#but ashley has no intentions she's just there alone. so so alone
cherrylight · 7 days
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#i wrote lore. sort of. i am nervous#i mean i guess it's lore but it's also just background but idk !! lol!#i haven't shared my thoughts about like things like this in so long i'm scared wahhhh#but this is like the first time i actually have SOMETHING to work with. i have some sort of interesting lore......#and like i love my self insert so much but i'm me and i can't make things happy-go-lucky and it's angsty#i like it in the sense it makes sense to me#like of course dave wouldn't trust her the first time he meets her???? OF COURSE?????#he'll watch out for her see what her intentions are#but ashley has no intentions she's just there alone. so so alone#and sees four people and she is wary and terrified and doesn't want to get close to them because what if they're next?#what if something bad happens to them if she ends up being friends with them???#and dave's just wary over his own reasons like survival and all that but he is pretty self aware he's being irrational?????#like this girl doesn't look like she could hurt a fly!#but in the back of dave's mind he's like “but what if”#sob sob they're wary of each other wahhhhhhhhhhjdfkgfh#i think that makes sense!#it works out so well!#i like thinking before they became friends and are just acquaintances they are too wary and afraid to jump into the unknown#because one likes the comfort of predictability and the other doesn't want anyone to get close in fear of something bad happening#ashidave i love you .........#ok i guess i did talk about it in the tags but i'm nervous on making an actual post about them i guess#once i get over this though it would probably be very sweet moments with them i just like before#and angst. sorry in advance#ashley talks
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graves-simper · 10 months
What really happened in Room 302?
Yes, just like everyone else I am finally doing a small essay/analysis on TCOAAL.
This time I wanted to dive in something that wasn't a big part of the game, but has been on my mind since my first play through of the game and that is like the title states; What really happened in Room 302? Lets begin.
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I wanted to start off by talking about the Lady in Room 302. Who is she?
We really don't know much. Her eye color isn't shown, she looks somewhat average but in terms of others opinions (ie; the Warden's and even Ashley) She is a very pretty woman. Even at a point Andrew says that she looks good. Take a look at some of the dialog below:
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I mean, wasn't she?
After this very tasteful conversation these two love-birds have, Ashley heads up to commence the ritual to sacrifice the 2nd Warden, and of course Our Ashley pulls it off with no problems, and back downstairs she goes with full intentions of painting the wall with Lady 302's brains, but it appears someone beat her to the punch.
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Your honor, this man is absolutely lying. The first thing that made me question everything about his story here is where she is lying dead. On the damn bed. Your honor, let's enhance this real quick.
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That nail gun is a damn good several feet away from where Lady 302 lies dead on the bed. In fact it is in exactly the same position as when we left Andrew alone with her, and look at the sheer distance. These apartments clearly aren't huge but let me just be critical for a minute. Her mattress appears to be a single style mattress, so lets take in some measurements.
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I can settle on the length being 75" or 6.25ft. So the apartment is about 12 feet wide. Not huge by any means, but to go from sitting down on a bed, even the edge, she would have to make quite the lunge while accounting for some random maniac being right next to you with a meat cleaver. I also do not think she would be the type to risk her life for a daring escape. Look at how absolutely bewildered she is the second Andrew rushes her.
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That is NOT the face of someone who is absolutely down to fuck around and find out. She also had a chance to get help while also risking her life, when she is given the radio she could have screamed for help, and while yes she would've died, at this point I would say the risk factor was relatively similar.
Now that I have established my reasoning for why I don't think this lady tried to kill Andrew with a nailgun or even had the chance to, let's go over some of the reasons I think he DID choose to kill her.
No Witnesses.
This is a very boring theory but I have to bring it up no less. I think there is a good chance he just said fuck it, and killed her for the sake of not leaving evidence behind. She saw their faces, heard their names, and they even said they were her neighbor from upstairs. Leaving her behind could've ruined EVERYTHING for them after this point, and based on Ashley's sour reaction to her mere existence, I think he already knew damn well Ashley would want her dead too.
Make my Ashley happy.
This ties back to the point I made in No Witnesses. Ashley took her as a threat, and obviously Andrew noticed. She was not pleased after he called her "Pretty". I think once he was alone, he figured he would off her to show Ashley that he wasn't ogling her or wanting to do anything with her. In fact she meant so little to him, he butchered her right on her bed. To support this, the way Ashley reacts when she returns absolutely floors Andrew, he is calm about what happened but Ashley is still coming up with thoughts that he tried to fuck her, when in his mind, he was probably hoping she would be thrilled that he killed this awful, hell-bound, hussie. But instead she is still somehow mad despite her being now a corpse. He becomes to fed up that even though he did what she would've anyways, it is somehow not good enough for her. (I will dive deeper into this interaction below with another theory that relies heavily on this.)
The Hussie hit on him.
This one ties into Make my Ashley happy. There is a good chance this obviously sexually attractive woman tried seducing Andrew while they were alone. She had no problem doing it with the Warden's to get better treatment, and I have no doubt this was her go-to get out of trouble free card. This charming young man would surely fall for her good looks right? Right? There's two thought processes that would make this reasonable. 1. He was worried how Ashley would react if she walked in with her clearly flirting with him and how that would make her feel. 2. My personal favorite of these two, he is dedicated to Ashley and was offended by her advances and killed her in a show of devotion to her.
Now that we have the more sane theories out of the way, lets get to the GOOD STUFF.
Andrew's Fantasy.
This theory is more of a mental guess as to Andrew's relationship and views of Ashley. He has been clearly fed up with her more than once up to this point, having arguments, dealing with her shit, and all the trauma he just experienced from starving for weeks, isolation, and having to butcher and eat someone, and then murder a man to save her.
What if once Andrew had a moment alone with someone who was essentially his victim, he decided to truly see how he felt about something. I believe Andrew may have not seen Lady 302 as Ashley, but just for the hell of it, imagined that she was Ashley. Despite the different appearances, I'm sure he could overlook it in the state of mind he was in at this point, and decided how it would feel to finally kill "Ashley". The way he kills her just doesn't feel like he said fuck it and wanted the lady dead, she is laid out on the bed, there's no signs of a struggle either. Later in the game during one of the visions, there is the one where Andrew finally kills Ashley. When she accepts that he will kill her, he brings the cleaver to her throat similarly to how the throat of Lady 302 was cut. The similarities just feel so similar that I had to bring this up despite it being possibly far fetched but that's what makes these fun!
and now for my most absolutely far fetched theory yet.
Don't these two look similar?
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This theory is much more far fetched but hear me out on this!
I know this may be a result of Nemlei's artstyle but these two have some stark similarities in my opinion. Both blonde, same eye color based on the greyscale of them, similar hair parting, and a similar face shape.
After all the trauma Andrew went through in the weeks locked in their apartment and then killing several people and eating one no doubt sent his brain to a bad place.
I think after all that hell he endured he may have simply had a breaking point and felt like he saw a ghost or just the stark similarities between Lady 302 and Nina just made something snap.
I want to back this up by making a point to the story telling in the game. Before they go and escape their apartment conveniently before the Room 302 incident, there is a dream about how Andrew and Ashley killed Nina. This could be just the flow of the story telling however, I feel like it was a lead up to what really happened in Room 302. It just feels too perfect to include that scene right before he kills someone who I am assuming is what Nina may have grown up to look like, AND then with this scene occurring once Ashley returns almost feels like a nail in the coffin of this theory.
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Nina isn't brought up in the apartment, or once they're in the motel. Nina is brought up during a heated exchange in Room 302 right after Andrew might have felt as if he killed Nina once again, yet just like when they killed Nina, Ashley still somehow thinks that Andrew has a thing for a woman he helped kill, and this absolutely drives him off his fucking rocker.
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This exchange floored Mr. Doormat so intensely he finally was ready to absolutely throttle the life out of her. Andrew was finally so fed up with being berated for doing things for Ashley's sake he just wanted it to be done and over with forever. Andrew once again found himself in the same place Ashley put him in all those years ago, but this time he knows he isn't as vulnerable as he was and uses it to his advantage, but after their little squabble, they leave together to bless our hearts with Chapter 2.
Perhaps this was as plain as the story made it out to be. There is a good chance that Andrew didn't want to leave a witness and said hell with it and butchered the woman in Room 302. But I'd like to believe that with all the hidden details Nemlei has scattered throughout this game that there is truth to one of these theories, hell maybe even a giant jumble of them all together is the true story of Room 302.
But with everything I presented today I hope you all perhaps are too questioning what really happened in Room 302 like I was.
I'd love to hear any theories you guys have regarding this or twists/opinions on the ones I presented here!
Thank you all for reading!
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onmyyan · 3 months
I was just thinking how funny it’d be in a AU if y/n grew up with the Delmonts, but left shortly after finishing high school to go see her grandma in the country where she ends up meeting Ashley. The drama…😆
City Girl
A/n: lmk if y'all want more
You were only gone for three weeks, that's all they had to endure until you were back home where you belonged, three painfully long weeks without their darling seemed like hell enough but then you came back.
Three weeks ago
The first thing to hit you was that famous Texas heat, that paired with the bright sun had you blinking tears from your eyes for a moment, stepping outside of the airport you inhaled the fresh heated air and sighed, this certainly wasn't San Francisco, in fact it was so unlike back home all the sights and sounds gave you whiplash, what pulled you from your stupor was the sight of your name, crudely painted in bright blue ink on a piece of paper, the man holding the paper to his chest was unfamiliar,but his smile was warm and kind enough to make you ignore the stranger danger rule and investigate.
Walking closer you cock your eyebrow and before you can say a word the man is taking off his hat, pressing the brown leather to his chest as he greets you. "Miss (Y/n)? My name is Ashley Hunt, I'm your grandma's neighbor n' she asked if I'd pick you up so here I am." He grins in such a friendly manner you can't help but return it, it was so like your grandma to do this and not tell you so.
The car ride to your grandmother's property wasn't a quiet one, Ashley was a yapper, but it was charming, he asked plenty of questions without being invasive and made sure you were as comfortable as could be in the Texas heat.
"What brings you to my neck of the woods?"
"Gran asked me to come help out with this big fair you guys have?"
"The summer solstice? That'll be a hoot! Oh it's so nice, everybody comes together to make it happen."
He lit up at the mention of your intentions here, smiling at you so wide you felt compelled to return it
"It's good to know you miss (Y/n)."
He was a breath of fresh air compared to the nonchalant attitudes of the people back home
He'd opened the door for you to get out and walked you up your grandma's driveway, sneakily taking a peek you had to admire just how fine the man next to you was, and considering you spent most of your days surrounded by the Delmonts, this was saying something.
The small older sun kissed woman held a hand to her eyes to block the sun, a bright grin on her face, she leans on her porch beckoning you both inside with a shout, "Y'all better get inside before my grandbaby here has a stroke." She laughed at your sorry sweaty state and reached into her pocket for a handful of bills, gesturing to Ashley she couldn't get a word out before the man was refusing it.
"Now miss Mable I can't accept that."
"Why the hell not boy?"
"The company of miss (Y/n) was payment enough."
And this is how he leaves you, the tall handsome cowboy looked straight out of an old movie as the sun beat behind him, a certain swagger to his walk.
"Pick yer' jaw up before ya catch flies." Your grandma teases.
Summer comes to a beautiful end and everything changes for you in that short time frame, it was wonderful and chaotic and you had never been more nervous to get in a plane in your life, but it wasn't because of some newfound fear of heights, you were terrified because you weren't going home alone.
And you knew how your boys could get..
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hheaven-sentt · 1 year
heaven is not fit
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summary: what does it take to be loved? | bodyguard!leon x f!reader
word count: ~8.5k
warnings: mentions of violence, leon is kinda mean for like two seconds, strong language, mild trauma bonding (i guess??), not beta'd, incredibly mild angst (like fr you have to squint)
notes: this is sort of old and has already been posted to ao3 if you'd rather have a look there
“I don’t need a fucking babysitter,” you hiss. Your father’s face scrunches up.
“Language,” he mends, holding a hand up. “It’s just a precaution. He’ll be responsible for public spaces, taking you places, the like,”
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest. “Dad, I’m an adult. I’m pretty sure I can take care of myself. The last thing I need is some stranger on my detail,”
Your father runs a hand over his worn features. He’s tired, you can tell. “I’m not making the same mistake twice,”
Ashley. She lives with her friends now, rather than alone, so there’s no real need to supervise her. Your heart twists with a twinge of guilt, but you hold your ground. “I’m not happy about this,”
“I didn’t expect you to be,” he says. “But, you’ll play by the rules, at least for me. For my sake, dove,”
You frown. “Fine,”
You meet him in a random conference room. He’s tall, with sharp features and blue eyes. He doesn’t seem friendly, which makes your mouth sour. He doesn’t speak through the introduction, just sort of stares straight ahead, like he’d rather be anywhere else. You don’t blame him. It’s not exactly a promotion he’s getting. You barely catch his name when he says it.
It suits him, you think. You want to ask what his middle name is, if it’s as fitting as his first, but you don’t. Instead, you toe the carpet, listening to your father drone on about rules.
“Dovie, I’m serious,” he says, forcing you to look at him. “You don’t go anywhere alone, got it?”
“Got it,”
Despite your sickly sweet voice and feigned sincerity, you have no intention of keeping that promise. The ride to your apartment is silent. You notice that Leon drives with one hand, the other perched on the gear shift. When he stops outside your building, you hesitate for a moment before reaching for the handle, just in case he has something to say. As you shoulder the door, he grabs your elbow.
“Call if there’s an emergency,” he says. His voice is low timbred and honey sweetened, coating your nerves in warmth. You can only nod in response. He releases your arm, the tension from the area slipping away.
You hurry into your building, and you notice he waits until you’re through the door to drive off. It comforts you in a way. You make your way into your apartment. There’s a distinct heat on your neck when you enter, one that you hope disappears with a long shower. When it doesn’t, you find yourself staring at the phone. What would happen if you did call him? There wasn’t an emergency, unless you count this sudden bout of loneliness as an emergency. Would he show up? How is it any different than calling the police?
