#but everybody else can apologize for being fake old man enjoyers
wienners · 8 months
saw fans that love ‘old man yaoi’ when i pull out the sexualizing tobin bell
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bbdaydreams · 3 years
Courage My Love// Semi Eita
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Pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
Summary: You like Semi and come up with a plan to confess to him, unfortunately it takes a turn. You meet again a couple years later by chance.
Chapter Six: Shape Up
Series Masterlist•<previous•next>
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“Alrighty, your food will be ready shorty,” the waitress spoke before leaving with the booklets and you all thanked her.
Semi and you still haven’t had a real conversation since sitting down at the table together, just mumbling some words to get through the night which Taka took notice of. “Are you two nervous or something? It’s alright, I’m not scary and you guys don’t look scary. Enjoy yourselves please, besides this is all our treat to you guys.” Feeling guilty for your behavior you immediately apologized to Taka and his band mates and thanked them again for the invitation. Semi did the same as well. You’re both just gonna have to fake it. “It’s okay! We’re going to be spending a lot of time together so I think it’d be cool if we could get to know each other, where are you from? I’m from Tokyo.”
“Miyagi,” you and Semi answered at the same time.
“Oh! Have you guys met before or anything?”
“We went to the same high school,” Semi answered causing you to internally face palm.
“That’s crazy! Were you two friends?”
“We were. Then we lost touch when we graduated. You know, busy busy,” you spoke up before Semi could. The last thing you want was someone you look up to questioning your past drama. Just seeing Semi was enough to remind you of how things went down all those years ago.
“Yeah, this is actually our first time seeing each other since then.”
“Wow, now I’m the odd man out,” Taka laughed to which you did too. While laughing you felt something poke your side.
Semi was sneakily trying to hand you his phone. Semi started branching off to a different conversation with Taka to distract him which you know he did so you could look at his phone without suspicion since everyone else was having their own conversations. You took a quick glance at the text message he typed to someone but didn’t send.
“Can we talk after this?”
You glided your eyes back onto the two singers, focusing more on the ash blonde. You two haven’t spoken in six years, what could he have to say, you asked yourself. Starting to think out every logical scenario you could, you thought that he just wanted to get the confrontation out of the way so you could both do this tour without any issues. Whatever happens, you know that even if you say no, you’d have to talk to him eventually. Might as well get it over with sooner than later so you typed your response.
“Yeah seriously thank you so much for listening to my band too. I’m so glad you like us. I’m actually a big fan of your music,” you spoke, jumping into the conversation so you could pass Semi his phone back with ease under the table.
“Thank you. I really liked your voices and wanted you guys to join me for the last song on our set list. It’s one of the new songs off the latest album,��� Taka explained.
“Which song is it?” You asked excitedly.
“Take What You Want. We made the song with 5 Seconds of Summer but I think you guys would sound really good doing their parts.”
“I’m so down!”
“Sounds good to me,” Semi added, amused by your enthusiasm.
“Here’s your food,” the waitress spoke as she set down your plates with the help of another waiter. You all thanked them for the food before enjoying your meals.
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The rest of the dinner was actually quite enjoyable. From what you could tell, Haruka and Jiro were mostly catching up with each other, which you understood since they were close their final year of high school. Tomo and Toru of One Ok Rock seemed to enjoy the stories Izumi was telling them while Ryota and Yui were having fun helping Ranmaru and Subaru practice their English. You loved talking with Taka. He was really easy to get along with and made it much easier to break the ice with Semi. You all finished your meals and left the restaurant together.
“That was the best meal I’ve had in forever!” Izumi announced when everybody was outside.
“Right? I cant way to try more food!” Jiro added on.
“What do you say guys?” You and Semi said simultaneously, crossing your arms and turning from each other.
“Thank you,” Your band members said all together.
“It’s nothing really,” Toru started.
“Yeah, we’re glad we got to meet like this,” Tomo added.
“We had a lot of fun tonight. Can’t wait to see what the rest of the tour will be like,” Ryota continued.
“You’re still very welcome. We’ll see you all tomorrow at the venue. Eita, Y/n, don’t forget, two in the afternoon for rehearsal. We’re heading back to our bus so good night,” Taka finished. The guys in One Ok Rock all waved you guys goodbye before heading off.
“They were really nice,” Subaru spoke.
“Yeah, this’ll be so exciting. It’s your guys first time in the US right?” Yui asked Won’t Regret.
