#but everything you see here will be available
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A post I reblogged the day after it was made wasn’t "dead" until I reblogged it. Did you mean to respond to the reblog from a month ago? It was festering when that was posted, regardless of whether it was just over a month (not months) ago. Is there an issue with queuing that I’m missing? As I clearly state in my bio, everything goes on it. I would appreciate it if you shed light on why the timing of my reblog matters.
This isn’t to say you haven’t clarified elsewhere—we all know tumblr's search is broken—but I can’t find it in the comments or reblogs here. However, what I can see is that you’ve made five posts using it—three regarding this thread, one directly saying "transandro truthers are straight up the same guys," and your first usage suggests that transandro functions as an entry-level form of TMRAism.
Fabrication is the intentional act of inventing, whereas I consider the conclusions I drew from available evidence to be inductive reasoning.
Describing this as fabrication misrepresents my approach by suggesting I’m distorting facts or inventing evidence, rather than analyzing what was said. I understand how my conclusions might be interpreted differently, but mine came from observable patterns in your statements.
If this is a fabrication, are you denying the statements about a trans woman who was "no better than the cis guys" who are attempted corrective coercive rapists? How would this be differentiated from jacketing? Can you see how equating a trans woman to cis men might be problematic and on par with misgendering, even if it’s not directly calling her a man?
The focus on your identity seems to have shifted attention away from fully addressing the criticisms. This can mislead others into interpreting it as unjust scrutiny or bigoted targeting, instead of a valid critique.
While it’s true that the post has over 1k reblogs, the sheer volume of notes doesn't capture the entire picture. Most of the notes are simply likes and reblogs, with only about 175 reblogs from others containing text or tags. Within those, it's about an 11:1 ratio for misgendering and 7:1 for promoting hate in general (including calls for death and suicide baiting). Given that this post is your second most popular, it stands out as needing more proactive engagement, especially since this is not something you regularly have to manage. Yet, it went unaddressed until someone else raised the issue.
My statement wasn't that you control others, caused their actions, nor being responsible for "every single reblog". It's about addressing a specific and notable pattern in the notes. When a post gains visibility—especially when it involves critical statements about marginalized individuals—it can influence how harmful narratives are spread. While you can't control what people say, you can clarify, edit, or restrict the content, influencing the narrative to reduce the risk of misinterpretations. While silence doesn’t directly create bigotry, it inadvertently enables it and allows it to spread.
It seems there may have been misinterpretations of my communication, including exaggerations, attempts to discredit my character, and a false dilemma framing it as either I have nothing better to do or that I’m fabricating and holding you responsible for thousands of notes, all of which could distract from my points.
While your concerns are noted, yes, I do have other priorities and don't choose to spend my time involving myself in the way you've suggested.
Occasionally, I engage in discussions, and when I do, I find it productive to address arguments thoughtfully and thoroughly. I spend only a small portion of it dismantling fallacies from those who criticize others for actions they're guilty of themselves.
it should go without saying that the statement "these women would be cured of their distrust of men if they just made out with us more" is violently misogynistic
and yet
#yapping#yowling#< me#unraveling#transfeminist separatism#deconstruction#transfeminine separatism#darvo#intercommunity discourse
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What's the worst that could happen?
cw: simon x reader. gn!reader terms used throughout even during the smutty parts. non-con but not violent. blink and you miss it dacryphilia, slight degradation. MDNI
You find a bag of money hidden behind a dumpster. What happens when you take it home?
This was it. The end. You were going to lose everything.
You were weeks late on rent, eviction notice in your pocket, about to be homeless. You didn't even have a car to live out of. You were about to be on the street with only the belongings you could carry with fall rapidly losing its fight to winter.
You felt beyond hopeless as you traipsed back from another failed interview. It seemed like everyone was hiring but no one would actually take you. Like it was a front they were putting on, that the jobs were available, but never to you. A tease of what you could have if only you were different. More.
You ignored your stomach grumbling as you cut through an alleyway on your way home. You would've missed the backpack completely if the glint of the zipper hadn't caught your eye.
You almost left it there. What use would a bag tucked behind a dumpster be for you? It probably had a murder weapon or bloody clothes in it or something. Nothing that would concern you. Still your feet seemed to have a mind of their own as they slowed then turned towards the bag.
Huffing, you turned toward the exit of the alleyway and started walking once more, pushing it from your mind. You didn't care. It didn't matter what was in the bag. It was none of your business.
You nearly made it to the street before you slowed again, feet dragging in reluctance. Maybe one peek wouldn't hurt. Just a glance to satisfy your curiosity. Because it was strange that a backpack was hidden behind a dumpster. What if you helped solve a mystery?
You waffled for a moment before finally turning around, bee-lining for the bag. You hissed in displeasure as your knuckles scraped along the rough brick wall, leaving you bleeding.
Tugging the bag out, you opened it. Expecting to see nothing much of interest.
Instead you were greeted with stack upon stack of banded bills.
You couldn't help the way your jaw dropped in shock at the sight. A dumbfounded look on your face as you sat and stared. It was more money than you had ever seen in your entire life. Just sitting here, out in the open, for anyone to come by and grab. It took a car honking a couple streets over to knock you out of your dazed stupor. You quickly zipped the bag and shoved it back into its hiding place, planning on forgetting you ever saw anything. It wasn't your business and you didn't care.
So what if there was enough money to pay your rent for the next year plus enough for food. You weren't stupid. That money was someone's and they were going to come looking for it eventually.
The evening took that moment to let a chilling breeze swirl down the alleyway, causing you to shiver and tuck your thin coat more firmly around yourself. You were bitterly reminded that the weather was supposed to turn in the next few days—a cold front moving down from the north.
Maybe you should take it.
Nobody was around. It had clearly been left for someone but this alleyway was used all the time. Anyone could have grabbed it as they were walking past.
No, that's how people got murdered by the mafia or a drug gang or crooked cops or something. Only a moron would touch an obviously illegal bag of hidden money.
Nobody would know it was you. And surely the mafia made more than this in a day. Maybe they wouldn't even notice it was missing. The same way you could misplace a five and it not be a big deal. You would bet this was just a drop in the bucket for them.
Plus, you really needed it.
You needed to keep a roof over your head since winter was right around the corner. You would die if you were left on your own. You didn't have any family or friends to fall back on. There was no safety net to catch you. It would be over.
You don't know how long you sat and argued with yourself on the merits of taking the bag before finally coming to a decision. Standing, you tucked it under your arm, beneath your coat. Attempting to hide what parts of it you could.
You'd be taking it home and fuck the repercussions.
You were a mess the whole walk home. Eyes darting around constantly, you were hunched awkwardly around the bag as if someone was going to come and yank it out of your hands at any given moment. It was a relief when you finally closed and locked the door behind you, peering out your curtains to make sure no one had followed you.
Pulling the bag from beneath your arm you went about hiding it in the bedroom closet, tucked up and away in a hard to reach corner. You'd figure out how to go about depositing enough for rent later. First you had to have a major meltdown about what you just did.
Maybe you should take it back. Nobody would ever know it was missing if you got it back before they looked. You really shouldn't have taken what wasn't yours to begin with.
This was a mistake.
You were pacing circles around your living room when your front door clicked open.
You froze. Certain that you had locked it behind you, hadn't you? Why was the handle turning?
It felt like you blinked and there were three large men surrounding you in your dingy little apartment, their size dwarfing your belongs and filling the room with an energy you couldn't name. You took one shaky step only to be pinned in place when arms wrapped around you from behind, keeping you stationary. You couldn't help the way you squirmed and thrashed—the arms only tightening in response.
You couldn't draw in a full breath of air. Your eyes darted frantically between the two men you could see—the one holding you wearing a mask that obscured his face. You watched the one with the mohawk leer at you, taking an obvious up-and-down look over your body as the other, a man with pretty eyes and close cropped hair just frowned at you in disappointment.
You couldn't help the way your eyes watered when you squeaked out a who are you and what are you doing in my house.
"Little mouse took something that didn't belong to them," the man on the left sing-songed, his bright blue eyes lit up with a manic internal fire.
"I-I don't . . . didn't—"you shook in the masked ones hold, a tremor working its way through your body.
The man to your right cut in with a tired, "And thinks they can lie to us." His deep brown eyes watched you, quietly noting each expression that crossed your face. You snapped your mouth shut and swallowed with a fearful shake of your head. "No use denying it now, pet. Why'd you take it?"
"They took it because they're a little thief," the big one currently holding you locked into your position rumbled. You felt the vibrations through where your shoulders were pressed against his chest, causing goosebumps to pepper your flesh and your heart to skip.
"Nah, it ain't like that LT, they were just trying to keep it safe for us, weren't you, sweetness?" cooed blue eyes.
