#but anyway him and I talk about this often and my brother recently brought it up
sinematically · 1 year
sent 27 messages where 3 of them were 5+ min voice notes talking about how fuckall excluding transwomen from sports can be and my friend replied with “damn did you brothers say something” like yeah he did but are u LOOKING AT MY FACTS RIGHT NOW G
0 notes
justabigassnerd · 10 months
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Pairing - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x daughter!reader
Word count - 1,654
Warnings - creepy guys, protective Jake & Mickey, being made uncomfortable, angst, fluff
Summary - when you get bothered by customers at work, Jake and Mickey can't just stand by and watch
A/N - hey y'all! sorry it's taken me so long to get a new fic out, I swear I'm trying to write faster but I be struggling. this was a request sent in by @stupendousnightmaretrash so here's a formal apology for taking so long. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all, please send in requests, feedback, and enjoy!!!
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Growing up it had always just been you and your dad, and you were perfectly fine with that arrangement. There would be a small number of people that would come in and out of your life, but your dad stuck around no matter what and he was all you needed.
Then he got called back to Top Gun.
After completing the mission he was called back for, Jake and his squad were offered a permanent position at Top Gun so they could all remain together which brought a new array of people into your life. You knew Javy of course; he and your dad had formed a close friendship early on so having him back in your life was a welcome surprise. Then there was the likes of Bradley, Bob, Ruben, and Natasha who became your honorary uncles and aunt. Then there was Mickey who somehow became like a second father to you. He was the youngest of the Daggers and so everyone had assumed he’d take more of an older brother role towards you, but he showed his complex maturity when he helped you solve a problem you were having, and you often found yourself going to him with problems you weren’t ready to talk to your own dad about yet to get advice from him.
A couple of years down the line, your dad and the Daggers were still based in Miramar and life was just as good as it was when the team first became an official squadron. You had recently turned sixteen and gotten a job working at a little restaurant along the beachfront for a little extra cash. It wasn’t the best job in the world, but it was something.
One evening, after a long day of work at Top Gun, the Daggers decided that they’d visit the restaurant you worked at to grab some dinner and to also surprise you while you were working.
The squadron turned up and waited excitedly to be seated and Jake couldn’t help but smile when he saw your eyes light up upon seeing the team gathered. You found them a table and handed out menus to everyone. The smile never leaves your face as you talk to them, getting their drinks orders before heading off to go and get their drinks. When you returned with their drinks you took their food orders and took them to the kitchen before returning to your section and seating two middle-aged men at a table near the Daggers. At first, they were polite, thanking you as they initially sat down and gave you their drinks orders with kind smiles but as the evening progressed their behaviour shifted. When you brought them their meals after the Daggers were just about halfway through their own dinners, the two men started looking you up and down, making uncomfortable flirty comments and one of the men even tried to run his hand along yours as you placed his food down in front of him. None of the men’s comments or actions went unnoticed by Mickey, who nudged Jake and pointed out how uncomfortable you clearly looked while serving the two men. When you moved away from the table to grab more drinks for the two men, Mickey and Jake exchanged a look and pushed their chairs away from the table, rising in sync and crossing to the two men.
“Can we help you?” One of the men asks, raising an eyebrow as they stare up at the two aviators who fold their arms across their chest in tandem, glaring down at the two men.
“You can stop bothering my daughter, that’s how you can help me.” Jake says, jaw set as his gaze grows colder by the second. The two men share a brief glance before letting out small chuckles.
“With all due respect. Your daughter is very beautiful.” One of the men has the gall to say, making Jake almost shift to land a punch on that man’s cocky smile, but Mickey was quicker, grabbing Jake’s shoulder and pulling him back a couple of paces to reduce the fight risk.
“She’s also sixteen years old. She’s just a kid!” Mickey has to hold himself back from screaming it in the man’s face as his friend shrugs.
“Well, she looks older.”
“And you still think that makes it okay?” Mickey says as Jake shrugs Mickey’s hand off his shoulder and approaches the two men, bracing his hands on the table, and leaning down so he’s in their faces.
“You two have about five minutes to pay your bill, give my kid a good tip and get your sorry asses out of here.” Jake’s voice was low and threatening, but the two men chuckled once again.
“What exactly are you going to do if we don’t do that?” The man asks, smirking cockily as he leant back in his seat, arms folding over his chest.
“I’ve got an entire team of naval aviators behind me, and they will not hesitate to get involved on my kid’s behalf.” Jake is seconds away from throwing a punch when the men laugh in his face.
“I have your- what’s going on?” Your return should’ve been expected yet in the moment all four men had forgotten you had gone off to get drinks.
“Nothing for you to worry about, sweetheart.” Jake says, straightening up and flashing a smile in your direction as Mickey drops his defensive stance to make everything seem more natural.
“Exactly, sweetheart. Are those our drinks?” One of the men says, condescension in his tone as he looks you up and down, frowning when you begin to look uncomfortable at his words.
“Oh come on, you can’t serve us with a smile?” He then says, and Mickey immediately walks over to you and takes the drinks off the tray.
“Mickey, what are you doing?” You ask in a hushed whisper as Mickey winks quickly, refusing to answer before turning around and slapping the biggest grin on his face and approaching the table.
“Here’s your drinks.” Mickey says, placing both drinks down making sure he spilt a bit over each man as he put them down.
“What are you doing?” One man says, standing up and attempting to brush the drink off his trousers.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you wanted to be served with a smile. I must’ve gotten a bit carried away.” Mickey says, the grin never leaving his face as both men grab napkins to wipe at their clothes while Jake crosses to you.
“Why don’t you grab the bill for these two? I have a feeling they’ll be leaving soon.” Jake whispers, watching as you nod lightly and head back to get the bill for the two men. Jake and Mickey return to the table with the Daggers, telling them that the situation appears to be defused and that since they had finished up all their meals, they’d get the bill and pay after the two men left. Jake kept glancing over at the two men as you brought over their bill and thankfully their mouths remained shut and they paid for their food and drinks silently before finishing their drinks and leaving the restaurant. When they left, you went over to the Daggers table and got them their bill and took the payments. You said goodbye to each Dagger in turn as they left but Jake and Mickey stopped in front of you.
“We’re going to wait outside for you, I know you don’t have much longer of your shift, and we want to make sure those assholes don’t come back.” Jake says, both he and Mickey smiling softly at you as you nod, thanking them before rushing off to finish off the rest of your shift.
Mickey and Jake sit outside the restaurant on a bench just by the beachfront and watch people taking evening strolls along the beach and listen to the sounds of seagulls calling and waves crashing against the sand. The two men found themselves talking about how work was going for them to pass the time until they heard you calling out for them, and they both turned and looked over their shoulders, a smile coming to their faces as they got to their feet and crossed to meet you halfway. Jake reached you first and trapped you in a strong but gentle hug.
“Was the rest of your shift, okay?” Was the first thing he asked as he hugged you, feeling you nod against his chest.
“Yeah.” You say as you pull away from the hug, moving to hug Mickey who embraces you happily.
“No one else bothered you?” Mickey checks in as he releases you from the hug.
“Nothing I couldn’t handle. Thank you, by the way. Those guys really gave me the creeps.” You admit, briefly casting your gaze to the floor before looking back up at the two men.
“No need to thank us, sweetheart. We’ll always look out for you.” Jake says with a soft smile.
“Honestly, if you two weren’t in the Navy I would’ve asked my manager to hire you guys. We could do with some people to help us handle the creepy guys. And I think Mickey would be an excellent waiter, he’s got the customer service smile down.” You say with a slight laugh, making both your dad and Mickey let out laughs of their own as they imagine Mickey being a waiter.
“Come on you, let’s get home.” Jake then says, the laughter dying down as Mickey slings an arm over your shoulders and tugs you into his side as the three of you begin to walk away from the restaurant, chatting and laughing the whole way as you enjoy each other’s company. The events of the evening are now behind you as you cherish getting to spend time with two of your favourite people. And you wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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Yandere Kalim Al-Asim x Little Brother Reader Headcanons/Short Story(?)
Sunshine child time! I've actually had a good idea for Kalim for the longest time and I'm excited about it so let's go! Fun fact: when I started writing this, I just came up with a second brother for Kalim. I hate myself for this.
Warnings: Clingy Yandere
Kalim Al-Asim
Brother A:
You're the second oldest in the Asim line. It's also useful to note that you are the only one who is also Kalim's full brother.
You absolutely adore your older brother and the adoration is fully returned. You two are barely ever seen apart. Heck, when you both were tiny, if you were separated for two seconds, Kalim would start full on bawling. Your parents killed two birds with one stone and had you two share a room.
You two were basically the same person, mainly for the fact alone that you tried to mimic Kalim's every move. Your parents would start to call you 'Tiny Kalim' as a joke but it stuck for years.
"Kalim! Tiny Kalim! It's time for dinner!"
"Yay! Come on, Tiny Kalim! I heard that it's a whole buffet!"
"Coming! Is Jali joining us?"
"He should already be down there!"
We both ran throughout the house to the dining room. We were so excited to eat what was made! We both enjoyed a big feast.
"I wonder if they have curry!"
"I hope that they have some coconut juice to drink!"
We both took our seats at the table and started bouncing up and down. Food always got us into an excitable mood.
"Alright, alright calm down."
Jali was a nickname that I came up with for Jamil when I first started to learn how to talk. If I had a nickname, that meant I was going to give everyone else a nickname as well. I call Kalim Big Bro more often than not but sometimes, I call him Carpet Rider. He's really talented at flying a carpet.
"Here you go, Kalim."
Jamil set a plate of food in front of Kalim and made sure that nobody else touched the food. Kalim let out a light cheer before digging into his food. I had to wait for another twenty minutes before a servant brought me my food. I let out my own cheer.
I got my utensils and grabbed a big bite.
"Hehehe, Tiny Kalim!"
I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked to see who it was. I turned back to see Kalim eat my food.
This was always a normal interaction between you and Kalim.
When your other siblings came into the picture, you both tried to make sure that everyone felt welcomed into the family. All of the games that you would play would result in complete chaos. Mainly for the fact that everyone would lose who was It.
Your mother kept a careful watch over her two children to make sure that the other mistresses wouldn't dare hurt you two.
Although that doesn't stop them from trying to get you to hurt Kalim.
"Hey, Tiny Kalim. Come over here for a second will ya?"
"Huh? Yeah, do you need something?"
"Could you do me a favor and put the contents of this vial into your older brother's drink?"
"If you do, I'll make sure that you get a sweet treat~"
I just stayed silent but took the vial from the lady. She's the mother of my fourth and fifth younger siblings, who are very sweet to me. I don't want her to be thrown out and lose those two.
I looked at the vial a little closer and saw the skull and crossbones etched into the glass. Another poison... Why does everyone come to me to poison my brother? Thankfully, I know exactly what to do with this anyway!
"Hey! Hey, Mr. Ver!"
"Huh? Oh! It's Tiny Kalim! What brings you here?"
"I was just out on the town when I remembered you talking about how a weed completely took over your favorite flower bed. Do you think that this type of poison will clear it out?"
"Hmmm, let me take a little looksie."
Mr. Ver took the vial from me and poured it on a recently fallen leaf. It took only thirty seconds for the leaf to just shrivel up on itself. If Kalim actually drank that...
"Wow! Good choice, Tiny Kalim! Thank you for being so considerate!"
I only gave him a shaky smile and a quick nod of my head. I needed to go find Jamil and warn him.
"Tiny Kalim!!"
Nevermind, my job just got easier.
Kalim tackled me in a behind hug and squeezed extremely tight. I let out a laugh before enveloping Kalim's arms with my own.
"Hiya, Kalim! Do you know where Jali is?"
"Over here, (Y/N)."
I looked over to Jamil and I gave him a slight wave. I then looked back to Kalim.
"Big Bro, would you mind if I talked with Jamil alone for a few seconds?"
Kalim's smile dropped and his eyes became dull for like two seconds. It was like it never happened because his smile came back full force.
"Of course!"
There was a slight strain to his voice but I just brushed it off as a bad day. I grabbed Jamil's arm and walked out of hearing range while still able to keep Kalim in our sight.
"What did you want to talk about with me, (Y/N)?"
"Our father's third wife gave me poison to give to Kalim. I just wanted to warn you so you can keep a close eye on him."
"Hmmm, thank you for the warning, (Y/N). It's greatly appreciated."
I gave Jamil a nod. It's so weird to hear my actual name instead of Tiny Kalim. But it felt really nice.
This wasn't the only time you were given poison and then figured out how to get rid of it.
You were also given small weapons and some money but you were prepared for that as well. Whenever you got a weapon, you went to the hunters to find out if they could use it. They were willing to take whatever weapons you had and gave you even more money for them. Then you would take whatever money that you got from selling the weapons and the money that you were given and give it all to Jamil. The man needs the money more than anybody else does.
Sadly, your 'tricks' put a target on your back as well.
"Tiny Kalim?!"
I felt my stomach convulse and out came the food that I had just eaten. Normally, that wouldn't freak me out if it wasn't for the fact that there was also some blood in what I threw up. And my body wasn't done yet.
Jamil quickly grabbed some of my food and put it in a plant. The plant shriveled up, making my eyes tear up. I should have been expected to be poisoned.
"His food was poisoned. We need to get him to a healer!"
Kalim picked me up and sprinted towards the healer's office. My body was still heaving, trying to throw more and more up even though my stomach was empty. This was very painful.
"Please! Help my little brother!"
"Oh my! Please set him down!"
I felt the healer work and let out a sigh of relief. Kalim looked extremely terrified by the fact that I was poisoned. The amount of tension that I had in my body released and I blacked out.
When I came back to reality, Kalim was sitting by my side, clutching my hand tightly. I don't even think that blood could flow naturally in my hand with how tight Kalim was gripping it. I weakly tried to get him to let go of my hand but it notified him that I was awake and I got trapped in a bear hug.
