#but either being too nervous or not wanting to bother them
krembearry · 1 year
i have been craving voice calls SO bad lately... i wanna just listen to people talk but everything has to have a specific topic or doesn't match my pace as well as just talking to people does ;0; i keep trying to find podcasts to scratch this itch but all of them are the same two professional Podcast Woman and Podcast Man talking about things like they're the ghosts of news reporters long passed
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ramonathinks · 1 year
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(18+, minors/blank accounts dni)
jealous ex husband gojo who just can't keep stand seeing you with someone else. he hates that you gave up on him, hates that you don't wear your ring anymore even though he does and he wears it proudly.
"you have a date tonight, the girls tell me." busted. you cringe and eye you little daughters, only six the both of them but you told them to keep quiet about the situation.
"yes..." you reply, anxiously awaiting his response.
you could just picture his face now, nose a bit flared and lips pursed. with clenched teeth he said, "alright, have fun." but it wasn't that simple.
he always kept close watch on you and it made you nervous with how simple it left the conversation. "well, i could come pick the girls up before then. about 8-ish?" he asks and you say yes before hanging up.
gojo was always too busy which was what led to the divorce. you'd both married young, 20 and stayed together since but when the girls turned 3 you had enough and just left. he wasn't being there enough for you or the girls and it hurt.
when he pulled up you cursed yourself for getting ready so early. your hair in long curls and a knee length skirt with a small slit on the left leg. he didn't bothering knocking or waiting for you to open the door, he had keys and you knew this so you continued with your makeup.
he was standing there watching you but you ignored him. or tried to but he walked closer and closer until he was right in your face. "how beautiful, you are." he held your jaw and forced you to look at him.
"why don't you ditch this date and come with me?" he asked, bringing your lower reign to his. "don't you miss me baby?" he nipped at your skin and the memories and feelings were coming back.
you had to be strong. you swallowed and pulled his back from you. "you have to stop this, im sure you have someone out there satoru, but she isn't me." you tried to walk off but he grabbed your wrist and brought you to your bedroom.
"y/n, so you think anyone can make you feel as good as i make you feel? don't you know i love you? my feelings never left and i know yours haven't." he rubs you through your panties and kisses you on your lips.
"everything can be different now." he promises, easing his way between your legs. his heavy cock entering you slowly, it was only the tip so far but it was splitting you open. you'd been without sex for two years and now tears were in your eyes.
"you think he can fill you up like me?" he adjusts himself and enters more of his cock into you. he was still so big, you were choking. you could feel him in your tummy and in your throat.
"you're always going to be mine, so stop running." he told you as he jerked his hips. "stop trying to let this go baby?"
"mommy! the door!" one of the girls yelled.
"shh," satoru brought a finger to your lips and leaned forward to make love to your mouth. it was too much and you both were drooling after just a few minutes, he pulled himself out of you and looked at his wet cock.
"think about what i said." it was hard to forget. you clenched your legs together after you cleaned yourself up, not even wanting to face your date.
not even wanting to face your ex-husband either.
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itneverendshere · 1 month
Perhaps Rafe x Shy!Bartender reader at the country club. Maybe she was driven there and was supposed to get picked up, but shit got in the way. And she is far from home. Rafe is there that day for golfing or something and it’s her first day. He is instantly smitten and waits until her shift is over to properly ask her out, and notices she has no car to get home and gets protective
i looooved this and in my head this is EXACTLY how rafe and pogue!reader from this request met. this is the same universe, im making it canon rn
it could be you and me - rafe cameron
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader word count: 3.5k
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Rafe slid through the crowd, heading toward the golf course. He had plans to join Topper for a round or two.
Like usual, his presence drew glances—partially because of the rumors that seemed to follow him everywhere he went. Being the epitome of privilege, born into the wealth that afforded him everything, made sure that all eyes were on him, everywhere he went on that stupid fucking town. But that day, he’d been off his game from the moment he woke up.
He felt out of place, restless and mostly, bored. Every day in this place felt the same to him. The pleasures he used to get from being a kook were slowly burning out. The days had started blending together, the endless cycle of parties, and drinks had begun to lose its allure. Doing the same thing, over and over again. 
Nothing was new. Nothing was exciting anymore.
He was bored out of his mind. Golf wasn’t exactly his passion, but it was a way to pass the time, to pretend like he shouldn’t be in the office finishing whatever paperwork his father had shoved down his throat the night before. 
He needed a drink if he wanted to get through the rest of the day without breaking something.
He approached the clubhouse and noticed a small crowd gathered at the bar. It wasn’t an unusual sight—it was one of the most popular spots in the club—but something, or rather someone, caught his attention.
Behind the counter, there was someone he’d never seen before.
You wore the standard uniform of the club's staff—white blouse, black slacks, hair pulled back into a neat ponytail—but there was something about you that made him stop in his tracks. You weren’t a kook, that much was clear. And you were new. Way too new by the looks of the growing line.
You were busy, pouring drinks, smiling politely at the members, but he could tell you were nervous from the way you overdid it. It was like you were trying to make yourself small for those people. It didn’t help that they treated you like you were invisible, snapping their fingers or raising their voices to get your attention.
Fucking assholes.
He didn’t know why he felt so irritated all of the sudden. He’d done the same thing times and times again, he was no better than any of them, on a good day. But he hated watching it happen to you. He couldn’t stop staring, he felt creepy as he listed all the little things he noticed about you. Your hands moved quickly, but delicately, as if you took great care in everything you did.
You turned to reach for a bottle on a high shelf and he finally caught a good glimpse of your face—a glimpse that nearly made him drop his golf club on the spot. There was something striking about you. It was in the way your eyes narrowed as you focused on pouring the right amount of alcohol on a drink, and the way your lips pursed ever so slightly as you kept concentrating.
You were beautiful, yes, but it was more than that. He’d seen pretty girls all his life, he made sure he surrounded himself with them. But you? You were something else. 
And for the first time in what felt like forever, he felt a genuine curiosity, to know more about someone. He didn’t think about hooking up, about asking for your number. You didn’t belong here and maybe that’s what made you so good.
The shift seemed never-ending, even though it was your first day.
Most of the club members hadn’t even bothered to learn your name —either way, you were having a hard time keeping up. 
You hadn’t wanted to take the job, but you didn’t have much of a choice. The country club was the only place hiring that summer, and you needed the money. Your friend had driven you there earlier that morning, promising to pick you up after your shift. But earlier, when you had glanced at your phone during a ten-second break, you saw a text from her saying she’d been held up—something about the car breaking down.
“Great,” you muttered under your breath, shoving your phone back into your pocket as you handed a gin and tonic to a bald asshole who didn’t even bother to thank you. You were stuck here, away from home, and the last thing you wanted to do was ask one of these people for help.
Your nerves had already skyrocketed. Between the constant drink orders, the lack of polite smiles, and trying your best not to spill anything or offend any of these spoiled kooks, you were losing your mind. Being the center of attention wasn’t your forte, and being behind the bar was giving you a migraine as the members kept barking their orders, complaining when their drinks weren’t perfect, and barely acknowledging your existence.
You could feel their judgmental stupid eyes on you, like you were some sort of animal—a pogue. 
The buzz in your stomach kept getting stronger with every minute.
You wished you could just disappear, but you needed the job and so, you had no option but to take it like a big girl and get used to it. By the end of the day, your hands trembled slightly as you reached for another bottle, your muscles aching from trying to keep up with the endless demands.
As you handed yet another whiskey on the rocks to an ungrateful rich asshole, you noticed someone approaching the bar from the corner of your eye. Unlike the others, he didn’t immediately shout his order or snap his fingers. He just stood there, watching you, a slight smirk on his face.
It was hard not to recognize him—Rafe Cameron. You’d heard stories about him, of course. Everyone in the Outer Banks had. He was practically royalty, the golden boy of one of the wealthiest families around.
You hated being stared at, it made you feel even more out of place than you already did. You could feel your cheeks turning red just from that alone.
“Can I get you something?” you asked, politely yet barely audible over the noise of the crowd.
Rafe leaned against the counter, his eyes never leaving your face, “What do you recommend?”
He sounded amused. Like he was genuinely enjoying himself. Like he didn’t know this was your first day on the job. You knew he did because everything about him screamed Country Club boy. You hadn’t exactly had time to memorize the menu. But you didn’t want to look like a stupid in front of a kook, let alone kook royalty. 
“Uh, well, the mojitos are pretty popular,” you offered, hoping that was true.
He raised a brow, his smirk widening. “Mojitos, huh? Alright, I’ll take one.”
You nodded and quickly got to work, trying to ignore the way your hands were shaking. As you muddled the mint leaves and squeezed the lime, you could feel his eyes on you.
Jesus, what was his problem with the staring? Was there something on your face? Were you doing this whole thing wrong? It was unnerving. When you finally handed him the drink, he took it with a nod, but instead of walking away, he stayed there, sipping it slowly in front of you, like some kind of test. 
“You’re new here,” he remarked, more as a statement than a question.
You swallowed nervously and nodded. “Yeah, first day.”
He took another sip, “Not a bad start,” he said, his tone almost teasing.
Was he trying to be funny? You gave him a small, tight-lipped smile, not entirely sure if he was mocking you or being genuine. Before he could say anything else, another customer called for your attention, and you turned away to help them. 
Rafe didn’t move. Even as you worked, he stayed rooted to his seat. Every time you glanced in his direction, he was still there, watching you, not looking the least bit shameful about it. He left eventually.
By six thirty, the club was mostly empty, save for a few stragglers lingering at the bar and some late-night golfers finishing their rounds. You wiped down the counter one last time, wondering how the hell you were going to get home. You’d almost forgotten about the earlier text from your friend, but now your anxiety was back. 
You didn’t have anyone else to call and walking home alone, at night was terrifying, small town or not. You pulled out your phone and stared at it, praying for another solution to pop into your head, but nothing came.
“Come on, think…” you muttered to yourself, running a hand through your hair. It was a mess after being up in a ponytail the entire day but it was starting to give you a headache, so you took it down, hoping it would help you think clearer. It didn't.
Taking a taxi would cost more than you could afford, especially on your shitty bartender’s salary. You were pacing back and forth behind the bar, wondering how your luck had already gone down the drain on your first day working. 
In your panic, you didn’t notice someone else standing outside the glass doors of the clubhouse, watching you with a keen eye. Rafe had finished his round of golf earlier and had been hanging around, talking to a few of his father’s friends. He almost laughed at how stressed you looked but took pity on you when you almost broke down into tears right there and then.
He couldn’t have that.
You didn’t even see him walk up to the door and push it open. The sound of it swinging shut behind him startled you, and you looked up, your eyes widening as he approached you.
“Hey, you okay?” He didn’t move closer, just stood there by the door, giving you space.
You stared at him, still trying to catch your breath, not exactly hiding how freaked out you were. “I— I’m fine,” you stammered out. You clutched your phone tightly, as if it could somehow find you a safe way home.
Rafe bit his lip, clearly not convinced, “Y’sure about that? Cause you look like you’re two seconds away from a meltdown.”
His words, though blunt, weren’t meant to be harsh. At least you didn’t think they were, but hearing them out loud made you realize just how close you were to losing it publicly, in your workplace. You exhaled shakily, pressing a hand to your forehead.
“It’s nothing, I just…uh, I don’t have a ride home,” you admitted reluctantly,. “My friend was supposed to pick me up, but her car broke down, and now I’m stuck here.” The last part came out in a rush, as if saying it faster would somehow make it less true.
This felt like the luckiest day in his life.
“That’s it?” he asked, sounding almost relieved. “I can take you home, no problem.”
You blinked at him, caught off guard by the offer. “What? No, I— I don’t want to impose, it’s late, and—”
You were so cute it almost made it impossible to scold you.
“You’re not imposing,” Rafe cut you off, “It’s not safe for you to be out here alone, especially at this hour. Just lemme give you a ride, okay?”
You hadn’t imagined him like this. Speaking to you, a pogue so…normally. There was something in his voice, in the way he spoke to you, that made you pause. He wasn’t pushing, wasn’t demanding. He was just offering help. He sounded nothing like the Rafe you’d heard about.
You hesitated, glancing back at your phone again as if you might find a better solution, but you knew deep down you weren’t finding shit. There was no one else you could call, no other option that made sense. And as much as you hated the idea of relying on someone you barely knew, on a kook of all people, you didn’t feel like sleeping on the streets.
“Okay,” you finally agreed, your voice quiet as you looked up at him. You hadn’t expected him to be so tall, “But just this once.”
Rafe’s lips twitched, “Just this once,” he echoed as he gestured toward the door. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.”
He led you to his car, a sleek, black SUV that practically screamed money. He opened the passenger door for you, and you slid inside, feeling a bit out of place. You’d never been inside such a luxurious vehicle. The plush leather seats were…something. You sat quietly, too scared to break something as he got in on the driver’s side, starting the engine with a quiet hum.
The drive started off in silence. You kept your eyes focused on the road, still trying to wrap your head around the fact that you were in Rafe Cameron’s car, being driven home by him. It sounded almost delusional. 
After a few minutes, Rafe spoke up “So, where do you live?” he asked, glancing over at you.
He knew you were a pogue, that was a given. But he’d never seen you around before.
You quickly gave him your address, and he nodded, adjusting the GPS on his dashboard. As he did, you couldn’t help but admire how calm and collected he seemed. It was almost unsettling how comfortable he was in situations like this—small talk with strangers, a situation that always has you squirming.  
“Thanks, by the way, I really appreciate it.”
He quickly glanced over at you, “Don’t mention it. It’s no big deal.”
Except it was. You were even prettier up close, and your perfume scent was messing with his head, if it wasn’t for the GPS's stupid robotic voice he’d be lost by now.
It was a big deal to you too. It wasn’t every day that someone like Rafe went out of their way to help someone like you. And the fact that he’d done it without a second thought, without expecting anything in return was very, very confusing. 
“First day at the club, huh?” Was he trying to make small talk with you? Oh wow. His tone was so casual, like this was the most normal conversation in the world, like you two had known each other for years, and weirdly enough, you didn’t mind. “How’d it go?”
You hesitated, not sure how much you should say. Your instinct was to lie and avoid making things awkward. “Oh, it was great,” your voice raised an octave as it always did when you tried to lie your way out of conversations, “Everyone was really nice!”
Rafe’s eyes didn’t leave the road as he let out a low chuckle. “Bullshit.”
Your smile faltered. “W-What?”
“Come on,” he said, still grinning like an idiot, “I watched you get run ragged by those assholes all day. You looked like you wanted to set the bar on fire.”
