#but Nagato doing the moonwalk was fucking 🔥 🔥 🔥
ladykissingfish · 1 year
I had a dream last night that I was watching Michael Jackson perform at one of his big anniversary shows. And the song Billy Jean came on. And he did the thing where he stands there with his hat lowered over his face, with his single sequined glove holding it, while the crowd goes wild waiting for him to start singing, right?
And he looks up from his lowered hat and it’s not Michael Jackson, it’s Nagato.
Not Pein, but NAGATO.
And the crowd goes absolutely beserk.
And suddenly Nagato is singing the song BETTER than MJ and dancing around and doing the moon walk.
And (again I forget what show this was from I just know it was one of those anniversary special things) remember the one where MJ sang The Way You Make Me Feel and the girl he’s chasing after on-stage is Britney Spears? That happened but it was Nagato chasing Konan and them doing a fantastic duet together.
And in the background you can hear the English voice actor for Hidan going “What the fuck man?! I thought he couldn’t STAND how the hell is he dancing?!” and it was answered by Deidara’s Japanese VA and I don’t speak Japanese but my dream-mind told me that what he said was “Does this mean we have to start a band now?”
And then I woke up and saw it was 2:15 so I went to the kitchen and got myself some ice cream and ate half the bowl before I fell back asleep.
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