#but a tinge of sadness in my yay
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devicecontact · 7 months ago
Maybe I should stop caring about whatever Deltarune is going to potentially do with gaster as long as it makes me smile and go haha yay ❤️
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alkaline-wtr · 5 months ago
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- - CHAPTER 5 - -
Graves x reader Description: Reader and Graves help a couple of troubled survivors during a stop at a gas station. Genre/Warnings: zombie apocalypse AU, Graves x reader, Ghost x fem!reader, survivor!reader,angst, depictions of suicide, gore, blood, violence, explicit language, weapons, mentions of death WC: 3.3k
My Masterlist
** Woah! Ch 5 is finally done??! This one is intense! Please, consider the trigger warnings before diving in. Originally, I was excited about this chapter but know I'm not too sure. This chapter definitely had the most drafts out of all of them. I think it's decent but, something feels like its missing, it may just need a bit more proofreading later when I've had more time to sit with it. However, for the sake of moving the story along I wanted to get it up ASAP. On the bright side GHOST IS BACK NEXT CHAPTER!! YAY!! Hopefully y'all aren't too mad at him. Enjoy.
If you'd like to be added/removed from the taglist please, let me know.
<< PART 1 / << PART 4
It was quiet from your place in the passenger seat. Only the engine's drone was heard as Phillip cruised down the road. By now, the city was far behind you, and the road narrowed down as you entered rural areas. Miles and miles of fields and farmlands surrounded you.
You sigh, leaning back a bit. Graves glances in your direction for a second before returning to the road.
Graves asked, keeping his question short. You let the silence linger a moment longer. It had been a couple of hours since one of you had broken the silence. It left your lips feeling heavy. It took extra effort to push out the words from your throat.
Your voice came out crackly and hoarse. You cleared your throat before continuing.
"What's our plan?"
Your voice is soft. The hopelessness had caught up to you at some point in the silence. The fear, existential dread, it all swirled together in your head now that you had a chance to organize all the thoughts and feelings you'd been harboring.
What were you moving towards? Even Phillip couldn't answer that. There was no more meaning, no more goals. This life had been swallowed up by the infected. Nothing more than an aimless fight for survival.
Phillip could sense the sadness in your empty expression.
"Well... for now we need a gas station. After that... I don't know but, whatever it is we'll be okay."
His words carried a tinge of reassurance in them but, it felt empty. You couldn't fathom how anyone could view this situation as panning out 'okay'. There was living sure. Yet, what was left to live for?
Phillip's words pulled you from your thoughts.
"It's going to be okay."
You nod in response. Phillip was right. For however long you had left, you would be ‘okay’. The question was would you ever be more than that? Would the rest of this existence be a miserable fight for survival?
"I'm going to sleep."
The words left your lips but, you hadn't been sure where they’d come from. Phillip however only smiled.
You shifted in the seat crossing your arms over yourself and resting a foot on the dashboard. Phillip just kept his eyes forward on the road ahead as you closed your eyes.
When you woke from your nap the car had stopped. You felt a thin layer of sticky sweat coating your skin. The sun was in its early stages of setting, as the afternoon shifted into evening. You guessed it had to be about 4 o'clock by now.
Sitting up you rubbed the sleep from your eyes. Phillip was standing in front of the car looking down at the hood. You pushed open the door immediately feeling the refreshing breeze as it blew past. It was a contrast from the still warmth inside the truck.
"Sleep well?"
Phillip teased. The passenger door shut with a thud. Broken asphalt crunched like gravel beneath your boots as you moved to stand beside him.
There was a map laying out on the hood.
"What’s this?"
You ask glancing over the busy-looking map.
"I'm looking for somewhere to fuel up. It shows a small station just ahead. Maybe another hour or so."
Phillip explained. You nod.
"Will we make it?"
You ask resting your hands on your hips. The question was valid, you’d been driving for hours, and it was unlikely this truck had a full tank of gas when he’d found it.
He starts to fold up the map.
"Yeah, we should. Let's hope there's gas when we get there, or we'll be doing a lot of walking."
You both head back inside but, as you climb back into the passenger seat Phillip passes the driver's door and peaks into the back instead. Your eyes scan the rearview mirror observing his actions. He seemed to be looking for something in his bag. As Phillip slides back into the passenger seat he hands you an open can. You peered into it,
You asked, eyebrow raised.
"You should eat something."
He says, starting up the truck.
"And what about you?"
Phillip shrugs.
"I can eat when we get to our stop. It's fine, go ahead."
The hour passes quickly. Graves pulls into the gas station and turns off the truck with a relieved huff.
"Alright, here we are,"
He gets out and you follow.
"Why don't you head inside, and I'll figure out how we can get some fuel."
He gently slaps your back encouragingly. Was he serious? He wanted you to go inside alone?
"Wait. You want me to clear it myself?"
The anxious pit settled in your stomach. You still weren't confident with your combat skills. It was different to be on a roof with a sniper but, on the ground with a knife?
"I-I don't know, I can't-"
"It's okay. Look, I'll be right behind you, okay?"
Phillip's words only slightly soothed the fear and anxiety. It was a more reassuring thought than being left completely alone. At least he would be there over your shoulder in case you got into trouble.
Finally, you nod and the both of you start towards the doors of the abandoned shop. You pulled the knife from your belt reaching for the door.
"Hold on."
Phillip's voice cut through the air. He quickly adjusts your grip on the knife.
"Stay sharp. And Keep tension here,"
His hand squeezed at your bicep.
"When you're going in blind, you should be prepared for anything."
He points down at your left foot.
"Widen your stance there, You want to be sturdy on your feet just in case there's any pushback."
With all the corrections made, Phillip steps aside.
He gestures for you to continue. Your anxiety had settled more now knowing that Phillip intended to teach you rather than throw you into the ring alone.
You push open the door. The windows had been boarded up from the inside leaving the shop musty and dark. Heavy breaths weighed down your chest as the floorboards creaked with every cautious step.
Phillip trailed behind you, his arms loose at his sides. He himself didn’t seem prepared at all for a fight. You didn't understand why he would trust you to protect him. Especially enough to leave his guard down.
You kept your head on a swivel making sure to take in every corner of the room.
"Don't just turn your head, turn your body with it. You have to have a strong stance. An attack could come from any direction."
You nod taking in his words. You shuffle your feet turning your body as you scan the room.
"Look for all the doors. You need to be aware of every exit, and every potential room every crevice is dangerous in a dark building."
You kept Phillip's instructions in mind counting each door. The door you'd entered through was one. A door in the far-right corner made two.
There were two more in the far-left corner. One is on the back wall, most likely leading outside, and the fourth is on the adjacent wall, which is labeled with a unisex bathroom placard.
"There is nothing here."
Your voice was low and laced with panic. Anticipation hung in the air as you waited for something to emerge from the darkness. Each creak and thump of your boot sounded louder with each step.
"Good, then we are clear."
Phillip says,
"Now, keep alert and move to the next room."
Phillip moved to the middle of the room to watch behind you as you continued forward to the first door. With shaky steps, you continued around the counter. Your chest tightened as you moved further into the shop, peering over the counter to make sure nothing lurked in the shadows.
"Hey Y/N... You're missing something."
You look at Phillip confused. He gestures to the entrance.
"The light from outside won't reach beyond the door. How do you plan to see if there are any threats?"
Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment. You'd been so caught up in the anxiety of having to take the lead in clearing the shop that you hadn't even thought of something as simple as bringing a flashlight into a dark room.
You take out Ghost's dim flashlight once again and hold it in your free hand, keeping the knife sturdy in the other.
You twist the door nob opening it with a click. Returning to the tight stance Phillip had shown you. Shuffling forward, you used the toe of your boot to nudge open the door.
Behind the door was a small office. Equipped with a computer desk, a filing cabinet, and a few crates.
You call, Your voice tense. Willing your shaky legs to back out. You finished off clearing the rest of the shop. Fortunately, there had been nothing to fight off.
"See, that wasn't so bad huh?"
You shrug. Phillip's approach made sense. It was better for you to get more hands-on survival experience. Shooting stagnant bottles on a rooftop could only teach you so much but, what would have happened if something had been in the building?
"I guess not."
Phillip squeezes your shoulder.
"Go ahead and gather what you can. Anything edible, or useful. I'll be out back."
You nod as Phillip leaves through the back door in search of some way to fuel the truck.
The shop had seemingly been raided already but, you were able to find a few snacks, and sodas as well as a pack of batteries. You carried a plastic bag full of your findings to the truck and placed it in the back.
Phillip made his way around the building with two gas cans in hand. He places the gas cans in the bed of the truck securing them with a cord.
"Alright are you re-"
Phillip's question was cut off by the sound of a woman, her blood-curdling scream sent chills through your body.
He cursed under his breath before sprinting down the road.
You called after him. Whatever was happening up ahead was bad but, staying behind felt even more terrifying. The thought of something happening to Phillip and you not being there to help? What would you even do with yourself?
You called as you began jogging after him.
The woman’s screams only grew louder. You could see a man beside Phillip, helping him fight off a couple of infected. You slowed down stopping just feet away from the scene.
The woman, the one whose screams you’d heard, kneeled in the grass beside the road. The front of her was stained with crimson. Lying limp over her lap was a little girl.
The girl's torso was mangled beyond recognition. Blood pooled in her mother's lap leaking into the yellow grass below.
You covered your mouth with your hands stifling a horrified cry as well as the bile that threatened to rise from your stomach. You were no stranger to the viscera present since the outbreak but, it had been a while since you'd witnessed something this graphic.
Phillip grunts as he plunges his knife into the last standing infected. He wiped his brow with his forearm and started towards the crying woman.
“She’s bit!"
Phillip exclaimed. A gasp left you at the site of the bite wound. The veiny infection had already begun to spread. It was one of those moments that you wished you could rewind and go back to before it happened. Like when you shatter a glass on the kitchen floor and hope to yourself that it wasn't true so you won't have to clean the mess.
"Y/n! Go get the first aid!”
Phillip ordered as he inspected the woman’s wounded arm. You could hardly process Phillip's words. You didn't know these people but something about the scene playing out before you brought up memories of your past. A painful reminder of how you'd ended up alone in the first place.
The man turned to you as you took a couple of hesitant steps backward.
“No! Please listen. You must leave!”
He pleaded, his accent thick.
"They are coming. You must go!"
You paused in your tracks,
You begin to ask but he interjects.
The man��s shaky hands fidget in his pockets before pulling out a crumpled paper. He places the paper in your hand. You were unable to speak. Your mind was overloaded by the many things happening.
"Take it. Take it, there is a sanctuary. Please, please. You have to go! You have to go!”
The man was crying and frantic as he tried to usher Phillip away.
“We can help you!"
Phillip says trying to reason with the man. He didn't seem to care about the words Phillip spoke. You wondered if Phillip knew deep down, just like you, that his statement was empty. There really wasn't much you could do for them.
“We have a vehicle.”
He adds holding his hands up defensively.
“No. Go there! Be safe.”
The man cuts him off.
“My wife... She will die.”
The man admits gesturing to the woman. Phillip shakes his head,
“But you can still come.”
The man shakes his head backing away. He was adamant in refusing Phillip's offer.
“When I’ve lost them both, there is nothing there for me.”
His words hit you like a punch to the gut. He didn't want to live anymore without his family. It made you feel guilty for still continuing without yours. Glancing at Phillip you could see the mental turmoil he was feeling. On one hand, he wanted to help the couple in any way he could. However, a part of him understood the man's decision.
"Our daughter... she was tired. We thought we had time, the horde was far behind, so we rested, and camped for the night. But they had caught up."
The woman explains. Her voice breaks as she begins to cry again caressing her daughter's pale face. Your heart broke for the family.
Phillip thought for a moment. The man speaks before he can.
"Leave us. Go to the sanctuary, you can live."
Phillip nods looking at you with a blank expression. He turns to the man.
"Thank you."
Phillip starts back towards the gas station. You couldn't believe it. Was he really going to just leave? Of course, logically, you were aware that you served no purpose to this couple but, your empathy fought against this notion.
"Wait. No, Phillip, what are- we can't just leave them!"
"Yes Y/N, we can."
His tone was that of defeat. He'd given up.
You turned and began to follow him.
He turned with an irritated sigh.
"Y/N! He made his decision. We can't do anything."
