#but daryl dixon ilysm . . .
katierosefun · 2 months
feeling really apologetic towards the walking dead for ever veering away from that show because twd fans that i knew were some of the most obnoxious alpha male type ever . . . you like daryl dixon because he's a badass bowman who wears a sickass leather vest . . . i like daryl dixon because he acts like he's all tough but he's actually the sweetest softie and he loves kids and he would leave flowers for people's graves and he's protective of who he deems his family
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litbaldhead · 7 months
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐄. / december 19th.
─── a list for the real i͟z͟z͟y͟.
no warnings, just me. (this could be a warning. ‼️
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✦ my name is isabelle and i am nineteen years old.
✦ i was born and currently live in brazil, but i'm fluent in english.
✦ i started writing all kinds of writing in 2019, and i've been practicing ever since.
✦ i'm librian, and i definitely act like one lol.
✦ i use feminine pronouns, but it's always been something i've never minded.
✦ i'm a big fan of harry potter, the walking dead, the sims, friends, modern family, tlou and others.
✦ i'm pansexual, but i've never really labeled myself as such. i just love everyone :D
✦ my favorite artists are lana del rey, taylor swift, tyler the creator, drake, rihanna, lady gaga. ugh, i'm eclectic.
✦ my favorite food is hamburgers, they can be generic yes, but they are so tasty and come in many flavors. i love them.
✦ i don't work, but i'm studying pedagogy to be a cool teacher ;))))
✦ i have so many hobbies that i can't even list them, but i really like cooking and writing.
✦ my favorite characters are daryl dixon (if you didn't know) and rosita espinosa (you really didn't know).
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itsmeatballworld · 1 year
| been through hell and back |
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pairing | daryl dixon x f!reader
summary | crazy things keep happening. When a series of terrifying events occur in Alexandria, you seek comfort from your friend, Daryl. 
wc | 2300
warning | trauma (season 6a), brief depictions of explosions, mentions of violence. Hurt-comfort with fluff!
a/n | this was supposed to just be fluffy? And it’s now a mixed bag of hurt/comfort and softness so… sorry? Or yay? And tysm to @ivuravix for being my beta reader *mwah* ilysm!!! <3
Spoilers for TWD—this mentions season 6 issues. 
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When thunder roared and rain pounded against Alexandria's townhomes, you sat up in bed. Nestled under the sheets, watching the lightning flash in hot white streaks across the black sky, you could almost pretend life was normal. There were no dead, soulless creatures roaming behind the four-poster bed. Cotton sheets kept you comfortable instead of leaves and moss. 
And then you had a crazy idea to run outside and smell the rain. 
To run through the streets of Alexandria, bracing the winds and rain, and fall in love with the world again. But instead of the dramatics and soggy pajamas, you settled with sitting on the porch. The rain would smell the same from a dry, comfortable spot. 
Slipping on shoes and a robe, you headed to the front door and paused. There on the steps was your friend.
Angel wings. Beautiful yet torn, the tarnished wings spanned across his back. It was his favorite piece of clothing. He never left the house without it. You loved that vest but not as much as you loved the man wearing it. 
Hovering at the door frame, you contemplated going outside. Daryl Dixon had been your friend after joining Rick’s group at the Georgian prison. He was standoffish and reserved at first. He liked his personal space and quiet time. But after everything that happened, you became closer. Daryl being reserved and standoffish wasn’t who he was now. 
Daryl was sweet to you. He’d look for you in the crowd and make sure to say hi after returning from a run.He also loved to check in on you. The quick ‘you alright’ would slip from his lips just before closing your bedroom door. If everything was fine, he'd say good night. But if you weren't – Daryl wasted no time. He’d bring you into the kitchen and steal some of Carl’s stash of cookies and split them with you. 
All of these little close instances with Daryl have warped your perception of what you two really are to each other. Because you’ve fallen for him. A damn crush on your best friend…how cliche. And here on the porch, staring at those angel wings, a twisting feeling burned in your chest. So you had to ignore those feelings.
Daryl stared ahead, sitting on the staircase with his legs stretched out. Even though you didn’t want to disturb him, there was only one porch. 
He turned at the sound of your voice. The blue hue of his eyes seemed to brighten. 
“You’re still up.” You weren’t surprised.
He grunts, “smoke.” A beaten pack of cigarettes appears on command.
