#but alas. this is the 1st day of a 6 week course
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2.75 more hours. I can make it
#2 of them r classes. one of them im excited for the other i want to never see this client again#OTL#but alas. this is the 1st day of a 6 week course#please this is my 3rd one with her i am so Tired#when i get home today i am going to make a todo list and search for some recipes for potato week#and also prob watch a movie with toaddathan#and let robin run around loose and crazy as he is wont to do
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WEDNESDAY JUNE 1ST, 2011 (Kissing a Corpse)
6:00 AM Door’s knocking. Loudly.
6:03 AM It's the mod. “The Mistress wants you and the girl.”
7:15 AM Mistress is sitting atop the tallest booth in the marketplace— a makeshift throne for a makeshift God. Donnie looks tired and sick. No doubt she’s afraid. I know I am. mistress speaks. "You shouldn't be so afraid. I'm no monster. I want only what's best for my pet, and those tropers didn't make the cut. You can do better, DJay. You can do better than trusting online strangers to protect you from horrors like me." she snapped her fingers. the PA system is playing Genesis's "That's All." "God, such a cheerful and peppy song. Who doesn't love Phil Collins? Donnivan, do you like this song?" ..donnie won't answer. "Heh. I'll get it out of you. But Jordan likes it. And Jordan's who's important right now. I have a job for you, remember?" Yes... ._. "I'm sending you to the continent. I want some new converts for my cause. I'm thinking... Spanish. Yeah." >_< "But if you don't want to convert anyone for me... well, that's fine too. I can always just convert Donnie." So I have no choice. "Of course you have a choice! I just told you the choice!" Fine. I'll go. "I thought you would. It's really the most sensible plan. You'll go alone! I predict it'll take you a week. And I want you to take your journal, write down every juicy detail of the conversions! No wimping out!" Okay. >__< "Oh, but before you go, I need to get you a new suit. That current outfit? All that black? Way too depressing. Feels like a funeral here." snapped her fingers. Puppets are handing me a blue vest. white suit jacket. white pants. white trilby hat.
7:18 AM I put them on while the Puppets took Donnie away. Mistress is down here with me, checking me out. She says I look snazzy. She says she wants to make out with me, as I’m "just so attractive." …Mistress just did. It was like kissing a corpse. But still something was off. She felt too.. energetic. "I wish you the best of luck. I wish I could go with you! I wish so many things. Alas!" snapped her fingers once more, and a car pulled up nearby. I guess it's time for me to go.
8:02 AM This car is a hearse. The driver is another puppet.
8:17 AM I asked how long it’ll take us to get to Spain. The puppet said “Couple days.” He sounded dead. That doesn’t even make sense, does it? “He sounded dead.” That sounds pretty stupid. I meant he sounds.. dull. Probably.
8:35 AM I asked if we could have a little music. The puppet asked if I had any CDs on me.
8:54 AM Wait wait wait, best part, best part, shut up shut up BY THE GRACE OF GOD ABOVE, EVERYONE SURVIVED! HUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Ah, that’s hilarious. Best place for a death-metal growl ever. Hahaaa....
9:02 AM Yeaah, this is gonna be a long ride.
10:49 AM Goddamn. I mean, you don’t ever think England’s really that big until you’ve been going south for hours and still haven’t hit close to the seaside. I mean, motherfucker, you could fit England in the state of Georgia about six or nine times! Georgia wasn’t even that big! …then again, England gave us the TARDIS. Maybe that wasn’t just a coincidence.
11:11 AM I wish I had a girlfrien WAIT WAIT WAIT, I WISH I DIDN’T HAVE TO DO THIS JOB, there we go.
12:04 PM I’m getting hungry. Fuck.
12:05 PM I asked the puppet driver guy if we could stop for food. He said the Mistress has already planned for several stops on this car journey. Huh.
1:22 PM We stopped. This is a service station somewhere, uh… fuck, I have no idea. I mean, it used to be a service station. Now it seems kinda abandoned. The driver said I have to go by myself. Inside. He said food will be in there. Tiger Stripes, give me strength. …wait, I don’t have Tiger Stripes FUCK WHAT, WHY DON’T I HAVE TIGER STRIPES. Driver says it was Mistress’ orders. I need a better weapon for where I’m going. Driver says Mistress says I can find a better weapon if I look around. Gah. I don’t look forward to this.
1:26 PM Pretty fucking dark in here. I don’t even have anything to defend myself. ..don’t think about it too much, Jordan.
1:27 PM I found what probably used to be the freezers. There’s some soda in here. DIBS. Crisps over here. DIBS. Donuts. DIBS. Pop tarts covered in cockroaches? Fuck that shit. ZOMBIES FUCKER FUCKER MOTHERFUCKING FUCKER FUCKJOB FUCK THE.. fuck. They’re the dull kind. The ones who stand there. And move only when I do. ..what. That one’s nooo, no, no he’s not, he’s just.. well, he’s… copying me? I mean, no, he’s.. it doesn’t look like it. It looks like he’s grabbed a notepad. And a pencil. Now he’s writing, too. He only writes when I do. He’s not copying me, though. Sometimes he takes a step forward, sometimes he flips to a new page, but he only moves when I do. I’m just.. gonna… leave. Quietly. With my soda and crisps. And donuts. ..I’m just gonna grab this Peperami here on my way out.
1:40 PM The fuck was even up with that. Fuck it, fucking fuck. I’m getting some fucking sleep.
2:37 PM Motherfuckity. Driver woke me up. We’re at Dover. Gotta cross the Channel to get to France. Wait, how are we gonna cross the Channel? There’s not exactly a public boat service or anything. Driver says there’s a rabbit hole we can use.
2:58 PM Dear sweet Goddess of Fuck. Those are the cliffs of Dover, aren’t they? They’re an awesome sight. In the.. in the older definition of “awesome.” Are they supposed to be black? I could’ve sworn they were the white cliffs of Dover. Or maybe QI told me the “white” was actually a lie or something. God, I don’t even know. These cliffs are ominous, though. Pretty damn. They’re tall, overlooking the English Channel. And they’re.. well, they’re cliffs! I don’t know why the hell I’m trying to tell you how ominous they are, but.. just… huh.
3:03 PM Sorry. Been staring at those cliffs. Uh.. right, driver mentioned a rabbit hole. Speaking of, where’d he go?
3:05 PM Shit, there he is, he’s walking away COME BACK He’s leading me to the cliffs.
3:15 PM There’s a cave in this cliff. Driver says the rabbit hole’s in there; we can’t take the car. Well, here goes nothing.
3:24 PM Where the hell am I? It’s blue, that’s for sure. This is a cave of some sorts, but I get the feeling I’m definitely in that.. other dimension place. The rabbit hole land. It’s darker ‘n a rat’s ass in here.
4:20 PM I asked the Driver if he knows where the fuck we are. “We may have a bit of a problem.” What? “There’s, uh.. heh. There’s some legend that goes around about a zombie and a Puppet who tried to break free of their masters by escaping down a rabbit hole.” Well, you’re not trying to escape, are you? “No, but the legend went pretty similarly to this. They found themselves in a cave that kept on going, and when they finally reached the end of the cave, there was a monster that broke all their comprehension of the eldritch and the logical, and it engulfed them.” Can we just turn back? I mean, rabbit holes aren’t one-way. ..hello? …...
4:30 PM Okay, I don’t think he’s even here any more. I’m thinking of turning ba light The light at the end of the tunnel. I, uh.. I don’t see any monsters here. I guess I’m safe. I gueHIHIHI, oh, hi, uh right what who that’s.. kay, that’s just a guy. Not a monster destroying my perceptions of sanity and reality. Just a man. The silhouette of a man, for that’s one bright-ass light at the end of the tunnel.
4:31 PM He’s wearing a gas mask. His arms are spread, like he wants to embrace me. I, uh. Gas mask. Right. No hugs today, thank you!
4:35 PM He’s gone. Kay, that was weird, uh… INTO THE LIGHT. SWEET HALLELUJAH I SEE THE LIGHT I can’t see shit. I’m falling I’m falling I’m falflg Clocktower. This is a clocktower. I’m standing near the top. The clock is right behind me. The fuck. Ocean. Water. This clocktower is in the middle of the ocean. Or.. some.. body of water. How the fuck am I gonna get down from here?
4:40 PM Something’s on the horizon.I think it’s a boat. Looks small.
4:43 PM Sweet god diggety what. That thing isn’t so small.
4:44 PM I stand corrected; it is pretty small. I don’t think my senses of perspective are too.. fuck. Boat’s here. Um, kay, let me describe it. Let me take a good look and describe it. It’s.. a.. viking ship. The kind of ship with a.. like, a statue or something on the front. There’s only one person on the boat. I’m not sure how it’s moving. The creature on the boat is waving at me to get on.
4:45 PM That thing’s a giraffe.
4:50 PM This boat’s moving really fast. How the hell is it moving so fast, nobody’s rowing or anything and there’s no motor. There’s just that giraffe. He says his name is Jack. He has a Yorkshire accent. o_o
4:53 PM I asked where we were going. “The fifth Beacon up in't' candy land.” ..right.
5:02 PM Jack’s been standing at the edge of the boat, staring off into the horizon. Now he’s looking at me. He’s grinning.
5:03 PM He said we’re “near t' Sweet Hours.” I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
5:07 PM Dear sweet Cockroach Jesus, what the fuck is that? It’s.. I mean, it looks like a skyscraper that corkscrews and twists as it extends into the clouds. But that.. completely goes against physics— oh right, apocalyptic world and all that. ..but still, y’know? It’s just.. amazing.
5:09 PM The corkscrewscraper has some sort of.. opening by the sea level, some sort of dock. We’re going in.
5:13 PM Is that a pigmask?Oh, it’s just a dude in a pink.. soldier outfit. And mask. …wait, that’s what a pigmask is. So I guess this is a pigmask. Says his name is Jerry. Well, hi Jerry. How you doin'.
5:18 PM Elevator. Going up, I presume.
5:19 PM Yeppers.
5:22 PM My, we’ve been going up for a while.
5:23 PM DING. Floor four-hundred n’ thirty-seven: Hats, coats, scarves, and women’s clothing.
7:30 PM …okay, uh, I just woke up in a car. Backseat of a car. COCKROACH JESU oh wait, it’s just the Driver. We’re back in the hearse. Where are we now? Did I dream all that? Driver tells me we’re in France now. He asked if the rabbit hole trip was fun enough for me, so I guess I didn’t dream that. Driver says we’re making good progress. Says we should be in Spain by dawn. I asked where, exactly, in Spain we’re going. Driver says “It’s not where we’re going, kid. It’s where you’re going.” First town’s some place called Berga. This paper Mistress gave me says the first conversion will be to a guy named Tony Ferdinando. Goddamn, I’m not entirely looking forward to this.
7:39 PM Driver asked if I have any more of that stuff I put on earlier. He says he liked it. I think he meant Dream Theater. I like this guy.
10:59 PM Whoa, fell asleep. It’s not even dark outside yet. But motherfucker, France is gorgeous. Just look at that countryside. There’s a thunderstorm, sure, but it’s fine, it’s not like it’s gonna hit us or anything.
11:04 PM In the midst of the fiery carnage, I heard the driver scream as the gas tank landed right next to his face. It was then that I got up and ran. The gas tank exploded. I ran away from the explosion and I didn’t look back. I didn’t look back at the explosion. Oh my god that’s actually pretty awesome. The fire lit up the night sky, and for a moment, I could see the rain. It was flying away from the wreckage. Then the sky was clear, not a hint of bad weather.
11:11 PM I have no idea where I’m going. I wish I did.
11:26 PM There’s something in the distance, off in the countryside. It looks alive.
11:28 PM It’s a campfire. With people!
11:34 PM They allowed me into their group. There’s a couple people who speak English here, so I’m good. There’s food and laughter and hugs here. Yay. .w.
11:47 PM I’m exhausted. These kind people set up a tent just for me.
(Attached: "Goodness, way back on the first day of that short little time with the new arrival? She was crying. Kept to herself. Luckily Mistress the Harlequin let her, but then again I guess leaving someone alone for so long when they're upset is its own kind of torture. The Harlequin was pretty evil, I don't need to tell you that, but around this time she started doing something weird. She didn't spend as much time really hurting people. She.. I kinda want to say she moped. Like she was killing time, waiting for the kid to come back. None of us could say anything about it, 'cause we were still under her control, we couldn't do anything at all, but most of us were still conscious enough to be able to see that monster had a crush. 'Free will fetish' was probably right. I'd say she's so used to people fearing her, probably used to fearing herself, that she couldn't imagine somebody else might show any willingness to spend time with her. I would say that, but that'd make her sound a little human, and no human would do what she did to my family, to all our families, and to us.")
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1823 Aug., Fri. 29
10 55/60
Very comfortable bed, and slept well till 5 20/60, at which time it was raining heavily downstairs and in the stable at 7 1/4 everything ready, but it rained so much (began at 3 1/2 they said and was incessant till after 9) I determined to stay breakfast, and set off at 9 or 10 –
Took upMog’s edition of Patterson’s roads published London 1822. Saw Shibden hall inserted according to the letter I wrote mentioning its situation – Then took up volume 1 Miss Benger’s life of Mary Queen of Scots and read the first 50 pages.
Sat down to breakfast (boiled milk and hot rolls) at 8 1/2 – It just then occurred to me that the last time I was in this room (the ground floor parlour on the left entering the Bridgewater) was with M– [Mariana] on the night of the 9th of March 1816.
A host of reflections crowded on me – I felt the tear starting and my heart grow sick. ‘How foolish,’ said I, then sank into the thought that my knowing her had perhaps been the ruin of my health and happiness. She has not the heart to suit me. Perhaps I should not be happy with [her], yet almost foolish, [w/c]ould not be so without. I had almost said, ‘Oh, that I had not a heart,’ but God be merciful to me a sinner, and enable me to fix it. Here alone true joys are to be found.
How very little π [Mariana] guesses what passes within me. I do not blame her. Heaven has not given her that sweet sensibilit soul of the soul after which my spirit panteth, likes the hart after the water brook and than which nothing less can satisfy a romantic and the enthusiastic mind like mine. To π [Mariana], if I shewed myself more openly I should be an enigma. She could not understand. We have not much fellowship in feeling, yet am I attached to her. Alas, I see more and more plainly, too deeply for my own happiness.
Were I to tell her the effect of this three step business, she could not comprehend it. She would think it perhaps unforgivingness of temper rather than that wound at heart which festers unseen. It has taught me that tho she loves me, it is without that beautiful romance of sentiment that all my soul desires. But mine are not affections to be returned in this world. Oh that I could turn them with virtuous enthusiasm to that being who gave them.
O Mary, Mary! You have enticed me with the glimpse of happiness and my heart has pursued the ignis fatuus till retreat is impossible or vain – But no more –
Left Manchester at 9 25/60 (the roads very heavy with the rain) and stopt at the Wellington Inn, Rochdale, at 11 35/60 – Fair the 1st 7 miles but rained the last 4 (of the 11 Manchester to Rochdale) – Went into the stable for a minute or 2, then sat down and mused and wrote all the above of today which took me till 12 3/4 (Shibden). Took a little nap – Had ordered George to let us be off in 2 hours but he was out, and 25 minutes beyond his time, and we were not off till 2 –
From 2 55/60 to 3 1/2 walked, and made George lead Caradoc, from the mound and while rails across the valley (perhaps 1/2 mile on this side of Littlebro’) to the Inn at the top of Blackstone edge – Stopt there 5 minutes and gave Caradoc some oatmeal and water – Then pursued our journey, and got home in 3 3/4 hours at 5 3/4, i.e. just before it struck 6 by the kitchen clock –
It rained pretty smartly all the time we were at Rochdale till about the last 1/2 hour when it cleared up and we had no rain afterwards – A fine evening too – My father and Marian called after tea and staid about an hour –
Told my uncle and aunt Mr. Simmons thought he could cure me, but could answer for it better if I was in Manchester under his own eye for 2 or 3 weeks – My aunt wanted me to give up going to Scarbro’ and York, and go to Manchester immediately – This I, of course, decline, saying I may perhaps be able to do without going to M– [Mariana] at all –
Barometer at changeable or rather above Fahrenheit 57º at 9 p.m. at which hour came up to bed – Put by my things etc. and wrote the last 9 lines of today – 4 letters waited my arrival –
Nothing can be better done than the new road from Littlebro’ to the top of Blackstone edge – From the very foot of the hill to about 100 yards from the Inn at the top are 15 white-painted black-capped stone posts as guides, I suppose, when the road is covered with snow – They were 149 strides apart (supposing them to be as as they look, at equal distances) perhaps these 149 strides might be about 100 yards or not much more –
It was at the 14th stone that I met M– [Mariana] last Tuesday week – This struck me forcibly – I had been thinking of the thing before – Indeed not a day scarcely an hour has passed since it happened, without its occuring to me in 1 shape or other – Oh! that I could forget it altogether – But I know and feel this cannot be – My memory is too obstinate for me –
3 of the letters came yesterday from M– [Mariana] (York); from Miss Vallance (Sittingbourne) and from Radford the Tailor (“ 27 Piccadilly removed from 188 Fleet street London”) the other letter (from Radford acknowledging the receipt of the draft) came this morning –
M– [Mariana]’s letter (2 1/4 pages hurried) written the very day (Wednesday) my letter to her would get to Scarbro’, on which day she seems to have been setting off for that place, having waited to take her father and mother within the carriage Eliza and Lou on the box and the 2 little Whites and her and Watson her servants in a hack chaise – Mrs. B– [Belcombe] seized with Cholera morbus on Sunday “which alarmed us much for a few hours, but it soon subsided”.... “however she is quite well” – Dr. B– [Belcombe]
“in very low spirits about himself and I really think there is much cause even now to feel alarmed about him – His mind seems to have suffered, and when there is anything to be done he seems quite bewildered” –
M – [Mariana] not quite so well as she was – The moorgame arrived safe on Sunday – Dr. B– [Belcombe] appeared pleased with the attention – M– [Mariana] was to have written on Tuesday “but Bell came over and nothing could be done” –
3 pages crossed and the ends from Miss V– [Vallance] I must write to her very soon – She says my last is dated 14 February –
“Does your remembrance of your confiding friend ever cross your mind? Has her fate ceased to interest? Is her form forgotten? Her faults and sorrows faded from from your heart?” ….
I must write – She is still in a very bad state of health – Gives a high character of her brother William’s bride – vide the latter 1/2 the crossing of page 2 and the former 1/2 of page 1 vide page 2
“Memory often carried me to Langton – and recalls our wandering to Birdsall, the wold etc. etc. ...... those steps so well remembered, so fondly recorded in my bosom”....
Flll [full] well i remember my style of conversations. Does she too? Is it not evident she will listen again and grant all I ask as before? – At page 3
“I hope to see Langton at no very distant time and I hope most earnestly to see you there” –
Surely the crossing above referred intelli[gi]bly marks her preference towards me and might warrant my taking gently any liberties I chose. She says, or strongly insinuates, that she and I think and feel more in unison than I suppose. Surely this is no cold water on anything that has passed between us – I have always maintained a lady cannot love sufficiently a second time. It is respecting this she owns my opinion, “founded on a knowledge of human nature in general” but consider herself an exception –
Radford’s 1st letter is to acknowledge the receipt of my 1st….
“as our business is conducted solely on the principle of ready money we cannot send goods to strangers in the country without 1st receiving a remittance to amount of ordered goods” …
Strangers is in the original, strange ladies in the country – Referred to their “order book” and found my measure etc. etc. I could not help laughing –
The 2nd letter a respectful acknowledgment of the draft – The coat to be sent by “the York coach that leaves the Golden and Saturday morning at six” that I am expected to have it early on Sunday morning –
vide line 23 the last page the weather, what kept me up so long etc. – E [two dots, treating venereal complaint] O [one dot, signifying little discharge] A lit[t]le not much –
[sideways in margin] Rochdale
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Rat-ical Case
Before the rat, my day had already been off to an unwelcome start. To start off, I hadn’t woken up until minutes after my first class began. This was especially unacceptable, because I was the one teaching it.
I considered not showing up at all and calling in sick, just to avoid a lecture from my employer (I was the one who was supposed to be giving lectures, not him), but I was rather dedicated to my job and students and so I decided against it. I was almost certain I'd be found out in the end, guaranteeing unemployment for me. I wasn't the most stable financially at the time.
I tugged on my coat and grabbed my briefcase before trudging out the door. Breakfast would only make me later, which I could not afford. The university I had taught at was a bit far, but there had been an electrical outage the previous night and the trains were likely not up yet, forcing me to walk the whole way. However, it was Friday, and I had the next week off anyway, so it didn't matter much to me. I would likely be doing nothing and therefore didn't need my legs.
The next issue in my day, happened right after that. One of my neighbors- a talkative man named Alexander, but insisted on being called Alex- had stopped me to chat, and because I was a kind man, I couldn't find it in myself to avoid him.
"Ah, Professor Stephen, what a surprise to see you up so early," the issue said, closing his gate behind him. He had brought his dog out with him, likely taking him on a walk. His name, if I recalled correctly, was Caleb (a strange name for a dog, if you were to ask me). "On our way to work, are we?"
I refrained from pointing out that it was indeed not early, and already noon. "Yes, so if you don't mind, Alex, I've no time to chat."
"Of course, of course..."
Now, one would expect that to be enough for him, but alas, it was not. Instead, he followed after me. Whether it was intentional, I was not sure.
"Say, you wouldn't happen to have seen Caleb's collar, have you?" He asked, dragging said dog along. He appeared to be trying to sit in a single spot, and I couldn't help but sympathize with him.
"No, I haven't," I said. "You see, Alex, I'm already running late. Any later, and I just might be fired." This bit was a lie but he did not know that. "I might rush ahead, but please don't take it personally."
Alexander’s eyes widened (How was that still possible?) and he frantically shook his head. “No, no, go right ahead. You’re a wonderful professor, Stephen. If only we had teachers like you back in the day...”
With the way he acted, I had always forgotten that he was actually older than me. It wasn’t a big difference, only six years, which made him 35. To me, he seemed in every way not much older than 23.
I sped up before he had a chance to talk my ear off, which I suppose I could consider a win. Only, it wasted another five minutes of my time.
The third instance wasn’t until I reach the school. Of all 53 of my students, only 6 had remained. I still do not know whether they were the only ones to show up at all, or if the others had left after waiting for some time. It wasn’t often that more than about 20 students showed up, and as their teacher... I don’t think they should remain in the school.
Deciding that there was no point in my staying, I allowed my students to go to their next class and prepared to leave. I only had one other class to teach that day, but I didn’t think many would show up, so there was no reason for me to wait.
But as I was leaving, I felt a flare of pain on my shin, and kicked reflexively. I heard a thud and that was when I saw the scoundrel of a rat. It noticed my gaze and let out a squeal, dashing off somewhere in the room. However, I was not going to allow the pest to remain, in fear of someone seeing it and reporting that such a creature was spotted in my classroom.
I grabbed at it’s tail and dragged it towards me, lifting it in my hands and squeezing it, though I wasn’t quite sure what I was aiming for at the time.
And then, the door opened, and in walked Prof. Peters, who taught in the law department. He took one look at me and shook his head disapprovingly, rushing over to force the rat out of my hands. It landed on the ground with another thud (did that hurt?) and hid behind the law professor. If it were possible, it appeared to be glaring at me.
“Prof. Stephen, you know you should not be hurting innocent animals like that. I’m sure it didn’t cause you any harm,” Prof. Peters spoke.
“Ah, but that is were you’re wrong, Peters. This rat, as I was leaving, bit me for no reason,” I defended myself. “It does not belong here, in the school or on school grounds.”
“You must be mistaken, Stephen. Henry would never bite someone without provocation, and the school has no such rule. You must have done something for him to have bitten you like that.”
“Henry? So you know this rat?”
“I do know this rat, he has resided in my classroom for some weeks.”
“Well, either way, all I was doing was leaving, so I see no reason for him to have bitten me.”
“Let him defend himself, he can explain.”
“Ha! a rat, explaining itself? It must first be able to talk.”
The rat finally came out from behind Peters. “Harsh man, I am perfectly capable of doing such, so would you please stop talking as though I cannot?” the small creature said.
I froze at the small voice, unable to believe my ears. The rodent has spoken! But that is impossible!
I looked over at Prof. Peters, thinking it was all him and he was playing a trick on me. That man, I had never liked him since I met him four years ago. He had always behaved in such a stale manner and was much to stern to his students.
“Do not look at me, Stephen, look at the one speaking! Have you no manners?” Peters spoke angrily. He looked down to the rat. “Henry, did you bite this man?”
“I did, I bit this man. I felt threatened by his presence,” the rat explained briefly.
“And why did you feel that way?”
“Because, he seemed very angry and was too close to my home,” it answered.
“Nonsense!” I cried. “This creature spouts utter nonsense (and that is assuming it isn’t you doing the talking, Prof. Peters)! While I did feel angry, I had not even noticed this rat until it bit me. Therefore, I was the one threatened, and my actions were justified.”
“You human, your initial response to being bitten should not be to squeeze it until it pops. My bite is not deadly, and I am a very clean rat,” it exclaimed. It looked up at Peters. “Mr. Peters, I would like to take this man to court, for attempted murder.”
I scoffed. “Rodents cannot say nor do such things.”
Peters ignored me. “I believe you have every right, Mr. Henry. And would you accept me as your lawyer?”
“Of course, Peters, who else?” it squeaked. “Please make all necessary preparations as soon as possible. I am... uncomfortable to be anywhere near this man so I will reside in a tree in the meantime. Good day, Peters. Stephen.”
With that, the rat scurried out the door.
Prof. Peters gave me that stale look of his. “Please think twice before you try to murder and innocent being next time. Who knows where you’ll end up?” And then he, too, left the room.
I could not comprehend what had just happened. Was I going to court because of a pesky rat? How was it possible that it had spoken? As if the court would allow this! It must have been some weird dream I was having... Either way, I was sure I had nothing to worry about.
Fortunately, my misfortune for the day ended there.
Somehow, Peters had arranged everything as the rat had asked in only one week (and the court did allow it, can you believe that?), so I hadn’t any choice but to spend my own week off working with my lawyer to defend myself.
The week went by fast and before I knew it, I was in the defendant’s seat next to my lawyer, while that rat and the professor occupied the table to my left. Since Henry was so small, he had to sit on the table to be seen. In front of him was a notebook and pen, but for what?
After the opening statements were made, the clerk (whose name I had not bothered remembering) swore in the jury and then the first witness, Henry, was asked to stand up.
“Do you swear that the evidence you shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?” the clerk asked.
The rat picked up the pen in front of him and wrote something on the notebook. Peters picked it up and held it for the clerk to see. It had not been pointed in my direction, but I was still able to make out the words, in neat handwriting, ‘I do’.
Murmurs were heard throughout the jury. However, they quickly quieted down. Why was the rat writing? Could he not talk? Ah, but if I point it out, they’ll assume I’m crazy...
“Please state your full name,” the clerk said.
‘My name is Henry Watts,’ Henry wrote. It has a surname?
“Please be seated,” The judge said. It sat. Peters stood up.
“Mr. Watts, please tell the court what happened on the evening of April 1st, 1996,” Peters said. It began to write.
‘As I was on my way home, this Prof. Stephen was too close to my hole and as I was running away, he grabbed me by my tail and squeezed me so that I almost died.’
“Do you see Mr. Stephen in court today?” Peters asked.
‘Yes, he is right over there.’ The rat pointed at me with it’s weird tiny finger.
“Did you do anything to cause Mr. Stephen to attempt murder on you?”
‘Hardly. I bit him because I felt threatened.’
“And why did you feel threatened?”
‘He was angry, much bigger than me, and too close to my house than I found comfortable.’
“What happened after the attempted murder?”
‘Well, Prof. Peters made him drop me. He offered to help me in court and I spent the next week living in a tree in fear of Prof. Stephen’s return.’
“So after the incident, you began to fear Mr. Stephen?”
‘I feared him the second I met that man.’
“And after the incident, have you felt any pain?”
‘Yes, the man may have dislocated my arm, and it will flare up in pain every now and then.’
“Thank you. No further questions, My Lord.” The last part was spoken to the judge and Peters sat down.
I don’t remember much of what happened after Henry was questioned. I do believe my counsel cross-examined him, and then the second witness, who was a remaining student of mine, was called on to give her evidence. My counsel cross-examined her, too. Finally, I was called on to speak.
“Do you swear that the evidence you shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God?” the clerk now asked me.
“I do,” I said.
“Please state your full name and spell your last name for the record.”
“Haris Stephen, S-T-E-P-H-E-N.”
“You may be seated,” the judge said. I sat.
“How many years have you been teaching at X University?” My counsel, Mr. Patel, asked me. I should not give the name of the university I taught at.
“I have taught at X University for four years.”
“Has any incident like this happened since you began teaching?”
“Not as far as I’m aware.”
“Why were you angry on the evening of the incident?”
“Because I was late to work and when I finally arrived, very few students of mine had remained.”
“And why did you try to kill the rat upon being bitten?”
“I am very dedicated to my job and was not aware that rats were allowed in the school, so I ought to have gotten rid of it.”
“Where did Mr. Watts bite you?”
“On my shin.”
“Was the bite infected and did it leave any marks?”
“The bite was not infected, but left a faint mark.”
“Does it still cause you any pain?”
“It did for the first three days following the incident, but not anymore.”
“No further questions.” Mr. Patel sat down.
“Does the plaintiff wish to cross-examine this witness?” the judge asked.
“Yes, my Lord. Have you seen any rats besides Mr. Watts throughout your four years teaching?” Peters asked.
“Other than the ones being used in the science department, I have not.”
"And you still felt it was fine for you to murder a resident of the school?"
"I did not know he was a resident at the time."
"Have you ever heard of any other professor attempting such a crime?"
"I have not."
"Would you have still tried such a thing if you weren't already angry that evening?"
"Yes, so long as I was not aware of his residing there."
“But you still believe it is fine if you murder a rat?”
“Yes, they are pests and can cause disease. Rats in the university would ruin it’s image.”
He announced that his cross-examination was complete.
And finally, Alexander, the talkative neighbor was called on. Again, I had not paid much attention to what was said but I do know that he was asked if I had ever acted cruelly towards an innocent creature during the entire time he had known me (nine years), to which he replied he once saw me catch a butterfly and tear off it's wings and antennae. I do not remember doing this, and therefore cannot defend my actions. But, if I ever had done such a thing, I deeply regret it.
After Alexander was questioned by Patel, Peters had cross-examined him, too. The only thing I had remembered by the end of it was that I did not look innocent in the slightest.
My case as the defendant had been completed and Peters and Patel gave the closing statements.
The rat wanted me behind bars for at least 6 months, followed by some time in anger management. Mr. Patel countered with only one month of jail time, or anger management, but not both. The jury went into the jury room and the judge went into his chambers. I sat silently as I waited for my verdict.
The judge returned about half an hour later.
“Mister Reid, has the jury reached a verdict?” the judge asked.
“They have, my Lord.”
The sheriff brought the jury in upon being told to do so.
The clerk asked the foreperson if they reached a verdict, to which they replied that they did.
“Did you find the defendant, Haris Stephen, guilty or not guilty of the trauma and injuries sustained by the plaintiff, Henry Watts?”
“We find the defendant, Haris Stephen, guilty of the trauma and injuries sustained by the plaintiff, Henry Watts.”
And all thanks to that rat, I lost my job and spent the next six months in prison and the following six months in anger management. I wasn’t able to return to my job until a year after that, and taught at a different university, far away from the rat and Peters. One would expect me to have learned my lesson, but I have not! Instead, I killed every rat I’ve come across upon sight, only I never ended up in court again.
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June 1st-June 7th, 2020 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from June 1st, 2020 to June 7th, 2020. The chat focused on Phantomarine by Claire K. Niebergall.
Featured Comment:
Comic Tea Party
Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Phantomarine by Claire K. Niebergall~! (http://www.phantomarine.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace until June 7th, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Discussions are freeform, but we do offer discussion prompts in the pins for those who’d like to have them. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic! Whether you finish the comic or can only read a few pages, everyone is welcome to join and chat with us!
1. What did you like about the beginning of the comic?
2. What has been your favorite moment in the comic (so far)?
3. Who is your favorite character?
4. Which characters do like seeing interact the most?
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it!
6. What is a theme you like that the comic explores?
7. What do you like about the comic’s story or overall related content?
8. Overall, what do you think the comic’s strengths are?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
Ooh I'll answer a few asap!
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
As another creator/reader, I feel Phantomarine has a lot of good parts: 1. So it starts off thrusting us into the middle, which is unique. Even though we are underwater, the creator gives delightful warm palette. You can identify the spooky 'evil spirits' from the protagonist without the page looking cluttered. 2. I quite enjoyed Ch 2 (The Horizon Child) where I'm presented with more world building and how the story ties with the Red Tide King's lore. My favorite part is the Fracture Day Festival, the colors and the clever plot tactics written. 3. As for character(s), I love Phaedra's noble character. She is a future Queen and has a heroic presence. I also like Vanna, seldom I see great parent writing as her. She is both nurturing and an intelligent doctor. I admire how Lady Lazuli ties her job to Paval's condition. I have a soft spot for silly Paval, his character is both silly yet wholesome (he's not bratty <3) 4: So far, I enjoyed Cheth's interaction (in Ch 1) it told alot about his character; his tendency to shapeshift into different forms. I like his unusual character, hitting my nostalgia buttons for a good villain.(edited)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
For themes, it seems to explore family grief and sacrifices within the chapters I read. To have a stable life, one has to endure hardship such as Phaedra taking on the burden of her father's role. I enjoy reading that life philosophy theme not often explored in web comics. Also Vanna and Paval's interaction gives me good family vibes 7-8. I feel Phantomarine storytelling is intricate and expresses the vibe of an experienced creator. Tackling multiple plot points, stringing them into good beats; is tricky but Lady Lazuli pulls it off almost effortlessly. Initially chapter 1 left me with questions and it starts to reveal itself as the story progresses. I came into the story following Phaedra's adventure and will be in for the ride. 5. I have some favorite illustrations: this one http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-horizon-child/2-27-the-maritime-fair/ I love the colorful festival. and also the opening page was quite impressive with the crowds of souls, where they become silhouettes, yet convey enough visuals. I LOVE this page in Ch 3 (Fata Morgana), the way the words 'RUN' echos through http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-fata-morgana/3-33-the-dark-shoreline/ There's alot of things I like about it: pacing, the plot progression and as I struggle with stringing multiple plot points, I marvel at this skill in the comic.(edited)
1. I love that the stakes are high after just a couple pages. There's no dallying and it draws you in so well. Also Cheth is just fantastic and his introduction is so well done! 2. I really loved Pavel eating pancakes and Pavel hiding in his stuffed animal hammock nest to point out a few scenes. It's so hard to choose a favorite moment, but sadly I'd have to say the end of Chapter 3 and just how that all unfolds. 3. GAH! Pavel? Ya...Pavel. Cheth is wonderful, but I feel like Pavel is so young but already has such an interesting personality and I love his spirit. 4. I really enjoyed Pavel and his Mom. But Cheth and Phaedra's interactions were very entertaining. But Pavel and Vanna are just so close and supportive it's just heartwarming sniffle because I know what happens And the warmth and love there stands out a lot against the harshness of the "convent-like" place and Halea's temple, etc. 5. OMG. where to start? I don't even know. I love it. I love the colors. I love the designs. I love the pages with all the tiny little details, they are wonderful. But I think one of my favorites is: http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-fata-morgana/3-34-the-prayer/ because I love the contrast between Pavel and Cheth and I think there's just a whole bunch of emotion in this page. 6. This might not be a purposeful theme, but in general I've caught a theme of how danger and bad stuff is handled and I love seeing such strength in all the characters. Phaedra with he just outright defiance, Pavel with his positive outlook and Vanna with love and compassion but also with a analytical mind. They all handle tragedy and loss in their own ways and it's very well done. 7. Everything. This is a very difficult question. 8. Use of color and characters that all stand out from each other.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
cracks knuckles Alright, let's GO! 1. I loved how we immediately know the stakes. We see Phaedra's personality in the challenges Cheth offers, and we know that she's well aware of the situation she's in. It gives it a mythological feel, of the hero in the underworld fighting to the surface. Only this time, there's a caveat; she's still technically an underworld denizen, but allowed to roam the land of the living. The colours set the mood very well too; I loved that the Red Tide King's ghosts were all rimmed in red, while the protagonist were either yellow or blue (diametrically opposed to the red.). And of course, Cheth; he's a wonderful villain opposed to the protagonist, and they have great rapport.
2. Oh dear, there are several to choose from. My favourite one so far is when Cheth asks Phaedra how many people were made into orphans after the war. It was that scene that immediately made me hooked onto the story; a story that went there and isn't afraid to go to that deep, dark place will always get me to keep reading. Another more minor moment was when Eddy was revealed to bully Pavel due to not having his family visit him; it's a great way of having an antagonist show that they are not truly all dark; rather, it's a morally grey area that the characters are in. Even an antagonist can have layers and it makes them seem more human. Finally, Vanna's passing into the Fata Morgana. The scene where she said that she was glad to have saved him, and where they said their goodbyes made me cry. As someone who's had to say goodbye to my own mom as she goes abroad....and not knowing when she'll be back, it hits a deep part of me. I really thought Vanna would be one of the main protagonists.....but alas, it was not to be.(edited)
3. CHETH! Hands down, CHETH! Notwithstanding my bias for underworld cthonic deities, I LOVED his personality. The fact that he reminds me of one of those deliciously personable villains from Disney helps a lot. And I loved how he never let's Phaedra forget that he is a threat, a blue/orange morality villain throughout; he uses his collection of souls to yell at her to be quiet, points out that she's a monster like him, and impersonates her dead father. But he also shows signs of not being a completely inhuman god; like when he shows a slight look of pity/sympathy for Phaedra mourning her father, or when Pavel mourned his mom's passing into the otherworld. Also, I don't see a lot of deities who fluidly go between genders like he does. It makes him so much more interesting, that he shifts into different identities that way. One of the best portrayals of a death deity I've ever seen.
4. Cheth and Phaedra. There's an interesting power dynamic going inbetween these two; on one hand Cheth is a literal god, and he holds a lot of power. On the other hand, Phaedra has shown time and time again to outsmart him both mentally (e.g. winning the questions) and physically (e.g. cutting off his hand). And yet Cheth recuperates from those injuries fast enough to go against her again. It's a back and forth game of David and Goliath. Interestingly enough.....Cheth seems to hold some measure of interest with Phaedra, as if she is an entertainment to him. However, there's also his slight contempt with where she came from, and it's as if however entertaining she is....he'll never forget that. Meanwhile, Phaedra outright wants to kill him....which I don't think anyone can blame her for. It would be interesting to see how their relationship evolves throughout the story as foes.
5. THE ART. IS ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. The colours balance each other well, the painting style gives it a soft feel, like going into a new world. But I absolutely, absolutely HAVE to give kudos to the details LadyLazuli gives in the backgrounds and the world in general; worldbuilding wise, it shows strong potential for show and don't tell. Several of these pages can be standalone posters themselves!
Several. http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/king-of-the-red-tide/1-31-the-echoing-graveyard/
I mean it http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/schooner-of-the-moon/4-1-schooner-of-the-moon/
6. One theme I'm really interested in and noticed is the idea of paranoia of the vulnerable/sick. Cheth has brought up the idea that a living soul is needed to help Phaedra; however, as she is a seaghost, many people would either be too scared or repulsed by her to aid her. And the seabitten were generally treated as needing to fear or be ashamed of their own "afflictions". Pavel and his mother, however, seem to take exception to that rule and are more interested in helping or accepting these afflictions, trying not to let the fear and paranoia prevent them from being charitable. It would be interesting to see how this theme develops more, as Pavel and Phaedra eventually meet. Would Pavel still keep to these views? Or will society....or....something else, convince him to fear them even more. Or worse, would his mother's death make him more frightened of the seaghosts?. I can see a lot of parallels with this theme to the lepers and other people with diseases; people were scared to even interact with the lepers and they were considered "dirty". It is a common and sadly still very prevalent theme in real life to this day.(edited)
7. I have to say....everything. It just sucks you in very easily.