He snapped. Phillip had never acted this way. Ever since you'd first run into him, he'd been nothing but optimistic and willing to help. How could he choose now to betray his sense of humanity?  
"We have to try!"
You pleaded. You morally couldn't bring yourself to just leave these people to die.
"No. It's done Y/N! He doesn't want to come."
You huffed, Phillip continued walking away. You turn to look at the couple. The man now kneeled beside his wife attempting to soothe her as she sobbed in his arms.
The trees rustled across the road. Hollow groans filled the air, and your heart leaped into your throat. Phillip stopped, whipping his head around.
Infected began to trickle out onto the road. Your eyes widened, and you reached for your knife.
"Phillip! Do something."
Phillip? Why couldn't you do something? You were well equipped. Was it your cowardice that held you back? Keeping you glued in place, unable to take action? He pushes you back and drives his knife into the closest head. The body drops to the pavement and Phillip grabs your arm.
"Let's go! Back to the truck."
You stumbled as he pushed you with him.
"Wait! Wait! What about them."
Phillip seemed annoyed that you were still fighting him on this. He glances between you and the couple with a frustrated groan. Although he wanted to just accept the man's decision to stay behind, he couldn't let you see him as some heartless fool either.
"Alright. Go! I'll catch up."
You nod turning and starting to run back to the truck. Phillip hurries to the couple, he pulls the pistol from his thigh double-checking it's loaded and ready to go, before placing it in the man's hand.
"Hold them off as long as you can. I'm sorry brother."
The man gives Phillip an appreciative nod. He aims the pistol firing a couple of shots. Phillip follows after you. More infected flood out of the tree line and onto the road.
Phillip's footsteps pounded behind you.
"Go! Go!"
You didn't need to be told again. You threw yourself into the passenger seat trying to catch your breath. A couple infected were trailing behind Phillip as he climbed into the driver's seat and started up.
You kept your hands out beside you to steady yourself as the truck wobbled with each sharp movement.
Phillip veered the truck to the left with a jolt. A body thudded against the hood as he attempted to Navigate through the horde.
The scene behind you was like a train wreck, you couldn't keep your eyes off the couple. The man holding his wife protectively behind them as they fought for their lives.
You watched on in horror as the woman screamed, being ripped away from her husband. He cried keeping his grip desperately tight on her hand. It was too late. They'd been surrounded. The infected wasted no time sinking their teeth into her back.
Phillip kept focused on the road. You flinched at the sound of a single gunshot going off once more ringing through the air. The haunting reality setting in as you'd just witnessed the man turn the gun on his own lover. Were you less courageous than him for turning your back on your family instead of fighting to the end like he had for his wife?
You finally looked away when you saw him put the barrel of the pistol to his own temple. His sad gaze aimed at the sky. Another shot. You winced, tears rolling down your cheeks. The guilt weighed heavily in your stomach. This new world was cruel and unforgiving.
The remaining daylight faded away over the horizon. Silence was the only thing in the air anymore. Phillip knew the events of this afternoon weren't sitting well with you. He wanted more than anything to say something, to take away the images replaying in your mind but, he knew better than anyone that there wasn't anything he could say to fix this.
As the moon took its place high in the sky Phillip decided to call it a night. He pulled over on the side of the road and got out of the truck. You glanced over emotionlessly as he moved the bags from the truck bed into the cab. He climbed back in locking the doors.
"It's been a long day. Let's get some sleep huh?"
You follow his lead as he leans back in his seat and gets comfortable. The cab wasn't very big, and with the bags, it was even more cramped.
"You know, there was nothing we could've done right?"
Phillip's voice was barely a whisper. His eyes were full of concern as they lingered on you.
"I know..."
You respond quietly. You'd gone back and forth on the matter in your head all night. You knew just as well, but the nagging voice in the back of your mind was convincing you otherwise. Phillip nods.
"He made his choice. All we could have done is respect it. There was no point in getting ourselves killed too."
His light eye bore into you from the driver's side. You met his gaze. Neither of you spoke. No more needed to be said at that moment. You understood Phillip's actions, and he understood your guilt. Both of you understood the situation for what it was and how complicated the morality of the problem could be.
You break the silence. Phillip sighs and gives you a small smile.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
PART 6 >>
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@yourfavbabigirl @keiraslayz @dcnocap207 @dustycrusty09 @nicolebarnes @jupiternighties @misspendragonsworld
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magpiegirlie · 4 months ago
☾ Just a Wolpertinger Moth Girl ☾ [THIS BLOG IS DEFUNCT. MY MAIN IS bookmothic-dyke]
My name is Gwyndolyn (fae/she), but Nyuszi and Wren are also fine here. Just a faerie girl who woke up in a sad boy's body . . . yay childhood disassociation and trauma.
But anyways, this here my fellow cryptids and sapphics, is my otherkin and aesthetics side blog. Where I'll ramble about species dyphoria, share aesthetic images I find very gender, and maybe a tinge of witchcraft from my main.
Anyways, hope this is somehow enjoyable.
Here are my fae forms.
I call them Nyuszi and Wren to distinguish my bodies.
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2baddiesfanfics · 5 months ago
Welcome Home
Pairing: Arlecchino x Furina
Tags: Birthday, Birthday Sex, Birthday Presents, Fatui Harbingers (Genshin Impact), Oral Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Light Bondage, Gift Giving, Presents
Furina is excited to celebrate Arlecchino's birthday, but the Fatui harbinger is puzzled by her enthusiasm. The former archon notices something that gives her an idea for the perfect gift. Fortunately, the children of the House of the Hearth are away for the evening...
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A solitary suitcase sat waiting by the front door of the House of the Hearth as the Knave conducted the final inventory of her mental checklist for her trip to Snezhnaya.
“Must you go back so soon?” Furina whined, sulking as she leaned against the hallway doorframe.
“I’m afraid so. It seems the Tsaritsa has called an urgent meeting and attendance is mandatory.” She brushed the former archon’s cheek with her thumb to comfort her. “Though I must say, that pouty face of yours is making it very hard to leave.”
“But your birthday is next week…will you return in time?”
“My birthday?” Arlecchino repeated, entirely unaware it was already that time of year.
“Please try to come home so we can spend it together. I really want to be there for you. Without you, there may as well be no me.” Furina looked up at her with pleading eyes.
The harbinger chuckled at the absurdity of the idea. It was just another day. But if it was so important to her girlfriend, who was she to deny her the simple pleasure of a celebration? “I’ll do my best, droplet. But no promises. Perhaps a small, intimate dinner wouldn’t be so bad.”
“Yay!” She cheered before quickly kissing her on the cheek. Skipping over to where Arlecchino’s cloak sat waiting on a chair, she grabbed it and brought it to her.
“Here, don’t forget this. It won’t do for you to catch a cold before you return. I’ll be damned if I’m going to let your absentmindedness be the excuse you use for getting out of birthday festivities. It’s the first one we get to celebrate together!”
The Knave smiled warmly at the thought that anyone cared as much as Furina apparently did. “Thank you, dear. However, I regret to inform you I can no longer wear this. A treasure hoarder I fought tore a nasty hole in the back and I accidentally singed the sleeves while teaching them a lesson,” Arlecchino explained as she looked at the heap of fabric, her voice catching ever so slightly.
The former archon noticed a tinge of sadness flash in her eyes as she recounted the tale. To an outsider, it would have seemed the piece of clothing was nothing but an inevitable casualty of battle. Furina, however, had known the Knave long enough now that she could tell how much the cloak must have meant to her. She imagined it wasn’t unlike her own top hat – an outward expression of who she was on the inside.
“Oh…I see. Well, at least take a muffler and some gloves!” she conceded as she placed it back over the chair.
“They’re in my bag, love. I really must be going or I’ll arrive late. If you truly care about my well-being, then you’ll let me leave, you silly girl!” she teased. “Take care. I love you.”
Their lips met, and Arlecchino began the long trek to the land of cryo.
The door creaked as the harbinger entered the house. As she peered around, she was surprised to see that neither her children nor her girlfriend were eagerly waiting to welcome her back.
“Hello? Is anyone home?” Her voice echoed down the empty hallway.
“Oh, is that you, dear?” Furina’s familiar voice called out.
Arlecchino followed the sound of the inquiry to the dining room. “I apologize for the lateness of my return. There was a record snowfall and despite having a pyro vision it still took me a bit longer than expected.”
Furina bounded up to her and threw her arms around her waist. “It’s fine! The important thing is you’re safe and back home with me!” After receiving the obligatory forehead kiss she often demanded upon her girlfriend’s return, she pulled away. “Now that you’re home, let’s eat! I have all your favorites ready.”
“All my favorites? My, you must have really missed me.”
“Well, yes, but did you forget again? Today is your day, silly! We’re celebrating you!”
“Oh, you’re right…my birthday,” she murmured, letting Furina lead the way to the table.
After the two ate and discussed the Knave’s trip, the former archon brought out the limited-edition cake she had purchased specifically for the occasion.
“I know they usually only sell 16 slices, but I convinced them to make an exception, just for us.” She also placed a package on the table next to the sweet. “Happy Birthday, love of my life!”
“Darling, you didn’t have to do all this. I would have been more than happy just spending the evening together, you know that.”
“I understand, but I wanted to. You once mentioned to me you keep the children first and foremost in your life. But that means no one’s looking after you. Please, let me be the one who puts you first.”
The Knave gazed at the former archon with a look of sheer and genuine gratitude reflected in her smile. With a nod of agreeance, she gave in and decided to enjoy what Furina had clearly worked so hard to prepare. Grabbing the gift on the table she peeled off the bow and wrapping paper and pulled out her signature coat.
Sitting there puzzled, she asked, “You re-gifted me…my cloak?”
Laughing at her confusion, she drew closer to her girlfriend to explain. “Not exactly. You mentioned it had gotten battered in a fight. So, while you were gone, I put my seamstress abilities to the test. Here, look.” She pointed out where she had expertly patched the tears toward the back.
“But it’s much more than just a simple fix. I met with Chiori and she taught me how to best reinforce the material. That way it won’t rip as easily. I also sewed a fragment of my archon outfit into it as well. A little piece of me will always be with you, from the harsh arctic temperatures of Snezhnaya to the chilly shores of Liyue and every place in between.”
Arlecchino traced the midnight-blue fabric etched into the black of the cloak.
“You also mentioned your sleeves get charred easily when you use your vision. Chiori and I were able to alter the fabric there in a way that infuses the power of my hydro vision. This should help prevent future damage. Resistance to the elements is what makes a good coat, after all.”
The Knave sat in shock as Furina provided a lengthy explanation of what she and the owner of Chioriya Boutique had accomplished. To her, the harbinger cloak represented the first time she felt like she had become a part of something much bigger than herself. After surviving the horrors of the original iteration of the House of the Hearth, she sought power that would help her ensure no child would ever have to go through that again.
I didn’t even say anything…she just…knew somehow.
“Oh archons, you hate it don’t you?” The former archon grew concerned with her silence.
“How could I ever hate such a thoughtful expression of love? It’ll warm not just my body, but my heart as well. Thank you, droplet. I’ll treasure it for as long as I breathe.”
Furina sighed in relief. “You’re so dramatic. But I’m glad you like it. Now, for the main event! Cake!” They enjoyed their dessert together, Arlecchino’s hand on her girlfriend’s thigh, stroking softly. When they had finished, the former archon began to fidget where she sat. Arlecchino’s hungry eyes watched her intently.
“I find it somewhat strange the children are nowhere to be seen.”
“They decided to spend some time at the Hotel Debord for the evening.”
“So…we have the house to ourselves?”
“I suppose so. Just you. And me.”
“Good. Because I don’t think I’ll be able to wait until we make it to the bedroom.”
Grabbing Furina by the chin, her mouth crashed against hers, their tongues seeking the heat of each other’s. The two continued kissing as they tore at their clothes. When they had finally rid themselves of the barrier between them, the glow of the fireplace reflected off their bare porcelain skin.
“Hands on the table,” the harbinger commanded.
“My, my. So demanding, Father,” Furina replied in a sultry voice before doing what she was told. The Knave growled at hearing her title being used in such a compromising situation. She approached her from behind and kissed the nape of her neck. Her lips trailed to her shoulder as she brought her arms around the smaller woman. Palming both breasts, she worked them in her hands, rolling her nipples between her fingers.
“Widen your stance for me, love,” she coaxed, gently tapping her foot with hers.
