#but fuck I am so hungry rn and have been since early this morning
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#waiting ever so patiently for ppl to fall asleep so that I can microwave some mashed potatoes...#in the past two days I have not had enough food#yeah that's all the time and yes the calorie deficit is kicking my ass#but fuck I am so hungry rn and have been since early this morning#once ppl are in bed I'm going to warm up potatoes and peas#pls godoka let there be a little more for me#in my own place I'll be able to use the bathroom and eat food whenever I want#I won't even have to expect shame#I won't worry about earning my food by working my ass off for someone else#I'll just get to eat when I want and in peace not in the dark and as quiet as a mouse#I'll light myself a candle because why not and help myself to homemade soups#i really want to cook for some reason but using the kitchen pisses ppl off bc they can hear the sounds of my existence#i hate that if i don't do enough to them that they think i just lose the right to eat bc they perceive me as a waste of resources#i stood up all night and wandered around crying over the same old same old... came home at like 5am#i let myself sleep in and ik they think i haven't contributed enough to earn any food today#“what good is a man if he only eats and sleeps?”#that's all they see#trying not to smoke and trying to cope in other ways like writing about it#at least school is tomorrow and I'll get to see my dear profs again#i cried reading their happy thanksgiving messages over email last night
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February 25th 2025 12:17am
Not only do I have to keep spelling that god forsaken month but my keyboard is WORSE. I have done nothing about it but come on.
I have a lot of catching up to do with y'all but first: I want to say thank you. This blog has grown (a lot) and I've had many local readers who I never have met before come up to me to talk about the blog. It means a lot people care so much about my boring little life. I really have come to enjoy how nosy you all are.
Anyways let's debrief the week shall we.
It's been a good 10 days since I've written, my bad y'all life is wild rn.
Work is crazy busy but good and I have a social life again so it's hard to sit and write.
Before I tell this story let me REMIND YOU of one of my new year goals!!!!!
Well guess what lmao.
Wait let's do this chronologically.
Feb. 19th
I had a kitchen shift at good Shepard and I was on cake duty. God it's so hard to resist eating all the cakes. I had therapy a couple days before and finally talked about Emma (I ended the session early because I got overwhelmed but baby steps). My therapist told me to do something for her, that she would like. Then! My cousin told me the same thing! So I made the decision to dye my hair purple.
I met Emma on her first day of school, mid semester. She walked in with bright lavender hair and I thought she was the coolest person I had ever seen. We were inseparable for 10 years after that. I had Christmas with her family every other year. She was Olive's godmother.
So it's purple hair for a while. My first attempt dyed it way to dark so I got some Color Oops which turned it back to a sickening shade of orange then finally a gorgeous purple and I am a happy clam. N8 also came to town to do band stuff and visit me and I got plastered off of a fucking cider at Pony but still beat his ass in chess three times. It was kinda a blast until the whole "I like you more than a friend" talk he brought up.
Listen, my only issue is that he does not live in Wilmington. As you all must know I am a selfish needy bitch and I cannot date someone, even casually, and see them only once or twice a month. Once again, selfish and needy. Anyways the convo went terrible!!
Feb. 20th
I worked a bunch. For dinner I had a Big Mac, this was around 7:30. After I promptly fell asleep for 7 hours, awoke at 2:30am and worked until morning.
Feb. 21st
My good friend Gianna and I met at Ibis late morning. I'm sitting at the bar, back facing the door. She texts me she is here. I swing around and lo and behold Belle and Paul are standing in line right behind her. My purple stained face and hands are shocked. Anyways we sit chat and get hungry. I'm like let's go to the Half bc their sandies are bangin, and I made the joke to G, "What if Belle and Paul are there too". When I pull up to fucking Half I see Paul's red pickup and almost crashed the fucking car. Apparently Belle lives right across the street or something. Like Jesus Christ they are going to think I'm stalking them.
That night the gang hangs on my porch and we have a couple beers and laugh and all good things. Pure and perfect and GOD I love MY FRIENDS!!! Also earlier some dude paid me $150 for a video of me flexing my long ass toes so that was sick as hell.
Feb. 22
This is where it gets a lil crazy. I have my typical morning Good Sheppard shift and after me and Ethan go to Mile's rugby game. His team won Yay! It was also so fun to watch and Miles is hot. He walked me to my car and we madeout against his vintage car (forgot the brand bc of the snogging) Anyways after Ethan and I had plans to go to my ex-coworkers baby slash going away shower but we had time to kill so we went to PT's for some grub.
I walk into Pt's on a mission for a salad drowning in ranch but my eyes land on the tallest man I have ever fucking seen. I walk right up to him and tell him that he is the tallest fucking man I have ever seen. He tells me he is 6'5" and I tell him holy fuck that's huge and that he is beautiful. He tells me I'm not to bad myself and guys, I got wet bc someone who can banter is a keeper. Anyways I learn his name is ALSO Ethan!! So now he is other Ethan until I can find a nickname for him. Anyways like my normal life goes, Ethan, Other Ethan, and I all eat lunch together. Other Ethan is fucking amazing and the best part: really fucking funny.
We all exchange socials and numbers bc both Ethans are music nerds so they are gonna jam or whatever idc. Other Ethan and I hit it the fuck off and so we have a date this Thursday. We text non-stop and I love love love laughing as much as I do when he texts me. I'm so excited!!!
Baby shower was lit asf. My old boss did kiss my cheek and also told me I looked stronger and my old and now pregnant coworkers brother tried to hook up with me for about the 4th time. Normal day tbh.
That night we are all going out. I wear a fucking bra ya'll bc I have plans to meet up with Miles.
We all go to blue post (duh) and my ass stays there the entire night. Time FLEW I was having a blast. I met this girl Liv who is dating a friend of Dylan's and brotherrrrr. Not only does she dress like my Pinterest board but she was so funny and an outright blast to talk to. I love meeting new people.
I decided it's time to go and so Miles takes my hand and leads me to the exit. We were in the back so we scurry to the alley and when I turn the corner, leaning against the wall are Patsy and Paul.
For those who don't know who Patsy is, he was a good friend (still is) but he was the guy I got under to get over Paul. Paul was pissed lmao.
Anyways I have tropical lighting brain and passing them to leave is inevitable. I am so fucking shocked to see them speaking that I stop right in front of them both, wide eyed and stupid, take both my pointy witch fingers, poke them both in the chest and say "You guys talking is CRAZY". They both had a good chuckle at that bc tbh it was all in good fun and spirit. Not sure why I had to poke them but I think it drove the point home.
Anyways Miles and I banged and it was bangin. Would do again and probably will. I love having a friends with benefits. He does want to text like everyday and that is agonizing but whatever.
I know I always say this but I love my life. I am so privileged and happy to have my family, friends, job, and overall just the life I lead. I know how precious this all is and I hope everyone knows I do not take it for granted.
I think that's all for me tonight, not an emotional or deep update but I'm sure I'll find time to write about that soon.
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Literally no one cares but here's my worst travel story:
So I go to a school 2-3 states away. Which according to Google, the college is a 9 hour drive, however, bc my family can't just drive 18 hours in one day to come get me and drive home, I normally take a train that goes across states. This train ride is about 6/6 and a half hours long. Not to mention :) the time you can buy tickets for this train at midnight and 3 am depending on which station you're leaving from (so if I'm heading back home, the train leaves at midnight. If I'm heading back to campus, the train leaves at 3 am). Keep this in mind :)
So the drive to the train station is a long one. It's about 4/4.5 hours long of a drive since the train station is in another state than the one I live in. So my dad decided to book a hotel like 15 min away from the train station, but not in the same city as the train station since prices were cheaper that way. We left the day before my train was supposed to leave so March 7th. We left our house at like 1 pm, and I had slept till 11 am since I had stayed up a bit late the night before. I slept in the car on the way to the hotel and was feeling pretty good!
