#but anyways. yeag i love these guys
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namelessprince · 2 months ago
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whatever. go my 10000 pd ocs
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rbvcdeluxe · 3 months ago
jons voice is so pretty in black friday and i need you to know that
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reanimatestar · 2 years ago
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art fighttt
[image description: three digital illustrations of the artist's persona, designed specifically for art fight. the first is a reference sheet, showing them standing with their hands in their pockets against a grey background. they are an east asian person with brown eyes, tan skin, and black wavy hair. she also has two moles on her face, fangs that curve outwards and a black fluffy tail. he wears a black collared shirt over a white turtleneck sweater, and blue jeans tucked into black boots. she also wears glasses and silver ball chain necklace with a star pendant. a swatch with their colour palette is available. the second is another reference sheet, this time with them as a black anthropomorphic wolf with sharp claws and digitigrade legs. the third is an illustration of him from the chest upwards. the atmosphere is dark, with dramatic shading. the glare of the glasses obscures one of her eyes, with the other exhibiting blue eyeshine. the background is purple and teal. /end description]
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g0reoz · 2 years ago
actually the real reason i'm a xhaka kinnie is the fact that i love hangin out with old people. and old people generally love me! and if someone was a little bitch i would probably threaten to let their grandpa live at my house too if we're being completely honest
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spotinthespiral · 4 months ago
If Nethellnax makes me fight these guys a 5th time I am going to explode 😔
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fooligancity · 11 months ago
so much trucoop but where is the coop and albert… or harry and albert……. im albert rosenfield #1 fan
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boygirlctommy · 2 years ago
naurrr i clicked out of ep 102 and accidentally opened the tab that has ep 1 open ToT GODDD I MISS THE SIMPLE TIMES
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ii-evil-confessions · 1 month ago
ooc: [OGAY!!!!!!!!!!! PHOTONS GO!!!!!!!!!!!
yeag anyways. this is generally what photons look like
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head wings?? arm wings?? back wings?? so many wings...
yeag anyways!!! this is kinda what photons look like!! i wanna make a better ref later at some point because i do wanna point out that some markings on their bodies can be iridescent
so theyre based on birds. yaknow. thats their animal mode too. they go bird mode. its actually quite difficult to tell when they ARE in bird mode and when theyre not because theyre constantly birdpilling crittermaxxing
they're constantly emitting some sort of energy - whether thats light or their wings! they can summon and retract their wings at will. also they can fly but unlike electrons they dont really need to. their flight ability is more for show
their energy is more solid than other particles. why? i wanted an excuse for them to be able to preen each other. yes you can touch their wings. they can be preened. they can feel it. they can give you a wing hug. isnt that splendid?? also their wings are slightly see through
stereotypically, theyre seen as regal and cryptic. everyone thinks that theyre super important and can give you magical blessings. ethereal and shit. in reality theyre naturally kinda mischievous and are very curious. more like ravens than peacocks. however atom society is fucked up and they have to act like theyre all super important and cannot allow themselves to get attached to any other particle because "ohhh you cant do that. you cant have friends. youre a mini deity not some guy"
wanted to try and seperate them from how protons are stereotypically seen. protons: professional. powerful. photons: ethereal. regal.
they looove shiny stuff. very much
they got TALONS!!! long ass talons. i didnt show how long they were here but they can get very long
yeag. markings vary too btw. someone could have an amongus on their chest. did you ever think about that
they're rare to see in atom society - or at least, rare to see in the area that the atom trio is in. they're more common in other areas..... yeah im expanding the lore. i WILL make a map of where the atom trio live. this is a threat /j
creative little bitches. minds are constantly whirring with ideas.
also they think differently than other particles!! theyre crittermaxxing, remember? actually theyre cryptidmaxxing. i lied. theyre cryptidmaxxing
a majority of them are religious!!! they love the sun. there's a religion based around the sun and moon and stars. some people, however, take their beliefs a bit far..... cough cough... /silly
photons are attracted to light. theyre kinda mothpilled too. they like to fan out their wings and lay in the sun
umm will make more lore. yeag. also i should probably make sum more lore for neutrons and protons too huh]
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silverware-is-interesting · 10 months ago
i don't really love this but it's fine. might as well share it here
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idk why i did this honestly. i was gonna make it my bg but i don't like it enough to do that for long so here. tumblr can look at this i guess
i was gonna add mephone but. drawing mephone is a struggle for me for some reason. so. only these guys
just the individual hosts under the cut cause i like the drawings :/ and the whole thing. including the mediocre bg
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i'm not the beast at screenshotting things. but. uh. it's fine.
