#but anyway i have been thinking so much about yoosung outside of my own ocs
keii · 1 year
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Yoosung doesn't like that Zen keeps calling MC at night.
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momothegeckho · 4 years
Magi19 is Online...
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Mystic Messenger Fanfic. Yoosung x Reader (OC)
Note: So i totally did this when this game first came out, and its been collecting dust for a long time lol. I know its a bit lat and irrelevant now, but I enjoyed writing it so here it goes. I may not continue it unless I feel it needs more, so this is just what I wrote.
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• Yoosung unlocked his door and sighed. His Professor had caught him texting during class again and really let him have it after the session ended. He went into his room, dropped his bag, and jumped onto his bed. “He just had to give me extra homework, today of all days! What luck…” Today was a special event on his favorite MMORPG, LOLOL. If he wasn’t there today, it would be gone tomorrow. Yoosung sat up and looked at his bag, then at his computer. After what seemed like forever, which was really five seconds, Yoosung chose LOLOL. He just couldn’t wait. And the homework was due on friday, anyway. He pushed the power button on the side of his computer and smiled. 
“Armor is 60% off today! As well as certain boosts, too! No way can I miss this event!” The desktop on his screen lit up to show the background picture of him when he was younger, holding a light brown puppy with brown eyes. Rika’s puppy. He smiled at the memory and quickly opened up LOLOL, put on his headphones, and logged in. As soon as he was about to review his character, Yoosung’s phone beeped. A new chat room had opened up on the messenger app. He picked up his phone and sighed. It was Seven again, most likely signing on to poke a little fun at everyone. He turned on the app and entered the chatroom.
707: Yoosung!!!!
Yoosung: Seven… why are you here? Didn’t you say you had work?
Mina (MC):He does… but he’s putting it off until the last minute. Hello Yoosung! How was school?
Yoosung: Fine I guess, but my prof. yelled at me for being on my phone… I was just about to get on LOLOL.
707: Yoosung.
Yoosung: What?
707:… Get a girlfriend.
Those words made Yoosung sigh. Ever since Seven and Mina had gotten together, Seven tried to set Yoosung up on dates with girls he barely knew. He just wanted to find a girl naturally and connect with her through a mutual friendship, though he knew it wouldn’t happen overnight. Even though he wished it would.
Yoosung: Seven… Pls.
Mina: Seven! That was rude! Let Yoosung find love by his own terms! Sorry Yoosung. You know Seven is just playing.
Yoosung: Thanks, Mina. I’ll find someone someday!!!
{Jaehee Kang Has Entered the Chatroom}
Jaehee: How soon is someday exactly? Because from what I see, you barely put yourself out there.
Yoosung: Jaehee! You’re so mean!!!!
Jaehee: Just speaking the truth. Hello Seven, Mina. Finally got a break from Mr. Han!!!
Mina: Glad you made it out alive! How is Jumin? He hasn’t been in the chatroom lately.
Jaehee: He’s been on a lot of business trips lately. Just this morning, he took off for America for a transaction. And this time, he took the furball with him! 
707: Wow. You must be really happy. Elizabeth Third! Come baaack!
Jaehee: Don’t jinx this. Please.
Yoosung: Lol. Jaehee. Do you really not like Elizabeth the Third? She’s cute!
Jaehee: No… She’s the devil with shedding hair. Zen’s new role in ‘Love Under the Cherry Blossom’ is cute! ////
Yoosung: Whatever. LOLOL calls for me. Later, everyone!
Mina: Bye, Yoosung!!
Yoosung put down his phone and started to play LOLOL. He smiled at the prices on new armor and buffs for his character. It was like being a kid in a candy store! He bought up a few things and started to play. He found a dungeon to go into and saw another player standing outside of it. The character wore a white cape with gold decorating the edges, while the armor she had on was very amazon-like. The character’s hair was black with white tips, and she had a sword on her side. Almost as if on cue, the messenger block popped up with blinking dots. The player was contacting him.
Magi19: Hello! Are you here for the event, too?
Yoosung: Yeah! I mean, who could miss it? I would hate myself if this passed and I wasn’t here to participate. What did you get?
Magi19: Right!? I just got a few buffs to help me cast spells quicker. I also got some new armor! You?
Yoosung: A few armor suits and some buffs. Hey, do you want to be friends? We could conquer the dungeon together! 
There was a small pause after Yoosung’s question, and he started to feel awkward. Was he too straightforward? After all, He only met Magi19 a few seconds ago. The worst thing that got to him was that he was thinking so hard about this as if he was asking out a girl… He was about to dismiss his question when a beep came from his computer.
Magi19: Yeah, sure!! I haven’t went inside yet! Let me send you my info really quickly…
Yoosung received Magi19’s profile info and looked through it. Everything seemed normal, from her gender all the way to her stats.
Yoosung: Wow! You’re really experienced! Level 60? You could clear this level by yourself if you wanted!
Magi19: I’m not that experienced. I just fight monsters here and there for the items. You have a really high level, too. Lol!!!
Yoosung: I’m sure you’re great! Let’s go!
Magi19: Wait! Shouldn’t we hook up our mics so we can talk instead of type? I don’t know about you, but I’m a bit of a slow typer…
Yoosung: Oh yeah, sure! Here’s my sky-pic number.
Magi19: Thanks! Hold on…
Magi19 stopped typing and then called Yoosung on Skypic. He answered and was met with a smiling face. “Hi! You’re Yoosung, right?” The girl had brown hair with light purple tips, brown eyes, and a really bright smile. 
“Yeah… Hi. I’m Yoosung! Nice to meet you…” Yoosung trailed off, not knowing her real name and smiled. “Sorry! My name is Yoona. Nice to meet you, Yoosung!” Yoosung smiled and laughed with the girl as they entered the dungeon together. Jokes were exchanged between the two as they slayed monsters and talked about daily life “You go to Sky University, too?” Yoosung looked at the girl on his screen as she nodded and smiled. “Yeah! I actually got there a few months ago! You see, I had to transfer from my other college for a few reasons…” Yoona trailed off and slayed a beast in front of her. “But I like Sky. It’s the best school I’ve ever been to!” Yoosung smiled and laughed a little. 
Where was this girl all his life? She liked video games, she was super comfortable around people, she has a great personality, and to top it all off, she was comfortable in her own skin. She didn’t need to be told she was pretty, because she didn’t care. Yoosung liked that. “So Yoosung, what are you planning on making your occupation later in life?” Yoona looked at Yoosung and picked up some items from the dungeon. “I’m going into medicine to become a veterinarian. What about you?”  Yoona stopped moving her character and looked into the lens. Yoosung knew that she wasn’t there with him and couldn’t really stare through a camera, but still felt as though her eyes were going to pierce his soul. “I wanted to go into medicine to be a veterinarian freelancer, but instead, I want to become a patissiere! I have already went to culinary school in France and got my degree, so now, all I have to do is get this degree, and I’ll be able to open up my own shop! It doesn’t sound stupid, does it?” Yoosung smiled and shook his head. “No! I think that it’s amazing you can study so hard and still have time for LOLOL. How do you do it?” 
Yoona thought for a moment and sighed. “To be honest, I don’t really know. Once I got everything down on a schedule, it all fit together. How about you? I only just got here, and I already know that the Uni’s homework is a bit… piled.” Yoosung sighed deeply at the question and instantly got depressed. “To be honest with you, I don’t do a lot of my work. You see… I’m addicted to LOLOL. As we speak, I have homework I still haven’t gotten to. How about you?” Yoona smiled. “I already finished! You know, if you want, I could help you with your homework!” Hearing Yoona say she would help made Yoosung tear up. He didn’t know many people from the campus, but loved to meet new people along the way to graduation. 
“You’d really do that for me? Thank you so much!” Yoosung wiped away a fake tear and laughed. “Anything for a fellow LOLOL player and teammate! Here’s my number…” Yoona gave Yoosung her number and smiled. “I hate to do this now, but it’s getting really late. I have to go now.” Yoosung groaned and gave her puppy eyes. “You can’t stay a bit longer?” Yoona smiled and sighed. “Sorry! But hey! We go to the same school! Let’s just meet up tomorrow, kay’?” Yoosung nodded and exited out of the game. They said their goodbyes and signed off, anticipating if they would really see each other tomorrow. Yoosung was excited to make a new friend like Yoona. She seemed really cool, and definitely had a certain enthusiasm about her. He couldn’t wait to see her again. Even though they had literally just met a few hours earlier. He logged onto the messenger and saw no one was online. He took the opportunity to open a chat room. He smiled as he typed in the news.
Yoosung: Everyone, I met someone today. She’s a really nice girl, and she also likes LOLOL…
Yoosung: She’s really pretty, her name is Yoona. 
Yoosung: Turns out, we go to the same school… and have probably been passing each other everyday.
Yoosung: What should I do!?!?
Yoosung: I’m meeting her tomorrow! Should I buy her something? Should I?
Yoosung: … Is it weird that I’m talking like this even though I met her a few hours ago?
Yoosung: Gahhh!!!
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•☾☼☽•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• There are 3 other chapters I made, so this is just the first one. ugh its so cringey lmaooo - 
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the rfa, vandy, and your ocs reactions to finding a small child all alone, like wandering the city streets or something, who just... is very quiet? and shy? and honest? and has a connection with this weird demon familiar thing that looks scary as fuck? and is cute?
He’s walking home late after class and he finds himself staring at a lonely street where nobody is there but a little kid. Well, that’s not okay at all, so of course, he approaches them and sees if there’s anything that he can do to help them get off of the street and much to his horror, when he gets close to them, he’s left staring up at eldrich horror.
“Can I... C-Can I help you, and um... your... friend?” 
