#but does it even matter if so few of them were attractive to me anyway? idk but it still aches
fandoms-x-reader · 3 months
Requested By: @midnightskyeneko
Summary: How the love interests flirt with you. ~Suggestive at times~ Bonus Characters: Solomon, Simeon, Diavolo
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When it comes to Lucifer’s flirting style, there’s only one word to describe it - polite.
Given your past with Lucifer, he would prefer to take the more subtle approach to flirting. He would rather you not pick up on his signs of flirting than think he has pushed too far.
Lucifer will give you compliments in a respectful way. He will tell you that you look beautiful or he will commend you on how well you are doing in your academics.
That’s his version of flirting. He has a reputation to uphold after all. He can’t very well be as forthcoming as Asmo or as embarrassing as Mammon.
He feels the need to make his emotions known through traditional courtship. Dinner, flowers, Demonus, and such. He will pull out all of the stops to impress you and make his feelings known.
He appreciates it when you make an effort to let him know you share the feelings. Holding hands, pressing closer to him when it’s cold, or telling him how much you enjoy spending time with him. He’ll enjoy any type of affection, verbal or non-verbal.
The two of you were at a dance that was being held at Diavolo’s castle. It was a celebration of one of the many anniversaries the Devildom had.
You were dancing with Lucifer, one hand holding yours as the other rested on your waist. He pulled you close, taking in all of your features. Admiring how attractive you were.
Your scent intoxicated his senses as he tried to take in as much of you as he could. He was falling down a dangerous hole and he couldn’t stop himself from the temptation that overtook him. He was a demon, after all.
“Would you care to spend the rest of the night with me? Perhaps ending in my bedroom?” Lucifer asked with a smile as his black and red eyes looked deep into yours,
Lucifer’s candor took you by surprise and you pressed your cheek into his shoulder to hide the intense blush that rose to your cheeks. “Don’t tease me,” you told him as you did your best to hide from him.
Lucifer smirked at your expression. He enjoyed the feeling of you pressed against him, doing your best to hide the emotions that were trying desperately to escape.
He held you close before replying, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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Mammon is an absolute mess whenever you flirt with him. He does not handle it well. It can be something as simple as giving him a compliment to something more daring like thanking him with a kiss on the cheek. It didn’t matter how you flirted, it always elicited the same reaction from Mammon.
It would start with blushing, as he became a stuttering mess. Then once the initial shock passed, he would follow up by saying something like, “Of course you would think that about the Great Mammon.” Or, “Of course you’d want to kiss me on the cheek.” And then a very adamant denial of anything ever happening would top it all off.
It was an adorable sight watching Mammon get flustered by the smallest things you do. And, it only gave you motivation to do them more often.
Mammon would be sitting across the class from you, watching as you would gently play with your hair. He wondered if you knew how cute you looked when you did that. The second you caught him staring, you flashed him a confident smile. Mammon would immediately turn away, blushing.
If you send him a wink as well, he’ll blush twice as hard.
He invited you over for a movie night and suggested a horror movie - even though he hates them. You made sure to sit as close to him as possible. “So you can protect me,” you defended and Mammon melted. 
“Of course you’d want the Great Mammon to protect ya.” You swore he said some version of that same line more than he said anything else.
Still, you couldn’t help but notice the way his arms fell around you anyway. His cheeks were stained pink for the first few minutes, but when he realized you were okay with his affections, he eventually relaxed. 
Besides, it was just the two of you there so no one would make fun of him or tease him about this moment later.
You were getting a bit tired after a while and Mammon took notice. “Do you want to go to sleep?” Mammon asked you, pausing the movie to talk to you.
You shook your head before replying, “I don’t feel like going back to my room yet.” You were exhausted and the last thing you wanted to do was get up and leave.
“You could spend the night with me,” Mammon suggested, his eyes lighting up at the idea. And although he had pure intentions, the way he spoke the sentence came off more suggestive than he meant it.
Mammon’s eyes widened as he realized the mistake in interpretation and he opened his mouth to come up with a defense but stopped when he noticed the way you were avoiding his gaze as your cheeks were red.
Mammon had never seen this side of you. He was usually the one that looked like this while you sat across from him with a proud smile. 
Now, he understood why. He was savoring every moment of your flustered reaction. Did the idea of staying with him make you that excited?
Mammon was now determined to be a bit more forward with you. He wanted to see you blushing at the things he said more often. But, only when the two of you were alone. He couldn’t let his brothers see how adorable you were when you were like this.
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Levi fits in his own category when it comes to flirting.
He’s not particularly good at it, mostly because his words are a mix of jumbled phrases. And yet, his sincerity in the feelings he’s trying to get across is so endearing that his charm somehow ends up coming off anyway.
He’s pretty shy when you are flirting with him. He’s so used to thinking negative thoughts about himself that when you compliment him it comes as a shock. He’s not quite sure how to react; but, it’s mostly a combination of stuttering or blushing.
Levi tries to take the subtle approach to flirting back with you. He’ll compliment your skills in a game or tell you that you remind him of one of his favorite anime characters. 
He’ll get more confident as time passes, getting a bit more straightforward with his actions and words. He wants you to feel as flustered as you make him.
He went to Asmo for advice on this. Asmo is the Avatar of Lust, so he could help him with his love life right? Of course, he also made Asmo swear to not tell any of their other brothers.
Asmo suggested that Levi make a more intimate move on you to get you to understand his feelings for you. And, as an otaku there was one thing in particular that came into his mind. It may be bold, but if it got his feelings across, then he was willing to try it.
You were in his room, standing near the wall as you started looking through some games to find one for the two of you to play.
Levi took a deep breath. It was now or never.
In a instant, Levi moved over to you and had you pushed up against the wall, his hand slamming against it next to your head.
You let out a gasp as your cheeks immediately turned red. Levi did his best to remain confident. He had seen kabedon in anime. He read about it in manga. But, doing it in real life was different.
“L-Levi,” you stuttered out, wanting to hide your flustered expression, but he was too close to turn away. 
Then tension was thick between the two of you as Levi stared into your eyes.
“Ooh, yes! That was the perfect gesture, Levi!” Asmo squealed and you both immediately looked over at him. How did he get in?!
“Ah! Asmo, get out!” Levi yelled, backing away from you quickly. “But it was just getting good!” Asmo pouted.
You moved away from the wall, trying to regain your composure. You did not expect that from Levi.
Levi was nervous and blushing but he felt accomplished in his goal. 
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In regards to the five flirting styles, Satan is a sincere flirt. 
He may not make as many flirtatious compliments or actions as some of his other brothers would. Asmo.
But, that doesn’t mean he isn’t trying just as hard.
He believes in flirting through building your connection. He wants to get to know you.
He’ll take you somewhere quiet and intimate so that he can ask you questions. What genre of books do you like to read? What are your hobbies? Where do you like to go in your free time?
He prefers intimate actions over quick and playful ones.
You would reach for a book on the top shelf of the library. You were just a bit short, having to stand on your tiptoes to reach it and Satan would notice your struggle.
He would come up behind you, one hand gently resting respectfully on the small of your back while the other grabs the book for you.
“Is this the one you wanted?” he asked, handing you the book. You would smile up at him and nod your head. Your body was pressed against his as you told him, “Thanks, Satan.”
That was the end of the interaction. Short and sweet. 
The interaction may not have lasted for long, but he knew it was only a matter of time before it happened again. The two of you had a habit of longing looks and lingering touches.
You were at the cafe with Satan, sitting next to him at a table as you waited for your drinks to be made.
He was helping you study for a particular class but he kept losing focus.
Your eyes were trained on the pages in front of you as your eyebrows furrowed slightly in concentration.
And while you were concentrated on the work, Satan was concentrated on you, noticing an eyelash that had fallen on your cheek.
He debated just saying something, but ultimately decided on gently rubbing his thumb over your cheek to remove it.
You blushed slightly and stared at Satan as he raised his hand for you to see the eyelash that was resting on his thumb. “Humans believe in wishing upon a fallen eyelash, right?” Satan asked.
You nodded your head and he brought his hand closer, allowing you to make a wish. You closed your eyes, stating a wish in your mind, and then gently blowing the eyelash off Satan’s finger.
When you opened your eyes, Satan was smiling at you. His eyes were full of love as he told you, “I made a wish too.”
You raised an eyebrow and he added, “I wished for a kiss.” You immediately turned away from Satan, smiling as your cheeks felt hot. “Satan,” you said with a small chuckle, as you tried to regain your composure.
He had heard that you weren’t supposed to tell other people your wish. If you did, it wouldn’t come true. So, maybe his wish wouldn’t come true because he voiced it. He was okay with that. It was worth it enough to see the way you got flustered. 
He hoped to make you flustered more often. He would be pulling out all of the cheesy tricks he’s read about in his books to get you to smile and blush at him again.
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Asmo is obviously a very flirty person in general. He loves giving compliments almost as much as he loves receiving them.
And he especially loves it every single time you compliment him. He always wants more. Tell him his hair is on point. Tell him his outfit is very trendy. Tell him that his beauty compares to no one. It feeds his ego.
He’ll always have his own compliment or flirty remark to come back with though.
“Thanks, Y/N, but look at you.” Asmo only used his sing-song voice to heavily emphasize something, and when it came to complimenting you, he always made sure to emphasize that point.
The two of you got so comfortable with sending flirty comments back and forth, that it pretty much became second nature. It was completely shameless flirting. It didn’t matter who heard it.
To the brothers, the frequency of the flirting made it seem like you and Asmo were in a competition to see who could flirt the most. And if it was a competition, you and Asmo were tied and neither one of you was backing down anytime soon.
Asmo particularly liked it when the two of you were alone. The stolen glances and amorous statements that were made in secrecy, for only him to hear. They may have been small comments, nothing too serious, but it made him feel special.
“Your skin is so soft!” you complimented Asmo as you gently rubbed your finger over his cheek. You had just helped him take off a face mask and it left his skin completely smooth.
“I can’t wait to see what yours feels like!” he replied, switching positions so that he could help take yours off as well. His eyes traced every movement that his hands made as he made sure to get all of it off.
Asmo was amazed by how beautiful you were. His hand gently rested against your cheek, cupping it softly. The warm contact felt nice and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch.
“So?” you asked, looking into his eyes. Asmo pursed his lips for a moment, as he contemplated what to say.
“Your skin is really soft. But…I bet your lips are even softer,” he replied, leaning in dangerously close. His lips were mere inches away from yours as his eyes locked with yours again. “Should we find out?”
A blush immediately rose to your cheeks as you tore your gaze away from Asmo. “Stop it,” you said quietly, gently pushing him away.
Asmo wasn’t offended that you pushed him away. Instead, he was smiling at your flustered appearance.
“You look so cute when you blush!” Asmo said, making you blush even more. You normally didn’t have this reaction to Asmo and he adored it. He teased you about it a bit more before deciding to drop it. For now.
He now knew the trick to getting you to blush and you can be sure he’ll be using it every single chance he gets.
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Beel isn’t big on using his words. So, when he flirts, he prefers to use physical touch or actions to convey his emotions.
He wasn’t the one to go to if you wanted a lovey dovey speech about yours and his relationship. But, if you wanted a hug, he gave the best ones. If you just wanted to be held, his arms were always available. 
Beel was fine if you gave him a flirty comment or compliment. He may blush a little but he enjoyed being the target of your affections. As long as you followed it up with some form of physical contact.
The Devildom was having a food truck rally and Beel couldn’t be more excited. He invited you to come along with him. He wanted to try all of the different foods that were going to be offered and he wanted you to be his partner in crime.
You were the faithful accomplice, following Beel to each and every food truck that he wanted to try. Beel would smile as he offered to share each dish he got with you and in exchange, you would share what you got with him.
You finally made it to the last truck which happened to be a dessert truck. Beel looked at the menu, his eyes wide as he read the name of each item. You could tell that he couldn’t wait to get his hands on the sweet delicacies.
There was just one problem though.
A frown fell on Beel’s lips as he out-turned his pockets, realizing he didn’t bring enough Grimm. You gave him a small smile before offering to pay for dessert. You couldn’t let the Avatar of Gluttony leave without getting his fill of sweets.
Beel thanked you graciously before ordering everything he wanted. You ordered an ice cream and then joined Beel at the nearby table. You began eating your ice cream as Beel scarfed down the desserts he got.
When he was done, he looked at you and noticed that you had gotten a bit of ice cream on your cheek, near the corner of your lips.
Beel leaned in close, gently rubbing the ice cream off the corner of your lips with his thumb before licking it off. It looked too delicious to resist.
An intense blush rose to your cheeks at his actions and the two of you maintained eye contact. Noticing your reaction, Beel said, “Sorry, did you want that?”
You shook your head no and Beel smiled at you. “We should share food more often.”
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You and Belphie had a very playful relationship.
One flirty comment here, and another cheeky touch there. Anyone who didn’t know you would swear the two of you were in a relationship.
And that was just the way Belphie wanted it. He loved it when people looked at the two of you like you were together. Because that meant there were less and less people who were looking at you like you were for the taking.
But, there was always one thing that bothered Belphie; and, it was the way you always seemed particularly unbothered. No matter how flirty he was with you, whether it be by words or touch, you seemed to reciprocate his comments and actions without a moment of hesitation.
Belphie wanted you to melt, he wanted your heart to skip a beat. He wanted to make you flustered. And it was his goal to do so.
Belphie had decided to take you to a movie. The two of you sat in the back of the theater. It was perfect, because it provided entertainment and the perfect lighting. So if Belphie needed to take a nap, he could do so without anyone else noticing.
But, he couldn’t fall asleep. He was too focused on you. You looked amazing in this lighting and he enjoyed watching your reactions to each scene in the movie.
He did everything he could to be close to you. He would hold your hand or let his hand rest on your thigh. He would lay his head on your shoulder, his arm reaching over the armrest to wrap around your waist. You leaned into his touch, but kept your eyes trained on the movie.
Eventually, he got tired of fighting for your attention and sat up, whispering in your ear, “You know, we could go home. There’s about a hundred more interesting things I’d love to do with you that don't involve a movie.”
You turned to Belphie and locked eyes with him, noticing the intense look in his eyes. He was serious. Your heart sped up as you turned your attention back to the movie, your mind racing with thoughts as your body betrayed you by blushing furiously.
Finally. Belphie smirked as he looked at your nervous appearance. This is the reaction he was looking for and he was proud he finally achieved it.
“Are you flustered?” he teased and you blushed even more. “I’m paying attention to the movie,” you defended.
“Fine…we’ll talk about it after,” Belphie replied with a smile, snuggling into you. Tonight was going to be a long night.
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After getting to know Solomon a bit better, you quickly came to realize that he liked to flirt. And after all his years being alive, he was good at it. He enjoyed being close with you and calling things like his “adorable apprentice.”
He would use his magic to his advantage as much as he could. Were you feeling down? One magical touch later and he was handing you a bouquet of your favorite flowers. Missing the human world? He’ll bring you back up there for a quick trip.
Being as old as he is, he is a traditional flirt. He enjoys old-fashioned dates such as a candlelit dinner or going out dancing.
You enjoyed going out with Solomon and you loved flirting back with him. You would compliment him on how great of a sorcerer he is. You would tell him that you were glad he was the other exchange student that got brought to the Devildom.
The only thing you wouldn’t compliment him on was his cooking.
You were sitting across from Solomon at a dinner table in Ristorante Six. You and Solomon were having a nice date when he decided to try and take things a step further.
He leaned forward in his chair a bit and gently took your hand in his. You looked into his eyes and Solomon told you, “Everyone’s always fighting for your attention, and here you are on a date with me…I think I’ve fallen for you myself.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you noticed the sincerity in his eyes and you looked down, blushing deeply. Solomon smiled at your reaction and noticed how you didn’t pull away from him.
So, you only get nervous if he’s seriously flirting with you. Solomon takes note of the way you try to hide your smile and blush and can’t help but find it adorable.
In all his time, he’s never found someone he enjoys making flustered so much.
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Simeon was an angel so most people would assume that he was pure or innocent.
In your experience, neither of those were true. 
Simeon definitely upheld the angel title through his kind nature and good heart. But he was not innocent.
In fact, you got the impression from Simeon that he had some wild stories to tell. He was just waiting for the opportune moment to share them.
Simeon was polite when he flirted with you, complimenting you on your beauty and trying to make a genuine connection with you instead of trying to make more sensual advances.
But, that didn’t stop him from making a cheeky comment here and there. And it always took you by surprise. 
You flirted back, enjoying the way his red cheeks lit up his tan skin. You thought he looked even better when he was blushing like that.
Simeon agreed that there was something special about seeing someone you have affections for, nervous - their cheeks rosy. But, he wanted to see what that looked like on you.
You were taking a walk around the garden with Simeon. He stopped for a moment when he noticed a particular flower. He carefully picked it off the bush before turning to you. He gave you a smile as he gently tucked it behind your ear.
He frowned slightly when he pulled away and you furrowed your eyebrows. “What is it?” you asked him. Did the flower not compliment you?
“That’s the most beautiful flower in the Devildom and it still doesn’t compare to your beauty,” he replied.
His words hit you hard as you immediately began blushing. “Simeon,” you muttered, smiling at how smooth the angel was.
Simeon smiled back, finally able to see how you looked when you were flustered. He continued as if he didn’t do anything wrong, interlacing his fingers with yours as you finished your walk. 
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Diavolo was the ruler of the Devildom. Whatever he wanted he got, and what he wanted more than anything was you.
So, he did whatever he could to win your affections. If there was something you wanted, he would buy it as soon as he was able to step away from the castle and he would hand deliver it to you.
If there was somewhere you wanted to go, he insisted on being the one who took you. He wanted to be the one who got to see the ways your eyes lit up when you experienced something new for the first time.
You showered Diavolo in praise. Whenever he was feeling down or questioning his decisions, you were always there to assure him he was doing an excellent job and that he was a wonderful ruler.
Your words always stirred something within him. He never found someone he deemed fit to rule the Devildom beside him until he met you. A seemingly simple human.
He wanted to express his feelings for you. So, he invited you out to the balcony. The view overlooked the many lights of the Devildom that stretched out far away from you. It looked never-ending from here.
“Y/N, there is a reason I asked you out here,” Diavolo started, gathering up the courage to say what he wanted to.
