#but again it was such a fun piece to make i'm not even mad
conspirartist · 4 months
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Realized I forgot to post my entry to the Teyvat Fashion Week contest here! Didn't get any prize but it was still loads of fun and I really liked the result, so overall still a win!
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cherrydbear · 2 months
Since y'all seemed to like this I'll keep rambling on the subject, I can do this all day. Here are some of those examples where I think their friendship really shines through:
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From Sanji's perspective, this guy just showed up outside his restaurant one day, dueled the legendary swordsman who slashed Don Krieg's fleet to pieces, willingly got cut almost in two, nearly bled to death, was tied up by his own crew and then captured by the Arlong pirates, still singlehandedly escaped and came back to join the fight and defeated one of Arlong's best fighters, then nearly bled to death again and woke up just in time to drink himself silly at the afterparty. I've heard people say they "match each other's freak" and that's the truth. Sanji watches this absolute wackadoodle of a man and knows he's found someone who matches his freak. From Zoro's point of view, some cook at a floating restaurant just fed all of their enemies out of principle before kicking their butts. How could he not respect that sort of unconditional adherence to a sense of honor and justice? Especially considering he himself experienced starvation not too long ago in Shells Town. Now this cook, the newest stray in Luffy's collection, immediately proves himself to be immensely capable both in the kitchen and on the battlefield, incurs injury to himself without complaint to protect these people he barely knows, and still is the only person to come sit by Zoro and check up on him. So Zoro knows that Sanji has a heart of pure gold, and I think that's a big part of why he gets frustrated when Sanji tries to cover it up with bravado and perviness.
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This scene was really interesting to me because usually when someone demands that Zoro does something, he grouches and grumbles about it, so in this case it seems he just spontaneously started helping out himself. And if there was ever a man whose love language is acts of service, it's Roronoa Zoro. He seems to be more of a "companionable silence" kind of guy, while Sanji's a talker and will say anything to keep feeling connected. Now, I don't know if this is just a me thing, but I like to say my friends' names a lot, even just because the association with them brings me joy, but I rarely use the names of people I'm not close with except to refer to them in third person or to get their attention. In this scene, it seems to me that Sanji keeps repeating Zoro's name as a way to show he's thinking about him and appreciates him being there, though I might just be projecting.
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Now, I know shippers go crazy over this one, but I think it's honestly really solid platonic evidence and I'll tell you why (not to dissuade shipping, I think you have to be friends before you can be more than friends so all of this can be fuel for the ship too if you want it to be). Firstly, they're comfortable enough to sleep this close together. Sanji's resting his sleepy head right on Zoro's shoulder (it should have been me, not him) and Zoro just lets him. Also note real quick, only a short distance away Luffy is using Usopp as a pillow, so they're all a cuddly cozy little family. When Zoro notices Sanji mistakenly trying to kiss him, he doesn't even move away, he just makes a face and waits for Sanji to wake up so he can make fun of him. Sanji, for his part, doesn't act embarrassed or disgusted that it turned out to be Zoro there, only playfully mad about his expression. They squabble for a few moments before Luffy pushes past them and they turn their attention to the next thing, argument forgotten, proving that neither was actually angry about anything and they were merely enjoying the opportunity to bicker.
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This is from the hunting competition in Little Garden that I mentioned before. I just wanted to point out that both of them are grinning and clearly having a grand time.
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(I love how Sanji's hands are just massive sometimes.) They have the entire forest clearing, and Sanji chooses to sit his little booty down right next to Zoro and toss his food at him. They're just like those kids in elementary who had beef over who has a more impressive Pokémon collection and would always sit next to each other at lunch to compare cards and play together at recess but claim they're archnemeses. And for as much as Sanji implied to Usopp (though oblivious) that the heart shaped vegetables were just for the ladies, he did choose to make it and serve it to the whole crew. Speaking of the ladies, Sanji is always adamant about protecting them, but he was perfectly fine with leaving Nami and Robin in Zoro's care, just as Zoro trusted Sanji to take care of Luffy and Usopp.
I also loved how Sanji packed Zoro a cute little lunchbox for exploring and he was NOT going to let no stupid south bird take it from him.
Alright that's all for today folks I gotta wake up in like 5 hours for work lol
Continuation from this post
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iamumbra195 · 5 months
School Bus Graveyard incorrect quotes because I'm bored
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Taylor: Look how creepy it is looking down this hallway.
Ashlyn: I'm gonna get vertigo.
Aiden: I'm a Virgo!
Tyler, deadpan: No, you're a virgin.
Aiden: You lying, cheating, piece of shit!
Tyler: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Aiden: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING ASHLYN WITH ME
Logan, picking up the monopoly board: I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Taylor: Why is Tyler so upset?
Logan: He took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes
Taylor: And...?
Logan: He got Aiden.
Ashlyn: What did you do with the phantom's body?
Aiden: What didn’t I do with the body?
Aiden: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the phantom respectfully.
Aiden: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Logan: Aiden, no.
Ben, with text to speech: Mistlefoe.
Logan: Please stop encouraging him.
Taylor: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Tyler: You’re a hazard to society
Aiden: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Emma, trying to be nice to Ashlyn's new friends: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Mike, excited for his daughter: WOULD YOU LIKE TO STAY FOREVER?
Logan: What's a word thats a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'?
Ben: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Aiden: Smad.
Ashlyn: Why are you on the floor?
Aiden: I'm depressed.
Aiden: Also I was stabbed, can you get Ben, please.
Taylor: Aiden and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Ashlyn, sighing: What did he do?
Taylor: he chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Aiden: Who wants a steering wheel?
Aiden: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
Logan: How am I supposed to know?
Tyler: You say that as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
Logan: ...You wouldn't be trapped.
Ashlyn: Tyler, keep an eye on Aiden today. He's going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Tyler: Sure, I’d love to see him get punched.
Ashlyn: Try again.
Tyler, sighing: I will stop Aiden from getting punched.
Aiden, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Tyler: You did WHAT–
Ben: William Snakespeare
Ashlyn: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life
Taylor: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Ashlyn: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Aiden: edible
Taylor, whispering to Aiden, who’s on the phone with Ashlyn: Ask her something!
Aiden: How are you feeling?
Ashlyn: Fine.
Taylor: Something personal!
Aiden: At what age did you start hearing voices?
Aiden: If I die, my funeral is going to be the biggest party ever and you’re all invited
Logan: If?
Tyler: Great, the only party I’d actually go to and he might not even die.
Logan: We need a distraction.
Ashlyn: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Aiden, whispering: My time has come
Tyler: Where are you going?
Taylor: To get ice cream or commit a felony, I’ll decide on the way there
Tyler: I'll come with
Mike, buying a whole bag of knives, guns and other weapons like he's going to war on a random Tuesday: I can explain
Jacob (shop owner): Can you?
Mike: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Taylor: Heads up, if you try to make a candle with food colouring, it will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food colouring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food colouring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter.
Tyler, sighing: What did you do?
Taylor, wailing: A MISTAKE
Mr. Thomas: What are your goals?
Ashlyn: To pet all the dogs.
Mr. Thomas: No, I meant your goals for this trip.
Ashlyn: To pet all the dogs in Savannah.
Logan: Is letting someone win at chess sapiosexual bottoming?
Ashlyn: Does anyone in this godforsaken group ever think before they speak?
Taylor: Aiden isn’t answering their phone
Ashlyn: I’ll call
Taylor: Ben and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Aiden: Hello?
Aiden: I was arrested for being too cool.
Tyler: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Aiden: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much
Taylor: You’ve been to jail?
Aiden: Once. In Monopoly.
Mike: You love me, right?
Emma: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Aiden: Let’s watch Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Ashlyn: Okay
Aiden: And make out during the scary parts.
Ashlyn: The-
Ashlyn: The scary parts?
Ashlyn: Of Sharkboy and Lavagirl.
Ashlyn: How petty can you get?
Tyler: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Taylor: I KNEW IT-
Aiden: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Logan: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Mike: So what’s for dinner?
Emma, staring at the food she just burnt: Regret.
That's all for today!
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gavisfanta · 5 months
Baee pedri finally shaved, it gave me an idea a smut where pedri wants to eat out the reader but she says no because his beard make it difficult for her, so she asks him to shave and he does but not only he eats her out but also fucks her into the oblivion 😭
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summary: pedri does you a favour...
warnings: smut, not proofread... as always
"Pedri!" You giggled as he began to kiss down your exposed stomach because you were only in your bikini.
You two just finished spending the day outside by the pool, you were too lazy to change out of your bikini but since it was dry, you left it on while getting into the bed to get some rest before Pedri had to go to practice and you met up with Mikky.
He looked up at you while he left sloppy kisses down your stomach, until he eventually was kissing your inner thigh. Your stomach cramped as you watched his head dive deeper and deeper between your legs, the pool between your legs started building up. But as he hooked his fingers into the bottoms of your two piece, you sat up and looked at him with a small smile.
"No,no,no" You chuckled a bit as you pulled his hair signaling him to come back up.
"But I thought you were in the mood." Pedri asked with puppy eyes, you couldn't help but smile a bit.
"I am, but the beard is so itchy whenever you eat me out." You laughed and threw your head back. Pedri was still sitting between your legs as they were spread wide open.
"The beard is the only reason I'm not allowed to eat you out?" He raised his eyebrows as a sly smile formed on his lips.
"It's just uncomfy-" You grinned at him and he nodded his head. Pedri grabbed his phone and looked at the time, he had about 45 minutes before he had to leave.
"Okay, I'll leave soon anyways. When do you have to leave?" Pedri stood up and walked to the bathroom that was next to your room. He went to look at himself in the mirror and scratched the beard before heading back to you.
"Are you mad?" You asked, obviously feeling bad about declining his offer. So you stood up and stopped eventually infront of him.
"Cariño of course not." He wrapped his left arm around his waist to pull you closer and press a long and passionate kiss on your lips. That immediately took some weight off of your shoulders and you smiled at him.
"I'll leave in five minutes, Mikky is gonna pick me up and we'll go out to eat something." You smiled as he pulled away from you.
"That sounds fun, enjoy yourself." He smiled and you nodded your head, he couldn't help but press another kiss on your lips before he left the room to go downstairs.
You felt a little bit bad because Pedri wasn't this closed off usually, but you decided to go on and started to get ready.
You decided on short blue jeans and a white crop top, showing a little bit of cleavage. However not that much to make Pedri mad, he never told you what to wear but for you it just felt wrong to show too much, especially if people take some photos of you.
So as you made your way downstairs you kissed Pedri's cheek and got into Mikkys car which was infront of your house.
You two drove to the Restaurant and sat down, the warm wind blowing into your face, pushing back your hair. It was a really pleasant time to be outside.
After you two were done eating, you decided to remain seated and talk a little bit. Mikky then quickly had to answer a text and after she did that a message from FC Barcelona popped up on her phone. It was the posts from the practice, so as she swiped through the pictures of the players she smiled and turned her phone towards you.
"You didn't even tell me that he shaved again." She said and as soon as you looked at Pedri's clean shaved face you couldn't help but grin.
"That fucker." You whispered under your breath, cheeks almost hurting from smiling so much.
"Why, I think he looks too old whenever he has a beard." Mikky said and looked at your boyfriends picture once again before putting down her phone and turning it off.
You looked away for a second before deciding whether to tell her or not, so you couldn't stop to smile ad you leaned forward.
"So when he went down on me I stopped him and said that the beard is itchy." You told her in a low voice and she slapped her hand infront of her wide open mouth immediately.
"Don't tell me he shaved because-"
"I think so" You laughed and she also joined you. You both received some weird looks from the people sitting around you, luckily only because of the laughing.
Mikky dropped you off at your house two hours later, it was already 9pm by then and Pedri was already at home in bed, waiting for you.
"Hello" You smiled as you reached the doorframe of the bedroom and looked at Pedri lying on his back in the middle of the bed.
"Hey babe, how was your evening?" Pedri sat up and put his phone beside on the nightstand.
"Drop the act Pedri." You chuckled a bit as you walked closer to him and sat down in his lap. He put his hands on your waist and thre his head back as you began to kiss his neck.
"I really do care how your evening with Mikky was." You felt him smile and you pulled away from him, however keeping your hands off of him was still difficult so you cupped his face with your hands.
"Amazing, that's how I found out about your stupid plan." You grinned.
"What plan?" Pedri decided to play dumb and act all innocent when he knew that he was so hungry, and not for food.
"Okay, I'm sure you don't mind if I go to sleep then hmm?" You hummed the last part as you got off of his lap and lied on your back next to him, legs crossed.