Zen was out on a brisk job one evening when he stumbled into a kid that looked really nervous and unsure of themselves. There was no adult in sight and he knew what that felt like so he decided to gently approach the kid and talk to them about why they were alone in the middle of the night. He speaks to them with no problem but when they say that they’re not alone, he happens to look up and find himself staring into the eyes of something otherworldly. 
“Well... you’re definitely not alone, huh?” 
She was closing up late one evening at the shop and she found himself staring at a kid who was all alone on the other side of the street. She isn’t one to think that kids should be alone that young at this hour, so she approaches them and starts to get her answers about why and how this happened. She manages to learn a little about them, but the kid gets glancing back down the alley to their left and when Jaehee inquires, she’s face to face with a monster. 
Her reaction is to push out a hand to defend herself but the beast doesn’t seem to want to hurt her, or the kid. The kid chirps happily that this is their best friend in the world. 
“This is... your friend?” 
It isn’t often that Jumin is out and about on the streets on his own. He just happened to catch a glimpse of a child in the rain on his way home from a work trip and he immediately stopped the car so that he could check on them. They were soaked so of course, he offered to give them a ride. The kid is hesitant though because they have a friend they don’t want to leave behind. Jumin isn’t bothered by that, but boy is he surprised when he makes eye contact with a little squishy demon. 
“Huh. You have a very... cute friend. Would the two of you like to seek some shelter from this rain?”
Seven is often taking drives or walks to clear his mind when he’s trying to slack off from his work, far away from the prying eyes of Vanderwood. It’s one of those nights that he finds a kid sitting in the middle of the sidewalk, seemingly speaking to somebody that he can’t see. That’s strange but he’s not gonna judge a stray kid. He asks if he can join them and they talk for a few minutes before the kid asks if it’s okay if they’re friend comes out. 
Now, here’s one nervous Catholic boy looking at a demon, but seeing a kid in need at the same time. 
“That certainly is a... big friend you got there, you think you two can come with me so... you’re not on the street?” 
Saeran’s been working really hard at his recovery, and he’s been determined to get himself to a better place then he was in the past. He spends a lot of his time outside and trying to focus on the little things, so yeah, much of his day is in the park or in the forest. 
He likes being outside, he always has enjoyed it. He likes to use that time to think or watch the sky as well, but he didn’t expect a kid to be watching from a bit away by themselves. He’s noticed that there’s a glimmer of a shadow behind them, it doesn’t have bad energy but 
“...Would you and your friend like to join me?”
V has seen some things in his time on his planet and he is not one to judge other people no matter what’s going on. He can pick up really fast when something isn’t right and when he happens to run into a young kid by themselves after he was returning from a photoshoot, he didn’t know what to do besides shift his entire day to getting this kid somewhere safe. The kid is indignant about them already being safe! 
He asks how that’s so, and they ask their friend to come out of the shadows, to which V doesn’t know what to do. 
“I see you do have a friend, would they like to join us as well?” 
Vanderwood looks like a big tough person but hey, they’re secretly a softie on the inside and that’s something they can’t deny. They’re going to pretend that they don’t want to get involved but of course, they step in when they happen to notice that there’s a kid by themselves in the middle of an abandoned district during an informant mission. 
Color them fucking shocked when they try to approach the kid and demon steps out in front of them and hisses. 
“I don’t know what the hell that is but it seems to know you, brat. What kind of scheme are you running here?” 
Minji is a good girl. She’s always looking to do good deeds and help others in need, no matter what that cost means to her and no matter how much trouble that can land her in. She’s on a morning run when she bumps into a kid that was by themselves in the park, and she apologizes profusely for that, but she is also concerned that there’s a kid by themselves at this hour when that’s not safe at all, even in her town. 
She voices her concern but the kid clamps up and gets a little nervous, looking away from Minji. 
When Minji gets a little too close that’s when a demon materializes in front of her and she squeaks. 
“Oh my God, how is this happening right now and what am I seeing? I’ve never seen somebody so cool before in my life! Hey kid, hey, how did you meet this guy?” 
Judas was and is a street kid at heart. He’s always prowling the town for the next fun for him to find and to have, and he often bumps into wayward souls that need a little bit of money or some food to get by. He was there once, and he always does good by kids that look scared. He stops that evening when he runs across a kid that looks like they’re in need of help, and when he laughs and approaches them in his normal, but a bit too extroverted way, he is stopped by something holding his ankle.
He glances back to see many eyes peering at him. 
Lila is a darling and sweetheart. However, she’s not that great that vocalizing herself when she’s not dressed up and tends to get flustered at the smallest conversations. The only time that she can really reach out to others is if they need more help than she does. So, on the way back from picking up a few new things from the store, she bumps into a kid that looks like they’re about to start crying. They look a little lost. 
She stoops down to their level and tries to co ax them out of their tears so that she can help, but when she offers to take them to their guardian, the kid says that the person is there but they’re nervous about showing their face to other people. Lila reassures her, but the kid still says not to scream, but when a demon comes out of the darkness, Lila blanks. 
“I know you said not to scream but I think I’m going to scream anyway. I’m sorry about that. I think I might scream. Excuse me if I scream, I need a minute, sweetie, then I’ll be okay. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Okay. I think I’m good.” 
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whereisvanderwood · 6 years
could I request the rfa + v and saeran reacting to mc telling them they're asexual (either sex repulsed or just isn't interested and therefor not wanting to have sex)? if this counts a nsfw/isn't something you'd like to write for that's 100% okay! thank you for your time (and I'd totally be interested in that discord server)!
This request really piqued my interest to be honest. I can realate to these types of feelings in my personal life. I’ve never written anything about this kind of topic before, so I hope it’s alright!! Thank you for YOUR time!
And I’m SO GLAD you’re interested! I’d love to post the link soon! Keep an eye out for it! The server is open for any fanficion writers or OC makers to join. Experience does not matter– you can be a newbie or a veteran of the art and you’ll all be equally as welcome.
RFA + Another Story reacting to MC confessing she’s asexual.
It wasn’t really something the two of you spoke about frequently, or even joked about. You were both the shy type, and any mention of the topic paints the boy’s face a tomato red.
But… it was something you were meant to do in a relationship, right? It was part of being in love.
The more time passed, the more worried you became about the topic. The relationship was a total hit and it seemed to be nothing but working.
But then one day, he decided to be a man.
“MC, can I talk to you about something?”
“What’s up?”
“I uh… I’m not sure how else to put this but… do you think we should… you know… do it?”
“Yeah… ‘it’. It’s what couples are supposed to… do, isn’t it?”
You could tell how much courage it took him just to even bring it up, so you thought it best to be courteous enough to give him the truth.
He didn’t quite understand the concept at first, but he did when you forced yourself to go into a little more detail about it.
It was important that he knew it didn’t change your love for him. It was just one element of the relationship that didn’t seem compulsory to you.
“I… I understand.”
You apologised for not bringing it up sooner, and became worried that it could potentially mean the end of your relationship with him.
He told you it didn’t matter to him at all. If it meant you could still waste hours upon hours in a day playing LOLOL together and doing all the same things you loved doing together, it didn’t matter to him in the slightest.
Being with Zen made your world seem so perfect, and everything you would worry about would dissipate into nothingness with him in your life.
You didn’t like it when he would talk about his “inner beast”, or how men are greedy in that way.
It was on the first night you ever visited him to make sure he was alright, suggested by majority of the RFA, Jaehee excluded of course.
It was obvious to anyone that sparks had begun flying between the two of you, and something was bound to ignite the start of a lasting love sooner than later.
Sitting on the roof together, watching the stars as he opened himself up to you calmed your nerves so much. Your eyes rested on his angelically pale face as he spoke with that heart-melting voice of his. You slowly began to not feel so afraid as what you were much earlier in the day.
“Hey… Zen? You know that… ‘inner beast’ of yours?”
what’s its name?
“Well… I don’t think… I have an… ‘inner beast.’”
You loved that he knew exactly what you were talking about the moment the words left your beautifully plush lips.
You watched every little feature on his face for a hint of disappointment, a twitch in annoyance, anything. But he looked somewhat… relieved?
Maybe he was much more nervous about the topic than you originally anticipated.
While the atmosphere was what it was – one of being a safe environment where you could say anything - you went into it a little more, considering how Zen had just been very open about his own personal life with you.
“You should know that I don’t accept you any less, MC. And… I’m sorry if me talking about it every now and then makes you feel uncomfortable.”
He promised you he wouldn’t do anything that you didn’t like or crossed your personal boundaries.
You even let him give you a nice warm hug to finish off the night you had together.
She used to think she was asexual herself for a really long time, but it wasn’t until you came along that she discovered her true orientation.
Have you ever seen a girl so beautiful your sexuality changed
She didn’t really have any female friends either, so she just assumed that’s how she was.
When the two of you began to catch up more outside of the RFA, and especially when you ran your own coffee house together, you both knew you were more than just “friends” at this point.
But for you, you didn’t want to go much further than that. You were happy with how things had been going on the surface, and you were happy with not talking about “bedroom” topics. All you knew was that you didn’t want anything to do with it.
And from what it looked like to you, Jaehee was just as happy.
So it was you who approached first, wondering where her own standing with it the concept was. You were curious.
“Jaehee? Are you busy?”
“Not at all, MC. Is something bothering you?”
“You could say that…”
You opened with expressing your understanding that she’s still relatively new with this whole relationship thing, and it can be a little rocky for anyone who’s still discovering their own colour of love.
When you confessed your own feelings towards intercourse, you didn’t expect her to react the way she did. In fact, you at least expected somewhat of a reaction, not a smile and nod.
“To be honest, I had a suspicion that might be the case. But it doesn’t matter to me, MC.”
She openly expressed how she was happy just doing what the two of you had been doing thus far, and being completely content with it being the way your relationship is defined, even though it might seem to others that you’re just best friends and not really in love.
She still loved you to bits.
