#but also consider I eat so slowly I want to finish and be comfortable
trash-bin-ary · 9 days
Sit up while you eat. Drink fast, chew slow. Savor it. Stay safe.
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Ah! okay
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justcallmesakira · 4 months
"𝑰𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒃𝒖𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒌?"
summary: just my favourite characters taking care of reader when shes sick
genre: hurt to comfort, full fluff
warnings: reader has a personality similar to me!, fem reader, nothing else, double suicide joke on dazai
a/n: guys please I am so sick right now I feel sohdghdgdhd if only there was someone who could send me some sakilai selfship stuff/j
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"nikolaiiiii" you whine from your bed eyes too teary to reach out wherever he is.
"Ah, my dove, I am coming right now" he shouts from outside of your room running in with a packed box of soup.
Unfortunately because of nikolais amazing cooking skills he failed to make a simple cup of soup. So he decided to order from takeout.And that soup is the food you need to eat right now.
"feed me please..." you state when he placed the bowl of soup and sat down next to you."Dove i think you can feed yous-" you only sniffed and looked at him with teary eyes which instantly made a certain feeling of guilt rise up in his stomach.
"fine then. Guess I will have to take care of my lovely crybaby girlfriend!" nikolai jokes before using taking off his gloves using his teeth and putting them aside, which you always considered a very handsome and hot thing for him to do.
His bare hands pick up the spoon full of soup and vegetables and gently slides it into you mouth, as fragile like a glass doll.
"Also I am not a crybaby! It was an act for you to feed me" you puff to which gogol gasps a bit too dramatically "you pesky silly! Come here daddy's going to punish you kittem" he jokingly says putting the bowl of soup on the bed side.
"HELP nikolai that is not funny! Stop THAT IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL. I am sick!!" you cry out getting out of his way which fails as he lunges towards you and holds you in his grasp
"I was joking! Calm down (name) I just want to hug your germs away." "Those germs will hug you back but okay!"
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You sneakily crept up to the fridge before opening it, looking for a tub of icecream before finding it instantly. You reach out to grab it but before your hand can get any closer a hand slams the door shut.
You don't turn around to the figure behind you and swallow a spit, scared of the man's creepy and menacing smile from behind you.
"Now now, isn't my dear supposed to be in bed resting? So I wonder who this woman here is" his sarcastic voice rings in your ears as you slowly turn around.
"Fedya hahaha what are you doing here ahaha aren't you supposed to work?" you nervosuly laugh before you start coughing again, more ferocious this time.
His cruel and irritated shade hovering his eyes become more soft and tendor as he picked you up over his shoulders like a pack of potatoes and carried you to the bedroom.
"Fyodor? Since when did you become s-augh augh strong-?" you asked clearly shocked at his sudden romantic move.
"Say that again I am giving you medieval style treatment." "WH- wait how do you know medieval tre--"
Before you could finish your sentence, he throws you on the bed in the gentlest way before sitting down next to you and grabbing a medicine.
"please tell me it's not those swallow pills. I hate them like you everyone in Yokohama hates you" you pout but he only glares at you for a second.
"I mean- I love you hahaha, you know" you laugh it off and look at his nail bitten fingers elegantly take the spoon of the liquid and holds it up to you lips.
"ew that looks like pink vomit" you get away from the spoon infront of you. "(name) I didn't ditch my work for this, it feels like I am taking care of a child rather then my significant other."
"wellll you still counted me as your significant other so" you tease him, trying to make him forget about the medicine.
"(name)" his voice is colder than your cold and you only look at him with puppy glistening eyes. "can.. can you feed me with your mouth? a sickly kiss?" you ask innocently.
"you are already sick fedya, please?" he only sighs at your statement, knowing it's stupid and silly to argue with you.
He takes the medicine in his mouth and pulls you closer to push it in. It tastes bitter, but his lips make it sweet. It only lasts a moment but cures that starving feeling in your heart.
He pulls away as you swallow the liquid before tucking your self under the covers and start giggling like a school girl.
"sigh,,,please don't eat anything cold, your sickness will only worsen. Take your pills daily and I will send some chocolates later, okay? Don't be too much of a hassle"
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"Bellllaaaaaa, i got you your favourite food!" his voice soothes out like a lullaby to your ears as you rise up from your bed and rush towards him.
"zai-zai!" But before you could say anything your head starts spinning and everything seems dizzy.
He keeps the bag of food on the table before rushing to catch you. "WOAH bella, can't have you spinning to death now can we! You told me if you had to die you wanted to die with me! Together"
He says picking you up bridal style and laughing at the swirls in your eyes. "i am here feeling like I just hot down from some Rollercoaster and your here joking? I swear to god dazai this is why you can't pull hoes"
"why would you say that bella? You pull germs" he pouts like a child but was probably smirking inside at his cheeky remark.
"You little manwh-" "shhh lets eat soem chocolate cheesecake shall we?" he places you on the side of your bed and brings the packets of cakes and slowly lays it down infront of you.
You sick and tired looking eyes glow up. "I want the cheesecake!" you announce to him as dazai laughs before opening the packet and taking a spoonful of the desert before motioning you to open your mouth.
He feeds you it whole slowly, which you only giggle "i didnt new yuo weer so living, dezai" you mumble chewing on the contents.
"finish your food first bella, then you can compliment your amazing BOYFRIEND HAHAHA" he laughs before getting up to clear up the packets.
While he does that you snuggle up to your bed before coughing for a while. "come join me, love" you motion him which your boyfriend does as he lays himself next to you
"Oh my bella, I hope you get well soon I can't wait to kiss you and hug you and maybe even fall off the bridge with you!"
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You moved away from the camera turning on the record button and started dancing to the choreography of 'detention' by melanie martinez which by the way you should actually check out.
However as you were swifting your movements according to the dance you heard a Click and ran to you bed, but you only had a second to choose a sleep position before yosano can come.
"(name) I am not that stupid." she opens the door to enter the room as she looks at your pretend sleeping position.
"You can just dance hystericaly while you have a bad cold and have iron cells lesser than than the literacy rate in japan" your girlfriends scolding hits you hard so you decided to get up, what's the point.
"As much as i wish i could see more of you dancing" she continues, "You need to get better for it, I dont want you fainting once again like yesterday.
"who knew you could joke" you whine out. Yosano takes a chair and takes a place beside you. "I am not that serious, love. Now let me check your fever."
She takes off her gloves and presses her hand on your forehead. "Hmm, you have long way to fully recover" her voice is much softer than when she was scolding you.
"huhhh, that's not fair...i dont want to be bedridden for soooo long :(" your eyes start looking teary again, nose red from the heavy coughing from when she was taking care of you last night.
she sighs, "awhh my baby, there there. This is why I told you to take the medicines. But you didn't listen did you" you look up to her eyes glossy like a child who needs to be cared.
She kisses your forehead before getting up.
"I wish I could kiss your cold away however it won't work like that instead I will cook you your favourite chicken soup for you okay?"
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a/n: man i hate my hoarse throat aughhhh I want fedya to take care of me rn *cough cough*
Divider crds: @anitalenia go check her blog NOW
Tags: @little-miss-chaoss @terururuko @inojuuy @biscuits-tragic-diner
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boy-comics · 19 days
Would you write about the moment when each member realized they had a crush/were in love with you?
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── .✦ a/n; anon i LITERALLY have a draft for reader realizing they have a crush, it's like you have espn or something. consider this pt. 1??
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── .✦ gunil;
he thinks you're cute, in that distant, casual kind of way that one might upon meeting a new acquaintance. cute, and a little closed off. that's okay. he is nothing if not confident when it comes to talking to different kinds of people, even the aloof ones, and also not above sacrificing his dignity to achieve a friendly atmosphere. he would simply like to be your friend.
so when his turn comes around to host a party, he makes sure to invite you. and you show up. you sit on one end of the couch, mostly watching as everyone shouts and laughs, and gunil manages to have a few snippets of conversation with you in between snack runs to the kitchen. no worries, he thinks. you look like you're enjoying the party in your own way, so he focuses on having fun himself.
of course, having fun necessitates at least one "gunil story time," no matter how much the younger ones groan about it.
he gets caught up in the details. it's a funny story, okay, and he wants everyone to know the context so they can better appreciate the buildup. once he reaches the punchline, a solid eighty percent of the room is already yelling or throwing popcorn at him, and he's snickering and basking in their embarrassment—
and then he hears your laughter, brief and almost buried beneath the noise. his head snaps in your direction.
when you notice his sudden stare, you cover your mouth and look away. but the smile remains in your eyes, a genuine smile, and gunil is startled by the sudden flip-flop his heart makes in his chest as you steal another glance.
maybe being friends isn't exactly what he wants now.
── .✦ jungsu;
you run into each other during lunch break in the cafeteria. a sheepish smile crosses your face when he asks, surprised, why you are here when you're infamous for opting to catch up on work instead, and you explain that you were really craving a big toasted sandwich and fresh fruit.
jungsu laughs. he tentatively follows up with a suggestion to eat together, and thankfully, you agree.
you get your big toasted sandwich and an orange, and he gets his own food, and the two of you seat yourselves by a window to enjoy your meals. it's nice. despite being close acquaintances at best, he feels quite comfortable around you, and by the time he's finished his meal he wishes he had eaten a bit more slowly.
you are carefully peeling your orange. during a lull in the conversation he watches idly; when you catch him, he blushes and apologizes for zoning out.
when you are done, you offer half your orange to him.
he rushes to protest that you need to do no such thing. you were looking forward to eating that orange, and besides, he didn't share his food with you so he'd feel bad taking yours.
to his horror, you seem a bit disappointed.
ah, okay.
fool that he is, jungsu immediately backtracks and says he'll treat you to some sweet bread next time.
the way your expression lightens sets off a flutter in his stomach. he can feel his face redden when he takes half of the orange and his fingertips brush yours, and it deepens, much to his extreme embarrassment, when you tell him he's a sweet guy.
he internally begs himself not to let this happen in the middle of the cafeteria, right in front of you while you’re smiling at him like that.
(of course, his heart does what it wants anyway.)
── .✦ gaon;
there's a kind of close companionship formed by sitting in the backseat of a car together. the two of you often end up there during outings with your friends, owing to the fact that neither of you can drive, so you've quickly become quite familiar with each other.
it's fun. in between sharing snacks and playlists, he finds you clever and quick to laughter and overall very easy to get along with, to the point where he deliberately carpools with you when possible just because he likes being in your presence. people have teased him about it, but he insists that you're simply good friends and have nothing to hide. when he likes hanging out with someone, he's not the type to be coy about it.
such is jiseok's thought process when he slides into the backseat with you for the drive back from the mountains, a grin on his face and jokes at the ready before he's even put on his seat belt.
the car ride proceeds as it usually does, going from loud and chaotic to quiet and mellow, and as the sky changes from orange to dark purple, he notices you starting to doze off.
you could have leaned against the window to sleep. but he had taken the middle seat earlier because you were watching a movie on his phone together, and a person is more comfortable than the cold, hard surface of a car, so maybe it's natural that your weight falls against his. that doesn't stop him from being surprised.
he gingerly takes his earbud out of your ear and peeks at your face.
a soft and fuzzy feeling suddenly overwhelms him. he swallows as he stares at you, not daring to move, your closed eyes and gentle breathing making his cheeks burn hot.
the realization washes over him right then and there. he likes you likes you.
── .✦ o.de;
it happens when you go on a date together.
it's not actually a date. you had finally cut off a rough on-again, off-again situationship with some idiot who never deserved you in the first place, and seungmin had only intended to comfort you with something other than ice cream cartons and endless boxes of tissues, packing you up and carting you off to the outdoor mall to shop with him. seeing sunlight and walking around would do you some good, he had told you.
you surprisingly didn't put up much of a fight. in fact, you're the one who had called it a date, if only sarcastically, muttering something about going on at least one before you die alone.
(yeah, sunlight would do you some good.)
he occupies your thoughts with armfuls of clothes, taking selfies in the mirror, and hyping you up. little by little, it seems to work. the corners of your eyes crinkle when he exits the dressing room in an outfit you had chosen for him, and when you adjust the collar and fold up the sleeves, he is relieved to see the old you shining through once more.
it could have been the moment when you fixed his clothes. but it definitely hits him when you exit the last store and walk down the sidewalk, your arm curling around his as you point out a jewelry store across the street.
he looks over at you, and he imagines what it might be like if this was an actual date, if you not only held onto him but called him sweet names and let your touch linger a bit longer on his collar, and he discovers that he likes the idea a lot.
he blames the heat when you ask why he has suddenly gone quiet. you chide him for not saying something sooner, and seungmin can't help but smile, letting you pull him along to find some shade.