"I actually do, but some tiny things are in the way." Pedri hoovered over you on all fours as he began to take off your jean shorts.
You smiled and took off your shirt too, Pedri was already shirtless and only wearing some shorts, so after he took the off too, he began to kiss you, first your lips, then neck, then chest where he unclipped your bra and began to suck on your breasts to which you arched your back.
He then kept planting sloppy kisses down your stomach and just as he reached your panties, he looked up with those eyes full of hunger.
"You can go on now." You told him to which he only winked and pulled down your panties, your pussy already dripping wet.
Pedri spread your juices around with his finger before running his tongue up and down your folds to tease you.
You held onto his hair and pushed his head deeper between your legs. He smiled against your clit and then started eating you out. You arched your back as you felt his tongue slipping inside you, your stomach cramped and your legs were already a bit shakily.
After a while he inserted two of his fingers into your pussy and began to flicker his tongue over your clit, as the warm knot in your stomach kept building up, you began to roll your hips against his tongue and fingers, basically riding his face.
You eventually came and Pedri pulled back to speed uo the motion with his fingers, fingering you during your orgasm. Loud moans escaoed your lips as your legs were shaking uncontrollably. Your jaw wide open and your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you came so hard.
As you were still trying to catch your breath, Pedri took off his boxershorts after planting some kisses on your neck.
"Fuck, Pedri." You breathed out heavily after looking at your legs still shaking.
"This is one of the moments where I'm glad that we live alone." He joked and looked down at you, due to the fact that he was still on all fours above you.
"Mhm, I'm ready." You pulled him into a kiss, he kissed you back while he alined himself with you, but first he teased your clit with his tip, running it up and down your folds.
As he inserted himself you moaned into his mouth, the sensation of him stretching out your walls was something you never wanted to get used to.
As he stayed inside of you motionless for a couple of seconds, he was still passionately kissing you while you tried so hard to kiss him back.
He then gently started rolling his hips against yours as he pulled away. He put his forehead against yours and started to thurst inside of you at a faster pace.
The same warm knot started building up in your stomach as you felt his skin against yours and his breathing on your skin.
Loud moans, skin clapping and low grunts were heard in the whole room as you arched your back up against him. You were still sensitive from your previous orgasm so you came pretty fast. Pedri then pulled out and started to quickly move his hand up and down his lenght until he came on your stomach.
You were still out of breath while he kissed your neck and moved his finger down to the ropes of his cum that he left on your stomach.
He collected some of it on his finger and then put it into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around his finger as you looked at him. You couldn't see his face very clearly due to him fucking you so well that you were only able to see blurry.
"Does it taste good?" Pedri asked in a low voice, scared that anyone besides you might hear him. He removed his finger from your mouth and smiled a bit.
"The best" You smiled.
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v0rpalsword · 8 months
On Calling Out Antisemitism... in the Crossword
So I like to do crosswords. It's fun, sometimes I learn random facts, it exercises my brain, and that jolt of satisfaction when I figure out the gimmick brightens my day. I usually do it on the Washington Post, which is the same as the LA Times, mainly because it's free (though these days I pay for the WP in large part because I like Alexandra Petri's pieces, but I digress.)
So there I am, working on the Sunday crossword at work on a quiet Monday morning, and the clue is "sanctimonious sort." Could be many things, I skip it and continue. Slowly, as I get some of the crosses, I say to myself, "surely this isn't going to be 'pharisee'. I'm gonna be so mad if the answer is 'pharisee.'"
The answer was Pharisee.
If you don't know why that's a problem, in brief: The Pharisees were the precursors to modern Rabbinic Judaism, and that word has been used by those enacting violence upon us for centuries-- throughout blood libels, Inquisition, crusades, expulsions, etc. When "pharisee" means "sanctimonious, hypocritical, self-righteous, etc." and "pharisee" also means "Jew" even of the historic variety, it tends to be extremely bad news for the actual living Jews of whatever era it is.
So I wrote the editors of the LA Times and the Washington Post, and I said so. I told them about the history of the term. I told them that at a time when antisemitism across the United States is rising alarmingly, it is, at best, deeply irresponsible of the newspapers to allow this insidious conflation of Judaism with moral corruption and hypocrisy to appear in what ought to be a light-hearted game.
And you know what? I got a response from the LA Times within hours apologizing for the harm and saying they'd reached out to the crossword writing company to discuss it. I got a response from the acquisitions editor, who had spoken with the crossword editor, conveying their sincere apologies, saying that they were unaware of the antisemitic implications of the term, and they would never intentionally cause harm. They thanked me for bringing it to their attention, and also thanked me for my suggestion of an alternate clue ("Contemporary of Jesus").
We on Jumblr and in the Jewish community offline have spent so much time talking our throats hoarse and our typing fingers sore about the harms of antisemitism, especially since October 7. I know many of us are feeling frustrated, burnt out, and hopeless. We start to wonder what the point is, when none of it seems to be making a dent. I almost didn't send that email. I almost let it go. I let myself be distracted by work, forgot about it for a week or so until something reminded me and I got angry all over again, and then I sent off an email that I expected to be buried in the inbox to maybe get a response in a month or so, because even if it never got read, at least I knew I had written it. But it did get read, and it got shared with the relevant people, and they cared.
Sometimes people listen. Sometimes they learn. Sometimes, all it takes is one person saying "hey, this hurt me."
I'm taking the win today.
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love-belle · 1 year
about damn time !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which he finds out that his pregnant fiancée can really hold a grudge.
for when you love them too much to stay mad at them. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
real life // carlos sainz jr. x fem!reader
warnings - language, pregnancy talks.
author's note - had too much fun writing this, hope u like it as well!! thank u so much for reading, i love you <3 requests are open!!!
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
"can you tell your friend to stop poking me with that damn stick?"
"carlos," charles sighed, rubbing his face tiredly as he sat between his two best friends.
"stop poking y/n with that damn stick."
"tell her to tell me that herself."
"tell him to stop poking you with that damn stick yourself."
"tell him to stop poking with that damn stick before i break it and shove the pieces high up his ass."
"your fiancée is really fucking scary."
"i know."
"why are you guys even fighting?" charles asked, looking from y/n, who was very pointedly ignoring carlos who was watching with a nervous smile on his face, trying his best to get her attention for the past hour. he wasn't very successful and resorted to more inconvenient methods, which included poking his pregnant fiancée with a small wooden stick that he had found in god-knows-which cursed corner of their house.
"ask your friend that because apparently i'm too stupid," y/n snapped, standing up and leaving the room without even sparing carlos a glance.
"shit, what'd you do?" charles asked as he watched her retreating form. "the only time i have ever seen her pissed was when max ate her last cookie. i have never seen a man so terrified."
"why is it you always assume i did something?" carlos whined, burying his face into a cushion.
"because it is always you, that does something," charles retorted, moving to lay back against the couch.
"fair but doesn't mean it's nice," carlos narrowed his eyes at his teammate. "and it was a stupid thing i said this morning. word of advice, it's always better to stay silent when you have a pregnant fiancée with anger issues."
"holy shit," charles laughed in disbelief, not really understanding what stupid thing could his friend have said to make y/n this mad. "what did you say?"
"well, since we found out that we were gonna have a baby, she's been so invested in knowing what's the size of the baby like it's the size of a grain of rice, two grains of rice, end to end, a — "
"what's the size of your crotch goblin right now?"
"first, it's about the size of a blueberry right now and second, don't ever refer to my child as a crotch goblin."
"pet sperm?"
"what is wrong with you?"
charles shrugged, motioning him to continue with his account of what had happened in the morning.
"uh — and she also tells me that the baby grew a heart today, or that the heart is 's' shaped right now and soon it'll have limbs and all, yeah?"
"uh huh," charles hummed, his eyebrows furrowed as he thought about what ever could carlos have had said about this for them to be like this.
"and today, apparently the baby developed a brain or something and y/n came in all excited and she was like 'mi amor, i grew a brain today' referring to our child and i said that..."
"that..?" charles raised his eyebrows, sitting up straight as he watched carlos inhale deeply before he finished his sentence.
"i said that it was about damn time," carlos whispered, as if afraid that y/n would hear him once again.
"you said that?"
"i said that."
"to a pregnant woman?"
"if the doctor's appointments are legit, then yes, to a pregnant woman."
"who happens to be your fiancée?"
"i'm not sure anymore, to be honest."
"do you have a death wish?!" charles exclaimed, looking at carlos with wide eyes.
he knew how well y/n could hold a grudge and her anger was something you would never want to be on the receiving end of. and a pregnant y/n was a force to be reckoned with. the mood swings were already heavy on not just carlos, but their entire friend group, no one wanting to get yelled at by a woman who wore fluffy socks and sang taylor swift during long drives.
"i knew i fucked up as soon as i said it," carlos groaned, running his hand through his hair. "i thought she was gonna get mad."
"she didn't?" charles asked, surprised at the revelation. he knew if he had said that to her, he would on the next flight, any flight, out of the country.
"no," carlos grimaced, as if reliving that moment. "i thought she would, to be honest, her mood swings are wild this week but she didn't. she just stared at me for a minute before walking away."
"woah," charles nodded, not knowing what to say. "that feels worse."
"yes, especially because i think i made her cry," carlos admitted with a frown, fiddling with his fingers. "i hate it when she cries because she hates it when she cries. something about her feeling overdramatic for crying at every single overwhelming thing, even though i tell her that it's okay. it's just those hormones. she hates crying and this pregnancy is really challenging that and i think i made her cry this morning. she was just excited to tell me about our baby and i unintentionally and indirectly called her stupid."
"you're stupid," charles immediately said, looking at carlos with an incredulous look on his face. "i feel bad for her. i mean, i know that she's mean sometimes and she yells at us when we're being stupid but her crying feels, i don't know, wrong."
"yeah," carlos sighed, standing up and nodded towards the direction of the master bedroom. "i better go and try to talk to her. you'll be okay in the guest room, no?"
"yes, i will be, thank you," charles smiled at his friends before making his way towards the guest bedroom, leaving carlos in the living room.
the man sighed, switching off the tv that played a random movie before he turned off the lights, making his way towards their bedroom.
he paused in the front of the door, his hand lingering on the handle before he pushed it open carefully, thinking that she was already asleep. his eyes took a few seconds to adjust in the dark as he moved blindly towards the bed, reaching for any furniture in his vicinity. he tried his best not to make any noise as he moved as y/n was asleep not even three feet away from him and he would not have her any more mad at him.
he finally found himself by the edge of bed and quickly got in after discarding his t-shirt and pulled the covers over him. he didn't dare move, in fear of waking her up. he knew that it was sometimes difficult for her to fall asleep, always one thing not being right, sometimes it would be the pillow and the other times it would be the texture of the bedsheets against her skin. he had found her in the living room all by herself at three in the morning too many times to count. so, whenever she finally fell asleep, he would do his best not to wake her up.
he sighed, feeling weird, not having her right against him as they both slept. instead she was there, all over her own side of the bed, a good few inches between them.
carlos couldn't take it anymore, he'd gotten used to having her lay next to him, her arms around him while his rested on her stomach, tracing random patterns. with a swift movement, he reached across the bed and pulled her towards him, whispering a soft 'sorry'.
y/n exhaled deeply, her hands unconsciously going around carlos as she shifted to get more comfortable against him.
"this doesn't mean i forgot what you said this morning," y/n's voice spoke, barely above a whisper but carlos heard it loud and clear.
"i'm sorry, hermosa," carlos kissed her forehead, moving to place kisses down her face, sighing softly. "forgive me?"
"you know, i already do," y/n whispered, holding his hand that rested on her stomach. "i'm sorry, i was being overdramatic earlier."
"no, no, no," carlos rushed to correct her, holding his face in her hands as he shook his head. "you were not being overdramatic. you just wanted to share something about our baby with me and i said something stupid and made you cry. i'm sorry."
"technically, these stupid pregnancy hormones made me cry," y/n answered, a slight giggle escaping her making carlos chuckle.
"i love you," carlos sighed, pulling me her impossibly closer to him. "so fucking much."
"i love you so much more," y/n turned head and pulled herself up so she could plant a kiss on his lips, smiling slightly when he pulled her back into another one. "you're the best."
"i think you confused yourself with me, sweetheart."
