#but go awf I guess
Woman with a 20" waist: How DARE you try to talk over my lived experiences as a FAT WOMAN!! My doctor still tells me to lose weight so that makes me FAT and OPPRESSED!!
Woman with a 20" waist, literally 5 minutes later on her tiktok: omg guys I think Bougie Brand shrunk its sizes?? I had to get a LARGE can you believe it??
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justinefrischmanngf · 10 months
i will not lie, part of me is hesitant about fully committing (i've committed, it's done, it's over, i'm there, it's already happened) to this friend group is the fact that i am the only nonwhite person in it. it hasn't been a problem so far, everyone i've interacted with seems fine, but it's just one of those things that is always a factor.........
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Ep4 Musings - Random (Spoilers)
IWTV's the type of show you need SEVERAL hours to unpaack--this is just the odds & ends I don't have as much to comment on. (I've queued five Ep4 musings for this evening, that are way more character/plot-heavy.)
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Go AWF, Eglee! (Now I get why she lunged at Celeste like that--she was after Eglee's man!)
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If someone don't get this Bilbo Baggins lookin arse ghoul TF off Louis' case--!
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Sure, Mr. I Do Not Consider Myself Abused.
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I hope they do, Louis, I'm not even joking. I'd love to see a whole new wave of TVC-based academia come out in AMC's wake. There's A LOT to chew on.
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Get this pretty bish off my dang screeeeen.
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At first I thought Daniel was referring to Lestat here, but Les isn't Lou's biographer. But I guess he meant because Les was commenting so much on everything in Louis' life at that time.
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That cuck chair cost 10 million dollars, Armand.
I feel SO bad for him, if he didn't realize HOW MUCH Lestat was around--I KNOW Louis hallucinated Les while they were banging. 😬
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Daniel, you gigantic unmitigated MORON. 🤦 WHYYYYYYY would you reveal your hand like that?! This dude is SLIPPING. 😩
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So Loumand kept dead victims saran-wrapped (bleh) in their flat, and let Daniel just stroll on in--"don't be afraid, just start the tape." No wonder Daniel called it a "dump."
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Who's being reported missing/dead on the news? What's Armand mean by that being "enterprising/fascinating"? Daniel's penchant for following the scoop on gritty gory crimes?
But then Armand implied that in high school Daniel raped a girl and made her wear a paper bag over her head so he wouldn't have to look at her, not caring when she cried. 😱 And it was that "splinter of coldness in you" that made him fascinating to Armand. GOD. Anne Rice would be proud.
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Louis look ready to reach over and wring Daniel's neck. 😅
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Bienecke Library in New Haven is at Yale--they collect rare books & stuff. Lemme find out the Talamasca's posted up there. "Post-war reconstruction of Paris"--that's good, nice work, COLLECT YOURSELF.
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Psst! I wouldn't touch that, knowing where it's been. 🤢🐀🐀🐀
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Not this knockoff Lestat strutting around in housecoats. 😂
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😨 I'm boycotting AMC & cancelling my AMC+ subscription.
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So Loumand/Armand's art dealing was Louis' thing initially--I like it! He needs a job. I can imagine him at Sothebys or Christies or something.
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If only Armand knew Florence told Louis "Don't come back, fragile son...." Louis and Marius both managed to capture the soul of Armand in art--I need to lay down.
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THIS CREEP'S TRYNA STEAL ARMAND'S PHOTO! 😱 What a wanker! Literally! Dang, even in the 1940s Armand's not safe from pervs! 😩
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Is this thievin pervin swindlin a-hole tryna warn MY Louis!?
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(YES, actually, Louis; you DO.) Was it that Alois creep? Did Lou EVER have the correct photos? Is there a Talamasca mole in the archival staff? (Is it Rashid, LOL?) Or, god forbid, Alderman Fenwick was right all along (boo!): "You're a dumb pimp who got robbed blind years ago." A SPY'S afoot!
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The jumpscares this episode are RELENTLESS! That startled me! 😅 And OUCH about the ageism. (NO ONE stood around clutching their pearls when Armand chokeslammed a little Black girl not THIRTY SECONDS AGO, but suddenly everyone's aghast that Armand hemmed up this old buffoon?!)
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The SOUND I just made. XD
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The coup's already happened--Loumand just doesn't know it yet. U_U
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letters-from-dekarios · 5 months
(Jasper is a snarky drow wild-magic sorcerer/multiclassed rogue. He was pretty careless about his magic until meeting Gale, and his solutions to things still mostly ends up being ‘is it worth lockpicking, or should we just explode it and run?’ He’s closed-off and snippy with people he doesn’t know, but longs for connection at heart. It just… takes a while to get there. He’s quite awkward when he’s actually being open with people. When the two of them are alone, it’s one of the few times Jasper actually is fully himself.
Jasper is illiterate; never learned to read, but ‘begrudgingly’ lets Gale teach him slowly after the events of the game. Still not great, but getting there. While they do live together, Jasper still takes trips to the Underdark every now and again. This letter was written during one of his times there.)