Six hours have passed since being demoted to babysat. You’ve been shuffled between rooms to meet with people, answer questions you don’t understand, and fight with your father. You find that being surrounded by people all day has made you exhausted. You take a breath, but jump when your phone vibrates.
“Hey, Ashley,” you say, sighing.
“Did you meet him?” she asks. You almost laugh.
“Yeah,” you say. “He doesn’t talk much,”
“No, he doesn’t,” she says. You can hear her friends laughing somewhere in the background. “You gotta get him to open up before he starts talking,”
“I can’t imagine that’ll be easy to do,” you huff. Ashley laughs. “He seems kinda stuck in his ways,”
“He is,” she agrees. “He’s…been through a lot. But, he’s a good guy. I think you’ll like him,”
You glance out the window at the rain. You wonder if it ever rained like this in Spain. “Well, if you trust him, so do I,”
You don’t see Leon for a week. You almost think he’s quit, but you know he doesn’t exactly have a choice in the matter. You consider calling him, just to see if he’d really show up, but you decide not to test it.
Instead, you go about your life normally. You go to work, you see friends, you buy groceries. You pretend you don’t have a babysitter.
On Monday, when you return home from work, you spot Leon’s car outside your building. Rolling your eyes, you prepare for the worst, and work your way into the building. Sure enough, he’s sitting on your couch when you enter your apartment.
“Make yourself at home,” you say, closing the door behind you. He doesn’t look at you.
“You haven’t called,” he says. You roll your eyes again.
“You said to call if there was an emergency,” you explain, cocking a brow. “There hasn’t been one,”
“You shouldn’t walk to work alone,” he continues. He turns his head finally, staring at you with the same stoic expression you first saw on him. You blink at him.
“How do you know I walk alone?” you ask. “Have you been following me?”
He nods. “It’s my job,”
You sigh, turning away. “Definitely not creepy,”
“Have you noticed anything weird?” he asks, standing to follow you into your kitchen.
“Other than you? No, I haven’t,” you say. He doesn’t laugh, not that you expected him to. “Seriously, I haven’t noticed anything amiss,”
He nods. “Good,”
He turns to leave, and you raise your eyebrows, surprised at the quickness of the interaction. “That’s it?”
“Yeah,” he says, grabbing his keys from the counter. “That’s it,”
“You don’t want to, like, scope out the area?” you ask, crossing your arms over your chest. “Make sure no weirdos are lurking behind my curtains?”
“Do you think there are?” he asks, looking at you. There’s a ghost of a smile on his lips.
“I mean, no,” you say.
“Then I won’t waste your time,” he says. “You’re an adult. I trust that you can take care of yourself,”
With that, he leaves. You’re taken aback at his cut and dry attitude. You would’ve thought he would be more hands on, given what you know about his time with Ashley. You choose to ignore it; you should be grateful he’s not up your ass. He said it himself, you’re an adult. You can take care of yourself. It’s not his fault–or yours–that no one else seemed to agree. He has plenty of other things he can spend his time doing besides watching your every move.
Which is why, the following morning, you’re surprised to see Leon waiting outside beside his car. You look around before crossing the street to him. Without a word, he opens the passenger door.
“I take it I’m not allowed to walk alone anymore?” you say, ignoring his gesture. He stares at you.
“Rules are rules,” he says. You roll your eyes, filing into the vehicle.
He joins you a moment later. You ignore the heat on your neck when he brushes his hand against your knee to reach for something in the glovebox.
“I’ve been walking this way for years,” you protest. “I don’t need a ride,”
“You don’t have a choice,” he says, cutting a glance at you. He almost makes a wrong turn before you correct him. “I make the rules, you follow them,”
“And rule number one is: don’t walk to work by myself?” you ask, annoyance lacing your tone.
“Well, rule number one is actually to call me if something’s wrong,” he corrects. “But, this is rule number two,”
The rest of the ride is silent. Leon doesn’t so much as glance at you, which almost upsets you. He pulls up to the curb outside of your workplace, and throws the car into park.
“What time do you get off?” he asks, finally looking at you. There’s a gentle tone to his voice, one that throws you off guard.
“Four,” you say. “I’ll be off at four,”
“I’ll be outside,” he says. At this, you exit the car, rounding it before entering the building. He waits for you to get inside before driving off. You wonder what he’ll be doing for the next eight hours. If his job is to follow you around, that means he doesn’t have another job to get to, so what does he do? You wonder what he does when he’s at home.
“Since when did you have a chauffeur?” Marnie asks, jabbing your shoulder.
“Since now,” you say, still looking out the window.
Four o’clock rolls around sooner than you expect. You find yourself a little excited to sit in the car; it’s a nice change of pace. As expected, Leon’s waiting outside the building when you walk out. Again, he’s leaning against the car, waiting for you. When he sees you, you think he’s going to smile. Your shoulders deflate when he doesn’t. Instead, he jerks his head in a gesture to hurry up. You cross the street, and he rounds the car to the passenger side.
“I can open the door myself,” you say. He looks at you.
“I do it for show,” he bites. You swallow, stunned by the harshness of his tone. You allow him to open the door for you.
The ride is silent. Again, he doesn’t look at you. You can feel the tension about him, the way his shoulders are square and strong. His knuckles are almost white from the way he’s holding the steering wheel. You ignore the guilt that brews in your stomach.
“Call me if there’s an emergency,” he says. You nod, hurrying out of the car to avoid any further conversation. Again, he waits until you’re in the building to leave. You wonder if that’s a gentlemanly habit or a job habit.
It’s Friday night, and you’re going out with friends. You stare in the mirror, like you have for the last half hour, analyzing the intricacies of your outfit. You can’t decide if you like it or not. You tug at the shirt again, wondering if you should change. There’s a knock at the door. You huff, deciding that the outfit will have to do.
You’re not sure who you expect to be at the door, but it’s not Leon. He looks collected, jacket slung over his shoulders, hair framing his face. He looks normal, not like a man constantly working. He blinks at you.
“Where’re you going?” he asks. You sigh.
“Hello to you, too, Leon,” you say. “I’m going out with a few friends,”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t have to ask permission for things,”
He pinches the bridge of his nose. You can practically feel the anger radiating off of him. “You kind of do, actually. So I can be where I need to be,”
“Well, I don’t need you to be anywhere,” you bite. He frowns. “I can take care of myself,”
At this, you go to shut the door, but he stops it with his foot. He pushes his way into the apartment, closing the door behind him.
“Look,” he says, voice low and gentle. “I get it. But I have a job to do, and I’m not going to let your stubborn independence get in the way, alright?”
You stare at him. “Stop being such an asshole, and I’ll think about it,”
He rolls his eyes, but there’s a hint of playfulness to it. “Sure, deal,”
Leon doesn’t follow you into the bar, and if he actually does, he makes it so that you can’t see him. You spend the evening laughing and enjoying yourself, which is relieving. You needed a break from everything. Your friends ask about the fact that you got a ride here, rather than walking.
“My feet have been killing me lately,” you lie. “And have you seen these shoes? I’d probably die ten feet from my building,”
When you’re sufficiently drunk, you call Leon. It’s the first time that you’ve actually called him, rather than just expecting him to show up. He’s kind enough to act like he’s not in the vicinity, and you pretend that he’s not. Instead, you lie to yourself and say that he drives very fast. He’s standing outside the bar, waiting for you again.
“My hero,” you say, voice flighty and gentle. “I shouldn’t have worn these shoes,”
He doesn’t answer, just helps you into the car. You ramble about your night on the drive home, not giving him the room to answer because you know he won’t. 
“Did you learn to drive on a manual?” you mumble, whirring your head away from the window to look at him. He glances at you.
“A manual,” you say again. “Manual transmission. You drive with your hand on the shift, like you’ll need to use it at any given moment. In an automatic, you don’t need to do that, but in a manual you do. So, if you learned to drive on a manual, you would’ve picked up that habit,”
He doesn’t respond for a long while. His eyes are focused on the road ahead of him. Finally, he says, “Yeah, I did,”
You feel satisfied with yourself, surprised that you were able to figure that out. “You have a lot of habits like that,”
“Name some,” he says, cutting a glance at you.
You take in a breath. “You wait outside before leaving so you can make sure I get into my building safely. You bite the inside of your cheek when you’re thinking about something. You square your shoulders in public, like you’re prepared to shoot,”
“You’re observant,” he says. You grin.
“Gotta know who I’m spending time with,” you reply, grinning wildly and returning your focus to the window. 
You almost ask him to keep driving when your apartment building comes into view. There’s an air of understanding and comfort in the car, and you’re worried you’ll never see it again once you leave. You hope he doesn’t notice your disappointment when he pulls over.
“Do you need help getting in?” he asks. The gentle tone is back, and you pretend, for a moment, that he genuinely cares. You shake your head.
He watches you almost fall out of the car, stumbling on your tall heels and drunken legs. You right yourself, flashing him a smile. He returns it, then follows you out of the car.
“I can make it,” you say, balancing against his car. When you almost fall again, he’s there to catch you. His hands fall against your waist with ease, like they’re meant to be there. You feel heat flush your cheeks, and you almost move away. He steadies you, giving you a look to make sure you’re alright.
“We’ll see about that,” he says, still smiling faintly.
“I’ve never seen you smile before,” you say. “You should do it more, it’s nice,”
Leon looks beautiful in pink, cheeks reddened and round. When he releases you, you consider falling again just so he’ll return. Instead, you gesture for him to follow you into the building, which he does. Although the stairs are a tough bet, you manage to stumble up them. You swear you hear Leon huff a laugh behind you when you stagger.
At your door, you pat your pockets in order to find your key. Sensing your loss, Leon holds out the key he has. You accept it gratefully, turning the knob to make sure it’s actually locked.
Your heart sinks to find it unlocked.
“Did you forget to lock it?” he asks, voice hushed. You turn to him, fear evident on your face, and shake your head. He steps between you and the door, and holds a hand out to tell you to stay put. You find yourself willing to listen.
He enters the apartment slowly, quietly. You pretend there isn’t a gun in his hand. He rounds the corner into the kitchen, and you catch his frame again when he crosses the room to the bedroom. He returns in a few minutes.
“It’s clear,” he says. He pushes the door open more to allow you to enter. You feel uneasy, suddenly sober.
“I never forget to lock my door,” you promise. “Ever. Is…is the window open or something?”
He shakes his head. “You must’ve forgotten this time,”
“No, no I don’t do that,” you say. You wander to the window, finding it closed. Your head hurts. You feel on edge, like there’s someone watching you.
With a sigh, you sit on the couch.
“There’s no one here,” Leon promises, sitting beside you. You look at him. “Trust me, I checked,”
“But what if someone was here?” you say, looking at him. “I don’t…I don’t want them to come back,”
He reaches out for a moment, then decides to return his hand to his side. “No one’s coming back. I’ll make sure of it, okay?”
You can feel your hands shaking. “Will you stay?”
He softens when he looks at you. He can see the fear in your eyes. You think of your sister, stolen from somewhere she felt safe. You feel safe in your home, as anyone might. You don’t want to face the same fate. You know Leon knows that.
“Yeah,” he says. “Go change, I’ll be out here,”
You nod, rising to your feet. You wander past the window again, double checking that it’s closed. You find your clothes in the dark, not caring too much about what you put on. A shower sounds nice. You’re afraid to be alone for that long, though. Instead, you wash your face in the sink, then throw on your clothes, a loose t-shirt from a far off ex-boyfriend and sweatpants. You feel vaguely comforted by the thought of Leon sitting right outside the door.
“I’m going to try to sleep,” you call from the door. You want nothing more than to curl up in your bed.
“I’ll be right here,” Leon returns. “I’ll keep watch,”
You shuffle into bed easily. You feel safer knowing he’s outside, waiting for any potential threats. You feel especially safe knowing his reputation precedes him. There’s no doubt in your mind that he would protect you. It makes it easier to sleep.
You wake sometime later to a creak beside your bed. Your eyes shoot open to find a figure looming over you. You move to scream, but your eye catches the glint of moonlight against the barrel of a gun. You swallow whatever scream you had left, and rise to your feet. You’re moving without much thought, just doing whatever instinct tells you to. The figure says nothing, just motions to the window. You run through your options. If you shout, you’ll be dead before Leon even makes it into the room. You can’t fight him off, you’re definitely not strong enough. If you leave with him, you’ll be dead before Leon notices you’re gone. 
You turn to face your attacker, who seems to grow frustrated with you. He, again, gestures to the open window. You take a breath.
Follow your gut.
In a fluid motion that surprises you, your fingers wrap around the barrel of the gun, shoving it towards the ceiling. You feel lucky; just as it’s pointed away from you, it’s fired. You knee the attacker in the stomach, and you’re out the door before he rises from the ground. 
“What’s going on?” Leon shouts, assessing you for injuries quickly before entering the room.
You’re crying now, fat tears rolling down your cheeks before you can stop them. Your hand screams with pain, seared flesh crying out angry and red. You feel stupid, weak, small. You collapse onto the couch while Leon takes care of things.
The next two hours are a blur of police and your father. You answer questions vacantly, absent from the situation. Leon sits beside you, dressing the wound on your hand. 
“Dovie,” your father says, holding your face in his hands. You begin to cry again. He pulls you into a hug, holding you as close as he can. You grip the back of his shirt, and sob into his shoulder.
“I’m okay,” you say. It’s true. You’re alive, breathing, hugging him. “I’m okay,”
When the crowd shuffles out, they take you and Leon with them. You vaguely hear them discussing where you’re supposed to stay, Lord knows you can’t stay here. You feel sick.
“She can stay with me,” Leon volunteers. You somehow feel worse. “Makes sense,”
You follow him to the car. You stare out the window. The sun is coming up on the horizon, a new day. You can’t help but think about how just 24 hours ago, you were in this passenger seat, on your way to work. Now, though, you’re swollen and hurting and scared. Your hand feels like it might just burn away.
