#but actually hashtag no regrets yolo and all of that
wackydoggs · 3 months
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the ash pants
sometimes ..... a gal needs a good in between project ... enter the ash pants
i’m going off of this pattern from mood but i’m going to edit it pretty intently. the goal is to have them done by the end of the day .. We Shall See .
11:44 am || i’ve finished up with therapy (haha :) we got nowhere but it’s all ggGgGGGg) fabric, zippers, and thread has been purchased. because of all the sales going on at joann’s i ended up getting fabric for another pair of pants too but for now i’m just going to focus on this one. 
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yee yee bo let’s party
1:53 pm || wow a bitch lost a lot of time it’s been like four hours but i don’t know for sure because i’m refusing to do the math. i taped the whole pattern together .. can’t say it was an enjoyable process. normally the assembly of mood patterns is super nice n easy but this took forever and everything isn't lining up which is super promising but yolo i guess 
3:08 pm || good heavens this is taking a really long time. i have finished altering and cutting out the pattern pieces for the pants .. the original pattern intended for a fit look up to like the knees and then a flare but bitch i have crippling body image problems tight clothes on my t h i g h s is Not going to happen also i don’t like flared pants they remid me of fifth grade and no one wants that
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the pieces are really really r e a l l y wide (especially the back ones) so i feel like i should do something about that but .. eh .... i’m going to eat my lemon tart (eep) and think about it
3:52 pm || eep time is really passing huh ............... well i ate my tart .... i’m feeling hashtag bad about my body !!!!! but what’s new buenos aires. i’ve settled on making half a pair of pants from my ikea muslin and reassessing which is what i’m about to start cutting/sewing now so ! stay tuned i guess
5:19 pm || good g o d five nineteen why is this taking so fucking loNg !!!!!!!! sdfghjgfdfg aNyways i finally have a pattern that will (hopefully ?) work so yeehaw i guess. i don’t have any pictures though because i’m depressed So yep :) i’m going to make a list of changes to the original pattern that have taken place thus far
changes to paper pattern
✰ the flares were turned straight leg by making a hypotenuse (?) connecting where the side seam first begins to curve in and the bottom hem
✰ the front and back were changed from two pieces each to one (like a ... normal .... pair of ... pants .......)
✰ the pattern was graded from a size six at the waist to a size twelve at the hips cause a bitch is most certainly Not proportional ;)
✰ the patch pocket was elongated so i can actually put things in it
✰ the waistband was turned from a front and back piece to one total piece that will be cut on the fold (but i’ll probably change it back)
✰ maybe other things i’m forgetting ? i think that’s it though
changes to muslin pattern
✰ two big ol darts were added to the front and back pieces. the darts will not be in the final i just needed the pants to be significantly smaller. i’m already kind of regretting not doing pleats but Oh Well I Guess
✰ i darted the waistband too just to make the slope more intense so it would fit me
✰ at some point i’ll have to alter the pocket to be narrower so it stays proportional but i’ll figure it out 
also i’m Pissed because mood just released a pattern that’s literally exactly what i need and it would have saved literal h o u r s of effort but whatever we all die eventually
i guess now i’ll make these damn pants pattern matching wooOOoOOOo i have no experience in that and am Definetly going to fuck something up
6:53 pm || someone please tell me why this glorified pair of pyjama pants is more time consuming then literally any gown i’ve ever made .... pattern matching is going Great thanks for asking
9:07 pm || okay things are actually kind of Going now .. once all the making the pattern and painstakingly matching everything up work is done everything goes really fast. i’ve sewed up the front and back rises, as well as cut out the pockets (matching the pattern Of Course), hem the lil hole thing where you put your hand in (?? the opening ?? is that what you meant ???) and pressed everything because only losers don’t press their seams. i still don’t have pictures because Not Enough Has Been Done and also they still look like dumb pyjamas ksksksjfj it’s cool though. so now i’m going to sew the pockets on and the side and inseams up !!!!!! if you really want Real directions of how to make these ... i recommend the mood website or just .. your pre-existing pant making knowledge .......