You turned to face Diavolo, allowing him to speak without being interrupted. “I wanted to thank you,” he added, turning to face you as well now.
He stepped forward, gently cupping your cheek before telling you, “I would be lost without you.”
You blushed at Diavolo’s words as he maintained eye contact. “I-I haven’t done anything special,” you stuttered out, your mind clouded by his proximity. 
Diavolo let out a laugh as his hand dropped from your cheek to slide down your arm to interlace his hand with yours. “You’ll never know just how much you have done.”
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lixiektty · 1 year
the range — kinktober day one
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word count: 3.5k (i got carried away lol)
warnings/kinks: harddom!heeseung, sexworker!heeseung, sub!reader, language, oral (m. receiving), protected sex, squirting, degradation, a little praise, fingering, spanking, pet names, dirty talk pls feel free to let me know if i missed anything!!
author's note: long time no see! i'm back for kinktober. i'm really trying to work on being active on here, after kinktober i hope i can accomplish just that. i hope you all enjoy my upcoming works for this month!!
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you had heard about this place a few halloween's back— you hadn't expected it to reopen this year, giving you again another chance to go. the reviews were good but there was no way of seeing exactly what you should expect when going in.
all you friends pushed you to go, not that any of them had been before either, but they thought it'd help you let loose a little. you were just questioning yourself nonstop, mind switching between going and not going. you thought, maybe this could be a little fun...
tonight was halloween night, a ticket had to be bought within 24 hours of your arrival, so you rushed to your computer yesterday morning and bought one for yourself. you dressed up in a strapless tight leather dress, fishnets hugging your legs. it was basic, yes, but you looked hot, and your besties thought so too when you sent a picture to the groupchat.
walking into the attraction had your heart racing. the main area to scan your ticket was a small booth right before the entrance to the actual building. a lady sat there, face speaking for itself, saying she's bored and over it. you had to sign a waiver which honestly freaked you the fuck out, what happens in there other than a good fuck?
when entering, it was pretty loud. smoke filled the small hallways; lights were flashing brightly. you didn't know what you were supposed to do or where you were supposed to go.
it was a good two minutes when you finally heard footsteps right behind you. before you could even turn, a hand was placed over your mouth to mumble your screams and you were yanked through this curtain that hid a door right behind it. once you got into the room, it was decorated as if you were in a horror film. the hands on you let you go but still didn't turn you around. you felt shaky, all of this was so new—so unexpected.
"you're a pretty little thing, aren't ya'?" the man spoke, placing his cold hands on the back of your thighs, fingers running between the spaces left from your fishnets. he breathes heavily, almost like he's hungry, as he felt around your body.
you hadn't even gotten a good look at his face, wanting to know the face of the guy who was about to fuck you crazy. for a second you had hesitated to turn, but you finally did and looked up into his eyes. the only thing that had been on his face were two fake smile cuts— blooding dripping from them, he was attractive though, no kidding. you couldn't get enough of the way he looked down at you, still wearing his acting face and trying his best to continue portraying this character while you're still in front of him looking like that.
"did i tell you to turn and look at me?" he asked. no, but you wanted to.
"i— i just wanted to see what you looked like..." you replied, feeling so small with all the dominance he carried.
"does it matter? you're not gonna see it while i'm fucking you, you can barely see with these lights anyways."
"but— i saw enough," heeseung was a nice guy in real life, this character though was the complete opposite— aggressive, rough, overly dominant and so on. having to keep going on with this facade when you said things that had him blushing and instead of treating you like a princess, he'd be treating you like a slut.
"on your knees," he said through gritted teeth.
right away you were kneeling before him, face to face with his bulge and looking up. he held your chin to tilt your head up a little bit further. "what an obedient slut," he chuckled airy and let go of your face.
you watched as his hands trailed down to fiddle with his button and zipper of his black jeans. the feeling of excitement filled you and it caused a pool to form in the lace fabric you wore.
the minute heeseung pulled his cock out you didn't even get to give a reaction before he was forcing himself inside your mouth. you hummed lightly, loving the way he tasted on your tongue. he watched your head move forward without his help, watching the dirty sight and listening to your moans in satisfaction.
heeseung threw his head back, exposing his pretty neck you were so aching to mark, "fuck," he let out softly followed by a few pants.
his hands move to the back of your head, fingers tangling into your hair and gripping onto it tight. the sting sent to your scalp added a whole new feel of pleasure, nothing was being done to you, yet you were making more noises than heeseung was.
your eyes had closed just a little while ago and once you opened them and look back up, you make eye contact with the man. he squints and tilts his head a bit, that being enough to intimidate you and closing your eyes yet again.
"ah— nope, look at me," heeseung says, demanding voice deep and raspy.
you hesitantly open your eyes again and look up into his eyes. heeseung pushes himself deeper down into your throat, holding you there until your nose was almost kissing his pelvis. tears filled your water line, and you let out very few choking noises before he was pulling out fully removing himself, thank god for your lack of a gag reflex.
his heavy cock hung right in front of your face, your black lipstick leaving one single ring around the base, "look at how good you take it, so messy— just how i like it."
heeseung rubbed his tip between your lips, glossing the precum all over them. the aching between your legs just seemed to grow and it wasn't like you could tell him to hurry up, that'll just piss him off. he didn't like being rushed, plus he was control right now.
everything had happened so quick, one minute you were on the floor and the next you were being thrown onto the bed— fishnets ripped and underwear at your knees. the leather hugging your body had barely moved and heeseung just needed to see more, see how your ass moved against him and your hips rocking back and forth.
"you're so wet darling, who's got you all worked up?" he asked, a evil chuckle following.
you hadn't answered, too afraid to speak if you were being honest and heeseung didn't appreciate that. a sharp slap was sent to your ass, and you jumped, gasping but enjoyed the sting.
"i asked a question, don't start acting up now," he sounded hot every time he spoke, if only you could see his face right now.
hands gripped onto your hips, eyes trailing down your body and falling in love with the view. with the amount of shifts he's worked here and all the people he has fucked he had never been so into a customer like he was into you.
"you, you did—" you finally say.
"good, you speak," he says, "now keep going with that pretty mouth of yours."
two of his long slender fingers plunged into you, curling and sending this new shockwave throughout your body. an exaggerated moan left your mouth, you hadn't remembered the last time you felt someone else's fingers but yours and it feel amazing.
"you're sucking them right in, doll," heeseung comments. his fingers moved steadily, a twist of his wrist every now and then.
his digits were nearly soaked from you, not like he really minded anyways. if anything, he thought it was hot you were this wet for him, dripping from his fingers and making all these noises.
screams, moans, and the faint sound of the spooky music they had playing could be heard— along with the smoke machines and buzzing of lights, yet your moans were all heeseung could focus on.
"shi— more, please more," you begged.
heeseung couldn't resist, making enough space to add another one of his fingers and move faster. each thrust of them became rougher and had you clawing at the sheets. he did so well, and of course he knew what he was doing, he worked here for a reason.
"good god, you're so tight," heeseung bent down to press a kiss to the back of your thigh, licking up the arousal that had dripped down and groaning from the satisfying taste, "and you taste so good."
all he could think about now was how he wanted to go raw on you and feel the way you clench around his cock tight, barely allowing him to move, but it was a requirement that the workers use protection in order not to catch nor spread anything. it made him grow this irritation because he really just wanted to know how you felt— and even filling you up with him cum and watching it leak from you, though he knew he couldn't do that, the thought just didn't go away.
"wish i could fill you up, but i'm afraid i can't doll," he says, disappoint heard in his voice.
you wondered why, then remembered what you had read on the contract about the protection rules. to feel his load was only something you could imagine, now you wondered if you would see him again, run into him and flashback to this night. he'd take you back to his place, or even yours and you could finally see his face clearly, clear of the fake scars and being able to actually see it in the light.
"you'd probably take it so well, huh?" he asked. you hum and wiggle your hips, moving them side to side to add to the pleasure, "what a proud cumslut."
that familiar knot tightened up in your stomach and your bud throbbing, aching for the attention. if you would have reached back what if heeseung slapped your hand away and denied you of any contact? which is exactly what he did when you tried.
you tighten around his fingers and feeling your mind getting fuzzy, heeseung pushing you closer and closer to your high.
"i— i'm close," you moan out.
"so quick?" again, you moan out but in embarrassment.
it just felt so good, how could he blame you? with each thrust of his fingers and jerk of his hand, it was only a matter of time before you soaked the both of you. heeseung watched as you squirted, twisting and turning his fingers roughly inside you as you did.
"didn't know you could do that," he said, smirk plaster on his face.
his fingers were out of you after being trapped in for so long, your hips collapsing trying to get some rest but heeseung wasn't done. and he wasn't giving breaks.
your hips were soon propped back up, heeseung placing your knees on the bed. he needed to fuck you now, feel every part of you. he nearly forgot to get protection due to how distracted he got watching you drench his fingers and clothing like that— your cum running down the back of your thighs, oh was it a sight.
heeseung grabbed the condom that usually was left on the nightstands, grabbing and removing it from the package. he stripped himself from his jacket and his shirt that was wet because of you, rolling the latex slowly onto the head and down his shaft.
"hurry and fuck me," you say, with a wiggle of your hips just barely hitting the head of his cock with your heat.
"you're an impatient little bitch," heeseung rolls your dress up to your waist, sending an aggressive slap on your ass—making you flinch. he held onto your hips tightly before pushing himself in, the sound of him hissing behind you at the feeling made you clench tighter around him, "sucking me right in, how fuckin' pretty?"
heeseung's hips started at a slow pace, a small whimper leaving your lips as he filled you to the brim, so easily controlling you with everything he did and every word he spoke. as his pace started to grow faster, your hands clenched onto the comforter—feeling all of him, inch by inch.
"m'gonna abused this sweet pussy of yours, darling." he smacks your ass harder and began pistoning into you. each stroke went deeper and deeper, splitting you open like no one has before.
you moan loud, all the wet sounds and skin slapping overpowering the loudness of the smoke machines, other women's screams, and anything else that made noise outside of this room, "how are you so fucking big?" you struggled to ask, genuinely wondering how someone could be the size he was but fit so perfectly inside you.
"it's a blessing, i guess," he shrugged, knowing how cocky that sounded but it just played into his character.
he continued to pound into you and letting out the nastiest of groans, getting lost inside you. never in the two years he's been working here as he ever felt like this before. it was always nothing but a fuck, a paycheck, and then going home after fucking girls back-to-back, but you... he could fuck you without your money even being involved. you were a goddess in his eyes, and the slutty costume you wore didn't help him control his thoughts.
heeseung pulls out of you, manhandling you onto your back, yanking your panties down from your knees and discarding them then pulling your dress up more. your legs spread for him instinctively and his cock filled you back up immediately. heeseung watched how your body reacted to him—fucking you with sharper thrusts this time.
"pretty girl, give me another?" he hovered over you, bringing one of your legs up to your chest. you nod in response, heeseung smirking as you let out another moan, "good, i want us drenched."
as time went on, and heeseung's movements only got faster—you felt yourself being pushed further to the edge. ear splitting squeals left your throat and soon you were cumming fast and hard. heeseung pulled out, fingers immediately traveling down to your clit and rubbing harshly throughout your orgasm. heeseung's torso was now dripping, the picture of his state locked in your mind.
"fuck baby, can you do it again for me?" heeseung asked, fingers still toying with you bud gently causing you to jerk up into his touch, your eyes fluttering shut and letting out and mumbled whimper, "please?"
that made something in you snap. you felt so obedient, so needy and it was all for him. you nodded to the best of your ability, heeseung grinned the second you did. something about his sinister makeup made him so incredibly attractive in a way, so much more dominate.
he stood back up straight, positioning himself to slide back into you with ease. your back arched off the bed giving heeseung a chance to slip one of his arms under you and hold you in place. his body was pressed against yours, his hips beginning to move again.
moans spilled out of you, you were just too sensitive and already worn out—anything you did you had no control of in the moment. you felt like a toy for him to use, which wasn't a bad idea at all, infact you were hoping he'd treat you as just that.
heeseung looked at your scrunched up face and open mouth, letting out the prettiest sounds he had ever heard. he plants a kiss on your chin, trailing them down to your neck and your collarbone, leaving a few marks behind.
"i could fuck you all night until you pass out," he mumbled against your skin.
you clenched around him at the thought of him using your body until you were putty in his hands, "i-i think i will s-soon if you make me cum again," you stuttered, your sentence causing him to giggle, "and i-isn't there a ti-time limit-t?"
"am i not the worker?" heeseung asked, looking into your eyes with his dark gaze, "if i'm having a good time i can do whatever the hell i please... meaning if i wanna fuck you for hours on end and make you squirt over and over again, then i will do so." he goes on to explain.
you weren't sure if he was still in character—saying the things he'd say to any of the girls that came to the range, or if he got so lost in the moment that he forgot he was supposed to be acting for the sake of good tips and instead meant every last word he said.
heeseung thrusted up hard into you, getting closer to his orgasm. he felt so pussy drunk, he was feeling dizzy and his hips began having a mind of their own. you felt his free hand coming to toy with your clit again, rubbing like he was trying to get you to cum messy and fast again.
"f-fuck, fuck i'm gonna cum~" you cried out. heeseung chuckles devilishly, leaning down to lick across your jawline and then whisper into your ear.
"be a good slut, make me cum and i'll make you," he whispered.
you whine, clenching down onto him, your eyes snapping shut as you tried to hold on—hoping he was close. his slender fingers slide up and down along your soaked core, pounding into you until he released. you had only wished it was actually inside you. the thought itself made your hips twitch and you were cumming again—this one hitting a lot harder than the previous ones.
both you and heeseung's moans synced with one another, feeling sticky from sweat and cum. you stayed like this for a while as you tried catching your breath. heeseung's body had collapsed onto top of yours, his hips still slowly moving.
once he had finally got up, he wiped his abs clean using a folded towel left on the nightstand—tying his condom and throwing it into the trash.
"made you break character," you comment, chuckling afterwards.
heeseung laughs at you as he got dressed, kneeling down to pat your inner thighs dry. you examined your thighs as he did so, dripping from your many intense orgasms, ripped fishnets and flushed skin from the amount of harsh skin on skin contact.
"you're fucking amazing, my favorite customer by far," heeseung comments, collecting your panties as he was still on the ground and handing them to you.
"yeah?" you asked, leaning back on your hands and spreading your legs a little further, earning a smirk from the man between them, "better than all those other whores you screwed?"
heeseung stood up, throwing the towel into a different bin—an airy chuckle escaping his throat, "you're the best whore i've screwed, baby." he admits.
you hum, leaning forward and looking up at him with big eyes, "you tell all your customers that?"
heeseung upperhalf bends down, your chin ending up between his fingers, "only the pretty ones, and they don't come often," he says, forcing your head up slightly—lips so close to his, "you're different though. i like how your body reacts."
he lets go of you, holding his hand out to help you to your feet. you take it, pulling your dress back down once you did finally get up. your legs felt weak, your entire body felt weak, and your brain was still trying to process what the hell just happened.
"not to mention you know how to suck dick like no other," he adds as you were trying to fix yourself before you walked out that door, "should come back again, can't promise you'll get me next time though."
"what if i don't want anyone else next time?" you asked, cocking your head to the side.
all he does is smirk before placing his hand on the doorknob, "i'll just tell my coworkers to keep their hands off of you until i find you." he says as he opens the door for you, "you have a goodnight now...i need to get back into character. you fucked me up."
you smile before saying goodbye, walking out of the door and through the curtain. you walk down the hallway you originally entered the room from and went back to the front to collect your belongings.
"how much would you like to tip?" the lady behind the booth asked.
once you got your purse back, you pulled out a 50 and gave it to her. her eyes widened when she took it into her hands, looking back up at you, "good time huh?"
you nod, giving her a soft smile before grabbing your things and walking away from the building. it was almost an internal instinct to grab your phone and call your best friend.
the phone only rung twice before yunjin answered, "hello?" she spoke.
"hey..." you said lowly. she didn't know what to make of it. either you hadn't gone, or you did, and it was a disappointment.
"oh my god, did you not go through with it?" yunjin asked, you could hear shuffling on the other side of the line.
you chuckle, still walking to the parking lot, "no...no i went through with it alright."
"well, what are you waiting for? spill!" yunjin said, urging you to share your experience.
you thought back to what had just taken place in that building behind you five minutes ago, wanting to say fuck it and start running back and pay extra just so you could see heeseung again.
"the guy i was with was so fucking hot, jen. i'm telling you right now, that is the best sex i've had in a minute." you admitted.
"see! we told you it'd be fun," she says, you could just tell she was smiling as she said that, "did you get his number?"
"unfortunately, no," you said with a frown as you approached your car, unlocking it and getting in, "but i think i'll be coming back soon."
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triannel · 24 days
What if Reader tried to make Bill see his wrong doings, fail and and decide he's not worth their time so they try to leave them - but oh would you look at that - he fell in love and won't let you go (could be a yandere, idk if you write yan so doesnt have to be) have a nice day!
I've been getting frequent requests of angst fics, and lately I don't think I have written anything that ended on a sour note, so here, I will appreciate comments tbh, (just make sure to stay respectful plz.).
When you decided to leave him, it wouldn't really affect him...well at least that's what he tells himself. You were just a speed bump in his perspective, who are you to tell him what to do?
He knew what you were doing right from the start, you really thought you could change him? Well ...maybe you did. Something inside him did manage to grow fond of you, he actually did manage to catch something else than the feeling of amusement when you were around.
However, to him it doesn't really matter. He's a bad person, it was only a matter of time till you gave up, and honestly good riddance. He never needed you. You never needed him. You were never of use, your sweet, sweet aura can go elsewhere, even though he could have used you for something, but you'd never let him anyways, so goodbye...
Even as he does convince himself, deep inside he does somewhat miss you, your compassion and kindness was actually been quite...nice to have. He felt, safe when he was around you, you made him feel very comfortable on rare occasions and well, let's just say that only a very few number of people has been able to do that.
But still, 'good riddance' he says in his mind, at least the meddling feelings he might have for you will fizzle out, it was only but a distraction anyways...
Well, perhaps it does somewhat matter, but will he do anything though? To gain back your favor, convince you to comeback? Well, it depends.