── .✦ junhan;
it's a one-sided rivalry of some sort.
you're the lead guitarist of an up-and-coming indie band, though with no less experience than him. he admires the music that you and your friends produce; you seem nice, too, at least in the way you nod and smile politely at him at festivals. he's too nervous and concerned about his own group's performances to actually talk to you.
your style and quality of sound brings out his competitiveness, he supposes. seeing clips of your rehearsals time and time again pushes him to work hard as well.
when he finds out your band is having a concert on his day off, he decides to buy a ticket.
it's a small venue. he's surrounded on all sides by more people than he would prefer on a saturday night, but he tolerates it, curious as to what a full concert will be like compared to the great but limited setlists he's caught of a glimpse of while waiting backstage.
once you appear on stage and start playing, he quickly finds out. and he's gone.
the reserved admiration he had held for the past few months gives way to something akin to a sucker punch. there's no envy, no desire to measure himself against you. he blinks and leans forward in his seat, watching you play as if it's the last time you'll ever get to do so. when your solo comes up, his heart jumps so strongly he reaches up to press a palm against his chest.
you are beautiful.
── .✦ jooyeon;
for him, it had been love at first sight.
you had both attended the same kindergarten. on the day he'd met you, he had fallen and scraped his knee while running on the asphalt. he had cried and cried and cried, and the teacher, bless her heart, had done her best to soothe him but with little success.
he remembers you just appearing out of nowhere, like an angel. you had held his hand and patted his head, telling him that he would be okay. and he eventually stopped crying.
he had wanted to marry you after that, even though he hadn't quite understood the logistics of marriage quite yet.
he's just a bit younger than you—not by a lot, but enough that you have the societal obligation to look after him, to be someone he can rely on. and he doesn't mind relying on you ... sometimes. it can be fun to enjoy a meal you've paid for, or ask you to style his hair, or rile you up because you've been away for too long and he kind of missed hearing you scold him.
other times, however, he wishes you would notice how much he's grown since you were kids.
he knows you are fond of him, but you have never seemed to consider the possibility that he would want you to rely on him, too. to let him buy you things, offer a shoulder for you to nap on, comfort you when you're upset. and it—well, it sucks.
he plays it cool, though.
(his friends disagree and say his crush on you is so obvious it hurts to watch, but you've never said anything, so you're either pretending out of pity or super dense.)
(he's still not sure if he wants to know the answer.)
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bloodisonurtongue · 11 months
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a/n: these photos make a giggle I won’t lie, anyways this was cute to write even tho it’s rlly shit. I love stories where they find out they’re having a baby I think they’re so cute. I’d like to do a part where they tell the guys as well
this was slightly proofread but I got lazy at the end as well 😔 ALSO FIRST (posted) STORY WOO
c/w: vomiting, pregnancy, pregnancy tests, brief mentions of sex??
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Y/N hadn't felt quite right all day, for the last week actually. She chalked it up to eating too much food, pushing her limits and not getting enough rest or hydration as well. But when she woke up in the middle of the night, she knew it was something more than indigestion. She rushed herself to the bathroom and barely made it before she was down on her hands and knees, heaving uncontrollably into the toilet.
When she was finished, she felt thoroughly exhausted. She sat back against the bathroom wall and closed her eyes. she heard the soft rustle of her bed sheets and sighed knowing she had woken Matty up.
she heard the whisper of his voice as he walked towards their shared bathroom “darling are you okay?” she could hear the concern and tiredness as he spoke, she felt bad for waking him up, knowing he needed the sleep considering this was one of the very few days he had off tour.
y/n looked at the door as he walked in, way to exhausted from throwing up to answer him at the moment, she just looked at him and groaned
Matty walked over to her and sat next to her on the cold bathroom tiles as he wrapped her in his arms, y/n dug her face into his chest and let out a soft cry. Matty had asked her how she felt, after she explained her symptoms to him, he began to suspect the same thing she had been afraid to think of. he gently grabbed her chin, making her look at him before he asked softly “do you think you could be pregnant darlin” she looked as if she was about to cry, what if she was pregnant? would he happy? she knows she would be even if it was unplanned. would the guys be happy? what if they all felt like she’d be interrupting their tour by having a baby?
matty could practically hear her overthinking in her head, so trying to knock her out of her thoughts he spoke again “darling, it’s okay” he gently rubbed her back before asking “Do you want me to get a pregnancy test?”
Y/N, too tired to speak, simply nodded. Matty gave her a squeeze and kissed her on the crown of her head “do you wanna go lay in bed for a bit or do you wanna sit here?” y/n slowly shook her head before saying she wanted to be back in bed
matty slowly helped her up and got her back into bed, covering her with the blankets and making sure she was comfortable before giving her a soft kiss on the lips and again on the crown of her head before telling her he’d be back in 10 minutes.
not even 10 minutes later, y/n heard the front door open and gently shut before hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, she was tired but was far too scared to take the pregnancy test she knew matty was about to give her to fall asleep in the few minutes he was gone.
the bedroom door opened and closed again quickly, her eyes were still shut as she felt mattys hand on her side, rubbing softly “are you awake darling?” he said, adoration dripping from his voice as he looked at y/n who looked all too peaceful laying comfortably on their bed, he knew she was scared of taking the test, but they needed to know the answer to what they were thinking.
slowly opening her eyes y/n looked up at matty, eyes still half closed, she watched as his smile grew even bigger as her eyes opened “do you wanna take it now baby? we can wait a bit if you’d like” matty softly whispered, reaching up slightly to tuck the loose hair hanging in her face behind her ears.
y/n sighed “I think it’s better we do it now so we know” she spoke softly as she closed her eyes again before opening them again. Matty gently took her hand to help her get out of bed before they headed to their bathroom.
Matty took the box out of the bag he had in his hand, opening the box and taking out the test and the instructions before sliding them onto the counter in-front of y/n. he gently placed a hand on her back before rubbing it gently as she quickly read all the instructions “do you want me to go outside while you do it darling?” he softly questioned her, not wanting to make her feel like she had to have him in the room with her as she did the test.
she looked at him, he could practically see the nerves in her eyes “yeah just while I pee on it, you can come in right after” she said, voice wavering as she spoke. Matty nodded and smiled softly at her before giving her a kiss on the head “I’ll be just outside” she nodded back at him and watched slightly as he walked out, closing the door softly.
she used the test, and placed it back onto the counter, face down, so her and matty couldn’t see when the results were shown, she thought that he wanted to share the moment together. she opened the door for matty to come in before looking at herself in the mirror, feeling her eyes sting slightly as tears began to form on her lower lash line.
Matty gently wrapped his arms around her waist before settling his head on her shoulder, and whispering softly into her ear that everything would be okay.
she sniffled a few times before she spoke “what if I am pregnant matty, what are we gonna do?” she looked down at the tiled floor as tears started to fall gently, a few of them falling onto mattys arms around her waist.
matty kissed her head gently “if you are pregnant, it’s gunna be okay darling, I’m going to be here for every step of the way no matter what and so will the guys. we’ll do whatever you want to do. if you wanna keep it we’ll keep it and if you don’t you dont need to feel like you have too okay baby?” He softly whispered to her, leaning his chin on her shoulder again and leaving a few kisses there.
y/n slowly turned around in mattys hold, looking up at him making eye contact, a few tears continue to slowly go down her cheeks as she speaks “if I am pregnant, even if now isn’t a good time to have a baby, I want to keep it” her voice breaking a bit as she brings her hands up to cup mattys face gently.
she swears she’s never seen matty smile bigger then he is now as he leans down to catch her lips in a loving but intimate kiss before matty slowly moved his hands down and picked her up before placing her on the bathroom counter, continuing with the kiss until they eventually ran out of breath and had to pull away from each other
once their breathing got back to normal they both smiled brightly at each other before remembering the test next to them, and that they should check it now.
“you know the test is probably done by now” y/n chuckled at him as she placed a quick kiss to his lips again “let’s look then shall we?” he said smiling even wider at her as she quickly got down off of the counter and stood infront of where the pregnancy test lied. Matty placed his hand on the back of hers so they could pick up the test together as he stood behind her, giving her a peck on the shoulder before asking her if she was ready to look at it.
y/n nodded slowly, the nerves from before coming back again, she was about to find out if she was pregnant, she was terrified but elated to find out. She looked back at matty for confirmation to pick up the test, he nodded immediately and she could see the tears slightly welling up in his eyes, she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he slightly wrapped his hand around hers, her fingers began to shakily pick up the test turning it around
two red lines.
she was pregnant.
y/n felt a happy sob about to come out of her mouth. feeling mattys tears continuously fall and lightly land on her shoulder, a few rolling down and going down her shirt. She quickly turned around and looked at his face as tears began to flow out of her eyes too “matty baby we’re gunna be having a baby” she laughs lightly as she puts the test down again before reaching up and running her fingers through his hair as he leaned forward to place his head on her chest.
He muttered into her skin, she could barely hear what he was saying but somehow made it out “we’re having a baby, a fucking baby can you believe that?” He quickly picked his head off of her chest, looking at her with wide eyes “there’s a baby in you, a mini me or you, in you.” his mouth dropped in shock “I put a baby in you, oh my god” y/n let out a laugh at his antics “yes you did darling”
later that night as y/n slowly drifted to sleep, she could feel matty rubbing her stomach softly, and speaking to it as if the small baby growing inside her could hear him yet “I’m gunna spoil you so much, more then I already spoil your mommy. I already love you so much, you’re gunna have so much fun with all your aunts and uncles, and we’re gunna be one big happy family.”
In that moment, Y/N knew that she was truly happy. Matty made her feel safe, secure, and loved - and she was exactly where she belonged.
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misc-obeyme · 5 months
i've been.. sick.. auhrgh. (its a simple cold but my body can'teven),, if you still take tiny drabble requests can I request Barb helping mc when they got a cold.. just tooth rotting fluff.. (if you dont/aren't comfortable thats fine :0b)
Oh noooo I hope you're feeling better!! Being sick is the worst...
And I am still doing drabbles, yes! So I may have written a little more than what I consider drabble length but uh... well I can't help myself when it comes to Barb, so.
Anyway, here's a bunch of fluff!
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You were sick. You knew it and even though you were trying to hide it, you were sure everybody else knew it, too. You kept your sneezes as quiet as possible, burying your face in your elbow to muffle their sound. You refused to sniffle unless you absolutely had to. And you went into the bathroom to blow your nose in private. You tried everything you could to suppress the shivers that ran through your aching body, even while you kept wiping the sweat off of your forehead.
All day at RAD, you felt like despite the obvious signs, you were doing a decent job of powering through it. If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything.
Until you got home, that is.
You were surprised to find Barbatos already in your room.
He smiled at you, but there was a sternness behind it, too. "MC. You are in no condition to continue pushing yourself the way you have been. I have changed your bedsheets and washed your favorite pair of pajamas. Now I must insist that you get changed and get into bed so you can rest."
You frowned and folded your arms. "I don't need to get into bed, I'm fine," you said.
Barbatos walked over to you, removed his glove carefully, and put his hand on your forehead. You shivered a little, partly because you knew he would feel your fever and partly because his touch awakened a burst of butterflies in your stomach.
Barbatos let his hand descend to cup your cheek. "You cannot hide the evidence of your illness from me," he said. His voice was soft, the firmness of moments ago melting away into indulgence. "I know you feel that it is minor, but you will recover quicker if you rest now. If you will allow me to, I will take care of you until you are well again."
The tinge of heat that rose up in your cheeks wasn't something you could blame on your fever. You nodded.
When you were in your pajamas and snug beneath the covers, Barbatos brought you a tray of soup and tea. He sat beside your bed while you ate. On your bedside table he had already placed a supply of tissues and water.
"This is delicious," you said when you were halfway through the soup.
"It is a recipe of my own design," Barbatos said. "It incorporates all of the best nutrients a human would need to fight off a cold. The tea is also a special blend of Devildom herbs. They are safe for human consumption, of course, but they contain just enough magical properties to boost your immune system and speed your recovery."
You smiled at him. It was just like him to be so meticulous in what he served you.
"Isn't it a bad idea for you to be this close to me?" you asked. "What if I'm contagious? I don't want you to get sick, too."
