#but also...it's a bit like... *road work ahead guy voice* uh yEAH. I sure HOPE they aRE
lizardthelizard · 3 years
Hit me with 5 and 20, please (also 3 and 4, but only if you want to and it's not spoilery 💖)
Hello 💖💖💖 I can always count on you to send in an ask, thank you for indulging me :') <3
Fun meta asks for writers:
(answers under the cut because they got a bit long, oops)
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
actually, you know what the real answer is? Figaro. Because, at heart, I too am a lazy house cat that loves one (1) puppet man, unconditionally. Forget everything I answered earlier. I pick Figaro.
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
This is an excellent question <33 There are a couple of little things that just sprung to mind by they're also TOTALLY spoilers for book 2 rip.
WEIRDLY, I came to the realisation when writing that apparently I have some beef with the colour orange for some reason. Idk, it makes me uneasy. So, there are couple of sunsets right before a particularly tense/dangerous scene. Or the light from a torch will be used specifically to cast shadows and signal danger. Idk, man, if you look up orange on my fic, it's almost exclusively tied to bad vibes. Not specifically sunset or torchlight, either. Just orange in general.
Also, of course I’ve been really enjoying the way that Lampwick and Pinocchio’s story lines (both separately and together) have been unfolding, since they’re the two characters I pay the most attention to and am the most invested in. There’s still a lot more to be uncovered about their pasts but I’m very happy with the layers that I’ve added each new time they interact and events so far.
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
TO BE HONEST when I really, really want a scene...I’ll find a way to squash it into fake/real. (Or, apparently, just start a new fic and set up heaps of context for it). Otherwise, the scene gets forgotten about and I move on to something new.
(But, because this is you, I DO have a teeny something)
This might be spoilers. Because it’s me and I’m hoping to squish it into Book 3 at some point if I can. But also,,,,a potential third fic is YEARS away still and, on the off chance I can’t put it in there anyway, I feel like it’s only fair to share it now. I can only apologise profusely if it DOES ruin anything by the time I do get around to Book 3 stuff.
Anyway, I wrote about 2 lines of this way back when, and now is the perfect opportunity to turn it into a real scene. SO:
Lampwick sat alone. An elbow propped up on the table’s edge, and his head balanced lazily in his hand, he stared out vacantly across the ballroom. Men and women in an array of shimmering outfits weaved between one another. A mass of blue and red and gold all moving back and forth in such a way that it made him feel nauseous. Made him feel wrong. Out of place.
“Hey, you,” came a gentle voice from beside him. Lampwick practically had to force himself not to crack a smile. He had decided he was sulking and he wasn’t yet ready to break away from his bad mood just yet.
Pinocchio, suitably dressed up for the occasion, appeared from his right side and stood in front of him. He didn’t look out of place. Not like Lampwick.
“Hey,” Lampwick replied, voice still solemn and distant as Pinocchio approached. He withdrew his hand from his face and picked up the goblet of wine from the table. He didn’t drink it, however, and instead began to idly swirl the alcohol around the metal cup.
“Don’t sound too pleased to see me.”
“Ah, it’s not you,” Lampwick grumbled, putting the drink back down again. “Just...This ain’t my world, you know?”
Pinocchio glanced briefly at the dancers behind him and then held a hand out towards Lampwick.
“Did you want to at least try and enjoy yourself?”
Coming from someone else, the suggestion might have sounded bitter or sarcastic. Even patronising, should it have been said by the little blue bug or someone equally as frustrating. But from Pinocchio it was nothing but genuine and meaningful. Not a reprimand, but an offer.
The chuckle Lampwick gave him was nervous and fleeting.
“Pinoke...I can’t...I mean, I don’t…” He grimaced a little. “This ain’t my thing.”
Pinocchio raised an eyebrow a little, returning the statement with a, “and you really think it’s mine?”
Lampwick only shrugged, face still sour.
“You were friends with the Princess and stuff. You must have gone to dances or balls or whatever.”
“I went to one. Once. But you know these events are almost exclusively reserved for nobility?” He casually looked away again for a moment, back at the ballroom floor. “And besides,” he continued, looking back at Lampwick with sincerity that made his heart stop. “Maybe there was no one there that I wanted to dance with.”
Lampwick felt like hiding under the table. He could feel his face flush and it took all his strength not to completely bury his head between his hands.
“Geez, you’re embarrassin’. How do you say shit like that with a straight face?”
Apparently undeterred, Pinocchio tried again.
“Come on,” he said, this time grabbing Lampwick’s wrist and tugging him up off the chair. “Just one dance.”
Reluctantly, Lampwick allowed him to coax him into the crowd of other dancers. As much as he felt that everyone else’s eyes were boring into him, he knew that, in reality, nobody had given them a second glance. That the only person focused on him currently, was Pinocchio.
Pinocchio cleared his throat.
“Okay...” he said, grasping Lampwick’s hand and carefully positioning his other hand on his waist. He looked focused but uncertain. His confident facade from just seconds before already slipping away.
Lampwick couldn’t help but grin.
“You don’t know what the hell you’re doin’, do you?”
“No,” he admitted. “But we can work it out together.”
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
So, back in Chapter 7, there's a moment with Pan and Felix on the beach together and Felix asks if Pan would have let Rumple kill him, leading to this exchange:
"Felix, how could you even say such a thing?"
There was a pause. Felix said nothing.
"Of course not,” Pan emphasised, eyes boring into him, serious and meaningful. "I'm sorry that you think that of me, and I apologise if I worried you."
"Yeah, no, of course...” Felix shook his head. “I should not have asked, I'm sorry."
"That’s alright, don't worry about it."
And I was just really pleased with it because not ONLY do we have Pan very obviously lying (I mean, we know from canon that he would kill Felix if he really needed to), but...Do you notice how Pan doesn’t actually apologise for anything? “I’m sorry that you think that of me”, aka, “I’m sorry that YOU were offended by that but it’s not my fault that you misinterpreted my actions.”  and "sorry if I worried you", (as opposed to, "sorry that I worried you.") completely invalidating any of Felix’s concerns. He even manages to turn the conversation upside-down so that Felix is the one apologising to him for some reason. And then Pan confirms that Felix should be the one apologising, by telling him that it’s “alright”.
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xutokawa · 4 years
aahh the s/o finding scratch marks is fulfilling my angst needs 😭🤚🏽 could u maybe do one with bokuto & suna 🥺 i love your writing so much!! xx
pairings: suna x reader, bokuto x reader
genre(s): fluff to angst, cheating
warnings: langauge, cheating
wc: 2.3k
» masterlist
a/n: thank you for your support! I tried adding more plot to it this time hehe. breaking bokuto’s heart broke mine bro :( hope you like it! also TYSM GUYS FOR 200 FOLLOWERS FDJSKF i love every single one of yu :D <3 mwah mwah mwah
atsumu and oikawa ver.
osamu and iwazumi ver.
kuroo and sakusa ver.
akaashi and hinata ver.
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“Rin, hand me the soy sauce,” you asked, not looking up from the dish you were stir frying.
“Get it yourself,” Suna teased back. Rolling your eyes, you stuck out your hand. Laughing, Suna came up behind you, placing the bottle of soy sauce in your hands before wrapping his arms around your waist. His hands snuck under your shirt, laying on your bare stomach. You leaned back into his chest, sighing contently. The two of you rarely had time together anymore. While you were burying yourself in your work in hopes for a promotion, Suna was busy with practices that extended throughout the whole day. Both of you were exhausted by the time you came home to your apartment together, unable to muster the energy to do anything except fall asleep in each other’s arms.
“Mmm, you smell good,” Suna said, taking a deep breath into your neck.
“I think that’s the fried rice you’re smelling,” you joked back. Butterflies stormed your stomach as Suna’s hands gently massaged your sides. Even after living with the middle blocker for three years, he never failed to make you feel like a crushing high school student. Suddenly, Suna’s gentle hands grew antsy, teasingly tickling your sides. Jumping, you tell him, “Rin, stop! I’m going to spill something!”
“I think I’ll keep going,” Suna teased back, his hands continuing to tickle you. With one poke to your side, your entire body jerked, causing the soy sauce in your hand to fling into the air, and onto Suna’s shirt.
“Y/n! I really liked this shirt!” Suna whined. 
“That’s your fault, baby. I told you to stop,” you shrugged, laughing at his expression.
“Whatever, I’m going to go change,” Suna pouted, turning away.
As you finished cooking, you went into your shared bedroom to tell Suna dinner was ready. You were stopped in your tracks, however, when you saw his changing form. Back to you, long scratch marks ran down the length of his back. Scratches that were not put there by you. 
“R-rin, what is this?” You asked, voice beginning to waver.
Suna spun around, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.
“Y/n! Why didn’t you knock?” Suna nervously asked, rushing to push his t-shirt over his head, “It’s nothing, babe, just uh, got in a fight!”
“Are you sure it was a fight? Or was it a late night in someone else's bed?” You asked accusingly, brows furrowing. Would your Suna cheat on you? You had felt pretty secure about your relationship before now, never having a reason to doubt your trust in your boyfriend. Yet, you couldn’t find it in yourself to make excuses for the lines raked down his back. 
Pain and guilt flashed across Suna’s eyes, and that’s when you knew. You were wrong to believe you gave him everything he needed in a relationship.
“Look, y/n, we can figure this out, just let me-” Suna began.
“Please, stop,” you choked out, eyes welling up with tears. The middle blocker felt his heart shatter watching you back away from him as if he were a plague. 
“No, you don’t understand! I can’t lose you like this,” Suna said, walking towards you, wanting nothing more than to pull you in his arms and wipe your tears away. He stopped in his tracks, however, when you flinched away from his touch, hatred flickering in your eyes. At that moment, Suna felt like the scum of the earth.
“Please, get away from me. Get out of this room, get out of this apartment! I don’t need your excuses,” You said, voice raising. When you finally looked up to meet Suna’s eyes, you found nothing but despair and regret. 
“No! I won’t leave you, y/n! You don’t understand how much I need-” Suna started.
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Rintarou,” you scoffed. The pain in Suna’s chest grew at the use of his full name.
“I-it’s Rin. You always call me Rin. Please, call me Rin,” Suna pleaded, voice beginning to shake, “Stop distancing yourself from me. I’m your Rin. Please, don’t leave. I’m so sorry, let me make it up to you!”
“You’re a pathetic piece of shit, Rintarou! Cheating on me and then begging for me to stay and forgive you? Tell me, what was your plan? Did you just want a quick fuck one night? Or did you plan to keep cheating on me for the rest of our relationship?” You angrily walked towards him. Suna watched as the love you once held in your eyes for him turned into agony. He felt himself crumple knowing he was the sole cause of your anger and hurt.
“No! It was a mistake! Please, let me make it up to you,” Suna reached for your hands, desperate to have you with him.
“The only mistake that was made here was me trusting you,” You said, spinning around as you headed for the door. Suna physically flinched at your words, hurt and shame flooding his body. Panic filled his mind at the sound of your keys jingling and the sound of you putting on your shoes.
“Wait! Y/n, where are you going? Please don’t leave, it’s not safe for you to go out right now. Just stay and let us talk about it,” Suna pleaded, walking up behind you.
“I’d rather be anywhere but here with you right now,” you coldly replied, reaching out for the door handle. Suna rushed to stop you from turning the knob.
“Please, y/n, I can’t handle you leaving me,” Suna whispered.
“Just leave it, Suna. No amount of begging or love can fix my trust for you,” you replied, back towards his sobbing figure. Suna finally fell to his knees in defeat as you walked out of the apartment, knowing he lost you forever.
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“Ugh, I’m so ready to just relax,” you sighed out, dramatically splaying your arms across the center console in your fiancé’s car. A tingle ran up your spine at the sound of Bokuto chuckling from beside you, not taking his eyes off the road. You could never get used to his laugh, no matter how many times you’ve heard it.
“I know, baby. You deserve it,” Bokuto replied, taking one hand off the steering wheel to place on your thigh, giving a light squeeze. The two of you had been insanely busy the month leading up to this trip. From your boss’ unrelenting demands at work to your family’s constant nagging and opinions on your wedding decorations, the two of you just needed to catch a break. So, when Bokuto brought up the idea of a weekend beach trip, you immediately agreed, jumping up and down in excitement.
The beaming sun immediately warmed your skin as you stepped out of the car. Warmth spread through your body as you glanced back at Bokuto as he started pulling out your stuff from the trunk, looking up to flash you his smile you had fallen in love with ages ago. 
“You go on ahead and find a spot for us, I’ll follow in a second,” Bokuto called out to you. Giving a thumbs up, you started towards the gleaming ocean, excitement filling your body as you felt the sand beneath your feet. Finally, choosing a spot, you unfolded your beach chair, spreading your towel across the top. A smile settled on your face as you laid down, sunglasses shielding your eyes from the harsh rays. Your eyes drifted closed, the sounds of waves crashing and children giggling putting you in a serene state.
Bokuto chuckled at your appearance before setting up his own beach chair next to you, situating a beach umbrella between the two chairs. He felt his heart speed up as he gazed at your relaxing figure, wanting nothing more than to cover your face in kisses. The spiker felt so much love for you, so he felt nothing but confusion as to how he woke up in another person’s bed two nights ago, naked. His adoration for you was replaced with guilt. Bokuto still hadn’t figured out how to approach the situation, how to tell you without you breaking off the engagement. He wanted nothing more than to watch you walk down the aisle in a few months, than to have children running around the two of you as you prepared dinner, than to grow old with you by his side. Bokuto was still unsure of what happened that night to cause him to slip out of a random person’s apartment in his clothes from the previous night.
The spiker was shook from his thoughts at the sound of your voice. 
“Are you going into the water?” you asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah, I think I will just to cool off,” Bokuto replied, pulling his shirt over his head.
“Okay, I’ll join you in a bit, I just want to lay for a little longer,” you replied to him, closing your eyes again.
“Okay, baby. Take your time,” Bokuto said, placing a kiss on your forehead before starting towards the water. You giggled as you watched your fiancé run towards the ocean. Your laughter quickly died, however, once you saw his back.
Your eyes widen with a mixture of shock and confusion, racking your brain for an explanation for the long, red strips that lined your fiance's back, but, no matter how hard you thought, nothing came up. The past month had been too hectic for the two of you to ever get close to intimate. Tears began pricking your eyes as the realization that Bokuto had cheated on you settled in your mind. 
Does he know he has scratch marks on his back? Is this his subtle way of telling me he wants to end this? That I wasn’t enough for him?
As soon as Bokuto hit the ocean, the salty water stung his back. His initial confusion as to where the pain came from was quickly replaced with realization. He shot up at the water, turning to watch you get up from your seat. 
Maybe they didn’t see, he hoped. His hopes, however, were quickly crushed as his heart dropped to his feet. You began to gather your things, rummaging through Bokuto’s belongings until you found the keys to his car.
Panicking, Bokuto ran out of the ocean as fast as he could, cursing at the water for resisting his movements. He watched helplessly as you began walking back towards the parking lot. You saw. You saw the scratch marks, and now you were leaving Bokuto. The spiker’s worst nightmares were turning into a reality right in front of his eyes.
The dull shouting of your name from down the beach sounded in your ears. You ignored Bokuto’s incessant calls for you, the ache in your heart overpowering every emotion you were feeling. 
Bokuto ran through the sand as fast as he could, hoping to catch up to you before you left his life forever. His lungs and legs were screaming, but the pain was nothing compared to the pain of you leaving. Panic rose in his eyes as he watched you get into the driver's seat, starting the engine to his car. 
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you took a shaky breath, a weak attempt to try and calm your heart. You looked down at your engagement ring, memories of that night flashing through your mind, forcing another sob to rack your body knowing that your memories now meant nothing. Banging on the car window startled you as you looked up to find a panicked Bokuto. His frantic words were muffled as you watched him desperately attempt to stop you from leaving. 
“Please, y/n, roll down the window. Let me explain, please,” Bokuto blabbered, “Y/n, please don’t leave me, you have to let me explain. I love you! I want to marry you, and you only!”
Anger surged through your body as you scoffed at his words. Rage blinded your thoughts at the mention of your impending marriage. How dare he tell you he wants to get married after cheating on you? Your brain didn’t have time to process your movements as you pulled your ring off your left hand. You watched as a glimmer of hope flickered in Bokuto’s eyes as you began to roll down the window, only to have his eyes widen in pain and shock as you handed him your engagement ring.
“You’re really a piece of shit, Bokuto. You know that?” Tears began welling up in the spiker’s eyes as he stared at the piece of metal that laid in his hands. 
“No, y/n, please. Give me your hand, please,” Bokuto frantically pleaded, reaching for your hand. The ring in his hand belonged nowhere else except your ring finger. 
“Just stop, Bokuto, you’ve already ruined everything,” you scoffed out. As his eyes met yours, he was met with a whirlwind of hurt, shame, and pity. That’s when he realized. To you, he was pathetic. The love and adoration that made your eyes shine brighter than the sun was now replaced with hatred and pain, making them burn greater than the depths of hell.
Bokuto’s heart shattered into pieces knowing you would never love him the same, knowing he broke your trust. 
“I-,” Bokuto paused, unsure of what else he could say to get you back.
“I’m sorry, y/n” the man in front of you choked out. Bokuto felt helpless as he watched you roll up your window and drive away from him, leaving him in shattered pieces.
That night, when Bokuto finally returned to his shared apartment, the reality of the situation hit him. The empty aura filling the space that he used to share with you was all it took for Bokuto to fall onto his knees, becoming a shell of his former self. You were gone.
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hockeywhy · 3 years
4 times you faked a relationship + 1 time you didn’t; m.tkachuk
WARNINGS: language. WORD COUNT: 17.2k. A/N: So, I didn’t want my effort for this fic to go to waste and I’ve decided to re-write it for Matty because he and the fake dating trope work so well together. I had to, so here it is.
“I’d only be asking Matthew if I had no other options and needed a last resort,” you said. “Until then, I’m not even contemplating it.” 
“Kind of sounds like you’ve just about reached the bottom of your list, right around where you’re keeping Matthew, Y/N,” your friend, Anna, responded and though her tone said sympathy, the look on her face reflected anything but sheer elation. 
The invitation landed on your tabletop with a loud slap while you deposited yourself in a nearby chair unceremoniously, glaring at the decorative paper as if it offended you. Actually, scratch that. It did offend you. Greatly so. Honestly, it may as well have come in the form of one of those boxing gloves that sprung out of a box immediately upon opening and decked you square in the face. That’s how much it offended you. 
The golden letters inked on the thick paper warmly requested the pleasure of your company to witness the love of Josh Reynolds to Louise Jones six weeks from now. The location stated was a hotel you knew only through word of mouth: one of those fancy establishments that served ridiculously priced plates that were more canapes than actual meals. 
You doubted there would be much pleasure from your company.
You and Josh called it quits just over a year ago after a relationship that became increasing rockier, significantly more emotionally exhausting. The two of you started dating in high school and if the relationship started off with nothing but the sort of blinding fiery passion only teens could be capable of, well someone missed the memo on giving you the message that all fires eventually fizzle out. Gradually, it was the only way you could see your relationship heading and it seemed that Josh felt it too. It made the breakup easier: it was neat and mutual. Still, that couldn’t be considered an incentive for either of you to invite each other to such grand, deeply personal events. You couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that he found someone he wanted to tie the knot with so quickly but in retrospect, Josh had always wanted that while you were content as you were. That seemed to be the fork in your road with him.
On the one hand, you were angry at Josh for even considering jotting your name down on the list of attendees and on the other, you were angry at yourself for being angry about that. One moment you were dead set on declining the invite and the next, you considering that doing that would simply show you were bitter and unable to be civil about it. Besides, surely it was noted somewhere in the Rulebook of Ex’s that you just couldn’t do stuff like that. That seemed to just about do it. Like hell you’d given anyone the satisfaction of one-upping you.
You needed a plus one. Desperately. 
“Ask your brother then. Pretty sure that’s bound to impress anyone there. It’s not often many will get to say they brushed shoulders with an up-and-coming professional athlete.” 
“I don’t need that sort of plus one. If I did, I would’ve asked you—”
“Thanks,” Anna mumbled.”
“—but what I need,” you ploughed on ahead, “is, well, something that can come off a bit more serious looking.”
She rolled her eyes. “Saying the word boyfriend won’t jinx you into permanent silence, you know. You need a boyfriend.”
“A boyfriend for a day,” you agreed contemplatively. 
She picked up the invitation to look through it carefully and after concluding her inspection, she slapped the papers back down on the table, grinning. “Matthew it will be then!” 
Your younger brother, Jake, recently signed his entry-level contract with the Calgary Flames, in a way carrying forward the family tradition of starting a career in professional sports with them. Your grandfather did, your father did and now, here you were watching your little brother take on the mantle. Your family’s involvement in sport and, specifically, the team meant that you were somewhat familiar with the organization whether that meant attending home games or a few events arranged by the team. You couldn’t say you were the best of friends with them, certainly nowhere near the level your brother was, but generally speaking you were fond of the C of Red. 
That couldn’t also be said about Matthew, however.
It seemed that from the get-go, there was a personality clash between you. At first, you thought it was just Matthew picking on you, joking around as he disagreed with virtually anything you’d say but progressively, you were pretty sure the two of you didn’t even have the compatibility to keep things civil. Matthew had a way with pushing your buttons and it bothered you he could do that with so much ease, though the more you thought of it, the more it shouldn’t have come as a surprise to you: you were all too familiar with his on-ice shenanigans, after all. Whenever you knew you had to be under the same roof as him, you’d tell yourself to not let him get under your skin but that resolve would last for all of ten minutes. Fifteen if you had a particularly good day. 
Much to your chagrin, it seemed your brother was closest to Matthew. Though you offered the spare room in your apartment, your brother was so warmly welcomed by Matthew. It was no doubt even Jake found your annoyance with his teammate entertaining.
The thought alone was frustrating enough. If one day, by chance, you caught sight of a white strand of hair on your head, you were dead set on blaming Matthew for it. Matthew and his smarmy attitude; Matthew and his smartass retorts; Matthew and the smirks he threw your way whenever your brother took his side, outnumbering you. 
You clenched your teeth, glaring at the invite. From the corner of your eye, you saw Anna’s outstretched hand holding your phone out to you. A groan formed in your throat and you wished you kept in contact with the handful of guys you tried dating after Josh. None really stayed. Or better said, none managed to draw you in. It was as if Josh had put a jinx on you. If that was the case, you hoped that this whammy would disappear if it meant watching him watch someone else walk down the aisle towards him. 
Anna waved the device at you insistently. “Do it. Come on. Even you know nothing says fuck you like turning up there with Matthew. Scrappy when he wants to be and he’s not bad to look at either. You know it.” 
You arched an eyebrow up at her. “More than Johnny?” 
She flushed visibly. Johnny and Anna were still a relatively new thing, dancing around their relationship carefully as if they were both doing this rodeo for the first time. It was pretty cute. “Don’t change the subject.” She placed the device down on the table in front of you then patted your shoulder. “I have a feeling you won’t regret it. If he gets on your nerves too much, well…it can’t be worse than watching your ex get married, right?” 
“Ouch,” you winced, but chuckled, knowing you were defeated. Matthew was the last resort, and you knew you were at the bottom of your list before you even started going through it. “You do realize if he declines, I’ll probably make a start on packing my bags and moving to Montana, right? The only time you’ll hear from me is when my handwritten letter goes through the nine circles of hell that is our postal service.” 
Anna fixed you with a stare that could only read as ‘do it’. “I wouldn’t be so insistent on this if I knew Matthew would say no. I have a feeling he’ll surprise you.” 
With a heavy sigh, you unlocked your phone and scrolled through your list of contacts, thumb hovering over his name when it came up. Anna wasn’t wrong: Matthew wasn’t bad to look at all, that much you could admit. But god, if he turned you down…. you knew you wouldn’t be able to ever show your face in front of him or the rest of the team ever again. 
“I think I’ve had enough surprises from him to last a lifetime,” you mumbled but tapped the call symbol anyway.
He answered on the third ring. “Hel—
You didn’t let him finish. “I need your help,” you ground out, eyes closing while you rubbed at your forehead with the tips of your fingers. 
There was silence on the other end of the line that had you biting your lip in anxiousness. You shouldn’t have done this. You really shouldn’t have done this. All it would take would be just hitting the ‘resume my account’ link on one of the dating apps you signed up for a while ago. Someone was bound to be attracted not only to you but the promise of an open bar—
“Music to my ears,” Matthew’s response came through. You could practically hear the smile in his voice and knew you’d regret it; you could easily tell from the tone of his voice. 
You sighed quietly, leaning forward to rest your elbows on the table, eyes glued to the invitation. Fuck it, you could get someone else; easily, no doubt. The world of online dating was vast and there would always be takers.
“Uh, yeah actually, never mind—”
“No, no. Come on, Y/N. Pretty sure this is the first time you’re calling me first so can we take a moment to just let that sink in?” Silence again, then a chuckle. “Okay, now that we did. How can I help you?” 
It wasn’t as if Josh had put you in the position to ask Matthew for a favor but still: fuck Josh, anyway. In a split second of sheer pettiness, you considered aiming to host the most extravagant, unforgettable weddings when your turn would come just to show him who does it better. 
“Are you free the third weekend in June?” you asked tiredly. 
“Don’t know. Depends what for and who you’re asking for.” 
You should’ve asked him face-to-face. At least then, he would’ve had the chance to see you roll your eyes, turn on your heel and walk away. “I’m obviously asking for myself. Could you just be straightforward for once and answer yes or no? You’re making me hold the line for longer than I anticipated and I’m happy to ask someone else,” you lied.
“Let me get this right—” Here comes, you thought exhausted. “You’re calling me for the first time since you have my number to ask me if I’m free the third weekend in June? As a favor for yourself.” 
“Matthew, I didn’t stutter—”
“What’s happening in June?”
You don’t know what it was about his words that downed you. It was nothing but a simple question yet the only thing you could think of was: the first boy I’ve dated and so far, the only one, seems to have moved on quicker than I anticipated and while I’m still trying to build myself back up, I’m sitting in my kitchen looking at a wedding invitation and wallowing in self-pity because regardless of how hard I try, of how much I’ve amended my standards, no one seems to do it so what if this is it for me? What if this is just the way it’ll be from now on? And now, I’m resorting to lying just to make myself feel better but also put a façade in front of someone who I know no longer cares about me like that. And really, nor do I about him but here we are. So, nothing much is happening in June, Matthew. Hopefully we get a lot more sunshine though!
What you responded with instead was, “just an old friend of mine getting married and I need a plus one. Nothing serious. Just go there for an hour or two, say some hellos and leave. It’s a quick in-and-out thing.” 
More silence on the other end of the line other than the muffled shuffle of what sounded like bedsheets. “Why not ask your brother then?” 
“Asked him already, said he’s got something lined up already. So, are you free or not?” you lied, quickly pressing on even if you knew that sounded a lot like desperation.
“For you, at a price.” He was smirking. You knew he was and more than ever, you wished 2021 was the year you could just reach through the phone and shake the person on the other end. 
“Uh-huh. Right. No, just forget it. Forget I even—”
You were going to end the call when Matthew laughed, quickly calling out a “no, no! Nothing weird, I promise. Just owe me a favor in return, is all.” 
“Do I get a choice?” you mumbled, more to yourself than towards him.
“I think we both know that you don’t. Text me the time and place,” he instructed and then, just as you were really about to end the call, he added, “hey, send me a photo of what you’re wearing also. I’ll match my tie to your dress, free of charge.” 
“Can you maybe ditch the jacket while you’re at it? Just want to make sure your tie’s within reach so I can strangle you with it.”
Even after you cut the call, Matthew’s laughter rang in your ears. 
Matthew matched his tie to your red dress. The color of the silk around his neck was so striking, you would swear it was made from the same material as your outfit. You sent him a photo of the material of the dress, more as a joke than having any expectations attached to it so you were pleasantly surprised to see he made the effort. For a moment, you allowed yourself to bask in sheer joy knowing that to any eye, the two of you could easily pass as a couple. At least, from looks alone if not from attitude. You were a proud person; fiercely so. Knowing you were now in debt to Matthew however he saw fit dealt a pretty impressive blow to your ego. You don’t let yourself linger too much on that thought, though. It was already difficult enough to loosen up and relax your stance as you climbed into Matthew’s car as soon as he texted you of his arrival. 
“You look good,” he commented after you fixed the seatbelt on. He turned in his seat as much as space would allow so he could look at you properly and in return, you arched an eyebrow, refusing to give way to his stare. “Are you trying to one-up the bride?” 
“Ha, ha. Funny. You didn’t even see the bride. I didn’t even see the bride.” 
“Didn’t see her but I’m seeing you, so,” he shrugged, by way of explanation before correcting his position. 
If asked, you wouldn’t deny that Matthew also looked good. Very good. But only if asked. It was impossible that someone with a face like that didn’t know they turned heads easily wherever they went. Matthew’s suit fit him as if it was sown on him. If the two of you had a better relationship, you would even dare ask him what it was he was putting in that hair of his that made it so shiny and gave those curls so much definition, taming them almost perfectly when he really put his mind to it. Whatever it was, you had a feeling he didn’t strain as much as you had earlier that morning to tame your hair and though you could give yourself credit for how well it turned out, your arms weren’t thanking you for it. 
Thankfully, much of the drive was pleasant. Though you hated small talk, you decided to make an effort if only to ease your nerves as the navigation system indicated you were drawing closer and closer to that glitzy hotel. You learned that although the season was over, Matthew, Brady and the rest of the family would spend a few weeks in Canada before heading back home to St. Louis. In turn, you told him that some of the days off you booked from work would be spent somewhere just as sunny and warm but with more beaches. It was safe ground. That, you could do although progressively, you were becoming more and more distracted, and less focused on the conversation the two of you managed to keep. 
“Want me to pull over?” Matthew asked suddenly. 
“What,” you mumbled, turning your attention from the road ahead to Matthew who seemed amused by the situation. “Why would I want you to do that?” 
“I’d want you to do that. You look pretty pale and honestly, I’ve just had the interior cleaned so—”
“Fuck you, Tkachuk, keep driving. I’m just a little…cold. How high do you have the AC on?” 
He fixed you with a stare while waiting for the lights ahead to turn green, eyebrow arched. “It’s June, Y/N, and uncomfortably warm. If it makes you feel better, though, I could turn it off and we can roll down the windows instead?”
“No, sorry—you’re right. It’s fine. Just leave the AC as it is.” 
The laugh he gave was nothing short of incredulous. “Repeat that back for me. Actually—hold on, do that when I can press record on my phone so I can have that on repeat. Did you admit I’m right?” 
“God, you’re making me regret inviting you,” you muttered though without heat. 
An uncomfortable silence slipped between the two of you or maybe, it was just your perspective on it. Matthew seemed perfectly at ease minding the road, only occasionally throwing a cursory glance towards the car’s navigation system whenever it announced a turn. Doing this seemed more and more like a bad idea. A terrible one. No one would’ve held it against you if you denied the invitation. In fact, you thought that was more expected than accepting it and turning up to the party as if you were seeing an old friend, not an ex-boyfriend. It wasn’t too late though. Matthew could still turn the car around. 
“Listen, Matt—”
“You have now reached your destination. Your destination is on the right.”
You released a breath you weren’t even aware of holding, then threw a quick look towards the main entrance of the hotel. Already, a few guests whom you recognized were crossing into the lobby.
“You really don’t look okay at all,” Matthew repeated and there was less humor in his voice and more concern this time around. Even you weren’t ignorant to how much your mood kept fluctuating over the course of the drive: often, engaged in conversation but occasionally, withdrawn, barely just catching on to whatever it was Matthew was saying. Sure, he probably didn’t know you well enough to read you, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out something was amiss. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I felt like there’s more to this thing than you’re telling me. You could’ve asked your brother, yet you didn’t—” 
Damn it. You made him swear to play along. You made a quick mental note to get back at him about it whenever you felt energized enough to do so.
“Matthew,” you said, your voice suddenly clear, tone neutral. You didn’t dare look him in the eyes so instead, you kept your stare fixed on the revolving doors ahead. “I’m only going to say this once and I hope that you won’t make me repeat it now or ever again. I’d prefer that you don’t mention it to anyone either. The person getting married today is my ex-boyfriend. Up until last year, we’ve been together since we were teenagers. I loved him. Since we broke up, I kept trying to look for parts of him in others, but I couldn’t find even a trace of who he was. I feel as I’ve been jinxed, and I felt that maybe if I come today, maybe if I see him with someone else, I can confidently say I’m fine with that. It hurt my pride when I received the invitation, so my first thought was to lie. If, for just a few hours, I can pretend I’ve also moved on and I’m not stuck in this…fucking weird limbo, then maybe it becomes true. A fucked up self-prophecy. So.” You pause, clearing your throat. Your mouth suddenly felt dry from your speech, yet you couldn’t feel a pang of regret in your chest or heat behind your eyes. “So. If you want out, that’s fine. After all, I’m asking you to pretend to be my date out of spite, I guess. And embarrassment. It’s childish and unfair and ridiculous but—”
You came to a halt when you felt a finger under your chin, and a gentle upward push forced you to raise your head up a little more. When you turned towards Matthew, you looked at him with a look of confusion on your face. 
“Keep your head up. We have a wedding to go to.” 
His encouragement sunk in faster than expected and as your expression relaxed, a smile formed on your face. 
Yeah. The two of you had a wedding to go to. 
The event hall was decorated minimally yet tastefully. It made everything seem even more personal and you received that impression from every detail: from the flower arrangements to the music, everything was a testament to a life united by love. Maybe your emotional outburst earlier accounted for it, but you felt lighter even as you watched the newlyweds glide along the floor for their first dance. Sure, you felt a desperate pang of want but it was distant. Muffled. 
Despite your initial thoughts, having Matthew at your side felt very much like a safety cushion. It surprised you to watch him settle into his role with so much ease that eventually, even you didn’t have to remind yourself to not withdraw whenever his arm wrapped around your waist: sometimes loosely, sometimes a little tighter, reeling you in closer.
Fish, here is your bait, you thought wildly as you stood tucked at his side while he accepted flatteries from one of the guests who swore had been a fan of the Calgary Flames since before he could even talk.
“You must be so proud,” the man turned towards you. “Your family’s truly one of a kind to have all played for the team and now—” He gestures towards Matthew as if to say all of this. “Must be something about those Flames!” 
You laughed tightly, just as Matthew squeezed your side. By that move alone, you could tell he was eating this up. 
“Yeah, just can’t get enough of them,” you concluded, pitching your voice just a little higher towards the end. To the man, it was as genuine as could be, but Matthew cautioned you silently with the slightest narrowing of his eyes, effectively warning you to be more realistic. “Hey, I’ll get us some refills? Try to be a little more inconspicuous in the meantime. Remember this isn’t your day,” you joked. 
“Only practicing for when our turn comes,” Matthew responded without missing a beat and released the hold he had on you. 
Once at the bar, you allowed yourself some extra moments to catch your breath. Even off ice, Matthew was a force to be reckoned with. He struck conversation with others easily, drew their attention with seemingly little effort and easily set the mood for whatever situation or person the two of you would run into. A part of you thought his profession had a lot to do with his mannerism, but a bigger part knew different:  mostly, it was really just Matthew. 
He had a way with words and with people that you haven’t been witness to before and couldn’t help but wonder if it was all show. He was, after all, a face for the public: familiar with interviews, familiar with the attention, apparently not overwhelmed even by less conventional questions. Watching him play this role was fascinating to say the least. It certainly took your mind off the circumstances so credit where credit was due. 
“Hey, it’s good to see you here.” 
You turned from the bar and came face to face with Josh. His jacket was off, and his sleeves were neatly rolled up past his elbows; behind the knot of his tie, you could see he’d undone the top button of the collar. You’d seen him make countless rounds across the entire floor, greeting guests and ensuring everything was running smoothly. Occasionally, you watched him dance either with his wife, or family members, or even guests you recognized as work colleagues. 
You smiled. “Thanks for the invite. It was a bit weird to receive it, I can’t lie about that, but I’m glad you sent it.” It surprised you to learn you weren’t even lying about that. Through the course of the evening, it dawned on you that maybe, it was more the thought of being here that made you anxious; the event itself, however, proved just how right you were. It felt…fine. You felt fine. 
“Yeah—uh, I wasn’t… I wasn’t really sure but, well, before…” He trailed off into a sigh. 
You chuckled softly. “Would you like to buy a vowel?” 
That made him laugh. Truly, genuinely laugh. “Sorry. I guess it’s a bit weird for me also. But, well, before you and I were, well, you-and-I, we were friends. I would’ve hoped we’d still be friends even after…” He waved a hand in the air by way of explanation but that was sufficient for you.
“Won’t hurt to be friends. Whatever happened between us—well. Thing of the past. Build bridges and get over them, right?” 
“Right. Function of a bridge and all.”
“Hey. Congratulations, by the way! I’m happy for you. Really. I wish the two of you all the best. She seems really great.” 
“She is,” he agreed and cast a glance towards the room, eyes undoubtedly searching for her. “Are you—”
“Here you are.” 
Saved by the bell. A weight fell around your waist that, by now, was warm and familiar. Unconsciously, you leaned into Matthew, flashing a wide smile at Josh. At first, he seemed surprised by the sudden appearance but then his features settled into something more comfortable; something so much like relief that for a moment, you wished you could just come clean about it. You and Matthew were less than meets the eye.
Before you could even introduce them, a kiss was pressed to your cheek, knocking all air from your lungs and almost making you choke because of it.
What the hell.
“You were gone for some time, so I thought to check on you,” Matthew informed you, all matter of fact. To Josh, he said, “congratulations on the wedding. Must be pretty great to finally get to this point. You two look great together.” 
