#but as a Wheatley he also gets to answer the Wheatley questions
wheat-angel · 11 months
Questions 1-5 from the Casual Ask Game for Wheatley if he doesn't mind (@dzvagabond)
(Thank you for the ask @dzvagabond ! You're also giving me the chance to answer this with the two different Wheatley's that I F/O. >:3c)
1. Well, go on, introduce yourself!
Oh bloody- THAT'S what I was forgetting to do yesterday! Sorry sorry, I'll get on with that now.
'Ello there! I'm Wheatley Merchant. Here's a picture of me Ry drew.
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(Ignore the date that's wrong now whoops)
Uhhh I'm not sure what else to tell you other than what's on that reference, honestly, kinda already covers a lot, yeah? I mean, obviously I'm the one on the left right now. But that's a given. I suppose th@t'S mE-
...uH, 'eLl0?
Oh! Hi there. Sorry had to connect in to see the question- Oh I thought I forgot something! Well, let me do that now: My name is Wyatt Lee. Sector- Nope, not the MCA, Lee.
Uh, 'scuse me. Force of habit, MCA is where I work y'see. J-Just call me Lee. Anyways, I have a drawing of me and Rylan that she drew... Ah! Found it!
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Uh, let's see, I'm 7'0- Yes I'm serious and yes the weather is good up here- and as you can see I'm an android. I'm pansexual and use He/Him pronouns. Uh, I think that's all the basics? Let's see, what's next?
(The rest of Lee's responses will be Purple for the sake of ease.)
2. So, how have you and (Rylan) been? What have you two been up to recently?
Been good! Not really much of note being honest. Except Halloween recently, but we just kinda cuddled and ate candy.
Great! The only thing I can think of is we went to a work party for Halloween with some co-workers/friends. Ry's been going out more and more so I can go to a few parties which I appreciate. I personally love em, but I promise I pay it back in full by equally spending time inside with her. And even if they don't wanna go that's OK too!
3. How did you and (Rylan) meet anyways? What was that first encounter like?
...Back in Aperture. Yeahhh that's uh. I don't think I really need to describe the first encounter besides we were in a bad situation and trying to get out of it. So uh. Skip.
It was when Rylan first started working for the MCA. They got scared shitless when they heard my voice for the first time. Nearly jumped a full foot off the ground... Then apologized when they saw me and said "Sorry, you just sounded like a friend I had." Uh, I kinda didn't get it then, but looking back, they were talking about their Wheatley from their world.
4. So, like, how is (Rylan) as a person?
Ohhh where to begin? She's just- They're so amazing y'know? I mean, they're the whole package of kind, generous, steadfast in her morals, loyal, funny... And she is... So beautiful to me. In like- A She AND gender-neutral way? Anyways, honestly, couldn't ask for more.
Well, I mean, what's not to love? She's smarter than she gives herself credit for, they'll be patient with me, well except for when I'm taking my time heheh. That's- That's a joke. Just teasing. Anywho- honestly I love them for the kindness they got, and the moral compass... Plus their laugh is EVERYTHING to me.
...Also, bonus points for being damn pretty. Like my god- They are a fucking knockout.
5. Any upcoming plans with (Rylan)? Like in the next coming week or even month maybe?
Christmas! And uh- otherwise that's kinda it. Nothing really planned.
Oh, just Christmas. And since we went to a Christmas work party last year, and we didn't go to the Halloween one that year... Yeah you can imagine where I'm heading with this one- doing vice versa this year. Though before holidays come to give us our off days, Ry is trying to figure out presents for our close group friends from work. I mean, I am too. One of them is really hard to shop for- *cough cough* Emmerson *cough* -but we'll get through it and then we're scot free to cuddle up during the holidays.
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beepboopappreciation · 6 months
Hello, welcome to my robot blog!!
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I guess I should introduce myself, huh?
Clay (or Dalek!) he/him/they/it 23 years old
I love fictional AI, robots, and old computers a... completely normal amount!! (<- he's lying, officer! GET HIM!!11!)
My main blog is ClayDaDalek, which I mostly use for random reblogs.
This is a SFW blog, however I am an adult and occasionally post or reblog suggestive robot/computer content! Minors, beware and be aware. I tag suggestive posts as #suggestive and/or #minors dni
Tagging System (tagged at the bottom of this post for your convenience!) #Clay Posts - anything that I upload myself! #Clay Art - any art that I make! #Clay Answers - askblog posts! #CL8-0N - anything relating to my robotsona, CL8-0N!
In addition to my Original Post tags, I tag everything as thoroughly as I can, both for myself and for others to easily browse my posts/reblogs.
Blinkies and additional information under the cut!
This blog is REBLOG HEAVY!!! You can expect to see reblogs of robots, computers, technology, etc, and lots of fanart of the previously mentioned.
Interests there's a bit too many to name them all, but expect a lot of . . .
Inscryption - P03 Ultrakill - V1 and V2 I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream - AM Electric Dreams - Edgar Transformers - Shockwave Toontown - pretty much all of the Cogs Portal - Wheatley
or . . . whatever the brainrot has latched onto as of recent!
Please feel free to send me asks! I love answering questions, and sometimes I'll even draw you a little doodle with my answer (no promises though)!! I love meeting new people, so please don't feel intimidated to send me a question or just say hello! ^_^
This user is a certified Robot Enthusiast, Robot Kisser, and also very Objectum for old computers! DNI if you're uncomfortable with that.
My DNI policy is live and let live, so if your hobby is shitting on other people and their identities, it's probably for the best that you stay away from this blog.
That being said, this blog is anti generative AI, so get outta here with that shit.