We decided to waste some time looking around the town we were in, ate dinner at 3 pm, and actually had to go hunting to go find a place to print my train ticket since I had forgotten to (we eventually found a Staples 3 towns over and an abandoned mall that had bad vibes from the outside). Time passes and we head back to the hotel about 7 pm, but there's still a bunch of time before my train left. My boarding time that day was 4 am since daylight savings time was ending so we were supposed to jump forward, so it was really like my train was still arriving at 3 am. Amtrak suggests getting to the train station at least an hour before your train is supposed to arrive, so my dad and I agreed to leave the hotel at like 1:15 am. My dad fell asleep, but I was still pretty awake since I had gotten so much sleep already so I decided to read Manga on my phone until it was time for us to leave. We left the hotel on time, arrived at the train station early and thank goodness it was pretty empty. I managed to sit by myself and the train ride was relatively nice! Like it usually is.
Now here came the issue. The city I was arriving in, I knew about three people who lived there. One person I couldn't ask a ride from, another one I could have but there were already issues there, and so I asked the third person I knew there first. She was able to come get me!
.... Once she got off work!
...... At 1 pm.
Now I'm still very thankful she agreed to come get me, and I always will be. I have no idea how else I was supposed to make it to campus without her help, even though I would only be on campus for two weeks before getting kicked off.
However, my train arrived at 9 am. I had barely any money in my bank account and I had too much anxiety after sitting at the train station to get up and go get something from the vending machines, not to mention, I had no small bills on me. It was nearing 24 hours without substantial food, what I had eaten were some gummies my friend had gotten me for my birthday on the train, and that's it. It also came to my realization that while I was sitting there in the train station my p****d had started. There was no one in the station until about 11, since there was another train coming.
This lady approached me when there were like 5 other people at the train station (4 of them were Amish) and she asked me if she could borrow my phone to contact someone because she had left her phone in the Lyft she took to get to the train station. I figured why not and opened the app on my phone to dial phone numbers. This lady messes with my phone a bit and then hands it back to me with a new tab open with Lyft's customer service page open. I figured she was going to call her phone! Nope!!!! Now remember that I was reading Manga in the hotel room? Well I still had the tab up, and I can assure you that it was the one she opened the chrome browser up to. You'll never guess what fucking Manga I happened to be reading :)))) it was fucking Sekaii Wa (I can't remember the rest rn) but it's that one explicit bl Manga, and I remember being at a part where one of the character's may or may not have been naked :)) so I was fully screaming internally at this point. This lady had seen bl p*** on my phone and had given NO REACTIONS. She had to come ask to use my phone a couple of times bc she was trying to figure out what to do and at one point she just. Walked away with my phone.
After that had happened, a girl who looked very nervous came over and sat next to me, and asked me about how the train works since it was her first time. I also had to pee very badly at this moment too; I had needed to pee since I got off the train but was too nervous to get up and just go to the bathroom, not to mention I didn't have anyone to watch my stuff. I answered her questions and then asked her to watch my stuff. At this point I could create a temporary solution to the monthly problem happening and continue on feeling better about that situation since all of my pads/tampons were in my suitcase.
At this point it was 1 pm. For those keeping track, that is the time that my friend said she was going to be in work till, and a total of 22 hours since I had last eaten anything substantial. I was on my monthly, starving, sleep deprived, because also at this point I had gotten barely two hours of sleep on the train, which means about two hours of sleep in total for 22 hours also, and now irritated. I eventually get a text from my friend letting me know that she just got off work and was going to head home to shower and then come get me. I was just happy to know she was close to getting me.
3 pm rolls around. She arrives. I am tired, starved, irritated, in pain, and now surprised since my friend was NOT the only one to come get me. Oh no. Her mother had driven her and her sister to come get me. Which her family is lovely, they're so nice and really helped me out right before Christmas break when I needed to stay somewhere in the city before going to the train station at midnight. They pick me up, all is good. I'm still super hungry.
I am mildly lactose intolerant and when I am on my monthly, coffee messes me up (this is important for this next part).
Her mom turns towards me and goes "we're headed to Starbucks, would you like something?" my immediate response? Yes. Absolutely. My brain that is reminding me of the already horrid situation I am in, and telling me not to get coffee won though and told her no. I thought we were going to leave immediately after we came back to my friend's house. But oh no. She had laundry to finish, a resume to finish, and her mom wanted to take her to the grocery store to pick up stuff for her room. I went with for everything and ended up buying the oddest assortment of things (including almond milk, mandarin oranges, and canned soup).
My friend finished everything at about 6:30 pm and we were good to leave. I am so hungry at this point. Her mother had given me a slice of banana bread she had just baked and I had to refuse anymore bc I knew I would have eaten the whole thing given the chance. That was the most food I had eaten since 3 pm the day before. For those, once again keeping track, that is 27 hours. Again, I am in pain, irritated, hungry, and tired. We get into the car and as soon as we pull out of my friend's driveway I turned towards her and said "Can we please stop at the closest McDonald's. I am so hungry" she laughed and said sure. We passed at least 5 McDonald's. She then hits me with the "there's a Burger King like 45 min away, close to the school, can we go there?" and I just nodded my head bc I was just happy to be given the chance to eat.
We get to the Burger King and I am not kidding you. I ordered a Bacon Whopper with a side of large fries and large drink bc I was so hungry. I ate all of it before pulling into the driveway of my school. That burger is the size of my head and has enough fucking mayo on it for it to be it's own producer plant of mayo. It was heavenly.
I got all my stuff to my room (which was on the third floor of a building that only certain people could use the elevator) and passed out on my bed for an hour, woke up to tell my friend I was on campus. Did Not Touch My Luggage. And then passed tf back out till the next morning :)
TL;DR: I had the longest and worst travel of my life that lasted from 1 pm on a Friday till 7 pm on a Saturday, where I barely slept, ate, used the bathroom, and got heavily embarrassed.
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Hello there! Because I'm deep into my exam phase rn and stressed af, can I request scenarios with Iwaizumi and Akaashi (separately) where their s/o is studying their ass of and is really stressed out so they tell them to take a little break and buy them snack and cuddle afterwards? Just so me fluff to relax to, that'd be awesome! Thank you
Oh man, I’m sorry you’re so stressed, lovely! Keep moving forward tho! You’ll make it out just fine! Remember that degrees don’t have grades, so you don’t have to be the best of the best! Lol (I am a terrible motivator) Thanks for requesting! - Admin Satori
Iwaizumi Hajime:
“Oi! You’re going to run yourself ragged!” You didn’t pull your eyes from your textbook, your eyebrows furrowing as you tried to focus on the words before you. Though it was a futile attempt, since your boyfriend was not having you ignore his presence. “Did you hear me, ______? You’re digging an early grave.” Iwaizumi pulled the book from under your nose and tossed it somewhere behind him without a care.
“Hajime!” You chastised, moving to get up and retrieve your book, “That’s a rental! If there’s any damage to it, then I owe the school big money!” Just the idea of owing so much money already, and still adding onto it as it was only your second year of college…. It filled your stomach with a tight knot, the anxiety eating at your heart as it panicked for escape!
