#but also Sousuke's feelings for Rin
ilovereadingandstuff · 10 months
Reconsidering what I explained in my last post here about RinHaru's relationship up to season 2, now i feel like I've seen most of the whole picture:
Rin is quite devoted to his relationship with Haru. I mean, their friendship and rivarly.
I noticed that Rin was the one to mostly make the moves, demostrate and say out loud his feelings for Haru (to the point that was kinda obvious and even Sousuke take note of that).
While, in the other hand, Haru...I feel like he's autistic or something.
And I'm not saying this in a derogative meaning or with intentions of hurting anyone!! I'm hoping to not be that ignorant for using a term that does not apply here (correct me if that's the case)...but what I'm trying to say is that, actually, this treat of his character is just endearing: he doesn't speak that much, he's always straight-forward, silent and less expressive than others...this treat is one of the reasons why people like him so much, also something I like about him a lot, but to not lose the main topic: I think that's one of the reasons why I felt so one-sided his relationship with Rin.
I noticed that, after having to share much more time with Rin than the past time after their winning at final S1, especially in the movies, Haru was much more expressive both in speech and actions than before. And also, that makes sense!
S1 is him and Rin's conflict, mixed-up with the past-present and the construction of the clubs. This season was quite deppressing, in a way because of so much sour feelings in each character (mostly Rin and Haru) for their complications, so their 'happy side' was touched mostly at the end.
S2 they were focusing on their future and their own problems with the competitions and their respectives groups (alongside with Sousuke's story and Makoto's heavy participation). They were quite far from each other because their interactions were not a neccessity for the plot, and again, their 'happy side' and important interactions were handled mostly at the end.
S3 was heavely about Ikuya and Haru's story (that, at least, 7 episodes), and about their preparation to reach global levels. They were, still, a little much far from each other because their interactions, again, were not needed for the plot at that moment.
So, finally with the movies, the circumstances were the ones where they were going to interact with the other on one way or another. At the end, they were literally competing against each other, in the same group, against the same people (Albert, the other gringer/blond guy which I don't remember his name but was a hard swimmer also). They had quite a lot more meaningful interactions because they were together at the end of the day, participating in the same game...and while it was beautiful, I felt like finally I could see the reciprocity of Haru's feeling for Rin in terms of their relationship.
They were rivals after all, friends that worry for each other, that searched for the other when something bad happened, that supported, admired and inspired the other to be their best. And, something more beautiful, is that they wanted that. Both of them: To be together in that, racing to win. And they did, they won...and even after time passed and they met again in Bulgary...they kept swimming together.
I still feel that Rin is more vigorous when it comes to the relationship, but Haru's side is clearer now and I think I can say that, yes, this was a rivals to friends, meant to be, and they're both into it.
Thanks for reading this, which I consider to be one of the many internal disputes I have when watching two characters I like too much and I also ship them together.
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never not thinking about the au where sousuke returns to iwatobi a year earlier than in canon and has to witness the full account of his (once?) best friend at his absolute angriest, lowest, loneliest point. that's not the passionate kid he used to swim with. he's glad they're finally on the same page about teamwork being dumb, and yet.... if he didn't care, like he says he doesn't, if he wasn't holding onto something, then why's he still so obsessed with that fucking nanase guy? he's not even serious about competing and thus not worth a passing thought, but rin is fucking killing himself over beating him (not that sousuke can criticize self-destructive behaviors, what with his shoulder and all. but rin doesn't need to know about that. he doesn't have the right to know, given how much of an asshole he's been. and if he did know, would he even care)?
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such-a-downer · 2 months
Haruka Nanase: the Genius on Pedestal
I finished rewatching Free! Eternal Summer. When I finally got to ep 11, I feel pained and quite sad, unlike the previous times I watched it. I saw the conflict in a new light and empathized with Haru's internal struggle.
Haru is like a flawless and beautiful bust on display for people's admiration.
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"I swim because I want to."
Despite Haru's incredible skills, his swimming isn't centered around winning and accomplishments. He Isn't bothered by the competitive environment. But then, he reached third year of high school– the critical time of decision making for his future. All this time, Haru did not care about such matters but the taunting of other people gradually pushed him to a corner.
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(Kinda mind boggling that these 3 screenshots are from eps 9, 10, 11 sound so connected when i line them up together)
"Where I swim and who I swim for... I'm free to decide that for myself!"
Haru doesn't have the mindset of a typical swimmer. It upsets him that people are shoving him into the constricting mold of being a genius athlete. Scouts and offers didn't mean anything and only served as hindrance to his performance.
Nagisa, Rei, Rin, and Sousuke came off to Haru, wanting him to simply get out of the shell and embrace the world of competitive swimming. They failed to notice that Haru was already having an existential crisis (pretty much). Although they meant no harm, telling their sentiments barely helped the situation. Because who wants to be pushed off the edge without feeling ready?
It was hard for Haru to face the others and respond because he was yet to come into terms with his own feelings towards swimming (as he said later on ep13).
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I commend Makoto for being the one to address Haru's lack of direction without readily forcing the idea of sticking to swimming. He's always been gentle when trying to bring up the issue, always kind and considerate not only to Haru but also to everybody. He cares so much about Haru that he went out of his way to tell Rin about the situation after that sudden fight during the festival.
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Rin also realized his mistake and was able to communicate better with Haru during the trip in Australia. What connects them is beyond rivalry, making their relationship a very frank one. It was Rin who blasted the door that Haru was hesitating to open. Haru found his own dream, that he also wants to take on the world of swimming after all. And a part of me believes that even if harurinralia trip didn't happen, Rin would still be able to pull Haru out of the dark.
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I want to give this a good conclusion but there's something I can't help but notice. Things were neatly wrapped up for Haru by the end of Eternal Summer; him finding his dream and finally (albeit slowly) approaching swimming the same way as other swimmers do. But it is also the same spell that scarred his still-young and fragile fixation towards winning. No wonder came the repeated conflict in Final Stroke movies.
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butter-egg-toast · 8 months
Anon ask: Free men reacted to getting called handsome by you (female s/o) or you giving or them a compliment. Thanks
🧈 butter note: Hey 👋 all, I'm back. (A little) My health is doing a little bit better for the new year. So I decided to write ✍️ ☺️. So enjoy
💝💘 Happy Valentines Day💝💘
-----"Ahh, you're so handsome♡♡♡♡"-Y/n----
💕Taken a back by your comment. These guys come off really awkward, but inside, they are super giddy. He's definitely the type that doesn't know how to react to it. Sometimes, they have a hard time taking the Compliment
Haru: "Uhm....thanks.. umm.." He pulls you in an awkward, yet loving hug. "You're cute too," he whispers in your neck. "H-haru that tickles!!"
Sousuke:" Uh, thanks....you too." he sits there in a moment of silence going back to his reading. "Umm. Y/n... .do you want to go out to dinner? It will be my treat, "  He spoke in his usual uneventful voice. "Uh... sure. that's random, but okay.!"
Hiyori: "Uh. Do you think so? I wouldn't think as far as handsome, but thank you." he gives you a half smile. "Ahh. Don't be humble!" You crossed your arms. "Sorry. I'm used to people complimenting other qualities that I have, thank you y/n" he kisses your cheek.
💕These guys would definitely become super flirty with you. The type that's used to Compliments and know how to handle them.