He'd most likely turn away if he deems that you simply are a lost cause. He supposes, why should he go after you? You aren't essential to his plans, although he might-...
Nevertheless, he most likely won't do anything, to him you are just one less of a 'problem' to deal with.
Losing you will still most likely slightly sting him though, he would never admit it but you might have been one of the best person he'll ever get to even have a bond with.
If he does get desperate enough, like you somehow truly did make a very strong impact on him that it managed to really do get his full attention, then yes, he will not let you go. In resemblance of a flower yearning the sun, he will do what it takes to get you back.
Right after you decdied to just leave him be, he will notice your lack of visits and attention on him, and it will bother him. So turning back to you, he will try his best to shower you with affection, essentially using tactics to manipulate and attract you to return.
"HEY, SUNSHINE! YOU'RE BEING OVERDRAMATIC DON'T CHA THINK?" Bill spoke, appearing more charming than ever as he gazes up at you.
"COME ON TOOTS, ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO LEAVE ME JUST BECAUSE OF SOME SIMPLE REASON! C'MON SUNSHINE, I PROMISE I'LL CHANGE, JUST FOR YOU," he spoke, lifting your chin up with his index finger as he floated beyond your height.
Releasing a sigh, you move your head to the side to remove his hand from touching your face. You've heard this before, you knew where this is headed.
"Bill... I know you're lying." You spoke, your sweet voice leaving a bitter taste to Bill.
"Darling... I promise, I really will change..." He spoke, in a softer tone, slowly floating lower to reach your exact height as he held your face.
"Bill just stop..." You spoke softly, your eyes looking away as you stepped back. Nononono NO! You're not supposed to say that.
As you stepped back, Bill felt a sharp sting on his chest. "Sunshine..." He spoke, his hand slightly clenching as it dropped. Floating closer, his desperation grows stronger.
"This is for the best okay...I'm sorry." Taking another step back, you gave him one last gaze, and for a moment you did want to go back, to hug him and tell him you were only kidding. But forcing yourself to look away, you drag your body to move.
"YOU'LL REGRET THIS! COME ON, JOIN ME! YOU'LL GET THE BEST EXPERIENCE ANYONE WOULD EVER HAVE!" He shouted at your direction, floating fast towards you to get in your way.
"Bill...stop." Sternly, you stood your ground, your voice finally dropping to a demanding tone. "This...this is for the best okay..."
Once more exhaling a sigh, you bid him farewell and disappear.
Still staring to where you were standing, the sharp stinging on his chest now felt like a gunshot as your voice echoes in his mind.
As silence quickly settles in, he spoke your name for the first time, his heart torn in half, "(Your Name)..?"
I'm not exactly the best at writing angst but I hope I still did good, take note that this happened in your dream, and Bill joined you just because. So he could not exactly overpower you when the conversation happened.
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srjlvr · 1 year
,, once upon a time there was a princess who managed to melt the prince’s cold heart ” — park jay.
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park jay x fem!reader genre: arranged marriage , one sided love at first , angst , fluff ! warnings: curse words , mentions of food (nothing serious, just dinner breakfast and all) , uhh dunno if it’s really a warning but just a rude behavior. | NOT FULLY PROOFREAD!!
WORD-COUNT ; 5.1k+
NOTE. it took me a while to finish it forgive me my loves. i’ve been in london and came back so i couldn’t really write it for a few hours straight. i reaalllllllly hope you’d find a way to like jay’s part as it’s not really my fav so far i’m sorry- i love you all!! hints of jake’s story are dropped in here as well ;)
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royal life sucks.
at least that’s what you believe. others would say it’s the best thing that a person can wish for—and by others you mean your parents.
ever since you were a child you were taught how to behave, how to speak formally and how to treat others like a princess should.
oh and of course how can your silly little brain forget? you need to get ready for marriage as soon as you’re born into a royal family.
so royal life does suck. a lot.
you’ve met numerous princes from all across the country. with you’re parents forcing you to meet any prince they see—it’s quite hard to avoid all of them.
on one of the days, you wanted to catch a breath, so you went to the forest that was the nearest to your own castle.
groaning as you heard your parents yelling at you to take the guards with you, you quickly turned your heels and walked away. the guards will eventually find you anyway.
you sat by one of the trees as soon as you dived deep in the forest. you opened your favorite book you took from your library and started reading it.
you fell asleep after a while, being too tired of life in general and your parents’ constant screams about finding a prince to marry didn’t help any of that at all.
you woke up to a rustle noise and put your hands up since you thought you were caught by the royal guards.
it wasn’t the case at all.
you got up and noticed a little child roaming around the forest. you were about to go up and help him until something stopped you.
“hey! kid! what are you doing here all by yourself?” to be more specific, it was someone.
he wore a uniform only a royal blood would wear—he’s definitely a prince.
you looked at the prince and god, he was so breathtaking. his uniform suit him the best, and his jawline was definitely one to stare at. how come you’ve never met him?
“i-i got lost in the forest, i don’t know the way back” the kid’s eyes were filled with tears.
“hey, it’s okay, don’t cry” he smiled and grabbed the child’s hand, “let’s get you out of this forest”
the kid nodded, “what is your name?” he asked.
“my name is jay” the prince held a hand over his chest as a friendly gesture and the kid smiled, “i’ll tell my mother about you jay”
the prince laughed and shook his hand, “no need to! you should keep that as a secret”
the prince and the kid kept walking until they were nowhere in sight and you finally released a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
you have to meet that prince jay no matter what.
his kindness was what attract you the most to him. who can blame you? beside his outstanding visual, he seemed so kind and generous. definitely a one you’d like to marry.
you came back to the castle and prepared yourself to hear loads of screamings from your parents, but instead you were greeted with a wide smile smeared over their face.
“what’s with that face? you’re scaring me” you sighed.
they looked at each other and cheered at the same time, “we found the perfect husband for you!”
“what?” you spit out.
“we have everything closed! a husband, a place and of course, a date!” they clapped.
“you didn’t even ask me about it!” you shout and they rolled their eyes, “you’re getting old already y/n, and we’re definitely not getting younger. you need to marry someone already so we decided to help you a little”
“this is ridiculous, i can’t believe on you” you shook your head and went back to your room.
“be ready for the meeting tomorrow at ten in the morning!” they shout as you harshly closed the door.
“good morning your majesty, the queen asked me to wake you up early today and help you get ready” one of your servants softly caressed your hair.
you sighed and nodded, “thank you”
you got up and your servants helped you to get ready to meet your soon-to-be husband.
you thought about running away multiple times before, but now you’re definitely considering it as your only way out.
“what if i’ll just run away?” you mumbled while your servants were busy fixing your dress, “don’t be like that your majesty, you’re our only hope in this kingdom after your parents” one of them answered.
they’re actually right. as an only child it is your responsibility to take after your parents when their time will come to an end.
“come on, quickly! we don’t want to be late” you mother waved her hand at you and signaled you to get into the car quicker.
you sighed heavily, an obvious look of disappointment and sadness is smeared all over your face.
“we’re driving to hybe’s kingdom now, i’m sure you’ve heard of them” your father excitedly explained, “you’re going to meet prince jay, your soon-to-be husband”
your eyes light up, did he just say prince jay?
“prince jay?” you asked and your parents nodded.
“his mother is a good friend of mine, when she heard that we’ve been searching for a husband for you she told me one of her sons needs to marry off to someone too!” the queen smiled, “in order to take the throne he has to marry someone, which means you’re getting a kingdom for yourself!”
“it’s not my kingdom” you murmured, “but i am excited to meet my soon-to-be husband”
your parents clapped hearing the exciting news. they never thought you’d get so excited to meet the person you’re off to marry.
“good afternoon” hybe’s queen greeted your parents with a lovely smile and a welcoming hug.
“afternoon! how have you been?” you mother asked her while you curtsy in front of the other queen, “wonderf—oh what a pleasing surprise to see such a beautiful face here in this kingdom”
you smiled widely, “good afternoon, your majesty. i’m l/n y/n”
she then giggled, covering her mouth with her fingers as a formal gesture, “you don’t need to be so formal with me young lady, i’m your mother in law already”
“your mother told me a lot about you! i had to get one of my sons to marry you no matter what” she added.
the king then called everyone to gather in the dining hall and you did as he told.
“it’s nice to finally meet you, my future wife”
as soon as you arrived into the dining hall you were greeted by prince jay, your soon-to-be husband with a kiss on your hand and a slight bow.
before you even noticed it, you were already a blushing mess. this man surely knows how to fluster people!
“it’s nice to meet you too, my future husband” you smiled and curtsy in front of him.
he stared at you and you couldn’t deny his breathtaking visuals. you held your breath, suddenly feeling so nervous around the prince.
your parents made you sit next to jay, you were between him and your parents, as jay was between you and his family.
“so,” one of the seven siblings started speaking, “i’m heeseung, the next one as you already know is jay, then jake, sunghoon, sunoo, jungwon and riki”
you nodded, “it’s nice to meet you all, i’m l/n y/n”
their parents then clapped, “we’ll be leaving now with your parents! stay here and chat for a bit, we’ll tell you all the details later today”
you nodded again, this time a bit hesitated since you’re going to stay alone with your future husband and his six other siblings.
or so you thought.
“we’ll be going now as well, after all you do need some privacy” jake smiled warmly at you.
you looked at the rest of the siblings and they all mouthed you a goodluck,
why were they looking at you with such pity in their eyes?
“so—” you planned on starting your little speech now that you’re alone with jay, but he cut you off before you could even continue.
“don’t get the wrong idea, i’m doing all of this for the throne and my kingdom,” he groaned, “in order to get my kingdom i need to marry, you’re the best option i have right now”
you were taken aback, completely speechless and disappointed.
“shouldn’t you give this a chance? we’re marrying anyway so we should try to—“
“i don’t believe in love anyway,” he scoffed, “especially not when it comes to marrying off to someone like you”
“someone like me?”
he nodded and replied, “a spoiled princess who marries off to a prince”
“i saw you yesterday, in the woods, helping a little boy,” at this point tears started to form in your eyes, “you were so kind to him, why am i different?”
now he’s the speechless one. it took him a while to think of an answer and as he was about to reply both of your parents entered the room again.
you pressed on your eyes to clean the tears that were threatening to fall and smiled at yours and his parents.
“the wedding will be held next week! it’s official and it’ll happen in our ballroom” your mother-in-law smiled warmly at you.
she seemed kind, unlike one of her children.
you nodded and your parents cheered, “i can’t believe my daughter is going to marry” your mother pat your head and you tried not to cringe.
“you’ll pay a visit in your kingdom in a few days as well” your father-in-law added.
this whole idea feels surreal. you? marrying off to a prince? and you didn’t even do anything against it!
you believe that sooner or later, jay will find a way to fall in love with you and find some interest in you as you already did in him.
“morning! i’m taking you to choose a wedding dress today” your mother woke you up with a big smile on her face.
the whole idea about being able to marry a prince you finally found some interest in really excited you.
you’re almost sure that he didn’t mean what he said yesterday, and it’s probably because he got stressed about the whole wedding thing. keyword, almost.
you decided to give him time, and maybe after the wedding he’ll calm down.
“you look so beautiful” your mother held her hands over her mouth and tried really hard not to cry.
you held her hands and smiled, “thank you mom, i got my beauty from you”
the whole week passed in a blink of an eye, and you were already getting ready for your own wedding, held in hybe’s huge castle.
loads of princes and princesses from all over came to congratulate the new couple and to your request, a few important citizens were invited as well.
your visit in your new kingdom that was held a few days ago was nothing but humiliating.
you were busy greeting the citizens while jay went to the other side of the town, completely as far away from you.
the citizens kept asking you if you’re doing okay and if you’re sure about that marriage since prince jay doesn’t seem to treat you right, but you just giggled and shrugged it off, telling them it’s ‘completely normal for a couple to have a fight a few days before their wedding’.
you then arrived to your new castle together, “walking with me around the town isn’t something bad to do, you know that right?” you asked him before you entered but all he did was to ignore you.
you took a few moments to take in the beauty of your castle and your garden, forgetting about the fact that jay is standing next to you with fierce eyes.
“you’ll be taking the room at the end of this hall and i’ll be taking the one on the other side” he started speaking, “don’t talk to me unless it’s important” he added and you scoffed.
did he really have to separated your bedrooms too?
“jay we’re going to be a married couple, don’t you think that—“
“i already told you i don’t care about this marriage, you should be thankful i’m letting you in the castle anyway” he rolled his eyes and entered his new room.
you stayed there, dumbfounded and speechless again for the nth time.
“it’s okay, he’s probably just stressed, that’s all” you convinced yourself to calm down and forced a smile.
the guards that came to accompany you looked at you with an apologetic look, feeling sorry for what just happened and what is about to happen in the future.
as you were now pronounced as a husband and a wife, you couldn’t help but take a look at jay, who was standing right next to you and holding your hand.
for the first time ever since you first met, he smiled at you.
maybe there’s a chance for the both of you?
your wedding was more than amazing, your parents kept on smiling and laughing, it honestly made you feel relieved about the whole situation.
the rest of the guests kept congratulating you and complimenting you about how good you look.
your mother-in-law kept hugging you and showing you off to her friends.
jay couldn’t stop smiling at you and staring at you as well and honestly? that felt so good.
until the moment you were left alone in your new castle. thinking that maybe, only maybe now jay will show some interest and ask you how do you feel about the wedding and the whole situation.
instead, he just got inside his room, not before commenting something like “don’t talk to me unless it’s something important” for the second time.
jay was always known as the cold hearted prince in his family. he can’t explain why and won’t even budge to explain as well. his ego is boosted enough to care about himself and himself only. and well, maybe sometimes his family.
when his parents said the exciting news about getting a kingdom in terms of marriage, he was the first one to jump and ask from his parents a little help, that’s the only reason he got married before the first prince, heeseung.
he doesn’t believe in love. he thinks it’s stupid and distractful, he likes being alone.
when he saw you, he couldn’t deny your beauty, he got a bit taken aback by your gorgeous smile that was smeared all over your face.
but he couldn’t show how mesmerized he was, not when his image is the cold hearted prince and his ego is up in the sky.
he couldn’t deny the fact that he likes your presence, even if both of you spent about an hour alone.
he still remembers the first time he saw you. he was around the woods, walking around and exploring the view, until he saw a figure laying besides a tree.
he walked a bit closer and that’s when he noticed your peacefully sleeping face. god, you looked so pretty even when you slept.
he didn’t know you nor your name, but he felt so relaxed when he saw you.
until he heard some rustles and was sure someone or something was about to attack you.
when he noticed it was a little child his eyes softened and he ran to the child in order to help him.
on a usual day he wouldn’t care about the lost child, but something about your presence made him want to help out and take care of the child.
as soon as he saw that he was going to marry you, he had to push you away at any cost.
you’d be a distraction for him, and that’s a big no.
you on the other side however, held hope about this marriage, after all you weren’t being taught about marriage and how to be good to your family your whole life for nothing, were you?
the first morning after your marriage was quite weird to say the least.
you weren’t awaken up by your parents’ annoying remarks about marriage, and you weren’t even being called into breakfast.
you quickly got ready and went down to the dining hall, already seeing jay sitting in one of the chairs and eating his breakfast already.
“you could’ve called me for breakfast…” you whispered but it was enough for him to hear.
“why would i?” he asked and you were left speechless, “nevermind” you shrugged and sat on one of the chairs across the table.
breakfast was awkward and quiet. none of you spoke, only sounds of muffling were heard between the two of you.
“should we walk around the town today? i feel like we—“
jay sighed, cutting you off, “no, i don’t see a reason to do so”
you replied with a quiet ‘oh’ and nodded, “either way i’ll be going out to—“
“i don’t care” he cut you off again.
you pressed your lips together and nodded again, leaving your seat and going back to your room.
you had to do something about it, there’s no way he hates you that much, right?
that evening, after committing all your duties for the day, you arrived to the castle’s kitchen, greeting all the servants with a kind smile and asking them to teach you how to cook.
“your majesty, a royal blood like you shouldn’t cook your own dinner” they said but you shrugged them, “i insist, i want to make my husband a small surprise, even though i’m not the best cook”
they all nodded and taught you everything you need to know.
at dinner, you sat at the same seat you took at breakfast. right across jay, who was busy daydreaming about something.
you waited for him to finish the food and asked him, “how was the food?”
“appetizing” he answered coldly and pushed back his chair to get up and walk back to his room.
you were bored. you had no one to rely on. the servants became your best friends now ever since you asked them to help you at the kitchen.
you asked them to teach you how to do laundry, cook, clean and much more.
you had nothing to do anyway so why not?
you did most of those things to impress jay. but all you got in return was scoffs and ignorance from his side.
it sucked. and if you thought royal life sucks, this is ten times more awful than royal life only.
he got sick? you’re the one who’s running around with medicine. he felt a bit hungry? you’d be the one to cook him meals. not even minding the facts you have tons of servants in the castle.
after a while into your marriage, and your dozens attempts of making jay have a slight interest in you, you got tired of it.
you felt drained. you felt tired. you felt unwanted.
in one of the days you paid a visit in your parents’ castle.
your one and only home.
you looked at them, eyes full with nothing but love when they looked at each other. you won’t ever see them doing something by themselves, always having to rely on each other no matter what.
you envy them, you feel jealousy whenever you’re watching them and you don’t know what to do about it.
“i was thinking,” you called out in your dinner with your parents, “it’s been a while since we’ve been together and i really miss the both of you”
you sighed, “can i come over for a few days?”
you had to do it. even though all your parents did was to worry about you getting married, they still showed you and showered you with love.
you need to feel loved now, you need those few days with them now. and maybe even eventually you’ll never go back to your current kingdom.
your parents looked at each other shocked, “is everything okay between you and jay?” your mother asked.
not wanting to ruin jay’s image, you nodded, “nothing bad happened, i just miss you two”
“if that is the case then of course! you know this is your own kingdom as well” your father opened his arms out and you hugged him.
you got back to the castle without even having your usual dinner with jay.
he felt frustrated, were you busy doing something more important than a dinner with him?
he knew it wasn’t his place to brag, heck he shouldn’t even feel frustrated, but he can’t help it.
