#but Xehanort is definitely meant to be Loki like... come on!
paintsplash1712 · 2 years
Xehanort is Loki
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So I'm a huge mythology nerd and even though I'm more into Ancient Greece or Eypt I do like to look up things about the Norse and their legends.
Now, I know to anyone who knows a thing about Norse myths will think "Duh, you idiot. I figured this all out the second Dark Road was revealed.' Well, I didn't.
My mind is blown and I need to share.
So if you know anything about Xehanort you know of his mission to basically destroy the world to remake in his own image. A new world of peace, of light and darkness living equally.
An apocalypse where he's the centre of it all.
Now with all the norse parallels Dark Road made, I now think of the Keyblade Wars as KH's Ragnarok.
Where the world is built anew. It happened after UX with the world scattered and it nearly happened again.
And seeing as the MoM knew of him this must mean it was destined to happen. He was prophesied by the Book of Prophecies that he'd try destroy the world.
Like another character with connections to Norse mythology.
The Asguardians tried to stop Ragnarok by making Loki hate them more and more, making the prophecy happen anyway just like how Eraqus tried to stop the X-Blade being forged by killing Ven which made the event of BBS happen exactly like Xehanort wanted!
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Both Xehanort and Loki don't really care about who they hurt to reach their goal even close friends or children!
Loki stopping the building of the great wall around Asguard by turning into a mare, or him biting and distracting the dwarfs to stop them from building Thor's hammer.
Xehanort by effecting the Laws of Time just to have a war, by spliting Ven's heart into two, by manipulating Sora into sinking into darkness.
Both by killing Baldr!
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Baldr in norse myth is basically the personification of Light, Goodness and all that good stuff. He is destined to come back to life after Ragnarok along with other young gods and Baldr is to be the King of the new Gods.
Like a twisted passing of the torch from the old to the new, leaving them to deal with the aftermath of the battle.
Now, I am NOT saying Baldr is coming back. I honestly don't want him to, he was perfect as what he was and needed to be. The end.
Who else do we know who has a high connection to light, is the goodest boy around, has A LOT of imagery connected to Kings and who happened to have just died?
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Sora is Baldr waking up in a new world unlike the one he's used to having to deal with the aftermath of Xehanort's mistakes!
Now could Sora actually be Baldr? Sure. KH has shown us reincarnation is a thing, maybe Baldr didn't want to go so chose to try again in a second life like UX Player did?
They both have high levels of empathy to the point where its literally hurting them and effecting them mentally.
But I think this is meant to reference the 'Child of Destiny' thing UX Player brought up to Baby-Nort.
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The 'Child of Destiny' is meant to be the Baldr figure. The pure heart who's able to touch and heal other's hearts. Baldr had that ability, so did Xehanort.
So does Sora!
Sora is the unexpected chosen one, always has been since KH1. Why couldn't he be the accidental 'Child of Destiny?'
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narwhalwrath · 3 years
Concerning the first part of the final Kingdom Hearts Union χ [Cross] update:
First off, Luxu stated that there were six Darknesses that made their way into Data Daybreak Town. One of those Darknesses went back to the real world with Maleficent, another was hiding within Ventus, who many (including myself) have predicted to be Vanitas for a long time, leaving four other Darknesses.
Now, at the end of the update, we see Lauriam, Elrena, Brain, and Ventus venture back to the real world via the Lifeboats. At this time I would like to address the fact that the people we know Lauriam and Elrena to be are very different in terms of personality from Marluxia and Larxene. What if this is because they receive two of those four Darknesses? Additionally, what if the other two take over Demyx and Luxord's Somebodies? That would account for all the Darknesses and explain why they were sought out to be a part of Organization XIII and eventually the Seekers of Darkness - referring to the "ancient Keyblade legacy" Xemnas said they all possessed.
In Kingdom Hearts Union χ Dark Road, it is rather heavily suggested that Brain is Eraqus' grandfather, who fought Darkness. If this is true, it means that Brain will remain in the present while the others proceed into the future. Suspiciously though, Brain gave Ephemer Master's Defender and the Book of Prophecies, so there is potential that the whole situation concerning Brain was a red herring, but I doubt it. There is still one Lifeboat left in Data Daybreak Town so I wouldn't be surprised if Skuld uses it and delivers Master's Defender back to Brain after Data Daybreak Town is destroyed and all the Dandelions fall into sleep. I believe that, rather than Ephemer being dead, he reached out to Sora via his Dreams, and Data Daybreak Town lies within the Realm of Sleep.
