#but also after lying to me about my position being a 40 hour position to say ‘no they’re always 35 hours’
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Getting back into job hunting because my bank job cut my hours (?????) and it was in fact the final straw, if they want me to quit this bad they will have to fire me But also what if I did my exact job but for literally twice the pay because [redacted] is hiring and Jesus fucking Christ what the hell was that ‘assessment’
#like. do I think that this is targeted behavior? no actually#I know the name of the dude causing it and why#but also after lying to me about my position being a 40 hour position to say ‘no they’re always 35 hours’#and then it turns out of the three people in my position I both have the most seniority and the other two are 40 hour positions#it is literally just *my* hours being fucked with in my branch and I am frankly done with it#I performed literal miracles in my role and trained three other people for my role because I did in a month what formally takes eight#and yet????? im the only one they’re fucking with?????#f this im going to [redacted]
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ELLIS!! 5, 30, and 40 and make it ✨️star wars✨️ (you're free to choose who in star wars hehe) <3
REY!!! these are so original trio coded I love them. your wish is my command <3
read In Rare Form, also on ao3
prompts (from this list): “You’re so small, it’s like your body can’t contain your excitement. It’s really funny to watch actually.”, “You have main character things happen to you while having the attitude of a quirky side character, and I love it.”, and “Are you fucking colorblind? That’s purple.”
Luke, Leia, and Han hadn’t gone on a mission together in long enough that they shouldn’t have been able to click back into sync so quickly. That didn’t stop them from doing exactly that though.
Luggage was slid into cubbies, they took their places in their seats, and after some preflight checks from Han and Chewie, they were on their way to their destination.
It was a longer journey than most, so they actually had the time to sit back and relax for a couple days. It also gave them a chance to catch up since, even when they were positioned on bases together, they didn’t really have a chance to talk about anything outside of business as usual.
Chewie took over the pilot’s seat while the rest of them sat around the table, exchanging stories from the various places they’d been without each other.
“So there I was, kneeling in front of the king of this outer rim planet, about 30 seconds out from being decapitated, which R2 had called before we’d even landed the X-Wing when this lunatic of a robot somehow managed to cause a diversion almost as big as that one on Tatooine. I managed to get us both out of there in the chaos, but long story short I’m not allowed back on that planet unless I marry one of the king’s children, which I think I could do, I’m just not really interested.”
“You think you could?” Han asked incredulously.
“Oh yeah, he has one son who’s totally my type, and seems interested enough in me, but I just don’t think our marriage would last and then I’d be even worse off. I think I’d be banned from the entire system if we got a divorce.”
“What the fuck?”
Leia, ever the diplomat, tapped on the table in front of her. “I’m not sure I could find a way around that for you, so you’re just going to have to successfully marry him or never go to that planet again.”
He nodded. “I’m pretty sure I can avoid going back, I doubt they’ll need me again.”
“Around you like the only Jedi in existence? You’re one of the most powerful people in the universe, they might need you,” Han pointed out.
Luke shrugged.
“You have main character things happen to you while having the attitude of a quirky side character, and I love it,” Leia said, planting a kiss on his cheek as she got up from her seat. “You really have no idea how important you are in comparison to everyone else, do you?”
“I’m just doing my best.”
“That’s ridiculous, if I had your reputation, I don’t even know what I’d do,” Han said.
“You’d be a menace to every known star system,” Leia told him. “You already use my name enough to get in places you probably shouldn’t.”
“You know about that?”
“I have my sources. I’ll go check in with Chewie to make sure we’re still on track so we can get some sleep before we land.”
Leia was also the one to wake them up a couple of hours before they entered the atmosphere. She was always the early riser of the group, which was impressive considering how Luke was raised. He was also an early riser, but it was like Leia existed in a perpetual state of wakefulness.
“Get up and get dressed, idiots. We want to hit the ground running.”
“Isn’t this a peaceful mission?” Han asked. “No violence required, making Luke an overpaid bodyguard?”
Luke threw a pillow at him from where he was still lying down.
“Yes, but if we get all the bureaucratic stuff over and done with quickly, we’ve got enough time to do some sight seeing, and I’ve heard that this planet has some truly magnificent museums.”
“There’s also some wonderful scenery if you would prefer to go hiking. Waterfalls and fields galore.”
“Sounds like a wonderful day, too bad I’ll probably be stuck at the shipyard until you get back.”
Chewie chose then to howl from the cockpit, and Leia smirked. “No you won’t be. What do you say, Han? Want to walk around museums with me all afternoon?”
Luke propped himself up on his stomach, watching the exchange from over his pillow.
“I’ve never seen you like this before, my god.”
“I’ve been looking forward to this trip all week, and I won’t let you ruin it for me.”
“You’re so small, it’s like your body can’t contain your excitement. It’s really funny to watch actually.”
She paused in her bouncing and smacked him as he ducked into the bathroom to change.
“He’s honestly not wrong,” Luke said, risking being hit with the same pillow he’d thrown at Han a few moments prior. “You are in rare form right now. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this excited.”
“Well I didn’t exactly have much opportunity when we were in the middle of a war, now did I?”
“Fair enough, I guess.”
He rolled onto his back just in time for her to actually throw the pillow back at him. “Museums, Luke!”
“Yes, I heard you the first half a dozen times. It sounds like you’ll have a lovely afternoon. I think I’ll explore a bit unless you need your overpaid bodyguard.”
“I’ll bring Chewie with me, you boys can explore all you like.”
“Fantastic.” Han re-emerged from the bathroom, buckling his belt. “Let’s do this shit.”
The morning had actually gone off quite well, which meant that Leia and Chewie were peacefully exploring one of the capital city’s many museums.
Luke and Han, as per usual, were not so lucky.
“I told you not to touch anything!”
“I didn’t! And I told you to go left!”
“Clearly you don’t know your left from your right. It doesn’t matter now.”
“No, we’re just running from the people shooting at us, as per usual.”
“I’ll try and get Leia on coms, cover me.”
Luke dove behind a bunch of barrels behind one of the stalls in the marketplace, and hoped Han would be effective enough at covering him.
“Leia? Leia? Come in, Leia.”
“The blaster shots I just heard out the window better not have been because of you.”
“I have bad news. How fast can you meet us at the Falcon?”
A sigh crackled through the small speaker. “Better idea, meet Chewie and I inside the museum. They won’t be able to get their blasters through security without a significant delay.”
“We also have blasters.”
“You can use the force to get around that.”
“That’s true. We’ll be there in a few.”
“Luke, you better be done back there!”
“Yep, we have a plan. Run for that side street and make a right on the first turn. Head for the museum.”
“The Falcon is the other way!”
“Have a little faith, Solo. Now move!”
They ran, and their pursuers followed them.
“Which building was it? It’s the orange one up ahead, right?”
“Are you fucking colorblind? That’s purple.”
“Whatever it is, it’s the one directly in front of us, correct?”
“Yes, but holy shit do we need to come back to that later.”
They made it through the doors, and security didn’t hassle them about their weapons thanks to Luke bending the force around them. Leia and Chewie met them a few rooms later.
“You got away?”
“Barely. Also we need to take Han down to medical when we get back to base.”
“If he’s hurt there are local hospitals.”
“I’m not hurt,” Han grumbled. “I called the building orange.”
Leia paused to process this. “I see.”
“Han can’t,” Luke mumbled, and Chewie bellowed.
“I hate all of you, when can we go back to the Falcon?”
“As soon as the palace guards I called come and arrest whoever attacked you we can be on our way,” Leia said. “Why I let you two go off on your own is beyond me.”
#ellis writes#Rey tag#luke skywalker#leia organa#han solo#humor#fluff and humor#canon typical violence#color blindness
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Baby Reid (Spencer Reid/Reader)
Requested: Yes
Matthew x reader, his wife (the reader) goes into labor, and the next story is the same thing but spencer Reid x reader.
A/N: This was fun to write! tomorrow I’ll post MGG’s story
Summary: Spencer Reid is about to be a father, and he can't stop thinking about everything that could go wrong.
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 2K
Warning: I curse like a sailor
You can also read Baby Gubs
That was it. It was the moment (Y/N) and Spencer had been waiting impatiently for the last couple of weeks. Being pregnant was the most amazing experience of her life; (Y/N) still couldn't believe she was carrying a little baby Reid inside her. But after 40 weeks, she wanted it to end. It was time to have that baby.
But baby Reid wasn't ready to face the real world just yet, and their little princess was three days late after the due date. The doctor had told the couple if it passed from Sunday, they would do a c-section. Lucky for (Y/N), that Friday afternoon, baby Reid decided it was time.
(Y/N) was all alone, reading a book, lying on her bed, enjoying a big bowl of chocolate ice cream, when suddenly, it happened. Her water broke. She had been feeling contractions for the last hour, but after three false alarms, she wasn't concerned at all until she felt her legs all wet.
Trying to remain calm, she grabbed her phone and dialed Spencer's number. Aaron knew they were about to be parents and had given Reid only desk duty those last couple of weeks so that he could be there for the birth of his daughter, Helena Reid.
- "Hey Buttercup, how are you?"- Reid was swamped in paperwork when he received his wife's call- "I was about to go out for lunch with Penelope."
- "I think you might like to reschedule that"- (Y/N) smiled for a second until a powerful contraction left her speechless for a moment.
- "Why? what is it?"
- "Your daughter decided to come and meet us. This time it's for real."- Spencer's heart stopped, and his hand started shaking immediately.
- "Are you sure?"- he whispered and closed his eyes. He was about to have a panic attack, but he had to remain calm. He had to, no matter what, for the sake of his wife. So, he did his best and talked to her in the most soothing voice possible.
- "Yes, honey. My water just broke"- Reid's heart stopped again.
- "H... ho... how often are the contractions?"- Spencer cleared his throat and packed all his things as fast as he could, considering he was too nervous to remember what to put in his satchel.
- "Every eight minutes."
(Y/N) knew Spencer was freaking out. He told her he was mentally prepared for that moment, and he would be a rock for her. But she knew better. Spencer could pretend to be calmed, but deep inside, he was going to be hyperventilating.
- "I'm on my way, give me a second"- he stood up and bumped into Penelope- "Garcia, I can't have lunch with you. (Y/N) is in labor! I have to take her to the hospital."
Penelope wide opened her eyes and started hyperventilating immediately.
- "Is that her on the phone?"
- "Yes! I have to go now."
- "I love you, munchkin!!"- Garcia yelled- "I'll see you at the hospital, I'll tell the team, they were on their way back from New York"- Spencer nodded and ran to the elevator.
- "I'm here, buttercup. Keep talking to me, ok?"
- "Ok... so... tell me about your morning."
- "It was boring. Nothing exciting happened until I found out I'm about to be a dad."
(Y/N) smiled and tried to concentrate on her breathing, keeping it as slow and relaxed as she could.
- "Are you ok?"- he asked, so concerned and excited he forgot which way to go to get to his car. He had started driving to work when they got pregnant, in case of any emergency.
- "Yes, just breathing... I can't stop thinking, do we have everything we need?"
- "Yes, don't worry, babe. We are ready,"- Spencer reassured. Those words were not just for her, but also for him too- "How is the pain?"
- "On a scale from one to ten? Like a four. I can deal with it until we get to the hospital."
Spencer drove as fast as he could, trying to think like Morgan behind the wheel. He had argued against the way he drove for years, and now, Reid was doing exactly everything he had disagreed with.
- "I'm parking outside"- he announced his wife, but she didn't reply- "(Y/N), babe..."
- "I'm here"- she whispered- "Pain is starting to go from four to six very quickly."
- "It's ok; it's ok. I'm almost there."
Reid opened the door of their apartment and ran to their bedroom. (Y/N) had taken the bedsheets and was now trying (and failing) to put clean sheets in it.
- "No, buttercup"- Spencer nearly yelled and stopped her- "Leave that, come on, let's go."
- "Sorry, I just didn't want to leave the bed with..."
- "It's ok, I'll take care of that later. It doesn't matter"- (Y/N) felt his arms around her waist as they walked towards the door. That's when she stopped and squeezed his hand.
- "Breath, buttercup, you are doing awesome."
- "Shit, they are getting worse"- she mumbled and tried to think of anything else- "The bag is in the car?"
- "Yes. And we'll call your midwife and your parents from the car."
(Y/N) nodded and started walking again, but stopped all of a sudden.
- "Wait, come here"- she tugged his hand and wrapped her arms around his neck- "You are gonna be a dad, Spencer"- and the smile that appeared on his face was enough to light a whole city.
- "I love you so much, buttercup"- he kissed her lips sweetly and sighed- "You are incredible."
- "Remember that in case I turn into a monster when the pain gets worse"- she smiled and felt his lips on hers again.
- "Noted."
After six hours in labor, (Y/N) was turning into a monster. She was uncomfortable and in pain, and baby Reid had decided to take her time.
Spencer had prepared for months for that moment. He kept everything you might imagine in his car that could help (Y/N) be comfortable during the whole labor process. Spencer had to be ready whenever the moment came. He played her favorite playlist, and he gave her tummy massages with essential oils to help her relax. Nothing was working, but he meant well.
He had read every book about parenthood he could find. And though he was more than prepared for that moment, he was too scared and worried to think straight.
- "Come on, Helena"- Spencer kept talking to the tummy and held his wife's hand as she tried to get some rest- "Your mom and I want to meet you"- the hard grip on his hand let him know his wife was in the middle of a contraction. They were every three minutes now.
- "We'll only have one kid,"- (Y/N) whispered, and Spencer smiled. He moved closer and kissed her temple- "I know we said we wanted three babies, but one is all I can take."
- "You know, many women often claim to forget all the pain of labor after giving birth. It's called the 'Halo effect'"
- "We'll see if that theory is real soon, I hope."
Spencer was trying to soothe her, though someone should be calming him too. He was scared anything could go wrong. Statistics were hunting his mind the whole time. If something went wrong, if something happened to his wife and daughter, he would lose his mind.
- "How is she?"- Penelope asked Reid when he appeared in the waiting room. The rest of the team was there, waiting for the news.
- "Tired. It's been six hours already"- he sighed and closed his eyes- "I feel so useless! there's nothing I can do to help her!"
- "Come on, Spence"- JJ rubbed his arm and smiled at him, trying to calm him down- "There's a lot of things you can do to make her feel better."
- "I know, but I'm scared of everything that might go wrong."- Reid confessed and sat next to Morgan- "What if..."
- "No"- Derek stopped him and tapped on his back a couple of times, as a way to shake those thoughts away from his head- "There's no room for "what if" today, pretty boy. No overthinking and no statistics. You have to be a rock for your wife, ok?"
Spencer widened his eyes, looking at Derek, and nodded. He knew his friend was right. It wasn't time to be scared. It was the time to support his wife, no matter what.
- "Ok, Mrs. Reid, let's see if you are ready"- the midwife walked in and smiled at (Y/N). She turned to her husband, who stared at her in a weird mix of excitement and panic.
- "Ok, mom,"- the midwife said, happily- "Are you ready to push?"
- "Fuck!!"- though (Y/N) had already the epidural, the pain was excruciating- "Let's do this."
While (Y/N) and her midwife were looking for a comfortable labor position, Reid took a step back and tried to breathe calmly. All the stories of birth going wrong were coming to his mind at the same time. What if the baby came in the wrong position? What if his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck? What if (Y/N) bleed too much? What if her pelvis was too small?
- "Spencer!!"- he heard her yell suddenly, reaching out her hand to him- "I need you."
Those three words were the most powerful he had ever heard before. He held his wife's hand and kissed her forehead.
- "I'm here, I'm with you. Forever, ok?"- (Y/N) nodded and bit her lips tight- "Breath, baby, just breath."
- "I'm trying!!"
- "Come on, Mrs. Reid... on three, you can do this!! one, two..."
Spencer counted along with the midwife and held (Y/N)'s hand tight each time she had to push. He wished there was anything else he could do to make her feel better. If Reid could, he would go through the whole process instead of her, only to keep her from being in pain. He couldn't believe his wife was going to make him a dad. It was his whole life's dream, and now, it was about to happen.
- "I can see her head! Just two more pushes! come on!!"
- "I can't"- (Y/N) sighed and closed her eyes, exhausted- "I can't do this, I'm too tired."
Spencer carefully pressed a wet towel on her forehead and kissed her temples.
- "You can do this, buttercup, one more time."- he whispered in her ear.
- "I can't, honey... it's too hard."
- "I know it's hard, and I wish you didn't have to go through all this. But I know you are strong, stronger than me, by far."- Spencer held and kissed her hand. (Y/N) took a deep breath and made her best to push as hard as possible.
- "One more time!! Just one more time, Mrs. Reid"- the midwife said. Spencer kept his eyes locked on his wife and brushed sweetly the hair that covered her face. She looked at him and nodded, closed her eyes, and pushed one last time.
The crying of a newborn had never sounded so sweet. Spencer saw in slow motion how the midwife took his little daughter and placed it on (Y/N)'s chest. He couldn't move. He just looked at that scene with teary eyes, feeling his chest swelling with love.
- "She's so tiny"- (Y/N) whispered- "Hello, Helena, I'm your mommy, and he is your daddy. He loves you so much"- Spencer's chin quivered, and in a second, he was crying. There he was with his family. His wife and his baby. Everything he had ever dreamt of.
Spencer leaned in slowly, kissing his daughter's head carefully.
- "You are incredible"- he whispered to his wife and kissed her too- "I didn't think it was possible, but now I actually love you even more. You just gave me a family."
- "I'd give you everything you ever ask me, Spencer Reid"- she answered and kept her eyes on their newborn- "Just don't ask now, 'cos I'm a little tired..."- Reid smiled and shook his head.
- "With you two here, I've got everything I'll ever need."
#spencer reid#matthew gray gubler#criminal minds#spencer reid fanfic#criminal mind fanfic#dr spencer reid#baby reid#babymetaldoll writes
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Enjoy this story with random new ocs that started off as a vent cause disassociating is scary and the worst so I want fictional characters to also deal with it.
“-you…. ok?”
Faintly they recognized a voice, what it was saying was lost on them.
Their eyes were closed. The darkness around them felt big, like a vast world. One that was easier to be in right now. Unless they focused really, really hard, they couldn't tell there was any world other than that darkness.
They weren't thinking anything but felt completely lost in thought, it was like something hadn't quite worked right. Some switch didn't flip at the right time and they were daydreaming as an action but there was no dream in their head.
The sensation of the ground below them, hot air around them, they could feel it perfectly but at the same time, none of it felt real.
Their brain kept almost working it all out, never quite getting to a solid conclusion before starting over again from scratch.
Even that feeling of being unsure they were unsure about, as soon as they thought they were almost sure about it, they never quite got there.
"Are you ok?"
There was that voice.
There was a weight on their arm, after some amount of time they couldn't quite identify, they realized it was a hand.
The hand wrapped around their forearm.
"Is there someone I can call for you?"
The voice seemed louder, it filled the darkness. Not lighting it but occupying all the space that was there. It almost hurt.