“Oh? Yeah. Yeah, thanks man. So glad you could come along today.” Josh turned to you, an eyebrow perked in interest. “I didn’t know you two were together.” 
“Oh we’re just—” 
You began but were promptly interrupted by Matthew. “We like to keep it lowkey. It hasn’t been that long for us but that’s not much of a problem when your gut tells you this is it. You know it well, right?”  
You were entirely caught off guard. Instead of responding immediately, you bought yourself some time by taking a sip from your glass of—whatever it was. Strong though. Just perfect for the situation you suddenly found yourself in: ex-boyfriend ahead, fake boyfriend to the side, promising sweet nothings that you knew would come back to haunt you at some ungodly hour. You wished you could step on his shoe; pull on those shiny curls of his real quick, knock some sense back into him. There was a difference between play a role well and clearly, playing it too well.
Matthew pushed ahead. “It’s pretty good timing for us though. We could take some notes for when our turn comes, right babe?” 
“I’ll let the two of you to it, then. Thanks again for coming.” Josh made a move to step away but before he did, he turned to you and caught your eyes. “I’m really happy for you, Y/N. You look good together. Just make sure you don’t take too many notes.”
“Wouldn’t dream to,” Matthew responded, and you could read the slight bite in his words. When Josh was out of earshot, he looked down at you. “You dated him? Just him?” 
“Hey, what’d I say about not bringing that up again? And save your dick measuring contests for the locker room, Tkachuk. Now’s not the time nor place.” 
“Now’s definitely the time and place,” he countered, making you roll your eyes but there was a smile on your face you couldn’t quite wipe off. “Come on. Let’s continue taking leaves out of their book.” In one swift motion, he took the glass from your hand and set it on the bar while above, the LED lights dimmed, and the playlist switched to a slower song. 
You threw him a cautious look, easily reading where that was going. “I’m not dancing.”
“Sure, you are. You want to give the impression of being happily in love? You need to start pulling your weight in this thing.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry, Atlas. Do your shoulders hurt from carrying the burden of our relationship?” you mocked, yet still allowed him to lead you towards the dance floor. Right in the center of it given the bride and groom appeared to sit this one out; you expected nothing less from him. You weren’t even surprised when he made an entire show out of it, forcing you to do a pirouette when the two of you claimed your spot. 
“You can’t even imagine the pain you put me through,” he sighed near your ear as the two of you began swaying to the music. 
“Well, you’re still standing so clearly it can’t be that bad.” 
“Baby, it’s torture.” 
You were grateful the two of you weren’t exactly face to face or you were sure Matthew would never have let you live down the flush you felt rising to your cheeks. Sure, he didn’t use the pet name in a genuine manner, but just hearing it roll off his tongue like that… You stopped that thought before it grew into a whole new different monster. 
After a few moments of silence passed, Matthew lowered his head closer to yours, his warm breath colliding with the skin on your throat. “Do you think now’s the right time to kiss? Are enough people watching?” 
You stepped on his foot. Not hard, but just with the right amount of pressure to draw a wince from him. Satisfied, you leaned back just a little to look at him properly. “Don’t even think about it, Tkachuk—”
“Thought about it already.”
Through clenched teeth, you hissed, “you. Are. Incorrigible.” 
He raised his eyebrows, surprised. “If only you could meet yourself.” 
You snickered quietly then leaned back against him. “Thanks for doing this. I know it’s not the most convenient of things… and it wasn’t fair to tell you the full truth of it right on the day of. But—well, thanks.”
“That sounds like it was pretty difficult to let out. It’s very…. heartfelt.” 
“Just fucking accept it as I gave it to you, Tkachuk,” you complained, more amused than annoyed.
More silence followed, filled in only by the general buzz of the room and the slow melody. “And now?” Matthew questioned a short while later. You allowed an extended silence to fill in for your confusion. He picked up on it within seconds. “Do you still feel jinxed? Stuck in the same place while he goes on ahead in life?” 
You took some time to think through your answer, time during which the song faded into yet another slow one. Matthew didn’t give an indication of wanting to move away from the dancefloor, so you saw no purpose in you doing that. 
“Not really,” you concluded. “Just seems like we’re both following different trajectories. Doesn’t mean I’m left behind if I’ve not yet met someone to settle down with like he did. Maybe I just need to be here to come to terms with it. Good for him though. I’m genuinely happy for him and his wife. I think lots of people imagine going through this very same moment.” You ended with a shrug but then, to lighten up the moment, you added, “don’t mock me for it. Between the two of us, I’m the one with the pointy shoes.” 
Matthew laughed, a low, pleasant laugh right by your ear. “I’ll give you a free pass for what’s left of today.” 
“Your generosity astounds me. Please could you also sign my jersey?” 
“Is it my jersey?” 
“Why would it be your jersey when I have my last name printed out on one at the expense of my brother being roughed up a little?” 
“Don’t tempt me. That favor you now owe me? I might just use it to have you get my jersey so I can sign it since you so generously asked.” 
“Your call,” you shrugged. “Just know it’s going straight in the wash right after you scribble on it.” 
Matthew took a few small steps back, only to pull you back towards him. You played along and spun as you landed into his hold once again.
“You say that now, but when you’ll see yourself with it—”
“I’ll auction it on eBay.” 
The laugh you got out of Matthew stayed with you through the rest of the night and like never before, his good disposition easily transferred to you.
When the elevator doors slid open, your brother and Johnny weren’t the only ones to step into the hotel lobby. Matthew accompanied them, flashing a smug smile as the trio approached and his eyes landed on you. You cast a quizzical glance from your brother, to Johnny, to Matthew and then looked towards Anna as if to ask are you seeing this? She only shrugged at you in silent response, though she was grinning from ear to ear. At least someone was certainly enjoying this.
“Last I remember, there were only two of you,” you commented.
“Was that before or after your third drink?” your brother chirped back.
Instead of humoring him, you shift your gaze to Matthew. “What gives, Tkachuk? Can’t be left at home unsupervised during family vacations?” 
“My house training has only gone so far,” he responded smartly, then nodded his head towards Anna and Johnny who were caught in a half-hug, apparently entertaining by watching you and Matthew bicker as if watching a tennis match. “They’re not family.” 
Anna feigned a gasp on your behalf. “Y/N and I are part and parcel, Matt. Thought you’d know that by now.” 
“Well, the three of us are part and parcel also, Anna. Thought you’d definitely know that by now,” he responded but you were already leading the way out of the hotel lobby and towards the busy square outside.
It was a hub of activity: from street vendors to dance and music performers, there was something to see regardless of which way you looked. Although you arrived at your holiday destination the previous day, the flight south coupled with the warm, sticky evening made you want to steer away from the busier parts of the town. Instead, you opted to lounge by the pool with Anna, having perhaps one too many cocktails to kickstart your vacation. Perhaps you missed Matthew’s arrival at some point then, though for the life of you, you couldn’t remember anyone mentioning he’d come along also. Not that it bothered you greatly.
Since the time you asked him to be your plus one some few weeks ago, the relationship between the two of you warmed slightly. Sure, he still knew which buttons to press to get a reaction out of you, but you saw it as being less ill-intended and more good-natured fun. You kept up with him easily and whenever it felt as if he was cornering you, you conceded with a roll of your eyes but never admitted defeat. You didn’t consider the two of you friends, but something changed on the day of the wedding right around the time you had spilled out your feelings about the entire deal to him. Looking back on it, you found it strange just how easily you did that, no second thoughts, no wishing for takebacks. You knew you owed him the truth given the position you put him in without plenty of heads-up, but you could’ve easily just simplified the entire thing. 
It wasn’t difficult to stick together as a group but eventually, you wandered off towards a few stalls on your own that have caught your eye. Though you wanted some more time to have Anna to yourself, it was technically her first vacation with Johnny. You could catch up with her later in the room; surely, she’d have even more swooning to do over him by then. Not that you blamed her. Johnny was an incredible guy. 
First, you stopped at a stall selling a range of baked goods that you simply couldn’t turn away from. And for good reason: the sour cherry churro you settled for was a dream come true. From there, you strolled towards a few small stores selling a range of products ranging from colorful graphic tees to earrings made from vibrant, colorful gemstones. You held a blue pair next to your ear, turning one way then another to watch as the light reflected off the gleaming gem. 
“Those suit your complexion,” the attendant commented and when you looked towards him, he smiled bashfully. 
A gentle heat crept up your neck, unable to keep the grin off your face but you couldn’t look away from him: his skin was lightly tanned, and a dusting of freckles covered the bridge of his nose and upper cheeks. His blond hair was messy in a way you could easily tell was styled to appear as such. He was cute in a sort of conventional way, but you liked the way he smiled at you, all shy but certainly genuine.
“Funny you say that. I always had a feeling blue was my color,” you responded, and his smile widened. 
“Here for vacation?” he asked. 
You nodded. “Yeah, I just got here yesterday, and I’ll be around for a few days,” you added, a little hopeful. 
Hey, if you could score some good company while in the area, then you weren’t going to turn down the opportunity to flirt a little and make good with someone more local.
“Good. That’s really good to know.” He regarded you for a moment and you were certain that caused your blush to deepen though at the same time, it made you feel a little…exposed. “Hey, are you free—”
“The red ones are nicer.” 
You squeezed your eyes shut, frustration quickly replacing the feeling of near euphoria. You could recognize that voice anywhere. Of all times he could have run into you, the universe fixed it so he popped up when you least needed that to happen. 
“I prefer the blue,” you countered, then held them up against your ear again though you knew you didn’t need to double check if they suited you. 
“No, trust me with the red,” Matthew insisted, and you saw him appear behind you in the small circular mirror you were looking into. He was so close. “Goes well with that little number I got you the other day.” 
You sputtered. “W-what?! Stop messing—”
In the mirror Matthew’s eyes flicked from you to the attendant. “Yeah, you know the one. I left the box on the bed in our room, thought to surprise—”
“Tkachuk, just shut up. There isn’t an our room—”
This was so painfully uncomfortable. So frustratingly annoying, you felt the blood warm in your veins, that familiar wave of anger coursing through your body.
“I’ll ring those up for you,” the attendant said, his voice carefully polite while he accepted the red earrings from Matthew’s outstretched hand. 
You hated him. Passionately hated him. It was easy for Matthew to play games like those because he could easily get just about anyone, but you? It wasn’t quite as easy to not be a pro-athlete who had pretty much everything lined up and going for them. You tried catching the store attendant’s eyes again but he was busy accepting the cash from Matthew after packing away the earrings in a small paper bag. You knew he wouldn’t catch sight of it, but it didn’t stop you from casting a longing, apologetic glance towards him before leaving the store. 
It felt as if for every two steps you took, Matthew only needed one and despite the crowds, he caught up with you easily, holding out the bag towards you while you powered ahead. 
“Come on, don’t be mad. The red ones are definitely better than the blue ones,” Matthew tried to reason with you while holding the hand stretched out to you, insistent on his offer. When you didn’t respond and instead, tried to rush further ahead, Matthew pressed on. Him managing to keep up with your pace only added fuel to the fire. “Don’t tell me you’re upset over Ron Jon back there.” 
You came to a halt, turning to glare up at him. “I am, Matthew. You didn’t need to do what you did back there. There was no reason for it. It was shitty of you, and I need you to back off while I try to enjoy the rest of my night.” You clenched your jaw, trying to suppress the overwhelming feeling of anger that normally resulted in tears. “You could at least pretend to be sorry about it.” 
With that, you turned on your heel and squeezed your way through the crowds, ignoring Matthew’s calls to stop and come back and that he was only joking. 
Too late for that, you thought bitterly, making a turn towards a street popular for its dining and bar venues. 
The part of the archipelago more popular with tourists was truly a sight to behold as the sun went down, coloring the sky in some of the warmest, most calming shades of orange, red and yellow you ever saw. It seemed as if everyone gathered on the promenade, phones at the ready while taking photos of the sky, selfies and group shots. Even you couldn’t resist it and after taking a few well-centered selfies, a passing couple offered to take your photo which you immediately posed for. 
Later, once the sight sunk in, you moved towards a nearby bar, first attracted by the pink, purple and blue neon lights and then, the music. A good cocktail, good music and a gorgeous sunset were all it took for you to feel more relaxed, leaving behind the event from earlier. He wouldn’t be the first cute guy you’d see, nor the last and indeed, it was easy for you to settle in the more crowded area of the locale where people were dancing either solo, with a partner or as part of a group.
Not long after you weaved your way onto the dancefloor, you felt a pair of hands settle on your hips, drawing you in. You went easily, accepting the embrace, accepting the way you were being led into the dance, swaying your hips along with his. You didn’t even miss a beat when he spun you around, but you kept your hands pressed against his shoulders, rather than wrapping your arms around his neck. You were tipsy, no doubt, and admittedly felt touch-starved but you weren’t quite in the mood for anything more. You even dodged his mouth when he tipped his head down to your lips so instead, he landed a kiss on your cheek. Still, he was pretty relentless. The dance took a turn that was significantly more sensual, crossing a line into discomfort, and you felt that was your cue to try and remove yourself from him. It was easy initially. You threw him a small smile and when he caught hold of your hand, you simply motioned you were only going to get a drink, hoping that would keep him where he was with the knowledge you would return. 
When you finally pulled away, you made a bee line towards the exit of the venue but again, you were a step too slow. The guy caught you just at the door.
“Where are you running off to, pretty?” he slurred, his voice louder above the thumping of the music. 
“Oh—Um, just getting a breath of fresh air, is all,” you said quickly and immediately wished you didn’t venture off in a place like this alone. It was as if you suddenly forgot everything that was common sense, pushed towards it by earlier frustration. 
“Doesn’t look like it to me.” He frowned, but there was no clarity in his eyes. He was entirely out of it and his fingers squeezed painfully around your wrist. You flinched visibly, squirming under his touch and even if you tried pulling your arm away, it was useless. He overpowered you even through the drunken haze. “Wanna go? Fine, then let’s go together.” 
“No—uh, I’m actually here with my friends. I’ve just—I saw them so I’m going to catch up with them. They must be looking for—”
“Then we can go to them together, sweetheart. Here, point them out to me.”
“No, really. I’m going to them alone,” you emphasized and put all your force into trying to free your hand. It may have taken him by surprise that led to his loosened grip, but as soon as you turned on your heel, you found out there was more to it than just that.
You almost faceplanted right into Matthew’s chest when you tried making a run for it. He stood there, eyes flicking between you and the guy with an unreadable expression on his face. Your heart was hammering wildly in your chest and instinctively, you almost glued yourself to his side. It wasn’t the first time someone tried to force a move on you, but it was the first time it was done so in such a thoughtless, drunken manner. Perhaps your fear was also enhanced by being alone in an unfamiliar place. To see Matthew this time felt like a blessing.
“Babe,” Matthew said by way of greeting, pulling you to him when he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 
You didn’t realize you were trembling until you stood so close to him, legs suddenly feeling like jelly in front of your salvation. Matthew could easily overpower the guy; even if they were roughly the same height, there was a big difference between the body of an athlete and the swaying one of a drunk guy. Still, it didn’t mean you wanted Matthew to get caught up in anything he’d later regret or would affect him in any way, so you pressed a hand to his chest trying to put some pressure into guiding him away from the scene.
“She yours?” the drunk guy slurred, head tilting back, chin pointing towards your general direction.
“Yeah. So, guess that makes the situation even worse for you,” Matthew responded. His tone was light, seemingly non-threatening to someone who didn’t know him but you did. You knew him and you could read him crystal clear in this moment. 
“Matthew, please,” you muttered, looking at him almost desperately while trying to put all your body weight into guiding him away. 
The guy scoffed. “You’ve gotta do better than that, buddy.” He snickered. “You’ve gotta keep ‘em on a tighter leash unless you want them to go—”
Matthew made a move towards him, but you quickly stepped in front of him, essentially forcing him to halt. “Matt, please. Let’s go, okay? Please. I really want to leave. Right now.” 
He glared at the guy for a moment longer but the hard look in his eyes softened as soon as his gaze fell on you. You took the liberty of placing most of your weight against Matthew, allowing him to remove both of you from the situation and towards a less crowded area. That was easy to find: with the sun having long set, most of the crowds cleared away from the promenade so there was plenty of space for you to collect yourself in peace. 
He didn’t pry into the situation, didn’t even make any smartass comments. Instead, he let you slip away from under the safety of his arm while you pace around a small area, trying to work off the anxiety as much as you could. You had to count your breaths, remind yourself to breathe in then out slowly. You were okay. You were far from that guy, and he couldn’t hurt you. At least, no more than he already did. Your wrist felt a bit sore, but you’d take that over anything worse. 
“You okay?” Matthew asked at last, tone careful. “I can go back there and pull him out, you know, get him to apologize.”
“No!” you said loudly, desperately, then cleared your throat and lowered your voice. “No, don’t go. Please. I just need a moment, that’s all. Just a little. Could you not leave? I’ll be fine in a moment. Just—just need to catch my breath—"
“Hey, hey—relax. It’s over. He can’t put a hand down on you now, or ever.” Matthew took a few steps closer to you as if apprehensive to approach you in the first place. You knew what you must’ve looked like: pale, still shaken by what happened. He held a hand towards you, palm up. “Can I touch you?” 
You looked from it to his face, then said, “don’t get any funny ideas,” but it lacked your usual punch. You took his hand though, letting yourself be drawn to him. Matthew smelled like the sea. You couldn’t help but wonder if maybe he’d gone down to the beach earlier to take a dip. You wished you did that rather than try and drink your frustration over missing out on a random guy. God, you could sleep right here if sleeping while standing was a thing. “I’m sorry for reacting the way I did before—with, uh—what did you call him?” 
Matthew chuckled, a low, deep chuckle. “Ron Jon.” 
“You’re awful, Tkachuk.”
“And you have a funny way of expressing gratitude.” 
He laughed louder. “I’m messing with you.” A pause, and then, “I’m sorry I rained on your parade earlier with the guy back then. If you really liked him…” He trailed off, as if to let you fill in the sentence for him.
You laughed weakly, waving a hand dismissively. “Thanks. Again. Seems like nowadays, I just keep having to thank you for one thing or the other.” 
You felt him shrug. “Fine by me. You keep adding to these favors you owe me.” 
“It’s only one. Well. Two if you want to be a dick and count this one too.” 
You took a step back, detaching yourself from him to run both hands through your hair. You felt exhausted, drained of energy yet relieved. Who would’ve thought you’d be pleased to see Matthew pull another one of his appearing out of the blue acts?
“You give me no other choice but to be one,” he joked. “Come on, let’s go back to the hotel. Everyone’s wondering where you were, so you kind of lost your right to vote on dinner for tonight.” 
You sighed heavily. “Let me guess: you all ganged up on me in my absence and settled on lobster?” 
Matthew grinned. “Can’t vacation in a seaside town and skip out on that.” 
“Ugh. Sea critters.” You pulled a face, drawing yet another laugh from Matthew. It made you feel oddly accomplished but you cut that train of thought there, forcing it to derail elsewhere, to place more familiar to you, more comfortable. “Matthew, I mean it when I said thank you. That was—it was scary,” you admitted as the two of you started walking back towards the hotel. You pulled your wrist into your hand, rubbing at the skin gently. Focused on the road ahead, you missed Matthew frowning down at the gesture. “I don’t know how that happened. It’s just—it’s not my thing to do. Go out alone, especially in a place like that. Good instincts by the way,” you tried to joke but it fell flat.
“Don’t mention it,” he said, voice tight. “I don’t want to think about it again if I can help it.” 
You cast a confused stare in his direction but by then, it was his turn to look ahead, a frown marring his features. You didn’t push any further though. 
Later that night, after you and Anna decided to call it a day and switch off the lights, you lay in bed glancing a look up at the ceiling above. You didn’t think back on the evening’s events but rather, thought back to how a familiar small brown paper bag was taped to your room’s door before dinner. Anna had fixed you with a knowing stare as you plucked it off the door, tipping its contents into the palm of your hand. 
Then, you thought how during dinner, Matthew had claimed the seat next to yours and complimented the earrings you wore, remarking how awfully familiar they seemed though he could swear he didn’t know where from. For the first time, you had an inside joke to share with him and neither of you bothered to offer any clarifications to everyone else around the table as they tried to press for details. 
The Flames’ first game of the season was scheduled to take place in Las Vegas and with a few days left of vacation, you couldn’t skip on the opportunity to return to the city you were inexplicably fond of, as well as watching your brother play on the third line. The night promised to be unforgettable, and you wouldn’t miss it for the world. Although there were plenty of things to keep you busy throughout the day, your eyes would occasionally wander down to your watch, counting down the hours until the start of the game. It seemed like most of the city was doing the same.
Often, you’d spot handfuls of people donning Knights jerseys and occasionally, there would be a few Flames fans wandering the streets and locales. You’d only spotted one person wearing your brother’s jersey but that was more than enough for you – he was a fairly new face in the professional league, but he certainly pulled his weight during every shift he had on ice whenever given the opportunity. Luckily, you managed to take a quick photo of their back before they disappeared into the crowds, sending it to your brother along with a thumbs-up emoji. 
He didn’t respond immediately, nor did you expect him to. You could only imagine how quickly he racked up pre-game nerves and he had a pretty strict routine, which included avoiding his phone until after the game. You couldn’t really make sense of superstitions even if each member of your family who played, whether professionally or otherwise, had their own. Naturally, you were surprised when your phone pinged, indicating a new message almost half an hour later. Except, it wasn’t quite who you were expecting.
Matthew is that your way of saying good luck?
You frowned, but all it took was a little more attention on your part to notice you hadn’t sent the message to your brother but rather, to Matthew. Lately, he was one of your top contacts for frequent messaging.
You wrong number
You good luck to you too though, i guess :/ 
Matthew busy?
You don’t you have practice to get to?
Matthew [attachment: photo of an ice rink where a few players were captured in motion]
Matthew [attachment: photo of his skates, taken from the players’ bench]
Matthew on break, where are you?
You hanging around
Matthew what are you wearing? 
You [emoji: middle finger] 
Matthew ice cold
Matthew nice, i can handle ice cold
You then go handle ice cold so you don’t get handled tonight
Matthew wish me luck too
You i already did
Matthew i need it twice, it’s my superstition 
You that’s a bullshit superstition
Matthew if we lose tonight, it’s on you
You [emoji: angry face]
You good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matthew :) 
You dropped your phone on the table with a low groan, slouching in your chair. From across the table, Anna shot you a confused stare which quickly morphed into understanding when you rolled your eyes, shooting your phone a look of frustration as if the device itself was to blame. 
“Anything interesting?” she asked in a singsong tone. 
“If you count Matthew being his usual self interesting, then that’s what’s up. Otherwise, nothing new.”
“By his usual self, do you mean engaging? Funny? Witty? So good with his words that he yet again takes your attention and keeps it while the rest of us, mere mortals, struggle to do that for longer than a few minutes tops?” 
You arched an eyebrow, somewhat amused. “All that – just empty words.” 
Anna leaned back in her seat, taking her glass with her while twirling the straw, looking ahead somewhat thoughtfully. “You know what the two of you remind me of? Those two kids in the playground who think love can only be expressed through pulling hair and making snide remarks.” 
“First of all, that’s a shitty way of trying to get someone to realize you have feelings for them and second of all, love is a pretty big word. You managing to carry it okay?” 
“Okay, maybe not love. But like? It has to be like. Say what you want to say but it looks different from the outside.” 
“Okay, you keep staying out there and let me know what you’re seeing. I like your imagination. Very vivid,” you commented but there was no bite to your words and Anna threw her head back with laughter. 
You didn’t think much of your exchange with Matthew throughout the rest of the day, nor did you try to linger too long on Anna’s interpretation of your relationship with Matthew. You let it wash over you, knowing it’d give her too much satisfaction if you fretted too much over it and anyway, many of your thoughts seemed to fly towards the evening’s game. 
By the time the two of you made your way to the arena, however, you moved from anxiety to excitement within the space of mere moments, apparently. Even if this wasn’t your first rodeo and you’d been to countless games before, there was nothing quite like the thrill of an opening game. You and Anna had spaces reserved in the upper stands along with other family members and significant others but both of you chose to watch the warm-ups close-up, so you hung around by the glass at ice level. 
The Vegas Knights and the Flames stepped on the ice to a combination of cheers and the thump of a loud electronic mix. You spotted your brother almost instantly. He did a quick lap around the team’s half of the ice before pulling a puck towards him with his stick, sliding it this way and that before shooting it over towards the net. Once sufficiently warmed up, he cast a searching look around the rink and you quickly waved both arms up in the air to try and get his attention. You knew he’d spotted you, but he made an entire show out of looking over you until you smacked a hand against the panel. You knew the sound wouldn’t be heard over the general noise of the arena, but he still laughed. When he skated over, you held your phone up, giving it a quick shake and mouthing “selfie?”. 
He flashed a thumbs up and you quickly turned around to take the photo, but it wasn’t until you inspected it afterwards that you noticed you were photobombed by Matthew himself. You had every intention to look up from the screen and somehow try and get his attention only to glare at him, but he was a step ahead. You almost jumped out of your skin when you noticed Matthew standing right there by the glass, smirking at you.
“Asshole,” you mouthed, not daring to voice it out given you were surrounded by kids.
Matthew winked, skated to collect a stray puck then threw it up over the boards towards one of the kids standing right next to you. The kid was clearly thrilled by the gesture, bouncing up and down with the puck held over his head as if it were a trophy. You couldn’t help it: your heart melted at the sight, so you simply nodded once at Matthew, apparently just in time as the warm-up countdown reached zero.
You weren’t surprised the home team were putting on such a show for the opening night. There was a little bit of Vegas in every opening act: from the fireworks set off outside the arena to the showgirls and mind-blowing animations projected down on the ice, it felt more of a Stanley Cup playoff game than the start of a regular season game. This was Vegas and no one did it quite like Vegas did, you had to give that to them. 
Both teams were almost evenly balanced throughout the first period but stepping out of intermissions and into the second, the Flames started powering ahead. It was as if something had clicked together even better and they functioned as a well-oiled machine, both in offence and defense. By the end of that period, they were leading the Knights 3-2 and you were more than elated your brother had earned himself an assist. Like all games, tensions formed quickly, and the third period saw both teams play aggressively. On several occasions, you caught sight of players clearly chirping each other even while heading towards their respective benches after the end of a shift. Once, Matthew seemed to be involved in a seemingly endless yelling match with a player on the opposing team. There were more checks against the panels, an impressive number of penalties drawn by both teams, and it felt as if the atmosphere was just tethering towards a fight.
It happened right after the Flames scored the fourth goal with just two minutes left of the game. 
The moment the puck was dropped at center ice, you watched as Matthew charged ahead towards one of the Knights players who didn’t hesitate to drop the gloves. Between them, Matthew had the faster instinct, and he landed the first punch, effectively forcing both players to fall to the ice while the referees scrambled to try and split them apart. They were there a moment too late, just mere seconds after you caught sight of knuckles scraping along Matthew’s mouth on the big screens above. At first, it seemed to be nothing more than a graze but once he was separated and made his way towards the Flames bench, you noticed several spots of blood on his jersey on the screens above that made you almost jump out of your seat.
Sure, this was a familiar sight, but it didn’t alleviate the sheer shock and restlessness. Whatever had happened between them must’ve been a pretty big deal to set Matthew off the way it did. There was no way of sugarcoating it: the fight was vicious. More than ever, you wanted the period countdown to reach zero so you could go down to the lockers. It wasn’t just a few nagging feelings towards Matthew that led you to react the way you did. He was a friend, after all, so worrying for him was simply natural. An expected way of responding to a situation like that. 
“He had it worse before, remember?” Anna reminded you as you followed the small stream of relatives and friends down towards the players’ rooms.
“Still looked pretty bad to me,” you responded, briefly pulling your lower lip between your teeth. Before she could continue being the voice of reason, you added in a light tone, “I just want to see if he had any teeth knocked out of his mouth this time around.”
It took some time before the players filed out and as you watched them come out one by one, you almost wished you saved this for somewhere less…well, public. Sure, you were just a friend checking on a friend, but you wished you could do that without an audience. 
Your brother emerged first, beaming, no doubt pleased with the win, and you hugged him tightly, easily sharing his joy. 
“He’s just getting ready to come out now,” he informed you, heading nodding back towards the locker.
You blinked. “What? Oh—no, I’m just. I was waiting for you to say congratulations. What are you even talking about,” you mumbled but inevitably, your eyes were drawn towards the locker room as the door swung open and Matthew stepped out.
His hair was still damp but already curling again. He was dressed in the same suit he probably arrived in, a simple light grey number that fit him perfectly. He had his backpack on also and in one hand, he carried an apparently ice-cold bottle of water while the other was pressing an ice pack to the corner of his mouth. When you made eye contact, he frowned lightly and for a moment, seemed almost hesitant to approach you. This time, you were a step ahead and cornered him before he decided to walk away.
You nodded your head once, indicating in his general direction. “What? You’re trying to add to the family’s hefty dentist bill by getting a few teeth knocked out already?”
Matthew shrugged. “It’s not hockey without a few scraps now and then.”
“For a guy who got a goal and an assist, you sure don’t look too pleased with that.” 
At that comment, Matthew’s expression shifted, lightening up considerably. “Are you keeping track of my stats now?”
“What? No, Tkachuk. I was doing what everyone else in that arena was doing: paying attention generally speaking.” 
Suddenly, his entire face scrunched up in pain and he almost doubled over as he groaned. Instinctively, you reached out for him, eyes widening a little when bending down a little to try and look at his face. 
“Oh my god—Matthew. Are you okay? Do you need me to get a medic to check—” 
You frowned as soon as you felt his shoulders tremble under your touch. Slowly, it dawned on you he was laughing. Laughing. You slapped his shoulder lightly, the gesture more a tap than anything else and you started walking down the corridor quickly, trying to catch up with everyone else as they filed out of the arena. 
“Hey, hey, wait, Y/N! Come on, don’t be mad,” he called out after you and you heard him jog to catch up with you. When he did, he took a couple more steps ahead then stepped in your path, walking backwards to match your pace. “I was only messing around. I couldn’t not do that. You should’ve seen your face, honestly.” 
“My face? Hope you’ve seen yours. I’m not mad. Me being mad would basically mean you managed to get to me which you really didn’t, so don’t give yourself any credit, Tkachuk,” you responded. “You just reminded me you’re still a dick so thanks for that.” 
“Give me a free pass. I’m injured.” 
“If you’re searching for sympathy, you’re looking for it in the wrong place,” you informed him, side stepping him so that he resumed walking at your side instead. After a few moments of silence, you conceded with a sigh. “Seriously speaking. How’s your mouth?”
“Don’t think I’ll need fillers, let’s just say.” He removed his hand from his mouth, and you looked over. 
Thankfully, it seemed that putting ice on it quickly was paying off. The area was somewhat red, but no significant damage seemed to be visible to the untrained eye. He was certainly miles better than he was just months ago. 
“Looks okay, I guess,” you shrugged. “What happened? Honestly, it looked pretty intense from the outside.” 
Matthew didn’t respond and you didn’t press him for details even after you stepped out into the balmy Vegas night. If he chose to not share with you, then you guessed it must’ve been either pretty personal or pretty stupid. You leaned more towards the former. You didn’t even complain when he followed you to the car you hired, claiming the passenger seat. Before you also stepped inside, a message pinged in from Anna informed you she had taken off with Johnny for dinner but promised to be back in the room in a few to catch up.
You didn’t start the engine when you fixed your seatbelt and instead, leaned your head back against the rest, watching a few other vehicles pull out of the car park. In his seat, Matthew was looking out of the window to his left, heading resting against a loosely formed fist propped up against the door. 
“He was talking shit about you,” he said at last, but didn’t turn to you when he spoke. 
“Who was?” 
“The guy on the other team. He made a comment about you towards your brother at the end of the shift. Something about… I don’t know, something crude, vulgar. Don’t really remember it.” 
You didn’t quite believe him on the last part, but you allowed it anyway. “Okay… Well, I don’t know the guy anyway, so it didn’t matter, Matthew. You should have let it slip by or left my brother to deal with it.” Then, out of curiosity, you asked, “why didn’t you?”
More silence. Occasionally, the muffled sound of a passing car would cut through it but it, too, would be gone in seconds.
“Because I couldn’t.”
You pursed your lips and your fingers clenched then unclenched in your lap. You placed your hands on the steering wheel, then dropped them away before settling them back on it after starting the engine. 
“Thanks, I guess. You just keep making me owe you favors.”
“You don’t owe me—”
“So, I’ll clear that now with dinner. Just please don’t tell me you’re going to need to be on a smoothie diet. I’ll feel bad eating something really good while you’re there with a strawberry and banana drink. Not that I’d stop eating though, just so you know. But it’s the thought that counts,” you said and finally, finally he chuckled quietly. 
“No smoothie diets this time.”
You sighed dramatically. “Maybe no smoothie diets ever?”
Matthew shrugged. He was still not meeting your eyes but that was okay. “Can’t promise that. Kind of comes with the job. Just in case though, I like the sweeter stuff more. Triple chocolate, Oreo pieces, peanut butter.” 
“Thanks, Matthew. I’ll file that under information I don’t care to know about.” 
“I’m injured. Show some sympathy,” he demanded without heat, finally turning to you. 
You cooed then reached out with one of your hands to pat his cheek lightly. “Aw, really searching for it in the wrong place.”
“I’ll make do with what I can get,” he allowed, and you could swear he leaned into your touch, but you tore your hand away before either of you got too comfortable. 
Matthew called in his favor after a few of his teammates agreed where to host their Halloween party. 
“Kind of sounds like you’re the one asking for a favor,” you commented, planting yourself at your kitchen table while securing the phone between your ear and shoulder.
Matthew sighed on the other end. “Sort of. Who does a themed Halloween party anyway? The theme itself is Halloween.” 
“You’re not wrong about that. Could be fun though, a bit more unique. So, what’s the theme for this year?” 
“Couple outfits,” Matthew replied without hesitation. 
You stilled and were grateful he wasn’t in the same room as you. It took you a great deal more energy over the course of the past few months to convince yourself that Matthew didn’t attract you in one way or another. His looks aside, it was rare you came across someone who could easily keep up with your snide remarks and the more you got to know him, the more you realized that there was more to Matthew than just being a typical athlete with his share of well-deserved fame. He was funny, dedicated and undoubtedly, caring. You had some first-hand experience with the latter. After all, he didn’t owe you anything to make him obligated to jump into whatever weird situation you found yourself in.
You warmed to him little by little. If you found him attractive, well that was for you alone to know though it made everything just that more difficult. Thankfully, Matthew seemed pretty oblivious to it or at least, he was doing a good job at pretending he didn’t catch you staring at him on several occasions or the few times you took a discrete step back if it felt like you were too close to him. Knowing he was asking you to go together as a couple (pretend couple, you corrected yourself) only added to the difficulty of coming to terms with your…crush. 
Puppy love, you assured yourself. It’ll go as quickly as it came. 
“Sorry, still here. Guess it sucks another year will go by without the opportunity to bring out your Fortnite costume.”
“Oh, come on. I wouldn’t dress like a game character!”
“Matthew,” you warned.
There was a pause, then, “okay, fine. Maybe I would. So, can you come?” 
You shrugged, then remembered he couldn’t see it. “I owe it to you, don’t I?”
“Great! Hey, choose something good for us. There’s going to be a prize for best dressed and I have my eyes on it.”
“I think we can both agree my creativity will not let us down. I’ll text you my idea. You just make sure you actually stick to it, so I don’t end up looking stupid.”
“Don’t worry,” he started, “I won’t dump you on Halloween.”
“Good to know I won’t end up traumatized and have my favorite holiday ruined,” you said, by way of goodbye.
“Hey, spin around for me once. You look good. Blonde’s not bad on you.” 
“No color’s bad on me,” you responded but refused to entertain Matthew by complying with his request. Instead, you rang the bell to Noah’s apartment after the door didn’t budge when Matthew tried the handle. 
“Come on, just a spin,” Matthew insisted, nudging his elbow into your own then pressed the doorbell himself once again – hard, as if that would make it ring louder.
“Only if you dance for me and do the entire Greased Lightning choreography without missing a step.” 
Matthew feigned a groan and you shot him an amused look. Before you could even comment on that, the door opened, and Noah stood at the threshold. The ruckus from inside spilled out into the corridor and from what you could see beyond him, it was a full house of all sorts of characters. 
“Wow! Sandy and Danny! Finally, someone with really good taste,” Noah said by way of greeting and he looked towards you pointedly. 
You flashed him a grin. “Always a pleasure to exceed expectations,” you responded and stepped into his open arms, a clear invitation for an embrace that was shortly broken apart by Matthew.
“Hey, none of that man,” he said, pulling you back and easily holding most of your weight as you broke into a laugh that had you stumbling into his side. “I didn’t even get to tell her she’s the one that I want.” 
“Yeah, well, you better shape up ‘cause I need a man,” you responded, without missing a beat though you couldn’t help but replay his words in your mind. They sounded a lot like a broken record that you desperately wished to stop immediately before this…thing went way too far and spun out of control.  
You were both led towards a photo wall and if you had any nerves about striking good poses without at least some liquid courage first, all that vanished. To your surprise, Matthew easily took the lead initially, falling to his knees in front of you in an attempt to recreate the part where a smitten Danny fell before Sandy, completely and utterly overwhelmed by her presence. Despite it being difficult to control your laughter, you played along with ease. At first, you were simply grinning down at him but you couldn’t let all his in-character effort go to waste, so you turned, casting a glance down towards him over your shoulder. To your side, Noah’s flash was going off every few seconds as he tried to capture the two of you from the best angle, together with cheers of encouragement. For your second pose, you rested your arms on Matthew’s shoulders once he rose back to his full height and his hands held on to either side of your torso. Again, the flash went off and again, the two of you changed pose into something more casual: him, standing behind you with his palms on your hips while you place a hand on his face, grinning at the camera. The flash went off again and he whooped loudly.
