amarmoria ¡ 5 days
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“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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amarmoria ¡ 12 days
#1 nepenthe glazer back again (#1ng for short from now on) to say THANK YOU FOR THE NEW CHAPTER. I was relentlessly refreshing the qimir tags, it was like I could sense that you were going to drop something. Our pookie qimir has absolutely redeemed himself. Finding out that he's been following reader around and watching her while she thinks he's out with Mae? GOOD FUCKING SOUP 🗣🗣 I LOVE the way you write him. Like he's obviously really obsessed with mc and devoted tp her but he shows it in a way that still adheres to his need for power. You really captured the sith essence. Anyways, I have yapped for long enough. Thank you for the new chapter and bless up 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙂‍↕️
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AWWWWW, this got me smiling in the middle of the night🥹, this is so cute😡,and waiting in the qimir tags?! Good thing the gods graced my hands and let them work there way tonight😜🤞I was contemplating whether to post this chapter because the pacing might be too fast? Idk but I'm very happy you liked it🥹
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amarmoria ¡ 12 days
Nepenthe Ⅵ
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Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Why would your master want a padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Wc: 2.6k
Notes: thank you guys for your support, like for real, please like, comment or reblog so I'll know if u want me to continue the story!
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Your eyes linger on the doorway long after Yord leaves, what would've happened if you went with him? Surely Qimir won't let that happen, you gulp as you remember the other man behind you, you can feel him staring holes into you.
You wanted to wait this whole thing out, let it unravel itself without you, but you were the reason this thing is there, so you have to play a part in it. You dragged on the seconds for too long on your side, before speaking up.
"What would the master do if he were to know about this?"
His stern tone surprises you, never you've heard him like this, especially when speaking about the master, he was always light about him, not staying too far on the topic.
"H-he didn't know I was here, I also— I didn't.. I wasn't going to talk to him, but he was a customer look- looking for something and I, he had coins not, not credits so I thought you'd want it.. you know.."
Your throat was hoarse when you stopped yapping, you don't hear his response, maybe it was better, you're too scared to look him in the eye, you weren't so used to seeing him like this, maybe Mae was, maybe it was always Mae, whether it be with your master or Qimir.
He was still quiet even after giving him a few more seconds to cool down, you glanced up at him, trying to read his quiet thoughts when you see his eyes already staring you down, your breath hicks, stuck in your throat when he tilts his head to the side.
“I didn’t mean to— I wasn’t trying to hide anything from you, Qimir. I just—he came into the shop, and I didn’t know what to do. I never—”
As you stammer through your explanation, trying desperately to justify your encounter with the Jedi, Qimir’s cold eyes bore into you. His fingers flex by his sides, the tension clear in the air as if he’s trying to hold something back.
"You’re lying, Bee. You’ve spoken to him before, haven’t you?" His voice is low, calm, but you can sense the storm underneath.
He takes a step closer, his presence overwhelming, but not yet menacing. He leans in, close enough that you can feel his breath against your cheek.
You quickly shake your head, trying to correct him. "I— I didn’t mean to! I swear, Qimir! I didn’t want to disobey… but—"
"But what?" he cuts you off sharply, his hand twitching as if fighting the urge to grab you. "The master told me to spy on you, did you know that?
You freeze at his words, unsure of how to respond. The silence between you grows unbearable, and Qimir’s calm exterior starts to crack.
In that moment, Qimir’s eyes darken, his usual aloof persona slipping. His fingers clench into fists, knuckles whitening.
He begins pacing, unable to contain himself. The room feels smaller, his energy suffocating. You can see him fighting the impulse to lash out, but he stops just before going too far.
“I should punish you, you know that?” He whispers harshly, his voice shaking slightly. "But... no. Not yet." His expression shifts into something dangerous, a struggle warring in his gaze. Not yet? Then when? And all the more why?
As much as he wants to lose control, he reminds himself of his place, of the persona he must maintain. He takes a step back, straightening his robes, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly as he reins in his temper.
“But this—” he gestures to you, to the situation, "is your last warning. Next time, you’ll answer directly to the master."
You let a small sigh of relief release from your mouth, everything was so suffocating, maybe even more, since when did Qimir get so.. sober? Just mere moments before he left you to guard the shop, he smelled of beer, he was surly, tipsy, very drunk.
You're too tired to even think of it as you watch Qimir busying himself with his work.
After that morning, you decided to stay until mid-noon to help around, the uncomfortable silence silently torturing you as you hopped around the shop.
You bid Qimir a small goodbye even if he didn't respond before headed your way to your small ship, maybe it's time you come back home, Mae might've missed you, or the certain masked man, you shook your head of such thoughts when you neared the planet's atmosphere.