Kisumi : "I'm well aware of that." he comes put his arm around you. "But hearing it come from you makes me excited." "Um.. okay? What do you mean exactly?" You look up to him. "Ah y/n, you're making this too easy." he places his hand around your chin, lifting it towards  him and kisses you.
Natsuya: "Well, thank you. I hear compliments from  everyone. But hearing it come from you gets me going. "Eh?! What do you mean? Your face scrunched up. "Don't you worry about those details." he winks at you, throwing his arm around your shoulder
💕Super shy and nervous after hearing you say it, most likely would continue to remember it after a week.
Makoto: "Ahhh.... thank you *blush* that caught me off guard..." He turns around, covering his face with his hands. "Aww, you're so adorable Makoto♡♡ " You teased him further by poking his back. "Y/n! I'm not!!"
Rei: " Well, thank you, I have tried a new skin routine in the mornings," he pushes his glasses in confidence. "And I love that you notice my beauty," his glasses fog up. "Ptff!! You burst out laughing. "You're too cute, Rei."
Ikuya: "Geez, don't say that out loud. ".. he gets super embarrassed covering his flushed face. "I like hearing your thoughts about me. It makes me feel fluffy inside." Yet again, ikuya gets embarrassed but at his own words. "Ha... yeah, I'll share more with you. "
Aii: "y-you think I'm handsome.... um.. I think you're beautiful... can I kiss you?" He walks towards you, kissing you on your lips. "Oh, someone's bold today♡." You flashed a cheeky grin. "Yes... I'm feeling confident after your comment, "
💕 These guys are a mixture of all three: flirty, embarrassed, and nonchalant. Also, they try their best to act cool and try not to show how happy they are.
Rin: "Thanks....um yeah *scratch neck* You're very pretty too...and sexy." He spoke the last part in a low tone. " Uh huh, what was that last part?" You poke his cheek playfully. "..nothing!!"
Kaede "tsk...... I don't care about that stuff, whatever, " he walks away, but you can clearly see his red ears. "Ahh... you remind me of a stray cat, " you mumble. "Huh?! " He WhipsHis head back to you. " Oh, nothing...♡ " You walked away while chuckling to yourself. "The hell so funny!"
Asahi: " Huh?!.. well coming from you it make me think I'm special" he blushes. "Aww, your reaction is so cute, Asahi," you teased. "I want to hear more of your encouraging words." he wraps his arms around you.
Nao: " Oh? that caught me off guard. Thank you. You're also beautiful, y/n. " he kisses your forhead. "Using your charm on me as always." You began to become flustered "Charm? What charm? You started it, " he giggles at your response
💕 They get super happy. 100% will give you affection throughout the day. They feel more seen and special.
Momo:  REALLY?!! You really mean it??!!" He comes up giving you a bear hug. "I'm super happy!!! Hearing that from a CUTE girl like you! " he swings you around. "M-momo chill out.. and put me down!!!"
Nagisa: "Handsome!!! he lifts his chin."Hey! What else do you like about me?! " He flash you his  puppy eyes. "Uuhh, I love the way you swim... and you have cute, silky hair. " You ruffled his hair. "Mmhh... y/n... "He pouts while crossing his arms, then his Demeanor changes. "You're so precious.. Come here!!" He jumped at you open arms for a hug
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
I have a request from the anime Free! Iwatobi Swim club. I hope that’s okay with you? It’s also been a hot minute for me with Free! and I kinda miss it.
Headcanon: Whenever Rin is being too annoying, Sousuke just tickles the living snot out of him to tire him out.
(Headcanons to Dabbles: OFFICIALLY CLOSED)
EEEEE! :D Wait I love them your honor karkjejkrjaekrjke Rin and Sousuke are some of my favorite characters- and this prompt is PERFECT! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
CW: Foot tickles
“Would you cut that out?”
“What? I’m not even doing anything?”
Sousuke looked back at him like he grew a second head. “Yes, cause these have always belonged here.” He gestured to Rin’s feet, currently folded neatly as they rested on the bigger man’s thighs.
“Glad to see we’re on the same page, then.” The redhead grinned before turning back to his manga, snickering at the mild glare his boyfriend shot.
It wasn’t even Rin using him as a footrest that bothered him. Rather- it was the random jabs he’d feel in his gut whenever Rin decided to shift his foot, poking him “accidentally” and throwing off his own reading. He must have been on the same paragraph for nearly half an hour now.
Rin’s foot shifted- another jab in the gut.
“That’s it!” Sousuke tossed his book aside, easily entrapping one of Rin’s squirming legs. “You’re clearly in a mood to be annoying- let me show you just how annoying I can be!”
“And who are you calling annoy-EEHHEH!” Rin practically spasmed as fingers dug into his sole, scratching at the ticklish skin with ease. “Soohohooohushuhuuhuke, pleahahhahahahse!”
“Huh? What’s wrong? Does it tickle?” The brunette teased gently, grinning as Rin thrashed about- a fish out of water he resembled. “Are you going to keep using me as a footrest?”
“That’s-well..at least you're honest.” Sousuke dropped his foot, quickly ascending the redhead’s limp body before attacking his hips. That got Rin screaming. “Say you’re gonna stop jabbing me in the gut with those goblin toes of yours. Say it!”
“WHOHOHOHO YOHOOOHU CHAHAHALLING GOHOHOOHBIN TOHOOHES!? AGEHHAHAHAHAH SOHOOHUSUKE FIHIIHIHNE! FIHIIHIHNE I’LL STHAHAHAHP!” The redhead pleased, cheeks as flushed as his eyes. Sousuke stopped his tickling, keeping his hands on his hips as he properly adjusted himself. Soon, he was lying half-on top of Rin, reaching up and brushing his hair back from his face.
“Ehehehe..fuhuhuhuck, maahahan.” He groaned, unable to stay mad as Sousuke gently smiled at him.
“You loved it. Surely that’s why you kept on tickling me.”
Big mistake. Huge. Rin’s eyes grew wide with glee. “Wait, you’re ticklish?”
Sousuke froze all over, his life flashing before his eyes. “Erm…I lied?”
A twist and fingers in his flanks soon after proved him to be rather truthful in the end.
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partrin · 9 months
so i missed rinharu but had no time to rewatch the franchise or final stroke movies.
luckily for my depraved ass, someone compiled all the rinharu scenes from both the final stroke movies and i watched it, only to notice so much shit that i didn't notice the first time i watched the last two movies.
so many of rin's—yes, specifically rin's—lines in the movies point at something brewing deeper than the surface.
him constantly pointing out that his relationship with haru "isn't that simple" when asked about it by ikuya or anyone else,
him fighting with azuma and azuma practically screaming in his face to get his shit together if he really cares about haru that much,
both haru and rin constantly thinking back on how they both needed each other to get to where they are,
all the scenes of rin's reflection in haru's eyes,
haru looking so depressed while sousuke is driving him around in his car (and haru's weak "i hope so" after sousuke tells him he and rin will be fine),
rin being so worried about his relationship with haru and asking asahi if haru really would ask about him if haru knew rin was hurting like this,
rin's monologue where he goes, "that's right. i'm always selfish. i pretend i don't notice how you feel. i took advantage of your strength" as he runs through the city desperately searching for haru (where there's also rinharu-centric flashbacks, in particular that scene from the special ES episode where both the samezuka and iwatobi teams are drying their clothes over a bonfire, rin is laughing and haru looks at him gently, smiling—yes, this confirms that it was rin haru had been looking at; not anyone else like people were insisting)
...and so much more.
what does all of this insinuate? you be the judge.