You didn't know what the right answer was so you just let out a quavery, "I'm sorry," in a faint voice. Eager to give these men whatever they wanted so that they would leave you alone. You never should have taken the bag. You should have minded your own business. Now look at the trouble you've gotten yourself into. They were probably going to murder you in your own home and leave your body to rot. Just another statistic on the news. 'Local idiot dies after stealing money from dangerous people'.
"Unfortunately, sorry ain't gonna cut it," he let his face turn into a downwards pout, simulating a mockery of a frown. "We're gonna need that bag back and we're gonna need to have a discussion about taking things that don't belong to you."
You swallowed the pooling saliva under your tongue, certain you were about to vomit in fear. "It-it's in my room. I can g-go get it for you?" you stammered, hoping against hope that they would take the bag and leave. There were resources for unhoused people. You could find a shelter. You really didn't need the money, you'd be fine.
"Let's do that," the pretty one said, gesturing down the hallway to your presumed bedroom. You hadn't noticed the gloves on his hands before. Oh god, they were all wearing gloves. You were going to die. The only reason everyone would wear gloves is because they don't want to leave fingerprints at the scene of the crime. There was no way you were getting out of this alive.
You had to lock your knees to keep from collapsing when the masked one finally let you go. Your legs trembled under your weight and the slight shove from him didn't help. You scurried quickly towards the room at the back of the apartment.
"Run, little mouse, run."
Stumbling to your closet you yanked the bag down and turned to head back to the living room, only to scream at the body standing right behind you. It was the one who had held you pinned and you took the moment to take him in. From his mask covered face to his wide body draped in a dark sweatshirt and jeans. His big boots dwarfed your bare feet.
He chucked darkly at your fright reaching a thick arm out to pull the bag from you, turning to toss it to another man in the hall with a quiet, "Check to make sure it's all there," directed at him. He kept his gaze locked with you the whole time.
You flinched when he brought a hand up to drag a finger along your temple and down the apple of your cheek. You stopped breathing when that same finger dragged along your lower lip, catching it and prying it apart from its match. A quick peek into the dark recesses of your mouth that his gaze darted down to capture before locking with yours once more.
"Did you take anything out of the bag?"
You shook your head adamantly, "I didn't. I promise."
"Promises, promises," the words curled in the air, a taunting edge underlying the sounds. "I hope you're not lying. Bad things happen to little mice who lie."
You were contemplating making an ill-advised break for it when a voice echoed out from the hallway, "It's all here."
He didn't step away with the confirmation. If anything, he pressed closer. You could feel the heat rising off his body. Smell tobacco and char and something metallic. "It seems you got lucky this time, little mouse." You watched his dark, expressionless eyes above the mask. His gaze boring into you, keeping you pinned in place, taking sips of air instead of full breaths—your lungs too seized to manage anything else.
He filled all of your vision, looming in a menacing way. You felt like he could eat you whole. Swallow you down in one bite. Never to be seen again.
It was a shock when he finally took a step back. Like you were coming up for air after being at the bottom of a lake. Light suddenly felt brighter, air tasted sweeter. It was a release of pressure.
You watched as he turned and left the room, still standing in the same spot as the pretty one stuck his head in. "Don't bother going too far. Something might come up where we need to get back in touch."
You nodded your head, unable to do anything else.
You heard your front door open and close and you collapsed where you stood. Your legs crumpled and your knees hit the carpet with a thud as you started shaking. You were unsurprised when your eyes started to fill with tears at the release, the strong emotions you'd gone through that night finally breaking through that last barrier. It took you almost an hour before you were recentered and calm enough to leave your bedroom. Walking out into the living room you were met with the sight of the largest of the three still in your house.
He was sprawled out on your couch, the picture of comfortability, his booted feet kicked up on the arm rest and his arm tucked behind his head. Your eyes caught on the swell of his bicep beside his face before you pulled your eyes away, focusing on his face once more. It was impossible to tell if he caught you.
You couldn't help the hiccuped gasp you let out at the sight of him, shocked that he was still here. His presence was in no way diminished by his positioning. He looked like a big cat, lounging in respite until the time came to launch from his position. Coiled energy thrumming through his veins. An appetite for violence you hadn't yet scratched the surface on.
You watched him stand, a click of his knee the only sound he made as he moved your way. You found yourself stepping backwards, not paying attention to where you were going. It was no surprise you found yourself running into a wall, this behemoth looming over you with a forearm pressed above your head, pinning you in place.
You didn't say anything, couldn't say anything when he leaned forward and sniffed your hair through his mask. Could only squeak in fright as his hips pressed forward, grinding against you and pinning you more firmly. You felt like a butterfly mounted to a viewing board. Helpless to do anything.
That same helplessness kept your limbs limp and weak as he pulled you away from the wall and back towards your bedroom. Shuffling you along every time you stumbled. When you reached the bed he pushed firmly on your shoulders, hinging you forward until you were bent over the mattress, feet still firmly on the floor.
You didn't start to fight until you felt him pulling your pants down below your ass.
Jerking back to life you tried to scramble up and over the bed only to be thwarted when he wrapped a big arm around your throat in a chokehold. He didn't squeeze, just kept a firm sort of pressure that hinted he could if he wanted to. He used his free hand to reach under your shirt and pinch your nipple, ignoring your gasp at the bite of painful pleasure.
"Little mouse isn't being very friendly, are they?" he asked in a low tone, switching sides and plucking at your untouched nipple. You couldn't help the way you squirmed against him, the touch sending a wave of warmth to your core. You froze when you brushed back against his cock pressing against his jeans, searching for you.
"Little mouse needs to remember their place."
Leaving your nipples alone he dropped his hand into your pants, cupping you firmly in his palm. You couldn't help the way your hips shot forward at the sensation, chasing the pleasure even as your mind was screaming at you to get away. You rocked back but that only put you into contact with him once more. He gave a low moan as he pulled you back, using his cupped hand to control your hips.
You blinked tears away as you stared at the ceiling, your neck still circled by his arm, sniffling when a few of them ran over your lashline. He didn't seem to mind them if the way he licked up your face was any indication.
"Are you going to be good or am I going to have to tie you down?"
The thought of being tied down sent a wave of fear through your body. You would be entirely helpless, unable to move, to stop him, anything. You would be completely at his mercy and he would be free to do whatever he wanted with you. You were shaking your head before you even realized it, frantic to assure him he didn't need to go to such extremes.
"Then be good and bend over," he breathed hotly into your ear, the sensation causing a shiver to skate down your spine. He loosened his hold around your throat, allowing you to bend down once more and press your wet face to the comforter. You sniffled when you felt him pull your pants the rest of the way off. Heard them hit the floor off to the side when he tossed them. Heard him spit before two fingers were rudely inserted.
You couldn't help the yelp and jerking forward of your hips at the sensation but he planted a palm in the middle of your back to hold you still and went back to stretching you open, scissoring his fingers now that they were inside you with no concern for your discomfort.
Pulling back he fiddled with his pants, opening them just enough to pull his cock out. He pressed the head to your opening. "Wait! Wait," you shouted breathlessly, "There's lube, in the nightstand. Please."
You felt him pause, weighing his options and you prayed that he wouldn't split you open. If he was in any way proportionate you needed the lube to keep from dying. You almost collapsed to the bed in relief when he pulled away from you and you heard the drawer open, followed shortly by the click of the lid. You were thankful he seemed to have no interest in breaking you tonight.
He was back pressed against you almost before you could blink, his cock notched at your entrance once more.
"I'm gonna split you open around my cock, little mouse."
Pushing forward he proceeded to do just that. Sliding in halfway with the first thrust, you were unable to help the gasped shriek that left your mouth at the stretch. It felt like he was tearing you in two, his cock a thick, heavy weight inside. He pulled back to thrust once more, seating himself the remainder of the way.
Without waiting for you to adjust he started moving, pistoning into you with rapid, harsh thrusts. You could barely make out the little grunts he would let out with each thrust over the slapping of skin, his heavy balls swinging freely and plap!ing against you with every forward movement.
It was ecstasy and agony all at once when he readjusted and started brushing against something deep inside. A little bundle of nerves that sent shockwaves ricocheting through your body.
You bit the comforter to stifle your moans. Fighting against giving him the satisfaction of hearing you—"It sounds like little mouse is a little bit of a whore,"—but it didn't seem like it made much of a difference. He reached out and pinned a hand around the back of your neck, pressing you firmly into the bedspread.
What followed was violent and fast and aggressive. A flurry of hips slamming into one another as he chased his release, dragging you along behind him as he continued to unknowingly stoke the fire inside your core higher and higher. You fought against it, not wanting to cum. You didn't want to get any enjoyment out of this.
You'd never forgive yourself if you did.
That lasted until he dropped his hand and gave you something to grind against while he rearranged your insides. He didn't bother with stroking, just gave you a counter pressure to his thrusts, his lack of care doing more for you than if he had played with you with intent. You squealed when a dirty grind caused his fingers to catch you just right.