“Yeah, thanks again for helping us practice,” Ranmaru said.
“No worries. You can ask us for help if needed.”
“Do you guys want us to walk you to your bus? It’s dark out,” Jiro offered, looking at Haruka for a response.
She smiled at him before responding, “Jiro you’re funny, our buses are in the same lot. We might as well just walk in a group.”
“Girls, you can head off. I’m gonna talk with Semi so I’ll catch up later.”
Yui was the first one to give you a worried look, wondering if you were fine being alone with him. Izumi and Haruka looked confused and curious. From what they knew, you haven’t been in contact with Semi since high school. Tendou was the one that mostly helped you through grieving the loss of your best friend but they could recognize the look of nostalgia in your eyes when you reminisced on old memories with him. They know you were strong, but it was a pain that never completely went away.
“How long?” Izumi asked.
“It might be a while,” Semi answered. “I’ll walk her back straight to your bus, don’t worry.”
The girls reluctantly let left you with Semi while the rest of boys accompanied them. As the groups walked away they would occasionally turn their heads back to the two of you out of curiosity to see what was going to happen. You were known for having a laid back attitude but stepping up and becoming assertive if need be in less than a second. Semi was typically pretty patient with you but it’s best to be careful since he has a shorter fuse.
“Hi,” Semi started awkwardly once his everyone was out of sight.
“Hey,” you responded in the same tone.
“Wanna go sit on that bench? Also, how’ve you been?”
“Yeah, and I’ve been good. You?”
He started walking across the street after looking both ways. “I’m doing great. How’s Tendou? Congrats on your marriage, by the way.”
“Marriage?” You asked confused.
“Didn’t you and Tendou get married and have a honeymoon in France?”
You let out a laugh before responding. “Tendou and I have been broken up for like three years now dude. I’ve never gone to France with Tendou, he went for his career and now lives there. I’ve only gone if it was for touring. Where’d you get that idea from?” You asked, gradually laughing harder resulting in Semi feeling relief. Half of it being that you might be single and the other part being that the laughing is a good sign that you’re willing to humor him.
“I saw he posted pictures of himself with the Eiffel Tower and stuff so I just assumed,” he chuckled along.
“Yeah but wouldn’t it make sense if I was in those pictures with him? I probably would’ve posted a picture of my ring too.”
“You know I follow you still?”
“Yeah, I pay attention to my notifications sometimes. I’ll be honest though, I did unfollow you.”
“Understandable,” Semi sighed.
You both went quiet after that, getting comfortable on the metal bench. Taking note of his expression, you took the lead for conversation. “What was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Oh uh, I wanted to apologize,” he responded, grateful for the dim lighting so his blush wouldn’t be super noticeable.
“Well, I’m listening,” you said before crossing your arms in a playful manor.
“I’m sorry for calling you a bitch. I’m sorry for raising my voice at you. I’m sorry for saying all that petty shit and hurting you. I’m sorry for all the pain I gave you. You know that saying that’s like ‘you don’t know what you have until you lose it?’ Well I lost you, and that was my biggest regret. All these years-“
“Semi, you can stop-“ you interrupted not expecting him to go on a full on rant for an apology. You were fine with a simple ‘I’m sorry’. Never would you have expected the ash blonde to list out every thing he did wrong. It was high school, that’s when mistakes are meant to be made because you learn from them. After walking the earth for twenty four years, you couldn’t give less of a shit about the things that happened. You grew up, you were over it, you have other things to focus on than hold onto a grudge because someone hurt you.
“Let me finish. Please. All these years I never tried to reach out to you because I think you made it clear that you didn’t want to speak to me and I respect that but oh my god I’m so proud of you. You’ve accomplished so much. You’ve traveled around the world, living your dream. I know we may have ended on bad terms but I have never, not once, ever wished for your life to take a turn for the worst. I’m genuinely so happy for you. I’m just so, so, sor- What? Why are you crying? I’m the one apologizing!” he asked, raising his hands to wipe your tears.
While listening to him all you could think about was how guilty you felt. “Because I’m sorry,” You answered, grabbing his wrists to pull them away from your face so you could wipe your own tears. “I’m sorry for pushing you away. I’m sorry for not reaching out either. I’m sorry for almost starting a physical fight with you.” You were letting all your frustrations out at this point from all the emotions you had built up inside you. While you had to admit you were upset with him, you were the one that started it. “I shouldn’t have said what I said the night of the talent show. I should’ve told you the truth. I started this. I’m the one at fault.”
