#but also I could lay face down on the floor and let moss grow over me
brother-emperors · 6 months
so I’m probably skipping this year for an Ides of March illustration, but I do have an Ides of March tag :)
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munchkin1156 · 2 years
Upon clouds we dream
Chapter One
Fake fic title by @beckyu
All characters belong to me
Lets go!
. . .
Once we wandered, down there on the earth.
Free and happy, we lived on the turf
But then came the humans, so cruel and small-minded.
And fought against us, but we were united.
But though we fought hard, it was in vain
And we ran away, very much in pain
So we fled, to the sky so high,
Where we stayed, and where we fly
But one day soon, we'll come back to finish the job,
Get rid of the humans, once and for all.
. . .
Charlie looked down at the world below. The wind whistled in his ears and his wings fluttered slightly in the open air. The avian hummed in annoyance. His sister, an osprey dreamer named Gio, would get to go down there today on a scouting mission. Lucky, she was, though she never seemed to acknowledge it. If he had been picked for the mission, he wouldn't stop bragging about it to Jem, his arch nemesis and the most annoying person Charlie had ever met. But he nor Jem hadn't been chosen. It was infuriating. His tail twitched. There weren’t any seagulls up here. That meant a storm. Not great. Wait a moment. That meant Gio couldn’t go today! So, she would have to go home! And be able to tell Charlie everything about the training, so he could prepare! Yes great!
Satisfied, he took off, soaring towards his and Gio’s house. He had been living alone for the past few days since Gio got accepted for training. It had been a bit lonely, but Charlie made up for it by training for hours. His muscles ached and his wings hurt whenever he moved them. It was going to be worth it though when they saw how strong and cool he was. There! He swooped into a dive as a small wooden cottage came into view. The cottage was made from nice mahogany wood, with moss growing over it. It sat on a plateau that stuck out above the clouds, safe from storms. Another reason why Gio should be home today. Other houses, of similar appearance, were also laid out over the flat landscape. Charlie knew every single one and every single person who lived there. He landed right by the cottage, and walked inside, face full of hope. He was not disappointed.
There, at the table, sat Gio, looking like she hadn’t slept in days. “Gio!” Charlie cried. “What happened to you!?” She looked up. “Charlie?” She said faintly. “Aren’t you supposed to be in school?” Charlie had the knowledge to look a little bit ashamed. “I might have been kicked out of class…” “Charlie!” Gio scolded. Then she sighed. “I don’t have the strength to be mad at you right now. I’m going to go rest.” “But what happens at training? And why do you look so tired? And- “ He was abruptly cut off by Gio. “I’ll tell you after I get some sleep. Promise.” Charlie glanced at her. She seemed to be on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion. “Mkay then. Sleep well and may Amble protect you.” She nodded and murmured something Charlie couldn’t catch before heading to her room and closing the door behind her. Well, that was that. He ate some ghero and went to his own bedroom. Gio would not wake for some time, he might as well get some sleep. He lay down on his bed, and finally realized just how tired he was. Charlie felt himself drift off. He would get answers in a couple of hours. For now, this was enough.
. . .
When Charlie woke up, he mumbled something incoherent, grouchily sat up, and looked around. His room was small, but it had a pleasant atmosphere. The walls had been painted a very light minty green, which helped calm him when he got stressed. There was a nice big window, sunlight was streaming through it, and pillows, blankets, and herbs were all over the floor. He must have slept through the storm. Then he remembered what Gio had promised, and raced out of his room, through the main area, and into Gio’s, ready to wake her up and force her to tell him everything. But when Charlie opened the door, Gio was not there. Just a note. He picked it up and began reading it. It read:
Hey Char
Now, I know I said I would tell you everything. But you were asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you up. It’s also strictly forbidden to tell anyone what we do in training, or what we learn, by order of the commander. Please don’t be mad. Anyway, my troop leader dropped by and said we were doing the mission now, and that I couldn’t be late. Again, sorry, I know you missed me, don’t try to deny it. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, so please listen to me this one time.
Don’t get into any trouble, try to stay in class, DO NOT pull any pranks, stay safe, and may Amble protect you while I’m gone.
Charlie looked up from the note. He was FURIOUS. How DARE she break her promise to him. How DARE she. He couldn’t do anything about it now. He couldn’t even disobey the note! Gio knew him too well to not work Amble into this. He would just have to wait until she came back. Then he could get the ultimate revenge.
. . .
Three weeks later
. . .
It was just a normal, boring, school day. Charlie was drawing under his desk, and trying his hardest to look like he was paying attention. A knock sounded at the door. “Come in!” Said miss Seina, in her musical voice. The door slowly creaked open, and a robin dreamer with a somber face stood in the doorway. He had a badge on his jacket, angel wings surrounded by darkness. It showed he worked at the battle training. He spoke softly as if he was afraid the world would fall apart if he spoke harder. “Is there a Charlie Gestro here?” Charlie gleefully raised his hand. This could be his big chance! He might be about to get into training! “That would be me, sir,” he said it in his polite voice like he always did when he talked to someone important. “How can I help you?” The man looked sadly at him. “Kid, your sister went on a scouting mission a couple of weeks back, right?” Charlie nodded, confused. “Well, we haven’t heard from them, and when we went to check at the last place they gave us a message, no one was there.” A sinking feeling started setting in. He felt sick. “The campsite was a mess, and there was blood on the ground, as well as human footprints.” Tears started forming in his eyes. No, no this could be right! “We think the humans got them.” Charlie’s drawing fell on the floor. It was of him and Gio, of that one time she joined in on his pranks.
“I’m sorry Charlie. Your sister is dead.”
. . .
Far away from all this and that, a voice shrouded in darkness whispered.
"You're my puppet now, little bird, and you belong to Me."
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lxffy · 2 years
Helloo ☺️ I saw you're open for request. I didn't see an event (I could also be blind tho) so I guess I can ask for almost anything? You can delete this if it's not the case 😳
May I ask for a Zoro x Female reader where the reader falls asleep and she accidentally ends up in Zoro's arms? They get caught by some people from the crew and get all flustered haha. They're not in a relationship but there are unspoken feelings towards each other 😳
If you're not comfortable with this, you can ignore my ask. Thank you 💕
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❦ a comforting presence…
pairing: zoro x fem!reader
synopsis: no one understands how the two of you ended up in this position, except zoro himself…
word count: 0.74k
note: fluff, mutual pining, strawhats being nosey, not proofread; before you sent this request in, i had a napping hc alr planned (never started tho) for zoro which inspired this fic too! great minds think alike, yea?
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It was an unspoken rule for the two of you guys to take naps together. You’d find Zoro sleeping on the deck and feel the urge to take a nap as well, and he never complained when you did. Most of the crew thought you were just as sleepy as Zoro always was and assumed nothing of it, but there was a much deeper meaning to it.
And today was just like any other day; you found yourself subconsciously looking for Zoro when a drawn-out yawn was pulled out of you. He was lying under one of the trees on the Thousand Sunny, his arms behind his head and his three swords resting next to him. 
The waves rocking the ship were soft and soothing and they brought a warm salty breeze across the deck. A bright blue sky soon revealed itself, bringing along a blazing sun that warmed up your skin as you walked towards Zoro’s napping spot.
The moss-head was sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and slowly falling, and you found comfort in his soft snores. You positioned yourself on the floor next to him trying not to wake him, but he was already well aware of the presence whether you could tell or not.
You rested your head on your arms while laying on your side and faced Zoro in the process. You couldn’t stop yourself from letting a small smile take over your lips; these naps were something you looked forward to every day. And Zoro never complained or commented on it either, so you let yourself believe that he wasn’t against it.
Zoro was less than an arm's length away which you didn’t realize until your eyes were already fighting to stay open. He wouldn’t mind, you thought. Plus, the two of you were much too sleepy to do anything about it…
“Oi, Nami, are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
“Are my eyes playing jokes on me right now?”
“They look superrrr comfortable too.”
Besides the three voices circling around your head, you felt a different surface under your head instead of the grass you previously rested on. There was a secure arm around your waist and it took a minute to realize what was happening.
You quickly rose up, your hands were placed right in the middle of Zoro’s chest and you accidentally pushed a little too hard, which woke him up quite quickly. You removed your arms from his chest and quickly uttered an apology but your mind was occupied with trying to come up with an excuse.
Zoro slowly blinked his eyes as he straightened up. “What’s going on?”
But it didn’t take him long to remember what took place in the last few minutes. 
The two of you glanced at each other before quickly looking away, too embarrassed to look each other in the eye. But you didn’t miss the growing blush evident on his ears.
“I swear, that was just a random occurrence that will probably never happen again,” You said frantically, facing Nami, Usopp, and Franky.
“What happened?” Sanji asked from above, Luffy following out the kitchen. Zoro’s embarrassment deepened knowing that the one and only love cook was above, watching the rest of the situation go down.
“Nothing happened!” Zoro yelled, his eyes looking anywhere but one of his crewmates.
“Y/n fell asleep in Zoro’s arms!” Usopp announced.
“Eh?” Sanji exclaimed. “Zoro did what to Y/n?!”
Zoro wanted nothing more than to punch Sanji square in the face knowing he succumbed to doing something remotely romantic. On any other day, he would’ve noticed the presence of the others before they arrived, but something about you sleeping in his arms had his guard down.
He looked over at you and watched you frantically try and clear any misunderstandings, but there was nothing to clear up. He knew what he wanted when he felt you roll closer to him during your nap. Zoro couldn’t tell whether you regret what happened but he sure as hell didn’t.
You could feel Zoro’s eyes boring into you which made your face feel impossibly warmer. But knowing him, you’d thought it would be better to clear up the situation than having the crew bring this up later.
Although, you did find it strange that Zoro didn’t move after he felt you resting on him. Maybe he was just being nice, but wrapping an arm around you must’ve meant something more than just being nice.
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🏷: @underscar + @thatsprettycoolbro + @blackweebtrash + @levistiddies + @zorosq
join my taglist here !
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mxvladdy · 3 years
Oof, my little heart couldn't hold all of the feels you elicited with "Worth", so good. You were very thorough
Can I request a NSFW continuation later that afternoon?
Maybe a bit of praise kink since his little Giglio needs reassurance? (Also, 👀 demon daddy dick in a tiny human can't be easy)
A/N: *ears perk up* How did you know all of my weaknesses?
Pairing: Diavolo x GN! Reader
Warnings: Little bit of size kink, little bit of daddy kink, smut (18+)
Word Count: 4.6k (there is a lot leading up to it lol)
You decide to take the rest of your meal to Diavolo’s private solarium. While his inner chambers were comfortable enough. If you were going to take the day to yourselves you didn’t want to spend all of it in the bedroom. No matter how tempting the idea was. Dia takes you through the maze of corridors and hidden doors, both of you still in your night things, unkempt but happy to be so. Normally Diavolo wouldn’t be caught dead outside of a pressed suit or his uniform, but this was a treat for both of you after all. So now he strolled through his kingdom in nothing but a pair of sleep pants and sleepers, you nestled comfortably in his arms grasping a basket of leftover food and drink tucked in your lap. No stuffy clothes today or polite word play, just layed back pleasures.
Artificial sunlight greets you as he pushes the large glass door open to his garden with his shoulder. The warmth of it cuts through the thin fabric of your sleepwear, chasing away the last vestiges of drowsiness that clung to you. You unfurl in his arms, stretching out like the plants around you. Smiling up into the sun you can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. The breeze circling around you was sweet with the smell of blooming spring flowers and crisp creek water.
The first time Diavolo invited you into his secret garden you were in awe. He boasted proudly to you that he had designed it and planted the gardens himself back in his younger years before his duties took up almost all his time. It was a wild place. The plants growing free and unmolested by controlling hands or others' judgment of what beauty was. It reflected the unique characteristics of the Prince beautifully. To be given access to this place was an honor. Not even the brothers knew of this area. His personal beach was a place he didn’t mind sharing with his closest companions, but the gardens? The gardens were just his. Only he and Barbatos knew of it. Until you came along.
“Where shall we sit mio giglio?” His gold eyes sweep his grounds before looking down at you with a tender smile. “By the willows? They are in bloom, or perhaps the lake.” He nods his chin to the south following a clean well maintained brick path. Both of these places were your favorite places to relax after school.
You look down at the basket in your lap in thought. “No. How about the veranda by the hedge garden?” That was his favorite place to lounge.
He hums in delight, agreeing readily. “Wonderful! The cosmos should be in bloom by now.” He turns to the north traipsing through soft overgrown grass and sprouts of spongy moss. He didn’t have a path for this area.
“You can just make them bloom whenever, right?” You ask.
“And where would be the fun in that?” He shoots you a wink. “Magic doesn’t need to be used for everything you know.”
You huff. “Says the guy that can do magic.” He laughs but doesn’t disagree. The sound of a babbling brook grows louder and louder as you both venture further into the heart of his garden. The trees and bushes tickle your body as he walks through the grove of overgrown branches and vines to the most secluded part. Breaching one more dense shrubbery you arrive. He lets you down with a tender kiss before going about collecting the discarded floor cushions and blankets scattered about the patio. He works in silence creating a semi-circle of puff by the edge of the deck. You let him work placing the basket by the little nest forming and go to lean over the low railing separating you from a short drop down to the flowing waters traveling underneath you. The air was cooler here from the freshwater. It gives you goosebumps up your bare legs. “Careful,” Dia calls to you, looking up from his work. “The wood is slick there.”
You nod showing him that both of your hands were on the railing as you venture over to the bright blue and yellow flowers pushing their way through the gaps in the wood. They sway innocently up at you. Their petals are soft and forgiving under the pads of your fingers. They looked like human plants, but you were certain. “Everything here is safe for you to explore.”
Turning to your prince you laugh. His large body now splayed out over the nest he had just finished. His body faces away from you towards the unlit fire pit. He looks at you upside down, his head draping over a large bolster pillow. “Oh? Does that include you?” You match his teasing smile stopping inches away from his outstretched hands. He scoffs in frustration, making grabby hands at your thighs to make you join him.
“Of course tesoro. This day is for us… for you. If you so desire.” His voice is calm and light but his eyes are predatory.
“I do like that idea.” You inch closer bending down to trace a finger over his bare chest. You follow the swirling marks of his heritage up his chest and arms to his parted lips. “I do have some ideas…” You trail off feeling claw-tipped fingers circling your calves and travel up to your inner thighs. The tips of which brush dangerously close to the edges of your underwear.
Diavolo beams. “Dia!” You yelp in shock as he takes your knees out from under you. You tumble forward into his warm body and pillows. His laugh is jovial and bright, way too pleased with his little stunt. Straightening yourself out on his chest you match his gentle rolling laugh with your own breathless one.
“Mio Giglio.” He comes up to kiss the laugh lines curling around your lips. “Cosa c’é che non va?” He hugs you closer. You laugh accepting his affections. “Such a beauty.” He marvels. “Even with the dried drool.” He swipes at the corner of your mouth before you could protest.
“Hey!” You wiggle in his embrace elbowing his stomach in jest. “I do not!” You rub your warming face just to make sure. “Though, you would too if you slept like the dead. Mister toss and turn all night.” Dia chortles.
“I do not know that colloquialism.” He raises a red brow. You can see the excitement lighting up in his eyes at the thought of learning something new, something entirely human. “You do not reek of death.” He sniffles obnoxiously for comedic effect. “You smell alive and wholly mine. Though the latter is fading.” He nips your shoulder. “Has it been that long since we have lain together?” Your silence as you thought was enough of an answer for him.
“Apologies-” He growls. “I have neglected you more than I thought. Shall we rectify that?” Two warm hands grasp your bottom grinding you down slowly on the growing hardness between his legs. You groan letting him set a slow leisurely grind to your hips. You rock for a while capturing his lips with yours. His kisses leave you breathless. “May I?” You don’t know what he was asking for but whatever it was you knew it was going to be good.
With your eager nod of encouragement, Dia flops back down onto his back and holds you firm to his chest. With his eyes on yours, he slides forward till his shaggy head disappears underneath the hem of your sleepshirt. His hot breath dampens the skin of your inner thigh. You squirm feeling a definitely inhuman tongue trailing up to your center, tasting the salt forming there. Relax my flower, let me in. His voice echoes deep within your head. Its low thrumming helps your body relax under his skilled mouth and hands. Your eyes close, more than ready for Diavolo to consume you in the best possible way. His purr trails up your spine while his face nuzzles deeper into the fabric of your damp underwear.
Then your stomach rumbles-loudly.
“Ha!Ha!” In a flash, Diavolo pops out from beneath your legs. His fangs glistening while he laughs. “My darling, have I now neglected one of your base needs?”
“You’re neglecting me now~” You try to grab his shoulders to continue, fighting like mad not to glow even hotter with embarrassment as your stomach roars again. He laughs louder. It booms out ricocheting off the wooden floor.
“Come now. I will claim you soon enough beloved. First, let us sate your other hunger.” Righting your clothes he nestles you in beside him reaching over for the basket. He chuckles, not letting your pouting get to him. He swats your ass teasingly making you squeak. “Coffee or tea?” He rubs the spot he just hit and pulls out two large insulated carafes.”
You eye him. “When did you plan this?” He smiles, serving you up a plate of goodies and a cup of coffee.
“This morning when Barbatos came to rouse me for my morning meetings.” He pops a piece of smoked meat in his mouth and looks out into the sunlit garden. “I suggested instead of getting my uniform ready, perhaps he would kindly bring some warm drinks and extra pillows to the solarium before leaving us to our own devices.” He leans back into the tufted blankets and pillows. “I thought some “air” would be good for-err...me. To clear my head a little before- you know.” His cheeks pinken.
“You’re hungover.” You snort into your toast. It wasn’t a question and he doesn’t deny it. Instead, he goes to pour himself a large cup of black coffee.
“I thought by the time you woke up it would pass.” He shrugs. “But I believe the fresh air and sun wouldn’t hurt either,” Diavolo pauses in thought before continuing. “Plus, I always wanted to fuck you out here.”
You choke. “You could have just said so.” You poke his leg.
“And ruin the surprise?” He pokes you back.
You eat your fill of the basket, topping each piece of the crusty pieces of bread you pull out with soft cheeses and savory prosciutto, sprinkling the tops of each with pine nuts and a drizzle of honey. All the while Diavolo sips at his coffee deep in thought. You catch his eyes several times while you eat, his eyes following the trail of your tongue as you try in vain to clean the sticky residue left from the sweet syrup on your fingers. The last time you catch him you offer him a tacky finger, getting dangerously close to his stubbly cheek. “Want some?”
The prince chuckles, tilting his head away. He grabs your wrist gently. “What a mess, my little human.” He licks one of your fingers, sucking the tip for a moment before releasing you. You pull your hand back, scrunching your nose up in distaste.
“I didn’t expect you to actually lick them!” He laughs, pulling a napkin out for you. You take it and wipe your hands.
“Please, you act like I haven’t tasted all of you before.” His playful gaze flashes hungrily over you for a moment. He takes your empty plates from you and places them to the side. “Come here piccolo giglio I believe we had some unfinished business, no?” You clamber up his lap spreading your legs wide to straddle him. Diavolo chuffs, the sound rattling your chest. “Shall I start where I left off?” He rucks your shirt up higher revealing inch after inch of soft skin till it bundles one your waist. His callous fingers skirt over your underwear to tug at the waistband.
Dia pulls you in for a searing kiss, teeth grazing over your lips and tongue. You follow his pace, his kisses languid. Before long he begins to lead your hips in a slow grind over his covered dick. His hands rolling your hips in time with his kisses. The slow tempo doesn’t last long. While he may have the patience of the saints you most certainly didn’t.
He grins into your kiss when he feels you huff in annoyance. Your hands come up to cup his cheeks in warning. “Stop teasing me.” You separate from him with a whimper. He grins taking a thick finger to the seam of your underwear.
“Is it not the devil’s job to tempt?” His gold eyes flash in warning before the world turns upside down. You land on your back, the cushions catching your tumble. Your shout of surprise turns into a high pitch whine of pleasure as Dia’s head buries itself between your splayed legs. His tongue follows the line his finger had just traced earlier. “Getting to indulge my sweetheart in a paradise like this? I am upset that I had not thought of this sooner.” He whispers to himself. He pauses, pushing away to look at you. The air around him grows thick. “Tell Daddy what you need.” You shiver, breath catching at the sharp drop in his tone. His jovial teasing was gone, replaced with a tone of authority that makes your toes curl. His hot whisper caresses your ear and your mind goes blank.
What did you want? What did you want first? You wanted his fingers stroking you to completion, his lips kissing every cry that spilled from your lips. You wanted his solid body covering yours rocking deep inside of you. You wanted him to erase every fear and anxiety that the court had instilled in you. “You.” It was all you could manage to say, but it was enough for him. Pushing you onto your back he grabs your hips and pulls them into the air, throwing your legs around his broad shoulders. You wiggle your shoulders deeper into the pillows grinning up at Diavolo as you squeeze your thighs around his ears. Groaning in satisfaction, he leans forward. Your underwear doesn’t last long now that he has you where he wants you. The soft fabric tearing in his haste to remove them, the tattered remains of the cotton thrown off into the bushes to be forgotten. There is no preamble anymore. His tongue laps broad patterns across your entrance.
“D…” You arch your back upwards, grinding yourself onto his face. “Dia.” Diavolo rumbles back, squeezing your quacking thighs to comfort you. He pulls you closer still, eyes locking with yours to watch your reaction as he circles your hole. He waits there playing with you until he sees something he liked in your expression. When he sees whatever it was that he was looking for he strikes, sinking his tongue deep, groaning with you at the feel of tight muscles relaxing around his intrusion. You cover your mouth trying hard to muffle your sounds in the silent garden around you. Even if you were alone, just the thought that you could be overheard sent a shudder through you. You could hear your heart hammering in your ears as the demon slowly worked you open. You wail, forgetting your previous attempts to be silent when you felt a large finger join his tongue.
He rubs against you slowly twisting and pulling his finger and tongue in mind numbing patterns to bump along your sides till you choke. He hums sucking noisily in triumph. Bringing his hands up, he spread your cheeks further apart burying deeper. “Dia-please.” You pull at his hair unsure if you were asking for more or less. You could feel a fire starting in your toes, static clouding your mind.
He pulls off, lips glistening with slick. “Say it properly.” He nips your leg in warning. You bite your bottom lip, worrying it between your blunt teeth. Your eyes blur with tears of frustration. You were so close… a finger toys with you pressing in on the edges of your entrance waiting.
“Daddy-please.” Your reward was instantaneous, his fingers thrust in, curling up to mimic the motions his tongue had done just before. He curls over the top of you covering you with his warm body. His lips brush against your temple and mouth to distract you from another finger slipping in alongside his forefinger.
“So good for me, so good, my little human.” Diavolo moans against your mouth before his tongue pushes past your lips once more. You tremble in the cage of his arms, soft mews falling from your open lips while he stretches you. It hurts, just a little sting, but it reminds you just how distant you two have been of late. Gripping onto his arms you struggle to take him. Even with your prince doing his best to distract you from the discomfort you feel it was a lot. He whispers praises into your sweaty skin while he peppers your shoulder with kisses. “Easy love, think you can handle one more.” Gods you were already overwhelmed, but still so greedy for more. You knew what to come would be even more. You nod. Anything to hurry him up.
He rewards you with a hard kiss before slipping in a third finger, his thumb coming up to rub soothing circles into your skin. You cry out in a daze. The rough pads of his fingers catch on your walls pulling strained notes from you with each stroke. He pumps in slow sporadic patterns just skirting over the areas that drive you crazy. He coos to you, singing your praises while his eyes linger on how your body clings to him each time he tries to pull out. But soon the burn disappears altogether and is replaced by the nagging pressure on your shoulders. The position leaning up against his kneeling form begins to agitate your neck and back.
Squirming in his attentive hold you tap his bicep in rapid succession. He stops immediately feeling your sign and pulls away. “Speak to me.” He looks you over. His tone turns soft once more, his domineering demeanor vanishes quickly. “Is this too much?”
Shaking your head you plant the balls of your feet into his shoulders and push him away. He moves away so you lay sprawling out in the cushions. Your body thanks you, popping and groaning as you stretch out. “No, no it’s perfect. I just need to change positions. I’m not as big and strong as you.” You wink. He chuckles sitting back onto your haunches to give you a moment to center yourself. He can only keep his hands to himself for a moment before they are on you again. He rubs up your ankles and knees, messaging any tense muscles he feels until you are melting, your body warming up again to the idea of him on you. “There,” You sigh popping your neck. “Now, where were we, Daddy.” You wrap your legs around his strong waist coming up to your elbows to tug at the waistband of his pants.
Hand around his thick cock you stroke up toying your thumb over his head. Diavolo grunts going rigid at the feel of your wondering fingers. Harsh words in his native tongue fall from his lips. He covers your slowly moving hand with his own to guide you just how he likes. “Gods, I miss this. How long has it been since the last time we have had time to indulge like this?” He watches your hand through half-lidded eyes, the gold of his irises molten.
“Too long.” You agree. You lean back and close your eyes enjoying the feel of him in your hand. “Did you?”
“Basket, left hand side.” He nods at the discarded wicker basket.
You give him an appreciative squeeze and lean over to rummage through the forgotten food. “Thought of everything, huh?”
“I promised to be attentive today, did I not? I always want to treat my little human right.” He twists his hand over yours upping the tempo of your strokes till he is hissing around gritted fangs. “I-was hoping at least.” He breaks his gaze from your joined hands. His cheeks tint pink beneath his dark skin.
You crane your neck up to kiss the strained expression from his face. You feel him vibrating beneath your touch, ready to spring. “Let me prep you?” You ask while reaching for the bottle you placed between your thighs to warm it.
“I don’t need much.” He admits moving away. “You drive me crazy.” He groans hearing you pop the cap and feel the slightly warm drizzle down his cock. Your hand returns with a smoother glide, faster this time. Your other traveling down to squeeze his balls. He gasps, losing control of his steel restraint for a moment to grab your shoulders. He arches into your ministrations groaning in great detail just what he was going to do to you into the cool air of the back garden. His blood is boiling in his veins when he finally pushes your hands away to lay you down.
“How do you want me?” You finally strip your sleep shirt away excitedly.
