#but fr any child of any dictator or genocider or nazi or bigot i just feel bad for the child
sereniv · 8 months
Now again, im saying this from a pretty detached place
as in its not me who is theoretically in danger in this specific sense
but the whole israel brainwashing narrative like whats taught in their schools is basically "palestinians are literally the equivalent to nazis and want to do everything the nazis want to do" etc etc.
So when getting in to the israeli zionist jewish mindset, one should be seeing it as Jews fighting nazis. Thats how supposedly they are brought up believing.
But idk. again it can be because i wasnt brought up with the same fears and stories of actual nazism and everything that would cause someone to hate with such...palpability?
But for me, as much as i hate fascism and nazis and bigots and the like, when i see a baby, a child, even one being brought up in a literal neonazi household, as in homeschooled on nazi values
I dont feel hate towards the child. i dont see them as not human. i wouldnt cheer for their death or even seek to kill them
at most, and generally, i would wish that baby being taken away from proven-to-be nazi indoctrination (as oppose to the supposed view israeli zionists have on palestinians)
But I see so many videos and writings of Israeli zionists (jewish specifically) that cheer for palestinian babies dying, that brag about killing toddlers or children.
And its not like they dont have access to other view points, to videos.
I just dont think its based in any type of fear like they like to claim. I think some yes, just like not all israelis are jewish nor zionist nor anti palestinian.
But from what ive seen i just dont buy that the zionist cilvilians are driven by fear that which they grew up being taught to feel- as is claimed
I think for a lot its an illusion of fear? Like theres the genuine fear of antisimetism which is true and real and as jewish people even zionists have every right to have that fear.
And then theres the fear they say they have of palestinians (and those fighting for palestine) that they say is nazi/antisemitism and THAT is where i think a lot of them are lying.
I think they accept that narrative but dont actually feel it. I dont think most feel the same fear they feel with real antisemitism.
And this is exluding actual antisemitism coming from pro palestine side which is definitely happening, and also excluding any true misinterpretation (which that sounds confusing but idk how to explain it. theres layers)
its like so much other evidence ive seen where its one sided attacks and hate in like, Jerusalem where settlers will attack anyone not jewish (like that video of the Christian being spat on which i dont believe was palestinian?)
bottom line, majority of zionists know what they are doing to a degree and dont care bc they have grown up as bigots.
Like white supremacists who "fear" for the white decline, who grow up as a bigot. They dont fear in the way one would actually fear oppression and eradication.
Does this make sense? can someone say it better
Also to be clear This blog is Pro Jewish, Israel is Antisimetic and doesnt speak for all Jews etc
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