“Yes…Father,” the former archon panted.
“You’re being such a good girl for me,” the harbinger whispered before she dragged her nails lightly across the skin of her girlfriend’s stomach down to her entrance. Her fingers entered her with no resistance, her slick already coating her folds. “To think I’m the one making the hydro archon so wet is amusing,” the Knave teased.
“F-former…archon,” Furina corrected.
“Not from what I am feeling.”
She moaned loudly as Arlecchino played with her clit, her other fingers thrusting deeply within her.
“Tell me, Furina…did you miss me?”
“Y-yes…archons…so much!” She groaned.
“And I, you…especially hearing that voice of yours call out my name in the throes of passion.”
The Knave increased her speed, slamming into her at just the right angle. The other woman clawed at the table as her legs began to shake.
“Arlecchino…please…I’m going to-”
“I won’t stop you,” the harbinger mumbled into her shoulder, her teeth piercing the tender skin there.
Furina screamed as waves of pleasure crashed over her. She shuttered as she flopped backward into Arlecchino’s arms. “I take it that was a sufficient enough ‘thank you’ for your thoughtful present earlier?”
“It certainly makes up for the fact you were gone for so long.”
The harbinger barked out a laugh. “Come now, it was only a week. You know what happens to spoiled children, don’t you? They get punished. I don’t think you want that.”
The former archon spun around to face her. “Hey, just because it’s your birthday it doesn’t mean you get to tease me even more than usual. Maybe I need to teach you a lesson.” She walked her back and pushed her down into a chair. Reaching for the discarded ribbon from the gift box that laid on the table, Furina pulled the Knave’s wrists together behind her and wrapped the twine in a tight bind. She knew Arlecchino could easily break free, but trusted her to play along.
“It really must be my birthday,” the woman joked.
“Oh, shush. I know I don’t look threatening, but remember - your orgasm hangs in the balance here. So, sit back and let me show you what I can do.”
Sitting on her lap, she knew it was killing the harbinger to not be able to touch her. She leaned in, her taught nipples brushing against the other woman’s eliciting a deep, guttural groan.
“Poor thing. It must be hard for you to show restraint with your gorgeous girlfriend straddling you like this, hmm?”
“I think you should shut up and kiss me.”
“Or you’ll do what, exactly? Sit there and glare at me menacingly? You’re quite good at that, I’ll admit,” she taunted with her finger under her chin. “As a former ruler, I know sometimes it’s best to be merciful. You’re lucky I’m feeling generous tonight.” The girl slid down to the floor, pushing the Knave’s thighs open wider. “You wanted a kiss, you said? How about right here…” She planted one right above the woman’s pelvis and felt her twitch against her mouth.
“Ah, that seemed to do the trick. But something tells me you want more,” she looked up at her through her lashes daringly.
“You’re very perceptive…” Arlecchino murmured.
Maintaining eye contact, Furina licked across her wet slit. The harbinger let out a breath, her eyes snapping shut as she reveled in the sensation.
“Hey, now! That’s not fair. Look at me. I want you to watch me make you come.”
“Such a…naughty mouth…at least it seems like you…know how to put it to good use,” she panted. The former archon took her time, lapping painfully slow. The Knave whimpered, too proud to beg for more. “Do you think you…might be able to…move a bit faster?” She ground out.
The former archon knew exactly what to say to set her off. “Why don’t you make me, Father?” Arlecchino’s eyes blazed as she snapped the tie off her wrists with brute force, grabbed her lover by the hair, and pressed her face into her harder.
“Faster. Now.”
Furina moaned into her pussy as she licked, the vibration driving her to the edge in record time. “Fuck…yes…like that…harder…put some force into it…” she growled before her hips jerked in a final thrust. The harbinger pulled her girlfriend back up into her lap and kissed her. Both of them gasped for air as they came down from the heat of the moment.
“Next time, you’re coming with me to Snezhnaya. My business trips would be a lot less tedious if I knew you were waiting for me in my room.”
“Maybe next birthday,” Furina yawned, utterly exhausted from the day’s activities. “For now, how about we celebrate by going to bed?”
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fake-married-my-dead-fiance · 7 months ago
I LOVE sh**ting stars. The cast was amazing, the plot wasn’t very intriguing but the writing was very good and it didn’t rely on too many cliches, the characters were very well written. Not to mention the scene where he confesses and she starts screaming and seats in the passenger seat of her car… pure gold. The love story between the lawyer and the journalist blew my mind and I wished there was a spin off about them. I wish it had more success!
Yay! Another fan of Sh**ting Stars!
It's not a plot heavy show, but I think that's fine because the shenanigans are so fun. Just enough plot to not be boring. I love the confession scene, it's so cute! And when she hides behind the couch. I loved that the lawyer wasn't left in Sad Second Male Lead land and he started dating the journalist. They were so good together and I love her actress!
You are making me want to watch it again...
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blueiight · 2 years ago
Okay yay! I’ve been thinking about this all day and thought it’d be fun to ask you 🤗
I was thinking Armand at first for me. But I think it might actually be Lestat tbh! I think i. some ways I have things he tends to latch onto.
I wouldn’t want to be turned by Armand bc from what I learned about him and Daniel idk and if Im not wrong doesn’t he not want to turn people? like what state would i have to be in order for that to happen. I almost feel like i would rather already be a vamp of i had to encounter Armand ngl. I only want to be turned by Louis if its like he’s genuinely saving my life and I asked otherwise I dont think it would be very enjoyable. idk anything about the books so hopefully i’d be an exception to the fail fledglings lol. think i’d end up leaving him tho and doing my own thing. Lestat….it almost seems like he would back me into the corner and whether i chose him or not I’d be turned so if you know some witches then HELP MEE!!!
I only dont want Louis to kill me bc i feel like the whole ting would be so sad. He would be so upset by it. bc Im black and queer now Im comforting him like “its okay Louis your a vamp its in your nature!” while he killing me all tortured! Armand would enjoy himself tooooo much. He experimental and shiiii idk. Lestat, I only choose him bc I feel like there’s a chance I might get that little orgasm trick he does at some point in the night like it might not be to the rings of saturn and back but I might have a point were i’m enjoying myself. 🫣
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Im obsessed w how u think fr. well its also like book dan was in a shitshow of his own creation of sorts , armand finds him when hes broke as fuck after blowing the bag he got from in universe interview release on bullshit. armand’s aversion to turning dan specifically was bc daniel was his sort of ‘mentor in humanity’ & the nature of their relationship changed when daniel was turned. theres a whole rigmarole that goes into armand’s aversion to turning others in general thats tied to some foundational shit in how he see himself & stuff from way back in his day namely w losing his human companions to the ~dark gift~ tho not of his volition but bc mari thought turning syb + ben would make mand feel less alone oss.. but show mand w assad sexy self can find me & ill change his mind ;^)but i digress lol the type of witches i mess w would give u some good things to evade the evil gay demons haunting me& u loll. and no awww ur so sweet to louis.. i like to see him tormented lolz. i want louis to kill me precisely bc im also a black queer[bi] woman… ima be like come take this dick[my body, my blood, flesh] like niggas like u always do smfh ;^). it dont make sense but nobody ever called blueiight a genius. i jus like to see lou sad & ur so real for the les orgasm trick. hopefully all 3 of them know how to get down. n get freaky. we need more sexy feeding scenes in s2
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allthemusic · 29 days ago
Week ending: 17th May
In some ways, last week felt like a shift away from the standard late-50s / early-60s order of things. We had a British teenaged girl, a rockabilly cowboy and some jazz. None of it's crazy, but it's pretty far from the Everly-esque pop-tinged rock and roll du jour. Thankfully, if you like that kind of stuff, though, we are back in business this week, with two teen idols and one session musician making his big solo break. It's much more predictable - good, quality stuff, though, so you won't catch me complaining!
More Than I Can Say - Bobby Vee (double A-side, peaked at Number 4)
I mentioned last time he came up that Bobby Vee, of all the teen idols, feels the most obviously indebted to Buddy Holly, down to having got his break playing the tour that Buddy (quite literally) crashed out of back in 1959. And indeed, he's at it again here, with a hit penned by two of the Crickets, and recorded by them, before it became a hit for Bobby, a year later. Interestingly, the Crickets didn't actually finish writing the song, even in their own version - the verses are complete, but the hook was left without lyrics, with just a wo-wo-yay-yay for parts of the song left in as a placeholder. It's quite catchy, as placeholder hooks go, though, so perhaps that's why it got left in the finished thing!
Anyway, Bobby's version is soft and sweet, lots of pretty string and pino flourishes and a steady beat that keeps pace along with Bobby's smooth, gentle harmonies. There's a little bit of a growl to his voice on some lines, a little Buddy-ish hiccup on the wo-oh-oh. But mostly Bobby is on a straightforward charm offensive here, as he sings about how I love you more than I can say, and how I'll love you twice as much tomorrow. He worries, briefly, that his love interest doesn't love him back. But it's a brief moment, and then we're back to how much he loves them. Cute, inoffensive and honestly fairly romantic.
I really like the piano in the middle of this. It's not showy, but it's got some little jazzy runs and accidentals. It's just playing another version of the verse, but the jazziness really adds a certain something. Very pretty, and very chill. And finishing the whole track with the piano coming back is also a nice touch, rounding it off neatly.
Stayin' In - Bobby Vee (double A-side, 4)
Well, we're straight into it, with some surprisingly jaunty violins and a particularly striking set of opening lyrics to go with them, as Bobby tells us, surprisingly deadpan, that I punched my buddy in the nose after lunch / Now I'm in trouble, cause the dean saw the punch. Bobby punched somebody? Clean-cut teen idol Bobby? It's uncharacteristically rough, and leaves you wondering - what on earth could have possessed him?
Thankfully, Bobby quickly explains. His "friend", you see, was spreading nasty rumours about the girl Bobby likes. Bobby naturally reacts in anger, and the resulting punch earns him a detention - which is where the real drama of the song comes in, because while Bobby's stuck in detention, his girl's going home with precisely the same cad who was spreading rumours about her! If she just knew what that son of a gun said, Bobby sings, clearly frustrated, I know she wouldn't be caught with him dead. Unfortunately, she doesn't know - and she won't find out, as long as Bobby's stuck in detention. So home she goes. The scoundrel gets the girl, and Bobby's left relating this sad tale to us.
I love how specific all of this is, and how dramatic - it's a specifically teenaged conundrum, with lots of hormones running rampant and rumours flying round the school. You've got the double whammy of "I have a crush on this girl that's driving me to do crazy things" and "I'm angry and the adults just don't understand me", and you can almost hear the resulting tension in Bobby's voice - there's a growl to it, a pent-up frustration that's palpable. And that's before we even reach the "son of a - gun" line, with a little pause before "gun" that's doing a lot of heavy lifting. Clean-cut teen idol, he may be, but Bobby's full of righteous anger, here - and well he ought to be, by the sound of things!
On the Rebound - Floyd Cramer (1)
And then, from zippy to even zippier! Floyd Cramer's a figure we've seen, and more importantly heard, before. A session musician and part of the elite so-called Nashville A-Team, he played with the likes of Elvis, Brenda Lee, Patsy Cline, Roy Orbison and the Everlys, to name just a few of the more prominent figures. A pianist, he's credited in particularl with the development of a type of "slip-note" playing with passing notes sliding rapidly into chords. It's a really technical little thing that apparently was hugely influential in the piano-playing world at the time. So yeah, respected dude. But now, five or six years after his rise to fame, he's making a bid for a solo career, with this as his first big hit.
It's an instrumental, but not like previous piano instrumentals we've heard - gone are the days of Winifred Atwell and Russ Conway, with their janky ice-cream van jingles. Instead, what we have here is something that's genuinely cool, an upbeat rock and roll number that zips along, changing the vibe up frequently enough that you don't ever get bored. We start with piano and strings, establishing a melody that wheels around and wanders about the place. Once you've played that twice, it's time for a chorus of backing ooohs, and then briefly back to the tune, now with added singers. And then, before you can get too settled, the pinano drops out and it's time for a bass and drum break, with hand claps. Halfway through, the strings come stabbing back in and the piano joins the party, and then it's the oohs again - by which point, you've been away from the main tune for long enough that it's kind of fun when it comes back, right at the end, for a final victory-lap reprise. Each of these segments lasts twenty seconds, tops, but the change between them is handled pretty smoothly, so that you barely notice just how broken-up the track is, or how little you actually hear the piano, comparatively. Kudos are probably to Floyd for this, actually - for all that his piano playing is clearly insanely good, he doesn't hog the limelight. Instead, he knows when to hang back and let other instruments take over - an underrated skill, for a solo musician.
