#but at hte same tiem ive played with the idea of nabooru having some kind of power of prophecy
gerudospiriit · 1 year
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[Headcanon time because it's been on my mind lately AND it's one I've never shared over here before because it's very recent and indulgent.
Nabooru's father is the Gerudo god of the sun, Karaaq (the Gerudo pantheon is also part of my own HCs and someday when I remember I'll share that post over here, too) mostly because I love the irony of Nabs basically despising the gods but unknowingly (for at least a chunk of her life) being half of one herself.
What exactly does that mean? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I've only done minimal work with this pffff. BUT I think I'm going to keep it because it amuses, at least me.]
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