"Maybe we should call you piggy instead of mouse if you're going to squeal like that." he taunted, finally moving his fingers. You shuddered at the sensation, trying to buck away and towards it at the same time. A tingle started to build up along the back of your thighs, heat spreading and coating your stomach, coalescing in your pelvis where it grew brighter. It was almost a shock when it snapped.
You couldn't help the sharp Ah! Ah! Ah!s you let out as you came, spikes of pleasure wiping your brain clear of any thoughts. You barely notice the man behind you thrusting even harsher a handful more times before burying himself as deeply as he could, emptying himself into you with a deep groan.
He stayed pressed inside of you as he caught his breath, giving little aborted half-thrusts occasionally, overstimulating the both of you.
He slapped your ass when he pulled out, leaning back to pull his pants back up from where they had slipped around his hips. You laid there as you listened to the burr of his zipper, still trying to catch your breath. He chuckled at the sight of you, his cum dripping from your well used hole.
"Like I said, don't be going anywhere. We'll be coming back to see you."
#simon x reader#simon riley x reader#simon ghost riley x reader#fic: what's the worst that could happen#cw noncon#dacryphilia
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I don't know whether it is best to ask here or on the blacktabbygames blog, but since you're the artist behind Scarlet Hollow and Slay The Princess, I thought it might be best to come to you.
I know there's an artbook coming out, but ever since I found out everything is drawn traditionally, I just can't stop thinking about it. You've mentione dlearning digital painting for Reese's art in his toom in one of your posts, and his art is gorgeous! You definitely know your way around a digital painting program. Is there a specific reason why you predominantly use traditional art though? Is it mostly a preference, is it because it adds to the atmosphere of your games in a way digital art can't capture, is it genuinely faster for you??? I've never heard of traditional art being used in games before (at least to this degree) and as someone who approaches digital and traditional art very differently, it fascinates me.
Sorry if this has been asked before and I didn't see it. If this will be explored in the art book.... well, gotta prepare some spending money, don't I?
Have a wonderful day!
Hi there!
What a thoughtful question. I actually hadn't touched on the "why" in the art book, because I forget that this is unusual (especially in games,) so I've now included a little blurb about that! Thanks for asking this question, because I was definitely going to glaze over that aspect of the art XD
I think the main reason I prefer traditional is that it's what I've always used. I didn't have the funds for a tablet growing up and didn't see much use for one when I had a cheap scanner, ball point pens and computer paper readily available (I have since developed more expensive taste in paper and pens...) I obsessed over the way traditional linework was done and tried to emulate it, and it's always brought me so much satisfaction to improve at that!
I'll go ahead and post my little blurb rather than rephrasing it, fortunately the art book has more selling points that my Traditional Art Wisdom so I'm okay spoiling this:
"There’s something about traditional media that feels warm to me. The artifacts, the roughness, the energy of the lines all feel different in a way that makes the art lively. Too much can be changed with digital art, you can spend forever perfecting one line. Whereas traditional makes you commit at a certain point, accepting the imperfections that betray the human behind the page."
This also ties into why I don't do traditional paintings and scan them for, say, Reese's art... I don't like painting ToT it's stressful! You can always paint over mistakes, but I also haven't been building my skills in that department, outside of painting the occasional sculpture, which is half-done already since it's a 3D piece. Never been a big fan of the messy arts, anyway. Even graphite was pushing it....
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EDITED 19/3/25: @ysphcpb helped me make sense of some of the wonky subtitles. I added two clarifications below using this same text and color to make them easier to find.
A few hours ago, FEED uploaded an interview in which KristSingto almost made me cry. The full interview is subbed in English and available here on YouTube. It's thirty minutes long, and KristSingto cover a broad range of topics that show how invaluable their seasoned perspectives on the industry are.
If you're new to KristSingto or curious what they've been up to since you last checked in on them, this could be either a very good introduction to them or a refresher. :)
Note: As far as I can tell, the subtitles are mostly fine, but judging by some of the phrasing, I think they might have been auto-translated or else completely done by AI. Like, the subs call KristSingto "Christmas" twice, which I think a human would have caught. (Quick: who gets the angel topper and who gets the star?) Also, there are several times when Krist or Singto is referring to himself in the third person (as you do in Thai), so the subtitles say "he" rather than "I" so you have to pay attention to the context of what they're talking about to avoid confusion. Another day, another reason to study Thai.
Singto said he's gotten in trouble for giving short answers, so he said his main concern is Krist's health. He's said the same thing in other interviews, so Krist already knew. <3 I think he means in general, since Krist has been physically sick more often in recent years, but mental health is also quite important to both of them.
EDIT - Singto: Actually, there's not much I need to tell him, but lately, (what I'd like to say) can be condensed into a short word. And I think he's aware of it. "Health", okay? Short but enough, to the point. And I'm sure he's aware of it.
Krist said he's had to take on more responsibility within his family as he's gotten older. He's been very open in the past about his family's early struggles with money following the market crash in the 90s and how he cleared his family's debts through his work after SOTUS. More recently, he lost his grandmother in 2023 just before his solo concerts in Bangkok and now more recently his grandfather just before "The Ex-Morning" begins airing. He's always been extremely devoted to his family.
Meanwhile, Singto is an only child who lost his mother to cancer in university, so he said his priority has become taking care of himself more. Over the past year he's been very forthcoming about his mental health issues in the past and how he addressed them to get to a much healthier and happier place today.
After everything Krist has been through over the past five years especially, hearing him say he's not sad or stressed just healed something in my heart. I'm really so very proud of him. <3
Singto said that because they've both grown up over the past few years, Krist feels more like an equal to him now. They're only a year apart, but I think since they met in school and Krist has always been a little more excitable and trusting, that gap probably felt wider to Singto. He said they're able to communicate better now and that even though their working dynamic was already smooth, even that has improved.
They also talked about changes in the industry from their joint debut in SOTUS in 2016! I've seen Singto speak in the past about how he wanted to see the "BL" or "Y" removed because he thought it was othering, and in this interview he said he's happy that BL isn't considered strange anymore. As the first in the line of fire, KristSingto went through some fairly harrowing things, and he said that he and Krist weren't sure how people would respond to SOTUS.
Krist talked about the international spread of Thai QL and especially the rise of GL! I don't think the subtitles did what he said justice, so I'll toss the ball to resident GL protector @hallowpen in case there's a better way to phrase what he said in English. I think he essentially said that in the era KristSingto released SOTUS in, Thailand was still in a transitional period where queer media was neither accepted or rejected, and he's happy to see it become a normalized part of society.
EDIT - Krist: Moreover, in this era, we now have sapphic shows too, as in girl-girl pairings, something like that. So it's like, it's great, that we no longer have any of these separate lines (@ysphcpb's translation note: in relation to what he said before this, I think he means lines that separate "BL/Y series" from other types of series, in terms of content and target audience). If the work is good and worth watching, we'll love and appreciate it.
They discussed the importance of partnerships, and Krist emphasized communication above all to avoid fighting. Singto said that in the past they didn't fight, but they did overlook issues by not talking more. He said they're making a more concerted effort to pay close attention to each other's moods and to raise concerns as they develop so they can clear things up immediately.
Krist said he's much more at ease with Singto back. He's spoken in-depth multiple times before this about what it was like for him when he was on his own for the two years Singto was gone, and it wasn't great for his mental health. From the moment Singto left (amicably) to pursue his own path, Krist missed him and was actively trying to persuade him to come back. While GMMTV had been placing Krist in heterosexual lakorn series for years after SOTUS ended, his heart never really seemed to be in it, and I think he always wanted to continue and stay in the BL world. He always wanted the stability of a partner he knew and trusted, and with Singto home (so to speak) he said it's easier for him to plan for the future, which is less frightening for him now. (In 2023 before Singto returned, I really hoped Krist would pair up with Gawin based on the loveliness of their friendship and chemistry onstage and in "Be My Favorite," but it became clear to me over time that even though Gawin is Krist's most beloved nong and a good friend to him, Krist most likely never would have rebranded himself in another khuujin out of respect to Singto and what they established and built together. For Krist, Singto is and always will be his only partner, I think.)
Singto reiterated how much more smoothly everything is running between him and Krist now that he's come back. (Personally, I think they both really matured and grew enormously as people during those two years on their own.) Essentially, they're both back in their safe zone now that they've reunited, and while they're at a place in their careers where they don't have to fight to be seen or heard, they don't want to rest on their laurels either.