8. The strength is that it reads like an epic, and not just any epic....a true to life one. The story and dialogue flows amazingly and the colours are vibrant. Overall, it's exactly how I imagine a perfect seafaring mythological story; sometimes I feel like I'm watching a film. I will note that one thing LadyLazuli nailed is pacing. She knows which panels to have dialogue and which ones to not. Sometimes we get dialogue and other times we're just....enjoying the atmosphere and the beautiful backgrounds. Hayao Miyazaki once clapped his hands slowly, making sure to leave a pause inbetween. That was ma, the emptiness, where there is no noise, but just the peace to enjoy and savour. Where there is no action needed. I think Lady Lazuli nailed the concept of ma perfectly. Because she lets the readers enjoy her world.
5. What is something you like about the art? If you have a favorite illustration, please share it! The backgrounds and color choices are stunning every single time. The page where we first see the fata morgana, with the off whites and ethereal blues looks absolutely haunting to me and it's a favorite (The Archer, 3.26) and the context makes me wanna CRY but that page is so incredible zjsfskf(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Wow, a mountain of words after the first day And all of them extremely kind. Thank you all so much! This has seriously lifted my spirits today
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
You are welcome, Lady Lazuli! I binged in 3 days. oh dear I feel like I was writing a book review more than a Q&A at this point (edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
These honestly feel like book reviews! Extremely passionate book reviews It’s a wonderful sight. And it helps me know what people respond to, and how they respond to it. I will be going back and reading these like direction notes, ohoho~
What I like about the beginning is kind of how much world lore is snuck in. We learn a lot about Cheth, the state of the sea, how death works, get name drops of other people like Cheline. So without having this long narrative about the world, we get to know a lot about it in the conversation without that necessity. For favorite moment, it's probably when Pavel and Vanna met Halea. Cause I've never seen a scene scream danger at the top of its lungs or feel a child was so threatened by anything. My favorite character at the moment is definitely Pavel. Pavel is just a cute boy who wants to heal the ocean even as most of the adult's around him say "Nah bro dat bad." I also just think it's cute how much he takes after his mother in regards to his appreciation of science. I also just in general like his design. I enjoy(ed) seeing Pavel and Vanna interact the most. They had a super cute parent-child relationship. I like how Vanna kind of balances keeping Pavel in line while also acknowledging that he's ultimately kind of the odd man out both in regards to his physical situation and his beliefs that he shares with his mom. Just all around I love the artworks color. There's a lot of great palettes, a lot of atmosphere, a lot of great contrasts, etc. All around it's just beautiful colorwork that really knows how to make the mood of each scene and character work. As for themes the comic explores, definitely for me science and the opposition scientific pursuits science can face. It's easy to say "But science", but when people are afraid of science or just don't like new ways of doing things, it can become hard no matter how much promise your work has. And I think the comic captures this really well, while at the same time combining more fantasy elements that still blend together really well.
What I like about the comic's overall story insofar is, as a personal bias, the high stakes political plot where people are getting assassinated, souls are being bargained, and so forth. I am a sucker for that since even if it's not the main focus, it adds a sense of danger and high stakes that otherwise would not be presence. For overall strengths, I refer back to the art question. It is definitely the entirety of the beautiful artwork.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Once my work day is done I'm going to comment on some bits of feedback - before other questions come out soon! These observations are tickling my brain. Some are things I haven't even considered before which is extra fun as an author.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Something interesting is that... right now, I'm not entirely sure Cheth is the bad guy? Like, Pavel noted that the red ghosts don't actually attack people. And Halea is definitely all sorts of suspicious, despite being a follower of Cheline. Yet if Cheth isn't a bad guy, he sure didn't make any effort to convince Phaedra of that. So there's a question of who's actually responsible for all the stuff that's going down (all the assassinations, all the attacks, etc).
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Good point! Not only that.....but did you notice that the Fata Morgana has feathers? Kind like how the followers of Cheline do...
mariah (rainy day dreams)
I think the page where Pheadra reveals it's the year of the bonefish was the moment where I was like "oh, I don't think Cheth's bad. I think he's a lonely jerk trapped essentially by himself at the bottom of the ocean with a bunch of soulless dead people." Just the look on his face on this page and the second one make me think that it hasn't been his year in a long time. Or maybe ever XD which would probably turn anyone into a jerk. http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/king-of-the-red-tide/1-10-mark-of-the-bonefish/
And it maybe have also been that I had just finished rereading His Dark Materials when I originally read this but I very much hope at the end all of the Seaghosts are released from the ocean and balance is brought back to death. And I'll stand by my original comment at the end of the chapter still. Still team Phaedra as a Persephone figure at the end XD
I'm looking forward to actually meeting Cheline. Currently I'm pretty anti-Cheline (because I'm a Cheth apologist lol) but I imagine she will also be complex and neither 100% good or bad.
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
@mariah (rainy day dreams) so it was YOU who made that persephone/hades comment!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
And it maybe have also been that I had just finished rereading His Dark Materials when I originally read this
@mariah (rainy day dreams) HDM is one of my favorite series ever so this pleases me MUCHLY. Absolutely a big influence!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
It’s an amazing book series. For quite a while I imagined what my daemon would have been when I was younger.
mariah (rainy day dreams)
@mariah (rainy day dreams) so it was YOU who made that persephone/hades comment!
Lol yes, that was me XD
@mariah (rainy day dreams) HDM is one of my favorite series ever so this pleases me MUCHLY. Absolutely a big influence!
@LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) It's so good has definitely left big marks on my own writing and I love seeing it's influences other places :3
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I feel Phantomarine storytelling is intricate and expresses the vibe of an experienced creator. Tackling multiple plot points, stringing them into good beats; is tricky but Lady Lazuli pulls it off almost effortlessly.
@Joichi [Hybrid Dolls] This is very kind! This is my first experience making any sort of long-form story, and my first-ever comic but I think my background in animation has given me a crash course in storytelling - how to convey information as simply/quickly as possible while still being impressive and fun to watch. I watch a lot of storyboards all day, so I'm sure that certainly helps! And I don't have any other stories in my head right now, so I guess I'm throwing everything I have into this one. There are still things I’m discovering as I go along, too. I know all the major destinations, but the paths between them are sometimes still a mystery to me. It's like a puzzle I'm solving slowly
6. This might not be a purposeful theme, but in general I've caught a theme of how danger and bad stuff is handled and I love seeing such strength in all the characters. Phaedra with he just outright defiance, Pavel with his positive outlook and Vanna with love and compassion but also with a analytical mind. They all handle tragedy and loss in their own ways and it's very well done.
@Miranda I like this very much. One of the main themes I wanted to cover in the comic is the idea of brokenness. The circumstances that break people, how they react to it initially, how they react to it as time progresses, and how they try to solve it... if they can, or want to. Being threatened by danger and darkness is absolutely a source of fear, and can lead to a broken feeling, so this lines up!
2. Oh dear, there are several to choose from. My favourite one so far is when Cheth asks Phaedra how many people were made into orphans after the war. It was that scene that immediately made me hooked onto the story; a story that went there and isn't afraid to go to that deep, dark place will always get me to keep reading. Another more minor moment was when Eddy was revealed to bully Pavel due to not having his family visit him;
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) YES. I'M SO GLAD.
4. Cheth and Phaedra. There's an interesting power dynamic going inbetween these two; on one hand Cheth is a literal god, and he holds a lot of power. On the other hand, Phaedra has shown time and time again to outsmart him... It's a back and forth game of David and Goliath.
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) I never thought about it like this, but that's absolutely the mood I wanted. A pair of characters in constant conflict, and even though one seems far stronger/scarier, there is more of a balance between them than expected.
6. One theme I'm really interested in and noticed is the idea of paranoia of the vulnerable/sick.
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) A lot of the big emotional segments of the comic are drawn directly from my experience with an illness I developed in my early 20s. I felt like I had lost not just my strength and health, but everything I had worked so hard for. There was also a risk of being physically marked by the illness, so everyone would be able to tell I was sick, and therefore write me off as unreliable or broken. I never meant to write a whole story about that feeling, but it seemed to happen on its own
I will note that one thing LadyLazuli nailed is pacing.
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) I think my pacing is incredibly fast in chapters 2 and 3 but it's only because I wanted to get back to the main story SO badly. But maybe the things I had to cut were unnecessary. I do like to keep the plot moving; with how long the pages take, I don't have much time to lose!
(I have to second that pacing comment. You do it so well!)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
For favorite moment, it's probably when Pavel and Vanna met Halea. Cause I've never seen a scene scream danger at the top of its lungs or feel a child was so threatened by anything.
@RebelVampire WELL, GOOD By the time this story is over, I wanted people to feel physically ill whenever they revisited that scene, knowing everything that will happen. I hope I eventually succeed... (edited)
As for themes the comic explores, definitely for me science and the opposition scientific pursuits science can face.
@RebelVampire Ooh! This was unintentional from the start, but is absolutely something I'm exploring as I'm planning the rest of the story. I like where it started to go on its own, so I'll be doing more of it for sure
And it maybe have also been that I had just finished rereading His Dark Materials when I originally read this but I very much hope at the end all of the Seaghosts are released from the ocean and balance is brought back to death. And I'll stand by my original comment at the end of the chapter still. Still team Phaedra as a Persephone figure at the end XD
@mariah (rainy day dreams) I actually have a couple different potential endings in mind, depending on how the plot goes and how audiences react, so... nothing is out of the realm of possibility here for better or for worse!
I'm looking forward to actually meeting Cheline. Currently I'm pretty anti-Cheline (because I'm a Cheth apologist lol) but I imagine she will also be complex and neither 100% good or bad.
@mariah (rainy day dreams) Can confirm no one in this story is 100% good or bad. That is all I will say. As I scream internally.
Okay, that was a lot. More than good enough for now
Deo101 [Millennium]
Okay, so I finally managed to get caught up on this one. I've been meaning to for a while! I don't do very well with questions so I'm just gonna kinda ramble on about how much I absolutely love this so far. The worldbuilding is seamless, it never feels like infodumping even though a ton has been revealed to us. I'm also endlessly curious about everything that's been brought up. The kinds of themes being covered; Light and dark, Death, Nothing being quite as it seems (Cheth being sympathetic, and Halea seeming like she has some dark secrets...), The trickery, The need to do what's right, Just all of it! This comic is making me think, and that's really pretty rare! (For something to get me to think about it and theorize, I need to not get caught up on anything else... The pacing, the visuals, the way the dialogue is written and arranged, it's all very clear and easy to follow. I might not remember all the names, but I know who is who and I know who is being referenced) It made me cry, and I am so excited to see where it's going. It's really hitting everything I love about a good story so far. Really this is incredible. I'll be trying to keep up with the discussion this week!
I only read it once and I went through it pretty fast so forgive me if this is a crazy theory but I wonder if Halea died, and won back her soul? Or, if she was seabitten and traded more than just her eyes so she wouldn't die. I notice all of the seabitten people have red eyes, and hers being glass would certainly hide that. She also specified cremating phaedra, rather than burying her, and I don't know if that's customary or just cause it took so long to find her, but I wonder if it's partially to try and make it harder or impossible for phaedra to return... Not sure if that would do anything but hey why not spill all my thoughts while I've got the chance?
(now after having said that it's time for me to backread and see if i've embarassed myself)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
does mental calculations No, no. This checks out with what's been stated so far. Theory is legitimate! And... is focusing on all the right things
Deo101 [Millennium]
phew lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Ayy, you finally read it!
Was it as good as we hyped it up to be :p
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah, Ive been meaning to read it i didnt need to be so thoroughly peer pressured... ;)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Sorry I haven't participated in this book club yet ;; I will before the end of the week, I promise
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Also WOW what incredibly kind words again. Thank you!! And did it really make you cry?? I'm always so confused when people tell me that - I keep thinking there's too little story there yet to cause tears
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah ;a;
I work with children
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Maternal love resonates very strongly with me
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Ohhh god. Um... okay... then.... checks notes Have a bucket ready after chapter... six, ish??
Deo101 [Millennium]
so just the line "I didn't know how much it would hurt. How... how did you handle this pain...?" really got to me
(sorry had to go find it so I could get the qote)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
That scene was a slog to get through. Every penstroke hurt.
Deo101 [Millennium]
and yet you say "I'm always so confused when people tell me that"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
for me it was these lines
the obvious ones lol
Deo101 [Millennium]
spoiler that
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Maybe I don't think people are getting as hurt as I am
Deo101 [Millennium]
you dingus
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i did...
Deo101 [Millennium]
oh my god I must have clicked as soon as you sent it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
sorry I obsessively click while I'm reading things
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
ugh what even is the point of spoiler tags when there are people like you around
Deo101 [Millennium]
people who click every spoiler tag even if they know they dont want whats underneath? or people who click with reckless abandon
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
(sorry off topic i will stop now)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah so anyways back to my theories. I need to remember them now, you DISTRACTED ME.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
your theories were too good, i didn't want to be shown up
Deo101 [Millennium]
ugh. I don't remember but it was something about what must have been used to save pavel. It must have been some kind of a relic like the one phaedra needs (which can complete her and her friends souls, again, This would be assuming that being seabitten involves a part of your soul being taken which I assume to be true), something like phantomarine which repels the seaghosts (This would be assuming that seabiting as a disease is akin to being a zombie, which I am less convinced of because it turns you into a fata morgana- not a seaghost, but there could be some reason for that difference), or something with a sacrifice (goes along with my other theory)
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
It's similar with me, I don't often see good parent writing with indie comics. (I'd love to read more on good family writing) So Phantomarine convinced me of Vanna's believable maternal nature. I was counting the pages, and you have a good pacing, it has a good balance of world build with showing in pieces. I'm impressed because I've drawn comics for afew years but it's always a learning process whenever I draw a new series, explore new themes. So I admire your skills(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Also, Cheth suggested that there is not really a way for souls to come from nowhere. They are consumed by the ghosts or him, And in Phaedra's case she had to split her soul among her friends; they couldn't get theirs back, they were gone. I'm at least partially convinced that The relic will be a way to steal someones soul to restore your own, or that there will be some kind of moral dillemma with needing to feed on other's souls to bring yourself back. I don't think it will be a "and then everyone gets out scott free" sort of deal
again I read it once and really fast so I'm assuming a LOT here sorry if im like. way off base
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I love that. I felt like there would be something about relic that was too easy
I really like that theory
Deo101 [Millennium]
continuing the last little bit, I think that there is potential, if it was a sacrifice on his mother's part that he is alive now, that pavel is going to start deteriorating and his seabite will begin to spread. I think I could imagine phaedra giving up the part of her soul she has to restore his or something.
okay im getting crazy now sorry GASJDGKLGJSKLGD
depends on what's gonna happen in chapter 6 that rips our hearts out I guess, doesnt it?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
hm, i'm not sure phaedra would do that. i think she has too much of an obligation to her country to give up her soul to a random kid?
Deo101 [Millennium]
well theres a lot of development that would happen before then :/ Just a thought!
im not saying "yeah this is what its gonna be"
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i know
Deo101 [Millennium]
but I think phaedra does have a lot of growing she needs to do, in many directions
and. she's also clearly compassionate towards children. who have lost their parents. just. as an addition
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
@Joichi [Hybrid Dolls] My brain is a web of red threads connecting random pieces of paper The first chapter took me about 2.5 years to complete (I was slow... and Photoshop is slow... and work was overtime-y... and crowds are a terrible idea, please don't do them) so it gave me lots of time to build up the story beyond it. And I didn't post it publicly as I went along - I went back and changed a lot of things as I came up with new ideas. It's only now that I feel comfortable enough to say the machine is 'rolling' But there were some elements that I only came up with, like, a week before posting a page?? The Fata Morgana didn't exist for the longest time, for example, and now they're crucial to the plot. But you don't see me mention them at all in the first chapter I'd go back and change that if I could.
Deo101 [Millennium]
not a random kid I thought it was p obvious that hes the living person who would be willing to work with a seaghost
and then they'll get to know eachother and phaedra is gonna be changed by his big heart.. obviously...
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yes of course
wholeheartedly looking forward to them meeting
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
wholeheartedly looking forward to them meeting
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) ...THIS SUMMER
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
coming soon
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
A bunch of people who all don't know anything!
Join them in not knowing anything!
Deo101 [Millennium]
hey! all the time and effort more than shows
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it's a reference to all the dang mystery and complexity in this webcomic!
like dang, claire, why you gotta make us think?
was trying to relax, geez(edited)
not even your characters know what's going on
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
only one does
...sort of
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
probably whoevers doin the dang murders(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
...Keep thinking
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
someone we know so far?
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
second guess would be halea, but i don't think she knows about phaedra or about the specifics of vanna's research. third guess Vanna(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
guy who died I forget his name and hes not in the cast list(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
maybe that's why you got rid of her(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
wait he didnt die my b he was silenced(edited)
thats my guess
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I still need to read the most recent chapter ahh
Deo101 [Millennium]
im so sorry. fish you lulled me into not spoilering. I'll go edit
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh claire left
did one of us get it right
Deo101 [Millennium]
probably me
imagine us elbowing eachother trying to get through the same doorway, here(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Everyone wins. You all get candy.
But no answers
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
cool mail it to me
my address is 2938..
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah i noticed all my theories didnt get answers either... damn. waiting is hard.
fish you've got my address too can you just pass it along, thaaaaanks
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it'd be cool to read the book club back in like
a year or two
finally a chance to doxx someone
what i've always wanted
Deo101 [Millennium]
I feel like this is implying i'll forget my theories. I wont. they live in my brain now.
literally forgot them in the middle of this conversation
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yeah but i might forget your theories
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Go put 'em in the theory channel where I can't see them. Even though I've seen them now OHOHO
I am literally not allowed in my own theory channel
Deo101 [Millennium]
wait WHAT? you made a channel you couldnt see...????
I would die
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
oh what you can't see the theory channel? always just assumed you lurked there
Deo101 [Millennium]
we are polar opposites I will go off about all my plans if someone even hints at me that they want them
maybe i could learn a thing or two from you.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i would too but no one ever asks
Deo101 [Millennium]
I wont. but I'm sure I could
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I do not! I don't want anyone thinking I've stolen their idea, and I don't want my original plans to be changed... so... Off-limits
Deo101 [Millennium]
That's fair ^^
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i thought you had several plans :0
how are you choosing between them?
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I have told the full story to... um... three people so far? And by told, I mean... screamed at them
I have minor changes I can make to the ending, but the pathway to them is pretty much the same!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
woah, okay!
i don't think anyone would think you stole their idea though
if anything, i think they'd feel smart for getting it right!
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah I'd just be like yesss I was right
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think, before the theory channel opened, I saw one theory that was spot-on
And I was like you children are smart
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
time to look through chat logs
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
HAHA. Best of luck
Deo101 [Millennium]
but there is a history of some people having literally been sued for ppl stealing their ideas from their fanfics and whatnot
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i've heard if you send an unsolicited pitch to a big studio they will always return unopened partially for this reason
Deo101 [Millennium]
so its safe for you to not see them.. but I would be sad in your shoes. but I can tell that you're definitely not like me in this aspect. Plus your story is really pretty clearly woven very tightly to be a mystery and I have a feeling you want it to unravel in a specific way, where spoilers would actually change how it's percieved.
vs. yknow. spoilers don't change how ppl read my story. so I get it! I hope to one day write a story i need to keep secret tbh
n youre doing a good job of it, clearly
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yee. It's "aaaaaa" now, but I can't wait to be "WOAH" when secrets are finally revealed!
Deo101 [Millennium]
and then the re read party
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
THough to be honest, I'm looking forward most to character interactions, not worldbuilding details
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm not, I want to know the mystery!!!
I mean im looking forward to the character interactions and all that yadda yadda
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
even just like, "pavel and phaedra meet" is enough to keep me engaged :)))
yeah for me, i don't usually care as much about world details
I'm more like
I wanna see what happens to Vanna!
I wanna see Cheth sad
I want to meet Phaedra's friends
And I want to know everyone's backstories
which is probably not possible to piece together from present plot details
Deo101 [Millennium]
Anyways phantomarine kicks ass and I've already sent it to someone asking them to read it.
also full disclosure I thought that phaedra's name was phantomarine for like a long time
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I am absolutely fine with this.
By Twitter naming conventions she will be Phaedra Phantomarine anyway
Deo101 [Millennium]
I was literally just imagining. one sec.
I need to do an edit. one moment please.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Zelda is a cute boy\
love playing as him
Deo101 [Millennium]
I was gonna edit her introducing herself as phaedra phantomarine but I'm struggling to find the perfect page for it
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Well I'll just have to draw more of her then
I really haven't drawn her looking happy or confident very much yet
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
She always looks so cheerful and sure of herself in concept art
and then in the comic it's like
">:(" "D:"
Deo101 [Millennium]
the range
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
She's just... stressed
A very stressed character
Deo101 [Millennium]
Lord do I feel that
Comic Tea Party
9. In what way do you think Pavel’s story will with connect with Phaedra’s? How might the two help or hurt one another as they pursue their individual goals?
10. Do you believe that Phaedra will succeed in her quest to restore her and her friends’ life? What challenges do you think she will face along the way? Also, what do you think will happen to her even if she does succeed given the shady origin of her death?
11. Why do you think Pavel and Vanna were attacked? What does this have to do with them being given Phantomarine? Also, what might this all have to do with their chance encounter with Halea and the coincidental Fata Morgana attack?
12. What do you think Cheth’s ultimate goals are besides collecting souls? What do you think caused Cheline and Shoshana to banish Cheth during the Fracture, and what might all this backstory have to do with the seaghosts and potentially fixing everything?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
9. Well I definitely think they will work together to help restore souls...in some way....and I'm thinking Cheth might guide Pavel towards Phaedra, either knowingly or not. Or Phaedra will come to save Pavel. But I think they will work together for the most part and be able to commiserate over their lost parents. Once they get the relic, there might be some tension regarding how it is used. 10. As people mentioned, her soul is split between her friends. I think she'll be able to restore her own soul, but likely at the cost of her friends dying. I agree that the relic Cheth told her about can't be as easy as he made it seem. There has to be some trick to it. I think she's already facing her challenges of trying to help and get help as a partial sea ghost. I think there will be a bigger challenge once she gets the relic for the afore mentioned reasons. I think her coming back will upset certain people significantly. But I don't think know enough about Halea's plan to know just how upset she'll be at that. 11. Possibly, sea ghosts are drawn to Phantomarine, but are unable to get close enough. So they swarm because it's a beacon to them. So while the Phantomarine protected them, it also put them in the line of fire. I'm liking the idea that Halea was seabitten and that ties in to why she has glass eyes, so discovering another seabitten that's survived is going to be very interesting to her. I'm not sure what it had to do with the Fata Morgana attack besides drawing the swarm towards them. From what we've seen, Fata Morgana seem to appear where there are a lot of sea ghosts. But they very well could be Halea's assassins.
12. I think he wants to return/go on land (as he been on land before) and return to his "rightful" place. Maybe they banished him because he was preventing people from passing on properly, so they banished him thinking he would be less able to meddle with the passing on of souls. But obviously that didn't work. I would imagine if Cheth leaves the sea somehow, the souls he's gathered would be able to roam the earth as well, and that could just cause chaos for the living. But maybe it would also require him to leave his souls to pass on finally, leaving the ocean at peace?
Deo101 [Millennium]
I keep thinking about how the sea keeps being referred to as being "broken", and I wonder so much what that means. Could have something to do with the nature of cheth being banished off shore, and perhaps the existence of phantomarine itself? It seems to be linked with the seaghosts and him, and we've already seen prices being paid to gain power, and I assume the price that a god would pay is far steeper than what humans do... And then that leads me to thoughts about why cheth would have been banished. I think he knows something, or his sister wanted more power, or something like that. The people very obviously are dead set against hating cheth and loving everyone else, and I can't help but think how history is written by the Victors..
My friends, just as a reminder, even if you spoiler tag here (which is fine for the chat), spoilers cannot be hidden in the archives.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Are we not supposed to talk about them? I'm a little confused sorry
No you can. I'm not gonna stop it. Just saying it as a reminder.
I was just spoilering for people that maybe aren't caught up that wanted to read in this channel.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I guess if people read everything after the fact, spoilers will still show up in the conversation's archived state but hopefully no one reading it will be unfamiliar with the comic. At least I hope so. Dunno why they'd be reading the archive and not the comic
Deo101 [Millennium]
Kinda what I was thinking, I was just worried we were being like, edged into "hey maybe stop doing this thing in particular" but idk what that thing would be
I have no clue why anybody would be reading an archive before the comic, but sometimes people be crazy? XD But again, just as a reminder in case there's super secret information that reveals all.
Deo101 [Millennium]
My theories are too good apparently
I'm kidding. thanks for the reminder!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Your theories are indeed very solid. I didn't intend to write a mystery, but here we are
Alright! my turn to give this comic more love! 1. The absolute Tension that was created between Cheth and Phaedra, and the fact that we jump right into this conversation involving SO MUCH! It's an incredible way to start off with so much intrigue and suspense as to what happened with Phaedra, her crew, her father, her family- and to have it all tied to a challenge set by Cheth to essentially put all the pieces together- sublime! What a way to kick off! 2. My fave is probably the beginning of chapter 2, with Pavel and his wee adventures and curiosity about the sea. It really gives that light to show just how much potential Pavel has about uncovering those mysteries of the sea he so lovingly interacts with (and on the same hand the one who gave him his pain and purpose). 3. Vanna. Hands Down. She's loving, she's fast acting, and she's someone who holds that ground for characters. I also really love Fata Morgana for her design and her energy. Super chaotic and mysterious hunter of death for the red tide king? sign me up. 4.Lady Halea and Pavel! That was such an interesting moment of her being knowing and foreboding at the same time. I can't wait to see what more of a role she plays in the future! 5.http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-horizon-child/2-1-the-horizon-child/ This is my favourite panel, along with the entirety of chapter 3's colour vibe. Claire has an incredible way to create and lead with atmosphere and design- the characters and world feel so well lived in and alive. Each page is given breath and love, it's astounding to see! 6. I love the theme of honour and accountability that Phaedra leads with in the beginning. Her drive to defeat the wrongs done to her by the red tide king, and her perseverance to do more for those also affected. Pavel and his themes of hope, light, and a second chance also really strike such a chord with me. He's a character that has the power to alter the decisions of those around him for sure!
7. Phenomenal and wonderfully put together. You can instantly tell that this story is going to be a classic with the way it's set up, and with the care and thought of each chapter reading like an epic, Phantomarine has a lot to offer! 8. There are so many to point out, but I definitely want to re-iterate the design. It's insanely solid and so recognisable on it's own. I love the lore and the thought that was out into making this world as alive as it is!
9. I think Pavel is more or less a 'bringer of light' I think his decisions will cause major rifts in the story, and help Phaedra through looking at her situation with a different perspective. I think he's a really strong character! 10.I do believe that there is going to be loss and love along the way, like any long journey. The amazing thing about this is the possibilites of their actions, and where Phaedra may actually end up in the end. Her firey personality certainly can be her down fall to a degree, but I think that her goal will be reached in the end, though perhaps not in a way she expected ! 11.Vanna certainly knew more than she let the readers know, and Fata Morgana (and cheth) knew of that potential on that island. Im also feeling like Lady Halea, shady as she is, knew about such a possibility of an attack (but that is based on my own personal hunches !) 12. Cheth misbehaves and he's ready to make some waves in the water (literally ) I think he's ready to strike against his imprisonment, and Phaedra and Pavel are his 'potential pawns' along the way. I don't know if he is really behind a larger part of the plot, tbqh, and think that he's more so an opportunist who's ready to get out of time out. Halea and the gang on the other hand strike me somewhat differently
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Krispyyy these are all so lovely AHH
And some your readings are spot-on I’m so glad
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think peoples’ reaction to Pavel is such a pleasant surprise. I was very unsure of adding him initially, and some people have said that seeing him right after ch 1 made them worried to keep reading... but he’s absolutely the link between the two conflicting sides of the world. I honestly tried to think of kid characters I liked in various forms of media, and ones I DIDN’T like. I considered him a challenge, and I wanted to do right by him. If Phaedra is the brain of the story, and Cheth is... whatever Cheth is... then Pavel is absolutely the story’s heart. He’s so important.
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
I did find Pavel as a good refreshing take on the 'energetic boy lead' or deuteragonist in this case. At first I thought he was that usual rascally boy who does what he wants. I think of Hogarth in Iron Giant. But the nice bits of sympathy you put into him, made him a stronger character.(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Hogarth is pretty much a perfect child character in my mind. Still learning, still reckless, but capable of understanding deeper concepts than most would expect. His naïveté drives the story, but not in a bad way.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I absolutely love Pavel. He rings true to the kinds of children i work with, rather than the endlessly annoying types that are for some reason more typically depicted
Granted some kids are annoying but not usually how they're shown to be
Oh Hogarth. I love that movie
But yes. Pavel is such a great character. There's so much to him and he's only a child but it doesn't make him seem less childish...if that makes sense
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
Yes or you didn't run into the issue of him making adult choices even though he's a child. He feels like a geninine child character. I second with loving Vanna(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I admit at first I thought, oh no, unrealistic child character, but I kept reading to see Phaedra. But then you really proved my first impressions wrong as the chapter went on
Also, Vanna
Vanna's great too
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Pavel has actually skewed a lot more toward Aang from AtlA. He doesn't have this grand destiny on his shoulders, but in terms of his maturity, and trying to see the good in things, that's absolutely him.
And yes, Vanna is absolutely essential to his character. I specifically wanted a scene where she had to turn on the mom face. Pavel's not perfect, even if he's well meaning. He still has to be careful.
ya, maybe that's it. He doesn't have the weight of the world on his shoulders like most kids in shows these days. He just has kid problems.
I love Pavel, he feels very genuine to the world and his life
He feels very confident and naive at the same time, which is something I relate to (from when I was a child anyway) but I don't see portrayed as well and real-feeling that often
Ok FINALLY JOINING THIS TEA PARTY, here we go: 1. Phantomarine has an incredibly solid start, from foundations to characters to motives, everything is so concrete and CLEAR. We enter in with huge stakes and high tension, it's immediately gripping and very effective! 2. So far is the introduction of the Fata Morgana! The chapter starts pretty tense and it goes from "can we trust Halea?" to "OH NO WE CAN'T AND EVERYTHING JUST GOT 100 TIMES WORSE" Wonderful execution on this scene, it's tragic and all the heavy hitting moments and spot on! Plus I love the FM's design it is just so GOOD 3. My favourite would have to be Halea so far! There's a lot of shifty mystery behind her and I'm super intrigued to see what her business is all about. Also would it be fair to say that the Fata Morgana is an instant favourite at this point? might be soon but have I mentioned that I love that design yet? LOL 4. Cheth and Phaedra I think is just a no-brainer there.The tension, the drama, the high stakes, Phaedra's conviction and Cheth's underhanded tricks, it's all there folks 5. The art is so fluent and feels like a beautiful whimsical puzzle that all fits together so perfectly. The environments are solid and thoughtful, the character's expressions are clear and amusing, it all just goes together wonderfully
There's so MANY strengths for this comic, it's fun, it's beautiful, the pacing is impeccable and the characters are so strong and unique to each other. Everything about it is just so MEMORABLE, there really isn't anything I don't like about this comic. it's the kind of work that you can see getting easily adapted into animation/movies/WHATEVER it just has everything going for it honestly!
I'm not super great with speculating about events and all that but I will stand on top of a mountain to SCREAM MY PRAISE FOR IT
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Would you actually like to know something fun about the Fata Morgana? TOO LATE I'm gonna tell you anyway
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
So just before I had finalized the design of the Fata Morgana, @FeatherNotes(Krispy) had sent me this guest art for the hiatus
And I was like........ that's a freaking awesome motif I haven't thought of. Like a cursed halo.
a cursed halo.
@LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) yes
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
So... I had the mummy/bandage motif already set, but I knew it needed more. So I slapped some of those rectangles all over the fata morgana as... like... cursed jewelry that evoked the same mood as those divine bands.
That's incredible
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I couldn't do a full halo, but I could do lots of smaller ones
I loved that idea so much. Like... black bone jewelry, mourning a dead king
And I was like SOLD
So congratulations. Cartridge directly influenced a major design in Phantomarine
God, I aspire to that kind of thing
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
and it's one of the best designs too....
okay...gonna try my hand at round 2
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
9. I believe that Pavel will be that living soul that helps Phaedra find the relic. But here's the thing....he just lost his mom to sea ghosts. The question is that while he's usually really helpful....would a part of him be scared of the seaghosts, and in extension, Phaedra? Would Phaedra be positively influenced by Pavel too?
Furthermore, Pavel and Phaedra both lost parents in violent ways; Phaedra lost her father last year, while Pavel just saw his mom seabitten and vanish. I think they can gain solace/a sense of camaraderie from that common factor.
10. Even if she does succeed, she'll always have people try to kill her. I wonder....I really wonder....if she'll consider abolishing the monarchy in place of a democracy for the islands. Phaedra seems to want to save everyone, but like other people have mentioned.... what if she can't? I think she's going to lose someone....and if it's not her, it'll be someone
Ohhmyy gaoihhhgs that is so cool Claire!???? Im so happy that that inspired u to make....the Bae even Bae-er
@FeatherNotes(Krispy) you're famous
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
11. Halea seriously....she gives me the creeps. And I think the Phantomarine was supposed to protect Pavel and Vanna from being attacked or seabitten. But unfortunately, someone wants to silence them....and Vanna wasn't close enough to the phantomarine to be protected. I think as soon as she saw Pavel was still alive, she didn't like that....that someone who was seabitten hasn't been taken yet.
If she IS in control of the Fata Morgana, or specifically, CHELINE, wouldn't she want more to flow through the ranks. What if they found a treatment, or worse, a CURE for the fata morgana? Doesn't that mean their assassin army could be diminished? What if it meant, I don't know.... less power for Cheline? If there's one thing that the gods in Phantomarine don't seem to like, it's their power being questioned.
12. Deo made some VERY good points. Cheth strikes me as a trickster god....but he's also not stupid. What bothers me is that he's not an omniscient god; he is only tied to whatever the ocean tells him. But like Deo said...what if that's the point, to prevent him from knowing more? Was he banished because he wanted more power? Or was it because he knew too much AND opposed Cheline?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
Man... I have a theory for something that might happen later down the line, but it makes me sad
Vanna returns as an assassin