I also appreciate just how chirpy and catchy the song is - there's something very carefree and cool about it. I could imagine myself dancing along to it at a diner, or driving along to it in a convertible with the top down, or something similarly breezy and laid-back. It kind of reminds me of the music from the film Hairspray, the sort of cheery, energetic stuff that the TV contestants end up dancing to. There's a confidence to it and a flow that's just fabulous. It's got me bopping round my bedroom - a vote of confience, if ever there was one!
A Hundred Pounds of Clay - Craig Douglas (9)
Well, there had to be one outlier - in a week of zippy, well-made American tunes, Craig's the British outlier. But even then, the song has American roots - originally, it was performed by Gene McDaniels, after all, a R&B singer from Kansas City. You can kind of hear traces of this in Craig's version, actually - Craig isn't a soul singer by any stretch of the imagination, but there's still a touch of it, in his delivery. You could kind of imagine somebody like Sam Cooke knocking it out of the park. Craig's no Sam Cooke, but he does do his best, and you know what? His best's credible enough, here.
It's not a super complicated song. The concept, in fact, is real simple, taking the Biblical creation story, and retelling it in musical form, with a focus on the creation of Eve. He took a hundred pounds of clay, Craig explains, And then He said, "Hey, listen / I'm gonna fix this-a world today / Because I know what's missin'" What's missing, it turns out, is a companion for Adam. And so He created a woman and-a lots of lovin' for a man. And all was well. Aside from a rather comical line about God rolling his big sleeves up, it all feel pretty tame, and pretty straightforward - and yet, it was banned from airplay on the BBC, apparently, due to concerns that it portrays women as something created solely for sexual gratification. Which apparently did not fly in the early 1960s - not because anybody cared about it objectifying women, but because it was seen as blasphemous. Which I guess it kind of is, except it's a pop song. You don't come to a pop song for Biblical exegesis and solid theology. But hey. Apparently people at the BBC in the 60s thought otherwise.
Musically, it's very much in line with the other songs from this week - lots of strings, strummy guitars, backing singers going ooooh a lot. I don't hate it, but it doesn't stand out particularly. All of the other tracks this week had some sort of solo to help keep them memorable. That or lyrics about punching your friend in the nose, which tends to stick in the mind. This song just doesn't feel like the sort of thing I'll be able to remember, come tomorrow. It's not bad, but it's just kind of generic-sounding. Very 1961, but I've listened to it a few times now, and I still don't think I could, if you asked me to hum it to you.
I did enjoy all four of those songs. They're good, quality songs, for the most part, and there's a certain jauntiness and zippiness to them that I enjoyed. Strings and guitar with optional piano really does seem to be the sound of 1961. And within that, there's one song that really stood out, and that has actually made it into my liked song playlist (and into my brain, possibly never to leave). So, without further ado...
Favourite song of the bunch: On the Rebound.
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weepylucifer · 2 years ago
I am actually rotating the swap au in my mind now and like... i've been wondering how the dynamic would be day to day, like, does Put-Together Harry still want to do all the weird sidequests? Does Kim? I was thinking a Harry who doesn't want to run around doing weird shit anymore is just too sad, and then it occurred to me that, of course, he'd try to nudge Kim into doing them expressly to cheer him up
Like I'm seeing this now, Kim in this au has gone full hermit cop even pre-memory loss. He trusts MAYBE Harry on a good day. He remembers very little about his life but something deeply ingrained in his brain and body tells him that he's an outsider in society, and it puts him on edge and makes him want to drive people away even harder to defend himself against... (...what? He does not know what it is, but it’s big and it’s comin!! Half-Light is loud here). And here's Harry just trying to get him interacting with the world while Kim just kinda wants to crawl under Harry's Coupris and never emerge. There's definitely a tinge of desperate cheer to Harry here. Like look these nice people want to find a cryptid! Isn't that exciting? These kids want to turn a church into a nightclub! We should help! Community policing! Yay! Please please do Something you depressed bastard I am getting very worried. And Kim's just like "Lieutenant Double Yiffer, can't we just solve the murder somehow and then, idk, decompose or smoke some weed or something?" but after a while he finds himself reluctantly engaging and having a good time with all the weird shit Harry wants to do
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tavvattales · 3 years ago
Hewwo again fwend~! How have you been~? Hope all good in good~😁 about your little request for cute ideas~, if not troubling you of course~, how about cuddle day~? comes the cutie klee ask for it fro us then she ask her brother then~~ I think you can see where I'm going to~, ne~? 😉 the details is all up to you hun~ thanks in advance lovely~ 💙🌹
TINNAAA MY SWEETIE PIE! Hellooo~ I'm sorry this took so long, but I hope you like it 🥰 Much love to you for this cute suggestion~ I had such a fun time writing this one for you, mwuah mwuah 😘
Let's have a Cuddle Day~
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GENSHIN IMPACT Character x GN Reader fluff stories
Characters: Albedo, Klee(side character)
Pairings: Albedo x GN Reader
Warnings: None
Click below for some more fluff~
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"Traveler Y/N~!!" A cheerful voice booms out, causing you to glance up from your paperwork, greeting the familiar voice with a smile. Upon eye contact, a pair of playful ruby eyes sparkle brilliantly and stare right back at you just above your desk.
"Hello, Klee. How can I help you today?" you say with utmost respect any Knight of Favonius should deserve. Klee, making her way around your desk with a delightful giggle, faces you with a warm smile. Sighing in contentment, you chuckle softly at the cute child before you, reaching your hand to pat her on the head.
"Y/N! Y/N! Klee would love it if you would cuddle with her and Dodoco~ We asked big brother Albedo if he could, but he seems sooooo busy. Klee didn't want to bother him," she says with eagerness, yet you couldn't help picking up a tinge of sadness in her voice.
"Is that so? Well, Klee~. It just so happens I have some time for this cute little Knight riggghhtt here~" you say as you playfully boop her nose.
Giggling in delight, Klee exclaims, "Yay~! Thank you, Traveler! Klee, and Dodoco are veerrry happy~!" her eyes glimmering with excitement.
Taking hold of Klee's hand, you glance down at her, "I'll have to have a word with Albedo first. Let's see if I can convince him, shall we?" you say, smiling down at her. The thought of dragging along Albedo made your heart flutter.
Being confirmed, the rumor circulating around the Knights of Favonius that you and Albedo have been, in fact, a "thing," as the Knights of Favonius call it. Strangely enough, when it came to you, Albedo couldn't formulate himself to say no to you. Every time he set his playful aquamarine eyes on you, his artificial heart beat wildly, his cheeks growing warm, and he kept finding himself unable to control his urges to kiss you. The usually soft-spoken Chief Alchemist is, in fact, head over heels for you, and it showed more often than he'd like to admit.
Playing the matter at hand and squeezing little Klee's hand warmly, the two of you trot over to his office, making a grand entrance as if to play with Klee, "Greetings, Albedo~ Your little sister insists on a cuddle day. Surely you won't say no to us~?" You tease, Klee squealing in delight as she rushes towards him in a warm embrace.
Albedo, astonished at the sudden entrance, blinks and then sets his pen down, letting out a small soft laugh, picking Klee up in the process, "Alright, alright," he says, a warm smile spreading across his face, his curious gaze lingering on you, "I presume you'll join us, Y/N? Rather, I hope you will," Albedo continues, his aquamarine eyes glimmering with corners as he reaches out his free hand.
Feeling your cheeks growing warm, you advert your eyes, "Of course. Little Klee did invite me too, after all," you say as you walk up to them, grazing your hand over his, interlacing your fingers together.
"Then shall we?" He asks with such tenderness.
"We shall~."
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waitingforwinterwinds · 2 years ago
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Game of Thrones - 34 CATELYN VI (pages 348-365)
Cat and her remaining party members arrive at the Eyrie, Cat reconnects with two of her Tully family members, and finds she's happier about one of those reunions than the other. Lysa has become concerning. Mya Stone temporarily joins the party.
Two score men flanked the dwarf and the rest of her ragged band, knights and men-at-arms in service to her sister Lysa and Jon Arryn's young son, and yet Tyrion betrayed no hint of fear. Could I be wring? Catelyn wondered, not for the first time. Could he be innocent after all, of Bran and Jon Arryn and all the rest? And if he was, what did that make her? Six men had died to bring him here.
And there's the crux of it, the doubt that was never really seen in the tv series (or I don't recall it from the show despite having rewatched season 1 just before I started the read.) Cat does have doubts, but it's a bit of a sunk cost fallacy at this point, what's lost has to be worth seeing it through because she's gone too far to back out now. She acted with the information she had, but it was bad information, and she couldn't trust Tyrion's information when he's the suspect but part of her does wonder, she's not completely single minded and blind to the possibility that she's wrong, she's just trapped by her own actions. She's got herself trapped, and now she can only move forward, or that's very much how she seems to feel about it. And all of it is made infinitely more frustrating by how easily they could have verified the information, but apparently chose not to when they could have actively done it, and they could have easily learned the information from a third party, but it just never came up!
(Also ngl, i kinda want a zombie apocalypse au where Cat and Tyrion get stuck together as a survival team trying to get back to their families or a step over into the comedy genre and a pseudo buddy cop of Cat and Tyrion turning the tables of who's citizen's arresting whom, back and forth up and down the country side, Bron's just there for the lulz.)
Her dark hair was cropped short and straight around her head, and she wore riding leathers and a light shirt of silvered ringmail. She bowed to Catelyn, more gracefully than her lord. "I promise you, my lady, no harm will come to you. It would be my honor to take you up. I've made the dark climb a hundred times. Mychel says my father must have been a goat." She sounded so cocky that Catelyn had to smile. "Do you have a name, child?" "Mya Stone, if it please you, my lady," the girl said.
MYA! that was it, Mya, not Maya or Mara. This is Bobby B's daughter and first born child right? Yay!
She sounded so like Sansa, so happy and innocent in her dreams. Catelyn smiled, but it was tinged with sadness. The Redforts were and old name in the Vale, she knew, with the blood of the first men in their veins. His love she might be, but no Redfort would ever wed a bastard.
Well that's a bit shit. Terrible attitude, needs improvement. :( Interesting to parallel her with Sansa given those two end up interacting later, if I have my characters and plot lines straight.
"It was always white above here, and the ice never melted." She shrugged. "I can't remember ever seeing ice this far down the mountain, but maybe it was that way once, in the olden times." So young, Catelyn thought, trying to remember if she had ever been like that. The girl had lived half her life in summer, and that was all she knew. Winter is coming, child, she wanted to tell her. The words were on her lips; she almost said them. Perhaps she was becoming a Stark at last.
Ooooh, ouch, how does it feel to be 'of the olden times' Cat? Do you need a moment to rest your ancient bones. cries in 'kids will call anyone old and reader has been a victim of this also' millennial
Cat: *gets a bad case of the 'fantasy worlds are OSHA non-compliant handrail hating hellscapes' scares* Mya: "I got you granny Stark, come on." Cat: "screw it, I'll take the elevator with the turnips the rest of the way."
I do love it when the ladies who have to act tough have their moments of vulnerability and they have someone there who doesn't take advantage of that but helps them. It's one of my fav interaction types.
Catelyn wanted to slap her. Uncle Brynden had tried to warn her, she realized. "No castle is impregnable."
Oh, now here's another conversation that got juggled about in the show. "Give me ten good men and some climbing spikes, I'll impregnate the bitch." But ooph, does this conversation add so much to the Cat&Lysa relationship, or newfound lack there of.
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washymylifeaway · 4 years ago
Haikyuu fanfic recs: a random assortment
Ah, well I didn’t mean to make this. But then. Yeah anyway, it’s basically a sht post LOL. Nothing fancy, just a bunch of random fics I’m throwing together cause I need to sort myself out LOL. Summaries are short so I can get this out, but in the future, they’ll most likely get longer ones. This’ll be your April fools post cause I’m just foolin’ around.