This was by far the most emotional point for me, and it actually got me quite teary-eyed. Krist talked about their fanbase, Peraya, who got so invested in KristSingto based on one series and a sequel in their first two years in the industry together, and then nothing else for years afterward. I've been here for almost five years and like Krist said, all I've ever seen in real time are concert streams and sponsored events. I remember when I became a fan in 2020 the fandom was still super committed to creating SOTUS fanworks and edits even though it was four years old by then. KristSingto obviously knew their fans wanted more series from them, but even back in 2017 they said they had to do what GMMTV gave them, and unfortunately GMMTV didn't yet see BL as a cash cow. KristSingto had the success of normalizing BL, but their fandom has had to wait this long to be rewarded for it with another KristSingto series.
And Krist promised not to disappoint. Which, of course, I trust. <3
See the full interview below:
(I'm calling them the Christmas Couple from now on and no one can stop me.)
#krist perawat#singto prachaya#kristsingto#sotus the series#the ex morning#gmmtv#thai actor#thai bl#thai gl#thai ql#krist talking about the rise of gl so happily really made my night#he's so happy to see how successful its been#and singto's been saying for years that he just wanted bl to be normalized#not an othered type of media#they deserve the world#they're lovely#and i'm crying
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Digimon Anime's website has published details about DIGIMON ADVENTURE BEYOND in Japanese.
Apart from an official summary and cast and staff details, they have also shared the idea behind how this PV came to be.
Here is my translation of everything posted on the website. As we don't have an official translation yet, I request you to source back to this post when making references so that anyone can take up their issues/doubts about the translation with me directly and not spread misinformation in the fandom!
Summary: With time having passed since that fateful summer adventure, the appearance of (chosen) children with partner Digimon is steadily on the increase. However, because of their special characteristics, these children are now being persecuted and targeted for military use, casting a negative shadow over them. When Taichi and Yamato are engaged in a rescue mission for one such child, a mysterious Digimon ambushes them…
The Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary PV ‘Digimon Adventure-BEYOND’, which was shown at Digimon Con 2025, is now available worldwide on the Digimon Official Channel!
This short movie is a cut-out PV from the last episode of Digimon Adventure 02, featuring scenes from the 25 years later portion that were never depicted in the version that aired. In the video, characters from ‘Digimon Adventure’ and ‘Digimon Adventure 02’ can be seen all grown up, depicted in new designs which is a must-see for every fan!
In addition, ‘brave heart-DIGIMON Animation 25th Arrange ver!', the track used in the PV was also played for the first time. The track 'brave heart' from Digimon Adventure enhanced the evolution sequences in the anime with its melody, and was now rearranged specially for this PV.
The PV is directed by Hiroyuki Kakudo, series director for Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. Director Kakudo worked on the planning, storyboards and direction of this PV keeping in mind the story of Digimon Adventure and Digimon Adventure 02. Character designer for this work is Rie Nishimura, who was the chief animation director for DIGIMON ADVENTURE 02 THE BEGINNING.
We have prepared this project as an appreciation for all the ‘children’ who have stayed with us through our adventures. We hope you watch Digimon Adventure-BEYOND while reminiscing about those adventure filled memories of summer. We are also planning to release the backstory of Digimon Adventure 25th Anniversary PV ‘Digimon Adventure-BEYOND’!
Please look forward to it!
Digimon Adventure-BEYOND Film Info
Director: Hiroyuki Kakudo ( ‘Digimon Adventure’, ‘Digimon Adventure 02’ series director)
Character Design: Rie Nishimura (Chief Animation Director, Digimon Adventure 02 THE BEGINNING)
Animation Production: Yumeta Company (Digimon Adventure LAST EVOLUTION Kizuna, Digimon Adventure 02 THE BEGINNING), etc.
Production: Toei Animation
Taichi Yagami - Natsuku Hanae Yamato Ishida - Yoshimasa Hosoya Iori Hida - Yoshitaka Yamaya Agumon- Chika Sakamoto Gabumon- Mayumi Yamaguchi Armadimon- Megumi Urawa Takeru Takaishi- Hiroaki Hirata Patamon- Matsumoto Miwa
Takeru's original Digimon Adventure 02 VA, Yamamoto Taisuke lent his voice for the dialogues during the flashback as well but he remains uncredited most likely due to his retirement from the field. Instead they have credited Hiroaki Hirata (Narrator, Hiroaki Ishida in Digimon Adventure) for his narration as adult Takeru.
#digimon#digimon adventure#digimon adventure 02#digimon adventure beyond#taichi yagami#yamato ishida#takeru takaishi#iori hida#agumon#gabumon#armadimon#patamon#only tagging the credited cast lol#translated by yours truly#honestly this should've been included in the original epilogue#instead of the forced parenthood and marriage we got
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Guilt - @into-the-jeggyverse - wc: 416
James hadn’t meant for it to mean anything.
A coffee here, a library visit there. Little coincidences, he’d told himself. Because Regulus Black—cold, sharp, and reserved—was the last person James had expected to fall into step with. And yet, somehow, that’s exactly what happened.
At first, it was innocent. A shared table at a crowded café when there were no other seats available. A begrudging nod across the library stacks when they both reached for the same book. Then, before James could make sense of it, their encounters had become… intentional. Texts exchanged. “I’ll be at that café on Green Street at noon if you happen to be around.” Regulus, always appearing. Always acting as if it was just a matter of convenience, like he wasn’t purposefully placing himself in James’ path.
And James let it happen.
Then came the guilt.
He should have told Sirius. Should have mentioned that he’d been seeing Regulus—not in any grand romantic sense, but in a way that still felt like a betrayal. Because Sirius didn’t talk about his brother. Ever. Not in the years since he’d left home, since he’d sworn he was done with everything that bore the Black family name.
“You don’t understand, James,” Sirius had said once, late at night when they were younger, when James had asked if he missed him. “Regulus made his choice. And I made mine.”
But had he? James wasn’t sure. Because every time he saw Regulus, he saw glimpses of Sirius—the tilt of his smirk, the stubborn set of his jaw, the fire that burned just beneath the surface. But Regulus was different, too. Quieter. More careful with his words. There was something in him that felt unfinished, like he was still waiting for something—someone—to reach out to him first.
James thought about telling Sirius after every meeting. After every conversation where Regulus slowly, cautiously, let his walls come down. But then he’d see Sirius laughing, see him happy, and he’d swallow the words down like stones. Because maybe it wasn’t his place. Maybe Sirius was better off not knowing.
And maybe—selfishly—James wasn’t ready to let go of this secret just yet.
“Same time tomorrow?” Regulus asked one evening as they lingered outside the library, the streetlights flickering above them.
James hesitated. Just for a moment. Just long enough for the guilt to gnaw at him before he shoved it aside and nodded.
“Yeah,” he said, forcing a grin. “Same time tomorrow.”
#marauders#jeggyverse microfic#jegulus#starchaser#sunseeker#james potter#regulus black#sirius black#microfic
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Could you please write something that is spicy and fluffy? I adore your writing!
“So…” the hero purred. They scratched three perfect lines into the villain’s forearm, their lips close to the villain’s ear. “…when are you going to regret having kidnapped me?”
The villain squeezed their eyes shut and waved with their hand, as if to shoo the hero again.
“I didn’t know you’d be this annoying, that’s for sure,” they said. They stared back at their phone and continued with the scrolling.
“You can also let me go…” the hero suggested. They grabbed the villain’s forearm and squeezed until the villain was staring at them. “…I mean, it’s kind of a waste of my talents. To sit here. Do nothing.”
“You’re always welcome to watch TV,” the villain said.
“That’s not exactly what I want.” They let their gaze crawl down the villain. “You know, you brought me here so, technically, you’re responsible for entertaining me.”
“Is that so?” They let their eyes drop to their phone again.
“Yeah. I get bored easily.”
“I can tell.”
“Come on. Let’s spar.”
“Not right now,” the villain said.
“Then tell me what you did today.”
“Burned down an orphanage and ran over three cute puppies,” the villain answered bluntly.
“You’re not funny.” The hero stopped leaning over the villain and stood up fully. They crossed their arms in front of their chest, their eyes narrowing.
It had been over a week and the hero was beginning to feel like this was getting somewhat ridiculous. On day one, they had tried to punch through the walls. On day two, they had used their powers. On day three, they had started questioning the villain.
To no avail - the villain wasn’t talking. Attacking the villain wasn’t going to lead anywhere, so, the hero was trying everything they could to get some information out of their nemesis.
Why on earth were they stuck in an apartment that was certainly not the villain’s with the villain coming and going whenever they pleased?
What was going on?
The hero took the villain’s phone.
“There’s no SIM card in there,” the villain said. They looked unimpressed. “In case you were planning on contacting anyone.”
“Talk to me, baby,” the hero said suddenly. They put the phone aside and sat down on the villain’s lap. Their hands found the villain’s neck easily and although their nemesis tried to look annoyed, they didn’t push the hero away. “Talk to me. Don’t be shy.”
“You’re really testing my limits here,” the villain whispered.