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I wonder if Cheth/Cheline have had an arms race and they are trying to outcompete each other....somehow. And thousands of years ago, Cheline won. Because she had a mortal on her side. But this time....maybe Cheth is trying to use Pavel/Phaedra as his mortal champions now, just like how the Greek gods used their champions in the Trojan war. Like someone said....Phaedra and Pavel may just be pawns in Cheth's great scheme of things, and maybe he ultimately wants to be free of his chains.
Also....who said that the relic ONLY brings back seaghosts? What if it can bring back Cheth too? Maybe Cheth is just using Phaedra to bring him the relic so that he can escape the sea. Food for thought.
@snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights) with how the panels introducing the Fata Morgana seemed to mirror Vanna's face.....I think you might be right. And she'll try to kill Pavel.
It's a lot easier to kill someone if they're frozen in fear.
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
ok I've only read chapter 1 so far but I'm just bowled over by the sheer beuty of the comic. Going to try for the first round before going on to the next chapters just because I want to gush about it a little.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Snuffy... I had the same thought
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
1. The opening scene is an instant win. The challenge and how the dialogue naturally reveals the stakes and the strengths and weaknesses of both Phaedra and Cheth make for one of the best openings I've ever seen in a comic, print or web. Just amazing. 2. Favourite moment in Chapter 1 was the turning point- right after Phaedra won her bet, and how she crossed a line that leads to a pretty underhanded emotional attack on the part of Cheth. Master strokes. 3. As a favourite character I have to go with Cheth, though I like Phaedra as well. he's just so deliciously sleek and evil, and his shapeshifting and soul possessing are very entertaining- thanks to the wonderful art that illustrates it. Great work. 4. I haven't seen more characters yet than Cheth and Phaedra but their interaction is superb. I will be surprised if I get to prefer another set and not those two interacting going forward. 5. The art shines the most when Cheth does his thing with the various shapes he takes and souls he wears. Going to hold on answering the other questions until I've read some more.
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
Finished reading through, but it's 2 am and I won't be coherent answering questions. Gotta wait till tomorrow but I had to say, what a compelling tale. So glad I got to read it. Bookmarked to stay on for the ride. Congrats!
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
You're very kind. Thank you
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
6. I think there's nuance on and about a wide range of issues. From religion and faith to politics and bias, discrimination and the fear of death. Complicated, fascinating stuff. 7. I like how characters feel alive, each with their own agency. I also like how it might come down to a competition on who actually is the villain- don't want to spoil anything. 8. The comic's strengths are many- art, plot and dialogue deliver an engaging story with good suspense. I'm a sucker for suspense, so I'm hooked (edited)
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
9. It seems Pavel might be the living person Phaedra needs, with enough quid pro quo to keep them on the same team at least for a while. 10. I'm not actually sure. I'm leaning towards 'yes' but the story might surprise me. If she resurfaces alive, she will have to deal with plotters in her court for sure, and perhaps uncover truths about their clergy that will be ...let's say at least uncomfortable. 11. I think the attack has everything to do with their chance encounter with Halea, considering the warnings they were given. I also have this inkling that their connection to the throne might be a bit more complicated that the average islander's there, which is why they were told to run and hide. 12. Cheth reminds me of Loki a lot (including the male/female ghost wearing) so I'm assuming he pulled a prank or attempted something that potentially would break the world, or some such thing, which got him banished. I'd expect his goal is to escape his banishment, which might then make him more likely to be a big and deadly threat. The seaghosts I think are connected to him directly which is why he knows everything in the sea, or some such thing. But I'm still forming my own theory on that so I can't say I feel confident making any kind of guess on that!
Once again, congratulations @LadyLazuli (Phantomarine) I thoroughly enjoyed this.:)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
7. I also like how it might come down to a competition on who actually is the villain
@Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight) Ooh. Maybe there are still two! And it’s just a question of who is worse
12. Cheth reminds me of Loki a lot (including the male/female ghost wearing) so I'm assuming he pulled a prank or attempted something that potentially would break the world
@Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight) The Loki/Lady-Loki similarity was something I realized far later than I should have. It’s totally true! Might have been a subconscious influence. I always thought the idea was awesome
And thank you very much again for checking it out!
Given that Phaedra is basically a ghost and Pavel is basically the only person who likes them, it is destiny he will be the only living person who can help her. However, my impression of Phaedra was that, at first at least, she may be overly concerned with her own goals and kind of forget that Pavel is just an adorable boy who needs help. So I kind of feel why Pavel will help her at first, it won't be a two-way street for a while. I definitely think Phaedra will succeed, but I also definitely think that won't be the end of it. Cause there's clearly a conspiracy to kill her. So sure, she may succeed, but then whoops have to stop corruption and the work is never done. As for challenges along the way, I'm sure there's gonna be some occassional Cheth's appearances of mocking. Mostly, though, I think it's gonna be protecting Pavel from the various dangers of the sea. I'm just gonna go definitive on this one with my theory. Halea is the one who had Phaedra assassinated and Halea somehow controls the Fata Morgana. And when she saw that whoops, maybe no more minions, she had Vanna and Pavel attacked cause they were clear threats of power. Cause Halea's power is entirely derived from the fact the sea is broken. If you unbreak the sea, no more power. So gotta maintain that status quo. As for the Phantomarine, I think it's more that in order to escape the dangers, Vanna and Pavel would probably have to travel far away from the safety of the lighthouses. I think Cheth just wants to be not trapped. I kind of feel like there's some unfairness going on here and that while maybe Cheth wasn't the greatest person, but also probably didn't deserve to be cast into the sea forever. And if I'm honest, I think it probably is what made the world worse than anything else.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Solid answers, all of them. Sometimes the strongest theories are the simplest ones
Oh nO these ended up so long asdfg my bad 9. They’ll probably be connected by a shared-quest. They can help by retrieving things for each other they couldn’t otherwise. We know Phaedra’s gonna need someone to go on land for her and retrieve that Sacred Relic capable of reviving the dead, so I’d be curious to see if Pavel would need the opposite for some reason. Whatever the case, my vague theory on how they’ll connect revolves around Katja! Simply because she seems like the perfect friend for him (and tbh, anyone). And because Pavel seems to like quite a few Seaghost animals like Salty Joe..... and because petting and playing with a fluffy sweet dog is exactly what Pavel deserves Hurt?? Is a more difficult question. I would imagine it’s Cheth related. So far Pavel has shown a lot of sympathy for Cheth and could almost be considered a fan of him based on the costume he wore to the maritime fair. Meanwhile Phaedra has very personal reasons for despising him. 10. Hmm.. Maybe… All the twists and turns in the story so far have taken me by surprise so I really don’t have a clue what kind of challenges she’ll encounter next, or whether she’ll end the story alive. LadyLazuli doesn’t seem to be afraid of breaking reader hearts (and i say that with love lmao). Almost certainly Phaedra have more challenges involving her dad. I’m very curious to know more about him and if he’s as honorable as he seems. If she succeeds, assuming she learns about Vanna’s Seabite cure from Pavel, perhaps she’ll make that a more widespread thing so Seabitten children aren’t abandoned at the aquifier. However, seeing as she was assassinated (or at least Halea claimed she was) she’d probably have to unravel the mystery of whoever is out to get her before she can safely return to the living life, or risk ending back where she started.
11. My interpretation of the exciting latter-half of chapter 3 is this: The instant Halea learned that Vanna cracked the code to curing or at least strongly delaying Seabite, she made up her mind to have her and Pavel killed. For some reason she doesn’t want knowledge of the cure to spread. Perhaps so she has more Fata Morganas under her control? So meanwhile, knowing how Halea operates somehow, Garth gave Vanna the Phantomarine a means of protection, one that a Fata Morgana would not be able to destroy with a bone arrow perhaps. His reasonings for summoning Cheth are very mysterious to me, but I think someone Garth once cared for, this “Snowbelle”, may have had a positive-enough interaction with Cheth that Garth thought “yeah okay I’ll trust you to help my friends” :0c 12. I haven’t picked up on a clear indication of Cheth’s goals, so I’m pulling this mostly out of my bum, but I think it has to do with his skull. It’s on an island so he can’t reach it (unless the lighthouses go out apparently, http://www.phantomarine.com/comic/the-horizon-child/2-21-golden-feronia/ ) and Vanna makes it sound like something terrible would happen if he could reach it. His manifesting and wearing all these other souls, but never appearing close to any of the bonefish imagery makes me think he can’t assume that form without his skull being in the water, but maybe that would unlock some other powers too. Maybe that would undo the banishment, and he’d be free to leave the sea. Which is really funny to me that only once he unlocks fishmode, can he go on land lmao. What he’d do once he’s got that freedom tho, who knoooows I kinda think the relic Cheth told Phaedra of could be the skull, but it’s so... huge… Phaedra and her friends would have no means of getting it into the ocean that I can think of. Maybe they don’t need to in order to revive themselves though?
WAIT i sent that and it just clicked for me that seaghosts can go on land but Cheth can't so whether or not the lighthouses go out, that skull's off limits. but still.
Comic Tea Party
13. What are you most looking forward to seeing in regards to the comic?
14. Any final words of encouragement for the comic?
Don’t feel inspired by the prompts? Feel free to discuss anything else that interested you!
13. most looking forward to meeting Phaedra's friends and learning more about the world they live in. Every place we see is dripping with character and a unique atmosphere and unexpected purpose, like the aquifier vs. the venue Vanna and Pavel were in at the end of the maritime fair. 14. It's just such an absolute treasure of a comic, one that is immediately so intriguing that I couldn't have stopped after the first page if I wanted to. (And with a premise and style like this, who would want to!) Its tone is whimsical and a wonderful balance of heartwarming and heartbreaking. Makes me feel nostalgic for old animated movies. Also the pacing great! Phantomarine can pour so much progress and into a single bubbly page and then others have thoughtful pauses that allow for plenty of breathing and digesting of that information. Aside from it being just overall enjoyable, it's also great learning material~
13. Honestly, right now I’m really excited to see Cheth and Pavel interact. But besides that I’m looking forward to Phaedra and Pavel uniting 14. KEEP IT UP YOU BEAUTIFUL PERSON YOU! WE LOVE YOUR COMIC AND IT BRINGS JOY TO OUR HEARTS. But seriously. It’s a work of art and you are telling an amazing story in a spectacular way.
I eschewing the prompts I cannot find them anymore. Good: First, love the art, and color scheme. Second, probably the best backgrounds I have seen in a webcomic, they useful for the telling the story. Love the crowd shots, and the people in the crowd being detailed and different. Pavel’s design quite unique. I really adore the self-contained story of chapter 1, it set up main character, their goal very efficiently, and at least temporary villain (we’ll see about that later). Chapter 2 and 3 I was little less keen on, now we are focussing a different set of characters, and I am waiting for the stories to re-converge. Although, the Vanna death(?) scene was very well done. Most of dialogue has this will matter later tone to it. I feel confident the story has a direction, and a route to get there (this very important given the nature of web comics).
Tantz Aerine (Without Moonlight)
13. I'm looking forward to Phaedra and Haldea interact. That should be juicy. 14. Just keep on going. You're doing great!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
13. I can't wait to see the lore unfold in Phantomarine. It's a world that I want to keep exploring along with the protagonists. And I do want to see how the crew would react and cope to being seaghosts and what that would mean for their relationship with Phaedra. And of course, Cheth. I want to see more Cheth. 14. Claire, your webcomic is amazing, and just want to say that you're doing a wonderful job with it. Please keep up the good work, and I look forward to reading and drawing shitmemes for it
eliushi [a winged tale]
Everyone has already said so much more eloquently of what I wanted to say! I also love the very creative use of typography and background art as Pavel ran through the house to escape in the last chapter. Excellent suspense and tension! As always, looking forward to more!!
Ahhhh I’m late but 13. I’m really looking forward to seeing all the threads come together and seeing all the tension that has been building up unravel. It’s always cool, in stories with different viewpoints happening simultaneously. to see them all crash into each-other. More specifically with Phantomarine, there’s so much we feel like we know and don’t know so it’ll be exciting to get more pieces to the puzzle about people’s true identities and intentions as time goes on. Oh, also, I hope my man Garth is doing okay haha 14. I’ve said this before, and people have said it here, but you can tell this story was crafted with love and somebody with the intense desire for good storytelling. It’s wonderful. Keep doing what you’re doing! We’ll be excited for whatever you cook up next
I am looking forward to learning more about Cheth cause I really feel like there's something deep just under the surface that's waiting to burst out and scream surprise. As for final words, this is all around a beautiful comic with some really interesting lore with lots of detail and thought put into it. And I think that along makes it worth a read even if it's not your cup of tea!
Im looking forward to seeing how Pavel really develops. I've said in my questions before that I believe he's a character that has the power to alter and change the course of events-! I think he's going to really turn Cheth on his head with these next new pages too. Also, Fata Morgana is DEF a fave, i want to know so much more of her purpose in the cogs and gears that turn the story U-U All in all, i cannot express how much I truly love this comic. I discovered it a while ago and was instantly hooked with the visuals, characters, and power of story. There's definitely a sense that Phantomarine will easily become a classic amongst the webcomic medium, and that it's certainly a work of art to keep tabs on!
eliushi [a winged tale]
I love the comic layout, the colours and the theme of Phantomarine! It really feels like I’m watching a show since it’s so polished with great movement between each panel. I’m super looking forward to all the character developments and unraveling more mysteries
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I wanted to thank everyone for your kind words before this Book Club officially closes up. I've jumped into the webcomic community without much prior experience or exposure, and I've been amazed by the outpouring of kindness and guidance from everyone I've met, including the people here. Thank you for all the encouragement this week - to me, Phantomarine's story is just barely getting started, but to know it's already this well-received is very affirming (and a little overwhelming!). I consider it my duty to deliver a satisfying story from here to the end, and I'll keep aiming for that goal until my job is done. Big hugs from me, and thank you very much for the feature! I'll have a blast looking back on this in the future
Comic Tea Party
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Phantomarine this week! Please also give a special thank you to Claire K. Niebergall for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Phantomarine, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://www.phantomarine.com/
Claire’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/phantomarine
Claire’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Phantomarine_
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Wtf is going on - Part I.
READY OR NOT..............
The next three weeks feel impossible.
I’m losing my mind lol. I’m going to take myself through this week by week. Breaking up my next 3 blog posts into a Three part series, and i’m going to slowly tread wtf is going on.
Karina and i drove LA >> Oakland >> LA in one day to audition for 5 minutes. LoL. We’re crazy and we know that. The troubling fact is this job means quitting my current one and moving to Oakland.
In February at the festival in Oregon, we were invited to audition for Kaiser Permanente’s Educational Theatre. They employ actors to perform shows for kids.
It pays more than my current job. It is less stable than my current job.
I’m TERRIFIED of having *that* conversation with my dad, and my office.
Desperate to avoid a serving job (having worked them since i was 16), i approached my dad for a job at his company. He knows about me and theater. He knew to be cautious. He asked me commit 2 years. I promised my dad 2 years; it’s only been 6 months. There’s a voice in my head chiding me for even considering this new opportunity.
And part of me is very very resistant to the reality of this new opportunity. Moving to Oakland means moving away from Robin, from Heather, from my studio, from all the work i’ve been doing in L.A to lay down some roots. Working full time at a corporate theater. Suffering bay area rent. Potentially losing my dad’s support (he is helping me with car and insurance payments). And pouring so much time into someone else’s theater. And potentially neglecting my own dreams -- risk of being too burnt, busy and broke to manifest my own theater projects. Not to mention all my fears around the importance of artistic freedom to me and needing to comply with a higher authority for paycheck’s sake (literal nightmare). And i just, might, very well, possibly, end up hating the job.
I fear breaking my promise. Going back on my word. Owning up to the fact that i am not the loyal bitch we hoped i was. I fear these feelings of betrayal. I fear upsetting my dad and losing his support. I fear the disrespect i am slamming on my director & cecillia’s time and energy and trust in me. I fear that there is no “good” decision, but i can see Regret sitting atop my worst case scenario and i’m afraid that it doesn’t even really matter how things go, whether i stay or go, it’s all a sticky situation.
If i get the job, but don’t go, i am still at the office. Sitting. So much sitting............clutching my small studio time like the life jacket it is...
If i get the job and want go, well, fuck, that’s a lot of, fuck. Can i put my independent theater dreams on hold? Is this experience worth pursuing? Is it worth upsetting my entire life here? Wow. Since when did i get so attached to my life here? I’ve worked so hard since i’ve been here, to seek, and seek, and plan, and build. I’ve been planning for my life here in L.A. I NeVER imagined relocating this soon. Turning my life upside down when i’ve literally JUST managed to get it looking right-side-up. f$&%@#$!
OKAY Normally, i’d wait to see if i got called back to start worrying. But this opportunity requiring 600 mile drives, requiring me and karina to rearrange chunks of our lives, to even be considered for the job, makes every step in the audition process so costly o_o. We’re asking ourselves “if we do get called back, how are we even going to get there?” We’re investing and sacrificing for a huge Maybe. Even pursuing the possibility is TOO MUCH!!!! yet here we are. Why? Why am i this crazy about a maybe?
Tomorrow, we will find out if we’re called back. If we’re called back, the one thing i need to do (the scariest fkn thing ok) is ask for another day off (to secretly attend). If god blesses me with a Yes and my director is NOT fed up with my bullshit, the next thing is figuring out how tf to get there. And that’s it. That’s it. That’s it. For now.
* * *
An interlude.)
What changes when i decide i’m tired of doubting myself? Staying off social media is a great relief. I stepped back because i was starting to carry some duty to entertain or cater to the tastes of the people who engage with what i post. The anxiety that begins to stir between myself and thoughts of people far away -- with heavy social media comes this baggage we pick up and hold nearly voluntarily.
Just as we are curious how someone else’s life is going, we imagine other people are curious about ours.
We second-guess what we want to post. When it’s about what we want to share in the first place. How anybody receives it is their business. Leave them tf ALONE, LOL. Leave YOURSELF alone!
If it’s your career, you chase one of few formulas. If it’s your hobby, you draw from these formulas and mix in your personal flavor of “idgaf”. And if it’s mostly irrelevant to what you do/what you want, you’re not even bothered. *shrug*
Every fuckin body will tell you, people who don’t frequent social media are happier.
Do you think so? Do we think so? I’m skeptical. It’s easy to believe, given how much (admit it) time and attention social media sucks. But actually? Let’s be clear: who can know? Lol. The very point around people who don’t use social media is they are beyond the reach of our prying eyes. They are safe, much less susceptible to the wandering imagination of a distant relationship. They are out of bounds.
Sometimes i wish i was that kind of person. Whoever that means.
I’m not.
There’s something about getting to show something to hundreds of people. There’s something about connections waiting to be made. Paths that could cross. Click-holes where we lean outside of our usual environments. We are open to exposure and being exposed. We are creative with our public image. We narrate our own lives. We seek others’. ThaT PART. That part. “I will engage!!!!!!!!!!”
Is it possible to have a healthy relationship with social media?
What does that look like?
There’s so much in our culture that discourages social media use - from mental health to physical health - we are told every day what the pitfalls are. We know it ourselves in living our lives. The common denominator to these warnings is usually over-consumption. Too much. Much too much.
If we are using social media, we are at risk. We know the risks. We live with the risks. ALAS - we believe we can manage the time/space distortion that the social media universe rips into our lives.
With social media comes this massive gravitational pull sucking us into a manufactured world. This tech, as far as i’m concerned, insanely complicates our lives - adding data to bodies, instant X long distance everything, and a level of productivity concerning online metrics that is often inversely proportional to our productivity offline.
The most estranged relationships continue to fizzle quietly with mutual following. Our brains buzz “To post or not to post”. And our eyes are getting tired, our thumbs sore; our time and attention sinks and slips away from us. Like retribution for the discontent, disinterest, and laziness we risk habituating with social media.
We give access and have access and the ride is crippling or energizing depending on whatever people or time in your life.
Do the rewards outweigh the risks?
* * *
While i’m floundering in the dark about my job, my life, March is ending soon and come April comes the premiere and one-month-run of my new production, 1-800-PERFECTION.
This is my first show in socal. My first show outside of Davis. My first full solo work. My first script-based PLAY in YEARS.
March Timeline:
meeting with studio manager to settle performance dates (today)
last full rehearsal (3/24 SAT)
tech rehearsal with Heather (3/30 SAT)
preview performance w/ talk back (3/31 SUN) YOU’RE INVITED. [email protected] | please come! TIME: 1-3pm LOCATION: 1183 Kraemer Blvd, Anaheim, CA
April Timeline:
Dress Rehearsal (week 1, TBD)
1st Show (week 2, TBD)
2nd show (week 3, TBD)
3rd Show (week 4, TBD) Tickets: $12 venmo (seat reserved) or $10 cash at door (exact change!!!)
My radical marketing plan is to do it in person. I wanna shit my pants thinking about it, but i’m determined to go out there into public places and invite people to my show face 2 face. I will certainly let you know how it goes. The experience may turn up a giant dumpster fire. :-)
Common questions when opening a new work include: what if ppl hate it? what if i hate it? what if no one comes? what if this is the end of my reputation as an artist as we know it? as i know it? what if i’m not ready?
What if i didn’t rehearse enough? THIS ONE’S BEEN HAUNTING ME.
My best friend asks me how long i’ve been working on this play. I tell her i can afford 20 hours of studio time a month. It’s been almost 4 months now. And then she’s like, isn’t 20 hours...less than a day? *brain explodes* Have i only worked on my show for LESS THAN 4 DAYS? IS IT LIKE THAT?
It has been living, growing, changing with me day to day. But of course, 20 hours is really it of dedicated work time/space. 5 hours a week.
I am used to working 30 hours per weeeeeek on a show. that’s what i’m used to.
I remember when i first found this studio offering exactly what i was looking for and could afford, i was ELATED to get 20 hours a month. Considering the ZERO work i was doing my first 2 months back in LA -- Getting 1 step closer to where i would be today - on the cusp of running a whole original ass show - was mooooreee than enough.
But this is honestly one worry out of SO MANY, literally so many, that it’s all looking - sounding - and feeling increasingly ridiculous. because there’s just so much. *laugh cry emoji* * * * I’m never going to forget what i signed up for. Everything on my plate, i set up for myself.
Was i ready for all of this? No. Did i dream this up and seek its fruition? Hell yes. Even i know that only time will tell me What was What. So, i will take it one fkn day at a time.
Maybe this is a lesson to follow your dreams no matter what, precisely BECAUSE you’ll never be ready for it. I can’t imagine being ready for what i’m going through these days. There’s no fucking way i could’ve known how stickyyyy things could get when i made my first studio payment in December, or asked my dad for a job in October.
But go through with it, we will, because we’ve reached the point where we must. I’m. Not. Looking. Back.
So, I don’t have a dramatic poignant closer for you on this one. Let’s, uh, give that to Part 3, when we wrap this whole mess up. (ie. is Oakland rlly happening? how was canvassing the brea mall to advertise my show LMAO? did i lose my damn mind, or nah?)
Hi. I just want to say, thank you for reading. Really. thank you.
I think my writing is suffering from the craziness atm.
* * *
i’ve committed to being vulnerable in writing every week.
previous letter: #11. detox,
drop me a line
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Last Encore was............ a weird experience? And I don’t mean that in a “lololol sooooooo weird I have obviously never had a shaft experience in my entire life” kind of weird. SHAFT is my fucking brand, man. Spring quarter I binge-watched all of monogatari because of how on-brand it was for me. I love their weird conceptual symbolic bullshit and their playing with framing and style even when they aren’t switching up the actual artstyle, but i digress.
Opinions for like the first......... 5ish? (Shinji’s Floor and Dan’s Floor) episodes under the cut. I actually wanted to just do everything but those two arcs get me so heated I needed to rant about what was wrong with them.
Basically, for me:
1st episode - cool. loving purgatory.
2 - 5 episodes....... just felt like a gigantic waste of time tbh. Namely because at that point in the series it feels like there isn’t a clear vision for what needs to be told; SHAFT is weird, yeah, and “hard to get” or whatever, but for their own IPs, at least, it’s clear that they DO have a vision, even if they have a roundabout way of getting there. Shinji and Dan’s episodes feel...... floundering. There isn’t enough substance for them to anchor themselves other than “ooooooooh what could be gOiNg ONNNNN?!?!” and to the viewer, it’s annoying. Even on a rewatch, where it technically makes sense now, there’s not enough emotional depth to any of it to warrant...... anything, really.
At that point in the series it’s clear that the target audience isn’t “new viewers” or else literally nothing makes sense, but it’s also EXTREMELY alienating to anyone who played the OG EXTRA because, at least in that point in time, it feels like almost a..... slap to the face? One of the most striking parts of EXTRA is that very first week; we see Shinji, known Mother Fucker with a face and personality so punchable it really doesn’t matter if you played FSN or not who........ turns out to be 6 years old. And, unlike in other Fate installments, Masters do not have the liberty of saving other Masters. Part of the tragedy of EXTRA is that no one (save for clown and pre-CCC Gatou - but even then he’s just like an idiot, and like....... Julius, until you learn how fucked his life is) actually deserves to die. Many of them (including Shinji) don’t even realize that it’s really fucking real that you’re going to die if you lose. Talking to NPCs and seeing them have to take lives and how they react to all of that is a fundamental part of the story...... as is seeing the school slowly grow more and more empty, one by one.
And looking back on that, on the original, emotional impact, Shinji’s days especially just feel like a complete waste. They spent two episodes on him to do what amounts to absolutely nothing. At least Dan, while his storyline here kind of feels like a huge slap in the face, still had some emotional depth by bringing up his wife and the verrrryyyyy last second and like. that one line with robin.
And in both of their cases I feel like too much is wasted keeping everything a mystery from the viewer. Alice’s arc works and works AMAZINGLY because you’re seeing it from her perspective. I honestly, honestly think that Shinji and Dan’s arcs would have benefited from and least partially being from the PoV of Drake/Robin respectfully. We still wouldn’t need to know everything that’s going on, but seeing how the way things “should be” in their eyes vs. Kishinami’s reality would have provided emotional depth while also hinting at the nature of this story pre-Alice arc. Or, even if they wanted to keep the mystery, having shots of Shinji thinking about Rider - because we KNOW Rider actually Kind of means a Ton to Shinji ala CCC - and how maybe not being worthy of her help in favor of half-baked data he got from other Masters actually does kind of hurt. Maybe hurts in a very Shinji tch-ing about how worthless the “shadow” servants are, but still thinking of her wistfully nonetheless. Same with Rider maybe looking on and some reference to him being a “stupid kid who never learns”. Even that, with just like two extra scenes showing them thinking of each other with all the baggage that comes along with that, could’ve given more depth to the eventual team up and conclusion of their arc. As it stands it was just....... nothing.
Dan...... Dan was done dirty tbh. They spent a lot of time with PUNISHED DAN without any, like...... explanation or redemption??? Dan is a good man and he deserved better. Like, even if you want to make him PUNISHED EDGELORD you gotta balance it all out with flashbacks of who he should’ve been and/or Robin purposefully sabotaging himself and DRAWING ATTENTION to the fact he could’ve won “like this” - aka shady dirty way he’s known for - rather than trying to fight head on (they sorta did this in his last fight with Saber, and it’s reaffirmed when he goes to Dan’s grave and says something along the lines of “Looks like I’m really not cut out for a fair fight) but there’s no attention brought to it in scene and................. tbh Shaft ain’t really known for action scenes so while I noticed it, it was still kinda like “oh, did they mean to do this or.....” and then at the end of the episode like “oh i guess it was intentional” but at that point the emotional impact it could’ve served ESPECIALLY if Robin had purposefully “thrown” the battle by fighting fair and openly because he wanted to honor the man he once served, even if he could’ve totally bested Saber - that would’ve been MUCH more impactful than what actually happened.
and, in the end, I guess my grievances with those two arcs are summed up by - EXTRA was never the journey of just one person. In OG extra, Hakuno is forged in the flames of the trials they must go through. No Master’s story is ever shafted because by shafting them and the emotional impact they bring to the table, you also shaft Hakuno’s emotional development; by writing strong antagonizing Masters, by making them complex and emotional journeys, Hakuno also benefits as the protagonist. Their choices, their pain, what they choose to do or not do is weighted by the experiences they have over the course of the game with these other Masters. So when whoever did the script for the first two Last Encore character arcs - because that’s really what each floor is, a character arc - says “making this soooooo mysterious is worth more than making a complicated narrative” it does Hakuno an injustice in that his story isn’t furthered as far as “deaD FaCE?!?!?!” “so...... much........ hate...... why.......................” goes
#the thirst manifesto#last encore spoilers#long post#deirdre EXTRA screams#<- i guess screaming abt anything in the fateverse. rn its last encore
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Denny Medley-USA TODAY Sports
March 31, 2019 - Kansas City, Missouri
NCAA Tournament Elite 8
For the first time ever, Auburn squared off with Kentucky in the NCAA Tournament with a spot in the Final Four on the line. Auburn went into their 3rd straight game as an underdog and that was magnified even more with Chuma being out. I don’t think many people gave Auburn that much of a chance in this one and after the Cats had defeated Auburn by 27 in their previous matchup, it made sense.
But since that game, Auburn had won 11 in a row and handily defeated Kansas and North Carolina. Kentucky had gotten to this point defeating Abilene Christian and close wins over Wofford and Houston. I watched this game downtown and there was quite a buzz in downtown Auburn getting ready for this one. One of the biggest roars came before the game when CBS showed Malik Dunbar warming up in Chuma Okeke’s jersey. This was awesome!
Malik Dunbar is rockin' injured teammate Chuma Okeke's jersey during shootaround. ✊#MarchMadness | @AuburnMBB pic.twitter.com/0cnEY80Yzl
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
Early on, it was a struggle for Auburn as Kentucky jumped out a 7-0 start 3 minutes into the game. But it was the bench that got the Tigers started on this afternoon. Danjel Purifoy knocked down a 3-pointer and Austin Wiley scored consecutive baskets to pull within 11-7. The Cats would score the next 6 to take a 10-point lead.
That stayed the same midway through the 1st half as Kentucky led 22-11. Bryce Brown knocked down his first 2 shots to cut Kentucky’s lead down to 6 but each time Auburn went on a mini spurt, Kentucky would regain a 10-point lead..... until the 4 minute mark of the half.
Jared Harper, who was scoreless in the first 16 minutes, converted 4-point play to make it 30-24 Kentucky.
Jared Harper BURIES a 3 & has a chance to cut it to a 6 point game! #Elite8#MarchMadness | @AuburnMBB pic.twitter.com/M3iY6a7alu
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
Auburn continued to close the gap thanks to Harper and Anfernee McLemore whose put back dunk pulled the Tigers within 2.
Anfernee McLemore with the BIG putback to cut the Kentucky lead to 2! #MarchMadness | #Elite 8 pic.twitter.com/X15fG8NReX
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
Kentucky hit a 3 in the final seconds of the half to take a 35-30 lead but considering how the first half had played out, I liked where Auburn was sitting. And we knew that Bryce Brown had already had 1 big 2nd half against Kentucky this season and needed another one.
Brown got the offense going with a 3 off a steal from Harper to make it 37-35 Kentucky. After another Kentucky turnover, Brown was fouled shooting a 3. He would make his first 2 free throws but missed the 3rd (the only miss he had of any kind in the 2nd half), but intercepted the pass after PJ Washington tried to save the ball in the corner and did this to give Auburn the lead.
.@AuburnMBB TAKES THE LEAD! #MarchMadness | #Elite8 pic.twitter.com/ZhPV78M1na
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
Ian Eagle said it best, “Bryce Brown is smoking hot!”
A lob from Jared Harper to J’Von McCormick for a finger roll layup would put Auburn ahead 42-39.
And then #ClassicMalik showed up on the defensive end and made one of the plays of the tournament, complete with a staredown of Keldon Johnson.
DENIED! #MarchMadness | @AuburnMBB pic.twitter.com/z7KYbkrRbd
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
Kentucky would regain the lead but Bryce Brown would take it right back knocking down his 2nd 3-pointer of the half. As I mentioned earlier, Bryce made every shot but one free throw in the 2nd half and many of his shots were some tough shots, including this one to put Auburn back up 3.
Danjel Purifoy would hit his 2nd 3 of the afternoon with 9 minutes to go to put Auburn ahead 54-50 and Wiley’s bucket with 7:10 to go put Auburn ahead 56-50.
There wasn’t much offense in the last 7 minutes of this game from Auburn and Kentucky came back to tie it at 58 with 2:55 to go.
Kentucky would take the lead by 2 with a minute left but on the other end, Jared Harperblew by Tyler Herro for a layup to tie the game back up at 60 with 38 seconds to go. On the other hand, Kentucky had a chance to regain the lead in the closing seconds of regulation but Auburn’s defense wouldn’t allow it.
First, Horace Spencer blocked PJ Washington and then Anfernee McLemore rejected Keldon Johnson and Auburn had a chance to win the game as they got the ball back.
Auburn LOCKS IT DOWN to force OT! #MarchMadness | #Elite8 pic.twitter.com/btJedy4Qu9
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
Auburn didn’t call a timeout and got the ball in the hands of a wide open Horace Spencer who attempted a 3 to win for it for Auburn that didn’t go in. Folks, if Horace had hit that 3 to win it for Auburn, the pandemonium, the Cinderella stories would have been absolutely epic. But alas, 5 more minutes of basketball.
In overtime, it was Jared Harper time.
As he did in regulation, Harper blew by Herro for a layup to put Auburn back up by 2 in the first minute of OT.
This next play was absolutely beautiful. Harper caught Ashton Hagans and Purifoy fed him a perfect for a layup to put Auburn up by 4.
Jared Harper gives @AuburnMBB the 4 point advantage! #MarchMadness | #Elite8 pic.twitter.com/6TbMbqy8Uz
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
Then with a little over 2 minutes left in Overtime, the iron was so kind to Anfernee McLemore.
Anfernee McLemore gets the ROLL! #MarchMadness | #Elite8 pic.twitter.com/aoXCm6smlN
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
McLemore would strip the ball on the other end and go coast to coast for a layup to put Auburn ahead 68-62.
After Kentucky made 1-2 from the free throw line, Harper would attack the paint once again and give Auburn a 7-point lead with 1:10 to go.
At that point, if Auburn could make their free throws, they were going to be in good shape. But Kentucky wasn’t done yet.
Harper would hit 4 free throws over the next 45 seconds but Kentucky got hot and PJ Washington’s 3-pointer made it 74-71 with 16.6 seconds left.
Samir Doughty knocked down 1-2 from the line to make it a 2 possession game and Anfernee McLemore would block Kentucky’s shot on the other end setting up 2 more free throws for Jared Harper. Kentucky’s last gasp was no good and folks, the Auburn Tigers were on their way to the Final Four!!!
12 consecutive wins, 3 consecutive bluebloods, Kansas, North Carolina and Kentucky. What a journey for this Auburn Basketball team!
.@AuburnMBB IS DANCING TO THE #FINALFOUR FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! #MarchMadness pic.twitter.com/5zTtT7QZ0l
— NCAA March Madness (@marchmadness) March 31, 2019
Jared Harper had 12 of Auburn’s 17 points in Overtime ad finished with 26 points, 5 assists, 4 rebounds and 3 steals. He was also 11-11 from the free throw line.
Bryce Brown had 24 points, including 17 in the 2nd half. He was 6-6 from the field in the 2nd half and 8-12 overall, knocking down 4 3-pointers.
Anfernee McLemore had 8 points, including those 2 huge buckets in OT, and 5 rebounds.
And on defense, despite allowing 28 points and 13 rebounds to PJ Washington, Samir Doughty and company held Tyler Herro to 7 points on 3-11 shooting. Herro had torched the Tigers in Auburn but they didn’t let him on this day in Kansas City.
Here are the highlights!
And one advantage of watching this game downtown.... getting to Toomer’s immediately!
ABSOLUTE SCENES AT TOOMER'S CORNER. Take a look at the insane celebration going on in Auburn as @AuburnMBB is heading to the #FinalFour ! pic.twitter.com/pWrWBg2fkw
— WRBL Sports (@WRBLSports) March 31, 2019
This concludes our look back through the 2018-2019 season and what a journey it was. To Bryce Brown, Jared Harper, Chuma Okeke, Horace Spencer and Malik Dunbar: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE MEMORIES!!! What you guys did over the course of 6 weeks from the end of February all the way into April are some of the best times of my life and for so many other Auburn fans.
Beginning tomorrow, we are going to start looking back through last season as we get even closer to starting this upcoming season. I’ll leave you today with one final clip from Auburn’s NCAA Tournament run. War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2020/11/7/21550564/tip-off-countdown-26-auburn-77-kentucky-71-ot
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Nightmare Before Christmas
Shout out to @petalstofish for BETAing and explaining Tumblr and @beks21 for telling me it didn’t totally suck.
Prompt for Jily October: It’s Halloween at Hogwarts but Lily’s already humming Christmas music on rounds and James wants to kill her.
also on FFN
It is a fact universally acknowledged that come October, people can be divided into two factions.
Those who live for leaf piles, pumpkin patches and Halloween.
And those who turn the calendar to October 1 and begin the 84 day countdown to Christmas.
Now, James Potter always paid particular attention to Lily Evans. Somehow though, October had always been an exception to this rule. Because James Potter lived for the bliss of cooler weather, the beginning of quidditch and planning the annual Halloween prank. In the month of October, James had other things on his mind thankyouverymuch and couldn’t be bothered to know what kind of October person Lily Evans was.
He knew, of course that her eyes sparked the most in the winter. She practically glowed in January, especially on her birthday week. He knew she was melancholy in March, whimsical in April and that she would take any dare she was given and make you regret it in July.
Through no fault of his own, James had missed the inaugural pronouncement of “84 Days until Christmas” on October 1st in their first year due to an unfortunate accident with the giant squid; missed the distribution of “pre pre Christmas cookie taste test” on October 11th their second year (detention); the Christmas tree catastrophe of their third year (quidditch); the Christmas knitting party in fourth year (quidditch); the mistletoe mishap of fifth year (holding a leaf in your mouth for a month sucks); and he was unaware of the failed 84 day advent calendar of sixth year (the giant squid really needed to give a man a break).
So when James picked Lily up for rounds he was taken aback when he heard her singing “Good King Wenceslas” in their office.
“Lily… are you ready? It’s time for rounds!”
As she flung the door open James swore he smelled pine, gingerbread and plum.
She responded with too much enthusiasm for a Tuesday, “Oh yes sorry! Lost track of time. Tis the season, you know?”
“Right. Well shall we take the usual route?”
“Of course!” She said with a overly cheery laugh and off they went.
Rounds were the usual banter and discussion of quidditch, classes and gossip. Near the end of the second hour however, Lily began to hum. Now, Lily always started humming when they’d run out of typical conversation and normally James enjoyed it. She’d introduced him to at least five new bands in the few months they’d been dating. But tonight, tonight surprised him. He swore he must be having some sort of auditory hallucination. At first it was “Good King Wenceslas” which he figured could be a tune that had a variety of lyrics. By the time they got to astronomy tower though, James was positive Lily was humming “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas.”