“Y/n...” Semi wrapped his arms around your back, using one hand to guide your face into his chest to help you calm down. “It’s okay. You’re okay.” His voice was soft, different compared to the way he was speaking before. His task at hand was just to focus on you. “I missed you,” he spoke.
“I hmff ugh oo,” you responded, head still buried in his chest.
You pulled away from him and straightened your back. “I said I missed you too.” You took a couple seconds to look at him. He looked almost exactly the same as he did back then. The only differences you could tell were that his hair was longer and he looked more mature, maybe a little buffer. It was somewhat comforting. “I don’t get it. I told myself I should hate you after all that happened but I could never bring myself to accept it. It’s weird that we’re talking with little difficulty right now to each other.”
“Little difficulty? I’m not gonna lie, my heart is beating so fast right now. I was so nervous to even hand you my phone at the table,” Semi laughed, eyes not looking away from your form laughing into your hand. “I don’t get it either though. I honestly thought you were gonna hate me and yell at me like, do you really forgive me?”
“How do I say this?” You asked yourself before taking a deep breath to answer his question. “After graduating and experiencing the real world, I realized I don’t need to focus on high school bullshit. We were so young-“
“Now you’re making me feel old.”
“Shut up! We were just teens. Now we’re adults, ya know? With bills to pay and actual responsibility. I’d rather focus on me, myself now than what happened in high school. Am I gonna forget it? No, it helped build the person I am now. Can I forgive? I may be a petty bitch and say I don’t wanna but what’s that gonna do for me? Nothing so I might as well.” After giving your long explanation you looked at him again and took in his features, old happy memories flooding back to you.
“Do you think we start over?” Semi asked hopefully.
“Hey, I’m Semi Eita. I play in a band and I’m a bit of an asshole sometimes. What’s your name?”
“I’m L/n Y/n and I also play in a band and can sometimes be a bitch,” you responded with a laugh.
“It’s nice to meet you. Can I walk you to where you need to be?” he asked, getting up and putting his hand out to help you up.
“Sure, that’d be really nice.”
After he helped you up, you started walking towards your bus with Semi walking right next to you. “Hey I’m actually playing a show tomorrow night, you should check us out!”
“No way, what time?” You asked deciding to play along.
“Like seven but you know how it goes, it’ll probably be more like seven-fifteen.”
“Ugh that’s annoying. Can you come to mine? I think I play at like eight.”
“Sure, dude. Anything for my bestie.”
“Aight I’m done. Bestie is too far, dude.”
“What! I can’t call you my bestie even though we just reunited six years after not seeing each other?”
“Correct. We can be ‘friends’,” you said, using your fingers to put air quotes, “but honestly I’m still on edge. Like after we went our separate ways it was hard for me to reconnect with people because it hurt when we ended things. I don’t wanna go through that again.”
Semi sighed, “I get that. Sorry again. I promise I won’t do that again.”
“It’s okay. And you better. Or else we’re really throwing hands,” you teased.
“Oh yeah?”
“Don’t make me go all WWE on you!”
“Oh my god Semi, is that a threat?”
“Y/n!” Izumi yelled which made you focus on your tour bus. The girls had each opened a window to stick their head out of and wait for your arrival.
“Are you okay?” Haruka asked.
“Do you want back up?” Yui followed up.
“I’m joking, Yui,” Semi said, putting his hands up in defense.
“You better, or else I’m gonna be the one fighting for y/n,” Haruka warned with a glare.
“I guess this is goodnight, Semi. You don’t want to throw hands with Haruka, she’s pretty buff. Thanks again. See you around,” you said as you waved him goodbye and hopped on the bus.
“See ya,” Semi responded. He turned around and threw his head upwards to the night sky and let out a sigh before walking to his bus.
Yui with her head still out of the window took notice of how Semi relaxed after you left him. “Hey, girly,” she started, getting up from her spot after closing the window. “You okay? How’d it go?”
“Yeah, I’m okay. It actually went surprisingly well.”
“That’s good news!” Izumi cheered.
“So are you friends again?” Haruka asked.
“Hmm, I guess so? We’re basically just starting over.”
“This tour is gonna be interesting,” Yui finished.
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Getting back onto his bus, Semi immediately felt three pairs of eyes glued on him. Jiro set his Nintendo switch down while Subaru put his phone on his lap and Ranmaru stood up.