“I didn’t know what to do,” you say by way of explanation. Leon doesn’t respond, so you continue. “I just grabbed it. I didn’t know it would burn me,”
“You’re lucky nothing is broken,” he says calmly. “Your fingers’ll be stiff for the next few days,”
You look down at them. They’re swollen for sure, round and angry red around the knuckles. There’s a strip of gauze against the burn on your palm now, courtesy of Leon’s deft and gentle hands. You graze it with your opposite hand. It aches beneath the dressing, a painful reminder of your night.
“I’m just up here,” Leon says quietly. You nod absently.
He lives in an apartment, same as you. He resides on the third floor, which is much nicer a walk than your seventh story apartment. His apartment is small, quaint, but you aren’t surprised by the lack of decoration. Blank white walls wrap the room. There’s a few pieces of furniture, but only the necessities like a couch, a few tables, a dining area, and a coat rack. He doesn’t even have a TV, which surprises you. He ushers you into the space, gently pushing against your back to get you to move.
“Go lie down,” he says. You turn to look at him. His gaze is softer now, full of sympathy. “You deserve peaceful, uninterrupted sleep,”
You don’t move. “You saved me,” you say. “I don’t know what would’ve happened if you weren’t there,”
“You handled yourself pretty well,” he says, a faint smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. You can feel tears resting in your eyes, begging to spill over. “I was there, and now you’re here. Nothing else to it. You’re safe with me,”
“I know,” you whisper. “I know,”
Without thinking, you wrap your arms around him. His embrace is comforting. His arms encircle your waist, holding you in an almost practiced way. He’s strong, holds you up where you can’t stand on your own. You can feel yourself beginning to cry again, relief washing over you as you recognize that you’re truly safe. You’re mostly uninjured, save for the burn on your hand, and you’re alive. You sob gently into Leon’s shoulder, and he holds you. He lets you cry. You half expect him to mock you, or to reject your plea for comfort, but he doesn’t. He holds you, gently and carefully, cradling you as you fall apart. And you know, in that moment, that he won’t hold it against you later.
You spend the next week off work, curled away in the safety of Leon’s apartment. He goes out, although rarely, for groceries and other things to entertain you. He even buys a TV. He claims that he’s been meaning to get one, but you know that he did that so you didn’t die of boredom. Initially, you were concerned about the sleeping arrangements. However, Leon is generous and lets you sleep in his bed while he shacks up on the couch.
“When can I go home?” you ask over Chinese takeout and an episode of Wheel of Fortune. Leon smiles at you.
“Getting tired of me already?” he teases.
Spending actual time with Leon has made you realize that he’s funny and playful. He’s not always stoic and unforgiving. He teases, he jokes, he smiles. You didn’t think the latter was possible. You just assumed that he was always unhappy.
“No,” you say honestly. “I just don’t want you to sleep on the couch anymore,”
He waves a hand at you. “It’s pretty comfortable,” he says, reaching down to pat the cushions. “I’ve slept in worse places,”
“This is your home, though,” you say. He wordlessly passes you an eggroll. “You should sleep in your own bed in your own home,”
He shrugs, which makes you frown. “As long as you’re safe and comfortable, I’ll sleep on the floor if I have to,”
“Damn it, Leon,” you laugh. He grins wider. “For the love of God, sleep in your own bed tonight,”
He rolls his eyes. “Fine, but you don’t get to sleep on the couch either, just so you know,”
Heat creeps up your neck, blushing against your cheeks and nose. You’re still smiling, but it’s more flustered now, shy and sweet.
Leon notices, and begins to flush himself. “That’s…that’s not what I meant,”
“I mean,” you begin, turning your eyes back to your food. “We can both sleep comfortably and not worry. I trust you,”
He lets out a barely audible breath. “Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, we can,”
That night, as you’re getting ready for bed, you notice Leon shifting nervously. You try to ignore it, pretend like nothing’s wrong. It’s easier to pretend. He keeps a decent distance between you on the bed; another person could easily fit between you. You’re suddenly self conscious, aware of each and every movement, how much blanket you take up, where your feet are laying. 
“You never answered my question,” you say when he flips the lamp off. The room is flooded in darkness. You feel a little more confident now that you can’t see his face.
“What question?”
“About when I can go home,” you answer. He shifts beside you, almost like he’s about to get up.
“Not for a little while,” he says. You sigh. “It’s not safe for you at the apartment. Your dad doesn’t even want you going to work, but I worked something out so that you can. You can…you can stay here as long as you want,”
“Okay,” is all you say. You feel a little far away, removed from the world. In just under a month, you’ve lost all sense of independence, something you valued greatly, and have been reduced to someone that needs to be looked after like a child. You hate it.
“We can find a temporary apartment, too, if you think that’d be better,” Leon amends. “I just thought…you might be more comfortable here,”
You smile at that. You can hear the insecurity in his voice, something you find sweet. “I’d like to stay here,”
“Okay,” he says. You can almost hear the smile. It makes your heart flutter.
You turn onto your side, facing him. He’s still lying on his back, watching the ceiling as if it’s going to collapse. He glances at you. “If we’re going to be living together, we should get to know each other,”
He laughs. It’s a real laugh, not just a huff of air through the nose. “And what do you want to know?”
You think for a moment, tongue poking between your lips. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Don’t have one,” he replies easily. You snort.
“Everyone has a favorite color,” you say. He looks at you with a smile resting on his cheeks. It’s not compulsory; it’s genuine. 
“What’s yours then?” he asks, voice low and gentle. You feel like you might melt away under his gaze.
“Blue,” you say. You almost tell him that his eyes have become your favorite shade of it, but you refrain. “Like the ocean,”
His smile widens. “Then that’s mine, too,” he says. You roll your eyes.
“No way,” you tease. “What is Leon Kennedy’s favorite color? And give me a real answer,”
He laughs. “Green,”
“Like, Kermit the Frog green or forest green?” you ask. He shrugs.
“So if I were to paint the apartment bright green you wouldn’t have a problem with it?” you ask. His expression sours. “So you don’t like every green, then,”
“I like dark greens,” he says finally, still smiling. “Like pine trees,”
“I never thought I would get an honest answer out of you,” you joke, but there’s truth to it. You don’t imagine him as someone who likes to share.
“To be fair,” he says. “It wasn’t like I was withholding information, I’ve just never thought about my favorite color,”
“Well, now you have,” you say. He grins at you, and you feel like the entire city lights up a little more.
He’s quiet for a moment. The moonlight casts over his face in a way that somehow makes him prettier. “If you could only bring one thing to a deserted island, what would it be?”
“God, your questions are so lame,” you tease. He rolls his eyes.
“Just answer it,” he says.
“I’d bring you,” you say honestly. “Knowing you, we wouldn’t get stuck there, and I’d be home in a few days,”
“I wouldn’t get stuck in the first place,” he says. You shake your head. “Honestly, I’d probably bring something to listen to music on,”
“Then you better hope it doesn’t die,” you say. “Good to know the sentiment is equally held, by the way,”
“Would you be able to get us off the island?” he asks, poking your shoulder. You shake your head. “Exactly,”
“I’d keep you company while you got us off the island,” you say. He laughs. Your heart seizes for a moment at the sound.
“What would I do without your terrible jokes?”
“My jokes aren’t terrible!”
“Totally terrible,” he promises, turning over to his other side, facing away from you. “Some of the worst I’ve ever heard,”
You laugh. “Yeah, well, yours are pretty bad, too, y’know?”
“You wound me,”
You fall asleep easily beside Leon. The safety his presence brings is immeasurable, and you’re coaxed into sleep without a second thought. When you wake, your head is on his shoulder, arms wrapped around one of his own. You cling to him like he’s keeping you alive. His breathing is slow, giving away the fact that he’s still sleeping, so you steal a glance at him. His other arm is slung over his face to block out the sunlight peering through the window. Feeling strange, you roll onto your other side. Almost as if he senses you moving, he follows you, caging you into his arms. You feel like your heart stops when he pulls you in, sighing into your hair. His breath wafts down your neck, pulling up goosebumps in its wake. Your heart hammers against your chest.
It becomes routine. Until your father deems it safe to return to your own apartment, you shack up with Leon, spending your nights watching television and lying beside him. If he ever notices that you cling to each other, he doesn’t mention it, which you silently thank him for. He goes about life as normal, as if he hasn’t changed the way you look at him.
There’s menial touches exchanged. The grab of a hand during a movie, a palm to your lower back as he passes, the brush of hands when you pass him something. And although you welcome these bits of contact, they often leave you a blushing mess that struggles to even get words out.
He drives you to work still, which you’re becoming accustomed to. He’s there when you finish up. He’s the person you split groceries with–which he only let you start doing after you argued with him for days about it. He’s slowly consumed every part of your life. It��s nice, you think. He looks so domesticated in these instances, like he’s your friend rather than someone to look after you. You like it. You like that he sometimes steals your shampoo when he runs out. You like that he learned what foods you like. You like that he made you a key.
You like him. And that is a scary thought.
It makes you freeze up around him, stumbling between words until you find something to say. It makes you stare at him in awe because you can’t believe you get to be around him all the time. It makes you blush any time he meets your eyes. You feel childish because it makes you that way.
“Gonna tell me what’s up with you, or do I have to interrogate you?” he asks one night over pizza. You’ve been sitting with the plate in your lap for ten minutes.
“Nothing’s up,” you say, lying through your teeth. You’re a bad liar, and he knows it. When you look at him, he’s watching you, analyzing your body language. You know you’re on edge, but you can’t help it. It feels like a sin to want him.
He looks pretty like this, you think. He looks comfortable, wearing a sweatshirt and jeans, no weapons stuck to him. Your hand twitches with the desire to reach out to him.
“So you’ve been acting weird the last few days for fun?” he asks. You nod. “You’re such a shitty liar, sweet girl,”
His voice is gentle; it warms you up. “Really, Leon, I’m alright,”
He holds his hands up in defense. “Okay, I won’t pry. But, I’m here to listen,”
You force yourself to eat, to be normal. You can’t even look at him because you’re afraid of what you might say if you do. He wouldn’t mock you for it, and that’s somehow worse. You almost want him to belittle you, to call you stupid, because that would make pushing him away much easier. If he doesn’t, then who are you to cut him off?
“I can practically hear the gears turning, doll,” Leon calls from the kitchen. You sigh. “If you’re not going to share, don’t be so loud about it, huh?”
You know it’s meant to be a joke, but it makes your mouth sour. He can’t help the curiosity, you know that, but you wish he would back off. It would make your life so much easier if he pretended that you didn’t exist.
“I don’t have to tell you everything about me,” you say. It comes out harsh even though it wasn’t supposed to. “I’m entitled to my own thoughts. Or is that another thing you’re paid to infiltrate?”
He stands in the doorway of the kitchen, staring at you. “I don’t think I’m infiltrating anything,” he says. His voice is even, but you can hear the hurt in the words.
“Then keep it that way,” you say. He inhales deeply, beginning to gnaw on his cheek. You feel guilt wrapping around your throat. You turn your gaze back to the television, feigning interest in the commercial that clogs the speakers. He disappears back into the kitchen.
You’re almost thankful when your phone rings. You don’t get many calls, so when you see it’s your father, you’re less than surprised.
“Hey, Dad,” you say breathily.
“Hey, Dovie,” he returns. “Getting all packed?”
You pause, glancing toward the archway into the kitchen. “Packed?”
“He didn’t tell you, did he?”
“Tell me what?” you ask, sitting up on the couch. You can hear Leon shuffle in the other room. “What do I need to be told?”
“We’re moving you,” your father says, plain as day. “We’ll be finding someone else to watch over you, too,”
“Huh,” is all you say. There’s less guilt around your shoulders now, replaced by anger and humiliation. “Well, if that’s how it goes,”
“I’ll get back to you later, okay, Dovie?” he says. “Get to packing, I’ll tell you more when I can,”
You bid your father goodbye, staring back at the phone screen long after it goes black. You feel your shoulders deflate, allowing the melancholy to consume you a little bit further. You stand, return to Leon’s room, and pull open the dresser drawers where your clothes have resided for the last few weeks. Slowly, almost on autopilot, you begin pulling them out one by one. A shirt, pants, sweatpants, a lone sock; they fall onto the floor with an unceremonious thud. You go until the drawer is empty, the contents piled up on the floor beside your feet.
“I was going to tell you,” comes from the bedroom door. You take a breath. “I didn’t know how,”
“I assume it would’ve been pretty easy,” you say, turning to look him in the eye. He stiffens at the cruelty lacing your tone. “All you had to do was let me know you were done with me. Not like you were in all that deep anyway,”
He doesn’t say anything. You cross the room to the small closet that holds your suitcase. You begin to haphazardly stuff it with your clothes.
“I didn’t want to disappoint you, sweet girl,” Leon says softly, taking a step forward.
“Yeah, well, I’m pretty fucking disappointed right now,” you spit, glancing at him. “Would’ve liked to have known my life was getting upended days ago. Would’ve liked to have known that I was wasting my fucking time,”
“Wasting your time?” he asks, catching your wrist as you push down the top of the suitcase.
“I tried so hard to get to know you, Leon,” you say. He winces. “And to think, that for a fraction of a second, I thought you liked me? I feel stupid. You never cared. It’s not in your nature. You go in, do the job, and get out. When’s the last time you talked to Ashley, huh? Or is that something else you like to keep boxed away?”
He releases your wrist. You continue packing your things, and he leaves the room. He returns a moment later with your nearly empty bottle of shampoo.
“Don’t forget this when you leave,” he says coldly. You ignore the ache it leaves in your bones.
“Might as well keep it,” you say. “You’ve used most of it anyway,”
He doesn’t say anything.
