: Sanemi is tired of being a rabid chihuahua, meaning he will see the flight as an opportunity to rest. He doesn’t care what seat he takes, the only thing that matters to him is that he wants to fly alone. He’ll cross his arms over his chest and take a nap like an old dad. Flight attendants might fear offering him food and drinks, so they’ll avoid him unless he calls them, and the flight attendants will be fighting over who gets to go and serve him. He’ll feel a little upset but will try and remain cool since he doesn’t want to create disturbances during the flight.
MITSURI AND OBANAI: This two will be fighting over who gets the window seat because Mitsuri really, REALLY wants to see out the window, but She knows how much Obanai doesn’t enjoy interaction with others or being close to strangers, while Obanai knows how much Mitsuri wants the window seat so he want to swallow everything that makes him uncomfortable in order to see her smile. At the end Mitsuri ends up winning, so Obanai sits safely at the window, and Mitsuri will be at the flight attendants' reach requesting them lots of food. She won’t even care that the prices are awfully high. If Obanai is up for it, Mitsuri will offer him food and even spoon-feed him. Additionally, when they are flying over the clouds, Mitsuri will lean over Obanai, so she can see through the window too, while Obanai tries to avoid having a heart attack there, having her so close to him then.
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silverynight · 3 years ago
Ooooh wait. ok. so obviously lots of people have crushes on the hashira bc they’re hot and powerful and rich. And it’s frustrating that they all clearly only have eyes for tanjiro. One or two would make sense, but all of them? That’s just unfair. A couple of demon slayers are talking about this at butterfly mansion, venting a bit, and they don’t realize that tanjiro—who didnt mean to eavesdrop, he just smelled that someone was upset and then overheard some of what they were saying on accident after going to check in on them—can hear them as they’re saying “he’s not even that pretty! I mean, you’ve seen his scar—the hashira could have anyone they wanted, why would they choose him? They can do so much better. Who would have thought they had such poor taste.” And, well, it’s not that tanjiro had thought himself to be all that great or attractive—he’d heard comments about his scar all through growing up, and it was always nezuko who was getting the compliments—but it still stung to hear. Especially because they were right (in his mind, anyway)—the hashira deserved better than him. Someone prettier, stronger, more clever. And tanjiro had quietly been nursing crushes—maybe more, but it’s not like he’d been in love before—for all the hashira, but upon overhearing what he assumes others think of him, he tries harder than ever to pack his feelings away. Maybe he had suspected that the hashira liked him—he was oblivious, not stupid; he noticed that they spent more time with him, at the very least, and could at least hope some implications of that—but now he was working harder than ever to ignore it. And basically the hashira are somewhat upset because they thought they’d been making progress with tanjiro, had been finally getting close to an actual relationship, but now he’s drawing away. He’s still kind and enthusiastic, but when his eyes lock with tomioka, where he used to take his time getting lost in those blue depths, he now tore his gaze away and continued talking as if nothing happened. When rengoku pulled him in for a hug, tanjiro didn’t melt into his touch, nuzzle his face against rengoku’s neck anymore. He didn’t find excuses to touch uzui’s biceps anymore, didn’t offer muichiro his lap as a pillow when he was napping, didn’t shyly tuck mitsuri’s stray hairs behind her ears or give Obanai heartfelt compliments when no one else could hear, didn’t snuggle up against gyomei’s chest or wipe ohagi remnants off of sanemi’s face with a giggle, didn’t bring shinobu flowers he picked off on missions because they reminded him of her. The hashira are distraught. And finally they confront him about it, thinking they might have done something wrong, afraid that he didn’t want them anymore—their fear finally led them to be upfront with their intentions, because if they weren’t they could lose tanjiro. And tanjiro just. Blinks. Feels his heart break. Is like “I can’t—you all deserve so much better. I’m not special like you think I am.” And the hashira are like !!!!!!! and work very hard to express to him how much they love and adore him and how wonderful and special he is to them. In conclusion. Someone tell tanjiro hes a sunshine boy
I'm sure they would work hard just to show him how much he means to all of them.
They would not rest until he knows... Because they would be so terrified of losing him, especially after realizing that Tanjirou likes them too.