Anyway, blinkies!!! Yay!!! Thank you for reading, you made it to the end! here is your reward! :]
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medic for the ask game? Alternatively, the eyelanded
I CANNOT answer all these damn questions about a talking sword you're getting Medic
favorite thing about them He's also just HILARIOUS like he's really really really funny and fun to watch and think about. His voice performance is so good he has so many top-tier funny moments. Also titties
least favorite thing about them Absolute fucking nightmare to play, which makes every single Medic main, yes, even you, an absolutely insufferable person
favorite line Where do I even fucking start with this guy. Who's ready to be a mother?
brOTP Now I don't think they would "hang out" but I think Medic would be like the Joker for the Administrator. Like Wheatley and Glados if Wheatley were smarter and also German instead of British. He would love pissing her off so much and that's funny. I also think he's great at hanging out with the whole team as a group, it balances out his energy a bit more and he's not as. yknow. Medic. as he can be one-on-one
OTP Sniper fucked that old man
nOTP Mediscout is boringgggg I'm so sorry it's BORING. There are ways to do it that I think can be fun but mostly it's just boring. I'm also finding engiemedic more and more boring the more time I spend here but you know. It's whatever
random headcanon Medic cannot read. More specifically, he's probably dyslexic, and has trouble with reading in any language. Also I generally write him as vaguely trilingual (German, Yiddish, and English) so that was probably a struggle for him, and I think he confuses the vocabulary and grammar of all three languages together a lot. But he's good at math
unpopular opinion Medic actually likes people. He's actually friends with the people on his team and they like him back. He's "weird" for sure, and he's definitely a sadist, but it's tf2 so that doesn't really matter and he's mostly just an Eccentric Scientist everyone finds weirdly charming in his own little way. The implications are astounding
song i associate with them Bubblegum Bitch dadada dadada
favorite picture of them
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This one is just really top tier. I don't love this comic's art style and it's not my favorite way he's ever been drawn but it's just so fucking funny. He's even kinda doing the nerd finger point in this one
[ID: A Cold Day in Hell comic screenshot of Medic running through a door, a stack of papers in his arms, saying "Wait! Are we leaving? What about the baboon uteruses?" End ID]
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envyq00 · 1 year
I find myself thinking about the narrator’s voice. How sexy it is. And as a portal fan my brain circles back to GLaDOS and her voice.
💡 The narrator would do well in her role, I think.
Ok so I’ve been meaning to answer this question for a while with a sketch I already had of my Narrator and GLaDOS designs but my design for the Narrator in said sketch was outdated so I redrew it entirely. They do be judging you./lh
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No but it’s so funny cuz like the Narrator’s voice definitely has moments that gets me like 👀👀😳😳.
But then it’s also immediately undercut by the fact that he also has so many moments where he’s just a huge doofus or so pathetic with all the composure of a wet cat.
That’s kind of why when I first encountered The Stanley Parable, it definitely gave me a lot of Portal vibes, with the quirky and witty writing and the Narrator himself with his similarities to GLaDOS. But I think the Narrator gave me more Wheatley vibes than GLaDOS, especially in Ultra Deluxe where he definitely felt more like a companion than a possible adversary. (And also of course, British).
GLaDOS , on the other hand, always gives me narcissistic sassy aunt vibes who talks shit about everyone else all the time /ref. Just perpetually angy and passive aggressive.
Also, honestly, GLaDOS’ voice was probably my first conscious experience with ASMR (actually there’s a couple before that but it’s irrelevant rn). Her voice in Portal 2 was especially brain ticking. I actually used to go to sleep with Portal 2 gameplay on YT for a while cuz her voice was oddly soothing.
But yeah anyway… XDD
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ciphercalamitiez · 1 year
oh god wheatley x reader x bill headcanons … [ aimed for platonic ]
I only did this because I didn’t know who to choose between (I wanted to do platonic bill and platonic Wheatley headcanons but then this idea pinged in mind..)
this MAY be a little OOC (or really OOC i hope It’s not) so uhh SORRY IF IT IS WAAAHHH (also I know you’re gonna see this Roman, hie)
hohoho oh boy. this duo you’re dealing with is past chaOTIC.
being the middle ground of these two is absolutely hellish. two talkative beings, both make bad decisions. bonus if you are just as chaotic as they are combined.
wheatley frequently argues with bill yet bill is the only one who can come up with comebacks that make sense. if anything, wheatley once screamed out “deez nuts” as an argument when bickering with the triangle guy
you can’t go a night without hearing something crash in the living room
okay arguing aside, when these two are passive with each other you three make a great trio seriously
wheatley likes to tell you about what’s on his mind and asks the dumbest shit known to man (he also asks unanswerable questions. none of them make sense) but you don’t mind yet you try to answer them, or you flat out just stare at him with confusion or idk whatever emotion, he’ll just be looking at you expectantly for your answer
bill answers the questions if you can’t first or answers after you. he makes sure his answers are as snarky as possible which makes Wheatley want to punch him (if Wheatley is human/Android in here, he will.)
cue more arguing here ☠️
anyway, hugging the two is weird but oddly nice. 
if you project Wheatley to be human/android, he’s fairly awkward when it comes to hugging (he tenses up occasionally in the hug, he doesn’t mean to) and depending on his mood, his grip can be soft to rib crushing hard, either type of hugging is nice.. hopefully. he also comments on everything during the hugs unless you ask for him not to. don’t worry, he’ll be fine with shutting up or not!
if you’re hugging the wheatBALL, he can’t really hug back sadly :( but he’ll nuzzle up against you to show that he’s enjoying it!!
