#but both twins LOVE chocolate so hey that's one way to bribe them!
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game-on-comics · 1 month ago
A Sota ask because yes:
I give you another dress because you’d look very fancy in it >:)
Dw i add a giant chocolate bar as well
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Ai, whispering: Y'all, don't hold back praising the guy! He doesn't mind wearing dresses, he's just a bit self conscious!
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sexualtensiongrowing21 · 11 months ago
As the Sun Sets // Scars // Part Two
TW: Smut and physical abuse
Part three
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After the welcome back dinner and the sorting ceremony for the first years we make our way back to the dungeons. Draco stays silent while we all listen to Pansy and Blaise talk about who they are going to spend the semester shagging.
“I heard Mclaggen is single this year. Looks like he has been training pretty hard as well.” She raises her eyebrows.
“Well I hear Chang is looking for a distraction from The Chosen One. I wonder if she likes the taste of chocolate?” Blaise jokes.
“Bloody hell, don't be crude Blaise.” I say while shaking my head.
“Don't act like you’re so innocent Scar, we all know you like to get down a dirty in the boys locker room” Theo joins in on it now. My mouth hangs open and I blush with embarrassment.
Pansy and I have been roommates since first year, and best friends since second. Her and Draco are the only ones who know the truth about me and my family. To everyone I am Scarlet Johnson. Not Scarlet Lestrange. Aunt Cissy convinced my father that it would be best if no one knew who my mother was. The fact that Raldophis Lestrange and Belatrix Lestrange had a child would make me a target. Not that they cared about keeping me safe, but the things I know. That I could be used against them. So it was hidden who my parents were. To everyone else I am a distant relative from the Malfoys from a pureblood family in France and that I was left in front of their floo one day.
Raldophis and Bellatrix wanted an heir. Someone who would join the ranks and bring honor to their name. But, instead they had me and they never let me forget what a disappointment I am.
“You know Pans, you could help me and Draco study instead? With O.W.L.S coming up soon we could make it like a study group! It will be fun!” I say while locking my arm into hers.
“Pass.” She says “Dray, you must have a list of lovely ladies to shag this year… or at least ladies…” turning her attention to Draco.
Draco huffs out a laugh. I roll my eyes while I pull her along.
“Yeah Dray, who's first on your list this year?” Bliase joins in from behind us causing Draco to shoot a glare in his direction.
No one calls Draco Dray except Pansy. Only because that has been her nickname for him since we were little. I also think he's scared of her, but he would never admit that.
“You know who looks rather fit this year?” Theo questions from beside blaise. “Patil” He answers himself.
“Which one?” I laugh “Both” he and Blaise say with a shrug
“Circe, could you be any more of a man whore?” I ask.
Theo pulls ahead and turns around putting his hand over his heart “You wound me Scar”.
Shaking my head we come to a stop once we finally get to the common room door and spot a group of first and second year Slytherins outside the common room trying to remember the password to enter.
“Move” Draco spits to the newer students. “pura sanguine” The snakes slide to reveal the door and we all step inside, the newer students follow with their heads hung low.
“Meet back in twenty?’ I ask while we all split up and go towards our dorms to unpack and settle in.
Pansy and I are pulling out all of our stuff from our trunks that are at the end of our four posters. The Black Lake against the windows is looking particularly dark this evening. I always loved falling asleep to the sound of the water humming against the panes. Our beds are across from each other on either side of the room. Third year Pansy threw a fit and demanded her dad bribe Snape into giving us our own dorm room alone. Perks of being a wealthy death eaters daughter I suppose.
“So Scar, got anyone on your to do list? Maybe Potter? Or one of the Wesselbee twins… Or both of them?” She laughs, flicking her want to send her clothes magically fly into the wardrobe.
“Oh Circe, Pans. No. They are just friends. I told you before, I just want to focus on my studies this year. I was never good at flirting anyways. ” I give her a sad smile.
“Hey, I can still study while having some fun on the side.” She winks. “Besides, I am a Parkinson, flirting comes easy to me. Come on. There has to be someone new you fancy. We are to be wed soon enough.” Venom laced in her voice. “Might as well have some fun before we are forced onto some oldy to produce an heir.”
Fancying someone requires me to actually get to know someone. Which also means that they need to know me. While I can give them surface level information like my favorite color, or my favorite quidditch team I can't trust anyone else to give anything real or personal about me. Last year I dated Adrian Pucey for a couple months last year. He is the closest thing to a boyfriend I have had. He showered me with gifts, sugar quills and affection. He really was a good boyfriend. That was, until I stumbled upon him with his trousers around his ankles and buried in Susan Bones while she was bent over a table in an empty classroom. Draco, Theo and Blaise almost killed him.
“What about Adrian? Did you ever talk to him after he left the infirmary last year?” Pans asked while fixing her makeup in our bathroom mirror.
I can't blame him entirely. I wasn't exactly the most attentive, what with running around with the golden trio and spending most free time with Draco and the rest of the boys. I wanted to hear him out. Let him apologize without the boys getting in the way.
“No. Draco never left my side, and then we left for summer. He sent me many owls over the summer, but Draco always incendio’d the letters.” I say solemnly. “I planned to find him tomorrow after dinner.”
“Would you like me to drag the boys away somehow? Distract them so you can talk to Adrian?” Pansy asked, grabbing my hand and rubbing circles on my knuckles.
“Oh Pans, that would be great! Thank you. You really are not the heartless bitch everyone says you are after all.” I playfully smile.
“Tell anyone and I will hex you.” She half heartedly threatens while pointing her wand at me.
After we have unpack we meet up with the boys in the common room. Theo is on the couch while Draco and Blaise are in the adjacent chairs. I jump over the back of the couch next to Theo while Pansy slides on the arm of the chair that Blaise is sitting in.
“Finally you two return. You know how long we have been waiting?” Theo teases while checking his imaginary watch on his wrist.
“They had to unload the eternity of their closest, Theo boy. You know how these two are with their clothes and shoes.” Blaise smirks from his set next to Pansy.
“You know us ladies, we must look our best when we visit gentlemen callers.” I laugh while patting Theo on the leg.
Pulling out my potions book I start to study while the rest of the group continues with their conversation. Draco and Blaise playing exploding snap, Pansy is doing her nails and Theo is reading besides me. After an hour or so everyone starts to trickle back to their dorms. The only two left are Theo, Draco and I.
After losing countless games (and galleons to Blaise) Draco gets up and looks towards the two of us “I'm gonna head on up. You coming, Nott?”
“Yeah, just gonna finish this section then I will be.” Theo says without looking up from his book waving his hand in the air to say go on without me.
“Night Scar.”
“Night Draco.” I say smiling in his direction and he heads towards the boys dorms.
After Draco leaves and is no longer in sight I get off the couch, put my book in my bag, and grab the blanket Molly Wesley made for me for Christmas last year wrapping it around my arms. Walking towards the common room exit I hear Theo snap his book shut and yell “And where do you think you're going all alone?” from behind me.
Throwing back an innocent smile while walking out I say “I'm going to get fresh air. Care to join me?”