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slice-0f-anime · 7 months
Young RinHaru is everything
I know this is my first post on this blog but it isn't my first time ranting, so buckle up and hear me out!
Also, disclaimer: my ships are my ships, and your ships are yours. If you're a MakoHaru or SouRin or basically anything but a RinHaru shipper, I respect you, and hope that you'll respect me in turn, so please don't attack me for my opinions ty!
Genuinely. What. Is up with Haru and Rin in the Free! movie about their youth??? "High Speed! Free! Starting Days!"????
Guys, it took me the longest time ever to even bring myself to watch that movie for 2 different reasons: 1) Rin was not in it, and 2) Someone on Reddit said it was very MakoHaru coded.
It's pretty obvious by the name of the post but I don't ship MakoHaru. Yes they have cute moments sometimes that melt my heart, but overall Haru takes Makoto for granted pretty often, and it only really hit him that he might lose his friend when Makoto said he was going to uni in Tokyo. Anyways, that's unrelated since I'm trying to talk about the movie, but yeah I really only see them as best friends that support each other.
Getting back to the main point, I really wasn't interested in watching a movie that not only didn't have my favorite shark in it, but also heavily featured a ship I didn't like. Then I decided those were pathetic reasons not to watch it, and the prospect of seeing young Makoto won me over.
And then I watched it. And.
Why didn't anybody tell me that despite the fact that Rin isn't even in this movie, the fact that he isn't there is driving the entire main conflict for Haru??? It was actually a crazy surprise, I wasn't expecting that at all and I was genuinely shook by it. Nearly the whole movie, Haru is plagued by loneliness and doesn't even realize he's lonely until Ikuya breaks down. And then he acknowledges that without Rin there, he was literally struggling. So much to the point that he hallucinated Rin being there and swimming with him. Nevermind the fact that Rin was in the same school as him for maybe 3 months, he had this big of an impact and it shows. Basically a lot of the movie was Haru being sad that Rin was gone, and he still angsts over him until episode 1 when Rin is back from Australia.
Also, his reaction to Rin's letter was so cute, and the letter itself killed me because it's so clearly a confession, one that Haru basically reciprocated. I know Japan likes censorship but oh my god Sousuke was trying to say it was a confession letter without saying it, because he said stuff like "you can see where Rin originally wrote you" and "it was one-sided like he wasn't expecting a response" (don't hold me to these, I'm a bit lazy to get the exact quotes).
You know when people do that? In CONFESSION LETTERS. And then Haru was like I want to be like you too Rin. And then I hear that this is MakoHaru coded? I mean the pool scene was cute but I wouldn't file this under the Makoharu folder just yet. I think it's one of those that goes under into the Undecided, along with Eternal Summer. I do think it's pretty obvious that the creators endgame was RinHaru though, considering what unfolded in The Final Stroke movie. I'm glad too, they finally stopped teasing millions of different ships for the sake of the fanbase, and just stuck to one.
It's pretty clear that people's ships definitely color their summary of events, seeing as the Reddit person told me this was MakoHaru without at all mentioning Rin. I do that often too, it's hard to not do so when you have an opinion, so the next best thing is to respect opinions :)
Thanks for listening to me rant about a ship I like lol, and if you wanna scream with me about RinHaru or other anime related things, feel free to hit up the dm!
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arileartist · 3 months
Hi 👋 👋 can I Request Asahi Rin, Ikuya and Hiyori as your senior. I freaking LOVE YOUR writing ✍ 😍. If its not too much
Oh gosh I've been busy in uni for such a long time!
Order for One steaming plate of fluff!!
Just for my cuties~<3
Rin as your Senior:
•Strict. He won't be very chatty with you but he's ready to help you wherever necessary.
•He's not very talkative, but you can tell that he cares. He's kind enough for you to be comfortable around him and feel safe, which he likes to boast about.
•With him comes a free package of having Yamazaki dad- I mean, Sousuke around so you essentially get two expert opinions.
•He'll not show you his emotional side. He believes in a the more traditional rules of senior junior relationship, however he himself finds that erasing those lines will be better after a certain point.
•Mom behaviour. After taking care of Gou, he has developed a sense of nurture. He will tell you to clean up. He will take away your phone. He will scold you for dating the wrong guys. He. Will. Get. Pissed. If. You. Don't. Do. Well. In. English. Although you'll find him giving you chocolates if you do well and will surprise you with random gifts, even if they include goofy ones like animal plushies or funky tees.
•You'll not catch him EVER wasting time. This boy likes to get his success. He lives on it. He'll read books on success, write diaries, do anything BUT waste time. He'll try to push it on those around him as well.
•There's a distance you'll need to cross before he starts being friendly with you. He's not mean, but he's not very easygoing and friendly either. Take the right steps and you might have a very motherly senior~
Hiyori as your senior:
•Brutally honest. The first time you met this guy was probably when he was judging you and you overheard him. He didn't seem too fazed about it either. It's not that he is being mean, he literally doesn't know how to speak with consideration. He only cares about his friends.
•If you do manage to get on his good side, don't expect him to pay much attention to you. Hiyori is the kind of guy who really doesn't care unless he thinks you're important to HIM.
•Yes he'll care about you and he'll give you advice wherever you want him to, but he is not going to go out of his way to ensure you're doing well. He's a sweet talker for sure, but you'd know that his words have little weight behind them.
•You'll definitely get a few glances from Ikuya, who just feels sorry for you if he ever knows that you like Hiyori.
•Hey, but on the plus side, he can definitely cheer you up with food. He's also going to be protective. You'll be receiving mixed signals. This is a true beige flag. On one hand, he'll not give you much importance in the team, however if anyone dares to look down on you in front of him, he's not staying silent either. He'll step up and give a sizzling zap of his spicy words. That's not before he tells you that you need to stand up for yourself though.
•You'll also not see him alone much. He's always going to be with Ikuya. The times you do catch him alone, he's not going to be talkative or conversational. Probably also dry on texts.
•He can't show gestures of affection so you'd get a smiley “Congratulations” and more affirmations from him. Don't expect anything more though.
•In the pool, he'll surely teach you what you need to know, but won't bother asking first. You'll need to tell him that you want to get help specifically from him. That too he'll probably reply with “why me? There are better suited people in the team aren't there~ please go and ask them, if they are busy, then maybe I'll consider it”
Yeah I don't think Hiyori would be a senior you should look up to…
Asahi as your senior:
•Dream senior of anyone tbh. He's hot, he's handsome, and he's blithe. No, it's giving Bokuto but with more brain cells. You can easily rely on him for anything you want and he'll do it for you. Happily. He doesn't care about the senior junior standards set up by the society. If something makes you happy, he'll do it. He's also dense enough to not realise that things he does might be taken in a romantic way.
•He's going to be the guy to take you out with his friends and party together. You will encounter a lot of joyous adventures with this guy. However, if you're someone who's into reading books and staying in, maybe Asahi isn't the senior you'd hangout much with. Just for you though, he's going to be texting you too~ he knows that different people need different forms of persuasion. He'll skiddadle into your texts smoothly with one of his dad joke pick-up lines.
•He WILL defend you if he sees you encountering difficulties with your mates. If anyone tries to pass off a snarky comment, he will call them out. No holds barred.