“Just like this for now.” He growls lifting your leg up and back over his shoulder while he wraps the other around his hip locking it down in his strong grip. “I need to see you.” He squeezes your hip lovingly. “Lay back.” You drop baring yourself fully for his perusal. Your arms spread up and over your head to wrap themselves in the rumpled blankets.
He thanks you with a light kiss to your ankle before lining himself up with your entrance. His breathing grows heavy, deep chuffs emerging again in his excitement. He can taste your eagerness mixing with his in the air. He teases you, playing his head against you, pushing in only enough to breach you before pulling out again. He plays with you like this till your mewling, your blunt little nails leaving tiny crescent shaped indentations in the tawny skin of his arms. The sharp little sting of your nails trying to break through his thick skin along with the feel of your body clenching around him in a futile effort to suck him in is finally enough for him. Setting his hips thrusts forward.
He steals the cry escaping from your mouth with a kiss. The smooth feel of his tongue and teeth pull your senses in twain scrambling your brain as he stretches you open more than his fingers ever could. You should remember the feel of him. After all the times you two have spent together he still takes your breath away.
The stretch was immense as always, your legs shaking in his hold despite your best effort to stay still. Another inch slips in and you yelp. Your hands fly up instinctively out and press against his tense abdomen to halt him. “I-a moment.” You are both shaking for different reasons while you will your body to relax, your muscles squeezing him to the point of discomfort. He waits halfway in and breathes deeply through his nose. Diavolo hunches over you, careful not to jostle you. Resting his head on your shoulder he whispers words of praise to you in languages lost since lost to mortal ears. His lips trace nonsensical patterns into your shoulder and chest. You melt bit by bit into his words and skillful caresses till you are relaxed and pliant.
You nod when ready, your body screaming for a release. His reaction is instantaneous, hips curling to push in with vigor. By the time his hips are flush with yours, you are on the verge again. “Dia, God-” Your words were cut off after a hard thrust from him.
He laughs breathlessly into your shoulder. “God? In my gardens? Such blasphemy…” His claws emerge, the black and gold tips rip into the cushions around you. “You would call for another in my presence? Must I remind you who warms your bed?” You bob your head eagerly, your heart leaping into your throat at the look he gives you.
He starts up again, his rhythm steady and solid, much like the man himself. The sound of skin slapping skin slowly begins filling the space between you. Diavolo is silent as he moves against you, his hands unable to find a permanent place to land. They roam your body, squeezing your hips and ass before traveling up to your pert nipples. His mouth follows his hands licking the valley between your pectorals and lavishing your neck with fresh blemishes the colors of the flowers around you. You love the solid weight on him pinning you to his front, but the tempo was too soft for his words.
“Thought you were going to leave your mark on me? Make sure I never utter another being's name from my lips again.” You pant tugging at his hair sharply pulling a deep grunt from him. “Make me yours Dia- you promised.” Your words did the trick. He grabs your hips once more, nearly folding you in half to sink deeper inside. You howl, the stretch of him pushing your borders brings you closer and closer to that sweet precipice. The devil bearing down on you was just what you needed.
The heat of him on top of you is dizzying, making your headlight and fuzzy. You can feel the small compacted muscles of his abdomen and stomach stretch and twitch with each smooth thrust of his hips into yours. Too soon for his liking, the fire building in his gut began to unravel. “Ah-mia dolcezza. Somo vicino.” The prince grounds out into your heaving chest. While you didn’t understand the words, the raw desperation in them sends a carnal shiver down your spine. You begin to beg, voice high and breathless as his thrusts quicken.
You lock your free leg around his waist while your hands drift down to touch yourself. He slaps your hand away only to replace them with his own strong fingers. His fingers sever the thin tether keeping you from coming and you tip. Dia’s own roar of completion was all but muted white noise in your ear. You gasp looking up blindly through a sweaty curtain of red hair as Dia twitches and spills deep within you. He falls atop of you crushing you into him, but you couldn’t give less of a damn. He was a safe space in this realm. He was your safe space. His purs melting on top of you as you massage his scalp comfortingly. The two of you bask in silence for the moment. “I can’t feel my legs.” You admit finally feeling a tingle starting in your toes and calves.
“In a good way?” His voice is muffled by the pillows by your head. You hum.
“Very- and you?” He chuffs, raising onto shaking arms, and slips out of you. He watches his seed trickle out lazily. He rumbles in pride as your body tries to keep it all inside. Already the smell of his claim was covering your natural clean scent.
“At ease and wonderful.” He flops to his side scooping you up to cradle you against his chest. His arm comes around your middle while his chin rests on the top of your head. Exhausted, you relax in his arms, eyes already too heavy to stay open. Soon he hears your breathing even out becoming deep and steady in your slumber. Diavolo smiles to himself looking out to the creek. He’ll let you rest, for now, already he could feel himself stirring once more his instincts to coat you in his scent pushing him into overdrive. He was far from sated. Hopefully, you felt the same.
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nationalharryleague · 4 years
In the Long Green Grass
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Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Genre: the fluffiest fluff with husband!harry  
Word count: 2K
A/N: Hi everyone!! Merry Christmas to all that celebrate!! this is my Secret Santa (run and organized by the lovely lu (@meetmymouth​) gift to the sweetest angel who walks among us miss hasibi (@peachybloomss​)!!! I hope you enjoy it my love!!! More of my writing can be found in my masterlist and I would love to hear what everyone thinks in my ask! Thank you so much for reading!! 
You were stirred by the sounds of the waves crashing against the cliff outside the home as the early morning sun streamed in through the windows. A small huf and whine left your lips, always one to ask for just five more minutes in bed, before you climbed from underneath the warm plush blankets and your toes hit the icy and worn wood floors beneath you.
The buttery yellow sunlight thwarted your plans to fight yourself back to sleep for those last few moments, prompting you to reach out your arms in a longing stretch. You released a light and sleepy hum of surprise when your arm hit a tiny furry body, and not the arm of the man who loved to sleep late in the bed beside you. Peeping one eye open, you made eye contact with Piper, Harry’s small jet black cat with glowing green eyes who was laying next to you, curled up on sheets that still held the indent of his body in them.
Piper wore a face of annoyance, obviously blaming you for interrupting her precious beauty sleep, and her eyes followed your body as you forced yourself out of the bed with one goal: find Harry.
Harry had a habit of disappearing, especially in a new place where there was just so much to explore. He was a wanderer (and an aquarius); always on the move, carried along by a thought or idea he just couldn’t resist. It was hard for him to sit still, a trait he probably picked up after tour after tour after tour, never allowing himself the luxury of rest or relaxation after it was never allowed to him. That was why you had insisted he needed time away from the city, finding a perfect spot in a small cottage that sat on the edge of a cliff along the ocean with a back garden full of sweet smelling flowers and tall cushony grass.
You tiptoed carefully down the spiral staircase that lovingly let out groans underfoot, still rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, into a kitchen that looked straight out of a fairytale. It was small with moss green cabinets and large bay windows that filled the space with light that kept the seemingly hundreds of plants in the house happy and thriving. A cool ocean breeze came in through the open windows of the small breakfast nook, bringing along the scent of a fresh pot of coffee that sat on the butcher block countertops like it had been waiting for you to wake all along. While you felt a jump of excitement within you for the coffee, it still hadn’t been what (or who) you were looking for, even though you were very glad you found it.
A sweet cup of coffee was thoughtfully prepared in a tea cup you had found in the cabinet with small wisteria flowers painted around it’s rim. You knew Harry would poke fun at your cup choice if he were there. “Tea cups are for tea,” you could hear him say, perking up the edges of your mouth into a gentle smile as you sipped it carefully. But the flowers reminded you of the beautiful wisteria tree that flowed in the wind and scattered it’s petals all over the back garden; you just couldn’t pass it up.
It took you quite a while to find him, even with the new found caffeinated energy running through your system. You had run into the two other cats at the house, both rather chubby tabbys named Jack and Gus, that called this back garden home on your search and you obviously had to say good morning. The two rubbed themselves up against your legs, begging for a scratch behind the ear and a bit of attention, and you obliged. Who were you to deny them of it?
The garden the cats got to call home was a dream. It was filled with every variety of colorful flower imaginable and blanketed in a sweet air that always hovered over the space. Your favorites were the small peachy blooms that smelled of sugary perfume. A stone fence ran the perimeter of the yard, a white picket fence in the middle opening to a swath of overgrown grass that swayed in the wind on a hill. If you squinted, you could see the house of the couple you were renting the cottage from, but they were far enough away it felt like you were the only people around for miles.
When you spotted a Harry-shaped hole in the tall grass up the hill, you had a sneaking suspicion you had found your missing husband.
The tall grass squished beneath your feet as you climbed the hill, creating a soft padding below, and the long blades tickled against your bare legs as you made your way towards him, still only dressed in one of his perfectly worn t-shirts from the night before.
“There you are,” you hummed happily when you reached him, standing above him as he layed in the grass. “I thought that I lost you.”
He looked like a renaissance painting as he laid in the grass that was dotted with small pink and purple wildflowers. His curls had gotten a little longer during his much needed break and they splayed out around his head in delicate ringlets like a halo. The light from the still rising sun bounced off his slightly dewy skin, giving him a glow that lit him up even more than usual. Stubble danced across his cheeks and jaw, framing his perfectly pink lips that held a gentle smile as he looked up at you from the ground. And his eyes squinted slightly, shielding his pupils from the ever growing brightness of the sky, creating delicate little wrinkles around his sea glass green eyes that looked so vibrant in the light.
A worn book that you hadn’t seen before, bound in dark green leather with gold detailing, sat on his chest; Poems for Lovers: A Collection was embossed delicately across the cover.
“You’ll never lose me,” he mumbled up at you, a gravel in his voice like it was the first time he had used it that day. You had been married for almost two years and had been together for five, but your cheeks never failed to redden when he spoke sweet nothings like that. “Good morning, angel,” he said softly, reaching his hand up for yours.
You moved to place your hand in his, but ended up only linking your pinkies together in the process; a light tug from the man below you signaled for you to join him on the ground. You couldn’t resist, sitting yourself down with your legs crossed in front of you on the slightly damp ground next to him, pinkies still locked together.
“Morning,” you greeted. “I missed you in bed. Piper isn’t much of a cuddler,” you chuckled while absentmindedly playing with his fingers, twirling his wedding band.
“She’s not very nice, is she?” he smiled, opening his eyes fully to meet yours as you strategically moved your body to block his delicate eyes from the sun. “I’m sorry my cat’s a bitch,” he joked. “She still thinks she’s my number one girl.”
“I tell her I’m sorry that I stole her spot in bed all the time, she never listens. Won’t even have a civil chat with me about it,” you teased sarcastically.
Harry let out an enthusiastic giggle at your words; it was high pitched, and came from his belly in loud bursts of air. His cheeks scrunched up and forced his eyes closed because he was smiling so wide, crinkling the corners of his eyes once again. His laughter was infectious and you couldn’t help but join in.
You two must have looked insane, sitting in the grass in a field in the middle of nowhere just after dawn, laughing like idiots. But you wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Well, a few more hours of sleep wouldn’t have hurt.
As your gigges died down, you turned your attention to the book resting on his chest. “You ditched me in bed for a book?” you teased, letting the remaining laughter escape your body.
“I couldn’t sleep and I found it on one of the bookshelves. I thought it would be nice to read in the grass and watch the sun come up.”
“You should have woken me up. I could have thought of a few things we could have done to tire you out.” A smirk played on your lips as you tapped your chin, pretending to think, as you watched his eyes grow in amusement from your innuendo.
“You looked too peaceful sleeping. Also, drool and bedhead don’t really turn me on if I’m being honest.” It was your turn to react to his teasing.
Your jaw dropped in feigned offence and your finger flew over your shoulder to point back at the cottage. “I can go back if you’d like your privacy,” you said incredulously and with dramatics, until a few chuckles broke through and your resolve softened once again.
“Oh no no no,” he spoke with a grin, “come here,” moving the book and tapping his chest for you to rest your head on. You turned yourself around to lay yourself on the ground, placing your head on his chest and listening to his steady and calming heartbeat.
“How are your poems?” you asked, referencing the book he was now holding in his hands.
“They are very good. I’m glad I found it.” His voice reverberated under your head as he spoke, and you rose and fell softly with his breath.
“Read me your favorite.”
“Okay,” he began, thumbing through the pages as he held the book above both your heads. You listened as he let out a small “ah, here it is,” before he dramatically cleared his throat. “You might remember me talking about this one already, but I love it.”
You knew he loved it before he even began reading anything. He loved his poetry, especially when they were about love. Harry was a hopeless romantic at heart, often saying to you and interviewers “I just love love.” He loved falling in love with you and becoming a team, just as much as you did with him.
“It’s called The Wait,” he spoke gently, his voice taking on a deeper and more enunciated quality. You recognized the poem immediately, as it was the one referenced on his pants for the Vogue cover shoot. He had dedicated it to you then, and was doing it again now in the grass. “It seemed like years before I picked a bouquet of kisses off her mouth and put them into a dawn-colored vase in my heart,” he began. He spoke slowly and smoothly with the consistency and sweetness of honey. “But the wait was worth it,” he continued. “Because I was in love.”
You couldn’t help but think of your own story as he read. He had chased after you for years, with you always insisting that he was your best friend and you were afraid to ruin that. But gradually, your best friend became your lover, and your lover became your husband.
“I like that one a lot too.” You spoke softly and with reflection. “It reminds me of us.”
“That’s why it’s my favorite.”
You two layed in the grass for hours, not a care in the world, as he read from the book. Every poem took you two on a journey into a love story, one that for the two of you only existed on the page, but told of a very real love that couldn’t have been dishonestly written.
But with how you felt in the moment, with the joy and loving warmth you felt in your belly, you were sure you could write a million poems about the love you had with him.
Thank you so much for reading!! Reblogs/feedback mean the world!!! 
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Banana Pancakes
HELLO MY LOVES! WHEW! This one took me WAY longer than I had wanted it to, but you know, life comes at ya and you gotta go with the punches.
That being said, this fic is part of @stellarboystyles​ THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY FIC CHALLENGE! Congrats darling (though I’m a month late)! I had picked the single parent trope and the line I chose to use for the challenge is bolded and italicized in my fic. 
Without further ado, I present my Nanny!Harry fic. Enjoy, leave a like, REBLOG FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! Send me some feed back, asks, love or hate, I don't care. TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS!
I love you and treat people with kindness. 
Warnings: Lots of fluff, a sprinkle of smut, and a dash of angst (if you squint). 
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Harry woke up to the smell of the crisp, cool fall air coming through his cracked bedroom window. The sky was still an inky fog as he stretched his arms over his head, skin pimpling as the air caressed him. He woke up before his alarm out of habit, knowing it would ring out shortly.
He roused out of his bed, extending his stretch through his legs and let out a satisfied groan when that one particular muscle in his lower back felt the pull it desired. He turned to his phone to turn his alarm off before going to the window to shut it, only after his dark tabby cat climbed back into his rightful home. Harry mumbled a ‘morning handsome’ to his fuzz ball, crouching down to give Elvis some morning loving.
Elvis followed Harry into the kitchen, knowing it was time for breakfast, mewing while figure-eighting between Harry’s feet.
“I know bub, I’m getting it.” Harry let out a yawn as he was filling the cat’s bowl. Elvis jumped on the counter, shoving his face in the bowl before Harry was even done filling it. “Eager this morning, are ya? Out there charming all the lady cats got you hungry? I hope you were a gentleman, I taught you better.”
Harry began making his coffee and filled his mug before returning to his room to get ready for the day. He decided on picking her favorite sweater; his blue ‘mon petite’ chickadee jumper. He laid it out on his bed as he pulled out his brown wide legged trousers and a striped button up to layer. He jumped in the shower to rinse off the morning haze and the ‘sleepies’, as his girl calls it.
His girl.
He smiled as he thought about her, what they had planned for the day. Maybe he will take her to the museum, stop by her favorite cafe, pick up a new book for them to read. He finished getting ready, pulling out his bike from the hallway closet to get it all set for his venture to his girl’s house. He grabbed his backpack, filled it with his girl’s favorite snacks, books, and their matching lavender water bottles, smiling as he threw his bag on his shoulders and carried his bike down the stairs of the apartment building.
Harry got to his girl’s home, putting in the code as he turned the key as to not awake her with the alarm. He put down his bag by the entry table, kicking off his scuffed up white Vans before softly padding up the stairs. He saw the door cracked open, slowly pushing it open further before walking to kneel by the bed.
He gently pushed her unruly hair off her beautiful face, seeing her lips in a pout and a furrow in her brow. She stirred slightly before her big doe eyes sleepily blinked open, causing Harry to smile down at her, which earned him a smile back.
“Good morning, my sweet girl.”
“Mornin’, did mama leave yet?”
“Not yet, Monkey. You know she can never go to work without giving you your kiss.”
Layla sat up fully, making grabby hands for Harry to pick her up and carry her downstairs. Harry could hear you in the shower getting ready for work as Layla cuddled into him on his way to your kitchen.
If you would have asked Harry two years ago if he thought he would be the nanny to your daughter, he would have laughed at the idea. He had been working at a daycare center when he first met you and his girl, Layla.
She was an infant when you had to return to work. Being a single mom, you needed to do what was best for you and your little bundle of joy. You had done extensive research on all the daycare facilities in your area, even venturing out a little further to get the best for your little angel. You had taken her to Small Wonders Daycare, nervous for your first day back as a pediatrician resident at the children’s hospital and your first day away from the love of your life.
You had walked into her assigned room provided by the administration when you completed the application and interview. The room was duckling yellow with moss green accents. Babies were laying on their bellies on the floor, being cooed at by a gentleman in a sheep sweater vest and tan trousers. He looked up to see you with Layla in her carrier, beaming and quickly hopped on his socked feet to meet you at the door. His co-teacher promptly laid with the little ones on the floor.
“You must be Mrs. Y/LN!”
“Um, no, just Dr. Y/LN or Y/N preferably.” You smiled at him as he was blushing from embarrassment.
“I - I am so sorry.”
“It’s alright. Not the first time it has happened.” You smiled at him before looking down at your little one who is looking around with wide eyes. Harry also looked at the carrier, quickly gaining his composure as he saw the little beauty.
“And you must be Layla!” Cooing at her, causing her to smile and blink slowly. He got on his knees as you placed the carrier on the floor so that he was able to unhook her and gently pick her up to his chest. He softly looked down at her as she returned the gaze, “Don’t tell the other girls this but, you have got to be the most beautiful little girl I have ever met.”
Layla quickly nuzzled into his chest, scratching gently at one of the sheep on his vest, giving you a sense of comfort and ease, knowing that your daughter is already in good hands. You had tried not to cry as you told Harry her schedule and routine, handing him her diaper bag.
“She prefers her milk at room temp, she gets fussy if it's too hot or too cold. There is enough breastmilk for the day and formula as well, if you need it. She has been eating me dry.” Harry gave a light chuckle, handing you your baby as he was putting the breastmilk in the refrigerator, Layla’s diapers and wipes in their designated spot by the changing table.
“I packed some extra clothes in her bag too, lots of bibs. She is not the most ladylike when it comes to eating, huh baby?” You gently rubbed her cheek as you looked down at her with maternal love.
Harry, always in awe of the way a mother could love her child and after being with you for a few moments, he knew that you could never love or cherish anything more than the little being cradled in your arms. The way your daughter looked up at you with awe, watching your every movement. That was a love that Harry always craved for.
Seeing Layla grow was one of Harry's fondest memories. He was there when she started to take her first attempt at steps, babbling and cooing her first ‘words’. When it was time that Layla was meant to graduate from his class room, it broke his heart. And it broke yours too.
Harry and Layla had created such a bond, you couldn’t bear for them to part. So you did the only thing you thought you could do when you walked into the classroom to see Harry laying on his back with your little one being held up in the air, giggling away with a few teeth that finally peeked through her gums.
“Hello my little one!” You had knelt down on the carpet next to Harry as he was handing you Layla, who was extremely happy to see you; kicking her legs and squealing happily. “Did you have a good day?”
“She was a little monkey today!” Harry was packing up Layla’s diaper bag as he was telling you about her day. “She was trying to climb out of her crib, climbing all over my lap during lunch and my back during tummy-time.”
“Oh no! We just got crawling down like a boss and now you get the gall to start climbing! You’ll be walking before you know it and then we will be in real trouble, wont we missy?” You started to kiss her chubby cheeks, making giggles bubble from her tummy.
“I’ll certainly miss her.” Harry gave you a shy smile as he carried her diaper bag and a gift from him for Layla to you. He handed you her bag as you stood up before handing you the gift bag.
“What’s this?” You gave him a curious look as you took the bag in hand as you settled Layla on your hip.
Harry scratched the back of his neck and wiggled his socked toes. “It’s just a little something.”
Layla reached her arms out to Harry, as if she knew this would be the last day that they would be able to cuddle. You handed her over easily, tapping her bum before opening the gift bag. Inside was her favorite book to ‘read’ with Harry, (you're pretty sure it's because of the way Harry reads it to her because she crawls away every time you try to read it). There was a crochet sweater that Harry told you his mom made, and a framed photo of Harry and Layla where Layla is squeezing Harry's cheeks to pull him in for a sloppy kiss.
You held your chest as you looked at the photo and tears began to well. “Harry, this is… this is so sweet, thank you. She loves you so much.”
He smiled down at her, scrunching his face, which Layla had mocked, “I guess I love her too. You have a very special girl on your hands.” He kissed her little nose before she cuddled onto his shoulder.
“I don’t want her to have a new teacher.” You wiped your eyes as you put Layla’s gifts back in the bag. “Would you want to be her nanny, Harry?”
Harry froze at the offer, a little taken back by being offered what he would consider to be a dream job; help you care for your perfect child. Granted, Harry had thought of this before but more of a fatherly figure than a nanny, but he would take what he could get to be close to both of his girls.
“What do you say Monkey? Want me to be your nanny?”
Harry made his way down the stairs with Layla wrapped around his waist, her head on his shoulder. Her little fingers were twisting in the curls on the nape of Harry’s neck as he was humming and rubbing circles on her back. Layla unraveled herself as Harry approached the table to set her down so that he could start the coffee maker and begin making Lalya’s favorite breakfast.
Layla watched on with sleepy eyes, occasionally giving them a rub, as Harry pulled out a mixing bowl, flour, eggs, vanilla, bananas, and Layla’s favorite part, chocolate chips. She had quietly stood up from her perch and made her way to the ingredients as Harry was setting up the coffee pot. Harry had turned just in time to see Layla pop a small handful of chocolate chips into her mouth. She froze her movements.
“Monkey… what did I say about eating the chocolate chips before they are in your pancakes?”
Layla slowly reached for a few more, putting her hand out to Harry, “We share?”
Harry couldn’t help but to let a chortle out as he bent down, meeting his girl as her little fingers gripped on the chips that she moved to pop them in Harry’s mouth. “Thank you monkey! Would you like to help me mix?”
Layla quickly nodded as Harry picked her up to place her on the counter, making sure she was far enough from the edge before he handed her the whisk and placed the mixing bowl in front of her. Harry measured out the ingredients before putting them in the bowl for his girl to start mixing. Harry had pretended that he didn’t notice her add more handfuls of chocolate chips into the mix.
Harry heard your heels on the hardwood upstairs and Layla quickly turned when she realized you were coming down the stairs. You took Harry’s breath away, as you always did when you walked into the room. He could never take his eyes off of you when you were in his line in vision. He took in how perfect the blush pink, knee length, a-line dress perfectly hugged your curves. The way the nude heels made your legs look miles long. How perfect your hair frames your face and the beaming smile as you saw your baby girl.
“Good morning, baby!” You walked to the island of your kitchen to give your daughter a kiss, noticing the taste of chocolate when you pulled your lips from hers. You hum and squint your eyes, causing Layla to let out a giggle as she covered her mouth. “That’s funny, I’m pretty sure Harry hasn’t made you any pancakes yet, so why are your kisses so yummy?”
Layla shrugged as if she had no idea what you were talking about, causing you to look at Harry who gave you the same exact shrug your daughter had just given you. You shake your head, resting your hand on Harry’s lower back as you pass to make your coffee.
Harry focused on the touch, wishing that your hand was pressed a little firmer and a little longer. He wished that after you kissed your perfect carbon copy, you would kiss him too and catch him red handed after sneaking a few chocolate chips. He had wished that he wouldn’t have to go home at the end of the day to his lonely apartment. He shook himself from his thoughts as he heard you thank him for making coffee.
“Oh, it’s no problem. I made enough for you to take some with you too.”
“God, you’re a saint!” You squeezed his shoulder as you walked to the stool that held your purse and work tote. “Starting as a full time doctor at the children’s hospital has been so draining. I’m pretty sure I have been drinking a whole pot by myself.”
“I know that they just hired you full time but you should take some time for yourself.”
Layla watched on as you and Harry talked about work, slowly stopping her mixing and reached her hand for the chocolate chip bag. Harry slapped his hand on the bag, moving it away without even looking in Layla’s direction as he continued to talk about you and your self care. You let out a chuckle at Layla’s shocked pout as you take your last sip of your coffee.
“Alright my love, I need to get going. Be good for Harry.” Layla reached up to wrap her arms around your neck and gave you another peck to your lips.
“I will mama, I love you!”
“I love you too, baby. Have a good day Harry, call me if you need anything.”
With that, you walked out the door and got in your car to go to work as Harry got back to making breakfast for his girl.
After eating breakfast and doing a team clean up, Harry took Layla to her room to pick out an outfit for the day. Layla stood there, wide eyed, watching Harry as he moved around her room, knowing exactly where everything was.
“I was thinking we could go to the park today, what do you think monkey? And after the park, we would go to the museum.”
Layla perked up, excited to go to two of her favorite places, hoping Harry would list her most favorite place when they have a day planned like this.
“And the cafe?” She looked up at him with hopeful eyes, now standing by his side while he was pulling socks out of her dresser.
“I don’t know monkey… do you think we should?” Harry was trying to hold back his smile, knowing how devastated she would be if he were to ever tell her no to her favorite cafe.
“Please, Harry? It’s my favorite.” Of course, she had to use those gorgeous eyes that she clearly got from her mother. Harry realized that he is so weak for these girls.