Gale, hello.
(The handwriting drastically changes. While the above line is practically intended into the paper, the rest is written in neat cursive.)
The rest of this letter is being transcribed by Astarion because I don’t feel like sending you something that could be mistaken for a toddler’s journal. Then again, that’s what your handwriting can look like sometimes if you’re tired enough, so maybe you’d find it readable anyway.
What do people even write in letters, anyway? Hello, dearest Gale of Waterdeep, how farest thou in my absence? Psh, he’d laugh at that. He’s cute when he- wait, don’t write that down- hey, give me the-
(There’s some illegible scribbling after that.)
Anyway, Gale. How are your bookshelves? They’re probably dusty. You should dust them.
Did you eat food today? It’s dinnertime. It won’t be when you get this, though, I guess. Hm.
Ok, seriously, what am I supposed to say? Astarion note: He rambled for about five minutes about the uselessness of letters and small talk, darling, I’m not writing all of this down. He misses you, you’re both pathetically in love, it’s absolutely sickening, get a room.
Oh, right. Some of the mushroom people myconids gave me some stuff to bring back to you. I didn’t really stay long enough to figure out exactly what it all is since the whole mind speaking thing makes me nauseous, but there’s some amulet and a couple scrolls.
I also have not blown anything up yet. On purpose. Two explosive surges happened. Whether that’s good or bad is up for debate. There aren’t any of the explodey mushrooms around where I’m staying.
Pet Tara for me.
And if you look like you’ve pulled even one all-nighter when I get back, I’m dragging you to bed. Put your books down and go to sleep, wizard.
~ Jasper
(The name is signed in the same poor handwriting as the greeting)
P.S. Hello. Astarion again, absolute pleasure. Next time, send a scribe with him if you want to be penpals, or I’m going to start charging.
Sweet Jasper,
And Astarion, by default.
No matter the transcriber, you know I adore hearing from you. I’d spend countless nights decoding your handwriting if it meant our communication stayed strong during your nights away. And, for the record, I’m glad you think I’m cute when I laugh. You’re rather adorable when you laugh, too.
I have cleaned the tower in your absence, but it’s quickly returned to dust-filled madness since beginning a new project of mine. No matter, though, it’ll be spotless by the time you return. You’ll be happy to know I’m eating just fine, and Tara can vouch for me on such. She’d have a field day if I didn’t stop and have a meal now and then, no matter how deep I was into a tome.
Thank the Myconids for me. Their scrolls have proved to be rather helpful lately. It’s always a joy to receive new items from them. And, I am glad to hear you’ve not yet blown anything, or anyone for that matter, up! I would hate to have another incident occur and use all of our resurrection spells again. Those are pricey and hard to come by nowadays. Stay strong, darling, I know how much you desire to set fire to things.
I cannot guarantee the state of myself when you return. I’m awfully invested in my current tomes and you know how much I hate losing my place. But I will try, dear.
Enough about me. How are you? I hope your time in the Underdark is serving you well. Have you found anything of interest? I’ll be more than delighted to hear all about your adventure when you return home. The nights grow cold without you by my side, love. But I know how much your journey means to you.
I hope you’re eating well, also. Sleeping just as much, too. Send word when you aim to return home, I’ll have everything ready for you.
Be safe, my love. I hope to hear from you again, soon.
With all my love,
𝑮𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑫𝒆𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒐𝒔
Astarion, I thank you for your hard work with Jasper. You know the depths of my coin pouch. Name your price, though not too substantial- I’m not made of money, after all. But, I’d much rather you than a stranger scribe for him.
text reads: gale dekarios
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slavicafire · 2 years
there was a man I used to fancy a couple of years ago - and he was very fun, don't get me wrong, but he was 1. significantly older than me and 2. a bit too much into fitness and wellness. he finished AWF way back and then got into physiotherapy and I think maybe hockey? I really couldn't be fucked about sports back then so I'm not sure I registered - however, his biggest sin was that he was just... incredibly cishet. just the cishet dude. it didn't go anywhere, and I moved on very quickly, finding greener and gayer pastures.
thought about him randomly because of a show I watched last week, fought the urge to check him out on social media for a short minute, forgot about it all again.
guess who messaged me now, out of the blue - through ig that I didn't know he knew about - with a profile photo that's just very clearly barely disguised leather daddy fetish gear.
peace and love on planet earth.
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saleintothe90s · 3 months
496. A Brief History of Commercials Being Pulled Off the Air
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I love the people in the audience getting pissed awf that the Volvo isn't getting squished!
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(commercial) This Dial commercial didn't get pulled -- it was just a lady with nothing better else to do who wrote to her local newspaper about it. I watched the commercial, and unless Dial edited the copy I'm looking at, I don't see her going all the way under the water. I just see a sad girl taking a bath. Her dog comes for a visit. She feels better.
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Again, what is wrong with this commercial?! That dress is cute! I seem to remember the Camera being marketed to women, but women can be fashionable too. Memo to AdWeek, how does Cindy Crawford look like Wilma Flintstone?