Large hands rested on your shoulders, pushing you back down into the chair, “_______, stop…. Just relax for a second..” Iwaizumi let out a deep sigh before kneeling in front of you sitting in the chair, his dark green eyes not only showing his worry but his frustration in your neglect. “You’re doing fine, ______. You’ve been studying nonstop for the past three days… it’s time to take a deep breath and step back for a while.” But he could see you were still stubborn, still looking a little over his shoulder at where you’d thought the book had fallen. “You’re wasting away, and I refuse to be at fault for it.”
A mouthwatering smell of your favorite food snuck into the forefront of your mind, triggering your stomach to growl in need - you were starving! When was the last time you’d eaten? You blinked a few times before looking down at where Iwaizumi had scooted a plate to replace the book that had been there moments before. Steam still coming off the hot food, everything cooked to perfection, glistening in your favorite glazes. The dish looked straight out of a goddamn cooking show! “Wha…. When did you learn to make this?” That really shouldn’t have been your first question, or response, but you were genuinely surprised. The last you heard of Iwaizumi’s cooking skills -
A scoff, “Yeah, I know I accidentally burnt cupcakes that one time…”
“It was three batches, Hajime-“
“But! I’ve been watching some tv shows while my girlfriend was dating her books, so I learned a few things….”
His voice was almost a huff, and it almost seemed that as soon as you looked back at your boyfriend’s face, that he’d been pouting just the tiniest bit. But at the meeting of your eyes, Iwaizumi inhaled suddenly and pushed himself up off the floor, his right hand pulling your chair closer to the table, his body blocking where he’d thrown the book. His tactics were working, though, you’d almost completely forgotten about your studies - distracted by the romanticism of his learning to cook, as well as the highly successful end result. “I… Th-Thank you, Hajime!”
Just as you were about to dig in, Iwaizumi tutted at you, “Oi! That’s rude!” You jumped in your seat, leaning back from the plate as if there was a force field around it. Your eyes glanced up at your boyfriends playfully irritated face just as he reached down and grabbed your plate, “Come on.” Curious, and very hungry, you got up from your chair, feeling a pain in your legs as they were put to work to move you after so long in stasis. His dark green eyes watched you cautiously, making sure all your limbs were working fine before leading you into the living room. He’d set up the kotatsu in the living room, his plate and drink on one of the four sides, your drink and utensils waiting for the placement of your own plate to be complete.
It was simple, but breathtaking, and melted your heart. He’d gone completely out of his way to make you feel comfortable, to have you relax and not stress so much. You felt a little guilty. You’d been lost in your stress, not seeing the repercussions, but it was your boyfriend, your very thoughtful and loving boyfriend, to have to witness the consequences of stress to you and your body. “Hajime….” You sniffled, a large tear rolling down your cheek at his consideration of your predicament, “Hajime…. I…. I don’t…. I’m so sorry…” You reached up and wiped away your tears roughly.
“For what?” Iwaizumi was confused, placing your plate on the tabletop before turning to face you. At the immediate sight of your tears, he took only a few strides before standing before you, wrapping you in his arms and resting his head on yours, “Why are you crying? Do you need a nap? You have to eat before you sleep, I didn’t see if you ate your breakfast this morning or not.” You hadn’t, you realized. You had’t eaten all day. You wrapped your arms around his torso, not wanting to move from his warm embrace, “You’re pushing yourself too hard, _______. If you don’t take it easy, and you don’t take a step back now and then, you’re setting yourself up for failure in the future.” He grumbled, his tone taking on a ‘you should know this already, dork’ kind of tone.
But it wasn’t as easy as he was making it to be. It was, but you didn’t see it that way. “I have to succeed, Hajime. I don’t want to be average like everyone else. I want to be the best of the best and get the highest grades.”
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh that sounded more like a huff, “Well…. Let’s get you fed, rested, and then I’ll help you study for your next text, okay?” It was a resigned deal, as if he didn’t really want to help you stress even more. “But the second I see you getting worried over something as dumb as grades, I’m throwing your book into the snow outside.”
The threat was real, you knew this, but you couldn’t stop the smile that came to your face as you pressed into his chest a little more, “So then you’re going to pay for the book then?”
“If it gets you to fucking relax, then yeah. I’ll pay the whatever the hell amount gladly.” A kiss to your forehead, then he was leading you to sit at the kotatsu and practically feeding you.
Akaashi Keiji:
It was eerie… The silence of the apartment. No TV background noise. No outside traffic. Not the padding of your boyfriend walking around, catching up on his chores.
Not that these sounds were expected. It was nearly 3AM… Your boyfriend, Akaashi, was sleeping in the next room over, the dim light of your lamp giving your study guide an odd yellowish look, the only sound coming from your study session being the soft inhale and exhale of your breathing.
Your eyes kept drooping close. Head falling forward, only to jerk back up as the sensation of falling registered to your tired brain. You’d been studying all day. Everyday… For the past week. It was called Study Week for a reason, right? You were studying for your first exam come that coming Monday. It was worth a good portion of the class grade, and while you were top of the class now, and while you knew the material by heart… You couldn’t help but worry about any curveballs the teacher may throw. It was unlikely, but still worried you.
Suddenly, you became aware of a strange prickling at the nape of your neck, your back straightening in response to the odd feeling. As if you were being watched. Closely. Swallowing the curl of fear at the back of your throat, you tried to focus again on your homework, the jolt of unease waking you from your routine of constantly falling in and out of sleep.
“Why are you still up?”
It was real. A real voice. But it was so soft, so quiet, that it blended with the darkness around you and your dim light. It almost didn’t sound real, as if it were a being from a different plane wondering why you’d suffer so willingly for something so mundane. For a few seconds after the finality of the voice, you’d wondered if you’d really heard it! Had you imagined it? It wasn’t far from the reality of possibility as you were very tired and had been hallucinating the vision of something standing at the corner of the room around you. Maybe your hallucination had finally broken that wall separating it from reality and was now terrorizing you into feeling guilty and wanting to go to bed.
“_________.” You inhaled sharply as you felt soft hands rest on your shoulders from behind, “Come back to bed with me…” Akaashi whispered quietly, matching the voice you’d heard just a few moments before. Your paranoia settled, finally debunking the suspicious activity around you as just your boyfriend checking in on you. Now he wanted you to go back with him, and while that did sound heavenly, you shook your head.
“I have to study this, Keiji…. The test is Monday,I have to make sure I know what I’m doing.”
His hands squeezed your shoulders before he was lowering his head and pressing his lips against the space just under your ear, chills erupting across your skin at just how warm he felt. You hadn’t realized it before, but you were freezing! Maybe that’s why you’d been sniffling earlier, shivering now and then and disrupting your studying for a split second. “Come lay down with me, ________. Please….” Akaashi leaned his head against yours, and you could feel the sleepy pout on his lips.
If you knew your boyfriend at all, you knew he wasn’t one to wake up in the middle of the night - not unless he’d found out you weren’t beside him. You also knew that it took him incredibly long to wake up in the morning, and that he never really felt rested no matter how many hours he’d been sleeping. And while you couldn’t see his face, except from the corner of your eye, you knew he probably hadn’t opened his eyes since waking up. And that he was currently nudging your head with his while his eyes were closed, his eyebrows furrowed, and a tired frown pulling his lips. “Keiji… Just go back to sleep… I’ll be in in a little bit… I promise.”
