#but Kira definitely has Vapran features
Why did I just have the absolute brain blast at 12:30 am—we all have been assuming that Jen’s father would be Rian since admittedly they do look a shit ton alike and both are Stonewood Gelfling, but what if it’s not, what if he’s actually Kylan’s son????
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
Headcanons about Gelfling rulers crowns
Head circlets are the most important feature of the princes and princesses, male or female alike, of the All Maudra court. They have to wear it on any official meeting, more than any special dress of anything. Clothes can be different but not them. They indicate to others you are the children of the All Maudra, and symobilically wear your royal blood on your head the same way she wears it hers as her crown
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They don’t have to wear it all the time, it is necessary for official ceremonies like the Tithe only. Tavra usually doidn’t wear it but did for it, and from the way she wears it (not on here forehead but like a handband) you can see that either she was in such a rush she didn’t bother or doesn’t truely care for it ; I would say doesn’t care since then she seems to forget she wore it and kept it a little while. Seladon and Brea wore it all the time because the former was so up to the rules she didn’t want to remove her royal symbol and only had that role to define her back then so she didn’t feel like removing the only thing she thought to be her identity, and the latter found herself cute in it and also feared to forget it when she would need it ; not wearing it on official royal ceremonies is almost a diplomatic outrage, or at least until the Resistance when Gelflings had better things to do and better wear helmets for fighting instead
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Also I don’t know if you noticed, but Tavra’s and Brea’s circlets are golden while Seladon’s is silvery
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This doesn’t have to do with fashion choices like how their dresses are different from each other. The oldest daughter and heir to the throne must wear a silver circlet while all the other children must wear a gold circlet. Gold is more precious than silver, but the All Maudra crown is made of Silver, platinum and iron. So to indicate to others that one day she shall wear that one crown, the future All Maudra must wear a circlet that has a similar color
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After the death of the last All Maudra and when the reign of Jen and Kira the first Gelfling Lords of the Crystal began, where ruler can be male or female, the tradition remained except this time the eldest child wore the silver circlet and not just the eldest daughter. Since Lords of the Crystal can not just be Vapran and thus don’t necessarily have Vapran or at least big horizontal ears, circlets will be made to adapt the prince’s or princess’s ear placement. So either a traditional circlet circling around the ears like it always was witht the All Maudra chilren, or a simple circlet if the ears are on top of the Gelfling’s head, or are too small and thus would be hidden/uncomfortable/look unaesthetic with the circling? like Kira’s
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(That pic is a bad example I don't know why her ears grew here lmao age ?)
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Speaking of Kira, however, even if she never were in the court as a princess but directly as the Lady of the Crystal, still wore her silver circlet daily instead of being bare-headed like before, like a heir and not a ruler (Jen and Kira being used not to wear crowns all their life, they wear theirs only on official ceremonies ; Kira wore a crown made of the remaining bits of the All Maudra crown since those are her origins ; and after the double reigns of Kensho and Jara and later Kensho and Olira, the 2 crowns would be fused into one for the sole ruler)
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She would wear it not as an official attire but an everyday accessory, using her actual crown for official things only, because even if she always loved her peasant place, she always regretted never knowing her mother and bioliogical family, and wearing that symbol ever since she learnt about it made her feel like home. She only removed it when taking a bath or going to bed, but definitively took it off when she and Jen abdicated in the end of PotDC (canon version and fanon rewriting alike)
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I don’t know anything for the “lesser” Maudras’ courts yet however
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thecartoonuniverse · 5 years
The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance Review
So I am uploading the script for the review here for everyone to see simply because I don't think I can get a video for this out before the show comes out. I spent all weekend at a convention and this is a huge script so I just haven't had the time/energy to make a full video. That being said, enjoy the review!
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In 1982, audiences everywhere were introduced to the awe inspiring world of Thra in the Jim Henson film: The Dark Crystal. It was a beautiful tale of an alien world that begged for more development! Plans for a sequel were made, but ultimately it never got around to happening in movie form.
Now, after 37 long years, The Dark Crystal is finally returning in the form of a new series, albeit as a prequel called The Dark Crystal: Age of resistance, which is arriving on Netflix on August 30th.
I might say this a lot in this review, but I cannot believe that this show exists. I couldn’t even believe the original film existed when I first saw it. The Beauty of this world is really hard to summarize… so I won’t. You’re going to get the full story (and you’re gonna like it).