“Isn’t that one hell of a metaphor?” you say before you can stop yourself. “I gave and gave, and you just took. I told you things I’ve never told anyone. And what do I know about you? Your favorite color is green. And even then, it was like pulling fucking teeth to get it out of you. Just keep it. I don’t want it anyway. Can’t put the shampoo back in the bottle, right?”
“I get that you’re angry,” he mumbles. “I understand,”
“No, you don’t,” you say, turning to him finally. He’s staring at you. There’s something in his eyes that you can’t place. “You have no idea what I’m feeling right now,”
“You’re right,” he says. You falter for a moment. “I never once said that I did. I just…understand. I can follow the logic between you and your emotion,”
You roll your eyes, choosing not to respond. Your suitcase finally zips closed, and you haul it off the bed, nearly knocking yourself down. He drives you back to your apartment. He doesn’t say anything the entire ride, not even when you finally get out of the car. You leave the key to his place on the center console.
His smell permeates everything around you. Even in your new apartment with new furniture, you can’t wash away his cologne. Everything smells of cedar and smoke with a hint of citrus. You washed your clothes three times when you moved in, a feeble attempt at ridding yourself of him. You bought new shampoo.
You feel ridiculous. Your heart aches, and for what? A man who never showed interest? You ignore the acrid taste in your mouth that seems to never go away. You ignore the yearning in your bones. You ignore the burning in your chest. It’s easier that way.
He tries calling. You ignore those, too. You pretend he’s a telemarketer, or a prank calling kid, or an old man with the wrong number. You pretend you don’t recognize the number, and that the messages he leaves on your machine are empty. You find that pretending makes the hurting stop for a while, even if it creeps back up when you’re staring at the ceiling at night because you can’t sleep alone anymore.
You cook breakfast more often now, finding that it takes up the empty time in the morning before you go to work. The new guy is nice. He talks about his wife a lot, which you find sweet. You like that there’s no unresolved tension when you get into his car. You just wish you could remember his name.
“Do you know him?” he asks, pointing across the parking lot. Leon leans against his car, watching you pull in. You sigh.
“Yeah,” you say. “He’s friendly,”
“Doesn’t look like it,”
“Well,” you say. “He’s not actually friendly. But he’s not a threat,”
He lets you leave. You can almost see the way Leon stretches back up when you approach. You set your jaw.
“You haven’t been answering my calls,” he says. You raise your brows at him.
“I don’t have to,” you say. “You lost that privilege.”
He shakes his head. “I’d still like to know if you’re okay,”
“I’m fine, Leon,” you say. He nods. “What are you doing here?”
“Just checking in,”
You feel like a fool the second you invite him upstairs. You can’t help it. You want to be around him. You feel safe around him, regardless of the anger. You know he’d protect you regardless.
You feel insecure about the state of your new apartment. You haven’t gotten around to breaking it in, so to speak, so the walls are bleak and empty, there’s a loveseat and nothing else, and a single lamp lights up the room. You wring your hands together.
“Missing a few things,” he says. “Where’s all your stuff?”
“Haven’t gotten around to putting it up,” you lie. It’s more like you haven’t wanted to put anything up. You don’t want this place to feel like a home because it isn’t. This is temporary—as long as you keep telling yourself that, it feels true.
“I’ll get you a rug,” he says, meeting your eyes. It almost feels like a peace offering.
“I don’t need a rug,” you say. You see his shoulders slump. “I prefer socks anyway,”
“Right, yeah,”
He’s silent for a while, just watches you as you set up for the night. He sits rigid against the cushions of your couch, hands clasped in his lap. You grab a frozen pizza from the freezer for dinner. His eyes don’t leave you. You don’t feel uncomfortable under his gaze, it’s almost comforting.
“I owe you an explanation,” he says finally. You almost laugh.
“I don’t need an explanation, Leon,” you say. “I get it. Your job makes you move around a lot. You were never intended to be permanent,”
“I resigned,” he says. At this, you turn to face him. He’s searching your features for a reaction, and you fight to keep them neutral, but you know he can see the discomposure. Heat creeps up your neck, threatens to swallow you whole.
“You resigned?” you repeat, far quieter in order to conceal the stutter in your breath.
He nods. “I did what I thought I was supposed to,”
“And that was leaving me?” you say. He averts his eyes. “How on Earth is that what you were supposed to do? You were being paid to be around me, and you thought you were supposed to leave?”
“That’s not what I meant,” he says, returning his gaze to you. “You have to know that that’s not what I meant,”
“Leon,” you say, leaning against the counter. “I don’t know a thing about you. I don’t know if what you’ve told me about is even fucking true!”
“My middle name is Scott,” he says. You blink at him. “My favorite color is green, that was true. I slept with a baby blanket until I was thirteen years old. I lost my parents when I was young. I used to be a cop,”
He unloads. For the first time since you met him, he lets you into his head a little bit. You take in a breath.
“I don’t…” he begins, then shuts his mouth again. He gnaws on his bottom lip for a moment. “I don’t know how to be…like this anymore. Vulnerable,”
You join him on the couch. He watches you carefully. “That’s okay,”
“It’s something I’m working on,” he says, smiling slightly. You can’t fight one of your own. “I think you make it easier,”
“I’ll be here to listen,” you say quietly. “You know you’re always welcome,”
He grins then. “Whether you want me here or not, right?”
You laugh. “I always want you here,”
There’s something left unsaid between you, but he’s looking at you and laughing at your jokes, and you feel like the world begins to spin again. You feel like the sun shines a little brighter outside, and the colors are clearer, and songs sound like music. 
You find out that his name is Ryan. He’s more like a personal chauffeur than his intended job, but you like him well enough. Leon spends most of his time on your couch. Things are normal again. He offers to cook dinner most nights, which you appreciate. He does end up buying you a rug–he claims it’s because his feet get too cold without it.
“If you do that one more time, I’m kicking you out,” you scold, swatting Leon’s hand away for the millionth time. He laughs loudly, widely, and it breathes a new air into your lungs.
“I swear to God, sweet girl,” he says between laughter. “There’s something on your face,”
“Then just get it!” you say, wiping your hand aggressively against your cheek. “It doesn’t take a thousand pokes to get something off my face,”
“Hey, I keep missing because you keep moving,” he says, shrugging his shoulders dramatically. You roll your eyes. “C’mere,” 
You lean in a bit more, and he swipes his hand against your cheek. For a moment too long, it remains, delicately holding you as if you might break under increased pressure. He clears his throat and retracts his hand. You feel heat creep up in its place.
“You staying tonight?” you ask. He shrugs. “You know the couch will miss you if you don’t,”
He laughs at this. Your heart swells at the sound. “You just like using me as your personal alarm clock,”
“Not true,” you gasp, clutching your heart in feigned offense. “My couch grows increasingly lonely at night,”
He rolls his eyes. “Sure,”
It occurs to you, in that moment, just how much you want him to kiss you. It would certainly make things a lot easier if he did. You’re almost desperate for him to kiss you. The feeling you have for him is akin to idolatry, an offshoot of worship. He’s magnetic, pulls you in in a way you can’t describe. You can see the entire world in his eyes. He is divinity in its most basic form. Whatever religion he’s created, you would gladly follow it until your last breath.
Want consumes you. An insurmountable degree of yearning swallows you, floods your senses, makes you unstable. 
“Why did you resign?” you ask. His expression falters for a moment. “You never explained it to me,”
He doesn’t answer, just swallows thickly. You take in a breath like it might be your last.
You wring your hands. “I’m owed at least that,”
“I thought it would make things easier,” he says. The answer is vague, like you’d expected. It doesn’t answer your questions.
“That’s not an answer, Leon,” you say, frowning. “Can you give me a straight answer, just this once? I don’t care if you lie to me for the rest of my life, but, please, just give me this,”
He stares at you, as if he’s trying to get one last look at you. “I wanted to start over,”
Your brows knit together as you watch him. He’s stiff against the arm of the couch he leans on. His shoulders are square, jaw set, eyes forward. It’s been a while since he’s gotten a haircut, you notice.
“Start over?” you repeat.
“With you,” he says, staring into the wall behind you. “I wanted you to know me…differently,”
Your heart hammers against your chest. You hope you’re reading this the right way, because if you’re not, you might just die where you sit. “How did you want me to know you?”
“As a person,” he says, meeting your eyes again. “I wanted you to…like me. Not just see me as a guy that follows you around,”
You smile. “I liked you anyway, Leon,” you say. He flushes.
“I mean,” he stutters. “I mean that…I wanted to be right,”
You don’t know when, but he’s leaned in. You can feel his breath on your lips, floating back against your ears. He’s looking at you through his lashes, all starry eyed and vulnerable. His cheeks are pink, rosy and soft. You want him to kiss you. You wonder, for a moment, what it would be like if he did. Goosebumps surface across your skin at the thought, shivering against the flesh like you’d stepped into the cold. You want him to kiss you.
With a shaking breath, you ask, “Right about what?”
He brushes a strand of hair away from your face with a trembling hand. It slots against the curve of your jaw, just below your ear. You notice that his hands are freezing, but it’s a welcome change in temperature given the heat that resides in your cheeks. You wonder if he can feel the beat of your pulse, hammer strong and rapid against the muscle. You wonder if his would feel the same.
“Leon?” you breathe. He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. “Are you going to kiss me?”
His breath is shaky. “Do you want me to?”
He indulges. He’s soft against you, sugary sweet and easygoing. He breathes you in like he’ll never get the chance to again. Your hands wind into the collar of his shirt, pulling him impossibly closer, an attempt to fuse into one. It’s a crescendo at the end of a symphony, harmonies and melodies colliding into one final note. Your ears are ringing. It’s a soft collision of warmth and intimacy, lips and hums that finally get to meet. 
A cold hand slips beneath your shirt, soft and delicate against the red hot skin of your waist. You shiver against it. Devotion makes you dizzy as you pull away, breathing like you’ve nearly drowned. You steel yourself against his shoulders. He looks pretty like this, you think, lips kiss swollen and pulling in a grin around his teeth, face reddened with flush and excitement, hair falling into his eyes.
“I resigned,” he says, panting. “So I could do that,”
You laugh. “You could’ve done that anyway,” you say. He grins.
“Felt wrong,” he says. “I wanted to do it right,”
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foggydismay · 6 months
My FAVORITE resident evil duo
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‼️Not written with the intent of a ship BUT can be taken as either a ship or not, whatever you see fit! ‼️
In the originals, he sadly got taken out VERY early but I still find their very short dynamic to be nothing short from amazing.
Even as Ada calls him a runt and complains how much she has to do for him, in the chapter change sequence, she mentions how she’s the one who personally brought it to the organization’s attention on his value and that as how she puts it, he is a brilliant scientist.
And I especially love her line,
“I did it because I like him. His history betrays an enthusiasm I once shared”
Even with their limited time, their story was done wonderfully for what it is!
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Their one meeting 😭
And now, my absolute favorite, the remake!!!
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Firstly, with Luis’s increased screen time, it really gives them more time to showcase their bond!
I feel as if in the remakes, she actually cares more for Luis than Leon outside of mission purposes.
Luis helped her understand a lot more about the work she does in general! (By being an idiot) But she gained more value to trust and that she doesn’t ALWAYS have to work alone for what she wants. Luis showed her she can still benefit even with trusting others for a bit.
It is shown very obviously that Ada does not care for things unless it concerns her in any shape, way, or form. (Shown by how she does not care about Leon nor Ashley being infected and does not pay any mind to the idea of medicine until she is informed she’s infected too)
She only starts to gain sympathy for the situation when Luis is distraught about the loss of his medicine, which Ada goes OUT OF HER WAY to help get the ingredients even though the only thing she ever promised to Luis for the Amber was to get him out of there and have him under protection.
Sure, she needed the medicine herself, but she didn’t even protest the idea of getting off course and even came up with the solution to make more! Since Luis was so focused on the idea that what was left was destroyed. (Def far fetched…)
But also Luis’s pure concern for her in the scene where he gives her the sedative! :( And especially since that’s the last time they were ever able to see each other face to face.
But my main reason? How she honored his wish! She paid little to no mind into helping Leon AT ALL. (Shown in how she sees him fight Salazar, but since it didn’t concern her, she didn’t lift a finger to help him. Contrary to when she shot Mendez, she NEEDED to be in there to Investigate) but she switches off the bombs to the island to honor the fact Luis wanted them to make it since he did everything he could to save them and to “set things right”.
She had no reason to switch it off for her own benefit, she didn’t do anything to directly save Leon just because she “wants” to and she literally told Leon to leave Ashley behind! She did it to honor Luis ☹️ And since she’s a woman who doesn’t let emotion ever get in the way of her mission, I find this really sweet 🫶
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I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!!! Luis didn’t deserve to die 😔💔
(Picture credit to people on pinterestttt 😋😗)
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stellasfictionalworld · 7 months
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part 3.
part 4
a/n: this picture of maddie phillips has me in a chokehold btw. just setting the mood of how things are gonna in the future... also hello andre's jacket??
reader x andre anderson 
cw: (i mean you’ve watched the show so) blood, hints of self harm, hurt comfort
word count: 1,243
You came back to your dorm with damp hair and your outfit of the day. You’d just put on sweats and grunt when Ashley said something. You fell onto your bed and she was looming over you. 
“You look like shit,” she giggled. 
“M’ tired,” you grumbled and pulled the sheet over your face. It was dragged away from you, making you groan dramatically. Your body felt like it had been hit by a truck. Not even remembering a single second after falling on your ass with Jordan. 
“Don’t you wanna know who brought you home?” she smirked. That got your attention, your eyes flicked to the jacket you’d hung up. It was not much bigger on you, not too much by length but by width. It smelled of weed and there was a hint of some earthy, no maybe more woody, cologne, you wondered if it was Andre’s. 
“Fine,” you sat up, pillow to chest as if that would help your massive hangover. 
“Andre fucking Anderson,” she sat on the edge of your bed. “He was shit-faced, holy fuck you should have seen it. Well, you did, just don’t remember probably,” she nudged your shoulder. 