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I guess I could see people getting mad at this one if they didn't know who Sam Behr was parodying. Don't forget to torque your nuts by hand.
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Another choice that I don't understand. I don't see anything sexually suggestive in this commercial. What is so suggestive about couples walking and a dude playing with BUBBLES.
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In closing, two examples of sad, but understandable reasons why commercials were pulled. In the Summer of 1993, Michael Jordan's father was murdered. Jordan's commercials were pulled out of respect.
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After Princess Diana was killed in a car accident in the late Summer of 1997, Weight Watchers commercials with her ex sister in law Sarah Ferguson were pulled. There was also a Wendy's commercial with a Queen Elizabeth impersonator that was pulled. (I could not find that commercial)
More Commercials I wanted to find, but couldn't:
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This is probably one of those lost media items that we'll never see. Speaking of lost media, why do most lost media fans only focus on cartoons? So weird, kinda annoying. Find this instead of some 2 second commercial for a short lived Saturday morning cartoon.
I want to know what heinous crime the criminal in the commercial was sent to death for. Does anybody remember those Philadelphia Cream Cheese commercials with the angels? I always wonder what they died from. I KNOW they're just actors, but my intrusive thoughts go there!
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I found every iteration of this Twix commercial -- except for this one! I attended a women's college my junior and senior year. It was nice to not be made fun of every single day.
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At first when I saw what year this was published, I thought people didn't like this commercial because it reminded them too much of the O.J. Simpson trial.
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bihanspookies · 8 months
To answer your question, Kazuya Mishima's love for sneakers is a character trait that has been referenced in multiple Tekken games. However, in the game itself, we never really got to see Kazuya's love for sneakers aside from maybe one or two of his alternate costumes over the years, until now 😆 I thought it was funny actually
I must’ve repressed that ref bc I don’t recall that LMAOOO
I literally paused the video bc I was like
Go awf king I guess ajdhsndnhd it made me laugh a lot tho
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thestrangestthlng · 3 months
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Yall DO realize that there is a delay between comments and them seeing them? Right? Like there’s no way that face was because of that comment. But, please, if it helps you sleep at night, go awf, I guess.
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how-to-scug · 27 days
Hello, hope your having a great day!!
Do you have any tips regarding stylising slugcats in different ways?
HI thanks, i am indeed having a good day thanks for asking!
as for your question, im not entirely sure how to go about answering it, however i can give some tips for developing a style, just in general
do you have any artists you like? im sure a lot of you guys have heard the "take what you like about your favorite artist" speil, but i find its a little more that that.., a lot of times what i find myself doing is taking an image that i like, and well, trace it (its not just tracing work with me here lmao)
alternatively i draw against it, if that makes sense, like use a reference, which is also really helpful because im not relying on the image that much (especially because i cant focus on looking at the drawing and the picture at the same time, so usualy i just look at it and draw from memory, would suggest, sorry for the tangent tldr use reference sometimes too! dont just trace lol back to tracing though ig lmao)
for this im going to be using this image
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and the program i will be using is firealpaca (its a nice free software i like using for digital art, but thats not important right now)
i start off with this generally, as you can see, the image is lower opacity, on a separate layer, and although its not rainworld, its the first thing i saw mildly interesting on pinterest lol
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alright now i have the iddy biddy bits done, i traced over the general pose, and now im ready to move on.
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here is where its a little more than tracing
i turn the original picture off, and lower the opacity of the traced version, and then just, draw over it i guess.
i like to try to think about how the body would, idk, fit there, like if i was there how would i look? would i be stiff? relaxed? so on and all that. the goal here is to learn from tracing it, not just trace mindlessly if you get what i mean. be mindful about what your drawing
anyway heres the next stage, as you can see i wanted to deviate from the original image, that way im not making a carbon copy of the image. i do think the image is pretty good for practice though, as its a pretty dificult pose (at least for me) and i can use the (albeit very little) knowledge i have on foreshortening on the arm, idk man its a really cool image and i like how challenging it is, i really had to struggle to make it look right.
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i wont be adding any more detail to this, but its generaly how i go about learning and tracing art
side note, im sure you've heard of this before, but dont post art you traced as yours, and if you do, add the original image before your drawing, and give a disclamer
awf man i lost my point, but i put too much effort into this to delete all of it
anyway im gonna be making something else to make up for this im sorry lmao
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kaitaiga · 2 years
Damien’s Warzone Voice Lines
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Okay but what if Damien had in-game voice lines? That’s what I was wondering today and hence here are some that I managed to whip up to see what he would sound like in-game or in general…actually. I know I mostly portray him as a bit of a softy but the reality is he's a hardass, as expected from a commando lol. Tough guy. Scary too.
Lines under the cut (because there’s a lot! + a lot of swearing.)
Conversation with Others: Jackson Wyatt
Mission Start:
Damien: “After you, babe”, Wyatt: “you shouldn’t have, gorgeous”
Damien: “G’day, ‘ol Jacko!”, Wyatt: “G’day champ!”