But he didn’t move, instead resting his forehead on your shoulder and letting out a yawn, “I’ll wait…” His hands moved from your shoulders and now slid across the front of your chest, his forearms right under your chin. You rolled your eyes and tilted your head back, pressing against his own shoulder, “Getting tired?”
You couldn’t stop the small amused snort, “Not exactly… I can’t seem to study when I’m in a choke hold.” Akaashi seemed to realize how his arms were around your neck and removed them, instead resting them on the back of your chair.
“Come to bed with me.” He tried again, his voice still deep with sleep, a little raspy from not using it for more than a couple hours. You let out a loud sigh and leaned forward, trying to focus on your work in front of you, forcing Akaashi to lift his head off your shoulder as you moved. He inhaled slowly before moving to grab a chair.
“Keiji, just go to sleep, baby… I’ll be in soon.” You knew it was a lie, but you didn’t want him to be staying around. It pulled your heart tight to know he’d suffer being awake for you - just to spend time with you, to be your company even if it wasn’t considered good.
Akaashi shook his head, “No.”
That was it. Just a simple no. An easy rejection of your fake promise. Just before he sat down, you pushed your book away and stood from your seat, “Okay, okay… Come on…. You need to rest.” You took his hand in yours and quietly led him back to the bedroom, feeling rather than hearing when his other hand reached up to rub at his sleepy face.
“Thank you… I’ll make breakfast tomorrow to make it up to you.” And while the idea was very appealing, you already knew he wouldn’t be getting up any sooner than 10AM, and if he had anything to do with it, neither would you.
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Episode 8 - “These bitches really do be getting on my nerves” - Chloe
rip stevie :( in the aftermath of that tribal that legit just felt like one massive personal attack i decided to go do some homework bc something felt off to me!! madison was out there whining about OMG BEING IN THE WARZONE THE WHOLE TIME BOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO and yet lmao she's either been "excused" or gotten a strike for deadass just not doing the challenges. the jig is uP! i think it's fairly obvious people are just using the warzone as a way to build relationships and i mean who can blame them, but her whole pity party at these tribals needs to stop. my mood towards her has definitely soured in the last hour lol i'm over it fam. also i've been talking to ian since the tribal to get some tea since tommy is legitimately useless. i'll like ask him what happened at tribal and he literally just goes "oh i just heard his name from everyone" shrug emoi LIKE!! WOULD IT KILL YOU TO FIND SOME MORE TEA OUT... anyways i find out from ian that cullan apparently brought up that they should target timmy for challenge prowess, to which ian said he shot down due to that being a slippery slope which soon leads to him. if that's true i'm v glad that that got shot down bc that's, in my mind, a shot fired at me. GIRRRRRL, like just leave me alone i shouldn't be fucking persecuted bc half of you guys are throwing challenges and i've actually been doing them. that doesn't mean shit.
I was able to get 217 seconds on the slide puzzle. Would I get any better? 🤷♂️ I dont think so. I have my graduation today so hopefully this score is enough.
not gonna lie I compleeeeetely COMPLETELY forgot about the chall until this morning when I was walking to class and my dumbass is at class and work and class again until 10 pm today so I don’t rlly have a MOUSE on me..... cut to me desperately and embarrassingly texting my classmates asking them to bring a mouse to class for me nnnn this is not gonna go well. maybe it’ll be good for me to go to war zone anyways I guess
Hi sisters! Last vote was super easy. It was like “Stevie k?” “K.” But also even though I feel like I’m a big part of the decision making process for every vote, I never get less nervous that everyone is lying to me! Strategic playing, or crippling trust issues? You decide.
These bitches really do be getting on my nerves
Its almost graduation time and im sooo nervous and excited. It would be nice to not be in warzone tonight. Please survivor gods help me.
Well this is a crucial immunity. After being out of the war zone for 2 in a row I feel at this point I am a little outside the people who have been there so many times. I think I have some strong bonds with some players but I do not that a couple have it out for me. Namely Madison and Jacob, which at this point I fed they should be over the whole Renee vote but that’s their prerogative.
Sooooo Final 15 baby! Honestly Im so proud of this time around on my TS journey cause Im actually liking the individual competition portion of this game. Its like the merge part of any Survivor game but with a "tribal competition" aspect. Meaning that I only have to worry about me, myself, and I and I love that. I just need to show that Im the bad bitch that is in control and take this game by the fucking reins and show it who's boss. Aint no way Im gonna get 15th, 14th or 12th again madam. No way.
I survived, yeet. Kait survived, yeet. Ian went in, f*ck. Maynor went in, f*ck. Chloe went in, f*ck. Adrian went in...yeet.
Hello! I am safe again, 2nd time in a row? Idk. I do like Kait but I don't entirely trust her. I think I can use her for a bit as she'll believe she's using me. If I have the chance to get her out before or early merge, I will. Thomas is the most boring person in this game. I have yet to meet Timmy but I doubt anyone can beat Thomas in this feat. Talking to him is like talking to a wall. A white wall too. Also, he has no manners, demands favours and doesn't say please or thank you... The second I have the chance, he's gone. Nehe should've stayed, not him. Otherwise, Ian and I are working on some kind of power together for battleship. I really do like Ian. I hope we can make it far together, he's my number 2 after Owen. Together, we have the Topaz Idol and a potential save vote and a potential new power. Maynor and I have been socializing and friendly, I want him gone sooner than later but he's not a priority. He isn't great in comps generally. Still love Trace and I do trust him to an extent. I dislike Stephen, would like to see him leave relatively soon. I don't trust him at all. On the other side, Matt is going to tribal and him and I have built quite a bit of trust previously, I hope he makes it. I'm happy Cullan and Owen and Adrian are safe as I trust all 3 to certain extents. I would like Timmy to go due to his comp prowess and due to the fact we have yet to interact, but he's immune, again. I hope Chloe makes it out okay. I also hope Devon makes it out alive. I love that guy. I think Devon, Chloe, Trace and Ian can work together though! Matt could join with them as him and Devon were big parts of the Renee vote. Madison and Maynor, who were both left out of that vote, could see their way out which is A-okay by me. Jacob was also left out of this vote but I think Ian won't target him, just my two cents. I see Jacob as a better ally for me down the road compared to Madison or Maynor. That being said, I like many people in this game. I think my social game is strong. I do need to be careful with my words as some may catch on. And I may find myself at tribal with 7 ppl I like. I have my hierarchy of allies in my mind and I know who's at the bottom of my totem poll, I just hope I can get those who aren't even on it out first. I'm also a comp threat. Usually, I can lurk in the shadows more easily but with the dynamic and my low level of comfort with risk, competition prowess combined with my social game, though flashy, is what I'm betting on to keep myself safe. Owen and Kait and Timmy's competition prowess outshines mine and people peg Madison as the socialite who throws/does not complete comps to be in warzone. As long as there are some who play flashier than me, I'll be okay. Until next time!
I found a Rock Saver with the help of Corey, chill but I'm more than happy to send that over to him the second I'm back from warzone. That is such a situational power and there aren't really alliances yet to risk rocks for, but when there are it will be within Corey and I's power to use. Again, I'll play the idol to survive if I need to, but I'll do everything I can to prevent having to play it at f16, the jury doesn't care about what happens in the premerge portion of the game.