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
Eh it’s like generally all ships grouped together by accident,,, ignore the outliers.
hook, line, and sinker by liliapocalypse (M) 2.1k /SakuAtsu/ this is confident Omi supremacy. I love model Omi and artist Atsumu,,,, Warnings for implied nudity and some very intense sexual tension.
you, clouds, rain. by auvelli (T) 3.5k /SakuAtsu/ non linear and it’s really good! It’s written really beautifully :’) Like it executes the plot line super well, and the ending was just UGH yes.
Peace of Routine by DeathBelle (E) 8.4k /SakuAtsu/ CHECK TAGS AND WARNINGS cause MAFIA but also SMUT but IT WAS SO GOOD. Like not a lotta mafia stuff (though I can only imagine Atsumu face when he was threatening that person was hot asf), but BIG RELATIONSHIP TINGS RIGHT HERE <33333 This one is Omi POV, and I gotta admit, and this is random, but reading Atsumu say Sakusa instead of Omi made me feel weird. (but when he said kiyoomi aiuhfasdkhf)
In The Center Of The Forest by Your_Friendly_Neighborhood_Pigeon (T) 5k /umm it’s like MatsuHana and KyouHaba but also not???/ CHECK TAGS AND WARNINGS, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Sad but very good and I liked the execution of the prompt, done very well :’)
somewhere to belong by kitouma (T) 7k /SunaOsa/ mythology AU, very cute much love, Suna is trying his best. Also yay for immortality, Kita Shinsuke, and Oikawa Tooru.
talks firmly and calmly by warmly (T) 10.9k /MatsuHana/ UM I love this fic? It made me djahaadkj and ik it seems like it’s gonna be weird, but it’s really frickin’ good, so just trust me and read it :)
Seijoh Sweets: Aoba Johsai Artisinal Bakery by FindingSchmomo (series) 22.1k /KyouHaba, IwaOi, MatsuHana/ funny and cute series, lots of fluff, there’s a cat too and some Ushiwaka rivalry :0
destroy the middle (it's a waste of time) by knightswatch (M) 9.6k /KyouHaba/ LOVE this fic, it’s written really well and the scenario seems very likely as well! I just really love the progression :)
Seijoh, Inc. by DeathBelle (series) 72.7k // LOVE this series, but couldn’t get around to recommending it anywhere (I think???) Lots of different ships, even outside Seijoh, and I think they can all be read separately? Overall, fun time :)
but not for spring to well up by tookumade (T) 40.8k /SunaOsa/ you thought I would not re-re-re-recommend this fic again? Yea think again. If you already read it, read it again. I don’t make the rules, you just gotta read it again :/
Seasons by Nimbus_Cloud (series) 176.3k /KuroKen, BokuAka/ surprised that I forgot to recommend this one in my long fic list,,,,, oops,,,,, it’s long but it’s very good! Read TAGS AND WARNINGS cause some stuff goes down.
my hate for spiders is stronger than my hate for you by hqdorks (M) 12.6k /KuroKen/ have I recommended this yet? idk but now I have :) Some weird KuroKen but it’s a fun time and ew spiders. Also heated pokemon go discussion,,,, CHECK TAGS AND WARNINGS cause SMUT.
tea leaves and spice (girls) by Ellessey (series) 24.6k /KuroKen/ another idr if I recommended yet or not, but here it is. Just some defining relationships, platonic KenHina, some not so platonic KageHina, and SMUT at the end. So check TAGS AND WARNINGS.
I Choose You by TripsH (T) 9.3k /IwaOi/ a good AU verse :D I like this one and it’s a no communication one as well LOL. Pretty famous/popular IwaOi fic, idk why I haven’t recommended it yet considering the fact that I did like it,,, hmm.
Moral Ambiguity by DeathBelle (E) 16.7k /IwaOi/ some k*lling but it’s not super explicit (for the most part). Interesting AU, written very well, do I approve of m*rder? Of course not, but my disapproval for ab*se is also,,, very strong. This is a big TAGS AND WARNINGS fic so pls be safe!
mint by tothemoon (T) 18.9k /IwaOi/ another really well loved fic (for good reason) that made me surprised to know I haven’t recommended it yet,,, It’s written super well, and the plot is a lot of fun!
Hanamaki Disease by ArcticLights (T) 1.9k /IwaOi/ like the eyyy fic but with memes LOL. It’s also only Oikawa and it’s got some old memes, but they’re good ones so I accept.
That’s all you get people. This may be my first completely random sht post, but it’s most definitely not the last. All summaries here are complete crap and I’m sorry for making you read them LOL. Have a nice April Fools day, losers!
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hxlyhead-harpies · 4 years ago
The Last Dream of My Soul part 1. (R.L.)
hello everyone! This is the first part of the Remus Lupin series that i’m starting and i am soooo excited. i am still new at this so any feedback is appreciated!! i hope you enjoy!!
Pairing: Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
Summary: The very bookish (Y/n) has spent most of her life alone, aside from her best friends Lily and her beloved books. But when the infamous Marauders get thrust into her life, how could she resist the beautiful and unattainable Remus.
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 3.1k
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The yellowing and rough pages of old books had always felt like home to you. The smell of the aging parchment and the worn and weathered covers had always offered you more comfort than any real person ever had. On a bad day, you’d be able to curl up in your bed, lulled to sleep by your favorite characters, and adventures more exciting than your own life. As the years pushed forward this was how your life was. You didn’t have many friends but that was okay because you had your books. Who needed a best friend when you could spend your afternoons in Narnia with the Pevensie siblings or tumble through rabbit holes with Alice? For the early years of your childhood, you were content with the reality that you wished you could be in any world than your own. Your boring, magicless, and unmysterious world.
But that all changed the year you turned eleven. You remember the day as if it were yesterday. You were laying on your bed, your legs tangled in the quilt your mother had made. A Nancy Drew book sat in front of you, the plot of which now escapes you but at this point, you had already solved the mystery yourself. It was a perfect summer afternoon. The sun was out and you could hear the other neighborhood kids shouting from outside your window. They never invited you out to play but you were okay with that; you had far more exciting things to read. You were turning a page, nearly halfway through the book, when you heard tapping from your window. Your head shot up- your reading induced trance was now broken- only to be met with the sight of a snowy owl. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. You had never seen that type of bird around here. And you had certainly never seen one clutching a letter between its talons. You carefully marked your page in your book and quickly hopped out of bed. You made your way to the window and attempted to open it, a task that proved difficult for your small eleven-year-old body. After a few moments of a struggle, you finally pried it open. The owl dropped the letter inside your room and flew off. You bent down to pick up the parchment from the floor to see that the letter was addressed to you, and was from someplace called Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry.
From that moment on your world had been flipped upsidedown, at least in the sense that everything now had to change. But to you, if anything, the world had finally been made right. Magic was real- and you had the pleasure of possessing it. It was like some part of you had always known that magic existed beyond the pages of your favorite books. It was as if everything finally made sense.
You dragged your family down the streets of Diagon Alley, absorbing every bit of magic culture that you could. You reveled in the lights and the feeling of warmth that coursed through your veins when you finally picked up the right wand at Ollivanders. You squealed with delight when your parents purchased you an owl and you nearly died of excitement when you realized that pictures plastered on posters in the alleys moved. And when you ran through the seemingly solid barrier at Kingscross station you thought you would pass out from the thrill. And when you got on the train you curled up by yourself in a compartment, hurriedly reading through your History of Magic textbook, attempting to soak up every bit of knowledge that you could.
During your first year at Hogwarts, you came to the slow realization that you might actually need friends. Now that you knew that magic was real you wanted to experience as much of it as you could, and it felt rather lonely to experience it all on your own. The characters in your books had always had sidekicks and best friends on their grand adventures, and being accepted into Hogwarts marked the beginning of yours. Now you just needed someone to share it with. Luckily, the pretty girl with brilliant green eyes and glowing red hair that shared your dorm had the same idea.
By your fourth year, you and Lily Evans were attached at the hip. You spent nearly all your time together, inside and outside of class, and told each other absolutely everything. She knew everything about you, every detail and every secret, and you knew the same about her. Sure you had other friends, Marlene and Alice were nice and you hung around them quite often, but it was nothing like your relationship with Lily. She was the Elizabeth Bennet to your Charlotte Collins. Nobody understood you as she did, and you didn’t think you’d ever find anyone else who did.
But despite your closeness, you always felt a tinge of jealousy towards her. She was everything you weren’t: she was strong and outgoing, she felt no fear when talking to strangers, and it seemed that everyone instantly took a liking to her. Everyone loved her. She had flocks of friends, granted she wasn’t as close to any of them as she was to you, but it occasionally made you feel unimportant. It also seemed as if half of the year was in love with her. James Potter was evidence of that, constantly making a fool of himself to impress her. Lily always scoffed at him, not finding any of his antics even slightly attractive. And out loud you agreed with her that he was just a silly boy, but deep down you wished someone would give you at least a fraction of the attention that he gave her. But that was how it always went. Lily was the type of girl that boys would fall in love with. You, on the other hand, her quiet and shy sidekick, went largely unnoticed. But everything was fine. Because in moments when you felt lonely or inadequate you could turn to your books just as you did when you were young. Fingers tracing over the words of Mr. Darcy’s declaration of love or Romeo and Juliet’s final moments. And at the time, it was enough.
It was your seventh year when things really started to change. After years of begging, Lily finally said yes to James. You were happy for her of course, she seemed to really like him. And he obviously really liked her. The way that James looked at her could only be described in the words of your favorite novels. But with her new relationship came uncharted territory: Lily now sat with him at most meals, though every few breakfasts she’d make a point to sit with you, and the spot you usually occupied next to her in the common room was now occupied by James. And the worst part was that you were now alone on Hogsmeade weekends, a time that was usually reserved for you and Lily to walk arm and arm around the small village. But despite all of this you couldn’t be mad at her. You saw how happy she was- and her happiness made you happy as well. But you couldn’t help but feel a tad jealous that she got to feel an emotion that you yearned to feel with your entire being. Love.
“(Y/n) come on!” Lily exclaimed, throwing up her hands in exasperation. You groaned, looking up at her from the book in front of you. You were currently rereading A Tale of Two Cities, a favorite of yours that was littered with dogeared pages and underlined phrases. You made eye contact with your best friends, noticing the frustration in her eyes.
“Can you please just come eat breakfast with us?” she asked, rubbing her temple with her fingertips.
“Lils you know I want to eat breakfast with you but I don’t want to interrupt your time with James,” you replied, starting to look back down at your book.
“You’re not interrupting anything! All of his friends sit with us too!” she said desperately. When you didn’t respond to her exclamation she reached down and snatched the book from your hands.
“Lily!” you cried, sitting up and attempting to steal back your book.
“No (Y/n) I’m not giving this back until you come eat with me! I feel like I never see you anymore,” she said.
“Yeah, that’s because you’re always with James,” you responded while making another sad attempt to reclaim your novel. Lily’s face fell.
“Do you think I’m spending too much time with him? I swear I don’t mean to ignore you, I’ll stop eating meals with him and we can go to Hogsm-” she rambled, practically shoving the old book back into your hands.
“No Lily!” you shouted, cutting her off. “You’re not spending to much time with him! It seems like a perfectly acceptable time to spend around your boyfriend. I just miss you that’s all,” you said quietly. Lily’s face softened.
“Then come eat breakfast with me. I want you to get to know James better. You two are my favorite people I want you to get along,” she once again urged.
“Lily I’m not sure… I don’t really know anyone else there and you don’t have to worry I already like James plenty,” you replied.
“Just come, please! I promise that you’ll like his friends!” she practically begged. You sighed in defeat, finally giving in.
“Fine Lily,” you grumbled, standing up to gather your things.
“Yay!” Lily exclaimed, clapping her hands together.
“But, I can only promise today. If his friends suck I won’t come back,” you exclaimed sternly. Lily nodded solemnly.
The two of you made your way down to the Great Hall for breakfast as Lily attempted to give you a rundown on the group of boys that you were about to meet.
“Ok so obviously you know James, he plays quidditch and is studying to become an Auror. His best friend is Sirius who, I know, has a reputation but I swear he’s no that ba-”
“Lily I know who they all are! We’ve been in the same house for the last seven years,” you said, interrupting her with a laugh. Lily rolled her eyes at you.
“Yes I know you know them but you don’t know them,” Lily replied.
“Fine fine,” you said, throwing your hands up in surrender. “Continue.”
