#but also uliana is an awful person
purplerakath · 2 months
Descendants 4 - Improving the Ending
I had some SUDDEN INSPIRATION and decided to write it out as an answer to the pretty lackluster ending the film had. There are, all told, about three things I really think stand out to why the ending is bad.
...but of course this is all spoilers so let's just clip this now, shall we?
So the items are:
A lack of visible stakes.
A lack of impact from the protagonists.
A misuse of characters already present.
So the stakes overall are 'if Bridget goes evil Brandy gets beheaded' but that's not really an in-the-past stake to weigh on. We need to see events unfold and be there for what happens. And a lot of elements are already in the narrative, they just don't use any of them (and I would imagine they were used in a previous draft).
Step Zero: Set-up
So to start, either through flashback, storytelling, or using the Looking Glass, we need to see if not the prank, we need to see Bridget right after the prank. When she's gone from pink and bubbly to 'red with blood.'
Likely her rejecting Ella. But we need some baseline of what Bridget looks like when she's turning into the Queen of Hearts. if we see the actual prank or not doesn't really matter. But we need to let Ruby Rose Turner play the evil version for a little bit.
Step One: Castlecoming
So to start off, we need to move the 'prevent prank' from Merlin's office to the actual event in question. The actual ticking clock on events unfolding. We keep that Ella promised to go with Bridget, but can't due to being grounded.
Except she can thanks to Fay breaking her out and enchanting her a disguise. This is our first set-up/payoff we didn't get. Fay who shows up at the start failing at magic (who probably needs a second appearance still working at it, and maybe a scene being bolstered up on her abilities) succeeds where it counts.
The disguise fails to fool Uliana. Who uses it to taunt Bridget by suggesting her best friend ditched her for Prince Charming. This puts Bridget in a weaker mental state so that the fallout from the prank can truly hurt her. While Uliana is setting up for Bridget's downfall, her minions are running interference.
Step Two: Swordfights
Chloe and Red are trying to get to Bridget and protect her from Uliana's plan (which for the sake of it doesn't matter, I am keeping as 'potion to make monstrous'). However we've got these four pretty flunkies in Maly, Hades, Morgie, and Hook. Who know that Red and Chloe might be a problem and are there to keep them busy.
This pays off Hook's flirting with Chloe giving them a good swordfight. While Morgie is Red's opponent in a cat and mouse eventually getting him trapped somewhere. These two fights should be shorter, and mostly fun for Morgie being weird and Hook flirting shamlessly for no actual gain.
The real fight is with Maly and Hades. Which is where we get Chloe's moment of growth. See, the set-up for her is rules, honor, and fair play. I want her to win by cheating. She does the right thing, but using the wrong methods. Because the right thing is more important than her honor. Paying off her scene with Ella.
While this is happening Red's scampered off to go save her mom.
Step Three: Pranks and Fallout
When the plot was revealed, before watching, I figured it wasn't an act of cruelty that turned Bridget, but an act of betrayal. That someone close to her failed her so spectacularly she lost faith in others. I'm not working that in exactly, but using the other half of pranks and bullying to make it work.
A cruel person doing a cruel thing hurts. Everyone else laughing hurts worse. So the problem isn't the prank, it's that the rest of the students don't call Uliana out for it. In this case, with Ella MIA because of her Debatably Charming prince we're left with a Bridget facing the school that's against her.
(In this case I'm leaning on them blaming monstrous Bridget for ruining Castlecoming rather than laughing at her misfortune. It feels more in line with where Bridget goes without any help.)
So Red, who arrived too late to stop the prank (pranks being basically what she does to her mom every day with her vandalism) watches, sees the fallout... and stands up for her mother the way she wished her mother would stand up for her.
Because Bridget, unlike her Queen of Hearts, does not deserve this crap. And Red lays into the onlooking students and shames them for their callous disregard of others. Calling everyone out. Guilting the lot of them into shutting up and leaving Bridget alone.
And that's how Red earns her new timeline. Bridget giving Red a hug, thanking her for standing up when nobody else did.
Uliana and the other VKs get detention forever from Merlin. Chloe arrives after everything with her mom and dad. Ella checks on Bridget, Bridget is not okay. But things aren't playing the same way they did in Step Zero. Something has changed.
Step Four: Doubt
While our girls know they changed things. There must be some lingering concern it might not be enough. Even if we got to see them fight their hardest to change the past. It's important that we have the full surprise of how things go after.
The other thing, is both Queen of Hearts and Queen Cinderella need to show some sign of recognizing their girls in the present. Either directly thanking them, or causally mentioning they were named after themselves.
Anything to sell time travel happened.
Step Five: ???? & Step Six: Profit!
This wouldn't make it a perfect movie by any stretch, but it would significantly improve things from where they are. Make the ending feel real. Make it feel earned.
Let Anthony Pyatt own being Hades for more scenes. Cause that guy really did his homework mimicking Cheyenne Jackson.
You know. Just the important parts.
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lowkeyrobin · 27 days
Hi, i was curious if you could do a fic where reader is the sister of thor and loki (loki is ofc apart of the VKs) and reader has something for both hades and hook. If that’s ok since marvel is apart of Disney, but they didn’t have to based off marvel.
okay I can definitely try although I don't write for Hades, but I will try! ; I also know nothing about Thor or Loki (not a big marvel fan) so I did some googling... also i couldnt really work loki in so were gonna pretend its an uliana-ursula situation im sorry ; also I do only write gn / they/them readers only so sorry ab that ; thanks for requesting, hope you enjoy! ; also this is lowkey awful I'm sorry writers block has been killing me and I'm prob going on a break soon :(
HOOK & HADES ; god
summary ; you, sibling of loki & thor, attend merlins academy. two of your friends are sadly becoming more than friends
warnings ; language
word count ; 1k
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"Don't think about it," you roll your eyes, sensing that Hades and Hook were behind you, planning something devious. "It's like you forget I'm telepathic," you speak, spinning on your heels to face them.