The air around them was hot, and there was solid ground under their feet.
At some point the ground moved, it was solid under their back. The air was still hot and around them.
They didn't remember the ground moving.
Their head was pounding now, that was a change. It hurt.
It hurt really bad. When had that happened?
It was like they blinked and fell asleep for a few moments, or minutes or some amount of time where the ground had moved and their head had started hurting.
There was still that weight on them, more places now. Hands.
They also realized someone had been talking this whole time, they only noticed it just now.
It sounded like the voice was worried but they didn't know what it was saying.
The darkness was stronger now and the voice couldn't get inside it.
It was just them and that big void.
And when they finally got too tired, it was just the void.
When they woke up, they woke in a way that felt completely different.
They snapped out of something that immediately brought about a panic of how long had they been trapped in it.
They shot up quickly, causing their head to swim. For a moment they were sure they'd throw up but with a hand over their mouth, they managed to stifle the feeling.
They looked around, careful not to turn their head too quickly. They were in a bed, basic pine frame, plaid sheets. The walls were wood paneling. A simple wooden chair was next to the bed, turned towards it like someone had been watching them sleep.
It sent a shiver down their spine. Their head felt clearer than it had in a while. Then again they weren't sure how they even knew that, because as hard as they tried they couldn't remember it ever feeling clearer, or less clear, or... anything for that matter.
No, they remembered, they were sure. They just couldn't get to the memories, not right now.
They had to get somewhere safe, then they would be able to remember. Right now they had to get somewhere safe.
They turned and dropped their legs off the side of the bed, pushing themselves up to stand.
Distantly they heard a noise, a thunk.
Their face hurt, their nose specifically.
They were on the ground, when had that happened?
They felt tears well up in their eyes, they didn't know how long they just lost. This didn't feel right, there was something wrong with them.
"Hey woah, are you ok? I didn't uh, think you'd get up so soon, yourself."
Hands were on them.
The voice was familiar, vaguely.
"I'm- I'm fine."
That voice was even more familiar, it was so weak they were almost sure it couldn't be theirs, but the scratch in their throat as they talked proved it had to be.
There was a laugh. It was a nice sound.
"Are you sure about that now?"
The hands gripped them firmly, helping them up to a sitting position.
They let themselves be moved, too weak to resist. They forced their eyes open.
A man was crouched in front of them, loose brown curls. His eyes were crinkled warmly.
He smiled as they looked at him, "There you are love, are you ok?"
"Who-" their voice cracked, turning into a weak cough. They tried and failed to speak again. Their throat felt like sandpaper.
The guy shushed him gently, "It's ok, I understand. My name is Theo. I found you wandering around outside, just walking through a field. There isn't much around here, you must have walked for a while. You slept for like 40 hours. I'm going to help you back up on the bed ok?"
Theo helped them up again, guiding them to rest back against the pillows.
"Here," he handed them a glass of water from the side table.
They took it with shaky hands, and be began to gulp it down. Their throat was so dry it hurt at first, but slowly it began to soothe the painful scratchy feeling.
"What happened? To you, I mean. Why were you out there?"
The idea of lying came to their head, they didn't want to tell this stranger any important information.
But it was hard to try and lie when you don't know what's actually true. They couldn't remember anything to lie about.
"It's ok love, you don't need to tell me. Can I at least get your name?"
That was a safe enough question, they could answer that.
If only they could remember the answer.
"I don't, uh I don't know," their voice was still hoarse, but the pain talking caused was now bearable.
Theo's eyebrows dropped a little, "oh. Well, that's... ok. That's alright, don't worry about it. Everything's going to be ok."
They doubted that. This wasn't normal, people were meant to remember things, about their life, and their name.
"I- I can't remember... anything," their distrust of the man before them was overshadowed by their growing panic, "I can't, what my life was, or what I was- I c-can't," their breathing quickened. Saying it out loud made it so much more real, but they couldn't stop, "I don't know who I am. What's my- who am I? What's my name?" Their voice cracked with held-back tears.
"Ok, ok," Theo held his hands out placatingly, "I don't know, I'm sorry. I wish I could help more. Take a breath, alright? It will be ok. You're safe, you have all the time in the world to figure this out. You can stay here as long as you need."
"I don't know, and I want to. Everything... hurts, it hurts and there has to be a reason, I have to have a name!" They tried to jump off the bed and were easily restained by Theo's hand pushing them back down onto the bed.
"You do have a name. Everyone has a name love, and we'll figure out yours. But right now, you need to relax. You're hurt, you said it yourself, let's deal with that ok? I could only do so much while you were sleeping, let's get you patched up. Get some food in you, it must have been a while since you had a good meal."
They stopped struggling, a few tears silently made their way out of their eyes. Resting sounded amazing, honestly. But even if they tried to they wouldn't be able to quiet the nagging feeling that they were missing something, something important could be happening and they just couldn't remember.
#whump#angst#caretaker#whumpee#memory loss#amnesia#post captivity#tw: disassociation#oc: theo#manhandling#collapse
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'The Dance of the Celestial Orb' liveblog!
for real this time lmfao
book and show spoilers below
I'm ✨nervous✨ please let our children be okay
0:10 this Sticky arc hurts me so kuch
1:35 this music is BUMPIN
2:22 I just wanna know how she got under there without the dude seeing her
2:47 "all systems go" for the Improvement.... yikes 😬😬😬
2:55 she didn't wait even 5 seconds after they left, the door was still closing when she popped up 😂 can you imagine if one of them doubled back right at that moment
3:18 they look like the dudes from that veggietales movie, I think it was Esther- the island of perpetual tickling?? Anyone??? 😂😂😂
4:00 Kate vented.......
4:51 "not a rat" yeah no shit
5:07 if not for the suspense, I would be jamming out lmaooo
6:10 Mr. Benedict is looking at the shoreline, is he about to watch Kate dive in???? Because I mean that's where she's gotta be going
6:20 "memory challenges"? Is Rhonda talking about Milligan's amnesia, or has short term memory been affected as well??
6:29 .....thank you for answering so efficiently 😂
6:42 "I buy it. I completely.... buy it." RHONDA THAT'S NOT HELPFUL AHSKSHDJKD
6:56 can you imagine seeing your friend go down in a sub then hours later seeing the sub float up in fucking PIECES
7:06 please let it be reunion time
7:25 oh hello that's a drop
7:38 *to the tune of Bezos I* come on Katie u can do it pave the way put ur back into it
7:51 she craves that mineral
8:06 Sticky, my child
8:20 oh my gosh they went out and LOOKED FOR HER I care them 😭😭😭
8:40 "jumping to conclusions is a failure of character" wow that really is something Curtain would say
8:52 angry Reynie. He is in rare form
8:54 "and you helped put her there!" OOOOOOOH I SCREAMED
9:03 "I shouldn't have yelled" okay but you kinda should have Sticky needs a wake up call
9:22 "if you really cared about me, you'd want me to be happy instead of standing there telling me who I am" oh Sticky my dude I am NOT digging the manipulation
9:36 Reynie pulling out the BFF card!!! Also Reynie digging in his feet because he knows he's right!!!! That's great setup for his arc as a strategist later
9:48 "I'm telling you, Kate's fine." Narrator: Kate was not, in fact, fine.
10:03 "they'll notice." Sticky has made one (1) good point.
10:11 oh dear god are they fingerprinting this bitch
10:19 all this equipment, has no one walked up to the cliff and looked down???
10:27 "we've been out here all night" that means Kate has been clinging to a cliff by her fingers and toes ALL NIGHT????
11:04 babe I know it's been a long night but maybe wait a second for them to actually leave before you climb back up
11:22 she has to go get it. There's no way someone wouldn't find that shit, it's in plain view
11:43 "I only wish we could've known him better" NOOOPE NONONO WE'RE NOT DOING THIS
11:47 Rhonda back at it as the voice of reason!!!!!
11:59 "I have never met a more competent swimmer" throwback to "the baaAAAYYYY"

12:33 "we will go rescue him" because of COURSE he would
12:36 Rhonda is his best wingwoman omfg she's so consistent
12:54 MISS PERUMAL??????
12:56 MISS PERUMAL!!!!!!
13:09 "how hard can it be? It's an island!" PFFFFT
13:16 oh SQ baby boy please get out of there
13:25 "I certainly have my own suspicions" he said, looking at SQ why are you looking at SQ like that
13:36 here we fuckin go
13:43 the captions have the f in forest capitalized like it's this special place

13:43 new hc that the Forest is a magical place like pixie hollow
13:57 TWO THINGS: 1. YES stand up for yourself baby!!!! 2. Shepard Quaid? Interesting! I don't think we ever got SQ's full name in the books, I hope TLS made that decision!
14:08 your "father hat"??? Oh my gosh shut the fuck up right there don't even continue
14:16 oh yeah real fuckin cute put on your "steward of this institution hat" and call that a good reason to be a shit person
15:03 Kate's struggling right by the shore where a certain someone would be returning after a very hard swim, it would be a great time for a meeting wouldn't you think
15:26 sorry but that green screen of her falling was kinda funny
15:28 soooooo is someone, a very certain someone, gonna catch her...??????
15:43 IS THIS IT????@?@?!?
15:46 awww poor baby girl you can tell how tired she is
15:46 just putting this out there- they look so good in frame together

15:46 the actor who plays Milligan is fucking huge in stature so I wasn't sure how that would go but it looks so good

16:20 "keep going." 😭😭😭😭😭
16:23 "you dont understand." Ohhhh I think he does
16:25 "I think I do." What did I tell you, he's got your back babygirl
16:45 I'm so glad she's talking this out, and with Milligan of all people
17:01 it makes so much sense for Kate to feel alone in that situation, and when Kate feels anything less than positive she goes and does something, whatever that something is.
17:05 "So.. I...." "fell off a cliff and nearly died." Thanks for putting things into perspective Milligan
17:05 Milligan is such a good dad stop
17:19 "most of the way" is an understatement LMFAO
17:29 I'm so glad we know the intimate details of Milligan's illustrious swimming abilities 😂 out of all the new things wfrom the show that one wasnt on my radar
17:52 leave it to Milligan to come up with an escape plan off of an island with no water vessel with four kids in tow
18:08 THEYRE SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭
18:08 lowkey I'm super surprised they didnt take this opportunity to have Milligan's arduous swim force his memories out and have the father daughter bonding time they deserve. I hope they give that moment ample time to flesh out.
18:13 BUCKET!!!
18:13 wait that shot is so artsy hold up lmfao

18:13 this looks like someone's photography final hahahaha
18:41 Sticky is still on that jumping to conclusions bs he got from Curtain
19:31 "Kate... she's in danger..." NO SHIT SHERLOCK
19:36 "and it's all because of me." Not just because of you but love to see you taking responsibility
19:52 once again I am asking WHY ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THIS IN THE OPEN
20:26 "Kate. She has changed." "Not really. She's always been who she is." "Her clothes. She changed clothes." PFFFT HAHHAHA they really took a moment of self-reflection and made it so much better
21:35 yikes yikes yikes
22:16 I love that Mr. Benedict got closure in telling Miss Perumal that her words stuck with him
22:40 the way she just knows Reynie took the position of leader 😭😭
23:02 "Would it be possible to get this to him?" Ma'am what part of undercover spy don't you get
23:54 it's still really weird that we are now in a position where Reynie is the one who is not trusted and Sticky is the one in Curtain's favor
24:13 and here we see Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues shining through
24:21 "the little things matter. Every minor detail, it all matters!" CALLBACK TO MR. BENEDICT TELLING THE CHILDREN THAT THEY ALL MATTER
24:55 "I can tell with complete accuracy when a person is lying." first of all, no. second of all, I cannot wait for him to talk to Constance.
26:33 why is Mr. Benedict graphically explaining the children's potential trauma so funny to me
26:40 "you're catastrophizing." "Yes. I am. Quite severely. Thank you." WHY IS THIS FUNNY
26:58 MADGE!!!!
27:16 she's so prettyyyyy
27:33 GOOD JOB MADGE!!!!!
27:36 wait did she just take the LETTER??? she's delivering the LETTER?????
28:22 it's sad because it's true 🥺
28:24 "I miss my teacher from the orphanage" the best lies are the ones rooted in truth 🥺🥺🥺
28:48 roll credits
29:16 Reynie honey Orion's Belt isn't on the ceiling
29:29 the way he was so confident that he had it right 😑 Curtain Stop Being a Pretentious Fuck challenge
29:52 our babygirl is so smartttt
29:55 did Milligan plant his prints 😳 oh no OH NO
29:57 is this the replacement for when they pin cheating on her????
30:03 THE KEY CARD!!!!
30:21 "one attacked me as a small child" honey you are a small child
30:24 "it did not win," she said, smiling menacingly
31:01 ✨woodworking is a passion✨
31:58 "was it functional?" "Well I guess that depends on how you define functionality" RHONDA'S FACE IN THE BACKGROUND HAHAHAHA
32:17 wait 🥺
32:22 that has to be SQ :)
32:28 hi sweet boy
32:34 please tell me they did that shot of the sandwich because Madge is about to take it
32:44 hi good girl!!! Enjoy your snackies
32:50 oh god oh no the LETTER
33:25 oh wow we're doing this NOW??
33:52 and here we see another example of Curtain's thinly veiled anger issues bubbling to the surface
34:10 hey what if you uhhh weren't such an asshole
34:33 that man's voice is buttery
35:02 and they're talking about this right in front of the office door, WHY??
35:55 he's letting him go 🥺🥺🥺🥺
36:14 why does that look like a body bag
36:17 oh my gosh it definitely is a body bag, hey Martina
36:25 yep, that's about what I expected
36:36 "whoever did this to me, they're gonna pay" oh girl do I have some bad news for you
37:12 ahhhh, so Martina is the burnt out gifted kid who keeps going out of spite and sheer force of will
37:12 everything makes much more sense now
37:30 ohhhhh my gosh feelings time

37:44 "I think it's awesome." "Yeah. I know you do." THE SHIPPERS ARE THRIVING
38:10 "it's the least I can do" that's an understatement 😬
38:20 "I don't know what I'd do without you, Wetherall" STOPPPPP
38:38 he's been writing letters to her every night and now he finally gets one back 😭😭
39:34 so Miss Perumal wrote this letter with the intention of it being sent to him, right- why did she write it like that?? 😂
39:34 they've gone to such lengths to communicate in code but the letter kind of undermines that- it was written in such a way that an onlooker would know Reynie was a spy but wouldn't know what he was doing or why. No wonder SQ was pissed
39:41 KATE!!
40:10 BREAKING NEWS: local bastard man treats everyone like shit
40:15 ohhhhh SQ bud please be careful
40:30 "always have time for my son," he said in a clipped voice that implied that he does not have time for his son
40:35 ohhh he's getting RIGHT INTO IT HUH
40:41 you mean to tell me he's never asked about Mr. Curtain's work?? Ever???? Somehow that doesn't seem right to me
40:57 hey uh what if you didn't talk down to SQ at every opportunity
41:02 "would you care to reconsider that answer, son?" "No." DIG THOSE HEELS IN SQ!!!!
41:22 I'm really not digging that Curtain is using the guise of openly expressing his feelings to communicate his anger and his unasked question. Not cool bitch head
41:33 the fact that he didn't answer SQ's spoken question kind of also answers his unspoken question
41:45 "I knew there was something off about that girl. But espionage?" "How do you so convincingly fake a tetherball obsession?" I love that this entire conversation could be about Martina or Kate interchangeably
43:05 Kate advocating for Martina with the Society 🥺🥺 the interaction I didn't know I needed
43:58 "I definitely don't like to leave anything unfinished." "That's true, I've seen you eat." PFFFFT
44:19 "well, you can't succeed without me, so..." baby girl you have no idea how right you are
44:28 please let that be Milligan PLEASE LET THAT BE MILLIGAN
44:35 I simply adore him
44:45 "would you mind helping me down, please? I'm stuck." Your honor I would die for this man
44:54 oh shit, Martina's tryna sleuth it out herself.. this can't end well
45:04 is she about to find Kate's marbles or something?? Callback to the book?
45:26 the absolute MURDER in her eyes
45:41 "the clothes of someone who had given up" ASEJDGEIDNDLFK
45:47 well that's not good
46:04 PLEASE let them be on their way already, please
46:17 Goodyear is QUAKING
46:35 why the fuck is Number Two in red, that's upsetting on principle
How surreal is it that next week is the finale?? Idk if I'm ready for that????
#mbs disney+#mbs liveblog#the dance of the celestial orb#the mysterious benedict society#charity's talkies
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A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 66-80

Things in this batch start out a little slow, KM-wise, but seriously pick up around the Toronto episodes. It features the episodes where both RM and Jin ask if JK and JM are a couple, so it includes the giggly hand-push game that helped make me a jikook believer!
As usual, let me know if I’ve missed anything or should take another look at something. :)
Ep 66 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 1" (Ep: 2 / KM: 1)
The one that I can’t help but feel would be more fun if I was more familiar with the comics involved, but the guys make it cute anyway
3:08 - This is a little hard to see because they use weird angles and cuts, but JK sings a piece of a theme song and JM catches his eye and sings with him.
9:23 - JK leans in over JM's shoulder to see how many people are on the comic book page
10:18 - JM does the same when it's JK's turn
BEHIND 10:29 - JM jokes around with JK and does the playful chest tap thing
Ep 67 "BTS in a Comic Book Cafe Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
BEHIND 7:28 - JM asks JK if there's a comic book he wants and says he'll buy it for him if so
Ep 68 "Heart Pang" (Ep: 1 / KM: 0)
The one where I can't for the life of me understand the board game they are playing
Ep 69 "BTS in Toronto Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where Jikook wear matching denim shirts while going to Niagara Falls, getting lunch, and playing games

2:36 - RM says there are certain people who will struggle with the wake up challenge. JK and JM readily seem to admit it's them.
6:29 - JM hangs back (to walk with JK?) when the rest of the group starts heading for the Falls.
8:06 - There's a "teleporting" moment where Jin is in between JM and JK, then the camera cuts away, then it comes back and jikook are next to each other. They stay next to each other as they walk on.
9:52 - You can see jikook interacting in the background.
12:25 - JM takes a photo of JK and gets him to giggle, then they huddle to look at the pic.
13:56 - JM puts his arm around JK and takes a selca in the background, causing RM to ask "what, are you a couple or something? Both wearing denim shirts?" He says it fairly seriously for a line that seems like it's supposed to be a joke and they don't laugh or say anything in response - it looks like JM looks away and flips his hair while JK shifts and awkwardly rubs his forehead. You can also see a quiet exchange after between RM and JM where RM says no to something, then nods at JK. Unclear if it's related, but including it just in case.
15:25 - JK doesnn't try to distract JM while he did the staring contest like he did with Hobi. When Jimin passes, JK is the only one to clap.
18:04 - Quick moment where you can see JK start to rub the arm of JM's shirt before the camera cuts away.