•He'll also scold you if he catches you doing something harmful. If you tell him you're going through a tough time, he'll do everything he can to support you. He may not understand you, but he will try his best to give you the confidence to face your problems head on. He'll also end up making you laugh while at it.
•He's definitely popular with your classmates and they're gonna be soooo jealous when they find out he's friends with you. You don't even have to call him “senior”.
•You can ring him up anytime and he'll answer. No matter how, no matter where. If he knows something is troubling you, he'll definitely stay up and listen, although you'll have to tell him that you're just trying to find a place to let out your thoughts. He will try to provide solutions because of the way he wants to make everyone comfortable and content.
•Please don't rely on him for educational advice though. I doubt the guy is a straight A’s student.
•You really can't get much better than this. 10/10 senior.
Ikuya as your senior:
•Quiet. In the starting, you didn't even know who he was. You just knew some “Kirishima Kun” because of the cheer squad constantly chanting his name whenever swim came up.
•When you first met him, you immediately notice the guy's standout personality. He doesn't Converse much, doesn't come out much, but mostly, whenever you try to talk to him, he's very dry.
•He WILL take time to warm up to you, but you'll see it little by little. He will try to observe you silently first, and then if you keep talking to him, he'll gradually talk to you normally. Even though his “normal” is still going to be very less.
•You would often ask Hiyori about it, but he shrugs it off saying that's just how Ikuya is.
•If you tried to take advice from him, he'll definitely give you his experience. If you express your problems, he'll pat your head and give you a reassuring look. You won't get much reactions out of him, but you can certainly tell that he cares.
•After all, Ikuya himself doesn't want anyone who's younger to him to feel the way he felt when he was thrown into his lowest.
•You'll find occasional snacks and drinks next to your bag. It's his way of telling you that you're doing well. He may not say it to your face, but he's not afraid to text you. Text is where he talks with you the most. He will send you occasional reels, but Ikuya is also the type of guy who respects the traditional “keep distance between juniors and seniors” rule. He'd be the ideal introverted senior.
•You can always find him peacefully floating in the pool or relaxing. He's always open to listen, however, don't talk to him too much or he might not like it. He values his own space and although doesn't mind being around people who show interest in him, he runs out of social battery pretty quickly.
•He'll give you the neatest notes. You'll be surprised as to how hygienic and well kept he is. Though good luck trying to convince him to lend you any of his stuff.
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albatrossmuffin · 1 year
Coco’s Touch Panel Voice #4 Transcription Translation
This wonderful soul has been transcribing the messages on the touch panels at Coco's; pardon me for just translating only this one 😅
"Written by a MakoHaru person so please pardon me" (Translated by one too lol)
[ ] = Transcriber's notes
Coco’s 2023 Campaign Voice #4 (9/19~10/2)
Greeting to Everyone
Makoto: Hello, welcome to Coco’s! Today the 5 of us will see you off.
Haru: It was a nice summer this time as well. Please make fun memories until the end.
Rin: It’s finally the last spurt! Is there anything you’ve left undone? Follow us until the end!
Sousuke: Rin’s passionate, as usual. We also feel like we dashed through as best we could.
Ikuya: It was tough but it was fun. Everyone who’s come to Coco’s, please take your time today as well.
Haru: Well then, to those who’ve come to Coco’s from us, it’s the Coco’s campaign message.
Campaign Guide:
Rin: No 1: By buying an applicable order, you can get 1 new artwork random clear file of ours~.
Sousuke: When serving your meal, the staff will bring out the clear file. Please check the menu for details.
Rin: No 2: If you apply using the serial code written on the receipt of applicable orders, you can win Coco’s original prizes.
Sousuke: When you collect points by applying, you can hear the story voice. It’s our ambassador activity record.
Rin: Right, right! They also showed me the Coco’s original memorial book. It was interesting editing this!
Ikuya: Everyone was there at that time. It was full of each person’s memories, and it was very lively.
Rin: I hope that everyone who sees this enjoys it, too!
Sousuke: Please confirm the details for how to apply on the website or menu.
Rin: When you apply a total of 33 times, you definitely get the Coco’s original memorial book, so please participate!
About the Collab Menu & Closing Greeting
Makoto: I wonder if everyone’s enjoyed the collab menu. We’ve prepared a lot, so please eat them.
Haru: Speaking of which, Makoto, you were also asked to help in the kitchen, did that go alright?
Makoto: Eh!? Ah, Hn~~~  Weeeeeellllllllll~......💦
                I did wrap in aluminum foil...for a bit....I guess?💦
               Sousuke said ‘Would you like to give it a try,’ but it was difficult to use the right amount of force...
               Just a bit.....~....not a bit, I ripped the aluminum foil! 💦
               Aah, but, I’m good at carrying the juice cases and such???
Haru: ...I see. Makoto, that’s plenty. [I can see the smile...]
Makoto: ~Really? If there’s something that I can do, please let me know, whatever it is!
Haru: Yeah. I always rely on you.  [I can see the smile...]
Makoto: There are also things I can’t do well, but I’d be happy if we all put our strengths together, and everyone enjoys themselves until the end!
Haru: Thank you for showing me your smiles of enjoying yourselves. I’m also happy. [For a second I thought he was saying this to Makoto]
   Please make the best summer memories at Coco’s. Signing off,
All: This has been the campaign message!
Haru: Please continue to relax and enjoy your meal.
Collab Menu Voice (#3 and #4 are the same)
Haru / Rin / Ikuya: Coco’s x Free Collab Campaign is underway!
Rin: There’s a ton of menu items you can only taste here! Are you ready to enjoy yourself?
Haru: Please enjoy to the fullest today as well.
Reading of Corresponding Menu Item (#4)
Haru: New Birth! Mackerel Acqua Pazza 2023 ~Prepared by Nanase Haruka~
           I think everyone has already realized the appeal of mackerel, but I want you to please try it.
Haru: Sakura in Full Bloom! Mentaiko Pasta ~IWATOBI Special~
           We expressed our precious memories through cooking. We’d be happy if you also enjoyed it.
Haru: Haruka’s Dolphin Blue Wave
           A blue parfait that takes the image of the sea or pool we swam in. It’s a beautiful blue.
Haru: Albert’s Silver Sweet Odin
           Albert also ate it happily when taste testing it. I also want you to try it.
Voice when Ordering (Same #1 - #4)
Haru: Thank you for your order. I want you to continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign.
Makoto: Thank you for your order. Please continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign!
Rin: Thank you for your order! (says thank you in English) Please continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign.
Sousuke: Thank you for your order. Please continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign.
Sousuke: Thank you for coming today. Please continue taking part in the Cocos x Free! campaign.
Ikuya: Thank you for your order. Please continue to enjoy the Cocos x Free! campaign.
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bokvshou · 1 year
in my opinion there isn't a more rinharu-coded song in existence than this one. let me cook.
to begin with, the entire scene in the film is about the journey of two kids, full of dreams and expectations for the future. we have the dreamy protagonist who attracts and convinces his love interest to share his same dream, and the love interest accepts, and as they grow up, she becomes as excited as he is about that promised future. does that ring a bell?
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I close my eyes and I can see The world that's waiting up for me That I call my own Through the dark, through the door Through where no one's been before But it feels like home
the whole beginning of the song screams "rin matsuoka", in fact, the whole song is from his perspective. he himself said similar words when he was little and sought to fulfill his father's dream. and we've also heard him say several times that "the world is waiting for him". he's a boy with a dream and the will to make it come true.