"of course i did," y/n laid her head back on the pillow, her hands fiddling with carlos' fingers. she couldn't help but feel her heart swell up with love for her fiancé and for her baby, who would be soon joining them.
she stayed there, for god knows how long, thinking of her perfect family before she turned her head towards carlos, not really seeing his face in the dark. with the way he was breathing evenly, the fact that he had not spoken in minutes and the hand that had been tracing shapes on the exposed skin of her stomach laid limp, she reckoned he fell asleep. and even though he was asleep and couldn't hear her, she couldn't help but say it one last time.
"i love you, so fucking much."
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yesimwriting · 5 days
Okay, so, secretly pining best friends with Logan! Very fun! Loved it!
But also, adults do have "sleepovers," (too tired/drunk/late to drive home, so you crash overnight on the couch) and depending on the dynamic of your friendship, can actually be a little taste of what domestic life would be like together. Just. Sitting together quietly, winding down from a good day, then getting ready for bed when one of you decides it's time to be A Responsible Adult and get a decent night's sleep (you're not kids anymore, after all. Sleep is important).
Waking up in the morning, knowing your best friend is here. Quietly making breakfast together, laughing over how sleepy you both are before coffee, lightly teasing each other over bed head and morning breath. Doing your morning routines together, pointing out stupid shit in the news or bitching over work emails, just drawing out the time before you have to get ready to face the real world.
Imagine Logan being one of those sleepy bear types who grumbles until he fully wakes up, who's soft and warm and domestic when he's with someone he trusts. Also, I imagine that if you tease him about needing to shave in the morning, he'd be the type to chase you down and rub his scruffy face on you in revenge, which is basically how a scruffy guy marks you as his. (His best friend? His potential future partner? No, just his in general.)
a/n yes, a hundred percent yes to all of this
The soft glow of the bedside lamp has transported you into another world. A universe made up of the faint scent of detergent and the feel of warm bedding beneath your fingertips.
You blink. There's no reason to feel as drowsy as you do, not when Logan's spent the last ten minutes scolding you. Still, though, something about sitting at the foot of his bed makes it easy to give into your lingering haze. It'd be easy to fall asleep like this.
"Don't," the instruction is flat, "Stay awake."
His back is still to you, which means there's no harm in openly frowning. "I am."
Logan's sigh is nearly masked by the gentle groan of a drawer being pushed shut. He turns around, expression still pinched but much less irritated than before. "Barely." You part your lips, some nonsensical protest waiting on the tip of your tongue, but Logan beats you to it, "Here."
He's extending an arm, a piece of fabric clutched loosely between his fingers. You blink again, this time focusing on the weight of your eyelids. The gesture is such a sharp contrast from his earlier attitude, you're nearly overwhelmed by your whiplash.
You stand before accepting the T-shirt. "Thought you were mad at me."
He lets out a breath, the sound sharp enough to constitute a warning. "I'm not--" His gaze shifts towards the ground. "You should have called me."
This again. "I was fine." His eyebrows draw together with the same level of offense that he used when you first presented this argument. "And I wasn't even alone, I was with Jean and Scott." He scoffs. "And you said to call you if anything went wrong, and nothing did."
Logan walks forward slowly, his steps measured until he's close enough to fully deteriorate your already fragile train of thought. In an attempt to regain control, you lift your head to look him in the eye. He frowns as he raises a hand, his fingers coming to rest beneath your chin.
He's careful as he tilts your head back. There's a weight to his silence. "You're drunk." All you can think to do is blink. He's known this, it's the main reason he's been lecturing you since the couple that graciously allowed you to third wheel all night dropped you off. "You're unreliable."
"Not that drunk."
The correction doesn't ease him. He studies you for another long moment before releasing you with a tired sigh. Maybe you should take it easy on him. It's not his fault he has the heart and patience of someone that's lived two centuries. You sigh. "Fine, next time I go out, I'll wake you up to come get me, even if I'm totally okay."
He ignores your sarcasm with expert ease. "Knew you'd get it, Princess."
You squeeze the T-shirt's fabric between your fingers in an attempt to ignore the warmth threatening to crawl up your neck. "I'm full of understanding."
"Yeah," he mumbles flatly, turning away from you as he walks towards his bed. You watch him with an openness that a more sober you would have never gotten away with. Logan had come to the door in a pair of loose sweats and no shirt. It had been easy to ignore his appearance when you were still in the giggly stages of being drunk. "Go change."
An instinctual desire to argue almost has you protesting, but you are tired of your going out clothes. And the thought of getting to pass out in Logan's bed for a few hours isn't exactly unappealing.
You pull the T-shirt over your head. Logan says your name, but you're too focused on adjusting the hemline to react. The shirt's large enough to cover most of your upper thigh, falling only an inch or two above the dress you're wearing. You slip the dress's straps off of your shoulders before reaching beneath the shirt's loose fabric. You tug at the dress's zipper before slipping the material down your legs.
You pick up the discarded fabric, folding the dress before placing it on top of Logan's dresser. He's uncharacteristically quiet as you approach the available side of his bed. "You seem tired."
He leans towards his nightstand, arm stretching outwards to turn of his bedside lamp. His eyes settle on some point a little past your shoulder. "Not all of us are 20-somethings that can stay up all night."
It's a teasing comment, likely an attempt at preemptively limiting your usual 10 to 15 minutes of yapping before actually attempting to fall asleep, but it digs at you. Jean was the one that insisted on letting Logan babysit you, you wanted to let him sleep. "I didn't want to wake you up."
Logan shifts, his bent leg nearly brushing against yours. "I wasn't asleep," the words are low, careful, "But if I had been--you wake me up." He pauses. "I'd rather that than know you're walking around drunk and looking like that."
An uneasy heat spreads through your chest. You focus on the bedding pooled over your lap. Like that--the kind of comment that'd usually have you insulting the person making it for attempted slut shaming. But Logan's voice is too distant for you to find any insult in it, even in a teasing context.
You bend fabric between your fingers, pressing the nail of your thumb into the material. You nod once.
He shifts towards you, his warmth becoming impossible to ignore beneath shared bedding. "I sleep better like this anyway."
The words are uncharacteristically soft, almost cautious. You lean into the feeling of them, allowing your back to relax against a pillow.
You've shared a bed with Logan before, usually after hanging out with him a little too late and once on a mission where you had to pretend to be recently engaged to avoid blowing your cover. It's not exactly common, but you know how he sleeps enough to know that he's not exaggerating. As soon as he's asleep, he loses the ability to be aware of personal space, an arm across your waist and chin pressed into your shoulder.
"Considering the way you take up the entire bed, I'm sure."
He exhales, the sound more pointed than it needs to be. "You steal blankets."
You scoff. "That's so not true." The corner of his mouth pulls itself upwards, the look much too triumphant. What a lame argument--you don't steal blankets, you're not given a chance to. As soon as Logan's on you, it's nearly impossible to move. "Like I can steal blankets out from under your adamantium skeleton."
Logan tilts his head, eyes narrowing in a way that promises nothing good. "You're saying I'm heavy."
Well, when framed like that, anything can sound rude. "No." You press your lips together to keep from laugh. "I"m saying your skeleton is literally made of metal..." You straighten in an attempt to make yourself focus. "...And metal is--" Your mental hold slips, a soft laugh tumbling past your lips as you try to think of a politically correct way to make your point. "...Heavy."
He leans forward, his knee brushing against your leg. There's a tact to his movement, a deliberateness better suited for the violence of the outside world. A warning, you realize, a moment too late.
Logan shifts his weight. You laugh as his hands find a place on each of your shoulders. "That's the same thing."
Helplessly, you press a palm against his chest. Your halfhearted protests do nothing to sway him. You laugh again, elbow pressing into the mattress in an attempt to steady yourself. Logan moves a hand to the back of your head before letting the brunt of his weight fall onto you.
You let out a sound halfway between a laugh and a squeal as you're pushed down. Your head hits the pillow, but the suddenness of the motion doesn't hurt. His forearm is resting near your head, turning him into more of an implication than an actual force capable of crushing you.
You let yourself smile openly. For someone that's always willing to remind you of his age, he has no problem acting like a child. Your lips part, but the laugh attempting to crawl up your throat dies before it can slip out.
Logan's watching you, his eyebrows drawn together in a way you can't interpret. His warmth, the feel of him against you, all of it, loses its humor.
He stays like that for what could be awhile, or no time at all. Then, Logan shifts, his arm moving away from the side of your head. Before you can overthink the change, he's resting his head against your upper stomach.
He's--there's never been this much openness about physical contact. Sure, you guys are comfortable with each other, with you having no issue resting your head against his shoulder during movies or reaching for his hand after a particularly rough mission, but that's--that's usually you.
You force yourself to recover, focusing on your breathing to keep from outing yourself. With the kind of care you'd use to keep from scaring off a skittish stray, you move a hand towards his back. He briefly stiffens as you drag your fingers against his skin, but after a second, he exhales. "You're like a house cat."
You feel Logan's sigh more than you hear it. "I'm not answering that." That's okay. You're happy enough without his validation.
Things stay quiet, and you slip further into the realm between sleep and consciousness. "You--you're um--okay, right?" The question is stiff, maybe even a little awkward. You're so close to sleep, you can't bring yourself to get what he's asking. "Comfortable?"
You're glad to not have to hide your smile. "Yeah," you mumble, voice distant, "It's nice."
You're not sure what you're referencing, but Logan doesn't ask, so you decide it doesn't really matter.
The light is a tangible thing, felt against your skin before you can squint your eyes open to see it.
You shift, noting the dull ache of your head as you lift your hand to wipe at your face. Wait.
It comes back to you all at once--the drinking, the after drinking, Logan.
You open your eyes fully. It's instinct to shift, but it's nearly impossible to do much more than lift your head. Logan's asleep, his head resting against your ribs and arm draped over your waist. How did you not notice this?
It would make sense for Logan to be a light sleeper. Even when he's at ease, he never seems fully settled in the feeling. So you're careful as you move, head turning as you try to look at him.
Logan's breathing loses its consistency before you can fully embrace the privacy. His fingers press into your hip so briefly you almost convince yourself the contact is only a product of your early morning haze.
He moves onto his back, palm brushing against your shirt as he leaves you. "Morning, princess."
There's something comforting about hearing his voice first thing in the morning. "Good morning." The words are a little raspier than you thought they'd be, difficult to force out around your hazy discomfort.
The corner of Logan's mouth pulls itself upwards. "I thought 20-somethings didn't get hangovers."
You roll your eyes. There are a lot of aspects of Logan's personality that warrant old man jokes, but his alcohol tolerance isn't one of them. You roll onto your side, propping your head up on one elbow. "I'm not hungover."
The almost-smile grows into something more assured. You let yourself enjoy the easiness of it. "Sure you're not, bub." The response is so warm you have to work at keeping your halfhearted pout.
Logan shifts, the mattress dipping as he sits up. "C'mon." He turns his head, looking at you from over his shoulder. "You'll feel better after you eat something."
The mention of food makes you aware of a hollowness you hadn't yet noticed. The thought of breakfast feels perfectly settling. You sit up with a smile, swinging your legs over the side of the bed. "You're not gonna make me eat weird hangover cures, are you?"
He pushes himself to stand. "You're going to have to take that chance."
There's no humor in his tone, and his back is to you so you can't read his expression, but something tells you it's safe to follow him out of his room, anyway.
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Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddie just really got on your nerves today.
Warnings: smut, light spanking. A little mocking. Hope I didn't forget anything.
A/n: Not proofread
18+ minors dni
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"You know you're really fucking annoying sometimes" you bit your lip, trying to hold back a moan.
You were so frustrated with him today. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction that his cock was making you feel as good as it was right now. It was difficult to hold it back. You won't lie. You just wanted to scream and call out his name. You wanted to moan so loud your neighbors heard you again.
"Oh yeah, baby? What else?" Eddie cooed and started to laugh slightly. He kept thrusting his cock harder in your pussy. He gave a powerful thrust that toppled you over. "Tell me how much I annoy you while your cunt is making a mess all over me."
Your bodies were making the most pornographic noises. It was all skin slapping against skin as his cock glided in and out of your pussy. You heard him groan low and mutter under his breath about how tight you are.
"You're such an asshole." You complained more while he laughed louder behind you. his grip on your hips tightening the more you talked shit to him. "You're always picking with me."
"Oooh! you suck my cock with that filthy little mouth?" He taunted as he rolled his hips just right causing your breath to hitch. Eddie didn't care about that last part, you said to him.
You were right he does pick, but it's always in good light-hearted fun. It's not his fault you were in a bitchy attitude today. He had the urge to ask if you would be starting your period soon, but he decided he enjoyed living too much. He kept that dangerous thought to himself. He wasn't stupid. Annoying sometimes, yes, but not stupid.