18:50 - JM laughs and touches JK's chest after JK loses the rocks paper scissor game, too.
19:53 - When the other five walk away and JK is doing something with his mic, we don't see where JM is.
22:02 - JK appears to help JM with something with his camera in the foreground.
BEHIND 4:12 - After JHope scolds JK for letting Suga pour everyone's water, JK goes to pour JM some water, then puts the pitcher down. JM seemingly tries to help him out by saying it's a new trend for the oldest to pour water.
Ep 70 "BTS in Toronto Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 5)
The Toronto one where the guys go shopping, pick beds, and play games

1:15 - JK slows down to walk side by side with JM.
2:00 - When JK messes up the game he was confident he'd win, JK laughs and playfully shoves at his chest.
7:23 - When JK loses a game and has to buy the others hoodies, JM sneaks a hat into the pile while JK has his back turned. RM rats him out.
8:01 - JM quietly puts the hat back in the pile, then walks over and hugs JK.
8:40 - JK walks over to Jimin to show him something (sunglasses he wanted?).
20:30 - When they're all joking around about whether they can fit four people on a bed, JK moves JM into an L-shape and then lays down nested with him.
BEHIND 0:09 - JK calls out "Jimin-ssi!" and tosses JM that hat he bought him.
4:49 - When the guys are all stretching and JM is in an inconvenient place, JK calls him "Jimin-ssi" again, essentially feels up his calf, and then pushes his upper thigh, all purportedly to get him to move over.
5:28 - JK kneels down behind JM, who's on all fours, and holds his hips to correct his position (I am literally just describing what happens in the clip, but I kind of feel like I'm writing porn, here...). JK then picks Jimin up to move him over a bit. Both giggle as JK starts to stand up and then the camera cuts away. I can't even begin to think what exercising looks like for these two when there aren't cameras on them...
6:55 - JK reads out the words on the Jimin shirt they're all wearing, which happen to be, "BTS Park Jimin, I love you! I root for you! I'm ARMY!" with a huge grin on his face. Jimin laughs - no one else does - and then jokes that they should wear the shirts back to Korea, prompting JK to tell him "bye!" and wave while giggling.
7:37 - Jimin shows the parts of the shirt design he would change by poking JK's chest, and then JK and JM share a fairly steamy look until RM interrupts.
7:52 - JK folds up the shirt so JM's face looks weird and Jimin points to him doing it and laughs. No one else does. Man, these two were really in their own world this whole Toronto trip, weren't they?
8:02 - JM tries to give JK some advice on the game he's about to play. Before starting, JK starts what seems like it's going to be a silly pose, but ends up being him dragging his fingers down his face, neck, and chest. Sadly for JK, JM wasn't looking. Happily for us, we can look as much as we want.
8:18 - When JM wins a game, JK claps for him. You can probably guess by now that he's the only one who does.
10:09 - JM steals a piece of steak, then JK does some cross-cut teleporting to come over and sink down into a chair next to him. JM overdoes making his eyes look big and innocent (perhaps hoping to get caught and scolded?).
10:35 - JM makes Jin move when he takes JM's seat next to JK I feel like just the Behind for this episode needs it's own jikook rating! And most of it is watching JK lead the guys in a workout. If you're going to watch just one Run Behind, consider making it this one!
Ep 71 "BTS in Toronto Part 3" (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The Toronto one where the guys have dinner, have breakfast, and play games

14:28 - Maybe nothing, but just to note it - in this and the next shot, you can see JM heading towards where JK is lying back on the couch after losing a game, then there's an abrupt cut and everyone is in a totally different position.
29:20 - JK tells JM the "super-pancake" he made is for him since he has to do the penalties.
BEHIND 6:59 - JM says that he thinks JK will want to eat and calls out for him.
Ep 72 "BTS and Mafia" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The one in which we learn that BTS is so terrible at the Mafia game that it almost comes back around to being impressive
3:10 - When Jin says JK is suspicious because he isn't talking, JM defends him, saying "you know he doesn't talk much."
8:34 - JM seems to direct his appeal to be spared to JK.
18:16 - JK compliments how well Jimin is doing at the game.
20:13 - After Jimin says he's ARMY, JK asks, "do you like me that much?" Then there's a quick cut and Jin is doing a Jim Halpert face at the camera.
28:03 - Confusing maybe-moment - let me know if it's clearer to anyone else! - but after JH is sending finger heart guns, JM points gun fingers directly at JK for no apparent reason.
BEHIND 2:39 - Before they start playing, JK predicts that JM and Jin will be good at the game.
Eps 73-76 “Run BTS Drama Parts 1-4″ (n/a)
The ones where BTS spend four episodes making a “comedic” skit
01:09 - After JK explains that he had a wisdom tooth taken out, Jimin adds the info that they had to take out the whole root. 09:10 - Even though V is the "director" of Jimin's scene, JK speaks up and takes over the role, saying that directors use informal language and repeating twice in informal language "Jimin, let's go!" He continues speaking informally when Jimin messes up and JK scolds him. 11:40 - When it's JK's turn to deliver a line and he gets nervous about remembering it, JM reads it out loud for him. He also says as soon as JK delivers the line that he did the best job and adds to Hobi, "he doesn't get embarassed, I told you." 16:26 - It's a little hard to see for sure, but it looks like Jimin votes for JK when it's time to choose who should be the skit's director. I'm going to be totally honest with you guys - I didn't rewatch these episodes past this. I first saw it months ago and remember being disappointed and fairly bored through most of it past the first half of the first episode - I don't find the skit funny and the behind-the-scenes stuff isn't amusing enough to make a four-part episode about. I’m sure there are others who completely disagree with me and no judgment if you don't share my opinion! But I'm doing this guide for fun and I don't want to spend two hours rewatching them.
I don't recall a ton of jikook beyond the above - I think there's a moment in part 3 where JK is getting tired and Jimin offers to take over slating for him. So, anyone who is a fan and knows / finds more jikook moments, please let me know and I will update this guide to reflect that. Otherwise, let's happily move along. :)
Ep 77 “Food Guest Part 1″ (Ep: 4 / KM: 5)
The weirdly-named ones that are prob better translated as "food connoisseurs" but the specifics of the foods theme don't really matter because JIKOOK
07:41 - When Jin says JK and JM will be competing in a palm-push game, JM says he's already lost (because JK is strong).
07:55 - I'm fairly certain that, if you're a jikook-er, you've seen this moment. It's so unabashedly flirty a description can't really do it justice. JK and JM are supposed to be playing a game where they put their palms together and shove to see who can make the other lose their balance. JM shoves lightly at JK's chest before they even start the game, then both start giggling. Still giggly, JM asks if JK's ready and JK says he is. JM pushes at JK's palms and JK just swings his arms back as they look at each other and smile. Jin interrupts to ask, "are you a dating couple?" (that's the most direct translation - V app translation is "are you two together?"). JK and JM both laugh, the latter so hard that he spins around, thus losing the game.
17:08 - JK is staring so intently at Jimin on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth that he completely misses RM trying to give him a high five. Jin has to call for JK to please respond to RM before JK looks away and returns the high five, laughing and apologizing. He looks back immediately after.
BEHIND 0:58 - JK gives JM a shoulder massage while holding his chest as JM makes satisfied noises. I've seen this clip in compilations before, but hadn't realized it was also from this episode. It's really the gift that keeps on giving!
4:29 - Just prior to the above palm-push game, JM reaches out to do something to JK's sleeve (I think?). The camera cuts before we see clearly.
4:31 - Slightly different angle of JM and JK giggling at the start of the palm-push game.
7:11 - Reveals that RM actually tried to high five JK and was ignored TWICE before Jin called JK's attention away from JM on his knees with a blow-pen in his mouth.
Ep 78 “Food Guest Part 2″ (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
15:00 - JK jokingly asks what the answer is and Jimin giggles at him as the on-screen text says, "how adorable." Unsurprisingly, the others are less enamored. (JK's biggest fans = 1. Jimin 2. Run BTS on-screen text writers)
BEHIND 9:56 - JK watches JM dance playfully, then wiggles his own hips, seeming to want JM's attention. Jimin smiles and starts to say something that gets cut off.
10:03 - JK films JM as JM dances and smiles while looking into the camera. Jimin is doing silly dance, but JK zooms in on his joyful face. He quickly licks his lips as he watches.
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HALF(have a little fun) pt. iii
→ one | two
→ Sayomi Zoldyck is the eldest child and twin sister to Illumi, of the renowned Zoldyck family of assassins. At the age of ten she’s taken away to Meteor City by her mother, Kikyo Zoldyck, unbeknownst to the rest of the family, as well as newborn Killua, and left to fend for herself. This is the story of the long-lost Zoldyck and those she becomes acquainted with, all while she just wants to have a little fun.
» part three / ?
» pairing: eventually - chrollo x oc x feat. hisoka
» warnings: drugs, blood/violence
» a/n: helloo~ this is my first write ever, and it’ll probably be a pretty long series. I’m also balancing school and a part-time job so forgive me for slow updates! If you’re reading this, thank you so much for showing interest and please leave comments below with your inputs!
» word count: 2,948
☾ iii.
Name: Sayomi Zoldyck 小夜美 | "小" is small | "夜" is night | "美" is beauty |
Hair color: White
Eye Color: Purple
Nen: Manipulator (same exact abilities as Illumi)
Abilities: Same as Illumi Zoldyck - Body Alteration, Hypnotic Spell, Corpse Control, Needle People, Katana
☾ iii. part iii: meteor city
Sayomi woke up with a start.
Her violet eyes flew open as she gasped remembering the past events and how her mother had drugged her.
Attempting to rise from her less than comfortable position on the ground, a nasty stench made her cringe as she gaped at her new surroundings.
Trash and dumped items made up the entirety of where she sat, as well as everything else she could see from her spot. Most of it was worn down enough to be unrecognizeable, only looking like jagged pieces of material building upon each other.
Standing up in one swift movement, Sayomi stretched out her tired limbs as she tried to grasp the situation she was in. Maybe mother threw me in the junkyard?
It wouldn’t be the first time her mother had tried to dump her somewhere, but Illumi or her father would usually come running for her before she would even have time to recognize her surroundings.
Taking a step forward to start exploring, she paused as she kicked something lying by her feet.
The item stood out amongst the rust and filth, as it was immaculate and seemed to radiate a familiar aura. A katana?
Tilting her head curiously, Sayomi reached down and grabbed the sheathed weapon. It was indeed very clean and actually seemed brand new.
Looking it up and down, a silver gleam caught her eye- it was an engraving left on the otherwise black covering.
‘Sayomi Zoldyck’
A rush of adrenaline ran through her blood as she recognized her own name engraved on the sheath. But why would mother reward me after dumping me in this junkyard?
Thousands of questions and possible scenarios ran through her head, but she pushed them aside with a shake of her head. I might as well play with this to pass the time.
The 10 year old unsheathed her new weapon, getting ready to take a practice swing when a rolled up piece of paper dropped from the katana.
Unravelling the note, Sayomi read it contents without a moment to lose.
Welcome to Meteor City.
I’m sure you recognize the name from the many stories I’ve told you and your brother about my hometown.
And from those same stories, you should know that those who make it out of the city come back stronger than they’ve ever been before.
My only daughter, you know how much I cherish you and wish to see you succeed.
When the time is right, you will find your way back home and claim your rightful spot as heir of the family business.
Until then,
Meteor City. As the reality of her situation started to sink in, Sayomi found it hard to breath. Whether it was the anxiety starting to take over her brain, or the barely breathable, polluted air of Meteor City, she found herself falling to her knees, nauseous.
Sayomi was desperate. She had been walking alone for close to four hours before traces of civilization began to appear in the distance.
Her wounds were splitting open under the cloth bandages she wore, and dehydration sent black spots dancing across her vision.
Sayomi remembered something from one of the stories her mother had once told them. It was that the citizens of Meteor City refrained from hostility between one another unless they were threatened first.
With this in mind, Sayomi continued on to the tents and vast pillars of smoke in front of her.
Clutching her side, which was now bleeding through the wraps Illumi had given her, Sayomi spotted vague figures moving about within the camp.
The sweat dripping into her eyes didn’t help her already blurring vision as she squinted hard to try and identify the faint figures that grew larger as she approached them.
At last within modest range of the camp, one of the members turned to face her.
One after another the citizens turned from their positions, analyzing the outcast that had stumbled upon their camp.
Struggling to remain upright with her wounds and burning lungs, Sayomi let out a cry of pain before falling to the ground once again, the jagged surface cutting into her ankles.
Several of the figures rushed towards the fallen 10 year old. With caring hands, one of the citizens lifted the girl into her arms, her lightweight figure not being a struggle to carry.
Sayomi looked up at the woman weakly, she was most likely in her 40s, her eyes gray and facial features dull.
At the same time, the woman stared back, seemingly trying to analyze Sayomi’s strong features. She recognized that her slanted violet eyes were far foreign to Meteor City, along with her intricate kimono and katana. How did a child of such status end up here?
Taking Sayomi to her own home within the camp, she treated Sayomi’s wounds and gave her water along with a small portion of food to eat.
The woman had introduced herself once Sayomi was back on her feet. Her name was Rin, and she had been living in Meteor City since she could remember.
She introduced her husband and daughter as well. Their names being Shota and Ayame respectively.
Ayame turned out to be two years older than Sayomi. She had ashy brown hair and gray eyes like her mother.
The rest of the community welcomed Sayomi with open arms, not bothering to ask where she came from or why she was here. It seemed they didn’t care.
Though Sayomi was grateful of their hospitality, she was homesick already. Missing the mansion where everything was familiar and made sense.
When night fell on her first day in Meteor City, Sayomi shut her eyes tight from her spot next to Ayame on the floor. It didn’t seem real to her. Just yesterday she had been with her family and everything had been as it always was.
Did everyone want her gone? Not just mother?
Thoughts like these ran through Sayomi’s fragile mind. All this stress at such a young age poisoned the girl’s mind, making her question the validity of those who loved her.
Much like Illumi back at the Zoldyck mansion, Sayomi spent most of her time in Meteor city training.
The environment, as well as occasional gang fights taught Sayomi real fighting, and not the guided sparring she would do back at home.
Mirroring the techniques she had once seen while shadowing a senior assassin, Sayomi worked towards extending her abilities to mastering the katana.
Her needles remained as well, safely tucked away on a band she kept around her left thigh, hidden from others. They were a constant reminder of Illumi, her best friend and the only one she had her hopes left in to save her.
On another note, the family she stayed with was generous to point that she began to grow suspicious of their willingness to take care of her.
Hospitality was one thing, but she knew enough to recognize an odd-favored deal when she saw one.
Sayomi had been freeloading off the family, wearing the extra clothes they provided her, eating their food, drinking from their water supply, and even sleeping in their tent.
But as wary as she was, she knew this was the only option she had. For now.
She had already stayed far from the city’s borders, and the only way off of the island in the first place was by boat.
Sayomi would have to wait for the right time in order to escape the city alive.
6 years later
The sun rose over Meteor City, waking its inhabitants, and marking the start to another day.
Inside one of the many worn tents at the camp, a girl with tangled, brilliant white hair laid sprawled out on the cardboard-floors.
“Sayomi!” Ayame entered the tent once again, waking the girl to join her family for breakfast.
Sayomi groaned at the sunlight that entered the tent with Ayame’s return.
Sitting up, her hair cascaded down her shoulders and back, just barely touching the floor below her waist.
Now 16 years old, Sayomi’s face had thinned out, no longer round and chubby, but firm and angular with more defined features.
Her striking violet eyes and silky white hair were the only things that seemed to remain the same from when she was dumped 6 years ago.
With a noticeable number of inches added to her legs and arms, as well as new subtle curves adorning her body, Sayomi had matured a great amount, both physically and mentally. What had once been an innocent, joyful 10 year old girl, was now approaching the end of her youth days trapped in a foreign city.
Sayomi didn’t talk about her family. Or the past for that much.
She didn’t like to remember the feeling of waiting desperately for someone to find her.
As a 10 year girl, she didn’t know any better than to rely on her family to come rescue her. But as those days turned into months, and the months turned into years, her hope had died miserably, being replaced by a deep sense of betrayal.
The most she had told the family about her life before Meteor City was about Killua. She had beamed proudly as she told them how similar they looked to each other. Killua. I wonder how he’s turned out to be. If he’s 6 years old now, that means he’s already started training...
But this was her life now, whether she liked it or not, and she would make the most of it even if it meant living only for herself.
“Sayomi! For the last time, waaake uppp. Breakfast is ready.”
Yet another day in Meteor City began for Sayomi. After finishing up breakfast with Ayame and her parents, Sayomi grabbed her katana to go run through more forms on her own.
6 years with the katana, and Sayomi was almost considered proficient in the sword’s fine practice. Without a master to learn from, the majority of her techniques were either gathered from faint memories of when she was younger, or those she came up with herself.
She had also taken the risk of going into some of the gang fights using only her katana, and though she had gotten in dangerous situations to begin with, her hard work didn’t betray her.
Standing in the piles of junk with her arms raised naturally behind her head, Sayomi took a deep breath in and out, ever so bored of the dull features at Meteor City.
After another day filled with meticulous training, Sayomi head back to camp, making her way to Ayame’s tent.
However, upon approaching the little green tent, she sensed within the air that something was off.
She could feel the abnormally tense auras of those sitting inside the tent, much like those of someone caught lying. Slowing her steps towards the tent, Sayomi activated her zetsu in order to listen in to the apparent conversation going on inside.
“Yes, I’m sure that’s her full name. Sayomi Zoldyck. She’s the one we’ll give you instead of Ayame.”
It was Shota’s voice.
His normally confident tone was replaced by one filled with a thousand concerns.
“I assure you she’ll be here with us when you arrive tomorrow. Thank you again, sir, for accepting the replacement. Good Night.”
Could it be another gang looking for trouble? She was sure she could take them, whoever they were, but it still hurt to be referred to as ‘the replacement’.
Sayomi shook her head out of such thoughts, realizing how panicked she was becoming over another silly gang. She made her presence visible once again, taking louder than normal footsteps as she returned into the tent for the night.
It was a quiet night much like usual, but everyone inside the tent could feel the discomfort that seemed to radiate around the 4 in endless circles.
Sayomi shifted in her sleep, unable to ignore the itching feeling in the back of her mind.
The gangs here are nothing, I’ll be fine.
She fell asleep late that night, despite being exhausted from a full day of training. A battle of worries and self-reassurance eventually died down in her mind, letting her sleep in peace.
Having fallen into a deep sleep, she had missed the sound of Ayame crying softly next to her. The older girl fell asleep facing away from Sayomi, feeling too guilty to even look at her.
“I’m so sorry, Sayomi.” Ayame whispered into the darkness.
Early morning the next day, a commotion stirred through the camp.
The sound of multiple vehicles treading over glass and broken fragments awoke Sayomi, who sat up too quickly for her tired self.
Her body lurched to the side, thrown off balance by the sudden movement she had made to get up.