“I’m never inviting both of you to a party with this theme again,” Noah muttered, feigning disgruntlement. “You can’t come into my home and kill it like that.” 
“Blame the one who came up with this idea in the first place,” Matthew defended, holding both hands up in the air in a gesture of innocence. 
It was true. The idea to dress as Danny and Sandy from Grease came to you fairly quickly. You knew the two were a popular go-to, but you enjoyed the movie greatly. Plus, it was a great opportunity for you to pull out a pair of red heels you invested a hefty sum of money into. And, well, admittedly there was something about Matthew that made you think he’d suit the role just fine. When you shared your idea with him, he was on board from the start without complaining or suggesting alternatives. You were grateful for that: when Matthew picked you up earlier, dressed in an all-black outfit, leather jacket and hair styled to rival John Travolta’s, you gave yourself a mental pat on your shoulder. If any photos would go up on the internet, you were pretty sure Instagram would be grateful to you. Certainly, you knew Chantal and Keith would get a kick out of it for sure.
“Guilty as charged,” you acknowledged. “I’m going to look for Anna. Catch you later.” You gave a wave to the both of them before making your way towards the hub of activity where couple costumes ranged from peanut butter and jelly to superheroes. 
She was fairly easy to locate, in part because she told you she and Johnny would dress as Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor. The red, blue and gold of her outfit were unmissable even in a sea of costumes. As soon as she spotted you approaching, she made a beeline and wrapped an arm around yours.
“Tell me you and Matthew will recreate the entire You’re the One That I Want scene,” she pleaded. “Please tell me that at some point this evening, you’ll tell us to clear the dancefloor so the two of you can have your moment.”
You rolled your eyes, dragging her along towards a table hosting drinks and small bites. “There’s no moment we’re going to be having.” 
“Because you don’t want to or because you want to so badly that you don’t know how to ask him? I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes.” 
“Neither,” you muttered but even you’d be able to hear the lack of conviction in your tone from a mile away. 
To take your mind off it, you poured yourself a glass of red wine, taking a tentative sip from it. Across the room, Matthew had deposited his black leather jacket away and started making rounds around the room. You took a longer sip from your wine and looked away. 
Anna fixed you with a knowing stare which you refused to acknowledge, but she knew you like the back of her hand. “It’s okay to say you like him, you know,” she advised, and you hated the soothing tone she tried to take when saying that. It felt more pitying than anything, as if you hadn’t already had your share of disappointments in love—or, relationships better said. 
“Who said anything about liking him? He’s not bad to look at I’ll admit, but that’s where it stops.” You frowned, looking out of the nearest nearby window that gave a broad view of the city below. “That’s where I want it to stop,” you admitted, this time quieter. 
You were well aware that you were occasionally trying to look for a narrative that was most convenient for late night thoughts when you had the peace and privacy to think of him as you wished. The reality couldn’t be more different, though, and you knew that. Matthew was helpful to you before because he was good friends with your brother and eventually, you realized that it was just part of his nature. Beyond being successful, beyond his fame and recognition, Matthew was kind and funny and respectful. It was just that you didn’t give him the chance to before and now that you got to know him better, you suddenly realized that…what? You’d like the first man who gives you a helping hand? If that were the case, you should’ve gotten the memo sooner: it would’ve been easier liking the tech guy from work who once debugged your laptop.
It wasn’t doing you any good to try and look for a ‘but’ in every situation: Matthew is helpful because he’s good friends with my brother but it’s not like that should force him to act as if we’re romantically involved not once or twice or thrice but now, four times. Regardless of how you looked at it, that reeked of desperation. You were in that weird period in your life where it felt as if everyone around you was in a relationship, so maybe that mood translated to you. 
That’s right, you settled. That’s what was possibly behind these thoughts of yours. You found Matthew attractive – and what? So did plenty of other people. You saw him surrounded by girls after practice, after matches, while out. What you felt was nothing special. It felt easier to think of it that way, even if for a few hours to truly enjoy the party without having that lurking at the back of your mind. 
You mingled easily, danced with Anna, danced with other players’ girlfriends and wives, danced with your brother, even attempted a few traditional Russian dances taught by Nikita, Artyom and a few of their friends, that left you breathless by their rapid pace and intricate footwork. 
“I’m done!” you declared, breathless and almost swaying on your feet when another Russian folk song came to an end but thankfully, you managed to hold steady before you could catch a ride on the hot mess express. “Absolutely wasted. Knocked out.” You stepped away, tired but euphoric and dropped rather unceremoniously on one of the available couches pushed against a wall. 
“Having fun?” Matthew asked and there was a light flush on his cheeks you knew wasn’t from dancing. There was even just a slight slur to his speech.
“The most,” you replied, breathless, and accepted the drink he held out to you. You took a sip without questioning him what was in the glass, only to find out for yourself he was settling for harder stuff tonight. “But never let it be said that anyone can keep up with Russians because let me tell you,” you whistled quietly, “we’re a couple of steps behind. Plenty of steps behind, actually.” 
Matthew flashed a lazy smile and you briefly spared a moment to envy him for how kept together he remained despite being evidently buzzed. “’s okay. At least we’re the better dressed ones so we lose in style.” 
You took another sip from his glass, holding it out to him with a smirk. “Tell me about it, stud,” you said in what you hoped was a low, alluring tone of voice but no sooner did you think that, and you were reduced to embarrassed laughter. “Forget about that! Forget it, forget it! Where’s the delete button?” 
“I didn’t come equipped with that,” he declared proudly, finishing off what was left of his drink. “C’mere, you can show me a couple of those steps you learned.” 
He stood, a little unsteadily initially then held a hand to you. You knew he wouldn’t have the strength to pull you up properly, so you stood easily fully intent to actually lead him through some of the steps. Except, Matthew was definitely swaying more than you thought he would. There was something inexplicably amusing about the situation and instead of directing him towards the center of the room, you steered him away from it and towards a small bathroom you were shown to earlier that night when you needed some time to re-touch your makeup. 
“Where’re we going?” he asked curiously, looking over his shoulder towards the living room with a look that could only be read as longing. 
“To cool down a little and then you can learn as many folk dances as you want. Believe me, you need to be alert for them. Can’t miss a step,” you advised, trying to steady him by wrapping an arm around him though the difference in weight between the two of you couldn’t compare. Still, you managed to get him into the bathroom safely without either of you making a mess of yourselves or the room. 
“Are you gonna cool down too?” he questioned. 
“Sure thing, definitely need it.” 
“Good, we’ll cool down together.” With that, he made a move to open the glass partition for the shower cubicle but thankfully, you were significantly more alert than he was and managed to prevent him from doing anything more than that.
“Not that sort of cool down. Here, sit here,” you encouraged, lowering the lid on the toilet so Matthew could drop down. You doubted you’d be able to hold much of his strength above the sink if you were to help him splash some cold water on his face.
“But I want that sort of cool down,” he slurred. “With you. Us two. You said you want to cool down too. Could be a couple activity.” He grinned, as if proud of himself. 
Thankfully, Matthew was buzzed enough to miss the flush on your face, the slight shake of your hand as you arranged a towel around his neck to prevent too much overspill before turning the tap on. 
“Can’t do that, Matthew. Here, this will be much better, I promise.” 
“Wanna try though,” he mumbled but was still compliant as you pressed a wet, cool palm against his forehead, then either of his cheeks. “Not cool enough.” His complaint was accompanied by a frown which only morphed into a lazy smirk when he leaned back, trying to pull you with him. “C’mon, Y/N. It’s a couple’s Halloween night.” 
“Matthew, we’re not a couple,” you said gently, pushing your palms against his shoulders in an attempt to free yourself from his hold. Before it was too late. Before you allowed yourself to get drawn into a drunk man’s ramblings. 
“But I wanna be. A couple, with you.” 
You put all your strength into breaking away from his hold and thankfully, managed to do so. Your heart was hammering in your chest as if desperately trying to release itself from the cage of your ribs. 
“Matthew, you’re drunk. Here, splash some cold water on your face so you can come back to your senses.” 
“But I’m not drunk,” he insisted and as if to demonstrate, he stood up quickly. He swayed on the spot, stretching out his arms a little and once he found his footing, he looked towards you with an expression that mixed pride with hopefulness. “See? Definitely okay—”
You frowned, feeling a little caged in. You should’ve left the door open at least. “Okay, then let’s go back out there, yeah? I can get an Uber and I’ll take you home if you prefer that?” 
“Yes,” he said, then leaned back against the door. “Only if you come with me.” 
You exhaled, suddenly tired as if the exchange was working every ounce of energy out of you. “I’ll come to make sure you’re okay and can make it to your bed okay.”
“I can though. I can definitely make it there even on my own and you know why? Because I’m not drunk,” Matthew insisted and when you shot him a look of disbelief, he peeled himself away from the door. “Look, look I can prove it to you I’m not drunk.” 
Before you could even ask him to walk a straight line without stumbling his steps, Matthew’s arm wrapped around your waist while his other hand pressed on the back of your head, bringing you closer until your lips met. Kissing Matthew was like everything you imagined and more. He even did that with the same passion with which he skated on ice, chasing puck after puck. It left you breathless how well he worked his lips against your own as if all along, he knew how to do that in such way that it’d leave your legs feeling like jelly. Beyond that though, it felt comfortable. Not forceful despite him having not asked if he could do it in the first place, yet it still felt right. You tasted sweetness on his mouth and the sharp tang of whiskey. Vaguely, you knew nothing else could compare. It was that thought that made you push away from him with as much force as you could muster, ducking under his arm and towards the door. 
“I’ll ask someone to take you home,” you said without even looking his way before leaving dashing out of the bathroom.
“You okay?” Anna asked you when you ran into her. Quite literally. 
“Uh—yeah. No, actually. I think I feel a bit unwell so I’m going to head home, okay?” 
You made a move to leave but her arm stopped you. “Hey. Are you sure you’re okay?” 
Above her shoulder, you saw Matthew emerge from the bathroom, a little dazzled, eyes searching the room. Before he could even spot you, you quickly freed yourself from her hold and nodded. “Will be. I’ll text you when I get home. Don’t rush back, okay? Tell Alex I said thanks for the invite.” 
You didn’t stumble a step in your heels as you jogged towards the door, making a swift exit before you attracted even more attention.
+ one.
Matthew left no calls and no messages, but that was fine. You didn’t spend time trying to build your expectations of anything like that happening because drunk words weren’t always sober thoughts. The event was just something you had to deal with and if you had to do it alone, then so be it. Reasonably speaking, you and Matthew went from nothing to friends and if you caught feelings along the way, then that was your mistake for letting yourself slip like that. You were left broken hearted once, you really didn’t want to go through that again especially over someone that wasn’t even really and truly yours to begin with.
So, the next morning, you woke up at a reasonably early hour despite the late night but felt energized enough to sweep through your apartment and collect the garments you tossed carelessly on your way to bed after arriving at home. You said a heartfelt goodbye to Sandy, apologizing that in this scenario, her and Danny didn’t end up driving off in a red convertible. After that, you showered and changed in a fresh set of clothes even if the day would most likely be spent indoors. It was a fitting conclusion to the Halloween weekend, and you could do with some downtime, really.
Anna must’ve stayed with Johnny because regardless of how much noise you made, she didn’t emerge from the room and after fixing a quick breakfast and brewing coffee to continued silence, you knew you were right. It didn’t bother you. You’d make full use of the couch and stretch out on it properly as you flicked through your Netflix account and for the sake of sticking to weekend morning traditions, you selected a lighthearted sitcom. You were halfway through the third episode when your doorbell rang. You could’ve sworn Anna had a spare key of her own unless she misplaced it or forgot it home. Not entirely out of question.
Except, it wasn’t Anna who greeted you when you opened the door.
“Oh.” You coughed lightly, crossing your arms then unfolding them, then leaning one against the doorway before dropping it to your side. “Hey—uh. Hey Tkachuk, isn’t it a bit early for you to be out and about? You were smashed the last time I saw you.” 
Matthew looked over your shoulder into the apartment, as if checking to see if you were alone. “Can I come in?” 
Defeated, you stepped to the side and cleared the way for him to step inside before pushing the door closed. Part of you wished you’d dressed up as if you were ready to head off somewhere. You weren’t quite ready nor willing to face whatever music Matthew had in mind for you. 
In the aftermath of the party, out of the flashiness of the costume, Matthew seemed to be perfectly clear-headed despite the state you’d left him in. The curls atop his head seemed soft despite the natural frizz and as he passed by, you caught a whiff of sharp cologne and fresh bodywash. 
“Is Anna here?”
“Are we playing twenty-one questions?” 
“Kind of sounds like it, though?” You laughed quietly, trying to lighten the mood. It was bad enough the weather outside was gloomy, autumn settling in full force. Now, you had to deal with a Matthew who looked as if he wasn’t sure he came to the right place. “Coffee?” you asked, already leading the way towards the kitchen. You heard him follow behind you just moments later. While you poured a full cup for him, he hovered by the table, making you frown at him. “What’s wrong with you? You need an invite to sit down and relax? Seriously, Matthew, you look like you should be in bed.” 
“You left last night without saying anything,” he said instead. 
“Uh—yeah. I was kind of tired and I wanted it to call it a night early so—”
“Was it because of what I said or what I did?” 
You almost dropped the coffee cup, but fortunately only startled enough for the liquid to slosh over the rim and down the back of your hand, causing you to hiss in pain. You cursed quietly and, in an instant, Matthew crossed over the room and took the cup from you, setting it down on the table before leading you towards the sink. As if used to this, he placed your hand under ice cold water and once the sharp pain numbed, you pushed his hand away, taking a step to the side in an attempt to put more distance between you. 
“It’s fine, I’ve got this,” you mumbled, holding your hand still under the jet for a few more seconds before closing it.
It was hardly worth the fuss, but it gave you a reason to make yourself busy with something other than freaking out. It couldn’t be that he remembered anything. It couldn’t be that he was standing in your kitchen, thinking that it was a good idea to just open up that subject when you were so ready to take a shovel to it and bury it six feet under. 
“Didn’t you get tired of it at all?” he tried again.
“Tired of what?”
“Of pretending. Of only acting like we’re together for one reason or the other—”
“Matthew, I asked you only once and you know why. I apologized then but if it helps you sleep better at night, I’ll apologize again for dragging you into my mess. I don’t know what the point is of this discussion—”
“The point,” he said, raising his voice but only to cut through your speech. “The point is that I’m tired of it. I’m tired of having to be by your side and pretend. It got to a stage where I don’t even know what’s real and what isn’t, and I feel as if the only time I’ll know that for sure will be when you find someone, so you no longer need to turn to me to pretend.” 
“Matthew, I’m not using you, if that’s what you’re thinking. You’re coming at me with this out of the blue and I don’t even understand what this is all about,” you argued, waving a hand between the two of you. 
Matthew clenched his jaw. You watched as he flexed it and his eyebrows furrowed. “Do you need me to spell it out for you again? I thought I was pretty straightforward about what I want last night.” 
“You were drunk last night, is what you were. You could hardly put a foot in front of the other.” 
“You know that’s not true,” he retorts, lifting his arms then dropping them back down to his sides. “I was sober enough to know damn well what I said and why I said it. If you want to keep pretending even now, even at this point, then you go ahead and do that but let me be clear with you again and you take what you want from it: I don’t want to pretend with you anymore. I want to be with you. You want to know what that feels like? It feels a lot like being so close to something you want, literally having that thing dangled right in front of you only to have it snatched just when you think it’s yours. Me kissing you last night? I’m sorry I forced it on you, I could’ve gone about doing it differently but I’m not sorry for what I feel. That was all me and not the alcohol. So, you take this and do what you want with it.”
You stared at him, disbelieving your ears. It wouldn’t surprise you if that was the case: you did wake up surprisingly refreshed even after an emotionally charged night, so for all you knew, you could be dreaming this. 
“Matthew, what are you—That’s, you’re kidding me with this right? You can’t. You can’t possibly think that.” 
“And why not?”
“Because it doesn’t make sense. Are you even hearing yourself talk?” 
“Why doesn’t it make sense? Want me to go about it differently? If you let me pull your hair, I’ll let you push me in the sandbox.” 
You were suffering from a strange, ill-timed case of déjà vu. Part of you wanted to laugh at the situation but the bigger part of you triumphed, thankfully. You released a breath you had been holding, bringing both hands up to cover your face, taking some moments to yourself. Or perhaps, you’d lost track of time because eventually, you heard Matthew sigh and felt his fingers wrap around each wrist though he didn’t put pressure to tug your hands down from your face.
“Sorry. I’m just—I’m not doing this the right way. I don’t want it to seem like I’m forcing my feelings on you and that you should accept them. If I misread us—you at any point, then fine. Just, we can drop it here and I’ll deal with it but—”
You shook your head slowly. “No, I just need a moment. Sorry. You really caught me by surprise. I didn’t… I thought everything you said last night…what you did… I thought that was just, well, just the alcohol. So, I did the best thing I knew to do and, uh, left.”
“Drunk words, sober thoughts,” he reminded you quietly and this time, you dropped your hands away from your face so you could look up at him. 
He was so handsome. Ridiculously handsome in his casual clothes. Briefly, you thought back to the time you first found safety in his arms and wondered if maybe… Well, why not. You closed the distance between the two of you, wrapping your arms around him, fingers clinging to the thick material of his hoodie while you faceplanted against his chest and breathed him in.
You liked Matthew. You liked Matthew so much that the admission overwhelmed you so much that you squeezed him to you, trying desperately to bring him closer. The gesture seemed to prompt him into action, and he returned the hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and then to the base of your throat once he’d lowered his head there. 
“Me too. I want to be with you too. Really be with you. No more of this pretend stuff,” you told him, your voice muffled against his body, but you knew he caught every word.
He chuckled, the sound low and deep, sending shivers down your spine. “We won Noah’s competition last night.”
“Bet he did it because of your long face,” you commented, unable to help yourself. “What did we win?” 
Matthew made a move to step back, but you clung to him, much to your embarrassment. It seemed as if your body acted out of sync with your mind, but who could blame it when Matthew stood right there, right before you. Turned out he only took a step back to lift you off your feet and instinctively, you wrapped your legs around his hips, arms resting loosely around his neck. You leaned in and pressed a fleeting kiss to his mouth as he stumbled away from the kitchen while you stole another kiss. And then, just because you could, a third. 
“A voucher to a seafood restaurant,” he informed you, breaking into a laugh when you groaned, throwing your head back in sheer frustration even if you had a strong feeling he was only messing with you.
“Remind me to never put so much effort if that’s what the stake are.” 
“Noted. Next time, I’ll tell you we could just stay home for Halloween and play by our rules. Outfits optional. Probably not recommended.” 
“That’s…really not what I said.” 
“I’m reading between the lines. See? We know each other so well.” 
You laughed as he carried you all the way into your room without even as much as breaking a sweat. That was definitely some food for thought at a later point.
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riddikulus-writings · 3 years
Take A Nap
A/N: So yeah. I have a long, in depth fic for these two that's chock full of secrets and fluff and Actual Backstory but for some reason all I can write is smut. This is part two to Escapades and takes place just after the police van rolled down that hill. Also, can someone let me know if that link I tried doesn’t work? I’m still new to writing on this blue hellsite
Word Count: 1734
Pairing: Rick Flag x Female Reader [Codename Nyx, after the Greek Goddess]
Warnings: Still not really any plot, sorry guys. The plot for this is hidden elsewhere. Vaginal fingering. Semi-public sex. Dirty talk. Rick still won't shut up but he really should, though, people are trying to sleep. Choking. Uh, nothing makes sense, really? Movie innacuracies due to the fact this is now a bigger vehicle than the hippie van they were cruising around in, but the same concept still applies. 
Apparently, the van was on fire. One by one they stepped from the wreckage, walking out into the road, weapons in hand. Nyx wished she could’ve taken a picture, because she was positive they probably looked pretty cool.
Disoriented. Possibly concust. But cool.
And suddenly, rolling to a stop, was the small dusty van they'd rode to town in. Abner was in the open slider door, waving them in. DuBois puffed out his chest, "Alright. To Jotunheim."
"Not yet," Rick stopped him, "There's something else we need to do first."
"Stop standing like you have an American Flag waving behind you and get in the fucking mini bus, Flag."
Nyx's voice shook him out of his reverie; he was the last one outside. He jogged to catch the bus before it began moving faster, piling in the door and sliding it shut behind him. His eyes immediately found Nyx, seated in the very back. Rick beelined for her through the others and took up the space on her right. Peacemaker called to him from a seat up, "So, where are we going, now?"
"The Mayor's mansion in town," Rick told him, "We need to get Harley."
"Oh, I miss her," Nyx mused quietly.
Oh yeah. Rick cringed to himself, remembering the three missions he, Nyx and Harley had been on before he’d requested to Waller that Harley be benched more often than not. The first had gone by fine, minimal issues. The second was better. No deaths, no infighting amongst the Squad. Nyx had loosened up around other people by then and banter even happened. And the third--
Ain’t it normally the gal makin’ heart eyes at the guy and not the other way around, Ricky?
He’d shaken his head and given Harley a stern glare for assuming things. Harley had simply given him her smuggest million dollar grin and continued about her own business and not his.
“Suicide Squad to Mr. Flag,” a hand was waving in his eyes, slowly coming into focus. It was Nyx’s hand, but Cleo’s heavily accented voice, “What’s the plan?”
Rick cleared his throat, looking among his teammates, “Peacemaker high up, across the street. Sniper for any possible danger. Cleo,” he pointed at her, “Abner and, uh… Sebastian… are around back. Take out any guards back there. DuBois scales the wall to the top, Nyx and I keep watch.”
“Question,” Nyx raised her hand up, “Why can’t we just walk in the front door?”
"That would give us away," Peacemaker told her blatantly, "Instant capture. Dumb idea."
"You're a dumb idea," she retorted, "Actually, a bad idea was bringing you along."
Whoa. Everyone's eyebrows shot up, "Nyx, what the fuck? No infighting. Knock it off," Rick's voice was low but firm with authority.
"He's-- he's got bad vibes about him," Nyx's words slurred, "I-I just don't like him."
"No one does," DuBois told her, patting the very quiet Peacemaker on the shoulder, "Everyone try to get some rest before we get to town. It's going to be a while."
The rest of the team hunkered down in their seats, leaning against their respective windows or leaning forward with their heads against the seat ahead of them. Cleo snuggled into Nanaue's side, and Peacemaker went as far as laying completely flat on his back, his thick splayed legs hanging in the aisle.
Rick reached over and tugged Nyx across the bench seat they were seated on, sliding her into his side, "What’s up between you and Peacemaker?" His voice was quiet, muffled against the hair at her temple.
She ducked away from him a little, tucking her head under his chin, "I've been with him a bit longer than you have. I just… can't explain it but I don't like him. He makes me uneasy."
Rick's thumb started rubbing circles in her hip, "So many trust issues."
"I have my reasonings," she yawned up at him, "Secret reasonings."
"Oh, I'm sure you do," he whispered, grabbing her chin with his free hand so he could look her in the eye. The dim moonlight through the window made her eyes seem almost black, "Extra secret reasonings, huh?"
Nyx leaned closer, staring at his mouth instead of his eyes, "Top secret."
Rick hummed in agreement and closed the gap, sealing his mouth over hers. He wasted no time dipping his tongue into her mouth, drinking in her moans before they could get too loud. He gently pushed on her, laying her down across the length of the seat. Rick followed her down, nestling himself between her legs. Nyx planted a foot on the seat beside Rick’s thigh as he hitched the other into the crook of his elbow, “Gonna be quiet?” he asked quietly, lightly peppering kisses down her neck. Sucking on her now-exposed collarbone.
She whined, a breathless whisper as she nodded desperately, trying to grind her hips against something. Rick moved back up, his free hand moving around her neck, “Quiet.”
He slowly lowered her leg, her boot softly hitting the floor. Rick sent a sidelong glance through the rest of the dark bus, and so far no one had moved from their previous positions. Thank God for that. What a sight they’d wake up to; Nyx spread over the only bench seat here, Rick looming over her, a hand around her throat. They’d either think he was trying to kill her, or get very uncomfortable very fast and ask him to stop.
Which, he wasn’t about to do whether someone woke up or not.
He turned his attention back to the panting woman beneath him, raising an eyebrow at the grin spread over her face. The more pressure he applied to her throat, the wider her lips spread. His right hand worked at the buttons of her black pants, “Filthy little thing,” he muttered, “There’s other people on this bus.” Rick snaked his hand down the front of her pants, stroking down her dripping sex, “All for me?”
“That is you,” she panted out, grabbing the back of his head to pull him down for another searing kiss. When he scooped his cum back up with two fingers and pushed them inside, Nyx bit his bottom lip so hard he was sure she’d drawn blood. He leaned into it, pushing his tongue on her mouth again as he worked his fingers and scissored her open.
“Quiet,” he admonished, again, pressing his free hand against her throat once more. He pinned her to the seat, squeezing his hand as tight as he’d let himself, “Gonna wake everyone up,” he breathed out, his nose brushing against hers.
Again, Nyx’s grin grew, her pearly teeth glowing in the shards of moonlight passing through the windows, “Good.”
Rick almost growled but couldn’t without fear of waking someone up. Instead he buried his face in her shoulder, “Fuckin’ filthy little thing,” he repeated, curling his fingers against that certain spongy spot he’d found that made her grind hard into the palm of his hand, “Gonna be a good girl and keep me in there?” She whined out a high pitched yes but otherwise stayed breathless, quiet pants crawling up her throat and Rick wanted nothing more than to shove his cock in her open mouth. He pulled up from her neck, almost sneering with the strain of trying to stay quiet as he worked his thumb up to the peak of her cunt, “Want you to cum all over my hand, sweetheart. Gonna do that for me? See if you can stay quiet.”
“Bastard,” was the whimper he got.
“That’s not very nice,” he told her, pressing his thumb hard on her clit. Her arm suddenly flew up to cover her face, Nyx burying her face in the crook of her elbow as Rick buried a third finger deep in her cunt, his thumb rubbing fast circles. He moved his hand from her throat, sliding it instead to her hip to hold her down as she bucked into his hand, “C’mon, almost there. I got you,” he muttered.
Her hips stuttered, low whines coming muffled by her elbow. She was choking his fingers and he had to remove one so he could keep them moving, working her through her orgasm. Rick’s hand got soaked suddenly and she went limp, her only movement coming from her chest that moved with rapid breaths, “Bitch.”
Rick tugged her arm from her face as he slid his hand from her pants, “What’s the matter, Nyx?”
“I--” she panted out, “hate being-- quiet.”
He flashed her a bright grin and tugged her pants back into place, giving her stomach a gentle pat, “You didn’t have to,” a quick peck on the lips, “But it would’ve been a bit awkward for the others. Especially when I wouldn’t stop.” Another whimper, and he raised an eyebrow at her, but simply stuck his fingers in his mouth.
“I’m going to sleep,” she whispered, dropping her hand off the side of the seat. Her knuckles brushed the floor. The other arm folded behind her head.
“I sure fuckin’ hope so,” DuBois grumbled from somewhere up front. “You two are disgusting.”
"No one told you to listen," Rick shot back, his whisper loud enough for DuBois to hear over Nyx's stifled giggles. Rick was grinning, though; thankfully Bloodsport couldn't see it.
"Someone needs to nap," Nyx murmured, a small smirk plastered over her mouth, "He sounds cranky."
“You ain't laying down there,” Rick suddenly tugged her back up to snuggle into his side, his arm draped over her shoulders as he scooted them both to the end of the seat, “Leanin’ or layin’?”
“Lay,” she yawned.
He turned and pressed his back to the window, head lolling to the side to lean on the seat. After some shuffling, she was between his legs, back to his chest. HIs arms wrapped around her, one leg from each of them on the seat and the other leg on the floor. They looked like they had the same boots on. Nyx nuzzled her head into his shoulder, “Y’smell nice…”
“I smell like jungle and sweat,” he chuckled, his laugh vibrating through her, “And blood. Go to sleep.”
And they both dozed off like that, just as they had several times before on Nyx’s couch. Their breathing evened, Nyx drooling a little onto Rick’s bicep. Rick shifted in his sleep and snugged her closer to his chest.
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fiddlepickdouglas · 4 years
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Viva Las Vegas, Pt. 1 - Ribbit
Summary: Sunset Curve Alive AU, Willex, THE meetcute of meetcutes. 2.1k
Edit: thank you so much @trevor-wilson-covington for the pretty edit!! I'm in love with it!
Alex drummed his fingers on the armrest of his seat in the van. The drive from Los Angeles to Vegas was just short of four hours, but it had been an early morning and it was going to be a long day. He was feeling the carsickness sit just under the threshold of dangerous and rolled down the window.
“Whoo! Twenty miles boys!” Luke called out as they passed a sign on the freeway, clapping Bobby on the shoulder from behind.
“Woohoo!” Bobby responded in excitement.
“Think you’re gonna make it, buddy?” Reggie looked over at Alex. Alex turned only a fraction of the way toward his friend and gave a half-hearted nod.
“Hey man, let us know if we gotta pull over,” Luke said.
He simply nodded. Next time he wasn’t going to sit in the back.
The other three were jamming to whatever Luke was riffing on his guitar. Bobby thankfully drove at a slower pace as they approached the final stretch toward their destination. The ache in his stomach didn’t get better, but it also didn’t get worse so he was banking on it calming down once they stopped.
“Hey, guys, we wanna stop somewhere and get breakfast first?” Bobby called out to the rest of them.
“Oh yeah!” Reggie said. “I think I could go for some pancakes.”
“Oh, pancakes sound real good right now.” Luke echoed.
“Alex?” Bobby peeked into the rearview mirror at him.
Looking up from the view outside, he just shrugged. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t sure he could handle food no matter what it was.
Eventually they pulled off the freeway and kept their eyes peeled for an open restaurant.
“I see pancakes!” Reggie cried, pointing at his target.
“They’ve got an arcade next door, I second that vote!” Bobby said.
As they parked and clambered out of the van, the boys stretched and shook their limbs. They entered the diner and found a booth, practically collapsing together on the table. Alex placed his face in his hands and tried taking in deep breaths to calm his stomach. A sudden voice was heard beside the table.
“Good morning starshines, the earth says hello! How are we doing today?” Sounded like a waiter. Alex felt rude, but didn’t bother to look up. He felt Luke nudge a menu under his elbow.
“Oh, we’re hungry!” Reggie responded.
“Awesome, guys,” the waiter said. “Anything I can get started for you?”
“We’ll go with water,” Luke spoke for everyone at the table. “And, sorry about him, he’s not feeling good.” Alex assumed this was about him and sighed.
“Okay, so water for everybody? Alright, I’ll just grab those for you while you prepare your orders.”
As the waiter left, Luke tapped Alex’s shoulder.
“How you doin’, Alex?”
“Not blowing chunks, I guess,” he groaned.
“Hey, guys,” Bobby started saying. “How about we pick what we wanna eat, and then I want to check out the arcade while we wait for our food.”
“That’s a good idea,” Reggie said, perking up. “I hope they have Galaga.”
“I’m down,” Luke said. “Alex, you wanna wait here for us? You can give the guy our orders and then just chill.”
“Maybe that stomach will settle down,” Reggie added.
Alex lowered his hands and rested them on the table.
“Yeah,” he replied. “I need the space anyway. Thanks.”
“Cool,” Luke hopped up from his seat. “Uh, I’ll just do the buttermilk pancakes.”
“Make that two buttermilk pancakes!” Reggie said, holding up his fingers.
“Eggs and sausage,” Bobby told him. “And buttermilk pancakes.” He patted Alex on the back as the three of them ventured next door.
At least they were easy to remember. Alex looked around the restaurant as he kept breathing in and out slowly. He was the only person there. That was surprising for a diner just outside of Vegas around ten in the morning. He didn’t mind the quiet, though. Having all this space to himself was already helping him feel better.
A guy with long dark hair approached him with a tray carrying glasses of water. Alex gulped as he watched, his breath catching in his throat. He took in the tie-dye shirt, the ripped jeans, and puka shell necklace and guessed he was probably from California as well.
“Whoa, where’d they all go?” the waiter asked, smiling a little in confusion.
Alex blinked.
“They, uh, they went to the arcade,” he managed to get out. He couldn’t help it, this guy had a nice smile.
“Ah,” the guy raised his eyebrows and began placing the water on the table. “And they left you behind? That sucks.”
“I’m okay,” Alex said. “We’ve just been on the road for a bit and I got kinda carsick, so I needed some space anyway.”
“I’m sorry, man,” the waiter said. “Did they decide what to eat before they bailed?”
“Uh, yeah,” Alex shifted to face him better. “They all want buttermilk pancakes and then one guy also wants eggs and sausage.”
“Three buttermilks…” the guy muttered as he wrote them down. “Eggs and sausage. And do you know what you want?”
He looked directly into Alex’s eyes as he rested the tray under his arm and it took everything Alex had not to melt right there. Don’t look at his lips, he thought. He was pretty sure his eyes had betrayed him but he forced his gaze downward as a cover.
“I’m sorry,” he said, flustered. “I actually forgot to look at the menu.”
“Right, ‘cuz you were carsick, sorry” the waiter chuckled, running a hand through his hair. Alex bit his tongue.
“I should probably get some food still,” he managed to say. “We’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
“Right on. I could recommend some toast - that’s always easy on the stomach. That comes with eggs, and I could add in some banana for you.”
“That actually sounds great,” Alex told him. “I’ll just do that, then.”
The waiter smiled and bit his lip.
“‘Kay!” He lifted the tray from under his arm and headed back toward the kitchen, doing a little skip before disappearing inside.
Alex felt his hands shaking and he sat on them for a minute. Looking around the empty diner, a thought occurred that somehow with just him and the waiter it had seemed full. The strange feeling crept all over him, like a new exhilarating energy, and he moved his hands back up. The waiter popped back out of the kitchen and came back toward Alex in a cavalier fashion.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked. “I don’t exactly have other people to help and I feel bad leaving you all by yourself in here.”
“Make yourself at home,” Alex said, gesturing to the seat across from him. Make yourself at home? What is that? he berated himself.
The guy extended a hand for him to shake. “I’m Willie, by the way.”
“Alex.” As he took it, Alex returned the firm grip he received and they both chuckled a bit at noticing each other’s strength. Willie sat down and immediately grabbed a napkin from the dispenser.
“So you said you and your friends have a long day ahead of you?” he asked.
“Oh right,” Alex couldn’t believe he had forgotten about the guys for a minute. “We’re a band, so we’ve got a gig opening for Julie Molina tonight.”
“Wicked,” Willie smiled and nodded, folding the napkin into something Alex wasn’t sure what it was supposed to be. “Who’s Julie Molina?”
“Oh, she’s just a good solo artist - does a little bit of everything. My buddy Luke is really into her.”
Willie nodded some more, continuing to fold the napkin.
“And who are you guys?”
“We’re Sunset Curve,” Alex said. “I’m the drummer.”
“Right on! You guys just becoming a thing?” Willie raised his eyebrows.
“I mean, I guess so,” Alex hadn’t exactly thought about it. “Opening for Julie is a big step for us.”
He watched Willie’s hands work until he finished. It turned out to be an origami frog.
“Ribbit,” Willie said, pressing on the top to make it look like it was moving. The napkin material didn’t exactly lend to bouncing up and down, which made them both giggle. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be distracting.”
“I don’t mind,” Alex said. “It’s entertaining.”
He realized how widely he was smiling and laughed to himself.
“What about you?” he asked.
Willie straightened his posture and ran a hand through his hair again. He flailed his arms and blew out his cheeks before holding one arm with the other and leaning on the table.
“Making it on my own for now. I just do whatever feels good, you know? Make a few bucks, get out and enjoy what I find. Don’t need a whole lot to be happy.”
Wow, Alex wanted that kind of chill. He picked up the origami frog.
“What do you do when you’re not here? Besides these, of course.”
Willie shrugged.
“Skate. Be free.” He smiled, but sighed heavily. Alex saw a distant look in his eyes, but knew now wasn’t a time to address it. “I see Vegas in all its glory. You should see the lights at night.”
“Won’t I see them tonight?”
Willie shook his head.
“Not the right way,” he told him. “Not at the right angle. I would show you, but you’ve got your gig and everything.”
Alex opened his mouth to reply, but a head stuck out of the kitchen door. A man with dark hair and chiseled features looked at Willie and all he did was glare authoritatively.
“I’m - coming,” Willie stammered, rising from his seat.
Alex realized his mouth was still open and he shut it, unhappily swallowing what he’d wanted to say.
“That was my boss,” Willie said, already in a hurry. “I’m sorry, I’ll be back when your food’s ready.” He rushed off and the diner felt empty and cold again.
As if on cue, Luke, Bobby and Reggie burst back through the door. Luke and Reggie were celebrating while Bobby seemed a little less enthusiastic.
“Dun-geon slay-er!” Reggie proclaimed in a mock deep voice. “Too bad we can’t stay longer and go for that tournament today; I would have whooped everyone.”
They all sat and immediately gulped down their waters. Bobby remained quiet.
“How was the arcade?” Alex asked.
“It was sweet,” Luke reported. “Bobby’s mad because Reggie mopped the floor with him.”
“The joystick wasn’t working right, it wasn’t a fair outcome,” Bobby defended.