Daryl didn’t question why you were awake so late in the night. It wasn’t up for debate. He knew you well enough now to not question your actions. But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to tell him. 
When his eyes drifted over your face, you plopped down next to him on the covered stairs.
“I wanted to smell the rain.”
He mumbles, tapping the cigarette box. Each of them were bent or crinkled but he wasn't picky nowadays. He had an itch to scratch, a need that was invisible to the naked eye. You hated it, but it wasn't your call. Maybe one day cigarettes would cease to exist. But then you’d miss the smell of musk and tobacco that blended so blissfully on Daryl. 
But tonight you wanted to smell the rain.
“Don’t light that yet.” The lighter snaps open. “Please?”
On cue, his lighter slips back into his pocket. 
You inhale, “thank you.”
He nudged you playfully. “Mhm.”
You sink closer to the broody man. He stiffened for a second, but relaxed as your cheek rested against his shoulder.
The humidity died down, giving this storm the perfect amount of cool temperatures and heavy chilling downpours. The rain had begun to flood the grass, pooling at the sidewalk’s edges. Small patches of flowers planted in the front sank deeper into the saturated ground. Red and pink petals flaked around the plant aimlessly.
Even though you were a bit groggy, you couldn’t stop yourself from talking to him. “Did you know I'd come outside?”
He paused. Daryl’s head dipped as he stared down at you. His eyes flickered across your face with an odd softness he rarely shows. “...always do,” a sigh escapes his lips. 
“So you waited for me. Huh. You waited for me.” Closing your eyes, all you could hear was the rain. “Admit it, Dixon.”
Daryl’s chest rumbles under your cheek as he laughs. Leaning a bit more into you, he kept his voice low. “I ain’t admittin’ shit.”
“Mhm. Sure.” Adjusting your seat, you twist so your back is pressed close to his front. His arms wrap around your midsection and he pulls you in tighter. 
Maybe it was nothing or maybe it was something. But being this close to him was making it hard to ignore how much you cared for him.
“You waited for me.”
He stays quiet. 
His chin drops to the top of your head. 
The rain sings louder.
You grin.
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“Wait. I’m not gonna kill you…” He paused, twisting his gun between his fingers. The man glanced down to the paved road as a manic smile washed over his face. “You know what? Yes I am–”
There was an explosion. Fire and smoke billowed from the earth-shattering sound. Parts of machinery and bodies were scattered in every direction. You gawked at the chaos, dragging yourself to your feet. 
Sasha was talking. You saw her mouth moving but the words were so muffled. No, it was like the words were ringing. You rubbed your ears to no avail. 
All of your people were still here. You double checked, making sure to stare long and hard at each of them. Abraham stood tall and unfazed. Sasha brushed off some dirt from her jeans. Daryl emerged from the truck's side, unbothered, holding a massive grenade gun. Instinctively, you reached him and grabbed his elbow. He didn’t push back as you wrapped around his arm tightly. Instead, he pulled you farther from the blazing mess. 
“Let’s go,” you begged. “We need to go.”
But there was so much smoke–
Your eyes sprung open. Sheets wrapped around your legs like rope, twisting you in a maze of fabric. Sweat dripped down your back as the memories from before burned into your brain. You wished everything that happened in your dream was wrong—but it wasn’t. 
The storm loosened sand and dirt which made the quarry filled with walkers collapse faster than planned. Rick had to act quick and adjust, meaning you all had to move fast. 
You had your orders: ride along with Daryl, Sasha and Abraham for backup. But then everyone was separated. And when you all finally made it back to each other, these random people with guns tried to steal your things. All for a man named “Negan”. 
Then the first explosion happened. 
You thought what happened to you was all the damage your friends’ experienced. But when you got home, it was clear this was far from over. Walkers broke past those tall steel walls. The destruction at home seemed irreversible. People were dead or dying. 
The hours that followed were unimaginable. With everyone’s help and another explosive device, the dead were finally dead. All that remained was a blazing fire from the lake and corpses scattered across the pavement.
When the dust finally settled, and the survivors waded through the aftermath, you couldn’t do much of anything. It was like your brain was stuck in an endless loop. 
We were safe. We weren't safe. We were safe. We weren't safe. We’re not safe here. 
Now, days later, you’re still unsure of what comes next. 