Also, they would start wondering why or how Tanjirou got such an idea that he was not enough...
But I personally like to think that the first one to realize what's going on would be Sanemi and he would immediately be like.
"Tell me who was it, Tanjirou," already growling, ready to murder whomever made Tanjirou sad.
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happy-lamps · 4 years ago
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐍𝐘 𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝! - 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐒 » pt. 2 | pt. 1
[ requested ? - no] | [ gender neutral reader]
[characters : Kanroji Mitsuri, Tokito Muichiro, Tomioka Giyū, Shinazugawa Sanemi, Himejima Gyomei]
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐞
🍡 there's no escaping her hugs :)
🍡 when you two are hanging out, you'll probably be baking! :)) she definitely cooks for you even if you don't cook her anything :)
🍡 always up for listening if you need to vent! she's super sweet about it too :,)
🍡 protective of you for sure! she may not fight other people for you, but she'll definitely yell at them to stop bothering you
🍡 doesn't mind if you hug her randomly!! she absolutely would love physical contact :)
🍡 if you're a demon slayer, hashira or not, she'll leave it up to you if you want to go on missions with her! if you're a civillian, she'll ask if you'd like her to train you, but won't push you to train at all :)
🍡 i'm begging you to not tease her 💔 she'll probably think you're serious and get upset :(
🔹 he probably forgets that you're his friend
🔹 he'll listen to you if you want to vent, but he might get distracted along the way, so you'd need to repeat yourself a lot :(
🔹 hella favoritism towards you if you're a demon slayer, regardless if you're a hashira or not 😩 if you're a civillian he's nicer to you than he is to other people 😌
🔹 if you want to touch him, like lean against him or something, you're going to have to initiate it. he'll probably say yes but if you catch him off guard he's 100% shoving you off him before even noticing it was you who touched him 💔
🔹 there's no real way to tell if he trusts you,,
🔹 if you're a demon slayer, hashira or not, he's not even going to ask - it's a given that you're coming on missions with him. why worry about you when he's able to see that you're okay??
🔹 he's not very protective of you. expects you to deal with whatever's happening on your own, why should he intervene? only gets involved if things are getting physical
🔹 if you cook for him he's going to be happy :,) don't expect him to cook anything for you, though.
🌊 if he's in a joking mood he'll pretend not to hear you 💔
🌊 if you vent to him, like Obanai, he won't really react :( probably just stares at you the entire time
🌊 if he REALLY trusts you, he'll tell you about his past :)))
🌊 if you're a demon slayer, hashira or not, he'll pretend not to care about whether or not you come on missions, but he kinda wants you to :,)
🌊 prefers that you don't cook for him, sadly 😔 he'll still appreciate it, he just doesn't think you should "waste your efforts like that".
🌊 100% he just says random shit. like you'll be talking about some sort of animal and he'll be like, "I think I left my stove on" 🤚😀
🌊 he wouldn't ask if you want to train, even if you're a demon slayer or hashira. he doesn't think he's worthy of teaching you :,( pls tell him otherwise
🌊 he likes to think he isn't protective (he is). If you get into a fight with someone he'll fight them with you. He'll also defend you if someone is talking bad about you :,)
🖇️ how did you even befriend him--
🖇️ hella protective, but refuses to show it. he'll pretend not to care, but 𝑤ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑝𝑠, his hand slipped and punched whoever was bothering you 🙄
🖇️ if you're a demon slayer, hashira or not, you're training with him. he doesn't even give you a chance to say "no" 😃 if you're a civillian he forces you to at least learn self defense
🖇️ sneak attacks from ANYWHERE. you could literally be sitting, minding your own business, and Sanemi's already on his way to bodyslam you 💔
🖇️ even if he REALLY trusts you, he probably won't say anything about his past. he might ask for your thoughts on things that are important to him, though. he really values your opinion :)
🖇️ if you vent to him he'll try to give you advice, but it comes off way too harsh ; he asks that you don't come to him for support because he doesn't wanna make you upset 🧍‍♂️
🖇️ if you're a demon slayer, hashira or not, he'll give you the option of coming on missions with him. he doesn't care either way, but maybbeee a small part of him eants you to come with him so he can make sure you're protected 🙄
▫️he'll listen to you about anything :)) it's his favorite thing to do with you, to have a nice day out where the two of you just talk :)