“Oooohhh,” Reggie made a silly face and wiggled his fingers. “Bobby only loses when the game doesn’t work, ooohhh!”
Alex shook his head and laughed mildly. He only noticed then that his stomach had stopped bothering him completely. He hadn’t even felt it when he’d been talking with Willie. He finished his own water, and was happy not to feel anything as it went down. The origami frog was still on the table.
“Hey, Alex,” Reggie said, picking it up. “Did you make this?”
“Oh, no, Willie did,” he told him.
“Who’s Willie?” Luke asked.
Speak of the devil - the kitchen door opened and Willie came out carrying their plates.
“Alright, we got pancakes, pancakes, more pancakes,” he said, placing them where they belonged. He glanced at Alex quickly, but it was too quick to read. “Who had the eggs and sausage?”
“That was me,” Bobby said, raising his hand.
“Okay,” Willie passed it over to him. “And toast and eggs with a banana.” He smiled as he set it down before Alex. “And it looks like you all need more water, I’ll be right back!” He was gone too quickly again.
The change in his mood unsettled Alex, but maybe it was because Willie was working. As he saw Willie returning with the water pitcher he had an idea.
“Hey Luke,” he said. Luke turned to him expectantly as Willie silently poured water in their glasses.
“Where are we playing again?”
Luke looked confused. Willie was listening intently.
“The Pearl, why? How could you forget?”
“And what time do we play?”
“Eight o’ clock. You sure you’re feeling better?”
“Yeah. I was… I was just testing you, cuz sometimes you don’t remember.”
Luke looked around the table defensively.
Reggie shrugged. “He’s right. But you remembered this time!”
Alex felt bad about starting Luke in an argument as he listened to them continue, but he knew it would blow over quickly. He caught Willie looking back at him and nodding as he walked away. As he returned to his food, Bobby smirked at him and shook his head. Heat rose in his cheeks and he focused on his toast.
132 notes · View notes
wikiangela-fanfics · 3 years
"How long will you stay?" - Sambucky
Part 3 to "You should smile more"
This took a looong while to write lmao
And it turned into a fucking long fic too hahaha (8k words, wow)
Idk, I actually like this one 😊
and again, thank you SO SO SO much to @tasteslikestrawbebbies for beta-reading ♥♥♥ really wouldn't be able to post it without you haha
Part 1, Part 2
Enjoy ♥
Soon, they went out and Sam was relieved to not be alone with Bucky.. He still wanted him as close as possible, and he might have been walking way too close to him, their shoulders brushing. He desperately wanted to kiss Bucky, too. He really felt like he was getting addicted to those lips after just three kisses. He needed it. Fortunately, they were around people, so he was able to stop himself. He wasn’t that far gone yet.
They took a stroll around the neighbourhood, and went to the docks, meeting people everywhere. Bucky turned on his charm and everyone seemed to take to him. It seemed so natural, but at the same time it was bizarre. Sam was amazed. He’s known Bucky for a few years now, and he would never imagine him being so… charismatic. He knew stories about young Sergeant Barnes, from before he became the Winter Soldier, he heard how Bucky used to be. But to actually see it, it was odd. But also really nice, to get to see and know this side of him. He looked so… at peace. Sam has never seen him like that before he came to visit. It seemed that his little town might just be the place for Bucky to settle in. Sam found that he would really like that.
So yeah, people were nice, as Sam had told Bucky they were, and no one cared about his past or his metal arm. All that mattered was that Bucky was polite and friendly, and so fucking charming. Sam couldn’t stop staring at him, and he was pretty sure there was a soft smile on his face, and he wouldn’t be surprised if his eyes turned into freaking hearts. And people were smiling at him as if they could see it, which, yeah, he didn’t even bother trying to hide it.
Other than introducing Bucky to the people they were meeting, he took Bucky all around the town. He showed him all the places he used to hang out at, all the places that had some history and stories Sam could tell Bucky… and Bucky seemed to really enjoy listening to him. Of course he wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t tease Sam the whole time, but Sam had a nice time with him.
With that and everyone stopping them for a short conversation, which sometimes lasted so long Sam had to make up excuses for why they really had to go, it was already early afternoon when they were on their way back. They were walking, because nothing was actually that far, and it’s not like they were in a hurry. Sam actually really enjoyed just being in Bucky’s company.
“So how do you like the town?” Sam asked, glancing over at Bucky. And again he was struck by how gorgeous that man was. His hair was a bit messy from the wind, he was looking ahead, so Sam could only see his side profile, the sun illuminating it, making his perfect face look even better, somehow. His expression was calm and almost blissful.
“It’s great.” Bucky smiled, looking briefly at Sam. “I really like it here.” he added almost shyly. Which was a new look on him. “The town is beautiful, the people are nice… and spending time with you isn’t the worst.” his voice was quieter now, as if he didn’t really want to admit that. Sam chuckled and purposefully bumped his shoulder into Bucky’s.
“Thanks. You’re not a horrible company either.” he responded, earning a beautiful grin from Bucky. And then he tripped and almost fell, which made him realize that he’s been staring at Bucky non-stop for the past couple of minutes. He cleared his throat, averting his gaze and looking back at the road ahead. He hoped Bucky didn’t see him almost tripping, but he wasn’t looking at him anymore so he wouldn’t know what his expression was. “So you like it here.” Sam repeated Bucky’s words. Buck hummed in confirmation. “Then, uh, how long do you think you’ll stay?” he dared a small sideways glance at him.
“I promised-” Bucky started, but Sam interrupted him.
“No, I know, I know. I just mean.” he sighed, cursing himself for starting the topic. “Let’s say I wouldn’t want you to go. Wouldn’t tell you to leave.” because he’d never do that. He wanted Bucky around as long as possible. “How long do you think you’d wanna stay?” he was looking at his feet now. He didn’t see Bucky, who was quiet, so he was worried about what the answer might be. And then he had a ridiculous thought - what if Bucky didn’t want to be there at all and came just because he promised? Which was just insane, he had just told Sam he liked to be there.
“As long as you want me here.” Bucky replied finally. Sam looked at him again. Bucky seemed and sounded confident in his words. He was still looking ahead, but there was a fond smile on his lips. “However long that might be.” he turned his head and their eyes met. Sam couldn’t contain the wide, happy smile that he felt tugging at his lips. Bucky’s smile widened as well in response. He reached out and squeezed Sam’s hand for a second before letting go and looking ahead again. They fell into a comfortable silence.
It was what Bucky said before. The same words. But Sam knew they had different implications here. Despite there being just two sentences, there was much more said between them at that moment. Sam believed he understood Bucky perfectly, and if not, well, then he was an idiot with way too high hopes. But from what he got out of it, he knew that Bucky wanted to stay. He wanted to be there, maybe permanently. In this town, in Sam’s life. He was happy here, that much Sam could see just by looking at Buck. And if Sam never told him to go, he would just stay. Forever. And Sam was down with that. He would love that. He wanted Bucky around for the rest of his life… and that thought was scary. And it led to: oh my God, I think I love him. Which was even scarier. They kissed three times, they were going on a date, Bucky was making jokes and innuendos about them having sex, and yet Sam still wasn’t sure where they stood. Because nothing with Bucky was easy, and it never would be. But he was alright with that. They needed to talk, but they would get to that. Maybe by then Sam would stop freaking out about the fact that he’s in love with James Bucky Barnes, the guy he had sworn he didn’t wanna see after the whole thing with Karli and the Flag Smashers was over. Separate long vacations. Yeah, right. Now he never wanted them to be apart again. How that happened, he had no idea, but here they were.
He looked at Bucky again and smiled. He didn’t need to know how it happened, even if it was the most insane thing that could’ve happened to him, and that includes all the robots and aliens they fought, and even being snapped out of existence for five years. All he needed was Bucky, and he was sure now that he would always be there.
“Gotta find something to do, though.” Bucky broke the silence after a while. “Can’t go around the town and do nothing every day.”
“We have time to figure it out.” Sam said without thinking.
"We, huh?" Bucky smirked, glancing at Sam. When their eyes met, his smirk turned into a wide grin. We could be understood as yeah, me too, can’t save the world every day, but he did not mean it in that way, not entirely. He meant me too, but also, we’ll figure it out together because you’re staying with me and I love you. And he knew Bucky got that, maybe without that last part, that was just… it was like once he thought about it and realized it, he couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was repeating in his head and he felt like a giddy, lovesick teenager. He got it bad.
“Shut up.” Sam rolled his eyes, shoving Bucky lightly. He couldn’t help but grin back. His hand itched to grab Bucky’s, but he didn’t think they were there yet. So he kept his hands to himself, changing the topic and conversing with Bucky for the rest of the way.
They ended up going to the docks again and hanging out with some people there, and helping with some stuff. Bucky even ended up lending a hand with moving some heavy things. While Sam watched with a huge grin on his face, because Bucky was beautiful, and when he was in a t-shirt, showing off his strength, picking up such weights easily as if it was nothing… that was doing it for Sam.
And he knew he was being really obvious, as he was getting knowing looks and smirks from people around him, who have known him forever, but he didn’t care. He meant it when he said that those people were always welcoming and accepting. It was his favorite place in the world. And it just got even better, with Bucky staying for an indefinite period of time. He just couldn’t help smiling at the thought. And it was on his mind a lot.
“You’re really gone on that boy, huh?” said Mrs. Harris, one of his neighbors, who was sitting next to him at the moment. There was a fond smile on her face. “You’ve been swooning over him since he came here the first time.” she observed, obviously having seen them together before, probably when they were working on the boat.
Sam just blushed and rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t stop smiling. Then he chuckled lightly. “Yeah, I think I am.” he said with a sigh. If Bucky’s super hearing could pick it up from where he was, Sam didn’t care. He would be glad, actually, because that meant he didn’t have to say it to Bucky’s face, at least for now.
They talked some more, then Bucky joined them, and they just sat there for a while, chatting and hearing all the neighbors tell Bucky stories about the town. But then it got late. And they had a date.
“C’mon, old man.” he said, clapping Bucky on the leg, as he was getting up. Bucky just looked at him in confusion. “We have a thing, remember?”
“Right.” a wide smile showed up on his face. “Well, we gotta go. It was nice talking to you all.” Bucky said, as he also got up, smiling charmingly at their company.
As they were walking back, Sam could feel Bucky staring at him. He wasn’t gonna comment on that this time, remembering how he was the one staring at Bucky before, which he obviously had to notice.
“What?” he asked finally, as they were getting close to the house. Sam wanted to get cleaned up after the day and maybe look kinda nice, even if they were just going to the local bar for drinks and something to eat.
“You sure you wanna go on a date with me?” Bucky asked, a bit shyly. Sam looked at him with a frown. “Tonight?”
“Why wouldn’t I? You don’t wanna go? ‘Cause we don’t have to.” he added quickly, not wanting to seem pushy. Though, to be fair, Bucky did agree. Making inappropriate jokes that made Sam’s brain stop working while he was at it.
“Of course I wanna.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “I just mean, we spent the whole day together. I would get it if you were fed up with me.” he chuckled.
“I’m always fed up with you.” was Sam’s automatic response. “I just… you might be the most annoying person I’ve ever met, and yet I still wanna hang out with you.” he shrugged. Bucky just hummed in acknowledgment. “But we can just stay at home and watch a movie or something. If you want.” he added, thinking that maybe Bucky just didn’t wanna go out, since he clearly stated that he did want to go on a date. Which still sounded ridiculous. Sam and Bucky going on a date. Insane. But then again, so was them kissing and Sam being in love with Bucky.
“Sam.” he didn’t have to look to know that Bucky rolled his eyes. “I wanna do whatever you wanna do.” that was interesting, because Bucky explicitly said that they’re not gonna do what Sam wants to do tonight, not on the first date or whatever. But Sam wasn’t about to say that, he didn’t want to seem desperate. Although he had a feeling Bucky might know what he was thinking anyway. Thankfully, he didn’t say anything either, but there was a smirk on his face, when Sam glanced at him.
“Then we’re gonna go for a drink.” Sam decided. He was surprised to find that he was actually looking forward to that. To have some sense of normalcy after all he’s been through the last couple of years. Of course by normalcy he meant going out for drinks with a person he was attracted to and had feelings for. That person being Bucky was still a huge shock, but who was he to question it? The heart wants what it wants. And his traitorous heart apparently wanted Bucky.
“Okay.” Bucky said, bumping his shoulder into Sam’s. While doing that, the back of his hand touched Sam’s and he has never wanted to hold someone’s hand more. But before he could make up his mind on whether to go for it, they got to the house and Bucky went to take a shower after the day of walking everywhere and then helping out at the docks.
Around an hour later they were at the bar. They ordered their drinks and food and… they were sitting there in silence, opposite each other. But it wasn’t weird or uncomfortable, it never was between them. And before Sam realized it, they were having a staring contest, initiated by Bucky, who had an amused smirk on his face. Like always, Sam could not win with the master of staring, especially when the waitress brought them the drinks and snapped him out of it. He shook his head, chuckling.
“You’re impossible.” he said, but couldn’t contain a small, fond smile. Bucky just shrugged and took a sip of his drink. “Can I ask you a question?” he added, just to start any kind of conversation. And he was kind of genuinely curious.
“I think that’s usually what people do on dates. You know, talk.” Bucky answered, his voice low and quiet, but Sam heard him perfectly.
“Yeah, I know.” Sam rolled his eyes. “I was just wondering. If I hadn’t kissed you first…” he saw Bucky’s cheeks get pink and it was truly a sight to see. “Would you ever make a move?” he smiled smugly, as Bucky looked at the drink in his hands and licked his lips before answering. Oh wow, those lips. Suddenly Sam regretted going out because all he wanted to do was grab Bucky’s beautiful face and smash their lips together.
“If I was sure you felt the same way, yeah, probably.” Bucky shrugged, looking to the side now, his face red. It was so amazing how embarrassed he could get talking about feelings.
“So you like me?” that was a stupid question and Bucky’s look and raised eyebrow told him as much. But he asked anyway.
“You think if I didn’t, I’d still be here with you? On a date? Or that I would kiss you? Or, you know, want to stay here?”
“Yeah, okay, I know, dumb question.” Sam chuckled, taking a sip of his drink. “You know, a few weeks ago I never could’ve imagined we’d end up here.”
“No one could’ve.” Buck said. “I never thought that I’d even ever-” he cut himself off and chuckled nervously. “Nevermind.” he kept looking at the table.
“Buck.” Sam felt bold and took Bucky’s hand that was on the table. He didn’t give a fuck if people saw it, everyone in the town already knew he was in love with Bucky. And if it got out and the media found out… well, he also didn’t give a fuck. Not at the moment. He thought he knew what Bucky wanted to say, but he couldn’t be sure, so he just gave him a questioning look.
“It’s fine, I don’t wanna ruin the mood or whatever.” Bucky said, but didn’t pull his hand away.
“Okay, let’s change the subject then. But just so you know, you can talk to me about anything.” he added and Bucky just squeezed his hand and smiled. “Imma repeat myself again, but damn, your smile is gorgeous.” Sam added with a goddamn involuntary sigh, already feeling embarrassed at saying that. He should really get a grip, but Bucky’s smile was just doing things to him. At the sight, his pulse was quickening and his heart was doing backflips, and his lips were automatically forming into a smile too.
“If I knew all I had to do was smile to get you like this, I’d have done this ages ago.” Bucky laughed, relaxing again.
“Really?” Sam’s eyebrow raised. Bucky blushed again.
“I mean, I always knew you were, um, hot.” his face was now red, and it was at the same time beautiful and satisfyingly funny. “I didn’t like you very much, but, you know.” he shrugged. Sam was grinning now. “Oh, shut up.”
“I’m not saying anything.” he laughed. But he had to tease him a little bit. “Aw, you’ve had a crush on me for ages. That’s adorable, Bucky.”
“I didn’t say that.”
“You basically did.” Sam argued with a teasing smile.
“I didn’t use the word crush. Because that’s not true.”
“Do you even know what having a crush means?” Sam questioned.
“Yes, I know what it means.” Bucky’s tone sounded almost offended that Sam would even imply that he wasn’t up to date with all the slang and what-not. He knew that Bucky was behind on a lot of things, which was really understandable, of course, but still it was very amusing. “I can use the Internet. And I talk to people.”
“Really? You talk to people?” Sam’s eyes widened in mock-shock. “Who? You hang out with people young enough to know shit like that? Wow, and here I thought you only talked to me, or some old men. You know, closer to your old, old age.”
“And you say that I'm annoying.” Bucky rolled his eyes, probably already knowing that Sam was not gonna let that go. Although, truth be told, Bucky had some things he could tease Sam about, too. “But you gotta admit, despite my ‘old, old age’, I still got it.” he smirked. “I mean, I have you practically throwing yourself at me.”
“So your memory’s back now?” he decided to not acknowledge the comment about throwing himself at Bucky. It was kinda true, anyway, there was no arguing, and that fact just made him blush.
“Yeah, thanks to you. Forgot already? Maybe your memory needs some refreshing, too.” he felt Bucky’s foot bumping into his, almost like a kick, but lighter.
“Maybe it does.” Sam automatically licked his lips, earning a huge, smug grin from Bucky. His gaze focused on Bucky’s lips. “Yeah, that might just be the case.” he added a little distractedly, not able to stop staring, making Bucky’s smile widen. And there was another nudge to his foot under the table, which snapped him out of his daze. “Sergeant Barnes, are you trying to play footsie with me right now?” he asked with equal amounts of amusement and amazement.
“Oh, am I?” Bucky asked faux innocently, looking Sam straight in the eyes, as their feet were now basically tangled together. It was new and different, and completely unexpected, but not unenjoyable, especially seeing that amazing smile on Bucky’s face. “I’m pretty sure I just moved my foot, and you started assuming shit.” Bucky added, his tone teasing, while one of his legs basically wrapped itself around Sam’s calf. A thought crossed his mind that they were at the bar and the lack of any kind of tablecloth was making their legs visible to anyone who looked in their direction. At least it was dark. But honestly, he didn’t really care. He couldn’t, when all he could focus on was Bucky and his smirk and that mischievous glint in his eyes, and the fact that he was touching him. Sam’s skin felt like it was on fire, and Bucky looked like he was having the time of his life.
“You’re impossible.” Sam repeated with a soft laugh. Bucky just winked at him and took a sip of his drink. And the way Sam’s insides fluttered at the wink... He was just so gone on Bucky it was ridiculous. He was just glad they could still act normally, joke and tease each other, without any awkwardness, despite the very obvious tension in the air.
The rest of the evening remained in the same light, happy tone, they talked all the time, about a lot of different things, obviously adding some teasing, like they always do, and some flirting, too. They had some more to drink, which caused Sam to get quite tipsy, while Bucky seemed stone-cold sober. The damn super soldier metabolism. Sam didn’t really think about that when suggesting to get a drink.
So now here they were, walking back home, Sam constantly bumping into Bucky every couple of steps, which the old man found really amusing. To be honest, Sam figured that if he had two or three drinks more, he would be tripping over his feet. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case. Otherwise he would die from embarrassment. Well, he still might, because apparently tipsy Sam talked without any filters.
“So are you staying because you like it here or because I’m here?” Sam asked at some point and if he was sober he would freak out. Or, he wouldn’t let the words out of his mouth, because that was just… completely unnecessary. Additionally, he wrapped his hands around Bucky’s arm and basically clung to him, which he didn’t even realize at first. He was both too tipsy, and too comfortable with Bucky. Maybe the last part was a good thing, since they were trying to build something here, but he was aware that a big part of their whole relationship was teasing and making fun of each other, so he knew that he would probably be reminded of his clinginess at some point.
"What do you think?" Bucky answered, turning his head to look at Sam with amusement and a smirk.
“I think you just wanna be where I am.” he said, more sure and confident than he was about anything else. “And if I went back to DC, you’d go with me.”
“Do you wanna go back?”
“I mean, I’ll have to, eventually.” Sam shrugged with one arm. He was vaguely aware that he was really leaning on Bucky at that point, but he didn’t seem to mind. After all, he was super strong, so that probably wasn’t even fazing him. It occurred to him that Bucky must’ve been pretty comfortable with him too, if he didn’t mind him invading his personal space that much. “It’s better to be close if the people need Captain America.” he said with exaggerated pride. He knew it would be hard, and his doubts were still there, but he could do it. He had to. Plus, he wasn’t alone, he’d have Bucky with him, hopefully. “I have a place there. I’d probably get a job.” he added. He’d been thinking about it, and it made sense. He couldn’t just stay in Louisiana forever, as much as he’d like that. And he needed to make a living somehow. But that all was stuff to think about when he wasn’t intoxicated. Right now, it was Bucky who had all his focus. “So, you know, this is more like vacation. Which we deserved. And then we’re gonna go back to DC. Or Brooklyn, if you prefer that, that’s good enough for me.” He talked too much. He was tipsy and he kept talking and he was a bit afraid he would freak Bucky out with all his planning for the future. They were on one date, for God’s sake. He needed to chill. But then again, he was a bit drunk, so he didn’t care all that much at the moment.
“We, huh?” Bucky chuckled. “That’s presumptuous.”
“C’mon, like you’re not gonna follow me anywhere I go.” Sam rolled his eyes. He really felt super confident right now. That could end with him saying even more embarrassing things, but he’d leave freaking out for the morning.
“You might have a point.” Bucky somehow freed his arm from Sam’s grasp and put it around his arms, bringing him as close as he could while still walking. “If you want me, I’ll go wherever you want.” Sam felt a kiss on his forehead. Oh, so Bucky was gonna be sappy now? Well, maybe he figured since Sam was drunk, he would get away with saying shit like that without teasing later.
“Aw, that’s adorable.” Sam ginned. “Never would’ve guessed that you can be so cute.”
“I’m not cute, shut up.” Sam didn’t need to look at Bucky to know that he rolled his eyes, but his tone of voice was light and amused.
“You shut up.” he shoved Bucky lightly. “I had a nice time.” he added suddenly, changing the topic completely. “Tonight. With you.”
“Me too, Sam. Like I said earlier, you’re not the worst company. Or the worst date.” Buck responded, laughing when Sam elbowed him, with what was supposed to be his full strength, but clearly didn’t work. And just like that, they were back to bantering the rest of the way.
They barely stepped inside the house when Sam pulled Bucky in for a long, enthusiastic kiss. Honestly Sam thought about those lips the whole evening, and he just wanted to keep kissing Bucky for as long as he could. Which wasn’t very long apparently, because Bucky pulled away way too soon.
“It’s late. You should get some sleep.” he said and went towards the living room, leaving Sam in the hallway, a little confused. It wasn’t that late. And they could stay up, it wasn’t like they had work in the morning or anything. Wow, he realized that he really just wanted to stay up and make out with Bucky. Well, not only make out, but nothing more was going to happen, so he’d settle for kissing.
“What are you doing?” Sam asked as he followed the other man into the room.
“Going to sleep. What does it look like I’m doing?” Bucky glanced at Sam before reaching for the folded blanket.
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch, you know?” Sam said, leaning on the doorway, probably emboldened a bit by the alcohol. “Plenty of room in my bed.” Bucky looked back at him, a suggestive smirk forming on his face. “Don’t even- I mean sleep. Just sleep.” Sam hurried to add before Bucky could make a comment and remind him that it’s not happening. “Get that fucking smirk off your face before I change my mind.” that got a small chuckle out of Bucky.
“You sure?” he looked kinda nervous as he put the blanket down and turned fully towards Sam.
“Yes, I’m sure. Don't make it weird.” Sam rolled his eyes, walking over to Bucky, grabbing his hand, and leading him to his room. Before that, Bucky managed to grab his bag from the couch.
Once they changed and settled in bed, Sam basically laid on top of Bucky’s chest, their faces close.
“Uh, hi?” Bucky said with a confused smile.
“Hi.” Sam answered, grinning like an idiot, before capturing Bucky’s lips in his again.
Bucky immediately reciprocated, putting his metal hand on Sam’s back, and his flesh one on the back of his head. Sam put one of his hands on Bucky’s cheek, while the other he used to prop himself up. Feeling Bucky’s strong body underneath him was incredible and a bit frustrating, because he just wanted him even closer. His head was swimming, probably from the alcohol, but he chose to believe that at least part of it was because of Bucky’s kisses. It was getting more and more heated, with tongues and teeth, and Sam’s hand started to travel from Bucky’s face to his arms and chest… and that’s when Bucky broke the kiss with a groan. Sam was vaguely aware of making a disappointed sound too, as he chased after his lips.
“So that is why you wanted me in your bed.” Bucky said, licking his lips as he looked up at Sam. “Are you trying to get in my pants, Wilson?” he raised his brow.
“Maybe.” Sam smirked, going in for another kiss, but Bucky leaned away, as far as he could with Sam still on top of him. “Buck.” he basically whined, though he’d never admit that. He just wanted to keep kissing him, goddammit.
“Sam, you gotta go to sleep. You’re drunk and tired, and it’s late. There will be plenty of time for this later.” he said, his hands trailing up and down Sam’s sides. It felt nice.
“Fine.” Sam murmured, then rolled off Bucky, but cuddled up to him immediately. “But can I ask you something?”
“Were you serious? About, y’know, the first date thing?” he felt like he was drifting off already, as soon as he laid his head down on Bucky’s flesh shoulder. Well, Bucky was right, he was really tired, apparently.
“In this case, yes.” he answered.
“Care to elaborate?” Sam asked, not feeling satisfied with the answer. What the hell did that even mean?
“I mean, if we were, I don’t know, in my apartment or something, and not in the same house as your sister and nephews, and if you weren’t drunk… who knows how the night would end.” there was a hint of teasing in his voice.
“So. When we’re alone and sober…” Sam trailed off. “Okay. That can be arranged.” at that Bucky laughed, maybe a little too loud, which made Sam shush him.
“Wow, you’re unbelievable.” he kept chuckling. “Calm down, we’ve only gone on one date.”
“Hopefully there will be more.” Sam was basically half-asleep at that point, but still awake enough to keep the conversation going.
“Yeah.” Bucky kissed the top of his head. “Goodnight.”
“Night, Buck.”
When he woke up, Bucky was wrapped around him, still sleeping soundly and calmly. It seemed like he didn’t have nightmares that night, and Sam was really happy for him. Bucky actually confided in him that it happened more rarely when he was here. That was good. He still had a long way to go, but that was progress. Sam turned so that he was facing Bucky, and smiled widely, running his fingers through his hair. He could wake up like that every day.
But then he was reminded of the alcohol he consumed the previous night, because he really needed to take a leak. He didn’t wanna wake Bucky, so he carefully tried to slip out of his embrace. He mostly succeeded, with the other man startling just twice, either not waking up somehow, or just choosing to stay in bed and not acknowledge the world just yet. In any case, Sam was free to go to the bathroom.
When he was done, he planned to just go back to bed, but he saw his sister in the kitchen, and smelled the delicious coffee she was drinking.
“Hi.” he greeted her, going straight for the coffee pot.
“Morning.” Sarah grinned, leaning against the counter, as Sam reached for the mug and poured himself some of the coffee. “How was your date?” she asked, her tone clearly teasing.
“It was great. Could’ve ended a bit better, but well, besides that, it was awesome.” he shrugged, leaning against the counter opposite Sarah. He had no idea why he was saying this, it would make more sense if Bucky was there and he could tease him about it, but nevermind. He just woke up and was before his coffee.
“Oh, so it was a date? You just said that you were going out.” Sarah was clearly a bit surprised, but also amused. He did say that when he saw her briefly before going out, because why would she need to know more? But he also didn’t feel the need to hide anything, especially from his sister.
“Yeah, Bucky and I went on a date.” he rolled his eyes, but couldn’t contain a smile. It sounded ridiculous and unreal, but it happened. He was on a date with Bucky, and then they slept in one bed. Crazy. “So would you stop flirting with him?” he added, just a little bit annoyed.
“Excuse me? He’s the one flirting with me” she laughed.
“You’re encouraging him, though. And he’s just being a little shit, he’s not flirting.” well, Sam wasn’t really sure about that, but he was gonna put a stop to it anyway. Again, he was not jealous. Just a bit irritated.
“Oh, I get it, he’s trying to rile you up, huh?” Sarah was grinning now. “But I know that, Sam.” she gave him an exasperated look. “I’ve known that he had eyes only for you since I met him. And you’ve been pretty obvious, too.” she took a sip of her coffee.
“No, I wasn’t. That’s bullshit.” he said, sounding offended. Even though it was more than probable for Sarah to see right through him. She knew him really well, after all.
“Sam. It’s enough that you look at him and you get this dreamy look on your face, and you can’t stop smiling. You’re so smitten.” she chuckled. Sam couldn’t argue with that. “I’m happy that you two worked it out, though.” she added, more seriously now. “But if he breaks your heart, I will kill him.”
“I don’t doubt that.” he laughed. “He won’t, but thanks, I appreciate it.” Sam felt silly thinking that, because they just started dating, but he genuinely believed that this is something that’s gonna last. He believed that Bucky wouldn’t leave him, or break his heart or whatever. In Sam’s mind, there was literally no chance for that. Which was ridiculous. Their relationship was new and fresh, and what if something like that did happen? But then again, he’s known Bucky for much longer, they’ve been through a lot together, and they developed some kind of friendship that seemed to naturally evolve into something more. Suffice it to say, he wasn’t worried. But he didn’t need to think about that now. He should really just take it one day at a time before freaking Bucky out or something.
They were silent for a moment, just sipping their coffees, before Sarah spoke up again.
“I see that Bucky didn’t sleep on the couch.” Sam just hummed to let her know he was listening, as her statement didn’t require an answer. “But you said that the date could’ve been better. So what went wrong?” she asked, seeming half curious, half amused.
“Apparently, Bucky’s a damn gentleman.” he grumbled into his mug, earning a loud laugh from Sarah.
Just then the object of their conversation walked into the kitchen, and Sam’s lips immediately formed into a wide grin.
“Mornin’.” Bucky greeted them, a soft smile appearing on his face too, upon looking at Sam.
“Hey, Buck. How’d you sleep?” Sam asked.
“Surprisingly well.” he answered, his smile widening. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Nothing.” Sam answered, at the same time as Sarah said:
Sam gave her a death stare, while Bucky chuckled, his cheeks reddening. Before he could say anything, though, Sam asked: “Coffee?” already reaching for another mug.
Bucky looked amused, but it seemed that he let it go for now, accepting the coffee from Sam.
Soon after that, the boys came down for breakfast, which Sam had started on in the meantime.
Later, as they all sat at the table, eating breakfast and talking, Sam took a minute to just look at the rest of them. Bucky fit in so perfectly, everyone loved having him around. And he was so good with the boys, who were really excited whenever they got to spend time with him. As Sam was looking at Bucky intently listening to some story AJ was telling, while Cass tried to interject, and Sarah tried not to laugh but at the same time keep some sort of peace at the table, he knew that this was as close to perfection as it could get. This was his place and his family. He wouldn’t exchange it for anything. And as his gaze met Bucky’s, he was filled with so much affection and love, he felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest, and over to Bucky, probably. They smiled at each other and he knew that this, here, was the happiest he’s ever been.
It was about a week later when Bucky asked him out again. It was an agonizingly long week for Sam, with Bucky now sleeping in his bed, and them still not going further than some heated make-out sessions. Sam was pretty sure he was going to lose his mind if they kept this up. He loved just having Bucky around, and he loved that despite them getting romantically involved, their whole dynamic barely changed. But he was getting frustrated. So when Bucky suggested a second date, Sam eagerly agreed.
He couldn’t have expected what Bucky planned, though.
He found himself on his boat, just before sunset, a blanket spread on the deck, with a couple of pillows, and a picnic basket with some food and a bottle of wine. Sam was amazed.
“What the-” he cut off, looking from the prepared picnic to Bucky, and back at the boat. “I- uh, I had no idea you could be so, um, romantic.”
“Yeah, well.” Bucky rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “I wanted to do something nice. And maybe spend some time alone.” he shrugged, his cheeks reddening. “And the boat is fixed up now, so… I gotta admit tho, Sarah really helped with the food. It’s not much, but-” he shrugged again.
“It’s amazing.” Sam smiled, bringing Bucky closer and leaving a soft kiss on his lips. It wasn’t that late and there were still some people at the docks, but he didn’t really give a fuck. He wanted to kiss Bucky, and that’s what he was gonna do, no matter what others might say. Or what might get leaked to the press. He would worry about that later.
“Okay, let’s just get going, before the sun goes down. I’ve been told that sunsets are romantic or some shit.” Bucky’s whole face was red now, and he clearly tried to downplay his emotions and the fact that maybe he also thought that sunsets are romantic and wanted to look at one with Sam. It was adorable, and Sam just wanted to stay in that moment forever.
“Yeah, okay.” he just said, still grinning from ear to ear.
Soon enough, Bucky steered the boat out on the water, quite far from the docks, while Sam made comments about how he’d better not drown his family’s boat and since when could he steer a boat, anyway.
The sun was quite low when they both finally sat down on the blanket. Bucky poured them wine, because of course the guy brough fucking wine glasses on deck, and they just sat there, enjoying the snacks prepared by Sarah, and looking at the beautiful sunset. At some point Sam glanced at Bucky though, and he couldn’t look away. Bucky was so gorgeous, and in that moment it was even more accentuated by the relaxed look on his face and the light from the setting sun. He was more beautiful than the sunset. And Sam just… Sarah was right, he was smitten. He was so gone, there was no turning back.
“You’re staring.” Bucky said, his gaze still on the horizon, taking a sip of the wine.
“I like the view.” Sam responded, enjoying how Bucky’s cheeks immediately got pink again. “Besides, you’re always staring. I think I’m entitled to stare a bit too.”
“Sure.” Bucky chuckled, glancing at Sam. Then he leaned in to kiss him. This kiss was short, chaste and sweet, and it was just perfect for that moment.
Sam loved kissing Bucky. They managed to kiss quite a lot in the short time since they’ve started doing that, but still every time they did, he felt the same excitement as if he was kissing him for the first time. And that reminded him of how nervous and panicked he was, which seemed silly now, that he could just lean in at any moment, and it would most likely be reciprocated.
And he loved this whole date, it was so simple and peaceful, and it was just them. Bucky really seemed to know what Sam wanted, or maybe he just wanted the same things, but either way, it was nice. It was wonderful. And so surprising, Sam never would’ve thought Bucky could come up with something like this. Although… did he, really?
“So, this date.” Sam leaned back on his hands, looking at Bucky curiously. “You thought of it yourself or did Sarah help you with that, too?” he kept his tone jocular, to make sure Bucky knew that he wasn’t serious. He loved it anyway, no matter where the idea came from.
“I came up with it.” Buck admitted, looking away. He seemed kinda shy, which only made Sam smile fondly. “I just thought you might like it.” he grumbled.
“I love it, Buck.”
“Good.” he looked at Sam, giving him one of his most charming smiles. “For once you’re not gonna complain.”
“I never complain.”
“Whatever you wanna tell yourself.” Bucky rolled his eyes and Sam kicked his leg lightly.
“You’re lucky I like to spend time with you, ‘cause usually you’re annoying the shit outta me.” Sam laughed.
“I am lucky.” Bucky’s voice was quieter and softer this time. Sam was amazed at how they could go from teasing and joking to serious conversation and right back. It was crazy, but then again, so were they.
“You’re gonna be all sappy the whole date?” he asked because it was stronger than him. Honestly, he wouldn’t really mind that.
“I dunno. But if you have a problem with that, you can always leave and go home.” he gestured vaguely towards the docks, which were pretty far away now.
“We’re on a boat, Buck.” Sam rolled his eyes, but he knew Bucky and he knew what he was gonna say next. So he was just humoring him now.
“Can’t you swim?” he smirked.
Sam chuckled despite himself. It wasn’t even funny, and he predicted that was what was gonna come out of Bucky’s mouth. And he still couldn’t help a laugh. His feelings and infatuation with Bucky were progressing, way too quickly for his liking.
A while later, they found themselves laying down on the blanket and pillows, looking up at the dark sky and the stars. It was a beautiful, clear night, and the stars were almost as captivating as Bucky, but not quite, which is why Sam kept glancing at him once in a while. A couple of times he caught Bucky looking at him, too, which made him feel all giddy.
They were also talking and finishing the one and only bottle of wine that Bucky brought.
Then at some point Sam propped himself up to take a sip of his last glass, and never laid back down, instead leaning in and kissing Bucky. Soon enough, they were full-on making out, pressed against each other. When Sam felt Bucky’s hands roam over his body, one even landing on his ass, this time he pulled away, albeit reluctantly. Bucky groaned in disappointment, moving his kisses to Sam’s neck.
“Sam, what the hell?” he asked, his voice muffled by Sam’s skin.
“Uh, I really don’t want you to stop. But I have a question.” Sam said, panting a bit already. Bucky sighed with exasperation and pulled back to look at Sam and raised his eyebrow. “If I remember correctly, last time it was not being alone in the house and the alcohol. So I just need to know if you changed your mind or if you’re just being a tease right now.” he said that more seriously than he felt, but he wanted to know how he should approach the situation.
“That’s why there was only one bottle of wine, Sam.” the exasperation was still in Buck’s voice. “Enough to get you a small buzz, without getting drunk. And I figured wine would’ve been romantic or something.” he mumbled the last bit, reluctantly letting it slip. “And it’s not a first date.” he added louder, with a smirk on his face.
“Okay.” Sam licked his lips and took a deep breath. “So we agree what’s happening here, right? We’re gonna do the nasty?” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Just say have sex like a normal person.” Bucky rolled his eyes, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss again.