"You needn't worry about me, MC," Barbatos said. "I am not capable of contracting an illness of this nature."
You didn't have the clarity of mind to question that statement further.
When you had finished eating, Barbatos cleared away the tray, then positioned himself back in his chair.
"Are you really just going to sit there all night?" you asked.
"I wish to be here should you need me," he said.
You sighed. You were feeling sleepy. The warmth of the food made you heavy and the softness of your mattress caused your body to relax. Your senses were dulled by the fever still running through you. Your eyelids were slowly descending, but you kept them open. You reached out a hand toward Barbatos and murmured his name.
Barbatos knew what you wanted without you needing to say it. You were still sitting up in bed and after removing his shoes, Barbatos sat beside you. Instead of laying back on your pillows, you rested your head on his chest. His arms enclosed you and your breathing synced with his. You fell asleep listening to the beating of his heart.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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rogueddie · 2 years
Eddie is shivering, despite his layers. He tries to crack the door open, squeezing through as little space as possible and quickly shutting the door behind him, keeping the chill out. The warmth inside is in such sharp contrast to the cold outside that it makes his skin burn uncomfortably.
"Fucking hell," Eddie hisses, struggling to wriggle out of his layers. He slowly smells the food cooking, which makes him frustrated. "Stevie? I thought you were going to stay in bed!"
Steve pokes his head out, around the kitchen door, with a sheepish smile. "Sorry? It's just... with the snow, I thought you'd want something warm."
"I do want that, you're right," Eddie strides over, pleased to see that he has their blanket wrapped around his shoulder. "I want to see you comfortable in bed even more." He puts his hand to Steves forehead. "Mm. You've been taking care of yourself?"
"Yes," Steve rolls his eyes. "It's just a cold, I'm fine."
"Is that why you were throwing up?"
"I ate something bad! Whatever. I made you your fave."
Eddie gasps, dramatically throwing his hand to his heart when Steve serves up the dish. "Reuben! Oh, Stevie, I'm trying so hard to stay mad at you."
"So don't," Steve drapes himself across Eddies back once he sits down, opening his blanket so he can wrap them both inside it.
"Fine, you're forgiven." Eddie mumbles around a mouthful, grinning when Steve grimaces. "But! If you get more sick then I will get very upset."
"I won't get more sick. I'm getting better." Steve sighs, resting his chin on Eddies shoulder. "I wouldn't do anything to make this shit worse. I wanna kiss you."
"You can still kiss me."
"That'd make you sick."
"Baby boy, we share the same bed. If I haven't got sick by now, a little kiss won't do anything."
Steve hums, considering. And, when Eddie finally finishes eating, Steve gently turns his head with a finger on his chin, kissing him. He tries to be slow, soft, to show his love as best he can... it's not so easy with Eddie pressing for more.
"Eds, I'm sick," Steve is laughing though, going where Eddie pushes him. "You keep saying that I need to rest!"
"You're well enough to cook," Eddie points out, pushing him down onto the sofa. "Plus, exercise is good for you. You always say that, don't you? Come on, Stevie, I wanna burn some calories."
The next day, Steve feels great, almost fully recovering from his little bug. But, as Eddie insists, he's probably feeling so good because he's also extremely smug.
Eddie is sick.
"Chicken soup?" Steve offers, voice a little high with the laughter he's struggling to hold back.
Eddie pokes his head out from under his pile of blankets, hair flying up in every direction. "Your joy is making my cold worse. Be miserable or get out."
"I'll get you some cold medicine."
"I hate you!"
"Love you too!"
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serpentthecrow · 2 years
Sleepy time with the crows
the crows(separately) x reader🖤
Summary: just some fluffy headcannons with our favourite gangsters
Warnings : big fluff, cursing, plushies
A/n: wrote this instead of a Jesper confession fic that got deleted. I also included the plushies each of them have, so enjoy!
One might assume there will not be much to say, it's not true however
If Kaz finds u trustworthy enough to even sleep in the same room with you, consider urself lucky af
Kaz doesn't really sleep much, just for a couple hours, it's assumably another trick of his, how he wakes up
When he ACTUALLY needs sleep, he drinks Camomile tea
I picture Kaz's bedside table is actually a stack of books, and there are several more stacks on the other side of the bed, so he reads quite often
He's genuinely scared to fall asleep due to his nightmares sometimes
After getting comfortable with you, he will slowly inch by inch move your beds closed to eachother everyday, until you notice
Whispers 'fuck u ' to the moon when it shines in his window
Just lays flat on his back and sleeps (how?)
Secretly has a crow plushie he got from Jesper under his bed
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The biggest cuddle bear ever
He will wrap you up with his arms and legs like a rope, and will not let go even under the use of a fucking crowbar
It's his routine to kiss his revolvers good-night before going to bed
Not before checking himself out in the mirror to look good and ready for a night intruder
REFUSES to buy a bit bigger bed, no matter if your savings could buy a bed that even majesty King Nikolai.*million titles*.. could hardly afford
The secret meaning is that Jes doesn't want you escaping from him to the other side of the big mattress
He'd rather fall off the little cot you have
Forgets to take off his rings
HAS a goat plushie
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Inej is pretty straightforward- lay down, sleep if you can
challenge: try not to stab urself in the eye by the knife she has under her pillow while turning in ur sleep
Could use some protective cuddles if she trusts u
Prays before going to sleep
Bed time= heaven time. Main reason?she lets her hair down when going to sleep
Be prepared to do some careful and slow comforting for her at 1am
U will get urself stabbed if Ur not careful
Light sleeper, can be out like a light tho, after a whole day of climbing roofs
Fuzzy socks.
Has a teddy bear
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U won't fall asleep with her. I swear
Is the type of person to talk and talk and talk about random things for hours
And when u think she's already asleep, ur suddenly hear "I would never kiss a dude who eats dogs"
Eats a ton of food before bed
*cough*like me*cough*
Loves bedtime stories and singing lullabies in Ravkan- recieving or giving, doesn't matter to her
Back tracing
Has an assortment of plushies all around her side of the bed and if one is missing, she will start a war
Sleeps on her stomach
Or on u
Sleeps naked by choice
Cuddly little witch
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Wrapped around u for 'protective' reasons
Tells u stories, myths and traditional legends from Fierda
Also prays to Djel, even tho he wipes his hands after finishing and exclaims he doesn't have to really
Drinks weird amount of water
Sometimes lays in bed with shoes on - sinner
Never saw a book in his life
Normal duvets? What is that? Did I hear fur?
Wake him up. I dare you. Try it.
Extra vulnerable before bed
Don't make him sad at the time pls
LOVES when it rains at night (I think they all love that, except ONE)
Owns a tiny white wolf plushie, it's under his pillow if u wanna know.
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Certified cutie
The adorable matching pijama sets he wears
Will probably draw.
No need to say he won't read before bed
The little spoon
Warm milk with honey melted in it is his to go drink for bed(try it, knocks u out)
The bed hair(not so different from his normal hair lol)
Has a dinamite plushie he sleeps with all the time
Is the one who doesn't like when it rains, because what If the rain turns into a thunderstorm?
They scare the shit outta him
The sleepy mumbles... Help
whispers good night back and forth with u until one of u fall asleep
fluffy and smol bean
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A/n: Ahh turned out better then I first thought. Lemme know what u think! If you'd like to requests something, my requests are open, please read my pinned post before requesting, there you'll find rules but also the fandoms I write for ❤️❤️
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rainiishowers · 8 months
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I accidentally deleted this, but once again me screenshotting it saves the day 😅
I did not expect it to go in this direction, but am I upset about it? No
Summary: Power is out all throughout the Devildom on an unexpectedly cold night. According to Lucifer, Mammon is out helping the post office, which was exceptionally busy around the holiday season. Of course, they care about their beloved brother, so they do a little extra for when he gets home.
Genre: Fluff
Content: Soft Lucifer has me soft, Mammon and Beel are the heaters, we can pretend it’s the holidays
Tags: @mammoneythegreat @mammonsturtle @lorkai-reblogs @astershere @absolutepokemontrash @crazyyanderefangirlfan
The brothers were all in the living room because there was a severe power outage, and Lucifer wanted the brothers to be together so nothing bad happens. However, Mammon was the only one not there, which worried Beel the most.
"Where is Mammon? Is he lost in the weather?"
Of course, Beel knows that Mammon can retain body heat pretty well, that's the reason why he's considered one of the portable heaters among the brothers aside from the Avatar of Gluttony himself.
"Didn't he say that he was out delivering packages because it's the holidays?" Satan recalls, underneath piles of blankets, although there weren't many because Asmo took most of them.
"Ughh.. I just want the power to turn back on.." Levi complains, staring at his dead game console.
"Beel, be a dear and come here so I can stay warm!" Asmo pleads, almost demands. This is shut down by Belphie immediately as he glares holes into his older brother, clinging onto Beel for dear life.
Beel looks at Lucifer in concern, not focused on the squabble Belphie and Asmo were having.
"Do you think Mammon will be back soon?"
"I'm sure he will be, Beel." Lucifer reassures. Even if it wasn't clear on his face, the eldest was also starting to worry about what Mammon could possibly be doing, but he had faith in the Avatar of Greed.
"Is he delivering packages?" Satan asks Lucifer with a raised eyebrow.
"As far as I know, Diavolo asked Mammon and his crows to help with delivering things for the holidays." Lucifer replies.
"He hasn't done that in a long time, huh?" Levi tilts his head. "Wasn't he the messenger between you and Lord Diavolo before D.D.Ds were a thing?"
"Oh yea, and he would always come back looking unfazed, as if he didn't run miles to there and back." Belphie remembers
"He had his crows do some things too, didn't he? Those little birds always surprise me." Asmo butts in, trying to distract himself from the cold unsuccessfully. He shivers from the cold as he once again tries to get Beel to come over.
Thirty minutes pass and Mammon isn't back yet, and the storm has gradually begun getting stronger. This causes alarm in all the brothers, as they wonder what Mammon was doing, and if he's been caught up in the storm. Things are prepared but notably, food and snacks are made for all the brothers but Beel leaves enough for Mammon to eat a lot, and Belphie makes a spot of blankets and pillows reserved for Mammon.
Eventually, Mammon does come back and he looked absolutely exhausted, as he stumbles into the living room with many layers of winter clothing on. The snow storm was slowly stopping, but the coldness was still there. Despite this, all the brothers get up upon seeing Mammon's return.
"Huh? Oh, he--" Before he could finish his sentence, Mammon is leapt on by Belphie and Asmo. He is barely able to catch his balance as he gives a comforting pat on the backs to the two.
“Heh, missed me?" He grins cheekily.
"Of course we did!" Asmo huffs. "You were out in a snowstorm!"
"A very cold one." Belphie adds on, and Asmo nods in agreement
"Where the hell were you?" Satan asks, upset at how long it took for him to come back. Beel helps Mammon take off his gear and hung it up, not saying much, but it was clear he was just relieved that his brothers were together again.
Mammon's face softens as he sees the concern his brothers had for him. He looks at the the food and snacks laid out. He tries to think of an explanation to give Satan as he sits down on the reserved spot, snuggling under the blankets.
"A few of my crows got caught up in the winds and got buried under the snow. I got ‘em out before they froze to death."
"What if you froze to death, huh?" Levi glares at his big brother, sitting besides him. Mammon pulls him into a side hug and under the blanket
"But I didn't, that's what's important, yea?" Mammon gives a softer smile as he reassures Levi. This fortunately works, as Levi only huffs huffs and leans into the hug, still a bit upset at how Mammon did that. “And besides, I couldn’t just leave my crows outside to die like that.”
Mammon was caught off guard as Lucifer starts to look for signs of injuries, asking him questions and such. When he was finished, he stands up. "Well, I can safely say you haven't suffered any injuries, that’s good.” He gives a small smile.
Mammon just gives a small smile back and a nod. This moment is interrupted when Asmo attempts to cuddle up to Mammon for warmth only for Levi to throw a hissy fit.
As the snow storm recedes, everyone ends up falling asleep and is taken to their rooms Mammon and Lucifer. The two go to Lucifer’s study afterwards with some extra blankets. Lucifer sits in his chair while Mammon sits in the one across from him, a few blankets over him, Lucifer couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of his brother in a blanket cocoon.
Nothing is said at first, as Lucifer is focused on lighting candles so they can see better, but eventually he speaks up.
“Thank you for doing the task, Mammon. I don’t just mean this for Lord Diavolo’s sake, but also mine, and the others.” He smiles, leaning back as he finishes lighting the candles. “I often focus on the times that you make my life harder, that I forgot the times you make my life easier.”