hugging bill can either hurt or not. his main way of hugging is probably worse than Wheatley’s rib crushing hugs so you can barely breathe in them. however if he’s feeling nice enough or he’s feeling down/not like himself, he’ll simply just limply wrap his arms around you and rest against you
you three tried to bake a cake once together (by Wheatley’s request)
The kitchen ended up in flames and shambles and there is rubble falling off the ceiling and flour everywhere
you three commit war crimes together (bill comes up with the most heinous shit to break, wheatley’s actions go unsupervised sometimes and ends up inevitably screwing the plan up, and you have to drag them out of there)
bill and wheatley are both (jokingly) mean to each other (mostly on purpose,) argument or not but are very soft towards you and you only (not really for bill but he’ll be more considerate for you, unless you’re okay with being ((halfheartedly)) jokingly insulted, then he’ll treat you a bit more like wheatley)
when they do get along they are hellish, it’s guaranteed you’ll wake up to cats by TLT playing in the living room and the two are bouncing around together and laughing, it’s actually heartwarming
so many. pillow forts. (too many pillow forts) bill enlarged the pillows and it turned into a literal soft ass kingdom, you guys even had THRONES AND PILLOW GUARDS?? truly reality warping but it’s really pretty inside the fort
bill calls dibs on being the king so he could sit on the throne all the time, that idea gets thrown off easily though when you and Wheatley bounced around. he joined in the bouncing rather than sitting around in the soft throne
you three get into cuddle piles easily and fall asleep together, Wheatley is a heavy sleeper and bill is a light sleeper most of the time. or it could be vice versa :')
despite the fact you three are mean (again mainly Wheatley and bill against each other) to each other sometimes, you all genuinely care for each other and are really close to each other
when it comes to venting out problems, bill is usually the one to show his sympathy through physical affection (such as gentle hand squeezes in understanding) meanwhile Wheatley says the more reassuring and emotion filled things. it’s a great deal fr fr
after Everytime someone vents, everyone gets back into a group hug
in summary, you three are the bomb the slay the sillies and you wouldn’t trade any of these idiots for anyone else 
i was planning on only sending this in discord but it hit the limit so COUGH
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fromsupernaturaltof1 · 6 months
hihi was just wondering what your thoughts on daniel's performance? i promise this is NOT hate i love this smiling man so much😭😭 but do you think he has a real shot at an rb seat? he seems really low on the standings and his car stopped for a sec in jeddah i believe? (correct me if i'm wrong tho)
So what are you thinking? I think this season a lot of it depends on how much he can improve and whether or not Christian stays because I believe he has a lot of influence on Danny switching to rb but i'd like better/ more accurate insight :)
sorry it took me so long to answer, I was at work!
there're two different things here, Daniel's performance and the redbull seat.
let's start with the performance:
I promise you, it's not as bad as it looks. the 2 race weekends are easily explainable. Bahrain quali was his fault, he made a mistake and also the car didn't have enough front end for Daniel's preference, they only fixed that IN the race. Saudi qualifying, he made a mistake in one corner and dropped 4 tenths (his gap to Yuki is around 1 tenths all things considered), this time there was too much front, basically they haven't found the sweet spot of the car balance that Daniel would be most comfortable in. Daniel matched Yuki in all the places except one corner. compare that to his mcl days where he was lacking everywhere compared to Lando as shown below:
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His race pace is by all accounts either matching Yuki or faster:
(fyi there was something wrong with his car in Saudi too not to mention the pitstop, the assumption rn is the sensors, we don't know how much that affected his race, see here)
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He just needs to fix his qualifying and find the right car balance.
now the redbull seat, there's a lot of external circumstances that dictate whether he gets the seat or not, it's not just on his performance, it on Checo's, it's on who is in control of redbull racing and whether they think Daniel will be better for the team (not just on performance) or not. we need a bit more time to pass before it becomes clearer where it's going. I believe he has a great shot. As far as I know , both the Austrian side and the Thai side like him. He's almost neutral when it comes to that. Probably the only common ground atm lol. Max would NOT oppose to have him and he gets on well with Jonathan Wheatley (and Horner like you said). Checo will struggle as we go to tracks that don't suit him, if Daniel starts performing by then, he'll be back in the conversation. F1 is a pendulum that keeps swinging all the time and it swings fast!
I hope it answers your questions 😅
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violetstar-arts · 7 months
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Decided to draw the portal cores (+ Doug) as Pokemon gym leaders! (Yes this is based off the portal drawtober prompt I posted not too long ago)
Fun facts about each gym leader under the “read more”:
Candice likes to ask a lot of questions. She is also easily distracted. Prepare to potentially repeat your answers multiple times when speaking with her.
Rick is one of her favorite people, since he is more than happy to repeat his tall tales of adventures he’s been on.
Colette doesn’t speak much. She will usually respond with grunts. She is tiny and full of rage.
Morgana doesn’t speak much either, but she’s much sweeter. She will happily lend an ear if you need to let things off your chest.
Morgana is a genuine psychic with very weak telekinesis. The most she can lift is Pokemon and people on the lighter side. She will never intrude on someone’s mind unless they consent.
She did read Glados’s mind once. Never again.
Ingrid has a cold personality, which is fitting when you consider the types of pokemon she uses. Despite this, she has a deep love for sweets and baking. She and Candice tend to bond over this.
Craig and Ingrid are twins. Wheatley is their cousin.
Craig is slightly less aloof than Ingrid, though not by much.
As kids, Craig and Rick were rivals. Now they’re coworkers. They don’t get along too well, but will work together when the situation calls for it.
Rick loves the ladies. Whether or not the ladies love him back is up for debate.