“Is that so?” The hero leaned forward and they could see how very quickly, the villain started to look very shy. The hero loved it when the villain let their guard down in front of them. It was very sweet, very rare too. They were so grumpy and mysterious all the time. It was lovely. “I just want a few answers, pet.”
“What do you want to know?” The villain put their hands on the hero’s lower back, but rolled with their eyes at the same time.
“Why am I here?” Their gaze dropped to the villain’s lips.
“Because I kidnapped you.” Still no answers, then.
“Do you want me all to yourself, is that it?” the hero asked. They let their thumb follow the curve of the villain’s bottom lip. God, for how long had they been tiptoeing around each other?
It was probably a year by now.
Their other hand played with the hem of the villain’s shirt and their knuckles brushed against their enemy’s naked abs accidentally.
The villain took in a deep breath.
“I mean, I’m not complaining, you’re so very good to me. But there’s a lot of helpless civilians out there that need my help.”
“Do you think I care about civilians?” The villain asked. They leaned their head back against the armchair.
“No, but I think your greed should be a bit obvious to them. After all, civilians don’t like sharing their heroes with villains,” the hero said. “And you know what happens when the people get upset…”
Admittedly, they were getting greedy themselves. They wanted their nemesis. They really did. Maybe more than getting answers.
They kissed their jaw. Was the villain a good lover? Were they passionate? Or shy?
“Damn you,” the villain whispered.
The hero let their fingers go over the other’s stomach, exploring carefully. Whenever they could feel scar tissue, they took their time to follow it.
“What?” They kissed the villain’s temple next. Then their cheekbone. They exchanged looks, both clearly longing for the enemy.
This was only happening once. The hero couldn’t allow themselves to do this regularly.
“Is it a possessive thing?”
The villain let out a pained sigh. Their fingers dug into the hero’s lower back softly.
“It’s a a-lot-of-people-want-to-kill-you-thing,” they said, defeated almost. They looked away.
“Aww, you care about me.” Their gaze jumped back to the hero. Both of them were aware how much the villain was blushing.
“I don’t. Now, kiss me properly.”
“Say please,” the hero said.
“Kiss me, please.”
“There we go.” The hero leaned in and realised quickly that this was definitely not happening only once.
#writing snippet#heroxvillain prompt#heroxvillain snippet#heroes and villains#hero#villain#hero x villain#heroxvillain#an answer for an ask#request#grumpy villain#(I guess?)#flirty hero#suggestive#fluff
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“Daddy” Eli squealed as Ethan tossed him up to his shoulders.
“Careful” Jonah cautioned from where he sat on the ground watching.
“Don’t worry” Ethan grinned “we won’t have a repeat of last time.”
“If we do you’re cleaning him up” he pulled at the long grass. A nervous gesture he developed while they were out.
Noticing Ethan asked “nervous?”
“No” Jonah lied looking away afraid his face would give him away. He knew he’d always be nervous when they went out. There’d always be that fear that he’d lose someone close to him like he almost lost Ethan. A month after his old boss broke into his house the man had followed them into the park. Ethan had been hurt trying to protect him. In his mind he could still see the blood on the ground and feel it on his hands. The warmth as it seeped out…
“Baby don’t” Ethan knelt beside him “I’m still here. We’re alright.”
Leaning into him “I know. Its just….”
“I know” he sat down pulling Jonah into his arms. “You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”
Closing his eyes he let himself relax, melting into the man beside him. “I could get used to this,” he quipped. Sitting up straight eyes alert “where’s Eli” he demanded missing his son’s high pitched squeals and delighted happy giggles.
“He’s fine” Ethan chuckled “he passed out from too much fun in the sun.”
“He’ll never sleep tonight” Jonah complained imagining an endless night of chasing after his two year old son.
“If he doesn’t I’ll be up with him” Ethan assured him “You need your sleep for that important recital tomorrow.”
Leaning back into Ethan’s arms he sighed contentedly. “Can you believe it? I might be playing with my dad in the orchestra. My music could be heard by millions of people.”
“You’ll be so famous you won’t need me” Ethan teased.
Shaking his head Jonah turned to look at him “I’ll always need you.”
“Of course” a troubled look spread across Jonah's face. “I wouldn’t know what to do without you.” A troubled look entered Ethan’s eyes at his words. Reaching for him “I have a feeling I’ve said something wrong. Tell me. Please.”
“Not wrong” sighing Ethan shook his head. “Sometimes I wish you didn’t need me but wanted me because without me there’d be this hole so large you’d never be able to fill it.”
“Oh you silly man” he chuckled “I’ve already had that hole in my life. I was broken and you put me back together again. Without you I couldn’t feel anything. You are everything I could ever need or want.”
“Are you asking me to marry you” Ethan teased eyes brimming with moisture.
“That’s exactly what I’m doing” Jonah held his hand out a ring in his palm. “Will you marry me?” He watched as Ethan’s mouth dropped open as his eyes fixed on the ring.
“Is this real” he asked sounding a little out of breath.
“Of course it’s real” grinning he said “I’ve always loved you. Never stopped even when we were apart. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way.” His fingers closed around the ring as his entire being seemed to grow dim.
As Jonah scrambled to his feet Ethan placed his hand over his. “I’ve always loved you too. Never stopped. I will always regret choosing the easy route when you needed me the most.” He put a finger over Jonah’s mouth to keep him from interrupting him. “The past doesn’t matter. Not now. We both have things we regret but now we have each other.” Pausing he held his hand out waiting for Jonah to slip the ring on his finger. “Yes I’ll marry you. Today. Tomorrow and all the tomorrows there after.” Before he had a chance to say anything else Jonah was throwing his arms around him kissing every available spot he could reach.
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Tools Tuesday - Tagging - March 18
This Tools Tuesday is all about tagging, for when you’re ready to post your finished work on Archive of Our Own or any other site that uses tags! AO3, as the most popular fic posting site, will be the focus.
To begin: what are tags? And why do we use them?
Tags are keywords used to describe a fic or post. They can serve a variety of functions, but at their core they tell a viewer what to expect when they click in. On some sites (like Tumblr), they are at the bottom of the post or in the body of the post (like bsky). On AO3, they are the third thing seen, after title and author.
As seen in this handy infographic from SummerofSpock on tumblr, tags on A03 fall into 5 rough categories: Canon, Format, Tone, Relationship, Theme.

[full image ID in ALT text. Infographic titled “Tags are Tricky…a quick and dirty guide” with tag example lists in the categories of Canon, Format, Tone, Relationship, Theme. Each box is a different pink, in a gradient. End ID.]
source: https://summerofspock.tumblr.com/post/698388759652319232/mostlyinthemorning-i-kind-of-suck-at-tagging-so
Not every fic might use every category, and there are certainly tags that overlap categories. There’s also what I consider a 6th category, which is Author Commentary (no beta we die like xx, character needs a hug, why did i do that much research for a single paragraph, etc).
All of that aside, why should you use tags?
They help readers find and enjoy your fic! The two main uses of tags when searching is Seeking and Avoidance.
Seeking is when a reader really wants to read a particular thing, like they want fix-its only or just Modern AUs. Once they narrow it down to fandom, these are the tags they’ll type into the search bar. If your work isn’t properly tagged, it won’t show up, even if it’s the epitome of a Coffee Shop AU and that’s the term they search. Generously tag so readers can find you!
Avoidance is excluding a fic from consideration due to a particular theme or topic. Maybe their pet just died, so any mention of Animal Death is out. Maybe they are really tired of a particular ship, or are narrowing down for a rarepair. On AO3, there’s a section in the filter bar for excluding tags (see below, boxed in blue). Readers can eliminate what they don’t want to see, which is wonderful! They can select exactly what they want; not every fic is for every reader. Generously tag, so readers can be selective!
[ID: the Archive of Our Own filter bar Exclude section. End ID.]
Still unsure how to tag your work? Or stuck on other aspects, like ratings and warnings? The Fanfic Author’s Guide to Metatext (As Used on Ao3) by Eiiri is an incredible, in-depth explanation of everything contained within the metatext (tags+warnings) block on an AO3 fic. I — this event’s mod — use this text as part of my determining for rating guidelines, and I have found it extremely helpful for tagging my own works. View in full on tumblr and AO3 at these links
full text in post:
AO3 version, from which you can download as a pdf, epub, or other format:
Additionally, this event requires certain tags be honored and present as needed, primarily common content warnings or hot topics. See the rules post for more information. These tags at least need to be present in any promo post that are applicable, though tagging the fic itself is always good practice. After all, tags are like the ingredient label of a fic.
Still not sure what to tag and want more inspiration? This post from @/insanitysilver has great links to further help, as well as an example of a tagged fake fic!