Wyatt: “Missed me, haven’t ya damo?”, Damien: “fuuuck off ya shit cunt”
Wyatt: “ready to clean up this dogs breakfast?”, Damien: “ready as I’ll ever be, boss”
Damien: “stop fuckin lookin at me like you wanna pash”, Wyatt: “aww c’mon Damo, not one for good luck?”
Damien: “I’ll grab ya some piss after this”, Wyatt: “Look forward to it”
Damien: “Fuckin’ legend”, Wyatt: “no need to say it twice”
Wyatt: “good on ya, Damo”, Damien: “yeah all good”
Wyatt: “love ya to bits, Damo”, Damien: “yep no worries, mate”
Damien: “Get up ya fuckwit!”, Wyatt: “fuckin’ help me then!”
Damien: “Get up ya old fuck/bogan git!”, Wyatt: “Yeah, yeah let’s go get ‘em!”
Damien: “Knew you’d comeback for me, sweetheart”, Wyatt: “Alright get the fuck up, Whitlock”
Damien: “Awf, Wyatt my saviour. Let’s go finish this”, Wyatt: “yeah righto, right behind ya”
Low ammo:
“Low on ammo”
 “I’m low”
"Need to reload"
“Gotta reload! Cover me!”
Friendly Fire:
“OI quit firin’ at me dickhead!”
 “I’ve got enough problems right now, mate!”
“Stop shooting at me ya dimwit!”
Taking Fire:
*groan* “gettin’ my arse shot off right now!”
“Fuck off ya dog cunt!”
“Taking fire! Contact!!”
“Piss off!”
“Get fuuuuucked”
“Get Stuffed!”
“Bugga! / Shit! / Fuck! / Crickey! I’m hit!”
“Yeah, I’m fucking hit alright!”
*groan* “…she’ll be right”
“yeah…*groan* fair dinkum...”
Enemies down:
“Gee, tough gig ay?” <- sarcastically, one down
“don’t mind me, you two”
“pardon me”
“Yep! Four fuckwits down”
“FUCK YEAH! Five down!”
“Crickey! Busy day, ay!?” <- six down
Take Downs:
“Shoot to thrill, play to kill” <- AC/DC – Shoot to Thrill
*laughs* “ahh catchya, mate”
*laughs* “should’ve checked ya six…”
“Down you go, nice ‘n easy”
“Hooroo. Nice knowin’ ya, dickhead”
Congratulating Teammate:
“Fuckin’ mint!”
“You beauty! Nice shot!”
“Top bloke, you are!”
Back in game:
“I’m fucking back in the AO”.
“Come on you fuckers. Round two.”
“Guess who’s back?”
Revenge Lines:
“Surprise, surprise.”
“Got ya that time ya cheeky cunt”.
“Off with ya”
“Can’t fuck with me twice.”
“Let’s say we’re even now, ay?”
Hurry up:
“Why are you so fucking slow? Come on!”
“Come on, get a move on!”
“Hurry up!”
Leave Me:
“Nah leave me! I’m finished!”
“Go! Save yourself!”
“Imma lost cause! Leave!”
“Yep cheers, mate”
“Owe ya”
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
what year is it
i’m at that point where-- oh, no it’s been a while that i just plain haven’t known what year it was. i lost count somewhere and idk. how old am I? what year is it? we’ll figure it out.
Spent a couple hours the day before yesterday, during which I urgently needed to be working on cleaning my house, instead helping dude’s mom shovel out. she’d been working for hours, slowly, pacing herself-- she’s 70 after all, and in okay shape but not particularly athletic-- and then the plows finally came by and really plowed her in and she called nearly in tears, and Dude was ass-deep in alligators at work and I said, “give me an hour, and I’ll be over.”
So I got an hour’s worth of very necessary cleaning on the guest room, since my sister is staying there on the night of the 1st. I need to do more cleaning though, because of course she’s with her husband and Farmkid, who will be one day away from turning 9, and is like five feet tall, so they don’t all fit in that one guest bed and I need to clear out a bunch of space in the living room where somebody’s getting the couch. They’re always here in winter; I have guest space on the porch, but not when it’s cold! Oh well.
Anyway. Left that to do later, in what free time I don’t know, I’ll figure it out, and went over and spent two hours shoveling. It was a hard two hours; the snow was really compacted and wet. But we got a lot done. I cleared out the end of the driveway in about 35 intensive minutes, then went back and started on the Drift of Doom blocking the garage. She came out eventually and joined me, and together we broke through the drift but only got the path about four feet wide. Still, that was huge. On my way out I broke up a lot of the snow hoping to get it to melt. But I had to work yesterday, so i couldn’t continue.
She says it’s fine she’ll just back her car over the rest of the pile. I’m a bit concerned. But Dude managed to get out to grocery shop, and did the shopping for her too so she doesn’t have to get her car out and can just wait. She said she didn’t need to go anywhere else. So if she can make it, great, and if not, well, hopefully the thaw takes it down the rest of the way.