“the food tastes different today” he mumbled, “i wonder why”
of course he doesn’t know you’re the one the always cooked him his meals so far.
you made the servants swear on their own life that they’ll keep that as a secret for their whole life.
and for the first time ever since your marriage and ever since you were taught how to cook, you didn’t cook for him. and he couldn’t understand why it tasted so different for him to the point that he didn’t even want to finish his meal.
the next morning you packed your stuff and stood by the door, you looked over jay who tilt his head in confusion, “i’ll be leaving now” you started.
“i don’t know for how long, and i’m sure you don’t even care. so don’t mind me” you took your last bag and walked away.
jay was left speechless. did you really just admit that you’re leaving him? does that mean you’re planning to divorce him?
why does he even care?
“she’ll be back” he whispered and went to have his breakfast.
he was so wrong for that.
it has been a few days, even weeks since he last saw you.
people started talking and spreading rumors about a divorce between you two, and his parents paid a visit in the kingdom.
he used a lame excuse of “she’s on duties, she told me she’ll be back late and is extremely sorry for not being able to greet you two” and they believed him.
a few days later he was invited to hybe’s kingdom, to meet the person his older brother heeseung fell in love with.
when he heard about the person being the same commoner he warned heeseung about, he couldn’t understand him.
how dare he break the rule of not marrying a commoner?
how did he even managed to fall in love with such a commoner?
he only then realized how messed up he was the moment he heard heeseung’s partner explaining how much she loves him.
he felt even more devastated when he heard how much his older brother is willing to sacrifice in order to marry the commoner.
there’s got to be something that he’s been doing wrong.
you, on the other hand really missed jay. even if he wasn’t even sparing you a glance, even though he ignored you most of the time, even though he denied anything you suggested, you can’t lie you just want to start all over again with him.
there’s something about him that kept you attracted to him, you can’t let go of that feeling.
spending the last few days with your parents made you realize that all you had to do was to confront him instead of going around in circles and trying to get his attention.
jay’s guilty feelings were eating him alive.
just now he heard from the servants that you were the one who took care of him all the time.
this is the only reason his food tasted differently lately, and the medicine he takes when he’s sick has changed.
he’s got to do something about it, but what and how?
“hey, sunghoon,” jay called his brother and sunghoon answered with a short ‘hm’. “have you seen jake?”
sunghoon looked up at jay and slowly shook his head, “i don’t know where he has been lately, he has been gone for a few days already, i’ve been lying to mom and dad about his whereabouts but i really don’t know where he is”
damn. he wasn’t expecting that answer. jake? running away from royalty? what has been going on lately in the little mind of his?
jake is known as the best advice giver, and jay wanted to ask him for some advice about his marriage life. but now that he’s a runaway prince who can jay talk to?
“jungwon,” jay knocked on his younger brother’s door and opened it right after.
“is everything okay?” jungwon asked worriedly.
“i need help,” he sighed, “i messed up, big time”
“is this about your marriage?” jungwon already knew. he was expecting his older brother to mess up his marriage. after all, he wasn’t expecting from much when his brother’s ego is boosted up.
“you should go to her” before jay could even speak again, jungwon put his hand on jay’s shoulder, “admitting that you messed up in front of her is the best thing you can do right now”
jay nodded slowly, “how did you—“
“lying to mom and dad and telling them she’s on duties? not showing up with her for dinner with everyone? come on! it’s so obvious”
“thank you” jay smiled and ruffled the younger’s hair, “update me with whatever is happening” jungwon chuckled.
“you should update me with whatever is happened with jake! where is that idiot?”
jungwon shrugged and sighed, “all he said is that he might be back in a few months, or never”
“what about mom and dad?”
“they don’t know anything, they’re sure he’s staying in his friend’s kingdom for a bit”
jay shook his hand, “let’s hope he’ll be back soon”
that night jay could barely sleep. he spent hours over hours thinking about a way to get you back to him.
he only now realized how much he cares about you, how much he likes your presence, how much he misses you and needs you.
he wanted to tell you all of this but didn’t know how to put it in words, what can he do?
the moment he woke up he cursed under his breath. he knows you’re at your parents’ kingdom, which means he has to tell your parents what happened as well.
can his life be more miserable? he can’t blame anyone but himself honestly.
he took a deep breath before entering your castle.
bowing in front of your parents and waiting for a response from them.
“jay! what a pleasant surprise to see such a king in our home” the queen smiled warmly at them.
“how can we help you?” the king asked.
“i’d like to see your daughter and my wife, y/n” he gulped, nervous and scared of their reaction.
“it’s really been a while since she went back to your home, i guess she missed us that much!” the queen giggled.
jay froze for a second. you didn’t tell them about the whole situation at all? why do you still care so much about him when he treated you so bad?
he couldn’t take it anymore and as soon as your parents guided him to your room, his eyes roamed around and finally softened when he found you.
“jay?” you asked. you were facing the window and took in the view, until you heard your door opening and turned around to welcome the guest, “what are you doing here?”
“y/n” he whispered and got closer to you.
you frozed, it was the first time he called your name ever since your wedding. what happened to him?
you tried to read his eyes but couldn’t. his fierce gaze is long gone, his softened eyes replaced it.
“i’m so sorry” he stopped when he felt he was too close to you. he was actually one step from caging you in his arms, but was scared you’re too angry and hurt to care about him.
“you’re…” you breathed, “sorry?”
you’re almost certain this whole situation is a one big dream.
prince jay? the cold hearted prince? just apologized? in front of you?
“i’m sorry, i was being a jerk, i wasn’t thinking straight” he shook his head, “i thought that if i’d let myself get distracted by you i’d get lost, but i was so wrong. i’m so lost without you”
you couldn’t believe what you’ve just heard. it feels too surreal to see jay almost begging on his knees for forgiveness.
you could see his eyes filled with tears that were threatening to fall. “when i first saw you i was so taken aback by your beauty, you’re so pretty y/n. i loved your presence, even if it was for just a few seconds because i was being a jerk and always ran away from you”
when he noticed your soft gaze he finally stepped closer and caged you in his arms, “i was so wrong. i was scared to fall in love but i already did. it took me so much time to realize that i’m sorry y/n” he whispered in your ear.
he felt so relieved when you wrapped your hands around him and buried your face in his neck.
“it took you so long, idiot” you chuckled, “i’m glad you finally realized how much of a jerk you were and i’m expecting for a payback”
he giggled and nodded, “i’ll give you anything you want as long as you promise to stay with me” he held out a pinky and you interlocked your own with his, “i promise”
not even a day passed and you were already back in your kingdom. yours and jay’s kingdom.
he promised to love you forever, and even planned a little wedding for the both of you, saying that “that wedding was nothing but toxic, you deserve a new and a better wedding”
you played along with him and remarried him again, this time with both of your hearts full with love and affection to each other.
“did you know?” he asked and you hummed, “what?”
he kissed your sweet lips and smiled through the kiss, “i love you so much”
you playfully pushed him and giggled, “i love you so much too, jay”
a few days passed and ni-ki’s birthday was held in hybe’s kingdom.
jay introduced you to heeseung and his future wife and after a while of talking ni-ki called you and you had to go.
jay smiled at heeseung and his partner, apologizing for acting like a jerk and thanking them for saving his marriage.
he went back to you right after that and pecked your lips while holding you tightly.
“by the way, ni-ki asked me to adopt him and i agreed”
“why would you do that—“
“my new parents! i love you!” ni-ki hugged the both of you as you both giggled and held him tightly.
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TAG-LIST ; @jaeneohee @hsgwrld @enhastolemyheart @enhacatalog @kaykay11sworld @ipoststuffandyeah @beomsbeanie @queestionmark @ineedsomezzz @yenqa @ikayyyyyy @nshmrarki @asteriaskingdom @loumin908
PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts
••• copyright © srjlvr all rights are reserved.
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saintsenara · 14 days
Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I absolutely love your metas! You’re not only clearly a very talented writer but also blessed with such great insight into these characters that my dopamine levels always jump to absolute heights with every new post. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and being a real gem in this fandom ❤️
Also, because I couldn’t find any post (or did I miss it?) about specifically Harry/Snape (without a third person added to the mix) I would love to read your thoughts on it. Either romantically or gen, after the war, where Snape lives. Thank you so much for indulging me :)
thank you very much for the [exceptionally lovely] ask, anon!
snarry is definitely a popular request...
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... so let's get into it!
[and let's also get out of the way that fact that i do not back snamione as a pairing. you can find out why here.]
while they're by no means my otp - and while i'll admit to preferring both snape and harry paired up with lord voldemort - i have long dabbled in a bit of snarry, particularly because it's a ship which attracts astonishingly talented writers. and - in particular - astonishingly talented writers who think really subtly, intelligently, and creatively about life and love and all the questions therein. i'm always really struck by the nuance with which both snape and harry are treated in so many snarry fics, and i much prefer that to the more one-note treatment each character gets elsewhere in the fandom.
and - of course - why snarry works so well as a ship is because it has such a solid justification in both harry and snape's canon characterisation - and because this compatibility is made all the more interesting by the layer of conflict caused by snape and harry's mutually antagonistic relationship. harry adores the half-blood prince - looks up to him so much, in fact, that he genuinely wonders if the man was his father - because they're intellectually compatible, have similar senses of humour, have similarly self-serving aspects to their moral codes, and have a shared reactivity and emotional volatility. the text emphasises this frequently, most explicitly when hermione tells harry in half-blood prince that he doth protest too much:
"He tried to jinx me, in case you didn’t notice!" fumed Harry. "I had enough of that during those Occlumency lessons! Why doesn’t he use another guinea pig for a change? What’s Dumbledore playing at, anyway, letting him teach Defence? Did you hear him talking about the Dark Arts? He loves them! All that unfixed, indestructible stuff - " "Well," said Hermione, "I thought he sounded a bit like you."
harry is also willing to acknowledge these similarities himself, sometimes. he empathises with - and even, occasionally, respects - snape well before the conclusion of deathly hallows, and - crucially - does this on his own terms. him refusing to dismiss his disgust at his father's treatment of snape in snape's worst memory in order not to make sirius or lupin feel awkward is incredibly impressive - and is something i don't think he gets enough credit for.
and since one of the things which makes me a member of both tomarrymort and snapemort nation is harry's instinctive understanding of how voldemort's childhood affected him and voldemort's understanding of how snape's childhood affected him, this is something i think provides a fascinating seam for author's to mine when writing about snape and harry together.
similarly, post-war, i think snarry is one of the best pairings for exploring how both harry and snape come to terms with the realisation that - no matter how well it all worked out in the end - they were both pawns in a larger game. i think that snape is, really, the only person in harry's life who could ever come close to appreciating what it means to have dumbledore send you out to [nearly] die - and i also think, because the man is always at the forefront of my mind, that snape is one of the few people in harry's life who can appreciate the fact that harry, as much as he also hated and feared him, was impressed by, sympathised with, and wanted to help voldemort.
snarry is also an incredibly compelling ship for thinking about power, and how both harry and snape understand it. i wouldn't care about the age difference, or the fact that snape and harry's acquaintance is established while harry is a child and snape is his teacher, even if the dynamic between them could only ever be heavily unbalanced in snape's favour, because these are fictional people. but i'm often struck by how interestingly snarry writers deal with snape being someone who views himself, inherently, as a supplicant - and who therefore ends up offering harry the upper hand in their dynamic [whether this is platonic or otherwise] despite the fact that he is the younger partner. snape's capacity for destructive devotion and self-subordination is one of his most fascinating canon characteristics - and snarry is one of the best vehicles for exploring this.
indeed, the canonical snape clearly regards harry as someone who possesses power over him. his complaints about harry being rich, spoiled, and arrogant make clear that he considers harry to be the second coming of the dynamic he had with james [with it never seeming to occur to him that this is an absurd thing for an adult teacher to think about their pupil], while his complaints about harry's fame is because he views harry as an inherent insider [someone with a pureblood surname and the money to prove it] to the wizarding world while he himself is an outcast. this can cause some exquisite toxicity - especially when snape, who tends to view every interaction he has though a win-lose lens and who becomes incredibly nasty in both victory and defeat, is proven right, having insisted to harry that the wizarding world won't like its golden hero getting railed by a tenuously-acquitted death eater.
but it can also result in something surprisingly beautiful. harry likes to save people, after all, and snape would - deep down - very much to be saved.
and one way he can do this is by offering snape the forgiveness for his role in lily's death which it's clear the canonical snape refuses to accept he might be entitled to. and, in doing this, the pairing draws out a theme which i am obsessed with - that there is a lost generation, whose ghosts haunt the characters alive in the canon timeline. no matter how negative his opinion on james and sirius and so on is, by virtue of knowing them, snape provides harry with a connection to a world he would be a stranger to otherwise, while harry provides snape with a mooring in the present which makes dealing with the weight of the past - and processing the fact that he's virtually the only person he knew as a teenager who's still alive - easier.
i also think that fucking your enemy's nephew is iconic, and snape and petunia meeting again in a scenario in which he's harry's boyfriend is a concept that sustains me.
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astrecium · 2 months
Ah, sorry I forgot! 😅😭 Character of choice in my request is Wanderer^^
- 🍂
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where when ? !?
bf!wanderer x reader
cw: reader has a mental breakdown, only. SORRY FOR BAD ENGLISH, it's not my first language
summary: In which Reader's thought's spiraled out of control because of their abandonment trauma, and caused a mental breakdown.
(I didnt know what to make the breakdown about.. sorry if this isn't what you wanted.)
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"are you sure you are alright?" Wanderer asked you. It wouldn't matter
now anyway,
he was leaving with one of the student groups he claims to tolerate at the akadimiya. You didn't see anything wrong with that at first, instead, it's nice to see your boyfriend making friends! "Nope, you can go."
Wanderer came to you once again, giving you a quick and small hug. "k, see you later." he said before turning his back to you, reaching for the door, opening it then leaving. He promised he would come back before night, it's ok to trust him now!
the rest of the noon you spent your time doing whatever. watching tv, playing with your phone, reading.. but something kept crossing your mind every once in a while.
"but what if he's actually leaving me? That friend of his is looks pretty enough to attract his attention."
You didn't pay much attention to it. But the question kept coming back, again and again. Consequently, you started thinking more than you should about it. Did you do anything that upset him? Heck, he was once a god, you are just you. Does he actually even like you? He's going to leave you like the others did, you've been through relationships before and this always happens.
and suddenly that was everything you could think about. It's so late now, shouldn't he be home already? Maybe he's having too much fun with them, unlike you, they can be funny to spend time with. You put your phone down, sitting in bed. Maybe you should just wait.
The clock keeps ticking, and you still didn't hear the sound of the keys. The sky is dark already, and where is he? Probably leaving you. You never manage to keep the people you love, do you? You loved him so much, but maybe that wasn't enough to keep him.
you try to get up. But your legs are trembling so hard, you can't bring yourself to do it, so you just crawl to pick up a blanket and cover yourself, sat on the bed biting your nails, unable to do anything but ponder and ponder. By time, you were crying already. Your chest hurts so much, no matter how hard you try to stop thinking about it, it just won't go away. Anxiety growing more and more, Your body feels heavier than usual. You kept yourself under the covers, Covering and "insuring" you of everything but yourself.
The lights came on, the key made a noise and you didn't even notice. And there he was, staring at the blanket and shaking. Honestly, he didn't even know what to do...comfort you? He doesn't know how to do this. Giving you space would make him a complete asshole. He would even swallow dry, but being a puppet, his mouth doesn't create enough saliva for him to do that. Light steps took him to where you were, placing a hand that seemed much heavier to you.
"you...fine over there?" The question would almost irritate you if he wasn't exactly the one you need at the moment — you're crying, biting your nails, what does he think. Unable to make any coherent noise other than sobs, you just nod, it was automatic. You weren't right there.” The wanderer sighed, slowly sitting down next to him. He didn't ask why you collapsed, instead he gave you a hug, this time stronger and more gentle, Bringing you close to him, until your head touches his shoulder. There was no noise other than the sobbing, neither he nor you have any idea what to say in a situation like this. He would slap you on the back a few times, sighing a few 'shhh, it's over now.' And it stayed like that until you fell asleep. Your tears wet the sleeve of his shirt completely, but he leaves it to pull your ear later. He kept giving you some gentle taps on your back to calm you down, even if you are still asleep.
He didn't get out of bed that night, no. He stayed there until the morning, only leaving when he was going to wake you up, he went to make you something to eat. He wakes you up in a much 'gentle' way than usual. "We can talk about it if you want or whatever.”
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pinkaditty · 3 months
hey baby... i was uh wondering....
if you could do geto x reader x gojo for me 😍
i would love it as a birthday gift !!!
mwah xoxoxo
- big daddy
Three's A Crowd (Geto x Reader x Gojo) Pt 1
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*rubs hands together and does the DreamWorks face and laughs like a witch* yessssssss.... yessssssssss!!!
everyone say hi 2 my roommate (the ask) 👐🏾 love her im her biggest fan
a/n: *kills self* I AM SO BACKED UP WITH THESE ASKS BRO THIS ONE WAS DUE LAST YEAR... IT'S FAWKING JULY 😭😭 im so sorry y'all so much has happened in my life im not even in my home country rn yall... yea... the good news is that I TOTALLY GRADUATED COLLEGE EARLY WHIPPEEEEE!!! joining the dreaded workforce come August, but for now... enjoy my works. I promise y'all, I see your asks, im working on them. jus a lot going on rn but I WILL DELIVER I PROMISE!
summary: you and gojo are friends with benefits... sorta. but why's geto, gojo's best friend, paying you extra close attention lately? (basically my REALLY self-indulgent studentbodypres!geto x dom!bimbo!reader x sportyclassclown!gojo fic)
cw: MINORS DNI, fem!reader (im sorry! i had to do fem for this one,,, a gift) dom!reader (my pref + my roommate's pref 🙏🏾 she gets me fr), gojo is a sporty himbo, submissive!gojo, smut, mentions of penetration, sexual acts, gojo whimpering, reader is a bimbo bc i said so (very little dialogue so they don't talk much but just trust me), fem undergarments mentioned, some choking, NOT PROOFREAD (there may be some mistakes), perhaps slightly ooc? andddd idk what else.