It's safe to say that you could barely leave Kalim's side after that.
Kalim was terrified at the thought of losing his only full sibling and felt useless about the fact that he couldn't protect you.
He demanded that Jamil would also be at your beck and call for the fact that and I quote 'Tiny Kalim needs Jamil more than I could ever!'
It's also safe to say that Kalim was less friendly to your other siblings. Still be courteous to them but refusing to let them play with you.
"Tiny Kalim! Tiny Kalim!"
I turned around to see Malik and Maia, twins by the way, running towards me, holding what seemed to be new toys. Not that surprising considering their birthday was only two days ago.
"Tiny Kalim! We haven't seen you for what feels like forever! Come and play with us!"
"I would lo-"
I turned my head to Jamil, who seemingly appeared out of nowhere. As always, he had a poker face on.
"Yes, Jali?"
"Kalim has requested your presence."
"Ah, I see."
I then turned back to the twins and gave them a sad smile.
"Sorry guys. But it seems like our older brother needs me for something."
"Awwwwww, but we really wanted to play with you."
"I know. How about this? As soon as I'm done with whatever Big Bro needs from me, I'll come and find you as soon as possible! Then we can play the night away!"
Now with Malik and Maia happy once again, I started to follow Jamil to wherever Kalim was.
"You do realize that Kalim most likely won't let you go before it's way past their bedtime right?"
"Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what he wants from me this time. This is the fifth time that he has called me today alone! It's over a hundred if you count the rest of the week."
"I did take count. With this call, the count becomes 134."
"Oh goodness. How long do those meetings take normally?"
"Six hours is the average that Kalim will keep you normally."
"I need to talk about this with Big Bro."
You tried to talk with Kalim about the current monopoly that he was trying to have over your time.
Kalim decided to pull one of his best tactics.
"Monopoly over your time? Do you really believe that I'm trying to be selfish? I'm just trying to protect you, Tiny Kalim!"
"Big Bro, I don't have any doubts that you're only concerned about my well being but! It has been feeling like you're trying to prevent me from hanging out with anybody else lately. Well, other than Jali."
"I'm quite hurt that you would blame me like this. I guess that you don't love me anymore."
"That's not true! I still love you, Big Bro!"
"Then why must you push me away so often?!"
Kalim's eyes were starting to well up with tears and were quickly overflowing. He broke down into tears while huge sobs escaped from his mouth. I felt my heart twist at the sounds. The feeling was awful in my chest. I walked towards Kalim before enveloping him in a hug of my own.
"Please don't cry, Big Bro. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings! I was just being dramatic! I won't push you away again."
"Do you promise?"
Kalim's eyes were so broken. The tears streaming down his face added to the pain in my chest.
"I promise."
Ever since that promise was made, Kalim made sure that you would never leave his side. Wherever Kalim went, he made sure that you were coming along or would tell Jamil to drag you along.
You can't really remember the last time that you were truly alone. Either Jamil was in the same room, staring from the corner or you would be right by Kalim's side.
This persisted until it was time for Jamil to leave for NRC.
Kalim and I were watching as Jamil was getting ready to enter a black carriage. A smile was present on my face while Kalim was basically vibrating with excitement.
"Bye, Jamil! Have fun and stay safe!"
"Yeah! It's going to feel slightly lonely without you around!"
"Hehe, it'll be fine without me. You two have each other after all."
After those parting words, Jamil entered the coffin and the carriage rode off with him. Despite the fact that he couldn't see us, Kalim and I were waving our arms in the air until the carriage was no longer in sight.
"You know? You're right. It already does feel a bit lonelier without him."
"I know! Either way, let's go back inside. I want to play some Mancala with you, Tiny Kalim!"
When Jamil left, your mother and father took extra precautions with you. Since Kalim's most trusted servant was no longer available, they upped your guard count to make sure that neither you nor Kalim would be left alone.
Eventually, Kalim's magic appeared and he showed your parents. Everybody was overjoyed for Kalim and threw a party to celebrate him.
Shortly after the party and two months after Jamil left, an invitation from NRC arrived for Kalim!
Everyone was enthused! Well, almost everyone.
"KALIM! Do not fight with me! This is a huge honor!"
"Not unless Tiny Kalim is coming along as well!"
I kept my ear pressed close to the doors while the argument persisted. Kalim tried to burn the invitation when he got it and it sparked this argument. Dad wasn't very happy with how Kalim was acting. But Kalim wasn't completely above throwing a mild tantrum.
I stepped away from the door before sitting between two of our guards. I looked at both of them but neither of them dared to meet my gaze. I closed my eyes and wondered about how we reached here. Kalim's possessiveness, my willingness to play along, Jamil leaving. Kalim has become basically entitled to all of my attention.
I'm mildly hoping that Mom and Dad say no. Maybe the separation will benefit both of us.
But that scream tells me otherwise.
Yep, Kalim was able to convince your parents to pull some strings to get you a ticket into NRC as well.
You were two months late into the school year but since Jamil has been there, he was able to catch you both up to speed.
Jamil's head whipped around so fast that I was afraid of his neck getting hurt. Kalim basically body slammed him to the ground while I was running to catch up with both of them.
"Yep! Did you miss us?"
Kalim was slightly bouncing while still keeping a strong grip on Jamil's shoulders.
"Hi, Jali!"
Jamil then saw me standing a bit away from the two. I gave him a slight smile and wave. Jamil's face displayed shock before he schooled his expression. Kalim finally got off of him and stood up. Once Jamil was on his feet, I gave him a hug of my own. No point in knocking him back down.
Jamil cleared his throat before talking.
"What brings you two here?"
"We're joining NRC!"
Jamil's eyes widened and Kalim took that as a sign to elaborate.
"I'm able to use magic now after many years of practice! I kept trying and trying and trying. But now, it has finally clicked! I got a letter a few days ago and tada~! Now, we're here!"
"That explains why you're here. But why is (Y/N) here?"
"I'm here because-"
"How could I possibly let Tiny Kalim be on his own?! We've been together since he was born! Not to mention, how would I be able to keep a proper eye on him?!"
Kalim interrupted me again. He has been getting into the habit of speaking for me. I guess I'm to blame for that as well.
Jamil only nodded his head before muttering stuff under his breath.
NRC days seemed to be pretty much the same to you as days in the palace.
Hang out in Kalim's room, eat with Kalim, hang out with Kalim and go to classes with Kalim.
You had tried to make new friends with the people of the dorm but Kalim always sent Jamil to find you. It was amazing how he knew whenever you had free time.
"Isn't NRC so cool?"
Kalim and I were resting on his bed staring at his ceiling. He recently became dorm leader. How? We have no idea other than Crowley randomly telling him one morning.
"Yeah, I guess."
I haven't been able to see much of NRC if I'm being honest. The most that I've seen outside of Scarabia are the classrooms. Before Kalim goes to his after school activities, he drops me off in our room. And to add insult to injury, he also locks the door behind him.
"You guess?! Come on, Tiny Kalim! This place has basically everything! Plus, everybody is really nice!"
I wouldn't know, considering I can't talk with any of them since Jamil always comes and interrupts any conversation that I could have. I only nodded my head before putting a forced smile on my face. When did I lose my ability to be (Y/N) and became only Tiny Kalim?
That thought plagued me for the rest of the night. I couldn't even close my eyes. My thoughts were much too frantic for it.
The next day, you decided to do something that you haven't once thought of in your life.
You left the room while Kalim was asleep. You normally woke up early and waited for Kalim to wake up. But you really needed some alone time. Time to be (Y/N). Not Tiny Kalim.
You ran out of Scarabia to the main campus. You only really knew where the main building was so this was a good chance to learn more about it.
You first went to the gate and started to patrol the perimeter. The stars were your company for this nightly stroll! They were ten times better company than your brother or Jamil.
"I wish I paid more attention to Arqa's ramblings. He would know all of these stars by heart. And the constellations that are out at this time of year."
I spoke out loud to the stars. Nobody else was up at this time, which was mildly disappointing. At least back at Silk City, the night Bizarre would have many different faces. Some scary, some friendly, and some just faces.
I started to hum and dance with the cool air enveloping my body. I haven't felt this unburdened in forever.
I felt a body collide with my own, sending both of us to the ground.
Kalim was snuggling into my front, his grip getting really tight. It was quite obvious that he had been crying again.
"What do you mean?"
I listened to Kalim's crying before I saw Jamil walk up to us.
"He woke up the entire dorm to create a search party for you. That was very reckless."
I tilted my head down. My face felt so flushed from embarrassment.
"You should have left a note, (Y/N). I always thought that you weren't like Kalim but maybe... I should start calling you Tiny Kalim as well."
I felt my heart drop. Jamil was the only person who called me (Y/N). If he no longer does, would anybody remember my name?
Brother B:
You were the youngest (So far) of the Asim family. Your birth wasn't the biggest thing that has happened to the family but a few of your older siblings visited you the same day. One of those people was Kalim.
When it was his turn to hold you, Kalim felt something stir within his soul. He didn't know what exactly made you different from his other younger siblings that he has held. But he just felt such a connection with you!
There were plenty of times when you SHOULD have been with your mother that Kalim just took you instead. Whenever you needed to sleep, eat, or take a bath, Kalim would be the one to do it with you.
"Kalim! You need to stop taking (Y/N) whenever you want! I swear, if you keep this up, you'll become more of his mother than I am."
"But... (Y/N) likes to be with me! Right, (Y/N)?"
I babbled and put my fist in my mouth. I taste really nummy!
"See! He wants to be with me!"
Kalim would constantly run off with you. He took you to places that weren't really safe for your age.
Since your immune system wasn't as strong as a normal human being and you would normally get milk from your mother basically once a month, you would get sick quite often.
Kalim would feel mildly guilty since it was his fault but he would take the sickness as another thing to experience with you!
"Do you think that he's better yet, Jamil?"
Jamil took a breath before answering Kalim.
"No, Kalim. Look at him. His face is still flushed. Taking him out now would put him at risk."
I kept on crying. It was so hard for me to breathe! Plus I feel icky!
"I didn't mean to do that! You know that, right, Jamil?!"
"Yes, I know, Kalim. Come along. Let's give (Y/N) his medicine and let him sleep this sickness off."
A cup was put to my lips and a sweet syrup was in it. I drank it all up. What a sweet treat! I felt my eyes get droopy before I just passed out.
One year after you were born, Kalim was told that he was going to NRC after Jamil.
Kalim came up with a 'clever' plan.
He got special clothes to hide you in and snuck you into NRC without the Headmage or any of the other staff noticing.
"We're here! At our new home for a while!"
"Why are you shouting that, Kalim?"
Kalim then reached into his secret pocket and pulled me out! I let out some giggles because it felt like I saw flying. Ooooo! Look! It's the grumpy guy again!
"Kalim... You're joking right? That's not actually (Y/N). Right?"
"Nope~! It's (Y/N) alright! I simply couldn't stand being away from him! I tried for one night. I had the caretakers move his crib out of my room and into his mother's but I couldn't sleep! What if he was crying?! What if he needed attention?! How was I supposed to know that he was safe if he wasn't with me at all times!"
The grumpy man just let out a sigh while Kalim spun me around in the air. He fell onto his bed with me on top of him.
"We're going to have so much fun here!"
Kalim took you to all of his classes, despite how much Jamil protested.
The staff would also raise an alarm but noticed that when you weren't there, Kalim wouldn't be able to focus and pay attention.
So they put up with you in their classes. Sometimes they would bring little toys for you to play with as well.
Eventually, letters started to come in. Letters from your mother.
I watched Kalim as he sat at his desk, looking at a piece of paper. I crawled over to him and started tugging on his pant leg.
"Huh? Oh!"
Kalim picked me up before setting me down on his lap. I looked at the paper too but it had weird scribbles on it.
"Your mother is quite upset with me, (Y/N)."
Kalim started talking and I just put my ear against his chest.
"She says that I shouldn't have taken you away from her. That I'm in the wrong for putting you at such risk. That I'm a monster who takes what doesn't belong to me. But that's where she's wrong, correct?"
I just tilted my head. I didn't really understand what he was saying.
"You do belong to me. You belong to me just as much as you belong to her. Just differently! I'm your older brother! It's my job to make sure that you live the best life that you can live! It's her job as the mother to bring you to life! She's already done her part of the job and now, it's my turn!"
Kalim gave me a huge smile, which I returned.
"See! I knew that you would agree with me!"
Kalim brought me into a hug. I reciprocated it but I was blind to the dark glint that appeared in his eyes.
"Maybe... I should send someone to remind her that she's done with her job."
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ryker-writes · 1 year
Hi! I love reading about your sibling head-cannons, and just recently read the bad ending for a broken relationship with Azul. And for as much as I like angst (occasionally), I was wondering if you could write what a potential good ending for a broken relationship with azul would look like?