And finally, freaking finally, Bucky didn’t pull away when Sam’s hands slipped under his shirt. Even better, Bucky took it off and Sam could admire him in his full glory. He actually took a second to stop kissing and just look, because damn. He moved so now he was straddling his lap, and trailed his hands over Bucky’s chest and then down his arms, feeling the difference in the textures, and Bucky seemed a little bit nervous for a second, before Sam smiled and brought both his hands up to leave a kiss on each of them. He had no idea why but the metal arm was definitely doing it for him. Soon, that arm wrapped around his hips and brought him even closer to Bucky, if that was possible, and they kissed like that for what felt simultaneously long and too short. He briefly thought that it was so great that it was summer and the night was warm, but that thought disappeared as soon as Bucky flipped them over so that Sam was on his back, feeling the hard boards underneath, and Bucky started trailing kisses down his now bare chest. And he got lower and lower and lower… and Sam was losing his mind, this time in a good way. That was about to be the best night he’s had in a long while.
Later, laying on the pillows and the blanket that they were half wrapped up in, Sam felt blissful. Once again he couldn’t take his eyes off of the man beside him. He just… Bucky was the best thing that could’ve happened to him. He has grown so much over the past couple months, and Sam couldn’t have been more proud. He was an amazing person, with a big heart and this whole grumpy facade that hid a real softie. Sam loved their conversations and even, or especially, the bickering and teasing. He secretly loved Bucky’s sense of humor, too, even if it sucked and he was rarely funny. Plus, he was just gorgeous and Sam wanted to keep looking at him forever.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Bucky asked, his flesh hand tracing small patterns on Sam’s arm.
“Nothing.” he smiled, leaving a soft kiss on Bucky’s lips. It wasn’t really nothing. But he felt like it was too soon to say. Even if he was more sure of it than anything.
He was undoubtedly, completely, utterly in love.
Bucky raised his eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Just flashed him that gorgeous, soft smile, and Sam just melted, going in for another kiss, he just couldn’t resist. He hadn’t felt happier in years.
Yeah, he really loved Bucky.
45 notes · View notes
erinxneil · 4 years
22: “Sorry we are late, we were totally not having sex.”
Thank you so much for suggesting this @mortallythoughtfulgurl ! It made me super happy to see that you enjoyed my previous post enough to suggest a specific number! I plan to do all of the prompts on the list, however if there are any specific numbers that you’d like me to do sooner then simply send me a request and I will do so! These prompts are all from the list here.
TW: Mentions of Reid’s prior drug problem, mentions of family death.
Pairing: Spencer Reid X Reader
Summary: Spencer doesn’t quite understand the concept of being subtle.
>>>These are all basically one-shots! This doesn’t follow the story line as the last post that I made, however I may do a series soon :)
Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I smiled as I packed away my things. Not only had the team just solved another successful case.
I, myself had managed to save the victim, as I was able to talk down the unsub simply by using my words. I did this as I understood what the unsub was going through. While, of course, resorting to murder and becoming a serial killer isn’t exactly the first thing that I did after discovering that my sister had been murdered, although I was able to empathize with the killer and thus convince him that murdering a girl who bared resemblance to his kin would not revive her.
I felt my smile droop the faintest bit. While the victory of a successful case made me feel like rejoicing, this case had brought up poor memories. I shrugged them off and headed for the door.
“Hey, Y/N!” JJ called out. I turned around slowly, eyebrow perked in question. “You coming out tonight? We thought we’d head out for some drinks.”
I offered her a tight smile. “Not tonight, guys, sorry.”
Spencer coughed. “Yeah, me neither, I’m not really feeling it.”
Emily frowned. “Reid,  didn’t you just say that you we-”
He coughed again. “Yeah. Changed my mind. I’m not feeling well. Is that a problem, Emily?” Spencer cocked an eyebrow in challenge, as if trying to be intimidating. I chuckled a little. While Spencer could be intimidating as hell during cases, such as during interrogations, we all know that he would never do anything that could remotely harm us. However, his sass was welcomed and quite amusing.
I turned. “Well, goodnight, friends. See you tomorrow.” Before I could take even more than three steps, my name was called again.
“Wait, Y/N! You took an Uber here, right?” I blinked. Oh, right, I had completely forgotten about that. I had known we would be leaving the state for a few days for the case, and didn’t want to leave my car here. How did Reid remember that, yet I didn’t? Spencer disrupted my thoughts again. “Well- uh, I could give you a ride. If you’d like.” I quirked an eyebrow at how fidgety he was being.
“Alright, lover-boy, lead the way.” His cheeks tinged at the nickname. It was admittedly quite cute, however he quickly ducked his head and lead me to the car, shielding his face with his hair so that I would be unable to see his blush.
We drove in relative silence for a majority of the car ride. Although surprisingly, it wasn’t awkward. As the case hit me harder than I expected, I welcomed the silence, and was thankful that Spencer didn’t force any conversation between us.
“It’s just the left up ahead.” I muttered quietly. Reid bit the inside of his cheek, eyes remaining focused on the road ahead of him. I blinked as he drove completely past the turn. “Uh, you missed it.” I chuckled nervously.
“I’m not taking you home.”
I quirked an eyebrow. “Reid, I hope you don’t plan on kidnapping me. For a profiler, you should know that considering you were the one to give me a ride home, everyone at the BAU saw me get into your car, which would make you a prime suspect.” He smiled softly. “I’m not kidnapping you, Y/N, I just wanted to show you something.”
I furrowed my eyebrows but didn’t question him further until we pulled up on the top of a cliff.
“Woah.” I murmured, admiring the beautiful landscape before me. In the distance, snowy mountaintops scattered the planes, with ashy planes and various kinds of trees. It was the type of image that you would find as a laptop screen background, one that you never imagined you would see in person.
“Where are we?” I questioned. When I wasn’t met with an answer, I turned to glance at Spencer, who jumped in surprise at me looking at him. He blinked abruptly, as if being taken out of a trance.
“This is called Possum Point- or, at least, a crook of it. I come here often when I feel particularly struck by cases that we have.” I smiled. “It’s beautiful. However, I don’t really understand why you’re showing me this.”
Spencer unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, before moving to my door and opening it for me. He then sat on the hood of the car and patted the spot beside him with a grin. I sat, and raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Come on, Y/N, I’m a profiler, you can’t really suppose that I didn’t notice that you took this case personally?”
I shifted uncomfortably. “So what?”
Reid shrugged. “I just figured you’d want someone to talk to. Or at least, I wanted you to know that there’s someone available to listen, if you’re willing.” The corner of my lip tugged upwards. In the moonlight, the features of the man next to me seemed ever the more beautiful. He held direct eye-contact, something that was rare for Spencer, and therefore I knew how genuinely he wanted to comfort me. His delicate features were something I had never really taken notice of before. Before, he was simply Reid. The brainiac agent- sorry, Doctor- whom you happened to work beside. Now, not only did you acknowledge the beauty of his facial structure, you also understood that there was more to him than useless facts and magic tricks. He held compassion that he was willing to offer you.
“Y/N?” His soft voice broke me from my thoughts. In the process of admiring him, you had completely forgotten that he was speaking to you. You sighed.
“I just understand the pain and anger that Homer was feeling. I mean, obviously murder isn’t a reasonable reaction. However, I can understand being angry at the world and wanting to make others feel the pain that you do.” I frowned. “When my sister died, I was in a dark place, and often took out my anger on the people who cared about me, because I didn’t understand how they were allowed to continue living their lives being happy, while my sister wasn’t able to even continue living.”
Spencer wrapped an arm around my shoulder and gently rubbed my arm. “I can’t even imagine how that must have felt. I’m sorry that you had to go through that. Having people all around you but still feeling entirely alone...” His voice trailed off softly. This reminded you that he said he himself comes often when cases cut him too deeply.
“Spencer, what kinds of cases cause you to come out here to reflect?”
“Usually when we have cases focused on unsubs with a drug addiction.” Reid muttered. My eyebrows raised in surprise. I had heard office chatter of rumors of a drug addiction that Reid had battled alone a year or two prior to your arrival at the BAU, although you always took them with a grain of salt, as you hadn’t heard it straight from his mouth. However, it appears that now, you could confirm your suspicions.
You offered him a faint smile. “Well, if you ever need someone to talk to it about, or you’d simply like some company on this cliff as well, I’d be more than happy to abide. I feel much better than I did when we left the office.”
Reid met my smile with a grin. “Glad to be of service.”
The next day at work, I could tell that the dynamic between Spencer and I had been altered. Usually, we simply worked beside each other, sparing words of encouragement every now an then. However, after that night, we stole glances, smiled at each other, and often conversed on the jet. We eventually began having lunch together. Spencer would buy me coffee on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and I bought it for him on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. We knew each other's orders- I took mine black, while his required as much sugar was available.
Weeks went by, and we only drew closer.
“Alright everyone, remember, dinner tonight at Jose’s Diner! We’re celebrating the release of Rossi’s newest book!” JJ explained to the team as we prepared to leave for the day. “You are to arrive at 8 PM sharp, if you’re late you better have a really good excuse!”
I grinned at JJ’s scolding. While we all knew that she wouldn’t be able to do anything to us, she’s quite terrifying when she’s angry, so I doubted that anyone would dare to arrive a minute after 8:00. I began to head for the door when I was stopped by a nervous Spencer.
“Hey, Y/N, could I give you a ride home?” I grinned. “Of course, Spence.”
When we arrived, I glanced at him expectantly. “So, I suppose you had a reason for offering to drive me home, other than the obvious of course, of you simply enjoying my company.” I smiled coyly, and he scratched the back of his neck anxiously.
“Y/N,” he began slowly, “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that night on the cliff.” I blinked in surprise, but stayed silent, allowing him to continue. “You’re beautiful, inside and out. You’ve seen me for who I am and it’s like the more time I spend with you, the longer I want to. I’m not quite sure what this feeling is, or what to do about it, but-”
I cut off his rant by planting my lips on his, one hand on the side of his jaw. He froze at first, taken by surprise, however he quickly melted into the kiss and responded. Pulling away for a moment, he smirked, “So I suppose that you feel the same?”
I rolled my eyes in amusement. “Just shut up and kiss me.” I pulled him closer again by the collar of his shirt, and he returned with no protest.
I smoothed out my dress quickly and checked my makeup one last time in the car mirror before turning to Spencer with a smile. It was 8:24. “Alright, we lost track of time a little bit so we don’t have as much time to debrief as I’d like. Remember, just for now, we are keeping this to ourselves. We haven’t even necessarily discussed this between ourselves yet, therefore there is no reason to involve our coworkers right now. You happened to be giving me a ride when your car broke down. Understood?”
Spencer nodded. “Understood.”
“Are you sure?” “I’m sure. Completely understood.”
We walked into the building together and stood next to our coworkers table. All of their eyes lifted to us expectantly. I opened my mouth to give an explanation, however Spencer beat me to it.
“Sorry we are late. We were totally not having sex.”
I blinked. Reid blinked. Our coworkers blinked. The waitress blinked. The table beside us blinked. The clock on the wall blinked.
I sighed. “Well, so much for secrecy.”
350 notes · View notes
stusbunker · 4 years
AGA: Word to the Wise
A Supernatural Fan-fiction Denny AU Series
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Benny Lafitte, past Dean/Jo
Other characters: Sam, Bobby, Cas, Mick, Ash, Jo
Word Count: 3000 (whoa)
A/N: Sam gets on Dean’s nerves and Dean ends up taking a late night detour. Big talks ahead.
Special thanks to my beta @cracksinthewalls​ who puts up with my whiny ass. Also grateful for @there-must-be-a-lock​‘s insight.
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The bowling league was in lean attendance due to a surprise snowstorm, but that didn’t keep Singers’ Slingers from mopping the floor with their competition. Dean ended on a spare in the last game, putting him just over his average for the night. State bowling wasn’t until spring, but if they kept up their momentum Dean was sure they could place well. And a weekend away would be a welcome break from his usual exhaustion. 
Dean still owed Mick a rematch from last year’s trip. Mick drank him under the table and Dean didn’t want to lose two years running, he had a reputation to uphold afterall. Bartending had cut into his training time, among other things.
Ash was the first one to bow out for the night, knowing his side towing business would be busy with vehicles in ditches for however long the storm lasted. Cas bummed a ride with Mick, since his car had never done well in this weather and he was still dragging his feet on upgrading. Dean knew he had been hinting at shopping around, but Dean wasn’t going to push the topic and get dragged into helping or finagling with the salesman for the guy. Cas could figure it out on his own, and Dean was finally in a place where he felt comfortable letting him. Huh.
Sam had been quiet all night, but Dean hadn’t mentioned it, attributing the sour mood to post-break up blues. They bought Bobby his weekly drink, “team dues” as he called it and settled in along the bar. 
Dean kept the conversation going, trying to keep the mood light, but Bobby was too tired to ham it up and Sam was not amused by his brother’s antics. Once Bobby polished off his last beer and headed home to Ellen, Dean was rolling his eyes in exasperation.
“Fine, you know what, I’ll reel it in, don’t want to interrupt your sulking,” Dean muttered after another joke fell flat. Sam winced at Dean’s jab, which Dean instantly regretted. Though it did seem to shake Sam out of his funk, if minutely.
“So, tell me about Benny,” Sam brought up with elephantine grace.
Dean stared at Sam like he proclaimed he was quitting the law firm and joining the circus, coulrophobia and all. 
Sam huffed. “What?”
“Nice segue there, counselor,” Dean grumbled. “What about him? Hmm, you want a new bowling bag? Because that was already on my list for you for Christmas.”
“Dude, you don’t have to do that. I mean, that’d be great, but no, I was kind of wondering what your deal was? Like do you hang out a lot?” Sam started fishing.
“Yeah, totally, everynight,” Dean deadpanned. “I mean I only work two jobs when I’m not moving your sorry ass back into Mom and Dad’s.”
“That’s not what I meant,” Sam said, waiting to figure out where he was going with this line of questioning and just shot in the dark. 
“What I’m trying to say is, is this, like, a Cas thing?” Sam choked out, unable to put it any more delicately. 
Dean burned with shame as his hackles raised in defensiveness. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Sam cocked his head and pursed his lips, unamused and unimpressed. “You know what I mean, man. Don’t make me spell it out.”
Dean wouldn’t budge, he dropped his beer with a thud. “Well, you’re gonna have to, because I have no fuckin’ idea what you’re talking about.”
“Dude!” Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes.
“The fuck is your problem? You got something to say, just say it, Sam.” Dean fumed, daring him with a murderous glare. Sam inhaled pregnantly, face still inching towards bitch mode. Sam eyed the bartender who was trying not to listen and the late game bowlers who suddenly decided they could catch up lane side instead.
What Dean didn’t realize was that he needed Sam to say it. He yearned for it, for his truth to be spoken, and known without him having to say it himself.
“Look, I know this isn’t something we talk about. But, I just want to make sure you’re okay. Alright? In the beginning with Cas, it was like you were obsessed, man. And since he just always seemed to need something from you. I just want to make sure you’re not getting used, I guess,” Sam unraveled the heart of his concern without saying too much, which Dean was not expecting, at all.
Dumbfounded, Dean retreated, annoyance trumping any chance at relief. 
“I think I can handle myself, thanks,” Dean spat. Petulantly, he took a sip from his beer, the cold glass solid in his hand, giving him something to clutch or even throw, if it came down to it.
“I didn’t say---,” Sam broke off. “Fine! You know what? You’re on your own. Just remember that I should have listened to you about Ruby and now I’m paying the price for my own stubbornness.”
Sam stood and reached for his money clip, tossing an extra five on the bar for the dramatics. He gave Dean one last chance to come clean, to own up to what they weren’t saying. Dean stared straight ahead, eyes unfocusing on the liquor labels behind the bar as if Sam had already left. So he did, just as he came: pissed and questioning his brother’s motives.
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    Dean didn’t go home after that. Instead he absently followed a plow down the main road until he happened upon a familiar turn off. Which he took slow and steady until it ended in a T. The little brick ranch at the end of the lane held a lot of memories. And it was more inviting than ever with its Christmas card perfection in the falling snow. Dean put the Impala in park and let the radio play, wishing he had a joint just for the sake of something to do. 
He wasn’t there ten minutes before his phone rang, which he answered without processing the caller ID.
“You gonna come in or you just gonna sit out there feeling sorry for yourself?” Jo’s voice sliced across the line.
“Didn’t know if you were still up,” Dean bullshitted.
“Uh-huh. Whatever you say. Backdoor’s open,” her unimpressed reply. She hung up before Dean could make up an excuse to leave. He slouched out of the car and trudged down the long country driveway. As soon as he had stomped the snow off his boots, Jo welcomed him in with a firm hug and an appraising glint in her eye.
“Thanks, it’s a real mess out there,” Dean explained.
Jo just shook her head at him. “How’d ya bowl?”
“619 series, finished strong in the last few frames,” Dean answered. “Were you at your folks?”
“Nah, just know it’s Wednesday night, which means the boys were at the alley,” Jo smirked as she reached atop her fridge for the good stuff. 
She held up the whiskey in offering and Dean nodded, bending out of his coat. He slipped it over the back of a chair and settled in at the vintage kitchen table. She poured him a glass and watched as he inhaled the first round like he had been outside for hours and needed to fight off a much deeper chill.
“Well alright,” Jo resigned herself to playing shrink and poured Dean another drink. “So, what’s got you stuck in your head, hm?”
Dean weighed his head from side to side as he let the whiskey roll over his tongue. He never got far into a pouting session when Jo was around, but he also didn’t know which chamber of his heart he could stand to prop open for her inspection tonight.
“How’ve you been, Jo? You still schooling those truckers on taking care of their own rigs?” Dean sidestepped with ease.
“You know it,” Jo confirmed. “Not a day goes by that I don’t have to put another asshole in his place. Pays good, though.”
Jo had followed in Bobby’s footsteps and became a mechanic, but two Singers were already one too many for the shop and salvage yard. So she took her skills out to the interstate and made a name for herself as the only female diesel technician in four counties. Dean used to hate it when she would fix something faster than him, but it had been more than a decade since her skills had made him feel inferior. Dean knew Jo’d be his boss someday, but he wasn’t too worried about those far off futures; Bobby wouldn’t retire unless Ellen made him or killed him first.
“How’s Rufus holding up?” Jo teased, knowing her dad’s old friend was getting worse for the wear, much like John had.
“Stubborn, and as glib as ever. Good thing your dad rehired him, because he’s a bit too mouthy for most customers,” Dean admitted.
    Jo hummed with nostalgia. “I gotta swing by and bug you guys sometime, but it just keeps getting busier.”
    Dean sighed. “I hear that. What’s it been? Labor day? No. I haven’t even seen you since the Fourth. Christ!”
“Yeah, well, you’ll see me next week for Thanksgiving, don’t get too sentimental about it now,” Jo quipped. She took a short sip off the bottle as Dean swirled the last of his second helping.
“I’m seeing someone,” Dean staggered the words, like he wasn’t sure if their meanings and sounds fit together.
Jo sighed dramatically, “Finally, the truth is revealed! What’s up? She’s not pregnant, is she?”
“No.” Dean had to bite back his guffaw. “Definitely not.”
“Okay, then why the sad face? Not pulling a Ruby on ya, I hope?” Jo tested the waters.
“No, it’s--uh--- it’s been good. Really good. I just, kind of need to make up my mind if I’m in it for the long haul. Ya know?” Dean clarified, relaxing with each little confession. 
“Uh-oh it’s getting serious,” Jo mock whispered.
Dean rolled his shoulders. “No, well, it could be. I don’t know.”
Jo giggled. “I can’t believe you! You’re fucking twitterpated, aren’t you?!”
“Jo, if you start making Thumper jokes, I’m shutting up right now,” Dean warned with a pointed finger. “Care to top me off while you’re at it?”
“Okay, okay, gosh.” Jo rolled her eyes dramatically as she poured him another drink before pointedly putting it back on the fridge. “But you’re in deep. You’re all blushy about it.”
“That doesn’t mean I’m ready to go big. It just means they’re willing to put up with me until I say the word,” Dean tried to downplay his feelings and Benny’s confession.
“So do it! Bust out the grand gestures already,” Jo encouraged.
Dean scoffed, “I’m not built for commitment, you know that!”
“Except you kinda are! You’ve changed, Dean,” Jo insisted, head hung to pour her honesty from her eyes. “I don’t know when it happened, but you’re not that reckless boy that I knew. You’ve always been a good guy, but now?---- Maybe it’s been since Sam came home, I don’t know. But somewhere along the way you grew up.---- It’s okay to let yourself want something more, you know.”
Dean grumbled and rolled his neck, breaking the eye contact. She always could do this to him, just like her mother, see straight through his every defense. “I always thought it’d be you, you know?”
Jo smiled without teeth. “Firsts can do that to people. But, we’re not those kids anymore, Dean. So, if you’re asking for my permission or seeking my approval---?”
Dean dropped his head to his hands, thick fingers poorly hiding him from Jo. “It’s a guy, Jo. I’m--- I don’t know--- Bi? I guess?”
“Dean?” Jo waited until he stopped being sheepish and looked at her, even if it was only out of the corner of one eye. “You’ve been head over heels for Cas for years. If you dare tell me this is about him, so help me, I will throw you out right now.”
Dean couldn’t help but laugh ruefully at that and toss back what was left of his whiskey. “You saw that, huh?”
She didn’t answer, waiting for him to work through it on his own.
“It’s not Cas.” Dean smacked his lips and held up his glass for a refill. Jo stood and brought the bottle back to the table. Dean poured himself three fingers worth and pondered the sloshing liquid before he continued. “Your mom know?”
Jo licked her lips, cocked her head, and sighed.
Dean closed his eyes and asked, “Bobby? Fuck!--- my mom?!”
“No one has ever said it out loud, Dean. I don’t know who knows, honestly. But we’re family, that doesn’t change.” Jo grasped his wrist firmly, he held her hand to his and then she slapped her other one on top. Time stopped long enough for Dean to accept that his secret was finally out, but also that it was safe.
“I can’t believe I’m talking about this with you, of all people.” Dean thumbed her knuckles, staring into eyes he knew as well as his own.
“Really? Who else would you be talking to about it? Sam? Ash, maybe?” Jo giggled. “I’m honored, actually. It means you stopped hating me.”
Dean pulled his hands away and took another drink. “I never hated you.” 
“Okay, well, maybe it means you stopped hating yourself,” Jo corrected.
Dean’s brows crooked incredulously.
“Too much?” Jo asked apologetically.
Dean shook his head and sighed. “You are your mother’s daughter.”
“Now you’re the one being rude,” Jo muttered before taking a solid drink off the bottle this time.
Dean let himself relax, let the whiskey and conversation work into his muscles and set his worries aside. They talked like the old days and about the old days. Those in between years after high school and before anyone was ready to face responsibility. When half their friends went to college, they had just kept on working. After another hour, Jo leaned back in her chair and started scrutinizing him once again.
“You know how I know you’re happy with what’s his name?” Jo teased.
“Beh--- I didn’t tell you, fuck! Benny, his name is Benny. Goddamnit Joanna Beth,” Dean cursed through a chuckle; more details dragged out of him than he had planned on.
Jo cocked her head and considered the name.“Benny, right. You wanna know how I know?” Jo pushed.
“Fine, how?” Dean held up his hand, beckoning for her to hit him with her response.
“Because this is about the time of night you start giving me the lazy once over. But not tonight,” Jo proclaimed, chin out condescendingly. She had him, every few years they’d find themselves back in each other’s beds, for a night or a weekend and then they’d move on. He always thought of her as his home, his starting point. But maybe they weren’t the same thing at all.
“You still look good, Jo,” Dean replied, trying to save face.
“That’s not what I meant, Dean. Besides, I know!” Jo snarked, straightening her spine and tossing her hair over her shoulder. Dean couldn’t hold in his laughter anymore and it spilled out over a toothy grin, making Jo almost choke on her drink. God, Dean felt like anything was possible. That life was good. 
After the hysterics had calmed down, Dean exhaled. “Thanks, Jo. I needed this.”
“You sure did, nobody else was gonna hand you your ass so kindly,” Jo agreed, standing and taking the bottle and Dean’s glass with her to the counter that held the sink. He whined comically, but knew her timing was right. She leaned back and smirked.
Dean grew quiet and Jo waited to see if it was exhaustion, the alcohol or something else. She didn’t have long to prepare.
“How’m I gonna tell my dad?” Dean asked, the pain and panic pulling at his face until she saw the telltale tears well up.
“Fuck ‘im. I mean it, if your dad can’t get his head out of his ass to see how happy you are, he isn’t worth your time,” Jo said adamantly.
Dean let his thoughts roll to the side of his head and licked his lips, biting against the tremor. He quickly wiped away the tears that escaped and inhaled wet and ragged. Jo slipped to his side and ran her hand through his hair, letting his face fall against her chest as he breathed through the onslaught. Dean couldn’t help but think how motherly the affection felt.
She pulled back to look him over at arms’ length. 
“So what now? You want the couch? Or should I call you a ride? I’m sure Sam owes you one,” Jo asked, as no nonsense as ever.
“I’ll be fine,” Dean dismissed her concern, rubbing up his face to wipe off his nose.
“Well, you ain't driving.” Jo held up his keys. Dean blanched, feeling his pockets for them, fruitlessly. He stood to snatch them, but she had already skipped across the kitchen, too far to catch. “Nuh-uh, no way I’m letting you risk your baby. Or your thick skull in this weather.”
 Dean put his hands on his hips, and blinked through the dizziness. He realized he hadn’t stood in a few hours. “Sam.”
“What’s that?” Jo prodded mischievously, ear leaning in as if she couldn’t hear him.
“Very funny. Call Sam, will ya?” Dean rolled his eyes as she scrolled through her contacts, murmuring the names under her breath. His keys were raised in victory, as if he couldn’t reach them above her head. He could have snagged them in an instant, if he wanted to.
 While Jo woke Sam, Dean checked his own phone. Ignoring some texts from his mom and Cas, he selected the conversation with Benny. There were no new messages since that morning. Dean hesitated before relocking his screen.
“Sam’ll be here in twenty. You want something to eat? I’ve got chips.” Jo offered, opening the cupboard.
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Tagging: @flamencodiva​ @dolphincliffs​ @dontshootmespence​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ @fangirlxwritesx67 @dawnie1988 @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @foxyjwls007 @tumbler-tidbits @wingedcatninja​ @defenderrosetyler​ @ericaprice2008  @crashdevlin​  @mylovelydame21 @cajunquandary​ @itmighthavebeenintentional​​ @thoughtslikeaminefield​ @there-must-be-a-lock @tatted-trina6​ @cracksinthewalls​ @atc74​​
Series Masterlist
SPN Masterlist
Tell me what you thought?
Part 10: Spit it Out
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hobisbeech · 3 years
Even the drug dealer likes you | K.T
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Stoner!Reader and StonerBFF! Taehyung talk about readers dry spells.
Posted: 03/29/2021
[y/n] laid on her bed, scrolling through the app as her hair tangled up on her pillow. She had been intrigued by this fan fiction story she had found on tumblr. Her favorite kpop idol was written in a best friend to lovers aspect. She cooed over the cover picture. Pining over the one person she knew would never even know she existed.
Letting out an exasperated whimper, [y/n] scrolled down slowly reading:
(Kpop idols name) had been watching you, dancing ridiculously in front of him. In his living room, on his big screen TV, was a live stream of (your fav artist name) performing all of their top hits. [y/n] glanced back making sure her best friend was enjoying his time just as much as she was. He stood up, taking a few steps to reach her. He slid his arms around her waist from behind, startling her with his actions. “Oh gosh! You scared me doofus!” [y/n] turned around quickly slapping him harshly on his arm. A small rumble of a laugh escaped his throat. He grabbed you again, now pushing you closer to his chest, his hands once again landing around your waist.
You scoffed at the action, how could she just fall for that trick, you thought to yourself. You rolled your eyes in annoyance as you turned to your side, hugging the small decorative pillow to your chest. Knowing very well why the writer wrote this cheesy scene. You screeched, your voice instantly reaching a new level of highness. You knew from a readers point of view, this was exactly what you wanted. The concept had you eating from the palm of their hands and you did not mind at all. At least, you never exactly admitted it. You were a sucker for love. You knew that no one or nothing was going to change that. You huffed, this time it’ll be different. This time I will be strong. You looked back at your screen and continued reading:
“What do you think you’re doing?” [y/n] with doe eyes looked up, nervous at what her best friend was thinking of doing. (Kpop idols name) looked at her, a small hint of embarrassment showing on his cheeks. He looked away, he cursed at himself internally. Get it together man, he thought to himself. He mustered the courage to look at her again, he placed his index finger under her chin and lifted her gaze to his.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now. How crazy you make me. I go to sleep thinking about you. And I wake up to the thought of you.” He caressed your cheek, and with his arm around your waist he pulled you in closer to him.
He looked straight into your eyes, lustfully gazing into them, he whispered “Can I kiss you, jagi?”
You groaned loudly. This was just a very very cheesy story. You rolled your eyes dramatically, and laid on your back. “Ugh! Why do I always read these?!” You rubbed at your face, dropping your phone on your side. “They only make me feel even lonelier..” you exasperated, spacing out with just a blank stare up at the ceiling fan. You couldn’t believe that once again you were in this predicament. You laid there thinking about what had happened to you the weekend before. With a scowl on your face, you groaned again feeling hopeless about your non existent sex life. And the invincible blue balls that pulsed loudly in between your thighs.
The guy you had been talking to had invited you over to hang out one day. Knowing how your conversations with him had taken a turn to SEX-ville. You had made sure to prep the day before. Making sure whatever needed to be shaven and trimmed, was. You made sure you wore your best outfit, and also the easiest to take off. When you had arrived at his place, everything seemed as if it was going according to plan.
You both had rolled a blunt to have a smoke session together. And had a comedy movie playing in the background. You sat comfortably on his living room couch, lighting the blunt you had just finished rolling. Taking a few hits from it you passed it to him. The night had just settled in and the blunts were now nothing but small roaches that were put out on the ashtray that laid lazily on the over beaten coffee table.
The handsome guy had turned his gaze to you, lazily tracing small circles on your exposed knee. Your now low and bloodshot eyes, looked at him. With a small smile, he leaned closer. Leaving the smallest of space between you both. You could feel his breath settle and then fade from your lips. You knew you couldn’t deny him, so you made the first move. Closing the space between you both with a kiss. He snaked his hand behind your neck, keeping you steady. Not wanting to break the kiss, he began slowly caressing your body. Pinching your nipples through your blouse. He engulfed your small/medium/large breast in his large hand.
You whimpered in between kisses.
Leaning your head back, breaking the kiss, “That feels so good. It would feel better if I took my shirt off.” As you were reaching for the bottom hem of your blouse he stopped you. “I’m sorry, [y/n]. I know this got heated so fast but I can’t really do anything tonight. I have work in a few hours. I hope you understand.” This was the 3rd friggin’ time he had pulled that meaningless excuse on you, you internally scowled.
“Yeah yeah totally. I get it.” You sighed, with a small smile you adjusted your shirt and flattened it down to get rid of some of the wrinkles.
“Are you sure [y/n]? I hope I didn’t send any mix signals or anything?” He furrowed his eyebrows, feeling a bit of shame, his cheeks blooming with a soft pink for leaving you high and bothered. Mix signals?! You screamed internally.
You shrugged him off and smiled, “yeah definitely. We’re good. What time is it?” You asked, feeling your hands fiddle with the end of your blouse. “Oh uh,” he anxiously tapped at his phone screen. “It’s 9:30pm.”
“Oh okay cool, I’ll go ahead and skedaddle then,”
you nervously chuckled.
You both stood up quickly. He nervously laughed, and with a faint blush on his face, he handed you your purse and keys that you had aimlessly thrown on his couch when you had first arrived. “Thank you,” you said with a small bow. He smiled at you again now a little brighter.
“I’ll walk you out,” he informed you as he stepped in front of you. You followed him, with your head bowed and a blush that threatened to appear. He opened the door and moved to the side so you had room to exit. You looked back at him once again and he waved you goodbye. You walked away as quickly as possible, not hearing him call out to you that he had a great time. You unlocked your car and hopped in. Turning your engine on as quickly as possible, you burned off. Leaving behind black streaks from the burned rubber of your tires on the road.
Could this night get any worse? You thought to yourself.
“[y/n-ahh]” your best friend loudly yelled from your living room. “What time was the plug gonna come and drop off ? I wanna smoke already,” he whined, leaning his head back on the couch. His long bangs falling awkwardly around his face.
You chuckled, and quickly checked your phone. You grabbed your closed packaged cigarillos from your top drawer in your bedroom and, scanned for the text message from your weed man telling you how far he was from your place.
Stepping into the living room, you dropped yourself beside him. With a smile you answered your handsome best friend, “He should be here in a few mins. He doesn’t live far, Taehyung.”
Your brown mullet haired friend huffed, dropping his hand on your thigh heavily. “Gosh, it sounds like he’s never gonna make it here,” you chuckled, placing your hand under his chin and scratching at his now 2 week old scruff.
You rolled your eyes, “dude we literally smoked this morning. How could you possibly be this needy now?”
Taehyung raised his head and gave you a knowing look, “you’re one to talk!” He spatted, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Taehyung had a long list of things that could possibly make him needy but this wasn’t one of them.
“Why can’t I just get laid? Why doesn’t anyone want my pussy?” He whined in his best impression of you. When he was done he gave you another knowing look. “Hey! That’s not fair!” You yelled back, “at least I don’t brag about how many cheeks I’ve clapped this week.”
You sulked this time, crossing your own arms in front of you. You didn’t turn to look at your best friend. If you had, you would’ve seen the mischievous smirk on his face. He loved it when you sulked. Just watching you pout and be upset about something was one of many things he liked about you.
In fact, he could practically see himself with you. But he couldn’t tell you that. Of course not. Who the fuck knows how you would react if he was to ever confess to you how much he liked you. Scratch that. How inlove he was with you, his best friend. Before, he could continue on this tangent he had unconsciously dug himself in, you abruptly moved. Standing up from the spot that was slowly molding into you.
You opened your door, seeing your weed man, Yoongi, awkwardly standing there waiting with expectant eyes. You smiled, “hey man! Thank you so much for this. Best friend over there is having a cow because I supposedly finished our weed this morning. When in fact he smoked the last of it with me.” You told your plug, grabbing the money you owed him from your pocket. You quickly glanced back, sticking your tongue out at Taehyung. Your black haired friend, chuckled looking behind you at Taehyung, whom he had met a handful of times. “No worries man, I tell jagi all the time, a friend with weed is a friend indeed. Enjoy man! This is some fire shit.” With a smirk on his face, he winks at you, “bye jagi, let me know how you like this. I’ll catch you later.” Before you could even muster a response he was already halfway down your hallway leaving you with only a silhouette to make out.
You slowly closed your front door, absentmindedly locking it. “Did my plug just flirt with me?” You questionably looked at Taehyung. Taehyung was still in shock that even your weed man was throwing moves at you. He shook the thoughts away.
“wow ! [y/n] he probably likes you. He even told you to let him know if you liked his weed,” Taehyung, quickly smiled and as quick as his smile came it left his bronzed face. He snatched the medium sandwich bag from your hand, “thank you oh so much my dear [y/n]”
“Oh hush up and just roll us a blunt. I’ve had it rough these past couple of days.” You inform him, shrugging off any hint of annoyance your best friend was giving off. Taehyung made himself comfortable on the couch again, reaching for your new blue grinder you had recently purchased. He didn’t say anything else to you, letting the comfortable silence swallow you both.
Taehyung had managed to roll 4 blunts and still left weed for you guys to smoke at a later time. You had started playing some soft (genre) music you and Taehyung could enjoy. You relaxed into the couch and sparked up the first blunt. You inhaled and exhaled a couple of times and passed it to him.
“Tae why is it that I can’t get laid?” You randomly asked your best friend, laying your head back. “I mean let me elaborate. Why is it that I can’t just have a good fuck? It feels like I have to go through an obstacle course just to get a guy to notice me.” You ranted to your best friend, grabbing the blunt between your index finger.
“I think the guys get too intimidated with how easy going you are. And feel like they’re not good enough for you.” Taehyung responds, twisting his body to face you as he exhaled the rest of the smoke he had in his mouth.
You turned your face to him, “what do you mean? Isn’t that a good thing ? That I can just go with the flow,” you added, dropping your gaze and taking a hit from the blunt he had passed to you. Taehyung smirked, he scooted closer to you placing his hand as gently as possible on your cheek. “My dear jagi, you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. You tolerate me, you don’t really complain when I rant to you, you listen to me when I rant about the girls I’ve talked to, and even scratch my hair whenever I ask. Like come on best friend ! You are the whole package. You even cook food for us, for when the munchies hit.” He explained, listing the reasons one by one of why you were the best person you could possibly be.
Feeling the high rush to your head, you chuckled lightly, as you took a couple more hits from the blunt and passed it to your brown mullet haired friend. “Taehyung-ie can I ask you something?” You quirked up, leaning closer to him, your shoulders resting on one another. He nodded, exhaling the smoke he had just inhaled. “If you didn’t know me personally, would you smash me?” You asked, looking down quickly, not wanting Taehyung to see how red you were getting.
He coughed, and coughed some more. It had taken him about a minute or two and some water for him to stabilize himself from all the coughing. You looked at him again, “I shouldn’t have asked that. You practically almost died on me,” you dropped your gaze, you hadn’t meant to make your best friend uncomfortable. You just thought since both minds were foggy now he would just see it as a funny question. He probably didn’t even see me like that, you thought to yourself.