▫️super sweet and patient if you need to vent :) he'll definitely be honest, but he'll make sure not to be harsh with his phrasing
▫️if you're a demon slayer, hashira or not, he definitely 𝑤𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠 you to train with him, but he won't force you to. in fact, he won't bring it up - if you want to train with Gyomei, you'll have to be the one that asks. if you're a civiliian, he still won't bring it up, but he's definitely more worried about you
▫️he's not exactly protective, but he's definitely holding back on taking action when someone bothers you. he doesn't want to overstep any boundries :( if it escalates though, he'll help out - with your permission, of course :,))
▫️ if he reaaallly trusts you, he tells you about his past. he'll ask if you're okay with hearing about it, though - he doesn't want to just dump his past on you without warning
▫️if you're a demon slayer, hashira or not, he doesn't mind if you come along on missions with him :)) he won't ask if you want to though, so again, you're gonna have to ask
▫️overall super sweet and relaxed :))
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sun-daddy-yoriichi · 5 years ago
Not so much a romantic thing— but could you do headcanons about how you think Kokushibo would react upon being forced back to humanity? Not just in a psychological sense but also turned back into a human?
Oh damn we askin' the hard questions now-
Warning(s) : Spoilers, some angst
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Kokushibou / Michikatsu being turned back into a human (Headcanons)
Idk about the rest of you but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't just be turned back into a human out of the blue.
So I'm gonna go off on a limb and say that it was one of Muzan's experiments that turned him back.
He would either be fascinated or terrified about the economic advancements that Japan has made when he was a demon. He doesn't understand anything.
Also doesn't remember a single thing from when he was a demon.
If the Demon Slayer Corps found him, there would be a lot of tests and interrogations on their part.
I mean, he did kill like thousands of people and all.
But he doesn't seem to know that, and also doesn't show any signs of having any demon blood left in him.
Plus he's pretty strong, so they let him continue working as a Demon Slayer.
For the first few months, he's only put on missions with other Demon Slayers or Pillars (seeing as he's at that level). They need to make sure that they can trust him before they let him do his own thing.
His new crow has Seen Some Shit and doesn't fuck around.
I honestly see Michikatsu as the type to really like cute things. Why? No real reason. He gives off a brooding Vibe, but he's weak on the inside.
Mitsuri is his favourite Pillar, aside from Kyoujuro. She's so nice to him, and he tends to prefer going on missions with her.
(If he was infiltrating the Corps, he would quickly give up that job after meeting Mitsuri)
Michikatsu doesn't strike me as an incredibly traditional person, and he would probably appreciate having a significant other than can hold their own.
Plus Mitsuri is very cute. Opposites attract bitch-
Obanai is very jealous that she gives him so much attention.
Since he's been eating humans for give or take 800 years, it would take a bit for him to find foods he liked.
If neither of them are busy then Mitsuri will take him to any restaurant or food stall that she wants him to try because Michikatsu will SERIOUSLY eat anything.
Sleep? Don't know her
Would get very upset and weird if he ever ran into Zenitsu. Thunder Breath users always make him feel nostalgic for some reason, especially Zenitsu.
(He vaguely remembers a Demon Slayer who used the same breath. He can't remember their name, but they were obviously important enough for him to remember them when he didn't remember anything else)
He's still kind of a bitch, but living so long means that he had a lot of time to reflect. He's a better person, if not still a bit of a bitch.
Tries to visit his brother's grave, then realises that he doesn't have one. At least, not one that he knows of.
Can the moon cry? Because I think he might
He'll ask the Demon Slayer Corps to give his brother a proper grave, even if there's no body to go with it.
Yoriichi was the first breath user, after all. He deserved at least that much respect from the Demon Slayer Corps.
If I'm being honest, he's more upset about having to be alone than he is about killing his brother. But that's also his fault and he has to live with it.
But he would be fucking SPOOKED if he ran into Tanjirou.
("A child!?")
Would be even more spooked if he saw Tanjirou use Breath of the Sun / Dance of the Fire God in battle.