Thank you so much! It's so rare that people request happy endings for these. For those who didn't see the other parts to this series, you can find them on my broken sibling masterlist. The beginning of this one starts off where the original broken relationship ended, which you can find here
Broken Sibling relationships
Request rules and Masterlists
Azul as a sibling (broken relationship: forgiveness ending)
you found out that all of his contracts got destroyed so you weren't bound to yours anymore
but you still didn't call him brother
he didn't want that anyway so it just sort of stayed
after his overblot he started acting different
while he still didn't talk to you much at first, he was around you more often
he didn't spend as much time in the VIP room and actually came out to work with everyone else
sometimes he did sort of...hover near you
it was like he wanted to say something, but instead he'd just fidget and look frustrated
the twins seemed entertained by it at least
and then he invites you to the VIP room again
when you enter he's a bit fidgety and won't look at you
you ask if he wants another contract and he's surprised
no one has even mentioned contracts to him since he overblotted
but he says no and that he actually has a new work schedule for you
when you take a look you're amazed
less hours and you don't have to do those horrible jobs anymore???
it was really amazing
since then he even has been trying to make conversation with you
he's incredibly awkward about it tho
he doesn't know what to say so he's searching for something you may be interested in
he wishes he did more research on you in the past to know what you like now
still, he's trying
but what really changed was his attitude towards you
so when some customers were being annoying and complaining about you one day, he actually came to your defense
"Excuse me? It would be wise to watch what you say. After all, that's my sibling you're talking about."
it's safe to say you were stunned
did he just call you his sibling?
after all this time of insisting you didn't call him brother...
maybe it was some mistake?
maybe he didn't mean to say it
but then he snaps his fingers and the twins are dragging that person out of the lounge
what are you even supposed to do now?
do you ask him about what just happened?
does he not want you to address it?
before you can start considering your options, Azul spins around to you and there's a moment of silence
then he just sighs and tells you to meet him in the VIP room before scurrying off
when you got to the VIP room, Azul was sitting behind his desk and fidgeting uncomfortably with his quill
you were reminded of when he brought you here to make you sign that contract
but he looked much more nervous this time
sitting down on one of the couches, he took a deep breath before starting
"I...I wanted to talk to you...about everything that happened. I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry."
he paused and took another deep breath
"I've realized that I've been treating you horribly for a long time now, and I'm sorry. You used to want to support and defend me and all I did was push you away. On top of that, I was cruel to you. I know that saying I'm sorry won't fix anything, but if you'll allow it, I would like to try and make things better."
it was quiet for a minute as you processed everything
he was really apologizing
and seemed genuine about it too
he actually wants to be your brother again
"Okay Azul. Let's make things better."
the quill fell from his hand and he seemed surprised for a moment
but then he smiled
not his businessman smile, but his real genuine smile
from then on, Azul was more open about trying to make things better
he wasn't awkwardly lingering or struggling (as much) to make conversation
sometimes there would be a pause while he thinks of something to say or ask without feeling awkward, but he's trying
one of the first things Azul did was try to learn what you were interested in and somehow get involved either by learning about it or if you're lucky, trying it for himself
he even started to take time away from the lounge to hang out with you and meet some of your friends
there was even one instance where he was going to leave the lounge with you to head to Sam's shop when the twins stopped him
they told him that he may be needed at the lounge
and all he said was
"I can't right now. I'm busy."
it wasn't much, but it was amazing
not too long ago, he wouldn't give you the time of day and favored both the twins and his contract business over you
but today, he chose to spend time with you
he really has changed
(I had an idea about the reader like suggesting a contract where the reader will support him like they always wanted to and in return Azul has to like be a better brother but I scrapped that because the chances anyone would want to sign a contract with him after everything is low-)
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pterobat · 2 months
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I want to talk about some of the tie-in stuff featuring Lance Bishop that I took in recently.
“Broken” by Rachel Caine, in the anthology Bug Hunt.
The idea that a previously-established character has to be special—bothers me a bit, and I can’t say why. I do know that I felt, after years of pushing back against the mechanistic/deterministic view of the Zentradi in Robotech and Macross fandom, it was time to accept that a character might lack something in the way of “free will” and might not be one of a kind—but still be sympathetic
However, Bishop didn’t put that egg on the Sulaco, Your Mom did, and he asked to be euthanized for firmly "human" reasons, not utilitarian ones.
Anyway, “Broken”, states that Bishop having a stronger altruistic drive than the AP norm, which very briefly leads to the possibility of him being scrapped, and then later lets him disobey orders and save some people in his non-actiony way.
It’s still mostly satisfying, except for two things: Bishop has “brothers” named after other chess pieces (except "Queen" because of cowardice), and while that’s cute, it’s at the expense of the Frankenstein-ish story in the novel below, where he shares the name with his "Father".
Secondly there’s the groaner when the last scene of the story leads right into Bishop meeting Apone’s unit after being repaired by Hudson and the Knife Trick getting brought up already.
William Gibson’s Alien 3 (Novel and Comic Version):
To steal from Dostoevsky, all versions of Alien 3 are stupid in their own way. It’s hard to think of where to go from Aliens, though it’s not my job to do so, right?
At least there’s no chance of Gibson’s version being lionized as a course-correction or a bold strike against some imagined saccharine future. Instead we get something that’s readable and likeable enough, but pretty bland. Kind of like Hicks as the main, really—nothing against the dude, but there’s just not much going on with him.
Part of it’s not the fault of Gibson: he had to write out Ripley, but man, you don’t have to give it a gold star just for otherwise trying. I can also see how the Xenomorphs as a Thing-esque virus would occur to writers, but it just doesn’t feel right.a
Also, for what’s supposed to be a riff on the Cold War and MAD, the Union of Progressive Peoples are cartoonishly silly, constantly thinking about “capitalism” while capitalism doesn't think of them, while the narrative makes a point of how run-down and crappy their tech is.
Even Bishop notices that without any spite, while the UPP are harsh towards him out of an understandable vision of worker’s rights, but in a Dolyist sense is only there to make them more unsympathetic and caricatured.
As for Bishop, he’s fun to follow because I like reading about him just being totally chill about everything, still without coming across as heartless. But he doesn’t have much of his sense of weirdness or of that awkward kindliness that makes his character more interesting than the average friendly AP.
Two more things: I was first harsh on the idea that an ovomorph would grow from Bishop’s exposed guts, but I came around when I realized it was an example of a slightly-more grounded Xenomorph evolution/adaptation than the virus, just putting more of the mechanical in bio-mechanical—plus it was the only example of gender fuckery to be found for miles.
Secondly, I liked his quiet little monolgue at the end that humanity ought to destroy Xenomorphs for their own good. It’s the usual trope of having a heroic character fascinated by monsters, who must prove they are still heroic by killing or opposing them.
Aliens: Bishop by T.R. Napper
It’s funny that this book came out last December, like it was waiting for me to start thinking about the character again.
Sadly, the original characters were not so entertaining, which is often but not always the curse of tie-in fiction. It’s another reason why it’s hard for me to be fannish about the larger Alien-a-verse besides not much of it sounding interesting.
It doesn’t help that the story starts out with a USC Marine mission lead by an Apone, with a male corporate stooge on board, and our new MC gets the nickname “Cornbread” within a few pages—come on with this. Otherwise, she’s like Hicks in the sense of readable and serviceable.
To go back to Alien 3 for a second, and franchising in general—they repeat themes and motifs because that makes the selling easy, and you can make a keen case for “The Real Enemy is Man” being a theme of the Alien universe.
Because of that, having Michael Bishop be who/what he said he was makes the most sense if you want not only a thematic through-line but the Frankenstein-ish subtext of the book which is like catnip to me.
Normally resurrection is thematically cheap in fiction, but given that Alien 3 comes off as cheap (lazy) to begin with, and we’re dealing with an AP, and the results are interesting, it doesn’t take much to win me over.
I don’t know how much research the author did, or if it’s just serendipty, but Henriksen said he played Bishop as an abused child, as a being who knew he was disposable but consoled himself by knowing he’d outlive those who could hold that over him. And even though they look the same age, the abusive-father subtext is all over this. Michael is nice enough until he doesn’t get what he wants after being “patient” and “giving”.
And speaking of franchises and theming, something about creator/creation in the Alien series no longer feels out of place in post-Prometheus world, even if the execution in those movies was a letdown.
Transhumanism also comes into the picture, and while it first seemed Michael would steal Bishop’s new body, instead Michael wants to transfer his body digitally and succeeds. It also feels out of place in the larger franchise, but I might check out a sequel.
I also wish the book were more creative about trying to do something with the Xenomorphs. Michael pretends it’s about something different as part of his manipulation, but alas it’s the same old militarization.
It’s kind of funny that Bishop meets the captured Morse who quirkily tells him a few things about how humans don’t value other humans. It helps Bishop get rid of the last vestiges of attachment to his Shitty Dad, and Bishop otherwise returns to the same place he was before, just with a new unit.
I was waiting for some other shoe to drop, but the Apone #2 unit appeared to have no ulterior motivations when it came to finding Bishop. Returning to a quiet status quo does suit him in a way, since Bishop is so chill about everything.
The book also establishes that Bishop asked to be euthanized because of grief. I didn't want a purely utilitarian reason like reaching a damage threshold that cheapie W-Y labelled unsalvageable--that doesn't work narratively/tonally/emotionally--but it was enough to think poor Bishop decided on death because he couldn’t ever reach adequate quality of life.
So a lot of fun here, even what with the brief moments where Bishop is emotionally demonstrative or fights physically and it’s cringe-inducing rather than an extrapolation of the character.
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chewingchan · 1 year
Affection - Chapter Two
Chapter Two of Affection
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Synopis: Being in love with your childhood friend wasn’t the best feeling ever, even more so now that he got himself a girlfriend. Moving in with him didn’t seem like the best idea either, but life always brings us the most unexpected gifts.
Content info: Chan x afab reader, Changbin x afab reader, angst/fluff, best friend Chan, brother Felix, roommates Minho and Changbin, Minho x Jisung
Spotify Playlist.
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- Seo Changbin! Put the flour down, now!
Living with Chris turned out to be easier than expected, despite the whole girlfriend situation. It took me a while to get used to it, but I’ve always been an expert at hiding my feelings.
What I did not expect were the other two boys that came along with the whole experience.
Changbin Seo is short, full of muscles and extremely whiny. Despite all of that he’s the sweetest boy I have ever met, extraordinarily intelligent and with, as he says, great morals. You can never predict what he’s going to do or say and, more often than not, that was kind of alarming, especially if you’re not used to his chaotic energy. He likes to think that he’s some kind of bad boy, but in reality, he’s just a cute puppy full of energy with a very, and I repeat, VERY loud voice.
- Yah! Stop screaming or I’ll swear I’ll kill you both.
Minho Lee is scary, there’s no doubt in that. He’s the typical cat mom, a total introvert with watchful eyes and a very solid personality (he gets irritated pretty easily too), but once you get to know him, he’s just a soft boy who likes to cook and treat people he loves more often than considered normal, a true tsundere. Oh, I almost forgot! On top of everything, he was the one who brought Soonie, Doongie and Dori to our home along with himself, so that’s a plus!
- Minmin, tell Changbin to stop attacking me, pretty please? I’m trying to bake us red velvet cupcakes! – I begged, trying to pull off a cute expression, even though I had a messy hair and was covered in flour from head to toe. - Sorry, pretty girl. – He winked at me – I’m too busy… Petting Soonie. I’d appreciate a cupcake later though. - Everybody knows you love when I tease you! – Changbin smirked – Stop pretending, pumpkin. - Ok. – I took the bowl out of his hands and winked at him – Keep on dreaming, big boy. - That’s disgusting. – Minho threw himself down on the sofa.
And that’s how our days usually rolled, since Chan was out most of the time. Living with him made me realize maybe I didn’t need him as much anymore, and that made me feel free, on top of all. Changbin and Minho were the family I didn’t know I needed.
- So… I was thinking about bringing Jisung over. – Minho had an uncertain look on his face – Thoughts on that? - Oh my God, finally! – I exclaimed, happily – It was about time! I’m dying to meet the lover boy.
Jisung Han was one of Felix’s closest friends, who turned out to become Minho’s most recent love interest. Changbin and I were extremely surprised by the news when he told us, since Minho isn’t the type to get involved. But the younger boy sure seemed to have stolen the oldest’s heart, leaving him in a dreamy and happy mood almost every single day. It was an understatement to say we were really excited to meet Jisung.
- If I didn’t know you, I would say you were embarrassed to introduce us to him. – Changbin said, always being a tease – Isn’t that right? - Of course I was embarrassed. – Minho tease back, with a serious face – Look at you both, who wouldn’t be? - ANYWAYS, - I intervened before things went further – When is he coming? I can invite Felix too, you know… So he doesn’t feel too uncomfortable, being surrounded with strangers and all. - That sounds like a plan. – Minho seemed relieved – Thanks, I appreciate that. - It’s all good. – I smiled – Do you think Chris will be here too? - At this point, I don’t really know. – Changbin sounded a little disappointed – He doesn’t even talk to me anymore, and guess what? We’re doing projects together. It’s been tough, I’m not gonna lie.
I was sad for Changbin. Chan has been distancing himself from us lately, and none of us wanted to bother nor confront him about it, but it was affecting the relationship of the household, even if it was just a bit. Binnie, being the closest to him AND attending the same classes as Chan, was the most affected by it.
- I’m so sorry, Binnie – I tried to comfort him – I’m sure Chris will come to his senses and…
At that moment, Chan burst through the door, crying and with an angry look on his face.
- Chris? What happened? – I rushed to him. - She cheated on me.
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hebuiltfive · 10 months
::still here!::
dreamer: [character] talks in their sleep. With Jeff
Hello, again! Back with another sickness prompt. This one was an interesting one to write. It went nowhere I had planned it to, but it ended up being sweet (and sad, sorry!). Hope you enjoy it, @janetm74!
Warnings for this one: a couple of swear words and brief discussions of death. Nothing major, but just covering my butt.
Dreamer (feat. Jeff)
Virgil had been tending to him all night. Going by the dark circles under his brother’s eyes and his hair that had been clearly disheveled from hands being run through it constantly, Scott would have unhappily bet that Virgil hadn’t left Jeff’s bedside since Scott had left him in the early hours of the morning. 
That wouldn’t do.
He laid a hand upon his brother’s back before gently coaxing him into getting some food and some well-deserved rest. Virgil protested, of course, but Scott was able to alleviate any worries with a few simple words.
I can take it from here, Virg. Don’t worry, I’ll watch over him. He’s safe.
