#but also hey im just standing at the door why cant i have a stool or something. no reason to be standing
spaghett-onaplate · 1 year
the storm is passing (my period is ending)
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hex-fics · 3 years
To The Wolves: Chapter Five
AN: Hey all, just wanted to start off by thanking you guys for all the support. I see your replies and tags and I’m so glad you guys are enjoying this. I cant figure out how to respond specifically from this blog which is why I haven’t been responding but Im super grateful. No major content warnings for this chapter, other than the fact that it is just. Loaded with cheese. Also things are gonna get spicy next chapter so thats fun.
You spent the rest of the evening trying to get Sevika to tell you what that meant. Each time you did she just laughed harder.
Even as you were closing up she just sat there smirking at you.
“You know it might be even funnier if you tell me what's going on.”
“No,” she grinned, “no I don’t think it would be.”
“Ok while either way I need to flip that stool you’re on so move,” you start tapping the chair she’s on with your broom.
“Alright, alright. If anyone asks I’m headed out,” she gets off the stool.
You grab it and flip it on top of the bar, “you coming in at the same time tomorrow?” you ask as she starts walking out of the bar.
She opens the door, “of course. Someone has to enforce Vander’s policy. Though I guess it’s Silco’s now.”
She’s gone before you can ask what the hell that means.
You continue to clear up the bar, just about to shut down when you hear a little voice call your name.
Jinx is standing at the entrance of the basement holding her bunny. You’re heart sinks at the timid look in her eyes.
“What's up little one?”
Her eyes welled up a little, “ I had a nightmare… it’s usually ok but I went to get Vi for help and-”
You walk over and wrap her in your arms, “oh Jinx it’s ok.”
She clings to you and sobs, “where is she?”
“I don’t know honey, I’m sorry.”
“I don’t get why she left me alone.”
“Hey hey,” you pull back to hold her shoulders and look her in the eyes,” she didn’t. She just can’t get back yet. But I’m sure wherever Vi is she’s missing you just as much and you’re not alone. You’ve got me and your dad now.”
She hiccups, “ promise?”
You hug her again, “always.”
She’s still crying a little when you get an idea.
“I think I know what we’ve been missing.”
She looks up at you.
“We haven’t had a single dance party in the past two weeks.”
She laughed a little bit.
You begin to pull her over to the dance floor.
“Now?” She acts surprised but you can see her getting giddy.
“Yes now! We are in dire need of a dance party Jinx. Dire!”
She giggles as you put on a pop song on the jukebox.
For about three minutes the two of you jump around and see who can do the silliest dance move.
You’re in the middle of a ‘robot dance’ off when you hear a voice from above you.
“And just what are my girls up to?”
Silco was walking down the stairs with an amused smile on his face. He’d taken off his large overcoat and was down to his vest and dress shirt. His tie was still placed tightly around his neck.
“Dance party,” Jinx giggles, still bouncing up and down.
“Really? And I wasn’t invited? I’m terribly offended,” he smirks as he steps off the final step.
“You don’t dance!” Jinx said with the certainty only an eleven year old can have.
Silco just smiled as he approached the jukebox,”well not like you do. I’m a bit more traditional…” you heard the coin drop in.
And the orchestra rise.
Both you and Jinx began laughing at the ostentatious song he chose. A fast paced Piltovian classic.
He dramatically bowed to Jinx and extended his hand. The moment she took it he had lifted her into the air and she shrieked with delight.
You seat yourself on one of the chairs on the outskirts of the floor and watch them dance. About halfway through the song Jinx started to yawn, he just held her closer to his chest as she slowly began to slip into sleep again.
He then placed her in one of the larger seats, and you got up to inspect the girl. She had the slightest smile on her face as her chest rose and fell slowly. She began to nuzzle into the chair.
“I can take her back down if you need to get back to work.”
You hear another coin fall into the jukebox.
A much slower song this time, still instrumental but softer.
You turn and see that Silco has his hand extended to you.
“Indulge me,” he is clearly taking pleasure in your surprised expression.
You place your hand in his and he pulls you closer, resting his remaining hand on your lower back.
You realize suddenly that you’re quite nervous.
“So, may I ask the reason behind our impromptu party?”
“Jinx just had a nightmare.”
You shrug, “she seemed more upset by the fact that she couldn’t find her sister after.”
You can feel his shoulder tense under your hand.
“She loves you.”
“And what about her sister?”
“She misses her, I wont tell you that she dosnt. But she’s her sister. You’re her father. She can have both of those.”
“And Vander?” The name rolls off his tongue with disdain.
“He-“ you try to find the words, “he was good to her. But he never really understood her. Not like you do.”
You feel him relax again, beginning to focus his attention on moving you with him. There was a moment of quiet.
“What was Vander’s policy?”
He sighed, but rather than tending you feel his hand grip yours tighter.
“I hope that drunk wasn’t a bother tonight.”
You decided to allow your question to go unanswered.
“It was no trouble.”
“Next time it happens, tell Sevika.”
“I don’t need to be protected.”
He smiles at you, “ I know that. Perhaps you could indulge me just once more.”
The music begins to fade. As it does he removes his hand from yours and places it on your cheek.
He locks his eyes on yours and you can tell he’s thinking through his next words.
“Vander had, apparently, told the regulars of the bar that you were off limits.”
“Off limits?”
“From what Sevika gathered the exact terms were ‘touch her and you’re out of the bar.’” He scoffed, “the drunkard asked if it was still in place. We thought we should…make an example of him.”
You blink in surprise.
“Vander was fond of you,” somehow that sounds like a question.
“I- I guess so.”
“Was there something more?”
You take in a short breath, “ right before he left I had expressed… feelings.”
He was trying to keep a calm face, but you saw him clench his jaw at that. You cast your eyes toward the floor.
“He turned me down, so nothing more.”
He inspected you. You half expected him to turn away and leave you there.
Instead his fingers move below your chin as he gently raises it so you're looking up at him.
“He’s a bigger fool than I thought.”
You exhale trying to think of something to say.
He brings his other hand to your face, gazing deeply at you.
“He may be the greatest fool I’ve ever known.”
You’re not sure what comes over when you grab his shoulders and kiss him.
His hands move to the back of your head and press you closer to him.
You feel his lips move to open yours, but just as you part them he pulls away from you.
He runs his thumb gently over your lips. Smirking at your surprised face.
“Soon my darling.”
With that he leaves you stunned while he takes picks up his daughter and takes her back to her bed.
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello to all :)
Time for the next part!
Wish you all a wonderful evening! :)
We continued enjoying our time, as Aurora got more crowded with people. At some point Cleo showed up, coming to say hi to us, as she was here to meet with Hannah and the others . She had one drink with us before going to sit with them, telling how she is bussy helping her mom at the Gates of Hope with redecorating and other stuff, but she hopes all will be done soon, so we can finaly meet in peace. As it got more crowded with people, Phil was busy and also didnt have much time to have fun with us. Jessy was in a quite good mood, joking and drinking, it was nice seeing her like that.The music playing was good. There was a mixture of everything, from 80's till present day. A song started and Jessy grabbed my hand „Ohhh, lets dance, Maya, i love this song!“ I had no chance to say anything, as Jessy lead me half way to the dance floor already. She started dancing, and i couldnt do anythign but join her. And we had fun. I needed this, i tought, just some simple fun with good friends. Dan joined us from time to time, showing off his killer dancing skills. Phil was passing by us few times, going to one of the booths or tables, always winking at me with that devilish grin of his. One of the times, as Jessy and me wer dancing Phil came from behind me, wraping his free hand arround my waist and squeezing agains me. We just moved with the rhythm of the music for a while, before he groaned at my ear „Arghh, as much as i would love to stay here with you gorgeous, but work is calling.“ I grined at him, as he let go of me slowely „Aww, next time then.“ As much as i liked it, i hoped Jake didnt see this. I wouldnt want him to get the wrong idea about Phil and me. I really wanted to know where i stand with him, but this noncomunication between us wasnt helping. Lily told me to be patient, but as i told Jessy, my patiance is running short. I leaned to Jessy telling her i need to go sit down for a while, and we returned at the bar. Dan and Thomas wer there talking, and both got up from the stools letting us sit as we came. Thomas smiled at us „You two really got it going on tonight.“ He turned to Dan saying teasingly „You better be careful,man, and keep her close to you“ He pointed at Jessy „They wer smoking hot on the floor, dont let someone steel her.“ Jessy grined at Thomas „Let him sweat a little, he might appriciate me more then.“ „Awww, babe, dont be cruel, you know i appriciate you.“ Dan told her, being dramatic as always, making a puppy face. „Ohh, shus it, you big goof, and lets dance.“ She told him, taking him by the hand to the dance floor. Thomas turned to me „So, can i presume all is good between Lily and you now?“ „I guess you can.“ I told him, and he smiled „Thats good to heare.“ A waiter came with two drinks, handing them to Thomas. „Guess then soon we can all get together again, without any drama.“ „Definatly!“ i said, smiling. He smiled back „Good. Well, have fun, Maya, see you arround.“ I waved at the waiter asking for a mineral water, i was really thursty from all the dancing. I checked my phone, it was after 3, and i noticed a missed call sign. I opened the call log, and when i saw it was another of those hidden numbers, my mood darkened all of a sudden. What is going on here, i touhgt, thess calls are starting to get me worried. Jessy and Dan returned from dancing, and i decided i had enough for the night. This thing shook me up good, and i doubted i could enjoy the evening anymore. I told Jessy i'd be going, to wich she protested a bit, but hugged me and said to call her for coffee any time im up for it. I took my things, waving them goodby. As i was near the entrance, i saw Phil, so i waved at him, he winked and made a phone gesture with his hand, suggesting we'll be talking soon.