Have a question not answered above? Is there something important I missed? Want to see a post about tagging for Tumblr, Twitter, or another site specifically? Start a discussion in the replies and reblogs! Thanks for participating, and good luck with your wip!
Tools Tuesday is a weekly part of the Finish What You Started event where I share various resources I have found to help everyone complete their WIP. Have a resource you want to share? Send it in a message and I’ll take a look!
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Hello jelly! How are you, I've got a request (it has been awhile as I am sick, but here we go) Could you write a one shot about Levi watching his SO, who is the one that helps him through his boughts of insomnia, getting attacked by a titan and losing her leg. How would he help and stuff?
Pain, loss and love.
Levi x fem reader
Canon world, married, angst, fluff, caring Levi, mentions of blood, healing.
Where were you? You had to be around somewhere. The last time Levi had eyes on you was only a few minutes ago, but now you were missing. Panic was setting in. You couldn't have gotten far; there weren't many titans left except for an abnormal.
It then clicked in his head. You were facing that beast alone. Levi trusted you, he believed in your strength but there was a lot of young blood about. He was concerned that others would put you at risk.
Levi flew across the broken village and spotted you ahead. He felt happy just for a moment until everything went wrong. A young kid flew in the way of the titan's jaws. You shoved them out of the way, saving their lives. Horror consumed Levi as he watched the titan launch up and bite down on your leg.
Blood sprayed from you and the titan towards Levi. He flinched a little as the blood hit his cheek. It took a few moments for his brain to process what he saw. Before he knew it, he was screaming your name and flying towards the titan and slicing into it over and over until there was nothing left.
He panted as his senses came back to him, he looked for you again to see you'd managed to escape and you were lying on the roof in pain with the lower half of your left leg missing. He flew over to you as blood oozed out of your torn wound.
You panted and gripped at Levi. "I'm okay. Levi, I'm okay."
He yanked his cape off, tore it up wrapped up your wound and pulled tightly to stop the blood flow. "We need to get you back to base."
You gulped hard. "Am I still pretty?"
Levi welled up as he chuckled. "Stop joking at a time like this."
You reached over and poked his bloodied cheek. "Got you smiling though."
"You did." He scooped you up. "We need to get you back." He flew off with you. "And for the record, I think you're sexy and hot still. I'll make sure you have the best wheelchair as well."
"I know you will."
Levi didn't stop until he got you to safety. He hated having to wait for the medical team to fix your leg. He hated that you had to be in hospital. He hated that he didn't protect you like he promised in his vows. He felt like a mess, like he'd let you down, like he was a bad husband but he knew you'd give him so many kisses and praise him.
"Levi." Erwin walked closer with a smile. "I can see a small smile on your face meaning you're thinking of your wife telling you off, right?"
Levi hummed. "She's too cute for her own good."
"You should clean up. Your wife won't be available for a while."
Levi released a long sigh. "Can't believe someone else has had to tell me to be clean."
"It's understandable, this is your wife we're talking about. The only woman you've ever loved got hurt in front of you. You broke." He patted Levi's shoulder. "A quick shower will do you good."
He did just as Erwin suggested, he washed up and changed into the comfy clothes he knew you loved. He returned to your hospital room and was allowed to sit next to you. He played with his wedding ring as you slept peacefully. The doctors explained you were fine, you were strong and you were impressive. They let him know that once everything was healed you could get a nice wooden prosthetic to help you walk.
He flinched and looked over at you. "Hey, beautiful."
You giggled when he sat on your bed and began kissing your face. "Hey. You look good."
"Thank you." He held your hands and began kissing your fingers. "You are so stunning, brat."
"Thank you." You winced a little. "I guess no more being a scout, huh?"
"You can still be a scout, brat. You can help with paperwork."
You said your full name. "Slayer of paperwork instead of titans."
He bit your finger. "Deadly."
No matter what you needed, Levi got it for you. He was there every single day. Normally, you helped him with insomnia and soothed him, but since he started taking care of you he didn't need much help he just slept easily because every day and every minute was all about you. Erwin gave him less missions at work so he could dedicate time to you, plus you did paperwork for the scouts and enjoyed the new role.
The big day for you came and Levi was nervous, today you were finally having your finished and perfected wooden prosthetic fitted and checked. While Levi was nervous you were incredibly excited about it all. Levi watched as the doctor talked you through everything, he had to admit he was a bit possessive of you and felt slight irritation when the man touched your thigh a lot as the leg was fitted on. However, Levi behaved because you were so happy and excited.
You grinned at Levi. "How does it look?"
Levi rubbed your back. "Gorgeous like you."
The doctor moved back. "Let me help you walk."
You shook your head. "I want Levi to help." You opened your arms out. "Levi?"
He rushed to stand in front of you. "Yes." He held your arms and pulled you to your feet. "Careful. Nice and slow, okay?"
"Got it."
Levi looked down. "Okay, step forward with your left." He pulled you closer. "Good, now the right."
You breathed a few times before stepping forward. "Ah, I did it!"
"Any pain?"
You shook your head. "No, it's good. It feels weird, but good."
"You want to keep going?"
"Yes." You walked with Levi before the aching started. "I need to stop."
Levi picked you up and took you to your chair. "You did so well."
The doctor smiled and noted on his pad. "Well done. Just keep practising with your husband and you'll be running in no time."
You grinned at him. "Thank you!"
He handed over a letter. "Take these meds to help with the slight pain."
"Got it."
Levi pushed your chair along. "Thank you again." He kept moving and clicked his tongue where you were away from the doctor. "Asshole kept flirting with you."
You giggled. "He was just being nice."
"He touched you a lot."
"Well, you can touch me a lot when we get home to replace his touch."
Levi smiled. "I like that." He leaned and kissed the side of your head. "I love you."
"Love you always."
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza @hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously @dreamerofthewest @abiatackerman @minminroie
#levi ackerman#levi#aot levi#snk levi#aot fanfiction#levi x you#levi x y/n#fanfic#levi fanfiction#levi x reader#captain levi ackerman x reader#captain levi x you#captain levi#captain levi x reader#captain levi fanfiction#levi x yn#levi ackerman attack on titan#levi ackerman fanfiction#levi ackerman x female reader#levi ackerman x reader#levi ackerman x you#jelly fanfic
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Honeybee // Oh Seungmin (O.de)
Pairing: Camboy!Seungmin x subscriber!reader
Genre: smut, stranger to lovers(?)
Notes: reader frequently visits a cam porn site and pays for it, mutual masturbation, anonymous sex, voice kink, hand kink, everything is pretty vanilla, seungmin is called 'ode', reader is a bit awkward (mood tbh)
Collab with @joocomics , her Jooyeon fic is here
Everything in italics is text messages
*new message*
The little ding sound that comes from your laptop startles you, you barely get any private messages on this website. You're pretty much a ‘laying low’ subscriber ever since you joined this platform.
You click on the purple envelope that signals the unread message and let out a soft, surprised gasp.
Ode: Hey Honeybee, I’ve been thinking about sending you a message for a while now!💜 I know you've been a loyal subscriber to my account since day one, and soon it'll be a year since I created this account🎉 I always notice your support and sweet comments, and I wanted to show you my appreciation by asking if you'd be up for a private session some time? Totally free of charge, my treat! 😉 If you'd like to arrange it, let me know which day and time~
You rub your eyes and read the message again, then click on his username and see the purple check mark next to it on his profile. It's really him.
His status is on ‘idle’, so you aren't sure if you want to message him back right away or wait a little. You think back to your shower half an hour ago and how you weren't able to get yourself off after seeing your half-year-long gym crush again today.
Biting your lower lip, and taking a deep breath, you type away at your reply.
Honeybee: Hi! I had to do a double take ngl, I didn't expect you to send me a message👀 It's really nice of you to offer that and I’d actually love to accept it🤭 Your schedule is probably busier than mine, so whenever works for you!
Ode’s status changes to ‘do not disturb’ the moment you send the message, and you see him typing in the private chat.
You lowkey panic, not expecting him to talk to you right at this moment. But you chuckle to yourself when you read his reply. Seems like you're not the only one who’s horny right now.
Ode: glad you're up for it☺️ I would actually be available now… if you're in the mood🫣
You chuckle to yourself at his use of emojis, you didn't expect him to send them. After all, you've only ever heard him talk. But it fits him.
Honeybee: right now sounds good.. I was hoping you'd go online tonight anyway so..🤭
A few seconds later a video call invited pops up on your screen; just his cam would be on, not yours. You click accept and you’re greeted by the image you're very much used to right now.
It shows Ode’s upper body, the webcam image stops right under his chin. You’ve never seen his whole face. None of his subscribers have, to your knowledge.
He’s got his laptop on a lower table, so you see him sitting in his desk chair wearing a casual outfit. Just some dark sweatpants and a white, loose tank top. His room is dimly lit, but the brightness of his screen illuminates his body nicely. He also has a purple neon light on his desk for some extra light if needed.