Rick actually does treasure his friendship with Candice. She is one of the few people he’s completely honest with. Her, as well as another guy with pink eyes…
Rick likes to mess with Wheatley. He thinks it’s funny. The feeling is not mutual.
Doug has worked at Aperture the longest. The rest of his coworkers tend to look up to him because of that, which can make him nervous.
As for being a gym leader, Doug became one at the same time as the others.
Doug is one the very few Glados confides in.
Neil loves space. Neil wants to go to space. Neil will not stop talking about space. Space. Spaaaaaace
Neil’s parents gave him the astronaut suit. He stitched on all of the stars himself. He almost never takes it off. Only for the big boss lady will he take it off. She’s scary.
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spif-lol · 2 years
Something very interesting to me about the portal and half life games is that they all (with the exception of Alyx) have silent protagonists. The games are really immersive and the lack of cut scenes and dialogue you are forced to engage in makes that immersion stronger. But that’s only the gameplay explanation, what about in universe? Why are all these characters silent?
I have some theories.
Let’s start with the easiest one, Barney. He is a simple case of a silent protagonist who in universe isn’t actually silent, we just don’t hear his dialogue. Even disregarding the fact that we hear him speak in half life 2 and the episodes, in Half Life Blue shift there are many indications that he is having conversations with people, such as Dr Rosenburg, especially when they ask you questions and then keep talking as if you answered. So Barney as a silent protagonist is strictly a gameplay thing. Adrian also has some evidence of speaking in his tutorial, as his drill sergeant talks to him. However I personally think that within the game itself Adrian does not speak, as he is in an unfamiliar environment and encountering things way beyond him, and mostly just focusing on getting out of there. He could speak if he wanted, but chooses not to.
In contrast, both Chell and Gordon Freeman have characters in universe acknowledge their lack of speaking. Gordon is often referred to by others as a man of few words, and Wheatley offers the explanation that Chell has suffered from brain damage. 
It makes a lot of sense to me that Gordon might not speak throughout his games. At the start he’s running late for work, so we can forgive him for only giving polite nods to his coworkers who are greeting him as he hurries to the test chamber. Then the resonance cascade happens, and he is understandably in shock, and doesn’t really have any chance to speak. Completely overwhelmed, he battles through the facility, with only the briefest of stops to be given instructions by scientists and security guards, power up the teleport in the lambda complex, and then he’s on xen, all alone. He defeats the Nihilanth, gets put into stasis, and then gets to rest. 
No psych, actually he’s awoken twenty years later (but for him no time has passed) and dumped in the middle of Combine occupied Earth, and immediately is acquired by the Resistance, given the HEV suit and sent off on tasks, chased by soldiers, rescue missions, and eventually storming the citadel, and then escaping in Episodes 1 and 2, watching so many others get injured or die while he survives only because of his suit. It’s a pretty fucked up week for this guy, and I honestly believe that he probably went nonverbal pretty quickly with all the shit going on. 
Then with Chell, I mostly believe that she doesn’t speak out of sheer defiance. In the first game she is mostly alone with what she assumes is a recorded voiceover, but then in the second game she is paired up with either Wheatley and Glados through basically the entire game. She doesn’t even attempt to ask Glados for help when they are stuck in the old facility and trying to escape. There’s also probably some brain damage at play, but considering she can solve complicated physics puzzles, it can’t be too bad.
That just leaves Gina and Colette, who work with multiple annoying scientists who won’t shut the fuck up (FUCK YOU DR ROSENBURG), so that’s enough to explain to me why they don’t speak. Plus it’s not uninterrupted gameplay, there’s cuts between each level. They’re making eye contact whenever they have to listen to Dr Rosenburg go on another monologue and then waiting until they’re alone and not actively fighting aliens to shittalk him in private. Also we hear Gina speak in hologram form.
Anyway the silent protagonist thing is neat, I like thinking about how it works.
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cloverfr · 2 years
the 40 dynamics of chelley
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adhd will not let this hyperfixation rest holy shit
SO. i saw a list @wheatley-imagine-scenarios made and i really loved it but i have chelley brainrot so im gonna answer ALLLLL the questions with my Silly Little Headcanons!!! lets GO (this is post blue sky)
wheatley is a little nervous, so he kind of depends on chell for the first few years in their relationship to be bolder with affection. as time goes on, he gets more confident - all in all, chell
chell is the big spoon, wheatley's the little spoon in most occassions. on very rare occassions, chell asks to be the little spoon
chell in the beginning, but wheatley becomes stubborn about it so he picks her up every chance he gets
wheatley, of course. chell is a little shaken up so a part of her doesn't trust wheatley, but she's working to trust him more
bi4bi switch4switch relationship FUCK YEA
chell, and wheatley loves pecking tiny cheek, forehead, nose and shoulder kisses all the time
chell is the voice of reason to wheatley, who on instinct assumes the worst because hes an anxious fuck !!!! poor guy
i wanna say wheatley, but i feel like he'd accidentally blurt it out and then get super embarrassed and flustered
chell is better, but wheatley is a decent cook assuming this is after blue sky. he sucks at baking not only because of rhe bread thing but also because its too exact for him LMAO
wheatley for sure!!!! he's a very romantic partner and tries to make chell blush or smile any chance he gets
is this a question its wheatley in MAAANY WAYS - he feels horrible about how he was in the chassis, he worries if chell still likes and trusts him, and he always wonders if he doesnt fit in with eaden
both of them would and have - chell, saving wheatley from the facility and LIVING w him as a whole and wheatley at the end of blue sky after dying to save eaden
again, both of them would although both of them have the first priority of trying to save or help their partner and THEN theyd get revenge. wheatley is a less confident yes-not that he wouldn't want to, but more like he'd need to push away his fear to do it