You opened your mouth to lie again, but before you could stop yourself, the self righteous girl in you decided to take charge. 
“Okay, fine, it was awful. Those people are the worst. They treat everyone like shit and act like they’re God’s gift to the world just because they’ve got money.” Your voice grew louder as you vented, all the frustration from the day spitting out, “I mean, who the fuck do they think they are? Just because they can afford to spend their summers at a country club doesn’t make them better than everyone else.”
Rafe’s laughter broke through your rant, and you stopped short, suddenly realizing who you were talking to. You turned to look at him, wide-eyed, your heart sinking. 
“Oh my God,” you whispered horrified, hand covering your mouth, “You’re a kook.”
He was laughing so hard that his shoulders shook, his hand gripping the steering wheel as he tried to catch his breath. “Holy shit,” he managed to wheeze out between laughs, “You really hate us, don’t you?”
You groaned, covering your face with your hands. “I didn’t mean you specifically,” you mumbled, your face burning, “I just...I don’t know what came over me.”
Rafe shook his head, still chuckling as he pulled up to a stoplight. “Nah, it’s fine. You’re not wrong about most of them. But, y’know, not all kooks are complete assholes.”
You peeked at him through your fingers, still mortified. “So you’re not an asshole?”
“Oh no, I am,” He snorted, “Just not to you.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding, lowering your hands to your lap, “Good.”
You couldn’t stop staring at him. He was different than you’d imagined—more down-to-earth, less of a caricature of the wealthy villain you’d built up in your mind.
“So,” he said after a while, his tone still light, like he was holding back, trying not to scare you off, “What made you take the job at the club? Guessing it wasn’t for the stellar company.”
You laughed softly, shaking your head. “I just needed a job for the summer, and they were the only place hiring.”
“Lucky us,” he said, and when you looked at him, he was giving you that same playful smirk. “You might be the only decent person in that place.”
Your cheeks warmed again, and you had to look away, fiddling with a loose thread on your shirt. “I don’t know about that,” you murmured.
He glanced over, noticing the shy way you avoided his gaze, and his smirk softened. “I do.”
You must’ve hit your head earlier.
Was he flirting with you of all people? He was going to send you into cardiac arrest. You didn’t know how to answer, so you stayed quiet, the silence only broken by the quiet hum of the car’s engine and the GPS’s occasional directions.
When Rafe finally pulled up in front of your house, you hesitated before unbuckling your seatbelt. It felt like you had something more to say, but you weren’t sure what. He seemed to sense it too because he didn’t rush you, just turned off the engine and leaned back in his seat, waiting.
You finally turned to him, “Thanks again, Rafe. For everything. I really appreciate it.”
He nodded, his eyes locking onto yours in a way that made it hard to look away. 
“Anytime. Seriously. If you ever need anything, just let me know.”
The offer seemed so sincere, so out of character for the guy you’d heard about, that it left you momentarily speechless. He kept proving you wrong. 
“I will.”
With a final nod, you pushed open the door and stepped out, the cool night air hitting you as you closed the door behind you. You took a few steps toward your house before turning back, catching one last glimpse of him sitting there. 
His grip on the steering wheel tightened involuntarily when you looked back. He'd offered to drive girls home before—plenty of times, in fact—but this was different. When you waved, he felt like a schoolboy who only got to see his crush at school and spent the entire weekends daydreaming about her. 
Once you walked inside, he leaned back in his seat, exhaling a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding.
He couldn’t stop thinking about you sitting in his passenger seat, looking so out of place yet so perfect at the same time. Like you belonged right there, next to him. There was something so refreshingly genuine about you. You weren’t like the girls he knew—the ones who flaunted their wealth, who expected the world to bend over backward for them. You were different, unpretentious, and honest in a way that made him feel like he could drop the act for once.
Like he didn’t have to be Rafe Cameron, the reckless, arrogant kook.
No, with you, he could just be Rafe. And that was something he hadn’t realized he was missing until tonight.
He was done for. He knew he wasn’t going to stop until you were his.
The thought of anyone else having you, of you smiling at someone else the way you had at him tonight—it made him want to break someone’s teeth. He had a reputation, and he knew that if you heard even half of the stories about him, you’d probably want nothing to do with him after tonight. But he didn’t care. Because there was something about you that made him want to be better, to be the kind of guy you deserved.
He could already see it—the two of you, together. He’d give you the world, everything you deserved, and more. He’d make sure you never had to worry about a thing. You were perfect, too perfect for this world, and now that he’d found you, he wasn’t going to let you slip away. 
He’d make sure of it—you were going to be his girl. And nothing was going to stop him.
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okwonyo · 3 months
when they are not your bias.
엔하이픈 ୨୧ female reader six hundred established relationship ⠀⎯⠀⠀ not proof-read kissing skinship slight jealousy ( other ) ;𝓬lick
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heeseung would find himself be extremely surprised, shocked even. because, what do you mean, he is not his girlfriend’s bias?would try to convince that whoever is your bias is nothing compared to him, “i’m better, i swear,” and them, you would tell him that you can’t bias him because he is too much of a flirt. would coo at you instantly, “aw ~ it’s only because my baby is jealous,” — you would bias him even less after that.
jay would be a little bit hurt in his ego. although, he knows he is your boyfriend so he is still your favorite, but he would scold you for wanting another’s member photo-card more than his. “i already have a lot of pictures of you, love, even the prettiest one,” you would reassure him, hugging him from behind as he does the dishes. would only hum at you, a bit sulkily, he would come back to being all lovey dovey with you two minutes after.
jake would be devastated after you announce him the bad news. would be talking about how you both should match with each other’s photocard in your phone cases — would feel his universe crumble right when you tell him that you don’t have any of his photo cards. “does that mean that you hate me?i can’t believe this,” then would stare at you with his big, puppy, teary eyes until you give in and tell him that he was always your favorite member.
sunghoon would stare at you with nothing but pure disbelief in his eyes, “w-what do you mean i’m not your bias?who else but your boyfriend could be your bias?don’t tell me it’s ...” and whatever you would ask him to do will be denied with something along the line of ‘why won’t you ask your bias to do it’ for several days. what would be really funny is the fact that he would do the very thing you asked him to do after saying these few words with a huff. he may not he your bias but he is your boyfriend, after all.
sunoo would not be phased at all. it would at least seem like the news doesn’t bother him that much. would just react with a surprised ‘oh ! alright then ..’ and then he would start talking about something completely different. secretly, he would be plotting on the day he could break our heart just the way you did with his. “well, you are not really my favorite either,” he would tell you completely out of no where, and you would be a bit confused— “..okay?”
jungwon would think you are joking at first. with a gentle chuckle, he would brush it off the first time to tell him that another member but him is your bias. “you were really serious?” he would ask with a nervous laugh the next time it happens. would do something super annoying, for instance; tickling you until you tell him he was always your favorite member. you would find yourself all red in the face and out of breath because of him, “that’s what i thought,” he would grin, before giving you a kiss.
riki would just accept his fate, although he would be a bit hurt in his ego. would immediately go silent for a while, rethinking all his life decisions and wondering what did he ever do or not do to be your bias. after a while, he would decide that he doesn’t care. would playfully come bump his hip in yours while you do the dishes, “you are so slow,” and you would only huff, responding with, “that’s why you are not my bias, pft,”
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taglist open— this is still not manbun jake but ..
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dark-fics-4-you · 11 months
Number One Fan ch. III
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dark!Stepbro!Rafe x f!Reader x JJ Maybank
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, smut, incest relationship (step-siblings), f!recieving oral, fingering, drugging, alcohol, gaslighting, manipulation, jealousy, controlling behavior
Rafe’s jealousy over your budding flirtationship with JJ becomes competitive, and Rafe can’t stop himself from trying to get closer to you
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Next Chapter
You were completely and utterly stumped.
Despite searching every drawer, your laundry basket, each nook and cranny of your room AND tearing through Sarah’s room, you couldn’t find the underwear you were looking for.
Why did you have to realize your favorite pink silk panties were missing today of all days??
Glancing at your phone, you saw a new text from JJ, ‘i’ve been thinking about you all day y/n, can’t wait for tn ;)’
A smile tugged at your lips, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as JJ’s face entered your mind and you typed out a reply. Although you hadn’t realized it at first, your friend had so much more to him than just his goofy exterior.
JJ understood what it was like to have a tough childhood and a deadbeat Dad, something you had been all too familiar with before you mom finally left your father and eventually found Ward Cameron.
In a lot of ways, you felt like you could be completely yourself around JJ, which was difficult when you were with other friends. He was so perceptive and sweet, although he had a teasing side that you enjoyed just as much.
This was the first time that you had felt this comfortable around another man besides Rafe. But Rafe was your brother, so of course the feelings you had for JJ were different.
And even though you usually told Rafe everything about your life, you wanted to keep JJ a secret. You knew that Rafe would disapprove, he had voiced his opinion of JJ more times than you could count, and you knew that if you told him you were dating JJ he would be mad. So you kept everything between you and JJ only.
Being around JJ felt thrilling, like you never knew what he might do next. He was flirtatious as hell, which was daunting at first, but you grew to love his compliments and innuendos, often feeling a rush whenever he made any kind of sexual joke around you.
You were still a virgin, which felt embarrassing. You had never even had a boyfriend! Despite your many attempts at finding a relationship throughout middle and high school, each one had fizzled out before starting. It had been line after line of boys giving half hearted excuses about why they couldn’t be with you, and you never really understood why every single one of your relationships always failed.
You had never given or received head, honestly you had only had a limited number of make out sessions, always getting too nervous to take it further.
You were determined to finally change that all, and JJ seemed like the perfect guy to lose your virginity to.
You two had been friends for so long, it felt natural to start dating, and even though you knew JJ wasn’t a virgin, you could tell that he liked you a lot and sex with him would be so much more than just a hook up.
You let out a frustrated sigh as you leaned over your drawers. You grabbed a short skirt and lace up corset top that seemed appropriate for the house party you were planning on throwing.
It was always a bit risky to have your friend group coming over to your place since a lot of them were Pogues, friends that you had made before you rose to Kook status, and you had never liked the Pogue vs Kook rivalry.
Despite being a regular terrorizer of the Pogues, whenever you would hang out with them, Rafe wouldn’t bother them at all. Maybe he understood how important they were to you?
Or maybe he had finally started to outgrow his high school rival bullshit.
Either way, you enjoyed the privilege of inviting them over basically whenever you wanted, a privilege that Rafe rarely awarded to Sarah when she wanted to have them over.
This fact had always puzzled you, it was really strange observing the difference in how Rafe treated you and how he treated Sarah and Wheezie. You had always chalked it up to Rafe holding childhood grudges for too long.
You pulled on the skirt you picked out, choosing a slightly less provocative pair of panties than the ones that were still missing. After you tossed the shirt u were wearing to bed in your laundry basket, you slipped the corset top over your head and tried to adjust the straps to no avail.
Already frustrated by the missing underwear, you angrily stood up, walking over to Sarah’s room to complain about you issues and ask her to lace you up, but she was now nowhere to be found. She was probably halfway to John B’s at this point, she had been spending a lot of time with him recently.
With your sister gone, you had no option but to try Rafe’s room.
You knocked on the door, announcing, “Rafe, it’s Y/N! Can you help me with something?”
You leaned closer trying to hear an answer, and when you heard nothing you decided to just walk in. Opening the door, you found the room empty, but you could hear the shower in his bathroom running and warm steam and the smell of his body wash wafted through the air.
He must not have heard me, you thought to yourself as you stepped into his bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“Hey, Rafe!” you called again as you neared his bed, taking a seat on the plush mattress.
This time you heard the water turn off, and your step brother responded, “Y/N/N?”
“Yeah, can you help me lace up my corset?” You checked you phone again, happy to see another text from JJ, this time with a photo attachment. You could hear Rafe in the other room stepping out of the shower and you bit your lip nervously before you opened the message from JJ.
He was cupping his hard cock through the straining fabric of his boxers, and his large hand almost looked small next to his thick dick. Your eyes widened, thighs unconsciously squeezing together as you took in the image before you eyes drifted to the text beneath the photo, ‘look at what you do to me baby, i’ve been stroking myself all day thinking about your pretty mouth and pussy. i need to fill you up.’
His words had your cheeks burning and you felt your panties growing damp, you wanted him so bad you felt like you were on fire.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when the door to Rafe’s bathroom opened and he stepped out, towel wrapped around his lower body, hair and chest still slick with water. Quickly closing your phone and shifting on the bed in surprise, you glanced at your brother with a sheepish grin, trying not to focus on his exposed chest.
“Um, hey could you lace this corset up for me, Rafey?” You batted your eyelashes at your older step brother, trying to ignore the wet feeling between your legs.
He raised an eyebrow, shaking his head in annoyance, but he stepped toward you anyways, motioning for you to turn around so he could reach the back of the corset.
“What’re you all dressed up for anyways?” You felt his warm hands brushing the bare skin of your back as he grabbed the laces, pulling them tight.
“I told you already, I’m throwing a party tonight, my friends are coming.” You were mad that he forgot your plans, just hoping that he wasn’t going to start a fight.
He was silent and you could feel the tension crackling in the air. Rafe tied the bow, hands falling at your waist before he spun you around.
“Is that a problem?” You asked him, challenge heavy in your voice. You really hated fighting with Rafe, because usually you had such a great relationship with him. It’s not that you wanted to cause an issue, you just didn’t see why there needed to be any issue.
Rafe sighed, before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a hug, “no Y/N/N, not a problem. You can have your party.”
You hugged him back happily, mood shifting instantly at his approval. “Thanks so much Rafey! Hey, you could invite some of your football friends over!”
He mulled over your suggestion and nodded a bit, “sure.”
Your phone buzzed and when you and Rafe both turned to glance towards it, you snatched it up, anxiously hiding the screen from your step brother.
“Well, I’m gonna start getting ready for tonight,” you glanced around his room one last time before your eyes randomly settled on his laundry basket.
You noticed the familiar pink shade of the cloth sticking out slightly and you walked to the basket, bending over to grab them.
“Ha, Rafey it looks like some of my laundry ended up in your basket,” you giggled, holding up the panties for Rafe to see.
Your older brother blushed, face frozen in surprise before he nervously laughed, stammering out a joke about ‘wanting to try them on’ that just made you laugh harder.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head in amusement before waving goodbye and heading back to your room.
After closing the door, you slid off the pair of panties you thought you were going to wear and replaced them with your favorite pair, checking yourself out in the mirror a bit as you did so.
