#but Loki is still in denial about that
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spideyson-stuff · 1 month ago
Peter is actually an EXCELLENT liar but he lies about being a horrible liar so no one realizes he's always lying
But then no one ever realizes, which is an insult to everyone's intelligence because, god, how could he be such a terrible liar and STILL have his secret identity a secret? Idiots...
He tricked Loki once as a prank, scared Nick Fury making he think he was going crazy and made Nat and Clint think they were starting to hear voices, Tony is already going crazy at this point
Peter: *makes a huge performance to save Avengers ass's during a battle*
Steve: Wasn't he a TERRIBLE liar?
Tony: uh-
Not even Loki predicted this and he is the GOD of lies, how do you lie to the GOD of LIES!?!? Nat is a little shocked, but not too much because, well if he can scare her he can do anything.
The rest are simply in pure denial for days, and one day they decide to confront Peter about it.
Unfortunately, Peter is also good at changing the subject and in the end everyone ends up on the couch watching Disney movies without a single worry on their minds.
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muddyorbsblr · 5 months ago
bad feeling
See my full list of works here!
Summary: Loki's entrance into the Avengers Compound depends on your approval
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Warning/s: minor character that's teeming with douchebag energy and doesn't age check before sliding into the DMs; language (nope still not sorry, Rogers); my rusty af writing (it's been months and honestly this might be cringe but if it is don't tell me i'm sensitive--) [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: metahuman Reader in denial; instalove trope alert (i didn't think i'd ever be writing that but here we are)
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"Brother, this is truly unnecessary," Loki groaned, fighting every urge to drag his feet as his brother led him down the halls of the Avengers Compound, avoiding the mix of curious and alarmed stares from the Midgardians donning near-identical jumpsuits. "Rogers' begrudging approval of your truly asinine idea was enough, you need not lead introductions. I am quite sure that Stark and the rest of your comrades have not forgotten who I am."
Thor simply rolled his eyes in response. "Of course they have not forgotten, Brother, but we have had quite the number of newcomers, and I will run not the risk of them reacting with hostility if they cross paths with you. So I shall conduct a simple extemporized introductory session with them so they may…acclimate to your presence in the Compound. And not think it a clandestine invasion and trigger a security lockdown."
As if right on cue, two faces, one familiar and the other quite new to the god of mischief approached, the sounds of their jovial exchange coming to a deadening halt. The smiles on their faces quickly morphed into furrowed brows and battle stances. "Thor, why have you brought him here?" the woman with auburn hair questioned, a red energy that he recognized as Chaos Magic forming in her hands while her companion, Romanoff, looked ready to strike.
"Please, stand down, my friends." The blond god held his hands up in front of them. "He means no harm, I promise you. I've brought him here so that perhaps he could join--"
"Not a fucking chance, Barbie," Romanoff seethed. "I still remember the mind job he did--Wanda what are you doing? Why are you actually listening--"
"Because some time ago I did what you call a 'mind job' on the rest of you," she answered the former Russian spy simply, standing down and waving her magic away. "And now here I get to stand, calling you all my friends. Because you forgave me for my misdeeds. Gave me a second chance. I think we should all extend the same kindness now."
"I commend the way you think, Maximoff," Rogers' voice echoed across the common area, bystanders not so subtly beginning to crowd the area surrounding them, only parting to let the super soldier through and take his stance in the middle of the group. "Much as I'm not the biggest fan of Mister Leather and Metal 'you will all kneel before me', Wanda's right." He took a step back and addressed the room. "Everyone, Loki will be joining us for the foreseeable future. I expect you all to make an effort to help him adjust to his new life here on Earth. Or at least not get in his way. Now, back to work. All of you."
The curious agents all scattered about, returning to their tasks prior to the Asgardian brothers arriving.
"Thank you, Steven," Thor spoke up once the bystanders made themselves scarce. "You will not regret--"
"Not so fast, Odinson." Rogers threw his hand up, stopping his brother's words short. "I want him to meet Y/L/N first. If she says he won't give us any grief, then he can stay. She says no? You'll have to find another place to park your brother."
"Hey--!" Loki fought back the urge to throw a dagger in the soldier's direction. "I am not some meager property that needs to be set down--"
"If you would rather Strange lock you back in an eternal fall, that can be arranged," he shot back, the muscles in his jaw twitching in a telltale sign that he was fighting back a smug grin. He motioned toward the interrogation area, showing the way. "Meet Y/L/N, and we'll go from there."
Thor led the way further into the Compound and past the common area, the temperature dropping significantly and impelling the god to cast an enchantment that would raise his core temperature so as to not trigger his Jotun form to emerge. "Apologies, Brother," he spoke as they made their way down the hall. "There have been suspicions that an intern for one of SHIELD's departments has been a HYDRA operative attempting to pilfer data to fuel some form of invasion. This individual is in one of the interrogation rooms now awaiting Y/N's arrival, and the temperature was her idea. Put the young man in a sense of high discomfort to lower his guards."
"Have him focus on making his body cope with the temperature rather than his mind on deflecting her queries," he surmised, nodding his head as they stepped into the viewing area, laying eyes on the clearly novice employee in that same jumpsuit the others wore outside. His breathing was jittery and labored, rubbing his hands furiously to generate even some form of heat. It wouldn't be difficult to break through his defenses. "She's a clever one, that mortal. Though I could save you all the interrogation and read the lad's mind--"
"No no," Thor waved him off, motioning for him to look into the room once more. "I want you to see her at work. It's rather fascinating watching her work, and the machination of her mind is rather…perplexing."
"Should we be contacting one Doctor Foster to inform her of his…fascination of yours, Brother?" he gibed, raising an eyebrow in suspicion and finding himself a touch more curious when Thor simply laughed off the question.
"My heart is Jane's and Jane's alone, Brother. You know this," he answered, giving his brother a pointed look. Guilt sat heavily on his heart, knowing full well the words that the god of thunder chose to omit. Considering that I destroyed the Bifrost just to protect her from you.
It would take time before amends were made for making that particular threat, no matter how empty it truly was.
Before Loki could say anything, the door on the other side of the two-way mirror opened, a hard-faced Agent Romanoff entering the room and taking the seat opposite the suspected traitor. She made a point to shrug off her jacket and bare her arms, the action making the young man's face twist in derision, undoubtedly because it challenged his quite fragile ego even more.
"I have nothing to say to you," he said, the shaking tone of his voice betraying him. "Why aren't you cold? You all did something to me, didn't you? Made your freaky witch friend cast some curse on me?"
Romanoff leaned back against her chair, her smirk growing as his scowl deepened. "Where I was from, this is what summer felt like," she shot back casually, keeping her tone even despite the bold-faced lie. "And I don't need you to say anything." She jutted her chin in the direction of the door, a proud look on her face as you walked in to the room. "I just need her to look at you."
"Mister Park…" you droned, taking your time to cross the distance from the door to the cold metal desk. "I'm Agent Y/L/N, I'll be your interrogator."
You leaned in to the edge of the table, gripping the corners. Your body stiffened for a few seconds as you took a sharp breath, adjusting to the frigid cold. There was a distant, calculating, enigmatic smile on your face as your eyes roamed his features. Almost as if you were picking away at the fragments of his protective shell, exposing the answers he refused to give with just that one look.
It was a sight that was all too familiar to him. Something his mother would use on suspected traitors to the Realm back in Asgard. Perhaps that was what you were doing, after all. Or perhaps it was a well-crafted facade. Something that Romanoff or another former spy within SHIELD's ranks had taught you to unnerve its recipient.
"Like I told Agent Hot Stuff over there, I have nothing to say to any of you," he sneered.
"And like Agent Romanoff told you, we don't need you to say anything. All you have to do…is sit there." You squinted your eyes at him, sighing deeply as you said the words that apparently cemented the suspected traitor's fate. "I've got a bad feeling about you." You leaned in close, invading his personal space and making him even more visibly uneasy, not even bothering to mask how his body was shaking. "Nice contacts."
In a heartbeat, Agent Romanoff leaned across the desk and grasped the bottom of the apparently confirmed traitor's face, the man they called Park now wincing and groaning in even more discomfort as she inspected his eyes. "Implants?" she asked you.
"Seems buddy boy here's really committed to the cause," you remarked, mocking their organization's salute. "Helium Hydrogen or some shit."
Park slammed his fists down on the table, neither woman even flinching at the outburst. As if you both saw it coming. "It's Heil Hydra, you stupid bitch!" he screamed, fighting against Romanoff's hold and trying to stand up from his seat to charge at you.
You, however, simply responded with a self-satisfied grin as you called out toward the other side of the door, "And there's our verbal confirmation! Lock 'im up." And just to goad the traitorous intern on further, you ruffled his hair and looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Thank you for your cooperation."
Right as you said the words, Rogers burst into the room along with two other agents, flanking him and restricting his movement so he couldn't charge at anyone in the room. "Put him in the holding cells until transport gets here," he instructed the agents, who simply nodded and walked the traitor out of the room.
You and Romanoff turned off the lights and walked out arm in arm. Loki caught a smidgen of your conversation about meeting the significant other of another new Avenger. Something about "earning your stamp of approval".
"What did I tell you, Brother?" Thor prompted, nudging his arm.
"Fascinating," he mumbled, unable to wipe the image of that enigmatic smile of yours from his mind. Wondering what you looked like when you were genuinely beaming at something. Or someone. "It seems she's somewhat telepathically inclined."
"That is what many of us have been trying to tell her, but she refuses to listen. Insists that she is simply better inclined at reading others from her years of dreadfully flawed relationships of 'every kind'," he explained, leading him down the same hallway that you and Romanoff had disappeared to moments ago. "Repeatedly tells us that her most effective and only teacher has been, in her words, her life's revolving door of shitty people."
"And Rogers wishes for me to meet this Y/N so that she may what? Approve of my being here? He defers to her when it comes to newcomers in your merry band of his realm's mightiest heroes?" He tried to mask his curiosity with his signature smarm, trying to seem disinterested in what seemed like an initiation rite.
But in truth he was all the more looking forward to being face to face with you.
"She has not yet been incorrect in the years that I have known her. And you have nothing to fret about, Brother. You will make a fine addition to this team," the blond said proudly, both of them finally arriving to the considerably warmer common area. Loki finally lifted his enchantment, no longer concerned of his Jotun form emerging as his brother raised his hand and called out in your direction, "Y/N! I have returned from Asgard and there is someone I wish for you to meet--"
"In a minute, Barbie. Carter's bringing in her latest beau. Something about her wanting me to have a read on him before she gets too invested," you answered him, throwing your hand up in their direction. You threw a cursory glance their way, barely registering the raven-haired god, before returning your gaze to the door where another unfamiliar face walked in, arm in arm with a man whose entire aura screamed 'philanderer'.
"Y/N, I'd like you to meet Nathan. Nathan, sweetie, this is my friend--"
"Wow you're stunning," the man said, raising his hand in front of him, seemingly to shake yours. But the positioning seemed…off. As if he were to turn your hand and kiss the back of it the second you even brought yours a fraction of an inch upward.
One look into this Nathan's thoughts all but confirmed it. Along with all the other deplorable indiscretions he had stacked against him.
If the god's suspicions were right and you truly were telepathically inclined, you would see those indiscretions, too. With the right guidance, you could explore the true scope of your abilities. Perhaps even advance them.
Your unmoving stance brought along a disquiet to your friend's features, her smile fading into a grim line as her eyes drooped and her posture slumped. She'd seen this reaction from you before, and she seemed to already brace herself for your next words.
"I've got a bad feeling about you," you said in an ominous tone, standing at your full height before tilting your head slightly. From where he stood, Loki could see the man grow visibly anxious, his pulse quickening and beating furiously against his neck.
"What--Why what'd you see?" your friend croaked out, fighting back sobs.
You chose to instead address the deplorable excuse of a man. "You checked out no less than three women since you walked through the front door, and at least twice you wondered if any of them would be down for a threesome. You have a secret social media account that you use to sext other women and send them your dick pics, ohh and by the way…that pump that you're using? Doesn't do shit."
The god had never seen someone's complexion visibly pale until now, Nathan losing all color in his face as if he'd been drained of blood. "You--You d-don't know what you're talking about, you fucking freak!" He looked to Carter, his eyes rife with panic. "Babe, your weird friend here's just pulling this all out of her ass, she's lying--"
His paltry laughable excuses were cut off with a chorus of hissing sounds and "ooh"s and "yikes" from your team, as if his words were so offensive they physically stung. Stark spoke up, clapping his hand down on the man's shoulder. "Now see here, Rudolph the horny reindeer, you've made at least five mistakes since you stepped through that door. But calling Y/N here a liar? Yeah, that dug your grave, dick for brains."
"Well then she's wrong!" he whined, grabbing for his lover's hands and holding on with a death grip. "Baby, you know me, I'm your pookie bear. I would never hurt you--"
"Oof goddamn now I wish I was lying," you quipped, a mixture of surprise and disgust coloring your features. "You couldn't waterboard that nickname out of me. Maybe try going for something that doesn't sound like a name a toddler would give a stuffed animal for the next one? You probably have her all lined up, right? Somewhere in all those DMs and FaceApp'd shrimpy photoshoots?" You took a step closer, not seeming to care about how his free hand was clenched so tightly into a fist that it began to shake. "By the way, I hope you age checked those girls. I'll give you two pieces of free advice. First? Age of consent in New York is seventeen. Second? Don't treat it like a damn target."
Your friend Carter finally jerked her hand out of his and struck him across the face, the sound reverberating through the common area. Stark raised his brows and nodded at her in approval, making a remark about how he wished he had some popcorn.
"It's over," she told him. "I don't ever want to hear from you again." Tears began to roll down her cheeks as she said the words and motioned toward the same door they walked through just minutes before.
"I'm not going anywhere," he insisted, acting like a misbehaving toddler and stomping his foot. "Why would you even believe this freaky little bitch over your own boyfriend, I thought we had some--"
"Because we trust her, cradle robber. And to this day she's never been wrong about a damn thing," Stark sniped, walking over and putting himself between you and the increasingly belligerent Nathan. He placed a tablet in Carter's hands. "I took the liberty of getting into his second account and sending screenshots of his messages to…well, just about everyone in his contacts list. But I figured you ought to see it and scroll through the messages first hand, Sharon."
At this moment, Loki caught another glimpse into the philandering man's mind, seeing a vision of him intending to attack you and strangle you with his bare hands. And just as the god suspected, you had glimpsed the same thought running through his mind, side stepping out of the way just before Nathan could get a hold of you. He watched with more than mild amusement as Thor stepped forward next and grabbed the whining man by the back of his shirt and lifting him into the air.
"Any mortal capable of even the tiniest amount of coherent thought would know better than to attack my friends," the blond said in a low, authoritative tone that eerily reminded Loki of their father. He promptly walked Nathan to the same door that he and Carter had walked through; Loki could see that his brother was physically fighting the urge to give the impudent puny mortal a swift kick to his rear as he gave him a nudge out of the premises.
"Thank you, Barbie," you spoke, an equally amused look on your face after witnessing the whole ordeal. "Always knew it was a good idea to have an Asgardian bouncer guard dog around."
Once Thor had made his way back to you and the rest of the team, you and he grasped each other's forearms. A show of respect that the blond oaf usually only had reserved for his closest comrades, the Warriors Four. Only recently had he even done that with Loki, and while the god of mischief would never admit it aloud, the gesture had him fighting back that traitorous prickling in the backs of his eyes.
"Speaking of having Asgardians in the Compound, there is someone I wish for you to meet, Lady Y/N," he spoke, motioning toward his brother. You tilted your head, a smile so starkly different from the one you had in the interrogation room brightening your features the moment your eyes met Loki's. "This is my brother, and he could be quite an invaluable asset to the team."
"With your go ahead, Agent Y/L/N," Rogers spoke from his seat, intently watching the scene play out before him. Once again agents had begun to crowd around them, completely halting their movements to bear witness. "Like Stark said, we trust you."
You barely gave a response, the only indicator that you'd even heard Rogers' words being a slight jut of your chin in his direction. Loki took your considerably smaller outstretched hand in his, taking every bit of his strength to stay upright as the visions bombarded his mind. The smallest gasp slipped from your lips. You took a moment to compose yourself before you spoke, addressing the team.
"All clear, he can stay," you announced, a boisterous whoop coming from Thor the second you gave your judgment. Neither of you made a move to let go of the other's hand.
"Okay not to take a page out of your book here, jellybean, but…" Stark spoke, breaking you two out of your own little bubble. He pointed his finger back and forth between you and the raven-haired god. "I've got a bad feeling about the two of you."
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Stop smiling, you literal idiot, you chided yourself as you paced the floor of your apartment. There was no logical reason to even be thinking of the new member of the team now that you weren't around him, and yet you couldn't get the jet black-haired Asgardian dressed in dark emerald leather out of your mind.
The bar must have been in hell if all it took to get you to actually smile was the fact that the second you two met eyes, no alarm bells went off the way that they did for that newbie traitor…or Sharon's now ex boyfriend. The only hunch that you got looking at him was that he was definitely there to watch the interrogation and trying to figure out how you clocked the iris implants on Park.
"Maybe if he figures it out, he could clue me in on it, too, because I don't have the foggiest fucking idea where that came from," you muttered into the emptiness. And then like clockwork, you found yourself thinking about his blinding brilliant smile again.
And the way his hand completely dwarfed yours.
And how even in those few moments in the common room, being around him for some reason blanketed you in this feeling as if, for the first time in a long time, you didn't have to be as careful anymore. Like you no longer had to constantly be looking over your shoulder because someone might actually have your back and--
"Now you're just being ridiculous, Y/N," you grumbled at yourself, staring down your reflection. "How many times have you had your heart shattered from trusting too easily? Feeling safe around him is exactly why you shouldn't feel safe, why is it that for all the people that trust your instincts, you can't seem to listen to them yourself? And have I lost my freaking mind I am talking to my own--"
Knock knock knock
The sound came from your front door, snapping you out of your rant. "Who in the fuck?"
A lump formed in your throat when you opened the door, looking up at the exact stormy blue eyes that refused to leave your mind since you met him a little over an hour ago. The ones that made a question form in your mind that you couldn't bring yourself to voice out.
Why do I have a good feeling about you?
"Loki…" you said his name slowly, trying your best to ignore how bizarrely right it felt to say it. As if you were meant to. As if you were going to say it -- scream it, even -- for years to come.
"Good evening, Y/N." What you couldn't ignore was how the sound of your name from his lips made your knees want to buckle. "I wish to speak to you about something that I saw when I touched your hand earlier. A vision. Of the future."