“Yea, you should work on that.” Mammon grins, leaning forward a bit.
“Yes, yes I really should.” Lucifer chuckles. “But I do mean that, genuinely.”
Mammon’s smile softens into something less playful, and more affectionate, as he nods.
“Thanks, bro.”
Lucifer nods in return, leaning back into his chair as he becomes more relaxed.
“Honestly, I was going to search for you in that snow storm if you arrived a minute later.” Lucifer’s eyes narrow. “I know your crows are reliable, but please, if you need assistance from another demon, I can always help you. Is that clear?”
“Crystal.” He chuckles. “Oh, speaking of crystals.” He pulls his blankets down and takes out something from the bag Lucifer noticed he was wearing. The second eldest gives him a red crystal keychain.
“Happy holidays, yea?” Mammon smiles as Lucifer admires the keychain. It was a blood red crystal in gold casing that hung from a golden chain with a clasp at the other end. It looked gorgeous under the candle flames.
“I got everyone gifts. That may or may not have been one of the things that took me so long, I was surprised to see some shops even open.” Mammon continues with a laugh. His laugh was contagious as Lucifer couldn’t help but laugh along with him.
“Thank you, Mammon. Happy holidays.” He smiles with a small nod, and the Avatar of Greed nods back, as he goes to stand up with all the blankets still around him. Lucifer made a mental note to himself to get Mammon something in return later in the week.
“Now if you'll excuse me, The Great Mammon needs sleep, night Lucifer”
“Goodnight, Mammon.”
“Make sure to sleep at a reasonable time.” Mammon reminds, looking at his older brother in worry and seriousness.
“Yes, I will.” Lucifer sighs
“Good, night Lucifer!”
The door shuts and Lucifer stares at his paperwork and then out the window. The Devildom has returned to it’s normal darkness, no snow or anything. He tries to get some paperwork done before going to bed, which he hopes will be at a reasonable time.
Lucifer makes his way to the bedroom after finishing paperwork, only pushing himself to go to sleep. He does one more routine check on everyone to ensure that everyone is sleeping. Everyone was thankfully asleep.
He stops at Mammon’s room, and quietly walks over to his bed. The blankets have long been discarded on the floor and to the side of him, as they were no longer needed. He quietly puts the blankets on the couch or other pieces of furniture. He can’t help but feel a little sentimental and nostalgic as he rubs his baby brother’s cheek. He smiles to himself as Mammon leans into the touch the same way he always has, ever since he was a young angel.
He simply gives Mammon a forehead kiss before being on his way, gently closing the door behind him.
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marchsfreakshow · 9 months
Princesses Over Princes {Dandy Mott}
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Fluff. Little bit of teasing smut. Cover made by me
It's your first Christmas with the Mott family after Dandy 'convinced' you to move in. It's officially time to go present shopping, and Dandy almost buys the whole store.
Slightly self-inserted so consider reader autistic, just for now.
I miss writing for my murderous baby boy, so here's a holiday fic to keep y'all going. :)
No one's perspective.
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
Windows had condensation on them because of how cold it was outside. Lights were twinkling around, and Dora made something warm in the kitchen. It smelled like leeks, so you guessed it was some type of soup. You were a bit sick. But, not sick enough to convince Dandy that you couldn't go out today. For Dandy, it had to be a broken leg, and maybe fully paralysed for you to not be able to go out.
Every single time you heard, "Y/N! We're going out." You dramatised fainting and laid like an 1800s lady who needed air on his bed. A grin and a giggle always gave it away, and Dandy stood there unimpressed every time. "Come on! I want to! You need to come with me! You need to! You need to!"
"Big baby." You muttered as you got up.
"you're. A. Big. Baby!" Dandy stood there, slightly gobsmacked, and watched you walk out of his door, a slight skip in your step. Despite being called a baby, he followed you anyway.
A baby? No. Dandy was your lovesick puppy. He'd follow you to the ends of the earth and buy you a company if it made you happy. He was wrapped around your finger like a tight glove. Your comfortability over anything. If you went to the freakshow to see your friend, Amazon Eve, Dandy would make sure you had front-row tickets and brought a pillow to make sure you were comfortable in the creaky, woody chairs. The way he looked at you, it was a look that could melt anything. His eyes were firmly on you. He was so happy he bumped into you with his mother on a walk.
You were sitting in the kitchen, having some of the soup that Dora made when Dandy finally decided to come into the kitchen. Even though he followed you out of the playroom. "Dandy, come eat something!" You smiled, gesturing to the small portion of toast that was available on the table.
"I'm not hungry."
"Dandy-" Dora started,
"Dandy eat something or I'll lock myself in one of the empty rooms and not talk to you until the new year."
Instinctively, Dandy sat down and almost scarfed down toast with nothing on it. He then sat impatiently as you finished your soup, albeit a bit more slowly, and less messily. You were almost elegant and looked like a princess in your baby blue dress that poofed out and rested just below your knee. All Dandy thought you needed now was a tiara, and a ring. Both have a gem-like sapphire in them to match the colour scheme. Staring at you was a full-time job for him. The only one he would like. "Are you almost done?"
"Almost." You giggled, feeling Dandy gently grip your thigh under the table. There was an impatience to his words, and you could feel a tantrum coming on if you didn't hurry up and finish. Thankfully, Dora took your bowl from you as soon as you placed your spoon down. She could also feel the impatience and wanted you to go so she would be away from Dandy for an hour or so. Your eyes met with hers, a silent thank you along with a smile. The small bowl was taken from you, and Dandy grabbed your arm, dragging you to stand up. The childish happiness within his run made you smile, and follow him quickly. He practically threw you in the car once you put a coat on, and started the car just as quickly.
"Love? Where exactly are we going?" You asked once you were on the road. Your boyfriend had calmed down now and was driving carefully. To him, you were precious, a statue or an angel that couldn't be damaged. That one piece of art that you own and wouldn't let anyone else touch it. That's what you were to Dandy, art. Everything about you was art. Your interests were included.
"Well, I figured that." You chuckled as the car's hum ran behind you quietly. "But what store are we going to prince?"
A blush rose on your boyfriend's cheeks. His infatuation with you only increased when you called him a nickname. Prince was his favourite. You were his princess, deserving of everything. "Whatever store you want. What do you want right now?"
Silence was the answer until you sheepishly answered, "A new stuffed bear. Not a proper one! Just, a stuffed animal. A brown bear, I like those ones."
"Stuffed animals. Toy shop then. Childish.." He muttered the last part, but you heard it anyway. The roads merged as you were nearing the biggest toy store in town. The biggest was a dull, old toy store in between a book store and a café. It was a greying red and the blandest beige you've ever laid your eyes on. The owner was a sweet older man, but you hoped one day, someone would repair the outside, give it a paint job and make it lived in again as it was when you were a child.
The car screeched to a quick halt and scared you almost half to death due to the suddenness of it. "We're here." He mentioned flatly. It confused you, but you undid your buckle and opened the door for yourself. Just as quickly as you opened the door, a hand appeared in your view. You took the hand, and stepped out of the car, immediately walking around to the pavement. The store was in front of your eyes, children rushing around to grab whatever they wanted.
"I do hope that there's something I want left in stock." You sighed. Before you walked in, you adjusted yourself despite no one in the shop caring much about your appearance.
"We'll find something. You need something for Christmas."
"You do too. I do have most of your presents already though." You smiled. Striding into the shop, Dandy and you were suddenly overwhelmed by the amount of children's yelling and noises they made in general. There was a quiet corner in the corner of the shop, in which the shelves held different teddy bears. "Teddies." You mumbled, walking towards them like a soul heading towards purgatory.
Dandy followed but ran instead. He grabbed a random one and held it out towards you. It was a light beige and looked like a typical teddy. "Um, I don't know." All that kept coming out of your mouth was mutters. Small and messy kids were running around you as the other adults apologized. He could tell you were getting more agitated and uncomfortable but attempted to refrain from yelling.
That lasted about 4 minutes.
You were sitting in the storage room with the shopkeeper's permission, hands over your ears and your eyes were almost glued shut. It pissed Dandy off to no end and you heard, "GO AWAY! EVERYONE!!" Everyone stopped in their tracks and put their things down, not including the bought things, and slowly backed out. Silence filled the shop.
"Dandy. You, my...my customers!" The shopkeeper thought out loud.
"I don't care!! Y/N needs space! They need time!! Everyone was annoying her!!" You took this as a sign to walk out of the storage and Dandy immediately hugged you, kissing your head gently. "You have all the time now."
"Thank you, Dandy." A smile replaced the scared frown you wore on your face. The teddies were still lined up on the shelves, but some were on the floor. You picked the floor teddies up, and Dandy took them from you, going to place them on the till. Every single one you looked at was placed by the shopkeeper.
The small black ones, the beige, brown, white bears. The dusty pinks and blues. The ones with a small card tied to their paws, the bears who looked brown, big and dusty. The old ones who never got a chance to be loved.
Every. Single. One.
"Oh, my love don't worry. I don't-"
"No." Dandy cut you off quick. "You deserve the best. Especially after the annoying brats filled up this place." A sigh escaped you, and you placed your least favourite stuffed animals back on the aged wood.
What was left was 3 teddy bears, a puppet you liked the look of and a small robot. The teddies were the small black one that caught your eye immediately, one of the medium-sized dusty pink ones, and the aged, dark brown, squeezable bear. They captured your heart, along with the other two items. The puppet, and the robot. These 'robots of the future!' interested you dearly. Would talking pictures and robotics be the future? Either way, Dandy was happy you made your choice, and you could go home.
"Is this all you're purchasing today?" The shopkeeper asked. He was a kindle and gentle soul, who had manned the store since Dandy and you were children. He knew you well and saw a romance happen before his eyes when talking to you and Dandy.
Before you could answer, however, Dandy nodded and brought his wallet out. "$100."
"Really? $100. Wow, that's a good price!" You chuckled, gazing at your new and known presents.
"$100 is really cheap," Dandy muttered, paying the shopkeeper swiftly. The items were placed into two bags, and immediately getting scooped up by your childish boyfriend. "Okay, let's go."
You waved goodbye to the shopkeeper and headed outside, the car still in front of the dinky shop door. Dandy almost rushed again, placing the bags in the back of his car and resisting the urge to make you quicken your pace. He wanted to get home. Quick. You were a bit stressed still. He could tell and knew being back at home would make you feel better. Well, your new home. You suddenly got moved into Dandy's mansion at some point in time at the start of your relationship, and it still took you a few months to get used to.
As soon as you were buckled in the passenger's seat, it didn't take more than a second for Dandy to be racing back home. It was like there was a time limit to getting back, and he had to make it back within that limit. The roads were blurred, and you gripped onto Dandy's arm with your left hand, the other held onto your own seatbelt. Whatever race Dandy was having in his head, clearly his car was winning.
The car pulled up to the house in no time. Dandy looked completely fine, with no scratch, but you felt worse. Your stomach felt like it was flipped, your heart was racing and your hair certainly fell out of whatever shape you styled it in that morning. The laboured breathing you were doing concerned Dandy. "Are you okay?"
"yeah. Fine. Just, a bit too fast."
"Okay." A monotone voice came out of the man, and he got out, giving you about 5 seconds before he came around to your side and picked you up, along with the bags of course. "I'm taking you into bed."
You felt like a princess and just stared in awe at Dandy. This childish, but strong man was carrying you into the house, and all the way up to his playroom. It was his favourite room, and where you had your bed. Nothing but the best sheets for you. "Thank you, my prince." You giggled, as Dandy was now sitting by your side.
"You're welcome. you're my princess, and need the best, not whatever common people own."
"Would you kill someone for your princess?" You teased, biting your lip slightly. Pretending to love murder and blood made Dandy even more happy. It thrilled him to know that you were 'just as bloodthirsty as him' according to Amazon Eve.
"I'd murder anyone and everyone if it made you happy." He gripped onto your waist and you looked up at him again. Almost showing innocence in your eyes. He was all yours to ruin with blood, gore, anything. His innocent doll.
Just to make sure he didn't add on to his words, you kissed him and you held onto eachother tightly. The kiss was filled with nothing but lust. The rest of the day was heavy touching, breathing. Deep and heavy kisses. You and Dandy were wrapped around eachother's fingers, tight. "I love you my prince."
"I love you princess."
