#but didn’t really get expounded on because Aur wasn’t really making any trips like that
arcxnumvitae · 11 months
Aur cannot leave Seelie for long amounts of time after becoming entwined with the land. He may leave for a day or so without any ill effects, but what he does not yet fully know, since no ruler prior had ever left Seelie for so long, is that absences of a week/two weeks or more would start to show detrimental effects. Both with him and with Seelie.
Aur would grow lethargic, a little more tired and with a little less energy as the effects first made themselves known. Seelie itself would appear less vibrant in its coloration, and its plantlife would begin to droop ever so slightly as well. As time passed with them separated, the effects would grow more pronounced and it would be around the month mark that things would start to grow dire. One cannot live without the other.
It will be a harrowing realization for Aur.
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