He racked his brain on how to approach this. They’d entered a tentative friendship at the beginning of sixth year and had fallen easily into something more than friends over the summer (a man can only stand being bested in Muggle poker for so long before he has to make a move). They hadn’t had a fight since they started dating and he didn’t want to start now.
“Hey Lils…what’s today?”
The humming stopped. “October 3rd- only..”
“28 days until Halloween I know”
“Right! I forgot! I was going to say only…”
But they were interrupted as was typical of rounds by an excited couple and the conversation was cut short. After losing rock-paper-scissors (14/25) James had to fill the appropriate paperwork, owl the heads of house and create the rounds schedule for the next two weeks.
He was halfway to the kitchens for a pick me up when he decided he needed to seek the advice of one Remus John Lupin.
The dorm was a mess as usual and he was unsurprised to find Remus studying, Sirius braiding his hair and Peter trying to beat himself in Wizard Chess.
“Ah ha!” Exclaimed Sirius “The prodigal Prongs returns”
“Did we have a meeting planned?” squeaked Peter as his knight destroyed his other knight.
“No, no. I just finished rounds.”
“And how were rounds?”
Sirius twisted his expression, “Interesting, what did you and Evans catch Filch and McGonagall in the astronomy tower or something and felt the need to tell us all the gory details?”
“No! God No…I just….” He can’t quite define why he is so bothered by the events that transpired so he starts, “Well rounds were great as usual… but then Lily starting humming”
“alas-“ exclaimed Sirius “not the humming! Not the waxing poetic ‘Pads I swear it feels like home’ humming!”
“How shall you survive the humming?” Peter agreed dramatically, following Sirius’ playful jest.
“I never thought humming could be beautiful until rounds with Lily Evans.” Sirius mimicked James’ voice and James frown deepened.
Peter clasped his hands like he was praying and said through snorts of laughter, “And I just keep thinking I could hear that humming to our child as she puts them to sleep.”
“Oi! I never said the bit about rocking a kid to sleep”
“Yes you did” was the chorused reply
“Right, well normally I enjoy her humming. But tonight she bloody well went through every Christmas tune known to man.”
The response was not what James had expected. He had expected protesting, outrage at the blasphemy and Sirius dramatically storming toward the head suite to have one of his “chats with Evans”.
He did not expect Remus to simply pick his book back up, Peter to laugh and Sirius to say “Right. Well- you know how Evans gets”
“No I do not know “how she gets”. It’s October 3rd. We are nowhere near the reasonable time to begin singing Christmas songs”
Remus shrugged, “I’m with you mate, but for Lily that timeline is different. I mean the girl begins knitting Christmas jumpers in July”
“I think the worst was in third year when she tried to teach me how to knit”
“Honestly Wormtail it isn’t that hard to cast off. Evans did turn your monstrosity into a lovely scarf”
“I do love that scarf” Peter said wistfully.
“Personally I think her worst attempt was last years advent calendar” Remus added, unhelpfully.
Just as the conversation was about to spin totally out of control James countered “What. The. Bloody. Hell. Are. You. Lot. On. About. I know everything about Lily Evans. I would know- I would have to know if she was a - a- “
He couldn’t finish his sentence so Sirius finished it for him, “Pumpkin abusing, Halloween skipping, heinous pre Christmasophile?”
“YES! How could I miss such a glaring flaw?”
“Lilytober” they chorused again
“Stop speaking all at once!”
“Remus you tell him” Peter motioned pathetically to James.
Calmly, Remus set down his book and started “Lilytober is the great and time honored tradition where one James Potter does not mention Lily Evans for 31 days because he is manically preparing for quidditch, the annual pumpkin carving contest and the Halloween prank. In his absence, Lily Evans pushes her pre Christmas agenda on all of us but we do not mention it because it’s a fair trade to have 31 days of rant free bliss”
“We, of course, knew that this year would be different since you finally got Lily to agree to go out with you” Sirius said, “Lilytober- may it live in our hearts forever and ever”
Ignoring this James said “So, you mean to tell me….everyone…..everyone in Gryffindor tower knows that Lily Evans is an absolute Christmas nutter who ignores the sacred month of October and all that autumn holds except me?”
“All of Hogwarts knows Prongs”, Peter added unhelpfully.
James pressed his fingers to his temples, “I need a drink. Or 5. Or to reevaluate the kind of woman I fall for.”
How there always seemed to be a stockpile of Firewhiskey in the dorm, James would never know but he was appreciative of Sirius and his ability to keep a constant and much needed supply.
On the 5th shot James had an epiphany , “I’ll just convert her!”
On shot number 6 Sirius responded “Convert her to what? You’re talking crazy mate”
“No, no, listen. I converted Lily from borderline hating me to being my girlfriend. Making her see that October is for spooky things and not Christmas should be easy. I just have to show her all that October can offer. Pumpkin carving, setting off explosives, scaring first years. Come October 31st we will never remember Lily unnecessarily singing ‘Good King Wenceslas’ on October Third Again”
“Good luck with that mate” Sirius said into shot number 7.
The next morning dawned bright and early and although they had planned a lie in to deal with their hangovers they were awoken by the smell of coffee and someone singing
“Good Christian men rejoice
With heart and soul and voice!
Give ye heed to what we say
News! News!
Jesus Christ is born today!
Ox and ass before Him bow
And He is in the manger now
Christ is born today!
Christ is born today!”
Amidst the groans and complaints of “Fuck, Evans, it’s only Wednesday” James heard the love of his life respond “Wake up gents, I’ve got coffee and hangover potion and Minnie is already looking for you Sirius so you better get up and at them” before she kissed him on the head told him “see you in potions” and whisked out the door.
“How does Lily always know when we’ve been drinking?” Peter asked, pulling pumpkin pasty from nowhere and taking a large bite
“James never tells her goodnight on our drinking nights so she always prepares a ‘Hangover Cart’” replied Remus grabbing the sole cup of tea.
Sirius’ grey eyes looked at the hangover cure lovingly, “Moony, if I ever leave you for someone it will be that mad Christmas bird. We’d be dead without her”
James chucked his sock at Sirius playfully, “Oi! That’s my mad Christmas bird”
After a day of too many loud noises, bright lights and general discomfort, James decided that Operation Spooky Lily could wait until the weekend. He had much too much homework, his quidditch team was looking like rubbish and they didn’t even have a draft of the big Halloween prank. So it was on the way to Hogsmeade on October 7th that operation October went into effect.
As they walked down the path to the village James took Lily on a detour to Hagrid’s pumpkin patch.
“I thought we could skip Hogsmeade today and celebrate the beginning of October properly, by carving pumpkins and roasting seeds” James told her as he pulled her from the usual path.
“But James, I wanted to go to Madame Puddifoots and snuggle- we haven’t been to Hogsmeade since we became official” Lily whined, but with a twinkle in her eyes that made him retaliate with a slight pinch on her side.
“I don’t know why I started dating someone as sarcastic as my best mate.”
“Because your best mate was already dating your other best mate and Peter is just there as a cute accessory?” Lily guessed.
“I’ll have you know Peter brings a lot to our group dynamic.”
Lily just rolled her eyes, let go of his hand yelling “race you” before running to the pumpkin patch.
James Potter learned that afternoon that Lily Evans had never carved a pumpkin or eaten pumpkin seeds. After recovering from this shock, he promptly showed her “the proper way” to cut and gut her pumpkin (he was glad Sirius wasn’t around or there would’ve been a 4 hour debate). After two hours of carving, throwing slime on each other and catching roasted pumpkin seeds; they revealed their masterpieces to each other.
James had carved an elaborate black cat wearing a witches hat that looked suspiciously like McGonagall. Lily had carved a shape that looked suspiciously like Santa Clause.
“Lil- is that”
“Santa? You know him? I wasn’t sure if it was just a Muggle thing or-why are you looking at me like that? I know his beard is a little off but I think the hat is clear enough”
She looked so pleased with herself and worried about his approval, the rant bubbling up from his core died on his lips.
“It looks brilliant. Now let’s go drop them on some Slytherin’s heads”
After thoroughly checking off “pumpkin carving prank” on the Operation October checklist, James knocked out “haunted house” , “leaf piles”, “dying Mrs. Norris black” and “charming all the cauldrons into jack o lanterns” with Lily at his side in no less than two weeks.
Things were going so splendidly James often forgot there was an operation unless one of the boys asked. It was October, he was pretty sure he was in love and his Quidditch team had never looked better. Nothing could take James Potter down.
That was of course until the morning of October 21, the day of the Gryffindor/Slytherin match when his beautiful girlfriend came to breakfast, not in the agreed upon James Potter quidditch jumper she had worn to matches since February 6th year after an unfortunate accident at breakfast but a blinking twinkling jumper that had a red nosed deer embellished on it.
Taking a deep breath, counting to ten and trying to not curse James prompted “Lily, dearest…what are you wearing?”
“My October 21 jumper. It’s Rudolph the red nosed reindeer’s birthday and I wear it every year”
“Lily” James said through gritted teeth, “It’s a Quidditch day”
“You’ll survive one game without me wearing your ‘lucky jumper’”
“Rudolph will survive one year without you wearing a bloody Christmas jumper in October!!!”
Lily drew back, “James Potter I do not like your tone.”
This, for some reason was the last straw, “Look- if you’re not going to wear my jumper and insist upon wearing that blasphemy in October then don’t even come to the match, alright?”
“Fine” Lily said coolly, “but don’t expect me to show up to the post match party either”
And then she left. James watched her go.
Miraculously and despite his girlfriend’s absence and refusal to wear the proper attire- Gryffindor won. James was so thrilled (and trashed) he had completely forgotten why and what they had fought about until he asked Marlene “where’s Lily?” and Marlene started shouting about reindeer and birthdays and “if you can’t love October Lily you don’t deserve Summer Lily” and shouting until his head hurt.
His only response was “It’s bloody October and no reasonable person should even look at a Christmas jumper until November 1 and you can tell her that.”
The party died down soon after and James did not emerge from his room the next day. He was doing what any reasonable bloke in a fight with his girlfriend would do, hide and avoid.
This was going remarkably well. He only ate in the kitchens, arrived to all classes at the last possible second and left as soon as the bell rang. He even switched with Remus to do
Wednesday night rounds so he wouldn’t have to be alone with Lily that Friday. He was sure he could successfully avoid her until graduation even instead of Benji Fenwick waiting for him in the great hall, there in a hideous Christmas jumper stood one Lily Evans.
“I thought Remus had rounds” she said in her Best Head Girl voice.
“He did. We switched”
“If I was going to be stuck with one of your lot for rounds I wanted Remus”
“Your lot again, is it?”
“Let’s just do rounds I’m too tired to do this now.”
“Nice jumper.”
“Thanks. It’s my ‘two months till Christmas’ jumper”
Rounds had never been so awkward. Their interactions had never been so awkward. Total silence. So when Lily started humming James was almost relieved. That is until he realized what it was.
“Can you stop humming please?”
She did. Two minutes later however she started singing “Oh the weather outside is frightful”
“But the fire is so delightful”
“And since we’ve no place to go”
“Please.” he asked weakly.
“WOULD YOU BLOODY STOP. I don’t understand how the girl I’m dating could possibly sing that song on October 25.”
Lily crossed her arms and smirked, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud to all to hear!”
“it’s only -“
“I don’t care how many days it is till Christmas. I don’t care about your ruddy jumpers. I just care that Halloween is in a week and for no discernible reason you have decided that my favorite holiday should be besmirched with Santa and Rudolph!”
Lily tossed her red hair over one shoulder, “I just love Christmas. Christmas is my favorite”
“Christmas has enough! It has a whole church season! Halloween doesn’t have anything.”
Taking a step back, James said “maybe we should just- take a break until November”
“No,” Lily stated, “if we can’t even resolve this fight we should just end it. It was good while it lasted but maybe this is a sign.”
For the second time in less than a week, Lily left and James let her.
The next 7 days were transformative. It felt like 5th year again. Lily and James existing in separate bubbles. She was as good (if not better) than James at avoidance a fact he was more aware of because Sirius kept complaining of “that red-headed banshee trying to get out of our much needed ‘Chat with Evans’”
On Halloween morning, James couldn’t even be encouraged by their impending Best Prank Ever when the final nail in his coffin was delivered by Lily Evans flirting with Some Ravenclaw Bloke. Lily Evans who was a vision in some Christmas jumper that he was sure she called “her Halloween Christmas jumper”. Some Ravenclaw Bloke has just made her laugh and she was leaning over his shoulder to look at something. James realized he hadn’t looked at her in over a week and he had forgotten how lovely she was.
“That is it!” Sirius exclaimed.
Sirius threw down his bacon and stalked over to Lily, told Some Ravenclaw Bloke to “get bent” and dragged the redhead from the dining hall to what James was sure would be the most terrible “Chat with Evans” of all time.
As he started to imagine the lecture Lily was sure to get regarding Some Ravenclaw Bloke his thoughts were interrupted by Remus
“You know I hate to meddle Prongs but maybe you need to rethink this whole argument”
“It’s October Remus”
“I know but maybe this is Lily’s Thing.”
“The Thing you have to accept and then maybe try and understand. Lily didn’t get quidditch and was against it until she became our friend. She doesn’t like that you broke the law to help with my furry little problem but she respects it. You’ve got Things that she accepts about you.”
“She never told me she had a problem with any of that.”
Remus stared at James pointedly, “Because she loves you, you idiot, and didn’t want you to feel guiltier than you do.”
James swallowed deeply, “I’ve fucked up.”
Returning to his crossword, Remus said “I’d dare say you have.”
“What do I do Remus?”
“A grand dramatic gesture should do the trick.”
“But when?”
“The post feast party tonight. I’d say the actual feast but Lily is taking Samuel’s shift for rounds.”
“Who the bloody hell is Samuel?”
“The Ravenclaw she was talking to- he’s a prefect and wants to enjoy the feast with his boyfriend. Honestly, I thought you were head boy?”
After the realization that Some Ravenclaw Bloke was alright, James and Remus started plotting. Peter joined them after divination and at their lunch break in the kitchens Sirius arrived looking grim but smug.
“How was the ‘Chat with Evans’” Remus asked
“Bird is bloody stubborn. I also told Some Ravenclaw Bloke to leave my mates girl alone”
“who?” Asked Peter the same time James said “she’s not my girl”
“Samuel” Remus responded and there was a firm “Yes she is” from Sirius
“She won’t be if we don’t get the fuck to work” mumbled James.
The feast was excellent, the Best Prank Ever went off without a hitch and got a standing ovation from all the houses and professors. The fireworks were successful and didn’t catch anyone on fire. In the Gryffindor Common Room the Halloween Costume Party was in full swing. The Grand Romantic Gesture was all set up but the lady to woo was nowhere to be found. James felt absolutely ridiculous in his costume but Remus assured him it was the right choice. He was ready to abandon all hope when he heard a “trick or treat” from behind him.
He turned around to see the sexiest pumpkin of all time. Lily was wearing green tights and a ridiculous pumpkin costume. She was perfect and all James could say was “Ho ho ho, Merry Christmas” through his pull on beard. With these words all the floating pumpkins began to sing
“We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy Halloween!”
“I’m sorry” they said together
then, “I love you”
Lily said with a laugh, “Happy Halloween, Potter”
“Happy Christmas, Lily”
And then they kissed.
Once James took off the beard.
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This is the LAST post for December, meaning it's also the FINAL post for the year. Anything special to publish in the conclusive day of 2017? NOPE. Just this... uhmmm, random ramblings. Ahahaha...
My internet went down completely for around 2 weeks since December 13th. The unexpected 'incident' (I apparently has burned my modem *sigh*) made me switched into my creative side and did genuine FUN non-internet related things instead. And I got all caught up by it... that I practically did NOT prepare anything for Tumblr.
Had a Random-News-Digest prepared for mid-December, but ditched it completely because the content would be highly outdated now. Wanted to do my monthly recap-view for "Kamen Rider Build", but haven't finished it so it'll have to wait until next month. The only thing I could pull off was the recap-views for "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" last 2 episodes of the year. Though to be honest, that amazing show was part of my 'offline fun' as well. So yeah, unlike last year, there is no TOP 10 list this year. Didn't even publish anything for Christmas, because I completely FORGOT about it! LOL... (^^;)
Anyways, to make up for all of that, I've written a rough 'RECAP' of what went through my life this year. Entertainment-wise, of course, and not all but just some of the highlights. In list form! Why? Because I feel like it *grins*. Here goes nothing...
Movies, Oh movies...
- Watched even less movies on the theatre this year, and opted to wait several releases on home video. Only went to see the big guns, thus there isn't any disappointment. - Surprisingly, I loved the live action "Beauty and the Beast" more than the animated original. Dan Stevens' solo number "Evermore" is stuck in my head ever since. - Haven't seen "Coco", and really want to. Here's hoping the home video will be released soon. I guess I should see "Cars 3" first, huh? - "Dunkirk" was magnificent. War movie is usually not my forte, so I'm pleasantly surprised that Christopher Nolan managed to make me enjoy one. Was it the short duration, the all-out jerks of the army, or the non-stop intensity? Don't know. But if there's at least one thing I've gained from it: I disliked Harry Styles ever more now. No kidding. Poor French soldier... - I'm a visual guy so when I saw a disturbing scene, it usually stayed on my head for a good while. That bloody scene after the bomb explosion on "Stronger", for example? *sigh*. I hope Jake Gyllenhall receives an Oscar nomination for his work on this movie. - "Death Note" and "Ghost in the Shell"? Enjoyed the first one more, but both deserved better. - Tom Cruise's "The Mummy" was mediocre, but I'm among the minority who actually want to see more of Universal's Dark Universe. Even if just to see more of Russell Crowe going Jekyll. Charlie Hunnam's "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword" was the movie's kindred spirit, while "Kong: Skull Island" was the opposite. Kong will be meeting Godzilla in the coming years! - Comic book adaptations were generally top notch. Naturally the three Marvel Studios' releases; "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", "Spider-Man: Homecoming", and "Thor: Ragnarok"; would be my top picks. Don't ask me to choose which one is the best though! All three were amazing and marvelous in their own unique ways, so I'd gladly rank them in the same spot just to be fair. - I admit, "Logan" and "Wonder Woman" were great too, but I didn't like them as much as everyone else on the planet. Not sure why, I guess... none of them was my cup of tea? Let's just say, there were problems on each of them that I couldn't quite tolerate and it reduced my overall impression on them. - Don't ask about "Justice League". I'll wait until I can borrow a copy when it's out on home video. Not wasting my money on a poorly reviewed DC Films. For now, "The LEGO Batman Movie" remains to be the best DC release of the year. - "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" was just NOT as good as the prequel. It was fun, but it felt like it's repetitive yet also missing something and trying too much.
Show Must Go On...
- Just realized that I've seen MORE TV series this year! Both the currently in broadcast, or titles from previouse years like "Westworld". Oh WOW... - Both Marvel's "Iron Fist" and Marvel's "The Defenders" were genuine duds. Both TV series were underwhelming and disappointing, that I have lost any urge to see Marvel's "The Punisher". - Haven't seen Marvel's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." 5th season as well, because I haven't been feeling it. Though that will change in the near future because I'm itching to see its 5th episode. Hey, my boy Fitz and Hunter are the star of that episode, right? THAT I just have to see! I wonder if seeing that episode would be enough to convince me to watch the previous four episodes... - Currently following Marvel's "Runaways", though this 1st season might be my first and last. Don't know why, but not feeling it either. I think CW's "Riverdale" was a more watchable show, and even that one have been dropped after Season 1. LOL. I guess teenage soap-opera is just NOT my thing. - The 5th and final season of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" was kind of... all over the place too. This show should've ended with Season 3, if you ask me. It had a bittersweet ending, akin to "Samurai Jack". But it also did not ended gracefully, and far less enjoyable to follow. - "Stranger Things" Season 2 was amazing. It had a somewhat different vibe compared to the 1st one, but equally enjoyable to watch. Poor characters whose name starts with 'B'... - I think the 3rd and 4th Seasons of "Voltron Legendary Defender" were initially meant to be one unit. The show's first two seasons were impressive, but these latter two were... okay? I don't know why, but it felt like it has waned a bit. - "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" was somewhat similar. I had great time with Season 1 and 2, but Season 3 was a bit... uneven. Many of the jokes didn't quite hit, and some of the story development started feeling like a recycled trick. Still, I would love to see a 4th Season, and hopefully with better improvements. - Was expecting "Big Hero 6: The Series" to be as amazing as the Oscar-winning movie... but alas that didn't seem to be the case. Didn't quite enjoy the 2-episodes premiere as much as I wanted to. A complete opposite to "DuckTales", that hit all the right notes. The sole complaint I have about this reboot/remake, is that Scrooge McDuck's adventure isn't airing new episodes on a weekly basis! Aaaaargggh, the long wait is making me angry. - If you haven't seen "Thunderbirds Are Go", then what are you waiting for? I feel the 2nd Season had more and more amazing moments, to the point that I hope Season 3 will come sooner than later. - Comedies are taking my leisure time now! Have been following Seth McFarlane's "The Orville". It was mediocre to good, and desperately in need of improvements (hopefully in Season 2). Yet I keep going back and see it. Is it the star power of its guest stars? - Adam Scott and Craig Robinson's "Ghosted" is on my top priority watch. Sure, the quality has reduced a bit since the pilot, but the supernatural agents aren't going anytime soon from my house. - The same with Kevin Finn! Great goodness, I have only started watching "Kevin Probably Saves the World" since early this month (the benefit of NOT getting preoccupied by the internet LOL), but I'm already regretting why I didn't start sooner. Now I honestly can't wait to see more! Kevin is such an adorkable, likeable, and surprisingly relatable quirky lead. The kind of guy I would totally love to be best friends with in real life. Really though, the show is infectuous with its acts of kindness, heartwarming with its pleasant vibes, and also surprisingly engaging through its personal conflicts. If you hear me giggling, laughing out loud, or sobbing lately, you can probably thank Kevin, his guardian Angel, family, and friends for that! Seriously...
A Spoonful of Anime and Toku
- Turns out, "Kekkai Sensen & Beyond" wasn't the sequel that I expected to be. It's... 'different' than the first season. But when you get to see what the other members of Libra (even the team's butler) are doing in their daily lives, should one even be complaining? In the end it was indeed as amazing and fun ride as the first season, even if lead protagonist Leonardo Watch took a back seat most of the season. I'm already crossing my fingers to see more adventure of the team. But it likely won't happen in the near future, huh? Bummer... - "Ballroom e Youkoso" was a peculiar dance. I thoroughly enjoyed the first half, but after Tatara changed partner things got... hectic and irritating to follow? It was still good, but a rather uneven show if you ask me for honest impression. At the very least, it wasn't a wasted opportunity like "Kabuki-bu!" was. - "Houseki no Kuni" was of similar situation. Its animation was gorgeous, story was peculiarly engaging, and world building was great. But there were episodes that were undeniably better than the rest, and I didn't quite like how it ended. I guess that finale was teasing for more seasons? Hmmm... - It's been years since I follow a Pretty Cure series, and "Kira Kira Precure A La Mode" wet my appetite and got me back to the game. Unfortunately, while the design was interesting, and the sweets angle was neat, the story was somewhat weak. I have lost my initial enthusiasm after the first half, but I still watch it because it's going to end pretty soon. Not quite expecting a mindblowing finale though, especially if the animation quality is any indication. A common problem of TOEI Animation. Remember "Sekaisuru KADO"? - Dang it, what an impressive year it has been with Super Sentai. "Doubutsu Sentai Zyuohger" was kind of dull and boring last year, but had a great ending this year. And it was quickly followed by something even better. Yes, another show that has dragged me on a pleasant roller coaster ride is none other than TOEI's "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger". Since its premiere run on February, until its Christmas episode that wrapped up its 2017 run, I haven't been disappointed once with the series. Yes, I had an issue with the spin-off series of V-Cinema "Episode of Stinger", but that didn't count as the broadcast lineup. Though it's painful for me to soon say goodbye to this amazing season, I hope its last month will be memorable and a blast. Particularly because I'm currently having second thoughts about the 2018 season... - Just like its weekly storyline, "Kamen Rider Build" is still moving me back and forth. I'm honestly on the verge of dropping it completely, but I guess I'm going to check out several episodes from the next "Kamen Rider Wars" arc. I kind of feel it takes too long to get to this point when it could've been done earlier, but who am I to argue, right?
Name of the Game
- "Nintendo Switch" was a hit! Ever since its release on March 2017, the buzz and hype for this hybrid console only continue to increase. I wonder if I will be able to purchase one next year? Perhaps, just in time for the next Pokemon gen? - Speaking of Pokemon, the addition of Generation III from Hoenn region has made me go out and explore "Pokemon GO" again. The whole Raid Battle system and Niantic's handling of the Legendary Pokemon had disappointed so bad that I was close to give up on this App. Thankfully, now I have a horde of new reason to walk around the neighborhood. Problem is, can the same premise work in the long run? Niantic really need to consider new social features that enables players to engage with one another. - "Street Fighter V" had a weird set of DLC characters this year. The 2nd Season contained mostly new characters, that was a hit or miss with fans. Thankfully, things seem to be picking up next year with the Arcade Edition. Not just because my man Cody Travers is all dandy clean and returning to the game, of course. Question is, will I be able to play the game eventhough I don't have any plans to pick up a PS4? *giggles*. - I also haven't been able to play "Persona 5" due to the exact reason. LOL. Thankfully, "Persona 5 the Animation" has been announced to air next year. Sure, I'm a bit skeptical with the fact that A-1 Pictures and not Production I.G. will be doing the animation, but at least this will be my way of enjoying the game... WITHOUT actually playing it. - LEVEL-5 should do more of that worldwide Puzzle Quest! That was meant to be a prelude or some sort to "Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and The Millionaires' Conspiracy", but I think the game developer should learn by now that it could work as a stand alone project. It made people come together in surprising way, and attracted fans to come back everyday to check out the new worldwide puzzle. Real FUN!
Oookaaay, that went A LOT longer than I expected. And I'm 100% sure that there are items that completely slipped my mind. As of writing this line, it's only just a few hours before the year ends! Aaaaarggggh *grumble*. Gotta publish this one soon then!
With that said, 2017 has been a difficult and challenging year. Particularly to a very discriminative and straight-out evil political atmosphere. One that allowed people to show their true despicable nature and selfishly trampled others for it. Last year I did say that "There's so many reasons to be hopeful about 2017", but reality had spoken differently as it turned out there were plenty more to discourage us throughout the year. Many people have even lost their fate in humanity this year.
But you know what? I'm going to say the same thing this day as well. There are SOOO many reasons to be hopeful about 2018. I don't know if it's because I'm currently caught up in the holiday spirit, or because I've been feeling extra thankful and blessed this month. One thing I can openly attest, is that things DO GET BETTER. So don't ever lose hope, and keep fighting the good fight in the name of just and goodness. I'm being lazy right now, so I'm just going to copy and paste my own words from last year: "Life can sometimes be hard, but all we need to do is stay strong, stay high spirited, and more importantly, keep moving forward! Happiness and blessings will surely find its way, in ways you might not imagine!".
And also this next one... because I'm going to be saying more or less the same kind of statements anyway: "Thanks to those who have been reading my blog all year long. I know I haven't spent much time (or any) to address you one by one, and heck, I might not even know you're there. But please know that I'll always be grateful for your presence, your time, kindness, and more importantly patience to walk through my long and sometimes pointless ramblings. What you've been doing means a lot for me, and I hope what I've been posting has and will somehow benefit back to you in return.". 2017 ends in just a few hours away, so let's enter and stride through 2018 with a hopeful and brave heart, the biggest and earnest smiles, the most sincere love and compassion for others regardless of their religion, race, or skin color. More importantly, let's make 2018 a year that we can be proud of. Where we take a stand for what's right and good! Where we become better human being than we are this year!
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Ladies and gentlemen: the time has come once again! After yet another winter’s time of gathering resources, the Higuri Regalia is proud to announce the 4th “Regalia Largesse”!
For those unaware or uninitiated: The Regalia Largesse is an annual event spanning anywhere between 5-7 days that occurs around the late spring/early summer, and is considered the “pinnacle of Noblesse Oblige”! During this event, individuals from the Higuri Regalia’s hierarchy will make appearances within the various city-states to offer wares to the adventuring public - FOR FREE (Tips and donations are always greatly appreciated, but never mandatory)!
On Sunday, May 9th, at around 7PM EDT, look for a Party Finder ad from any one of the Regalia members; they will provide you information on where they are, and what items will be offered, with a detailed list of what’s available while supplies last. Due to the ever-increasing quantity of wares, their post duration has been extended to three hours.
Also, throughout the week, starting at the commencement of the Largesse, those who are willing to partake in a special contest will receive a number. On the Friday evening/last day of that week (i.e. the end of the Largesse), a raffle will take place where a series of numbers will be drawn, and those who win will be offered prizes!
To enter the raffle, simply ask the representative currently posted during that day; a tracker is kept throughout the course of the event, and is shared amongst the Regalia members.
You MUST attend the final day of the Largesse in order to qualify for a chance to win.
In the event you are unable to attend the raffle for any reason, you are allowed 1 proxy to vouch for you, so long as they state whom they are replacing.
If your number happens to be drawn, you are offered a chance to decline a particular prize if you have eyes on another, but a winner will be decided for the sake of fairness.
Notes: Sprouts (New Players/Adventurers) will receive Flying Beds and/or Coffers o’ Kupos as a consolation gift.
HUGE UPDATE TO THIS YEAR’S LARGESSE: due to the increasing popularity of the Menphina Madness Blitzball Tournament (@for-gold-and-glory), as well as being the proud sponsor of the Gridania Sea Chocobos, the Higuri Regalia is also offering a complimentary gift to the players in correspondence to their affiliated team.
Gil Turtles: Flying Chair
Sea Chocobos: Castaway Chocobo Chick
Storm Sirens: Spring Dress (females) or Southern Seas Shirt (males)
Heavensguard: Hraesvelgr Attire Coffer
Royal Griffons: Ivon Coeurlfist Doll
Koban Crushers: The Gold Whisker
High Seraphs: Casual Attire Coffer
Immortal Lions: Thavnairian Wool Autumn Shirt (males) or Wool Autumn Dress (females)
Salt Barons: Magitek Predator/Magitek Avenger/Magitek Helldiver F1
Madness Cheerleaders: Their choice between Wind-up Yuna, Lulu, or Rikku
The prize list includes the following, and are subject to change:
1st Place Winners: A Gilded Mikoshi/Golden Ronkan Flute! (x3 each; 6 winners)
2nd Place Winners: An Incitatus Whistle/Night Pegasus Whistle/Dodo Horn/Copycat Bulb! (x1 each; 4 winners)
3rd Place Winners: An item (or items) from the Mog Station worth ≤$33! (3 winners)
4th Place Winners: A copy of Modern Aesthetics: Early to Rise! (15 winners)
Look for these beautiful individuals throughout the week for the item(s) of the day. Note: stock may (and will) expand between now and the commencement of the Largesse, so everything listed herein is not final:
Sunday, May 9: Shiro Reina (Ul’dah, Steps of Nald; Patrolling Emerald Avenue)
Items: Parasols (Black; Vermillion; Plum; Calming Checkered; Cheerful Checkered; Prim Dot; Pastoral Dot)
Monday, May 10th: Treasurer Susuna (Ishgard, the Pillars; The Last Vigil)
Mounts (Albino Karakul/Zu/Ufiti/Megalotragus/Dhalmel/Construct 14/Gabriel α);
Ballroom Etiquette (Eatapple/Broom/Riceball/Bread/Insist/Confirm/Scheme/Fistpump/Highfive/Malevolence/Guard/Lean/Read/Decadent Decoration)
Modern Aesthetics (Controlled Chaos/Wind Caller/Samsonian Locks/Form and Function/Saintly Style/Modern Legend/Gyr Abanian Plait/Battle-Ready Bobs/Scanning for Style)
Tuesday, May 11th: Yuanji Yuji (Kugane, Rakusui Gardens)
Chocobo Barding (Tidal/Levin/Ice/Highland/Expanse/Hive/Orthodox/Sephirotic/Sophic/Zurvanite/Abigail/Reveler’s/Blissful/Shinryu/Byakko/Suzaku/Seiryu/Machinist/Lunar/Titania/Innocence/Hades/Ruby/True Light/Emerald/Queen’s Guard/Diamond/Doman/Nezha)
Wednesday, May 12th: Umimi Umi (Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks, The Aftcastle)
Rare Minions (Fat Cat; Littlefoot; Owlet; Dwarf Rabbit; Morpho; Bullpup; Road Sparrow; Silver Dasher; Hunting Hawk; Mandragora Queen; Paissa Patissier; Paissa Threadpuller; Mameshiba; Black Hayate; Shoebill; Armadillo Bowler; Clionid Larva; Meerkat; Monkey King; Bacon Bits; Miniature White Knight; Ancient One; Domakin; Little Leannan; Tiny Echevore; Assassin Fry; Mudpie; Private Moai; Chameleon; Salt and Pepper Seal; Sungold Talos; Dhalmel Calf; Aurelia Polyp; Axolotl Eft; The Gold Whisker; Magitek Predator/Helldiver F1; Ivon Coeurlfist Doll; Petit Pteranadon; Yukinko Snowflake; Byakko Cub; Scarlet Peacock; Seitei; White Whittret; Save the Princess; Drippy; Conditional Virtue; Dress-up Thancred; Wind-Up Namazu/Magnai/Sadu/ Susano/Lakshmi/Ravana/Tarutaru/Matanga/Zhloe/Hien)
Thursday, May 13th: Sesena Sena (Old Gridania, Mih Khetto’s Amphitheatre)
Vanity clothing (Taoist’s Shirt & Cap; Company Tabard; Cashmere Poncho; Ao Dai; Non La; Whisperfine Woolen Coat; Raincoat; Dalmascan Draped Top; Thavnairian Wool Autumn Dress/Shirt; Adventurer’s Hooded/Fireglass Leather Vest; Boulevardier’s Ruffled Shirt/ Quaintrelle’s Ruffled Dress; Adventuring Sweater; New World Jacket, Hose & Headdress; Craftsman’s Singlet; Craftsman’s Apron; Craftsman’s Coverall Top & Bottoms; Thavnairian Bustier & Headdress/Bolero & Sarouel; Thavnairian Wool Autumn Shirt/Dress; Ala Mhigan Gown; Southern Seas Shirt & Skirt/Trousers; High House Bustle/Justacorps; Rebel/Urban Coat; Crescent Moon Nightgown/Straw Capeline; Summer Indigo Shirt; Calfskin Rider’s Jacket; Kupo Attire; Hraesvelgr Attire; Peacelover’s Attire; Casual Attire; Frontier Dress & Pumps/Jacket & Hat)
Friday, May 14th: Lord Thiji Higuri (The Goblet, Ward 7, Plot 43; Aldenard Branch Headquarters)
Items: Raffle; *weapons made-to-order (GSM/WVR/ALC Specialist)
*NOTE: If you have the required Trial item for a specific weapon, please present it; all other components will be on hand. Be advised that Specialist recipes different from the ones listed above will not be crafted, unless another individual nearby is able to meet those requirements.
We look forward to serving you all, and thank you for choosing the Higuri Regalia, Where There is Power in Beauty.
#thiji higuri#Higuri Regalia#pib catalogue#fashion#high fashion#Lalafell#lalafell master race#lalashell#menphina madness#Ul'dah#Gridania#Limsa Lominsa#kugane#regalia largesse#largesse#balmung#ffxiv balmung#ff14 FFXIV
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1823 Aug., Sat. 23
6 20/60
11 50/60
1/4 hour in the stable. Sat down at my writing desk at 7 3/4. Wrote the rough draft of the following which I am now going to copy at half past three in the afternoon –
This 3 step-business haunts me like a spectre – I cannot throw it off my mind: it is my 1st thought in a morning, and last at night – It teems with reflections that discomfort me. Alas, it was not a trial of temper that I could have borne it, was one of heart. My love was plaintiff, and reason mourned to give high damages that neither time, nor she that did them, can repay.I was really distressed etc. (103.22)
There is a mock kindness in this that sickens me. Has she deceived herself? Perhaps she understood not her own motives? Nay, might start to hear they were the mere paltry selfishness, of coward fear, and shame; shame that prouder circumstances do not attend me, fear lest such unschoo[l]ed nature should betray us had I driven up in my own chaise, and fear I might have stepped with impunity heedless of the worlds opinion or the postboys wonder. But she is worldly, therefore she is selfish. She had a feeling she could not describe. She is worldly. It is the generic character of “us poor humans.” Oh visit it not too harshly, excuse and pity and forgive –
Wrote the last 14 lines of the last page and wrote a page to Dr. Belcombe, rejoicing at the good account of him I had from M– [Mariana] yesterday, and to say I had sent him a brace of moorgame (killed on the 20th) by today’s mail – (Mr. Wiglesworth sent my uncle a leash of birds last night) –
Went down to breakfast at 9 35/60 – William having to go a 2nd time to H–x [Halifax], sent by him my letter to Dr. B– [Belcombe] (Petergate York) to the post-office, and the birds (packed in a box with a little hop under each wing) to go by the afternoon’s mail –At 11, drove my aunt to H–x [Halifax], called (stopt at the gate) at Savile hill to ask if Mrs. W– [Wilcock] and Miss P– [Pickford] were returned – Saw the latter, she will drink tea here this evening –
Thence drove my aunt to about 1/2 mile beyond Luddenden-foot in returning got out for 5 minutes at Longbottom to see the old hall, galleried round, no chamber over it, a four-tier window – Having been out 2 50/60 hour, and gone about 11 miles, about the same distance we went yesterday –
Came upstairs immediately – Wrote the following to “Mr. Radford 188 Fleet Street London Postage Paid”
“Sir – if you turn to your day-book of Wednesday 2 October 1822, you will find an anonymous entry of a lady’s measure for a great coat – I wish you to make me a fashionable one according to that measure, of good and strong materials, sufficiently wide in the sleeves to be easy over my pelisse, and not cramp my arms in driving –
I understood your charge to be 5 guineas – I will pay you immediately on receiving the coat, which I particularly wish to be sent off not later than this day-week or tomorrow-week, by one of the coaches, directed Miss Lister, Shibden hall, Halifax, Yorkshire –
I am, sir, your honourable servant Anne Lister” –
Then went down for 1/4 hour into the stable – Found Mr. Walker (Crownest) just mounting his horse after calling on my uncle – Came upstairs again at 2 50/60 wrote the whole of the above of today which took me till 4 10/60 –
Sent my letter to Radford (vide the 9th line above) by Cordingley at 3 1/2 – Promised to meet Miss P– [Pickford] at Whitley’s at 5 – Almost all the way this morning, and yesterday, and perpetually besides, talking of my uncle’s being bothered, not able to save much, how poor we are and always have been, our ideas above our means etc. etc. My aunt nervous, tears starting in her eyes. Who that sees me could guess all this? Alas, who dreams that such pecuniary troubles thus beset me? How little even π [Mariana] divines the difficulties that beset me. Surely times will mend with me by and by –
I am just shutting up my book at 4 1/4 – At 4 35/60 sauntered with my aunt to the end of the new road, and thence direct (by myself) to Whitley’s – Miss P– [Pickford] came in 5 minutes we pursued the Northowram road as far as Godley turned up the fields to the bottom of our lane, and then went by Lower brea and Mitholm, and aloud the road home, and came in at 6 1/4 –
Miss P– [Pickford] staid till 9 1/4. I then walked home with her in 40 minutes down the new bank and up North parade, (waited at the gate while George went and rapped at the door, and returned up the old bank in 24 minutes, and came in at 10 19/60 – Talked in our usual style, her friend's affairs, past retrieving. She, Miss Threlfall, has not always been quite candid with Pic about them. It would have been better if she had. She did not know they were so very bad till quite lately.
I recommended arresting and sending her to the King’s bench vide the arguments of what I wrote last Sunday. Talked of my wish to see them together and that I would go over from Manchester after leaving π [Mariana] there. Afterwards gave this up because Mrs. Alexander is going with Miss Wilson to Dublin next April. Pic means to have her house full of her own particular friends and I promised to go over for a day or two if I could.
Just before parting I said Miss Threlfall had lost herself very much, that the disgrace of going to the bench could could not be greater than what she now incurred, that Pic suffered in reputation too by so supporting such a person. It was a serious business. Pic ought to settle it one way or other. Miss Threlfall laid herself open to many disagreables [disagreeables].
I myself, if I should meet with her and wanted a little fun, should think her fair game. Should have bevaved [behaved] very differently to her if she had not been Pic’s friend. Not with that respect I should now endeavour to shew. Hinted that on this account, going over to see her would not be quite the thing and not every[one] would do it.
Said of course they still slept in the same room. ‘Yes.’ I remarked that servants made observations etc. etc. and these things added to Pic’s uncommon friendship in money matters etc. would make the world talk if she did not take care. She owned she had minded this too little perhaps. Nay, it would seem most likely they have already been talked of more than agreeable or perhaps quite respectable.
I must be cautious. It would not do to have my name linked with theirs. Asked if anything happened to her, if Pic could get over it. ‘Yes, but it would be with difficulty.’ She is in no immediate danger, but the spine is injured above and below. Thrown out of a curricle. Sesides [Besides] a strain in reaching a book she told me of before. ‘Sometimes,’ said I, ‘it is a mercy when it pleases heaven to take people.’ ‘Ah,’ said she, ‘I have sometimes thought so, and that there was nothing else for it.’ –
Rather threatening rain in the morning and dullish; and very sultry from about 12 to 2 – Yet a fine day – Very-fine afternoon and beautiful moonlight evening. Barometer 3/4 degrees below changeable Fahrenheit 57º at 9 p.m. – E [three dots, treating venereal complaint] O [no dots, signifying no discharge] – Came upstairs at 10 50/60. Curled and everything in an hour –
[in margin] (100.33) (99.15)
#anne lister#anne lister code breaker#frances pickford#shibden hall 1823#mariana lawton#blackstone edge
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Chainlink Price Prediction 2020: From $3 to $1k – What Do the Experts Think?