Groaning while she firmly held her balance with a single hand digging into the blankets pooled around her, Sayomi was confused to see that the tent was empty around her.
Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Sayomi slung her katana over her shoulder hastily before making her way outside, her left hand hovering over the needles strapped to her thigh.
It was still dark out when Sayomi lifted the entrance of the tent. Quite close to golden hour, but still dark enough for her to have to strain noteably in order to see.
The vehicles she had heard were parked about 50 feet from where she stood. There were 3 cars parked side by side, black sedans that looked much similar to the ones back at the estate.
Upon her eyes’ adjustment to the dark, Sayomi could see several men dressed in black suits conversing with Shota and Rin, Ayame by their side.
She kept her guard up as she attempted to read the auras of the people standing in front of her, getting a faint feel for their emotions.
Ayame and her family were tense, worried, but Shota showed small signs of relief in his expression. The men in suits were less readable, their emotions hidden behind an experienced aura of composure.
Looks like they’re pretty experienced… But they don’t look like a gang, or like they’re even from around here.
Taking a risk, Sayomi edged closer to the group, trying to listen in on the conversation. She was partially concealed by a pile of junk, only peeking out once in a while to confirm their positions.
Her new spot was about 30 feet from the closest man, and she could now make out parts of their conversation.
An unfamiliar voice rumbled “Rest assured, she will be provided with more than she ever was here.”
Shota’s voice was next. “And will she be safe on the trip to Yorknew City?”
Yorknew City. So whoever these people were didn’t want to kill her, but take her with them to the great city of opportunities? Well, damn.
Sayomi stepped out from her position behind the pile, not caring to keep her guard up as she willingly presented herself to her soon to be captors.
Ayame gasped upon seeing Sayomi walk towards them with her hands relaxed behind her head. Her eyes shifted to her parents. They were just as surprised, having not noticed her presence earlier.
The men looked from the shocked family of 3 to the teen strolling towards their makeshift circle. She could sense them growing tense with each of her steps, deducing her identity as their target.
One of them finally broke the silence, acknowledging her presence.
“Sayomi Zoldyck?”
Sayomi gave a flat-lipped smile in return. “Yes sir.”
The family was wading in embarrassment and horror, caught red-handed agreeing to sell Sayomi off.
The men scoffed at the brazen teen, preparing to catch her off guard with the proposal, but Sayomi spoke first.
“So, what I’m getting from this- is basically that… you had a deal with this family for whatever reason. And were going to take their daughter from them, but they pleaded with you and insisted that I could be a better replacement?”
Her deductive instincts had helped her reach the conclusion that was pretty much dead on.
The family remained still, averting their gazes from the teen in front of them, while the men nodded several times before speaking.
“Correct. Your arrogance will surely not be needed where we’re going, but I guess it’s alright as long as you’re able to back it up.”
Leaving no opening for Sayomi to respond, another one of the men spoke up. “Shall we get going then? It seems like force won’t be necessary, so we might as well move while everyone’s cooperating.”
Sayomi had only nodded, a slight skip in her step as she seized the opportunity to leave Meteor City at last. Whatever business awaited her ahead could be dealt with, and she found it in herself to smile as she faced the family that had supported her for the past 6 years.
“Shota, Rin, Ayame. I could never thank you enough for your generosity during these past years of mine. And so, with all due respect, please forget all about me and flourish in the love of your family once again.”
No matter how blunt, she had meant every word she said, and with that Sayomi turned her back to the people who had raised her up through her broken youth.
She felt no remorse for their guilt-ridden feelings, for it was just another thing in the past.
The 3 cars took off through the rubble, Sayomi in the backseat of one of them. Her violet eyes reflected off the glass of the window beside her, reminding her of the first time she had arrived. She sat in silence as she watched the hell that had been Meteor City flash past her.
Old news.
Just like her family.
to be continued.
a/n: i made a taglist if anyone wants to join! :)))
#chrollo#chrollo x oc#chrollo lucilfer#chrollo lucilfer x reader#hisoka#hisoka x oc#hisoka x reader#hisoka morow#hisoka morrow x reader#chrollo x reader#hxh#hxh au#hxh imagines#hxh x reader#hxh oc#hunter x hunter#hunter x hunter au#hunter x hunter imagines#killlua#killua zoldyck#illumi#gon#assassin au#anime au#phantom troupe#zoldyck family#silva zoldyck#killua hxh#illumi zoldyck#kuroro
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I’m gonna heal you
Pairing: Ashton x Female reader
Word count: 2059
Warning: none, this is full on fluff with one mention of a prevoius sexual encounter.
Summary: Your boyfriend fell sick, and you’ll see a side of him you haven’t before, while you two share cute moments because of it.
Author’s Note: It was written more than a year ago. Again something I didn’t think I’ll post, but here we are. :) (If you bump into any grammar mistakes, I apologise in advance, that’s because english is not my native language.) Nevermind, I hope you’ll enjoy it!
You have a very bad habit, but at least you’re getting better and better while practicing it.
For a while now when you wake up earlier than Ashton (which is almost every single day), and give him his morning kiss he doesn’t even notice it, and you like it that way. Whatever body part you can reach – it always depends on what position he’s sleeping in at the moment of your waking. Sometimes it’s one of his cheeks, sometimes a shoulder, his neck, his forehead. You couldn’t explain why it’s so important to you, maybe you’re just weird, and like watching and admiring him while he sleeps. Knowing how hard they work, it just feels good to see him not worrying about anything and just having a well-deserved rest, even for a few hours.
But this morning something didn’t feel right, not like usually. As your mouth gently touched his temple, his skin felt strangely hot against your lips. You knew you should check it again, but the thought itself made you sweat, because you were not sure he wouldn’t wake up this time. But you convinced yourself pretty quickly that it’s for the good of him, and if he runs a temperature indeed, he needs to wake up anyway to take something in as soon as possible.
You leaned back again and pressed your lips against his temple, and then you tried it with the back of your right hand while your left one checked your own forehead for comparison. Miraculously he didn’t wake up, or leastways didn’t show any sign of will to move or open his eyes, his breathing remained steady, although at this point you wouldn’t even care, because he definitely had fever. Murmuring a low “fuck”, you headed for the bathroom to pick up the thermometer and went back with it to the seemingly sleeping boyfriend.
“Sweetie, just keep it there and do not move, please. We have to measure your temperature” you put the thermometer in his armpit.
He muttered something with his eyes still closed, but on one hand, you didn’t understand, on the other hand you left him there to check what medication you have in the bathroom cabinet. You were happy to acknowledge that you were fully prepared for such disasters, albeit since you moved in with him, thankfully, you didn’t even need to open the medicine box.
You had a slight guess about the possible outcome of this fever measurement, therefore with quick steps you ran to the kitchen to make a tea for your newfound patient. Coming back you put the tea on the nightstand and reached for the thermometer to reveal the truth. 102,2 Fahrenheit.
“Double fuck” escaped your lips as you looked at the display of the digital thermometer.
“Do we have to? I’m not feeling too well” came a drawn-out groan from Ashton.
“No shit Sherlock…” but of course this assumption made you smile. “I wasn’t talking about wanting to fuck. I’m talking about you having a fever. 102,2 °F actually.”
“Oh” this seemingly woke him up as he pushed himself up on the bed.
“Whatever you were planning to do today with the guys, it is out of the question now. And take these in” dropping an antipyretic and painkiller pill on his palm you gave him the now not so hot cup of tea you’d made.
“Yeah I guess so. I’ll tell them” he said before swallowing the pills.
“I’ll be here if you need anything” you indicated the living room. “Lay back and try to take a rest or sleep back” you pecked his forehead.
You turned back from the doorway just to look at him once again, and the cutest sight caught hold of your eyes. Or leastwise your sick girlfriend heart considered it cute… he was sitting in the same position you left him a few seconds ago and just stared in front of him, wasn’t even blinking, you could almost see his brain still processing the info that he most likely got sick. End of the world. You felt for him, you really did, but he looked so lost it was cute. He looked adorably useless and that’s certainly something you have not seen him yet.
For you the bright side of the situation is that at least you really can be here and look after him, since last night you could cook while he was out with his friends. In the background you heard him run a shower.
“So much for resting… but at least it’ll help him cool that body temperature down a bit, so after all it’s not a bad idea at all” you thought.
You made yourself comfortable on the couch and already decided you’ll watch a movie that is entertaining enough to switch off your brain for a few hours, and you exactly knew which one is the perfect choice that meets your high expectations and requirements.
While you were considering your options Ash finished with the shower too and joined you in the living room wearing his leisure pants and a clean white t-shirt.
“Is everything okay? I mean besides the obvious.” you tilted your head back against the sofa backrest to look up at him.
“I have a headache and I start feeling my throat.”
“Sounds like the definition of miserable.”
“Right?! Thank you.”
“Would you like to join me?” you smiled at him grabbing a pillow from the couch that you laid on your lap tapping it a few times.
You didn’t have to ask him twice; picking up the plush blanket which is constantly lying at the end of the sofa he laid down, wrapped himself under the blanket; his head resting on the pillow in your lap, his posture facing the TV. Your fingers, as a pavlovian reflex, dived into his gorgeous hair, whisking away a few stray curls from his face.
“And what are we doing?”
“I was about to watch the greatest movie of all time.”
“The Pursuit of Happyness?”
“Nope, Avengers: Infinity War.”
“That Hiddleston again.”
“Hon, you know he’s going to be killed off in the 10th minute into the movie, right?” you had to laugh.
“Good. He deserves it.”
“What is it? Do I hear jealousy?” you got bloody happy and started enjoying your conversation even more.
“Abslttthhaa nauh” he mumbled something under his nose that reminded you of absolutely not.
"Last time I checked it's not him who's lying on my lap dying."
"Lucky for him, cuz that'd be the last thing he does..."
“Ashton, you’re killing me” you couldn’t contain your laughter.
“Wasn’t kidding.”
“I know” you grinned as your thumb stroked his cheek.
This new Ashton entertained you more and more. You leaned forward to blow tiny kisses on his temple and yoke bone leading a path to his ear.
“Also, last time I checked it wasn’t him who had his way with me on the kitchen counter the other day…” the tip of your nose brushed his ear as you whispered and the mention of your latest lovemaking made a smug smile spread across his face. “And do you know what else I remember?! I remember moaning a three letter name, but it wasn’t Tom… help me out… oh wait, that’s it, it was Ash...” you were trying to add a slight annoyance to the tone of your voice.
“Convinced enough?”
“I have no strength to disagree” reaching back for your right hand to take it in his, he towed it to his lips and planted a kiss on your wrist. Without saying anything he interlaced your fingers and just pulled it to his chest. As if his grumpiness had been cut off, he nestled a bit to find the perfect and most comfortable position, then got fully relaxed and your left hand slipped back into his hair to caress and massage his scalp, to play with his soft black locks.
“Alright, play it, I want to see if he resurrects for the millionth time” he egged you to press the play button to start the movie.
“Oh, we’ll see…” you smiled insinuatingly.
“You’re just joking, right?” he turned his head upwards to look at you. “No, you’re not. They just can’t get rid of that guy, can they?”
“Get comfortable baby, two and a half hour fun just awaits for us” you winked.
Although you watched the movie together, you were pretty sure Ash's thoughts were going somewhere else since you weren’t even like 40 minutes in, when he started playing with your fingers. Your eyes jumped back and forth from the TV to your hands, but eventually your attention ended up on what he was doing. His fingertips grazed your palm and fingers with slow, tender and deliberate moves; it felt intimate like never before, as if he touched your hand for the first time, he went from finger to finger, as if he wanted to get to know and memorize the shape of your hand, the feel of your skin.
Your first thought was “if he won’t stop I’m gonna cry”. But he didn’t stop and eventually and surprisingly you did not cry either, although this scene undoubtedly made you quite emotional, because you haven’t seen him this cuddly in a long time. He’s an affectionate man, but definitely not a clinging one. And you really enjoyed this situation; sometimes you crave this kind of attention like air.
A few more minutes have passed during which your focus returned back to the screen. You felt his hand stopped playing with yours, and with his eyes closing shut he turned over and nuzzling his face close to your belly he fell asleep pretty quickly. Getting your right hand back, now it could rest on his waist, while your other hand could keep caressing his hair, neck, shoulder, just with extra carefulness not wanting to wake him up.
By the end of the movie he still laid on your lap breathing smoothly, and watching him made you think about him being such a positive force. Not only in your life but so many others’, as well. Family, friends, members of other bands whom they met only sporadically… You loved listening to their stories about Ash being nice and thoughtful and polite. That’s how he treats people in general, even strangers. It’s so effortless for him, yet you have no idea how he does that. Always thinks about making others happy, but is he happy? Do you make him happy? You can only hope, because he deserves the world. At this point, an unpleasant feeling put a stop to your train of thought.
As much as you didn’t want to do it, and wished to stay like this forever, it was time for you to stand up since you started feeling your legs getting numb after sitting stock-still for the last two and a half hours.
“Ash” leaning over his face you started caressing his cheek with your nose.
Your technic was clearly successful, because he slowly turned over nuzzling his nose against yours demanding more contact. You kissed his cheek, his nose, the corner of his mouth, while he enjoyed the love showering on him.
Soon your lips met in very light kisses that became needier with every touch from Ashton’s side, as you felt his tongue brush over your upper lip. Your heart ached but you had to pull back an inch ending the connection between your lips resulting in a dissatisfied moan escaping his lips.
“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if we go into this deeper, you may risk losing your nurse to a deadly disease” you whispered smiling on his lips.
“I’ll make it up to you… in a few days… when I get better” he said sleepily.
“Make up for what?”
“For the canceled double fuck.”
“I can’t with you, Irwin. I swear to you I’ll lock you up in the bedroom until you sleep enough.” you had to laugh tho.
“But you love me.”
“Yes, yes I do. What a correct observation.”
“Good, because I love you, too.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Now come Captain Obvious, let’s sleep a bit more.”
And with this you took his hand in yours and led him into the paradise of peacefulness that is your hospital room for the next few days.
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Dune Part 1 - First viewing review
I just came back from having watched Dune Part 1, and yes it is Dune Part 1 in the opening credits of the movie, and I feel like its a movie where I could have radically different opinion of the film when I watch it again. I went into this movie with high expectations. Barring Enemy, which wasn't my cup of tea, I have loved all of Denis' movies since. Prisoners, Sicario, Arrival, and Blade Runner 2049 were all outstanding. Because Blade Runner 2049 was so good, it made very excited on how Denis would handle Dune. I am a big sci fi fan, but I haven't read Dune. Coming out of Dune, I can't help but feel like I missed something. The reactions have been so positive but I came out of this movie very underwhelmed. And it is possible I missed something, which is why I feel a second viewing is necessary.
Firstly, the good stuff is really good. There is just amazing artistry at work. On a technical level, the film is perfection. The scale of the production, the blending of practical locations and visual effects, the costume design etc... all are exquisite. The lore of the book is obviously very dense but the movie does an excellent job of setting up the lore so that newbies like me can understand. The actors are also obviously all top notch across the board. The first hour of the film is interesting. The build up of House Atreides, House Harkonnen, the rivalry, the spice production etc... all very fascinating.
Where the film fell off for me is in the second half of the film. It feels like there is a tight 2 hour 15 min film lying in this almost 2 hour 40 min movie. Without giving spoilers, there is a major sequence and turn in the story that happens roughly midway through the film. Unfortunately I found myself getting bored after that point. The film needed to be a part 1 but also suffers from being a part 1. The last half of the film doesn't really build to a point where it feels like a satisfying end point. Its unfortunately probably just the narrative structure of the book, but it really doesn't feel like a film of its own and the last 45 mins of the film are just kind of boring. I think about 20-30 mins could have been cut from the movie. If the film is just being faithful to the book, then at times adaptation means taking out portions that aren't necessary. There are definitely parts that don't feel necessary.
The cast is excellent across the board like I mentioned. But, if I'm being honest, barring Timothy Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson, they are largely wasted. Oscar Isaac brings a lot of gravity and pathos to his role as Leto, but the film doesn't demand that much of him. Similarly with Brolin, who does a solid job playing the toughened warrior, but it isn't a role that remotely challenges an actor like him. Jason Momoa brings some of his trademark personality into the role of Duncan Idaho. Stellan Skaargard is terrific as Baron Harkonnen. He's a truly menacing villain. Zendaya and Javier Bardem are barely in the movie enough to make any impression. The film really relies on Timothy Chalamet and Rebecca Ferguson to do the heavy lifting and they do it wonderfully well.
Overall, I walked out of the film a little let down. I do think a second viewing might change things significantly for me. Right now the film is around a 6/10, which is disappointing but a second viewing could seriously change things for the better.
#dune#timothy chalamet#rebecca ferguson#oscar isaac#josh brolin#stellan skarsgard#jason momoa#zendaya#javier bardem#paul atreides#leto atreides#lady jessica#gurney halleck#duncan idaho#chani#stilgar#vladimir harkonnen#denis villeneuve
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Wasn't expecting to be back as a writer so soon but I just absolutely CANNOT get enough of writing headcanons and AUs and JUST BEAR WITH ME OKAY
Also I feel like this is super long but it might not be idk
Some more Hinny, with a bit of Romione! So this one is set in the modern magical world. Hope you enjoy! And don't forget, if you have absolutely ANY Hinny headcanons you'd want to see written, please drop me a message or an ask anytime and I'll do my best to write one 3>
"This class just CANNOT get any worse." Ron muttered, drawing lazy lines with his pen on the History of Magic textbook they were reading.
"We literally live in 2020, do we really HAVE to study all this old age crap?" He continued, now shifting to drawing circles as the teacher droned on.
Harry for one, wasn't listening to the professor (though he did vaguely hear him mention 'Goblin War' but that was about it) and neither to Ron. Harry was busy staring out of the window onto the busy streets of London below their high classroom, thinking about a certain redhead.
A certain redhead who also happened his best friend's sister.
"Hi!" Hermione's voice came in an excited whisper as she started taking out her textbook, the dull grey of it made slightly happy with all the colourful muggle stickers (once affronted, she had told Harry that they were called 'Post Its' but Harry just could never bother with the name), full of notes and extra bits. Hermione was careful not to let the professor know that she was suddenly here, a thought which hit Harry when Ron exclaimed almost loudly before Hermione kicked his foot under the table to shut him up.
"I swear to Godric you weren't here literally a minute ago how- Harry?" Ron wondered, calling his best friend.
"Yes it's very odd Ron." Harry almost sighed, back to his brooding. Hermione was doing weird things always- it was nothing new.
"Please be like Harry and stop looking so surprised. Let me focus." Hermione sneered at Ron and whipped out her pencil, furiously noting down from the board whatever the professor had been droning on about for the past 45 minutes.
"And that, is all on the Goblin War of 1785 today. Make sure you finish your homework- remember, 4 pages on the magical strategies used by the two goblin sides to win the war. I need it handed in on Monday. Class dismissed." The professor walked out with his nose in the air, as if he had imparted the knowledge of a lifetime in one single lesson. He waved a lazy hand at the board which wiped off all the notes, releasing a few cries from the back where some kids were still making notes.