“Wait wait wait..” Taehyung spoke, he scooted closer to you. Intertwining both your hands with his, he laid them in his lap. The small smoken nub of a blunt long forgotten on the ashtray placed on the coffee table. Looking straight into your bloodshot eyes, he smiled. “Babygirl, I love you. And if you ever gave me the chance I would in a heartbeat jump your bones.” He kept his eyes locked on you, “and I mean it,” his voice had dropped an octave. Sounding a bit more deep and lustful.
You only heard that voice when both of you would fall asleep together and he would try to wake you up in the morning to ask you where you had your tea bags. Most of the time he was just a big fluff ball that loved flirting with you. Your thumb absentmindedly rubbed at the back of his hand.
“Would you ever let me?” He softly asked you, the words coming out as a slight whisper. He looked down at your entwined hands and smiled.
You observed him, did your best friend like you like that? How long has he had these thoughts? Did you like him like that? Or was it just the fact that you hadn’t had any luck in the guy department and Taehyung was offering? You shook the thoughts away. “Would I let you?” You hesitantly repeated his question, he nodded giving you one of his knowing smiles.
“Yeah, I would.”
Taehyung’s eyes bulged out, he didn’t believe you.
“No cap?”
You chuckled, shaking your head slightly “yessir.”
Instantly Taehyung jumped on you pushing you back, to lay on the couch. He was now on top of you. His thighs straddling your lap. He chuckled, wrapping his arms under your shoulders, he placed his head on the crook of your neck and you lovingly wrapped your arms over his broad shoulders. He snuggled into you, “jagi I’m sorry that that guy gave you blue balls. I can help you if you need some release.” He suggested not daring to look up at you.
You stiffened, wow Tae was just coming out with so many surprises. How on earth could he help you? you didn’t necessarily want an answer to that question. “Um uh- Tae wouldn’t that ruin our friendship or something? I don’t want you to look at me any different.” You hid your gaze behind his hair, your hand had sneaked into his locks and just scratched away at your worries. Taehyung propped himself up, caging your head between his forearms. “Jagi I will never look at you differently. You are my best friend for crying out loud. You’ve seen me naked, and I’ve seen you naked,” he wiggled his eyebrows at you, giving you his crackhead signature smirk.
“Taehyung! Stop!”
You playfully yelled at him, smacking his arm.
“Anyways, before I was rudely interrupted,” he nipped at your neck.
“I was saying,” he bit lower under your ear.
He lowered his voice to a lustrous whisper, with a deep tone he spoke, “I’ve always daydreamed what it would be like to finally have you under me.” He exhaled a deep breath fanning over your exposed neck.
“I always wondered what it would be like to have you quiver under me, to have you beg me for more,” once again his voice timbered out his mouth, violating your ears. Intruding your every thought, you were getting turned on.
“Tae,” you whimpered looking up at him.
His eyes were glossy from the smoke, but they also showed love.
Love for you is all he had, a ginormous amount of nothing but love. “Do you want me to stop?” He asked you, searching your eyes for any discomfort. You shake your head no. “I love you Taehyung, and I would love you even more if you showed me what else that mouth of yours can do.” Your devilish voice had made an appearance, wiggling your eyebrows at him, you smirked.
“Oh?” Taehyung laughed, dropping his head on the crook of your neck again.
“Oh yeah? You wanna see how my tongue would feel on your precious cunt?”
His tongue had trailed a soft wet line from the crook of your neck all the way up to your earlobe. He had sucked on the skin taking it in between his teeth.
Your body shivered, revealing small goosebumps. “Yes I wanna know how you would touch me. I want you to tell me Tae.” You whimpered, rubbing your thighs together. His voice alone was turning you the fuck on. Taehyung couldn’t believe it. Maybe it was because he was stoned like no other and he tended to drift off in day dream land from time to time.
He sat up on his bent knees. He slowly took his t-shirt off letting it fall beside him. He reached down for yours, “may I?” He asked you. You nodded smiling up at him as he reached to take your shirt off. Letting it drop beside you.
He whistled,
“wow, ladies and gentlemen jagi did not have a bra under that shirt,”
he reached for your breasts kneading at them both softly.
“I remember the times you would walk around in just a t-shirt and panties,”
He let out a deep full husk groan.
“It was the most magnificent sight, I ever had the pleasure to lay my eyes on.” With his thumb he rubbed at your nipple until it perked up on its own. You whined, the feeling that was exuding from his touch was enticing.
His voice and his words were enchanting you. The way Taehyung's voice would bounce around between the walls in your living room. Was impeccable. You had no idea how much power his tone held. It made your insides tremble. All you wanted now was for Tae’s tongue to finally make contact with your cunt.
“Taeee, please!” you whimpered, your body squirming underneath him. It was instant, like a switch had turned on within him. He pinned you down, holding your arms beside your head. He had his knee pushing up your core. Your legs instantly spread open for him.
“Tsk tsk tsk, who’s the needy one now?” He lowered his voice and whispered into your ear. “I can already tell you are wet just by the sound of my voice,” his deep voice bluntly stated.
You couldn’t help but move, you wanted nothing but friction. Something to just release you if only for a moment. His thigh stayed still between you. You could feel your vagina folds rub against the fabric of your underwear. Wetter and wetter it got.
“Is my jagi trying to rub herself against my thigh?”
He asked, tilting his head sideways with a small flirty grin on his face.
[y/n] exasperated, you couldn’t believe that this moment was actually happening. Your body was burning for Taehyung’s touch. You wanted him to just touch you. Caress your skin. Feel the amble of your breasts. Run his fingernails down your chest. You wanted his long fingers trail down and douse in your essence. You wanted him to fill you up with his digits. Make you unravel with just his precious fingers. You stared into his eyes, they were now a dark glossy brown. His pupils had been dilated due to the amount of marijuana he had smoked. He was intoxicating. You could feel this heat type of energy radiating off of him. Every time his hand would touch you, it burned. Your body was exuding heat, your thoughts twirled in your mind. His essence had completely taken over you. You had submitted to your best friend, you were ready for him.
“Taehyung please fuck me. I need to feel you inside me.” You whined through gritted teeth. You couldn’t take it anymore and absentmindedly grinded against his thigh. Feeling the pressure from his knee on your clothed core, it felt great. But it wasn’t enough, you needed to come undone connected.
Taehyung looked down at his knee, the sight his eyes had set on, was mouth watering. Seeing you, a whining mess grinding on his knee, was the last straw for him. He grabbed your thigh, stopping you. He grabbed your sweats and underwear roughly pulled them down. You moved your hips upwards and let him finish undressing you. He continued by unriddening himself of his pants, pushing his boxers down with them.
He pumped himself a couple of times using his own pre cum as lubricant. Just watching you, fully exposed in front of him made him crazy. He aligned himself in front of your entrance. Picking up one of your thighs for more leverage. He looked down at you, his gaze softer now. His eyebrows furrowed, he whispered, “you can tell me to get off at any time and we’ll stop.” He searched your eyes for a minute for any discomfort you might’ve been experiencing.
You smiled, raising your hand to softly caress his cheek. “I couldn’t have asked for anyone else to take care of me. I love you so much, but Taehyung baby I’m gonna need you to fuck me into this couch.” You stated brusquely, grabbing on to his waist and pulled him into you.
You moaned loudly looking into Taehyung’s eyes as his face contorted, dropping to his forearms around your head. Your legs had wrapped nicely around his waist holding him still in this position.
“Ohhh fuck jagi you’re even wetter than I thought. A-are you okay for me to move?” He asked, staring back at you.
You smirked, wrapping your arms around him, “go to town baby.”
A couple orgasms later, you were both nakedly sprawled out on the couch. Out of breath and slightly sweaty. You both looked at each other lovingly. His dorky boxy smile on full display. Not wanting to move he scooted his hand closer to yours. Sending you a knowing look to take his hand in yours. You returned his smile, a blush sneaking to your cheeks.
So many thoughts had run through your mind. This handsome man that you had met so long ago. Who you became close to overtime. Was gazing at you stupidly in love. You probably didn’t know what was going to happen next.
But one thing for sure,
Taehyung might be your quirky best friend, that needs your full attention at all times.
At the end he was the one that had your legs trembling, and screaming his name. You were the lucky one in this happy ending.
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vintagedolan · 4 years
no service (gbd)
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the boys do their first no tech challenge since you and grayson get together, and though they make it, something goes terribly wrong at home
word count: 5k
warnings/tags: angst, worried!grayson, hurt!y/n 
feel free to send in requests! i’ll write most things! hope you enjoy :)
Your POV:
“I dunno, I just have a weird feeling about this one.” Grayson’s fingers were twisting and untwisting the hem of your shirt, his nerves evident as you laid next to him in bed.
“Gray you’re gonna be fine, it’s just like before. You’ve got the van, and you’ve done survival stuff. Everything is gonna work out. I am gonna miss you though,” you gave him a sad smile.
Since you’d started dating, you’d been attached at the hip. You still had an apartment of your own, but if you were honest you needed to just bite the bullet and sell it - you practically lived with the twins, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. But that also meant that this was going to be the first long-ish stretch that you weren’t with each other. 
“It’s just 7 days baby, it’ll go by so fast.” Now he was comforting you, of course. 
“You’re gonna have the best time, I can’t wait to see the video when you get home.” 
“I’d send you pictures, but you know we won’t have our phones,” he sighed, running a finger along your jawline. “Not being able to see this face all week is gonna suck.”
You blushed deep red, warming his fingertips before you pulled away and crawled across the bed.
“Hey, where ya goin’?” Grayson pouted, but you ignored him for a second, going over to the dresser where you kept some of your clothes full time. You reached down, pulling out the little album that you’d been making as a gift for Grayson down the road. You pulled out one of your favorite pictures; from one of the first weeks that you’d been dating, it was the two of you with the LA skyline in the background, with you looking up at him as he smiled. 
“Here, take this with you.” You handed him the photo. “I know E will probably give you shit, but just hide it somewhere. Make sure you bring it back though, that one’s my favorite.”
“I love you,” he responded, but you barely heard it, because at that exact moment Ethan was banging on the door and yelling “GRAY! C’mon it’s time to go!” 
“And i’m going to kill my brother,” he groaned, reaching out and pulling you to him tightly, falling back on the bed. You landed on top of him, and his lips were on yours before you could say anything. He kissed you roughly for a minute, a bit of urgency there as he knew you weren’t going to be able to do this again for a while. Ethan knocked on the door again, and you felt Graysons arms tighten as he rolled over, putting you underneath him
“Go Gray, before he beats the door down,” you teased, pushing gently on his chest.
“I could just stay here with you,” he countered, raising an eyebrow.
“Go,” You giggled, pushing harder.
“Fine, fine,” he grumbled, kissing you again before getting up. “Alright E, I’m coming!” 
You followed him to the door where Ethan was standing in the doorway.
“Finally get him to stop crying and leave?” E asked.
“Oh shut up,” you teased, pushing on his chest so you could get by. He followed you, slinging an arm around your shoulders as you headed out to the van, which you knew was already packed.
You stayed out of the shot as they filmed a little intro explaining what they were doing. Grayson was so much more excited these days in all the videos, but even more so in the ones that had to do with adventures. You watched as the locked their phones in the box they’d used before, storing it under the benches in the van. 
Once the cameras cut, Gray made his way back over to you, wrapping you up in a tight hug.
“I love you. I’m gonna miss you so much,” he murmured into your hair.
“I love you too Gray. Be safe.”
“You too. Call Ricky if you need anything okay? He’ll still have his phone for emergencies.” 
“I’ll see you soon.”
Grayson’s POV
His mind was already wandering as he continued driving down the road, already in Arizona. They were headed to Big Bend National Park, with the new challenge of not using their phones for navigation. Ethan was actually a good navigator, so once he got on the right highway it was just a matter of driving through Arizona and Texas, then down to the Mexico border to get to the park. 
“I think all this footage is gonna be sick, and I’m excited to get some star shots once we get to the park,” Ethan said. Gray just nodded along, watching the road.
“You good bro? You’re off, I can feel it.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just have a pit in my stomach about this whole thing. It’s makin’ me anxious,” Grayson explained, fists tightening on the wheel of the van. Ricky was in the back, sound asleep.
“What about it though? Is it something specific?” Ethan asked.
“I can’t put my finger on it. I just have a weird feeling. I’m sure it’s nothing, I’m just in my head.” 
“Is it Y/N?”
Sometimes, Grayson really hated sharing a mind. And this was one of those times. He stayed silent, which was enough of an answer for Ethan.
“She’s a fully capable person Gray. She’s gonna be fine without you for a few days.” 
“Thanks asshole, I know. Just drop it.” 
“Whatever,” Ethan shrugged, settling down into his chair a bit more, crossing his arms and getting comfy for the long trip ahead. 
And a long trip it was. They made it to the park around 1am, and were amazed at what they saw. Above them was the whole milky way, clear as day. 
They shot a quick clip explaining the main reason they’d come all the way to Big Bend.
“It’s a certified dark zone, which means no one is allowed to have building with lights out here. So theres no light pollution at all, it’s one of the best places in the world to see the stars,” Ethan explained. Grayson wasn’t paying too much attention; instead he was gazing up, and suddenly missing who he wanted beside him more than anything. 
It was going to be a long few days. 
Your POV:
The first four days were alright. You spent your time wandering around the house, enjoying all the space. You sat in Ethan’s comfy chair in the living room while you watched netflix, cuddled up in one of Grayson’s blankets from his bed that you’d dragged with you. It smelled like him, and it was comforting.
When that got boring you’d change into a swim suit, heading out to the pool - you’d given it a good cleaning, which you knew the boys would be thankful for when they got back. You were determined to get more of a tan than Gray by the end of the summer, and if you had any chance at all you needed to get a head start. 
By day five, the boredom was starting to get to you. You wanted to talk to Grayson, see his face, see his smile, hear his laugh. You even resorted to going back and watching a few of your favorite videos of theirs, just to hear his voice. You felt pathetic while you did it, but you also couldn’t really bring yourself to care too much if you were honest. All throughout the day you caught yourself pulling out your phone to text him, but you knew he wouldn’t see them. 
Still, you’d send a message just for fun, knowing he would see them once he got back and was allowed to have his phone. You could just imagine his face when he got back and saw all the little messages you’d left. 
miss youuuuu
hey u should come home now, k thanks
I stole your favorite hoodie and you’re never getting it back oops
im gonna hide all your building stuff, that’s the level of boredom i’m at
this shit sucks 
i love you
I wanna go on the next adventure :(
But as you sent the last one, it sparked an idea. 
You could make your own adventure. Nothing was stopping you, and you had nothing better to do. The weather was nice, and there was supposed to be some good surf coming in.
And so, that was that. You packed up a towel, your wetsuit and some sunscreen, heading out to the car. You decided to take the Bronco, just because it had the surf rack on top. Grayson still wasn’t too keen on anyone driving his car, but he trusted you with it more than Ethan, and you knew he wouldn’t really care.
So you packed up your surfboard, struggling a bit to get it on top of the roof and strapped down - Grayson always made it look so damn easy. But you managed, finally getting in and heading to the beach. The drive was beautiful, as always, but you missed being in the passenger seat with Grayson’s hand on your thigh. 
Damn. These last few days were gonna suck. 
Grayson’s POV:
“I think we’re really getting the hang of this bro. I’m excited. We could do this full time, for real,” Grayson grinned, packing up a few things in the van while Ethan filled up the packs with water. Ricky was filming, so he took the opportunity to explain what was happening.
“So guys, today we’re going on the longest, and most difficult hike in Big Bend. It’s called South Rim, it’s about 14 miles total, but we’re gonna split it up and actually camp about halfway so we can get even cooler views tonight. Now, Ethan and I like to say we’re hikers, but honestly, we kinda suck.”
“Yeah, we uh, we’re not great,” Ethan chimed in. 
“So this should be fun!”
“Oh yeah, great time.” 
“And obviously we don’t have our phones, so we’re gonna have no idea what time it is, we won’t be able to call for help if we get, ya know, mauled by a mountain lion or something.”
“Bro, why would you say that!?” Ethan groaned.
“It’s the truth! Well, I guess Ricky has his phone though, so we’d be alright.”
“My phone hasn’t had service since we got here,” Ricky countered from behind the camera. 
“Oh we are so fucked dude,” Ethan grumbled.
And in all honesty, it put a bit of a pit in Gray’s stomach, knowing he wouldn’t be able to contact anybody if something happened. But he pushed the thought from his mind, moving to help his brother pack up the tent and begin their trek.
Your POV:
The beach wasn’t too crowded, which was a blessing. When you said you liked to surf, it usually meant that you liked to catch 1 wave out of the 50 you tried for. You were a beginner, that was for sure. There were only about 20 people on the entire beach, and a few surfers out on the break, with the lifeguard keeping a close eye on them.
Even if you didn’t feel it, you looked the part in your wetsuit, board tucked under your arm. You snapped a quick picture, sending it to Grayson’s non-existent phone just for kicks.
wish you were here! you’d be laughing at how much I’m gonna suck. love you!
After it sent, you put it away in the waterproof box you’d brought. You made your way over to the lifeguard station, waving up at the man sitting atop the chair.
“Hey, I’m here by myself, do you care if I leave this box here with you?” You asked politely. 
“Yeah that’s fine. Be careful out there,” he responded, not taking his eyes off the water. You put it down by the legs of the chair, jogging towards the water. The ocean was cold when it hit your skin but you adjusted quickly, diving in and heading out to the break. 
And as you predicted, you missed practically every single one you tried to get up on. You hit the water over and over again, your arms sore from pushing up to standing, even if it was to no avail.
You began paddling in after about an hour, accepting defeat, when suddenly you noticed everyone beside you paddling out instead of in. 
The lifeguard’s whistle came too late. By the time you turned around, the wave was already there, towering feet above any that had come prior. 
And you were right in the break.
You’d read about these before. Rouge waves, you remembered. Random waves that come from nowhere, with no apparent cause. You had just enough time to suck in your breath before it crashed directly over your head.
It felt like the inside of a washing machine looked - that was the only way you could describe it. And then you felt something warm on your head, and everything went black.
Grayson’s POV:
It was the morning of day six, and Grayson had never been more ready to get home. The pit in his stomach was a rock now, and he had no explanation for it at all. 
“Bro we’re actually disgusting. Like we need a real shower somewhere, or we’re never gonna get the smell out of this van,” Ethan said. And he was right. After all the hiking and sleeping in the tent, the three of them reeked. 
“We could do a gas station shower, we just gotta map our way there without our phones. I don’t think that breaks the rules, we just aren’t supposed to use technology,” Ricky shrugged.
“Alright sick, we might as well start driving. Gray, you okay?” E asked.
“Yeah. Just don’t feel good,” he mumbled. He kept himself curled up in the back of the van, head resting on the table as Ethan found his way out of the park and towards the nearest town.
Grayson couldn’t figure out what was bothering him so much. He wasn’t dehydrated, he hadn’t eaten anything bad. He should be having the time of his life, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. It was like the time that Ethan had cut his leg open when they were kids; Grayson wasn’t near him, but he just knew. It was exactly that feeling, except Ethan was right there in front of him, perfectly fine. So he just kept his head down, hoping whatever it was would pass.
They found the gas station about 45 minutes later, and the three of them headed in eagerly. Maybe a good warm shower would clear his mind. 
And once he was done, he did feel better. But only slightly. It was getting harder to breathe. He headed out, noticing that Ricky was already in the van and Ethan was waiting outside. 
“Gray, dude you don’t look good. What’s wrong?”
“I think I’m getting sick man. I’ve been sick to my stomach since yesterday, and I feel like I can’t breathe now. Maybe I’ve got a really bad allergy to something out here. I’m sorry man, I’m trying to shake it so I can be up for the video, but I don’t know where it’s coming from.” 
“Guys.” Ricky’s voice was serious, much more serious than normal.
“What’s up?” E asked. 
“I just got service again, and I’ve got 12 missed calls, all from the same number. I don’t recognize it though. LA area code.”
“Call it. Call it now.” Grayson’s answer came before he could even think about it. He felt like he was going to hurl.
Ricky dialed it back quickly, holding the phone up to his ear. The twins climbed in the back, sitting down across from him at the table.
“This is he.” Ricky said. “Um, yeah, yeah he’s right here.”
Grayson’s blood went ice cold when Ricky held the phone out for him.
“It’s for you.”
He felt robotic and he reached out, taking the phone and putting it up to his ear.
“Hi, is this Mr. Grayson Dolan?” 
“Hi Grayson. We’re just calling on behalf of Ms. Y/N Y/L/N from King Hospital, you’re listed as her primary emergency contact.”
“Is she alright? What happened?”
“She’s stable right now. We don’t have all of the details, she’s been in and out of consciousness. She was in an accident -”
“Accident?” Grayson’s voice cracked, and Ethan stiffened up beside him. As if it was instinct, he felt his brothers hand on his shoulder, anchoring him just enough that he could listen.
“She was out surfing at Manhattan Beach, the lifeguards said there was a rouge wave. They got her out quickly, but they think she hit her head on some rocks when she went under. She wasn’t breathing when they got to her, but she was stabilized in the ambulance. She told us to call Ricky off her phone when she was conscious because you wouldn’t have your phone. We’ve had her sedated so her brain could rest, but it looks like we’re going to need to take her in for surgery, because we found some deep lacerations on her head and want to check for anymore significant damage.”
“Surgery?” Grayson expected himself to go numb, but he almost had the opposite. He was so overwhelmed that it was crippling. “How soon?”
“As soon as we’re able. She isn’t able to give consent, so we needed to get in contact with you if possible. Are you able to get here quickly?”
“I’m - I’m not in the state, I’m in Texas.”
“Well, a telephone consent will do,” the nurse said.
“Oh. Okay, yeah. Yeah, I consent. Do what you need to, please just be careful.” It was dumb thing to say, he knew that, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“Thank you Mr. Dolan, we will. And we’ll keep you updated. Should we call at this number, or the one you have listed?” 
“The one I have listed is fine, I have it now.” 
Ethan knew exactly what that meant and was immediately scrambling to find the box with their phones while Ricky got the key ready off his keychain. 
“Alright, speak soon Mr. Dolan.” 
And with that she hung up the phone.
“I’m gonna be sick,” were the only words that Grayson could manage as he crawled to the back of the van and hurled over the bumper. Ethan followed him, holding onto his shoulders and trying to stabilize him so he didn’t fall out.
“What do we need to do Gray?”
“Drive. We need to get home, now.”
Without further questions, Ricky climbed into the drivers seat as they closed up the back of the van, immediately heading in the direction of California. 
When Gray finally managed to get enough air in his lungs, he was able to look up at Ethan, who was sitting opposite of him. 
“Y/N’s hurt. I think it’s pretty bad.”
“Tell me what happened.” 
And so he did, to the best of his ability. He didn’t have very much information, which was the hard part. But he told his brother everything that the nurse did.
“Well, if she was with it enough to give them Ricky’s number instead of yours, that’s good. That means she was alright when they got her in the ambulance.”
“Right. I wonder if she tried to call me.” The thought made his stomach tighten.
“Your phone was dead, it’s charging up front right now. Either way, we’re headed back as quick as we can.” 
Grayson noted that the van was moving quite quickly - Ricky was definitely speeding, but he didn’t care. 
“I know Gray. I’m scared too. But she’s gonna be alright. She has to be.” 
She’s gonna be alright
She’s gonna be alright
He repeated the words over and over again in his head, sometimes mumbling them aloud. A few minutes later, his phone was charged. Ethan climbed to the front to get it. Without having to ask, Ethan knew that Grayson wanted him to screen his texts, just to see. And he could tell there were texts from her just by his face.
“E. If she text me about all this and I didn’t answer, I’m gonna lose my fucking mind.” 
“She wouldn’t have been able to, she didn’t take her phone in the water. These are all from before.” 
He held out his hand.
Looking at the texts was his undoing. He could hear her voice, clear as day in his head as he read them, making it all the much harder. He began to sob, uncontrollable ragged sounds. Ethan put an arm around his shoulder in silent support, as he often did. And Ricky continued down the road.
It was the longest 15 hours of his life. They’d checked to make sure it wasn’t quicker to stop in Phoenix and put Grayson on a flight - driving straight through was faster. But god it felt like it was taking years. He held the picture he had of him and Y/N in his hand, but he couldn’t look at it for too long without losing it. 
Ethan was driving now, with Grayson in the passenger seat - he hadn’t been forced to take a turn, everyone knew he was in no shape to drive. 
Everyone in the car was on edge, which meant they all jumped practically to the ceiling when Grayson’s phone rang. He answered on the first ring.
“Mr. Dolan?” It was a different voice this time.
“Hi, this is Y/N’s surgeon, just calling with an update. Y/N is out of surgery, and she did great! No complications, and the damage seems pretty minimal, though we’ll have to see once she wakes up.” 
He took his first real breath in the last 15 hours. 
“That’s great news. Thank you.”
“So she’s in recovery right now, but she’s gonna be unconscious for the next 30 minutes or so. Should we be expecting you?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m headed there right now, I should be there in about 25 minutes according to my GPS.”
“Alright perfect. Well, she’s in room 828 on the post op wing when you get here, just sign in at the desk and we’ll bring you up. We’ll take good care of her.”
“Thank you so much doctor.”
“She’s alright. Out of surgery, should be waking up soon,” he explained as soon as he hung up. The relief was obvious, especially for Ethan. Gray had been so caught up in his own worry that he’d forgotten how worried Ethan must be - Y/N was practically his sister. Grayson watched as his brother pressed just a tiny bit more on the gas, racing towards the hospital.
When they arrived, Grayson couldn’t get out of the van fast enough. He bolted for the entrance, with Ethan in tow. Ricky stayed in the car out of privacy, offering to get them anything they needed. 
They went through the motions of check in - something they were all too familiar with - and Grayson followed the nurse up to the post op floor, where he was transferred over to the nurse that had initially called him. 
“She’s starting to stir just a bit. Just to prepare you, we aren’t sure how confused she’s going to be when she wakes up. With the mixture of anesthesia and her concussion, she may be very out of it. Just be patient with her, she should come around to her normal self within the next few hours. She’s right through here.” The nurse stopped outside the door, opening the door with a gentle push. 
“You wanna go alone, or do you want me with you?” Ethan asked, hesitating.
“With me.” He didn’t have to think about it. 
Grayson went in first, and if Ethan hadn’t been behind him, he probably would have fallen to his knees. Y/N was in the hospital bed, gown over her still form, her head partially wrapped in gauze. She had oxygen tubes in her nose and was breathing deeply, laying flat on her back, eyes closed. Just the image of her in the whole hospital garb was enough to bring tears to his eyes. He hated it more than he could have imagined. 
Once he was stable enough on his feet, Grayson headed to her bedside. As he got closer, she started to stir a bit, fingers twitching as he sat down as gently as he could on the side of her bed. It was as if she knew he was there already, even though he hadn’t said a word or touched her at all. 
“Mmmmmm.” She started to make a noise, her dry lips parting.
“Baby?” Grayson leaned forward, taking her hand in his, careful not to move her IV. 
“Mmm- mad.” She mumbled, eyes still closed.
“Mad?” He looked back at Ethan for clarification, but he just nodded. Grayson raised a hand up to cup her cheek, and she smiled, resting her head in his palm. He revealed in the feeling, taking it in. 
“Bronco.” This time, her word was clear, though it didn’t make anymore sense. 
“Baby. Y/N, can you open your eyes sweetheart?” Grayson coaxed, rubbing his thumb along her cheekbone. 
“Tryin’. It’s heavy,” she said, scrunching her eyebrows. He could tell she was really doing her best, which made his heart squeeze a bit tighter. When she finally managed to lift her eyelids, he could tell she was exhausted. 
“You’s gonna be mad at me,” was the first sentence she managed to string together, though all her words were drawn out and slightly garbled. 
“Why would I be mad at you baby?”
“I drove the bronco, left it at the beach. Probs some homeless guy living in it,” she said, resting all the weight of her head onto his hand. 
“It’s okay. I really couldn’t care less about the car right now.”
“Don’t say that, Ethan will be big sad.” She gasped then, sitting upright a little more. “Ethan! Hi buddy!” She had just noticed him at the end of the bed. She blinked hard, like she was trying to bring him into focus.
“Hey girly, how yah feelin?” 
“Got a cracked skull, but i’ms okay. But guess what?”
“What?” He asked.
“Still smarter than youuuuu,” she shrugged, and Grayson couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
She really was back to normal.
“You want me to go get the car?” Ethan asked, sitting on the opposite side of her bed and for once, choosing not to throw a comeback. He really had been worried.
“I don’t have keys. Or my phone. I left em with the lifeguard,” she pouted, her lip curling down. If it wasn’t so pitiful, he would have found it adorable. 
“It’s okay, we’ll figure it out. Don’t worry about it,” Grayson reassured her, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead. 
The nurse came in then to check on her. Ethan moved out of her way, and Grayson was about to move away, but Y/N grabbed his hand, using all her strength to hold him there.
“Don’t go,” she whimpered, and he swore he could feel a piece of his heart crack.
“I’m right here, just getting out of the nurses way,” he promised, kissing her hand and standing next to the bed.
“You guys are fine, I’ll let you know if you’re somewhere I need to be,” the nurse smiled. “How’re you feeling Y/N?” 
“Sore, but okay.”
“Well, you’re a trooper. I’ve never seen anyone come out of anesthesia so clear headed before. Now, you might get confused in a little while, but that’s just the concussion, and it’ll pass, okay? Just gotta give it time. You just rest and give your body some time to heal. You should be ready to rock and roll out of here in the next few days, okay?” 
“M’kay. Is my phone lost forever?” She asked.
“Actually the lifeguard that pulled you out dropped off your box with your things earlier. It’s over there with your other belongings.” 
Grayson made a mental note to find that guy and thank him profusely in the future. Ethan went over to the personal items bag, bringing it over to the bed. Y/N started to rummage through it, pulling things out one by one. 
When she got her wetsuit out - which took some effort - she frowned, running her finger over the new cut that Grayson assumed was made by the paramedics. He tried as hard as he could to not picture what the ambulance looked like when that cut was made.
“They cut it,” she pouted. “That was my favorite one.”
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Grayson reassured her. 
“M’kay,” she mumbled, satisfied. She cuddled down a little bit into her pillow, obviously exhausted. Grayson continued going through the bag, getting the keys and her phone out of the box. 
“I’m gonna get the car before it gets towed. Give you all a minute,” Ethan said quietly, having a hand out for the keys.
“Thanks bro. I’ll keep you updated.” 
He was extremely grateful, but he couldn’t find the words. He hoped Ethan knew.
“Gray,” Y/N said quietly. 
“Hey baby, I’m right here.” 
“M’tired,” she murmured, holding a hand out. “Can we sleep?” 
“You can sleep sweetheart,” Grayson reassured her. 
“C’mere. Come up here,” she said, patting the bed next to her. 
Grayson obliged, sliding his arms under her knees and behind her back, scooting her over just enough so that he could slide into the bed beside her. 
“Much better. I missed you. Maybe don’t go for so long next time,” she said, curling up against him and getting as close as she could.
“Don’t worry. I’m not leaving you for a long, long time.”
“Sounds good to me,” she mumbled, but she was already falling asleep before the end of the sentence. So Grayson held her close to him, relishing in the feeling and lulling off to sleep. 
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The tape (part 4)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Niall’s pov:
“(y/n) cheated on me first.”
Niall stopped and shook his head. “No way. She wouldn’t-”
“Ask her.” Harry shook his head and laughed out of frustration. “It happened, I forgave her, and we worked through it. That’s why I know we will work through this. You're playing a game you're going to lose Niall. Just give up now.” He walked away and Niall closed the door. He knew there was no way what Harry had just said was true. He just couldn’t believe that was true. Harry and (y/n) had never had problems, at least they hadn’t talked about any to him or the other guys. Harry had never said anything but positive things about (y/n) in the 7 years he had been with her. And (y/n) had never said anything ill about Harry, even during the sex tape phase she was in. Why would she even cheat on him in the first place? As far as Niall knew, it was her who made the first move all those years ago. She was always the one a step ahead of Harry in the relationship department. He thought back to the first time he had met (y/n). They were on tour and Harry had brought her backstage, introducing her a friend. They were flirty and Harry would call and text her non stop while they were on the road. She was the only one who could calm him before a big performance and the only one he wanted to call when something exciting happened. It just didn’t make sense. None of it did, him cheating, her cheating, this whole situation seemed to be a disaster. His phone buzzed and he picked it up. Without even thinking he smiled as (y/n)’s name appeared on the text message.
*Lou and I are going to watch the soccer game, wanna join? There will be snacks 😉* 
*I would’ve come just because you're there lol but snacks are nice too. Just let me just shower and ill be over.*
*Haha great c u soon*
Niall grinned and dropped the phone on the counter while running to the shower. “Take that Harry. You’re going home empty handed and I’m going to be with her tonight. We’ll see who wins.” he mumbled to himself while turning on the water.
Your pov:
After Harry had left you couldn’t quite get him out of your head. The words he said stuck there, repeating over and over again. I won’t give up on us. I will do ANYTHING to prove myself to you. Louis had helped you a bit, suggesting that all of the boys come over to watch the soccer game. You had texted Niall and Liam. Liam said he had plans but Niall had agreed to come. You were welcoming any distraction at this point. You tossed your phone up and down in your hands, your knee anxiously bouncing. “Easy now love, you're shaking the whole couch.”
“Sorry” you mumbled looking over at Louis with a half smile. 
“Want to talk about it?” You shook your head. Out of all the guys, Louis would probably best understand everything going on with you and your feelings toward Harry. After all, he was also feeling things about Eleanor and their breakup, but he had also been Harry’s best friend during the days of One Direction and the two had kept their communication throughout the hiatus. You weren't sure what to say though. You didn’t know how you were feeling. You were conflicted. Part of you felt like you needed to call or text him. The other part said that you needed to forget him. You never doubted Harry’s words. You never doubted his feelings. But you were unsure of him, and that was something you had never felt before. Niall’s voice cut through your thoughts as he walked into the living room in the opposing teams jersey. You smiled as he climbed onto the couch next to you. Louis sat down, rolling his eyes at Niall’s outfit and trying to explain why Niall was wrong in choosing that team to cheer for today. Your tried listening but your mind was somewhere else. You were scrolling through your old photos, trying to figure out your feelings. Louis grabbed your phone and pointed at the tv. “It’s time to actually watch now. Everyone pay very close attention please and thank you.” You laughed and rested your head on his shoulder watching the game. About 20 minutes into the game, after listening to Niall and Louis debate the ranking of players, you stand up for a little air to clear your head. “Where are you off to?” Louis asks with an eyebrow raised.
“Nowhere. I just need a minute.”
“Want me to come along?” Niall asked standing up.
“No. No I actually just want to be alone...” You walked into your bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed. You peeked a look at your phone that had been buzzing since the game started and let out a sigh. Other than a few texts from your parents, there wasn’t much going on and that made you a little sad. Part of you had hoped that Harry would text you. There was so much left to be discussed, to figure out....You unlocked your phone and clicked his contact opening a new text thread. You typed out a message and then deleted it and locked the phone with a sigh. No, no. Not today. It’s not the time. You were not going to back track on the progress you had made. You made your way out to the two boys on the couch and sat between them, your head in Louis lap and your feet in Niall’s. The three of you were having fun. Your mind had transitioned from Harry to the game and you were actually really into it. Louis was playing with your hair while watching the game and you were commenting on the players. “He’s cute.” You laughed pointing at the goalie. 
Louis scoffed and shook his head. “You only like him because he kind of looks like Harry.”
“He does not!”
“Oh yes he does. Look at the facial features! You clearly have a type.” Louis laughed.
“Do not.” You grumbled.
“Niall, doesn't she have a type.”
Niall looked at you and frowned before shaking his head. “Maybe, but if Harry’s her type then maybe she should adjust her taste.”
“Oh that was a good burn Niall. I wasn't expecting that from you.” You laughed a little and sat up, not saying anything. It was halftime and Louis stood up. “I’m going to go out for a smoke if anyone wants to come.”  Neither you or Niall said anything. “I guess that’s a no, whatever youre the ones missing out.”
After Louis excused himself, Niall shifted uncomfortably and looked at you. “What?” you asked him, confused by the look he was giving.
“Tell me.” you smiled sitting up and holding his hand in yours. 
“Harry came to see me tonight.” He mumbled quickly and quietly. His eyes dropped to your hands holding his and he smiled.
“What?” you looked at him, a little confused. “Why?”
“Well...” Niall shifted and looked at you before sighing. “He saw the article that was released about us golfing and he had an opinion on it.”
“So he came to you after coming here?”
“He came here?” You bit your lip and nodded. “Did ya talk to him?”
You nodded. “Well he talked...I just listened...but then” You stopped and looked at him.
You contemplated telling Niall about the kiss. You were going to keep it a secret but then again maybe telling someone would make you feel a little bit better Help you process through your thoughts and confusion regarding it. You shook your head slightly clearing your head and deciding against it. You weren't ready for the judgment from any of the guys, let alone from Niall who had always had an opinion on you and Harry’s relationship. “Then he saw the article and left before we could discuss anything.” Niall nodded, contemplating what to say next. “Did you talk to him at all...” you asked biting your lip, wondering what he was saying to Niall about the article.
“A little...there were some tings he said that I actually wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Well...” you looked at him, waiting to hear whatever Harry had said. Even though you weren't ready to forgive him, you didn't want Harry to stop fighting for you.
“He uh, he mentioned that you..that you uh had actually cheated on him in the past.” You looked surprised. Your mouth dropped and you felt your cheeks get hot.You pulled your hands from his and anxiously moved them around. Niall, noticing your reaction tried to fix it. “But I told him there was no way. No way that you had done-” “I did.” You looked down and sighed.