Your phone buzzed again and you opened two texts from JJ, ‘send me a picture baby please,’ followed by ‘i need to see how wet you are for me princess’
Your cheeks grew hot and you felt you a warmth between your legs. You lay back on the bed, imagining JJ on top of you as your fingers crept between your legs.
You slipped the panties off, throwing them to the ground and you brought your fingers to your clit.
Swirling your fingers around the tender cluster of nerves, you let out a small moan at the feeling. You grabbed your phone, spreading your legs before snapping a picture with your finger teasing your clit.
You send the picture and JJ opened it immediately. A few seconds passed before you saw a video from him pop up.
When you clicked the video you saw JJ’s hand wrapped around his hard cock, stroking it slowly. Your mouth watered as you imagined the feeling of him inside of you.
Posing yourself again, you snapped a picture of your perky tits. You clicked send, anxiously awaiting his next response.
Rafe watched you from afar as you scanned the crowd of the party again, looking for JJ’s blond hair.
He had been checking in on you every few minutes, making sure your cup was always full and offering you lines of blow, some of which you accepted.
It wasn’t hard to tell that you were drunk already, the most recent time he had spoken with you he had noted how much you were slurring your words and the unsteady way you tried to walk over to one of your girl friends.
He knew you had been looking for JJ. After you stepped into the shower before the party, Rafe had swiped your phone, looking through your most recent messages and realizing your motivations for throwing the party tonight.
Anger bubbled in his chest at the thought of that dirty Pogue defiling his sister. JJ was scum, always had been, always would be. How could you not see it??
JJ didn’t have half the history with you that Rafe did. He had known you for so long, watched you grow up from just down the hall. You had shared moments and memories that JJ could never have. Rafe was just trying to shield you from any man that wasn’t him.
Because Rafe had seen time and time again how men reacted to you. Every room you entered, he could feel the eyes swivel to you, could practically see these men perceive you as nothing more than a piece of meat.
And it made him sick.
You were so beautiful, so incredibly sweet, and way too trusting.
You were too good for that Pogue trash, too pure. If you hooked up with JJ, who knows what he might turn you into. JJ might even turn you against him, which made him the most pissed off.
Rafe Cameron’s little sister deserved to be protected from any of the sick men out there who wanted to ruin your innocence.
But for tonight, he knew that JJ wouldn’t bother you.
He glanced over at his friend across the room who gave him a knowing nod. The rest of his team had taken care of JJ, harassing him and pushing him outside of the house. They weren’t gonna let him back in, and Rafe wasn’t going to let you leave before he got what he wanted.
The music blasted through the house, bodies crowding every available space. Rafe could still see you sitting alone on a counter near the kitchen and he decided to check in on you again.
He came up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist in a hug and you smiled up at him, “Rafey! Can you get me a refill please?”
His heart melted at the way you batted your eyelashes at him and he felt his dick grow hard at the sight of your sweet smile.
“Sure princess, anything for you,” your older brother said with a wink before grabbing your cup to fill it up.
Rafe walked to the kitchen, luckily for him, there was no one else around at the moment.
He set your cup down on the counter, pulling the baggie of powder from his pocket before pouring a good amount to the bottom of the cup. He added more ice and filled it up with the strong punch you had made.
The less you remembered of this night, the better.
Rafe had been going crazy the last few weeks. After that night that he snuck into your room and fingered you, he had been thinking about you nonstop.
About your perfect body, the way you felt tightening around his fingers, so wet and all his. Every single noise you made, every sigh and moan had been playing on a loop in his mind, and he was determined to hear more.
To Rafe’s surprise, the morning after he snuck into your room the first time and made you cum in your sleep, he found you awake early in a great mood and cooking breakfast for everyone.
You spent that day with him, paying more attention to him than you had in a while, and even though there was a small pit of guilt building in your older brother’s gut as he kept his secret from you, he also loved being your center of attention.
Three days after the first night he came to your room at night, he did it again.
You were such a heavy sleeper it would have concerned Rafe if your nature didn’t allow him those moments alone in your room.
Some nights he just came in to watch you sleep, gaze wandering over your naked curves and fantasizing about stuffing his cock into you.
He wandered if that would wake you up, or if you would be able to sleep through him slowly fucking your limp body. He daydreamed about you waking up as he pounded into you, so cock drunk and tired that you would let your big brother do anything to you.
Every morning after he made you cum in your sleep, you would wake up feeling so refreshed and you were always especially sweet to him those days.
Rafe wanted so bad for you to know that he was the one making you feel so good. That your big brother was watching out for you and would always take care of you.
The blond snapped out of his thoughts, giving your drink one last stir before heading back to where you were sitting.
Your face lit up when you saw him and you stumbled from your chair to hug him. “Thanks so much Rafey!”
“No problem, bunny, how are you feeling?” The blond sat beside you and handed you the drink.
“‘M good i just don’t know where JJ is and none of the other Pogues have seen him,” you were slurring your words, hiccuping in between syllables. Rafe knew that you were already drunk the last time he saw you, but now you were on another level. “He told me he was gonna be here.”
You took a large swig of your drink, missing the frown that grew on Rafe’s face at the mention of JJ’s name.
“Fuck that Pogue, I honestly don’t get why you’re so determined to be with that guy.” Rafe scowled with disgust.
You reared back a bit at Rafe’s words, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Rafe, JJ is my friend. And besides, even if he was anything more than that, it would still be none of your business!”
Rafe’s face grew hot with anger, temper spiking when you talked back to him. He knew you were lying to him right now, he had seen some of your messages to JJ.
And it very much was his business.
You were his little sister, he had an obligation to keep you safe, to keep you away from people that would hurt you.
Not only that, but Rafe felt betrayed by the thought of you giving yourself to anyone other than him, but especially with JJ Maybank.
Rafe’s bond with you was deeper than anyone else’s in your life.
If anyone had a right to your virginity, it was him.
“I’m just saying, I’ve heard some bad shit about that guy, he sleeps around and leaves every girl he meets broken hearted. I just don’t want that to happen to my sister.” Rafe looked at you sincerely, trying so hard to convince you.
Your eyes softened, somewhat touched by the concern from your brother, but still annoyed with him.
“I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions and taking care of myself, Rafe.”
He just snorted in response, turning away as he laughed humorously, “sure.”
You took another swig of your drink and Rafe eyed you.
“Make sure you drink that before it’s all watered down, Y/N/N.” He wanted you to drink it faster so the results would be stronger. “Also… I have a little surprise for you.”
You looked at him curiously before throwing back another large gulp of your drink, “what?”
He pulled a small baggie from his pocket and you raised an eyebrow as he poured out some of the contents onto the table and began setting up a line.
“I like how you think Rafe,” you smiled, previous argument forgotten as your brother handed you a rolled up twenty. You sipped your drink again before you leaned over the table and snorted the line.
The burn didn’t last long and you could feel the coke mingling with the alcohol already in your system. You took a couple more drinks of your punch, but the sweetness was starting to hurt your stomach. Colors began to blur together and you suddenly felt really overwhelmed by the need to lay down.
“Mm fuck Rafey, I don’t feel great.” You mumbled, leaning against the larger man to steady yourself, not really understanding why the room seemed to be rocking.
Rafe chuckled at the state you were in, knowing that you only had a little bit more time before you would just pass out. “You’re tapping out already, Y/N/N?”
“I just need… to take a little nap,” you were stumbling over your words, barely able to focus on what you were trying to say. “I’ll come back to the party after, promise. Mm k?”
Rafe’s pulse quickened at your words, an idea forming as you wobbled and stood up.
“Do you need me to walk you to your room?” He asked innocently. “Don’t want you to fall over or get sick.”
Your head was spinning, ears ringing, but you felt really weird. You just wanted to be in bed, and you told Rafe as much before you managed to stand and walked away from the activity of the living room.
He didn’t follow you, just watched you walk away with a strange look on his face.
You practically dragged yourself up the stairs to your room, sighing as you closed the door before flopping on to your bed.
Drinking wasn’t something you did all the time, but you usually were so much better at handling your alcohol and you couldn’t understand why you felt so fucked up right now.
Time felt like it was moving differently. Head swimming, you felt like even sitting up might make you nauseous. You felt so exhausted and your limbs were so heavy. The bed you were laying on however was warm and comfortable. Your eyelids began to drift close.
They jolted open however when a ray of light entered the room and the door opened and closed. You could hear the lock click faintly and you turned to look at the door.
A tall male figure stood by the door, and you couldn’t make out his features as he walked closer. You weren’t sure who had just walked in.
“JJ?” You groggily slurred, slowly lifting your back off the bed as you propped yourself up with your elbows.
He didn’t say anything, just slowly kicked his shoes off before you suddenly felt his lips on yours.
You gasped against him in surprise and you felt his weight shift onto the bed before he straddled you and deepened the kiss.
His tongue probed into your mouth and you let out a moan against his lips at the feeling. His hand slid up your thigh, feeling your soft skin before trailing to your ass and lightly squeezing, and you both moaned into each other’s mouths.
You could feel his hard cock grinding against your core, the layers of clothing doing little to conceal how large he was.
You felt dizzy with desire, body buzzing from both want and the alcohol and coke coursing through your system. You knew that you were so drunk that you shouldn’t be making any rash decisions right now, but everything JJ was doing to you felt so so good, you didn’t want him to stop.
Even though it was dark and your vision was blurry, when he pulled away you could make out his blond hair and you grinned up at him.
“Please?” You asked, pulling at your shirt helplessly, needing to be skin to skin with him.
He understood your request, helping you lean forward before he quickly unlaced the corset. His large hands felt so familiar on your skin but he quickly undid the laces before you could linger on the thought.
After he helped you out of the loosened corset, you laid back against the bed, wrapping his legs around his waist and softly humming when you felt his hands on the soft skin of your breasts.
He caressed you gently, hands massaging lightly before he drew closer and wrapped his lips around one of your hardened nipples. You gasped at the feeling as his warm, wet tongue slid over the sensitive bud. You hands reached for his back, wanting to hold onto him and he hissed against your skin as you dug your nails into him.
As his mouth nipped at one breast, his hand trailed to the other bud, pinching and twisting it. You mewled in pleasure, already feeling overwhelmed by all the sensations you were feeling. Your hand traced to his head, tugging on his hair when he made you feel especially good.
He began to trail his kisses down to your stomach and you could feel your panties growing wetter with anticipation.
His hands found their way to your inner thighs, relishing the feeling of your silky soft skin. They traced closer and closer to your core and you felt your cheeks warming up when his finger lightly traced over your panties.
They were already soaked with your juices and he pulled them to the side before ghosting his fingers along your slick folds. You bit your lip when you felt him circle your clit slowly. You rocked your hips just a little, letting out a small sigh at the feeling of friction against your clit.
“Mmm that feels good~”
He swirled his thumb around your clit lightly, teasingly as he positioned himself over you, and you whined before he shut you up with another kiss.
You sighed loudly against his lips when he slowly pushed one finger into your tight cunt. He slowly curled his finger inside you, swallowing your whimpers with his soft lips.
The pressure between your legs hurt a bit at first, but the feeling quickly gave way to pleasure as he twitched his digit inside you, thumb still circling your clit. Every sensation was heightened in your drunken state and you couldn’t help but moan in wanton pleasure, begging him for more.
When his second finger slid into your tight warmth, you tried to snap your legs shut but his strong arms held you in place, keeping your legs open as he plunged his fingers into your messy cunt. You could feel his grip on your thigh digging in to your soft skin roughly.
He repositioned himself over you again and you felt his warm tongue starting to lap at your already tender clit. You realized suddenly that you had been grinding your hips against him as he fingered you.
The blond hummed against your clit, the vibrations sending a shiver up your spine. You grabbed on to his hair again, pulling him even closer to your pussy, silently begging him to finger you deeper.
His fingers were plunging into you faster and harder now, tongue still lapping at your clit and you could feel the pleasure building to a peak between your legs.
You bit your lip, trying hopelessly to stifle your gasps and moans. Your attempts proved to be in vain when you felt yourself be pushed over the edge, the feelings of him lapping up your clit as you came forced an embarrassingly loud moan from your lips.
Legs quaking, you squeezed your eyes shut and tears fell past your lashes as you rode out your orgasm, his fingers moved slower as you came.
Your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath, body already sagging when exhaustion rolled over you. You came so hard it almost knocked you out immediately. It felt almost impossible to keep your eyes open.
You felt JJ slowly pull his fingers out of you, climbing over you to kiss you again and that was when your vision finally came into full focus.
It felt like slow motion as you realized the man kissing you was not JJ, but in fact Rafe. Your stomach dropped instantly, horrified that your step brother had just eaten you out until you came on his fingers.
And you had loved every second of it.
Your confusion and shock clouded your mind so much you could barely feel his lips moving against yours. Time seemed to stand still as your mind raced, trying to comprehend what was happening.
You felt limp in his arms and the last thing you remembered before your vision went black was Rafe repeating your name.
Your eyes snapped open before they quickly shut again, offended by the morning light streaming through the blinds of your bedroom window.
Pain throbbed in your head and you let out a soft groan as you pressed a hand to your forehead.
You felt sore, a fact you initially attributed to the amount of alcohol you had drank, but your blood ran cold when your memories of last night began to return.
A wave of nausea hit you with a pang as you put together what you remembered. Had that really happened??
It was so sick that you could barely admit it to yourself.
Did your step brother eat you out last night?Or had it just been some twisted nightmare, something brought about by stress and frustration with your older brother.
You couldn’t imagine Rafe willingly doing any of the things that he had done to you, it simply couldn’t have happened. He was your brother, and he wouldn’t take advantage of you like that, especially when you were drunk.
It didn’t make sense, Rafe was your brother. And yeah he had made his fair share of mistakes in the past with drugs, but to think that he could be so evil as to get you drunk and then violate your body, violate your trust in him?
It just wasn’t like the sweet brother that you knew.
The more you thought it over, swallowing your bile on occasion, the more you convinced yourself that it couldn’t be true. It had to have been a nightmare.
After all, you realized, you vaguely remembered your corset being taken off but you were still in it, and it was even laced all the way up, albeit a little looser than before, but you could have drunkenly loosened them before you fell asleep. Your skirt was still on, hell even your socks were on.
Nothing at all was out of place.
And yet, you couldn’t stop the nagging feeling in the back of your brain from telling you to not let this nightmare go so easily.
It felt ridiculous, but you needed to ask Rafe.
He was the only one who could tell you the truth, and as embarrassed as you were to tell him you thought that you had had a sex dream about him, you were even more terrified of the idea that anything actually had happened between the two of you.