chell likes taking photos (kin lol) - cameras are a lot simpler of devices, making her like them more bc it doesnt remind her of aperture. i also headcanon she doesnt love pictures of her as much, but she takes them of everything else and sometimes she'll let wheatley take a picture of her
honestly, neither of them would pillow fight - both of them see it as kind of embarrassing, but PLAY FIGHTING is something chell finds hilarious. pinning and tackling wheats is #1 priority when she's in the mood to, and she loves watching him squirm and OCCASIONALLY pin her first
chell - girl has MUSCLES she never loses to a twig
i cant decide !!! i think wheatley for sure finds chell effortlessly beautiful, so when he offhandedly + casually comments on it she turns into a blushing wreck (or as much of a "wreck" as this girl can be). chell, though, can just smile at wheatley and he can turn into an absolute mess
chell sits on wheatley's lap, mainly because the other way just doesn't work. he gets really distracted, flustered and confused all at once, but they both mutually love resting their head in eachother's laps for comfort
wheatley loooves physical affection!!! hugging and kissing is completely on the table, and even though he gets kind of nervous doing it, he also feels really comfortable with it. chell likes it, but her favorite thing is seeing him light up at a small kiss or hug from her, so she does it a lot more than she expects to
both of them!! wheatley doesn't MEAN to be funny, but he is in an oblivious way - when he's trying to be funny, he makes really bad puns and jokes that just come off sweet and slightly irritating at times :') chell is sarcastic and is funny without even saying much, and wheatley will burst out laughing just at her pure expressions
wheatley would PROBABLY be the hyper one??? chell loves coffee so when she's really tired she LIVES on it, but wheatley when he's really tired needs only a cup or two to feel energized
CHELL!!!!! AND THATS HER WEAK SPOT WHEN THEY PLAY FIGHT!!! its all comin together muahahaha -- do be warned, chell has to establish bOUNDARIES. with tickling. she doesn't really like it since shes not in control of it and shes really vulnerable, so wheatley has to establish when shes fine with it before hand
also chell wheatley doesnt have the courage for that shit
probably chell actually??? wheatley is kind of scared/disgusted by the whole stray animals thing....he doesnt want them to have fleas or to be gross, and chell is way less afraid of that and is much more willing to help animals
they fight over it /hj no the truth is that they both get cold since wheatley doesnt have a heating setting anymore !!!! they each get like 3 separate blankets of varying fluffiness and they stick to their own. they still cuddle but under like 6 layers LMAO
wheatley def. chell has seen STUFF and shes not afraid
the most chell will do is hum, and hum WELL. she never sings. wheatley doesnt sing because he's embarrassed about it, so he only sings early in the morning or to himself - hes ok, a little tone deaf but he likes it
chell has always been more protective of wheatley, but if someone is mean to chell of course wheatley's gonna wanna cuss them out SORRY
FOR SURE wheatley. he gets jealous and chell likes it but finds it annoying at times - she understands that it's because he's a little insecure about himself and tries to make him not be. chell is only jealous if someone is directly flirting with wheatley, and when they are he's really oblivious about it (and probably disgusted when he finds out). i think wheatley would also like chell feeling jealous and being protective over him in his own way >:)
i like to think wheatley is really good and chell gets really flustered dancing with him so chell
wheatley plays with chells hair its just so purdy (southern accent)
chell wears wheatleys clothes if he has a comfortable sweater and he LOVES it eyes emoji. just kidding but he finds it so romantic and LOVES HER WEARIN EM
i think they like private a lot more, so theyre not really public but because chell is a lot more bold she's more likely to do it to make him flustered or happy
both of them dont really swear??? if anything probably wheatley just because he has less control over what he says before he says it
wheatley 3RD TIME. but hes a chatterbox but its especially when hes having a nightmare that he talks in his sleep
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10moonymhrivertam · 1 year
#16 for the writer questions!
After rifling through my folders I have decided the answer is properly working on four with a fifth that I really enjoyed rereading yesterday.
In order of how Consumed With Them I am...
Princess' Son/Your Eyes Aren't Rivers There To Weep (The Witcher, Renfri's son!Jaskier; very consumed but very little progress)
Alianora!Eleanor (The Sandman; survived my initial burst of productivity, so actually stands a chance of getting finished)
And They Were Fishbowl Roommates (The Sandman, Hob and Dream together; is still technically in the initial burst of obsession so it could still fail but it's been a few days so it might survive)
Giles!Hob (B:tVS/Sandman; doing one of those things where I'm wrapping it pretty closely around the skeleton of the show (Buffy) so it's slow going as I check transcripts and decide what changes to make)
Sandman Portal AU (Sandman/Portal; not consuming me but I had enough fun rereading it to want to go back to it)
Mmmmmmm let's expand on the Portal AU because it's the least likely to see the light of day anytime soon :P
Basically all of Aperture is the fishbowl/circle, and Hob deliberately volunteers for the testing program to mount a rescue mission after Jessamy went to come get him. In the current draft he's having some memory problems from the suspended animation, though. Dream is GLaDOS and has her lines pretty directly, but I'm also incorporating a plot point that Dream has to answer direct questions, in part just to make it easier on verbose protagonist Hob and in part as a thing Roderick programmed in to spite Dream for his years of silence.
I haven't actually planned the Portal 2 parts yet but I have done a fair bit of daydreaming, but I keep waffling on whether I want Wheatley to be Matthew. It seems like it would make a lot of sense, but I just. Can't make Matthew be evil/drunk with power, I just can't :( But like a whole bunch of my Portal 2 thoughts are just revolving around the crow's nest scene and how Jessamy would be so glad to see Dream relatively safe and coddling him and by then Hob has recovered his memories and laughs at him a little and Jessamy tags along with them as a companion throughout all Portal 2.