As your ship approaches the ground, the sky darkens almost as quickly as you arrived, swirling black clouds and the wind picking up the more your mind decides on staying. When you land, the air feels thick with tension, anger, almost as if the planet itself was watching you. You stepped out, greeted by an unusual stillness—no sounds of nature, no visible life, just the ominous structure of the master's dwelling and subtle aura in the distance, you feel a slight shiver down your nape as you approach the all knowing cave.
You enter the dark cave, but there were no sounds of tinkering or conversation, or the simple buzz of your master's saber, not even the candle lights were on.
You didn't know whether you were happy, or relieved that they weren't here, but you could feel the tug in your chest at the thought of them going on a mission and not even letting you know, a simple note would've sufficed, "hey we're going on a trip, just letting you know, we're definitely not eating each other's face right now"
Your jaw flexes at the thought, a pout makes its way on your face as you huff and roll your eyes, you don't need him them, you're better off alone here than be with them and watch them eye fuck eachother.
Yes. You don't need to worry about anything other than Qimir snitching on you, the thought of earlier morning's thing brings a small shiver on your arms. You shook your head and made your way to the kitchen, grabbing a small pot.
The cave was quieter than usual, the kind of quiet that seeps into your bones and makes your thoughts louder, more oppressive. You tried to shake it off, focusing on the task at hand. Dinner. You’d decided to cook, to keep yourself busy, but that creeping feeling of being left out gnawed at you the entire time.
It was supposed to be a simple meal for three, but as you chopped the vegetables with a little too much force, you couldn’t help but think about where the master and Mae were. They should’ve been back by now. You glanced at the entrance, the light from the setting sun casting long shadows across the stone walls. Still no sign of them.
Your stomach twisted in irritation, though you told yourself it wasn’t jealousy. No, it couldn’t be that. But it was hard not to imagine them together, doing whatever they did when they were off alone—likely far more than what you had ever shared with the master. The idea made your chest tighten. You slammed the knife down on the cutting board, the sound of metal on stone ringing sharply in the silence.
The vegetables were chopped far too finely. You sighed, trying to steady your breath. Maybe if you threw yourself into cooking, you could stop your mind from wandering to places it didn’t belong.
You grabbed a pot and set it over the fire that you’d kindled in the hearth. The flames flickered, casting an orange glow across the room. As you added a splash of oil, the faint sizzle reminded you of the small comforts of routine. You tossed the onions in next, watching them brown and soften, the smell filling the air. Normally, this would have calmed you, but today, the rhythmic stirring only made you more restless.
Mae had always been closer to the master than you. Even if they didn’t openly flaunt it, you could sense the way they moved together—their unspoken understanding, the way they communicated without words. You threw in some garlic, the sharp scent hitting your nose as it began to cook. You bit your lip, trying to push the intrusive thoughts away.
It’s none of your business what they’re doing.
But it was impossible not to think about it. You had spent all this time with the master, learning from him, training under his watchful eye, and yet, you always felt like you were on the outside looking in. Even now, cooking for the three of you felt like a mockery of something domestic, something that should be shared, not endured alone while they… what? You didn’t even want to picture it.
With a frustrated grunt, you threw the vegetables into the pot, the sizzling growing louder as they hit the hot surface. You reached for the spices, your hands moving on autopilot. Salt, pepper, dried herbs—none of it mattered if they weren’t here to eat it.
The stew began to bubble, and you forced yourself to focus on the way the ingredients melded together, the aroma starting to fill the cave. But the smell wasn’t enough to drown out your feelings. You stirred the pot vigorously, your movements erratic, as if you could stir away the frustration bubbling up inside you.
'They’re probably laughing right now,' you thought bitterly, your hand tightening around the wooden spoon. 'Maybe they’re somewhere, wrapped up in each other, while I’m stuck here, playing the part of the third wheel. Always the servant.'
The wooden spoon scraped the bottom of the pot as you stirred more aggressively. You wanted to cry, to scream, to do anything but stand here pretending like everything was normal. The food was cooking, but the frustration only grew.
You grabbed some meat that you had left aside, slicing it with sharp, precise movements. Each cut was a small release of the tension coiled in your chest. You threw the chunks into the pot without care, the stew splashing slightly as the pieces hit the liquid. You didn’t care if it tasted good anymore. Let them eat it, let them sit here in awkward silence while you fumed inside.
After a while, the stew thickened, but the heaviness in your chest didn’t go away. You glanced toward the cave entrance again, still no sign of them. Of course not.
