#but chip doesnt deserve it like jay does
unanimoustwins · 2 months
hey please tell me ppl ship jay and edyn, like first interaction is jay drumk off her ass calling her cute and booping her nose are u fucking kidding me???
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moss-and-marimos · 9 months
heard you had some thoughts you wanted to share on GILLION TIDESTRIDER, CHAMPION OF THE UNDERSEAS- 👀?
HERO OF THE DEEP!! its true its true, he makes me a little bit wild, I've been rewatching some of the earlier episodes and I just. god. I think about him so much, hes so autism to me. I already made the other post about the autism experience of realizing you've been the butt of the joke, but like the fact that its canon that he liked visiting loffinlot because he felt like he could finally read the tone there because everyone was laughing, only to have that like ripped away from him upon finding out its a curse and stuff, and jay and chip just like not quite understanding that. ow. to me chip has adhd and gill has autism or both autism and adhd and they just like dont super get eachother, and they dont communicate the best because of that like conflicting mental illnesses over here, idk they just. ough. like chip obviously doesnt mean to hurt gill with his 'jokes,' and as the audience we are intended to find them funny, and we do, because we have like everyones perspectives, but god in hindsight does it make me just kinda sad. gill doesnt deserve that. for the first time in his life hes been like allowed to express anger without real fear of punishment, but also he like doesnt have the, for lack of better term, friendship degradation mechanic in his brain, like a lot of adhd and autism people dont, and so like the idea that his fight with chip could have long term repercussions on their friendship doesnt quite register and so he tries to go back to things being like normal after they fight, and obviously chip isnt having that, and I just aaaaaa owwwww I just think about how even now gillion is still trying to find his place in the world and everything because of the prophecy, especially because of [info redacted so as not to be spoilers] in recent episodes and im grrgagrghajghgerghgh foaming at the mouth this poor guy. hes doing his damn best over here and he's gonna keep at it 'til it kills him. also?? the fact that gill did not/does not have the fucking hp to be a tank and still plays it anyway?? oh my goddddd. self sacrificial fish man. hes so. like there was a point when jay had more hp than him and he continued to be a tank, how much do you have to practice, to train, to be walking around under 10hp and pretending its normal and doing it so well your friends cant even notice. I do wonder sometimes how much even now that jay and chip like understand gill, because chip is in his own head a lot, and jay Is very focused on like circumstances I feel like, and so im like aaaaaa just like do they understand gill do they understand how he thinks even now? do they get it? im not certain they do but they try to be there for him anyway, but sometimes they do, and theyre all just doing the best they can and aaaaa im so. im so . guys. also Charlie and condi only recently like re-realizing that chip is 19 because of [redacted recent events]???? im so. im so . guys oh my goddddd. but yeah back to gill I just. slaps this fish this bad boy can fit so much autism in him. he gets it. Charlie slimecicle king of making autistic characters. god gillion makes me so sad and emotional all the time
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daemoninwhiteround2 · 4 years
Damian is a jealous little shit when it comes to Jason and his milk. He doesnt like to share him in ANY way when he is nursing. That means that besides from hogging the milk from the rest of the pack, he also wants his undivided attention and affection. He has bitten Jason before to draw his attention back to him whenver any other member of the pack "distracts" him while nursing. At this point Jason has given up. Theres no fixing that kid
Could you please do more mama Jason breast feeding Damian? Maybe before and after they left the League?
Dami is a possesive and jealous little shit over Jasons milk. He doesnt give a shit that he is no longer a little pup and the milk changed its composition, no longer meant for his nutrition but to strengthen pack bonds. He gives no fucks. It was his first and he will be damned if he has to share it. Also thats his Umm'i. The omega that raised him. He doesnt give a shit that he is pack Omega (and the ONLY omega on the pack) Jason was his first. Dami literally has growled at Bruce over his milk
Everything happens but none of it catches his attention.
Life flows past him and he is like a stone, unmoved, removed, only ever an observer.
And then
The one static image in a sea of colour and sound.
Bright green eyes and dark hair.
He should ... something.
It flows out of reach and he remains.
And then
Small, soft.
Warm and heavy in his arms.
Smells like everything good and right in the world.
She does something, shifts him close, and
Is ... right.
Only thing that has been right for...
He cuddles him close and allows the world to drift past them both.