“Thank you,” Lily smiled. “As I was saying, Sirius is not as bad as everyone makes him out to seem. Yes, he hooks up with quite a few girls but he’s actually very funny and is secretly a sweetheart. Then there’s Peter, who I’ll admit is a little odd, but he’s harmless. And finally, there’s Remus. He honestly reminds me of you: he’s quiet and he reads a lot like you do. But he’s kind of a smartass sometimes so watch out for that,” she said, finished with her rundown. By this point, the two of you had reached the great hall. Breakfast was already in full swing and the room was swarming with students. Lily grabbed your arm and led you to a spot about midway down the table. She plopped down next to James, kissing him quickly on the cheek, causing Sirius to make a fake gagging face, before pulling you down to sit next to her.
“Boys,” she said, attempting to catch the attention of all four boys.
“This is (Y/n), my best mate in the entire world, so you all better be nice to her,” Lily stated matter-o-factly. You looked up to give a meek smile to all the boys. James greeted you warmly, Sirius gave you a small nod, Peter waved excitedly, and Remus didn’t even look up at you. You frowned for a moment before Sirius smacked Remus’s arm from his spot next to him.
“Hey Moony, pay attention we have a guest,” he said jokingly before shooting you a smile. Remus’s head shot up quickly, looking from Sirius to you, locking his eyes with yours. Once he seemingly realized what was happening he shot you a quick smile. You smiled back, attempting to hide the blush that the momentary eye contact had caused. You had always found Remus attractive, but you had never been so near him before. Something about the proximity made you jittery and made your palms sweat.
“Sorry about that,” he said, lifting a book from underneath the table. He flashed the cover of the book towards you. The title, Crime and Punishment, was sprawled across the worn cover. You felt your nose crinkle, reminded of how much you disliked the book. Remus’s eyebrows furrowed.
“What? Not a fan of Dostoevsky?” he asked. You shook your head.
“I guess the plot was interesting enough but oh my Godric was it dense,” you replied with a groan. You heard Remus chuckle from his spot across from you.
“Yeah, I suppose I can see where you’re coming from. I am enjoying it so far though,” he replied. You hummed in understanding before reaching for a piece of toast.
“Oh come on Lily,” Sirius said with a grin. “I can’t believe you would bring another nerd along. We already have Remus, we don’t need another one,” he continued. You felt your face heat up, ducking your head as you bit into the piece of toast. Lily narrowed her eyes at Sirius.
“Sirius I told you to be nice,” she said before throwing a piece of her roll at him. He laughed before throwing his hands up in surrender.
“Sorry (Y/n),” he apologized. You sent him a quick nod to let him know that it was okay, before pulling out your own book. As you stared down at the pages in front of you, you missed Remus perking up in interest.
“What are you reading?” he asked, setting his book down. You looked up quickly, showing him the cover.
“A Tale of Two Cities. It’s one of my favorites,” you answered shyly. You felt Lily shift beside you before speaking.
“She’s read that book probably a million times,” she said. You rolled your eyes.
“I wouldn’t say a million times, but yes I’ve read it quite a few times,” you replied before shifting your eyes back to Remus. He let out a soft laugh.
“I’ve never read it before. I’ll have to pick a copy up when we go to Hogsmeade. One of the shops sells muggle books,” he said with a small smile.
“You can borrow mine!” you said too quickly, causing yourself to blush. He looked at you, surprised.
“Oh, uh sure. I’ll borrow it when I’m done with this,” he replied, once again holding up Crime and Punishment. You heard Lily snicker from beside you.
“Good luck trying to read one of her books,” Lily said. “There’s so much writing in the margins it’s nearly impossible to get through.” You turned to her and smacked her lightly on the shoulder.
“Hey! It’s not that bad,” you said with a slight pout.
“I don’t mind,” Remus said, causing your eyes to turn back to him. “I’ll be interested in reading your thoughts as well as the book,” he said earnestly. You felt yourself smile involuntarily. You were about to reply when James stood up suddenly.
“Damnit we’re going to be late to potions,” he exclaimed. And with that, you all gathered your things and left.
Potions was generally a subject that you were good at. You often found yourself shooting your hand up during class to answer questions and Professor Slughorn had taken a liking to you. However, you found yourself unable to pay attention to the lesson. From your seat on the far side of the room, you had caught yourself staring at Remus. He was joking around with Peter, his potions partner, and had a wide smile spread across his face. He had scars running down his face, though they didn’t make him less attractive. In fact, they only seemed to add to the allure. His hair was messy and fell into his eyes. You felt yourself sigh when he ran his finger through his hair to get it out of his face.
“(Y/n)? Are you all right?” Lily asked, startling you. You nearly jumped from your seat, hand pressed to your chest.
“Merlin Lils! You scared me,” you replied. She squinted her eyes at you.
“(Y/n)? What’s going on with you?” she asked, scanning your face.
“Nothing!” you swore, stealing another quick glance at Remus. That was when the realization hit her. A teasing smile quickly spread it’s way across Lily’s face.
“Oh my goodness you fancy Remus don’t you?” she inquired, making your eyes widen and face flush. You pushed her shoulder lightly.
“Lily hush! And no I don’t!” you exclaimed as you glanced around the room to make sure that no one had heard her.
“Oh, you totally do! All that book talk this morning must’ve really got to you huh,” she said, waggling her eyebrows at you. You put your head in your hands and groaned.
“Shut up Lily!”
“Only when you admit it,” she responded.
“Fine! But you can’t tell anybody! Not even James,” you warned. Lily grinned from beside you.
“Oh, this is perfect! The two of you are perfect for each other!” she exclaimed.
“Lily! Just be quiet. It’s not like it’s ever going to happen,” you said. Lily looked at you, confusion was written all over her face.
“What do you mean it’s never going to happen?” she asked. You sighed, glancing at Remus once again. He was stirring the potion in front of him, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
“Lily why would he ever like me?”
“Why wouldn’t he?” she replied, clearly exasperated. You turned to her, giving her an incredulous look.
“We have seven years of evidence that boys don’t like me,” you respond. Lily rolled her eyes beside you.
“Well, this is different trust me,” Lily responded. You stare at her.
“How could this possibly be any different?”
“Because you could actually talk to Remus, get to know him He’ll obviously fancy you once he learns more about you.” Then it was your turn to roll your eyes.
“Lily, it’s never going to happen so just drop it,” you responded. You picked up the recipe for the potion that you were assigned to make that day.
“Now, can you please hand me the adder’s fork,” you said, listing off the first ingredient. Lily sighed.
“Fine. But we’ll be talking about this later.”
391 notes · View notes
dream-a-little-bigger-x · 4 years ago
Parallels | Chapter 4
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Characters: OC! Violet Grace Dawson, Luke Patterson, Julie Molina, Carrie Wilson, Bobby Wilson, Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, Flynn nolastname, Willie nolastname, Nick Danforth-Evans, Dirty Candy 
Guideline: Sunset Universe is the universe in which Sunset Curve is famous and Violet is friends with Carrie, Julie and Flynn. Candy Universe is the universe in which Dirty Candy is more famous and Sunset Curve has broken up. 
Song(s) used: Clued Up - Little Mix 
Warnings: none
Words:  2,845
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It was almost midnight when the two girls collapsed on the floor of the dance studio after having rehearsed every single Dirty Candy song at least twice. Violet had almost gotten everything down. 
“Will you tell me more about the other universe?” Carrie asked as she stared at the off-white ceiling overhead. 
Violet turned her head a little to look at her best friend before facing the ceiling too. “Where should I start?” 
“Are we friends?” Carrie questioned without missing a beat. 
“Yeah, we’re best friends with Julie and Flynn. We spend most days in Julie’s garage, making music. We wrote at least a dozen songs together, I believe.” Violet smiled at the memory of them writing their first song together just a few years ago. It was one of their proudest moments together. 
Carrie then sat up straight, the movement capturing Violet’s attention. “Will you show me one?” she asked, and Violet shot up into the seating position too. “Please?” 
Violet’s eyes darted across the room where she found a bunch of instruments stalled. With a smile, she got up and made a beeline for the acoustic guitar in the corner before returning and sitting down opposite of Carrie. 
After having tuned the guitar to her liking, Violet placed her fingers on the correct strings and started playing. An upbeat melody chimed through the room seconds before Violet’s voice followed. 
“Hey, yeah, no, oh, oh, yeah, mmm” Listen, I used to dress like everybody else I wanted to just blend in They told me no, keep my dreams on the low Told me I'd never win, yeah I love to be different Guard up to opinions then let 'em in Tear me down, wanna see me drown Like being happy is such a sin, uh-huh”
Violet looked up for a second to find Carrie watching her with the softest smile on her face, the way Carrie always looked at her. It made her feel at home. 
“And now I'm older, it's never over It don't stop affecting me, the world keeps testing me I'm getting on track with every knock back On a bad day, I just gotta stay, stay, stay, stay”
Violet’s voice grew stronger as she lapsed into the chorus with Carrie watching her intently. 
“I stay clued up and I'm ready To love the good and live the bad C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have 'Cause sometimes it's beauty, sometimes it's pain Sometimes it's sunshine and sometimes it's rain I'm c-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have”
“Woah-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh, woah C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have”
She slowed it down again, her voice mellowing out during the second verse. 
“Invisible, I feel like I'm forgotten Do you even notice me? Yeah Work myself up, let the nerves take over How I feel isn't what you see I need control, don't know how to let it go I need to learn to let it be, yeah Gotta remember nothing lasts forever So I'm just happy being me, oh-oh”
“And when I'm older, it's never over It don't stop affecting me, the world keeps testing me I'm staying on track with every knock back On a bad day, I just gotta stay, stay, stay, stay”
“I stay clued up and I'm ready To love the good and live the bad C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have 'Cause sometimes it's beauty, sometimes it's pain Sometimes it's sunshine and sometimes it's rain I'm c-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have”
To Violet’s surprise, Carrie joined in during the post-chorus, which caused a wide, genuine smile to fall on Violet’s lips as the two voices blended together. For a moment, it was like nothing had changed and she was still in her own universe. 
“Woah-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh, woah C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have”
“I will never run, never run from a lesson I will never hide, never hide from the present All the ups and the downs All the heres and the nows, oh Everything I face, no, it's never forgotten 'Cause every single day is a chance I can blossom All the ups and the downs Yeah, I'm living right now, hey”
“Mmm, I'm living right now, yeah Aah, one, two, three!”
A giggle escaped Carrie’s lips before she tried her hardest to sing along with Violet. It ended up with her just echoing some of the words, but it added a certain quality to the song that Violet really digged. 
“I'm c-c-clued up and I'm ready To love the good and live the bad C-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have 'Cause sometimes it's beauty (beauty, no), sometimes it's pain (pain) Sometimes it's sunshine and sometimes it's rain (oh, sometimes it's rain) I'm c-c-clued up (up) and now I'm ready Just make the best of what you have”
“Woah-oh-oh, woah-oh-oh, oh, oh I'm c-c-clued up and now I get it Just make the best of what you have Beauty, but sometimes it's pain, mmh Sometimes it's sunshine, sometimes it's rain”
The last notes echoed through the space as the song came to an end, and made room for Carrie’s clapping and giggling. 
“That sounded great! Did you write this one?” she asked, intrigued to hear more about this universe of Violet’s. 
Violet smiled and placed the guitar next to her before answering. “Actually, you did…” 
Carrie’s eyes widened. “I did? Y-you mean your Carrie doesn’t sing about being popular and being the best at everything like I do?!” The girl was baffled at the idea that there were other subjects to write about than just popularity. 
“You should try it sometime,” Violet told her with a smile. “I’m sure you got something great in you. If Carrie from my universe can do it, then so can you.” 
“Sounds like a pretty good universe you lived in,” it sounded from the other side of the room and it didn’t sound like Carrie’s voice, whatsoever. Violet and Carrie turned their heads to find Bobby in the doorway. 
Violet smiled. “Actually, it was just okay. I don’t see you that often…” Bobby tilted his head a little before walking closer towards the girls. “What happened to Sunset Curve here? In my universe, they’re pretty big and touring the country at this very moment…” 
“We, uhm, we split up…” Bobby replied with a tinge of sadness in his voice. 
“What happened?” 