Theo looks around before grabbing his cloak and following me out the dungeon door. We walk in silence till we get outside. Theo mutters a warming charm over us as I lead him to the edge of the black lake. This has been our go to spot since third year when Theo and Blaise found me in the midst of a panic attack after encountering my bogert. From then on this is where we go when we need to be away for a while. Hide for a while from all of the drama that occurs within the walls of Hogwarts. For Blaise when he found out about father number 4. Theo when his trip home left little to the imagination. Pansy for when she needed a secluded place to cry. And for Draco. When life at home started to bleed into his time at school.
I lay out the blanket and sit down tapping the spot next to me, motioning Theo to sit beside me. I sit cross legged while staring upon the edge of the lake. I hear Theo pull out a cigarette and light it next to me. The red embers burn as he inhales. Making smoke rings as he exhales. I have found whenever I have some time to myself I spend it organizing my thoughts. Always occluding.
“You know, You don't have to occlude around me.” Theo says from beside me as he inhales again.
I open my eyes and tilt my head to the side to look at him.
“Maybe you're a master in legilimency, secretly trying to get into my head to learn all my weaknesses.” I say swiping his cigarette from his hands and taking my own inhale with a smirk on my lips.
“Scared I might discover that you're secretly in love with me Scar?” He laughs while pushing his curly brunette locks out of his face dramatically.
“You wish.” I say while handing back the cigarette.
I can't say that I haven't thought about Theo in that way. We have been friends since first year because of Draco. I can deny how attractive he is. Tall, built like a seeker, honey skin tone, green eyes that light up when someone is talking about quidditch. The way his brows furrow when he is trying to understand something from his textbook. The way a single curl falls into his face throughout the day no matter how many charms he puts on it.
I have had a crush on Theo, one of my cousin's best friends since we were younger… But he doesn't know the real Scarlet. The girl whose mother is a delirious murder. Whose father only ever wanted an heir and makes sure she knows it. That the only attention he gives her is through forcing her to learn the dark arts and teaching her physical lesions when she gets them wrong. I cannot add to the stress of his life by adding the shitshow that is mine. So I fake it. Pretend that I am not crazy about the brunette sitting beside me. To protect him.
“How do you know I don't use it to protect you from me?’ I ask, eyeing him while he takes a drag.
He turns to look at me and smiles. He put his arm around me pulling me into him and kissing the top of my head
“Because I am one of your best friends! You don't need to protect me from anything. And hey, one of these days I'm going to get you to let your walls down with me.” he says matter of factly.
I just hum in acknowledgment and lean into him while we watch the giant squid rise above the surface and back down again in silence.
After a while Theo takes another drag of his cigarette.
“I saw Adrian at dinner tonight.” Theo says with an exhale of smoke. “He looked like he wanted to talk to you.”
“Really?” I say as a blush makes its way to my cheeks.
“Yeah. I thought you two broke up?” He says while passing me the stick.
“We uh.. Yeah we did.. But he has been trying to talk to me all summer.” I say taking a small drag.
A couple of minutes goes by in silence.
“Is it wrong to miss him Theo?” I say just barely above a whisper.
“He cheated on you Scar. He lied and cheated on you. He hurt you.”
I can feel tears start to prickle my eyelids. Quickly wiping the tear that was threatening to fall.
“I know Theo. It was my fault though. I wasn't good to him. I didn't give him the attention he deserved.”
“Oh bloody hell. Don't do that. Do not sit here and tell me it's your fault that he decided to get his dick wet by someone else.” He turned to face me now. Holding my face in his hand. His hands are so soft. Closing my eyes I relax into his touch. “You deserve the world Scarlet Johnson. Don’t let anyone say otherwise.”
Nodding and whipping the tears that fell I felt a pang of guilt in my chest at the foux name that came out of Theos mouth.
After an hour we decided to head back inside. We saw our goodbyes and parted ways to our dorms. Once I made it to my four posters and curled into the blankets. Thinking about what Theo said, “You don't have to occlude around me.” “You deserve the world” If only he knew how dark it can get within my head.
“Again” “Crucio” he shouts from behind me. I drop to my knees. A thousand white hot knives cutting through my skin, and within a second I am laying on the floor. Every bone in my body is breaking. After what felt like hours it stopped. “...please… I can't… no more…” I struggle to speak. “Pathetic” he spits. “Get up.” He grabs my arm and yanks me to stand on my feet. Tears running down my face.
“Again.” “CRUCIO” he pours all of his magic into me. This time I scream. I'm begging him to stop. “please… father… no…. more…” I manage between screams, but he's relentless.
“Again” He yanks me up to my feet. I can barely stand on my own before he yells again “CRUCIO!” falling to the ground I know I am screaming but I can no longer hear myself.
“Scar!” Please stop… “Scarlet!” I can't take it anymore… Shaking me awake my eyes snap open. Everything hurts. But her grip is strong. She's holding me down.
“You're okay. He's not here. You're in our dorm. Scarlet you are safe” She stares, as my body is convulsing underneath her. Occlude, occlude, occlude. Breath. Breath. Breath.
Ground myself.. I see the green curtains above my bed. I see the family signet ring on my left index finger. I see Pansy sitting next to me. I hear the lake hum against the window. I hear my heavy breathing. I hear Pansy reassuring words. I can move my toes. I can move my head. I can move my hands.
Finally my breathing slows. I look around and Pansy is next to me. “Father?” I slowly nod my head and she lets go and slowly gets off the bed.
I must have woken her, she is in her green satin pajamas and her short black hair messy. I get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. Sweat covers my body. My throat is sore. I was screaming in my sleep again. Fantastic.
“I'm sorry for waking you Pans” I say over my shoulder while shutting the door to the bathroom.
Turning on the shower I walk over to the mirror and discard my clothes. Staring at myself makes me nauseous. The disillusionment charm has worn off by now.
My arms littered with a mixture of cigarette burns and various cuts and bruises. Lashes on my chest and stomach from curses I don't remember. Cuts on my legs are a mixture of my own doings and my mothers.
Turning to the shower and tearing my vision away from my reflection I try to relax my muscles with the hot water pouring down on me. Once I step out I cast my disillusionment charm over myself once more and get dressed for the day. It's breakfast so I head down to meet the rest of the group before classes start.
Walking in to the great hall I see Harry, Hermione and Ron and give them a wave.
“Where were you last night Scar? I didn't see you come to bed.” Pansy asks as I sit next to her.
“Me? I went out for a walk. Wanted some fresh air.” I begin pushing food around my plate.
Looking around I see Theo, Blaise and Draco deep in conversation about quidditch. Looking farther down the table I see Adrian. He really did change over the summer. His hair has gotten longer, lying lazily in his face. His eyes. His eyes always had a way to get me lost within them. All of a sudden, his eyes are on me. A blush creeps onto my face as he smirks. God I miss that mouth.
There he is. In the great hall I see Adrian. A toothy smile, and a wink is thrown my way while he sips his pumpkin juice.
“Earth to Scar.” Snapping her perfectly manicured fingers in my face.
“Oh I'm sorry, Pans. What were you saying?
“It's time to go to charms. If you would stop staring at Adrian, I was going to tell you that I have a plan to occupy the boys. I'll tell you about while we walk to class”
The rest of the day went by rather slowly. Charms with Pansy, Herbology with Blaise and Theo, Poisons with Draco and Theo, Divination with Draco and Pansy, History of Magic with Theo and Pansy, and Astronomy with all of them. Potions is my favorite class and being able to have Draco in my class makes it that much easier, except for when I have to fight over being his partner with Theo, but this time it looks as if Pansy beat us to it.
