#but also the Nikto au is very specific to him so idk if I will write a lot
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ghouljams · 2 months ago
I do wonder who the rest of the 141 and kortac would be, but I do have some ideas:
Price: Athena (I at first thought Zues, but he'd never cheat on his wife. I just can't see it) Goddess of wisdom and war strategies cause it makes sense. If not Athena, then I could see him as Demeter cause I have Goose brain rot, and who says Ghost only gets with Prices daughter in one universe. Like Demeter Price and Persephone Goose with Hades Ghost just makes my brain purr. There's also just the thought of Price on his little farm harvesting and growing plants after the horrors of the Titan War. He grows sad and cold when his daughter leaves but understands she just wants to be with the one she loves. Maybe he, too, could find a lover to warm his home.
Ghost: Hades cause of the above post, though whether or not he kidnaps her or she just walks down there grabs him by his neck and marries him is up in the air. If not Hades, then probably Hestia just cause the image of this 6-foot heavily scared man being the god of the hearth, home, virginity, and guardian of the flame of olympus makes me cackle. Plus, I saw a head cannon where Hestia gave up her seat to Dionysus so she wouldn't have to be olympus's therapist anymore, and yeah, Ghost would do that. And yes, he abstains from sex cause he's traumatized, but that doesn't mean he can't have a companion. Or this one's on the nose, but Thanatos, plus him getting trapped in a box and having to be rescued, makes me cackle too.
Soap: Apollo god of the sun and creativity because he's good with his hands, and I always saw soap as a guy with a sister who loves his mom. Plus, the angst of Apollo soap never getting requited love is ooph. He's just very passionate and often times that leads to his lovers getting turned into plants. If not him, then Hermes or Dionysus could work, too. I could see him being Dionysus and giving people who piss him off madness. And just throwing great parties, if he does take Hestias seat and becomes olympus's new therapist, he'd definitely open a bar and make fancy drinks while listening to people's troubles.
Gaz: Nike just cause if Price becomes Athena, then Nike is Athenas companion, and Gaz is Prices companion. If not Nike, then maybe hear me out, but Ares (who canonically has a pretty boy face under his fearsome mask) cause, let's be honest, Gaz would steal your girl with a smile. I could also see Ares Gaz as the protector of women and very respectful of them. He still will use his good looks to get them in his bed, and because of that, he has so many daughters. He becomes thee girldad by accident. And if not either of them, Hermes cause trickster god of messages who is best friends with Apollo soap makes sense for him too.
Laswell: Either Hestia or Hera and if she is Hera she's definitely plotting to murder her husband and marry her wife.
Nikto: Hephaestus
Konig: ngl I struggled with this one, but hear me out, Dionysus konig. Dionysus is interesting cause he's the god of wine, parties, madness, and rebirth. And while you could say konig couldn't be Dionysus cause he has anxiety, I would argue he still could be, but more so as someone who watches over and plans parties. He just brings the wine to get the debauchery started. Voyeur könig anyone? Also, a lot of Dionysus's riuals and sacrifices are very bloody and involve dismemberment. Dionysus can be a very scary god when he wants to be, and I like that about him. Plus, just imagine him and Ariadne with the "you dont like the murder" sound. As for anyone else, he could be idk, maybe Artemis loner, goddess of the moon, and the hunt. Could definitely see könig Artemis snipe perverts and protect virgins.
Kruger: Eris goddess of chaos cause why not. If not Eris, then hear me out he's one of Aphrodites kids (not Eros, cause I like to think Eros is Hephaestus Nikto and Aphrodites love child). But he could def be mania and is constantly giving Nikto problems because everyone goes to him cause they know Aphrodite reader won't punish him properly. She's a gentle parent, though that does mean her kids aren't disciplined correctly, but thankfully, only Kruger gets in trouble. (I also thought of this cause of that one fanart where Nikto leaves Kruger with the 141, and they call Nikto to come pick him up)
Horangi: I also struggled with him, too, cause I'll be honest. I don't know much about him besides him being a konigs friend. But when I think of him, I could see him being either Artemis, Thanatos, Ananke, greek goddess of inevitability, or if you're feeling adventurous, Posiden. He could also be one of Aphrodites kids but one of her more chill kids.
So for the most part I want to keep Nikto in his own au mostly so I can use/abuse the other gods without worrying about my own headcanons for them.
that said :eyes: at Goose as Persephone... I was going to disagree with you on Ghost being Hades but you have persuaded me with just that concept alone.
Here's the problem is I think I could make a solid argument for Ghost to take the place of multiple gods because his character can be interpreted so many different ways. I am so desperately begging people to pitch me Ghost doing things other than mask/skull/violence when it comes to aus.