You wiped your hands on your tunic, smearing a bit of flour across the fabric.The thought of them returning, laughing, maybe sharing a secret glance that you weren’t privy to, only made your stomach churn.
You sat down at the small stone table, staring at the bubbling pot. The flames flickered beneath it, but the warmth did nothing to melt the coldness in your chest. You crossed your arms, tapping your foot against the rough stone floor.
What if they never came back? What if they just stayed out there, wherever they were, leaving you to fend for yourself?The ridiculousness of the thought made you scoff, but it was hard to banish the feeling of abandonment that tugged at you.
You weren’t just upset at being alone—you were upset because you felt forgotten, overshadowed by someone else who always seemed to fit better into his world.
You stood abruptly, pacing around the small space, unable to sit still. The stew would be done soon, but the act of cooking hadn’t brought the relief you hoped for.
Your thoughts were louder now, more chaotic, spinning out of control as you imagined every scenario that could be unfolding between them.Did they even think of you?
The cave was growing darker as night set in, and you sighed, running a hand through your hair. You had no appetite. If they came back, you weren’t sure you’d even be able to sit with them without saying something you’d regret.
You took one last look at the pot, then turned your back on it, moving to sit on the cold stone bench by the fire. You watched the flames flicker, the heat licking at your skin.
It was getting late.
They should have been back by now.
But they weren’t.And as you sat there, staring into the fire, the thought of Mae and the master together gnawed at you until all you could feel was that ever-present sting of being left behind.
Just a night ago, you were here, at this very spot, grinding on each other, and now he's somewhere out there grinding on her, you shivered at the thought.
You glared at your ready made soup, you shouldn't have made this, you should've just made a small portion for yourself and sleep, let them starve themselves to sleep.
Not only a few hours later, Qimir comes back home, he steps quietly into the cave, the fire and lanterns already extinguished.
Good girl.
He thought. After you left, he let himself drown in his work, thinking of countless ways to get rid of the competition, he could just kill him, fast and no one would even notice him assassinating a jedi because he talking to you, but no, he wanted to know what you were thinking when you talked to the jedi, touched him, looked at him.
His thoughts were stolen away when he saw your slumped figure on the ground, peacefully sleeping like you weren't scolded already for what, 2-3 times?
His eyes landed on your chest, then to your stomach, he knew you were truly asleep, you were breathing slowly, the way your stomach moves and your chest heaves, he knows everything about you, more than you know about yourself, he studied every twitch and sound and tone, he even knows about your little rebellion right now, because of Mae, oh poor child, you just don't know do you?
His breath hitched as the tension in the room thickened. He shifted on his feet, feeling an unmistakable tightness growing beneath the fabric of his pants. The thin material stretched slightly, revealing the telltale rise that he couldn't control, no matter how much he tried to keep his composure. Heat surged through him, and he fought the urge to just touch himself as his eyes glided over your sleeping body, his mind racing, betraying the calm expression on his face.
His eyes glanced to the side, where he found two bowls on the table, both covered in cloth surely to protect them from the annoying pests flying around, the tent on his pants were now very visible, not even his top robe can cover the hardened and leaking member.
How sweet you were, already doing a good job, your job, whenever you were home and not doing errands, which he also likes stalking you while you do, he would always cancel his duo missions with Mae, making her go alone, just so he can sit there and pretend not to notice you, all while you do chores that makes his cock spring up, like when the sun comes up and all the plants stand up to look at it, something about seeing you being so domestic, so normal, doing chores in the cave he built, with the things he stole, with the ingredients he provided, can't help but palm himself while facing away from you, shamelessly doing so as you sat across him during meals, meals you meticulously prepared, so you could please him, so good, so obedient, so obsessed.
He had to stop himself from grabbing you and just..
No, not yet, not now, he needs you where you need to be, and you're not quite there yet, just a little more.
He approaches the table with the two bowls, grabbing the bigger bowl, which he assumes you picked out for him, he can eat it here, while looking at you, but he won't be able to stop himself, so he takes off a few layers before headed out to the lagoon, only bringing with him his saber, the soup and a spoon.
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amarmoria ¡ 18 days
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"What if we're both red flags then."
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amarmoria ¡ 23 days
I’d just like to say I love nepenthe so much you write angst/ jealousy so good, thank you for blessing my eyes with this story 😝😝
I absolutely love when you guys send these, and NO, I thank ✨you✨ for liking it
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amarmoria ¡ 23 days
Girl as the anon before said i keep rereading the last chapeter. So excited to see where this story will go. Cant wait for the next ch, but also take all the time you need :)
HAHAHAHAHHAHA this was me when I didn't write stories yet. I had to reread my fav fics until I got tired of them and had to write my own😔
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amarmoria ¡ 24 days
I loveeeeee you and I’m agree 100% with what you said on your bio! hopefully our hyperfixation on manny will stay!