The lump in your throat suddenly got bigger. "Ohh God am I gonna die? Soon? Because if I am I don't want spoilers, not even hints, what's gonna happen is gonna--"
"I saw us," he cut you off, reaching for your hands and rubbing circles on the inside of your wrists. "Years of stolen glances and missed opportunities and unsaid words. And it was only at the brink of losing you forever that I finally would find the courage to tell you of my affections."
There were no words, all you could do was blink at him as you tried to process his words. Looking desperately for the telltale signs that there was a disconnect between what he was saying and what his actual intentions were for coming to you like this. The disconnect that was present with most men that you were face to face with.
And yet your intuition, that hadn't failed you for as long as you could remember, was practically squealing with glee that you could feel safe around the god.
"Why are you telling me this?" you asked him. You were surprised you could even form words. Or that you somehow managed to bite your tongue from letting slip a more abrasive question.
He stepped closer to you, a soft smile on his face as he gently framed your face with his hands. "I don't wish to spend the next years pining away and foolishly waiting for the timing to be just right. I had glimpsed our future, and it was…" His smile widened into a brilliant grin, his thumbs tracing along your cheekbones. "It was resplendent. Having even the most fleeting glimpse that what we would have, it had me awash with…peace. The kind that I had longed for for centuries."
Your breath hitched when he pressed his lips to your forehead, your heart pounding away furiously in your chest. You knew a little too well the feeling that he was describing. That feeling of peace. Of a calm quietude that put you at ease even if the world would have been crashing down around you.
That feeling like you were home.
"Now as for your unspoken question," he whispered, breath warming your skin. "Of what am I doing here…I wish to change that future. Or rather, hasten it along. If that is what you want as well, of course."
He pressed his forehead to yours, loosely wrapping his arms around you. All you could do was nod, secretly grateful that he was holding you upright because the violent fluttering in your stomach was making it hard to stand.
That feeling spread throughout your entire body like wildfire when he briefly brushed his lips against yours; you could feel how much restraint he was exerting to pull away. To test the waters. To wait for you to tell him it was alright.
And you let out the words that were fighting to break free since you first saw him earlier today. "I have a good feeling about you."
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A/N: *peeks out from behind the laptop* ohai there…long time no see 🙈 Imma say it again because it bears repeating: I'm rusty as all fuck and I might be for a while, but I'm trying to get back into writing since I haven't really done much ever since starting the new job. But things are finally beginning to settle down and normalize, so I'm trying to somehow find a groove again.
I'm gonna be so real w/ y'all, the next stuff on my queue is RTC and 'the final Lady Sharpe' and with how rusty my prose feels, I'm so scared to touch them 😂
Also this is another story that was inspired by a TikTok pov trend. The one where people lip sync and act along to the song that goes "Oompa Loompa doopadeedoo I've got a bad feeling about you", as if it wasn't cringe enough 🥴🫡
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @herdetectivetheorist
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chiipay · 4 months ago
What if shidou was having a very bad day and the only thing he wanted was to stay in our presence or touch us in anyway
Just by seeing us, his nerves are calm? I don’t really know how to explain it
Uwohhh.. shidou request that's a first. I'm happy to know people do like him. I'll do my best to match his uhh vibe?.. idk
Ughhh it's happening again isn't it?
It's a shidou disaster. Is what you called it.
It's very very VERY normal to see another bickering shidou with another person. But DAMN it's too early for another fight he picked.
”...sorry about that, dude. I swear he normally wouldn't budge anyone at this hour-” you slightly bow in front of the French's stratum master, Julian Loki.
He's very polite and well-mannered for a guy...too good for a guy.
” it's fine. I'm surprised he suddenly acts like this at 3am..” he chuckled gorgeously- AHEM AHEM.
” shidou is in the training field. The Victor looking guy told us to locked him up there for a bit while waiting for you.” Charles Chevalier chipped in the conversation from behind making you shudder.
” oh- i see. Well if you excuse me, I'll be going now...to deal with the so-called demon.” you smile nervously before vanishing into the thin air.
As the small presence of you lingering around the hall, both the French duo look at your way.
”....i hope she won't get possessed by shidou-”
As you open the door, you meet with a pouty face of shidou who's sitting down on the grass field while the room is filled with balls lingering around like a mess.
” alright shidou, what the f-”
” i miss you. ”
”.....nuh uh- don't you use that excuse on me- NUH UH”
Shidou positions himself while sitting in front of you. Making some puppy face to ask for mercy makes you scrunch your face in disgust.
{a/n: I can't y'all I'm SoRrY-}
You look at his puppy face for a bit before sighing heavily making him grin a bit as if winning the lottery.
”....what do you want from me broo... I'm losing my shit just being here for 102935392735635 times because of you..." You covered your face with your hands making it look like you're in denial and you are.
” but that wouldn't be so fun if i tell you won't it?~~~” he smirked before patting his lap for you to sit on.
You sigh again for a tired of energy getting up at 3 am just to deal with him-
You sat down on the grass field but not for so long before shidou dragging you to sit on his lap. You ended up in a very uncomfortable position on his lap.
”.... I'm tired shidou... It's 3 in the morning... Why are you doing this? Did Rin annoy you or something? Neo league won't be too long before it ends y'know? wHy CaN't Y-” a big yawn escape from your mouth as you lean on shidou's shoulder.
He smells like shit.
But it's fine- you're too tired it makes sense while there's so many balls on the grass field. He probably got too bored getting locked up in here.
Shidou just hummed at everything questions you asked him while qooing you like a baby in his arms.
"just sleep my ever lasting star-”
" cringe.”
” the love of my life?”
” 2 × cringe.”
” my beloved, dear, sugar boo, pookie bear, bab-”
" stop it, I'm to die out of the cringiness you're making me. How did you come out with those nicknames.?"
”what can I say- you bring the best out of me, manager~”
”....cringe. no wonder why sae Itoshi ran away from you”
” ouch. but still love you tho.” he smug at you
”... thanks.”
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castielsprostate · 4 months ago
i see some people complain what eddie did was out of character, especially the ending and some of the comments he made throughout, but i think we're forgetting venom 3 happens, at most, a week from venom 2?
media analysis under the cut: SPOILERS for venom 3
he just went through a painful breakup with venom and then got him back by very close physical contact with his ex fiance who then told him "never again" (lmao)! he then met, and helped kill, his husbands son/weird clone which used the serial killer he helped be put to death as a host! he had to give away their chickens and go on the run to mexico as a fugitive, all in the matter of days! then he learned just a fraction of what venom knew and got blasted into another universe where he learned about everything that happened with thanos and, presumably, the avengers, spiderman, loki, etc. and whilst he's still processing. all of that! he learns that he contains a key that could destroy the entire universe inside of him! and they're being hunted by creepy woodchipper animals!
then they're hunted (again), on the run, he probably hasn't showered in weeks, he had to walk. through the nevada dessert. BAREFOOT. and then he didn't even get to eat the nice looking food the weird family made him 💀
and when eddie is ready to die, side by side with venom- he has to watch venom, the love of his life, the only one that understood him, the only one that made him feel like he wasn't alone. the part of him that made them complete, die. die in a painful, horrible, way. and he's powerless. he can't do anything but watch
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i think he's still in the denial phase. he wakes up in the hospital, getting told venom is dead and to not try and change it (let's be real!), and saying but i need him. and i don't think he actually understands it. when he goes to the statue of liberty, the montage is playing, but is it playing for eddie? or is it only playing for us?
he doesn't look happy. he doesn't look relieved, walking through new york, he looks angry and snide. he looks hurt
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"i won't forget you buddy" and he says that looking like he's about to do something very fucking stupid
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he looks so... alone, and tiny, and small, standing on the dock, maybe inching towards grief but still reeling, and seething, in anger and pain
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 5 months ago
Precarious 1
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, arranged marriage, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you're forced to leave the pages of your books and face reality.
This is part of the Three Sisters for Three Misters AU (this reader is know as Wren)
Characters: Loki
Note: Here is the second one!
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You don’t know when your perch grew so uncomfortable but it is preferable to the alternative. You lean against the trunk, legs hooked around the thick branch for balance, as you delve into a world not your own. You build the pillars in your mind, paint the vivid landscapes, and mold the characters into silhouettes. Fiction has always been much more interesting than reality. And safer. 
Still, your denial is a hefty a shield as those pages. Neither can protect you from the inevitable. The hours tick away on your watch and countdown to your fate. 
The bell will soon toll with the screech of your mother’s voice. She will be certain to sniff you out of your nest. You sigh wistfully and close the book. How many hours had you wiled away just like that? How many days had you spent ignorant to your own freedom? It is all coming to an end, though can’t truly say you ever lived outside captivity. Yet, what you know is always better than the unknown. 
Your brow twitches and you rub it to calm the tight muscle. You nearly knock your round glasses off in the process. As you straighten them, you can already hear your mother’s remonstrance. ‘Why don’t you wear your contacts? We spent all that money on them.’  
Well, mother, they make my eyes burn. 
Like everything else, you keep the gripe inside. She never cares when you do speak up. Only your sisters care and they’re just as powerless as you. 
Some might say you’re spoiled. Ungrateful, even. Look at what you were born into. Not everyone has a nice house and fancy cars and sprawling lawns. Oh, and don’t forget that title. You have one of those too. Well, no one ever asked you if you want all that. They just put the mantle on your shoulders so you could stagger under its weight. 
The familiar lurch of the front gates draws you from your spite. You dread that sound more than anything. It means there’s a guest and you were never one for people. 
You duck to see through the leaves and watch the car roll through the gates. The older model is painted a shade of robin’s egg that sticks out even at a distance. You sit up and check your watch. It’s very early still, yet, you don’t have much time at all. Not as it keeps on rolling by. 
You tuck your book in your sweater and tuck in the hem to keep it from slipping. You turn to scale down the trunk, careful as you lower yourself to the next branch and the next, before gently dropping into the grass. You stand and adjust your glasses as you try to track the vehicle’s advance towards the house. 
You hug your book through the wool of your sweater and sprint across the lawn. You stay behind the hedges and the spiked shrubs around the front of the house. You duck behind the plinth that holds a full-bellied vase of lilies.  
You peek out from behind the stone as you watch the blond man step out of the car. He peers up at the facade as he shades his gaze from the sunlight. It’s a nice day for the worst of your life. 
He’s tall and his golden hair has a subtle wave, even combed back neatly. He wears a brown suit with a plaid pattern in a tan tint, and he stands with fearless determination. He measures the house. He does not see a future wife, he sees the riches waiting. 
You skirt around behind the greenery and enter through the side door before you can be spotted. The hubbub of the cooks and the maids overshadows your covert quest. Even as the second-born daughter of a prestigious family, you go unnoticed. You scurry up your stairs as your father’s voice booms from behind you. He isn’t calling for you, he never does. 
You hurry down the hallway and the book slips from your sweater as the bottom pulls loose from your waistband. You push your glasses up into your hair as they slip down your nose. You catch the novel and press it under your arm as you charge towards Chicky’s door. You let yourself in without knocking, breathless as you slam yourself against the other side. 
Your sisters turn to you in surprise, your own must be just as plain. You only expected one, not both. 
“I saw one,” you blurt out. 
“Saw one?” Chicky, your younger sister, repeats back. 
You shush her and storm away from the door. 
“He’s tall. Blond. Look.” You point to the window, hoping he has yet to breach the walls.  
Your sisters glance at each other then behind them. Chicky stands and she goes with Kestral to look. You hover near the vanity and glance your reflection. Oh, you are a mess. You pull a leaf from your hair and glower. And you are to meet your betrothed today? 
“Oh, wow, that is typical,” Kestral sneers. ���An antique car. Well, Wren, you should hope he’s yours then. By the looks of it, he’ll spend more time with that beast than you.” 
You squeak and shake your head, swaying on your feet so you almost topple. The thought makes your stomach bubble. You scrunch up your face and put your book again your chest. 
“Mm, he has manners. He is chatting rather intently with Reginald.” Kestral says. 
You frown at the mention of the valet. He is so nosy. 
“Yes, Reginald can be rather chatty,” you mutter. Chicky tilts coyly. You’re not sure why. 
“Well, Kes,” Chicky says as she turns to you, “you said you asked around. What did you hear?” 
The question makes your heart knot even if you are just as curious, though rather scared, to hear the answer. 
“Like I said, gossip is rarely useful.” Kestral gives a long sigh. “Mine, Conrad… he’s not much history in ‘society’,” she gives a lilt to the words with a gesture, “from what I’ve gathered, he comes from a well to do family. I heard more of his brother than him. Frustratingly mysterious.” 
She sounds as aggravated as her words suggest. She sits on the bed with folded arms. “then there’s Laufeyson,” the name sends a shiver through you. You remember when you first heard it spoke. Your father’s demands echo in your head. ‘You will do as I bid.’ As ever father. 
“He does have quite the reputation,” she continues. “A tricky man. I’m not entirely sure why mother and father chose him but no offense, Wrenny, you are a middle child.” 
You blink dolefully, “Mm, I’d say better than no one but no one sounds rather nice.” 
Chicky giggles. She always finds things so funny. You wish you could be like her. That anything could make you so happy. 
“And me?” your younger sister prompts. 
“Pine, proper gentleman by my measure. Never as toe out of line. No mystery. No scandal. He sounds like he was created in a factory.” 
“Boring?” Chicky wonders. 
It’s all boring and it’s all terrifying. You trace the edge of the book with your fingernail and rock. Their voices haze together as you try to imagine what your life will be. It’s right there, closer by the minute, but you just can’t imagine it. You can’t imagine the man who you’ll spend your life with. 
You squeak at the very thought of him seeing you. What will he think? And after that? You’re expected to… to… oh my. No, you could never. 
“Wren,” Kestral’s voice snaps you back, “you can take all your book and add a thousand more to your shelves. You could build yourself a castle and lock yourself away to read forever. And Chicky, you just be you. Go out shooting or dancing or shopping. As long as our duty is met, we will be free. Truly. No more mother, no more father. We will laugh in their faces and say ‘no’.”  
“I hope you’re right,” Chicky speaks your thoughts aloud. 
You don’t believe she is right, though. You don’t see it happening. As much as you would love to build a little hermitage, you don’t think any husband will stand for that. Even if your father would rather swallow glass than spend time alone with your mother, they still make their appearances. Together. 
“So, Wren, you look ready to meet your beloved,” Kestral teases.  
You blanch, “oh. Sorry. I... was reading.” 
“You? Reading?” She chuckles. “I’m only kidding. But if you want me to work on your hair, I think I might have you looking a kitten rather than a lion.” 
“Hm, yes, maybe,” your brow spasms again and you nearly slap your glasses off trying to stop it. 
“What are you wearing then?” Chicky asks. 
“Um, clothes. Er. They’re in my room,” you shrug.  
“Well, yes, I would hope,” she smirks. 
“Sorry,” you apologise again. 
“I’ve got to fetch my dress, might I get yours as well?” Kestral offers as she stands. 
You shake your head, “that’s fine. I’ll... I’ll figure it out on my own.” 
You turn for the door and she calls after you again, “we’re your sisters, you know? If you need anything... well, we’re in this together, aren’t we?” 
“Sure, uh, yes,” you murmur over your shoulder as you clasp the door handle. “See you at dinner.” 
“See you...” Kestral drones in disappointment as Chicky clucks. 
You inch open the door and peek out before you plunge into the hallway. You hurry down to your room and hide inside. You just need time to think. Get yourself straight. 
You check the mirror on the wall. Ugh! Your hair. Your face. Your everything. 
You go into the en suite bathroom and rinse your face. You moisturise with the tinted lotion Kestral gifted you and scrape your lashes with mascara. Ugh. You hate painting yourself up like a doll. So you keep it minimal; lotion, lashes, lips. 
You pop back into your room and pull out your chosen attire. Your mother approved after you moped her into submission. All the dresses she showed you had you turning your shoulder to you. She finally relented and let you choose something less... risque. 
The pattern of the silk reminds you of an empress you read about. The blue and gold pair well and the red patches add some depth. The pantsuit is as comfortable as you’ll be given the circumstances. 
You’re not like Kestral. You can’t pull off elegance, and you’re far from cute, like Chicky. You’re just yourself. That fact is not a happy one for your parents. You’re not sure it’ll be any more endearing to the stranger you’ll call your husband. 
You put it on and tie up the belt. You have some bronze heels to match and a satin band to try to rein in your hair. The sapphire on the headband adds a touch of shine to appease your mother. When you look at yourself all done up, you’re still not ready. 
You wonder if that blond man is the one you’re expected to wed. The very thought makes you sick to your stomach. He doesn’t look like a good match. He’s too suave, too handsome, too pristine. Well, no aristocratic gentleman would present himself otherwise. 
You retreat from your reflection and sit at your desk. You stare at the book, mourning it like a friend. You aren’t naive or foolish, though many people assume that you are. A marriage means you won’t be alone. You won’t be able to just sit and read and hide away from the world.  
Your mother might be demanding but you expect nothing less than a tyrant to replace her. By your father’s foreboding, any husband would be right to put you in your place. Based on how disappointed your own parents are, you can’t imagine someone without any familial obligation will be any less disillusioned. 
You bend forward and rest your forehead on the book. It’s not just all those fictional companions you’ll lose. It’s your sisters. They speak as if it will all be as it is, just with some new faces. You know better than that. You’ve read enough stories of strained arrangements and reluctant pairings, but this is no fairytale. You will have no happily ever after. 
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georgiapeach30513 · 10 months ago
Your Mark On Me, Part 15
Summary: things are no good.
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating: explicit. Dead dove do not eat
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit dark content, kidnapping, mentions of drug abuse, mentions of stealing money, degradation (not for sexual play), spitting, hitting, pinching, slapping, restraining, mocking, blood, human auction, forced removal of IUD, realization of voyeurism, sexual recordings without knowledge, dark imagery 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 5.4K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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Rage. Blinding hot rage that boils every ounce of his blood. Hating himself doesn’t even cover it. Leaving you the way he did as a broken shell of the woman that he first met. You had shown resilience to his impossible needs. You had fallen so hard, and he still withheld how he truly felt for you.
The threat was enough to not just chill him all the way to the core of his being, but the video — whoever it was had caught him. Caught exactly what you meant to him on video. Words he had never spoken in years, and they had the evidence. Coupled with the threat of not only you, but Bucky’s Shy Violet. His unborn son. And Steve could not be responsible for that much pain.