"Thank Godric that's over!" Ron could almost cry. Harry was back to paying attention, especially after Hermione slapped his hand. "Earth calling whatever planet Harry Potter is on!" She laughed. The three of them got up and walked out into the corridor.
"What lesson do we have next?" Harry asked absentmindedly.
"What's up with you today? You've been like this since we returned from the Burrow well over a week ago." Ron said thoughtfully, an arm slung carelessly around Hermione's shoulder, who was surprisingly okay with it.
Harry snapped back to reality. If Ron found out, it would be Harry's head and nothing else.
"And what about the two of you? Care to explain," Harry looked at the Ron's arm, "whatever this is? You two have been just finding ways for touching each other, don't think I haven't noticed." Harry finished with a whistle, knowing this was the nerve he had hit. He almost grinned to himself.
"That," Hermione shrug off the arm around her, blushing furiously, "is just two friends being friendly." She finished, but there was a considerable change in the pitch of her voice.
"Yes yes whatever." Harry flicked a lazy hand at the two, knowing fully well they had gotten up to something in the Burrow which was only between the two of them.
The trio had reached the cafeteria where they sat down on one of the empty benches, having half hour free before moving on to Harry's most despised class- Chemistry, or Potions as it was called in the older ages.
Harry let his thoughts move back to the Burrow (courtesy this couple who were now sitting with their sides practically touching). The Burrow was Ron's house, and the trio's favourite hangout. They were there for the summer break, which had ended a week ago, but the memories were still as old as yesterday.
"Oh please, I will kick your ass at Quidditch." Ginny, Ron's younger sister and the youngest Weasley piped, her fiery red hair pulled back into a ponytail.
Quidditch was the one thing Harry really enjoyed- it was rare to have Quidditch matches in school now with so much course load, so these summers were what he lived for.
Particularly this one summer where Ginny had turned up looking just gorgeous, something Harry had failed to notice in the 6 years he had known her. It wasn't as if she wasn't gorgeous before- it just struck him differently this time. Maybe it was the heat. Maybe it was the fact that she could make Harry laugh almost always. She was not only gorgeous- Ginny had developed a sense of humour and sarcasm quite unlike her brothers- they were fond of practical jokes, whereas Ginny was more of the sharp tongued type who could make an entire room laugh without as much as waving a hand. And it was absolutely fabulous. Harry had found himself staring at her practically everyday of summer since he came to the Burrow three months ago.
The way she tied her hair up, or how she bit her lip when exasperated with her Math homework and the way her lips opened slowly first when she laughed. The slight, barely perceptible crook in her teeth and the generous sprinkling of freckles all across her face. It was all suddenly very endearing to Harry.
And hence, midway through his last week at the Burrow, Harry had come to the conclusion that he had started fancying Ginevra Weasley, his best friend Ronald Weasley's younger sister. Not to mention practically Hermione's best friend, despite being an year younger.
So that was why Harry was barely able to keep his impulses in check when he saw Ginny in her Quidditch outfit, wearing a red and gold jersey with cream coloured bottoms. But when he thought of how he could have his ears boxed in by Ron, he could very much focus back on the match and not on a heart-achingly stunning redhead.
"Language, Ginny. This girl," Ron's mom, Molly, muttered under her breath, currently putting up laundry by swishing her wand back and forth. All of the Weasley siblings were back home at the Burrow, except for Percy and Bill, who were both busy working.
"Sorry mom! As I was saying Harry, I will definitely kick your bottom in this match." Ginny corrected herself.
"Please, we shall see." Lately it was getting increasingly difficult for him to produce coherent responses in front of the woman he had come to consider as practically a sarcastic goddess. But he was proud of this response- he should continue thinking about Ron's punches.
"Okay, positions, and go!" Harry heard Arthur, Ron's father say and the match began in earnest. Hermione was sitting this one down with a novel, but at the moment was preparing a jug of lemonade the Muggle way.
Ron and Harry were one team, whereas Ginny, George and Fred were another. The game lasted for a good 40 minutes before Harry and Ron won the game by obtaining the 'snitch' (which was actually just an enchanted flying ball, kindly given to them by Arthur who had an obsession for all things Muggle).
"What happened to all that talk of kicking ass, huh?" Harry laughed, almost falling into one of the reclining chairs. Molly was handing out cool glasses of lemonade. "I think mine needs more ice." Harry said, sipping from his glass.
"Oh I totally forgot the ice! My wand is in the kitchen though." She said sheepishly, not wanting to give up her spot on the recliner. Or rather not wanting to get up from her spot next to Ron, who had decided to perch himself on Hermione's recliner despite there being an extra empty one.
"That's okay, I'll get some myself." He grinned. "I'll come too- I need to change out of this." Ginny added. They walked back inside the Burrow which was empty, with the entire family outside in the garden.
Harry waved his wand which was lying on the kitchen counter into a bowl and ice appeared, shining in the sunlight but not melting. Magic.
He added a few to his glass and leaned on the counter, sipping lazily on the drink. It was good to be away from the noise for a minute. Ginny reappeared downstairs, having changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and unholy thoughts came rushing back into Harry's brain.
"I'll get some ice too, now that I'm here." Ginny took out an empty glass and filled it with ice, presumably wanting to fill it with lemonade later. But the way she took the ice gave Harry goosebumps- she leant across him instead of asking him to move and picked a few pieces of ice from behind him. Harry was frozen in his place- Ginny made no move whatsoever to stand behind. She stood inches away from Harry, just a few centimetres shorter than him.
"Oh for goodness sakes Harry, kiss me already." She rolled her eyes but the tip of her ears went red.
"What?" Harry spluttered- it was something he had been wanting to do since the start of summer but putting it into words stunned him of sorts. Was he THAT readable?
"Don't think I haven't seen the way you've looked at me all summer, Harry. It's not that difficult to know that you fancy me. A lot. And just so you know, I do too. A lot. Have done so since Ron introduced us.* She whispered, but stepped back after her confession.
Harry was still stunned, but could anyway notice the distance she had put, now slightly unsure after her brazenness. She still stared at him, her lips shaped into an imperceptible 'O', begging to be kissed. So that's what Harry did- he pulled Ginny back towards him by her waist and placed his lips on hers, almost tasting sunlight but with cherry swirled in it. His hands remained at her waist but Ginny moved hers to lock around Harry's neck, slowly playing with the curls at his nape. She smiled into the kiss, parting her lips were slightly, just so Harry could taste her; it was sinful but decadent. Very much like a good bar of chocolate. More than good. An absolutely unbelievable bar of chocolate.
When they finally pulled back after what could have been a lifetime, or an eternity, or a few seconds, Ginny grinned at Harry. "Do you not have anything to say?" She stood there's suddenly a bit shy, with her arms still around Harry's neck.
"You said all of it for me. I do fancy you- maybe way too much." He said, feeling as if Ginny's brazen confidence was transferred into his veins.
"That's a relief, because I might or might not have been looking to get you to kiss me." She said, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
"You what?" Harry stared at her incredulously, before breaking out into a wide smile.
"Don't worry, the bit about me fancying you is real. Have done so since I was 10." She added seriously.
"So are we a thing now?" Harry raised an eyebrow, quite enjoying the small circles he was making on Ginny's side.
"Keep dreaming on, Potter." She removed her hands from around his neck and disappeared like she had reappeared after changing, what felt like ages ago. Harry smiled to himself before walking outside again, his lemonade glass forgotten.
"Really Harry, one would think you're in love the way you're zoned out." Ron stared at him, as Harry snapped back into the real world.
"Huh? Oh yeah." He agreed absent mindedly, still reeling a bit from that summer afternoon.
"You're in love?" Hermione asked, an eyebrow raised as she looked up from what looked like homework.
"Forget me, but you do seem to be." Harry glanced at her notebook, which had R+H scribbled messily on the margins. He grinned as Hermione and Ron blushed furiously.
"Okay fine, me and Ron might have kissed at the Burrow." Hermione said, snapping her book shut as Ron stared at her longingly.
"How interesting, because me and Harry did something similar." Ginny suddenly appeared from behind and sat beside Harry, pressing her lips to his cheek.
The two boys stared back and forth. Ron's eyes widened but returned to their normal size, as Ron slung an arm around Hermione again, except this time she actually leaned into him.
"What? Is happening?" Harry looked around, first at the couple in front of him and then at Ginny. This was all extremely confusing.
"Did you think you were the only observant human to ever exist? Hermione Granger is my girlfriend, Harry. Nothing escapes her. Not when one of her best friends kisses another one of her best friends." Ron laughed.
"Wait so you're not mad?" Harry was still shaken. Was his worrying all a waste? If he'd known, he could have spent more time with Ginny, locked behind doors, his lips on hers-
"Why would I be? I'd rather Ginny end up with you rather than some other git from school." Ron's voice cut into his thoughts breezily.
"Oh. Okay." Harry settled before smiling at Ginny and weaving his hand through hers.
They sat in silence for a few moments before Harry's eyes widened.
"Wait. Hermione Granger is your girlfriend?!" The typical Potter late realisation. The three people around him laughed heartily before Harry joined in, shooting Ginny an endearing look, making the tips of her ears turn red.
#hinny au#harry potter#ginny weasley#harry potter headcanon#harry x ginny#hinny headcanon#hinny#headcanon#school#romione#ron x hermione
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Job accused me of lying, so i got revenge.
When i was 17-18 years old, i got my first retail job. i worked at a children's store that does ear piercings, i'm sure you all know which one. i started when i was 17, and shortly after turning 18 i was given a keyholder position. i was thrown into the position with practically no instruction, and absolutely no training. i did my best, even though i made mistakes, and i was actually doing fairly well. time passes, i get back from a sleepover, and my mother informs me that while i was gone my grandfather had passed away. now, i worked just two hours after i got the news, so i went in still struggling not to cry my eyes out at any second. the first thing i see is the store manager standing there, looking annoyed. she takes me over to a bench out in the middle of the mall and sits with me, and starts telling me about all the things i'm doing wrong (all things i hadn't been trained on) while i mostly just blankly stared at her and tried not to cry. i wasn't taking any of the information in at all, i was just too upset. eventually she noticed and asked what was wrong, and i broke down and started sobbing, and told her. i then asked if i could go home, as i didn't think i could work efficiently with this news. she told me absolutely not, and she left, leaving me completely alone in the store. now, for context, the store sold these stuffed animals called beanie boos. they also had giant versions that were about $40-$50 a piece i think, its been years since i worked there. but anyway, some lady walked in and decided to buy 4 of those, and was ready to pay when i told her about a store close by that sold them for a cheaper price. she thanked me and left, having not bought them. so there was my revenge for being rude and uncaring about his death. then, shortly after, i found out from a friend and fellow keyholder that they had not only accused me of stealing a few dollar items, which i had not done, but they had also accused me of lying about my grandfather's death to get out of 'trouble'. so, in a fit of fury, i called up the manager from before, told her i quit, shut the store down two hours early, and went home. probably lost them about $500 in total sales that day, and proud of it.i know its not much in the grand scheme of things, they make millions, but it made me feel better. i now have a picture of my grandfather hanging where i used to hang my store keys.
Source: reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge
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Hey! I’m sure this is a question you get asked a lot but how did you decide that a PhD was for you? I’m about to enter the last year of my undergrad and have really enjoyed the lab work I’ve done previously but it feels like a rather large commitment when I’m not 100% sure I’m going to end up in research at the end of it. I was just wondering how you knew it was what you wanted to do!
I actually have never been asked that question before, which was surprising for me too. I get a lot of “how did you know lab research was right for you”, but never specifically about how I knew a PhD was right for me (or maybe I did and I just didn’t answer it well), so I’m really glad you asked!
As you said, it really does come down to answering yes to both these statements:
The career path I want is best accomplished with a PhD
I am willing to commit to the challenging journey of 5-6 years of grad school (+1-3 years of being a post-doc, if applicable to your field)
So here are the reasons how I knew getting a PhD was the best past for me:
I loved research. And I loved research beyond just doing benchwork--I loved the brainstorming, the experimental design, the analyzing of results, the troubleshooting of the unexpected, the dissecting of both broad and fine details as you solve a puzzle, the moment when you realize you just discovered something no one else has ever seen before, and communicating those exciting results. I was infatuated. When I was working as a lab tech in a cancer research lab after undergrad there were nights where I couldn’t sleep because my brain just would not stop brainstorming new ideas and questions about my research. I told that to a current grad student in the lab at the time and he was like “You know what that means? You have the mind of a grad student.”
And I wanted to broaden my skillsets. I could do a few techniques really well, but I really wanted to learn more, and I also wanted to learn more about those techniques--why do this, and not an alternative? What would happen if we tried this? I wanted to explore more.
Going off of that, I wanted to keep learning. And not just looking up wikipedia articles by myself; I wanted formal training (because I had no idea what I needed to learn). And I’ve always been good at learning in a classroom setting so I knew I would excel at that part in grad school.
It would lead me to the career path I wanted, which was to work at a biotech company as a leader of a research team and then become a consultant. True, a PhD is not required for that in many cases, but a PhD would better prepare me for those roles
I enjoyed writing and orally communicating about my research. PhD’s do metric ton of writing (grants, papers, reports, etc) and oral presentations (conferences, meetings, collaborations, etc). And I really enjoyed (and was good at) all that.
I wanted to be in a position where I could lead and mentor. As someone with the highest degree in the room, institutions look to the PhDs for direction. So PhDs will become leaders--whether it’s a lab of their own in academia, or a team in an industry setting, etc. Even grad students have undergrads, or have to TA. And I was ready for, and wanted, all that.
I was good at wearing a lot of hats. PhDs don’t just do a singular task; during grad school we learn to be versatile (you have to be in an academic lab setting), and that versatility carries through later as we become excellent multitaskers and are good at adapting to new challenges. And as someone who has always successfully juggled school and work and multiple extracurriculars, and had experience being a rockin lab manager (in the lab I worked in after undergrad), I knew I was up to it.
I loved working by myself but I also loved working as a team--and that’s a necessity for research in general, even for non-PhDs, but PhDs are more likely to have to excel at both.
I was mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially ready for the challenges and commitment of 5-6 years of grad school (plus 1-3 years of being a post-doctoral fellow, if applicable). Grad school is tough as balls, and you have to be just as tough, or at least have the resources to help you. I took a gap year of 2.5 years after undergrad to a) figure out what the heck I wanted to do/get research experience and b) mature to the point where I could be ready for something like grad school. I feel that working as a full-time lab tech really allowed me to immerse myself into the closest setting of a grad student in my field as possible. Being there 40 hrs/week really is different than when you’re an undergrad researcher popping in for 2 hours/day. I also took a grad-level class to see if I could mentally balance class and research. I know that’s obviously not an option available to everyone (nor is it necessary), but that’s just how I knew that every part of me could handle the rigors of grad school.
Going off of that, I had a lot of grit and discipline. Sometimes that’s all you have left to get you through the day in grad school when everything else feels depleted. Grad students do a lot of things they’re not motivated to do, but we gotta get it done anyway, and sometimes grit is all we have to make our limbs move.
PhD holders and PhD students at the time were telling me I’d be great at pursuing one. They know better than anyone what it takes, and they knew I was ready.
Also dang, I’d be lying if I said money didn’t play a role in it. I graduated college in 2011 during the grand ol recession, and the job market stunk. I saw that options for biology majors were slim to none (I was extremely lucky to have found my lab tech job), so I knew I had to either wait it out until the job market bounced back, or make myself a more attractive candidate for the workforce, or both! (Let’s not talk about the economy during Covid lol). Also, the thought of making over 100k with a PhD was attractive. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, but money does buy happiness, because money buys food and a roof over your head and warm clothes and healthcare and hobbies so uh, yeah, I did get the highest degree possible partially for the money.
So why not a Masters? That’s a good question!! And the truth is: I didn’t know I could accomplish most of what I wanted with a Masters. And that was my fault for not doing my own research, but I think I was just.. surrounded by PhDs (both in my academic lab setting and in my family) and the thought of doing a Masters never really occurred to me. Also, idk, I knew in my heart and in my bones I wanted a PhD, so I’m not sure if I would be happy with a Masters.
Lastly, because this list is personal to me, getting a PhD would get me off my mom’s shit-list and end her endless emotional abuse towards me being worthless, etc. Long story, but yeah, it did factor into it as kind of a bonus point.
So thar’s my spiel.
One last thing I want to add: though continuing research is the most common career path for PhD holders, it’s not the only one. Here’s what else is available for PhDs (from the book Career Opportunities in Biotechnology and Drug Development by Toby Freedman)
If the image is hard to see, there are 4-ish main branches, and then some sub-branches (and even more specialized sub-branches that aren’t labeled):
R&D: Discovery research, preclinical research, bio/pharmaceutical product development, project management, clinical development, regularly affairs, medical affairs
Services: Recruiting, law, venture capital & banking, management consulting
Operations: Bio IT, quality, operations
Commercial Operations: Business development, corporate communications, product support, sales, marketing
And that’s just in the industry sector--academia, government, and non-academia/non-govt research institutions are also obviously available as career choices, though those would focus more on R&D (and also teaching).
You obviously don’t need to know the specifics of your career path before committing to grad school, but I think you should have a general idea that what you want to do would best be accomplished with a PhD.
If you’re still on the fence, I would advise:
Talking to more grad students or degree holders--both PhD and Masters (our Gradblr Discord is great for that!)--to paint a bigger picture.
Informational interviews are also great, especially if you’re interested in learning more about those career paths above.
You can also explore the field a bit more in-person by starting off with a Masters (less time commitment than a PhD, though more expensive), or an entry-level research job like I did.
Best of luck!
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Arc of a Scythe Short Story- What Might Have Been.
It is a cold day late in the year of the Capybara, when an announcement is made by Supreme Blade Kahlo that rocks the Scythedom to its core.
Broadcasting her speech from Endura, to every region across the world, Supreme Blade Kahlo announces that after much deliberation, it has been decided amongst herself and the 6 other Grandslayers, that the ninth commandment is outdated and unnecessary and will therefore be removed, with immediate affect. Scythes are now free to marry and have children, though at this time they may only do so with other scythes, though that is not to say that this rule will never change.
Supreme Blade Kahlo also announces that in 2 weeks time, whoever is chosen as High Blade of Midmerica, between Scythe Curie and Scythe Goddard, will be the first High Blade who will pass the title down to any child they have, when they feel ready to step down. If they have no children, a vote will be held in Conclave, as it has always been up until now.
Two weeks later the scythedom and the world as a whole, is rocked to it’s very core once again, when it is finally determined who will be High Blade of Midmerica.
The 7 Grandslayers deliberated and discussed the topic of Scythe Goddard not being a fully trained Scythe since Tyger Salazar’s body was repurposed so Goddard could be revived, before calling the 4 scythes back into the room.