I need more of your story and can I request for you to make it angsty ? just ignore it if you don’t want to, no problem.
And OFC2 I'm Tryna add angst like, super angst but I keep making it funny????? Like where'd you go angst???😔
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amarmoria ¡ 25 days
Diary Entry #1
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Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Why would your master want a Padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Yao x Marconi! Reader
10 days in some spa center with your family wouldn't be too bad right...?
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31 notes ¡ View notes
amarmoria ¡ 25 days
I LOVE NEPENTHE SO MUCH. When you release new chapter i5 like one of the highlights of the day. The way Qimir got so possessive in the last one. The way his cheery vibe went away the minute he saw Yord sjshsjsidjsihd. Cant wait for the next chapter.
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amarmoria ¡ 26 days
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27K notes ¡ View notes
amarmoria ¡ 26 days
#1 nepenthe glazer back again. I don't even have anything clever to say, just had to let you know how much I enjoyed the latest chapter. The tension, qimir's jealousy, how confident he is in provoking yord, I LOVE the way you write. Every time you release a new chapter, I get to treat myself with going back and rereading the whole thing. Thanks so much for the update and I can't wait to see where the story goes ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Awwwww, you guys r js so cute I could eat you up🥹
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amarmoria ¡ 27 days
Nepenthe Ⅴ
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Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Synopsis: Why would your master want a padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Notes: thank you guys for your support, like for real, please like, comment or reblog so I'll know if u want me to continue the story!
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The frown plastered on your face since earlier hasn't dissipated even a bit. Your thoughts were loud, and proud, and noisy and everything. Everything was in disarray, and by everything, meaning you.
"You're scared of me?"
You shiver, lightly slapping your cheek.
"Did you like it?"
No you didn't, why would he assume that?
"Where. Were. You."
Where were you.
Saying you were scared was an understatement, you were terrified, you didn't move until he let you go, and even then, you stood still, surprised, shocked, flustered, maybe even all three.
You touch your stomach, just where he had his sculpted arms around, you still feel him there, his breath tickling your neck, the small opening of his mask opting the hot exhale straight to your nape.
Never in your wildest dreams, never ever, thought that thing could even happen, never. You always imagined what it would be like to get close to him, your master, but not that kind of close, you admit you liked it, the hugging grinding part, but not what you felt all throughout, yes you were terrified, but would it be so bad to enjoy the one little attention he gave you?
Was he like this with Mae too? No wonder she's so uptight and strict. There's a pang on your chest, maybe he is, maybe that's why he always calls Mae privately to 'talk', you hate her, but you also don't, you like Mae, despite being a little younger than her, you always cooked meals for them when they get home from training, training you wanted to do with them him.
Were you supposed to hate yourself for that? You used to be so good, great, in his eyes, you thought, did the coming of Mae change that?
Your thoughts were stolen away when you heard the door slamming open, you quickly stood up and expected Qimir to rush in and tell you to retrieve another plant for the master when you were met by someone you'd rather choke yourself than face him again.
"Oh? It's you"
You stare at him, unable to produce any sound.
"J-jedi," you pause as you choke out his title, you hear him chuckle and place a pouch of coins on the counter.
"So this.. is yours?"
He gestured around him.
"No!" you quietly gasp as your reply came out rushed and guilty. You pray he leaves sooner or he might notice some things scattering around that aren't supposed to be in an apothecary, and it should be just before Qimir comes back and sees you talking to a jedi, not just any jedi, but the jedi the master now knows the name and he might tell on you and you're going to get reprimanded and kicked out.
"Just doing a favor for, for a friend," you gulped and looked down at your fiddling fingers, you were now just behind the counter, trying to hide the scrolls that were peeking out.
"Mhm, is that the dying friend you mentioned not long ago?"
"Uh, no, yes! I mean, a mutual friend of, of ours.." you meekly glance towards the door then to the Jedi in front of you.
"You're very funny miss..?" Your mouth slacks open slightly, what do you say? Tou glance behind him once again, the door remaining closed, a small relief compared to the problem in front of you.
"W-what do you need?" You shoot him a small, strangled smile, you see him open his mouth but closes it when nothing comes out, he looked like he was contemplating on asking you for your name again, but brushes it off.
He pulls out a short list and hands it to you. Your eyebrows furrow as you scan the paper, you are familiar with most of the items listed, but not the ones written in some unknown language, your sure you had them here, maybe, if only you could read it.