yeag. i'm. kinda tired. been a little unmotivated lately but this was kinda fun (till i got to the background. anyway.)
oh yeah. here's the full thing. i just don't like the rest of it as much
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dino--draws · 17 hours ago
I’m gonna shove everything under the readmore but it’s finally time for me to yap about my transmasc Placeholder McDoctorate headcanons. Buckle up chucklefucks!!
INTEGER had already tore McDoctorate’s identity asunder. Cracked it open, scooped things out, left a gaping wound in its wake. A name that doesn’t belong to you, that you don’t want but can’t seem to get rid of, thats worn like a mockery and burned into you like a brand. And now everything feels off kilter. Because sometimes you get your identity abstracted and it opens all sorts of insecurities you didn’t even know you HAD till now.
Placeholder doesn’t really get Why things feel extra weird and bad until the building of the REISNO Cannon swings around in 2020. Because if anyones gonna get their egg cracked in a fucking causal loop its gonna be this guy LMAO. And that’s exactly what happens. Amidst the back and forths about the eigenmachine, Placeholder notices that this future self sounds… different? And is quite cheeky about it whenever asked! It gets Placeholder thinking about things, and before the connection is severed, future!Place nudges his past self in the direction of a certain Site-43 memeticist we all know and love. It leads him to properly meeting Lillihammer for the first time. Aaand also because if theres on thing I learned from Bury the Survivors is that memetics and countermemetics can spot an egg like it’s their job LMAOO. It’s there that he learns being trans is like,,, an option that he has and Realizes thats what he is.
And from there, transition becomes a matter of reclamation for him. A way to reclaim control over his identity and how people perceive him, after INTEGER took that away when it stole his name. He decides to undergo HRT and start T instead of using something like 113 because he wants to put that control directly in his own hands — wants to administer it to himself as a repeated assertion that he is in control of his identity. Also because his science nerd brain likes handling syringes with chemicals in them, thats an added bonus. AND he can track the changes and progress with CHARTS. He fucking loves charts and data.
While the name curse is still a problem and source of discomfort (it’s half the reason he insists people call him ‘Place’, even in professional settings, as it feels ever so slightly more ‘normal’), he regains some assemblence of control over himself. And he still ascribes to one day tear himself free, so that he can fucking choose a name.
The astute may notice unintended consequences in hinging him transitioning/realizing he's trans to the REISNO Cannon and yeag. yeag. para!Place still realizes, just a bit later and also In the paradox, but doesn't get the materials to transition until in Admoline; where he just synthesizes that shit mad science style because he spent twelve years wanting to eat glass about this tbh. Guy who has 100% injured his ribs with improper chest binding.
Theres a metaphor in here to realizing your trans while also living in a horrific situation that means you can't acquire the means to transition in a way thats make you feel comfortable with yourself. Stares into the camera. Anyways yeah there’s all my yowling about shenanigans thats been living in my head rent free for actual months
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spotaus · 5 months ago
Sigh... all of my classes were canceled today, which is kinda a relief, but I think I'm gonna throw my heart and soul into an unrelated Creative Writing project so. Dead for a bit on here. I think.
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akechi-stole-my-heart · 6 months ago
With one of the most impactful sections of the game with Akechi (in my opinion) being his very emotionally fuelled breakdown during his boss fight, you would think more people would realize just how much of his reasoning for what he does is based on his emotions and not logic
akdbudhehf yeag
It's as if people just block out the engine room scene entirely, tbh. All the most popular misinterpretations of his character are blatantly contradicted by that scene. It's absolutely wild to me when it's incredibly obvious to me that that scene is Akechi at his most genuine/least filtered in the game and therefore the most important one if you want to understand him as a character. But it is so often completely ignored.