Whether it was down to tiredness, hunger or a mixture of the two, Virgil relented vigil duty to his older brother and went off in search of the sustenance and rest he so desperately needed. Scott hoped he wouldn’t see him return to their father’s room until at least the evening, though he was certain that was wishful thinking.
In the vacated seat, Scott sat. He checked over holo-files that detailed his father’s condition. Normally, for minor injuries and illnesses, Grandma wouldn’t bother with all the official mumbo jumbo of paperwork, but given Dad’s recent stint in space, she had thought it better to keep an eye on him properly. Scott had, at first, disagreed. After all, how bad could a cold get? Not even a day later was he regretting that question.
Jeff’s fever had spiked astronomically and he’d been out for the count for days afterwards. Virgil had fought alongside Scott in getting Grandma to allow Jeff to stay in his room. So often was Dad visiting hospitals these days, the last thing Scott wanted was for him to feel unsettled when he eventually woke up.
Gordon had claimed that Jeff had been lucid once throughout the last few, painful days, but Virgil had brushed it off as nonsense. Scott wasn’t sure what to believe. All he knew was that his father lay sweating in a bed over an illness that Jeff would have once not even batted an eyelid at. Eight years in space and now a single, pathetic cold took him out. Scott foolishly hoped that it was a one-off whilst his body became used to everything again. He feared it wasn’t.
The Squid had been right, it seemed, as Jeff woke hours later, fully lucid but still incredibly sick. Virgil had offered unnecessary apologies to Gordon, who simply shrugged them off. Grandma had made sure Dad received enough soup — lovingly made and sent by Penelope as a ‘get well soon’ gift — and told the boys to allow him to sleep the rest of the illness off.
Jeff hadn’t yet reawakened, but his vitals seemed to be holding steadily normal again.
Scott took a look at his father, brushing hair back from his forehead and ignoring how he was still a little too hot. He looked so peacefully sleeping. Knowing it was a normal slumber and not one brought on by his body going into shut-down had Scott a little less tense than his last visit, but he was still understandably shaken.
They had got Dad home only to nearly lose him again to something so mundane. That wasn’t poetry or irony, or anything else fancy that John had tried to pass it off as. It was just shit. Unfair shit that neither Dad, nor any of them, deserved.
Scott flicked the device from Jeff’s readouts — he couldn’t understand half of that jargon anyway — and turned his attention to some much needed work. International Rescue was still, somehow, operating with half of them tending to Jeff, and that meant reports needed writing up.
He was just about to start one for Alan’s recent Mars mission when Jeff began to mumble something.
At first, Scott thought he was awake and was wanting water, but he soon realised that he was still fast asleep. Scott attempted to go back to his reports, but that would prove futile. He became far too distracted by Jeff’s sleep ramblings.
Gran Roca Ranch stood proud against the rusty backdrop of the Kansas plaines. The summer mid-west heat was stifling. He must have been mad to leave the cool, air-conditioned ranch, but she was calling to him. From the distance, beyond the plains and canyons, a familiar, sweet-toned voice beckoned him to join her.
It helped with the pain, to be far away. Jeff knew none of it was real, knew it was all but a dream, and that his true, physical body was somewhere else, battling an illness that shouldn’t have been this hard to fight. 
That knowledge didn’t stop him from running, however. 
From flying.
He found her by a nearby plateau, standing on the edge of the rock and staring out at the great expanse beyond. She wore a familiar long, flowing cream dress, dotted with flowers, that blew in a wind that Jeff couldn’t feel.
“Here you are again,” Lucille proclaimed fondly, turning to face him with an outstretched hand.
“Here I am again.” Jeff repeated, taking her hand and closing the distance between them with a hug. It felt so real, so right, and if he truly wanted to he could probably have willed himself to stay there forever.
“The last time you were here, you were still stuck on some barren rock.” Lucille guided him toward the edge of the plateau where she sat, her legs dangling over and swinging gently.
“The boys. They got me home.”
“I told you they would.”
He had often visited her in the tougher moments of his unintentional exile. He hadn’t been surprised to be greeted by her again.
Jeff matched her soft smile, following her lead and sitting down beside her. For an unknown amount of time — because who truly understands the mechanics of a dreams — they sat in silence, enjoying each other’s company just as they had so often when she had been alive.
“They thought they were going to lose me again, Luce.” Jeff eventually admitted. After all, she was the only one he could fully open up to, even after all these years and a whole void between them. “I heard them talking. I heard them fretting.” He sighed. “I fear they’ll wrap me in cotton wool and never let me leave the island again.” His joke was accompanied with a chuckle.
Lucille laced her fingers with his, her head resting on his shoulder as she released her own laugh. “Would you blame them if they did?”
“No. No, I guess I wouldn’t.” Jeff gently squeezed her hand. “I guess I’m just worried that I’m causing more trouble by being home than—”
“Jefferson Tracy, you stop that train of thoughts right now.”
He did, without hesitation and with extremely apologetic eyes darting over to glance over her face. Her beautiful, un-ageing face. 
Jeff lifted a finger to stroke her cheek. “You’ve got to tell me your skin-care routine, Luce. At this rate, people will mistake me for your father.”
Lucille batted his arm at that, though her smile was still shining brightly. “Don’t try and change the topic.”
“I wasn’t going to.”
“Yes, you were. You knew exactly what I was going to say, you just don’t want to hear it.”
“Oh, really? And what was it you were going to tell me?”
“That the boys would never see you as a burden, Jeff. They spent the last eight years mourning you. Do you really think they’d put in all that effort to rescue you, only to not want to care for you? They love you.”
“I caused them such a panic. God, I could have given Ma a heart failure from all this stress.”
“Maybe, but you know how strong your mother is. How strong our boys are.”
“They shouldn’t have to be strong, not for me.”
“Nevertheless,” Lucille was determined to finish her point, “it couldn’t be helped. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. If what happened to you happened to one of them —to your ma, to one of the boys — what would you have done? What would you have thought?”
Lucille allowed Jeff to imagine. In his dream-state, he wasn’t able to fully control his thoughts and ended up vividly picturing the scene — of himself sitting in the chair beside one of his son’s beds, carefully and gently tending to them. He couldn’t bare the sight, but at the same time, Jeff knew he would have done anything, gone through anything, to be there. To help them.
“You being home was the one miracle none of them ever truly believed would come true, Jeff.” Lucille continued. “Do not ever think that it was a mistake.”
He knew she was right, not only because he felt it deep within him but because Lucille was always right. Apparently that gift was something she carried into the after-life.
“I miss you, Luce.”
“I miss you too.”
“The boys miss you.”
“They have you now, back home with them.”
“Would it be too much to ask the universe for one more miracle, to return you to us as well?” Jeff joked though he wished he could have meant every word. 
Lucille laughed, squeezing Jeff’s hand once again. “We’ll all be a family again one day, Jeff, but not for a very long time.”
It both pained him and filled him with relief.
“But for now, rest with me for a little longer. Scott will be waiting for you when you wake up.”
Scott had long since put down his report and was sitting on the side of Jeff’s bed, his father’s hand gently cradled in his. His blue eyes had leaked tears. He couldn’t hear the other-side of the conversation, and even Dad’s words were no more than an unintelligible mumble, but he knew who he was dreaming about. Who he was talking to.
He wondered what adventure his parents were on, if any at all given the amount of talking Dad was doing. Scott frowned. Some of the truths that had come out of his father’s lips had been tough to hear. Did he really see himself as a burden to them? Scott couldn’t allow that. He’d have to make sure he worked extra hard to dispel those thoughts. Having Dad home was nothing short of a miracle — a word that was used minutes later by Jeff himself — and he was going to make sure his father understood that.
It was hard not to overthink the brief sentences of a one-sided conversation his father was having in his dream. Virgil would probably be getting the low-down later on, not only for Dad’s sake — because Scott doubted Dad would open up about those worries he’d been mumbling about to any of them — but also for himself. There was something melancholic hearing Dad talking to Mom again, even if none of it was real. Add in Jeff’s words and Scott found more salty tears running down his cheeks.
Had he failed him so bad that now Dad didn’t feel like he belonged home?
Worse than that, how was Scott going to approach talking to Dad about it without letting him know he was eavesdropping into a half conversation from his dream?
His worries floated away when John appeared in the doorway, allowing the crack of light from the outdoor hallway to flood through. Scott waved his brother over and John quietly took the seat in Scott’s vacated chair.
They sat together in companionable silence until Jeff finally roused from his slumber. Despite John’s attempts to stop him, Scott launched himself at his father, holding onto him tightly as though he feared he’d slip away from him again. Jeff seemed to understand, returning his son’s ferocious hug with as much strength as he could muster.
Words would be said and discussions had, but for now the simple action of a hug seemed to convey enough.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay I'm seeing a lot of Solomon discussion on here lately and while I wasn't originally going to say anything, I kind of feel like I should since I'm obviously a Solomon enjoyer. So if nothing else, this is just how I personally feel about it all, in case anybody was wondering. In the end, these are fictional characters and I have no problem with people hating or loving or having a different opinion on any of them!
Inevitably this is going to have NB spoilers.
Let me begin by saying that I do not trust NB Solomon at all.
I think all of my Solomon love is carried over from the OG game. I fell in love with him in season 3 when he really took on the role of being MC's teacher.
In the OG (I think it might have been in season 3, but I can't remember exactly), Solomon straight up says that he used to see demons as tools. And the demons we know who have a pact with him (Barbatos and Asmo) are aware of this. I think the way he made his pact with Asmo initially is part of why all the demons see him as shady - they still call him this throughout most of the OG. One of Barbatos's home screen dialogues is how you should watch out for Solomon.
Solomon often talks about how alone he's been for most of his long life. I was always under the impression that he only recently came to the Devildom in the OG game for the exchange program. He never once mentioned Cocytus Hall or said anything about having lived there before. His dealings with demons always seemed to happen in the human world.
And in the OG, he also talks about how he used to be alone all the time, but now he feels like he's found friends and even family. Even in the first couple of seasons of the OG, I felt like he didn't see the angels and demons as friends/family so much as just acquaintances. But by the end, he has realized how much they all mean to him. Not just MC, but everybody. This was part of his OG character arc.
Then here we are in Nightbringer where he suddenly has known Diavolo for a long time, has an actual mansion in the Devildom, and is well known for having tried to fight the entire Devildom at one point. It's suspicious that he's the only one Barbatos sent back from our present timeline. Do I really believe that none of the brothers would want to go, too? Is the implication that Barbatos only did this for Solomon because of their pact? Do we really think that Diavolo wouldn't ask Barbatos to use his powers for this reason?
I don't know for sure, but it does seem a little unlikely to me.
And then we have NB Solomon being incredibly soft and sweet with MC, but clearly still using demons as tools. Does he really not remember why Barbatos is mad at him? Or is it that what he did was something that MC would find upsetting, so he pretends he can't remember?
This is a huge part of why I believe that the Solomon we're dealing with is actually past Solomon. That he somehow knew that MC was going to be brought back to the past by Nightbringer. He obviously knows Nightbringer and straight up talks to him, so it's easy for me to believe that he somehow found out what Nightbringer was up to.
Because yes, Nightbringer Solomon is off from the OG. He's not the same character in a lot of ways. It's confusing and while I don't want him to be an enemy, I want it to make sense too. And to me, this being a different version of him is the only one that makes sense.
You can read more about my theory in this post: past Solomon theory
Anyway, this is just my thoughts on the topic. All the fics I write about NB Solomon are with the assumption that he doesn't have ulterior motives, but that doesn't mean that's what I actually think is happening. I absolutely find him questionable at best and I don't think he is who he seems to be.
I think the only way they could make this okay at this point is to have MC be the reason Solomon realizes that demons are more than tools and that he doesn't have to side with humanity against them.
Otherwise, it doesn't make sense with how OG Solomon acted.
I guess we'll see! But I totally get why some people don't like him. I'm just hoping they go somewhere with the story that makes sense and doesn't just change him into a completely different character from the OG.
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ask-hws-uzbekistan · 7 months
What is your relationship with turkey like? :]
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You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?? I...I gotta go I hear someone calling me!
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She only ran about a few steps before passing out on the floor. Sometimes I wonder what she sees in that guy...
Anyway, I'll be taking over for her in case you wanted the real answer.
She had tried to fight Iran once before with Turkey and Crimea back in 1578, but had to retreat for a while to take care of matters at home. Said matters being my brother and I rebelling against her rule on us. She did end up taking large areas of land from Iran, so I guess that's a win?
And then she did it again in 1616. She asked Turkey about a cooperative military offensive against Iran, to which he accepted and attacked Iran again. I kinda feel bad for Iran...that must have been annoying at best.
She used to talk to him and visit him quite often around the 1500s and 1600s. She also asked him for help in the face of Russian expansion around the 1700s and 1800s. However, we all know what happened...
One of his military generals, Enver Pasha, tried helping us in the Basmachi Revolt against the Bolsheviks, but unfortunately died in battle in 1918. His remains stayed in Tajikistan until the late 90s, where he was brought back to Turkey.
Initially Turkey did have good relations with the USSR due to the shared ideas of revolution and the overthrowing of the monarchy, but things got cold after Turkey joined NATO.
They never really talked to each other after that...
Until we all became independent. Turkey was the first nation to recognize all of our independences, and things were going well. Until Turkey took Muhammad Solih, the Uzbek President's opposition candidate, in to stay. Uzbekistan asked for him back, but in Karimov's tenure that meant bad news...and so Turkey refused. This started the deterioration of their relationship(all of us too, if I'm being honest–she was very cold and brash during this time and just did whatever she could to achieve her goals). She had also raided a lot of his office buildings and jailed his employees on accounts of "terrorism" for having prayer mats and religious books in the offices.