He always shows one side of his body more than the other, it's probably a personal preference.
You can't help but be mesmerized by him; the gym crush nearly forgotten by the sight that's in front of you.
“You were hoping I’d be online tonight?” Ode says with a small chuckle. “Did you really need me that badly?”
He gives you a small wave then rests his chin on his hand, making sure his face is still out of frame. You notice the dainty bracelets around his wrist, his long fingers are barely touching his face.
You feel slightly awkward that you're the only one talking to him right now, but you know he's seen and read way worse things.
Honeybee: Actually yeah. You're my favorite way to get off😌
He sinks down his head slightly, so you can see him smiling as he reads your message. His mouth is so pretty, it's a shame you barely ever get to see it when he streams.
He sits back a bit and stretches his arms behind him. “Hm, that's cute. It's nice to read that. I have to be honest, your comments are usually the ones I look forward to the most.”
You scoff to yourself, he’s probably just saying that to make you feel good. But you happily take the win.
Honeybee: that's smooth, you know how to make a girl happy😉
“I can do a lot more than just make you happy.” He replies quickly. He grabs a bottle of water that's beside his computer and takes a sip.
You feel embarrassed that you get turned on by the sight of his hand grabbing the bottle, and his adam's apple moving as he swallows the water.
Honeybee: you're barely doing anything and I’m already melting 😮💨 sorry, I don’t really know how to do this sexy talk stuff 😓
He closes the water bottle and keeps it in his hands as he looks at your message. “Honey~ it's okay.” he almost sings your nickname. “I’ve got you.”
“Tell me who or what got you so worked up that you decided to log on.” He then says with a soft but low voice. He sounds less performative than he does in his streams. He sounds different, but definitely not in a bad way.
Subconsciously he’s playing with the cap of his bottle, and you can't stop looking at his hands. You desperately wish you could hold them, that you could have his fingers where you need him the most.
His hands remind you of the way your gym crush holds his weights. You shift your legs, getting more comfortable in bed.
Your gaze goes from his hands to the microphone icon in your chat. Should you…? You’ve never done this before on this website. And you actually don't even know if he’d accept it.
Honeybee: do you want me to write it, or do you want me to actually say it?
You watch him put away his water bottle and he’s fidgeting with one of the rings on his fingers. He doesn't say anything.
Oh no. You said something you shouldn't have.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” He then asks, his voice has a hint of concern in it. “You know you don't have to.”
How can he be so caring? Any other cam guy would have already asked you to show your tits to him the minute you accepted the private chat.
Honeybee: I don't mind it, it’ll be more fun when we both talk. Don't you think?☺️
Ode leans back again, one hand behind his head and the other resting on his stomach. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn't curious about what you sound like.”
You feel your cheeks warm up a little and you shake off your nerves before clicking on the microphone icon. “Well… a stranger at my gym made me feel this way and I took a shower just now in the hope it would help.”
Ode sits up in his chair as he hears your voice, then lets out an amused chuckle at what you said. “Tell me about the stranger, what about them makes you feel so needy?”
You feel yourself blushing a little, it feels embarrassing. But he doesn’t know the guy anyway. “Well, he’s really handsome. I might have a little crush on him. He’s got a good body, I’m pretty sure he’s a regular at Pluto Fitness. He has a cool tattoo that sometimes shows when he’s wearing specific shirts. I really like the way his muscles look when he works out. Not to sound like a weirdo, but he has sexy hands and arms, kinda like yours.”
Ode is silent for a few seconds and then lets out another soft chuckle, which sounds slightly different than usual. Somewhat surprised maybe?
He then shifts in his desk chair. He gets up and swiftly takes off his top. You let out a soft ‘oh god’ which you entirely forget he can hear.
He sits back in his desk chair again and you feel your heartbeat in your throat when you look at his toned upper body. Bare and in front of you.
“I know how to get you satisfied.” he speaks, making sure the webcam is showing his body nicely. The soft purple glow of his neon light by his desk illuminates his body perfectly. “Pretend I’m him. Tell me what you think about when you see him, when you think of him.”
Your breathing gets slightly heavier and you feel yourself getting more and more aroused by the sight of him. His idea might just work well for you. You set your laptop in front of you, then quickly take off your pajama shorts.
“I… really want to feel your hands on my body.” you say softly. The visual of Ode’s toned body perfectly fits the image of the gym crush you have in your mind. “I want you to make me feel good.”
Ode moans softly, his toned stomach tightens up with every little sound. You notice his hand slowly rub over his sweatpants. “I’ll make you feel good, touch you exactly the way you want me to.”
You're fixated on his hand, the veins are prominent as he pushes down his sweats and touches himself over his boxers. His bracelets make a soft dangling noise as he rubs himself slowly.
Your own hand is following his movements as you give yourself some much needed friction over your panties. “I really need that, I need your fingers in me. Want you to fill me up.”
You pant softly, eyes glued to the screen and looking at his movements so you can match them as best as you can with your own hand.
“I can imagine your pussy feeling so wet for me, so good.” He replies, his voice dropping lower. His other hand is slightly gripping onto his chair, his chest is moving up and down with his breathing and panting.
God he looks fucking gorgeous like this. You're infatuated by him. You have been for a while now. Ever since the day you subscribed to him.
“Ode, I need you so badly.” You speak out your wish to him, breaking your little roleplay.
Gym crush who? He’s in the far, far back of your mind. You desperately need some sweet release. And you want it from one person only.
“It sounds so fucking hot when you say my name.” Ode’s voice gets even deeper than ever. “I never thought I’d ever hear your voice. It's better than I imagined.”
“You’ve imagined what I would sound like?” You ask curiously.
“I have.” His cute and slightly shy laughter sounds like music to your ears. And the sight of him trying to give himself some friction while talking about wanting to hear your voice, makes you so horny. “You're my favorite.”
“I’ve imagined the way you sound like, what you might look like.” He continues, slipping his hand into his boxers, and you see his large hand palm himself. “I’m fairly sure you're as pretty as you sound.”
You follow his move and start to slip your fingers in your panties and through your folds. A soft moan slips out of your mouth. “Ode.. you make me shy when you say that.”
“Fuck, that's cute.” He chuckles softly, followed by a slightly louder groan. “I wish I could see you.”
You watch his hand rubbing his bare hard on and the veins, of both his hand and his dick, are prominent and beautiful. You bite your lower lip trying to suppress another moan.
“Maybe some other time.” You sigh, slipping your fingers into yourself. The sight of Ode gulping when you say that, makes you feel good about yourself. You hope he takes the offer.
He speeds up when he hears you whining as you finger yourself and he pants rhythmically along with you while you breathe heavily along with him.
The both of you are exposed, but you're the only one who’s actually seeing something of the other.
“Fuck.” you whimper, slipping two fingers in and out of your wet hole, as your other hand slides under your pajama shirt to play with your nipples. “I wish you were here to take care of me.. I know I never say it when you stream, but you really do turn me on so much.”
You’ve not thought about anyone else but Ode for a few minutes now, it almost feels like you’re not being fair to the gym crush.
“Honey…” he sighs, his grip firmer and his voice is slightly shaky. “I know I don’t know you, but I want you so bad. I want to touch you, fuck you, just the way you like it.”
The second he says he wants to fuck you, you make yourself cum. You try to pretend that you didn’t, but your whimpers and moans are too strong to be kept to yourself.
You look at your laptop screen, your fingers still in you, and you see Ode’s cock covered in precum. He’s rubbing his thumb over his tip, his fingers and rings covered in his juices now. He’s messier than he is on streams, but it's so much better.
You slightly see his jawline and lips; they’re parted and he makes the most beautiful and needy noises.
“Can you do one more for me, honey?” he asks. You know he’s close, and you desperately want to cum with him.
“Yeah.” you breathe heavily, sliding your fingers in and out your sensitive hole again slowly. “I can’t stop thinking that it’s you doing this to me.”
“Good, that’s good.” Ode replies with a soft smirk. “Gonna pretend you’re here with me.”
You’re squirming on your bed, chasing your second high as your room gets filled with the heated noises coming from your laptop.
“I wanna be there.” you confess with a sigh, biting your lower lip as you rub your clit with your fingers and overstimulate yourself. Your bed sheets are soaked underneath you. “Wanna make you feel so good.”
It seems that’s what he wanted to hear, as it only takes a split second before he cums. Ode releases himself half in his hand, half on his stomach, with the most erotic moan you've ever heard him let out.
The two of you catch your breath for a few seconds. Although it wasn't any actual, physical sex with him, it sure felt like it.
You awkwardly wipe your hand on your bed sheets and fix your underwear and pajama pants, when you're startled by a ringtone coming from your laptop.