“Well hello partner” Theo sings while sliding in next to me. I roll my eyes at Theo.
“You're welcome by the way. I know you stole me away from Draco so that you could get an easy O.” I joke while settling into my seat.
“Or maybe I just wanted to work with you” He says while putting his arm around me and squeezing me.
“Oh whatever, Theo.” I giggle.
“Hello losers. I need your boy's help.” Pansy says while plopping across from us.
“Oh no. I am not helping you decide on an outfit again. Last time you made me try them on. Nope no again.” Blaise says while popping the ‘p’.
“Oh please you loved it Nott. No. I need help learning to fly. I need you and Draco to show me and for Theo to wait below to make sure that I don’t die when I inevitably fall to the ground.” Smiling while looking at her nails.
“And what is in it for me, Pans?” Draco grabbing another roll.
“Help me and you might find out.” Pansy says smirking in his direction.
“Fine. We'll be there. Scar will probably be studying for our first quiz from Slughorn anyways”
After dinner I make my way to the dorms looking for Adrian within the swarm of boys playing exploding snap and wizards chest. Once I hear his laugh I make my way to him.
Making eye contact with me he says something that I couldn't hear from our distance. He pats his friend on his back and makes his way towards me. Once the distance is closed he reaches for me and pulls me in for a hug.
He whispers into my hair “There you are, angel. I have been waiting for a moment. I could swift you away. Are you free? None of your body guards around.”
“There are outside. Wanna talk?” He snakes his arm around my back as I lead him up to my dorm.
In my dorm we are sitting on the bed across from each other. He reaches up and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Circe I have missed you angel. I thought when you didn't respond to my owls you didn't wanna talk to me. What I did was inexcusable and I'm so sorry. I just think I needed someone who had time to care for my needs. Make me feel important, you know?"
I lean over to touch his face “I missed you too. So much. And I'm sorry. I should've worked harder. I promise I will do better this time... If you'll have me that is. ”
He leans his forehead against mine. His hands come to tangle into my hair. Slowly he inches closer to my mouth. Just a breath away. “Its okay, angel. You can always try harder.”
He closes the distance between our lips and my body tingles. He deeps the kiss his tongue asking permission to enter. As I open a small moan escapes from me and he starts to push me down on the bed. “I've missed this, the feel of your skin. You little moans.” he says between breaths as his hand travels down father gripping the hem of my shirt. Pulling it off of me he starts palming my breasts.
“Oh Adrian” mumbles from him as he works his way down my neck to my chest with his mouth. Flipping my skirt up over my hips he presses kisses on my thigh.
“That's it baby, Circe those sounds you make are so sweet.” I'm soaked, my panties are ruined by my arousal for the boy in front of me.
“Already wet for me baby” Slipping one finger in gaining a gasp out of me.
“Still so tight for me” Pulling down my panties, throwing them across the room and attaching his lips to my clit. Putting another finger inside, the knot that is building is starting to fray.
“That angel came undone for me.”
“Oh. Adri-”
“Tell me what you want, angel. Use your words” He growls while unbuttoning his pants but keeping the same rhythm on my clit and in my pussy.
“You- Ugh”
“Please- you, I want you I want to taste you too”
Without a second thought he disregards the rest of his trousers. He removes his fingers leaving me feeling empty. 
He grips my hair and shoves my head hard onto his crotch, as I open my mouth to fit him inside. 
““Dear Salazar. I missed your pretty mouth angel” He says between breathy moans never breaking the pace of fucking my mouth.
“Tell me you want me. Tell me how much you love me.” Adrian pants out.
Unable to respond with his cock jamming in and out of my mouth I hum around him.
“TELL ME. SAY YOU ONLY WANT ME” He growls out, fastening his pace. His hand came around my throat. Pressing hard onto my throat, hard enough to feel himself.
Pulling myself off of him just long enough to croak out “I.. only… want you.” 
“That's right angel. Swallow all of me and I’ll make you come.” He grits out hammering himself back down my throat. 
He shoves down my throat one more time and stays there. Trying to breath out of my nose I can feel tears streaming down my face as I feel his come shoot down my throat. His heart beats rapidly in his chest as he comes down from his orgasm. 
“Come here angel.” He says pulling me into him. He brushes the hair out of my face and wipes the tears off my face. “Good job. Come on, lets snuggle.” 
It's late by the time that I wake up again. My arms swing to the side to snake around Adrian waist but I am met with the empty presence of my bed next to me. A scrap of parchment is on my pillow, reaching for my wand on the bedside table. I cast a lumos to reveal what it says.
Angel, I'm sorry that I left but when Pansy came into the room, I just didn't want to get hexed in my sleep. I didn't wake you because you looked peaceful sleeping. I didn't want to wake you. Come find me tomorrow? Adrian
He is so sweet. I look over and Pansy is sleeping soundly in her bed. Reaching over to place the note in my nightstand I take a peek at the time. It's still the middle of the night. Rolling over to the new bed I engulf myself in the leftover scent of grass and broom oil. Slowly drifting back to sleep.
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troubatrain · 4 years ago
the times with a little secret...
two blurbs following want you to want me
read the rest here!
You were late.
Historically, as someone who got their period at the same time every month, it was concerning. You counted on your fingers, taking yourself back to a time Matthew was awfully convincing and you slipped up. You were sitting out of the same dock you kissed him for the first time on, Matthew’s stupid smirk and overgrown curls were really all it took to make you forget all about the fact that you weren’t using protection. You sigh, holding back tears and running your hands down your face.
Matthew wanted to be a father, but talking a bunch of shit when he was in a sappy mood and actually having a baby were two very different things. You’d been together for two years, and in that time you’d grown up together, but children just seemed like something you weren’t ready for yet. He had so much to work for still, and so did you.
And when you finally got that test, the little pink plus sign broke you. You were pregnant, and you were all alone in Chicago while Matthew got a few things ready before he headed to Calgary for the season. Matthew would call soon, just like he always did on his ride home from the rink.
Matthew knew something was wrong, just by the first crack in your voice when he answered. You’d been crying and he was going to figure out why. He scratched his face, eyes staring at the road in front of him while a part of him debated how quickly he could get to Chicago, “You alright pretty girl?”
“Yeah, everything’s just, fuck, fine,” You say, wiping away your tears and knocking that test to the floor. You weren’t convincing by any means, and Matthew saw through every facade you had, “I’m fine, really I just, uh got to go-”
Matthew opened his mouth to protest, push you a little hard to tell him what’s going on but before he had a chance you hung up the phone. He hit his steering wheel, frustrated that you weren’t telling him the truth when that was the promise you both made. He wondered if he’d done something wrong, but for once in his life Matthew really thought he was innocent.
So he drove the four hours.
It took him a little longer than expected, but Matthew knew what he had to do. He turned his car in the opposite direction of your house, heading up to Chicago without a second thought. It was seven by the time he’d gotten there, opening the door to an empty apartment and a pit in his stomach he couldn’t quite explain. He searched the place, looking for something to point him in the right direction as to why you were acting so weird on the phone.