As i left the Aurora, cool night air washed over me, so i put my jacket on. I got to my car,  just leaning on the side of it, my mind still thinking of those damn calls. They are starting to freak me out a bit, and that sinister feeling started to creep up to me again. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, when a voice said „Are you ok?“ I opened my eyes, seeing Jake standing infront of me. I managed to barely make a smile at him „Yeah, im fine.“ He was looking at me, those deep eyes scaning every inch of my face, like he knew what i said wasnt true. „Just tired, i guess.“ I added, giving him a bit bigger smile, wich seemed to make him belive me. He leaned on the car next to me, and we just stood there in silence for a while. I get restless every time im close to him, my hands itch to just grab him and pull him closer. „You look good, by the way.“ He said after a while, giving me a shy look. His words snaped me from my fantasizing, and  i smiled and winked at him „Thanks, glad you noticed.“ „Ofcourse i did, i do have eyes, you know.“ He said teasingly. I turned towards him making a gesture of bevilderment as i said „Oh my, he can joke!“ „I try my best.“ He said, smiling. Oh that beautiful smile, i tought again, making me smile, too. „You going back in?“ he asked. „No.“ I started „I'm actualy contemplating should i walk or drive back to the motel.“ „And how's that going for you?“ he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. „Well, considering im still standing here doing non of the above, i would say not good.“ I replied, sighing desperatly. He chuckled at me „Hmm, well, how about I drive you back to the motel?“ I looked at him surprised, not really expecting it „You would do that?“ He smiled shyly at me „I would“ pausing a bit, before adding „For you.“ My heart started beeting like crazy, and i could feel heet comming to my cheeks. This night really is interesting. „Umm, well, sure, i'd like that.“ I told him. „But, you dont mind walking back again?“ i asked. „No, its fine.“ „Alright then, lets go.“ I told him, taking my keys out of my purse handing them to him. Our palms touched as i gave him the keys, and our eyes met. He moved his hand slowly away, taking the key, giving me goosebumps. I barely glued myself of the car to let him get in. I got in myself as he started the car and we drow from the Auroras parking. It wouldnt take us long to the motel, and i wished the ride wasnt that short. I noticed he was driving slower then you would normaly drive, as if sharing my toughts himself. I felt nervous, my head was blank, i didnt know what to say. All of a sudden, a tought crossed my mind. „Hey, Jake, can i ask you something?“ „Sure.“ He said, sounding relieved the awkward silence got broken. „Well, i just tought, i havent had a chance to ask you before. Wern't you in some kind of trouble, if im not mistaken?“ i paused before continuing. „I mean, we never discussed it any further. And since you're here at Duskwood for quite some time now already, i was just wondering what's up with all that.“ „You're right“ he started, glancing shortly at me, focusing back on the road „Short version: lets say i made a deal with some people, making sure i'll be left at peace.“ „A deal“ i started „You didnt threaten anyone, or something like that?“ „What?“ he said, „Ofcourse not! What made you ask that?“ „Hey, its a legit question.“ I told him, rising my hands up. „You can understand why a tought like that might cross my mind.“ He was silent for a moment before saying „Ok, fair enough. But, no, i didnt threaten anyone, if that makes you feel better.“ „It does. I just dont want for things to get complex for you again.“ I said, adding after a little pause, my voice getting a bit sadder „Or you dissapearing again.“ He looked at me with such tenderness, slowing the drive even more now „Dont worry, Maya, i'm not going anywhere.“ I smiled at him „Good.“ He turned his head, focusing on the road again, and i realized we came at the motel. He parked close to my room. Neither of us was eager to leave the car, so we just sat there in silence for a moment. I had a felling he wanted to say something, but wasnt sure about it. I finaly managed to force myself to leave the car. I was about to pull the door handle, when Jake suddenly said „Wait.“ I turned towards him. „Can i ask you something now?“ „Sure“ i said, even tho i had a feeling i wouldnt really like the question. He got all nervouse, but finaly asked „You and Phil.. is there something happening?“ Oh,no,no,no, i tought, why he had to ask it. The night would end perfectly without this. I groaned pleadingly at him „Ugh, can we not talk about Phil now, please.“ „Why not?“ he asked, and i noticed his nervousness intensifing. „Because i dont know what to tell you, Jake.“ „How about the truth?“ he said. „I cant do that.“ He looked at me confused „Why not?“ „Because i myself dont know what the truth is.“ I groaned, leaving the car. He left the car, closing the door and walking over to me handing me the keys „What do you mean?“ „I mean, i'm a mess, Jake.“ I started „I dont know what to think any more. You want the truth? Fine. Yes, i like Phil, i cant denie it. We clicked, i feel good arround him, thats the truth.“  My words  stung him, and he barely managed to say „I see.“ He leaned with his back against the car, steadying himself. But i wasnt finished yet. „And then there's you, Jake“ i started, my voice full of compassion and tenderness. He looked at me, his eyes meeting mine. „I like you, too. I like you so much, that it hurts.“ I paused a bit before i continued. „Im drawn to you like a magnet, i cant pull off. But, its like, every time the magnets are about to connect, one switches polarity and the other is thrown aback. Its driving me insane! With Phil, everything flows easy. But with you, its everything but easy.“ „Maya, i know i'm not the easiest person..“ he started to say, but i held my fingers to his lips, not leting him speak.They wer so soft and warm, i had to focuse hard on what i wanted to say. „I know, its not easy for you to open up, to let people in. I get it. And i know i said i can wait, that i'll be patiente. But my patiance is fading. I dont know how much longer i can go on like this, Jake. Its tearing me up inside.“ As i said it, i leaned my forehead to his, putting both of my arms to his chest,leaning against him. We just stayed like that for a while. Being this close to him, and the warmth of his body radiating - i felt serene. His heart was beeting fast, probably matching mine. I could stay like this forever, i tought, but i needed to continue. I was waiting for this, to finaly tell him what was on my mind. „I need to know what might be of us.“ I said „If there even exists the posibility of 'us'.“ We stayed like that for a while more, non of us daraing to move or speak, before i slowely pulled away from him. I sighed „You dont have to say anything now. Just, think about what i said. You know where to find me if you want to talk.“ I leaned to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek „Good night, Jake. Thanks for the ride.“ I turned walking slowly towards my room, when i heard him say „Good night, Maya, sweet dreams.“ I turned back, not stopping in my steps, giving him one more smile, him smiling back. I hoped me opening up like this will make him finaly understand the depths of my feelings. I knew there was a posibility he might not feel the same, but i didnt care of it now. I did what i could, i told him how i feel, now he holds all the cards. I unlocked my door and entered the room, kicking my boots off, throwing myself on the bed. What an interesting night it was, i tought smiling, covering myself with blanket and letting sleep take over me.
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper preference
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partying with arón includes:
-its usually him basically forcing you to go to a party/a club with him
-you hate people, uncomfortable clothes like tight dresses and heels
-but he convinces you by saying things like „ill buy you icecream tomorrow“ or „alright then ill hook up with a girl tonight“
-you guys were only friends but you hated it when he brought girls to you shared apartment when you were there
-it hasnt happened often though since he‘s not a one night stand guy
-so after you put on some comfortable clothes like jeans and a top paired with sneakers, not heels! he takes you to local parties
-he usually wears stuff like flannels and jeans or basic shirts and some shorts
-one thing you‘ve noticed was that he always smelled amazing when he went to parties
-parties mostly start with him and you having a drink and talking until he leaves to meet some people
-you hated that part
-you were too shy to talk to anyone so you just sat at the bar, had some drinks and looked through your phone
-no guy has ever talked to you, mostly because entire Madrid knows Arón and they notice you with him and probably assume he‘s your boyfriend
-so you were pretty lonely while your best friend was having the time of his life, some flirting, some dancing, some laughing
-until one day
-you guys were at a birthday party held at aròns favorite club
-and you were sitting on a stool sipping on your cocktail
-when suddenly someone tapped on your shoulder and you turned around
-a very very handsome guy smiled at you
-„hi.“ you smiled back while he sat down next to you
-„what are you doing here all alone?“ he asked you and then ordered himself a scotch
-„my friend left. He‘s somewhere over there.“
-he turned around and then looked back at you
-„that sucks! Why would someone leave a pretty girl at the bar?“
-he was cheesy
-but maybe that was exactly what you needed
-„well i dont know.“
-he laughed and replied:“so whats your name? I‘m Nick.“
-you shook his hand and kept talking to this attractive stranger
-at some point he gave you his number
-you were laughing all the time because he was this guy that was just naturally funny
-and he was sweet
-and seemed really interesting in you
-like no guy ever before
-„you wanna dance with me?“ he then asked
-you agreed happily and he took you to the dance floor
-there you started swaying your hips and didnt even think about anything
-he made you feel alive,
-forget about arón
-yes that way
-you had a lot of fun with Nick
-he made you laugh
-and was good looking as fuck
-you really started to like him
-even tho you didnt know him too well
-when a slower song came on, you decided to get a little closer
-eventually your head was on his chest since he was super tall
-and his arms were around you
-but of course your life wasnt a fairytale
-and someone had to destroy it
-„hey dude. Fuck off.“
-you looked at aron and couldn’t believe he just did that
-„arón stop it.“ you had to yell due to the loud music
-But arón somehow made nick leave, leaving you sad and angry at the same time
-„what the fuck?!“ you screamed at him
-„y/n you dont know this guy!“
-„i wanted to know him! He was super nice to me.“
-arón grabbed your arm and pulled you away from all the staring people
-„what the fuck is wrong with you? Every time a guy talks to me you have to destroy everything!“
-he grabs your arm a little harder
-„stop youre hurting me! You‘re fucking annoying.“
-he let go of you and just started at you
-you took your chance and made your way out of the club
-and decided to look for Nick to apologize
-but you couldnt find his piercing blue eyes anywhere
-so you stormed out of the club
-aron close behind you
-„y/n come on!“ he yelled
-„no leave me alone.“
-you were crying by now
-not because you loved nick so much or anything
-just because you‘ve had a crush on arón for too long and every time you met a guy who made you forget about him, arón pushed him away from you
-„im sorry!“ he spoke loudly, getting closer
-you then turned around, making him see your tears
-„oh y/n im sorry.“ he said and had reached you by now
-„no stop it! You always do that! You dont know how hard it is to find a boyfriend if you keep me away from everyone. How could I be happy like this? You dont even give me a chance to meet someone.“
-you were crying heavily
-and screaming
-arón was looking at you with big eyes
-„i dont want you to get hurt!“ he screamed back at you
-„but maybe i need that experience! Let me live my own life and stop deciding about who i can meet or not.“
-he grabbed you by the hand and wanted to pull you closer but you slapped him away and said:“just fuck off arón.“ before walking away
-back to your place to lock you in your room and turn on some music so you didnt have to hear his voice anymore
-an hour later you did as you had planned
-you were sitting on your bed, crying, listening to music
-aron had kept knocking on your door for 10 minutes straight but you hesitated to open up
-„im sorry! I dont know why i always do that. I just cant deal with you being sad, it hurts me too. Seeing you cry is shit. And maybe i just cant stand seeing you with guys. Like i dont care if its my friends but i care if its a guy i dont know. Especially if he‘s handsome and you like him. Yes i have issues and im sorry. But please dont hate me, if you like this guy ill help you find him. Even thought it hurts me. But i only want you to be happy. Thats all i care about. And im sorry i hurt you. And im also sorry for not having the courage to tell you this face to face but you‘re an amazing girl and no guy out there deserves you. They dont know you. They dont know what you need. Im the only guy that can read you, i know whats going on in your pretty mind. And im the fucking guy for you do you hear me? One day you‘ll see that i promise, ill show you how good i am for you. Por favor y/n.“
-the second he said your name you faced him, staring into his eyes
-„yo...“ he started
-but was cut off by you smashing your lips onto his
-just by this one kiss you knew how much he meant what he just said
-and internally you were screaming
-your tears were still flowing down your face
-but this time out of happiness
-he loved you
-and you loved him
-and even though he can be a lot, he‘s still pretty fucking amazing
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angelofhell-666 · 5 years
“That’s my granddaughter Bucky...” Part 5
warnings- language
hope yall like this part. just a couple more chapters of this one then the series will kick off. hopefully those will turn out just as great as these chapters have been.