Anyway I'm just going to be talking about gods under the cut, rambling if you will
Price as Demeter I sort of fuck with severely, not as a god of plenty but as a god of famine and loss. Willing to take away family and fruit in equal measure if that's what it takes to do his job. There's something very "every greek god is a god of war if you piss them off enough" about Demeter that speaks to a slow death, a rapid but lengthy decline. The crops wither and the livestock dies. Your children insist on joining the war, you receive only their letters until the letters stop coming, you know that you've displeased the gods but you cannot say how or why.
On the other hand, Price is an exceptional tactician and would kill as Athena. He's a warrior but he's a smart one, doesn't tend to rush into things, instead he holds his soldiers back and tries to play things by the book, until he can't any longer and must take action into his own hands. Athena is a great fit for him and a role that would be easy to slot him into.
Gaz I also love as Athena though ugh. I could also slot him into Apollo or Helios just for the irony of a man who's fallen from a helicopter twice being forced to cart the sun across the sky. Lots of jokes to be made there. I will say that when I was first thinking about the hephastus!Nikto au I slotted Gaz into Ares' space, but I don't like the idea of Gaz spreading rumors that he's sleeping with poor aphrodite, because it feels mmmmmoderately out of character for him. I think he's more in line with manipulating you into his arms rather than straight up lying about sleeping with you. This man doesn't have to lie about having you in his bed, he'll talk you into it.
Lemme hit you with this one: Gaz as Artemis. The sniper skills would transfer beautifully to a hunter god, and I like the idea that he's so busy with his work he's just never had a need to find a lover thus earning him the title of "virgin god"
Alternatively: Hypnos. I like a man that visits me in my dreams, and I could probably write a whole book about Gaz playing both savior and boogey-man to a poor sleepy thing that just wants one night not being visited by haunting visions.
Soap as Apollo, yeah... yeah accurate. I can't really place him well anywhere else. I think there's already something exceptionally golden about him that translates well to Apollo, and you're right about him having terrible luck in love. An Apollo/Daphne retelling would be right up his alley.
I think my other pick for him might be Ganymede. Not a god per-se but in this au we'd count the cup bearer as a god. Just the idea that he's so pretty the king of the gods swooped down and snatched him up just to make him his personal boy-toy? Soap would be so down. He'd be salivating for the chance.
Ghost as Hades but not because of the skull imagery. He's a lonely god, relegated to the underworld because he doesn't like the big and flashy, and only showing up to events when he has to because he doesn't like the crowds. He prefers being alone after being crammed in his father's stomach with the rest of his siblings, has gone through hell worse than any of the new gods can imagine, growing up within the bitter sting of acid and the childish pleas to just let him die before he grew up and realized no one was coming to save him, and the best he could do was find a way to live with the pain. The burns still cover him, seared into his skin so that he never forgets the agony of digestion. His aversion to eating is less noticeable when he's around the dead, when the most he can stomach are fruits and bread, the other gods feast on fat and meat. And well, he just can't do it, not when he's smelled his own flesh burning.
(and of course he's shocked to find precious Persephone insisting that they marry when he's sure that he'll repulse her once she finds out what he is beneath the mask and heavy robes. More so when she breaks into his house and tells him she's staying.)
Hestia though??? Oh baby you're cooking with gas. He wants nothing more than to stay out of the politics of god-hood. And you're right I love making Ghost anxious about sex because of his own assaults.
However Laswell as Hestia??? The ceaseless watcher, privy to conversations mortal and divine because there's a hearth in every home, in every bedroom on olympus. She knows all things and keeps the information close until she can use it. Not the virgin god that mortals think she is just because she's never laid with a man, after all her wife keeps her more than satisfied...
Nikolai as Poseidon perhaps. Another old god, but this one eager to explore the world, eager to lap his waves against virgin shores, if you know what I mean. He's not looking to rule the gods, but that doesn't mean he isn't a force to be reckoned with. He'll take whatever offerings he's given, meat, wine, women, men? Just leave them on his shores and he'll find his way to them eventually. There may be a string of broken hearts in his wake, but who would dare try to hold onto the ocean?
And I suppose Konig as Dionysus maybe? I think the madness he inspires is a good fit, but I don't see him as particularly social so partying is fairly off the table. Also I don't think the rest of the gods would like him enough to give up a seat for him lol. The voyeur aspect is incredibly tempting I will give you that. I could make it work, but only because he's such a blank slate.
The rest I don't write for and don't know well enough to comment on, sorry!
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