Ode has barely cleaned himself up, but he quickly moves over to the other side of his desk to grab his phone, flashing the side of his body he never shows on stream. And it suddenly makes a lot of sense to you why he never does; he has a tattoo on his ribs. A tattoo that you know all too well, even when the room he’s in is dimly lit.
“Sorry, that was my friend Jay.” Ode apologizes as he gets back in frame again. He snickers as he wipes off his stomach and pulls up his sweatpants. “I thought I had turned off my phone.”
“It’s okay, that’s life.” you say with a slight chuckle. “So.. you have a tattoo?”
Even though Ode’s face isn’t visible, you know he just realized what happened when he moved to grab his phone. You see that he’s scratching the back of his head, and he’s probably coming up with something to make sure you keep your mouth shut to anyone else.
“Ah, you saw that?” he states, gauging your reaction.
You nod, even though he can’t see you. It all happened so fast, and you’re trying to put the pieces of the puzzle together. The fact that your gym crush is also your favorite cam guy. “Mhm, it’s cool. I like it.”
“Thank you.” Ode replies happily, and you know he’s smiling. “Let’s keep that between us. I trust you.”
He doesn’t know that you now, somewhat, know who he is. But you decide to keep it that way. You still can’t wrap your head around what just happened though.
“My lips are sealed.” you reply with an amused voice. “Thanks for tonight, it was fun!”
“Thank you as well.” You hear a slightly nervous chuckle under Ode’s breath, but he acts a little cooler than his voice seems to be. “Did you mean it when you said you wanted to cam face to face some day?”
“I did.” you answer way too quickly. Your answer ignites a slight panic inside you and you frantically try to find a reason to change the topic. “But it’s up to you. I have to go. Thank you again, I enjoyed it a lot.
“Thank you, Honey. And I’ll let you know.” Ode replies casually, he seems to have noticed your slight shift in your mood. “Also, I think you should talk to your gym crush some time. You seem to really like him! See you around!”
“I might.” you say, not wanting to end the conversation with him. Your mouse hovers over the ‘end session’ button and just before you click it, you say a quick “will definitely see you around.”
#xdh imagines#xdh fanfic#xdh smut#xdh x reader#seungmin x reader#(idk how to tag this so it wont come up in the main group tag🥲
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I'll be at Dokomi next weekend! ✨ Booth 3L70!
Here's my catalogue of all the stuff I'll have to offer! Excited to meet you there!

#I won't have a lot of space this time and I'm not yet sure how much I'll be able to fit#but everything you see here will be available#So in case you can't see a specific print at my booth you can just ask cos I likely just didn't have space for it!#Dokomi#dokomi artist alley#artist alley catalogue#convention#convention artist
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Bonus round! Do you use a queue tag?
#ive been super curious about this because people seem to have really strong opinions on the queue! so many people seem to HATE it#but i love using the queue! i dont really know exactly why i like it so much- i started using in like... 2016 and its a fundamental part of#my tumblr experience now. i think i started off just using it for offline hours so id hit most my american mutuals (/ for aes posts)#but these days basically everything goes in my queue (cept time sensitive things & like. current hype and original posts-#anything 'normal' posting is in the queue)#idk it feels. nice to me! i like to spread out my posting and not rb 30 things in half an hour and then disappear for the rest of the day#esp since my spaces are so circular- the same post runs on my dash a dozen times minimum. and i get to put it on ur dash a week late!!!#and its so nice to have small interactions with mutuals in incompatible timezones; to open up my notifications in the morning#and go: oh! my friends were here <3#its such a Part of the tumblr experience for me i dont think i could ever truly change now. maybe switch to timed queueing#but my availability changes so much i prefer to just. know i guess#but (i am so sorry for all that) im curious about how other people feel!!!!!! itd be so interesting to hear abt why people do/do not like i#i know some people like the experience of spamming and going. some people think it makes this seem to much like influencing or whatever#everyone has their reasons and i want to know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#nyxtalks#poll#queue#no see answers option because you must fall into one of these
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hey you guys want to rotate this spray with me for the next two months
pulled from this post
#marvel rivals#snap chats#CHAT?????? CODE RED ALERT GET THE FUCK ON HERE RIGHT NOW#i am telepathically projecting this post into your brain LOOK AT IT. COME HERE#am i going to spend all morning dissecting the implications of this spray when it could just as likely Just Be A Spray of course i am#i have nothing else to do i've been dishonored by my group i need to cope with somethign LOOK AT IT#shot in the dome YOU CAN SEE WHERE THE BULLET ENTERED JUST BARELY oh thats foul#could this be related to the upcoming gala event.. hilarious timing of this spray leak considering. Everything With The Comics JRVLEKVJA#characters dont get character-specific skins unless it's alongside a specific skin from the shop#moreover character-specific sprays also exist in relation to event rewards.......#listen Whenever This Spray Is Available you bet your ass it's being equipped on ALL my heroes ASAP#'all my heroes' bitch i play THREE !!!!!! and even THATS generous we all know i really play one..... unless.... 😏
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#Best Sneaker Releases December 2024 Week 5 Nike Book 1 “Sedona” New Balance “Lunar New Year” Collection Nike LeBron 22 “Mogul” New Balance 1#New Balance#It’s officially time to say goodbye to 2024. The year was chock-full of sneaker drops — exciting#wacky and everything in between — and we’re here with one final list to carry us into the new year. It’s clear that most brands are enjoyin#Jordan Brand and Reebok releases#however#there are still some pairs worth checking out. Before we get things started with the latest from Devin Booker and Nike Basketball#let’s first review what news hit the footwear space this past week.#Kicking things off#Nike shared its third annual review of the most popular SNKRS releases of 2024. Per usual#Travis Scott topped the list with another Air Jordan 1 Low OG collaboration#a surprise came in the form of Jordan Brand’s dominance. As for drops due to arrive in 2025#release details regarding Lil Yachty’s Nike Air Force 1 Low “Lucky Green/Mystic Red” and another rumored Supreme collaboration featuring th#providing a unique look into their design process.#As for Jordan Brand#the Air Jordan 4 is poised to have another big year as a first look at Nike SB’s “Navy” colorway of the AJ4 finally appeared after being ru#January’s return of the Air Jordan 3 “Black Cat” was teased by the Swoosh with official imagery.#The Lunar New Year is the subject of one of this week’s top drops but was also highlighted with new collections from both adidas Originals#embracing the Year of the Snake. Rounding out the news#MM6 Maison Margiela brought forth its new Sprinter silhouette — a nod to Nike’s original “Moon Shoes” from 1972.#With all of the past week’s key sneaker headlines reviewed#let’s dive right into which 10 drops you should consider picking up this week. Afterwards#you can avoid having to wait for future drop dates by hopping on HBX and shopping styles that are available today.#Nike Book 1 “Sedona”#Release Date: January 1#Release Price: $140 USD#Where to Buy: Nike#Why You Should Cop: Stepping into the new year#Devin Booker and Nike Basketball are continuing to outfit the star guard’s first signature shoe with unique colorways. Embracing the great#this “Sedona” iteration looks to the picturesque Arizona city for inspiration. Its upper sees a topographic pattern overlaid atop a red-ora
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Storytime, when I started a second playthrough it was mainly because I craved sudoku. Female Ryder (custom), Scott Ryder / Mass Effect Andromeda (c) Bioware
#mass effect#mass effect andromeda#mass effect fanart#bioware#female ryder#custom ryder#scott ryder#comic#sudoku#remnant decryption puzzle#I'm a sucker for logic puzzles what can I say#but only the ones I can manage are good. the rest are obviously designed poorly.#so. I made a really disgusting soup this week because several years ago my mom bought these sliced... beet artichokes? I dunno. anyway#they were forgotten in the basement freezer and when I moved I decided to bring them with me and see if they could be eaten#and you can (usually) make a really nice soup with them and potatoes etc but problem 1 was that they were not properly cleaned#and since they had been frozen I saw no clear way to like. fix them. so I popped them in the pot thinking it would all boil apart anyway#and here comes problem 2 - it's all supposed to be blended with that hand mixer thing you know? but I had forgotten it while moving#so I only had my electric whisk available for like 1 kg of root vegetables and almost 2 l liquid all needing to be crushed together#and I could not do it in the pot because it might damage the glaze or whatever so I stood there scooping everything into a bowl#and then tried to whisk it together into a smooth soup with my little electric whisk. I shall tell you that this was not a good idea.#anyway so I have been eating this lumpy yellow-grey mess with bits of peel in it and while writing this I still have three more days to go#every evening has been me going 'if you eat it you can have something nice after ok? don't look at it just swallow...'#and two weeks before this I made a really lovely fake palak paneer and it was a week of bliss and I suddenly started writing a lot#and after that came this soup#it's fine. it's fine. I would be hard pressed to cook anything worse than this for next week. so it's fine.
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