forcebookish · 8 months
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amarmoria · 2 months
Sempiternal 1
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⊹ ⭑.ᐟ Yao x Reader ⊹ ࣪˖ᝰ.ᐟ
Synopsis: 10 days in some spa center with your family wouldn't be too bad right...?
Notes: no bcz why doesn't he have fanfics bombarding everywhere?
Wc: 1k
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"... right guys?"
Your thoughts were stolen away when your dad snaps his fingers, smiling expectantly between you and your sister.
"Yes, uh, I'm, I'm excited, dad" you try and smile, but it looked like you were pushing a big fat shit so you bit your tongue and focused outside the window. You've already been driving for hours without end, only stopping when you needed to go or when you were hungry, and your phone was no use since the signal was slowly fading away due to how far this thing was.
It sounded so absurd when you first heard about it, a retreat in the middle of nowhere? You would've pretended to be happy if only it were your parents who were gonna go, but they successfully convinced your sister, who also succeeded in convincing you.
So you're here awaiting the embarrassment to process in your brain, you haven't had the time to react because a few hours after you agreed to go, they already had your closet packed for the retreat. Your sister looks half as miserable as you, she told you she wanted to try, for Zach, she says he'd want you to be happy, to heal, but how can you when he just, pow, gone?
"Here we aree" Your dad exclaims, parking the car at the center of the covered driveway.
Your mouth forms a small o as you exit the car, the place was big, like it doesn't even look like a mental institution, but you guess it's what they make it so, so the patients wouldn't freak out about being sent to a crazies hospital, if this was any other circumstance you'd think it's a five star hotel.
The front, or whatever the parking box they have with receptions, was filled with homely looking staff— and homely looking plants, which you assume were fake. Your eyes drop to the woman in front of you, holding out her hand. You suppose she's already been talking to you, but you were too busy gawking at the place, the thought makes you red in embarrassment.
You frown and tilt your head, fiddling with the hem of your top.
"Hi, uh, what is..?"
"Your phone miss Marconi?"
"My, my phone? Uh, why would you guys need it?"
"It's a part of the protocols here little miss" She smiles warmly, the noon sun dancing around her curls. Fuck, the protocols, of course it is, you've read some of it from their website, ugh how can you forget, your purposefully embarassing yourself now.
"Oh okay, uh," you gulped and searched around your bag, it took a few seconds before you finally found it, the battery was already blinking red so what choice do you have.
You hesitantly placed the phone on her hand when she smiles, gesturing you to walk up to the steep road ahead.
"Don't get nervous now alrighty? We promise to do our best during your stay here."
"Thank you, uh.."
"Oh! It's Delilah"
"Thank you, Delilah"
Your dad strolled around the garden happily as usual when Delilah led your family uphill, the building was big, like big big, it looked like a vacation house, with the pool and the open 1st floor, you were grateful for the short moment of peace in admiring the place before they lock you in your cells, your no idiot, you know the whole honey vibe of the place was just a facade compared to the mucky, dark, and real building they'll throw you in when you get comfortable.
You can't help but worry for your parents who believed this was the real deal, what gruesome tortures would they have you do once you settle in, do they whip you for being naughty, or dunk your head in the water if you don't answer properly, and oh would they feed you disgusting year old porridge they probably spat on. You don't trust these kinds of organizations.
"Oh and there's a pool too girls! cool huh?"
You smile gently and nod, you didn't feel like saying anything negative today, you didn't want to upset your dad, he looks so happy about being here you wouldn't want to break it.
"The place is pretty big huh, I wonder what the real price was" Zoe says, casually stuffing her hand in her pockets. "Yeah.."
You were too busy gawking, again, when you bump into a wall wearing a... Beige top.
"Oh! I, uh, I'm really sorry, I didn't," you pause, saying you were openly gawking at the place instead of focusing what was in front of you sounded childish— it is what a child would do, you sheepishly bit the inside of your cheek, fiddling with the hem of your top once again.
"I, I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry, really—" you stop when you hear a chuckle, the timbre of his voice shaking you, it was deeper than what your used to, I mean, you've always been around your dad who has a lighter voice, maybe it's from being a dad that he's used to using a friendlier tone with kids.
"Nervous are you?"
You visibly heat up, you thought you'd already bit you tongue off by the way your teeth were clenched.
"I, I'm not.."
"I'm joking with you" he chuckles. "I'm Yao, and I'll be one of the staff assisting you and your family during the experience."
"Hey," your mom waves to you direction, you catch the eye of the lady with sunglasses when she shoots you a smile, which you return, though your mom quickly grabs your hand pulls you slong with her inside the house.
"Heather's a mean bitch huh?" You could barely hear the lady when she whispers to the staff— Yao, if you could recall.
"Don't talk to strangers like that"
"What? I didn't, I was—"
"Just be careful hon, ok?"
"Yes mom," you scratch your head, turning your head behind you to see the lady and Yao conversing while she drinks her smoothie, you look down to your hand and frown when you notice your own drink in your palms, your holding it, since when did you have a drink? Were you too distracted you didn't even notice you had one?
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silverstzrs · 10 months
♛"Playing pretend"-Gojo Satoru x reader♛
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☆🌹Summary:Satoru comes up to you with an offer, an offer to act like his fake girlfriend infront of the public.
★🌹AU: Modern, no jujutsu, Satoru's rich.
★🌹Part I/?
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You are working at your usual 9 to 5 as a casiher, from the sun rising to the moon chasing behind you didnt get much freetime. You werent blessed with a good family background, so it meant you had to work harder to achive a portion of what some own. You sometimes ponder if one day you would obtain the chance to be someone crossing their legs watching TV in a million dollar mansion.
"Uhm excuse me?" a woman asked you, knocking you out of your fanastys back to reality as a cashier, you check the time, 5:10 pm your shift ending ten minutes ago,"can you help me find everything i need on this list?" she waves the list front of your face, the list looked to be 100 items long
"I am sorry ma'am, but my shift is over," you explained, but you were wondering why your co-worker is taking their shift late. Not really wanting to deal with a customer right now as your shift has ended, you try to ask her to wait for the arrival of your co-worker "can you wait for a few? The person taking the shift after will be arriving soon."
You hoped to see a face of understanding on the woman's face, but an annoyed expression was plastered over her face instead, "You are so rude!" she argued, throwing the list infront of you in entilement and stomping her feet, "I want to report to your manager!" god, this was the 3rd time today, you couldnt deal with this now.
You pressed a button behind the counter to call your manager for the third time today, your manager talked the woman into leaving. She faced towards you afterwards, her face has annoyed has ever, "This is the 3rd time today," she hissed at you, you held the hem of your skirt out of nevousity, the last time your manager was in a fimillar stance, she fired your ex co worker.
"My shift ended," you stated, you were still nevously holding the hem of your skirt, your co worker who was supposed to take the shift was late, she got a scolding too but not as bad as you now.
"Oh yeah? Alright then, your shift is over, forever, dont ever come back here again your fired" she screamed at you, you knew this was gonna happen, you didnt want to argue anymore so you stormed off in tears.
You sat at the bus stop, trying to call an uber. Tears rolling down your cheek has you processed the outcome of you jobless, your parents barely had enough to get a roof above your head, what about living expenses? You put down your phone with the thoughts, giving up on the idea to get an uber and walking instead to save a buck or two.
You wiped your tears, before picking yourself up physically and mentally to walk home, before someone appeared behind you calling out your name "Y/N!", that voice is a voice saved at the back of your hand, you turned around to see that it was your highschool bestfriend, Satoru Gojo.
Satoru has a rich family background, having monopolyed the industry, the Gojo's own 90% of the biggest brands throughout Japan. Due to him being the only son of the mastermind of it all, Mr Gojo, Satoru will be the heir to the family throne quite oppisite of you.
You looked down almost immediately, you didnt want to him to see your red and teary eyes. "Long time no see.." you wanted to end things short, your apartment was 3 blocks away and it was getting late, the brightness of the sun eaten by the darkness of the moon which makes it a trouble for you to get home.
"You dont need to hide what happened I was in the store," your eyes look up to him, he was wearing a white button-up with black jeans and his singnature sunglasses covering his eyes, he always liked wearing them even now he is wearing them at night. He also had two bodyguards 3 meters behind him, since birth he had a bounty on his head for the money, so it was reasonable for him to get bodyguards.
"Oh, thats embrassing, haha." You said, he had never worked a job like a cashier before, his father immediately made Satoru the head of all decisions in their business, he has millions if not billions in his hands. He was a goofy student in high school, often skipping class with his your shared group of friends along with you, he looks to be a changed man, professional and all.
"So do you need a job to replace yours?" He asked, maybe this was fate? Maybe getting fired from that job enabled you to get a higher paying job? You had good, no the best grades during high school, maybe it paid off? you questioned yourself, the sadness washed away with excitement.
"What job are you offering?" you questioned back to him, you were clearly interested, who wouldnt be? To have a chance to be hired in a huge company which your best friend owns. In addition, you got fired and you have to pay for food and bills somehow.
The moment Satoru heard those words, he replied "Lets not talk here shall we?" grabbed your hand and signaled his two buff body guards to follow him with the other, walking towards the coffee shop nearby. The sudden move made you shook, what was happening? Is he telling you to do something illegal? Why you?
When he reached the coffee shop, the waiter looked at him and greeted him with the most respect ever, "Welcome Sir Satoru," she bowed, you guessed his family owned a percentage of this business too. Satoru just nodded, walking towards a table with a seat for two, loosing the grip on your hand, sitting down making you do the same. His bodyguards were outside the coffee shop, probably instructed by Satoru.
"You are probably wondering why I took you here so suddenly Y/N" he started off, taking his sunglasses off to reveal his mesmerising blue eyes, looking right into yours. You were definately wondering why he would rather pull you here to talk about the job offer, and why he would tell his bodyguards to stand outside when their job is to protect Satoru. "I dont knos how to say this, but I have nevet given such a job before, I dont know how to start,"
What?? you got even more confused, your hands on your laps, eyes looking at his sunglasses he had placed down on the table.
After a minute, he thought of a good way to ask, he looked around, no one present to hear his words "My parents want me to marry someone I dont want, she's smart like you and my parents think she is ideal for me," he said, wait what does this have to do with a job offer? What job is he asking you to do right now? "I want you to be my fake girlfriend, so I dont need to marry her."
"What kind of job is that?" You replied, loosing interest until the thought of your parents not eating to put food on the table for you, you lost your job, you have close to no savings so you sighed "I'm poor, and my social class is zero. Why would they accept me?"
"We went to the same highschool, we were good friends and you are smart, probably the smartest in the whole of Japan" thats true, you got an award for having the best grades in the best university of Japan, "we have all the money in the world, my partner being broke is probably the least of their worries, they want someone to acompany me with the industry alike my mother. Plus due to our previous relationship, its more trust worthy"
Reasonable answers, it all depends on the pay for you now, "And the pay? I need the money" its the truth you do need it after you lost your job.
"20k usd a month" he said with a smirk, "it will rise by 2k every month" he added, now thats unpassable, he held out his hand out looking for a shake to finalize the deal. You shook his hand, anyone would accept in a heartbeat.
"Great~Y/N! heres my number, meet me in the Gojo HQ tomorrow to sign the contract" he said with a grin, maybe he hasnt changed much from his goofy persona afterall. You took his number and chuckled, you missed the good old days, when Satoru and Suguru would pull you to the acrade with the group, you find it annoying in the past, you find it memeriable now. "We'll talk about the infomation and instructions you have to follow tomorrow."
He reached his hand to hold yours, you stood up, and held his hand gently. The waiters bow down respecting him has he walks out, signaling his bodyguards to follow.
He bought you to his car, a white ferrari while his bodyguards walk into a BMW, opening the door for you letting you in, "Get in" he requested, you got into his ferrari "Where do you live? I will drop you home"
"Theres no need-"
"Well if i let you walk home, my bodyguards will be suspicous,"
Thats true, so you shut up "My address is xxxx,xxxxx,xx". You sat looking at the interior of the sport car, it is beautiful, the leathered seats looked luxury to you.
"You'll have to act whenever we are in the public," he stated, its glad you took acting classes, so you know how to act."And prepare your bags, your going to have to move in with me. next week" what? You cant just leave your parents so suddenly,
"You never said anything about moving in," you stated, his eyes not leaving the road, not saying anything until he was stopped at a red light, he looked at you,
"Wasnt it obvious?" he spoke, to you it wasnt, but whatever, you needed the money, you can explain to your parents, right? At least you hope so.
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The very next day, you ate breakfast, just a hard boiled egg all you can afford right now. You got a text from Satoru to wear a formal dress, so you did, the only fancy dress you own, a navy blue dress paired with a black gucci belt given by Suguru on your birthday in highschool. You called an uber to get to the Gojo's HQ.
You stood outside the tall building, nervously, what waits ahead? its just faking but you cant help but be nervous. A young man with black messy hair in formal clothing opens the door to greet you, "Greetings Mrs Y/N, I am Megumi, Mr Satoru is awaiting your arrvial, please follow me." Megumi said.
You followed the young man, to a huge double door, double the height of you, Megumi opened the door, revealing a spacious room twice the size of your apartment, at the left side of the room, theres a desk which Satoru sat.
"You are dismissed Megumi," Satoru spoke, letting the young man leave, Megumi bowed and left closing the massive doors behind him. Satoru pointed a seat infront of the table, facing him, assuming he told you to sit, you sat on the seat.
He pulled out the contract and placed it facing you, "any questions regrading the job?" you read the paper breifly, there is some points that bother you:
Unable to tell anyone
In no cicrumstances can you break act in public
This contract is unbreakable unless both users sign the contract.
"Does anyone know about this?"
"No, and no one should."
"What if I accidentally break act?"
"No, you cant, it's stated in the contract." he said, you nodding has you grabbed a ball pen and signed the papers, "Great! On Monday you'll move in with me and appear in public with me like dinners" he said, giving you a key, to his house, "And we will go out once in a while, my parents will be suspious if we dont"
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Monday arrives quicker than you had thought, Satoru driving you to his mansion, your bags at the back of his bugatti chiron, his eyes on the road "We have a dinner to attend tonight, the Geto's are celebrating their 25th anniversary." he said, his eyes not leaving the sight of the road.
You havent seen Suguru in a while, you missed how caring he is to you, in the past, you often think about him and his whereabouts. You hoped you would see him tonight.
"Try to behave, ok?"
You nod in response, but you do hate how he used the word behave, like a dog.
You arrive at his mansion it had a modern design, three stories with a huge door, theres a garage full of cars and more, the inside is more luxurious than the outside, a spacious area with beautiful interior desigining.
"Your room is on the third floor to the left" Satoru said, hanging his coat on the coat hanger and entering a room asuming its his bedroom. You followed his directions, going into a room thats as spacious as his office, huge door, a bow window, the view of the pretty lake outside, a kingsized bed with navy blue silky sheets with 5 different types of pillows, beside the bed, theres lamps and a makeup vanity. A door leading to a walk in wardrobe with new, fancy clothing, with a big mirror at the end.
It is amazing, in the walk in wardorbe, theres a box, you assumed it was yours, opening it you see a black dress with a slit at the left side, a black burberry bag, a pair of heels and a fur coat from chanel with a note."Wear this for the dinner" so you did.
Has gen z would say, you "slayed" the dress, it complimenting your every curve. The two of you arrive at the resturant, it was classy, it probably costed four digits for each table. The Gojo family sat on a table together, where you and Satoru sat. Suguru approached the two of you with a smile, "Y/N! Long time no see! How are you now?" You found it odd he didnt speak to Satoru in the slightest.
"Great!" you responded to him, with a laugh, "What about you? I heard you were gonna take over?" you ask, making small talk with him but your "Boyfriend" just took his phone out, and started to look at it, not paying any attention to you or Suguru.
"Ahhh, its stressful~" he says with his signature smirk, "its not easy you know." He said sarcastickly joking around like the past. You chuckle, highschool was a great time until the few of you seperated, due to your low class, you stopped contacting and lost all contact with them.
"Well, we still have a long time until we eat, so why dont we take a stroll?" he requested, holding his hand out. You took his hand, and looked back at Satoru, he shot you a look before looking away.
Suguru took you outside to the garden, it was late so the lights were open, it was pretty has the two of you walked on the rocky pathways, he looked around to check for people, facing you right after.
"I know about the fake dating between you and Satoru"
Tysm for reading this shitpost! Lmk if you want more! Tag list is open for whoever wants it lmao
-Pictures not mine-
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 10 months
Doctor's Assistant chapter 3
Note: surprise! happy sunday :) chapter 1. chapter 2.
Warnings: suggestive at some point.
pairing: Doctor!Sihtric x Assistant!Reader/You (f) (x Doctor!Sigtryggr).
summary: You and Sihtric had to face each other after your eventful evening of shopping.
wordcount: 4,6k
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The dinner.
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You tossed and turned in bed, only to then smile and giggle as you buried your face in the deer plushie Sihtric had bought you earlier that day, which you squished in your arms while it was pressed against your chest.
You still tried to process the fact that your favourite doctor had asked you to go shopping for holiday decorations with him, which eventually turned into somewhat of an unexpected date night, and the evening had concluded with an even more unexpected kiss. Your mind was still reeling from everything that had happened; from shyly holding hands with Sihtric, to him pretending to be your fiancé to make your shitty ex boyfriend jealous, to then kissing passionately in his car at the parking lot in front of your apartment building. 
You couldn't get over how nervous Sihtric had been just before he kissed you. You remembered his trembling hands and how they felt when he took your face. You remembered the sound of his voice when he cursed under his shaky breath, and how that same shaky breath had felt so warm on your lips. But most of all you couldn't stop thinking about his shy murmurs in between the soft and needy kisses, and the way he tasted when he pulled you in for one more long lasting kiss, before you both finally said good night with rosy cheeks.
The memory of it all was still vivid and kept you up when your phone suddenly buzzed on your nightstand. You rolled over and, as you looked at your lit up screen, your heart skipped a beat when you saw Sihtric had texted you, finally.
Sihtric: I'm sorry if today was unprofessional. I hope what happened won't affect our job and work relationship. I'm sorry if I crossed any boundaries.
Your happy and giddy feelings disappeared immediately when you read his words, and you wondered if he had regrets about the evening. With trembling and slightly sweaty hands you replied to your crush, who really wasn't just a crush anymore.
You: I actually had a really good time. I'm sorry if you realised it was not what you wanted or needed, and I'm sorry if it doesn't feel right for you. I never meant for things to become weird or unprofessional
You hit send and anxiously awaited Sihtric's reply. Did he think he made a mistake? Was he not into you at all and did he just feel lonely? Did he only flirt with you because it was all meant to be a joke, because he was bored? Or maybe he was just an asshole? A million thoughts raced through your head and you thought you were going to throw up when your phone buzzed again.
Sihtric: no, it was exactly what I wanted and needed…
You felt confused as you stared at his text. What on earth did he mean? What does he want? Where is this going? Why is he being vague-
Sihtric: I had a good time too, and everything did feel exactly right to me…
Sihtric: but I was just worried that maybe you felt pressured. I know we weren't at work, but it still got me thinking afterwards. I know I'm not officially your boss, but I also know there's this weird power dynamic between doctors and assistants that I really try to avoid. Just wanted to make sure we're cool, you know?
You exhaled sharply as you watched his texts come in. You felt relieved, but still a little confused by his sudden worries.
You: as far as I'm concerned, we're good. You and Sigtryggr both never made me feel there was powerplay at hand. I know what you mean though, but I promise you I never felt pressured
Sihtric: okay, good. That's all I wanted to know.
You: so… do you still want me to come over tomorrow or…?
Sihtric: of course I do, sugar. If you're still up for it?
You felt almost embarrassed by how quickly you melted for the doctor again.
You: of course I am :) if you are too?
Sihtric: I am, don't worry, sugar. I was thinking maybe I can pick you up in the morning? So you don't have to take the bus to work. If you want me to obviously
You: really? Yeah, that would be great actually, it would save me a lot of trouble in the morning
Sihtric: pick you up at 7?
You: works for me, thank you :)
Sihtric: no thanks :)
You smiled at your phone, and you decided you didn't want this conversation to be over yet. Not now that you finally started texting, after weeks and weeks of both being too shy to do so.
You: hey, did you water that plant you bought, like I told you?
Sihtric stared at your text and snorted as he replied to you.
Sihtric: yes…
After he wrote you his lie, he jumped up and watered the plant he bought with you at the garden centre. You told him he needed to repot it and water it, the latter which he hadn't done yet, so he was glad you reminded him. Sihtric didn't have a knack for plants, but he had to keep up his fiancé facade while shopping, so he had to take the plant home.
You: pics or it didn't happen ;)
Sihtric smiled at his phone and sent a photo of his recently watered plant.
Sihtric: and did you give that deer plushie a good spot?
You: I did!
Sihtric: okay, well, pics or it didn't happen ;)
You giggled and switched on your night stand lamp to take a photo of the deer, which you placed with its head on your pillow and tucked in for the photo.
Sihtric: is that deer in your bed?
Sihtric smiled at the photo and bit down on his lip. He figured it was a good sign that you had decided to place the plushie in your bed, out of all places.
You: it is, because you said I should hug it when I miss you ;)
Sihtric stared at your message and smiled even wider, his cheeks slowly warmed up as he didn't know what to reply. He only knew that tomorrow was going to be rough for him, as there was to way he could ignore his feelings for you anymore. He quickly typed a reply, hit send, and then threw his phone next to him on the couch, as he was too nervous to read your reply.
Sihtric: cute. Miss you too x
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Light snow already twirled down when you opened your curtains. It was a cold morning, and all that was talked about on the news was the blizzard that's supposed to hit the city near midnight. You quickly got dressed and waited impatiently for Sihtric to pick you up. While you waited, you packed your backpack with a Christmas cookie baking set you had never used, and a box that contained a gingerbread house, which you needed to assemble and decorate. Both items had been a gift from your elderly neighbour, and you figured that maybe it would be fun to do any of those things with Sihtric later that day, if there was some time left once you were done decorating his place.
Almost half an hour after seven, Sihtric finally texted you that he was waiting outside your apartment building. You made haste to put on a beanie and some gloves, and rushed to take the elevator down from your floor. You almost bumped into Sihtric as he was waiting at the entrance, holding a closed umbrella while snowflakes had decorated his black beanie, black gloves and his black winter coat, as well as the front side of his black jeans. Today he wasn't wearing sneakers, as it was too cold, instead he was wearing beige boots, which were also covered with snow.
'Hey,' Sihtric smiled and sniffled, a little shyly, 'I, eh, I had to park my car one street over because the entire road was frozen. I couldn't get here. So I, eh, thought maybe it would be safer for you if I walked you to the car because, you know… the ice.'
'Oh,' you chuckled, 'yeah, sure, that's really sweet, Sihtric.'
'Yeah, well,' he mumbled and cleared his throat as he blushed, 'eh, shall we then?' he asked and opened the umbrella, then held his arm out to you, 'watch your step, it's really slippery.'
You hooked your elbow with his and made way down the street, to his car. Sihtric was right, it was indeed very slippery. He held the umbrella up for you to shield you against the light snow as he watched the road intensely, holding your elbow firmly hooked with his in the hope of keeping you safely up on your feet.
You noticed Sihtric was quiet as he walked you to his car, shy even, and you thought it was adorable. You leaned in a little closer, as it was cold and you wanted to steal his warmth, to which he smiled shyly when you looked up at him. And he looked so cute, with the tip of his nose reddened from the cold, while his moustache and goatee had caught some snowflakes.
You carefully shuffled alongside him when it happened. You hadn't seen the ice patch that was covered up under a thin layer of snow, and you slipped as soon as you stepped onto it. You felt your feet slide away and, with a yelp, you clung onto Sihtric, but it was already too late. You fell down and landed on your butt, taking the handsome doctor down with you while the umbrella flew through the air and landed beside you.
'Gods,' Sihtric said, who managed to not fully fall down, but awkwardly knelt beside you, 'are you okay?' he asked as he immediately reached for your hands.
'Yeah,' you snorted while Sihtric helped you back up, 'I'm okay,' you laughed and rubbed your behind, 'might feel that tomorrow though.'
'Sugar,' Sihtric sighed, then chuckled, 'I told you to be careful.'
'Oh, I'm sorry, doctor,' you hissed playfully, 'I thought it was just snow, how was I supposed to know there was ice underneath?'
'Yeah, well,' Sihtric shook his head, 'just… just watch your step.'
You carefully continued and managed to get to his car without slipping again.
'I got you coffee,' Sihtric said and pointed to the cup holder, then to a bag on his dashboard, 'and some breakfast. I already finished mine on the way here, but yours should still be warm though.'
'Oh, thank you. That's so sweet,' you smiled and leaned in to kiss his cheek, to which the doctor blushed.
Sihtric took off his beanie, revealing his braided hair, and you couldn't stop staring at him as he started his car. He felt your eyes on him but purposely avoided eye contact. He felt even more nervous today than he had felt last night, and he knew his cheeks coloured even more when you kept staring at him. Sihtric hated how easily he blushed around you, and felt silly for how his heart skipped a beat every time you smiled at him. He also thought it was pathetic how he melted into a puddle on the inside each time you said his name.
And his cheeks coloured even more when he suddenly imagined how his name would sound from your lips, when your legs would be wrapped around his naked body as he made love to you. He imagined the sound of your soft giggles in his ear when he'd leave open mouthed kisses on your bare neck and shoulders, while his fingers tangled in your hair as he'd hold the back of your head, while you sat in his lap, riding him slowly and sensually with your arms wrapped around him and your nails digging into his warm, sweaty skin.
Sihtric swallowed hard and cleared his throat, trying to shake the explicit thoughts he was having out of nowhere.
'Sihtric?' you chuckled and looked at him, a little confused.
The doctor had to bite down an unexpected moan when you suddenly said his name, and he kept staring at his steering wheel.
'Sihtric?' you nudged his shoulder.
'Hm,' he hummed, then finally looked up at you as if he snapped out of a dream, 'y-yes?'
'What are you waiting for?' you laughed, wondering why he started the car but didn't drive.
'Oh, I- I'm sorry,' Sihtric mumbled and put on his seatbelt.
'What were you thinking of?'
'Hm? Oh, n-nothing,' Sihtric lied and shifted awkwardly in his seat.
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The drive to work took longer than usual because of the winter weather, and Sigtryggr was staring out of his office window when he saw Sihtric pull up to the practice parking lot. He sipped his coffee, amused as he watched you and Sihtric get out of the car, and he smiled when he saw how Sihtric helped you safely cross the frozen road.
Sigtryggr was quick to walk to the front desk, which he leaned on as you and Sihtric climbed up the stairs.
'Well, well,' Sigtryggr taunted, 'you're both late. Interesting.'
'Sorry,' you shrugged and gave the doctor a hug.
'Traffic,' Sihtric said as he unzipped his jacket.
'Traffic?' Sigtryggr frowned with a grin, 'that's the only reason you're late?'
You looked at Sihtric and quickly turned on your heels, to your chair behind the desk.
'Well, and the weather obviously,' Sihtric rolled his eyes and hung up his jacket.
'That's all?' Sigtryggr asked.
'What are you implying?' Sihtric sighed.
'Nothing,' the other doctor shrugged, 'just that there's lipstick all over your face.'
Sihtric's eyes grew wide, and he immediately rubbed his hands over his cheeks, where you had kissed him as a thank you for the breakfast he had bought you.
You perked up in your chair, with eyes just as big as Sihtric's, and you felt your cheeks heat up. You were sure your soft pink lipstick had not left any marks on his face. And even if so, it had been an innocent peck on his cheek, nothing which you should hide from anyone. And yet you still felt caught. But then Sigtryggr broke out in laughter.
'I was only kidding,' he snorted, 'but, eh, you two totally betrayed yourselves,' he laughed and walked back to his office, while you and Sihtric stared at each other in disbelief.
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Sihtric's house was smaller than you expected. Doctors had quite a good paycheck, you knew, but Sihtric's house was modest and most importantly; cosy. From the small hallway you could go upstairs, where you'd find two bedrooms, a bathroom, and stairs to his attic. But if you walked past the stairs and through a door, you stepped into a cute living room with a fireplace. And through an open door on your right, you saw the kitchen, which had a dining area. You loved the place, it being big enough for a couple and a few pets, but you wondered if Sihtric had lived here with his wife and three children before his divorce, and so you asked.