After Karimov died in 2016, a new era was ushered in as Vice President Mirziyoyev took office as President in 2017. He began to thaw relationships with the rest of us, including Turkey. My sister also finally joined the Organization of Turkic States as a full member in 2019! They started talking to each other like normal again, and they even worked on a drama together about the last prince of the Khwarazmian Empire, starring a Turkish and Uzbek actor and actress as the main characters who fall in love.
Hmm. I wonder if that reminds me of something...
Turkey's politicians constantly highlight how important Uzbekistan is as a gateway to other Central Asian countries(me totally me), and she's starting to move away from trading with Russia in favor of Turkey. He also gives her a lot of military weapons, like drones, and they've begun training together recently.
So to sum it up, I think they both benefit each other a lot economically, and Turkey's also very similar culturally with the rest of us.
Wait why do I see Kyrgyzstan with a suitcase looking angry?
Oh no I better stop him. Thanks for having me, the cooler brother- OH GOD
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buckyismybae · 1 year
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summary: you were part of the ✨orginal seven✨ who saved nyc in 2012. steve’s friend bucky was recently brought to the compound to be an avenger after being saved from hydra. bucky being known previously as the “winter soilder” had never known kidness from anyone but steve and sam after being saved. you accidentally run into bucky in the most awkward way possible. what a great way to welcome the newest avenger.
warnings: nudity, bucky being a gentleman (yes thats a warning), fluff, curse words, thats pretty much it
comments: hii this is my first fic so please be nice!!! im sorry for any and all spelling errors and i hope you enjoy!!!
Unlike everyone else in this compound besides Steve, Sam, and Nat I wasnt totally upset about the whole bucky thing.
Yes he killed Tony’s parents but it wasn’t actually him. Thats what these people dont seem to understand. It wasnt his fault that he was being tortured and controlled by hydra. 
I haven’t actually met him yet so I still have to do that. But im totally team Bucky, Tony just needs to get over it (its not like he liked his parents anyways).
I was unfortunately sent on a two week long mission the day Bucky was set to arrive so I was the only one from the team who hadn’t met him yet.
But today was the day I was supposed to go back to the compound where I would go immediately take a shower to make myself somewhat presentable as I had blood and dirt caked on my skin from my mission.
I didnt want to be all gross when meeting someone who meant that much to steve, let alone a new teammate as he was offically an avenger as of two weeks ago today.
Steve honestly hadnt talked about Bucky before we found out about him. I can understand that though as it was probably to painful to talk about past people who meant a lot to us.
Its painful enough trying to see Steve talk about Peggy.
I think we all have people who even though they might not be apart of our lives anymore they will always be with us spiritually.
Thats what my parents are to me. Its what Bucky and Peggy are to Steve. Its what Yelena is to Nat and so on and so forth.
I couldnt wait to meet him. He really did mean so much to Steve, therefore he meant a lot to me.
Often times people would assume Steve and I were dating when in fact he was like a brother to me.
I was only 20 when the avengers first assembled to defeat and detain Loki. God that greasy headed man did some damage to NYC.
Steve looked out and was there for me since day 1 and promised that he would always be there for me. Thats why I love him as a brother. Thats why i was excited to meet the man who had protected him for all those early years of his life. To meet the man who had been there for Steve when his mom died.
I had offically gotten back and headed straight for the showers. Did I have my own in my room that was amazing? Yes I did. But they make us decontaminate before we enter the compound which makes sense.
No body wants to be walking around and step in ailen goo from someone after all. Totally not based of my own experiences.
I was walking into one of the open shower rooms when I heard some recruits behind me.
But just left it alone as I didnt have the time nor energy to even wonder what they were laughing at.
I got in the shower and immediately turned on my music. My playlist had a lot if music on it but it was mostly just taylor swift if im being honest.
Thats when the shower thoughts kicked in.
Does Bucky like taylor swift?
Does he even know who taylor swift is?
If he doesnt i HAVE to be the one to show him.
i wrap my shower up and go step outside to wrap myself in one of the softest towels ever.
I go over to my locker bag to get my clothes I was going to change into. Thats when I relized why those recruits were laughing. Those bitches stole my clothes.
So now I have no clothes on or to change into. I peek outside the room and relized im screwed.
My only plan is to scoot to my room in this skimpy towel before anyone sees me.
I run. I book it. Its still not enough.
Why did stark have to put so many god damn windows in this place.
Of course the Avengers are having a meet when I try to run back to my room. They all turn to look at me. This is the first time I ever met Bucky. In a towel that barley went passed my mid thigh, hair dripping wet, i look like a wet mole rat.
They are all staring directly at me. Tony starts to walk out of the glass room where meetings are held. He stares directly at me as if he had never seen me in his life.
“Woah, what the hell happened to you?”
“The fucking recruits stole my clothes when I was showering.” I made sure to say it loud enough that everyone in the room could hear.
They all just looked at one another puzzled not really knowing what to think.
“Now if you all excuse me i am going to go dry off and get some clothes on before i found what who stole my clothes and murder them.”
I scurried off down the hall to try to get to my door before anyone talk to me again.
“Hey your y/n right? Hey wait up.”
I turned to see Bucky coming towards me.
“Oh hey, sorry I didnt really hear you. Whats up?”
“ I just wanted to ask how come I havent seen you before and if you were alright?”
I stand there for a moment too long thinking about the last part. He didnt even know me yet he wanted to know if i was alright. This was the man who steve talked so greatly about these past few weeks. This was Bucky Barnes not the winter soilder.
“ Oh hey sorry I was going to introduce myself later but sorry I was on a mission the past two weeks. This is my first night back since, sorry! I wouldve introduced myself a few minutes ago but…” I glance down towards my current state pointing towards the short small towel that was covering my body. “ I was a little preoccupied.”
“ Oh well im sorry for bothering you but I just wanted to say hello and make sure you were ok.”
“ Thank you so much bucky, and hey we should hang out sometime. Maybe when i have some clothes on.” I said with a certain little giggle.
“ I would be honored to hang out with the great y/n y/l/n. Everyone that ive talked to said you were the kindest person they have ever met, i mean steve alone talks so… greatly about you that you didnt seem real. I dont have very man friends around here and he said if anyones gonna be my first it should be you.”
I look at him for a moment. How could anyone not wanna be his friend? Hes seems so caring and kind even after everything hes been through.
“ I would love to be your first friend, even though I think you have a few you dont know about yet.” I say simply knowing how everyones warming up to him or atleast the idea of him.
“Well goodbye y/n ill let you get back to well getting dressed see ya around.”
“Ya bye bucky see you around.”
With that I relized he lived right down the hall from me. Wow I thought to myself. Just wow.
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braveclementine · 3 months
The Visit and More Secrets- Not Mine This Time
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
I was curled up in the backseat with Sam. He had the window open, making sure he could breathe with the 'terrible vampire stench' in the car.
Carlisle was in the front drivers' seat. Emmett was in the other seat. Jasper and Alice sat in the middle row. Sam, Seth, and I were in the back.
Seth had insisted upon coming, even though I had told him he didn't have to. I think he felt obligated to because his own father had died recently. I think he wanted to be there for me and it just made me feel worse for not being there for his own father.
Edward, Rosalie, Esme, and Bella had stayed back in Forks. Sam had left Jacob in charge of the pack. Jared had wanted to come, but he was torn between his 'mother' and Kim. I had told him to stay. Later, Sam and Seth would share their thoughts and it would make all the wolves feel like they had been there.
I just hoped nothing drastic happened.
Emmett and Jasper were both 'Mamas boys' so they had decided to come and Alice wanted to come too, so it was settled. And of course, Carlisle would never have stayed behind.
I grew more and more nervous as we got closer and closer to Kentucky. So nervous that Jasper often had to fill the car with a calming aura.
Halfway across country over the first half of the trip, my phone rang and I dug it out of my pocket. I groaned. "I don't want to talk to him."
"Who is it?" Sam asked quietly.
"Officer Malone." I muttered. I flipped it over, putting it on speaker since they'd all hear anyways and I was to lazy to hold the phone. "Yeah?"
"I need the location of which hotel you're staying in. So we can get the soldiers there for your protection."
"I don't want the escorts." I said flatly.
"Do you want to be openly attacked in the public?" Officer Malone sneered. He hated me. His brother had died in the bomb squad and he was only stuck with me because he had the case initially.
"I'll take my chances, yeah." I muttered.
Office Malone was silent on the other side, muttering to someone. Sam's arms were tight around me. Seth looked utterly bored, but also tense at the same time. "Fine. How about Marcel and your Uncle?"
I was silent for a moment. "I'll meet them at the cemetery."
He grumbled, "You do realize you're not particularly liked by a majority of the citizens here, right?"
"I'm aware." I said stiffly. Emmett and Jasper were glaring at the phone now.
"So when you get a rock thrown at your head because you have no protection-"
"I have protection." I muttered.
"We told you not to bring any weapons."
"I didn't. I brought friends."
He laughed, "You have friends."
I rolled my eyes. Alice stopped Emmett from breaking the phone in two. Seth was shaking and I quickly reached out to put the phone on mute, "Carlisle pull over now."
Carlisle did with a jerk, and Jasper yanked open the door. Seth ran out and into the nearby forest.
I took the phone off mute. "I'll meet Uncle Josh and Marcel at the cemetery. That's final. Good-bye."
"He's very nice." Emmett muttered when I hung up.
Sam went out to get Seth and everyone rearranged themselves in the car. Jasper was driving now, Alice sitting in the front seat. I climbed into the middle section to sit with Carlisle- basically on his lap- Emmett sitting next to us. Sam and Seth climbed back into the back.
We settled in for a long ride. I fell asleep comfortably in Carlisle's cold arms, his lips against my hair.
On the day of the 'festival' I dressed in black.
It was a knee length black dress with a slight V-neck. Two strands came around to form a bow in the front. Nothing extreme, nothing provocative, nothing over the top either. I put on a small silver cross that showed above the neckline. I brushed my hair back, curling it in the curls that Carlisle loved. Alice helped with the makeup, making me look just right. Not over-the-top, but I didn't look horrible either.
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"You guys may want to stay a few feet back from me." I murmured as we got ready to leave the hotel. I could already feel people's eyes on me. "So you don't end up in the magazines."
I was saying this mostly to the vampires who would probably- hopefully- never die. If their faces went into a newspaper or appeared on TV. . .
I took a deep breath, walking briskly out of the hotel and down the street.
I had chosen a hotel that wasn't far from the cemetery. That way, the visit could be quick. And also so the walk was short. I may not like Officer Malone, but he was right about the towns people not liking me.
I got lucky today with the weather. It was gray and overcast, but not raining. This meant the Cullens could come with, but I wouldn't get soaking wet either.
I could feel whispers floating around me, although I couldn't hear exactly what was being said. I simply walked.
Most of the towns people were wearing black, carrying bouquets of flowers in their hands. Everyone would be going to the graveyard, regardless of whether or not they actually had relatives. There had been a horrible tragedy a few years ago and no one who had lived here then and still lived here would forget it.
It would always be like a 9/11 incident for them. They would remember where they were, at what time it happened, what they were doing, who they were talking to, what they were talking about, and anything else they remembered.
I remembered.
It wasn't hard for me to remember.
I stopped short as I saw a motion out of the corner of my eye. The rock that would've slammed into my head went past my face instead, crashing into the store front window I had been walking past. Without even looking at the window, I continued to walk past.
Emmett on the other hand, had had enough walking behind me. He was by my side so quickly I was afraid he'd used vampire speed. Carlisle was soon on the other side of me and from the heat radiating from behind, I knew Seth and Sam were close by now.
Emmett lifted his hand quickly, catching another rock.
"This is ridiculous." Sam growled behind me, "Are they not going to get arrested?"
"Why would they?" I muttered quietly.
Luckily, we were now at the graveyard. It was packed full of people, but the graves were spread apart by a few feet so it wasn't incredibly crowded once you reached the gravestone you wanted to get to.
There were soldiers at the front of the gates, waiting, and their eyes narrowed when they saw me.
"Davina Michaelson?" One of them asked.
"Yes." I said quietly, but firmly.
"You're not allowed to go inside-"
"I know." I said, stepping to the side. The others followed me.
"This is absolute bullshit." Emmett growled.
"Em, it doesn't matter." I said softly, leaning against Carlisle's shoulder. He wrapped an arm around me, kissing the side of my head.
I didn't have to wait long.
One of two people who could actually say my name with excitement in this town.
"Marcel!" I said, my face breaking into a smile, and I felt myself relaxing.
"You got even more beautiful with age." Marcel complimented, scooping me up into a hug. "How are you?"
"Better." I said softly. "Where's Uncle Josh?"
"He's coming along." Marcel said, finally putting me down, "So. Introduce me to these fine fellows and gal."
"Ah right. This is Sam, he's my best friend. And then this is my. . ." I stared hesitantly at Carlisle and he grinned.
"I'm her boyfriend." Carlisle said and Marcel looked between the two of us skeptically.
"Really?" He asked incredulously.
I flushed, "It's. . . a strange term to use but it fits best. And then um, this is Seth, he's one of my other friends. And then this is Jasper and his wife Alice. And then this is Emmett."
"Nice to meet ya'll." Marcel said, shaking hands around. He probably noted the difference between the vampires cold hands and the werewolves abnormally hot ones.
Carlisle wrapped an arm around my waist again while we waited. Marcel looked at me, "He said he had something important he wants to tell you today. Maybe he's just nervous."
"Well now so am I." I muttered. "What could he possibly want to tell me?"
Marcel shrugged. "No idea. Ah, here he comes now."
Uncle Josh came jogging up the walkway. He had grown his long black hair out to his shoulders and it was braided down his back. He looked a lot like Billy at the moment, even wearing a brown cowboy hat almost. A blue jean jacket that was a bit big for him, blue jeans, and brown cowboy boots. His brown eyes lit up when he saw me and he moved faster.
"Is he Quileute?" Seth asked me under his breath.
"Don't think so." I muttered back. "He's never said he is anyways."