Eddie knew he was getting on your nerves today, but he just kept poking at you and poking at you. He wouldn't leave you alone. He loved that scowl and cute little pout on your fact too much to stop. until you finally snapped. his attempts at humor and overall not taking anything you say seriously really got under your skin.
now he has you on your hands and knees in your bedroom plunging his cock deeper and deeper inside you. your walls hugging around him so tight. Your back arched, and your ass went up higher, allowing him to hit all the right spots on your sensitive walls. He's watching the way your body reacted to him. Despite your obvious annoyances. That was enough to make him cum on the spot. He loved it.
You, on the other hand, just couldn't shut your mouth. You kept giving him a piece of your mind. You couldn't really pinpoint what he did exactly that pissed you off. He is just on your nerves today.
Eddie knew it, too. He loved it when you got a little annoyed with him or angry. He would let you get all your frustrations out while he fucked the attitude right out you. That was his goal for today, but he just couldn't resist teasing you a little bit more.
"Awe, is that it, though? I'm just an asshole?" He mocked while pumping his cock in your pussy relentlessly. your sensitive walls clenching around him, forcing him to grunt. His skin is coated in a thin sheen of sweat.
"A dick a really big dick." You kept fussing at him, but when he started hitting that spot on your walls, your mind went blank for a moment. You pressed your forehead to the bed, whimpering.
"Yea, yea, I know my dick is big now what else?." Eddie rolled his eyes. His tone is riddled with sarcasm. Every time you threw an insult at him his cock just went in rougher. He was continuously taunting you. "Keep'em comin, sweetheart."
"n-no....you're just a really bi--" you gasp as his hand came down to deliver a good harsh slap to your ass, shutting you up instantly.
"I'm just a what baby? what was that?" Eddie chuckled and slapped your ass hard again. your silence was enough to earn you a cocky chuckle from him.
"thought so." He mumbled, and his pace increased to the point that you couldn't even remember what you mad at him for now.
"Don't mock me!" You pouted and pushed your hips back against him. You didn't remember what you were mad about. that wasn't going to stop you from trying to fuss at him.
"Can't handle it?" Eddie bit his lip and shook his head. He's waiting for you to look back at him so he can see that bottom lip wobble.
You won't give him that satisfaction of that. Not yet, at least. He wants to have you begging and crying by the end of this. He wants to hear you begging and pleading to let you cum. He craves to see crying on his cock while filling you up with all of his cum.
He sighed, and his tone was more stern than playful. "So ya gonna bitch some more or you gonna shut up and take my cock like a good girl?"
All you could was groan in annoyance and let a quiet little whimper. His stern voice gives you goosebumps all over your body.
Instead of you talking back you focused on how his cock was making you feel so full. The way it rubbed on your g-spot with every thrust. Or how it felt when he first split you open. the way he struggled a little to make it all fit. He always knew how to shut you up when you got in one of these little moods. Yet you could never deny having his cock. No matter how much he got on your last nerve.
Eddies pace became more frantic. Your pussy was dripping all over his balls. He groans so loud when you push back on him again. his hips slamming against your ass hard, it caused a ripple effect. your complaints now were replaced with moans. You're fisting and clawing at the sheets. whatever you were mad at him for has long been forgotten now. Whatever it was he did wasn't even important at this very moment anymore.
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m00nh1gh · 9 months
Lee Know x reader
Your boyfriend is good at making you mad, especially when he keeps talking with his particularly beautiful coworker at a business dinner.
Contains: Spanking, fingering, multiple (2) orgasms, Minho is a piece of shit, subtle mentions of squirting, dacryphilia.
Word count: 2.4k.
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You bitterly sipped on your wine as you stared at your boyfriend in front of you, talking with one of his coworkers. She was beautiful and he was smiling at her the whole time. Your legs were crossed and one of your feet was so close to Minho's leg. You'd been wanting to give him a little kick for a while now to grab his attention.
But, you decided to stay calm and as professional as you could be, given that you weren't even an employee of the company your boyfriend worked in, you only agreed to accompany him because he'd been clinging onto you the whole day. Yet, he wasn't even talking to you, and instead, he was having a seemingly fun conversation with the girl next to him, who'd been biting her lower lip a little too much tonight.
You weren't mad at Minho. You knew he loved you, but it was so clear that the girl next to him wanted your man and he didn't seem to get the hint. She was the problem. You wondered why you didn't sit next to him. Instead, you were seated next to his boss and another coworker. They made boring jokes and the boss’ hand brushed against your arm too much to your liking. Maybe you were both in the same boat, after all.
You sighed in relief when Minho finally looked at you and smiled sweetly. You returned it rather unenthusiastically, and he raised an eyebrow. He stood from his seat and he excused himself to the bathroom. Not wanting to further force your laugh at his boss’ rather misogynistic jokes, you followed him and waited outside the door with crossed arms.
You heard the muffled sounds of water running, and you guessed Minho would come out soon. You tapped your finger on your arm, not because you were impatient, but because you were in deep thought about the way the girl kept tugging at your boyfriend's sleeve to keep his attention on her.
“Y/n? You didn't stay at the table?”
You looked at Minho as he wiped his hands on his trousers. He was looking at you with a surprised expression. He didn't expect you to be waiting for him here.
“Is everything alright?
- Can I switch places with the girl next to you?
- Why?” He furrowed his brows a little and you stared at him, dumbfounded.
“She's been flirting with you and touching you the whole night.
- My boss has been doing the same with you and I didn't plan on saying anything about it.
- But I'm talking about it. I don't wanna have your boss’ hand on me and I don't want to see that girl all up on you the whole night.
- Are you mad at me?
- No?” It was now your turn to furrow your brows. You weren't sure if he was just teasing you, and you weren't mad, truly. But, if he kept talking like that, you might be.
“You don't trust me? You haven't seen how I've not been returning her suggestive glances all along?
- I trust you, Minho. I just want to be next to you.”
He grabbed your wrist to pull you closer to him and now you were angry. How could he assume your mood and to add fuel to the starting fire in you? You could very well just go back home at that point.
“Talk to me when you don't have that attitude anymore or I'll make sure to do something about it,” he said at a low volume just for you to hear, as if you were in a crowded room.
He let go of your wrist and you followed him back to the table just to grab your coat and make up a lie to leave. You didn't even share a glance with Minho, you completely ignored him and you called a taxi since he had the keys to the car.
Oh, if he dared to talk to you like that again when he'd come back, you'd slap him across the face. No regrets.
Once you were home, you stormed into your bedroom to change into your nightgown, not even bothering to take your makeup off. You only wanted to sleep, to forget that woman who stole all of your boyfriend's attention. You also wanted to forget about him for a while.
“He's the one with an attitude!” You said out loud in a sudden outburst of frustration and you kicked the bed sheets off of you. You turned the lights off and you fell asleep with a visible frown on your face.
“Why'd you leave like that?” Was the first thing you heard when Minho turned the lights on, making you groan and hide your face with your arm.
“Fuck, Minho. I was sleeping,” you complained, but he didn't seem to feel empathy about it.
“I don't fucking care, you made everyone think that I'm not good to you. You were seriously mad about the girl?” When you finally opened your eyes, he was still standing by the door with his arms crossed and the sleeves of his button-up shirt rolled up.
“If you keep talking to me like that, then I'll start thinking you're not good to me either.
- Oh, really?” He shut the door before walking over to you. You were still lying on the bed, so he leaned down to properly look you in the eyes. “You wanna try it out? Fucking make me mad and you'll see how bad I can be.”
Oh, right now wasn't the time to be turned on. But his clenched jaw and sharp eyes just above you made you shift uncomfortably in your position and you shifted your gaze away from him in shame.
“Look at me,” he snapped his fingers to grab your attention back and you looked up at him with big eyes, empty of any defiance they had before. You hated how shy he could make you because that meant he'd always have the last word with you. But he radiated dominance, especially when he was annoyed like this.
“You see how stupid it was to start all this? I'm not in another woman's bedroom right now. I already told you I don't give a fuck about anyone else but you. I'm the one who has to make sure you're not being stolen away from me. Haven't you seen how all my coworkers looked at you? Probably not, mmh?” He was stroking your cheek slowly and it made you shiver. “That's just how good I am to you. I make sure you stay with me and that no man can touch you.”
You batted your eyes at him without any answer. He was hard to read. You didn't know how serious he was, but it made you squeeze your legs together. He leaned further down so his lips would only ghost over yours before he whispered to you:
“I can tell you're turned on right now. I'm not giving it to you tonight. Brats like you don't deserve to get dick.
- Min!” You whined in protest, but he only scoffed before straightening up. He walked over to the full-length mirror, undoing his tie and carelessly throwing it to the floor. From the reflection of the mirror, he could see you were now on your knees on the bed, waiting in silence for him and he raised an eyebrow at you as he undid buttons of his shirt after having untucked it from his pants.
“What? I told you, I'm not fucking you tonight.
- Please.
- You have to learn to talk better with me. You can't just get anything you want like that. Besides, it's late.
- I'm sorry, I- I was just insecure. Please, Min, I need you,” he loved seeing you desperate like this and he did want to fuck you, but he also wanted to stand by what he told you.
He didn't bother to undress further before walking back to the bed and your eyes filled with hope.
“I want you on all fours. Take your panties off.”
You almost immediately obliged and your panties were eagerly tossed to the floor before you did as he asked, lifting your silky dress just a little so he could get a good view of your ass and already wet pussy.
“Look how easy it is to be a good girl,” he softly rubbed your ass before giving it a firm spank, making you yelp and bury your face into the pillow to muffle your whines. He lifted your dress further up with both hands. He was slow at doing it and it tickled your skin. He was on the bed too now, just behind you and his thigh was just against yours.
“But you know you still got to do better, right?” He soothed the spot he had just slapped as he kissed your shoulder too before leaning away again and giving more attention to the lower part of your body.
“You can and will be satisfied with my fingers only. You don't need more,” he slid one finger along your folds, spreading your wetness all over your pussy as he found your sensitive clit. You moaned into the pillow in desperation while he roughly rubbed it, his other hand squeezing your ass before spanking it again and easing the pain by stroking the reddening skin.
You were already whining loudly and squirming, trying to get away from his hands to stop yourself from cumming already. He tutted at you and slipped a finger into you to make you stay where you were and a sob escaped your mouth. He curled it to reach your g-spot and you bent your knees a little more to the pleasure before going back to your initial position to bury your face in the pillow again. He was going so fast already and your ass stung due to the slaps he landed on it.
“Min, please,” you tried speaking, but you were so unable to talk properly that your words got stuck in your throat.
“Shh, baby. It's alright. I'll make you cum, don't worry,” he added another finger to add precision to his actions, his free hand snaking down your lower abdomen to find your clit. You shook under his touch and you could feel you were close; you felt as if you were going to pee, which made you sob a little louder. You were completely writhing and Minho savored every second of it, the sounds of your moans and the squelch of his fingers working on your pussy making him smirk and lick his lower lip.
“You close? Gonna be good and cum for me? You can do that, right?”
You moaned loudly in response, he could feel you clench around his fingers and right when you were going to go over the edge, he removed his hands from you, making you cry in frustration and reach for his hand. You were literally so close to orgasming that you figured if you made the slightest move, you'd cum without him even touching you. You heard him laughing behind you and he lowered his head to your aching pussy to blow at your clit, making you fall apart and moan uncontrollably.
“Fuck!” You sobbed as your arms and legs shook, they would soon give in and you'd fall flat on the bed. But, before that could happen, Minho turned you around and your back hit the mattress instead of your chest and you were met with his almost evil smile.
“Aww, look at you. Your makeup’s all smeared, baby,” he wiped your tears with his thumb. “Why are you crying? Not satisfied?”
You weakly wrapped your hands around his arms to pull him closer and he trailed his lips from your cheek to your lips, his tongue occasionally tangling with yours as a hand subtly made its way back to your swollen pussy.
You gasped and your whole body shook when he pinched your clit, making him redirect his kisses to the corner of your lips. You could feel his smile and he pressed his thumb against the sensitive bud, slowly rubbing it.
“Min, ‘m too sensi- ah,” you choked out a moan and your legs closed around his wrist. Nonetheless, he continued what he was doing and he shook his head as he pulled away from you.
“Gonna make sure you sleep after this. You can handle it.
- No, I can't,” your eyes got watery again and he spread your legs forcefully. It was safe to say that his dick was throbbing in his pants, craving you, but his self-control was crazy. He'd just have to go jerk off in the bathroom while thinking back at your tear-stained face, your dripping pussy and at the way you clenched around his fingers. He'd be satisfied with only this.