It's going to be Jacob or Madison this round. Idol or bust, Cancer will take a hit, because fuck cancer. I'm done with the waiting for someone to take out players who have been just chilling in the Warzone, I'm done with the throwing challenges, I'm done with the deceit. The Warzone is not redemption island, you can't feed me a fish and send me on my way to build your jury presence. Madison is sans her warzone buddies, she's vulnerable besides Jacob. Let's go!
I may be in the war zone rn but Ian is here and I have fuckin missed that boi so yanno pros and cons
I so so so do not want to be here at Warzone again. This vote is probably the most complicated thus far because at this point I need a lot of things to go a very specific way in order for people to not realize I’m in the middle. Devon trusts me and wants to go with Ian’s plan to vote our Madison or Jacob and Madison and Maynor want to vote Ian which I would also like. However at this point I need to make everyone happy and the odds of doing that are so slim. I just have to convince Maynor wnd Madison to vote Jacob or Devon to vote Ian and neither one is the path of least resistance. I’m on the path of MOST resistance and by path I mean 1 inch wide tightrope suspended over hungry sharks.
I was not that surprised when I got voted out. I did not expect it because voting out Stephen did in fact seem like a plausible option and i felt that between him and myself it was kinda similar. It was believable that he would be voted off, but I totally understand why I was voted off. The interesting part about it to me is I think I was the least connected person in the game and I can see how that can get dangerous in merge because those people can flip a lot, but right now I thought it might've been a good opportunity to gain me as a number. I think this tribal was my first interaction with Trace and Ian. I did like them and I liked talking to them and I think I had potential to work with them if the plan of voting me out wasn't already in place. There were a few people I did not talk to that round because i didn't think I should've had to reach out to EVERYONE in order to talk to them. I just think there are alliances that have formed that i am not a part of because the decision-making for these votes is kinda weird and I don't always understand the motives. So to me an alliance i am not a part of makes the most sense. I was very excited about the lagoon though. I am hoping I get a chance to come back because that would be lit. I just need to stick it out through these votes and I am hoping Renee is connected to at least one of the other three so we can stay. Kinda glad Nehe is gone. I think he was bad for my game
Devon has been a godsend so far today, I talked to him last night about wanting Jacob or Madison out and he has up and ran with it. Devon being the face on this vote? Yes please, I don't want to blow back on me if it flips.
I actually have people working with me and talking to me this round? 😮😮😮 crazy that maybe these people have finally stopped trying to get me fucking out
Trying to talk to cullan rn and I can’t decide if it’s more or less difficult than talking to Thomas. He’s sent like three one word answers now.... Me: you doing anything exciting this weekend!? Cullan: Graduating. Ummmm ok hoe sounds real exciting hskshdjd like elaborate? Oh well I’m not answering. I tried to reach out bc my social game is ass rn but I’m not putting myself thru that today!!!! I miss Kait :( and I want to talk to corey :(((( grrrr they the real ones. And matt. Have yet to have a stimulating conversation with literally anyone else in this game. Wait ok actually I do like Timmy and madison SJSU’s je but madison busy too and Timmy sends LONG messages. Why can’t I have an in BETWEEN!!
I'm definitely going to see at least one vote tonight, I'm nervous about it because if people flip on me instead of voting Jacob I'll be dead to rights because I will not play my idol unless another idol is played. My thought process is that if I need my idol to save myself from a majority vote tonight then I wasn't bound to go far in this game anyway. I'll take my ball(advantages) and go home. 5 people told me they are voting Jacob, Matt told me Jacob is voting for me, if I'm being fed bullshit by everyone then that's just how the cookie crumbles.
Today has been quiet but people have brought up that Jacob and Madison are a strong duo. Matt was able to put the target on Jacob. It could be a 4-4 tie but Matt Madison n I might just go with majority and vote Jacob.
As per usual, I have no idea if I made a confessional about this or not. I can’t believe I won immunity, like I didn’t even have computer access. And i got 3rd so i had some margin to be safe (granted Adrian got 4th with one second more than me but still). That was the first time I did the puzzle because my other times were worse. If I was doing it on a computer my time would’ve been so much better so idk what happened with everyone else. And today Owen messaged me saying he feels kind of fucked because he hasn’t been to tribal in ages, which might be true but also he can probably win a lot of immunities come merge and people like him. I’m happy to work with him right now because we both have a lot of challenge wins but honestly I want him to go earlier on in merge because he is good at getting quick social connections.
oof mama, what a round this is panning out to be. First of all, I felt personally victimized by that challenge. The Ard tribe is full of some SERIOUS competitors, and that's the reason that I will most likely continue to show up at these stupid war zones until we merge. Fucking Kait has made it this far without going to the war zone at all, which is putting SUCH A LARGE target on her back. bUt whatever, it's just frustrating being on a tribe of people that probably do online puzzles for fun. So this round is interesting. After last round's unanimous vote, I feel a lot more comfortable working with certain people in the game. Ian has kind of solidified his spot as my number one in this game (more to come about that too). He came to me and was like we NEED to make a move against Madison/Jacob. He said he knows that Madison is a challenge threat, but is purposely trying to lose the challenges so that she can make connections with people in the war zone. Though he had made some points, I really don't think Madison is that smart to figure out how to do that. I really just think she is busy/not prioritizing and keeps showing up here. She seems pretty innocuous. That being said, she has become a bit of a social threat, slipping by all of these rounds without having to really do much. BUT, I do trust her and don't want her to be sent packing quite yet. Jacob, her star sign partner, on the other hand, can go. He doesn't talk at all, and when he doesn't they're boring one word answers. So I had pretty much set my heart on Jacob even though he is on our tribe, making my chances higher of showing up here if we keep doing the war zone format. To make matters more interesting, I talked a bit more to Matt this round and he told me that Madison and Jacob were gunning for Ian this round. Madison claims she is good with voting for Jacob, but everyone else says they seem to be a strong pair. I went straight to Ian with this and then he TOLD ME HE HAD AN IDOL. Honestly I am so happy to know he has it and not someone against me, because that's going to be some great information to have later on down the road. I think he is really paranoid, but at this point I just really cannot tell who is lying and telling the truth. I am hoping that people are being truthful and going to actually vote for Jacob, but I am trying to figure out who exactly has been saying Ian's name. It's ultimately going to be up to him whether he wants to play the idol this round but oof, if I were him, I'd be sweating. SO we shall see, but lord knows I'm shaking in my loafers!
0 notes
Damn, I’m trying to be positive, but it hasn’t even been a week and i’m painfully depressed here. My host mum is very kind, but honestly i feel like a burden on her damn family, like she has 2 little boys, her husband apparently got diagnosed with something that he needs to take expensive medicine for and from the way she talks they don't make that much. The boys shared a room, but they gave me that room so now the whole family sleeps in the parents room and fuck. It also makes me feel weird that she keeps calling me her sister, and i get it’s just affectionate, and she does do her best to constantly make sure i’m okay and safe, but i need like a parent rn now yo. And she’s constantly asking me if i think she looks nice and if i like her and when i say yes she goes no, and then i have to say yeah yeah several more times and she appreciates it, and i understand low self esteem feels, but i don’t have the energy right now to constantly try and make her feel good about herself
Also, i finally met the other kids yesterday and i’m really just trying to be grateful, but i feel like i got the short end of the stick. Almost everyone else is paired with another person from our group w only the exception of one of the boys, and everyone’s host families seem to speak english pretty well, and i get i’m here to learn arabic, but damn am i lonely. Like i can’t have a real conversation, i can’t express how i feel about certain things well like w food and so i feel like i’m just wasting too much. ANd I’ve been introduced to most of the other family in the buildings, and other neighbors who live there and i can’t really communicate well with anyone except for one lovely lady who is apparently originally from Russia, and her english is really good, but other than that.