I'm not sure but I feel like there's a 60% chance he would totally fight Kyoujuro for the right to make Tanjirou his tsuguko.
If not, he would gladly take Zenitsu.
This turned out a lot longer than I thought it would I have to end this now or it'll never stop-
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blue-bird-kny · 5 years ago
Hi Amanda, how are you doing? thanks for writing my request with Obanai, it was lovely and made me super soft. I liked the way he is affectionate in his unique way. I came because i dreamt something and I think you could write something with it! So, could i request Rengoku and Sanemi meeting their s/o on a garden they had never seen before, one of those that have ponds with koi and they keep finding excuses to come back and spend time with s/o? Thank you a lot, and take care!
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Thank you for requesting again! This sounds like such a soft dream I hope you slept well that night. Also, I chose to write for just Sanemi so I hope that is okay:) Enjoy~Amanda (Creds to Artist)
Warning: Cussing
“In the Flowers”
(1.5K words)
It was the same everyday; Sunrise to sunset you tended to the garden of Oyakata-sama’s Estate. It was strange, you never knew such jobs like groundskeeper could be held by demon slayers, but Oyakata-sama offered you the position after he found you one night crying. You’d been miserable fighting demons, it was a miracle you’d even passed Final Selection. The life of a demon slayer just wasn’t for you, the harsh demands and long nights were beginning to take a toll on your health. He allowed you to continue working for the corps, just on a smaller scale, a job you were very good at. What could you say, you just got along with plants. Usually you’d spend the day alone, the occasional visit from Oyakata-sama himself or other members of the corp, but that all changed after he arrived.
He came across your garden accidentally. He says he was just ‘wandering around’ but really the real reason was because he’d lost his way through the winding corridors of the estate. As you tended to the roses, skillfully avoiding the sharp ends of their thorns, you hadn’t noticed his sharp eyes watching your every movement. Amongst the various blooming flowers that grew in the garden, Sanemi knew at first glance that you were the most captivating one of them all.
Your beauty was overwhelming, it blinded his senses and suddenly Sanemi could’t remember where he was going, but he knew that it didn’t matter because you were here. For reasons Sanemi couldn’t understand, he wanted, no needed to know who you were. His smirk was brimming with confidence as he made his way over to where you stood, so lost in your world of thorns and petals you hadn’t a clue anyone was there.
Sanemi was never one to be insecure, but with every step that brought him closer made his confidence drop little by little, his thoughts causing him to falter. It was too late though because when you spun around expecting hydrangeas, you found the scarred face of the wind hashira far too close to yours. “What are you doing?!” you yelled in embarrassment, blood rushing to your cheeks.
You tried to move as far away as possible from the man, but of course you managed to trip over the rose bushes you’d previously been tending to. “Shit I’m going to fall!” you panicked, your eyes closed as you scrunch your face together. Instead of the cool, rough touch of the stone clad ground, your flailing body was caught by a pair of strong arms. Briefly a pair of concerned eyes stared into yours, but just as quickly they returned to their natural harsh gaze. A single breath was shared between your two forms, that's all it took for Sanemi to awkwardly place you on your feet. “Don’t be a dumbass!” he warned.
Your eyes traveled between his wide eyes to the hands that tightly held onto your arms. “Please remove your hands” your voice was timid, you’d already screwed up so much you didn’t want to further upset him. Quickly, as if your skin was suddenly scorching hot, Sanemi ripped his hands from your body. “You idiot!” he turned to leave as he felt the unfamiliar warm coat that began to spread through his face. He’d be damned if he allowed anyone, much less you, see him blush.
You stood wordlessly as you watched his retreating form, “What just happened?”
Days passed quietly after your little ‘incident’ with the hashira. Things went back to normal; you spent the days alone in your garden, just you and your plant pals. Usually the prospect of being surrounded by your plants was delightful, but something was bothering you. Gnawing at the back of your mind, consuming your thoughts “Why had he been here anyways?”.
It was a question you were dying to have answered, he must have needed something. Almost like he was summoned from your thoughts, Sanemi cleared his throat to grab your attention, this time a safe distance away. You both stared at each other, neither really knowing what to say. Sanemi opened his mouth first, “You never said thank you”. That was the best he could come up with, he didn’t quite understand why he’d come back but his feet unconsciously brought him back to your garden.