You fought off the sheets, kicking until they collapsed to the hardwood floors. Your ears were still ringing. It had been weeks but smoke still lingered in the air as it clung to your hair and skin like tar. You needed fresh air. You needed to get out of here. 
As you passed the bedroom window on your way downstairs, it was raining again. 
There was only one place you were going. 
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“You alright?”
“It’s raining.” Your voice was barely coherent. 
“Yeah.” His heavy boots stopped behind you. “Come back inside.”
“Just…just one more minute.”
The staircase was cold against your skin. Not bothering with a robe or something clean, you stumbled out onto the porch in your sweaty clothes.
The rain must have started late. It wasn't heavy yet, but rather a light mist that coated everything in sight. The pavement was darker than you remembered. 
Maybe that’s from all the blood. 
You blinked at the splotches in the sidewalk, wishing they’d just wash away. Wash away the memories of what happened here. 
Those ‘w’ people… the gun wielding strangers… then the herd of walkers. So many people died.
“We could have died. Right?” A tight squeezing pressure rattled through your chest, and before you knew it, you were crying.
Daryl didn't say a word. He just slipped down to your spot, leaning close to you. You let out an exhale as the choking sob took over again. He’s here, right here.
He clenched his fist.
“You could have died,” the words were sour on your tongue. Everything hurt and felt so unfair. Why did this have to happen? Why did our safety and comfort get ripped away from us again?
“I could have lost you.”
His attention snapped to you. And just like that the confusion of these past few weeks disappeared. Heartache filled its place.
“I’m right here,” he whispered.
His hand shifted closer. Still barely touching, but close enough to feel his warmth.
You watched him with glassy eyes. He was still bruised and exhausted yet he was still comforting you. 
The light rain was teeming now as another storm was passing again.
You wiped at the tears spilling down your face. But it was useless. The tears stung, fuck, they burned. You started weeping, and no matter what you wanted to do, this pain wouldn’t go away.
“I don't know what I would've done if you–”
Daryl leaned closer, “‘ey.” 
But you couldn't look at him anymore. It was killing you that he had to see you like this. 
“Y-you should go to bed. I’ll be fine. I should leave you alone anyway.” 
“Don’t,” his voice softened as his large hand encompassed yours. “Come ‘ere.” He pulled, gently tucking you under his arm and into his warm embrace. 
Then his arm dipped and wrapped around your waist. You didn’t realize you were up until the sound of rain became muffled. He brought you back inside, back into your bedroom. 
In the dark, a bright flash of lightning illuminated the room. 
Shit. The room was a mess. Pillows and sheets were tossed in every direction but the bed. 
He lowered you down to the mattress. “Look at me. You’re safe.”
A blanket fell across your shoulders as the mattress sank next to you. His arms wrapped around you once more. It felt normal having him pressed against your side. Like it should have always been like this. You and him, tangled in each other’s warm embrace.
“You’re still here with me. I’m not goin’ anywhere.”
Daryl rested his chin atop your head. “I promise.”
Sitting in the silence, you both held each other. Between the flashes of lightning and rolling thunder, you lie tangled in each other’s embrace. His arms were better than the blanket but you didn’t want to say that. You couldn’t ruin this. 
Your cheek rested against his shoulder. Daryl tightened his hold on you. 
“Get some sleep.” 
You heard him but his arms never loosened. There was a moment where you thought about asking him to stay. It was stupid, but there was something lingering between you. Don’t ruin this, you thought.
With a nod, you wiped the drying tears one last time.
As you inched away, Daryl relaxed his grip. 
But his eyes hovered just above yours. Locked in an endless gaze, he studied your face in the darkness. It must have been the shadows and the bolts of light playing tricks on you. But for a second, his eyes softened. His lips parted. 
Callous fingers brushed your skin, falling to the nape of your neck. 
His mouth hovered above yours. Neither of you moved. It was like a strange force was pulling you together–begging for you to touch him, to feel something other than this ache in your chest. 
You raised your hand to his cheek. The tips of your fingers glide across his skin.
“You could stay tonight.” 
“I’d like that,” you murmured. “If you stayed with me.”
He didn't speak. Thunder rumbled off in the distance. Daryl’s fingers pressed a bit harder against your neck before cradling your face in his palm. Bright blue eyes flicker around your face like he was memorizing the parts that make you… you.
It was like that force drawing you in finally snapped. The friendship and closeness you’ve had was all a front for how much you loved him. And by the way his lips were just brushing against you, the feeling was mutual.