'No,' Sihtric said as he took your coat, 'I moved here after my divorce. The real estate agent kept telling me that I could get bigger places with my salary, but why should I?' he shrugged, 'I was just a man on my own when I bought this place.'
'I understand,' you said, 'but I like your place. It's cosy.'
Sihtric smiled and hung your coat in the hallway, then offered you a drink and said you should probably start decorating in the kitchen first.
'So at least we can hang out while I make food,' he said as you followed him into the kitchen.
'What's for dinner?' you asked.
'I was thinking of making an oven dish,' Sihtric said as he poured you both a drink, 'with potatoes, vegetables and chicken.'
'Sounds good,' you smiled when Sihtric handed you your drink.
He sat down across from you at his dining table and took in your effortlessly beautiful appearance, while you looked around his kitchen, already picturing how you'd decorate the place. Your eyes gazed around the cosy wooden room, looking up at the ceiling, which showed old wooden beams, and then down to the grey tile floor. Above the diner table was a large lamp on which you could hang an adorable garland with ornaments, you thought. And as you smiled at the thought, your eyes wandered back to the doctor, who you caught smiling at you and then looked flustered at the fact you had caught him.
'I, eh,' Sihtric cleared his throat and got up, 'I'll start making food. The decorations are in those bags,' he said and pointed to a stack of bags in the corner.
And soon you were hopping and twirling around the kitchen and Sihtric, with various decorations to put up, while the doctor was chopping vegetables. You had switched on the radio to a Christmas station, and from time to time you hummed along with a song, to which Sihtric suppressed a smile each time. You often glanced at each other, only to quickly look away and shyly mind your own business again when being caught by the other. 
Sihtric couldn't get enough of you. The way you danced around his kitchen and smiled at him. And you were as enchanted by him all the same; by the way he looked so handsome with that kitchen towel thrown over his shoulder, while he was deeply focused on the knife in his hand and the vegetables on his cutting board, until he looked up and caught you smiling at him. That's when his heart skipped a few beats and he felt his knees weaken.
And just when Sihtric put his dish in the oven, he heard you drag a chair away from the table.
'Hey,' Sihtric said when you were about to climb on a chair to reach the higher levels, 'wait, no,' he frowned and walked over, 'don't do that.'
'I have to,' you shrugged and pointed to a top shelf you couldn't possibly reach on your own.
'No,' he said again, 'you can hurt yourself if you fall.'
'Oh, please,' you rolled your eyes, 'I do this all the time back home,' you shrugged.
You climbed up on the chair anyway and Sihtric immediately reached out.
'Yeah, well, you're not home, are you?' Sihtric muttered and circled his arms around your waist, then lifted you off the chair.
'Hey!' you giggled and kicked your feet in the air.
'I said no,' Sihtric chuckled and put your feet back down on the kitchen floor, then spun you around, 'if you need help to reach something, then ask. Don't go climbing on things.'
'Fine,' you pouted and crossed your arms.
'Don't give me that face, sugar,' Sihtric smiled, once again desperately fighting his urge to cup your cheeks and kiss your lips.
'Well, I need to reach that shelf,' you said, 'to attach the garland.'
'Then I will help you.'
'Like this,' Sihtric said and spun you back around, then lifted you up again, high enough so you could reach the shelf and attach the decoration. 'See?' he said, 'you don't need a chair and risk falling from it.'
'I guess,' you sighed with a smile while Sihtric held you up with ease, and he put you back on your feet again once you were done. 
'Thanks,' you mumbled shyly and looked up at him.
'No thanks,' he said as he towered over you, and then looked around the decorated kitchen, 'I like what you've done,' he smiled.
'Thanks,' you blushed, 'I think I'm done here, so… what's next?'
'We could start decorating the living room while the food is in the oven?'
'Sounds good,' you smiled.
You both grabbed the remaining bags full of decorations and moved to the living room. While you went through the bags, untangled some garlands and opened boxes of Christmas lights, Sihtric had taken the brand new Christmas tree out of the box. You started to decorate the room while Sihtric fumbled around with the tree, and after about ten minutes you noticed he still hadn't made any progress. You watched the doctor as he sat on the floor, clearly confused while reading instructions about the tree in front of him that still needed to be assembled.
'Are you okay over there?' you asked after another few minutes passed.
'Yeah,' Sihtric lied and scratched his head while his eyes darted between the instructions and the tree, which looked nothing like a tree yet.
'The, eh,' you cleared your throat and looked at the garland you were placing above the fireplace, 'the loose branches have coloured stickers on them, they match with the coloured stickers on the tree stem, so you know where to put them.'
'Yeah, I know,' Sihtric lied.
You glanced at Sihtric and saw how he picked up one of the branches, after understanding your hint.
'No you didn't,' you bit down a smile as you approached him.
'I did,' Sihtric said, defensively, fighting his own smile, 'I was just… taking my time, you know?'
'Oh, that's what you were doing?'
'Okay,' you shrugged lightly, 'so, do you need my help or not?'
Sihtric looked up at you, then at the tree, and then back at you again.
'Yeah,' he chuckled, 'I think I do.'
You sat down next to Sihtric and sorted each branch by colour. You then helped assemble the tree, which went quicker than Sihtric expected, and you were fast to decorate the tree with a pleasantly warm colour of lights. You managed to decorate the tree from top to bottom, and just when the oven beeped, Sihtric had lifted you up again while you put the finishing touch on the tree; a star on the top.
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The radio was still playing Christmas tunes while you ate in Sihtric's cosy kitchen. You sat across from each other again, stealing occasional glances and shy smiles.
'Do you like the food?' Sihtric asked, a little nervous.
'Yeah,' you said with your mouth full, 'it's really good.'
Sihtric blushed lightly and wanted to ask what your plans for Christmas were, but just as he wanted to speak, the song on the radio was interrupted with a sudden newsflash.
'The blizzard seems to be hitting hours earlier than expected,' a reporter's voice sounded, 'we advise everyone to stay inside, starting right now, as the wind will pick up in a matter of minutes and an unforeseeable amount of snow will cover the entire city within the next hour. I repeat, stay inside for your own safety. Those who will travel and get stuck in the snow have no reassurance of being rescued tonight, as this is the worst blizzard this town has seen since 1978.'
After the harrowing message, the radio station switched to jolly Christmas tunes again, while you and Sihtric stared at each other with big eyes from across the table.
'I…' you swallowed hard, 'I… I should get going.'
'But… you, I-,' Sihtric stammered, 'I can drive you home but-'
'No, I… maybe I can get a cab,' you said, delusionaly, 'I don't want you to risk getting stuck on your way back.'
'I don't think there are any cabs on the road after this newsflash.'
'Well,' you chuckled nervously, knowing he was right, 'I… I don't know,' you looked out the small kitchen window and saw that, indeed, the wind and snow had intensified greatly since the last time you had looked outside, about an hour ago.
'It wasn't supposed to start until like,' you glanced at the clock, 'four hours from now. How were the predictions so off?'
'I don't know, sugar,' Sihtric mumbled and rubbed his eyes, then sighed and looked at you, 'okay,' he sniffed, 'look, I have no trouble with you staying here for the night. My main concern is just that we don't know how long this is going to last. It's Friday now, I think I heard earlier today that it won't stop snowing until at least Sunday morning. Again, I truly don't mind, you can stay here. But I want you to feel comfortable too.'
'Fuck,' you groaned, 'I don't mind staying here, I mean… it's not like there is any other option right now, I suppose. I just… I just don't want to be a bother.'
'You're not a bother,' Sihtric said immediately, 'if anything, I could use some company. Your company.'
'Are you sure?'
'I am,' he said softly, 'there's no need to stress about this, we can't change it. I have no issues with having you around here for however long this will take. I have enough food and drinks for the both of us for at least a week,' he chuckled, 'but I assume it won't last that long.'
'God, I hope not,' you laughed, feeling more relaxed already, 'I just… I didn't expect this so I didn't bring anything, you know? No clean clothes, no phone charger, no toothbrush…'
'I'm sure we can solve those things,' Sihtric reassured you, 'don't worry, okay?' he gave you a comforting smile, 'let's just finish our dinner,' he said calmly, 'and after that we will figure out the rest. We gotta make the best of the situation, which we will, I promise. Okay, sugar?'
'Okay,' you smiled at him, and then went back to your food.
You didn't know that you were both equally as nervous to be more or less forced to spend at least one night together. And after you both finished your food, you continued to decorate the living room, while the snow outside had already formed a thick blanket on the streets, with no end in sight.
When you finally finished decorating, Sihtric had made you a cup of tea and told you to come and sit on the faux fur carpet that was in front of the window. You sat next to each other, watching the large snowflakes twirl down in the dark evening sky. You slowly leaned in to each other until your shoulders touched, but both being too shy to say anything, so you just sat there, staring out of the window and enjoying your hot drinks while the christmas music still sounded from the kitchen.
'Thank you,' Sihtric finally broke the silence, although his voice was barely louder than a whisper, 'for, eh, you know… cheering this place up,' he chuckled softly.
'You're welcome,' you smiled, 'and thank you for dinner. And, well, for letting me stay here.'
'All my pleasure,' he hummed and looked at you.
You smiled softly at each other, both looking shy and a little uncertain about how the rest of the night would continue. Sihtric took your empty cup and placed it with his on the windowsill, then turned back to look at you. His eyes trailed down to your lips as he slowly leaned in, and he carefully brought one hand up to gently cup your cheek. Both your breathing became unsteady within a split second, when his lips lightly brushed over yours. And then, when Sihtric was about to press his soft, warm lips onto yours, the entire room went dark and quiet. 
Pitch black and silent.
You both froze, looked up and then outside, where you both saw the street lights go out, along with the lights of the apartment buildings in the distance and the surrounding houses in Sihtric's street.
'Oh my god,' you whispered, while Sihtric still held your face as you both stared into the darkness outside, 'is this… did the power just cut?'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @liandav @diiickbrainn @sihtricsafin
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dogbunni · 2 years
[begins coughing like a cat about to throw up a furball] [spits up several nendo headcanons and then looks at u proudly]
-nendo collects hot wheels. I have no justification beyond this except that I also collect hot wheels and I think we'd have that in common. if he was real I would take nendo to a toy shop to look at all the hot wheels. just stand there and observe them for an uncomfortably long time. my friends aren't deeply autistic enough to do this with me so I can never observe the little cars for long enough before making a purchase :(
-nendo trans ally #1
-nendo has no idea what his sexuality is but not in a confused/questioning way, in a "I have never thought about it longer than 1 second" way. he likes who he likes and has no thoughts beyond that. he is label-less in a [shrugs shoulders] way. (saiki is also label-less but in a "fuck you" kind of way)
-nendo loves rollercoasters and watches weird essay length youtube videos about theme parks and animatronics. its a hobby that deeply disturbs everyone around him bc this guy cannot do basic math but he can and will channel the spirit of akechi rambling about defunct animatronics. sometimes he shows saiki pictures of animatronics in late stages of decay in horrible pitch black nightmare settings and saiki reacts as if nendo has placed a live cockroach in his lap.
-he has a condiment problem. steals sauce packets from restaurants with diagnosable compulsion.
-he doesn't Get memes. everyone has tried and failed to show nendo a meme. it's like trying to show your mother a funny picture and she holds the phone as far away from her face as she can and then stares at it for way too long before silently handing it back. he just doesn't Get It.
-hes like, really good at making memes though. he will just absently turn a phrase or take an image so absurd that everyone is still saying and reposting and reacting with it years down the line. he has no idea that he has this power
-he feeds stray cats and makes little shelters for them outdoors <3
-nendo and kaido roleplay together sometimes. I'm talking like, warrior cats roleplay. sometimes dark reunion but kaido gets pissy if nendo messes up The Lore. nendo calls it "playing pretend" bc he has no concept of cringe culture and kaido dies inside every time
-he manages to forget his own birthday. every year. saiki remembers though, and it's the one and only day he will ask if nendo wants to get ramen with him, instead of the other way around. it gets to the point that saiki asks if nendo wants ramen, and he says "what, is it my birthday ahaha" and saiki is just like. you goddamn idiot. good grief.
-last time I did one of these I said that nendo loves cute things like sanrio plushies and holds them so gently. well I see that and I am correct, but I raise you nendo thinking that SAIKI is the cutest thing he's ever seen. something about the pink hair and glasses and the little limiter bubbles on his head and his purple eyes and little frowny eyebrows- nendo wants to. hold gently. sometimes he just grabs saiki by the shoulders and stares at him blank in the face and saiki is like [nervously] "what the fuck? what the fuck????"
-he and aiura actually get along weirdly well. they're unhinged in similar flavours and it gets saiki's blood pressure up. he tries at all costs to keep them away from each other. their singular brain cells cancel each other out on sight.
-akechi makes nendo's brain hurt a little. he just can't process all of akechi's akechi-ness and it makes him feel dumb. he's fine with being dumb most of the time but akechi just makes him feel a little self conscious for some reason. (definitely not because he's jealous that akechi was friends with saiki first)
-he still likes the funny lil guy though. akechi's the only one who will enthuse with him about rollercoasters and he values those talks. so much.
-toritsuka is afraid of nendo for some reason. no one is sure why but nendo LOVES it. he's always trying to jump out and scare him. saiki supports nendo in this endeavour ardently. toritsuka suffers.
-nendo falls down the weirdest tiktok rabbit holes. it got so bad once that they got teruhashi to distract him while kuboyasu lifted his phone and deleted the app off of it. it took nendo several months to realise he could redownload it.
495 notes · View notes
500 Followers = 500 Words: Huening Kai
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-> Pairing: Huening Kai x Reader
-> Requested by: Anon
-> Prompt: Prompt 30 - Asking to fake date reveals real feelings. 
-> Warnings: friends to lovers. mentions of petty school rivalry.
-> Word Count: 587
-> Request: Closed.
500 followers = 500 words Masterlist | Main Masterlist
©️ 2024 dancinglikebutterflywings - do not copy/modify/repost anywhere. reblog instead
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"I need you to be my boyfriend," Y/N says as she takes a seat across from Kai, her best friend since training days. 
He looks up from his phone, his eyes wide with surprise, trying to process her words. “M... Me?” he stammers. "You want me to pretend to be your boyfriend?" he clarifies, making sure he’s not imagining things. When she nods at him with a hopeful expression, he asks, "W... why me?" 
“It’ll be more believable,” she replies. “It’s just for tonight,” she assures him before going on to explain what happened, "I ran into that girl from high school—the one I mentioned before. She thinks life is a competition. So, she was going on and on about how amazing her life is. She fell for some guy from some wealthy family, they recently got married, and they’ve just returned from Paris with a trip to Australia coming up," she says, scrunching her face in distaste. It wasn’t that she disliked her rival’s life; it was the way she bragged about it that bothered her. 
“I’m sure her parents are proud,” Kai comments as Y/N pauses to catch her breath. Being the supportive friend he is, he lets her vent about the whole situation. 
"And then she made a comment about me being single and how sad that must be for my parents!" she exclaims, her voice rising in frustration. "I don’t know what got into me, but I blurted out, ‘Who said I’m single?’ then I started talking about you like you’re my boyfriend and suggested the four of us have a double date tonight," she sighs, resting her arms on the table and dropping her head on her arms, her next words muffled by the sleeve of her top. "Of course, she agreed to it. She even offered to pay.” 
“I won’t say no to a free meal,” he says more to himself as he continues to listen. 
“I’m such an idiot! Like she’d actually believe I’m dating you. I don’t know why I thought it would be more believable. You’re way out of my league. She’ll see right through it." 
"Well, who says we have to pretend?" He speaks. 
Y/N's head snaps up, her eyes wide with disbelief. "What do you mean?" 
"I mean, why can't we make it real?" He shrugs, trying to sound casual, but inside, his heart races at the thought of being more than just friends with her. It was a few years into their friendship that he realized he felt something more for her. "That way we won't have to pretend," he continues and then quickly adds, "But only if you want too. I don't want to pressure you if you don't feel the same." 
"What do you feel?" She asks him, a hopeful gleam in her eyes. She needed to hear him say it. 
He takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of her question settle between them. "I feel... I feel like there's something more than friendship between us," he begins to tell her. “I feel like I love you.” 
“I feel that too,” she admits, her voice barely above a whisper, but it’s enough to send a rush of warmth through him. “So, what do we do now?” she asks as he takes one of her hands in his own and holds it. 
“I won’t have to be your pretend boyfriend tonight, if you’ll have me as your real boyfriend,” he says with a hopeful smile. 
She nods, also smiling, “Let’s not pretend.” 
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@staytiny2000 - @hollxe1 - @laylasbunbunny - @everythingboutkpop - @oddracha
@rainydayteacups - @http-gyu - @skittyneos - @deltamoon666 - @katsukis1wife -
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chiiyuuvv · 9 months
I failed this exam A LOT OMG
BUT guess what...I PASSED IT WITH 100/100
Girl I can't believe it🥹🥹
SAUR how do you think xikers will react to you passing an exam/important test that you were working on for a long time/stressing over a lot?
You can write it whenever you can cuz I think your requests are closed, BUT I CAN WAIT. I want YOUR thoughts because you are the best writer on this app frfr. So take your time
Anyways take care bestie, don't skip your meals, love youu🤍
-🌵 anon<3
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• PAIRING — bf!xikers x gn!reader
• GENRE — proud xikerss :DD, slight kissing, almost wrote a whole fic for hunter-
• WORD COUNT — 782
• AUTHOR'S NOTE — sorry this is so late!! And good job on your tests :O
• TAGLIST — @lil-elle , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @nenede , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @the-lemon-boy , @yuniniverse
Hes not even surprised atp, he knows how smart you are
But boy does he pretend to be shocked, his hand covering his mouth as he takes in another gasp
But his other hand is hiding behind his back
You seem to notice and the only thing he can do is giggle, revealing an neatly folded box
Turns out there was a very pretty necklace inside, minjae spinning you around to put it on you, whispering in your ear how pretty you look and how proud he is ♡
Makes sure you do nothing for the rest of the week
So what if its monday?? He'll do anything for his precious baby since you worked so hardd
Will make your meals and clean the kitchen, your room, your study area
Even gives you a bath
And he wont stop either, that is, if you want cuddles ♡
Sumin knew how stressed out you'd get with your exams so he prepared you a little smth!!
(And also some tissues)
Finally uncovering your eyes, you find a self portrait of yourself studying
And lemme just say how beautiful you look
The lines sketched with such care and patients, now you know why sumin had been smiling so much lately ♡
I think this calls for pizza!! 🗣🗣‼‼
Also makes sure you do nothing. All you gotta do is just there and look pretty and that was already took no effort
Also a movie night because why not, and you've been meaning to catch up on some movies, also why not??
His arm wrapped your shoulder at all times, and will whine if you try to move around
Plus random cheek kisses, yeah, thats about it ♡
Decides to buy tickets last minute and takes you to the fair!!
Lots of hand holding and pda, wiping some off the cinnamon off of your lips caused by your churros
Will attempt to get you those huge teddy bears, but sulks when he cant so you just gotta give him some kisses
Also the ferris wheel!!
Makes sure youre at the tippy top then he processed to tell you how proud his is and how special you mean to him, sealing it with a kiss ♡
Yall know junghoon isnt that big on physical affection
But when he hears the news hes a changed man
His eyes shot open and his hands moving faster than his brain, picking you up and spinning you around when he gives you the biggest kiss on your cheek
Wait whaat??
Wdym he did that no he didnt stop being so delusional he didnt kiss your cheek and secretly enjoyed it but not enjoying your teasings rn shut up 🙄 ♡
"Really?! I thought you failed!!"
His response earned him a huge punch
But hes only joking, ruffling your hair before dialing his phone, calling everyone and their mom to tell the news
Man does more than just spill the tea, he makes it from scratch
Hes overally dramatic when he tells your adventure, saying how you had to cross 7 seas just to find the right answer.. but you love him anyways 🤷‍♀️ ♡
Hes wants to hear all about it, so spill the tea 😠😠
Another one to think you taking a test was so dramatic, having to slay a dragon just to get the right answer to a question
And boy is he listening!! (He listens to you more than minjae)
He'd be so awestruck when youre done, his jaw lefted open and hes looking at you with sparkly eyes
Hes so proud of you too :(( ♡
Also think hes like minjae with the gift giving, pulling out this beautiful bracelet he bought months ahead of time because he knew you'd do well
But unlike minjae, he takes you out to dinner!!
Yes, a big, fancy dinner. And hes paying for it all by himself <3
Hunters prince agenda omgomg
No bc he'd drop down on his knees to kiss the back of your hand, making sure to look up at you in the process, opens every. Since. Door in sight and also pushes you into your chair. Andd he also leans against the table to wipe something off the corner of your lips, giggling to himself bc youre just so adorable. i could write a whole fic honestly... ♡
You passed your exam? Give him a hug
You got an A?? Give him a hug
You thought you were going to fail? Frowns at you, before hugging you tightly
Spends the rest of the day giving you so much love, youre only allowed to be in his arms
And is the boy so soft??? The most gentle hes ever been ♡
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angiehasakitten · 6 months
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ CHAPTER 4  ~  KIDS
{ WHAT TO KNOW }➤  This is HEAVILY inspired by the bl manhwa “No Love Zone” in which the main character ( fem!reader) is a newbie at the company. She has the worst luck in the romance department and always ends up heartbroken. That's when she sees Kamo Choso, who is her total type, but turns out to be her new boss and enemy… 
{ WORD COUNT }➤ 1.6k
{ OTHER THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND }➤ I'll only be writing in 2nd person pov, so there won't be anything like y/n. Also this is based on my personal preferences so i'm sorry if it disappoints. Whenever something like “this is hsown” it indicates the readers toughts. 
You grunt as you sink your face into the pillow, trying to hide from the sun rays that hit your eyes. You slightly lift your upper body up, looking outside the window while blinking a few times. You then smile to yourself as you remember that it’s the weekend, so you had no work. 
“Let’s sleep a little more…” You thought as you rested your head on the pillow again and closed your eyes. Right as you felt yourself drifting to sleep again, the sound of little footsteps running are heard. Your little brother runs in cooing your name as he gets on your back and starts jumping on you. 
“You promised to play soccer today!!” He exclaims cheerfully, waiting for you to wake up. “Get up! It’s already morning!” He adds, now trying to drag you by your arm. Watching as you don’t move, he gets off your back and calls your name once more, confused on why you weren’t getting up. 
You spring up suddenly and push him down to the bed as you start tickling him, giggles filling the room. “You spoiled brat! You could have broken my back!” You scold playfully as he squirms around, trying to block your touch. 
“Ah! I was wrong!” He admits through giggles. “I surrender!~ I surrender!~” He adds, you chuckle.
Your little sister’s head  pokes out from the door frame as she calls you. “Grandma said that it’s time for breakfast.” She says as she watches you attack her brother with tickles.
“Okay Hayul, we will be right out!” You inform her as she disappears. “Hear that? Let's go eat.” You  ruffle Hajun’s hair as he pants from laughing so hard. He falls onto your lap as he hugs you tightly before nodding, allowing you to carry him to the kitchen. 
After eating, you went off to get yourself ready, along with the kids as you did their hair and got them dressed. You specially prepared each of your matching uniforms, the only difference being the color. You got the black uniform, Hayul got the blue one, and Hajun got the red one. 
Was it all very cringey? Absulutely.  Was it still cute? Definetly! 
As you finish taking a mini photo shoot with them on your phone, you turn to them with a bright smile. “Who is ready to go play soccer?” You ask. 
“ME! I AM! LETS GOOO!!” They beam in sync.
𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡
You stood in front of the two on the soccer field, your hands on your hips as you looked at them. “The two of you will be on a team, so you will be going against me.” You say as you look at them with a smirk. “Now, be prepared ‘cause I wont be going easy on your guys just because you’re my siblings!” You add playfully. 
You motion for them to get into position as you do the same for yourself. “Start!” You call out as you wait for them to make the first move. Standing there confidently, you didn’t have time to process the speed of Hayul as she kicked the ball. It rolled over to your feet, but just as you were about to kick it, Hajun was already beside you as he kicked the ball and made a goal. 
The two of them squeal and jump in excitement as you blink repeatedly.  You huff in disbelief before making an excuse. “Oh don’t be so happy, I was clearly just holding back. Now, let’s get to the real deal.” You say nonchalantly, pretending like two little kids didn't just beat you right off the bat. 
“Goal!” They had beaten you once more. 
“Goal!!!” Again…
“Goal!~” Once more…
“We win!~” They cheer as you pant. You take a sip of water, frustrated from the fact you didn’t win even once. Hayul thinks aloud, “She keeps playing but never gets better at this game.” She points out. 
You bite your tongue, trying not to let out some outburst from your frustration. “Don’t kids these days prefer video games over soccer? Don’t you guys watch youtube shorts? Isn’t that what kids your age watch?” You mumble with a forced smile.
“We do!” Hajum says with a bright smile. “Can we record you playing soccer and upload it, then?” He says, clearly very excited about his idea. 
“You can’t” You say instantly with a serious expression as Hajun starts begging you, going back and forth with you. 
Hayul spots a convenience store and her eyes sparkle with desire as she spots a freezer with ice cream through the window. She runs up to you and gently tugs on your shirt to get your attention. “Can we please go get ice cream?” She says in a pleading tone. 
You look down at her with a frown. “No Hayul. You had too much yester-” Before you can finish your sentence, the two of them look up at you with the cutest, big-yet-little, eyes ever. You really couldn’t say no to them as you sigh in defeat. “Fine…” 
They sprint inside the store that was across the street as you follow behind with an annoyed look. Inside you give them a stern expression and cross your arms. “Only one.” You tell them as they start looking through different flavors. 
You sigh as you wait for them, zoning out as you do so. While lost in thought, the sound of your voice being called out brings you back to reality. You raise an eyebrow and turn to the direction of the familiar voice calling you. “Yes?” You ask, Hayul and Hajun curiously walking back to you and hiding behind you, trying to see who it was. 
Before you stood Choso, almost unrecognizable since his hair was left down, along with him being in casual clothing instead of his work clothes. You blink a few times before finally speaking. “Oh, Manager, it’s you?” You say awkwardly. 
He looks at you, his lips curling into a small smile, yet his eyes dull as ever. “Oh my, we meet at a place like this.” He remarks with a small chuckle. 
You nod slowly and uncomfortably chuckle as well. “Y- yeah, what a surprise.. Why are you here?” You ask with a slight head tilt. “My family’s house is near.” You add, awaiting to hear his reason for being in the same area, since it was quite far from work. 
“Ah, I see, your family lives here.” He begins, humming a bit. “My parents also live around this place, so I came to visit since it's been a while.” He explains. 
You hum in response and nod, Hajun and Hayul just look at the tall man before them with interest. Choso notices this and thinks for a moment before speaking. “By the way..” He begins,  looking at you and then the kids. “I didn’t know you already have children.” He points out, making your face burn up in embarrassment. 
“Oh, you got it all wrong, sir. These aren’t my kids, they're my siblings, there’s an age difference, that's all.” You explain awkwardly as you watch his eyes widen slightly in surprise. 
“Ah, they look exactly like you.” He claims. “It’s very adorable.” He  adds before crouching down to be eye level with Hajun as he ruffles his hair. “Hey buddy.” 
Hajun’s eyes sparkle as Choso says ‘hey’ to him. He shyly hides behind you which makes Choso chuckle before standing back up and looking at you. “Well, I’ll be leaving first. See you Monday.” He says dismissively, giving you a small wave. 
You nod and wave back. “Yes, see you mr. Kamo.” You watch him leave. “Travel safely!” Hajun calls out to him before he walks out. 
Hayul and Hajun then turn to look up at you in sync, starting to ask you a bunch of questions, one of which being why you were suddenly red in the face. You excused that by saying you simply got a cold, hurrying them to pick their ice cream. 
Back with Choso, he walked out the store, looking back at you and your siblings through the glass door. He can’t help but let out a hum as he watches how you act with them, a smile creeping further on his face before he looks forward and walks to wherever he is headed. 
“ Can I choose not to fall in love? If it was possible, I would’ve already chosen it. I’m angry and annoyed, like I’m losing a game I can't quit. I can’t help falling in love…”  You think to yourself as you zone out again. 
“I’m doomed.”
˚୨୧⋆。˚ CHAPTER 4 COMPLETE     
Short chapter today but oh well (tired asf)  (  •̀ - •́  )
last chap ~ next chap
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abarbaricyalp · 7 months
Either 🛥️ or 🐦 for the SamBucky romance asks!
Sambucky staples! From this list
🛥️ Meanwhile, on the Boat...