“Thank you?”
“Your welcome.”
You were dumbfounded, this man really came all the way over here because you didn’t say thank you? Like you owed him one? As frail and innocent as you appear, you’ve always been one to put up a good fight. “You came all the way over here so that I could say thank you? You asshole , don’t you have anything else to do with your time? I thought you Hashira were important and busy, I’m sure there is someone who needs you so go find them instead of harassing me, I’m working” anyone could tell you were pissed. “Shit now she's upset, fix this” Sanemi internally panicked, he wasn’t exactly a ‘people person’ nor was he prepared to handle a crush.
You returned to your plants, aggressively sniping at the weeds. The hot blood coursing through your veins pumped loudly in your ears, Sanemi had never expected that you’d be a hot-tempered person but it only made him fall further for you. You jumped in surprise at the pressure of his rough hand on your shoulder, peering up to find a much softer expression over his face. “Would you listen for a damn second” he lowered himself next to your crouched form. “I didn’t come back for your thanks alright, I came back because…..” his words trailed off, you watched as he racked  his brain for the right words. It was strange how you could find this person, who just made you so upset, so endearing in this vulnerable state.
“I wanted to watch you garden”
You didn’t know what made this rigid man to visit you twice now, but you never expected it was for gardening tips. Curiosity drove your responses as you turned your attention away from the man before you, “Fine” you continued removing weeds, “but stay out of my way, I can’t guarantee I won’t accidentally cut off you finger”
Sanemi smiled; he didn’t know where this was going to go or what was to come of your gardening sessions together, but for now he was content with just watching you.
With each day you and Sanemi spent time together, the closer you both grew. Like a flower needs the sun, Sanemi craved your light. Even he didn’t understand this feeling, he didn’t want it to go away. “Tomorrow” Sanemi promised himself as he watched you concentrate, tongue slightly peeking out between parted lips, “Tomorrow I’ll make her mine”
The next day, Sanemi was nowhere to be found. A frown had taken permanent residence on your face as the hours passed. He was a Hashira and did have responsibilities after all, but you felt that maybe he would have told you instead of just disappearing. “Stop it (y/n), your over reacting”  
You were so stuck inside your own head, you failed to notice the presence of the one person you’ve waited to see all day. Standing there, with a bouquet of Snow Lily’s gripped tightly in his palms, was a nervous Sanemi. He hesitantly walked over to your pouting form.
“Is she upset because I wasn’t here?” his confidence inflated, his usual smirk overcoming his face one again. The idea that you wanted him around made his ego explode. “Don’t look so glum, you're too beautiful for that” he commented, catching your attention. As if someone flipped a switch deep inside you, your lips broke into a wide grin.
He noticed your curious eyes watching the flowers he held, “They’re for you. I remember you said once these were your favorite but they were hard to find so you didn’t grow them.” he pushed them into your hands. “So I found them for you, that’s why I didn’t tell you about today” he scratched the back of his neck as he spoke. You stared at the lilies in your hands, their delicate petals a brilliant white adorned with accents of a deep pink. Your eyes welled with tears “he did this for me?”
“Hey what’s with the water...ugh!” he grunted in surprise as you flung yourself in his direction, his arms instinctively catching your form. “Thank you” you voice was quiet, “nobody has ever done something so thoughtful for me. I’ll never be able to repay you for this” your words caused Sanemi to smile, easing into the impromptu hug.
“You don’t have to repay me, it’s a gift”
You stared into his soft eyes, so filled with sincerity it was hard to hide the love you felt for Sanemi any longer. In the quiet space you two shared, surrounded by nothing but warmth and flowers, you both leaned towards each other. Your lips touched in a feather-light kiss, meeting again with much more intensity and passion.
Your breathes became one as you two pulled apart, panting lightly.
“We should do that more often”
Main Masterlist
Yay another request done! I’m sorry it took so long and that I’ve been updating very slowly, but I do have some plans that I think are going to be fun so stay tuned! I hope you enjoyed, please stay healthy!~Amanda
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