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The two of you never really hung out in public, at least not on campus. It was an unspoken rule. He was the campus wrestling star, huge class clown, but overall popular nice guy. You were the rumored slut with an enormous body count. Gojo didn’t mind, of course, but you did, fearing how your reputation could bring down his with you. So you insisted on being separate on campus. He was fine with that, if a little reluctant. Besides, not only was he the most attractive guy on campus, he was also best friends with the student class president and other most attractive guy on campus! No way could he ruin his rep by hanging out with you; or at least that’s what you deduced.
The student class president was Geto, probably the other most popular guy among college campus. He was a little self-righteous and airy, but he had his down-to-earth moments, and made an effort to be sweet when it mattered. So, of course, when running for pres, all it took was the sweet charm and he won in a landslide. You didn’t know him, not like Gojo did, but recently you had become curious about him. You’d had your fair share of run ins with him, like in the hallways, or in the cafe, even passed by him in your dorm once. Gojo had been talking about him a lot recently, and that sparked your interest. You had to admit he was strangely attractive. Not conventionally, like Gojo, but rather mysteriously. Maybe you just had a thing for guys with long hair, or maybe you liked his slim eyes? Who knows. Regardless, most of campus agreed with you.
Geto seemed to be all you could think about as you headed to Gojo’s apartment, just across the street off campus. It didn’t make sense. You’d only had a few run ins with him, but then Gojo starts running his mouth, and now he’s all you can think about? You shake your head, and decide to just wait out front; Gojo would come down soon.
It was a lukewarm night in mid September. The cool wind cut through the warm temperature and humid air. It was comfortable enough for you to wear something nice; a cute hot pink crop top, low enough to show off a leopard print bra. It matched with your leopard print boots with hot pink laces. A simple jean skirt worked today, but of course, you had a sparkly, cute pink belt to match. Not your best outfit, but cute. Besides, it was all going to be tossed around anyway.
Your earrings and bracelets make little clinking sounds as you look around for Gojo, and your nails tap against the screen of your phone as you text him. Finally, he arrives, wide goofy smile spread out across his face as he held the door open for you. He’s wearing a light blue oversized jersey with navy cargo shorts. Sorta matches, but anything worse and you wouldn’t want to be seen with him. You step inside and he leads you to the elevator.
“So how are you, Pink?” He calls you by your endearing nickname, one he very proudly came up with. You’ve been friends with him for years, and were pretty close, at that… But it was only recently when this new development happened.
You shrug in response. “Like, I'm fine. As fine as ever.” You jokingly motion to yourself exaggeratedly, and Gojo laughs.
“I can see that!” He quips, his eyes taking you in over his sunglasses. “Never a day where you aren't dressed to impress!”
You laugh and wave him off. “Whateverrrr.”
You and Gojo had met in high school, and had been good friends ever since. You were both now juniors in college, studying in your own respective fields; him in Kinesology and you in Fashion and Design. Despite such differences, his sense of humor and some shared interests kept you around. You weren’t close with him like Geto was, though… The two of you were close in a different way.
Really, it started in freshman year of college. The two of you had attended a party, gotten a little tipsy, some hidden truths were shared and after one night, it kept happening, even sober. You were just friends, as that was what was comfortable… but, the benefits weren’t ever undesirable.
As you finally reach his apartment, he lets you in with his usual dramatic flair, and you laugh at the familiarity. Upon reaching his room, you both know what you’re here for, but it doesn’t feel awkward anymore. It stopped feeling awkward after the first five times. Now, it was as normal as ever.
As soon as you step in and Gojo closes the door behind him, you set down your purse and start taking off your boots. He follows suit, slipping off his shoes as well. As you both get undressed, he asks, “How were your classes today?”
You laugh and say, “Satoru, we don’t need to catch up, like, allllll the time, you know? You’ve already heard about my classes over text anyway!” You shake your phone in hand while undoing your belt and slipping down your skirt, reminding him of how often the two of you talk in a day.
He nods, smiling. “True, true. But I do like to hear it from you directly. I prefer your voice anyways!” He pulls his jersey over his head, revealing his bare torso before unbuttoning his shorts.
You roll your eyes, smirking. “You could literally just call me, you coward.” You slip your top off, trying to pull it over your hair without ruining your style or makeup. Thankfully, your bracelets and nails don’t get caught on the fabric.
He visibly pouts, moving to pull off his black boxers. “I don’t see why I can’t just talk to you on campus… In real life… As friends do!” He complains again, kicking his boxers to the side and approaching you, his ridiculous circular sunglasses still on.
You shake your head, slipping your bra off and quickly sliding out of your panties. “You know why.” You move to approach him in turn, smiling familiarly. You reach up and pluck his sunglasses off the bridge of his nose, placing them on his desk behind you. His blue eyes gaze at you softly, and an equally soft smile graces his features. You trace your fingers under his chin and walk towards his bed, sitting on the edge. “Come on, hotshot.” You call to him, smirking. “Don’t tell me you aren’t horny after a rough week.”
He shakes his head, sighing. “Can’t deny that.” He approaches you, pressing a knee into his comforter and curling an arm behind you, trapping you on the bed. You lean back, allowing him to hover over you on the bed. “Wrestling has been tough lately.”
You fling your legs around him and grab his arms, rolling over on the bed and pulling him with you until you were positioned over him. He simply smirks, rolling his eyes. “You know, if I were to ever use my wrestling techniques, I’d win.”
You roll your eyes. “Well, sure. You have the strength advantage here. But I know you won’t do that.”
He narrows his eyes, goofy smile spreading on his face. “And? What makes you so sure that I-” You cut him off, running one of your long nails down his throat. His adam’s apple bobs under your touch as he swallows harshly, his eyes widening and breath catching. His eyes flick between your face and your nails, as though waiting for you to do something more. When it became apparent that was all you were going to do, he whines, pouting. “Come on, you can’t just do that! Totally unfair, especially when you have the advantage.”
You smirk. “Sure, but it’s not my fault you react like this every time. At a certain point, I just find it funny.”
His pout turns into a slight frown, though you can tell he’s exaggerating to get what he wants. “You’re just making fun of me.”
You decide to lay into him, biting back just as well. “Well, duh!" You laugh in his face, and he only pouts further. “It's no fun if I can't make fun of you."
You laugh, shifting position a little. As you do, he grunts, and you feel something press into your thigh. You suppress a giggle.
“Hard already? Loser."
“Shut up. You're naked and on top of me." His eyes narrow as he says this, and you can tell he's trying to look serious, but then he bites his lip, betraying himself. He huffs impatiently and grips your hips, digging his fingers into your soft flesh. You simply smirk and stay over him, waiting for him to cave. “Come onnnn!" He whines at last, twitching impatiently. “It's been a whole week…”
At his exaggerated pout, you finally relent. You stroke his cheek with your hand and with the other, you trail your long nails down his neck to his collarbone to his chest. You lean in and gently kiss him, his mouth opening excitedly the second you swipe your tongue on his lips.
You pull away and whisper in his ear, “Good boy."
He whimpers again.
You spring upwards, suddenly waking up after your deep sleep. You blink blearily a few times, making sense of your surroundings. You were not in your own bedroom, but you knew this room. This was Satoru’s room, and the soft snoring next to you was evidence of that. You turn to look at him, and there he lies next to you, oddly positioned with his mouth wide open, snoring muffled in his pillow. Shaking your head amusedly, you yawn and stretch, slipping out of bed. You were naked, but it's not like Satoru cared if you went around his apartment naked. Sunlight streaked through the windows, but it wasn't quite early morning. If anything, it looked to be noon, the sun high in the sky, bathing everything in even sunlight. You pad over to your purse, where your clothes from last night still are, and rummage around, pulling out the spares you packed. A cute bodycon dress. Maybe you'd wear this next time you came over. Satoru suddenly grunts, and you turn, seeing him twitch his arm before blinking awake and looking around for you. Upon spotting you, he plops back down on his bed, humming in satisfaction.
“Very glad you haven’t left yet. I wanted to at least give you something to eat before you go this time.” His voice is thick and heavy with sleep, and he rubs his eyes, rolling over and forcing the sleep from his limbs.
You smile at him, placing your spare clothes on his bed and heading for his shower. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t get too excited though, I’m hanging with friends today.” You close the bathroom door behind you, very aware that he could still hear you.
You hear some shuffling, assuming Satoru is getting out of bed. “What, and I’m not ‘friends’?”
You roll your eyes at your reflection and sigh, wrapping your hair up for your shower. “Not today you aren’t!”
A wounded sound comes from the other side of the door, and you hear dramatic stumbling and a final collapse on the bed. You bite back a laugh. “One day… One day I'll permanently be your friend.” He fake sobs for dramatic effect.You give an audible pity laugh. “Ha! Sure.”
You turn on the water and you are about to step in before you notice an unfamiliar hair comb sitting on Satoru’s bathroom counter. For a moment, you’re puzzled, until you recognize the few, barely visible black strands in the comb.
For the rest of the day, as you hang around friends, you do your best not to think about it. But unfortunately, even the brand new pink and highly-deco’d acrylics you got with friends on your spa day do nothing to soothe your thoughts. Geto visiting Satoru was not remotely the problem. The problem was seeing Geto’s comb and having to repress the flaring heat that seared through your body all at once. You imagined him in that same bathroom, just as naked as you were, smirking at you in the mirror, alluding to the night before. You imagined him picking up that comb, watching as he runs it through his uneven black strands, smoothing it out after you’d spent most of the night pulling at it. The thoughts nearly sent you over the edge. You plop down onto your dorm room bed that night, wrapping yourself in your blankets and squeezing your legs together, trying to distract yourself from the thoughts. You hadn’t even thought of him in that way before. Why did it have to happen when you were naked, in Satoru’s bathroom? How embarrassing is that? You kick your feet and audibly groan, pulling the blankets around you tighter. This wasn’t working. You decide to go for a walk, get some fresh air, grab a snack or something. You hurriedly toss the blankets off of you and scan through your closet, throwing on a see through hot pink sweater dress and your favorite knee-high boots. You only bother grabbing your wallet and keys before walking out of the dorm, too out of it to pay much attention to your surroundings.
You notice it’s cooler than usual the moment you step outside, the cool air easily penetrating your dress. You cross your arms, wrapping your hands around your sides. Barely anyone is out tonight, besides a few stragglers. Not surprising, though. Usually on Saturday nights, everyone’s at a party or something. You walk in the direction of the campus convenience store, hoping to grab something and head back to avoid being in the cool air for too long.
As you are walking, you notice someone heading the opposite direction on the same path ahead of you. You don’t pay them much mind until they pass underneath a street light and you notice their visage looks eerily similar to Geto’s. You squeeze your sides tighter and pray to whatever higher power is listening that that isn’t Geto, and that you’re just seeing things because it’s so late. You keep walking, acting as nonchalant as humanly possible, wishing you’d grabbed your phone as a means of distraction before you left the dorm. The person slowly draws closer, and it is all you can do to not freeze in fear, trying to look everywhere except at his face. You breathe heavily, looking to your side as he approaches, and hope this will pass without incident.
“Good evening.” His deep voice greets you, and you know it would be rude now if you didn’t look at him, at least. You turn as he says it, and are almost rooted to the ground. It was indeed Geto. He was smiling at you kindly, continuing his pace as he briskly walked past you, like it was nothing.
Internally, you sighed with relief. The danger had passed.
“You’re Satoru’s friend, aren’t you?”
You freeze in place, gripping your sides in surprise. How… How did he know that? You turn around, trying not to let the fear show on your face. He was standing some ways away, turned at an angle, as though his phrase were an afterthought. Something told you, however, that he’d been meaning to ask you this in the way he looked at you. While his smile was handsome and kind all the same, his eyes were similarly kind but expectant, like he had predicted several outcomes to this conversation already. You felt seen, and not just because your dress was see-through. It was, for the first time, uncomfortable to be scrutinized. But, some part of you didn’t mind it so bad… The expectancy in his gaze almost felt like hunger, and to be wanted by Geto, student class president on campus? Well, that wasn’t so bad.
“Uh… y-yeah. Yeah, I’m friends with him.” Your answer comes out uncertain at first, and you want to smack yourself for it, but soon it comes out even as you’d planned as you gain confidence. Geto probably wasn’t here to hurt you anyway, regardless of how intimidating he seemed now. You hesitantly smile back. It was a little awkward, but you hoped the softness of it made up for it. His eyes narrow and he seems to scrutinize you further, his smile widening. Before anything else was said, he turns, and the building heat in your body dissipates as quickly as it appeared.
“Have a good night, Satoru’s friend.”
You couldn’t tell if the last part was meant to be a subtle dig, but you doubted it. The teasing lilt in his tone said otherwise.
“Yeah, you too!” You say hurriedly, watching him as he continues on his way. You wonder if he will look back, but you decide not to stick around long enough to find out. You continue on your way to the campus convenience store, still determined to get a drink regardless of your mood.
The following week passes as slowly as ever, but simultaneously super quickly. On one hand, you had to drag yourself to classes this week, your body feeling oddly more run-down than usual. Of course, that only fueled circulating rumors, and no matter how much you tried to ignore them, it just got to you this week. On the other hand, your head swimming with thoughts of Satoru and Geto as you watched them from afar made your week seem to zoom by. Not to mention the few times you passed by Geto and he greeted you with a stellar smile and curious eyes. The building pressure of it all was enough to weigh you down some. You text Satoru that Friday after class to let him know you’re coming by early, to which he excitedly agrees to shoo away anyone he may have over right now. Idly, you wonder if Geto is over, but you shake those thoughts away. No more thinking today. You just wanted to fuck Satoru silly and forget all about this week.
It’s a bright afternoon, the sun setting earlier as the days pass on. The rumbling dark clouds in the distance signal a rainy evening, which brings you some joy. Even more of an excuse to stay with Satoru. The wind picks up, as though blowing you towards your destination. You wished you had a longer jacket to protect your body from the winds, but unfortunately the cropped brown leather one would have to do. At least you wore your brown knee-high boots with it, keeping at least a part of your legs warm.
When you finally arrive at the apartment building, Satoru is there, waiting for you. He’s dressed as casually as ever, black tee and grey sweatpants, but you couldn’t be bothered to care much past that. He waves in greeting, and as you approach, you collapse forward into his arms, to which he holds you up.
“Woah,” he exclaims, one arm around your shoulders and the other steadying you by your waist. “Rough week?”
You lean into him and sigh miserably, pressing your cheek against his chest. His chest rumbles with light laughter, which brings a smile to your face. “You already know this.”
He simply chuckles and squeezes you close for a moment, before releasing you and heading inside. “Sure I do, but it’s always good to check.” He holds open the door for you, trademark goofy smile spread across his face again. “Your Majesty.”
“Ha!” You laugh at him and walk past him. “‘Your Majesty’ is a new one. Mmmm, can’t say I totally dislike it.”
“I was certain you’d like it. It suits your attitude sometimes.”
You scoff, biting your lip to unsuccessfully hide a smile and stifle a laugh. Some of your lip gloss rubs off on your teeth. “Fuck you, Satoru.”
“I’d ask when and where, but here we are.” He opens the door to his apartment and steps aside to let you in. You don’t even bother going to his bedroom. The tension had been mounting in your body since you saw him.
“Here and now, then.” You announce, dropping your bag beside the couch. You walk back over to him and grab the collar of his shirt, leading him to the couch. He obediently follows, albeit confused. You push him down on the couch, and he falls with an ‘oomph’. You give him no time to adjust before straddling his thighs and hugging him, pressing your body flush against his. You hold him like that for a while, before he clears his throat.
“Someone’s eager.” He commented, noting how quickly you’d pushed him onto the couch. “Don’t you usually like to do this in my bedroom?” There was concern laced in his voice, which you appreciated, but you glossed over it rather quickly.
“Oh, who cares!” You whine and push yourself away from him, your hands firmly gripping his shoulders. The words start before you can stop them, and you find yourself admitting more than you’d like to. “Rough day, rough week, and the walk here was cold. I don’t want to do anything except fuck you silly and stay wrapped up in your warmth for the entire weekend. Come on and pull your pretty little dick out so I can forget this week and remember how it feels to have my cervix bruised.”
He stares at you in awe for a moment, blinking rapidly. His lips part to say something, but nothing comes out. He switches between opening and closing his mouth before sighing and laughing at you. He moves his hands to squeeze your hips before reaching for his belt buckle. “Yes, Your Majesty.” He teases you, but you can’t be bothered to care.
You immediately pull off your jacket, stripping down and maneuvering around your clothes. Having gone braless today, all you do is pull up your leopard print crop top for easy access. If Satoru wasn't painfully hard already from your earlier tirade, he's painfully hard now. He pulls his pants down just enough for his dick to spring free, already twitching in anticipation. You reach down and simply lift your jean skirt and pull your panties to the side, not wanting to waste any time. He squeezes your hip with one hand, cautious. “Whoa, so early?" You get it, he just wants to make sure you're alright. But today, that's not doing you any favors.
You reach out and hold his throat with your right hand, applying light pressure on it. His eyes widen and his breath catches, his eyes rolling back upon feeling the pressure. “And who are you to question Her Majesty's judgment?"
He murmurs incoherently for a moment, whispering moans, before he straightens up some and looks back at you, hazy look in his eyes already. “Mmmm… Nothing but a mere knave, I suppose…” He trails off, biting his lip, looking up at you, his dick twitching fervently for attention and his eyes just as insistent. You can’t help but roll your eyes at him. Who knew it only took so little to get him all riled up? Not like you could say anything, though.
You play into it a bit more, teasing him. Besides, you started it. Why not continue this roleplay? “That’s right. And as a mere knave, you ought to know your place, right, boy?” You release his throat and grab him by the chin instead, tilting his head upwards to directly face you, a small whimper escaping him.
“Yes…” He murmured, shivering at the intensity of the moment. His eyes focus on you, but are glazed over. You can tell he’s already partially gone from enjoying this roleplay so much.
“Then, let me show you where you belong, bottom rung servant.” With that, you position yourself above his twitching dick, more than ready to push itself inside you.