Bucky's phone rang for the fourth time.
"You should get that," Sam panted, though he didn't let go of Bucky's hair to facilitate that happening.
It didn't matter. "Not for half a million dollars," Bucky rejected instantly. He put his mouth back against Sam's neck, working a bruise up to the surface just to prove some point that they'd both forgotten about at that point.
"It could be important," Sam said, half of the thought getting lost in a gasp.
Bucky settled his weight against Sam more firmly, hips pressing into Sam's, thighs holding Sam's apart, even thought he little sleeper couch in the cabin was definitely not big enough for this. "I don't care. Not as important as you."
So true, Sam agreed to himself. If it wasn't for the fact that Bucky's phone was on the floor, so it was vibrating half the ship with each ring, he'd be more than happy to let Bucky ignore it.
It began to ring for a fifth time.
Sam sighed and pushed Bucky back, which wasn't super successful, but he managed to free an arm and could grab the phone. If it meant he strained up against Bucky's flushed body to use him as an anchor, so be it.
"Cass texted you a bunch of nonsense about a countdown. Sarah called you three times. The last two were Cass. Oh, he just texted again to say that... 'Mom's on her way. SOS.' What's that mean? Why are you two in trouble with Sarah?"
"Oh, shit," Bucky acknowledged for the first time in a while. He scrabbled to get off of Sam and only managed to fall flat on his face in the process when his hand slipped off the edge of the cot.
Like some kind of stage cue, Sarah walked into the cabin just as Bucky was extricating his face from Sam's chest. Her mouth curled to one side, completely unimpressed, and she crossed her arms.
"I said distract him. Not steal him away for the whole afternoon."
"That's not my fault," Bucky said. "He's too distractible."
"You're too distractible," she accused. "People have been waiting for half an hour."
"Waiting on what?" Sam asked, shoving Bucky back so they could both sit up. "Distract me from--- Oh."
Sarah threw her hands up in the air and Bucky had the decency to look sheepish. "Can you pretend to be surprised?" he asked.
"I knew I shoulda just brought everyone out here. Given you a real surprise," Sarah added.
"Y'all planned a whole party for me?" Sam asked, feeling deeply touched even while Bucky was getting the Sarah Wilson Special as far as eye daggers went. Sam hadn't seen some of these looks since high school.
"Well, Sarah did most of the planning," Bucky admitted.
"He had one job this whole time!"
"I did my job!" Bucky defended. He threw an arm around Sam's shoulders and grinned in a way that would get him out of a lot of trouble, but not this trouble. "I kept him distracted."
"Just get your thick heads to the house. Please and thank you. And I'm not leaving this boat until you two stand up."
Pointedly, Sam stood up. Reluctantly, Bucky followed.
"A whole surprise party, huh?" Sam asked, hooking his fingers in Bucky's belt loops to tug him forward.
"My job was also to make sure you weren't out of state when it was happening," Bucky added with a pleased little grin. "I kept you home for three whole days."
"Yeah, I bet you were just out there single handedly defeating aliens," Sam agreed. He leaned in for a series of short kisses and had to duck out of the way when Bucky went for his neck again.
"Wait a minute," he said, letting go of Bucky to bring his fingers up to his neck. Judging by the way Bucky was already creeping to the door, he knew the answer. "Did you just put a hickey on my neck before I go see everyone?"
"No one will be able to tell!" Bucky called as he dashed out of the cabin and across the deck to the pier.
Sam was quickly after him, the boat rocking behind them.
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carmenized-onions · 2 months
This is actually my first time ever commenting without being anon …. And I thought I would do that to wish you the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS!!! I hope you took the time to enjoy the day before your inbox gets flooded from your newest chapter. I’m currently holding off reading it to write you and read the posts from the previous chapter to prepare. When I tell you I have been refreshing your account religiously, awaiting any and all updates….it was looking a little embarrassing for me there. So glad you’re back again so let’s get into it.
-I saw a comment on how your story is better than the show in a sense. 1000% agree. You have a way of writing all the right things to get us attached (and even a little heart broken)to the characters and storyline while giving us hope that good things can and should still be able to happen for them. Regardless of how they see themselves and the situation(we love an unreliable narrator). Idk if this would make sense to anyone but me, but in my mind this story is a Shakespeare sonnet to the show’s Greek tragedy. Sometimes I think about things that I would have liked to see different in stories I read. Didn’t happen once in any of your chapters so far. Everything seems so perfectly balanced.
-I also pretend Tony is just off screen in the show. Don’t worry guys. She’s just on another job. Girls gotta pay rent😭
- I love the relationship between Tony and Syd omg. Peak female friendship between these two, but wouldn’t be mad if it was more than that…we are severely lacking in Syd stories across all platforms. Enough has been said in other comments about Tony’s relationship with Carmy, but this dynamic with Syd really made me think. Do I want to be her or do I want to be with her?? 👀Mhm mhm I’m gonna let that one simmer on the back burner for a bit. Moving on…
- Speaking of relationships. Tony and Richie. Wow. Just wow. I think the scene of him being a bit protective with the gross chef and him thinking Carmy would be all over it if he would just listen to why Richie thought he was a creep, shows how protective he can be. Our boy did not want to let that behavior slide. Then the heart to heart in the parking lot. I was in tears. Full on ugly sobbing. I had to pause and put the phone down….then read it over to really process it. It hit so close to home for me and truly gave me chills. It was such powerful writing in the way it felt so real to both of them and so accurate to how they would feel. If only one relationship can survive, I petition it to be these two. Friends (cousins) for life.
- You’re the closest we’re getting to justice for the Uncle Lee shit and i love you for it. It felt therapeutic 😌
-Also, LOVED the small character of Union Guy who shouted when people got annoyed at the bar staff getting a break. Very much made me think of that Saul Goodman video “Did you know you have rights? Well the constitution says you do.” It truly is the little pieces of comedic writing that make this story incredible.😭
- Obviously, the main event is Tony and Carmy. I love their dynamic and the way they flow so organically with each other in the story. I look forward to these two every week. It truly feels like before when everyone had cable and you waited all week to sit down and watch an episode of your favorite show. Nothing I say can do justice to your writing of these characters. Chefs kiss😘🤌
With all that being said, I’m sorry this was sooo long. I truly could talk about this story for hours. It can be very difficult for me to stay engaged in stories, but you’re easily one of my favorite writers I’ve ever read. I can’t wait to go read the next chapter and see what you do next. And again Happy Birthday!
THAT MEANS THE WORLD THAT YOU’D COME OFF ANON, WHAT A SWEETIE!! My actual birthday was pretty Mid, alas, jobs. But the weekend was delightful, so thank you!! The chapter I dropped on my birthday was Two Steps Back, right? I can’t remember the concept of time anymore. Regardless, I don’t remember seeing you in my inbox about it, I would LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT!! No pressure though, also you fully may well be in my inbox and have already yapped about it— I’m terrible at reading. 
Ah, what a fuckin knife to the heart (in a good way, yknow? Like a sordid French romance knife to the heart). Greek Tragedy v Shakespeare Sonnet— That honestly helps my brain so much, because everytime I think about S3 I go FUCK I DIDN’T PREDICT RIGHT— And that’s just cause they wanted to go down the alley of We’re at Rock Bottom and we’re going to Dig Even Lower and that’s the tragedy— And I went for We’re at Rock Bottom and we’re going to Desperately Try To Claw Out and that’s the tragedy. 
Neither of them are bad ways of writing!!! So thank you for reminding me of that. Do I kinda prefer my way? Yeaahhhh… No one tell Matty!! No one tell, okay!!! Unless it means you can get me a job then yeah tell Matty!! I want an Emmy, baby, get me in that Writer’s Room!! Anyways, thank you for saying so— The balance comes from going to school to write and also from being a freak— Here, let me show you:
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Ignore the birthday list i had a picnic and a beyblade tournament it was really fun also i lost neverTHELESS!! My notes app looks like this. There’s more but they’re for Chapter 14/15 so I cannot show, but yeah basically if you think I’m balanced, it’s because I’m. wired in a weird way. constantly re-reading and editing and revising and dying. call me carmen's menu cause baby i'm FUCKIN CHAOS
TONY’S JUST AT THE VIP BAR IN S3 GUYS OKAY SHE’S JUST OFF SCREEEENNN— Sigh, I really do hope Syd gets a good fuckin girlfriend (platonic or romantic) next season she is just,, she needs someone other than this fuckin’ family because they are making my poor baby TWEAK out here. I’m still noodling with how I will do a quick lil SquidInk spinoff. I feel like I can’t just do alternate timeline series, because it would be a lot of the same happening just with Syd and no familial trauma, but like,,, a cute little one off, I do have an idea for. So we shall leave it on the back burner for neeeoww. 
UGLY SOBBING??!?!?! FOR MMEEEE??!?!?!? ooooOOHFDGH— Thank you and I’m sorry, I’m so sorry but also thank you— Yknow? 
With all the growth Richie’s had, with his light bit of misogyny from S1, I knew the one thing that he absolutely carried with them from point A to B was be protective, be a gentleman— And so to see Carmen not act like he did— Bro became full girl dad. FULL girl dad moment. 
Can I also take a moment to admit something? I have been waiting a long time to do the parking lot scene, but I had pictured the parking lot scene way long ago, when I was considering writing a Richie fic! I did not think it was going to end up here until like chapter 3? 
The reason Richie and Chip became such close characters was truly born out of me not wanting to write Y/N, and so I wrote in Cousin and gave Richie the history of knowing the nickname Chip— Because originally, I’d thought Chip and Mikey would be very separate from the Beef. But I wanted cousin!! So their closeness was born, and now they’re literally my favourite dynamic in the series. Funny how that works.
I had to beat uncle lee’s ass on camera. I really cannot STAND that motherfucker and it is also SO FUNNY that in the immediate next note to reference Saul Goodman who is Uncle Lee— But yes that is absolutely what i was going for. That union scene in my head was originally going to be so much longer for literally no reason, and because there was no reason for it I cut it down, but it’s those MOMENTS THAT I LOVE TO WRITTEE BABBYYY
THANK YOU FOR SITTIN DOWN AND READING EVERY WEEK AWWEE— I wish The Bear was a weekly release honestly, I feel like it’d be so much fun that way cause what, right now we’d still be yelling about episode seven or eight by now? Ah. Love love love. My hopes are that I can get Ch 14’s draft done today and hopefully have something up in the middle of this week, but we will fucking SEE WON’T WE?
It was SUCH a pleasure to read your thoughts, and it really does mean the world to hear you’re so engaged and fuckin NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR GOING LONG!! It’s MY job to be brief (and I’m bad at it), you yap all you want. As a little gift, here is a tentative meme that I made in advance for the next chapter. The title is still pending changes, but right now Chapter 14 is called The Cat. Will this change? Probably, we’ll see. Everyone tell me if you hate The Cat.
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darsynia · 1 year
Trust Fall | Ch 25b
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gif by @idontwikeit
Story Masterlist | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Summary: Tony/OC, ‘terrorists made us fall in love;’ IM1 timeline. In this chapter, Tony figures out why he can’t get in touch with Emory, and 'Agent Harris' takes Emory to meet the scientist whose serum has given and taken away so much from her.
Length: 3,050
Taglist: @starryeyes2000 @raith-way @arrthurpendragon @themaradaniels @starksbf @chickensarentcheap @tiny-anne @thorfics @chibijusstuff
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Chapter Twenty-Five: Caustic Echoes
“It’s two in the morning. We have to stop meeting like this, sir.”
Tony couldn’t sleep, so he’s back in the workroom. “There’s a word for this,” he gripes. “Nagging. Nagging is the word! You’re a nag, JARVIS. I went to bed at eight. I got six hours of sleep! What more do you want?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Enough time to do my scheduled diagnostic without interruption, perhaps?”
“Don’t go all Star Trek on me.” JARVIS does periodically perform a subroutine in the middle of the night, and Tony has been keeping an irregular schedule, but lying awake in bed alone has never been his preference. “It’s morning somewhere in the world, pretend that’s where we are.”
Tony expects JARVIS to respond with a crack about a healthy breakfast, but the resulting silence is deafening, even with the torch going full blast and a welding hood on. Blaring music would be admitting defeat, but after twenty minutes, Tony can’t take it anymore. He chooses the lesser of two evils.
“ETA on Obie?”
“Mr. Stane is due to arrive at Teterboro at 1 PM. His assistant has sent a request to meet with you for lunch.”
Tony’s stomach roils at the very thought. Usually he snacks constantly when he stays up late, but the unresolved issues between him and Stane are nausea fodder, apparently. He doesn’t even want to plan to eat something. Unfortunately the alternative is to have Obie visit the mansion, and that’s even worse. Everything Tony’s been trying to change is based here, and he wants to keep Obadiah Stane far from all of those things. He casts his mind around for what to do, but his first instinct, ‘call Pepper,’ is a no go. She and Happy are both undoubtedly asleep in preparation to fly back in the same jet as Obie will. 
“Ask me about it in a few hours,” Tony sighs. He flips the welding hood up, unwilling to cloud the glass viewing slit with his huffed breath. “Right now I’d rather barf on his shoes, and no, you can’t quote me on that.”
“Beg pardon, but I meant to get your attention for something else. Miss Autumn’s phone has registered at 100% charge for the past thirty-six hours. Its location has also remained static through that time.”
Tony’s completely blindsided. He barks out, “Initiate two calls to Fury’s office number. One from my cell, and one from one of Stark Industries’ main lines. Let me know if one of them connects.”
“Calling now.”
Flipping down the hood, Tony finishes the last few millimeters. It doesn’t take long, but neither should the task he’d given JARVIS. “Well?” Each second represents a chunk of distance between them, and it’s widening.
“Your personal number was routed to a voicemail line. I left a neutral-sounding request for a call-back. The company line is on hold--” JARVIS breaks off, resuming in a mildly apologetic tone. “Sent to voicemail. I disconnected.”
Shit. “Thirty-six hours? She’s already in Sokovia,” Tony says aloud, shutting off the torch. It feels like he’s shut off any hope of helping her in the process. No message and SHIELD is dodging his calls? The mission could be over by now. Time to shift gears and modify his suit for extraction/rescue, if necessary. “Keep calling both lines until someone actually answers,” he says, feeling a vindictive sense of outrage. They know he’s got her best interest at heart, but they’re keeping things from him anyway? He’ll make them work for it. “Bring up the schematics for that shoulder-mounted weaponry.”
“Offensive, Flight, or Hybrid, sir?”
“Hybrid.” He goes over to the silver suit he’d worn to bring her home with him last time. Much of it is solid, because that was the point. It would be better to build a completely new one, but he’s on the wrong coast for that, realistically. Fuck. Tony grabs the table for support as a wave of nausea passes over him. He’s worked himself sick before, but never this quickly. Maybe he can use how he's feeling to Stane at bay?
“Schematics fully loaded and ready, sir.”
This situation can’t be worse than building an arc reactor from memory, miniaturizing it, and then using it to power an armored suit built in a dingy cave with materials from his own weapons.
This time he has coffee.
“Good. Let’s rock and roll.” 
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When they arrive at the fortress, Emory’s both comforted and concerned by the place. It doesn't look run-down or evil at all. There are high metal gates surrounding the castle-like building’s extensive grounds, throughout which are scattered various statues. She can’t see any of them clearly, but most are human-sized, and her first thought is that one of her fellow serum-takers had gained Medusan powers.
Even if that isn’t the case, just implying as much displays horrifying genius.
They’re greeted at the large front stairs by two figures wearing what can only be described as modern servant’s livery. The high boots, tight fitting trousers, and buttoned-up vest are all jet black, but the shirt underneath is a pristine white, and the fancy jacket they’re wearing on top of it all is covered with rich silver embroidery that travels from the lapels down to the sleeve cuffs and around to the long ‘tails’ in the back. There’s an immediate sense that, while this group of people have a common bond, maybe even a sense of belonging, it’s not like a family.
Whoever this scientist is, he’s learned his history. HYDRA’s heraldry and cult-like devotion to structure is on obvious display.
Agent Harris’s own cleverness is equally evident, though. Thanks to Emory’s wheelchair and accompanying oxygen tank, they’re led around the front of the building to a side entrance. It’s humid and mossy, a far cry from the grandiose front entrance. Once inside, the scientist’s minions guide them through three different hallways, each angled upwards, until finally they cross through a doorway and into a lavish-looking foyer. 
The second floor staircase arches across the space, leading to a balcony that is populated by at least four similarly-dressed henchmen. If it weren’t for the winding path they’d taken through deserted hallways, past open doors showing empty, unfurnished rooms, Emory would have taken the number of people milling around the foyer to be indicative of the population of the whole building. The fact that they’re all wearing the same uniform and gathered in the same place makes her think they’re making a physical show for the meeting.
“The boss is in the ballroom today. I’ll announce you,” a young woman says. She has black hair pinned up like a crown on her head, and her eyes have a faint blue glow to them. Fascinated, Emory watches her closely, noticing a kind of blue haze around the woman’s hand when she touches the doorknob to the next room.
“Ballroom. Sounds fancy. And big,” Agent Harris says. Something in her faux impressed tone makes Emory wonder if they might need to modify the tank. If the term ‘ballroom’ is accurate, that could mean high ceilings and wide open spaces, or in other terms, a lot of airspace. That’s useful if Emory needs the gas to fight with, but it could also make their secret weapon less effective.
She reaches out a hand to touch Harris’s arm, making sure to do so tentatively, as if afraid she’ll offend.
“Yes, what do you need?” Irritated deference.
“Can you check the flow? I might be breathing a little fast,” Emory says, her voice muffled through the mask. 
“I’m sure you’ll be-- Oh, all right,” Harris says, leaning over to inspect the valve. The actual oxygen connector is hidden in the mount to the wheelchair.
The door opens, and the same young woman leans through, a neutral expression on her face. “It will be a few minutes.”
Emory looks back at Agent Harris to see that she’s at her watch, a pained smile on her face.
“Of course,” the SHIELD agent says.
Emory doesn’t bother to smile, knowing the semi-transparent mask she’s wearing would obscure it anyway. In her head, she chants a mantra that’s true in both original and coded wording.
I want to go home.
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Tony ends up using the Disrobe-Bot to better dismantle the suit for modification. Installing shoulder-mounted weaponry takes a long time, longer than he’d wanted, thanks to whatever stomach bug he must have picked up in California. With JARVIS’s help, he sets up a HUD-based firing sequence just in case he’s not able to verbally command his AI to fire. If he looks up and to the left three times in rapid succession, that’s JARVIS’s command to fire available weapons at the most imminent threat. It’s imperfect, and he’ll need to find a place to test it that isn’t in the middle of the city before he’s satisfied with the concept. There’s a non-zero chance that his house is staked out by paparazzi who would love to file a story saying they heard gunfire at Tony Stark’s estate.
Eventually, his ‘hungry, not hungry, nauseated/not nauseated’ cycle forces him to snack on a packet of frozen raspberries that he hopes to hell hasn’t been here since the late 90’s. If it was, it's not like he'll be able to tell. He’s halfway through it when he gets a call from Pepper.
“Hey, you about to board?” Tony says in greeting. Somehow it’s past ten AM.
“No, I’m in my car. I was all set to leave, but Tony, there’s something going on with Obadiah.” She sounds upset, almost frantic.
“Okay pull over, okay? You’re practically hyperventilating,” he tells her, reaching back to find his rolling desk chair. The mere sound of her panic is making him dizzy. 
“I’m parked at a gas station. You need to listen to me,” Pepper says, a note of urgency in her voice. “Just now, before the flight, I went into your office to copy over some of your files to bring back. It’s a big flash drive so I was just throwing everything on it-- but there was a whole chunk of stuff that wouldn’t copy because it’s encrypted. I used your codes but they didn’t work.”
“So when you told me you didn’t know those and hadn’t ever tried them--” Tony starts to tease, but Pepper interrupts him. “Tony, Obadiah showed up within ten minutes of me trying to open those files. He was out of breath. It was barely six in the morning! He had to be somewhere in the complex already.”
“Okay that’s weird,” Tony allows, adding, “But he could have been picking up the palladium, Pep. It’s not something you’d want to keep at home, even if you’re Stane.” He’s still hoping she’s overreacting. Obie and Pepper have never gotten along well, and he wasn’t there to mediate. She wouldn’t even answer questions about what Stane’s behavior had been like during Tony’s kidnapping.
He’s in the middle of tossing the frozen fruit pouch onto the desk a few feet away when her next words make him fumble the throw.
“When he saw the flash drive, he demanded that I give it to him. He was ANGRY, Tony, I’ve never seen him like that before. I didn’t know what to do! You didn’t put anything about your new armor on there, did you? I called as soon as I could.”
He hadn’t, but this is frightening behavior for Stane. Even at his most upset, the man usually displays an almost pathological friendliness. Obie can get cheerfully menacing, but never hostile. Raspberries start toppling from the fallen package onto the floor like blood drops as Tony tries to think about the implications of what Pepper is saying.
Reassurance first.
“Nothing new is on there,” he says firmly. “Did he catch the flight? JARVIS?” Tony looks up at the ceiling.
“The flight plan was filed with no deviations, no delays reported.”
Pepper speaks before JARVIS is finished, because Tony’s not on speakerphone. “They’re about to take off, Happy texted me from the plane. He wanted to keep an eye on Obadiah.”
“Fuck, that’s not the best idea,” Tony blurts out. Pepper lets out a little hiccup of a distressed laugh in his ear. “Okay, so you don’t have the drive, but the computer is still at the office?” As soon as he says this, Tony regrets it. Pepper would have to go in person to check, and Stane has buddies at the company. Fear mixes with the raspberries in his stomach, seasoned by whatever bug he’s been plagued with today. It would be just his luck if he ends up too busy throwing up to figure all this shit out.
“He escorted me out to my car, and his driver was parked next to it when we got out there,” Pepper says. 
“Well that’s not a good sign.”
“I could barely pull out of the lot, I was shaking so hard! What do we do? There has to be something on that computer, something he doesn’t want us to know about, and if that’s true--”
“Then he’ll probably send someone in to nuke it ASAP, yeah. Give me some time to think,” Tony says. “Can you go find another flash drive? I can write something to bypass the encryption, but I can’t do it remotely. We’d have to upload it onto the drive and have you go physically plug it in. Fuck, and Rhodey is in town with me, still.”
“I could go look in the surplus supply office for another--”
“Do not go back there by yourself,” Tony interrupts again. “Go buy one, biggest you can find, but use your card, I’ll cover it. Keep under his radar. I’ll send half of Rhodey’s unit in with you if I have to. Just don’t try to be a hero and go without backup. Happy would never forgive me, and I’m pretty sure I’d miss you eventually,” Tony says, typing a few questions to JARVIS in the window at the top left of his screen they use for nonverbal communication.
His AI answers in the same place. Do I have your authorization to request our pilots disable the communication systems on the plane as a security concern on your behalf? It will not prevent Mr. Stane from using his personal devices, but could delay him while you and Miss Potts coordinate on the ground. And yes, there is Pepto Bismol in the upstairs bathroom.
“I don’t think you could tie your shoes without me,” she teases back, a little more confidence in her voice. “What’s your social security number?”
Tony’s busy responding ‘Yes,’ ‘Good idea,’ and ‘thank FUCK’ to JARVIS, missing most of what Pepper says except for the word ‘number.’  Shit. “Seven?” he tosses out.
“Seven? Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Pepper laughs. “Whatever you do, don’t meet with him until we find out what’s on that computer, okay?”
“Not even in the suit? Geez, thanks for the faith in my abilities, Benedict Potts!” Tony teases. He’s found the program he wants to send over, but she’ll still need to physically plug the drive in to use it.
“If we’re talking Arnolds, I want you to be thinking Schwarzenegger, not spies! Promise me? It was hard enough talking Happy down, and I only told him Stane was acting strangely. He’d be going all Air Force One as we speak, otherwise.”
“Spies!” Tony says, snapping his fingers a few times in happiness at what she’s helped him figure out.  “You are brilliant, beautiful, and behind on your responsibilities. Go get a flash drive, I’ll talk to you later.”
With that, he hangs up and heads for the upstairs bathroom, dialing the number for Agent Phil Coulson as he goes.
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It takes over twenty minutes for the ballroom door to reopen. During that time, a further two black and silver-clad people join the others on the balcony watching Emory and Harris, but besides a few offhand comments, everyone stays silent. The stress makes Emory close her eyes and try to meditate. She and Natasha had discussed whether it would be a good idea to start gathering energy in the moments leading up to the mission, and in the end, they’d agreed it was a bad idea. Now, in the midst of a situation that she could use to power up, Emory’s glad she doesn’t have that pressure on her as well. It’s very likely that this wait is intended to reveal her powers. 
Finally, the door opens, and the blue-eyed henchwoman steps through, nodding at Harris and beckoning. Emory presses her arm against the shape of the phone in her pocket to bolster her courage.
The room she’s wheeled into is dimly lit and very large. The lack of light surprises Emory until she reasons that most ‘balls’ are evening affairs. It would be useless to design the room with the kind of windows that would stream light into a space hardly ever used in the daylight hours. Still, the absence of sunlight and lack of lamps fills her with dread. What will they be greeted with at the shadowy other end of the room? A lab? A throne?
They pass four columns on the way to an answer to her question. Multiple rich-looking carpets denote a rich-looking office area against the back wall. In the very center is an enormous dark wood desk with a huge winged chair. The lights are all positioned behind the chair, so its occupant isn’t fully visible until they’re feet away.
She sees his hand first, as the scientist reaches toward a small lamp positioned at the close corner of his desk. Everything about the encounter so far is obviously theatrical, so Emory braces herself. Did this man’s obsession with the serum turn cruel after his own use of it backfired into something horrible? 
The light switches on, revealing that the chair is even more disproportionately large than she thought. Seated there is a matronly, slight woman with graying hair pulled back in a generous pouf on the top of her head. She’s dressed in a black suit jacket and stark white shirt, just like her minions, though her clothes carry no embellishments. The desk is meticulously neat, with a few folders and the lamp, and nothing else.
“Welcome, my dear.”
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Next chapter, both Tony Stark and Emory Autumn fear for their lives.
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Chapter Summary: A dinner with Integra proves rather eventful
TW: Blood and Gore
Master List
A Stab At Love
Chapter Two: A Talk Over A Cigar
You notice how Anastasia looks like a tiny soldier when she is standing in line because the rest of the students are in their late teens. But that doesn’t deter your fearless daughter from giving it her all whenever she’s put in the spotlight.
“Anastasia, up front!” Integra demands and Anastasia follows the order, making her way to the piste Integra was standing at. Integra then calls over one of the other students, he’s a tall boy with brown hair named Elliot and she steps away before shouting, “En Garde!”
“Pret!” Anastasia and Elliot say in unison, then take a fighting stance.
Anastasia puts the wrong foot in front, it was only her third lesson so she doesn’t have the hang of it quite yet. But that doesn’t stop Integra from immediately reprimanding her.
“Wrong foot!” Integra says sternly. “You should know this by now!”
Just because you were Integra’s friend doesn’t mean your child will get special treatment, and you prefer it that way. Anastasia does too because she hates the feeling of being different. Which she’s been feeling a lot lately, especially at school.
Your daughter is smart but just not in the practical way, so she has a lot of trouble in school. Anastasia also doesn’t fit into the norms the school has set up. It’s a very sexist, and stereotypical social construct. ‘Boys wear blue, girls wear pink’ type of place, and it’s not even a private school. But it didn’t matter because Anastasia wanted nothing to do with it, she doesn't like pretending to be someone she’s not. That’s why she isn’t fitting in with anyone, even after being there for a month.
Fencing helps Anastasia take her anger out, and though she has to follow rules, she gets to be herself. Her aggressive, over competitive self.
Anastasia respectfully shouts back, “sorry Sir!”
“Now do it again!” Integra demands and Anastasia gets back into a straight stance waiting for Integra to give them the go. “En Garde!”
“Pret!” Elliot and Anastasia say once more and get into stance.
Anastasia has the correct footing this time, but Elliot quickly lunges and lightly strikes her torso. He is one of the more respectful ones, so he doesn’t strike Anastasia as hard as he would his other classmates. You assume he has siblings, you have no reason behind the assumption. You just have a feeling that he does.
Anastasia’s response was nothing but a quick curse, “shit!”
“Language,” Integra has been on Anastasia’s case about her sailor’s tongue because foul language is unsportsmanlike. Integra herself couldn’t care less about how Anastasia talks in her free time, but in class she needs to be respectful and a good representation of the Hellsing Organization’s Fencing Team.
