bluesbarks · 19 days
Looks at a bird and thinks 'OH THATS ME LOOK AT HIM LOOK AT THE DUDE THATS ME!' wait I'm not a bird? I'm a dog what the heck? oh yea this happens sometimes yay new kintype ig? i like birds. i am bird. none of you can stop me. this explains some of the clearly not dragon wing shifts?
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bluesbarks · 20 days
I hope yall like this I got the idea at like 1 am a week ago and finally made this silly thing :)
(i could figure out how to/if I could put it in the ask boxes, sorry!)
@hamalicious-soup @lil-gae-disaster
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bluesbarks · 21 days
sometimes i remember that im a boy and get happy and then remember that I am not seen as a boy nor do i look how I wish i did and thats sad. life and biology and society are unfair. ALSO MOTHER PLEASE ME HAVING SHORT HAIR WILL NOT MAKE PEOPLE THINK IM A BOY AS MUCH AS IT PAINS ME PLEASE LET ME CUT MY HAIR ITS ANNOYING
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bluesbarks · 21 days
This is literally asking me to pick which of the traumatized idiot ships to pick from (/pos i love them so much wow yall are so creative i want to cry take my money/j i have no money but theyre lovely rawrph)
Im curious
@unicornsaures @hamalicious-soup @papers-pamphlet @lil-gae-disaster @schnitzelsemmerl
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bluesbarks · 21 days
i giggled when I saw this. love how the redcoat hamilton au has just become everyone's amrev oc stuff and oh hamilton, hi, anyways,
(also dont mind me im just a background lurker that occasionally has to comment)
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The REAL Joseph Hayes, Cathy's older brother. Despite the uniform, he is a firm loyalist, just like his sister, but he's not a spy. His whole goal is to just retrieve his "poor, innocent, naive, baby sister🥺" from this terrible warzone.
Then drag her back home. Likely kicking and screaming, but he's dealt with her tantrums before, so it's nothing new.
The reason he's searching in the Continental camp first is because he knows his little sister is rebellious. But rebelliousness is a spectrum you see, so he's convinced that she's probably "gone off the deep end". I mean, if she was willing to run away from home and travel ALL the way across the sea to fight in a war, presumably just to spite their controlling parents, then she MUST be fighting on the WRONG side!
But, no worries! Big brother is here to straighten her out! and guide her back to the right path!
problem is...he's kinda ignorant and naive himself, just like Cathy. Ready to just throw money at his problems and isn't accustomed to conversing with "the common folk", so he tends to speak in a very business-like manner...with a dash of patronizing.
I love him. He's such an asshole.
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bluesbarks · 24 days
accurate enough i guess
ur first and last recent emojis are ur gender now. mine is 🅱👨‍❤‍💋‍👨
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bluesbarks · 24 days
Awful joints (knees in particular) and back, cross-country runner. Currently suffering bc I didn't get a chance to stretch before sitting down today after a LIGHT run :D
Thanks, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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bluesbarks · 27 days
Amrev is not boring, reblog if you agree
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bluesbarks · 28 days
I sometimes just go up to my friends and family and talk for 30 minutes.
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yet another thing has been done
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bluesbarks · 1 month
my period started literally as I was about to leave for practice and goddamn it hurts. I had to take a break during the cooldown workouts because cramps🥲
just did my cross country run like 20/30 min ago and im still dead wtf
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bluesbarks · 1 month
i just went to the school open house someone save me
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bluesbarks · 1 month
I can only pay attention to like one and a half of them. Usually if something big happens it might reach everyone's blog and I can stay in the shadows and read because this is all interesting as fuck.
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Your best bet is to uh...I uh...
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bluesbarks · 1 month
I always see people going on about how they love their little siblings, and I just, don't. People say they'd protect them from anything, how they want to spend time with them, how they're so special to them. And I just. don't feel that. Sure, I'd protect my siblings, but only because that's my job, I have to, people would be disappointed if I didn't but. All they've ever done for me is scream and take away from *my* stuff. Invade *my* spaces. Sure, I'm expected to prioritize them before everything, but I just, can't.
People say they look up to me, and want to be just like me, and all I can think is 'why?' I've never harbored feelings other than resentment for them, and I thought I made that clear.
People say I have had so many more opportunities than them, but they have everything I never had or will have. People are proud of them. They're allowed to express themselves like kids are supposed to. They never got singled out in school for being weird. They never had every little bit of pain dismissed. The real nail on top is how different we look. We used to go to stores and stuff and people would come up and tell us how beautiful my sisters were, with their bright red hair and blue eyes and freckles. I was just there. People would tell me how lucky I was for my sisters to be so pretty.
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bluesbarks · 1 month
*ahem* As a coyote, I find it aggravating when the wolves accuse me of infiltrating and the cats and small accuse me of going after them in their yards? I'm just trying to live my life, I'm a scavenger, and we have completely different pack structures to wolves! I know I'm an eastern coyote, but I think the wolves shouldn't have let us be in the area when we showed up if they didn't want us around, it's their fault our DNA is so close.
Nonhuman drama is so boring compared to what we COULD have. We should make up the drama our species would have on Tumblr. I wanna read a post from a dragon about how assigning greed to their species just for hoarding things is anti-dragon. I wanna hear what birds think about animals that can't fly. I wanna read a callout post about predators co-written by multiple prey species and a second callout post from the predators' perspective.
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bluesbarks · 1 month
i has a fish and look at the man (plus there shrimp in there)
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(Dw he’s not in a half gallon bowl he’s in a 5 1/2 gallon tank with plants (fake and real) a hide and a filter)
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bluesbarks · 1 month
I read all 78 of the school bus graveyard episodes on an off hand thought in one night oh god I am tired someone send help. Idek how to feel abt my self right now.
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bluesbarks · 1 month
There's also physicological therians, and what animals are people generally closest to? I know that my dragon kintype is from me being really close to dragons as a little kid, to an extent my brain just went, 'oh, we're a dragon, ok.' Really there's no one explanation for any of this, and really, if the haters are gonna be like that, idk, let them be stuck up in their own corner.
"why are so many therians foxes?" theres 7.2 million red foxes in australia alone. thats just one country and one species.
"why are so many therians dogs?" theres about a billion dogs in the world. thats a LOT.
"why are so many therians..." have u considered common types of therians are just common animals?
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