His own disinterest in women for the longest time lead him to identify himself as the same way.
But this man kept you in his house for nearly a whole week with his possessiveness and desire to keep you close to him. You couldn’t think of anything more embarrassing than to tell him you weren’t, naturally, sexually attracted to anyone.
There were plenty of occasions where he talked about potentially “getting closer as a couple”, and he wasn’t afraid to voice his romantic desires ever since you came knocking on his door.
He still considered himself a Christian, however, and within its belief system he wanted to try and abstain from sex before marriage.
“MC, may I have a moment of your time?”
At each of his attempts to spark conversation of the topic, nothing wanted to make you cave in on yourself. It was never a nice, let alone easy, thing to talk about with you.
You tried to avoid it as much as you could, but you could only avoid it for so long.
“What do you think about having sex with me?”
His bluntness took you off guard, especially with that one word you hated hearing.
“I, umm… I don’t think I’m really… interested right now, Jumin.”
“What do you mean ‘not interested’?”
He wouldn’t back down. So you toughened up and spelt it out for him. Curse him and his confidence. You only wished you weren’t as afraid of confrontation like him.
“I understand your feelings, MC. I just don’t understand why you wouldn’t tell me in the first place.”
You felt more at ease whenever you were around him after overdue conversation was out in the open. You no longer felt like he might pounce on you like Elizabeth the 3rd when you least expect it, putting you in the worse position you could imagine.
But you were grateful for his understanding and acceptance of your feelings.
Especially when he’d been out on a long and hard mission, all he’d want is you. He can’t stand being away from you, and it makes him feel terrible, too. Quality time with you is one of his favourite things in the world.
In the earlier years of your relationship, you’d actually tried the experience for yourself, much to your prior disinterest – you felt it to be more of an obligation than a pleasure.
But since after that, you’d found yourself left unsatisfied, or perhaps ‘bored’ would be a more accurate description. You were positive you should’ve felt some sort of spark, or at least an unquenchable craving for love.
The door of the bunker opened, and you met him at the front door. He closed it before his comrade-in-arms could even enter.
You shared a beautifully warm hug with him. One that didn’t need words to express how much you missed the other’s presence with the exception of a ticklish breath of “I missed you” in your ear.
Even that didn’t evoke any underlying desires. Oddly, you suddenly felt sad about it.
You felt his hands move from behind your neck to your waist, and his lips brush your neck as they came to meet yours, but not before planting a few pecks here and there on your cheek.
It was a harmless kiss, but you felt him begin to slowly increase in passion. You moved your hands to in front of you, slightly pushing against his chest.
“Seven, w-wait.”
He stopped straight away, the last thing him wanting to do being making you uncomfortable in any way.
You felt terrible for confessing what you wish you didn’t have to ruin. You felt like you’d lied to him since your first ‘experience’ with him.
He listened without a joke in sight, his ears wide open. With a simple nod, he spoke;
“Okay… let’s just take it slow. I’ll love you no matter what anyway, my 606.”
The mint-eyed photographer was somewhat someone you could share your present feelings to an extent.
Since his abusive and damaging relationship with Rika, he’d more or less been subjected to not the most pleasant of sexual experiences. For a number of years, he’d been put off from any desire to re-engage in any type of bedroom activities.
He was afraid of the intimacy. As much as he believed he deserved every bit of Rika’s infliction, it didn’t take away the fear of the moment. Whereas with you, you had no sexually intimate craving whatsoever.
Out of the two of you, he was even more hesitant to begin a relationship than you were, and you were honestly convinced you wouldn’t meet someone as apprehensive about romance as yourself.
There were plenty of moments where you even questioned if what you really had could be deemed as a relationship at all. But you knew he was still recovering from a broken history.
“V… do you still feel love?” you asked him one day.
“I do… but I believe it’s a different kind of love than what the recognized meaning is.”
You saw the nervousness in his face from just the one sentence.
“I think I know what you mean.”
At most, the two of you would engage in the little acts of affection. Holding hands, cuddling, maybe a few kisses on the forehead and some hair play, but it wouldn’t escalate much further than that.
The both of you were plenty happy to keep it that way. As long as you were both content, it never seemed like the relationship wasn’t progressing to either one of you.
He craved the closeness, since being deprived of any love at all from his mother, brother, even his ‘Saviour’. You turned his world upside down.
But those three days in Mint Eye, when he still struggled with his serious case of dual personalities, the physical torment he put you through was one of the worse things you could fear to experience.
He already felt terrible about the matter, and hadn’t even stopped apologising about it yet, even months after the event. You couldn’t bring yourself to tell him that one extra detail.
But for the most of it, you didn’t have to pick him up on any behaviour you didn’t approve of. In fact, he generally kept some physical distance from you in fear that he might hurt you again. It would be soul-crushing.
You reassured him that him sitting next to you, touching shoulders, on the couch while snuggle was perfectly fine with you, and there was nothing to be afraid of. After all, you wanted closeness with him, too.
Just not that type of closeness.
You still slept in the same bed, but you often subconsciously stayed as close to your end as you were able without falling off. You hadn’t realised he picked up on this behaviour, which is what, according to him, lead him to believe you were still afraid of his proximity.
“I understand if you want to keep your distance, MC. I don’t blame you for being that way around me…”
You sighed. “I’ve forgiven you for everything, Saeran. I promise it’s not you… it’s me.”
After you told him, he was so relieved you could see it all over his face. His shoulders instantly relaxed and he exhaled a held-breath. He held both of your hands and brought them to his lips.
“I don’t care about that at all. As long as you’re by my side, then I’m happy with what we are.”
*:・゚✧   There’s something about making an OC that just makes you feel like a proud parent and it’s so great.
Masterlist! + Request Box!
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mess-messenger · 7 years
What is mine ( Zen fanfic ) part 1
Warmth. I feel hot, as if I’m burning. It feels as if I’m on fire. Eyes. people are looking at me right now. Eyes piercing through me, looking right into my soul. They’re judging me, whispering, laughing. Dizzy, am I going to pass out? I can’t I’ll look like a failure and I don’t want them to think I’m some weakling.
Did someone say something?
Wait what was I doing again?
Suddenly I’m back to my senses. Oh right. I have to introduce myself to all of these new people. I look at the teacher, he looks at me with an awkward smile. For how long has he been calling my name? Well I guess these kids already know that then.
“ yes my name is Sophie as you might have noticed. I moved and because of that I switched schools.”
Whispers. Here they are again. Like what the fuck I’m right here.
“ also if you have something to say about me say it right to my face. I’m pretty straight forward and I don’t take shit like that”
I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to succeed and build a good life. I couldn’t care less about what they think about me.
“Lolololol I like your purple hair”
Ah yes how couldn’t I have known. My appearance isn’t what you call usual I guess. I’m dressed fully in black, Face covered in freckles, bright green eyes, and to top it all off I have purple hair. The little prick who asked me that question had red hair himself. He also had the weirdest glasses I’ve ever seen, if he gets cheeky I’ll definitely make fun of them. But before I could do that he continued.
“Don’t get me wrong I don’t mean it in a mean way, I actually think it looks great!”
Hm I’m not sure if he’s genuine but I’ll play nice for now.
“Why thank you I dyed it myself”
And with that I sat down next to the window. The whispering continued but I guess it can’t be helped. I stared outside, I might seem like I don’t care and that I’ll fight anyone who annoys me but the truth is that I’ve never been good with people. I don’t like them and I don’t want to be near them but for some reason I care what they think of me. I’m insecure and a mess. But I don’t want people to look at me that way.
Before I know it it’s lunchtime. Since I haven’t had a conversation with anyone except the tomato guy I’ll probably end up sitting all alone. But not that I care..right? At my old school you got really gross food so I thought that was the case here as well but apparently you have to bring your own lunch, which I didn’t do. And if things couldn’t get worse all the seats were already taken. There was this really loud blonde girl sitting at one of the tables. Next to her was a guy with blue hair, she was clinging onto him for life and he looked very uncomfortable. Across of him was a guy with black hair, he looked very fancy but for some reason he had a weird cat backpack… Well I’m not one to judge. I guess you could say that’s the “popular table”. The table next to them was filled with edgy people. Not gonna lie they looked cool, but probably because I can relate to them I’m an edgy egg myself after all. There was a guy with pink hair, have I seen him before? While trying to figure out if I’ve seen him earlier we made eye contact, and if looks could kill I’d be dead. God I know school sucks but he looked at me as if I killed his dog or something.
“ hey Sophie!!! Heeeey!!!!”
What the heck. Before I could turn around someone bumpt against my back.
“For fuck sakes watch where you’re going will you? Oh it’s you” I should have known there’s only one tomato guy at this school after all.
“ Yay you remember me lololol. Do you want to sit with us? You look kinda lost lololol”
I roll my eyes. “Who’s us?”
“Me and Yoosung! Do you see that blonde guy over there? That’s him. OH also I’m seven lololol”
“Okay tomato boy” I was walking towards a blond guy he didn’t see me coming so when I sat down he looked shook
“Uh sorry is this your table? We’ll sit somewhere else sorry!!” He looked panicked.
“Tomato boy told me to sit with you, you’re Yoosung right? I’m Sophie, I’m new so I don’t think we’ve met before sorry if I scared you” He looked like a lost puppy so let’s be nice to him.
“Oh I’m so sorry you don’t look scary at all! Believe me there are guys at this school who are terrifying as hell… Speaking of the devil here comes one of them!”
As soon as Yoosung said that the whole cafeteria went quiet and Yoosung hid his face in his hoodie. I looked behind me and I saw a big guy with hair longer than mine, red eyes and he had a fierce look on his face. He was wearing a black leather jacket and it kinda reminded me of those gangs I’ve seen on tv. He didn’t look impressed, until our eyes met. Something in his eyes changed it was as if he was surprised, probably because he didn’t know me. I wanted to stop looking at him but for some reason I couldn’t. It felt like I was getting sucked in those bright red eyes. After what felt like 10 minutes he stopped looking at me and he sat next to that edgy pink haired guy who gave me death glares earlier. Of course everyone started whispering again I sighed, what just happened?