“Sorry Sir!” Anastasia apologizes again. She does a lot of apologizing whenever she’s around Integra because she knows that Integra deserves the utmost respect since she is your friend.
“Quit apologizing and learn how to do things right,” Integra says sternly.
“Yes sir, understood sir,” Anastasia bows her head to Integra.
“Words mean nothing, actions are everything.” Integra gives her those wise words of advice then seems to look at everyone. But in reality she’s looking at you, making eye contact and holding it for a moment.
You told her that same exact thing one night- back when you two were thirteen- when she called you, crying about a boy she liked at the time.
There was some drama and you don’t remember much of it, mainly because your anger took over.
You wake up to the sound of your furiously phone buzzing against the wood of your nightstand. You reach for it and see that Integra’s name is on the little screen, you also see that it’s 1 am. You open up your phone and grumpily say, “it is one in the morning, what-“
Integra’s sniffling cuts off your thought process, “I need to talk.”
“Why are you crying?!” You’re fully awake now, and hyper aware of every little noise in the background. You can tell she’s in a car, “where are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“Walter is taking me home,” Integra says, trying not to cry. “I’m not hurt, but I’m not okay.”
“What the Hell happened?!” You’re worried sick, and wish that she’d get to the point, “Integra, tell me what’s going on! Why are you crying?!”
Integra can barely choke out the next sentence, “he promised he’d change.”
You sigh, still unsure of what she’s talking about, but if she’s with Walter she has to be safe. Also you don’t have the energy to fight to get information currently, assuming she’s going to be vague like always. So you only offer comforting words, “words mean nothing, actions are everything.”
Integra hears the tiredness in your voice but couldn’t keep herself from crying, “he planned the date though!”
As soon as Integra reveals that it’s a boy that made her cry, you toss your phone down on your bed without even bothering to hang up. You’re too angry to even think, all you see is red, and you can hear nothing but a ringing in your ears.
“Hey? Where are you?” Integra asks, and when she gets no response she assumes you fell back asleep. So she hangs up the phone.
But in reality you’re changing out of your pajamas and into the clothes you wore the day before, because there is no sense in dirtying more laundry.
You walk out of your house, not even bothering to be sneaky. Right now you only have one thing on your mind, and that’s defending Integra.
You got lucky when you found the guy, he was walking down the sidewalk leading to the cul-de-sac his house is in. He has a girl under his arm, and is walking her back to her house that was right down the street from his.
You thought that you were angry before, but seeing this makes your blood boil. But you wait until he takes the girl home and gets halfway back to his own before you approach him.
The approach quickly becomes a malicious attack that he never saw coming. You don’t know the meaning of mercy when it comes to defending the people you care about.
And currently the only person thirteen year old you cares about in this life is Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing.
You leave him looking like he got hit by a car, and that’s what you tell him to say whenever someone asks what happened. You threaten to beat him up all over again if he doesn’t say that’s what happened. But you’ll do worse if he doesn’t come clean to Integra.
The next morning he tells Integra everything he’s supposed to, and Integra cuts him out of her life without any hesitation.
To this day Integra still doesn’t know that was what really happened, but your words forever stuck with her.
And the sad part is the irony of it all, because you put yourself in an even worse situation.
Which Integra also doesn’t know about, you two still haven’t had brunch- or even a meal- together though plans keep being made. Something always pops up it seems. But you two are definitely having dinner tonight, even if that means Anastasia is joining.
But for now you’re watching your tiny soldier try her best at beating a teenager nearly twice her size at fencing.
Though it doesn’t look like that’s happening anytime soon.
It was Anastasia’s third try, and when Elliot lunges for her she jumps to dodge his attack. It works but she trips over her own two feet and lands on her rump. “Ow!”
Elliot approaches Anastasia and holds his hand out to her up. He gives her words of encouragement, “you almost had it kiddo.”
Though Anastasia can’t see his face she can hear the smile through his voice and- since she is exactly like you- takes it as an insult. She scowls, “I don’t need your pity.”
Elliot pauses, he doesn’t know how to respond to that. So he just watches Anastasia get up on her own and point her sword at him, fiercely saying, “and stop holding back!”
“Alright little miss,” Elliot says and gets ready for another rematch. He lies to her when he says, “I’ll give it my all.”
Though Anastasia doesn’t know the difference because she fails miserably nonetheless. Of course she’s mad about it, frustrated that she can’t land a single attack. But at the same time she’s happy that she’s- for what she knows- is being treated like an equal.
When the class is over your motherly instinct about Elliot proves correct, he has younger siblings. He actually has quite a few, seven of them if you counted correctly. Five of them tackle him to the ground before he gets off of the piste.
Anastasia scurries away before she gets knocked into the pile, and when she comes over to you she takes her helmet off. “Don’t have any more kids.”
“You don’t want to be tackled to the floor like that?” You tease Anastasia and scoop her off of the ground, holding her to your hip.
“No ma’am!” Anastasia sassily replies, “I’m the only one you need anyway.”
You laugh and kiss Anastasia’s cheek, she’s right. You love your child with all your heart, but you aren’t having another. Though you’re still going to tease her about it, “of course… for now at least.”
Anastasia gasps, “I’ll put you in a nursing home if you do!”
“Well maybe I’ll need to have more kids if that’s how you plan on taking care of me when I’m old!” You set her down, “now let’s get back home.”
Anastasia nods and walks away, heading to the bathroom with her duffel bag in hand.
After a few minutes Anastasia comes out of the bathroom and walks over to you, “ready to go.”
“Alright, let’s get going,” you tell her and she holds your hand as you two go back to the apartment.
It’s around 6:30pm that you and Anastasia meet Integra at the door of a fancy restaurant in the city. You wore a simple white button up shirt with dress pants and a blazer. Meanwhile Anastasia has on the fanciest dress she owns, it’s black with a big ruffled skirt and a red bow in the back. She looks like she is coming back from a church for goths.
“Hi Integra! Hi Seras!” Anastasia says happily when she sees the two of them waiting at the door.
Seras smiles brightly, “you look so beautiful Ana!”
“You do too!” She says happily, Seras and Integra are in their normal outfits. But Anastasia still thinks they look awesome. “I want to get clothes like you and Integra have!”
“That’s an adventure for another day,” you tell Anastasia and she gives you a nod. You then look back to Integra, “shall we?”
“After you,” Integra says, letting you and Anastasia go in first.
The four of you are led to a table, and once everyone is sat down Anastasia starts talking Seras’ ear off. It’s about the most random things, but Seras is able to keep up with conversation without a problem.
You look at Integra and she just chuckles a bit, Integra still finds it hard to believe that you have a child. “She is exactly like you.”
“Amazing, innit?” You tease, you wouldn’t want Anastasia any other way. You’re proud of how you raised your daughter, because she doesn’t let anyone disrespect her. Though you do need to teach her how to pick and choose her battles.
“Indeed,” Integra nods slightly. She lowers her voice to where only you can hear her, “I thought you swore to never going to have children.”
“I did,” you say quietly and look back to your daughter with a smile, “but things change.”
Integra agrees, “we would both know that better than anyone.”
“Yes, we would,” you pick up the menu and do a quick scan of the items on it. “Ana, they have spaghetti.”
“Ooo! I want that!” Anastasia says and then goes back to talking to Seras, so much for using her for a quick distraction.
Integra saw straight through your plan and smirks, “that didn’t go as planned, now did it?”
You scowl, she somehow always manages to see straight through your plans. You always hated it, “no, it didn’t.”
“Seras, I’m going for a smoke,” Integra tells her then looks at you. This was her signal that she wants you to join her.
“I’ll be back Ana,” you tell your daughter and give her a kiss on the forehead before standing up. “Don’t give Seras any issues.”
“I’ll be a complete and total terror,” Anastasia says matter-of-factly. Since she sounds so serious, Seras can’t tell that Anastasia is lying.
You roll your eyes, but decide to mess with Seras as well and tell her, “try to keep the restaurant in one piece.”
Seras is visibly nervous and she goes to say something, but you walk away with Integra before she can.
Once outside Integra lights her cigar and asks in a disapproving tone, “why must you mess with my men like that?”
“She’s had bigger scares than dealing with a devious eight year old,” you roll your eyes and decide to bring up a certain someone. “She’s the Draculina, no?”
“Correct,” Integra says and takes an inhale of her cigar, only to sigh out a puff of smoke moments later.
“Where is he anyway?” You ask, wondering why Alucard hasn’t shown up yet. He does lurk in the shadows, but you assumed that he would have welcomed you back by now.
“Dead,” Integra says emotionlessly as she taps her cigar a bit.
You watch the ashes fall to the ground, and stay silent for a moment. She’s faking her nonchalant attitude and you know it. Integra may be able to trick everyone else into thinking that she doesn’t care, but you know better. He meant a lot to her and she’s grieving his absence.
Integra may have treated him as nothing more than a servant, but he was family to her. You hold out your hand and Integra shares her cigar with you, just like you two did when you were teens. “Assuming Walter is too.”
“Walter was a coward,” Integra says plainly. “He played a role in killing Alucard.”
“Damn,” you say and hand her cigar back to her. You don’t show emotion over it because you know Integra prefers it that way. “Alucard better have gone out in a blaze of glory.”
“He didn’t, he disappeared into thin air and didn’t even manage to kill Walter.” Integra holds back her anger, she will never be able to get over Walter’s betrayal and Alucard’s death.
You hand Integra her cigar back, you don’t smoke anymore and after one inhale you are done. The taste is not agreeing with you, and you don’t want to fall back into the habit either, “well, then.”
Integra takes another inhale of her cigar, and lets silence fill the air. She hasn’t spoken on the matter since the day it happened, and it’s taken a toll on her. But she won’t show it, instead she changes the topic, “why are you back in London?”
“Wanted my daughter to meet her fam-“ you begin to say.
“Bullshit,” Integra chuckles because she knows that’s a lie without a doubt. “Your family died when London was attacked, you and your daughter are the last of your bloodline.”
You didn’t know that, and that’s why Integra found your lie funny. She smirks and asks, “wish to try again?”
“No,” you say plainly. Just like Integra you have feelings you aren’t ready to deal with either, and she understands that.
“Let’s get back inside,” Integra drops her cigar to the ground and steps on it, “hopefully Seras kept the restaurant in one piece.”
You chuckle and open the door and let her go first, with a nod to one another, making a silent agreement to not speak another word on any serious matters for the rest of the night.
When you walk back in, Seras lets out a relieved sigh. Anastasia was picking on her the whole time and making her all kinds of nervous.
You and Anastasia laugh, and Integra chuckles a bit. Seras was confused at first, then she realizes that she is the butt of the joke. She begins pouting like a child, “that’s so mean!”
Integra rolls her eyes because she was already over it, but you and Anastasia were cackling like hyenas.
“Oh lord,” Integra sighs and waits until you two are done, which takes a few minutes. When you and Anastasia finally stop Integra looks at you and asks, “are you done?”
You wipe a tear from your eye and say, “yes, yes, we’re done now.”
It was just in time too because the waitress came with your food. Seras ordered for Integra and Anastasia ordered for you.
“I hope we got the right thing,” Seras says and when she sees a frown on your face she gets nervous. “I’m really sorry!”
“It’s exactly what I wanted,” you smirk, once again you were just giving Seras a hard time.
Which makes Seras pout again, “is it going to be like this all the time?”
“Most likely Seras,” Integra shakes her head in disappointment. It’s like you have become more immature with age, and now there are two of you she has to deal with.
“It’s all in good fun Seras,” you tell her. “Life is too short not to have fun.”
Seras nods, pretending that’s true for her. You hide your amusement you get from her agreement to the statement, “mhm.”
Anastasia notices how Seras didn’t order anything, “Seras, are you going to eat?”
You and Seras both look at Integra, who only finishes the food she has in her mouth. She looks at Seras, then to Anastasia who is just sitting there waiting for an answer. Integra doesn’t look at you when she asks, “has your daughter ever broken a promise when asked to keep a secret?”
“That’s a question for her, not me.” You say plainly, taking a bite of your food. You can tell where this is going by Integra’s nonchalant attitude.
“Then have you?” Integra asks Anastasia, but she is sure of the answer already because she knows how you are.
“I have,” Anastasia tells the truth. “But I only tell my secrets to my mom. Other than that, I’m the best secret keeper there is.”
Integra can’t help but smile, of course that’s how it is, “well then.” Integra turns to Seras, “go on and tell her.”
Seras’ eyes go wide, “but Sir- she’s just a child, you can’t be serious.”
“Anastasia?” Integra looks back at her, “do you swear to keep what Seras is about to tell you a secret?”
“Pinky swear!” Anastasia says and holds out her pinky, Integra looks to Seras as she loops her pinky around Anastasia’s. Seras follows suit and loops her finger around Anastasia’s as well. “I cross my heart, and hope to die.” Anastasia says then unloops her finger from theirs.
Integra chuckles and goes back to eating, “go on Seras.”
Seras follows orders and waves Anastasia to come over to her side of the table. But Anastasia doesn’t feel like getting up so she just leans over the table instead and you quickly move her plate of food before she gets her clothes dirty.
Seras leans over the table as well and whispers in Anastasia’s ear, telling her that she’s a vampire.
Anastasia’s eyes go wide, and when she sits back down she stays silent. She can’t believe it, but at the same time she knows that they aren’t lying.
“Sir, do I tell-“ Seras begins to ask but you cut her off.
“I already know,” you say with a chuckle and Anastasia looks at you with her jaw dropped. Then she looks at Integra who has an amused grin, then she looks at Seras who also has her jaw dropped because of your knowledge of her being a vampire.
When Anastasia finally finds her voice she just slumps in her chair and quietly whispers to herself, “that is so fucking cool.”
You want to burst out into another fit of laughter, and Integra holds back a laugh as well. Seras just looks between Integra and you.
“What Seras?” Integra asks.
Seras looks at you and asks, “did you know him?”
“This isn’t the time nor place to be asking those sort of questions, Seras.” Integra says sternly.
Seras bows her head, “sorry, Sir.”
“But yes, she did,” Integra says plainly and that’s the end of the conversation.
Seras looks at you and you nod, Seras is in the same boat as Anastasia- not having any clue of how to react to any of this.
“Come on Anastasia, your food is getting cold.” You tell your beloved daughter who is now glaring daggers at you. “What?”
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me that!” Anastasia whispers angrily, she was mad but she was being discreet.
“It wasn’t my place,” you say and point to her food. “You can be mad at me later, now eat.”
Anastasia grumbles and begins eating, but her anger doesn’t last long. She starts talking about random things again, like she’s already forgotten about Seras’ telling her she’s a vampire.
The rest of the dinner goes by smoothly, and nightfall seems to come too quickly.
“I’ll drive you home,” Integra offers.
You quickly dismiss the idea, you’re too embarrassed of where you’re staying to let Integra see. “No, no, it’s fine. We’ll get a cab.”
“You know first hand what kinds of evil can possibly lurk in the night,” Integra opens the car door. “I won’t risk it.”
“If the Hellsing Organization did their job, we have no need to worry, correct?” You ask Integra, it was a terribly low blow, you just questioned the strength of her people.
But Integra doesn’t let her pride get the best of her, she just got you back and she’s not ready to lose anyone else from her life. She gains a stern and almost threatening attitude, “get in the car before I make you.”
You know there is no way to keep it from happening, because even if you get a cab she would follow it.
“Please mom! I wanna talk to Seras!” Anastasia pleads and you sigh in defeat, which she takes as a yes. So she lets go of your hand and basically jumps into the car, quickly putting her seatbelt on.
Integra smirks with triumph and closes the door once she sees you walking to the passenger’s side of the car. Once you get in she does as well, and plainly says, “directions.”
You give them to her, and Integra can’t believe that you’re living in the slums of the city. But she knows better than to offer help to get you back on your feet. So she gives no comments whatsoever and when you get out with Anastasia she wishes you two to have a good night.
And once Integra sees you two have gotten into your apartment safely she lets out a disappointed sigh.
“What’s the matter Sir?” Seras asks.
“It shouldn’t be like this Seras,” Integra gets herself a cigar. “Nothing should have ended up this way. But we can’t have everything now, can we?”
Seras doesn’t comment, and she’s surprised when she sees a soft smile cross Integra’s face, “something is better than nothing.”
“Indeed sir,” Seras nods in agreement. The car ride back to the mansion was in silence.
Though the rest of your night is nothing but questions, ones that you have to answer with, “I’m not allowed to tell you” and “you will have to ask Seras and Integra.”
Anastasia didn’t like that response but she’s just going to have to accept it.
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I'd take reggae over techno any day
We are drunk. Had been for some hours now. I am nervous around him because I want him to like me. Fortunately, he is very easygoing and getting lost in the conversation happens naturally. Though the fact that he looks straight into your eyes as he talks doesn't allow to get lost in thought, it anchors me.
He is a couple years older than me, but I want it to not be a factor of relevance, however, I still think I am saying things with the purpose of getting him to see me as an equal.
Time for the second smoke break.
-What's with the music, man?
-I like it good.
-Why is he playing reggae?
-I like reggae.
-C'mon, you don't.
-I truly do, I'd take reggae over techno any day.
He goes on to explain to his friend how, to him, reggae is more of a revolutionary and protest dance and music than techno is now. And I'd like to ask more about it, but I'm still processing that he likes reggae more and that right now, I'd really like to explore his brain but don't quite know how. But I make my attempt.
The alcohol blurs it a bit, and I find myself saying Latin dances are a bit more sensual, not pretending to be revolutionary or not, just being. ??? I regret it already. What do I know about dances of the world? I think it's just my way of trying to get him to like Latin dances? And me. Mostly me.
His friends start getting back into the bar, but I decide to call it a night. I say my goodbyes to them and then finally to him.
-Thanks, Max. I loveeed tonight, you have a lot of interesting things to say. Hope to see you soooon.
And I know I'm being rather clear in the way I look at him, but I was just expecting him to know I want to know him more, and not for him to try and kiss me. So I move fast and just peck his cheek. And without moving too far from him I say:
-Hey, I also would like to kiss you. But right now I don't want to get myself involved in a one-time thing or something casual. I'd like to get to know you more, and if it feels good, then take things in that direction. Think about it, k? With a fresh mind. Tell me what you think when you figure it out! Good night, Max.
I turn on my heels and resist the urge to run away. Don't succeed tho at avoiding releasing the breath I was holding in. I drop my head backwards as I look at the dawn sky. How freaking nerve-wracking. But I know last time I was in a similar situation I couldn't say exactly what I wanted and ended up dealing with stuff I could've prevented. So I'm very proud it turned out like that.
My phone buzzes and I read: "I'll go back to this later today, but know I have a good feeling about the situation:) good night".
0 notes
briamichellewrites · 2 years
“Hello, this is Brad’s assistant, Elliot.”
Brad was amused by his daughter while they sat on the floor playing with her Barbies. How did he spend so many years without her? She cracked him up, as she held her fingers to her ear as if she was talking on the phone. Yes, yes. I’ll let him know that. Thank you, Mister Producer. Click! What did he want? He wanted him to be in a movie about unicorns! She didn’t think it was a good idea. Why not? Unicorns were not easy to work with. They were kind of divas.
They had a couple of days off, so they were enjoying being able to sleep in and relax. After eating an early lunch, they were back in their hotel room. Because she had slept in, she was in a good mood with a lot of energy. Barbie had already thrown her boyfriend out because he had forgotten to feed the horses. She had told him multiple times about it, so she told him to go do something else for a while.
Elliot was creative, could think on her feet, outgoing, personable, and had the energy to multitask. He wondered if someday, she would become a director or producer. Maybe he could ask one of the producers to put her to work, so she could learn how things worked behind the scenes. They all enjoyed having her on the set. She liked that idea! He would have to ask then. One day, maybe she would be premiering a film she had directed or produced.
Even if it was a short film. He would be there watching it proudly! Unicorns were divas. She nodded. They threw tantrums when they didn’t get their way and they thought they were special because everyone loved them. He would have to remember that.
Gore allowed her to watch, but she had to sit still and be quiet. She promised she would be. He gave her a high five. She followed him over to where he was setting up, while Brad went to get ready with hair, makeup, and costume. While waiting his turn, he got to talking to Julia, who was also waiting. Where’s Elliot? She was shadowing Gore for the day.
“Really? Wow! She must be very excited about that!”
“Yeah, she is. On Saturday she told me not to work with unicorns.”
“Yeah. They are divas.”
“She has quite the imagination! She’s your daughter.”
“She’s my daughter.”
Elliot was having the time of her life watching the action on the monitors! She remained quiet when they were rolling until Gore said cut. He found her to be very curious and he could see her taking everything in. It was all very cool! She couldn’t hear anything without the headphones, so she put them on. There. Now, she could hear everyone! Cut. Redo. Cut. Action. Redo. Cut. Action. Cut. Moving on. Sometimes he went over to the actors and talked to them about what he wanted for the shot.
He had a huge binder that his assistant was holding. That had everything they needed for the movie. It was very heavy! Producers and directors had call sheets, which were their schedules and all of the information they needed for the day. It was very detailed. Actors had call times, which was when they were required to be on the set. Everyone had them.
Inside the binder was also the script, call sheet, shot list, storyboards, and everything else Gore and the other directors needed. That way, everyone knew what everyone else was doing. Brad and Julia had to memorize their lines and listen to Gore. There was tape on the ground, where they had to stand but that would be edited out later. The director had a schedule and budget he had to stick to, or else it could mean trouble for him and the movie.
It was a very detailed process. What did she think? She was having a lot of fun! Good, he was glad to hear that! They all had prop guns, which fired blank rounds. They all had to be very careful, though because accidents happened. The gunfights were choreographed. She held her fingers in the shape of a gun. Bang! Brad came up behind her. He told her to keep both eyes open and shoot straight ahead.
Pick a target. She chose Gore’s coffee mug. Bang! She pretended she knocked it over. JK Simmons asked if he was teaching her how to shoot. It was just her fingers, so it was harmless. As long as she didn’t point her imaginary gun at anyone, she was fine. He laughed.
After they were done shooting, they would be going to Budapest, Hungry; Tököl, Hungary; England, Morocco; Beirut, Lebanon, Canada; Berlin, Germany; Israel, Czech Republic, Washington DC, and Hong Kong in between his touring schedule to promote the movie he was currently working on. It was going to be very busy but she enjoyed learning about different cultures and languages, so she was excited.
Morocco, Lebanon, and Israel were conservative countries. They talked about having her be covered from the neck down as a way to remain respectful to the country. Ok. What about him? Men had fewer restrictions. It was going to be a lot different than what they were used to. He pulled out a map and showed her where the Middle East was. She thought for a moment. Like Aladdin? Yeah, except it was going to be more modern than Aladdin.
He would find material she could use to learn about the culture. After getting his laptop, they did research on the different countries. He admitted to being wrong about Lebanon. She did not have to cover up, but she should have in Israel and Morocco. He assumed she had to because the country was in the Middle East.
She could bring a hat to keep the sun off of her face, comfortable shoes, scarves, and long flowing dresses. Washington, DC sounded interesting! That was the country’s capital. It had a lot of history there! On his days off, they should go around and visit the city. They might have to have a bodyguard, just for protection. She never had a bodyguard before. He was a good guy. She would like him. His name was Mark. He followed him around sometimes.
They had to go to Las Vegas and back to California. She would be staying with Mike and Anna while he finished the movie to give her a break. They were excited to have her. Mike was going to bring her into the studio, so she could hang out with them for an afternoon. They loved having her with them because of her energy and sense of humor.
Anna was going to take her shopping because she was growing like a weed! Her clothes were getting too small! Anna was the perfect person to do it because she knew teenage girls’ clothes. Las Vegas was also going to be a lot of fun! She wouldn’t be able to do much because she was only thirteen years old but it was still going to be fun! After playing for a while, she yawned. Brad had her get ready for bed before she got too tired. She went into her suitcase and pulled out what she needed before going to the bathroom.
It had been a very long day and he was getting tired, too. Thankfully, he didn’t have to stay on set until the late hours, so they could go to bed early. She opened the door after getting her pajamas on and brushed her teeth. Did she want to continue playing or go to bed? She wanted to continue playing. Okay.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @jovichic-bonjovi4ever @borhap-au @beneathashadytree @duffs-shot-glass @geo-winchester @lokolokong-manunulat
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Cherry Wine - Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Sometimes a glass of wine is all it takes to see someone who has always been in front of you. Or the one where Wanda is getting divorced, and you two are best friends.
Warnings: (+18), brief drunk making out, friends to lovers, lots of teasing and sexual tension, reader is a simp, semi public, a bit of roleplay, fingering (r giving), oral (r giving). | Words: 7.058k
A/N-> This idea has been on my drive for months, but I only finished it last week. Here it is, I think I've got all the warnings, but let me know if I'm missing anything. Good reading!
General Masterlist || AO3 || Wattpad
It was official. 
Exactly 3 hours and 8 minutes ago - and Wanda knew that because she was timing how long she could hold her breath under the short water of the tub - she became officially a divorced woman. 
She had just returned the cell phone with the lawyer's confirmation that all papers delivered had been read and the process was finished as she placed it beside the tub and was about to return to her childish challenge when the bathroom door opened.
You frowned at your best friend's posture, but there was a little smile on your lips. 
"You have strange habits, Wanda. I worry sometimes." You commented humorously, getting a weak chuckle from the other woman. You had two towels in your hands - one for body and one for hair - which you left on the sink. "Natasha said, for the twentieth time, that she's very sorry to miss the girls' day, but she's going to try to bribe Fury with bagels to see if she could switch her overnight duty to tomorrow."
Wanda nodded in understanding but said nothing about it. If she was one hundred percent sincere, although she also loved Natasha, you were more than enough. You had planned a surprise day with just the girls on the same day the divorce papers were filed because you figured Wanda would need company. She expected to arrive home from the court to do household chores that were sure to make her cry, but she arrived at the clean and organized place, a hot bath waiting for her and your companionship. 
"Are you ready to get out or should I leave the music on? You look like you're pretending to be a music video, and I wouldn't want to disrupt the creative process of the best writer in this country." You joke, and this time Wanda laughs with flushed cheeks.
"Stop it." She grumbles, but you just shake your head with a chuckle. "What did you say we were going to do anyway?"
"Cooking." You retort with one hand propped on the sink. "I know it's the only thing that helps you relax as much as writing, but since you hate writing when you're upset, Sokovian food will have to do." You reply and Wanda sighs heavily.
"Okay." She says. "Can you give me five minutes?"
You smile. "Honey, I'll give you all the time you need. Meet me in the kitchen when you’re ready." You said before leaving.
Wanda hugged her legs trying to get up the courage to leave the bathroom. Today would be a good day, she was sure. All the days around you were good, or at least, they were better than the days without you. These were not so common. Ever since the two of you met, so long ago in high school, you haven't been apart. Same high school, same college, same group of friends when you started your careers. While Wanda became a writer, you followed the same career as your mother and sisters in the medical field.
Today had to be a good day because Wanda had been needing these lately.
And while she was getting dressed, you walked casually down the stairs toward the kitchen.
Pietro called next and you put him on speakerphone as you moved to start getting the pans out.
"What do you need, my least favorite Maximoff?" You answered the call with a tease and heard laughter on the other end of the line.
"Please, everyone knows you are secretly in love with me." He returned, making you chuckle and shake your head. "Only that would explain why you lived at my house all the time in high school."
"Of course. And here I thought it was because your sister is my best friend, how silly of me." 
Pietro laughed, and before you could continue you heard two childish voices joining the call, and you left the pans on the countertop to look at the twins trying to fit into the camera view.
"And how are the cutest boys in the whole world doing?" You asked, making them smile.
"Aunt Y/N, Tommy and I got a new video game!" Billy said excitedly. "Uncle Piete gave it to us as a present!"
"Yes, because they were very well-behaved on the trip, and they promised they'll remain just as quiet while I'm driving home." Pietro advised, rubbing his forehead lightly and making you smile.
The twins were spending the weekend with their uncle on the other side of the state, and you had asked Pietro for a few extra hours because of girls' day - which he promptly agreed to, because besides adoring his nephews, he figured Wanda needed some break.
"What time are you getting on the road?" You asked.
"After lunch. We should get there around six, and with any luck, those little boys will fall asleep halfway, right, kids?" Peter tried, but seeing the way Billy and Tommy were jumping around excitedly, that seemed far from the truth. You laughed at Pietro's tired expression. "Hey, how's Wanda?"