“Alright, I guess we must then.” Harry closed the drawer with his hip and Layla jumped and clapped before sprinting to her ensuite.
Layla quickly stripped out of her clothes and turned the knobs to the bath herself before using all her little strength to put the plug in the tub. Harry was smart enough one day, when Layla was feeling extra autonomous, to put stickers on where the perfect bath temperature would be, so that Layla would never burn herself or cry when it’s too cold.
Harry laid out her outfit for the day on the sink counter, grabbing a cup and kneeling before the tub to help wash her hair. He heard “I can do it” more times than he can count until it became time to rinse her hair, where she would wordlessly tip her head back and cover her eyes with her little hands.
They would mindlessly chat about what they were excited to see at the museum, what they would play at the park, until Layla randomly asked, “Do you have a daddy?”
Harry froze. He knew he obviously was going to answer but he was afraid of where the conversation would lead to. “I do.” He let the silence settle, not wanting to push Layla to talk due to his anxiety.
“Mama says I have a daddy out there somewhere but she loved me too much to share me.” Layla rubbed the water away from her face before looking at Harry with a gentle smile that began to turn to a soft pout.
“What’s the matter, monkey? You can talk to me.” Harry put the cup off to the side on the tub ledge before leaning in to listen to his sweet girl. Her little fingers began to trace the ink on his left arm since his arms were exposed after Harry pushed up his sleeves for bath time.
“I’m sad I don’t know anything about my daddy. Did he not love me?” Harry could see the tears form in Layla’s eyes and he could physically feel them form in his along with the lump in his throat.
“Oh, baby. I don’t know anything about your daddy but I do know that he is a very lucky man to have had you and mama.”
“Why is he gone?” Layla’s tears were freely falling and her little lip was trembling.
Harry grabbed Layla’s towel, picking her up and wrapping the towel around her so he could hold her to his chest as she nuzzled in his neck, exactly how she did when they first met.
“My sweet girl.” He was rubbing her back and rocking her back and forth. Harry was curious as to what had brought this on but he didn’t want to press it. He did know that he was going to properly spoil his girl rotten today to make all her worries and heartache disappear.
Layla sniffled and wiped her runny nose on the towel before pushing away from Harry, resting her hands on his chest to look him in the face. She quickly wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a good squeeze, making a smile spread to Harry’s cheeks, holding his girl closer.
“Will you Elsa braid my hair like mama does?”
“Of course, sweetheart. Probably won’t look as good as mama’s but I will try.”
Harry must say, he’s pretty proud of his braid as he is putting Layla’s glittery sky blue helmet on her.
Harry had dressed her in an outfit he would probably wear. You always had a good sense of fashion and Layla was picking up on it as well, now that you have been giving her some more independence in choices.
Layla was dressed in dark purple corduroy flares with a cream sweater, speckled with pastel pinks, purples, and blues. Harry made sure that she wore comfortable but warm shoes, opting for some brown leather Chelsea boots. Harry grabbed her mustard yellow peacoat and threw a pair of gloves in his backpack, just in case, along with more socks, another sweater, extra hair ties and clips (Harry would occasionally steal her butterfly clips for his own hair). He made sure that their water bottles were filled and there were snacks and sanitary wipes in the front pocket of his backpack before throwing it on his shoulders.
Harry and Layla walked out the front door, her helping lock up the house, before walking to Harry’s bike. He picked up Layla to set her in the kid carrier attached to the back of Harry’s bike. You had been extremely nervous when Harry had first told you about the seat and wanting to take Layla for a ride. You offered to help him get a car, even if it was for your own sanity, but Layla loved riding on Harry’s bike way too much to ever say no.
Layla was patient and cooperative with Harry hooking her in, making sure she was safe and secure. Harry checked the straps and buckles three times before he gave Layla an approving nod while she returned his gesture, adding a giggle. Harry swung his leg over the seat, kicked up the kickstand and planted his feet on the pedals, making their way to the park. Layla enjoyed the scenery whizzing by while humming some song that Harry couldn’t make out, otherwise he would have joined her.
They made their way to the park, enjoying the rest of the morning hours there before they ventured to the cafe on the lake that was close to the park. Harry kept his bike locked up, opting to hold Layla’s hand as they walked to the cafe.
Harry had asked Layla why she likes this cafe so much many times and her answers had changed over the years. She used to tell Harry that it was because of “duckies”, then it turned to liking their hot cocoa. Today when he asked, his heart was warmed by her words and how wise she had become by the ripe age of three.
“Mama brings me here when we go to the park and you always bring me here. It’s our family spot.”
The waitress came over, beaming at Harry and Layla sitting across from each other, coloring on the placemat together.
“Oh my goodness, your daughter is so cute!”
Layla looked up at the waitress with a scowl before looking at Harry, causing him to laugh.
“I’m her nanny.”
The waitress looked taken back but quickly changed her features, looking Harry up and down and biting her lip. Layla continues to scowl at the waitress as Harry told her that they were ready to order.
Layla, being the smart girl she is, noticed how the waitress demeanor changed. How she was now only focused on Harry, began to twirl her hair and the constant lip biting. Harry had ordered his food and looked to Layla, who cleared her throat to get the waitress’s attention.
“My mama is prettier and she’s a doctor.”
Harry choked on his water at Layla’s childlike bluntness, causing a laugh to escape from his lips that he was trying to hold back. The waitress now was the one to wear the scowl as Layla’s own demeanor became confident with a hint of sass.
The waitress finally looked to Layla, “That’s not a very nice thing to say to a stranger.”
“It’s not nice to ignore me. I want hot cocoa with extra whipped cream and grilled cheese. Thank you.” Layla went back to coloring on the placemat, dismissing the waitress.
They had finished their lunch, the waitress returning minimally since she got scolded by the child. Layla had cleaned up her area, stacking all of her dirty dishes and utensils onto Harry’s plate before hopping down from her chair and reaching for Harry’s hand. They got back to Harry’s bike, having Layla grip onto Harry’s trouser leg as he was unlocking the bike to set it up properly to get Layla back in her seat.
On their way to the museum, she was playing with the keychain they had made together that was attached to the zipper of Harry’s backpack. They were chatting about what parts of the museum they were going to be looking forward to.
Harry had tried to make their time together as educational as possible. Her little brain was ever growing, becoming curious, and he tried to feed its thirst for knowledge. The museum was having an exhibit on extinct animals so he had made sure they made it in time for them to join.
Layla was a wonderful listener. Harry had to carry her, per her request, so that she could be close to the presenter as they walked around the exhibit so she wouldn't miss a word he was saying. Her eyes were glued to the speaker when he spoke, focused on the extinct animal figure on display when he would direct their focus. Layla had her fingers wrapped in Harry’s curls, twisting them gently in her little fingers as she sponged up the information. She would occasionally rest her head on his shoulder, nuzzle close, and Harry would rest his head on hers.
“Getting tired, sweetheart?”
Layla lazily shook her head no as her grip tightened on to Harry. Harry knew she would be fast asleep the moment he got her into the bike seat.
Layla slept all the way home, Harry careful to pull her out to not disturb her, holding her close as he got them inside. He carried her to her room, slowly peeling off her coat and boots before covering her in a crochet blanket; another gift made by his own mother for his girl. Layla curled onto her side, subconsciously grabbing for her stuffed monkey Harry got for her for her third birthday, and soft snores began to fall from her lips.
Harry kissed her cheek before turning on her white noise maker and leaving her door cracked. Harry made his way down stairs and plopped on the couch, falling asleep himself.
Harry woke up covered in a soft sherpa blanket with the smell of garlic and tomato filling his nostrils. He let out a stretch before sitting up, seeing you standing at the stove and Layla at the table painting.
You were still in your blush dress from the morning but were barefoot and hair up in a messy bun with pieces framing your face. You were sipping from your red wine glass while pushing chicken and veggies in a skillet.
Layla perked up when she saw Harry staring at you. She had noticed this look he gave you before, the ever observant girl, but she didn’t know how to verbalize what the look could mean. She let Harry watch you a little longer until you had noticed he was awake when you turned around.
“Morning sunshine! Did this one wear you out today?” You were smiling at him as you continued to chop vegetables to put them in a salad, popping a chunk of cucumber in your mouth and handing Layla a chunk for herself, popping her piece in her mouth almost identical to you. Except, Harry was focused on the way your lips curled into a soft smile while you eloquently chewed and swallowed the piece of green veg before licking your lips, causing Harry to realize how dry his mouth was and how sweaty his palms were.
“No, not at all. We had a great day, guess I just needed the rest.”
You nodded as you pulled three plates down from the cupboard to place on the table. You mumbled a “time to clean up” into Layla’s hair, that is now loose from its Elsa braid, as you kissed the top of her head. Layla gently put her paints away, Harry helping with the water cup and laying the painting on the counter to dry. Harry walked Layla to the bathroom so they could both wash their hands for dinner.
You had made up the plates and placed them on the table before Harry and Layla had walked out. Getting Layla a cup for water and another red wine glass, you poured Harry a glass and topped yours off, setting them on the table as the two walked out.
This had become a strange tradition for the three of you after you had noticed that Harry had lost weight and was concerned that he wasn’t eating properly at home by himself. He swore it wasn’t an issue but you had gone full mama bear mode on Harry and started to put a plate in front of him before he had an opportunity to tell you “no thank you”. You sat at the table with Layla and Harry, discussing their day.
“Mama, the lady at the cafe ignored me to stare at Harry. It wasn’t nice!”
You let out a giggle, thinking to yourself that you can’t blame the poor waitress for being enchanted by the magnetic being across from you. “You’re right baby, that’s not nice but hopefully Harry got a phone number out of it.”
You smiled across at Harry and he began to blush, opening his mouth to speak but Layla beat him to it.
“Why would Harry need her phone number? He can call you!”
As calm and collected as you were, Harry went into a slight panic; was he really that obvious when it came to his feelings for you?
“Again, you’re right baby. Harry can call me any time he wants.”
Harry’s eyes went wide and Layla’s scowl turned into a bright smile, going back to eating her dinner while Harry sat there frozen.
“I can call you?”
“Of course Harry, any time. Even if it’s just to check in on Layla.”
Harry deflated a little when you were clear about your intentions for a phone call just as a friendly gesture. Harry went back to eating, trying to disguise his disappointment.
Harry had helped you clean up while Layla went to get her pajamas on. There was an awkward silence looming over the two of you that you could both sense but you weren’t sure who would cut through it first, so you decided to bare the knife.
“Can I ask you a huge favor? You have every right to say no if you are busy or you just don’t want to.”
“Of course, can ask me anything.”
“Would you be able to watch Layla Friday night?”
“Yeah, no problem. Did you get called in to cover at the hospital?”
“Um, no, actually. I have a date.”
The knife you used to cut through the heavy air around you just went right into Harry’s heart. He couldn’t tell if you could notice but he could feel his blood run cold and his face go pale.
“No problem. I’ll just stay all day Friday. I should get going now though.”
“You don’t want to stay for the Great British Bake off? You always stay to watch after dinner.” You gave him a pout as you wiped your hands with a rag to dry them. Those eyes always work on him, no matter if they are from Layla or you, but his heart couldn’t bear to look at them tonight.
“I have stuff at home to catch up on and since I’ll be busy on Friday now, I should get it done.”
“Harry, you don’t have to watch Layla on Friday if you’re already busy. I can find a babysitter.”
“No, it’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, Harry quickly walked to the door, stopping when he saw Layla come down the stairs, trying to hold back his tears that he can feel burning.
“Good night my sweet girl, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Layla reached her arms up to hug Harry, holding her extra tight and giving her a long kiss to her cheek before gently setting her feet on the floor and heading home.
You were getting ready for your date as Harry was making dinner for him and Layla. You had offered to cook something up but Harry told you that you should get ready so you wouldn’t be late.
You walked down in the tightest dress Harry had ever seen you in, making his body ache from desire and heartbreak. How desperately he wanted to pick you up for a date with you walking out in that curve hugging maroon dress and black stiletto heel, putting your earring in and fluffing your hair to where you want it to lay.
“So pretty mama!”
“Thank you baby!” You gave the top of her head a kiss before going to pick up your phone from the charger to place in your clutch. You heard the horn of a car outside as you were grabbing your black trench coat.
“Okay baby, be good. You might be sleeping when I get back but I’ll come tuck you in. Harry, call me if you need anything.” You kissed Layla again and made your way to the door, locking it behind you.
Your date has been going extremely well. David was a handsome surgeon you had met during your ER coverage when someone came in with intensive internal bleeding, leading to an emergency surgery where David was on call. Laughs were being had, drinks were flowing easy, then your phone rang.
You saw that it was Harry so you quickly answered, “Harry, is everything alright?” You could hear Layla crying in the background, making your heart race.
“Layla has a fever and I can’t get her to calm down.”
You took a deep breath, “What’s her temperature? Did you give her some children’s Tylenol?”
“She is at 100 right now, gave her the Tylenol and put a cool cloth on her head. She’s just so inconsolable right now. She wants her mama, Y/N.”
“Can I talk to her?” Harry put the phone on speaker as he continued to rock Layla, adjusting the cloth on her forehead.
You whimpered when you heard her choked sobs, gently asking, “Baby, wants the matter?”
Layla’s cries had died down a minuscule amount but you could make out what she was saying, “I want my mama!” Your heart was breaking and you looked to David, who at this point finished his wine and looked extremely annoyed.
“It’s okay baby, I’ll be home soon, okay? I’ll be right there.” Layla settled a little more and Harry ended the call with a “see you soon”.
David paid for the bill as you began to apologize and get your stuff together. David began to walk ahead of you before saying his cold goodbye at the door. “I don’t have time to drive you home, could you catch an Uber or something?”
You scoffed at him before rolling your eyes, “Yeah, that’s fine. Thanks for dinner but don’t expect a call from me.” You pulled out your phone as David walked away so that you could request an Uber.
You had rushed into your house, which was now eerily quiet for having a sick baby girl on your hands. You walked into the house further and found Harry laying on the couch topless with Layla laying on his chest, also topless and a wet towel between them. Harry had his fingers combing through Layla’s hair as they were watching Coco.
Layla lifted her head when she heard your heels on the hardwood, looking at you and tears began to brim her eyes.
“Hi my baby, you’re not feeling good, hm?” You knelt down by the couch as you stripped off your coat and Layla was reaching for you to hold her. You held her close, feeling the warmth radiating off of her but it wasn’t a concerning temperature at this point.
Harry sat up, folding the wet towel before taking it to the bathroom, walking away and coming back still topless. Your eyes explored his torso, his high waisted trousers cover up until under his butterfly. You continued to hold and rock your little one, who was now nuzzling into your neck with her breathing slowing. Your eyes finally finished their exploring of Harry’s dips and valleys when you met his eyes, mouthing a “thank you” for taking care of your daughter.
You stood up and kicked off your heels before climbing the stairs to tuck Layla in. You placed her in your bed so that you could watch her overnight. You walked back down the stairs after leaving your door cracked and promptly went to the cupboard to pull out two wine glasses and a bottle of Syrah, popping out the cork and pouring two hefty glasses before walking to the couch where Harry now sat with his shirt on. To say you were disappointed was an understatement.
Harry took the glass and looked at how full it was before giving you a look with a cocked brow and smirk. “Not good, huh?”
You ran your hand through your hair and let out a sigh. “It was fine until you called.” Harry instantly felt guilty for calling you on your date until you spoke up again.
“I didn’t tell him I had Layla, he had told me before the date that he never wanted children. I guess that should have been a major red flag. I’ve just been so alone and desperate that I took the first thing that jumped on me.” You took a huge swig of your wine before letting out a sigh. “I probably should have asked you if you needed a ride home before I started guzzling down my feelings.”
Harry smiled at you, “It’s fine. I can get an Uber.”
You almost spilt your wine when you sat up with a mouthful, quickly swallowing it. “Mm! He didn’t even drive me home! He made me get a fucking Uber!”
“What an asshole!”
“I know! Ugh, I should just give up while I’m ahead. I’ve got the most perfect daughter, I have a great job, although exhausting. I own a house and have a happy and healthy life… I guess I just get-“
“Lonely?” Harry thought that you were preaching to the choir at this point because he felt the same exact way; he had your daughter to care for, an amazing job, he is happy and healthy because you care for him.
You let out another sigh and closed your eyes, “Yes, so lonely. I have been doing this all on my own and it can be too much. I just want someone to hold me, tell me it will be okay, that I am doing a good job.”
“You’re doing an amazing job,Y/N.”
You slowly open your eyes and look to Harry who has been watching you this whole time. You let out another sigh because you can feel him pull you in but you don’t want anything to happen, not right now anyway, not like this.
As if your daughter wasn’t already your saving grace, she cried out for you right when you felt the pull to Harry become too strong. You put your wine glass down and go to your baby.
“You’re more than welcome to stay in the guest room if you don’t feel like making your way home this late. I’m going to go to bed. Goodnight Harry.”
And with that, you walked up the stairs to be with your baby and Harry called an Uber home.
Harry had walked in, eager to start the day with Layla, thinking about maybe baking something and going to the art museum. When he walked into the kitchen, he wasn’t expecting to see you in a long t-shirt, bed head and bare legs with Layla on the counter eating sliced strawberries.
“Oh shit, Harry!”
“Mama! No swear!”
“Oop, sorry baby. Harry, I must have forgot to tell you that I had today off.”
“Oh, it’s no problem, I can head home so you can spend the day with Layla.”
“Or you can stay…” you were looking at him with hopeful eyes that he would agree to spend the day with you and Layla. “We would love for you to stay.”
“Yeah Harry! Please?”
The way that both of you are now giving him the eyes, he’s lucky he didn’t turn into a puddle on the floor. Harry began to peel his jacket and boots off, exposing his layered red sweater over a cream button up to match his brown and cream plaid pants, walking over to the island for Layla to pop a strawberry in his mouth. You smiled up at him as he began to help you prep the breakfast to build your own waffles.
Harry helped Layla get ready for the day, getting her in some black fleece leggings, a chambray shirt with some brown leather combat boots. Layla said she wanted mama to do her hair and that Harry shouldn’t take it personally.
Layla sprinted into your ensuite where you were finishing your simple makeup and loose curls, wearing high waisted dark skinny jeans and a cream off the shoulder sweater. You were still barefoot at this point and Harry thought that he could get used to this.
You made sure you unplugged your curling wand and moved it away from the sink so that you could sit Layla on it to do her hair. She already had white bows in her hand for you to put in her hair. You quickly did a crown braid to keep her hair out of her face and finished it off with a top knot, throwing a bow at the base of the bun. You dashed on your perfume, doing the same to Layla per her request and then threw some chapstick on the both of you before picking up Layla to place on your hip.
You looked up to Harry and asked him if he was ready to go. He swallowed that dry mouth away before giving you a nod.
You got Layla settled in her car seat, tucking your purse under her feet and gave her a kiss before you climbed into the driver's seat. Harry got comfortable in the passenger seat, looking in the mirror in the visor to look back at Layla who was ‘reading’ a book.
You looked over to Harry who was smiling in the mirror, causing you to smile before asking if everyone was ready. You stopped by a coffee shop drive through where you got Layla her hot cocoa, yourself a flat white, and Harry a black coffee. The drive to the art museum was a little ways so you let Layla pick the music for the car. You hummed along to the Disney songs until Layla was begging for you and Harry to sing, causing you both to giggle but sing along.
Harry took over when it came to the art museum, educating Layla on artists and types of paints and materials used. You followed behind letting them having their time together, warming to see Harry adore your daughter and her being excited to learn. You took a few pictures of the two of them and were reviewing them when Layla was hyper fixated on Monet’s “Sunflowers” painting. You froze at a picture of Harry knelt down with Layla between his legs and his hand on her tummy. She was pointing to a painting on the wall while Harry was looking at the camera with a beaming smile, the next one was the same pose with a softer smile and he was looking behind the camera, looking at you.
You looked up to see Layla running to you with arms open and Harry jogged close behind. Layla was talking a mile a minute about the sunflower painting as you knelt down to pick her up. You kept looking at Harry who was giggling at Layla’s gabbing and excitement while you could not focus on anything other than the way Harry’s dimples were popping and his eyes were crinkling. You shook yourself from the trance as you helped Layla get her jacket from the museum coat closet.
You decided to go out of the way to go to the cafe by the park. This would be the first time all three of you went together and you knew Layla would be excited when she saw the car pull into the parking lot.
You were right; she squealed and tried to get herself out of her car seat but Harry had beat her to it. She was in awe of the trees surrounding the lake and the cafe, all in their full bloom of fall colors. The leaves were scattered beautifully along the parking lot, leaves floating in the lake. The cafe was decorated in fall decor, preparing for the holiday season.
You requested a table by the widows facing the lake and sat Layla closest to the window so she could enjoy the view. She murmured how it looked like a painting at the museum and what paints were used in the art she was thinking of. You smiled at her before looking at Harry who was already looking at you.
Layla started to list all the colors she sees outside as the waitress approached, the same one that had eyes for Harry.
“Well, hello again.” She again was focused only on Harry, ignoring your’s and Layla’s presence. Harry had to laugh because the face you were making at that moment was identical to the one Layla had made the first time.
“I’ll let the ladies order first.” Harry nodded at you before you looked up at the waitress, giving her a sickly sweet smile. Her eyes widened when she looked at you, truly shocked by your beauty.
“Layla baby, you first.” Layla never looked away from outside, stating that she would like “hot cocoa with extra whip cream and a grilled cheese, please.” You had asked if she could get a side of veg along with her meal as you ordered a turkey club with a side salad and a cup of soup to share with Layla.
Harry had ordered his turkey burger with side salad before the waitress parted to bring a fresh pitcher of water. Layla had finally turned her attention back to you and Harry, going over her favorite parts of the museum throughout the meal. You're pretty sure she had listed everything she saw.
You made your way home, Layla falling asleep in the car. Harry had carried her up to her bed as you gathered all the dirty laundry to start a load. You sat at the table with your laptop, paying bills when Harry made his way down to you at the kitchen table. Harry let out a yawn and you pointed to the coffee maker.
“Fresh pot.” You smiled and lifted your mug to ‘cheers’ him. Harry sat across from you while you finished up on your computer and you suggested that you watch a movie or some garbage tv.
You got about halfway through the movie before you heard little feet pattering on the hardwood upstairs. Before you know it, Layla has crawled into your lap, laying her head on your shoulder while she looks at Harry with a sleeping smile.
“Good morning beautiful, sleep well?” She nodded at Harry as she nuzzled closer to you. You rubbed her back and patted her bum as you thought about what to do for dinner.
“I was thinking since we have already been bad all day, we should order some pizza.” Layla perked up at that before squeezing you tighter. You giggled as you pulled out your phone, hitting the speed dial to your favorite place.
With full bellies and a sleepy Layla, you get the two of you ready for bed as Harry puts away the leftovers and throws the boxes away.
You walk down with a clean face, hair up, and a pair of green cotton plaid pajama pants and a white oversized T-shirt. Harry walked back in from the recycling outside to you holding a pint of ice cream and two spoons. You raised your eyebrows and giggled as Harry walked over to you. You popped open the pint and handed a spoon to Harry.
“Layla would be heartbroken if she saw you sharing with me and not her.” He smiled before popping the spoon in his mouth, letting the cream melt over his tongue.
You shrug, licking your spoon, “I don’t share my ice cream with just any one Harry.” You take another spoonful and look at Harry as you take your bite.
Harry could feel his heart racing, his mouth drying, his hands are sweaty. He can feel the word vomit in the back of his throat make its way to the tip of his tongue. “Can I be honest with you?”
“Of course Harry, I wouldn’t want it any other way.”
You stood up straight when you saw that Harry had adjusted his own posture. He was avoiding your gaze now, looking to the spoon in his hand he was twirling while he tried to find his voice. You didn’t pressure him, you both just stood in silence.
“I’m very lucky to have had you walk into my classroom. I instantly fell in love with your daughter and I instantly fell in love with you too.” He was still avoiding your gaze but if he were to look up, he would see that your eyes have glossed and your lip is trembling, the way Layla’s does when she is trying to hold back her tears.
“I’ve known for an embarrassingly long time how I have truly felt about you but what we have is so good and I couldn’t bear to not have Layla in my life, couldn’t bear to lose you. I- Today was amazing and made me realize that it would kill me if I don’t tell you that I am completely and utterly, madly in love with you.”
Harry decided that it’s now or never to look at you, and you looked so beautiful in this moment as you do every time Harry looks at you. You may be in oversized and stained pajamas, your cheeks may be wet and flush and your lips bruised and trembling, but you are as beautiful as you are every day that Harry is graced with your presence.
You now try to find your words but you choke out a sob. Harry quickly wraps you into his arms and kisses the top of your head, holding you close. You finally catch your breath and look up to him.
“I always knew there was something there but I was too scared to find out.”
Harry wiped your cheeks with his thumbs, holding your face in his palms. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
You gave him the nod he was wishing for and he slowly leaned in as he pulled you closer. He was gentle in his movements, not wanting to scare you away from this moment. He planted his lips softly against yours, slowly moving so that he could incase your lower lip between his, softly sucking it between his lips. He moved closer so that your bodies were pressed together and he lowered his right hand from your cheek to your waist and his left hand to the back of your head, his fingers weaving into the hair pulled up into the bun on top of your head. He gently let his tongue graze your bottom lip before he pulled you closer and licked again with more fervor.
Your mouth opened more to let him in, just as you were opening yourself more to let him into your heart. Your hands reached out to grip at the sweater on his chest as you finally let go and let your tongue meet his. This move gives Harry the confidence and reassurance he needs as he fully licks into you to massage your tongue with his as he presses his hips to yours, pushing your lower back to the counter.
He pulls away breathless as he lays his forehead on yours, kissing your nose and rubbing the back of your head with his thumb. He goes back in to kiss you more,  lifting you by your thighs to wrap around him. He carefully carries you to your room, gently laying you down on the bed as he starts to kiss down your neck, his hands massaging your thighs that are still wrapped around him. Harry pulls his sweater over his head and before you get the chance to admire him, his lips are pressed to yours. His fingers graze the waistband of your bottoms and he starts to pull them down, his soft and warm palms caressing the bare flesh of your thighs.
Harry continues to kiss the skin of your neck as you swallow down the lump that is forming in the base of your throat as you think about the next morning. “Harry, what if this changes everything?”