10:36 pm || i’m still not done with these fucking pants ...... i need to make the waistband (which i’ve been procrastinating on), sew up the other side seam and put in the zipper then hem it all it doesn’t sound like a lot but i have a feeling it will take me to one am at the rate i’ve been going
1:11 am || ha ha ha ha ahaa im at a place in my life where i’m Refusing to sleep until these pants are done mcfUCK WHY IS THIS TAKING SO LONG anyway a progress update i even have a whole two pictures ..!..... so i pussied out of making a waistband that was all one piece and ended with a front and back because i’m a coward. i did my best to line up the vertical stripes on the pants with the waistband not that you can tell from this picture why did i even take this it’s boring and stupid
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but yeah that’s how the pants have been for hours now .. sewn at the rises and one (1) side seam. for the waistband i made a front and back, cut two of each, sewed at the top, pressed, pressed the bottom edge in by some amount no idea how much, pinned onto the pants and s e w e d mothefucker !!!!!!!!!! 
i ended up ripping my one sewn side seam open part way to jam my zipper in (which i did with the baste, pin zipper, topstitch, undo basting method) and then sewed up the other side seam !!! and yeah that’s it
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now all that’s left is sewing the inseam and hemming and they will f i n a l l y be done dfghjklkjhgf
2:01 am || okay so they’re still not done and i know i promised i wouldn’t sleep until they were but i’m afraid i’ll do something impulsive to them if i keep going tonight so i’m going to call it here. all that’s left is sewing a hook and eye to the side and then figuring out what to do to the bottom hem. it’s quite a bit too long and cuffing it just looks . dumb .. so i need another solution. hence why i’m waiting till the morning. because i am Itching to just c h o p a big ol strip off the bottom
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anyway we got pretty far and yeah it doesn’t feel like enough and y e ah i’m disappointed in myself for not going All The Way but we all die eventually so this doesn’t matter
3:56 pm || whats UP motherfuckers these pants are almost D O N E i just finished hemming them so party fuckin HARD .. in the light of the new day i did in fact end up chopping about four inches off the bottom hem because those cuffs looked BAD as FUCK all that’s left on these is to sew a hook and eye in aaaaaAAAaA im so CLOSE ..... originally the plan was to make a pair of pants that don’t need a belt so i can wear them in inpatient but they look so good with a belt aaa :( oh well ..... with the chunk i cut off the bottom i’m really considering making a lil bandeau thing because i hate myself We’ll See actually no we won’t i don’t need more work we’re calling it at the pants I Have Been Shut Down okay let me sew this hook and eye
4:31 pm || THEY’RE Ḋ̵̥̬̈́͒̓Ỡ̷̦̏̂N̶̨͖͙̹̺̘͎̭͉͔͓̳̲͚̔͆̈́̓̅̒̀̒̅E̶̡̧̬̲̙̼̙̜͈͍̒̍̐͂͂́̆͗̊̕͘ i’m gonna take a lil video of them for my instagram and also just to see if i can .. i’ll also post it here but in a seperate post and y e a h .. oh Also i made a lil headband out of one of the pant scraps o h ans a l s o did i mention that these HELL PANTS are D O N E ??????̸̢̝̟͙̹̣͕̰̥͉͎̱̥̾̆̒̾͂͜?̶̡̧̳̗̜͈̭̮̠͕̯̝͐̓̒̿̔̏̿͗̎̐͂͘͜͠?̵̪͓͚̭͙̙͎̏͗̈̔̽͆̅͑?̷̧̬̣̠̞̙̃̔̚͜ that is all thank you
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acemummerz · 7 years
Tagged by @veganvenom
Rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself and tag 20 people
Drink - Water. Tho’ normally the answer is always coffee.
Phone Call - to my partner to ask him if he had gotten out of bed yet (it was 9 am, the answer was no).