I look at Seven he saw the whole thing happen, “who was that?”
“ I don’t know his real name but everyone calls him Zen, he’s trouble if I was you I wouldn’t try talking to him, that’s what I do” Sevens eyes were dark it gave me chills.
“ If you don’t talk to him how do you know he’s trouble? I didn’t take you as someone who listens to rumors”
“ He’s my brothers best friend, he’s the reason why my brother turned into what he is now. Everything Zen touches gets ruined and once he’s done with it he dumbs it as if it’s trash. If you don’t want to get your feelings hurt I suggest you stay the fuck away from him”
Seven sounded angry I assumed it was the best to not ask about his brother anymore. Meanwhile Yoosung was eating he looked very uncomfortable, maybe I can talk with him and find out some more information about that Zen guy.
Maybe this school isn’t so boring after all. ——————————– Sooo here it is the fanfic some of you have been waiting for! Please let me know what you think I personally think it’s very cliche haha Also what do you think of Sophie ? She’s my own OC and I kinda like her since I relate to her so much Anyway I hope I didn’t disappoint you and I hope you’ll look forward to part 2 :) - Tess
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nightshadow56-blog · 8 years
Jaehee Hates Glasses!
A complicated One-Shot I wrote that just went all over the place! Sorry if it is long, but I think it is worth the read! Enjoy~!
Jaehee x MC
Disclaimer: I do not own Mystic Messenger nor their characters (OCs & OOCness is definitely mines though~)
‘I…didn’t really hate glasses when I was forced to wear them. It was a uniform; I needed it to get the job, end of story. I got used to them and that was that…Of course, I did not realize…that I was unhappy at the time as well…so now that I have found happiness…these thoughts occurred. Turns out...I really hate glasses.’
“This is great~ So enjoyable~” Zen hummed blissfully, enjoying a warm drink in his hand. “Seriously Zen…you’ve been making weird noises at that drink for a while now…” the blond known as Yoosung frowned, sitting across from the good looking male. “Zen’s seriously in love with that drink~” The red haired hero dubbed 707 chuckled.
“Can’t help it, Jaehee has made me another masterpiece~” Zen grinned at the longhaired brunette behind the counter. “I’m glad you think so~” Jaehee beamed. “No need to butter her up anymore, she already named a drink after you…” Seven pouted, Yoosung nodded in agreement. “Don’t be so childish, I’m Semi-famous and Jaehee said I deserved it~” Zen grinned smugly, ‘And she’s your biggest fan…’ the two males thought.
“Ignoring the Narcissist…where’s MC, Jaehee?” Yoosung looked to the bright brunette. “Ah…she texted me earlier that she was going to be late but that she will still come in…that something had come up…” Jaehee’s eyebrows furrowed. “No way, is she ok?” Yoosung asked worriedly, “She informed me that she is alright, but I can’t help but worry too…” Jaehee frowned.
“Don’t be such a Mama bird Jaehee, MC probably went out partying and woke up with a hangover~” Seven chimed, munching on a cookie. “MC would never do such a thing, she is not immature like you.” Jaehee glared at Seven. “Sheesh…I was only guessing…” Seven looked away awkwardly.
“Jaehee, why don’t you just ask MC to come live with you?” Zen suddenly said, “Huh?” Jaehee blinked. “That came out of nowhere Zen, why?” Jaehee asked confused.
“It's just a thought. I mean, like today, you always worry about her. Last week you called me because you sent MC out to buy some ingredients and you were afraid she would get lost.” Zen recalled, “The grocery store is down the street.” Zen pointed, making Jaehee sweat. “Oh~! You made me track her phone when MC took a nap in the park after reading and forgot to call you~!” Seven grinned as Jaehee was sweating even more.
“MC came to play video games at my place…and Jaehee came too and just sat behind us, staring at us playing…It was creepy…feeling Jaehee’s eyes one my back…it was like was being watched over by a ghost!” Yoosung paled, Jaehee looked away in embarrassment. “G-Getting to know MC these last few months…I realized that I have to protect her!” Jaehee tried to regain her confidence.
“I-If I don’t…wh-what if she gets kidnapped or attacked, and I am not there to save her!” Jaehee tried to explain, looking panicked. “But the way you’re acting, it's kind of out of control…” Zen pointed out. “But is it not necessary? The only reason she met us was because she followed the word of a stranger over the phone!” Jaehee recalled, ‘There’s no arguing that!’ The three knew she was right.
“But being possessive, overprotective, and plain stalking her? You’re almost bad as Jumin~!” Luciel snickered. “…A-as bad as…M-Mr. Han…!?” Jaehee flinched, “Dude…that’s a low blow…” Zen sighed. “It's true though~ Everything Jaehee is doing is like how Jumin is with Elizabeth the 3rd~ MC is Jaehee’s pet~” Seven began to laugh, Yoosung could not rebuttal that since it is kind of true.
“Ignoring Seven…”
“Ow! Leg!” Seven yelped, suddenly being kicked under the table by the actor. “You should calm down a bit, it might be your first time with a female friend, but you could scare MC like that.” Zen explained, trying to calm Jaehee. “I…I do not want to scare her…” Jaehee nodded, “If MC is in danger in any way, she’ll tell you, since you’re friends.” Zen smiled.
“…You are right. Of course.” Jaehee nodded, “I will be sure to keep a distance and be less protective, for MC’s sake.” Jaehee smiled. “That’s good…” Zen smiled tiredly. ‘I do not want to lose her…she means everything to me…it's fine…MC is safe.’ Jaehee breathed calmly.
“Welcome~” Jaehee smiled at the door for a customer to come in. “S-Sorry I’m late…” Mumbled the soft and familiar voice of MC. “Ah, MC, how are…huh?” Jaehee and the males looked to the door, only to remain speechless at the sight. “…” MC was fidgeting at the entrance of the café, “Q-Quit staring…I’m getting nervous…” MC frowned.
“Oh~!” Seven ran up to MC, getting super close and causing MC to squeak in surprise. “You’re wearing glasses~!” Luciel grinned, “Y-Yeah…” MC muttered, her face red. On her face was a slim framed round glasses, it gave of a very mature and beautiful image to the female.
“Wh-why are you…” Jaehee began, MC looked to her friend and sighed. “She wanted to look as stunning as me~!” Luciel posed dramatically, “Uh...no…” MC gently pushed Seven aside and walked forward.
“Y’see…it started from three chatrooms’ ago…when Seven and Yoosung started talking about that Zombie series…um…the Dead are Walking? S-So…I watched one episode last night…and I was curious of how the story continued…and I kept watching and watching…and was way too emotionally invested that I stayed up…all night…” MC shrunk, feeling like a child about to be punished. ‘I don’t know whether to scold her or hug her…why is she so cute…’ Jaehee sighed, blushing lightly.
“I went to sleep late, but when I woke up…everything was kind of blurry and…I couldn’t see so well…so I went to the eye doctor and they gave me these glasses, and said I have to wear them for the next few days…” MC explained. “So it's your fault…” Zen and Jaehee glared at Seven, “Me!? What about Yoosung!?” Seven huffed.
“Still…” Yoosung walked over to MC, ignoring the glares. “…?” MC blinked, watching Yoosung as he stared at her. “You look extra cute in those~” Yoosung smiled, blushing slightly. “Y-You think so?” MC blushed, not expecting the compliment. “Mhmm~ So cute~” Yoosung nodded, “Thank goodness…I was afraid I looked horrible~” MC sighed in relief.
“You look sexy~!” Seven thumbed up, “Shut it.” Zen walked over and elbowed Seven in the rib. “Ow! Why am I the only one getting hit!?” Seven cried. “You do look good, a pretty lady just got way prettier~” Zen ignored Seven and smiled at the smaller brunette. “Thanks~” MC smiled, “I’m so glad I don’t look bad…” MC hummed.
“What do you think, Jaehee~?” Yoosung asked, the group looked to the taller brunette. “…Huh?” Jaehee blinked, “Were you paying attention? We’re hogging your cute employee~” Seven said, “I asked if you think MC looks good in the glasses?” Yoosung crossed his arms. “…” MC waited patiently, looking hopeful. MC’s eyes glittered expectantly, Jaehee had no choice but to answer.
“O-Oh yeah, she looks really…great.” Jaehee smiled awkwardly, which was obvious to Seven and Zen. “Yay~ I’m happy to hear that~” MC beamed, “That’s good~” Yoosung grinned. The two oblivious ones did not notice Jaehee’s discomfort, of course. “A-Anyway, get ready MC, we have to open soon.” Jaehee said, “R-Right!” MC ran off to the back.
“Hm? Ah! I have to get to the office! Jumin’s throwing a fit!” Yoosung ran out the shop after looking at his phone. “Poor guy~” 707 hummed. “You alright, Jaehee?” Zen asked, “Hm? I’m fine, just great~” Jaehee smiled.
‘This is awful…’
‘I was right...this is awful…’ Jaehee looked bitter, almost as bitter as the brew she was currently making. “I’m coming~ Please wait~” MC was racing from one table to the next, delivering drinks to each and every table.
It would look like business as usual, but in Jaehee’s eyes, not so much. The patronage in her establishment were mostly men, and they were all gawking at MC. The younger brunette’s hair was tied up in a high ponytail and her glasses were very apparent. Everytime she smiled, a man would swoon. ‘Before, there was only a few guys who would watch MC, which was normal since she is pretty.’ Jaehee thought, ‘But just because of her glasses she has the attention of the entire store? Ridiculous…’ Jaehee was frowning tightly. “...” Jaehee watched MC worked, the smaller brunette would smiled and speak so easily to the customer, not even once faltering.