The decentralized oracle project Chainlink was one of the big winners in the 2019 cryptoeconomy, particularly on the fronts of adoption, partnerships, and price action. The rise is not necessarily surprising: Oracles are tough to build and highly in demand, and Chainlink is one of the earliest efforts to make interesting headway in the arena. One of the largest milestones yet in the project’s young history came last year when Chainlink went live with its mainnet activation. With that rollout, attention around the middleware oracle system and its associated crypto, LINK, have surged around the space. Chainlink Partnerships Indeed, the newfound scrutiny led to the Chainlink team locking down a slew of new partnerships in 2019, including with the likes of Celer, Harmony, Hedera Hashgraph, Matic, Ocean Protocol, Synthetix, Zilliqa, and more. The year also saw LINK listed on influential exchanges like Coinbase and Binance.US. Major enterprises took note of the project last year as well. The Google Cloud team devised a way to create “hybrid blockchain/cloud apps” using the Ethereum + Chainlink stack. The startup arm of software giant Oracle partnered up with Chainlink to help startups sell their data. And Thomson Reuters began work on a proof of concept (PoC) that would meld the firm’s Contract Express service with smart contract tech using Chainlink. Some of Chainlink’s Partners, Image from Exploring.link If such embraces weren’t interesting enough, key Chainlink researchers advanced a new privacy technique in 2019 dubbed “Mixicles,” which uses oracles to bring privacy to smart contracts. Amazing Year for LINK With no shortage of Chainlink action then, the LINK price went for an upward run on the year, having risen 500 percent from $0.29 USD to $1.80 between January 1st, 2019, and January 1st, 2020. The buzz around the crypto also helped to push LINK to a new all-time high of $4.36, which was achieved briefly last summer. But that was last year, and a new year is upon us. Will 2020 be another ripper of a year for Chainlink and its crypto, or will the next 12 months prove steady for the project on the heels of it advancing so far so fast? These questions are on the minds of many Chainlink stakeholders, and opinions are abounding accordingly. Let’s survey some notable predictions on where the project could be heading in the short-term to get a better feel for what its horizon might look like. Other Price Predictions Bitcoin Price Prediction 2020 Ethereum Price Prediction 2020 Litecoin Price Prediction 2020
Ryan Selkis: Be Mindful of “Dumpenings,” Competition
Ryan Selkis is a crypto commentator and a co-founder of the Messari crypto research hub. Following up on a tradition started in 2019, Selkis recently published his second new year ecosystem write-up, “Crypto Theses for 2020.” In one section, Selkis predicted that treasury “dumpenings” — or major project-backed selling pressure — was in store for token projects that had big 2017 ICOs but still hadn’t gone public.