Edit: also, i haven’t had a good night of sleep in like a week. I was so busy and hyped before i left for here i didn’t really have a chance to sleep. And then my trip here took 24 hours and it was impossible to sleep during it. The first night the kids woke me up early in the morning, and since then i keep waking up at like 3:30-4am for no good reason. Like i didn’t suffer and jetlag, and it wouldn’t make sense to be jetlag either ‘cause it’s late at night at that time in my city, and at first i thought it was hype for first day of class, but not as hyped about day 2 but still can’t stay asleep. I also now have like no appetite, like everything just seems gross, and i know this will really suck if it doesn’t lighten soon, ‘cause they honestly never stop eating and feeding me. I don’t even get a chance to get hungry before they’re shoving food in me again and when i’m like i’m still full they’re like what’s wrong??? eat eat!! I’m so tired, i already made a “how long until i’m back in my city” thing
tldr; I feel like a burden, i’m painfully lonely, and it’s making me painfully depressed
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New York: Day 2
JOHN: - ASSUMING they ended up sleeping in an alley, John probably cuddled up with Kankri. However, he miserably wakes up over and over to vomit, straying farther away from the group during these excursions for courtesys sake. He gets more sweaty, stumbly and shaky the more this goes on-
ROSE: -She looks up from her typing to watch John. At some point he feels her hand on his back, rubbing in little circles.- Good morning. ROSE: It is a punctual wake up call, if I were pressed to say one good thing about this place.
JOHN: - he is NOT having a good morning but he wheezes and smiles anyway. He's chewing some peppermint gum, and still slathering on the Vicks which is helping somewhat- yeah, no kidding. bright and early in flavor town.
ROSE: As far as I can tell, based on the feed, no one else is in any danger. ROSE: Immediate danger, I should say. But we're not sure where Roxy, Jake, your father or the cherubs are.
ROSE: It could be a good sign that they're off the grid like that.
JOHN: - Thank you for providing a positive option he'll be choosing that one- yeah. i mean... my dad is with them. i'm not worried. he probably has things on lock down. - oh how ironic this statement is-
JOHN: d'ya want some water? the only food i have is cake but i have lots of water bottles. - also the sort of shock blankets EMTs carry. there were likely three that they all had to share. -
ROSE: Wherever it is, I presume it's better than what you'd get if Banksy were commissioned to construct a parody of a city.
ROSE: ...Yeah. that would actually help a lot.
JOHN: - passes her one-
JOHN: - SIGHS because he already really hates this place. - this is beyond banksy this is like what michael bay would've done if youd asked him for a dystopian flick. pretty on the nose, betty. just sayin...
ROSE: Nothing is on fire except for our reliable steel trash fire, John, and I would never insult our most stalwart ally that way.
ROSE: Although if I see one single depiction of Ronald McDonald anywhere, I am extraordinarily liable to flip a tit.
JOHN: well i hate to say it, Rose but in all likelihood your tit is getting flipped.
ROSE: I said a tit, John, not necessarily any of mine. Ronald -- can I call him Ronald? Is that deemed appropriate?-- likely has at least one under that puffy yellow garment.
ROSE: All I am saying is that it is likely to be golden brown on both sides.
ROSE: Not unlike the McGriddle.
JOHN: - laughs helplessly even tho he doesn't want to. STAHP-
ROSE: -She twists open the water bottle-- grateful that they've got something-- taking a sip. Her head still hurts, but it's normal style headache, not migraine getting nuked by all the lights of times square, so she can deal a lot better.- ROSE: I mostly have some of Baldur's baby food I prepared. ROSE: I doubt that will last terribly long, but I'd like to avoid any of the food here if we can help it.
ROSE: So, we have banana and peanut butter mush, and cake.
JOHN: maybe the others have some more stuff. - he doesn't wanna wake them up yet tho. let them rest... -
ROSE: Well, it could be a lot worse.
JOHN: hey I'm not knocking banana peanut butter mush. sounds good honestly. - except he's not interested in any food rn, he's too nauseated. the only reason he stopped vomiting is because is tum is empty except for water-
ROSE: It is. Protein and at least one kind of potassium. The possibilities are endless.
MEULIN: -She's slept pretty restlessly -- post-traumatic stress and dangerous locations will do that to you -- and only manages to sleep soundly once she sees familiar words scrolling over her sunglasses, knowing that at least someone else was awake to watch out in her stead. It was difficult having only so many senses, being unable to tell if any noise should alert them. Now, though, she stirs again, squinting in whatever haze of light manages to permeate the neon signs.-
JOEY: =rubs at her eyes, sitting up= ...what guy?
ROSE: Fieri, comma.
ROSE: Morning.
JOEY: oh....
JOEY: he's still a thing?
ROSE: I took the liberty to scout by air a bit. I can confirm two things.
ROSE: One is that this city is hopelessly large, and most of the buildings are equipped with searchlights on the highest floors.
ROSE: The other is that he is very much still a thing.
ROSE: He's plastered all over the place.
JOEY: sorry ive been out of the loop in this universe for quite some time now
JOEY: i can tell you in some of them he is but a distant memory
JOEY: although it might be to give the world a false sense of security, waiting to rise again
ROSE: Let's start a fair clip back, actually.
ROSE: Should I be horrified by him? more so than everything else about this place, I mean?
[He's only the high chaplain of interstellar war. The key architect of the hilarocaust itself. Pay no mind to the fact that he ruthlessly murdered and cooked every supreme court justice in his rise to power]
JOEY: your guess is as good as mine =shrugs= i dunno what this version of him is supposed to be like
JOEY: hes either a harmless cook with his own tv show using way too much grease or not many really know about him
JOEY: here its obviously not the case
ROSE: Right.
ROSE: It's fine. We should eat, anyhow. Keep our strength up without succumbing to the Big Bite. Do any of you have food on you?
JOEY: oh shit! =rummages through her sylladex= i have a bag of milky ways!
ROSE: I wonder how long we can last on candy and baby food.
JOEY: =places a milky way fun size bar on her sleeping brother's head=
ROSE: Edible what, exactly?
MEULIN: ...RR...
JOEY: boogers are edible, yet....im not feeling that
JOEY: ???
ROSE: I really don't. Although I should disclose I was working under the assumption you were talking about edible panties or body chocolate.
ROSE: So they're probably not worse than that.
MEULIN: SO.........
ROSE: Well, that'll at least help us cope.
ROSE: We'll ration.
JOEY: hehehehehe
JOEY: we get high or get cavities
JOEY: it's a race to either
MEULIN: -casually pulls out Rice Krispies on that note... TIME TO GET FUCKING BLAZED. She offers one each to Joey and Rose.-
ROSE: ...Thank you. -TIME TO DO A WEED BREAKFAST. she might reconsider but she's sick of her head hurting, and she hasn't had a thing in her stomach since they arrived.-
JOEY: thanks
JOEY: =she wipes her hands on her pants before taking it. Does it help? Who knows?=
JOEY: =nibbles the krispie=
MEULIN: -They're pretty tasty and definitely Rice Krispie treats. They don't seem to taste any different than a normal one, but in about five to ten minutes they should feel a nice buzzy body high and a bit more floaty than before... depending on how high or low their tolerance is. They might be a lot floaty and a lot buzzy.-
JOEY: =she's a lusus vet. the occasion never called for drug use!=
JAMISON: =slowly lifts a manhole cover then jumps out of it. Where has this old man been?? Puts the cover back and scurries to the group= Oh fantastic you're eating! Here I've got some clean water. =thunks down a gallon jug, yes he's still shirtless... AND ARMED=
ROSE: -She's just starting to relax and let that buzzing feeling take over when JAMISON THE SUDDEN.-
ROSE: Fuck!