Anyway now we’re on flood warnings everywhere. We got 51″ of snow, was the final total, and now it’s 55F outside, room temperature basically, and so everything is melting *everywhere*. I am terrified for my basement, which I used to be great about keeping stuff off the floor of and lately I haven’t been able to and well, if it’s gonna flood I guess it’s gonna flood. I’m so nervous. OH i forgot.
wednesday night, when the temperature first rose, I woke up at 1:30 am to Dude saying, loudly, “OH NO.” I came fully awake immediately, and he said, “why is this wet”, and then I heard it, water dripping, next to my face, and I got so mad because that happened to me so much over the summer in the cabin without a real roof and I was like “NO this is my INDOOR HOUSE” but
the blizzard had forced fine snow through the cracks of the roof deck and it had collected and run down to the edge of the roof and melted into a puddle on the attic floor and now was in the ceiling of our bedroom dropping onto our faces. We had to go clear out a corner of the attic and mop frantically and it was still dripping afterward so I slept in the guest bed and dude slept on the couch so at least when my sister’s family comes we can attest that the sleeping accomodations are comfy.
anyway i’m like. idk the stress is a lot for some reason I genuinely can’t puzzle out. i’m very frazzled. i’m making progress cleaning the house. it’s not the dirt it’s just that there’s so much stuff i haven’t put away in all my traveling and back and forth i never unpacked and anyway it’s just piles of things, and anything that’s put away i’ve forgotten i owned so the only things i use are the things in the piles.
I helpfully tidied everything away into my bedroom and then I get up before Dude so I can’t get dressed until he wakes up and it’s awful. so. anyway. unsustainable. can’t live like this. have to live like this.
Also it’s only 23 days until we go on vacation and i have at least five more garments i desperately want to make so we shall see, especially if i have no time to work on them, what gets done. 
oh AND i have cramps, so that’s just like. shit icing on that cake really.
prayer circle for nobody drowning in these floods and the property damage to be minimal and for them to stop finding bodies in snowdrifts here.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
The more the merrier
A series of ficlets for @polyshipweek 2023
Day Five: Epistolary-Regal Jewelry <-AO3 link
Dearest Reginald,
We are well, considering the circumstances. I would ask if you are well, but I’m sure the conditions there are just ghastly. I hope you get the care package we’ve enclosed and it improves matters at least. Everything seems so quiet without you here dearest, and no matter how much pianoforte Carrie plays, nothing really fills the silence of your absence. Though I suppose you would live for a bit of silence given all the guns and cannons on your end.
I’ve been wandering the halls a lot, not knowing what to do with myself. There is only so much needlepoint I can do to distract me from the thoughts of you. It’s agony knowing you’re out there, fighting for God and your kingdom with no idea when it will all end. When you’ll be here with us once more. Everyone preaches patience, but they don’t seem to understand the pain of being separated from you.
I won’t ask how things are there, as I know you won’t answer, due to what you seem to think are my tender sensibilities. I just hope you are staying safe and you will return home soon. Just know you are missed here dearest and we are praying for an end to this idiotic conflict soon.
All my love,
PS: I made Jane smuggle a bottle of that blackberry jam you’re so fond of into the basket-treasure it for I fear the season for them is quite over.
I keep forgetting you’re away at war sometimes you know? I keep thinking that maybe you’re out riding Old Red-who is fine before you ask, we’ve been feeding and grooming him daily, and I think he misses you almost as much as we do. Or perhaps on a morning stroll through the gardens, maybe even asleep with a book in the library. Anywhere but where you are. Which is not with us, where you should be.
Flynn came to visit last week, if you couldn’t guess. Trying to raise our spirits I suspect. Or perhaps in search of a good gossip, she was always the type to have possession of the juiciest stories. Asked after you, and Luke. I think mainly because Robert has been pestering her, and he’d rather ask his employer than his own cousin. Why the both of you volunteered is beyond me, but I suppose the draft will come for us all eventually. I told her what I knew, hopefully that will set his mind at ease. Though I know I will not be eased until you’re home safe in our arms my sweet one.
Come home soon, I need a worthy croquet partner, as Julie is terrible at it and Flynn gloats too much to keep playing piquet with her.
Missing you fiercely,
PS: I sent a book for you to read. I know you must not get much downtime, but I figured that if you did, it might keep your mind off the hell around you.
My darling girls,
I am only allowed so much post so you’ll have to forgive me for not sending you individual letters. I miss you both most ardently, so much that it aches. I would give anything to leave this muddy ravine and be home in your warm embrace once more.
Things here are hard, as it is cold and dirty. I have seen horrors I would not wish on the worst of men. But I know that I am fighting to keep us safe, to keep you both free. And that thought warms me enough to get through the frosty nights. Though a book or two of matches wouldn’t go amiss.