Arguments like "Akechi hates Joker" or "Akechi doesn't regret anything." Or "The Phantom Thieves hate Akechi and don't sympathize with him," even. I've even seen people (Akechi stans! in multiple fics!!) interpret Akechi as not giving a shit about popularity or what the masses think of him. Hello??? Guys!! Goro "I was extremely particular about my life, my grades, my public image, so someone would want me around" and "you'll all be heroes. as for me, people will find out my past deductions were just charade. my fame and trust will vanish" Akechi very very much does give a shit what people think about him. That is. actually. kind of his entire thing. (Yeah, after the public turns against him he gets jaded, but he never doesn't care. Having the public turn on him, I would argue, was actually a kind of personal hell for him, because he cares so much.) Anyway. I already wrote that meta.
But yeah, people love ignoring the engine room scene. Maybe they just forget a lot of it because a ton does happen? Or they just aren't insane about Akechi like me and haven't practically memorized bits of it. (Hey, I'm working on it. It'll get completely memorized eventually...) Akechi haters are gonna misinterpret him, that's not surprising. But it is absolutely wild to me when Akechi stans ignore the most important scene with him and understand who he is and why he did the things he did.
I've even been told that the engine room isn't Akechi at his most genuine and actually is him at his most extreme and shouldn't be taken at face value. Which is just......what??? Yeah, he's having a mental breakdown, but as a result all of his masks come off and he says shit that is real and genuine and that wouldn't have come out at any other time. The extreme emotions of the situation are what make it so genuine. That interpretation is so baffling to me, but maybe it's more common than I think, and that's why Akechi stans ignore it, I dunno.
But yeah, anyway, if you wanna know what Akechi actually believes about something, look at the engine room. It's the Rosetta Stone to Akechi's character and the scene through which you should interpret everything else. I don't know why everyone loves ignoring it so much.
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cowboymantis · 3 months ago
Random yapping once again but currently getting some random cool and/or funny toku clips for another propaganda post and like. I'm skipping through the whole of Geats for the second time now after watching it (first time was right after Geats ended to get some edit clips and gifs/screenshots of my favs, the usual after finishing a toku show), this time more specifically skimming through the story and dialogue to decide which are good clips to show that are out of context, yet still entertaining and not to spoilery.
And I just wanna say how much I love Kamen Rider Geats, it has a special place in my heart. It was the first season I've watched "live", aka while it was running and the experience was so much fun. Of all the toku shows I've followed so far, Geats and Donbrothers were definitely my favourites to watch in real time and seeing fandom theories, memes, etc.
Something about Geats being all about the audience watching the characters and all that really added to that live experience I feel like?
And then of course, the usual tokutwitter thing where, after a season ends, everyone suddenly hates it 😭 But you could never make me hate Geats, I love this season sm.
((In general, it's probably best to stay away from the fandom, especially on Twitter, since there's so much negativity and everyone just ends up hating every season and will bring that into every conversation, but hey it's still fun being in the fandom if you ignore the fun police :D))
It's kind of funny, people often hate Yuya Takahashi, but I somehow end up reaaally loving and being obsessed over his seasons?? Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, Zero-One and Geats! I LOVE those seasons and all of them (Ex-Aid being bit more of an exception, since this one is more widely loved) are kinda controversial on Twitter especially, like damn. People HAAATE this guys seasons.
And I mean, the writing often has similarities, like for example when I watched Ex-Aid after Geats, I often thought oh. That's. Yeah that sure is written by the same person. But that's not a bad thing to me??? It's not like EVERY Kamen Rider season is written by him and the same. Just a handful that share one or two similarities, but even then, they're completely different.
Sane with Inoue honestly...although I get the love hate relationship between the fandom and him. OUGHHH WJEN I GET YOU INOUE.
Yeah but anyway, Oddly specific thing I've noticed with Takahashi seasons is that I will have one favourite character that I become really attached to fairly early on and then towards the end a completely different character that I either didn't mind much or hasn't appeared much before will fight for the #1 favourite spot with the other one.
For Zero-One, definitely Jin was my main fav at first, and then Horobi took over. Like, BY FAR
Then, for Geats, Keiwa IMMEDIATELY was my fav and then later, Daichi. But I can't say who I love more, so they're both at the #1 spot :3
And theeen Ex-Aid, Taiga, once again quickly became my fav and then. The beginning of my downfall. DAN MASAMUNE. Yeag I'm very normal about this character who is my absolute favourite Kamen Rider character 😭😭 I couldn't pick just one single favourite before watching Ex-Aid, because there were so many good ones. But then it happened in like 5 seconds I feel like 💀
But for ALL 3 OF THOSE SEASONS I keep on coming back to think about them, watch edits, just skim through some scenes because I just loove their characters sm.