You kissed him. It was tentative and soft at first, like he was afraid to commit. But within seconds that changed. One after another, your lips push and pull like a sweet dance.
There was something so endless in the way he kissed you. The world could explode and you’d still feel him on your skin. 
His kisses were fire, burning so deep and so pure. And you melted into his touch.
You’re okay. 
As his lips pulled back, they came crashing down again. And again.
The pain didn’t vanish. It would never be that simple. But being with Daryl softened its harsh edges, giving a chance to breathe the fresh air.
Lightning shot across the night sky.
His lips caught yours once again.
a/n 2.0 | *mwah* hope you liked it <3
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
The Two of Us | 3
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The Two of Us M.List | Canon Divergences
Summary: Ellie and you go on a small adventure, one that ends with some delightful discoveries and a wonderful conversation.
Pairings: Ellie Williams x Reader, Daryl Dixon x Reader (paternal)
Pronouns used: She/Her
Word Count: 1,363
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my favorite chapter by far, I think you guys are gonna love it!!! Thank you @stqrfishluvr for proofreading as usual, Ilysm!!!
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You and Ellie had hung out two times since you spent the night at her house, and ever since, you couldn’t get her out of your head. She consumed your thoughts like crazy. It confused you, why were you thinking of another girl like that? Obviously, you knew lesbians, Tara for example, but you didn’t think you were a lesbian. Although, now that you thought about it, you never really had feelings for any guys. What the fuck.
You were freaking the fuck out internally to say the least. Sexuality seemed like such an odd thing to worry about when there were walkers and clickers around. You tried to busy yourself around the house, cleaning, making arrows, practicing aim, but you just couldn’t clear your mind.
“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” You hear as you open your eyes. Someone was leaning over you shaking you profusely.
“What the fuck!” You exclaim, grabbing the knife from under your pillow. You realize who it was and lower it. Ellie.
“You sleep with a knife under your pillow?” You throw your pillow at her, she catches it and gapes at you.
“What are you doing here?”
“You and I are gonna go to this gas station I saw down the road!” She plops herself down on your bed.
“Oh are we now?” She nods with a content look on her face. You groan. “Let me get ready.” You remove the blankets from your bed and stand up. You stretch for a moment and let out a yawn before walking to your dresser and pulling out an outfit. “Get out.” Ellie rolls her eyes but walks out of your room, shutting your door behind her.
When you're done getting dressed, you grab your backpack and slip your knife into your pocket. You then grab your small handgun and put it into the backpack before heading out of your room.
“Did you pack any food?” You ask your friend who is sitting across from your bedroom door.
“Yup! Two sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly!” You grin.
“Delicacies!” She hops up.
“Exactly my thoughts! I also brought cheese sticks.” You scrunch up your face.
“I don’t like cheese.”
“It’s okay, I accept you despite your flaws.” You glare at her and flip her off. She bows as she opens the front door. “After you m’lady.” You giggle as you feel the butterflies in your stomach.
“Get up silly.” You walk into the living room and wage at Daryl who was sitting on the couch.
“Be careful.”
“Always am!”
“Yeah I trust you, just not her.” You roll your eyes.
“Bye, Dar.”
“Have fun, girl.” You wave at him and then walk out the door. There's a horse tied up to the stairs.
“Who’s goddamn horse is this?” You ask Ellie with a shocked expression.
“I stole her. Now come on!” She unties the horse and then mounts it.
“What’s her name?”
“Shimmer.” Ellie wears the most content smile ever and you can’t help but to grin. “C’mon we’re losing sunlight here!”
“I-I.. I’ve never ridden a horse..” You scratch the back of your neck awkwardly.
“Psh.. it’s easy! Just put your foot here and your hand there and voila! You’re riding a horse!”
“Wow. So helpful.” You deadpan.
“C’mon, grab my hand, I’ll help you.” You take her hand and immediately flush because ohmygodyou’reactuallyholdingherhand.
After struggling for maybe five minutes, you’re finally situated on the saddle with your arms around Ellie’s waist. Ohmygodyourhandsarearoundherwaist.
“So where’s this gas station?” You ask quietly.
“Just past the highway, there are no walkers or clickers around it.” You nod.
“Did you already sweep it?”
“No, but I saw it a couple days ago and I didn’t see anything.” She says with a shrug.
