#but Jason is still Goong Through It and can’t bring himself to fully trust them again
zefforuins · 2 months
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God I wish we knew more about what specifically was going thru Jason’s head after his fight with Bruce, because essentially his entire worldview has been collapsed. He’s spent the past however many years believing that Bruce is ultimately responsible for the pain that he feels, that the entire Batman thing does nothing but harm others, and that the only way he will “get better” is by killing Bruce.
Finding out that he was apart of Jokers plan all along, and that no, Bruce actually DOES care about him and regret what happened, and actively WANTS to make it right by working together with him has to be insanely difficult for him. By the time he shows back up in game to paint the red hood symbols and get ready to save Bruce, he’s figured out that Scarecrow is going to finish the plan and kill Bruce and that he actually…doesn’t want that. And from there on now Jason has to spend time trying to figure out who he is again.
Not only did Joker put ideas in Jason’s head, but Jason also has spend the past few years with one goal in mind, kill Bruce. As far as I know he hasn’t spent any extra time on a side gig or playing some video game that he likes lol. So he needs to find himself again and figure out how to trust his thoughts and ideas and try to free himself from the joker.
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