I hope that I should be home on leave soon, but I can make no promises. And yet even that brief respite will be bliss in order to see you both again. Even if I will have to return not long after. Keep strong my loves, I’ll be with you soon.
All my kisses,
Your Reg
PS: Please send more socks, and perhaps some chocolate, I can trade it for other goods.
Darling Reggie,
I wonder if this letter will reach the front before you do, as I am writing it right as you hop onto the train. It was so nice to have you home, even if our time together was short. I keep praying that this war will end soon, so you can be home for good. But then I question how any loving deity could allow such an awful conflict to occur in the first place.
Especially as I see the young men come back to flood the hospital. A gruesome sight, it turns the stomach. But I still go every day, to help. I can do that much so I stop feeling so useless in this whole thing. Carrie has voiced helping as well, but perhaps at the school instead. I’ve never known her to be interested in education or children, but I think this whole thing has given her a new perspective. Once this war is done, we all can be wed… well I know I wouldn’t mind a brood pattering around the halls not long after.
Come back soon my love, safe and whole. Just please-come back.
Te amo,
The last of the staff got called up today. We all wept when Bobby departed, but perhaps he and Luke will find each other on the battlefield. Perhaps he will be shipped home before either of them has a chance. I hope you return with them, your crooked grin as blinding as the sun.
The children at the school house don’t quite understand it, why their fathers and brothers are gone. Why some of them will never return. It breaks my heart trying to explain it to them. But I keep my tears at bay, keep strong for them. For Julie. For you.
I’ve knitted you a hat to wear. I know my knitting is atrocious, but I couldn’t bear to think of your head being cold as the winter months draw nearer. Be brave my love, but not foolish. Foolish men make poor bedfellows.
Besides, we have a wedding to look forward to after all.
My dearest loves,
I hate this bloody war. The horrors I have been subject to-there are no words. Even as it ends, I know I return to you a broken man. For I can never unsee all the dying comrades in my arms. Too many to count as I tried valiantly and needlessly to save them. Never know what it is to have never taken a life. To know another’s blood is on your hands simply due to their geography.
I fear I will be haunted by this. My dreams are all nightmares of the battlefield, the smell of gunpowder and blood, the sounds of the cannons, the lieutenant shouting orders. The smoke and mud and death everywhere. I do not sleep much these days, but perhaps some fresh country air and your gorgeous smiles will help soothe me back to slumber.
I am writing to you from a hospital some ten leagues away. I hope to arrive home shortly after this letter does, so don’t rush to my side on any account. A bullet to the thigh, I’m afraid. I may need a cane to walk down the aisle come June. But rest assured, I am coming home to do so.
I don’t care if I have to crawl down that blasted aisle, I can’t wait until the three of us are wed.
I’ll see you soon my darlings,
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averygaefroug · 1 year
I figure I may aswell put out this now and see if anyone’s intrigued, good chance this won’t get finished…
Maggie walked into Give me coffee or give me death and quickly found Nina, who was serving what looked to be a particularly particular customer.
“I’m sorry sir, but I’m all out of vanilla syrup now, so you’ll just have to order something else,” 
Nina was beginning to look like she might burst at this point, Maggie stepped forward hoping she could come up with an excuse to diffuse the situation.
“Umm.. Nina I have to talk to you urgently!” 
Maggie said trying to sound serious, Nina seemed to pick on,
“Oh yes! Sir, we’re now closed, so I’ll need you to leave” 
It was still close to an hour before she usually closed but she didn’t much care at this point. She ushered the man out along with the one other woman who’d been just sitting by an empty tea mug.
“So, what’s up?” 
“Well nothing as serious as closing you café,” Maggie said with an embarrassed laugh
“Oh I was going to close early today anyway, you just gave me the excuse I needed. What do you need?”
“I was just wondering if you’d seen Mr. Fell recently, I’m nervous that we did something wrong talking to Crowley, if it was any of our business” Maggie felt that they had been doing the right thing, but she was still quite new to relationships in general.
“Oh I’m sure they’re off honeymooning together; I saw Crowley leave not long after we talked to him… although I don’t believe Fell was with him.”
Maggie looked nervous and started to glance over at the bookshop, while Nina just looked thoughtful.
“But he still needed to hear what we told him, whatever happened they must’ve talked.” Nina knew that they’d gone right with their conversation the previous week.
Maggie was reassured by this until she remembered Muriel.
“ Its just that I went to ask Mr Fell about records this morning and I saw that kid who was dressed in the all white constable uniform and they said they were running the shop now…” 
“Ah the constable shopkeeper gram,” Nina said sarcastically, that Fell wouldn’t put someone like that in charge of the shop he loved so much.
Maggie looked between A.Z. Fell and co. And Nina with a grave look on her face. Nina blinked at Maggie,
“You’re joking! He really did that? I guess they decided to suddenly run away together?” He really was a dark horse, Nina thought.
“But Mr Fell loves that bookshop. I don’t believe he would just leave it, even for the Mr Crowley.” Nina wasn’t really sure what their first names were, she felt better just calling them “Mr.”