Imagine, if you will, 17-year-old me watching TV one day to see a show called Jim Henson’s creature shop challenge. Every week contestants had to face a different challenge where they made puppets based off of the given theme. The episode I happened to watch tasked the participants with making a skeksis. Of course I was like, what the heck is a skeksis? So, I googled it (not sponsored) and what I found blew. My. Mind.
The Skeksis were one of just many many many many many… many insane creatures that exist in the film ‘The Dark Crystal’. The film itself was an eerily dark children’s tale following two human-like creatures known as ‘Gelflings’ as they travel the lands of Thra with the hope of healing their world. From there I quickly invested in the expanded lore: books, comics, and pretty much anything else I could find.
The stories were amazing, but nothing ever came quite close to the beauty that the movies captured. You see, this stunning alien planet was brought to us using nothing but puppetry. From the smallest little buggy boy, to the tallest long-legged-larry, everything that dazzled our senses was done using ground breaking puppetry from the Master himself: Jim Henson.
While I enjoyed the outside material, comics and prose never quite captured the marvel of advanced puppetry. When the new show was announced, I was a bit worried. Practical effects have been replaced by Digital ones in almost every corner of the industry, and it seemed certain that a return to the screen would mean embracing 3D animation.
But then they showed us the trailer… (show flash of the amazing action in the trailer).
And I was stunned.
Everything looked so amazing. The Action was insane, the cinematography was beautiful, and the puppetry… oh my god they did the whole thing with puppets! I couldn’t wait to see it.
Literally. I couldn’t wait. But thankfully I was sent all the episodes before they aired and now, I get to tell you guys what to expect and why you should watch. Because trust me, for the sake of all things beautiful and good in this world, you need to watch this.
There is so much I want to say, but this WILL be a spoiler free review!
Now there is much more to the story of the Dark Crystal than just two little elves saving the world! The story at its core are about the Urskeks, a group of higher dimensional beings sent to thra through the power of the dark crystal. When trying to return home, the Urskeks accidentally divide themselves in half, with each one becoming two new creatures, the Skeksis, and the Mystics. The skeksis are essentially pure evil and want to live forever. They increase their lifespan by draining the Crystal of its power and then using it to drain the life essence of other creatures. When a prophecy foretells of their downfall at the hand of gelflings, they set out to annihilate the entire species, but miss two infant gelflings who manage to find safety. These two gelflings, Jen and Kira, grow up, discover one another, and heal the crystal, which allows for the skeksis and mytics to merge into their true forms once again, and bring peace to thra.
That was basically the Spark Notes version of the Dark Crystal, but Gizmodo has an article that does a good job of summarizing the rest of the lore… though you can also just watch the movie!
Now if you are wondering what happens next then this show… ISNT going to be helpful. Instead, the age of resistance is a ‘prequel’ which flashes back to the time when the Skeksis could no longer rely on the crystal alone for life energy, and turn to sucking the life out of other creatures instead. This prompts the gelflings to fight back against the skeksis, forming, as the title suggest, the resistance!
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The choice to make to make this a prequel series is something I was always ecstatic about. Unlike with any sequels, a prequel would allow us to get a view into what Gelfling were actually like as a species, and let me tell you the show does not disappoint on this front.
As we learn, 7 different clans existed, each with their own customs and unique physical appearance. In particular, the Vapra, Stonewood, and Grottan clans are featured the most in the series, although we do meet members from the other clans as well.
our three main characters each hail from one of these clans. Brea is a Vapran princess, Rian is a Stonewood guard to the skeksis, and Deet is the most adorable Grottan to ever exist.
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I learned about all the clans in the recent Dark Crystal novels, but it was still amazing to see what they officially looked like.
And as for the main characters themselves, they are all pretty great.
It is pretty clear that Rian is supposed to be our Jen stand-in, but his personality is very distinct, so I do not have a huge problem with this.
On the other hand we have Brea, who does have a resemblance to Kira but only because they likely hail from the same clan. Otherwise Brea is very studious and loves reading and drawing.
That brings me to the odd one out, Deet. She has never been on the surface of Thra before, meaning that her positive and cheerful way of thinking will be tested when she faces the challenges set before her.
However, there is one other character that has a huge role in the series that I have yet to mention. That is of course Aughra, who is more or less the personification of Thra. That being said, she is basically an old grumpy woman. Personally, I was not a huge fan of her in the original movie. She seemed very unhelpful and too cryptic in her responses. Yet, she is definitely a more proactive character in the series, and I actually really grew to like her. As a being born from the ground of Thra, she of course does not want to see the world become corrupted, so her actions in this season make sense.