Jason only comes to movie night because he twisted one ankle, broke the other and was taken to the Manor against his will and now, since they’ve dumped him in the rumpus room on the second floor, he literally can’t leave. 
“You’re a shit,” he tells Dick, who is not even vaguely attempting to hide his delight as he sticks throw pillows in and around Jason.
It isn’t pulling at his nesting instincts. It isn’t.
“I know you are but what am I?” Dick sing-songs back as he slides another pillow beneath Jason’s ankle. He’s managed to wedge them between a five pillow structure taking up the entirety of the footstool Jason has his feet propped up on; his ankles are definitely raised and also he definitely can’t move his legs without toppling everything.
Even if Jason wanted to get up, he doubts he could struggle out of pillow hell before it all comes falling down and he suffocates to death for a second time.
“Christ, how old are you again?”
“Old enough to know better than to go running around on the street after Freeze has iced it over.”
Hmm. Dick’s got him there.
“Besides,” Dick continues, “it’s been forever since we’ve all hung out.”
Jason pointedly looks around the otherwise empty room. “Yeah, just you, me, and all your friends.”
“Ha ha, Jason, you’re hilarious.” Dick actually has the audacity to roll his eyes. “I mean, Bruce sent Damian back a couple of hours ago, since it’s a school night, and Tim didn’t go out at all, he’s got a big presentation at W.E. tomorrow! So we can all hang out together.” He plumps another pillow, stares at it like it holds the secrets to ... well, a happy family. “It’s been a while since so much of the pack’s been together.”
Jason wants to scoff, but Dick’s tone brings him up short. He’s not even sure Dick meant for him to hear it. He sounds ... wistful.
Dick’s really the only one of them who knows what a happy, well-adjusted pack should be. Jason's family was ... the less said the better, Tim’s were distant and then dead, and Damian...
Dick’s the only one of them who knows what pack could be like. Should be like. The rest of them just have ... hopes, dreams, more formed by TV than anything else. Jason gave, gives Dick a lot of shit for being so desperate to play happy families, but he also ... when Dick’s like this, bringing him down, making him face the reality of their heavily-fractured pack seems ... unnecessarily cruel.
“Whatever,” he finally settles on, performatively rolling his eyes as he reaches for the remote. “I get to pick what we watch though.”
Dick grins, bright and blinding, and Jason remembers why people call him the heart of the hero community.
Fuck, he’d be so good at fulfilling an omega’s traditional role for a pack.
 He basically does already because Jason can’t get his fucking shit together and--
Not. Now.
He flips through the channels, ignores Dick darting in and out, bringing more and more blankets and pillows as he does. By the time Jason’s given up and settled on some random movie, Dick’s herded Tim and Damian into the room. 
Dick settles down on a loveseat close to Jason, not close enough that he feels crowded but not far enough that it’s a snub. Jason ... doesn’t know how to deal with that display of thoughtfulness, so he shoves it under the rug in his mind and glances at his other packmates brothers fellow vigilantes. 
Tim, typically, flops face down into a pile of blankets and pillows and doesn’t move. It’s fairly even odds if he’s already asleep or if he’s going over expense reports in his head.
Damian, on the other hand, shifts his weight from foot to foot, glancing at Dick, at Jason, and at the open expanse of floor. Jason can’t stop himself from tensing up--Damian’s far too disciplined to display such an obvious tell, even after a couple of years of Dick chipping away at the mountain of bullshit Damian was taught by the League.
Dick, of course, notices. “Come sit with me, little D!” he calls and pats the cushion next to him.
Damian tuts and ... sits next to Jason?
Jason shoots him a glance, Damian scowls up at him, looks away and crosses his arms.
Jason chalks it up to Damian not wanting to deal with Dick (which, mood) and focuses on the TV.
A warm weight nestles against his side, and Jason blinks back to reality.
“What’s up?” he keeps his voice just loud enough to be heard, hopes to not disturb the others--Dick’s head definitely tilts in their direction, for all he doesn’t actually seem to look over.
“Hungry,” Damian grunts.
Jason pointedly tilts his head at pillow hell. “Can’t exactly help you with that, kid.”
Damian tuts. “Yes you can. You did before.”
Jason freezes. He’s never been really certain that Talia had him interacting with Damian before he took a tip in the worst-reviewed jacuzzi in the world--knows for sure they didn’t after, but when he’d been allowed in the excuse of a nest he’d managed to construct, he’d smelt something like...
That would explain ... a lot.