“Well, they aren’t entirely human, so maybe time works differently for them. I bet he’ll come back in two years feeling like it’s been only an hour. Don’t worry.”
Nina’s insistence calmed Maggie, Nina knew how this sort of thing worked, if she was completely sure of it, Maggie would be sure too.
It was a drizzly morning when Crowley woke. Well… it was more of a cloudy- no… it was an almost gray morning, (if you a counted peach and scarlet sunrise -the sort of sunrise poeple took pictures of on their smart phones- as almost gray.) Crowley couldn’t handle it if the sky was happy while he lamented over- while he was living in his car. Crowley knew what he had to do, but every time he tried to drive his eyes would wander, then his God be damned memory would flash to that night and he would  grab a flask and drink till he was hammered out of his mind. The routine hadn’t been helping his already exhausted human body and now that he was out of alcohol he knew it wouldn’t do to put it off again (he was not thinking about it, he was just going to it)
“We have demons set to be stationed all around Manchester Daegan,” said a pale skinned demon with gray frizzled hair
“Good, this should well help to gain Hell, and our dark master souls.” Replied the green scaled demon known as Daegan
“Once we’ve completely defiled Manchester, we can move forward to larger and larger cities, this plan is very awful” the scarlet dressed demon hissed.
“If Crowley was able to accomplish the Spanish Inquisition living on earth,” Daegan grinned with malice “Then what might a hundred do?”
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murfpersonalblog · 5 months
IWTV S2 - Three spicy/spoilery reviews
The reviewers are just saying whatever they want, I guess! O_O
Here's my favorite bits from TheWrap, ComicBook, and IGN.
I've decided to mix and match them, comparing what they each say about similar themes/topics/reveals.
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TELL IT! It's about adding DEPTH, y'all, not just a 1:1 page-to-screen.
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Intellectual horror, instead of psychological horror--fascinating.
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An "even more authentic adaptation" -- WE BEEN KNEW!!! I roll my eyes at book stans who hate on the show, acting like the movie was more accurate just cuz it was set during slavery times with white actors. 🙄 Like PLEASE, there's so much missing from the movie, or glossed over, or straight up changed, that the show-antis just demonstrate how shallow they are when their every attack hinges on the timeline/race/age changes. Cry harder.
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MORE elevated than Season 1--you love to see it.
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Yaaas, bring on the petty melodramatic mess, and fierce performances! 👏
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Because Bailey used profanity to convey her agony being a woman trapped in an adolescent's body in S1 too, I'm assuming Delainey will just cuss more? But cussing is all over the show, so I don't get it.
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Everyone keeps raving about Roxane as Madeleine, but they've been SO CLOSE-LIPPED about her scenes, and it's KILLING me. 😭
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"Deeply willful around Louis"--yeah, we saw a glimpse of that in the trailer; it's what he deserves. Give 'em hell, Claudia!
And yeah, she's PISSED that they cast her as Baby LouLou--imagine, being infantalized, and given the name of the father you've already gone through so much to emancipate yourself from as a "Brother" instead of "Daddy Lou." 😒 Eff Louis--where's Claudia's scythe at!?
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"Nonsense--" TheWrap isn't holding back a single punch huh?
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"dating show contestants feigning authenticity to clumsily present themselves in the best light--" oof. 💀
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Holy god; "begging the question...if Louis has just traded one abuser for another" GO AWF! 🚩🚩🚩
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Wow, so this must refer to Episode 5 from the episode titles list released recently. "Genuine horror".... 😈
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RIP. 💀 Youngmaniel might see some action, but Oldmaniel's "utterly allergic and adversarial;" OOF. 💀💀
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They keep saying petty. 😅 These messy queens are a trip!
"Far more powerful" -- I am SEATED~! I wanna see THE coven master!
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Yaaas, come through Children of Satan/Darkness acolyte! 😈
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"Scarred and transformed by the same man" -- they sound like war veterans. U_U
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"the show's primary villain--" say it louder. Book stans need to stop projecting post-IWTV Lestat the hero/protagonist/MC into the narrative that LOUIS is telling, as a guy struggling to get over his ex.
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"There to berate him for his poor choices--" this tracks with the trailer released today, too, where the producers said Dream-Stat would "pass judgement" on Louis' pisspoor actions.
PRODUCTION (Sets, Costumes, etc)
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Yes, IWTV S1 was absolutely gorgeous; their attention to detail was immaculate. And so far it looks like S2 is gonna be just as nice. I REALLY like what I've seen of the Threatre's aesthetic.
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I freaking love this. XD
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Agreeing with him about WHAT though? 🤨 That Louis & Claudia are hiding things? Or that they deserve to die because of it? (Especially since Lestat is OBVIOUSLY not actually dead, so what "crime/rules" are they actually breaking, Lord Kangaroo Court?)
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Thank you lord god kamisama flying spaghetti monster he's a Talamascan, not another secret vampire.