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Tags; @slvt4jamesmarch @babygorewhore @taintandviolent @tatelangdonsweater
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The Sacrifice Douma x reader pt 1
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Pairing: Douma x reader
Warnings: Mentions of injury
Summary: You wake up to your new surroundings
****************************************************Don’t forget to read the prologue!
“She’s been sleeping all day, you sure she’s ok..?”
Hush Yuta, stop asking me that and go finish your chores”
“No buts! Go now”
“Ugh fine”
“*sigh* honestly that boy will be the death of me..”
“Oh are you awake?”
Huh? Slowly your senses regain. You twitch your fingers and they smooth over something soft like cotton. You smell something…lavender oils and for the first time in many many years you’re…comfortable?
You start to piece together your wits and then it strikes all at once like a bolt of lightning.
Your master, the freezing rain, the pain, the demo-
You shoot up from your laying position, your body protests instantly but you push that aside.
You take in your surroundings, 4 walls, a simple clothing chest, a screen divider, a smoking oil diffusing pot, and a woman sat folding linens. Her chocolate brown eyes trained on you. A look of shock and worry on her features.
“Oh you should be careful, you’re still recovering” the woman shoved the basket aside and rushed to assist you although out of habit you flinched at her touch.
“You had some nasty cuts, some required stitches, we wouldn’t want those to tear open”
“W-who are you?” I asked warily. I’m not one to shy away help, considering getting any up till this point was a rare occurrence, but considering my situation I couldn’t help but be cautious.
“My name is Hanako, I’m a maid, Lord Douma asked me to watch over you.”
“Lord Douma?” You had a feeling you already knew who that was.
“He’s the founder of the Eternal Paradise cult. Although we don’t really refer to it as a cult” she lets out a little laugh.
She’s so carefree… maybe she’s a demon too? But she doesn’t really look like one.. not that I’ve seen many demons in my life. But she doesn’t feel threatening.
“Everyone here is apart of it, we are all striving for eternal paradise.”
“Oh yes, there are many people who follow lord Douma. You’ll get a chance to get acquainted with them soon. But for now, you must eat and rest a bit, Lord Douma will be expecting you soon.”
“W-why… what will he do to me..” you dread the answer but ask anyway.
The maid tilts her head a bit. “There’s no need to worry, Lord Douma is fair and just. As long as you don’t step out of line, you have no reason to fear”.
No need to fear? Just what is going on?! I’m about to blurt out something akin to, “I’m a sacrifice why would I not be afraid, also he’s a demon?” But I shut my mouth. Better to understand the situation more than say things to people I don’t even know.
You simply nod.
“I’ll go get you something to eat alright? You just rest until then ok?” The woman smiles gently and leaves sliding the door shut. She was older than me but not by that much.
You sighed, against your body’s pleading you didn’t lay down. Maybe this was a sick game where you were lulled into a sense of comfort and as soon as you let down your guard the demon would swoop in and devour you.
Or maybe he was plumping you up like a chicken before having you.
Oh this was torture.
Several minutes later Hanako re enters the room balancing a tray.
“Here you are, drink this soup slowly alright? You wouldn’t want to make yourself sick dear.”
You eye the soup in front of you carefully. It smells divine, with clumps of vegetables floating around and pieces of what looks like chicken. You can’t remember the last time you were allowed meat.
“Can I really eat this?” You murmur to myself.
Hanako urges you on. It could be poisoned but then again why would the demon poison you if he wanted to eat you afterwards.
Slowly you lift the spoon, dipping it into the creamy liquid and back up to your parched lips.
You’re not exaggerating when you say this was the best soup you’ve ever had.
Your fears quickly push aside in favor of shoveling more delicious soup into your mouth.
Within minutes the bowl is empty and you feel the rumbling in your stomach pleasantly cease.
“It’s getting late, we should get you ready to see Lord Douma before the sunsets.” The woman removes the tray from your lap and helps you stand. You wobble a bit but steady with her help.
She leads you behind the screen where a tub with steaming water is emitting the most sweet floral fragrance.
She helps you into the tub then goes to grab something from another room.
You sigh out of pure relaxation. Maybe this is the demons mercy before killing you. Or maybe he wants you clean before he has his meal. Either way you can’t help but enjoy how relaxed you feel. The aches are slowly receding.
Soon Hanako returns and helps wash your hair. The clear water soon became murky with all the dirt and grime from you.
After making sure you were all clean she helped you out and brought forth a gorgeous kimono.
Pearly colored material with beautiful vibrant flowers on it. You noticed that they were the same color as your eyes.
She helped you in it and clasped her hands together. “My my what a gem you are, under all that muck who knew such a beauty was there”
“Beauty?” I scoffed at her joke. Alright this pre eating pampering act was really something.
“It’s a shame that horrible man bruised up your face like that, the healer was able to make most of them disappear although the biggest one on your cheek was stubborn. He said it would heal within a week or two however.”
“Now let me just fix up your hair and you’ll be all set” her gentle hands ran through my locks slowly and removed all the knots.
She squeezed something thick onto her palms, rubbed them together then ran it through my hair. It smelled like jasmine and when she pulled the mirror I couldn’t believe it.
I looked… so so… clean and put together. No mud or dirt like always and my hair looked soft like silk. Even with the big bruise marring half my face I looked better than I ever have.
I never really got to take baths before. Sometimes I had time to quickly wash in the stream but not more than a quick few minutes because there were many pervs in the household.
“Alright dear let’s not keep Lord Douma waiting any longer” you nodded and she gave you her arm for support.
Patiently she led you out the door, you looked around, nothing looked out of the ordinary. It looked like a normal nobles residence with lined up rooms and beautiful garden work here and there.
Sigh you were so tired and confused and tired of being confused ughh.
You stopped in front of big wooden doors, they were carved brilliantly with lotus flowers.
Hanako knocked twice. “Lord Douma, I’ve brought the girl..” only a moment of silence before the melodic voice rang out again.
“You may enter”
*gulp* here goes nothing..
Hanako pushed the doors open then helped you inside.
You squinted to make out the figure sitting by the candle light.
“Welcome little flower.”
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“I’ve been so eager to meet you..”
Please lemme know what you guys thought:)
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gabessquishytum · 10 months
So we all agree that Hob is the World's Greatest Lover, 600 year reigning Pussy Eating Champion, etc etc. But think of the comedy potential if instead he was just...kind of mediocre at sex. After all these centuries he's still satisfied with a quick wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am, and he's not a particularly generous lover. A lot of the sex he's had over the years has been with prostitutes, so he doesn't feel very guilty about not making sure they finish, and his wives and long-term partners have mostly been a bit prudish/sheltered because of the time periods they lived in (some of them may not have even been aware that female orgasms were a thing). But none of them ever complained, so he assumed he was pretty good at sex.
And sure, he's had experiences with men (he's been a sailor at times, after all), but back in his day oral sex with any gender was kind of unhygienic and gross (cue the "ripe smegmatic sausage" meme) so the man's never given a blowjob in his unnaturally long life. Now, he *thinks* he knows all there is to know about sex because, to be fair, he has probably done it more times than any other human alive. But the reality is, his idea of "kinky" is any position other than missionary.
So he's surprised (and his ego is a bit bruised) when Dream seems disappointed but amused after their first time. He's worried Dream is going to dump him (and he's beating himself up, thinking he's so stupid for ever believing he could live up to Dream's standards), but Dream just smiles fondly at him and promises to teach him everything and train him to be a worthy lover for an Endless.
So after that, every night when Hob is in the Dreaming they work on his sexual education. Training montage: Dream makes him practice sucking his dick and eating his pussy until he really is the Pussy Eating Champion. Dream expects to come at least three times before Hob is even allowed to think about his own orgasm. Dream fucks his brains out and makes him a plug and a cock cage out of dreamstuff to wear in the waking, so he's always ready and can't cum unless it's on Dream's cock. Hob is, of course, a very eager and studious pupil, and he's more than happy to do anything Dream wants; he's realizing he's actually a lot kinkier than he thought. He loves being dommed by Dream, and Dream considers his education to be complete when Hob is able to successfully Dom *him* (which may or may not have been his goal from the beginning). The student has become the master, etc etc.
I love it here, you guys are so good to me <3 bad sex is so one of my kinks, especially coupled with a lil humiliation kink.
It's entirely fair to believe that Hob might have got a little bit too comfortable over the years. Recently his sexual experience has very much aligned with his modern image - middle class, a little boring, would probably rather just have a cup of tea. He's been sleeping with women mostly, and sadly he's been lulled into a false sense of security when they assure him that yes they did cum, honestly. Even in the decades before that a lot of what he did was drug fuelled and he can barely remember most of it.
Dream is a little disappointed, but on the whole he's amused and quite looking forward to giving Hob an education - after firmly telling him that his dick is nothing special and he really needs to work on his stamina (Hob is sitting there in stunned silence wondering how on earth this conversation is making him hard.)
Hob spends the next few months not being allowed to put his dick anywhere near Dream anyway. He's only allowed to pleasure Dream with his mouth, and only very occasionally allowed to cum. Dream is the strictest of teachers and resorts to corporal punishment when his student doesn't behave (spoiler alert, Hob also enjoys this more than he ought to).
Slowly Hob picks up the skills that he either lost or never had in the first place, and Dream becomes much more agreeable with him. After nearly half a year Hob is finally allowed to fuck Dream again, only this time he's wearing a cock ring and his purpose is only to bring his lover pleasure. Dream is so pleased with his progress that he even lets Hob cum inside him.
Before long Hob is coming home from work, grabbing Dream by the waist and hauling him over the sofa to tongue-fuck him until he screams. Which was more or less what Dream was hoping for during their first encounter. He's quite happy to sit on Hob’s (admittedly quite nice) dick these days, because he knows that Hob’s primary objective will forevermore be to make him cum.
Even if he does occasionally have to tie Dream up to do it. Oh yes, Dream needs to be educated too - about the perils of working too much and not letting off steam. Hob is only too happy to take on the role of teacher, this time.
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gusherguy · 11 months
for your consideration: two people getting really sick at the same time from eating far too much of the same bad food. one person has a weaker stomach and starts really feeling the effects first, but their vomiting very quickly sets the other off and once they start there's no stopping them
(Hayden he/him, Cade he/him)
They hadn't planned on seeing Cade's parents that night. Hayden and Cade went for Chinese food at a buffet that afternoon, and soon after got a call. "My parents are in town!" Cade leaned into Hayden's room. "Want to go meet them? They're gonna be at the steakhouse. You should come with!"
"Are you sure you want to come with, Hayden? You don't look so good." Cade said when they got out of the car. "And you can meet my parents later. I don't want you to overdo it." Cade said sympathetically as he absently rubbed his swollen gut. "I—I'll be fine. I just, uh…" He takes a deep breath and tries to relax, but the tension is too much to bear. "I ate too much. Had way too many noodles."
Despite the overstimulation of having already been in a restaurant, and his disinterest in steak after stuffing on noodles and fried rice, Hayden felt excited that Cade wanted to take this next step, and hoped the parents would like him. He didn't want to waste this chance, no matter how sick he felt.
Once they got there, he realized it was a mistake. Hayden's temples throbbed, the inside of his mouth tasting vaguely of raw onions. The restaurant's bright, white lights were a source of torture rather than comfort, their brightness highlighting his clammy forehead. The sounds of the bustle around him were loud enough to cause headaches, which seems like a cruel twist of fate considering that he's suffering the early pangs of a salt-induced migraine. A sharp pain lanced through his torso, and Hayden swallows hard. He carefully loosened his belt under the table. His stomach roils, and he's sure a violent attack of indigestion is only moments from kicking in.
"You good?" Cade asked him suddenly. Hayden almost jumped. "Um - yeah. I'm good, just…I think I ate too much." Cade gave him a pat on the shoulder. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've got really bad bubble guts right now. I really hope nothing at that buffet was spoiled." He sipped on his Sprite and then brightened up, nodding his head at a middle-aged couple that had just entered. "There, that's them. That's my mom and dad." With that Cade stood up to go and greet them, leaving Hayden all by himself at the table.
As Cade went to greet his parents, Hayden gripped the table and forced his eyes shut. The lights and commotion aren't doing him any favors. He almost felt seasick. He took a deep breath, then released it slowly, but he's barely finished exhaling before he feels a familiar rumble begin low in his abdomen. Gas and the remains of a meal are threatening to be regurgitated. He swallowed hard.