So, Elrena saw Strelitzia and someone in Data Daybreak Town, and since Strelitzia's Data was stated to still exist within Data Daybreak Town, it seems likely that her return is the result of that. Another possibility is that Strelitzia as she is now is a Nobody, as her Heart was cleaved from her much in the same manner as Xehanort, Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo. Luxu is also seen placing someone - the true Dandelion - in one of the Lifeboats. If these events are happening concurrently, then the only person that could be is Strelitzia (or whatever her Nobody is called). I would assume that Luxu brought Strelitzia back to the real Daybreak Town by crossing Worldlines, as that is something that has been established as only possible by the likes of a Keyblade Master (or probably more specifically, the ones taught under the Master of Masters).
Let's review the Lifeboats situation, shall we? In the real world - Maleficent's Lifeboat is the only one missing. If you count Ventus, Lauriam, Elrena, Skuld, and Strelitzia, that still only brings the total to six. I would assume that the seventh remains unused and becomes the Lifeboat that Xehanort places Kairi when he is looking for the Keyblade wielder years later, as Brain would have to remain if he is truly Eraqus' grandfather. If I had to guess, I would say that whoever Subject X is (I still think its Skuld and Strelitzia has another purpose) is meant to replace Ava, as Luxu did not seem surprised that Ava wasn't summoned back at the end of Kingdom Hearts III. Given all the comparisons between Skuld and Ava, I'm still led to believe that Skuld is Subect X and Strelitzia has some other purpose, potentially relating to Quadratum.
To me, it seems likely that the situation concerning the "Seven Crowns" is referring to what is to come in the present, as Luxu, Ira, Invi, Aced, Gula, Skuld, and the Master of Masters would represent the Seven Crowns. I think this is what was alluded to at the end of Kingdom Hearts III when Eraqus sets up a new game with Xehanort, with Seven Crowns and one white piece.
I think that's all I have to say about the recent update? I still believe that Luxord's Somebody will turn out to be one of the Upperclassmen, likely named Lodur based on all the Norse names going around. (Lodur aided Hoenir and Odin in creating the first humans, Ask and Embla, and his name is sometimes thought to have been an alternate name for Loki, which definitely fits Luxord's personality). Despite this, I have no idea about Demyx or how those potential Darknesses I talked about would find them. I also theorize that there's a connection between Skuld and Urd from Dark Road, as they're both Norns - but Union χ hasn't laid anything more for me to go off of. Let me know what you think :)
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nadziejastar · 3 years
What do you think of the "Skuld is Xehanort's mom theory" I personally hate it but I wanna know your thoughts on it.
I think the theory has merit. It’s probably not a coincidence that Xehanort's mom's sprite looks so much like Skuld's sprite, ya know? How do I feel about the theory? Well, I don't really know yet because everything is just so confusing right now. It's hard to say. But the Keyblade War was definitely based on Norse mythology. The Final World was Valhalla. The Player Avatar was an einherjar.
In Norse mythology, Ragnarök (Old Norse: Ragnarǫk, 'Fate of the Gods') is a series of events, including a great battle, foretold to lead to the death of a number of great figures (including the gods Odin, Thor, Týr, Freyr, Heimdallr, and Loki), natural disasters and the submersion of the world in water. After these events, the world will resurface anew and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors. 
The Keyblade War was Ragnarok. Ephemer and Skuld were probably meant to be the two human survivors that would repopulate the world, which was submerged in water. 
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So let's assume the theory is true. Skuld and Ephemer refuse to participate in the Keyblade War and witness the end of the world.
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To survive the apocalypse, they both take lifeboats. Through all the chaos and destruction, Skuld falls in love with Ephemer.
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Ephemer wakes up in his pod floating in the submerged Daybreak Town. Let's assume he finds Skuld's lifeboat and wakes her up, too.
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Ephemer founds Scala ad Caelum over the ruins of Daybreak Town. Skuld, as the only other survivor, helps him with this. 
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She lives in Scala ad Caelum, marries Ephemer and has a kid with him.
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Eraqus is a blueblood, descended from the very first masters in the age of fairy tales. But I did not come this far to indulge in adulation. I will be his peer. His equal. And to do that, I must learn to wield the power born from both darkness and light in proper balance.
Currently, the prevailing theory is that after using the lifeboat, Skuld woke up in Radiant Garden around the BBS timeline, and became Subject X, the girl Lea and Isa were looking for. I gotta be honest, I like the idea of her marrying Ephemer and having a kid better. Although I think Ephemer and Skuld being Eraqus’s ancestors makes more sense. Eraqus is a blueblood, descended from the original masters. I prefer Xehanort being a simple rube who was always from Destiny Islands.
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