But those are just the humanoid characters, which are really not what I’m here for.
Where the real excitement begins is looking at all the Skeksis. Look at them! They’re hideous! Just as they’re meant to be. And unlike in the movie they are younger and not quite on the edge of death. It’s just really nice to see the Emperor ruling the Skeksis as he was meant to. Chamerlain is up to no good as usual, and the rest of the skeksis are pretty terrible as well. I just need to take a moment to appreciate SkekMal. He is the only one who is not already decrepit, and he makes use of all four of his arms to hunt gelflings. He’s terrifying, but terrifyingly beautiful (don’t judge me).
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Their counterparts the urRu don’t play the biggest part this time around, which is hard for me to forgive since they were my favorite creatures from the movie. But they have purposely hidden themselves from the outside world so their lack of presence makes sense.
And the rest of the animals in Thra are adorable. Llike with the original film, there are plenty of moments that will have you pausing your screen to get a better look at the amazing creatures inhabiting this world.
It really is indicative of the most important thing of all: The puppetry
For the most part, it is extremely well done. The Skeksis in particular have the best range of emotions, despite having just eyes and a beak to work with, and the other animals are really neat to look at, as I said.
I wish I could say the same for the gelfling, but the puppets are not quite there yet. In particular, their mouths just can’t provide the range of motion that human mouths can. This is due to their faces being made of latex, so their movement is limited. The eyes however are perfect.
That brings me to something many of you may be wondering about. Yes, CGI is used, and you can for the most part tell when it is because any of those elements move better than the rest of the world around them. For example, often the skeksis’s tongues were animated, and it is clear that some creatures are computer generated in their entirety. I mean I do understand, since making things fly or move in very precise ways is difficult with puppetry. Overall the show is beautiful and the CG is not that big of a deal.
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about the story. While it was never like the reason to watch the Dark Crystal, the prequel really dives deep into the lore and expands on it. However, it also attempts to re-explain everything that was previously learned, meaning that there are occasionally long sequences of just explaining things. I enjoyed them, but this may not be the case for everyone.
With that there is also a boat load of characters. For more dedicated fans they may see a lot of familiar faces from the novels that have been releasing for the past few years. However I did feel like the introduction of some of these characters, such as Naia and Kylan, was rushed and kind of went unexplained as to how they got to meeting up with the main characters unless you have read the books. Not that they have the biggest roles in the show, I just feel like for more casual fans them being in the story will feel pointless.
But that being said, holy crap this show is dark. Ha ha, dark crystal, yeah of course it’s dark. But I mean this show is gruesome. Yes, the movie was pretty dark, but imagine that but brought to a whole new level. Both kids and adults alike are sure to get nightmares after this.
However, as someone who loves anything animated and hopes for more story-based shows, Age of Resistance is everything I could’ve hoped for and more. It doesn’t really pander to old fans in the way that some series revivals do. Some people may be mad at any small change, but I for one welcome them as they allow the new series to become something much greater than the movie could ever be.
And looking at the marketing for the show, it seems like both Netflix and the Jim Henson company want this to be a huge success. I’m talking funko pops, action figures, an extensive social media campaign, tie in books, a video game, a panel at the biggest stage at SDCC plus a whole booth, and even a comic which is a prequel to this prequel series.
And I don’t blame them. It took YEARS to get this made. There are so many different puppets that had to be made, I cannot believe this was actually pulled off. I’m talking dozens of gelflings, almost every skeksis, mystics, podling, other creatures, plus the environments had to be made by hand and be unique to each location.
Even if you aren’t a big fan of the story, I urge you to watch this show for the visuals alone. Trust me, it is worth it.
I also want to quickly mention, for the ten people that actually watch this that have gone head first into anything to do with the Dark Crystal, that I don’t really know if the books fit in perfectly with the series. This timeline released by Gizmodo does not include the novels at all despite what I heard about them being canon. Plus, from what I saw, unless I am totally wrong, certain things are retconned. This was kind of disappointing since I have been loving the novels, but it would definitely be hard to make everything work out since the main characters from the books are more like side characters in the series.
But still seriously read the books they’re amazing.
So that is pretty much what I thought about Age of Resistance without spoiling too much. I love this show a ton, so I hope everyone that watches this review gives it a chance, and then tells all their friends about it as well.
In an article, the creators said they have two more seasons planned, so we need to make sure they happen! I don’t want this to be another instance of a great show on Netflix being cancelled because not enough people watched it.
Do it for the puppets.
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