JOEY: =Nearly jumps out of her skin and fumbles with the rice krispie, almost dropping it. It's like when your parent catches you smoking! It's...almost like that, actually.=
ROSE: That was sudden. I figured you'd gone somewhere, but... It seems you went... There. This is good to have.
ROSE: Hello. Also.
JOEY: hiiii dad! um...where did you get the water?
JAMISON: Oh... didn't mean to give you all a start! Good morning! I'll go hunting down normal appearing meat later! No worries on the water I staked out a source and purified it myself with something I whipped up! :D
JOEY: =I knew it, it IS sewer water=
ROSE: That's a relief. ROSE: We were just taking supply of what we've got. Suppose we'll be able to manage for long enough to figure which way is... out.
JAMISON: Any way can be out, missy! Haw! Simply pick a direction!
JOLENE: -waddles over after disappearing herself. this is a bad habit this family has.- agreed! and if it requires blowing holes into any of the buildings then i have explosives. :)
ROSE: Well. Shit.
ROSE: Alright. I'd first want... a car. Because it seems kind of desperate if we're going to be making our getaway from acts of explosives on foot.
ROSE: I was thinking we could try and tail one of those freight trucks.
JOLENE: that's probably a good idea........ -she just wants to level this whole place-
JAMISON: =beams at Jojo= Like the old days!
ROSE: The old truck hijacking days.
JOLENE: it really takes me back...
JOEY: ive never heard this story =chinhands, munching on this riceweedie=
JAMISON: Oh! There's tons of stories we can tell!! =proudly beams=
ROSE: I'm sure there's... plenty of time.
JOHN: - HE GAVE MEULIN A LOOK LIKE... so it's you... you're the supplier. but given they're in a crisis situation he lets it slide. And takes a bite of a rice krispy hoping it will help with the nausea. -
JOLENE: yes, true. for now let's focus on getting out of here. -peeps the rice krispies- what have you got there?
ROSE: Breakfast.
ROSE: Laced with a relaxant to dull the overwhelming stimulus of our environment.
ROSE: -WOW she's starting to think she's really good at being high-
JAMISON: They've scrounged up some-- oh? Hm........
JAMISON: So long as your reflexes are kept sharp!
JOHN: - How elegantly she puts it-
ROSE: :)
ROSE: :)
JOLENE: ... -squints-
JOLENE: are those weed rice krispies????????????????
ROSE: ...There is a mite touch of THC.
JAMISON: Awww come now Jojo! The youngsters aren't used to such dastardly dangers as we are!
JOHN: - please body digest these faster so he can feel not sick-
JOHN: - pleading with your body is a common medical practice don't you know-
JAMISON: Also it's a bit hard to find something that seems safe to consume out here.... I've even got looking for meat but I apparently haven't gone far enough on my last search!
JOHN: well i have lots of cakes
JOHN: they're safe... my dad made them.
JAMISON: Oh! Well that'll do finely! Good job old boy!
JOHN: it's not the most nutritious thing but...
JAMISON: Mustn't be picky about what you get to feast on in the wild, it could be the last meal you pass up! Haw!
MEULIN: CAKE IS GOOD. -thankfully being high makes you also want to eat just about anything... unless it's made by Guy, because fuck him.-
JOHN: - he breaks two out right now. months old but they're kept fresh although they might taste like they've been in hammer space for a little too long-
JOLENE: -frowns thinking about the cakes because she knows james is missing...- i'll have some cake. thank you, john.
JOHN: - he's frowning for the same reason-
JAMISON: I'll take one as well! Need to keep my wits sharp!! =THEY'LL FIND EVERYONE AND FIX JADE, BUCK UP EVERYONE!!!=
JAMISON: Now then! I'll take that to go and SCOUT! :D
JOHN: -there's yellow cake that says HAPPY LATE DECEMBER and another one, chocolate that says HAPPY EARLY JANUARY
ROSE: Be careful. Try to avoid shooting anything.
JOLENE: .... -james............-
JAMISON: =DIBS ON THE YELLOW CAKE, pistol-winks at Rose= No promises but I will gather a route for us so get your rears in gear!!
JAMISON: And drink some water!
ROSE: -She is interrupted by a STOMACH GROWL. She levitates over a pretty large slice with her majyyks.-
JOLENE: -grabs a slice of chocolate cake and gobbles it down. YUM.-
JOHN: - HE makes sure everyone gets a large slice except himself because he's waiting for the cannabis to kick in-
JAMISON: =Bends down to touch his toes, stretches this way and that. If they're in the alley still he takes a running start at the wall and hardcore parkours his way up to the roof of one of the buildings= TALLY-HO!!!! =There he goes....=
JOHN: - bemused amazement at Jamison-
JOLENE: ... there he goes.
JOEY: so now we have dessert, candy, and happy times to fuel our energy =giggles=
ROSE: I... You know, that sort of reminds me.
ROSE: Obviously you are not beholden to stay, but I haven't seen any other trolls, outside of our group. Right? Just humans and... Less... Healthy looking humans.
JOHN: that is weird now that you mention it...
JOEY: if the troll to human ratio is low here, theres a chance of another group out there with one human surrounded by trolls
JOEY: =presses meulin's nose= boop
JOHN: hehehehe... boop! - does it too-
MEULIN: -IS BOOP!!!- (=゚・゚=)
MEULIN: PRRP! -bunts at their hands. Pet her.-
JOHN: - It's good luck! he gladly gives her head scratches. -
JOHN: i kind of imagined... more trolls?
ROSE: Yeah...
JOEY: =Pats Meulin's hair floof, shrugging=
JOEY: maybe were meant to be here
JOEY: if youre saying this isn't a coincidence
JOEY: =sorry! it's not a lullaby to her either=
ROSE: I don't doubt there was intent in the decision.
ROSE: What I would like to find is the purpose behind this place.
ROSE: What these glamorous banalities mask.
ROSE: You know, that shit.
ROSE: Chemicals, probably. Fuck it.
JAMISON: =APPEARS again= Mind-control! Well.. it's a theory. Also if you have the necessities then you control the land.
JAMISON: A typical tactic done with water mostly but food isn't any different!
ROSE: Chemicals. -nods-
JOHN: maybe the food is... - dramatic pause- PEOPLE
JOHN: nah just kiddin
JOHN: or not..???
ROSE: Let's not rule anything out.
JAMISON: True, we should keep open minds so to not be surprised! JAMISON: Whatever these devils are eating isn't good for them and I can't say cannibalism does a body good!
MEULIN: .....
JUDE: -he's in the bg here just perpetually going hhhhhhh-
JAMISON: =Peeps Jude.......=
JAMISON: Well yes, for you troll lot it is fine you're biology is capable of handling it. The same can't be said with our own digestive system. =Do you need a hug Jude? A sweaty, shirtless, hairy dadhug?=
MEULIN: -stares off into the neon distance...-
JAMISON: Then it's quite possible that cannibalism has been introduced or even forced upon locals!