Your ears and face went hot, remembering his hand on your hip last night. That was embarrassing to get so… excited about. You sighed, dragging a hand over your face.
“He was alone, made sure I was even your roommate. I’m pretty sure he bumped into a wall on the way out too,” she was trying to hold in her laughter. You snorted, imagining Andre so shit-faced, but managing to bring you back to your room. Your heart swelled, and you picked up your phone.
Your lips pressed into a thin line, seeing missed phone calls from your mom. You huffed, finding new messages, from new numbers. Luke, Cate, and even Jordan had exchanged numbers with you (or just took it). You felt Ashley hovering and looked up at her. 
“Now let’s talk about you and Jen,” you grinned widely.
Ashley’s face got red, she opened her mouth to say something. Then her phone buzzed, and she immediately picked it up. You looked over her shoulder, and you rolled your eyes.
“Jesus Ashley,” you flopped back onto the bed. 
“What?” she snapped her head to you, her shoulders raised. 
You glared at her, you two had this conversation every time this happened. Ashley hung out with fucking the fakest bitches to exist. Seriously, these girls lived like they were the shit. Everything was handed down to them, and not an ounce of empathy for those not as fortunate as them. Ashley became friends with them recently, considering she had the same classes with them. 
“Be careful,” you said.
She shrugged and looked back at her phone again. The worst part about this? It was changing your friend, for the worse. 
Your knuckle collided with the leather and you took a step back. Your face was hot, blood pumping throughout your body. Your movement didn’t stop until your fist was washed over with grains. Heaving you pulled yourself away from the punching bag. Eyes fleeting to Cate who had stopped hitting her punching bag. Her brows scrunched up and her lips parted.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding when you said this was therapeutic for you,” she laughed. Your tired face flipped, as you smiled brightly. Enjoying the fact Cate had got into the groove of punching bags. She seemed hesitant to join you at first on a random Wednesday. Ever since Saturday, you’d noticed the way she carried herself. Confidently but something always seemed to trouble her. 
“Are you bleeding?” she gasped and you looked at your fists. The bandages were soaked in red, but you didn’t feel a thing. 
“Yeah,” you said as Cate took off her boxing gloves. She immediately came to your side. One hand on your forearm while the other pulled the bandages. You watched with great intent, wondering if you'd need stitches again. The final layer peeled off your skin, revealing your lower layers of skin in red. 
“Holy shit, we’ve gotta get you to the nurse,” Cate gushed.
“Yeah,” you frowned. The blonde froze and her eyes went wide. Immediately she pulled her hand back like you’d burned her. 
“Sorry,” she said, and this time you were confused.
“For what?” you asked.
“For touching you, I,” Cate took a step back from you. You laughed softly and shook your head. Wrapping up your open wound.
“It’s okay Cate, usually people love to put their hands on me anyway,” you wiggled your eyebrows. It made her laugh, either out of shock or the fact you were funny. 
“Can you help me to nurse?” you asked. 
“Yeah, let’s go,” she said. 
Thankfully you didn’t need stitches, but the nurse made you fill out far too much paperwork. You were pretty sure it was payback for the times you’d come in here bloodied and bruised (far too many times). Your healing factor was kinda shit, it took a lot longer than most. When you turn off your pain receptors and put your all in every punch, you’ll eventually collapse. 
Anyhow, Cate had left halfway through when she saw you were okay. You finished writing down your last signature when the door whipped open. You and the nurse both looked over to see Andre slightly out of breath. He cleared his throat, eyes on you.
“Hey,” he said, “you okay? Cate sent me a text,” he had his phone in his hand. 
Your chest squeezed, and your heart was about to explode. “I’m okay,” you smiled. “Are you here for me?” you asked.
“I mean,” he put a hand to the back of his neck, looking around the empty room, “yeah,” he said. He shot you a smile (which you thought was so hot and cute at the same time) and you bit your lower lip. The nurse cleared her throat, tapping the paper you had yet to sign. You quickly signed the papers. You got your tote bag, swinging it over your shoulder before walking out of the room with Andre. 
“Where are you headed?” you asked. 
He hummed, eyes on your face, clearly Cate didn’t say what type of damage was done. Then he saw your knuckles wrapped in fresh gauze. He stopped abruptly, pulling your elbow to make you stop.  
“Hey, did you do this by yourself?” his voice was soft, as he picked up one of your hands. You let him examine it, liking the feeling of his fingertips around yours. It sent a buzz up your spine and made a cage of butterflies flutter. 
“Yeah, it’s no biggie though. It’ll be healed by tomorrow or the next,” you said.
“That slow?” he still held your hand, but his gaze was on you. 
You clicked your tongue and looked away. Your face was getting hot again.
“My healing factor is fucking slow,” you dragged out the last word. His thumb circled your palm as he thought. His lips were pressed into a thin line, and when you met his eyes. You knew he wanted to ask. The eye-rolling questions. Why would you do this? Doesn’t it hurt? Blah blah blah. 
“I’ll be okay,” you winked at him. You hooked your arm around his. “But could you walk me to my dorm? Since I’m so wounded, I might not make it,” you said dramatically. He laughed, it was like music to your ears. 
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gioiaalbanoart · 2 months
Hello my talented friend! Ashley is stealing my heart. When can I read about her adventures? Also: can you tell me more about her? Where did she come from (in your brain) and why is she so cool?
Hello @fortunatetragedy !!!
Tons of kudos are flying to you, catch them 💗💗💗
(catch something to drink too is gonna be long 🍻 🍻🍻...)
Right now Ashley is arching a brow at me , arms crossed and foot tapping (even more than usual) to hurry up and get to work at her story. She's actually being patient (yes, she can be!) .
Because she knows I HAVE to close another writing fanfic first, which hopefully I'll do in the next couple of days  🤞 🤞 
This is just how it has to be because I have to close a circle. We made a pact about it and I have no intention to piss her off more than I already did 😅
Right now I have approximately four draft/chapters and a lot of scattered material such as scene/dialogues/bits-of-plot-outlined-sort-of..... (big LOL on the last one , I might start to use post-it on the door too).
All of it basically on my computer or in snippets here on tumblr Which is why I was wondering on a section/post to keep updated until I'm ready to start sharing more....
Because (drums rattling) : The scarred angel is, in my brain for now, the first one of a trilogy.
It gives you an idea of how much urgent is for me to start working on it seriously and, most of all, continuously.
I'd like publish (on AO3, I suppose) once I complete and edit the first draft/book.....(I'm already sweating)
This while I'll work on the second book and so on (kind of like you're doing for DMLS).
This is the idea.....
NOW : We both know how wide is that fucking gap between an idea and real life, don't we?
Ashley Knox pointed her face in my brain exactly one year ago, just like that : that name, curly blonde hair, arctic eyes, scars, bad temper and all.
With a possible quest/investigation somehow linked to drug cartels (Thank you Ashley!)
I was just back to writing then, I already had others ideas but she just wouldn't leave me alone until my best on line friend pointed out she was so persistent because I HAD to write her story and there was no way around it.
I'm sure you're familiar with the situation....
So I started to write bits here and there while a kind of world/plot was taking his weird shape (the shape is still quite weird btw).
It includes violence because the story evolves mainly on the mexican border and will be somehow linked to drug cartels and, here too, there is no way around it.
But I want it also to be about healing and magic despite the plot/investigation and the background of the two MC (Ashley Knox and Amy Salinas, journalist, friend and...we'll see).
The magic part might be "subtle vibes, kind of, but consistent" and I know it will be a huge pain in the ass (More sweating here)
Ashley has been scarred when she was sixteen (in the story she's about 23), can't say who did it because it's part of the plot 😉
She has a raw temper and is a lone (red) wolf.
She always rubbed shoulders with taking care of herself, growing alone, dealing with random stray like her , cartels, violence, guns and so on. She also will seek for revenge.
I'm thinking at her revenge as parallel with the main investigation.
Despite the world she evolved in she has her own strict moral code, a lot of sarcasm and lot of strenght.
She could use some love too ....but she's really selective about it.
The "love" part would be ,idealistically, part of her healing path.
Of course it never goes from point A straight to point B.....
Amy is around same age, suffers from ptsd after being raped and "casually" meets Ashley and decides to stick around against ALL ODDS....
Part of it because she's thunderstruck /love first sight kind of 😂 , BUT nothing will be obvious about it. ...
Part is because she will be claiming her life back (healing again). Amy is strong too, in a different way, and that's not her world.....
I see Ashley/Amy relationship as a kind of love story/slooooooooooooooooow burn....I'll try to make it weird as possible and probably fail but we'll see 😉
The line relationship/love line will totally evolve with the flow.
I'll stop here because I' could probably go on and brag about Ashley even longer (You have my endless gratitude for giving me the opportunity btw 💗💗 )
Weird bonus facts
There is a "Jaime" in Ashley's background story that has been important to her, in a weird kind of way.... The guy is already dead but he' ha's been there with that exact name since the beginning. And now I know you 😉
Ashley has three scars : a long one on her right cheek, another on her forehead and a smaller like a sick joke of a smile on her left cheekbone....One year after she's born in my brain I have now a 25 stitches scar too (the recent surgery) . Lucky me on my smaller back not face but I can't help to think about some kind of parallel. For me casual/random don't exist. I just hope that it stops there....😅😅😅
Her favorite line is : "I don't care what you think" and goes around in my brain multiple times a day. Again, nothing casual.
"The end" for now 🙏💗💗🙏
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urnoflilliesandroses · 3 months
Light lies
[ Notice: this isn't conon to the Tcoaal game at all. I plan to write more of these cause why not. ]
Angel turned a page in her book. She was reading a book she managed to pawn off a man in robes. Her interest in Demonology had grown sense Mors came into her life making her feelings twist in a pleasant knot she didn't want to end. With Ashley and Andrew being codependent on each other gave her ample time to read.
Silence would make this all better. Unfortunately, her siblings won't give her this time to completely unwind. It was normal for arguments, fights, and dysfunction. Today Angel had it and went out to a place where she could be at peace for a minute. Only a minute.
She found Mors's form following her. He can sense her emotions. Her intentions; ever sense he chose her, they became more than Mors could had intended.
"Oleander? May I ask what's gotten to you so deep?"
"Ashley and Andrew are fighting over some shit. I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted silence. I need silence to calm down or else I'll fucking loose it!"
"Now now," a hand rubbed Angel's back, "there's no need to have violent impulsive thoughts. Remember, we have to wait until your older. For now, we can runaway from them. All of them."
"I'm still questioning if I should. I got everything I need and then some. I just-"
"Want to bring them." Mors finished Angle's sentence. Killing her thoughts, "they wouldn't listen to you. Ashley would just use Andrew to get to you. Andrew would be picking at every decision you make. Why would you want to uproot them when they've only came to you to take? Would it be worth dealing with Ashley's fits? You wouldn't be able to reclaim what was yours."
Her cat friend was killed. Ashley's dismissal echoed through her head. 'It was just a cat. Why are you so sensitive?' Ashley has always been cruel though Angel chalked it up from how she's been treated by their parents, specifically their mom.
"She didn't mean for it to hurt me. She didn't ever get love from mother or father. I just got ignored."
"Oleander. You've turned out different than her. What's her excuse?"
"mother and father don't love her. I at least have outside people. She has no one. Andrew is complicated in this. I'm not saying I don't love her but..," Angel curled into a ball, "I don't know how much I can take. I can't take care of them. I try so Andrew isn't doing everything."
"What do you choose?"
Angel thought in silence, "I choose me, Oleander."
"Very well then, let's go to our foundation. They'll be willing to help you. You're too young to be alone."
Angel didn't leave without a trace. A green for Andrew and pink rabbit for Ashley where left behind.
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hrthrob · 1 year
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ʙᴇꜱᴛꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅꜱ ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ
SYNOPSIS: You’re bestfriend Eunchae would never allow you to date her brother Sunghoon, you’ve never understood why, you thought you were the only one with the crush. Turns out Sunghoon also feels the same way. ♡
(IM A NEW WRITER! not really new but I’m mid, so if you see any misspellings, please tell me!!) ♡
Fem!reader, non-!idol, Sunghoonxreaderʚ☆ɞ
9.5k words
Warnings;;cursing, mentions of kissing. Lmk if there are any more!! READER IS BI!
✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧✮
You were at your bestfriends house hanging out like you usually are with her. You’re bestfriend is Eunchae, whos been you’re bestfriend since 5. You’d hate to admit her brother Sunghoon is someone who’s your type. And you can’t get him off you’re mind. You’re bestfriend would probably smack the shit out of you if she knew you were having wild fantasies about Sunghoon. The way he looks at you is something you wish it could stay forever. He has brown hair and big eyes that twinkles and his lips have a shape that makes your heart skip a beat, his skin is soft.