Steve can barely see as he flees the hotel he left you in. A crumpled mess. A true depiction of the barren wasteland he left your heart. People don’t love as deeply as you did, and have someone rip it out with scars that may never heal. He’s an example of that. And he did it to the only person who he had ever truly been in love with.
He meant every word to you this morning, even the ones you would never hear. Why did this person, this entity hate him so much that he would threaten three people that had no part in this scheme? He had to tell Bucky. He also had to be able to visually see, and he can’t put anything into words except the red hot coils of desire to burn down the world.
Questioning if what he did was the right answer. He was told they knew his weakness, and you would be removed from his life. He beat them to it. He took away the person that they knew was his the one that would destroy him. But who? Who hated him that much to want to destroy him? Clearly it was competition but there was only one person, or people that were competitive with Steve.
“Sam?” The other man sighs. Hearing Steve's voice as wrecked as it was didn’t take much to realize what the idiot had done. “Who’s watching her?”
“You put Loki outside. Told him to watch her for a few weeks. Said that you figured she would move on. But you’re a fucking idiot.”
“They,” he yanks the steering wheel to the side of the road, throwing his car into park before pressing his palms into his eyes, and wills the tears to not spill over his lashes, “They were going to kill her and Bucky’s Shy, and…your family.”
“Figured as much. I told Nat to get the kids to the safe house. Just like you should have done with Dove. With her and Bucky there everyone would have been safe. You’re too fucking irrational. You don’t think. You should have discussed with me, and we could have came up with a plan. But you didn’t like that I heard what you said,” Steve pulls at wads of his hair, and he slams his fist on the steering wheel. “Love doesn’t make you weak.”
“I told you that you didn’t hear anything,” still in this world of denial and wanting to protect his ego. His pride? Protect anything but the person he truly cared about. You.
“You love her. You’re a coward that couldn’t even tell her to her fucking face. Is a million dollars really going to make up for what you did? You’re the problem here, Steve. She was the solution. Go back. Go get her, and I’ll take her to the safe house. I’ll leave Nat and Bucky with the kids, and Shy, and we will figure out what the fuck is going on,” Steve shakes his head. You hated him. He made sure to make you feel worthless to him, and hope that one day you could move on.
The thought of another man touching your flesh sears into his mind. Thinking this dumbass could ever hold you and love you the way he did. It was a toxic love, but he found serenity in your bright glow. The devil came to find his goddess of spring. The link that kept his underground hell blooming into the most beautiful chaotic garden.
Every morning he could see the sun shining on your face like you were the beacon, and it was trying to find you. But instead, Steve did. He tried to dim every bit of your light, and instead you changed him. And how did he repay you? He left you, his beautiful goddess, a void. Gave you every opportunity to turn into the darkness that he helped flourish. Instead, you were making him lighter.
You had a link to the depravity of his world that was Lark, and one wrong move and you would become a demon to addiction. A beautiful woman lively turned into a servant for drugs and the underbelly that he helped create. Try and be noble all he wants, he still sold a lie to users. He catered to the whims of one of the most powerful things in the world. Addiction.
“Sam,” he says as he starts to turn the car around. “I made a mistake.”
“Get your girl. I’m calling Bucky. We’ll keep her safe, and we finish this once and for all. It’s time,” without hesitation and very little thought Steve knows exactly where the threat came from. Peggy. The one who set this all off to begin with. No doubt a woman who thought she had broken Steve would be infuriated that he had managed to actually fall this time. The purest form of love. Childlike. He was in fact so in love with you it hurt him.
Pained every inch of his inky skin. He was only trying to let his Dove out of her cage, and let her fly alone. He was no longer the cage that kept you trapped. He was made pure again, and was a dove right along with you. He wasn’t meant to set you free, he was meant to fly out of his own cage with you.
He fucked up. He knows you may never forgive him for this whiplash, but if it meant that you were going to keep your life, that was the burden he would have to bear. He would carry the weight of that on his back for the rest of eternity as long as he knew you were alive and well. He had to. Because he was in love.
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You don’t cry. You barely blink. Couldn’t even move to clean yourself off as per his request. That towel lays haphazardly on his spilt cum, and you stare up at the ceiling trying to make this a nightmare. He was a liar. That wasn’t Steve, and as much as you wanted to cut etches of his story off his skin, you wanted him to hold you even more.
It is a bizarre feeling to hate and need the same person. Time has no meaning on this bed. Earlier today you saw him for the man he used to be before Peggy tried to destroy him. And then he burned that man at the stake as he became the monster you first met. The lord of the underworld, and he brought you down into his depths, but maybe it was all one sided.
Watching as the room spins around you in a humiliating and dizzying haze. It’s why he couldn’t look at you. He has fought and fought his true feelings, and because he couldn’t accept them he had to remove the seed that was sprouting in his heart. The seed that was changing winter into spring and you saw lightness and color that once resided inside of his soul.
You hate him. And still, you’re in love with him, and you need him to hold you and tell you that wasn’t him. That he was sorry, and he was so in love with you and he was done fighting, and you doubt that moment will ever come. If you could close your eyes and never wake up that would be the most fitting. You didn’t want to see anything anymore.
“Dove?” Your eyes stare blankly up at the ceiling, and you swear there’s a pattern to the odd appearance of it. Dots that you feel are just the stars, and they’re covering you in a warm blanket. As warm as the fuzz that is thrown over your body.
“Sissy, how much money did he leave you?” Your blinks start to slow down, and you hope that they’ll eventually close forever so you don’t have this sickening feeling in your stomach. “I’m going to take this and invest in — things, yeah. You don’t need it. You’ve got your school you can bounce back on, okay?”
If there is one thing you wished it was that Steve could have quit fighting the inevitable. That he would have just admitted the feelings he had for you, and the two of you could run away. Money and power are just as dark of an addiction as the drugs he sold. And he was letting his addiction win.
“Won’t you let me get you dressed. You don’t want to leave here naked. And — he didn’t love you. That mess on your stomach is how he treats the girls he threw away at the club. Used their warm flesh to fill a need, and then…”
“You’re lying,” your eyes finally focus on your sister, and you turn and look away from her quickly. She no longer was the vibrant older sister you once knew. Either Steve had been lying about your addiction and usage, or she had found another supplier. “What happened to you?”
“You should look in the mirror,” you didn’t want to look at your face. You’d look like a bird with clipped wings that could no longer fly because that’s just what you feel like. “Get dressed.”
“What are you doing with the money?” You inquire. But she doesn’t respond just goes towards your bag, and opens up one. Tossing over a dress, and you finally take stock of what’s going on. Sitting up in the bed so see her clinging to the bag with cash in it. The stupor you were once in now is a dull pain of the past hour. “Lark?”
The door opens up to your room, and scramble to cover yourself. You know him. “Dovey, it’s time for you to go. He’s been waiting on you,” tears flood out your eyes as you shake your head. “You really want him to see you with Steve’s cum on your stomach. Your pussy fucked out, and tits hanging out? Now,” he clicks his tongue, snapping a finger at Lark, and your sister scurries out of the hotel room.
“It’s just you and me,” grabbing at your foot, he pulls you down to him and you kick and scream. Biting every time his hands touch you. Your reason to fight became apparent because whatever is wrong is worse than the empty gut you have now. “He threw you away!”
“Fuck you!”
“Keep fighting me, and it’s you that’s going to be fucked,” clearing his throat your room is flooded with men, and they all close in on you, struggling to hold on to your body before with one snap, you go into blackness. A darker world than you have ever ventured to. A world where things will never be the same. Left and broken, now stolen and restored. Fight is still there.
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Steve sprints to your bedroom, racing through every part of it. Knowing without seeing physically that you’re gone. His hands pick up and throw everything in its path. Destroying the room just like he destroyed you. The luggage with clothes is still here, but the suitcase with money was gone.
Lifting up the mattress he flips it over, standing in the fucking room that was devoid of you. You were gone, and he can’t shake the feeling that you were taken. Stolen from this room, and from — he can’t even say himself anymore. Because he left you. You weren’t his to steal. He fucked up.
Chest heaving as his mind races on where you could be. He has an idea of who took you and it sickens him. He sees what Lark has become. Rumlow was the worst kind of drug dealer, because he dealt in more than just drugs, he dealt in women.
“I fucked up,” he turns around. Eyes pleading at Bucky. “Why are you here?”
“Sam’s with the girls. I’m risking my life and the chance to see my future son because I can’t imagine what you’re going through. You fucked up, but I can’t let you wonder your what ifs or wonder where she is. I can’t let you lose the love of your life,” Steve shakes his head, the anger turning into the worst pain he’s ever felt in his life. As the last of his humanity is wrenched from his fingers. “Why can’t you say it? Does she mean that little to you?”
“She means more than any amount fucking words, Bucky. She means everything. Shy and Ember were threatened. Nat and the girls, and a lot don’t even know that Sam and Nat are together and have kids. Why do they want her?”
“They’re trying to make your kingdom crumble. The dark lord of the seedy underbelly. Ruled by fear and power. For a drug lord you had some morals, if that’s what you want to call it. And there’s…”
“Peggy,” Steve gulps, glancing around the room that is as messy as his head. Disheveled in every crevice. He has to clear his mind if he’s ever going to find you.
“I want you to make me a promise,” Steve nods. Taking a few deep breaths to center himself. It ends now. He won’t hold back. It’s time to burn the world down to save you. Rumlow’s entire organization will disintegrate. He doesn’t even care where the two of you end up. He needs to know you’re alive, and living the life you want. And he hopes you still can find a place to put him in it.
“If we find Dove, I need you to tell her exactly how you feel, you coward. Quit waiting until the girl falls asleep before you say it.”
“Let’s go save a dove.”
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You could look at Steve trying to destroy you as a good thing. There’s a numbness that courses through your veins, or maybe it’s just a sleepy fog since the moment he walked out that door. Staring at the sleeping form of the man that tattooed you while your arms are restrained above your head, you wonder how you slipped this far into this world of darkness. Your will to fight dormant and resting. Now you observe. Paying attention to everything while you remember every bit of this moment. Something eventually had to help.
You don’t hate Steve. In fact the reason he did what he did seems to be to avoid this bullshit right here. Protecting you from whatever this hell is, but he failed. He let the wrong one watch you. And your own sister somehow played a part. You’d cuss him for the fool that he is when he comes to rescue you. And then allow your exhaustion and anger to rain down him with a fury that is hibernating.
Your eyes start to droop a bit. The adrenaline and heart shattering moments hitting a climax so high that your body is spent. There is no time for fear, and no time for anger. It’s survival. Steve would find you, and you would kick him in his perfect balls for ever hurting you. Even though the idea of him throwing that door open to save you like a scarred Prince Charming was looking damn fine, you can’t ignore what he did.
“How long has it been?” A sickeningly sweet voice walks into the room, and her beady eyes look you up and down. “What is she wearing?”
“Whatever I could put on her. You said you didn’t want Rumlow to see her the way I found her. You’re still so concerned with him leaving you for someone else?” His head bounces to the side with the force of the smack she connects to his face. “Why else do you need her covered?”
“I don’t need to see what cunt Steve’s been shagging. Pretending that she was the only one while he was fucking Rumlow’s whores at the club,” you roll your eyes, but refuse to comment. Sam kept tabs on Steve, and even told you he’s never seen him so much as glance at another woman. Her tactics of wearing you down were futile. You couldn’t sink any lower. The bottom has already been reached and all in a few short hours.
“You’ve been fucking like rabbits, and he still hasn’t fucked a baby in you?” You spit on her, gaining a slap against your own cheek. Her red painted nail wipes of your saliva from her face before she embarrassingly rubs it on your face.
“That’s rich coming from a double crossing bitch. You can only smack me when I can’t fight back?”
“You’re a bitchy one, aren’t ya? So tell me, sweet princess, how have you remained without a bastard?”
“It’s called birth control, you idiot.”
“One I need to cut out of your arm? Or rip it out from between your legs? Or do you trust the pill?” What the fuck was this woman getting off on? You aren’t even sure what her fucking problem was, or why it concerned you so much. “Rumlow has suffered with his business, while Steve flourishes. He needs to be destroyed, but I much prefer slow torture,” her fingernails connect to your arm, and she uses far too much pressure to slide all over the delicate skin of your arms before her eyes zone in on your lower body.
”Remove it.”
“What the fuck? No!”
“Stick another fucking needle in her neck and remove it,” she is psychotic. More than Steve could have ever realized. “You know your pretty sister? Yeah, it was easy to break her spirit. It’s funny what money and drugs can get people to do. What would destroy Steve? To see you broken from another human. To see you as a ghost of who you were. A zombie that he can’t even recognize. You know how many people are willing to bid for Steve’s precious Dove? Use your body to work out their frustrations on their biggest competition. Your sister sold you out for money and drugs, but the good thing is she is no longer being pimped out. But you — Steve will never want you again. Remove it. She can be someone else’s problem.”
Her stilettos click out of your room, and Loki stands up to walk closer to you. You flail, screaming out obscenities and no towards him. Having very little room to get any leverage over him. They were all fucking mental. “No! Don’t touch me.”
”It’ll only sting for a minute. You keep getting stuck with this, you’re going to have a bigger problem,” his voice is cloying in your ear as he grabs your face. Coming closer to you with a needle before it drives into your body.
“No! No! Please, no!” Another wave of blackness. Falling into an oblivion of a dark void that has no end in sight. Whispering out, “No,” one more time, and crying because no one can hear you. Being stripped away from the only salvation you knew, and now becoming the exact opposite of what Steve desired the most in you. Untouched. She wanted to sell you, auction you off while Steve can either be searching for you, or pretending you never existed.
You just want to go home. Home to the cabin, and pretend that he was coming home to you. Hold onto happy moments while your humanity is ripped from you. You hate her.
Your head lulls back on your shoulders, and the dingy light of the room tries to filter through the darkness, and you try to grasp it. Hoping that light can save your soul from the monster Peggy was forcing you to become. You hate her.
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He didn’t like it. He hated it. Hated that you were ever put in this position, and he had himself more to blame than anyone. The very thought of something going wrong just wasn’t an option. He didn’t need anything to go wrong. He needed you. He needs to know that you are okay, and you were free to live a life.
The thoughts of you choosing a life that didn’t include him was on his mind, but he couldn’t think of that. Everything had to be perfectly planned out. He knew that Peggy was a vindictive bitch, while Rumlow was a pathetic one. He assumes that they’re hoping for an appearance by him.
It wasn’t a secret what they were doing. Everyone knew they were putting you up for auction. The reception went from an absolutely no because they knew Steve’s vengeance would be grisly to the ones that were drooling and licking their jowls at a chance to fuck Steve over. But retaliation would happen. To all of them. There would be a retribution on every single person that participates in the selling of you.
Every last one of them will get the fiery death of his dreams, and if you wanted to facilitate he would let you watch as they all burn. He failed in the one thing he promised above all else and that was to protect you. He’d make it up. He would get you. Or he would watch it all burn.
There’s moments in your life where you freeze up. Your body goes into autopilot, and you’re just there. Going through the motions. While your body is numb to every poke, prod, and movement by someone else. Your mind is on high alert. Listening to every door open. Absorbing every conversation. Your eyes take stock of all that is around you. Memorize every face as you dream about their demise.
You knew there would come a time when you had to identify people because you still hadn’t given up hope that Steve would keep his promise. Rumlow was a boastful idiot and he was letting everyone know who he was going to have up on that stage. Steve would hear about it, and you didn’t doubt that he would have fun in taking care of everything.
That’s not to say that you didn’t want to add another scar on Steve’s body, and you wanted to scratch him, and maul his perfect face, but you need him to wrap those stupid beefy arms around you and carry you out of this disgusting place. You know if you allow your mind to go into the dark places that you would lose all hope, and you’d never stop crying. Or worse become the devil Peggy was trying to make you.
You didn’t even speak to them when they’d ask you questions. You’d just stare at them blankly as they pinched, slapped, and pushed you around. You wouldn’t allow yourself to let them break you. Not yet. When this is all over you could have those moments of clarity, but right now it’s just to survive. And that meant focusing on everything.
You even knew it took Loki exactly thirty-four steps to get to the chair that set outside of your cage. And another forty-two steps to get to the door. You knew that he was the biggest coward of all, and needed to hide behind a more powerful man. Scheming and lying through his teeth while he collects secrets and information as his own form of currency.
He was loathsome. Peggy was the worst bitch you had ever met in your life. A woman who didn’t want Steve, and also couldn’t bare to see him happy with another woman. The kind of woman whose ego got in the way of the bigger picture. While Rumlow was describable he had bigger reasons for doing this. Peggy’s reasons didn’t go past needing to make Steve feel emasculated.
Disgusting woman, all dolled up for a pretty picture. Steve wasn’t a hero, but he could admit it. She wants to act like there was a moral high ground that she was part of, and still involved with another drug lord. That man just didn’t ask questions. You’d come to learn that Steve did, and that’s why Peggy had to ruin him.
“Are you still sore?” It is a stupid question when your arms were always extended above your head, the fact that she made people remove something so personal from you. Sore didn’t even begin to describe it. “You still mad at me, princess? And if you fucking spit on me again…”
You roll your eyes up to meet her, a sinister smile tugging at your mouth. “Ghastly woman. It’s what you deserve. You can pay for Steve’s sins. They always do,” another one of her tactics is to make you think you were nothing but a fleshlight to Steve. But you knew better. “Do you know how many girls that he has made become a sex worker? Rumor has it he filmed porn right in the club.”
Blah blah blah. You did actually talk to Steve. You also listened. It’s something she didn’t do well. Cocky little bitches never wanted to be the quiet little girls that people think aren’t threatening. Like you. She sees a weak submissive bird. You weren’t weak, and you weren’t dumb. You had more knowledge than she could even fathom about the ongoings of Steve’s enterprise. And there’s one thing she forgets, those sex workers Steve employed had a choice. She had removed yours.
“Are you going to play your game of not talking again?” Smirking, you roll your eyes before concentrating on her shoes. You weren’t going to give her the respect to look her in her face. “You’re such a spoiled child. Did your daddy Steve not spank you enough?”
“Nope,” Steve was not your daddy. He was your Captain.
“You do speak,” god, she’s a pompous twat. If she was closer you would spit on her, just for telling you not to.
“I don’t make it habit of talking to trollops,” with a painted red nail, she slaps you across the face, and your mouth fills with the pungent taste of metal. You gather it in your mouth, waiting. She is already getting closer to you.
“You fucking bitch. I will enjoy seeing you sold, and I will revel in the ways that they use your body to fuck over Steve. And that man never cared for you. You were just warm wet flesh,” one step too close to you, and you let her feel the blood she brought with her slap. The red paints her neck such a brilliant color and you chuckle, “You were just a whore to him. Let him fuck you raw. Intimately. Wanna see?”
