#but does he say sorry for his creepiness and treatment of the fourteen year old characters
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thetimelordbatgirl · 6 years ago
The fact that someone came on my post saying Doug Walker knows he was wrong about Sailor Moon is hilarious- cause the post was more about how creepy Doug was being with the fourteen year old characters and using terms such as 'slutty' and even slowing down the footage of the transformation JUST to show the upskirt moment.....just so he can go 'DAM' while saying 'fourteen years old.....' and then even saying at a convention that it was Jailbait The Show- wheres the defence for his creepiness, hmm? Oh wait, there is none.
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littlemisssquiggles · 7 years ago
RWBY Remarks: Debunking some of the RWBY Rosegarden negativity
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@thefairywithfandoms asked
“ Random Person: You can't ship RoseGarden, Ozpin is over a hundred years old!! That's weird!! | Me, an intellectual: if the gang defeats Salem, then Ozpin's curse would be lifted and he would be able to pass on, leaving precious Avocado farm boy to be in a relationship with Ruby?? Like??
Squiggles Answers:
Like what the what, right? I hear yuh fellow RWBY fam and might I add this to your point with some points of my own:
What the RoseGarden shippers think RoseGarden is: A sweet innocent ship between two our veteran smaller, more honest souls a.k.a Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine. Not Ozpin. Oscar is his own character and deserves the world and he deserves Ruby because she’s the only one who gets what he’s going through! Guys! They’re perfect together because they get each other. They’re just two smaller, more honest souls that have to face a lot of responsibility and their relationship could detrimental to their character growth cause, since they share a lot in common, they can confide in each other and help each other to grow. Not to mention! THEY SOOO CUTE TOGETHER!!! RUBY IS PRECIOUS! OSCAR IS PRECIOUS! THEY’RE BOTH PRECIOUS TOGETHER! THEY’RE PRECIOUS BEANS!
What the Anti-shippers think RoseGarden is: A disgusting creepy pairing that shouldn’t even be a thing because it obviously wouldn’t work. Ozpin is in there. If Ruby romances Oscar then that means she’s romancing Ozpin; despite the fact that the way she interacts with Ozpin and Oscar differ completely from the other and she never treats either of them like the same people whenever they swap souls. And if Oscar has a crush on Ruby then by extension that means Ozpin has a crush on Ruby, despite that the fact that the way Ozpin and Oscar interact with Ruby differ completely from each other and neither treat her the same way. 
If Ozpin’s successor develops romantic feelings for Ruby then that means Ozpin will have the same feelings too which will make him a PEDOPHILE; despite the fact that Ozpin has always treated Ruby like one of his students------a favoured student but a student nonetheless which is a treatment she shared with her entire team which can also be tied back to the way he treated Team STQR.
By y’know! Even though they’re two different souls with different personalities sharing the same body, that obviously means they’re the same person, right? Why are people even shipping Ruby with Oscar anyway? Oscar is way too young for Ruby. He’s fourteen and she’s sixteen! That two year age difference is too much. When she’s eighteen, he’ll be underage! That’s gross!
What RoseGarden actually is: RoseGarden is the RWBY pairing, be it platonic or romantic, of Ruby Rose and Oscar Pine. Who is Oscar Pine? Oscar Pine is a fourteen year-old boy who previously lived and worked as a farmhand on his aunt’s farm in Mistral. Not much else is known about Oscar’s origins but it is safe to say that Oscar lived a pretty quiet lifestyle until his world was changed upon meeting Ozpin after the soul of the former headmaster of Beacon Academy fused with Oscar’s. Now Oscar is training to become a huntsman, meeting up with the heroes in Mistral which is also where he met Ruby for the first time.  
What Squiggles Thinks RoseGarden actually is:  I’ve said it before and I will say it again. RoseGarden is a ship between Ruby and Oscar. It definitely has the potential to have an adorable romance sprout from it, if done right, but for now, I’m leaving that decision up to the  CRWBY Writers on whether RoseGarden will be endgame. While I’m not going to deny how much I would love to see Ruby and Oscar get together romantically if the series decides to take them down that route, the truth is, what I’m looking forward to the most about RG is the buildup of everything--- just seeing the friendship blossom and grow from something tiny to something grander and meaningful to them both.