Ryan Selkis, Image from YouTube In making that estimation, Selkis brought up the already public Chainlink as among examples of token projects that had large treasury war chests that could be sold off relatively fast. His suggestion? At least live projects with live users would be more resistant to such selloffs compared to their still-unlaunched token counterparts. As Selkis put it: “I said we’d see most tokens grind down 99%+ from their all time highs, mostly due to the incredible amount of selling pressure that would hit most token markets once teams and inside investors began liquidating positions. By this metric, XRP has a could-be-market-dumped liquid treasury of $2-3 billion, XLM has a could-be-market-dumped liquid treasury of $800 million, and Chainlink has a could-be-market-dumped liquid treasury of $600 million. Those are some of the publicly traded assets. For token projects that raised gobs of money at nosebleed valuations in 2017, things could get very ugly, very quickly once they start trading.” Of course, Selkis didn’t make a hard Chainlink prediction in that passage. Yet as a related aside, the reference does bring to mind rumblings that the Chainlink team reportedly sold off 14 lots of 700,000 LINK last summer. That is to say, its builders have seemingly dipped into the treasury before and will do so in the future as they see fit. As Selkis hinted at, at least the Chainlink project is positioned to reasonably weather that kind of acute sell pressure. In the very least then, it’s worth keeping in mind that if the LINK price performs well in 2020 like it did last year, the project’s treasury may be dipped into anew. Selkis did have more specific comments for Chainlink in his “Theses,” too. He later noted that he could envision oracle competition heating up and Chainlink accordingly losing ground to others, suggesting it’s in the realm of possibility the project gets steadily edged out going forward: “I’m baffled by Chainlink. Is it the solution to the evasive Oracle Problem? Or is it an overhyped project … Tech giants Oracle and Google recently announced plans to use Chainlink’s network for data sharing purposes … But I still don’t understand the economics of the token itself? And I definitely don’t understand them at $1.3 billion in network value. Outside of Chainlink, various DeFi protocols – MakerDAO, Compound, and UMA among them – also introduced new oracle designs in 2019 to remove the layer of trust associated with their price feeds.”
Tanya Abrosimova: $2.5 to $3
Tanya Abrosimova is a crypto analyst at forex trade publication FXStreet. On January 8th, 2020, the chartist estimated that a sustained move over a LINK price of $2.3 could pave the way for an eventual run up to $3. At press time one week later, LINK was in fact trading just above that $2.3 mark. Could that run really be lining up, then? As Abrosimova had explained days prior: “verall bullish sentiments on the cryptocurrency market helped the coin to smash an important resistance at $2.0 reinforced by SMA50 (Simple Moving Average) daily. Once this breakthrough was confirmed, the upside momentum started gaining traction. At the time of writing, LINK/USD is testing SMA100 daily at $2.3. We will need to see a sustainable move above this handle for the upside to gain traction with the next focus on psychological $2.5 and $3.0.”
Timo Harings: ~$4 + Barclays Speculation
Timo Harings is a Chainlink community pundit who’s decidedly bullish on LINK. In early December 2019, Harings tweeted out a chart projection that put LINK as heading into the new year between the $3 and $4, saying at the time that “Here is where smart money accumulates.” The despair is bad within the #Chainlink community rn. It's shaking off a lot of the dumb money that got on board since Google and Coinbase news. RSI is at a hard low right now, price is still extremely high since the start of the run. Here is where smart money accumulates more. pic.twitter.com/tAv1vPQiYE — Timo Harings (@DLTPandu) December 2, 2019 That price range didn’t pan out by January 1st, but only a few days after later a new wave of acute buy pressure throughout the cryptoeconomy and around LINK has put $3 in the direct sights of traders. With that said, Harings is presumably just as bullish as he was in December and would accordingly think $4 absolutely remains in play in the near future. Beyond price, Harings published a January 15th op-ed wherein he speculated that signs were pointing toward a collaboration between banking giant Barclays and Chainlink. That may never pan out, but if it does, an acute boon for LINK would be far from surprising.
WalletInvestor: $4.35 in 1 Year, $12.9 in 5 Years
The machines are bullish on LINK. Well, WalletInvestor’s machines are. The crypto prediction site, which uses Machine Learning (ML) techniques to forecast crypto prices, is hot on Chainlink at the moment. At the time of this article’s writing, WalletInvestor projected that LINK would rise to $4.35 in one year’s time and to just shy of $13 in five years’ time. Of course, WalletInvestor can’t account for all sorts of developments that will occur in the months ahead, so take these predictions with a grain of salt.
Top 10 Coin to Top 5: $5.7–$10
One thing commonly discussed in the Chainlink community is LINK potentially becoming a top 10 crypto per market cap. There’s no indication it’ll happen in 2020, but might things look if it did? At the time of this article’s writing, the market cap of LINK was right at $850 million, a position which makes the crypto the 19th largest in the cryptoeconomy presently. For LINK to crack decisively into the top 10 biggest coins at the moment, its market cap would need to double to near $2 billion. If that happened, the LINK price would appreciate around 135 percent. Alas, with LINK’s current price at $2.43, that means such a climb could put the token’s price just short of the $6 mark. Alternatively, for LINK to become a top 5 coin right now, its market cap would have to climb to near the $6 billion mark. That hypothetical rise could put LINK above $10 a pop. That’s all speculative napkin math, of course, but both scenarios are in the ballpark of what some bullish LINK investors are eyeing. Much more would have to happen for LINK to mount such ascensions, but if the project becomes increasingly reputable, such rising is in the realm of possibility.
CryptoSponge: It’s Really About 2021
Pseudonymous Chainlink analyst CryptoSponge put together one of the best and most comprehensive 2019 review posts on the oracle project that we’ve come across. At the end of that review, the author concluded with an eye to the long-term that they were excited for 2020 but thought the real prize for Chainlink would be in positioning itself for 2021 and beyond: “As a Chainlink supporter, it’s hard to not be excited about 2020. The team is firing on all cylinders, and it’s become increasingly obvious that they are planning many quarters ahead – seemingly always timing their moves to dovetail with the development of the wider market. As promising as 2020 appears, I’ll be striving to mirror Chainlink’s mindset of thinking beyond twelve months. Reaching the next milestone is exciting, but positioning yourself ideally for 2021 and beyond will be the ultimate reward.”
No, Not $1,000!
LINK $1,000 incoming? The meme is strong with this one. For most, it’s a bullish joke made in good fun. For those very few out there who think $1,000 LINK isn’t out of the question in the foreseeable future, don’t get your hopes up. Hitting 1/100th of that mark is considerably more realistic in the near future and would still be quite impressive and bullish. Sure, let’s circle back on the joke if Chainlink starts revving up toward helping to secure trillions of dollars daily like the SWIFT payments system currently does now, but that would-be bar is astronomically far away at present. And that’s fine, too. Rome wasn’t built in a day. For Chainlink to achieve mainstream adoption, its builders and community must be diligent in the here in now.
Conclusion: All Eyes on Staking, DeFi, and More Mainstream Partnerships
As Chainlink continues to mature, the biggest thing on many of its stakeholders’ minds is the imminent launch of staking, which will allow LINK holders to stake their tokens to earn more LINK in exchange for helping the network. While the details of when staking will be activated are still fuzzy, staking pools like LinkPool are already cropping up to service the community. Look for more pool efforts to proliferate going forward. Another point of interest that Chainlink watchers are looking out for is more DeFi embraces, like the Synthetix partnership in 2019. For example, in early January 2020 the DeFi oncomers and “flash loan” innovators behind the Aave protocol announced they had partnered with Chainlink for powering the Aave oracle network. Like other Ethereum-based efforts that have taken similar leaps, the Aave team said it would have been difficult and out of the way from their project vision to build an in-house oracle solution; thus after deliberation, Chainlink was chosen as an ideal fit. Look for more DeFi projects to follow the same kind of logic going forward, i.e. wanting to rely on Chainlink rather than building out their own oracle tech. Another wrinkle of interest on the minds of many Chainlink proponents is the prospects of further major adoption developments. To be sure, the Google Cloud, Oracle, and Thomson Reuters news was extremely legitimizing for Chainlink for 2019 and could portend similar mainstream embraces to come. Maybe Barclays, maybe not. But it wouldn’t be surprising to see another big name jump on the Chainlink train after the developments we saw in last year. Perhaps Microsoft is a low-hanging fruit in that regard, but we’ll all just have to wait and see.
https://messari.io/pdf/crypto-theses-for-2020.pdf https://www.fxstreet.com/cryptocurrencies/news/chainlink-is-about-to-smash-sma100-daily-for-the-first-time-since-november-2019-202001080810 https://messari.io https://medium.com/@timo.harings/why-i-think-barclays-is-working-with-chainlink-c840393adf29 https://walletinvestor.com/forecast/chainlink-prediction https://medium.com/aave/the-aave-oracle-network-powered-by-chainlink-is-now-live-45bb8a5a8c4e https://staking.linkpool.io/help https://defipulse.com/ The post Chainlink Price Prediction 2020: From $3 to $1k – What Do the Experts Think? appeared first on Blockonomi.Original Article - Blockonomi.com Read the full article
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Besides a great shopping that is synonymous to Paris (read my guide here), the city has quite a few spots where everyone (or just everyone from Fashion industry) wants to dine, or just have a coffee break.
I’ve been to various different spots in Paris, and tasted almost everything that people recommend, I have to say I’m not that much satisfied with what Parisian restaurants offer in terms of food (I mean I love eating and I love big portions) but on the other side, they give you a chance to dine next to Kendall Jenner or Bella Hadid, Karl Lagefeld or JW Anderson. So, below my selection of the go-to spots during Fashion week.
HOTEL COSTES (239-241 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001)
Ultimate destination during fashion week, even if you can’t manage to rent a room here, restaurant on the 1st floor is always open (well, if you manage to book on time, in advance) – you can casually sit next table with Kate Moss or Naomi Campbell, inside or much-desired (on any season) courtyard of the hotel, have one of their signature fruit salads (12 or 22 EUR) and see everyone who is anyone in fashion! It gets especially spicy during fashion week late nights, when Kendall Jenner dances on the Mert Alas & Riccardo Tisci table with Joan Smalls. Staff girls could be actual Saint Laurent models with their mini-dresses and skinny legs, but the usual French snobbish attitude (which has already become one of the signatures of the French restaurants) is here.
Note: Don’t try to take pictures with celebs there, they hate it and staff is also not-welcomed with such actions, cause they explain that “stars come here just to relax and not to be bothered”. Also note, that there’s no way they will give you seat outside, at the courtyard (which is center of the restaurant) if you book table in advance and you can’t book anything day before during fashion week. So, wake up early in the morning and book immediately!