Spinning on her heels, she snaps a finger at Loki, “I want Steve fucking her stupid on a loop. Let her watch every moment that was ever a lie. Break her fucking spirit, so she knows Steve never loved her. He couldn’t. Because he loved me, and will always look for a replacement. But there's only one me,” if only she knew that the love that Steve felt for her was nothing compared to how he felt about you. You knew it. He told you.
The sound of his voice stings as the monitor is lit up with the two of you. Precious moments stolen, and there is no telling how many people had seen this. You keep your eyes on Steve, more than you ever did while he was pumping into you. Steve never said the words, but he also couldn’t act. The way he stares at you with so much passion and love, versus the anger he had when he broke up with you. Such a lying coward.
You sniffle, refusing to let any tears cloud your vision or run down your face. You were becoming immune to the physical pain, but seeing a private beautiful moment with Steve hurts so deeply. Even the way he paints your skin with his fingers after making love. Yeah, Steve fucked you and would fuck you hard, but what you just witnessed was sweet. Almost like the first time.
Out of the corner of your eye you see Loki staring at you, and you twist your head to gaze back quickly, causing him to flinch. “When you came to our home…”
“It was just a place for him to hide you and fuck you. Don’t make it seem so domestic.”
“Was this your plan all along? Fuck Steve over?” He shrugs his shoulders, moving to turn back around after making a face with Steve’s grunts on the television. “He’ll enjoy torturing you.”
“You think very highly of yourself. Where were you at when I found you? Broken, naked, and used on a bed. Let’s not forget the money your sister stole from you. What do you think she’s going to do with that much money? Face it, Dovey, everyone around you used you and then left you. Steve for your tight cunt, and your sister for money. You’re better off this way.”
“Don’t call me that,” you wouldn’t let him win. Lark’s involvement is the most painful. Your therapist long ago told you drugs changed people. But inside of that body was still your sister. Somewhere.
“Don’t cry, Dove,” he mocks you as a single tear falls from your face. There’s no sincerity in his voice. And you want him to suffer from your own hands. “I finally know what it sounds like,” and you can’t wait to hear him plead for his pathetic life. His time will come.
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You gulp as someone pulls on your leash. Fitted with a dog collar, and lingerie. You stare out blankly at the crowd as words about who you are and what the bidding starts off as begins. Faceless people litter a small crowd, and raised paddles keep being held up.
You try and focus on all their faces, see who is bidding the highest, and it is a zoo. Going so fast it makes you dizzy, and you sway on your heels. The price goes too high for average schmucks, and it seems it is a war between two people.
Both the man and woman are masked, and gloved, and neither have Steve’s features. You feel yourself for the first time slipping into despair. Feeling he didn’t actually care at all, and this is the result. Being sold like cattle.
“Two million,” the man say with finality, and the woman shakes her hand, refusing to pay that much. He left you. You really were worthless to him. Played in his stupid games.
“Sold to Mr. Wolf. Come collect your new pet,” the masked man stands up without a word. Pulling the leash from your handler before scooping up in his arms. Vacant. There’s nothing left. Steve left you to rot.
“I’ve got her,” he says into your ear, and it’s a weird sensation, causing goose pimples to arise on your skin. You didn’t have any idea why he was talking to you. You just need to forget the life you once came from.
The harsh light of the outside stings your eyes, and you start to regress in your body. The fight is finally over, and you just are in disbelief. “We’re out of the building. Clint, lock it down. Steve, I’m taking her to the safe house.”
“Steve?” Your body starts to tremble as the tears you have held in for far too long pours out.
“Shh, Dovey. I’ve got you, sweetheart. We’re going someplace safe, but Steve and a few others are burning this down. “Do you know if Peggy was in there?”
“She was bidding,” your words are whispered and confused, using a hand to squeeze on his metal arm, “Bucky?”
“I’ve got you. I gotta get you away,” he places you into the car, buckling you up before he gets in the seat himself. “We’re outta here. Send them right back to hell. Dove, were there any other girls up for auction?” You shake your head no, starting to curl into a ball. Your arms are still so stiff and sore. “She was all. You’ve got free range, Steve.”
Steve’s mouth curls into a gruesome grin. Eyes blazing as he heads towards the building, “Peggy is mine. Fucking bitch.”
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @annaallicce @feyfantome @jesevans @tittittoee @bananapiedreams @onclouds999 @darkserenity24 @abbatoirablaze @ashychangeling @identity2212 @mrsevans90 @weirdothatwritess @floralwsloki @thestralwriting @ambearsstuff @kandis-mom @hoodiesandicedcoffee @awhoreformoree @nyxbellabarnes @buckybarnesisdaddy @theinheriteddutchess @rogersbarber
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ellamuffin97 · 5 months ago
Feelings cascade .
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Pairing : Loki x fem reader
Warnings : smut , oral receive (m) ,sub!loki, dom!loki , restraining, orgasm denial ,
Summary : Loki falls by accident on Sakaar , a planet of lost souls . Reader finds him and decides to keep him for herself .
Word count : 5.8k
He fell from the sky like a raven haired angel, with a dark green cape instead of wings and enchanting, beautiful eyes that seemed to burn every fibre of your skin and look right through you, learning your darkest secrets when he spotted you walking towards him with one of your companions, your face covered by a white cloth to protect you from the sun and dust.
Suspicion and hostility was glistening in the mesmerising blue of them. He pursed his lips, lifted his chin and raised his arms in defeat, promising subtly he meant no harm. Well of course, he didn’t. No one who came here, involuntarily, meant any harm. His fate was in your hands now. He might as well pray you were going to be merciful on him.
Checking him out from head to toe, you took in his muscly, well-defined but still slim and graceful body. He looked mischievous, intelligent and skilled, strong even. Heaven knew where he had come from and how he had ended up here but the amount of money you could already see the Grandmaster waving at you for him would be massive.
Licking your lower lip behind your cloth, you imagined the pile of units all yours for the taking if you handed him in, selling him as a gladiator. Perhaps he would be the one to win against the Hulk. That would bring you twice as much as you would already receive for offering him to the Grandmaster in the first place.
Still, you briefly weighed your options.
“Are you a fighter? Or are you food?” Your companion barked, grinning from behind his cloth and raising his gun to underline his words. There is only one correct answer if you want to live, stranger.
No. There was something about him… something fascinating. Whoever he was, you wanted to know. Every piece of his memories, every word that escaped his lips, every inch of his godly body…
The stranger chuckled darkly, the swift tone of light discomfort swinging in his voice when he spoke.
“I can ensure you, I am not edible. Certainly, I will hardly taste well.” It was smooth. Alluring and almost… seductive. Like he chose each word with utter thought, like his tongue was made of pure silver. You came to a choice quickly.
“I beg to differ.” You shot back, narrowing your eyes at him. Surely, he would taste beyond ravishing once you had him tied to your bed, stroking his stiff cock and licking over the tip to taste his arousal. Oh yes, this one you would keep to yourself. Fuck the units. He was too precious.
“I am King Loki of Asgard. Surely, we can come to an agreement that will work for both of us. What is this place? Where am I?”
Loki. The name suited him. Loki as in the God of Mischief? You had heard of the gods of Asgard. It would explain his handsome looks. Whatever title he claimed to have though, here on Sakaar it was insignificant, meaningless. Here, he would be nothing more than your toy.
Smirking maliciously behind your white cloth, you tilted your head once more. “Oh, I was unaware I was in the presence of royalty. I am terribly sorry, my king. But you see you are on Sakaar. There are no kings here, no queens and princes and princesses.”
“I’ll send in a call, we need an appointment with the Grandmaster, he needs to look at this one himself.” Your companion suggested, turning to head back to his spaceship.
“No. You can have my share of last week’s raid, I’ll keep him.”
Loki narrowed his eyes, his lips slightly parted. Mmmmm… you were already imagining nibbling on those thin lips all the while riding him senseless. You wondered what he would look like when he came undone, moaning breathlessly and helplessly underneath you.
“Are you sure? He looks like a piece of work.”
“I am sure.” You had never done this before. The men you had bedded before had been willing, whores of the Grandmaster he occasionally lent you without charging you for selling him gladiators. But Loki… you wanted him. Utterly. All of him. He was so different… perhaps eventually, you would let him go again if only you could have your fun with him first.
“Alright… guess I leave you two lovebirds alone then.” Grinning evilly, your companion turned around, returning to his spaceship. You remained standing as still as a statue until he flew off, the engine roaring loudly and the air pressure robbing your of your hearing for a moment. Then, you slowly took a few steps forward, eyeing Loki in an intrigued manner.
You didn’t expect him to back away—glued to the dirty ground, he watched your every move like a hawk, his hands—soft and clean hands with long fingers, god damn—still up in the air. It would pass off like it always did. Any moment now, he would attempt to strike, you would overbear him and then drag him onto your spaceship.
And he did. Loki conjured a shiny dagger out of thin air, hauling off both brutally and gracefully. You would have been lying if you had said you were not surprised. It must be true, what they said about him. A master of magic, tricks and illusions. Oh, it had been a very good decision to keep him all to yourself.
Dodging his powerful blow, you flung one of your obedience disks at him. The cool metal instantly latched onto the sensitive skin of his long and flawless neck, digging its hooks deep into him. Loki grunted in pain, more so when you activated the taser and sent him jerking until he fell to his knees, collapsing to the ground, his mischievous weapon of choice falling to the ground like a useless piece of wood.
You would keep it. Proper weapons were a rarity on Sakaar and you possessing an actual dagger from Asgard, one of the nine infamous realms, would gain you respect and polish your reputation. You could barely wipe the anticipating grin from your face when you grabbed his green cape and pulled him towards your spaceship.
For a god, it took him surprisingly long to recover from the electricity shocks you had given him on the way to your apartment. Loki didn’t put up a fight when you fought to toss him onto your bed, using two pairs of strong shackles to restrain him and chain him to your bedposts, which you both linked to a collar you put around his neck.
There was no symbolic reason to it, really. It merely served the purpose to threaten to crush his windpipe if he tried pulling at the cuffs too much so he would only end up hurting himself. He might have been the Trickster but you had a few up your sleeve as well.
God, he looked so beautiful. Especially unconscious, with all of his features relaxed and peaceful, he did in fact look like an angel, too perfect to be true. You would worship his body with your hands and tongue, that you were already sure of.
Your heart jumped in joyful anticipation and excitement when he finally opened his stunning blue eyes, blinking at the sudden brightness in your apartment. He needed a second to realise his surroundings had changed, another one to notice he was chained up.
A smirk crept up on your lips from behind your cloth when you watched him struggle for a while only to give up a few minutes in. He was indeed smart then. It was useless to fight the metal.
Clenching his jaw, his blue eyes darted around the bedroom until he found you. Curiously, he drank in your form. “You will pay for this.” He stated simply, his voice calm and composed. An amused scoff escaped your lips.
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to threaten me… in the position you’re in right now?”
Loki smirked. He… what? Why did he smirk? It hit you straight between your legs, a familiar wetness pooling in your black panties. Pressing them together impatiently, you approached the bed and sat down on the edge just when he spoke up again.
“You are right, I apologise… I gave you my name.” He continued then, nodding courtly. “It is only fair if you give me yours.” Fuck, he was charming too. If he kept acting like this, you would give him everything he asked for.
“Me?” Still surprised, you smiled to yourself, hiding a sudden sadness flaming up deep in your guts. You hadn’t used your real name in years. “Call me Scrapper 101. Or just 101, whatever you prefer to scream.”
The God of Mischief frowned. “Surely you must have a real name?”
“Maybe…” The only other thing on this planet you trusted with your real name was your diary. An old scrapbook you had brought from Earth. It carried years of your deepest thoughts, wishes and desires, memories about your old life and information about your person. It was dangerous to keep it, that you were very well aware of but there had to be at least something you wanted to hold on to if you abandoned Earth for good for the rest of your life. It was quite safe in its hiding place behind your drawer.
“Well then, 101, who is it who is in charge here? You must have some kind of leader on this planet.”
So he wanted to talk? Fine… stalling you wouldn’t change what you were going to do to him. You could barely await ripping those expensive garments off his body, admiring his exposed body and taking in his naked form before tasting him.
“Oh, we do. The Grandmaster. He’s like… millions of years old. He runs and owns the place. I work for him. Whenever lost souls find their way here, I collect them and sell them to him in exchange for some cash. It’s an acceptable life compared to… whatever.” Compared to your previous one.
Loki frowned, noticing how you stopped yourself from telling him too much. He was instantly aware of how you didn’t want him to know anything about you—and there was no need to, really. Whatever you had had on Earth, it was over. You lived here now and you did things that questioned your morals but as long as you could still look in the mirror without being disgusted by yourself, you figured, it was alright.
“You consider me a lost soul? I am a king, little one. I have both purpose and a kingdom to rule. If you just let me talk to the Grandmaster…”
“Look,” you interrupted harshly. “I already told you there are no kings on this planet. You belong to me now, Loki and I’ll do to you whatever I please.”
The God of Mischief opened his mouth to protest, yet not a single sound escaped his thin lips. Fascination radiated off him as he watched you climbing on the mattress to straddle his lap. The leather material of his garments felt cool and comfortable against your skin. You had to suppress a moan when you finally took off the white cloth from your face and tossed it out of bed, revealing your face to him.
For a brief moment, Loki simply stared at you, slightly tilting his head.
“And what is it you are going to me, little one?” His teasing nickname for you sent jolts of electricity straight to your pussy. What was happening to you? No man had ever affected you like this. You blinked in an attempt to keep your hard-earned composure.
“I think you know, Loki…” you murmured absentmindedly, your eyes roaming over his body, taking in every centimetre. Licking your lips, you tore at the soft fabric to reveal his chest. A little pale but well-defined and muscly, flawless in every aspect. He was perfect. You sucked in a sharp breath upon eyeing him, causing him to chuckle darkly.
His reactions should concern you. Did he mean to confuse you? Did he know about the effect he had on your willing body? Impossible. He might be a god but he would not be able to read minds… right?
Shaking off the thought by pushing a few strands of your hair out of your face, you allowed your fingers to touch his skin, setting a hot burning fire to your hands. Trembling, you let them dance over his stomach until you reached the rough seam of his leather pants, ready to tear those off as well.
You were impatient. Aroused. Stupefied by this captivating man. Almost clumsily you undid the buttons, grabbing fistfuls of the fabric to get it out of the way.
“Are you sure about this, little one?” His smooth and now suddenly hoarse voice tore you back into reality. Your eyes shot up to meet his blue ones. It was like he captured you, plodding through your mind like a greedy scavenger.
Nodding mutely, you lowered your gaze again. He was perfect, through and through. Loki’s length was impressive, truly the size of a god and quite frankly, beautiful. Licking your lips once more, you already imagined what he would taste like. He wasn’t hard yet but you would take care of that with pleasure.
It was then he yanked at his shackles for the first time, gritting his teeth and hissing as his whole body jerked, his muscles tensing. He almost threw you off his lap in the process.
“Let. Me. Go…” He choked out angrily, narrowing his blue eyes at you. It was you who chuckled in response this time. There went his patience.
“What part of ‘you are mine now’ don’t you understand, I wonder?” You didn’t leave him any time to answer. Instead, without forewarning, you wrapped your right hand around his manhood, gasping at how nice he felt between your fingers.
He instantly fought a moan when you started stroking him, fascinated by how he started to twitch under your affective touches. You soon brought your left hand up to caress his balls, enjoying how he grew hard. Proudly, his cock, ready with need and lust, rested against his stomach after you released him, shifting backwards a bit to lean down.
You could feel him shiver when you licked over his tip for the first time, your eyes closing with relish upon learning his taste. He was downright delicious, a devilishly good-looking man you would never let leave your bed again.
Loki moaned, the uncontrollable sound echoing through your bedroom like a prayer. Throwing his head back, he bucked his hips to thrust against your tongue, begging for more friction. You smiled satisfactorily, obliging and taking the tip of him into your mouth, sucking him like a piece of candy.
Oh, he was. He was so much sweeter than any kind of treat you had ever tasted. Eagerly, you slid him deeper into your mouth, taking in as much as you could before allowing him to pleasure himself. Your hands resumed caressing his balls and stomach, stroking his thighs now and then as his moans grew louder, pure bliss radiating off him like tropical heat.
You could tell he was struggling with himself. Not wanting to give in to the bliss you gave him, he thrashed around on the bed, fighting his inevitable climax but oh, you were too desperate for his hot semen shooting into your mouth. You would take that orgasm from him, whether he wanted it or not.
Smirking around his thick cock, your movements grew more frantic. Fast and demandingly, your head bopped up and down his length, devouring him as if he was your last meal and then, you felt him twitching under your worshipping touches, pulsating with his release. Loki growled like a caged animal when he came in your mouth, shooting his warm seed deep down your throat.
Hungrily, you swallowed every last drop of him, noticing with delight that he did not turn soften as of yet. With a silent smack of your lips, you released him, his manhood still jerking under your heated gaze, requiring more of your seducing treatment.
“Now don’t tell me you didn’t like that, Loki…” You purred, gently driving your fingernails over his bare chest. Goose bumps erupted from where they left an invisible trail, making him hiss in fake agony once more.
“Untie me and I will show you how much I liked this.” He growled darkly. He was staring daggers at you—hot, glowing and pointy daggers like the one he had attempted to strike you with, yet at the same time you could clearly see the arousal and desire glistening in his blue eyes.
Giggling wickedly, you grabbed the seam of your dark pants. “Already? I have barely started…”
You were too impatient to remove all of your clothes, too proud to do so. This man might be your new-fetched slave but as of yet, there was no need to reveal more of you than you wanted him to see. This was about you and if he behaved, you might let him cum again, this time after having been sheathed deep inside your core.
Shoving your panties aside to expose your swollen pussy lips, dripping with arousal and need, you sucked in a deep breath when the cool air in your apartment hit your wetness, wasting no time in guiding his still erect length to your entrance.
His involuntary moaning urged you on, teasing both him and yourself as you slid his moist tip up and down your slit, grazing your swollen clit before finally pushing him inside you, grunting with pleasure at the feeling of him stretching your walls and filling you so good. You could feel him twitching inside you, begging for friction, begging to thrust but you took your time.
Painfully slow at first, you started riding him, supporting yourself by pressing your palms flat against his chest, feeling it heave under your firm grip. Sighing, you leaned forward to capture his thin lips in a tender kiss before pulling away again, tasting his mouth on yours.