A couple weeks later I’m walking in the city to a coffee shop. I walk in and order my usual and head out the door as I put a couple dollars in the tip jar. I was thinking about heading to the Avengers Tower to see if I can pick up any cases for the time being but my legs take me elsewhere.
After the world finally settling down over time and almost getting back into it’s regular rhythm, I think it’s about time to do something useful by helping people. My thoughts were slowly disappearing as I notice that there’s been someone trailing behind me with a hood up.
I glance around my surroundings and notice there’s an alley way coming right up. I pretend to drop something and as I turn to pick it up I notice my follower grab a newspaper and pretend to read it. While they are distracted I jumped quickly into the alley.
I throw my coffee into the dumpster as I hid in the shadows on the other side of it. I see my follower job into the alley as they look around for any sign of life.
They come stepping closer slowly. I grabbed my pocket knife out of my jeans and open it. They came right in front of me as I grabbed them and pushed them up against the opposite wall. I held my knife to their neck and I sent electricity through the knife blade as I held it close to their neck but not close enough to damage them yet.
I now notice that it’s a man since they are almost a good foot taller than me. I stand my ground.
“Why are you following me and who are you.” I said in a growl.
They slowly moved their hand up and pushed their hood and ball cap off. Holy shit he cut his long hair off. How could he get anymore handsome with a nice haircut like that.
“Bucky?” I spoke with a confused face. I got butterflies being so close to him and I can feel my heart racing.
“Hey doll. I didn’t mean to scare ya.” He said as I brought the knife away from his neck.
“Why the hell are you following me like a creep? You do know you can confront me like a normal person right?” I laughed and backed away from him putting my knife away.
“Yea I know…and I’m sorry. For scaring you…” he looked down.
“It’s okay. But why didn’t you just come up to me and say hi?” I asked.
“I’m not really sure. I guess I’m just still used to hiding from the public.”
I nodded.
“And your also a hard person to find. Especially since I don’t know your real name or anything so I can’t track ya down.” He met my eyes.
“Yea that would kind of make it hard. It’s Y/N…”
“Y/N…that’s a beautiful name…” he smiled.
Her name just makes her even more beautiful than the first time I’v seen her.
Her face got all red and looked down, “So what do ya need Buck?”
She pulled me back from my thoughts. God that voice. I haven’t felt this way since before the war. I just gotta spit it out.
“Well, I was actually wondering if you would…uh…like to go on a date with me?”
Oh my god. So this is really happening. She’s going to turn me down. What the hell was I thinking? We’ve only met twice and I just followed her like a creep.
“Aw Buck….I would-“
“Listen I know we have only met twice…but Im not sure about you but I felt a real connection…” I looked down as she cut me off.
“Hey you didn’t let me finish…” I locked eyes with her with a straight face as I can feel my stomach turn into a knot. “I would love to Buck.”
His face lit up like nothing before. The excitement in his eye’s I like seeing a kid get candy for the first time. His smile was nothing like I’v seen before.
Shit. Gramps is going to kill me. Well maybe not. Bucky would never hurt me from hearing stories from gramps. He seems to be a different person from when they were kids. More mature now.
“That’s great! When are you free?” he asked as we both started to walk out of the alley way.
“Im free tonight actually. Or is that to soon?” I asked.
“Nope tonight works great for me. 6 o clock sound good?” he looked over as we stopped right before the sidewalk.
“That sounds perfect.”
“Where do you live so I could pick you up?”
I can’t tell him my address. Then he will know Steve’s my grandpa. He can’t know that yet. Neither can gramps.
“Is it okay if we meet at the restaurant? My grandfather gets weird around visitors. He’l keep ya all night threatening you.” I laugh.
He laughed back, “Yea that’s fine.” He dug out his cell phone and I gave him my phone number and he gave me his.
“I’ll text ya the address. You like Italian?”
“Love Italian.”
“Great! I’ll see ya at 6 doll.” I closed the space between us and gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered, “I’ll see ya at 6.” And turned on my heel and walked back home.
“Gramps im home!” I yelled as I closed the front door with my heel.
“It’s about time! I just got done making sandwiches for lunch.” He yelled from the kitchen.
I dropped my backpack and took my shoes off and met him in the kitchen. He had a plate with four sandwiches on the breakfast bar as I went to the fridge to grab a beer.
“Why do you drink those if it doesn’t do anything for ya?” he asked as he went around to sit on a stool.
I took the cap off and threw it in the garbage as I made my way over and sat down next to him. “Because it makes me feel cool. By the way is there anything I can drink that will actually make me feel something?”
I grabbed a sandwich off the plate and put one in his plate and one on mine.
He let out a chuckle, “Ya know, Thor used to have this Asgardian mead….did wonders for me. I got drunk a few times off it.”
I let out a loud laugh, “I’m sorry I just cant picture perfect Captain America getting drunk.”
“It was not a good time either Sparky.” He laughed back.
We started eating our sandwiches in peace when he spoke up, “So what do you want for dinner tonight dear?”
How the hell was I going to tell him I had a date with his best friend….
“I uh…actually have a date tonight…” I started to pick at my sandwich.
He was mid sip of his tea as he chokes on it, “I’m sorry you what?”
“You herd me.” I felt my face get red.
“How can you have a date if you don’t talk to anyone but me?” he spoke as he grabbed my hand.
I laughed, “I talk to people when I go out to the stores for ya gramps.”
“So what’s his name?” he asked drilling a hole into the side of my head.
I looked over. Shit I can’t lie to him. “His name is James.”
“That’s a nice name. Does he know about your spark?”
“Yes he does actually. And it doesn’t bother him.”
“That’s great hun.” He said patting my hand. “I hope he treats you well and is a real gentleman.”
“He’s old school gramps, you would like him.” I smiled at him and took a swig of my beer.
“He better…or I’d have to go captain America on his ass.”
I spat out my drink and laughed, “Language old man!”
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just-my-fandom · 5 years
Telling the Paladins Your Pregnant Preference
Request; Can I be your first Voltron request? Reader being pregnant with the paladins baby and revealing to them?
They start getting shorter towards the end :/ sorry
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"What're you gonna name him?"
Your eyes watch as Pidge pulls the small chip from the computer, grinning at her older brother and jogging up to him and the robot next to him,
"How about Chip?" She teases, holding up the chip between her fingers and handing it to Matt,
"You and your puns," Matt shakes his head, Pidge shrugging sheepishly and placing her glasses on the robots nose,
"Sorry, I just cant wait for someone else around the house," She hops on her toes, looking over at you when you stand from her desk,
"Maybe we wont have to," Chest tightening, you watch Pidge tilt her head in confusion, before she follows your hands placed at your stomach,
It takes her mind a full half minute to process your gesture, before she gasps, loudly, "Oh my God! It worked!?"
You nod, tearily, hand coming to your cheek as you sniffle,
"It worked!" Pidge turns to Matt sharply, grin hurting her face, "Oh my gosh, Im gonna be a momma!" She turns back to you, "You're going to be a momma!"
You laugh, Pidge running up to you, hands at your face, "This is amazing," She pecks your lips, "This small piece of tech could help millions of women wanting to be mothers," Pidge takes your hand, tugging you outside of the shed, "Mom! Dad! You're going to be grandparents!"
"It worked?" Samuel turns to the two teenagers, your eye's already red from tears of excitement,
"Oh that's great!" Colleen embraces you, your eyes pinching shut as your arms slide to her back, "Congratulations! If you need any help during the pregnancy dont be afraid to ask!"
Colleen leans back, hand wiping your leaked tears, "Now that means no more skipping meals and sleep to work all night, both of you, understood?"
She eyes Pidge,
"But Im not the one pregnant," Pidge reminds, Colleen rolling her eye's,
"Yes but Y/N is also going to become very moody and very touch starved. We dont need you out of her reach or snapping at her from being too tired," Colleen demands, your eyes looking at the ex paladin next to you,
Pidge crosses her arms, faking a pout, "Yes mother,"
Keith was easy to find. If he wasnt in his lion or with the team, he was either asleep, with you, or training,
He hasn't been in his room all day, and he hasnt seen you since lunch, so that only meant one place,
The training deck
Watching him clash bayards with the training bot, you lean against the thick wall behind you, twirling the small device in your hand behind your back,
You had woken up sick for the past week. Asking Coran and being placed in the healing pod for two minutes, Coran revealed you were in fact pregnant,
He had transfered the reveal to a smaller device, claiming it would be easier to show Keith that way, and calmly pressured you to talk to the Red Paladin
So here you were, face flushed with terror and stomach tightening as if threatening to puke again for the second time that day,
Keith watches as the bot vanishes in defeat, before his gaze finally catches you and his smile is back on his face,
"Hey," He pants, clasping his bayard on his belt and walking up to you, "Want to train?"
"I think I enjoy just watching you," You smile, placing your lips over his slowly, "I need to show you something,"
"Sure," He heaves, brushing black hair from his face and looking down at your extended hand, "Whats this?"