Bobby heaved in a deep breath before joining the girls on the floor. “Creative differences. I wanted to be famous, Luke was in it to prove to his parents he could make a career out of it, Alex just wanted to work out his frustrations and Reggie was just in it because his friends were…” 
“Oh, that sounds pretty terrible. Where are they now?” 
The boy shrugged. “Luke plays football, Reggie is focusing on his studies and Alex only has time for Willie.” 
“Who’s Willie?” Violet wanted to know, having never heard of the boy before. 
“Alex’s boyfriend,” Carrie replied, “And they’re the cutest couple on earth, I swear to God!” 
Violet’s eyes widened. “I knew Alex was gay. I swear the whole dating-a-different-girl-every-night was just a publicity stunt!” The Wilson siblings shot the girl a questioning look. “It’s a long story… But Alex is gay! Yay!” She excitedly clapped her hands, making the two teenagers in front of her chuckle. 
“So, any clue how we’re gonna get you back?” Carrie asked then. 
Violet smirked, “You already sick of me, Wilson?” Carrie’s mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. “I’m kidding. But no, I’ve got no clue whatsoever… There must be a reason why I’ve been brought here, right?” 
“I mean, you did tell me you wished someone would believe in me,” Bobby muttered, his voice laced with hurt and betrayal. 
Violet’s eyebrows furrowed. “I’m sorry about that, Bobby… I’m sure I didn’t mean it…” 
The three kids let the words settle in their brain before the three of them burst out into laughter. That sounded weird, even considering the situation. 
For the rest of the night, the three of them brainstorm together, trying to figure out what reason could be behind the switch. There had to be a reason for her to suddenly show up here. It had to mean something. 
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Determinedly, Violet stormed through the hallway towards where she last saw Julie, Flynn and Carrie. They were still at Julie’s locker and, like they had many times before, immediately shut up. This time, Violet ignored it and instead came straight to the point. 
“What’s this?” she asked and showed the girls the picture she had made of the news article in the trophy case. “This isn’t right! Sunset Curve broke up a year ago!” 
Just as the words left her mouth, a girl Violet could recognize from miles away walked her way. She had a strut in her step and her long, black hair swooshed behind her with every swaying step she took. 
“Kayla!” Violet called out and when her friend turned around, her face screamed disgust. 
“What do you want?” she asked, her tone laced with annoyance. 
Violet’s eyes flicked from Kayla to Carrie and back. Kayla and Carrie weren’t friends here. And neither were Violet and Kayla. Dirty Candy wasn’t a thing in this universe. Though the logo on Kayla’s badge that was pinned to her jean jacket said differently. 
“Nothing – N-nevermind.” Violet turned back to the girls she was previously talking to. “Does Dirty Candy exist?” she asked in a hushed voice. 
“Yeah,” Carrie replied, the volume of her voice matching Violet’s. “It’s Kayla’s. She created the band with Dana, Cynthia and Sophia.” 
Violet blinked a few times, trying to process all the information. “Dana’s in the band?” she whispered, and neither of the girls were sure if she was talking to them or not. “Dana got kicked out of Dirty Candy… Our Dirty Candy.” She said that last part to Carrie. 
“Vi, we were never in Dirty Candy…” Carrie told her with furrowed eyebrows. 
Julie lifted her hand to Violet’s arm. “Are you certain about that universe thing?” 
“Yes!” Violet groaned. “This isn’t the world I’m used to living in. In my world, Carrie and I are in Dirty Candy and we haven’t spoken in over a year since your mother died.” She pointed at Carrie first, then gestured to the two other girls before her gaze landed on Julie. 
Julie’s eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Her mother really did know more, she was certain of it. There was something she was hiding and Julie had to find out what it was. But first, she wanted to know more about this universe Violet seemed to come from. 
She grabbed Violet’s hand and dragged her towards the empty music room at the back of the school where no one ever came. This used to be Sunset Curve’s rehearsal space during their free periods and  now, Julie used it to work on her music when the girls couldn’t help. 
“Tell us more about that universe of yours,” Julie demanded as she hopped onto a desk in the corner. Her eyes flicked to the other two girls, searching for their approval before adding, “We wanna know everything.” 
“So, in my universe, your mother passed away. She got ill, really ill and after she passed, you lost your love for music. You didn’t sing a note for a year and we kinda lost each other. Carrie and I started to spend more time together afterwards and eventually created Dirty Candy. We grew our band with Cynthia, Sophia and Kayla, and became more and more popular the more we performed at school and at Chubbie’s pizzeria.” 
Carrie’s eyes twinkled at the idea of forming a band with her best friends, though she couldn’t quite see how she could start a band without Flynn and Julie. There was no Carrie and Violet without Flynn and Julie, or any other way around. 
“You have a Chubbie’s too?” Flynn questioned, earning a glare from Carrie and Julie. 
“That’s your question?” Julie shot back, shaking her head. She then turned back to Violet. “Continue, please.” 
Violet chuckled a little. “Besides rehearsals for Dirty Candy, I mostly hang out at Carrie’s where Bobby mostly mopes around because he doesn’t have any friends since Sunset Curve split up.” 
“Why’d they split?” Carrie wanted to know. 
“I don’t know, some drama, I guess? I don’t really pay much attention to him, to be honest.” A soft laugh escaped Violet’s mouth at the thought of teasing Bobby to the fullest with all her stupid pranks and witty comebacks during rehearsals. 
“Why’d you switch places with our Violet?” Julie then queried. 
Violet shrugged. “If only I knew that… The blogpost I found doesn’t really give a theory about why people switch places with their parallel self. It just – happened, I guess?” 
Julie mulled the answer over in her head whilst her teeth dug into her bottom lip in thought. She knew she could ask her mother about all of this. She had to know something about it. There had to be more that she could tell them. 
“I think there’s someone who can help us,” she muttered and jumped back on her feet. Her three friends followed behind her until they reached the street and they were on their way to Julie’s house. Their last period was a free period, so it wouldn’t really matter that they left school early. It was something they did quite often to go and jam in Julie’s garage. 
“Mom?” Julie called out as the girls entered the house. “Mom! You home?” 
Rose entered the hallway from the living room with a wide smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes that Violet hadn’t seen in years. The girl’s eyes widened upon seeing the curly-headed woman. She was alive. Alive and well and right in front of her. 
“You– you’re alive… Miss Molina… You’re alive. You’re actually–” Violet let out a surprised chuckle whilst tears pooled in her eyes. “You’re actually alive…” she breathed. 
Rose’s eyes darted from Violet to her daughter and the other girls before landing back on Violet. A light behind her eyes flicked on, signalling at the resemblance of the situation she had found herself in years ago. 
“I know what’s going on here,” Rose mumbled before heading into the kitchen. The girls exchanged glances before following the Latina woman. Violet and Julie took a seat at the table, opposite where Rose had taken a seat, while Carrie leaned against the counter where Flynn hoisted herself onto. 
With the girls’ expectant eyes on her, Rose heaved in a deep breath. “You’ve switched universes, haven’t you?” was the first question she asked. “You fainted and woke up in a world where you know the people but they lead completely different lives?” 
Violet’s mouth dropped, her eyes flicking to the other girls before focusing back on Rose. “Y-yes, that’s… That’s exactly what happened.” 
Rose smiled faintly. “I got myself in the same situation…” she admitted. “I was eighteen at the time and I had told my boyfriend at the time that I wished I lived in a world where he wasn’t such a jerk. Next thing I knew, I fainted and woke up in a world where my boyfriend was gay and my friends led completely different lives from mine. I was in a band, Rose and The Petal Pushers, and we were pretty famous there. All my other friends either didn’t talk to me anymore or were in my band.” 
Carrie and Violet exchanged a quick glance. That sounded an awful lot like them. 
“How did you get back here?” Flynn questioned from her spot on the counter. 
Fiddling with the bracelet on her wrist, Rose continued. “There’s this unfinished business I had to complete in that world and the Rose I knew had to do the same in mine. My unfinished business was getting Rose and The Petal Pushers in a band while the other Rose had to help find my boyfriend’s way out of the closet…” she smiled at the memory that floated back to the surface. “Aside from marriage and having two beautiful children–” she tucked a strand of Julie’s hair behind her ear with a smile, “The switch was the biggest adventure of my entire life.” 
“Wow, mom,” breathed Julie. 
Violet nodded her head, “That’s a crazy story, miss Molina.” 
Rose scoffed and reached for Violet’s hand. “Please, you call me Rose in this universe.” 
A smile landed on Violet’s cheeks. “Thanks for the reassuring story, Rose.” 
“I hope it calms your nerves and worries about all of this.” 
“It definitely does.”  
Rose smiled before patting the girl’s hand. “So,” she said, “What’s your unfinished business?” 
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ayma-nidiot · 3 years ago
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Yay! Finally done with this piece! It’s a nice change of pace from the sad tings I normally do. It’s from this scene of my fanfic.
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beca-mitchell · 5 years ago
i think you should come live with me (1/1)
Summary: Chloe and Beca at age 7 begin to learn more about the notion of family and what that means for both of them. 
Part of the daylight au. You can thank @asimplefavors for this because she texted me, inspired by “seven” by Taylor Swift...fic title from that very song.
Word count: 2,345
Read below or on AO3
* * * * *
LOCATION: Brookline, MA MONTH: August/September AGE: 7
* * * * *
 Beca’s parents start fighting close to the end of their first year in Brookline. It starts off small. Little arguments here and there, sometimes involving Beca, but mostly involving their own unhappiness with each other.
It only escalates from there, Beca seeing less and less of her father as he stays late at work. Teaching, according to her mother, but she picks up something different in her mother’s tone that she doesn’t like. She often chooses instead to focus on her food, too afraid to ask once more why daddy isn’t coming home once again for dinner.
Now, two years into living in Massachusetts, Beca still kind of feels like she doesn’t belong. Like the kids are still looking at her weird because she doesn’t like running around as much as they do...well, only if Chloe makes her or encourages her. Then she doesn’t mind it so much.
If it weren’t for Chloe Beale, Beca thinks that things would be much worse. It is the new environment and the new house and the new school, Beca’s sure of it. She hates change as much as any other young child, but she feels marginally lucky that she has Chloe.
Chloe, who consistently manages to drag her out of the house every day leading up to the first day of school at the end of each summer, mostly because she simply knows that Beca is nervous and she wants to make her feel better.
That, to Beca, is more than she could have ever asked for.
She watches Chloe hum to herself as they both sit under the big tree in Chloe’s backyard. It is their favourite spot to get away to, especially after a long day at school. Beca likes when Chloe’s mom brings them snacks and lets them play outside until they’re tired and Chloe has to practically drag Beca home, usually to the sight of Beca’s father’s disapproving stare looking down at both of them.
“I don’t want to go home,” Beca announces. She isn’t quite sure where it comes from, but she lets it out nonetheless because she has seen Chloe do it before. Chloe always speaks her mind and always makes sure her voice is heard.
Chloe sits up, propping herself up on her elbows. She frowns at Beca. “But we can’t have a sleepover. There’s school tomorrow, Bec.”
“No...I just...don’t like...going home.” She hates how timid she sounds, but it’s the truth. She waits for Chloe to process that.
Chloe takes a moment to stare at her. Beca notices that Chloe does that frequently, like she understands exactly what is going through Beca’s mind at any given moment. Beca finds it both terrifying but oddly comforting. It is comforting knowing that Chloe cares so much about her and they are, as Chloe puts it, best friends forever, but the intensity of Chloe’s gaze is sometimes just…
“Is it...your dad?” Chloe finally asks, severing Beca’s train of thought. She doesn’t sound judgmental, not even close. She simply sounds concerned, eyes fixed on Beca with sympathy.
Beca’s eyes widen. She hadn’t told Chloe. At least, she didn’t remember telling Chloe. “I...I just don’t like it when they fight,” she admits quietly. “Your house is nicer.” She feels guilty that her immediate thought is that Chloe will judge her or even get upset at her, but she knows that Chloe would never.
“I heard them once,” Chloe confesses. She sits up, wrapping her arms around her knees so she can peer at Beca more closely. “The window was open and I was outside.”
“Oh,” Beca murmurs, embarrassed mostly. “I don’t know. I just…when they yell…”
Chloe immediately pulls her in for a hug, startling Beca into silence.
Beca squeezes back—hugging is still an art form she’s learning from Chloe herself—but she finds herself sinking into the hug.
It is as easy as breathing, especially with Chloe.