So this is what this is now too, to combat all the hate I always see on Twitter this is an APPRECIATION POST FOR TAKAHASHI SEASONS. (Not for Takahashi, just his seasons #sorrynotsorry)
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ochrearia · 4 months ago
fossil... fighter..?? its cool if not btw lol, ik we havent yapped much. but id love to yap w you if you want!!
Yknow just off the shit I have stored in the back of my brain about you from seeing on the tl I think you fit Parium
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"Ochre this isn't a dinosaur" I MEAN... TO BE FAIR Fossil Fighters has a lot of shit that isn't the typical "haha theropod or raptor or sauropod or etc" as options. They do take from other less-known things and sometimes things outside of the dinosaur era trifecta. Anyways Parium
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Air-type, decent stats and- hey wtf TWO ABILITIES? I actually had no idea about that. I don't think I've actually ever used a Parium on my team and while you can fight them in FFC on enemy teams from random NPCs you would have to like, go out of your way to look at the information tab in the battle itself. Which you usually don't need to.
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I remember in FF1 a vivosaur with an ability was less common and then I think in FFC they gave out more. Idk. Something like that. So wtf you have no skill-inducing attacks but. 2 abilities AND a non-team attack that hits all enemy team members. Why the fuck have I never used this guy before hello this is really solid
I think you can only find Parium in a late game area... probably... FFC dosn't really have all that much post game so. Rip. But hey, solid shit here. The Vivosaur I use as mine/my Dinaurian's battle form base has two abilities too. Lagia also has Link but with 90% link rate and then Parting Blow which makes it stronger when it's about to die basically. But only 280HP stat where Parium has 470HP. Yeag
Elemental Boost is crazy. I don't know if you'd keep air typing if you made a Dinaurian off this because you can be whatever element tbh but with whatever you choose the type that is weak against you is fucked to hell
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nalpurex · 1 year ago
i got souyo brainworms again and i gotta share some thoughts i have
this ones a long one so ill put a 'keep reading' thing here just in case yall dont wanna scroll past a wall of text
basically some headcanons about a healthy mix of chad narukami and normal yu, injecting loads of gap moe into this guy
(and it eventually devolves into some weird semi-story because my brains really spiralling here)
okok so, hear me out, chad narukami isnt that bad as an idea...? maybe as a more calm iteration, just another layer to yu
in the p4 manga, we get to see some of yu's backstory. (its been a while since ive read it so i might get some details wrong but) his parents are very busy people, always working and moving around, so yu's always moving around with them
because of this, hes a very independent but also lonely kid. poor guy doesnt talk much with his own mom and dad, and he never really have a good enough chance to form lasting friendships
so when he moves to inaba and starts making friends there, hes like 'oh i really want to keep these guys around...' so he starts putting up a bit of a persona (hah), some cool, unfazed guy that everyone can rely on thinking thats what people might like more. to his credit, it works pretty well, but its a bit stifling for yu himself. hes never had this many friends though, so he'll keep it up
we all know yosuke admires him quite a fair bit as is, just as a dependable friend and a strong leader. he looks up to yu in these aspects, thinking hes basically the perfect guy. (and lets never unpack that thought.) talented, charming, 'gets all the ladies', that kind of stuff
at some point its just the two of them, maybe walking home from school or something, yu gets pretty comfortable and his facade slips a little. maybe he says something completely silly, or heavens forbid theres a stray cat along the road! ("awww look at the little guy, cmeree, pspsps- oh- ahem- uh, its pretty cute...") it surprises yosuke quite a bit. he's thinking about it a lot as they part ways, it was... definitely a new side to his partner, but its also not a bad thing...
after that, yosuke starts noticing more small things about yu. whenever he invites anyone to share his lunch, its always something they like. whenever the IT are talking, he makes sure no one feels left out. he likes cats, a lot more than hes willing to show, and he loves nanako a whole lot too. his partner's... a bit of a softie under that calm and collected vibe, isnt he?