“You gonna cry again? My baby's too sensitive? Too bad she's been disrespectful with me. Now she has to live with the consequences,” you weren't even listening to what he was saying. One sentence entered by one ear and directly left from the other. You were spasming with every time he'd touch you at a certain spot, then you'd let a moan and a sob escape your mouth as he pinched your nipple through your dress.
“I like seeing you like this,” he captured your lips with his, biting softly on the lower one from time to time. It was fast for your second orgasm to build up and this time he didn't want to ruin it.
- I know, I know,” your nails dug into the skin of his arms, probably leaving marks that would leave after a few minutes. He hadn't fingered you, he'd only been abusing your clit the whole time and it felt just as good as anything he could've done to you. In fact, you'd never been crying like this during intimate times.
“I'm gonna… Gonna- ah-
- Go on,” he buried his face into the crook of your neck, putting more pressure on your clit, making you shake and squirm again, but this time you were way louder. Your back arched as much as it could, your chest was pressed hard against his and he guided you through your second (and last) orgasm of the night.
You were a panting mess. He stayed close to you for a few minutes so you could both organize your thoughts in your heads and he left one last kiss on your neck before pulling himself away from you with an apologetic smile.
“I'm sorry I made you mad, baby,” he put a strand of your hair behind your ear and your eyes fluttered closed. “You should go to the bathroom before sleeping, okay? I'll help you take off your makeup.”
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kissforyouu · 9 months
making a sanrio bento box for your boyfriend ! ♡
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pairing : jungkook x sanrio girl!oc
genre : fluff
a/n : happy new year!! hope you guys have a wonderful year ahead ❤️
i wanna know, know, know, know,
what is love?! ♡ !! (๛ ˘ ³˘)۶
you were so excited. so excited that you could run a marathon, have a dance battle, binge watch 10 dramas and study a whole semester in one night. you have all the energy in the world right now.
for the past 2 weeks, all you've been seeing on the tiktok is women making cute little bento boxes for their partners. and you just KNEW that you had to make one for your boyfriend. it's a must. they looked so freaking out your heart literally fluttered at the mere thought of making one for your boyfriend and seeing his reaction.
so now here you were, in front of your kitchen island, preparing your boyfriend's lunch box. the box was just plain steel (boring!) with no design or anything else. it suits jungkook. but you were gonna personalise it according to your likings. you don't think jungkook would get mad anyways. he'd find it rather cute.
currently, you were placing all the tiny fried shrimp in the lunchbox, also making sure to pin cute hello kitty and flower toothpicks on it. you also put a little mini container with some sauce in. for the main proportion, you decided to just make a cute hello kitty sandwich. truth is, jungkook was just going to his aunt's house to see his little cousin. a lunch box wasn't even necessary, but you wanted to do it anyway. you made sure to make it look extra cute so that jungkook's cousins would want a bite too!
closing the sandwich and placing it inside, you also sprinkle some rainbow sprinkles around the sandwich. oh my god, so cute! (you want to eat it now)
the lunchbox was turning out pretty cute and really really pretty. there were flower shaped dragon fruit inside alongside another small container of sprinkles and raspberries.
you're having so much fun by just cutting these fruits into little shapes.
"AH!" you let out a big scream, you're startled. obviously there's only one culprit. jungkook. he pinched your waist.
"baby, what is wrong with you?" you send him a small glare, turning back to continue your work.
"what's this?" jungkook takes a step further to stand next to you, his head hovering over yours to look at the food.
"ugh, i wanted to surprise you with this." you pout, leaning your head towards jungkook's shoulders. he snorts, humming.
"it's fine, i like seeing you cook anyway."
"it's already cooked! i'm just putting it all together!" you whine, completely annoyed by his sudden appearance.
"tssk, come on, baby." jungkook leans forward to rest his forearms on the table, head turned to you. he tries to sneakily sneak a piece of dragon fruit in his mouth but fails. laughing out, he still munches on the fruit, making your eyebrows frown.
"jungkook! you're so annoying!" your lips formed to a big fat pout, eyebrows raised as you playfully slapped jungkook's back.
it was clear to jungkook that you just wanted to surprise him with the bento box and that he ruined all of your plans by checking on you. but it was so cute. he was watching you from afar earlier, finding it completely endearing and adorable how you were so focused and just in your little bubble. he was so in love.
"no, you love me." he teases back.
"no, i hate you. you're a very annoying man." you roll your eyes, going back to your work while jungkook snickers.
"that's not what you say in bed though. oh my god, jungkook! i'm yours! i wanna cum!" he snickers.
"hey!" you slap his back again. jungkook dramatically clutches his heart, making exaggerated noises. "don't do that." you glare.
"yes, ma'am."
he couldn't help but smile, enjoying this sweet moment to the fullest. for the rest of the time, jungkook stays fully quiet, just letting you have your fun meanwhile he's just admiring you. here and there, he would sneak his arm around your waist to tickle you a little and make you shriek or rub your ass a little.
currently, he had his chin on your shoulder, arms on each side of you on the table. you were taking an awfully long time finishing off this little lunchbox.
"done yet?" he groans. you hum a small no. jungkook whines back.
"i'm finishing off the last bit, wait."
jungkook nods, letting go of your body and sitting on the table instead, right next to the lunchbox.
"you look so pretty." he coos, the tip of his toes poking your waist.
"ew! get your dogs away, jungkook!" you can't help but giggle as you poke his feet.
"no, they wanna touch you. my toes love you sooo much."
"ewwww, i didn't know you liked feet!" you laugh.
"yeah? wanna try it out next time?" he jokes.
"no! what the fuck?! that's nasty!" your face turns sour, vigoursly shaking your head from side to side.
"joking! joking!" he pokes his tongue out.
"very funny. but anyways, i'm done." you hold out cute bento box for him to see with a bright smile on your face.
jungkook giggles, jumping off the table and bringing you into a hug. you place the bento box on the table and hug him back, letting the big man make you completely disappear in his embrace.
"thank you, i love you." he kisses the side of your head, then temple.
"hey!" you grab the collar of his hoodie before he pulls away, then point at your lips.
he scrunches his nose in reaction to your actions, "of course."
your body pulls you closer by holding your face with both his hands, connecting your lips for a sweet kiss.
"oh my god, i forgot something!" you mumble in the middle of the kiss. jungkook pulls away, letting you wander off to wherever again. you run to your room, pulling out one of your pink sticky notes and a pen.
"what're you doing?" your boyfriend trails behind you, curious to see what you were doing.
"i'm writing you a note."
"lemme see." he places his hands on your hips to have a peek but you quickly shoo him away.
"read it when you eat it."
"anyways, i'm done." you interrupt the poor man. he opens his mouth to say something, but stops. instead, he ruffles your hair.
once you're done assembling everything together, and also folding the sticky paper and making a heart out of it, you wrap everything in a serviette and hand it over to jungkook.
"okay, byebye. eat it with your cousin, okay? tell him i missed him!" you pat his cheek.
"of course, baby. bye, i love you." he kisses your lips one more time with a small squeeze to your waist.
"kookie!" jungkook's cousin jumps on his back, super excited that his very much older brother is back to see him again.
"hey, buddy!" he squeezes him in his embrace, delivering a small kiss to the child's cheek.
"you wanna eat something?" he playfully punches the kid in the stomach.
"you remember y/n? she made this for us. you know, she told me to tell you that she missed you."
"yes, kookie! the pretty lady you brought with you." the tips of the little boy's ears turn into a deep shade of pink at the thought of you. once jungkook notices this, he laughs, pinching the little boy's ear.
"you like her?"
"y‐yeah..." he shyly admits.
"okay, i'll bring her with me next time, hm?"
the kid's eyes instantly lit up as he excitedly jumps up, arms in the air.
"let's eat this for now."
the little note you wrote had been in jungkook's mind the entire ride and he's so eager to finally open the food up and read what you wrote. sure, it was just a small note. but jungkook loved these kind of things. it was the little actions that mattered the most to him. he loved it whenever you showed your love through little things like this. it was so much more than just little for him.
once the little starts to happily munch of some of the fruit, jungkook quickly picks up the little note. he carefully opens it up, excited. it amazed him how he would get excited over the smallest things you'd do.
once he reads the notes, he swears he's never been more in love. there's a big fat smile on his face.
✉⤷ you're the only one for me. ♡
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taglist : @fungie2332 @wintertxt @wheexine @hyunjinswifeee @ohsweetmimosa @canyon-lwt
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emyladia · 5 months
I want you back... | L. Nr
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pairing : lando norris x f!reader
summary : you and lando had broke up a few months ago and you're just now moving on. Or so you thought... 'Cause that was before he decide to text you.
genre : fluff, slightly angst ?
warning : cursing, pretty sure that's all
a/n : I just loooove writting about lando. This is kinda shitty but it was fun to write hope you'll enjoy it ! Anyways taking request if you want.
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You were fine, of course the break up has been really tough for you but now you could say it loud and proud : you were over it.
What a lie...
All it took was a damn text for your world to fall into piece again.
It was 3 AM when you screen lit up, and now that single word was making you completly crazy.
What the hell ? Why would he be texting you ? Maybe a wrong number ? Was he drunk ?
Your head was just a huge mess at the moment, that's probably because of that that you decided to answer. You clearly wouldn't have if you were in your plain consciousness.
At least that's what you were trying to convinced you.
"Hey" You text back.
"It's been a while" He answered in less than a minute.
"WTF lando ?" You couldn't help but send, this wasn't making any sense.
He was the one to broke up with you, and he hadn't even try to contact you the past months. Why would he texts you ? And why now when you were finally moving on ?
"I miss you"
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You had turn off your phone after this text.
Like what were you supposed to say ? That you too you were missing him ? That in fact you were missing him so damn much it was hurting you ? That you were missing him so bad that sometimes you were calling your male friends by his name ?
You just couldn't answered that.
You were having lunch with your a few friends, yet the text just wouldn't leave your mind.
You had basically stared at it the whole morning.
"Hey, you're okay y/n ?" One of your friend asked.
"Oh yeah sorry I was just lost in my thoughts" You tried to brush it off, chuckling a little.
"You seem a bit off today, no offense but we've barely heard you" Another one of your friend spoke with a concern look on her face.
They were all nodding, as you sighed.
You should probably just told them, theywere your closest friends and it's not like you could keep that to yourself anyway.
"Lando texted me" You blurted out looking down.
A loud silence followed your confession as you saw all their eyes widened in shock.
"I'm sorry WHAT ?" One of them finally spoke.
"Lando in like LANDO ?" Another continued.
And they all followed, throwing questions at you.
You showed them the conversation, way easier and they all gasped at the last text.
"What are you gonna do ? You should probably block him" Your friend said, they seemed tp all agree.
"Yeah I should do that" You nodded.
They were probably right, that was the best things to do. They were the one who had picked you up piece by piece when Lando broke up with you.
You were gonna do just that, blocked him and he would be out of your life forever.
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God you were so weak.
When you went home and were about to block him another text illuminated your screen.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that, you're not mad are you ?"
You swear your fingers had just moved on their own.
"I'm not mad, I was just busy sorry" You replied, and you knew you had fucked up, that needed to stop and yet you were encouraging him.
"I'm so relieved to hear that ! How you're doing ?"
Damn why was he answering so fast.
"Just casual life nothing too entertaining, you ?"
"Pretty much the same"
It was gonna be fine, it was a simple discussion between two young adults. Nothing to worry about.
"The paddock feels empty without you" He added.
Shit. This wasn't fine at all.
"Is that so ?" You were kicking your feet like a damn teenager.
"Yeah, can't win a race without you" You knew, and he knew this was border, but to be honest you weren't caring at all.
"Can't win a race at all" You joked, you were giggling. God you've missed talking to him, even for simple discussion like that.
You shouldn't felt that way, or you were gonna end up sad again, but you couldn't help it.
"OFFENSIVE" He texted back, but you knew he was laughing.
You and Lando kept talking for hours, you were smiling at your phone like a maniac.
He was such a good talker, smooth, funny, full of charm.
He knew how to annoy you and how to make you laugh the most. He also knew how to hurt you the most.
You were currently laying in bed, watching 'pretty woman' when you got another text from your ex boyfriend.
"I really do miss you tho"
Here you were again, staring at the screen like it contained the answer to the greatest mystery on earth.
"Lando, stop that please" You eventually texted back after a few minutes.
"That what ?"
"That thing that you're currently doing, trying to make me pity you"
"Is it working ?"