"N-nothing I couldn't handle, but uh, there's something—"
"Bee I—!"
You froze as Qimir enters the shop with his usual mood, his voice falters a bit at the end as you try to make yourself smaller, or just simply wanting the ground to swallow you.
He was quiet, very weird for him, and unnerving for you, what was he thinking? What was going on around his mind right now? You're thoroughly busted, there's no way out anymore, it's not that you don't trust him, it's just that he himself wouldn't want to get in trouble with the master, so even if he wouldn't want to snitch on you, he still needed to report everything back to him.
After a while he spoke.
"Oh, uh.. costumer?"
You nod slowly, not daring to turn your face to the men. But you did, you did not want to look guilty to the both of them, so you sucked your breath and quickly jogged in front of Qimir with the Jedi behind you.
"He wanted these.."
You held out the paper to him, but his eyes never left the man behind you, he looked far from the Qimir just moments ago, and just as Qimir reached out for the list on your hand, the Jedi quickly strode his way behind you and latched his hand on the paper.
In any other circumstance you would've been a giggling teenage girl stuck between two tall men, but you weren't, you swore you thought they could almost hear how your heart was beating out of your chest.
Your eyes widen as Qimir instinctively took a step close to you, your face now lightly touching his dark robes. You were clutching the paper with all your might, trying your best to avoid ripping it, but it was almost impossible not to, not with the Jedi and Qimir playing a small tug-of-war on the either side of the paper, you started to see a small tear in the middle, in which you quickly held on to it.
"Bee?" The Jedi behind you finally says after a log, excruciating silence. You don't hear Qimir's reply, which you shouldn't, your master specifically told you not to talk to strangers other than each other, meaning only him, Qimir, Mae and you, should be the only ones interacting, anyone outside that circle is considered suspicious.
"You know him?" You didn't even realize he was asking you when he held your hip, slightly bumping into Qimir whose jaw clenches as his fist flexes close.
"Owner," he simply states, the Jedi behind you shifts on his foot, you don't process what he just said, instead focused on worrying what happens to you now, now that you have nowhere to turn to, what would your master do when he discovers that you conversed with the same Jedi once again?
Though only the two men noticed the underlying implication in Qimir's answer. You shivered slightly when the cold draft of Olega welcomes itself inside the shop, tou weren't wearing that many layers at all, since you were mostly staying behind the counter, where the heaters were.
The Jedi noticed this, quickly letting go of the list and removing his light colored robe, you were about to decline when you see Qimir removing his too, staring daggers at the man opposite to him, not caring if he was Jedi, the list long forgotten on the floor.
You frowned and bent down, picking it up, you were about to stand up when you felt the weight of a ton being thrown on your shoulders and on your head, no literally.
You first noticed Qimir's, the usual black robe on your shoulders, then the Jedi's white robe on your head, despite the robes looking fitted on the two, the garments remained big and droopy over you, making you look like a hooded smuggler with too much robes to waste.
"Ah, I see you’re sharing your overly expensive robe with such enthusiasm, Jedi. Well look at you, trying to play the knight and shining armour! How charming!" You gulped nervously, was he trying to get you guys killed?
You look at Qimir with pleading eyes, please don't, you thought, hoping he would hear you, but you knew in the back of your mind he didn't, he wasn't force sensitive, and even if he was, he's not as powerful as your master who can read minds.
“Indeed, I believe warmth is more valuable than appearances. I’d rather be practical than boastful.”
“Ah, practical, you say? Well, I’d rather be practical and warm than trying to impress with style. But then again, you Jedi do have a flair for theatrics!”
"Really? Is that how you see us huh, Qimir?" You still when you realize what you've let slip, the shiver creeping up your spine like a snake when he says Qimir's name.
"Why not? Are you not used to people who don't bow on their knees when they see you, Master Jedi?"
"Well, at least I don’t need to hide behind my apothecary counter to get attention. Perhaps it’s easier to judge others when you’re standing on a pedestal of your own making.”
It made Qimir snap back, he was an apothecary owner right now, not the master, not sith, he almost lost himself, almost lost control, all because of.
"We're sorry." You took a step forward, removing both of their robes from you. "We didn't mean to overstep, Master Jedi"
"I told you, call me Yor—"
"Yord there's-"
The man, jedi, clad in brown robes pauses in the doorway, glancing between Yord, you, and Qimir.
"Uh, There's movement at the borders, you're needed"
Yord doesn't answer, only looking over to you, then to Qimir, who was busy glaring holes into you. Yord looked like he didn't want to leave, or leave you at all, especially with him, but the rushed and panicked look on his co-worker's face forced him to glance at you with a pleading expression from his face, almost as if asking you to come with him.