You went running, you didn’t know what else to do so you just ran. If you kept going you wouldn’t have to face the reality that there was a person growing inside of you and your entire life was going to change. It didn’t stop your mind from racing, thinking about having to tell Matthew and how you were going to tell your families. He wouldn’t leave, you were almost sure of it, but what if he did? It was all you could think about when you walked back into your place, your eyes catching a familiar tuft of curls in the living room.
Matthew was standing there, the entire apartment filled up with bouquets of flowers because he couldn’t pick just one. He was happy, eyes brimming with tears when he finally saw you because this was going to be a moment he never forgets, “Hi.”
“Hi,” You breathe out, feet planted to the floor because you just couldn’t process this fast enough.
“I knew something was up, and then I found the test in the bathroom,” Matthew explains, stepping across to the room to stand in front of you. His hands were on your cheeks, his thumbs gently grazing over the skin, “I didn’t think it was possible to love you more, but babe, I think I do.”
“I’m really scared,” You whisper, letting Matthew wipe away your tears.
“I’m sure you are,” Matthew hums, pressing his lips to your forehead. You found out alone, Matthew was miles away and he knew you were probably freaking out, “I’m here now, we’re together, and it’s going to be okay.”
You smile at his optimism, the way no matter what Matthew would tell you that he would always be there and he’d go to the ends of the earth to fix whatever made you upset, “You sound so sure about this-”
“You’re the best teammate I’ve ever had,” Matthew was sure of himself when he said it, “And I don’t want to do this life thing with anyone else.”
“We’re having a baby,” You nod, Matthew’s hands falling to your stomach and resting there gently, “I’m happy you’re on my team.”
“I’m happy too, captain,” Matthew winks, playing into that same silly joke he always made about how he was just along for the ride, “Can we keep it a secret for now? Just our little family?”
Our little family. The words felt so right when you heard them from Matthew, your arms wrapping around his waist so you could press your head against his chest.
“Brady’s going to give you so much shit for knocking me up.”
“Oh I know, it’s going to be brutal, but worth every second Mama.”
Daddy’s hiding something from you.
You stop, turning your attention to your three year old who was sitting at the kitchen island playing with a Cheerio that was in his bowl. Max talked a lot for his age, and it came with a bad habit of repeating his father’s colorful language. Another thing was Matthew couldn’t sneak anything past you because of Max, who was just as nosey as you were, and Max ratted out his father every chance he had.
“What’s daddy hiding from me?” You ask, watching the way Max turned his attention to something else because he was in cahoots with his father and swore he wouldn’t tell a soul, “Maxy-”
“No, daddy told me not to tell you, not even for chocolate,” Max crosses his arms, standing his ground as much as a toddler could, “He said, hide this until I tell you Maxy, but don’t tell mommy.”
You furrow your brows, turning your head and wondering what the fuck your son was hiding that you hadn’t found yet. Your attention turned to the sound of your front door opening, Matthew barreling in post practice with a smile on his face like he wasn’t turning your son into a stealth liar and it would end up biting you both in the ass when he got older. He pressed a kiss to your cheek, sneaking behind Max and kissing him too. The two of them looked like twins, the same mop of curls on their heads while Max’s dimpled smile appeared the biggest when he was with his dad. His nineteen chain hung around his neck, Matthew’s gift to his son because you both wore it and he hoped Max would too. He was Matthew’s carbon copy, down to his ability to sneak things past you and cause chaos.
“Max was just telling me you’re hiding something from me,” You smirk, leaning against the counter and looking at Matthew, “Care to explain?”
“Dude,” Matthew scoffs, looking at Max, “I thought we agreed this was a no telling mommy deal?”
“Like when we get ice cream after my skating lessons?” Max asks, turning his head to his father. Matthew threw his head back, sighing at the fact that you definitely weren’t going to say yes now.
“I knew you weren’t hitting traffic every week,” You sigh, giving Matthew a look, “No bribes for hockey, we talked about this.”
And you did. Sometime before Max was born you both had a lengthy conversation about the whole sports thing. One professional athlete for a parent would be a lot for a kid, let alone two, and you both promised you wouldn’t push your own agendas too hard. Did you cheer a little louder at Max’s soccer games? Maybe. But, at least you didn’t bribe him with ice cream on the way home.
“Hey buddy, remember that thing I told you to hide? Can you get it?” Matthew ignores your lecture, knowing fully he wasn’t listening anyways because Max was made to skate. Matthew helped him down, smiling at the toddler who was bound for the playroom you put off cleaning, that’s why you didn’t find it.
“You’re not off the hook for the ice cream, why are you looking at me like that?” You stop, remembering the way Matthew looked at you in your apartment filled with flowers after he found out you were pregnant. It was the same look, blue eyes soft and full of admiration, “Matty-”
“I know we did this a little backwards, and I wanted to wait until your parents were in town to celebrate, but Max has got a mouth like yours,” Matthew starts stepping over to you and putting his hands on your cheeks, “But that’s my point, I love that Max is just like you because you’re the best person I’ve ever met in life. You’re the most amazing mother to our son, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the way you handle parenthood with more grace than I could ever have. And to me, god, you were everything I ever wanted when we were kids Y/N, you know that? You still are, and you’re always going to be. I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to watch you shine, and take you home at the end of the night. I told my mom I’d marry you one day, I’m hoping you’ll give me the chance.”
By the time Matthew had finished his speech, in the middle of your kitchen in Calgary while Max’s cereal was thrown across the counter, your son had come back with a velvet box in his hand. He handed it to Matthew, climbing on Matthew’s leg because he had no clue while his father was down on one knee, but you knew, “Go ahead little dude, you can ask her now.”
“Mommy, will you marry daddy?” Max asks, giving you the very best smile your three year old could come up with. You could tell they practiced this, only solidifying the million reasons why you’d say yes.
“Yes,” You nod, covering your mouth while tears were brimming your eyes. You look at your two boys, who both looked at you like you put the sun in the sky just for them. Matthew let Max down, pressing a kiss to your lips like he wasn’t in the room.
“I love you,” Matthew breathes, pressing one more peck to your lips, “Wifey sounds good doesn’t it?”
“It does,” You hum, admiring the ring Matthew slipped on your left hand he left vacant for a little too long. Life was hectic for you, but he was tired of waiting for the right time when he knew he had the right girl the entire time. You pressed one more kiss to Matthew’s lips, hearing a protest from the little boy below you.
“Ew, that’s gross.”
“One day you’re gonna like a girl this much and Uncle Brady and I are going to make fun of you for it Maxy.”
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razorblade180 · 5 years ago
Twin Snowflakes pt10: Expedited Exam pt1
“Thank you miss!” a group of three kids say with crumbs on their face and new red coats. Summer kneels down and wipes the middle child’s face, making him giggle. No problem little ones. I wish I could do more but this is all I have for now. Stay warm and go back to that that nice man’s mechanic shop if you ever need help okay?
“Okay.” They give her a big hug before running off.
Summer:Phew! That makes twenty five. I wish I had brought more money. Starting to run low.
Winter:You could swipe your card.
Summer:I never bring it down here. That little boy just now, last time he stole it.