“Everything’s still the same, nothing changes. Except now, I get to hold you, and kiss you, and show you much I love you.”
You let out a sigh of relief as the tears begin to form that you try to blink away. Harry’s face is again level with yours, kissing your cheek. “Will you let me show you how much I love you?”
Your lip trembles as you tell him yes, never feeling loved before this moment. Harry gently kissed you and he reached for the hem of your shirt. He pulled it over your head, exposing your sports bra and he leaned on his hunches to finish pulling your bottoms off. Harry took his time, kissing every inch of you. Your stretch marks from carrying Layla, your stubbly thighs because you didn’t have time to shave your legs fully this morning, your freckles and scars. Harry truly loved every inch of you, and you could feel it.
“Can I take these off, love?” Harry’s fingers were tucked into your cotton panties when you gave him a nod. You were nervous because it had been longer than you would like to admit since you have been intimate with someone. Harry slowly peeled them down your legs, kissing a trail behind.
“Harry… it’s been a long time…”
“It’s okay, I’ll take my time with you.” He kissed your ankle as he dropped your panties to the side of the bed. “Can I start by touching you?” You nod again and you lean up to pull off your sports bra and adjust the pillow behind your head. Harry still sat on his knees between your legs to admire you. “Do you have any lube? I don’t want to hurt you or make it uncomfortable for you.”
You give him a shy smile before leaning to your side table, appreciating him for being so kind and gentle. You hand him the bottle and he pops the cap open, spreading some along his fingers as well as dripping some on your center. He placed the bottle by his leg, just in case he doesn’t have enough.
“Talk to me, okay? Let me know if it’s too much or not enough. Tell me what you need.”
“I will.” He smiled before leaning down to kiss you, hovering over you as he started to run his pointer and middle finger through your folds. You gasp at the coldness but quickly relax when you feel Harry’s fingers explore you more; spreading you open, pinching a lip or your clit between his fingers. He gave you one last lick into your mouth before leaning back again.
You opened your thighs more to accommodate him as he watched his own fingers explore you. You watched his brow furrow and he occasionally licked his lip. Your breath hitched when you felt his middle finger slowly dip in you.
“This okay?”
“Yes.” Your hips flex up involuntarily to meet Harry’s finger that he is slowly dipping and pulling out of you. His thumb slowly started rolling over your clit and you let out your first moan. It was soft, but present enough for Harry to speed up his movements a little bit, earning a louder moan from you.
“You like that baby?” Harry slowly pulled out his middle finger so that he could slide his middle and ring finger in together, giving you the stretch to need. When he got to the base of his fingers, your back arched and Harry began his come hither motion on your walls, reaching further to hit the soft sponge that you needed him to find.
“Harry, right there!” He added a little more pressure to your gspot before returning to his massaging gesture, using his other hand to figure eight your clit with his thumb. You could feel yourself on the brink of the tip over but you needed something, you just weren’t sure what it was but Harry seemed to know.
He leaned down to kiss you fully again, the pressure of his body on you caused his thumb to add more pressure to your bud and his fingers to plunge a little deeper, causing the rush to flow over you and the tingles to start in your fingers and toes. You moaned into his mouth as he continued to kiss you to keep you quiet but you pulled away to catch a breath, panting into his shoulder as he kissed your neck.
Harry began to slow his movements, pulling his hands away to massage at your thighs as he continued to kiss your neck down to your chest. You could feel him straining in his trousers on your core as he laid on you.
“Was that okay?” He continued to kiss your chest, licking your left nipple into his mouth, sucking gently and flicking the tip of his tongue across it. You rolled your hips into him, feeling the vibrations from his moan into the flesh of your breast.
“It was great, thank you.” Your hand was combing through his hair as he moved to your right breast.
“Can I make love to you?” He looked up at you, watching your soft, blissed out face turn into a gentle smile.
“I would love to make love with you, Harry.” He leaned up again to kiss you before standing to pull off his trousers. He reached for the nightstand to grab a condom, putting it on and adding some extra lube before setting the bottle aside.
“Let me know if you need me to stop or anything.” He kissed your forehead, your closed eyes, each cheek, then your nose before landing on your lips. He lined himself up to your core, all while kissing you, before gently pushing into you with a role of his hips.
With each roll and deeper kiss, he sunk deeper into you. You pulled away from the kiss trying to catch a breath, feeling dizzy from being overwhelmed emotionally and physically. Harry continued to slowly thrust into you, barely pulling out before he would roll again. He lifted a knee to lay flush with your thigh, opening you more which caused Harry to pull out more than he intended to push back into you.
You let out a moan and your head tipped back after that particular thrust, causing Harry to remove his face from your neck to look at you and repeat the same motion, over and over again. He could feel how wet you were getting, almost too wet that he was slipping out of you more, causing his thrust to be sloppy and deeper.
He lifted the thigh he had pushed up with his knee up to his shoulder, hovering over you more and looking right down at you. You look up to see Harry’s curls falling over his face, his face and chest flush, your hand moved up to move his hair so you can see him in all his beauty. You leaned up to kiss him, creating a new angle that had you both moaning.
Harry could feel himself coming undone, knowing that he had to get you there first. He let his hand travel to wear your bodies met, rolling your bud under his thumb once again. You sat up on your elbows to keep the angle you both loved as well as to stay close to Harry.
“I’m so close, don’t stop Harry.”
He leaned in to kiss you, mumbling “I love you” against your lips between kisses. “Fuck, I love you so much, Y/N.”
At that confession, your arms gave out so Harry quickly gripped you close with his free arm and rolled his hips against you until he moaned out your name and let his orgasm flood over him. He gently laid you both down, resting his head on your chest as you both embraced and caught your breath.
Harry felt your fingers stop moving in his hair and little snores escape your lips. Harry has seen that sleepy pout on your daughter more times than he could count but seeing it on you has made him the happiest man alive. Harry maneuvers himself so that you are both lying comfortably and he falls asleep with his arms wrapped around you.
You wake up to find that Harry is not in bed, but all the clothes from last night are now in the hamper and there is a set of fresh clothes at the end of the bed. You can hear little giggles and a few “oops” from the kitchen. You get dressed and make your way down stairs.
Layla turns her head to you when you walk in, beaming with a “morning mama!” Leaning up to give you a kiss.
“Are you stealing chocolate chips again? Some extra sweet kisses this morning!”
Layla giggles as you press your hand a little firmer and longer on Harry’s lower back as you go for the coffee pot. You lean up to give Harry a kiss, noticing that he has been dipping into the chocolate too. Harry quickly went back in for another kiss, sweeter than the chocolate that lingers. You pull away slowly looking into Harry’s sleepy green eyes and wish him a good morning.
“Morning love, banana pancakes?”
“I’d love some.”
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veryreallyfuckinbad · 3 years
FIRE AND MOSS // Daryl Dixon X Reader// CHAPTER 2
TW: Injury, strong language.
A week has passed since you found the note, that was your guess at least. Time was difficult to keep track of. With no calendar, the only way you could keep track of how much time has passed was by monitoring your supplies. You were on your heels ever since then, after all you didn’t know the stranger’s intentions.
Jake was useful, both in keeping you sane and in tracking any edible creatures, mainly squirrels. Lately, however, you could find fewer and fewer animals. That’s the only reason you decided to venture out of your camp, which has grown- you set up a small, green tent, got a couple of logs to sit on by the fire, even installed a makeshift security system which consisted of some tripwire and empty cans that alerted you whenever someone, or something got too close to your camp. Jake was incredibly helpful with setting the tripwire up, he tangled himself in it about four times before you could tie it around the trees properly. He was also kind enough to make sure that the cans were free of any dangers, sticking his snout in them and running to you so you could take them off. You didn’t mind, though. You enjoy every second you spent with the animal, he made you laugh and feel safe- always alerting you when he sensed danger nearby. You couldn’t deny that the two of you had a special bond, the kind of bond that only two wild creatures that were both hurt by the world could have.
The lack of supplies caused you to venture out of the “safety” of your camp. You didn’t want to stray far, so you decided to check a lone cabin that stood in a clearing, between the trees, about three miles from your camp. You had found it while tracking a buck with Jake but decided to come back to it later, as not to lose your prey[J1] [J2] [J3] .
You walked on the moss-covered forest floor with Jake trotting by your side, glancing up at you from time to time. Every time you stepped on a stray twig, the snapping noise would cause him to growl and look at you, giving you a warning before he realized that you weren’t in any danger. All you could hear, apart from Jake’s occasional panting was the beautiful, almost calming chirping of birds. You chuckled to yourself when you remembered the first time you heard a woodpecker hitting the willow you were set up under with his beak- you almost pissed yourself. It was unexpected to say the least.
You reached the cabin, taking in the disturbingly tranquil sight. It was wooden and old, some mushrooms grew on the half-collapsed roof and you could see ferns and twigs growing through the broken windows.
“Alright,” you kneeled down and gave Jake a pat between his ears “now, we need to be careful. Some could be trapped inside” you smiled at your companion and stood up.
Slowly and quietly, you made your way to the cabin door and unsheathed your knife. You gave Jake a signal to stay down, knowing that he would understand- you did this with him before. He understood you and your signals well.
You quickly opened the door, making it hit the wall. You sighed with relief as you saw that no walkers were inside- at least none of them were in the main room. You looked around- broken glass littered the wooden floor, greenery grew out of cracks in the floor. You still had to check the bathroom, so you motioned for Jake to enter. He trotted around the cabin and sniffed everything he could, finally stopping by what you presumed to be the bathroom door. He began snarling and you noticed him tense, fur standing up.
You stood in front of him and quietly praised him while getting ready to take down the walker locked inside. You burst the door open and to your surprise, you weren’t met with any growls or hands trying to claw at you- all you found was a broken mirror and an empty cabinet. Your only complaint about the bathroom, beside it being clear of supplies, was the horrible stench of something rotting, but you couldn’t pinpoint the source of the smell. Then it hit you. The shower. The glass surrounding it was so dirty and smeared with things that you would rather not think about that you didn’t see the walker inside. You quickly swung the glass door open, dead hands and teeth instantly trying to get you. Before you could take it down, however, you felt your foot slip on a puddle of some kind of liquid filth, maybe caused by the humidity of the room.
You fell backwards and wrestled the walker off yourself, trying to push Jake away to protect him. The fox was stubborn though, biting into its neck in an attempt to get it off you. While Jake distracted it, you crawled out of the bathroom, backwards. Calling your companion over to you, he immediately let go of the dead man and ran up behind you- thankfully unharmed.
Before you could catch your breath, you were tackled to the ground once again. This time, though, you felt a sharp, splitting pain, worse than anything you��ve felt in your life. The broken glass dug into your back and the back of your thighs, impaling one of them. Despite the pain, you didn’t give into the walker and with the last of your strength, picked up a sharp shard of broken glass from beside you and plunged it into the walker’s skull, causing it to go limp and fall on top of you- pushing the broken glass even deeper into your back and thighs.
You put your hand over your mouth, trying to suppress the blood curdling scream that was slowly forming in your throat. You managed to push the walker off yourself and tried to stand up, but couldn’t. Jake ran up to your side and whimpered, he didn’t know what to do. He nudged your hand with his head which made you relax a little, it was comforting. He suddenly jolted up and began pulling you by your sleeve, wanting you to get up. You complied, but it was awfully painful.
“Okay” you panted, “I’m okay” you weren’t sure whether you tried to reassure him or yourself.
“Let’s just get out of here, please” you choked out between whimpers and examined your thigh. A huge shard of glass was stuck in it, you wouldn’t be able to walk properly. Knowing that pulling it out would make you bleed out, you ripped off your sleeves and began tying them around the shard in an attempt to stabilize it. You could feel the warm blood trickling down your back, it was a strange feeling. You were quickly becoming dizzy- you were losing too much blood. Shaking your head to remain conscious, you stood up slowly, grabbing onto a table for support. Jake wagged his tail when he saw you get up.
Your head was spinning, you were unsure of which way your camp was. Everything was blurred and cloudy. You knew that if you didn’t find any form of help, and soon, you were a dead girl walking. You pulled out your arm to grab onto a tree, stumbling in the process. All you could do was walk forward. Jake never left your side, nudging you whenever you fell down, even allowing you to lean against him while standing up.
“Just go, please” you breathed shakily, “I don’t need you to get hurt if something happens to me” was all you could say before Jake’s ears went back, he gave your hand a quick lick before he took off. You knew that he didn’t want to go, but you were also aware that if he stayed near you, you could eventually become a danger to him. You kept walking forward, with no destination in mind. You just wanted to sit down and close your eyes for a moment. You shook your head, thinking about everything that has happened to you so far.
Jake, your previous group, they would all want you to keep going. Fox Jake, too.
“Come on” you encouraged yourself “You can goddamn do it”
You stumbled when you saw Jake come running back, squeaking and tail wagging. Even in your desperate state, you couldn’t help the smile that crept upon your face. He came back for you for some reason. You wanted him to go and wanted him to stay at the same time. He gently grabbed your wrist with his teeth, making sure not to hurt you. He pulled you in a different direction and let go, trotting to where he was trying to lead you and coming back again in an attempt to get you to follow him. You did just that.
You squinted your eyes, trying to shield them from the light when you saw an opening in the trees. It was a clearing. But as soon as your eyes adjusted to the light, you saw it- a giant, beautiful mansion with farmland, a barn, hay bales, even a chicken coop. A path made out of pebbles led to the house but you didn’t dare step out of the shade offered by the trees. For a minute you were sure that you were dead. Places like this didn’t exist anymore.
You felt Jake’s teeth on your wrist again, even gentler than before. He nudged you to come out of the forest and into the field. You trusted him, so you did.
Everything was blurry, you were stumbling and couldn’t walk in a straight line. You could hear distant shouting but it was muffled and unclear, you couldn’t make out what they were saying.
Out of nowhere, you were surrounded by strangers. They held you at gunpoint but as soon as they saw you looking at them with life in your eyes, they lowered their guns a little. They asked you questions, but you weren’t exactly able to make out their exact words.
“I’m…hurt” was all you could say before a jolt of adrenaline shot through you when you felt a bullet whiz right past your head, barely missing it. It was shot from the roof of some sort of big car but you didn’t have the chance to take a closer look before you noticed another man run up to you.
Jake growled at all the people, standing in front of you and snarling, showing off his sharp teeth. He was protecting you.
“You fuckin’ idiots! Lower yer guns and help ‘er!” A man yelled, his voice was strange. Gravelly.
You weren’t able to make out more of his yelling when you collapsed. The last thing you felt was Jake’s wet nose nudging your hand and the warm grass beneath your face.
Your eyes fluttered open. You had no idea where you were and no memory of how you got here. You were laying on something soft- were you in an actual bed? You looked around and sure enough, you were covered with white sheets, a pinkish pillow under your head. You sighed with relief when you felt Jake’s warm body pressed against your side, stroking his fur. He looked like a flame again, against the white bedsheets. You noticed his dirty pawprints all over the bed, suggesting he was trying to walk around you, maybe wake you up or lick your face.
“Where are we?” you whispered under your breath, causing Jake’s head to jolt up. He sat up on the bed and looked at you, his tail wagging happily.
“At a farm. Ya were really beaten up”
You jumped up. You didn’t notice the man sitting in a corner, leaning against the wall in the shadows. You were, to put it simply, shitting your pants. You were in a strange place with strange people, in no shape to move, much less run if you had to.
“Who..? I’m sorry I’m-“ you choked on your words, unable to speak. You still felt dizzy, but you were better. The horrible pain in your back and thigh was still present, causing you to hiss before you could finish your sentence.
“Yer alright. Ya wandered into our farm all cut up” he explained, but it didn’t relax you at all.
“Why would you help me?” You said and instantly regretted it, as the man stood up, allowing you to take a better look at him. He had short, dark hair and a crossbow attached to his back. He wore a dark leather vest with no sleeves. He was much, much bigger than you. You guessed that if he wanted to, he could kill you with his bare hands. But he didn’t.
He took a chair that was sitting in a corner and flopped down on it with absolutely zero grace. You noticed him stare you down as if trying to figure out what to say.
“Recognized the fox”
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HASO, “The New Doctrine.”
Things are heating up a little, and I hope you all enjoy. I will have you know that there was a bit of a time skip in here for Ramirez and Adam, and there are things that happened to them that I might go back and write at a later date.
But for now I am getting back to the Humans are Space Orcs theme, and I thank you for being patient while I went off on a tangent
The sun beat down through the caldera of the mountain, beating don on her skin, and the droplets of water that rolled down her skin in great streams. Water sloshed around her body, ankle dep and kicked up into the air by her swirling feet. The tip of her spear was bright with water, and the white moss around her was almost blinding, so she kept her eyes mostly shut, listening to the rhythmic thud, thud, thud of Naktan’s spear on stone timing out a rhythm for her, fight, a wild dance of imaginary foes an unseen enemies.
The heat of the sun was familiar, a friend to her after all these months fighting, and perfecting her craft under its rays and in all other weathers inclement or not.
She had fought when the rain thundered down and lightning roared overhead. She had fought when the wind roared, and when the ash fell out of season. She had fought during the day and during the night, illuminated by the blue flames of the mountain. She fought until she could fight no longer and then she moved past her exhaustion and continued to fight despite her weariness. 
She fought until there was nothing of her left but the repeated spear movements spinning through all four of her hands like a machine that was incapable of making a misstep.
When she was done fighting by herself she fought against Naktan, a warrior so skilled it seemed as if his hands were moved by forces beyond the world in which she stood. He fought as if his entire being was infused with the spirit of war itself. Time and time again she fought him until her bruised body lay on the moss and the dirt, unable to move and unable to think.
He would dress her wounds then, carry her away to a small grouping of coitrees at the back of the bason, where she would rest, and sleep the sleep of the dead. Once done she would be roused form her sleep and forced to begin again despite the fatigue of her body, and the pain of her injuries.
Her entire life was consumed, down to her very dreams which whispered the formes back to her even as she created them. 
She was a creature of nothing more than the spear and sleep, more the former than the latter.
She couldn’t have said how long she was top hat mountain, or how many times her body ached with bruises. She couldn’t count her dreams.
But they were always there rife with friends she barely remembered and faced it was hard to recognize.
Moments of clarity reminded her of who she was and what she was doing, but the strange palace and the strange practices didn’t leave her much time for thinking, only fighting. And when they weren’t fighting she was listening to the words of Naktan as he spoke to her on the nature of Drev martial doctrine in its purest state and how it had been perverted and corrupted overtime into something…. Else entirely.
The doctrine of the spear being especially poignant to her. If only that had been the tradition her mother had followed…. Than maybe her life wouldn’t have turned out this way. Maybe she would have been raised by proud parents together in battle instead of one proud parent and another full of bitterness, so torn apart by their differences that they would never fight together again.
She listened to his words, and listened some more, about the nature of fighting itself, and the more she listened the more she understood just how wrong they had been about so many things. War was for honor sure, but it had never meant to become the lynch pin that held the doctrine together.  Fighting was about honor and was only to be performed under certain circumstances, protection, and to write wrongs between corrupted nations and uncorrupted nations.
He bemoaned the population of the Drev, so meager and sparse as it was….. Which was an issue Sunny had never considered. 
When she asked about technology his words surprised her. It was not, completely heretical, yes technology for the use of CEREMONIAL war was heretical, war between the Drev and the Drev alone, but when it came to other species, all bets were off. You didn’t hold others to the standards of your own nation and expected them to keep it.
Ranged weapons were a part of the universe and a completely new fighting style the Drev were going to have to learn and embrace.
The Drev martial doctrine was supposed to be hard, hard like a stone in a river, but also flexible, like water pouring past obstacles, a delicate balance between honor and practicality. OVer the years, the Drev had perverted those practices by making them too hard, and less flexible, placing those same hard parameters on their young.
Many perfect Drev children had been thrown to the fires for this ideology, and it was fitting that she would change it.
Saying this, he stood and took her by the arm leading her towards a cave in the back of the caldera surrounded by moss almost as black as midnight. He led her inside and towards the back where a forge was burning and huffing out great gouts of flame.
He turned and allowed her to look at the armor pieces lying on the stone floor crude and unfinished.
“I have begun the process for you using the ancient and secret knowledge of prismatic armor…. The armor of the saints. This will be your armor when you finish your work, and your armor when you descend from this mountain exalted. This is the end of your time with me, and there is no more I can do for you. So take up your mantle and begin your work.
Sunny nodded allowing herself to fall into the beating rhythm of metalwork, something that she had not done in a long time, but came back to her with the ease of a skil remembered, and the armor took shape underneath her hands, imperfections burned off by the flames….. A metaphor for herself perhaps.
Adam pulled his bag tight over his shoulder as he and Ramirez made their way towards the ship over the Tarmac. He craned his neck to look up at the familiar ship, a back monolith against the sky. The Omen, he had missed her greatly, and all of the people on it. Months of adventuring on strange planets and time to think for himself had certainly made his fondness for the ship grro.
Absence sure did make the heart grow fonder.
A hand rested on his shoulder, and he turned to look over at Ramirez,: who now had the worlds most glorious tan and a new white scar on the side of his neck, “You ready for this.”
“You better believe I am.” he looked up at the ship, “Did my girl miss me.”
“She most certainly did not!”
Jumping in surprise, he turned on his heels to see Narobi and Simon marching down the catwalk and over towards them. Nairobi’s eyes might as well have been filled with thunderheads negating the cheerful orange and yellow bandana she wore over her hair.
She marched right up to him, and jabbed him in the chest with a finger, “Do you know how hard it has been to keep this damn ship running when the person you left to captain CANNOT understand the IMPORTANCE of my work.”
Simon lifted her chin, “Admiral, the readout on the mechanical systems was negligible. I saw no danger from the elevated readings.”
“Do you have a degree in aerospace engineering? I don’t think so, and if you listened to me, you would know that ‘negligible’ can become ‘catastrophic’ very very fast.’
Adam frowned in some measure of concern, “Is the ship alright?”
“Just barely.” Nairobi snapped, no thanks to the Lieutenant.
Simon continued to hold her head high her jaw locked into palace quivering with anger.
Adam held up his hands, “Alright you two, take a few deep breaths and calm down. Nairobi, breathe in and out a few times, and next time sit Simon down and explain to her exactly what could go wrong and how it is likely to happen. Supply numbers and figures, Simon likes that sort of thing.” He turned his head towards Simon, “And Simon, It is important for you to listen to your crewmen. They are experts in their fields and know how to take care of their jobs better than you do. Let people know what you need, tell Nairobi that you need it explained to you in no uncertain terms. Your crew is what keeps your ship alive, and while you are their captain, you are also obligated to listen to their questions and their concerns . it is ALWAYS better to be on the safe side than it is to ignore a potential problem.”
Simon wilted a bit, and Narobi took a deep breath. Eyeing him with…. Some sort of expression he could not place.
She seemed almost surprised..
He ignored it for the time being setting his bag down and drawing himself up in height, “Now, what seems to be the problem.”
“One of our warp gaskets is running a little hot. I think it should be replaced.”
“Do you have a requisition form?”
She held out the holopad, “Right here sir.”
She held it out to him but he shook his head and pointed to Simon, “Simon, I want you to sign and date that. As acting captain of the ship, which you still are until I take command of the bridge.”
“Now both of you play nice.”
Nairobi frowned, but sighed as Simon grudgingly took and signed the requisition form, “We missed you Admiral, the ship….. Hasn’t been the same while you were gone.”
He smiled, “I know I bring a certain charm and roguish panache.”
“Well I was thinking that we don’t almost die nearly so much.”
Ramirez frowned and then looked at him, “You know what, she’s right but “I” i almost died like five times.” He turned to look at Narobi, “I got shot in the chest you know.”
She didn’t ook sorry for him, “Did you deserve it?”
He looked scandalized at her words, “I most certainly did not!”
Adam laughed, “it's Ramirez, of course he deserved it.”
He walked past Narobi and onto the ramp leading up into his ship. The smell was familiar, and hit him in a wave of fuel, and newly requisitioned cargo containers. At his side, Waffles trotted, staring up at him and wagging her tail, clearly happy to have him back since she hadn’t stopped looking at him like that since he returned. Letting her walk off leash she continued to circle him happily, tail whirling around like a furry sort of windmill.
As he stepped into the cargo area, the members of his crew stood up, salutation or greeting him surprising gusto.
They seemed…. Happy to see him.
It felt pretty good.
A few came up to shake his hand and ask how the extended vacation went. He smiled and glanced at ramirez, “As Ramirez here, he got shot.”
There was an eruption of voices and Ramirez excitedly began by telling his, mostly fabricated, tail about a heroic gun battle, proudly showing off his dented deputies badge. That got the reaction he was looking for as other men and women crowded around to oooo and ahhh.”
maverick , appearing from nowhere, looked around the man's shoulder, “Twenty bucks says you bought that at a gift shop somewhere.”
Adam grinned and shook his head, “You know I wouldn’t put it past him either, but actually, the first part of our vacation we visited the Bramble colony got us some horses and rode out for a little fun. We ended up getting kidnapped by bandits.”
“Like you seem to always do.”
“Yes, like I seem to always do, but it turned into a gunfight with the local sheriff’s department and after their leader got away the sheriff asked us to join him on thwarting a train robbery. Ramirez did get shot in the chest, and I got into a gunfight on the back of a speeding train.”
Maverick stared at them, “I’m not sure if I Believe that story or not.”
“You don’t have to, we have pictures and souvenirs of all the places we went .”
“Even have a picture of the guy who gave Ramirez that scar, on our last outing, but I can tell you that later.”
He sighed quietly, “Here we go.”
He turned on the spot, looking over to see Krill marching up through the ship glowering at him, like only krill, out of all his species, could glower, “I-am-ao-angyr-with-you. 
Adam shrugged, “What’s new.”
“Don’t get cute with me. I have been watching your vital signs for weeks, and it's been like riding a rollercoaster. I have never ridden a roller coaster, but do to this experience, I already know that I would very much hate it. You, you were supposed to be on VACATION. You were supposed to be on Vacation for mental health purposes and now i hear that you have been SHOT AT, and jumped onto the back of SPEEDING TRAINS. What makes you think that this is ok!”