Before you could answer, Wanda had come downstairs - her hair slightly damp and her posture relaxed as she put on a sweatshirt set - she looked good. Quiet pretty.
"Y/N?" You blinked in confusion, realizing that you were staring and hadn't said anything for a long moment. Clearing your throat, you picked up your cell phone and turned to Wanda - who smiled at the sight of her brother and children - and approached.
"Mom, look at our new video game!" The twins started talking quickly, and you smiled as you watched Wanda's face light up as she spoke to them. You left your cell phone with her and went to organize things in the kitchen.
After a few minutes, Wanda ended the call with 'Love you, see you all later' and a nod, and then approached you, sliding the cell phone into the back pocket of your pants.
"Don't put it away, we're going to need it." You warn, putting down the plates you took from the top. "I need to look up the recipes online, I have no idea how to cook anything, Wands."
"That's what I'm here for." She retorts with a smile, taking the plates from your hands. "Everyone knows that following recipes is like cheating."
"That doesn't make any sense." You try but she just shrugs her shoulders and moves to leave the dishes on the countertop, and you laugh, seeing that this argument you will not win.
Except that, many minutes between jokes, touches, and playful nudges - from grabbing an ingredient before Wanda can, gently pushing your shoulders against hers when she was measuring something, or tickling her when she goes to reach for something on the highest shelf - whatever Wanda was cooking sure wasn't going as planned.
"There's something missing." She commented thoughtfully as she tasted the seasoning, and you crossed your arms as you leaned your back on the countertop beside her.
"Sorry, miss we don't need a recipe, did you say something?" You teased playfully, and she rolled her eyes with amusement.
"Okay, Y/N, renowned chef from nowhere with impeccable skills in making instant noodles and ice, can you please check the ingredients for me?"
"Hum, I didn't sense much sincerity in your request, but I will overlook it because you are cute." You joke, and since you are distracted by picking your cell phone out of your pocket, you don't notice that despite her shy chuckle, Wanda's cheeks turn pink.
With the recipe, it was definitely easier to finish lunch. And the food was delicious. You and Wanda took the dishes into the living room - because it was a quiet day, and since the kids are not here, you could do it just today - and turned on the TV. 
Wanda wasn't even surprised that you had sorted out her favorite sitcoms, but she was certainly pleased. You were good to her. Always so good to her. And now, watching you out of the corner of her eye as you giggle at one of the jokes on the television, Wanda has to remind herself that she shouldn't feel her heart racing this way. It's not how friends feel.
"When do you have to go?" That is the question she lets slip almost four hours after you both have finished lunch. The dishes were carried into the kitchen by you at some point, and this must have been the only time you guys got up from your empty cushions besides bathroom trips. Wanda thinks that her anxious brain came up with this because she hasn't heard a word of the episode since she stretched out her legs on the sofa and your hands began to massage her feet.
You raise an eyebrow at her, surprised at the sudden question.
"Are you kicking me out, Maximoff?" It's ironic and humorous, and Wanda giggles, letting her head fall back on the couch as she looks at you.
"Of course, I'm so tired of relaxing and having fun all day." She retorts in the same tone making you smile. However you stop your caresses to check your watch, and Wanda regrets asking.
"I have the night shift, so I should leave before Pietro gets back with the boys." You mutter before returning your gaze to her. "But we have enough time to bake some cookies for them."
The suggestion makes Wanda smile. "Can we bake a pie too?"
You laugh, pushing her feet gently to get up. "Anything you want, sweetheart."
Wanda must have the flu. You always use affectionate nicknames, but now, it makes her heart skip a beat. She follows you into the kitchen lazily - even a little hesitant - somewhat confused about her own reactions. You don't notice anything.
Baking is different for you two - you are better at it than she is. Wanda helps with the dough though, and you have fun when you need to wash your hands in the sink, several playful pushings until you're done. 
"Now we wait." You say as soon as the last tray of cookies is in the oven. Wanda decides to sit on the floor, her back resting on the countertop behind her, and you laugh at the scene, but sit down beside her, both of you staring at the cookies baking. There is a moment of silence, just your quiet breaths. Wanda hugs her legs and you sigh. "How has it been today, sweetheart?"
Wanda knows you are asking about the divorce, precisely about the absence of Vis around the house now. But to be fair, it's not as if he used to be around anymore anyway. And that is exactly what she tells you. Despite offering you a hum of understanding, you complete with a quiet "I'm sorry."
She raises an eyebrow. "Why? You never liked him."
You let out a short chuckle, looking at her with almost surprise. "I'm sorry you're going through this, I mean. And that you're sad. It doesn't matter how I felt about him."
Wanda nods, resting her face on her arm. "I'm not sad, Y/N." She murmurs. "I'm somewhere between relieved and angry. Probably both."
"Yeah, I'm sorry." You repeat and Wanda lets out an almost impatient sigh, turning her body toward you.
"You know what, Vision is no longer my husband. You can be honest, okay?" She practically accuses, and seeing your confused and surprised expression, she completes, "About him I mean. You two never got along. You don't have to hide what you really think about him anymore. You can be honest, I won't mind."
"Wanda, I really don't think that talking shit about your ex-husband is the appropriate thing-"
"Stop it." She cuts off gesturing a bit. "Vision was all about the appropriate thing, remember? So please, Y/N. Let's just, for today at least, be honest. I need this."
You sigh, looking at her with some hesitation. "Promise you won't be angry?"
"I promise."
"Even if I'm mean, or rude?"
Wanda laughs. "Yes."
You giggle too, but then let out an almost excited exclamation. "Okay, I've kept these things since college when you first met him, but let's do it." You stated in a fake serious tone that made Wanda chuckle slightly. Theatrically you made a thoughtful face and cleared your throat before beginning. "Okay, first of all, Vision was the most idiotic guy you could have chosen to marry, and these are the reasons: He is crude, hugely arrogant, and manipulative. I always hated the way he talked to you. He treated you as if he were somehow smarter or more talented, and he was never either." You began to state and Wanda's eyes widened slightly. "And also, he couldn't read the room. I lost count of how many times he made you uncomfortable with some inappropriate comment. And the worst part is that he didn't have the slightest clue that you were bothered because even though he was with you, he seemed to know nothing about you!"
Wanda swallowed dryly, watching you vent. The worst part was that you were right about everything, and she remained silent as you opened up:
"And that was just the beginning, you know? You two started going out, and he didn't even know the basics about you! And then you got engaged and he bought you a really expensive ring and all I could think was 'what a stupid guy'. You don't even like blue, he could have spent less on a red stone and Wanda would have loved it even more." You comment and Wanda lets out a chuckle that you share. "And then you got married, and the party was beautiful I admit, but he drank too much and almost ruined what was supposed to be the best day of your life."
"Thanks for moving the cake, by the way." Wanda muttered remembering the day clearly, and you laughed, nodding.
"It didn't get any better after that, Wanda." You continued. "He was a terrible husband to you. He didn't go to any of your events, and I know that because I was at all of them. And remember the twins' anniversary and the wine accident? The jerk was more concerned about a damn bottle than an injured son. It was a good thing I already knew how to do decent bandages." You joke about the last part, but Wanda can't give you more than a short laugh. 
You keep listing - days and more days when Vision was a terrible father and husband - and you keep being right. But mostly, you were the one present in her life all the time. Attending her writer's publicity events, at family parties, gently picking the kids up from school, caring for this family as if it were your own. Wanda feels a lump forming in her throat. She wants to cry, especially if it means you are the one going to hug her.
Noticing her silence, you interrupt yourself mid-statement, looking at her with concern.
"See, Wanda, I knew I shouldn't have said anything!" You declare seeing the tears in her eyes, your face almost desperate. "I take it all back. Forget what I said, it was insensitive and foolish to say it at this moment."
Wanda gives a tearful laugh, shaking her head. "No, Y/N, don't worry." She says trying to push the emotion away, "You're right. Vis was an idiot, but that must mean I am too for believing him." She declares sadly and you deny frantically, but Wanda looks down at her own lap. "Maybe all of this is not for me, you know? I'm just not a good wife."
"That's what I mean, Wanda." You begin as you raise a finger to her chin, making her look up at you. Your hand doesn't pull away, fitting comfortably on her cheek, and it takes all of Wanda's mental control not to lean in or melt at the touch. "He made you feel like you weren't enough when he should have made you feel like you were everything." She knows she is blushing, and she knows that because your hand is on her face you are feeling the warmth of her cheeks. So she thinks it best to smile and nod, pushing her face away before she loses control of her own body.
"I have an idea." She declares because she doesn't want you to think she has rejected your touch or that she is angry, and is getting up. "Vis has carried most of his things away but left a bottle of wine from our wedding. I'm sure it was the last shot to try to make me feel guilty, but he's not going to have that victory. I want to drink that whole bottle with my favorite person, which is you."
Wanda didn't see the silly grin you had on your face because she was getting the glasses and the bottle from the cabinet under the sink. You checked on the cookies before you got up and Wanda brought the items to the countertop behind you.
"The saddest part is that your wedding wine is terrible." You commented, making her laugh.
"I know." She says as she opens it. "But it will have to do. One sip for the symbolism of the moment?" She asks, making you chuckle before nodding.
But time aging has improved the drink. You and Wanda share a surprised look as you taste the cherry, hum of satisfaction after the first sip.
"While it's not bad, I can't go to work drunk." You warn as you return the cup to the countertop and Wanda laughs, shrugging.
"More for me then." She says and turns your entire cup over in a single gulp, making you giggle and shake your head. 
You go into the living room to get your cell phone, and when you return to the kitchen Wanda is sitting on the countertop. She has given up on the glasses and decided to drink straight from the bottle.
"Natasha apologized again, and said that the attempted bribe ended up getting her an extra shift." You say as soon as you read the message from your cell phone, and Wanda lets out a hearty giggle.
"Damn, now I feel bad." She retorts. "I think I'll save some of my pie for her."
"My pie you mean." 
Wanda laughs, rolling her eyes. "We split the work!"
"Yeah, yeah, you can take five percent credit." You tease as you move closer, leaving your cell phone on the countertop next to her where you stop. 
"Five percent?" She repeats with false indignation.
"And I'm being generous."
Wanda lets out a short laugh, pushing your shoulder playfully but you are looking at her in a way that makes her legs go weak. Your cell phone vibrates the same second Wanda starts to lean in, and it breaks the moment completely.  She decides to take another long sip while you check the message.
"It's Harley. She wants to know if I can come in early because an appointment popped up." You count as you type. "Sorry, Wanda, but you just lost another hour with your favorite person."
Wanda chuckles. "You're never gonna let that one go, are you?"
"Not a chance." You retort with a mischievous smile, looking at her for only a second before you go back to typing. 
Wanda takes another long sip of her wine, and the next words are coming out before she can hold them back, "How come you never got married?"
You blink confusedly away from the phone at the sudden question, but you shrug. "I don't know. I guess I haven't met the right person yet."
Wanda is no longer smiling. She thinks she should, though. It would be the appropriate thing to do: smile relaxedly for a casual conversation with her best friend.
"Not even Harley?"
You chuckle at her phrase, putting your cell phone in your pants pocket, and she makes a surprised face. "You haven't heard? I think Natasha was waiting for the opportunity to tease me in the most efficient way about it." You begin. "We haven't been going out in almost a month now. We were doing well, I think, and I thought about asking her to be my girlfriend during a picnic. I set up a romantic date at the Municipal Botanical Garden, even took her to see a butterfly exhibit. And guess what? She fell in love with the flower girl."
Wanda stared at you in shock. "Sorry, what?" she asked, but you laughed, shrugging.
"There was a woman supervising the exhibit, a biologist. When it was over, Harley took my hand and said `Sweetheart, this has been lovely, but we can't go out anymore. I think I just found the love of my life because of you." You recount. "I particularly think it was a funny way for the universe to say it wasn't meant to be."
Wanda let out a nervous laugh, "Oh my god, I'm sorry." She said but you chuckled, shaking your head.
"Don't worry, I don't think it would have worked out anyway." You say. "Sorry for not saying anything too, I guess I ended up blocking that humiliation from my memory and forgot to tell you." You joke, making her laugh. You reached over to pick up the bottle she had left between her legs. "A sip of courage to face a twenty-four-hour shift." 
Your next sip of wine was miscalculated, and you downed a few drops, laughing at your own clumsiness. Wanda definitely must have been very drunk to be noticing the drop running down your chin, blushing as she realized the urge to taste it straight from your skin. 
And maybe because she was drunk, she thought it was an incredible idea to do exactly what she wanted. 
While you were scanning the place for a cloth to dry yourself, Wanda wrapped her legs around you before you could move away, ignoring your confused giggle as she pulled you closer by the shirt.
Your question about what she was doing turned into a gasping sigh when her lips met all the drops of wine falling between your chin and neck. You closed your eyes tightly, tensing up at the same moment, your hands gripping the counter as you try to keep your balance.
Wanda pulled away, licking her lips and her eyes so dark you couldn't see the green as you opened yours and faced her.
"There you go. Delicious." She spoke in a hoarse voice, and her gaze went down to your lips at the same moment. 
"W-what are you doing?" You stammered affected, your face burning and your heart racing. Wanda threw the consequences out the window, her brain screaming at her to kill this curiosity that had existed since high school, and she did. She closed her eyes and broke the distance, meeting your lips in a firm and deep kiss.
You choked in surprise, pulling back. Wanda blinked, mortified, and suddenly very sober. 
The apology died in a groan as you grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her for real the next second, tongue and teeth and with all the passion you had hidden for so many years. She matched the intensity, and as your mouths pressed together, her hands went to the back of your neck and yours went down to her thighs, encouraging her to wrap herself even more around you.
In the kitchen, all that could be heard was the sound of panting breaths and moving lips, until one of your hands went boldly inside her blouse and when your palm wrapped around her breast, Wanda gasped in a whimper, arching her body toward you. Something changed in you at the sound, your kisses grew harsher and your hands began to mark her. Wanda felt like she was burning from the inside out, so many years of buried feelings surfacing all at once and all she wanted was for you to release the hot knot in her belly.
Just as she felt your fingers work to pull up her blouse completely, the oven alarm beeped and awakened you. 
Wanda grunted at the lack of your lips, but you were stumbling backward in shock, and she had to hold onto the counter to keep from falling when you did, one hand on your chest and one in your hair, your breathing as out of rhythm as hers.
"Fuck, what we were..." You started practically panicking, only now noticing the wine bottle that fell on the counter with the movement, and exclaimed sweatily as you rushed to grab the item and a cloth, frantically preventing further mess. Wanda was busy trying to control her own breathing and ignore the waves of arousal and alcohol in her brain. 
But as soon as your gazes met again, she began:
"Y/N, don't panic." 
But you grunted, shaking your head. "Wanda, we're just-"
Your speech was cut off by the sound of a car parked in front of the house.
"Oh, no, no, Shit." You muttered to yourself, and Wanda almost took it personally, but she could barely think about anything really, every cell in her body begging you to kiss her again when you moved closer again. But you were only trying to help with her messy appearance, letting out a gasping sigh as you raised your hands to smooth her hair and caught a glimpse of her swollen lips from the kiss. "God, so pretty..."
Wanda felt her face warm but you swallowed dryly, shaking your head and pulling away with a grunt. She would have complained but you adjusted your clothes and turned off the oven, and before she could comment, the front door was opening and lesser beings rushed into the room.
She heard your quick excuses about being late for work, and the promise of cookies in the oven was enough for neither Pietro nor the boys to question your hasty departure.
Wanda would have run after you, but she thinks her legs were still a bit wobbly.
You haven't spoken to Wanda in four days.
That's a record that impresses anyone who is part of your life - even Dr. Cho, who until last week though you were married to Wanda so many times she saw you leave the hospital for some family engagement with them. It was embarrassing to clarify that you were just a friend of the family.
You had a few. None like Wanda. And maybe that's why you're avoiding her.
The kiss hasn't left your mind since it happened. You had been running on automatic for days, and basically hiding at work to avoid the Maximoffs.
On the fifth day, Natasha had enough.
"This place is not a hotel, Y/N." She reminded as soon as she found you in the empty locker rooms again. You grimaced as you arranged the sheets on the bunk bed.
"But this has my name on it." You justified, gesturing with your head to the labels on the lockers. 
Natasha crossed her arms.
"The lodging is for on-call doctors. You were on call days ago. You have your own apartment, stop running away from your girlfriend."
You blush deeply and look away from the bedding in an attempt to hide it. 
"I don't know what you're talking about." You mutter, but Nat gives a dry laugh.
"Please, you've been working here for ten years, and for ten years Wanda has been making lunch boxes for you. Suddenly, she gets divorced and you start eating snacks from the machine and hiding in the dormitories. What, Vision finally found out that you were sleeping with his wife?"
“Nat!” You exclaimed embarrassed, but the redhead laughed and shook her head. "Don't say that! You know very well that Wanda and I, we never..."
"My god Y/N, you're still sleeping here?" Someone interrupted, coming to Nat's side. You sighed loudly at Harley, clearly arriving for her shift still in normal clothes and the lab coat inside her bag. "Did something happen to your house?"
Natasha smiles mischievously, leaning on the door. "That's what I'm trying to find out, and I'll bet you fifty bucks it has something to do with the hot Milf."
Harley raises an impressed eyebrow, her hands busy opening her own locker.
"What about Miss Maximoff?" She asks but you're sighing loudly and putting the covers away before walking away.
"Go mind your own business, Romanoff. And a good day to you two." You say as you leave in irritation.
But your escape from your colleagues is short-lived. Before lunch, when you've seen a few lovely patients that have improved your mood a bit, Natasha appears in your office.
"Hey, can I ask you a favor?" She asks leaning on the door, while you are checking the upcoming charts.
"Not if it's related to me staying in the dorm." You grumble grudgingly, managing a small laugh.
"I have found spiritual peace for that matter." She says mysteriously, and before you can clarify, she continues, "I'm going to take a little while at lunch, Maria and I are going to go over some adoption stuff. Do you think you can take over some General Practice patients? I can swap Pediatrics with you later."
You looked at your calendar before confirming, and Natasha smiled in appreciation, muttering that you were the best before you left.
In the afternoon, you were almost considering telling your long-time friend about what happened, but soon realized it was all her plan when you read Maximoff's name on the next appointment form.
In shock for a good few seconds, you almost considered faking a faint or escaping out the window, but both actions seemed very childish to you. 
It was just Wanda. Your best friend of a lifetime. You could have a conversation with her.
With trembling fingers, you pressed enter on the computer for the next password call and stood up to spend the next few minutes rehearsing exactly what you were going to say.
All the words went awry when Wanda's upset face came into your field of vision.
"H-hey." You greeted hesitantly, resisting the natural urge to break the distance and approach her, wrap her face between your hands and ask if everything was okay as you had done a thousand times. And Wanda missed that.
"Hi, doc." She greeted with a slight tease as she closed the door, you swallowed dryly wiping your soft palms on your pants.
"W-what are you, um, doing here?"
"Well, I figured if I made an appointment with the boys, you would have moved on to someone else. Given the way you're avoiding me." She replies without any ceremony, and you lower your head in shame, shifting the weight of your feet. "So I had to ask Nat for help."
You let out a humorless laugh. "Great plan." You mumbled before looking back at Wanda - who had taken off her coat. You cleared your throat. "Well, why don't you start by telling me what's wrong, Miss Maximoff?" You ask and Wanda tilts her head slightly, seeming to decide whether she was going to go through with this little theater or leave the room. Fortunately, she chooses the former.
With a soft sigh, she leaves her coat on the support besides the door and unhurriedly takes off one at a time the sandals she was wearing.
"I've had such a tough few weeks, Doctor." She begins, your eyes catching every movement of her hands taking off her sandals and causing your breath to hitch to the dark tingle that takes over her green irises. "With my divorce being finalized, I've been so stressed."
"That...I'm sorry to hear." You manage to say in a hoarse, affected voice, watching Wanda gently pushing her sandals to a corner of the room and starting to work the buttons on her red blouse in a tortured slow manner. Your heart leaps as you begin to see more skin. "W-what are you doing..."
"Oh, doc, I should be more comfortable, shouldn't I?" She asks with a false innocence that makes you swallow dryly, half her buttons open now. "So you can check me properly."
You choke softly, your face burning but your gaze mesmerized on the woman in front of you, who sighs softly as she removes her blouse, letting it fall down her arms to the floor.
Of course, in so many years of friendship, you had seen Wanda in lingerie a few times. But never like this. Not with her deliberately offering the image to you.
Your brain short-circuits, and she bites her lip, a hidden little smile as she watches your reaction.
"All this stress has left me so sore in so many places, doc..." Wanda begins, approaching in slow steps that make you hold your breath, the image of her cleavage covered only by a black bra making it impossible to concentrate on anything if not this. "Can you help me with that?"
You nod frantically, licking your lips to try not to look like a complete mess.
"W-where does it hurt, Miss Maximoff?" Your husky question makes Wanda smile even wider. She moves her hands to yours and pulls the first one until your palm is over her covered breast, drawing sighs from both of you.
"They are so sore since you touched me in the kitchen." Wanda confesses in an equally affected sigh, and you resist the urge to close your eyes, gasping a little. "Kept missing the feel of your hands around me, playing with them. It makes me tingle, unable to sleep. And thinking about that makes another spot hurt."
You blinked a little confused because of the liquid lust in your brain, but Wanda wasted no time in guiding your other hand to her belly and pushing down until it slid into her pants, past her panties.
You sighed deeply as you felt her wet pussy, instinctively squeezing her breast and making Wanda close her eyes tightly, her hands going to your shoulders for support.
"Fuck, Wanda." You grunt but Wanda is throwing her hips against your hand gently, urging you to start moving inside her.
"Please doc, only you can help me." She declares, and you shudder at the meaning behind her words, not resisting the temptation to slide your fingers through her folds, collecting and spreading the moisture that only seems to grow and makes Wanda whimper. "In-in-side, please... I need..."
You interrupt her with a kiss, overpowering with ease because Wanda is twitching at the feel of your fingers. She tries to match your hungry, intense kiss, but as soon as you push two fingers inside her cunt, she moans loudly, hands gripping your shoulders tightly to keep herself from sliding to the floor.
You hum in approval, your body burning with desire at the sensation of the soaked and tight walls of Wanda's pussy squeezing your digits. When she can no longer kiss you back because you have begun to thrust harder inside her and she can only rest her forehead against your shoulder, clinging to your body to keep from falling to the floor as your free fingers stimulate her nipple, you whisper in her ear, "You have such a greedy pussy, Miss Maximoff. Taking my fingers so well, so wet and tight for me. You know If you wanted this, you could have told me sooner."
Despite the closeness of her orgasm - Wanda could feel her legs wobble, the knot in her belly tightening, and waves of hot heat spreading throughout her body - she managed to retort:
"Would you have...helped me...if I had asked you before?" She said between breathless moans, and you almost flinched at the hidden meaning behind the question. But instead, you switched the rhythm until Wanda began to whimper, her hips moving against your hand in search of relief. 
Leaving Wanda's breast, you moved your hand to her face so that she would look up at you. Dark, dreamy eyes with very red cheeks. Wanda was absurdly beautiful, a mess on your fingers.
You make her cum before you say what you want. And she has to close her eyes for it, and you swallow the deep groan she lets out as she gets deliciously tight in your fingers, and soaks your hand with her juices.
As she recovers, you wrap an arm around her and draw patterns on her swollen clit.
"Look at me, Wanda." You call out in a whisper and wait until she does. "I would. Any time."
She swallows dryly, lowering her gaze to your mouth. "Even when..."
"Any time." You interrupt as you assure, sliding your fingers inside again and making her choke on her own breath. "I've loved you since high school, Wanda. If you had told me how you felt, I would have said the same. I would have kissed you in your dorm room, or at the church door. It could have been me screaming when the priest asked if anyone had anything against that union."
"Dorogoya..." Wanda starts out affectionate but turns into something like a whimper when you curl your fingers inside her. "Y-yes, just like that... chert vozʹmi, eto tak khorosho." she gasps in her native tongue, and you smile with a wave of pride in your chest as you watch her roll her eyes to the back of her head.
"Do you realize how many times I wanted to fuck you in that kitchen, Maximoff?" You continue, appreciating the way Wanda throbs in your fingers. "Or on your couch. Or my bed, when you and that asshole were fighting and you were going to cry on my shoulder?" You question, fingers stroking harder now. Wanda whimpers, shaking her head. "He never knew how to love you right, Wanda. Fuck you until you couldn't remember your own name. Good thing best friends know each other so well. I know exactly what you need, pretty girl."
Wanda was about to complain about the lack when you suddenly remove your hand from her pants, but you are kissing her hard and spinning her around until she is placed on the table. Your hands work to push her garment out of the way, and Wanda grunts when you break the kiss with a tug on her lips, only to feel her whole face burn when you start to get down on your knees.
Of course, she knows what you're going to do. And of course, you know that she has never received this before. You learned about it in a very awkward conversation on girls' night out, where Wanda had to confess that she was the only one in the group who didn't know what it felt like. Nat and Monica were too drunk to remember, but apparently you - from the victorious smile as you kissed her legs now - remembered very well.
Wanda tensed in anticipation, and you kissed her thighs before looking at her.
"Relax, Maximoff. You'll love it." You say trying to reassure her, but Wanda swallows dryly.
"You don't have to." She murmurs embarrassedly surprising you a little, "If you don't want to. Vision used to say it was weird and even unnecessary and I understand if you-"
"Oh, baby, you have no idea how much I want it." You sighed in solidarity. Ten damn years without decent sex. It had to be a joke. "Trust me, Wanda. I'm going to make you feel good like no one ever has."
She smiled shyly, and you kissed your way up until Wanda jumped softly with the first kiss against her clit. Your original plan was to go slowly, but as soon as you had a taste, your eyes rolled and you dove in.
Wanda cried out in pleasure and a little surprise, her hands gripping the table tightly.
“Oh, malysha… that feels-ah-really nice.”  Wanda gasped with her eyes closed tightly, her hips trying to match the rhythm of your mouth. Your tongue moved masterfully, in and out in a breathtaking rhythm as you spread her last pleasure all around. Wanda cursed in Sokovian as you sucked on her clit, arching her back and squeezing the table until her fingers turned white.
She was close, so tight in your mouth that you could feel how ruined your own panties were, but you didn't stop - grabbing her thighs to keep her open and continuing to eat her out even after she came hard in your mouth.
"Chert vozʹmi, dorogaya, eto slishkom" She babbled in ecstasy, falling with her elbows on the table, her whole body spasming deliciously. But you kept licking hungrily until her rambling words turned into cries of pleasure and she came again even more intensely.
You would stay there forever if you could, but the appointment time alarm began to sound and you grunted impatiently.
Licking her clean, Wanda blinked affectedly before she felt your hands wrap around her and help her stand properly, your lips dancing on hers and turning her into an even bigger mess as she felt the mixed taste on your tongue.
"Go on a date with me, Miss Maximoff." You say between one kiss and another, and Wanda chuckles softly.
"Is that an order, doc?"
"It's a request." You clarify even though you know she is only joking. "One that I should have made the second I laid eyes on you."
Wanda blushes, smiling shyly before kissing you again, slow and deep.
"I would have said yes." She confesses breathlessly. "Before or now. I didn't know, Y/N. If I had known-"
"It's okay." You interrupt her before she gets more anxious, kissing her mouth once or twice. "We have all the time in the world."
She smiles in agreement. "My place or in yours?"
You rub your nose against hers gently. "Is there a difference?" You retort getting a giggle in return.
You helped Wanda get dressed between kisses and stolen touches, and even after she left, your heart was still pounding inside your chest.
Wanda loved you back. And even though you had been friends for years, part of you felt that your story with her was just beginning. It was somehow terrifying. The possibility of screwing things up, of course. Good thing you would have your best friend by your side.
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tyonfs · 4 years
cat & mouse
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❝ rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits, and, y/n, we just pushed that limit. ❞
PAIRING ▸ na jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, crack, fluff, college au, friends with benefits au
WARNINGS ▸ lots of !! sexual tension !! and jaemin acting like a dick, protective big brother!jaehyun, lots of sneaking around, jaemin calls you princess a lot, teasing, fingering, alcohol consumption, hooking up, thigh riding, smut, oral sex, aftercare
SUMMARY ▸ tired of meaningless hookups and dull parties, na jaemin had always been hesitant to indulge himself. that is, of course, until he met you. however, upon realizing you’re none other than jeong jaehyun’s little sister, jaemin has to keep his relationship with you under wraps to make sure his team captain doesn’t find out. 