Rafe was your step brother, but your parents had been married for years and as you grew up, you had come to think of him as your older brother.
You loved him. You trusted him.
And the idea that he might have taken advantage of you while you were drunk out of your mind was so unimaginable it would have made you laugh if it hadn’t felt so nauseatingly real.
You managed to pull yourself out of bed, reaching through your dresser to change into comfier, less revealing clothes.
It took you several minutes to muster up the courage to knock of Rafe’s door, and when he told you to come in, you opened the door nervously before stepping in.
He was laying on his bed wearing only his pajama pants and your cheeks flushed with shame as flashes of last night played in your mind.
Your mouth felt so dry, heart beating in your chest loudly as you tried to look nonchalant. You normally would have gotten closer to him, but now you felt anxious just to be in the same room as him.
“Hey, um, how much of the party do you remember?” You stammered out.
“I remember you tapped out early and went to bed 4 hours before the party ended.” Rafe’s voice was even, blue eyes calm and casual. He sat up in bed and it took all of your nerve not to flinch away from his movement. “We all took about 6 shots each after you left.”
This answer made sense, you didn’t remember telling Rafe that you were going to bed, but maybe he had seen you heading upstairs.
Still, it didn’t all add up. Where had JJ been? Why did he not come to your room after you asked him to?
“So… you didn’t come into my room at all last night?” You held your breath, knowing that his answer might confirm what you feared.
He turned his head to look at you, eyes unreadable, “no.”
“Oh, okay,” relief washed over you and you let out a breath you had been holding since you stepped into his room.
“Why do you ask?” Your eyes met his again at his question, his eyebrows were pulled together and the look he gave you made you shiver. You were finding it really hard to look him in the eyes.
“I just thought-” you stopped yourself, licking your dry lips and clearing your throat. “I don’t know, I- I must have had a dream you came to my room last night.”
“Well I definitely didn’t, Y/N.” He paused, looking into your eyes thoughtfully. “What happened in your dream?”
Your nerves flared as he stared at you expectantly. You didn’t even want to think about that dream, much less admit to your step brother that your mind had imagined him in that way, doing those things to you, and making you feel so fucking good.
“N-nothing, you just came by to check on me a-and I was so drunk I couldn’t get up,” your lie was punctuated with a nervous laugh.
Of course it hadn’t actually happened, Rafe had never been inappropriate with you before and you knew that he couldn’t possibly have feelings for you. He was your brother, the love he felt for you was the same love you felt for him.
“That’s sweet that you dreamed about me, Y/N/N.” When he mumbled out your nickname in his familiar drawl, to your horror, you felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach, and you lightly squeezed your thighs together when you felt yourself grow wet.
You couldn’t be around him right now. The shame you felt from your sick dream was all you could think about.
Rafe was such a good older brother, he would never try to hurt you. Thinking about him doing those inappropriate things to you that felt so good conflicted your emotions.
Everything about it was just so, so wrong.
You gave some excuse about going to get breakfast before you practically ran from his room to your own.
Rafe leaned back against his bed, a smug grin spreading across his face as he picked up his phone, clicking on his private camera roll before entering his password.
He selected the most recent photo, the one he had taken last night after you passed out, staring at your pussy with your legs spread for him, clit red and swollen. Rafe’s cock throbbed as he remembered the taste of you on his lips and the lewd sounds you had made with every curve of his fingers inside you. The needy way you had begged him to touch you.
He swiped through the others, you laying back with the corset off and perfect breasts exposed, nipples hardened. He loved the way you had gasped when he licked your nipples, he wished that he could have seen your face while he had fucked you with his fingers, but he needed the room to be dark so you didn’t know it was him.
Another showed you still on your back, his hips aligned with yours, his hard dick resting on top of your pubic area, allowing him to see exactly how deep he would be able to fuck you when he finally got the right moment.
And god was he fucking ready to split you open and take your virginity.
But he couldn’t do it last night, not so soon, not when you didn’t know it was your big brother pumping into you and filling you up with his cum.
Not when you thought he was JJ.
Rafe needed you to know when he fucks you that he was the only one in the world who could take care of you, the only one who actually, truly knows you. The only person you were really supposed to be with.
No, Rafe had been patient, and he was willing to be patient again.
He was the best older brother in the world, and you were going to be his, all his.
No matter what.
Chapter IV
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If this wont bother you if i  request this.
A headcanons of Yandere! Malleus, Vil, Azul and Idia with a darling s/o who ran away during their wedding ceramony.
Like, during their wedding ceramony, s/o planning to escape.
This is for Azul and Malleus.
Vil and Iida are here (soon)
Yandere Azul Ashengrotto
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This would be the most important day of his life.
You finally got married.
Your "beginning of your relationship" had already passed
a couple of years…
And the relationship had started with Azul making a contract where you promised to marry him.
It would be a beautiful seaside wedding.
Azul would have planned them together with you…
But he really was much more enthusiastic than you.
Azul thought you were just nervous.
He wouldn't think much of it.
Azul wouldn't want to think much about it.
The red flags were visible.
But he refused to see them.
Until he had to see them…
Because you didn't come to the altar.
Azul couldn't believe it.
He wouldn't want to believe it.
You couldn't try to escape.
Not today.
Why this one of all days?
Tweels would start looking for you immediately.
You couldn't have made it far.
Now Azul would be busy being a crying mess.
Tweel will find you.
And you will be dragged to the altar Whether you like it or not.
"Y-Y/N… Why did you try to run away? Why today? Do you really hate me that much? Oh you do… Well too bad. You signed the contract and you're going to stick to it, whether you like it or not."
Yandere Malleus Draconia
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Malleus would like to marry you as soon as possible.
If you hadn't already been kidnapped, he would do it after he graduated at the latest.
Because the thought of you being without him with other men… it makes him want to burn the entire NRC to the ground
Malleus and hidden aggressions XD
Your wedding would be a surprise for you.
Malleus would have heard that people like surprises.
He would also know that if he proposed right before the wedding in public, you would have more pressure to say yes.
And Malleus would use this information.
There would be an hour difference between his proposal and the start of the wedding.
And you said yes.
So Malleus would be happy.
He directed you to a room where you can change your clothes.
And then he waited…
And waited.
And waaaaaaaaaaaited.
Malleus could wait about an hour.
After that, he would go to check if everything was okay.
Only to see your room empty.
Malleus would be furious.
At first he thought some prince had tried to save you.
Princes had a meeeeeean habit of interrupting dragon weddings.
But when he realizes that you tried to escape yourself.
Well, you'd be in trouble.
Because Malleus would find you and then you would get married.
Or you cry and marry Malleus.
Punishment comes later :3
"Y/N! I know you hear me. Now you have two options either come out of hiding or I will curse every friend you have ever had. There you are. * Malleus grabs your hand and starts pulling you towards the wedding venue * Now we're getting married and after that you'll sleep for twenty years. You'd think that would teach you something. *Malleus stops and grabs your chin* No Y/N I don't want to hear objections. The next thing I want you to say is "I do". Nothing before that. Do you understand? Good."
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ashwhowrites · 5 months
hi! Can I request older Eddie and student reader?
They met in coffee shop he's working in and since then they're dating.
One time he hears two student talking about reader (they said her name and ginger hair color) and one student's complaining how he flirt all the time with her but she doesn't even see it. All she talks is her boyfriend
And Eddie has been feeling insecure in this relationship because he thinks he's too old for her and she can do better than him but he's not jealous. He knows she would never cheat on him.
But hearing this conversation he became so self confident and appreciated and when she visited him after closing coffee shop, he literally can't stop himself from showing her his love. They have the most passionate sex in the back of the coffee shop. His main mission became making her feel so good so she can't think about anything else than him
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻 I didn't include the specific hair color since I never go into specifics with how the reader looks so it's open to everyone.
⚠️SMUT, I wrote it high so I'm not even sure what I wrote
College boys
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Y/N felt like she was on cloud nine. She was near graduation, ready to be handed her degree. She had a small waitressing job to make quick money, and she had the perfect boyfriend.
She met him at the coffee shop he worked at. He was older, roughly in his thirties. He worked at the coffee shop for extra money, his main career being in mechanics. His rough hands traced delicate shapes on her skin. His mature eyes captured her perfectly in every moment.
She felt like she could remember every detail no matter how much time passed.
She walked into the shop, a laptop in her arm as she searched the menu. It was a new coffee place and she wasn't sure what to get. She felt nervous as she realized she was next and had no idea what to get.
"What can I get you?"
She opened her mouth to speak and looked down. She was at a loss for words as she looked into the most beautiful brown eyes she'd ever seen. He was gorgeous.
He had dark curly brown hair, thrown into a low bun. A t-shirt underneath his apron that made his arms look defined. She read his name tag, Eddie. She tasted the name on her tongue as she stared at him like he was God himself.
"I uh, I don't even know." she laughed, looking back up at the menu
"Hot or cold, girl?" Eddie asked, a twinkle in his eyes as he smiled.
"Cold," she answered
"I'll surprise you," he said as he punched in something on the register.
She smiled and walked off to the pickup counter. She couldn't help but sneak a look at him as he moved around and made the drink. She felt her cheeks heat up when he caught her. He'd smile to the floor and look back to the drink.
"Here you are," he smiled as he placed the drink on the counter. She thanked him and grabbed the drink. She walked out and got in her car.
She went to take a sip when she noticed ink on the cup
She smiled as she read his handwriting with his number below it.
And ever since then, they've been together. She called him and they went on a date. They instantly connected and the attraction was strong. The age difference didn't bother either of them. She was mature and so was he. She enjoyed their dates at his apartment. She loved it when she got to spend the night with him instead of her small dorm.
Eddie wishes he felt their relationship was as strong as she did. He couldn't help but feel like he needed to always prove himself. He felt insecure compared to all the guys he saw on her campus. Their muscular bodies as they threw footballs and ran on the fields. He met a few of her guy friends and felt intimated by a few. It was easy to tell they were interested in her. But he knew she'd never go for them or hurt Eddie in any type of way. He didn't trust the boys. No one ever trusts young guys, especially college boys.
"Thank you for dropping me off," Y/N said, she leaned over her seat and pressed her lips against Eddie's lips.
He smiled into the kiss and kissed her back. He couldn't help but deepen the kiss and move his tongue against hers. She felt her head spinning as he pulled away.
"My pleasure," he teased, loving the lost look on her face as she floated down to reality. "Better go, Lexi is waiting."
"Right!" Y/N said as she snapped out of her daydream. The taste of Eddie was still on her tongue as she got out of the car. She waved goodbye as she walked over to Lexi. Eddie drove off with a honk.
"I wish I had an older boyfriend to eat my face off in the parking lot," Lexi groaned, with a teasing smile.
"He's the best isn't he?" Y/N gushed
"He's yummy," Lexi giggled
"Who is?" Tommy asked as he slid in next to Y/N. The three walked into the building.
"Eddie," Y/N said. Tommy was a good friend of hers so he knew all about Eddie.
"Oh cool, Well tonight is the big game. Can I count on you to be my cheerleader?" Tommy flirted. Lexi rolled her eyes at his comment but didn't say anything.
"Of course. Eddie and I will be front row." Y/N smiled
Tommy felt his smile drop at the sound of Eddie's name once again. But he shook it off.
"Are you coming to the after-party? We are pretty sure we are going to win." Tommy said, "But it's just for the students."
"I'm not sure, parties aren't really my thing. And not sure if I'll feel comfortable going alone without Eds" Y/N shrugged, plus she wanted to spend the night with Eddie.
"I'll take care of you, and be next to you the whole time." Tommy offered.
"But then you can't enjoy the party," Y/N said confused, the three made it into class
"You are all I need to have a good time," Tommy smiled.
"I'll think about it." Y/N smiled, they repeated as they took their seats.
Tommy sat next to his friend Luke with a smirk
"I'd wipe that smirk off. No way she's coming." Luke laughed
"Why not?" Tommy asked, his smirk dropping
"It's only students. And no way she's gonna ditch her boyfriend for you."
"We'll see,"
Eddie leaned against the fence as he waited for Y/N. He looked at the group of students and the players on the field. He wasn't big on football but he'd go anywhere she asked him to.
"...Y/N's here."
Eddie's ears perked at the sound of his girlfriend's name. He looked on the field, where the sound came from.
He noticed Tommy with his helmet in his hands as he stood in his jersey. He rolled his eyes, he wasn't surprised he was focused on his girlfriend. Tommy was the main guy Eddie worried about.
"Here, babe," Y/N said as she handed Eddie his pretzel. Her other hand holding a drink. Eddie looked back at her with a smile, he could feel Tommy's eyes burning into them.
Feeling a bit jealous, Eddie threw his arm over her shoulder and walked to their seats on the bleachers.
Throughout the whole game, Tommy's eyes kept looking at her.
After he scored a touchdown, he winked right at her as she cheered. Granted, she's cheering for a friend but he thinks she's cheering as a crush. Eddie was older and wasn't going to dabble in games. But he wanted to snap that bitch in half.
"You seem tense. You okay?" Y/N asked, her hand landed on Eddie's knee. The game in the background as she focused on him.
Eddie smiled and nodded. He felt at ease whenever she looked at him. The crowd cheered and they both looked to see what they missed.
Tommy growled as she missed his touchdown, too locked on Eddie.
Eddie was closing the Cafe, sweeping underneath the tables as he waited for the remaining customers to leave.
He whistled a song as he walked and swept. He almost felt like he was crazy when he heard his girlfriend's name. He stopped whistling and looked up. But he didn't recognize any of them.
Must be from school?
"dude, you can't ask Y/N out. Tommy has tried a thousand times."
Eddie felt a twisting in his gut as he walked closer.
"Yeah, but that's Tommy. I'm better than him in every way possible." The random blonde said. Which made Eddie want to laugh. Y/N was obsessed with Eddie's dark curls.
"Being better than Tommy isn't what you have to worry about." The other boy snickered.
"What that old boyfriend of hers? One night with me between those legs, she'd have him out of her head."
Eddie's growl slipped and the boys looked at him. "We're closed. Time to go." He snapped.
"Chill dude. We'll go." The blonde said, the boys slipped out of the small booth and walked out the door.
Eddie felt anger pumping through his veins. Eddie looked up when the door jingled. His anger turned to lust as Y/N walked in.
Her long legs were in her shorts, the way she looked flawless in his band T-shirt. Sunglasses pulling back her hair as she smiled at him.