I want Ruby and Oscar to have one of the best, strongest, closest, most devoted friendships the series has ever seen; one to rival that of the former Arkos (R.I.P) and Renora and then transcend it.
If anything, I’m hoping Ruby and Oscar’s bond parallels that of Steven and Connie from Steven Universe (y’know I always gotta make the obligatory SU reference). I want Oscar and Ruby to be the best pair of Rosebuds they can be for each other and most of my enjoyment is going to come out of just watching them interact with each other, bonding. My favourite episode from V5 is still C5 because till this day, it is the one episode where we actually got to see Ruby and Oscar alone together having a genuine talk where true emotions were expressed.
I was so engrossed in their conversation that I actually forgot Ozpin was there too until he spoke up. It was one of those rare moments from V5 where it was just Oscar being real with another character outside of Ozpin and I need more moments like that. I want more moments where we can see more of Oscar’s individual personality shine through because one thing folks then to forget these days is that Oscar is his own character. His own person. Despite his complicated predicament, Oscar isn’t Ozpin.
Oscar is Oscar and Ozpin is Ozpin. One body. Two completely different souls and personalities. And I need the series to give a great deal more focus on developing Oscar more to remind the FNDM of this because some of ya’ll seem to have forgotten that important fact.
I want more moments like V5 C5 for Ruby and Oscar. More moments of these two just talking to each other alone, getting to know each other better; sharing a laugh together; swapping back-stories and personal info. But most importantly of all, I want these two to help each other through one of their most dire moments again and again. I know Ruby is reunited with her team now so interactions between her and Oscar might become scarce. Nevertheless, I hope the CRWBY Writers still find a way to balance developing Oscar’s friendship with Ruby because at the moment, she’s the closest thing to a real friend he has on the hero squad and Oscar needs relationships outside of Ozpin to develop his own persona.
I ship RG for the potential of the two becoming each other’s closest confidants. Not to mention, and I cannot stress this enough, RoseGarden is freaking cute to watch onscreen. C’mon! How can anyone look at Ruby and Oscar and think any relationship to form between them; even if it’s just an innocent friendship to be annoying or vulgar?
And for the folks who do, shame on you for tainting something that at the end of the day is just a potential bond between two young kids.
Despite sharing a body with Ozpin (a body which is originally his own to begin with might I also add); Oscar a.k.a the soul of Oscar, is a little kid. Same as Ruby. They’re both the babies of the bunch. So let the babes become best buddies.
And please, leave Ozpin out of Ruby and Oscar’s friendship. Ozpin is not a part of RoseGarden. RoseGarden is between Ruby and Oscar. It is neither Ruby, Oscar and Ozpin nor is it even Ruby and Ozpin. Ozpin may be an internal factor that can affect the development of RoseGarden but he’s not an intricate part of it, if y’know what I mean.
Ozpin can intervene in the relationship if he fears that Oscar’s feelings for Ruby might damper his growth as his successor. However, Ozpin can’t actually stop Oscar from having feelings for Ruby or pursuing them if the young lad desires to do so.
Oz may have shared reigns on Oscar’s physical body but not his mind. The part of Oscar that’s still very much his own, for now. Their auras or souls may be combined but their minds remain separate.
Ultimately, Ozpin has no control over the way Oscar thinks, his emotions or the way he feels towards other people that Oz is dually associated with. The same can be said vice versa for Oz. Y’see why the whole notion about if Oscar likes Ruby then that means Ozpin likes Ruby makes not a lick of sense.
Neither soul can control how the other feels because they’re not the same person. RoseGarden is between Ruby and Oscar and it can happen with or without Ozpin still being present.
What’s ironic is that I rarely saw folks making comments about shipping Ozpin with Ruby when he had the form of a middle-aged man. Ozpin’s connection to Ruby has always been one of an aloof yet kindhearted mentor, offering comforting advice and assistance whenever necessary. It is something that’s even been maintained up until this point in the series despite Oz’s reincarnation.