“We have decided, after much discussion and debate.” Supreme Blade Kahlo begins right away “That Honorable Scythe Robert Goddard does in fact qualify as a fully trained and ordained Scythe, the repurposed body was efficiently trained as any Scythe would be, and though it may not have been in the traditional and formal way, Scythe Rand did an exceptional job with her training of the donor.”
Goddard smirks and gives Curie and Anastasia a smug look, while Scythe Rand stands there looking very pleased with herself.
It takes everything Anastasia has not to scream at The Grandslayers that they have made the wrong choice, a dreadful and awful choice, perhaps a year ago she would have, but Marie has taught her to calm her temper and keep her cool.
“And of the matter of who will be High blade? Will we have to wait until next Conclave to see the results of the vote cast last Conclave?” Goddard asks calmly. Supreme Blade Kahlo shakes her head.
“No I do not see a need to wait. We will open the results here and now, and let the winner return to Midmerica as the new High-Blade.”
An attendant quietly steps up to Grandslayer Kahlo’s side and wordlessly hands her a plain black tablet.
There is a tense silence in the few seconds it takes Supreme Blade Kahlo to open and look at the results of the vote. When she looks up from the tablet her face gives nothing away. She turns to look at Goddard and in a clam and toneless voice, says
“Congratulations Honorable Scythe Goddard, you have been voted in as Mid-Mercia's new High blade.” Goddard grins proudly and smugly, bowing dramatically as if he has just won some sort of competition.
“Thank you, Your Exalted Excellency.” He says. “It will be my honor to oversee Mid-Merica.”
“Yes I’m sure it will be.” Supreme Blade Kahlo sighs, for the first time showing any sort of emotion or bias toward the situation. “All four of you may leave now, our business here is done.”
Scythe Curie sighs softly and quietly and surprises Anastasia when she puts an arm around her shoulders in a very motherly gesture of affection.
“Come along dear, lets go for a walk and take some time to process this.” She can tell how upset and angry Anastasia is, and of course she does not blame her one bit, she is also feeling devastated and full of anger, but at somewhere around 220, she is much better equipped to deal with her emotions than Anastasia is at hardly 19.
Anastasia rests her head against Scythe Curie’s shoulder and lets a single tear run down her face.
“I’m sorry you lost.” She quietly says. Scythe Curie squeezes her arm and brushes back a lock of Anastasia’s dark and curly hair.
“Me too dear, me too.”
In just a matter of hours Scythe Curie and Anastasia decide that neither of them can stand to stay in a region overseen by Goddard, and make the decision to move to Amazonia with Scythe Faraday, to help him find the founding scythe’s fail safe, and hopefully defeat Goddard.
All 4 Scythes return to Mid-Merica two days later, though Anastasia and Marie only return to collect what little they left behind in Falling Water and to say goodbye to their friends, before boarding a train to Amazonia, where Scythe Faraday is waiting for them.
While Marie and Anastasia make some life changing decisions, so do Scythe Goddard and Scythe Rand.
A week after returning from Endura, Scythe Rand steps into the kitchen of Goddard’s Fulcrum City Chalet where the two of them along with Goddard’s other undersycthes live, to see Goddard sitting at the kitchen table looking stressed and flustered, while looking through a stack of papers in front of him.
“What are you doing?” Rand asks curiously, peering at the papers over Goddard’s shoulder, they seem to be profiles of some sort, perhaps his next gleaning victims?
“I am looking for a surrogate.” He replies in a neutral tone, giving Rand a bit of a shock. A surrogate? To get pregnant and have a child? For Goddard?
“A surrogate?” Rand repeats in a shocked tone.
“Yes Ayn, a surrogate. You know the new laws about High-blades, it will be an inherited position from now on. I need a child, multiple children actually, to pass my leadership onto once I desire a more simple life, I cannot chance someone like Anastasia getting their hands on the title of High-Blade, so therefore I need a child, and in order to have a child I need eggs and a uterus, and since I have no time or want for romantic or sexual relations, a surrogate is my best option.” Goddard explains to her in an irritated tone, as is she is an idiot for not realizing this.
“Oh.” Is all Rand can manage to say, still quiet shocked.
“The trouble is, I cannot seem to find a suitable candidate, I have looked through thousands of profiles of potential surrogates over the last week, and have not found one that I am pleased with.” Goddard sighs in a tone of frustration. Just then, in idea comes to mind for Ayn, perhaps a crazy one but one worth giving a shot, nonetheless.
“I’ll do it.” She says, before she can stop herself. “I’ll be your surrogate.” This gets a bitter laugh out of Goddard.
“Nice try Ayn but I have already told you I am not interested in sleeping with you.” He tells her.
“We don’t have to have sex, we can do artificial insemination. Think about it Robert, I’m the perfect candidate. You’ve known me since I was 17, you mentored and trained me and made me into the Scythe I am today. You know I share and hold the same beliefs and values as you, we could make a strong and healthy child together, a perfect heir.” Ayn can hardly believe she’s saying this, she has never wanted children before, nor had a desire to be pregnant, but how could she turn down the chance to be connected to Goddard forever? To carry his child and no doubt become an even more important part of his life.
Goddard is quiet and pensive for a moment, before speaking again.
“If I agree to this, you understand that is simply a transaction, and nothing else? You will of course be welcome to be in the child’s life but you understand that this will not change my feelings about you?” He asks. Rand nods.
“Yes absolutely”
“Alright then.” Goddard sweeps the stack of papers in front of him, into the bin. “Lets find you a doctor and get this process started.”
Two months later, Ayn finds herself nervously standing in one of the many bathrooms in the chalet, in regular street clothes with her hair swept up into a ponytail, staring down at a pregnancy test lying in the sink, or to be more precise a positive pregnancy test.
It has only been a few weeks since she and Goddard made their attempt at conceiving a child, and it has been hell waiting the recommended two weeks to take a pregnancy test, Ayn had wanted to test before now but Goddard insisted they wait.
Ayn isn’t exactly sure how to feel about the fact that she is now pregnant, on one hand she is of course thrilled and delighted, this is what she wanted after all, but on the other hand she can’t help but feel nervous and frightened, she’s never been around a pregnant person before and has no idea how pregnancy is going to affect her.
Brushing her concerns and worries away, Any picks the test up and steps out into the hallway, where Goddard is waiting. His head immediately snaps up from his tablet when he hears the door open, and he looks at his undersycthe questioningly.
“Well?” He asks. Ayn smiles and holds the test up.
“Told you I was your best choice, pregnant on the first try.” She tells him in a breathy, excited tone.
Goddard grins and sets his tablet down, before pulling Ayn closer to him. He looks down at her stomach in awe for a moment, before placing his hand on her stomach.
“My child, my heir, you will change the world.”
Meanwhile in Amazonia, things are also dramatically changing. Just weeks after arriving in the country, Marie decided it was time to turn a corner, and decided that if she were to spend the next god knows how many years fighting Goddard, she would need to be younger and fitter than 40, so chose to reset to 32. When Marie turned a corner, so did Michael, also setting back down into his 30s, 35 to be exact.
Almost immediately he and Marie had rekindled their relationship, now it was no longer illegal and forbidden. They may have claimed to be nothing but friends over the last 70 years but truthfully neither of them has stopped loving the other for one single second.
Having already been in love with and having already known Marie for a very, very long time, Michael wasted no time in proposing to her. It was one of the happiest moments of his life when Marie agreed to marry him, only comparable to the moment in a small registry office with only Anastasia to witness, that they became husband and wife at long last.
It’s been a few weeks now since their wedding, and they now have the small bungalow beach house to themselves, since Anastasia found a place of her own only 10 minutes away.
On this particular day Marie has noticed how odd she’s been feeling lately, this morning she was nauseous for hours and even threw up once, which is very unlike her, she’s also consistently been very tired over the last few days, and has been having extremely odd food cravings, things she would never usually dream of having are suddenly the greatest delicacy on earth. Perhaps she’s just adjusting to being so young again, for the first time in a long time.
It is not until later in the day, that Marie realizes the most obvious answer to her ailments, was the only one she never thought of.
It has just gone 2 P.M. and Michael has gone out for a walk. Marie is getting ready to go to the store to get some ingredients for dinner tonight. She decides that while she’s there she might as well pick up any other things they need, so heads to the bathroom to check if they have enough toothpaste.
When she opens the cupboard in the bathroom, one of the first things Marie notice is an unopened packet of pads siting at the front of the cupboard. ‘That’s odd’ She thinks to herself. ‘I don’t usually have a whole packet left over.’ she then realizes that she actually doesn’t know when her last period was, she knows she’s had one since turning the corner, they always return immediately, for her, and she’s almost certain she should have had at least two more by now.
With a frown Marie pulls her phone from her pocket and quickly pulls up her calendar app, her heart sinking and her face paling when she realizes that she missed her period altogether last month, and is 5 days late this month.
She immediately flashes back to her wedding night, how she and Michael were so happy to finally be together again, without having to sneak around, that caution and safety were the very last things on their minds. When they were together in secret all those years ago, they were also so very careful to use protection, but this time they never even mentioned it.
Quickly Marie shoves her phone back into her pocket and hastily makes her way to the store, where she quickly grabs all the ingredients for dinner, before picking up a pack of 2 pregnancy tests.
Marie hurriedly pays for her things and rushes back home, hoping to make it there before Michael gets back from his walk.
She decides to take just one test for now, and if it’s hard to read then she can take the other. However, the second test isn’t needed at all, as Marie watches the second pink line gradually appear, dark and definite. Shit.
She and Michael had discussed having children before, but now was not the right time, they needed to find the land of Nod, and the founding Scythes fail safe, in order to take down Goddard, they couldn’t do that with a baby or while Marie was heavily pregnant.
Just then she hears the front door open and close, and hears Michael calling out to tell her he’s home. Marie takes a deep breath, grabs the pregnancy test from the sink, hiding it in her sleeve and walks out into the living room, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of Michael, as it always does.
“Have a nice walk?” She asks, trying to keep the fear from her voice.
“I suppose you could say that, I was very caught up in my thoughts, mainly about Nod and finding the fail safe. You know I love finally spending time with you like this and living this domesticated life we always wanted, but I think we ought to set out for Nod soon, we can’t let Goddard stay in power for too long.” Michael tells her, a hint of guilt in his tone, guilt at dragging her from this peaceful and happy life she always wanted, to take down Goddard.
“Actually Michael, I think that’s going to have to wait, quiet a while.” Marie nervously begins. Michael gives her a confused look.
“Why?” He asks. Marie lets out a sigh and holds up the pregnancy test for him to see.
“I’m pregnant.” Michael is silent for a moment, making Marie worry that he is upset and doesn’t want this baby, but instead he breaks out into a wide grin and embraces Marie tightly.
“This is amazing.” He softly says, kissing the top of her head. “That is the best thing I’ve ever heard, I love you, I love you both so much.”
“Really? Are you really happy?” Marie asks in a tight tone, wiping at her tears when Michael pulls back from the embrace.
“Of course I am, there is nothing I’ve wanted more for so very long.” Michael tells her, taking her hands in his and squeezing them lovingly.
“What about Nod? We can hardly set out for an unknown destination with a baby or while I’m pregnant.” Marie asks, worried that maybe Michael will set out for Nod without her, and their child could end up never knowing their father.
“We’ll figure it out, we always do. One thing is for certain Marie, I’m not leaving you or our baby, ever.” He leans his forehead against hers and places his hand over her stomach. Marie smiles and lets the tears of joy flow, placing her hand over Michael’s.
“I love you.”
“And I you.”
***4 months later****
It is a cool Autumn day in Mid-Merica when Scythe Rand and Scythe Goddard find themselves standing in a darkened ultrasound suite at the best hospital Mid-Merica has to offer, waiting for Ayn’s 4 month ultrasound to begin.
She has had a few ultrasounds before, but non that Goddard attended, he was not interested in being present for an ultrasound until he could see the baby clearly and hear a heartbeat, which is now possible at 4 months.
Lying there on the medical exam bed with her shirt (she had worn street clothes instead of her robes, for simplicity sake.) hiked up to the top of her rib-cage, Robert at her side while the doctor sets up for the ultrasound, Ayn almost wants to reach out and grab Robert’s hand, let herself believe they are an actual couple seeing their child together for the first time, but she knows he will reject her.
Instead she turns to look at Robert, to gauge his reaction to the situation, and notices him staring at her swollen stomach. It gives her the sensation of butterflies in her stomach.
“Like what you see?” She teases, hoping that perhaps he will give into his physical attraction to her, now she’s carrying his child.
“Just interesting is all, to know that my child is in there.” He calmly replies. Before Ayn can respond, the doctor speaks up.
“Alright, ready to begin?” She asks. Both Scythes nod, and Ayn turns her gaze away from Robert at this moment, feeling a twinge of nervousness for some reason, it’s not like anything could be wrong with the baby, the worst that happens in pregnancy these days is an early birth, but even then a premature baby can immediately be helped by the Thunderhead.
As the doctor squirts the cold gel onto Ayn’s stomach and presses the wand into her stomach and begins to move it around, Ayn keeps her gaze on the ceiling, waiting for the nervous feeling to pass.
“Everything looks good, baby is measuring right on track and the heartbeat looks good and healthy.” The doctor declares a few moments later, which is when Ayn’s nerves seem to settle.
“Can I see? And hear the heartbeat?” Goddard asks. The doctor nods and clicks a few buttons. Within seconds an image is projected onto the second screen next to the exam bed, and the room is filled with a loud and steady thumping sound, like that of horses hooves running.
“Amazing.” Goddard says in a tone of awe. “That’s my child, my son or daughter.”
Suddenly, Ayn can’t keep her gaze away and turns to look at the screen, immediately feeling her heart warm when she is met with the black and white image of a small but clearly outlined baby. She can see their hands and feet, can see them moving around inside of her.
“Oh.” Ayn softly says, suddenly feeling an overwhelming rush of love for the tiny baby inside her, a love like she has never known before.
“Boy or girl?” Goddard asks.
“Boy.” The doctor tells him with a smile.
At this, Ayn can’t help but suddenly feel a connection to this baby growing inside her, suddenly it_no, he, does not just feel like a far off thought, but a real live person inside of her, someone who is going to rely on her for love and comfort and safety.
Almost as soon as those thoughts enter her mind, Ayn brushes them off. She cannot become attached to this child, he is not hers, not really, he’s Robert’s, she’s just the egg donor and the carrier. This is not the making of a family, it is a transaction ,a favor to the man who made her into the woman she is today, nothing more.
Later that day, back in Goddard’s Chalet, Scythe Rand is sitting in a chair in her room, reading a book, when she suddenly feels a gentle thudding/tapping sensation in her stomach. It catches her completely off guard, and she freezes trying to figure out what it was, when it happens again, and she realizes it was the baby kicking, the first kick.
Rand sets her book down and slowly smooths her t-shirt down, her hand resting across her stomach. She feels another kick just then, and can’t help but let out a light and breathy laugh.
“Hello there.” She quietly says to her stomach. As if responding, the baby gives another kick, a stronger one this time. “That was a big one, are you saying hello back to me? Do you know who I am? Do you recognize my voice?” Ayn runs a hand down her stomach, feeling that same rush of love and strong sense of attachment, that she felt earlier in the day at the hospital. She starts to wonder if she’s doing the right thing, if Goddard will be a good father to this child, will he love their son, as a father should, or only view him as a weapon, a means to an end? A way to carry on his legacy? She doesn’t want this baby to suffer, ever, even if it is for their own good.
Ayn quickly snaps out of this odd mood, shaking these odd thoughts and feelings away and taking her hands off her stomach, reminding herself that how this baby is raised is non of her concern.
The next morning, just a short while after Ayn wakes up and gets out of bed, the door to her room flies open and Goddard strides in, his blue robes billowing behind him.
“Ayn, get dressed quickly, I’ve decided that we are going to announce the pregnancy to the world today, let them know that even after I step down, The New Order is not going anywhere.” Goddard hurriedly tells her, picking her robes up and shoving them into her arms.
“I...why do I need to be there?” Ayn asks, a little hesitant to share the news with the whole world, these past 4 months the only ones who have known about her pregnancy are she, Robert, Nietzsche, Constantine and the doctors who helped Ayn and Robert conceive the baby, and the doctors who have been providing medical care for Ayn and the baby the last 5 months.
“The speech is being televised and I want the world to see this, the proof that my child is on the way, my heir.” Goddard tells her, splaying his hand across her bump. She can’t help but a feel a little weak at his touch, her feelings for him have only intensified through the pregnancy, even if she knows he will never feel the same for her.
She thinks about telling him about the baby kicking for the first time yesterday, but decides she wants to keep that to herself, for now at least.
She quickly dresses in her robes and follows Robert out onto the balcony of the chalet, where a microphone has been set up, along with 4 cameras, 2 trained on the microphone where Goddard will stand, and two trained to the spot beside him, where Ayn will stand. On the streets below, massive crowds have gathered to hear The High-Blades speech.
“Ready when you are, Your Honors.” One of the camera men say. Robert turns to Ayn and flashes her a smile, before gesturing for her to step up to her spot, as he steps up to the microphone.
“My good people of Midmerica, and of the world. Today, Underscythe Rand and I bring you some wonderful news, news that will change the world and the Scythedom. Several months ago, I decided I needed an heir, and I was not looking forward to having to try and find someone worthy enough to bear my child, to carry the heir to the Mid-Merican Scythedom. But then, then I found the most perfect person for the job, and she is standing here beside me today. Ayn, show them.” Robert says in a booming tone, turning to look at Ayn at the end.
Instantly knowing what he means, Ayn smooths her robes down around her stomach so that her bump is clear to see.
“As you can see, Scythe Rand and I are expecting a child. At this moment Ayn is 5 months along and the pregnancy has been a breeze for her, she and our child are doing very well, and in 4 short months she will give birth to the first in line to take over as High Blade of Mid-Merica.. We have recently learned that we are expecting a boy, and we will be making a formal and public appearance when he is born, much like this one. Scythe Rand, is there anything you would like to add?” Goddard asks, turning to look at Ayn, who in this moment has never felt more important or proud.
“Just that I am honored and thrilled to be carrying this child, who will change the world, Robert and I are starting a new generation of Scythes who will uphold The New Order and the honor of being a Scythe.” Robert grins and nods approvingly.
“Any gifts for the heir are more than welcome and should be left with the guards at the entrance to this very chalet. We will put out a formal statement when the child is born, so you know when to return for his first appearance. Oh, and anybody who even looks at Ayn or my child the wrong way, can be promised a slow and painful gleaning.” With that, Robert steps back and ushers Rand inside.
This news, unsurprisingly, comes as a huge shock to the world, and the scythedom in specific.
In Amazonia, Michael and Marie are trying to work through their shock, having just finished listening to the broadcast.
“And here I thought we were the ones making history again, thinking we were the first to have a child after the removal of the 9th Commandment.” Marie quietly says, running a hand down her stomach.