But you don’t want to think about that right now. You’re bestfriend is sitting next to you on her bed, talking about what was on tv earlier. It seems she’s obsessed with “The Office” as she calls it. You know what? Fuck it. You can’t focus on the conversation if your best friend keeps asking stupid questions, so you turn your head to see Sunghoon walking down the hall toward his room. You smile at him. You know better than to do that. You shouldn’t even be thinking about him, let alone smiling in his direction. His gaze lands on you and your bestfriend, and your grin immediately falls from your face. You look away from him quickly, trying to calm yourself, but you can’t stop yourself from watching him walk past. You feel like there’s an invisible force pulling you towards his figure. Your chest feels tight and when he turns around to glance at you, the feeling gets stronger. When did this start happening? You didn’t feel this way when you had a crush on a girl. What the hell? Why does it feel like you should just go up to him and grab his hand to hold or kiss him? Why does it feel like you should ask him why he stopped coming over to play video games with us? Why does it make you so uncomfortable to be around him? You try to shake the thoughts and feelings out of your head. Maybe it’s the fact that his stare is making you uncomfortable. Maybe it’s because he’s older than you (and really attractive too). Whatever the reason, you can’t stand being in the presence of Sunghoon. You don’t understand it, but it doesn’t matter anyway. What matters is that you have to get away from here before he sees your feelings. You need space. Just a little bit more space. You push yourself up from the bed, “I’m gonna head home. I’ve got some homework and stuff to do.” You smile at your bestfriend as she nods and stands up, “I’ll come by later after school. Let me know how it goes! Cya y/n!” She waves to you with a bright smile before leaving her bedroom. You turn and exit the house quietly. This isn’t new to you, you just need a moment to yourself to clear your head. So you walk into the dark woods behind your house. As you’re walking you hear footsteps behind you. You turn around to see Sunghoon walking towards you. You give him a quick glance and continue walking, keeping your pace slow as you lead him away. He follows suit with you, walking silently beside you. You can tell he wants to say something. You try to listen intently, maybe he can explain himself. But all that comes out of his mouth is, “Oh you left your phone Eunchae told me to bring it to you.” You nod and reach for your phone, taking it from his grasp. Then silence once again envelopes the two of you. You turn and keep walking, not sure where you’re going exactly, but you just know you don’t want to talk to Sunghoon right now. Especially when you’re red as fuck. That was embarrassing. You weren’t even looking at Sunghoon. You should have just turned around and faced him, but nooo. You couldn’t handle seeing him after you were so rudely interrupted in your thoughts. And when he started talking, you felt a shiver go up your spine. Not only was your body reacting physically, your brain was telling your subconscious body that you liked that boy very much. You groan and put your hand to your forehead in frustration.
This day hasn’t gone any better than it did yesterday. After a few moments of contemplation, you decide to take the chance and turn around. But Sunghoon grabbed your wrist. “What’s going on with you lately?” he asks, and for some reason you’re not expecting the question. “What do you mean?” You’re trying to sound nonchalant, but it sounds weak even to your own ears. You sigh loudly and turn back around to look up at him. He’s still holding onto your arm. “Something’s off with you.” Oh god. Here we go. “Just tell me what’s wrong.” You’re shaking your head no, you just want to hide under a rock until the end of time. “Please Y/N, just tell me what’s wrong, I mean we never talk but I know that you don’t act like this.” You try to pull away from him again but he grips your wrist tighter. You feel like you’re going to cry. You hate crying. You can’t show weakness like that. Not in front of him. “Just stop talking to me.” You manage to spit out through gritted teeth. You’re so angry that you almost laugh. Almost. “Fine,” Sunghoon mutters softly. His grip loosens and lets go. He gives you one last glance before turning around and walking away, leaving you standing alone in the dark. You just watch him leave with tears falling down your face. No. Don’t cry, you won’t let him see you cry. God damnit.
You sniffle and wipe away the stray tears as you walk inside your house since it was only a few blocks away, closing the door quietly. You lock it and sit down at the dining table. What a waste. Your bestfriend will probably tease you for days over this. It’s not fair, he’s not even here. You can’t help but feel bad about hurting his feelings though. You know you shouldn’t. It wasn’t like you wanted to hurt his feelings. It’s just that...he made you feel things you’ ve never felt before. He makes you feel things you haven’t ever felt before. You want to cry more, but you’ve already cried enough today. You’ll just have to ignore the feelings and hope they go away eventually. You don’t want to think about them anymore. You don’t want to feel anything else other than the overwhelming sense of loneliness that fills your whole body and soul.
You wake up the next morning feeling drained and emotionally exhausted. You’re tired as hell. You feel like you barely slept at all, but you know that sleep will probably not happen for a while. A sigh leaves your lips and you rub your eyes, trying your hardest to keep them open. Everything hurts. You feel like you haven't slept in weeks. Even if you try you can’t fall asleep easily. You don’t know why you even bother. You roll over on your bed and close your eyes, hoping to drift off. You lie there for a minute before finally giving up. You don’t remember falling asleep, but you must have passed out. The sun was shining through your window and the birds chirping outside woke you up a little less than fifteen minutes ago. You slowly open your eyes and take in a deep breath, realizing you were still lying on your stomach. You stretch your limbs out and then turn to check the time.
There are only five minutes left till class starts you didn’t wanna go anyways. You groan, you were supposed to be sleeping, but you know you aren’t going to get anymore rest without getting out of bed. You swing your legs over the side of the bed and take a few steps forward. You’re surprised when you trip on air and land flat on your back. With a groan, you sit up and run your fingers through your hair. You lean against the wall next to your bed and slide down it until your butt meets the cold floor. You wrap your arms around your knees and bury your face in them.
A few minutes pass before someone enters the room. You lift your head up and look towards the direction of the voice. It was Sunghoon. You look at him and smile, but he’s frowning, looking quite concerned. “How are you feeling Y/n?” His voice is soft and calm. “Oh by the way before you think I’m a creep, Eunchae told me to check up on you..” You raise an eyebrow confused. Why is he checking up on you? “Why would she want to check up on me?” you ask, genuinely curious. Sunghoon looks to the side uncomfortably before continuing to speak.
“She said that you looked kind of sad and upset when you walked out of your house yesterday. Is everything alright?” He sits on your bed and places his elbows on his thighs and leans forwards, looking straight at you. The corners of your lips twitches upward as you giggle. “So you came back huh? Good thing you did or else I really don’t know how I would’ve survived yesterday.” You grin at him and cross your arms over your chest, staring at him with your sparkling eyes. “You seem happy to see me.” Sunghoon raises an eyebrow at you, a playful smirk playing across his lips. You bite your lip and chuckle lightly, nodding your head. it was silent, but not awkward it was comforting silence. Sunghoon couldn’t help but look at your lips. They had slightly pouted out. His eyes flutter shut and he feels a warm sensation fill his entire body. He was so caught up in watching you that he didn’t notice you leaning forward. When he opens his eyes again, he realizes he’s only inches away from yours. You’re so close that he could count every single individual eyelash that covered your beautiful orbs. It wasn’t long until you closed your eyes too and leaned in to close the gap between the two of you. It took only seconds for the both of you to connect your lips together. A few moments later, you both break the kiss. He can feel your breath against his skin and hear your heartbeat.
“Eunchae will definitely kill us.”
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4fter-hours-archive · 4 months
━━ ✦  ( @inhumanhacker ) cont from here
As her leg pressed up against his, he felt a small jolt of electricity through him. They had all worked together once before but it was a group effort, he hadn't spent time alone with Ashley as they would be doing now. The thought made him nervous and excited at the same time.
Opening the link she had sent over, he listened intently as he looked at the information. This was new to him and he'd honestly listen to her recite the phone book happily if that was what she wanted to do. This was all much more intricate, he needed to make sure that he was leading the team to the right place. This wasn't just another artifact to retrieve for the highest bidder, this was the damned Book of the Dead. If he gave Elizabeth the wrong information, he'd never forgive himself.
❝ Okay, ley lines,❞ he repeated as his took it all in. Looking over at her laptop, he felt his eyes begin to cross. There were so many. ❝ How are we going to make sure any of these are the right one? Hamunaptra isn't something that has a for sure location. Nor can we prove exists, all I've been able to find on it is old legends, tales handed down. It's almost like its invisible. ❞ He hadn't meant ot sound so defeatist, but AJ was the kind of person who relied on logic, facts, things that could be seen, witnessed and proved. This new relic was going to be a tough one for him. ❝ I'll take your lead on this one, just let me know what you are looking for and I'll find it. ❞
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yukimeyume · 1 year
The story takes place from season 5x05. Rosalind is dead, John and Bailey have become engaged and are planning their wedding. Almost simultaneously, Ashley has broken up with Tim in hospital. Lucy comes to visit her good friend to check on him, unaware of her "good fortune".
Please excuse my bad English, I am from Germany.
Chapter 1 Hospital
"What are you doing here?" asked Tim, his face contorted in pain as he tried to straighten up a little. He hated being so restricted. But most of all, he didn't want Lucy to see him so miserable. Ashley had just broken up with him, but since the undercover mission with Lucy in Las Vegas, all he could think about was her. Even the 'practice kiss' in Lucy's flat had triggered feelings in him that he would never have thought possible, let alone right. If Tamara, Lucy's puppy hadn't walked in the door, they certainly wouldn't have stopped. Even if it was wrong, he wished they hadn't stopped.
Even their kiss on the plane, which was just to keep from blowing his cover, triggered something in him. And then only the situation in their hotel room. Lucy was so strong and independent and overpowered the criminals easily. Even if he would have hoped that they wouldn't have shown up in the first place.
And then there was the situation outside Lucy's flat after they had returned to LA. If Chris hadn't been lying there, would they have...? He had already thrown his reason overboard and it would not have been unlikely.
There was something between them. A strange chemistry he couldn't explain. They were first instructor and rookie, then Sargent and officer, rather partners and friends and now? Was it just a skip act in the context of the mission? No this relationship had developed over a longer period of time and the undercover mission had only brought out what he felt.
Now he was kind of glad Ashley had left him, even though he knew it wouldn't work out with Lucy because she was with Chris. But even so, it wasn't going to work out with Ashley anymore. That wouldn't have been fair to her. 
"Well I've come to check on you," Lucy said and sat down by Tim's bed with a small smile. She stroked her hair and surveyed Tim. He looked done in. The surgery seemed to have left its scars - literally - the hospital clothes made him look very pale.
"That's nice, but you don't have to stay." "I know I don't have to. But I want to. After all, I'm making myself so-called. Where's Ashley anyway?"  "Yeah that's a funny story," Tim said, trying to avoid Lucy's gaze. "Funny then? What happened? You're not usually this sarcastic. And don't try lying to me. I know when you're lying." Tim sighed. She was right he couldn't fool her at least not when it was so unprepared. "She left me. She didn't want to relive that thing with her dad." Lucy didn't answer. But Tim could see she couldn't decide between joy and pity. "And how is Chris?" so he tried to change the subject. "Good, I think. I don't know. We broke up."  "Why's that? I thought things were going well between you." Tim had to be careful not to grin over both ears. Because now that Lucy was single, they might have a chance. "After the Rosalind thing, I've been thinking. He really is a dream man but he's not my dream man."
At the last part she looked intently at Tim, before she quickly averted her eyes again. She wanted to kiss him so much right now. She didn't understand when it had gone from friendly feelings to romantic ones but she accepted it. She liked Tim.
Tim noticed the intimate eye contact and tried to return it as lovingly as possible, but the pain took over and he winced briefly. When he opened his eyes again, she had already applied her gaze. "So where do we go from here?" he asked out of nowhere after they had just stared holes in the air for a while. "What do you mean?" she asked and Tim could clearly detect uncertainty in her voice. What was so bad about that question? "Don't you want to go home? You don't have to stay here." "What, oh that's what you meant. No it's fine, if you don't mind I'll stay." Tim looked at Lucy in confusion. What had she meant that he meant? "No stay but I'm afraid I can't offer you anything," he tried to say jokingly and Lucy smiled. "I'm not even sure about that."
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wafflesinthe504 · 2 years
The Rookie 5x09 Thoughts
Spoilers for The Rookie 5x09 below. If you've watched the episode or don't care about spoilers, please enjoy!
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Part two of the winter finale. A lot more things going on this time around.
Wade's absolute disdain for NYC was funny. Like he just wants to his daughter and go back home but he can't because his daughter's missing. Which probably makes him hate NYC even more but he's probably going to be making more visits to see his daughter just to make sure she's safe.
Seeing Wade outside of the station was so much fun and I wish we got to see it more often. Wade and Luna becoming the ultimate duo and tracking down leads and fighting criminals to find their daughter was amazing to watch. Us being able to see Wade go a little cowboy and doing whatever he has to do to get his daughter back.
I can't help but think that even though he was acting as the grounding for his wife helping her to stay positive about finding Dominique alive that Wade was doing it as much for his sake as his wife because the last time someone went missing like this was Jackson.
The whole family is just so cool. I was so happy when they found Dominique just in time. The scenes with all of them together were so cute.
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Celina's storyline this episode was really good and I like how they paralleled it to Nolan's from an earlier season. Lisseth's acting was really on point this episode and I enjoyed being able to see a more emotional side to Celina. Seeing her struggle possibly killing a guy with the potential of losing her badge and having to figure out if she could live with killing a person whether on purpose or accident. For a moment at the end I thought she was going to leave. If she had left I would have been sad to see her go but it had the potential to make sense with her realizing that she couldn't take a life.
I felt Celina's relief when John told her that her arrest wasn't the reason behind the suspect's/victim's death. I figured that everything would be okay with Celina considering we all saw him get stomped but there was still enough tension there that had me worried about Celina's career.
I'm glad that she's still here. I wonder if she'll continue after this season or if they will have John training a different rookie next season.
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Aaron and Lucy teaming up while Tim takes the seat of acting watch commander while Wade is in New York. Tim jumping over the broken glass to help with fighting the prisoners who broke out was highlight for me.
Aaron and Lucy helping out the Avatar cosplay was fun to see. Aaron geeking out about the Avatar cosplayer while Lucy has no clue what's going on. (Also Lucy backing away from the Avatar cosplayer when he was trying to give her a hug was had me cracking up.)
I really enjoyed watching their dynamic and seeing Aaron trying to help Lucy figure out how to break up with Chris. (Aaron with that one tear coming down his face as while Lucy was practicing the breakup.)
With them taking on the second part of the investigation and finding the baby I liked seeing how they work together. Especially since it's likely that they're going to be working together a lot more since Lucy and Tim are finally dating. Lucy and Aaron both fighting the shooter was great to watch. Honestly, I just like when we can see some hand-to-hand combat.
Lucy finding and holding the baby was adorable.
Now finally what we've all been waiting for... Lucy and Tim becoming official!
Even though they technically they didn't have a lot of scenes together this episode every time they interacted was magic.
When Lucy came in when Chris was asking Tim about his opinion on a house you could feel the awkwardness. Once Lucy and Tim were alone you could see how ready he was to be able to ask Lucy out again.