“Loki…” His name left your lips like a prayer as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your head falling back to expose your neck. “Oh Loki…”
Rocking your hips in frenzy, you moaned with every stroke, allowing him to buck his hips to meet your own. Antagonising waves of pure bliss cursed through your veins when you looked down to where your bodies became one, his cock stretching you so beautifully you almost came from the sheer sight of it.
Perhaps in time, you would trust him enough to leave him untied during sex, letting him worship and praise your body with his soft hands like you had his, permitting him to play with your clit while you pleasured yourself with his impressive cock. For now, however, you would have to take care of the job yourself.
Moaning shamelessly, you arched your back, one of your hands seeking out the most sensitive bundle of nerves to circle it, stroke it, and massage it until you almost lost your mind from all the pleasure building in your body.
A familiar knot tightened deep in your stomach, your walls clenching around Loki’s length as you climbed the ladder to orgasm higher and higher and higher, ready to let go and fall, tossing yourself down an uncompassionate abyss that would consume all of you.
Loki growled when he felt you getting closer, awaiting impatiently how you would milk his cock and drive him to his own blissful high once more. He was barely fighting it now. Instead, he desperately attempted to win the upper hand. It was a battle he would lose.
You screamed, your voice breaking when your orgasm hit you, washing over you and drowning you in endless waves of ruthless pleasure. Contracting around his hard cock again and again, you moved your hips rhythmically to ride it out until you collapsed on top of him, spent and satisfied.
His penis was still sheathed inside you, twitching and aching and begging for a finale… a tortured and disappointed moan escaping his lips when you forced him to slide out of you, rearranging your underwear and pulling up your pants again to get up.
Loki was a handsome man, a man one would want to be the father of their children, however… there was something too intimate about letting him cum inside you and you were not ready to have him do it just yet.
His blue eyes were wide with anticipation and hope, his gorgeous lips parted. Where you done with him? Where you going to finish him off? Biting your lower lip, an idea struck your mind.
“Beg for it.” You suggested casually, tilting your head as you eyed him down to catch every second of his reaction with a mischievous sparkling in them. You could practically feel the wrath and humiliation radiating off him, the war clamouring inside him. “Ask me to make you cum.”
Holding back an evil smirk, you waited for his reply. One second passed, then another one. You feared he would call you names and curse you and perhaps, in his mind he did but Loki knew better than to anger you. You were the one in charge here—you were the one who had chained him up.
“Fine,” He spat. “Do it. Finish what you started.” It was far from polite, submissive or begging of any kind but for now, you let it count. Your companion had warned you he would be a tough one to break but at least, he had asked.
You took your time to climb back on the bed, this time lying down next to him and propping your elbow on the mattress to be able to enjoy the sight of his half naked body. Your smirk grew wider as you grabbed his rock hard length and started jerking him off. The velvety skin against your palm made you gasp, your ears focusing solely on his wanting moans.
It didn’t take him long to lose his mind. Only seconds in, revelling under your tender touches, he began thrusting forward uncontrollably, fucking your hand like nothing else mattered. You gasped once more when he orgasmed, twitching and jerking in your hand, pulsating and staining your fingers with ropes of his warm seed.
Then, he finally softened, panting loudly and closing his mesmerising blue eyes to reclaim at least some of his composure. He was so beautiful when he came undone, even more so when he was relaxed. Smiling to yourself, you wiped your hand on the bed sheets and made a note to change them tomorrow before nuzzling into him and wrapping an arm around his steel chest.
“Sweet dreams, my king.” You murmured before giving in to a peaceful sleep.
Memories of last night haunted you like gentle caresses when your eyes flattered open. You could hardly believe this wonderful man was yours now. Today, your task would it be to get him to talk. Heaven, you wanted to know everything, every little detail. His past, his present, his future, his favourite colour and favourite book… all of it you wanted to belong to you.
A content sigh escaped your lips when you turned around to cuddle up against him—only to be met with an empty bed. Instantly, you shot up, ignoring how your vision went black for a moment. You were wide awake in the twinkling of an eye, looking around your apartment in shock.
He was gone. The shackles were gone. His dagger on top of your drawer was gone. No… this was impossible. Those shackles… ten horses would have been unable to break them. How on Earth had he freed himself?
Breathing heavily, you flinched when you sensed a movement from the corner of your eye. Your head spun around, spotting Loki leaning against the threshold of your bedroom door, his arms crossed and a smug and downright mischievous expression on his face.
“Good morning, little one.”
Panicking, you reached into the pocket of your jacket to pull out the taser. He only smirked, watching you struggle for a moment before conjuring it out of thin air, his long fingers toying with it playfully. Only now did you notice that he had removed the obedience disk from his neck.
“Are you looking for this?” He asked innocently, tilting his head.“I must admit, I was not prepared for this little trick of yours. You are quite the little minx. But I am the God of Mischief. A lot of people have made the mistake to underestimate my abilities. Breaking free from your pitiful restraints was almost too easy once you were sound asleep.” He explained. The eerie calmness in his voice worried you. You were done for. You were completely and utterly done for.
“I also enjoyed this a lot.” Smirking once more, he lifted up a brown scrapbook. Your scrapbook. “A quite entertaining reading, little mortal.”
You were frozen. Paralysed. Incapable of even opening your mouth.
“The Grandmaster was very understanding of my situation. He offered me my own apartment, a new wardrobe and a much desired position at his side. A much more appropriate way of treating a true king, would you not agree with me?”
“W-why have you come back? Are you going to kill me?” You finally chirped.
Loki frowned, acting confused. “Now, now, did we not have too much fun together last night? No. I will not kill you, little one.”
“Then what do you want?” You replied, your voice trembling like leaves in the wind.
“I want revenge. I warned you last night that you would pay for this. Now be a good girl and lay down again so I can tie you up.” He growled commandingly, narrowing his blue eyes at you.
Panting fearfully, you shook your head, moving slowly to get out of bed and fetch your weapon. The irrational part of you hoping that you would reach it in time blinded you too much to expect he would lunge forward and wrap his arm around your waist, possessively pressing you against his body.
Shrieking, you thrashed, attempting to hit him, slap him, bite him, whatever you could think of but it was no use. He was way stronger than you… and he was merciless.
“You robbed me of an orgasm last night, little one. In return I shall rob you of one of yours.” He growled hungrily.
Breathing in frantically, you flinched once more when he ripped your clothes off your body without forewarning, not bothering to leave them intact. Cool air hit your naked skin like a soft breeze when the sound of breaking fabric echoed through your bedroom, hardening your nipples within seconds.
Your resistance was short-lived. Soon, your strength was used up, your body resting defencelessly against his steel chest.
Loki chuckled when he lifted you up effortlessly to carry you over to your bed and threw you on it like a weightless pillow. Only the fraction of a second after, he was hovering above you, trapping you between the mattress and his body.
You glanced up at him mutely, with widened eyes and a fearful but anticipating expression on your face when he reached up to snatch your wrists and tie them to the bedposts. The tide had turned and you… you were at his mercy now. Naked, exposed and helpless, with him in charge… the thought both aroused and scared you.
“To be honest, I quite enjoyed last night. But you see I am not owned, little one.” He purred, his hot breath brushing against your ear. “I own.”
Wetness stained your naked thighs. You were panting heavily when Loki’s soft hands started travelling all over your body, exploring what you had denied him last night. With greedy blue eyes, he cupped your breasts, kneading them all the while licking his lips, playing with the hard nubs and twisting and rolling them between his fingers until you moaned from both pain and pleasure.
“You took pleasure from my body last night. Now Iwill take pleasure from yours.” He went on. The hoarse threat sounded like a dark promise, tingling right between your legs.
“Please…” Please what? Stop? Keep going? Give me more? Confused by your own reactions, you watched him undoing the buttons of his pants to free his pulsating erection. It sprang free in joyful anticipation, making you chew on your lower lip. He had felt so good inside you last night… would he be rough, now that he was in charge?
The cool leather of his armour brushed against your naked skin when he positioned himself between your legs impatiently, pushing your knees apart to grant himself better access. For a brief moment, he simply stared at your swollen sex, your pussy lips glistening with wetness just for him.
You moaned in pure bliss when he filled you to the hilt, not giving you any time to adjust to his size once he plunged into you possessively, taking what he wanted. Your wrists stung from the metal cuffs around them, your arms aching from trying to break free of them to touch him, guide him, anything.
Instead, Loki took control. Grabbing your hips firmly, his fingers digging into your skin, he started rocking into you relentlessly, fucking you good, hard and fast. He hit that sweet spot deep inside you over and over as he changed his angle to thrust even deeper, making sure to bring you right where he wanted you—to the brink of orgasm.
He was quick to succeed. Panting, moaning and screaming, you bucked your hips, arching your back, begging utterly devoted to let you cum. Just a little more friction… just a little more…
“Loki… Loki, oh, don’t stop, don’t stop! Ahhh…”
The God of Mischief smirked upon hearing your breathless pleas.
“Not until I have taken back what was mine to claim. Don’t you dare cum before me.” This time, you actually believed he would punish you cruelly if you ignored his order. Forcing your eyes shut, you clawed at your cuffs, trying hard to obey until he tensed to spill himself deep inside you, spurting ropes of his cum deep into your core. You would have had to lie if you had said it did not feel amazing to have him fill you up and mark you as his so intimately, your whole body shaking from pleasure as he rid out his orgasm and enjoyed the frantic twitching of his member against your tight walls.
His smirk grew devilish when he finally stilled, his cock still hard as it rested inside you, filling you completely.
“Go on.” He said, raising his eyebrows. “Cum. Make yourself cum on my cock like you did last night, you greedy little girl.”
Moaning, this time in annoyance and desperation, you bucked your hips, attempting to fuck yourself, bring yourself back to that wonderful chasm you wanted to send yourself flying down…
“I… can’t… I can’t, not like this…” You whined, sweat pooling underneath your naked body. Your limbs were shaking, your heart beating like a steam hammer. Loki tilted his head, grabbing your waist with so much force you screamed in sudden pain.
“What a shame…” He mocked sarcastically. He knew exactly it was impossible for you to orgasm like that.
Gritting his teeth, he started pounding into you once more, eager to make you cum around his cock this time. One of his soft hands reached down to massage your clit, flicking it relentlessly until you almost passed out from all the pleasure and sensations, the pressure building again faster than the twinkling of an eye.
“Beg me…” Loki growled, smirking again. You only moaned in response, unwilling to grant him that gratification just yet, even if it meant to torment yourself. “Beg me… beg me to let you cum.”
Was this how he had felt yesterday? Desperate, fighting your own body, devastated and so, so aroused it physically hurt?
Fuck it. You were lost. You had been lost to him the moment you had decided to keep him for yourself. He was dangerous and witty, would he not kill you if you disobeyed him?
“Oh God, please. Please, please, please, Loki, let me cum, please! I beg you, I beg you, please! Please…”
Sucking in a deep breath, you prayed it would suffice him. You needed to cum so badly… so badly…
Loki chuckled as he sped up his movements, stroking your clit as fast as he was thrusting into you. He tossed you right over that delicious cliff when he reached his second climax himself, spurting even more of his cum deep inside you.
Thrashing around wildly, you screamed your lungs out as if being tortured, trying hopelessly to ride down the waves of pleasure that threatened to break your body in two, shattering you like glass. Loki pulled out of you with one last groan, collapsing next to your spent form.
His seed kept dribbling out of you, staining the bed sheets and decorating your still lightly contracting pussy, your legs not ceasing to tremble uncontrollably.
“You should be able to see yourself right now, little one. So beautiful… you look ravishing with my seed painting your fragile body, marking you.” He purred, running his fingertips across your chest and creating goose bumps all over your breasts.
“It almost looks like you belong to me now, little one. A mere scrapper is, technically, below me, regarding my relationship to the Grandmaster.”
He was right. If the Grandmaster had in fact welcomed him as a cherished guest, you were nothing more but a mere slave yourself… his. And although you were scared shitless, dreading what else he had in store for you, the warm sensation spreading in your whole body made up for it. He was still the man you had wanted all to yourself. If he kept you… you would still get your way.
“You wanted all of me… now I shall take all of you.” He continued, making you shiver. “You will move in with me. I expect all of your belongings to be stored at my place by the end of the day but for now…” He really did sound like a king. Commanding, stern and intimidating but also charming, intelligent and convincing. “For now, you will answer all of my questions without hesitation and lies, am I understood?”
“Y-yes,” You stuttered.
“Good. What is your real name, little one? I want to hear it from you, not from a few scribbled words in an old scrapbook.”
So this was it. Utter submission. Utter devotion. Utter commitment. It felt strangely arousing, oddly satisfying and soothing.
“(Y/N)… m-my name is (Y/N).”
Loki’s mischievous smirk widened. “Hmm… I promise to treat you well, my little (Y/N). This’ll be such fun.”
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sarahscribbles · 2 years ago
OK but for 97. "I was good when you were gone! I didn't even touch myself." is SOOOOOO denial! Reader. Loki tells her she's going to come on a certain day (finally) then he gets unexpectedly called away on a mission for a few days and when he gets back-- JFJDIWHBEJEJ
Ask and ye shall receive!
𝐓𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐢𝐬 𝐮𝐩, 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐚𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐅𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐬.
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟒.𝟏𝐤
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: 𝐎𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐬𝐦 𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐚𝐥, 𝐞𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲, 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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You sense his presence only seconds before two strong arms are looping easily around your waist, pulling you tightly against his solid chest so he can nuzzle his face into your hair. The familiar scent of him settles around you like a favourite blanket - a heady mixture of soft earthy scents mingled with something subtly sweet that you’ve never been able to properly put your finger on. 
All you know is that it’s Loki. The best thing that’s ever happened to you.
A quiet smile tugs at your lips and you wriggle back a little further into his embrace. “I knew you were there,” you say casually, continuing to stir your tea.
He gives your waist a squeeze. “Course you did,” he murmurs, gently moving your hair away from your neck. 
You barely have time to enjoy the brief brush of his fingertips before they’re replaced with his lips. They move languidly against your skin, as though nothing matters more to him at this moment than savouring the taste of you. His lips are soft and warm, giving the illusion of a blissful afternoon spent in his arms, but when you feel the wet press of his tongue against your throat, you know he has nothing but filth on his mind.
A whimper falls freely from you just as your hips begin to rock slowly in search of…something…anything to take the edge off. 
“Feeling needy, dove?” Loki taunts quietly, nibbling your earlobe while his hand slips beneath your shirt. 
His cool hand running over your skin makes you shiver in delight and anticipation. Easily, he finds your breast, pulling it free from the confines of your bra to toy with an already erect nipple. He pinches and rolls it between finger and thumb to send a satisfying jolt of pleasure racing through you, making you crave more of him. 
His touch has every nerve in your body flickering joyously to life, and when he squeezes that little bit harder, the groan that escapes you can only be described as debauched.
“What do you think?” you shoot back, allowing your head to fall back against his shoulder. Your eyes flutter shut while he continues to play with your nipple, and arousal pools like liquid sin between your thighs when his other hand quickly finds its twin. 
Needy doesn’t describe what you’re feeling - it doesn’t even come close.
For the past week Loki has denied you release - for no reason other than he wanted to - and he’s been diligent in teasing and edging you each of those seven days, ensuring that you’re kept perpetually stimulated 
Truthfully, you aren’t sure how you’re still capable of forming coherent thoughts. Night and day, all you can think about is getting fucked senseless on Loki’s cock. 
He laughs softly right by your ear and the feel of his warm breath hitting your skin is enough to voraciously fan the flames of your own lust. “I think you’d let me mount you on this countertop if I wished to,” he says with a particularly rough twist of your nipples. 
The bite of pain is intoxicating and makes your cunt throb. All you need - all you ever need - is Loki. His sinful tongue, his skilled fingers, his beautiful cock - you’ll gladly take whatever he’ll give you until you can no longer remember his name.
“Please, Loki,” you plead softly, already feeling a wave of pleasure begin to build in your core from how he’s torturing your breasts. 
His touch is electric and you know without a doubt that you would let him mount you right here in the kitchen if it meant you got to feel that release.
“Mmm, you sound so beautiful when you beg,” he purrs softly in your ear. The tip of his regal nose slowly traces your jaw and he stops to place a surprisingly chaste kiss to your cheek. “I’m going to let you come tonight, my little dove,” he whispers against your flushed skin. 
The worlds roll over you one by one, each one stoking the embers of desire in your core to life until a raging flame is burning like hellfire in your core. The man is sin incarnate, he’s been sent by the Devil to ensure your eternal damnation, and with how soaked you are for him - because of him - your eternal punishment is firmly guaranteed. 
“Is that a promise?” you ask, already feeling close to dizzy at the mere thought of an orgasm.
Loki’s teasing fingers pull and twist at your nipples just hard enough that a broken cry escapes your lungs - a cry that tells him just how much you’re enjoying the torment. Though, he no doubt knows that there’s little he can do to you that you won’t enjoy. 
His teeth sink into your earlobe and pull until you shiver in his arms. “It is my solemn promise,” he says softly. You feel one hand drift along your stomach to slide beneath the waist of your skirt, and then he’s slowly, torturously, using a single finger to trace over your cunt through your underwear. “I’m going to make you unravel again and again and again.”
The ache between your thighs becomes almost unbearable, the searing heat of your desire threatening to fully engulf you if not sated. Loki’s finger traces agonisingly over your cunt, touching every part of you except where you burn for him most. It’s erotic torture and it doesn’t take long until you’re wriggling and twisting in his arms in a fruitless attempt to coax him closer.
His answering laughter is like spun silk in your ear - delicate, but teasing as he pulls his hand away before you can find even a modicum of relief in his touch. “You need to be patient, dove. It’s not even midday,” he taunts, fixing your bra and righting your shirt. The teasing, for now, is over. 
Your fingers curl against the smooth surface of the countertop at the exact moment a strangled groan rises in your throat. You sound close to possessed, but you can feel the throbbing of your desire right down to your toes, and the thought of having to wait even another few hours for release is almost unbearable.
“You’re such an ass, Loki!” you whine, feeling hot tears begin to prick at your eyes with how badly you want him to fuck you. 
You feel him gently smack your ass - nothing more than a love tap, really, - and his hands come to rest possessively on your hips. “I can make you wait another week if you’d like.” His voice is suddenly heavy with warning, and you know he has no qualms about adding another seven days to your torment. 
Begrudgingly, you swallow back the retort that’s dancing on the tip of your tongue. “No,” you answer instead, irritation evident in the single syllable. 