PLAYLIST ▸ move! by niki • playinwitme by kyle (feat. kehlani)
WORD COUNT ▸ 17713 words
TAG LIST ▸ @chubsluda​ @celestialchans​ @treasurestay​ @luvlyjaemin​ @lanadreamie​ @kylomeyon​ @taehinsano​ @jenotation​ @ovelha-colorida-v​ @hrjflrt​ @to-blessed-2-be-stressed​ @honeyju​ @chanluster​ @sweetjaemss​ @najaemsenthusiastttt​ @neovrse​ @jjikyuu​ @treasurestay​ @ahgastayzen​ @wcnderlandss​ @jaehy9ngs​ @jaemxins​ @syhznanny​ @lilminyoongles​ @bbnana​
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ thank you so much for all of your love and support !! it’s beyond me & i hope you guys enjoy this ! part of the dunk shot! series but it can be read separately ♡
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In the same vein, he hated basketball to an extent. It wasn’t the sport itself that he despised, it was the commitments that followed it. As a vital player on the team, he was obligated to attend every afterparty despite how much he loathed parties. Yet, what he couldn’t stand was being nagged by his teammates, so Jaemin went to the parties. He went to the parties and drank until he was numb and the party was tolerable.
He didn’t even like drinking that much, but he didn’t have much of a choice when most of the members of the basketball team were his seniors. Jaemin was pretty sure his brain cells depleted one-by-one every time he took a shot, but sometimes he got away with faking his alcohol intake when the others were too drunk to keep track. His best friend, Lee Jeno, on the other hand, lived for parties like this. Jaemin used that to his advantage; Jeno was the perfect target to hand off his unwanted shots to.
“Jaemin!” Jeong Jaehyun, the captain of the basketball team, made his presence known easily. After all, the parties were always hosted at his house. “Let’s do a love shot.”
If it were anyone else, Jaemin would’ve turned them down with some sarcastic, witty comeback. However, Jaehyun was different. Jaemin admired him since they were high schoolers on the basketball team. Jaehyun was two years older but his skills were on another level. Jaemin had always worked to see if he could surpass him but to no avail.
“Sure.” Jaemin got off of the couch, where he was aimlessly scrolling through his social media and observing the party. He followed Jaehyun to the kitchen counter. “You got tequila?”
It was a stupid question. Jaehyun was loaded; his supply of alcohol seemed endless.
“Of course,” Jaehyun replied. He took a red solo cup and measured a shot of tequila. “By the way, why don’t you talk to any of the girls here? You seem tense. You should get laid.”
It wasn’t like Jaemin intentionally avoided the girls. He just had no interest in people who wanted to blindly hook-up and forget about it the next morning. He didn’t completely ignore them either. Jaemin distinctly remembered a pretty blonde passing him her vape pen, which he politely refused. While he didn’t mind destroying his liver, he wanted to keep his lungs intact.
“There’s no one here I want to fuck,” was Jaemin’s impassive response. “Especially not when they’re drunk off their ass.”
“Is that so? How much did you drink tonight?”
“This is my third or fourth shot, I think.”
Jaehyun snorted and held out the red solo cup to him. “Well, here’s to your intact virginity.”
“I’m not a virgin.” Jaemin took the cup and swished its contents around. “Can’t we toast to something more practical? Like basketball?”
A chuckle escaped Jaehyun’s lips, bemused like a father to his son. He eyed Jaemin as he held the red solo cup to his lips. “Ready?”
Jaehyun didn’t wait for Jaemin, though. He tipped his cup up, downing the contents, and Jaemin followed suit as quickly as he could. The tequila was a smooth burn down his throat, but it made Jaemin feel slow and hazy. The fire spread across his chest, spreading to his arms, legs, and then his head. He felt fuzzy and was sure he had hit his limit for the night.
Jaemin took an unstable step forward, and Jaehyun put a firm hand on his shoulder, asking, “You good?” to which Jaemin answered with a dazed nod. With a grin, Jaehyun patted his back firmly. “See you when we’re both conscious again, man.”
The next thirty minutes were a blur. Jaemin found himself at a beer pong table and, in his drunken state, pretended he was practicing his free throws while he relished the crowd cheering him on. He felt a pair of hands on his shoulders, cheering wildly at the side until he got a headache. Eventually, the house felt too stuffy and he decided to go out to the backyard to let his buzz fade out.
Outside wasn’t any better. The cheers were louder outside and the music was still blasting. The fog in Jaemin’s head thickened and he was sure he felt hands trying to guide him to the pool, but he brushed them off. He narrowed his eyes onto a lawn chair and willed himself to walk straight towards it.
Sit, he ordered himself. Do not get in the pool and make a fool out of yourself.
After pushing past a few of his teammates and the girls hovering around them, Jaemin’s knees buckled under him as soon as he got to the lawn chair. It was damp when he sat down, but he was too drunk and dazed to care. Jaemin looked up at the sky, unfocused, and was only pulled from his thoughts when his phone went off.
annoying jeno: where tf did u go? this girl wants me to introduce her to u
It was time for another shot.
Jaemin felt heavy. He sat up, running a hand through his disheveled hair, and spotted a red solo cup on the side table to his right. He reached for it and inspected the contents, sloshing it around sluggishly until he noticed a pair of eyes boring into him.
You were isolating yourself from the rest of the party, just like him. You weren’t giving him the sex eyes like he had expected; you looked more confused. Unlike Jaemin, you looked much more sober and functional. It was painfully obvious by the way Jaemin couldn’t seem to focus on you without seeing double.
He wasn’t sure if it was because of the alcohol in his system, but Jaemin had no idea who you were, but fuck, he wanted to. He pushed it down, though. Hookups were never fulfilling, and Jaemin wasn’t here to let himself go.
“Why are you staring at me?” Jaemin asked in a low voice, trying to speak coherently without slurring his words. He wasn’t sure if it worked, but you seemed to understand.
To his surprise, you fired a question back at him. “What are you doing?”
Jaemin wasn’t sure how to answer that. He was obviously drunk off his ass, so what was he supposed to explain when it was clear as day?
“Waiting for this stupid party to be over,” Jaemin replied. He dropped his gaze back to the cup he held on his lap. “Why are you still staring? I’m not interested.”
“You’re holding my drink.”
Jaemin stilled. He looked between you and the cup for a moment before muttering a pathetic “oh.” He flushed and held the cup out to you. “Sorry.”
You took the cup gingerly and downed your shot before advising him, “You know, you shouldn’t be taking random cups and drinking from them at parties. You never know what they could be laced with.”
Jaemin’s head lolled to the side, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He didn’t want to join the party, but he didn’t want to sit back and be scolded. He was debating making a run for the fence in Jaehyun’s backyard. His house was only a few blocks away and he was pretty sure he’d be sober enough to make it. Jeno, however, was the obstacle he was worried about. If he ran off without telling Jeno (who was going to disapprove anyway), he was sure to get an earful the next day.
“Also,” you continued, “don’t go around assuming every girl who looks in your general direction wants to fuck you.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Jaemin grumbled, too drained to argue back. “Shouldn’t you be partying with everyone? It’s depressing over here.”
“This isn’t my party to celebrate,” you said, biting down on the rim of your cup delicately. “I’m just here for the drinks.”
Jaemin didn’t know what to say to that, so he decided to introduce himself. “I’m Na Jaemin, by the way.”
“Y/N,” you replied. “Pleasure to meet you, Na Jaemin.”
Jaemin’s eyelashes were obscuring his vision as he tried to squint to make you out. He wasn’t sure if it was the drunken stupor, but you were breathtaking. Maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that Jaemin was currently seeing double of you. Jaemin wasn’t sure how he had ever missed you at any of the other parties (if you even showed up to those), but he was glad he snuck away to the backyard now.
Jaemin turned back to look at the scene before him, full of shrieks and shouts from partygoers as they danced off-beat to the blasting music. He almost didn’t notice the ultimate bastard, Yuta Nakamoto, walking over with his eyes set on not Jaemin, but you. Yuta only seemed to see Jaemin when he neared the two and, despite the awkward pause in the air, held his hand up to fistbump him. Jaemin lazily returned it, not really processing until seconds later when Yuta had already passed him.
It wasn’t that Yuta and Jaemin had any bad blood between them. Rather, Jaemin found the older boy quite fun to be around, and on top of that, he was a really supportive and caring teammate. However, when it came to parties, Yuta tended to be a lot more high-energy than Jaemin was.
“Hey, Y/N,” Yuta crooned deviously, standing over you with his hands shoved in his pockets. He crouched down so he was at eye-level with you, holding onto the arm of your chair. “Care to dance with me?”
“Yuta Nakamoto,” you drawled, a smile appearing on your lips. “I’m good over here, but you go have fun.”
Yuta stood up again, a cat-like grin spreading from ear-to-ear across his face as he stepped back toward the pool. “You’re gonna miss out, Y/N. You cool with that?”
The smile never left your lips as you rolled your eyes at him. Yuta turned to dive into the pool, making Jaemin’s nose scrunch as the splash was big enough to get water on his clothes. When Yuta surfaced, he smoothed his hair back and wiped the excess water from his face. He caught your eye again, winking before swimming toward Jungwoo and splashing him, leaving you shaking your head and chuckling.
“You two close?” Jaemin asked in a mumble, not quite sure where he was going with the sudden conversation.
You were shocked momentarily, but smiled when you looked over at Jaemin. “Let’s just say he wants to get in my pants but I find the age gap inappropriate.”
Jaemin snorted. “Really? How old are you?”
Jaemin rose a brow. He was just a year older than you but not so far off from Yuta. He hadn’t seen many college students be so conscious of a legal age difference of a year or two. After all, nearly everyone was an adult anyway.
“That’s not so far off from Yuta,” he told you.
You hid a smile, nearly going unnoticed under the dim light, but Jaemin had just caught it in time. “He’s like, my brother’s age,” you replied. “It’s just weird.”
Jaemin didn’t really get it, but he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to. He was an only child so he didn’t really think his opinion was valid anyway. Yet, he must have been looking at you weird because you bit your lip and shrunk under his gaze. Jaemin swallowed and turned back to look down at his feet, trying to get his head out of the clouds, but the buzz was still too strong.
He couldn’t stop himself from blurting out, “What if it was me?”
He wasn’t looking at you but he could feel your gaze boring into him. Jaemin wanted to melt into a puddle then and there. He was never the type to make a move like that, usually expecting girls to approach him, but now that he did, his skin was crawling with shame. Although, he figured it wouldn’t be too bad if he ended the night in bed with you.
Jaemin worked up the courage to turn his gaze to you. “I’m a year older than you. Would you be down if it was me?”
“Yeah,” you admitted bluntly, causing the tips of Jaemin’s ears to go red. “But I don’t know you, so…”
“Do you want to?” he asked, then clarified, “Get to know me, I mean.”
The two of you were silent for a moment, and it was far more deafening than the booming party around them. Jaemin’s gaze dropped from your face to look back at the college students wading around in the pool. Someone must have messed with the pool because it had started to fill up with bubbles, making the crowd cheer louder. Entranced, Jaemin nearly didn’t notice you when you were standing right over him. He arched a brow at you, scooting back a little out of shock.
“Do you want to get out of here then?”
You were smiling coyly and Jaemin didn’t have the willpower to resist anymore. He stood up, looking around for Jeno, before turning to you and nodding. Everyone was so consumed with the pool foaming up that it would be easy for them to escape from the backyard.
“I’m way too drunk to drive, but we can go for a walk,” Jaemin suggested, leading her out through the backyard fence. He had escaped from there countless times, only for Jeno to drag him back, but this time, Jeno was preoccupied.
Yet, something unsettled him about not informing his best friend, so he decided to shoot him a quick text.
jaemin: i’ll see u back home, i’m with a girl lol
annoying jeno: deadass? have fun
Now, at least Jaemin had one thing off his chest.
“So what’s your deal?” Jaemin asked you as he tried to focus on walking in a straight line. “You have guys like Yuta Nakamoto lining up for you and you’re passing up my boy?”
“If he’s your boy then why are you trying to make a pass at me?” you shot back, grabbing his arm to provide leverage when he stumbled.
“Touché,” Jaemin grumbled. “It’s not like he was scoring, so I might as well shoot my shot.”
“Did you score?”
The corner of Jaemin’s mouth twitched. “That’s for you to decide, isn’t it?”
Mutual attraction was such a strange feeling because the sexual tension was there and so loud. Granted, about 90% of it came from Jaemin, but something about the way you were still holding onto his arm and laughing at his stupid jokes made him feel like something was going to happen tonight.
“We should stargaze,” you offered, pointing at a grassy hill behind a park the both of you were passing by. Jaemin nodded in response, so you dragged him by the arm to the chosen location.
Stargazing meant laying down, and laying down meant not having to focus on walking in a straight line anymore, so it sounded absolutely heavenly to Jaemin right now. Somehow, he felt like such an amateur right now. No girl had ever asked him to lay down and stargaze with him; they always just skipped to the bedroom fun.
You let go of Jaemin to lay down on the grass, positioning yourself like a starfish before patting the space next to you and then moving your hands to rest on your stomach. You looked entranced with the stars above you, but the moment Jaemin laid down next to you, you turned to him, catching him off-guard. Jaemin’s eyes flickered from you to the sky above.
“The stars are beautiful,” he said weakly.
He couldn’t even see the fucking stars.
“Damn, I thought you were gonna call me beautiful for a second,” you teased, nudging his shoulder lightly.
“You wish,” Jaemin said with a light snort, swallowing thickly. “There’s no way I’m calling a girl that over my dead body.”
He was a terrible liar. It was clear when Na Jaemin was feeling lustful. His eyes would turn half-lidded and his voice would drop a few octaves. Right now, all of that was happening along with his fingers twitching at his sides. You were looking back up at the sky when he turned his head to look at you, and god, you were so pretty.
“Girls must come running for you,” you told him, “otherwise I really can’t figure out the ego.”
“That’s the problem when you’re a star basketball player and devilishly handsome.” Jaemin grinned, folding his arms behind his head. “You turn out like me.”
“How mortifying.”
“I know, right?” Jaemin turned onto his side for a brief moment to look at you. “How come I’ve never seen you around before. I’m sure I would’ve remembered…”
“Because I’m beautiful?” you offered.
Jaemin groaned, pink dusting his cheeks. “Why are you so fixed on that?”
You laughed in response while Jaemin just stared at the heartstopping curve of your lips. He felt himself grow hot, anticipation mixed with the weight of the situation. He had never been the type to feel so jittery around a girl, but here he was, a touch anxious because he was afraid of doing something wrong.
“That’s Orion’s Belt there,” you pointed out. “Can you see Betelgeuse?”
You turned to look at Jaemin to see if you had his attention, but did a double-take upon realizing that you, in fact, had his full attention. His eyes were directly on you, not the night sky above. The both of you were so painfully close, and Jaemin couldn’t resist when he reached over to brush a few strands of hair behind your ear.
“I can’t see the stars,” he mumbled, his large hand moving to cup your cheek. When your gazes were locked, he caressed your cheek with his thumb gently and leaned in to kiss you.
Well, he was about to kiss you until he felt your finger pressing against his lips.
“I’m down for whatever,” you told him sweetly, “but I don’t kiss on the first date.”
Jaemin wasn’t sure what to make of that. Sure, he found it a little weird, but he could see the reasoning behind it. You were probably one of those people who saved your kisses for something special—whatever that meant. Honestly, Jaemin didn’t really care about the significance, but he did know it would be amplified if he found “the one.”
“So this is a date now?” he asked, amused.
Jaemin huffed lightly and leaned back, letting his hand retract back to his side. “Down for whatever? Even sex?”
You raised a very attractive eyebrow at him, making Jaemin short-circuit for a split second. “If you play your cards right,” you said airily, your voice all light and fluffy.
“Down for whatever but the offer isn’t extended to anyone over the age of twenty-one.”
You punched his shoulder hard this time. “Bite me.”
“Don’t mind if I do.”
Whatever made Jaemin’s confidence swell was taking over fast. In seconds, Jaemin propped himself up with his elbow, using his free hand to brush your hair to the side and tilting your neck so he could have easier access to it.
To test the waters, Jaemin nipped at your supple skin, earning a hitch in your slowed breathing that encouraged him to do more. Jaemin left open-mouthed kisses down your neck, sucking harshly with each one. He licked his lips when he pulled away to look at your neck. You were tough to bruise but he loved a challenge. He maneuvered his body over you so he could indulge himself further, holding himself up with his forearms.
Jaemin dipped under your chin again, ravishing the side of your neck that he targeted. He littered the column of your neck with dark hickeys, smirking against your skin upon the sight. You were a squirming mess under him, tugging at his hair and bucking your hips up against his. Jaemin grunted softly, his hands pushing your hips down so you could no longer tempt him.
You wrapped your hands around him, one hand sliding up the nape of his neck to curl your fingers in his hair. Hands weren’t normally something that made Jaemin weak, but yours were driving him crazy with one in his hair and the other bunching up the fabric of his shirt.
He cupped the apex of your jeans, smug as you whined at his touch, yearning for more. Jaemin’s free hand grazed your waist before he lowered it to your hip. He pulled away from your neck to meet your gaze, biting his lip at your lustful expression.
“Can I?” he asked, pressing down slightly against your apex.
You nodded, about to say something but got cut off when Jaemin moved his hand down and palmed your clothed clit. Jaemin smirked once he heard the soft sigh falling from your lips. His breathing got heavier, mixing with yours as he started fumbling to unbutton your jeans.
You looked up at him through half-lidded eyes. “Jaemin…”
Jaemin swallowed hard and tugged your jeans down your hips a little. He felt like he was losing control with every touch. He just wanted to hold you in his arms and spend the rest of the night with you, and it was impossible to shake off that feeling when you were looking at him like that.
He playfully snapped the waistband of your panties, letting out a chuckle when your face twisted up and you pushed at his chest. Then, you drew him closer again and guided his hand down your pants. Jaemin took a shaky breath when he felt how wet you were. It filled him with pride, of course, but he had suddenly felt so nervous. He had hooked up with girls before, but this felt weird to him. Different, to an extent. They were just going through the motions, but he was struck with some strange feeling that he didn’t want to mess up or do something wrong. It was like his first time all over again when he had no idea what he was doing.
His silent cry for help was answered with rain.
“Jesus, it’s raining now?” Jaemin asked with a disapproving huff, pulling his hand out of your pants. He wondered if the people in Jaehyun’s backyard were going to move back inside or keep partying through rain and storm.
“It is?” You frowned and reached a hand over him to catch some raindrops. “You make a nice umbrella, Na Jaemin.”
“How kind of you,” Jaemin replied, a bit distracted by the rain pelting his back. “Should we make a run back to Jaehyun’s or do you want to, like…”
“Do I want to do it outside in the rain?” you asked, quirking a brow at him. “Absolutely not.”
“Worth a shot.”
Jaemin hauled himself up to his feet, holding a hand out for you so you could stand. You started patting down your clothes and fixing your fly. Jaemin did the same, making sure he looked presentable but he kept quiet about the dark hickey on the side of your neck. He squinted up at the drizzle of rain from the sky.
Cockblock, Jaemin thought bitterly.
Yet another distraction came in the form of a text message. Specifically, a text message from Lee Jeno.
annoying jeno: i’m going back to the apartment and ik ur with a girl but i left the keys at home so pls open the door
“Son of a bitch,” Jaemin grumbled to himself. He shoved his phone back in his pocket and looked at you when he noticed your questioning stare. Jaemin ran his hands down your arms, then held your waist gently. “I have to go.”
“Go?” you asked him, startled.
“Yeah,” Jaemin replied with a sigh, not wanting to divulge how idiotic his roommate was. “Can I get your number?”
This perked you right up, thankfully. Jaemin was satisfied as he watched you enter your phone number in his phone. This almost made him feel better about having to leave you alone to walk back to Jaehyun’s house in the rain.
Scratch that. He still felt like a piece of shit.
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Jaemin slept off the party rather well.
He was in a bit of a mood, however, seeming tired and cranky in the morning. He had nearly thrown his phone at Jeno’s face when his best friend tried to shake him awake in the morning. It was a miracle that he showed up on time for his lecture. Around the afternoon, he received a text from you and was far more awake and alert after that. By the time he got to basketball, though, he was in a much better mood.
That is, until Jaehyun called for a team meeting.
The basketball team members were all sitting on the bleachers, waiting for a pissed-off Jaehyun to speak. Jeno picked at his nails next to Jaemin while YangYang in front of them was fiddling with the basketball. Jaehyun was only ever serious during games, but now his anger showed in a subtle and scary way that even Taeyong was a bit shaken by the change in his mood.
“Now, I’m going to say this once and you all better listen up carefully,” Jaehyun said in a low, dangerous voice. “If anyone—and I mean anyone—lays a hand on my little sister, then I will make sure you look uglier than you already are.”
Taeyong whistled lowly, impressed.
“Yuta,” Jaehyun continued, eyes narrowing at the older boy, “this message was inspired by you.”
“Received, reflecting, and apologizing,” Yuta said, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’ll back off, Captain.”
“Good,” Jaehyun replied curtly as Yuta and Taeyong started to banter playfully over the topic.
Jaemin was unsettled. Jaehyun was upset over someone going after his younger sister? Now, Yuta was a flirt, but he recalled him pining for you last night and there was no way you were Jaehyun’s sister, right?
“Hey, Jeno.” Jaemin nudged the boy with his elbow. “Who exactly is Jaehyun’s sister?”
“Isn’t it Jeong Y/N?” he answered.
Goodbye world, was Jaemin’s first thought.
Yuta was flirting with you last night, but Jaemin straight-up nearly fingered you and—oh god, the hickey. Jaemin was at the end of his line right now, and if you said anything to Jaehyun, he was sure he was going to get his ass beat. He was starting to regret giving up his non-hookup life because of you; the only person Jaemin was flirting with now was Death.
“You good?” Jeno’s brows were knitted in concern.
“Jeno.” Jaemin swallowed down the dry lump in his throat. “Remember how I told you I was with a girl last night?”
“Yeah?” Jeno asked, searching Jaemin’s eyes for an answer. He found it rather quickly, eyes widening and voice dropping to a whisper. “Oh my god.” His gaze flickered from Jaemin to Jaehyun several times. “What are you going to do?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Jaemin whispered back. “We were both drunk. I’ll just ghost her subtly and she’ll forget about me. Easy.”
Jeno raised a brow at his plan. “Is hooking up with Jaehyun’s little sister worse than breaking her heart?”
“Oh please, it was one night. Give it a day or two. She won’t give a fuck.” Even though I kind of do, he added in his head.
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The next time Jaemin saw you was after practice ended a few days later.
It had to be impossible that you could look any better than you did the last time he saw you, but here you were. It was unfair, really. Jaemin was a college student that was amped up with testosterone and hormones, and now he had no place to channel it. He was a second away from dragging you into an empty room and letting himself go with you, but then he remembered your older brother, and the horny thoughts dissolved into fear and shame.
“Ah, Jaemin,” you greeted with a cheerful smile.
Fuck, why did you have to be so cute?
Jaemin opened his mouth to reply, but quickly closed it and looked away from you. He leaned against the side of the bleachers and sighed while you were puzzled by his behavior. Although he wanted to ignore you, you were right there and the two of you were alone. Jaemin knew that the other guys wouldn’t be out of the locker rooms for another five minutes.
His gaze dropped to your hickey. It was so clear that you didn’t bother trying to cover it up, and the sight made Jaemin feel proud in some twisted way. Instinctively, he reached over and brushed his thumb over the sensitive bruise, smirking when you shivered.
“It looks good on you,” Jaemin complimented.
“Thanks.” You scoffed, then a mischievous glint shone in your eyes. “Maybe you should give me some more then.”
Jaemin stiffened, in a lot more ways than he should’ve. He gritted his teeth, willing the blood not to rush down all at once. He could not get horny at school when Jaehyun could walk out any second. And the older boy did. Jaemin backed away from you instantly, acting as if you were just some stranger passing by.
“I’ll pass,” he muttered under his breath and was sure you heard when he saw your face drop.
Great. Now he felt like an asshole.
“I gotta go,” he mumbled quickly before you could say anything else, moving past you to walk over to Jeno, high-fiving Jaehyun as he did. Jaemin didn’t have time to register your expression, but nevertheless, he felt like shit.
Jeno looked suspicious as Jaemin approached him. “Did you…”
“End it?” Jaemin finished for him. “I think so.”
“Can you just stop being a dick and talk to her?”
Ticked off, Jaemin took a deep breath. “If I talk to her, then one thing will lead to another, and Jaehyun—”
“Jaemin,” Jeno interrupted. “This isn’t about Jaehyun. This is about you and Y/N.”
Jaemin screamed out something incomprehensible and put his hands over his ears. “I can’t hear you, Lee Jeno. Can’t hear you over me getting ready to go to a party and get wasted tonight.”
“Na Jaemin, you’re my best friend but you’re an idiot.”
“I know that.” Jaemin made a face. “But it’s time for me to go and forget that.”
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Jaemin never failed to forget how much he hated parties. He was starting to regret showing up in the first place. One of his teammates, Jungwoo, had let him into his frat party. Normally, guys were selectively chosen because the frat boys wanted more girls, but Jaemin was wasting his opportunity of getting in by doing absolutely nothing.
This was why he didn’t like drinking. He wasn’t even fun when he was drunk; Jeno was a social butterfly, Yuta was a flirt, but Jaemin would just wonder if plants existed and think about you.
“You look pissed off,” Jungwoo observed, holding out a red dixie cup to him. “Are you sure you want to party?”
“Yes,” Jaemin grumbled, taking the cup from him and downing it in seconds. “I need to let go.”
Jaemin patted Jungwoo’s back firmly and moved to the kitchen to pour himself another shot. He didn’t know what he was thinking. He let himself get all worked up over some girl he barely even hooked up with. All he did was kiss your neck and here Jaemin was, looking like some cheap, heartbroken loser.
Oh, Jaemin thought out of the blue. I never told her she was pretty.
Jaemin took another shot, closing his eyes firmly as he thought of laying next to you again under the stars. Your lips looked so soft and kissable, your eyes so curious and alluring. He tried to push it away and focus on the party and getting drunk, but you kept appearing in his head like a mirage.
Let go, Jaemin, he told himself. Indulge yourself.
Jaemin leaned against the counter, bored. He sloshed the contents of his cup around, taking another shot when he felt the buzz start to wear out. A pretty brunette walked past him, flashing a coy smile.
He supposed she was one of the cheerleaders, or maybe she was a sorority girl. Either way, she was attractive and Jaemin could use the physical contact tonight. Part of him felt like it was the wrong thing to do, but all he could think about was how annoying it was to overthink every little thing he did.
Jaemin made his way over to her, tapping people’s shoulders and maneuvering his way through the cramped frat house. Everyone was clustered like schools of fish. Jaemin hated this kind of environment, but nevertheless, he put on a mask and did his best to fit in.
“Hey,” he greeted the girl once he found her. “I’m Na Jaemin.”
She smiled in that pretty way again. “I know you. You’re on the basketball team.” She looked embarrassed for a moment, flushing as she tucked loose strands of hair behind her ear. “I bet you don’t know me, though.”
“I don’t,” Jaemin admitted, “but you have a gorgeous smile.”
She beamed at this. “Hey, could you hold my cup for a second?” she asked, holding out her red dixie cup to him.
You want me to hold your cup when you can barely hold a conversation? Jaemin thought distastefully but took the cup anyway.
He leaned against the kitchen counter and waited for her patiently, and when she came back, Jaemin could tell she had left to touch-up her makeup. He could also detect the faintest spritz of perfume, but he wasn’t exactly sure, so he leaned closer to make sure.
Jaemin wasn’t sure how they ended up making out in one of the empty bedrooms upstairs, but by the time she was taking off her bra, he wanted to leave. He did his best not to look as bored as he felt throughout the heavy petting and removal of clothing, but his biggest fuck-up was worse than he had expected.
Even Jaemin himself felt mortified by what had just escaped his lips. By the disgusted look in the girl’s eyes, he was fairly confident this was going to spread around the school. As Jaemin was trying to conjure up some excuse for his actions, the girl stood up and started gathering her clothes.
“I’m not Y/N,” she muttered and left him alone in the room.
“Well, shit,” Jaemin grumbled, running a hand through his tousled hair after she left. “Should’ve told me your name then.”