“I don’t know what you-”
Damian cuts him off. “You’re an omega, aren’t you?”
Dick’s definitely looking at him. The skin on the back of Jason’s neck crawls. “Yes, but-”
“You’re still an omega.”
And with that, Damian shoves Jason’s shirt up to his armpits and latches onto his closest nipple.
Jason nearly shrieks, nearly shoves Damian away, but then he sucks, and
Warm and heavy.
Smelt like everything good in the world.
“Damian,” he murmurs. He feels like he’s just got a 2x4 to the face without the helmet in the way. He feels like he’s been punched in the gut by Bane. He feels like
He feels like...
He lowers his hand until he cups the back of Damian’s neck. Damian crawls forward, doesn’t lift his mouth, and awkwardly curls up into Jason’s lap.
Ever since Jason actually realised he had tits, he’s always found them annoyingly large. He typically wears compression tops and sports bras, the only reason why he’s not is that he’d been planning to go to sleep and he hates wearing one to bed. 
“Guess that explains why,” he says inanely.
Damian’s not actually getting any milk--Jay doesn’t have a pup, for all he babysits Lian, and the pack would have to actively be nursing for him to make milk for them. And yet ... just the action is...
“Little wing,” Dick murmurs from too-close.
Jason turns to look at him, and Dick’s outstretched fingertips brush against his cheek. He freezes, arm still holding Damian close, and stares at his pack’s second.
Dick’s eyes are impossibly blue in the flickering light of the tv.
“Jason,” he says.
Jason ... leans forward, leans into it, but Damian sinks his sharp little baby teeth into his mouthful of tit and snarls all ‘fuck off this omega’s mine’.
Jason reflexively slaps the back of his head, a move he’s seen more than one omega pull on their misbehaving alpha pups.
Dick snorts and backs off, raising his hands like that’ll placate Damian, like they can’t all see the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth (like they all can’t see tears pooling in his eyelashes). “Alright, alright, Damian, he’s all yours.”
Dick settles back in his loveseat and Damian settles down. Not even five minutes later and please-content-happy-happy-happy alpha scent floats over from Dick’s direction.
“Really?” Jason arches an eyebrow at Dick. He ignores the fact that he can’t seem to stop himself from combing his fingers through Damian’s hair.
Dick has no right to sound as happy as he does.
This has no right to ... Jason never expected this. Never deserved this. And yet...
And yet.
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queeruma · 5 years
Thoughts on Escape from the Isle of the Lost
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under the cut because spoilers
good things 
Celia is Fantastic. reads fortunes, cheeky, realises her own potential and does magic with her shadow. 10/10 would die for
Uma misses her crew, also it’s confirmed that she can create storms and generally affect the weather, and transform into more than one sea creature. in general she seems to be a natural when it comes to magic.
Harry is miserable bc uma’s not there. the crew are still on the ship.
‘But all she felt for this ragged, unruly crowd was deep empathy and affection. Mal wished they could all understand that there were greater things to live for than revenge or violence or pettiness, greed, and graft.’ mal is... suddenly the person most interested in helping the kids on the isle?? i’m not sure how I feel about it but if they’re going to position her as ‘the liberator’ then at least they’re making her act like it
Dr facilier is very fun and also the most decent parent we’ve seen by far
‘Mal would never forget her name, or who freed the Isle of the Lost: UMA.’ okay so at least uma’s still interested in freeing the isle, even if they’re implying it’s only because she knows mal wants to 
MDLC has finally realised that it’s spelt ‘deux’, and not ‘doux’
bad things
idk basically everything else??
i might have said this before on this blog but MDLC is really, really bad at making the core four in any way sympathetic to me. this book is by far the worst from that standpoint.
we don’t get to see a lot of the core four actually being friends. they do stuff together (not even that much bc they’re constantly with their significant others instead), but that Bond between them just isn’t there.
carlos honest to god forgets that there’s nothing nice on the Isle. He brings his spa bathrobe with him. He was expecting a hotel. What on earth?????
jay just... doesn’t really think about the Isle. At All.
evie is still going on about kids ‘deserving’ to go to auradon.
mal has done a complete 180 and now loves doing all the things she hated doing in d2.
they’re all kind of spoiled now. it sucks. 
dizzy is still on the isle. somehow no one is fighting very hard to get her to auradon anymore.