"Missed you, handsome." She said as she slid her arms around his neck. He dropped the broom and immediately shoved his lips on hers.
She was taken aback by the passion and desperation in his kiss. It turned her knees weak. She whimpered against his lips as he pushed his lips so hard into hers that her back was forced to arch.
His tongue was gentle and warm in her mouth. She felt like he wanted to be gentle but craved to tear her apart with his tongue and teeth. He was mature and practiced in the way he knew how to handle her body. His muscular arms held the weight of her body and his kiss held the weight of her heart.
"Fuck, wow," she gasped as Eddie pulled away.
"Remember that office in the back I showed you?" Eddie panted.
Y/N was lost for words as she panted, and nodded.
"I want you to strip down, nice and naked for me," his hand wrapped around her neck, "then sit on that desk, spread these legs open, and drip all down the desk until I come in there. Got it?"
Y/N shivered at his words as the image was painted in her head. She whimpered and nodded. He let go of her neck, his dark eyes watching her. She started to walk off, jumping as he landed a smack on her ass.
Eddie waited a few seconds, just to give her time to follow his demands.
Eddie slowly walked to the office, stripping down. He removed his apron, then his shirt, and his shoes. By the time he made it to the room, he was left in nothing but his boxers.
A big smirk on his face as she sat on the desk, her legs spread wide open, and her glistening pussy shined for his eyes. He could feel his cock suffocating in his boxers as he licked his lips. He walked towards her, and she shook as his eyes never moved from her cunt.
"Gonna cum just from the way you are looking at me." She moaned, Eddie chucked darkly as her cunt clenched.
"Oh, I bet. See you pulsing from here, pretty thing." He smirked. She wasn't sure what got into him but she wasn't going to distract him now.
"Gonna be a good girl and let me do whatever I want with you?" He asked, he yanked her hair so her chin was shot into the air.
"Fuck yes."
"Try again" he warned
"Yes, sir. Best girl for you." She moaned. Apparently, she said the right thing because Eddie sunk his three fingers inside her soaked cunt. Her walls instantly clamped around his long fingers as she shook.
Everything felt like it was buzzing. His hand yanks her hair and his fingers knuckle deep inside of her. She clawed at his bare chest as she was gasping for air. He loved watching her. The way her naked body shook, the sweat building on her sweet skin. How she bit so hard on her lip that blood began to leak, yet did nothing to stop the screams from leaving her lips.
"Loud girl today, huh?" He teased
He stared at her neck as a trail of sweat traveled down. His cock twitched at the idea in his head, and he leaned forward. His eyes stared straight into her heavy ones as he stuck out his tongue and licked up the traveling sweat.
She swore he was going to ruin her
She clamped around him as she felt herself getting close. The ecstasy burned in her stomach. He removed his hand from her hair, now moving his attention to her clit.
She let her body drop, going slump against his. He let his body catch hers as he circled her clit as fast as he could.
She tried to speak but couldn't get anything out. Her eyes asked and he answered. She let herself cum all over his fingers. He worked her through it, fingering her softly as she began to shake.
"Amazing job, sweet girl." He praised. She smiled at the compliment. Still barely awake as she panted.
"You take my breath away, Jesus fuck." She laughed, Eddie held her tired body and kissed her forehead.
"I know I pulled a big one out of you, think you can give me one more? Maybe on my tongue?" He asked. And how could she say no to that?
She didn't say anything, just pushed his head down. He laughed but easily let himself be pushed down to his knees. He wrapped his arms around her until his fingers were gripping into her ass.
She let out a gasp as he yanked her to the edge of the desk, his mouth immediately on her cunt.
She felt her jaw pop open and silent screams left her throat as Eddie slurped her up like a dog with a bowl.
She was embarrassed by how much sound came from her wetness.
But the sound seemed to edge Eddie more and more.
She felt his tongue everywhere. Inside of her, up and down, side to side. Then outside of her, sucking and biting.
She swore she could feel him writing his name with his tongue against her clit.
That same feeling was building and building until... He stopped.
She didn't have time to whine when he slammed his cock inside of her. It was so fast that she didn't see him take his boxers off.
He pounded into her like he wanted to bruise the shape of him inside of her.
He wasn't jealous, just simply making sure her brain was so fucked out that she couldn't form a possible thought that wasn't him.
The desk squeaked beneath them as he fucked himself inside of her. He was so lost inside of her, that he didn't bother to care about the cameras recording their every move. Hell, he wanted a tape of it just so he could send it to all those college boys who think they have a shot.
Eddie may not have a college degree or scholarship in football. But he owned her pussy and knew just how to fuck it.
She swore she had nothing left in her body to give him, but she wanted to give him it all. He felt amazing inside of her. The way his tip perfectly hit that sweet spot inside of her made her legs shake.
His fingers were back on her clit, she whimpered as he rolled her sensitive clit between his finger and thumb. Then whined louder when he pinched it, pushing down on her clit and pulling. His eyes watched as it snapped back into its perfect shape. Then he softly began to rub circles.
She lost her vision, eyes closed as her body felt everything. She never forgot the way Eddie fucked her, but this was definitely something she'd think about in her dorm. When she's alone at night and fucking herself. Moaning his name as she coated her toys in her sticky cum.
The harder she breathed, the faster Eddie rubbed her clit. His cock pushed inside of her, her pussy happily sucking him in. She was jealous of anyone he practiced with over his years, but she was damn pleased with the results.
She clawed at his chest again and he knew what it meant. He slid his left hand into hers, lacing their fingers intertwined. Then his right hand slid up her jaw, cupping it as he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers.
They kissed passionately. The feeling of love somehow gained a taste as they passed it back and forth.
She came all over him as he filled her.
"I love you," she whined as she pulled back. That was exactly what Eddie needed to hear.
"I love you," he smiled, softly kissing her lips again as he slowly slid out of her. Their hands were still laced together.
"What was all that?" She asked, a glimmer in her eye.
"Just wanted to show I loved you," Eddie shrugged
"Goal achieved," she winked.
He chuckled and kissed her softly.
He had nothing to worry about, she was locked in on him and that's all he wanted.
"Thank you for dropping me off," she said as she leaned over and kissed Eddie's lips.
He kissed her back, making sure to nibble a little on her bottom lip.
She shook, still sensitive from the night before.
"Always my pleasure," Eddie smirked.
He watched as she got out of the car. Lexi waited for her as she waved to Eddie.
Y/N took a deep breath and began to walk to her, noticeably limping.
Eddie felt the smirk get bigger on his face
Lexi gasped as she looked between the embarrassed look on Y/N's face and the cocky look on Eddie's.
"Don't say a thing," Y/N warned as she made it to Lexi.
"About what?" Tommy asked as he walked up.
Eddie's prayers were answered when the blonde kid showed up as well. Eddie watched from his car in amusement, no rush to pull away.
"Y/N totally got laid last night. Poor girl can't even walk." Lexi bragged for her, and an impressed look sent Eddie's way.
Eddie enjoyed the way Tommy and the random kid grew annoyed.
Y/N covered her face in her hands embarrassed. The boys looked behind her to Eddie's car.
He smirked as he lifted his hand and flipped them off.
Eddie's girl doesn't fuck around with college boys
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catcze · 1 year
Reblogs are greatly appreciated !!
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It's nothing dramatic. It's nothing grand. It's simple and easy and so very very very much like him.
It happens in the early morning, under the sheets of your shared bed. It's barely past five in the morning, and although you're still one foot in dreamland and one foot in the waking world, Wriothesley has been up for a while now. His chest is pressed to your back and curled around your person. Ever since he had awoke some time before you had, his hands had busied themselves with playing with yours. In particular, you couldn't help how he seemed to frequently trace the knuckle of the fourth finger of your left hand.
You don't say anything even when you rouse from your slumber, and Wriothesley doesn't stop playing with your hands. Even as you slowly wake up, as he presses kisses to the part of your nape not covered by your (his) shirt, you don't ask him what his hands are doing.
It's Wriothesley that finally speaks first. He buries his face into the base of your neck, break shaky when he inhales. So vulnerable, here, under the soft sheets. So fragile and easy to break. You could shatter him with just a few words, if you so desired. And he'd let you, too.
"We don't have to get married any time soon," he begins quietly, voice so low you almost don't hear. "Not if you don't want to. Hell, if you don't want to, we don't have to get married, either. I'm happy just being together with you, whatever that may be."
Wriothesley pauses and his breath hitches in his chest. His hands pause, enveloping yours, and in an act of comfort you lace your fingers together and reassuring squeeze.
I'm here. I'm listening.
His hand squeezes back, and his heart restarts in his chest.
"But if you let me," he clears his throat, "If you let me, I’ll prove to you that I’m worth spending your life with. That I'll make you happy. That you won’t regret marrying me."
And you want to turn around so badly. Want to see the shine in his eyes and the flush high on his cheeks. Want to take in how the warm fluorescent lights bounce against his hair and his cool grey eyes. But his hold on you is tight (but never painful. Never anything that cages you in.) and you can do little more than hum and bring one of his hands to the plush of your lips in a soft kiss.
You pause to think your words through, and Wriothesley buries his face into the back of your neck again. Goosbumps rise wherever his breath touches, and you can feel how his hands subtly tremble in your hold.
“You don’t have to. Prove yourself, I mean." You bite your lip. If he's nervous, so are you. But you know what you want, and it is him. "I’d be more than happy to call you my husband one day, you know.”
And he doesn't say anything more— not a word or a gasp or even a sob. He just burrows further into the back of your neck and his hands come to pull you closer against him. His hands are so warm on your chest, where they have anchored against you, and the race of his heart against your back is enough for you to want to hold him tight and never let him go.
Nothing else needs to be said between you. He keeps holding you as the morning grows later with each passing second, never faltering. You don't bother to squirm, content to sit in his embrace for as long as he likes. You don't mention the way his hands keep trembling against you, even after his fear and nervousness should have passed. Instead you take them into yours and once more press a kiss to the scarred knuckles, just as you always have.
Taking his left hand into your own, you look at them side by side, and wonder how pretty it would look when you both get matching rings.
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formula-nyoom · 5 months
Rookie Reflections | LS2
Platonic! Logan Sargent x Rookie!Reader
Summary: Being the only new addition to the grid, it may seem intimidating to try and introduce yourself to the other drivers. Logan remembers exactly what it's like to be the new rookie and doesn't want a repeat of what happened to him to happen to anyone else.
A/N: Pronouns weren’t specified so I tried to keep this as gender neutral as possible. I still haven’t decided if I want to write in 2nd or 3rd person, it really depends on the fic/request. Previous reader inserts I have written have been done in 2nd person so I defaulted to that with this fic, but do let me know which one you prefer. Logan, my favorite driver, I’m glad my first request is for him. Also I have no hate towards Daniel, it just made a lot more sense to me for the reader to take his seat. 
Silly season didn’t come with a lot of shake ups like people expected it to. The only team to switch up their driver line up for the upcoming season was RB, with Daniel being replaced by the newest Formula 2 champion after not delivering the results Red Bull had wanted from him.
You had met Yuki for the first time during the car launch before pre-season testing, but with all the cameras, interviews, and excitement surrounding the new car launch, you were unable to find the time to properly get to know each other. You had hoped to get a chance to maybe sit down with Yuki and get to know your new teammate, but now in Bahrain with all the drivers in one place it seemed that all of them had already split off into their pre-established friend groups that had been built up over years of racing alongside each other, Yuki included. 
That’s the thing with being the only new driver for the season: All the other drivers already knew each other well enough that you felt too intimidated to approach any of them. Going to Formula 2 where you knew almost all the drivers to Formula 1 where you knew no one, it was like being the new kid at school. And that seemed even more evident during the pre-season photoshoot. 
Yuki still had some last bits of data to go over with his engineer so you arrived at the photoshoot without your teammate. While you did arrive early, most of the drivers were already there, either talking with each other or members of their team. A few gave you curious glances, maybe an awkward smile or two, but none felt the need to approach. Not wanting to risk bothering anyone, you decided to find a spot secluded from the various groups of people while you waited for either Yuki to show up or for the photoshoot to start. Maybe when the photographer started to position people for the photos, you could possibly strike up a conversation with whoever was placed near you. But for now, you felt content standing off to the side where no one would really approach you. Or so you thought.
Logan had forgotten something in the Williams garage, making him arrive at the photoshoot after Alex. And while he could have walked over to his teammate, who was currently chatting with George, he noticed you standing off to the side. You were away from everyone to where you wouldn’t get in the way as you scrolled through your phone.
Logan knows that move. He did it many times during his rookie season because of how out of place he felt. But he also wasn’t the only rookie during his season, unlike you who was the only new person to the grid. He can probably guess how nervous or out of place you may seem. Logan knows that feeling. He hates that feeling and wouldn’t wish it on anyone. 
Maybe that’s why he had decided to approach you. Or maybe it was because he didn’t have anyone else to talk to since Alex was busy talking to George, and Oscar was busy talking to Lando. Either way, he thought it was a good idea to introduce himself.
 “Hey,” Logan said, getting your attention. “You’re the new RB driver, right?”
Logan already knew the answer to that question, but he thought that was a better question to ask than pointing out the fact that you’re the new rookie. 
 “Yea, I am.” You said. Guess you were wrong about people not approaching you as you looked at the man standing before you.  
“I’m Logan.” He said, holding out his hand for you to shake. You already knew his name before he introduced himself. Hell, you knew all drivers names on the grid but that was another intimidating reason why you hadn’t tried to approach anyone. 
 “I’m (Y/N).” You said, shaking Logan’s hand. 
“So, are you excited for the upcoming season?” Logan asked. 
 “Yea. The car seems to be a good contender with the testing we’ve done so far. Hopefully I’ll be able to score some points by the end of the season.”
 “What makes you think you won’t get points at the beginning?” Logan asked.
“Well I am the rookie this season. I’m still getting used to the car, it’s a huge difference from the F2 car I was driving last year. Plus everyone else has been racing longer than I have. It's gonna take me a while to catch up.” You explained.
 “Oh come on, don’t doubt yourself this early. Trust me, it doesn’t help.” Logan said. You shrugged.
“I guess you’re right. I mean, I’m gonna try my best no matter what, but the highest I can see myself getting for the first race is P15.” You told him.
 “That’s a good start. “ Logan said. He smiled and you couldn’t help but smile as well. The two of you ended up talking about what you both did over the winter break and your expectations for the season until the photographer called for the photoshoot to start. You hadn’t even realized Yuki had arrived until the photographer positioned you two next to each other.