“I find that putting your life in danger really brings things into perspective, doctor. Now I promise I will go visit Dr. Adric later for a second opinion, but right now, I need to go inspect my ship.” He patted Krill on the head amused when the little creature nearly burst into a flaming ball of rage. It made him laugh as he worked his way further onto the ship, finally appearing on the bridge with a deep breath.
“Admiral on deck!” Someone shouted, and the entire room raised their feet in greeting him their hands raised in excitement welcoming him back with no shortage of enthusiasm and relief. He bet he knew why. Simon was….. Well she was a bit of a stick in the mud sometimes, even more so when she got nervous. He had a feeling things on the ship had become a little more strict since he had taken his leave of absence.”
He went to go take his seat in the captain's chair and frowned, “Dammit Simon, what have you been doing here. It took him almost five minutes to adjust his seat back into its preferred position, and then when he turned on his holo projections he frowned, “Simon! What the hell did you do.”
“I reconfigured it for maximum efficiency.”
“To me it looks like you broke it. Damn where the hell is everything.”
It took him about two hours to even partially recover what simon had “fixed.” And even then he was still having trouble finding everything. He would have liked to get off the ground that day, but it didn’t seem like that was going to be happening. He dismissed the rest of the crew to  rework the computers back to his preferred state.
Simon called it inefficient, but he called it comfortable and familiar, which is what mattered when it came to being a pilot. He promised her when she became the captain of her own ship she could do whatever the hell she wanted.
Sitting there, alone in the dark for hours on end, he tried not to think about the one person he had hoped to see when he came back. He tried as hard as he absolutely could not tothink, but still the thoughts slipped in anyways.
He pulled the ship into orbit just before lights out with the help of the night crew, and then surrendered command to the night lieutenant giving orders to head in the direction of Europa station before he stepped out into the darkened hallway.
Alone and with his own throughs, he grew morose and sour upon thinking.
Waffles bumped her head softly against his hand and he ran his fingers along her velvety ears, “Yeah I’m an idiot.”
He jumped shocked for a moment thinking she had spoken before realising the voice….. The voice wasn’t female number one, and number two it had a certain air of condescension that he knew and recognized all too well.
“Hello Conn.”
Ethereal silver ribbons took their form around the next corner as Conn floated closer his wide black eyes shining back at Adam from the darkness, “Admiral. I am glad to see you are doing better.”
He grunted, “Save me te platitudes Conn.”
“No really, I am glad, you see I am the only one here who has to share your necrosis, which can be rather loud and bothersome sometimes when I am trying to relax.”
“I am sorry my mental anguish invoenianced you.”
“Apology accepted.”
Adam sighed deeply.
“She’s not here you know.”
He blinked feeling his skin go cold and clammy, “She’s not.”
“Yes, she has not been back for months now.”
He took a deep shaky breath, “Oh…. I see.”
“When she left, she did seem intent on returning, but I cannot know if those inclinations have changed.”
“How long?”
“She didn’t know. She was still deciding on her next course of action…. Also, you might want to turn around.”
“Turn around, why would I want to-” He was turning even as he spoke, and just in time so it seemed to be punched squarely in the jaw. He fell over backwards slamming into the floor with a loud rattle seeing stars, his face aching. He scrambled to regain himself but went slack again when he looked up and saw Cannon standing over him, a look of absolute rage on his alien face.
He grabbed Adam by the front of the shirt and hauled him upright and into the air so his feet were kicking a good two feet off the ground. He could feel the fabric of his shirt straining against his weight as he was slammed back against the wall.
It translated to bastard in english, but underneath the words he could hear the phrase Cannon actually used. The Slur that in Drev was more closely related to corward.
His first instinct was to struggle, but then, he thought better of it, allowing himself to go limp in cannon’s hands as he quietly said, “I know.”
Cannon slammed him back against the wall again, “NO YOU DON’T KNOW. DO YOU EVEN REALIZE WHAT YOU’VE DONE.”
He stared up at Cannon in confusion, “I-”
“No of course you couldn’t understand, you’re human. You don’t give a shit about your romantic partners, you just up and leave them, constantly. Cherry picking them and squeezing the life out of them until your done just to discard them.”
“Cannon I-”
“Drev only-love-once. Just ONCE.”
Adam blinked in surprise and shock as those words sank in.
On of Cannon’s hands migrated to his throat, and he choked against the crushing force on his windpipe, “She will never love anyone ever again, you understand. Its biology, and nature, but you humans just don’t understand that do you. You don’t understand loyalty. Instead you pick out partners like you’re going grocery shopping, or getting a taste to see which ice cream flavor you like more.”
Cannon’s grip grew tighter, “Well she is  my SISTER…. Not an ice cream flavor.” 
Adam’s vision was beginning to blacken and he kicked weakly in an attempt to escape.
“And then you just upland left without explanation. You left her to deal with that all on her own, and now I don't know where she is, or what she is doing.”
His hearing was echoing, and hi entier vision had gone black.
At some point Cannon must have seen his face turning purple and finally dropped him. Adam hit the floor and collapsed gasping for air and holding his neck as he rolled onto his back.
“Pathetic.” Cannon snarled
Adam was admittedly very scared, he had never seen Cannon like this before. Usually so laid back and relaxed.
He sat up still holding his neck and wheezing, ‘I get it…. I get it I fucked up. I know that, I know.”
“DO YOU! Do you understand what you’ve done!”
“She is going to be alone for the rest of her life because of YOU.”
Adam flinched holding a hand over his head to avoid being struck, “It wasn’t meant to be permanent!”
Cannon paused, “What do you mean.”
“I mean I…. well. I just wanted to be able to get myself together without hurting her more. I didn’t want to force her to be with me, when I wasn’t ready or able. Now I can see that that was a mistake I made when I wasn’t in the right place. I didn’t intend to leave forever.”
“Than why didn’t you TELL HER THAT.”
Adam scrambled backwards across the floor as Cannon came marching after him, arms held to his sides ready to fight.
Adam held up a hand to cover his face.=, and Cannon had just drawn back his fist when Both of their implants began beeping.
They paused in their Drama looking down at their arms.
Adam frowned.
Cannon tapped his wrist, “What is this?”
“ITs a transmission from Anin.” he crawled to his feet, “Come on, lets go see what this is about.”
Their Argument forgotten for the moment, the two of them ran onto the bridge and Adam pulled up the transmission, flipping it on just long enough to see a message scrawled in the Drev language to rolling across screen that translated to.
“The spirit of the mountain burns blue, and the saints have returned.”
“Spirits save us.” Cannon whispered.
Adam shook his head in consternation, “No way…. But cannon, no on has been sainted in…. In.”
“Over five centuries. We must go, as the Sentinel of our clan you will be required to appear if you are able, and anyone other Drev whose feet can carry them far enough.”
“Right, setting a course for Anin.”
*** Sunny Knelt on the stone floor of the cavern, eyes closed breathing deeply. The fire of the forges were doused and she was left in semi-darkness.
Soft footsteps approached, and she looked up slowly to find Naktan standing before her, over the neatly arranged pile of armor that glowed like a freshly polished pearl in the light above…. The armor of saints.
Only relics of similar armor had ever been found, and only ever in pieces.
This was the only full suit of its kind.
“It is time.”
He held out his hands, and in them he held a large scroll made out of the most rare of Coiltree paper, “The words written here are your words, the Doctrine of Drev martial combat and law. Penned in my own hand it contains firstly, the doctrines and second the forms of the new fighting styles to be decementated throughout the class.”
She nodded.
“Take up your mantle Saint of the Burning Sun, and so we shall begin a new age.”
She stood, and he knelt before her strapping on the first piece o her new armor from the feet up, interlocking the masterfully crafted pieces the color of pearl, stronger than steel. Until lastly he placed the helmet upon her head and locked it into place
It was heavy in a comforting sort of way.
A moment later he returned, “The last piece I gift to you is a weapon made by my own hand.” It was pearlescent like the white of the armor she no wore, “Stronger than steel, and as sharp as obsidian. None but I know the materials and methods to craft this, and none shall ever know until I pass it down to a successor.” he handed her the scroll, “Begin your trek down the mountain, and there they will be waiting to hear your words.”
She nodded, “Thank you Naktan….. Thank you.”
He placed a hand on her arm in a friendly gesture before urging her on.
She did as told walking, for the first time in so many months towards the opening of the caldera.
When she stepped outside she was momentarily dazzled by the glowing blue fire that roared up from around her.
The mountain seemed to shake and burn in ways she had not seen before erupting from all sides as if it knew.
Blue light poured off her body like water, and with her head held high she began her way down the mountain.
Adam and Kanan stood at the edge of the hotspring, packed in with the rest of a restless crowd. Adam’s eyes were wide, Dazzled by the glowing inferno that was the fiery blue mountain. He had never seen anything like it. It burned with such glorious blue intensity that he could scarcely look at it, and it rubmeld so violently he could feel it in his feet.
He wore his ceremonial Drev armor, all the way up to the helmet and down into the cape. A spear was held in his right hand as he stood sentinel for the Wandering tribe, next to the rest of the clan leaders that had made their trek here.
They stood, for hours and hours as the mountain burned, casing a beacon of blue light down around them.
Thousands of drev trickled in from all sides  whispering and murmuring at the strange scene before them. But still they were mostly silent, unsure of what to do or how to behave. Adam didn't  know what to expect. 
His human leg ached under the weight of the heavy armor as the sun began to rise slowly in the distance, but discipline, discipline he had learned in his travels kept him in his place, unmoving.
They waited and waited and waited until the Sun painted the sky peach with its rising.
And from the sulfuric fog of the hotspring, the watched as a figure coalesced as a shadow in the mist, walking calmly across the open hotspring field
A asp rose up, as those, still in disbelief began to realise that this was real.
Adam stared forward engaging his mechanical eye and zooming in on the figure.
The fog parted like a curtain to reveal a glorious almost ethereal drev warrior in pearl white armor just as the sun crested over the horizon. The light hit the armor, and rays of prismatic light exploded around them.
The waiting crowd gasped and threw up their hands to cover their eyes. The light was so pright Adam had to cover his human eye, and only after he filtered out the brighter wavelengths was he able to see.
And when he did his knees went weak.
Cannon heard the words and forced himself to stare into the bright light, but after a moment of looking Adam heard him, “Spirits above….” His voice trailed off 
She walked slowly and with great purpose over the steaming landscape, glittering like constellation fallen from the sky.
Adam fel his heart racing and his stomach churn in flips.
A small part of him, for a single instant bittered towards her, for going out and becoming THIS while he was away.
But then the rest of him, stamped that thought out with a vengeance feeling a glowing of pride inside for her and what she had become. She was better than he was, than he had ever been and he could see now that he had never deserved to even stand in her presence. He felt small even as pride for her burned through his veins like the molten blue fire on the mountain.
She paused just ahead of them, standing on the white bed of the hotsprings.
“Brothers and sisters.”
Her voice echoed like rolling thunder.
His heart only beat faster, his stomach turning somersaults.
“Long has it been since the spirits spoke, since they have changed the martial doctrine of our people. Long have we been left to suffer in words and actions corrupted by time and foolish interpretations. Today I am here to lead the Drev into a new and brighter age, but also to bring us back to the true and pure doctrines that once were, before being so morally corrupt. See the mountain behind me, and the armor with which I ware, and if any of you dare to challenge my legitimacy, let him step into the circle with me.”
She stared around at the crowd, her eyes seeming to glow with fire.
His heart sped up and then stopped as her eyes passed over him, and then turned to fall upon him again.
It seemed as if she could see right through him, and his innards felt s if they melted and trickled down into his leg.
“Does no one wish to challenge me.”
The plateau was silent.
“By deferring to my word you accept my legitimacy, and therefore the legitimacy of my words. THe doctrines will be handed out to all peoples young and old, for copy and study. The day changes now, and my first and greatest decree is a return to the true doctrine of the spear, “If a Kit is born above the raging fires, and possesses the ability to hold a weapon, than they shall not be cast into the fire.”
There was a gasp up around them.
“It may have one arm, or no legs, or no eyes, or be blind or be deff, or have no carapace of which to speak, but if they can hold a spear than they shall live.”
The thunder of her words rocked him to his very bones, so he could only have imagined what it did t the others, an entire people who had been living differently for hundreds of years. How would they react, would they accept her words.
But looking up at her, he knew what his choice would be.
He wouldn’t dare challenge her.
She was the truth made corporeal.
She was A saint.” 
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fbfh · 4 years
hello, bluebell (leo x fairy!reader)
genre/vibe: soft fantasy/the gentle etherial vibes of the princess bride and pixie hollow (books and game)
word count: 1.6k
pronouns: they/them - gn reader - probs some fem vibes cause i was imagining my fairy daydream self while writing this lmao
au: you’re a fairy but no others 
pairing: Leo x fairy!reader
requested: nope, just obsessed w fairies bc who isn’t
warnings: brief mentions of memory gaps, a few mentions of caterpillars and other bugs, you wake up in the woods somewhere, mentions of changlings
summary: leo trips over a stranger sleeping in the woods, and know they’re something else because of their etherial aura. And the fairy wings. That was a pretty clear sign too.
reccomended songs: aventurine - paul baker, fairy garden asmr ambiance
a/n: baby stepping back into the writing game babeeeeyyy aLsO if you played the online pixie hollow game or read mary engelbreit magazines or watched the princess bride growing up i wanna give you a double high five also jfc how many more times can I say fairy in a description lmao
 requests r open xo
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When Leo left Bunker 9 to take a (long overdue) break from his current projects, he didn’t expect to almost trip over someone lying under a tree. He had begun walking to the dining pavilion as usual, when the smell of wild violets engulfed him in a passing breeze. He slowed down a little, taking in the beautiful August morning, and felt his mental to do lists melting away. Time seemed to slow down as he looked up at the sunlight glinting through the trees, his eyes falling on a cloud he decided looked like a giraffe in a suit.  The sight made him laugh softly. Gods, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d gone cloud watching. Sun broke through the trees, and he looked down at a bush with little red berries as warm tingles danced over his skin. Light bells rang in the distance, and he looked around for the source. He stopped, eyes falling on a small inchworm. 
“Hey little guy,” he said softly, waving to the insect. He smiled to himself again, noticing the large patch of clovers he was passing through, a strong sense of peace settling through him. His eyes instantly began scanning the patch, debating being a little more late to breakfast to see if he could find a four leaf clover, when he tripped over a foot, and narrowly avoided stepping on a few innocent mushrooms growing in the ground. He felt himself get snapped out of the relaxed cloud that had engulfed him moments before. He caught himself, and looked down. Gods, who would nap this deep in the forest? He was about to nudge you awake, when he saw you. He staggered back a step, breath catching in his throat. 
You were laying on your side, eyes closed, soft lips parted gently. Mid morning sunlight glinted off your hair and skin, giving off a surreal glowy effect. Your white flowy pajamas had dirt smudged on the hem, one of the straps beginning to slip down your shoulder. The light weight material fell around your legs and spilled onto the ground like sea foam reaching for the shore. A butterfly sat on your head, tranquilly opening and closing its wings.  He took a few more steps, careful not to step on the mushrooms that seemed to surround you, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw your back. Caterpillars had spun silk all over your upper back, connecting to the tree. He felt like he should do something, but before he could begin to think of what, three crows started cawing from the branches of the tree. He walked back over to see if the harsh noise had woken you, but you didn’t seem to move. He let out a sigh of relief a little too soon, as he watched your eyes flutter open. 
You took in a deep breath of forest air, and your eyes opened, trying to take in your surroundings. Your head spun with violins and harps and flutes, and your body felt heavy. Sense crept in and you tried to piece together how you’d gotten here. What had happened last night? You struggled with gaps in your memory for a moment, before trying to get up. Your palm slipped on a patch of moss, and you caught yourself on your elbow. In an instant, someone was right beside you, helping you off the ground. He was beautiful; like a beam of light, he seemed to fill you with warmth and life instantly. He smelled like woodsmoke, and his touch was gentle on your arm. You became aware of a very dull, almost soft burn on your upper back, but your attention turned back to the boy as he started talking. 
“Are you okay?” his voice was like the crackle of a bonfire.
“Uh,” disorientation was still fogging your mind, “yeah, I think so.” He helped you into a standing position, a hand in yours, the other still on your arm. You felt stiff and sore enough to wonder what you had been doing. 
“How did you get out here?” he asked, his tone a distinct blend of amusement and confusion. 
“I don’t know… I probably just-” memories flooded back; moonlight caressing your skin, beautiful music you couldn’t quite remember, fireflies guiding your arms and legs as you danced and danced and danced, drunk on the movement.  You shook your head, snapping out of the sudden train of thought. 
“Um, probably just wandered here by mistake.” you finished the half truth with a laugh, “My apologies,” you continued, “is this your property? I can leave, I didn’t mean to intrude,” He looked at you for another moment before speaking again.
“Oh, no, nothing like that. We usually don’t get a lot of… visitors. I’m-” You felt some kind of rush building up inside, like what a venus flytrap feels as a beetle is about to land. 
“I'm y/n," you cut him off suddenly, pulling away, and the feeling immediately began to subside. You waited in near silence for a moment, then chose your words carefully. 
"What do you like to be called?"
You turned a little on your heels, wondering what had come over you as his voice trailed off. He stared behind you for some time, let out a soft oh, then tore his eyes away and back to you.
“There’s someone you should meet,” you agreed, slightly confused, and he began to guide you through the forest. After a few minutes he brought you out to an open field. He left your side for a minute to tell a passerby something about sending someone over, you couldn't be sure, then continued leading you over the grassy expanse. You went past a very old looking building, over a small footbridge, and onto the porch of a house. 
“So…” you started, unsure where the sentence was going, “who is it that I’m supposed to meet?” The burning on your back had subsided to a pleasant tingle right by your shoulder blades. A breeze brushed your cheeks, and you could smell strawberries - lots and lots of strawberries. The idea excited you. 
“The director of this camp. He should be able to explain -” his eyes hovered just behind you again, “everything.” You wished he would talk more, you loved the lilt of his voice. You wondered what this director would need to clear up, your eyes falling on a scatter of rainbows cast on the floorboards of the porch. You tried to turn to see what was making them, maybe a hummingbird feeder or a light catcher - you’ve always loved stained glass - but when you began to spin on the balls of your feet like you’d done a thousand times before, there was a strange resistance. You spun slower on the wood, and lost momentum. In an effort to catch yourself, your foot caught on the leg of a patio chair, and you knew you wouldn’t be able to stop the fall. The spike of adrenaline made your back burn more, and you braced yourself for impact. An impact that didn’t come. 
This didn’t make sense. You should have been falling; you were barely touching the ground. Instead, you were suspended midair. You opened your eyes to your outstretched arms, and glanced down curiously. You were pitched forward, one foot barely making contact with the wooden floor, the other tucked behind it, frozen mid fall. Shifting rainbows and prisms seemed to light up the whole floor now. You became aware of the strange wind rushing around your face and hair, and saw Leo staring behind you again, with that odd, fascinated look on his face. You looked behind you and let out a startled gasp.
Big, beautiful, iridescent wings that looked sort of like you had stolen them from a dragonfly fluttered behind you keeping you in place. Your arms fell and you straightened up, feet gently making contact with the ground as your wings slowed to a stop. 
“Ah, hello,” came a man's voice from behind you, “I haven’t met someone as special as you in a long time. Please, come inside if you’d like.” He ascended the stairs. You felt like you should have been more surprised to see he had the bottom half of a horse, but it didn’t seem to phase you. Then again, you weren’t one to judge.
“Just one moment,” Chiron said, pulling Leo aside, and once out of earshot, explained the significance of you and your appearance at camp. He took a moment to process this.
“A fairy,” he breathed, mind reeling.
“A changeling from the looks of it. A fairy raised in the human world. They’ll need help navigating this new world, finding out about themself.” Leo nodded, remembering how confusing things were when he was first thrown into a whole other side of his life. He looked through the crack in the door, watching you nibble on a snack cake drizzled in honey. Chiron looked at him watching you, infatuation on his face. He put a hand on Leo’s shoulder. 
“They deserve an explanation. Would you like to help with this, er, complicated conversation?” Leo thought back to when you had taken his hand, the way your laugh sounded like bells, the way the corners of your mouth never seemed to drop. The idea of going to the dining pavilion, continuing on with his life as if he’d never met you seemed impossible. He knew in that moment leaving you wasn’t an option. 
“Of course.” He answered, more sure in that moment than he had been of anything.
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vangoghmusings · 4 years
𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖍 𝖎𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘
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pairing: demon!tendou satori x fem!reader 
rating: 18+ 
word count: 4.1k 
warnings: child abuse, religious trauma, mentions of blood, seizure, religious taboo, degradation, public sex (?), oral (receiving), fingering, unprotected intercourse 
a/n: ahh here’s the first one shot of my 1k halloween event!! this story is VERY NSFW so please do not read if you are a minor. this also have mentions of child abuse and religious trauma and is VERY taboo. each story is partically inspired by a song, this one is “under your skin” by jukebox the ghost, which i have linked below. otherwise, i hope you enjoy reading this as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it!! 
✁ ✂ ✃ 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖘𝖐𝖎𝖓 ✁ ✂ ✃ 
Growing up in a small town had its pros and cons. The cons were plentiful. Limited things to do, small minded people, and the conservative mindset of the looming church steeple that shadowed over the town. The pro, however, was Tendou Satori.  
You had met Satori when you moved to this godforsaken small town at the age of 8. Your parents moved there for work but insisted on sending you to a private school to ensure a “morally correct” upbringing. It was an ancient Christian school made of brown brick stacked up like a castle. Inside you would meet the son of the pastor, Satori himself. You were the same age, but he looked younger, paler and more shriveled, with cuts and bruises adorning his legs, some covered up by his uniform knee socks. It was common knowledge that Pastor Tendou beat his son, but it was his right after all, it always appeared to him that his son acted out with the persuasion of the devil. You feared your new surroundings and Satori feared the home he lived in. You had found solace in each other quickly.  
As you grew older and closer, some things never changed. Satori often came to you crying, a new injury on his skin from his father present and so you spent the night nursing him back to health. Other weekends were spent helping him clean the tombstones of the graveyard behind the church. Once you two would finish scrubbing the moss and dirt from the stones, you’d have a picnic in the cemetery. It was oddly peaceful, laying upon the ground with each other laughing and ignoring the corpses beneath you. Picnics in the graveyard were calm, but not when your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. Satori had a habit placing his head on your lap as he ate whatever was in the basket for that day. He’d look up at you with wide eyes, passionately talking about whatever was plaguing his mind that day. It was normal for his face to be bruised or cut. And you often kissed them after treating them, but when he looking up at you with such a bright smile, squinting at the sun above just enough for the cuts to break and bleed once again, you wanted to kiss them again, but differently. It felt different, you were different.  
This had to be a sin.  
It felt like you were being eaten alive by the thoughts that ran amok in your head. Satori was this beautifully pained angel with no escape from the constant terror that was his father. Pastor or not, he believed that Satori was filled with hellish intentions of the devil himself. And what father could be proud of a son who was the devil incarnate? Yet here you were, falling slowly, madly, deeply in love with your best friend. While his sole mission was to survive until graduation, yours had become to be able to kiss more than just his cuts and bruises.  
This was definitely a sin.  
You were halfway through your senior year when it happened. When you lost Satori. Every Thursday, the school held liturgy. You and Satori were the altar servers alongside Pastor Tendou. It was surprising how quickly you two could form such serious faces the moment you put on the white garments. You sat in the cushioned chairs beside Satori as his father gave a sermon. Tendou listened attentively, taking in any clue to take as an advantage to possibly get his father to love him. To prove he wasn’t a mistake or a demon.  
“Now a days... the devil presents himself in many ways. From that damned technology to that blasted music...”  
Pastor Tendou was known for hateful sermons. Yet, in such a small town as this, it was normal. He was so adamant about the devil in our everyday lives that felt that there was more hatred and death than the possibility of mercy.  
“And the devil is within us too! We must be willing to cut off his clawed hands from us, and crush his soulless entity that hovers within-”  
A throat ripping gasp cut off Pastor Tendou as his son lurched from his chair and collapsed onto the floor. You jumped back in your chair, watching as his back arched so high it didn’t seem physically possibly; a blood curdling scream filling the church coming from him. The church froze, watching in fear as the pastor’s son began to convulse. You watched in horror as his body slammed back onto the floor and he began to shake viciously. Frothing at the mouth, his eyes rolled back, and it look like his veins were about to rip through his flesh. You looked to Pastor Tendou for any sign of instruction of what to do. He was dying, you were watching him die.  
Before you could shout for help, Pastor Tendou took the glass of Holy Water that was stashed in the tabernacle and poured it on Satori. The water caused his skin to sear, smoke rising from his skin like he was burning alive. More screams fell from his lips, his face only readable as pure pain. You looked away as tears streamed down your own face at seeing him in such agony.  
Pastor Tendou looked down at him with narrowed eyes as his son soon stopped shaking. And then his body went utterly limp, his chest no longer rising and falling with breath. You wanted to scream, he was dead, he had to be dead. You were about to reach out for his body when his eyes shot wide open. He gasped and sat up right, looking around frantically around the church and down at his hands. His face broke into a smile as he looked at his father.  
“H-he left! I’m free!”  
Satori jumped up, hugging his father tightly as they both rejoiced that the devil had finally left him. It was true, that after years of never-ending abuse Satori believed that he indeed had a devil inside of him.  
Pastor Tendou cupped his son’s face and kissed his head in pure joy. He let go and turned to his laypeople who watched from the pews in shock.  
The people stood up and cheered, shouting amens and hallelujahs, kneeling and bowing. Satori had finally been saved. You couldn’t believe your eyes. This fake demon that was beaten into belief had suddenly up and left? And Satori needed to go to a hospital, he just had a seizure after all.  
“Sato, we should get you to a hospital-”  
He turned to you, swiftly taking your hands in his. It appeared that all of the cuts on his knuckles had magically disappeared. Before you could process the thought, he kissed your hands and smiled at you.  
“God has saved me Y/N. I don’t need a hospital.”  
You gaped at him. You knew Satori was religious because there was no escape from it in his life, but he never made outright claims about it in front of you. And now he spoke as if he was indeed possessed and was exercised.  