“I cheated on Harry.”
“What?” Louis asked confused walking into the room. 
You groaned and leaned into the couch looking from Louis to Niall. “I cheated on Harry okay?”
“When?” Niall questioned.
“Why?” Louis scoffed.
You shook your head and bit your lip. “It was a long time ago...Harry and I had just started dating. You were all on tour and he was gone for such long periods at a time. One night I had been talking to an ex of mine and things kind of just happened. I didn’t mean for them too...they just did. I felt so terrible about it that I told Harry the following morning. We made it through it. Harry forgave me and we came up for solutions if situation were to present itself again. It’s not something I’m proud of but it happened. I can’t take it back. I can’t say it didn’t add a level of stress or concern to our relationship but somehow Harry and I got over it.”
I never knew...” Louis mumbled. 
“Harry and I didn’t tell you guys much about our relationship problems. We felt it would just be easier if you stayed out of it....we had this this agreement that we would work through things together instead of taking the drama to our friends...” You laughed sadly. “Guess I broke that agreement this time around....”
“I think the roles are a little bit different in this situation...” Niall said putting a hand on your knee. You smiled and nodded. 
“I can’t get over the fact that neither you or HARRY told me.” Louis mumbled.
You smiled and leaned into him. “I’m sorry...we just wanted our problems to be ours and not everyone’s.”
“That’s stupid, but I could never stay mad at you too long love. Though I do think that winning this game would help the anger lessen quicker.” Louis grinned and Niall stayed silent watching the two of you. You felt your phone buzz and you lifted it reading Harry’s name at the top. 
You sat up, holding your phone down. “I’ll be back...its my mom..” you lied walking outside quickly to answer.
Louis pov:
(y/n) walked outside and Louis laughed. “What?” Niall asked looking confused.
“Her mum calling.”
“I didn’t know her mum looked like Harry.” Niall looked confused and Louis sighed shaking his head. “Harry was the one calling her.”
“Why lie about it though?” Niall asked looking out the window.
“I don't know....something happened between them. More than she was letting on. She was so upset, more upset than just talking would cause..”
“Well Harry was ready ta beat me up tonight. He thought I was moving in on (y/n)...even brought up the pact.”
“Well isn’t he a little bit right?”
Niall shook his head and laughed. “What are ya talking about?”
“Oh come on Niall. Everyone can see that you like her.”
“Well in that case so do you.” Niall said defensively.
“No. No I like her like she's my sister. You like her the same way Harry does. Just know you are going to end up in the middle of a war. Harry’s very serious about everything involving (y/n) and getting between him and her is only going to set him off more than he already is.”
“I’m not going after her.” Niall answered.
“Whatever you say..”
“I’m not...”
“Youre not very convincing Niall. But either way its Harry you need to convince, not me..”
Your pov:
You closed the backdoor and sat on the couch that was on the deck. You took a deep breath and answered. “Harry?” you whispered.
“Are you okay?” He didn’t sound okay and that worried you.  After no reply you asked again. “Harry?”
“I need help..”
Your heart skipped a beat. You nearly stopped breathing. A tear slipped down your cheek. “Where are you?”
Harry gave you the address and you ran inside. Louis and Niall looked up surprised. “What’s wro-”
“I need your help.” you cried. They nodded and you explained. Louis grabbed his keys and all three of you jumped in the car. 
“Easy love...no need to panic...” Louis mumbled looking in the rearview mirror at your anxious face.
“What if he's not okay...what if-”
“He’s probably just drunk.” Niall grumbled looking back at you.
You stopped talking and focused on the road ahead of you as Louis drove. When he pulled up the bar you jumped out, sprinting inside ahead of Louis and Niall. You scanned the room. People were dancing, drinking and partying but you spotted him quickly. He was leaning against a back wall, his face was facing down and he had a hat on but you would recognize him anywhere. You ran over. “H?” you anxiously asked. He looked up and you froze. His eye was swollen shut, blood dripping down from the corner. “What happened?” you asked. He opened his arms and you stepped into them, tightening your grasp around his waist. You buried your face into his chest and sighed.
“Thanks for coming...” he mumbled. Louis and Niall approached next, both unsure of whether or not they should interrupt. Harry’s head shot up, his eyes locking on them. 
You stepped away from his arms and held out a hand. “Come on, lets get you out of here.”
“Why are they here? Why is he with you?” Harry was glaring at Niall. His hand grasped your waist and tugged you behind him.
“Is that really necessary” Niall asked, disbelief heavy in his voice.
“Harry, they are here to help you. We were all hanging out when you called...” You stepped out from behind him and grabbed his hand, squeezing it slightly. Harry seemed to relax a little at the gesture but was still on edge. Paparazzi were forming outside and everyone in the bar had their eyes on you. “Come on. Let’s go. Please?” you asked him getting nervous about the cameras flashing outside.
Harry nodded and you smiled out of relief, leading him to Louis’ car. Your hand was firmly in his as you pushed through the crowded parking lot. Louis and Niall were following behind as well. You opened the backdoor and climbed in after Harry. The ride back to Louis’ was silent. You all climbed out. “I think I’m gonna head home.” Niall said, shifting onto his other foot in the driveway. You all nodded. You let go of Harry’s hand and stepped forward, pulling him into a hug.
“Thank you.” You whispered in his ear.
“For what?”
“For everything. Talking, being up front with what Harry said.. helping me get him...”
“He’s my friend too ya know?”
“I know...I just- Thanks.” you finished with a smile. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and you looked up surprised. 
“I’ll talk to you later okay? Call if you need anything.” He glanced at Harry and added, “Be careful tonight.”
You nodded and let him go. Harry stepped forward laughing. “Really?”
“He’s unbelievable....” Harry scoffed shaking his head.
“He just helped me help you. He’s also one of your good friends-”
“Good friends don’t steal their friends girlfriend.”
“Harry-” you sighed.
“No its fine. Go from one member of the band to the next. Is that your plan. First me, then Niall, who's next Louis?”
“Well wouldn’t that be quite the way to finish...” Louis laughed.
You laughed shaking your head at the comment and turned away. “I’m not doing this.” You started walking inside but Harry stopped you.
“Lets do this. Right here. Right now.”
“Harry get over it! Can’t you see I’m trying?” You were screaming at this point. Louis was awkwardly standing by in case something went wrong.
“How are you trying?” “How am I not? I let you talk. I came to get you. I-”
“WOW. That’s really trying.” Harry laughed. “You haven’t even told me how you feel. You haven't said ANYTHING.”
You were crying again, tears freely falling down your face. “You want to know how I FEEL?!” You walked toward him, pushing your finger into his chest. “I feel confused! I feel like I’m going to get sick just at the thought of that tape. I feel like I’m going to cry every time I see something that reminds me of you.” Your hands were flat on his chest, pushing him backwards towards the car. “I feel like I want to text you but then I delete the message because I don't know what to say. I feel like I’m not enough for you. I feel like I miss you more than I have ever missed something before. I feel like I can’t function properly without you. I feel like my life is spinning in circles all of the time because I don't know what to do without you..” You looked up. Harry was crying too. “I feel like you could have any model you wanted and yet somehow here I am sticking around for bits and pieces of hope...I feel like I’m not enough to give you the life you want.”
“Babe that’s not true at all.” Harry stepped forward, his hands cupping your cheeks and wiping the tears. “I don’t want any models. I want you. I don’t know how many times I need to tell you this to get it to sink in your brain. You are the only one I have ever wanted...” your eyes met his and he smiled. “Want to know how I feel?” You nodded and he laughed. “I feel like I am continuously doing the wrong things. I feel like I’m pushing you into someone else’s arms. I feel like I am so in love with you that my heart might actually burst and lastly, I feel like I want you to come home...I want us to work through this together...in our own home...they way we did with everything else.”
“I feel like we should all get off the street before my neighbors get pissed again..” Louis mumbled. Harry looked at him and he shrugged walking inside.
“Come home..” Harry begged. “Please...at least for tonight..”
“I don’t know...”
“(y/n)...we owe it to ourselves don’t we? I know I owe it to you....I want to make this work.... Just come home....”
Part 4 :) Sorry it took a bit and that it’s kind of all over the place but I have a really clear picture on where I want part 5 to go! Let me know what you all think!
Part 5
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maehara-san · 4 years
whiskey on the rocks // katsuki bakugo x reader
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Part 27 
Pairing: AU!Katsuki Bakugo x F!Reader
Summary: After looking for months for a job position you finally get an opportunity at a big company. Being the assistant of the angriest person was going to be a lot harder than you thought it would be.
A/n: It was a long waited update and instead of the other format I decided this one would be best. Enjoy! Feedback is appreciated always and taglist is always open <3 <3 
👑 series masterlist👑
After the talk with Bakugo, you needed to vent to someone. This was something HUGE and if you didn't start talking you'd go insane.
Quickly scrolling pass your contacts you clicked on your best friends. After a few seconds, their faces popped up on the screen.
"Hey what's up?" Denki asked as he munched on his sandwich. "You usually don't call us unless something happened."
"Is everything alright?" Shoto asked looking at you with concerned eyes.
"Yeah...well..." you sighed feeling frustrated. You didn't know how to even feel, to begin with. Everything was all over the place.
"What is it y/n?" Your other best friend Tenya asked. "Did they catch the one who framed you?"
You shook your head and bit your lip. "No... it's something else. I don't know what to feel...he did seem sincere."
"Wait! Did Midoriya confess to you?!" Denki yelled at the screen causing his co-workers to look at him.
"What?! No!" you quickly said, "He never will do anything of that!"
"You don't know!"
"Anyway...no that's not it. Bakugo...actually asked me if we could talk." you said dropping the bomb right away "And well he said a lot than I had expected him to."
"Good or bad?" Shoto asked.
"It was good...surprisingly. He was quite respectful and didn't yell at me for once...a bit awkward I gotta say." you explained, "He did apologize to me though."
"Wait what? Since when is he not an asshole?" Denki asked.
"I don't know either!" you responded. Taking a deep breath you tried calming down. "But when he spoke. I could even tell...he meant what he said there was nothing behind it. It was just a person apologizing for his behavior."
"What did he tell you exactly?" Tenya asked.
"He started by saying that he was an asshole and shouldn't have acted that way. He judged too quickly without thinking about it since it's never happened before. I understand...then explained that he will make sure the person who ruined the project will be punished immediately. He never meant to yell and hoped that I will accept his apology and if I didn't he would understand." you explained.
"Did you accept his apology?" Shoto asked closing the door to his office.
Your eyes met with each one of your friends. They looked at you silently waiting to hear what your answer would be. After a long pause, you finally spoke.
"I did."
Tenya nodded along with Shoto. Denki however didn't say anything almost as if he had been bothered by your response. You were too kind, to begin with even if the silent treatment did last there was no way you wouldn't say no.
"I'm glad he finally apologized for his mistakes. He did say some bad things though...are you sure you can forgive him for that?" Tenya asked.
You decided to move to a more private part of the building. Luckily mostly everyone was having lunch on the top floor so the garden was empty.
"I realize that it's too early for me to forgive so easily-"
"-yeah it is after all the bullshit he has said to you. Not to mention what happened at the festival." Denki butted in "I saw you two arguing before you even ask and don't try to deny it."
"I'm not trying to deny anything. Yes, we did argue there and the things he said hurt a lot-"
"Then why did you accept his apology?!" he exclaimed.
"Because! This is my workplace and I shouldn't be acting like a high schooler. He is still my boss and not to mention I work with him. Bakugo did say a lot of crap but I'm not going to act immature. That's not right when he's owning up to his mistakes."
"Just because he is owning up to his mistakes doesn't mean he feels sorry." Denki retorted.
"Guys calm down there's no need to fight-" Shoto spoke trying to ease the tension.
"What are you trying to say?" you spoke ignoring Shoto at the moment.
"Maybe he apologized because Abigail is gone and he needs a right hand. He's going to use you!"
"Don't say that! He wouldn't do that to me. Plus I'm working with Midoriya-"
"Why can't you see it? Your little crush on him is making you blind to see shit." he retorted.
"I don't have a crush on him," you said not sure if you were trying to convince yourself of them. There was no way they would believe you.
"You do though. We've been seeing how you're acting. His relationship or whatever he has going on with Abigail is bothering you. It's not good to deny something you know it to be true." Tenya said.
"Shoto tell them I don't have a crush on him." however your friend shook his head and didn't speak.
"See we can all tell. If you're only doing this to be near him then you'll only end up getting hurt again." Denki added. "It's best to be professional and not engage outside of work for the sake of your insanity."
"I gotta go. Midoriya is waiting for me. See you later." you ended the call before anyone else could talk.
After work was finally over you and Midoriya started making your way to the bar. He had been invited by Denki and decided to go there together.
'It's been such a long day...all I want is a drink.' you thought taking off your blazer and setting it down on your lap.
"By the way...you don't have to tell me if you don't want to...but did everything go okay with Bakugo?" he asked keeping his gaze on the road.
"Uh...yeah yeah...he apologized and said he was going to investigate as well about what happened. Bakugo wants there to be no tension especially since we're still working together," you answered looking out the window.
There wasn't traffic surprisingly, only a few cars here and there. It was chilly but you didn't care. Your mind had been cooped up all day with the conversation you had. Part of you was ready to put it behind you while the other side of you knew nothing would change. Bakugo was with Abigail that much was true.
"I'm glad to hear that." he took a turn and kept driving. The music was only background noise, there wasn't anything specific. "I hope after this...things will ease around the group."
"I hope so too," you mumbled.
After a few minutes, you had finally arrived. The bright sign welcomed you making your eyes wince at how the lights shined. Midoriya opened the door allowing you to enter first.
"Thank you," you said making his cheeks turn a slight pink in return. Midoriya walked in after you and kept himself close in case any drunk men tried to talk to you.
He looked at your figure, not in a sexual way but observing you. There was a clear notice about how stressed you were. After you had talked to Bakugo your mood had changed. He asked if there was something wrong however you shook your head and tried changing the subject. At times he wished he were able to find out what happened to you, find a way to make you smile again. It was obvious to his friends how much he had changed after meeting you.
His personality had developed and you made him feel confident and comfortable again. Still, there was no telling how much longer he would be able to go without letting you know how he felt.
“Y/n!” a familiar voice yelled out. Your eyes scanned the place to see your pink-haired friend.
“Mina?” you said as she walked over to you. “Hey.” still confused about her being here.
Mina pulled you into a quick hug and smiled softly. “I hope you don’t mind. Denki invited us as well.”
“Us?” you questioned “I didn’t know more people were coming. I know he only invited Midoriya-”
“Oh...I thought he told you,” she said and you shook your head. Looking straight ahead you see three different bodies sitting at the bar next to Tenya and Shoto. Midoriya had left to go talk to Denki.
“Who else came?”
She was about to answer when a rough voice spoke instead. “I did too.”
“I’ll go get you a drink.” you smiled small and gave her a nod. Mina looked at the two of you and left.
“I...um didn’t expect you to come. Giving the fight you had with your friends...” you said.
“Mina told you?” he asked, “I told her not to say anything.”
“Well...it was unavoidable since you commented on my post wishing them both a happy life. Kinda hard not to talk about...she was practically happy the next day.” you chuckled lightly.
Bakugo smiled small, “I needed to fix it. There’s no reason to dislike...she’s happy and...I need...to try.”
“She’ll appreciate it.” you added, “Little by little, I’m sure it’ll be okay.”
“Yeah.” he rubbed the back of his neck. There was an awkward feeling between you two. Up to now you never have had a true conversation that wasn’t about work. Besides the one in the park, you were drunk so there were some things you didn’t quite remember.
“Can I ask you something?” you asked.
“What is it?”
“D-Did you mean it when you apologized?” you quickly shook your head “I-I’m not doubting you! I-It’s just...t-that I want to make sure...because I want things to be okay between us. I want to keep supporting you in anything you need...you’re still technically my boss after all.”
‘I hope I didn’t mess it up!’ you thought.
“I did.” he softly spoke “I-I meant it...and I hope you can sincerely accept my apology. I...also want to...work well...again.”
You broke into a soft smile “I will continue to do my best.” He gave you a soft nod and was about to speak but got interrupted.
“Come over to the bar!” Hanta exclaimed looking at the two of you.
“I guess we should head over,” Bakugo said. You nodded and made your way over to the bar, taking a seat next to Midoriya.
“Here’s your drink,” he said placing it next to you on the wooden table.
“Thank you.” you softly smiled and drank some of the mixed drink. There was a slight burn in your throat that felt good.
“Alright! Today there should be no talk about work or anything okay?!” Denki yelled over the background music. “Let’s enjoy tonight!” a small smile formed on your face and raised your cup clinking it against the other ones. He already had a little too many drinks that you could tell.
The music blared louder grabbing their attention. “Let’s go dance!” Mina exclaimed dragging him to the dance floor. He placed his drink down and wrapped his arms around her body making her laugh.
“Do you wanna dance?” Midoriya asked nervously. There was no telling what would happen and if you wanted something to happen. Taking his hand you accepted his offer and followed him. Bakugo sat back watching the scene unfold.
“I…have never danced so I apologize in advance if I step on you,” you admitted making him chuckle.
“Don’t worry about it.” he smiled “I’ll help guide you. I’m not an expert but i will try my best to help you learn.”
You nodded softly smiling and followed his lead. The song wasn’t fast pace it was more on the calm side. He had his hands resting on your waist and your arms were wrapped around his neck. It was small talk you tried enjoying yourself and focusing on the music. After a long battle with your self, letting loose was the thing you needed the most.
Midoriya’s heart began to beat loudly. He tried his best to stay calm and enjoy this moment with you, it took all his strength to not kiss you right here and now. It was true he was liking you more than friends and coworkers, this man was falling head over heels for you. Despite knowing what the risk was he wasn’t going to let you go.
The song then changed into a louder tone people danced differently. He spun you making you giggle. The lights shined brightly on the two of you, his hand in yours holding it tightly. Your smile grew feeling relaxed and comfortable, the way he made you forget about those uneasy thoughts was incredible.
“I don’t know what to tell you, bro…” Kirishima spoke, “It seems like Midoriya isn’t backing down either.”
Bakugo looked down at his beer he was already kicking himself for not fixing it earlier. Looking at you made his chest clench again. Abigail was there but he wasn’t sure if there was something more or if it was an old feeling being brought up with no meaning.
“I think you should tell her,” he said.
“…You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Bakugo mumbled, “You’re already drunk.”
His friend shook his head “If you don’t accept your feelings now there’s no telling what will happen. I know nothing is going on with Abigail… as much as you want to ignore what you feel, it’s not going away.”
‘Is there even a chance you feel the same way?’ Bakugo thought running his fingers through his hair creating a messy look. ‘Why would she?…I don’t  blame her if she didn’t…’
All this self-pity was making him upset, since when did he start doing this to himself? It was getting ridiculous if he didn't feel afraid with Abigail why was he nervous around you?
He rubbed the side of his temple, it was too much. Bakugo felt like a teenager all over again he thought this crap would be over but then Abigail happened and things changed.
"What do you have to lose?"
Kirishima was right.
Your mind was filled with happiness. The small drink began to loosen you up and the tension in your body was gone. Midoriya enjoyed himself whenever he was with you, he could tell you were tipsy already but not enough to make any wrong decisions.
The more he kept his eyes on you the easier his heart was falling for you.
His emotions were getting difficult to control all he wanted to do was confess and show you how much better he could be. That's all he wanted and hoped for.
"I love this song," you shouted making him break out into a chuckle. His hands held tightly onto yours making sure not to let go. Your smile was bright and the lights made your (e/c) eyes glow.
As the song was starting to end he spun you around and brought you close to him. With the final melody, he dipped you gently and looked into your eyes.
"I don't know how long I've been able to last," he said. "Now that I have you here...I don't want to hold back y/n."
"Izuku..." you softly spoke.
He looked at your beautiful face and then at your soft lips. His eyes closed, within a second his pair of lips were placed on you.
The kiss was slow yet soft at the same time. It held a lot of emotion and everything he felt you now knew. Your eyes slowly closed as well, then they moved on their own. The noises were being drowned out as your mind eased and focused on only him. There was no reassurance that you felt the same way however you were feeling protected and cared for something that you had long lost a long time ago.
Midoriya then pulled away and lifted you back up slowly without breaking eye contact.
"I know...I-I probably crossed the line." he explained "But I can't keep it a secret any longer." holding you close, his hands held your own. "I like being around you, your smile is the highlight of my day. I don't mind working late or being stuck at the office all day. When I'm with you it feels like a different place. There isn't a guarantee that you like me back that much...but I don't want to keep pretending like I don’t have feelings for when it’s true. I like you y/n."
Your heart then dropped. “Y/n?” Midoriya asked until he decided to turn around to see his old frenemy standing there.
@yeehawnana​ @pavlovs-titties​ @karebear5118​ @kaithehero​ @spicy-therapist-mom​ @essentiallycrooked​ @shoutobabyboy​ @mrsreina​ @wwwwyamd​ @missalienqueen​ @irisallenm​ @dreaminglittlepotato​ @imconfusedanditsok​ @centerhabit​ @whisperingwolfie​ @earthinlatin15​ @crazymusicwonderland​ @call-me-prodigy​ @yeet-these-hoez​ @kageyamatsuuki​ @ihavewhiplashbecauseofnct​ @sinclairsamess​ @thoughtfulpandazine2​ @ohnosiren​ @aintcutesorry​ @just-a-music-world @jaxyboy246​ @galacticrosee @samanthaa-leanne​ @wicked-wild-things-blog​ @notchineseduh​ @handsoffmyfriends​ @beautifulimperfections13​ @frenchspeakingfilipina​ @thatshortanimegirl​ @miscellaneous-wolf​ @neomuxuxi​ @ysabelunicorn​ @ghostjoohoney​ @icy-hot​ @kukiisan​ @nerdynstoned​ @bulkypita​ @dicerawr​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @axolotleyeliner​ @chidori-mint​
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mortedeveles · 4 years
faint of heart
Copyright © 2021 by Veles. Do NOT repost, plagiarize, or read my content as ASMR or audiofics.
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SUMMARY: This Valentine’s Day, your boyfriend Suga has decided to take you to an amusement park. The problem is, you’re terrified of rollercoasters, and he happens to love them. And if you add two totally immature chaperones to the equation, chaos is bound to break loose. 
PAIRING: Sugawara Koshi x gender neutral! reader, ft. Nishinoya & Tanaka [platonic] 
THEMES: fluff, a bit of chaos, humor. [ONE-SHOT] [CUPID’S ARROW WRITING EVENT] 
WORD COUNT: 4.7k (around 4,747 words) 
TAGS & TW’S: nothing much, just descriptions of jump scares, rollercoasters, reader is afraid/nervous of them in here, sugawara is a sneaky boi, might be some slight cursing. 
before you read (!!!): this fic is part of the writing event, Cupid’s Arrow! check out our masterlist if you’re interested in more Valentine Day themed works <3 please support the event with REBLOGS, likes and comments!! 
a/n: tyty to @etegomanere​ for beta reading this fic!! 
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Valentine’s Day meant a lot of things to you. Before attending Karasuno High, it was just another holiday, giving giri-choco to your friends, or simply staying at home with family. But ever since you met Sugawara Koshi, things were different. 
Pretty different, to be honest. From being shy acquaintances, fleeting looks, and burning cheeks, your relationship with the grey-haired boy had evolved into much more. To friends, loud laughter and mischievous adventures, and finally, to intimate lovers, shared kisses, whispers of promises and affection, sneaking out to spend the night together, it was safe to say that it was certainly an adventure- one that you enjoyed and hoped for it to never end. 
And this Valentine’s Day, your boyfriend seemed to agree with you. Although customary to give honmei-choco to those you desired as romantic partners, Suga had set the idea aside, deciding it was his turn to give you something this year. 
You were excited to see what he had in plan, and after revealing his surprise, you weren’t sure how to feel. The moment you heard the words leave Suga’s lips, you knew you were doomed. It was a simple sentence but brought back childhood memories of screaming kids, impossibly tall and long rides, which usually ended with you in tears or hunched over, puking out your guts. 
And all you could think about was, out of all the things he could’ve chosen, did he really have to decide on a…
‘’...amusement park,’’ he had said with a bright smile. ‘’And I was thinking we should go on the roller coasters! It’ll be a lot of fun.’’
Your mouth felt dry. Here you were, sitting on your boyfriend’s lap as he talked about going to an amusement park today, with wide eyes and a bright smile. He looked so happy and excited, and who were you to destroy that child-like happiness? If anything, you never wanted it to end. So that’s why you agreed to go, even if your stomach twisted and churned on the way there.
Suga was driving, one hand on the steering wheel, the other one linked with your hand. It was your only comfort at the moment, and every now and then you’d squeeze his hand to calm down. He’d look over to you with a soft smile, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before returning his gaze to the road. Your other hand felt clammy with sweat, slight anxiety building in your stomach. 
‘’Suga…’’ you spoke into the static silence. He hummed in acknowledgment, waiting for you to continue. 
‘’I have something to tell you,’’ you swallowed. ‘’It’s about, uh….the amusement park.’’ 
At this, you watched his eyebrows furrow, but he remained silent, urging you to continue.
‘’I’m….I’m afraid of-’’ a sudden honk behind you two made you jump, and Sugawara cursed. 
The two of you looked back, only to meet the grinning faces of two all classmates, and a smiling blonde, waving at you frantically. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, jaw slack. 
‘’It’s Nishinoya and Tanaka-!’’ Sugawara said with an open jaw, shocked as well. He quickly pulled over, and the car behind you two did the same. Hastily, the both of you stepped out of the car, racing to greet the second-years. Tanaka’s sister stayed in the car, watching the interaction develop with a smirk.
‘’Hey!’’ They both cheered, racing towards the two of you. 
You laughed loudly, ‘’How did you guys know we were heading to the amusement park?’ You asked. Sugawara’s shocked expression quickly washed away, and now he looked rather grumpy.
‘’Our… customer gave us the information, told us you two were going on a date,’’ Tanaka said in such a serious tone, that you couldn’t help but snort. 
‘’It’s a date between Y/N and me, not with you two rascals.’’ He grumbled. They gasped dramatically, shaking their heads.
‘’Aww, don’t be like that, Suga-san!’’ The shorter one said with a grin. Tanaka huffed in agreement and grinned wickedly.
‘’Daichi-san sent us. He told us to supervise you two. After all- without us, who knows what type of things you guys are up to-?!’’ 
You scoffed, albeit your face warming up, while Suga snickered, pulling you snug against his chest. He upturned his nose with a grin.
‘’Whatever we do is none of your business! Anyway, it’s Valentine’s Day, shouldn’t you guys be trying to ask Kiyoko out?’’ Surprisingly, they shook their heads, sporting confident smiles. 
‘’Don’t you know Valentine’s Day is also about friendship, Suga-san?’’ Nishinoya said.
‘’Not only did we come to supervise you, but we also came as bros!’’ Tanaka piped in. Nishinoya cheered in agreement, before Sugawara and you watched blankly as the two second-years fist-bumped each other, a mischievous glint in their eyes. 
‘’Alright…’’ Sugawara sighed defeatedly. You giggled at his expression. ‘’Let’s go Y/N, we’re almost there,’’ he eyed the two boys. ‘’And you two as well, I guess…’’
They attempted to laugh throatily in response and only ended up looking like fools. You laughed on the way back into the car. Once the doors slammed shut, you buckled up, glancing at Sugawara. His eyebrows were knitted together, looking displeased. Both his hands were on the steering wheel, clenched tightly. 
‘’Hey,’’ you said softly, hand reaching out to wrap around his. Immediately, his eyes snapped towards yours, hands slowly unclenching. ‘’Everything alright?’’ 
The boy let out a shaky breath, before smiling faintly. ‘’Yeah…’’ he chewed on his lip. ‘’I’m sorry- are you okay with them tagging along? I had everything planned out, just so it would be the two of us,’’ he huffed, shaking his head. ‘’But it looks like we have company.’’ 
You smiled, leaning over to press a kiss on his forehead. His body relaxed under your touch, lines of stress fading away. It made your heart warm. 
‘’It’s fine Suga, you didn’t ask them to come. If there’s anyone to blame, we need to talk to Daichi once we return.’’ He laughed and nodded in agreement.
‘’We sure do.’’ 
Seeing him regain his composure, you settled back into your seat, eyes pinned on the amusement park ahead of you. 
‘’Since they’re here now, we might as well enjoy it together. The more the merrier, right?’’             
As it turned out, the more, was not the merrier. Upon arriving at the theme park, the second-years raced towards the entrance, screaming and making fools of themselves. Suga and you stayed behind, carrying your few bags, attempting to not look ashamed. Saeko had waved goodbye to you guys, before speeding off. You hoped she would return to pick up the second-years. 
‘’They’re here to chaperone us, but why do I feel that we’re going to babysit them?’’ your boyfriend groaned, and you laughed.
‘’It’s Tanaka and ‘Noya, you know how they get.’’ Sighing in response, Suga continued forward, his hand wrapped around yours. 
Despite being afraid of the roller-coasters, you smiled. The sky was clear, seemingly hand-painted with a baby blue, very few clouds, and only the sun in sight. Not too harsh to make you constantly sweat, but enough to provide you with warmth. A perfect balance. 
And with Sugawara’s hand on yours, everything was nearly perfect. His grey hair was gently swept by the wind as if even the powerful currents of air were afraid of moving it. The sun poured on his skin, and you felt your heart thud loudly. He was beautiful. 
‘’Y/N?’’ His voice snapped you out of your thoughts. With a small smile and burning cheeks, you focused on the site ahead. The two of you had just gone past the billing entrance and were inside the amusement park. Kilometers of brick flooring stretched ahead of you, several booth tables and running children ahead. In the background, you saw the all too familiar roller coasters and gulped. 
‘’Yeah?’’ He laughed airily, squeezing your hand. You couldn’t get enough of him. 
‘’I was asking you where you want to go first, but you spaced out,’’ he watched you with a faint smile. 
‘’I don’t know,’’ you admitted. The sudden shrieking that pierced the air made you snap your eyes ahead, watching as a crow attacked Nishinoya’s hair, while he raced in circles and cried out. Tanaka was laughing loudly, tears in his eyes, and did not attempt to help the other second-year. 
‘’I told you,’’ Sugawara groaned as the two of you raced to aid the crying libero. ‘’We’re stuck babysitting them.’’ 
Between shouts of pain, yelps and cries, and one bitten finger after, Nishinoya had been freed. He was pouting as the four of you walked towards the rides that were ahead. 
‘’Are you sure you’re okay, ‘Noya?’’ You patted his hair affectionately, checking for blood or any injuries.
‘’Yeah…’’ he whined. ‘’I think I just lost my dignity though. Being attacked by a bird, in front of all those people.’’ 
At Nishinoya’s side, Tanaka snorted. ‘’What dignity, bro? You got none,’’ he cackled maniacally as the shorter boy growled in annoyance. Suga and you watched the exchange with mild amusement, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, having you pressed up to his side. It was warm and you snuggled into his chest. 
‘’You’re the one to talk Tanaka, what makes you think you have any dignity as well?’’ At his snarky remark, you let out a stifled laugh, which only grew louder as the three boys began to bicker. 
You watched the interaction with a warm smile, savoring the moments. Maybe you hadn’t been able to spend Valentine’s Day alone with Sugawara, but at least you were with the people you loved… even if some of them had you questioning your choices in making friends.
In a matter of a few minutes, the bickering died down as the four of you arrived at the first event, a spooky house. These didn’t affect you as much, at least not as much as rollercoasters, so you strode in confidently. The four of you paid for your ticket, and waited in line, the dark and black house at your left. 
‘’Hey,’’ Sugawara nudged your shoulder. ‘’Are you scared?’’
With a dismissive shrug, you shook your head. ‘’Nah, I’m good. Spooky houses aren’t really scary if you think about it. After all, it’s just a bunch of robots, cheap jumpscares, and underpaid workers.’’ 
He snorted. ‘’Yeah, I guess so,’’ his eyes trailed to Tanaka and Nishinoya, who were waiting in front of you. ‘’I’m afraid we might get kicked out because of them though.’’ 
You chuckled. ‘’Let’s just say we don’t know them.’’ 
Soon enough, the waiting line began to shorten and the four of you stepped inside the scary house. Everything was dark, and you could only spot the fluorescent arrows high on the wall indicating where to go next. 
‘’It’s really dark,’’ you commented. Instinctively, you grabbed Suga’s hand. He murmured in agreement. The two of you walked towards the next room, standing behind Tanaka and Nishinoya, who were chattering loudly. 
You would hear the occasional groan of exhaustion, the floor creaking under your feet, but nothing else. Just as you guys arrived at the entrance to the other room, the wall next to you suddenly opened. It was a hidden door.
‘’Beware!’’ A sudden stranger poked their head out of the wall, bathed in what seemed blood, before they were seemingly dragged away, back into the room, screams echoing. You let out a fearful scream, racing out of the room, Sugawara running at your side. Ahead of you, the second-years shrieked and ran, their arms thrown in the air. Soon, the four of you entered a tight and narrow corridor, resorting to walking in a line. 
‘’Go in front of me,’’ Suga told you, gently pulling you in front of him. ‘’I’ll be right behind you.’’ 
‘’Okay,’’ you whispered, eyes pinned to your left. The corridor was pitch black and you could only see some lighting ahead and yet… something told you that someone was watching you. 
A chorus of loud moans and groans ripped through the air, and you shrieked as you felt a finger brush against your left side. Behind you, Sugawara let out a frightened shout of his own, while Tanaka and Nishinoya squealed like frightened pigs. 
Ahead of you, the second-years stopped in their tracks as one of the robotic fingers had gotten stuck in Nishinoya’s shirt. He was squealing, shouting, desperately trying to run away. You heard the loud tear of the fabric, before the two boys ran out of the corridor, tripping over their own feet.
While you would’ve laughed at this on any other occasion, you too were frightened, and instead, reached for Suga’s hand behind you, racing out of the spooky house together. Running past the fake corpses hanging from the ceiling, feeling hands ghost over your body, you didn’t stop until you felt sunlight prick at your eyes. 
Gasping loudly, the two of you walked into a black curtain, finally out of the house. Wheezing, you bent over your knees. Sugawara wasn’t any better, his breathing labored.
‘’Wow,’’ your gasps for air turned into breathless laughter. ‘’That was… scarier than I thought it would be.’’
Sugawara chuckled. ‘’Yeah, for sure. Although it was shorter than I expected.’’ 
You raised your gaze, squinting your eyes as the sudden sunlight invaded your eyesight. You were only a few feet away from the original entrance, as the house didn’t stray far from it, and only stretched ahead to its left. Ahead of you, Tanaka and Nishinoya were sitting at a table, bickering about god knows what. The two of you strolled towards the pair and snorted when you spotted Nishinoya’s tee shirt. It was torn apart at the side, exposing his skin like a crop top.
‘’Well,’’ you said with a grin, sitting down on the bench. ‘’Decided to spice up your clothes, ‘Noya?’’ 
He whined, grabbing the tips of the ripped fabric. ‘’It got caught on those damn robot fingers! I had to keep moving, so I just forced myself to keep running, and…’’ his shoulders slumped, pouting dramatically. ‘’My shirt ripped.’’
Tanaka cackled, shaking his head in amusement. You smiled, and your boyfriend, who took a seat next to you, sighed exasperatedly.
‘’What are we going to do with you troublemakers?’’ He murmured with disapproval, tapping his fingers on the table. Despite the annoyance in his tone, you smiled. You could see the gleam of amusement in his eyes and knew that he wouldn’t have had this any other way.
‘’Woohoo!’’ Tanaka shouted. He pulled off his shirt, quickly wringing it in the air before racing towards the water fountains. Nishinoya quickly followed after his friend, discarding his shirt and footwear to splash in the water.
‘’Do you wanna go in?’’ You nudged your boyfriend. 
His eyes trailed over the fountains of water, watching as children splashed around in the water, squeals, and screams of joy invading your ears. The creamy mosaic tiles of the water fountain section were slick with water, and there was a sidewalk ahead of the fountains, and a lake stretched beyond the railing of the sidewalk. At your sides, were some mosaic stairs in which clothes were strewn on, and in others some people were sitting down, chatting without a care in the world. 
‘’Yeah, sure,’’ he agreed with a smile. ‘’Did you bring your swimwear beneath your clothes?’’ You nodded eagerly. You quickly pulled off your shirt, rolling your eyes when Sugawara wolf-whistled. Once you discarded your shirt and bottoms, tugged off your footwear and socks, you were left in your swimwear. 
Sugawara on the other hand simply discarded the black jacket he was wearing, pulled off his tee-shirt, wearing nothing beneath it (you may or may have not stared at him while he did so), and pulled off his denim jeans, revealing a pair of swim shorts. You snorted, shaking your head. 
‘’How did you stuff those shorts under your jeans?’’ Somewhat impressed, you raised an eyebrow and rested a fist on your waist. 
He chuckled. ‘’I have my secrets.’’ Without further ado, the two of you folded your clothing, leaving it atop of your bags, before Suga grabbed your hand, and the two of you raced barefoot to the water fountains.
You shivered as the water drenched you, cold liquid splashing against your warm skin. Sugawara was laughing loudly, hands splayed at his sides, redirecting the water. You squealed when it splashed against your eyes, and retaliated, sticking a hand in front of a water hole, sending it straight towards Suga’s knee. He yelped, and rubbed his knee, while you snickered. 
‘’How cruel,’’ he said as you gasped when he pulled you into his arms in one quick movement. His voice was teasing and there was a mischievous smile spreading across his cheeks. 
‘’I learned from the best.’’ You grinned and leaned closer as his arms tightened around your waist. 