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy They can say, they can say I've lost my mind I don't care, I don't care, so call me crazy We can live in a world that we design
to me, this is the part that least fits his story, simply due to the fact that in rin's case he was lucky enough to have all the support possible, and no one ever denied him the opportunity to pursue his dreams. it's a privileged position that i'm sure rin is very grateful for. of course, we could take it as a "i know everyone thinks it's difficult (and it is, not everyone becomes an olympic swimmer) but i can do it".
and really, the important detail is in the ending phrase, because it's the first time in the song that "we" is used instead of "i". haru enters the scene.
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'Cause every night I lie in bed The brightest colours fill my head A million dreams are keeping me awake I think of what the world could be A vision of the one I see A million dreams is all it's gonna take Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make
we have the first chorus, which follows the same theme: rin has a big dream, but now there's something else. he's referring to the world as "ours". the world we're gonna make.
for rin, this is no longer an individual dream, and the change of mind it's obvious because he managed to find his other half at such a young age and he wants to share everything with him; rin has always been able to see the potential haru has, and wants to take him by the hand throughout the trip, to see him shine at his best. rin himself says it on one occasion; "without haru in front of him, there isn't much reason to keep going, right?"
There's a house we can build Every room inside is filled With things from far away The special things I compile Each one there to make you smile On a rainy day
everyone and their mothers knows rin fell for haru at first sight, the poor thing, and since he saw him swim the first time, rin was fascinated and not only that, it became his personal goal to include haru in his dream at all costs. he tells sousuke, with the brightest smile in the world, that he had found someone he wanted to swim with.
from that moment on, haru became part of the dream. after all, not everyone would try as hard for a person as rin did. he abruptly changed schools and swim clubs, went to live with his grandmother in order to do it, left his best friend behind, and... well, rin really went through that entire process just to be able to be together with haru for a while.
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and the hard work didn't end there, no. because haru turned out to be a very difficult person, god bless our little stubborn dolphin, and rin had to work twice as hard just to convince him to swim together. ah, but the result was worth it. and all of this didn't change even as they grew up and their relationship turned turbulent. rin was always there, trying to get the full potential out of haru, trying to share his dream with him. and it worked.
rin didn't know it, but he had haru wrapped around his fingers.
However big, however small Let me be part of it all Share your dreams with me You may be right, you may be wrong But say that you'll bring me along To the world you see To the world I close my eyes to see I close my eyes to see
"and what about haru?" you say. this is from haru. this part of the song is haru's response to rin's desire to take the world into his own hands.
"share your dreams with me", the relay they won when they were kids, rin's letter, the wonderful relay they did in high school, harurinlandia... we all know how important australia was to haruka. it was there, thanks to rin sharing a little piece of his world, his dream, that haru was finally able to make that same dream his own, too. we saw him, he was so happy.
"you may be right, you may be wrong, but say that you'll bring me along" and isn't that what haru has always wanted? isn't that his biggest weakness? when rin leaves and abandons him? and haru is so frustrated, so bitter, so lonely, and his soul just breaks? it's like he's desperately saying "you can go wherever you want, just please take me with you".
and you may think i'm overreacting but... am i?
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haru wants to have a taste of that world rin pushed him into. although perhaps at the beginning it was not by his own will, haru had already been enchanted, and he wants, wants, wants.
i'm not going to repeat the chorus or the pre-chorus again in the post to avoid becoming redundant, but holy shit.
this song is rin holding haru's hand when they were kids to drag him along. is haru slowly following the beat. is rin giving haru a little spin. then, is haru finally daring to dance, too. is both pursuing the same wish, a wish they've cultivated since childhood, and now with each step it just feels closer and closer.
i don't know, I just feel it's beautiful.
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ilovereadingandstuff · 10 months
Just finish season 2 of Free!: Eternal Summer and...there's something on my mind.
Spoilers ahead!
While I can say season 2 in just as magical as season 1 because it develops other themes that hadn't been touched in the previous season like the last year for 3rd years students, the pursuit for a dream and what to do in the future, it also introduces new characters and a more-in-detph of Rin and Haru's pasts...There something that still bothering me since finishing episode 13: Haru and Rin's relationship.
And with this, I'm not gonna lie: I ship them. Like, damn, sorry, but they're the typical 'rivals to lovers' and 'childhood friends' that I like to watch on series...but the thing is that I don't see it in canon.
Rin's whole thing is kinda simple: He chose as a dream to be an olimpic professional swimmer to achieve the dream that his dad never could. He had a past childhood with Sousuke but they separated paths due to their different philosophy. Then he started Elementary or Junior High at Iwatobi, made friends with Makoto, Nagisa and especially with Haruka...then he moved to Australia, quit swimming because of hopelessness, then moved to Iwatobi again and reignited his passion for swimming because of the meaninful friendships he made by it (enphasis on Haru, because even HE HIMSELF make emphasis on that).
While, Haru's whole thing is that he had a childhood with Makoto, Nagisa and Rin (by the short time they spend together)...and while the whole first season recides heavely on RinHaru's relationship because of Rin's sorrow...I felt that Rin's presence on Haru's point of view was half-baked. Then, with season 2, I feel like TRULY RInHaru's whole dynamic is based on that rivarly that Rin created and... it's sooo one-sided!! like there is no reciprocity!!
Like, from Rin's perspective, Haru is a truly important person to him, to the point that EVEN Sousuke makes a point of it and spells it out to Haru!! But, from Haru's perspective, I feel like Rin does not make that much of an impact the same way that Haru for Rin has!! Like, the thing that shocks me the most is that, even after going to Australia for 2 days, share a bed, Rin introduced him to his home-stay family (who, by the way, did not hesitated to embarrased Rin on saying that he talked a lot about Haru when he was a kid) and by Rin's efforts, Haru finally discovered what his dream truly was...at that last moments at the final relay, when was Haru's time to show what was that that specifically made him love to be there...Makoto, Nagisa and Rei show up as his friends and team. They are one of the reasons of why Haru swims in the first place...while Rin never make an appareance not even once on that moment.
That scene completely shut me down the idea of Haru's reciprocity of feelings for Rin the way Rin feels for him. Like, after all that, when he finally explains what is his dream, his motives to it...his friends appear at his side except for Rin...for who Haru supposedly said before that he wanted to swim against...for who Haru gets inspired or motivated...who created, in the first place, the situation to Haru to discover his dream!!
Like...maybe it's just me that wanted to RinHaru be more canonical that it truly is...maybe i'm just getting started to the series and I haven't seen the important stuff yet...But either way, if that's how I see it is from the very beggining...what Rin is feeling about Haru, Haru does not share the same for Rin...or at least is not that of a big deal yet.
Also, I may be to delulu and obssess over rivals to lovers, but let's ignore that for a little while.
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02cm · 1 year
Free! S1 + CD dramas > Starting Days/High Speed! = The Final Stroke > Take Your Marks.
Both S2 and S3 were remade in movies, and still...
> S2 didn't deliver, at least not what it was obvious they were intending to when they introduced it to us. They made Rin the cause behind Haru and Sousuke's beef but I don't like how he remains oblivious about everything. I love the joke there's between the seiyuus about he being the oblivious heroine... but they didn't need to go that far, lol.