"Davina!" Uncle Josh announced in his pleasant, husky voice.
"Uncle Josh." I said, kissing him on the cheek. He surveyed the people around us, nodding to all of them, but not making any sign to talking to them.
"Are you ready to go in?"
"Yeah." I said softly.
There was no problem with passing the gates anymore. Uncle Josh and Marcel walked on either side of me, leaving the others to trail behind. Marcel was in his soldier uniform, making lots of people look at us twice as we passed by.
Probably wondering what a soldier was doing with a soldier killer.
As though he was in tune with my thoughts, Marcel hooked an arm around my shoulder and muttered in my ear, "You didn't kill anyone. Just ignore them."
"Easier said then done." I muttered as we arrived at my parents grave.
My parents grave was littered with gifts, notes, flowers, and more.
"Is this all for your parents?" Seth asked in amazement.
"No." I replied flatly. "The notes are usually for me."
Emmett bent down, picking up one of the many notes. "They're not nice."
"Were you expecting them to be?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. Carlisle was staring almost angrily at the ground, a strange look on his expression. His eyes were flickering between gold and black. I sighed, hugging him, standing on my tiptoes to kiss him, "It's alright Carlisle. It doesn't matter."
"Right." Carlisle muttered, kissing the side of my head.
Carlisle P.O.V.
I couldn't imagine being in Davina's position at this moment. I watched in pain as she swept hateful notes aside without even bothering to check if there were any nice ones. She had known what she was expecting.
I knew why she had kept this a secret from me, and despite the enormity of the secret, I didn't blame her a single bit. No one did. Edward had told us that Sam even regretted forcing Davina to spill her secret.
But Davina seemed lighter without worrying that we would find out. I think she thought this was better.
For the most part, we stayed back, letting her Uncle Josh and the soldier- Marcel- talk to her, help her sort through things.
Jasper wasn't faring well, clutching onto Alice tightly. It was probably the high emotions in the graveyard.
Emmett was shifting through the notes, hard anger in his face. I tried not looking at them, as they made the Lord want to rise up and tear these people apart.
'You don't deserve to live.'
'You should've died instead of my son'
'You're a monster'
I now knew why she didn't want to be a vampire right away. She was still wrestling with the idea of souls and whether or not she would be okay becoming a vampire. I knew she was scared and I wasn't going to push her.
Sam and Seth were standing close by, farther away from us. Sam had picked up some of the notes that the wind had caught, crumpling them up in his hand. Emmett had produced a glass jar from somewhere, stuffing the hateful notes into it. Sam dropped his crumpled ones in there as well.
Davina pulled out a lighter, handing it to me, and I lit the pieces of paper on fire.
We didn't stay long. I could feel the hateful glares on Davina from here. She had a sad smile on her face as she turned to face me, reaching out to take my hand.
I pulled her against me, wanting to hold and comfort her. She pressed her face into my black suit jacket, playing with the gray tie I was wearing. "I love you Carlisle." She whispered.
"I love you too." I murmured softly.
"Ah, Davina." Marcel said suddenly and Davina turned from me. He was holding out a letter. "This is from Angel and her grandparents."
Davina took it, clutching it in her hand. She didn't open it though.
"Do you want me to hold on to it for you?" I asked quietly, gesturing to the fact that she didn't have any pockets.
"Yes please. Don't lose it." She joked quietly.
We exited the graveyard and Davina's shoulders seemed to tense up. Marcel said good-bye there, kissing Davina's cheeks before leaving us. I wished Edward was with us so that he could tell me what Marcel was thinking.
"He loves her like a sister." Jasper muttered so quietly that only us supernatural beings could hear him. "Don't worry."
I gave the slightest nods as Davina and her Uncle Josh chatted animatedly in front of us. I watched the townspeople carefully. The men didn't seem to care as much as the women. The women seemed more vengeful, the ones who were picking up rocks to throw. Emmett gave them intimidating glares and they quickly turned away.
'Shut up Lord, please?' I thought to myself. 'Don't do something you'll regret in the future.'
'Shut up. Seriously.'
Arriving back at the hotel, a small group of reporters had gathered. Emmett, Jasper, Alice, and I all held back, rather reluctantly while Sam, Seth, Josh, and Davina went in. Sam and Seth seemed almost like body guards, blocking Davina from the cameras view.
They shouted out questions about how she felt, what she was doing here, how long she was going to be in town, and other stupid, idiotic questions.
After they passed through, the police went to get the reporters to settle down, and the four of us quickly entered the hotel with our heads down.
"Damn reporters." Emmett grumbled.
"I really hate this town." Jasper muttered.
Alice had been quiet for much of the trip- basically all of it. She seemed to have a particular distaste for the town- not that I blamed her. I didn't like this town either and I was supposed to have enhanced compassion.
"Davina, I need to speak with you in private." Josh said urgently.
He really looked familiar, like I had seen him before. But it was probably because I had seen so many people in my three hundred years, there was definitely bound to be people who looked alike. Davina and him also had the same cheekbone shape.
"Yeah, um sure." Davina said, smirking slightly cause she knew we would all hear everything anyways.
"I hope it's not more bad news." Seth muttered when the two of them had stepped into the other room.
Sam snorted, "It probably will be."
"Well you're optimistic." Emmett snarked.
"Stop." Alice said quietly.
"Davina. . ." Josh said slowly from the other room. "I. . . this isn't going to be easy to hear."
"Nothing ever is." Davina muttered. "Might as well just spit it out."
"Your father. . . he. . . he wasn't your biological father." Josh said and I sighed, closing my eyes.
"Oh great." Emmett muttered, sitting down on one of the beds.
"Let me guess." Davina said dryly, "You are?"
"Well, yes." Josh said.
"And you're only telling me this now, because?" Davina questioned.
"Your mother had a happy marriage with your father-"
"Not so happy if she cheated on him with you." Davina interjected.
He sighed, "No, I know. In the beginning, before they were even married. It was. . . we did it one last time before she got married. And then you were born almost nine months after they got married. Your father always thought you were a honeymoon child."
"Wonderful." Davina said dryly.
"I know you can't be happy with this, but there's a reason I'm telling you this. It's important, otherwise. . . well I probably wouldn't be. You've been through enough. But the fact that you've been through enough is the reason I'm telling you this."
"Stop giving me riddles and just say what you want to say." Davina said.
There was some silence and Josh sighed, "Do you remember the myths I told you, growing up?"
Davina snorted, "About spirit animals and the cold ones."
We all froze.
"Werewolves most specifically." Josh said.
"What are you getting at?" Davina's voice was so tense it could've been cut with a knife.
"They're not myths. Those pale ones out there- they're cold ones." He said with urgency in his voice.
"Uncle. . . Dad. . . Josh. . . this is so-" Davina's voice was weak with worry.
"It's not stupid. Look, I never got the gene, it skipped me, but-"
"What gene?" Davina asked sharply.
"The werewolf gene."
"Oh hell no." Davina said. "No. No. No. Stop."
Josh didn't say anything. The tension in the room right now was thick. Sam had the chair Seth was sitting on, gripped in his hands tightly, shaking his head slightly.
Davina let out a shuddering sigh. "You're full name. What's your full name Josh."
"Joshua Uley."
The chair splintered in Sam's hands.
Davina P.O.V.
I stared at my Uncle- my dad- in disbelief.
And then I shook my head, taking a step back. "No, not you can't- no I refused to believe it."
"Look, Davina, I'm sorry. My grandfather, Levi, he was a werewolf. The gene skipped me because there were no cold ones to make me transform. And quite frankly, I don't want to be a werewolf. So, the cold ones need to go back home and quickly. If I'd known I was sending you to Forks to meet vampires, I wouldn't have sent you. But I thought, if you were with the Quileute tribe and you became a werewolf, then maybe they could help you."
I slapped him across the face as hard as I could muster. I was seething and I was pissed.
"Okay. I deserved that." Josh grunted.
"No!" I snarled. "Do you even know what this means?"
"There are no guarantees you'll become-"
"I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT THE WEREWOLF PART!" I shouted. "Do you even know. . . WHAT ABOUT SAM!"
"Sam. . ." He muttered. "I. . . I wasn't a good father-"
"You already knew about the werewolves?" He gasped.
He sighed, "What's Embry's mothers name?"
I scoffed in disbelief. "You're unbelievable. I can't believe I looked up to you at all."
"Davina. . .
"Call. Embry Call."
"Yeah, I was with his mother." Josh muttered.
I slapped him across the face again.
I was seething. I felt hot all over and I was shaking.
"Davina you need to calm down."
"Don't. Tell. Me. To. Calm. Down." My eyes flashed angrily. This was the worst day of my life. I honestly just wanted to let the wolf out and I didn't even know how. It was locked down inside of me.
"Davina, I'm sorry. If I could take it all back, I would." Joshua said angrily, but also desperately.
"I wish you could too." I said fiercely. "Then I wouldn't be alive. Then Embry wouldn't be alive. Then Sam wouldn't be alive. Do you know how much pain Sam's been through? How much trouble Embry is in? You just abandoned your sons! What kind of father are you?"
"I did it for your mother." Joshua said, turning his back on me to look out the hotel window. "I was a terrible father, but I could be an uncle for you and your brother- Kol. So when she wanted to pick up and move to Fort Knox, to get me away from Sam's mother. . . I did."
"You make me sick." I repeated. "Get out. I don't want to see you ever again."
"Davina. . ."
"Oh, and as you pass out that room. That man in there? The one you didn't even ask the name to? That's Sam. That's your son. That's my brother. And I want you to look him in the eye and see what amazing person you missed out on raising. Now get out. I have enough shit in my life to deal with without this."
"I love you Davina. I hope you know that."
I didn't respond, turning my back to him. I waited till the door opened and closed before sinking to my knees before the bed, sobbing into the mattress.
"Mama." Jasper's voice whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around me. "It's okay."
"It's alright mom." Alice said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded, feeling better already with Jasper in the room. "Did Sam hear everything?"
"Yeah." Emmett whispered somewhere to my right. "He's still in the other room."
"Do you want us to give you some space?" Carlisle asked. "The two of you?"
"I- I don't know." I muttered. I got up, wrapping my arms around Carlisle. "We always joked that we were brother and sister and now. . . now I don't even know what's happening anymore. How has my life become this?"
"I thought your scents were familiar." Alice murmured softly. "The lime and the honey. They were the same. But I thought maybe it was just because of the place you both grew up in."
I nodded, my face still pressed into Carlisle's chest. "I- I'll be right back."
I walked into the other room. Sam was clutching the windowsill frame. Seth was standing a few feet away, looking uncertain and anxious.
"S-Sam?" I asked hesitantly.
He turned to me, looking furious, angry, and pained. Carlisle was by my side in a second, hovering protectively. I put a hand to his chest and took a few tentative steps. "I- I'm sorry."
All of Sam's previous emotions were gone, replaced with confusion. "What are you sorry for?"
"Being born?" I suggested half-heartedly.
"He probably would've left anyways." Sam muttered, letting go of the windowsill.
"Are. . . are you okay?" I asked.
Sam stared at me for a second before a half-hearted smile slipped onto his face, "Honestly? I'm kind've waiting for you to explode and become a wolf."
I chuckled, "I don't think that's happening any time soon. Every time I get angry, another emotion quickly steps in and stops it. Leah will probably be the only female wolf. But. . . are you okay with me being your sister?"
Sam snorted, pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back hard, "You've always been my sister. I just now have a heavier claim over you. Which also makes me your legal guardian."
"I'm an adult." I pointed out.
He chuckled, kissing the top of me head.
"Well. . ." Seth said, looking between all of us, "Can we go home now?"
I laughed, "Yes, please. Let's go home."
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thetaylorfiles · 11 months
Does your friend want to trade husbands? Mine is useless TS connection wise lmao You're winning the six degrees of separation game! Although you did have a friend who went on a date with Taylor years ago right? It's just a matter of time now before you run into her at a party or something. Girl, I'm here manifesting that for you!
This post is brought to you by my first dose of Concerta. I was recently-ish diagnosed (by a doctor) that I have HDHD. I tried another one that didn’t work and now I’m trying this. Today is my first day and, I must state that I had an espresso when I normally don’t, but I’m in the mood to organize, so things, and my mind feels clearer. It’s got to be placebo affect or the coffee but I’ll take it! Anyway this’ll be far too long I’m sure. (Oh hey, now you get why I’m so obsessed with t swift! Kaylor began as a special interest and thankfully, by the time I stopped believing, I was hooked on her music and personality. Oh my god what was my point? Okay, clearly adhd not cured! 😂 um it’s long? Don’t read if you don’t want?
Yes, but that doesn’t count as an actual TS encounter. And now that I’m Very Old, if I attempt to make that happen via any connections, it would be to get my daughter anything personal or signed from her or just anything as long as it focused on her.
I introduced her to Taylor slowly over the years. And now she’s obsessed. But in a 10 year old way. She doesn’t know much if folklore or evermore unless it’s exile because Mom was so fucking obsessed with it she had no choice to listen and assume I’m right that it’s best ever. She knows that hits and the deep cuts I make her listen to.
My love language is giving gifts. I hate getting them unless I’m so comfortable I’m married to you or you’re my child and you’ve written something. Ha. So I give her tons of makeup and what not. But I found my 4 lover books with the diary entries and the posters and left them out. She sheepishly inquired if she could look at them all…? I said, “they’re yours.”
There was a point. Oh, don’t forget the perimenopause. And the cannabis. That really contributes to being forgetful. Why am I writing so much?!?
Oh!!! Yeah, I was close friends with a guy that was a working actor and still is. He’s not recognizable by name unless you know actors really well. He’s a character actor that books all sorts of series and guest spots but always as a friend. He’s super hot. Well he was back in his 20s. He told us that he was daring her. We made fun of him (She wasn’t cool the ), but more just to annoy HIM. He wasn’t super super smart but he was so sweet but still had that bad boy swagger. You know? He was like a brother to me but I get whey women hit on him.