‘’Mhm…’’ his voice trailed off, and his attention quickly snapped towards your lips. ‘’You sure did.’’ 
His lips slowly connected with yours, and you greedily accepted them, the warmth spreading through your otherwise cold and drenched body. Your hands went to the back of his neck, slowly creeping up to his hair. Just as the kiss grew deeper, a loud shout ripped through the air.
‘’HELL YEAH!’’ Tanaka shouted, and you slowly pulled away with a long sigh, only to have your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets at the current sight. 
Tanaka was cheering, arms in the air as Nishinoya knelt at his side, mouth wide open, the stream of water shooting inside.
Sugawara and you raced towards the troublesome pair, barely arriving at the other side of the water fountains without slipping on your head. And after minutes of Tanaka screaming, Nishinoya groaning and whining, you managed to pull away from the latter from the water fountain, rushing towards the restrooms. 
‘’Nishinoya!’’ You scolded him while Sugawara inspected him. ‘’What in the world gave you the idea to drink the fountain water? That isn’t purified water, you dumbass.’’ 
Tanaka trudged into the restrooms just as you finished chewing Nishinoya out, walking in with a bright grin.
‘’That was fun!’’ You could only sigh in response.
After a few minutes, everyone took a quick shower in their respective stalls, dried up, and pulled on some dry clothes. You had just walked out of the dressing room when you met Sugawara’s gaze, who had just stepped out as well.
‘’Hey,’’ you gave him a bright smile. ‘’Where are we going now?’’ 
Sugawara hummed thoughtfully as the two of you strolled out of the foggy washrooms and the sun hit your still somewhat humid skin.
‘’I’m not sure. Oh,’’ he suddenly stopped in his tracks and you stopped as well. 
‘’What is it?’’ You asked while the grey-haired boy stared at his surroundings as if looking for the second-years. His eyes narrowed, but once he didn’t spot them, they returned to you, softening.
‘’I have something for you.’’ Fiddling with the backpack that was slung over his shoulder, you watched as he pulled out a small, black box.
‘’Suga…’’ You said, rather excited but cautious. ‘’If this is what I think it is-’’ 
‘’Huh?’’ He looked confused, but then his eyes widened. ‘’Oh! No, relax sweetheart,’’ he chucked. ‘’We’re still in high school, I’m not proposing.’’ 
‘’Oh, okay,’’ you replied, chest feeling much lighter. While you did like to think of marrying your boyfriend and other type of daydreams, right now was too soon for that...
‘’I was planning to give you this at the end of the day,’’ he said. ‘’But since we have some unexpected guests with us… I thought I’d just give it to you now, while they’re not here.’’ Slowly, he opened the box, and you let out a small gasp of surprise.
It was absolutely beautiful. The silver chain was gleaming in the sunlight, and the (favorite/color) heart pendant had a delicately carved S. A smile stretched across your lips, and Suga gently pulled out the necklace, looking at you expectantly.
‘’Would you like me to put it on you?’’ He asked softly, and you nodded eagerly. You stepped towards him, back facing his chest. You brushed your hair to the side, and you felt his long and nimble fingers trace your collarbone, before delicately placing the necklace around your neck. The cool metal made you slightly shiver, and your boyfriend quickly clasped it and stepped away. 
‘’What do you think?’’ 
‘’I love it!’’ Sugawara’s lips curled upwards. You quickly threw your arms around him, tugging him closer to press a brief but sweet kiss on his lips.
‘’Thank you so much. I have a gift of my own for you,’’ the boy’s eyebrows quirked upwards. ‘’But you’ll get it once you get home.’’ With a teasing smile on your lips, your boyfriend smirked and nodded.
‘’Alright then,’’ he leaned to your ear. ‘’I’ll be waiting to unwrap it.’’
Giggling giddily, you stepped away, and the familiar voices of Nishinoya and Tanaka interrupted your thoughts.
‘’Well, what do we have here!’’ Tanaka wolf-whistled at the sight of Sugawara’s hand on your lower back, and you rolled your eyes.
‘’A relationship, Tanaka. Of course, you wouldn’t know, would you now?’’ You cackled as the boy gasped and began to mutter to himself.
‘’Alright, alright, calm down you two.’’ The voice of reason, Suga, stepped into the conversation and placed his hand on your upper back. 
Nishinoya merely hummed and bopped his head, seemingly quiet for once. It was an odd sight. 
‘’It’s time to visit my favorite ride,’’ the mischief in your boyfriend’s voice made your heart skip a beat.
You had completely forgotten about the rollercoasters! What were you supposed to do now? Run away? Come up with a lame excuse to get off the hook? You doubted Tanaka and ‘Noya would be persuaded easily. 
‘’Wait a second…’’ Sugawara paused as he squinted his eyes towards the view ahead of you, a large and imposing roller coaster. 
‘’Oh wow! It’s a new roller coaster, and it looks even bigger and taller than the old one,’’ you could hear the childlike excitement in his voice and it tugged at your heartstrings. ‘’Let’s go check it out!’’ 
Without further ado, your boyfriend clasped onto your hand, and the two of you sprinted towards the ride, feeling like your stomach was about to leap onto the ground. At your left, you spotted the second-years racing towards the ride as well.
 Being only a few feet away from the coaster was nearly enough to give you a heart attack. You swallowed thickly and stared at the infrastructure. You were standing outside of the arch, which stretched into a sign that read, Cupid’s Arrow. A few feet ahead was the waiting line, with a few people already there. 
The railing of the ride was silver, but the actual seats of the ride were a soft pink, adorned with several hearts. You followed the people who had just hopped into the cart and winced as the ride began to move upwards, hearing the railing shift under it. It continued to increase in height, climbing, and climbing until it suddenly reached a stop. You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding in. It didn’t look too bad… hopefully it would be a slow descent from there?
Your eyes widened as the cart suddenly dropped, moving at such a fast speed you had to blink twice to spot it. The screams of delight- or fear, you couldn’t tell, from the passengers ripped through the air.
You were going to be sick. 
‘’That looks like so much fun,’’ your boyfriend commented. ‘’C’mon, let’s go stand in the waiting line.’’ 
‘’Wait…’’ you froze in your place and tugged on his sleeve. He stopped and turned around, a questioning look on his face. 
‘’What is it, Y/N?’’ He tilted his head to the side.
‘’I...I can’t,’’ the words stumbled out of your head, but you couldn’t manage to get anything else out. 
‘’You can’t what?’’ His voice was calm and firm. You swallowed nervously and dug your nails into your left palm.
‘’Yo! The waiting line is loosening up, we’re about to go on, let’s go!’’ Nishinoya interrupted. Just as you opened your lips to protest again, Sugawara perked up at words and quickly led you to the waiting line.
Inconveniently for you, the four sets of carts pulled up at the entrance, and you sat down in the second set with Sugawara. Nishinoya and Tanaka were sitting in front of you, talking excitedly. Your heart was beating madly, pounding so hard, it felt like you were going to die.
‘’Suga...Can we get off?’’ He turned to look at you, confused. But it was too late, the ride’s worker had already done their walk around each cart, securely locking everyone into their seats. A shrill alarm made you wince, and the carts lurched forward.
‘’Oh god…’’ you mumbled and closed your eyes tightly.
‘’Y/N?’’ Sugawara reached to place his hand over yours. The ride’s restraints were pressed against your neck, and a belt was closed firmly over your lap. ‘’Do you not like roller coasters? You should’ve told me earlier,’’ 
‘’No, I…’’ you couldn’t finish your sentence, as a scream ripped from your throat as the cart launched downwards. 
The wind slapped against your face, and falling from such a high distance sent your heart to your throat. You couldn’t stop screaming, couldn’t close your eyes as the ride only went faster, and faster, taking a turn and before you knew it, you were upside down. The ride slowed for a second, and you whimpered.
‘’I hate roller coasters,’’ you said in a small voice, closing your eyes just as the ride lurched forward again, another terrified scream ripping from your chest.
Your mind was muddled, your stomach doing backflips and pure horror lodged in your throat. Nausea overtook you like a warm, suffocating blanket, and you felt your stomach churn. 
The ride came to a slow halt, and you breathed shakily. Your mind was racing, bouncing from one place to another, the sudden rush of adrenaline still lingering in your veins.
‘’Y/N? Y/N!’’ You opened your voice and met Sugawara’s concerned gaze, as he quickly helped you take off the restraints and step out of the cart. The moment your shoe touched the ground, you were falling to the side. Thankfully, Suga caught you before you hit the ground, and kept you in his arms. 
‘’Are you feeling okay? Oh god, you screamed a lot. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were terrified of roller coasters! I wouldn’t have even brought it up if I knew-’’ you raised your hand and stopped him in the middle of his rambling.
‘’It’s..okay,’’ but you weren’t. Nausea washed over you, wave after wave.
 ‘’But...I think I’m going to be sick.’’ The grey-haired boy's eyes widened. In a blink of an eye, he had you in his arms, and the two of you raced towards the closest restrooms.
‘’Hang on!’’ He said while rushing towards the stalls. ‘’We’re almost there.’’ Soon enough, you were set on the floor and puked your guts out on the toilet. You felt Suga’s warm hair push your hair out of your face, just so you wouldn’t dirty yourself.
After puking much more than you’d like, you panted, hunched over the toilet. Sugawara was rubbing circles on your back, and the second-hand embarrassment began to seep in. 
‘’Oh god,’’ you mumbled, slowly getting up. ‘’I’m so sorry you had to see me like that.’’ You grabbed the toilet paper that was next to the toilet, ripping a piece and cleaning your mouth.
‘’Hey, it’s alright,’’ Sugawara said. ‘’Nothing to be ashamed about. I should’ve picked up on the fact that you aren’t good with rollercoasters, I’m sorry this happened.’’ 
You shook your head and flushed the toilet. The two of you stepped out of the stall, trudging towards the sink.
‘’You were so excited, and I didn’t want to ruin that,’’ you opened the sink faucet, and began to clean your face, wiping away residue. ‘’But I think I ruined it either way…’’
Staring at the sink, you couldn’t meet Sugawara’s gaze. Instead, you leaned towards the faucet of water, cleaning your mouth from the stench of vomit as much as you could. God, this was so embarrassing.
‘’You didn’t ruin it,’’ Sugawara argued. ‘’We still have a day ahead of us, don’t we? I don’t care if you vomited sweetheart, it’s perfectly normal to do so. Besides,’’ he pulled you into his arms, resting his head on top of yours. ‘’being able to be with you, just like this, is better than anything else in this entire world.’’ 
‘’Really?’’ You murmured, cuddling into his chest. It was warm, and listening to his heartbeat was soothing.
‘’Really.’’ You smiled. Slowly, Sugawara pulled away, his hand squeezing your shoulders firmly, a new look of determination shining in his eyes.
‘’As I said, the day isn’t over yet. Why don’t we go out there and enjoy it, hm?’’ 
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a/n: hey hey!! this was my first time writing for sugawara and my first ever haikyuu fanfic and honestly it went better than i expected-?? lmk what you guys think :3 if you enjoyed, please REBLOG, like, and leave comments on the post! feedback is greatly appreciated <3 
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Copyright © 2021 by Veles. Do NOT repost, plagiarize, or read my content as ASMR or audiofics.
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Only Human
Chapter 15: Ride or Die
The trio had been allowed to wander while the Freaks discussed their next plan. Marcus, for his part, went looking for a cot or a bed. “I’m so f*cking tired.”
“We have a few spare beds in the medical ward,” a nearby intern piped up, looking up as Marcus passed her desk.
“My nephew talks about you a lot,” the intern added. “Jackie Ruez?”
“Our small forward. Nice guy,” Marcus smiled, sitting down. “I remember he didn’t know much English when he first started.”
“You and your friends tutored him, right?”
“That was all Cal. I just taught him basketball and Ari taught him how to paint.”
“He’s been painting a lot these days. “He went through 10 packs of watercolors in just three months.”
Marcus chuckled. “I remember swapping his acrylics with finger paint as a joke. He chased me all through school that day. I probably deserved it.”
“So that’s why he came home with paint all over his hands.”
“I had to wash my hair for an hour to get it all out.” Marcus smiled, and then sighed, a look of tiredness no teenager should have had on his face.. “...look, can you just... just tell him I’m okay?”
“Of course.”
“The last time I got in trouble, it was some kids from a nearby school who jumped me. My teammates tracked down each one, took some bats and metal pipes, and put them all in the hospital. In one night. I don’t want them doing anything like that now. They could get hurt, and on my mama, I bet those *ssholes would turn them just to f*ck with me.”
“You know, if you wanted you could ask Colonel Dyson to put them under HECU Protection. It’s like Witness Protection, just with a lot more security.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
The intern nodded and picked up the nearby phone. “Do you want to call him yourself or do you want me to put in the request?”
“I’d like you to do it. I want to call my team.”
“There’s a phone in the break room over there.” The intern gestured down the hall to Marcus’ right.
“Man, this sucks! Marcus is who-knows-where being hunted and we can’t do sh*t to help!”
A young teen, no more than 14, grumbled sourly to himself while kicking over a box of wood chips in an abandoned warehouse. Another kid, a few years older than him, looked up from their phone.
“I got a lead a few hours ago. From what I can gather, it looks like he was heading to HECU Headquarters. I don’t know if they’ve made it there yet, though.”
“What can we do? These are, like, supervillains! And we’re just teenagers!”
“We could track them. Cally has a bunch of brainiac friends. Get them together and have them start looking for those *ssholes,” a tall boy, likely 17, suggested.
“Maybe we should get some of Ari’s friends, too,” another kid added.
“Yeah. The more, the better.”
The kid with the phone sat up and started briskly typing away. “Guys, you’re not gonna believe this, but it looks like Marcus has some Freaks of his own. You guys know Spyper and Intelligent Heavy, right?”
“I think so. Didn’t Spyper get his head chopped off and put on someone else’s body?”
“Yeah, he got his body swapped around with Sny.”
“Hey, Wilson. Start finding more good Freaks. The more join up, the more chance Marcus has of getting through this. Have the brainiacs help.”
“I think Marcus is way ahead of us. I found some security footage of the road outside HECU Headquarters and just take a look at who’s with him.” Wilson showed the other kids the footage, where a handful of Freaks accompanied the Trio inside, including Count Jester.
“He got the clown with him?” a younger kid piped up.
“Apparently. Now all he needs is us-” 
Ring! Ring!
“Huh? My phone!”
“Who is it, Jackie?”
“Unknown Number. Should I answer it?”
“Answer it, but don’t say anything. If it’s spam, they’ll hang up if they don’t hear anything.”
Jackie did. “Hello?”
“Jackie? It’s Marcus. Are you okay?”
“Marcus!” Jackie gasped. “Are you in HECU? We’ve been looking all over for you!”
“Yeah, I’m at HECU. Your aunt says hi.”
“Aw. How long have you been at HECU?”
“Jester teleported us here about an hour ago. Apparently they were tricked into holding us for the guy who wants to kill us, but that’s been sorted out, and they gave me a pet, so we’re cool now.”
“...I’m sorry, what?” 
“Yeah, everyone trying to kill us is working for one dude.”
“Yeah that doesn’t sound bad at all,” Jackie winced.
“Tell me about it. Anyway. I’m calling to ask you not to do something stupid.”
“Whaaaat? Psh, nah, we’re not gonna do anything stupid. Right, guys?” Jackie said with a snide grin, winking at the rest of his team.
“You worry too much, Quinn. Chill.”
“Yeah. Rest easy, we’re not gonna pull some sh*t.”
“Alright. Stay safe out there. And don’t go near any emo Snipers you see.”
“Sure thing, man.”
Jackie hung up, still grinning. “So. Who’s ready to hunt an emo Sniper?’
“I’ll get the others. Viktor. Does your family still have all those weapons?”
“Yeah. Which ones do we need?”
“As many as you can get. Especially long-range. We did tell Marcus that we wouldn’t approach the f*cker, so sniping is the way to go.”
“There’s nothing quite like exploiting a loophole,” Viktor grinned, heading out of the warehouse.
The other boy nodded and dialed a number. “Hey, Olga? Gather the brainiacs. We know where Marcus, Cally, and Ari are.”
“Wait, really!?”
“Yeah. A buncha Freaks are trying to kill them.”
“Yeah. Apparently”
“Holy sh*t... Alright, what do you need help with?”
“Hacking. We need you to track down as many Freaks as you can.”
“On it.”
“And get Ari’s friends. We need numbers.”
Hanging up that call felt heavy, like the life-changing moment it would be for everyone involved.
“Should we have anyone over at HECU to keep an eye on Marcus?”
“No. Then they’d know what we’re doing and try to stop us. We gotta stay off the radar. Wear masks. Disguise our voices. Make sure nobody can identify us.”
“I had a feeling we’d need these!” another kid shouted from the bottom of the warehouse, pulling along a rack of all black disguises.
“Hey, you’re the theater kid, right? I knew you were useful for something.”
“Yep! I had these costumes ready for awhile but we never needed them. UNTIL NOW!”
“Awesome. Guys, get home. We’ll meet back here tonight.”
“Alright. Nobody die overnight!”
“Don’t jinx it.”
The theater kid knocked on the side of the warehouse on their way out.
“Thank you all for coming. As you know, a bunch of superpowered *ssholes have decided to kill our friends, and we, the students of Dade City High, cannot allow this to happen.”
As the student body president spoke, Viktor handed weapons to everyone in attendance. 
“You are being given weapons now. If you do not know how to use them, Viktor will teach you on the way.”
“What’s the current plan of attack?” A younger student piped up among the crowd.
“We go to HECU. Its location is confidential, but our hackers have found it. We also have a van we stole from a junkyard and fixed to be our ride. You know, to make it harder to track.”
“How are we all gonna fit in one van?” Another student called from the back of the crowd.
“Like sardines.” 
“Also, I have a trailer. We can use that for training and extra space,” added a rich kid.
“Couldn’t we just use an old school bus?” One of the engineering students pondered. “Wouldn’t take much to jumpstart it, and nobody would be suspicious of a school bus going through Evo City.”
“From Dade City? That’s two states away,” put in a chess club student.
“What about an activity bus? It’s not uncommon for students to go on field trips that take them across state lines,” another engineering student added.
“That works. You two go steal it. We can take both.”
The engineering students nodded and gathered up their bags before leaving for the school’s parking lot, their bags clinking with metal on the way out.
“Did everyone pack some clothes and supplies?”
“Yeah, but why not electronics?”
The rich kid spoke up again. “I got a cheap phone plan. Everyone gets a phone. This way our parents can’t track us.”
“And they can’t be tracked by anyone else, can they?” a skeptical student inqueried, looking their phone over.
“I was kinda hoping you tech whiz guys could take care of that,” the rich kid replied sheepishly.
The small group of tech students all glanced at each other before sharing a collective nod. “Give us 10 minutes.”
“What do we do once at HECU?”
“Find out where our friends are. By force if necessary.”
“And if any hostile Freaks show up while we’re doing that?”
“Why do you think I’m giving you weapons?” Viktor deadpanned, holding up his own gun.
“Ask a stupid question,” the class clown teased.
“I mean like, one of the really bad ones. Like Painis. I don’t even think our weapons would work against him.”
“Probably run. Or run him over.”
“Let’s pray that Freaks like Nightmare Medic or HOOVYDUNDY aren’t part of this whole thing.”
“Hmm... hey, I just remembered. I have an aunt that works at HECU.”
“Uh... who are you?” the student body president asked.
“Melissa James.”
“Oh no,” the student body gasped in unison.
“...is that bad?”
“Are... are you related to Anita James, by any chance?”
“Yeah! That’s my aunt! She taught me how to build bombs. And tasers.”
“Holy sh*t! You’re related to a mad scientist! THE mad scientist!”
“Yeah, she’s a bit... eccentric. But the point is, she could be our in. And get us better weapons when we get there.”
“Isn’t she under constant surveillance though? I heard she blew up HECU twice in the last three months. That’s not something you just leave unmonitored.”
“In the same three months, she built a weapon that can level cities, a teleportation device, an army of attack microbots, and a shield generator. We could use those against stronger Freaks.”
“Would she even let us use them?”
“She’s a mad scientist who needs her weapons tested, and I hear her boss won’t let her give them to HECU soldiers. I’m not worried.”
“What choice do we have, Todd? Do you want them to kill Ari? Or Marcus? Or Cally? We’re desperate, and beggars can’t be choosers.”
The student sighed. “Alright. Give her a call.”
“Hey, Aunt Anita.”
“Oh! Hi, Melissa! How are you?”
“Not good. My friends are in danger. I think you may have seen them. Marcus, Cally, and Ari?”
Anita paused, lifting her pen off her notepad. “...yes, they just came in earlier today.”
“Some friends and I are coming to help him out, and we were wondering about using your weapons to do it.”
“Hmm... Come around the back of HECU. I’ll keep the door unlocked for you.”
“Heh... thanks, Aunt Anita. Also, could you maybe not tell those three about this? We told Marcus we wouldn’t do anything crazy, and if he finds out we’re doing this, we’re gonna get our *sses kicked.”
“My lips are sealed.”
There was a nod, and Anita, the mad doctor who sent people running with a smile and a wave, hung up.
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ryttu3k · 4 years
Finishing up SoNY, ‘bad’ end and final thoughts!
But first, the early game over.
Wow, she just gets shot. Not even slurped? That’s rude as hell XD;;
And on to the ‘bad’ end!
Beginning is much the same, ofc.
“You’re too in love with weaving a good story and establishing a seductive narrative to let facts get in the way.” Foreshadowing for the ‘good’ end, maybe?
God that Embrace scene gives me literal goosebumps.
Alright! Last time I did Danse Macabre and Retributive Justice, let’s try The Risks of Swiping Right!
lmao god I’d eat this guy too. Back to the ghost club! That legitimately is a really neat scene. ...Ooh yes so that’s where the girl was from.
Panhard just lowkey dying at the mental image of Katherine Weise in a fast food restaurant is so good.
The sweet scene between Julia and Dakota hits a bit different after the ‘good’ end XD;;
Went to the park, reminisced, and helped out the guy. That was sweet ;_; High-humanity Julia, this time!
‘Fairy God Mother?’ is great but ‘Vin Diesel?’ is objectively the funnier response.
“Shining even more brightly than usual, Aisling.” Samira got a cru-ush~
Poor Julie. It’s probably been tough without Sophie around :(
Huh. Interestingly, refusing to lie to Mia results in Julia actually feeling genuine loyalty to the Cammies (for now, at least).
Believing Agathon is still alive = more optimistic = different dialogue! See, this is how you make choices have consequences, game!
Oooh boy time to meet Adelaide XD;;
“She uncrosses her legs in a strangely seductive motion. In her mind’s eye, it probably looked like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct, but in reality, it had all the grace of a tracksuit Slav squatting.” *snickering*
Fight me, Adelaide >:(
‘sup Nastya. Went with the slightly less disruptive routine here XD Huh, she’s an aspiring DJ! Julia is deeply confused as to how being a DJ and being head of security works together.
lmao Julia referring to Hope as a girlboss. That phrase has lost all meaning to me...
The conversation between Julia and Father Leonard is still really interesting. Man, you know who I want Julia to talk to? Anatole. Interesting insights into balancing being queer Catholic vampires there for sure.
lmao oh my god I want to fight this street reporter.
‘I can almost feel my brain losing its wrinkles.’ *snort*
Yeaghhhh the Abyss bit is still so creepy...
Oops. Being honest regarding Tamika and Torque’s relationships gets a fail :(
Oh, or not XD That works! Also, uh, apparently the giant albino ghoul alligator is real, according to New York by Night. He’s Calebros’ pet.
“Because I think I have a pretty good nose for people’s auras. And when I take a good look at you... ...somehow, I have a feeling you’re a surprisingly decent person. Whatever way of unlife you choose, I hope you don’t change it. And that you remember my advice.” :)
“I know.” Oof.
“Hi.” “WAAAH!” lmao sorry Princess XD;; Just trying to imagine Qadir’s face as he tells Julia to find a 1990 glass statue of Scrooge McDuck... dying...
Oh she’s so a Toreador XD Low art options are a fantasy book, an anime DVD, or a video game... those can all be arty, though! And went with the anime DVD called ‘Ririsu no Daibouken’... that translates to ‘Adventures of Lilith’. How on the nose XD “The cover says ‘Lilith’s Carnal Carnival’.” Oh. Yeah, that’d do it XD
“This 90s original video anime presents us with a tale of five big-bosomed samurai warriors travelling through America in search of General Hastavista, The Incubus King. Don’t let all the titillation misguide you: the main draws here are peerless direction, a nearly avant-garde editing rhythm and dialogue that coyly comments on traditional gender roles in anime. Once you see the animation in the final battle, you’ll understand why it never fails to set a sakuga fan’s heart ablaze!”
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She’s my new favourite.
“So can I know your name now?”
“Hmmm... Let me think...
No. <3″
I need to stress that the heart appears in the dialogue box. Like. The actual less-than-three heart.
Didn’t investigate the rat this time, so Qadir did and I die. “Glad you’re alright, little guy.” Qadir...
Still not over the drunk blood doll rats.
Kaiser’s still a goddamn creep and this time Julia is not going too far. She still has her humanity, dammit. Final set of traits:
Loyal to the end
Glass half-full
Not into a bad cop schtick
Honesty is the best policy
No more human, still humane
Onwards to the ‘bad’ end! Oops, and Dakota still did the Single White Female thing XD;;
Man I’m still really curious who the ‘good friend’ is!!
Okay! Time for end game!!
So that’s the good friend, huh? “Let me phrase it differently, then. You’re not Ecaterina the Wise, the Agitator of Prague, a Brujah elder causing turbulences all over the world... are you?”
Mention of Christof! Mention of Christof doing shady shit :| Poor Hana.
“An immigrant from Eastern Europe comes to New York City, takes the position she always expected to find herself in, is molded into someone who is no longer herself.”
Julia and Dakota representing Carthage is kind of neat.
I want to say the mention of St Jude is a reference, but I’m not sure what to XD;; Is that from Redemption? Christof could have been the one to tell Hana that.
“Like a two-person human centipede loop or something. An Ouroburos? Or an, uhh, Mobius strip?” No, that’s the other traditionally Sabbat clan XD
That‘s. That’s a hell of a reconciliation XD “Yeah, let’s give it a try. By the way I’m on the run for my unlife, want to go to California and try to find utopia?”
Julia, wear a fucking mask XD
“Do you love me?”
“... Of course I do. For now, at least.”
I still don’t know if I love her. Or even if I can love anyone, for that matter. I’m a fucking monster, after all. I don’t even know if we’ll exist next month. The prospects are not looking good. But although I can’t see myself in the rearview mirror right now...
...I will remember this image of us leaving the city, somewhat melancholic, and somewhat hopeful, forever. And maybe the meaning of this image will be clarified with time. Or maybe I will just force a more positive description on it, and that is what I’ll believe.
No matter what happens... even if oceans of blood lie before us, I will make this a cherished memory.
Whatever possible salvation still remains for me... ...it probably lies in the eyes of another.
Oh dang I have chills.
So the ‘bad’ ending is about the subverted compromise. Julia resigns herself to letting the compromise about the truth of Callihan’s death go ahead. ‘Catherine’ is a walking compromise to hide the Ecaterina’s real deeds. But while Hana is still stuck in her role for now, Julia refuses to accept the compromise she’s made, both the one relating to the investigation and the compromise she made of her own views and morals. It might blow up in her face, yeah. But damn, she’s going to try.
So, final thoughts! For the sake of completion, this is what I said about Coteries:
And of course this is the part where the game all falls apart :-\
Just… god. This is probably the biggest problem with CoNY, and the reason I didn’t bother getting it until it was like… 60% off. The bulk of the game is great - the writing is intriguing, the design is stunning. But the choices themselves are so limited it’s barely worth even getting it at 60% off!
You have three choices of characters, with their own opening chapters and own individual scenes with their touchstones. You have four choices of coterie members, and three sidequests. You can probably get in at least three full story arcs and a sidequest or two, but you’re only ever limited to two of your coterie members showing up at the not-yet-endgame.
So let’s say you decide to play all three protags, which, indeed, is encouraged (there’s an achievement for it). You are going to repeat coterie arcs and side quests, because there simply aren’t enough for three unique playthroughs.
And then you get to the end and literally everything is scripted. You get attacked by the SI. You get rescued by your two coterie members (and then never see them again, despite the game being called Coteries of New York). You meet Torque, you escape the SI, Sophie reveals her plan to Torque, you go to Ellis Island, Adelaide kills Sophie (and despite the fact that you’re given multiple options there, none of them work), Arturo does his spiel, end of game. You don’t even get to choose between ending up blood bound or going “no fuck you” and at least dying with a bit of dignity!
I just. I really want to like it, and there genuinely is a lot there to like! But uuuugh the ending. Like damn at least give the poor protag the option to choose what happens to them!
Anyway. Not sure what’s next. To get all the achievements, you have to finish with all three protags, so that’s three full runs and a lot of repetitiveness (compare to, say, Bloodlines or Night Road. I have eighty-five hours on Night Road and there’s still stuff I haven’t seen!), so I can’t even just… rush it through up to the meeting with the touchstones on the third play. Nope. Gotta finish it :-\
Final rating: 6/10
8/10 characters, 9/10 atmosphere, 8/10 story aside from ending, 3/10 story ending, 2/10 replayability. Final consensus: get it on major sale if you can, otherwise, you might as well just watch an LP. I might do that instead of doing a third run, although I at least want to do a second.
I ended up revising that 6/10 to 5.5/10 after finishing all runs and getting the achievements just out of how goddamn repetitive it was. So, how does Shadows measure up?
Absolutely continued with all the things I enjoyed about CoNY (characters, atmosphere, and writing), and of the bits I hated (cookie cutter protagonists, lack of real choice, repetitiveness, the godawful ending), every single part has been completely improved.
Instead of three fledglings so similar they even have the same internal thoughts, we have Julia, who’s got such a distinct voice that she becomes the most memorable game protag I’ve seen in years, and I’m including non-VtM games in this. This is absolutely her game, and it’s just... absolutely fascinating to read and watch.
Related - actual real choices. There are five key choices that determine the ending, and every single one has actual consequence in-game. You get different dialogue. Different introspection. Different philosophies. And this carries across - if Julia believes Agathon is alive, she’s more optimistic about her relationship with Dakota, too. And of course, both endings are completely distinct and incredibly written - the ‘good’ ending where Julia gives in to her most Lasombra instincts, plays the game, wins it, gets power and respect at the expense of her humanity and avoiding all those wraiths... or the ‘bad’ ending when she listens to her morals, reconciles with Dakota, and leaves for California, uncertain, but hopeful.
Not a lot of repetitiveness. Yes, by design, you’ll probably do two playthroughs. The main plot is much the same, but there are enough options there to get multiple dialogue options and stuff. And for the little sidequests, you can actually get all in with just the two playthroughs, only repeating like... two, I think. Still, I wasn’t feeling actively bored like I was midway through my second run of CoNY!
Loved seeing more in-depth backstory and development for the coterie members. Agathon’s section was particularly fascinating, literally getting into his head.
And just. Atmosphere and music is so, so good.
Final rating: 9/10. Thank you, Draw Distance, you hit it out of the park.
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is-it-art-tho · 3 years
Summary: A mission gone awry, too many memories, too much blood, and not enough time. Bruce races to save a son he couldn't save before.
Prologue, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8
“—can’t…br…brea…” Jason choked, blood spilling from the corners of his mouth.
Bruce’s hands were pressed to the wound in his abdomen as hard as he dared without doing more damage. His gloves and belt had been taken earlier that day, so now, even in the balmy summer rain, Jason’s blood felt uncomfortably warm on his bare skin.
“W-where…?” The younger man’s eyes swiveled wildly, disoriented and searching.
“He’s gone.” After what Bruce had done to the assassin, he didn’t even bother glancing to make sure the man was still unconscious. It was an outrageous mercy that the man would ever wake up at all.
“There aren’t. Stop talking.”
It seemed Jason was about to say something else—his lips parting again—but instead the younger man began to gurgle and choke. Bruce tilted him sideways so that he could cough up the blood before it ran down his throat.
“Oracle?” Bruce demanded, a finger to his ear.
“You two on your way bac—?”
“Nearest hospital.”
“Oh, uh”—the patter of keys— “about forty minutes east of you.”
Damn it. “The Berlin cave. What’s the medical designation?”
Certainly not his most equipped base, but it wasn’t nothing. At the very least, it would be enough to stabilize Jason for transport to an actual trauma center.
“What’s going on?” she asked now, her tone still carefully restrained.
He eyed a car parked a few feet away. “Change of plans. I need you to make sure the path is clear between us and the cave. No stops. And have Dr. Ziegler meet us there.”
“Done. Are you guys alright? Is Hood—”
“Just make sure the roads are clear.” He cut the line and redirected his attention to Jason, who was staring up at him. Red streaks covered one side of his face from where the blood had run out of his mouth.
“I…hate…Germany,” the young man croaked.
Bruce slid his arm under Jason and pulled him up, cringing as Jason cried out and hunched forward in pain.
“Come on," the older man urged. We—”
“—have to go. Where is he?” ” Bruce was standing beside the open batmobile, shifting his weight impatiently.
Alfred checked his watch. “I haven’t heard from him since this weekend.”
Bruce exhaled sharply through his nose, torn between concern and annoyance. This would not be the first time Jason had gone rogue without informing the rest of the team. But he had thought—or at least hoped—that they had moved beyond that stage.
With another sigh, he climbed into the driver’s seat.
“You’re leaving without him?” Alfred asked. The question sounded neutral enough, but Bruce knew the older man well enough to catch the edge of disapproval.
“Going to find him,” Bruce corrected. It wouldn’t be easy if Jason didn’t want it to be. But, then again, Bruce had a lot of experience finding people who didn’t want to be found.
The roof of the car had not even closed halfway when the elevator doors slid open and Jason slouched into the cave.
“Sorry, m’late,” he muttered. His voice, already muffled by the helmet, came out sounding more like a sigh or a groan than actual speech.
Bruce watched from the car as the eighteen-year-old trudged toward him, his movements just a little clumsier, a little more sluggish than usual.
“I thought you were planning on riding here,” he asked as Jason got in the passenger side—a move which caused even Alfred to shoot Bruce a surprised glance. Bruce couldn’t remember the last time Jason ridden with him by choice. “Where’s your bike?”
“Tire blew,” Jason grunted, reclining the seat and tilting his head back.
“Everything okay?”
There was nothing remotely satisfying with this response, but they were already late, so with a quick press of a button, Bruce spurred the massive engine to life. The platform beneath them rotated to aim them towards the tunnel, and as it did, Jason groaned and sighed.
“What is going on?” Bruce demanded, cutting the car off again.
“Nothing. Geez. Can we just go?”
“Oh my God. You’re kidding me,” Jason moaned.
Bruce just stared at him, and Jason matched the older man’s stare with his own until Bruce decided the silence had gone on long enough. The older man raised his voice: “Computer. Biometrics for Hood—comma—Red.”
Jason’s head swiveled toward the dashboard as the monitors there blinked on. “What the—”
“Blood alcohol,” Bruce requested.
“What are you doing?”
One of the screens read Processing… before it answered, “Blood alcohol content for Hood—comma—Red. Zero point zero.”
“Controlled substances?” Bruce asked.
This time Jason’s head swung back towards the older man. Even with the helmet on, his anger and indignance were palpable.
The robotic voice responded, “Negative.”
“You think I’m drunk and high?” Jason demanded.
“I’m just trying to get some answers.”
“And that’s what you start with? Also: when the hell did you put scanners in my helmet? I made this mysel—” He broke off in a coughing fit that left him bent over and groaning.
Bruce studied him for a moment before saying, “You’re sick.”
“That’s what they tell me,” he rasped, pressing the button on the side of his helmet to take it off and let it fall to the floor.
“I’m fine.”
Bruce took in the sheen along the teen’s face, glinting in the pale blue glow from the dashboard monitors. Damp hair dangled from his bowed head, and each labored breath carried an unnerving rattle from deep in the young man’s chest.
“Hood—comma—Red. Body temp, please.”
“One hundred and two point three,” the computer supplied.
“It’s mild,” the teen countered, leaning back again.
“It’s not. Why didn’t you just tell me? I can handle patrol on my own.”
“Because I’m a grown man and I don’t need everyone making a big deal every time I get the sniffles.”
“This is your body’s way of telling you to go easy. If you’re not careful you’ll make it worse.”
“Whatever. Just drive.”
“You need to be home.”
“Yeah, I’ll take a real long nap right after we get back. Now will you please just drive the freaking car.”
“Why are you being so stubborn? There’s no need for you to run yourself into the—"
“Because I want to, okay?” Jason snapped. Over the younger man’s shoulder, Bruce watched Alfred jump and look towards them. Bruce shook his head just enough, and Alfred nodded back, his posture relaxing.
This wasn’t one of those fights. Not yet anyway.
Jason’s head thumped back into the seat and he stared ahead as he added, “Please.”
And only then did Bruce realize why this exchange felt so familiar. It was the Watchtower all over again. A young, borderline self-destructive boy with something to prove. Even if Bruce held his ground, he already knew without a doubt that Jason would end up out there anyway and would probably stay out extra long just to show that he could, even if doing so landed him in the hospital.
Reluctantly, Bruce started the engine again. The teen glanced at him in surprise.
“We’re keeping it short,” Bruce clarified. “And you’re staying here tonight.”
Jason looked at him, not agreeing but not arguing either, which the older man decided to accept as a win.
“Seatbelt,” he ordered, and the boy obeyed begrudgingly. Then in the blink of an eye, they were soaring down the tunnel, barreling towards the city.
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