 * * * * *
 When Beca leaves that night, Chloe mulls over what Beca had said earlier. She pushes her food around her plate, pouting mostly, as her brother chats animatedly with her parents. She wants so badly to fix things for Beca, but she has no idea how.
She glances up when her brother begins talking about how his friend’s family just began to foster a couple of puppies.
“Mommy? Daddy?” Chloe chimes in, ignoring the dirty look Max gives her when she cuts him off. She places her fork primly next to her plate and fixes her parents with the most innocent expression she can muster.
“Suck-up,” Max mutters, kicking her under the table.
She ignores that for the time being. “Can Beca come stay with us?”
Alice tilts her head, staring with curiosity at her youngest child. “For a sleepover?” She glances at her husband. “Baby, you know it’s a weekday. You have school tomorrow.”
“No, not for a sleepover.” Chloe pouts at her plate. “Forever.”
Chloe glances up when an extended silence follows her statement. She wonders if she said something entirely inappropriate or wrong.
Max scoffs, but otherwise stays silent, choosing to let their parents handle it.
“Chloe,” her father states. “Beca can’t stay with us forever. Why would you ask that?”
“Because Beca’s so unhappy at her house. I want her to stay here.”
“Chloe, she can’t,” her father reiterates.
“Greg,” Alice murmurs. “Chloe,” she calls across the table. “Baby, Beca can’t stay with us even if she is unhappy.” She smiles sadly at her daughter. “I know you want to protect your friend, but Beca has a family of her own and they would miss her very much if she lived with us.”
“Beca’s mom and dad are always fighting,” Chloe confesses. “I hear it sometimes.”
“You do? What have you heard?”
Chloe shrugs, picking up her fork again. “I don’t know. Stuff. I just know Beca’s sad.”
The topic is put to rest for the remainder of dinner.
Later, as Chloe climbs into bed, a worried expression still on her face, her mother joins her in her bedroom, gently shutting the door behind her. “Chloe, my sweet, sweet baby,” she murmurs, sitting on the edge of Chloe’s bed as her daughter continues to pout at her. “You know that Beca is always welcome over.”
“Yes,” Chloe mumbles. “But why can’t we just keep her?”
“She isn’t like a pet, sweetheart. You know that, right?”
“No, she’s my best friend,” Chloe corrects.
“I know, Chloe. You are, of course, very very sweet to think of her best interests.” At Chloe’s confusion, she smiles. “You care a lot about her,” she amends.
“I do.”
“Sleepovers on weekends are fine, but we can’t just take Beca from her home. People get in trouble for that kind of stuff, okay?”
“I don’t like seeing her sad.”
“I know.” Alice’s heart breaks for her daughter’s best friend. Beca is small and quiet, but she has seen how lively and happy Beca could be. Usually only around her own daughter. She adores little Beca Mitchell because of how happy the girl makes Chloe. She wonders what Beca’s own parents think of her daughter’s influence on their daughter’s life.
“I want to keep her,” Chloe declares, though with a tinge of sleepiness, finally.
"I know," Alice repeats, pressing a kiss to her daughter's forehead. "I love you." 
 * * * * *
 The next day, Beca and Chloe go about their days at school as best as they can. They didn’t manage to stay in the same class for their school year, so Chloe can only really see Beca at recess, but she’s excited just to see Beca and drag her over to their house after school.
Chloe has long stopped asking why they rarely go over to Beca’s house. Beca just likes her house better and Chloe hasn’t complained once. She loves having Beca in her house. She loves seeing Beca giggle over the fun snacks her mother always brings them. Fun dinosaur-shaped nuggets. Tater tots. Nicely sliced fruits.
Today, Alice Beale has bright smoothies waiting for them when they trudge through the front door.
“Shoes off, girls!” she calls as they rush through the front foyer.
Chloe pulls Beca into the living room where their smoothies are waiting for them. She gasps excitedly upon seeing them. “Yay! Mom never makes smoothies!”
“These look good.” Beca smiles at Chloe’s mother. “Thank you, Mrs. Beale.”
“Beca, you are so much more well-mannered than my own child.”
Beca blushes immediately under the attention and turns back quickly to the television where Chloe is loading up recorded music videos.
“Girls, I have some fun things for you, if you want to play dress-up.”
Chloe turns quickly. “I want to see!”
“I have some old dresses and shirts and clothes. Maybe you can put on a fashion show for us later. Or just figure out which things I can throw out. Hm?”
 * * * * *
 “These are so big,” Beca says, holding out her arms with the sleeves flowing freely over her hands. “Maybe too big.”
“We look funny.”
“I kind of like that,” Beca says shyly. She smiles at Chloe in the reflection of the oversized mirror.
“Beca,” Chloe says slowly. “I asked my parents yesterday whether we could keep you.”
Beca pauses from where she is attempting to tie a very large belt around her waist. “You what?”
“I don’t know,” Chloe says quickly. It sounds silly now, but she wants Beca to know, at least, that Chloe cares so much about her. “You were just sad about going home. And I thought...maybe...what if you just never went home. But my mom and dad said no. I’m sorry.”
Chloe sounds so genuinely distressed that Beca nearly trips over herself to quickly pull Chloe into a tight hug. “Don’t be sorry!” She feels affection well up inside of her—affection she didn’t even know she had for Chloe—and she quickly squashes it down, focusing on the feeling of Chloe hugging her back. “Thank you,” she murmurs, as Chloe’s arms tighten around her.
In all honesty, Beca hadn’t considered that. Not even while they had been sitting out by the large tree in Chloe’s backyard the day before. Or any of the days before that. But now, she kind of wonders why she hadn’t considered it before. It seems kind of pointless now, since Chloe’s parents said no...but…
Chloe draws back from the hug and grins widely at Beca, missing teeth at all. “Want to play house?”
Beca smiles back, excited already at the prospect of a new adventure with her best friend.
 * * * * *
 Later that night as Beca settles down for dinner with her own family, she can’t quite wipe the smile from her face. It had been somewhat freeing—so fun, of course—to play house with Chloe. Being silly with Chloe, trying on oversized clothes. Then letting Chloe’s mother take pictures of them together with silly expressions on their face.
It is Beca’s mother who notices the smile on her face first. She stands at the stove, stirring something slowly while Beca sits quietly with her father at the table. “Did you have fun at Chloe’s?”
Beca thinks her father clears his throat, but he doesn’t say anything, so she keeps her eyes on her mother’s face. Well, the side of it anyway. “Yeah. We played dress-up and did our homework.”
“That sounds fun.”
“We played house too. I like playing house with Chloe. She makes me laugh a lot.”
“You played house,” Beca’s father echoes, putting his mug down on the table with a small amount of force. It startles her and she looks to him guiltily, though for what reason, she still doesn’t know. “Rebecca, you know that you can’t play house with another girl, right?”
“Warren, please, not now. She didn’t mean it that way.”
“Of course she did. It’s because you let her spend time with those damn leftist hippies,” he growls back. Beca winces, shrinking in her seat. “Beca, listen to me carefully, okay? Two girls cannot play house because that game is about pretending to be a family. Being married, Beca. You can't do that."
“Why can’t Chloe be my family too?” Beca asks, confusion her tone. She is mostly just confused, which is why she's arguing back. It feels wrong, what her father is saying her. She could have sworn that Chloe’s mom said—
“Because to be family means that you two would have to be married and you can’t have that, okay?”
“Mrs. Beale said that—she said that one day—”
“She said that one day, what?” her father demands. She quickly looks away, tears stinging her eyes. She isn’t even sure why she had bothered arguing or talking back to him. “Do you see what happens when you let our child do whatever she wants?”
“Warren, not now.” Beca hates that tone her mother uses. It means that the fight will likely last well into the night.
“I’m tired of you constantly challenging the way I want to raise our daughter. This is what’s right and you know that. Those people aren’t good influences. Look at what they're turning her into! What’s the matter with you?”
“It’s rich that you want to have a say now that you’re home for the first time in weeks. When was the last time you tucked her in? When was the last time you picked her up from school? I’m running myself dry here, Warren.”
Beca stares forlornly at the table in front of her, thinking back wistfully to what Chloe had said earlier. The thought of being part of Chloe’s family. Or even just a family with Chloe herself. That would be nice.
Beca thinks it would be nice, maybe, to spend the rest of her life being friends with Chloe, as long as she gets to keep her in her life.
It is a nice imaginary escape for the moment.
It is an escape until she can see her best friend again under that big tree where they both feel invincible.
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tvdoriginal · 4 years ago
3x01: We’re Not Worthy
Welcome back witches! Last night, Legacies returned to us, so let’s get into it.
After the recap, we open up with Raf looking over Hope & Landon, with Landon doing a voiceover. “I’m sad my life has been cut short, but you taught me to live it to the fullest.” LANDON REALLY WAS ABOUT TO SAY ALWAYS & FOREVER.
Alaric addresses the school about moving through the dark times. Alyssa Chang is not being shy about her feelings towards Josie and Hope being absent.
MG has organized the first ever Salvatore School field day...yeah probably won’t go so well. Lizzie tells her dad that she’ll have to revert back to her means girl ways to get everyone to forgive & forget Josie and she’s “just not that person anymore”. However, after Alyssa magically tied Josies laces together, causing her to trip, Lizzie is more than ready to go.
CHAD (his name is Chad, right? Oops, I don’t remember) RESURRECTED THE LADY OF THE LAKE WHICH IS A KING ARTHUR THING I’M GEEKING BYE. Oh my gosh yay, it is Chad.
The Necromancer busts in struggling with Landon who only Rafael can see. Bye Landon is so cute tf how do I go that long without seeing his face.
Let’s get this field day started! WADE GIVES ME LIFE. Lizzie has a plan up her sleeve. She’s challenging Alyssa to be captain so that Josie won’t be alientated. “Yea, she messed up, but you have been messed up your whole life.” Oh hell no, MG told Alyssa that she can choose the game.
Landon refuses to come back in order to prevent the Necromancer from gaining (more) black magic.
Alyssa chose tug of war and is on a team of vampires and werewolves. Lizzie makes Josie the anchor which obviously will not go well. My poor baby Jo gets covered in mud since everyone else dodged out in time.
“Hero moves always lead to tradgedy.”
Josie ends up telling Lizzie and the whole school that she can’t do magic because she put it away. She tells Lizzie she’s making everything worse, just like she used to. The Lady of the Lake comes with Wade, asking for his sword (which is Excalibers). The green knight comes, the sword flies into a stump, and the sky turns red.
Not gonna lie it kinda hurts me that there are people who won’t get the King Arthur references but 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ew so Jed and Alyssa have some flirtationship. Pedro came back!...and the left again.
Rafael tells the Necromancer that he wants him to put Landon’s spirit in himself. Alaric speaks to Hope, telling her that he knows that she knows about Landon’s situation. Her still being in the sleep spell is delaying coming back and feeling that grief.
Lizzie reminds Alyssa that she is also a killer but at least her parents can’t see what she’s become. Which...yeah Alyssa sucks but my jaw DROPPED. But too far Liz. My Saltzman sisters were working together!
Um, so Chaddy tings the bell and is now with the Necromancer, Raf, & Landon. He’s looking for Hope to come defeat the green knight since she’s typically the one to save the day. Kinda hoping she won’t awaken til after tbh, because it gets kinda annoying that it’s always up to her (in my opinion).
“Not exactly how I pictured dying, but what the hell.” MG gives directions for everyone and Josie asks: “Wait what are you gonna do? Something stupid, got it.” WHICH! Kaylee said was her favorite out-of-context line. MG punches the knight in the face which earns a growl? from him.
Raf takes Landon to see Hope.
Super squad is attempting holding the knight down the ropes. Anytime magic is used on him he gets angrier and MG unmasked him which had my eyes widening. Yay! Raf is the worthy one...unLESS ITS ACTUALLY LANDON IN RAF which I’m hoping isn’t the case. He stabs the green night, and blue skies return.
Not Landon giving Hope a non-consensual kiss ✋🏼but as fairy-tales go, she’s awaken.
“She thinks I should be the focus for once.”
Josie is going to spend some time with her mom. Handon cuddles and reflects on each other. Raf is such a dork I love him.
Alyssa talks to Chad. He’s going back to the ice cream palace but then like DIES. THE FUCK. Alyssa wonders if the same thing will happen to her since they were linked, but the Necromancer offers her a deal.
See you next week!
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