‘...Makes sense that she can speak with others so simply...she was able to persuade lots of people to come to the RFA party…’ Jaehee thought. The light from outside bounced off MC’s hair, she looked radiant. ‘...Why does she look prettier than usual...it can’t be because of the glasses…’ Jaehee felt really angered, her dark vibe was nearly spilling out to the customers. ‘I’ve never hated glasses until now...why is this happening…?’ Jaehee was still frowning, her heart was tightening. She was so unfocused, she messed up the coffee she was making. “Oh no…” Jaehee muttered, she looked around to get more beans, but she could not find any.
“...MC, mind going to the back and getting me another bag of beans?” Jaehee called. “Hm? Alright~” MC smiled and rushed off to the back. “Right...oh, we’re out of tea too...might as well go too…” Jaehee sighed and headed to the back as well. She walked over to a box labeled with tea, she grabbed the box but then stopped when she heard a yelp. “Gah!” Jaehee looked to the farther back, putting down the box and walking over. “MC-wah!” Jaehee turned the corner and stumbled when a large bag nearly topple over her. “MC?” Jaehee held one side of the bag, “Sorry, sorry, I slipped…” MC apologized, holding the other side of the bag. “If you were gonna have trouble with this, you could have asked…” Jaehee’s eyebrows furrowed. “B-but I can-ah!” MC nearly stumbled with the bag again. “Let's put this down first…” Jaehee suggested, MC nodded and they slowly put it down. “That's too heavy for you alone, I’ll help you carry it out…” Jaehee stretched her arms. “No!” Jaehee flinched, surprised to suddenly get yelled at by MC. “I-I mean...I-I can do it by myself…” MC muttered. “...MC...you can ask me for help...we’re partners after all…” Jaehee said, MC looked away from Jaehee. “...Did I do something to offend you…?” Jaehee asked, she looked calm but internally she was in a panic. “Huh? No way! I-I just want to be able to help you without worrying you!” MC flailed.
“...You’ve had a frown on all day...I thought maybe I made you mad because I was so childish…and hurt my eyes watching TV so late at night...” MC looked away, pouting and blushing. “...” Jaehee blinked, “Pff-hahahaha~” Jaehee laughed, covering her mouth. “Jaehee…?” MC blinked, ‘How is it she looks mature in those glasses, but still manages to be so cute~!’ Jaehee stifled her laughs. “I’m not one to judge for watching TV so late at night, remember?” Jaehee smiled, “O-Oh yeah! It was worrying when I would see bags around your eyes from watching Zen’s movies all night~ I thought you were a raccoon~” MC laughed, remembering “Raccoon” Jaehee.
“So don’t worry about it, I just want you to get better and to rely on me.” Jaehee reached out and put a strand of MC’s hair behind her ear and then held her cheek. “We’re partners...please rely on me…” Jaehee smiled kindly. “Uh!” MC’s cheeks immediately heated up, she was blushing extremely hard. “MC?” Jaehee felt the sudden heat from the younger female’s cheek, “R-right! I-I-I’ll rely on you! B-b-but I’m fine! I swear! I-I’ll get going now!” MC immediately picked up the coffee bag and rushed past Jaehee before the taller brunette could stop her. “Ah…” Jaehee just stood there, dumbfounded. “...” Jaehee looked to her hand, ‘What happened…?’ Jaehee began to turn red. ‘My heart...is beating too fast…’
“He yelled at me non-stop…I didn’t even do much…” Yoosung sulked, “That sounds hilarious, wish I was there~” Seven snickered. “You’re not helping! I hope Jaehee or MC brews me something relaxing for my lunch break…” Yoosung grumbled as he and the hacker entered the café.
“Yeah…oh…um…” The two stopped in their tracks, seeing a lot of suits in the café. “…Is there a conference or convention going on right now?” Seven asked, “Not that I know of…Jumin doesn’t have anything planned…” Yoosung looked around. “Jaehee!” Seven walked up to the counter with Yoosung trailing behind him. Jaehee was making a brewing some coffee.
“We weren’t gone for long, where’d all these businessmen come from?” Seven asked. “A-ah…well…I did not think such an effect would work…but…” Jaehee pointed at one of the tables, the boys looked over. “Will you like anything else, sir~?” MC smiled kindly at a businessman, her hair tied up in a high ponytail and her glasses very apparent.
“N-nothing else, thank you...”
“You sure? We have muffins and other pastries to go with your drink~” MC smile almost brightened, the businessman blushed harshly.
“A-A muffin…”
“Alright, I will be right back with your order~” MC hummed, walking off from the love-struck man.
“No way…are all these men here for MC?” Yoosung looked around, and sure enough, they were all watching MC as discreetly as they could. “She was outside handing out fliers…and she caught a whole bunch of them…” Jaehee said, not looking too excited. “Isn’t that a good thing? More business is good, right?” Yoosung tilted his head. “I-Its great…b-but-”
“The fact that they’re here for MC doesn’t help…does it?” Seven said bluntly. “…” Jaehee frowned, not denying it.
“But why-”
“Since Jaehee promised to be less protective, she can’t really say anything~” Seven hummed. “Jaehee, you have nothing to worry about, MC is in front of you and is fine~ Nothing bad is happening~” Seven grinned. Jaehee sighed, knowing Seven is right, “You may be right-”
“Eh? What am I doing after work?”
“…!?” The three RFA members quickly looked to their party coordinator speaking to a gentleman, who was furiously blushing. “Um, I was planning on going home and watching this show I have been interested in.” MC innocently replied, not knowing the male had much more impure intentions. “Why? Do you need something…go out?” MC was confused by what the guy was saying to her. “MC! Would you please come to the front!” Jaehee suddenly yelled, startling the smaller brunette. “Y-Yes Ma’am!” MC excused herself and ran to Jaehee. “Wh-Whats wrong?” MC asked in a panic, “We ran out of sweeteners, please go buy more at the store~” Jaehee smiled, “R-Right now?” MC blinked. “Right now.” Jaehee said strictly, still smiling though. “O-Ok…” MC was a little afraid of Jaehee.
“H-Hi guys…bye guys…” MC waved at 707 and Yoosung and left. “…Was that really necessary…?” Seven looked to Jaehee, “...” Jaehee frowned, not looking at Seven. “Jaehee, acting all distant won’t get MC to understand, you have to talk to her.” Seven sighed, Yoosung was confused, not really understanding what they were talking about. “...If you two are going to order, then please tell me now, we are packed.” Jaehee said sternly, ignoring Seven’s remark, and startling Yoosung. “U-Um! Th-the usual for us please! R-Right Seven!?” Yoosung said, feeling Jaehee’s menacing aura. “...Yeah...sure…” Seven still stared at Jaehee, not letting up. “...Then...that will be an hour wait, please be sure to stay nearby~” Jaehee smiled, “What!?” Yoosung yelled.
“Jaehee you can’t be serious-!”
“Seung Gil~ Your drink is ready~” Jaehee walked away. “My break is only for 20 minutes!” Yoosung sulked, Seven sighed and patted Yoosung’s back. “It's alright buddy, we’ll just go to McRonald’s like we used to~” Seven hummed, pushing the empty shell known as Yoosung towards the door. “...” Seven looked back at Jaehee one more time before they left, ‘You really should be more honest…’ Seven sighed and walked out.
“Ah~! The day is finally over~!” MC stretched her arms upwards. “We can finally relax, Jaehee~” MC turned and grinned at Jaehee behind the counter, counting the money in the cash register. “...Jaehee?” MC called, the taller brunette was still too focused on counting. “...?” MC walked over, she stood directly in front of the counter, “Jaehee~!” MC spoke up loudly, “Ah!” Jaehee flinched, dropping all the money. “Oh no, sorry Jaehee!” MC panicked, “Its fine, its fine.” Jaehee calmed the younger girl.
“I was lost in my own world and was not paying attention to you, my apologies.” Jaehee smiled tiredly and began to pick up the money. “...You’ve been spacing out a lot today…” MC’s eyebrows furrowed. “I know you thought I didn’t notice but...I saw you walk into a wall five times today...that was really worrying…” MC recalled the awkward moments of Jaehee smashing her face against the wall, and then smiling reassuringly with a nosebleed. “You scared some customers like that…” Jaehee knew what MC was saying is true, and she felt just as embarrassed as she did earlier.
“What’s wrong~?” MC leaned over the counter, propping herself up with her elbows. “You can talk to me if you’re stressed or have an issue, that's what friends are for~” MC smiled at Jaehee. “...” Jaehee stared at MC, she felt like a fool. She was acting strange all day because of MC’s new look and sudden new attention, and decided to just pretend to be fine, which only worried her friend more. Along with the fact that Jaehee herself was turning red every once in awhile when she saw MC smile, did not help.
‘I was so used to being the only one to noticed how cute MC is...besides the RFA members...I never imagined men that I didn’t know would notice as well…’ Jaehee thought with a frown. Since Jaehee never had a female companion before, she had no idea how to act when someone becomes interested in her friend. Should she protect her or encourage her? It was hard, if she tried to protect her, then maybe MC would find Jaehee overbearing. But she does not know if MC is even interested in dating.
‘Wait…’ Jaehee suddenly realized something, in these few months she has gotten to know MC, she never once heard her speak about having a relationship. More so, MC did not even talk about it during their first meeting. MC would ask how her day was, and comforted her, and wished for Jaehee’s happiness. But she never said she had an interest in a relationship. Is it not Jaehee’s job to assist MC in getting a boyfriend? As a friend? But, just the thought of MC getting a boyfriend irks the Ex-chief assistant. Why is that? Is it because that would mean MC would spend less time with Jaehee and more time with her boyfriend?