I think Lucy's breakup with Chris was done better than Ashley and Tim's breakup. I feel like Lucy and Chris' breakup was more intentional and the reasoning made more sense than what was given for Ashley and Tim's breakup. This is because while Tim and Ashley were obviously not meant for each other when it came to the actual breakup scene none of the previously established reasons were used.
The (second) asking out scene with Tim and Lucy was so cute. I was screaming in joy during the entire scene. Tim focusing solely on Lucy showing that he's much more confident about entering the relationship with Lucy still being hesitant and looking around but still taking a step towards Tim showing she's nervous but still finally ready to be in a serious relationship.
Everything was just so perfect I can't wait to see canon Chenford play out on screen.
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Hope you enjoyed. If you want come chat with me in the comments about anything The Rookie related.
Until next time have a good day or night.
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spoilertv · 5 months
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donnabroadway · 10 months
RHOP Season 8 Ep. 2 thoughts
I wish they would let the new ladies organically form their own relationships and connections with the group. It seems like every season, they bring in a new lady with the intention of her being a foil to whoever the target is that season. They brought in Mia to go against Candiace, Charrisse, even though she isn't new, to go against Karen, Deborah to bring baseless allegations against Chris and Eddie, and now it seems like they're bringing in Nneka to go against Wendy, and it's tired. I know it's a show and they don't have time for slow burn or lukewarm friendships but at least get to know the group. It is unnatural to come into a situation already having an enemy. None of these ladies knew each other, even Karen and Charrisse were just acquainted, so it's unnatural.
Nneka, take you, your husband, and your generational wealth and get off this show. Make this your last season. I don't see how this show will benefit you, except by getting famous but if you don't succeed in tearing Wendy down, then you will be the next target of the Green Eyed Bandits. Even if you do succeed and stay in the clique, you're already getting calls about what you're saying and doing on this show and it was only your first group scene, it won't end well for you. Mia's marriage and life was upended, Juan can no longer cheat in peace, Ashley is divorced, Monique is divorced, Michael's reputation and business has probably suffered, Charrise chose this show over her marriage, Katie has had her personal struggles, and Wendy is next, if she doesn't get off this show. Nothing positive can come to you and your family by being on this show. You're happily married, young, beautiful, and successful, all the things Gizelle hates. I know Gizelle is already chomping at the bit to ruin your life and spread rumors about your husband looking oogly eyed to some random woman in his club. Run, don't walk away from this group.
Robyn is not leaving Juan and Juan is not leaving Robyn. They're comfortably, uncomfortable in the situation they're in, leave them alone.
Gizelle is trying to save Robyn and Robyn is trying to save Juan and neither want to be saved. Gizelle, as annoying as she may be as an unofficial producer, does know what the show needs and she knows people need Robyn to cry and show some emotion, even Juan knows it to, as I'm sure he, Gizelle, and Robyn have had some conversations about the show, public perception and how to save her job but Juan has been cheating on Robyn since they were teenagers and obviously she's okay with it. It affects her but not enough to leave. Juan can dribble a ball but not much else. If Juan was smarter with how he moved on the show and his assistant coach, then he'd still be employed. Coppin, though a good school, is not a top school and no one but alumni goes to watch Coppin play anything, so this was the most attention they've gotten ever. If Juan wants another job, he needs to either get off this show or tighten up. No school wants this type of attention.
I want Juan and Robyn to find another way to make money because clearly they are private people and don't want to be on this show. I think Gizelle fights so hard for Robyn is because Robyn is a buffer and an ally between her and the other ladies and if Robyn left, then Gizelle wouldn't have any protection and true friends on the cast.
Ashley gets away with the mess because she is an equal opportunity offender. She may be messy, spread rumors, and hit below the line but she knows when too far is too far and she will say that. Ashley is equally messy but I wish she stayed away from the Osu talk. As a black American, it's above her paygrade and she needs to find something else. Even if Wendy was Osu, what would Ashley, a biracial woman raised in a black household in the whitest county in the Baltimore region do with that information?
I don't like Karen's wig. It looks half done. It's blonde in the front, half brown/half blonde everywhere else. If they wanted to do blonde in the front and brown with highlights it would be cute but I'm not seeing the vision.
I think Gizelle is the only person who has truly benefited from this show. I noticed her new car and she has a stylist. This week was the first time I truly liked any of Gizelle's fashions. I am looking for that dress. I just wish she would finish her house. I know it takes time and money, and since this is her job, she probably schedules it around filming or when she gets paid but she's been working on her house for about four years. I get the house is an investment but a $1 million can get you any house you want in any zip code and that house was a scam because she can get a decent house for cheaper than that but she wants what she wants.
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wifeofbath · 2 years
Notes from Soo and Adam’s talk for Terror Camp: Spring Edition
Here are my (extensive) notes from the Terror Camp talk with Soo and Adam. Even though the event only lasted a little over an hour, I took four pages of notes because they had so much that was interesting to say. The video will be available soon, but I wanted to type this up.
·      Both Adam and Soo are looking great. Soo had a very interesting lamp and what appeared to be an anime poster (?) in the background. Adam was in a house with a gorgeous garden.
·      First question was what job would Soo and Adam like to have on a 19th century ship. Soo said probably caulking, definitely not cooking. Adam wanted Collins’s job and being able to go into the diving apparatus under water. If not that, the captain.
·      For favorite relationships on the show, Adam said Crozier and Franklin, especially their scene in Episode 3. Soo said Bridgens and Peglar, especially how people’s perceptions of that relationship changed over the series, as well as Crozier and Fitzjames, especially the Victory Point scene. Adam agreed.
·      Soo also added Crozier and Hickey. Adam noted how he realized during filming that Crozier and Hickey are only alone together twice, once in the cabin in Episode 2 and then the tent in Episode 10.
·      About Adam’s earlier comment about Crozier and Hickey being soulmates, Hickey was very much of the belief that the world was made for him, that he dropped out of the sky and everything revolved around him, and that included Crozier. Crozier was so many things wrapped up in one: mentor, friend, potential lover, father, mortal enemy, and someone Hickey ultimately had to overcome.
·      Favorite horror films and writers: For Soo, horror is something very personal and subjective. She finds war films to be some of the scariest films (note: would love to hear Soo’s thoughts on 1917). By the classic definition of horror, Blair Witch Project, especially since she is originally from the Maryland area and Don’t Look Now, both the film and Daphne du Maurier short story (excellent choice!)
·      Adam is not much of a horror person (note: like Edward Ashley). He also remembers going to see Blair Witch with his dad when he was very young and not wanting to go. He spend most of the movie with his hands over his ears and left early. Jaws also made a big impression on him, and he had issues swimming in a pool afterwards (beware the magic swimming pool shark). He commented that that’s the perfect kind of fear because it’s just real enough to be plausible.
·      Both don’t really think of The Terror as a horror show
·      For the fan reaction to the Terror, both are very grateful. Soo commented how the lack of marketing and attention the show initially received were heartbreaking. Adam agreed. Even though he’s not on social media, he’s seen how much people have learned about the show and the history. It’s a testament to the show’s great writing he said that it makes people want to explore. “We did become a family,” Soo said.
·      Adam is also getting recognized some more now that The Terror has aired in the UK. He told a story about going out and he was wearing a coat similar to Hickey’s and someone complimented him on his performance.
·      When asked about the point of no return for the show, Adam immediately said Hickey’s flogging. That was game over because Hickey could have been a great ally but Crozier made an enemy. Soo went earlier when the men did not listen to Silna’s warning that they were all going to disappear in Episode 2. On a more atmospheric note, after Carnivale when the sun goes down, there’s the sense that they’re not coming back from this.
·      Soo answered one of my questions which was that the show gives more voice to its female characters than the novel and whether this was intentional from the start or if it developed over time. Soo responded that it was very important to bring out these voices and make the show fully fleshed out (pun not intended) by showing these perspectives. In a visual medium, it’s clear when someone has no voice, she said. She noted that Silna was very, very different in the book and that had to change, but she couldn’t remember Lady Jane and Sophia having much attention or any chapters devoted to them. Katie Dowd the moderator mentioned Platypus Pond, and that made Soo burst out laughing. No one likes Platypus Pond.
·      Adam received a question about the literary sources he used as he built EC. There were a lot, not just Genet, including the autobiography of the founder of Greenpeace although he couldn’t remember the name on the top of his head (note: I think it’s either Shadow Warrior or Rainbow Warrior), Blood Meridian, particularly the character of the Judge (note: interesting because I thought it would be “the kid”). Adam commented that he brought up the idea of shaving his whole body in the climax of The Terror with Dave. Dave was encouraging but said that they will have to go back and shoot some earlier scenes, so that didn’t happen. Of course The Thief’s Journal and Our Lady of the Flowers (he had encountered Genet’s plays in drama school) were on his reading list but also elements of Genet himself were incorporated into EC.
·      Something Adam noted was that when he’s cast for a role, he doesn’t automatically go looking for books. It’s more what he has been reading that helps influence what he does. When he acts, he believes in finding the truest part of yourself and that can start with the most recent books you’ve been reading because that can illuminate the parts that you might keep hidden.
·      Also he believes that books are the most important thing in this world (note: I love this man)
·      Adam’s current book recs are Naomi Klein and Thomas Piketty’s works (that hasn’t changed). If reading Piketty, go for the full thing, not the abridged versions. He also recommends Primo Levi’s Periodic Table, Gregory Chaitin’s works (MetaMath). He’s currently reading Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography (!) and recommends going to the Greek classics and myths (note again: I love this man)
·      For Soo, she’s been reading a lot about polar exploration and adventuring and WWII for her new show (The White Darkness) and Pachinko. That led to a question about whether Soo was always interested in polar exploration. The answer is no. She hates the cold, but she loves exploring what it was like for these people. The thing that attracts her the most is their indomitable spirit. She loves telling the stories of ordinary people facing incredible odds.
·      She commented that was one of the things she loved about The Terror, that all the characters, especially Hickey (!) never lost sight of their humanity.
·      Adam got a two-part question about if Hickey lived today, what would his life be like and if he had access to Marxist thought in England, how would that have affected his outlook and relationship to others.
·      Adam went a little more into his Hickey backstory that EC was one of those boy mill workers (like the Scuttlers), an orphan with no memory of the first few years of his life. He was very involved in revolutionary activity up north, involved in assassination plots like blowing up the mayor’s house or trying to kill the owner of the mill. Adam indicated that’s why Hickey had to leave England (note: interesting because I don’t think that’s something that’s ever come up in fanworks). He wrote a story as part of his prep about Hickey making friends and becoming an anarchist. Hickey was very much involved in the labor movement, but Adam said if he had stayed in it he would have ended up like Stalin (!)
·      In terms of what Hickey would be like today, it’s a question Adam has thought of some but one he dreads. The key thing is that Hickey had good taste. He’s creative, He’s smart, not an overt narcissist. He has style, so he would not be a serial killer or dictator. He has known love. Adam thinks modern Hickey would probably be in the intelligence service (spy!Hickey!) or maybe be like Genet and express himself through writing and art. Key quote: “Eating people on a boat doesn’t make you a bad person.”
·      Soo then commented on the thoughtful foundation Adam had built with Hickey. She had never seen an actor do that before. Adam commented that he didn’t know how to play a character except through doing that kind of developing work. But his idea of who Hickey was came quicker than any other character he’s played, and he credits the script for that.
·      When asked about the book-to-screen adaptation process, Soo said that she prefers doing book adaptations. She said you have to break the spine of the novel and in the process, it becomes a stew (note: Soo said this much more eloquently than in my notes). In terms of her favorite scenes from the novel, she really liked Carnivale, and the show’s version was very different.
·      One of the things she enjoyed and was most unexpected in the research was how impressive the people were. She noted that pragmatism was the difference between survival and death and it was the minute details of these people’s lives, like the job of the cook, that made them real.
·      Adam was asked about working on real sets versus CGI, and by far he prefers real sets. The sensory system of actually having things around is very important, and on a CGI set, he can accidentally hurt himself (like his voice) without those real surroundings. It’s easy to forget what the elements can do to you. He also briefly referenced Proust’s madeleine quote (“No sooner had the warm liquid mixed with the crumbs touched my palate than a shudder ran through me...”) about how being surrounded by smells and tangible things can help a performance. That wasn’t a problem on The Terror set though because it was so beautiful and the ship was real.
·      Adam also wants smell-o-vision in theaters.
·      Soo was asked about working with Dave. Dave spoiled her for co-showrunner relationships, she said. Dave had been working on The Terror for ten years before she came on board, so that was a little intimidating. But there never was a sharp divide between them. They were always on the same page, a mind meld, which really helped production run smoothly. She called it a “magical experience.”
·      Adam was asked about working with Paul Ready. He admitted that his opinion on Paul changed as production went on. At first he thought, “Oh he can’t be that sweet in real life” and said that was probably Hickey whispering in his ear, but after he ran into Paul once production finished, yeah, Paul Ready really is like that. Working with Paul was very easy. Paul is very professional and concentrated when he’s working.
·      Soo was asked about Marcus’s score and the title sequences. She discussed working with Elastic Antibody (who also worked on Pachinko) and using Marcus’s “soundscape” to marry the foreground, background, and negative space. She and Dave initially said not to show ice in the opening to avoid fetishizing the landscape. What Elastic does that she loves is how they get to the heart of the show in a subversive way. She loves the opening, and she wishes it got more attention, especially the shots of the faces peeling away to show what’s underneath.
·      Adam was asked about Hickey’s physicality. Hickey is never the kind to waste calories. He mentioned in Episode 7 when they’re preparing to leave, Hickey is leaning against the boat sunbathing. As a caulker’s mate, the only way to express himself is with his body. Adam wasn’t expecting them to film him in that moment, so he was surprised when he saw it, but Hickey was taking in the sun. At the end, his physicality changes as he is preparing to be able to “ride the Tuunbaq” eating a lot of protein (note: Billy protein). When he kills Irving, the thing is not to waste energy. The knife will do the work. He remembered getting cramped and thinking in Hickey’s mind, “This really shouldn’t have been that hard.”