“Okay..” You say skeptically.
“So.. what’d you do all week?”
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I was so bored.” You say with a groan, Ellie snickers.
“That’s ‘cause I wasn’t there!”
“Yeah sure.”
“You know what would be cool?” You hum in response. “If we had no legs or arms. We’d just be bricks! Like, think about it! We’d be talking bricks!”
“We’d be snakes!” She gasps.
“Oh my fucking god you’re a genius! We’d be snakes! Life would be so amazing as a snake. Just slitherin’ around everywhere. Gossssiping with fellow ssnakess.” You swat her shoulder as you through your head back in laughter.
“You’re so stupid.” You mumbled through the laughter.
When you guys arrived at the gas station, Ellie tied up the horse and helped you down.
“You’re positive that it’s clear?”
“Yes, come on!”
She was very wrong. As soon as you walked into the gas station you could hear the faint groaning of a walker. You looked around and didn’t see it, you assumed it was locked up somewhere, so you continued walking through the gas station.
“Come here, there’s like a shit ton of magazines and stuff we could read.” She flips through some of them. “MTV. What’s that?” Ellie says as she grabs the magazine off the shelf and starts skimming the pages. You walk over to her and start going through the ones beside her.
“Britney Spears, I wonder who that is.” You wonder aloud as you go over the magazine cover.
“I’m pretty sure she was— holy fucking shit!” You turn around just as a walker sinks its teeth into Ellie’s arm.
“Ellie!” You pull out your knife and sink it into the walker's head. It falls to the ground and you grab Ellie’s arm. “Oh my god!” You could feel the tears forming in your eyes. You look up at Ellie who stood there with wide eyes. “Holy— oh my god.. no.” You sob.
“Goddammit.” You reach your arm around her and hug her, crying into her shoulder. “No.. no.. no.”
“Y/N.” She grabs your arms.
“Oh my god.”
“Y/N!” You finally look her in the eyes. “I’m okay.” She rolls up her other sleeve, revealing a healed bite mark. You furrow your brows.
“I’m okay, I’m immune, I can’t be infected!” She puts her hands on your shoulders to help stabilize you. You just stare into her eyes in shock.
“W-What?” You’re still shaking, but your crying has stopped. You grasp her arm. “How?”
“I dunno— I just never turned.. this is months old.” You finally make eye contact with her again and your lip quivers.
“I th- I thought I was gonna have to—“ You throw your arms around her neck and cry into her shoulders. She slowly wraps her arms around your waist and puts her chin on your head.
“I’m alive, I’m fine, I promise.” Ellie whispers.
Ten minutes later, you’re sitting against the wall in the gas station next to Ellie. Your knees are pulled against your chest and you’re still trying to stop shaking. Your best friend is staring at you worried.
“I’m sorry.” You say with a breathy laugh, wiping underneath your eyes. You suddenly felt very self conscious. Ellie slowly reaches her hand to grab yours, you intertwine your fingers immediately and she starts rubbing circles onto the back of your hand with her thumb. You smile at her.
“Sorry for scaring you.. I couldn’t.. I couldn’t watch you get bit. I-I had to.” A tear falls down her face. Without realizing it, your hand lifts up to wipe it off, your middle finger lingers on her cheekbone slightly and your eyes flicker to her lips. All of a sudden, she’s grabbing your face and smashing her lips against yours. You don’t have any time to react before she pulls away. “Sorry! God— sorry.”
“I— Huh?” You ask absolutely lovestruck from the feeling of her lips on your own.
“I-I should have asked— I’m sor—“
“Stop apologizing! I never said I didn’t like it!” Ellie’s eyebrows shoot to her hairline and she stares at you in awe.
“For real?” You giggle and shove her shoulder.
“Shut up.”
“No but like— If I were to.. kiss you again.. you would let me?” You bite your lip and nod. You were so flustered. She grabs your face again, this time softer, and kisses you gently. You pull away and giggle at each other.
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@sawaagyapong @afro-hispwriter @avengingparker @graciexmarvel
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abnormal-angel · 7 years
Son of a bitch!