LE CASTIGLIONE (235 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001)
Located at the corner of Rue Saint-Honore, café Castiglione is one of the busiest spots, especially during lunch-time during fashion week. 8 tables that are outside (and many more inside) give you a chance to see and be seen on the main “fashion” street of the city. Go for a Veal Milanese (29 EUR) and French Toast with Chocolate (12 EUR) for a good fix.

RITZ PARIS (15 Place Vendôme, 75001)
The legendary hotel (opened in 1898) located at the very center of Paris, Place Vendome, is the most perfect definition of the word “luxe” – imagine that Coco Chanel lived there for around 30 years. Even though a night there costs minimum of 1200 EUR, you can always go to their restaurant for a tea break (55 EUR) or just a nice evening drinks at Hemingway Bar (pictured below), where drink prices are around 30-40% more expensive than usually, but you pay for the experience and atmosphere there. But if you decide to have a dinner there, think of 200-300 EUR, per person! They don’t usually allow you take pictures in a lobby, but you can always try and then check-in there (well if you have that desire after paying that much in a food).

L’AVENUE (41 Avenue Montaigne, 75008)
I think everyone who is a little bit interested in fashion, has heard of L’Avenue, located at the most luxury shopping street of Paris, Avenue Montaigne. After you have already shopped at Celine, Gucci, Saint Laurent & Chanel, you probably need to have a break (before going to Dior and Louis Vuitton) and here it is the restaurant for you. It can be difficult to get a table there (but it was more difficult like 2 years ago, then now) but you can always ask. It’s Kim and Kanye’s ultimate favorite spot in Paris, or you can see Rihanna, Gigi Hadid or Justin Bieber having their lunch next to you. During lunchtime – save around 50 EUR, while bit more for a dinner (70-80).

