idsb · 1 year
taxes make me wanna die so bad like. I know it's technically a low percentage but how the fuck can the US gov. say "this person made $26,000 after their business expenses this year? let's take $4k of it 😈" like hi IRS sorry but are you aware I have to fucking eat and have a roof over my head???????????? that is so much goddamn money to take on like. NOTHING.
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lucycore · 4 months
Chucky x reader [Maybe I was wrong...]
I'm going freestyle for that one..Probably no smut and no trigger warnings.
Also I'm writing for the human form of Chucky so Charles lee ray and cuz I love vintage it will be around December 1988.
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You were one of Tiffs sisters. The edgy middle child rocker. U were in a crappie band that didn't have enough money to do shit. Annoyed with your life u also were annoyed by Tiff and her fucking personality.
You thought of her as a dumb teenager. What adult ass woman truly believes that a fucked up psycho is going to love her? Psychos have no feelings for anyone, they're just using you for their sake and dumb bitches like your sister fall for it.
God her stupidity made you mad.
After rehearsal with your shitty ass band that took 1000 tries to remember one riff, you had to go for a cigarette.
"God annoying fuckssss!" You thought.
It was already 11pm. It was already super dark and a little windy which you LOVED.
You only had black leather pants and a Black sabbath tank top on but your synthetic leather jacket kept you warm.
You walked over to your favorite place to chill which was on the roof of the rehearsal building. From up there you had the perfect view over the city.
You lit your cigarette and let the wind blow through your hair while your eyes were closed. You really needed that silence after the loud rehearsal.
"Fuck what is it this time? Can't the world just shut up for a second?!" You thought in your mind and opened your eyes to some loud noises from under you.
You saw charles and his companion making some mayhem. You rolled your eyes and continued smoking your cigarette.
After a while you heard some noises on the building. As if someone is trying to climb up on the roof.
You didn't bother to check what it was so you just let fate do it's thing. Your layed your head back and shook your head a little.
"It's bad time for little girls like you." You heard charles say and rolled your now open eyes.
"Fuck off." You said and threw your cigarette away.
He sat next to you.
"Rehearsal didn't do according to plan?"
"Since when do you care about it?" You replied annoyed.
He smiled a little.
"Just asked. No need to get pissed at me."
You turned your head away. You didn't like him. He was a psycho and sick and just cared for himself. You couldn't understand what your sis saw in him but that's her nature. You stroke with your hand over your arm.
"So why did you decide to come up here?"
"I saw you here alone, how could I miss such an opportunity."
You turned your head to him in disbelief.
"Just kidding, don't get fucking mad woman."
You smirked annoyed. "He is a maniac.." You thought.
"So?" He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and came closer looking at you.
He continued speaking: "The night is so romantic, yet so dangerous...Isn't it right y/n?"
"What do you mean ?" You looked into his eyes.
He had something charming in him but you just didn't want to admit it. You didn't want to be like your sister. The thought disgusted you but for some reason Charles was growing on you.
"Simply that little ladyies need to be more careful or need someone to protect them."
You rolled your eyes. "Thanks but I can protect myself." You stood up and were about to leave but Charles stopped you, holding your waist.
You looked up into his eyes almost in disbelief cuz why tf is he touching you?
"Excuse u?" You said almost pissed.
"I see big potential to kill in you. You're rebellious which I like." He smirked
It didn't surprise or disturb you to hear your potential and being sick in the head yourself you kinda liked it. You took it as an compliment and blushed while smiling and leading your eyes down.
"So? Next monday at night? Slashing date?"
"And what about my sister?"
"Fucker her. You're better anyway." Charles said and left.
The night in front of the toy store were charles was killed, was the night u guys had that "date" later u used the voodoo spell to turn him into a doll.
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
i wanna punch them so bad....why are they all 😐😐😐😐???? LIKEEEEEEEE WHYYYY ARE YOU IN THE FRONT FOR FUCKSSSS SAKE
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freak60000 · 3 years
people setting off fireworks today is literally Not the day to be doing that
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necromanceable · 5 years
Not to be over dramatic but I’m starting to get where Lizzie Borden was coming from.
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thetiredstuff · 4 years
and while i’m on this rant:
what the fuck is up with these youth divisions of political parties that keep on making the most passive aggressive “memes” attacking politicians 
like i get it they all fucking suck but for fuckssss sake stop being so fucking childish
not just the youth divisions but the fucking mainstream political parties too
is it really that much to ask to be professional and just do what you are being paid waaaaaaay too much for instead of acting like fucking children
just stop with the fucking backstabbing and name calling 
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Troll watches TeenWolf 6x12
Do I really need to see Mieciu in every damned ep, even in a damned preview? *growls*
Theooooooooo, I missed your face. More than I missed Stilinski. Seriously guy, you can’t find a place to sleep without cops acting like your alarm clock? It’s your kink our something? D:
Oh hello naked chest. I guess we won’t get more fanservice in this ep *a spoiler alert, yes, we didn’t*
The fact that instead of Stilinksi in the credits we have Jordan’s yummy back warms my heart.
Chris the baby face.
JORDAN. BABY … When did he change his uniform so fast…? I wonder how many spare uniforms he has in his car.
Brett….  The fact I know what will happen next doesn’t help to keep my blood pressure in check.
Ok, American schools and councilors or whatever this woman is, are creepy.
Yummy. Spiders.
MARRISH. My heart.
The password is Allison or Melissa…. Holy crap I could write TW eps, what is not a compliment for TW writers.
JORDAN.  Does he control the hellhound, now? How people can hate on this cinnamon roll is beyond me. The purest dude in this show.
Smol pissed off Liam is a good Liam.
Jordan, ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. You are going to get hurt again, for fuckssss sake. It’s like in 5x01 again, the same case. Just this time you are going to be… electrified, instead of being treated like a shish kebab, great *SARCASM*
CHRIS, my son, who could be my father, I missed your beard.
Leave my other son, Jordan, alone, you sick bastard.
Leave my other son, Brett, alone, you sick bitch.
Nooo way! The writers remembered suddenly about the hellhound and the banshee connection. Miracles can happen! Or they just smoked some good shit.
Hmm, another body. I wonder why this school still has students.
Hello Lydia. Please make me like you again. Save your hellpup. Great, they are addressing her Eichen trauma… two years later…
Jordan, even as a frozen chicken, you still look hot.  
She called him Jordan…. My Marrish heart. Oh look, she still can be a kickass. Without crying like a baby and throwing tantrums all the time :))))) For Jordan she fought with her past traumas, kicked asses and saved him. For Stilinski she cried all the time, forgot how to use her powers and used it only to save her dick charming. I guess we can say Jordan helps her to unleash her kickass side and makes her better, while Stilinski makes her use her kickass side only to save HIM. See a difference? :)
Scalia. Bros over hoes. Let’s keep it??????? Please????
Of course the best sheriff and his deputies missed the bullet in a fucking tree *sarcasm*
Brett, my son, this is not going to be your best day.
Jesus Christ, not this rotting piece of Argent crap again.
Where the fuck was KIRA?
Ok, I like Theo. He is a motherfucker, but he is our motherfucker, so… is he dead?
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teddywaste · 5 years
ok this might b the stupidest shit I've done in a while
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andthenitwasfkd · 6 years
I want to die and not BE anymore I fucking HATE MY OWN EXISTENCE FOR FUCKSSSS SAKE.
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