“We’ve been expecting you,” Ranmaru started with a straight face.
“Yeah!” Jiro added only to be shushed by Subaru.
“Well... good news?” Semi responded, not knowing what to make of the way his band mates were acting.
“Go on...” Subaru said, this time being shushed by Jiro.
“First, I’m gonna be a guest vocal for One Ok Rock with Y/n during their last song. Second, I told Y/n everything I needed to say. We’re friends again. We’re all good,” Semi said with a smile.
Ranmaru took a few steps closer to Semi before lovingly slapping his back. “Proud of you, bro.”
“Woooo! Go Eita!” Jiro jumped up to hype up his bandmate.
“Awesome!” Subaru finished. “Happy for you man. Now, I hate to be the mom here, but we should get to bed. Tomorrow’s gonna be a long day.”
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“Good job guys!” Taka said, patting both of your backs.
“Thank you! Is there anything you want us to change?” You asked.
“Hmm, nah. I know most people say practice makes perfect but I think as the tour goes on we’ll improve the performance each night.”
“Sounds good,” Semi said.
“Can I give some feedback?” You asked. Taka and Semi both gave you a nod to go on. “You,” you pointed to Semi, “are being so stiff. It’s your first tour in the US. Loosen up! I’ll be blunt, if how to act now is how you’re gonna act during your set, which is the first one, you’re not gonna grab anyone’s attention. The majority of the crowd probably haven’t even heard of your band. You gotta draw them in.”
“I have to agree with her,” Taka joined in.
Semi grew wide eyed and turned a little red. You were about to speak up again but he beat you to it. “Sorry, I think I’m just nervous. This is all new to me,” he said, bringing a hand up to the back of his head.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to sound harsh! I just want you guys to grow. Being on tour right now is a big honor so I want you to get the most you can out of it. And-“
And you were rambling. Same old Y/n, Semi thought to himself, letting you ramble while he had a small smirk on his face, amused by the words you were speaking.
“Just perform how you would back then! I think if you brought that energy you’d really get a lot of people hooked!”
“Ya think so?”
“I know so. Can we try again but exaggerate our movements? This dude has to shape up.”
“I’ve heard so many stories about you mentoring the smaller bands, it’s nice to see that you live up to them,” Taka smiled.
“Thank you,” you responded with a blush. “Now Semi, follow our lead. And don’t let us down tonight.”
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Taglist: @pluviophilefangirl @yourstarvic @sunaswife @mynscorner @syaziahvg @discountkiyoko
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demethinkstoomuch · 5 years
The Lucky One, pt. 1
Imagine what a strange position this must be: You’re Sylvain Jose Gautier, you’re fifteen years old, and all you want is to get laid. But it was just the worst day in everybody you care about's lives, the world is falling apart around you, and you're completely unharmed by all of it.
Content Warning: Physical Abuse, Blue Lions-typical Unresolved Grief
Read on AO3!
Part 2 | Part 3
Life, you reflect as the streets of Fhirdiad roll by, isn’t fair. You’ve known this for as long as you can remember.
The world’s falling apart around you. You’re Sylvain Jose Gautier, you’re fifteen years old, and all you want is to get laid. It’s not so much to ask, really. You want to hang out with some of the few decent people in your life, and you want to add a lot more people, usually girls, who are maybe only half-decent (at best) into your life for brief but enjoyable periods of time.
When you compare that wish to everything else going on right now, it’s really pretty pathetic. Because that’s a really stupid wish, put in context; because somehow you are, as always, the lucky one. You already know this, but now more than ever, it tastes like ashes in your mouth. It sinks into the pit of your stomach as you watch building after building pass the carriage window, all draped in sable black. The windows of the shops are covered. Normally when lots of important nobles are visiting, you’d think people would be on the streets to curiously peer towards your coach, maybe a cute girl you could wink at and she’d smile at the fancy noble in his fancy carriage — and there will be, later, because they’re like you: lucky that all they have to worry about is getting a view of the funeral procession. But right now, they’re closer to the disaster than you are — so they’re inside, waiting, leaving the streets so quiet that what movement you do see feels like someone’s trespassing.
You reach up a hand and rub your neck, still bruised sickly yellow and faded maroon under your fur-lined collar. Ok, if you could complain for a minute, you do sort of have a way in which you are not very lucky: you got caught up in someone else’s bad luck. And you can’t help but think of that, and feel the punch in the gut that’s your own fortune again.