James, widely and awkwardly, smiles, Hades a blank expression on his face, holding his ember.
You slowly blink, awaiting an explanation.
"We weren't doing anything!" James quickly denounced.
"We were gonna scare you into teleporting away"
You chuckle, spinning on your heels once more as they join you at your side. You rest your arms around their shoulders, a devious smirk on your face.
"Wanna play a game of Telepathy Telephone?"
"Oh, I do!"
"Yeah, sure"
The three of you sit at a metal outdoor table, Hades poking his fingers through the little holes. Hook spreads his hand out, pretending his hook was a knife -at least it's as sharp as one- as he taps it between the space of his fingers.
"Who wants to start?" You ask
"I do!"
"No, I want to. You went first last time"
"I'm Y/n's favorite"
"I'm literally a God. I'm they're favorite"
Never in a million years would you admit that you didn't have favorites because those two had you wrapped around their fingers. You'd be taking that to the grave.
"I rule the seas-"
"I rule the entire Underworld, James"
"Y/n, who's your favorite?"
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"Dude, what's wrong?" You whisper to Hades, who sits next to you.
His eyes don't leave the person whom they're glued to as he mutters an answer back. "They were mocking you"
You furrow your eyebrows, "What?"
"They were mocking you" He repeats, raising his voice to normal as he speaks to them. "Hey, do you wanna say that to their face? Or no?"
The kids turn around, looking at you and Hades. He leans back in his chair casually, arms crossed, as you look confused beside him.
"Yeah. They're annoying. Maybe shut up sometime" one of them answers.
Hades flicks on his powers through his ember, his hair burning a bright blue flame, his eyes lightly glowing the same color. In his attempt to scare the kids, it kind of makes you stare at him for far too long.
Okay, that's kinda hot.
Even if you are the bullies, it was nice he was sticking up for you. It didn't bother you practically at all, as you could handle it yourself, but yeesh, this side of him was hot. You couldn't lie.
The kids turned back around, silencing themselves for the rest of the class, not wanting to be scorched to bits. He flicks his powers off, looking at you staring at him with hearts in your eyes.
"Whatcha looking at?"
You quickly look away, trying not to focus on the heat rising in your face. "Nothing," you mutter. "Thanks"
Hades rolls his eyes, knowing you found him attractive. It wasn't because of his ego, no, he'd known for months now. Though, he couldn't shake his head that someone else was in the equation as well.
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"Uh, no-"
"Please. Just one date!"
You look around, trying to find a way out of this situation. You didn't want to go out with this random AK, and they wouldn't take no for an answer. You were bad at telling persistent people no.
Hook approaches, wrapping a hand around your waist. "Can I help you?" He speaks to the person.
"Who are you?" They question.
"Their boyfriend" He quickly answers, pulling you a little closer. He can feel your silent sigh of relief, the tension in your shoulders quickly dissipating. Butterflies storm your stomach to replace those awful feelings though.
The kid looks between you and Hook before quickly scurrying away. He turns to you, an eyebrow raised in confusion.
"Very persistent" you answer, rolling your eyes.
"I see" He nods, removing his hand from your waist, butterflies still swirling in your stomach. "You alright?"
"Mhm" You quickly answer, the feeling inside slowly dissolving as his hand was removed.
He sees the look on your face, taking it as you were uncomfortable after the interaction, maybe because of him.
"Would you want to go get ice cream with me?" He asks, wanting to make you feel better.
"Uhm, sure" you smile lightly, accepting the kind gesture, temporarily staring at him a little too long in a friendly way. Eugh, you seemed to do that with everyone now.
He holds his hand out for you, awaiting for you to take it so he can lead you away. You smile kindly, taking his hand.
"Think I may love you, James," you speak, knowing he'd only take it as platonic.
"Love you too"
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You, Hades, and Hook were in the Black Lagoon, messing around and chilling out during the night. Uliana, Morgie, and Maleficent were God knows where, probably having a sleepover or prank calling people.
You sit on a shell-shaped couch, all sprawled out and comfortable.
"If you don't shut up-"
You use your magic to silence Hades, not wanting to listen to him ramble on and on even more. He slaps your shoulder, trying to yet you to un-silence him.
You and Hook giggle and laugh, and do even more as you shape-shift to look like the blue haired friend, mocking him. You return to your natural shape, allowing Hades to speak again.
"You're not funny" he grumbles
"If you say so" you levitate off the couch, lazily making your way over to a little box where you kept snacks. "You guys want anything?"
"I'm good"
You return to the couch with some snacks and drinks, continuing the conversation about random things. Hades eventually gets up to wait for the others to get here, as they'd contacted thay they'd actually be on their way.
That leaves you and Hook on the couch, awkwardly sitting around.
He eventually speaks up, a thought wracking his mind.
"Did you mean that I love you the other day in a romantic way?"
You quickly turn your head to look at him. You think about your answer for a moment before attempting to shoot your shot. "What if I did?"
"I'd kiss you" He quickly replies.
You blink for a moment, deciding to be upfront and honest before you get yourself stuck anywhere. "Okay, uh, to be honest, I'm into you and Hades. So, uhm.."
"Ew." He quickly speaks, but then corrects himself. "Not because you're into two people, I couldn't care less. But Hades?"
You stifle a laugh. "Hades"
He shrugs. "You do have awful taste"
"Are you roasting yourself?"
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