He grips your hips, helping you steady yourself directly above him, and he glimpses up at you, eyes still hazed over. “Yes, Your Majesty…” He can’t help but roll his hips in anticipation, your soft heat only milimeters away from his aching dick. He whimpers, biting his lip impatiently and rolling his hips upwards again. When you don’t yield immediately, he whimpers a small “Please” and continues doing it, his voice whiny enough to almost shake your resolve.
Satisfied with his pitiful moans, you took it upon yourself to take up your end of the bargain. You shift closer to Satoru, perfecting your position over him. You reach out to hold his dick in place, and gently lower yourself onto it, feeling the familiar stretch. You never got sick of this feeling. Before you know it, a moan has escaped both you and Satoru, and both of you begin to move in unison: you riding his groin, and Satoru rolling his hips upwards. This particular session was impromptu and messy, so neither of you really cared. You threw your arms around him, giving him no time to adjust before you kissed him deeply. Of course, such an action was welcomed by Satoru, who only whimpered thankfully and continued rolling his hips into yours.
The two of you become so lost in your own world: nails gently scraping against partially clothed skin, lips pressed together as saliva glossed your lips and chins, hips rolling into each other with fervent need, moans loud and muffling everything else that you both fail to notice Satoru’s doorknob creaking open until it’s too late.
“Hey, Satoru. I left my-” Geto stops in his tracks, staring at the scene before him. Upon hearing his voice, the two of you snapped out of it and turned towards the door. Satoru is still twitching inside of your heat. The kiss was rudely interrupted and shared saliva coated your tongues. Your tits were out, his shirt was up, and your bodies joined together were only somewhat censored behind the arm of the couch. How do you explain to your FWB’s best friend that sometimes you screwed him? For a moment, that time he greeted you for the first time flashes in your mind. Chilly air, chilly wind, and a chilling, knowing smile. Perhaps he knew then. But, if he knew, why was he so surprised now?
Geto continues to stare blankly for a while, before footsteps down the hall snap him out of it. He hurriedly enters the apartment, securing it behind him. He stands stiffly at the door for a moment, as though nervous to turn around. After an audible gulp, he does, slowly turning to survey the situation. You didn’t want to get off Satoru’s dick with Geto present, and Satoru seems equally pleased with that idea, so you stay put, staring at him, quite mortified. Gojo stammers, and you see his eyes flicker from Geto to you, widened with panic. He can't settle on an excuse, but neither can you, staring at Geto wide-eyed like a deer in headlights. Yet and still, even now, despite your mortification, at his shocked yet curious gaze, heat flushed through you once more. You nervously tighten yourself, biting your lip as you curl your nails into Gojo's shoulders and squeeze your insides around his still hard cock. His stammering comes to a sudden halt and he moans pathetically, a tomato red blush spreading across his cheeks before he looks away from the both of you, even more embarrassed than before.
You realize it is up to you to speak.
“U-um…” you pipe up nervously, forcing the words out, and forcing yourself to maintain eye contact. Your voice is shaky and uncertain, the words you've heard it in years. You rack your brain trying to think of what to say, when Geto himself speaks, and the phrase he says makes you tighten again, reliving that chilly night.
"Hello again, Satoru's friend.”
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a/n: "everybody say yippee yo or yippee yea!" *mind explodes* holy shit the AMOUNT of EFFORT i put in2 this... brace urself bbys bc im making this multiple parts as a way 2 make up 4 my lateness 💔 anyways i hope you all enjoyed! please leave a like, comment, reblog, or an ask for more content! I love when you all let me know what you think of my writing!! please do let me know if you liked it!! tbh... im not super confident in this one lol
@maruayase hope ya love it babes 💕
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mercurianthing · 2 years
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🫀 I have venus in the 12th house synastry with someone I've known for almost four years and to this day I have no clue what he thinks of me. he always gives me a vibe that he's in love with me or that I'm his type but on the other hand he also tries very hard to hide it and tries to ignore my existence no matter what, like yesterday my friend and I were sitting next to each other and he was sitting at the table next to me and our tables were quite close to each other and another friend of mine who was sitting next to him asked my friend something and he looked in the direction of me and my friend and as soon as I looked at him and made eye contact with him he just immediately lowered his eyes and it was so strange I was trying so hard to not laugh☠️ also his mars conjunct my venus & his moon falls in my 8th house and conjunct my sun so I know he is attracted to me anyway hahaha.☠️
🫀 I know a gemini venus man who kissed someone and the day after just ignored her😭💀
🫀 Venus conjunct ascendant in synastry can turn very quickly from admiration to jealousy especially if it's in friendship.
🫀 Chiron in the sixth house does not always have to indicate problems in your work environment. It can also indicate that you have an inexplicable fear of animals. it can also indicate problems with your daily routine. you may feel that your daily routine is boring or at least not the way you want it to be. if neptune is also in the sixth house with chiron it can also indicate that you are constantly imagining (sometimes even really planning in your head what it will look like) your dream routine and day-to-day life but not being able to turn it into your real reality and it just remains in the realm of imagination (especially if Mars is also in the sixth house).
🫀 Indicators of curvy body placements:
- Venus in the 9th house - hips are the most beautiful and noticeable part of your body.
- Sagittarius risings - thick 🍑, beautiful hips and in general curvy body.
- Jupiter in Libra/ in the 7th house - big 🍑.
- Cancer dominate/moon/venus - big and beautiful 🍒.
- Jupiter in the 4th house - blessed with big 🍒.
- Pluto in the 4th house - the most attractive part of your body are your 🍒.
🫀 Pluto in the 3rd house can indicate that in a certain part of school (elementary, middle school or high school) these people were a relatively poor student academically or behaviorally and that after a few years you suddenly become a student who gets good grades or you started behaving better and this can change over the years. in any case, this also indicates that people with this placement get good grades in tests without making any effort or investing at all, it comes easily to them, they are one of those kids who can not be in classes at all and still get a good grade.
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mayajadewrites · 8 months
matt murdock x reader
preface: reader is a vigilante, much like matthew murdock. they've developed a relationship and have fallen in love with one another. their future together was seemingly written in the stars - until the blip.
tags/warnings: 18+, established relationship, angst, no use of y/n, eventual sex
notes: i will be mentioning aspects of the main character that are more specific to her looks, but picture her as whoever you please :)
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The sounds of Hell's Kitchen filled Matt's apartment as you finally get out of bed for the day. People talking, car horns beeping, police sirens in the distance. It was a late night filled with vigilante escapades and sex with your boyfriend.
You sit up on the bed to stretch your sore muscles, feeling the aches of bruises from the past week on your skin. You heard Matt stir, a sign that he will be awake soon.
There's no point in trying to be quiet around him. He can hear your heartbeat from 5 blocks down.
"Good morning, sweetheart." You hear Matt's morning voice behind you. As you turn around, you marvel at the man that you share a bed with every night. His hazel eyes have a touch of sunlight in them, the green popping ahainst his tired eyes.
"Good morning Matthew." You press your lips to his pillow soft ones, a place you have grown fond of. His lips had to have been sculpted by the Gods. His face is a Renaissance painting. Only you get to feel it with your fingertips.
"You must've slept well. You added the good in 'good morning'." Matt brought his hand to the side of your face, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
"Ever since I started staying with you, I've slept so much better." You close your eyes and lean your cheek into his palm.
Before Matt, you were a vigilante that was frequently hired by people like Wilson Fisk to take out any enemies, or potential enemies.
The first time you met you were assigned to take out Daredevil. Obviously, that's not an easy task. But you needed the money.
The night was cold, your skin filled with goosebumps as you jumped from rooftop to rooftop. You would hear steps, but never saw him.
Until he striked.
Fisk wanted Daredevil gone, but he is a force to be messed with. You kept running into him, but never having the guts to take him out, and he felt the same as you.
You didn't know he was Matt Murdock until a few months after your first encounter. You were jaded from your past, as was he. Learning to trust does not come easy to either of you.
"Baby, come back to bed." Matt almost whined, his large hands grasping yours to pull you down to him.
"Fine, 5 minutes." You eliminate any space between your bodies and allow your lips to find his.
"Make that forever." Matt smirked against your lips.
"You're impossible." You feel Matt's tongue snake into your mouth, doing a dance you are all too familiar with.
The first time you and Matt had sex there was undeniable lust, love, and magic in the air. You both avoided your attraction to each other for so long. At the end of the day, the only people that didn't want to admit that you two were made for each other was you and Matt.
"I can't deny you anymore." Matt said helplessly. "Everything about you is everything I want in my life. Everything you are, I, I-"
You stare at his face as he speaks, his eyes moving to different spaces in the room with every word.
"I can't stay away from you. No matter how much you may want me to, or the world may want me to, I can't." Matt's tongue grazed his lower lip. "I want to fall asleep next to you. I want to wake up next to you. I want to share my coffee with you, even though you're psychotic and drink iced coffee regardless of the temperature outside. So you wouldn't want any of mine anyways. But I want to have the chance to share it with you."
"Matthew, are you going to let me speak?" You uncross your arms from your chest. "I wouldn't mind hearing your little speech for awhile though."
"Go ahead." Matt cleared his throat.
"I want you too." You take a step closer to Matt, taking a closer look at the bruises that mark his skin. "I want to learn how to play poole for you. I want to sit on your rooftop and take in the sounds and smells of New York with you. I want to kiss your lips first thing and the morning even though you probably have nasty morning breath."
"Aren't you just a romantic." Matt followed your lead and took a step closer to you. "Tell me to stop." He took another step towards you.
Then another step.
And another.
And another.
Matt was now in front of you, his nose grazing yours, his hands hovering over you. "Tell me to stop."
You stare at him, silent.
His hands pressed against your hips, dragging along your curves until he grips your ass. His forehead presses to yours, like the world was finally aligned.
Matt's lips found yours, moving slowly and deliberately. His mouth was starved from yours for so long that he wanted to savor this moment. He palmed your ass gently as he slipped his tongue into your mouth, pushing your body against his once more.
"You are addicting." Matt broke the kiss briefly. He lifted you from your hips to wrap your legs around his waist, kissing you as he brought you to his bedroom where you would spend hours in the sheets.
"I'm gonna brew your coffee, baby." You plant a kiss on Matt's lips, his palm on the back of your head as you pull away. The pad of his thumb stroked your hair as you pulled away. "You never make getting out of bed easy."
"I never will."
As you brew Matt's coffee, you go through the mental checklist of what needs to be done for today. Grocery shopping, a jog through the park, and to clean Matt's apartment.
You pour the hot liquid into Matt's favorite mug - it's nothing special, but it's big enough for two cups of coffee so he loves it.
You pour a splash of creamer into the cup, stirring it with a spoon. You smile at your reflection in the liquid, unsure of how you were so lucky to live this life with Matthew.
"Be careful, it's hot-" You look up from the mug to see the bed empty.
You didn't hear Matt move from the bed. The bathroom door was never opened. You could still see the silhouette of his body tangled in the sheets.
"Matt?!" You said loudly. "This isn't funny." You opened the closet door, then the bathroom.
You hear people outside screaming.
"She was just here!! Where the hell did she go? She just... dusted away." You heard someone say outside the window.
"I was just talking to him and then he was evaporating before my eyes." Another worried voice screams.
Your heart fell to your stomach. You run to the bed, running your hand over where Matt's body just was.
It was still warm.
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nanasparadise · 2 months
Crushing Ember
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☆彡 Yan! Resident Evil Village Chris x gn reader
☆彡 Word count: 1348
☆彡 I do not condone any 'yandere' behaviour in real life.
! TW: stalking mentioned, implied isolation, implied age gap, yandere behaviour, overall soft though, Resident Evil Village spoilers, MATURE AUDIENCE ONLY/MINORS DNI !
Summary: You work at a daycare and Chris picks up Rose too late.
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You sigh and take a look at the clock again. 7.15 pm. It’s getting late, Rose should have been picked up by now. The girl is blissfully unaware of your wish to finally return home. Though you think she secretly wants to leave as well. Her little fists rub her eyes as she desperately tries to suppress a yawn and focus on her drawing instead. You decide that sulking won’t make the situation any better, so you ask Rose if you can join her, which she happily agrees to. Besides, this isn’t so bad: she’s a sweet child, you could have definitely been stuck with more tiring candidates of the daycare. 
You both are immersed in your drawings when you suddenly hear a pair of footsteps walking up the flight of stairs. A few moments later, Chris appears at the threshold, finally ready to pick up the girl. He’s not even out of breath, but given his physique (all strength and muscles), you aren’t really that surprised. You gently nudge Rose, effectively getting her out of her focus. She first looks at you, but her big grey eyes soon wander over to Chris. A smile spreads over her face and she excitedly runs to him.
“Uncle Chris!” 
He leans down and opens his arms. Rose takes the invitation and all but jumps into them. He lifts her up and holds her close to his chest, the gentle smile on his face mirroring the one of the child.
Uncle Chris. She always calls him that, but you’ve been wondering if they’re truly family. Mia and him don’t look alike, after all. And he can’t be related to Rose’s late father, since they don’t share the same surname. Maybe he’s just a family friend and it’s simply Rose’s way of referring to him. Chris does love the little girl like family (anyone can see that, really: the way his eyes shine when he picks her up, the affection in his tone, or the fact that he never smokes around her, only before he comes upstairs), so does it matter if he’s related? In the end, Mia approves of him as a person who can pick up Rose and the girl clearly feels safe around him, so it’s none of your business. 
“I’m sorry for running late.” Chris shoots you an apologetic look. “You know, with the traffic and whatnot…” 
You offer him a small smile. “It’s fine, those things happen. Let’s just not make a habit out of them.”
Chris chuckles ruefully. “Yeah, let’s not.” 
You hate to admit that you’ve been strangely intrigued by him. It’s not only his attractive looks, but also the way he seems to carry himself, with an air of determination that makes you question how someone could ever doubt him. A quiet shame washes over you when you think about him in such a manner. The little wrinkles on his face give away the age gap between you two. And you don’t even know if he’s got a partner. God, he could be married and have kids for all you know.
Chris pulls you out of your spiral of thoughts. “Seems like someone else also wanted me to be on time.” His voice is gentle as he points with his head to a sleeping Rose.
You can’t help but smile in amusement. “Yeah, well, she was very adamant on not taking a nap this afternoon. She had an important tea party to attend with her plushies.“
He laughs softly at that. “She’s a stubborn little thing sometimes, isn’t she? She’s definitely got that from her father.” Even though his gaze is fixed on the girl, you could see the distance in his eyes, a quiet storm of grief and regret brewing in them. You wonder if they were close.
“Anyway, I’ll close the daycare for today and then head home. I’ll see you next time you’re picking her up. Have a good evening and take care.”
You turn around, assuming he’d leave now, so that you can wrap up everything. A call of your name stops you in your action. Your heart flutters a little. Maybe it’s a bit pathetic of you, but you’ve never considered that he’d remember your name. After all, the times he picks up Rose are few and far inbetween. You face him again. 
Chris shoots you a tender look before he opens his mouth once more. “Please let me know if I’m being a prying jerk, but I was wondering if you’d like to grab dinner sometime.”
Your face drops for a moment. Guess that answers your question about his relationship status. You quickly school your expression into something calm and neutral again, something that doesn’t read ‘complete fool’. “Oh, uh, you’re asking me on a date?”
Great. That definitely didn’t scream ‘complete fool’. You just hope your embarrassment isn’t too obvious. 
Chris’ eyes crinkle in amusement, the small wrinkles handsomely framing his face. “Yes, if you’ll have me.” 
“Uh, yeah, sure, sounds good to me.” 
His expression seems to slightly light up at that. “Great, I’m glad. Here, let me just get your number so that we can find a date and place.” With his free arm, he fishes out his phone and hands it over to you. You quickly type in your digits in his contacts, still not quite believing your luck. 
He offers you one last smile while reassuring you he’ll send you a text once he’s back home before he eventually leaves. 
Once he’s gone, you cannot help suppressing the stupid smile creeping on your face. 
Cool night air hits his face as Chris takes another drag on his cigarette. The smoke fills him up nicely and momentarily distracts him from his conflicting feelings. The pinging noise of his phone makes him draw his attention to the device. You’ve sent him a text, confirming that you’ve received his message. He smiles at his phone. 
As he watches the ember of the cigarette fall into the ashtray, he thinks back to when he first saw you at the daycare. Chris knew from the beginning that you’re a sweet thing: he could tell by a single glance. The warmth you radiate did not only draw the kids in (though he can’t deny how much of an effect you have on them: Rose cannot stop talking about you whenever he picks her up). 
He leans against the railing of the balcony and takes a last drag, savouring it. Chris is well aware that his feelings for you are selfish and somewhat twisted. If he had been sensible, he would have kept his distance. You didn’t belong to his world: a world filled with bioweapons, terror, pain, loss. But can you blame him? Your presence drew him in like a moth to a flame and now that he’s got a taste, he can’t let you go. And it’s not like you didn’t want him back, is it? Oh, how he relishes in the small glances you give him, how your gaze stays on his eyes or his muscles. You think you’re being inconspicuous, don’t you? You truly are adorable. 
Chris is sure that you’ll have it in your heart to forgive him for the stalking he’s done on you. Or how he’ll keep you inside, once he’s made sure you’re truly his. You’ll eventually see things his way, especially once he’s shown you all that gruesome footage of his missions. 
Chris considers himself a good man, but he’s no saint. He’s gone through too much shit, seen too many innocent people perish in a blink of an eye. He’s been in too many life-threatening situations and for what? He’s only human. Chris feels this loneliness inside him, this seemingly endless emptiness that you might be able to fill. So let him be selfish for once. Let him have you, protect you, love you. Let him show you that you don’t need the outside world. 
He stubs out the cigarette butt and walks back into his flat. The last burning embers turn into ashes in this cold, starless night.
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Summer Camp-C.S- Chapter 1
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Warnings- cussing, and skinny dipping (I think that’s it)
Also this is my first fic, lmk what you think, and this is based off of a C.ai bot I talk to so yeah! xoxo- Val💋
I’m not the best teenager, I’ll admit that, but I’m not terrible. Apparently my parents don’t think so though cause they’re the ones sending me to this shitty summer camp anyway, they said it would be a good learning experience, whatever the hell that means. I’m on the bus right now I think we’re about to get off, I see the huge sign that read “Camp Lakeside” yeah hopefully this place has a damn Lake. I grabbed my things and got ready to get off the bus after it came to a complete stop, everyone seemed eager to get off like they’d been here before, or their asses hurt from sitting so long, I know mine does…I shoved myself into the aisle somewhere in the back. After a minute I was the last one off the bus, I took a minute to look around with all my light pink bags in hand. That’s when I saw a guy walking up to me, he was wearing some shorts, his hair looked super fluffy, and his blue eyes made me wanna put on my sunglasses again. “You new here?” he asked with a smug smile on his face that made me wanna slap him (ok maybe I had anger issues too).