Summer:Yeah it caught me by surprise when it happened the first time. Hehe It’s a good thing a little kid with a SDC credit card is highly suspicious. Those three tried buying an entire grocery story.
Winter:And you still let him hug you?
Summer:Everyone needs a good hug. Now let’s go to the la-
“Ms?” A small voice called out her from behind her w gave Summer a little scare. It was a little girl’s doing. Her face was all dirty and her black hair was unkept. Tiredness was in her big golden eyes.
Summer:H...hi. I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Are you okay? What’s your name.
Ruth:M..my is Ruth. *shivering*
Summer:Ruth huh? Where did you come from.
Ruth:My parents they....lost all their money. So they lost me too.
Winter:*frowning* That’s...terrible. They didn’t even give you to law enforcement or an orphanage?
Ruth:They did, but it’s hard there. I don’t like it at all. So I left.
Summer:You look cold. *unzipping jacket*
Winter:What are you-
Summer wrapped her over sized jacket around the kid. She couldn’t be older than twelve. Maybe even ten. The warm fire dust glowed and made Ruth’s eyes widen. Summer smiledat the reaction. “Pretty cool right?” A sudden weight rested on her back. She looked up to see Winter standing over them both without her military coat on. Summer chuckled bashfully at Winter’s exhausted expression.
Summer:Whoops. I’m probably stressing you out a little huh?
Winter:More than a little. Better safe than sorry.
Ruth:Th...Thank you.
Summer:The cold is a dangerous thing. Can’t let it get too close now can we? This might not fit you but hey, it’ll make a good blanket this way. Tell me, do you know the name of the orphanage?
Ruth:S...Saint Harold’s.
Summer:I’ll tell you what. If you go back there then I’ll promise I’ll do everything I can to make sure it gets a bunch of nice things so you won’t want to runaway. I might not look like it, but I’m super good at getting nice things.
Ruth:You’ll do that?
Summer:Of course! I would never lie, it would ruin my image.
Winter:And you were raised better than that.
Summer:I was getting to that part hehe. So, do we have a deal little lady?
Ruth:....You’re really gonna help out.
Summer:It’s an Arc promise. That’s worth like a hundred pinky promises. But if you want more convincing then we can make it a hundred and one.
She takes off one glove and holds out pinky in front her then wiggles it. Ruth simply stare at for a moment before it registers that she’s supposed to do it back. The tiny girl extends her pinky and watches Summer curl them around each other and give it a little tug. Something about the whole situation makes Ruth smile deep down. ‘This lady, she’s so sweet. Like an Angel.’
Summer:There we go. A hundred and one promises. Now do we have a deal?
Ruth:Y...Yes ma’am! Can you walk back with me?
Oh yes, I wouldn’t mind seeing such a place. Every floor, every room, child....
Summer:Huh? Sorry....spaced out for a second.
Ruth:Wow, your pinky is really cold.
Summer*lets go* Sorry about that. *puts on glove* As much as I would love to, I have to go do something really important. It’s another promise I have to keep. My Auntie would be more than happy to though; right Winter?
Winter:Are you sure?
Summer:Don’t worry about me. We’ll go to the lake some other time. I should be heading home anyways. I’ll someone and wait somewhere warm.
Summer:Do I have to make a promise with you too?
Winter:I believe you, be careful though. Now then Ruth, you wanna hold my hand or be carried?
Ruth:*pouts* I am way too old to be carried.
Winter:A big girl? Okay then. Lead the way then.
Ruth:*grabs her hand* Foward march!
Winter:Hehe looks like I found a little trooper too. *walking off*
Summer:(On my own yet again.)
We both know that’s not true...when are you ever truly alone?
Summer:(Shut it....)
“Order up. One hot chocolate, extra steaming for Schnee?”
“Thanks..” Summer said tossing what little cash she had left on the counter.
One of these days those are gonna make you f-
Summer takes a long sip of the beverage to the point she tips her head back a little. The barista’s jaw left open in amazement. “D..doesn’t that burn?” Summer finally puts the cup away and down on the counter. “If only.”
The sound of automated bells went off as the front door open. “There’s my niece; isn’t it a school day?” She turned around to see her uncle in a pristine white suit and red tie with a ice blue shirt under it. His hair was combed to the side and most importantly, his face was free of facial hair.
Summer:Hey uncle Whitley. Oh you know how school and I mix. We don’t. You look nice. Wait are you heading to work? I could’ve called someone else to pick me up.
Whitley:It’s fine. Not like they can fire me for being late. Besides, I was already picking up someone else. *steps aside*
Summer:.....Before you give me the “go to school” lecture, can you buy me another drink?
Nick:....I would give you that speech, but I have a better one in mind.
Summer:Do I still get a refill?
Summer:That’s insane Nicholas. *sips drink*
Nick:Or maybe it’s genius.
Whitley:It sounds perfect insane time me.
Nick:Hey! This is a back of the limo conversation.
Whitley:I should hit the brakes for that but have it your way.
Summer:He’s right though. Just take the normal exam. You’re just gonna use the free time you created to do more work. Do you know what taking a break is?
Nick:No but I know the answer to all questions on the science test! Do you?
Summer:Yeah. Because I can learn everything in class the day it’s presented.
Nick:You should take tougher classes.
Summer:Gross. Learn to optimize learning. Maybe if you relaxed regularly then your brain could absorb information easier.
Nick:Never! This could be a win on multiple levels you see? I get more things done, Valerie feels even for me saving her-
Summer:Saving her?
Nick:She almost got ran over by some idiot driver on the way to school.
Nick:Yeah it was crazy. It was a mustang with a bird on the side or something. That’s not the point. You also get a win because then you don’t have be in the women’s locker room and deal with that drama; which I wish you told someone about.
Summer:I mean.....I told Valerie
Nick:Ok well, I wish you told me.
The limo went silent and the boy seemed more frayed then usual l. He rubbed his fingers through his long messy hair before pulling out fifty lien and holding it front of Summer. “Please take it.” It wasn’t bribe money to help him. No, it was what they always did when they wanted a conversation topic to die.
Summer:The Throwaway Question? What is so hard about answering what I said.
Nick:Please just take the money and forget about it? I don’t have the energy to have that talk so let’s not have it. I always accept your money.
Summer:....*takes money* You get off easy this time but be ready if this topic gets brought up again.
Nick:*leans against window* I know I know. So, you really aren’t gonna help me with this? It’s perfect practice for the tournament for the both of us. Plus when is the last time the three of us got to fight together. I get tired seeing a tomahawk flying at my face; sometimes I want to see it helping me and not dropping my aura into the red.
Summer:You sound so bitter right now.
Nick:I’m winning gold in that tournament even if it fucking kills me! Oops, sorry uncle.
Whitley:I ain’t your parents.
Summer:....How bad do you want this to happen.
Nick:I don’t like the way you said that. What do you want?
Summer:I need your help with something.
Nick:I’m not singing.
Summer:You are literally the worst sometimes. You don’t even know what the cause is for!
Nick:Ugh, what’s the cause?
Summer:I’m thinking we get a little fundraiser going to get money for Mantle. Specially the food drives and an orphanage called Saint Harold’s.
Whitley:An orphanage? What brought that idea up.