He lifts the small device, two pink lines visible,
"Coran gave it to me after I was put in the healing pod," You speak quietly, Keiths eyes snapping up to yours,
"Why were you in the healing pod?" His hand presses to your forehead, "You okay?"
"Im fine," You smile, "Keith, Im pregnant,"
"You're-" Keith inhales, looking back down to the lines, "You're pregnant? And its mine?"
"No its Zarkons," You shoot, rolling your eye's, "Yes its yours,"
"I'm going to be a dad?" Keith slides his hand into his hair, stepping back, "What if I become just like my father? Abandon you and the baby?"
"You won't," You grasp his shirt, pulling him back to you and placing his large hand at your stomach, "Because you aren't your father, you're Keith Kogane, the father to my baby,"
"This is the worse timing ever," Keith groans, head falling back, "You're not allowed to leave the ship, understood?"
"Yes sir," You grin, Keith dropping the device to cup your face and pull your lips back onto his,
"I'm what?"
You step out of the healing pod, eyes wide on the red head in front of you,
"Pregnant!" Coran smiles, twirling his mustache in his finger, "And I hope its Shiros, no?"
"Of course its Shiros! Whose else would it be?" You grasp your hair, eyes watering,
"What's going on?" Shiro steps into the medic bay with Allura on his tail, catching you covering your face, "Is everything okay?"
"Wonderful, actually," Coran raises an eyebrow, "Congratulations,"
"On what?" Shiro furrows his eyebrows together, looking at you, "Y/N, are you okay?"
You slide your hands from your now stained cheeks, sniffling, "I-I dont know," You shake your head, Shiro looking at Coran before pulling you against him, "Coran, whats going on?"
"Well you see," Coran clears his throat, "Have You noticed Y/N getting sick lately?"
"Yes," Shiro nods, "But I thought it was just from the food goo. Maybe eating it too much,"
"Im pregnant," You pull back before Coran could reveal, looking up at the man, "Its yours,"
"Oh Y/N, thats great!" Allura smiles, Shiro blinking, his hands tightening at your waist,
"Pregnant? In the middle of war?" Shiro swallows, and you hug yourself, looking down,
"Y/N will be safe here in the castle with us, of course," Coran nods once, Shiro tilting your chin up so your eyes were forced to meet his,
"We'll work it out," His thumb drags over your cheek,
"You're not mad?" You whisper, Shiro smiling weakly and pulling you closer, lips bonding to yours,
"How could I be mad? Im going to be a dad,"
"No wonder the bed was cold,"
You glance up and over your shoulder at a voice, eyes landing on Lance standing in his plad blue pjs, "You're in here by yourself and not in bed with me,"
"Couldnt sleep," You force your lips together, turning back to the tea Coran had made you,
"Everything okay?" Lance pulls a stool next to you, sitting down and resting a hand at your upper back, "You look pale,"
"Im pregnant," You pinch your eyes shut, before turning to face Lance. His hand had retracted, eyes staring at your face for what seems like hours but its only a minute,
"Please say something," You squeak, eyes brinming with tears Lance instantly notices,
"No no no!" Lance quickly remembers it late at night, lowering his voice, "Dont cry," His hands slide to your face, laugh weak, "This is amazing,"
"It is?" You swallow, "But we're in the middle of battling Honvera, our reality could be destroyed,"
"All of that doesnt matter," Lance stands up, raising you to your feet and pulling you into his chest, "Because I know once we go back to earth, my family is going to be thrilled,"
"They're going to flip," You choke out a laugh, looking up at the boy, "I cant believe this is happening,"
Lance flashes you his famous grin, kneeling doen and placing his hands at your stomach, softly speaking a flurry of Spanish you dont understand,
Putting a hand in his hair, you sniff, Lance standing back up and pressing his lips against yours, eyes shutting,
"Too bad its night time and everyones asleep,"
"Whys that?"
"Because I really want to yell in Shiros face that theres a new Space Dad in town,"
You hadnt meant to wake him up. He looked so peaceful in the three seconds you got to look at his face, before your body forced itself to the bathroom to kneel at the toilet,
You thought you were quiet, but the hair pulling itself from your face was an answer alone that Hunk had followed you to check up on you,
"Thats the third time this week youve thrown up," Hunk frowns, grabbing a hair band to pull your hair into a messy bun, "And its only Tuesday,"
"Guess I just have the jitters," You force a laugh, coughing into the toilet and groaning, Hunks hand running up your back, "Or the stomach bug,"
"I can make you some green tea," Hunk suggests, your watery eyes looking at him and catching his soft smile, "Itll help ease your stomach,"
You nod, wiping your mouth and flushing the toilet, taking Hunks hand to stand on your own two feet, "I'll go see if Coran can give me a check up," You put a hand on your stomach, Hunk wrapping his arm at your waist to help you out of your shared bedroom,
"You two alright?"
You look over, Pidge standing just outside her door and staring, "I heard someone running,"
"Sorry I woke you up Pidge," You say genuinely, Pidge waving you off,
"Can you make sure she gets to Coran okay? Im going to make her tea," Hunk steps back from you, Pidge taking his spot by grasping your arm,
"You know, I dont want to spook you," Pidge looks up at you, "But weird food cravings? Sudden tiredness? Sickness? I think you might be pregnant,"
"What?" You dont notice your knees buckle until Pidge has her arms at your torso, and Keith is running up to throw your arm around his shoulder and lead you to the medic bay,
"Oh quiznack!" Coran starts up a healing pod, waving you inside, "What happened?"
"Coran, I think Y/N's pregnant," Pidge admits her theory, the shatter of a cup making the three turn to face Hunk, his eyes wide and face pale,
"She's what?" Hunk squeaks, Coran looking over in time for the pod to ding,
"Yep," He leans back, your body stepping out, "Y/Ns pregnant. Three weeks exact,"
Your wide eyes look at Hunk, before you yelp when his arms wrap around you, lifting you up,
"Holy- this is amazing!" Hunk sets you down, grin wide, "I mean, Im not ready to be a dad yet but no dad ever is,"
"I'm pregnant?" You murmur, hand running through your hair, "Oh God, I need to sit down," You pinch your eyes shut, Hunk lifting you and placing you on the table nearest to the pods,
"Its always a shock at first to new mothers," Coran explains, Pidge bringing in a new cup of tea, "But you will both be great parents, I can reassure,"
"Im not ready to be a mom!" You cry out, "I'm only nineteen, I was wanting to go to college and get married first- you know if our reality doesnt get destroyed, which, how the hell am I supposed to fight Honvera if Im pregnant!?"
"Well of course you wont be fighting," Coran clicks his tongue,
"But we'll need Voltron, shes the white lion," Keith reminds,
"Can we focus on the bigger picture here?" Pidge snaps, "Theres a baby Y/N or Hunk in here," She grins, hand at your stomach, "Maybe she'll inherit Hunks cooking skills,"
"That would be amazing!" Hunk cheers, your tears visible in his eye's, "Y/N, you have nothing to be afraid of," Hunk places a hand at your cheek, wiping away a tear,
"But what if something happens? I lost my father to the military and my mom struggled to raise me alone," You grasp at his yellow shirt, sniffling into his chest,
"Hunk is going to be there for your baby," Pidge declares, "And thats a promise Im making myself,"
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Request: Nightlights part 2 (Demetri Volturi x Child!Reader)
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Today had been busy, just about every guard rushing about. Demetri barely had the time to kiss the top your head when you were up and eating breakfast under Corins supervision. That was this morning, he listened for you every now and then but the first alarm by dinner time. He hadn't heard you for a while now. He also hadn't seen you but had seen just about every other guard. That was when he spoke up in the throne room, the leaders elsewhere in the castle but the guard still in their positions. "Who is watching, (Y/N)?" Everyone gave one another a look, no one knowing the answer to that. Demetri panicked and immediately focused on tracking you. There was a quiet gasp from Demetri's throat. "What is it?" Felix asked. Demetri couldn't respond, the shock and worry kicking in when he realised you weren't in the castle. "(Y/N) isn't in the castle anymore." Demetri said quickly making most of the guard grow alarmed. Demetri quickly walked out heading to the exit, Felix in tow. Demetri grew more agitated when he expanded his focus further and further away from the regions of the castle. Your trail leading him further from the castle than he'd like. 
You gasped when you felt a cold, hard grip grab your wrist to then be met with your very angry father. He immediately bent down to your level with a stern look. "What are you doing out here!? I told you that you cant be out here alone without someone with you!" You didn't respond, but looked at him feeling a big amount of guilt. Demetri rose to a stand, tugging you as he marched you back to the castle and straight to your room. "By the time I get back here, you better be ready for bed!" Demetri said sternly before leaving the room. 
Demetri had to calm down and he knew it, immediately going to Felix who told him the same thing. Felix knew Demetri was angry not because you disobeyed but more so that you had scared him to near death. Demetri didn't want to have been so busy as to leave you so unattended to begin with and to find that you were well past the castle, fountain and square. You were three streets away which was easily enough distance to lose you if you continued to wander and he wasn't paying attention, not to mention the possibility of someone taking you, vampire or human. Demetri put his face in his hands, taking an unneeded couple of breaths to calm himself. "Listen," Felix gripped Demetri's shoulders. "They're fine, they're safe. Don't be too hard on them, they're still very young." "I could have lost them." Demetri said from behind his hands. "You? Never. You couldn't even stop thinking about them even if you tried to." "I just don't know why they left. What if..." Demetri trailed off. "What if...?" Felix pressed. "Do you think they could be struggling to cope and hoped find their biological parents?" Felix's eyes widened. "Demetri! No!" Felix shook his head. "Children wander off, ask them why they went. This is completely normal as far as I know." Demetri sighed. 
Your eyes shot up to your father as you sat crossed legged on your bed. He looked calmer but still very annoyed. "Did you brush your teeth?" You nodded. "Properly?" Demetri pressed and you nodded your head again. "Good." He muttered. "You're going to bed early tonight. You can't run off like that. You've been told you cannot leave the castle without one of us with you. “I’m sorry, daddy.” He tucked you into bed, unable to bring himself to completely stick with the punishment. “Why did you go on your own?” “Everyone was busy...and i wanted to play with the other kids. They’re like me.” Demetri clenched his eyes shut, hiding his face from you. You knew they were different, you just didn’t know how. It would be a hurdle he had to face...but not yet. “One day, when you’re older, i’ll explain to you but right now you’re too young to understand.” Demetri closed the door before leaning on the wall for a moment, Felix arrived as he overheard everything. “I’m going to lose them.” Demetri mumbled. “You won’t. They’re growing.” Felix assured him. 