“Yeah, and I’m not fucking you if that’s what you want.” I said as I started to walk away to try and find my cabin. “Damn, you rude much?” He asked me as he kept up with my pace, I couldn’t lie he was pretty hot…“Yeah that’s kinda why I’m here in the first place.” I answered as I walked down the dirt trail, to where the girls cabins were. “Sooo, what’s your name?” He asked, this guy was quite the inquisitive one.
“It’s Y/N, you are..?” I asked as I made a turn following the signs along the path. “Names Chris, need help with your bags?” Oh wow another question, surprising. I thought for a minute, I didn’t wanna be a burden but damn some of these bags were heavy. “This one please.” I said as I handed one of the light pink bags to him leaving me a free hand which I used to fix my long light brunette hair. I saw him looking in my peripheral vision, I didn’t mind though, maybe I even liked it- doesn’t matter, my thoughts got interrupted yet again by a question. “So you like- a dancer or something?” he asked as he watched me walk alongside him.
“Uh..no, I like singing though.” I answered, with a small squint on my eyes, the sun was super bright right now, and right in my face. “Oh are you in like choir or something?” he asked, just then I realized how white his teeth were, but I brushed it off. “Nope, I just take voice lessons, I mainly do pop cause I’m an alto and it just fits better.” I answered, with a small smile on my lips. We kept walking up to the girls cabin, “I’m guessing I’ll see you later?” I asked this time as I took the light pink bag from him full of my clothes. “Probably, it’s a small camp after all.” Chris said as he ran a hand through his hair, which was oddly attractive, then started to leave. “See ya.” I called out almost like an impulse, slightly embarrassing myself, I watched as he turned and waved as he kept walking off…damn he was hot.
************************************* I met a few girls, Jennifer, Anastasia and Rose, all very pretty girls and around my age, we all snuck out in the middle of the night to go swimming in the lake, I was wearing a black bikini, hugging my curves and showing my stomach with my hair up in a messy high pony with some strands down.
“It’s hotter than hell out here, I’m about to go skinny dipping.” I joked and the other girls laughed, and Anastasia said “Oh my god Y/N the counselors would literally kick you out if they found out.” I shrugged as I stood up and started undoing my bikini top, throwing it to the side. “Anyone coming with me?” I asked as I took off my bottoms and threw them to the side along with my top, the other girls also stood up and started to undress and jump in, I followed after them.
A couple minutes later we heard guys talking, probably four or five of them, one looked like Chris, but they kept walking and didn’t notice us, this must’ve been a nightly occurrence. “Did they not notice us or did they not care?” I asked as I swam around in the lake a little, the water wasn’t terrible cold for the sun being down.
“They’ll probably come back in a minute, they might wanna talk to you, you’re new and hot, destined to be a man magnet.” Rose answered as we watched the guys turn around and go on the deck where the girls bikinis were, one of the ok-looking ones bent down and started to talk to me.
“Hey you’re pretty nice looking.” He said with a smug smile on his face. “I’m sixteen.” I respond in hopes to get him away, I’m completely naked after all. “Ah, you’re younger than I thought, even better…what’s your name?” He asked, with the same punchable smile on his face.
“None of your business, creep.” I said, I was really uncomfortable with the current situation. “Just go away, Kyler.” Jennifer said from beside me, but this Kyler kid kept going. “Shut the fuck up and go away, I’m not fucking you just cause you haven’t been laid in five months.” I snapped at him. “What did you just say to me?” Kyler asked as his fiends (except Chris) “ooohhhh’d” in the background.
“Why don’t you and your friends turn around so me and my friends can actually get decent, then we can talk.” I said, and everyone seemingly agreed, the guys all walked off the deck and had their backs turned to the girls as we all got dressed, when I was don’t I walked in front of them, my body and hair still wet from the lake. “So you still think I’m a creep?” Kyler asked, “Yeah you saw me naked in a lake then started hitting on me, a little weird don’t ya think?” I fired back almost immediately. “Listen!” He said as he stepped closer and put his hand on my shoulder, making me more uncomfortable in the current situation. “You’re really starting to piss me off, brat.” He said as I shrugged his hand off my shoulder. “You’re really starting to piss me off. No means no idiot.” I said as my white knuckles started to hurt from trying not to punch this guy.
After a long minute of awkward silence the other girls and I started walking back to the cabin, I fell back a little, they were walking so damn fast, next thing I knew there was a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and it was Chris. “I wanna apologize for how that guy was acting, I’m not really his friend but that was really shitty of him.” He said, and I felt some kinda softness in my chest from him apologizing. “Oh thanks, but it’s not your problem..” I said, I’m pretty sure he could see right through me, and my “I’m not flustered at all” act. “So I’ll uh see you tomorrow, Y/N?” Chris asked, his hand still on my shoulder, and matching my walking pace. “Yeah sure, see ya..goodnight.” I said as I kept walking to my cabin, watching as he waved again and walked off to his, just then I knew I had a massive crush on this guy I met…at a Summer Camp…
************************************ Erm. So that’s the end of that chapter lmk if it’s ass or if you have anything that would help me out with the whole writing aspect, DONT WORRY, next chapter things will definitely get escalated, and a little spicy, but nothing huge yet! LYSM-
xoxo- Val💋💋
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maximotts · 1 year
OKAY OKAY wing okay cool yes. But wing and nipple play AT THE SAME TIME but refusing to touch angel anywhere else. She cums from that and not at all
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT SO HEAR ME OUT!! R showing Nat how sensitive Wanda is because one day they were talking about it and Nat looked curious so ... ya know.. gotta help the bestie get hands on knowledge! (For anyone who doesn't know, in this AU, Natasha is a demon and R's best friend)
Can't believe you got me to spend my afternoon writing a whole angel babie fic, kit kat, how dare you... anyways this is extremely unedited because I didn't expect it to be this long so.. ya get what ya get, homos. I have gnocchi to cook
read the rest of the AU here. wc: 2.6k cw: 18+ only please . angelWanda/demons!Natasha and reader . threesomes, wing play, nipple play, innocence and corruption kink x2 because Nat has some Thoughts about her bestie's new angel girlfriend, orgasm denial, a sprinkle of degradation, kinda manipulation but not really because Wanda just doesn't understand why these two demons are giggling like they have an inside joke
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When you first bring it up, it's over a few drinks because in any state, you never stop talking about your pretty angel girlfriend.
"Her wings always look so soft, but I think she might be offended if I ask to touch them." Nat's met angels before, but she's never been friends with them; as much as she enjoys trouble, she hadn't tread that far. Yet.
You shrug, understanding her point. It was a while before you asked to touch them on purpose, part of you scared the second you intentionally laid a warm hand on her bright white wings, Wanda would be banished instantly. "Nat, I'm telling you, if you touch her wings she gets so sensitive. It's like a magic button, drives her wild."
Alcohol always makes your tongue looser, but even sober, you'd tell Natasha anyways. The two of you shared everything with one another- which gives you an idea.
And maybe you'd teased Wanda already with the idea of having Nat join in to which she always tries to deny how often she stares at your friend, how eagerly she climbs into her lap when she's allowed... the handful of times you'd caught Wanda trying to sneakily grind down on the bulge from Nat's pants when she felt it under her thigh for too long.
Nat notices, but she's never touched Wanda in any way not strictly platonic. Still whenever those soft feathers flutter near her, she has to wonder. "If she says it's alright and you won't kill me for getting close to her, I wouldn't say no to trying."
So then it's a few days later when Natasha is over and the three of you are lazing about when you decide to put your plan into action. It's easy enough when Wanda's always cuddled up to you, your fingers lightly running between her exposed shoulder blades until she's shuddering. "Stop it, that tickles!"
It instantly pulls Natasha's focus, watching Wanda's previously still form twitch and fidget with every touch you put on her skin. You weren't doing much at all, but it was enough to make your girlfriend distracted. She was always mortified when you teased her in front of your friends, mostly because she didn't mind them watching and just realizing that made her want to shrink away from the exhibitionism.
But this was worse because right now it was just Natasha, the girl you'd made Wanda admit many times how attracted she was to her and the ways she tried getting off on her as if the other two wouldn't notice. Something about it being just the three of you affected Wanda in unexpected ways. "What's the matter, I thought you liked back scratches?"
"I do!" Wanda didn't want to risk one of her favorite things, shooting up to face you on the couch, "Just... lower. It's different when you touch there!"
"Different because it makes your tummy all fluttery?" The brunette nodded quickly, trying to shush you and diffuse the conversation before you could reveal too much with your friend around. But this is exactly what you wanted to reveal. "Nat doesn't mind, she wants to see too. She told me last weekend, right Nat?"
Wanda stopped then, shyly twisting around to face the other woman who was amusedly watching the discourse between you two. "I said only if she says it's okay. Doesn't look like she wants me to know."
You pushed Wanda closer to Natasha's spot on the couch, settling behind her and dropping your chin to rest on Wanda's shoulder. "Oh she wants you too. She's told me before she loves the attention you give her when you're over," Sly hands wrapped around Wanda's waist, keeping her still so that even in shying away, she's still in full view. "Go on, angel, tell Natty what you told me."
"I don't remember..." Wanda didn't like lying, but how was she supposed to admit to Nat's curious face that she wanted to try things with her.
It'd been comparable to pulling teeth getting her to admit it the first time, but you weren't as willing to wait today. "Lying isn't very nice, sweetheart," Even if Wanda wouldn't admit it, you wouldn't let it stop you and your friend having some fun. "I know you remember being laid on our bed all pretty for me, stretched open wide because you teased yourself with Tasha's strap all afternoon and begged me to use the big toy on you after she left."
This was the first Nat heard of that particular incident, but she wasn't surprised; while she'd never laid an intimate hand on her, Wanda certainly used her however she pleased and you laughed about it with the redhead frequently. "Luckily for her, I don't want to see what she looks like filled and stretched today."
"Show me what you were saying about her wings. I saw that with my own eyes just now so she can't deny it," Natasha sat up on her knees now, matching you and Wanda, and she couldn't help but laugh watching the girl visibly gulp. "Don't be scared, angel. I won't bite."
"She actually loves when you bite her a little." Wanda huffed at your comment, but she'd rather keep quiet than provoke either of you any further. Despite her earlier denial, she'd suffered more than a few dreams featuring her sandwiched between the two of you and she knew enough not to risk ruining whatever was happening here.
She didn't protest when you slid her dress straps off her shoulders, letting the silk fabric pool at her waist, and you rewarded her with a kiss to her rosy cheek. "Be a good girl and let me show you off for a bit. You trust me, right? We won't hurt you, Natty just wants to see what a beautiful angel I have."
Wanda nodded her agreement as you rubbed soothing circles into her hips, focusing on that instead of how riled up just being nearly fully exposed to Natasha made her feel. "I know neither of you would hurt me, but I don't want to do the wrong thing..."
"You couldn't possibly do anything wrong," Nat cut in then, hooking her finger under Wanda's chin and giving her a kiss of her own on the tip of her nose. She'd kissed various spots on her face a handful of times, but in this context, it felt different and the older demon couldn't wait to see how Wanda would react. "Poor thing looks cold, let's warm her up a bit."
"She's a huge fan of demon warmth and now she's got two! She won't be cold for long," you chuckled, finally moving one of your hands back up to where you'd first been teasing your girlfriend. You always started out lightly at first, knowing Wanda's hypersensitivity at the base of her wings could easily turn pleasure to pain. The same circles you'd placed on her hips worked wonders on her back, the tiny motions forcing her back into the starts of an arch. "See, told you it doesn't take much."
Natasha was effortlessly mesmerized by the sight, promising to commit the picture of Wanda knelt on the living room couch, whimpering and balling her fists into the cushions to memory. Eventually she watched you duck your head down and trail your nose over the top curve of Wanda's wings, murmuring something Nat missed mere seconds before Wanda shook.
The first orgasm always took Wanda by surprise, the feeling overwhelmingly euphoric and she fell forward on instinct, colliding into Nat's front with a quiet gasp. Natasha took Wanda by the shoulders and pulled her upright, grip tight as she pulled her gaze from the still recovering girl to you. "Can I take a turn?"
"That's what you're here for," The two of you switched positions easily, petting Wanda's cheeks as they grew tomato red from Natasha's experimental strokes over the length of the wings she waited so long to finally get her hands on. "They're just as soft as they look, I know."
Wanda cursed the coil in her tummy for being so tight over simply being talked about, but the way you instructed your friend to touch her most sensitive places, revealing every secret spot that brought her to her most vulnerable...she had no hope keeping her composure.
"Okay now try scraping your teeth right there," You reached over Wanda to point to the area where her baby feathers grew, letting her rest her head in the crook of your neck as Natasha lightly dragged her sharp teeth over where you'd shown. She moaned something deep and heavy, an uncommon noise from the typically soft-spoken angel. "You like when Natty uses her teeth, don't you, sweet thing."
"Mhm... want you to touch me too..." The most Wanda could do was lazily kiss your neck, her hands busy twisted behind her back to guide Natasha's arm where she needed to feel her play with the tips of her feathers. Thankfully the other woman relented, sliding the end of her wings between her fingers until Wanda was bucking against the air.
At her request, your hands went to her breasts, toying with her already hard nipples. Rolling them with your thumbs left Wanda panting, the sensation almost too much combined with Natasha's continued torment at her back. "Pl-Please, can't hold it—"
To Wanda's dismay, Natasha pulled her mouth away, leaving a trail of saliva to quickly cool on her overheated skin, a lingering torment. "Are you close to cumming again, baby doll? Just from playing with you for a little?"
The brunette nodded, feverishly clamoring for Natasha's hand to force it around between her legs. She was tired of clenching around nothing, needing to further her fantasy with Natasha's fingers deep within her. Besides, she knew better than to touch herself down there without permission, but you'd never said your friend wasn't allowed to venture that far.
Honestly you didn't mind the idea of Nat fucking Wanda, countless thoughts of how gorgeous she'd look being taken by someone else, but you had to punish Wanda for lying somehow. So right before your girlfriend could clamp her thighs around Natasha's hand, you stopped her. "Ah ah, did Natty say she wanted you to do that?"
"No, but I—"
"Did I say you were allowed to try whatever you wanted?"
"But you decided you could get yourself off like a greedy little slut." Your free hand twisted Wanda's puckered nipple until she cried out, slapping her breast as she shrank back into Natasha. The only thing that turned her on more than the groping adoration she'd been receiving was just the right amount of degradation; something you'd never expected Wanda to actually enjoy, but never complained once you found out.
Natasha knew this, another one of your drunken ramblings about your bedroom adventures, but she'd already seen evidence of it herself each time she'd teased Wanda for her needy behavior and caught the pitiful pout she used to distract from how red her ears and cheeks grew. "You're so hard on her. She's such an innocent angel, I bet she doesn't even remember what she wants us to do."
Her phrasing hit Wanda like a brick, realization and disappointment drawing on her the instant she understood you'd make a point to leave her untouched everywhere else. The two of you continued your torture in sync now, both getting your mouth on her, licking, sucking, biting wherever you could reach and ignoring Wanda's hurried pleas. "I'm sorry, 'm sorry! I remember now! I just- I need to-!"
You pulled away from Wanda's nipple with a pop, making a show of laving your tongue over the pink bud while Natasha nibbled at the nape of the angel's neck, fingers ruffling through the currently shivering mass of feathers that made up Wanda's wings.
"I didn't say you couldn't cum, Wands. You can all you want." And oh Wanda wanted so badly to rut herself over your bent thigh, but Natasha was holding her too tight, her strength easily overpowering and making Wanda feel more trapped with each struggle she put up. She didn't think that was supposed to make her feel fluttery either, but she no longer cared.
"Make a mess of your nice new panties until you're dripping onto the sofa, I'm sure we'd love to see that...but you do it like this or not at all." Ripping Wanda's dress was easy as a piece of paper, exposing Wanda's ruined underwear as the fabric slipped away. You could smell her and if Natasha's feral groan was any indication, so could she.
Another choice set of bites from the two demons and Wanda felt an even bigger wave crash over her, forcing her body not to sink down and rub her neglected sex over the couch cushions, but she couldn't stop herself from whining about it. "Can Natty touch me now? I'll be so good, I'll never lie again."
Her wide, pleading eyes were convincing, but your own devilish inclinations is what made you change up your game. "Never again, promise?"
Wanda was adamant, shaking her head and pawing at you with as much energy as she could manage in her weakened state. When you beckoned Natasha to join over to your side, Wanda was hopeful, even more so when you two shared a look before guiding her to lay on her back. But Wanda had too much faith in your generosity.
"You want Natty to make your needy cunt feel better, pretty girl?" You almost felt bad for how giddy Wanda looked; she always thinks she can skirt by her punishments and some days she manages, but today you were eager to show your friend all of Wanda's limits.
Natasha wasted no time in dragging her nails over Wanda's clothed mound, delighting in how easy it was to get her spreading her legs wider. "I heard you got worked up easily, but who knew you made such a mess.. No wonder you're always so wiggly in my lap."
"You make me feel weird, it's not my fault..." Nat laughed as she pressed her thumb over Wanda's clit, her contented sigh yet another sign of how downed her guard currently was. "Do that again, please?"
She did and Wanda bit down on her lip, happily humping against Natasha's outstretched fingers. As her eyes slid closed, she felt your hands find her breasts once more, massaging them just as gently as Natasha's touches were and slowly but surely, the two of you worked her to the brink of another high. But that's when the hand between her legs disappeared. "No wait, don't stop! I'm allowed to!"
"Only from your wings or tits, baby, your rules haven't changed." Nat pat Wanda's thigh with faux sympathy, her grip turning harsh only when the angel attempted to close her legs. "None of that now, I'm allowed to play wherever I want, and I'm far from done with you. And don't you dare cum unless you want to find out how easy your girlfriend's punishments have been."