Summer:I met a girl who recently has been placed there. I promised her that I would make it a nice place; I Arc promised.
Nick:Crap, you would. Now I’m obligated to help. *sinks into seat* can’t we just write a check? I don’t wanna sing.
Summer:That’s not fun.
Nick:When would I have the time to even put a fundraiser together. I’m a busy guy.
Summer:Uggh, I hate it when you’re right.
Whitley:Whatever check you two write, I’ll double it.
Whitley:I’m usually holding back molding on meaningless events and it gets board members angry. You’d be giving me a valid excuse. Plus it’s a good use of our money.
Summer:Thanks, that means a lot. *smiles*
Nick:Am I off the hook?
Summer:Not even close. If I do this then that means I’m not singing at the tournament, so stop bugging me about it.
Whitley:Doesn’t that put him in the same position of messing up his schedule? Now he has to find something to fill that slot and make sure it’s good.
Nick:I apologize for trying to not include you in this conversation.
Whitley:I know. I don’t understand why you don’t duet with your sister at the tournament.
Nick:I take it back. Stop giving her ideas.
Summer:Too late! Those are my conditions. Take it or leave it.
Nick starts chewing on his lip as Summer offers a formal handshake. The deal wasn’t terrible. It only meant he’d be doing at minimum two tough matches and was still expected to entertain a crowd. That’s a tiring day; not to mention singing rehearsal. Knowing his sister, she probably won’t put him through the ringer. This exam does take care of practice as well.
Summer:So we shaking hands or not?
Nick:Don’t make me try any high notes.
Nick:*shakes hand* Good, now you better be ready for tomorrow. I’m pretty sure we only get one shot at this.
Summer:I have a feeling you already have a plan to pass.
Nick:Oh Summer, when don’t I have a plan?
The afternoon dragged on into night. Nicholas has spent hours with Summer and Valerie on face time to discuss their plans for tomorrow’s victory. Eventually all three of them called it a night and finally went to bed. Some of them a bit anxious about the whole thing; while others were anxious about school in general.
However night was just starting for Veronica was still on the open seas. Her gaze fixated on the moon’s reflection on the water and the dispersed glaciers everywhere. A sign that the boat was indeed getting closer to its intended destination. Two floor easels are propt up on each side of Veronica while a pencil and notebook are at the ready in her hands. She began drawing and sketching diligently; gaining ideas with each stroke until a shadow loomed over the immediate area.
Veronica:You’re blocking the light ma.
A new light quickly pushed away the darkness. Veronica smiled and looked up to see Yang looking at sketches littered everywhere; her hair glowing beautifully. Veronica went back to working.
Veronica:That works too I suppose. Always showing off. Not like I’m one to talk.
Yang:What are you working on?
Veronica:Concepts for a new fashion line. The water and scenery is the perfect cool color scheme to contrast the fiery design I want to create.
Yang:Fiery? Well I-
Veronica:Nope, won’t work. Not to put you down but your flames are a bit boring.
Veronica:Seem them all my life. A grand inferno of some sort. I’m hoping the glow of Mantle’s warm glow from its heat generators against the tundra is what will do the trick.
Yang:Inspiration? That’s what motivated you to go on this trip? Menagerie getting too cramped for you?
Veronica:Something like that. I was always too much for that place anyway. Not that Solitas is exactly better. Airships roaring hourly, and the people frankly aren’t my kind of crowd for obvious reasons.
Yang:One person from Atlas definitely has your attention in a good way. As for the other...
Veronica:*flips page* I know what you’re doing. I rather not think about either of them right now. Too busy concentrat-
Her pencil breaks as she finishes another outline. Slowly her grip on it tightens intensely before she takes a deep breath and sets it down. Veronica’s hand reaches for her tail and rubs it rhythmically as she continued looking at the moon.
Yang:Blake told me something interesting before we left. About why she’s usually the one who doesn’t have to try too hard to get you to pipe up. I hope you know... I’ll listen to whatever you want to talk about. Including the emotional stuff. Everyone gets that way.
Veronica:I know that.
Yang:Still gonna be tight lipped though I see.
Veronica:No, there’s nothing to talk about. Just enjoying the view. The full moon never looked prettier than tonight.
Yang:Full moons still freak me out. The fact the gods fixed it as proof of their power is crazy. Even I almost wanted to kneel to them.
Veronica:I’d be more impressed if they did something meaningful instead of correcting their own foolish mistake. Anyways, when will we get to Atlas?
Yang:Ships slow down from here because of the glaciers. Then we port and take an airship. We still have plenty of time to kill. Wanna grab some dinner? The captain is eating with everyone tonight. I’m sure his fancy outfit has something interesting you might find.
Veronica:I’ve seen it already. It’s very tacky and daft. A far cry from even my earliest work.
Yang:I bet it’s more cost efficient at the very least. I mean those outfits in your room-
Veronica:Will be worth every last lien it took to obtain those necessary materials. Not every day I get use Grade A stuff. If all goes well then my pieces will notoriety and I can by better stuff.
Yang:You’ve thought about this a lot, haven’t you? I’m proud.
Veronica:*smiles* Of course you are. I’m great. Now if you excuse me...
She gathers all her belongings in a way everything touches each other. Her hand rests on top of it all and the items sink into the floor along with her. “I’m going to lay down.”
Yang:I’ll bring some food to your room later.
Veronica:Thanks. *vanishes*
Yang’s eyes looked towards the railing of the ship. Veronica’s pencil still rested on top motionless. “She forgot her pencil? That’s re-” The moment her finger grazed it, the pencil shattered and the railing was cracked.
Yang:Sigh...hard to read and fiery inside. I wish she’d simmer down. It’s like I’m dealing with mom. *rubbing her head* Oh geez, I really have become dad....
Harriet:So, you actually managed to talk them into it?
“Yep!” Nicholas said proudly as he pumped his fist outward. The trio stood on the track ready for their exam; each of them in their standard fighting clothes instead of school uniforms. Not that Nichola’s clothes make too much of a difference. Semi formal is typically his style after all. His mostly white pants and shirt were replaced with icy blue this time around. His vest abandoned. He had a feeling that he’ll end up thrown into the ground before his friends finish the battle. Nick took the first three buttons on his shirt and undid them. As well as slicked his messy hair back. “I’m gonna take this seriously from the jump!” The cold edge of Mort Froide already unsheathed and lightly scraping the ground at his feet.
Valerie stood ready in a light brown coat with fur around the collar, sleeves, and bottom rim. Underneath is a pink shirt with a white lightning pattern that makes it look like it’s cracking. Navy blue leather pants and light brown fur boots complete the look. A pair of blue matching leather holsters on held her twin tomahawks nicely across her back; accessible at any given moment. “I can’t believe we’re actually attempting this.”‘excitement and wariness crept from her voice. “Might as well hand us diplomas if we manage to win.”
Summer wore a similar outfit to yesterday. Thermals and all, except for jacket that was still in Ruth’s possession. It was gonna be a bit hard to explain to Penny how the newest creations she made had already been lost. Penny was nice but Summer knew she was in for a earful whenever she eventually has to ask for another one. Her left hand rested on the blade at her hip. “I honestly don’t remember any class of Paladin being this big. It’s at least one and half times the size of a fully matured Goliath.”