“Yes, so did I.” Michael quietly says, seeming pensive. “It’s more important than ever that we find the fail safe now, before Goddard can raise that child to be a mini him.” Marie nods her agreement.
“I agree but it’s still going to have to wait a while, I’ve done a lot of things in my life but giving birth in the middle of nowhere is not going to be one of them, and we can’t take a brand new baby out into the middle of nowhere, with no revival centers or anything.” Marie says, already worried for the little life growing inside of her.
“We could go when the baby is older, around 1, perhaps? I know it’s not ideal but it’s so vital we find the fail safe, and we will both do everything we possibly can to keep the baby safe.” Michael suggests. Marie thinks about if for a minute, before nodding in agreement. As he said, it’s not ideal, but it will have to do, Goddard must be stopped.
Over the next number of months, Ayn finds herself growing more and more attached to the baby she is carrying, unable to help herself from talking to him, and thinking what it will be like when he’s born. She hates nothing more than to hear Robert talking about how he will raise his son to be the best Scythe that ever walked the earth, and how his son will not only one day rule Mid-Merica, but the rest of the world too.
To her, he is far more than a prodigy and an heir, the baby she carries is an innocent life who deserves a chance to be whatever he wants, not forced into Scythehood. She often has to remind herself that is exactly why this baby was conceived, and exactly why Goddard chose her to carry his child, they share the same ideals and thoughts and beliefs, they have the same goals, the child will thank them for everything, when one day he is the most powerful Scythe in the world.
When Ayn is 8 months along, just 3 weeks from her due-date, as a gift to her for all she has done the last 8 months, Goddard takes her to a mass-gleaning, at a tonist cloister.
Usually Ayn loves to glean, especially pesky and irritating tonists, but today for some reason, her heart just isn’t in it and she has decided to step back and watch Robert do what he’s best at, gleaning.
A few minutes in and he starts spouting his usual crap about being the tonists completion, a master of all and someone to give thanks to. Then things change a little, he seems to be going mad with power.
“My legacy will not stop with me!” Goddard bellows at the tonists. “For when it is my time to step down, my son will take my place, my heir and prodigy and he will show you no mercy either, he will be the greatest Scythe the Scythedom will have ever seen, he will uphold the New Order and my ideals and continue to rid the world of pathetic menaces to society like you! I_” But before Goddard can continue his rant, he is suddenly cut off, and the blade of a knife pierces through his chest, in the very same spot as his heart.
As Goddard’s face grows slack with shock and he buckles to his knees, the life seeping out of him, the tonists are met with the sight of Rand standing there, a bloody knife clutched in her hand, her chest rising and falling and a hand resting on her stomach.
She couldn’t listen to him anymore, could not take hearing him talk about their child as if he is nothing but a weapon for Goddard to use, nothing but an insurance policy. Ayn could not take it anymore, she can’t deny it now, she loves her child, has grown attached to him and formed a bond with him, she never meant to but she has, and she will not let anyone harm a single hair on his head or force him to do anything he does not want.
“If you wish to be spared.” Rand grinds out through gritted teeth. “Then you will go and spread the word that Scythe Goddard has been killed by unsavories who have burned his body, you will not mention that I was here, and if you do I will glean you and your entire family, is that clear?” The tonists immediately nod, agreeing readily.
Ayn quickly makes arrangements to have Goddard’s body hidden off-grid and preserved until she can decide what to do with him. Once that is done, she makes her way to the nearest public car, intent on getting as far away from here as possible.
Just as Ayn pulls the car door shut after her, she is hit with a wave of pain in her stomach, that has turned rock-hard under her hand. Seconds later the pain is followed by a gush of water from between her legs, soaking the car seat and her robes.
“Oh no.” Ayn quietly says to herself. She wasn’t prepared to go into labor today, she isn’t due for another month, but the stress of the day must have sent her into labor.
“What is your destination?” The car asks in it’s emotionless and robotic voice.
“The nearest hospital.”
Thankfully, Ayn’s robe and ring get her a lot of attention straight away and she is quickly escorted to a large and comfortable room on the labor ward, where she is able to change out of her wet robes and into a dry hospital gown.
Her labor is long and painful, and quiet honestly terrifying. She has no idea what’s going to happen once the baby is born, now that Goddard is dead and their arrangement is obviously over, how is she going to fare as a mother? A single mother no less? It had never been in her plan to have children, yet here she is, hours away from giving birth to her mentor’s child, her mentor who she killed.
The pushing is the worst part, undoubtedly, it lasts for hours and takes every ounce of energy Ayn has, not to mention it hurts like hell since she has her pain-nanites turned off, has done since she was 17 and first apprenticed with Goddard.
After 3 hours of pushing, Ayn is feeling ready to give up, for the first time in her life, unsure of how much more she can take.
“Baby’s out up to his shoulders, Your Honor, the worst part is over, just one, maybe two more pushes now and he should be here.” The doctor tells Ayn in an encouraging tone. 2 more pushes, she can do 2 more pushes.
Gripping the back of her legs for support, Ayn leans forward into the push, groaning at the pain, her face turning red from the strain and effort of pushing.
“That’s it Your Honor, keep going baby’s out up to his tummy now, just a few more seconds!” The doctor tells her in an excited tone. Scrunching her face up, Ayn pushes down even harder than before and lets out a loud yell of pain, before she feels a weight lift from her and hears a baby start to cry. She sighs in relief and relaxes back into the pillows.
Seconds later the baby is placed on her chest, and the nurse by her side starts to rub and wipe the white vernix and blood off of the baby.
Ayn immediately puts her arms around her baby, pulling him closer to her and peering down into his little face. He is so utterly perfect, and before she knows it tears of joy start to spill down her face.
“Hello.” She says through the tears. “Hello little one, oh my god you’re so perfect, I can’t believe I made you! I love you, I love you so much.” She presses a kiss to his little head full of thick dark brown hair, inhaling his sweet scent and never wanting to let him go.
“Do you have a name for him, Your Honor?” The nurse asks.
“Alex.” Ayn immediately says, not even having to think about it. “Alexander James, but I’ll call him Alex for short.”
“Shall I put Rand as his last name?” The nurse asks. Ayn shakes her head.
“No, put Kwon, my birth surname, and put his mother’s name down as Olivia Kwon.” From the second little Alex was placed on her chest, Ayn knew she could never return to being Scythe Ayn Rand, this little boy has already changed her so completely and she is going to devote her life to loving him, raising him and supporting him.
“And the father’s name?” The nurse asks. This, Ayn has to think about for a second. While she is thinking, she looks back down at little Alex and really takes in his features for the first time, he has light brown skin, her eye shape and bone structure, and long elegant fingers like Goddard. No, not like Goddard, like Tyger. In that moment she knows what she has to do.
When words of Goddard’s death soon reaches the rest of the Scythedom, Marie is called back to Endura, by The Grandslayers.
Michael, of course goes with her, seeing as she is 7 months pregnant, he is extremely concerned for her and worried at all times.
He is by her side when she stands by the 7 Grandslayers once again, waiting to hear why the have called her back here.
“As I am sure you are aware.” Supreme Blade Kahlo begins, not one to waste time with small talk. “High Blade Goddard has met an untimely end at the hands of unsavories, and we are unable to find Scythe Rand who when last seen, was pregnant with Goddard’s child, heir to the position of High Blade. She cannot be traced by her ring nor has she been seen since before High Blade Goddard’s death.
In this case, we need a new High Blade, and not just a stand in until Goddard’s child comes of age.
Honorable Scythe Curie, you were only 1 vote away from winning the election against Goddard, and I fully believe you would and will do an excellent job as High Blade. Therefore the 6 other Grandslayers and I have decided that we will not hold another election, rather that you, Honorable Scythe Marie Curie, will be our next High Blade.”
Marie can’t say she’s surprised, she had suspected this may be the reason The Grandslayers wished to speak with her again, but she had not wanted to accept it. High Blade is not a position she desires, especially when she is just about to become a mother.
“Do you accept your appointment as High Blade, Scythe Curie?” Kahlo asks. Marie nods, knowing that though she does not want to be High Blade, she needs to be.
“Yes, Your Exalted Excellency, I accept the position.” Marie says in a confident tone, straightening her posture and holding her head high.
“Very good, then you shall return to Mid-Merica and begins your duties as High Blade by cleaning up the mess Goddard has left behind.”
That is exactly what they do, Marie, Michael and Anastasia all return to Fulcrum City, and spend the next 2 months restoring order and justice to The Scythedom.
2 months after being appointed High Blade, Marie wakes up one morning to a damp feeling beneath her and strange, surge like pains in her stomach.
‘I think my water broke.’ Marie thinks to herself, pulling the blankets back and (with some effort due to the sizable bump in her way) pushes herself off the bed. Just when she gets to her feet, there is a trickle of water from between her legs, quickly soaking the floor beneath her.
“Michael!” Marie calls, lowering herself back down onto the edge of the bed. Michael appears in the doorway just seconds later, a look of panic and worry on his face.
“Is everything alright?” He anxiously asks.
“My water broke, the baby’s coming.”
Michael’s jaw drops and his eyes widen in shock. He quickly turns on his heel to grab his phone and call the midwife, seeing as Marie decided to have a home birth.
The next few hours pass by quickly and peacefully, with Marie able to handle the pain very well, and both she and Michael feeling more eager than ever to meet their child.
Thankfully Marie’s labor isn’t too long, only 4 hours in total, and only 1 of those is spent pushing.
At 1:03 P.M. on the 23rd of March, Year of The Cobra, Marie grips Michael’s hand, takes a deep breath and gives one final push, before seconds later feeling a weight lift from her and a sharp and loud wail pierce the air.
“It’s a girl!” The midwife happily announces, quickly passing the baby up to Marie, who pulls her daughter close to her chest and lets the tears of joy fall.
“Hello baby girl.” Marie quietly says, looking down at her daughter. “You are simply the most beautiful and perfect baby ever, I love you so much.”
Michael quickly wipes at his own tears, before stroking his daughter’s cheek and looking at her in awe, hardly able to believe he made her, he and Marie, and that he gets the honor of loving and raising her for the rest of his life.
“Hello little one, little Sophie, Sophie Amelia Faraday-Curie, I’ve waited over 200 hundred years to meet you and every second was worth it.” Michael softly says, his heart beyond full of love for his beautiful daughter.
“You have no idea Sophie, how very wanted you were, and how very loved you are. You are the most precious thing in the world, Sophie, and I promise I will be the best mother you could ask for, you’re my priority and I will always love and support you.” Michael puts his arms around his wife and daughter, and leans down to kiss Sophie’s forehead.
“As will I, you are so loved Sophie. I have been given many an honor in my life, but being your dad is without a doubt, the single best thing ever to happen to me.”
When Tyger wakes up, he’s not so sure where he is. The room he is in is completely unfamiliar to him, and the last thing he remembers is boarding a train to Texas, to go work for that Scythe who contacted him. Did that happen? Did he splat? Is that what this is, a revival center in Texas? It makes sense, it seems similar to other revival centers he’s been in, and if he went deadish in way that messed with his brain, his memories would only be backed up to when he left for Texas.
Tyger runs his hands across his face in an attempt to shake off the groggy feeling he has, but something doesn’t feel right. His nose isn’t the same shape and there’s stubble on his chin and jawline, which he never had before.
“Good to see you’re awake, Tyger.” a vaguely familiar feminine voice says. Tyger turns his head in the direction the sound came from, and sees a tall woman sitting in a chair by his bed, she has straight black hair that stops just at the top of her neck, she is wearing an emerald green blouse paired with dark blue jeans and black boots. Tyger vaguely recognizes her, from a party he attended once, Scythe Rand is her name, she flirted with him a bit at the party and he can’t deny he felt something between them. She looks a bit different now, her hair use to tumble past her shoulders, now it is much shorter, and she looks different out of her robes.
Then Tyger notices the most surprising thing of all. In her arms, Scythe Rand is carefully cradling a baby, who looks to be no more than a month old at most. The baby is dressed in an emerald green onsie and is suckling contentedly on a pacifier, looking all around him with big curious eyes. His little head is covered in a mop of dark brown hair and he seems very content and at peace in Scythe Rand’s arms, holding tightly onto her thumb as he takes in his surroundings. Actually, he kind of looks like Scythe Rand.
“I... Uh... why do you have a baby?” Tyger asks in a confused tone, still trying to get his bearings together.
Rand smiles and shifts closer to Tyger so he can get a better look at the baby.
“This is Alex, our son, your son.”
#scythe#scythe lucifer#scythe anastasia#scythe spoilers#scythe curie#michael faraday#scythe faraday#Robert Goddard#scythe goddard#ayn rand#scythe rand#Marie Curie#citra terranova#rowan damisch#tyger salazar#scythe constantine#Scythe Nietzche#Supreme Blade Kahlo#The grandslayers#arc of a scythe#FaradayxCurie#RandxGoddard#RandxTyger#original character#kid fic#domestic fiction#endura#Neil Shusterman#thunderhead#the Toll
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Been having an identity crisis recently. There's It a whole lot of things adding up to that. Call it a rant and ignore it if you want. There's only like 3 of you guys anyway.
I would put a readmore here if I knew how to do that on mobile (thanks for sucking, only social media app I feel at all comfortable with)
•It really doesn't help that the past 7 years of my life have been completely stagnant. Since I haven't been able to work my wife and I have had basically no freedom of our own.
•2 years ago I was put in jail because a pair of psychopaths decided to go from 70 to 0 on the highway in front of us, and get out to try attacking us. I tried backing up to go around but obviously the car behind me was too close and the highway was at speed in the right lane. So I had to go around on the grass while these 2 crazy assholes were approaching while shouting threats. One was coming for my wife's window. So I did what I had to and bumped one of them. He wouldn't move and our safety was more important than him being hurt a little. There was a high speed chase through our community, and while we're on the phone with the police these two are trying to force us off the road. The cops even see one of them hanging out the window shouting threats at us. We pull into a mcdonalds parking lot and after talking to them for a bit the cops arrest me because he said I "ran him over" on purpose. He was so uninjured that he refused medical care at the scene, but he kept telling people I ran him over. They were also both arrested btw. I was held without food or mpving air for over 13 hours and I have a history of heat stroke and hypoglycemia (it's bot exactly that, but it's like living outside of a big city and tellinf people you're from there instead of the local podunk you actually live in). Long story short it was torturous, and then I got put in actual jail. They didn't care that I have a long list of disabilities. When I was released I had to wear an anklr monitor while taking weekly drug tests. The numbers on the drug test kept reading that I was using weed even though I wasn't. It was insanely stressful as the numbers didn't change from one week to another. My fear was that because I was rapidly losing weight from stress that the thc being held onto in the fat was being detected. NOPE. turns out one of my DAILY meds was testing false positive. "Shouldn't they know about the false positive drug and account for it?" Youd think. But when they scanned my medication bottles that one came out blurred and they never entered it into their system. In case there are any lingering feelings that I was guilty, the court case more than handled that. The prosecutor was the kind of scumbag that, before my trial, tried prosecuting this guy's mother-in-law for assaulting him when she tried taking her grandkid out of his arms because he was using the baby to shield himself when the family confronted him about having a fake medical license and it ruining all their lives. It turns out I was put through hell and all he was seeking was "anger management counciling" because he believed that I, the guy protecting his wife, had road rage issues. One listen to the 911 calls would have straightened thst up. My lawyer kicked his ass just a little more than I did on the stand. Long story concluded, thanks for the ptsd. The nightmares have been lovely. So is panicking whenever a door closes kinda loud.
•Last year I was able to self diagnose myself with autism. For those who don't know, the vast majority of autistic people self diagnose, largely due to "experts" on average not being well educated on what autism is outside of the stereotypical cases. Most women aren't diagnosed until adults. Most "high functioning" (which is an awful description when you lesrn that it was created by a literal nazi to separate autistic people into "kill these ones" and "don't kill these ones" categories) people aren't diagnosed until adulthood. And by then actually getting the diagnosis is a challenge. And frequently it involves exercising privelege to get the right people involved.
So knowing what I know now a lot of my life suddenly makes sense. People accusing me of being manipulative when I literally don't know what it is that makes them think that? Severe miscommunications? Obsessing over specific topics to the point where people want to avoid me? Always being "the weird one" and as a result being a social outcast from day 1? Despite being considered very intelligent, I've been super easily manipulated by people my whole life. I can barely ever tell a person no, even if I know I should. Hell. There have been entire relationships I've had with people where I thought we were friends and they didn't think the same thing. Learning who or even how to trust becomes a challenge.
Yeah, it all makes sense now. I want to say "i don't know how they didn't see it", but I do. The 90s was shit for mental health. Since they knew I had tourettes (thanks for that, universe) and adhd, my obsessive tendencies were labeled ocd. Actual adult relationships have gone entirely to shit because of miscommunication. People seem to think I mean one thing when I mean another entirely. People think I'm angry when I'm not. I've basically been told never to be passionate about a topic.
How does a person handle that? It doesn't unfuck relationships with people. Once someone thinks you're lying and manipulating that's it. Nothing you can ever say will ever dissuade them. It doesn't matter that they were the ones that misunderstood. Somehow it becomes the fault of the autistic person. And good luck if you're ever autistic and have a panic attack. So I'm trying not to care about that. It's hard. It's especially hard knowing that things didn't have to, and may not have gone the way they did if i had known about it earlier. I wish I could rebuild certsin relationships. My wife and I used to fight, but since we realized that both of us have these triggers because we're both autistic, we resolve almost every misunderstanding like a walk in the park. But that doesn't work with people you haven't spoken to in years. Even if a lot of it was frankly their fault.
•And the latest fuckery? I have no idea what gender I am. If I had the power to shapeshift I'd probably change on a daily or hourly basis. I had an alt account years ago where I posted fanfiction. Some people in the community assumed they knew my gender and pronouned me as such in the comments. That was the first time I had ever experienced gender euphoria. I was....upset, when someone corrected them. Would have been nice if they asked me first. I enjoyed the confusion quite a lot actually. And since I have a terrible time coming up with names for things (my screen name is from 20 years ago and I never figured out a new one) so I don't know where I would start building up a new persona. And for what? To get the rush of people not knowing which pronouns to use? I hate it. I want it. I don't know if I can ever come out as trans. People think trans means m2f and f2m, and it doesn't really matter to the public consciousness that there's more to it than that. I want to scream at people that I'm trans, but i don't know what I even want my body to look like. If I woke up tomorrow and I was suddenly transformed would I be happy? I have no idea. No? Yes?
I don't know who I am or how to even identify. I'm a disabled, autistic, lgbtq ethnic minority with no financial freedom, and my 40s are approaching. Life is a challenge. Sometimes I wish I could just Danny Phantom it up. And by sometimes I mean daily.
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Sanders Sides AU-gust Day 22: Futuristic
In a world where cybernetic enhancements have reached the point of genetic inheritance and only those without them are seen as ‘pure,’ Logan is a mechanic attempting to hide his cybernetic status. He somehow catches the eye of Prince Roman, a human who has an interesting view of the Enhanced.