·      Fundamentally, Hickey is lazy.
·      Soo was asked what it was like working on such a male-heavy production, and she was surprised she hasn’t gotten that question a lot before. It helped that it was a British cast, very professional, without a lot of the drama that comes with other casts. Everyone helped each other. For Nive, Soo was in awe because Nive had come from so far away, and she really was the only woman on set for much of the production. She told Nive to come to her if the guys gave her any problems, and Nive said, “Oh don’t worry. I got it.” There were no issues, btw. Soo said, “Nive is tough.”
·      Some of Adam’s favorite filming memories were getting up very early, 5 am, and going out in Budapest among all the people heading to work. He said it made him feel like one of the Hungarians. He’d go to an old mill with a gym at the top and box. It was a lot of fun and nice to see the city so early in the morning. He talked a little about his diet as Hickey with the caveat of “Don’t do this. It was incredibly unhealthy!” but that mindset of the adrenaline and euphoria of being free of food, that suffering, was very helpful for understanding Hickey.
·      He also discussed how much Dave and Soo helped him feel confident on set. It’s extremely rare as an actor to be on a production with that much genuine empathy and care.
·      Soo received a question about her interest in period dramas and if she had any favorite eras that she would like to do a show about. Soo loves working on period dramas. Her dream project is something on the US Civil War battle of Antietam because it’s the battle that defined what happened to America. She would love to do something combining the Pachinko cast with The Terror cast, but she’s not sure what that story would be. She is very proud of her ability to cast the best actors for the role and let them run with their parts. She also mentioned that Edward Berger’s, one of the Terror’s directors, involvement in the new All Quiet on the Western Front.
·      Adam got another of my questions which was which was more fun or challenging for him, when he’s playing someone who has a lot of information about them like Branwell, someone who there isn’t much about them like Vasily Ignatenko or Adam Louvel, or when he has to build the character like EC. Hands down when he has to build the character. Although he seems to have a face made for period dramas (Adam said a face for things before 1986), he much prefers fictional characters. He commented on going to a dinner at the Athenaeum Club in London that’s next to the statue of Franklin and feeling a very strong distaste for the idea that there has to be a movie or tv show for every real person. He’s done it, but no dramatization can compare to a real person’s life. He much prefers to make it up, have a guide, and then let loose. For Vasily Ignatenko, that was too much, too tragic. For Branwell, a lot of the appeal in that project was the worship of the three sisters and how their brother was determined to be the worst version of himself. (note: despite Adam’s distaste for the proliferation of biopics, I still want to see him play Richard II and T.E. Lawrence)
·      The aspects of the show they’re most proud of: for Soo it’s that the show doesn’t pander to its audience. There’s no false horror, no jump scares. They could have focused too much on the Tuunbaq and milked that horror element, but they didn’t. It’s a show about brotherhood and love. It was hard not to cave into the pressure of making a “hit”, but they resisted. Adam agreed. It takes its time and doesn’t pack itself into something that gets easy Emmy wins. He commented that it’s about as close to art as you can get.
·      Soo went further talking about Goodsir’s last visions, saying, “beauty takes his hand” (note: excuse me while I cry), and the scene of Hickey’s camp pulling the boat and how they were all tethered together.
·      She told a funny story where she was wondering why it took a bit for the men to actually start moving when filming started, so they got her hooked to the boat and she realized “Oh this is really heavy!”
·      On a more serious note, it’s about how these bodies become one, especially once the cannibalism begins.
·      They noted how it sets Hickey and Crozier apart. Hickey is very much go-it-alone. That was his downfall. Adam said that with his alcoholism, Crozier could have chosen to go it alone with shame and death, but he overcame that. He chose brotherhood and people. But Hickey from the beginning is resigned to be alone, and that’s his tragedy. It’s something Hickey believed from a young age. He referenced a line from There Will Be Blood where Daniel Plainview (Daniel Day Lewis’s character) says, “I need to get away from everyone, these people.” Maybe if he had lived Hickey would have become an oil baron, but when we see him in the show, Hickey is still young.
·      As part of the last few minutes, Soo asked if Adam would have done anything differently. Adam said no. Hickey doesn’t make corrections, but more seriously, Adam might have paced himself a little more.
·      We also got to see the puppy! It’s Adam’s girlfriend’s parents’ dog, and it is the cutest thing. His name is Badger, and he’s twelve weeks old. (note: I could listen to Adam speak soothingly to Badger for twelve hours).
·      Finally, will we ever know what EC stands for? NEVER! But maybe for a charity drive for the right cause in a few years. Possibly. Who knows.
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itsoneofthemuses · 2 years
Chenford + Lucy rejects Tim because she's afraid of her feelings for him
I won't lie, anon, this prompt was challenging because I don't feel this fits for Lucy (or, at least, my interpretation of her).  Having said that, I tried my best.  And when I was listening to Alicia Key's cover of ocean eyes (highly recommend), this is what popped into my head.
title: i’ve never fallen from quite this high, available on AO3 here (with proper formatting)
rating: gen, mildly angsty maybe
warnings: it mentions canon events, so if you’re up to date on S4, you’re fine
a/n: the title comes from the billie eillish song “ocean eyes” although I am only familiar with the Alicia Keys’ version.
The UC op is over within a few weeks, longer than expected, but not as long as it could've been and things go back to normal.  Or, as normal as they've been since Jackson died.
She's Tim's aide, she's dating Chris, and she's looking out for Tamara.  All is as it should be.  Until it's not.  She and Chris hit the six-month mark and it's her longest relationship since she was in grad school and she feels less for Chris, still, than she did for Bobby.  Bobby who she dated, she can admit now, because she was following the path of expectations laid down by her parents, by society.  She ends it with Chris because she took a leap once before, by applying for the academy,  and that worked out and, she thinks, she's not so scared of being alone, not anymore.
It's a guilty thought, that one, but it's true.  Tamara started college, Jackson died, and Lucy...  Lucy had felt a little unmoored as Tim moved up to sergeant, Nolan found happiness with Bailey, Nyla prepared for another baby, and Angela settled into being a detective and a mother while Lucy muddled through on her own.  Six months later and things are different.
Tim, on the other hand, keeps dating Ashley.  Lucy watches him, occasionally, feeling like she has more insight but less access to Tim's inner thoughts after the UC op draws to a close.  She watches him and it seems to her, from the outside looking in, like he's going through the motions with Ashley.  She briefly wonders if maybe he’s scared of being alone too, but it's Tim and she's a little scared to ask.  He and Ashley cancelled their Hawaii trip because of the op and it never got rescheduled, but their relationship endures.
They nearly, nearly, hit the year mark, but it ends just before when Ashley abruptly dumps Tim.  The only reason, Lucy thinks, that she knows this is because Ashley does it in front of her.  She catches her eye briefly and Lucy is startled to realize that Ashley isn't surprised to see her.  No, she looks relieved and Lucy isn't really sure what to make of that.  It's not intentional, not on Lucy's part anyway, that she's here for this, but Ashley found Tim in the parking garage as they were walking out and Lucy hadn't thought to leave only because they'd been in the middle of a conversation.  Tim had been surprised to see Ashley and she had assumed he’d greet Ashley, they’d finish their conversation, and part ways.  She hadn't really expected to bear witness to their break up.
"I'm sorry, Tim, but...  I think we both held on longer than we really wanted to."  Ashley shakes her head, cutting off Tim's protests before he can get them out.  "We did, you know we did.  I just..."  She takes a deep breath and blows it out.  "I thought it would be easier, I've been practicing for weeks, but, it's still really hard."  Lucy sees Tim wince at that but he stays quiet now, as Ashley gathers her thoughts.  
"We both had to work so hard to stay together and, Tim, relationships take effort, I know that, but they shouldn't be this hard.  After that double date, I had my doubts, but it was so early, you know?  I feel like we both knew after that conversation about marriage but then there was that UC op...  Didn't you ever wonder why neither of us made a big deal about rescheduling our vacation?"  She shrugs, almost helplessly.  "It feels like we've been going through the motions for a long time, now, and I think...  I think that has to stop."  He nods, just once, and Ashley smiles, sadly as she hands over the bag she was carrying.  "I collected some things of yours I had borrowed and...  Anyway.  I have to go, dad's waiting.  I'm sorry, Tim, I really am.  Take care of yourself."  She nods at Lucy, too, and Lucy knows the message there is 'take care of him' because Ashley's washed her hands of the task.
Strike while the iron is hot.  Lucy knows she has a finite amount of time, a short window, before Tim starts to shut down and refuses to let her see his vulnerabilities so she hustles him into his car and informs him, very gently but also very clearly, that she is coming over.  She sits with him, that night, just for a while: makes him eat dinner, takes care of Kojo, and lets him talk or not as he wants.  Everyone has their own grieving process, their own break up ritual, but tonight, at least, Tim knows he’s not alone just because he’s once more flying solo.
 Lucy doesn’t realize it then, but that night, that’s when the shift starts.
She and Tim, they’ve been through a lot together, and their relationship has held different labels while simultaneously defying definitions no matter how hard one of them has tried to force a specific shoe to fit.  And for the first time, the following things are all true at the same time: they are friends, they are both single, they are attracted to each other, and they are not grieving.
It’s heady until it’s scary.
Lucy can officially test out and after being a sergeant’s aide for a year, after two wildly successful UC ops, Lucy has options.  The problem is, UC doesn’t have the same appeal it once did.  She lost time with Jackson, time she’ll never get back, and she doesn’t want that to happen with Tamara, with Tim, with Nyla and Angela, and everyone else when she’s gone at a moment’s notice for weeks or months at a time.  Lucy loves her people fiercely and she knows they would thrive even if she wasn’t around, knows she’d be okay if she had to go it alone, but she doesn’t want to.  That is a sacrifice she no longer wants to make, not yet anyway.
What’s becoming more and more apparent is that detective seems like the best path to take and, more than that, it’s a viable path.  She has so much experience under her belt already, she is smart and diligent, and she has Angela and Harper pulling for her.  She’s met with Carradine once or twice, while assisting on investigations, and he’s raised a brow at her contributions.  Lucy thinks he’s been impressed.  
She talks about it, just once, with Tim and he’s gruff and grumpy and grumbly.  She lets him have his mutters and his scoffs because they’re not directed at her.  Instead, he scoffs at Carradine trying to steal her, he mutters about Vice asking after her repeatedly, and he even complains, under his breath, about Grey prodding him about Lucy’s next steps.  The end result is that in his own roundabout way, Tim encourages her to pursue detective.
“You serious about it?  You think that’s where you want to go?”  Lucy nods decisively.  She’s talked it out with Harper, with Lopez, checked in with Grey, and she’s sure.  Tim is her last stop.  He nods back.  “You’d be good at it.”  He eyes her intently, his gaze assessing, “You wouldn’t be able to ride with me anymore.”
“So?  You think you’re getting rid of me that easily after all that?”  She gestures widely as if to encompass all of their history.  “I don’t think so, Tim.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.  Okay, Chen.”  He nods again.  “Let’s make a plan.”
He catches her later, after the end of shift, and they walk out together.
“You have some time next week, maybe grab a drink?”  His words surprise her a little and she meets his eyes with a smile, fully prepared to say yes when she realizes what she knows, now, Tim has already figured out: it’s been three months since the end of his relationship with Ashley, five since Lucy and Chris broke up, and they just spent all day making a plan for Lucy to enter the next phase of her career - one where Tim has no control, no real influence, at all.
The ephemeral possibility, the intangible hope of all of that actually meaning something, is suddenly all too real.
“I would love to, but you know, the new assignment was a little unexpected.  I already have to shift around some things with Tamara and Lopez booked me for babysitting duty.”  She gives a small smile because declining his invitation, no matter her reason, hurt.  “Rain cheque?”  He nods easily.
Over the next three weeks, Lucy ducks, evades, declines, and ignores Tim’s invitations.  He doesn’t seem to notice anything amiss and Lucy knows that’s in part because he has no reason to think anything is off.  She responds to the group texts and she meets them for after-shift drinks when she can, she checks in about Kojo, and she’s at work same as usual.  Besides that, they’re both adults with responsibilities and lives so why would he think anything of it?  Lucy knows it can’t last but she’s not quite ready for everything “real” entails, not after what the last year has been, not when real has come to mean tragedy.
A week later and Lucy is canvassing for the detectives on a homicide when she sees something in the window of the second floor, in what looks like the attic.  She calls it in and when she hears breaking glass, but no response to her calls, she has probable cause and enters.  She follows protocol, she does everything right.  She leaves the one suspect handcuffed to the railing of the front porch but she’s surprised, as she heads up to the second story, by a second suspect who body checks her into the wall as he runs out of the house.  She would’ve gone after him, but there’s clearly someone crying in the room up the stairs, the smoke drifting out around the closed door, so Lucy makes the call to save a life instead.  
She does everything right, but she still ends up on a second story ledge, as a fire that’s raging behind her cuts off any other exits, except the one out the window.  The fire department is still a minute out and she doesn’t have that time.  She’s thankful, at least, that the victim she found has already safely found purchase on the open ground below.  She has Tim, though.  He’s there on site as patrol sergeant.
“C’mon, Chen!”  She stares at him, meets his eyes, those devastating ocean blue eyes, and Lucy can’t remember why she was ever scared.  “You have to jump, Lucy, I’ve got you.”
It’s two stories high and Tim is waiting for her.  She lowers herself down as far as she can, takes a deep breath, and lets herself fall.
Falling two stories doesn’t take long and Lucy lands as perfectly as she can - on the balls of her feet, on the grass, her police-issued boots absorb some of the impact, and then she’s stumbling into Tim’s arms.  A few tears escape as the adrenalin wears off and the scrapped raw sensation in her throat settles in, but her eyes don’t leave his.  Falling has never been easier.
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