"Cmon y/n I'm serious, I fucking miss you, every minute of every day"
You were no longer paying any attention to the movie that was still playing on the screen of your laptop.
"YOU chosed to broke up" You remembered him.
"I know I made a damn mistake, and I'm sorry"
"You know what I don't even want to talk you anymore"
"Y/n don't do that"
"I should have blocked you already"
"But you didn't"
You were infuriating, completly messed up by too many emotions at the same time, you were sad, and angry against him, and against you too cause you were so weak for this man.
He was right, you didn't.
"Babe please, I just want you back" He sent you a few minutes later since you weren't answering.
"Should have thought about that sooner, and don't call me that"
"I'd do anything" He insisted.
"Claim me on TV and I'll think about it" You texted saracstically before turning off your phone.
You and lando had never been public, because fans could be crazy at some times and you were finding it absolutly ridiculous to brag on social media that you were in a relationship.
That's why you had said that, that wasn't making anysense. Maybe now he'll understand that this was definitly over.
Or so you thought.
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When you woke up your phone was blowing up with notification.
A lot of demands on instagram and hundreds of texts from your friends.
You were so confused until you clicked on the link your friend had sent you.
It was an interview of Lando that he hade just done but the views were already so high. Why would she send you that ?
Everything become clear when right before ending the interview Lando spoke :
"Actually I want to say something before leaving, I used to date a girl Y/n Y/l/n, she was amazing but I messed up with her cause I was a complete idiot... So if you're ever seeing this please come back, I know I've been an asshole. But I really want you back"
You grabbed your phone and dialed his number immediatly... No answer.
"What have you done ???" You tyepd agressively on your keyboard completly freacked out.
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ivysangel · 4 months
…vampire!jason thoughts… you must provide them im desperate…. -🐞
(ik you probably expected #real smut, honestly i did too but this ended up turning into a whole bunch of lore/headcanons/whatever tf. i'm so sorry bae cw: talks of consuming blood)
you ask, you shall receive. i've been thinking about jason and dick as vampires in relation to each other, so this'll be a post about both of them just for the sake of comparisons. also, in my mind, this au takes place during the 19th century because i've conflated vampirism with the victorian era, and it's also no capes in regards to vigilantism bc vampires do love a good cape.
in this victorian era, vampire au dick would be either a nobleman or straight up royalty. he's got status, money, and a pretty face, and he uses them all to his advantage when it comes to feeding. you know in the originals or itwtv when they host an event that's actually a cover for them finding their next meal? yeah, he does that. he flirts with all of the ladies, plays into his charms, and sweeps women off their feet. and at the end of the night (sometimes even mid-ball), he coaxes them upstairs and ravishes them, sometimes in more ways than one.
i think for dick feeding is something he can have fun with, knowing that he holds such a high ranking in society that when bodies of people he's been seen with show up around town, people turn a blind eye. and even when someone does try to investigate, the wayne family checking account talks enough to shut down anything beyond a questioning.
in many pieces of media surrounding vampires, there are people who know about vampires and choose to feed them their blood. there's a bunch of lore that explores the idea that a vampire bite is almost orgasmic and kind of addictive, which is why some people are more than willing to put themselves in harm's way by either being employed by vampires or by straight up just throwing themselves into a vampires line of sight with open wounds.
with that being said, i think dick grayson likes the chase. i think that even if his father (bruce, who is also a vampire in this au because vampire families are just superior) has people on his payroll to provide blood for them, he's going to go out on his own to flirt a bit, get laid, and then have his fill.
which brings me to my next point; while feeding, like sex, is an intimate act, it's far from necessary for dick to need an emotional connection with a person he feeds off of or even a physical one. sex and feeding are related but not totally synonymous, and if he needs to just feed or just get his rocks off, he can. is it preferred? maybe not. i believe he does like the mess that comes with doing both at the same time.
ok so for jason, ugh so obsessed with him as a vampire because i think it's so in line with his canon story. in a lot of vampire lore, to become a vampire, you have to consume the blood of a vampire and either die or be on the brink of death, which is just so. it's so jason dying and being revived by the lazarus pit coded. and even the way he inevitable that he will spill blood post-revival in both this vampire au and his canon storyline…it's almost prophetic.
anyway, jason's approach to vampirism is quite different. i think he struggles with it no matter how long he's been one. he can't fully grasp that he's immortal; he looks in the mirror and sees that he hasn't aged a day and he feels sick. being a vampire for him feels like a curse and he only continues living because he's scared to die (again).
he doesn't stay anywhere too long, typically hopping from town to town in the middle of the night when less people are around. he believes himself to be out of place amongst normal people and he's paranoid that people can smell the iron on his breath when he talks to them so he makes it a point to have minimal interaction with people.
it's crippling, he drives himself mad with the solitude, but i feel like another reason why he continues to stay alive is to spite his creator, whoever that may be. he's most definitely got an agenda, in true jason fashion. i just don't know what it is yet.
he feeds only when he needs to but tries not to let the hunger get too intense because i do feel like when he loses control, he's the stefan salvitore type. a ripper. but he's pretty good about it and is almost polite when he's feeding? like he finds a victim and says i'm sorry before just absolutely tearing into their jugular.
i just really think he grapples with his own mortality, or lack thereof, and how it exists at the expense of others. so he is genuinely ashamed of who he is and what he's become. so, while blood drinking is something he needs to survive, it holds a lot of weight for him, which is why i think drinking blood and sex are pretty equal for him when it comes to intimacy level.
that brings me to my MAIN point (which isn't really a main point because it's being reduced to a small paragraph at the end of this post), all of that was background for this, eek. the act of drinking blood during sex is so. big. for him, it's eye-opening, life-changing. the amount of trust required on both ends for this to happen…at that point, it's basically end game for you two. and it's so funny because that's just a normal tuesday for dick.
anyway, i do have more thoughts and more lore, but this got really long, so i'll cut it off here
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missmielyhoran · 1 year
Little Helpers
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Harry needs a bit of help, and who's better than his two little gremlins...
90sRockstar!Harry × Reader
A/N- Happens wayyyyyyy long in the future, like at least 10 years after they meet. Harry and reader are in their mid 30s
Only Angel Masterlist // Masterlist
It was your birthday.
And Harry was struggling.
You've been out in New York for last week or so for work while he has been staying home with kids.
To say they're pain in the ass is an understatement, but he made his bed (or hot tub), so he had to lay in it.
Harry was the "fun" parent, to say the least, cause he can't say no, and those gremlins even tho they're only four years old are way too good at getting things their way.
Meanwhile, you knew how to shut down something you knew they didn't need. Like the large Nerf gun, Harry got them in secret and then had to listen to you yell at him while those two giggled from the stairs in timeout.
But that wasn't the problem right now.
The problem was that the house was mess, the kitchen was mess, it was your birthday and he doesn't know how to cook, clean all at the same time while taking care of kids who are already running around in backyard.
It was times like these he was amazed by how his mother, and even you did everything so efficiently. Never once did he saw a thing out of place when you stayed with kids, and he had to go out.
(Maybe cause you made the kids clean up after themselves while he sees one look of their puppy eyes and melts)
He took a deep breath in and called for the kids, "Jack! Soph! come back inside" He yelled, which caught the twins' attention. Their little head snapped towards him, and soon enough, they were running in giggling still in their pjs.
Harry shook his head and walked back inside and saw them talking to themselves. They were literally each others best friends, always attached to the hip, partners in crime, and he hoped they're like this when they grow up.
"Kids, kids and kids!" He announced dramatically. Twins giggled again, "There is only two of us, dada. Why are you saying kids three times?" They looked at each other and laughed again at Harry's trying to be mad face.
"Hey smartasses listen to me." He flicked their head lightly, "It's your maa's birthday today"
The twins' eyes went wide, and then Soph jumped, screaming "birthday" making Harry laugh. "That means we will get cake?" Jack asked his dad.
"You will if you help me" Harry shrugged, "Whoever helps me out the most will get the bigger piece!" Harry said.
Twins looked at each other again and then their dad and nodded their head quickly, "I will help you" Jack said, "Me too" Soph said in tow.
"Well then, let's start with this room. Pick up all your toys and everything else and put them where they should be." He said, walking towards the kitchen sink. It was an open plan, so he could still see the kids while cleaning up the kitchen.
He looked at the clock, and it was still 4 hours left to your arrival. He could do it.
He hopes he can do it.
Harry was surprised and amused when he looked up and saw two heaving toddlers sitting on the ground.
"Well done babies, you did such a great job" He said, squatting down to their level and kissing both of their heads.
"We know" They said together. Harry laughed at that cause even if the kids looked like him, their personality was yours. Sassy, witty and smart for their age.
"We put everything in different boxes so you could see who did more work, and my box is the most filled" Jackson said cockily and Soph rolled her eyes.
"I'm just going to steal more from dad's plate" she said without any care as much as Harry would like to think otherwise it was true. He lost his right to have his own food when he become father and he's okay with it (to certain level). Harry still very much amused with their banter over cake slice, goes to the kitchen, and fetches both of them their water bottles along with a bowl of fruits.
"Why don't you two drink some water and eat all those fruits and then come help me bake the cake?" Harry asked them immediately, getting nods as an answer from hungry babies.
He took out all the ingredients while the kids ate and arranged them, so it was easier for kids to "help" him.
Soon enough, they were all done with their snacks and were standing on the large wooden stool beside Harry, watching him make the cake. Both of them have large chefs hat on and custom matching aprons Harry got for all of them for when they would cook together on Sunday mornings.
He was in the middle of cracking egg when Sophie started to fuss, "Dada I want to do it too!" She said, pouting.
Harry brought the bowl in front of her and stood behind her holding her hand, which had egg in it, and then cracked it open and put it in the bowl. Sophie giggled, finding amusement in cracking eggs, which made Jack feel left out so Harry did the same with him too.
The kids helped him as much as they could, with bringing him stuff, and finally, the cake was in oven.
Jack and Soph sat in front of the oven watching the cake like hawk cause in their words, "we want it to be perfect like maa makes it". Harry cleaned the rest of the kitchen.
"C'mon babies bath time." He announced which much to kids displeasure meant they had to move away from the oven. Harry literally had to drag them upstairs with Soph in his left arm and Jack in right.
"You two are getting heavy for me to pick you up and roam around" he said, groaning at the feeling of back ache rising.
"No, you're just getting old, dada." The twins laughed. Harry rolled his eyes at them and flicked their heads.
"In the bath. Your maa will have my head if you two are dirty" He said, starting the warm bath of them.
There have been times Harry felt proud of himself, and right now, as he watches the clean house, clean kids, and a not burned cake, he feels proud of himself.
Kids were watching TV in the living room when they heard the car pull up in the driveway, and everyone was set on their mission.
Harry quickly lit up all the candles. Meanwhile, kids stood in the position near the door with paper confetti in their hands to throw at you.
Meanwhile, you feel exhausted as you get out of the car. The fashion week of this year was hectic. You were so busy you didn't even remember it was your birthday until you opened he door.
Colorful confetti flew on your face as you heard "happy birthday" in unison. Your kids stood near the door with the biggest smile on their faces with your husband behind them with cake in his hand.
"Omg, thank you so much my little munchkin" you said, sitting down on your knees and pulling twins into tight hugs. All exhaustion and stress were lost as you saw your favorite people.
"Hey, I'm also here." You heard Harry whine, making three of you laugh.
"C'mon maa, we want cake!" Jack said, first making you laugh. You kissed both of their cheeks and stood up, walking towards your husband.
You pecked his lips and smiled, "Thank you, baby." you said with a warm smile matching his. "My absolute pleasure angel" He said, kissing you again.
"Those gremlins helped me, or I was ready to have a panic attack this morning," he said, chuckling.
You brought the cake to the kitchen, Harry stood beside you his arms around your waist, and kids stood on the stool on your other side.
"Maa make a wish!" Soph said. You nodded and wished for your family to stay just like this forever and blew the candles. Jack and Soph clapped while Harry leaned down and kissed your cheeks.
Cake slices were cut and put in plate for all four of you and as you and Harry stood in the kitchen with your head on his shoulder watching your kids banter over who's slice is bigger you never felt more content.
This is all you ever wanted.
I think they're my favorite couple after Harry and Autumn.
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs
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Tell me if you liked this or just talk to me cause trust me I love it, here♡
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HELLO. smut request: ari + thigh riding (but make it a punishment). that is all. BYE
That Ain't Workin' Tonight
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PAIRINGS: Ari Levinson x Girlfriend!Reader
WARNINGS: Swearing, allusions towards unprotected sex (my loves, please wrap your man's ding-dong before hopping on it), Daddy kink, nipple sucking, mentions of cum, squirting, THIGH RIDING!! (an absolute fave) (If I missed anything out, please feel free to DM me 😊)
Stumbling into the apartment, you toe your heels off clumsily. And the fact that you are slightly intoxicated is not helping you at all.