LA BELLE EPOQUE (36 Rue des Petits Champs, 75002)
A Parisian cabaret restaurant where you can experience the delights of French cooking while watching the French Cancan! The cuisine is traditional French with some original elements and after a great quality meal you can sit back at your table and enjoy the show. You can always spot Mario Testino, Alber Elbaz or Miroslava Duma having dinner near you.

CAFÉ DE FLORE (172 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75006)
One of the most iconic cafes, in the world! This legendary café (since 1880) is located in the most “intellectual” and cultural district of Paris - Boulevard Saint-Germain. A favorite spot for celebrities, like Kate Moss, has also been a go-to spot for many writers, musicians and artists during it’s almost 140 years of existence. Menu is quite limited there, I mean it’s perfect for a breakfast or lunch but may feel bit light for a dinner, but most people don’t really go to eat there, you just feel Parisian sitting under the sun, with black RayBans, watching your fellow citizens come and go. Save around 15-20 EUR for a breakfast or a lunch, but I bet you’ll order more of their delicious croissants or cappuccino, so take a bit more.

LA SOCIETE (4 Place Saint-Germain des Prés, 75006)
A luxe restaurant. Located very close to the above-mentioned Café De Flore, is perfect for a high-quality service dinner, inside the dark atmosphere of the main room, you can’t clearly see what are you eating, but these low-light candles keep the entire intimacy. It’s not a big restaurant, so think of advance booking, to have a chance to dine next to Guram Gvasalia, Tim Blanks and many other fashion’s heavy-weights. Same pricing as to Hotel Costes or L’Avenue.

CAVIAR KASPIA (17 Place de la Madeleine, 75008)
I’m sure you have already spotted this food on Instagram – potatoes with black caviar – that is happening at Caviar Kaspia, located at Haussmann Building. During the fashion week, the space is completely occupied by fashion insiders, you can’t really spot models or celebs there, but major photographers, stylists or buyers, all go there for a fun.

FERDI (32 Rue du Mont Thabor, 75001)
Likes of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West go there for their famous burgers, they open at 6:30 evening and close at midnight, due to the limited amount of tables (less than you can think of) booking is recommended few days ahead (during fashion week, even 2-3 weeks earlier)

RUC (159 Rue Saint Honoré, 75001)
Located in front of the Louvre, at Rue Saint-Honore, it’s a perfect spot for a evening dinner or a lunch, especially sitting outside where you can explore everyone who is walking coming from 4-5 different streets of the area. You get a good 3-course dinner for around 60-70 EUR, bit less for a lunch and around 20-25 EUR for a breakfast.

FARNESINA (9 Rue Boissy d'Anglas, 75008)
Not the usual fashion-insiders destination, but if you want to taste some really delicious Italian food and you are near Concorde or Saint-Honore (where all the fashion happens), you can go anytime of the day and have a great pizza or a pasta and no one will take your attention from the meal, well maybe just Rihanna.

LE PAIN DU QUOTIDIEN (18-20 Rue des Archives, 75004 / 18 Place du Marché Saint-Honoré, 75001 / 25 Rue de Varenne, 75007)
Well, we all know where to go for a “healthier” food and those who love variations of eggs (like me) or a unexpected jam mixtures, this is a perfect fix! Prices are affordable – breakfast fix could be 10-12 EUR, while lunch will cost you 20-22 EUR.

BOUILLON CHARTIER (7 Rue du Faubourg Montmartre, 75009)
And after all this, if you ran out of money, you’re hungry but you don’t want to go McDonalds (and I don’t recommend, Parisian McD is one of the dirtiest what I’ve seen around Europe), just go to Boullon Chartier and eat as much as you can, a tasty food in extremely affordable prices, while still keeping French taste and feel.

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daddy’s journal: 1/29/19
previous entries: daddy’s journal 1/26/19
Sunday January 27, 2019 6-bars text bright and early and said good morning.
Feels like I wasted my time last night with her. She’d only been there barely half an hour before she’d left. Not sure if her pussy had got wetter or I hadn’t seen her in awhile, but that kitty was GOOD. And..I hadn’t had enough. I was unsatisfied.
Could have saw her again. I needed to be disciplined. I was back on seeking arrangement talking to a lot of girls. Experience has taught me I need to conserve my energy, my vibe and conserve my physical resources. Anyone of these ladies could msg me at any moment…and I needed to be ready.
I curved 6-bars.
Funny how the universe works. Around 2pm Kwik text me. I’d met her around the same time I’d met 6 bars - months ago. I don’t have much to tell about Kwik. Latin chick. 5”2. A solid 6 on the dimepiece scale. Totally went into the situation intending to hit it once/twice and ghosting.
The sugar gods don’t like ugly. When I saw Kwik for the 1st time coming up the hall to our room, she was the sexiest thing ever. We met on our lunch break and she arrived dressed in business casual attire, wearing Capri slacks, nice rouge blouse, cute heels and well manicured toes. She had one of those name tags/badge clipped to her pocket for office building access. A cute brown clutch was in her hands to complete the outfit.
Something about professional chicks. Idk. The fact that they been sitting in a cube, going to meetings and what not, then meeting me for lunch to fuck before returning to their desk is the sexiest thing ever. Now it was 3 months later. I went from some fuck shit to all out trying to seduce this chick and make it long term.
We’d been playing phone tag over the last week and today she texted unexpectedly. With all the unresolved carnal energy stirring inside me, she was the perfect fix.
Today she showed with her hair pulled back in a bun. She had on some gray shirt with a faux belt tied in the front, black slacks and flip flops - the latter at odds with her outfit. We exchanged pleasantries briefly before getting undressed. “I don’t have a lot of time,” she explained. “I’m at a family Bar-b-Que.” She said she’d left her kids with her family and told them she had an errand to run. They’d all gone to church that morning blah blah. I believed her. Mexican chicks big on family events.
And Kwik needn’t worry. Her pussy was so good I couldn’t last more than a few minutes in it anyway.
I lied and said she could have stayed with her family. Played like it was no big deal if she couldn’t have made it. But really I wanted to be deep inside her, pounding that muff for whatever little time I could before I came. “We could have seen each other another time,” I said. “No….” she said shaking her head and pulling off her bra. “No. I really wanted to see you. I been wanting it.”
Again…I believed her. I could see the submission in her eyes. She wanted me to use her for my pleasure and have my way with her body she returned to her life. I took a deep breath and prayed to the sugar gods for stamina before I put my head between her thighs, spread her vulvae gently and began licking her clit.
She responded instantly…moaning and grabbing my head. After a few moments I looked up and I saw her eyes fluttering. When It got good she raised up on her elbows and looked down at me. Her eyes narrowed and her sultry lips parted as I mercilessly thrashed her clit.
I wanted to make her cum, but the way she was looking at me turned me on. I stopped and mounted up. Usually I ease it in, but Kwik’s pussy so wett. She got that…..
It just slid right in. Went to pounding that muff like a rabid animal, controlled by passion and carnal energy.
Eh…didn’t last long. I kept stopping to keep from coming. Pussy was just too good. I tried shit like biting my lips and twisting my earlobe but alas…I couldn’t stop the eruption of kreme as I spayed her tummy with my unborn.
I fell down beside her…my body spent. It was bittersweet. The sex had been good but I had come too fast. That’s why I call her Kwik…you ain’t gone be in the pussy long before you cum.
After we talked a bit I wanted another turn. I wanted retribution for the lousy night before with 6-bars. I was suddenly emotional. “I have to get back to my family” she said, sliding on her purple panties. I was laying in the bed like a ‘lil bitch wanting more of the pussy she’d denied me. As she put on her pants she was like, “We can see each other later in the week.” She pulled on her shirt and began buttoning it all nonchalant.
With that I got up and kissed her goodbye as she left me in the room butt naked, dick getting harder by the moment. I prolly was looking like Eddie Murphy in Boomerang or some shit rn.
Monday January 28, 2019 I’m ok today.
Slim messaged me to meet and after the unfulfilling weekend I’d had with 6-bars and Kwik I was ready for some more sex.
But the sugar gods were looking after me. Hilton hit me up and asked if she could come see me. I’d met Hilton on tumblr. She’d slid into my DMs one day like
We’d talked for some time before plans developed for her to come see me. Hilton was a cool chick. White girl. I hadn’t fucked with a Becky in a long time so it was refreshing to meet her. What a night of debauchery that had been complete with plan B pills the next day. Now she was back for more and…well…I was only too happy to see her again. She said she could see me tomorrow so cool.
I’d met her about October 2018. She’d been following me on tumblr since I’d joined. She’d waited patiently in the void to pounce on me and take her shot. She’d come down a few weeks after that just after Thanksgiving and gave me that kitty.
Hadn’t had a Becky in a long time. She worked at hotel and I reckon she got free rooms as a result. So I named her Hilton. I’d asked if she wanted money for our encounter. She said she wanted to fuck. She’d gladly take the money of course …but it wasn’t a requirement. We had a good time too. Her curiosity satisfied, I figured I’d never hear from her again.
Now she was back in my inbox. I didn’t cancel yet with Slim. I’d wait until Hilton was on the road to see me before I cancelled.
Tuesday January 29, 2019 When I was sure Hilton was on her way to see me, I text Slim to say I couldn’t make it today.
“I’m busy” I said. Slim made a fuss but…..Free pussy always wins. No hoe can compete.
I knocked on the door that evening. I had to knock a few times and then call before snow flake opened up. She smiled big and welcomed me in…all sleepy eyed and what not. Working at the hotel she often worked the night shift. “How was the drive in,” I asked her making small talk.
After some bullshit talk, we got down to business. I got undressed and laid on the bed while Hilton pulled off her top. Like a lot of plus sized chicks, she was ashamed of her stomach so she didn’t remove the underwear until absolutely necessary.
I don’t’ like that and told her as much.
I like a chick that bears all….unapologetically. If I’m fucking with you then I’ve already accepted you for what you were. To hide yourself, be insecure, is a turn off.
Hilton removed her panties, much to my pleasure and was stark naked as she positioned herself between my legs and went to sucking on Bart. I gotta say…..I don’t know if Hilton’s head is all that. She sucked my dick so good, tasting it, licking it, looking at it, making eye contact with me..I totally got off on her pleasuring me at her expense. Soon I had to stop her. I didn’t want to cum like that.
She got on top, slid Bart inside her and went to riding him. She got all bold. Getting up on her feet and what not, bouncing on the dick. I was amazed at her stamina. Even the most muscular, fit girls can’t maintain that position for long. Hilton held her own. I loved her effort. We switched to missionary for some pounding.
That young pink muff was too much for me tho. I was about to cum within a minute of being inside her. I still had left over energy from the weekend and needed to release.I started thinking about all kinds of other shit so I could prolong the inevitable.
It ain’t work.
The surge of protein was ready to erupt out of my shaft. I was about to let go when she asked if I could hit it from the back. We switched up and she put that big pretty ass in the air as I entered her again. Our bodies slapped loudly against each other. I marveled at the ripples flowing through her ass cheeks like waves.
Once again I was ready to blow. I pulled out and sprayed her back with a volley ivory rain. White on white. Lovely. I went to the bathroom to grab a towel to clean up the protein. Then I fell down beside her… my body spent.
Hilton had got up and put on her underwear again. Still with the insecure shit…pissed me off. Then she was half laying on the bed instead of on daddy and snuggling. I said something about it and she laid down on my chest and we watched tv.
Next thing I know I was waking up…I prolly had snored her head off. I looked down at her and she raised her head up and smiled. We talked a bit after that. Wasn’t long before she had a mouth full of cock again…reviving Bart for the second round.
After we’d got done I went and cleaned up. We talked some more…you know. Little bullshit conversation you have on your way out the door.
0 notes

Our Universal Mother - Part 21
Mater Admirabilis (Mother Most Admirable) - Rome, (Latium), Italy 1844
Mater Admirabilis also called The Madonna of the Lily This fresco was painted by a young French novice, Pauline Perdrau in 1844.
In the course of the month of May, 1844, when the excessive heat already weighed on the people of Rome, the Ladies of the Sacred Heart, in the Convent of Trinita dei Monti, according to their custom, left the common parlor, to occupy during their summer recreations, a large corridor, on the first story over a cloister adjoining the church of the Convent.
At the noon recreation, the Sisters of the community were entertaining themselves, conversing on this beautiful month consecrated to the Most Holy Virgin, and they were remarking with delight the pomp with which it is solemnized in Rome. Just then the Reverend Mother was called away. On seeing her place vacated, one of the sisters exclaimed, "Ah! If the Holy Virgin would but deign to come and take the place of our Mother, and preside over our recreation!"
There was then in the common assembly a young postulant, who had come to Rome to finish some studies of painting. When she heard the religious invoke the presence of the Holy Virgin, her eyes fixed instantaneously upon an arched niche that was vacant, just in front of the Mother Superior’s seat. To paint Mary in this niche, occupied in spinning, with a distaff near her on one side, and a lily on the other, to place by her feet the work-basket of the Superioress, and her footstool also; to represent on the upper part of the painting a fine view in perspective of the country around Rome—all this passed like lightning through the imagination of the postulant. Responding to the pious desire which had just been expressed, she said, "Would you like me to place the Most Holy Virgin in our Mother’s seat?" "Yes, yes, bring our heavenly Mother in our midst," was the general response. "But how will you do it?" "That is my secret," answered the postulant. Here the project seemed to rest for a time. However, she who had broached the idea had not lost sight of it. The design of the painting was constantly in her mind; it impressed on her heart, in a still livelier manner, one of her dearest recollections—a devotion which, from her tenderest years, she had cultivated, for she had been taught to venerate the youthful Mary spinning within the precincts of the temple of Jerusalem. Often had the Holy Virgin been proposed to her as a model, particularly when, while still small, she also had to cover her spindle, as did this Most Holy Virgin.
But an insurmountable difficulty seemed to present itself to the execution of this design; the upper part of the niche could only be covered by fresco, a kind of painting above the talent of the postulant. A simple attempt to do it in fresco was all that was possible to her. She hesitated for a few days, then abandoned the idea. But Mary had decreed otherwise, for she gave her future painter so much remorse, that this young religious believed it more secure to submit her interior anguish to her Superioress. The latter, after having maturely weighed the subject, finally gave her permission, even ordering the novice to commence the fresco, thinking within herself that it would only be a failure; but, as she has since declared, she wished to give an occasion of humiliation to one who was soon to consecrate herself, by vow, to follow Jesus Christ, meek and humble of heart.
On the 1st of June, 1844, the work was undertaken. On the 22nd, the Feast of Our Lady of Peace, the pure head of the Madonna began to give animation to the painting, already far advanced, and, in the beginning of July, it was finished; but, alas! The desire of the Superioress was fully accomplished, for the trial to the novice was complete. The fresco, which was painted on fresh lime, held the colors so deeply, that instead of the flower of the field foretold and promised, one saw, with dismay a gaudy figure, clothed in a poppy colored robe, and a yellow-orange colored veil deployed around a dark and threatening brow!
Everyone in the house, and the artist herself, recoiled with horror from the sight of it, as all were ignorant of the strange effect of a fresco while still humid; they concealed its existence from the pupils and visitors. The effacing became a serious question; until finally a fresco-worker, though not an experienced artist, having entered this corridor which had been transformed into a studio, repeated these words in an authoritative tone: "It is a very delicate flower, seen at the dawn of day, and still covered with dewdrops." The Sisters smiled at such language from the workman, but he entreated them to wait until the walls were dry. When they raised the drapery three weeks later, their joy was overwhelming—the colors were entirely transformed. The Children of Mary who were assembled, ornamented the blessed corridor, and chanted the first Magnificat, which resounded under those silent arches of the cloister, where the modest fresco was destined to receive so solemn a veneration. Being an object of tender devotion only to the religious and their pupils, the Madonna of the Lilies, as she was first called, remained in the shade for a short time.
The period of anonymity was ended by two events. The first was the blessing of the image by Pope Pius IX on October 20, 1846, only a few months after His election to the Chair of Peter. The Sovereign Pontiff was visiting the Convent of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart and was shown the fresco. "It was a pious thought," He remarked, "to represent the most holy Virgin at an age when she seems to have been forgotten." He was so pleased by the image, that He not only prayed before it, but solemnly blessed it then and there.
The second event took place only sixteen days later. Father Blampin, a missionary of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Mary had completely lost his voice. No medical treatment was of any avail. As a last resort, he returned to Rome, hoping that the Italian air would help. By providence, he was led to the Convent of the Ladies of the Sacred Heart, and to the sanctuary of the Madonna. A holy religious advised Father Blampin to offer Mass in the chapel there every day for the recovery of his voice. Several days later, on November 6, he was also advised to try, after Mass, to recite three Aves every hour as loud as possible. He agreed to try, even though he was barely able to whisper the Mass, and had been forbidden by physicians to try to speak out loud. With his heart full of confidence, he recited the Aves without any difficulty. The community was immediately assembled by the ringing of the bell. Father Blampin recited the Litanies and the Te Deum himself, before Our Lady’s image. Soon after, the young missionary was presented to Pope Pius IX. His Holiness listened to the account of the miracle with great interest, and permitted Father Blampin to celebrate a Mass of thanksgiving before the fresco itself. Thus it was that the corridor of the Madonna began to be transformed into a pilgrimage sanctuary. The first votive offering to be hung on the wall was a little slate—the one upon which Father Blampin wrote his reply to the religious who suggested the three Hail Marys. It was not long before the Madonna of the Lilies began to be called Mater Admirabilis—for the words admirable and miracle have the same root.
The devotion to Mater Admirabilis could not have been revived at a more propitious time. Pope Pius IX had been narrowly elected to the Papacy for the very reason that He was a political liberal. The Cardinals were hoping that His election would calm the storm of revolution that was brewing throughout Italy and Papal States. The new Pope imprudently hoped to win hearts and minds by releasing political prisoners. But many of them only used their freedom to provoke the revolt. Open rioting broke out in 1848 and, on November 24, Pius fled Rome in disguise, aided by the French and Bavarian ambassadors. The revolutionaries seized the Holy City and committed untold atrocities. It was during this siege that the Ladies of the Sacred Heart promised to have a medal struck, honoring Mater Admirabilis, if the Sisters and students were spared from all harm. On July 2, the Feast of the Visitation, peace was restored to Rome by the arrival of French troops. Two weeks later, the first medals were struck. On December 12, a grateful Pope Pius IX established October 20 as the Feast of Mater Admirabilis and granted many indulgences to the new sanctuary.
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