But now I'm nervous, thanks to the ComicBook review:
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Uh oh. The Talamasca feels forced & out of place. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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The AVENGERS INITIATIVE. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
But they say it feels like "Daniel's being recruited--" YES PLEASE. 🙏 If Daniel's not gonna be a vampire, at least let him be a Talamascan. Ain't no way he can return to the mundane world after all this.
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My BIGGEST complaint about IWTV as a franchise is its tenuous connection to the Immortals Universe. AMC is dropping the ball hard on creating an ARCU--Anne Rice's Cinematic Universe. There are SO MANY immortals & supernaturals we should've BEEN seen in S1, walking the streets of NOLA. I will say this every time: Oncle Vervain Mayfair should've been brought in from the OG pilot script. We should've seen Louis go to him for gris-gris before the poker game, and introduce Lestat to Vervain as a practitioner of what Louis thought was "European voodoo." Also: we should've seen Lasher. There should've been a scene where the Mayfairs told the vampires to GTFO their territory, and keep their hunting grounds on the other side of town. Like, the Mayfair Witches show sucks like you wouldn't believe, it's so stupid (looks gorgeous though), but the WORLDBUILDING is ripe for the taking! And AMC did squat with it!
Like, tbh, I don't see the point of a whole Talamasca show, and if it's handled by Esta & the gang from MW, then I don't wanna see it--I WILL, ofc, but I won't WANT to. Especially since we haven't seen any ghosts. ISTG, PLEASE have Merrick Mayfair in Ep7 or Ep8--not only will that bridge IWTV with MW, but it can perfectly lead to Blackwood Farm., while keeping the threads between vampires, ghosts, AND the Taltos (if they're determined to do a Lestat/Rowan crossover from Blood Canticle 🤢🤮).
I was wondering why so many reviews were giving it 4/5 or 9/10, like wtf are y'all being so stingy for!? But if this is the problem, then I'm not surprised, I've been complaining about it the whole time.
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dontfeeltoohot · 2 years
Based strictly on those pics of JQ wearing glasses this weekend & calling JK his favourite costar, I'm going to request Steddie w/ Eddie wearing glasses!
Have some allergic paramedic!Eddie and hardcore crushing nurse!Steve. Set before they get together. Enjoy!
October in Hawkins, Eddie thinks, can get fucked. Especially this year. Something is falling or blooming or dying or whatever, and the paramedic is tired of it. Allergy pills seem to do nothing which leaves him congested and snifflish, but the worse part is the fact his face fucking itches, ALL the time. His eyes, his ears, his throat, his nose. Everything. It's making him want to take a couple of weeks off from work and stay in his small apartment where he has air purifiers in the living room and bedroom.
He's grumpy today, he doesn't mean to be, but he can't help it. Not when his glasses are perched on his nose, making his job far more difficult when he's bending down to check someone over and they keep sliding forward. Every time he goes to rub at his eyes he hits them, which gets him even more riled up- he needs to be able to wipe away the allergic tears that accumulate at the corners every few minutes.
As he and Chrissy wheel in a young kid to the ER, Eddie fails to notice Robin whisper something to Steve and the mans head snap up. He doesn't notice Steve staring at him at all until he's walking up to the nurses station and then he finally smiles, even if it doesn't reach his itchy, gritty feeling eyes.
"Hey guys," Eddie grumbles, thrusting the iPad towards his three favorite nurses, who all raise their eyebrows.
"Someone's in a chipper mood," Robin chuckles, taking the electronic from him, starting to input things and sign.
"I'm ready to claw my fucking face off."
Nancy winces in sympathy and then springs up when room 12's light goes off. Steve is still staring at him, brown eyes wide.
"Uhh...you good Stevie?"
"You have glasses..."
Eddie blushes, suddenly shy. He's always hated them, they make him feel stupid and only make his already big eyes bigger thanks to his shitty prescription.
"Yeah, uh...my eyes were really bothering me. Usually I wear contacts. They look awf-"
"No! No, they look good! Really good," Steve rambles, making Eddie smile genuinely for the first time all day. "I like them, I mean. You should wear them more."
"Can't promise you that, killer, but you can appreciate them today I guess."
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shayshaybiscuit25 · 1 year
imagine allowing a man you don’t know and have never met, to have this much of a hold on you to the point you think you you must defend him for having a racist for a fiancé and having her equaly racist friends into his different homes and breaking bread with them. i feel for those who walk around this world acting so ignorant and with so much audacity showing everybody what they truly are for defending someone like that. foolish and trifling.//
I want to ask one question….who the hell is defending this man, have you not seen this fandom call his ass out numerous times over the months, you think because we’re not calling him every evil name in the book, it means we’re “defending” him?! If you’re struggling with reading comprehension just say that because no one is defending his ass. 🙄
Also, it seems you’re mad over bullshit, because you legit made this girl his fiancé……where’s your proof their engaged?
You still can’t understand how you’re acting irate about a situation you don’t have the full scope of, things aren’t always as they appear, but go awf I guess.
Some are defending him. The ones that have no clue what's going on.
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