You almost went with him. Almost.
You shook your head and focused your attention elsewhere, and by elsewhere I mean Qimir, you catch his solemnly vacant look, you never expected Qimir to have such a scary side of him, you never even thought he had one, usually he was a drunk, an unserious fellow, but his whole demeanor turned a whole 360.
The very first time. Or the very first time you saw him like that.
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241 notes ¡ View notes
amarmoria ¡ 1 month
#1 nepenthe glazer checking in here to say thank you so much for the update queen (or king, i couldnt find your pronouns 😭), it is immaculate and it saved me from breaking down after a truly horrendous shift at work today. I absolutely love it and am shaking and feening for the next chapter like a big back chihuahua when they see a steak. But ofc rest up and take care of yourself as well. May both sides of your pillow be cool tonight for your service to the acolyte fandom 😔🙏🏾
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I had to stop myself from wheezing in the middle of the train😭 Honestly, thank you guys for the support i luv you��
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amarmoria ¡ 1 month
Nepenthe Ⅳ
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Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Synopsis: Why would your master want a padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
Notes: thank you guys for your support, like for real, please like, comment or reblog so I'll know if u want me to continue the story!
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You felt.. weird.
In a way, nothing looked wrong, you left immediately after you got your clothes, but there was something, you couldn't point your finger at it.
Was it because he was so eerily welcoming? Or the fact that him, a Jedi, let you go so quickly? No interrogation or anything, not even a slight inspection, well maybe they did when you were unconscious, but still, there was something.
You looked behind you one last time before hurriedly entering your ship, you felt safe there, knowing your master blessed this ship (i mean, he stepped on it once but never after that anyways—)
You hear the animal chittering from afar, at least someone was waiting for you.
"Helloo" you couldn't stop the smile on your face when you picked him up, or her? You still couldn't think of a name, or if you can even keep it, maybe you can keep it hidden in your ship until you convince Qimir to let it live with him..
The ground beneath you shakes, a signal that you're finally home, you've never wanted to kiss the rocks of this planet so bad, normally you go on missions with Mae or Qimir, but never alone, you hated that, even without Mae, he never lets you go alone, it's bullshit, he treats you like a kid, which you are not.
Then you felt him.
Was he here?
You smiled and hurriedly hopped down the last step of your ship, you were buzzing in anticipation, he never visited you guys, not even once, or maybe it's whenever you weren't there, but you couldn't care less about that now, you were so excited you forgot to change from the Jedi's clothes into your own, eh, who cares.
You pause when you see your master and Mae, no Qimir in sight.
"Where did you go?" Mae says, frowning when her eyes land on your clothes. "And wha—"
You both straightened at the sound of his stern voice.
"Master," she bows and gives you a knowing look before swiftly leaving the cave.
"Where. Were. You." It was the same question, but this time there was something more sinister in his tone. "Olega, master, I was in, in Olega to visit—"
"Yea-- yes master"
"Hm." He looked contented for a bit, maybe it was because he couldn't hear your thoughts— no, he would've been more alarmed when he couldn't, you concealed a part where you met the Jedi, you wonder if it was working.
"Then," he was once again towering over you, menacingly staring you down with his mask, you felt the shift in his demeanor, or just something that flicked off there, you were looking directly at his chest, scared that you could burn holes in his helmet if you kept looking.
He was gripping your arm— no, he was gripping the sleeves of your clothes, you didn't know where or what he was looking at, but with the way his knuckles were turning white, you think you'd done something.
You try and decipher what he was feeling at the moment, but that always fails every time. You frown as you try to understand his unusual intensity, the way he was visibly shaking in anger.
"A-are you alright..? You-- your—"
"What is this?" His voice was filled with anger, his saber long forgotten behind him on the counter.
"I-- I'm," you couldn't find your voice, he was scaring you like this, you don't ever see him as scary as he is in the battle field, or hunting big creatures. And as if he saw right through you.
"Answer me."
The calmness of his voice scares you even more, the explanations on your mind melts on your tongue, like cotton candy, gone away before you could munch.
"I-I don't.. it's—"
"Whose is this!"
"I don't know!"
Your lower lip trembles as you gasp, your fingers unconsciously reach over to the grip your master has on you.
"Oh you know," his chuckle sends a chill down your spine, what was wrong with him?
"You dare lie to me?"
"N-no, I wouldn't please—"
"Then tell me!" The cave seemed to shake at his voice. "Tell. Me"
He knew, but you didn't have to know that, you didn't have to tell him because he knows, he just needs you to be honest, is that so hard?