Jaemin laid back on the bed, putting his hands over his face. He was royally screwed at this point and wondered if he had a shot at redemption. The fact that you were still on his mind was messing with him. Even now, after totally embarrassing himself, he was still stuck on you. To avoid further embarrassment, he pulled out his phone to deflect whatever impulsive action was creeping up his limbs.
jaemin: ok jeno im texting u instead of drunk texting y/n and confessing how badly i wanna kiss her
y/n: hi this is y/n
Jaemin wondered what sin he committed in his past life to get this unlucky.
jaemin: shit
jaemin: don’t talk to me i’m drunk at a party
y/n: jaemin you texted me first
jaemin: ugh i wanna see u so bad
jaemin: wanna make it up to u
y/n: oh my
y/n: you’re a little too drunk for that
y/n: but send me the address. i’ll come over and take you home
Jaemin was 98.75% sure that this was, by far, the stupidest thing he could do. Nevertheless, he shared his address with you and waited for you to come to get him. He hung out with Jungwoo in the meantime, slinging an arm around the older boy’s shoulder and confessing his embarrassing hookup while Jungwoo was high as a kite.
When you texted Jaemin that you were outside the frat house, he opened the door almost instantly. Jaemin couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across his face when you were standing right in front of him. You opened your mouth to say something, but Jaemin cut you off.
“I might have… might have called out your name during a hookup,” he confessed, slurring his words while he tried to speak coherently.
You looked like you were deciding whether to think it was funny or be suspicious over the fact that he tried to hook up with someone and then texted you afterward. Eventually, you ended up laughing at his story, tutting at his actions. Jaemin walked by your side, hands shoved deep in his pockets. He closed his eyes in an attempt to come back to his senses, only to be dragged back onto the sidewalk by you because he was apparently straying into the road.
“How much did you drink?” was your first question and one that Jaemin wasn’t sure he had an answer for.
“Six? Seven shots?” Jaemin counted but lost track after he held up five fingers. “I haven’t gotten this hammered in a while.”
“You’ve been flighty,” you told him. “I thought I wasn’t going to hear from you again.”
Jaemin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “That was the plan.”
End it now, Jaemin, the devious half of his mind instructed. Break it off before it’s too late.
“I don’t exactly do hookups anymore, Y/N,” he said, which wasn’t exactly a lie, but you happened to break that streak for him. But then came the lie. “I’m not looking for anything serious now either, and I’m sure you aren’t.”
They walked in silence onto the campus grounds, turning into the street where the student apartments were. You looked down at your feet, a little more disappointed than Jaemin had expected. More than that, it looked as though you were embarrassed.
Cue Na Jaemin feeling like a douchebag, which he was.
“Aren’t you the one who asked if I wanted to get to know you?” you asked him, brow arched.
Jaemin panicked, his words trapped in his throat for a second. Well, you got him there. He didn’t have a good excuse that made him sound less of a dick. Although, he was already probably about to be blacklisted from your life pretty soon, so it didn’t really matter.
“I was drunk,” Jaemin said as his brain was trying to throw random words at him. “I didn’t know what I was thinking.”
They made it to Jaemin’s apartment, which was thankfully on the first floor because he didn’t think he could stand an awkward elevator ride with you. You didn’t look at Jaemin once, but it didn’t seem as though you were angry. Rather, you looked confused, but Jaemin swallowed down his guilt and took a step back once they were at his door.
“Besides,” he continued shamelessly to deliver the final blow, “you always have Yuta.”
You rolled your eyes at him and stormed off at once after those words. Jaemin was left alone, still looking down at his feet. He let out a long, dragged-out sigh, hitting his head back against the solid wood of his door.
“Idiot,” he scolded himself.
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It took Jaemin a whole week and a half to get over you.
Even then, he didn’t really get over what happened. He just stopped blaming himself for it in front of Jeno and internalized everything else. Talking to Jeno didn’t really help, anyway, because Jaemin would just be hit with the “I told you so” and then be silently judged by his best friend.
Jeno had gone home for the long weekend, though, so Jaemin could finally mope about his apartment without Jeno smacking him upside the head and calling him a loser. Although Jaemin agreed with that, he was tired of remembering how shitty of a person and it was a constant reminder of how he treated you.
Although, he didn’t expect that reminder to physically manifest when he saw you in the hallway of his apartment on Friday night.
“Y/N?” he blurted out impulsively.
Jaemin had just decided to get something from the vending machine, not expecting to see you when he was standing in front of his doorway in his grey sweatpants and lack of shirt. His hair was bedraggled from staying in bed all day after his morning lecture ended. In short, he wasn’t exactly presentable and this wasn’t the look he wanted you to see.
“Jaemin,” you said softly, looking a bit startled. “I was just leaving my friend’s place.”
“It’s fine, Jaemin.” You managed a small smile for him. “There’s no hard feelings, okay? Water under the bridge.”
“Yeah,” you said, biting your lip afterward. “I just hope you’re not one of those guys who ghosts the girl if they don’t get sex out of it.”
Jaemin could feel the ice in your tone but brushed it off. “Honestly, I don’t care about sex that much.”
“Then what do you care about?”
Jaemin fixed his gaze on you, narrowing his eyes. He should have been grateful that you didn’t take it too personally and had forgiven him, but something was off. He didn’t doubt your reasons for being here, but an undercurrent of desire was definitely still there.
His morals were bouncing around his skull, warring with each other. Jaehyun was yelling at him to stop, but you were also there, and so fucking pretty. You wanted him, and he wanted you—it was almost perfect if it weren’t for your overprotective older brother who Jaemin respected too much. Then again, Jaemin had been shouldering too much guilt over the past week. He was sure he could handle some more.
What Jaehyun didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him, right?
The hallway was empty, doused with lingering sleep. The world was dark outside but under the dim, flickering hallway light was you. And Jaemin was at his limit; he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Jaemin?” you asked, and something inside him snapped.
He grabbed your hands first before pushing you up against the wall and sealing his lips over yours. Your face morphed into a shocked expression, only making Jaemin amused as he pinned your hands up and over your head. Your lips were so warm and soft, molding against Jaemin’s lips perfectly. He felt your hands wrap around his neck to draw him closer, inciting a soft groan from the back of his throat. It was kind of pathetic that he was already hard, and he was sure you were aware of it by how he was pressed up against your lower body.
Jaemin picked you up effortlessly, scooping you into his arms by your thighs. You let out a little shriek and grabbed onto his shoulders, wrapping your legs around his torso at his encouragement. Jaemin took you into his room, kicking the door closed with his foot before heading to his room and dropping you on his bed.
He had never actually let a girl into his room, so this was a first. Somehow, seeing you on his own bed was so arousing, and he had half a mind to just take you then and there. Jaemin made you sit at the edge of the bed while he stood between your legs, hands on your thighs. You looked confused for a moment, but let Jaemin run his hands up and down your thighs.
You and Jaemin should not be in bed together. Under no circumstances should the two of you even be acquainted in the slightest. The fact that you two met was all one big, cosmic coincidence, but sometimes the stars loved fucking around with human affairs.
“I told you I had to make it up to you,” Jaemin said in a low voice, running his thumb across your bottom lip. “You don’t have to forgive me but I can’t keep being a coward.”
“A coward? More like a douchebag,” you told him, holding his wrist so you could bite the tip of his finger as you looked up at him through your lashes. “But glad you came to your senses.”
“So you forgive me then?”
You smiled, all innocent and pure, unlike your words. “Not unless you make it up to me.”
Jaemin dropped his gaze down to your shorts, eyeing them for a moment before he started tugging them down. You raised your hips to help him take your shorts off, followed by your panties. Jaemin nearly sighed at the sight of you; you were so gorgeous and so ready for him. He wanted to completely blow your mind.
Then, the nerves got to Jaemin again.
“Y/N,” he started, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. We can just cuddle or something.”
“Na Jaemin, if you don’t make me cum, I will scream,” you warned.
“Yeah?” Jaemin chuckled at your reaction. “I think you’re going to scream either way, though.”
“Shut up.”
Jaemin laughed, brushing your hair out of your face. He caressed your cheek, rubbing slow circles with his thumb before he dragged it down to your jawline. A small pout appeared on your lips and he ran his thumb over your bottom lip again as if he could wipe your pout away.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” Jaemin said.
Before you could open your mouth to say something, Jaemin plunged his finger in you, thumb quickly finding purchase on your clit and rubbing in slow, languid circles. He wasn’t very satisfied by your shell-shocked silence, so he added a second finger to get you moaning and squirming at his actions.
You gasped when Jaemin curled his fingers, and he relished the dazed expression on your face. He watched your eyelashes flutter and eyelids droop as he scissored his fingers in you, earning him blissful moans from your pretty lips. One of your hands was gripping the sheets at your side while the other was gripping Jaemin’s shoulder tightly. He knew he was doing a good job by the way your walls clenched around his fingers, and it made him swell with pride.
“You’re such an asshole,” you whimpered out, moaning again as he curled his fingers in you.
“Then why do you still want me?” Jaemin hissed. “You should have just hated me. I would have been fine if you weren’t so fucking perfect.”
You cried out as he plunged another finger in you. “Shit, you’re just—oh god.” Jaemin could tell you were at your peak, so he pulled his fingers out of you immediately, smirking at how distressed you looked.
Jaemin popped his fingers in his mouth, sucking off your juices. “You taste so good, princess.”
You scowled at him. “F-finish me off, at least,” you pleaded.
Jaemin gripped your thighs. “Oh, trust me, I will.”
Jaemin lowered himself and met your eyes before he leaned forward and sealed his lips over your clit, sucking harshly on the ball of nerves. You were so sweet and so wet, but what made Jaemin go crazy was the way the both of you locked eyes while he was between your legs. He let out a groan that vibrated against you.
He licked a strip along your slit, pleased with his reward of pants and moans from you. Your thighs squirmed around him so he gripped them harder and moved his hands up to your hips so he could eat you out with more vigor.
Jaemin snaked his tongue along your folds and you were gone. Already edged from being fingered, you were at your peak already. Back arching off the bed and hips squirming, Jaemin tongued your clit as he coaxed you into your orgasm. By the sound of your moans and cries, he felt like he was going to cum in his pants any second if you didn’t stop. You released over his tongue so easily, and Jaemin lapped it up as you made an effort to catch your breath.
At first, Jaemin was over the moon. He hooked up with you and wanted more. You were so enticing and Jaemin couldn’t get enough of you. Then came the crushing guilt. It registered a bit late, but it was all the more painful. He had just eaten out his friend’s little sister and couldn’t help the fact that he wanted her so badly.
“Not bad, Jaemin,” you breathed out, fixing your hair as your thighs still stiffened and twitched every now and then. “Is this the part where you push me away and ghost me for another week?”
Jaemin ran a hand through his hair, battling frustration and shame. “Look,” he started, “the reason I pushed you away was because you didn’t tell me your brother is Jeong Jaehyun!”
“Oh.” You blinked at him. “Yeah, he’s my brother. Is that a problem?” Jaemin let out a heavy sigh and you raised a brow at him. “You got a crush on him or something?”
Jaemin’s expression soured. “No! He’s my friend and teammate, Y/N. There’s an unspoken bro code between us men.”
You rolled your eyes. “Here we go.”
“Rule number one of bro code states that sisters are completely off-limits,” Jaemin said. “And, Y/N, we just pushed that limit.”
“You know, in girl code, we ask the friend for permission,” you offered.
“Jaehyun rounded us up at practice and told us that if anyone lays a hand on his little sister, he’s going to kill them,” Jaemin said. “I’m too young to die.”
You stood up to push Jaemin down by his shoulders, sitting him on the edge of the bed. Jaemin’s breath got caught in his throat when you sat on his lap, right where his bulge was painfully tented beneath his sweatpants. You traced his v-cut abs, making Jaemin shiver in response. He held your hips and swallowed thickly. He was pretty sure he knew where this was going. If you were about to ride him, he was sure he could die a happy man.
“Jaemin, my brother doesn’t control my life, so he’s not killing you over anything, okay?” you reassured him, then leaned in closer, nibbling on his earlobe. Jaemin shivered at the contact, tightening his grip on you. “But, if you’re so worried about it, then we could sneak around.”
A guttural groan escaped Jaemin when you rolled your hips against his. Were you teasing him? Because it was hard for him to think and this distraction wasn’t helping. Either way, all he could think about was making you cum again and seeing that delicate look on your face as you crumbled in front of him.
“Sneak—sneak around?” Jaemin stammered, mouth going dry when you started taking off your shirt, and fuck, you weren’t wearing a bra. “Huh?”
“Jaemin,” you said slowly, smirking as you traced a finger along his jawline. “If you don’t want Jaehyun to catch us, we can just meet up secretly.”
If this was a game of cat and mouse, there was a clear power difference right now; Jaemin felt more like the mouse while you were the cat.
Jaemin’s eyes darkened a bit. “Fuck yeah,” he mumbled, hand grazing your bare skin. His eyes devoured the way you looked, and you wanted to squirm at the hungry look on his face. It was kind of embarrassing how badly Jaemin wanted to skip this whole conversation and fuck you into oblivion.
“Jaemin,” you called again, noting how his eyes flitted from your lips to your eyes.
He gave up. “I’ll be honest. I have no idea what we’re talking about but if we’re keeping this going between us, I’m all for it.”
“Good answer,” you hummed and pressed your lips to his.
You were a damn good kisser, Jaemin observed. He didn’t notice it before, but you had on some sort of fruity chapstick on that was making his head go fuzzy. The taste was addicting, and thank god you bit down on his lower lip because he wasn’t sure if he could handle another second without his tongue in your mouth.
He pulled away for a moment so he could push you down onto the bed, getting over you. Jaemin sighed deeply as you skimmed your hands down his bare chest, fingers tugging at the waistband of his sweatpants.
“You know, I lied that night,” you told Jaemin, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’m not usually down for whatever, but I wanted to try my chance with you.”
Jaemin tutted at you, circling a finger around your nipple. “You shouldn’t have lied, Y/N,” he said, making you whimper when he pinched your hard nipple. “Could’ve stroked my ego a little more.”
“Sorry, but I’m not here to stroke your ego, Jaemin,” you simpered, choking over your words when Jaemin pressed open-mouthed kisses to your chest, eventually snaking his hot tongue across your nipple.
“You already are,” Jaemin murmured against your skin, littering hickeys as he kissed your chest. “Your reactions are so cute.”
Jaemin sucked on his fingers for a brief moment to provide some extra lubrication, not that you really needed it. He used his pointer and middle finger to rub against your slit, your whines growing needier as you became more and more aroused. After one more needy mewl from your lips, Jaemin had enough. He tugged his sweatpants and boxers down in one go, his hard cock slapping against his stomach once it was free.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned brokenly, eyeing the length of his cock.
“Such a good girl,” he crooned down at you, teasing his cock against your slit until you were a gasping, moaning mess under him. Then, Jaemin pulled away, clicking his tongue and grinning while you narrowed your eyes at him. “Condom,” he remembered.
Jaemin got off the bed to retrieve the silver packet from his nightstand, tearing it open with his teeth in one go. He caught you staring at how incredibly hung he was, smirking proudly as he slid the condom onto his shaft. He pumped it once for good measure and moved back onto the bed with you.
He stayed on his knees, angling your hips up so that they were positioned with his cock. You looked confused by the awkward position, but Jaemin melted away your worries with a powerful thrust into you. He groaned at how tight you were with your warm, wet walls clenching around him rhythmically.
Jaemin could tell he was hitting all the right spots by the broken moans that were escaping you when he pounded in you. His own growls were low and grating, relishing the way you felt around him. You were clutching his sheets so tight and bucking your hips so often that Jaemin had to use a hand to push your lower abdomen down, smirking as he felt his cock move in and out of you.
“You’re so big,” you gasped out, looking visibly frustrated at how you couldn’t hold onto him.
“Princess, I regret not doing this earlier,” Jaemin admitted with another rough thrust into you, making you sob out some distorted version of his name. “You feel so fucking good.”
“I’m close,” you choked out, and Jaemin kindly aided you by rubbing your clit as he brutally fucked you into the mattress.
You tucked your head into your shoulder, biting back your cries, so Jaemin grabbed your hair in a fistful and tilted it back so he could see your face. A shudder ran down his spine. Your expression was so perfect, so fucked in and glazed over.
“Shit,” he growled, voice raspy from arousal as you came undone in front of him.
His nimble fingers continued to work on your clit as you fell apart, moans ringing in his ears like a song. He followed you into your bliss, unable to hold back. He leaned over you and continued fucking you through your orgasm, holding you and groaning as he, too, released.
Jaemin stopped when he was done and spent. His arms buckled as they struggled to keep himself over you, and he could only pull out and collapse by your side. He muttered out a few curses, struggling to find the right words to say as he stared up at the ceiling. That felt good? No, too dry. I’m the only one who gets to fuck you like that? No, too possessive.
He settled with “you’re amazing” as his chest rose and fell in tune with yours.
“Likewise,” you breathed out and looked over at him. “I have to go home soon.”
Jaemin didn’t know what came over him, but he rolled over and wrapped his arms around you tightly. Normally, he wasn’t one for cuddling or aftercare, but he didn’t want you to go so soon. You relaxed under his touch as Jaemin drew you closer to his body, pulling the sheets over you both.
“Don’t go,” Jaemin whispered, tucking some hair behind your ear.
You turned to look at him, running your finger along his cheek tenderly. “Jaehyun’s gonna ask.”
Jaemin threw the sheets off of you and stood up quickly. “Have a safe trip back.”
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It was the very next day when Jaemin hooked up with you again.
You had sent him a rather suggestive text, stating that you found it strenuous to walk after the previous night. In some sick and twisted way, Jaemin found this extremely hot and invited you over that night. Needless to say, you found it even more difficult to walk afterward.
The next day was the last day of the long weekend, so you spent nearly the entire day at Jaemin’s place before Jeno came home. Sure, you had sex once or twice then, but Jaemin really liked having you around. Even when you both weren’t exactly doing anything, your mere presence was comforting to him. In past hookups with other girls, he would always just get up and leave after the deed was done. However, with you, he was suddenly a sucker for aftercare.
Jaemin still felt like shit for going behind Jaehyun’s back and he was starting to question his stealth when Jeno came back home and discovered your bra on the couch.
“Oh, that’s where it was,” Jaemin said blankly, taking the bra from Jeno. “By the way, how was visiting your family?”
Jeno was still stuck on the bra, however. “Hold on,” he started, “whose bra is that?”
“You wear bras?”
“What? No.” Jaemin made a face. “The fuck?”
“Na Jaemin, did you sleep with a random girl on our couch?”
“First of all, it wasn’t a random girl. It was Y/N,” Jaemin defended. “And secondly, we did it against the wall, actually. The couch was just a poor observer.”
“I don’t know if I should be impressed or disgusted,” Jeno replied, pondering over his best friend’s words. He glanced back at the wall and inched away from it. “Did you figure out what you’re going to do about Jaehyun?”
Jaemin grinned sheepishly. “I mean, what Jaehyun doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right?”
“What happened to the Jaemin who was trying to ghost his sister?”
“He got laid.”
“This is so gonna backfire on you,” Jeno replied, shaking his head. “But I kind of want to watch it happen.”
“Dude,” Jaemin whined, rubbing his chin with his hand. “I broke the bro code so hard, but honestly, the sex is too good.”
“Jaemin, I don’t want to hear about your sexcapades, thanks.”
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The next time Jaemin hooked up with you was almost an absolute disaster.
Keyword: almost.
“Jeno,” Jaemin warbled in a desperate cry, “I’m fucked. I’m absolutely fucked.”
“What’s up?” came the disinterested voice of his best friend who was sprawled out on the couch, flipping listlessly through a textbook.
“I need you to help me out,” Jaemin begged. “Y/N wants me to go over to her place but Jaehyun’s home.”
That was how Jaemin ended up behind your house, trying to hoist himself up onto a tree that was close to your window. Jeno was on the phone, keeping a lookout from his car that was parked on the street. This was, quite honestly, probably one of the stupidest things Jaemin had ever done because not only did he have a fear of heights, but he was risking his life just for his friend not to see him walking in the house.
There was something about hanging onto the branch of a tree for dear life that made a man question his pride.
“All this for some pussy,” Jeno tutted through his AirPods.
“Shut up, Jeno,” Jaemin muttered, a flush of heat rising to his cheeks. Truth be told, he just really wanted to see you, not that he would admit that.
He hauled himself onto one of the thicker branches that led to your window and inched his way along it to reach the windowsill. A frown crossed his lips as he reached out to knock on the glass. You told him you’d keep the window open for him, so why was it closed?
The answer was obvious, but it didn’t sink in until Jaehyun opened the window to see Jaemin dangling from a tree branch.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, was all that was running through his mind. His head felt like it was going a thousand miles per second but the rest of his body was short-circuiting.
“Jaemin, what are you doing outside my window?” Jaehyun asked, looking absolutely perturbed.
“I’m, uh…” Jaemin paused to think while he could hear Jeno laughing at him through his AirPods. “Jeno and I wanted to prank you.”
“Jeno? Prank?” Jaehyun questioned. “Are you not here for a study session with Y/N?”
Jaemin stilled. He wasn’t sure he had any classes with you, but surely you must have made up this excuse to Jaehyun so that Jaemin could be in your house freely. Jeno’s laughing intensified as Jaemin blinked at his team captain.
“Right, well—”
“Jaemin, what are you doing there?” your sweet, innocent voice rang from Jaehyun’s door.
There was a mischievous glint in your eyes despite how concerned you tried to look. Jaemin saw right through you, though, and grimaced.
“Just… hanging out,” Jaemin grunted out as he tried to crawl in through Jaehyun’s window.
Jaehyun reached his hand out to help Jaemin and dragged him through the window with ease, so smooth that Jaemin pretended he didn’t hit his head against the side of the frame of the window as he was pulled inside. The tree branch bounced back to its original position, its leaves rustling wildly once Jaemin’s weight was off of them. Jaehyun helped Jaemin dust himself off and grabbed one of his shoulders firmly, using his free hand to pat his back.
“Jaemin,” Jaehyun said slowly, “use the door next time.”
“Got it,” Jaemin croaked out.
“We can go to my room and study, Jaemin,” you piped up, turning on your heel to head back to your room as soon as you were sure you had his attention.
“Right, um… see you, man,” Jaemin told Jaehyun, awkwardly following after you after Jaehyun returned the goodbye.
Jaemin had been to Jaehyun’s house for parties, but being there in the daytime was unnerving. He ended the call with Jeno, quickly texting him that he was safe before stuffing his phone and AirPods in his pockets. Jaemin turned the corner to see you sitting cross-legged on the floor of your room. A loud sigh escaped his lips before he made his way in, closing the door behind him.
“You’re paying for that,” he warned.
“Oh yeah?” you asked, a laugh falling from your lips just before Jaemin strode over, pushing you down onto the floor and hovering over you. You parted your lips to speak but whatever you were going to say died on your tongue as Jaemin swooped in and kissed you.
This is a terrible place to be doing this, the rational side of Jaemin’s brain provided, but then he was kissing you and it didn’t matter anymore.
Jaemin lost himself in the kiss as soon as he was tasting your fruity chapstick. He cupped your jaw, intoxicated by the way your lips felt against his. He was so dazed that he hardly noticed you unzipping his pants, tugging them down by his belt loops.
“Aren’t we studying?” Jaemin teased, brushing his nose against yours. He glanced over at the mess of books and papers at your table.
“Mm, do you want to study instead?” you asked, drawing him closer to you. “Pass up on this and read up on some cell division?”
“Fuck no.” Jaemin scoffed, dragging his nails up your thigh. “Spread those legs for me, angel.”
A mewl escaped your lips when you spread your legs because Jaemin immediately started palming your apex without missing a beat. The burst of pride that followed made him a little braver, a little less worrisome over your older brother.
“Take off your pants,” you breathed out, tugging once more at his waistband.
“No.” Jaemin moved off of you and hauled himself up to sit on your bed. “I want you to ride my thigh.” His eyes practically devoured the way you looked. “And keep the skirt on.”
You stood up, biting your lip as you moved to straddle his right thigh. Jaemin’s hands ran up and down your thighs, moving up to your hips eventually to rub slow circles with his thumb. His lips were attached to your neck almost immediately, pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along the column.
You let a whimper slip from your lips and Jaemin started bouncing his leg steadily, his muscular thigh rubbing against your clit. He guided your movements with his hands as you rolled your hips against him. Jaemin flexed his thigh every once in a while and made sure to pull you down on him whenever he could make use of the friction.
Another moan from you and Jaemin sneered. “You’re getting off so well on my thigh, Y/N. Such a fucking tease but you react so easily.” You whined again and Jaemin shushed you. “Be quiet, princess. We don’t want to be walked in on, right?”
And, because the world hated Jaemin, Jaehyun decided to walk in.
“Y/N, can I come in for a second?” he called from outside the door.
In an instant, you practically flew off of Jaemin’s lap, scrambling back to your table and burying your nose in your biology textbook. There were a few long seconds of Jaemin silently communicating with you out of frustration. You had escaped just fine, but Jaemin just had to get a hard-on, and now that you were off his lap, it was far too obvious through his pants.
But you already told Jaehyun he could come in, so Jaemin put both hands over his crotch in a valiant (but stupid) effort to hide his boner while the door opened.
“I’m going to the store,” Jaehyun said, looking between you and Jaemin from the doorway. “Want anything?”
“No, we’re good,” you replied, but Jaehyun’s eyes were fixed on Jaemin, narrowing slightly.
“I’ll get going then, but are you good?” Jaehyun asked, gesturing at the awkward position Jaemin was in. “The bathroom’s across the hall if you need to go.”
Jaemin’s eyes flitted to yours to see an amused look on your face, and he could practically hear your voice bouncing in his skull: This is fun.
This wasn’t exactly Jaemin’s textbook dictionary definition of fun, however.
“Thanks,” Jaemin croaked out, looking down at his lap in shame. A flush of red crossed his cheeks and you barked out a laugh as soon as Jaehyun was gone. “Not funny,” he grumbled out.
An impish grin crossed your face as you asked, “Need me to take care of your problem?”
“Please,” Jaemin almost begged.
The moment you stood up, Jaemin was quickly trying to tug his pants down, hooking his fingers in the waistband of his boxers to take them off with his pants. This was awful in the absolutely best way possible because Jaemin’s hands felt clammy but then you were kneeling down in front of him, helping him take his pants off. You looked up at Jaemin when his hard cock curved up against his stomach. A breath escaped his lips like it had been punched out of him and he wondered if his eyes were as comically wide as they felt.
When the sound of Jaehyun closing the front door echoed, you grasped Jaemin’s painfully hard cock in your soft hands. Jaemin’s tongue felt like lead in his mouth. He couldn’t even ask you to do anything with all his bravado from earlier suddenly vanishing. So, he curled a hand in your hair, more for his own leverage.
Jaemin’s stomach rearranged itself to feel like some crazed etch-a-sketch rather than the human anatomy when he felt your lips wrap around his cock.
“Shit, that’s it,” he growled when you went down on him. He flushed all over, clear in the way his cock twitched in your mouth, and it made him feel like some silly, lovesick teenager. “Oh god, you feel so good with your mouth wrapped around my cock, princess.”
A sound of approval came from your throat, vibrating against the throbbing vein along Jaemin’s shaft and making him go crazy. You bobbed your head up and down, teasing him by going so slow to the point that it was nearly unbearable for Jaemin. He felt like a coil of fire was tightly woven inside him, ready to snap at any given moment.
“Fuck… don’t tease me—wait, are you asleep?”
Jaemin looked down to see you half-asleep on his cock, lips brushing against the vein along the side. Your eyes weren’t hooded but fluttered shut, head lolling to the side and your tongue grazing the underside of his head. A hiss escaped Jaemin’s lips at your teasing, but he felt more incredulous than turned on.
“I’m tired,” you said, “and you didn’t finish me off, so why should I finish you off?”
“Well, this is just unfair,” Jaemin replied with a frustrated huff as you pulled off of him. His gaze softened when he saw you rub your eyes, though. He fumbled for a moment, pulling his boxers and pants back up and tucking away the frustration of not getting his release. “You’re actually tired?”
“Kind of,” you admitted. “I’ve been studying my ass off all week for midterms.”
“Okay, well…” Jaemin faltered before scooting back on your bed until he was against the wall. “Let’s take a nap then.”
“Nap? Oh, so we—oh, okay,” you mumbled and Jaemin’s heart skipped a few beats when he saw you suck in your lower lip nervously.