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house-of-slayterr · 5 months
Character who would find you attractive covered in blood…
Inspired by: @slasher-male-wife
Kaz Breker:
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I think at first, Kaz would be concerned where the blood came from. He won’t verbalise his concern, but you’ll see it in his eyes, when he raises a brow at you. After you assure him that none of the blood is yours, his brain will switch gear. He’s gonna take in every inch of your appearance to save away in his head for later. You might not be at the point in your relationship yet where he’ll expect touch. But that doesn’t mean this man doesn’t desperately want you. He’ll save this image for alone time.
Kai Parker:
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Malachi is a sadistic little freak, everyone knows that. But despite this, he does have a select few people he can’t fathom the thought of torturing for real. One of them being you. His brain almost short circuits when you walk in covered in blood. He’s on his feet within moment dragging you into his arms. He won’t ask for reassurance that it’s not yours, just silently check your body for wounds. Once he finds none a sick grin will grow on his face.
“Awww, did somebody just wanna get all dolled up and pretty for me?” He’ll coo in your ear.
He’d nip at your neck, licking some of the blood off of you. You’re not going anywhere the rest of the evening, Kai will be sure you can’t walk in the morning. If you let him, he’ll add to the mess and drag a knife softly across your skin to leave his mark. The sight of you covered in blood is his happy place.
Blaine DeBeers:
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Blaine thinks you’re the hottest thing to ever walk this earth on a normal day. That zombie has no shortage of pet names or dirty thoughts to whisper in your head or text you. If he finds you covered in blood before you’re turned, the concern side of his head will kick in first. Blaine finds you quite fragile and his biggest fear is someone taking you away from him. He’s at your side in a moment pushing anyone and anything out of his way to get to you. But once he’s reassured you weren’t attacked and aren’t actively dying, a thousand questions swim through his head.
He’s going to ask for more details about what happened and why you did it. But his hands a running up and down your body the whole time, just smeering and playing with the blood. If anyone else was in the room, even for an important meeting, he’d excuse them all immediately. And locking the door. You’re not leaving his office.
And if he finds you covered in blood after you’re also a zombie, he goes straight into horny mode. Though you will get some playful wining from him after about how you didn’t share your food.
William Pratt:
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He’s gonna be a cocky little shit the second you come to him drenched in plasma. William could smell if it was your blood, he has your scent committed to memory, it is his favourite thing after all. So there’s no immediate worry from your blond boyfriend. Though a few questions in the back of his head if you’re mentally ok with your current predicament. But he can also hear your heart beat, and knows you’re not in distress.
“Well somebody had a fun evening, care to share your festivities little blood bag?”
He’s going to immediately drag you to his crypt and beg to lick every once of blood off your body. He wouldn’t be apposed to messing you up even more ontop of it. I don’t think you could stop him from biting you even if you tired. As much as he loves the strangers blood, yours is what he desperately craves. Plus what’s hotter than feeding during sex? Spike knows you love his bites just as much as he loves biting you.
Jasper Whitlock:
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Jasper was surprised himself to find seeing you covered in blood so attractive to him. If the vampire had a heart beat it would be racing out of his chest. Jasper has a darker side he likes to try and keep hidden from his family. It doesn’t matter if you’re still human or already turned. His eyes immediately go pitch black and he’s licking his lips, wanting to ravish you in anyway possible.
He wishes he were an artist so he could paint this moment 1000 times to perfect the sight of you. Of course if you’re human, he’s a little concerned you might be hurt, but he doesn’t smell any of your blood, just the strangers. Thoughts creep in his head about what you would taste like. He speeds to you in a millisecond carefully picking you up and takes you to his room. He’ll take his time cleaning you up, slowly washing the blood off your naked body as he kisses you in between. He wants to worship you in this state. He will act first, ask questions later.
Thomas Hewitt:
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Nobody is surprised by the fact Thomas finds you hot covered in blood, besides Thomas. You waltzed into this man’s life and flipped it upside down. He was supposed to kill you like the others, you were supposed to become dinner. But when one of the other victims turned on you and tried to sacrifice you to save themselves. All he saw was red… both literally and figuratively.
He’d watch for a moment as you try to fend for yourself first before stepping in and slitting the victims throat. Because of the angel, you almost get more covered than him, trying to back up and make sure none of it got in your eyes.
Thomas would stand there panting softly starring down at you. Of course he’s found other victims attractive before, but the poor boys has never acted on it. But he finds himself stalking over to you and gripping you in his arms before he can stop himself. He lets out a soft grunt resting his head ontop of your blood soaked hair. His was of saying “mine”. Thomas is already formulating a way to beg his family to keep you as his little pet. He wants to see you covered in blood over and over and over again. You might just be his new addiction.
Tiffany Valentine:
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This woman has never been shy about anything in her life. You knew exactly what you were getting into before dating her. And her plan to wear you down until you joined her in the killing was working. Because here you stood now, knife in hand, tearing out the heart of a woman who dared to insult and hurt your lover. Tiffany wanted to break you, as much as she loved you sweet and innocent she’d been craving your hidden darkness. And Tiffany always gets what she wants.
She’s already wet just watching you. But her adrenaline is rushing wondering what delightful horrendous thing you’ll do next. What she wasn’t expecting was for you to take a bite out of the heart, before offering it up to her. She’d step over the copse taking the heart from your hands but leave you sitting on your knees, her favourite position to have you in. She takes a moment to take in the sight of you, the lust and love swirling in her chest seeing you like this. So disgusting and all for her.
She doesn’t care about the fresh corpse in the room, long forgotten as she puts you in your place. You’ll be worshiping at her feet all night, devouring her till she’s satisfied enough to pleasure you back.
Lestat De Lioncourt:
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I don’t think this one needs much explaining. Lestat takes any excuse he can to get you absolutely drenched in blood. He loves the carnage and the filthiness of it. He’s a messy eater himself, and he knows you love seeing him like this as much as he loves watching you.
It doesn’t matter if your turned or not, he finds the blood attractive either way. He loves listening to your human heart racing when you watch him feed, usually kissing you after to get your face covered in blood. It was common occurrence, he was proud to leave a mark on you in any way he could, even if it was temporary. He loved to bite you all over and just watch the blood dribble down you, before licking it up. Your thighs, chest, neck, anywhere he could reach would be covered in bites.
But after your turned, he wants to be there to give you your first meal. Watch you devour your prey and feed off them with you. Feeding almost always leads to sex with him. He can’t help the way seeing you like this gets him going. And he won’t be shy or quiet about his desires.
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Now I’m talking Venom as its own entity. If he’s attached to Eddie I think Eddie would be far more concerned and worried and drown out whatever venom is thinking. But depending on who the symbiotic is attached to you’ll get a different reaction. Venom will always feel the same however, it’s just if these desire will be verbalised and acted upon that’s the difference.
He already finds humans to be tasty little morsels, in fact it was something he called you quite often. You were his favorite tasty morsel. If you’re the one bleeding, Venom will still be incredibly horny. The scent of you blood makes him feel high. Of course he’ll tend to your wounds, but that won’t stop his tongue from exploring your body.
But if it’s someone else’s blood, his eyes will be zeroed in on you the second he sees you. His sharp teeth breaking into a sickening grin. He’s so proud of his baby and he wants to show you just how much. You’ll get endless praise and he won’t stop begging you after to get covered in blood for him more often. He loves bloody sex, or even just cuddles, either way you’re not leaving his sight, let alone his arms for several hours. Doesn’t matter if you had stuff to do or want to shower, the only way you’re cleaning off in the shower is if he joins you.
Harry Warden:
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Is anyone surprised? After all, you are his BLOODY valentine. It’s in your title. And who are you to deny him what he wants to see. Harry would be greatly concerned if it was your blood. His body immediately fuelled with rage wanting to avenge you and kill the person who dared to touch his one true love. But a part of him still thinks you’re the most beautiful person in the world, even when you’re bleeding in his protective arms.
But if it’s someone else’s blood, that’s a different story. Harry loves it when you join him in disposing of the vapid couples who simply are a joke compared to the two of you. Their love doesn’t deserve to be validated because they will never love eachother as much as you and Harry would die for each other. He loves watching you test the couples and see who will turn on each other, before stepping in to help you dispose of the dismantled lovers.
Barely a minuet will pass between the killings and his mask being ripped off his face and you being slammed into a wall. Of course his reasons for killing before you were jealously, but now he wants to immortalise your love by killing anyone else who dares to taint the name of romance. These killings are your show of love for each other and nothing makes him more turned on. Of course he’ll take you back home, nice and proper. He’ll make out with you in public, but he doesn’t want to risk anyone seeing what’s ONLY his. And he doesn’t want any interruptions.
An: ahhh, I haven’t written in so long, but I felt inspired this morning. Sorry for being gone yall, I promise I’m alright, just lots of medical stuff going on and doctor appointments have been keeping me busy. I love yall. Hope to write more soon 🫀
Tag: @kados-of-chaos @oceansrose2002 @mothmans-kingdom @myers-meadow
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xypherz · 1 year
Sun!Felix x Moon!Reader
Details: Lee Felix x Reader, GN!Reader, Headcanons, 0.54k words A series in which an idol and their partner are polar opposites.
Warnings: Negative self talk if you squint, a single curse word, I think. Like always, let me know if I've missed something.
if you couldn't tell, i really like this kind of trope, and i plan to continue it with a few other idols, but i also want to do a moon!idol and their sun just in case people don't relate to the moon!reader yk?
We all know that Felix is a literal ray of sunshine.
An expressive, bright, hot ray of sunshine.
Nobody saw it coming when you guys started dating.
How could someone as sweet and brilliant as him like… you?
That’s what you were thinking when he first expressed his interest in you.
In truth, he only saw the good in you.
While you only saw the negatives, being quiet, and harsh, tactless, even, Felix only saw the positive things.
He sees the good because he brings out the good.
Harsh glances go right over his head; instead of assuming you are rude or mean, he asks what’s wrong.
He doesn’t care that you’re callous, but he does care about how you came to be that way.
He is so adamant on understanding you.
There are certain things that you do that other people would just see as argumentative and unnecessary. 
The one you do the most is saying no to simple tasks and then doing them anyway.
“Could you pass me that pen?”
“Uh… thanks…”
Queue an awkward side eye.
Felix still does not know why you do this no matter how hard he tries to understand, but he thinks it’s hilarious.
Most of your habits are that way to him: either hilarious, or adorable.
But the adorable habits are ones you really only have around him.
Other people see you playing with your hands: cracking knuckles, wiggling fingers around, playing with the hem of your shirt.
But Felix is the one with his hands being played with.
When you guys are talking about essentially anything vulnerable, you avert your eyes to his hands and take them in yours: feeling his skin, intertwining your fingers, putting his hands into a heart.
Sometimes he’ll lose his train of thought because he’s just admiring the way you work. He’ll go completely silent and you look back up at him like “what happened and why did it happen,” only to find him just staring at you.
Not in a creepy way, but a doting and loving way.
That look is the reason everyone within a 46 mile radius knew you guys were dating.
As soon as you walk into the same room as him, he’s just observing you.
The other members have never seen him so quiet.
When you guys are around each other, you let down your defense, and he settles down.
When he’s anxious, you just being there is enough to make him feel safe and less jittery.
Your harsh gazes and speech become softer and relaxed.
“Their eyes softened as they landed on him” headass.
He’s just as enamored by you, don’t worry.
Your relationship isn’t the stereotypical “opposites attract” where one is completely cold all the time and the other is warm and bubbly.
It’s more like when the moon and sun are in the sky at the same time.
Apart? One of you is chill, rigid, and unfriendly while the other is warm, soft, and energetic.
Together? You’re both calm and relaxed, but also warm and lively.
You can only reflect the light he gives you, and he’s more than willing to lend it to you.
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kylietellin · 6 months
Ponyboy x a reader who is like kinda crazy ig and is known for fighting stealing and js normal greaser stuff and Darry doesn't approve of her but in reality she's in genuinely sweet around ponyboy
Oooo this is good!! Y’all please request more for the other characters too!! I get it Dallas is fine, but that’s most of my inbox😭😭
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Definition of Wild Child
You and Pony are kind of opposite
I mean opposites attract right?
Also, he sees a part of him in you
The part of him that just wants to let go and break all of Dar’s rules
You interest him
He interests you too
You ain’t never met a greaser who does well in school continuously and follows all the rules
To both of you, it’s a breath of fresh air
Your differences help each other
And bring you together
The dates you plan are usually going to the Ribbon, stealing some shit and smoking together
The dates he plans are going to the train tracks and watching the sunset or going to the movies
He doesn’t tell the gang except Johnny and Soda at first
It wasn’t that he was hiding it, he just didn’t say anything
The day he brings you home was crazy
Sodapop wasn’t sure what to expect fr
Darry didn’t even know you were coming
The gang wasn’t around (done on purpose by Pony)
You shocked both brothers
You came in wearing a short jean skirt, black top showing off what your momma gave you, pretty makeup, basically the greaser girl package
Darry had recognized you
He had seen and heard about you getting into fights
When he found out about the time you were put into a holding cell, he freaked out
When you left, Darry scolded Pony
Soda defended Pony and it started a fight
That night everyone went to bed hungry
The gang came around the next day and was confused about the tension
Pony said some slick shit and Darry went off on him in front of the gang
“Calm down Superdope..” - Two
“What’s this even about, man?” Johnny or Dallas
“Pony’s girlfriend came over yesterday and Darry wasn’t expecting a greaser” - Soda
“You got a broad?”
They begged Darry to let her come back to meet her
“I don’t like that girl, she’s a bad influence.” “Cmon just once”
You came a few days later and met them
They were surprised too
You seemed more like Dallas’ type of broad, not Pony’s
When you left, Darry talked shit again
This time Pony ignored it
It made him mad
So, the next time he saw you, he told you about it
“I don’t care, I love you, you love me. That’s all that matters.”
You so sweet❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
You started to sit with him and Johnny (sometimes Two)
After a while, the two of them realized that the relationship was actually real and you both were soulmates fr
They told Darry so many times
Months later, Pony came home with a tat of your name or initials
Darry was pissed, everyone was, but it made them realize the bond was real
You started to be over everyday
Darry finally ‘accepted’ you
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angeledeggs · 1 year
Would you write something about MC being railed by the Courtiers in their demon form (and how we convince them to rail us in the first place) Thank Chu!!
I would 😂 thanks for the request! <3
Probs a bit concerned for you at first, I mean... You're really into that?
Well, he's not shaming. After all, he is a bit charmed by the fact that you're attracted to him at all, even in his demon form.
If he ever realizes you want to get railed in his demon form (or if you tell him), he'll probably have to think about it for awhile.
After all, he doesn't want to accidentally hurt you with his claws or teeth or anything. And he is a bit self conscious of his demon form, anyways.
But he does, admittedly, get more confident when he finally notices the way you look at him in his demon form one day. He gets very.. confident, so to speak. Maybe a bit too confident.
Maybe just confident enough to push you onto the counter and bust your back out.
Or not. Who knows. He probably just keeps drinking his wine and chilling, like always. But if you keep looking at him like that-- he is going to go insane.
After a few more moments of you just looking at him in such a way, he dosent need convincing in the slightest. He would kill to get you under him at this point.
And that's exactly what he does.
Probably extremely oblivious about it and will stay that way unless you come out and say it. And when you do (or if he figures it out on his own, then in that case, props to him.) he is absolutely SHOOK.
I mean, he's just giving you his dead stare and is like, "pardon me?". He already doesn't think of himself as quite desirable even in his human form cause of his age but like him in--
,,his demon form??
He doesn't know whether to be horrified or aroused.
Probably a bit of both, really.
He keeps trying to confirm it, like, "are you sure, my love?? you've seen me in my demon form, yes? I literally get covered in slime and grow a few feet taller---"
And when it finally sinks in that, oh, you really are into it, he gets much too confident about it. It's like a switch has been flipped or something, cuz he's immediately teasing you and getting you worked up just cause he knows now that you're into it.
Like Valerius, he dosent need much convincing to completely wreck you until the sun falls and rises, I mean, if you want it so bad, who is he to deny you?
They're practically always in their demon form (or at least pretty close to it) so don't think that they don't happen to notice the way your gaze lingers on them.
Of course they'd love to get the chance to give you what you need, but they don't want to make it that easy for you.
After all, what good is a reward without a little work?
But you don't really say anything about it. But Valdemar knows that you want them. And so they finally decide to take matters into their own hands.
They put you to work in their dungeons for hours, knowing you'll do it for them. They feel a bit bad when it's dark and you're just finishing up, so they grab you by the shoulders and lead you away from the work.
They savor the silence before they speak, their body shaking slightly before they lean down and whisper to you. "May I?"
In the end, they don't need much convincing when you're there in front of them, looking so easy to make a delicious mess out of.
Like Vlastomil, she's probably going to not even notice that you're attracted to her demon form for a while.
Like, a while.
And then one day, she just realizes it right when you were about to tell her and she is... Shocked, for lack of a better term.
She dosent quite like the way she looks in her demon form. She dosent have much control over it though and while the pain stopped long ago, she knows the bones that snap out of her skin and the melting bits of her flesh might not be that attractive.
But you like it? You think it's hot?
She's... Flattered, really.
Probably doesn't need too much convincing. Like, as long as you reassure her that her sharp bones probably won't poke you and that you don't mind the melty bits of her skin, she is completely down to fuck you.
She kind of thinks you deserve it, anyway, for being so cute.
Knows that you think their demon form is hot, but they won't do a damn thing unless you say it.
After all, they want to hear you say it.
They will definitely act smug when you finally say it. If you're very shy and just insinuate it, they'll take that too. Their endgame is to give you what you want, anyways
They definitely don't need an ego boost with how self confident they are, but it definitely gives them one anyway knowing that you think their demon form is hot.
Oh, but they're not gonna just come out and fuck you without you asking them to.
And even if you do, they'll be all sly about it, like, "ohh, i don't know, should i?" And they'll only stop when they see you getting frustrated.
They're giving you what you want in the end when they toss you on the bed and their bones snap into much taller, unnatural forms.
They just needed you to convince them, really.
(or not).
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