 “I saw you and Logan talking earlier. I hope it was a good conversation.” He whispered as you waited for the photographer to take a picture.
“He was just introducing himself. We talked about our expectations for the season.” You told him. Yuki smiled a bit.
 “Logan’s always been nice. I’m glad you’re getting to know some of the other drivers.”
“Come on Yuki, pick up!” You mumbled as the call went to voicemail again. After pre-season testing had wrapped up, you had finally managed to get to know Yuki by going out to get dinner together with the rest of the team. He had promised that the two of you would walk together through the paddock on the first day of the season, but after arriving at the entrance you saw no sign of your teammate. And the fact that he wasn’t answering his phone didn’t help either. But looking around towards all the cars pulling in towards the entrance, you did however see Logan arriving.
 “Logan!” You quickly walked over to him as he got closer to the entrance.
“Hey. What are you doing out here? Shouldn’t you be with your team?” He asked, noticing the lack of anyone from RB with you.
 “Well me and Yuki were supposed to walk in together, but I can’t find him anywhere and he’s not answering my calls.” You said. You looked past the turnstiles at the entrance to the paddock. “I don’t really want to walk in by myself.”
 “Do you want me to walk in with you?” Logan asked. You looked back at him.
“If it’s not too much to ask.” You said. Logan just shook his head and smiled.
 “It’s no bother.” He said. He gently ushered you towards the entrance and the two of you walked through. It was an understatement to say that you were nervous to greet the cheering fans that stood by the barriers with things to sign. But knowing that Logan was right next you signing things as well and taking pictures with fans made you less nervous. You even got to take some pictures with him and fans as well. 
 “If I wore all these friendship bracelets in the car, I think I would add an extra pound.” You joked as the two of you walked past the various team garages.
“Soon you’re gonna end up having a full storage closet at your house just full of stuff that fans have given you.” Logan said. You smiled at that idea.
 “Hopefully I won’t develop carpal tunnel from all the stuff I’m gonna have to sign over the year.” Good thing being a Formula 1 driver consists more of driving cars than signing things.” 
 “You say that now, but just wait until the RB merchandise team sits you down in a room filled with driver cards you have to sign. Your wrist is going to be so sore afterwards.” Logan said. You let out a chuckle. 
 “(Y/N)!” You turned to see Yuki, coming from the RB hospitality, running over to the two of you. “(Y/N), I’m so sorry. They put me in the press conference at the last minute. I had to come early.” Yuki explained.
 “It’s ok Yuki. Logan walked in with me.” You said. You turned back to Logan. “Thank you, by the way. I should probably go see my team.”
“Like I said, it was no bother. I’d be happy to walk the paddock with you anytime.” He said. “I’ll see you two on the track.”
He waved goodbye and then headed to the William’s garage as you headed with Yuki back to the RB hospitality to get ready for the upcoming practice sessions. 
“Ok (Y/N). We’ve been knocked out of Q1. You are P17.” Your race engineer said through the radio as the qualifying session ended and you slowed your car down for a cool down lap. 
 “Not the result I had hoped for, but it’s something I can improve upon. Did Yuki make it to Q2?” You asked, making your way into the pit lane.
 “Yes, Yuki did make it into Q2.” Your engineer said. 
“That’s good. Hope he can make it into Q3.” You pulled into your designated pitlane and flipped up your visor to let some air into your helmet as the pit crew pulled your car into the garage. 
After changing out of your race suit and fireproofs, you put on a pair of headphones and joined the crew in watching Q2. You were happy to see that Logan made it into Q2 as well, and was secretly hoping he would make it into Q3 along with Yuki. Both of them did good laps during Q2 but Yuki unfortunately was only able to place P11. Logan barely managed to get by into Q3, but couldn’t place any higher and ended up in front of your teammate, placing P10 for tomorrow’s race. After congratulating Yuki on his placement, you left the RB garage to go look for Logan to do the same thing. You didn’t have to look far, as the American driver was exiting the William’s garage as you approached.
“Hey, nice driving today!” You said, giving Logan’s shoulder a congratulatory pat. 
 “Thanks. I’m shocked I was able to make it into Q3. I thought I was going to get knocked out in Q2, I didn’t expect Lance to get his lap time deleted.” Logan said. “Where’d you place?”
 “P17. I wasn’t able to gain enough speed on my last lap to get myself to a higher placement.” You said. “But that’s ok. I just need to overtake the 7 cars in front of me to get to P10 and get into the points. How hard can that be?”
You laughed, your last sentence meaning to be a joke. Logan let out a small chuckle, but he was taking what you said seriously.
 “I think you can do it. But only do it after I’ve overtaken a couple cars myself. I’d also like to get some points during the race.” He said.
It was officially race day and your nerves seemed to be bouncing as fast as the cars that would be on track soon. You had felt confident throughout the week, being on the track and going over data with the team. But with the race starting in a couple hours, the fact that you were about to debut in your first Formula One race was starting to become very real. 
 “You squeeze that water bottle any tighter, it’s gonna explode.” You were brought out of your spiraling thoughts by Logan as he approached you from the side. Looking down, you did see that the water bottle you were holding was almost ready to burst from the steel grip you had on it.
 “Sorry, I’m just thinking about the race today.” You said, loosening your grip on the bottle.
 In a similar scenario to pre-season testing, the two of you were waiting to start the drivers parade.
 “It’s ok to be nervous about your first race. Every driver is.” He said.
“What if I crash the car?” You asked. Logan shook his head.
 “You won’t.”
“What if I can’t overtake any cars and finish last?”
 “You won’t finish last.”
“What if-”
 “Hey.” Logan placed his hands on your shoulders and made you look at him. “You’re going to be fine. You drove well during testing and practice. You can overtake the cars in front of you. And even if you finish last, so what? It’s your first race. You’re going to make mistakes and that’s ok.” Logan said. His hands on your shoulder and the speech he just gave you seemed to steel your nervous a bit as you took in what he said. 
 “Just try to have fun. Can you promise me that?” Logan asked. He held up his pinkie and you almost laughed at the childlike implications. But the serious look on Logan’s face stopped you.  You linked your pinkie with his and nodded.
 “I promise.”
The two of you ended up staying next to each other during the drivers parade, waving to fans as the truck drove by. Interviews were also happening during the parade, and with you being the new rookie, you had to be interviewed.
“So (Y/N), you're about to make your Formula 1 debut in your first Formula 1 race. How are you feeling?” The interviewer asked.
 “I’m both very nervous and very excited. I’m starting at the back of the grid, but I’m gonna try to do my best.” You said.
“I know, with being the newest addition to the grid, you may feel like you stand out. Besides your teammate Yuki, have there been any other drivers that you’ve gotten to know during pre-season testing or this weekend?”.
 “Logan actually introduced himself to me during pre-season testing and we’ve gotten to know each other a bit.” You told the interviewer. “It feels a bit intimidating being surrounded by these great drivers that I’ve always hoped to have a chance to drive alongside, so I’m really grateful to Logan for being someone on the grid that I can talk to and get to know, besides Yuki of course.”
 “Have you guys talked about anything in particular? Any expectations for your first race?”
“Logan actually gave me a really good pep talk before the drivers parade. It really helped calm my nerves down a bit. I’m gonna take Logan’s advice and try to have fun.” You said with a smile. The interviewer thanked you for your time and moved on to interview a different driver as you made your way back over to Logan. After waving to a bunch of fans, the parade concluded and you and the rest of the drivers got off the truck.
“What are you going to do during this race?” Logan asked you before the two of you departed to get ready for the race.
 “Have fun!” You said. 
“That’s right.” He gave your shoulder a reassuring pat and left for the William’s garage while you headed back to RB, your nerves seemingly having lessened. 
Logan’s pep talk seemed to be exactly what you needed. You ended up finishing the race in P11, just out of the points but only two spots behind Yuki. 
 “(Y/N) that was a fantastic first race! Well done!” Your engineer's voice came through the radio as you waved while driving around the track.
 “Oh my god! Thank you so much! That was so much fun! I couldn’t have done it without you or the team!” You said enthusiastically as you pulled into parc ferme. You sat in the car for a couple seconds, taking in the feeling of making it through your first Formula One race. Then, you took the wheel out and stepped out of the car.
Some of the pit crew workers gave you pats on the back or the shoulder, congratulating you on making it through your first race. As your eyes scanned the pit lane, looking for your team, they landed on the familiar America-decorated helmet of Logan.
 “Logan!” You called as you jogged over to him. His eyes lit up at your approach and met you halfway.
 “Nice one champ! P11 on debut!” He said, raising his hand for a high five before bringing you in for a brief congratulatory hug. 
 “I was so close to getting into points but I couldn’t catch up. You drove amazingly though! Congrats on P5!” You told him.
 “Hey, don’t put yourself down for being “just” out of the points. Next race, you and I are going to be in the top 10.” He said. “Did you have fun?”
 “Yea!” You exclaimed. Both your smiles seemed to grow.
“I told you! Come on, let’s go get weighed and you can tell me everything about the race.” Logan slung his arm over your shoulder as he led you over to the weigh stations. 
The two of you spent the rest of the night recounting each of your guys' events of the race, every overtake and every mistake either of you made. Eventually exhaustion started to hit both of you and the two of you decided to head back to your hotel rooms.
“Thank you.” You said to Logan as you stood infront of your room after Logan offered to walk you back.
 “For what?” He asked. 
“For introducing yourself to me during pre-season testing. I honestly didn’t think I would be able to get to know anyone on the grid this season. All the other drivers seem to know each other really well or are just really intimidating.” You said, fidgeting with your fingers for a bit before looking back up at him “But I’m really glad to say that you're the first friend I’ve made on the grid.”
Logan’s smile seemed to lower and you grew concerned. But he noticed this and quickly change his expression to reassurance.
 “I know how hard it is to make friends in this sport and I also know how isolating it can be. I didn’t want what happened in my rookie season to happen to you.” He told you. “I’m glad that you’re my friend too.”
You smiled, touched by what he said and happy that he considered you a friend as well. You held up your pinkie towards him.
 “Promise that we’ll both be in the points next race?”
He linked your pinkie with his and matched your smile.
 “I promise.”
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bomber-grl · 9 months
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Sal Fisher Affection hc ! ₊˚⊹
Pairing(s): Sal Fisher x Gn! reader
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Hes so sweet 😭
As I’ve previously established
I honestly think sals love language would be quality time or words of affirmation
(Definitely words of affirmation)
If you ever had any concern or thing that was weighing on your mind Sal would most definitely reassure you
And successfully at that
I’m sure many would believe being around someone who compliments you all the time would feel insincere and not genuine
But Sal manages to convey his sincerity each time and again
He of course loves spending time with you too
He just loves being around you and just your presence overall
Sal is open with affection and it’s never really bothered him
Well, atleast it was that way when you were friends.
When you two became a couple he’d freeze up and would fluster a bit when being confronted with more romantic gestures
hes still open and willing to receive and give affection
As I’ve stated, Sal really enjoys your company
It’s one of his favorite things and when you first start dating in highschool you guys often spend time in his room and just cuddle there
It became a habit that transcended into your young adult years.
He was of course hesitant when cuddling but soon relaxed and realized there was no reason to be so panicked, he learned that he really enjoyed being in your arms.
When/if you date in highschool then if your identity isn’t what you were assigned at birth and you show pda whether it’s a quick peck on sals mask or a warm hug
(Or if you’re a guy, same as Sal)
Then Travis is your number one hater
He sees that and calls you guys slurs (obviously)
He’s mostly insignificant especially when you poke fun at him and say stuff that riles him up that ultimately drives him away.
The friend group can be a bit teasing at times
Especially when Ashley catches Sal inching his hand towards yours and you intertwining them
Ash automatically forces Larry to look and they’re just so supportive
Same with sinjin- I mean Todd
(Sorry I got that from Twaimz when he played Sally face live 😭)
Even then, you two often hug and cuddle a lot
More often than not passerby’s will see you sitting down with a doting sal leaning his head on you
Or vise versa
Ok so we all know Sal is absolutely reluctant to removing his mask in public
However, in private he feels more comfortable
Especially since you’re not only friends, but dating now.
It was only a matter of time that kissing would come into the conversation
Your guys first kiss would go two ways
The first being planned by the both of you
Or just spontaneous
Either way it’s very awkward yet sweet! 😭
The first way would be when you and Sal were just casually hanging out
His dad was out and that left the two of you guys alone
(I envision your first kiss would be when you’re in high school)
You and Sal had obvious wanted to kiss each other for awhile
And although you’d kiss him on the forehead, knuckles, and on his mask
Mostly because you’d forget his cheek was covered, sometimes not
Regardless, you both felt ready and Sal had invited you over
It was so painfully awkward ngl but regardless he took his mask off and y’all kissed
He was honestly nervous and a bit hesitant cuz although he knew you wouldn’t mind he still couldn’t shake off the feeling that you wouldn’t like it.
He even asked you if it was good enough 😭😭😭😭
The second scenario would be natural except when you forget Sal still has his mask on and you both get awkward especially since you accidentally kissed his mask.
It’s still sweet tho cuz you can actually see him being bashful instead of picking up on it from his voice and body language.
Sal is such a sweet guy and is always asking if it’s fine to hug or kiss you
Not always verbally, mostly stopping and giving you a chance to run away lol
But ofc you never do
I mean, it’s Sal fisher
Cmon now
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daisynik7 · 8 months
I blinked and suddenly I had a Valentine
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Author's Note: modern setting, no curses, high school setting. ~1.3k words. Divider credit to @/cafekitsune. Title from the song “Valentine” by Laufey. Rice bear bathing in Japanese curry looks something like this (reddit link). Part of the past lives vignettes series. Thank you for reading!
It’s almost the end of January and you’ve spent the past three weeks at your new school eating alone, either in the classroom or in the cafeteria. You’re too shy to socialize with your peers, who are already well-established in their own social circles. This is what happens when you transfer in with less than three months left of the schoolyear. No one wants to be friends with the new girl, right? 
Well, two people prove this theory wrong. 
Yu Haibara is the first to approach you in the cafeteria during lunchtime. “Hi there!” he greets, taking a seat across from you, a cheerful smile on his face. You can tell from his aura alone that this is someone easy to get along with. Jovial, optimistic, kind-hearted. You’d normally feel nervous interacting with someone you’ve never met before, but his welcoming presence immediately puts you at ease. 