Logan POV, Logince
TW: Racism against cyborgs, brief mentions of oppression and public beatings/killings
Day 21 | Masterlist | Day 23
Logan sighed as he attempted to weld the two pieces of metal together. The sun hadn’t even risen yet, but Logan wanted to get this done as soon as possible. The client had promised to pay him extremely well if he had it done in under 24 hours. And if there were two things that Logan would admit to being, it would be determined and dirt poor.
“Ah!” Logan hissed as his right hand was burned through the glove. He winced, fully removing his right glove before moving to the back room, away from any potential prying eyes. He used his teeth to remove his gloves, not wanting to get anything on his burn. His navy blue metal hand gleamed softly in the light, and Logan resisted the urge to scowl at it. He grabbed some burn cream and bandages from a nearby table and started to wrap his right hand up. The sharp contrast between his hands drew in Logan’s attention. Right and Left. Weak and Strong. Flesh and Metal. Pure and Enhanced.
Logan scowled. A little over 300 years ago, people first began obtaining cybernetic enhancements to make up for missing limbs. Soon, there were entire generations that used cybernetic enhancements to create ‘perfect’ children. Around 80 years later, science had evolved to where cybernetic enhancements could be applied down to the cellular levels. Any inhuman enhancements could now be chosen before birth, and could even be genetically inherited. After 200 years of cybernetic enhancements, the ‘Enhanced’ took up over 40% of the population. That’s when people began to discriminate against the Enhanced, saying that their enhancements made them ‘less than human.’ It didn’t help that by that point, 90% of the Enhanced were born with their enhancements. It was soon seen as wrong for Enhanced to hold positions of power, or have any children. The people without cybernetic enhancements were seen as ‘the Pure.’
Logan sighed. While there weren’t any legal ramifications to being an Enhanced, there was still major discrimination against them. If anyone saw his external enhancement, he’d be fired within the week. Most people had obvious external enhancements, such as metal eyes and limbs. Very few were born with internal enhancements, such as multiple sex organs or a cybernetic immune system. Logan had a few internal enhancements, but his only external enhancement was his left hand, which he tended to cover up with his gloves.
Logan sighed as he finished wrapping up his human hand. He quickly put back on the gloves before heading back to the front of the repair shop. He was surprised to see someone there, staring at the metal pieces he had been working on. Logan cleared his throat. “Excuse me, can I help you?”
The person jumped, turning to face Logan. Most of their face was obscured by their hood, but Logan could vaguely make out their tan skin and reddish-brown hair. “Hello! I’m looking for Logan Croft; is he here today?”
Logan adjusted his glasses while staring down at the stranger. Not for the first time in his life, Logan was thankful for the glasses. Most Enhanced had perfect hearing and eyesight, so he was usually assumed to be one of the Pure. “My name is Logan Croft; what do you need today?”
The stranger looked through the window towards the street, where the entire street was empty. He then turned back and pulled down his hood. Logan felt his heart stop. The stranger was extremely attractive, with big green eyes and plump pink lips. The stranger smiled. “Greetings, my name is Roman. I was told that you are the best mechanic in the kingdom.”
Logan felt a small amount of recognition at the name, but he couldn’t remember where he had heard it. He then blushed at the compliment. “Nonsense, I’m sure there are plenty of mechanics in the area that surpass me in terms of skill.” Besides, even if Roman was being truthful, people didn’t hire Logan that often. Especially since he didn’t discriminate against the Enhanced.
Roman shook his head. “Even if they are skillful, it is rumored that there is no problem that you cannot find the solution to. Even when you are physically incapable of fixing it, you can easily discover and explain what the issue is and how to fix it. That is deeply admirable.” He turned towards the metal he had been observing previously. “What is this supposed to be? I’m afraid I’m not well-versed with machines, and it’s been bugging me since I got here.”
Logan quickly answered, grateful to no longer be under Roman’s praise. “It’s a compact engine for a replacement eye. My client suffered from minor head trauma, and one of the wires snapped. Since the engine is so small, I had to completely take it apart before I could repair the wire. I am currently piecing it back together. With any luck, the engine should be fully repaired before noon.”
Roman turned to stare at Logan. “You have enhanced clients?”
Logan immediately became defensive. “Do you have an issue with that?”
Roman shook his head. “No! It’s just not often that I get to meet mechanics that work on Enhanced. It’s a dying field, sadly.” He sighed. “The world’s prejudice against Enhanced is pathetic, really. It’s not like the Pure are any better biologically. Actually, most Enhanced people are better than the Pure, both biologically and as people in general.”
Logan raised his eyebrows in shock. “That’s a very bold claim.”
Roman scowled. “And what’s wrong with that?”
Logan shrugged, moving to collect the metal pieces around him. “I didn’t say there was anything incorrect with your claim. You’re quite correct, actually. But I’m one of the few people in this area that actually believes that. And the Pure tend to get violent when opposed.”
Roman gasped. “I didn’t realize that things were that bad.”
Logan nodded, not turning to look at him. “If an Enhanced has any visible enhancements, it’s nearly impossible to walk down the street without getting harassed. And if one is getting beaten or even killed, people have learned that it’s best to turn a blind eye. Even if you’re also Pure, if you try and defend the Enhanced you’ll find yourself beaten within an inch of your life. And the royals don’t bat an eye at the loss of a few hundred Enhanced.” He held up the motor he was working on, nearly complete. “That’s why I do this. Even if I can’t stop the Enhanced from getting harmed, at least I can help them back up if they survive.”
Roman stayed silent for a long moment. Logan turned to look at him, and nearly flinched at the cold expression on Roman’s face. Logan was slightly shocked at the fact that Roman knew nothing about the violence against the enhanced. How sheltered would a child have to be to not even know about the people that are beaten out on the street?
Roman suddenly smiled. "Thank you for telling me that. It is quite apparent that I have much to learn." He then pulled an envelope out of his jacket. "The Enhanced are actually what I wished to discuss with you. My dear friend's leg was injured a few days ago. I was wondering if you could examine these photos and see if it is repairable. He's severely wounded in other areas from the attack, so he is currently on bed rest. I will pay any price, I just wish for him to walk again."
Logan took the envelope and grimaced when he opened it. It was filled with photos of the patient's leg. The leg was violet in color, with a giant gash running from the Achilles heel to the knee. Several wires were sticking out, and Logan noticed some serious dents around the ankle. "I'm afraid these photos do not provide enough detail. I will have to view the patient in person. If you could arrive tomorrow at sunrise, I will have everything ready for a thorough examination. I will not ask for any money until I have determined the extent of the damage. Does this sound acceptable?"
Roman nodded. "That sounds perfect! I will be here tomorrow to escort you to him." He bowed his head slightly. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Logan."
Logan smiled, bowing his head in return. "The pleasure was mine, Roman."
Logan sighed as he popped the eye into its socket. "Janus, you need to stop antagonizing people."
Janus snorted as he moved his eye around. "Honestly, you make such a big deal out of things."
Logan frowned "One day you'll go out there and they won't let you come back alive. Being rich won't protect you forever."
Janus rolled his eyes. The mechanical eye glowed a little as he spoke. "Right, and pretending to be Pure will definitely protect you forever. Especially when you do nothing to hide your sympathy towards fellow Enhanced."
Logan winced. Janus had an internal enhancement that allowed him to taste lies and see when someone was hiding something. Janus had known since the first day he came in here that Logan was Enhanced. "Even so, at least I keep my head down. You need to be more careful."
Janus suddenly froze. Logan was about to ask what was wrong when Janus whispered. "You're lying."
Logan blinked. "What?"
Janus frowned. "Every time we talk, you say that you keep your head down. And every time before now, you've been telling the truth. But today you lied." His eyes widened. "What did you do?"
Logan blushed. "A Pure man walked in here asking for assistance in fixing his Enhanced friend's leg. I'm going with him to visit his friend tomorrow. His ideals were very similar to mine, and I will admit he was rather handsome."
Janus smirked. "So, what's his name? And should I be ready for a wedding anytime soon?"
Logan's blush grew. "We only met today. He's just my client, nothing more." He looked down at his glove, a sense of shame filling him. "I didn't even have the courage to tell him that I'm not Pure."
Janus scoffed. "You just told me that he sees the Enhanced and Pure as equals. And I'm sure he'll understand why you kept it a secret." He moved to lean over the worktable, resting his chin on his hand. "So, what's his name?"
Logan rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "His name is Roman. He's very kind and charming. He also seemed to come from nobility or wealth, since he was essentially oblivious to the street violence."
Janus started staring at him again. Logan tried to figure out what he'd lied about before Janus turned towards the monitor on the workbench. He typed something too fast for Logan to read before the screen showed a head-only picture of Roman. "Is this your Roman?" Logan nodded, confused. Janus pressed a button and the image expanded to show Roman standing in front of a crowd. He wore a white suit with red and gold accents. A sword was sheathed on his side. But what grabbed Logan's attention was that crown on his head. "That is Prince Roman, first in line for the throne." He turned back to Logan. "And not only do you have a crush on him, you also promised to see him tomorrow."
#sanders sides#AU_gust_2020#futuristic#logince#logan sanders#roman sanders#Janus Sanders#virgil sanders
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It’s Positive
Peter ParkerxReader
Word Count: 1,987
Summary: Pregnant by accident and dad tony finds out
A/N: this is stupid but I wanted to write something dumb so here it is. Sorry if formating it weird. I’m posting from my iPad bc I can’t be bothered to use my computer rn but it would have made it worth it if I had bc I can’t make this look how I want to on “mobile”. Whatever. Also sorry I haven’t written in ages, as some of you know, I work more than 40 hours a week and don’t normally get home until after 8 pm and am tired as hell. But since I’m fiinally quarentining (is that even how you spell that is it even a word?) myself I decided to try some writing instead of watching hours of tik tok videos. Enjoy! Sorry for my rant.
Perspiration collected on your forehead as you rode the elevator. Pain twinges in your abdomen as the pressure begins to become too much.
You had to pee. Of course you had to pee. You drank half a gallon of water when the thought occurred to you.
You ran through the penthouse, clutching your purse protecting the contents from jumping out, praying your bladder would not release it’s contents before you were seated on that throne.
Nervousness overtook you as you shut and locked your bathroom door behind you. You riffled through your bag for the thing you'd just returned from buying.
With shaking hands you unpackaged it.
After waiting the designated time, plus 10 minutes out of fear, you finally worked up the courage to look at it.
Your heart sank seeing the positive symbol. Your 19 years of life suddenly feeling like it all just ended.
You couldn't believe how absolutely stupid you were.
Grabbing your phone from your bag, you sent a text. Knowing you wouldn't be able to have the conversation in person.
“Pete, I got a meeting to get to. Do you got the rest?” Tony asked. They were in the lab, working on another new device.
“Yeah Mr. Stark, I should have it done by the time you get back.” Peter answered.
Tony left with a quick see ya later and was gone. Peter on the other hand returned to working.
Until his phone went off. He saw it was from you and opened it. His stomach dropped. There was no way. You were joking with him. You had to be.
All the message was, was a picture of a pregnancy test box and 2 words. “It’s positive.”
He thought about that one night a few weeks ago that you spent together. It was an event night, both of you required to be there per Pepper.
You might not be of age but that didn’t stop you from drinking and Peter liked to take his off nights to enjoy himself some so he was drinking too and next thing either of you realized your innocent flirting that usually happened turned into high key sexual tension and with nothing to stop it, well you both took advantage of the situation in a deserted bathroom two floors below the event you should have still been at.
And now you were about to pay the ultimate consequence.
Your nerves grew as you waited for a response. You practically shot out of your skin when your bathroom door opened.
“Please tell me this is some fucked up joke,” Peter said, not even caring that he just walked right into your bathroom without even knocking.
“Pete-Peter I-,” you shook your head. “Why would I joke about something like this?!”
“I don’t know!” He wouldn’t meet your eyes as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Retaliation for me fucking you in a bathroom at an event for your dad?”
“That’s all that was to you?” You asked quietly. Things just kept getting better and better. You sat down on the edge of your tub, you wrapped your arms around yourself. You were not going to cry right now.
“I-“ he tried to start but you stopped him.
“It wasn’t conventional or perfect but hell Peter it meat more to me than just a quick fuck.” Before you could even register the tears you were holding back slid down your cheeks. You shifted, your head going to your knees and your hands covering your head. It was getting hard to breathe and his silence was not a reassuring thing.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, sitting down on the floor in front of you. He pet your head.
“What are we going to do?” You sobbed.
“Hey,” he said, tugging you forward so gently, bringing you into his lap. He secured his arms around you. “We’ll figure it out, I promise. We don’t need to have all the answers right now. Okay? Let’s just take this a step at a time.”
“How are you not freaking out,” you asked, pulling back some to look at him.
He finally looked you in the eyes. “I’m terrified,” he admitted. “But I know we can get through this.”
You gave a hesitant nod.
He kissed your forehead and didn’t leave you the rest of the night.
The two of you tiptoed around the topic for 3 weeks before you were finding yourselves cornered by your dad.
“What’s going on with you two? You’ve been acting weird for a couple weeks now.” Tony stated. He’d called a team meeting but as soon as you arrived, Peter was already there, you discovered that no one else on the team was arriving.
Peter looked at you, you both knew he was a terrible liar when under pressure like this.
But you? You were a great liar. You learned from the best after all. You arched a brow at your dad. “What do you mean? How have we been acting weird?”
Your dad hummed. “Let’s see, the two of you get all jumpy when the other shows up. I keep catching the two of you whispering to each other whenever I’ve left you alone for a few minutes. There was the fact that at that banquet I had a few weeks ago the two of you disappeared for a while. Y/N you’re not eating normally, Peter everytime I ask you something you either jump out of a daze or I can’t get your attention at all. I can go on guys, so tell me. What’s going on?”
You leaned back in your chair. “Peter asked me out, we didn’t want to tell you, things are a little weird right now.”
Tony looked at you in surprise.
You prayed that as Peter did the same your dad wouldn’t notice or wouldn’t realize that the look he was giving you wasn’t the “oh my God you had to go along that route to avoid the worse one? You shoulda just told the truth and not lied!” Look.
“Oh,” Tony said, nonchalantly he added, “Here I thought you were pregnant.”
Your eyes went wide, fuck.
“What do you take me for, kid?” He asked. “Did you think the cleaning staff was going to not gossip about having found a pregnancy test in your bathroom trash?! That I wouldn’t find out about it?”
You took a shaky breath.
“I know when you’re lying, you can’t lie to the person that taught you to lie, Y/N. It doesn’t work.”
You had to try, “Well then why is Peter here if that’s what this is about?” Maybe you could get him off the hook.
Your dad’s face went blank. “Now you’re just insulting my intelligence. Of course it’s Peter’s! Kid’s been in love with you since before you two even met!”
Peter’s face went red as he twisted the computer chair he was in away from both of you.
You blushed lightly. “Dad stop!”
Tony sighed, finally he sat down in a chair across from you. “What was your plan?”
You glanced at Peter then down at the table. “I… we-we don’t have-have one.”
Tony reached across the table and took your hand in his. “Okay, that’s fine for now, sunshine. Whatever you decide, I'll support you. There’s options if you don’t want to keep the baby or if you do. I suggest though that you two figure out what this means for the two of you before you make any of those decisions first.”
Tears welled in your eyes.
Peter was looking off to the side but he had returned his chair to facing your dad. “Thanks Mr. Stark,” He added quietly.
Tony smiled at him. “If you hurt my daughter, Parker I will kill you and no one will find the body. Understand?”
Swallowing the sudden lump in his throat he nodded in response.
Tony stood, he leaned across the table and kissed your head. “Sorry I forced this out, but you two were driving me crazy. I’m here when you want to talk more baby girl.”
You nodded and wiped at your face.
Your dad left, leaving you with Peter and impending conversation about the child growing inside you and what your futures held.
“So,” Peter started after the two of you sat there for 10 minutes in silence after your dad left. “I… I think now would be a good time to have this conversation, Y/N. So, I’m gonna just lay everything I’m feeling about this out.”
You glanced at him, he’d scooched closer to you and faced you.
He took a breath and started. “Your dad wasn’t wrong. I… do love you. I just… this is all messed up, but you know, it’s me why would anything go the way it should go, right?”
You went to speak but he continued.
“I’m not ready to be a dad. But I’m willing to take the responsibility because of my actions if you want to keep this child and want to raise them together. Or if you want to do it on your own. Or if you want to give them up for adoption. Or just want me to-“
You turned your own chair to be facing him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
He relaxed some and hugged you back as best he could with the angle.
“Would it be alright if… if maybe we just start with a date first?” You hesitantly asked.
He let out a sigh of relief. “Yeah, yeah please.”
“I don’t want to get rid of them. But with that being said, we have plenty of time to decide on what we want. And I just really want us to give being together a try before we make any life changing decisions.”
Peter nodded then kissed your cheek.
Of course your date went perfectly. As did the one after that, and the one after that and the, you get the point.
Peter went with you to your first doctor’s appointment and made sure he’d be there for all of them after that.
After that first ultrasound, well to say your minds were set on a decision was an understatement. You couldn’t believe you were so hesitant to want them.
Everything after that was a blur. You and Peter got closer, as did your expecting date.
Your dad and Pepper supported both of you the entire way. As well as Aunt May and the entire Avengers team.
You couldn’t have asked for more.
“Shh,” You whispered to the little girl. She giggled and held a tiny finger to her lips. The two of you poked your head through the cracked door.
A tuft of wavy brown hair stuck up everywhere from the pillow.
“Go ahead baby,” You whispered.
The little girl pushed the door open and ran for the bed. She jumped up, right on top of the man laying there. “Happy birthday, daddy!” Shouted as she sat on his back and shook his shoulders. “Wake up! Wake up! Mommy and I made you breakfast.”
You got into your side of the bed, set the plate down on your nightstand as Peter pretended to still be asleep.
He let out a loud fake snore.
“Daddy, wake up!”
You chuckled. “I think daddy might need some raspberries with his pancakes, Rory.”
Her eyes lit up. She smashed her face right into her daddy’s neck, making him flinch and laugh.
“Oh my I see how it is my girls wanna play games with me huh,” he scooped his little one up in his arms and raspberries her cheek before she could get away.
Rory squealed and struggled against him.
You laughed at the scene before you. But this caused both to stop, share a mischievous look before they’re both pouncing on you and giving you the raspberries now.
Which led to a full out tickle war, cold pancakes, and warm morning cuddles.
Tags: Wanna be tagged just ask!
@manchurian-barnes, @marrvelle-fics, @chloe-geoghegan1 , @buckysendoftheline ,
@peterparkerscamera , @esistmon , @httpmcrvel , @karlitabi-rrito rrito, @ximaginx
#peter x reader#reader x peter parker#peterparkerxreader#readerxpeterparker#peter parker x reader#dad!tony#dad!tonyxreader#dad tony#dad tony stark#readerstark#stark reader#marvel#jess tells you useless things
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