Being the top employee at your firm, you finally got the promotion you worked your ass for. And your girls wanted to treat you to a night out.
You couldn’t deny that the idea of having a night where you didn’t have to think about work was entirely enticing.
So, you kissed your boyfriend goodbye and told him a rushed ‘don’t wait up’ before slipping out of your shared apartment.
Ari was all for you having a fun night with your girls, but what he was not having was you not answering any of his texts.
The 6’3 man knows his woman can handle herself, but still, he can’t help but feel the need to check up on you every hour.
And his worry just increases tenfold when you don’t even come online for the rest of the night. He checked your location, and it stayed constant throughout the entire time, which calmed his thoughts by a milligram. But still.
So, there he sat on the couch, waiting for you to get home.
And you finally did.
“Why didn’t you answer my texts, sweetheart?” His arms are crossed over his chest as he looks over at you.
The short cotton-red dress stops at your knees and flays around your hips every time you move your body a certain way.
You hiccup before you answer, “I was out, Ari. I told you, baby.” The alcohol still in your veins made you a little woozy, so you stumbled again and almost fell. But if it wasn’t for the counter in the open kitchen, you would’ve fallen.
“Sweetheart,” he says, getting up from the couch and making his way to you. When he does, he softly grabs you by your shoulders and redirects you to the living room. He walks with you and sits you down before crouching in front of your body.
“I can walk by myself, mister.” You pout and cross your arms, your drunken state still possessing your body.
Ari chuckles and takes a hold of your chin, sweeping his thumb over your pouted bottom lip.
“You didn’t answer my question, sweetheart,” he says with a serious face, looking at you with that look.
And you instantly sober up.
You’re in trouble.
“I-, I was-,” you’re a mess trying to form any sort of sentence; you squirm in your seat under the stare of your boyfriend.
Ari tsk’s, “not the answer I wanted, sweetheart.” He caresses the side of your face before tucking a stray piece of your hair behind your ear.
“Tell me. Why didn’t you answer my texts?” He says it slowly, like trying to make sure you get how mad he is.
“Didn’t see ‘em,” you whisper, placing your hands on your thighs. Ari hums disappointedly, “it ain't like you to ignore texts, sweetheart.”
“I'm sorry, Ari. I didn’t mean to.” You think you can get away with this? Throw on some charm and innocence. You know your man loves that.
“Ah, ah, ah. That ain’t workin’ tonight, sweetheart,” he says, shaking his head, his hand trailing down to encompass the column of your throat. You inhale sharply and squirm even more in your position.
“You know, I’m not really happy, princess,” he says, trailing his other hand up your leg and skimming the area around your knee. “You’ve been a bad girl tonight, yeah?” He nods at you, expecting an answer.
You know this version of Ari, and this version is the one you can’t say no to either.
You nod as a response, afraid that your voice might crack with anticipation if you utter a word.
“Words, baby. Daddy needs to hear you speak, sweetheart,” he says, tightening his grip slightly around your neck and making you gasp as your eyes slightly close shut at the sensation.
And in a moment, everything changes.
You don’t know how, but suddenly Ari’s moving, and you’re sitting on his lap. He moves his hands up and down your thighs, slowly inching your dress higher and higher.
He groans at the sight of the lacey, nude underwear you have on. “All so dolled up, huh?” He leans in and starts kissing at that one spot below your ear, grazing his teeth on your skin.
You shudder and whimper at the feeling. Your hands move to grip his broad shoulders, and you whine into the crook of his neck.
He chuckles as he continues to abuse the expanse of your neck with his bruising kisses.
“Daddy was going to treat his baby tonight; he knows how hard you worked for that promotion.” He hooks his fingers at the hem of your underwear and drags them off before flinging them somewhere in your apartment.
You let out a soft moan, “Ari.” He grips your thighs hard. You're pretty sure there’s going to be a bruise there in the morning. “Don’t think that’s right, pretty girl,” he says, smacking your thigh gently, and you gasp. “Daddy, please.” You throw your head back and beg at the man in front of you. "There we go," he smirks.
You move your hips to grind at the clothed tent forming beneath his cotton shorts, but Ari looks at you with a slightly disapproving face.
His hands immediately go to your hips, and he moves you to sit on top of one of his thick, muscled thighs.
"Oh, sweetheart, you got to earn my cock tonight,” he smirks at you before settling in and leaning back on the couch.
You blush at the comment and gulp, “I-I don’t know what you mean, Daddy.” Ari chuckles. “Oh, I think you do, princess.”
He leans in and captures your lips in a heated kiss. You run your hands through his hair and grip at the roots. He growls and bites your lower lip, making you moan softly.
Ari grabs your hips yet again and starts to move you back and forth on his thigh.
“Ride my thigh, baby,” he growls against your lips.
You nod and go back to grab his shoulders. Then you start to move yourself up and down on his thigh, you moan at the friction you feel against your sensitive little button, and you start moving faster.
“Yeah. That feels good, baby?” Ari roams his hands all over your body, caressing and groping every inch of you that is and isn’t covered.
He unbuttons the front of your dress and lets it fall off your shoulders, and he groans at the sight of your boobs moving in tandem with your humping.
He reaches for your back and unhooks your bra. He takes it off for you and throws it somewhere. Then he dips his head in and takes one of your pebbeld nipples into his mouth and starts sucking hard.
You grip onto his hair for dear life as you move your hips over his muscular leg, and your moans get louder and higher in pitch as you feel your slick coat his thigh.
“Daddy, it feels so good,” you whine, and you throw your head back, biting your lip, trying to quiet your moans.
“Nuh uh, baby, non’ a that lip-biting business,” he lightly taps your cheek. “Let me hear you how good I make you feel,” he says, starting to lightly bounce his leg, and it’s game over for you.
“Oh fuck!” You drop your head onto his shoulder and start to drag your pussy on his hairy thigh. The wet squelching of your cunt makes the tent in Ari’s pants incredibly painful to resist.
“Daddy, daddy, please. I’m going to come,” you whine harder against his shoulder and yell when you feel his calloused thumb rubbing at your clit.
Your moans are high and shrill, as you are near your climax.
“Attagirl, that’s it. Make daddy proud; make a mess on my leg,” he presses down on your clit and rubs at a speed you didn’t think even existed. He switches breasts and starts his assault on the other one.
The band in your core snaps, and you squirt all over his thigh and soak his shorts. Your juices drip onto the floor and also stain his cotton shirt.
“Shit, m’ sorry, daddy,” you pout. Ari makes a final suck before popping off, then he shakes his head and smiles. "Nah, you did a good job, princess. You made Daddy proud,” he says, wiping his index and middle fingers up and down his thigh, gathering your release before popping them into his mouth and sucking them clean.
You whimper at the lewd sight, “daddy.”
“What do you want, baby girl?" Ari rubs your thigh; he picks you up effortlessly and walks the both of you to your shared bedroom.
He softly lays you down on your bed and takes off his shirt. When he sees you bite your lip, he smirks. “Ready to take Daddy’s cock, sweetheart? Ready to be a good girl?”
You nod hard, so adamant to feel him stretch you out.
You eagerly, and messily, take off your dress and drop it to the floor before shimming down so you lay flat.
Ari chuckles at your neediness. He takes off his shorts and pulls out his leaking cock from his boxers.
His manhood slaps his toned abs, and his puffy mushroom is blaring red and is shiny with his pre-cum. He spits on his hand and holds on to his shaft, moving his hand up and down.
He leans over you and kisses your nose before pushing your knees apart and settling in between them.
Ari chuckles as he slaps his tip on your entrance. “Open up f’me, sweetheart.”
Mishhh, this ask!!! Love when horny girlies come together to be horny together.😌😌😌
Again, requests are open lovelies :)
Till' then
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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ughgoaway · 7 months
my favourite fics and writers
hi, y'all!! so I've decided that this year, I want to be more appreciative of all the amazing content we have on this app, and thank the writers providing it. this was inspired by Lily (lastnightwaskindofablur) who shared how long it took her to write her series, and it made me realise how much time and love are poured into these fics.
so this list is basically everyone im following, and my favourite piece of writing from them! I don't think I've forgotten anyone, but if I have IM SO SORRY!! if I am following you- I'm obsessed with you.
anyway, so sorry for tagging 1000 people but I love and appreciate you all so much!!
(so much rambling below the cut)
@64yrsold; “aches” is amazing and “wintering” is heartbreaking in the best way. Also, all of their one-shots are just amazing, I could read them over and over again!!
@yourtouchismidas; “ruins” was one of the first fics that had me checking AO3 every day for updates. truly heartbreaking and all-encompassing. and all the blurbs from it are also amazing. The dad! Matty content mixed with the angst is just so well done.
@abiiors; is not only one of the nicest people on this app (and maybe the world) but also one of the most talented writers. so so many amazing fics that honestly, don't even get me started on bc I will talk for HOURS. but “haunt//bed” is one fic I can't stop coming back to. And “Three’s a Party” is… mind-numbingly good, it actually made me scream into a pillow when I read it for the first time. Vee also creates all the amazing 75 Tumblr activities so really she is to thank for SO MUCH content on here!! one of the kindest people I know, and I feel so lucky to call her my friend :)))
@shinycollarboneapologist; was the blog where I started rambling and sharing ideas, so she is to thank for all the friends I've made on here!!! The Taylor verse is PHENOMENAL and “illicit affairs” is a fav. but “clandestine” has invaded my brain so much I literally dream about it regularly... so I have to say that's my no.1
@imagine-that-100; I first discovered her series "Drunk” on ao3 and then promptly binged everything on her masterlist (multiple times...) “Chicken Shop Date” is just a masterpiece (she and her co-writer are AMAZING on this and I will ramble about her later), but my personal fav is “truth serum”. I have probably read that fic about 50 times over and I love it just as much every time!!!
@heyidkyay; I first read “Who Can Say No to Bridezilla?” and became obsessed on ao3. but then I found them on Tumblr and was completely sucked into "I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name" which is quite possibly the best George series on here. so much character building and back story, and overall just a phenomenal fic.
@justlikemebutsixfootthree; has some of the best smut on this app,” The Birthday Party” is probably my most re-read because it is just an absolute masterpiece. but “insane” and “direction” are also both amazing.
@imightgetbetter; was one of the first blogs I discovered on here, and I fell in love with the whole “Love It If We Made It” series. such an amazing development of a relationship and their writing is AMAZING. but my absolute favourites have to be “Bets are off” and “I love dilfs.”
@butyou-callmewhenyourebored; has such good Ross content all around, truly providing for the Ross girlies!!! but the Leeds au blurb 1 is my fav from them!
@drivelikeiido; has some beautiful fluff, and I just love the way they write Matty. but (not so) important decisions just make my heart warm like nothing else!!!
@toomuchracket; my beloved mads!! the fun wine aunt of 1975 Tumblr. I mean I could talk for 17 pages about my love for all of her au's... birthday party is the perfect supportive husband, d-word is the best slutty old man content on this app lol and flatmate is the friends-to-lovers content we all yearn for. asking me to choose my favourite Mads fic is like choosing a favourite child, but right now it has to be totally wrecked. I think that has altered my brain chemistry in an indescribable way… (edit; since writing this she has put out possibly my no.1 fic of all time, “and this is how it starts” so I just had to mention how much I fucking adore it)
@lottiecrabie; I mean... what else is there to even say about Lottie other than she is one of the best writers I have ever read. truly the mother of 1975 Tumblr. “rockstar girlfriend” and “pray for my soul” both have such special places in my heart, but anatomy au locked a new section in my brain fr. that little loser lives in my head rent free!!!
@tillthelandslide; is so so kind and has some amazing series I would recommend to EVERYONE. “insufferable asshole” is one of my absolute favourites, I love a grovelling man what can I say!!! but “Same for You” has me flipping sides every chapter, I still can't choose if I'm team Ross or team Matty.
@lastnightwaskindofablur; what more can I sat about the whole ATPOAIM universe other than it is quite literally phenomenal. the amount of time and effort poured into the Brittany Jackson universe is so clear by how amazing each fic and blurb is. my absolute favourite thought is "Christmas isn't cancelled (just you.)" from the 12 days of Christmas. it is easily one of my favourite fics I've read!!! She is also the whole inspiration behind this list and made me realise how important thanking your favourite writers really is.