Daryl Dixon’s First Words (The Walking Dead 1x03, Tell it to the Frogs)
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plutonian-honey · 7 years
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you’d like to get to know better Name: Candice
Nicknames: Cand, Can, Candy, Candino, Candaloon i mean really you name it
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Height: 155cm/5'1 lmao
Orientation: commitment issues
Nationality: Australian 
Favorite fruit: Banana
Favorite season: Winter
Favorite book: Trylle Trilogy by Amanda Hocking
Favorite flower: Sunflowers
Favorite scent: Cats, hair dye, rain
Favorite color: sunshine yellow Favorite animal: any kind of cat & whales
Coffee | tea | hot cocoa: Caramel Lattes heck me up good
Average sleep hours: Like 10pm to 7am 
Cat or dog person: CATS FOREVER 
Favorite fictional character: Finn Holmes & Loki Staad end me (I mean also Bellamy Blake, Daryl Dixon, Beth Green, Anders Holmvick and 2849294 others I cant think of but if we're talking books Finn & Loki my no1's 😩👀❤️)
Number of blankets you sleep with: two because its bloody freezing
Dream trip: Moving to New York I'm not even kidding its all I want 
Blog created: About a year ish ago im pretty sure maybe a bit more
Number of followers: 2078
Random fact: I literally like every single type of music including country
Tagged by: @lilithenox ilysm ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Tagging: @ayat-the-aquarius @astro-vibes @suninscorpiowitch @neptunianbabe @sadneptunian @leoasf @ninthhousemoon @ephemeralastrology @fabstrology @gothicastrology @gemini-loverxxx @cutestrology @cvpricornus @caprifreak @astrologyputa @astrologyalien @neptunestrology @capvenus @suninthetwelfth @massivefiasco
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lu-vin-it · 1 year
The Two of Us | 5
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Masterlist | Canon Divergences
Summary: You and Ellie go to the Kingdom to celebrate Maggie’s return. You end up ditching the party to talk, however, when some shocking news is thrown on you.
Pairings: Ellie Williams x Reader, Daryl Dixon x Reader (paternal)
Pronouns Used: She/Her
Word Count: 1,236
Warnings: I hate this chapter so much, it is so rushed in my opinion.
A/N: Thank you @stqrfishluvr for proofreading ilysm!! Also, thank you all for supporting this series and giving it love! This is the last part.
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The ride back to the Kingdom was tame, you were drawing on Ellie’s hand and she was admiring you. Maggie and Carol talked about the party and you occasionally chimed in to tell Ellie who someone was or to give your two cents on a person if you didn’t like them.
Ellie seemed pretty nervous when you arrived, so you grabbed her hand and gave her a smile (which made her melt, you were so damn cute.) The first person you introduced her to was King Ezekial, as he met you at the gate. He then led you to the dinner party.
Henry came rushing up to you to hug his Mother and then you. He was quickly followed by Lydia who gave you a hug as well.
“Guys this is Ellie, Ellie this is Henry and Lydia.”
“Hey! Are you guys staying the night?” Lydia asks you. You nod with a smile.
“Yeah, Daryl should be here soon too.” Lydia’s eyes light up. You knew she liked Daryl a lot, and even though he would never admit it, he liked her too.
“Have you seen Michonne yet?” Henry cuts in. You shake your head.
“No where is she?” Henry and Lydia share a glance with each other.
“What is it?” You wonder, growing increasingly worried. Ellie squeezes your hand that you forgot she was holding.
“She’s got news.” They smile.
“What news? Where is she?” Henry and Lydia end up leading you to Michonne. “Michonne!” You let go of Ellie and run up to the woman to hug her. She had been like your Mother for years. It had been months since you had seen her last considering it took a while to get to Alexandria.
“Y/N!” She chuckles while hugging you. “How’ve you been my sweet girl?” She cups your face as she moves out of the hug.
“I’ve been good. Oh! This is Ellie!” You return to your spot by the girl.
“Hello Ellie, welcome.” Your girlfriend holyfuckingshitdhdbehdb smiles and nods once.
“She’s from Jackson, that new community.” The woman nods.
“How is it over there?”
“Uh— it’s weird.. lotta old people..” Michonne laughs.
“I’ve been meaning to come by with Carol some time.”
“Stop by the cabin before you do, I’d like to come.” She nods.
“Will do.”
“Henry and Lydia said you had news?” Michonne averts her eyes.
“I do.”
“What is it?”
“When I was out trying to find weapons for the coalition, I found evidence that…” She struggles to finish. “That Rick was alive.” You furrow your eyebrows.