‘Ah...jealousy...that's what this is…’ Jaehee came to that conclusion. Of course, that is why she is having a hard time with all the sudden attention on MC. She is afraid that MC and herself will hang out less, of course!
That is clearly wrong…
“Jaehee~!” The taller brunette was startled again but finally sorted the money in her hand, she looked to the new glasses wearer. “You were spacing out again...especially when I was talking with you…” MC pouted, a little frustrated. ‘...So cute~!’ Jaehee blushed, she coughed to calm herself and put the money away.
“I’m really sorry...I’m just having a hard time thinking straight and I guess my thoughts aren’t in order…” Jaehee tried to explain, “Is that so...well, when you know what you want to talk about, I’ll be right here waiting~” MC grinned. “...Thank you…”Jaehee smiled warmly, her heart skipping a beat at MC’s sweet smile. “But, on the bright side, we earned a lot today compared to any other day~!” MC cheered, “Yes indeed, after counting it, I can make the assumption you are correct.” Jaehee nodded. “I’m not sure what the cause is, but this is good~!” MC hummed. ‘It is obvious why...but I’ll just keep the reason to myself for now…’ Jaehee thought.
“And~! I made a bunch of tips~! It was great~!” MC pulled out a bunch of money from her apron pocket and showed it to Jaehee. “A-Amazing! That's the most I’ve seen you ever get!” Jaehee was taken aback, “Right~? I guess my courteous service was 100% today~!” MC beamed. ‘She’s talking like Seven...which means she’s getting too hyper…’ Jaehee smiled tiredly. “With this, we can definitely buy that new espresso machine you’ve been wanting~!” MC said, “Huh? MC, this is your money that you earned, shouldn’t you spend it on something you like?” Jaehee blinked.
“It's fine, I want to help you after all~” MC hummed, “You do not need to worry so much on that, the one we have is fine.” Jaehee said. “B-but…” MC tried to convince Jaehee, “It's alright, I’ll be able to save up for it soon enough~ Just get something you want~” Jaehee smiled and reached over, petting MC’s head.
“Now, what do you want?” Jaehee asked curiously, “Um, hmm...I want…” MC began to think. “Oh! I know!” Jaehee smiled, waiting for MC’s response. “I want to get the Espresso machine that will make Jaehee happy~” MC smiled cutely, “...!” Jaehee froze, she pulled her hand away. “...!” Jaehee blushed madly and covered her face. It should be illegal for a person to be this cute!
“Th-That...um…!” Jaehee was in a jumble, her eyes spinning and her face heating up. “Hm?” MC tilted her head, unaware what she did to Jaehee. “...” Jaehee frowned, she really wanted to say thank you, and to tell MC how much she means to her. She really, really wanted to be honest to MC, her heart was screaming at her to do so right now! “MC...thank-”
“What’s this?” Jaehee did not get to finish, as she watched MC’s attention turn to a piece of paper in between her tips. “A business card? I think one of my tippers accidentally gave me their business card~” MC laughed, finding it funny. However, Jaehee was not amused, she could see on the back of the business card, a small note and phone number, clearly asking MC to call for a date. “I’m curious who it belongs to~? Maybe Jumin knows them~?” MC began to read the card. But the card was suddenly snatched from hands.
“What the-!?” MC flinched, surprised. MC looked to Jaehee, who had snatched the card from her. “Jaehee?” MC was confused, “...!” Jaehee realized what she had done and looked equally as surprised. “...Sorry...I just think since it was a mistake, might as well throw it away~” Jaehee smiled, clearly not believable. “...Well, I’ll throw it away...but I kinda want to read it…” MC reached out for the card but Jaehee pulled it away. “...Jaehee.” MC kept reaching for the card, but Jaehee would not let up.
“Jaehee, what gives? Give it back.” MC frowned, a little frustrated Jaehee was doing this. “...Its nothing.” Jaehee said, “If it's nothing, give it back.” MC retorted. “...No.” Jaehee replied, “What do you mean no? It's not yours.” MC’s temper was rising. “And it's neither yours, so leave it be.” Jaehee was getting a bit irritated as well. Why was Jaehee acting like this? The taller brunette knows she’s acting suspicious and childish, but she does not want MC to read this card. And she still does not know why!
“...!” MC was angry now, “Jaehee-”
“I will not discuss this further,” Jaehee turned to toss it into the trash. “Hey!” MC yelled, running around the counter and reaching for the card. Jaehee was startled by MC rushing at her and pulled her hand away quickly. Big mistake.
“Ouch…!” Jaehee groaned, she had fallen on her back. She sat up and flinched a little, the back of her right hand hurt. “...?” Jaehee looked to her right hand, she had landed on her hand and it was hurting a lot. “Owie~!” MC held her head, a bruise forming on her forehead. “M-MC!” Jaehee rushed forward, checking MC for any serious injuries. “Are you okay!?” Jaehee panicked, “Head hurts...but my limbs are still attached…” MC whimpered. “...” The two were silent for a few minutes, MC stared at the ground with her expression shadowed.
“MC...let me check-” MC pulled away from Jaehee’s outstretched hand. “...I don’t get it…” MC muttered, Jaehee stopped, the sweet voice she had always heard was gone. “I don’t get you...you always act so distant...and I understood that it would take time for you to open up...but…” MC’s voice trembled, “MC…” Jaehee muttered. “I can’t read your mind! I can’t know what's wrong if you don’t tell me!” Jaehee froze, MC’s eyes were filled with tears.
“MC...I-I didn’t mean to-”
“If you have a problem with me, if you can’t talk to me, if you don’t trust me...then why am I still here…?” MC sobbed, her tears streaming down her face. “I-I do trust you!” Jaehee was in a panic, her stomach felt like it dropped and her throat had dried up, it was getting hard to breathe. “...J-Just...just leave me alone!” MC stood up and ran out the shop. “MC!” Jaehee called out, but MC was already gone. “N-no…” Jaehee stepped forward.
“...” Jaehee looked down, she had stepped on MC’s glasses and they had broken.
‘...I messed uo again...’
“Hmm~ Hmm~” A silver haired male, dubbed the “Handsome man” Zen hummed as he walked towards his fridge. He grabbed a beer and took one huge gulp and sighed in ecstasy. “Nothing better than having a beer right after a shower~” Zen grinned, taking another sip whilst drying his hair.
“Ptttthhhh!” Zen spit out his drink in surprised, “Cough! Cough! Who-Cough! Is it!?” Zen coughed harshly, a little pissed at being startled by the loud banging at his door. “...MC…” mutter the quiet voice of the small brunette. “MC?” Zen blinked, he looked down and realized he was not presentable in only his undergarments. “Give me a sec!” Zen rushed to put a shirt and sweatpants on and then ran back to the door.
“Ahem, good evening, Miss M...C?” Zen opened the door and was surprised to see a crying girl at his door. “Z-Zen…!” MC sniffled, “Wh-whats wrong? What happened? Why’s there a bruise on your head!?” Zen panicked, suddenly very protective and worried about the brunette. But none of his questions were answered since the brunette hugged the silver head tightly and began to sob in his shirt. “Waaaaaahhh~!” MC cried, “E-eh?” Zen was seriously lost.
After a while, MC had calmed down and sat on Zen’s couch. The actor had given her a warm drink and had tended to the bruise on her head, putting a large bandage over it. Somehow Zen had gotten the gist of MC’s sob story during all her crying, so guess he has to figure out how to comfort her.
“So...basically you and Jaehee had gotten into a fight...over a piece of paper…?” Zen blinked, “...I know...it sounds stupid no matter who says it…” MC admitted. ‘Yeah it does…’ Zen sighed internally, the beginning of the argument sounds dumb, but he knows the deep reason the fight started.
“Out of curiosity...how’d you find my place? I thought you couldn’t see?” Zen asked, “W-well...after I ran out, I started wandering...I couldn’t find my way home since everything was blurry, so I immediately got lost…” MC sulked, Zen seriously worried for this girl. ‘Jaehee’s original worry for her getting lost wasn’t wrong I guess…’ Zen huffed. “I remembered that you lived nearby the shop so I kept walking and found the truck that sells fish bread and immediately found your home...I was lucky...or else I would just be wandering still…” MC said. ‘Is all she going to remember about my place is the fish bread truck…?’ Zen began to sweat.
“Ahem, anyway, how about going to make up with Jaehee, huh? I’ll walk you back.” Zen suggested, “N-no!” Zen blinked at the sudden outburst. “...Sorry...but...I can’t talk to Jaehee right now…” MC stared at her lap, not looking up. “...” Zen waited patiently for MC to explain herself. “...I humiliated myself by fighting with Jaehee...I acted like a child...and I’m so embarrassed...but I didn’t know what to do…” MC began, “I knew that Jaehee was the type to take all the burden and troubles she ever faced by herself...and never tell others. But I wanted to share some of that with her...yet...even now she still won’t tell me when she is troubled…” MC frowned. “If I go back now...I won’t know what to say...because I don’t know why she got mad too…” MC’s voice began to break.
“I got mad...because all day she would phase out or avoid talking to me...and when I asked what was wrong she’d tell me not to worry and walk away...it hurt...that she didn’t trust me…!” MC muttered. “And so...my anger kind of...built up...and I exploded...like an idiot…” MC wiped her eyes, trying to stop her tears. “...” Zen watched MC, he closed his eyes and sighed. ‘These two might actually kill me...two innocent girls who don’t get it...guess I’m going to have to set it straight…’ Zen patted MC’s head, petting her to soothe her.
“MC...you’re not an idiot…” Zen began, “...” MC looked up, small tears in her eyes. “You’re an oblivious idiot~” Zen smiled, “...Huh!?” MC felt like she was stabbed by Zen’s insult. “Where’d that come from!?” MC yelled, “Just giving some perspective~” Zen hummed. “...If the sweet talking, girl-friendly Zen is calling me an idiot...am I doomed…!?” MC was pale, she looked completely terrified. “Hey, hey, calm down.” Zen tried to bring her back to reality.