Mass eventually ended. When Satori’s mother had gotten the news, she also leapt for joy, however, with the thought of her son having a seizure ingrained in her mind, she insisted that he go to a hospital. Once you got the okay to visit him, you took your parents car and sped over. You were frantic, worried beyond belief of what could be wrong with Satori, enough for him to proclaim freedom from a demon.  
You walked into the hospital room. It had only been a day since the incident, but the room was filled to the brim with bouquets. The whole town had come to learn of Satori’s freedom. You looked at the red-haired boy sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. It was odd. HIs skin was free of his previous bruises and cuts. He was free, but maybe of physical pain, not a demon.  
You sighed and moved a vase of flowers from the chair beside his bed and onto the floor, taking a seat and reaching for his hand.  
“Sato,” you hummed, hoping to gently wake him up. He didn’t.  
You frowned and took in his features. He looked peaceful but, paler than usual. He had always been pale, but now he simply looked sickly. The veins in his face were apparent, he looked almost translucent. Almost as if, if you tried to look hard enough, you would see the blood moving in veins. Before you could reach out to touch his cheek, his eyes fluttered open, a smile spreading across his face as he saw you.  
“Y/N,” He said softly. His eyes were bright, happy to see you. Yet, his brown eyes almost had a red gleam.  
“Sato!” You beamed, standing up to hug him tightly. He hummed in your embrace and held you. You sighed lightly, just glad that he was okay. “You really scared me.”  
He let go and gave you a frown.  
“I didn’t intend to. I’m sorry.”  
“It's okay,” you mumbled, ruffling his hair. He chuckled softly and leaned into your touch. Was his voice deeper too?  
“It seems that you’ve gotten quite popular Sato,” you said referencing to the room filled with flowers. He grinned and looked up at you.  
“I guess people like you more when you’ve seen God.”  
You froze and pulled your hand out of his hair.  
He nodded and looked at you blankly. He was very serious.  
“Yes. I saw him. He-” Tendou paused, carefully deciding his words, “he’s inside of me.”  
“God...God is inside of you?”  
You scoffed and stood up.  
“Sato you sound insane.”  
He glared at you.  
“Don’t speak to me like that.”  
You looked at him incredulously. He was so stern, brows furrowed with anger.  
“Listen to me,” He said getting up from the hospital bed. He stepped towards you, placing a firm grip on your neck with his cold hand thin hand, trapping you between the wall and his grip. You gasped; your face filled with shock. You watched as a smirk spread across his face, as he pressed his nails into your neck. You whimpered in pain, they were sharp, pointed almost.  
“Y/N... God is in me, and I am God.”  
You froze, watching as his eyes were undeniably crimson now.  
“T-this isn’t you Sato-”  
“Shut up,” He snarled.  
You were right, he was paler. You could indeed see the veins in his flesh pulsing, but they were not red. They were a deep inky black.  
You winced as he dug his nails further into your neck, tears prickling your eyes. Under the dim yellow lights of the hospital room, you had shrunken, like trapped mouse beneath the claw of a lion. Satori saw your tears and quickly let go.  
“I-I’m so sorry Y/N...I didn’t mean to!” He cried, falling to his knees and clinging to your thigh. He sobbed into your leg and shook hard. You blinked, looking down at your best friend who had just choked you against a wall and was now sobbing against you.  
“Sato get up, please...” You mumbled, afraid of what his next action would be. This was so unlike him. He was usually so bright and goofy and now he looked like something was eating him from the inside out.  
He looked up at you with tear stained cheeks, trembling. You sighed and helped bring him to his feet.  
“Get dressed, I brought you clothes, and I have a basket with food in the car.”  
He gave a weak smile.  
“Yeah,” you nodded. You pulled the clothes from his bag, a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a flannel from the many times he had stayed over at your house after his father beat the pulp out of him. You set them on the bed and turned to leave. A firm grip on your arm stopped you from walking out.  
“Don’t leave me,” He whispered. His voice sounded fearful and broken, like the many times he cried as you cleaned his cuts.  
You bit your lip, unsure of what to do.  He wanted you to stay as he changed out of his clothes. That had to be a sin. Didn’t he know that? Didn’t he know that you were burning with desire for him? It was all too much. You pulled your arm from you grip.  
“I’ll just be in the hall Sato,” you said with a weak smile. His face fell and he nodded as you turned back to walk out the door.  
You waited patiently in the hall, your feet tapping as you tried to collect your thoughts. In the past 24 hours, Satori had apparently had a seizure, claimed to be freed from a demon, now claimed to be God, and physically hurt you. It didn’t make any sense.  
You turned your head at the sound of the door opening to see Satori, relishing in the warmth of the flannel around him.  
“Picnic?” He asked with excitement.  
You chuckled and nodded, walking out to your car with him.  
You eventually arrived at the cemetery, your usual spot you both had found comfort in. Any stranger would call them crazy, eating among the dead. But to them, this was pure peace. They were among those who were at rest, simply waiting for their own time. You pulled into your usual parking spot, the 6th on in from the right. You grabbed the basket and walked alongside Satori to the spot in the cemetery that was open lush grass. The day was gray, but it was rare that the sun came out in your town. The spot was surrounded by 6 statues of crying Virgins. It was eerie, but to you it was a simple normality of your graveyard picnics.  
Satori helped lay the blanket as you set down the picnic basket. Today you brought sandwiches and cut fruit. He gave you a bright smile and followed your cue to sit down on the blanket and get comfortable. You handed him a sandwich and he thanked you, taking a large bite. You froze, looking at his teeth and how they gnashed through the bread. They were sharp, pointed like an animal. You swallowed your bite and wiped your mouth. You had known Satori since you were 8 years old, had you truly never noticed his red eyes, sharp nails and pointed teeth? HIs paleness and inky black veins? His sudden strength and rage?  
“How many people do you think could fit under your skin?”  
You blinked, being brought out of your daze by your friend’s sudden question.  
“I think I could fit at least two people under my skin. Physically. However, emotionally, plenty of people get under my skin realistically.”  
“Sato...what are you talking about?”  
It was sudden and unexpected, the way he jumped on top of you. He knocked the wind out of you with how forceful the impact was of your back slamming against the ground. You coughed and looked at him in terror. This was not the meek and gentle Satori you had grown up with and this surely wasn’t God either.  
Satori pinned your wrists to the ground and used his own legs to keep yours down. You didn’t bother struggling, he was too strong. And the sinful part of your mind had envisioned this position one too many times for you to fight back.  
“I said, how many people do you think you could fit under your skin?”  
“I-I don’t know,” You whimpered in fear. This fear felt wrong though, this fear caused your legs to try and pinch together. Sinful.  
“You’re pitiful,” Satori growled, his eyes gleaming a deep red. The frown quickly turned into a smirk as he watched you begin to squirm under his weight. “Do you think I’m stupid, Y/N?”  
“N-No, Sato-”  
He narrowed his eyes and licked his lips.  
“Are you sure? Cause you’re a terrible liar.”  
You froze, fear crippling you in your spot. Satori’s smirk stayed in its spot as he let go of one of your wrists, only to grab a firm grip of your thigh. You yelped and looked at him with wide eyes.  
“You’re a sinner Y/N. That’s why we need to cleanse your soul.”  
“Cleanse my soul?”  
Satori nodded; clear he was being completely serious.  
“Oh,” you mumbled, unsure what ‘cleansing your soul’ would entail. He gave you a gently smile and let go of your thigh to softly stroke your cheek.  
“I can save you.”  
He smiled brightly, it looked like it was supposed to be caring but, with how he had pinned your body to the ground, you couldn’t be sure. But apparently you did, since the next words that came out of your mouth were,  
“Save me.”  
The way Satori handled you would lead you to believe that he had done this a billion times. You knew he hadn’t, he couldn’t have.  
“You need to show yourself to God in your purest form.”  
You shivered as his cold fingertips touched your skin as he helped undress you, the weeping Virgins were the only ones watching your nervous form besides Satori himself. Besides God himself.  
Shortly after he undressed you, He took his own clothes off, his translucent skin and inky black veins more prominent in the grey sunlight. You had never seen him so exposed, and the same went for you. You curled up shyly, remembering that you sat naked in front of him.  
“Stop,” He said gently, placing a cold hand on your knee, pulling your limbs away from hiding your body. “You’re perfect,” He breathed out softly. You felt heat rush through your body at his comment. “Such a perfect vessel,” He mumbled, continuing to eye you up and down.  
“V-vessel?” You prompted, only to be cut off by the sensation of Satori sucking down and kissing your neck. You gasped, your hands gripping his shoulders as he towered over you, nipping at your skin and sucking harshly. You cried out softly, embarrassed at the wetness pooling in between your legs. You were brought out of your distraction when you felt Satori’s sharp teeth dig into the flesh of your neck. You whimpered and tried to pull away, the new sensation too much to bare. He pulled away to look at you, his lips swollen from kissing your neck and his eyes looked like ruby’s, mesmerizing gems.
“Sato,” you whispered. He looked ravenous and wild. HIs cheekbones looked sharper, the blank veins pulsing rapidly under his skin. He grinned madly, and now you were certain. You had lost Satori. The monster in front of you was a demon. You had fallen in love with demon.  
“Hush,” He purred, placing a icy finger against your lips to silence you.  
You stared, horrified at his next move, what this demon would do to you, with such heavy lust overtaking your vision. You really were a sinner. With unexpected force, he pushed you back down against the ground, the fluff of the blanket cushioning your fall. With iron-clad strength, he opened your legs and buried his head between them. You gasped, Satori’s mouth instantly latching around your clit without warning. You shook under him and he reached up and grabbed your throat, gripping it tightly to quiet you. You whimpered, unable to handle the strength he was sucking at. Your breath hitched feeling his cold finger slide inside you, curling rapidly. It was too much too fast, your vision blurring as you felt tightness coil in your tummy.  
“S-Sato, please; it's too much!”  
You cried, fearing the heat bubbling up in your core. You felt Satori roll his eyes against you as his tongue darted inside of you, sucking and leeching your folds as he slipped a second finger inside. You’d never felt like this, flush and needy and desperate for his touch. He let go of your neck and your arms launched forward, pulling at his hair and attempting to get some form of leverage as you bucked your hips against this mouth. You were so close-  
“Pathetic,” He growled sitting up, his pale face covered in your slick. It was lewd and sinful and quite possibly the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen. “You were going to cum just from my mouth? You’re too easy.”  
You frowned, embarrassed that he was right. He chuckled and gently placed a kiss on your lips. You blinked.  
There it was the moment you had been longing for for so long. He had finally kissed you. It took a demonic possession but at last, he finally kissed you. It was just a peck, so he began to pull away. You wouldn’t let that be, you couldn’t. No no no, your mind screamed as you grabbed his face and pulled him back to you. You kissed him hard, every lingering touch filled with needy. You gasped softly when he bit your bottom lip, he pointed teeth puncturing gently. You pulled away, completely aware of what you were going to ask and to what you were asking. There was no longer who inside of Satori’s body, but a what, a demon.  
“Sato, I-I know I’m a sinner and I know this is wrong, but,” You sat on your knees, begging him, taking his icy hand and placing it on your bare chest. “If you can save me, do it now.”  
Satori’s red eye’s sparkled, clearly hearing words he liked.  
“What a beautiful perfect little sinner you are.”  
You sat on your knees, continuously begging for him to do more than just look down on you, until pushed you back, knocking you down onto your back. It seemed this domineering position was his favorite. You watched with wide eyes as Satori positioned his length at your entrance.  
“Beg for my cock.”  
“W-What? Sato that’s so vulgar-”  
“I SAID BEG,” He growled threateningly, there was no softness in his voice, just utter lust and malice.  
“P-please, Satori, I need your cock! Please, I need it so bad-” You cried out when he forcefully shoved his entire length inside of you.  
Your head fell back, your vision blurring from the tears of pain and pleasure. Moans fell from your lips at the sins that were happening before you. Not only were you fucking the pastor’s son, you were fucking the pastor’s son who was possessed by a demon in a graveyard. You blinked several times, the tears rolling down your cheeks as you were able to focus your vision. Staring back down at you, was one of the weeping Virgin statues, crying just as you were.  
You were brought back to focus on Satori when he thrusted harshly into you, hitting your cervix. You groaned, the pleasure becoming too much to handle, the heat bubbling up inside of you once more. Satori grunted with every violent thrust, growling and sounding absolutely animalistic, your legs now sitting on his shoulders to go deeper into you. The moans bounced and echoed against the tombstones in the yard the Virgins watched the scene in front of them.  
“I’m close Sato,” You whimpered, digging your nails into his back, scratching hard as to cling onto him. He moaned, and you knew you were drawing blood. You pulled your hands away, only to see that it wasn’t blood, but the same black ink that ran through his veins. You gasped, unable to deny now that Satori was a demon. You cried out, an unexpected thrust hitting your g-spot directly.  
“Praise your God and I’ll let you cum,” Satori hissed, his pupils slitted like a snake.  
You had realized now that you are Eve. Bewitched by the serpent, Satan, in the garden by the fruit.  
“P-Please o-oh God! I want to cum, please!” You wailed, begging for him to fill you with the same ink that now adorned your fingers.  
“What a good little sinner,” He purred, quickening his pace and bottoming out in you. You arched your back, crying out as you unraveled underneath him. He growled lowly in your ear as he came inside of you with you. He slowed his pace, letting you both ride out your highs. You panted, looking up at him, as the pulsing veins that trailed his cheekbones faded back into his flesh.  
“Sato...” You attempted to catch your breath as you weakly sat up. “I-I love you,” you blurted, praying that somewhere inside, the true Satori could hear you under the weight of the demon that consumed him.  
“I know,” He smiled softly and cupped your chin in his hand and pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “And now I own you.”  
taglist: @mixfi​ @melanimed​ @batwrangler​ @kac-chowsballs (taglist for event is still open)
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oumiyuki · 3 years
Waterfall Date
Heyyy, so I have not been on tumblr as much as I like to be. O3O So now I'm gonna try and fix that :d but that also means a bit of a fic sharing spam XD
But hey, more fluff to go around, right?~ ;D
Summary: Kotori and Honoka make their way to the Waterfall that Honoka finds as a date and to relax from all the University workload.
Pairing: HonoKoto
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Words: 1208
Read me at fanfiction.net or AO3 too~!
Author Notes
Happy Birthday, Kotori-chan~~ *w*
Let us all do the chun chun and love Honoka ;D hehe~
May you enjoy!
“We are here!” Honoka declares with hands on her hips and a wide, proud smile on her face.
Kotori smiles at the gingerhead’s enthusiasm before she raises her head to stare back at tall, luscious greeneries and a humble entrance with a sign indicating the beginning of a trail. “We are going to trek to the waterfall?”
Honoka turns to face her girlfriend, her sapphire blues sparkling with anticipation and zeal. “Yup! Are you ready?”
Ah…Honoka-chan’s eyes never fail to make me filled with energy and…
“Ever-ready with you~” Kotori grins from ear to ear; Honoka’s enthusiasm spreading to her with just one look.
“Alright! Then let’s head in!” Honoka cheers and they began their relaxing forest trail towards the pretty waterfall Honoka stumbled upon on this lovely weekend.
Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. Was the sound of Kotori’s and Honoka’s boots with each step they took on the forest ground. Kotori took the moment to breathe in the fresh air, feeling reenergized with each breath.
It’s so…different from the smell of the lecture hall… Or the dormitories…
Kotori smiles gently as she gazed upon the big leaves of the tall trees, noticing the ferns growing, taking interest in the way those leaves were thinner.
That could be a good design idea… if I flipped it about and the material could be soft or silky-
Kotori stops her train of thought when Honoka’s soft humming reaches her ears. The ash-brunette let her soft golden eyes lay on Honoka who was two steps in front of her.
Ah, I know this song.
Honoka hums as she looks from left to right and up and down, clearly enthused by her surroundings just as Kotori was; it was so refreshing from their usual bustling city, school life.
Honoka-chan’s Ai wa Taiyou Janai~ hehe.
Kotori has a spring to her feet as she propels herself two steps in front to be beside her girlfriend who turns to meet Kotori with a sweet smile; a sweet smile saying silently “Hey there~”.
Kotori feels a giggle bubbling inside of her and her lips already a wide smile replying silently “Hey there~ I love the song you’re humming~”
“Kotori-chan… This is all so amazing, right?” Honoka’s volume was softer than usual, perhaps a subconscious effect from being in a serene forest.
The design student nods in agreement, though her eyes were still on Honoka and she was more of thinking about how amazing the gingerhead is.
The forest… The idea of a getaway from school life… Honoka-chan is simply amazing.
“Ah.” Honoka stops in her tracks which Kotori follows.
Before Kotori can ask what was wrong, her vision is filled with Honoka’s hand, raised and offered to Kotori to put her hand in. The ash-brunette’s cheeks pinken slightly.
Ahh, it’s not like we don’t always hold hands already… I wonder why my heart is racing all of a sudden. Is it because of the place? Because we are all alone? Because Honoka-chan is…
Honoka had a gentle, charming and patient smile. Her ocean-blue eyes shimmering with a gentle light in the dimness of the forest. And there was just something about how her orange-brown hair tied to a low ponytail, resting on her shoulder made her look more mature and alluring.
Kotori gulps as she slowly raised her hand and places it in Honoka’s. The orangehead’s features brighten considerably just from that and Kotori swears her heart just did a few flips.
Mou… Why do you have to be so cute when you smile? And so easily made to smile from something as simple as me putting my hand in yours?
“I like it when we hold hands. Hehe~” Honoka answers Kotori’s lovesick questions with a silly giggle at the end. “Also. There’s a huge tree root here we gotta climb over so… I wanted to make sure you safely get across…”
Kotori’s eyes widen at the sight of Honoka rubbing the back of her head and being sheepish; as that would mean Honoka was conscious of being a charming knight in shining armour right now.
“Thank you, Honoka-chan. Let’s get across this together~” Kotori squeezes Honoka’s hand and the gingerhead with the cute pink blush beams and takes the next step onto the large root.
They got across one, two, and another three large tree roots. Getting excited as they could kind of smell the smell of a large body of water and the faint sound of the waterfall crashing down. And Kotori was feeling floaty from the warmth and security she got from holding hands with Honoka.
Ahh~ I love holding hands with Honoka-chan~
It’s always so warm~ and reassuring~ and heart racing and—HYAH!!
Kotori slips, possibly stepping onto a part with moss and although Honoka tightened her grip on Kotori’s hand to give the ash-brunette balance, the height of the tree root to the ground was higher than usual and they both fell to the leafy, muddy forest floor.
“Wah! A-Are you okay, Kotori-chan??”
“I am… …not okay…” Kotori answers as she got lost in Honoka’s eyes again.
Honoka never lets go of Kotori’s hand, squeezing tight and her left hand checking Kotori’s forehead and shoulders and all about to make sure Kotori was not scratched or injured in any way.
Ah…it’s always Honoka-chan’s electrifying and earnest blue eyes and warm hands that… makes me fall in love with her again and again…
Kotori wanted to reassure her girlfriend, she really did but the way Honoka’s eyebrows furrowed in worry, the way Honoka’s eyes held strong concern as it searched Kotori, the way those warm and soft hands touched her to make sure she was okay. Kotori almost wanted to be a little bit mean and tease Honoka.
I could pretend to hurt somewhere… ah but, I shouldn’t~
Kotori giggles, effectively breaking Honoka out of her panicky state.
Kotori hums thoughtfully, purposefully aloud, her face glowing red as she blinked multiple times and she lowers her body till her lips was at Honoka’s ear and she whispers, “Looks like I fell for you again… Honoka-chan…”
Aaaahhh, I said it~!!
Kotori’s heart thumps rapidly in her and she presses close to Honoka on the forest floor, muddy and covered in leaves feeling warm and secure.
Honoka’s body was definitely of a higher temperature as Kotori successfully made Honoka’s face a blushing mess. The gingerhead wraps her arms around Kotori’s back.
“You’re so unfair, Kotori-chan.”
“Hehe…~” Kotori giggles guiltily.
“I didn’t exactly fell on you so I can’t use the same double meaning but… mmm…” Honoka made a bunch of groans and sounds which tickled Kotori’s funny bone.
Honoka-chan is so cute when embarrassed~
“Muuuu!” Honoka lets out a loud protest to blast the embarrassment away before exclaiming. “I love you too!!”
Kotori giggles more and more, her body vibrating with happiness for a time before she replies, “Mmph!”
I love you so, so much, Honoka-chan~
They laid on the surprisingly soft soil for as long as Kotori desired before Honoka looks up at the trees from her interesting angle. “Kotori-chan… Are we still going to see the waterfall?”
Kotori pushes herself up to give Honoka a loving smile. “Of course~”
Our date is far from over~ hehe~
Author Notes
Soft and sweet~~ UwU
And aaahhh, date is far from over hehe >w< Kotori-chaaaan!!
Wishing the fluffiest and amazing costume designer a Happy Happy Birthday!!! ^w^
I hope everyone enjoyed this little date too *O*
I especially liked the feels of the forest just for them :)))) What about you~?
Leave me a comment if you like! ^w^
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kathaariawrites · 4 years
Sucia - Lieutenant Lesaro x Reader (NSFW)
I’m not okay, please stop asking. This piece will send me to hell, I’m sure of it. Self-indulgent but also very important NSFW piece for my beloved lieutenant. Someone please turn the A/C on.
I think I got a bit carried away with the Spanish but uh...only the best for this man. Translations at the end.
This is for our shared thirst, @captainsigge. Get some water.
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“Te has portado muy mal, señorita.”
The words had you freezing. Lieutenant Lesaro looked at you with a very mischievous look in his good eye and you sincerely thought there was no worse place to be at the moment. It hadn’t been long since the crew of La Maria Silenciosa had rescued you on their way back to Cádiz from a pirate ship. You were headed back to Spain after visiting your sister in Saint Martin when it happened, the ship’s crew losing a bloody battle and taken prisoner when the shouts of “Spanish navy” woke you from your slumber and before you knew it you were aboard the famed ship of capitán Salazar.
That had been a little over a week ago and now you were less than 5 days away from Spanish shores again. Over time, you learned that the capitán’s first hand - and trusted man - teniente Lesaro was a kind soul amongst a life you had no idea if you could endure yourself. As kind as he could be anyways. Truth be said, you had never met a man from the Armada and avoided being around them as much as you could as they all seemed exceedingly scary to you. The capitán was no exception but the lieutenant had something...different about him.
Lieutenant Lesaro had a stern air around him, you would never deny that after seeing how he commanded the ship easily, the practice of a man born to do what he did. The crew were back after their alleged curse had been broken and it seemed that whatever had happened in the years they were gone had bonded them very close to each other and therefore reprimands and pointless arguments seemed useless and rare now.
In this moment, however, you stood in the lieutenant’s quarters after being delivered a message by officer Moss.
“The lieutenant wishes to see you and I am to escort you there.”
Earlier that day you had misstepped and how foolish had you been to believe that he would let that slip. Your curiosity had led you to disobey an order directly from him and the captain and wandered on the ship when you should not have, in the middle of a combat. Fortunately nothing had happened to you but there was something in the eyes of the lieutenant that promised fire later, when everything was calmer. This was later.
Officer Moss had knocked on the door and announced your presence, leaving soon after. That is where you stood now.
“Perdón, teniente, but I do not know what you speak of.”
“You take me for a fool. You disobeyed an order given to you, by me, in front of my men. Put my authority in check…”, he rambled as he went to the door and locked it. “No más, señorita. Te enseñaré una lección.”
You shivered at his words, the tension that had been building between you and the man over the days you spent on the ship was so thick now that you could slice through it with a knife. The air got hot, his cabin seemed on fire.
“Esta noche me obedecerás, [Y/N].” You jumped as you heard his voice behind you, so close to your right ear. His hands reached for the top part of your dress and you could only watch as he released the pins, removing it with ease. The skirts were next and you felt them grow loose until they dropped to the floor and you were left almost bare for him. “¿Comprendes?”
“‘Sí’ what?”
“Sí, teniente.”
You were rewarded with a kiss to your neck, followed by a moment where you could only feel his breath against your skin. He finished undressing you in no time, his big hands holding you by your waist. “Such beauty...do you enjoy teasing me señorita? Do you enjoy challenging me?” A gasp as he touched your breast. “Answer me.”
“No? I think you are lying to me, [Y/N].” He dragged you with him as he sat down on his bed, placed under a curtain for added privacy. “And liars do deserve some punishment, don’t you think?”
He laid you across his lap and you held your breath. You had no idea where that side of him came from but your mind was numb from excitement, from pleasure. It was your first time with a man and the little dance you were doing around each other was coming to an end, culminated into this.
His first strike on your rear took a gasp from you. He followed it with a caress to soothe the abused skin but did not stop there as another one soon followed. And another. And another. An order to count them barely filtered through the fog in your brain but you managed to count every single strike. It took 20 for him to be satisfied but you skin seemed on fire after the session. He proved to you why he was the lieutenant to such a strict captain.
“¿Y esto qué es?” His finger rubbed against your core, spreading your juices around and you shivered. “Did you enjoy your punishment, [Y/N]?” A dark chuckle escaped his lips and sent another shiver through your body as you nodded. “A lot more than one would deem appropriate, it seems.” He toyed with you for a while longer until he seemed satisfied with the soft moans escaping you. His free hand worked on his trousers to free his erection and he sighed in relief. “On your knees. Now.”
The tone used did not leave you with many options but it seemed you did not need to think twice as your body moved without resistance. You stared up at him from between his legs, your [E/C] eyes meeting his dark ones and a primal part of you enjoyed immensely how wide his pupils were. Pleasure. 
“Look at you…” His thumb pressed against your lip and he hummed. “Staring at me from there, where you belong. ¿Te gusta, eh?” He chuckled again, one hand pumping his member as he kept staring at you. “A proper Spanish lady on her knees for me. I wonder what the other officers would think if they were to come here right now, to see their precious señorita [L/N] glistening, moist and eager on her knees for me.”
You let out a moan, the thought exciting you in whole new ways. This was not the first time the lieutenant did this, he knew the buttons to press and you were astounded to find you were reacting so well to him.
“Ahora abre tu boca y cuida tus dientes.”