> S3 was like a spin-off about Ikuya; even Haru (you know, the protagonist) was mostly a tool for Ikuya's and his relationship with Hiyori's development 🤌
And yet, Rin IS -once again- the cause behind Haru and -this time- Ikuya's "beef"... and, once again, they didn't have the balls to make the characters talk about it openly (because in this metaphor where Ikuya is ~The Little Mermaid~ and felt abandoned by Haru, ~The Prince~... that can only mean that Rin is ~The Princess~ "the prince" falls for and makes him disregard "the little mermaid" completely, given that Haru forgot about his promise with Ikuya and everything else after what happened with Rin, and he's all Rin Rin Rin when it comes to swimming and not only that 👀). Utsumi never hid this fact.
Instead, they throw hints here and there; flashbacks of Haru's state after everything that happened with Rin are everywhere (and it's in the fact that they made Haru have an "I'm not swimming with Rin anymore??" crisis 3 times + 1 chill version in Take Your Marks) as a reminder of that being the reason behind all this drama, even if it wasn't on purpose... they're there as a reminder of Haru having Rin as his driving force (I never updated this set but there are more scenes like these after S2). So, of course he'd just forget about Ikuya (I mean, ignoring that this plot is an afterthought in itself, it still works like this).
And don't let me start on the whole "hero" thing and how Haru and Rin are each other's -as Zakki said himself- but they also didn't go deep into it because it would keep adding more and more to harurin and harurin only; and, at this point... they did it well enough since S1 anyways.
SO. S3 didn't deliver either.
I won't pretend I don't love all those hints, tho... I love Rin being the root of everything what's important to Haru (I'm not saying that even it was thanks to him that he learned to cherish his friends and enjoy having relays with them, but that's exactly what happened; so, if you like Haru's relationship with any other character, you should appreciate the effect that Matsuoka Rin had on him... not for nothing, he changed how he used to see things... that's why there's even a melody called You Changed My Life and the impact of it is BIG when it comes to the way he started treating the others).
... I guess that it's the reason why, as weird as it sounds, I'm ok with both seasons. They mostly bored me, but that's it. The truth is that I'm more than content with Free! as a whole. And, while I was writing this, I felt like putting a lot of links because there's so much material! I had to restrain myself, lmao. But just to add one more:
Since I talked mostly about S3, I was thinking how I'll always find ironic that Ikuya was originally the character that made Haru realize the way he was actually feeling about Rin leaving... In High Speed!, it was Haru the one feeling abandoned by Rin's departure, but he wouldn't realize until he witnessed Ikuya reaproching Satomi she was "leaving him". Not only this scene presents a parallel with Haru's situation with Rin, but he thinks: "This is that rumored ‘lover’s quarrel’ thing. One shouldn’t interfere." ??? loool. It's almost subliminal...
Here's the whole excerpt: x
It's a shame it didn't make into Free! but, of course, it's more of the same I mentioned before. This is, after all, an spokon, right? *wink wink*
All these are about sportsmanship and dudes being dudes
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letterstoear · 8 months
My favorite letters~ Top five! Part 1
As this is the month of love, I wanted to focus on self-love today and talk about my favorite letters I’ve written. This is all my personal opinion, and I would love to know what your favorite letters are! 
Again, these letters are my personal favorites. In part 2 I’ll be doing letters where I think I did the best in terms of writing and character.
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#5 Kageyama’s confession: Letters to Ear : THAT MALLEUS LETTER GOT ME FED UP WHAT DID I JUST... (tumblr.com)
I never would have thought Kageyama would be here. I wrote this letter as a fun response to the ask. It started out as a drabble then blossomed into what it is today. This letter is fun and feels very fluffy which is the intended purpose. There’s not much else I can say, it just really is a Kageyama like confession.  
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#4 Kenma’s confession: Letters to Ear : A confession from Kenma (tumblr.com)
This letter in particular is what started my whole business, so without this one I never would have gotten this far. It really nails Kenma’s character in a way I don’t see done often. Or maybe it’s just me being biased. 
In the letter we see how Kenma’s whole love started to bloom towards the reader. It’s such a sweet letter. The character growth is what sells this letter in a way I don’t normally do. I should do more of it though, it seems to work well. 
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#3 Chuuya’s letter: Letters to Ear : Wow, a letter from Chuuya~ (tumblr.com)
I love my man Chuuya and this letter was a spur of the moment letter out of frustration. I actually wrote this letter when I was doing research on Dazai, but I took a break and wrote for Chuuya instead. I tend to come back to letter as a casual pick me up because of how smooth everything flows. 
I don’t know how I did it, but the transitions between each letter come out so smoothly. Like it really flows well, which is a highlight of the letter. I think to write Chuuya well you need to get his timing done. Also, the casually sprinkles of little remarks about love makes me kick my feet in the air and scream into my pillow. 
Read this letter if you want some casual pick me up. 
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#2 Lilia Vanrouge’s Letter of Acceptance: Letters to Ear : A letter of acceptance from Lilia Vanrouge (tumblr.com) 
We have our first and only Twisted Wonderland character letter here! Which is a little strange now that I think about it. I’ve written a ton of Twst letters, but this is the first one to be seen on my list. I should improve on that. 
This letter is so special to me because of how it tells the story of Lilia’s view on love. I wanted to enchant the reader with Lilia’s pure feelings and insight. It’s not an overly fluffy or romantic letter, but it’s bittersweet. I think it easily shows how even though Lilia is in love, he’s not going to force his feelings onto the reader. In fact, a small part of him has already given up. 
What can I say I love a pinch of angst. 
Towards the end of the letter, we get Lilia’s promises for his lover. I think it’s a very sweet action he does, and I can really see him making these vows. Each time I read this letter it squeezes my heart. 
If you like Lilia, I’m pretty certain you’ll love the letter. 
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#1 Ikuya Kirishima’s After the Race letter: Letters to Ear : After the race (tumblr.com)
Let me just say, I wrote this letter for myself, so of course I’m going to love it the most. This letter is the definition of fanfiction. It’s not written to impress nor is it made out of self-loathing or hate. All this letter is to have something fluffy to read from one of my all-time favorite characters. 
When I read this letter time and time again, I actually forget I was the one who wrote it because it’s that special. The letter captures the spirit of how Ikuya feels after winning the relay race with Haru, Rin, and Sousuke. It’s meant to feel like a warm hug, one you would feel after someone did a big accomplishment. 
More than that it goes over Ikuya’s character arc, which I love to add into my letters. Plus, Ikuya reminisces about the relations he has with the reader in their established relationship. 
If you’re like me and you’re a fan of Ikuya from Free! I highly recommend you check out this letter. Read it! 
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icurwithme · 3 months
All their friends were pairing up. Even Haruka had a boyfriend, as unbelievable as that was.
Sousuke wasn't jealous or anything. Really, he wasn't. It's just that being single in a group of rowdy (i.e. meddlesome) friends was tough.
They never shut up about his love life, or lack thereof. All while flaunting their happy relationships in front of him.
Okay. So, maybe he was a little jealous.
At least Tachibana was in the same boat. He'd never heard him talk about a love interest. What was wrong with them? They were two reasonably good-looking guys. There had to be someone out there for them.
They were at another gathering of extended friends and Rin had just gotten through another diatribe on how Sousuke shouldn't be alone. Sousuke'd had enough so he wandered off for some peace.
He came across Tachibana sitting on the couch sipping a drink. "Ah, a sane person," he said as he flopped down next to him.