Oh!!!!!! And Dream's body is still being held in Old!Aperture in the fishbowl and so that's on Jessamy and Hob's agendas and I haven't decided yet if they should be open with GLaDOS!Dream or if the poor potato-guy gets left in the dark.
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voidsickness · 2 years
heyy can we hear more about the hlvrai portal au?
well so mostly it was an excuse to design glados!tommy and get really silly with quote redraws but in my brain it has an actual plot. the idea i had was mostly like .. . yknow how glados in the original game is like 'ooh your parents hate you they left you oooh' . that but in this it's tommy going 'wooow youre SUCH a bad dad.. wow u dont even know where your son is...' and gordon rolling his eyes because joshua is the name of like, idk. like a toy he had or something. like in this au joshua is not real, sorry. i half wanted to make him a real son because like. i love joshua. but like, i feel like it'd be cruel to make him real and then put his dad in a pseudo torture labyrinth where a big sexy robot dude flirts with him while hes like. dying out there. so he's like, a stuffed cowboy with a broken pullstring that exists on the surface somewhere. ALSO gordon is selectively mute. hes not completely mute he just prefers not to speak if he can help it. he has a very healthy and strong internal monologue though, one he often forgets everyone cant hear and he will wait for others to respond to what he said to them inside his own head. and then like. wheatley as bubby was a stroke of genius on my part i believe because they're both cowardly little idiots. ( said affectionately for bubby and derogatorily for wheatley ) i think bubby would totally let the power go to his head literally immediately much the same way wheatley did and it just.. oooh baby it fits. i never drew it out but i always imagined that coomer plays the part of like, every single core. and they all share consciousness and shit bc i think that's swag and makes the final boss really interesting because im a fruit and i think it would be cool if bubby, instead of being 'corrupted' is like.. comforted by having coomer around. do you see the vision. and when they get blasted to space they get to be gay little balls in space for forever. its perfect, ok? dont worry about it. also benrey is rattman. i think that would be so cool. i dont have like, a deep meaning for this i just think it'd be really cool and rattman benrey would have a cool design. also forzen is atlas and darnold is p body!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is so important do NOT separate them!!!!!!!!! they are best fucking FRIENDS!!!! g-man is g-man. but also cave johnson? he's tommy's dad you know how it is. mmmm. didnt mean to write that much. if you have any more questions i will answer them all i love this au so much.
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rahleeyah · 2 years
A response to the ‘friendly’ note (which actually comes across a little insulting but it’s hard to word these things, I’m aware of that). I do not think any less of Olivia for sleeping with someone else having met Elliot. He said it himself, she’s doing her job. It doesn’t make her ‘less’ or ‘not worthy’. The issue that I am struggling with is the consent one. Wheatley forced her hand by asking her in public when she couldn’t say no without losing face. She then had to keep her word or risk bringing trouble to her door. That, to me, is tantamount to rape. Olivia is unlikely to call it that (or maybe she will realise that at some point, I don’t know what Leah has planned), but to me, that is exactly what it is. Leah even answered in an another ask that Olivia didn’t want to have sex with him. How is that not some form of sexual assault? Bodily autonomy to me, is being both willing and wanting to do something. She might have been willing, but she didn’t want to, she was backed into a corner, which is what is making me so uncomfortable.
The question is: was Olivia really backed into a corner? Brian points out that she's turned down other customers before, and it's clear no one in the room actually likes Wheatley to begin with. Olivia admits that the risk of a war maybe isn't that great, and thinks about how even if it was the customers would be likely to defend her. Olivia is also flirting with a cop who has the ability to investigate Wheatley, she knows the time is close for the whole house of cards to come down and Wheatley isn't really in a position to have that much of an impact on her life. Olivia's thoughts during her and Brian's conversation also reveal that there is a part of Olivia that wants to accept, to prove to herself that she can, and when she was presented with an opportunity to put an end to it she didn't. We also know Olivia threw Wheatley out at midnight but we don't know (yet) if that's a normal part of the bargain, or if she decided to cut his time short. We know Olivia didn't want to have sex, but she wants the things that come along with it, the money and the return of her confidence and the feeling of having retaken control in some way, she wants them enough that she went through with it. And that is the sticking point that is creating the most tension here, I think, is that there are two different ways people are viewing that choice. There's a camp that believes bc she is getting things she wants out of this the whole deal is coercive and so not a true choice, and there is a camp that believes bc she had other options and continued down this path in order to get what she wants it was a true choice.
And I respect both sides of this argument, and I would like to take a moment to apologize. As much as I want to encourage conversations I do not want to be a conduit for anons to argue with one another. I should have thought it through before I posted the previous anon, and that one is on me, I made a mistake. I want y'all to have these conversations, but I want you to have them with each other, and not piecemeal thru me. I will not be responding to any further anons on this subject. If y'all want to talk, please talk in the notes, please make your own posts, please have those conversations.