Her keen eyes scouted their soon to be battlefield. It makes sense to use the track area. Plenty of space. Still, every thing about gym still irritated her to no end.
Harriet:Summer, I’m glad you could make it to my class finally. Even if it is after school.
Summer:Teach....you look lovely today.
Summer:Sigh....I’ll show up to class.
Harriet:You promise?
Summer:An Arc can’t go making promises willy nilly. But I assure you that there’s no need to worry. I won’t try to cause any more problems.
Harriet:We’ll see about that. I’m not gonna give you too much of a hard time about it. Focus on the task at hand and depending on how this goes I might sweep a few absences under the rug. Maybe turn a couple zeros in your grade book to something more pleasant.
Summer:Really? Yes ma’am! I appreciate the generosity.
Harriet:*smiles* You three will start the moment you move your feet or when the five minutes timer I start beeps. I’ll be up on the bleachers the entire time watching to make sure everything goes fine. The Paladin as your data uploaded into it. That means it knows your aura level; it’ll stop targeting you once you are in the red. Remember, all of you will still pass if only one of you remains when it’s defeated; individual letter grades will be different depending how much you fumble through this. I suggest you take this time discussion any plan of attack. Break a leg.*walks off* Not really though!
Summer: Five minutes. Wanna go over the game plan one more time?
Valerie:Didn’t commit it to memory last night Snow Princess?
Summer:You were the one dozing in and out during the video call. Do you remember everything?
Valerie:*red* Hehehe, ya got me. Nicholas...?
Nicholas:The Paladin is equipped with rubber bullets, stun lasers, concussion grenade, and thrusters for maneuverability. Not to mention it could just out right hit us with its body. It is made out of the finest metal; annoyingly hard to scratch. Fortunately, so are our weapons.
Summer:One lap around the track is three miles and the Paladin starts in the middle. No doubt able to attack with at least it’s bullets and maybe it’s laser from that position. Long ways, going from one end of the track to the other his half the distance, 1.5 miles, or 7920 feet.
Valerie:If it’s in the middle then we’re actually going .75 miles, 3960 feet. Definitely within laser range.
Nicholas:Traveling .75 miles is also the total distance walking across the track going from the short ways. Making reaching the center .375 miles, 1980 feet wouldn’t be too unbelievable for its concussion grenades to reach us.
Summer:Spatial awareness is everything. We can bait out certain attacks to deplete its ammo. Adjusting accordingly, even when it moves. So let’s-
Valerie:That’s right! Keep different distances from different positions. I knew I’d remember eventually. We’ll rotate between long, mid, and close range when necessary. I’ll get in close.
Nicholas:I’ll start in midrange
Summer:Leave long range to me then. I’ll cover both of you so don’t worry.
Harriet: 30 seconds!
Nicholas:Looks like we’re good to go. Valerie, Summer you’re sort of cornerstones of this.
Summer:What’s that mean?
Nick:As long as you’re the one watching me Summer then I know you’ll never let me fall. You seem to always give me what I need before even I do. Reading each other is second nature at this point. Valerie, your pure strength and will has always inspired me during any battlefield or boring situation. That’s why I push myself, so I can keep up. Let me not forget how amazing your semblance is as well. Couch Bree wanted both of you for this because she knows the three of us are a force to be recognized. Passing this exam was never insane in my eyes. So thanks for believing in me. I’ll do all that I can.
Harriet: 10 seconds!!!
The two of them were stunned by his words. His genuine confession of his feelings about the pair. Summer’s eyes looked like they were dancing while Valerie couldn’t help but be a little touched by the praise. It was lucky that the cool air already had her face a bit red. They locked eyes and gave a smile as well as a nod. They weren’t going to misplace trust.
Valerie:We got this.
Summer:Easy A
Nicholas:Let’s get to it then...
All three dash at the same time. Valerie straight ahead, Summer to the far left end, and Nicholas around to the right. “ LET’S GO!”
Part 9
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weasleyimaginewheezes · 7 years ago
Weasley twins x reader / All’s fair in joking and love
A/N Second birthday fic for Fred and George. This is my first one with both of them and reader so if it’s bad I apologise. This one wasn’t requested but I rolled with it anyway. Natural mix of angst and fluff. Also if anyone wants to request a (smutty) part 2 of this I’d happily write it.  I realise their birthday probably wouldn't happen at the burrow for the sakes of this story it does anyway enjoy <3 A/N
Word count: 2,189
Warnings: None except for some class A pranks ;).
“Happy birthday!” 
All the Weasley’s (except Charlie and Percy) along with Harry, Hermione and me had been waiting for the two birthday boys to wake up and make their way downstairs. Fred and George feigned surprise as though they didn’t get this almost every year and made everyone laugh with their dramatics. 
“Oh my god you guys!” Fred fanned his face as though he was about to cry much similar to a teenager or a pageant queen. Meanwhile George made an ‘ugly crying face’ prompting more laughter. 
“Come on boys I made you some birthday breakfast.” Molly ushered them down from the stairs with a large smile and began serving them pancakes as they sat down, the rest of us following. “And you can have any toppings you like.” Molly gave a small wink and then instantly regretted her choice of words as Fred and George both reached to pile everything and anything they could onto their pancakes. By the end you could no longer see the pancake itself under the weight of copious amounts of chocolate and sweets all mixed with different sauces of all flavours, it was enough to make anyone nauseous but not the twins. They dug in as the rest of us kept it simple with some chocolate and/or fruit. 
The conversation was light and fun as we all enjoyed breakfast that was until a loud scream erupted from the end of the table and everyone turned to see Ron screaming at his plate. He got up and ran away almost as if he had seen a- and then I saw it, a massive black spider covering Ron’s plate where his pancakes had once been. Fred and George burst into laughter and high fived each other. 
Molly told them to turn it back after a disapproving speech about April fools day jokes. They looked as though they hadn’t taken a single word in as they stifled more laughter. I heard George whisper to his brother, “we’re only just getting started.” I suddenly dreaded what the rest of the day was bound to bring but was excited to see nonetheless. 
They did not disappoint. 
Each member of the family had been got. Ginny’s hair had been transformed into a big ball of fluff atop her head as well as it changing colours every 5 minutes. 
Harry had been having uncontrollable sneezing fits one after the other, Molly thought he was ill and insisted he rest up. It wasn’t until Harry reached up and grabbed something in thin air just under his nose, it was a feather that become visible at this touch. Harry laughed it off with Fred and George, thankful that it wasn’t ongoing unlike Ginny’s hair. 
Bill had woke up to find his hair cut short. He had ranted to his mother who he suspected had done it whilst he was sleeping before it grew back to twice its original length an hour later, his hair was nearly hitting the floor. He found the twins and they confessed after Bill intimidated them in a way only an older brother could. 
Hermione had been more difficult to prank. They had thought about fake burning her books but that was a push to far even for them so they decided to use one of their own creations. They used a sweet she wasn’t aware of as yet, the nosebleed nougat and bribed Ginny into giving her one because no way would she eat anything they gave her. She accepted with only a tiny bit of suspicion but Ginny convinced her they were some old fashioned muggle sweets from the muggle store and since Hermione’s parents were dentists and did not approve of much sugar, she decided to trust Ginny and gave into temptation. Molly was not impressed when she had to fix Hermione’s heavily bleeding nose 5 minutes later. 