The next day, you were playing with a doll house. Demetri entered the room with a smile to hear you talk to Felix about your pretend family. Felix was lying on his stomach, facing the doll house beside you. “So the mother is a chef?”  You nodded. “The daddy is a banker.” You looked at Felix.  “I see.” Felix nodded. “What about the little girl?  “That’s Emily, she wants to be a space ballerina.” You grinned.  “A space ballerina? What’s that?” Felix asked with enthusiasm.  “They do ballet in space! She wants to dance on the moon and then Mars for all the martians!” Felix hummed with a nod. “What about the little boy?”  “He’s going to be a cowboy when he grows up! The best in all of Texas.” “Am I interrupting?” Demetri asked lightly.  “Hi daddy!” You grinned, turning to him. “Hello, little one.” “Not at all, hey, do you know this is Emily? She wants to be a ‘space ballerina’“ Felix picked up the doll and showed it to Demetri who chuckled.  “Uncle Felix, she’s having dinner!” You took the doll from Felix and sat it back in its place on the table.” “Whoops, my apologies, I wouldn’t appreciate being picked up when i’m eating either.” Felix grinned. Demetri, still smiling at the scene in front of him, sat cross legged on the floor and dug into his pocket. “Come here.” You crawled over to him. “Felix make sure mummy chef doesn’t burn the cake!” “I will, don’t worry.” Felix said, unable to hide his amusement. Demetri, sat you on his lap as he took out a packet from his pocket. “I have something for you.” “You do?” Demetri hummed and nodded. “A few things have occurred to me and Aro told me that you haven’t tried a particular kind of food before.” “What’s that?” “Honestly? I’m not entirely sure myself. I may have asked Heidi for some assistance. Can you say what it says?” “Tw-Twizzlers?” “Good job.” Demetri praised. “I’m certain their are other words for it but i believe you were originally from America, and there they called it Candy. It’s supposed to taste like strawberries.” He opened the back taking out a red twisted looking tube. “Would you like to try it?” You nodded and reached for it. After a moment of chewing, you smiled and Demetri was encouraged. “Good?” You nodded.  “I’m relieved. I’ll let you have two more and that’s it. We don’t need you bouncing off the walls. Besides, I’m sure Heidi has something to give you after dinner tonight.” You both looked up slightly when you heard Heidi yell from the next room. “Demetri! Don’t you give away my surprise, I worked hard on it!”
As planned, Heidi was looking after you after you had dinner. “I hear the Twizzlers were a success.” Heidi grinned and you nodded frantically.  “I can’t have any more until tomorrow.” You recited Demetri’s words.  “True, but we found something else for you.” She pulled an orange packet out of the fridge.  “Reese’s? I think im saying that right. ‘Candy’ has such weird names.” Heidi frowned slightly. “Reese’s Peanut butter Cups.” You leaned over the counter in interest as Heidi opened the bag and put on in her hand, holding it out to you. You quickly put it in your mouth and a second or so passed before you nodded.  “It has gained your approval? I’m thrilled. Only a couple more though, dear. Demetri will hunt me down if he can’t get you to sleep tonight with all the sugar.” She pulled out four and was about to put the bag away before her gaze caught your wide eyes. She sighed before smiling and holding a finger to her lips, pulling out one more before putting the packet back in the fridge.  “Heidi?”  “Yes, sweetie?” Heidi said, pulling up a bar stool so that she could sit opposite you.  “Can I tell you something?”  “Of course you can.” “I think daddy is a superhero.” “You do?” You nodded.  “I’ll tell you a secret then too. I think your daddy is a superhero too.” Heidi grinned. All the while, Demetri was leaning on the wall outside the kitchen, smiling and full of warmth to hear those words from your mouth. 
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ahgazens · 6 years
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Summery: You've always been shy and quite not much of a party goer but one day your friends convinced you enough to attend a girls night out involving clubs skimpy dresses and Very dangerous drinks.
Warnings: rough sex, hair pulling ,man handling ,choking ,semi public sex,fingering,oral sex (m) receiving.
Genre: Smuttttttttt / fluffy / angst if you squint super hard.
Word count :2683
Y/n that party was so wicked last night, it would have been even cooler if you'd get the hell out sometimes. Your friend Tina says while going on all about some gross college frat boy infested party where girls literally wear nothing and the boys have no since of control over their hormones its pathetic and nothing you'd ever attend. "Oh yeah sure, having my face half sucked off by some pubescent manchild is exciting." you say while finishing up the dishes since it was Tuesday and Tuesdays where your days of chores. "Omg whatever y/n you know you need to get laid i'm honestly surprised your not a virgin how the hell did  you lose your v card anyways?" she says walking towards the fridge to get a drink. Your breath hitches as you pat your cheeks glaring at her "Honestly that's none of your business!, and besides it happen to be a long time ago so just let it go." Fine whatever you say y/n but Kayla invited me out to girls night I told her i'd ask you just to make her happy but I know our answer already . She says her shoulders slumped and headed towards the couch. You honestly didn't mind going out its just what kind of event it was and who might be around is what made you uncertain. "Fine okay ?? I'll go to whatever this is ! but if you try that shit you pulled last time with those 2 french guys i'm never hanging out with you every again !" you say turning around drying the dishes and smirking at your friends crazy victory antics.
Y/n there is not way i'm letting you go to the club in a Plaid long sleeve button up and bell bottom jeans with a DEAN hat have you lost your damn mind??? Hey I agreed going not going and wearing something that's going to have my ass hanging out for everyone to see! Now are you read to go or not? For fuck sakes y/n throw this on PLEASE for the love of god! Tina says flinging some black material in your face. Grabbing a hold of it you inspect it half heartedly already not feeling it at all . "Tina this look like a lion mulled a person wearing this and someone found it and called it fashion HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO WEAR THIS? there is nothing covering my freaking vagina for crying out loud ! "Y/N you do realize that's the point ! just try the damned thing on so we can get the hell out of here.  After trying it on and exiting the house after the many praises Your annoying friend threw your way you start to second guess yourself not only because your feeling air hit places they shouldn't be but because you cant possibly move around in such tight scantly clad attire its impossible. You eventually to make it to the club 4 blocks down seeing Kayla an her clique of friends waiting beside the bouncer,apparently she knows people and gets in freely. "Holy shit y/n you actually came ??? she says looking at you wide eyed checking you from head to toe. "Not only did you come you came HOT ! rolling your eyes you squeeze the faux fur jacket around you tighter can we go inside now its like cold as a witches titty out here and these 5 inch heels aren't helping. " Alright girls lets go , Kayla says squealing in delight as you all enter the club.
Two hours into your time in the club you managed to survive the heat bouncing off drunk couples and strange men whispering what they'd do to have you for the night, That is.. until HIM HIM dressed like he owns the world HIM coming straight towards you with a drink in his hand a smirk on his face .. WAIT he is coming towards me ! omg omg omg Turing away slowly you pretend to be sipping on your martini, until you feel a hand press against your lower back and soft words in your left ear "  I could not stand not coming over here and ask why such a beautiful girl like yourself is sitting here alone. " He says sultry, Turning your head to the side you realize how close he is to you when his lips brushes your cheeks, flinching backwards you blush until your as red as a tomato. "I'm not exactly alone if you must know, i'm actually here with friends. He looks around "They don't seem much like friends if they left you here to warm this bar stool sweetheart." Yeah tell me about you say rolling your eyes taking a sip of your drink. "May I ask your name? he says taking a seat beside you. "Y/n b-but you can call me riri my nickname for short. Yeppeun he says more to himself than towards you. tilting your head you wonder what langues he speaks other than English. grabbing your hand he lifts your hand to his mouth placing a lasting kiss upon your hand without losing eye contact, Im Taek-woon  and I also have an nickname its Leo you can call me that, he smiles . Well its nice to meet you Leo you say smiling up at him. Care to join me for a dance , he ask gesturing towards the sea of sweaty bodies dancing against each other to the thumping ear deafening music . "I'm not much of a dancer I'll embarrass myself." you say in all honesty "That's okay because i'm an dancer ill help you , he says taking your hand leading you towards the dance floor.
Once on the dance floor he twirls you around so that your back is against his chest and his hands are firmly on your hips. "Now sway your body to the music let it take you in" he whispers against your ears grinding against you. Closing your eyes you try to focus on the music but the way he is holding you and the way his cologne and aftershave is mixing you cant breathe properly. You think to yourself "Fuck i'm so needy right now all it took for me to be touched by some handsome stranger for me to become a needy slut."  the music changed to a sultry tempo causing your bodies to rub against each other in  ways you wouldn't think of doing in public "You know your really fucking sexy in this flimsy dress you have on i'm kind of angry your letting this body be shown to other prying eyes y/n  . "Your upset ? for what reason we aren't dating I don't belong to you. As you push your ass back grinding against him feeling his cock harden within his pants. "Y/n you don't want to start anything you can't live up to" he says grabbing your hips roughly spinning you around to face him. "And who say I wouldn't be able to live up to it huh? Grabbing his shirt you lean forward to place a teasing kiss on the conner of his mouth . He smirks  landing a warning spank against your ass causing you to gasp as he grasp a hand full of the soft flesh "I want your pretty little ass in that filthy bathroom so I can fuck you like the filthy little slut you are." whimpering you rub your thighs together maybe its the alcohol but you never give in to such antics either way its to late to say no cause your practically dripping . rushing through the sea of bodies you wait for him in the single person stall checking up on your makeup in the mirror. You hear the door open and close and lock . Turning around you lean against the sink. "Well Mr Leo what are you wai-" your taunt cut off buy his punishing kiss of teeth and tongue he grabs you by the neck holding you against the sink placing his hand between your legs rubbing against your dripping cunt roughly. "MGFH ! fuckk more please you beg " You think this dirty little pussy deserves more? He says pinching your clit through your panties "After teasing me all night in this slutty dress having all those men eye whats rightfully mine!" he practically growls pulling you panties to the side, adding pressure to the hand around your throat . "Beg  slut tell me what this greedy pussy wants." kissing your neck rubbing your seeping hole teasingly, "L-leo please I need your fingers! Something please just touch my needy pussy I need you to fuck me! " you whine to him "Good girl " he slips in two finger knuckle deep not waiting for you to adjust  to the stretch he pounds his fingers into you rubbing against your rough patch of nerves causing your head to knock against the mirror and your toes to curl. "Oooh my god Fuckk ." rolling your hips against his hand chasing your high "Yeah that's it riri fuck my hand until your pussy cums."