He’s followed by a blonde boy, slightly taller, a bit lanky, and sulking behind him. His name is Kento Nanami. You recognize him from your homeroom, though you’ve never spoken before. Occasionally, he eats his meals there, usually in the back with his headphones in, listening to music, while you’re in the front, indulging in whatever homemade bento box you decide to make for yourself that day. It’s crossed your mind more than once to join him so that neither of you are alone, though you’ve chickened out each time, convinced that he’d rather remain that way than be bothered by a nobody. Unlike Haibara, his lips are pressed together in a natural frown. You don’t sense unhappiness or animosity from him; rather, it’s indifference, apathy. When he sits down next to his pal, he gives you a nod, acknowledging you. 
Haibara does the courtesy of introductions. You hold your hand out to him, doing the same. He takes it enthusiastically, beaming at you. “I know who you are. I’m a first-year too!”
It doesn’t strike you as odd that he’s already somewhat familiar with you. Instead, you’re relieved to finally be making friends in this cutthroat environment called high school. After this first meeting, the three of you are inseparable. You get on well with Haibara, who’s an expert at keeping the conversation flowing. Nanami doesn’t say much, though you notice his subtle mannerisms that speak volumes more than what his actual words do. You can tell he admires your homemade lunches each time you uncover them at the table. His eyes light up, marveling at whatever creation you’ve concocted the night before: yakisoba, onigiri, chicken stir-fry. He doesn’t say anything, relying on Haibara to do the complimenting. You appreciate how intently he listens to you, even if he doesn’t have much to contribute. In homeroom, you sneak glances at him when your teacher says something particularly ridiculous, to which you spot the faintest hint of a smile flitting on his lips. And you realize that every time you’re walking beside each other, he makes sure to switch his bag to his arm away from you. Part of you hopes the real reason behind this is to be closer to you, but you try to keep those lovelorn thoughts buried in the back of your mind, being certain that’s not the case.  
You eventually find out that Haibara has severe allergies, especially during the seasons of Winter and Spring. He explains how he has to take at least a few days off once a month, sometimes an entire week. Today, he dons a face mask, already anticipating it. “Don’t miss me too much,” he jokes, his bright smile noticeable even behind the mask. It’s February now; the three of you sit together at your regular spot in the cafeteria. Nanami eats his rice bowl in silence while you say to Haibara, “You’re going to miss Valentine’s Day.”
He crosses his arms over his chest, smirking. “I guess the two of you will have to be each other’s Valentines.”
At this, Nanami almost chokes on his food, face turning scarlet. He reaches for his water bottle, which is empty, still clearing his throat as he excuses himself to refill it. When you’re alone, you glare at Haibara, scolding him. “Why would you say that?!”
He shrugs innocently. “What’s the big deal? He likes you.”
Your jaw drops at his surprising statement. You’ve always thought that Nanami tolerates you, but you never truly believed he could ever like you. “What do you mean?”
Haibara blinks at you, as if the answer is so obvious. “He told me about you. Said how you always had the most amazing bento boxes for lunch. How cute your smile was whenever you’d take a bite. He was too shy to talk to you first, so he had me do it. You…didn’t know that?”
You stare at him, shaking your head slowly, stunned by this revelation. 
He laughs nervously, scratching his head. “Oops.”
Nanami returns, back to his normal self now, remaining quiet. There’s still the faint blush on his cheeks; you pretend not to notice it. Nothing else is mentioned about Valentine’s the rest of the day, though it lingers on your mind the remainder of the week.
Haibara is out sick February 13th, leaving you and Nanami alone together for the first time since you befriended them. You’re curious to see if the dynamic would change, if Nanami would actually speak up now that his buddy isn’t around to fill the void with his amicable chatter. But lunch ends up being a quiet affair. You do your best to ask questions, start conversation, but he’s even more tense than he usually is. When you mention Valentine’s Day tomorrow, the familiar rosy tint spreads across his face. You drop it, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, though you can’t help thinking how sweet he is for reacting that way.
He likes you. The words have been replaying in your head since you heard them. And the truth is: you like Nanami too.  Based on what Haibara said, he might be too shy to tell you. 
So, you take matters into your own hands. 
The next day, February 14th, you come to school carrying a box wrapped in red ribbon. Inside homeroom. You greet Nanami politely, catching the way his gaze drifts to your hands. You smile wider to yourself, excited to present it to him later. At your seat, you can smell the decadent scent of homemade chocolates and heart-shaped candies from the other girls in your class. You get increasingly nervous about the gift, wondering if he’ll receive it well. Still, it’s worth a shot.
When class is over and it’s time for lunch, Nanami waits for you near the door to walk to the cafeteria together. Ready to leave, you stop him, clearing your throat before you announce, “I have something for you.”
His eyes widen, his jaw clenches. It’s obvious he wasn’t expecting this. 
You don’t hand it to him, afraid he wouldn’t know what to do with it. Instead, you untie the ribbon yourself, uncovering it. Inside is the bento box you prepared special for him. “I made this for you. Happy Valentine’s Day, Nanami.”
He reaches inside, holding the bento in his hands like found treasure. He snaps the cover off slowly, revealing rice balls formed into a cute bear, bathing in Japanese curry. A sheet of seaweed cut into a heart is placed directly in the center. 
You watch him for his response, heart racing against your chest. He inspects it carefully, his expression softening to one of adoration. When he looks at you, he smiles, and you swear you’ve never seen anything more beautiful than Nanami Kento smiling. 
“Do you like it?” you ask, needing to hear it in his own words. 
He nods, still smiling. “I love it.”
You spend your lunch in the classroom, eating your matching bento boxes together while listening to his music on shared headphones. 
For the first time in his life, Nanami has a special Valentine.
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Tokyo Debunker characters + MC who talks to cats
(specifically, praising the campus cats for being cute hard workers)
Jin: Obviously he's not giving you enough work if you have time to waste with the cats. (But secretly, he's cranky that you're too nervous to be like that with him. He doesn't get much genuine praise and has been telling himself that he doesn't need it... but hearing you so freely praising the cats makes him feel things that aren't entirely pleasant.)
Tohma: "They have jobs, you know." If you're so bored that you're distracting others from their work, he has plenty for you to do. (He actually finds it really amusing.)
Luca: "You're right, they really do work hard." He's not the type to fawn over animals, but he doesn't find it at all unusual when you do. He very earnestly thanks them for all their hard work.
Kaito: Sits down and joins you petting and praising the cats. It's a rare moment in which he's not feeling self-conscious or worrying about impressing you, until you accidentally bump hands and he starts freaking out.
Alan: He backs off as soon as he notices what's going on — he doesn't want to ruin the moment. Later, he makes sure to tell you that you're doing a good job (but without context, it feels like it's coming out of nowhere).
Leo: "It's just a cat. You know it doesn't understand what you're saying, right?" He starts to say something rude in a sugary-sweet tone. "Don't listen to him," you say, covering the cat's ears so that it won't hear. (The cat, disgruntled by all the movement, hops out of your lap and trots away.)
Sho: "You're so weird, senpai," he says, not even trying to hide his smirk, but you can tell he's not serious. He pretends to be reluctant to join you, but he really just wants to hear you ask for him again.
Haru: He stops briefly to say hi, but doesn't have much time to spare. He'll take care of some of your tasks, though, so that you can have a peaceful moment without worrying about anything. (If you want him to take a break with you, you'll have to sit on him or something.)
Towa: A sudden burst of rain scares the cat away. Towa appears moments later with flowers for you, and the weather has turned sunny and warm — perfect to dry out your damp clothes. He lies down in the grass next to you as you relax.
Ren: "Gross. You don't know where that's been." He grumbles about how people lose their minds over cats just because they're cute (he definitely doesn't want to hear you say that he's cute) and makes you wash your hands after the cat leaves.
Taiga: He either wants to eat it or wants to chase it out of his room with gunfire — you have to distract him while the cat makes a hasty escape. He pins you to the wall, musing about how he'll punish you... He runs a finger down your cheek just to feel you tremble. You're his favorite toy.
Romeo: He hasn't given the cats a second thought until this exact moment. They do their jobs competently and he can't exploit them, so what else is there to care about? He has never in his life praised someone for doing a good job, and he thinks you're excessively soft for doing so... but that's not the real reason it bothers him. You've always refused to call him Fico or stroke his ego, yet you're heaping praise on a cat? Ludicrous.
Ritsu: Initially not interested, as cats aren't subject to labor laws and standards. When you wonder out loud if Sinostra could get in trouble for animal abuse, he immediately goes off to investigate.
Subaru: He enjoys the moment with a smile. You're sweet and encouraging and way cuter than any cat, and he counts himself lucky that he gets to spend time with you.
Haku: He ruffles your hair and, mimicking your tone, says that you're cute and hardworking and doing a great job. "Don't make fun of me," you protest, pouting. "I'm not," he replies.
Zenji: Joins you, far more eloquently. After the cat leaves, it's your turn to be praised! He makes sure that you know exactly how important and admired you are.
Rui: Feels really silly for being so envious of a cat. (He's cute, too! He works hard and has great hair, and he wants to cuddle up to you while you praise him and run your fingers through his hair...) But, as long as he's cursed, he can't have what he wants. It's better to keep things lighthearted so that he can see you smile. (Maybe someday, when both of your curses are broken...)
Lyca: Growls. The cat is not intimidated; it escaped Sinostra unscathed, after all. Lyca's not sure what to make of it, but he settles next to you, wary. If it makes a move, he'll be ready.
Yuri: He's so busy and deals with so much weird stuff that it doesn't even register. If he needs you for something, he'll just grab you regardless of what you're doing. You protest as the cat tumbles out of your lap, but he's already three steps ahead.
Jiro: Observes carefully, as he would with any experiment. Are Darkwick's cats smarter than normal cats? You're making it sound like they are, but he doesn't have any other memories of cats as a comparison. Later, he watches some cat videos. For science.
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xenteaart · 4 months
it's not about the roses
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pairing: chan x reader (i wrote it with idol!chan or producer!chan in mind, but despite a brief mention of the studio it can fit any au, really) word count: 1,1k genre/warnings: er, fluff, a hint of angst if you squint but overall just tooth rotting sweetness. reader being kinda vulnerable author's note: inspired by my and @skzms 's channie brain worms, me crying over how boyfie he is in may's dms and her coming up with this little prompt. i'm manifesting a sweet healthy relationship for y'all, never settle for less <3
you were never the one for flowers, really.
it just didn’t seem anything meaningful or special, an occasional cute little bouquet on some first date you had ages ago, meeting someone completely new after mindlessly swiping them right on a dating app. plus, it’s always such a bother to take care for it. disassemble the thing, cut the stems, change the water, maybe cut off the leaves too.
at some point, you began to think of yourself as more of a practical person, taking gift giving to the point where it completely lost symbolism. always getting your friends and family either money or something they specifically asked for.
“at least, they’re actually gonna use it and get some utility out of it. ‘s good, right?” you thought to yourself, ticking a box on one of your friend’s wishlists for their birthday. it is good. no stress of choosing and endlessly pondering whether they’ll like it or not.
or is it avoiding the vulnerability of going down a more symbolic route if they don’t happen to respond to your gift the way you’d like them to after carefully planting hidden meanings and confessions all over a seemingly useless present? yeah, maybe, that’s the one, actually.
it was a regular saturday evening, no work, no plans, no big day or anything to celebrate. so, naturally, you were just spending the time at your place, resting after successfully having done all the house chores in one go.
purposelessly lying on the bed, you wondered what chris was up to. it wasn’t something out of the ordinary for you two to leave each other hanging during the day, keeping each other’s messages unread and waiting for some free time to give a thoughtful, proper reply.
but the little “1” next to your kakaotalk message was starting to feel unfriendly because... honestly? you just missed him. you wanted to know about his day, what he ate for lunch and whether work was okay today (knowing full well the man couldn’t care less about days of the week, coming over at the studio any time he needed or pleased).
distracting yourself with scrolling tiktok for a quick dopamine hit, you end up losing track of time a little. and the thing bringing you back to reality is chan’s short message, popping up on your notifications bar.
“can you come out for a sec? i’m at the door hehe~”
it takes you three times to read to finally understand what it actually means. he doesn’t have keys to your apartment yet, and you mostly hang out at his place anyways, so him coming all the way to the opposite side of the city makes your heart skip a beat.
you rush to the door and open it almost immediately, only to see channie, your channie, standing right in front of you with a nice bouquet of red roses wrapped up in kraft paper. the next thing you notice is chan’s wide smile, so sincere and endearing it makes you wanna cry on the spot.
you were never the one for flowers, really.
red roses always seemed like something either too vulgar or “easy”. something that becomes men’s first pick because they just never care enough to look for anything else and assume every girl loves it by default.
right now, however, it doesn’t feel like either of those.
the way chris is a bit nervous and really excited all at once; his hands gripping at the crunchy paper-wrapped base as he's waiting to give the flowers to you. the way his eyes sparkle and shine with warmth and genuine adoration for you. and you read past the roses, you learn so much more from it.
you learn how he’s been quiet because he was plotting a little surprise for you, trying not to be too obvious.
you see how he thought of you during the entire process, from an idea to carefully picking out the best flowers, making sure they’re fresh and pretty and will stay this way a while.
you can hear his timid little “thank you” to the florist as they exchange their bows and polite smiles.
you imagine the slightly awkward small talk with the taxi driver asking him about the occasion — the traffic and the parking area next to your building are awful, so you’re guessing he did take the taxi. and the drivers sure love to talk on the long drives, this one you had to learn the hard way.
gosh, chan looks so warm and… so soft, his lips making a familiar heartbreaking :] shape.
snapping out of your thoughts, you look into chris’s eyes and swallow down a salty lump in your throat.
“please don’t be alarmed, but i probably will cry a little,” you warn him before your voice gives out and take the roses, holding them close to your chest where the heart is bleeding.
“so pretty,” you stare down at the gentle velvety petals and sniff quietly.
chan looks worried for a moment but quickly pulls you into his embrace, stepping into the apartment and locking the door behind him.
“hey-y, i expected a smile, not your tears, baby. i didn’t upset you, did i?” to which you shake your head to reassure him.
“no, no, ‘course not! what do you mean? they’re so nice. i’m just… really happy? and i missed you. so much,” the last words come out like a weak mouse squeak as you close your eyes and let your emotions roll down your cheeks, staining your skin wet.
chan nods and takes your face into his palms, wiping away the tears and looking at you so lovingly you think you might actually break.
“i missed you too, baby. do you mind if i stay the night? i…- uh. i bought some face masks too, so we can just relax a little before bed and cuddle?”
you squeeze out a little “yeah” in response, headbutting his forehead and putting your arm around him, with another still holding the roses carefully.