Your old man had called everyone into his study when the letter, the one that ultimately brought you here in the best black clothes money could buy, had arrived. He was a serious guy, your father. But you’d never seen him quite so serious. With the whole family assembled, too. Your mother gave you a faint and insincere smile when you came in, with her eyes flinty and distant. Just the three of you would have been suffocating enough. But you and Miklan were in the same room together, which was a state you really tried to avoid. You tried to avoid it a lot since the whole well incident. Sometimes, you couldn’t help it. Those times, this time, tended to not go great for you.
“There’s been... “ Your father paused like he didn’t know how to say it. You added it to the number of things horribly wrong here, because he always knew what to say to get what he wanted. He always wanted something, even when you didn’t know what. “An incident. The king’s party was ambushed on their visit to Duscur. Most of them are dead.”
He sounded wooden as he delivered the final verdict.
“The king is dead.”
And everyone in the room experienced their first and last moment of family unity. You all shared a moment of stunned horror where no one could say a word.
“What about Dimitri?” Maybe you should have held back, but your head just sort of jumped. Sure, the king was the king, and he was a great guy and all. But Dimitri was your friend, that sweet kid who’d encouraged you to be free when you hadn’t thought it was possible — and somehow put up with the consequences. And if he was dead when the king was dead, what was going to happen to Faerghus?
“Prince Dimitri was injured in the attack, but survived. At the cost of all his knights...He alone survived.”
You were so relieved you dropped into a chair. It took you a half-second to even hear the rest of what your dad had said. It wasn’t like Dimitri was your only friend there — but this time, you don’t ask about Glenn. You don’t have to, even if you wanted to imagine there’d be another answer. That if you asked, you’d get something else back from that moment of fear.
“Poor Duke Fraldarius,” your mother said. “To lose his precious heir so easily…And he was so young.”
“Young? Glenn was barely older than Sylvain. Of course, maybe if he wasn’t such an idiot, he’d have joined them.” Miklan glared at you, and, hey, it burned off the slow horror of realizing that that brave, dashing friend wasn’t immortal, you weren’t immortal, no one was. You were just fed up. So that was the upside.“Shame you weren’t, you fool.”
“Miklan!” your mother snapped. Her hands were shaking. Was that her maternal heart, stirred by the loss of one of House Fraldarius’ two crest-bearing sons, and thinking of what might have been the loss of her one? (Your mother envied Duchess Fraldarius something crazy when she was alive, you remember hearing her say one quiet night.She’d never stopped envying her, and sometimes your mother thought Felix was born just to spite her. Maybe her life wasn’t fair, either, but she’s the one who decided to live like what sort of blood her kids had mattered so much.) You couldn’t tell if you hoped so or not.
“Oh, shut up, Miklan. Is this really the time for this?” you shot back. It’s not like Miklan was different — not in being a good-for-nothing, no, he’s more of an asshole — he could have been there, too, if fate had been a little different. But you weren’t going to say that, because it was really just the hour of hating sylvain, the only time that existed for him.
“I’m only speaking the truth. He’s worthless, undeserving of even a basic knighthood — but he gets to saunter around without a care in the world, heir to the family. Good knights died, and this waste of space lives to drag House Gautier with him!” He’s right, of course. Miklan’s tried hard. Studied hard. He was pretty smart, even if he was an unrelenting asshole. But he didn’t figure out how worthless it all is the way you did. So he’d hoped to live the life he wanted.
“Miklan, you will take back those words about your brother, my heir.” Nothing but finality rang in your father’s words.
“No, no, I won’t! Why do I have to watch my tongue about this spoiled brat?!” He rose up to his feet, shoulders squared and mouth a grim, intense line.
“Wow, Miklan, tell us what your really think.”
“ Stop. ” Your father’s voice was a clap of thunder, rolling through the room. Your father had stepped out from behind his desk, and his experience showed through. He was a soldier — the Margraves of Gautier had to be. He looked more like you in the face, but there, he was using the way his body had more of Miklan’s raw, intimidating bulk. His muscles tensed like an animal on the edge of biting, visible even under his fur coat. There was an indescribable feeling to those arms of his: not a tremor, not a pulse, just the sudden and certain way your eye was drawn that broadcasted something else in him, waiting to draw itself out of his movements if he needed it. And that shut Miklan up — it had to, and you couldn’t blame him for the hate in his eyes, seeing that something he couldn’t have bubbling so close to the surface.”Everyone. That’s enough, Miklan. Apologize.”