You whimper, the grip he had on you started making your arm numb, like a blood clot. "I-it hurts please sto—"
He shoves you hard on the ground, but before you hit the surface, you feel his arm around yourself, your arms tucked in your chest with his biceps flexing in front, your back against his chest.
You don't move an inch as his breath tickles down your ear and to your neck.
"Good-" he resists the urge to finish the sentence, quickly shutting his mouth. You're painfully aware of his close proximity, your hips unintentionally buckle against him, particularly his lower regions that started to poke you earlier, didn't he have his saber on the counter?
You heard him groan, but shrugged it off thinking it was because of pain. You realized you were shivering, the cold wind was only a factor of why, you've never been this close with your master, not even Mae, his acolyte, got this direct with him.
"Shh," he pauses, your feet getting raised above the ground by an inch, you were now half standing and half sitting on his lap, your cheeks burn at the slightest move the both of you make, every heartbeat felt amplified, resonating through your entire body as his presence enveloped you.
"Was that so hard?"
"Telling me the truth, was it so hard for you to spit out the truth that you came in touch with a Jedi? That he, he touched you?"
You could barely think, your lungs constricted by the intensity of his gaze and the closeness of his body.
"Why? Were you trying to..." His voice was low and dark, each word dripping with an intensity that made your skin prickle. "Protect him.. perhaps?"
"No! N-no.. I wasn't, I promise, I was only—"
"Did you like it?"
You were dizzy, the warmth of his body rutting against yours felt almost electrifying, the pressure sending a jolt down through your body.
"Yord was it? Mhm," despite the anger on the way the Jedi's name rolled off his tongue, there was a fleeting softness in his eyes whenever you tried to hold onto him, did you not trust him?
You could hear the soft, ragged sounds of his breath against your ear, each exhale stirring a sense of tension and anticipation.
"Y-your scaring me—"
"Scaring you?" He sounded like he was mocking you, but there was something in his tone that tells you there was something else, something more sinister.
"You're scared of me?"
You gulp, the nod you gave was short-lived when you hear Mae's voice outside the cave, your eyes widen as you try to signal your master, but he didn't move an inch, maybe he didn't hear you?
Or maybe he just chose not to.
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What was I on when I wrote this chapter 🤨
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amarmoria ¡ 1 month
do you have plans to continue ur Yao fic? rly hope you do cause there are literally no fics for him 😔😔
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amarmoria ¡ 1 month
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE NEPENTHE SERIES OOOH I LOVE IT SO MUCH OMG ❤️❤️❤️ I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. Is qimir going to be pissed and start getting possessive? What I'm even MORE excited for is seeing the reader get insolent with qimir because she's jealous and possessive over HIM. I love that in nepenthe, the reader is allowed to be almost as jealous/possessive over qimir, i feel like most pf the time its only the love interest we see being jealous. Idk I'm rambling now, I just want you to know I really appreciate your work, I think you're an amazing writer, and you're the only writer I have post notifs turned on for
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amarmoria ¡ 1 month
Nepenthe Ⅲ
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Qimir x Padawan! Reader
Why would your master want a padawan like you when he has his acolyte?
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You didn't have to go with him, but you had to ride your lie for you to survive, although you didn't think he'd trek the whole planet.
He told you he knew another apothecary, you were walking for hours without end, your legs were shaking at every step, yes you were following a path, but it didn't look like you were gonna find that apothecary any time now.
You arrived here at sunrise and you're still here until what, noon? But you didn't want to speak up, scared he'd kill you once you do. You can feel him glancing behind at you every now and then, checking if you were still there.
You cringed at the thought of trying to escape, he had his hand continuously clutched onto his saber, and you had nothing, you wished you brought your knife, if your master were here, your legs would've been tied to a tree, punishment, or worse he'll kill you for making such a small mistake.
You desperately licked at the last bit of water in your flask, your throat was dry, aching, you contemplated asking him for his water, but you heard the Jedi are very.. protective, of their things.
"Uh," you pause, he looks over his shoulder to you, not fully, but you can see his side profile. "I- uhm, are we near yet?"
"Hm, been waiting for you to say."
You heard him chuckle, abruptly halting, you bumped into his back, making you stumble back.
"I said, I've been waiting for you to notice."
"Notice.. what?"
"You really don't know?"
"Huh, I.." your eyebrows furrowed, scratching your head, what does he mean? You don't know what? You've been walking for hours, you're hungry, tired, your legs are aching, what does he even want from you?
"W-we're going to the, the apothecary you said you knew where.."