“i love you,” you say slightly louder, making sure that he hears it.
maybe, gifts don’t have to be practical all the time. maybe, it’s okay to put sentimental value into simple, useless things sometimes. make them mean something.
“i love you too, baby,” chris hums still a little confused, rubbing soothing circles into your lower back and planting a chaste kiss on the bridge of your nose.
you reach for his plump soft lips and press yours against them. and even though your tastebuds can feel the salt, it’s the sweetest kiss you two have shared so far.
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mentally-gone002 · 3 months
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spencer reid headcannons because i said so!!!!! these are kinda dating headcannons but some general stuff too
a/n: plot twist guys im bored… again… (i’m unemployed and can’t drive so im stuck at home all day) (update: i wrote this two days ago and now i have my license)
spencer doesn’t catch onto how relationships work very fast 
^^^ it’s very much so a “trust the process” with him but when he’s got it he’s good 
he likes contact but also hates it at the same time
he has certain borders he doesn’t want crossed so like… if you’re dating him linking pinkies happens more often than holding hands
memorizes things abt you just because (the color of pen you like most or your fav lip balm, just little details)
takes him a minute to get used to like romantic stuff too
so if you surprise him with like… dinner that’s somewhat romantic at home he’s like 
“why’re there so many candles?” 
or something like that because he’s smart but dumb at the same time 
he doesn’t laugh often so when he does you’re all surprised and it perplexes him 
i feel like his love languages would be like… words of affirmation and quality time 
like yes he’ll get all nervous if you compliment him but he rlly likes it because i feel like he craves it in a way
quality time to him would consist of just being in the same room 
^^^ he’d be reading and you’d be finishing work from the day and the only noise is like breathing and page turning and computer keys and he’s just loving it
spencer seems like the guy who would get butterflies in the palms of his hands and he gets like sensory overload from that sometimes 
so when you make him happy or flustered he’s gonna be digging his nails into his palm to make the feeling go away because he’s never felt like that before????
doesn’t listen to music very often but he does have a few cds of classical or jazz (music taste is so hard to determine)
he would definitely get surprised when you try and take pictures with him 
^^^ you���ll just get your camera and sit beside him on the couch and tell him to smile and he’d be confused because there’s probably not a lot of pictures of him 
he writes you notes and leaves them on the fridge or on your nightstand 
kisses on the cheek more than on the lips 
he knows how to dance 
can’t explain it he just does lol
the bau team would find out about you by seeing both him and you out in public somewhere in DC and would sneak a picture and then ask him abt it later at work
if you work with him the whole team knows abt the relationship before you tell them or if you don’t keep it a secret they’re still like “we know” and spencer’s surprised 
goes nonverbal sometimes if somethings bothering him 
little spoon when he is okay with cuddling
he is a talker okay! so he’ll sometimes just go on and on about something and you’ll just listen because it’s CUTE
he doodles when he’s bored so sometimes he has a sticky note on his desk covered in little pictures 
^^^ morgan teases about it so spencer keeps all his drawing hidden in a drawer 
he likes to stand in the rain sometimes even though it makes his socks wet (which he hates because sensory stuff) but he likes how it makes everything smell clean 
can’t cook but he can bake because it’s just science and he’s a little nerd baby so he’s got baking in the bag
he decorates for halloween a month early and leaves decorations up until thanksgiving
phone calls>>> texts 
i feel like spencer would have tics for some reason??? like either his mouth will twitch or it’ll be smth with his hands??
he collects coffee mugs
very subtle sleeper build
loves having his hair played with
he likes cats 
teaches you chess and looses to you a few times 
he writes abt you in his letters to his mom 
^^^ when you eventually meet diana she immediately likes you
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wonderlandwalker · 9 months
Against All Odds | James Potter x Reader
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Marauders Masterlist / Taglist / Inbox
Summary: Nobody anticipated this game of strip poker between the four friends. It’s only when James loses his cool that the game ends
Content Warnings/Tags: mostly fluff, insinuations of smut, alcohol consumption, wolfstar as a side plot
Word Count: 1.2k
A/n: a small attempt at dipping my toes in the smut world. Divider by @saradika
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Not one of you knows how you got into this situation. With strangers, this probably would have been easier. Won’t have to deal with the consequences that way. But now, Remus, Sirius, James and you are all sitting on the floor with a bottle of fire whiskey in the middle, playing poker. strip poker.
You were probably the one with the best odds in the game. Your brother had taught you, but at a young age, you were never very good at it. You have gotten better while you grew older, your fate sometimes resting on your poker face after starting to hang out with the pranksters that the marauders are.
Remus was the second-best player in the group. He was good, very good, but he had a tell. Sirius figured it out before he even played against him, his tell shining through even when he wasn't playing. You figured it out in your first game against him.
Sirius came next. He had learned from his father, who thought it important for his son to learn when he was only eleven. It is probably unnecessary to say they didn't have the best relationship.
James’ poker skills were close to Sirius’, but his poker face wasn't as good as his. He learned to play in his 4th year at Hogwarts. He had snuck into a Slytherin party with Remus and Sirius. But after they had been gone for quite longer than it took to ‘find something to drink’ he guessed that wasn't what they were up to anymore, and found the game a few of the older years were playing to occupy himself.
But somehow, Remus was winning. He had only won from you twice. Once when you were distracted, your head not being in the game. Once when you had drank a tad too much dragon barrel brandy. Remus knew he couldn't win from you when you were trying. So he knew you weren't.
The only reason Remus hadn't lost yet was because he started with a lot of layers. You started in a dress and had already taken off your cardigan, making a show of it. Remus was still almost fully clothed, having taken off his jumper when he lost against you, but having been wearing a shirt underneath. Sirius started out in his standard attire and had lost both his signature leather jacket and his shirt underneath.
Remus won again, and it started to bother him. He knew he wasn't cheating, but it wasn't right either. He was the type of guy who wanted to win fairly and started to itch when he didn't.
James lost, but didn't seem to mind. Before he could take off another piece of clothing, you leaned over the stack of cards that was between you. Your face didn't show much of what you were planning, but before he could wonder all too much, you slowly started to take off the tie of the uniform he had been wearing, not accidentally giving him a front-row seat to the view of your chest while you were leaning over. He decided that this was one of the few times he really didn't mind losing.
When you were finished, you loosely fastened his tie around your own neck, letting it fall over the v-line of your dress. Knowing your company, you knew normally one of them would argue that this was against the rules of the game, but given the amount of alcohol consumed and the number of longing glances exchanged, you knew you were no longer playing very strictly.
A little further along in the game, both Sirius and James barely had any clothes left to remove, and while they didn't seem to mind it, Remus started to get increasingly nervous when Sirius would have to strip another article of clothing.
By now, Remus still had his trousers and shirt on. You were left in only your dress, having taken off your stockings when you lost a little while back.
The next round was dealt, and while you were playing, it slowly started to become unmistakably obvious you were trying to lose. While there was a small attempt from one of them not to make you end at the bottom, keeping someone from not losing proved harder than keeping someone from winning. When the round was over and there was no doubt you had lost, you switched your gaze from the cards in front of you, to James, your face seeming innocent but your eyes were playing an entirely different game.
“Would you mind unzipping me?” You ask with the purest voice James had heard from you all evening. You turned around and sat on your knees with your back against him. Carefully he put your hair over one of your shoulders, a shaky sigh leaving his lips in the process. He had seen you naked more than enough times, but drunken strip poker with your two best friends was another thing entirely.
Slowly he moved the zipper down your back, and apart from the sound of the fabric moving, the room was quiet as could be, not helping to relieve any of his tension. When the zipper started to reach your lower back, James realized you weren't wearing a strapless bra as he had originally assumed. Not wearing one was something that happened more often than not when you wore a tight dress like this, the thought of this had however not passed his mind until the moment his hand passed over the bare skin of your back. Once the zipper had reached its end, when you stood back up, you patiently started to move the material down your body. While doing so, you did not seem to notice the awkward energy radiating off Remus, who was currently looking anywhere besides the show you were putting on for James.
Until James couldn't take it any longer
The moment the dress dropped from your figure to the floor, not one single person in the room had a similar reaction. Remus was looking down at his feet, suddenly fascinated by the pattern of the floorboards. Sirius didn't have much of a reaction at all, he had seen you naked before and was currently focused on how entertainingly flustered James looked. James seemed to jump into protective mode right after, either that or he was trying to distract himself from the tightness that was growing in his trousers while in the presence of your friends. He grabbed his jacket from the floor while he sprang up, and hastily put it on you. But that did not seem like enough for him just yet. He bent down a little and placed one of his arms under your knees and the other around your back, and lifted you from the floor. At James’ sudden move, you made a sound that seemed to represent both surprise and excitement.
“That's it, we're leaving” James stated, walking towards the door with you without awaiting a reaction from either of your friends. When the door shut behind him, Sirius and Remus were left alone, both looking at each other, uncertain what to do next, because you might have left the room, but the tension didn't leave with you.
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mentos-or-mentoes · 7 months
Headcanons! Cult of the lamb
Leshy, Heket, Shamura, Kallamar, Narinder and The lamb.
(this will be in follower form for the bishops)
Dude is definetly not happy upon being indoctrinated into the cult.
Like first he gets killed by the lamb and NOW he has to follow their commands? Yeah to say the least he might be a bit annoyed at first.
When you first introduce yourself, he might be a little skeptical mainly because he was a bishop so what were you gonna do? Make fun of him? Pull a ''prank'' Just because you could?
Surprisingly, no! You were kind, just trying to get to know him better, and trying to get him to know the cult a little better.
He is forever greatful if you help him around the place.
If Leshy smells anything he thinks is something like a flower, then he might try and guide you towards them.
Mainly because it might be difficult picking them, when he cant see where the hell he's going.
9.5 / 10 hugs and you cant convince me otherwise.
He might be a bit moist because of all the stuff growing on him but he definetly smells nice. (or atleast i headcanon it as such).
He can and will be a living scarf if he REALLY craves your attention.
He will just snuggling up to you in the middle of whatever you were doing.
Heket was not the happiest when she awoke in the lambs cult to say the least.
Allthough she was hungry, (cant blame her tbh).
When you approached her and offered her a couple of berries as a little welcome gift you definetly became one of her favorites.
She probably didn't even want to try and care for someone that isn't her siblings, at this point.
She especially appreceates if you basically speak for her, mainly because you can get to the point (and the words) alot faster then her.
Heket will do absolutely anything to avoid you or anyone else finding out anything that embarrases her that isnt known, like her losing to the lamb.
She enjoys all meals with either you or her siblings.
If you pick her up in front of others for no reason you are getting the frog equivilent of a bitch slap.
She does still have a reputation to uphold to prevent the followers from being too cruel even as a member of the cult.
Okay but seriously, Heket is basically your knight in shining armor.
Someones bothering you? just tell Heket, and she will take care of it.
She loves it when you bring her snakcs while waiting for a meal to be done whenever you cook.
Can and will pass you notes of what she wants you to say to someone, if she's really annoyed bcause of something they did.
Might be dissapointed if you rephrase it, to not be as rude as what she wrote.
Them always seeking knowledge was definetly one of the things that allowed you to bond with them quickly.
You telling them about things they might find interesting, and them sharing some of the things they remember.
Shamura likes it when you remind them of small things they might forget.
They also like sharing stories of their past with you, or giving you small gifts.
Not that they cant defend themselves against other cult members who might be looking for payback (they probably can't).
But you talking some sense into the cultists heads definetly does not go unoticed.
Shamura probably does like cuddles, especially when comforting them.
Might forget that you gave them something and try to return it to you.
If you remind them, then well they'll probably feel a bit ashamed that they forgot one of your gifts.
Please comfort Shamura if this happens.
(sorry i couldn't come up with much for them Shamura fans).
Kallamar is a very nervous person so you showing them kindness was definetly unexpected.
you being nice? To him, and this quickly? You must be plotting something, he thought. but when you continuesly kept showing kindness and defended him from any rude cult members, he quickly realized that it wasn't the case.
he likes it alot when you reassure him that everythings gonna be fine. This man isn't much for standing up for himself. So if you do stand up for him, when other cultists come to do whatever they'd wanna do, he'll be very thankful.
If you went through the trouble of learning sign language just to communicate with him easilier his heart basically melts (not literally though).
He loves holding your hand. he likes the comfort of you being around.
expect him to be with you for a majority of the time.
will hug you whenever he feels nervous if he is allowed to (usually he is).
If he's trying to talk to you about something personal he'll usually use sign language with you when alone.
Kallamar spends so much time with you that half of his stuff is probably at your place.
He was not letting anyone even try and converse with him, after his indoctrination.
Not like people were gonna try anyway, considering what he tried to do.
But theres always someone different, and that just so happened to be you.
You kept trying to start a conversation, pestering him untill he finally tried to actually speak with you.
He wasn't very happy when he finally did start talking.
Despite that you just kept coming back.
Soon he actually started trying to engage the conversations, not really having much else to do.
Small conversation became a small friendship.
Soon Narinder found himself actively trying to spend time with you , and you were more then happy to do so.
Atleast the place wasn't as bad now for Narinder.
This dude is for close to anything but PDA (Public displays of affection).
Will purr if you hug him.
Narinder will never admit it but he's a total cuddle bug when in private.
Will do anything to prevent the lamb from finding out because he already knows he's gonna get teased for eternity the second they find out.
May or may not actively seek you out if he's getting really needy for some cuddles.
Will have orange cat level stupid behavior if he somehow gets his hands on catnip.
The lamb / Lambert.
upon first meeting you, for whatever reason you were wandering around the lands of the old faith, they immidietly asked if you wanted to become part of their cult.
Likes your dedication to the crown and the cult
If you're especially dedicated to the cult then they might read your mind (and might find out you're in love but who knows).
Definetly tries to become closer with you.
They might ask if you wanna go on walks to take a break from all the work.
If you have any problems then the lamb will be willing to do just about anything to help (not everything though).
The lamb definetly makes the first move.
They shower you in gifts, kisses and cuddles whenever they're not busy.
Will do a marriage ritiual as soon as you feel comfortable with it.
Will spend lots of time with you in their free time.
You're probably being put in charge of taking care of things whenever they go on crusades, mainly because they trust you the most.
Doesn't have alot of time when they're not working but they spend almost every second that they're not busy beside you
Expect surprise hugs.
Lots and lots of surprise hugs.
Alot of people are probably both jealous and happy for you because of you being with the lamb.
The lamb does not care because they got the most wonderful person in the world as their partner aka you <3.
(Hope you enjoyed my first ever headcannons)
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