“...You have. My apologies,” Miklan grunted through gritted teeth, eyes staring daggers at you. You really wished the old man hadn’t done that; what happened next was going to be worse because he’d had to say it.
“You are all dismissed from my office. I will discuss the plans concerning the funeral later.”
(The plans were ultimately that you’d go alone. Your father would watch the region in case the instability brought trouble. Your mother would send you off looking your best, because she wanted you to be shown off as a man who was becoming more independent. Miklan would continue to be too unimportant to them to go anywhere, and he’d seethe. This was not part of the plan. You were just aware of it.)
You all shuffled out, one by one. Last out the door, you had thought you’d have a second to do something like sort out how you felt. That wasn’t what was in store for you then.
A hand reached out for your shoulder and pinned you savagely to the hallway wall. Miklan still had a way of looming over you even though there wasn’t a big difference in height anymore. But he was bigger than you anyway and threw his weight into that like a man who meant it. He locked his other hand into place on your opposite shoulder, leaving no escape for you but turning your head.
“I should wipe that smug face right off your head,” he growled. “I have nothing to apologize to you for, you crest-bearing fool.”
“Oh, I get it, it’s fine. I get that that was fake,” you tell him, which sounded like a really great way to make this worse; that must be why you said it.
“You don’t understand anything! If the Goddess won’t kill you, then I’ll finish it!” And that was when his hands stopped being on your shoulders, when the world went briefly black and blue and floorless, when the air got crushed out of your throat in the sweep of rough hands. Their callouses pressed into your windpipe. What in the flames. What in the infernal goddess-damned flames, Miklan. That was just the thought that ran through your head. “Just by existing —!”
In retrospect, it wasn’t actually worse than the well thing. It really wasn’t. You kicked him pretty hard, just wherever your feet could find the purchase, and he let go with a high yowl. Over in a second.
So you don’t know why, gasping for breath, that was what got the waterworks going. But you didn’t want either of your parents to find out — crazy, right? You didn’t want anyone knowing. You didn’t want anything getting more messed up than it already was. You weren’t even sure how you felt — or, maybe, you aren’t sure, because you’ve rolled it over in your head, trying to find an easy name for it, so many times. But you didn’t stick around for anyone to see. You ran, you didn’t say anything, you hid your neck.
Just by existing, you took everything from me.  
That was what he’d wanted to say. What he has the right to say. You just wish he hadn’t tried to say it with his hands. You’d never thought he would — not so directly. The mountain was bad, and you’re never going to forget trying to keep a grip on the well’s side for hours. But even those weren’t that big a deal. You hadn’t expected him to take it into his own grasp, to not let something else do his dirty work.
Where could it go from here? It feels like a rope in the family is getting drawn tighter and tighter, and it’s always been frayed. You just don’t want to be there when it snaps. You sigh and sink against the window of the carriage, feeling the cold that seeps in from the outside. A brief stop as city gave way to castle; it’s showtime, Sylvain old buddy.
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knittingknerdy · 7 years
Business Partners- Part 3
Prompt/Summary: Your business partner invites himself to your sister’s wedding
Pairing/Characters: Tony Stark x Reader, Natasha, Clint, Coulson, Sam, Steve, Bucky, Scott.  Everybody
Warnings: cursing, drinking, reader is going to be a bit of an idiot later on.   You should work on your communication skills.  ;)
Word Count: 1924
Author’s Note:  I am cutting this down to the wire. But this is my submission for @bionic-buckyb 5000 follower celebration!!!!  I claimed the fake dating AU.  As of posting this, the end isn’t finished.  So I plan on eating pizza at home and try to get it done by the deadline.  (I’m going to come back and tag people)
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You made sure you were out of earshot of the house before rounding on Tony.  “What the fuck was that?”  
 “I heard what they said.  About being married for two years.”  Tony moved closer.  “It looked like he had set a bunch of puppies on fire in front of you.  I’m sorry I made this even more difficult.  I didn’t think.”  
 Your anger at Tony deflated.  “No, you’re right.  I think the puppies would have been preferable.”  You sigh and run a hand through your hair.  “It was bad enough thinking I wasn’t worth coming home to.  But to have it confirmed.  I’m over him, but damn that still hurts.”  