For a little while, Hayden kept control of his stomach. He sipped his iced soda, hoping the bubbles would settle his stomach. And for a bit it seemed to help. He introduced himself to Cade's parents and they began small talk. Then Cade's dad ordered appetizers. "Make that double, would you please? Looks like I'm feeding a crowd today." his father said good-naturedly. And before either Cade or Hayden could protest, the waiter left. And Cade's parents began making small talk.
Hayden's brow was really beginning to glisten with sweat. Every time he turned to face someone new in this little circle, the lights flashed and his stomach rumbled heavily, slow and sluggish and sickening. He can't imagine eating anything; the idea of chewing or swallowing makes him dizzy.
Cade was also having to gulp over and over to keep his stomach in its place. When the appetizers arrived and his parents dug in, he snacked a bit on the wings and dip that had been left on the table, nibbling out of habit. The strong, greasy smell and spicy taste made his guts churn. And when he looked to Hayden, he realized with horror that he didn't look much better off. Maybe something at the buffet really was spoiled.
Hayden can't imagine holding back any longer. His head jerks from side to side, heaving breathlessly, and he suddenly feels bile rising in his mouth. He grips the edge of the table, a hand ready for his forehead as his guts churn and gurgle. His swallows mean nothing against the force of his sick stomach, and he felt chunks at the back of his throat.
"You know, mom and dad, Hayden's pretty tired. I think we might - urrp!" a sudden burp interrupted Cade. He blushed a little, but mostly his cheeks were green. "'scuse me. I think we might head out early."
Hayden's mouth twisted in misery. "P—please… have to… go…" he whined out, desperate. What seems like a long moment of agonizing silence passed as Hayden tried to keep his stomach down, but he was fighting a losing battle. Sweat trickled down his neck, his breath coming harsh in his throat. He leaned over the table, gagging, and that's all it took. The food from earlier erupted, exploding past Hayden's lips and splattering everything around him. He sagged forward and moans miserably. "Ohhh… I—I'm so sorry…"
When Hayden vomited, it was like a button was pressed on Cade's gag reflex. He didn't even feel himself heaving before a sudden heavy wave of chunky noodle barf spewed from his lips and splattered all over the appetizer. He hiccupped and moaned, mortified. "Ohhh m-my god, I'm so s- sghhhuruuughhhl!!" his belly clenched and Cade threw up again. The hot slurry burned all the way up and splashed on his jeans.
"Oh no… you too…" Hayden choked back bile, looking at Cade in horror. He wiped his mouth with a napkin, passing one to Cade. But the second he tried to speak, he heaved again. An ungodly amount of partially-digested ramen noodles burst out of his mouth, staining his shirt and the tablecloth. He curled into himself, panting with exhaustion and fighting to keep the remnants of his meal down. His stomach continued to roil, but it seems he's emptied as much as he's able.
Cade's parents at least didn't react in disgust. They seemed worried, and jumped into action. They pushed the almost-empty bowl of dip under Hayden's mouth as his tongue shot out and he began again to vomit. Cade leaned forward and desperately covered his mouth with his hands. But it was to no avail, and barf dripped from his fingers. A forceful gush escaped then. He groaned and gave in to the sickness clutching his belly.
Hayden retches violently, trying to expel the spoiled food that remained. It's as if his stomach were a bottomless pit, full of the slimiest rank slurry imaginable. He just wants it to be over. He dry-heaves, nothing coming up, but his stomach won't let him find comfort in the calm. It spasms and he can feel fresh bile rising up his throat. He leaned over the table and heaved, quickly getting dizzy.
Cade regretted overeating at the buffet. He burped up a violent surge of orange and noodles that splashed, mostly getting into the bowl. He clutched his belly with a low moan before spewing again. He was grateful they had chosen a table in the back; nobody but them noticed the mess yet. Hayden had the worst of it. He had eaten more of that slightly-suspicious shrimp stir fry than Cade had. Every exhale was a violent gush of vomit, and his face was sweaty and red. Cade's father gingerly patted his back.
Hayden, for his part, was beginning to feel lightheaded. His tummy went quiet for now, but that seemed to be the calm before the storm. He groaned miserably and clutched his sides, every twitch in his guts generating an involuntary grimace. He felt more exhausted than he could remember, and every movement is like pulling teeth. His tongue tasted foul and every breath he takes seems to make things worse. Cade's mother lays a hand on his shoulder and mouths, "You'll be alright."
It took a long while before they were alright, however. After a few minutes both boys could control their nausea long enough to make it to the bathroom, but once they got there the heaving just started again. Their stomachs felt agonizingly gross, heavy and overfull and sick. The sound of their retching reverberated through the small bathroom. After a moment, Cade called over in a raspy voice "H-Hayden….you okay?"
Hayden didn't answer, too busy with the business of being sick to reply. He hunched over the toilet in the fetal position, gagging and retching violently while it felt like his insides writhed and squirmed. Cade's voice barely registered to him. But eventually, he forces back the bile, breathing through his mouth and gasping for air as he got his breath. Eventually, he croaked "Yeah… yeah. Just… gimme a minute."
Just then Cade let out a meaty belch that turned into vomit on the tail end. He leaned over the toilet and let it out. Another retch took hold, and he splattered the bowl with brown and orange chunks. "Ohhhgg….god, thats bad."
Hayden shuddered, his stomach roiling again. "Ugh, god…" He puts his hand on his head and, with the slightest movement, let out another gush of bile. He leaned over again, his eyes watering as he continues to expel what little food he consumed at the buffet. His head pounded and he felt chills. After a moment, he sighed and pressed his cheek against the wall. "This is awful… I feel so gross."
"S-same….god, that really must have been spoiled food." Cade spat into the toilet and sighed. "I haven't felt this bad in a long time." he tenderly rubbed his bloated stomach, feeling it all moving around inside. Every little twist and turn of his guts brings him a fresh jolt of nausea. Now that the initial vomiting has slowed, he's left with a dull, pounding headache. He flushed and leaned against the wall, trying to rest. His guts kept spasming a little bit every so often, but he wasn't vomiting anymore.
Hayden groaned lightly and clutches his throbbing head. The nausea has calmed down for the most part, but he can feel the food sloshing around inside him. And the chillls kept getting worse. He grimaced and looked at the stall his boyfriend was in, suddenly feeling worried. "Cade… do you feel feverish at all? I—I'm feeling a little hot, but… maybe I'm just imagining things."
"Lemme check." Cade didn't feel too feverish, just nauseous. He reached his hand under the stall to Hayden. "I don't. Do -- urrrp! - do you? Let me feel your arm." When he felt Hayden, his boyfriend's skin was very hot and slightly red. "Ohh boy. Yeah, I think you might have a fever, babe."
Hayden nodded, his eyes widening with concern. "You don't feel too hot, right? I don't know how I'd handle it if we were both sick." He rests his hands on Cade's arm. It felt cool compared to his. His stomach began to churn again, but he fought down the rising nausea. "God, I still feel gross. I—my head… still hurts."
"I sh-should ask my dad to bring us water." Cade said, swallowing hard. His stomach was very upset again and he was worried he would soon vomit. But it happened sooner than he expected, and he spewed slushy orange and white down the front of his jacket. "Ohhhgg…oh shit, god. Damn i-- urrghhkkk!" he leaned over the toilet before he vomited again. "It hur-hrhrrggglllhg! It hurts…." Cade moaned between retches.
Hayden looked away when Cade began to vomit and made a grumbling sound of distaste. When he heard Cade's stomach rumbling again, he knows what's coming. He covered his mouth and turns his head, listening to the revolting squelching and splattering in Cade's throat. He tried not to be repulsed, but it was hard when the sounds were so loud. It's a relief when Cade finally let the last of his dinner go, though the smell made Hayden feel like he might puke again himself. "Ohh my god…" he said hollowly.
Hayden's belly lurched violently and he gasped. With a sudden rush, he expeled the rest of his dinner, most of it splashing down into the bowl but some bits and bile reaching the floor. He groaned and gripped the toilet to keep from wobbling, letting the contents churn and splurt out for a few seconds before he's finally spent. He was left dry-heaving into the bowl for a long moment. "Hnngg…. mmphhh… gahh…"
Cade spat, his stomach feeling much better now that it was empty. He flushed again and knocked on Hayden's door. "How're you doing in there?" he asked gently. In the end, Hayden needed help getting home. He was ill over the whole weekend, and terribly embarrassed about vomiting in front of the people who could become his in-laws. But Cade's parents were very understanding, and even sent them a card hoping Hayden felt better soon.
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littlestardude · 1 year
⏤͟͟͞͞☆Marjorine taking care of a high reader and Kenny! || Oneshot || Kenjorine x Reader (Kenny x Marjorine x Reader)
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✰ - SFW - ✰
Plot: Marjie taking care of a toasted Reader and a toasted Kenny :3
Note: RAHHHHHHH I LOBE KENJORINEEEEEE‼️‼️‼️ i am SO normal about them :33 and POV from marjie, and sorry it's short wahhhg 😔😔 also here's the ask it came from!
TW:Drugs (weed)
Gender: Gen Neutral
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Marhirie... Can u cowme over to my hosue pelalse bb :((( we miss youue , kennys heree.
Sent at 11:38 PM
Marjorine's screen lit up at the message, it was late and there was only two people who would think to text her at 11:38 PM. Her partners.
She sighed lightly and laughed at the misspelled message, she could tell that they were high.
I'll be there in 10 :3
She packed her bag with some clothes because she was sure she'd end up staying, some water and snacks, and some medicine. And maybe some face masks too... Yes, face masks.
Right before she picked up her phone to put it in her pocket it buzzed and lit up again.
Can you brignsn mcdonals too pleasese ty ily I'll pay u back I prommy :((
She rolled her eyes playfully and picked up her phone and wallet.
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Knock knock
Marjorine shifted uncomfortably while holding the bags of hot food. She waited for a little bit and started daydreaming but snapped back to reality at the door opening
"Marjieeeeee, hi babyyyyy" Y/N said in a sing-songy voice and took the bags of food out of her hands and see them on the dining table.
They wrapped their arms around her neck and gave her plenty of kisses, they reeked of weed.
"Hey sweetie, do you feel okay? " Marj asked a bit worryingly.
"I'm fuckin.. Great, I'm sooo happy you're here honey... " They kissed her on her lips sloppily, tasting of weed.
Kenny stumbled out of the room, almost falling over and grabbed onto the wall, he looked over at the two of them and his eyes lit up.
"Marjiee!! Babyyyy, hiiii, " he stumbled on over and wrapped his own arms over her neck and gave her plenty of kisses as well.
"You look so prettyyyy honeyyyy... I love youu, " he hugged her tightly, and then hugged Y/N as well.
Marjorine hugged them back and slowly started walking them to the dinner table to sit down.
"Come on now, let's just sit down and eat something, okay? " she said as she started taking the food out of the bags.
Kenny and Y/N started giggling slightly and nodded their heads lazily. They both laid their heads down on the table and held hands.
Marjorine took the water out of her bag so they could get hydrated and had something to drink with their meal.
They thanked her and took their food and ate like the last time they ate was two Tuesdays ago. Marjorine was only halfway done when the other two we're done.
She'd say she was surprised but really wasn't considering the two of her partners could really throw down when they were high.
They waited while Marjorine finished her food, and then swiftly after, Kenny dragged the other two to Y/N's bedroom.
You would think his eagerness stemmed from horniness, but he really just wanted to lay down and cuddle with his partners.
They laid down comfortably with Marjorine in the middle, and the other two thanked her profusely for the McDonalds.
"We love you so much... You're the best thing that could ever happen to anyone, Marjie... " Y/N said, slightly slurring their words and slowly coming down from their high.
"Yeah, you're so amazing Mar, we love you more than words could ever describe, " Kenny added on, kissing Marjorine on the cheek.
Marjorine was practically a melted puddle in the middle of the two, she nervously rubbed her knuckles together, "Oh jeez guys... Well, I love you two too... "
Kenny and Y/N followed with more kisses on her cheeks.
"Oh, I brought face masks by the way! " Marjorine said eagerly.
Kenny and Y/N grinned at her excitement, she really was an amazing girl.
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brienneoftarth1989 · 1 year
Yes Captain the Final Chapter! NSFW
Captain Phasma x fem reader
Previous / Series
Summary: You and Phasma have officially been together a year. Everything was perfect and nothing was going to change that.
Warnings: dom/sub kink, cunnilingus, fingering, grinding, begging, teasing, daddy, fluff and comfort
Authors note: I just want to thank everyone who has enjoyed reading this series. I have loved writing every chapter. I have a lot more works to come including some more series. If you want more Phasma content fee free to send in requests!