ben is suddenly way more like his parents in terms of his attitude towards the isle. he still wants to unite them eventually, but he and mal literally negotiate how many kids can come to auradon with him arguing for lower numbers and her arguing for higher. as far as I can tell, when Ben and Mal swapped saliva at the end of d2 they also swapped attitudes towards the isle
hades is whiny, annoying and pathetic. and Mal’s dad (at least they’re hinting Very Strongly at it). he doesn’t match the energy we’ve seen from cheyenne jackson in the trailers at all. we don’t hear a single one of the ideas from the meet hades trailer at any point.
the ‘evil plot’ between him and uma is.... just uma. who is only interested in revenge against mal now. no more interest in the isle. nope, we have to bring down the barrier just so uma can defeat mal. 
There’s a royal council. It’s ben, king beast, queen belle, mal, and fairy godmother. they sit and eat scones, served by mrs potts, chip, lumiere and cogsworth. beast is very grumpy because people want to help the villain kids. 
carlos’ name in their group chat is ‘c-dog’
‘Ben had sympathy for the kids on the Isle, but he wasn’t sure he really wanted his friends to go back there. Wasn’t it too dangerous?’ WHAT DO YOU THINK IT IS FOR THE KIDS WHO ARE STUCK THERE, BEN
“Dangerous? Not to us,” scoffed Jay. “We know every trick in the book.” Jay. Baby. Last time you went back, you lost Ben in about 30 seconds despite two of you standing with him the entire time. The time before that, Maddy literally came this close to drowning Mal.
‘For a brief moment, back at the Auradon Cotillion, she had been a princess; she had stood on the deck of a magnificent ship, and Ben was hers. He had looked in her eyes with love—sure, he had been spelled, but who really cared? Except in the end, that’s all it was—a brief moment.’ SINCE WHEN IS THIS SOMETHING UMA WANTED. MELISSA TURN ON LOCATION I JUST WANT TO TALK
“We hear from our people that Uma has been seen underwater. She’s out there, free to wreak havoc and do whatever she wants.” okay but has she though. or is she not bothering you at all. guys.
“It’s just, her mother… her mother almost destroyed my family.” yes. and then her mother was killed. and then YOUR FAMILY TOOK PART IN BRINGING HER BACK FROM THE DEAD AND IMPRISONING UMA FOR LIFE FOR HER MOTHER’S CRIMES
mal is aware that her mother is out there somewhere as a lizard.... and she does not give a damn.
apparently it has not occurred to any of the core four that maybe children shouldn’t have to apply to be able to have decent food. maybe try telling ben to stop sending them trash?? and start sending them stuff that’s edible instead of trying to convince them to come to auradon so they can eat
okay, so facilier’s like a semi-decent headmaster, even if it is of a school of evil. does he like.... get paid?? because he’s working with auradon here. i hate to bring this up disney but keeping someone in prison and forcing them to work for free is uhhhhhh. slavery.
‘if Celia deserved to get in to Auradon Prep, she would. But it would be on her own merit, not because the VKs swayed the committee.’ WHAT FUCKING MERIT EVIE. SHES LIKE 12. SHE DOESNT NEED TO EARN THE RIGHT NOT TO BE IN PRISON. YOU DIDNT FUCKING WELL HAVE TO.
gaston is a coach. this isn’t a massive problem but I feel like it kind of undermines jay’s relationship with his coach in d1?? also since when does gaston know literally anything about teamwork.
the Marry Hint 
cj is back on the isle???
MDLC wrote out the whole of the under the sea mess and i understand it even less than before. was the entire thing a hallucination from hades??? why even put harry, gil and dizzy in there??? was uma using her necklace in some way? how much of it was hallucination?? did any of it happen??
doc brought up the goblins back in the first book. this is the fourth book. nothing has changed for them, except for the things that have got worse
................. mal’s friends seem to have forgotten that she can’t swim. apparently they’re not afraid of her drowning, despite her being stuck underwater. 
mal can swim underwater as a dragon apparently??? yes, she’s definitely designed for rapid underwater movement
“A haircut? At this time of night?” asked Carlos. “I’ll never understand women.” first the friendzone comment in d2, now this??? why are they so determined to make carlos a Certified Heterosexual Bro™
they get the isle kids to watch them graduate. somehow this is written like it’s a good thing.
everyone forgets what happened on the isle. I can only assume this is MDLC’s way around the fact that it won’t be mentioned or thought of at any point during the movie
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