Despite sharing the body of a 14-year-old boy, the way Ozpin sees and treats Ruby has not changed. I get that folks find it weird that Ozpin is in the same body of a boy who could potentially play a romantic interest for Ruby. From a narrative standpoint, I understand the complication. 
I even talked about ways this ‘Ozpin complication’ can actually help to further develop RG, both positively and negatively in my RWBY Musing #47. 
 But how is it that folks can associate an affiliation that is obviously between Ruby and Oscar ---the other half of the Boy with Two Souls that is a teenage boy around Ruby’s age--- with her relationship with Ozpin. I mean I see the comparison but I’m sorry. I just don’t get how folks can see both relationships as the same.
I get that Ozpin is older but his rapport with Ruby is and has always been one of a teacher and student that is of mutual respect. Nothing sexualized and nothing to be sexualized. Even now that Oz is sharing Oscar’s body; he still treats Ruby as one of the students in his care.
So why are folks suddenly changing the way Ozpin sees and treats Ruby just because the soul of the young boy who’s body he inhabits might have a crush on her? Why does that change how Ozpin views her? See my earlier point that neither Ozpin nor Oscar can control how each other sees another person.  
Seriously, folks sitting up in here calling Ozpin a pedophile because Oscar might have a crush on Ruby?  How does that make sense? 
Where were ya’ll when people were shipping Ruby with Roman Torchwick? I’m not bashing that ship by the way. Personally I respect all ships regardless of whether or not it’s my cup of coco. I just don’t recall hearing these kinds of remarks for the Rosewick shippers as I’ve heard for the RG shippers whenever Ozpin is brought up in talk about a ship between two teenagers.
And to the folks complaining that Oscar is too young for Ruby because of the two year age difference---look I respect you folks too for your opinion but I have to say this. If your core reason for disliking RG is because of the age difference and not so much the Ozpin thing then…where were ya’ll when folks were shipping White Rose, Lancaster and to some extent, Nuts and Dolts?
Once more, not bashing these pairings because they’re all great ships. My point is that all of these ships came into bloom when Ruby was 15 years old and everyone else were two years older than her. So…how is it that the age difference wasn’t weird when it was Ruby? Even now, as Ruby is a year older, her S.S.S White Rose, Lancaster and Nuts and Dolts platoons are still sailing majestically across the grand seas in hordes.
So…when it was Ruby, shipping her with characters two years older than her was fine and dandy. But when it’s Oscar, shipping him with Ruby who is two years older is unholy. It’s sin. It’s too weird? Whaaaat? 
I know 14 is a ripe age---the coming of age, age---but…but…Ruby though? She was that age once too and that didn’t stop people. Heck she’s still that age and that’s not stopping folks at all XD
So…does this mean Oscar is currently protected by some veil of protection that keeps him off limits from ships because he’s fourteen. But the second he turns 15 though…
I don’t get it at all, guys XD I don’t get some of these RG arguments I’ve seen at all.
Then again, hate in shipping or shipping wars in general still elude me. But to each their own I guess. Ship what you wanna ship. We’re all entitled to like what we like as pairings in a series we all love. Just don’t lose respect for your fellow fans just because you don’t like what they ship.
That’s why I don’t get some of the negativity I’ve seen for RG.
This isn’t just me being a fan of the pairing but mostly just looking on and not understanding why; y’know? Why do I have to hear these kinds of grotesque comments just for liking something that has so far been proven to be nothing but sweet and innocent as shown by actual canon series?
I don’t get it guys but then again, why try to understand the incomprehensible, right?
Overall, I love RoseGarden; hands down. Oscar is my precious as gold farm boy god-child---my all time favourite character in RWBY. Ya’ll know I’m a proud Pinehead since V5. 
I also like Ruby as a character. She’s not my favourite of the RWBY girls but she is admittedly a great protagonist---at least in the sense of the the kind that I tend to like---brave, compassionate, hopeful, selfless and willing to do what they can to protect their loved ones and others.
That being said, I love the budding cuteness and growth that a bond between these two younglings can spell together and I’m looking forward to seeing how it unfolds over the next few seasons.
To precious Rosebuds flourishing into a beautiful RoseGarden.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2018)
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