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cfrog · 5 months
how did xiphoid
their design. Is so. If I had an action figure of them I would chew on the tail. How did you make them. also where did the idea for ledd come from he’s such a silly little guy
(Hopefully these are like. What you were looking for my brain is shot
Very good questions! I love character design questions :]
I'm p sure you're asking about Doctor, Xiphoid's cyborg design (the one w the very chewable tail), which did get designed after Xiph's main design. So mostly the thought process was trying to translate my goofy robot into something hot and cyberpunk! So stuff like their build, their hands, their eyes, those are all straight from normal Xiph. Beyond that, I really wanted to take inspiration from like. 90s-2000s tech, for some reason that's what I associate with Xiph. Hence that epic clear plastic. Well, and cause I think exposed bones and wires are hot. In-universe, "Doc" is canon Xiphoid's hot mary sue self insert :3c so a big part of their design is also "what would Xiphoid want to look like as a hot human" and the answer is feminine person with small tits and long legs. A direct copy of canon Xiph would be wearing that white lab coat, but they only wear that coat cause it's the only thing they have! Robots locked in company buildings can't exact go on shopping sprees. So cyborg Xiph gets whatever cute outfits they want :3 If you want more proper character design process, I can talk about robot Xiph's design too ^^
LEDD is a very fun story! I got the idea for the name from misreading a box for LED lightbulbs and for some reason getting very fixated on what the extra D would stand for. Then, when I needed an evil AI for my Portal ripoff D&D campaign, I figured that'd make a good acronym. Most of his design is also very ripped from Portal, or more accurately, from fanon designs of Wheatley. A proper lab-controlling AI needs a fancy suit and tie. LEDD's meant to feel like a cute, unassuming mascot, so I took inspiration from like: mickey mouse, the fallout guy, the monopoly man, uhh pillsbury dough boy? And also puppets in general. LEDD's round and simple and marketable and so non-threatening! He's even got those retro oval-shaped eyes, except a liiiittle off cause he's got. Pupils. All the better for watching you with :)
Thank u for asking about my blue robots :]
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causewhywouldnti · 9 months
My thoughts as I’m watching 24 seasons of law & order svu: (and oc)
Season 23
23x01, fantasizing about Elliot, good way to start the season. New Squad room, not my fave.
23x02, sorry to see Tamin and Garland go.
23x03, at least Stabler didn't get set up by Phoebe. Benson and Stabler bickering. I just really enjoy the two of them in interrogation. Stabler is not doing a good job of earning Benson's trust back.
23x04, I do not like McGrath, not even a little bit, does he get any better?
23x06, season 1 flashback, nice! Amaro is back. Warner!! (I’m much more excited about her than Amaro) At least we know one thing, both Benson and Stabler have terrible instincts when it comes to choosing romantic partners. Cragen!!! Baby Benson and Stabler (makes up for her terrible decisions). The shaky camera work is not my fave.
23x07, creepy! That interrogation was well done by Benson.
23x09, I liked Barba during his run, but I will always take Stabler over him. I also don’t really get his point, they are not framing him, considering he did it. Benson wasn't really called on the scene though, she happened to be there by chance, no? Stabler lost it on the stand, I do however appreciate him bringing up Liv as one of the victims too.
23x10, Murphy looks so different.
23x11, poor Noah.
23x13, people actually having a conversation about their relationship is new, I like it.
23x18, Benson giving credit to Fin and Rollins was sweet.
23x20, I always find it hard to watch when people talk about committing a crime and justify it bay saying it was "god’s plan". So weird that they cut the scene of Stabler meeting Noah on the platforms.
23x22, so Lindstrom tells Benson to either dump Stabler or take a chance on him, yet one season later, and we are still at the same point… She should take Rollins advice… Barba is back.
OC 2x01, bald Elliot. Regie's Mom, that’s a question we all want to know the answer to.
OC 2x02, I didn't need to see an ear being bitten off… nor the rest of the torture. I like Bernie. Seeing Stabler make out with some 30-year-old is just wrong. He is drugged out of his mind, how did he even make it to Benson's apartment in that state? And how does he know where she lives?
OC 2x03, the letter scene. Stabler being subtly insulted by saying the perp has hair and was way younger. I really like Jet!
OC 2x04, no, don’t delete the message, Elliot. Did he have to kiss her, though?!?
OC 2x05, jealous Benson is always fun to watch. Benson and Bernie should be in more scenes together.
OC 2x06, Stabler getting invested in his fake kid. This show does not shy down from showing some violence.
OC 2x07, that court reporter was just stupid.
OC 2x08, why is Stabler going in there on his own, when there is a whole team already up there?
OC 2x09, there was no need for Stabler to call Benson to pick up Eli, but I’m glad he did, considering we got handholding out of it. The cop on the bridge did a good job. Benson being mistaken twice as Eli’s mom is funny. Also, Stabler focusing on whether Benson dated instead of anything else, is typical. Stabler's invitation for Christmas was really sweet. He was so excited about the Benson's showing up, and then they didn't.
OC 2x11, I just want to point out, that Stabler is a really good detective. He also doesn't know when to shut up. I like the hacker Malachi.
OC 2x12, I’m sorry, but I thought the way Wheatley threatened Angela was just funny.
OC 2x13, Ayanna called Stabler out!
OC 2x14, the meeting with Wheatley and his son worked out just as I expected. Poor Bernie. On the bright side, we get a lot of background on Stabler thanks to his walk to the city hall. We all learned something about Jet…
OC 2x15, Benson helping out, and another hallway talk. At least Stabler tries to spend time with Benson.
OC 2x17, Cragen!
OC 2x18, the end scene with Bernie and Stabler was really sweet.
OC 2x20, a Benson and Stabler interrogation. Benson/Stabler still not listening to their orders when it comes to protecting someone. The looks the two of them share in their last scene in the car! This episode brings back all the feels from the first 12 seasons. Definitely my favorite episode this season (on both shows).
OC 2x21, Jet’s hug was really sweet!
OC 2x22, Cragen showed up to Elliot getting the Combat Cross (and Benson didn't). Poor Ayanna.
Both finales were just sad. I really enjoyed the OC season, though, probably because that’s where most of the Benson/Stabler interactions were. I especially liked 2x20!