So back in early twenties he dates her for … I wanna say a few months. She didn’t live here on LA at the time as far as I knew but came out often. Maybe she had another house? Anyway, they were more friends who were attracted to one another who met up when both were in town. Only one of our group met her, his best friend. All we heard was that she was nice and far from a boring good southern girl. That she seemed like a city girl. Anyway, they hooked up off and on. They never went anywhere together as they weren’t together. They were each others last night call after date one and two failed to produce the necessary love spark. But they were both stupid hot.
That’s all I know. I never met her or saw pics. No wait. I did. I saw one of them together at her place wherever she stayed then. Why did I explain that? Please tell me you asked me to! I’m sorry. I’m so high and wanting to talk and like make and complete goals!! 🤣🤣🤣 k, night. Gotta watch some tv downstairs once kids have vanished. Shhh
I have a feeling I didn’t answer a single one of your questions, nor did I speak to whatever you wrote about. I apologize. If you were in person you’d love me. When I get high (vapes), it makes me so much damn more pleasant!
Oh my god. Go to sleep!! (Bethenny voice on Scary Island) I’m referring to myself by the way. K, night. Tv time.
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Recently I’ve reconnected with my little sister on my dad’s side.
She’s sixteen now and I’m hoping she understands why I was absent for so long.
She says she’s does.. but sometimes I just get worried that she completely blames me.
I’m not saying that I’m not to blame.. I could have tried harder. I could have put up with my dad’s antics. I could have just dealt with it long enough for her to turn 18 so she could have made the choice herself.
However, I couldn’t. He always wanted me to change everything about myself. He wanted me to do everything he wanted me to do. All the way down to the college I went to, the man I was engaged to. He wanted me to cut off my mom’s whole side of my family.. which, I get it. I eventually ended up doing anyways. However, I needed to be the one who made that decision all on my own.
And you’re probably wondering or thinking, he’s your dad. He was just trying to do what’s best for you.
Not necessarily. My dad was always in and out of my life. I would do something super small and he would lose his shit and decide that he never wanted to talk to me or see me again.
He would drop me off back into front of my grandparents house with all the crap he had bought me, in tears and completely confused.
There was one time in particular where he got mad because my step mom at the time started messaging me on MySpace.. yeah, I was THAT young. She baited me into saying something that upset him and told him about it.
I immediately heard him start yelling and he forced me to pack up the room he had made for me into trash bags and again, took me back to my maternal grandparents house.
Surprise though, my grandparents weren’t even home. Neither were my brothers. I was locked out of the house scared to death…
Thankfully one of our neighbors, whose kids we played with often found me and brought me into her home. She comforted me and let me call my grandparents. She just so happened to also have my little brother with her. So I’m guessing they hadn’t been gone long.
But can you imagine the fear that I went through in that moment? I was twelve years old. I was terrified.
He didn’t even stick around long enough to make sure I got inside okay. What kind of parent or even decent adult does that to a child?
Then there was the thing with his friend.. we’ll call him Joe. He was 20. I was 15 almost 16.
It had been the magical number of two years and my dad came back around wanting to get to know each other again.. he took me and my little sister, who was 3 or 4 at the time to San Antonio along with my step mom.
We had a great time. Things were going so well this time and I had so much hope that I would continue.
However, one night Joe was over hanging out with us. I thought he was cool. The dude was hecka tall. I was and am still only 5 feet tall. So he was a giant to me.
We got close, like sibling or cousins do. He was the only person close-ish to my age that I could hang out with. I mean, I loved hanging out with my sister.. but she was little. And yeah.
Anyways, one night I went to bed early. I was watching a movie about to fall asleep and he came in. He asked if he could watch the movie with me and I said yeah. Which, all honesty, I’m surprised I even chose to sleep in my actual room that night because I usually would just sleep on my sister’s top bunk.. but for whatever reason, I chose not to this time.
Anyways, he went from sitting on the edge of my bed to laying down next to me, then he got under the covers and began to touch me. Rubbing me all over until eventually he put his hand in my pants.
I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t want my dad to hate me because this was his friend. Things had been going so well between us and I just didn’t want to cause any problems and make him hate me again.. so I just pretended to be dead asleep. Yeah, I know.
Not the smartest thing to do.. but still.
And don’t get me wrong, I lost my virginity when I was 14. However, I had dated that guy for like a year. And honestly, it had only happened once. There was a time before the initial one time, but we apparently didn’t do it right and yeah… so technically one and half?
And it wasn’t anything like leading up to something. It legit was, in, out. It lasted like 3 minutes.
I had never been touched or caressed the way that Joe had done to me. Or even touched down there by a boy with their hand.
Anyways, the next day I decide that I HAVE to tell my dad and stepmom.
So I do.
My dad legit laughed at me and said, “are you sure? I think you may have been dreaming.”
And he never took it seriously. I didn’t want to press the issue because, again, I didn’t want him to hate me.
I never spoke about it again. I never told my grandparents because I just assumed that they would have the same reaction my dad did.. and again, I didn’t want to lose my dad again.
Anyways, I figured I’d give some background about me and my dad so that everyone could understand why there is so much animosity here.
Once my little sister was born, he continuously used her as a weapon to hurt me even further.i waited over 13 years for a little sister.. when she was born, i felt like my life was complete.. even though she was born early and was so small and fragile, I loved her with everything in me. I always wanted to be there for her and protect her from anything bad that could possibly happen to her.
Unfortunately, my dad put up all these walls and kept us away from each other..
He let his issue with his CHILD get between me and my sister. Yes, I don’t care what anyone says, he was the adult, I was the child. He was the parent. He should have protected me.. instead, he became one of the people who hurt me most in the world.
Anyways, my sister is 16 now. Her mom and our dad divorced years ago. She lives with her mom and thankfully her mom finally realized everything he was doing and how he influenced her. We’ve somewhat made amends, I never honestly never blamed her. I know that she was being hurt just as much as I was.
I remember this one time, I was maybe like, 8 or 9. They lived in the little 3 bedroom house. I don’t remember where it was. I do remember it was close to my grandparents because the drive wasn’t that long.
Anyways, he and my step mom were arguing and he started throwing glass vases everywhere and at her. I stayed in my room because I was scared. I remember sticking my head out because I was curious, and I just remember my step mom side stepping a flying vase that almost hit her in the head.
I closed my door then and just sat on my bed waiting for it to stop.
So yeah, we no longer harbor any resentments towards my step mom. She had it most likely 100% worse than me as she lived with him everyday.
Anyways, my sister is 16 now.
She’s a young writer, like I was. 🥰
She’s been working on a book and has asked me to help her with it. So we’ve been bonding over it.
I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy or excited about something in my life.
I’ve waited 16 years to have a good solid relationship with my sister.. and it’s finally happening. I’ll be 30 this year, better later than never.
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chasing-rabbits · 2 years
I am literally valued less than a car in my dad’s eyes and that honestly takes the cake for possibly the worst thing he’s ever said to me/done. Putting under a read more because its a LONG ass vent and does cover some pretty shitty things about my dad that I guess would come under abuse themes in terms of manipulation and such so yeah.
Did he explicitly say those words? No. What has happened is for awhile now we’ve been looking into private therapy because therapy on the NHS isn’t really available to the point when I had my first meeting with my new psychiatrist - I recently moved out and therefore was transferred to an entirely different mental health team/unit. Anyways my psychiatrist said they are severely under staffed when it comes to therapists. I’d brought up with him that my old therapist under the NHS left and I’d bumped into her through chance and she now works privately and I’d discussed going private with her. He recommended this if we could afford it of course because it would be far more beneficial to me to see a therapist 1-1 than what they have to offer at the moment especially as the NHS is severely underfunded when it comes to mental health even more so. So we’ve been in a back and forth about it my mum and brother absolutely agree I need it, it’s worth it. The thing is sessions are weekly at first but often do drop to fortnightly but that’s all at my pace and when me and my therapist believe it’s time to reduce sessions to forthrightly. I can afford to pay for one therapy session a month but not 4. My mum is willing to pay for the remaining 3 a month until it goes down to 2 a month and then she’ll pay for one and I’ll be paying for 1. My dad is happy to pay for fortnightly sessions but not weekly even though that means only one extra session for him to pay as he was thinking and more than happy to pay for both sessions when done forthrightly. The thing is weekly sessions in the beginning are not even negotiable it’s really like it needs to be weekly for her to discuss what I want to work on and treatment goals and such. That I do know for sure. Now I want to make it perfectly clear my parents can absolutely afford to pay for therapy privately this is NOT an affordability issue and I’m very lucky for that. My dad has recently bought a car he’s paying it off monthly though and I worked out the total value of that car could buy me nearly 20 years of weekly therapy sessions. He’s manipulative and abusive and always has been but when he’s trying to talk about affordability and how expensive therapy is how is it he dropped all that money on a car and didn’t think twice about affordability or retirement funds as they run their own business they are trying to save up themselves a pension/retirement pot as there is no business pension pot as such.
What he’s actually saying is I bought this car with higher monthly repayments than your therapy without even worrying about retirement funds (because guess what they have more than enough being put away for retirement so that point is a scapegoat for him to deny my therapy) but when it comes to my therapy suddenly ohhh that’s a lot of money though and it’s like you weren’t really concerned about your retirement funds being affected by this because you showed no concern for that when you spent so much on a car or on ‘xyz’ items he’s bought recently that were expensive. It’s more so that he doesn’t see my therapy as a worthwhile use of his money the car cost more but he wanted it and so it was worthwhile the therapy he obviously couldnt care less about so not worthwhile even though its 100% affordable because he does nothing with finances for the family my mum handles everything and has shown him multiple times a breakdown of their retirement plan and savings she can put away every month and what this would leave them with to retire on monthly and yearly. And honestly that’s so fucking hurtful that he’s having to be convinced to spend this money on my therapy by the rest of my family when he needed no considerations to drop far more on a car. He’s not explicitly saying it with words but at the same time he is literally valuing that car as more worthwhile than me and my future because therapy will help me have a better future like fuck I’ve had multiple attempts he’s seen that he knows what I’ve gone through and am going through and the outlook without therapy for someone with my comorbid conditions is NOT great and medication is doing NOTHING for my bpd even my psychiatrist said so that for some people they need therapy not meds it is what it is and I just don’t know how someone can be so cruel and lack so little empathy for their own child that they’re in a position to afford this but are splitting hairs over paying for ONE extra session a month and that’s not even long term because it WILL go down to fortnightly that was confirmed with her before we considered all this.
I’m genuinely at breaking point right now and I’m just done I need to become financially completely independent from my family because if not he will always have that control and power over me and I can’t truly just distance myself for my mental healths sake or he could become vindictive and try to make things a lot harder for me I know my mum wouldn’t let him and she’d never let him kick us out (they own the flat we’re renting from them currently they remortgaged so they could buy it for us because we needed to move out ASAP ironically because my dads behaviour was escalating and it wasn’t safe for us to realistically be living under that roof because the stress of the arguments was putting a major strain on my mental health. And that was a lovely gesture on my mums part my dad for months he would threaten not to sign the papers anytime we did any little thing not to his liking or his way. For him this nice gesture is clouded with just power and control and constantly threatening to take that away it’s not nice and it’s not a honest nice gesture if you use it as a means to control someone else by threatening not to take that away. But that doesn’t mean he couldn’t make my life more difficult in other ways even if I know my mum wouldn’t allow him to do anything that would put us in serious danger/issues like kicking us out also my mum signed us up for a 5 year lease with the rent price locked so thanks Mum. Anyways this is a long enough vent for now I just ajdlKSJKDALS
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minniesmelody · 2 years
If it's not too much trouble could you write an angsty piece for Gareth? Like it takes place in season 3 and you both find out about the russian base because you work at scoops and he visits you during work, and then he tries to stop you from going down there but you want to help Steve, Robin and the kids so you get into a big argument? And once you get captured with Steve and Robin you accidentally like vent to them and regret the entire argument while meanwhile Gareth spends all his time at the mall worrying about you and once you get back up before the battle of starcourt he finds you and you both apologize and all is forgiven? Sorry if this is too much-
Scoops Troop part 1
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Gareth Emerson x GN! Reader
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: Basically the request ^^^
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: cussing, established relationship, part 1 of 3
𝗣𝗢𝗩: first person - Y/n
𝗔/𝗡 : can I just talk about how obsessed I am with this request? Thank you so much for requesting it, there is so much to this that I have to make a part 2 and 3 to this. Thanks again love( ˘ ³˘)♥︎ - Minnie x
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“I’m trying to listen to the Russians-“
“Babysitting time is over, you need to get in their” Robin said, me following behind. “Hey! My board, that was important data, shitbirds”
“I guarantee you, what we’re doing is way more important than your data” Dustin said, waving his arms in the air.
“Yeah? And how do you know these Russians are up to no good?”
“Wait- what? Did I miss something?” I asked, confused.
“How did she find out about-“
“Did you tell her-“
“It wasn’t me”
“Y/n did you say something to her?”
“Okay I’m so lost”
“Hello I can hear you. Actually, I can hear everything. You both are extremely loud. You think you have evil Russians plotting against our country, on tape, and you’re trying to translate but haven’t figured out a single word because you didn’t realize Russians use an entire different alphabet. Sound about right?”
“So wait” I said, taking a seat in one of the empty chairs “you have a feeling the Russian government of sorts is after us, and you think you caught something that can be related to that on your….radio?”
“Basically everything I just said?” Robin said sarcastically. I shot her a glare.
A few awkward moments passed before Robin tried to snatch Dustin tape.
“Woah! What do you think you’re doing?”
“I wanna hear it?”