Requests open
- One year later -
“Babe you’re finally home!” you screamed as Phasma walked through the door. “Oh my god I’ve missed you so much! I can’t believe I haven’t seen you for three weeks” she said as she dropped her stuff on the floor and ran over to you to embrace you in a hug.
Phasma has been out on a mission for the last three and a bit weeks and neither of you thought you could handle it. For the last year the two of you have been inseparable and to go from seeing each other every day to not seeing one another for three weeks was going to be near impossible. But the two of you handled it.
“You made it back just in time for our one year anniversary as well” you smiled as you pulled back from the hug that was lasting a lifetime. “I know and speaking of that we are going to spend the whole day having a chill day but first I am going to make you breakfast. What do you fancy having?” Phasma asked you.
“Mmm can we have avocado on bagels?” you asked as if she was going to say no to you. “Of course baby. Anything for my girl” she smiled as she made her way to the kitchen to start prepping breakfast. You sat at the table and watched as Phasma put your breakfast together.
As you sat there the two of you talked about what you had both been up to. Phasma told you about everything that happened on her three week trip. There was a lot of action and she seemed to have a brilliant time. Your three weeks weren’t quite as exciting but you told her what you had been up to as well.
You had spent the last three weeks fixing a range of different aircrafts but you have also had a promotion in that time frame and Phasma was so happy and excited for you. It wasn’t long until Phasma had finished making breakfast and was dishing it up onto plates. “Here you go baby” she said as you placed the food in front of you.
She then sat down opposite you and started to tuck into her breakfast. “Mmm this is amazing if I don’t say so myself” she laughed as she finished her mouthful of food. “Of course you would praise yourself for your breakfast making skills” you laughed before having a mouthful of food. “...but I do have to say this is amazing” you laughed with a mouthful of food.
The two of you finished eating breakfast before you took the plates into the kitchen to wash up. It was only fair that you washed up considering Phasma was kind enough to make you both breakfast in the first place. Phasma couldn’t help but hold your waist and hug you from behind as you washed up. She slowly kissed your neck and you couldn’t help but melt into her touch.
“Come on baby, we have plenty of time for that later. I really want to have that chill day with you. What were you thinking of doing anyway?” you asked as you put the last of the washing up on the drainer. “Well I was thinking maybe we have a movie day considering the day we started dating you were having a movie day” she laughed ever so slightly.
It was so sweet that she remembered that day. “Yes, that sounds like a brilliant idea. Let's start with a few movies and then we can watch our series together” you smiled. “Ok you sort the bedroom out and set the tv up while I go and sort out a range of snacks for us to have” she smiled before you ran into the bedroom while Phasma stayed in the kitchen.
Once you got into the bedroom you turned on the electric candles you had while closing the curtains. It didn’t make that much difference considering you were space but it just made things a bit more homey. You then got a load of your blankets and pillows and set them up the way you both liked it. The bed looked nice and cosy and you couldn’t wait to get in it.
You had a look at a range of films before putting them in a queue so they would play one after the other. You decided to go with The Maze Runner series, The Giver, The Divergent series and The Hunger Games series. If you had time then you would put on your series called From which the two of you said you would watch when Phasma returned.
While you were sorting out the movie options Phasma was in the kitchen dishing up a range of snacks for the two of you to munch on throughout the day. Phasma decided to go with a couple bowls of popcorn, a plate of nachos, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate covered pretzels, and a selection of sweets. She also decided on a bottle of coke for the two of you to share.
She looked at the selection in front of her that she had spread across the countertop pleased with her selection choices. “Hey babe can you help me bring these snacks in” she shouted as she grabbed some bowls and started heading to the bedroom. “Coming” you responded as you made your way into the kitchen.
“Babe, how much food did you get ready?” you laughed looking at the large selection of food in front of you. “Hey don’t judge me. We have all day to eat this so we will get through this” she laughed as you walked past one another. “You do have a point” you laughed as you grabbed some bowls and followed Phasma to the bedroom.
You both finished bringing the food into the bedroom before you closed the bedroom door and turned the main light off. You snuggled up to Phasma as she pressed play on the first movie in the queue. When Phasma saw the movies in the queue she couldn’t help but smile. You did have a great choice in movies.
The two of you spent a majority of the day watching movies, eating snacks and just enjoying one another’s company. At some point you ended up falling asleep in Phasma’s arms. All Phasma could do was just admire you in her arms. She loved every minute of this and she didn’t want it to end.
Then a brilliant idea hit Phasma. She slowly wriggled herself from your side trying her best not to wake you. She then made her way down to the kitchen to start making your favourite dessert. She knew that the two of you had plenty of food to be snacking on so you wouldn't have a full course meal so decided to just go with dessert.
So she started making Kinder Beuno cookies. They were your guilty pleasure especially when they were freshly baked with a side of vanilla ice cream. Phasma tried her hardest to keep quiet while making the cookie trying not to wake you but it was the smell that caused you to stir.
You looked around to see the first Hunger Games films playing. You then looked to see that Phasma was no longer laying in bed with you and then the smell of cookies hit you. You smiled knowing that Phasma was making your favourite kind of dessert.
You slowly walked over to Phasma who had her back to you as she was finishing up making the cookies. You slowly wrapped your arms around Phasma. “Hey baby, what are you doing?” you smiled as you nuzzled your head on her shoulder. “Well I was making you some cookies and ice cream. I was thinking that we could have these with our movies as I know a full course meal is out of the question” she laughed ever so slightly.
“Are they almost done?” you asked desperately to find out what the answer will be. “Yep, just come out of the oven. They need to cool down a little bit before I serve them with ice cream. “Well I was thinking while they cool down me and you could have some fun” you smirked as you hands wrapped around to unbutton Phasma trousers.
“Mmm that sounds like a good idea baby” she smirked as she grabbed your hand and led you back to the bedroom. The two of you cleared the bed of all your snacks. The last thing the two of you needed was to be rolling in a variety of food. You knew however that it wouldn’t stop you from pleasuring one another.
Once the bed had been cleared of everything Phasma grabbed you by the waist and threw you onto the bed. You gasped at the sudden strength that overtook Phasma. “I know you like it rough baby. I remember how I treated you the first time we slept together” she smirked as she leaned down hovering over you before giving you a deep and passionate kiss on the lips.
Phasma placed her knee between your leg allowing yourself to grind ever so slightly against her knee. You continued to kiss Phasma as you let your hips buck into her knee. The two of you eventually pulled away for air. “Mmm do you like that” Phasma moaned ever so slightly as she continued to press her knee into your core.
“Yes baby. Please I want you to fuck me like you did the first time” you moaned as you continued to grind against. “Are you sure baby?” Phasma asked, a bit confused. “Yes daddy! Please fuck me! I need you!” you moaned. It was you calling her daddy that set her over the edge.
Phasma started stripping you of your clothing chucking item after item on the floor. It wasn’t long before you were completely naked and Phasma was fully clothed. “Hey this isn’t fair!” you whined. “Don’t worry daddy is going to lose her clothes” she smirked as she stood up and removed all her clothing.
All you could do was sit back and enjoy the site in front of you. Once Phasma’s clothes had joined yours on the floor Phasma climbed back on the bed and on top of you. She placed a gentle kiss on your lips before pulling back slightly. “You ready to be dominated baby?” she smirked down at you waiting for you permission,
“Yes baby! Now please I need you!” you moaned as you grabbed Phasma pulling her closer to your body. Phasma kissed your lips before starting to suck on your neck leaving a number of red marks behind. She always knew how to turn you on. “You like that don’t you baby” she moaned in between kisses. “Yes daddy! I need your touch baby” you moaned out.
“Oh don’t worry baby! I will make sure you feel my touch everywhere” she moaned before starting to trail her kisses down your body. She massaged your breasts as she continued to leave a number of hickies on each breast.
You couldn’t help but to arch your back when you felt her latch onto your nipples. “Mmmm fuck daddy” you moaned loudly. All Phasma could do was smirk as she watched you squirm under her touch. When she believed that your breasts had had enough attention she continued on her path down to your aching core.
She gently placed a kiss on your small patch of curls on your mound. She let her hands travel to each leg before pushing them apart slightly so she could get a good look at your aching core. “Fuck baby! You’re dripping wet for me” she moaned as she let her finger slide up and down your folds gathering your juices on her finger.
You watched as she then placed her finger in her mouth and sucked it clean “and you taste amazing too baby” she smirked before going straight to eating out your pussy. You let out a deep moan at the touch of Phasma which only seemed to spur Phasma on even more.
She continued to use her tongue to trace patterns on your clit before finally sucking on the hard bundle of nerves. She continued to switch between tracing circles and sucking on your clit which made you buck your hips in pleasure and spread your legs even further to give Phasma better access to your aching cunt. You were getting close and Phasma could tell as your breaths were getting deeper and your moans getting louder.
“You going to cum for daddy?” Phasma said briefly before going back to paying attention to your throbbing clit. “Can I come daddy? Please, I'm so desperate for you. I want you to lick up all my cum daddy” you moaned throwing your head back as Phasma continued to torture your clit. “Cum for daddy baby girl” she moaned.
Upon hearing this you felt yourself cumming within an instance. “Fuck daddy I’m cu..cumming” you pratically screamed. Phasma helped you ride out your high before eventually just leaving little kitten licks on your clit which sent bolts of pleasure throughout your body.
“Hands and knees now” Phasma said sitting up allowing you to get in the desired position she wanted you in. “Pick and number between one and four” Phasma simply stated once you were in the position she wanted you in. “Three” you said randomly. Upon hearing that Phasma sucked on the desired amount of fingers before slowly entering into your tight pussy.
“Fuck your so wet for daddy” she moaned into your ear as she leaned over your back wrapping her arms around your waist. You waited for her to move inside you but she didn’t. “Please daddy” you moaned out hoping Phasma understood what you wanted. Of course she knew but she wanted to hear you beg. “What do you say?” she asked. “Please daddy fuck me with your fingers” you moaned trying to move your hips slightly.
Thankfully Phasma didn’t notice that action of yours as she thrusted her fingers deep inside your pussy which caused you to scream at the sudden fullness in your pussy. Fuck she felt good you thought to yourself. Phasma eventually found a pace that seemed to get you to the edge quite quickly. “I n.need to c.cum” you moaned as you felt Phasma’s other hand make its way down to your clit and start rubbing small circles on it.
“Cum for daddy baby girl. I want you to cum over and over again for me” she moaned as she thrusted her fingers deeper and played with your clit and that's just what you did. You came not once, not twice but four more times. You were exhausted and overly sensitive. Phasma finally pulled out which resulted in you letting out a small whimper at the loss of contact but instantly moaned as you watched her suck your cum off her fingers.
“Now it’s my turn to make you feel good baby” you moaned as you flipped your positions. You were topping the one and only Phasma and you couldn’t wait to make her feel the same way you did. You repeat the same action to Phasma leaving a trail of kisses focusing on her perfect breasts before slowly making your way to her throbbing cunt.
“Please baby girl! Make daddy cum” she moaned. It didn’t take much convincing before you found yourself exactly where you wanted to be. You teased her throbbing clit as you leaned into Phasma’s cunt licking up and down her folds. Phasma started to buck her hips against your mouth so you finally decided to enter a finger into her pussy.
You entered another finger into Phasma as you picked up your pace. “Mmm daddy is so wet for her little slut” you moaned into her pussy as you continued to fuck her at a brutal pace. “Yes, all for you my slut. Now fuck daddy like the King I am” she moaned as she started to grind into your hand. You teased her clit as you continued to fuck her with your fingers slowly adding another one deep inside her.
It wasn’t long until you started to feel her walls start to flutter and her moans filled the room. “Fuck, daddy is going to cum! Don’t stop, right there! Fuck I’m cumming” she screamed as you watched the orgasm take over her body. You slowly removed your fingers from her dripping core, placing them in your mouth as you tasted her cum.
You moaned at the taste but you wanted more. You needed to cum again. You positioned yourself so your legs intertwined with one another. You aligned your throbbing cunts together before you started grinding down on one another. You gazed into Phasma’s eyes as the two of you grinded on one another.
The whole experience was so intimate. You watched as pleasure was taking over her body. You were both so sensitive that you knew it wouldn’t be long until your orgasms would be taking over. As your orgasms got closer and closer the speed and intensity picked up. “Cum with baby” you moaned as you watched Phasma get closer and closer.