Favorite Episodes: 23x05, OC 2x13, 2x14, 2x20
Favorite Lines:
"But in a parallel universe it will always be you and I" Stabler in his letter, OC 2x03
"You’re gonna have to get yourself a scarecrow." "Yeah, or you could just move back home." Stabler and Bernie, OC 2x05
"How about we call it a friendship? How’s that for now?" Benson to Stabler, OC 2x09
"You’re in his official personnel file, I’m in his DMs. We are not the same." Jet, OC 2x15
"What do you say, partner?" Benson to Stabler OC 2x20
"It’s always good to work with you, Liv." Stabler OC 2x20
"You deserve happiness, Olivia Benson" Lindstrom 23x22
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bellathetitan · 2 years
'Welcome home, Sunbreaker.' (Part 1 of 2)
Bella-2 giggled as she peered over her Rally Barricade, before turning her excited, green-glowing eyes to her companion 'What else can I do?' 'We-well...th-there is a l-lot you c-can do!' despite him preparing for finally finding his Guardian, Wheatley struggled to find the words. He had expected to hold a big speech once he found them. Expected that they would be confused and scared and in denial, rather than simply accepting this messy world and run into it head first with curiosity.
'R-right n-now you are wie-wielding Void. Y-you c-can throw dif-different kinds of gr-grenades. A-and once you h-have enough en-energy. You c-can cast a Super! Ei-either a Ward of D-Dawn or a S-Se-Sentinel Shield. Y-You a-also have a b-bigger Barricade.' Wheatley's thoughts jumped from place to place. How does he explain that only Ward of Dawn Titans get that overshield on Melee Kill? Or that she can't Shield Bash whilst using that Super? Instead she asked 'And only Titans can do that?' 'Yes! O-Only Titans.' Bella-2 formed a fist covering it with Void Light and gave it a considering gaze 'What does it mean to be a Titan?' she didn't move her eyes away from the purple Light dancing on her metal skin. That question hit Wheatley like a Cabal Drop Pod. How was he supposed to answer a question of such weight? 'Th-that is a dif-difficult question, Bella. T-Titans are the fr-frontline. The Sh-Shields at which the d-darkness breaks. They a-are the he-heavy hitters that t-take out a-armies with their b-bare hands.' 'But that sounds like how we do things. What do I symbolise? What do I stand for? To humanity? What is the meaning of me being the frontline? Why am I here?' her voice was not demanding in any way, rather filled with wonder and as she felt the Void eating away at her core, making her hungry for more knowledge, it turned sorrowful. Her Ghost couldn't help but feel worried 'I-I do not know....' he admitted, turning his Shell towards the ground. Looking at him Bella-2 started to smile 'Then we will figure it out, together!' she announced. And Wheatley rose his head to meet her eyes and nodded in agreement. After a short break of eating whatever the Cabal had left behind and Wheatley telling her about the Warlocks and Hunters and the City, they ventured on. The Vex constructions scattered throughout the planet seemed inviting and hostile at once. Cubes upon cubes stacked ontop each other in all directions, covered in strange lines and patterns. Some of the messy constructions even hovered in the air with no support. More spires scraping at the sky with their light blue ribbons. Round towers emerging from the depths, highlighted by strange lights. Despite the sun never setting, the day was coming to an end. The two friends grew tired. 'Let's look for shelter.' Bella-2 said whilst rubbing her left eye 'I need a nap.' The moment she asked for it, a huge construct emerged from behind the hills. It towered higher than any of the half done contraptions they had encountered so far. More finished, so to say. Bella-2 threw her arms in the air 'THIS IS PERFECT! We can live in there for a while until we find a way to get to the City!' Before Wheatley could reply she had already dashed ahead.
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yanderes-galore · 3 years
Someone has officially started to write for Portal?! I’ve already told you how glad I am
Wheatley with darling that is “putting their nose everywhere”. She is so curious, if we take the scenario where Wheatley keeps her in his lair, she just bombards him with questions about his functioning… to the point it is annoying and suspicious at the same time… like she wants to use something against him. Although it’s just her curiosity; nothing more. Probably even touches him everywhere. Again, curiosity
I prefer core Wheatley by the way :)
Thank you!!!
- Wheat anon
Okay, sure! We'll use core Wheatley. You weren't specific with scenario or concept so I did my default. If you meant scenario I'll follow up with one.
Yandere! Wheatley with a Nosy! Darling
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Slight possessive behavior (not much) and implied kidnapping/isolation. Really that's it, another lighthearted one compared to the usual.
Tumblr media
- Admittedly he is annoyed with you, but adores you all the same.
- You're forced to sit in his lair while he watches tests.
- The core scanning the screens intently before you begin bombarding him.
- You're pacing about the lair, asking questions to him rapidly before peeking at the screen he's looking at.
- He answers them the best be can but you can tell the large bot is getting annoyed.
- "Yes, love...one question at a time-"
- Wheatley may actually snap at you but he quickly corrects himself.
- He doesn't mean to get so mad it's just he can't keep up....
- Your questions are also...shady-
- Why do you want to know so much about his wiring...?
- Just what are you planning?
- Then you catch him off guard.
- He's watching one of his many screens before feeling someone grab at him.
- Moving out of the way, he's slightly surprised only to see you.
- "Dear...what are you doing? You're awfully touchy-"
- You only pout before mumbling that you just want to satiate your curiosity....
- Reluctantly, Wheatley allows you to sometimes.
- He doesn't hate it, either.
- It brings him some sort of pride and pleasure when you lightly touch his core.
- Overall, your curiosity is cute but does annoy him at times.
- He just likes the fact you only do this to him
- His little partner until the day your fragile human life ends...
- "I only put up with this because I like you...."
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