Makoto chuckled. "Rin getting on your nerves again?" It was the truth that as good of friends as they were, they were also each others' biggest irritations.
Sousuke sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah. He just won't shut up about this dating thing." He glanced at the other man. "You know how it is, I'm sure." He gave him a backhanded slap on the arm. "I bet they don't leave you alone, either."
A strange look passed over his face that Sousuke couldn't place. "My case is a bit different."
Sousuke's eyebrows rose. "Oh? How so?"
A blush tinted Makoto's cheeks. "There's someone I like, but, um, we're not together."
Sousuke was trying to process that in his brain, and by the time he came back to the world Makoto had been called out of the room to help with something.
In the weeks that followed it stayed on Sousuke's mind. Why wasn't Makoto with the person he liked? Did they reject him? Who would do that? He was perfect. Handsome, honest, loyal, smart. What wasn't there to love?
He tried to subtly ask around about it to their friends. Most gave him disapproving, if not cold looks (honestly, he didn't understand that), and refused to answer.
Was liking this person shameful? Like a coach or somebody's mother? He wasn't sure why this was bugging him but it did. He had no clue who was Makoto's type.
It all came to a head when Nanase cornered him. "Stop poking around in Makoto's love life," he threatened in no uncertain terms.
Sousuke bristled. "Like you and Rin poke around in it?" He relished (though he shouldn't) the look on the swimmer's face.
"I wish he had better taste, and I can't dissuade how he feels, but you shouldn't be sticking your nose where it doesn't belong." With that Nanase left.
Sousuke was mad, and more curious than ever, as to who this mystery person was. Honestly, he was coming to despise whoever it was. They were blind if they couldn't see what a catch Makoto was.
He almost wished he knew who it was so he could punch them. They didn't deserve Makoto. He was too good for them.
His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. Sousuke was surprised to find the very person who'd been occupying his thoughts. "Makoto. Come in."
Green eyes crinkled in an unconvincing smile. "Thanks. I hope I wasn't disturbing?"
Sousuke shook his head. "No, I was just thinking." 'Mostly about you.'
"Oh," he took a breath. "I heard Haru came to see you today."
Warning bells went off in Sousuke's head. "Um, yeah."
Makoto faced him with his hands on his hips. "Was it because you've been asking around about who it is I like?"
Sousuke blanched, he knew! He rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess?"
"Why does this matter so much to you?"
Now that was the question, wasn't it? He swallowed around the knot in his throat. "Because whoever it is is an idiot, and you shouldn't be with an idiot!" He couldn't stop the words spewing out of his mouth.
Makoto's eyebrows rose, making his impossibly green eyes seem larger. "An idiot?"
"Yes! If this person can't see that you're the best, then they're an idiot. Heck, I'd date you in a heartbeat."
Makoto was silent as he stared at Sousuke. "You would date me?" his voice had gone quiet.
Sousuke froze where he stood. Did he just say that? He did, didn't he? It was the truth too, he could feel it. "I would." He would, if given the chance. Why, oh why, did he want that chance so bad?
Makoto seemed to shake himself out of whatever was going on in his head. "What if the reason I'm not with the person I like is because I haven't told them how I feel?"
That knocked all the wind out of his sails. "You haven't told them? Why?"
Makoto shrugged one shoulder. "Fear of rejection, not wanting to ruin our friendship, take your pick."
A friend? Was it someone he knew? He approached the other man and took his hand. "You need to say something. You may be surprised, and they could feel the same way."
Conflicting emotions passed over Makoto's face but he didn't try to retrieve his hand. After an agonizing minute he took a deep breath. "Sousuke, would you consider going out with me?"
Dark brows furrowed. "I said I would. What..."
He was so dense. He really was a. Fucking. Idiot. He shut his eyes to collect himself.
He felt Makoto squeeze his hand. That wonderful sweet man. Oh, God he didn't deserve him.
Finally, he opened his eyes and slid his arms around the other man's waist. "I would be honored to take you on a date."
Makoto's smile rivaled the sun.
At least now, Sousuke was part of a pair, and he can get his well-meaning (nosy) friends off his back.
But more than that, he had the sweetest boyfriend in the world.
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butter-egg-toast · 2 years
Secret admirer 💌
Anon question: how would the boys be as secret admisrs? Like them being romantic? Like a little lovely notes they leave everyday for you? Headcanons or scenarios plz 🙏
Just saw the second movie on YouTube I'm feeling motivated
Short n sweet 🍭
Sorry this took forever 😢
Hope you enjoy
✉Haru: He's definitely the best secret admirer out there. You'll never suspect him. He admitted that he has a crush on you but didn't know how to handle it. So he got some advice from friends.
"You got a letter? Who gave it to you? Do you think you'll respond back?"-Haru
✉Makoto: Is a literal nervous mess. He's nervous and shy. He askes you very specific suspicious and obvious questions regarding the letter. He is relieved you don't think the letter is weird
"So, y/n did you see anything strange today... or did you get anything??" -Makoto
Nagisa: Gets super very excited. Can't keep a secret worth nothing. Tells everyone what he's done.He giggling and asking if you seen something different today (pointing to the obvious)
"Rei chan, look what I wrote for y/n! She's never guess it me♡!!- Nagisa
Rei: He's shy but also is prideful how he woorded the letter. He tells Nagisa how you'll never suspect him. What makes its obvious its him he leaves clever well written riddles
"That is correct, it was I. Did you like what I wrote?"-Rei
Rin: He got the idea from gou and some movie. He thought it would been romantic. Got super embarrassed after realizing what he did. Tried to play it off like he didn't do it but he doesn't want anyone to take credit
"Damn...I didn't think through, um.. yeah it was me...do you like it? "-Rin
Sousuke: He's not the type to do it but somehow  he managed to keep a straight face. With his letters he leaves small pieces of your favorite candy tape to it (this gives it away that its him)
"Did I write that letter? How you figure that out?"-Sousuke
Kisumi: He tries his best not to make it obvious but he put SO much in his letters, like little doodles, hearts and sticker placed all over the letter.
"Wow someone must really like you y/n."-Kisumi
Asahi: He'll go straight forward with you but he'll do words of encouragement letters. When you even mention about the letter he looks like he's going to jump with joy.
"Really?! That letter made your day? Well there's more coming your way!!"-Asahi
Ikuya: Hes good at hiding it but he gave it away quickly after he mention a letter when you never told anyone. You actually caught him putting the letter in your bag. Poor guy got so embarrassed
"Uh...its..here, I have been writing these for you.
Hiyori: Another perfect secret admirer. He's a literal ninja. He's good a keeping his cool when mention. Seems like the type to place hidden letters for you to find all over the campus
"A note.. can I see... well looks like you have a little admirer... and the note is very beautifully written"-Hiyori
Natsuya: does a poor job hiding it. He's Direct with his feelings but he's also very playful with you. He wants you to fall for his words. He'll probably do like a little scavenger hunt of gifts he bought for you to find.
" oh yeah, I wrote that letter, except more to come! -Natsuya
Nao: secret secret admirer (at first). Then over time He wants you to know its him.  Even when you find out its him. He'll keep giving you the notes. He'll also quote bits words from his letters
"It seems someone has a admiration for you y/n i wonder who it is...-Nao
Kaede: His team mates(nagisa)convinced him this was a good idea. Somehow he wrote you letter telling you to meet him somewhere (restaurant). You meet him and he surprises you by ordering any food you want. He seems mean and tough but he's definitely have a loving side
" I shouldn't even listen to those bastards... what you want to eat?"- Kaede
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rewordthis · 14 days
Without saying ‘I love you’
SouHaru 1507 words Yamazaki Sousuke, Nanase Haruka + SFW
This is for the Day 1: Open-air cinema & language prompt for SouHaru Week 2024.