"Look around you," he gestures to the forest, the neverending tall trees surrounding you and the Jedi, your eyebrows furrowed even more, is this some kind of test? Was your master spying on you right now?
He sighed when you didn't answer.
"We've been going around in circles, I've been making us go around in circles"
"W-what? Why would—"
"You didn't get a single thread of malice when we just kept climbing and climbing rocks and whatnot?" He quietly groans, massaging his temples like a stressed father. "B-but the apothecary—"
"Jeez, there's no apothecary out here in the middle of nowhere, they're all there in the city square!"
"I don't understand y-you said there is an apothecary out here, that's why I went with, with you, a-and"
"Are you ill? or just purely an idiot?"
"What? I'm not!"
"Then why—" he pauses, his jaw flexing, nothing was said between the two of you, only the sound of trees filling the awkwardness. "I should go—"
You frowned.
"W-what did you say?"
He tilted his head.
"Uh, nothing?"
You turned around, fast walking away from the Jedi, your face was burning from embarrassment, you could still feel his eyes on the back of your head, the way he was silently guarding you as you jumped off the small boulders.
Turn around.
You paused mid jump.
Go back.
You scratched the back of your neck as you feel goosebumps around your nape.
You glanced behind your shoulder, your eyes widening when you saw that the Jedi's eyes still never left you.
You mouthed a what, only earning a shoo from him.
Go to him.
You cover your ears, then who was speaking to you? You were about to take the leap when you lost your footing on the particularly slippery moss.
You would've used the force where it not for the Jedi, it looked like a soft landing from where you were so you took fate and went along with it.
But the impact never came, your arms still remained crossed on your face with your legs dangling below you, you heard grunting from above you, that's when you realized the hand holding you in place, his defined muscles flexing as he adjusts his hold on your stomach.
"H-hold— on—"
You yelped as you slipped slightly from his hold, the root of the tree he was holding on to, moved, resulting in the strained hold you were in, the ground looked far too big of a drop for you to just hop down, you didn't notice your hands gripping onto the arm he had around your stomach.
You had the time to glance down at the Jedi's arms, it looked a lot like your master's, when he wears sleeveless robes during missions, but his was more defined, much much bigger, the Jedi's were big, but not as big as him.
You were too busy trying not to let the precious vials you had in your belt not slip, your master would have your eyes if even one of them get lost when the Jedi's saber falls and hits the back of your head, it was too late to try and save the red vial from falling out of your grasp when your vision turned black.
You were still groggy when your eyes fluttered open, the first thing that hit your face was the smell of machine and a faint whiff of bacon. You almost forgot where you were, almost.
You expected to wake up to a spiky ceiling, your concrete bed, and hear Mae and your master training, but none of that. There were too many sounds of clutter for it to be the cave, and the blinding light in contrast to the warm ones at home.
You groaned and rubbed the top of your head, if this was not the cave then where were you?
Your eyebrows furrow as you slowly sit up, you can fill the center of your stomach aching, maybe even anticipating an incoming bruise.
Oh yes.
The fall. The saber. The jedi. Your vial.
Your whole body was light, airy, like you weren't wearing any clothes, your eyes widened as you realized your dark clothing was replaced with beige sleeping garments that were a little too big for you. (Again, no matter how big you think you are, these men will prove you wrong)
No, no,no, what time is it? Kripes, he's going to kill you, you hopped down from the soft bed, hurriedly trying to find your things, this didn't look like a house, maybe a bunk? Or a ship? Or both?
You hit the back of your head on the bunk bed when the door opened, revealing the Jedi, he wasn't wearing any robes, only clutching a tray with a bowl and some medical supplies.
"You're awake?" He sounded a bit confused, of course you are, you're a powerful sith's padawan.
"Yes-- I, how long was I out?"
"Just a few hours," he pulled a table from behind him and settled it beside the bed you were laying on earlier. "Didn't peg you for a sleeper."
You frowned. "What does that mean?"
He didn't answer, only chuckling and pulling out a bunch of ointments and ice packs.
"You know I-- I think I should go.."
"Nonsense, I've hurt you, it's only best I treat you till you heal that bruise on your stomach."
You blanched at the statement, how did he even know?
As if he sensed your distress. "D-don't worry, I have a female coworker who just left, she was the one who, who did all that" he gestured to your get up.
"Uh, thank you, but I, it's late and my f-friend, they're worried about me and I,"
"Relax," He shoots you a warm smile. "I'll get your clothes, just stay here."
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Notes: "No qimir scenes?! Why would you do this to us mori?!" Relax beeswax, nxt chapter will satiate you with his scenes😈
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