“Fuck baby i’m going to cum!” Phasma near enough screamed as you watched her orgasm take over her body. That was all it took to send you over the edge. You both rode out your highs before you eventually slowed down and came to a stop. You collapsed down next to Phasma. The two of you could quite easily keep fucking for hours and hours but you just wanted to enjoy Phasma’s company.
You laid down next to Phasma wrapping your arms around her naked body. Phasma pulled you close before wrapping you both in a blanket and pressing play on one of the movies. At this point you didn’t really care about the movie. You just wanted to spend the rest of the evening enjoying her company.
“I love you baby” you smiled as you snuggled up close to her. “I love you too” she smiled as she gave you a reassuring squeeze. You laid there in her arms thinking about this last year a bit. How you went from having a couple of one night stands, to hating each other to then being madly in love with this woman.
If you could have told your past self that you would now be laying in bed with the same woman celebrating your one year anniversary together you would have told your future self that she was talking utter bullshit.
Now the only thing you think about is what the future is going to hold for the two of you? Would you get married? Would you have kids? You didn’t care as long as you were with Phasma as you knew that she was your soulmate and she is the person you are supposed to be spending the rest of your life with.
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konigsblog · 1 year
COD characters (men or women is fine) w/ a reader who has an eating disorder? I’m not trying to romanticize it btw, I have an eating disorder and I kinda need comfort about it. Thank you! <3
(I also love ur writing!)
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WARNINGS: mentions of eating disorder and the symptoms. this is for comfort, and not to romanticize it. gn!reader. mentions of bmi being <18.5 to describe someone being underweight.
a/n; i mentioned different eating disorders for each character (excluding price) since i know that anorexia isn't the only eating disorder, and if anyone wants a different eating disorder to be talked about. THANK YOU ALSO!! i'm glad you're enjoying my posts, and i hope you manage to get better, or hopefully this comforts you. 🫶
eating disorder hotline - if you need someone to talk to. <3
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༉‧₊˚. PRICE (no specific eating disorder mentioned)
i view price as a very fatherly type of man, something about him seems comforting. he'll encourage you into recovery, but won't force it apon you as he realises that could make it worse for your mental sake. of course he wants you physically healthy, but he has to think about your mental health and sudden body changes could affect you.
sitting in his car for some privacy, pulling you onto his lap while he sits in the drivers seat. his hands massage your scalp, covering the crown of your head with his large, calloused hand and pushing it into his warm chest. he worries for your sake and decides to keep you off missions to not put any stress on your body.
༉‧₊˚. SOAP (bulimia)
johnny knows you've been struggling with an eating disorder. how you excuse yourself to the bathroom 10 minutes after eating, chugging water. he also notices your jaw, how it's swollen, your lips puffy and how you seem more exhausted after standing up. john attempts to help you, he's not educated on eating disorders fully so he does some research to figure out the best way to help you.
it's through comfort. any foods that you feel comfortable with, he'll eat with you, even if it's something he hates. johnny's hearts breaks when he see's you getting anxious, the minutes passing and the opportunity to throw up slowly fading away as you begin digesting it. if you use exercise to substitute, he'd slowly decrease the hours. either by watching a movie with you or entertaining you with something, anything to keep you from overexercising yourself.
༉‧₊˚. GAZ (anorexia with a bmi less than 18.5)
he notices how you begin limiting your food intake. it starts off with removing a few pieces, before he see's you limiting more and more, explaining that you'd already ate, or felt too sick to finish your meal. he's worried, he knows that you're struggling, he can see how tired you are; your iron levels dropping, fainting and getting dizzy when you stand up, hair loss and weightloss.
or how your clothes look more baggy on your figure, and your bones becoming more visible. it scares him, and he's worried for your safety. eventually, he begins telling price who takes you off missions 'til you're well enough, he doesn't want you passing out on the field. gaz helps you with encouragement, comforting you whilst you eat something you'd considered a fear food. he'll do whatever it takes to help you, anything.
༉‧₊˚. SIMON (binge eating disorder)
simon worries when he see's you. your face swollen from overeating, and how you push yourself further during training and sparring to compensate for the calories you'd eaten. soon enough, he confronts you. his handa wandering through your hair as he asks the question. simon is pretty blunt, he's openly asking as he's scared incase you rupture your stomach.
he helps you with recovery, making sure you're eating enough and not too little as he realises that results in a binge. he works on your recovery before working on your health, talking to you every day about anything that's on your mind. he won't pressure you to lose weight, but will comfort you whenever you look in the mirror, seeing yourself and feeling insecure. simon doesn't want you overexercising or pushing yourself to compensate, but he makes sure that you get out that mindset whilst he helps your eating habits.
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natashasnoodle · 1 year
False Alarm | Robin Buckley x Reader
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Masterlist | R.B Masterlist
Words: 1.7k
Summary: College fire alarms with Robin. Fluff ensues.
Aside from being thrown into the adult world, having to suddenly buy your own groceries, the workload that could cover mountains, and the burnout that consequently leads to stomping on your passions, the worst part of college is the fire alarms in dorm buildings.
They were incessant.
After a tiring day of learning about the inner most workings of cells, and hating yourself for choosing a degree that requires you to study the inner most workings of cells, all you wanted to do was get back to your dorm, hang out with Robin (your lovely girlfriend), have dinner, do some last minute studying that you promised you would do earlier, and then sleep. Uninterrupted sleep, that is.
But alas, the universe does not work in such ways when living on campus. In a time where sleep is crucial, it likes to rip it out of your grasp and leave you crying like a child whose mother just took their lollipop away.
The first part of your night was successful. After finishing your class you headed back to your room, only to find Robin sitting against your door. Her class had finished early, so she immediately headed over to see you, only she forgot that you also had an afternoon class.
But she stayed for you. Her face lit up when you rounded the corner, standing up quickly she attempted to run the short distance to you to engulf you in a hug. Though she hadn't anticipated the numbness of her legs after sitting on the rough carpeted floor for half an hour, so she stumbled the entire way.
Catching her from under the armpits you laughed at her, earning a scoff and a headshake before all was forgotten and she stood up straight to wrap her arms around you, your face smushed into her shoulder. "I missed you", she smiled, twisting her torso from side to side as she kept her grip on you.
The movement was comforting, and you felt all the tension in your bones seep away into the air. "Come on Buckley, time to go inside". She pouted as you pulled away, but at hearing your chuckles she smiled and allowed herself to be yanked into your room and thrown onto your bed for a post-classes nap together.
The nap lasted a lot longer than it should have, as the two of you forgot to set an alarm. Rookie mistake.
You awoke peacefully, a small yawn escaping your lips as the warmth hugged your body. Your eyes fluttered shut again as you nuzzled closer to Robin, clutching onto her shirt as if that had the ability to bring you closer to her.
Then you realised something.
Your room had been dark when your eyes opened briefly.
So, they shot open and rapidly looked around, though your head remained still to not wake up Robin in case it had been a false alarm.
It was not a false alarm, it was pitch black aside from the slight illumination from a street light nearby. "Shit, shit, shit", you hissed and sat up, wincing at how you jostled Robin considering she had been the big spoon for that nap.
"What in God's name did I do to deserve this", she whined and flopped back onto the mattress as she attempted to bury her head into the pillow.
"It's fucking night time, Robs!", you gestured around the room, almost flinging yourself off of the bed whilst doing so, not that she noticed as her eyes were closed. Though after you were done thrashing, she slowly opened the eye that was not against the pillow, before swiftly sitting up herself. You were surprised that she didn't get whiplash.
"Holy shit, we have so much work to do", she began panicking. You tried not to laugh at how one side of her hair was defying gravity. The bedhead this woman got was unfathomable.
"Yeah", you breathed out, staring wide-eyed at the clock on your wall that was visible thanks to the street lamp. It read 10pm, and man, did you two have a lot to get done before your morning classes, as well as eating something that would sustain you during the late night, "I love you hun, but I need to kick you out because let's be honest, neither of us properly focus whenever we study together".
Robin nodded and then proceeded to shake her hair like a dog, somehow it was effective in removing the bird's nest from the side of her head. "Make sure you eat, okay?", she pecked you on the lips before grabbing her backpack and running towards the door, tripping over your shoes thanks to the light still being off.
She flicked it on, both of you wincing from the harsh light attacking your eyeballs, "See you tomorrow. I love you", you moved to give her one last quick hug.
"I love you too", she spoke into your hairline, placing a few kisses there for good measure.
The rest of your evening had been a mad rush. Quickly you boiled up some water for a cup of noodles, the staple of a student's diet, and munched on them whilst working on the prep work that you had to complete before your first morning class that started at 8:30am, as well as trying to make good headway on the main body of an essay that would be due soon.
Thanks to procrastination and the joint habit with Robin of hanging out to study, when in actuality you would lay out your notebooks and textbooks, and end up chatting all evening, you had a lot of work to do. Who could blame you, she was your favourite person to talk to.
Though it did mean a lot of late nights where you both had to pretend that the other didn't exist just to catch up on work that had been piling up.
This unfortunately meant that you had ended up going to sleep at 4, giving you 3 hours of sleep before you had to wake up.
Honestly, you've had a lot less so you were going to take the 3 hours.
However, the universe was against you and your girlfriend getting a good night's sleep, and it allowed the fire alarm in your building to go off at the ungodly hour of 5am.
Upon hearing the blaring sound and seeing the red light flashing through your eyelids you let out a scream that couldn't be heard by anyone else in the building. Because of the excessive screeching sound booming through the building.
Knowing that it would just be some sort of false alarm, or someone burning toast, you took your sweet time in getting out of bed. With a yawn and a stretch you swung your legs over and put your feet into your slippers before standing and grabbing your hoodie.
Your feet padded across the floor as you lazily flung your door open and stepped out into the hallway, your vision blurry from moving into a light space. You still felt incredibly sleepy, which was obvious, it was 5am after all.
A fellow student sprinting past you and shoving your shoulder in the process woke you up slightly, but you were too tired to do anything about it so just grumbled as you walked down the stairs, not realising that nearly everyone but you was out of the building by now.
You were blissfully unaware as you made your journey down to the courtyard to stand outside in the cold for half an hour when there was likely no real danger, before having to try and get back to sleep before your alarm went off again.
It was something that you experienced a few times a month minimum, you knew the drill.
At reaching the outside world you shivered and wrapped your hoodie tighter around your torso, trying your best to create a barrier between you and the breeze that seemed to carry icicles with it.
Your slipper-clad feet plodded along the ground, aimlessly walking away from the building and away from the crowds of people who were for some reason relatively awake. Thanks to your sleepy state you didn't even notice someone calling your name, never mind how it should be familiar to you.
"Oh thank God!". You definitely heard that as the person was right in front of you, and had now wrapped their arms around you in a tight hold, you couldn't even move your arms as they were against their chest. Immediately your entire body tensed up, your muscles taut and your eyes wide open. "Jeez, I was so worried about you". You sighed in relief, it was just Robin.
Relaxing into her hold you took her words into consideration, "Why?".
"What do you mean 'why?'", she gently pushed you away by your shoulders to be able to speak to you properly, and suddenly you missed the warmth. She had the smart idea to bring a blanket with her, wrapped around her body. You were not so smart. "I was worried because usually you meet me by the little tree within a few minutes of the alarm going off, but it had been 7 minutes and you still hadn't come down, I thought you were in trouble somewhere in there I looked everywhere out here for you".
Her eyes softened at seeing you rub your tired eyes, "I'm sorry, I was just struggling to wake up tonight so it took me forever to get down, I didn't mean to worry you".
"I know", she pulled you back into her hold, taking the time to wrap the blanket around you as well this time, "Next time I'm coming to collect you from your room". Anyone else would think this was a joke, but you knew that Robin was very serious. She worried about you a lot. 
You chuckled as you tried to fight your eyelids from closing. Even when standing and with an alarm blaring in the background, Robin was comfortable to lean on, and the blanket providing you with so much warmth was sending you off into a daze within seconds.
"So, did you get much work done tonight?", Robin tried to start a conversation but frowned when there was no response. Looking down she saw your mouth agape ever so slightly and your eyes shut with your head using her as a pillow.
Her eyes sparkled as she looked at you, and she couldn't help the grin that overtook her features. She hugged you tighter to shield you from the cold morning air, silently praying that the residential managers would turn the alarm off soon. 
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Taglist: @fxckmiup @itsdoni @rob1nbuckl3ys
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