“Maybe I can help”
“You speak Russian?” I asked Robin, Robin was a lot things, someone who looked like they were fluent in many languages, that’s one I would be surprised by.
“Ou-yay, are- yay, umb-day”
“Holy shit”
“That’s was Pig Latin, dingus.” Robin said, taking a seat next to me afterwards “but I can speak Spanish, and French wand Italian, and I’ve been in band for 12 years. My ears are little geniuses, trust me”
“Didn’t take you as a scholar ship type of person Robs” I said with a small smirk.
“I’m not really, but I am full of surprises” she said “Anyways, Steve, it’s you’re turn to sling ice cream, my turn to translate, I don’t even want credit I’m just bored”
‘Ding’ welp….customers.
“Come on Steve, people need their ice cream” I said getting up and heading back to the counter.
To my surprise, it was Gareth, my boyfriend of almost 7 months. He usually came to visit me often while I was at work, sometimes during my lunch breaks and sometimes comes and buys something so he has an excuse to come and see me.
“Hey sugar” he said, smile plastered on his pretty face, leaning on the counter, signature hair fluffed up as ever.
“Hey Gare, what can do I do for you?”
“Just wanted to come and see my favorite girl, I brought my little sister with me, hope you don’t mind, I have babysitting duty today so I thought I would swing by, see you and get her a cold treat” he explained. I looked at him in awe.
Gareth was always a good brother. His mom worked a lot and recently became manager at the local dinner that was usually always busy. She was a single mom and tried her hardest to make enough money to provide for herself and her kids. Gareth was always supportive and always helped out as much as he could if given the chance, babysitting being a contributing factor.
“Sound great, so what can I get you?”
“Just a small cookies and cream cone, right Grace?” He said, Grace giving me a thumbs up.
“Coming right up” I said as I started to place some cookies and cream ice cream in a small cone.
“Hey Emerson” Steve said, walking to the counter next to me.
“Hey Steve, able to catch any hot dates yet?” He teased, Steve has lost his game with the ladies, quite literally scaring away every girl he flirts with.
“Not funny” he said as he grabbed a banana and started to peal it.
“Woah hey, you gonna pay for that?” I said, grabbing a small spoon for Grace to do with it.
“No one is watching, no one is gonna care” he said.
“Here you go Gare” I said handing him the small cone.
“Thanks sugar, how much do I owe you?”
“Don’t worry about it, on the house” I said with a smirk “no one is watching, no one is gonna care” two can play at that game Steve.
He shot me a small smile and handed Grace her ice cream, her eyes lighting up in joy.
“Hey, we’ve got our first sentence” Robin said, opening the small doors that lead to the back room.
“Oh seriously?”
“Yeah ‘the week is long’” wow, how exciting.
“Well that’s thrilling” Steve said with a disappointed tone.
“Yeah but, you know, progress”
- 🍦
“The week is long, the silver cat feeds, when blue meets yellow in the west” we all said at the same time. Reading Robins translation off her whiteboard.
“I mean it just-“
“Doesn’t make sense? Yeah obviously Steve” I said as the four of us close down Scoops and start to head out the mall for the night.
“Well its right”
“Honestly, I think it’s great news” Dustin said.
“How is this great news? I mean, so much for being American hero’s, you know? Starting to believe it’s just total nonsense” I asked. Whatever is happening here, doesn’t make sense and i’m honestly starting to think Dustin’s theory about evil Russian spy’s is just complete bullshit.
“It’s not nonsense. It’s too specific, it’s obviously a code”
“What do you mean a code?”
“Like a super secret spy code”
“I don’t know is it?” Robin said
“You’re buying into this? Seriously Rob?”
“ listen just for kicks, let’s entertain the possibility that it is a secret Russian transmission. What’d you think they were gonna say? ‘Fire the warhead at noon’ ? And my translation is correct, I know that for sure so… ‘the silver cat feeds’ why would anyone talk like that unless they are trying to mask the meaning of their message? And why mask the true meaning of their message unless the message was somehow sensitive?”
“Exactly!” Dustin agreed happily. I hate to say Robin has a point about all of this but…she has a point.
“So I guess that confirms your suspicion”
“Evil Russians” Dustin confirmed
“I can’t believe I’m about to agree with this stranger child but yeah, evil Russians”
“So how do we crack it then” I asked.
“Well, I guess we translate the rest and hopefully a pattern emerges”
“A pattern, right. Like maybe ‘silver cat’ is a meeting place?” I said.
“Or a person” Robin replied back
“Or a weapon” Dustin chirped in
“It’s probably gonna take a super genius to crack it but…”
“Hey guys. Where’s Steve?” I asked, realizing he was no longer walking beside me.
The three of us turning around just to see him crouching down next to a animatronic horse, small enough to only fit a toddler on.
“Hey Steve, what are you doing?”
“Uh, it’s a quarter. I need- do you have a quarter?”
“Sure you’re tall enough for that ride?” Robin teased as Dustin threw him a quarter.
The fake horse soon started to rock back and forth and play a instrumental version of Daisy Bell.
“Need help getting up little Stevie?” Robin said, okay I’ll give it to her, that was a little funny.
“Shhh, would you guys just shut up and listen” okay Steve…trying to give us a lullaby or something?
“Holy shit, the music” Dustin said while pulling out his tape recorder and playing the tape.
“I’m still lost” I said
“Yeah I don’t understand” Robin agreed
“It’s the exact same song on the recording”
“Maybe they have horses like this in Russia”
“Indiana Flyer? I don’t…I don’t think so. This code…it…it didn’t come from Russia…it came from here” Steve said.
Well shit.
Dustin…maybe you’re bullshit Super Russian spy shit isn’t such bullshit after all.
I mean if they are com-
“Y/n, there you are” Gareth said, walking into the mall and approaching me “I was waiting for you out in the parking lot for 5 minutes now, you’re never late coming out so I got worried”
“Uh yeah, I’ll see you guys tomorrow yeah?”
- 🍦
“So wait, Russian spies?” Gareth said, kinda confused.
I couldn’t keep my mouth shut, I immediately start ranting on about the situation when we got in his car, giving me a ride home like he did almost everyday that I worked.
“Yup, pretty much” I said.
“Well whatever it is, don’t do anything stupid and don’t get yourself into any danger” he said, seriousness in his tone.
“I can’t make any promises”
“Y/n, I’m being serious, I don’t care what Harrington, Henderson or Buckbeak does, you aren’t going to get yourself into danger, I won’t allow it”
“Okay first of all, it’s Buckley, and second of all, what’s the absolute worst that can happen?”
“Y/n!” He said, the volume of his voice now very high “The worst that can happen is something happening to you cause you wanted to be a dumbass and me losing you, I can’t do that Y/n I’m not gonna go through that”
“You know what, I’m done with this conversation”
And that was that, we didn’t speak for the rest of the car ride to my house, I didn’t even kiss him goodbye, just immediately jumping out of the car and heading inside.
I don’t care what he thinks, I’m solving whatever this is and helping my friends, just because Gareth doesn’t like it doesn’t mean I’m gonna listen to him and sit around and do nothing.
I’m gonna be in the mix of it if he likes it or not.
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its-me-jessi · 2 years
I Wish I Were Her PT 5
Pairing: Hvitserk X Reader
Summary: The conversation with Ivar develops in a completely different direction and the evening takes an unexpected turn.
Introduction Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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Back in my car, I let any feelings, thoughts and impressions run free. I had already wondered why the conversation about Ivar's girlfriend had demanded less of me than it would have days ago. It was also strange that even in the presence of Ivar memories of Hvitserk and me kept popping up in my mind. Most enlightening, however, was my quickening heartbeat and the happiness hormones that went crazy in my body as soon as Hvitserk entered the apartment. Still my heartbeat had not returned to normal and the silence in my car made me take special notice. Who would have thought that a few hours together with Hvitserk, whom until recently I had seen only as the brother of my best friend, would already throw me off track to such an extent? When I thought of Hvitserk now, I thought of a handsome gentleman who always brought a smile to my lips. I would never have thought it possible that he would be the one to surpass the feelings I had for Ivar, which, according to the latest findings, were not nearly as intense as I once thought. Thank God, I didn’t tell him.
While I was driving home, my cell phone rang. "I'll call you back later," I thought to myself, ignoring the constant ringing, since I couldn't answer it anyway while driving, nor did I want to. I was a very careful driver. Shortly after the ringing stopped and no longer drowned out the radio, a short beep went off. Either I had received an email, probably advertising, or someone had sent me a message.
After coming to a stop in the parking lot of my apartment, my first handgrip fell on my cell phone. I was so curious that I couldn't wait to check my phone for any messages.  As I glanced at the bright screen, my heart, which had just calmed down, began to beat faster again, this time in shock. Ivar had written to me. "We need to talk!" was the first sentence of the message, which was followed by, "What was it you wanted to tell me? Hvitserk said, it’s something about the two of us". This can’t be true. I knew telling Hvitserk how I felt, once felt, about his brother was a bad idea. I thought I had escaped the unpleasant situation just in time, but I had not reckoned with Hvitserk catapulting me back into it. What was I supposed to say to Ivar now? He will hardly be satisfied with a "it’s nothing", his curiosity was already too much aroused. "Thanks, Hvitserk.", I hissed, grabbed my stuff, and left my car.
The message tone on my cell phone sounded again. "Can we meet tomorrow?", Ivar had texted. I sighed and put my phone away for now, opening the door to my apartment. Frustrated, I threw my jacket over the armrest of the sofa and myself onto it. I'll figure something out. "Sure, I'll come over," I texted back before switching my phone to silent mode and placing it on the coffee table with the screen facing down. Maybe Hvitserk would be home by then too. I almost hoped so, not to reprimand him for his babbling, which I should have been eager to do, but because I wanted to see him. I wanted to be near him.
The next day I found myself sitting in my car again almost as nervous as the day before if not way more, because this time there would be no turning back. I couldn't and didn't want to tell him the truth, but I didn't want to lie to him either. Even if I did, I couldn't even think of a lie that would be remotely acceptable. All I wanted to do was turn around at the next turning point and go back home. I would have holed myself up in my apartment and avoided any social contact. If only I hadn't been in this situation in the first place. If I had just kept my mouth shut, I would have one less big problem.
I parked on the side of the road. As often as I came here lately, I would almost be entitled to my own private parking space, but instead I had to look for a parking space each time anew. After pulling the car key out of the ignition switch, I swung myself out of my car and onto the asphalt, which was dotted with single raindrops. Another one landed on my head. Too bad I'm not made of sugar, otherwise I would have melted on the spot and thus spared myself the evening. Instead, like yesterday, I had to torture myself up to the front door and press that stupid bell. Since it didn't take long for the door opener to be pressed, I assumed that Ivar was already waiting for me. And I was right.
When I pushed the door open, he was already standing in the doorway to the apartment. "Hi, come on in!" he held the door open for me. I just smiled and stepped past him and inside. My gaze was magnetically drawn to Hvitserk, who was just getting up from the couch. He lifted his gaze and met my eyes.
He looked at me.
I looked at him.
"Hey!", he spoke first and at the same time he shoved his cell phone into his right back pocket.
Hearing his deep voice and watching his smooth movements I immediately felt a lot warmer than five seconds ago. I swallowed. “Hi!”
What felt like an eternity was over in a blink of an eye. Hvitserk disappeared into his room, leaving me alone with Ivar. This short moment, however, was apparently very telling. Less for me than for Ivar.
"Is that what you wanted to tell me?" he stepped in front of me and looked at me curiously.
"Huh?", unknowing and curious myself about what he meant, I looked up at him.
"That there's a thing going on between you and my brother."
Speechless. He had completely taken me off guard with that one. I was just speechless and really didn't know what to say in response. If I was already warm a moment ago, I was now practically on fire. I thought about the moments I spent with Hvitserk, whether it was here in the apartment or on our date. I thought of his eyes, which had just attracted me so magically and which wrinkle a little when he smiles. His smile ... and his scent ...
Oh my god, I thought while my heart jumped with joy, I have fallen for Hvitserk.
“I mean I’ve seen how you two look at each other, I noticed it yesterday as well.”, he added.
“He helped me get over you!”, I blurted out. Now he fell speechless.
“I’ll explain it to you!”, I shoved him towards the couch. After we sat down on it, I began to explain to him what had been going on lately and why. My briefly gained self-confidence made me get everything off my chest without exception.
"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about. To tell you that I'm in love with you." Having just calmed down, he now went wide-eyed again. "Now, though, I'm not sure that's still the case."
“Because you fell in love with my brother?”
I shrugged my shoulders. "At least he triggers something in me that I've never felt before. – Not even with you!", I nudged his shoulder.
"I don't know whether to be offended or relieved right now," he smirked.
Suddenly a door opened behind me and when I turned around, I saw Hvitserk grabbing his car keys, putting them in his jacket pocket and walking to the front door.
"I'm off then!" he shouted in Ivar's and my direction. Before he stepped outside, his eyes met mine. He seemed heavy-hearted. Was it because of me and Ivar?
“Hvitserk!”, I shouted after him, just as the door fell shut behind him. No, I need to talk to him before my newfound confidence leaves me again. “I’m right back!”, I jumped up und rushed to the door, pulling it open a lot quicker than I intended to.
“Hvitserk!”, I said again, keeping him from leaving the building.
“Yeah?”, he turned around and his facial expression immediately lit up. He looked at me with hope, giving me a soft smile.
“Would you go on a second date with me?”, I said frankly and with the door falling shut behind me, my self-confidence was gone. I grew nervous again, expecting a rejection of the finest.
Instead, his smile grew wider until he was fully grinning. “Sure, how about right now?”
Thank you so soo much for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading this part. 😊💚 Have a nice week! 😇 I appreciate any kind of feedback from you guys. 🤗
Tagged: @ecarroll1978​​ @istorkyou​​
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