As your walls beginning to spasm he slips his fingers out and slaps your pussy causing you cry out in pain , closing your legs shut you glare at him ready to tell him off before he shoves his fingers into your mouth coated with your essence moaning you close your eyes "The only way your cumming is with my cock inside of you understand?" Now get on the floor and suck my cock like the dirty slut you are, show me how much you want my cock inside of you.  lowering yourself onto the floor you look up at him with dilated eyes ready to see how big his cock really is, from the way it felt rubbing against you it was defiantly Big, reaching up to unbutton his pants you slide his pants to his knees groping him through his boxers  causing him to let out the sexiest noises you ever heard "Hurry riri I want to be inside your mouth now." Taking his cock out you stare in amazement. "holy shit  can cocks be beautiful ?"  you think to yourself . Taking his cock you open your mouth and lick against his slit causing a moan to slip past his lips "F-fuck riri sit on your hands now so i can fuck your mouth." Doing as he says you relax your jaw before he slips inside your mouth.
Taking your hair in both his hands he begins to rock his hips slipping in and out of your mouth. MM fuck riri your mouth feels so good wrapped around my cock like t-this, can you take more of me?" swirling your tongue and nodding your head you assure him you want more of his cock stuffed in your mouth. "Of course you can take more my cock, your such a cock slut aren't you baby girl." Not being able to talk you simply moan around his cock sending delicious vibrations through him causing him to tighten his grip on your hair "F-fuck if you keep sucking me like this i'm going to blow my load" slipping his cock from your mouth he helps you up sitting you against the counter "Spread your legs I want to see how wet this pretty little pussy is for me.", you do as told spreading your legs reaching down and spreading your folds for his eyes to drink in "Please fuck me Leo I need your cock in me so badly I want you stretch my pussy your pussy" Grabbing your hips he pulls you so that half your ass is off the counter ." Put my fucking cock in you then so I can fuck you and have you scream for the entire club to hear." reaching down you grasp his cock stroking him from base to tip  patting his cock against your entrance." Mmm fuckk l-leo your cock is so big is it going to fit in me?" Slipping his tip inside of you he pushes the rest into in one swift motion . "F-fuck Y/N why the hell are you so tight? Did I not stretch you enough  with my fingers?" wincing slightly from the stinging pain from the stretch of his hard cock you place your hand on his abdomen "Your so big.. just give me a second" nodding he leans forward capturing your lips with his own comforting you through the pain moving his his hips slowly. "Shit y/n you feel so fucking good wrapped around me like this, your so fucking sexy." kissing down your neck he nibbles against your throat leaving blooming purple bruises and begins to thrust fully into you hitting against your sweet spot almost  immediately "Oh my f-uh yes!" you moan breathlessly. rolling your hips with his incoming thrust he slips in deeper hitting placing within you you didn't know was there causing you to squeal and your toes to curl. "Look at your pussy gushing with my cock fucking into you." licking his thumb  he reaches down to rub your clit in number eight motions "Cum on my cock y/n i want you to milk my cock dry. " Moaning out loudly your legs begin to tremble feeling your walls spasm once again you squeeze your eyes shut allowing your high to wash over you in a wave of euphoria. "A-ah shit y/n your going to make me c-cum" "Please cum for me leo fuck me hard bruise my little pussy make it yours. "Grabbing your thighs harshly he begins to ram you against the sink with punishing thrusts "Fuck y/n I need you to cum again!" he says taking your hand and placing it against your clit."Rub your pussy for me I need it please" He whines ,You begin to rub your slit quickly moaning out in pain in pleasure form over-sensitivity "MM fuck y/n your pussy is so tight im going to c-cum!" one last rotaion of your fingers and the thrust from his cock has you jumping from the edge into a mind numbing orgasm pulsating around his cock until he's weak in the knees.  Pulling out he jerks himself to completion coating your slit in his cum. You both don't really know how long you were in that position but Leo was first to make a move grabbing a paper towel and cleaning you up.  You still with me he says with a teasing smirk on his lips? "Y-yes sorry it's just that I haven't came that hard in a while"  Helping you down from the counter he leans down kissing you softly. "Maybe we can do this again but after dinner? somewhere less dirty and more sanitary ?" smiling up at him I'd love to go to dinner with you.
After getting dressed and freshening up and  exchanging numbers  up you both head out the bathroom looking sheepish at the long line waiting outside the bathroom and angry grunts from the people your passing to get back into the club "I'll see you Saturday around 8-ish? " Leo says kissing your hand "8-ish  I promise" you smile walking away with a purposeful sway of your hips towards your friends that are staring at you with bulging  eyes . Your friend Tina was first to break the ice "Okay so did we just see you leave the bathroom with a super hot guy and did he just kiss your hand and why is their bruises on your neck??" gasping you cover your neck . "Holy SHIT! you got fucking laid in the club bathroom, Kayla shrieks ." Blushing you start to walk away not before you make eye contact with HIM . smiling you head towards the exit . "This club has to be selling something in the drinks because no way in hell y/n would fuck a stranger in a club bathroom " Tina says nudging kayla .. "that's one dangerous ass drink but hey at least one of got lucky"
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alittleranting · 6 years
Yoonseok (Sope) Fanfic
So yeah hey see who had this on her laptop for almost a month and forgot to post it... So here you go, boo. @mysticalkpopper
You hear the rain pouring outside. Great.. really great, it's raining... What am I gonna do now? You'd planned to meet with your best friend Namjoon to have a BBQ. His little brother Jungkook and his best friend Taehyung also wanted to join you. But the guys were whining about the rain and cancelled it. Now you're just sitting in your living room, starring out of the window and whining yourself.. You let out a deep sigh and fall onto your sofa. You closed your eyes and think about that party you read about on a flyer. Initially you didn't wanted to go but it's your best option at this point. At least something you could look forward to. You decided to call your sister, maybe she has some time to come over. You dial her number: "Dawon?"
"Hey Hoseok, what's up?" "The guys cancelled and now I'm bored... Wanna come over?" "Sorry, but no I have to work the late shift today.. " "How come? You never have the late shift, unless..." "Bingo. My coworker bailed out because he wanted to go to a stupid party." "I actually thought of going to on myself..." "Mh ok, have fun then. Listen I have to go back to work but tomorrow I'll come over ok?" "Sure, see ya." "Bye." Dawon ended the call and you put your phone back on the coffee table. Another deep sigh leaves your mouth. You get up and drag yourself into the bathroom. A hot shower is probably the right thing with that unpleasant weather. After you finished you waddle to your bedroom. Still naked you stay in front of your closet. The hell should I wear? I have just too many clothes.. Yikes. Ripped jeans, a green button shirt and your new Balenciaga shoes probably will do it. It was still pretty early so you just put on your clothes and sat back down on your sofa. You scrolled through social media when you get a text from Namjoon.
"Hey Hobi what are you doing?" "Nothing really. I dressed up and think of going to that big party later. U?" "I went to a friend because he wanted my advice on his clothes. Guess he wants to go to the same party. But his type of clothes really aren't my style so I cant really say anything...." "Haha need my help?" "Technically yes but I can't just take pictures of him and send them to you.." "I mean TECHNICALLY you could." "Hobi you know I don't do stuff like that!" "Yeah yeah I get it. Then have fun playing dress up." "Thanks...."
Pfft.. Joon can play dress up with someone but won't grill a fucking steak with me. Guess I have to life with a fake ass bitch as my best friend. AND then he doesn't even send me pictures of that boy. Like come on maybe he has a cute ass.. I WANNA SEE!!!! Damn lucky noone can read your mind.. Your dramatic ass would be so embarrassed.