 Tony gathered you up for a hug. “Let’s get him back by having a great time and being the most obnoxious couple he’s ever met.  Ok?”
 “My mom had better have gotten a good mattress.  I was going to get to sleep at a Westin.  I love their beds.  And room service.”  
 “I’ll bring you coffee in the morning.”  Tony grabbed both suit cases and headed towards the front door.  But a sudden realization stopped you in your tracks.  
 “We’re going to have to share a bed!”  
 The full enormity of that problem didn’t hit you until you were standing in your bathroom, dressed and ready for bed.  
 You stuck your head out the door and Tony looked up from his spot on the bed where he was looking over reports.  “Can you turn out the light?”  you asked, shyly.  
 “Why?  You sleep naked?”  he asked with a smile.  
 “No,” you insisted, “but it isn’t much more.  I’ll run to the store tomorrow and pick up actual sleep pants.”  
 Tony raised an eyebrow, and you could tell he wanted to say something, but thought better of it.  He closed the folders on his lap and set them on the side table as he got up and turned out the light.  When you heard him settle into bed, you slid out of the bathroom and under the blankets as fast as you could.  The air was tense as the two of you shuffled to get comfortable.  
 Suddenly, Tony rolled onto his side to face you.  “My curiosity is killing me.  What are you wearing?”  
 You sighed.  “I don’t like to sleep in pants, so it’s just my underwear under this shirt.”  You bit your lip anxiously, not sure what Tony was going to say next.  
 “That is way less interesting than what I was imagining.”  He laughed and rolled over to his back.  
 This time, your curiosity got the best of you.  “What were you imagining?”  
 “Nope.  Not making this any more awkward than it already is.”  
 You huff out a noise of annoyance and roll back over to your side.  Thankfully, with all the travel and worries of the day, once you settle down, sleep comes easily.  
 You’d forgotten that the first morning light comes right in through your window.  It was a rude awakening.  Although, not as rude as the realization that in the night, Tony and you had migrated to the center of the bed and were currently wrapped around each other.  
 You try, unsuccessfully, to untangle yourself without waking Tony.  As you try to pull away, he pulls you back in a nuzzles his face into your hair.  
 “Tony.” You try to nudge him awake. “Tony.”  This with a bit of a forceful shove get more of a response from him.  “Tony, I don’t have pants on and certain parts of your anatomy are more awake than the rest of you are.”  
 It takes a few seconds, but as soon as the words sink in, Tony all but flings himself to the other side of the bed.  
 “Shit, sorry.”
 “It’s ok.  I seemed to be a willing participant in last nights cuddling.”  You stretch and flop back down on your pillow
 You can hear Tony climbing out of bed.  “Where are you going?”  
 He turns around with a smile.  “I promised you coffee in bed.  I need to deliver on that.”  
 You smile at his thoughtfulness.  “Oh, I take it with--”
 “Two sugars.  I know.”  He interrupts before sliding out of the room.  
 The rest of the day is a blur of preparations.  Tony somehow managed to stay in the middle of it.  Your mom loved him.  Hell, even your dad liked him.  
 Most of your day was spent with your sister; getting her ready and keeping her as calm as you can keep someone on their wedding day.  But every time you popped out of the dressing room, Tony was there.  Usually he was being put to work hanging decorations or moving furniture.  Sometimes, he was there with a bottle of water for you and asking what you needed.  
 “You know, you don’t have to help.  No matter what my mom tries to guilt you into.”  The two of you have hidden with your drinks where no one can find you.  At least for a temporary break.  
 “Eh, it’s been fun.  Remember, I don’t have any siblings, so this might be the only chance I get to do this.”  
 “At your own wedding?”  
 “I doubt it.  I imagine it will be some perfectly orchestrated piece of socialite stage work.  Not that I don’t enjoy those weddings, but I wouldn’t have to do much but show up and put on the tux.”  
 “Is that what you want?” you ask him doubtfully.  
 “I’m a rich guy living in New York.  Those are the odds.”  He stared at the floor.  “Even if I did find the perfect girl, most people don’t put up with me for very long.”  
 You nudged him with your shoulder.  “Well, I’ve managed to put up with you.”  
 When Tony looked at you again, you were struck by the look in his eyes and his soft smile.  “You have.”  