Loki presses his lips to your temple while his hands glide up to cup your breasts again, giving a final twist to your nipples through your shirt. “Then be a good girl and wait.”
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He says it like it’s the easiest thing in the world, as though you couldn’t power a small city with how intensely the arousal is burning within you. 
But he still expects you to wait.
A violet haze of unbridled lust settles quickly over you, and you spend the rest of the day attempting to ignore the burning ache swelling like a storm between your thighs. No matter what you do, though, all you can think about is Loki’s cock. Your every thought is about how he’ll feel finally sliding inside you after a week of teasing and how each vein will feel as he drags his cock along your walls. 
You imagine how his hips will feel pressed flush against yours while he fills you to the brim, until you’re no longer sure where he ends and you begin.
You try not to think about it, you really do, but it’s impossible with Loki being intent on driving you completely insane in the final hours of your denial. 
Five hours after sneaking up on you in the kitchen, he had you pinned against the conference room wall, kissing you breathless while ensuring to rub his thigh tormentingly along your throbbing cunt. The edge crept up on you with a vengeance, each rock of your hips against Loki’s thigh bringing you closer and closer. It was so close, so beautifully, wondrously close…
“No,” he’d purred, smirking and pulling his thigh away. “That is not allowed.”
“Loki, please! I can’t do it!” you had pleaded, desperately rolling your hips in search of his. 
His strong hands were quick to pin them firmly against the wall, preventing you from chasing the pleasure you craved. “You will do it, dove,” he replied with quiet firmness, raising a hand to curl it beneath your chin. “Only a few more hours and I promise you won’t remember your own name.”
The rich timbre of his promise had arousal twisting like a knot in your stomach. Gods above how you wanted him. “I don’t think I can wai-,” you began, only to be cut off by Loki’s lips crashing down on yours in a kiss so passionate it almost made you dizzy.
You knew it was a promise of what was to come, a promise that he intended to ruin you as soon as night rolled around, but you wanted nothing more than to rip his clothes from his perfect body. 
“Ten o’clock,” he’d murmured against your lips. “Be waiting in our room at ten o’clock.” He’d given you another lingering kiss and left with a wink to disappear behind the conference room doors.
The bedroom is where you’re waiting for him - where you’ve been waiting for him for the past fifteen minutes. You know he’s doing it on purpose - intentionally dragging out the final few minutes just because he can. 
It’s infuriating, but you wouldn’t expect anything else from him.
When fifteen minutes melt into twenty you’ve had enough of his games, but you’re barely two steps towards the door when your phone starts to chime with an incoming call. 
“Where are you?” you whine down the phone, not even bothering to hide your impatience. 
You’re expecting to hear his laughter on the other end and his smooth voice teasing you that you couldn’t wait even an extra twenty minutes, but when he speaks, he sounds genuinely contrite. “Darling, I’m sorry, I -”
He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence, because, in the background of the call, you swear you recognise the familiar hum of…
“Are you on the Quinjet?” you interrupt him, disbelief mingling quickly with your impatience. God, you want to murder him.
“Yes,” he answers quickly. “Darling, I am truly so sorry. This wasn’t part of the plan, but Stark insisted that I accompany Thor and The Widow on this mission. It won’t last any longer than three days.”
The burning flame of need coils inside you like a serpent prepared to strike. “Three days? Three days, Loki? I’ve already waited an entire week!’ you whine pitifully down the phone.
There’s a beat of silence and you know he’s moving to a quieter section of the jet where he won’t be overheard. “I know, darling, and I’m so proud of you,” he says, his voice an octave lower than before. “But you only need to be good for three more days. Can you do that for me?”
You huff a quiet sigh, knowing it will get you nowhere. “Yes, Loki,” you answer quietly, because, really, there isn’t any other option. He hasn’t given you permission to come, so you won’t.
You can hear the smile in his voice when he answers. “Good girl. Three more days and I am yours.” 
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They’re the longest three days of your life. 
Each second of Loki’s absence feels like an eternity, and by the third day, you’re ready to climb the Tower walls with how desperately you need him. Every inch of you thrums for him, every pore burns for him and, night and day, he’s all you can think about.
You fall asleep to dream about his warm lips painting you purple and red. 
You eat breakfast while daydreaming about his strong hands encasing your wrists above your head. 
You shower to the thought of him easing inside you inch by beautiful inch, until he’s filling you to the brim. 
If he doesn’t return soon from whatever godforsaken part of the planet he’s on, you’re going to put yourself in an early grave. 
It’s when you’re preparing for bed that you finally hear the familiar heavy tread of his boots along the hallway, and you’re immediately wide awake, any and all need to sleep is quickly replaced by a primal hunger for the god approaching your room. When his footsteps stop at the other side of the door, you feel as though your heart is attempting to break free from your chest with how wildly its thundering, as though it's screaming out for its mate in the chest of your god. 
The bedroom door opens slowly, tantalisingly revealing your leather-clad love inch by inch. You don’t miss how his eyes - soft as dew at first - instantly darken with untamed arousal when he sees that you’re awake. 
And that you’re wearing that flimsy little gold nightgown he’s threatened to rip off you on more than one occasion.
You don’t break eye contact as he closes the door softly in his wake, but you feel the coil in your stomach twist at the quiet sound of the lock clicking in place and the faint green shimmer that passes over the door. You know without even asking that he’s cast a silencing charm. 
Loki’s eyes travel slowly over you, drinking in the sight of your bare legs and pausing only briefly on your cleavage. You catch the quick quirk of his lips when those green eyes finally return to yours, a storm of desire swirling openly in blown wide pupils. 
“My, my, dove, what could possibly have you awake so late?” he purrs smoothly, closing the distance between you in slow, measured footsteps that make your heart jolt with each thump on the floor. 
You attempt to fix him with a hard stare. “If you even think about playing games with me tonight…” You try to sound firm, unmovable, but you both know that you’ll be his toy if he wants you to. 
This man owns you body, mind and soul. There’s close to nothing you won’t do for him if he asks.
His hands find their home on your waist, and open adoration now mixes with the desire swirling in his eyes. “No games, dove, that I promise you. You’ve waited long enough,” he murmurs, letting his hands move to rest on your shoulders, gentle fingers pushing the thin straps of your nightgown down your arms until it pools in a golden puddle at your feet. “My good girl.”
You feel his hands ghost along your sides until they’re encasing your ribcage, fingers splaying across your back in tandem with the silken pads of his thumbs tracing your nipples as he leans in to kiss you. It’s slow and deep and his mouth moves almost lazily against yours, as though all that matters is tasting you. His touch is the diesel to your desire and sends flaming tendrils of longing flicking through you unforgivably. You want this man, you need him, and the feel of his skin on yours isn’t nearly enough.
Loki bites your bottom lip, pulling a strangled whimper from you while you lock your arms around his neck to pull him closer, deeper. Eager hands twist into his hair, savouring the feel of each silky strand that wraps around your fingers and tugging in just the way you know he likes. 
You’re rewarded with a gutteral groan against your lips and a rough squeeze of your ass. 
Strong arms stay locked around you as he walks you backwards to the bed, only stopping once your knees hit the mattress and you topple backward into the pillows with a quiet “mmph.” Even then, your own arms stay locked around him to bring him with you as you fall, because you don’t want to lose the feel of him for even a second. 
And a second is all it takes for him to settle between your spread legs like a missing jigsaw piece, never once letting his lips leave yours.
You’re drowning in the feel of him beneath your fingertips, the taste of him on your tongue, the smell of him as he battles to be closer, and you don’t care if you never surface again. He’s as familiar to you as the beat of your own heart and the sound of your own breathing, he’s the anchor that stops you from drifting out to sea on your worst days and, gods above, you love him so much that sometimes it hurts. 
“Love you,” you say when he finally breaks your kiss. “I love you.” 
Even in the half light of the room, you swear you see the faintest trace of pink stain his cheeks. He hums appreciatively, a soft smile pulling on his lips. “I love you, my good girl,” he replies, and that smile twists into a smirk. “You have been good for me, haven’t you?”
“Yes!” Your voice is shrill, almost a yell, but you’re so wildly desperate that you no longer care. “Loki, I’ve been so good! I didn’t even touch while you were away!”
He quirks a perfect eyebrow at you, mischief sparkling in his emerald eyes. “Is that so?”
His fingers trace along your inner thigh until they reach your cunt and it clenches in anticipation, but Loki grants you only the lightest touch, intentionally avoiding your clit until you’re bucking your hips beneath him in search of more. 
“You’re soaking, dove,” Loki says, feigning surprise. 
The smart reply that’s dancing on your tongue dies instantly when he pulls his hand away to slip two fingers between his lips, licking your arousal off them with a satisfied hum like it’s the finest ambrosia.
The sight is so lewd, so wonderfully, deliciously wicked that you’re certain you could climax by sheer will alone, such is the effect that this man has on you. 
You roll your hips firmly against his - it’s an invitation and a plea in one small movement, and it’s enough for you to feel his hard cock straining through the thick leather he still hasn’t removed. 
Again, you roll your hips, feeling suddenly emboldened by the firm evidence of his own arousal. Loki groans softly at the fleeting contact, and it sends a rush of power to your head when his own hips try to follow yours, almost as if acting of their own accord. 
His green eyes are almost blown completely black, and your own desire - your own insatiable hunger for the man above you - is reflected back at you clear as crystal. 
He needs this just as much as you. 
“Imagine how I feel,” you murmur, tugging gently on his curls again for good measure. As expected, you hear the quiet catch of his breath. 
Loki leans in until his lips are brushing teasingly against yours, and for a second you forget how to breathe. “My little temptress, as if I could possibly resist you,” he whispers softly, before claiming your lips in a kiss so fierce that your heart skips a beat.
It’s a kiss that sets your blood on fire and one that you feel all the way down to your toes. You need him closer even though you’re skin on skin, and when your hands begin to roam downwards, you discover that he’s finally magicked his leather away in an unseen shimmer of green. It doesn’t matter that you’ve held him like this countless times in the past, your fingers still explore every inch of him like it’s the first time. He’s firm and solid and safe. He’s the most beautiful thing that your hands have ever touched. 
He’s yours.
Reluctantly, you pull away, because as wonderful as kissing him is, it’s not enough. You need to feel him inside you, need him to ruin you again and again. You need the reminder that you belong to him. 
Maybe more than once just to really drive the message home. 
“Loki…Lo..fuck…Loki, please,” you begin to beg just as his lips latch onto your jaw. They’re neither rough nor gentle, but you know you’ll be painted in his marks tomorrow - a patchwork of red and purple that you’ll display with pride.
“Please,” you continue in little more than a whisper, feeling your eyes flutter shut to bask in the warm glow of the attention he’s lavishing on you. 
By now, your eager hands have reached his ass and you squeeze it hungrily in a vain attempt to force him forward. His cock is brushing almost maddeningly against your inner thigh and you don’t know how much longer you’ll last without it buried inside you. 
Loki nips at your neck with his teeth in reply - something he knows will have you moan, and you do - and you respond in kind by curling your nails into the smooth skin of his ass. 
“Shhh, dove. I am yours,” he murmurs quietly into your cheek, placing a final chaste kiss to your flushed skin before grasping your chin gently in one hand, ensuring your eyes stayed locked with his. “I want you to keep those lovely eyes on me.”
You obey easily, leaning into the touch of his large palm cradling your cheek and barely even blinking as he eases himself inside you. It’s slow - so slow that you feel every last beautiful inch of him until he’s filled you to the brim, and he releases a deep, guttural groan from deep in his chest once his hips are flush against yours.
For a moment, he doesn’t move, doesn’t do anything but bask in your welcoming warmth while resting his forehead against yours. Your name is a strangled whisper into the night alongside the single, shallow thrust of his hips into you. It’s barely anything, but you still arch into him and dig your nails into the soft skin of his back - a silent plea for more. 
“You are Valhalla,” he murmurs, voice raspy as he claims your waiting lips in another lingering kiss. 
You hum contentedly against his lips and clench around him just enough that he hisses at the sudden jolt of pleasure. “Told you I’d feel good.” You can’t help but tease him, dragging your nails along his spine until he shivers beneath your touch.
His answering smirk is endearingly lopsided. “Little minx,” he responds, lifting one hand to flick your nipple.
It sends a thrill pulsing between your thighs and a moan tumbling unrestrained from your lips. Your hands grip him that little bit tighter, but he’s solid as a rock beneath your fingers, refusing to budge even an inch in spite of his earlier promise.
“Loki, if you don’t hurry up and fuck me…” You let the threat tail off because you can feel every twitch of his cock as it’s buried inside you.
His own resolve is hanging on by a frayed thread. 
“I thought you’d never ask, dove,” he teases, and before you can give any witty reply,  his hips are finally thrusting into you. 
All you’re capable of is groaning and covering his broad back in little half moons as his cock drags exquisitely against you. It’s been so long that every ever forceful thrust engulfs you in flames and when his skilled thumb finds your swollen clit, his name is pulled from you in an unbroken stream. 
He builds you up expertly, easily, and he’s all too quickly panting and moaning like a whore right in your ear.
“Look….look at what you do to me, dove!” His voice is ragged, and he’s fucking you so hard now that the headboard is beginning to bounce off the wall. “I am yours,” he repeats, sucking another bruise into your neck until you’re writhing beneath him. 
“Fuck…Loki…’m…I’m gonna come!” you manage to force the sentence out, though it sounds like a garbled mess to your ears. You’re right at the edge, teetering deliciously on the precipice of bliss. 
He finds your lips for an eager, sloppy kiss. “Good girl. Come for me,” he says hoarsely, and you instantly soar off the edge. 
Thirteen days of denied release comes crashing down around you in a devastating wave and sends tiny white stars exploding behind your eyes. Loki’s name is all you're able to say and he’s made you come so hard that you feel boneless beneath him. 
You grip him like a vice while you ride out your climax, listening to him groaning and panting endlessly in your ear. It’s what you do to him and it’s a thought so intoxicating that it makes you dizzy. It’s you - only you - that can reduce this god to a desperate mess. 
You’ve barely come down from your high when Loki pulls out, flips you easily onto your hands and knees, and plunges back inside you.
“I hope you got enough rest while I was gone, dove,” he rasps out, gripping your hips so hard that you know you’ll be bruised in the morning. “Because I do believe I owe you three more orgasms.”
Tags: @infinitystoner @muddyorbsblr @coldnique @mochie85 @fictive-sl0th @the-lady-amphitrite @joyful-enchantress @lokisgoodgirl @simplyholl @give-me-a-moose @springdandelixn @maple-seed @loopsisloops @kinky-faerie @mischief2sarawr @wintermischief @icytrickster17 @mischief-dream @littlespaceyelf @ashtheslut @lunarnights95 @ladyofthestayingpower @currish-rosewolfe @fandxmslxt69 @liminalpebble
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maple-seed · 1 year ago
Thrown - Chapter 48: Myth and Mortal
Summary: Loki attempts to come to terms with your nature.
Word Count: 1,667
Author's Notes: We're all in this together, okay? I'm not immune to the feelings.
Thrown Masterlist Loki Masterlist
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You hadn't invited Loki. You hadn't mentioned it, even. Loki wouldn't have known at all if it weren't for Thor.
"I apologize for not attending lunch yesterday. I had to be here to receive an important shipment." Thor gestured at the hall, which was bustling with the finishing stages of construction. He put on a sly smirk. "I would be available tomorrow, if you felt I needed to make it up to you." You laughed. "Maybe dinner instead? Tomorrow is Gerdy's birthday. I usually bring her flowers." Thor nodded. "Dinner it is. Please give Gerdy my regards."
That had been all that was said on the matter, but it didn't sit well with Loki, the idea of you going alone. And so the following day the waning morning found him at your doorstep. Knocking on the door was no longer something that occurred to him, and he simply stepped inside. You were in the kitchen, placing ingredients into a slow cooker. No doubt the dinner Thor had negotiated.
You offered him a bright smile as he approached. "Hey, what are you doing here?" He placed a kiss on your cheek. "I would like to join you this afternoon, if that's alright." "Yes." Your smile warmed. "I would like that, thank you."
He helped you with the rest of the preparations for dinner, the two of you had a quick bite for lunch, and then set off together down the road towards town.
The walk was typical, with light conversation and laughter. You stopped at a flower shop in town and selected a small bouquet that primarily featured forget-me-nots. The walk grew quieter as the cemetery grew near, and Loki took your hand as he followed you through the silent plots. The quiet grew heavy. It was a lovely day, the sun was bright and the grass was full and green. The area would be quite pleasant if it weren't for its purpose. Eventually you came to a stop and the both of you looked down at the headstone. Loki glanced over to you, you were wearing an expression of resigned sadness. He squeezed your hand gently, and you met his eyes with a slight smile. You sighed, then bent to place the flowers in the vase attached to the grave marker.
"Happy birthday, Gerdy." You stood and straightened. "I brought Loki with me today."
You then proceeded to speak to her about things in your life, the goings-on of old friends, pottery techniques you were working on. You spoke about Loki, and it was clear this wasn't the first time he had been brought up, which warmed his heart in a way he couldn't quite explain. You spoke to her as if he had known her. In that moment, more than ever, he wished he had. He wanted to know this woman who had been such a powerful impact in your life. Who had sheltered you in a time when you needed it most. In a time before he could. He wondered which parts of you had come from her. He would have liked to see you side-by-side, to recognize the influence himself.
Your one-sided conversation drew to an end. You stood for another moment or two in silent contemplation, then wished Gerdy a farewell. Loki offered her a hushed thanks before turning to follow you again.
The walk back was far more quiet. You hung off his arm as you walked, with your eyes distant. A thought that had been prowling the edges of his mind, held at bay by his duty to you, took this opportunity to strike. He had been fighting it off, but it grew like ice in his stomach now; some day he would be making this walk alone. Some day all too soon, at that.
Mortal. It was a word he had taken for granted, even knowing what it meant. Mortal. Mort. You were named for your death. Suddenly he reviled the word. He may never use it again. It suddenly became clear that he had been harboring a certain amount of denial. Your life was limited, he knew that as a fact, but still some part of him didn't believe it would come to bear. As if somehow, somewhere along the way, he would find some way to save you from your fate and keep you forever. This walk had cast a harsh light on the reality of the situation. He tried to push it out of his mind once more.
Apparently, in the silence, you had been following a similar train of thought.