@cowboylor; ohmyLORD the smut on this blog is just... wowowoowowowow. actually made me nervous to attempt smut because of how good theirs is. "Cabin Fever" is probably my favourite, I love a good threesome fic.
@alovesreading; the other half of the JAW DROPPING series that is “Chicken Shop Date”. the hours that have been put into that fic are so clear in how well thought out it is. every word feels purposefully placed, and every chapter fucking HITS. A also writes amazing fics for Alex Turner and is slowly making me an Alex girlie just by how good her writing is...
@bookish-strawberry; such such good fics in the "You and Me Till the End Universe". Ambrose has just created such loveable characters and you can't help but adore his writing. “alleyway” pt 1 and 2 are my favourites, I do love some fwb content.
@hypersonic04; her teacher Ross universe is just great, every blurb and fic just radiates the love between the characters that she has created!! but my absolute favourite fic of hers has to be "Tis the damn season", it somehow made me love one of my favourite songs even more.
@cryley; her “Petichor” series is just fluffy perfection, I have probably read it over 10 times and will 1000% be reading it at least 10 more...
@cows-wearing-my-sweater; has some amazing one-shots, and his work on “Eternal Summer” is absolutely beautiful. she manages to make you feel the warmth of summer through a screen, and it's fucking beautiful. 
@thefrontofmymind; has so many great matty fics/imagines, “Helping Hand” jumps out easily as my favourite though. Once again, friends with benefits is ALWAYS gonna slap. especially when they confess their feelings at the end!!!! ahhh so good. “Proof Positive” is such a good Ross fic, if you like pregnancy fics I would HIGHLY recommend it.
@uramilf; did the 12 days of Christmas last year, and every day was amazing!!! But £The Record Shop” is my favourite series from her, love and music combined are too perfect for me not to adore.
@3terna15unshin3; Marcey's fic "then because she goes" had me refreshing ao3 DAILY. este is such a well-rounded and beautiful character, her and Matty's love makes me so lovesick it's CRAZY. that whole series is my favourite, and my fav blurb from that universe is Toothbrush. Este and Matty are so beloved by me <333
@because-she-goes; has an amazing universe with Matty and an OC that I adore, Nora is such a lovely character and every fic about them makes me giddy. "black lace" and "Summer Girl" are my favourites of their fics though!
@theseventyfive; has such a way with words, every fic makes me giggle and kick my feet. but if you saw my tags on my reblog of "not so secret Santa" you know how deeply I adore that fic. the writing on it is beautiful and makes you feel warm somehow??? amazing.
@wrongendofurcigarette; George girlies it's your time to shine!!!! "sun-soaked" and "wet" swirl in my mind whenever I see a pic of George looking... particularly good. but recently she has created an actress reader au that I am BUZZING for. that little snippet was... wowowowowowowow
@automaticllamacycle; OLIVE!!!!! once again, such a nice and genuine human being and I am so so lucky to chat with her because she is the best hypeman EVER. and is amazing to bounce ideas off of. just such a kind person and I am blessed to scream to her over DM. her coffee shop AU might be my most-read fic ever. it was my daily routine at one point to wake up, go to AO3 and read that fic. when part 2 came out???? I DIEDDDDDDD. but also all of olives horny thoughts are... MUWAH chefs kiss.
@red---moon; "after party" is another fic I read regularly on ao3, sleepy matty after a party with flirting and then smut??? hellooooo yes please. also, “Souvenir” as a series is just amazing, so so so good.
@maxverstappensflatbrim; “show me yours” is such a beautiful universe, and has SO MANY CHAPTERS for you to become obsessed with. I just love every character in that universe, and Mac’s writing is amazing.
@justanamesstuff; “All I Need” is such an amazing series, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves Dad! Matty content!! But all her blubs are worth reading too!!
@procrastinatinglikeapro; is so so sweet and has some absolutely mind-blowing fics. I must have read her entire masterlist 10 times over at this point. Choosing a favourite is hard, but “Does it matter” as a series has me HOOKED. (but also I love “mango lipgloss” and “wear my name around your neck”… don't make me choose okay)
@wrestletotheground; has some absolute BANGERS that everyone MUST read. Once again, the ross-tent on this blog is amazing. “Crime and Punishment” is my fav Matty fic from them, and she absolutely killed it with “Settle Down” for Ross!!
@mybrokenveins3000; college ross SUPREMACY!!! She is right when she says she is proud of “everyday rockstar” because it's easily my fav!!
@steel-elle; beautiful writing with everything she does, but my favourite has to be “But I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes” (is this also because I love the song New Year's Day?? perhaps…)
@kscheibles; “e la vita” is so stunning I don't even know how to verbalise it. That fic has a portion of my heart FOREVER. But college bf! Matty is truly the man we all deserve, and I am obsessed with him.
@think0fmehigh; molly!!! My love!!! What else is there to say about Molly other than she might be my fav filthy smut writer on this app, and thats a tough competition. Every time I get a snippet in DM’s from her, I feel like one of the luckiest human beings alive. Molly does not have a bad fic (despite her protests im sure) but my top two (because I CANT CHOOSE JUST ONE) have to be “Birthday Girl” and “You Get Me So High.” but honestly if you have the time, bless your life by reading every word she's ever written.
@controlmyfeet; DAD MATTY FIC. thats all I even need to say, it is SO SWEET and it makes me so happy!!!!
@bfiaflbox; sooooo much good content, but my favourites are “Wintering” and “Tonight I Wish I Was Your Girl” !!
@nowshesdoingitallthetime; kirke. This is me BEGGING for more bartender matty!!! “Cocktails, Cowboys and back alleys” is MWUAH MWUAH MWUAH. Bartender Matty is a need, I adored every second of that fic.
@wiintring; I NEED more from Christina!!! Her writing is all wonderful, and “Come here dressed in black now” does live in my mind!!! 
@grocerystorelist; “body of Christ” is made for the religious trauma girlies and the fleabag girls. PREIST MATTY DRIVES ME CRAZYYYYY. Leila is so talented, it's crazy.
@forcryingoutlloud; wowwowwowwow the smutty content on this blog… its sooooooo good. “Beg for it” and “greedy” did melt my brain in the absolute best way, like I was genuinely SWEATING at how hot it was. As is everything on her masterlist!!
@hrryshoney; gyno! Matty unlocked a whole new side to me that I had NO IDEA was there. Like… insane. And the newest photographer reader fic also drove me CRAZY because I do love a cocky fictional man and some semi-public sex…
@the1975attheirverybest; Halla’s blog is a great place for discussion, good writing and crazy intelligent analysis of the band. “Education” and “being funny in a foreign language” are just… art. Truly. The character of Amelia and the characterisation of Matty are some of my favourites on this app. Hot smut, good writing and a lovely human being- what else do you need hellooo?? (also the pegging blurb from ages ago… yeah I think about her A LOT.)
@sugar-coat-it; FILTY, AMAZING SMUT. literally, every piece on Belle’s masterlist is worth reading 100 times over. Her newest thigh-riding blurb has been rotting my brain, I can't stop going back to it and reading it. Also, the Kylo Ren fic… mask kink unlocked fr. and the matty helping you deepthroat fic is also incredible. (can I just name everything she's done orrr???)
@cinomn; Nina has some great content, and I would genuinely recommend anything!! My favourite has to be “Summer Nights”, but it's a TOUGH competition tbh!!
@noacfslut; THE WRITING SPEED ON THIS BLOG?? MIND BOGGILING. And not only is Elle speedy, but every fic all absolutely wonderful. “Jealousy jealousy” and “undo” are my favourites, but that might change when I get the chance to read her mechanic au, because from what I've heard, it's also extraordinary.
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Out of Darkness - Chapter Four: Fall from Grace - Alastor x human!fem!reader
Go to: Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter ThreeHello! Sorry for this chapter being so short. I had some unfortunate events happening to me and I ended up writting a shitty chapter. I deleted it because I felt a bit anxious since Alastor wasn't Alastor and decided to stick to something that focused more on him. I really hope you'll like it! Kisses <3TW: Angst, swearingWord count: 950
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It had been days since Alastor and (y/n) decided to ‘take it slow’. A part of him hoped that after she left that night, he would never hear from her again. That she would give him up, meet someone or win a 100-day free holiday and leave, forgetting her phone at home so she couldn’t call him either. But each day, she returned, her presence a constant, unsettling reminder that there was something he didn't quite understand happening to him.
Every single day she would come and visit him, having fun little ideas on how to spend their day. One night, she took him to the cinema to watch a newly released horror movie. Horrendous. Who the Hell were Ed and Lorraine Warren? He had never heard of them. If they were that good, he would have. He got so bored that he started thinking about what would happen if he randomly began terrorizing people: would he get a movie too? Hopefully, his would be better. But at some point, he started analyzing (y/n) reactions, rather than the movie: how she’d jump a little bit at the most predictable jump scares and look away in disgust at the gorier scenes. He couldn’t help but chuckle a little, winning a mad look from her whenever he would make fun of them.
She also introduced him to a show, “Supernatural”. It took him a while to understand that Dean and Sam were not in fact real like the Warrens were, which made him a bit disappointed. They seemed to be more professional. He would’ve loved to make a deal with them.
So, did he entirely hate those little getaways? Disappointingly, no. This world was already shitty enough, so these little moments made him forget about everything happening to him, how his life was going downwards since he entered that portal. But tonight his last drop of patience slipped.
He had had a horrible day at work. His incompetent coworker, Steve, spilt coffee on him. Normally, he would’ve just destroyed his soul, smiling at him as he begged for mercy. But he didn’t. Instead, he thought the moral thing to do would be to steal his laptop and enter all those ads (y/n) warned him not to click on. So now, Steve’s laptop was full of single moms who were ready to fuck. He considered this a small victory… at least until he actually destroys his soul in hopefully less than 20 years with his smoking-three-packs-of-cigarettes-a-day habit.
When he arrived home, he got a message from (y/n) saying that she was taking care of her niece for the night. She asked him if he wanted to come too, but he declined, not being a fan of having brats around him. He felt a bit annoyed at the fact that she abandoned him for such things, so he poured himself a glass of whiskey and sat on the couch, listening to some jazz and trying to wind down. The sugar on the cream was that his neighbour and his wife were trying so hard to bring new souls into this shitty world, that he couldn’t even hear the jazz clearly anymore.
It was too much for Alastor, his senses too overstimulated and his patience far gone.
His grip on the glass tightened, breaking it into multiple pieces, his demon form slowly engulfing him, sharp teeth and red eyes slowly replacing his human ones. His antlers pierced out of his head, tingles running down his spine at the sensation.
The lights flickered in the room, exploding one by one, darkness eventually conquering the small apartment. The only source of lightning was his red glowing eyes. The radio started distorting, chuckling and growls filling the room.
"I'm gonna..." he started in between the growls. "I'm gonna kill all of them..."
Alastor burst into laughter, as he crawled on the cold floor. "I will crush their bones and rip them out of their body... One by one..."
His claws gripped at the rug covering the floor, throwing it away harshly, a low growl escaping his mouth as dark tentacles broke out of his back, pain washing over him. He needed to get out of here now.
Using his tentacles, he grabbed a can of paint that was lying in the apartment, dropped it and spilt it, covering his hand with the coloured liquid. Like an animal in pain, he dragged himself across the floor, drawing a huge pentagram in the middle of the room. The candles that (y/n) brought all lit up in unison and shadows placed them perfectly in every corner of the pentagram. His eyes flickered in excitement, a grotesque smile growing on his face as the portal to the other world opened right in front of him. Screams of pain and sorrow invaded his ears, filling him with immense joy. Adrenaline pumped his veins as he approached the portal. This was his chance. His chance to leave before he becomes too weak again.
But he stopped.
He stopped just as he was about to crawl inside the portal.
“Fuck…” he whispered to himself, backing down and getting on his knees, his smile still plastered on his face. The portal in front of him closed, as the candles extinguished themselves one by one, leaving him in darkness and sorrow. His heart was pounding in his chest as he gripped his dark hair. He missed it… His chance to leave… Who knows how long it will take him to build the power to do this again.
He just stood there in silence. Was he weak? No… It wasn’t him the problem. It was this world, it was… it was her. She was the problem, not him. She made him weak.
He tried to get up, chunks of hair falling from his hands as he removed them from his scalp. His feet were weakened, making him fall to the ground, and his breath was heavy.
He heard the phone he hated so much ringing, but it slowly got muffled by static. Loud. Persistent. Static.
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Tags: @sirens-and-moonflowers, @ratsematary
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