 You were pulled from the moment when one of the bridesmaids called your name.  You looked back at Tony with an apologetic smile.  “Duty calls.  I’ll see you when I walk down the aisle.  My mom will probably make you sit with her.”  
 “I think I’ve been made an usher.”  
 “Seriously?”  you sigh.  “Thank you.”  
 The wedding was beautiful.  You would have cried, but Tony spent the entire time trying to make you laugh.  It took you awhile to get out of the receiving line, but you finally caught up to him at the reception.  
 “Have you kept yourself occupied?”  you asked before unceremoniously dumping yourself in the chair next to Tony.  
 “I have.  You look.  Well, is there a nice way to say you look a bit worn out?.”  
 You laugh.  “No, not really.”
 “Then how about I bring you some food?”  
 You smiled and accepted the plate of food when he brought it.  It didn’t take you long to inhale the food.  “Man, I really needed that.  I don’t know why I was so hungry.”
 “It’s not like you ate.”  
 “What?  No, I totally-” you paused “-I totally fed my sister.  I completely forgot to eat.”  
 “Told you so,” Tony smirked at you.  
 You nudge him playfully.  Suddenly, you hear the music and grab his hand.  “Oh, I love this song.  Want to dance?”  
 He quickly agreed and pulled you to your feet.  What followed was several of the most enjoyable hours you’ve ever spent.  You danced.  He charmed your family.  Tony kept you laughing and smiling.  It felt strangely perfect.  You barely had time to catch your breath all evening.  
 You took advantage of a break in the music to step outside to get some fresh air.  Your sister had chosen one of your favorite locations for the wedding.  When you were kids, it was an old farm not too far from your house.  The old woman who lived there used to let you and your sister swim in the small lake.  When she died, a family came in and converted the old barns into event spaces.  You dragged Tony to the dock that you used to jump into the lake from.  You and your sister would compete to see who could jump the farthest from the end.  
 Tony must have been able to see the nostalgia on your face as you walked along the dock.  “This place means a lot to you?” he asked.  
 You turned with a smile.  “My sister and I spent a lot of time here.  A lot of fun memories.”
 “Hopefully we’ve added a few tonight.”  
 You both stop when you reach the end of the pier and you turn to face Tony.  He was staring at you with a look you didn’t recognize, but had glimpsed throughout the day.  
 He took another step closer.  “I hope I’m not overstepping any boundaries.  This whole trip, I’ve felt something.  I finally realized that something was drawing me closer to you.  Please tell me I’m not the only one.”
 You shake your head no.  The voice in your head echoing the words Tony was saying.  
 “I’ve always considered you a good friend,” Tony continued. “I think I’ve finally realized why I never found that spark with anyone else.  I was too dumb to look right in front of me.”  
 He moved slowly, giving you a chance to change your mind.  But you didn’t, you couldn’t.  You leaned in when his lips met yours.  
 The moment was completely spoiled by screams and yells of other party goers as they barreled down the dock.  The two of you jumped out of the way as several people jumped into the lake.  
 A few gawkers gathered on the dock to watch the people swimming.  Your sister was laughing while Scott tried desperately to talk her out of jumping in too.  Sam ended up standing next to you in the crowd.  
 After Tony had stepped in to help pull some people up on the dock, Sam turned to you and smiled.  “I’m glad you found someone.  He seems nice.  It’s nice to have someone who can help you out like that.  
 “Hmmm,” you murmur.  Not quite listening, but watching Tony try not to get dragged into the water by the drunk people he’s trying to help.  
 “I was pretty awful to you.  I left when you probably needed help the most.  I am glad to see you found someone who could give you a hand up when you needed it.”  
 While your mind tried to process the semi-apology he was giving you, it struck on something.  You and Tony and what that would look like.  It wouldn’t matter that you had worked there for years.  That you spent endless nights working until security kicked you out of the building.  
 No, the outside world would see someone with a big promotion dating someone who could have had a hand in making that promotion happen.  You sighed and tried to give a smile to Sam before you walked back inside.  
 The small voice of reason tried to get you to stop.  To sit and wait for Tony to talk things out.  But you panicked.  You panicked and headed straight for the bar.  By the time Tony found you, you were several shots in.  
 After much reluctance on your part and a very tearful goodbye to your sister, Tony finally managed to bundle you into the car as the party broke up.  He was silent on the drive back to the house.  You wanted to talk, but the alcohol made it hard to figure out what to say, so you settled on silence as well.  After a short time, you fell asleep.  
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