Super duper late and unedited. SUMiMASEN!!! m(_ _)m
It’s all Rin’s fault.
The foreign language movie that is currently giving him a headache.
The chill that bites in his bones on this early September night.
The rumble of his empty stomach— protesting.
He’s the reason why he’s ended up here.
A nearly empty open air cinema save for the 3 school-kids whispering and giggling on the far back, the elderly couple right in the front rows holding hands and… Haru beside him.
If Sousuke knew that both Rin and Makoto would bail on them like that, he’d never had agreed to this…
The movie was a two, maybe three, hell, it could have been even more hours long — long — rerelease of an American romance film with cheesy plot and even cheesier character lines that made Sousuke roll his eyes in incredulity whenever he happened to catch some subtitles in between yawns and half dozing in boredom…
This wasn't what he had been promised.
He can perfectly recall Rin saying that they would be seeing a fantasy story, with enough action and interesting messages about the human experience to even keep him awake…
Well, that wasn't how it turned out. Sure, Rin was right about him staying awake, although not entirely...
As autumn slowly creeped its way in, the final days of summer would always be marked with bone-seeping humidity and in combination with the nippy gusts that smacked him in the face, sleeping his boredom away simply wasn’t a viable option.
And he really should have known.
This was Rin we’re talking about, after all…
Rin was supposed to drive to the Training Center Makoto worked to pick him up after his shift, so they could — at last — all meet after two whole months.
Their work and training schedules were keeping them busy and apart — mostly apart — for days or even weeks, without time for even a quick chat over coffee together.
But for all four of them to hang out, now that was the real challenge.
As such, each had even more things they did on their own and the one to always have a new weird hobby to report was none other than Haruka with Rin a close second simply because no one of them could get over that one bungee jumping session he had from over 2 years ago.
Slowly, they all changed into the people they were supposed to be and Sousuke was no exception.
These past few years… Sousuke had calmed down significantly; he had grown more accustomed to having a day completely off from swimming every couple weeks, without feeling anxious that he would lag behind. 
Besides reading new articles about anything related to swimming, new practice techniques and training, he had to also care for his deportment as an athlete. No matter how he ended up with an old publishing of Savoir Vivre and how he actually even opened it up, the one thing he has decided to ignore is anything he read about food. The empty plate of his tonkatsu and even a second one, is nonnegotiable. In all this, he even read a variety of books, just to keep up with the trends Rin would bring up in their conversations.
He found himself enjoying things he cloud never even imagine before, like reading literature or watching wild animal documentaries or go to karaoke; much more, still, when he had someone to call a partner in crime…
So an old movie rerun-screening in one of Tokyo's back alley Theaters with his best friend, chill as it was, was actually something he looked forward to.
That’s why he felt his mood light that evening. And for one other reason, but that isn’t of the time—
And apparently, he wasn't the only one… 
Haru was excited, Sousuke noted when they first met up in front of the Station square; even though he already knew that this was to be expected since he’d be finally in the company of his most treasured friends — so naturally his mood would be lifted — it still surprised him. The one truly odd thing, however was that this small bliss emanating from Haru hadn't wane in the slightest by the time they arrived at the front gate of the Theater.
‘Isn’t Haru like really sour and guarded whenever he has to be alone with him?’
Sousuke was so certain that at some point his moodiness would eventually kick in if it was just the two of them, that he inwardly prayed it wouldn’t take too long for Makoto and Rin to come.
Poor soul; little did he know how this evening would actually play out…
The place in turn, was an old, semi-rundown open-air cinema, that as far as Sousuke could tell from the extreme contrast between the pristine pamphlets and posters and the dusty scratched up and flaked wooden case they rested in, it also hadn't open in quite some time…
If this place was haunted or cursed, he would make Rin spit blood—
He and Haruka exchanged a look in silence then before he asked; “Check what plays?” and Haruka nodding back in affirmation, pivoted towards the case next to the tickets booth with Sousuke following suit.
“Do you have the tickets?” Haru asked and Sousuke patted at his jacket’s chest pocket in response, as they both looked closer to the pinned program on the board; the program was a plain A4 photocopy paper that only listed two hours and the fairs for adults and kids and nothing more. They looked at each other and settled to at least check the film titles; there were 5 different movie posters among which they found a splatter, a Rambo and to their horror a romantic drama— which they decidedly ignored, hopping their tickets weren’t for that one.
Unfortunately for them, they got proven wrong.
The sole movie playing that evening was the Romance one, as the movies were projected on a rotating schedule 2 times a day.
“There is no way he planned it, right?” Haruka said horrified.
 “Knowing Rin— he must have.” Sousuke replied, rubbing at his temple; this was easy to predict and yet…
He never expected to be roped into this chick flic, about how a lover’s longing is so powerful that can bent logic and fate will always unite the unmatched, but only after the deepest, truest, most absolutely embarrassing words have been clearly relayed to the other.
‘See? I did understood what the ‘message’ was!’, he thought angrily. Mentally noting how he should plot a way to take his revenge.
He actually knew why Rin would be setting him up like this, he just didn’t want to acknowledge it.
The whole poetry of the old place— the never changing essence of life and love under the scenic moon glow, the elderly lovey-dovey couple at the front serving as the past, the kids in the back as the future— oh, Sousuke understood the themes and the lessons all too well in this assignment Rin had put out for him.
He had made him learn about this in one of their previous conversations…
‘The language of love, huh?’ he snorted at himself remembering it.
It was as if Rin was urging him: ‘Tell him. Tell him now—’
This was hell… 
Looking up the screen as the words ‘End’ were rolled out and over it the glittering full moon etched in the clear Autumn sky, Sousuke made up his mind…
From the corner of his eye, he looked at the man sitting next to him, that absently gazed as the screen gradually turned completely black and the bulbs on the gravel-covered pathways slowly lit up, again.
God, why? Why—
But for whatever reason, there was one truth and one truth only and this was as good a time to admit it as any, so he resolved to hook his eyes back on the bright moon overhead, his chest swelling with an intake of the chilly night air and his heart chocking momentarily on a throb as he said softly: “Say, Haru..”
“Hm?” Haruka, turned to look at him questioningly, but Sousuke din’t met his gaze. Not yet.
And without missing a beat he said with a sweetness that had never left his lips before; “… the moon is beautiful, ain't it.”
The look on Haruka’s face, when he finally turned to him, was a mixture of surprise and quizzical incredulity, as if he was asking ‘why are you saying that?’ and of course he would make that face— ‘corny’ was Rin’s job, after all. But Sousuke merely smiled.
Their eyes locking, as they truly saw each-other for the first time in their long acquaintance.
And he may not know how tender he had looked like at that moment, but he saw Haru’s expression shift from one of puzzlement, to realisation, to anxiousness before his gaze finally broke off in a flurry of lashes only to instantly come back again— this time gentle and steady...
“Indeed— so much it hurts…”
A.N.: I can’t believe how many times I had to save this thing in order to have something to post! _(:3 」∠)_ SouHaru save meee!!!
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