"I'm going to get old, you know." "Yes, that is the natural order of things." He said matter-of-factly. You rolled your eyes. "What I mean is I'm going to get old and you won't. Every year I'll get more wrinkles and a little flabbier and you'll stay just as young and handsome as ever." "I'll grow even more handsome, I suspect." You chuckled. "I'm sure. What will people think, watching us walk down the street?" "I imagine they will finally question why I am with you, rather than the other way around." He glanced down at you. "It will be a refreshing change of pace." "Please. People don't question that." "Oh, I'm quite certain they do. You simply don't hear the whispers. Perhaps you are already going deaf?" You huffed an exasperated sigh. "You are impossible." He smirked, victorious.
You left it at that, for a few minutes at least, but clearly this was weighing on you. "Really, you don't think it will bother you? Years down the road?" He gave you a reassuring smile as he walked. "I will cherish every line on your face, as they will be tokens of the time I had with you." You bit back a smile. "And the flabby bits?" He clasped your hand in both of his. "A greater surface area on which to bestow my affection." You laughed. "I'm not sure I believe you." "No need. It will all be proven true in time."
The two of you passed out of town and onto the road to your home. Several more minutes passed without a word. Loki could feel something brewing in your thoughts. Your grip on his arm tensed ever so slightly. Still, you didn't say anything, and he was beginning to think it would pass. The two of you were almost to your cottage, walking alongside the low stone wall that enclosed your field, when it came to a head.
"You're going to outlive me." He deftly smothered the panic inside him. "Yes, but I believe finding a replacement shouldn't be terribly difficult. There are literally billions of humans, after all, so my-" "Loki." You came to a halt, he had no choice but to do the same. Your face was drawn into a solemn expression. "When I'm gone-" "Darling-" "Please. It's important." He clenched his jaw and looked down at your hands in his. In this moment they seemed much more fragile. You took a breath. "Promise me that when I'm gone you won't bury yourself too. None of those ideas like your century-of-isolation plan. Don't wall yourself in." He managed a half-smile as he brought a finger to trace your jaw. "Worried that all your good work will be undone?" "You did the work." You mumbled. His smile grew as his hand cupped the back of your neck. "Our joint efforts, then." "Don't do that to yourself." You whispered, clutching his shirt. "Please promise me."
His feet shuffled and he had difficulty meeting your gaze. When he finally looked down at you again he could feel tears threatening the back of his eyes. "I won't be ready." It came out weaker than he anticipated. He looked away and took a breath to steady himself. "It doesn't matter how long-" His voice cracked unexpectedly and he swallowed the rest of that thought. "I won't be ready." You shook your head slightly as you reached up to cradle his face, wearing a sad, sympathetic smile. "We never are."
He pulled you in close, and you let him. Your arms wrapped around his waist while he buried his face in the crook of your neck. You were solid and present beneath his touch, but he knew this was all too ephemeral. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to leave this moment. He wished for some power that would allow him to stretch it out across a thousand years.
He stood with you like that for quite some time. You held him patiently, made no effort to step away. Eventually, Goat had taken notice of the two of you and began making his way across the field, bleating obnoxiously. That finally broke the spell and Loki sighed, taking a step back, but clung to your hand.
"I imagine you have things to do." He murmured as he lifted your hand to place a kiss against the back of it. You nodded. "A couple things to sort out before Thor and Valkyrie show up." "Let's go, then."
Rather than walk to the gate, Loki crossed over the stone wall, then helped you do the same. He laced his fingers with yours and started toward the cottage. He let the silence rest for a moment.
"I suppose our story needed some element of tragedy." He mused quietly. "If we're to earn our constellation, that is." "Oh?" You smiled. "You think they'll put us in the sky?" "Oh, certainly." He squeezed your hand. "The stuff of legends, you and I." You laughed. "And to think I was going to settle for just a star." "The best star, mind you."
You opened the door to your kitchen. Preparations were made. Friends arrived. Dinner was shared. It was as so many nights had been before, and as many nights certainly would be again.
But perhaps on this night, when you were alone once more and sleeping in his arms, Loki held you a just little tighter.
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percheduphere · 1 year ago
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Clearly, Mobius is grieving, but more than grieving, I think he's shell-shocked. In gifs 1 and 3, he possesses the thousand-yard stare. From his perspective, everything happens so quickly and without explanation. One moment, he's standing near his best friend, the next, his best friend locks him out and is gone. There was no time to prepare emotionally for what was going to happen. This is the look of dissociation, which Mobius is only pulled out of when Verity, and later Sylvie, asks if he's okay (he isn't).
In gif 2, Mobius is blinking rapidly. It's the kind of physical reflex that occurs when someone is just on the verge of tears. He is on the cusp of it, but the breakdown isn't happening. It's not coming out. What stands in the way of a much-needed cry is understanding what happened and why. I'm sure Mobius is smart enough to figure out the logical why, but he must be asking himself the emotional why, "Why didn't Loki tell me?"
I don't think Mobius has had enough time to properly enter the deeper stages of grief yet. At best, he is in denial. He chooses to "Just wait a while... Let time pass" in hopes Loki will return because he has developed a profound trust that Loki would.
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We learn through Sylvie's astute understanding of her variant self that for Loki, it wasn't really about the TVA but what the TVA represents: his friends. Mobius, it cannot be denied, is his best friend. The entire argument he has with Sylvie is prefaced with arguing about what Mobius wants.
What Mobius wants, like Loki, falls to the wayside due to the needs of the greater good. Mobius only leaves the TVA once Loki is gone, which suggests that the TVA represents the same thing for him in reverse. And he must look--is forced to look--at his timeline because Loki sacrificed himself for it to exist.
Yet Mobius still has no place to call home because this timeline already has another version of himself in it. Mobius must build his own life somehow like Sylvie. The difference between them, however, is that Loki always meant more to him than her.
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I love the green flare lens they use in this shot. Mobius is absolutely embraced in Loki's colors. Mobius is surrounded by love and gentleness, watched from afar, but I'm not sure if Loki understands how much his loss actually means to Mobius.
What we do know is what the loss of Mobius means to Loki:
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year ago
Kinktober Day 27: Orgasm Denial(And I ain't gonna feel bad at all...)
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warnings/kinks: edging, smut, oral sex(male receiving), orgasm denial, begging, canon divergent/AU, agedup!characters, slight cock torture word count: 0.6k pairings: Agedup!Ranma Saotome x Fem!Reader teaser: “Poor little baby,” you pinch his cheeks, making him growl. Ranma groans, “Don’t push it, princess.” taglist: @beneathstarryskies @loki-love @witchofcustom @dreadsuitsamus @pyrofanatic
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Your boyfriend is much too cocky for his own good a lot of the time. He wants to make everyone see just how strong he is and how he’s good at so many things. But you just find it irritating the way he can be so confident most times without seeing the risks that could present themselves. Still, you enjoy knowing that he believes himself in almost all facets.
Even in the bedroom, Ranma is quite sure of himself. He often enjoys edging you and making you beg for it, making his ego inflated even more than usual. Something about that really turns you both on, but you wonder what it might be like if he were in the position to beg and plead with you. Something about that idea makes you so aroused. 
One night, you and Ranma head into the bedroom after a little bit of sake and fooling around. He’s so happy tonight, knowing he’s going to get you into that perfect position and edge you until you cry. What he doesn’t know is that you’ve got a trick up your sleeve.
You’re on your knees in front of him, sucking him and making him moan just for you. While he’s in the throes of pleasure, you make your move. You begin handcuffing his hands to the bed.
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“Hey! What’s the big idea?” Ranma asks, a frown on his face.
You giggle softly, “Just thought we’d spice things up.”
He’s squirming in your grasp, but you’re too quick for him to break out of his bonds. He knows he’s just going to have to sit there and put up with it. Doesn’t mean he won’t pout about it. You look into his eyes and you laugh when you see how upset he is.
“Poor little baby,” you pinch his cheeks, making him growl.
Ranma groans, “Don’t push it, princess.”
You get back on your knees, looking up at the man you fell in love with all those years ago. You’re about to teach him a lesson in humility, though you know you’re going to make it so good for him.
“Just focus on the pleasure…”
Ranma grumbles under his breath until you begin stroking his twitching cock once more. He lets his head fall back and begins bucking his hips and moaning. You hear the clinking of metal as he struggles against the handcuffs, but he’s doing good not to break them.
“S-shit…I’m so close.”
You watch him, careful to bring him right to the edge. Then you pull away, making him groan loudly. You flick his cock a few times, making him even more frustrated. He huffs loudly, his cheeks all pink from the almost ruined orgasm. You haven’t seen Ranma this frustrated in so long.
“Why in the hell did you do that?! You knew I was so close!” He whines.
You giggle, “Because I’m having fun.”
He grunts when you begin giving the head of his cock little kitten licks and you start jerking him off again. There’s just so much frustration pent up inside of him that it doesn’t take him long to get close again. Even with him not announcing it, you still pull off right at the perfect moment. You laugh as his cock throbs and twitches, the slightest bit of his cum leaking out the red tip.
“Fuck off, just let me cum please!”
You laugh in his face, and you’re busy flicking his cock again. He’s basically just dribbling all over you and your hand. Finally, you quiet your giggles and begin sucking him off. He struggles against his bonds again, an angry look on his face. Just as he’s about to cum, you pull off and he grunts loudly.
“PLEASE!” Ranma cries out, tears in his eyes from frustration.
You smirk, “Please what?”
He whimpers at the loss of contact. This is truly too much. But you’re enjoying yourself and you have no intention of quitting.
At least…not until he’s truly begging for it.
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holylulusworld · 1 year ago
Footloose - Flufftober 4
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Summary: Loki is part of the Avengers now.
Rating: Teen
Square I5 filled for @lokibingo: Feelings denial  
Square 7 filled for @puretombingo: “Dance with me.”
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Warnings: fluff, banter, idiots in love
Trope: Enemies to lovers
Words: 980+
Kinktober vs Flufftober 2023
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“I got it, Tony. This party will be the most spectacular and awesome party mankind had ever the pleasure to witness,” you roll your eyes at Tony’s antics. He wants you to help him check the guest list and won't stop talking about the event. “How about you invite some male stripper for the ladies too. I bet they’ll give us a good show.”
“We want this evening to be spectacular, not vulgar,” Tony scrunches up his nose. “We will have music, the best food, the finest wine and alcohol.”
“Fine, have it your way. Now, how can I help you, Tony?” You look around the room. There is not much left to do. The party planner did a great job. “Tony?”
“You’ve got a special task this time,” he wraps one arm around your shoulders, walking around the room. “Loki is now part of our team.”
You purse your lips. Loki is still the guy attacking New York City. “The answer is no.”
“You don’t even know what I want from you.”
“If it includes being around Loki Laufeyson, the guy influencing me with his tricks to get me to strip in front of my friends, I’m out,” you grunt. Loki managed to use his mind games to make you do unspeakable things. Like eating pineapple on pizza.
“He offered redemption and promised to never use his powers to influence you again,” Tony tries to persuade you to help him with his problem, but you’re not convinced. “A lot of important people, and the press will be around. We need to show them that Loki changed.”
“How? Shall he sing a chanson?” You snort. “I don’t think he will ever not be an asshole and a Trickster. We don’t need him to cause trouble with one of his dramatic entrances again. Do you remember the last time he made an appearance in public?”
“Y/N, please do this for me. Loki refuses to attend the party. We need him to smile, and act like a gentleman.”
“You want me to convince Loki to attend the party? That’s the important task?” You huff. “You can’t be serious.”
“Please, Y/N. For me. You’re the only person besides his brother Loki talks to.”
“Yeah, to harass me. He’s always sassy and gets on my nerves,” you snap at Tony. “If you want me to do this dirty job, you will buy me the most expensive dress, shoes, and accessories for the party.”
“Deal,” Tony drops his arm from your shoulders to shake your hand.
“If there’s a catch, I’ll cut your balls off in your sleep,” you point a finger at Tony. “No tricks, Stark, or you’ll regret doing business with me.”
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“Move your ass out of your room and follow me. We are going to buy a suit for you, and you’ll behave like a good boy today,” you yell outside Loki’s apartment. “Get out, or I swear I’ll not be nice any longer.”
“Darling, you look dashing,” Loki pokes his head out of the door, smirking. “I’m afraid I got no time for you. Check in later. How about you come back in a few weeks?”
“I said, get out of the room, raven-haired rat,” you purse your lips, close to breaking the door down to get Loki out of his room. “I don’t have all day. It’s only three more days until the party. We need you to make an appearance. Just say yes and let me buy the suit for you. You can come to the party, and dance. Maybe have a drink or two.”
“Loki, this is not a request, it’s an order. Move your ass out of the room,” you grasp for his hair, harshly tugging at it. “Come on. Don’t make such a fuss.”
“I don’t want to dance,” Loki wrinkles his nose.
“Because you can’t dance?” You grin. “Did Loki Laufeyson finally admit his defeat? Is there something he cannot accomplish?”
He opens the door to step outside, a dagger in his hand. “I’m warning you. Never underestimate Loki Laufeyson, God of mischief. I’m the Master of Dance, I just don’t like dancing.”
“Well then, let’s buy a suit and you can stand in a corner and watch other people having fun…”
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“I hope you know I had to cancel my date for you,” you grunt as Loki walks next to you. He insisted on not going alone. Which means you are his plus one for the time being.
While you try to find a way to get rid of Loki and keep your promise to Tony at the same time, the Avengers watch you and the raven-haired trickster with interest.
“She made it,” Tony can’t believe Loki is following you inside the ballroom. “It was worth the money.”
Thor frowns when his brother grabs your hand to guide you away from the Avengers and toward the dance floor.
“What are you doing?” You wonder as Loki guides you to the middle of the dance floor. “Loki? What are you up to?”
“I remember vividly that you suggested a dance,” he says. “So…dance with me?” He bows and offers his hand to you. “Please give me this dance.”
“I-“ you take his offered hand, hoping he doesn’t want to trick you once again. “If this is a joke, I’ll kill you.” You growl, but your cheeks heat up as he smiles at you.
He grins. “I’m counting on it, my love.” You end up in his arms, swaying to the song he requested before coming here with you. “I hope you know; I’m courting you…”
Loki twirls you around, grinning as you squeak and hold tight onto him as he gets even faster. Your feet move on their own, and you cling to him when the room starts spinning.
“What are you doing?”
“I don’t want the others to watch us.” You rest your head against his shoulder and close your eyes. “I manipulated reality a little bit for this dance. You only belong to me tonight…and forever.”
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recreationalfanfics · 2 years ago
Can I request a Loki, Poseidon, Thor, x Shinobu!M!Reader (KNY). M!Reader hides behind a facade when really he’s extremely angry all the time and acts all cheery and happy which can easily be changed when provoked. He’s also physically weak but makes up for it for his incredible speed and knowledge in poison. (Plus his bug-like eyes which can be unsettling at times since he has no pupils.)
Loki basically taunting him when they’re put up against each other. But M!reader gives it to him when he injects him with a poison that he’s been working on, enough to kill a god. That alone awakens his Yandere tendencies because it’s surprising that such a small and weak human can bring a god to his knees in sheer pain. Wonder how our M!reader will feel after this draw especially since he feels like he’s being watched even in his sleep.
Poseidon is unimpressed when he’s put up against this meek and small mortal who he sees as an annoying bug in his presence. Ironic that this annoying bug practically bested him in speed and even had the audacity to pollute his divine blood with poison that is shockingly effective. He’s at first in denial when the match ends in a draw but then slowly this mortal squeezes his way into his cold heart when he sees him training as he moves gracefully like a butterfly in spring.
Thor is kinda bored at first when he first sees the human he’s up against but also amused by this man’s seemingly kind smile. And boy is this god of thunder surely surprised by this humans raw agility and power of that blade he wields which is oddly shaped. He’s excited but it’s not visible until this man injects him with an odd substance… poison, an interesting choice of weapon yet this particular poison is even strong enough to bring this man almost to his knees now he’s absolutely obsessed which doesn’t end when the match ends in a draw.
Yandere! Loki, Poseidon, Thor + Male! Shinobu! Reader
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Yandere! Loki:
- Yeah, no, he was VERY unassuming of you at first. Honestly, he thought that you were adorable because you could be very unsettling when you wanted to be...to other humans at least. Not to Loki, however, since he's a God and you're still a mere human.
- He also made fun of things like your height (even if you are taller than him, he will float higher than you bc he's annoying like that), your weak physique, and your inability to ever properly fight a demon and nevermind a God like him. It was also quite funny to see how upset you got when he made such comments, he's not gonna lie, you're really quite handsome when you look like you want to rip his throat from his body♡
- But then when he was about to finish you off, he winced and fell to the side, a sneaky cut you made that was lined with your special God killer poison. Everything felt like it was in agony, his body unable to support itself and he stumbled to get up. He didn't know what was happening but when your angered glare turned into a cruel and cold smile, he felt shivers down his spine.
- Your battle ended up being paused, because your poison was strong but you sadly hadn't put in enough to fully kill him. Close but not close enough, it seemed. When he recovers, the first thing he'll remember is your face when you saw him die. You were so callous and cold: he knew that your nicer more "gentle" side was more of a facade but seeing that smug joy in your eyes, that genuine smug victorious glint, made his heart skip a beat.
- You will feel watched and you will never feel alone again, not in a good way either. When you walk by yourself to clear your head, you feel eyes stalking you but you keep your chin up and your gaze unbothered. Letters will appear at your door, appearing to look like a love letter but when you read it, it's more of a confession of a crime with how the writer so proudly admits to watching and admiring you. You weren't scared until you realized things in your room when missing and even when you had Brunhilde take the appropriate security measures, the empty spot right next to you would still feel warm.
- You suspect and confront Loki right away, after all, he is the only person- erm, God- creepy enough to do something like this. And he's so delighted when you confront him and the most disturbing part is that he admits to it, with no shame or hesitation...which disturbs you the most about the situation. When you ask him why he's done this, after you tried to KILL him, he just shrugs and holds your hand: "Because you make my heart feel things that it isn't supposed to feel for humans. You're so charming, (Y/n)~"
Yandere! Poseidon:
- No because you're definetly right, he believes it's fitting that you based your breathing technique around an insect because in his eyes. that's all you and other humans were. Meek little insects who had no right to go against the God's like this.
- However, you changed his opinion entirely when you managed to poison him. And not in a good way, arrogant humans like you are what MADE humanity so despicable to him. That bitter smile that was a borderline scowl on your face as you DARED to look him in his eyes with such a victorious expression. He LOATHED it. Luckily, you were just as incompetent as the rest of your race because the poison you gave him did do damage but not enough to kill him.
- You plauged his mind like a disease, however. Polluting every thought in his mind with images of you, of your previous battle. It was disgusting to him, you disgusted him. At least that was what he originally thought until after another restless night of being unable to sleep because of you, he went the garden and heard you training and he became INFATUATED to say the least.