“What? That’s not possible..” You shake your head.
“I’m leaving next week to search.” You stare blankly at her.
“Well.. when are you gonna be back?”
“It’s hard to say. I’m going to follow the trail as far as I can. I’m going to bring him home.” She kisses your forehead. “I have to go talk to Carol. I love you. It was nice meeting you, Ellie.” Michonne’s eyes dropped to your hand that Ellie held, she gave you a knowing look before walking off.
“What the fuck.” You whisper, bringing your hands to your face.
“Wasn’t Rick the guy who—“
“Got blown up? Yeah.” You grab Ellie’s hand and start walking out of the dining hall.
“Where are we going?”
“Carol’s house. I have a room there.”
“You have two rooms?” You glance at her and nod.
“I used to have one in Alexandria too, but then RJ turned three and wanted his own… Michonne, Daryl, and Carol all raised me. I'm closest to Daryl but Carol and Michonne are basically my Moms.”
“It must be nice.” You give her a sad smile.
“Yeah.” You pause. “Hey how come you haven’t told me anything about Joel and you?”
“Oh.. I dunno. It just hasn’t come up.”
“Well it’s up now.”
“I was in a FEDRA school, then I got bit and ended up with some fireflies.” You furrow your brows.
“God— FEDRA and fireflies? You’ve been through some shit.” Ellie chuckles.
“Yeah.. that’s not even the worst part.”
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to babe.” Ellie blushes at the nickname.
“I want to. The fireflies knew about me being immune and they were going to use me to find a cure. Except the lady who was going to take me to the other camp got shot so Joel and his friend Tess took me. Tess died but Joel and I made it out— obviously. We ran into this group.. I think it was called like— Terminus— or something—“
“Shut up.” You gape at Ellie.
“The Terminus cannibals? David?” She nods. “Babe, those were the cannibals we ran into! What a coincidence.. okay— sorry— continue.” Ellie giggles at you.
“Anyways, I killed David.” You stare at her in shock.
As you continued walking, Ellie continued to tell you about her trip from Boston to here. When you finally made it up to your room, you laid on your bed while Ellie went through some of your stuff.
“I’m so sleepy.” You complain.
“That sucks for you.” You look at the girl.
“It actually sucks for you, I’m gonna make it your problem.” You tease with a grin.
“Ugh if that’s the case, I might just have to break up with you.” You gape at her.
“You wouldn’t dare.” She crosses her arms.
“Wouldn’t I?”
“You’re probably right.” She stands up and walks to the bed. “Scootch!” You move to the opposite side of the bed and Ellie lays down next to you. You both lay facing each other.
“You’re pretty.” She smiles and averts her eyes as her cheeks turn pink.
“You’re prettier.” You reach up and brush some of the stray hairs out of her face. She glances at you, making brief eye contact and smiling again.
“So— um— what’s the deal with ‘King Ezekial’?” You giggle.
“He was an actor I think. He just ended up with a bunch of followers.” You put your hand back to your side.
“Really? That’s so cool!” She leans up on her hand.
“Yeah! He used to have this pet tiger—“
“A pet what now?” You giggle.
“A pet tiger!”
“That’s insane! How come I’m only just now hearing about this?”
“I dunno it hasn’t come up!”
“Where’s this pet tiger now?”
“Shiva was a war hero. She died during the savior fight.” Ellie frowns.
“That’s sad. I wish I could have met her.”
“She would have loved you.” You grab her hand and intertwine your fingers.
“That’s because everyone loves me, I’m the best.” You giggle.
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhm! You can’t even deny it because you’re my girlfriend” butterfliesohmygodbutterflies. “So you're proof!” She pokes your arm.
“I guess you’re right.”
“Ha! Victory!” She giggles. You lean in and kiss her abruptly.
“Sorry, I just couldn’t resist you.” You and Ellie stare at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. After a few seconds you go quiet, your mind full with thoughts of Rick. How was he alive? How was Michonne going to find him? You barely knew him, but you remember him being a heroic man, one that put others first and cared about his family more than anything. Ellie notices your quietness and grabs your hand.
“It’s gonna be okay.” She whispers. You nod.
“I know.” You stare into her eyes and smile. Yeah, maybe everything would be alright.
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Taglist: @sawaagyapong @afro-hispwriter @avengingparker @graciexmarvel @evangelinejxy @lovelyy-moonlight
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