JUDE: okay but haven't you noticed the traits the humans around here are taking on?
JUDE: ashen skin... they've got growths on their heads??
JUDE: it'd make sense if they're being forced to eat their own
JUDE: if the condesce is trying to convert humanity to troll customs-- no, worse
JUDE: convert them into trolls themselves
[No? Maybe. Look, it's a decent proposal. However, no, there aren't any signs EXPLICITLY advertising frying babies, or any other humans for that matter.]
JAMISON: Why that's a silly thing to do EVEN FOR Fish Hitler...... =squints= so she might just be doing it..... JAMISON: Confound it the seabeast is no genius when it comes to biology!.... Perhaps capturing one for testing is necessary....
JAMISON: I'm sure I would whip up a DNA analyzer!
JOEY: its a motivation if the fish queen wants an army of mindless followers
JOEY: rebuilding her race to the extent that all choice or doubt in her reign has been taken from them
MEULIN: MAYBE SHE SHOULD CLAWNSIDER REBUILDING HER BUTT WHEN I PUT MY FOOT IN IT. -grumpy growls. This cat does not like this town.-
JAMISON: Well said! There's ample space for my fists of fury along with your boot old girl!
ROSE: Haha. Fuck.
JAMISON: Right-o! Never stray for long when there's work to be done!
JAMISON: So, seeing how shooting is against the group consensus what about capturing?
ROSE: I could justify that, yes.
ROSE: We want to avoid a ruckus until we're certain they cannot corner us.
JOEY: .....(adorable...)
JAMISON: Meulin! Would you like to capture a zombie with me? :D
MEULIN: -SNRKS and nudges bashfully at Joey. She heard that!!!-
JAMISON: =Holds up a net he made=
JOHN: i think we should establish a base first that isn't an alley out in the open :0
JOHN: what about hijacking one of those trailers
ROSE: Was there room in those sewers?
JAMISON: Do we plan on being here for long? JAMISON: We could appropriate a building!
JOHN: - scratches under beard as he considers all these options-
ROSE: No, we need to catch up with the others. And despite her enthusiasm, I don't think Jolene has enough bombs to demolish this whole place.
JAMISON: Oh, well that's just a matter of creating more.
JOEY: we should keep a low profile before coming up with a solid game plan
JOEY: THEN we can make things blow up
JAMISON: Hm.... actually I would like to meet this "Guy" and take all his files.
ROSE: Well. Ideally, we would have a bomb on the side of town opposite we're going to escape from.
JOHN: hmm we're more than 20 hours from minnesota... if we somehow scored a trailer we could get out of town quickly if we need to and then take turns sleeping on the way there...
JAMISON: That is my near-end game to see what the devil is going on!
ROSE: Establish some sort of distraction.
JOEY: or direction
JOEY: if were going to sightsee, lets make an itinerary
JOEY: =smiles blissfully=
JOHN: - takes a deep breath. his stomach feels better and his nausea is gone. - those were really bomb ass rice krispies, meulin.
JOHN:... you still have that pb and banana...
ROSE: -SNORTS and laughs uncontrollably-
JOHN: @Rose
ROSE: -slides a lil plastic baby food container towards JOHN-
JOHN: - here he is, a grown ass man with a child eating baby food-
JOHN: - incredible-
JOHN: - also he feels all tingly-
MEULIN: -she hasn't kept up with the conversation too terribly, thanks to the fact that she doesn't have to listen and can read it instead.- I THINK THE SEWERS MIGHT BE GOOD. THEY HAVE LITTLE AREAS DOWN THERE RIGHT?
JOHN: alright well... we have a lot of different ideas. and i honestly don't know what's the best choice.
JOHN: should we vote?
JOEY: =her eyes get spherical=
JOEY: theres such a place as buffalo ranch nook hell?
ROSE: Let's steal the zepplin.
JAMISON: I would like to have a base of operations and the sewers weren't so terrible for tha- oh a zepplin would be grand!
JOHN: is that a serious option because if so i like it.
ROSE: Yes. Fuck it. Fuck the sky. Let's steal it.
JOHN: yeah! - fist pump-
JOEY: does anyone know how to actually fly one of those? it's hard from what i have heard :\
JOHN: oh, I have wind powers
JOHN: plus they probably do... - points at jo jo and jamison-
JOHN: - he just takes for granted that the old people know everything-
JOHN: - floats as an example for joey-
ROSE: I, too, have powers, but I'd also think that hauling everyone up into the sky will attract a measure of attention we're not prepared for.
ROSE: Which is second to my previously stated stance, fuck the sky.
JAMISON: Oh! Yes you have been floating as of late I recall... =strokes mustache=
JOHN: ohhhh thats true. - considers this-
JOEY: ... =glances down at the rice krispie- aight, how strong is this stuff?
ROSE: Thank you.
MEULIN: (ฅ•ᆺ•ฅ)
JOHN: - only took a bite of his and put the rest wrapped up in his pocket-
JOEY: since when can people fly??
JOHN: it's not such a weird thing where we come from.
JOEY: i come from earth. this earth! everything is weird to me!
JOEY: anger....stare....
ROSE: Redglare.
JOHN: but like... if we had somewhere to land it, i could use wind currents to bring down the zep. maybe rose's psiionics could steady the landing.
MEULIN: (●���ωↀ●)
ROSE: I am a psionic, of sorts. -Little finger sparks to demonstrate...-
JAMISON: Probably!
JOEY: =whispers to meulin= (why is redstare so mad?)
JOHN: wow haha... settle down there.
JAMISON: Or capture them HAW!
JOHN: we don't have to kill anyone.
MEULIN: -considers giving her boss weed... hmm-
JOEY: =gasps= does she like desserts? what about one of your riceweedies?
JOHN: ok all in favor of trying to steal the zep say aye.
JOHN: that works.
JOEY: okay if you know what youre doing! :D
JOHN:... but we're not going to kill anyone unless they try to kill us first. - STERN GLANCING. -
JOHN: - makes a face. don't even joke about that. he wants to hide behind rose. -
ROSE: And we should kidnap a... are we really going with Zombie? As a name?
JAMISON: I haven't the slightest what the devil else to call them.
JOHN: hey we can knock out two birds with one stone. there has to be a pilot, right?
ROSE: Yes, but I doubt the people down here are running anything of importance.
ROSE: I mean, look at them.
JOHN: maybe the pilot will know more. - head scratcher-
JAMISON: By the time you all have the zeppy down Meulin and I should have one secure.
JOHN: alright. that works too!
JOEY: =starts singing, clapping john on the back=
JOEY: she says that my life is over
JOEY: "boy you don't know what you got till it's gone
JOEY: come put your head upon my shoulder"
JOEY: she gave me her hand but i ignored her
JOEY: oh dr. john
JOEY: what am i doing
JOEY: what am i doing i wrong?
JOEY: cuz i keep on trying
JOEY: something ain't going
JOEY: something ain't going on
JOEY: oh dr. john
JOHN:... - THIS CHILD. he loves her already-
MEULIN: -she would sway but she has no idea this is a song-
JOHN: - pushes her playfully- get back jojo!
JOEY: =im 37 my dude=
JOHN: - he has no idea-
JOHN: - you're like 10+ years older than him-
JOEY: =theres probably something in grubloaf tbh=
JOEY: =aww you say that cuz im your kid=
JAMISON: =Also he and Jojo have THE BEST GENES. Spry old folks=
JOEY: =that she wont deny=
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