Text message - to my partner telling him i was on my way home from training.
Song - Raise Your Glass by P!nk 
Time you cried - about 2 days ago while watching a film lol I cry at films and books very easily.
Dated someone twice? yup. not a good idea buddios
Kissed someone and regretted it? No Ragrets
Been cheated on? Yup
Lost someone special? yes
Been depressed? Did you mean: MY LIFE
Gotten drunk and thrown up? 3 times: a house party where my friend kept making me “shit mixes”, out of a taxi window on the way home from a club, and on the steps on the Great Hall at a uni ball :’) hashtag i am a mess
Laughed until you cried? Oh yes :’)
Found out someone was talking about you? no?
Met someone who changed you? i dont think so?
Found out who your friends are? Very much so! 
Kissed someone on your facebook list? 2 i think
Fallen out of love? Nope
What did you do for your last birthday? Friends came over and we had face painting and a Collin the Caterpillar cake and it was gr8 (yes this was my 20th, not my 5th :’) )
How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? Most of them, I’ve recently begun accepting some people I don’t know IRL but not that many.
Do you have any pets? I have 5 cats and a doggo :)
What time did you wake up? 7:00 am, but then i went back to sleep for 30 mins and then i got up :)
What were you doing at midnight last night? a big ole sleep
Name something you cant wait for? I really dont have anything i’m even vaguely excited about/looking forward to rn and that sucks
What are you listening to right now? Sweet silence
Have you ever talked to a person named tom? so many
Something that’s getting on your nerves? I appear to be completely useless at doing everything at the minute
Do you want to change your name? I have very mixed emotions about both my first and surname. At the minute i am ok?
Hair colour? It was dyed ‘Teal’ but its now faded to a yellowy/green mess 
Long or short hair? Short all the way!
Piercings? 14. 10 ear piercings, nostril, septum, both nipples.
Tattoos? 3, but im eager to get more when i get my life together and actually book them!
Blood type? AB+
Nicknames? salty, North, sexy face
Relationship status? In a relationship 
Zodiac? I think im a rat who nose 
Pronouns? They/Them
Most visited website? probably Facebook
Right or left handed? Ambidextrous 
Surgeries? I have had dental surgery and lots of awful injections into joints and shit like that
Sports? Rowing and Weightlifting 
Fave TV show? I dont really watch TV at the minute
Vacations? I dont go anywhere or do anything ever
Sneakers? I do have trainers yes??????
Eating? I eat so many
Fave drink: COFFEVE 
What you’re up to? Doing this instead of doing my work lool
Waiting for? my motivation to live to come back 
Want? a nap
Get married? I have very complicated feelings about marriage
Career? Mechanical engineer with a focus in biomedical applications or sustainable energy.
Hugs or kisses? huggggggs
Lips or eyes? Eyes
Shorter or taller? I have always wanted to be taller. I am a smol
Older or younger? Old and bitter aye
Nice arms or stomach? Big dench arms yo. for holding all the puppies
Hook up or relationship? Relationship
Trouble maker or hesitant? Trouble maker :P
Kissed a stranger? many time
Drank hard liquor? yep
Lost glasses/contacts? No, only cuz i dont wear either lol
Turned someone down? yes
Sex on first date? Surprisingly no
Broken someones heart? Probably
Had your heart broken? Shattered
Been arrested? nope
Cried when someone died? yep
Fallen for a friend? YUP. HECK.
Yourself? lol no
Miracles? nope
Love at first sight? no 
Santa claus? no and i dont remember ever doing so
Kiss on first date? ye, do all the kisses yolo
Angels? no
current best friend’s name(s): Emily :)
Eye colour: blue/grey
Fave movie: why is it when I get asked this, the only movie that i can ever even remember is Shrek.....
Tagging: @rumpleteazergrace @c3rn @attercop-attercop @lopsided-phoenix97 @ i have no frends
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