- You were graceful yet powerful in your moves, despite how much weaker you were compared to other Hashira, but your speed and agility as you moved interested him to say the least. When you felt eyes watching you, you turned around and gave him a small yet strained smile as you asked him how his recovery was going. He glared at you and walked off.
- You had to have poisoned him with something else during your fight, YOU HAD TOO. He doesn't believe that he can ever develop feelings for a mortal like YOU, surely you did this to him on purpose? But why? It must be...because you want him to love you, right? This man will LITERALLY blame YOU for his crazed obsession because he won't accept the fact that he has fallen in love with a human.
- So when you wake up and see that you're in his room, his eyes clouded with madness and infatuation, he doesn't understand why you act so surprised. After all, you contaminated his thoughts and his heart. You've poisoned him with your love like you wanted too, right? So why won't you let him poison you with his?
Yandere! Thor:
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- Thor is very smart, don't get me wrong, but he IS a brute. When he fights, he expects weaponry or at least hand to hand combat and when you, a mere man already weak in stature, poison him. He finds it cowardly, just like the rest of humanity. However
- I personally feel like he'd become obsessed with something else. When he's on his knees, coughing blood, he looks up at you and sees you smiling at him. A small smile of fake kindness and malicious intent, your unsettling eyes dripping with rage and disgust, but more importantly: it was your anger. That's when he starts to appreciate your method.
- He could sense it from you. The rage you hold in your heart. The bloodlust you have towards the Gods. Even though you were human, you had a divine and righteous anger and he saw all of it in your eyes. He wanted to see it, he wanted to be destroyed by it. After seeing your anger, the blood he's coughing up tastes just a little more sweeter.
- He gets shivers when you bend down and take his chin with your hand, tilting your head and letting out a small hum that was supposed to feign sympathy as you said: "Oh, you poor God. Painful, isn't it? Fun fact, this is just a taste of how I died. All of you Gods galavanted up here while my comrades and I all died like this to protect humanity from demons, and now you want to wipe us out? No. I don't think so."
- And when he didn't die, you were obviously dissapointed but he wasn't, because then he could see you again. Much like how he showed Lu Bu his smile in their battle, you showed him your rage and he was obsessed to see it again. He envies the people back in your time who got to watch you fight. You weren't able to do much because of your size, so you resulted to methods that fit you and would help you destroy your enemies.
- It makes him appreciate you, for such a weak and fragile looking man, you turned yourself into a weapon. Sacrificing everything during battle when you had too and releasing your fury and wrath to your enemies. He no longer thinks of it was a cowardly move because you didn't fight with poison, you fought with all of yourself that you could muster.
- However, when he sees the toll that you took from him during your battle, he realizes that all great weapons should be well kept for all to admire, but never to use again because they had already done their duty. In Thor's eyes, you gave enough for humanity, so instead of risking it and giving yourself to battle...why not just give yourself to him?
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loveloki555 · 1 year ago
Why Thor: Ragnarok is remake and doesn't fit to other movies of Thor
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I will talking only about chronology in this post. Hela shows ''true history'' of Asgard. Well, but we have one problem. We watched Thor and Thor: Dark World. This both movies are the denial of Hela's words.
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The frescoes show the winning couple. Odin and his daughter conquering the world. Look at Odin. A white, senile beard… interesting… because we saw what Odin looked like over a thousand years earlier at the time of Loki's birth.
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Here later with both sons.
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And here as King of Asgard when Thor and Loki are grown men.
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The war with Jotunheim was in 965 AD.
And Odin looked completely different at that time than he did in 2011-2013.
Next thing… is the case of Borr and the war with Malekith.
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5,000 thousand years ago, Borr was still the king of Asgard and fought against the Dark Elves. Interesting thing, his heir is not with him. Odin is not present during this key battle. He seems to truly believe that his father defeated Malekith.
Why isn't Odin present during this battle? We have two options… and they are related to age. Either Odin was too young to fight battles (Asgardians do not have children during battle, Mr. Taika Waititi! If Loki saw that scene with his mother, he would tear your head off!) or he was a very young man who was just old enough to be regent during his father's absence… which would make him roughly the age of Thor and Loki in Thor (2011).
However, both situations quite exclude the possibility of Odin being an old man with an unstoppable desire for power and an adult daughter.
Even assuming that Borr died quickly after this battle and Odin already had a teenage/adolescent daughter… that still doesn't fill the gaps. Because Odin was not the old man shown in the frescoes. And if he had access to the fountain of youth, he would use it again rather than allow Hela to be released?
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Failure to solve the problem of Hela also puts the events in Thor 1 in a strange twist. Odin actually believes that it's time for Thor to be king. Why? He put off Odinsleep, Frigga really thought he might not wake up from this. He probably also realized that his strength was weakening. And… he didn't tell any of his sons… when I die, your bloodthirsty half-sister will suddenly appear and want to kill you? What kind of ruler does this?
My conclusion : Thor Ragnarok is remake.
We see the actual history of Asgard… up to 2015… where Age of Ultron still honors this timeline.
Overall timeline of Thor 1, Avengers, Thor Dark World, (in the meantime movies related to Avengers like Winter Soldier or Iron Man 3) and Avengers: Age of Ultron. After that, we never see any further events. I would also like to point out that Thanos in Guardians of Galaxy and Thanos from Infinity War are two different characters. The last time we see Thanos from Guardians of Galaxy is in the scene with the gauntlet at the end of Age of Ultron. Thanos in Infinity War is nothing like the previous Thanos.
Well, Thor is probably still looking for those stones, and Loki is preparing a surprise for Thanos in their universe.
The further timeline, starting with Ragnarok, has completely different events and one could even say a different universe.
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toomanystoriessolittletime · 7 months ago
Marvel Masterlist
updated:October 5th 2024
✨ = newest updates
Fic Ratings (read warnings in fic for details):
(G) General Audiences
(M) Mature
(E) Explicit: only suitable for adults
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Nightmares (E) ✨
After months of dating you spend the first night at Logan's waking up to him having a nightmare. He has to remind himself that you're still alive once you finally got him awake.
One Last Time (E)
Three years ago you buried Logan on the day you were supposed to get married. When your friend calls you, telling you that she saw Logan at the bar she was at right at this moment, you had to check for yourself if she was right. Not knowing that the night would end with you in his bed. And a surprise weeks later you were not ready for.
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Hope/Denial (E)
You never had the chance to tell Matt how you felt about him before he disappeared one day. Even after more than a year of nights spend together you never told him that you loved him. Months after his disappearance, after going to his apartment every week you finally decide it’s time to stop waiting for his return. That night he shows up. With an explanation and a confession that makes you forget the anger and hurt you felt for him in the last months.
a shitty day (G)
You had a shitty day. Matt shows up to comfort you.
answers (M)
Matt had lied to you about who he was. Maybe now it was time to get some answers.
Teasing the devil (E)
All you wanted was your boyfriend being your date the engagement part of you petty and jealous cousin. When he didn’t show up you decide it’s time for a little payback while he’s in church the next morning and take a long shower…
Falling (G)
Your day could have been better. Staying in late with your judgemental Co-Worker wasn’t on top of your list, but at least Matt was there to pick you up after.
Silk Sheets (E)
You’ve seen the weirdest things working in retail. But when you saw a hot blind man trying to figure out which silk sheets would be best for his delicate skin you did ask yourself… Why was it always the hot ones that are so weird?
Bitten (E)
There was something off about Matt Murdock. You just didn’t think of the obvious.
One Blink (G)
For him it was just a moment, for you it was five years
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Shut up (E)
Working as the only female doctor at a high security prison can be scary sometimes. When Frank was brought in the first time he looked like hell. Now, fully recovered you insisted to keep seeing him weekly. But for a whole different reasons that making sure that he was healthy.
You could be happy (M)
A man called Pete moved into the house next door. Rosie, your daughter, has him immediately wrapped around her little finger. You and Pete, who you know is Frank Castle, get closer too. When he turned up bruised and full of blood after being gone for weeks you do everything you can to help him and kiss it better.
Sneaky (E)
Your best friend is getting married. And Frank, her father, can’t keep his hands off of you for the entire day.
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Trick or Treat? (G)
Having moved in into your new apartment you haven’t met your downstairs neighbor yet. That changes when you hear someone breaking into your apartment in the middle of the night.  
Wanna bet? (E)
Thanos was coming. And Loki was the only one who knew what he wanted. So when he didn’t tell the rest of the team, you were furious. Looking for a way to cool down you went for a shower until Loki found you… 
Heal me (M)
When Loki disappeared after the attack in New York and found himself in an alternative Universe, he hadn’t planned on staying for long. But then he met her. 
Lost in the fire (E)
Being together with Loki for a while now he asks you what your fantasies are, surprised when you tell him about always wanting to have a threesome he is completely against first. Until he finds a way to make it work for both of you… 
Writing prompts:
“Wake up! Please wake up.” (G)
 “A sleepy hug.“ (G)
“Ths is a one-time thing.” “ You said that the last five times.” (E)
“Brats like you deserve a spanking.” + “I’m gonna bend you over the table and fuck you till you can’t sit straight.” (E)
“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad.” (E)
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mischiefmaker615 · 1 year ago
Dangerously Yours
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Rating: PG 14
Summary: denial can be just as dangerous as a blade to your throat. 
Requested By: @guccicvm (wattpad)
Original Dialogue
Your chest rose and fell at a pace where you tried to tell yourself to relax. This was all suppose to be easy, simple even.. if it wasn't for the fact that he had woken up and those piercing green eyes practically stopped you in your tracks as the moonlight shown on you both through the windows of his bedroom. His bedroom..
Your hand shook as you tried to hold the knife still as it lay resting at his neck, not enough pressure to pierce but one small movement and it would. Your other hand resting at his bare chest, as if that alone would keep the god pinned, along with the fact that you were straddling him at his lips.
His arms stayed put at his sides, resting over his sheets as they draped up to his waist in silk. His hands barely ghosting your legs as his breathing had you rising and falling in a slow rhythm. He was calm.. to calm for one who had a blade at his throat, but of course you knew this wasn't no ordinary someone.
"I'm going to tell you something my dear, my life is already in your hands in this particular predicament'' he smirked, not an ounce of concern in his eyes but his tone held seriousness.
''then don't tell me- you cant trust me and nothing you can say or do will change anything.. change what I have to do..'' you cut him off, knowing his cunning mind had its way of being manipulative.
"I love you.'' He said plainly, his voice and eyes calm as your eyes widen. ''And I believe you love me.''
"your.. your wrong! there was- is nothing between us''
''that isn't true darling-" he sighed with a small smile and a hushed tone.
''it is true! what may have happened before was merely just two young people.. young and stupid people not knowing what they wanted..'' your voice snapped at him and your gaze hardened. What was he doing?
''you might as well take my heart darling, for it is already full of you. It has always been yours since the day we met.''
Memories you wish you could forget had your eyes glance away from his for a mere second. ''you're a fool Loki..''
''isn't anyone who falls in love?..'' his voice paused, knowing honest feelings weren't quite in his nature too put into words, but he knew this moment was as serious as the blade at this throat. ''..Do you know what you are to me? You are something to believe in again, a sight that makes mere goddesses crumble in jealousy, a dream worth pursuing.. a wife I'd beg to have beside me..''
To your surprise, you felt a few tears run down your cheeks and fall upon your chest as you gazed down at him, your voice a whisper. "don't be a child.. we pursued other things but not each other." Your paths were different and you weren't here for all of that.
Upon seeing your tears, his eyes filled with gentle concern and his muscles tensed to stop himself from wiping your tears. ''what is it, what's wrong my dear?''
You merely shook your head. ''you know nothing about me- you've only known me for 3 weeks-''
''three glorious weeks my darling and yet I've still known you for all my life.'' Loki breathed with a smile by the memory. ''I began finally living the moment you stepped in sight. I've seen you in a thousand books, a hundred plays and a million songs-''
''shut up shut up!'' you snap, shaking your head to focus. ''Perhaps I was that woman once but I'm not her anymore.. your wrong and you cannot trust me.. at the very least, trust my decision.. right here, right now-''
Loki merely gave an amused look on his face at your attempt and sighed. ''don't play coy my darling, remember who you also lie too.'' His smile broke out into a grin, a grin that told you he knew more than what you thought. ''..I've known about who sent you and your plans leading up to this very moment the day you stepped foot into Asgard.''
You blink at him as you waited to catch his bluff. It must have been that damned gate keeper.. some type of magic.. there was no way- but his face was just as serious as yours as you slowly took a breath to try to understand. ''.. and.. and it didn't make a difference?''
Loki slowly shook his head. ''it didn't make any difference. You came here to betray me and to betray my realm. That is your assignment here and yet I am so sure of your feelings for me that I will trust you with my life'' he whispered, leaning forward so the blade pressed more against his skin, your instincts had you shift it back away. His smirk told you that by your hesitation right then and there, you were second guessing your decision.
How could he possibly have so much faith in you? ''i.. I will betray you-''
''you will betray yourself at the same time.'' he then smirked, revealing how as always, he will already be several steps ahead as his eyes dragged over your body then. ''even now I have been in the works to destroy those who had sent you''
Your body tenses against his and he knows it as your grip tightened on the handle. ''..no-''
''their only greatest decision was to be sending you here.''
Your eyes harden as you question him. ''..why?''
His eyes soften again as his eyes rise back up to your own. ''he knew I would love you. However, he never anticipated that you would also love me in return.''
By your silence, he already knew he was right as your gaze faded off ever so slightly. Your muscles relaxed as if your body itself was giving up in defeat yet your mind still questioned as he gave you a small smile. ''is your realm more important than me?.. surely those wonderous three weeks couldn't have meant nothing to you..''
By your reminders of the past days, the glorious past days as lovers would have spent, a small smile peaked at the corner of your mouth as you slowly shook your head. ''no..'' you whisper, knowing he was far more important than anything else that had entered your life before.
Your eyes drew back to his as you felt his finger tips slowly ghost over your legs, dragging up before he rested his hands on your hips and stayed still once more. He was warm.. and cold. A familiar touch and one that never came unwelcomed.
''help me then darling, help me overcome him.'' he whispered, knowing just how stubborn she could be in her decisions, almost as worst as he and he sighed. ''together.. we both cant win.''
Win.. so that was this was about? His cunning mind trying to distract you, to woo you so that your guard would fall so that he could have his thrown.. your realm, as if having all this now wasn't enough for him.. your eyes sharpened as you practically glared at him.
''..you think your clever don't you? I can read you just as you claim to know me, you probably made me love you! You just want information- for me to betray my people, my home, for you!''
His eyes sharpened as he seemed to stare right into your soul. ''that's not the way to look at it Y/N-''
''just admit that you have lost! You forgot how close hate is to love- give up our duel of wits!'' you snap, knowing how he always hates to lose, that's probably all this was. Yet now you were on top.. literally, with a blade in your hands. Of course he would say anything to get out of this..
''then why haven't you ended this.'' He dared. ''You don't know what you are saying Y/N-''
''you never loved me! You knew I loved you and you USED that!'' the tears returned to fall as his hands slightly gripped your hips, stopping himself once more to dry your cheeks.
''stop talking nonsense!''
Your eyes glared at him. nonsense? Was he not taking you seriously? Just to show him, you ever so slightly gave pressure at his neck. ''..I'd advise you to choose your next words wisely.''
His expression switched to someone calm.. to calm where it almost scared you as he teased. ''well, aren't we a bit melodramatic, aren't we dear?'' he smirked.
Bastard silver tongue. ''-run your mouth, it won't change anything because you have very little time to do so-''
''so your actually going to kill me?'' he says being dramatically shocked.
More pressure. ''listen well. You already know my position here, now either give me the information or I'll kill you.''
He almost looked amused then as his face returned to its expressionless form of calm as his thumbs began rubbing gentle circles on your bare skin, having just realized his hands had ghosted under your night dress. ''you won't do it darling; you won't kill me because you love me. It takes a very brave and cold woman to do so. I don't think you can, can you? Isn't that why you hesitate? Unless you wish to watch me die and plead for my life, but I'm sorry to disappoint.''
''you don't think I'd do it- that's why your brave but you're a coward, a coward for lying to me'' you cry, trying to ignore the pads of his fingers on your skin.
''you lied to me.''
You took a deep breath and stubbornly look away for a moment. ''I'm tired of listening to you-''
''you gave me your heart willingly, love.. you wish me to hand it back? Whole again?.. but I won't. You'll leave here in agony without me.'' He said with his voice as quiet as the wind coming through the balcony, drapes gently flowing around the room as the air seemed to almost still that every moment at the same time. you were looking at him, unsure of what to do but you knew what you had to. Why couldn't you?
Loki took your silence as a que to keep going as he smiled. ''there is no one but you, there will never be a second that I care for.. except my realm. Thus, you've left me no choice but to combine you both.''
You blink at him. ''what are you talking a-''
''my queen.''
In that very moment, his eyes flashed an almost white- green where your hand became empty before he decided to flip you both. His hips pinned yours and his hands now gripped your wrists that stayed put beside your head. His backline was highlighted by moonlight as he dipped his head to practically stay nose to nose with you. You knew his muscle would delete any attempt to try to escape from this position so why bother try.. you were almost frozen under his gaze practically as you coldly looked up into his.
''your face is like ice darling, what are you thinking?'' he asked, almost amused as you discover he had grown hard at this moment.. in the moment that was most dire, that you had hoped would take every ounce of seriousness. But you have failed.
You turn your face away from his gaze as you kept your hands into fists, feeling how his hands had inched to lace your fingers together but you at least took that away from him. ''what would it matter..''
His eyes became gentle, showing very much just how serious he took you as he kept you in a gentle grip. ''do you think I wanted to love you? Knowing where you came from and what your purpose here was? Don't you think that every moment with each other I was merely thinking that you were just pretending?''
Your eyes shot up to his hurt ''I wasn't- I loved you!''
''and I loved you so much.. I let you pretend. You brought me something I couldn't stand losing. Listen to your heart, how it pounds, what do you want?''
Your body began trembling now, facing the decision of what you wanted and what you thought you needed. He was asking you in presence and you both knew it.. you hadn't loved him, you love him! your lips quivered as you parted them to speak, his patience showing he would wait a thousand years if you needed as your eyes began to tear again. ''I want.. you..''
In that moment, he finally reached over and with a slow, gentle thumb, wiped your tears. ''..then let me love you Y/N, you are mine now..'' he whispered before he closed the distance between you both and kissed you.
And you surrendered. 
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