The only person left was me. They didn’t dare prank Molly or Arthur, that would just end in more trouble than its worth. I waited and waited, trying to anticipate for the worst. It wasn’t until 4pm that something happened but it wasn’t a prank, it was Fred pulling me into his room as I walked past on my out of the bathroom. I looked heavily confused at him as he smirked his devilish smirk at me. 
“What?” I asked, my voice was shaky for some reason. I was on edge, that must have been it, expecting the worst to happen. Perhaps George would jump out disguised as a terrifying clown with a chainsaw of some sorts.
“I need to tell you something.” Fred looked like he was about to burst with excitement or maybe it was nerves? But why would Fred be nervous, he was only ever nervous when he was being severely told off by his mother or if he was talking to an attractive girl whom he liked. I nodded encouragingly for him to continue. He took a large inhale of breath. “I think I’m in love with you (y/n).” 
My throat dropped to my stomach and your heart felt as though it had abandoned me out of shock but then I felt it pound hard against my rib cage. My face was a picture; eyes widened to the size of a quaffle, face fully red.
And then it struck me painfully like a bolt of lightning. He wasn’t serious. This was it, this was the joke. And it was a cruel way to end the day. I looked closely at Fred who kept up his nervous façade. Irritation clocked on my face and Fred’s eyebrows knitted together. 
“Very funny.” I applauded. “You got me but I’m gonna go and have dinner now because I’m pretty sure your Mum is calling.” I knew Molly wasn’t even half done with dinner but I had to leave that room and fast. Fred wasn’t to know of my past feelings for him but still it didn’t make it less painful to know the thought of us together was just a joke to him. 
The downstairs area of the burrow was mainly empty. I heard cheers from outside and assumed that they were playing Quidditch outside. Molly was preparing dinner along with what looked like a large chocolate cake and one lone person was sat on the sofa reading. I looked over and saw it was George, my curiosity peaked and I made my way over as Ginny flew quickly past the window.
“Hey Georgie.” George peered over what I realised was an old copy of one of Lockhart’s books. “You can’t be seriously reading that.” George looked confused and turned the book to look at the cover, once he realised he threw the book onto the table in front of him, a look of disgust on his face. I laughed as he smiled at me. 
“So why were you reading that?” I asked through my little fits of giggles. George sighed and sank down into the sofa. 
“I wasn’t. I just needed to hide from Ginny. Her hair still hasn’t gone back to normal and she’s gotten pretty good with the bat bogey hex. She’s always looking for a new test subject.” He heard the door open and checked to make sure it wasn’t his sister. 
I laughed again. “But she can’t do magic outside of Hogwarts anyway.” 
“I wouldn’t put it past her, she can be fierce when she wants to be.” George sounded almost intimidated. I laughed a little more before George turned suddenly serious and faced me. “(Y/n) what would you say to a person you liked but was also one of your best friends?” I furrowed my brow at the question but answered it anyway. 
“Well, I’d just put it simply. Tell them how I feel and then see their reaction. Honesty is the best policy.” I internally cringed at myself for using my mothers phrasing but felt comfortable with my answer. George twisted his lips thoughtfully and nodded. 
“Okay then,” George sat up straight and just as I had he urge to ask who it was he said, “(y/n) I like you and I mean in a more-than-friends way.” He took a large deep breath at the end and I was taken aback. Seriously both of them? George looked hurt as I laughed. This couldn’t be happening. I was already conflicted in my feelings for both of the twins I didn’t need their jokes to make things worse. 
“Really? You know it’s bad luck after 12pm to pull an April fools joke?” George looked confused. “Plus Fred’s already tried that one. You need to get your ideas straight.” I huffed and walked off to the kitchen, asking if Molly needed any help and to my relief she did. 
George stormed upstairs to his and Fred’s room. “What the hell, Fred?!” 
Fred turned from where he was sat on his bed to look at his brother. George looked livid. His face was red and his nostrils flared. “What?” 
“Don’t play innocent. I know you asked (y/n) out.” Fred shrugged, still throughly confused at what was happening. “You know I like her!” George looked hurt and angry and Fred began to feel bad.
“George, I didn’t-“ Fred started, sure he’d never heard George talk about (y/n) in any sort of romantic way. George gave him a glare which prompted Fred to stop talking. George laid flat on his bed and gave a groan of annoyance.
“You know this is so typical of you.” George’s irritation was clear in his tone. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you practically fall in love with every girl you meet and the one time I find the girl I want-“ George cut himself off out of anger. 
“What if I actually like her too?” Fred asked his voice raised to almost a full yell, loud enough for the people in the kitchen to hear. George scoffed at his brother before he saw Fred look guilty yet sure and defiant at the same time and George didn’t question it. Neither twin knew whether to be angry or not. 
“You do? Like seriously?” George’s voice was sceptical, it was the biggest prank holiday after all. Fred nodded slightly angrily at his brother. George just sighed and put his head in his hands. “Okay so now what?” 
“Last time we both wanted something we did rock, paper scissors?” Fred suggested seriously, George just laughed.
“Fred that was for the last piece of bacon.” George sighed rubbing his palm over his face. “It’s not the same. (Y/n) isn’t bacon.” Fred laughed a little and they both went back to thinking how best to resolve their situation. “We could both just back off.” George suggested. Fred’s face fell a little but it was the best solution besides having me choose which wasn’t fair. The twins shook hands and made their way back downstairs to tell me.
I was in the kitchen manually chopping up some carrots when the twins both arrived looking solely at me. They dragged me away into the living area.
“Look (y/n) we wanted to apologise for earlier,” Fred started.
“Yeah it wasn’t cool. But you should know we weren’t joking as we seriously do like you.” George continued and I widened my eyes in shock.
“But too avoid any heartbreak or awkwardness we’ve decided to let you go,” Fred once more chimed in with a sad smile.
“Like a bird from a cage.” George finished their sentence and they both smiled at me but I didn’t know how to react. Maybe it was for the best to move on but I had been trying that for the past 3 years and it hadn’t worked out greatly in my favour. 
“What if I don’t want that?” I said quietly but loud enough for them both to hear. George and Fred who were just about to leave, wore matching expressions of shock making me giggle. 
“What?!” They both said in a unison of shock and confusion. I laughed a bit more loudly. 
“Well what if I dated both of you?” The twins became even more surprised before becoming more interested in my proposal.
“Go on.” Fred encouraged.
“Well the thing is, I like the both of you too, have for a while actually and although I could never choose, I haven’t been able to think about anyone else in that way since I was 13.” Fred and George blinked their eyes as though waking up from a dream, I smiled sweetly at them whilst my brain imploded with worry.
The twins looked at each other and had a silent conversation between themselves. The silence made me more and more nervous. Fred was the first to turn back to me. He shrugged his shoulders and then smiled widely as did George. “It’s worth a shot.”
I went up and kissed them both sweetly on the lips. And just as I went to leave, I looked back over my shoulder at the still shocked twins. “Oh and happy birthday.” I winked and saw them smile once more before going to the kitchen as Molly called everyone for dinner.
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