“I’m not insulting you, I’m trying to help…” Zen explained, “Help?” MC tilted her head. “Yes, help...I need you to understand something. You and Jaehee have blown this thing way out of proportion.” Zen said, MC was confused. “Guess I have to point out more...I heard from Seven that the shop was super full today, after we left in the morning...that true?” Zen asked, “Y-Yeah…?” MC nodded questionably.
“It was after you arrived, right?” “Uh-huh…” “So…?”
“...So what…?”
MC was seriously not getting it, “...you know...you and Yoosung might be on the same level of obliviousness…” Zen said. “Am I that bad!?” MC felt stabbed by Zen’s insult. “MC!” Zen grabbed MC’s shoulders, startling her.
“All those businessmen came to see you!” Zen straightforwardly said. “...Eh?” MC took a moment to process what the handsome male said. “...EH!?” MC yelled, finally getting what Zen said. “Wh-why me!?” MC yelled in confusion, “Glasses.” Zen explained. “Glasses?” MC repeated. “Listen, everyone in RFA knows how cute your are...but not many people outside take the time to notice...those glasses seriously put a sign up for people to notice.” Zen explained, “...N-no wonder people kept asking me what I was doing after work…” MC muttered.
“Yeah...pretty much.” Zen nodded, “Then...what does this have to do with Jaehee…?” MC asked. “...W-well…” Zen looked away, ‘Can’t say the entire truth…’ Zen thought. “...Jaehee’s first real female friend is you.” Zen said, MC nodded, trying to follow along. “Since you are her first, doesn’t that mean she would want to help and protect her precious friend?” Zen looked to MC, “...She...was worried for me?” MC crossed her arms.
“Worried...and scared.”
“Scared?” “Yeah...if you suddenly got a boyfriend...most of your free time would go to the guy, wouldn’t it? Less time with Jaehee...of course she’d be scared you would leave her.” Zen tried to explain. “...” MC looked down, taking all this information in. ‘It's the best way I can say that without telling the truth...but if this pressures her to not get a relationship, Jaehee might get really sad…’ Zen thought, hoping MC does not take what he is saying the wrong way.
“That would never happen.” Zen blinked, looking to MC. “I would never stop spending time with Jaehee.” MC said, “...You say that, but you don’t know the future.” Zen pointed out. “No, I know for a fact I won’t do it!” MC looked to Zen, he was surprised to see the confidence in her eyes. “...The truth is...I was asked out before.” MC said, “Huh? You were? When?” Zen asked.
“A week after we opened the shop.”
“Huh!? Why didn’t you say anything!?” Zen yelled in surprised, “Because...I had not thought it was important...until now…” MC explained. “He had said I looked cute and that if we could hang out once in awhile…” MC recalled, “...I guess I was a bit cruel because I flat out denied any chance of a romantic relationship with him then and there.” MC said. “Whoa, that's cold!” Zen paled, “I know! I know! But when I rejected him, I just felt like I had to be honest!” MC flailed, trying her hardest to explain. “You see...I said…”
“I’m sorry...I can’t go out with you...or even spend time with you. I...had just started this shop with someone important to me...and I want to dedicate every moment I have with her and this shop.”
“...” Zen watched MC’s cheeks turn red, and he realized it right then. He was wrong. “You’re not oblivious…” MC looked to him slowly, “...You’re in love.” Zen saw MC blush harder. “Ah...I’m such an idiot...I should’ve realized that…” Zen smiled tiredly, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I try hard to hide it...so it's not your fault…” MC was still flushed red, “...then...as someone in love...why can’t you go make up with her?” Zen looked back to MC. “B-but I can’t-”
“MC.” The brunette stiffened, feeling like she was getting scolded like a child.
“Think about it like this, for us lonely guys who do not have anyone, how about attaining that love we all want.”
“...” MC stayed silent, seeing the wishful expression on the actor’s face. “MC...you have to tell the truth...or else you’ll regret it...say it for the first time…” Zen said. “...!” Tears filled MC’s eyes, she hiccuped as she began to cry. “...” Zen smiled softly, petting MC’s head gently.
“...I love her…”
“...pant...pant…!” Jaehee panted heavily as she ran down the sidewalk, looking around everywhere. ‘This is not good!’ Jaehee was in a panic. MC is wandering about, not able to see a thing, anything horrible could happen to her. Kidnapping, getting robbed or attacked, getting hit by a-Jaehee did not want to finish that thought. She already called Luciel, who thought she was just in a panic again. But one threat of using him for judo practice sent him working.
‘I...shouldn’t have kept things to myself...I made MC insecure and sad...this all my fault…!’ Jaehee’s eyes began to sting. ‘If...if something happens to her...I won’t ever be able to forgive myself…!’ Jaehee’s vision began to blur.
“...!” Jaehee quickly looked up, she saw the small brunette before her. “M...MC…!” Jaehee rushed forward, MC ran forward as well, the two hugging without a chance to speak. “I’m so glad you’re okay…!” Jaehee tears began to fall, “I’m so sorry Jaehee…!” MC was crying as well. The two did not let go for a second, as if pulling away would make the other disappear from sight.
“...?” Jaehee blinked, looking up and seeing a awkward smiling Zen. “Zen?” Jaehee tilted her head, “was I unnoticeable for once?” Zen laughed. “What are you doing here?” Jaehee asked, “Ah! Zen helped me find my way back!” MC pulled away slightly to look at Jaehee.
“Really? Thank you, sorry for causing trouble.” Jaehee looked to Zen. “Nah, it's fine, plus, Seven kind of called me saying you were crying hysterically for MC so I had to rush her back~” Zen smiled. “I...am seriously sorry…” Jaehee blushed in embarrassment. “Really, it's ok, I like saving the day like this, it makes up for the fact that I lost~” Zen hummed, “Lost?” the two girls were confused.
“Don’t mind what I said, just go ahead and make up~” Zen waved off. “...” Jaehee looked to the sniffling MC then to Zen. “I’m really sorry for bothering, but I will be taking MC back,” Jaehee said, “...I see, alright then, be careful you two.” Zen smiled, turning to leave. “Thank you very much.” Jaehee said, then pulled MC along. “Um, bye Zen!” MC called and was dragged away by Jaehee.
“...” Zen looked up to the night sky, seeing some stars despite the city lights. “...How unlucky...I have to watch the stars all alone…” Zen muttered, “But if she’s happy...then it's fine…” Zen continued his way home.
The whole walk back was silent, instead of heading towards the cafe, MC was taken to Jaehee’s home. Guess Jaehee already locked up for the night. MC’s been there a few times, but she’s never stayed over, mostly because it makes Jaehee nervous. After walking through the front door, MC timidly walked into Jaehee’s home, nervous after all. They are obviously going to talk about what happened today, which is terrifying. Thinking about it, the entire day was eventful, it was like the first eleven days she met Jaehee. Those were both exciting and stressful times. Back to now, MC twiddle her fingers, there was nothing but silence, so she tried to start a conversation. “So...your home is still spotless Jaehee, it's amazing how you always-!” MC turned around and was suddenly hugged by Jaehee.
“...do it…” MC muttered, feeling Jaehee’s arms around her, she blushed. “...Um…” MC quieted down, not sure what to say at that moment. “...I’m sorry MC…” Jaehee whispered, “Huh? S-sorry?” MC repeated in confusion. “I hurt you...made you cry...made you feel alone…” Jaehee said quietly, “...” MC listened, not saying a word. “We’re together all the time...yet I did not know I made you feel so alone…” Jaehee tightened her hug a bit. “I-I’m so...sorry…” Jaehee trembled slightly.
“...Jaehee…” MC raised hand to rub Jaehee’s back to relax her. “For what I said earlier...you don’t have to take it to heart...I was just frustrated…” MC said, ‘It's fine...if I keep these feelings to myself...to not burden Jaehee...sorry Zen...guess I’m not that strong…’ MC smiled sadly.
“...!?” MC flinched, feeling Jaehee grabbed MC’s shoulders and pulled her away slightly and stared straight into her eyes. “Everything you say and will ever say is important, I will always be serious and take it to heart!” Jaehee looked completely serious and stoic, making MC’s heart beat faster.
“B-but its not a big deal-”
“MC...every word you’ve ever said to me...spoken or written...has always had a major effect on me.” MC stopped talking, watching Jaehee. “From the moment we met in that chatroom...to now...everything you ever said to me...I always took it to heart.” Jaehee closed her eyes. “You changed everything in my life for the better by just talking to me...I found happiness because of you...I...have never been more happy in my life then now…” Jaehee squeezed MC’s shoulder slightly.
“So...no matter if you say it happily or angrily...your words will always be imprinted on me...that is my one desire.” Jaehee opened her eyes, they were filled with absolute love and devotion. Jaehee’s expression was the most honest it has ever been today, she was willing to suffer and be happy for MC.
“...” MC’s eyes could not take much more, they were still red and puffy from crying so much, but she seriously could not get a break. Tears just did not dry up for her. MC’s vision was already blurry, but it became more so with the tears filling them. Her entire face was red up to her ears, she cannot take much more. “Anything you say MC…” Jaehee wiped some of her tears away, “I will always listen...and keep your words in my heart…” Jaehee whispered, smiling kindly.
“...Sniffle...I love you…!” MC choked on her sobs, trying to stop her tears. “...” Jaehee’s eyes widen. “Love...me…?” Jaehee repeated, her expression hidden. “Not...hic...as my friend...not...as..hic...my best friend...not...as...my...sniffle...family…!” MC hiccupped. “I love Jaehee as Jaehee…!” MC was in such a fluster, her words were in a jumble.