You crawled into your bed and laid down, pulling the covers over them after Jaemin moved so he was right next to you. Jaemin had never exactly slept with a girl like this, but with you, his chest felt warm. It felt right. Without a word, he pulled you to his chest so you wouldn’t have to see how nervous you were making him feel, praying you couldn’t hear his heart pounding in his chest.
“You’re warm,” you mumbled to him.
And, because Jaemin was a loser who feared rejection and the reality that he was an actual human who felt real emotions, he pressed his lips to your head and whispered into your hair, “I like you.”
If you heard him or noticed, Jaemin wouldn’t have known because falling asleep was so much easier with you in his arms.
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“You slept with her? Like, without sex?” Jeno asked Jaemin that night, to which he nodded. “You didn’t hook up with her at all?”
“Jaehyun walked in the first time and the second time… let’s not get into that,” Jaemin replied. “The point is, we fucking cuddled, Jeno.”
“That’s kinda weird.”
“Right?” Jaemin tugged a hand through his hair, letting out an aggravated groan. “Maybe I shouldn’t go to Jaehyun’s place on Friday.”
Parties were one thing, but at least once a month, the basketball team would hold bonding events for everyone to unwind and chill. Jaemin usually attended every event since he was close with all of the members, but Jaehyun’s house became dangerous territory now because of you. However, Jaemin was expected to take the place of team captain when Jaehyun graduated, so he knew it would be bad if he didn’t attend all the socials the basketball team held.
“Why? Can’t keep it in your pants?” Jeno teased.
Jaemin threw a pillow at him. “Fuck off.”
“It’s been postponed to the end of the month, anyway,” Jeno assured. “Jaehyun said he had a date this Friday or something.”
“Then I’m safe for now.”
It got silent for a moment before Jeno asked, “Are you catching feelings?”
Did Jaemin like you? Sure, he mumbled it for himself to hear when he was holding you, which was pretty suspicious of him to do that if he didn’t actually have any feelings toward you. He perfectly understood the feeling at an intellectual level, but absorbing it emotionally was beyond his realm of understanding. Plus, there was no point in having feelings for someone if they didn’t reciprocate.
Jaemin only had a few crushes before, and the feelings were so surface-level that he started to wonder how many aspects of life he had missed out on because of his inability to grow close to people. That was why he had confined himself to the hookup culture because the “no strings attached” aspect was so appealing to him, but now it was backfiring because of you. It was so fucked up because Jaemin didn’t even want to fuck around with you anymore. Scratch that. He did, but he also wanted to hold your hand, go on dates, and kiss you until your fruity chapstick made him dizzy again.
You were great in bed, but what got Jaemin’s heart racing was the way you laughed when he made a lame joke and you couldn’t get over how terrible it was; the way you told stories with your hands, and your face would light up because you would get so excited; the way the food you made looked absolutely nauseating but, for whatever reason, it tasted amazing, and Jaemin could go on, but he was afraid he’d start melting in front of Jeno.
“No way,” Jaemin lied. “It’s just for the sex, that’s all.”
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It wasn’t fair that you always showed up at the one place Jaemin was most vulnerable: basketball practice.
Truth be told, you were causing Jaemin problems well before you even arrived. Hell, you had been causing problems for the past three weeks. Not that Jaemin hated it, but he couldn’t keep it in his pants every time you dragged him to a blind spot or invited him to your place. There were also times where Jaemin would just simply walk with you, or talk about your day in bed, or just hold your hand and stroke your hair until you fell asleep.
Pretty weird for fuckbuddies.
Earlier in the day, Jaemin had run into you while he was walking to his biology lecture, and after some light conversation, he had you pinned up against the back of a building. He ended up getting a very noticeable hickey on his neck from you that he didn’t know existed until Jaehyun pointed it out during practice.
“Jaemin.” Jaehyun let out a low whistle and gestured to his neck. “Finally got over your weird celibacy phase?”
“What are you—”
“Nice hickey,” Yuta complimented while he was passing by, “finally got laid, huh?”
Only then did Jaemin realize that you had marked up his neck, and did so proudly. You knew people would see but you still went ahead and did it. Jaemin would’ve been mad but somehow, the thought of showing off something you caused turned him on.
Thankfully, you showed up when practice had ended and the others were heading into the locker room, all sweaty and tired. Absorbed in their own conversations, the rest of Jaemin’s teammates were focused on talking about their last play and looking forward to a cold shower. Jaemin, however, did a double-take when he saw you, nudging Jeno to keep going while he stayed back.
You really had no good reason coming to the basketball courts. It wasn’t like you or your big brother actually wanted to walk home together.
“I’m starting to think you come here to see me,” Jaemin said smugly, making his way over to you.
“Not even,” you replied, although your fazed look said otherwise. “But I appreciate the eye candy.”
Jaemin reached out to take your hands in his and pulled you toward him. You looked down at your feet, right foot circling around one of the stray basketballs that had been left behind during practice. Jaemin, however, had his eyes focused on you. He couldn’t get tired of looking at you, especially when you were wearing that cozy purple sweater that made him want to pull you into his arms.
Jaemin noticed your foot on the basketball and held your hands a little tighter as you put your weight on it to get your other foot on. You were shakily balancing on it, grabbing Jaemin’s hands tightly as a grin slowly spread across your face.
You’re too cute, was what Jaemin wanted to say.
“You’re still shorter than me even when you’re standing on a basketball,” he teased instead, one hand slipping around your waist to keep you steady.
You pouted. “I’m basically the same height as you now.”
“Really?” Jaemin smirked at your expression, moving closer so that his lips were at your forehead. He moved his hands so they were both holding your waist, keeping you planted on the basketball. “I think I still have an inch or two on you.”
“That’s not fair,” you whispered, but Jaemin was tilting your chin up and smiling at how you were visibly growing shy. “Jaemin, my brother might walk out any second.”
“Fuck your brother,” Jaemin murmured and kissed you.
People threw around the term “time slowed down” so casually, that Jaemin believed it was a silly hoax; however, he was starting to understand it. Each kiss he shared with you before felt so rushed, but now, everything around him didn’t matter anymore. It was like every fear, every concern he had was lost as he was lost in the taste of your lips.
Your hands cupped his face, deepening the kiss and making Jaemin nearly forget that you were barely balancing on a basketball. He tightened his hold around you when you pulled a hand away to run through his hair and god, he relished that feeling. When he desperately needed air again, Jaemin pulled away, nipping at your bottom lip cheekily as he did so.
He didn’t want to see your reaction, though, so he pulled you down from the basketball and hugged you, burying his face into the crook of your neck. You were visually overwhelming, anyway, and Jaemin wasn’t too keen on seeing your reaction to his tenderness. Jaemin felt like such a melt for being this affected over a simple kiss, but all he wanted at the moment was to be closer to you.
“Jaemin?” you asked, shocked by his sudden intimacy.
“Shut up,” he murmured into your neck, “I just want to hold you right now.”
Jaemin didn’t process the fact that a third person was in the gym until it registered that the masculine voice couldn’t have been coming from you. On the bright side, the voice came from the one person who knew about whatever was going on between you and Jaemin. He then wondered why he was starting to become an optimist.
You and Jaemin both pulled away quickly like repelling magnets. There was a flicker of panic in your eyes, seeming to cool down when you noticed that Jaemin wasn’t freaking out. It was quite devastating for Jaemin to come to realize that he was the standard for what to worry over.
Jaemin, not sparing you a glance, walked over to where his best friend was standing and shoved him, not straying from his direct route to the locker room.
“You have some explaining to do,” Jeno muttered before Jaemin passed him.
“Fuck off, Jeno.”
Jeno flashed a sheepish grin at you before turning back to follow Jaemin, patting him firmly on the back to tease him. Jaemin, however, was unsettled. Whatever he felt for you was moving past sexual attraction to something much deeper, and he wasn’t sure if he could suppress it any longer.
You truly were the cat, and although Jaemin refused to believe it, you had already caught him.
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Jeno somehow managed to stay quiet about what had happened between you and Jaemin until after they reached their apartment. Jaemin almost believed he was going to pretend like he didn’t see anything, but it would be laughable to think that Lee Jeno wouldn’t mock him about it.
“That’s the thing with fuckbuddies,” Jeno explained as he shrugged off his coat, “someone’s gonna catch feelings eventually.”
“Thanks, Jeno,” Jaemin spat, tone laced with sarcasm. “You never cease to make me feel like shit.”
“So you admit that you caught feelings?”
It was like an arrow through a bullseye, not that Jaemin was going to admit to that, but the thought of him potentially catching feelings for you was terrifying. It was even more frightening because he probably already did. This was supposed to be the time where Jaemin blanched and would become shockingly avoidant around you, but he was waiting for those instincts to kick in rather than the desperate urge to run over and kiss you.
But, moreover, screw Lee Jeno for majoring in neuroscience. His best friend studying the human brain and its cognition was the worst thing that could have ever happened to Jaemin.
Jaemin paused, hesitating before he spoke, “No… I’m just worried that one of us will.”
Jeno raised a brow at him. “Whatever you two were doing was not normal for fuckbuddies.”
“It’s called hugging, Jeno. It’s not my fault you have the emotional range of a teaspoon.”
Jaemin moved to sit on the couch, turning his back to Jeno and hugging a pillow as he shrunk back into the cushion. But Jeno knew that Jaemin always listened to what he had to say. It was a natural instinct by now. Although Jaemin would rather die than say it aloud, his best friend always gave the best advice even though it was probably not what Jaemin wanted to hear.
“Are you okay?” Jeno asked instead.
Jaemin froze. He was never any good at expressing himself. He presented himself as a simple man on the outside, but he was really just layers of multitudes. But, sometimes, your mere attention was like uncut cocaine to him, and then Jaemin would wonder if he really was simple.
“I’m fine,” Jaemin muttered back.
“You’re good at being fine, aren’t you?”
Jeno fastidiously fixed his hair before he retreated to his room. Jaemin was surprised by how he cut the advice session this time and left Jaemin to his own thoughts.
Exhausted, Jaemin stared at his lock screen. It was a picture of you and him at a park. Ducks in the pond. You caught off-guard with hair in your mouth. Jaemin with a smile brighter than the sun. Who the fuck took selfies with girls they fucked on the down-low? And who the fuck set them as their wallpapers? Apparently, Jaemin did.
He was sick.
Maybe Jeno was right, but Jaemin refused to accept that possibility because that would make him even more disgusted with himself.
He could only think of one thing and it was how he was in love with you.
Sex was one thing, but love? The number one rule of best friendship was probably don’t fucking fall in love with your best friend’s sister.
Furthermore, Jaemin didn’t know how to act around you now. In the conspectus of Things That Could Go Wrong in his brain, he hadn’t anticipated actually falling for you. He should’ve taken your godsent looks and heavenly laugh as a red flag that first night because now he was addicted.
It wasn’t like Jaemin had absolutely zero experience with girls, but usually, he just went with it. Being the one chasing after you was mentally taxing and the thought of you possibly not wanting him back was unthinkable. Then again, it was pretty clear that it was mutual between the two of you, but Jaemin was confident that you were a breath away from snapping at him for his inconsistency.
He was the one that pushed you away, after all. A sudden transition from resisting to wanting you completely was sure to freak you out, so Jaemin was stuck at a crossroads.
After a few Google searches of asking the internet if he caught feelings and an episode of self-denial and self-loathing, Jaemin decided it was high time for him to call you and tell you how he felt. That, or he was going to panic and break things off before he got emotionally invested.
Before he could do either, Jeno walked back to the living room, putting his coat back on. He looked dressed up as if he was going out somewhere, and Jaemin’s suspicions were confirmed when he went to get his shoes.
“What’re you all dressed up for?” Jaemin asked, sitting up straight again.
“Jaehyun’s house.” Jeno raised a brow at him. “It’s Friday.”
God, if you’re out there, Jaemin thought, defeated. Screw you and your son. Amen.
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Jaemin had to psych himself into the proper state of mind for tonight.
That all went to shit, however, when he saw you sitting in the living room, laughing at something Yuta had said.
“Oh my god,” Jeno said in a low voice when he saw Jaemin frozen in the doorway. “Tell me you’re not jealous right now.”
“Piss off,” Jaemin spat, kicking off his shoes at the entrance. “It’s nothing like that.”
Except that it was exactly like that. Jaemin wasn’t the jealous type, but right now, his blood was roiling in his gut. Deep inside, he knew it was probably nothing to worry about, but the way you smiled around Yuta was pissing him off. Then, he realized that he had no relationship with you that gave him any right to stop Yuta from flirting with you.
And then, you turned to see Jaemin in the doorway and smiled at him.
Oh no, Jaemin thought in complete devastation. She’s pretty.
“Y/N, tonight’s for the basketball team,” Jaehyun told you from the living room, making a motion with his hands to signal you to leave. “Go to your room.”
“You’re such a nosy older brother,” YangYang chimed in, nudging a chuckle out of Jaehyun. “But yeah, Y/N, Friday nights are for the boys.”
“I know, I know,” you said with a laugh. “I’ll go now. I was just grabbing some water.”
Jaemin was still frozen stiff at the doorway as you grabbed a half-empty bottle of water from the kitchen counter (despite Jeno’s several attempts to get him to move) and then walked to the staircase to Jaemin’s left. But then you grabbed Jaemin by the front of his shirt and started dragging him upstairs with you. He barely registered it all happening in the span of a few seconds, but he was able to catch Jeno saying he’d tell the others that Jaemin was running late.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Jaemin whispered harshly, although he still followed you into your room and let you lock the door.
This was far too risky. Not only was Jaehyun home, but the entire basketball team was downstairs.
You started tying your hair up and Jaemin gulped, realizing where this was going. “Do you want me to suck you off or not?” you asked, smiling.
“Say no more,” Jaemin breathed out, unzipping his pants hastily.
He sat down on your bed, letting you tug his boxers down, your eyes full of mirth. Jaemin felt so pathetic when his cock twitched as soon as you wrapped a hand around its girth, but he was ready to put his pride to the side for once.
Jaemin was about to rasp out something but then you took his head in your mouth and a sudden wave of heat punched him in the gut. But then you pulled away, lips against the underside of his head, and Jaemin was a second away from just crying.
“You have nice hands,” you complimented with a mischievous smile as Jaemin held the back of your head eagerly. He felt like he was going crazy with the way you were mouthing your words against his cock.
“You have nice lips,” he returned through gritted teeth. “But please shut the fuck up and get to it already.”
Your lips curled slowly. “So impatient,” you cooed, tongue dragging along the underside of his cock. Jaemin bucked his hips forward, trying to chase the sensation, but you were teasing him.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me, Y/N.”
You smirked up at him, moving your head to lick against the slit before taking his cock in your mouth again. A few laborious seconds passed with Jaemin biting his lip so that he didn’t make any noise, and then you finally started sucking him off. He fought the urge not to groan when your tongue rolled along the vein down his shaft.
You showed Jaemin no mercy, however. It was almost like you wanted everyone downstairs to hear. He gritted his teeth when your teeth grazed his cock, and he wanted more. He gripped your hair for anchorage and fucked into your mouth. The smallest whimper escaped you when Jaemin’s cock hit the back of your throat.
Jaemin let out a strangled groan. “I’m close.”
You took this as your cue to suck him off even harsher, and Jaemin was on the brink of sweet release. A tear escaped your eyes as he fucked into your throat, and Jaemin wiped it with his thumb, drinking in the wrecked sight of you that was bringing him over the edge. You let a broken moan vibrate against Jaemin’s shaft, and he was done for.
Jaemin couldn’t recall being able to cum this fast because of someone’s mouth before, but here he was, groaning as his hot seed shot down your throat. You obediently swallowed it, eyes hazy and tear-soaked from the size of him.
A few moments of silence passed before Jaemin leaned down and pecked your lips, heart fluttering a bit in his chest as he did so. “Good girl.”
He swore he saw you lifting a finger to scratch your cheek lightly, which was a nervous quirk of yours that Jaemin had picked up on, but you turned away quickly to fix your hair while Jaemin was pulling his pants back up. The tension that followed made Jaemin unsure of whether to leave or take you against the wall. He decided against the latter, knowing that Jeno couldn’t stall forever.
“Leaving already?” you asked, reaching for Jaemin’s hand, which he gladly entwined with yours.
“I’m already on thin ice,” Jaemin explained. “I have to go back down there and hope they don’t question me.” You moved closer to him, hands moving down to graze past his waistband. Jaemin hissed slightly under his breath and diverted by rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh, so you and Yuta…”
“You’re still on that?” you asked, pulling your hands back. “I can’t laugh around another guy now?”
“No, no!” Jaemin groaned, tugging a hand through his hair out of frustration. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.”
“Is it not obvious, Jaemin?” you asked him, an edge of desperation to your voice. “You really can’t tell how I feel?”
Jaemin sighed, looking down at his feet. “You can’t tell how I feel either?”
“We’ll talk later. I have to go.”
He turned to go back downstairs, but you grabbed his wrist, saying, “Jaemin, remember that you’re the one who didn’t want anything more out of this.”
Jaemin gave you a puzzled look but before he could ask for clarification, you had pulled away from him and gestured for him to leave. He mumbled a pathetic excuse, spitting out a string of words for a moment before he gave up and snuck downstairs as quietly as he could.
He hated that you were right. Even though you had suggested sneaking around, Jaemin was the one who tried to draw the boundary. He did this to himself.
“Yo, Jaemin,” Yuta called, “when did you get here?”
“Just now,” Jaemin answered, rubbing the back of his neck as he walked into the living room where all the basketball team members were sprawled over the couch. “What’re we watching?”
“Pulp Fiction,” Taeyong answered. “Can you get the ice cream from the kitchen?”
“Sure.” Jaemin opened Jaehyun’s freezer to see two tubs of ice cream nestled in the corner. While he was pondering over whether to grab chocolate or vanilla, he felt a presence behind him and looked over his shoulder. “Did you need—oh my god, go to your room,” he whispered harshly at the sight of you.
“Are you my mom?” You raised a brow at him and reached for an ice cream tub. “Let me help you open them.”
“Fine,” he mumbled, voice fracturing at the end. He watched you move to the kitchen’s island and, carefully eyeing his teammates in the living room, letting his hand graze your thigh and whispering, “Hey, I’m sorry for earlier.”
You stiffened at his touch. “It’s fine,” you whispered back, opening the tubs of ice cream. “You’ve just been acting weird lately.”
“Weird?” Jaemin asked as he opened his tub. The ice cream dripped off the lid and onto Jaemin’s finger. “Ugh. Do you have napkins?”
“You’re so messy, Jaemin.”
“Shut up.”
“Let me help,” you insisted, grabbing his wrist and taking his fingers in your mouth.
Jaemin’s eyes widened by a fraction as your hot tongue circled around his fingers. He fought down the urge to take it further and bit his lip as he watched you. Before he could do anything, however, an awkward laugh and wolf-whistle from the living room made him freeze.
Jaemin’s head shot up to see his teammates staring at him, shell-shocked. Some looked absolutely confused while others looked more proud and impressed. Jaemin wondered if you had no shame because, despite all the eyes on them, you didn’t let go of his hand, your pretty lips still wrapped around his fingers.
“I don’t know why she’s doing that,” Jaemin rambled quickly, and his tone was so frazzled that Jeno had to hide his laugh behind his fist. “Come on, Y/N,” he urged, voice dropping for you to hear. “Let go of my hand.”
It would have been sexy if Jaemin wasn’t absolutely terrified.
Only when Jaemin caught sight of Jaehyun’s expression did you let go, saying, “Thanks for the ice cream.” With a playful smile, you looked up at Jaemin expectantly.
“What the fuck did we just witness?” Jungwoo asked, lit up silly like he had just witnessed the biggest scandal.
“We’re friends,” Jaemin croaked out. “Right, Y/N? Jaehyun? Jeno?”
Jeno ducked his head and Jaemin could tell what exactly he was thinking: I can’t help you out of this one, Jaem.
Jaemin couldn’t exactly read Jaehyun’s expression. It was a mix of emotions so varied that they didn’t make sense to him. He couldn’t even pick out any distinguishable one, but maybe it was better he didn’t know what the captain was feeling.
“I swear, it's not what it looks like,” Jaemin defended.
“So Y/N wasn’t sucking on your fingers?” Taeyong asked, a ghost of a laugh on his lips.
“Okay, so it’s exactly what it looks like,” Jaemin muttered and pursed his lips together. “But it’s—it’s nothing,” he reasoned, and at this point, it seemed like he was trying to convince himself more than them.
Either way, it wasn’t working.
Who was he kidding, anyway? They weren’t stupid, and it was clear as day that Jaemin couldn’t get enough of you. For heaven's sake, he even got jealous over Yuta making you laugh. Before, one would have to pry open the cold, hard jaws of his corpse to get a word out about how he felt, but now Jaemin felt like you had broken down his last line of defense.
Jaemin could already see the consequences that would follow, but he still blurted out, “Fine. You got me. Jaehyun, I’m in love with your sister.”
Jaemin’s neurons were tearing themselves over the fact that Jaemin had just professed his love to you and was now experiencing a state of total humiliation. He was confident he wouldn’t ever live this moment down.
The room went silent. Not only were the boys shocked, but you were, too. Jaemin himself couldn’t believe he let that slip, but there was no going back now. Jeno sat there with his jaw hung open and Jaemin couldn’t blame him. He didn’t even know he was going to drop the love bomb like that out of nowhere. Taeyong looked like he had just witnessed a murder as his eyes kept darting between Jaemin and Jaehyun, Jungwoo looked a little too proud, and Yuta was just washed over with realization.
“Oh.” Jaehyun blinked. “Cool, I guess. Does that mean you’re not joining us for movie night then?”
Jaemin wasn’t sure how obvious the shock showed on his face, but this felt too easy. For a little over a month, Jaemin had been skirting around his relationship with you because of your big brother, and now he was acting scarily nonchalant.
“You’re not mad?” Jaemin asked, wide-eyed.
Jaehyun laughed. “I mean, it’s kinda weird that you’re dating my little sister, but why would I be mad?”
“Maybe it’s because you said ‘if anyone lays a hand on my little sister, then I will make sure you look uglier than you already are,’” Yuta reminded him with Jaemin nodding along at his words. “And that was verbatim.”
“That’s for people hitting on my sister to get laid, not people dating my sister,” Jaehyun corrected. “I don’t control her decisions.”
Jaemin smiled through the internal pain of realizing he did exactly that. If Jaehyun found out he wasn’t dating you, then Jaemin was in for an earful. Thankfully, you were too dazed over Jaemin’s earlier confession to decide to start shit.
“Plus,” Jaehyun continued, “I knew you guys had a thing.”
“What?” Jaemin spluttered, blinking wildly. His tongue was performing acrobatics to formulate words but it wasn’t working.
“I had a suspicion when you climbed up my tree to get into the house,” Jaehyun said. “When I walked into the room later, that just confirmed my suspicions because, you know…”
Jaemin’s cheeks went hot when he realized that Jaehyun had probably caught onto the fact that he had a boner back then. Without a word, you rushed out of the kitchen, gaze averted which was what Jaemin supposed was embarrassment. Jaemin heard the front door open and close. He turned to follow after you, but swallowed thickly and froze in place.
“Go, Jaemin,” Jeno urged him, a tone of seriousness taking over.
“Yeah, don’t sweat it,” YangYang said cooly. “It’s just movie night.”
Jaemin clenched his jaw and nodded, thinking about how shitty it would be if he did all of that just to be rejected. Jaehyun’s house was a warzone and he knew better than to come tonight, but he still did, and he still fucked everything up. If things went wrong with you—
“Jaemin,” Jaehyun cut into his thoughts, “just so you know, I’m cool with you dating my sister.”
It was funny how a few words could make someone’s day, but Jaemin was surprised at the weight those words took off of his shoulders. He contained the joy to a half-smile and left the kitchen and walked out of your house to find you.
You hadn’t gone far at all. You were pacing along the sidewalk looking frazzled, hands lacing together and eyes cast down. Jaemin walked over to you and tried to take your hand but you pulled away.
“Did you mean what you said?” you asked, overcome with raw emotion.
“Yeah,” Jaemin replied, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I know I’m the one who didn’t want to start anything, and I lied about not wanting anything, but… this is how I feel, I guess.”
“You guess?”
“I’m not exactly expressive if you haven’t noticed.”
“Oh, trust me, I’ve noticed,” you replied incredulously, lower lip starting to quiver. “I just—I don’t know—I thought I was just going to be an afterthought to you.”
Jaemin froze when he saw tears start to gloss your eyes. He never knew how to deal with people crying, especially when they were girls. He took your face in his hands and wiped your stray tears away with his thumbs, sighing softly.
“Let’s go to my place.”
“What? Why?”
“I need to show you how much I love you,” he replied firmly, taking your hand in his and walking in the direction of his apartment. “It’s kind of funny that you thought that because you’ve been all I could think about for the past month.”
More tears were starting to well up in your eyes, but you blinked them away.
Stay calm, Jaemin’s brain instructed him. Cupid can sense your fear.
“I love you,” he continued. “Should I say it again? I love you, I love you, I love—”
“Alright, Jaemin!” Your face beamed like a Christmas tree but you were still a flustered mess. “God, stop looking at me like that.”
“No,” he said, stopping in his tracks. “I’m going to keep saying it because I don’t think you get it.”
“Jaemin, we’re in the middle of the sidewalk,” you squeaked out as he kissed your cheek.
“I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss. “I love you.” Kiss.
“J-Jaemin, I get it,” you whined out, scrunching your nose up at his affection. Jaemin continued, though, and you happened to reach your limit. You gripped his shoulders and held him away from you. “God, Jaemin, I love you, okay? You have to give me a chance to say it back at least.”
This time, Jaemin was the one to get shy. “Huh? You like me back?”
“Jaemin, you idiot, you’re so slow,” you mused, “I’ve liked you this entire time.”
He took your hand, his gaze never leaving yours, and rubbed your palm in circles with his thumb. “I know I’ve been a dick… on multiple occasions,” he admitted, “but I want to be with you.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked.
Jaemin wondered how many seconds passed after, but it felt like centuries to him. He didn’t budge, however, because he wanted you more than ever.
“Yes,” you finally confessed, which, in essence, was a fever dream in itself.
Jaemin expected his reaction to be different, but instead, his eyes wandered off, lost in thought. He looked toward the moon overlooking that hill where he nearly hooked up with you on the night of the party. That felt like eons ago despite being not that long ago, but it carried a comforting wave of nostalgia.
“You know, on second thought, we’re gonna stargaze.”
You looked at Jaemin like he was some undiscovered specimen, but you still followed him. He laid on his back, scrunching up his nose when the grass tickled his face, and he held his hand out to you. You took it, crouching down to lay down next to him. This time, Jaemin spread his arm out so that you could lay against his chest.
You cuddled up against his chest and Jaemin thought he could die a happy man.
He looked over at you, heart hammering against his ribcage like he was hopped up on ten energy drinks. The glow of the moon illuminated the gentle curves of your face and Jaemin didn’t realize he was kissing you until he realized he had tilted your face toward him and cupped your soft cheek. His whole body felt fuzzy when your hands rested on his chest, when he could taste your fruity chapstick.
It was kind of embarrassing how nervous Jaemin was getting. His hands were starting to sweat and he was feeling kiss-dazed, smiling like an idiot because your soft lips were everything. When he pulled away, he pecked your lips one last time, his eyes unable to leave your face.
He threw his pride to the wind and confessed, “You’re so beautiful.”
Your expression was priceless. Jaemin indulged in watching you become a stuttering, faltering mess in front of him, struggling for words that could come out coherently.
“I thought you said you wouldn’t call anyone beautiful over your dead body,” you managed.
“Well, you’re not anyone, are you?” Jaemin raised a brow “You’re Y/N.”
“You’re such a smooth talker sometimes,” you acknowledged, “you know, when you’re not completely malfunctioning.”
“Shh.” Jaemin pulled you closer. “Let me enjoy this.”
“Fine, but you’re making it up to me later for playing cat and mouse for a month.”
Jaemin scoffed. “Please, I was the mouse most of the time.”
A bubble of a laugh escaped your lips and you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend. “I’m really happy, you know?” you mumbled into his chest.
Jaemin kissed the top of your head, whispering a “yeah” into your hair. Maybe one day he’d admit that he was just as over-the-moon as you were, and maybe it would be coerced out of him hours later, but right now, under the starry night sky, he could only think about how lucky he was. It was funny, though, because now he could see the stars.
And they were so beautiful.
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