You take a look on your watch. In a while you could start walking to the location. You would still be one of the first there but then you can get a seat at the bar. You went into the bathroom to put on light make up and check yourself out for the last time. Grabbing your wallet, phone and keys you leave your apartment. You let google maps guide you too your destination and to your suprise there already is a queue. Nontheless you didn't have to wait long. You show your ID to the bouncer and get to enter the club. The room is huge and just a few people stand there in groups and are talking. The music isn't really loud yet so the atmosphere is rather relaxed. Just as planned you got a seat at the bar. You settled in and ordered a beer. After your third beer the club was pretty full, all those people were enjoying themselfs but you sat there alone. You started regretting coming on your own but after today you didn't wanted to mope anymore. Hesitantly you scoot down from the bar stool and make your way to the dance floor. As you start moving with the rhythm you feel you're in your element and lose yourself in the music. You don't even know for how long you danced when your bladder practicly screams at you. You drank six beer by now and your tolernace isn't high at all so you're pretty dizzy and waver to the restroom. Once you're there you look in the mirror. "Wow I look tousled." "Nah, you look pretty cute." A guy you didn't know showed up behind you and playfully slapped your ass while winking at you. He scared the shit out of you and you almost wet yourself. At the pissoir you bump into the guy next to you and murmer a 'Sorry' to him while making eye contact but your eyes didn't stay up there. They wander down to his dick. Mh not bad. Maybe a little small but definitly average.. I could make that work! The dude next to you eyes you. He's clearly uncomfortable with you checking him out BUT you couldn't care less right now. Finally relieved you go and wash your hand. You leave the restroom but not without checking yourself out a last time and fixing your hair. You decide it's better to take it slow so you return to the bar, take a seat again and order a glass of water to clear your mind. Moments later the barkeeper gives you your water and presents you 2 shots along side. "I DIDN'T ORDER SHOTS!" The bartender points to the other side of the bar. You follow his direction and see a young woman. Your eyes meet and she smiles gently at you. Not knowing what you should do you nod to her in appreciation and take a sip of your water. You listen to the music for a while but nothing they're playing at the moment sounds familiar to you. Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder, as you turn around it's the pretty girl. "Don't you like liquor?" "WHAT?" "DON'T YOU LIKE LIQUOR?" She pointed to the shots that still set next to your glass. "I DO BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET SUPER DRUNK." "YOU DON'T SEEM REALLY SOBER TO ME." She laughed and took both shots in her hand, handing you one. She clinks the glasses and downs her shot. You follow her. "I'M HOSEOK." "NICE TO MEET YOU. I'M YEEUN." She held out her hand and you shook it. "THANKS FOR THE DRINK. Do you wANNA DANCE?" "DANCE?" "YEAH. YOU WANNA?" You got up and looked at her curious. She shrugged her shoulders and followed you into the dancing crowd. You two had some fun dancing together but at some point she started grinding against you. You try backing up a bit but get shoved into her by the jumping people around you. Yeeun gets really touchy and you feel uneasy. "LISTEN YOU'RE CUTE BUT YOU'RE NOT QUITE... MY TYPE." "I'M CUTE?" Her eyes shimmer and it seems like she wanted to kiss you but you step back and push her gently aside. You rush away from the crowd into the restroom and lock yourself into a cabine. Damn that was weid.I never really attract women so how the hell did that happen!? You take a deep breath and left the room just to see Yeeun waiting in the doorframe for you. "Why you ran away? Wanted to lure me into the restroom? Naughty." "Listen! I don't like girls ok?" "Wait what?" "I'm gay!" "Eum..." Her face turned really red and she left without saying anything else. Puh.. that was awkward... Am I always that weird with people? No, that's not possible, right? I can't recall ever having such a problem with a guy. As you were cought up in your thoughts something else came to your mind. Yeeun spreed the idea in you to also look for someone. You already saw some cute boys and if it wasn't for your bladder you could have been the pray of the guy in the restroom, maybe you can find him again. Walking through the mass you scan the people for someone who seems like a nice match for tonight. After a while you felt like sobering up so you thought getting back to the bar was the best shot for now. You felt like wasting your time, sure you had had some fun but suddenly lying in bed and watching an episode of Adventure Time sounds very temping. You emtied your forth glass and decide that it's time for you to go home. Once again you move through the people heading for the door but before you could reach it a guy walks in. He's wearing  tight leather pants and a cute crop top revealing a belly button piercing which matches his earings. He's really cute and the first thing that comes to your mind is: "DIBS!" The guy you were reffering to looks at you with a mixture of suprise and pride. Just then you realized that you didn't thought but spoke it out loud. Your cheeks got flashing red. You wanted to leave the scenery so badly but the guy you dibsed still stood there blockig your way. You ran as fast as possible into the crowed aiming for the restroom to lock you up. You were panicking and the first person you thought of was Namjoon, you needed his help. You figet with your phone needing quite some time to unlock it and finding Namjoons chat. Guess I wasn't sobering up, just thirsty for more liquor. I'm drunk as hell. "Namjoon!!!!!!!!" "I fked up!1!!!!" "Im rlly druk n I yelled dibs at that hot guy that entrt the club.........." "Help!!!!!!!!!!!!" Namjoon didn't take long to reply. After seeing a dozend of cry-laughing smileys he actually send a text message. "Calm down, everything's alright. Yoongi just texted me literally the same, bragging about the fact that his outfit was hot and that some random dude yelled dibs at him." "YOU KNOW HIM!?!????!" "Yes I know him. I told you I helped a friend with his outfit for a night out. That was him. Just talk to him. You can even say that you know me or do you want me to text him for you?" "NO!! Pls dont! Ill tak to him." "OK, have fun, Hobi. And just so you know it: He's gay and on the hunt. ;D" You put your phone away and lean against the closed door. You close your eyes and try to foces. What should I say? How can.. Your thoughts got disturbed by a knocking on the door. "You in there?" "Wh-who's there?" "The guy you just dibsed. Wanna collect your price?" Not thinking twice you rip open the door and just look at the guy who's named Yoongi. "What?" "I mean you called dibs, you look good, so here I am." You still don't move and just look at him with wide eyes. Yoongi sighs and grabs your hand, you don't resist and move along with him to the bar. You refuse to drink more liquor but Yoongi downs 3 shots. "By the way I'm Yoongi." "I know, Namjoon told me about you." "Huh? You know him?" "He's my best friend." "Ahhh you're Hoseok." "He told you about me?" "Of course.  Although I'm hurt he never introduced us." "Mh maybe he had his resons. Do you dance?" "No." "But-" "I said no." "Why so stern?" "I- I can't dance." "Have you seen all those people? You really call that dancing? That's just body wiggling." You show him your bright, heart shaped smile and laugh about your own words. Yoongi just smiles at you with gentle eyes. "You know, you seem like a fun guy. Maybe it would be ok to try dancing with you." This time you're the one grabing Yoongi's hand and nevigate him to the dance floor. You start moving your body once again to the rhythm not taking your eyes of Yoongi who just stands there awkwardly. You grab his hand and spin him around until he's laughing. He sounds cute. You put your hands on Yoongis waist because he was dizzy and stumbling all over the place. "ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" "YES. Yes." He seemed to relax beause he started dancing again on his own and you joined him. After a while you grew confident and searched for more body contact. You scoot closer to him and lay your arms around him grinding against his ass. Suddenly you stopped your movement having a deja vu. Just as you wanted to make some space between you two you realize that he leaned into your embrace and moves along side with you. Probably wondering why you stopped moving Yoongi turned around and looked at you with a puzzled expression. You scan his facial features, the soft lips that form a pout, his dark eyes that search for an answer regarding your behavior, the cute nose, his heavy but decent looking make up. You didn't know what came over you but you cupped his face and pressed your lips against his. Yoongi widened his eyes but he didn't pull away. He slung his arms around your neck and traces his tounge over your lips searching for access. You part your lips and let your tounge play with his, due to the alcohol he tastes sweet and bitter at the same time. Lost in each other you just stand there kissing each other. Your hands wander down and grab his ass which feels squishy although he's wearing those tight pants. Yoongi suddenly breaks the kiss. "LET'S GO." With that he starts walking towards the exit and you trail behind him. Once you two are outside Yoongi reconnect your lips. In a short break he whispers into your ear: "Your place or mine?" "Ehm..." Fuck... fuck fuck FUCK. Should I go home with him? Or take him with me? Should I even at all!? I know I wanted to 'hunt' but know that it's at that point I'm not sure. Should I? Your head was spinning. All those thoughts rush through your head and the fresh air just makes everything spin even more. "Hey, are you alright?" "No, I don't feel so good." "Damn should I call you a cab?" "No no it's fine, I'll walk home." "Are you sure?" "Ye-" You couldn't finish your sentence because you vomited. "Sorry.. I can't take alcohol well." "I see..." Yoongi moved away some steps and pulled out his phone. "Hey Joon it's me. You think you could pick up Hobi? He's pretty drunk and I don't want to put him into a cab. - Yes? - OK. - Alright, I'll wait. - Yes, see ya." "OK, Namjoonie is gonna pick you up." "As I heared... Thank you." "No problem." Yoongi trudges around in a circle, repeatedly blowing air in and out of his right cheek. After what felt like eternity Namjoon arrived and put you into the car. "Thanks for looking after him, Yoongs. Should I take you home?" "Nah, I'm fine. I guess I just go back into the club." "OK, see ya." "Bye."
You see Yoongi vanish into the building while you try to smile at Namjoon but it came of more as a sad grin. Namjoon took a deep breath and shook his head. "What were you thinking Hobi? You know you don't take alcohol well.." "I know..." "You're lucky Yoongi knows me, who knows what could have happend." "I know..." He sighs and manoveurs you onto the backseat. You plomp down and curl into a ball. Namjoon gets into the drivers seat and brings you home. Once at your doorstep he pulls your keys out of your backpocket and even brings you to your bedroom. "Can I leave you alone or should I stay with you?" "No it's fine. I'll just lay down and sleep." You let yourself fall face forward into the mattress. You feel how Namjoon takes off your shoes and throws a blanket over you. "I wait until you fall asleep." "Thanks Joonie." "Of course." The bed bunks down beside you and you feel his hand caressing your back and ruffling your hair. Immediately you drift into a deep slumber. When you wake up the next day you take a look at the clock. It's the middle of the day and you kind of want to turn around and sleep some more but you're grossed out by your own smell. Alcohol, sweat and smoke - the holy trinity of a clubs smell. You rise your heavy feeling body from the bed and undress, on your way to the bathroom you grab a fresh pair of boxers and a cozy sweater. Finally under the shower you start to relax. The warm water pouring over your body seems to wash away your sever headache. At least a little bit of it. Now that your head is somewhat clearer you start to think of the previous night. You face palm yourself and lean against the cool tiles behind you. Oh god what the fuck did I do last night... I have to ask Namjoon for Yoongis number so I can apologize or maybe I just should make sure to never see him again so I can't embarrass myself even more.. You finish your shower, quickly dress up and your first instict is to call your sister. "Dawon, where are you?" "I'm on my way to you. Why, do you need anything?" "No. I'm just... stressed." "Tell me, I can hear it in your voice. But I have to rumble some myself so prepare some tea, it's gonna be a long ted talk!" "Oh- ok." Before you knew it she already hung up. You made the tea and didn't have to wait any longer for her to knock. You ripped open the door and fall into her arms, hugging her tight. "Dawooooon... I messed up big times... It's so embarrassing." "Stop whining. When you're like this I almost forget I'm younger then you." "But -" "No but. Just sit on yours and drink your tea. I give you some time to calm down. In the meanwhile just listen to me because otherwise I'm going crazy because of my coworker! I mean yeah he's pretty funny when you know him and he sometimes is a real weirdo but boy.. oh boy you have no fucking clue how annoying he can be. If something happened to him he's going to talk about it FOREVER. If it was something bad he pouts all day and whines about it and if it was something positive he's going to brag about it. But the worst is if both happend. Like something good tuning bad. For example today he was just sitting in the corner not really working saying he was "too upset" because this really cute guy from yesterday messed up or some shit. I didn't even listen. If Yoongi continues like this I'm seriously going to kill him." "Yoongi!?" "Yeah Yoongi, my coworker. Do you know him?" "No. Nononono. NO! Just no." "Hobi what the hell is your problem?" "That's the guy from yesterday.." "What do you mean?" "I'm the one who messed up. I'm the dude he's talking about!" "Wait WHAT?" "I told you I wanted to go to that party and he -Damn it makes sense you even told me your coworker wanted to go to that party..." "Oh god what happened?" "I kinda made out with him, wanted to take him home and vomited in front of him..." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "Oh my fucking god." "Yup.." "But look at the bright side. You at least made enough of an impression to him so he whines about it to me." "I really don't see anything positive about that." "Didn't you listen to me earlier? He called you cute and was sad that that happened because he really wanted to go home with you." "You think so?" "Yes. Because, like I said, he wouldn't shut up about it." "And now?" "What do you mean 'and now'? You'll fucking talk to him and grab that ass." "Dawon! What the fuck?" "What? I'm maybe younger then you but I'm not an innocent child. Shocking news: I already had sex." "Dawoooon... I know that but I honestly don't wanna think about it." "God, I'll give you his number and you text him." "I don't want to." "Why? You just wanna handle it as a failed flirt? You know the chances of meeting him again aren't that small." "OK... Give me his number. I'll think about it." "Good." Dawon gave you Yoongis number, you drank your now cold tea and talked a little more. The day went by fast and it was already evening again. You texted Namjoon also asking him for advice how to handle the situation but he also just suggested you to talk it out or actually ignore it and hope to never meet him again. You spend the night thinking a lot before you go to sleep.