You nodded and obeyed, moaning with him as his member entered your mouth. He stood up then and got rid of his shoes, pants and undergarments and your hands held onto his thighs. Your eyes closed as you tasted him, felt his weight on your tongue and he seemed to be as overwhelmed as you were as he did not move for a bit. His hand found your [H/C] strands and patted you a bit. “Buena chica…”
You wanted to smile at the praise but it was soon forgotten as he began to move, gripping your hair for more leverage. Slowly at first so you could get used, picking up speed as he went.
As his hands held you in place and he pushed further you gagged, taking all of him in your mouth. He moaned loud and pulled back, removing himself from your mouth and dragging you to the nearby mirror. “Mira. Mírate. ¿Crees que pareces una dama respetable?”
You shook your head, staring at your red face and drool on your chin. “No, teniente.”
“Eres tan sucia. Pues,” He shoved himself into your mouth again, “siga mirándote. I want you to see yourself as you take me in.” You moaned as he forced your head on the mirrors direction, his member forcefully hitting the back of your throat with each thrust. The sight and sounds of it, so dirty, had you numb with pleasure. You felt his thrusts grow erratic, his moans louder until he pulled your head fully to him and soon he filled your mouth.
You moaned and choked. At the depth he had released, you had no option but to swallow and that by itself seemed to please him enough, but your instincts had you cleaning him. “You didn’t waste a single drop...well done.”
Smiling up at him, you stood up. His arms found your waist again and he kissed you, deep and needy. A reward, a part of your mind told you. For behaving well, doing what you’re told.
Your body hit the mattress not late after that, his soon following. His lips were still on yours as he sat up and pulled you up with him, your hands undressing him fully, vest and shirt alike. When his mouth found your neck, your hands found his chest and you couldn’t help but wonder why this man, this spectacular man, would choose you. Surely he was experienced, surely he had someone waiting for him in Cádiz? A wife, children?
“You think too much, querida.” He kissed your cheek then, stroking the other one with his right hand and smiling gently as he looked into your eyes. “What’s bothering you?”
“Why me?”, you blurted out and blushed and how sudden it sounded. “Don’t you have...someone? In Cádiz?”
“Ah, ya veo. ¿Celosa?” He laughed at the indignant face you put, a pout on your lips. “There’s no one. There hasn’t been someone in years, señorita. This...experience is fruit of my years on a ship. I’m afraid we don’t always have the luck to find someone special while we are young.”
“But I’m glad to have found you”, he kissed your hand. “If you will have me, that is.”
“Teniente…” You stared at him, dumbfounded. “Estás…”
“Yes, I am. I want to speak to your father when we reach Spain. I wish to marry you. It may be too soon but I have never felt this for anyone, not a single soul. You enthrance me, señorita.”
“I...yes. ¡Sí! ¡Me caso con usted.”
His smile could have lit the room and he kissed you again, passionately. “Then I believe you have the right to call me Guillermo.” You tested his name on your tongue and he seemed to like the sound of it, a whisper of ‘sí, mi amor’ and a kiss soon following.
Laying on the bed, his hands resumed their exploration of your body. “You are still being punished, señorita, do not forget that.” His mouth found your breasts and he showered them with attention. Biting, sucking, licking, marking your skin to show his status. You were his now.
The air in the room was hot, burning, your lungs almost struggled to draw breath in. Just like that he was back in his dominant mode, peppering your body with kisses and a few bites here and there until he reached your thighs. He spread them, big hands holding your legs open for him as he decided it was time to repay you for earlier. You blushed hard, your face on fire as he took you in. “Still this wet for me.”
His tongue tasted you and you gasped so loud your body jumped on the bed. A chuckle was his reply as he kept working on you, flicking his thumb on your little bundle of nerves as his tongue found your entrance. He was eating you out and God was he good at it.
Perhaps it was the lack of experience from your part or the excess of experience on his part but it took a surprising short time for you to reach your climax, the first one you ever had, causing your back to arch. He hummed and drank your juices, licking them off his lips before resuming his attention. He brought you climax upon climax with no hurry in the world until you were left limp, gasping and moaning incoherent things for him. Begging for him to take you.
“Are you sure, [Y/N]? There’s no turning back if we go all the way.”
You nodded, feverish and delirating with pleasure as you hugged him. He aligned his member to your core, the sheer pressure on you was almost maddening; you were still so sensitive from his mouth.
“Beg me for it then. What do you want from me?”
“You...I want you…”
“Yes? What do you want from me?”
“Please, Guillermo, please take me. Quiero ser tuya.”
He chuckled, stroking your cheek before slapping you. “Ya eres mia, [Y/N]. ¿No eres?”
You nodded and he slapped you again as you kept begging for him to take you, to please stop teasing, to claim you. He obliged, slowly entering you and giving you time to adapt once more. “So tight, [Y/N]...dios, you feel so good.”
You could barely breathe through the initial burn and pain from the stretch, not noticing until now just how big he was. He seemed made to fit you as he bottomed out, sighing in pleasure at the tightness and warmth surrounding him. As your hips moved it was the sign he needed to start his own movements, shallow and slow at first until he started pounding you into the mattress.
The sound of skin against skin was maddening, so hot and delicious to you as the music from the balls you went to in Cádiz. “Guillermo...más, dame más.”
Another slap, “You don’t give orders here, señorita. And it’s teniente.”
You were sure you were leaving imprints on the mattress, his thrusts so deep and strong that your skin tingled. Your hands reached for him and hugged him close to you, nails on his back as he growled and moaned in your ear, praising you on how well you took him, how warm and wet you were for him.
You came once again, then twice, squeezing him tight. By the third one he moaned loud, holding you tight against him and thrusting as fast as he could.
“I’ll fill you up so good. And you will take it all, don’t let a single drop out. Am I making myself clear?”
“Sí…sí teniente, sí.”
“Good girl.”
He came then, the sheer heat of it enough to rip a moan from you. His own moan was loud and he shook as he emptied in you, true to his word in filling you up. You stroked his hair as he rode through his climax, kissing his temple in thanks.
As the two of you came down from your high he plopped on the bed beside you, slowly removing himself from you and hugging your naked, overheated body against his. “Dios mio, mujer. You’re gonna kill me one of these days.”
You chuckled, nuzzling your face on his neck. “I love you, Guillermo.”
“I love you too, [Y/N]. Now sleep. We have a lot to clean tomorrow.”
Spanish translations:
Te has portado muy mal, señorita = You have behaved very badly, miss
Perdón, teniente = I’m sorry, lieutenant
No más, señorita. Te enseñaré una lección = No more, miss. I’ll teach you a lesson
Esta noche me obedecerás = Tonight you’ll obey me
¿Comprendes? = Do you understand?
Sí = Yes
¿Y esto qué es?  = And what is this?
¿Te gusta, eh?  = You like it, huh?
Ahora abre tu boca y cuida tus dientes  = Now open your mouth and mind your teeth
Buena chica = Good girl
Mira. Mírate. ¿Crees que pareces una dama respetable? = Look. Look at you. Do you think you look like a respectable lady?
Eres tan sucia. Pues, siga mirándote = You’re so dirty. Well, keep looking at yourself.
Querida = Dear
Ah, ya veo. ¿Celosa? = Ah, I see. Jealous?
Estás = Are you
¡Me caso con usted! = I’ll marry you!
Mi amor = my love
Quiero ser tuya = I want to be yours
Ya eres mia = You’re already mine
¿No eres? = Are you not?
Dios = God
Más, dame más = More, give me more
Dios mio, mujer = My God, woman
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hvitserkmarcosource · 4 years
The Arrangement
Chapter Eight - Lioness
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Warnings: Angst in the beginning, Fluff at the end (Warnings will be updated with each chapter, so make sure you read them!)
Chapter Eight Summary: Hvitserk makes a life changing promise.
Word count: 2,314
Thank you for all of your love and support 🥰
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine - Coming Soon
The castle lay like an old man on the hill, the sunlight shone on his, once beautiful, cracked face. Moss clung in the shade of the ancient walls like a scraggly beard. The once proud turrets had crumbled in places giving the impression of battle worn armour. The only part of the castle that was well kept are his doors, still the richest of reds, like a fresh wound seeping blood.
Hvitserk laughs from behind you “Now I understand the red cloak”
You smile and turn to look at him. “It was my Mother’s favorite, Father honored her by making it the Kingdom's color.”
“That is romantic” he observes “What is your favorite?”
You shake your head “I’m not sure, no one has ever asked me”
His arms wrap around you “Then I will keep asking until you choose one”
Your heart starts to race and a pink tint graces your cheeks. Hvitserk can be quite charming when he wants to be. And in this moment you decide that he will inevitably be the death of you.
As the boat draws near your fathers men draw their bows and swords, no doubt thinking you a threat. Until one of them spots you and yells for the rest to let the boat pass.
“Remind me the next time we raid England to wear red-“
You playfully nudge his shoulder, cutting off his sentence.
“What?!” He says in self defense “they just let us through, it’s so much easier than fighting in the water and much less wet.”
“But now you have me, there is no need to raid England when it is half yours. Why would you steal from your own Kingdom?” The question was rhetorical, but you can tell it made him think. Marrying the princess must not have sunken in yet.
If something were to ever happen to your father Hvitserk would be made King and you Queen, your children would be the heirs of this great Kingdom. Your bloodline would rule for a lifetime and never have to raid or plunder another place ever again. War will be over between Scandanivia and England, there will finally be peace.
“The King awaits you Princess, he is in the throne room.” A knight you do not recognize reaches out his hand and helps you off of the boat. “The Pagans will have to remain outside of the walls. Per the King’s wishes”
Hvitserk begins to follow you off of the boat, but the Knight stops him “All of the Pagans must remain outside of the walls.”
You scoff “This is my future husband, Prince Hvitserk, he will not wait outside.”
The Knight looks at you and says timidly “M’lady the King gave strict orders. Only you are allowed inside of the Castle.”
Hvitserk begins to reach for his sword but you stop him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I will speak to my father, he is a difficult man but he will listen to me… you won’t have to wait for long.”
Hvitserk groans in frustration “I don’t like you going in there by yourself”
You smile “This is my home, I will be alright. Please don’t start a war while I’m gone.”
He nods “If you aren’t back by nightfall I will come in after you.”
An ounce of bravery floods through your veins and you do something you wouldn’t normally do, standing on your tiptoes you lean in and kiss his cheek ”It's a deal. I will see you soon.”
When you pull away there is a smirk on his face and you blush, perhaps you’ve made a tiny mistake…
The king stumbled from his throne and collapsed in front of you, gripping the bottom of your cloak so tight it felt as if it might tear in two. He was a wreck, tears streaming down his wrinkled face. The crown on top of his head tilted and unpolished. No one was allowed in the room with you, not even his counsel. The two of you were alone and now you understand why. Your father didn’t want anyone to see him fall apart.
You kneel with him and take his hand in yours, for the first time you realize just how old he truly is. Frail. “What is it father? Why are you feeling so much sorrow?”
He sniffles and looks up at you “I’ve lost it… all the gold, the stones, your mother's rubies. All of it is gone!”
Your heart drops and you begin to panic “What do you mean you lost it? How could you lose that much, we need it for our people” you drop his hands forcefully and stand up. After everything he’s put you through and he just loses it? You can’t believe it.
He sobs harder “My child we must find a solution-“
“This was the solution! I was the solution! Or do you not remember selling me to the highest bidder!?”
He does not say anything at your outburst, so you continue.
“Do you have any idea what I've had to go through?! What I’ve done! All because you were greedy and selfish! Now you’re telling me you’ve lost it, how? HOW DO YOU LOSE ALL OF THAT!?”
Your father looks up at you, tears in his eyes, and mouth agape.
“Explain yourself father before I walk out of this castle and tell Hvitserk what is happening, I am sure King Ivar would not like that you’ve lost all of his gold so quickly.” You seethe. Disgusted at the man before you and his stupidity.
He clears his throat and stands, taking a deep breath before he says “A dragon egg”
You can’t believe your ears, how could anyone believe what he just said. “A dragon egg?” you repeat
“A man came to me and offered three of them for a price. At first I thought him mad, and then I saw them. My girl, they were giant and colorful. The colors of precious stones, but even more beautiful.. I held them in my arms and could not stop thinking about them. I was hypnotized.”
Scoffing, you sit down on his throne and gesture for him to continue. Your mind so full of worry you aren’t sure if your legs or voice will continue to support you.
“I gave him everything… all of it, every cent, gem, and stone. I needed those dragons- we needed them, the kingdom-“
“WHAT THE KINGDOM NEEDS IS A RULER WHO DOESN'T SPEND THEIR GOLD ON FAIRY TALES!!” You take a deep breath, trying desperately to calm down. He’s still your father after all. “What the Kingdom needs is protection from people like Ivar Lothbrok and now you’ve taken that away from them. You’ve striped them of any security. How could you do that, when they have supported you through everything?”
He looks at you, confusion scanning his face. And then you’ve realized you’ve made a mistake. You spoke about Ivar.
“I may belong to Hvitserk but Ivar is ruthless. He does not care about his brother or me and will come for our Kingdom the first chance he gets. You’ve just given him a reason to come sooner.”
“There is no reason to start a war with me, Ivar and I got along quite well when we were discussing you.”
you laugh “Yes, Ivar was kind to me as well in the beginning. But it was only a show, believe me when I tell you all the stories about Ivar Lothbrok are true.”
A chill runs through the air, goose flesh creeps up on your arms, and the hair at the back of your neck stands on end. Suddenly you feel like you’re being watched. “I will speak with Hvitserk, he is smart and knows his brother best. If he does not have a solution I fear no one will… I have one more question, father.”
He nods “Yes of course, what is it you want to know?”
“What happened to the dragon eggs?”
Once more he hangs his head “It was all a lie. An egg shattered one day, it had fallen and hit the floor. I was expecting to find a body but nothing was inside. It was completely empty. The other two were the same.”
You walk away without saying another word to your father. Feeling betrayed and angry. Angry that he could be so foolish to believe in such things as dragons. Betrayed that he spent all the gold Ivar had given him in return for you… Sick that now your father will have no means to pay an army when Ivar comes for him.
When the castle begins to fill with Vikings you start to feel uneasy. You are comfortable with Hvitserk but you don’t know these men, more importantly you don’t know their motives for wanting to come along. If what Hvitserk said is true, all of these men could be doing Ivar‘s bidding. They could be scoping out the castle for Ivar, seeing if the information you gave him was the truth.
All of a sudden you get the urge to run, run away from all of this, leave everything behind and start new. Some place where no one knows who you are and can’t force you to betray anyone. A place that is beautiful and not in the midst of war.
Somewhere far away from Vikings and Kings, gold and greed. A place that hasn’t been touched by the foul hands of power hungry men and their ambitions.
But does a place like that really exist? Or is it just another fairytale?
A hand grabs yours and you wonder if the man it belongs to also shares you dreams of a better place. Or is he just like all the rest? Would you grow old with him and watch in silence as he destroys Kingdoms and tears apart families, like your mother watched your father do so many years ago? Would you become numb to all of his crimes?
You hope not.
You hope he shares your need to make this Kingdom a better place. You hope he grows old and happy with you and your children. You hope to tell your grandchildren about the Viking who married a Princess and together they made England a place of sanctuary and peace.
Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
Hvitserk pulls you closer and whispers in your ear “What is wrong Princess? You are awfully quiet.”
You sigh and look up at him. “I was only thinking”
He chuckles “Then I am sorry for the interruption, it looked like a wonderful thought.”
“It was, but do not apologize. I find when I talk to you my thoughts only get happier.”
He smiles “I hope you always feel that way.”
You look away from him then, searching the room for your father. When you find him he is face down in a mug of ale, screaming and carrying on like he didn’t just condemn his entire Kingdom to death.
Pointing at your father you whisper to Hvitserk “Do you see my father? He has lost everything, he has destroyed this Kingdom and the people in it. And he celebrates like nothing is wrong, that is because he doesn’t care. So long as he weasels his way into another deal with Ivar, as long as it is favorable to him. Painting my father as the hero, he will be happy. So long as he still has power and that power has the possibility to grow he will be happy. No matter who it crushes in its path…”
You look at Hvitserk then and say aloud “I will always feel happiness when I think of you, for as long as I have breath in my lungs, you will always make me smile. But you must promise me something.”
He nods
“Do not become like him, do not forget about peace and honor. Do not toss aside our people for gold. Please treat them with kindness and help those who are in desperate need. Help me make this a better place.”
He takes your hand and brings it to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently. He then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wedding band. “This ring is very special to me, much like the necklace you wore on our first meeting. I do not take my promises lightly, I want you to know that, and I swear on this ring and my arm ring to never be like that man.” He places the ring on your finger and continues “I promise to love and honor you, and your wishes. I promise to protect your people as well as my own and do so with dignity and selflessness. I promise to always make your thoughts of me be filled with laughter and joy. I promise to help you fulfill your dreams for your Kingdom… But most importantly, I promise to be your husband, the father of your children, and the man you wish me to be for as long as you wish me to be. For every passing moment I spend with you I realize I am falling more in love and I do not want to waste more time in not telling you.”
A tear falls from your eye but for the first time in a long time it is not out of sadness. It’s out of love.
“Will you promise to love me Princess? A savage, worthless Viking that does not deserve anyone, let alone a woman like you.”
You nod and let a sob escape, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into an embrace “You are worthy. I do promise, I promise to always love you and stand by your side.”
He rests his head in the crook of your neck and lets out a breath. Saying the three words you never thought you’d hear him say “I love you”
Tag list: @alexhogh7137 @ivarthebloodyking @sfyri @curlyhairedhoseok @mavalenovaninagavi @lol-haha-joke @joebob15274 @itsharleyalb @motherofkattegat @kaitieskidmore1
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mustyrosewater · 4 years
𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕, 𝒍𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒄 𝒔𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕.
𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝓌𝑜 : 𝓈𝓁𝑒𝓀𝓉 - 𝓀𝒾𝓃𝒹𝓇𝑒𝒹
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒗𝒂𝒓 𝒙 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒄𝒉!𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈 : 𝒹𝒾𝓈𝒸𝓊𝓈𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓉𝒽
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉 : 𝟧𝓀 +
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"hvor er du, datter?" a woman call's, walking through the thick moss covered forests, calling for her daughter; her eyes travel in different directions, a bright smile litters her face as she looks around for her child, hearing the soft giggles echo in the distance. "kom ut kjærlighet, far venter på oss." she calls out to her daughter once more, tilting her head in search of the young girl. her daughter, no older than five summers old, bursts out from behind one of the many thick trees, running into her mothers waiting arms. "mamma! jeg så et spøkelse!" she tells her mother of the ghost she saw, her eyes wide with excitement as her mother lifts her and begins to walk back in the direction she came towards their home. "et spøkelse? var det en skummel?" there is a teasing tone as she replies to her daughter, asking her if the ghost she saw was scary. as her daughter begins to form a reply, they pass through a clearing of tress. a cottage sits in the distance, a man, her daughters father,  is sitting on the ground, dragging a stone across his sword repeatedly, resulting in a sharp scratching noise each time the stone passes over the iron blade. when he hears them approach, his head rises from his sword and a grin forms on his face; he does not hesitate to stand up and greet his wife with a kiss to her cheek before taking his daughter from her arms, laying a kiss to her small head. "fant du noen monstre i skogen, datteren min?" he asks his daughter if she found any monsters, a teasing tone to his voice that his daughter takes no note of, instead choosing to go on another tangent about the ghost she had seen in the woods. the man shares a knowing look with his wife as she watches the two, smiling softly. the heavy thud of hooves quickly approaching and growing louder interrupts the happy moment, both father and mother turn to the source, the smiles that had once graced their features replaced with only looks of worry, exchanging another look as the men on horseback grow closer to their home. torches held in their hands high above their heads as they stop meters away. her father is now clutching his daughter closer to his chest, one of his hands has found its place rested against the back of her head, stroking her hair softly. only one of the men dismounts his horse yet does not approach, he only stands, narrowing his eyes at her mother. "heks!" the man practically seethes, his yellowed teeth bared like a wolf; he calls her a witch, and as soon as the words have left her mouth, her father is handing their daughter to his love, whispering softly to take her inside. he only leaves them a kiss to both of their heads, whispering softly that loves them. it's then that her mother turns and begins to walk quickly to their cottage, her daughter pressed against her chest protectively. her daughters chin rests on her mothers shoulder, and as she walks inside, she see's her father calmnly approaching the group of men. she see's no more before the wooden door shuts, leaving her in her mothers arms, engulfed in darkness. -- shes sits up in her bed with a sharp intake of breath. her hair clings to her forehead from the sweat and her eyes are wide as she looks left and right feverishly, attempting to regain an idea of where she was. her chest heaves with heavy breathes and her heart is thundering so much so that it radiates through her skull. the image of her mother and father is still fresh in her mind, only aiding the echos of disorientation she currently feels. it takes her longer than she would admit to realize that she was only dreaming, to realize that she was back home in her cottage, in her bed; she also remembers the stranger in the next room, the stranger sleeping by he fire place on the floor. the birds of an early morning sing softly from outside, the blue hue of the sun that has not yet risen fades in through her window, offering limited vision. muffled rumbles of snoring come from the next room, only serving as another reminder that she was not alone. it had taken some insistence on her end, but eventually she had been able to convince the stranger that his wound was too great to venture back out into the forest. she should have known how stubborn he was, and yet she was still taken aback by his insistence to leave once his wounds had been properly dressed again. she would be lying if she said she wasn't also the smallest bit insulted that he had not even thanked her, after all, he was the one that collapsed on her door step. as much as she'd wanted to, she feared informing him of the fact that she could have easily left him in the forest to die would not be a good choice of words, the result wasn't likely to be a positive one. despite only having stayed for one night so far, his presence in her home was constantly lingering, always making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up in alert, every moment she was concious was spent keeping awareness of him, no matter how much she'd tried to distract herself. laying back down, only then did she let out a long sigh and shut her eyes, hoping that despite her rude awakening, there was a possibility that she may actually be able to get back to sleep, and in turn, not feel deathly tired later in the day. despite her hopes, it appeared that her body had already willed her awake and wanted to stay that way. this was not helped by the fact that the mans snoring had only grown more noticeable the more awake she had become. it was only then that she realized that she didn't even know this mans name, and that he did not know hers; most would agree that the first step of establishing at least some small sliver of trust between two individuals was to know each others names. so far, she wasn't doing a very good job of making herself see very trustworthy, not that the feeling wasn't mutual. she'd come to the conclusion that the fact that this man had not attempted to kill her in her sleep meant he was most likely not a hunter and that his story about being sent into the forest for bandits, and not the head of the infamous 'wood witch' was true. she was unsure if it was due to her parents sign, or the fact that he so far been complacent with her requests, but she seemed to feel no aggression towards her from this man, maybe he was just as clueless as she was about this entire situation. she could help but feel a level of kinship with this man as that thought crossed her mind, humanizing him to her, remembering that he too was a person. swinging her legs off her bed, she was greeted by the chill of the morning air, resulting in small bumps to erupt along the skin of her legs; leaving the sanctuary of her war furs and blankets always had been her least favorite part of waking, since she was a child it had always been that way. her bare feet touched the cold stone floor, causing momentary discomfort before her feet grew used to the sensation. as she finally stood, she quickly walked towards her window and opened the thick wood shutters, letting more light into her room as well as the fresh air; taking in a deep breath in some hope that it would wake her up. as she left her window and approached the archway leading into the next room over, she let out a quiet yawn, stretching her arms above her head trying to relieve the tightness of her muscles. she couldn't help but hesitate before she entered, instead only standing in the archway and looking across the room at the sleeping figure. his back was turned to her and she could see the soft rise and fall of his shoulders, still able to hear the sounds of his snoring as he slept. it almost felt wrong, staring at him in this state; even while sleeping, it seemed he wouldn't allow himself to be put into a vulnerable position, keeping his arms crossed and his knees slightly bent, ready to defend himself from any sneak attack should he need to. she wasn't offended at the fact that he slept in such a defensive position, even if he actually did trust her, it could easily be a habit years in the making, one wasn't able to just stop doing something like that. he stirred in his sleep, causing a sharp intake of breath on her end, her first reaction being taking a step back; the thought of him seeing her watch him sleep was almost as terrifying as the thought of him holding his blade to her throat. instead, he simply turned onto his other side, exposing his face to her and giving her a clear view of his features. it was only then that she was really able to get her first clear look at his face without him frowning and furrowing his brows at her; dare she say it he looked almost peaceful in his sleep, temporarily forgetting the world that awaited him once he became concious once again. her head titled as she watched him, tracing over all the features of his face that she see; the way his nose curved, the tanned skin of his face, and most notable feature of his entire face, the silver scar the traveled along his brow and cheek. she could not help but wonder how he'd received it. not so similar to his other scars, they could all be explained with the simple answer of brawls and fights, but the one scar the brandished his face was too particular to have such a uneventful story. every scar on a warriors body held story, a history of their battles. to this day she could still remember every scar her father had carried on his marked skin, and she was still able to remember his most noteworthy stories. the sheer amount of scars this man carried was astonishing to her, she could not help but think of how much he must have suffered, not only physical pain, but also the pain of the soul and mind, with every warriors story that came and went, there was always more and more of their soul being slowly chipped away. the weaker that a mans soul became, the more likely it was that energies and entities would make themselves known, tearing a man from the inside out until he'd lost his mind. "how much longer do i have to pretend to be asleep before you stop staring at me woman?" his voice caused her to jump, hastily stepping back; his eyes remained closed when he first spoke and only opened calmly when he'd finished his sentence. she had been so caught up in staring at him that she hadn't even been able to remain aware that his loud snores had stopped. it was embarrassing that he'd caught her staring and continued to let it happen, pretending to be asleep while she watched him. "i-i'm sorry." was all she was able to manage, turning her head and looking down at the floor, quickly averting her attention to something else, anything else that wasn't him. he didn't reply, only sat up from his previous laying position and began to stare at her just as she had been doing; maybe this was his sick way of returning the favour, whatever the reason, even while looking away she could feel his eyes on her. "are you hungry?" was the only thing she was able to think of to change the subject, she didn't even realize how obvious of a question it was, of course he was hungry you blithering idiot he hasn't eaten since yesterday. his only response was a small grunt and a nod, resulting in her springing into action, walking to the other end of the room and retrieving a large burlap sack, reaching into it and pulling out some bread which she quickly tore in half. hesitantly, she walked over to him and kneeled, handing him his own half with shaky hands. "it's all i have." well, it was all she had until she could make broth later, but she didn't know how to say that in english. it was quickly getting irritating that this was their only way of communicating, he seemed to be fluent in english, why couldn't he have been fluent in norwegian as well. he didn't seem to care, having no qualms with the blandness of his breakfast as he took it from her hand; she didn't doubt that during his time on the road he'd learnt not to grow picky of the things he was given to eat. she couldn't begin to imagine the things that he must have observed during his time; though she did not having his exact age, she knew that he had to have been