“I’m sorry...for being like this...Jaehee!” MC tried using her fists to wipe her tears. “...” Jaehee grabbed MC’s wrists, pulling them away from her face. “...?” MC looked up to Jaehee in confusion, not sure what the taller female was feeling. And then, MC’s mind went blank, her mind just processed one thought.
Jaehee lips were on MC’s, much to her surprise. “...!” MC’s face was just getting redder and redder. After a second, MC awkwardly leaned in, but as soon as she relaxed Jaehee had pulled away. “...” The two panted quietly, silence taking over again. MC looked away in embarrassment, not entirely sure what this meant.
“...If…” MC looked back to Jaehee, “If I...told you...that I loved you...as well…” MC was surprised to see Jaehee blushing so harshly. The warmth almost radiating from Jaehee’s cheeks. “Would you...be completely mines…?” Jaehee muttered, “...completely...yours…?” MC mumbled. “...Yes...I’ve never been...I rarely could...be selfish...and wish for things...it is why it took me so long to find this happiness…” Jaehee said. “But...if this  would be the only selfish...and possessive request of mine...for the rest of my life…” Jaehee looked to MC. “Would you...please be mine…?” Jaehee asked in embarrassment, but with as much love in her words as she could say. “...Of course!” MC hugged Jaehee, holding onto her for dear life.
“If Jaehee asks, I’ll give you anything! My love, my life, my hopes, my dreams!” MC cried. “Life!? Dreams!? Isn’t that a bit much!?” Jaehee panicked at MC’s exaggeration. “No, it's not!” MC denied and looked up at Jaehee, “Jaehee is my life and my dream now! I’m happy like this!” MC said with full honesty, her eyes glazed with love. “...!” Jaehee’s heart skipped a beat, it is dangerous for a person to be this cute.
“Then...MC is my life and dream too…!” Jaehee hugged MC back, pressing her forehead against MC’s. “Like this...we’ll always tell each other everything...we’ll be insecure together...scared together...happy together...always...together…!” Jaehee was about to cry, “Yes!” MC beamed. “I love you, Jaehee~!” MC grinned, Jaehee smiled with tears in her eyes.
“I love you too, MC…”
“Lonely guys club, day two!” Luciel cheered, “could you not say that…” Zen sulked. “But it's true…~!” Yoosung had his face down on the table. “We have to admit it or else we’ll be stuck in denial~!” Seven hummed, as if it did not matter even a little bit to him. “I keep getting more and more depressed...I need something to cheer me up…” Zen grumbled.
“Not beer, I hope.” Jaehee stood beside Zen, holding a tray of drinks. “Hm? No, of course not~ I meant your wonderful drinks~” Zen hummed, trying to brighten up, even a little. “Well, here they are.” Jaehee placed the tray down for the males to grab. “...Yup, that hit the spot~ I’m still sad but it helps to cope~” Zen hummed bitterly as he took another sip. “Sad? Why are you and Yoosung so depressing right now? The day has not even started yet, it's morning.” Jaehee crossed her arms.
“Jumin made me write five reports in one evening...four of which he said he didn’t need anymore and the last one barely passed…” Yoosung sulked, a dark cloud above him. “Harsh…” Zen paled, “Yeah, I remember doing something like that...he made me write six reports, organize three meetings, call several executives from different timezones and buy Elizabeth the 3rd’s new specially important Shampoo all in an evening.” Jaehee recalled bitterly, “Seriously...working for that jerk is brutal…” Zen shivered at the thought.
“It's fine though...I am happy now and I hold no ill will now~” Jaehee immediately brightened, a flowery aura around her. “How come…?” Yoosung looked up tiredly, “Ah...w-well…” Jaehee suddenly became shy and blushed. “...?” Yoosung was confused, “It's because she finally got herself a lover~” Luciel sang. “Eh!? Jaehee got a lover!” Yoosung shot up, “Don’t yell it…!” Jaehee glowered. “Sorry Ma’am!” Yoosung shrunk away.
“I-I didn’t know you had someone you were interested in Jaehee! I assumed you had no interest in love, like Jumin.” Yoosung said honestly. “Insult me like that again and I will kick you out…” Jaehee glared, “I-I didn’t mean that as an insult!” Yoosung panicked. “Hmph...I said I had no time for love, not that I had no interest…” Jaehee huffed, “But Jaehee has plenty of time for it now~” Seven snickered, the tall brunette blushed.
“W-well...that is…” Jaehee stuttered, “And she can enjoy that love practically 24/7~” Zen joined in the teasing. “Z-Zen!” Jaehee was flustered. “I don’t get it...who is it?” Oblivious Yoosung tilted his head.
“...Well, its-”
“Jaehee~!” MC suddenly hugged Jaehee from behind, startling the taller female. “MC? What is it?” Jaehee looked to the smaller female. “I manage to sell all of the morning pastry bread~ Praise me~” MC beamed as she pulled away, “You did? Thats amazing~” Jaehee smiled and pet MC’s head. The smaller brunette looked like a puppy, you could practically see her tail wagging as she leaned in to Jaehee’s hand.
“Since I sold all the pastries before noon, can I have a reward~?” MC hummed, “A-a reward?” Jaehee suddenly turned red. “Pretty please~” MC begged, “...A-Alright…” Jaehee mumbled. The taller brunette leaned forward and pecked MC on the cheek, making the young girl squeal happily. “Ah...look at that love…” Zen said depressingly, the flowery and heart filled aura bouncing out of his dulled expression.
“Its cute~” Seven snickered, “I almost thought I had to intervene when she wouldn’t admit her feelings~ But Zen beat me to the punch~” Seven grinned at Zen, earning a kick under the table. “When does the violence end!?” Seven whined, holding his leg. “...” Yoosung was staring at the girls, the gears were really too slow to catch up to the image before the blond.
“N-no way...Jaehee...and MC...are going out-mmph!”
“Eat a pastry.” Zen shoved coffee bread in Yoosung’s mouth, too annoyed to explain to Yoosung. “Cough! Nearly killed me!” Yoosung barely ate the bread. “Yoosung…” The blond looked up and flinched at Jaehee’s stern glare. “Is it a problem that MC and I have a relationship…?” Jaehee asked, her arms crossed as MC clinged to her. “N-No! I don’t have a problem! I-I was just surprised! I was expecting you guys to end up together!” Yoosung flailed.
“I think it's great you two ended up together...if either of you ended up with Zen, you guys would have low self esteem like me…” Yoosung sulked. “My looks are not the reason you get depressed easily…” Zen sighed, drinking his beverage. “Jumin won’t be happy…” Yoosung said, “That's true…” the others all agreed.
“Question!” The RFA members turned to their ever hyperhacker. “If Jaehee and MC get married, who ends up with Papa Jumin and who ends up with the two mommies~?” Seven asked, “What kind of question is that?” Jaehee raised an eyebrow. “Since I hate the jerk, I’ll go with the two mommies~” Zen played along, “Me too! Me too!” Yoosung flailed. “Don’t go along with it!” Jaehee scolded. “I don’t want to be scolded by Jaehee...but I also don’t want to be forgotten by Jumin…” Seven muttered. “But someone has to go with Jumin or he’ll get lonely~” Luciel said.
“Alright, Yoosung goes with Papa Jumin, and Zen and myself will go with our cute and pretty mommies~” Seven hummed. “Why do I get stuck with Papa Jumin! He’ll make me learn fancy people etiquette and give up LOLOL!” Yoosung cried. “How did it turn out like this…?” Jaehee sighed, “MC, ignore them…” Jaehee turned to the brunette still linked to her arm. “...MC…?” Jaehee blinked, seeing MC was trembled.
“M-M-M-Ma-Ma-Marry J-J-Ja-Jaehee!?” MC blushed super harshly, fumes almost literally blowing out of her ears. “J-just the thought! I-I can’t! T-t-too much!” MC stuttered harshly. “M-MC! Calm down! I-it's not that embarrassing!” Says Jaehee, but she was blushing hard now too. “I-I-I’m gonna go back to work!” MC pulled away and scurried off. “Ah…” Jaehee could only watch MC run away.
“...” Jaehee turned and glared at the males, the three shrunk in fear. “I-I didn’t do anything…!” Zen cried, “S-sorry Jaehee...didn’t mean to embarrass her…” Yoosung apologized. “...Sigh...it's fine…” Jaehee sighed, “I don’t have any reason to be mad actually…” Jaehee said. “You don’t?” Seven tilted his head, “Yeah...it just proves so much to me…” Jaehee explained, confusing the males. “That I can see MC fluster because of me…” Jaehee smiled, ‘she’s smug…’ the males could feel Jaehee’s smile radiating with confidence.
“M-moving on...um...can MC even see right now? I thought she needed the glasses for another few days…?” Yoosung asked. “Hm? Oh,that…” Jaehee blinked, “...I took her to the eye doctor earlier and asked for temporary contacts instead~” Jaehee hummed, ‘So possessive…!’ Yoosung and Zen began to sweat.
“Ah~ Lovey dovey couples all around~” Seven hummed. “No fair~!” Yoosung whined, Luciel just laughed at the blond. “Either way...if you’re happy Jaehee...then its fine.” Zen smiled warmly. “...Mmm.” Jaehee smiled back. “With MC…” Jaehee looked to the flustered brunette taking orders in embarrassment.
“...I’ll always be happy.”
This is a random thing I wrote and decided to post it thanks to my pal’s (Pupusa-Kween) suggestion! Unfortunately, Jumin did not make an appearance but oh well~ Maybe next time~ I am not a complete expert at Mystic Messenger, I just played the game and enjoyed myself! Anyway~! If you liked this, then please let us know and I might write more! Any requests and/or suggestions for future stuff, let us know that too! I will try to do other couples with MC and such~ Enough rambling, thanks for reading and see ya next time~!
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