Almost a whole week past since the night you were out and you still hadn't texted Yoongi. Dawon as well as everyone else around you who by now knew about it teased you. You were almost sure at this point even Yoongi had heared about your stupid behavior. You just came home from work and sat infront of your food. You took your phone out, opened the still empty chat with Yoongi and started typing. "Hi here is Hoseok, the guy from the party last week." You paused and read the sentence again and again, the deleted it. No that sounds stupid... You start typing again. "Hello, I don't know if you remember me but I'm the dude who wanted to fuck you and RUINED IT BECAUSE I FUCKING VOMITED!!!!!!!!!" Yeah really subtile.. definitly perfect.. Damn what should I say.. You deleted it again and took a deep breath. "Hi here is Hoseok. I got your number from my sister, Dawon. Seems like you guys are working together. I wanted to apologize for fucking up. I really can't handle alcohol well. Would be awsome if we could meet up again. Sober this time." You hit send so you wouldn't overthink everything again although you regreted it instantly. OK, now we have to wait and hope for the best. Almost immeditaly your phone was vibrating. "Took you long enough to text me. If you want we can meet up. Mh Dawon.. now that I think about t you two do look very similar. Where do you wanna meet?" OK his text was kinda rude and all over the place but sure... I don't know where.. how about the when? "Yeah I guess we do. I don't have a special place in mind but let's start with the fact when we could meet up." "How about right now?" "OK?" "Good. Meet me in 2 hours at the new mall in the city center." OK.. ok.. okokok don't panic you can do that! Yes you can. I just need to change my clothes. You ran into your bedroom, throughing your working clothes into a corner and standing there once again with a puzzled look, not knowing what to wear. You look for almost 30 minutes before you go with shorts and an oversized white shirt that you tuck in in the front. Before you rush out you put tennis socks, a cap and some random shoes on and grab your essentials. oyu arrive just in time and see Yoongi already standing there at the front door. He seems even smaller then the last time because he's wearing a wide hoodie and skinny, ripped jeans. If he wouldn't have looked into your direction you almost wouldn't have recognized him because the bucket hat he's wearing covers almost his entire face. You approach him with a big smile but he doesn't react. he just sips from the coffee he's holding. "Hi?" "Hey." "I just wanted to say sorry again. I was gross." "It's fine. Shit happens." Yoongi waves his hand, symbolizing you should follow him, what you do. You goes inside the huge building. "My coffee is almost empty. Do you mind if we go grab a new one?" "No sure." You weren't familiar with the building therefore you just trailed behind Yoongi. Both of you didn't say anything. You got nervouse because you asked for this meet up but now it's just kinda awkward. Lost in your thoughts you bump into Yoongi who came to an holt. "Watch your step." "Oh yeah sorry." You look into his face and you think you see him smile a little while he shakes his head in disbeliefe. He orders an Iced Americano while you just grab a bottle of Sprite from the little fridge. Yoongie pays for both your drinks and trails off again. You murmer a thank you and follow him silently. Yoongi walked to a little bench and set down. You two just set there sipping from your beverage. Almost 20 minutes pass when you finally say something. "Soo... Why did you want to meet here if we're just sitting around? Wouldn't a café been more effective?" "Mh. I like the coffee here. I don't visit places I'm not familiar with." "But at some point this place also was unknown to you, wasn't it?" "Mh yeah." "See so you do had to try it first. Wanna be crazy and actually go around the mall?" "You mean strolling around and buying useless stuff? No thanks." "Oh come on." You stood up and held your hand out. When Yoongi wouldn't take it you took his hand yourself and interwind your fingers. "Come on grandpa. Let's have some fun." Yoongi didn't answer but he didn't seem to complain either. When you looked at him to find out what his mood was you saw him starring at the floor. He was trying to shield his face with his hat to hide the fact he was smiling. You thought it was so adorable that he's that shy. After searching for a while you found a little store that had decor and accessoires. You dragged Yoongi inside and let go of his hand to rummage through the shelves. On a little stand in one corner there was a little pink plastice crown, you grabed it and got back to Yoongi. You snatched his hat away and replaced it with the crown. He glared at you and made his infamous pout that Dawon told you about. You couldn't help it but melt. You cup his face and coe at him. "Oh my life you're sooo cute." At a loss of words Yoongi got all shy and blushed like furious. Not thinking about it you kissed him straight away. He melted into your embrance and slung his arms around you. You two got down from cloud 9 when you heared someone behind you. "Ew damn faggots, kissing where everyone can see it. Disgusting." Yoongi looked shocked and didn't seem to dare saying something. You on the other side grew brave when you're angry. "Your face is also disgusting and nontheless do you walk around in public were everyone can see you. So as long as you don't walk around with a paperbag on your head, I'm gonna kiss whoever wherever I want." Grabing Yoongis hand again you turn around and stumb away. You aimed for the exit when Yoongi suddenly stopped you. As you turnt around you  saw him pointing to the top of his head. Just then you realized he was still wearing the crown and neither of you payed for it. Luckily there seemed no price tag to be on it or something that could have activated the alarm of the store. You just stood there not knowing what to do when Yoongi started laughing. You hadn't heared him laugh so far and it was contagious. "Damn ok, I give up. You're right I should try new stuff more often. That was fun. I mean did you see the face of that dude? He didn't expect that comeback tho. Damn Hoseok you're cool." Now you're the blushing one and you just smile at him. Yoongi stepped unexpectedly close to you and almsot whispered to you. "Say, do you want to continue were we left off?" "Are you seriously asking that? Of course!" "Then let me ask again: Your place or mine?" "I live almost an hour away from here so probably your place." "I actually also live quite far away.." "Mh.. up to some more new things?" "What do you mean?" You looked around for your destination and quickly found it. "Just follow me." You didn't expect it but Yoongi willingly took your hand in his and interwind your fingers again. He was blushing a little bit and you wanted to kiss him so badly that you hurry to get to the area where the toilets are. You go in the one for disabled people because it's a single stall and further away from the main area then the normal ones. Once both of you were inside and the door was lockes you pin Yoongi against the wall and kis him passionatly. His lips are increadible soft and his body pressed against yours feels just too good. You put one of your legs between his to fixate him in that position but Yoongi uses the opportunity to grind himself on your leg. While your lips were still connected soft moans slip past his mouth. As he was stimulating hisself you feel your own lenght hardening. Seeing Yoongi enjoying himself turns you on. You let one hand wander down to cup his ass while you slide the other on up his hoodie andplay with his nipples. It takes only a few flicks to make him fully moan. He then drops down on the floor pulling your pants down with one swift move, revealing your throbing cock.  He pumps his hand up and down and licks over the tip of your dick. Soon enough he replaces his hands with his mouth, sucking you off. "Oh fuck, You're really good." You press his head down and rock your hips forth and back. Yoongi seemed to be encouraged because he bobbs his head even faster on your dick. You were lost in the feeling of his warm and wet mouth around you when Yoongi pulled away. He slid his own pants down. "Please fuck me!" He doesn't have to ask you twice for that. You lift him up and place him on the sink. You shove two fingers in his mouth. "Lube them." While Yoongi sucks on your fingers and lets his tounge play around your fingertips you stroke his little cock.Once your fingers were wet enough you glide both of them into his ass. He grabs onto your arms and inhales deeply. You scissor his ass open, you wanted to be rough with him but not too harsh. Soon Yoongis insides were clenching around your fingers in the hope for more. That's when you replace your fingers with your cock. Yoongi moaned loud and arched his back when you entered him. You placed a hand on his mouth and hold his other hand while you push your whole lenght in. Once you were fully burried inside him you slowly start moving. Fully out and back in. You want him to feel every inch of you filling him up. After a few more thrusts Yoongi closed his legs behind you pushing you deeper. "God dammit, stop teasing and fuck me already!" "As you wish, your majesty." Yoongi was flustered but didn't take down his crown. You kissed him to keep him muffled while your hips thrust into him fast and deep. Yoongi pulls at your hair to keep you as close as possible, enjoying your embrance. The small room fills with hot air and both of you start sweating. Longing for better excess you decide to put Yoongi down and shove him face forward into the wall; fucking him from behind. You play with his niplles and watch his small penis twitch with every delecate touch of yours. You feel the tention building up inside you, so you place your arm around his waist  pulling him closer and holding him by his throat pushing his head onto your shoulder while you increase your pace. You can see Yoongis eyes roling back into his head and nothing more then a pleasured whimmer escapes his mouth. You grunt into his ear. "Do you like being fucked like that little prince?" Because Yoongi didn't answer you stopped your movement. He's being needy and trys to move on his own but you hold im thight in place. "Answer me." You place a sweet kiss on his forhead. "Yes. Yes, I love how you fuck me. Please don't stop!" Satisfied with his words you pick up your speed and thrust relentlessly into Yoongi until you come inside him. His warm walls milk your cok and he himself came almost untouched. Yoongi made a mess on the tiles infront of him. He turns around kisses you eagerly. "Wow, we definitly need to do that again in the future." "We can repeat that as often as you want. I would glady fuck your fine ass again." Feeling playful you wink at him and show him a bright smile. Yoongi hits you soft and laughs himself. "You're an idiot." "If you agree  on seeing me more often, I may be your idiot someday." "Mh.. you know, I actually kinda like the idea of that."
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