several summers older than her, age was clear on his face. the two ate in silence, pretending to be too enveloped in their dry bread to talk. after a few more minutes of no words exchanged, she could no longer take the silence between the two, finding it deafening and almost unbearable to put up with. for what may the first time ever, pero tovar takes his time eating his food. "what is your name?" once again she'd realized he never gave it to her. not that he was obligated to, but she was getting rather tired of not being able to refer to him as anything else other than 'the stranger' it lended him more intimidation than he would possess if she simply had a name to put his face. he stopped chewing and looked at her, like he was surprised that she'd gone out of her way to ask him. he was still for a while longer before continuing to chew and swallowing the piece of bread, pausing before speaking. "tovar." the name wasn't like any she'd heard before, the accent he put on the word was not similar to norwegian names, though she supposed it was silly of her to expect the clearly not norwegian man to have been brandished with a norwegian name. there wasn't anywhere else that she knew of where that name would make sense, not denmark or germany, not even holland. she once again kicked herself for not realizing it probably wasn't a european name at all. if his tanned skin was anything to go by, he no doubt came from the west. she repeated his name to herself softly, testing the pronunciation on her own, hoping that she got it right. if she didn't, he chose not to point it out, for that she wasn't sure if she was grateful. she nodded to herself before giving him her own name, watching his brow furrow as she said it. she couldn't help but find some small amount of amusement from his reaction, a reaction she was not surprised to see. like all norwegian names, her's was just as odd sounding, and looked especially odd when written. maybe they could somehow find mutual understanding in their names or more so the trouble each had understanding the others. just as she had, pero repeated the name, although it wasn't best, the fact that he'd at least tried felt flattering to her, showing he'd made at least some small effort to learn something like that. perhaps she was just reading too much into such things, but she like to believe that that wasn't it. just as always, another silence fell over the two, however this time, whether it be from now knowing something as small as each other names or if they were just more used to it; the silence didn't feel as heavy this time, instead, she felt rather complacent to simply sit in silence with tovar and finish eating. turning her head, she stared into the fire that was still blazing but had grown smaller since last night, some of the ashes still possessing a low orange glow; she tilted her head slightly as she finished her bread, swallowing down the last bite. even if she had grown slightly more comfortable with their shared silences, she still didn't enjoy not being able to talk, she felt an odd need to fill the lull in conversation; she would also be lying if she were to say that her curiousity about tovar had only grown with each passing minute. "how did you get hurt?" the question was most likely not phrased exactly as she would have preferred, but it was the best that she could do. she hoped that the topic she'd decided to bring up was not a sensitive one, for the idea of angering tovar sent a harsh drop to her stomach, images of yesterday when he gripped her throat tightly and pointed his sword at her. she had not felt so vulnerable since she was a child, she felt weak under the gaze of his sword, as if no matter what she did he would always be the one with the upper hand. she'd sworn the day that she'd lost her mother that she would stay strong, for her. this man made her feel like she was breaking that promise every second she spent under his heavy stare. she could see tovar still at her question from the corner of her eye. at some point he too had begun staring into the flames, the silver scar on his face seemed to stand out even more under the light of the fire, his tan skin almost looking golden when mixed with the hue that was cast over him. his dark eyes reflected the soft blaze, giving them an effect which made them seem like his eyes were glowing. no matter how many distinguishing features he carried, she'd always found herself coming back to his eyes. she is almost certain that the things they had seen over his years would no doubt be enough to make her tremble with fear, the secrets he carried, the lives he'd taken, all windows that could be opened in the eyes. she could not tell whether or not her question had angered him, his face was as still as a stone statue, any and all glimpses of his thought process hidden away from her gaze; she had not met many men who were so truly gifted at hiding the small ways their faces would change; part of her grew concerned at this, for if he was so skilled in such a way, that would have to have meant he had used it several times before, did he often need to hide away his true thoughts in his line of work? "i was told there would be five men, there were eight." his voice is still gruff and heavy, laced with an air of nonchalance as if it was a completely normal occurence for things such as this to happen, although, for all she knew, it was. "do you get stabbed often?" she asked, only now turning her head to actually take in the sight of him completely. her head tilted slightly and her eyebrow arched in curiosity. it was only when the question completely left her lips did she realize that it was some would consider a personal question, but then again, she had seen the magnitude of scars on his body, all varying degrees of time and violence and etched onto his golden skin. a warriors map. "do you ask so many questions often?" his tone was not angry, it wasn't even mildly annoyed, he simply sounded amused. maybe amused by the way she worded her question, or maybe it was the fact that just yesterday he had nearly killed her and now the two were sharing bread by her fire and discussing how many times he'd been stabbed. even she herself couldn't help but find amusement at the thought, a phantom of a smile etching at the corners of her lips. "i'm sorry." she shook her head, turning her head away and looking down at the hands she'd folded in her lap, tracing her fingers over the fabric of her thick winter dress. she did not see it but tovar shook his head, dismissing her apology as unnecassary. "do not be, that is my life, has been my life for a long time." this time it is his turn to look at her and it's as if she can instantly feel his gaze on her, because she looks up and once again their eyes meet. she still cannot read his face in the slightest except for what she is certain might just be a small smirk trickling along his lips. "now i will ask you a question." his eyes narrow and if it were even possible, his stare feels even more intense, she swears she has not yet even had the chance to see the man blink. looking down to avoid his eyes, she can still feel them on her despite this. nodding her head slowly, she silently agrees and hesitates, almost not wanting to look back up, as if his stare wasn't already enough to send a chill down her spine, now he was going to ask her a question. at first, she is unsure what sort of question he may ask of her. maybe he would ask about her healing, or maybe how she manages to live so far in the woods. she searches her brain for any possible question he may ask so as to prepare her answer in advance. "why do you live alone out here?" when she hears the words, it takes her a moment to process what he has said. so many questions he could have asked, so many things he may have found useful to learn about her, and yet that is what he asks. her eyes return to the fire, staring in silence at the flames that have begun to dwindle. the more she stares at the flame, her gaze narrows and the fire begins to die at a more rapid pace, the flame growing smaller and smaller so fast it looks almost unnatural. when the flame begins to die, he looks over at her, spotting how she almost seems to be glaring at the fire growing smaller and smaller until it is completely dead, leaving the two of them only in the natural light of a growing morning. the room is noticeabley colder with it's absence and even though there is nothing left of the fire that once was, her eyes remained stuck on the ashes that aren't even glowing, all turned to black charchoal. he does not want to question what he see's, he can dismiss this, flames are known to die if the wood shifts or cracks, that fire has been burning since the night before, he can dismiss this. and yet, there is something unnatural in the way that it only began to die as her gaze sharpened. "my father, he built it." he continues to stare at her, and he can almost swear he see's tinges of sadness appearing on her features and yet he can't be sure, for it is now significantly darker than it was before. if he were a poet, he would make note as to how the sudden darkness has made itself into a rather fitting metaphor for the shift in tone, what was once a calm and content golden light as been snuffed out by looming tension created by his words. "i do not need to ask of you where he is now." tovar knows better than to ask such a silly question. the world is a cruel place, no matter who are are or where you born, the world remained cruel and would not hesitate to crush the spirit of whoever it could. whether that be through taking loved ones or otherwise. for a moment, he is almost tempted to ask how long she had been on her own, but he can clearly see that the question has brought something that is now looming over her. besides, he would not have to be intelligent to look around the cottage and observe that everything is designed for one person, he knows it has been awhile. "where are you from?" it's painfully obvious that she's changing the subject, the question is out of nowhere and with little to no prompting, an easy way to avoid talking any further about her family. he can not blame her, he did not particularly favor bringing up the subject of his own family either, memories of the plague that ravaged spain and decided to leave him be all while praying on his family, the sheer unfairness of the world was one of the many reasons being a mercenary became his chosen profession in the first place. the drifting was comfortable, the inability to form emotional connections, the perfect way of life for a man like him. "spain." he answers, even if they both know she has little to no idea where that even is. despite this, she nod's feigns interest, whether or not it's to be polite or just to remain off their previous topic neither of them know, maybe it's both. "what is it like?" her question has tovar taking a sharp intake of breath. it has been so many years since he has been back to his homeland he's not even sure himself if he's even able to remember what it is like. maybe some part of him wanted to forget. he's unsure what to say at first, what word does one use to describe such a breathtaking homeland, golden fields and sea's like thousands of sapphires, to describe his home is to describe beauty itself, it almost feels irresponsible, bordering on disrespectful to think that he can even try. the only word that comes to his mind is simple, yet effective. "it's beautiful." it wouldn't be very difficult for anyone to tell that this is a man that misses his homeland, the memories that are no doubt tied to spain must carry a deadly mixture of pain and love. as she looks at him she swears she can see them both reflecting on his face and eyes. as curious as she felt, she was intent on showing him the same respect he'd shown her and chose not to further ask about what memories may lie in his home, deeply buried and ignored. "i have only ever lived here." she said, shrugging her shoulders "you must travel a lot, have you been many places?" despite her previous question, which was asked purely to change the topic of conversation, she can't help herself from feeling at least somewhat intrigued by the idea of the places he'd been and the things he'd encountered. when she'd spent her entire life in one small village in norway, anything that wasn't said small village was interesting to her. she can't even begin to imagine anything other than the cold breezes and dark weather of her home, the idea that there is an entire world filled with so many different places with such different people is almost unbelievable to her. the only reaction this garners from tovar is a soft chuckle as he looks down at his lap, nodding his head slowly. he can't deny the amusement from the wonder he senses in her question. he has lived this way for so many years, travelling the world and seeing everything it has to offer, that he's found it is easy for him to forget that not everybody has shared his experiences. the idea of being held to one place and not being able to see the wonders of the world is not something he finds favorable. "i have been many places, all around the world." he begins, turning his head back up but not resuming his eye contact with her, he instead wills images of his adventures into his head. "china, india, romania." he lists off the name of the places he's traveled to and from despite the fact that he's aware that she does not know where any of them are. he's not all that sure what exactly to talk about, he has never had to talk of his travels before, it's then he realizes he isn't even sure what she even wants to hear, what does she want him to talk about? "most are warm, some are cold though." he wants to add a comment about how cold her home is, but refrains for fear of offending her or having her possibly think he is too weak to handle something as minor as cold weather. "what do you do in these places?" her question does not throw him off, he knew it was coming eventually, it always does. he's unsure whether or not she is trying to ask the question politely or if her limited english doesn't allow her to ask more clearly, through it does not matter, because he knows exactly what she is asking. "kill the people that my employers want dead." even if she spoke perfect english, he's fairly certain he would have made the answer just as brash and literal. there was little to no point making it sound pretty, or dancing around the answer as if it were a delicate topic, it wasn't. he was a mercenary, plain and simple. there was no reason to hide the fact that he was a contract killer, he's certain that she could have easily gathered that from the weapons he carried as well as the many scars littering his body. his answer did seem to pull any negative expression onto her face, most likely she wasn't even surprised by it, either that, or she was just trying to hide the fact that his answer unnerved her. it was the sort of reaction that wasn't new for tovar in the slightest, the few times he'd actually bothered to pay a whore to warm his bed, he'd never missed the way that they'd cringe when seeing his scars despite the fact that they tried oh so desperately to hide their disgust with him, perhaps that was why it was such a rare occurence for him to pay for a woman. he watched as she only nodded slowly, she seemed neither bothered or pleased by his answer, simply kept up the facade of neutrality. tovar himself was unsure whether or not he appreciated this, whether or not he would prefer an answer that was easy for him to understand rather than her unreadable expressions. "are you going to kill me?" he couldn't say the question was unexpected, especially not with the fact that he'd pulled her into a chokehold not even five minutes after he woke up, he also couldn't say her suspicions of him were unjust, not with the way he carried himself and the threatening aura of his presence; and yet he could not help but wonder why she would think he even wanted to kill her, so far she'd given him no reason to, if anything he'd given her reason not to kill her, she'd healed him and most likely saved him from the brink of death, if he returned that with her own death he was no better than the men he killed. the silence that had befallen the two proved to be deafening, such a heavy quiet that even the soft wind flowing under the gap in the wooden door could be heard, whistling softly. no eye contact was made between the two, each of them choosing to gaze of seperate portions of the now dark fireplace, only left with soft glowing embers to represent the fire that once was. "no." his words finally broke through the silence like a sword, such a short and simple word, yet still managing to speak volumes to the both of them. the hint of surprise on her face was hard for him to ignore, he had spent his entire life noticing small things like that, there were times that it had saved his life, noticing the small things that appeared on a persons face without them even realizing. while he knew that exterior and personality could lead some to think he killed anything on sight, he could admit that he wasn't sure why learning that he didn't plan to kill her had surprised her so. and for the first time in his life, tovar chose to ignore the small miniscule expression of surprise and pretend as if he had not seen it, for the first time in tovar's life, he chose to give a person the benefit of the doubt.
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TAGLIST : @thatbrokeassbitch​ .  @seawhisperer .  @paiswhite​ . @roxypeanut
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How does the Force work? (Rey x Reader)
Summary: When in the forest on Ajan Kloss, you decide to take a moment’s rest with Rey to ask about her abilities.
Characters: Reader x Rey
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: None, just fluff.
A/N: I enjoyed getting to see this side of Rey, and explore how her abilities on Ajan Kloss may have improved with a little bit of encouragement.
Gif not mine. 
Feedback is always appreciated! 
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“How does the Force work?”
Rey looked at you when you asked the question. With nighttime falling over the land, it was wondrous to see the stars begin their routine of sparkling above.
“The Force?”
She hadn’t heard you ask this question before, at least not in regards to your own curiosity. You’d seen her use it, begin to learn it, and you’d always wondered what it was like with her abilities.
“You can make rocks float.”
She looked at you and smirked.
“Oh... is that all?”
“No, but it’s a simple task, harmless to anyone around me.”
“Could you show me?”
She looked at you with a glint in her eyes which showed kindness, and you could tell your curiosity piqued her own.
“Of course.”
Without more than those two words, she slowly closed her eyes. You watched her posture relax slightly, and her hands curl inward next to your view. She held her hands close to her body, but then she let them wander off her legs as you both had sat down on the ground to perform the exercise, and now, her hands touched the earth and gripped onto the mossy floor below where her skin met soil. You watched in awe at her own concentration, the way even with her eyes closed, they moved beneath the lids, implying her brain was running wild with thoughts of peace. Suddenly, the larger rocks surrounding you shifted in their place. You shifted your body weight slightly to look at the rock, crawling over to where it laid on the ground to inspect it had, indeed, moved. Sure enough, the rock did move, because the moss it had once laid on, was now shifted in its place with a sweeping motion beneath where the rock was now placed.
“That wasn’t much.”
You quipped your slightly snarky response back at her, chuckling as you did so. You knew being justified in your observation would push her to work harder.
She only smirked when you looked back at her, her eyes still closed in concentration as she began to pick up the rock. It levitated in place and you could only stare in awe at Rey’s posture and calm expression, while being pleasantly surprised at her abilities growing day by day.
She then strengthened her grip on the ground below her, her hands and fingers digging into the dirt. You saw the soil crust around her fingers, and you wondered how hard she had to concentrate to keep the act up. Yet, you also felt that her gift came naturally to her. As the large rock rose higher in the air, you took that notice as a precaution to crawl back to where Rey was sitting to let her have her space with the natural world around you. You let your legs hug into your body as you watched her concentrate deeper. With her eyes still moving beneath their lids, her smile was the only indication to her emotional state.
“Watch,” she told you calmly.
Her voice was barely a whisper as you studied the large rock, the way it floated in the air and moved closer to both of you. Yet, the rock was not alone. Smaller pebbles joined it in the air, and you smiled as you felt a gust of wind cross over the both of you.
The air was cool in temperature and refreshing in the way it hugged your body and crisped your face. Even out here in the jungle you knew the way the natural world seemed to work in Rey’s favor was always fascinating to bare witness to.
Suddenly, in a moment of uncertainty, Rey gripped your hand - hard. All at once, when her fingers met yours, the world seemed to stop for her. Rocks of all shapes and sizes flew into the air and floated there, all expertly laid out in the same distance, but beautiful to lay your eyes on nonetheless. It was a whirlwind of emotions which flowed through you then. A mixture of awe, suspense, and bewilderment flowed in energy out from the large smile you had plastered to your face, and you simply grinned at her as she lightly opened her eyes.
“Rey, this is amazing!” You could not believe how the world looked around you. Every rock, every vine, every tendril of the land from the small clearing you sat on, danced with the wind flowing neatly around the both of you. It felt natural and just, stating your awe and sitting here to witness it unfold.
You hugged her then, shaking her shoulders and laughing as you did so. When you pulled away from the hug, you noticed she hadn’t left her hand being tangled with yours. It was a gentle touch, but accepted all the same. You smiled at her, and sat back down beside her.
“The Force is an energy. It binds all things, living and dead, in a balance. It flows through all of us, even here. Not everyone can sense it in the way I can, but, your hope in wondering about it gave me the strength to show you its beauty.”
“You’re right, Rey, it is beautiful.”
You smiled in awe still at the way the world caressed Rey. The way the energy in the wind, the rocks, the moss, and the trees, all flowed around her. It surrounded you both and in this moment, nothing else mattered. Not the war, not the tyranny, not the heartache - none of it. You were at peace now, and you chose to soak up all of what surrounded the both of you in a prospect of peace and justice to bring back the light in the brimming darkness.
“Can anyone learn the Force?”
“It grants life and it grants death. I feel it chooses who it calls to. It called me, back on Jakku. It called you, too. It led me to you.”
You’d never heard her speak the last five words aloud before, let alone believing she would speak them herself. They were far too personal coming from her. Yet, you accepted them wholly. You accepted the width of their meaning. You accepted the way they made your heart soar and remain hopeful with the coming light you believed would help you all win the war. No matter how much darkness filled the world, you vowed here and now to never let the darkness engulf her. She was much too stoic to let it happen anyways, but you were careful nonetheless. Looking into her eyes, at her complacent expression and the way her gaze spoke with delight at her sentiment, you could only hope she felt even half as happy as you did hearing her honesty.
“Rey… The Force brought us together. May we continue to serve the light in life by promoting the peace, together.”
She squeezed your hand and pulled you in close to her, her breath remaining level and calm as she hugged you. You both stayed in this embrace all night, as the rocks danced around you, and the wind in the forest called you home.
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durgas · 4 years
the vampire of carterhaugh
Summary: Caroline is the daughter of a local lord set to inherit Carterhaugh from her father and so sets off to claim it for herself. Upon her arrival, she meets Klaus who has been the subject of folktales for many years and is unwilling to relinquish the house. How will she banish him from her newly acquired house?
Pairing: Klaus x Caroline
Damp moss, fragrant flowers and the scent of good air hit her nose as she approached the forest with a cautious heart. It was a dark place filled with ancient, looming trees and crimson flowers growing in clumps upon what could be seen of the ground. Caroline picked one from the ground and felt a sharp prick from its hidden thorns. She held it regardless within her hand, ignoring the warm droplets of blood that fell from her palm in favour of its beauty. She was transfixed by the deep, silky petals and the mysterious yet addictive scent that it was emanating. Tucking into the bosom of her dress, she continued on her way.
Her mother had told her not to tarry and she intended to keep her promise. Though her mind still heard the foreboding words of her neighbour, the wise woman known only as Madame Sheila, who had warned her and her friends not to go into the forest.
O I forbid you, maidens a’
That wear gowd on your hair,
To come or gae by Carterhaugh,
For young Klaus waits there.
Fear had swept into her soul as Madame Sheila told them the story of the vampire Klaus who would not let a girl leave without a gift as the woods of Carterhaugh were his to haunt. Elena and Bonnie had refused upon hearing those dreaded words and yet Carterhaugh was to be her inheritance now at the request of her father She would not relinquish it for a ghost story. She walked on deeper into the forest, pressing her palm against the side of her dress to stem the bleeding. She was glad she had chosen a dark green dress, the blood would be indistinguishable from the velvet of her fine dress.
An old house stood in front of her.
Ramshackle, covered in wild weeds and with a pony tethered to the side it was not what she had expected from the house of her father. But, it was hers now. She took a deep breath and resolved to hire men to restore the house to a liveable state starting with the half broken door that welcomed her. She entered. A chill was in the air and her bare arms were pricked with pimples as she surveyed her house. Dust swam into her lungs causing her to cough, a feeling that she often found unbearable. Untidiness was manageable, uncleanliness was unacceptable. She strode through the house, hand over her mouth as she inspected the contents.
As Caroline came to the dining room, she noticed that upon the scratched wooden table there lay a silver bracelet in the centre. It was untouched by the dust, shining as if it had been freshly polished that very day. She used the skirts of her dress to pick it up, unwilling to touch the years of dust with her hands. The bracelet had a pendant engraved with the symbol of a rose. A lover’s gift, perhaps? It was finely wrought and a good weight. She wondered who was the owner of such an expensive bracelet; it did not belong to her father for certain. Circling it with her finger, she admired the craftsmanship before slipping it onto her wrist.
“Take it off, Caroline, for it is mine,” A man said as he appeared. He was handsome with russet hair although there was a devilish glint in his blue eyes.
She wrapped her arms around herself. “It is in my house and so it is mine, ghost.”
“Your house?” A smirk began to form upon the man’s face. “It is my house, love, and that is my sister’s bracelet that you dare touch. Have you not heard the stories of Klaus?” He bared his fangs at her and his eyes flashed an impossible colour.
His very presence sent a shiver down her spine and she felt fear rise up. This had been what Madame Sheila had warned her about and yet she had come anyway. She relaxed her shoulders and straightened her spine. It was her house. She would not be afraid.
“My father has gifted this house to me, Klaus,” she said in a gentle tone. She wished to reason with him if possible and experience had taught her that soft women were more likely to be heard even though she felt anger burn in her veins.
She saw his teeth sharpen as he spoke. “You did not ask my permission before entering, Caroline.” He moved closer to her and she smelt the rust upon his breath.
“I need not ask your permission to come nor to go, it is my own,” She met his eyes. She was resolute, it was her house and she would not bend for a single person. It was her right to enter and leave as she pleased.
He moved closer still. She felt fear and delight race through her body as he extended a hand to touch her face. It was cold, devoid of any humanity, and yet her heart raced with anticipation. She willed herself to back away, slipping her face from his touch. There was a distance between them but she was still within his grasp. The door was close enough to her, she could flee away and return once she had aid. Madame Sheila may know a way to cast a vampire from a house and it seemed the practical solution. Yet, her feet did not move.
“Fair Caroline, you have taken from my house and so must gift a token of yourself before I allow you to leave,” Klaus said. “A lock of your hair, a kiss of those fine lips or a drink of your blood would be an adequate gift.”
She would leave, she decided. She backed away again, her movements slow and steady, as she took each backward step. Klaus followed, his presence lingering in the air as he moved. She was nearly to the door. One more step. She clattered to the floor and heard his throaty laugh. He looked at her with amusement and offered her a hand. She pushed it away. She stood up on her feet and turned round to look at the door. There was nothing visible. Lifting her hand, she tried to move it through the door but it just bounced back at her each time she tried. Frustration thrust into her expression.  She was trapped. And, the smirk upon Klaus’s face was beginning to rather irk her.
“I refuse to allow you to trap me,” She said with crossed arms. Her blue eyes were ice cold and narrowed upon his peculiar yet handsome face. “And I’ll not offer up even a single drop of blood, a kiss I’ll not give and my hair I’ll not cut.”
Klaus stood with a cocksure smile. “Then, what will you give? I do not allow girls to pass from here without a gift from them,” he said.
She felt his gaze upon her, half unwelcome and half with appreciation. Boastful though it may be, she knew the whole village desired her hand in marriage for her looks were a frequent topic upon the lips of all who knew her. Elena and Bonnie often wagered upon the lucky man who would one day win her hand, it was no surprise that Klaus also appeared to have an interest that was not wholly unwelcome. He was a man after all, long before he had ever become a vampire. Yet, she needed to focus her thoughts. He would not let her leave without a fight and she knew she would not beat him. She needed to give him a gift of some kind.
“Tarry not, love, or else I may never let you leave,” he said with a mischief in his tone.
Breathing in, she smelt the spice of the wild red flower at her breast and remembered how she had plucked it from the forest. She had sacrificed her blood to take it, surely it would be offering enough? Her nimble hands quickly unpinned it. She felt the gentle petals in her hand one last time before opening her palm silently for him to take it.
“Take this token, Klaus,” she said with an impatience in her tone. “And, let me leave without delay.”
She felt his frozen hand brush against hers. He plucked the flower from her palm and she felt a strange pleasure begin to warm her body. It lasted for mere moments. Caroline almost wished that she could touch him again. The bargain was struck. He had accepted her gift and she was free to leave which her mind believed to be the safest option at this point. Her heart spoke of another matter. Klaus would still be here upon her return, she had merely delayed the confrontation that she was certain would be necessary to remove him from her house.
“Goodbye, fair Caroline,” Klaus waved at her with a glint in his eye. “I’m certain our paths will cross again if fate is true.”
Caroline walked through the door. “I hope to see you gone when next I come.”
Waving at him, she felt pangs of longing embed themselves within her heart. Her words had been sharp but there had been no bite; she wished to see Klaus again despite her mind listing every reason why she should not. She walked back through the forest, a slight spring in her step, as she mused over the day’s events. She stopped only once to look amongst the flowers for the crimson beauty she had gifted to Klaus but there was not a single flower to find. The heady smells of the others, some sweet and some tart, all tempted her to pluck another but she moved past with a contented smile. The colours were astonishing, more visible in the clear daylight now than in the morning. Large bright pink flowers, tiny nestled blue buds and proud orange berries accompanied her on her journey.
It was time to return to her father.
Read on AO3 here :)
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