(alternatively, it'd be really funny if the entire IT knew? like "yeah, hes got a straight face all the time and sparkles fly around him whenever he strikes a pose, but hes got a dedicated schedule for hanging out with us and hes always asking when we're free. hes a big puppy, really.")
anyways, yosuke tries to encourage him to show more of this other side of him. stuff like "c'mon, we'll think you're cool either way!" and yu at first is a little hesitant, so yosuke suggests he just try it out with him
he feels some pride about it, because hes the first to learn about this side of yu! his partner trusts him the most, hes the most comfortable around him! (whats this strange other feeling? hm. dont like that.)
yu takes a little more time with the others, but theyre very welcoming about it nonetheless. specifically, they find it very charming! (making cute shapes in your bento? sewing cute stuffed toys with kanji? playing with literally every single stray cat you lay your eyes on? hell yeag.)
of course the facade doesnt completely shatter, because some parts of it are still true to yu. its just that he'll now crack the dumbest joke youve heard in your life with the same old straight face
(aaand now to derail for the sappy stuff huhuhu)
because yosuke's usually the first to be exposed to whatever new shenanigans yu's up to, eventually he starts getting some... weirder things. he brings some of it up to the other IT members and he looks insane, like:
"what? he hasnt been giving you guys origami?"
"why would he? i mean itd be cool, but thats just his part-time job isnt it? hes probably sick of paper cranes!"
"cranes... haha, yeah..." (as he thinks about the row of stupid paper animals sitting on his windowsill)
yu over time starts getting real sweet with yosuke, and he kind of gets the feeling he should just... keep this to himself...? especially when he doesnt see him acting this way with anyone else, and a small part of him wants to keep it to himself. all of this, just for him.
but that would be kind of gay, wouldnt it? hes not gay, is he...? he gets pretty happy whenever yu smiles at him, whenever he does something for him, but its just because he appreciates him as his partner... right?
eventually it all comes to a head when yu invites him to that... that spot high up in inaba. (ykno the one, its got the railing and shit.)
yosuke's climbing the hill, wondering whats yu gonna tell him, and at the top he sees him already waiting there as the sun's about to set on a nice breezy day
he kinda jokes a bit about it, like "damn did you ask me to come here now for the atmosphere?" but yu's strangely quiet
so they kinda just stand in a bit of an awkward silence before yu clears his throat... and confesses to yosuke.
they just. stare at each other for a bit. yosuke's at a loss, heat slowly rising in his cheeks, because what the hell?
and then yu explodes into a flustered mess, bumbling about "hey yeah man you dont have to accept if you dont wanna, i was just saying things yknow? you dont really have to-"
yosuke cuts him off, sighing a little. he tells him its okay, hes kinda had a feeling he felt the same way but he wasnt ready yet... and now his partner's confessing to his face, he cant really put it off anymore, can he?
("by the way, did you plan this? like, the timing and everything?"
"i... had a hard enough time saying 'i like you' with a straight face as it was, i kind of had to..."
"... ah.")
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cxlrose · 6 months ago
cal life update wow!
yweha guys so instead of rotting on tumblr, i actually made a lot of imporvements in my life after i went on hiatus hehehehe most improtant of all: i learned how to socializ e and Not be awkward to some extent n that makes me so happy cuz my scoial life irl became so much morelively aaaaa<3 i think the only thing that stayed w the old me (cal pre hiatus) is that im still a fucking mlbb player unfortunately! but like... the othe rgames i used to have? gone! absolutely gone haha except Sky cuz i still love sky and recently redownlaoded haha but yeag i think i changed alot,,,,,, i actually touch grass now gusy!! i go outside pretty frequently w friends and yk the funniest part. the grass didnt hepl my thirst for fictonal people yay (im doomed) LIKE its not that bad anymore but i still catch myself acting insane liek cal pull ur shit togeyehr ur supposed to be nomral now erm anyways! yes thts pretty much it ive been Thriving and uhem perhaps nor that much in the love life section i realy want the fucking ground to consume me on that part of my life in both a good and bad way!! <3 HALKJEKHJD
yeah so ty for coming to my yap session ill stay for like a while cuz i wanna tlak to peple here hehe and then ill goback to hbbernation
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